Within a few hours of the shooting of Congresswoman
Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, there were attempts by the Left to pin the blame on the Tea Party movement
or other conservative entities. The suspect in the case turned out to be a lunatic who was a big fan
of both the "Communist Manifesto" and "Mein Kampf." Not exactly a right-winger.
Years ago, President Obama encouraged his supporters to establish
a thugocracy,
and we got a
taste of it
at the tea party events and town hall meetings in 2009.
A few representatives from the Black Panthers were involved in a voter intimidation incident at a
Philadelphia polling place on election day in 2008, and there
is no question that the Obama administration
approved of it, at least after the fact.
In general, violence and hate speech come from the left.
Examples of violence and strife associated with organized labor can be found
And then you have the eco-terrorists, who attack
chinchilla farms, throw dye on fur coats, burn down legitimate businesses and deliberately disrupt
military training and testing, with no condemnation from the Left. A parallel path is being
followed by animal rights activists, who
value animals (and in some cases, plants) more than human lives.
The most widespread violence in America today is hardly talked about at all:
It goes by the name of abortion.
is a fundamental component of the Democratic Party platform.
Sometimes the militarized police are used as a weapon, in a practice known as SWATting.
Most recently, the election of Donald Trump has prompted
a series of violent and destructive riots on the west coast.
Many more links on this subject can be found here.
Note: News and commentary from the years prior to 2019 can be found here.
Real Danger to Democracy — Trump Cabinet Nominees Face Death Threats, Bomb Scares,
Swatting. We've been hearing for years now how Donald Trump and his supporters are
violent, white supremacist "dangers to democracy." Yet it was the former and future president who
took a bullet to the ear in a barely failed assassination attempt in July, followed by a second
shooter camped out on his golf course waiting to kill him in September.
Who Are the
Real Insurrectionists? For 120 days in summer 2020, violent protesters destroyed some $2 billion in property
and injured 1,500 police officers in riots that led to over 35 deaths. Because blue-state mayors and governors saw BLM
and Antifa instigators as useful street soldiers, most of those arrested were never tried in court. Street thugs paid
no price for declaring themselves de facto owners of downtown areas of Seattle, which police themselves conceded were no-go
zones. Why did public officials in blue states ignore the violence? They were certain that it enjoyed majority
support among their leftwing constituencies. Indeed, some leftist icons cheered on the violence. Well after the
failed attempt to storm the White House grounds, in June 2020, the Democratic candidate for vice president Kamala Harris
warned us that protestors were "not going to let up, and they should not." What did Harris mean by "should
not?" — when she knew numerous protests that summer had ended in terrible violence? [...] CNN's Chris Cuomo gushed
that violent demonstrations and riots were American traditions. Were these national voices urging calm during weeks of
violent rioting and looting? There were no investigations, no congressional committees, and no voices of outrage from
the left-wing establishment over months of such carnage. Indeed, much of the organization of the violent protests was
facilitated by social media that was apparently unbothered that the medium under their stewardship was used to torch and loot.
Democrat Party's 'Dirty Hands'. In 2018, a Bernie Sanders supporter shot and almost killed House leader Steve
Scalise and wounded two other people. A violent Antifa mob smashed the diminutive gay conservative Andy Ngo in the head
with a cement block causing considerable damage for the unforgivable sin of filming one of their events (that is, documenting
what they are). In the "Summer of Love", BLM and other leftist organization killed up to 18 people and did as much as
$2 billion in damage, not that the Democrats or news media, who, apparently saw all that destruction and death as "mostly
peaceful", took much notice. Senator Rand Paul and his wife were attacked by angry mobs upon leaving the White House
and believed they would have been killed were it not for (late) police intervention. The pro-abortion group, "Jane's
Revenge," warns: "If abortion isn't safe, you aren't either. We are everywhere," etc., etc. The use of
violence and threats are not the acts of isolated deranged leftists but are a central part of leftist strategies. When
leftists say they will do whatever is necessary to get what they want, one should believe them.
Elites Want Us to Care About Jan. 6, But They Don't Care When Our Cities Burn. I remember the call from my
husband on May 31. It was our anniversary, and he was out running errands before he came home — not because we
had plans, but because there was a curfew in place in Minneapolis. He called to tell me he had to drive to a nearby
suburb to pick up a medical prescription. "Our Walgreens on Hennepin Avenue isn't there anymore," he said. "It
was burned to the ground." Over the spring and summer of 2020, thousands of businesses were looted, damaged, or totally
destroyed during the George Floyd protests — especially here, where Floyd was killed. Every day we read
heartbreaking stories of business owners begging and pleading with rioters to spare their livelihoods, many of them
uninsured, pleas that went unheeded. There was over $2 billion in property damage.
the Rittenhouse Verdict Is What the Country Needs to Crush Government Subsidized Violence in Our Cities.
Throughout the summer of 2020, the United States was wracked by civil unrest, unlike anything we had witnessed since the
mid-1960s when the anti-war movement and militant elements of the Civil Rights Movement created a perfect storm of riots
bordering on outright insurrection on campuses and in city streets. The two periods have more than a superficial
resemblance. In both cases, social unrest, based on real or imagined grievances, was translated into street
protests. In both cases, a hyper-violent fringe element attempted to create havoc to draw law enforcement into open
conflict with the demonstrators. If you've studied communist National Liberation Movements and Maoist revolutionary
doctrine, this is not a shock. It is very basic stuff. You send your guys into a legitimate protest. You
commit arson. You loot stores. The worst elements in the protest join in. You attack cops and provoke
confrontations. Ideally, a bunch of civilians are dead on the ground when it is over, and the next protest crowds are
larger and angrier.
Continued American Awakening of The FBI as an Official Enforcement Mechanism of The Fourth Branch of
Government. The FBI is a U.S. version of the Russian "State Police"; and the FBI is deployed — almost
exclusively — to attack domestic enemies of those who control government; while they protect the interests of the U.S. Fourth
Branch of Government. That is the clear and accurate domestic prism to contextualize their perceived mission: "domestic
violent extremists pose the greatest threat" to their objective. Put another way, "We The People", who fight against
government abuse and usurpation, are the FBI's actual and literal enemy. Let me be very clear with another brutally
obvious example. Antifa could not exist as an organization; capable to organize and carry out violent attacks against
their targets; without the full support of the FBI. If the FBI wanted to arrest members of Antifa, who are actually
conducting violence, they could do it easily — with little effort. It is the absence of any action by the
FBI toward Antifa, that tells us the FBI is enabling that violent extremist behavior to continue. Once you accept that
transparent point of truth; then, you realize the FBI definition of domestic violent extremism is something else entirely.
Wisconsin National Guard Troops on Standby for Rittenhouse Verdict. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) has
placed 500 Wisconsin National Guard troops on standby in Kenosha for the expected verdict in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial next
week amid concerns of possible violence. [...] Jurors are expected to begin deliberating Monday [11/15/2021] in the case that
has left Americans divided over whether the Illinois teenager was a patriot who took a stand against lawlessness or a
vigilante who brought a gun to a protest.
Gov. Puts National Guard on Alert Before Rittenhouse Verdict — Something He Didn't Do for 2020 Riots Until It
Was Too Late. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers was slow to call out the National Guard in the summer of 2020,
when Kenosha was burning and President Donald Trump was offering to help, but he's called them out now in advance of the
verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Rittenhouse was among several men and women who answered the call to secure a
business called Car Source on the third night of riots that largely destroyed two other company locations. Police
kettled the rioters, who were marauding in the streets, setting fires, beating people, and attacking a kid who came to
help — 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse. By the time it was over, three men had been shot after they attacked him.
Democrats Are Profoundly
Committed to Criminal Justice Reform — For Everyone But Their Enemies. The 2020 protest movement
that erupted after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha became one of
the most sustained and consequential in modern U.S. history. Though there seems to be a somewhat bizarre effort
underway by its advocates to insist that this movement accomplished nothing [...] it is demonstrably true that, as intended,
the movement transformed discourse and policy around multiple issues from race, to policing, to gender identity, to the
teaching of history, and fostered an ongoing effort for still-greater changes. The issues raised by that movement were
varied and often shifting: though it was catalyzed by the claim that the U.S. is swamped with racist police brutality as
illustrated by the Floyd and Blake cases, it quickly metastasized into other areas far removed from those two cases.
White Antifa members clashed with Black protesters over the attempt to steer or broaden the movement away from a narrow focus
on racist police brutality into one devoted to generalized insurrectionary anarchy. One of the largest and most densely
packed gatherings was a spontaneous march, at the height of the COVID pandemic, in Brooklyn, where ten thousand people paid
homage to the importance of "black trans lives," a cause whose relationship to the Floyd and Blake cases was tenuous at best.
The New Secession Crisis: The Democrats have
already left the Union. The Democrats have already seceded from America's historic conception of nationhood in many respects: [...]
THEY have engaged in asymmetric street violence against us. For the Left, their violence is speech, and our speech is violence.
One-third of "very liberal" whites believe violence can be justified in pursuing political goals, vs. just 4 percent of "very conservative"
whites. They have enabled their armed and violent wings to cause billions of dollars of damage during the George Floyd and Antifa riots,
making them the most expensive civil disturbances in history, while criminalizing the much smaller and far less significant street forces on
the Right such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, further using their control of the state legal apparatus to label their opponents as
"domestic terrorists."
is Nothing 'Imaginary' About Antifa's Legacy of Real Violence. In June 2019, some 400 anarchists, led by a
local Antifa cell, took to the streets of Portland, Oregon shouting "Whose streets? Our streets?" Wearing black
helmets or masks, the rioters invaded an area known as City of Roses and wreaked havoc. As the mob destroyed private
property and threatened residents and business owners, police officers followed the orders of intimidated elected officials
to stand down. Since that time, Antifa radicals have rioted and looted in over 200 cities. The results: over 30
dead and at least $2 billion in damages to public and private property. And as the flames were scorching inner city
neighborhoods, the hierarchy of the Democratic Party downplayed the violence claiming the "protests were mostly peaceful," or
"an impressive show of democracy in action."
All Riots, Including America's Today, Have in Common. With the invention of the steam engine in 1698, the
railway in 1804, the steamship in 1807, and the telegraph in the 1830s, industrialized countries became wealthy —
and wealth was shared — beyond anything the anarchists of the 1770s could imagine. That is precisely the
point. Anarchists, then and now, cannot imagine the improvement of living standards that has taken place or
is to come. They revel in destruction because they do not see the good that exists or that is to come. For them,
the good will not come. They will spend years, if not a lifetime, seeking to destroy the means of productivity they
believe to be evil. Unfortunately, most of our progressive leaders in government share this faithless perspective.
They aren't willing to acknowledge that capitalism has produced such wealth, or that wealth has "trickled down" to
workers. An unskilled laborer in America earned one dollar for a 12-hour day in 1900, or some $300 per year.
An average unskilled worker today earns $40,000 per year.
Are Domestic
Terrorists Always on Our Right? According to leftist columnists and commentators, going back to the 1960s, the
real threat of domestic terrorism has always come from the right. That is not, however, how some of us remember those
days. The most destructive acts of violence in the 1960s were the urban race riots that began in Harlem in July 1964,
when 15-year-old black youth James Powell was shot by a police lieutenant. In 1965, Watts blew up, followed by Newark
and Detroit in 1967. In 1968, 100 U.S. cities exploded in racial violence after the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis on April 4. Anti-war riots followed the urban riots, beginning with an attack on
the Pentagon in October 1967 and the occupation of Columbia University in 1968. That August, leftists ignited a riot at
the Democratic Convention that nominated Hubert Humphrey in Chicago. After President Richard Nixon took office in 1969,
a mass anti-war protest in Washington, D.C., spun off a mob that trashed the Department of Justice. A riot at Kent
State in May 1970 precipitated the killing of four students by the Ohio National Guard, and follow-on riots on scores of
campuses that shut down higher education for the rest of that spring semester. That same year, terrorists in a
Greenwich Village townhouse blew themselves up with a 2,000-pound bomb they were making to massacre noncommissioned officers
and their wives and girlfriends at a dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey.
RIP, Republican
Party. Over the last year, across the country BLM and Antifa "peaceful protests" erupted into 220 riots,
resulting in 30 people being killed, 2,000 police injured, multiple attacks on police stations and federal buildings, public
and federal property vandalized, minority communities and businesses destroyed, and portions of cities taken over by
force. And just who was to blame for these deadly Riots? Not one Democrat politician who voiced their
wholehearted support for BLM or any other high profile liberal media or Hollywood type. And certainly not Joe Biden or
Kamala Harris who have the full support of BLM and Antifa. And what were the consequences for BLM and Antifa as a
result of all the riots, death, and destruction? Community leaders defunded the police. Leftists media and
Democrat politicians applauded and encouraged their actions and encouraged compliance to their cause. Corporations gave
millions to their cause. Big tech applauded their actions and censored all opposition and condemnation of their actions.
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade.
On the left — literally — we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities
in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what
they have done:
• Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino,
Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn't matter);
• Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
• Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
• Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
• Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
• Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
• Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
• Defaced streets and avenues with BLM's block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
• Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
• Attacked people in locked cars;
In all those eight months — 220 days, over 5,000 hours — what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation.
to a Dreadful Year. [Scroll down] Then in the summer of 2020, the cities erupted. Following the
death of George Floyd, thousands of people took to the streets (in the midst of a pandemic) to protest "systemic racism,"
whatever that was. However, while "mostly peaceful protestors" ran amok, church attendance was strictly limited.
George Floyd, who had a long criminal past, was practically turned into Mother Theresa. At a time when normal people
couldn't have funerals for their family members, Floyd managed to have four. The violence that fanned out across the
country led to a huge spike in crime in New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, and other major cities. Meanwhile,
cancel culture went from tearing down statues and public art to censoring speech. Suddenly, words or expressions
innocently used for decades and centuries, were deemed to have "racist connotations."
The Coming Chaos: A Primer.
The reason a 2020 Democrat presidential candidate like Joe Biden can call ANTIFA "just an idea" is because it was set up and
organized specifically for the purpose of making it difficult to track and understand. In the aspects of organizing,
planning and funding, these groups have been directed and led by '60s and '70s-era radicals who have been evading federal law
enforcement for decades. They use the same "hub and spoke" model of organization that the communists used in Vietnam in
order to ensure their leadership stays off the radar of both the public and law enforcement, but they've slipped several
times lately showing their hand and revealing the identities of several of their inner-circle planning committee
members. We will address how that model works, but first consider that these "different" groups share the same tactics,
uniforms, language, communications and signage on the East Coast that they have on the West Coast and in the Midwest.
They have teams of lawyers and millions of dollars at the ready to defend and bail out their street soldiers at a moment's
notice. They have logistics, pre-positioned piles of bricks, weapons, and even U-Haul trucks full of riot gear and
supplies that deliver to the forward lines of their battle space.
Seemingly spontaneous street violence is organized and pursuing
a radical political agenda. [Scroll down] For starters, the violence is organized criminal
activity. The same destructive activists have been identified at different times in different cities around the
country. For example, in August eight members of the Seattle-based group Riot Kitchen were arrested after wreaking
havoc in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Such groups are well supported, as seen in the viral video of a rented U-Haul truck that
appeared in Louisville, Kentucky, immediately after the grand-jury verdict was announced in the Breonna Taylor case.
The truck was stocked with riot gear and anti-police banners. They are well-funded. In Grand Rapids, Michigan,
for instance, the Michigan Solidarity Bail Fund posted $120,000 bail for rioters. Nationwide, bail funds have received
tens of millions of dollars in donations in recent months. These organized groups have no interest in demonstrating
peacefully. They are showing up intending to commit violence. In Portland, Oregon, rioters came to the Portland
Courthouse armed with fireworks, Molotov cocktails, a circular saw, crowbars, rocks, frozen water bottles and
spikes — all instruments for conducting offensive actions.
Revolution 2020. [Scroll
down] Nothing encourages, amplifies, and seemingly justifies extreme sentiments as does being part of a unanimous
chorus, a crowd, a mob. Success supercharges them. The Resistance fostered in the ruling class's members the
sense that they were more right, more superior, and more entitled than they had ever imagined. It made millions of
people feel bigger, and better about themselves than they ever had. Ruling class violence started on inauguration day
2017 and grew unceasingly, at first an ominous background to all manner of bureaucratic, oligarchic, and media attacks on the
election's winners. But note well that the black-clad burners and looters were the very opposite of a proletariat and
that, Marxist rhetoric aside, they never attacked the wealthy or the powerful — not Wall Street, nor major
corporations, certainly not any government, never mind Google, Facebook, or Twitter, America's most powerful monopolies, or
corporate officials. Instead, they received financial contributions from these sources. The violent ones were as
troops in the service of the powerful, out to crush the spirit of rebellious subjects. Some Marxists!
parallels between Antifa and the Chinese Cultural Revolution. If you think the tactics and rhetoric of Antifa
and Black Lives Matter demonstrators in America's streets are new, think again. They're old. [...] This activity 54 years
ago happened in Communist China. The name of the student movement was the Red Guards. They were inspired and encouraged
by the chairman of the Chinese communist party, Mao Zedong. He dubbed this violent reign of terror the "Cultural Revolution."
The goal of the Cultural Revolution was to eliminate what Mao called the "Four Olds." The four olds were Old Customs, Old Culture,
Old Habits and Old Ideas — everything that pre-dated communism in China. Mao saw them as a threat to his communist rule,
so he unleashed the Red Guards to eliminate them. The Four Olds had to be replaced with new customs, new culture, new habits and
new ideas — communist customs, communist culture, communist habits and communist ideas. The Red Guards didn't start
out by killing people and destroying property. They started out with intimidation to back up Mao's cultural revolution to
change place names, especially street names.
Riots: More Questions than Answers. As we've watched what has been taking place, a number of obvious
questions came to mind: • How can there be any doubt that this an interstate operation? In city
after city, the tactics, banners, clothing, weaponry, etc., have been virtually identical. Vans with supplies traveling
cross-country have been intercepted. Out-of-state perpetrators have been arrested. It's obviously being centrally
planned and coordinated. • Where do these "local protesters" get their lasers, explosives, military
helmets, protective gloves, body armor, and other deadly weaponry? Someone selects them, orders them, pays for them,
and delivers them. Who instructs them how to use all these things? • Where do they get their
guns? Most of the rioters with guns don't appear to have much experience with firearms. • How do
they happen to bring the right "tools" for the job? For example, the rioters who destroyed the Kenosha, WI, car
dealership came with sledgehammer-like hardware to bash in all the car windows and firebombs to set everything on fire.
When confronting police they have lasers to blind them, bricks injure them, and bottles of urine to throw at them. When
breaking into stores they have the weaponry for that. • Who masterminded all this? The idea of
staging riots across America, the large-scale propaganda campaign, and the intense ideology behind it did not suddenly appear
when George Floyd died. It has clearly been in the works for a long time by dedicated radicals.
Are Trying To Threaten Their Way Into Power. Remember "Occupy Wall Street"? That was the "great people's
movement" that was going to take down capitalism. It was a false start. Plagued with hygiene and sexual assault
issues (which, as I reported in 2011, they encouraged victims to handle in-house and avoid police), the stationary mob fell
apart. But they learned from that experience. Static mobs of mentally unstable people will turn on each other,
violently and sexually. CHOP/CHAZ in Seattle reaffirmed that. But BLM-ANTIFA realized a roving mob, one that went
home or wherever they go, and reconvenes at night, or commutes around the country, won't have as much free time on their
hands near others to engage in such "inconveniences." They were ready to be helpful to the Democratic Party, and the
Democratic Party was ready for that help. In the mess of violence, the immediate target became police, but it still,
ultimately is the president. Police are just a proxy to keep the fire burning until people vote. That leads us to
this new trend on the left: stating plainly that the violence will continue, and probably get worse, unless Donald Trump
loses in November.
The Enemy
is Within. Watching Democrat-aligned radicals raze our cities over the past three months has felt like a
thousand mini-Pearl Harbors — only the enemy is within and the damage is in our backyards. While beleaguered
Democrats dig their own graves as they prop up the riots, the ordeal has been exhausting, dispiriting, and frustrating for
the rest of us. Evidence of an alliance between Democrats and BLM couldn't be more glaring. Pernicious riots have
persisted, unchallenged, in Democrat strongholds with the imprimatur of untold Democrat mayors, city councils, and
governors. The Democrat media delivers the news with an Orwellian blackout of the word "riot" as our cities immolate
before our very eyes.
spokesman cries foul when asked if Biden uses a teleprompter. [Scroll down] And for the Democrats, that
still wasn't enough. They used the excuse of a violent ex-felon's overdose-related death to justify mass protests
across American cities. And when Black Lives Matter, the ideological arm of the New Democrat Party, met up with Antifa,
the military arm of the New Democrat Party, the misery multiplied as riots and looting spread from city to city.
Minneapolis suffered half a billion dollars in damages, many to black communities, and may take decades to recover.
Tiny Kenosha, Wisconsin, suffered $50 million in damages when a violent accused rapist was shot after fighting with police
and appearing to reach for a weapon to use against them. Portland and Seattle have daily battles going on between
police and paramilitary mobs. Chicago's been through the looting wringer twice now.
Photos Capture America's Summer of Riots, Arson, and Looting. Violent riots and looting have spread like an
infectious disease across America in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. Rioters'
demands for justice quickly spiraled into calls to defund police departments across America. Demonstrators have set
businesses on fire, looted shops, and carried out planned attacks against police officers and federal buildings. Here
are 39 photos taken since the end of May, capturing the chaos caused by demonstrators in Portland, Oregon; Seattle; New York
City; Chicago; Atlanta; Minneapolis; Richmond, Virginia; Miami; Kenosha, Wisconsin; and the District of Columbia.
Aren't Revolutionaries — They Serve The Powers That Be. Antifa, short for "anti-fascist," is a
far-left movement dedicated to fighting whatever its adherents think is fascism. It's a loose organization without a
clear structure or public leaders. Its name comes from a Communist-organized group in Weimar Germany. Unlike
their ancestors, most American Antifa would better be described as anarchists rather than Communists. But it's a
mistake to think of Antifa as particularly ideological. Yes, they are extreme leftists, but what primarily defines them
is who they target and the goals advanced by their violence. And it's not exactly Communism. Antifa may describe
themselves as anti-capitalists, but they don't target capital. They're not intimidating corporate CEOs or rioting over
jobs being shipped overseas. They don't try to shut down banks or financial institutions. They focus exclusively
on enemies they share with mainstream liberals — Trump supporters, the police, ICE, the "alt-Right,"
conservatives, etc. They never seem to go after targets that would draw condemnation from liberal elites. With
the exception of the police and some politicians, they go after powerless people. It's easy for them to sucker punch a
random Trump supporter in the street. That person's story will never be told in the media and reporters will believe
whatever lies Antifa spread about their victims.
Is the Violence in American Cities All About? As with most cultural revolutions that wish to start things over
at "year zero," the violence is aimed at America's past in order to change its present and future. The targets are not
just the old majority culture but also classical statues and buildings, hallowed institutions, religious icons, the renowned
names of streets and plazas, and almost every representation of tradition and authority. For the majority of Americans
who do not buy into the revolution, it all seems so surreal — and hypocritical. [...] The point of the mob is to
wipe out what it cannot create. It topples what it can neither match nor even comprehend. It would erode the very
system that ensures it singular freedom, leisure and historic affluence. The brand of the anarchist is not logic but
envy-driven power: to take it, to keep it, and to use it against purported enemies — which would otherwise be
impossible in times of calm or through the ballot box.
The Choice Before Us.
Back at home, left-wing radicals burn Bibles, assault and murder policemen and civilians, set fire to courthouses, vandalize
and loot all manner of businesses. On Friday [7/30/2020], thugs in Portland placed a pig's head on an American flag
outside the city's Justice Center. They put a policeman's cap atop it, doused it with a firestarter, and set it
aflame. The name of George Floyd, the career criminal who died in police custody at the end of May, was at first
invoked mantra-like to justify or at least to explain this explosion of savagery. Now, a couple of months later, there
are still ritual invocations of his name but, really, you don't hear too much about Floyd. The real agenda has come
more and more to the fore. Barack Obama summed it up when he said, in 2008, that he was after the fundamental
transformation of the United States of America. Cities like Portland give us a glimpse of what that transformation
would entail. The clips of the savages burning Bibles put me in mind of Heinrich Heine's solemn observation that
Dort wo man Búcher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen: "Wherever people burn books, they also
end up burning men." It may seem melodramatic, but here is the awful choice we face: the choice between the spirit of
mayhem, burning pigs' heads, and burning Bibles, on the one side, and the traditional American spirit that cherishes the rule
of law, free expression, and fructifying engines of prosperity, on the other.
Gives Progressives a Tin-Pot Dictator High. Antifa, short for the German word antifashistisch, is a
congerie of anarchists, socialists, Communists, liberals, and social democrats who disrupt, break, beat, and make it
physically impossible for those whom they deem fascists, capitalists, white supremacists, etc. to carry on their activities.
Antifa's slogan is "abolish capitalism, antifascist action, smash fascism." Their members dress in black, wear masks,
and fight under black and red banners. Footage of their violence is readily available online. In recent years,
similarly violent groups have "occupied" Wall Street, shut down freeways in Chicago and Oakland, California, disrupted
Trump's campaign rallies, trashed Washington, D.C. during the 2017 presidential inaugural, and chased conservative
speakers from college campuses.
Role Playing Cowards. Antifa, as the name suggests, purports to be an anti-fascist group. Its members
believe that President Trump is trying to push an anti-liberal, anti-socialist, violently exclusionary, expansionist
nationalist agenda. Well, this is simply not the case. For all the division and acrimony in political debate and
online, American society is, by international and historical standards, strikingly liberal and tolerant. In fact,
America has never been safer. Crime has dramatically fallen over the past decade — both violent and
non-violent. Truly fascist dictatorships suppress individual liberties, imprison opponents, and forbid strikes.
Does this sound like the United States of 2019?
Liberal War On You. We are witnessing the death of the liberal political machine that the elite has operated
since the end of World War II, and everything that it is doing to conservatives right now — the censorship, the
threats, the intimidation, the violence — is proof that it is dying. These are not the acts of an ideology
in ascendance but rather of a scurrilous political paradigm in precipitous decline. And it's only going to get worse as
those losing their grip on political and cultural power desperately try to hold onto it in the face of our populist
revolt. Be prepared. It's going to get uglier.
in politics leads to violence. Violence by Antifa thugs in Portland, Oregon, this weekend — while
police stood by and watched — is the result of the holier-than-thou approach to politics of Democrats.
Liberals created and fostered this atmosphere by branding the opposition as evil in 2016. Topping the list were
Hillary's basket of deplorables speech and Biden calling supporters of Donald John Trump the dregs of society.
Portraying their opponents as subhuman ogres gave license to their brownshirt brigade to attack Trump supporters, and the
Antifa thugs have.
Hundreds of Examples of Anti-Trump
Violence Committed by Liberals. In the wake of the recent pipe bomb scares targeting liberal public figures,
the narrative that President Donald Trump's rhetoric is inciting extremism went into overdrive. Indeed, those who said
nothing about "toxic rhetoric" when Steve Scalise was nearly shot to death are now happy to pretend that it's only Trump that
has inflammatory rhetoric. The horse blinders truly are on those liberal pundits — as they've managed to
ignore literally dozens of examples of both physical attacks and threats of violence against Republicans earlier in October.
Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters. When not calling Trump supporters
"Nazis" as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics,
even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing
against supporters of President Trump. It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media is only fomenting,
encouraging, excusing, and hoping for more. The media are now openly calling Trump supporters "Nazis" and are blaming
Trump for a mass murder he had nothing to do with. This, of course, is a form of harassment because it incites and
justifies mob violence.
Left's Accusation That The Right Is Fascist Is Simply Psychological Projection. [Scroll down] Antifa is
politics as performative recreation — cosplay and LARPing livened by harassment, vandalism, and moderate
violence. The tactics Williamson observed in Portland, "marching through the streets chanting the usual obscenities...
blocking traffic, engaging in the casual lawlessness now associated with this city," are not those of hardened
revolutionaries and resistance fighters, but of perpetual adolescents staving off ennui. They are not much of a
threat. The police could quickly clear them out if the feckless city leadership gave them permission, and if the GOP
really were fascists then the black-mask LARPers would have been long dead. Portland still harbors many well-armed
Republicans, some of whom possess enough firepower to singlehandedly gun down all of Antifa. The danger of Antifa is
not that they will do much damage themselves, but that they will normalize political violence for those who would be good at
it. Real political violence is a dreadful thing, and those who yearn for it are ignorant, depraved, or both. The
bitterness of civil conflict and war is driven not only by cruelty, ideological fervor, and vengeance, but also by fear.
The Rhetorical
Art of Blame-Laying. As a public service, here are some things that are in no way responsible for creating a
"climate of political violence" in the United States: • Public performances of plays that depict the
execution of Trump-like figures. • Publishing a Trump assassination fantasy in the New York Times.
[...] • The recent use of violent rhetoric by presidents on the left: for example, when Barack Obama
advises supporters to oppose opponents by saying if "they bring a knife, we bring a gun." • The
media's valorization of virtue-signaling celebrities who make threats against the president's family, disparage his
supporters, encourage public violence, or create violent images like the mock-decapitation of the president.
• Antifa's (and associated groups') violent responses to peaceful exercises of conservative speech in public
spaces. • Leftists running high-profile conservatives out of restaurants. •
Maxine Waters' encouragements of those who would use violent methods to signify their opposition to the Trump
Administration. • Hillary Clinton's call for a hiatus on civility until Democrats regain control of
the government. [...]
pretend left-wing mobs of protesters aren't really mobs. Journalists spent last week rewriting history as it
happened and denying the thuggery of left-wing protests. It was like watching a reality TV version of "1984."
President Trump helped get the show rolling when he called left-wing protesters "an angry mob" and Republicans and
conservative groups picked up the term. It was repeated in several videos and in a key GOP commercial that highlighted
scenes of violence. The scenes in the commercial included: the rioting and arson that took place protesting
President Trump's inauguration; attacks on Trump campaign events; harassment of members of Congress; and protesters pounding
on the Supreme Court doors to object to the Senate confirmation of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This was
all more than the media could stand and they spent the week trying to disprove reality.
Course The Liberal Mob Is Real. Expect the mob to continue to rage, well-funded and emboldened by the passive
encouragement from their leaders. But a word of warning, if you are vocal with your politics you should keep your head
on a swivel. Any child lacking discipline will inevitably test boundaries and cross lines, but a child is one person
and will eventually tire. A mob feeds off itself, off its members, and people in a group will go much further than any
of them would alone. In other words, no matter how insistent the likes of Don Lemon Brooke Baldwin are that they don't
exist, the mob is here for the foreseeable future. And it's only going to get worse.
The Rise
of the Dazis and Mob Rule. Antifa acts as a military wing of the Democrat Party, the media acts as the
propaganda wing of the Democrat Party, a shadow government is installed by the Democrat Party to act as a foil to the
Republican Party, including sabotaging the government apparatus in order to remain in power despite the outcome of
elections. This is a shadow government, impervious to the will of the people. But, none of this will result
in an actual overthrow of the government, it can only manipulate the current government into suicidal policies.
Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate. Even before
President Trump's election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left — counterintuitively, as an assertion
of guilelessness and moral superiority. [...] For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory
lifestyle. "America was never that great," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like
Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride. For other leftists, hate is a
license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials
can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left —
Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind — are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to
think of hatred as power itself. How did the American left — conceived to bring more compassion and justice
to the world — become so given to hate?
Death to the Rule of Law.
[Scroll down] Fast forward to today. Well over 500 — and growing daily — documented
incidents of leftist violence against supporters of our legally, duly elected president, Donald J. Trump. The attacks
have all been unprovoked. Period. Attacks, too, on the police all over the country have increased exponentially.
However, what should concern Americans the most is the growing number of Democrat politicians complicit in the violence.
The most recent is the far left Democrat mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler, who refused to give police protection from
violent protesters outside the federal building housing the ICE offices in Portland. Under his leadership, Portland has
become a safe home for Antifa and the scene of now-predictable violent attacks on Americans exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
isn't culture war. It's worse. [Scroll down] Unlike the prog caricature of us, we're responsible people.
When we gather in large numbers, you almost can't tell we were ever there because we clean up behind ourselves. We
speak quietly and respectfully, treat our women like ladies, and control our kids. Nobody fears normals because nobody
has any reason to. This contrasts starkly with progs, who gather in large numbers to riot, scream obscenities, carry
signs, and trash the place. They get up in others' faces and scream and rage as if out of control, sometimes putting
a normal person in fear for his life. All this is intended to communicate public unhappiness over this issue or that,
but all it really puts across is that a bunch of wilding lunatics are loose again. Liberals, similar to but reputedly
more reasonable than progs, always notice the single MAGA hat in a crowd but never the destructive prog behavior raging all
around them. And it's liberals who write the columns and tweets next day, dripping venom about the hateful normals.
The Top 50 Liberal
Media Bias Examples. [#26] Occupy Wall Street: The media fell in love with Occupy Wall Street protests
from the second they began. All reportage on these violent, crime-filled events has been suffused with a touch of
sweetness and light by the media. Unreported has been the over 400 crimes committed by Occupiers not to mention
the many thousands of small laws like local ordinances and rules that have been broken across the country. At these
Occupy events we've seen rapes, thefts, rampant property destruction, drug abuse, some gun violence, even deaths have
occurred at these protests. Yet the media is reticent to cover these crimes. This is a kindness the media never
extended to the Tea Party movement.
Left-Wing Political Violence in America:
• Missouri Senator: 'I Hope Trump Is Assassinated'
• Portland Rose Parade canceled after 'antifascists' threaten GOP marchers
• Riot Forces Cancellation Of Yiannopoulos Talk At UC Berkeley
• Threats Against EPA Employees Up 50% Under Trump Admin.
• Prosecutors file new charges against inauguration protesters who rioted, torched immigrant's limo
• Increasing threats to Homeland Security include burned animal carcass left on staffer's porch
• Leftist MOB Beats, Kicks, Pummels TRUMP Supporter for Wearing #MAGA Hat
• Republican headquarters in North Carolina firebombed
• California man arrested for threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's family over net neutrality
Of Ownership. It's my practice to take a strong line with leftists, regardless of the subject. They
dislike that, and do their best to shout me down. As it happens, I can't be shouted down; I have a bull elephant roar
that causes cancer in laboratory rats and kills canaries outright. Beyond that, I usually possess the evidence required
to support my stances. They don't. The Left's claims to "own" an issue are attempts to preclude rational
examination of it for precisely that reason. As Victor Marguerite once wrote, "The Fascists cannot argue, so they
kill." But of course! If you can't prevail by the rules of reasoned discussion, abandon the rules.
Prevail by intimidation or coercion. That's what would-be totalitarians have done throughout history. While the
Left hasn't yet resorted to murder on any noticeable scale, the threshold for that sort of "response" is drawing near.
From Conspiracy
Theories to Conspiracies. [D]id anyone believe that in the year 2017 the losing side in an American election
would immediately dub itself the "Resistance" — channeling the World War II nomenclature of the guerrilla campaign
against the Nazi occupation of France? Or that the defeated candidate Hillary Clinton would formally embrace the
imagery of liberationist patriots fighting a Nazi-like Trump's occupation of the United States? One ingredient for
removing a president would entail a nonstop effort by the opposition to use the courts, the legislative branch, the
investigatory agencies, and the administrative state to discredit, undermine, and remove an elected government.
the Narcissistic Rage of the Left. How to account for the scorched-earth hatred of Donald Trump? He
inspires a darkly fanatical dislike, disapproval, and disgust in his most ardent detractors. He is a distillation for
millions of unhappy Americans of all things repugnant, repulsive, and wretched. The fever pitch at which he has been
mocked, ridiculed, condemned, and threatened is beyond anything anyone in living memory has been subject to — let
alone a sitting American president. From Colbert's "holster" to Madonna's fantasy of blowing up the White House to
Kathy Griffin's decapitation stunt, and De Niro's thug life wish to "punch him in the face," the gloves are most certainly
off — if only to better grasp a bludgeon. And that's just the celebrities. Even a state senator from
Missouri hoped for Trump's assassination on Facebook.
The Best Quotes of 2017.
[#2] "It's tough to have a multicultural society with people who want you dead."
Judicial Anarchism. [Scroll down]
History is full of examples where the ruling class either lost control or lost the moral authority to maintain control.
Every revolution in history follows this model to some degree. What we are seeing in modern America is a strange
combination of how order breaks down in a society. The American ruling class is coming to the conclusion that the rules
really don't work for them. They don't have the will or ability to simply toss them aside and impose a new order, but
they refuse to allow the old rules to limit their power.
Leftist police
chiefs and leftist rioters — a dangerous combination. • In April 2015, when
rioters took the streets of Baltimore to protest Freddie Gray's death, the police were told to stand down. Progressive
mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake famously (or infamously) stated openly, "We gave those who wished to destroy space to do
that." • In February 2017, when violent rioters stopped Milo Yiannapoulos from speaking on the
Berkeley campus and then took to the streets, although the cops assembled, they did not act. Subsequent orders were
that they were told to stand down. It came to light later that Berkeley's mayor was a member of an Antifa Facebook
group. • In August 2017, in Charlottevilles, Virginia, after fascists from the Left and fascists from
the Right clashed, leading a schizophrenic to use a car as a weapon, it emerged that the Democrat mayor had given the police
orders to stand down — even though it was apparent that both sides in this pond scum protest came ready to do
violence. Do you see a pattern?
The Coming Violence of the Left.
[Scroll down] Again, the trend you see with this cargo cult is that it is women out front, trying to push for violence
and bloodshed. This is similar to what happened in the radical groups of the 60's and 70's. Many of the most
violent members of the Black Panthers were women. The Weather Underground was led by a women, Bernardine Dohrn.
The radicalism of the 1960's was initially led by males, but in time women took over and it became more violent and less
coherent. Once again, the arrival of SJW's signals the end phase. There's something else going on today.
Antifa is largely a cargo cult. They dress up like radicals and perform public events like the radicals of 50 years
ago, all in the hope that the past will become the present. Unlike the past, there's no reactionary counter to the
modern Progressive. No one is putting fire hoses on Lefty or having the cops break up Antifa's protests.
The people in charge are funding groups like Antifa.
is Why the Violence is Going to Escalate, And Escalate Quickly. There is no comparable list of "alt-right"
protests. Though there have been some, there have not been as many. The violence at these events has included
molotov cocktails, shattered windows, punches thrown, and public property destroyed. Last night, a group of leftwing
activists tore down a confederate statue without permission. But in pointing all of this out, prominent voices on the
left will angrily reply that Black Lives Matter, Antifa, union goons, etc. are all working for equality, justice, or some
other noble end. They will wave away legitimate comparisons between the alt-left and alt-right providing moral
justification for the left. There have been far more conservatives willing to call out the alt right than there have
been progressives calling out the alt-left.
The War of the
Hyphens. The riots in Charlottesville reflect the breakdown of the Narrative, which has been the subject of
several past posts. What happened on the street has been a long time coming on the Internet. The bonds of trust
are breaking down. Reputation and authority are no longer recognized outside of a membership group. The personal,
already political, finally became commercial. Some companies have flatly refused to serve those whose views they
disapprove of. Political views are becoming conditions of employment. Some national political leaders are
proposing explicit "litmus tests" to sort people according to virtue. Now cars are ramming into people. The riots
and death in Charlottesville are the physical manifestation of the idea of separateness. If the thought is the father
of the deed, the children of hate, the offspring of "by any means necessary" and the scions of superiority so long in
gestation, are finally being born.
One Day. There is a
moment when a government becomes so corrupt that it can no longer be tolerated by the people and I suggest that we are
there. It is much more openly corrupt today than it has ever been. The Democrat Party is literally at war with
the Republican President, not just angry at him, not just disappointed they didn't win, they have decided that he cannot be
president. Well, what does that mean? When has that ever been true in American political history? It is
exactly the reaction they found incomprehensible when they accused Trump of refusing to recognize the election if he lost.
Times Celebrities Envisioned Violence Against Trump and the GOP. [T]he level of vitriol and violent rhetoric
against now-President Trump has increased substantially in recent weeks, from comedian Kathy Griffin's now-famous shock
"beheading" photograph to Shakespeare in the Park's not-at-all-subtle "assassination" of Trump on a stage in New York City's
Central Park. Unfortunately, Griffin and the director of Julius Caesar are not anomalies in Hollywood; actors, writers,
directors, and other celebrities have fantasized about using violence against Trump, his supporters, and other GOP lawmakers
for at least the past 18 months.
the professor who said Republicans should be executed? [W]e would be foolish if we did not address the
festering anti-Trump cancer that has infected the left. What about the D-list comedian who beheaded the president or
the taxpayer-funded production called, "Killing Republicans" or the Shakespearean drama where Caesar was depicted as
President Trump? What about the high school teacher who made a bet on whether the president would be assassinated or
the one who pretended to execute the president inside her classroom? Or how about the professor who said Republicans
must be executed and the president must hang? Or the other professor who said House Republicans should be lined up
and shot?
Sanders Incitement Video: "Fight... Push Them Back... Take Action... Fight... Revolution". Dispatched by
James Woods, this Bernie Sanders video represents incitement, pure and simple. His language makes his aims clear:
Fighting. Action. Revolution. All the typical hallmarks of socialist, leftist, Marxist and Communist
agitation. Saul Alinsky was a mentor and inspiration for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. One of Alinsky's
key tenets: Change is brought about through relentless agitation and "trouble making" of a kind that radically disrupts
society as it is. Another is: There can be no conversation between the organizer and his opponents. The
latter must be depicted as being evil. Still another is: Politics is all about power relations, but to advance
one's power, one must couch one's positions in the language of morality.
Incitement to Violence.
Democrats may be horrified by today's attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive, but their
incendiary demands for "massive resistance" since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent
action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion
with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.
Trump-hating Left's descent into Pornoviolence. Having failed to prevent the election of Donald Trump, having
failed to prove Russia collusion allegations against him, having failed to impeach him — the left is now turning
to assassination fantasies, some say in the hope of getting one deranged lunatic to act on them.
Roots of Left-Wing Violence. There is currently, on the streets, smashing storefronts and setting things on
fire, a group called "Antifa," for "anti-fascist." Antifa are not a new phenomenon; they surfaced during the Occupy movement,
and during the anti-globalization protests of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Antifa movements began in
early-20th-century Europe, when fascism was a concrete and urgent concern, and they remain active on the Continent.
Lately, Antifa have emerged as the militant fringe of #TheResistance against Donald Trump — who, they maintain, is
a fascist, ushering into power a fascist regime. In Washington, D.C., Antifa spent the morning of Inauguration Day
lighting trash cans on fire, throwing rocks and bottles at police officers, setting ablaze a limousine, and tossing chunks of
pavement through the windows of several businesses.
Talk of the Democrat's Long History of Political Violence. We can go back to the beginnings of the Democrat Party where
violence at the polls was a typical occurrence in every election. We can point to the span of nearly 200 years where Democrats
used violence to maintain political power over both whites and blacks alike. We have the decades of the slave power keeping all
in line with its roving gangs of enforcers, we have an entire civil war initiated by Democrats during which nearly a million
Americans died, and we have a hundred years of Jim Crow and KKK armies all fueled by the Democrat Party. Yes, there is all
that. But we don't have to go back 200 years, 100 years, or even 50 years. We can just look back at the
entirety of the last 20 years where Democrats, Bernie Sanders supporters, black lives matter ruffians, Occupy Wall Street
criminals, and your general left-wing lunatic in our colleges and we will see that political violence is the left's stock and
trade. Yet, there has never been any mediot out there who felt the need to condemn the constant violence emanating from the
left. When members of the Black Panthers carry clubs to the polls, when violence erupts in Berkeley, when leftists destroy
property during riots in Ferguson, when liberals deliver bodily harm to Republicans, the liberal media is utterly silent on the
topic of political violence.
the Second Civil War Turn Violent? In a recent column, I made the case that Americans are fighting the Second Civil War. The
deep chasm that has opened up between the left — not liberals, the left — and the rest of the country is so wide and so unbridgeable that there
is no other way to describe what is happening. But I noted that at least thus far, unlike the First Civil War, this war is not violent.
Unfortunately, there is now reason to believe that violence is coming. In fact, it's already here. But as of now, it's only coming from
one direction. Left-wing thugs engage in violence and threats of violence with utter impunity. They shut down speakers at colleges; block
highways, bridges and airport terminals; take over college buildings and offices; occupy state capitals; and terrorize individuals at their homes.
We Hit Reporters and How Hard? Whether it is murderers slaughtering police officers after listening to
instigating rhetoric from Barack Obama and Black Lives Matter... or college students assaulting conservative speakers after
years of listening to leftist professors define conservative language as violence... whether it's a Democratic congressman
throttling a student journalist while the media pretty much lets it slide... or a dressed-up-as-mommy loon laying hands on
Ben Shapiro while lefty commentators cheer... or whether it's a Republican congressional candidate body-slamming a reporter
from a socialist newspaper who had himself expressed a desire to punch a conservative reporter... I tend to come down pretty
solidly against people physically attacking one another.
The New Oxford American Dictionary, Second Edition, page 1743.
Timely news and commentary:
Editor's note:
The discussion of the car bomb in Nashville, Tennessee, December 25, 2020, has
moved to a page of its own, located here.
Jasmine Crockett Committed a Crime and Should Be Arrested. Last week, Rep. Jasmine
Crockett (D-Texas) spoke at a virtual rally for the Tesla Takedown movement, a group opposed to
Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency's (DOGE) efforts to curb wasteful spending
and fraud in the federal government, during which she appeared to call for even more violence and
destruction. "On March 29, it's my birthday, and all I want to see happen on my birthday is
for Elon to be taken down," Crockett said during her remarks. "I have learned, as I serve on the
DOGE Oversight committee, that there is only one language that the people that are in charge
understand right now, and that language is money." Left-wing activists have been firebombing
Tesla dealerships, harassing Tesla owners, and vandalizing their cars in protest of Musk and his
efforts to cut waste and fraud from government spending. Crockett's call for Musk to be
"taken down" was an obvious call for more of that violence.
Crockett Calls on Texas Dems to 'Punch,' Says Sen. Cruz Needs to Be 'Knocked Over the
Head — Like Hard'. Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) said Monday that
she believes Democrats need to "punch" opponents to win elections in Texas, especially Republican
politicians like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who she said needs to be "knocked over the head,
like hard." Crockett made the pugilistic remarks during an interview with NBC DFW, despite
being warned by Attorney General Pam Bondi on Sunday to temper her inflammatory rhetoric.
When asked "how do you win elections in Texas as a Democrat? What do you do? Especially
statewide," Crockett, wearing a bright yellow pantsuit, responded "I think that you punch, I think
you punch. I think you're ok with — you're ok with punching." She continued
to use the violent imagery, targeting Senator Cruz specifically.
Crockett says Ted Cruz "has to be knocked over the head, like hard". Let's play a
game called What if a Republican Said That? If Democrats were in power and a
Republican said something like what Jasmine Crockett is about to say, but it was about a Democrat,
how long would we be talking about it in the mainstream media, including your local news?
[Tweet with video clip]
devices [were] located at Tesla dealership, Austin police say. Incendiary devices
were discovered at a Tesla dealership in Austin, Texas, on Monday morning, authorities said, the
latest in widespread acts of violence targeting the electric carmaker. Officers with the
Austin Police Department responded to the dealership along U.S. Highway 183 just after 8 a.m.
when they found the "suspicious devices," authorities told Fox News Digital. The bomb squad
was called in to investigate. "The devices, which were determined to be incendiary, were taken
into police custody without incident," a police statement said. "This is an open and ongoing
investigation." Police said the investigation remains open and there is no further
information available for release at this time.
Transgender Activist [has been] Charged Over Tesla Attack. A "transgender"-identifying
activist was charged with vandalizing a newly constructed Tesla service center near Chicago
following the firebombings of two other Tesla sites allegedly by "trans" suspects. Evan
"Erin" L. White, 27, the third known "trans" extremist arrested over attacks on Tesla, allegedly
spray-painted obscene messages against Tesla CEO Elon Musk on the Chicago-area property's walls and
windows. The words "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" and "Trump Sold Us" were also reportedly
written in white paint. White, a biological male who uses "she/they" pronouns, was booked as
a 6'2" woman into Cook County Jail on charges of criminal damage to property, a Class 4
felony, and criminal trespassing. [Tweet]
the Left Delusional, or Just Stupid? I'm pretty sure that even living under a rock,
you've heard about what's been going on with Teslas. The company is, overall, fine though the
stock price is tumbling slightly. Dealerships and ownership, however, have been taking a
hit. The source is that leftists are firebombing and shooting up dealerships and vandalizing
people's cars, sometimes in the most disgusting way possible. And that's just one of many
ways things are ugly. But what's telling from the left isn't that they're just shrugging off
the violent nature of some of these attacks, nor the destruction of private property. Anyone
who remembers the first Trump presidency should have known there'd be something along those
lines. No, what's telling is just how they're trying to gaslight us into disbelieving what's
plain as day. [...] No, people are upset because this isn't a boycott. This is a brutal,
violent attack on an American-owned business that builds cars here in the United States. It's
domestic terrorism, plain and simple.
The Media Investigate Who's Behind The Tesla Terror? Unlike Woodward and Bernstein
in Watergate, there is no flurry of stories from today's media looking into who, exactly, is
responsible for all this mayhem. Who is paying for all of these Tesla attacks? After
all, there is no rocket science involved to know that the actual physical instruments of these
attacks, whether explosives or actual people who do the deed — are getting money from
somewhere. Molotov cocktails or, for that matter, any other kind of explosive, cost
bucks. Whoever is putting together these "cocktails" has to buy the ingredients, or, if
receiving them from someone else in already usable form, has to know that whomever provided them
has gotten the money to do so from somebody somewhere. So the obvious question. Where
are today's media's Woodward and Bernstein? Who in the media is doing the grunt work that
makes up investigative reporting of these decidedly violent attacks on Musk's Teslas?
Attacks Bringing the Left to Heel. Democrat leaders like Senator Chuck Schumer
message thinly veiled threats of violence to their (increasingly small) number of followers.
They are responding in counterproductive ways like torching and defacing Tesla cars and trucks,
vehicles most likely owned by Democrats who believe in the climate change fairy tale and want to
reduce CO2 emissions. The logical response of Democrat owners is to blame and leave the party
that provokes this nonsensical criminal behavior. Even if you are brainwashed enough to think
Elon Musk, who opened up the internet for free speech, rescued astronauts Biden left parked in
space for months, and is working free round the clock to reduce waste, fraud, and inefficiencies to
prevent national bankruptcy, is an evil monster, why target Tesla owners? I suppose that's
too logical an argument for the vandals to grasp. The administration has now tagged such
conduct domestic terrorism — which it is, as was the "summer of love" BLM vandalism for
which there had been no real consequences for the perpetrators.
of Democrats View Vandalism Against Tesla as Appropriate Form of Protest. The
Democratic Party is now leaderless, directionless, and no longer stands for anything. Two
polls released last weekend revealed the party's lowest favorability ratings in over
30 years. Yet those same polls found that a majority of Democrats surveyed support
lawmakers intensifying their resistance against the Trump administration. On Saturday
morning, Rasmussen Reports released some surprising poll results about the recent wave of vandalism
targeting Tesla dealerships and privately owned vehicles by anti-Trump protesters. The survey
asked respondents, "Is vandalism against Tesla an appropriate form of protest?" Rasmussen
found that 61% of Democrats, 79% of Independents, and 78% of Republicans oppose using vandalism in
their protests. This also means that 39% of Democrats condone using such tactics to express
their contempt for Elon Musk's leadership of the Department of Government Efficiency. [Frankly,
I'm surprised that 22% of Republicans and 21% of Independents feel the same.]
silence is permission. In the last two weeks, we have seen numerous acts of violence
and vandalism across the country. First came the coordinated attacks on Teslas, Tesla
dealerships, and charging stations. The second is the rash of swatting, targeting
conservative voices. In the midst of these attacks, we saw outrage from conservatives.
The Tesla attacks were often aimed at innocent vehicle owners; many of whom bought their EVs to
reduce their carbon footprint. In a twist of irony, the radical progressives that set the
fires did more damage to the environment than the vehicles ever caused. Going after a highly
successful American business in an attempt to put them out of operation not only is pure folly, it
puts thousands of employees at risk. The argument put forth is that Elon Musk is a Nazi; a
convenient lie that is the core of their narrative. He has been the face of DOGE and the
administration's long-overdue cost-cutting measures. They want to hurt him, either physically
or financially.
Won't Condemn It Because They Don't Condemn it. The terror attacks on Tesla are
despicable, of course, but they can hardly be called surprising. And they should be roundly
condemned by both political parties, and indeed, all Americans. But as Robby Starbuck so
rightly wrote, "Democrats could condemn terror attacks on Tesla with a simple statement released by
the party, and elected Democrats could release individual statements about it but they haven't done
so." Why? Starbuck continues: "Any decent person would but they REFUSE [his
emphasis]. This tells me that they want this domestic terror" ("X" post, 3/19/25). And he
is exactly right. Why haven't the Democrats condemned these terrorist attacks on Elon Musk's
company? Starbuck briefly noted one reason: "Any decent person would." "Decent
people" immediately eliminates most Leftists. They are not decent people. All through
their history, for the last 200+ years, they have been a people obsessed with one thing, viz.,
obtaining power by any methods possible. And that means using violence when any other scheme
doesn't succeed.
Terrorists Among Us. Whenever the far left in the U.S. loses an argument —
called an election — it suddenly decides it's time to take to the streets and get
violent. Now is just such a time, as America experiences a new spasm of home-grown
anti-Trump, anti-Musk terrorism. It shouldn't be tolerated. Whether it's taking pot
shots at the president, violently demonstrating in support of murderous terrorists, "swatting"
people they don't like, or destroying cars made by a person they now despise, our country once
again finds extremists threatening us and our liberty. And, no surprise, it's nearly all from
the far left side of the political spectrum, organized by supposedly "nonviolent" groups, quietly
supported by the Democratic Party, and excused by the ultra-biased Big Media. President
Donald Trump's reelection seems to have brought out even more extremist violence, which had already surged.
Violence Is a Real Thing, and It Is Out of Control. No doubt I will get a few emails
from people who think I am demonizing people with gender dysphoria for writing about this, but that
is not my intent. People who are genuinely gender dysphoric and not just enjoying erotic
Autogynephilia (getting sexually aroused by imagining themselves to be a female and playing out
that fantasy) suffer from a potentially debilitating mental illness, and they do need
treatment. Not medical treatment in most cases, but serious psychiatric or psychological
care. As with depression or anxiety, "just get over it" is not helpful advice. But
there is a new class of violent trans activism, and it is waaaayyyyy out of control. Mass
murders, sexual assaults, vandalism, and threats of or actual use of violence have become quite
common, and are far outside the normal parameters of violent behavior in other population
cohorts. These people don't just want to live their life with dignity; they want to hurt
people. [Tweet]
U.S. Army Special Operations Issues Threat Advisory Over Leftist Attacks On Tesla Owners,
Vehicles. The U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) reportedly issued a
"threat advisory" on Thursday warning of "possible threats" from radical left-wing activists
against the command's Tesla owners. In screenshots of the alert obtained by Federalist
contributor and retired Army ranger John A. Lucas, the USASOC informed service members of increased
"concerns" regarding recent attacks against individuals who own Teslas and dealerships that carry
the vehicle. Within the past few months, extreme left-wing anarchists have been waging a
rhetorical and physical war against the electric car company to protest its founder Elon Musk's
role in identifying waste, fraud, and abuse throughout the federal government. These acts of
left-wing "resistance" have ranged from harassing Tesla owners to outright vandalizing and
destroying Tesla vehicles and dealerships. The Trump Justice Department and FBI have pledged
to crack down on what Attorney General Pam Bondi has referred to as incidents of "domestic terrorism."
GOP Rep. Pushes Bills That Would Strip Rioting Students Of Visas And Financial
Aid. Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, believes that foreign national students who
decide to scoff at the privilege of being in the United States by rioting and assaulting police
officers should be stripped of their visas and financial aid, and likely be deported. While
the Trump administration has already taken steps to deport students like Mahmoud Khalil and
professors like Dr. Rasha Alawieh who show sympathy for designated terrorist organizations,
Pfluger believes all the benefits afforded to these foreigners should be statutorily removed when
they show contempt for the United States. That is why he is reintroducing tandem bills on
Friday to do exactly that: the UProot Rioting International Students Engaged in Radical Subversion
Act (UPRISERS) and the Freeze Aid for Student Assaulters Act (FAFSA). "It is a privilege for
international students to have the opportunity to study in the United States, not a right," Pfluger
told The Federalist.
Makes Accidental Admission About GOP Town Hall Agitators and the Trump DOJ Should Take
Notice. Wherever Chuck Schumer goes these days he is digging deeper and deeper holes
for himself and his party, and that has certainly been the case in the aftermath of his cave to
Republicans and President Donald Trump on the continuing resolution. [...] On Wednesday, Schumer
did an interview with PBS, which is facing the possibility of losing its taxpayer funding by way of
the GOP-controlled Congress. But during his remarks, Schumer made an accidental admission
about the Republican town halls that the Trump Dept. of Justice might want to take notice of: [...]
["]We are — we are mobilizing in New York. We have people going to the
Republican districts and going after — going after these Republicans who are voting for
this and forcing them to either face — change their vote or face the consequences.
This is a long, relentless fight that we fight every day.["] [Tweet with
video clip] To be clear, left-wing Soros-funded groups like MoveOn have already more or
less admitted that this is what they were doing, which is similar to the astroturfing we saw in
2017 during Trump's first year in office. But even without their admission, it's still pretty
obvious what's been going on: [Tweet with video clip]
Be Fooled, Chuck Schumer Is A Terrorist Like The Rest Of Them. Sen. Chuck
Schumer admits he's sending Democrat activists into Republican districts to protest and threaten
them. This sounds like a threat! "We are mobilizing in New York. We have people
going to the Republican districts and going after these Republicans who are voting for this and
forcing them to either face — change their vote or face the consequences." [Video clip]
Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 762.
Admits He Sends Radicals to Attack GOP at Town Halls. Chuck Schumer has judges going
after the administration to stop the agenda, and now he has Democrat radicals showing up at
Republican town halls to prevent them from doing their jobs. The media is pretending
Republicans are facing voter frustration at meetings, but it's simply another Democrat
attack. He said he had people going to these Democrat districts and "going after these
Republicans who are voting for this [voting for the Republican agenda] and forcing them to either
change their vote or face the consequences." He said, "This is a long, relentless fight."
He is confident he will "bring Trump's popularity and strength down if we keep at it, and keep
at it, and keep at it."
Schumer Says the Quiet Part Out Loud. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer admitted
on PBS this week that Democrats intentionally stacked the courts with 235 "progressive judges" in
order to stop President Donald Trump "time after time after time." Since President Trump
triumphantly returned to the White House on January 20, 2025, his administration has faced an
all-out legal assault — not from Congress or the will of the American
people — but from a weaponized judicial branch hijacked by radical leftists. In
just under two months, President Trump has been hit with 132 legal challenges, with only two
resolved. And now, Chuck Schumer has admitted it all on national television. Appearing
on PBS NewsHour, the far-left New York Democrat couldn't resist gloating about the left's scheme.
More Can Musk Do? [I]t's getting to a very dangerous crescendo of hate. Go on the
internet. There is now an industry of people posting photos of their Cybertruck, their Y model,
their X model being keyed and vandalized by young people in an organized fashion. There are
chargers, Tesla chargers that are being destroyed. There's Tesla dealers that are being
attacked. All against Elon Musk. Go back two or three years ago and he was an
iconic Renaissance figure, we were told by the very people who are now calling him disloyal or not
purely or not completely an American. This is one of the strangest phenomena of our
time. And it should cease. And the reason it should cease is if this rhetoric continues
and this organized [...] domestic terrorist campaign against Tesla increases, somebody's going to
do something stupid because they are lowering the bar of what's permissible. We know what
that stupid is. It's a direct attack on Elon Musk himself.
General Pam Bondi accuses 3 Tesla vandals of 'domestic terrorism' after string of attacks.
Three people accused of destroying Tesla cars and charging stations are facing up to 20 years
in prison for "domestic terrorism," US Attorney General Pam Bondi announced Thursday. "The
days of committing crimes without consequence have ended," Bondi said in a statement. "Let this
be a warning: If you join this wave of domestic terrorism against Tesla properties, the
Department of Justice will put you behind bars," she added.
Cocktail Hour Is Over for Tesla Bombers After DOJ Indictments. All normal
human beings can agree that if a crackpot doesn't like the car you drive, it's not okay for him to
firebomb, shoot, key, or otherwise vandalize that vehicle. This should hold true whether
you're one of the Jimmys on late-night TV, Rick Wilson, or Antifa. Sadly for three indicted
men who are accused of going after Tesla cars for political reasons, they are learning this the
hard way. On Thursday, Attorney General Pam Bondi announced the "severe charges" against the
accused "Tesla arsonists." Bondi said, "The days of committing crimes without consequence
have ended." She told domestic terrorists who are warming up in the bullpen, "Let this be a
warning: if you join this wave of domestic terrorism against Tesla properties, the Department of
Justice will put you behind bars."
NPR Journalist Identified as Reporter Behind Boom Mic Incident. Laura Loomer has
identified the reporter who hit President Donald Trump in the face with a boom mic last week as
newly appointed NPR White House Correspondent Danielle Kurtzleben. According to Loomer's
post, Kurtzleben is a raging Trump hater and LGBTQ advocate. Loomer wrote on X: I have
identified the reporter who hit President Donald Trump in the face with a boom mic this week while
he was speaking to the press on the tarmac. Her name is Danielle Kurtzleben @titonka.
She is the newly appointed White House reporter for NPR and a massive Trump hater and LGBTQ
advocate who once suggested during the 2024 campaign that Trump only spoke in Howell, Michigan
because it has ties to the KKK. Did she hit President Trump in the face on purpose?
maintain silence as leftist violence explodes. Another Donald Trump presidential
term, another spate of violence going largely ignored — or even smirked at —
by Democrats and their media friends. Tesla dealerships are being firebombed and shot at,
while Tesla vehicles are vandalized and their owners assaulted. Trump-supporting influencers
are getting "swatted," set up for dangerous police encounters by opponents who phone in hoax
distress calls. Relatives of Trump-aligned public figures — including the sister
of US Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Elon Musk's brother — are receiving
bomb threats. This cannot go on. The multiple attacks on Teslas aren't mere
vandalism. This is terrorism exactly as the dictionary describes it: "The unlawful use of
violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
Real Nazis Are In America, But They're Not Who You Think. Since he created DOGE,
Musk's led efforts to cut a couple of trillion wasted dollars from the federal budget, These
savings are to reduce the $34 trillion national debt. For this good and necessary work,
Musk's become the target of America's real Nazis. Hint: they all voted for Harris. From
the beginning, Musk has become a target of the American far-Left, the latter-day Nazis. What
began with a fiendishly clever attempt to lower Tesla's market value, and — in a stroke —
cut Musk's wealth, has become a wave of pure-Nazi-like tactics, against Tesla itself, along with
dealers and individual owners. For the first time in my long lifetime, Americans have become
targets of truly Kristallnacht-like terror tactics. First, they tried to persuade —
with rhetoric — people who own Teslas to sell them off in favor of other energy-efficient
cars. That had a limited impact. Then they called for different tactics, and the American
far-Left Nazis took a page from Hitler's playbook, beginning a Kristallnacht-like attempt to shatter
Tesla auto dealers' windows, spray hateful graffiti on dealers' doors and firebombed cars on display
in the lots. As well as individually owned Tesla vehicles and charging stations.
Ramping Up the Domestic Terrorism Something Fierce. The amount of time, money,
effort, and violence being put into the campaign to demonize and destroy Elon Musk is increasing by
the day. It is so large that even I am getting flooded with emails, presumably due to
appearing on some mailing list or another, encouraging me to join in the effort to destroy
Tesla. [Advertisement] [Tweet with video clip] I just got a press release
from an organization promoting a "Tesla Takedown," bragging about how large and organized their
"peaceful" efforts are to destroy Elon Musk.
Isn't this what the RICO laws are for? Trump
Haters Launch 'DOGEQUEST' Site Targeting Tesla Owners in Fear Campaign. Leftist Trump
haters intent on attacking the president and Elon Musk's Tesla have launched the "DOGEQUEST"
website targeting the owners of Tesla EVs. The website includes the personal details of Tesla
owners across the country and features a molotov cocktail cursor icon. The clear implication
is that Tesla owners will be the next target of domestic terrorism rapidly escalating across the
country. 404 Media reports that a website titled "DOGEQUEST" has published on a searchable map
the alleged names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of Tesla owners throughout the
United States. The site claims it will remove an individual's data if they can prove they
have sold their Tesla vehicle. In addition to the personal information of alleged Tesla
owners, the map also includes the locations of Tesla dealerships, supercharger stations, and even
employees of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) headed by Elon Musk.
Democrats' war on Tesla and Tesla owners. One of the beauties of living in a free,
capitalist country is that consumers can vote with their dollars. If you don't like what a
corporation is doing — for example, as Budweiser did by promoting so-called
trangenderism — you take your custom elsewhere. However, what the left is doing to
Tesla is not about the free market; it is a politics of personal destruction that is a threat to
the entire American system. [...] Suddenly, the left lost the love. That lost love turned
into active hate when Musk joined the Trump administration to root out fraud and waste in the
federal government. Suddenly, Musk was a Nazi. Every bit of government waste,
mismanagement, and fraud he exposed was tainted by his "Nazi-ness." Musk can handle this, of
course. He's a man who believes in what he's doing, has tremendous self-confidence, and has
the financial resources to weather the storm. But the left has taken these attacks to the
next level. The politics of personal destruction now include not just destroying Musk but
also destroying a company that provides work for around 140,000 employees. This is not the
same as the Bud Light boycott, which punished a corporation for corporate actions. That was
the marketplace voting with its feet. Leftists have morphed the politics of personal
destruction into collective punishment.
Pro-Terrorism Mob Tried to Take Over Trump Tower. A group of pro-terrorism agitators
invaded Trump Tower in New York City on Thursday in response to the arrest of Syrian national
Mahmoud Khalil, who was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement earlier this week after
organizing violent riots at Columbia University. [Advertisement] [Tweet with
video clip] The agitators were quickly removed by New York City Police and arrested.
They were detained and hauled away on buses. "I'm happy to report there were no injuries," a
city official on the scene said about officers who responded to the situation. [Tweet with
video clip]
escalating leftist violence against conservatives. The news lately has been filled
with stories of the escalating violence against conservatives. We already saw it last year
with the two assassination attempts against Donald Trump, but it's now spread to Musk, Vance, and
conservatives generally. As with the blasphemous song a so-called "transgender" person sang
at the Bernie rally, I can't say I'm surprised. Some things are predictable, and leftist
violence, especially when you've driven your supporters insane, is especially predictable. I
don't need to rehash the Butler assassination attempt that Trump survived by a millisecond and
millimeter. Nor do I need to remind you about the wannabe assassin at Mar-a-Lago. But
for the left, two missed assassination attempts aren't a sign of societal breakdown; they're a sign
of failure, which needs to be remedied. So it was that a UCLA professor (that is, a man
making his money on the public dime) is urging the military to engage in a violent coup against
President Trump.
Democrat NGOs Are Coordinating Attacks On Tesla Dealerships. Multiple Democrat NGOs
have coordinated attacks on Tesla dealerships, staff, and vehicles. Last night a number of
CyberTrucks were torched in Seattle. Democrats are becoming increasingly more desperate and
violent. [Video clip]
violent attack on a Tesla dealership. Yet another one. The concerted attacks on
Tesla, a company run by Elon Musk, are continuing without abatement. [...] A few days ago, Musk
noted that five groups, financed through the ActBlue platform, and bankrolled by leftist
billionaires such as George Soros and Reid Hoffman, appeared to be behind the protests at least,
citing Indivisible Project, Troublemakers, Democratic Socialists of America, Rise & Resist, and
something called the Disruption Project. Based on what I can tell, the five groups seem
hostile enough to Musk and his Tesla company, but don't seem to be directing the arrested
transgender terrorists. They appear to be nuisance groups, fueled by hatred for Musk, with
Indivisible doing weekly sign protests at Tesla dealerships around the country —
viewable [elsew]here. But they may be creating an atmosphere for the transgender criminals to
flourish. Investigative reporter Walter Curt reports that they are linked to a lot of "dark
money." If so, Musk and his auto dealers who have been victims in this may have grounds for a
lawsuit, one in which they can ultimately sue Soros, Hoffman, Sanders and the rest out of their
deep-pocket fortunes.
Pro-Hamas Zealots Trash Trump's Iconic Scottish Golf Course. Like the eco-freaks who
keep vandalizing priceless artwork in the name of "the environment," pro-Hamas extremists think
that violence and destruction will attract people to their cause. We've seen them harassing
Jewish students and participating in mob violence on college campuses across our country, and we've
seen them on our city streets as they shut down traffic and sow chaos. Notice one thing they
never chant? "Free the hostages, Hamas!" No, they are so consumed by their hatred for
Israel that they don't care what atrocities the terrorists commit. They were at it again
Friday night, tearing up the famed Trump-owned Turnberry golf course in Scotland — which
has hosted the British Open four times — and trashing the clubhouse.
Hostin Says Democrats Must Be Willing to "Fight and Die" to Defeat Donald Trump. With
every passing week, The View co-host Sunny Hostin is becoming more and more unhinged.
Hostin, who is known for making her fellow left-wing panelists seem like moderates, said on
Friday's edition of The View that Democrats must be willing to follow the civil rights
generation in being willing to "fight and die" in order to defeat Donald Trump. She made the
comments when discussing the behavior of Texas Representative Al Green, who was kicked out and
later censured for disrupting President Trump's address to Congress on Tuesday evening. "They
should be ashamed of themselves," Hostin said of the Democrats. "They all should have walked
out with him."
more recent news stories in short form. [#3] Recently, the popular Libs of TikTok
account on the 'X' social media platform shared a video from a progressive woman advocating the
assassination of Elon Musk. The woman, a social media commentator who went by the username
"sarahcroberts" on the since-deleted TikTok account, said: "I promised myself I would avoid the
news, but obviously, I haven't. Here's my one thought — I mean, I have many
thoughts," before averring, "Elon Musk: Like, we need to X him," as she paused to make a
throat-slitting gesture. She added, "And by X, I mean formally known as assassination."
Free speech versus violence.
In the summer of 2020, pretty much every major city in this country burned. It was far from
the first riot we'd seen perpetuated at the hands of leftists. Over and over again, those
with far left opinion expressed their displeasure via the destruction of private property, assaults
on people who didn't agree with them, and other acts of violence. This was defended as simply
free speech. Which is funny considering how anything anyone on the right says is somehow
considered violence.
Leftist Streamer Calls for Senator Rick Scott to be "Killed," Banned from Twitch for Less Than
24 Hours. Far-left Twitch streamer Hasan Piker went on yet another unhinged rant
a few days ago criticizing Republican speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson's
approach to fixing Medicaid fraud. Piker took to Twitch, which is owned by Amazon, and where
he has close to three million followers, to fantasize about the murder of a U.S. Senator. His
suggestion for Johnson, "if he really wants to address Medicaid fraud," is to "murder" Senator Rick
Scott (R-FL). "If you [Mike Johnson]cared about Medicare or Medicaid fraud, you would kill
Rick Scott, ok."
Mia Farrow: American Democracy Has '3 to 4 Months — Unless We Do
Something'. Actress Mia Farrow just dropped a new theory about the survivability of
Democracy in America. This time saying she'll be surprised if we make it to Labor Day.
"If we have 6 months of democracy left i'll be surprised," actress Mia Farrow said in Bluesky,
adding "Im guessing 3-4 months — unless we do something." What that "something"
is, Farrow didn't explain to her 200,000 followers. Farrow's wild theory came just as
President Donald Trump was delivering his primetime address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday.
The Editor says...
The opinions of a former actress are no more valuable than yours or mine.
Family Moved to 'Undisclosed Location' After Pro-Ukrainian Protesters Disrupt Ski Trip.
Vice President JD Vance and his family were moved to an "undisclosed location" after they were met
with pro-Ukrainian protesters outside of a ski resort in Vermont. Protesters could be seen
holding signs at Sugarbush Ski Resort that read "Vance is a traitor. Go ski in Russia," and
"JD Vance is Nazi scum," according to a post on X from Nana Sajaia, an associate producer with Fox
News. [Tweet] Other posts on social media showed protesters holding signs that read, "Trump
serves Putin," and "Stand with Ukraine."
Activists Storm Iowa Capitol as Lawmakers Debate Removing 'Gender Identity' as Protected
Class. Transgender activists stormed the Iowa Capitol on Thursday as lawmakers
consider a bill that would eliminate "gender identity" as a protected class from state civil rights
law. "Hundreds of Iowans again packed the Iowa Capitol rotunda to protest the bill, waving
pride flags, holding signs and chanting 'no hate in our state' and 'you represent us.' A line of
protesters led out the building's door as more people waited to be let inside," the Des Moines
Register reported. The massive protest followed a week of "heated debate" on the legislation,
called House File 583, according to the report. That legislation would remove "gender
identity," — the false concept that one can identify or become a different sex than they
were born as — as a protected class from the Iowa Civil Rights Act. The Iowa Civil
Rights Act shield Iowans from discrimination in education, employment, housing, and more.
Terrorist Arrested for Attempting to Firebomb Telsa Dealership. In yet another
disturbing example of left-wing violence that the mainstream media will undoubtedly ignore, a
biological male who pretends he is a woman was arrested after police discovered explosives at a
Colorado Tesla dealership. According to Fox News Digital, 40-year-old Justin Thomas Nelson,
who calls himself "Lucy Grace" Nelson, was charged with using explosives during a felony, criminal
mischief, and criminal attempt to commit a Class 3 felony. The Loveland Police Department
launched an "extensive investigation" on January 29, following a series of escalating attacks
at the Tesla dealership. Nelson allegedly returned to the dealership Monday evening, armed
with additional incendiary devices and vandalism materials, when police finally apprehended
him. The vandalism incidents on January 29, February 2, and February 7
reportedly became progressively more severe with each attack.
Musk: 'I'm Getting a Lot of Death Threats'. Elon Musk attended President Trump's
first cabinet meeting today and spoke in defense of DOGE saying it was necessary to make budget
cuts because "If we don't do this, America will go bankrupt." [...] Democrats have decided to make
Elon Musk public enemy #1, just as they did to Trump before the election. As we all know, two
different deranged people sought to assassinate Trump and one nearly succeeded. It would be
nice if the people who constantly blather on about the "climate of hate" when talking about
right-wing rhetoric would dial it back a notch, but I don't think they will.
Investigate 'Influencer' for Calling for Elon Musk's Murder. Federal agents are
reportedly probing a social media "influencer" over a video calling for the assassination of tech
billionaire Elon Musk. Sarah C. Roberts explicitly called for the killing of the Department
of Government Efficiency (DOGE) chief on TikTok. [...] In addition to these violent remarks, the
New Yorker seemed to boast about not filing taxes for approximately eight years. "Arrest me,"
she stated, challenging law enforcement. The video was subsequently shared on X by the
account Libs of TikTok, attracting over 16 million views, including one from Musk
himself. Musk alerted Ed Martin, the U.S. Attorney for Washington D.C., about the post.
Musk labeled the video's comments as a "death threat and admission of multiple counts of tax fraud"
and remarked on the audacity of individuals admitting crimes publicly.
Arrested For Allegedly Plotting 'Mass Casualty' Event Was 'Transitioning' Genders, Police
Confirm. A Texas man arrested for allegedly planning a "mass casualty event" against
law enforcement was "transitioning" genders, a police source confirmed to the Caller. The
FBI's Houston office announced Monday that it arrested Seth "Andrea" Gregori after he allegedly
plotted an attack against police "similar to the 2016 Dallas ambush." In that 2016 attack, Micah
Xavier Johnson ambushed police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five and wounding nine more in a
mass shooting. Johnson was reportedly angry over white police officers shooting black
suspects. [Tweet] Gregori was arrested for allegedly making terroristic threats against
Corpus Christi Police Department (CCPD) officers, according to a CCPD press release. Numerous
law enforcement releases and news stories referred to Gregori by both the names "Seth" and
"Andrea." The Caller asked CCPD why it used both in its press release.
Broken Party: Shrill, Fringe, and Unfit to Govern. President Trump has outmaneuvered
a Democratic Party stuck in ideological quicksand, unable to escape its own failed
narratives. Their leadership clings to a bankrupt doctrine of identity politics, censorship,
and bureaucratic excess, the very poison that swept them out of power. [...] Their desperation is
now on full display. Recently, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries called an emergency
meeting, urging his colleagues to "pursue all avenues of opposition — and take that
fight to the streets." This is not governance. This is incitement. When confronted
with electoral rejection, their response isn't introspection — it's chaos. Their
manufactured outrage over Trump's temporary spending freeze is a perfect example: instead of
proposing solutions, they peddle fear, insisting that any reduction in government waste is a direct
assault on the vulnerable. Their reliance on street-level activism is the ultimate admission
of their failure to govern.
Van Bursts into Flames in Philadelphia, Igniting Speculation about Left-Wing Terrorism.
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement burst into flames Tuesday in Philadelphia, igniting
speculation that the incident could have been an act of terrorism by left-wing or pro-immigration
zealots. "A minivan operated by ICE has reportedly been set ablaze during operations in
Philadelphia," conservative pundit Charlie Kirk posted on Twitter/X, reacting to the breaking news.
"If found to be intentional, which it appears to be, this is literal leftwing terrorism to make
sure our country continues to be invaded." [Tweet]
church features pastor in drag encouraging killing Trump supporters. A drag show
hosted at a Dallas church sparked backlash after it featured a performer with a history of making
threatening "jokes." With all of the violence thrown at President Donald Trump during his race
for a second term, threats against him and his supporters aren't likely to be taken well.
This is a lesson that is being learned by the Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, who hosted an event
called "Celebrating the Art of Drag." This was marketed as an "act of defiance and in response
to the numerous bills introduced into the Texas Legislature attacking drag performers and
transgender people." While hosting such a gathering in a Texas church is already cause for
raised eyebrows, this particular drag show featured Rev. Brooke Dooley who also goes by "Drag
King" Brock Bottom. [Tweet with video clip]
The Editor says...
The tax exempt status of this church is highly questionable and should be investigated.
DC US Attorney Ed Martin launches Investigation Into Threats Against DOGE Workers —
Reveals Schumer is Target of Probe. Acting US Attorney for DC Ed Martin launched an
investigation into threats against DOGE workers on Wednesday and revealed Democrat Senator Chuck
Schumer as the target. Earlier this month Ed Martin announced his office would be charging
and arresting individuals who threatened Elon Musk's DOGE team. "Our initial review of the
evidence presented to us indicates that certain individuals and/or groups have committed acts that
appear to violate the law in targeting DOGE employees," Ed Martin said. "We are in contact with
the FBI and other law-enforcement partners to proceed rapidly. We also have our prosecutors
preparing," Ed Martin added.
prosecutor probes threats against DOGE, takes aim at Schumer. The top U.S. prosecutor
in Washington launched an investigation on Wednesday into threats against federal workers, and said
the department would probe Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, after people working in Elon Musk's
drive to downsize and overhaul the government said they had been threatened. Interim U.S.
Attorney Ed Martin said in an email seen by Reuters that the probe was inspired by a conversation
with an employee of billionaire Musk's Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, an entity
created by Republican President Donald Trump.
Incitement: Democrats Are Reviving Nazi-Era Tactics. The past is never truly
past. History offers not just instruction but stark warnings for those willing to heed
them. The Weimar Republic, a fractured, democratic nation beset by internal strife, serves as
one such lesson. The tactics used by its political radicals — particularly those
of the Nazi Party — did not begin with violence but with rhetoric. They did not
initially seize power through physical force; instead, they created a public consensus through
words. Words that dehumanized. Words that painted entire groups as threats to society
itself. Words that, in their incessant repetition, made violence seem not just possible but
necessary. A strikingly similar pattern is emerging in the contemporary United States.
Over the last decade, an increasingly aggressive political and media class has employed incendiary
rhetoric against Donald Trump, his supporters, and prominent figures like Elon Musk. These
are not merely words of opposition, nor are they the standard fare of political disagreement.
They are words that delegitimize, words that strip opponents of their basic humanity, and words
that — if history is any guide — inevitably lead to real-world violence.
Portland liberal has "Nazi" spray-painted on his Tesla by Antifa neckbeard. This
Portland liberal had his Tesla vandalized by what looks like an Antifa bro, and he just wants to
talk it out and maybe join Antifa in a protest or something. [Tweet with video clip]
[...] I love how the leader in electric cars — cars which are supposed to save the
planet from global warming — is now a Nazi because he did a Roman salute when he said
"my heart goes out to you" at Trump's inaugural celebration and he's now ridding our government of
waste. I also love how the Portland liberal says he would've donated the $250 he spent removing
the spray paint to the DNC. Like, does he have no idea that these Antifa people hate the DNC?
Filed Against Democratic Rep After He Calls for Use of 'Actual Weapons' on Trump Admin.
As the Department of Government Efficiency continues its work, Democrats' rhetoric is becoming more
radical. On Wednesday, Democrat Rep. Robert Garcia spoke with CNN's Brianna Keilar about
DOGE Chairman Elon Musk, [...] In his explanation to Keilar, Garcia called for using "actual
weapons" against DOGE and Musk. Now, Republican Rep Nancy Mace is calling for his censure.
"What I think is really important, and what the American public want, is for us to bring actual
weapons to this bar fight," he explained regarding Musk. [Tweet with video clip]
Inciting Violence: California Congressman Calls for Using 'Actual Weapons' Against Elon
Musk. One can't help but notice that, while politicians and political activists on
the left are constantly whinging on about political violence and denouncing violent rhetoric at
every turn, they sure don't put their money where their constantly-working mouths are. From
Lee Harvey Oswald to modern times, the vast majority of political violence — actual violence,
not a refusal to use preferred pronouns or wondering why people can't pay for their own sex-reassignment
surgeries — has come from the left. [Advertisement] Here's yet another example, and from
a sitting Congressman, at that: Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) called out another Congressman,
Robert Garcia (D-CA), on Thursday for calling for "actual weapons" to be used to stop Elon Musk and
his efforts with the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE.) [Tweet with video clip]
in Tennessee Issues a Sick Call for Violence Against Elon Musk, Calls It "The Christian Thing to
Do". On Sunday, a man of the cloth used the pulpit to issue a sick call of violence
against his fellow man. Dr. Steve Caudle, a pastor at Greater Second Missionary Baptist
Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, gave his weekly sermon to congregants who gathered to worship
God. But Caudle had a few other things on his mind beyond spreading the Gospel. After a
brief talk regarding the Super Bowl matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia
Eagles, Caudle then turned his attention to his scripture lesson called "The Violent Kingdom."
He decided to use the Scripture of Matthew to blast the Trump Administration and DOGE. "I'll
say to you, beloved, no one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary," Caudle said.
"When Elon Musk forces his way into the United States Treasury and threatens to steal your personal
information and your social security check, there is the possibility of violence."
Pastor Likens Musk to Devil, Calls for Violence As He Spreads Rabid Misinformation About
DOGE. "Sometimes the Devil will act so ugly that you have no other choice but to get
violent and fight." Those are the chilling words of a senior pastor at Greater Second
Missionary Baptist Church of Chattanooga, Tennessee, during a Sunday School morning service.
The pastor, Reverend Dr. Steve A. Caudle, likened Elon Musk, President Donald Trump's head of
the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), to the Devil, as he spewed lie after lie about
DOGE — and appeared to urge people to "get violent and fight."
The Editor says...
The "pastor" made a blatantly political speech in a tax-exempt church, which should get the attention of the
IRS. Last year it wouldn't, but this year it might. He also made public comments which could reasonably
be deemed an incitement to riot, which should get the attention of the FBI.
Words Ignite. [Scroll down] One such person is Senator Chuck Schumer
(D-NY). At a pro-abortion rally in 2020, he announced, "I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I
want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the
price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Interim
D.C. U.S. Attorney Edward R. Martin, Jr. has initiated an investigation into Senator Schumer for
these remarks. The senator is not the only politician or public figure who has made
provocative comments. Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and celebrities Johnny Depp, Madonna and
Kathy Griffin have all made questionable public statements or displays. None of these have
risen to the level of 'Incitement to Riot', but they are nevertheless dangerous in that they have
the potential to motivate unbalanced individuals to take action. James Hodgkinson, Thomas
Crooks, and Ryan Routh all took up arms against Republicans. While it is inappropriate to
blame their actions on specific individuals, it is nevertheless true that the constant drumbeat of
negative, inflammatory, and misleading information from the media and public figures can play a role.
Shows The Director Of CAIR In Kentucky Assaulting Jews In Manhattan. A viral video
has emerged on social media allegedly showing Noora Shalash, the Director of Government Affairs at
CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) Kentucky, engaging in an aggressive altercation with a
group of Jewish visitors in Manhattan. In the video, the woman, identified as Shalash,
reportedly yells, "I demand Jihad, I want ISIS to kill all of you." The authenticity of the video
has not been independently confirmed, although it has garnered millions of views and widespread
attention online. [Video clip]
Tesla dealership vandalized with "offensive" graffiti, broken glass in third attack in
2 weeks, police say. A Tesla dealership in Northern Colorado was roped off by
Loveland police on Friday after reports of vandalism. Photos and video taken at the
dealership showed several Cybertrucks and other Teslas with red spray paint across the windshields
and broken glass in the lot. The Loveland Police Department said it's investigating the
incident at 1606 North Lincoln Avenue as an act of vandalism and attempted arson that occurred
around midnight on Thursday night or Friday morning. "Various vehicles and the Tesla building
were vandalized with graffiti, some of which were offensive and hateful in nature," the Loveland
Police Department said in a statement. Similar incidents occurred at the dealership on
Jan. 29 and Feb. 2, "however, these incidents were of lesser magnitude than today's," the
department said. Loveland police have since asked the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives for assistance.
or Alive:' Boston U. Employee Threatens Elon Musk's DOGE Staffers. Boston University
assistant media technician Jared May took to the leftist echo chamber social media platform Bluesky
to post a "Wanted Dead or Alive" image featuring the names and photos of Elon Musk's DOGE
employees. The University's weak response was that "the views expressed do not reflect the
values of Questrom School of Business." In his Bluesky post, May listed off the names of six
individuals he said are "The men carrying out Musk's coup," and shared an image featuring their
photos alongside the words, "Wanted for Treason — Dead or Alive."
Ernst Says She Was 'Threatened' by USAID People When She Started Asking Questions.
We've seen the USAID implode over the last few days as Elon Musk and his Department of Government
Efficiency (DOGE) crew began exposing a lot of issues and questions at the agency, and USAID tried
to keep the DOGE folks out of their building. Then, the left began whipping up hate against
the DOGE crew. The DOGE folks were identified by WIRED magazine. Then, they were
threatened publicly on social media, with people calling for them to be "hunted." The acting U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia, Ed Martin, said he would not tolerate threats to the DOGE
people, and Martin later said he had contacted the FBI to look into the possible crimes and
"prosecutors were preparing."
Bessent's Would-Be Assassin Identifies As a 'Transgender Woman'. The Massachusetts
man who was arrested last week for allegedly plotting to assassinate Treasury Secretary Scott
Bessent identifies as a "transgender woman," according to federal court filings. Bessent's
alleged would-be assassin, 24-year-old Ryan Michael English, a biological male, goes by the trans
alter-ego "Riley Jane," attorneys revealed Wednesday. [Tweet] In a motion requesting
English's release, the suspect's court-appointed public defenders refer to their client as
"Ms. English" and note that he is "a transgender woman, who has faced ridicule,
discrimination, abuse, and scorn from family and friends because of her identity." "Her
parents essentially disowned her, indicating Ms. English could only live with them if she
terminated her transition," reads the 13-page plea for English's release from pre-trial detention.
"Ms. English also suffered the tragic loss of her fiancé to suicide on November 5,
2025. Since President Trump's inauguration, Ms. English has been faced with a country and
society who does not believe she should be recognized for who she is. She is forced to fear
for her safety and ability to continue living as she is."
DC US Attorney Ed Martin Announces Incoming Charges Against Individuals Who Threatened Elon Musk's
DOGE Workers. Acting US Attorney for DC, Ed Martin announced his office would be
charging and arresting individuals who threatened Elon Musk's DOGE team. Ed Martin did not
name any names as he announced that arrests and charges were coming. It is unclear which laws
were violated. "Our initial review of the evidence presented to us indicates that certain
individuals and/or groups have committed acts that appear to violate the law in targeting DOGE
employees," Ed Martin said. "We are in contact with the FBI and other law-enforcement partners
to proceed rapidly. We also have our prosecutors preparing," Ed Martin added.
Doxxed DOGE Engineers; Now They Are Being Hunted. The war on DOGE has
intensified. As Elon Musk and crew start tearing down the Deep State, the Deep State is
striking back by calling for DOGE employees to be literally hunted by leftist activists.
[Advertisement] [Tweet] Bluesky is the "nice" and "moderated" social media platform where all
the "best people" avoid the nastiness and Nazi-like behavior on X, and they are so concerned about
the Nazification of the US by people who are shrinking the grifting Deep State that they are
calling for the death of DOGE employees. As government employees try to lock out DOGE
investigators, outside agitators are ramping up the outside war on government accountability.
[Tweet] WIRED is the Pravda Media outlet pushing the narrative that government accountability is
"infiltration," as if the agents of the elected President of the United States who RAN on DOGE are
invaders and the bureaucrats are the legitimate government. Pravda feeds the outside brownshirts
the information on who to target, and those brownshirts go out and do the dirty work. [Tweet]
Under Investigation While Trump Reshapes Washington. Senator Chuck Schumer is a
lawyer, so presumably he is familiar with the provisions of 18 U.S. Code § 115. In
case he has forgotten — after all, there are a lot of statutes to keep track of —
Edward R. Martin, Jr., the Interim D.C. U.S. Attorney, is in the process of reminding him.
Among other things, that statute holds that anyone who threatens a federal government official or
their family with the "intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law
enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to
retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of
official duties," shall be punished with a term in the slammer, the length of the sentence being
dependent on the actual harm caused. When the Supreme Court was hearing an abortion case in
March 2020, Schumer showed up at a protest rally in front of the Court and shouted, "I want to
tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you
will pay the price."
New Mexico Democrat Indicted for Credible Threats Against President Trump. Tyler
Miles Leveque, 37, of Albuquerque, has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of
interstate communications containing threats against President Donald Trump. Tyler Leveque
was accused of making several threatening posts toward President Trump from January 2 to
January 4, 2025, according to a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. District Court for the
District of New Mexico. Leveque explicitly stated his intentions in various posts, saying,
"you and your rich friends are dead no threat a promise" and ominously tagged the President Trump
profile in several threats. The situation escalated quickly when the U.S. Secret Service,
along with Albuquerque Police Department's Crisis Intervention Team, confronted Leveque at his
residence on January 6.
Top Senate Democrat Is Now Under Federal Investigation. Interim D.C. U.S. Attorney
Edward R. Martin, Jr. has made a bold move, dismissing about 30 federal prosecutors involved in the
Capitol riot cases. This decision, announced on Friday, signals a significant housecleaning
of the top prosecutor's office in Washington, D.C., as Martin gears up to purge partisans who
weaponized the Justice Department against Joe Biden's political enemies, including Trump, pro-life
activists, and others. But he's also taken another bold step, effectively launching an
investigation into Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over comments he made back in
March 2020 during a #MyRightMyDecision rally outside the Supreme Court. During the
rally, Schumer blatantly threatened Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil
Gorsuch over their potential votes in the first abortion case before the Supreme Court with the new
conservative majority. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You
have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price," Schumer said to a chorus of cheers.
"You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."
Opens Investigation into Chuck Schumer For Threatening Supreme Court Justices. The
Department of Justice has opened an investigation into Chuck Schumer for threatening Supreme Court
justices. According to The Washington Post, interim D.C. U.S. attorney Edward R.
Martin, Jr. is looking to scrutinize Democratic leaders and former Justice Department officials.
Among them is the Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in connection with comments regarding Trump's
Supreme Court justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. During a pro-abortion rally back in
2020, Schumer said that the two justices would "pay the price" for overturning Roe vs Wade,
a decision that they eventually handed down two years later.
Leader Hakeem Jeffries Calls to Fight Trump's Agenda 'In the Streets'. Democrat
Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) is facing blowback after calling for supporters to fight
President Donald Trump's agenda not only legislatively but "in the streets." "Right now,
we're going to keep focused on the need to look out for everyday New Yorkers and everyday Americans
who are under assault by an extreme MAGA Republican agenda that is trying to cut taxes for
billionaire donors and wealthy corporations and then stick New Yorkers and working class Americans
across the country with the bill," Jeffries said during a press conference on Friday. "That's
not acceptable. We are going to fight it legislatively. We're going to going to fight
it in the courts, and we're going to fight it in the streets," he added.
Accused of Plot to Kill Trump Officials Is Transgender. The person who was arrested
Monday for allegedly plotting to kill Trump officials has been identified as 24-year-old Ryan
Michael English, who prefers to go by Riley Jane. WWLP reported that English was arrested
Monday after traveling from Massachusetts to D.C., allegedly to kill some high-ranking
Republicans. English's alleged would-be targets included Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth,
House Speaker Mike Johnson, and Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent. The Associated Press noted
that English "was arrested at the Capitol after he approached police and said he had knives and
Molotov cocktails in his possession and wanted to surrender, according to a Capitol police
officer's affidavit." Another knife and some "firebombs" were among items found in English's
possession by investigators.
You Heard Of The Radical, Trans Vegan Zizian Cult Who Killed A Border Agent? The
murder of a US Border Patrol agent near the Canadian border appears to be linked to a radical
leftist trans-militant cult accused of killings across the country. Around a week before the
Jan. 20 attack, federal law enforcement had been surveilling German national Felix "Ophelia"
Bauckholt and University of Washington student Teresa "Milo" Consuelo Youngblut. Staff at a
Lyndonville, Vermont motel alerted authorities about seeing the duo with a firearm and black
tactical clothing. When law enforcement visited them, the pair claimed to be looking at
property in the area and promptly checked out of the motel on Jan. 14, according to court
documents. Then, on Inauguration Day, Border Patrol agent David Maland stopped their car in
Coventry, Vermont. Youngblut allegedly shot at Maland, who was killed, and border agents
returned fire, killing Bauckholt. Youngblut is in custody. [Video clip]
Transgender Terrorists Kill a Border Patrol Vet? Was a U.S. Border Patrol officer
murdered in Vermont by radical, Antifa-supporting transgender terrorists? A new report
alleges just that. This would not be the first time a transgender terrorist committed murder,
as there were at least half a dozen LGBTQ mass shooters over the last few years, with the most
famous — or infamous — example probably being Audrey Hale, the
male-identifying woman who murdered three little children and three staff members in a Nashville
school mass shooting in 2023. But the duo of Baukholt and Youngblut who murdered Air Force Veteran
and border agent David Maland have taken mental illness to a whole new level.
Man Who Was Planning to Kill Trump's New Treasury Secretary [has been] Arrested.
Capitol police have arrested a Massachusetts man who allegedly traveled to Washington, D.C. armed
with Molotov cocktails and a knife to kill newly-confirmed Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent.
Ryan Michael "Reily" English turned himself in to law enforcement on Monday morning and admitted
his plans to commit murder, according to CNBC.
Man Arrested with Molotov Cocktails at U.S. Capitol. A Massachusetts man was arrested
Monday at the U.S. Capitol after allegedly bringing two Molotov cocktails and multiple weapons,
with the stated intent to kill Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, newly confirmed Defense
Secretary Pete Hegseth, and Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent. Federal prosecutors revealed
that Ryan Michael "Reily" English, the suspect, voluntarily turned himself in to U.S. Capitol
Police (USCP), confessing to carrying makeshift Molotov cocktails fashioned from small vodka
bottles and several knives. According to a criminal affidavit obtained by The Gateway Pundit,
which was filed by Special Agent Peter Campopiano of the United States Capitol Police (USCP),
English approached an officer near the South Door of the Capitol Building around 3:12 PM on
Monday. During the encounter, English stated, "I'd like to turn myself in," and admitted
possession of the dangerous devices.
Good Bullet': Man's Violent Posts About Trump Lead to Arrest in West Palm Beach. A
West Palm Beach man has been arrested after a series of online posts calling for the assassination
of President Donald Trump. According to the New York Post, Shannon Depararro Atkins
was taken into custody during a traffic stop on Friday evening following a tip about his
posts. During the stop, authorities also allegedly found Atkins in possession of
cocaine. Public records indicate that Atkins has been a registered Democrat since 2008.
Leftist Threatens to Key Trump Supporters' Cars at Mexican Restaurants. A leftist
TikTok user is threatening to key cars bearing Trump bumper stickers that she spots parked outside
Mexican restaurants. The woman appeared to be upset over President Donald Trump's mass
deportation efforts targeting criminal illegal aliens all over the country, MRC-TV reported on
Monday. [Advertisement] "If I pull up to a Mexican restaurant and I see a truck, because
let's face it, it's gonna be a truck, with a Trump bumper sticker, you're getting keyed," the woman
wearing glasses said in the clip: [Tweet with video clip]
threaten violence against ICE officials who enter schools. We already knew that the
public education system was saturated with dysfunctional, unhinged, and frankly, stupid women, but
that reality was showcased this week after President Trump authorized immigration enforcement
officials to root out illegally present foreigners at previously off-limits locations. In
light of the news that law enforcement officers would now be permitted to take illegals into
custody in and on school campuses, a number of women employed by public school districts took to
social media to announce that they would obstruct the law enforcement operations, even resorting to
violence to shield illegal aliens from accountability. Exhibit A: [Tweet with video clip]
the Left Did to Me and My Family. For the past five years, I have been fighting to
defeat critical race theory, gender cultism, and DEI. Now, President Trump has taken decisive
action and instructed his administration to rip out these malicious ideologies root and branch, not
just from the federal government but from all institutions that receive federal
funding — universities, schools, corporations. All of it. It has been a long
road. The Left will try to memory-hole the recent past, but we must not forget a simple
historical truth: the Left put America through a reign of terror after 2020. I have long
hesitated to tell my personal story — I did not want to give my enemies the
satisfaction — but now it's time to lay out the facts. This is some of what the
Left's activists did to me and my family as they sought to intimidate me and shut me up. When
I lived in Seattle, they put up posters around my neighborhood with my home address, telling insane
lies about me and instructing activists to show up at my door. Later, they sent letters to a
few hundred of my neighbors, claiming I was a Nazi white supremacist. Death threats,
references to my family, the whole deal. A few times, we had to pack up the kids and leave town.
School Teacher Fantasizes on Social Media About Trump 'Dying in Office'. A teacher at
an Illinois high school reportedly wrote a post on Facebook in which he fantasized about President
Donald Trump dying in office. Thomas Padilla, who teaches at Dixon High School, wrote in a
now-deleted post, "If you were born in 1964 or after, you have never experienced a US president
dying in office. I am ready." In a follow-up post, he listed the years in which previous
presidents died or were assassinated while serving in the White House, according to Young America's
Foundation (YAF).
the Left Disrupt the Inauguration? Left-wing radicals have been mobilizing near the
nation's capital ahead of the January 20 inauguration, which has been moved indoors.
Since summer, we have tracked D.C.'s radical networks — their movements, methods, and
potential for violence. After George Floyd's death in 2020, these groups learned that street
protests could yield political gains. Now, with Donald Trump returning to the White House,
they're weighing their options. This network is decentralized, adaptable, and steeped in
organizing social unrest. Black Lives Matter messaging is fading, replaced by anti-Israel
rhetoric. As Inauguration Day approaches, Communist militants and members of Antifa-aligned
hubs have suggested storming the Capitol, bringing "direct action" to the streets, and obstructing
law enforcement. If these demonstrations unfold, they will have been carefully planned and
ideologically incited by professionals, some visible, others hidden. The network spans college
professors, nonprofit leaders, and masked and often troubled militants willing to engage in violence.
is Not Your Grandpa's Democrat Party. Democrats routinely use violent, extremist
rhetoric against Republicans and others they oppose. From calling President Trump a "nazi" or
"dictator" to likening him to Adolf Hitler to labeling him and Republicans and the MAGA movement as
"dangers" or "threats to democracy," the Democrats go to great lengths in their efforts to smear
their political opponents. Predictably, President Trump is the most frequent victim of the
Democrats' violent fantasies and hyperbole. Here are a handful of illustrations. On
several occasions, then Democrat Presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed he would like to beat the
hell out of or smack Trump in the mouth. Democrat actor Robert De Niro said he would like
punch Trump in the face. [Numerous other examples]
Against Jews Demonstrates Leftist Icon Greta Thunberg's Extremism. Greta Thunberg,
once the darling of the climate change movement, has revealed herself as virulently anti-Israel,
which should make her a pariah in any legitimate social or political cause. Since the
October 2023 Hamas slaughter of Israeli civilians, including children and infants, Thunberg,
now 21 years old, has called for "crushing Zionism" and repeatedly accused Israel of
"genocide." Her latest episode of malevolence was on display earlier this month in Mannheim,
Germany, when she publicly cursed out the nations of Israel and Germany. She targeted the
German government with public profanity over its support for the Jewish state.
Professor Is Fired After Wild Rant Wishing Death On Trump Supporters. University of
Oregon professor Leonard Serrato, who was fired after telling Trump supporters to kill themselves,
has meltdown, says he is the real victim. It has also since been revealed that Serrato was
allegedly involved in a hazing incident that led to the death of student Philip Dhanens in 2012.
He served 18 months jail time. [Video clip]
As the Democrats constantly say, "No one is above the law!" Democrats
Don't Transfer Power Peacefully. After the inauguration of President George W. Bush
on January 20, 2001, many new White House aides excitedly showed up for work the next day only
to find their office spaces vandalized and trashed. Phone cords were ripped from walls.
Bathrooms were littered and disgusting. Mirrors were broken. Chair backs were
missing. Desk drawers were covered in glue. Desk locks were destroyed. The "W"
keys were removed from computer keyboards. This was the Democrats' idea of a "peaceful
transfer of power." [...] Apparently, Clinton's people even stole several antique doorknobs and an
official presidential seal. Perhaps emulating Bill's treatment of the Oval Office as a
whorehouse for chasing interns and Hillary's treatment of the West Wing as a warehouse for "free"
furniture, the Clinton administration relinquished power with all the class of base animals,
thieves, and scoundrels. As former Georgia congressman Bob Barr concluded, Democrats
"disgraced not just themselves but the institution and the office of the presidency as well."
Not surprisingly, there were no prosecutions.
Arrest TikTok 'Prankster' For Spraying Poison All Over Food in Walmart. A so-called
TikTok 'prankster' known for wreaking havoc on the public for social media views, was arrested for
spraying poison all over food in a Mesa, Arizona, Walmart. The suspect, 27-year-old Charles
Smith, was stupid enough to video his face while committing the crime. He then uploaded the
video of himself committing the felony to social media. According to court documents, Smith
went back inside Walmart 10 minutes after he committed the crime and "attempted to collect the
items he sprayed." Smith wheeled some of the poisoned items to the back of Walmart.
Walmart was forced to remove nearly $1 million in damaged food/suspected damaged food after
Charles Smith ran through the store and sprayed poison all over the place.
the American Healthcare System Has Been Broken for Years. When I was a kid, my
parents taught me that any apology followed by the word "but" was no apology at all. In fact,
they said, you might as well not even try. When I became a parent, my wife and I instilled
that same point into our children -- no justification, no buts -- just say you're sorry. So
when I heard Senator Elizabeth Warren say in an interview on MSNBC, "Violence is never the answer
but people can be pushed only so far," I harkened back to the words of my parents. What
exactly was the Senator saying? Can we justify cold-blooded murder or really any act of
violence now because "people can only be pushed so far?" [...] But what is lost on the Senator from
Massachusetts and others, particularly on the Left, is that the very things they advocate for, more
government involvement and government-mandated healthcare (Obamacare), are the very things that are
wrong with the system we all loathe.
Death Threat Problem. Bluesky advertises itself as the X-alternative for the nice,
compassionate left. It claims to be less toxic and a place for civil discussion, without all
the misinformation that plagues X. [...] Bluesky is a leftist sewer in which anybody who deviates
from leftist orthodoxy is not only shunned but outright threatened, often with death. That's
not hyperbole, and to demonstrate how awful it is let's discuss the case of Jesse Singal. For
those of you who don't know, Jesse is one of the leaders of the gender-critical movement, focused
mainly on saving kids from alphabet ideology and its sick consequences. He holds the "heterodox"
view that children should not be sterilized and mutilated — a view that is as toxic in
the eyes of the Bluesky crowd as "CEOs should not be randomly shot in the back."
time for a national conversation about left-wing violence. If reports are true, it
looks like the targeted killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York last week was
politically motivated. The alleged shooter, Luigi Mangione, a former Ivy Leaguer from an
affluent family, was reportedly caught with some kind of manifesto. Even before we knew who
the shooter was, however, the reaction from far too many leftists was to either justify, celebrate,
or rationalize the shooting. There's a real debate going on in some quarters of the
progressive Left over whether slaying CEOs is a bad thing. And it's unsurprising. Of
course, if any MAGA professors or journalists were online publicly defending the killing of
perceived political enemies, there would be thousands of wringing hands lamenting the menacing
rhetoric of conservatism. And rightly so. It should not be lost on us that there is a
clear ideological continuum between people who rationalize the shooting of a CEO and those who
rationalize the murder and rape of Jews by Palestinian terrorists and those who rationalize the
burning down of cities for social justice. [...] And much of the left-wing violence we've seen is
predicated on the idea that the enemy is irredeemably nefarious.
Republicans: Why Didn't Park Police Stop Anti-Israel Rioters From Vandalizing Federal
Property? How did violent anti-Israel, pro-Hamas rioters get away with destroying
government property, burning American flags and an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, and raising a Palestinian flag in place of Old Glory on July 24?
Rep. Bruce Westerman, R-Ariz., asked that at the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on
Oversight and Investigations hearing, "Desecrating Old Glory: Investigating How the Pro-Hamas
Protests Turned National Park Service Land Into a Violent Disgrace," on Tuesday. [Tweet with
video clip] "D.C. is no stranger to protest and free speech demonstrations, but in this
case, something went horribly wrong," Westerman said. On July 24, protesters swarmed
Union Station in Washington, D.C., and tore down the three American flags that stood tall outside
the transit hub and replaced them with Palestinian flags. [Tweet with video clip]
Mace Says She Was 'Accosted' on Capitol Hill. On Tuesday night, Rep. Nancy Mace
(R-SC) shared over X that she was "physically accosted," with more posts following. As she
communicated in her posts, though, she is not giving up on her agenda to protect women and their
private spaces. All of her posts mention "#HoldTheLine." [Advertisement] News of the
assault has since become a trending topic over X for Tuesday night. [Tweet] As one more
recent post from the congresswoman explains, she "was physically accosted at the Capitol tonight
[Tuesday] by a pro-trans man." Mace mentioned the need for a new wrist brace and ice, though as she
added, "it'll heal just fine." Mace also noted that the person she said assaulted her was
arrested by Capitol police. A statement identified the person as 33-year-old James McIntyre
of Illinois. "Your tr*ns violence and threats on my life will only make me double down.
FAFO," Mace concluded in her post with as another way to double down on her crusade. [Tweet]
Mace [was] Assaulted on Capitol Hill by [a] Transgender Activist. Rep. Nancy
Mace (R-SC) has been one of the leading voices calling for protections for women and their private
spaces. She recently introduced legislation to ban biological males from using women's
bathrooms and locker rooms on Capitol Hill and on federal land nationwide. [Advertisement]
[Quote from another website] As a result of her efforts, she was on the receiving end of
countless threats made against her and her staff. One trans activist seems to have taken
things way too far and actually assaulted Mace on Tuesday. [Tweet]
Leader Calls For 'Black Vigilantes' To Descend On Cities Following Daniel Penny Acquittal.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader Hawk Newsome called for "black vigilantes" to descend into major
cities Monday to retaliate against 26-year-old former Marine Daniel Penny's acquittal over the
death of Jordan Neely. A Manhattan jury found Penny not guilty of criminally negligent
homicide after he held 30-year-old homeless man Jordan Neely in a chokehold to protect surrounding
passengers on a New York City subway train in May 2023. Newsome called on "black vigilantes"
to avenge Neely's death and fight against white people who allegedly want to "choke" and "kill"
black people for "being loud." "Like everybody else has vigilantes, we need some black
vigilantes," Newsome said. "People want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud, how
about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us? I'm tired. I know you're looking
for us to be like 'oh, go and march. Go and march.' No, this weekend, I want you to hold a
community event, everywhere from the Bronx, to Houston, to Seattle, to Florida. Black people
hold community events and talk about what you need." [Video clip]
'Tolerant' Left Sure Does Like Assassinations. A manifesto recovered from the alleged
shooter of UnitedHeathCare CEO Brian Thompson says that "These parasites had it coming" and "I do
apologize for any strife and trauma, but it had to be done." This is music to the ears of
many on the left, who cheered when they learned that Thompson had been gunned down and are treating
the shooter as some sort of folk hero. "Social media users have sometimes outright gloated at
the killing," is how The Hill put it, describing it as an expression of "populist rage" and then
spending the rest of the article trying to obliquely pin the blame on Donald Trump. The
Atlantic dismissed the "mockery and disdain" of the cold-blooded murder as an "expression of
widespread fury at a broken system."
Palestine' Supporter Shoots Two Kindergarteners at CA Christian School — Where's Newsom's
Outrage? On Wednesday a 56-year-old white man entered a school in Northern California
with a "ghost gun" then shot and critically injured two kindergarteners before killing himself on
the playground. For some reason, though, you're not seeing videos of Gov. Gavin Newsom
everywhere talking about the need for "common sense gun control laws" and finger-wagging.
[Advertisement] Newsom didn't even mention the victims' names in the one statement he made.
[Tweet] Elias Wolford, age 5, and Roman Mendez, age 6, were shot. Elias was shot
once in the abdomen, and Roman was shot twice. Both are in critical condition with internal
injuries, said Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea.
Absolutely disgusting.
The murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on Wednesday was big news. I mean, he was
just gunned down on the streets of New York City, messages reported scrawled on the shell casings.
[...] But there's a very troubling trend happening where some... interesting folks are seemingly
embracing the murder as some kind of good thing. [...] Thompson wasn't in the process of harming
anyone when he was killed. His murder didn't prevent someone else from dying. That
means it's not self-defense and since he also wasn't being executed after due process was observed,
it means this doesn't fall under the kind of killing that is permissible under the rule of law.
But the same people who did the whole "no one is above the law" bit when Trump got convicted
of BS charges are now pretending that the law is irrelevant and we can just go around killing
people we don't like.
buying the left's hate hoaxes. A deranged Bernie Sanders supporter shot
Rep. Steve Scalise and other Republicans playing softball. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
was assaulted by a Leftist neighbor, resulting in critical injuries, so much so that he lost a
portion of a lung. Antifa fascists and BLM terrorists caused over $2 billion in damages
during the George Floyd riots. Almost 400 Catholic Churches across the United States have
been vandalized and burned in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision, which sent the issue of abortion
back to the states. I doubt that conservative Christian Republicans are burning their own
churches. Every time some deranged Leftist(s) goes off the rails and wreaks havoc,
conservative commentators naturally take note of it. And every time they do, Leftists respond
with some variation of "Republicans Pounce." These complaints usually mention how the
situation is "more complex than Republicans say" or that the Democrats' comments were "taken out of
context." You see, it's not the inappropriate or even criminal event that's problematic; it's
the way Republicans report on it.
can we expect from the Left now? The first Trump inauguration was marked with violent
protests. There is little reason to believe that this won't happen again. The Democrats
suffered a devastating loss to Trump and they have little to lose with rioting in the
streets. This may very well go beyond the swearing in of the President. Mayors of some
sanctuary cities already have said they will be organizing resistance to deportations
locally. Anyone believing these will be peaceful protests need only look back to 2020 for a
glimpse of what the Left may attempt to muster.
Than a Dozen Abortion Activists Arrested at Men's Pro-Life Demonstration in Boston: 'Extremely
Riotous'. More than a dozen pro-abortion activists were arrested at a peaceful men's
pro-life demonstration in Boston, Massachusetts, on Saturday for allegedly acting in an "unlawful,
riotous, and tumultuous manner," according to police. Fourteen people were arrested, "most or
all" of whom were pro-abortion counter-protesters at the The National Men's March to Abolish
Abortion and Rally for Personhood, the Boston Globe reported, citing police. [...] The National
Men's March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood was a city-permitted demonstration that
began outside of Planned Parenthood on Commonwealth Avenue at 11:00 a.m. The group
marched for more than three miles to Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Common for a rally, according
to Boston.com.
School Teacher Who Threatened To Kill Trump Supporters Starts Crying During Interview.
Connecticut teacher starts bawling on air after she was forced to resign for threatening to kill
Trump supporters. Annie Dunleavy says her threats are just one big misunderstanding.
"Please don't test your gangster on me because you'll end on a stretcher gone forever," Dunleavy
said to Trump supporters. When asked what she meant by that, Dunleavy said everyone just
misunderstood her. [Video clip]
Book Woman Who Allegedly Murdered Her Dad With an Axe on Election Night. The election
wasn't in doubt. Within a few hours of the East Coast settling into darkness, everyone knew — even
the crazies. I was on RedState's Election Night podcast, and it became increasingly
clear, based on experts looking at data, that Donald Trump would win the Electoral College and had
a good chance of winning the popular vote. The latter seems to have broken the left and its
most stalwart demographic of nuts — white women. By Wednesday afternoon and
following the concession speech by their Queen Kams, they seemed to have a collective breakdown,
which I found hilarious at first, then disturbing. Women were shouting into their cell
phones, making vows to punch people wearing MAGA hats, and some vowing to murder people they
suspected of just voting for Trump. [...] White women filmed themselves shaving their heads.
I don't have a clue why. Because of election results? Yikes. How do these people
function in society? Many apparently cannot. A woman named Corey Burke murdered her
dad. Murder isn't unusual, and murder in a family is often a crime of passion, but this
murder was committed on Election Night.
of Oregon Places Administrator on Leave After Unhinged Rant Wishing Death on Trump
Supporters. The Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) at the
University of Oregon has been placed on leave after telling Trump voters to kill themselves by
jumping off a "f······ bridge" in reaction to
President-elect Donald Trump's landslide victory in the 2024 election. [Tweet with video
clip — profanity warning.] A University of Oregon spokesperson told Breitbart News
that Serrato has since been placed on administrative leave and an investigation into the matter is
being conducted. "The University of Oregon finds the statements made in the video abhorrent
and not in alignment with our values or mission," the spokesperson said.
Left Activates Anti-Trump Protests As AOC Riles Up Rioters. Not even 24 hours
after President-elect Donald Trump won more votes in Illinois this general election than in the
previous two, and after winning the US election in a massive red wave sweep, far-left protesters
gathered outside the Trump Hotel in Obama's Chicago. The protests appear to have been highly
organized and well-planned before the election, given the coordination among activists, the
hundreds — if not thousands — of protesters — many holding
signs — and the likely pre-approved protest routes from City Hall. Organizers
shouted into megaphones, "Trump is a fascist" and "racist," echoing hate speech spewed by the
defunct Harris-Walz campaign in the months leading up to November 5. Here's the
mobilization effort by far-left radicals: [Tweet with video clip]
the Mythology of January 6. The only elected political figure to call for
violence on January 6, 2021 was Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. On that day she said:
"I hope he comes, I want to punch him out. This is my moment. I've been waiting for
this. For trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I want to punch him out, and I'm going to
go to jail, and I'm going to be happy." Trump never came to the Capitol grounds but Pelosi
broadcast her violent appeals for brutalizing the President of the United States to television
cameras that day. Her brutish rhetoric fit well with her antagonism of tearing up a copy of
the President's State of the Union Message a year before — again before congressional
members and on live television. Pelosi's calls for violence have not been criticized by our
public intellectual culture and in 2022 she reiterated that she continues to seek for violence
against the President of the United States. The Speaker of the House said that the President
of the United States did not have [the courage] to face her directly on January 6, 2021.
Pelosi appealed to a notion of toxic masculinity by casting herself as an ideal alpha male willing
to punch out the immoral intruder.
Arrest Georgia Poll Worker Over Alleged Bomb Threat Against Election Officials.
Police arrested a Georgia poll worker Monday for allegedly mailing a bomb threat letter to election
officials after a verbal dispute with a voter on Oct. 16. Nicolas Wimbish attempted to
frame the voter by using identifying information and signing the letter as a purported "Jones
County Voter," according to a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), citing a
criminal complaint. The 25-year-old suspect from Milledgeville then allegedly sent the bomb
threat to the Jones County Elections Superintendent on Oct. 17.
arrested for threatening to shoot Trump supporters. A report at the Gateway Pundit
revealed the FBI has arrested a man from Ann Arbor, Michigan, for allegedly posting plans to carry
out a shooting on Trump's Christian supporters. The suspect was identified as Isaac Sissel,
25, who controlled social media sites where threats were posted. "After his arrest, the man
said Trump was a threat that 'should be eliminated' and that 'everything would be better if Trump
were dead,'" the report said. Officials in the U.S. attorney's office revealed the FBI
National Threat Operations Center got a submission stating, "I shall carry out an attack against
conservative christan, (sic) filth in the event trump wins the election. I have a stolen ar15
and a target I refuse to name so I can continue to get away with my plans. Without a specific
victim or ability to find the place I hid the gun, there's not a thing the FBI can do until I
complete the attack." Authorities tracked down the suispect through phone records and an IP
address in the case.
Is Already Rioting. Antifa agitators are already rioting in Democrat-led crime cesspools,
calling for chaos on Election Night no matter who wins the White House. Black bloc militants
in the city of Seattle mobilized early in the evening to launch an Election Night attack at the
former site of the deadly Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). Seattle cops swiftly shut the
anarchist occupation down and arrested several leftist activists, according to on-the-ground
footage captured by The Post Millennial's Katie Daviscourt. "There is a heavy police presence
on the ground tonight," she said, noting that the Seattle Police Department is "not playing any
games." At least four Antifa suspects were arrested for obstructing traffic and defying law
enforcement orders to get out of the road, per Daviscourt.
New Video Released By Police Shows A Man Planting A Bomb In A Washington State Ballot Box.
A newly released video shows a man planting a 'bomb' at a Vancouver, Washington ballot box, burning
hundreds of ballots. A video captures a car arriving at a ballot box in Vancouver on
October 28. After 30 seconds, the driver leaves, and smoke begins to pour from the box,
followed by a large explosion. [Video clip]
Not Republicans, Are Responsible for Post-Election Violence. Donald Trump's comments
about envisioning neocon nepobaby Liz Cheney deployed to any one of the Cheney family's favorite
war zones has resulted in perhaps the most deceitful media campaign of the 2024 presidential news
cycle. Cable news commentators including increasingly irrelevant and bitter NeverTrumpers
such as Jonah Goldberg — who walked back his tirade on CNN claiming Trump advocated the
use of a "firing squad" against Cheney — caterwauled how Trump's remark would spark
"political violence." The unsubstantiated allegation is central to Kamala Harris' closing
argument. She continues to insist without evidence that Trump is a perpetrator rather than a
victim of "political violence." Harris fielded a pre-planned question during a campaign stop in
Wisconsin on Friday to accuse Trump of using "violent rhetoric" that disqualifies him from
office. Despite numerous examples of Democrat-involved political violence in Washington over
the past decade — 2017 Trump inaugural riots, 2018 Kavanaugh protests, 2020 BLM/antifa
riots, post-election confrontations with Trump supporters during "Stop the Steal" events in
November and December 2020, and recent incidents tied to pro-Hamas demonstrations —
the media now claims Republicans, not Democrats, will start tearing down major cities including the
nation's capital if Trump does not win the election.
Elected Republicans Ready To Respond To Potential Post-Election Chaos? One of the
best ways to know what Democrats are up to is to simply check how they're smearing their
opponents. Who is really "destroying democracy" if not those who support mass censorship,
surveillance, and the jailing of reporters and others over speech crimes? Who really colluded
with Russia to influence the 2016 election? Who ended the United States' lifelong tradition
of peaceful transition of power by spying on and sabotaging the governance of the opposition-party
president elected after Barack Obama? So it's extremely ominous to see a drumbeat of claims
from corporate media and other Democrats throughout the 2024 election cycle that Republican
supporters will engage in post-election violence. A Google News search immediately turns up
endless headlines like these: "Could the 2024 election normalize political violence?" asks NPR.
"Ahead of Election Day, officials prepare for protests and possible violence," says USA Today.
Deniability. After years of leftists calling conservatives, Republicans, Christians,
everyday Americans, and especially Donald Trump a threat to our democracy, literally Hitler and
Satan Incarnate, their rhetoric has incited some of the crazier members of their horde to take
direct action. [...] In 2017 comedian Kathy Griffin was photographed holding a bloody replica of
President Trump's head. This greatly upset Americans, especially Trump's son Barron, who was
only 11 years old at the time. In 2018 Maxine Waters encouraged her supporters to harass
Trump administration officials by saying, "...you create a crowd. And you push back on
them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere." In a news conference
that same year Nancy Pelosi wondered aloud "I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all
over the country, and maybe there will be, when people realize that this [Trump immigration policy]
is a policy that they defend." Can anyone forget how she tore up her copy of President Trump's
State of the Union Address? Obama AG Eric Holder said that, "When they (Republicans) go low,
we kick them". Johnny Depp asked, "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?"
No stranger to controversy herself, Madonna weighed in by proclaiming, "I have thought an awful lot
about blowing up the White House".
and Loathing on the Left: Destruction is all they really care about. Win or
lose, fans of the Philly Eagles go out into the street and smash things. Whoever wins on
Election Day, leftists will smash things. The election only determines whether they smash up
the country from the inside or the outside. Forget all the theory and all the empty policy
promises. It's not about equity, democracy, free college, funding terrorists, defunding the
police, breaking the glass ceiling, or any of the other suits the naked emperors and empresses
wear. When the champagne corks and pills have been popped, the desire underneath is to
destroy it all. Mediocre elites created leftism by sublimating their narcissistic drive to
destroy everything superior to them into the revolutionary politics of a purported
underclass. But the elites are the oppressed underclass they've been waiting for. They
fight for their own right to seize power. And they don't stop fighting once they get it.
Leftist Arrested For Beating Trump Supporter in Grocery Store, Breaking His Teeth Over 'Trump 2024'
Hat. This is what happens when Trump supporters are labeled "garbage," "Nazis," and
"Fascists" by Democrat leaders and their media stenographers. A violent leftist was arrested
for beating a Trump supporter at a Bath, New York, grocery store on Friday. 60-year-old
Robert Yott was arrested on Friday after he became aggressive and confronted a Trump supporter
wearing a 'Trump 2024' hat at Tops Friendly Markets. According to police, Yott repeatedly
punched the Trump supporter in the face and broke his teeth.
The Democratic Party is Hitler. You can be sure they've gamed-out a playbook aimed at
paralyzing the nation one way or another if the effort to install Kamala Harris in the White House
face-plants, as it appears to be doing in these final days before the reckoning. Rioting,
arson, and looting in the cities? Not so much. Probably some, but only because it's an
excuse for 100-percent-off sale "shopping," plus the need for hordes of dopamine-deprived youth to
seek a little dangerous excitement — in a society that gives them nothing meaningful or
purposeful to do. It'd surely reflect poorly on the regime clinging to power in the months
before January 20. Anyway, "Joe Biden," Kamala, and company would be blamed for letting the
cities get wrecked again, and then double-blamed by their own partisans if they try to stop it with
the national guard. It's a no-win deal for them.
Harris Supporters Harass and Threaten the McDonald's That Hosted Trump. Over and
over, we see leftists trying to intimidate people into being afraid to express views that oppose
them, or even to allow their foes to have a fair hearing. So once again: who's the
fascist? They're finding out at the McDonald's that famously played host to Donald
Trump. What the Daily Caller reported Thursday was drearily predictable: "In the wake of
Trump's widely-publicized campaign stop at the 'Golden Arches'" franchise in Feasterville-Trevose,
Pennsylvania, "Yelp disabled reviews for the location amid a flood of negative comments, and the
franchise's owner retained private security to ensure the safety of employees and patrons in
response to threats made against the eatery."
Gaza' message linked to ballot box attacks in Washington and Oregon: source. Ballot
boxes in Oregon and Washington may have been set on fire by an anti-Israel protester, as
investigators found a note that said "ALL DROP BOXES WILL BURN. FREE GAZA," The [New York] Post
has learned. Between 3 and 4 a.m. on Monday, fires caused by incendiary devices were
discovered in ballot boxes in Vancouver, Wash. and neighboring Portland, Oregon. A built-in
fire suppressant stopped most of the flames at the Portland location, but hundreds of ballots were
destroyed at the drop box at Fisher's Landing Transit Center in Vancouver. The FBI is now
heading the investigation into the two Monday fires, which are believed to be linked and also
connected to a third attempted arson attack earlier in the month in Vancouver.
The Post-Election
Temper Tantrum. Democrats have warned the country that Trump is a "danger to
democracy," a fascist, another Hitler. But it's the Democrats who use the threat of violence
to turn the election in their favor. "If Trump does win the election, the left in America will
certainly riot," says author and political commentator Douglas Murray. "They will make sure
cities they believe they dominate go up in flames again." And they've apparently been
considering the insurgent option for months. Jonathan Tobin wrote in the Federalist in
February that Democrats "need a backup plan if the courts won't do their bidding" to keep Trump out
of the White House if he wins by "doing exactly what they labeled as 'insurrection.'" "A
Trump victory would almost certainly set off bloody riots in every American city," he said.
Ballot-box arsons connected to anti-Israel protests. I do love how our secure and
safe elections across this country involve dropping off your one and only ballot in a random box
and hoping someone can get to it before a nut sets it on fire. These boxes do have a
"built-in fire suppressant," so only a few hundred ballots were lost. It could have been much
worse. [Tweet with video clip] None of the candidates are radically anti-Israel
enough, so they had to set all the ballots on fire! Didn't they listen to the DNC
message? Just "act right" until the election! How hard is that?
Post-Election Temper Tantrum. Two months ago, as the Democrats were preparing for
their national convention in Chicago, we were concerned that it would be a repeat of the party's
1968 convention that was marred by riots. But sanity prevailed. It was a relatively
quiet affair. Will the Democrats be just as quiet if Donald Trump wins next week's
election? It's more likely that they will erupt with rage. After all, there have been
two failed attempts to assassinate Trump. Yes, the suspects in both cases appear to be
disturbed. But it's been the nonstop vilification of the former president from the left that
likely motivated them. The prospect of another term for Trump is going to push many over the
edge that they've been teetering on since the man announced in 2015 that he was running for president.
They Are Floating Ominous Warnings About the Election. I don't know what the vote
counts will be, whether they will be mostly accurate, what shenanigans might take place or not, or
whether the obvious preference cascade will carry Trump over the top next week.
[Advertisement] But one thing I do know for certain is that if Donald Trump wins, the violence
and rioting will be off the charts. The mainstream media and the Democrats like to
memory-hole the fact that rioting was significant after Trump's 2016 victory, and that was well
before the "Trump is Hitler" narrative began being sold to us. In those days, he was a
sexually harassing buffoon with a bit of Russian agent thrown in. [Tweet with
video clip]
the Left Preparing for War If Trump Wins? The propaganda campaign labeling Donald
Trump as an aspiring dictator determined to use the military and national security apparatus
against his political opponents is designed not to affect the upcoming election but rather to shape
the post-election environment. It is the central piece of a narrative that, by characterizing
Trump as a tyrant (indeed likening him to Hitler), establishes the conditions for violence —
not just another attempt on Trump's life, but political violence on a massive scale intended to
destabilize the country.
Threat Forces Swing State County GOP Headquarters To Close. The Republican committee
headquarters in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, was forced to close its doors on Saturday after
staff received a bomb threat by phone, according to a press release. Pennsylvania's GOP
stated that an "angry" caller made a "profanity-laced bomb threat" to the Montgomery County office
around 11:07 a.m. The state GOP noted that this incident isn't isolated, as the party
has experienced an increase in violent threats since September.
Americans Believe There Will Be Violence After the Election. They Are Probably
Right. Most Americans indicated they are willing to accept the outcome of the
election even if their preferred candidate does not win. Three-fourths of respondents
indicated this, including 85 percent of Democrats and 77 percent of Republicans. A
small percentage indicated they would support the use of violence to ensure their candidate
wins. About eight percent said they believe the use of violent force to ensure that Trump
does not win is justified while six percent indicated violence to ensure Trump wins is
acceptable. The Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California Davis
published a report indicating that 14 percent of Americans firmly believe a civil war could
erupt within the next few years.
Is Right. There Is an 'Enemy Within' the United States.
[Scroll down] Other lies this election season include the idea that Donald Trump
threatened to use the US military against his political opponents. That one is so stupid that
you really have to be Mika-level dumb to even try to sell it. Trump was clearly talking about
BLM/ANTIFA and the violence the political left happily embraces and encourages from their
Brownshirts. They take to the streets at every perceived injustice Democrats can manufacture,
burning large parts of majority black cities before receding to their suburban sanctuaries to await
the next manufactured outrage. They rioted on inauguration day in 2017, assaulting people and
burning property. Arrests were made and charges were, after an acceptable amount of time had
passed, dropped against everyone. Why? Because what good does going after your own
people do? They were needed throughout the Trump administration to riot over false claims of
police brutality and junkie overdoses. And they're ready to do it again.
pending after harassment over pro-Trump sign leads to shooting in Vegas. Political
tensions are high as America heads to the polls to decide the next president, but some people are
taking their disagreements too far. Jennifer Lund, 38, and Timothy Parks, 45, are each facing
charges including assault, battery, and stalking after an incident with three men that resulted in
one of them firing a gun. Court documents claim that Lund and Parks were traveling together
in a vehicle when they spotted a residence with a sign indicating support for former President
Donald Trump. [Tweet]
Stops Hiding Desire to See Donald Trump Assassinated. Far-left Politico, a
blog dedicated to disinformation and lies, is no longer hiding its desire to see former President
Donald Trump assassinated. Over the weekend, Politico published a piece of
assassination porn warning the public of a "very real scenario where Trump loses and takes power
anyway." I don't link to anything meant to encourage violence, but that's the headline and it
includes a photo of a burnt-out map of red and blue America. There is no reason to waste
everyone's time running down the scenario Politico's assassination porn peddlers lay
out. Suffice it to say, that Trump was already president, Trump has already lost an election
he believes he won, and if he did none of this while he wielded the power of the presidency, why
would and how could he do it as a private citizen? But Politico and its confederates
in the corporate media are not about logic or enlightenment.
Harris Is Priming Democrats For Violent Resistance If Trump Wins. By now it's
commonplace to note that Kamala Harris often seems out of her depth, like she's unsure what to say
about policy, or how to explain her past positions, or why she hasn't already done the things she's
promised to do if she's elected given that she's the current vice president. But on one
particular subject she's been consistent and forceful throughout her campaign. She's adamant
that Donald Trump will destroy America if he's reelected. And not "destroy" in the sense of
enact bad policies, but that he'll round people up with the military and put them in camps.
She talks about this all the time now. At one point during her Wednesday evening interview
with Bret Baier on Fox News, she became visibly upset after Baier played a clip of former President
Donald Trump calling out the weaponization of government and the endless investigations and lawfare
he's been subjected to. The vice president, her voice rising in outrage, jabbed her finger at
Baier and said, "You and I both know that he has talked about turning the American military on the
American people. He has talked about going after people who are engaged in peaceful
protest. He has talked about locking people up because they disagree with him."
instructor on leave after calling to line up and shoot men who won't vote for female
president. A University of Kansas instructor has been placed on leave after violent
comments he made about men who don't support female presidential candidates went viral on social
media. In a video shared on X, the instructor railed against men who think they are smarter
than women, before apparently connecting these thoughts to the presidential race. [If you
think] guys are smarter than girls, you got some serious problems," the instructor appeared to say
to a lecture hall full of students at the start of the recording. "It's what frustrates me, there
are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president
because they don't think females are smart enough to be president." "We can line all those
guys up and shoot them. They clearly don't understand the way the world works," he continued.
of Kansas professor on men who won't vote for Kamala: "We could line all those guys up and shoot
them". Update: The professor has been placed on leave. [...] [Tweet with
video clip] [Transcript: "]If you think guys are smarter than girls, you've got some
serious problems. It's what frustrates me. There are going to be some males in our
society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don't think females
are smart enough to be president. We could line all those guys up and shoot them. They
clearly don't understand how the world works.["]
Convicted Violent Criminal Repeatedly Threatened to Kidnap and Kill Judge Cannon and Her
Family. A three-time convicted violent criminal repeatedly threatened to kidnap and
kill Judge Aileen Cannon and her family but the Biden-Harris DOJ waited FOUR MONTHS to bring
charges and arrest him. Aileen Cannon is a Trump-appointed judge for the US District Court
for the Southern District of Florida. Judge Cannon was assigned to Jack Smith's classified
documents case against President Trump. Eric Rennert, 65, of Illinois, is facing six federal
charges and the indictment accuses him of communicating interstate threats and threatening to
kidnap, injure, and murder a federal judge.
in January. It would be good to feel better about life after January 20, 2025.
But wait... We all know that we'll be more than 'just lucky' to get out of this political
hellhole intact by February 2025. Not only do we have the multiple not-so-veiled threats
against Trump's life — coming from the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Jeffries, and their
devotees — to the stock market crash predictors who daily warn clients that somehow,
'mysteriously,' Trump will not be inaugurated even if elected. We also have the two actual
attempts on Trump's life thus far. We have the legal and the media and the financial wars
against him. Hillary Clinton launched this, so naturally she's now doubled down on her
signature effort to dehumanize Trump.
As Cover. If you think Trump and his MAGA minions were attacked and brutalized under
sleepy Joe, you can't even imagine the level of hostility to be brought against them post
November 5th. Should Trump win; by some massive failure of the left, or "too big to rig"
actual overwhelming of the ballot box, it will probably be a short-lived victory for he will become
target number one of every crackpot and government agency goon in the current administration.
They've already proved they can coordinate nut jobs with lax security to produce the desired
effect. [Multiply] that by 1000 and you might understand the situation accurately. With
all of these crackpots and enemy agents activated post election, it will be something to awaken
even more and importantly, expose those law enforcement agencies already on the wrong side of the
republic. It is an election of no serious consequence as to the future. It is bleak no
matter how one turns it, but this is why I encourage the masses to vote, to absolve themselves of
the slightest hesitance toward self-defense.
Lake's Daughter Attacked by 'Radical Leftist' While Registering Voters on College Campus.
The daughter of Arizona Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake was attacked Wednesday while
registering voters at Arizona State University. Lake campaigned to become Arizona's governor
in 2022 but lost in a disputed election. She is facing Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego in
the November election to succeed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who was elected as a Democrat, but later
left the party to become an independent. Lake's daughter, Turning Point Action's Ruby
Halperin, took to social media to blow the whistle on the incident.
Lake's Daughter Attacked by Crazed Leftist While Registering Voters at Arizona State University.
In a predictable turn of events on a campus known for its opposition to conservative ideas, Ruby
Halperin, the daughter of Arizona's Republican Nominee for US Senate, Kari Lake, was attacked on
Wednesday while she was registering voters at Arizona State University (ASU). Turning Point
Action on Wednesday held a "Greek Voter Registration" event that far outsized a competing
Democratic voter registration drive on campus. [Tweet]
a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Fake Presidential Race. The alleged would-be assassin is
supposedly one Ryan Wesley Routh. [...] He is documented as a fervent leftist, having formerly
supported Bernie Sanders, and having contributed financially many times to ActBlue. He tried
to recruit foreign soldiers to help Ukraine defeat Russia. You'd think that, with all this
information, it would be obvious that Routh was motivated by the same kind of irrational hatred for
Donald Trump that has infected millions of formerly rational Americans with TDS. But instead
of acknowledging this, and perhaps issuing one of their standard lectures to the insane "Woke"
Left, the mainstream media, and high profile Democrats themselves, are telling Trump to
"tone down" his rhetoric. If you just stop saying "hateful" things, no one will try to
assassinate you! What is most remarkable about Routh is the fact that he was inexplicably
interviewed by Newsweek in 2022. His only claim to fame was his self-published book,
touting the official state controlled media line on Ukraine. People who write self-published
books don't usually get to be interviewed by huge media outlets like that. [...] Regardless, as in
the Steve Scalise shooting, the victim's motives are never political if he's a leftist, only if
he's a right-wing extremist.
Democrat Calls for Trump to Be Extinguished. In case there is anyone out there who
doesn't get it yet that the liberal establishment wants Donald Trump dead, Biden/Harris Commerce
Secretary Gina Raimondo spells it out in the aftermath of the second attempt on his life:
"Let's extinguish him for good." Seriously, she just said that: [Tweet] That Democrats
find Trump so threatening that top government officials pretty much openly call for more
assassination attempts is the ultimate endorsement of Trump.
Kamala Surrogate Calls to 'Extinguish' Trump 'for Good'. Less than two weeks after
the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump, a top surrogate for Vice President Kamala Harris,
who is also a member of Joe Biden's cabinet, is under fire for using dangerous and reckless
rhetoric against Trump. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo accused Trump of spreading "another
lie" about Harris during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday. But what was really shocking was her
chilling choice of words. "How did we get here?" Raimondo asked, before declaring, "Let's
extinguish him for good. We have an answer — a remarkably talented candidate in
Harris." [...] Raimondo's rhetoric came a day after the Department of Justice released a
handwritten letter from Routh, the suspect in the attempted assassination of Trump, in which Routh
offer $150,000 for someone to finish the job he failed to complete.
Are Grooming Assassins To Take Out Trump. There have been many calls for lowering the
temperature between the first assassination attempt against Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, and
the second on Sept. 15, 2024. Yet only two hours after last week's attempt on Trump in
Florida, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries lambasted "extreme MAGA Republicans," saying "We
must stop them," leaving listeners to guess to whom he referred and how "they" should be
stopped. It's part of a constant pattern since Trump emerged on the political scene, starting
with assassination fantasies with "the resistance," continuing through the Russian collusion hoax,
and aided by protective agencies' refusal to secure conservative figures. It's not just the
typically aggressive political rhetoric. Leftists have openly engaged in direct assassination
fantasies for years. A conspicuous movement to dehumanize one particular person in America
has continuously expanded since early 2016, when "the resistance" formed. Madonna infamously
proclaimed, "I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House," signaling the cultural
zeitgeist controllers would wage a no-holds-barred siege against Trump.
Was Ever Charged for the Antifa Attack on the White House. [Tweet] The media
downplayed this frightening event, when BLM-Antifa rioters overwhelmed police and Secret Service
agents protecting the White House and firebombed historic St. John's Church in Lafayette
Square during the violent riots that engulfed the country in the summer of 2020. More than 50
Secret Service officers were injured when they were pelted with bricks, rocks, Molotov cocktails
and bottles of urine while defending the White House. We never hear about them.
President Trump and the First Lady had to be evacuated to an underground bunker for their safety
amid fears the White House would be overrun. The media mocked Trump later as a coward.
They memory-holed this event but exaggerate everything about J6.
Threats Suggest Democrats' Attacks On The Court Encourage Politically Motivated
Terrorism. A 76-year-old Alaskan man is in custody after he allegedly threatened to
assault, kidnap, lynch, torture, murder, and assassinate six of the nine Supreme Court
justices. The names of the justices targeted, however, were withheld by the Department of
Justice — likely because they confirm Democrats' incendiary rhetoric against the
conservative members of the court is working. The DOJ announced on Thursday that Panos
Anastasiou faces nine counts of making threats against a federal judge and 13 counts of making
threats in interstate commerce after he sent more than 465 messages pledging harm against justices
via "a public website the court maintained."
Left Has a Massive Violent Streak. In March 2023, Audrey "Aiden" Hale, a
transgender individual, slaughtered three children and three adults at The Covenant School in
Nashville, Tennessee. A former pupil at the Christian school, Hale took precious time during
the rampage to divert and unload seven rounds into a stained-glass depiction of the biblical
character Adam in a church next door. As this column asked last year: Why, exactly,
would a transgender former student of a Christian school return to that school to murder innocent
Christian children and shoot up a stained-glass representation of no less symbolic a biblical
figure than Adam? We don't necessarily need Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out.
Leaked excerpts of the murderer's manifesto corroborate Hale's sinister, anti-Christian motive.
Arrested for Threatening to Assassinate Supreme Court Justices. The Department of
Justice announced the arrest of Alaska man Panos Anastasiou on Wednesday after he threatened a
number of Supreme Court Justices and their families with fatal violence. "We allege that the
defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their
families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with," Attorney General Merrick
Garland released in a statement Thursday. "Our justice system depends on the ability of judges to
make their decisions based on the law, and not on fear. Our democracy depends on the ability
of public officials to do their jobs without fearing for their lives or the safety of their
families." DOJ did not detail which Supreme Court Justices were threatened, but noted
Anastasiou sent hundreds of threatening messages to the Court's official and public website.
Anastasiou is "charged by indictment with nine counts of making threats against a federal judge and
13 counts of making threats in interstate commerce."
Say America Would Be Better Off If Trump Had Been Killed. The desensitization of some
Americans following the second assassination attempt of former President Trump is alarming.
Seventeen percent (17%) of voters believe America would have been better off if former President
Trump had been killed in last week's attempted assassination. [...] Forty-nine percent (49%) of
Democrats think it's at least somewhat likely that Trump himself or the Trump campaign was involved
with the assassination attempt, with 21% saying it was very likely. Fifty-two percent (52%)
of Republicans think it's at least somewhat likely that the Democratic Party or the Harris campaign
was involved, with 28% saying it's very likely.
Target on His Back. You can almost feel it, the rising excitement in the lunatic
fringe. The Secret Service and the FBI have shown themselves to be ineffective in protecting
the former President — whether through DEI-fomented incompetence or by Machiavellian
design. Pure luck or divine intervention prevented Trump's assassination in Pennsylvania when
he providentially turned his head, so the bullet only struck his ear; stupidity prevented it in
Florida when the assassin allowed the barrel of his rifle to be spotted by a member of Trump's
security detail. The repeated failures of the security agencies have sent a message to the
crazies on the Left: go ahead and take your best shot. You can practically hear the
hundreds of lefty lunatics scrambling to gather guns, knives, bombs, poisons, deadly gas, and
anything else they can think of to use in their efforts to 'get Trump.'
True Threat to Democracy Is Democrats, All of Them. As of this writing, Democrats
have inspired two assassination attempts against Donald Trump. Two. Those are just the
ones we know about. How many more Rachel Maddow sycophants have gotten to step 5 of 10, or
7 [of] 10, only to wake up to the reality of what they were planning and stop? We
will never know. How many more were spooked by a friend, neighbor or co-worker who either asked what
they were doing or called police to report something suspicious? That's another number we
can't know. But we can know the number is more than zero. If they got two people to go
through with it, there's no way they haven't had others walk away in the planning process.
That's what you get when you tell natural born followers and conformists that your opponent is
Hitler reincarnated. People so eager for obedience and acceptance will always crave more of
it, and there is no way to get more of it than taking out the threat, right?
Quarter Of Dems Think US Would Be Better Off If Trump Had Been Assassinated: Poll.
Over a quarter of Democrats think the U.S. would be better off if former President Donald Trump had
been successfully assassinated on Sunday, according to a Napolitan News Service poll released
Wednesday [9/18/2024]. Among those surveyed, 28% of Democrats and 27% of Democrat-leaning
voters answered "yes" to the question asking if they thought the U.S. would be better off if Trump
had been assassinated, with 17% of all respondents agreeing and only 7% of Republicans, according
to the poll. Trump survived a second assassination attempt on Sunday at Trump International
Golf Club in Palm Beach, FL, where would-be assassin Ryan Routh brought a rifle within
500 yards of Trump before he was engaged by the U.S. Secret Service and later apprehended.
Biden/Harris Legacy. Take a moment to think about this. Under the Biden/Harris
administration, we now have two unsuccessful attempts to assassinate the former President of the
United States. The Biden/Harris administration has repeatedly refused to provide enhanced
Secret Service protection to President Trump during this run for re-election. Concurrent with
and immediately before both attempts, Biden and Harris have repeatedly used inflammatory rhetoric
targeting President Trump. Regarding the Biden/Harris presidential administration, what will
history record? I suggest that it is likely that the Biden/Harris administration will be
recorded as highly corrupt and incompetent. An administration with a constant appetite for
war and other foreign adventures (Nordstream, for example) and yet curiously incompetent in the
management of war. Witness the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the enormously expensive and
mismanaged Ukrainian misadventure.
26 Million
Americans Believe Political Violence is Justified. With the unrelenting claims of
President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and others that democracy is about to die in
America, some now feel a license to commit criminal acts in the name of "saving democracy." It
is the ultimate form of self-delusion that one saves democracy by committing political violence
against those with whom you disagree. We have seen this radicalism spread in past years from
higher education into society at large. Years ago, many of us were shocked by the conduct of
University of Missouri communications professor Melissa Click who directed a mob against a student
journalist covering a Black Lives Matter event. Yet, Click was hired by Gonzaga
University. Since that time, we have seen a steady stream of professors joining students in
shouting down, committing property damage, participating in riots, verbally attacking students, or
even taking violent action in protests. It is now common to hear inflammatory language from
professors advocating "detonating white people," denouncing police, calling for Republicans to
suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservatives, calling for the killing of
Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters and other outrageous statements.
Democrats hate so much they are willing to commit murder, and worse, now admit it
openly. When asked by a reporter of the Daily Mail what he thought of his father's
actions, the son of attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh said that his father hates Trump as "every
reasonable person does. I don't like Trump either." The problem is that reasonable
people don't hate. Reasonable people think about the differing opinions of others and decide
as rationally as possible what they think might be the right answer. And if reasonable people
are faced with true evil, they don't act with hatred. They instead follow the biblical
mantra, don't condemn the sinner, only the sin. Routh's son however illustrates the
contrasting attitude of the base as well as the leadership of today's Democratic Party. They
don't simply disagree, they hate. Worse, they think that hatred is "reasonable," and that
everyone "reasonable" agrees with it. Thus you get two assassination attempts in just over
two months against Donald Trump, whose only crime — according to Democrats —
is that he is running for president against them, and has said he will change the governmental
policies they believe in.
Columnist Says Routh Was Justified in Wanting to Take a Shot at Trump. Steve Benen, a
former blogger for the Washington Monthly and current producer and contributor to "The Rachel
Maddow Show," thinks the Mar-a-Largo would-be assassin was justified in wanting to take a shot at
former president Donald Trump. [Advertisement] Or, in Benen's words, "the alleged
would-be shooter." Benen is complaining that Donald Trump is blaming Democrats for using violent
rhetoric that motivated Routh to try to kill the former president. But Routh is right, claims
Benen. Trump is, indeed, a "threat to democracy." [Tweet] First of all, it takes a
special kind of moral blindness to excuse a would-be presidential assassin. Beyond that,
Benen employs exactly the same arguments used by the right to push back against the left when they
blame conservatives for school shootings or any other violence.
Aren't Going to Stop If They Kill Trump. Starting with violence against police and
private property in the Occupy Wall Street movement and their excusing sexual violence against
their own people at those same encampments across the country, the Democratic Party has run toward
violent thugs willing to throw Molotov Cocktails at civilized society. At first, their
violence was ignored. Then it was excused and watered down — had you ever heard of
a "mostly peaceful" riot before Democrats needed to mislead the public on how entire segments of
cities were being destroyed? Now, the violence of Democratic Party Brownshirts is simply a
matter of fact and barely reported. If you don't watch Fox News or go to conservative news
websites, you'd likely be unaware of what was happening on liberal college campuses across the
country since Hamas attacked Israel, and you'd never know it's still happening. It's just a
fact of life now, an entrenched reality unworthy of attention. It took only a very short time
to normalize the violence of the left, and there is no reason to think they are done with it.
Influencers Who Called for Violence Against Trump, Called Him an 'Existential Threat to
Democracy'. Ahead of the second assassination attempt against former President Donald
Trump, many influential actors, journalists, and influencers warned that Trump is an "existential
threat" to democracy, compared him to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, and suggested he or his
supporters should face violent attacks. Some continued attacking Trump even after the first
assassination attempt July 13. The New Tolerance Campaign, a nonprofit watchdog aimed at
confronting "intolerance double standards" practiced by "establishment institutions, civil rights
groups, universities, and socially conscious brands," compiled a list of extreme rhetoric against
Trump that may have contributed to the second assassination attempt. "New Tolerance Campaign
research has shown two kinds of consistent and consistently charged rhetoric surrounding President
Trump: insistence that his reelection would lead to the collapse of the country, and calls for the
former president's death," Gregory T. Angelo, New Tolerance Campaign's president, told The Daily
Signal in a written statement Monday.
will the Deep State do when they are given their eviction notice this Fall? How will
the illegal immigrants whom they brought into the country behave when they come to the realization
that they will soon be evicted from America? I don't think either will go quietly without
inflicting as much damage as they can on their way out the door. Back in the Fall of 2019,
before the Covid lockdowns and the BLM and Antifa riots, the movie The Joker was released in
movie theaters. In the movie, the lead character is an emaciated, emotionally disturbed,
violent loser who lives with his mother. [...] It's difficult to not view Phoenix's character as
anything but the posterchild for Antifa. Predictive programming — giving the
target audience the permission to riot at a future point. A kind of blueprint. It
should be noted that they had to release the movie in the Fall of 2019 instead of closer to the BLM
and Antifa riots because movie theaters were closed in 2020. Fast forward to today. In the
Fall of 2024, less than a month before the election, Joker II will be released in movie
theaters. More predictive programing? Are the Antifa-types being given the go ahead to
riot, to disrupt the election, to interfere in the transition of power? Will rioting be used
to create chaos before, during or after the election?
Idolization of Hate. It appears the attempted assassin is a man named Ryan Wesley
Routh. The UK's Daily Mail reached out to his son, Oran, for his thoughts. When they
contacted him, Oran stated that he hadn't been aware of the assassination attempt until the moment
they asked him for comment. In other words, a foreign newspaper was able to identify and
locate the shooter's son (who, for all anyone knew at the time, might have been involved) before
our gazillion-dollar-budget FBI, Secret Service, or vaunted intelligence community did. And
this was after they'd let another leftist get within shooting distance of the former
president. And this was after it was a vigilant citizen and Florida police, not the feds, who
identified and arrested the would-be assassin. Way to be on your A-game, boys. But upon
hearing that his father was the suspected assassin, 35-year-old Oran stated that his dad "hates
Trump, as every reasonable person does." That's how Oran wanted to present himself and his father
to the world. No apology, no call for privacy for the family, no pleading to see how the
investigation unfolds, not even the obligatory lip service against political violence. Just a
crude statement of hate. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Harris Sr. Adviser David Plouffe Previously Called for Extermination of Donald Trump and 'His
Kind'. Kamala Harris senior adviser David Plouffe once called for the extermination
of former President Donald Trump and "his kind," according to a 2016 post on X — another
example of Democrats calling for harm against the former president that has been highlighted in the
wake of another assassination attempt. Plouffe, a former adviser to then-President Barack
Obama, posted on June 13, 2016, "It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be
destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again." [Advertisement] The Trump
campaign highlighted the post in the wake of a second assassination attempt against him on Sunday,
which was thwarted when Secret Service agents spotted a man with a rifle pointed through a fence
where Trump was golfing at his private course in Florida. [Advertisement] The Trump
campaign posted, "This guy is now a top official on Kamala Harris' campaign": [Tweet]
Vance Blasts Dem/Media Hypocrisy Over Rhetoric. Since Sunday's second assassination
attempt on former President Donald Trump at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach,
Florida, Democrats and the legacy media have been on overdrive in their efforts to blame Trump
himself for the incident. One way or another, they must find a way to hang the threat of
violence against Trump around his own neck, even if that means twisting logic into an
unrecognizable pretzel and dispending with any effort at consistency. Trump's running mate,
Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), had his hands full Sunday (prior to the attempt), making the rounds on
the Sunday shows and going toe-to-toe with the likes of Dana Bash and her partisan fervor.
Camp: NY Times Incites Violence Against Vance. Supporters of former President
Donald Trump are calling out The New York Times for an opinion piece on Republican vice
presidential nominee J.D. Vance and his rejection of "creedal nationalism." "This is
disgusting by @nytimes," posted on X Matthew Boyle, the Washington Bureau Chief for Breitbart News
Network. "Editors should intervene and correct this and apologize for it."
the October Surprise. Since I move between worlds and see how stories are covered
differently by each side, I was shocked — or maybe not — to catch a few
minutes of ABC News after the debate. They were selling extreme fear, extreme hysteria.
The conclusion? A) Trump said the bad thing, B) his supporters obey his every command
and now an army of armed Proud Boys Nazi Brown Shirts are going to Springfield to terrorize the
Haitians. We hear "bomb threats" and "shooting threats" yet we never hear the follow-up.
We never hear if there was any investigation. The reason? They don't care if it's true
or not. It's useful to their overall mission of pushing the narrative that Trump and MAGA are
racists and violent extremists and vote for Harris/Walz. I have hung out in MAGA world for the
past five years to find out what was true and what wasn't. Never once have I seen anything that
confirms their condemnations of them. The MAGA movement is not driven by race. It's
driven by class. The rich people are all on the Left now.
Would-Be Trump-Assassin Has Been Identified And He's A Far Left Wacko. Ryan Wesley
Routh has reportedly been identified as the man arrested for allegedly pointing an AK-47 at former
President Donald Trump while he was golfing, according to law enforcement sources. The former
president, who successfully dodged a second assassination attempt this year after nearly being hit
by a bullet in Pennsylvania, is reported to be 'safe' following the incident. Known for
publicly supporting left-wing causes and promoting his self-styled "do-gooder" image on social
media, Routh's arrest has raised many questions. [Video clip]
Primary Forces That Threaten America Today. Leftist Revolts on Campus and on the
Street: Democrats and the left exploit anarchy and campus unrest to demand influence and
control of our society. Protests have long been an important feature of our political life,
most notably the civil rights marches that changed the face of America. But the tone and
nature of public demonstrations is changing. Anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian protests have
turned some campuses into antisemitic war zones. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz let Minneapolis
burn for four days, overseeing the destruction of scores of businesses and properties. His
reward — nominated by the Democrats to be vice president of the United States.
Real Tim Walz. Violence and terrorism reared their ugly heads in the May 2020
riots in Minneapolis and other cities, precipitated by the circumstances surrounding the death of
George Floyd. The protests were characterized by many (including Kamala Harris) as protests
which should be perpetuated and even encouraged. Minnesota governor Tim Walz has confirmed
that the resulting property damage in Minnesota exceeded $500 million. [...] The incompetence
and inaction of Walz in his duty to protect the public is obvious. The incompetence, action,
and inaction of Kamala Harris was equally culpable. Referencing the protests and protestors
in Minnesota, Harris announced that "they're not going to let up, and they should not, and we
should not." She claims she intended only to refer to peaceful protests, but she did not wisely
and competently limit her support of the protestors, as did President Trump by limiting his
encouragement of J6 rally attenders to the words: "peacefully and patriotically make your
voices heard." Harris also provided additional encouragement to violent protestors by
encouraging contributions to help post bond for those arrested for violence.
90 Pages of Nashville Transgender Shooter Audrey Hale Manifesto [have been] Released.
All 90 pages of Nashville transgender shooter Audrey Hale manifesto was released by The Tennessee
Star on Tuesday. You can download Audrey Hale's manifesto [elsew]here. Contents from
the manifesto of Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a biological female who identified
as a transgender male at the time of her horrific attack on March 27, 2023, was leaked earlier
this year. Star News Digital Media, Inc., which owns and operates The Star, and the
publication's editor-in-chief, Michael Patrick Leahy, are currently plaintiffs in lawsuits seeking
to compel the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) and the FBI to release Hale's writings,
including those referred to as a manifesto.
of the Nashville Trans Shooter's Manifesto [was Published]. The Tennessee Star has
published 90 pages of the manifesto belonging to the "transgender" Nashville shooter who
slaughtered six victims, including three children, at a private Christian elementary school on
March 27, 2023. According to the never-before-seen excerpts legally obtained by the local
newspaper, Covenant School killer Audrey "Aiden" Hale, a 28-year-old biological woman who identified
as a "transgender man," wrote about wanting "a boy body in heaven" and craving "brown love."
The Editor says...
Why did the Nashville municipal government want to keep this manifesto hidden away forever?
The manifesto embarrasses the Left, because it suggests transvestites are insane, and it shows that
"mass shooting" suspects can be described as "far left." It also shows that gun control laws
and "gun free zones" don't prevent mass shootings, because homicidal maniacs don't care about laws.
Diary Of Nashville Elementary School Shooter [was] Released Amid Legal Battle. The
Tennessee Star released the full diary of Audrey Hale, who murdered six people in March 2023
at a Christian school in Nashville, on Tuesday. The journal is nearly 100 pages long, and its
contents reflect that Hale, who identified as transgender, had a hatred for society and was deeply
disturbed by her belief that she was born in the wrong body. The Star's decision to publish
the journal in full comes amid an ongoing legal battle between The Covenant School and families of
the victims, who did not want the journal to be released, and organizations that wanted the
documents to be in the public domain, according to CNN.
Trans Shooter's Full Manifesto Released, and It Makes the Cover-Up So Much Worse.
After over a year-and-a-half of stonewalling and legal battles, the Nashville transgender shooter's
journal has finally been released in full. In March of 2023, Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old
self-described "transgender man" (i.e. a woman) who went by the pronouns "he/him," entered a
Christian school and opened fire. She left six people dead including three children before
several heroic police officers arrived on the scene and stormed the building. Hale was
quickly dispatched, a scene later shown by harrowing body-cam footage. Early on, it was
revealed that Hale had left behind several writings that pointed to her motive. Yet, after a
brief mention of it during a news conference, all official discussion of the contents of the
"manifesto" went dark and a relentless campaign to keep it hidden ensued. More recently, a
judge went so far as to claim that Hale's writings were protected under copyright law.
Black Men Beat Up A Young White Girl Wearing A Trump Shirt After His Rally. A
disturbing video has gone viral on X showing two black men kicking a young white girl after she
left a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The girl is seen rolled up into a ball and crying as they
kick her. Her knee is bloody as they yell [at her]. [Video clip]
Violence: Whatever the motivations of the attempted assassin of Trump, still undisclosed by the FBI,
it has taken that attempt to focus greater public scrutiny on calls for violence from the Left. Let's remind
ourselves of just a few of the many examples:
• Obama declaring if they bring a knife, we bring a gun
• Madonna saying she'd thought a lot about blowing up the White House (when Trump was in it)
• Kathy Griffin infamously holding up a depiction of Trump's bloody, severed head
• Shakespeare-in-the-Park portraying Julius Caesar's assassination with a Trump look-alike
• Biden saying he'd like to take Trump behind the gym and "beat the [...] out of him"
• Schumer threatening the Supreme Court: "...you will pay the price. You will not know what hit you..."
• Kamala Harris saying of the violent 2021 riots that they were justified and that they should continue: "they're not gonna let up, and they should not."
• Rep. Maxine Waters declaring about Trump administration officials: "push back on them and tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere," that one should "absolute harass them," and that "I will go and take Trump out tonight."
• Madame Speaker Pelosi saying "I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country." [...]
• Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman saying Trump should be "eliminated."
the U.S. When they shriek, "Intifada here! Intifada now!" and "Long
live the Intifada!" these are not just slogans. They are calling for Americans to be
massacred. No, that is too bland, too sterile. What "Intifada here" means in the
real world [...] worse horrors that most Americans — thankfully — cannot
imagine. But when you pierce beyond the chanted words, that is what they are saying should
happen in the United States. That is what an intifada is. [...] And spare me the
both-sides-do-it arguments. Israel is fighting a defensive but existential war against an
enemy that has sworn to wipe of off the face of the earth and that uses women and children as human
shields. For its part, Hamas revels in the propaganda value of its October 7 barbarism
and vows to do it again and again.
Man Charged With Assault After Trying to Run Over Pro-Life Advocate With His Car. On
August 15, a man threatened Abortion Free New Mexico leader Bud Shaver as he stood outside
Whole Woman's Abortion Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Though the video below may look
somewhat tame, keep in mind that the man had just threatened Shaver's life by violently swerving
his moving vehicle straight toward him as Shaver stood on the corner between the curb and
sidewalk. [Video clip] According to the police report, the assailant claimed he
was "distracted and accidentally pulled to [sic] close to the curb, then swerved back into his lane
and continued on his way."
Democrats Truly Hate Us Normal People. My bingo card didn't have the Democrat
Governor of Kentucky going to the Democrat National Convention and suggesting that somebody rape
someone in JD Vance's family, but you know, maybe it should have. Here's an ugly reality that
we have to accept. The elite of the Democrat Party hates us. It doesn't just dislike
us. It doesn't find us merely annoying and tiresome. It certainly doesn't want to live
and let live. It wants to rule and let us die. There is not a single bad thing that
they wouldn't wish upon you. We know because they keep telling us. That sure sounds
harsh. So does suggesting that a member of your political opponent's family ought to be raped
to make some dumb point. These comments are not just mistakes or slips of the tongue.
There are too many threats, too many death wishes, and if they are mistakes, why do they always go
in the same direction? Why are they always greeted with wild applause? It's tough to
accept, but we need to listen to Democrats. We need to believe them when they tell us they
want us gone.
demonstrators burn American flag outside Chicago consulate on 2nd night of DNC.
Anti-Israel demonstrations continued through the second night of the Democratic National
Convention, with protesters burning an American flag and chanting "Free Palestine" outside a
building in Chicago that houses the Israeli consulate. Officers handcuffed at least four
people from the demonstration and led them away after protesters charged a line of police officers,
who pushed the demonstrators back.
of bricks delivered ahead of Chicago DNC; Antifa prepares for 'summer of rage'. As
the Democratic National Convention (DNC) approaches, Chicago has noticed a concerning trend that
has raised alarm among residents and law enforcement. Pallets of bricks have mysteriously
appeared on street corners, sparking speculation that the city could experience a new wave of
organized chaos similar to other violent protests of previous years. The presence of these
bricks is not an isolated incident but a strategy with a well-known history. In the summer of
2020, similar deliveries were reported in various cities across the United States, including
Minneapolis, New York, and Portland. These cities experienced protests against police
brutality that turned into riots. Authorities and citizens connected these pallets of bricks
to groups such as Antifa, alleging that the groups used them to arm protesters and stoke violence
under the guise of legitimate demonstrations.
Harris and the Civilizational Jihad of Democratic Street Thuggery. [Scroll down]
The antifa-BLM rioters, who caused up to $2 billion in property damage during that infamous Summer
of Love, constituted Democratic Street Thuggery 2.0. No politician in recent memory has parlayed
such little talent into such stratospheric success as Harris. The cackler-in-chief "failed upward"
yet again into the vice presidency — and now, following last month's bloodless coup of Biden,
into the Democratic presidential nomination itself. And this Tuesday, in announcing her running
mate, Kamala ostentatiously passed on her clearly superior option, popular Pennsylvania Gov. Josh
Shapiro, for the insipid prairie socialist Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. Walz, as the home-state
governor of St. George Floyd our Martyr, was the original arsonist of the Summer of Love nationwide
fire. There was no greater fanner of the flames of Democratic Street Thuggery 2.0 than Walz.
Radicals Vandalize AIPAC Headquarters in Washington. Pro-Palestinian activists
vandalized the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) Washington, D.C., headquarters on
Monday, [...] Footage obtained by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and reported by Jewish
Insider shows three masked individuals vandalizing the building early Monday morning. The
department has since asked "for the community's help to identify the suspects involved in a
Destruction of Property offense in Northwest." Palestine Action, a U.K.-based activist group
founded to shut down arms dealers in Britain, applauded the crime on social media, though it is
unknown if members of the group were involved.
a Long Island suburb, the 'tolerant' left goes slashing the residents' Trump banners at
4:00 a.m. My husband and I live in a Long Island suburb. As we near
Election Day, Trump 2024 flags are appearing on our block. Last week, the flag on a house
directly across the street, as well as a flag hanging on the home of a recent widow were defaced,
ripped totally in half, and pulled down. My "God Bless Trump 2024" flag remained
intact. The person doing the vandalism probably didn't see ours hanging from a pole.
That was until last night. This morning, when I opened the front door I realized that our
Trump flag was defaced, vandalized, and ripped to shreds — with an X-Acto utility knife!
Anti-Trump Head-Chopper Ruled Competent to Stand Trial. The man accused of beheading
his father in their suburban Philadelphia home early this year and posting a video of the severed
head online is competent to stand trial, a judge ruled Thursday. Judge Stephen Corr ruled
from the bench after a nearly five-hour proceeding that unfolded with Justin Mohn, wearing a yellow
jumpsuit with "inmate" printed on the back and with his hands cuffed in front of him, seated in
court and smiling, nodding or shaking his head throughout testimony. Corr also granted Mohn's
wish to dismiss his public defender and appoint a different attorney to handle the case.
Asked whether he'd be willing to work with a new attorney, Mohn responded: "Absolutely."
Agitator Attacks A Member Of The Lewis And Clark County Sheriff's Office. Given the
political left's penchant for violence and confrontation, it came as no surprise that an anti-Trump
agitator harassed members of the Lewis and Clark County Republican Central Committee this weekend
while they manned a booth at the county's Last Chance Stampede and Fair. The incident ended
with the arrest of the agitator after he struck a member of the Sheriff's Department. The
subject harassed the volunteers complaining about Trump and calling him and them names. The
complaints were absent physical threats against the volunteer team on site. They were later
aided by other citizens at the facility when it became clear the subject would not leave on his
own. The subject later lashed out at a member of the Sheriff's department, first kicking him,
and then punching him in the face.
Many Progressives Wanted Trump to Die? [Scroll down] According to the
article, Eric Kaufman, a UK-based academic who is currently a professor at the University of
Buckingham, conducted a snap poll of "a few hundred people" five days after the attempt on Donald
Trump's life. [...] Kauffman's poll said that 0% of Leftists strongly disagreed, 15% did not agree
or disagree that the shooter should not have missed. But, according to the poll, 71% of the
Progressives queried said they strongly agreed that Trump should have died from the assassin's
bullet. Kauffman commented that the results show a growing partisan asymmetry in the U.S.,
adding that "The Left is more prejudiced against the Right than vice versa." Kauffman also
noted that the survey reflects an attitude among the Left that conservatives are not just wrong but
evil. He stated that the Left uses "catastrophizing language" employing words like "white
supremacy," "fascism," and "danger." He added, "Given our new politics of identitarian
sacredness and moral absolutism, we should not be surprised to see a rise in political extremism."
accused of lighting American flag on fire that sparked a wildfire that destroyed 2,000 acres and 21
homes. A 22-year-old man has been arrested in connection with a wildfire that
destroyed thousands of acres of tribal land in Arizona earlier this month. Officials arrested
Keanu Dude on Tuesday for arson charges in connection to the Watch Fire, which scorched more than
2,000 acres of San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation land, Arizona Family reports. Dude has
been connected to a burning of an American flag just before the fire sparked, San Carlos Apache
Tribe Police Chief Elliot Sneezy told the outlet. No injuries or deaths were reported, but
the blaze destroyed 21 houses and 13 other buildings, leaving more than 70 people without
homes. Many of the homes destroyed were passed down over several generations. The
wildfire also knocked out power lines, leaving many without electricity for over a week.
rail sabotage causes chaos as Paris Olympics open. Everything was in place.
Streets in the centre of Paris have been blocked off, metro stations closed and thousands of
police, soldiers and other guards deployed to maintain security on the big showpiece day to kick
off the Olympics. But the saboteurs struck away from the capital, at five apparently
unguarded places. France's state-owned rail company SNCF says the saboteurs either vandalised
or tried to vandalise five signal boxes and electricity installations between 01:00 and 05:30 on Friday.
Police arrest 200 protesting military aid to Israel. U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday
arrested some 200 people protesting against U.S. military aid for Israel inside the
congressional Cannon House Office Building. Police said protesters violated a law against
"crowding, obstructing, or incommoding," adding that "demonstrations are not allowed inside the
Congressional Buildings." "We told the people, who legally entered, to stop or they would be
arrested. They did not stop, so we are arresting them," added police. [Tweet]
infiltrators unleashed maggots, crickets at Israeli delegation's hotel ahead of Netanyahu
speech. Thousands of anti-Israel protesters flooded Washington, DC, on Wednesday,
dying the city's fountains blood red — and even unleashing maggots and other creepy
crawlers at a hotel where some of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's delegation
stayed. A video posted to X by the Palestinian Youth Movement showed moving critters
scattered across a table flanked by Israeli and American flags. "Palestine protestors (sic)
manufactured chaos at the Watergate Hotel last night so that Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and
the Secret Service had no peace as they continue to terrorize our people," the organization posted
on X.
Secret Service Fail. A video was released by anti-Israel activists, that they
breached the security at the Watergate Hotel where Bibi Netanyahu is staying, released maggots in
the conference room used by the Prime Minister, and succeeded in setting off fire alarms
inside. Netanyahu's security is provided by the Secret Service. [Tweet] This is yet
another astonishing failure by the Secret Service, and although it pales in comparison with the
assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it is bad enough. Prime Minister Netanyahu is a prime
target for terrorists and deranged Israel-haters. This is bizarre, to say the least.
The Secret Service is in the midst of perhaps the worst scandal it has faced, certainly up there
with the assassination of Kennedy because the cascade of failures was more shocking than a lone
gunman hiding along the route.
Donald Trump safe? Trump supporters cheered when we saw that the former president had
survived the assassination attempt and pumped his fist in defiance and heroic resolve. We
mourned the death of Corey Comperatore who died heroically protecting his family from harm, and we
prayed for David Dutch and James Copenhaver who were seriously wounded by the assassin's bullets.
[...] At the risk of throwing cold water on our collective sense of relief, I must ask the obvious
question: what are the chances there will be another attempt on President Trump's life in the
remaining months before the election? At this point, I must think it's possible and even
likely. With the depth and vitriol of Trump Derangement Syndrome, there are many out there
who ardently believe the Democrats' repeated declarations that Donald Trump is an 'existential
threat to Democracy,' as well as the 'second coming of Adolf Hitler.' You don't have to look any
farther than ABC's 'The View' to find them.
Man Killed For Putting Up Trump Signs. After the attempted Trump assassination, the
media quickly tried to pivot back to its usual "the other side is a threat to democracy" rhetoric,
but even while the media floods the zone with Kamala gushing and Trump gnashing, the ugly reality
is that it has unleashed violence that it cannot and does not intend to control.
As The Pro-Hamas Mob Takes Down The American Flag In DC And Set It On Fire. Anti-Israel
rioters burned the US flag, flaunted blood-red paint-soaked effigies, and even attempted to breach
the US Capitol Police line in Washington, DC, Wednesday — as Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress. The hateful demonstration got so out of control that
Capitol Police were forced to deploy pepper spray and other defensive measures to beat back the
aggressive mob. [Video clip]
Thugs Assault A Cop In DC As The Mob Storms The Capitol. Pro-Hamas protesters were
filmed dragging and assaulting a police officer on the bricks outside of Union Station. The
protesters were also filmed replacing the U.S. flag with the Palestinian flag before setting fire
to the U.S. flag. [Video clip]
Thug Deliberately Runs Over Elderly Trump Supporter in ATV Over a Yard Sign. A
left-wing thug this week committed three different crimes in Michigan targeting Donald Trump
supporters, including running over a helpless elderly supporter of President Trump in an
all-terrain vehicle (ATV) before reportedly killing himself. The Hancock City Police
Department (HCPD) released a statement revealing that around 5:45 P.M.
Sunday, the suspect drove an ATV onto the yard of an 80-year-old man who was posting a Trump sign
in his yard. The old man was subsequently struck in a deliberate act. The (HCPD)
also noted the thug also vandalized two vehicles for displaying pro-police stickers and flags. The
injured Trump supporter was transported to the hospital for severe injuries following the violent attack.
shots to Hell. I am curious whether this turns out to be a leftist stirred up to
hatred by the culpable leftist media, or if it is an official assassination attempt approved by Joe
Biden or others on his team. Or a hybrid of the two, a leftist loony recruited by Biden's
increasingly lawless administration to give them some amount of deniability. "It wasn't us, it
was that crazy guy. We're not all like that." Baloney. They are all like that.
Every leftist in the country, even my liberal friend Mark, all of them either encouraged this overtly
or implicitly in the way they talk about Trump. I am sickened by the putrid moral rot that has
collectively inhabited and desecrated their souls. "By any means necessary" they say. [...]
Today's assassination attempt was the ineluctable result of that encouragement.
Democrats Incite an Assassination. Democrats and their Antifa shock troops have been
calling Donald Trump "Hitler" and demanding that he be "eliminated" for eight long years, and the
moment someone listens to them, those verbal hitmen are downright offended that anyone might hold
them personally responsible. Sure, they'd gladly imprison anybody who dared to "mis-gender" a
fifty-year-old creeper hanging around little girls, but to point an accusatory finger toward the
leftist fifth column encouraging violence against conservatives is beyond the pale. As I
said, cuckoo commies abandoned reason long ago. [...] Biden has been painting Trump as a deadly
threat to American citizens for years. Inevitably, someone was going to interpret his words
(and those of so many other Democrats employing similarly incendiary language) as a demand for
violent action. PINO Joe and his commie coalition have made political assassination look like
some twisted form of civil "justice."
Talk About Political Violence. Biden's insistence that his administration will
tolerate no political violence deserves further exploration in a different context, given a
statement released last week by his Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines. "In recent
weeks," it read, "Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of
ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we've seen other actors use over the
years. We have observed actors tied to Iran's government posing as activists online, seeking
to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters." A lone,
disgruntled shooter is one thing; an orchestrated, nationwide campaign of unrest, which was partly
paid for and organized by another nation and which has sometimes devolved to violence, is another.
[...] How many of the masked mobs, though, are paid agents provocateurs, and how many are
ordinary Americans with passionate political views? Are the former manipulating the latter?
will Democrats be held responsible for their Trump-hating rhetoric? The unhinged
young man who tried to take Donald Trump's life at a recent campaign rally may well have been
acting on his own. But, even if that proves to be the case, he likely thought his actions
were an effort to "save our democracy." How could he not, after the Democrat-Media Complex has,
for the past several years, incessantly stated that Trump must be stopped — by any means
necessary — to "save our democracy"? Trump has countless times been referred to as
"Hitler," a villain, an extremist, and, of course, "a threat to democracy. Our
democracy. Meaning, the Democrats' democracy, as they believe is rightfully theirs. But
neither Democrats nor the media will be held accountable for their words and actions,
because, well, they never are. There exists not only a two-tiered justice system in this
country, but a two-tiered system of blame, accountability and condemnation.
Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump and JD Vance. Less than a week after his
attempted assassination in Butler, Pennsylvania, a Florida man has been arrested for making threats
to kill former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), on social
media. Details are scarce, but it is confirmed that authorities weren't taking any chances
after the mayhem and chaos of last weekend.
Streisand Is Predictably Hateful on Trump Assassination Attempt. Leave it to Barbara
Streisand to predictably have the wrong take on any given topic. In an X post on Wednesday,
she weighed in on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, and it was indeed
the wrongest take that was ever wrongly taken. [Tweet] Barbara isn't known for her vast
intellect or her unerring grasp of logic, but this is a new low even for her.
Soros made what appeared to be threat to Trump on X; and USA Today 'fact checkers' dismissed
it. Days after an assassin's bullet came within an estimated centimeter from killing
former (and future) President Donald Trump, let's revisit a "fact check" from USA Today from
earlier this year. Alex Soros, son of billionaire Marxist Trump hater George Soros tweeted
out a picture of a bullet hole and a hand holding $47 in cash, a not so subtle intimation that
Trump, the 45th and would be 47th president, should be shot, a post that given this past weekend's
event should give pause. [Tweet]
Resilience And The Inevitable Endpoint of Democrat Politics. Forty years ago, after
the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, I remember watching ABC anchor Frank Reynolds violently
slam his fist on the desk when he was given some conflicting information about the president's
fate. The ABC brass quickly marched Sam Donaldson out to co-host, hoping to keep Reynolds
calm. The country was shocked and somber. While the left disliked Reagan, no one that I
remember expressed a hint of joy that he had been shot or sadness that he'd survived. Fast
forward 43 years, and we have another maverick Republican president (albeit not in office at
the time) who was wounded by a would-be assassin's bullet. This time, while most of the
country was shocked and appalled, there was a significant element of the press and the left who
argued that the president was responsible for the shooting, as others openly wished the shooter
hadn't missed.
State Education Official To Revoke License For Teacher Who Wished Trump Shooter 'Had Better
Scope'. Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters stated on Tuesday that he plans to
revoke an Ardmore City School instructor's teaching certificate over her comments praising the
individual who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump. Walters made the
announcement that he plans to remove Alison Scott's teaching certificate in response to a Facebook
comment made by the teacher agreeing with another user who also praised the shooter. After
seeing the comment, Walters announced on X that the state was performing an investigation on Scott,
calling it "unacceptable." "I'm not going to tolerate teachers cheerleading an assassination
attempt from President Trump," Walters told the Daily Caller News Foundation. "Radical teachers
unions have shown how much they hate President Trump... People on the radical left are responding
to it. We will not tolerate this in Oklahoma classrooms, so if we see any of this from any
teachers, their certificates will be pulled, and they will not be in the classroom any longer."
Democrats' Jihad against Donald Trump. Decades ago, leftists moved beyond civilized
debate and the exchange of respectable ideas. Even intraspecific discussions of the left
quickly slide into mundane abuse, bizarre insults, and accusations of ignoring (or ignorance of)
the latest DNC guidelines. For decades, the left has attempted to normalize what has always
been considered abnormal in developed countries: violence against political opponents.
Therefore, it is pretty natural that leftist airwaves were overwhelmed by a wave of regrets and
lamentations, sorrows that the sniper missed, and complaining that the front sight was knocked off
and, therefore, the assassin could not aim correctly. There is a fervent craving for the next
political targeted attack to achieve its desired outcome. This chorus includes university
professors, journalists, politicians, and Hollywood stars. Many people honestly admit that it
was the worst day of their lives because they did not witness Trump being assassinated.
left's lies are now exposed to the non-political general public. Numerous readers
commenting on yesterday's column noted quite rightly that many Democrats (both in and out of the
party) are not going to change, that their hate of Republicans and Trump is too ingrained, that
they will simply pause expressing that hate for a few weeks and then begin anew. Some
leftists have not even waited that long, as was seen during a Jack Black concert in Australia one
day after the assassination attack, when one member of the band, Kyle Gass, publicly expressed
disappointment that Trump was not murdered. As I predicted yesterday, however, there are now
immediate consequences for such ugly comments. Gass's agent immediately dumped him, and Black
was forced to cancel the rest of the band's tour. Among the political class, however, the
consequences of having such ugly opinions will not be felt as badly. It is true that among
partisan Democrats the desire to see Trump die will still be whispered. It is true that
Democrats will still likely demonize him in public, though initially more gently and later with
more nuance.
'Through Line' from Ashli Babbitt to Donald Trump. If Joe Biden merely padded his
stats the way Donald Trump routinely does, he could be forgiven, but Biden's lies cut deep and
leave scars. It is too early to tell how much stock shooter Thomas Crooks put in those lies,
but it would be naive to think that the anti-Trump mania that Biden helped foster did not influence
this would-be assassin. If so, Trump would not be the first victim of this mass
psychosis. That tragic place in history belongs to January 6 protestor, Ashli
Babbitt. Indeed, no major candidate has ever begun a presidential campaign with a more
divisive and slanderous opening gambit than did Biden.
Three "Other" Reasons They Want to Stop Trump at All Costs. In my lifetime I've seen
hatred towards presidents and presidential candidates. Many Democrats hated Ronald Reagan
because other Democrats liked Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush was particularly hated because
Democrats believed he'd stolen the 2020 election. Barack Obama was hated by Republicans
because he introduced Cultural Marxism and full-blown anti-Americanism into the Oval Office.
Even Bill Clinton loved America in his own way. But no president in my lifetime has ever been
hated as much as Donald Trump. The sad part is that his first term was very successful, yet
the hatred toward him by leftists evaporates all memories of the prosperity and peace they enjoyed.
[...] But that only accounts for the pawns. The useful idiots around us think they know why
they're supposed to hate Donald Trump but they have no idea.
guest calls for donor class to "put a bullet in Donald Trump". A lot of people missed
it since nobody watches MSNBC, but last fall the left-wing cable news outlet gave a platform to
anti-Trump strategist Rick Wilson who called for a "bullet" to be sent into the body of Donald
Trump. "The donor class can't just sit back on the sidelines and say 'oh well, don't worry,
this will all work itself out,'" Wilson, founder of the Lincoln Project, said in the interview.
"They're still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. That's a fact." [...] A
seasoned political strategist, advertising guru and media commentator, Wilson is no schlock, at
least officially. He claims to support holding elected officials accountable whenever they
violate their oaths to the Constitution. And yet when he feels threatened, Wilson apparently
lashes out with calls for violence.
Employee Posted Meme Regretting That Trump Assassination Attempt Failed. An FBI
employee posted her disappointment on Facebook that former President Donald Trump was not
assassinated on Saturday. "The memes are gold," wrote Jenna Howell, an employee in the
bureau's Identity Research Department. The bureau apparently hasn't fired her.
[Advertisement] [Tweet] [...] Former agent Kyle Seraphin exposed Howell on X on Sunday.
"Jenna Howell, an @FBI employee ... posted her disappointment @realDonaldTrump survived an
assassination attempt," Seraphin wrote. "Jenna has a Top Secret clearance." "This is a
typical #FBI support employee," he continued. "And she hates gun owners." In a long
thread about the tattooed Howell, Seraphin explained that she's an extreme leftist and "rabid
'LGBTQIA+ ally'" who hates conservatives.
Derangement Syndrome Draws Blood. America is polarized, toxic, and politically close
to a breaking point in part because the country's liberal political, cultural, and media elite
never accepted Trump's legitimacy as the country's president. The Biden administration and
other political leaders have conveyed their condemnation of the shooting and issued statements of
well wishes to Trump and his family. That may be a first sign of self-awareness and a step in
the right direction, but it sounds hollow and disingenuous. The very same leaders of the
Democratic Party, along with a cohort of the Republican Party who labeled themselves Never
Trumpers, and a swathe of what was once the mainstream media, crossed the line of political and
public decency by framing Donald Trump as a monster and his supporters (roughly half the nation) as
monster-worshipping deplorables ready to hand our democratic republic to a dictator. For
years they have proclaimed Trump to be a danger to democracy and demonized his voters as witting or
unwitting fascists.
Left Has Sold Out to Evil. Left-wingers killed Presidents McKinley and Lincoln.
JFK was likely a victim of the Left-wing Deep State. The assailants of Garfield, Jackson,
Ford, and Reagan were mentally disturbed. At present, we don't know much about this
shooter. But one thing is clear. The Secret Service has been infected with the Leftist
woke virus, where identity is more important than competence. That's almost certainly how
that rooftop and ladder were available to the shooter. The Left's response is at most pro
forma and will shortly be followed with a resumption of violent rhetoric and actions to encourage
its physical manifestations. The real regret of the Left is that the shooter missed and that
his misses only killed one and critically wounded two other Trump supporters. The only
question is whether enough of us are willing to see clearly and act to restore freedom to America.
This What The Left Wanted? At the institutional level, the Democrats and their
political machine have to now rethink how they will campaign for the next 16 weeks. Will
they eventually ratchet up their rhetoric to the frenzied level they had reached just last
week? How about the constant claims from the party and the media that Trump is "literally"
Hitler, an authentic fascist, a dictator in waiting, a grave threat to the United
States — will we see and hear those again? This is particularly interesting,
because, as others have said before us, if Trump is truly the monster he's been portrayed to be,
then cutting down the American fuhrer is the only proper response. Yet many who have been
making those wild and perpetually toxic remonstrations are now praying for Trump, wishing him well,
and calling for civility and brotherhood. This means everything they said before was all part
of the big lie — and they knew it.
Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt. Just days before the assassination
attempt, Joe Biden himself told donors, "we're done talking about the debate. It's time to
put Trump in a bullseye." Just a figure of speech? Sure. But far more explicit than
Trump's comments to supporters on January 6, 2021, that they should "fight" to see justice
done. I won't remind you of the so-called comedienne who held out a mock-up of Donald Trump's
severed head, or the pop star who said on the day of his inauguration that seeing Trump as
president made her want to blow up the White House. Those comments were just fine, as far as
Democrats were concerned. How about the June 2024 cover of The New Republic, that
bastion of liberal Democrats? The shocker headline, "What American Fascism Would Look Like,"
accompanied an image of Adolf Hitler morphed into Donald Trump.
the media coordinated the failed assassination of Donald Trump. Progressives have
quickly realized that a nearly martyred Trump is an optical disaster for them, but instead of
backing away from their rhetoric, the media have escalated it. In saner times, a former
president and leading candidate narrowly avoiding death with steely courage would be celebrated by
a reunified country, but we do not live in those times. It takes a particular kind of
soulless degenerate to get on cable news the day after Trump is shot and treat the billionaire and
his supporters as the real threat, but apparently MSNBC and CNN are well stocked with such
people. Celebrities like George Takei have immediately returned to using violence-inspiring
rhetoric like "existential threat to democracy" without missing a beat. David Frum responded
to the assassination attempt by writing a piece in the Atlantic calling Trump a dictator.
The left managed to groom one shooter, and they will not stop until they groom another.
Democrats, Corporate Media Have Blood On Their Hands In Trump Attack? The Democrat
Party and its allies in corporate media didn't pull the trigger in Saturday's suspected attempt on
former President Donald Trump's life, but their vitriolic rhetoric has certainly set the tone for
such political violence, members of Wisconsin's Republican congressional delegation tell The
Federalist. [...] "I repeatedly hear Democrats in Washington, D.C, talking about Donald Trump being
a threat to our democracy," said Rep. Tom Tiffany, who represents Wisconsin's 7th
Congressional District. "It is repeated all the time time. I hear every day that Donald
Trump is a threat. It's amped up at such a level that some people are going to take it
seriously." That's exactly what a leftist Bernie Sanders-backing gunman did in 2017, when he
shot up a congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Va., seriously wounding House GOP Whip Steve
Scalise, R-La., and four others. The left's hatred for Trump, amplified by the accomplice
media, has grown exponentially worse as their biggest enemy prepares to officially be nominated as
the GOP presidential candidate a third straight time, this time in Milwaukee, swing state
Wisconsin's biggest city.
Days Before Rally Shooting: Trump 'Must Be Stopped, He Cannot Be President!'
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) warned that a Donald Trump victory in November could spell doom
for the nation, insisting "he must be stopped" just days before a shooting at a campaign rally in
Pennsylvania where Trump was injured. In calling to stop the former president, Pelosi claimed
a victory for Trump, who is leading in most polls, would somehow undermine democracy. "This
is not a normal election where you want to win and if you don't, you cooperate and do the best you
can for the country and hope to win the next time," Pelosi told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. "This is
something that is undermining our democracy. He must be stopped. He cannot be president!"
assassination attempt on Trump's life has made the American divide clearer than ever.
The rhetoric of the left since 2015 has been murderous and vile for seven years. They have
tried with every fiber of their being to destroy the man. [...] But the response to the
assassination attempt by so many on the left has been truly despicable. They say, write, and
tweet such terrible things. Pundits on CNN and MSNBC, celebrities on X and all the other
social media sites, are not shy with their glee that Trump was shot and that they are disappointed
that he was not killed. Consider Benny Thompson's staffer's tweet: "I don't condone
violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time oops that wasn't me
talking." They say these things out loud, to their friends, on TV, and online. Who are these
people? They are so comfortable with their hatred of all things conservative, it does not
cross their minds that what they are thinking, saying out loud, and writing, reveals their shocking
lack of character, their total lack of a moral core.
Shooting Clarifies the America We Have Now. We all knew this was coming.
Saturday's assassination attempt on the once and future president Donald Trump, while shocking,
came as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to politics over the last eight
years. For all that time, the Left has been indefatigable in the demonization of their hated
opponent as A Threat to Democracy of Hitlerian proportions. The hysterical fear-mongering
about the "fascist" Trump from mainstream media talking heads like John McWhorter (who recently
suggested it would be a good thing if someone were to assassinate the former President), from race
hustlers like Al Sharpton, and from Trump-deranged Democrat leaders like Maxine Waters has been
relentless. Just last month, the left-wing New Republic depicted Trump on its cover
with a Hitler mustache and hairstyle. The article's tag line — "Why waste time
debating the extent of Trump's fascism when we ought to be fighting it instead?" —
reflects that the Left has abandoned debate and dialogue, and is urging a sort of "by any means
necessary" direct action to stop the Trump juggernaut. Well, last Saturday all the inciting
rhetoric nearly paid off for the Left, as an assassin's bullet came within millimeters of killing
Trump on live television at a Pennsylvania rally.
Wake Up and Hear the Gunshots. After an apparent assassination attempt on Donald
Trump, leaving the former president bloody but defiant, it's time for Americans to wake up and hear
the gunshots. Democrats have been claiming Trump and his supporters are worse than Nazis and
equivalent to terrorists. This election is about the survival not only of Donald Trump, but
of the American Republic. Whether the online rumors about the attempted shooter being an
Antifa member are true or false, the fact remains that Joe Biden, his handlers, and his media
lackeys have been using the most aggressive and slanderous language against Trump and MAGA for
years. Some prominent Democrats have even fantasized about Trump's death. Over a
thousand Trump supporters are in jail over Jan. 6 charges, many abused and their rights
violated, and now someone apparently tried to shoot Trump in the head. Trump survived the
shooting today, but one of his rally attendees did not.
congressman's staffer says 'don't miss next time' after Trump assassination attempt.
A now-deleted Facebook post by a staffer of Mississippi's lone Democrat congressman appeared to
support the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. The deleted
post by Jacqueline Marsaw, a field director for U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Mississippi, said
"I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time
ooops [sic] that wasn't me talking." The Mississippi Republican Party's X account said
Thompson should "FIRE his field director for condoning the attempted assassination of President
@realDonaldTrump !!!" The post also said state Democrats "must repudiate these despicable statements."
Dem Staffer Fired After Posting 'Don't Miss Next Time' Following Trump Assassination
Attempt. A staffer for Democratic Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson has been
fired after suggesting "shooting lessons" following the assassination attempt on former President
Donald Trump Saturday. Jacqueline Marshaw, a field director for Thompson, reportedly made the
post soon after the attack on Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. "I don't condone
violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time oops that wasn't me
saying that," Marshaw's now-deleted post said, the Clarion Ledger reported. Marshaw is no
longer on the congressman's staff, Thompson said in a statement Sunday.
Is What They Wanted. Yes, this was bad, but it could have been so, so much
worse. How did we get here? You could argue that it's just a toxic political
environment and that both sides are at fault for the ratcheting up of tensions in our nation.
But it wouldn't be true. In fact, one side has been using far more incendiary rhetoric than
the other and overtly calling for violence, and it's the left. [...] This is an administration that
has looked the other way as rabid antisemitic protests rocked campuses across the nation.
They didn't lift a finger. An administration that applauded the George Floyd-BLM protests
that caused billions upon billions in damage to our cities. Instead of making any attempts to
hold those who caused that deadly mayhem accountable, the Biden Department of Justice has gone
after pro-life advocates, parents who want a say in what their kids are being taught, and anyone
who was within a mile of the Capitol on January 6.
Biden Accept Blame For The Assassination Attempt Against Trump? On July 8, CNN
reported that while defending his campaign in a video call with top donors, President Joe Biden
said: "We're done talking about the debate. It's time to put Trump in the
bull's-eye. We can't go another day, another day, without explaining what he's doing, and we
have to go after him." Five days later, someone apparently took Biden up on his word and tried
to assassinate Donald Trump at a campaign rally north of Pittsburgh.
Said Days Ago, 'It's Time to Put Trump in the Bullseye'. On Monday, during an
appearance on "Morning Joe," President Biden used violent rhetoric about Donald Trump. "It's
time to put Trump in the bullseye," Biden said. Earlier this evening, Trump was shot at
during a rally in Pennsylvania. [...] The fact is, the radical left has used such poisonous
rhetoric against Trump; it was only a matter of time before some crazy person felt they had to do
something about it. "Today is not just some isolated incident," Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio)
said on X/Twitter. "The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an
authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to
President Trump's attempted assassination."
Halts Trump Is 'Hitler' Ads after Assassination Attempt. The scandal-plagued Biden
campaign has pulled all its ads against former President Donald Trump after he was nearly killed by
a shooter on Saturday. Joe Biden is "pausing all outbound communications and working to pull
down our television ads as quickly as possible," a campaign official told The Wall Street
Journal on Sunday morning [7/14/2014]. The ads would have likely labeled Trump as an
existential threat ahead of the 2024 election. Biden's anti-Trump claims have rightfully led
critics to question whether this heavily partisan rhetoric has incited violence against Trump.
Biden Donor Reid Hoffman Day Before Trump Rally Shooting: 'I Wish I Had Made' Trump 'An Actual
Martyr'. Reid Hoffman,venture capitalist and co-founder of LinkedIn, made a
despicable joke Friday about Donald Trump that history will judge harshly. In Sun Valley,
Idaho, at the Allen & Co. conference — an invitation-only gathering called the "summer
camp for billionaires" — Hoffman and estranged friend and Trump supporter Peter Thiel
got into a disagreement about Trump that spurred Hoffman to make a dark comment. Hoffman made
his comment barely 24 hours before a Trump rally in Pennsylvania ended abruptly after what
appeared to be a hail of gunshots and Trump being removed by Secret Service agents with what
appeared to be blood on his face.
Is What Happens When Media Pretends Everyone They Don't Like Is Hitler. To those who
have been following American politics closely over the past decade, the attempted assassination of
former President Donald Trump is not a shock. Even the most cursory of glances at the
political division in this country could tell you that this was a matter of when, not if.
When Trump first came on the scene announcing his intention to run for president, Democratic
politicians and members of the activist media did their level best to portray him as the second
coming of Adolf Hitler and his supporters as modern-day Nazis. The effort to paint the right
as a pernicious threat to "democracy" has not abated since 2016. Indeed, it has intensified.
PA, an assassination attempt against President Trump. Beginning in 2016, the
Democrats attacked Donald Trump's character and actions with a fury unlike anything seen since the
Civil War. [...] Even after Trump left office, the Democrats never let up. They've tried to
sue him into penury and imprison him for life. And then there's the rhetoric. Just last
week, the once reputable New Republic explicitly promised that Trump's next administration would be
the second coming of Hitler, a claim they've been making with increased volume and frequency since
2016 (again, without regard for his completely normal presidential policies and actions): [Tweet]
The assassination fantasies also go back to 2016. Remember the untalented Kathy Griffith
holding up a model of Trump's bloody head? Or the production of Julius Caesar with Trump in
Caesar's role? Just a couple of weeks ago, tech billionaire Reid Hoffman announced that he
hoped to make Trump a "real" martyr. In other words, the Democrat high command has, for years
now, been telling its foot soldiers that Trump is a man who is a combination of Hitler and Satan
and that he should be wiped off the earth.
demons speak out. Appalling but expected: that's all that needs to be said about
the Left's response to the attempted assassination of President Trump. It's no longer a
process of conscious thought, or consideration, or reflection. It's degenerated to the level
of a tropism, a reaction you'd see in an insect or a nematode. A few tweets from X are all
that are required here: [Tweets] [...] These people can no longer be considered in terms of
politics or ideology, but in terms of psychological pathology. They are out of control, and
out of control on the deepest, most basic level. They can no longer be debated, or engaged
with, or reached out to, or subject to any other customary human politesse. They will need to
be dealt with. Dealt with humanely, decently, and with due care for their legal rights.
But dealt with. We need to begin thinking about how.
State Capitol Evacuated after Bomb Threat 'In the Name of Palestine'. The
Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg was evacuated Saturday after every member of the state's
legislature received an email threatening anti-Israel bombings in the complex. "In the name of
Palestine, I have hidden highly lethal lead azide devices in and around Pennsylvania State Capitol
as well as the Pennsylvania Judicial Center," the suspect, going by the alias of
"glorytoourmartyrs," wrote. "I plan on triggering one device every few hours until Joe Biden goes
on national television and publicly denounces the illegitimate state of Israel. Keep in mind
I am inside one of the 2 buildings armed w/ a knife, and plan on remaining here to my dying
breath!" According to a statement from the Pennsylvania Department of General Services, law
enforcement immediately evacuated the state capitol and conducted a sweep of the complex.
They did not detect any explosives or the presence of the individual who sent the email, which had
as its subject line "My manifesto."
York Times Columnist Says What Other Leftists Are Thinking but Don't Dare Say. Let me
tell you about far leftists. They are different from you and me. If ordinary people
publicly threatened to assassinate the president or a presidential candidate or wished that someone
else would do so, those people would have to answer to the law. But leftists? Even when
they show the world how low they really are, they still think that they are better than we are, and
with good reason: no matter how criminal their deeds or words are, they suffer no
consequences. They are different. New York Times columnist John McWhorter has shown us
this again recently by wishing someone would assassinate Donald Trump. Has he been arrested?
Lost his job? Been publicly repudiated by his friends? Come on, man!
Coming Coup. The first question to ask if speculating on an hypothetical leftist coup
is this: Are there a substantial number of people in the United States who would like to see
an anti-American revolution? It's hard to quantify, but there's certainly a sizable
population, made evident by the noise they make. During the Antifa riots, apart from the
violence, there were chants: "No border, no wall, no USA at all." During the recent pro-Hamas
demonstrations on campuses and elsewhere, anti-American views were overt: For instance,
students at the University of Michigan participating in the protests were given pamphlets titled
"10 anarchist theses on Palestine solidarity in the United States," which included a page that
stated, "Freedom for Palestine means Death to America." The slogan "Death to America" was
chanted in nearby Dearborn, Michigan, during a rally on the last Friday of Ramadan.
Times Columnist Wants Trump Dead — Seriously. John McWhorter, the
prominent academic, author and New York Times columnist, wants everyone to know that he's sorry
that he recently suggested it would be a good thing if someone were to assassinate former President
Donald Trump. Except he's not, really. But at least he owns it. "I have taken a great
deal of heat for saying, for implying, that I wish somebody would kill Donald Trump," McWhorter
said on the new episode of "The Glenn Show" with Brown University economics professor Glenn Loury.
"That is exactly what I was implying. It was irresponsible of me to say that in a public
space. I really shouldn't have said it here."
Star Lea DeLaria Calls For The Assassination Of Trump. Orange Is the New Black
actress Lea DeLaria uploaded an intense Instagram speech calling on President Joe Biden to take
advantage of the Supreme Court's newly defined executive immunity rules and assassinate Donald
Trump. DeLaria posted the video Monday in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling the former
president is immune from prosecution for any "official acts" while in office. The ruling has
led to speculation that a president could, in theory, assassinate a political rival and then call
it an "official" act. Well, that's what DeLaria rather provocatively called on Biden to do
and likened the assassination to preemptively killing Adolf Hitler before World War II. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Spend the next ten seconds imagining what would happen to you, if you made such a statement.
Or just imagine how quickly the feds would be at your door if you made a public call for Barack H.
Obama's assassination. I doubt if this DeLaria person (of whom I had never heard until two minutes
ago) will ever spend a moment in jail or pay any fine for this rant, but I hope I'm wrong.
Attacked Following Chicago Pride Parade. Chicago's annual Pride parade took place on
Sunday and the event appeared to go smoothly enough. Authorities had been wary of potentially
violent disruptions, so the parade route was shorter than in previous years with fewer floats and a
large police presence. The peaceful portion of the proceedings was not destined to last,
however. Once the parade was over, hundreds of participants and observers stuck around well
into the night, drinking, singing, and dancing. Then fights began to break out. When
the police attempted to break up the altercations, the revelers attacked the CPD cops. In the
end, more than fifty people were arrested and multiple police officers were injured. I'm
almost positive that someone once told us that these gay pride events are all about love and light
equality. When did that philosophy begin including attacking the police?
Protesters Descend on Chicago Suburban Home of Democrat Rep. Brad Schneider at
3am. A group of around 40 pro-Palestinian protesters descended upon Democrat
Rep. Brad Schneider's (D-IL) north suburban Chicago area home in the early morning hours on
Saturday, worrying neighbors and causing the police department to step up patrols in the
neighborhood. Neighbors reported being shocked when the protesters began making noise and
shouting slogans at around 3 a.m. on Saturday morning. Schneider, who is Jewish and
openly supports Israel, was not home at the time, but other members of his family were in the residence.
brawls break out in chaotic scene inside Washington Square Park Pride celebration:
video. Multiple brawls and wild chaos engulfed Washington Square Park in the
aftermath of New York City's Pride Parade Sunday as police battled to control the unruly mob of
revelers, shocking footage shows. Video from the jaw-dropping scene showed fistfights and
hair-pulling as several troublemakers turned the crowded park into their own personal boxing ring
while herds of onlookers watched with glee and even whipped out their phones to record the
showdowns in Lower Manhattan. At one point, two young men threw haymakers at each other
before one took a tumble to the ground. Seconds later, two women briefly took swings at each
other while a couple bystanders attempted to break up that kerfuffle, a clip shows.
careful, Donald. I am worried about President Trump. Now that he has demolished
Joe Biden in this week's presidential debate, many on the Left would like to see him vanish.
Democrats are desperate, and likely to try to stop him by fair means or foul. [...] There is no
shortage of evil people who would 'Epstein' someone if the incentive were big enough. Already
many people have mysteriously died if they crossed some former presidents, so it is no secret that
assassins are out there (look up "arkancide" and then when you're done with that, ask why security
cameras were "malfunctioning" when Epstein "hung himself" in his jail cell.) Trump cannot
afford to be put in a jail cell with iffy equipment. Donald Trump is deeply hated by the Deep
State, by many Democrats in politics, and by those with contacts in what passes in some pathetic
circles for the media. The communist, globalist, and Islamist agendas, foreign and domestic,
are in grave danger from Trump and his voters.
Activist Threatens to Carpet Bomb Texas and Florida, Kill Transphobes. Body
dysmorphia is a real thing, and it is a mental disorder, but very few are afflicted. Many of
the people now claiming to be transgender are also mentally ill or opportunists. Some are
just transvestites, but the LGBTs won't distinguish. We are seeing a rash of people who are
mentally ill but who decided they were trans. It gives them power, thanks to Democrats.
Many haven't gotten the proper mental health treatment, and that is tragic. The person in the
clip below is an activist who is threatening to bomb Texas and Florida and "kill transphobes." The
activist's Reddit account has since been closed to the public, but hopefully, the police are on top
of this. There are no transgender women or men. There are women and men. This is
not normal; none of this is normal: [Tweet with video clip]
FBI Needs to Investigate This Liberal Lunatic Promising Death If Trump Wins. This
liberal lunatic makes a video about killing people if Trump wins: "If Donald Trump wins...
you're not going to want to be around for that fight I can [...] promise you that. You're not
going to want your family to be around for that fight. Because people will die." [Video clip]
The Editor says...
That sounds like a man making a terroristic threat.
remember: These obnoxious disturbers of the peace are all Democrats. They're
coming for you next: In what is actually a relatively mild example of the obnoxious and
almost always illegal protests by pro-Hamas supporters — such as taking over and
trashing buildings, attacking Jews and blind children, and blocking traffic — for the
past six months protesters have been disturbing the peace at late evening and early morning hours
in the residential neighborhood where senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) lives with his family in Houston.
["]For the past 6 months, anti-Israel protestors have come to my home just about
every Sat morning at 7 am and most Fri nights until 10 or 11 pm. They scream, disturb the
peace & wake the neighbors.["]
Rep. Maxine Waters Gets You Prison, Threatening a GOP Congressman is Fine. About
a decade and a half ago, death threats aimed at members of Congress went into overdrive.
There had always been the occasional threatening phone call, but goosed by Facebook and an
aggressive media, the number and scale of the threats exploded and even escalated into real-world
violence. Threatening a member of Congress is a federal offense. But much of the
federal justice system now seems to operate on double standards. The Biden Justice Department
just issued a press release congratulating themselves for locking up a guy who sent violent threats
to Rep. Maxine Waters (who has her own history of threatening rhetoric). Meanwhile,
Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana claims that the DOJ and the FBI refused to go after a man who made
even more explicit threats to him and his family.
Psychopathy of the Left: Know thy Enemy. [Scroll down] From
man-on-the-street interviews of Hamas sympathizers, two of these groupings are on full display:
the agitators deny the barbarity of the Hamas atrocities on October 7th, dismissing it as
"Zionist" propaganda; the cannon fodder is exposed as a legion of brainless twits — many
did not know what river or what sea they were demanding for their Palestinian brethren. "Queers
for Palestine" activists do not know of the warm welcome they would receive from Hamas if they
visited the Gaza Strip. Hint: it involves stones and rooftops. But what motivates
people to deny the truth — or ignorance altogether — in order to spread
mayhem and destruction?
Prepared for Chaos. I suggest you start preparing for a great deal of left-wing civic
violence, supply disruptions (including food shortages) and widespread urban chaos. I say
this because it is my sense that the Democrats, deep state, and their media enablers are all in
rough shape and have no other way out but to fall back on their usual criminal methods of retaining
power. [...] I think I'm not far off the mark when I suggest that the Democrat-run institutions
and cities, which regularly are tolerating, if not encouraging, violent demonstrations by
demonstrably linked green, pro-Palestine, Antifa gangs, are setting the stage for November's
elections, with the federal government's apparent connivance. There's no indication that the
FBI is seriously investigating these groups for criminal behavior or even foreign influence.
No one seems to be stopping the road and highway blockages and as the left's election prospects
grow dimmer, I see them upping their game.
the Monster You Created. [Scroll down] Well, my friends. You
miscalculated. [...] Let us also not forget that you supported the Occupy takeovers of
yester-decade. You supported the state rotunda takeovers by unionized thugs. You
supported the BLM riots. You supported the CHAZ in Seattle and similar secessionist movements
in other cities. You supported the attacks on churches and pregnancy centers after the
Dobbs ruling. You supported the Stalinist show trial against Brett Kavanaugh, as well
as the mob that tried to storm the Supreme Court to prevent his swearing-in. You supported
the attack by James Hodgkinson against Republican congressmen playing baseball. You supported
the attack on Rand Paul by his neighbor. You supported the campus attacks against
conservative speakers and activists. You supported every random street attack against anyone
wearing a MAGA hat. You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion,
government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing
your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally.
Contrast and compare to January 6, 2021: Pro-Palestinian
Protesters Vandalize Statues Outside White House During Massive Protest. Pro-Palestinian
protesters vandalized statues and threw items at a National Park Service ranger near the White House
during a Saturday protest calling for a cease-fire in the war between Israel and Hamas, according to
multiple videos. "Surround the White House for Gaza" was held Saturday afternoon and deemed a
"national mobilization" to call for an "immediate ceasefire, an immediate end to the siege on Gaza,
the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners, and an end to the occupation of Palestine," according to a
description of the event. Videos posted on social media appeared to show protesters vandalized
statues, harassed a National Park Service ranger and set off smoke bombs.
AfD local candidate stabbed in another Mannheim attack. A police officer was killed
in another stabbing in the city in Germany's southwest. Heinrich Koch, a local council
candidate for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, was injured in an apparent knife attack in
Mannheim on Tuesday night. The Federal spokesman of the AfD party, Tino Chrupalla, posted on
X that Koch was confronted as he confronted people pulling down posters in the German southwestern
city of some 300,000. "Our members and representatives are the most frequent victims of
political violence and destruction. That cannot stop us," added Chrupalla.
of Anti-Globalism MEP Found Dead in Car, Zip Tie Around Neck. MEP Francesca Donato
recently found her husband, Angelo Onorato, dead in his vehicle with "something tied tightly around
his neck." "I can tell you that it was not a suicide but a murder," she declares. MEP
Donato opposed the COVID-19 "vaccine" Green Pass, which she argued infringed on personal
freedoms. She also opposed sending weapons to Ukraine. Now, her husband, who she claims
was not suicidal, was found dead in his vehicle. Something doesn't add up.
and punishment in Joe Biden's America. In the summer of 2020, America was in flames
as Antifa and Black Lives Matter set fire to city after city — Seattle, Minneapolis,
Portland, New York, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and so many more. Police
stations were torched, and dozens of officers were injured as all manner of projectiles, from rocks
to Molotov cocktails, were hurled at them. Dozens of people died. The damage was
estimated at over $1.2 billion, the highest in history. In January of 2021, the Biden
administration came to town. With 35,000 FBI agents and support personnel at his disposal,
and armed with an annual $10.8 billion budget, Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland had
everything he needed to bring the criminals to bear. But there was no outrage from the
Justice Department. Instead, with a lonely exception here and there, there was silence.
Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of crimes across the country never have been, nor
ever will be, prosecuted.
January 6 was an 'insurrection,' so were the George Floyd riots in 2020.
Corporate media describe the January 6, 2021, ("J6") assault on the U.S. Capitol —
sparked by claims of fraud in 2020's presidential election — as an insurrection.
But was it? Yet they never describe 2020 riots — sparked mainly by the Minneapolis
police's killing of George Floyd — as insurrections. Then again, they should.
Locked Down After Receiving Vials of Blood. The Republican National Committee's
headquarters in Washington was temporarily placed under lockdown on the morning of May 22 due
to blood vials arriving at the main fundraising and campaign arm of the GOP, a source familiar with
the matter told The Epoch Times. The vials were addressed to former President Donald Trump,
said the source. Whether there was a message alongside the vials is uncertain. A Hazmat
team was called to the scene.
Low-level terrorism: In
Michigan, Leftists Have Started Knocking on Doors in the Middle of the Night. It's a
hallmark of totalitarian regimes. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about it in his monumental
exploration of the nightmare of totalitarianism, "The Gulag Archipelago": "The sharp nighttime ring
or the rude knock at the door. The insolent entrance of the unwiped jackboots of the
unsleeping State Security operatives." The left has now adopted this tactic in the United States,
not for arrests (yet), but to frighten its foes into submission. The Jerusalem Post reported
Thursday that "anti-Israel masked men arrived at the homes of University of Michigan Board of
Regents members before dawn on Wednesday to protest and demand the adoption of Boycott, Divestment,
and Sanctions (BDS) policies, according to the university and the regents." Why before dawn, when
the Regents were least likely to be able to carry on a rational discussion about these issues?
Because rational discussion is the last thing these masked thugs want.
World's Fingerprints Are All Over Campus Chaos. A who's-who of Obama administration
alumni are seemingly behind a concerted push to drive a wedge between President Joe Biden and
Israel. For weeks, stories of chaos across the nation's college campuses dominated the
media. Anti-Israel protestors set up encampments, ignored charges of trespassing and ripped
down the American flag to replace it with the Palestinian flag, all to protest the United States'
pro-Israel stance in the country's war against Hamas. Recent reporting by Tablet Magazine, as
well as public statements from former White House officials, reveal that members of the Obama
administration are stoking the flames of anti-Israel sentiment in the Democratic Party,
exacerbating a headache for Biden.
Is Not the 1960s. It was inevitable that the American Marxists would go down the road
of justifying the current premediated chaos on college campuses by claiming it is no different than
the marches, demonstrations, and unrest on college campuses during the 1960s. This absurd
comparison is nothing more than a juvenile attempt to wrap Marxism, virulent anti-Americanism,
support for Islamic terrorism, and malicious antisemitism in the flags of the Civil Rights and
Vietnam War movements. The impetus behind the Civil Rights and Vietnam War movements, before
they were hijacked by the radical Marxists, was a desire to make certain the nation lived up to its
ideals not to transform it into an oppressive one-party socialist oligarchy and a society fraught
with renewed racism, corruption, and duplicity.
Day with Cornell Protestors: Antisemitism, Denial, and Ignorance. Back at
Cornell, I'm watching similarly deluded ivy league college students dancing and laughing as they
adjust their keffiyehs and fervently pound nails into a large "Hands off Rafah" sign they've been
building. I ask one of the leaders of the group if she knows where Rafah is; I can tell by
the confused look on her face that she doesn't have a clue. The only thing she can tell me is
that "they've evacuated innocent Palestinians there and Israel is going to attack it and kill
them." Obviously these students are ignorant or don't care that Rafah is considered the final
outpost of Hamas; it's where the terror masterminds are suspected to be holed up with their
fighting brigades, and where the remaining hostages (including Americans) — both alive
and dead — are believed to be held. [...] It's clear that Israel cannot win the war
without going into Rafah. And sadly, that's a fact that President Biden knows too, so why
would his administration decide to stop sending weapons to the Jewish state?
Gigafactory Shut Down as Hundreds of Anti-Capitalism Protesters Violently Clash With Police and
Storm Gates of Facility. Activists demonstrating against the planned expansion of
Tesla's gigafactory near Berlin have violently clashed with police as some tried to rush the site
after hundreds turned out in protest. [...] What's not clear is how this mob relates to climate
protesters. The electric cars that Tesla makes are central to the Net Zero goals of most
countries. Yet here we have a gang of traditional anti-capitalist protesters trying to shut
it down. What would Greta say? Maybe as long as Musk isn't performing in Eurovision she
doesn't mind. Note that, as at other Leftist demonstrations, the protesters are all wearing
Covid face masks. Why has that become the accepted symbol of woke protests?
gigafactory battlezone: Hundreds of left-wing activists clash with police and storm the gates
of the facility. Activists demonstrating against the planned expansion of Tesla's
gigafactory near Berlin are locked in violent clashes with police today as some tried to rush the
site after hundreds turned out in protest yesterday. Graphic images from the scene showed how
officers equipped with riot gear were embroiled in a brutal fistfight with a sea of enraged
demonstrators carrying flags and banners which read 'disrupt capitalism, create future'. One
shocking clip saw a stampede of protesters charge across a field toward the officers, who responded
in kind by spraying CS gas and beating the oncoming demonstrators with batons and reinforced gloves.
People Setting America on Fire. Over the past several weeks, Americans have witnessed
what has seemed like a mass outpouring of support for terror on elite college campuses. [...] But
students are not the only, and perhaps not even the most important, faction active in the campus
protests. As in the "mostly peaceful" Black Lives Matter protests of the summer of 2020,
"outside agitators" — professional radicals and organizers, black bloc antifa thugs,
Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries, and Palestinian and Islamist radicals — have played a
central role in organizing and escalating the campus protests, just as they have organized and
escalated the wider anti-Israel protest campaign that began almost immediately after Oct. 7.
This largely decentralized network of agitators is, in turn, politically and financially supported by
a vast web of progressive nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, and dark-money groups ultimately backed by
big-money donors aligned with the Democratic Party.
Should Uncover Who Organized, Funded Radical Student Encampments. If the FBI has time
to spare after harassing mothers at school board meetings, it may want to look into the groups
participating in, and funding, the pro-Hamas disturbances at universities across the country.
Clearing out Columbia University on Tuesday night doesn't mean the job is done. Yes, some
protests have been peaceful, engaging in constitutionally protected speech. But, unlike the
concerned parents who simply decided to get more involved in local politics, the groups behind the
protests — violent and peaceful ones — want to dismantle society. And
things could turn even more violent this summer. Authorities — not just the
Federal Bureau of Investigations, but law enforcement at all levels — have presumably
been keeping tabs on who's taking part, who broke the law, who are the nonstudents sneaking into
university property to agitate, etc. If they haven't, Congress ought to weigh in.
in Jihad. These are the same youthful, useless idiots who are always banging on about
banning "hate" speech, yet the words coming out of their mouths are vile, offensive, and
crude. How can a sane person denounce "hate" while effusing nothing but hate? I want to
grab a literature major by the collar and point out the irony, but I'm no longer convinced the
youngest among us know how to read. They certainly know little of history. They don't
even know who their friends and enemies are. [...] For 1,400 years, Islam has made two things
abundantly clear: (1) it is not a religion of peace, and (2) it has no interest
in modernizing. I hope the hundred-pound, non-binary, climate apocalypse major wearing Rainbow
sandals while protesting against Western colonialism doesn't have to find that out the hard way.
Activists Prevent Migrants from Being Moved Out Of Hotel After Slashing Bus Tires. A
number of left-wing activists are sabotaging migrant removals in the United Kingdom. Earlier
this week, they prevented migrants from being moved from a hotel in London to the Bibby Stockholm
barge by slashing the tires on the bus meant to transport them. A number of migrants were set
to board the bus at the Best Western Hotel in Peckham, in the south of the capital city, to be
transferred to the barge in Portland, Dorset, where the government is currently housing hundreds
asylum seekers, some of whom have been earmarked for deportation to Rwanda. The transfer to
the barge is part of a plan by the UK government to reduce the amount of taxpayer money spent on
housing asylum seekers in hotels. However, when not at full capacity, the cost of the barge
is more than the average cost of a hotel room.
Be Clear on What We Are Witnessing: Terrorists, Not Freedom Fighters. Hamas and
the pro-Palestine rioters in the US laying siege to campuses are terrorists, by definition, not
freedom fighters. They both target civilians with violence and threats of violence to bring
about political change. There is an old saying: "The difference between a freedom fighter and
a terrorist is victory." The idea being that the victor gets to write the history and can convert
terrorists to heroes. A similar saying is, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom
fighter." The meaning here is that terrorist or freedom fighter is a matter of perspective, and
that if you were trying to gain your freedom, you would see the terrorists as freedom
fighters. Both of these sayings are wrong, however. Terrorism is a malign methodology,
which can be directed at a variety of goals from achieving independence to bringing about
Armageddon, or preventing deforestation. The ends do not justify the means, and they
certainly do not change the nature of terrorism.
Hamas Encampment Fanatics Get No Jail Time, and It Gets Worse From There. I can't say
I'm surprised given I predicted this, but that doesn't make it any less absurd. According to
a local news report in California, the violent pro-Hamas students who set up an illegal encampment
and trashed the UCLA campus received no jail time. [Advertisement] Instead, as
documented by the reporter for "Good Day LA," they were only given citations. Worse?
They were also handed a free meal to take with them. [Tweet with video clip]
[Transcript] The students (and many non-students) were arrested early Thursday just before
dawn. Police had to fight their way through lines of violent "protesters," including some who
had occupied Royce Hall. The terrorist supporters threw urine, rocks, and bottles in an attempt
to save themselves from arrest. Hours later, the area was finally cleared. [Advertisement]
Day 'revelers' torch a fleet of Amazon trucks, pelt cops with eggs and stones.
"Mostly peaceful" has been eclipsed as the most ludicrous euphemism for violence and anarchy by a
newly-coined German invention: "mostly trouble-free." Yes seriously — that's how
German police and media described the chaos of April 30th, or the night before May Day, where
"protesters" hurled eggs and rocks at law enforcement and masked agitators "torched" a fleet of
Amazon delivery trucks.
Come The Pre-Planned Riots of 2024! Notice that the summer of 2020 was full of riots
before the election, and now the summer of 2024 is full of riots before the election. That's
because George Soros and the Left are paying for them. It's another election-year
political influence operation.
University says unaffiliated persons are leading campus occupation as NYPD make arrest[s].
Columbia University president Minouche Shafik issued a letter to the NYPD to ask them to come to campus
and clear the occupied administration building, Hamilton Hall. In that letter, she said that she
believed that outside forces, not students, were leading the protests and occupation. This
[occurred] while mass arrests were conducted on campus, caught by Freedom News. Multiple
keffiyeh-clad students could be heard screaming as they were dragged away by officers.
[Tweet with video clip] [Advertisement] CBS News' Ali Bauman reports that sources
at New York's City Hall said that there was "evidence that the wife of a known terroist is with
protesters on Columbia University campus. [Deleted tweet?] [Advertisement] Libs
of TikTok stated that the person of interest who is believed to be the wife of a terroist was Sami
Al-Arian, who was deported from the US in 2015 for aiding Islamic Jihad. [Tweet] [Advertisement]
of arrests at UT Austin's Gaza Camp were not UT students. Of the over 70 people
arrested at the University of Texas Austin campus on Monday at the school's Gaza Camp, 46 of them
were not students at the school. UT Spokesperson Mike Rosen told the Austin
American-Statesman that based on preliminary numbers, 46 of 77 people arrested Monday were not
students, though it is unclear whether this number included faculty or staff members.
[Advertisement] Overall, 79 people were arrested, with 78 being charged with criminal
trespass, and one person receiving an additional charge of obstructing a highway or
passageway. One person was also charged with interfering with public duties, said Kristen
Dark, sheriff's office public information officer. [Advertisement] The 57 people who
were arrested last week at the protests faced criminal trespassing charges, but those charges were dropped.
Return Of The "Outside Agitator". Young adults — late teens through the
early twenties — are the members of our species most easily whipped into a frenzy.
For one thing, they have very active glands. For another, they believe themselves to be the
saviors of Mankind, despite not knowing [much] about anything. And a terrifying percentage of
college instructors play to their vanities. Why? Unclear. I can't imagine a
better place than the university for an outside agitator to ply his Soros-funded trade.
Thousands of ignorant, easily agitated kids with delusions of world-historical stature! [...] For
a good thirty years, the evidence of metastasized ideological cancer among the universities has
been plainly visible. If it was ever possible to save them from themselves, that time has passed.
'Professional Agitators' Are Fomenting Violence on America's Campuses. We're
witnessing the violent, pro-Hamas, antisemitic protests erupt at colleges and universities across
the nation since the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7, 2023, and we've seen plenty of extremist
students like Vanderbilt's Jack Petocz or Columbia's Khymani James spewing hateful rhetoric and
advocating for the elimination of the Jewish people. [Advertisement] [Links] But there
are professionals involved too, and we know they're being funded and coordinated. The
question is, by whom? We have some ideas, and the answers aren't shocking: [Link]
Soros isn't the only extremist fomenting the violent protests — other '60s radicals are
jumping aboard the crazy train too. As I reported, Weather Underground co-founder Bill Ayers
showed up to talk to an anti-Israel mob at the University of Chicago on Monday. [Link]
Another long-time activist is throwing her "expertise" into the situation as well —
professional agitator Lisa Fithian, a bitter harridan whose sole purpose in life seems to be
protesting against virtually everything she can and trying to create chaos wherever possible.
Naturally, she was at the Columbia University pro-Hamas protests offering her advice. [Tweet]
release video showing professional 'protest consultant' at Columbia University. The
New York City Police Department released a video showing a professional "protest consultant" who
was seen on other social media videos instructing a mob of anti-Israel agitators as they took over
Hamilton Hall at Columbia University overnight Monday. New York City Mayor Eric Adams spoke
about outside agitators during a press conference Tuesday evening. "What should have been a
peaceful protest, it has basically been co-opted by professional outside agitators. We were
extremely cautious about releasing our intel information because our goal was to ensure the safety
of the students, the faculty, and without destruction to property," Adams said. "We have sounded
the alarm several times before about external actors who attempted to hijack this private protest."
Columbia University, Pro-Hamas Terrorists Take Over Buildings, Zip-Tie Doors, Set Up
Barricades. Protesters at Columbia University have barricaded themselves inside an
academic building on the upper Manhattan school's campus, breaking windows and allegedly holding
workers there hostage before releasing them, the Columbia Spectator student newspaper
reports. Doors to Hamilton Hall are shut and blocked with tables, chairs, metal barricades
and other objects or are shuttered with locks, zip ties or ropes by dozens of protesters who broke
into the building, the paper reports. [Video clip]
Charged With Making Bomb Threat To Republican Senate Candidate Is Donor To Democrat
Opponent. A Wisconsin man who donated to Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) has been
charged with making a bomb threat to the campaign office of her Republican challenger. Police
charged 72-year-old Joseph Quade with making terrorist threats on Friday after investigating a
message sent to the Senate campaign office of Eric Hovde that said the office "might blow up," the
Wisconsin State Journal reported. Hovde, a businessman, is attempting to unseat Baldwin in
the November election. "Hey (EH), you think your building might blow up tomorrow? I don't
think you should have any of your people come to work," said the threatening message, which was
sent via a voice memo attached to an email, according to the criminal complaint. Quade told
police that he did not remember making the threat, but said he could get "a little political," and
it was possible he sent the message, the Journal reported. The threat to Hovde's office in
Madison was sent in on April 4.
terrorist supporters harass Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his family outside his Texas
home. Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz was confronted by a raucous crowd of
anti-Israel protesters Saturday outside his Houston home for a second time in one week. In a
post to social media Saturday morning, Cruz, who has been vocal about his support of Israel amid
its war with Hamas militants, wrote, "For the [2nd] time this week, anti-Israel protestors have
come to my house early in the morning, waking up the neighbors & harassing my family. None
expressed concern about Hamas' Oct 7 murder of over 1200 or mass rapes of women & children."
runs the American agitprop machine? Today we wonder why Hamas child-killers always
sound far from sanity, and why the North Koreans seem to live in an even more different universe.
The answer is simple: if you enforce total uniformity on any group, it turns into a cult. They
listen to only one voice. That's how you make mob cults, exactly how the Columbia faculty created
a new Hitlerjugend screaming slogans with no consequences, because all the authorities have surrendered.
Make everybody march to the beat of the same drum, and you've got a mass cult. That's why they all
yell the same words from the same book at the same mass demonstrations in the same locations. Normal
people don't march in lockstep, but today's hateful mobs do, because they have one group mind.
You don't need A.I. to turn people into robots.
student at Yale stabbed in eye with Palestinian flag. A Jewish student at Yale
University was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag during an anti-Israel demonstration on
Saturday night at the school's campus in New Haven, Conn. "Tonight at Yale, I was assaulted by a
student today at an anti-Israel protest. He stabbed me in the eye with a Palestinian flag.
Now I'm in the hospital. This is what happens when visibly Jewish students try to attend and
document these rallies," Sahar Tartak, a sophomore, tweeted after the incident. [Tweet]
Merrick Garland — I Found Your Domestic Terrorists. Ever since Joe Biden
and his commie clown car puppet masters started occupying the Oval Office, tales have been told of
an imminent domestic terror threat. The terrorist group that Attorney General Merrick Garland
and FBI Director Christopher Wray have red-flagged as the greatest danger is known as "Trump
Supporters." Since these people have been in power, the threats and violence in the United
States of America have been coming from pretty much everywhere except the oft-referenced white
conservative males. [...] A good rule of thumb in 2024 America is to find out where any leftist
protests are happening and steer clear of them, because that's where the real potential for
violence is. I'm not saying that they're all violent, I'm just saying that large groups of
entitled, permanently aggrieved leftists who have grown up in a world without consequences can be a
bit powder keg-ish. The Brownshirt resurrection on American college campuses is a far greater
threat than any of the Dems' embellishment of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021.
Rep. John Carter Says 'Anti-Israel Activists Vandalized' Georgetown Office.
Rep. John Carter (R-TX) says anti-Israel protesters "vandalized" one of his offices in Texas
and vowed to find the "parties responsible." Carter posted a photo on X on Monday, showing
red paint splattered across his office door with the words "Free Gaza" written in what appeared to
be red graffiti on the sidewalk in front of the office. "Unhinged anti-Israel activists
vandalized my Georgetown office. Let me make 2 things clear, my support for Israel is
unwavering & your intimidation won't work," Carter wrote. "Secondly, the parties responsible will
be found & will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
storm Yale University's campus with riot gear, 47 arrested as hundreds stage anti-Israel
protest. Police clad in riot gear swarmed Yale University's Connecticut campus early
Monday and arrested dozens of students who refused to clear out from an anti-Israel protest
encampment. At least 47 protesters were cuffed and hauled away from the Ivy League's New
Haven campus on shuttle buses, a university spokesperson confirmed to The [New York] Post.
They were slapped with trespassing summons — and will be referred for Yale disciplinary
action, which may include suspensions, the rep added.
This is called "failure to think ahead." It's another important lesson. Ilhan
Omar's daughter, Isra Hirsi, says she's homeless, cries poverty after suspension from $90K-per-year
college. The privileged daughter of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar amazingly claims
she's homeless and can't get food after being kicked out of her prestigious $90,000-per-year
Barnard College dorm following her arrest at last week's anti-Israel protests on Columbia
University's campus. Isra Hirsi, 21, and a handful of other Barnard students were slapped
with suspensions after they were among the more than 100 protestors cuffed and hauled away for
refusing to clear out from a tent encampment on the Ivy League school's campus last Thursday.
"I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go?" she
whined to Teen Vogue after learning she'd been evicted from campus housing and banned from using
the dining hall.
York Democrat Congressional Candidate Slammed for Wishing Death on All Trump Supporters.
New York Democrat congressional candidate Nate McMurray wished death on Trump supporters on
Saturday [4/20/2024] in a post on X. McMurray is running to represent New York's 26th
congressional district — and Ukraine. The unhinged Democrat posted the death wish
to social media after the House of Representatives passed a foreign aid package that allocated
billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel. Lawmakers waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor
which angered many conservatives.
is the DNC's Kind of Town? I'm old enough to remember the 1968 DNC convention in
Chicago, and smart enough to see that Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is no Richard J. Daley.
So, as food prices rise with no end in sight, I advise you to stock up on popcorn before the
August 19 convention in Chicago this year. As for the Democrats, I cannot imagine a
scenario where there is anything but downsides for picking this site, this year. [...] This year,
it's not just the pro-Hamas wing that will be protesting, but Black Chicagoans opposed to the
Democrats' open-border policies. Olivia Reingold and Eli Lake detail on Free Press how
far-left activists are already plotting to disrupt the DNC Convention. According to the Free
Press essay, in just one day 75 organizations discussed how they would participate on the "March on
DNC 2024" to disrupt the convention. They plan to so flood the streets that they could avoid
arrest, they taught how to avoid the Secret Service and how to say "Death to America" in
Farsi. A representative of the left's legal arm, the National Lawyers Guild, told attendees
how to spot police carrying "mass arrest kits."
Student At A Pennsylvania Middle School Is Sent To The Hospital By A Trans Student. A
student at Pennbrook Middle School in North Wales, Pennsylvania, was left hospitalized after being
attacked by a trans-identified male student with a Stanley Cup on Wednesday afternoon.
Surveillance video from the school cafeteria showed a seventh-grade girl walking when the accused
student approached her and began beating her in the head with a Stanely cup, according to 6ABC, a
local news network. Witnesses to the events said the girl's head was beaten until she bled.
[Video clip]
Explodes Over Reports That Teen Arrested For Alleged School Shooting Plot Is
Transgender. Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, a Democrat, exploded during a
press conference on Friday after he was asked why local officials were trying to hide the fact that
a teenager who was arrested for allegedly plotting school shootings was transgender. The
thwarted shooter, an 18-year-old woman from Rockville who identifies as a man, was arrested on
Wednesday by the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD), the county said in a news release,
adding that the FBI notified the MCPD about a 129-page "manifesto" in which the teenager wrote
about committing a school shooting, contemplated targeting an elementary school, and more.
stonewalling continues. March 27, 2023, at the Covenant School in Nashville, TN,
Audrey Hale killed three elementary-aged students and three staff, before Nashville police
officers, not as hampered as were the Uvalde responders, killed her, ending her rampage. It's
an event I've continually covered since that day. [Tweet] The media briefly covered the
attack, focusing as always on the AR-15 Hale carried. "Carried" as in carried, but apparently did
not use. Available surveillance photos all depict Hale wielding and firing a common 9mm
carbine. I've not been able, to date, to find any information on which weapon was used to
kill Hale's victims. As one might expect, when the AR-15 angle didn't seem to pan out, the
media quickly lost interest, but they also lost interest for a more compelling — for
them — reason: Hale was trans, a pretend male. [Tweet] Hale left behind a
manifesto, and Steven Crowder was able to obtain and release several pages of that manifesto.
It was not complimentary to Hale or to the trans movement.
Attempted Transgender Shooter [was] Stopped. Once again another transgender teenager
was arrested after her plot to shoot up a school was discovered. [...] Lately there has been a
plethora of examples of violence or attempted violence from radicalized members of the transgender
community. There are clearly compounding mental illnesses at play here but until we recognize
them as such this is not going to simply go away on its own.
key cars outside NHGOP event at Concord High. Vandals keyed the cars of at least
10 members of the state Republican Party while the group held its biennial convention inside
Concord High School on Saturday. "There's already too much vitriol in partisan politics," Party
Chair Chris Ager said. Ager said he had heard of as many as two dozen attendees, all parked
together, who said they had found key scratches on their cars. "Any acts of violence, or
vandalism or vitriol on either side, I don't think, helps the people of New Hampshire." Ten
people have reported to Concord Police that their cars were vandalized outside the event, according
to Deputy Chief John Thomas. Police believe all were attendees of the GOP convention, though
the incident is still under investigation.
did the current obsession with decarbonization arise? In 1968, I was teaching at the
University of Chicago. We were spending the summer in Colorado, and we had a student
house-sitting our apartment. When we returned, we found a police car monitoring our
apartment. The house-sitter had apparently turned our apartment into a crash pad for the SDS
during the Democrat Party Convention. Our apartment was littered with their literature which
included instructions for poisoning Chicago's water supply. This period seemed to end with
Nixon's election, but we now know that this was just the beginning of the long march through the
institutions. Currently, there is great emphasis on the march through the educational
institutions: first the schools of education and then higher education in the humanities and
the social sciences and now STEM. What is usually ignored is that the first institutions to be
captured were professional societies. My wife attended a meeting of the Modern Language
Association in the late 60's, and it was already fully 'woke.'
Chant Death To Israel and Death To America At Meeting In Chicago. Video captured
anti-Israel activists in Chicago chanting "hands off Iran" and cheering on Iran's attack on Israel
hours after shouting "death to Israel" and "death to America" in Farsi. The shocking footage
was taken Saturday after Hatem Abudayyeh, who heads the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, told
some 300 left-wing protesters that Iran launched its drone and missile attack on the Jewish
state,The Free Press reported. [Video clip]
chant it before they know what it means. [Tweet with video clip] Are you
paying attention? This is Chicago! This is the same [stuff] I saw growing up in Europe
decades ago. Today, I could not, nor would I attempt, to go some of the same places there I
once went freely as a teenage with my friends. Are you paying attention America?
Activist Threatens to Murder Bakersfield Mayor and City Council Members at Public
Meeting. A pro-Palestinian activist was arrested at a Bakersfield, California City
Council meeting Wednesday after threatening to murder Mayor Karen Goh (R) and City Council members
during a public comments session. Riddhi Patel, 28, was taken into custody at the meeting and
was being held on $1 million bond as of Friday afternoon. Last month, pro-Palestinian
activists smashed a glass door and injured a police officer after being removed for disrupting a
City Council meeting.
Isn't She Nice: "I hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you".
You have to admire her for showing up to speak to her city council, at least. It's good to
see our young ones participate in local government. Beyond that, I have nothing good to say
about Riddhi Patel, who went on an anti-Israel rant that included multiple threats to murder the
members of the Bakersfield City Council. [Advertisement] [Tweet] Patel certainly
knew how to get attention for her cause, although her persuasion skills could use a bit of
improvement. As far as I know, threatening murder in the service of evil causes only gets
high marks in our public schools, universities, and on TikTok, not when speaking to government
officials. I am sure she got all A's, though. She managed to be coherent while
threatening the lives of the people to whom she was speaking. Many kids coming out of college
can't manage that much. [Video clip]
Trans Antifa Member Charged with Detonating Explosive Outside Alabama AG's Office. An
Alabama man has been charged for his alleged role in detonating an explosive device outside of the
Alabama Attorney General's Office in February, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced. Law
enforcement arrested Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert, 26, on April 10 on charges of malicious
use of an explosive and possession of an unregistered destructive device, according to the DOJ.
Protesters Shut Down Senate Cafeteria, Capitol Police Make 50 Arrests. In yet another
raucous display, a group of anti-Israel protesters marched into the Senate cafeteria on Tuesday to
demonstrate against U.S. support of the Jewish state in its war against Hamas in Gaza. The
incident is the latest in a series of protests and rallies staged by anti-Israel and pro-Hamas
activists arguing against Israel's effort to eliminate the terrorist group. The demonstrations
resulted in the arrests of 50 people. The activists strode through the building, yelling
chants such as "Senate can't eat until Gaza eats" and "Children are starving in Gaza."
New Jersey Man Who Operates Trump RV Beaten with Sledgehammer, Airlifted to Hospital.
A 64-year-old New Jersey man who operates a Trump RV was brutally beaten with a hammer on Friday
and airlifted to a local hospital in critical condition. Rocky Granata of Edison, a beloved
father and grandfather, was well-known in the region and across the nation for his Trump RV.
Granata attended Trump rallies, traveled across the country in his Trump RV and sold merchandise.
Arrested After Pro-Hamas Sit-In Has Ties to the White House, Muslim Brotherhood-Linked
Org. One of the leaders of a group of students who held a sit-in at Vanderbilt
University this week in support of Hamas is a long-time Democratic party activist with White House
ties, as it turns out. Florida native Jack Petocz is one of three students arrested by campus
police after the incident on a charge of assaulting a security guard. Those arrested were
also expelled by the university, while one student was suspended and 22 more put on probation.
After his expulsion, Petocz penned a rambling, whiny, and bigoted Twitter/X thread about the ordeal,
claiming that he was expelled "for the ultimate crime of caring as 33,000 people have been
murdered." Security footage, however, shows the crowd shoving a security guard as they
forced their way into the building. [Tweet with video clip]
Globalists Will Resort to Terror and Violence. It is important to understand that
censorship does not occur in a vacuum. It is a symptom of a worsening disease. It is an
early indicator of the political repression to come. Like a canary in a coal mine, the
criminalization of speech forewarns that State-sponsored terror and murder are not far away.
First, certain words and thoughts are banned. Next, certain people are rounded up and
imprisoned. Finally, certain "enemies of the State" are executed quite publicly. The
imposition of fear supersedes the rule of law. Terrorism undergirds social order.
Oppression replaces popular support. What is happening in the West today is a concentrated push
for global communism. We could bicker about precise definitions — whether we are under
attack from Marxists, socialists, Leninists, Trotskyites, Maoists, or other "revolutionaries" —
but the end goal is clear. A small group of global "elites" seek to use ideological and economic
leverage to centralize political power and direct all human activity.
Police Arrest A Bunch Of Leftist Loons Protesting More Housing For Migrants. On
Monday, Seattle police released body camera video of arrests made during a Seattle City Council
meeting on Feb. 27. A group of protesters entered the council chambers during a regular
council meeting, forcing the council to take an hour-long break to clear the chambers. The
protesters said they were fighting for housing for refugees and migrants. [Video clip]
further list of upcoming Democratic Party election chaos. Since 2016 the use of
violence to silence the opponents of the left has become commonplace. No conservative speaker
can go anywhere now without dealing with threats of violence, disruptions during their speeches,
and verbal and even physical attacks against any attendees of their events. Moreover, in 2020
we saw the Democratic Party gleefully use Antifa and BLM as that party's storm-trooper wing.
As the video on the right shows, Harris and Biden encouraged the riots in 2020, and used them as a
weapon to discourage opposition, essentially telling us all that if we would not agree with
Democrat policies than it will use its brownshirts to loot and pillage. Expect similar riots
and violence in the months before the election. Protesters will block roadways.
Republicans will be shouted down at rallies. Many events will be canceled due to threats of
violence. The inner cities controlled by Democrats will find themselves swamped with looting
and riots. This won't directly hurt Republicans, but it will strike fear into anyone who
might try to oppose Democrat rule in those strongholds.
expected tantrum of madness should Biden actually lose the election. Right now a
rational look at both the polling trends and the disastrous consequences of Joe Biden's presidency
all suggest the American public is screaming for a change. The historic shift in the black
and hispanic populations to Trump and away from the Democratic Party underlines these trends quite
clearly. These trends are further underlined by the presence of two different moderate-left
alternative presidential tickets, both drawing the bulk of their support from the Democrats. [...]
Expect the Democrats to do everything they can think of to invalid the election in the
courts. There will be numerous lawsuits, innumerable demands for recounts, and a strong
effort by congressional Democrats to refuse to certify the election. And they will be backed
up by their own voters, 57% of whom would support a refusal to certify a Trump election
victory. Talk about irony. These same Democrats have screamed "Insurrection!" for four
years because some Republicans called for the same thing in 2020, and did so because of legitimate
concerns about voter fraud. Now the Democrats will call for the same thing, not because of
any evidence of voter fraud but because they simply lost.
Through Chaos and Fear. [Scroll down] What do you imagine the BLM and
Antifa riots are about? Or the "Defund the Police" movement? Eroding trust in rational
systems and behaviors creates radicals and radicalization empowers the worst elements of a
society. Without enforcement of existing rules about civil campus behavior, radical students
and professors overcome the moderates on campuses. Those desirous of honest debate or who
take different non-radical views leave or shut up, and the mission of the institution is corrupted
and destroyed. [...] I think it's safe to say that we can expect more of this drive for power through
manufactured chaos, and you've no real choice except to resist bullying as well as you are able.
Male Pleads Guilty To Raping 12-Year-Old Girl Before Shooting Her In The Back Of Her Head.
18-year-old transgender pleads guilty to the murder of a 12-year-old girl whom he had sexual
relations with. Ash Cooper has pleaded guilty to murdering 12-year-old Morgan Connors in
Bensalem, Pennsylvania. [...] Cooper was initially charged as Joshua Cooper but started transitioning
after the arrest and now demands that the court call them [sic] "Ash." [Video clip]
Poll Finds Most Americans Have Significant Concerns About Post-Election Violence. An
alarming new poll has found that a vast majority of Americans are bracing themselves for
election-related violence and fear the prospect of a civil war. In the latest Battleground
Civility Poll, conducted by The Tarrance Group, Research Lake Partners, and Georgetown University,
78 percent said they are "worried that the 2024 election will result in violent activity."
Just 23 percent said they were not at all worried.
School Shooting: Federal Judge Orders Release of Transgender Shooter's Journals.
A federal judge ordered the FBI to release the writings of the transgender woman who shot and killed
six people at a Christian school in Nashville on March 27, 2023. In the hours after the
shooting, Breitbart News noted that police indicated Audrey Hale identified as transgender.
Less than a month after the shooting, Breitbart News pointed out that Hale left behind a suicide
note, 19 journals, and other items, and all of them have been kept from the public since the attack
occurred. (The exception was a November 2023 leak of three pages, purportedly from the
shooter's writings. Seven Nashville police officers were put on "administrative leave" over
the leak.) But U.S. District Court Judge Aleta Trauger has ordered the release of the writings.
Tennessee State Senator Calls for Riots After Republican Lawmakers Pass Pro-Police
Bill. A Democrat Tennesssee state senator has called for riots after Republican
lawmakers passed a pro-police bill. State Sen. Charlane Oliver was responding to the
passing of legislation that prevents cities from restricting police officers from making certain
types of traffic stops. Speaking to the press on Friday, Oliver, co-founder of the social
justice warrior activist group "the Equity Alliance," vowed that "we're gonna fight." "So
yeah, we're gonna fight," Oliver said. "Dr. King said the riots are the language of the
unheard. You [sic] ain't seen nothing yet. If you keep silencing us like this, what do
you think our districts [sic] gonna do?" [Tweet]
State Senator Calls For Riots After Bill Passes That She Deems Pro-Police. Tennessee
state senator Charlane Oliver: "Dr. King said the riots are the language of the
unheard. You ain't seen nothing yet." Memphis had adopted an ordinance that includes
outlawing pretextual traffic stops for violations like a broken taillight. The passed bill
prevents local jurisdictions from prohibiting traffic stops when an officer has reasonable
suspicion that a local, state, or federal law has been violated.
A little slice of Zimbabwe on the east coast: Maryland
city equity official says she wants US to burn to the ground: 'MY ideology can rise from the
ashes'. The City of College Park, Maryland, hired a "racial equity" leader to
spearhead its mission to eliminate systemic racism in its departments who has made statements
defending violence and promoting the idea of a revolution against the United States. Kayla
Aliese Carter supports "Black liberation" through revolutionary means and said she is working with
some activists to plan "how we will eat and live and grow after we burn it all down." She was hired
to be a "Racial Equity Officer" under Mayor Fazlul Kabir in 2022. In this role, she oversees an
entire team tasked with implementing a "racial equity" agenda across all city departments, affecting
policies, practices, programs and budgets. Carter was hired after Mayor Kabir signed into law
"Resolution 20-R-16," "which renounced systemic racism, declared support of Black lives, and called for
the ongoing explicit and conscious confrontation of racism," in the aftermath of the death of George
Floyd in 2020.
It to the Ground!. Kayla Aliese Carter is the City Equity Official of College Park,
Maryland, and she is committed to burning it all down, referring to the United States. [Tweet]
In the words of the revolutionary Left, this is what decolonization looks like, folks, and it ain't
pretty. [...] I guess working for the city government is a convenient place if your goal is to figure out
how to feed the right people once you complete your plan to use violence to kill off all the "yT" people,
as she charmingly describes the pale people who pay her salary.
Protesters Succeed in Destroying Priceless Historic Painting. The contempt that
far-left protesters show for historical artifacts, specifically priceless works of art, has always
been sickening, but now has just gotten despicable. Picking up where the insufferable climate
protesters left off, a group of anti-Israel activists at the University of Cambridge in England
destroyed a priceless 1914 painting of Arthur James Balfour by artist Philip Alexius de
László. Posting a video of the incident to their account, Palestine Action, on the
social media platform X, the protesters spray painted red paint on the painting and then slashed it
without any hint of shame. [Tweet with video clip]
Agitators Block Biden's Motorcade Route to Capitol; How Could This Be Allowed?
Pro-Hamas agitators caused chaos around Capitol Hill Thursday evening leading up to the State of
the Union address, and hundreds of them blocked President Biden's motorcade route to hold a
"People's State of the Union" address. [Tweets with video clips] [...] Rep. Marjorie Taylor
Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) posted photos and videos Thursday morning of
security fencing that had been installed around the Capitol grounds "in the dead of night" to
protect Biden from his own base, so obviously Capitol Police and federal law enforcement knew that
there was a potential for problems. So why were they allowed to take over the street until
right before POTUS drove down it? This is a massive security issue. Explosives could
have easily been planted and there's no way the Secret Service could have done a thorough sweep to
ensure security. We all know, unfortunately, that nothing will happen to these people who
were blocking a street and posing an immediate threat to the President of the United States.
Quite a stark contrast to how January 6 protesters have been treated.
Legend Threatens to Punch Black Trump Supporters. During a recent episode of his
poorly-rated television show "King Charles," CNN host Charles Barkley made a statement about
potentially punching African American supporters of President Trump. 'If I see a black person
walking around with Trump mugshot, I'm gonna punch him in the face," he told stunned co-host Gayle
King. Barkley was alluding to remarks made by President Trump regarding the perception that
African Americans show empathy towards his struggle with the weaponized legal system. "And you
know who embraced it more than anybody else? The black population. It's incredible.
You see black people walking around with my mugshot, you know, they do shirts," Trump said.
Barkley stated that he genuinely intended to physically harm a black Trump supporter.
"Airman" Who Set Himself On Fire For Hamas Was Antifa Ex-Cult Member. If you had told
the average person that an anarchist or an airman had set himself on fire to protest Israel's
campaign against Islamic terrorists, you would get two very different reactions.
Unsurprisingly the media led with the data point most likely to produce a favorable reaction.
And Aaron Bushnell cynically played the same game, wearing (the wrong) uniform to his Hamas suicide
attempt rather than the Antifa red in which he had been previously photographed. The
Washington Post gets around to admitting that Bushnell was an "anarchist". [...] But the
Washington Post then misleadingly suggests he was raised in a Christian cult. [...] All of this
prompts WaPo readers to think that the Community of Jesus is some conservative group. The
reality is COJ was a leftist cult that appealed to high-flying liberals.
"Airman" Who Set Himself on Fire for Hamas was Antifa Ex-Cult Member. If you had told
the average person that an anarchist or an airman had set himself on fire to protest Israel's
campaign against Islamic terrorists, you would get two very different reactions.
Unsurprisingly the media led with the data point most likely to produce a favorable reaction.
And Aaron Bushnell cynically played the same game, wearing (the wrong) uniform to his Hamas suicide
attempt rather than the Antifa red in which he had been previously photographed. The
Washington Post gets around to admitting that Bushnell was an "anarchist".
Media Is Covering Up Key Facts About the Lakewood Church Shooter's Motivations. When
Genesse Ivonne Moreno opened fire at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston last Sunday,
establishment media reports had the typical focus: she was schizophrenic, possibly thought of
herself as a man, yet was still able to buy a gun with no problem, and the real problem is that
Texas has no red flag law. While there can be little doubt that Moreno was severely deranged,
the media reports are ignoring elements of the story that shed light on Moreno's motives.
Now, why might that be? One reason is that the left's favorite religion is involved.
Moreno made a donation to Lakewood church in 2020 but doesn't appear to have been a committed
church member, or at least a consistent one. ABC News reported Tuesday that Walli Carranza,
Moreno's former mother-in-law, said that "when she first met Moreno, the young woman wore a hijab
and said she practiced Islam." It was also widely reported that Moreno's AR-15 was emblazoned
with a sticker reading "Palestine" and that "antisemitic writings" were found among her possessions,
but nevertheless, as ABC put it, "a motive remains under investigation." Yet Moreno's own
writings on Telegram, which she posted under the handle "Die Israel," have been ignored.
Shooter IDed as Pro-Hamas, Socialist, Transgender Immigrant. Houston police confirmed
that Sunday's Lakewood Church shooter was Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a transgender person with a
history of chronic mental health problems and a lengthy arrest record dating back to 2005. Moreno,
36, came to the United States from El Salvador, and had a history of theft, possession of
marijuana, unlawful carrying of a weapon, evading arrest, assault of a public servant and forgery,
according to KHOU 11 News. Investigators said Moreno previously went by the name "Jeffrey
Escalante," but police confirmed her to be a woman and the mother of a 7-year-old child.
Officials believe Moreno supported Palestine and was a previous supporter of Sen. Bernie
Sanders, I-Vt.
The Editor says...
Was it a woman, or a man? From the press reports, it's nearly impossible to tell, although
it doesn't matter all that much.
Female Church Shooter Formerly Identified as 'Jeffery'. The female shooter who
attacked Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church has been identified as 36-year-old Genesse Moreno, who KHOU
11 noted "previously identified as Jeffery Escalante." KHOU 11 indicated that they discovered
the references to Jeffery Escalante during a Texas Department of Public Safety Records search on
Moreno. The station also found her prior arrest records, including "arrests... [for] failure
to stop and give information, assault of a public servant, assault causing bodily injury, forgery,
possession of marijuana, theft, evading arrest unlawful carrying weapon." Breitbart News did a
follow-up search of the Texas Department of Public Safety Records and found that in one entry, the
name appeared as "Jeffrey" instead of "Jeffery."
at Joel Osteen's Church Was Transgender Immigrant With a Political Message on 'Her'
AR-15. Sunday, 36-year-old Genesse Ivonne Moreno, accompanied by a five-year-old
child, walked into Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston on Sunday and opened fire with an
AR-15-style modern sporting rifle, wounding a 57-year-old man before being killed by security
guards. The child was wounded and is hospitalized. A larger tragedy was avoided by
Lakewood Church having armed security guards who were doing their job diligently and a plan for the
possibility of an active shooter. As the facts dripped out, it became evident that this
shooting would be quickly memory-holed. The shooter was a "transwoman" whose real name was
Jeffrey Escalante. Escalante was from El Salvador, but there is no word on his immigration
status. [Tweet] The AR-15 he carried had "Free Palestine" written on it. As one of my
colleagues noted, someone with a rifle with "Free Palestine" scrawled on it using a child as a
human shield is just about as on-brand as you can get.
activist says Atlanta [and the] entire nation are 'lucky' violence is not worse.
Atlanta BLM activist Mary Hooks said the city of Atlanta — indeed, the entire
nation — is "lucky" there haven't been a lot more fires started in the name of social
justice. Following the arrest of John Robert Mazurek, who allegedly lit up eight police
motorcycles last summer in protest of a planned police and firefighter training facility known as
"Cop City," Hooks was asked if she condemns acts of arson. A member of Vote to Stop Cop City,
"a group of local, statewide, and regional organizations and individuals who are united in opposition
to Cop City," Hooks replied, "Hell no!" "Not at all," she stated. "And if I'm
being honest with you, Atlanta deserves more than that." [Tweet with video clip]
Police Arrest Suspect in Arson Connected to 'Cop City' Protests. Last summer the
organizers behind the efforts to block the construction of a police training center outside Atlanta
seemed to have reached the end of their rope. The so-called "forest defenders" had been
cleared out of the forest and their efforts to oppose the construction legally had hit a wall after
a day long protest at Atlanta City Hall failed to change any votes and the project moved
forward. As I pointed out at the time, the protesters weren't shy about what they planned to
do next. They were chanting "If you build it, we will burn it," outside City Hall. [Tweet]
So it wasn't much of a shock when the same organizers held a "Week of Action" about a month later
that there was an arson attacked aimed at Atlanta police.
Leftist Group Threatens To Assault Trump Voters If He Wins. Radical leftists are
threatening to attack conservatives should Trump win the 2024 election. "We need to go find out
where they live, where they go to church, who they hang around with, and bird dog [them]," said one
activist. [Video clip]
State Rep Suggests Bombing Those Standing For Texas On Immigration Invasion Against Biden
Regime. A Texas State Representative took a play out of California traitor Eric
Swalwell's book and posted a tweet with bombs dropping and insinuated that those who support the
efforts of Texas to stop the illegal alien invasion should be bombed. This is completely
lawless and it is completely out of line for a representative of the People to insinuate such a
crime. [...] After seeing the post above, Texas State Senator Gene Wu tweeted out something that
cannot be misunderstood. His post insinuates that those guns will be no good against bombs
dropped on those people supporting Texas.
Firebombed My Office. [Scroll down] But something else has been
distracting me: leftists firebombed my office last Saturday night. At around 2 am, they
broke into the building that houses Center of the American Experiment and two other conservative
organizations with which we often collaborate, along with many other businesses. The
arsonists set two fires: one was in the first floor corridor between American Experiment's office
and the space we sublease to Take Charge, Kendall and Sheila Qualls' organization. A second
fire was set on the third floor, immediately outside or perhaps actually inside the office of the
Upper Midwest Law Center, on whose board I serve.
Soros Tweets Out Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald
Trump! They want him gone — no matter the cost. President Trump is
up in the polls, and the Republican base is coalescing around him. DeSantis, his most
formidable primary challenger, dropped from the race and endorsed President Trump on Sunday.
The globalist elites are in a panic. Trump is the greatest threat to their power over
humanity in the civilized world. Something must be done. Alex Soros tweeted out an
obvious threat against President Trump on Sunday evening.
lawless left. While there remains a shrinking percentage of Democrats who strongly
believe in the law and the Constitution, the leadership of that political party is largely now
controlled by those who believe otherwise. Two incidents the past week illustrated this fact
most starkly. First a pro-Hamas protest in front of the White House on January 13, 2024
became so violent that many staffers inside the building were evacuated for their safety. [...] You
can see video of these attempts to break into the White House [elsew]here. Though the White
House grounds were never penetrated, the violent self-righteous attitude of the mob is quite
clear: They have the right to break in, because their cause is just. The law does not
apply to them. [...] As is typical of violent protests by the left, no one was arrested. Even
in cases where leftist protesters are arrested, they are soon released with no charges, or with a
very light slap on the wrist. Thus, these violent Democrats have confirmation from the
authorities themselves that the law does not apply to them.
protest: The New York Post reported, "A swarm of Pro-Palestinian supporters shouted
'f[...] Joe Biden' as they nearly ripped down a reinforced fence outside the White House during a
charged protest Saturday night. "Non-essential personnel were evacuated from the area as a
precaution as the aggressive demonstration ramped up, the Secret Service confirmed. "Video
shows the crowd shaking the fence so viciously that a section of it became partially dislodged
while a horde of Secret Service police pushed back to keep the ralliers from entering the grounds."
[...] No one was sent to jail to face 22 years in prison. No police officer shot and
killed anyone. No one in the press called it an insurrection because this was state-sanctioned
psy-ops as the deep state staged the event to show widespread support for changing federal policy.
It was like a Yanquis Go Home protest in Cuba under Castro because it, too, was an officially
sanctioned protest meant to show public support of a policy.
The Editor says...
Why would a left-wing mob be allowed (or instructed) to chant disrespectful slogans against Joe Biden?
Because Joe Biden is about to be swept aside in favor of a more viable candidate: most likely
Michelle Obama.
Media Suppress Pro-Hamas Insurrection at the White House. If an insurrection happened
and no one reported on it, did it really happen? Can the perpetrators of violence escape
accountability if it escaped the notice of the corporate media? These questions were put to
the test as the corporate media conducted a virtual blackout of Saturday night's violent protests
outside the White House.
Brilliant deduction, Holmes. Pro-Police
Portland Commissioner's Car Torched, Authorities Suspect Political Motivation. Law
enforcement agencies in Portland, Oregon, are conducting an arson investigation after a car owned
by Portland City Commissioner of Public Safety Rene Gonzalez was set ablaze on Friday
morning. They suspect the act was a political statement against the commissioner, who is
supportive of the police. The development occurred in a city that was one of the epicenters
of the "Defund the Police" movement that cropped up after the 2020 death of George Floyd in
Minneapolis, Minnesota. [...] In a statement issued on Friday, Multnomah County District Attorney
Mike Schmidt indicated that the crime could have been motivated by politics.
Arrests Made After Pro-Palestinian Rioters Damage WH Fence, Attack Police. A group of
pro-Palestinian rioters stormed the premises outside the White House on Saturday, attacking law
enforcement officials to express their opposition to the U.S.'s support for Israel in its war with
Hamas. As reported by Fox News, the individuals shouted pro-Palestinian slogans, including
"Ceasefire Now!" and "Free, Free Palestine," while also brandishing Palestinian flags.
However, the protest took an aggressive turn as the individuals damaged security fencing.
According to the Secret Service, the pro-Palestinian hecklers damaged some of the fencing, leading
to the relocation of some White House staffers and journalists.
4 Ways The BLM
And Antifa Riots Were Worse Than January 6. The breakdown of law and order
during the BLM and Antifa riots is obvious. Bears repeating that even the "97 percent of
BLM protests were peaceful" statistic means that within the 3 percent means over 500 violent
incidents happened across the country that lasted for months. One police station was overrun
and burned, another was evacuated and led to the creation of an "autonomous zone," the White House
perimeter was attacked, and a federal courthouse was under siege for over a month. But once
the rubble was cleared away and the National Guard was sent home, the criminal elements within our
society saw just how much they were able to get away with, to little or zero consequences. It
is why we saw a spike in crime in the years afterward and why the crime rate has not returned to
pre-2020 levels. It is now considered "normal" to see looters come into a business, whether
it be CVS or a luxury store, clean out merchandise and leave with people's only recourse to call
the police, who may or not show up because of the dramatic decrease in manpower, if they even
bother to call the police.
Protestors Shut Down West LA and Desecrate the National Cemetery, Making More
Enemies. Once again, pro-Hamas protestors made their hatred and ignorance of Israel
and America's support for the Jewish state public when they shut down traffic in West Los Angeles
on Saturday along Wilshire Boulevard between Interstate 405 and Glendon Avenue outside the U.S.
Federal Building. But they did not stop there. No, they decided that to get their
hate-filled message across fully, they would proceed across the street to the Los Angeles National
Cemetery and defile it.
where non-disorderly conduct was disorderly conduct. During the 2020 "Summer of
Love," Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa mostly-peaceful but fiery protestors were given, as a
former Baltimore mayor put it, "space to destroy." A handful were arrested, fewer were
prosecuted and very few convicted of riot, arson, destruction of property, assaulting police
officers, looting, even murder. They did at least $2 billion in damage. They were,
it seems, the right-left-kind of protestors, immune from the consequences of their criminal
actions. Not so for January 6, actually mostly peaceful, protestors, even those who
merely walked around and took pictures: [...]
Of Pro-Hamas Insurrectionists Take Over The California Capitol Building. Currently,
hundreds of Pro-Hamas insurrectionists and other activists are occupying and have shut down the
California State Capitol in Sacramento, California. These insurrectionists have disrupted the
Assembly session on opening day, demanding a permanent ceasefire and an end to all U.S. military
aid to Israel. Law enforcement is present on the scene, working to maintain order between the
protesters and Capitol authorities. [Video clip]
Is OK, as Long As It's by the Left. This week, there was an "insurrection" in the
California State Capitol in Sacramento. A group of radical extremists invaded the State
Assembly, interrupting the first day of the legislative session and forcing lawmakers to flee the
chamber. They continued to occupy the legislature even after the lights were turned
off. But eventually, they were allowed to leave peacefully, and there were no arrests at
all. The reason: unlike the January 6 protesters in Washington, the California
protesters are on the political left. Those who participated in the January 6 event
three years ago are still being arrested and prosecuted for the nebulous crime of "obstructing an
official proceeding." Some are being punished merely for showing up on the Capitol grounds,
without committing acts of violence. They have been publicly humiliated; they have lost jobs;
and many have been forced to endure pre-trial detention before receiving long sentences. The
left-wing anti-Israel radicals who invaded the California capitol will never be punished.
Airport Protesters Show That They've Learned the Lesson of the George Floyd Riots.
The George Floyd riots of 2020 showed leftists that they can do virtually anything in America today
and suffer at worst only token consequences. On Monday, pro-Palestinian protesters in New
York City showed that they have taken that lesson to heart. The New York Post reported that
"hateful anti-Israel protesters yelling inflammatory chants snarled traffic and caused chaos as
they descended upon John F. Kennedy International Airport Monday — creating a nightmare
on one of the busiest travel days of the year." Among the "inflammatory chants" was "NYPD, KKK, IDF
you're all the same," which was as absurd as it was portentous: it was a clear indication that New
York City hasn't seen the last of these pro-Hamas thugs.
rally at JFK Airport causes New Year's Day nightmare on one of the busiest travel days of the
year. Hateful anti-Israel protesters yelling inflammatory chants snarled traffic and
caused chaos as they descended upon John F. Kennedy International Airport Monday —
creating a nightmare on one of the busiest travel days of the year. The Belt
Parkway — a major thoroughfare used by vehicles to travel to the airport —
was temporarily blocked off by police near Exit 20 as they tried to stem the flow of the "Flood JFK
For Gaza" protest, which was planned by Within Our Lifetime, a Palestinian-led activist group.
for Death: The View's 9 Most Heated Hateful Moments of 2023. If you find
yourself on the same side as the cast members of ABC's The View, they will bend over
backwards to defend you (as NewsBusters' 2023 retrospective showed). But if you find yourself
opposing them, they will launch some of the most racist, bigoted, and hateful attacks on television
against you. They will even support your death. And as tensions in America ratcheted up
in 2023, so did their naked hatred. Their contempt for Republicans, pro-lifers, and white
people flared on air often. So it was difficult to narrow things down. Presented here
are TheThe View's nine most heated hateful moments of 2023. [...]
Like an Insurrection': Hamas Sympathizers Take Over U.S. Capitol Rotunda. The trend
of radical anti-Israel leftists shutting down government buildings to demand a "ceasefire
now" — something which would prolong Hamas attacks against Israeli civilians and give
the Iran-backed terrorists a hope of survival — reached a new level on Tuesday when the
rotunda of the United States Capitol was closed by authorities while they arrested and removed the
demonstrators. [Tweet] Scores of individuals demanding Hamas be allowed to survive unfurled
a banner and launched into an off-pitch and dystopian sounding "song" — if you can call
it that — that was as incorrect as it was punishing on the ears.
Activists Surround and Terrorize Line of Kids Going to See Santa at Mall. The
anti-Israel protesters seem to want to engage in the type of actions that tick off the American
people. Few things will anger Americans more than a protest blocking a highway or main
road. The anti-Israel crew blocked the 110 Freeway last week in Los Angeles. They kept
little kids on two school buses trapped for an hour, not to mention hundreds of other
drivers. Motorists were not happy and some of them physically confronted some of these
characters; one driver picked up one of them and then dumped the activist in the street. They
also blocked an expressway in Philadelphia and got zip-tied and arrested. Then on Friday,
they even tried to block Los Angeles International Airport, snarling traffic and making people late
for their planes on one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. They didn't care about
who they hurt in the process.
Activists Stage 'Insurrections' All The Time. In early January of 49 B.C., Julius
Caesar and his army crossed the Rubicon, triggering a Roman civil war that eventually led to
Caesar's dictatorship. In early June of 2013, thousands of abortion rights protesters stormed
the Texas State Capitol, successfully shutting down a Republican attempt to pass pro-life
legislation. The press treated that insurrection as heroic. In 2018, progressive
protesters, inspired by Texas, stormed the Wisconsin Capitol to stop the legislature from passing
right-to-work legislation. They forced their way in, vandalized the building and were
declared heroes by Rep. Nancy Pelosi, but failed. In 2021, Trump supporters stormed the
United States Capitol and were unsuccessful in their insurrection. Unlike the Texas and
Wisconsin progressives, the Trump supporters in Washington are, to this day, vilified as
insurrectionists and many have been carted off to federal prison — deservedly so.
The problem, of course, is the double standard. When Democrats storm the U.S. Capitol to
block a vote on Brett Kavanaugh, they are excused. When they storm congressional buildings to
protest for Hamas, they are excused. But get Trump supporters inside the U.S. Capitol and
everyone demands denunciations. It should all be denounced. It should all be
condemned. But the press and Democrats together rarely condemn the left-wing insurrections.
This is far more than the January 6th protesters did. Protestors
Who Want to See Hamas Survive Make a Mess of Senate Office Building. A group of
"pro-Palestine" protestors — read: those who are "demanding" a ceasefire that would
benefit Hamas and give the Iran-backed terrorists a chance at surviving to launch more
October 7-level attacks on innocent Israelis — occupied the atrium of the Hart
Senate Office Building just steps from the U.S. Capitol on Monday morning. Their tantrum
caused authorities to close the building to the public, allowing only senators and staff to enter
the building. [...] Another fact these agitators taking over a Senate office building seemingly
want to ignore: it was Hamas that violated the first cessation in fighting during which some
Israeli hostages were released. That is — not that the terrorists needed to make
their aims any clearer — Hamas preferred to try killing more Israelis than to lay down
their arms to end the IDF's justified strikes on terrorists, their infrastructure, and their
weapons hidden by Hamas in hospitals, schools, mosques, and other civilian areas. What's
more, Hamas had a ceasefire on October 6, then launched their brutal massacre that killed more Jews
in any single day since the Holocaust. Hamas again had a ceasefire for several days in late
November, then chose to violate its terms and launch more attacks on innocent Israelis.
Neither time was Israel to blame for setting off the war.
It Be Riot Season Again in 2024? The resurgence of public protests in support of
Hamas has revealed a disturbing truth: the left-wing rioting following George Floyd's death in 2020
was not an anomaly, but a tactic that activists can repurpose for any cause. Whether by
coincidence or design, these recent outbursts could be a dress rehearsal for possible violence
during next year's election campaign. Conservative leaders must prepare for that
prospect. To prevent 2020 from repeating itself in 2024, conservatives need to consider what
might spark a riot, how it can be prevented, and how to understand and manage the politics of rioting.
Return of the Progressive Atrocity. In the age of the "progressive atrocity," PLO
terrorist attacks on Israelis, Jews, and civilians throughout the world were hailed as instruments
of liberation. A very partial list of such incidents would include the murder of 11 Israeli
athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics (the games continued, nonetheless) and the Lod Airport
massacre the same year (death toll: 26, along with at least 80 injured); the Ma'alot massacre of
1974, in which 115 Israelis, mainly schoolchildren, were taken hostage (resulting deaths: 31); the
Entebbe hijacking of 1976, in which Israeli and other Jewish passengers were separated from others
and threatened with death (most were rescued by Israeli commandos); the 1978 Coastal Road massacre,
in which a civilian bus was highjacked (death toll: 38, including 13 children; 71 wounded); the
1982 attack on the Chez Jo Goldenberg kosher restaurant in Paris, considered at the time to be the
worst incidence of antisemitism in France since the Holocaust (death toll: six, with 22 injured);
and numerous other instances of air piracy.
is no longer enough, now the goal is justifying mass murder. It seems the rising
effort of many — mostly on the left but not entirely — to blackball and
censor their opponents in the past decade is no longer satisfied with these ugly goals. Now
it seems the goal is to justify mass murder and the rape and torture of women and children.
We can see this by what happened during a city council event in Oakland, California
yesterday. When one Jewish council member, Dan Kalb, attempted to add language condemning
Hamas to a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, he was greated by boos and an unrelenting
stream of locals not only opposing his amendment but denying that the mass murder by Hamas had even
occurred, that it was instead committed by Israeli troops, and that anyone who dared disagree with
them was a "white supremacist." The video below provides a quick selection of this hate and
ignorance: [Video clip]
Violent Left-Wing Networks. The summer of 2020 resembled a political
revolution. Militants associated with Black Lives Matter and Antifa led the most destructive
riots in American history. Radicals burned down city blocks, perpetrated acts of violence,
and briefly established an "autonomous zone" in Seattle characterized by a police-free political
order and a homicide rate 50 times higher than that of Chicago. For those who monitor
left-wing radical movements, this shouldn't have been a complete surprise. Federal law
enforcement had long acknowledged the threat of left-wing, anarchist, and racialist violence.
In 2016, the FBI published a report raising the alarm about the threat of anarchist groups that
deployed arson and violence for political ends. The following year, it published an
intelligence assessment warning about the rise of "black identity extremism," which was linked to
ambushes and violent attacks against police officers. In the wake of the George Floyd
protests, however, FBI director Christopher Wray changed his tune. In testimony to Congress,
Wray distanced himself from the report on black-identity extremism and repeated the canard that
Antifa was "not a group" but "an ideology," an evasion that invites the obvious rejoinder:
ideas don't torch buildings — people do.
extremist who firebombed pro-life headquarters agrees to plead guilty. The
perpetrator of a 2022 firebombing of Dairy State pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action has agreed
to plead guilty in exchange for a yet-to-be-determined prison sentence of less than 20 years.
In the early hours of Mother's Day 2022, following the May leak of a draft of the U.S. Supreme
Court's ruling that would overturn Roe v. Wade, WFA's Madison headquarters was hit with an
arson attack that burned one of the walls. The building was also defaced with a graffiti
threat that "if abortions aren't safe then you aren't either," as well as an anarchist "A" symbol
and "1312," a numerical representation of the acronym for "All Cops Are [Bad]." A Molotov
cocktail that failed to ignite was thrown through a closed window as well. In March 2023,
police in Boston, Massachusetts, arrested Madison biochemist Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury at the
airport for a flight to Central America, after an investigation found his DNA at the crime scene.
Left must get its violence under control. It's not going to like the
counterreaction. When it comes to political violence, the Left has a problem.
The Right likewise has a problem, but there's no shortage of commentary regarding this exact
topic. In fact, even the federal government is laser-focused on violence from the
Right. In contrast, left-wing violence in the United States tends to go largely unnoticed, if
not unpunished. A word of advice from a historical perspective, for both parties: Get
your people under control, embrace coexistence, and stop trying to "immanentize the eschaton" via
violence. Because if you do manage to brute force the U.S. into adopting your preferred
reality, the inevitable political counterreaction will be far worse than the thing you oppose
today. This isn't a threat. This is begging.
investigates protest at Brentwood home of AIPAC president as possible hate crime. Los
Angeles police have launched an investigation into a protest Thursday at the Brentwood home of the
president of a pro-Israeli lobbying group, with footage on social media showing protesters igniting
smoke devices in the street and spattering fake blood on the property. The incident, which
police are investigating as a possible hate crime, is the latest in Los Angeles after Hamas
attacked Israel on Oct. 7, prompting Israel to bombard and invade Gaza, the Palestinian enclave
that Hamas controls. The crisis has roiled Los Angeles, home to large populations of Jews and
Palestinians. On Nov. 1, Canter's Deli, an iconic Jewish restaurant in the Fairfax District,
was defaced with antisemitic messages spray-painted below a mural depicting the history of Jews in
Los Angeles.
Radicals Arrested for Allegedly Damaging, Setting Fire to Israeli-Owned Factory in New
Hampshire. Authorities arrested three people in connection to the damage and fire at
the Elbit Systems, an Israeli-owned company, factory in Merrimack, New Hampshire. [...] The three
girls said they belong to the group Palestine Action U.S., which has a mission to destroy Elbit
Systems because it is, to them, the "Zionist war machine." [...] The first investigation showed the
smoke came from a device on one of the suspects. Authorities also found "damage consisting of
spraypainting, smashed skylights and damage to HVAC equipment." Cala Walsh [one of the
suspects] has a long history of radicalism, embracing terrorists and targeting anything
Jewish — even preschools.
Goldman [is] Desperately Trying to Walk Back What Many Saw As Disturbing Threat to
Trump. Many on X are now talking about a disturbing comment that Rep. Dan
Goldman (D-NY) made about former President Donald Trump. [...] Goldman was on MSNBC with Jen
Psaki. They were talking about an interview former President Donald Trump had with ABC's
Jonathan Karl. In that interview, Trump told Karl that he had wanted to go up to the Capitol
during the Jan. 6 riot to try to stop what was going on. But Trump said the Secret
Service discouraged that. The MSNBC chyron at the bottom of the screen framed that as "New
audio: Trump says he wanted to join Jan. 6 crowd," which miscasts what Trump said.
What Trump says he wanted to do sounds exculpatory. Goldman paints it as the opposite,
claiming that Trump incited people to invade the Capitol when, in fact, Trump encouraged people to
act "peacefully and patriotically." Then Goldman tried to hype Trump as a threat. "His
rhetoric is really getting dangerous... It is just unquestionable at this point that that man
cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit. He is destructive to our
democracy. He has to be, he has to be eliminated." He talks about Trump
inciting — what would you call that? That had many on X understandably upset and
calling it a threat.
Punks Started A Fight With A Group Of Marines That Didn't End Well For Them. Group of
Marines get into a fight with a group of men outside the Voodoo Room nightclub in Austin,
Texas. Don't mess with the Marines. The incident started when an angry woman snagged a
phone and threw it into the street. (She was later smacked on accident by one of the men she was
with). One of the black men then swung at a Marine and missed which then escalated the
fight. The Marines knocked down one of the men after he landed three punches on a
Marine. The fight was broken up by Texas state troopers. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Wow. I've lived in Texas all my life and I've never seen that many State Troopers in one place.
protests erupts into violence outside the DNC Headquarters in DC. Protestors clashed
with police outside of the Democratic National headquarters as pro-Palestine groups flooded the
front facility and violence erupted. Officers have already made at least one arrest for
assault on an officer after 150 activists surged towards the Washington, DC, building on Wednesday
night. The incident left six police officers injured from cuts, pepper spray and being punched.
Democrats seethe at Republicans even existing. A viral video of a Democrat abusing a
poll greeter on Election Day in northern Virginia encapsulates how the demonization of "MAGA
Republicans" and the weaponization of the justice system has unhinged and energized voters on the
left. [Profanity-infused tirade omitted.] The object of his ire was Matthew Hurtt, the
clean-cut young chairman of the Arlington County Republicans, who was handing out sample ballots
alongside his Democratic counterpart. "Have a nice day," Hurtt said pleasantly. The
courtesy only further enraged the aggressor, who has been identified online as a federal government
employee — no surprise. [...] Arlington Man clearly has anger management issues, but
his freak-out at the imaginary threat posed by his Republican neighbors is by design.
He's a model product of the Disinformation Industrial Complex, brainwashed and triggered by the
hateful lies he's been fed about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and the nature of Republicans.
He is why Democrats work so hard to preserve their dishonest "narrative" — and that
requires censorship of dissenting views and suppression of contrary evidence, as well as seeding
lies into the media. It's why Hillary Clinton salivates about "deprogramming" her political
opponents. She is projecting again.
is paying for the flags? Over the last month, we've seen a lot of anti-Israel marches
with lots of flags and placards. Every time I see the marches on TV I ask two questions.
First, who is making all of these placards? They don't look like stuff made in college dorms.
Second, do they have flag making factories in our college campuses or is there a warehouse full of
them? In other words, none of these marches look spontaneous to me. And the marchers all
seem to be briefed with the same talking points!
'Hamasurrection' —
Anti-Israel Rioters Assault White House, Scale Gates, Deface American Monuments.
Undoubtedly, the photos and videos that came out of Washington, D.C. Saturday evoked memories of
1939 for many in America especially in the Jewish community as pro-Hamas demonstrators took to the
streets to call for "intifada" and accuse President Joe Biden, as Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.)
did Friday, of genocide because of his stated support for Israel. As you can see from clips
earlier in the day Saturday, it was a large crowd — and one that would get far more
incendiary as the day wore on: [Tweets with video clips] At dusk, things started
turning uglier as the "mostly peaceful" rioters smeared red paint hand prints on a White House
grounds entranceway and attempted to storm the White House gate, with at least one climbing over it
and waving a Palestinian flag at Secret Service agents who were standing not far away.
A List Of All The Pro-Palestine Protesters Who Are Being Prosecuted For Attempting To Storm The
White House. It's happening again! A mob of protestors marched through the
streets of Washington, D.C., and attempted to storm one of the nation's most beloved
landmarks. This time, it was the White House! Fortunately, as we have all seen in the
wake of the Jan 6 Capitol riot, anyone who was even remotely in the vicinity of the incident
will be hunted down and held accountable.
of Jewish Man Attacked by Pro-Hamas Demonstrator in California Ruled Homicide. The
Ventura County, California Medical Examiner's office has ruled that the death of a Jewish man who
was attacked by a Hamas supporter on Sunday in Thousand Oaks was caused by blunt force trauma and
ruled it a homicide. As RedState reported Monday, a Hamas supporter hit Paul Kessler over the
head with a megaphone during a confrontation on Sunday, causing Kessler to fall and hit his skull
on the pavement. Video posted to social media showed Kessler lying in a pool of blood, and he
died of his injuries on Monday morning. Though many media reports have listed the location as
Los Angeles, or northern Los Angeles County, the incident took place in the Thousand Oaks area of
Ventura County, just northwest of Los Angeles. While crime in Los Angeles County is
skyrocketing, Thousand Oaks is ranked the 9th safest city in the United States and has not seen the
types of Antifa and BLM protests other areas around Los Angeles have experienced.
Protesters Storm Port of Oakland and US Ready Reserve Ship to Stop Weapons to Israel.
We've seen a lot of anti-Israel protesters. We saw some who stormed a New York City store
because it had flyers of the kidnapped Israelis out front, and police had to protect the building
and the people. But the folks who stormed into the Port of Oakland managed to do something
that everyone should find more than a little troubling. Somehow they were able to get through
a fence and onto the grounds of the port area. At least three of them got onto the ladder for
the U.S. Ready Reserve Force roll-on/roll-off vessel MV Cape Orlando, thinking it was leaving to
pick up weapons to take to Israel. Some reports said they locked themselves to the ladder
while a couple of hundred others blocked Berth 20, where the ship was moored. Ready Reserve
ships are used to help deploy military forces or equipment and are managed by the U.S. Department
of Transportation's Maritime Administration. They are not manned by military personnel.
arrested for ramming car through gate at S.C. nuclear power plant. A 66-year-old
Arkansas man has been arrested after he allegedly rammed his car through security gates at a South
Carolina nuclear power plant and tried to hit security guards. Doyle Wayne Whisenhunt, of
Lockesburg, Ark., was arrested Friday on charges of attempted murder, malicious injury to personal
property and unlawful entry into an enclosed place after an incident a day earlier at Oconee
Nuclear Station. Whisenhunt was taken into custody at an abandoned home in South Carolina,
police said. The incident unfolded about 8 p.m. when a man drove a silver 2002 Toyota Camry
through the facility's exit gates.
Pro-Palestinian Protestors Deface and Vandalize Statues in Washington DC — Spray Paint
White House Fence. Historical monuments near the White House were vandalized on
Saturday evening by pro-Palestinian protesters. As The Gateway Pundit previously reported,
thousands of pro-Palestine protestors flocked outside the White House on Saturday to protest the
Biden admin's support for Israel in their war against Hamas. Videos from the protest that
have surfaced on X show pro-Palestine protesters placing the Palestinian keffiyeh (checkered black
and white scarf) on a statue of Benjamin Franklin on Pennsylvania Avenue and several other statues
in Lafayette Park were spray painted with pro-Palestine slogans. Another video shows a statue
of Andrew Jackson holding a Palestinian flag.
radicals steal, destroy signs at Catholic churches opposing Ohio abortion amendment.
Just days ahead of a statewide vote on whether to enshrine abortion "rights" in the Ohio Constitution,
vandalism is reportedly on the rise against Catholic churches in the Buckeye State. On
November 7, Ohioans will vote on Issue 1, which would establish a legal "right" to
make "personal reproductive" decisions, "including but not limited to decisions on contraception,
fertility treatment, continuing one's own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion," which the
state "shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or
discriminate against." According to the Ohio Attorney General's Office, the amendment would go
far beyond even Roe v. Wade and block prohibitions on partial-birth and dismemberment
abortions, allow abortionists to target disabled babies, and end parental consent requirements for
abortion as well as minors' contraception, sterilization, and "gender transition" decisions.
a Dozen Churches [are] Vandalized as Radical Abortion Activists Promote Issue 1. As
radical abortion activists promote Issue 1, which would allow abortions up to birth, they have also
been targeting churches that are opposing it. Catholic schools, churches and cemeteries
across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, for example, have posted in recent weeks that they have been
victims of vandalism and attacks. Pro-abortion extremists have stolen, defaced or damages No
on Issue 1 signs at pro-life business that are displaying them. And pro-life residents have
experienced the same sorta of vandalism of their lawn signs on private residences. [...] It appears
so far that none of these vandals have been identified and brought to justice.
Protesters Clash in Chicago With Radical Black 'Israelite' Group. An extremist group
that believes black Americans and other people of color are the real descendants of the ancient
Israelites clashed Saturday with pro-Palestine protesters in Chicago while police attempted to calm
the two groups. The sometimes violent exchanges between pro-Palestine protesters and members
or supporters of Black Hebrew Israelites followed a march around the Chicago Loop organized by a
group called the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine, police said. Pro-Palestine and
pro-Hamas protesters chanted their demand for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war. Thirty
minutes into the march, altercations began to break out among the thousands of protesters, CBS News
Chicago reported. Video reports show members and supporters of Black Hebrew Israelites and
pro-Palestine groups violently attacking each other, some using flags as weapons and others
throwing objects.
Man Attacks British Man At Speakers Corner In London's Hyde Park. There was an attack
at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park, London Tuesday. Reports say an Islamist called the victim a
"white bastard" before he was viciously attacked. This area is known to be overrun by
Islamist extremists. [Video clip]
Nuts are Coming Out of the Woodwork in California [and] New York. We've seen this
sort of thing happen before. Just a couple years ago there was a wave of anti-Semitic attacks
with notable incidents in New York City and Los Angeles. Now it seems to be happening
again. Last night a deranged man broke into a Jewish family's home in Studio City, CA and
threatened to kill them. The couple's four children were home at the time. [...] Was this guy
trying to reenact the murder of Jewish families is Israel? Fortunately, the husband forced
the man outside where police found him still ranting when they arrived. He was armed with a
kitchen knife and kept shouting "Free Palestine!" as he was arrested.
of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD. Thousands of
anti-Israel protesters clashed with police Saturday night after they refused to vacate the Bay
Ridge street they had flooded for hours. The "Flood Brooklyn for Palestine" demonstration
devolved into chaos as night fell, with protesters completely shutting down traffic, screaming at
police and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways. The aggressive protesters dug
their heels into the ground when the NYPD tried to push them out of 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue,
where 5,000 ralliers converged earlier in the day to demand that the United States withdraw support
for its closest ally in the Middle East.
High-tech Lynching of America. [Scroll down] What had been going on at
many college campuses for decades came to cities across the country. With activism that
created division, fear, and people turning on each other, it was as if Mao's Chinese Communist
Cultural Revolution 1960s and 70s had come to America. First came hordes instigated by Antifa
and Black Lives Matter smashing windows, looting, and burning down neighborhoods resulting in the
destruction of $2 billion of urban property across America. Then, as if on cue or following a
plan, marauding mobs appeared with ropes seeking to topple historic statues and monuments.
Columbus and Confederate Civil War heroes were the first to go, but no one should doubt that the
Founding Fathers — the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution — will be next. No history, no borders, no country.
Insurrectionists Occupy Federal House Office Building in Washington DC. About one
hundred pro-Palestinian insurrectionists occupied a federal House office building in Washington,
DC, on Wednesday, chanting "ceasefire now" and "let Gaza live." The insurrectionists, many
who wore face masks and dressed in black and flew a banner demanding that Israel stop defending
itself from rocket attacks against civilians, occupied the ground floor of the Cannon Office
Building, one of three main buildings where congressional staff and lawmakers work.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib was leading the protest: [Tweet with video clip]
Far Left Protesters Storm Capitol, Shut Down Rotunda. It's only legal when Democrats
do it. Screaming leftists entered the US Capitol on Wednesday in an attempt to coerce
lawmakers to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. The anti-Israel mob took over the rotunda, screaming
against Israel and demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. The mob also hung flags on the Capitol rails.
Peaceful Pro-Hamas Supporters Assault Capitol Police, Try To Breech Barrier At White
House. More than 30 protesters were arrested in front of the White House on Monday,
according to the U.S. Secret Service. This comes after thousands of pro-Palestinian activists
took to the streets of the nation's capital on Saturday to advocate for a cease-fire between Israel
and the Iranian-backed Hamas militant group, urging President Biden to end the conflict.
[Video clip]
Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here. Understand that our foreign and domestic
enemies not only eagerly support the frenzy of rape and murder we saw in Israel but that they want
it repeated here in America. When they talk about "the consequences of colonialization" or
complain that Israel has defended itself, they are normalizing mass atrocities by their purported
allies against their actual enemies. Their enemies in Israel are Jews — men,
women, and children — and here, their enemies are normal Americans — again,
men, women and children. Denial simply empowers these monsters, and attempts by the goo-goos
to appeal to our enemies' morality, or to point out facts and argue in good faith, will end in
abject failure. What matters to our enemies is that we suffer and die. Nothing less
will satisfy them.
Angry Leftists Arrested At Penn State After Vandalizing And Flipping Riley Gaines' Table Before
Speech. Two people were detained by police on Tuesday on the campus of Penn State
University after appearing to cause a disturbance during Riley Gaines' appearance at the school,
according to videos circulating on social media. Videos posted to X, formerly Twitter, by The
College Fix show two individuals approaching a table on campus where Gaines was expected to attend
for the Real Women's Day rally. One individual is seen knocking objects off the table.
Another person is seen shouting in the face of someone, calling him "transphobic" in reference to a
sign he is holding. The person then flips over the table. [Video clip]
can't drain a swamp from a raft in the middle. Democrats will pervert the law in
unimaginable ways to prevent a second Trump presidency, and the mainstream media will publish any
lie to help them. They will convict him a hundred times of a hundred crimes. They
impeached a former president for the first time in history; why not impeach a
president-elect? The legal maneuvers to prevent the inauguration of a president who is
obsessively hated by the federal government, the left-wing media and corporations, and who has
already been outlandishly persecuted for seven years, are unimaginable. If all else fails,
much of this nation will be burned to the ground. Other things too awful to speak of could
happen. Gullible, emotional people raised to a fever pitch of hatred against one man for
seven years might do anything.
who killed teen he thought was 'Republican extremist' sentenced to less than 5 years in
prison. A man who killed a teenager he thought was a "Republican extremist" has been
sentenced to less than five years in prison in what critics are calling an example of ideological
disparities in the current justice system. Last year, North Dakota man Shannon Brandt fatally
struck 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson, allegedly chasing him through streets after a "street dance."
After hitting Ellingson, Brandt left the scene but returned and called 911, claiming the victim had
been "part of a Republican extremist group and was calling people to come get Brandt after a
political argument," local media reported at the time. It was later determined there was "no
evidence" Ellingson had any such political ties.
Have Become The Party Of Authoritarianism. They Only Understand Power. Perhaps
you saw the news last week that two women in their 70s, Jean Marshall and Joan Bell, are each
facing up to 11 years in federal prison for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic in 2020.
Federal prosecutors charged the pair for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE)
Act, which Biden's Justice Department has been aggressively enforcing against pro-life activists,
convicting 26 people last year alone. You might have also seen, a few weeks earlier, that a
42-year-old North Dakota man who ran over and killed an 18-year-old kid for being a Republican was
sentenced to just five years in prison on a manslaughter charge, and with credit for time already
served on house arrest, will spend only about four years behind bars.
dropped against abortionist accused of running over pro-life activist with his car. A
judge on Friday dismissed a felony charge against a Michigan abortionist who allegedly struck a
pro-life activist with his vehicle earlier this year, causing him to suffer a broken leg. The
attorney for the pro-life advocate told LifeSiteNews he plans to bring the charge again. On
Friday, a Saginaw County judge dismissed the case against 88-year-old abortionist Theodore Roumell,
who was charged with felonious assault for running into pro-life activist Mark Zimmerman in the
driveway of the Women's Center of Saginaw on Friday, June 23.
upcoming visit to the New York already beset by leftist agitation and sabotage. When
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu arrives in New York this week to address the
United Nations General Assembly, the television news channels will be sure to highlight the
disgraceful sight of Israelis joining Palestinians, radical leftists, and other Israel haters to
protest Israel's democratically elected leader. You will see Israelis, who deserted Israel
years ago, accusing Bibi of all sorts of fraudulent claims. One of the most hypocritical was
already displayed on a huge sign facing the U.N. building, calling him a "Crime Minister" despite
unproven guilt as the weak cases brought against him are collapsing due to lack of any substantive evidence.
charity that occupied McCarthy's office [is] heavily bankrolled by taxpayers. A
left-wing nonprofit group whose activists were arrested for occupying House Speaker Kevin
McCarthy's (R-CA) office to demand reauthorization of an HIV/AIDS program pockets millions of
dollars each year in government grants, documents show. Activists for the HIV/AIDS advocacy
organizations Health GAP and Housing Works faced arrest Monday after storming McCarthy's office on
Capitol Hill and pressing Congress to carve out a five-year extension to the President's Emergency
Plan for AIDS Relief, a program that allocates federal funds for research, prevention, and
treatment to fight the disease. Housing Works, a charity based in Brooklyn, New York, has
received government cash for decades, including over $100 million in grants between fiscal 2011 and
2022, according to tax forms reviewed by the Washington Examiner.
arrested while occupying Speaker McCarthy's office. A group of leftist activists
occupied the office of Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Monday morning. They demand a clean
reauthorization of PEPFAR in Congress. Speaker McCarthy did just as he should have
done. He had them arrested. Good for him. According to the reporter on the scene,
they were "marched out in zip ties" while chanting "pass PEPFAR now." [Several tweets] We
know that leftist protesters are treated differently than conservatives. These people
probably got the Jane Fonda treatment like when the climate protesters are arrested on Capitol
Hill. A quick stop at the police station and then they are sent on their way.
Activists Storm and Take Over Kevin McCarthy's Office. LGBTQ+ activists stormed into
and temporarily occupied Speaker Kevin McCarthy's (R-CA) office in the Rayburn House Office
Building, across the street from the Capitol building, on Monday to push Republican lawmakers to
fund the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) for another five years. Video
taken inside the office shows the protesters sitting down in the reception area, while chanting
"Pass PEPFAR now, McCarthy!"
60 Domestic Terrorists Face RICO Charges Over Protests Against 'Cop City'. There's
been a lot of talk lately about Georgia's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)
statute, mainly because of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' use of it to target Donald
Trump and 18 others for prosecution. The state's RICO act is broader than the federal
equivalent, which is why Willis has tried tying multiple offenses to it in order to try to nail the
former president. It turns out that prosecutors can use RICO for actual crimes and not just
for left-wing political persecution. Georgia's Attorney General Chris Carr is using the
statute to charge over 60 individuals in conjunction with the domestic terrorism that has taken
place over a proposed public safety training center the city of Atlanta wants to build.
Declaration of War on Domestic Political Enemies. Taking a page from former Chinese
leader Mao Zedong's book about the suppression of political enemies in order to maintain control,
Joe Biden has declared war on his own domestic political enemies. Thanks to two decades of
Democrats corrupting the nation's intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies, the awesome
powers of the surveillance state have been turned from a focus on overseas threats to an
ever-evolving characterization (by Democrat prosecutors and the US Dept of Justice) of "domestic
terrorists." Meanwhile, the Democrats' Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs are the vanguard
of the American version of Mao's Cultural Revolution in the streets.
U.S. Nazi Questioned By Police: Computer Tells Officers Not To Arrest, But Instead "Contact
the FBI". Whether warranted or not, commenters are speculating that Antifa, BLM, and
the Nazis are all arms of the Democrat Party. Including Ukrainian Nazis. Which means
taxpayers may be funding all of this destructive behavior. And none of it makes sense,
because there is no visible "Nazi threat" (other than what appear to be masked, uniformed groups of
DVEs like "Patriot Front"). Somehow media and government agencies have no interest in these
seemingly well-organized domestic threats. Sixty Minutes is AWOL. There are no
public bulletins or BOLOs for these vicious white nationalists. In the early 20th Century,
the Democrats funded a terror wing called the Ku Klux Klan. Now the Democrats appear to have
weaponized the government to create "sanctioned" terror wings at taxpayer expense. If true,
it makes you wonder: are Antifa and BLM simply a few of the Democrat "Brown Shirts"?
[Tweet with video clip]
Loomer Exposes FBI Knew Azov Ukrainian Spies Involved in J6 and Did Nothing. In
potentially her biggest story yet, Loomer exposed that Ukrainian spies with connection to the
infamous Azov Balaton were involved in J6. Loomer uncovered this shocking information after she
pieced together the identities of the DeSantis-Biden supporting Nazis running around Florida.
Florida has the highest rate of J6 arrests of state in America. DeSantis has even allowed the
Capitol Police to set up an office in Florida. Yet, federal and Sunshine State authorities
seem to have no interest in arresting actual nazis in connection with January 6th.
Loomer posted a photo of Sergei Dybynyn and the J6 Shaman, Jake Angeli-Chansley, taken at the
capitol on January 6th, 2021. Loomer captioned the photo, writing, "During their private
interview with @AmericaShaman the@FBI asked him how he knew a Ukrainian operative who took a photo with
him the day of J6 2021. Chansley didn't know the guy, and FBI confirmed that the Ukrainian
Sergai Dybynyn was a Ukrainian spy who is affiliated with the Nazi Azov Battalion."
the Left Did to Our Country. [Scroll down] And what a revolution Biden's
puppeteers have unleashed in less than three years. They launched a base attack on the
American legal system. Supreme Court judges are libeled, their houses swarmed, and their
lives threatened with impunity. The Left promised to pack the court or to ignore any decision
it resents. The media runs hit pieces on any conservative justice deemed too
influential. The prior Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer whipped up a mob outside the
court's doors, and threatened two justices by name. As Schumer presciently put it, they would
soon "reap the whirlwind" of what they supposedly had sowed and thus would have no idea what was
about to "hit" them.
Prosecutor Running for President Calls for RICO Probe into Antifa Rioters. Former New
Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican presidential candidate in the 2024 primaries, called
for a federal RICO prosecution of Antifa rioters who have violently attacked the construction of a
police training facility in Atlanta. "We need to be more aggressive about this," Christie,
who also served as the U.S. attorney for the district of New Jersey, said at The Gathering, an
event at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead organized by radio host Erick Erickson. Erickson
asked Christie about the "Stop Cop City" protests that have involved violent attacks on people and
property in the Atlanta area in the attempt to block construction of a police training
facility. After the city council approved the training facility in Sept. 2021, protesters
have voiced their opposition, and violent agitators began throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at
construction equipment in May 2022. After a March 2023 riot, police arrested 35 people,
charging 23 of them with domestic terrorism. An attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center
was among those charged.
Andy Ngo's Case Against Antifa Shows How Desperately Lost Portland Is. Journalist
Andy Ngo was chased, beaten, and chased again when he burst into a downtown Portland, Ore., hotel
in May 2021 to get away from his black-bloc-clad Antifa attackers. "They're trying to kill me," he
told the understandably frightened hotel workers. It wasn't the first time he'd been attacked
by the notorious Portland terrorist gang. If Portland's criminal justice system wouldn't stop
these guys, Ngo figured, he'd sue them for $1 million. On Tuesday, a Portland jury decided
that two key alleged Antifa conspirators whose cases went to trial were not civilly liable for
Ngo's injuries, both physical and otherwise. The trial was marred by intimidation
tactics — not just from the attackers but from their attorney who declared to the
unidentified jury members, "I am Antifa" and "I will remember each one of your faces." We're
talking Godfather stuff here.
Gaines, activists say they were spat on, attacked by protesters at ceremonial bill signing in
Texas. Former NCAA Division 1 athletes Riley Gaines and Paula Scanlan were among
those who were targeted by "hostile" protesters that gathered in Texas on Monday in opposition of
the "Save Women's Sports Act." Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was joined by Gaines and Scanlan
at the Texas Women's Hall of Fame at Texas Woman's University in Denton for a ceremonial signing of
the bill, which was previously signed into law in June.
The Remaking
of America. [#3] The Attack on the Supreme Court. Once the Court achieved a
more or less predictable conservative majority, the Left sought to diminish it in a variety of
ways. It has called for packing the Court with leftist jurists to create a new 15-justice
bench. Leftist law professors in the Ivy League, in neo-Confederate nullification and
insurrectionary style, call for the nation to ignore Court rulings on abortion and affirmative
action. The Senate minority leader led a throng to the doors of the court, threatening justices
by name: "You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know
what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Protestors now mob the homes of
individual justices hoping to intimidate them and alter their upcoming opinions — confident
that the Department of Justice will exempt them from any legal consequences of such felonious behavior.
Soon the Cadillac dealerships will be open 24 hours a day! Protestors
line up for their cut of $4.9 Million settlement over violent 2017 St. Louis riot.
Lawlessness was rewarded in St. Louis as police protesters began lining up to collect from a
more than $5 million "kettling" settlement. A now more than decade-old police officer
involved shooting death led to dozens taking home an average of $43,000 after failing to heed
disbursal instructions. After originally proposing the settlement for $5.2 million in
January, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the process of handing out checks
rewarding civil unrest began Friday. The sum of $4.9 million was set to be divided among 84
plaintiffs named in the class action lawsuit that had been filed following the 2017 protests of the
acquittal of former police officer Jason Stockley, with three individuals claiming the remainder at
$85,000 apiece.
Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout — Leftists Rewarded $4.9 Million
following their Violent Protests. St. Louis is the latest Democrat-run city to
offer massive payouts to leftist protesters and rioters who caused havoc in their communities and
are now winning big payouts from local courts. This time the money goes to radical leftists
arrested following the acquittal of a police officer who fatally shot heroin dealer Anthony Lamar
Smith. Anthony Lamar Smith, a 24-year-old African American resident of St. Louis,
Missouri, lost his life in December 2011 after being pursued in a car chase and subsequently shot
by Jason Stockley, who was serving as a St. Louis Police officer at that time. In 2017,
The Gateway Pundit reported that a St. Louis judge found former Police Officer Jason Stockley
NOT GUILTY of first-degree murder in the shooting death of Anthony Smith, a suspected heroin dealer
who rammed Stockley's police car with his vehicle.
Is Caught On Ringcam Threatening To Blow Up House Because The Owner Is A Republican.
A mystery woman rang the doorbell of an Oklahoma home and quizzed the owner about being a
Republican because he had Fourth of July decorations on his lawn. Surveillance footage of the
July 8th incident shows the woman walk up to Pascal Quintero's home located in the area of South
Janeway Avenue and ring his doorbell. After Quintero answers the door, the stranger asks him
about his political affiliation and his independence-themed decorations — an American flag,
patriotic banners and an inflatable Uncle Sam character riding a firework. She then blames
him for not being able to get an abortion. [Video clip]
tale of two legal systems. The Democrats aren't even hiding that that there are two
forms of justice. One for the left and one for the right. If you burn a historic church
and attack the White House as rioters did in 2020, you are a protester. Excuses are made for
your action. After the attack on St. John's Church in Washington, D.C., Rector
Rev. Rob Fisher said in an e-mail to worshippers, "The protests that began peacefully grew to
something more, and eventually a fire was lit in the nursery, in the basement of Ashburton
House. Protestors easily could have done a lot worse to our buildings, but they chose not to
do that."
Ramaswamy believes TN Gov. Lee, FBI 'hiding' Nashville shooter manifesto: 'Stonewalled
silence'. Republican presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy headed to Nashville on
Wednesday and demanded that Gov. Bill Lee release the writings of Covenant School shooter
Audrey Hale. Ramaswamy slammed politicians and law enforcement for their "stonewalled
silence" on the deadly shooting by the 28-year-old transgender artists who opened fire in the
private elementary school on the morning of March 27. "We have to learn from tragedy to
prevent it in the future," Ramaswamy told a crowd as he stood in front of Davidson County
Courthouse in Nashville Wednesday afternoon. He railed against Lee, the Metro Nashville
Police Department and the FBI as he repeated "Tell us the truth," before adding: "The whole truth,
nothing but the truth." "I do believe they're hiding this manifesto," he added.
the Nashville shooter's manifesto would be "unprecedented". It has now been more than
four months since trangender mass shooter Audrey Hale murdered six people at The Covenant School in
Nashville, Tennessee. All the funerals are over and life is slowly returning to normal in the
community. And yet the public has still not seen the shooter's manifesto or the other
documents police collected in the aftermath of the attack. Initially, it was the police and
the FBI that appeared to be holding up the release, but now the situation has been shifted to the
courts. In a bizarre turn of events, the families of both the shooter and the victims have
teamed up with the school and are fighting to prevent the documents from being released. A
coalition of elected officials and a local newspaper have sued to have the material made public.
Is Becoming One Giant No-Go Zone For Cops. This is a wild video. Officers tried
to break up an illegal street race/reckless driving and the crowd jumped on the hood of the vehicle
and danced, and put up obstacles to block them. Not long after, there was a shooting leaving
four injured (one seriously). [Video clip]
To Create Conspiracy Theories. Touch an officer on January 6, and one sat in
jail for months. Club an officer in summer 2020, and the offender was likely to become
certified as a member of the Antifa or BLM resistance, albeit acting up a bit during the "summer of
love." Unlike January 6, the violence of arsonists, murderers, rioters, and Antifa and
BLM mobs resulted in 1,500 injured law enforcement officers, more than 35 violent deaths, nearly
$2 billion in property damage, and 14,000 arrests. Yet most of the indictments were dropped,
or plea bargained down to minor misdemeanors by sympathetic leftwing city and state prosecutors.
Note that the 2020 rioters also targeted iconic and government buildings. Rioters attempted
to burn down a federal courthouse, a police precinct headquarters, an historic Washington D.C.
church — all topped off by the mob's nocturnal effort to stampede into the White House
grounds to get to the president.
Paul's Kentucky office torched in early morning blaze. An early morning fire ripped
through a commercial building that housed an office operated by Sen. Rand Paul in Bowling
Green, Kentucky, Friday. The Bowling Green Daily News first reported on the fire, which
caused heavy damage to the structure in downtown Bowling Green. The building also contained a
local law firm and a retail store. A spokesperson for the Bowling Green Fire Department told
the news outlet that emergency personnel responded to the fire at 1:45 a.m. Friday. Six
units had to trim tree limbs to hose down second-story office windows, plus manned aerials on
firetrucks to combat flames from above.
to Pay $13.7 Million to George Floyd Protesters over Alleged Police Misconduct. The
City of New York agreed to pay a $13.7 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit brought by
protesters who accused NYPD officers of using unlawful policing tactics and violating the rights of
demonstrators during the 2020 protests and rioting sparked by the death of George Floyd. The
city has agreed to pay out $9,950 per person to up to 1,380 people who were "arrested and/or
subjected to force by N.Y.P.D. officers" during protests at 18 different locations throughout
Manhattan and Brooklyn in May and June of 2020, according to the New York Times.
Won't the Media Admit When Mass Murderers Are Environmentalists? On Friday, a federal
judge sentenced the El Paso Walmart mass murderer, who killed 23 people and wounded another 22, to
90 consecutive life sentences. He still faces additional charges from Texas, where he could
receive the death penalty. [...] Since the murderer's vicious attack on August 3, 2019, the news
media has constantly described the El Paso murderer as "far-right" in Newsweek and raised this case
as an example of "right-wing extremism in the U.S." at NBC. Indeed, attacks such as the El Paso
mass murder are counted by the Anti-Defamation League as right-wing extremists. But the El
Paso murderer was not a right-winger by any normal definition. His views clearly match up
much closer with the views of Democrats. The news media views anyone who is racist as a
right-winger. But the El Paso murderer was a racist because of his environmentalist
views. In his manifesto, he wrote: "The decimation of the environment is creating a massive
burden for future generations ... The next logical step is to decrease the number of people in
America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become
more sustainable."
Land of the Free, Home of the Deluded. Looting, attacking police, burning buildings,
screaming and cursing in a wanton manner, bottle throwing and Molotov cocktails are all
manifestations of delusions of persecution. Small inconveniences or slights may thus become
the basis for violent reactions when magnified into delusions of persecutions or false ideas about
the source of the fear or difficulties one experiences.
on the Left? Riley Gaines is a former NCAA female swimmer who has spoken out against
the so-called right of males to compete as females. In response, she has been attacked,
verbally and physically, by transgender activists and their supporters. Recently, after
speaking at San Francisco State University, she was forced to barricade herself in a room while she
was assaulted by a mob of transgender rights protesters. According to Gaines, police in San
Francisco "failed miserably" to defend her and stated, according to Gaines, that "it was not ideal
for them to be seen as anything other than an ally to this community." [...] The Riley Gaines
protest is just the latest example of the left's resorting to violence in place of peaceful
discussion. Violent attacks on conservatives and on anyone who stands in their way have
become commonplace, and these attacks are a grave danger to our democracy.
Insidious Assault on 'Our Democracy'. In March 2020, then-Senate Minority Leader
Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) stood on the steps of the Supreme Court to openly threaten Trump's first two
court picks if they did not rule correctly in a forthcoming abortion decision. Schumer
intoned: "I want to tell you [Justice Neil] Gorsuch. I want to tell you [Justice Brett]
Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know
what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." That outburst triggered a rare public
rebuke from the typically mild-mannered Chief Justice John Roberts: "Threatening statements of this
sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous."
mass killing suspect is a cross-dressing BLM activist — and police are using 'they/them'
pronouns. The suspect accused of gunning down five people in a mass killing on Monday
is reportedly a Black Lives Matter activist and cross-dresser. [...] The killer allegedly used an
AR-15-style weapon and a handgun, wore body armor and a ski mask, and targeted victims randomly.
Police officers chased and cornered the suspect, taking the individual into custody without issue.
shooter was another transgender person. No, I don't think that being transgender
necessarily makes you violent. But I also think it is not a coincidence that a number of mass
shootings lately have been carried out by transgender-identifying people. Alphabet ideology
radicalizes people and convinces them that they are hated by and under constant threat from the
larger society.
gunman behind July 4 Philly bloodbath that left five dead is BLM supporter. The
Philadelphia gunman who left five dead has been unmasked as a cross-dressing Black Lives Matter
supporter who made chilling Facebook posts about 'evil spirits.' Kimbrady Carriker, 40, shot
dead four men and a 15-year-old boy in the Kingsessing neighborhood on the eve of the Fourth of
July. He is now in custody and facing multiple murder charges after rampaging through the
streets with an AR-15, a handgun and wearing a ballistic vest.
Gay [Black] Dude Attacks Starbucks Barista In NYC. This gay guy with no pride and his
two a-hole friends have been going around NYC and harassing establishments. They came into
this Starbucks and started trouble, throwing straws before throwing some fists at the ladies behind
the counter. Let's hope karma catches up with them. [Video clip]
pro-life activist set for surgery after abortionist allegedly struck him with his
car. A pro-life sidewalk counselor in Michigan said he's scheduled for surgery on
Friday after an abortionist ran over him with his vehicle last week. Witnesses told LifeSite
the incident appeared premeditated. Veteran pro-life sidewalk counselor Mark Zimmerman, 52,
told LifeSiteNews he suffered a fractured tibia after local abortionist Theodore Roumell, 88,
struck him with his car outside the Women's Center of Saginaw on Friday, June 23.
Island State Senator Faces Additional Charges Over Vandalism Incident: Report.
Democratic Rhode Island state Senator Joshua Miller, who police arrested last week for allegedly
vandalizing a vehicle with a "Biden Sucks" sticker parked at an outdoor shopping area, reportedly
faces additional charges after denying involvement in the incident to police. On Thursday,
Cranston Police charged Miller with vandalism and malicious injury to property after a suspect
accused the lawmaker of "keying" an SUV in the Garden City Center parking lot. When
confronted about the incident, Miller denied the accusation to the victim and authorities and was
initially let go.
Do We Reach Peak Climate Insanity? It Needs To Be Soon. The global warming
gasbags and climate catastrophics seem to have an endless amount of energy. Like the posse
chasing Butch and Sundance, they don't get tired, or hungry, or slow down, or even break
formation. But unlike that posse, they'll never catch what they're chasing. To listen
to the climate alarmists, the casual observer would be convinced that the incineration of Earth due
to combustion that produces carbon dioxide is imminent. As in next year ... or maybe next
week. Here's Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Democrat from Michigan: "We have to be much more
aggressive in regard to fossil fuel expansions," she recently said. The Daily Mail
characterized her rant as a "pep talk" for activists who are laying the groundwork for "a campaign
of blocking highways and chaotic protests later this summer."
State Sen Arrested For Keying Car With [an anti-]Biden Bumper Sticker. Rhode Island
state Sen. Joshua Miller (D-Cranston, Providence), was arrested Thursday after Cranston police
said he vandalized a man's SUV with a "Biden [...]" bumper sticker. Miller was charged with
vandalism/malicious injury to property after police said he keyed the other man's SUV around 3:30 p.m.
in the Garden City Center parking lot. The SUV's owner and passenger told police they
were walking back to their car when they heard a scratching noise and saw Miller with a key in his
hand. Police said the SUV owner noticed a long scratch on the vehicle's door, so the man
asked Miller if he had keyed his car. Miller denied it and walked away, according to
police. [Video clip]
Scouts and Girl Scouts led the way for the Seattle Pride Parade. [Scroll down]
Well, don't look away now, it's the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America carrying rainbow flags along
with American flags in the lead of a parade featuring naked men: [Tweet with video clip]
The Scouts have been woke for a long time, but participating in this sort of debauchery is absolutely
shameful. In addition to the indecent exposure on display at this parade, a preacher in Seattle
was also surrounded by some mostly peaceful pride protesters and literally barked at by a person
who, I guess, is a furry. The preacher was also accosted by a man who stole his Bible and ripped
it to shreds: [Tweet with video clip]
Tlaib Stirs Controversy with Provocative Call for Aggressive Climate Terrorism. In a
shocking revelation, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of the infamous 'Squad' has been caught on tape,
encouraging eco-zealots to unleash havoc in their upcoming summer campaign. DailyMail.com
obtained exclusive access to a secret pep talk where Tlaib, a Detroit Democrat, urged more than a
hundred hardliners from various environmental groups to take drastic measures, including blocking
highways and engaging in chaotic protests. [...] During the private gathering, Tlaib passionately
expressed, "We have to be much more aggressive in regard to fossil fuel expansions. If we
don't get the policies we need, if our legislative process is failing us, then direct action gets
the goods." These words of incitement have sparked intense debate, raising questions about the
boundaries of protest and the responsibility of elected officials. [Video clip]
71, charged with setting massive Yosemite park fire initially blamed on climate change.
A 71-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly starting a devastating massive forest fire in
Yosemite National Park that was previously thought to have been caused by climate change.
Edward Fredrick Wackerman of Mariposa, Calif., was busted Friday on suspicion of arson for allegedly
igniting the Oak Fire, which destroyed 127 homes, caused thousands of people to evacuate and ravaged
nearly 20,000 acres of vegetation in July 2022. The suspect is facing charges of suspicion of
aggravated arson, arson that causes great bodily injury and arson causing damage or destruction of
inhabited structures, the California Department of Forestry said. It isn't clear how
Wackerman may have started the blaze or what finally led to his arrest.
Donor Arrested for Starting Massive Fire Democrats Blamed on Climate Change.
Authorities busted a Democratic donor for allegedly starting a "ginormous inferno" in Yosemite
National Park. Democratic politicians had insisted climate change was to blame for the blaze,
which destroyed more than 100 homes and injured several firefighters in July 2022. Edward
Fredrick Wackerman (his actual name) of Mariposa, Calif., faces a number of charges including
aggravated arson following his arrest on Friday. The arson suspect has donated $1,775 to
Democratic candidates and committees since 2020, government records show, including a $1,000
donation to Tim Ryan's failed U.S. Senate campaign in 2022 and $400 to the Lincoln Project, a
disgraced liberal super PAC.
Reddit Radicalizes The Left And Encourages Political Violence. Reddit, a
link-aggregating website that claims to be the "front page of the internet," has turned into a
hotbed for radicalization. Reddit's fundamental reliance on upvotes over an algorithm
produces an unstable equilibrium in the hands of bad-faith moderators. This creates an
incredible echo chamber made up of subreddits, which create groups of individuals who will gladly
throw away their empathy as long as they view themselves as a "bastion of good" fighting those who
are ontologically evil. In some rare cases, these individuals reach beyond the keyboard and
manifest this radicalization into action. This article is meant to shed some light onto the
unseen world of Reddit, where left-wing users are routinely goaded into increasingly concerning
rhetoric and, sometimes, even violence.
Release Video Showing Attack Against Pro-Lifers in Baltimore. The Baltimore Police
Department released a video Thursday showing the brutal attack of two pro-life advocates outside of
a Planned Parenthood on May 26. Police released the video in the hopes of learning the
identity of the suspect, who can be seen tackling an 80-year-old man and assaulting a 73-year-old
man before kicking him "with extreme force" in the face," CBS News reported, citing police.
and Ranking Member of the House Weaponization Subcommittee Slips Up, Says the Quiet Part Out
Loud. Democrat and Ranking member of the House Weaponization Subcommittee says the
quiet part out loud. Democrat Delegate to the House of Representatives from the US Virgin
Islands Stacey Plaskett appeared to make a Freudian slip during her latest appearance on MSNBC.
During her latest appearance on The Sunday Show Plaskett stated, "Having Trump not only having the
codes but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and
share it in his resort with anyone and everything who comes through should be terrifying to all
Americans." Plaskett then continued, "He needs to be (shot) — Stopped." The
video was originally shared by RNC deputy director Jake Schneider but has since been picked up by
several other accounts.
Received Bomb Threats From the 'LGBTQ+ Community.' The Media Told a Different Story.
Target stores across America were evacuated over the weekend due to bomb threats that alleged the
chain had "betrayed the LGBTQ+ community" and "bowed to the wishes of far-right extremists who want
to exterminate us," according to police. But that's not how some major news outlets presented
the story. The Washington Post, USA Today, and others buried or simply left out
the nature of the emailed threats, all of which were false alarms, while prominently mentioning
conservative backlash over Target's LGBT Pride merchandise.
Free America. [Scroll down] Did you hear about the City College of New
York professor who trashed a pro-life information table on campus while screaming obscenities at
the students? Then, when reporters went to her home for comment, she came out of the door
with a machete and held it to the reporter's throat? Fortunately, all of this was caught on
camera, or there would have been zero proof or ramifications.
you build it, we will burn it'. Today is the day the Atlanta City Council is
scheduled to vote to approve $30 million for the new police training center which opponents have
dubbed "cop city." Since this is their last chance to stop it, the opponents are going all
out. That means showing up in numbers to offer a seemingly endless number of public comments
denouncing the plan. [...] Once the comments began it was just every left-wing agitator in the
Atlanta area repeating the same talking points. Here's a member of the Atlanta Democratic
Socialists. Instead of investing in police training he wants to end crime by eliminating
poverty. That should be easy. [Tweet with video clip]
DC Riots Did Far More Than Physical Damage to America. The three-year anniversary of
the Lafayette Square and Black Lives Matter riots in the nation's capital has come and gone without
much media fanfare. These apparently forgotten riots, and the harsher official response to
the Capitol riot seven months later, say much about our media landscape and rapidly transforming
legal system. On May 29, 2020, a riot in front of the White House in Lafayette Square
prompted a lockdown to protect then-President Donald Trump and the first family. At the time,
four days after George Floyd's death in police custody in Minneapolis, many in the media portrayed
the incident as Trump hiding from protesters and being real mean to them, rather than as an assault
on democracy. But it was a serious riot. Protesters tried to get inside a temporary
fence protecting the White House before being stopped by police.
Years Later, No Justice for BLM Insurrection in D.C.. "Our office prosecutes all acts
of violence, regardless of political motivation, the same." So said U.S. Attorney for the
District of Columbia Matthew Graves — under oath, mind you, and with a straight
face — during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee earlier this month.
Representative Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) questioned Graves' disparate treatment of Black Lives Matters
rioters who terrorized Washington, D.C., in 2020 versus Trump supporters involved in the events of
January 6, 2021. Although the start of both incidents was a mere seven months apart,
they are a world away in terms of accountability. In what Graves calls the "Capitol Siege"
investigation, more than 1,000 Trump supporters have been criminally charged. Graves, a Biden
appointee, has promised to double that caseload before he's finished. His office announces
new arrests every week. That, however, is not the case for rioters who caused far more
violence and inflicted far more damage in the nation's capital in 2020. The rioting that began on
May 29, 2020 at Lafayette Square prompted the lockdown of the White House; Donald Trump, his wife,
and teenage son were ushered to an underground bunker for their safety as looters and arsonists repeatedly
tried to scale the fence and break through police barricades erected outside the White House.
Was Always Only About Power With the Left. In 2020, for 120 days, left-wing mobs led
by Antifa and Black Lives Matter wrought far greater destruction in nonstop rioting, arson,
looting, and assault. Over 35 people died. Two billion dollars in property damage
followed. Some 1,500 officers were assaulted and injured. Over 14,000 protesters were
arrested. Yet few were convicted of any serious crimes; fewer were sentenced to long
sentences — given prosecutors, state and federal, claimed the violence was merely a
result of protesters exercising their "constitutional right" of dissent. Left-wing
politicians and activists from then-vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris ("They're not going
to let up, and they should not, and we should not.") to Nikole Hannah Jones ("Destroying property,
which can be replaced, is not violence.") either excused the often violent protests or urged that
they continue. Far from sending in 20,000 federal troops, as occurred after January 6,
the Left demanded that then President Trump not resort to such Draconian measures.
Note that there were lots of government properties deliberately targeted in iconic fashion.
pro-lifers viciously assaulted outside Baltimore Planned Parenthood. Two pro-lifers
in Baltimore, Maryland were viciously attacked outside an abortion facility on Saturday, leaving
one man in hospital with a fractured bone in his face, according to local activists.
According to an email by local pro-lifer John Roswell, on Saturday there was a violent, unprovoked
attack outside of a Planned Parenthood on N. Howard Street in Baltimore, that left two pro-life
men, Dick Schafer and Mark Crosby, assaulted and seriously injured. Photographs of the aftermath
of the event obtained by LifeSiteNews show Crosby with what appears to be severe facial injuries.
judge says families can object to release of Nashville shooter's manifesto. Parents
of the students who attend the Nashville Christian school where Audrey Hale killed six people back
in March have been seeking to prevent the release of Hale's writings which have been repeatedly
referred to as a manifesto. [...] Wednesday, a judge ruled that those parents have standing to
object to the release of the manifesto and set a hearing to argue whether these documents will ever
see the light of day. [...] This judge seems to be making it up as she goes. Some who have
seen the documents claim they include detailed plans for attacking the school developed by Hale
over several months. [...] I guess I could see redacting or restricting information that Hale
gathered which could potentially make the school vulnerable to another attack or which could give
specific instructions to other would-be shooters. However, I'm probably not alone in
wondering if this isn't just an excuse to avoid releasing statements that would indicate what
motivated Hale to do this. Police still haven't released a motive but as I've pointed out
before, Hale specifically told someone before the attack that it would all make more sense once
people had seen her writings.
This sounds a lot like incitement. Democrat
Lawmaker Predicts Backlash 'In The Streets' If White House Agrees To Spending Cut.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) spoke against
President Joe Biden compromising with Republicans on spending caps and a debt ceiling increase,
contending that the move would cause backlash among lawmakers and the broader public. The
debt ceiling, a statute established by Congress that prevents the government from spending beyond a
predetermined national debt limit of $31.4 trillion, exceeded the threshold earlier this
year. Republicans desire to join an increase in the debt ceiling with spending caps, while
Democrats say they prefer separate processes for debt limit negotiations and budget reforms, a
debate which occurs even as the government nears default in as little as two weeks.
"squad" signals riots if they don't get their way. It's the typical Leftist strategy:
threaten violence if their will is thwarted. The "Squad" is all about imposing their
will. This is what "democracy looks like," they insist. Mob rule. [Tweet]
Republicans have been called every name in the book. Traitors, terrorists, hatemongers, White
Supremacists, Nazis, and every kind of -phobe in the universe. But when push comes to shove
the Democrats always resort to violence. One of the reasons the Democrats have been obsessed
with January 6th, 2020, is because it was really the first time Republicans used a tactic that
is used all the time by Democrats. Invading the Capitol was wrong, but it is one of the most
common tactics in the Democrat playbook. It happens all the time, and we are told that this
is Democracy in action, not a cause for years of solitary confinement and torture. [Tweet]
college professor who threatened Post reporter with machete is fired as her lawsuit against NYPD
emerges. The manic Manhattan college professor who threatened a Post reporter with a
machete has been fired, the school said Tuesday — as it emerged she is suing the NYPD
for allegedly abusing her during the 2020 George Floyd protests. Shellyne Rodriguez was
sacked by Hunter College just hours after the adjunct professor was caught on camera holding the
blade to the veteran reporter's neck while threatening to "chop" him up outside her Bronx
apartment. "Hunter College strongly condemns the unacceptable actions of Shellyne Rodriguez and
has taken immediate action," school spokesman Vince Dimiceli told The [New York] Post.
"Rodriguez has been relieved of her duties at Hunter College effective immediately, and will not be
returning to teach at the school."
Mental Illness. The horrific murders that took place in late March at a Christian
school in Nashville has led to many investigations — as to the motive, the means and the
way the killings were carried out. Audrey Hale, age 28, "identified" as a transgender
male, going by the name of "Aiden." Hale apparently planned the carnage for some time,
leaving behind a "manifesto" which justice officials have refused to release, in order to protect
the "trans" agenda. During her planning, she also created detailed maps of the Covenant
School and church building, with multiple possible entry points and it appears the victims were
killed at random. The "target" of the attacks were the church — and the school
itself — which she had attended as a child. When Hale "came out" as being a
homosexual, her Christian parents refused to accept that. But her parents were apparently in
the dark about many things related to their daughter, even though she still lived with her parents
at age 28. They were not aware that their daughter identified as "transgender." They
believed she once owned one gun, but that she had sold it. In reality, she owned seven guns,
three of which she used during the attack, and she trained regularly at a local gun range. Her mother
said she left home that day with a red bag, but had no idea that guns were inside or what she was planning.
in Washington state; Emergency Vehicles Blocked By Thugs. Kent police said five men
were sent to the hospital after a shooting in the area of an illegal street racing event early
Sunday morning. According to authorities, a Renton Police officer was investigating a traffic
accident, when he heard several gunshots nearby. The officer radioed dispatch and went to
investigate near 180th and East Valley Rd in Kent. Kent officers arrived and found several
people with gunshot injuries. Medical crews were already on-scene giving treatment.
Kent Police Department confirmed five men were injured in the shooting. Officers said the men
shot were from surrounding cities. [Video clip]
hurls students' pro-life display after profanity-laced tirade: 'triggering my students'.
A professor at a New York public college appeared to shout down pro-life students before snagging and
throwing items in their display, accusing the students of spreading "propaganda" and "triggering" other
students. Hunter College students were manning a table displaying pro-life literature earlier
this month when they were confronted by an angry professor, who shouted profanities at the students
before tossing materials off the table, video of the interaction shows. "You're not educating
[...], this is [...] propaganda," the professor tells the students in a clip posted to Twitter by
Students for Life of America. "What are you going to do like anti-trans next?" The
aggressor in the situation was art professor Shellyne Rodriguez, who a Hunter College spokesperson
confirmed works at the school as an adjunct assistant professor.
Assaults A Cop At The Nebraska Capitol Building. At least six people were arrested at
the Nebraska state capitol building Friday after protests broke out as lawmakers passed a bill that
bans abortions after 12 weeks and restricts gender transition procedures for those under 19.
Debate was stopped briefly around 2:40 p.m. while arrests took place in a chamber balcony where
those opposing the controversial bill yelled and threw what appeared to be bloody tampons onto the
legislative floor. The balconies were cleared for the remainder of the debate. [Video clip]
police arrest 6 at state capitol, including woman who punched trooper, amid abortion, trans
debate. At least six people were arrested at the Nebraska state capitol building
Friday after protests broke out as lawmakers passed a bill that bans abortions after 12 weeks and
restricts gender transition procedures for those under 19. Debate was stopped briefly around
2:40 p.m. while arrests took place in a chamber balcony where those opposing the controversial bill
yelled and threw what appeared to be bloody tampons onto the legislative floor. The balconies
were cleared for the remainder of the debate. Lucia Salinas, 24, and Maghie Miller-Jenkins,
36, were arrested for allegedly obstructing a government operation and disturbing the peace, the
Nebraska State Patrol said in a release sent to Fox News Digital.
Disturbing Similarities between the Democrat and Nazi Parties. While the German
national socialist party exploited force, Democrats started the practice with the KKK and perfected
it with the Burning, Looting, and Murder riots during the summer of 2020, making it clear to
everyone that if they didn't get their way, the BLM violence would continue.
Taylor Greene Shows Photos Of 'Left-Wing' Protesters Who 'Invaded' Congressional Building During
Hearing. Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia announced that
left-wing protesters had occupied the Cannon House Office Building's rotunda during a hearing
Tuesday and pulled out photos appearing to show the protesters. "Just while we've been sitting
in this committee room having this hearing today about left-wing extremism and violence, literally,
as we were being gaveled in, we experienced some left-wing. extremism of our own on the second
floor of this building," Greene said during a hearing held by the House Homeland Security
Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability. Greene's office
confirmed the protest when contacted by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
are they hiding the manifesto? Remember the Covenant school shooting in
Nashville? You are not supposed to. It is supposed to fade quietly into the background
because, well, the facts are inconvenient to the Narrative. Immediately after the horrific
events we learned that there was a "manifesto" left behind by the shooter making it abundantly
clear why she committed the act. In her last message to a friend, she also indicated that she
left behind writings about why she committed evil acts. So far that manifesto has been
withheld from public scrutiny. The powers that be don't want you to see it. For a brief
period, the authorities tried to reverse course and claim that there were only the ramblings of a
disturbed person that made no sense. That was their first excuse for hiding what the shooter
left behind. Nobody bought that for a number of reasons, so a fallback position soon emerged
for why the tender eyes of the public must be protected from exposure to the rantings of a lunatic:
the words are magically dangerous and hearing or reading them might make people spontaneously
explode or something.
Police Association and Other Groups Sue to Obtain Audrey Hale Manifesto. In March,
Audrey Hale shocked the nation by opening fire at The Covenant School in Nashville,
Tennessee. The police soon acknowledged that they had a manifesto from Hale on why she took
this inexplicable and horrific action. We all then waited for the release of the
manifesto. We are still waiting. It is not uncommon for there to be a delay in the
release of information in a major crime pending investigation. What was weird is that the
police quickly confirmed that Hale acted alone and Hale was dead. There is no prosecution
that will occur in the case. Yet, it is May and the authorities are still refusing to release
the manifesto ... and they will not fully explain why. Now, the National Police Association
and other groups are suing to make the writings and other materials of mass shooter Audrey Hale
public. There were twenty journals, five laptops, a suicide note, yearbooks, cellphones and
various notes written by Hale, 28, that were seized from the house she shared with her
parents. There have been press reports that the authorities consider the manifesto to be
"astronomically dangerous."
is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world."
Unprecedented Rise in Hate Crimes against American Churches. Attacks on churches and
Christian institutions on American soil are at an all-time high. The Mar. 27, 2023 killings
in Nashville — where a woman claiming to be a man (AKA "transgender") stormed a private
Christian school and murdered three children and three adults — is just the tip of the
iceberg. According to recent reports by the Family Research Council, "criminal acts against
churches have been steadily on the rise for the past several years." While relying on limited
open-source information — meaning that the actual number "of acts of hostility [against
churches] is undoubtedly much higher" — the organization managed to verify "a total of
420 documented acts of hostility that occurred between January 2018 and September 2022" across the
United States.
day brown shirts. The so-called "counterculture of the 1960s" bred a number of radical organizations
that over time morphed, infiltrated and/or became aligned with the Democrat Party. [...] You may remember some of the names:
• Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
• The Weather Underground (Weathermen: Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, etc.)
• Black Panther Party (Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, etc.)
• Black Liberation Army (1970s)
• Yippies (Abbie Hoffman)
• American Indian Movement (Dennis Banks, Russell Means, etc.)
• And a number of smaller entities tied to Mao, Marx, Trotsky, and Lenin, as well as
radical leftist political parties: Communist Party USA, Industrial Workers of the World, Workers World Party,
Socialist Workers Party, etc. [...]
We need to pay attention to what these people wish to achieve in America, as they are diligently
at work behind the scenes attempting to destroy the country as it was founded and implement their
version of a "socialist paradise."
Matt Gaetz Assaulted by Deranged Leftist. A woman from Tallahassee has been charged
by Florida authorities for her involvement in an incident on Saturday, during which she reportedly
assaulted Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) at a private event. Selena J. Chambers, a
41-year-old woman from Tallahassee, Fla., was charged with one count of battery on an elected
official and one count of battery, to touch or strike, by Walton County officers who arrested
her. According to a press release from Rep. Gaetz's office, Chambers describes herself
as a member of the "Resistance." According to a statement, Gaetz intends to pursue charges
against Chambers over the incident, citing his desire to uphold standards of civil conduct and
ensure the safety of residents in Florida.
violent lyrics can't be used against them in court under Democrats' new bill. House
Democrats are pushing a new bill that would make it illegal for prosecutors to use violent lyrics
by rap artists against them in court if they commit crimes, citing First Amendment protections.
On Thursday, Reps. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., and Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., announced they would reintroduce
the Restoring Artistic Protection Act, or RAP Act. The bill would protect artists from the use
of their lyrics against them in criminal and civil proceedings, a practice that's more common in cases
involving hip-hop artists. The pair introduced the bill last Congress, but it failed to gain any
traction. The measure, they say, would add a presumption to the Federal Rules of Evidence that
would limit the admissibility of evidence of an artist's creative or artistic expression against that
artist in court.
State Senator's Home Vandalized Over Law Banning Child Sex Change Surgeries. The home
of a Republican state senator has been vandalized over his bill banning sex changes for
minors. The vandalism took place at the home of Sen. Mike Kennedy on the evening of
April 21. The vandal left messages in red spray paint across Sen. Kennedy's garage,
including "Fash," presumably meaning Fascist, and "these trannies bash back."
Sen. Kennedy posted a photo of the crime on his Facebook page and explained that he will not
be intimidated or deterred.
Shooter Killed Five To Get Firearms Banned — And Democrats Are Happy To
Oblige. The U.S. is apparently at such a stage of degeneracy that anti-gun radicals
are buying guns to shoot people and make the case for banning firearms. The man responsible
for the deaths of five at Old National Bank in Lousiville, Kentucky, on April 10 reportedly
admitted that the motivation for his killing spree was to further the left's gun-control
agenda. A 13-page manifesto uncovered by the Daily Mail allegedly disclosed that the
25-year-old shot and killed multiple colleagues in part to prove his belief that guns are too easy
to obtain in Kentucky. The shooter also reportedly wanted to draw attention to mental
illness, something his parents later disclosed he suffered from and took medicine for, and
explicitly expressed a desire to kill himself. The shooter died after police officers shot
him. Ironically, the shooter's death illustrates that the best way to counter a trigger-happy
madman is for good guys with guns to employ that great equalizer, but that's not the message
gun-control activists took away from the tragedy. Gun-control backers latched onto the shooter's
crimes to embolden Democrats to move forward with unconstitutional red-flag laws and gun grabs.
Bank Shooter Connor Sturgeon Left Behind a Manifesto Warning Us of Things to Come.
Last Monday, 25-year-old Connor Sturgeon walked into his former workplace, Old National Bank, in
downtown Louisville, KY, armed with an AR-15-style modern sporting weapon and opened fire. [...] As
I've pointed out before, mass shootings only have "legs" in the media if they support a narrative,
and, as I wrote at the time, the Louisville shooting was going to drop from view because it did not
fit the narrative the gun-grabbing media need; see The Media Will Forget the Louisville Shooting
Because It Doesn't Support the Gun Control Narrative. The shooter had a master's degree, his
family was upper-middle-class, and he hated Trump and conservatives. Just as Nashville
murderer Audrey Hale left a manifesto that we've been unable to read, Sturgeon also left behind a
13-page rationalization for killing five innocent people. The Daily Mail has seen the
"manifesto" and gave his reasons for the shooting as 1) to prove how easy it was to buy a gun in
Kentucky, 2) to highlight America's "mental health crisis," and 3) to die in the process.
We've seen a sudden trend in female-to-male transgenders becoming what appears to be the fastest-growing
class of mass shooters. I think that is attributable to the 100% prevalence of severe mental
illness in that group along with a feeling of entitlement and victimhood stoked by such events as
the "Trans Day of Vengeance."
Officials Report the FBI Is Hiding the Transgender Manifesto Outlining Objective for Mass
Murder. In the most recent weeks, we have discovered how the FBI worked inside
Twitter, Facebook and social media to control information, remove content and manipulate opinion on
behalf of the U.S. government — all political. We have also learned the FBI is
taking active measures to suppress information about the Hunter Biden laptop story and control any
negative consequences for the Biden regime — again, political. Now, we discover
the FBI are the control officers hiding the release of the Audrey Hale manifesto which outlines the
deep psychological motives she held within her transgender mindset. A belief system that
culminated in the targeting and murder of children and teachers. The FBI motive for hiding
the manifesto, politics!
University Professor Arrested for Trying to Destroy Pro-Life Display. A New York
college professor was arrested Wednesday after a pro-life organization said she tried to shut down
their display and then resisted arrest, screaming "My body, my choice!" in front of a group of
students. The pro-life organization Created Equal said the incident occurred during its stop
at the University of Albany as part of its Spring Road Trip for Life. "... hundreds of
students were exposed to the reality of abortion using the group's new college outreach LED
screen," Created Equal said in a statement. "Hence, dozens of students changed their positions
on abortion during our tour. But our opposition was also fierce." At one point, the
organization said University of Albany sociology Professor Renee Overdyke pulled the power on its
LED display, prompting police to arrest her.
The Editor says...
I wonder if the "My body my choice" woman was all gung ho about mandatory Covid vaccines.
Are They Hiding About the Nashville Shooter's Manifesto? [T]he Nashville shooting
mattered, and not just because it gave the Left more talking points about the evils of gun
ownership. After all, if we are being honest, the Left can come up with talking points about
the evils of gun ownership over a skeeball game. What the Nashville murders revealed was the
level of disconnect affecting the transgender movement. As did the fact that everyone from
the White House on down seemed to be less concerned with the victims and their families than with
the transgender community. Also conspicuously absent from the debate has been the incendiary
language that that community has used. Pertinent information seems to be in the manifesto
written by the woman who committed the crimes. And that manifesto has been declared
off-limits, so it would appear that no one is getting access to it. That includes journalist
Glenn Greenwald, who has even enlisted the aid of lawyers to get the manifesto from the Nashville
Police Department. But the firms have decided to back out of the effort. [...] What is it
about the manifesto that requires its contents to remain hidden?
This is what FOIA is for. Nashville
School Shooter Left Behind 19 Journals, All Kept from the Public. The 28-year-old
transgender attacker who shot and killed six in a Nashville Christian school March 27, 2023, left
behind a suicide note, 19 journals, and other items, all of which have been kept from the
public. Breitbart News reported that the transgender shooter carried legally purchased
firearms into the school, where she walked the halls with a pistol caliber carbine looking for
victims. She was shot and killed on the second floor of the school by Metropolitan Nashville
Police Department officers. The attacker left behind "cellphones and laptops, as well as a
suicide note, three folders and 19 journals," NBC News noted. But none of the writings have
been released for the public to see.
Finally Found Something Lawyers Won't Do for Money. Three weeks ago, on Monday, March
27, 28-year-old Audrey Hale blasted her way into the Covenant School in Nashville, TN. In a rampage
lasting only 14 minutes, Hale, a self-declared female-to-male transgender, killed the headmistress,
Katherine Koonce, 60; the custodian, Mike Hill, 61; a substitute teacher, Cynthia Peak, 61; and
three students, Hallie Scruggs, Evelyn Dieckhaus, and William Kinney, all nine years old. [...] The
immediate question comes to mind, why? And more specifically, why this day and why this
particular school? When the police executed a search warrant on Hale's home, they announced
they had retrieved a potential treasure trove of information that might help to explain why
female-to-male transgenders are the fastest-growing category of mass shooters. When the
materials were discovered, the police seemed very definite that Hale's motive and plan were found
among the suicide note, three folders, 19 journals, phones, computers, and videotapes seized while
executing the search warrant. Police Chief John Drake made a public announcement that
"there's some belief that there was some resentment for having to go to that school." There
were early hints that the politically powerful (inside the Biden White House) lobby was putting the
brakes on any release of Hale's manifesto for fear it would have "serious consequences."
Is anyone surprised
by transgender homicide? On March 27, a 28-year-old armed woman walked into a
Presbyterian primary school in Nashville, Tennessee, and shot three children and three adults to
death before being gunned down by police. The murderer was initially identified as Audrey
Elizabeth Hale, but later the same day, having discovered that she considered herself to be a
transgender male, local officials began referring to her by her last known name of choice, Aiden
Hale. Thirteen days later, on April 9 (Easter Sunday), a Portland, Oregon, cab driver named
Reese McDowell Lawhon was stabbed to death in the neck by a passenger who had stepped into his cab
wearing a tiara. As the Portland-based independent journalist Andy Ngo noted, the police made
an arrest but, unusually, waited a day before releasing any information about the suspect.
After the killer's name, Moses Jacob Lopez, was finally made public, Ngo discovered online that
Lopez, a mere six days earlier, had been "arrested and charged with felonies" in Coos Bay, Oregon,
"for allegedly threatening a... shopper with a knife," but had been "quickly released without
bail." Ngo also discovered that Lopez, age 30, identifies as a transgender woman.
Left Goes All in on Hate, Disruption, and Violence. A gang of thugs at San Francisco
State University who objected to swimmer Riley Gaines's opposition to having to compete against
biological males forced her to take refuge in a classroom for three hours while some demanded money
to let her leave. A man, and I use the term loosely, allegedly used his fists on this woman,
which normally constitutes misdemeanor assault. I cannot give legal advice, but my
understanding is that a demand for money backed up by a threat of physical force constitutes
robbery or extortion. False imprisonment, which can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony
depending on the circumstances, also comes to mind. SFSU's President, Lynn Mahoney, said of
these events, "Last Thursday, Turning Point USA hosted an event on campus that advocated for the
exclusion of trans people in athletics. The event was deeply traumatic for many in our trans
and LGBTQ+ communities, and the speaker's message outraged many members of the SF State community."
The President of SFSU is of course lying about anybody wanting to exclude trans people from
athletics. Nobody is going to stop Lia Thomas from competing against other men in a sport in
which upper body strength conveys an advantage.
are trannies so violent? There has been a spate of high-profile violence lately by
women who think they are men and, especially, by men who think they are women. In Nashville,
a woman pretending to be a man slaughtered six in an elementary school, including three
9-year-olds. Beforehand, the shooter had written a "manifesto" that evidently justified her
shooting spree on the grounds that the school — a Christian grade school —
failed to endorse her perversion. (We don't know for sure what the manifesto says because the
cops won't release it — which suggests that it does indeed say that.) Some of the
"news" media were instructed by their bosses not to reveal the sex part of the story. It came
out anyway, but in the meantime I'm sure the bosses felt virtuous in censoring it. Think
about that. The "news" media feels virtuous when they censor facts that are newsworthy, but
only if those facts reflect badly on Democrat constituencies.
you be surprised to learn that the Kentucky shooter was probably a leftist? You
already know about the terrible event in Louisville, Kentucky, which saw a disgruntled former bank
employee open fire at a meeting, killing several people and wounding several more.
Invariably, after a shooting, leftists blame the GOP because it supports the right to armed
self-defense. In Sturgeon's case, though, it seems that, once again, this mass murder was
probably carried out by a leftist. As far as the Biden administration is concerned, if
there's a shooting, it's the GOP's fault because the GOP, along with the majority of Americans,
still believes in the Second Amendment: [Tweet] The Democrats' reflexive desire to blame
guns may be because it's the Democrats (especially people in Democrat-run cities) who are doing the shooting.
Bank Shooter Shared Anti-Trump Content on Reddit. On Monday, 25-year old Connor
Sturgeon shot and killed five people at a Louisville, Kentucky bank after he was fired from his job
at the bank. As previously reported, the shooter identified as a he/him on his LinkedIn
profile and had posted chilling messages on his Instagram profile just hours before the
attack. It has since been revealed that Sturgeon posted anti-Trump messages and pro-lockdown
posts on Reddit. He also shared anti-Trump memes including one accusing former President
Trump of being a racist.
Can't Even Agree On What A Woman Is. While I was testifying before Congress
yesterday, Twitter removed thousands of tweets about a "Trans Day of Vengeance" scheduled a few
days after a trans man killed six people in a Christian school in Nashville. Twitter's head
of Trust and Safety said in a tweet that the company had automatically removed more than 5,000
tweets and retweets of a poster promoting the event. "We do not support tweets that incite
violence irrespective of who posts them. 'Vengeance' does not imply peaceful protest.
Organizing or support for peaceful protests is ok." Twitter said it had done so automatically
regardless of the context. As a result, tweets that were supportive and critical of the event
were removed.
restaurant sues Seattle after suffering losses during deadly 2020 CHAZ occupation.
The owner of a Seattle restaurant has filed a federal lawsuit against the city for the loss of
business and expenses incurred during the deadly 2020 Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). The
suit is the latest litigation against the city as a result of the zone that according to the
Seattle Times, has already cost Seattle over $9 million. Peter Pak, the owner of Oma Bap,
a Korean restaurant at 11th Avenue and Olive Way, claims in the litigation that Seattle officials
that enabled the protests, riots, and more in the neighborhood during the unrest in the summer of
2020 cost his establishment tens of thousands of dollars in business and other damages.
Springsteen's E Street Band Guitarist Steven Van Zandt Deletes Call to 'Exterminate' GOP
'Cockroaches'. Bruce Springsteen's veteran E-Street band guitarist Steven Van Zandt
issued a call to fans and supporters on social media Sunday to "Exterminate the (Republican)
cockroaches." His rallying cry to target GOP supporters, half of America, came during an
expletive-laden exchange on Twitter. [...] Van Zandt was then called out on Twitter by a follower
for his abuse, which he quickly resumed.
decide that a little bit of insurrection is good sometimes. The Democratic Party and
its media allies have made a new rule: "Insurrections" are good, at least when Democrats are doing
it. Two Tennessee lawmakers were expelled from the legislature for taking bullhorns to the
House floor to lead the protests of the gun control mob outside its doors. In the words of
one of these lawmakers, "We occupied the House floor today," taking over the session and preventing
the legislature from continuing its normal business. [Tweet] In short, a mob of protesters
was initiating violence with police officers while elected Democratic representatives carried out
an extension of their protest and "occupied" the House floor in an attempt to subvert the
legislative process because they weren't going to get the result that they wanted. What makes
this different from the moronic rioters on Jan. 6? The smaller scale? The fact that the
overgrown children occupying the House floor happened to be legislators? In the end, the
motivation was the same. The biggest difference was that members of the state House took an
active role in this outside of legislative means, which is why they were expelled.
Not Necessarily The Parents' Fault When Teens or Young Adults Kill. With her
manifesto kept secret, we know just a few things about the Nashville shooter: She was a
mentally disturbed individual, confused about her gender, and suicidal. We can guess she was
taking a cocktail of hormones and psychotropic antidepressants. Leftists, though, blame her
(Christian) parents for being unsupportive of her LGBTQI+ status. They ignore that, while it
can be isolating and emotionally disturbing when one's transition isn't supported by family,
school, or community, most LGBTQI+ with similar backgrounds, many even bullied and abused, do not
haul an arsenal to shoot up a school. Some conservatives also blame parents. Rush heir
Clay Travis thinks Hale's parents are to blame for not knowing their 28-year-old was harboring
seven deadly weapons in their house.
Trans Activists Attack Women. For years, transgender activists have claimed there is
a genocide being waged against transgender people. As evidence, they point to the murders of
trans victims. In 2022, at least 32 transgender and gender-nonconforming people were killed
in the United States, according to the Human Rights Campaign. But 32 trans killings is a
decline from 40 in 2020 and 59 in 2021 and researchers do not know if trans people are being
killed disproportionately compared to non-trans people. There remains a prejudice against
trans people. Some trans people are, without question, victims of violence. But there
is no "genocide," nor even strong evidence that the trans people being killed are targeted for
being transgender rather than for some other reason. For example, transgender people are
disproportionately represented in the sex trade, which is an extremely dangerous criminal
enterprise. By contrast, we have seen a wave of transgender rights activists attacking women
for ideological reasons.
Democrat who defied Party on trans sports threatened with death by colleagues. KS
Representative Marvin Robinson (D-KCK) was told to "go die" by a colleague and that he had "blood
on his hands" for voting to override Kansas Governor Kelley's veto of a bill banning boys from
playing in girls' sports. [...] Contrary to the truth, Democrats
keep claiming that banning transgender athletes from playing sports with children of the opposite
sex would require "genital inspections" of the kids. This is a lie. Not even remotely
true. Children are identified as their biological sex from the time they enter school and
athletes often require physical exams by doctors in order to participate. No school or
government official "inspects" a child's genitals, yet this claim is repeated endlessly because...
it works. It sounds awful and confirms the priors of liberals that Republicans are
evil. When the bill returned for consideration after the governor's veto the legislature
overrode, putting the bill into law. Rep. Robinson voted with the Republicans, despite
being otherwise progressive. He prayed on the issue and decided he could not join his
Democrat colleagues despite his progressive bona fides.
increasingly dangerous transgender movement sweeping America. On his Friday night
show, Tucker Carlson called "transgender" activists the most dangerous domestic terrorists in
America. He's correct. They are the equivalent of religious fanatics because they have
a manic faith that is belied by observable reality, which means they that constantly have to pitch
themselves to a high emotional amplitude to override the real world impinging on their faith.
The Democrats, from Biden on down, rather than working to tamp down this madness, are doing their
best to amplify this insane frequency, by assuring these already maddened people that they are the
victims of a planned Republican "genocide." The escalating number of violent attacks by this
mentally-ill multitude is increasing and will continue to do so.
Gaines 'ambushed and physically hit' after Saving Women's Sports speech at San Francisco
State. Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines was barricaded in a room at San Francisco
State University Thursday night after she was physically assaulted following a speech to students
about saving women's sports at a Turning Point USA and Leadership Institute event on the
campus. Louis Barker, Riley's husband, said he had brief conversations with her while she was
barricaded in the room for nearly three hours. "She told me she was hit multiple times by a
guy in a dress. I was shaking. It made me that mad. It makes me sick to feel so
helpless about it," Barker said. "She was under police protection and was still hit by a man
wearing a dress."
expels Democratic Reps. Justin Jones, Justin Pearson from House over gun-control
protest. Ten days after a shooter unloaded 152 rounds inside a Nashville school and
killed six people, Tennessee House Republicans on Thursday expelled two Democratic lawmakers for
breaking House rules and mounting a gun-reform protest on the chamber's floor. After hours of
fiery debate, the House expelled Reps. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, on a 72-25 vote, and
Rep. Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, by 69-26, in a move that put the nation's eyes on Tennessee
and its politics. But the House failed by one vote to achieve the two-thirds majority needed
to kick Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, out of the chamber.
charges filed against 19-year-old for alleged school shooting manifesto. The 18th
Judicial District Attorney's Office filed formal charges against a 19-year-old who allegedly
planned shootings at multiple schools within Academy School District 20 (ASD20). On Thursday,
April 6, William Whitworth, who identifies as "Lilly Whitworth," was formally charged with the
following offenses: [...] The defendant's preliminary hearing is slated for May 5 at 2:30 p.m.
Her [sic] bond is set at $75,000.
Could Be Why Some Might Not Have Heard About the TN Capitol Storming. Right now, the
Tennessee House is mulling whether to expel three Democratic members who participated in storming
the state capitol building on March 30. Scores of transgender and anti-gun activists engaged in a
disgusting act of insurrection that shook the nation. And by that, I mean it wasn't any of
that, but liberals set a precedent with their antics over the January 6 riot, which they feel
was worse than the 9/11 attacks. For the rest of the country, they might not even know about
this because the liberal media smothered this act of rebellion.
GOP-led House votes to expel Democrat Justin Jones from legislature for his role in gun protest.
Tennessee's GOP-dominated House on Thursday voted to expel Democratic Rep. Justin Jones from the Legislature
for his role in a protest calling for gun control following last week's shooting at a private Christian school in
Nashville that killed six people, including three children. Fox 17 Nashville reported that Jones was
sanctioned for using a bullhorn when he joined with protesters, which state House leaders called "disorderly behavior."
House lawmakers had also considered ousting Democratic Reps. Gloria Johnson and Justin Pearson. Later on
Thursday, the legislature declined to expel Johnson. The 65-30 vote fell just one vote shy of the number needed
to oust Johnson. A vote against Pearson was upcoming.
Yourself for the 2024 Storms. Will the leftist-stoked and Democrat/establishment
sanctioned 2020 riots prove merely a preview to a calamitous and pivotal 2024 presidential election
year? Six innocents — three nine-year-olds, two teachers, and the school's
principal — were gunned down in cold blood by a self-identified transgender, Audrey
Hale. The act was demonic, though studiously papered over by the establishment media.
How does anyone with an ounce of uncorrupted soul look a nine-year-old in the face and pull a
trigger? Yet, Hale did just that. Hale did that because she was raging —
raging because a fraction in the trans community are being encouraged to rage by Antifa and other
left-wing outfits. Buy guns, trans are told, because "others" are out to get you. (We await
the release of Hale's manifesto for confirmation of motives. Will law enforcement redact the
document?) How explicit could the "Trans Day of Vengeance" have been? It was abruptly
cancelled before last Saturday. Though scrubbed, the intent wasn't. The original wasn't
billed a "Day of Self-Defense" Not a "Day of Peace and Reconciliation."
student arrested for making death threat against GOP congressman over gay rights. A
college student was arrested after he allegedly left a message, including a death threat, against a
member of Congress over gay rights, federal prosecutors said. Although the member of Congress
was not named in the statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office, a spokesperson for Republican
Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida confirmed that he had received the message. Allan Poller, a
23-year-old student of Keene State College in New Hampshire, allegedly left a recorded message after
midnight on Wednesday morning and spelled out his name before making the death threat against Gaetz.
Democrats Facing Expulsion From Tennessee Legislature for Aiding the 'Transurrection'. Monday,
three Tennessee bolsheviks were stripped of their committee assignments and locked out of the Tennessee Capitol
because of their leading role in the "Transurrection" that took over the capitol building last Wednesday.
[Tweet] [Video clip] State Representatives Gloria Johnson and Justin Jones were notified by the
Clerk of the Tennessee House of Representatives that they had been stripped of all committee assignments.
A third representative, Justin Pearson (Justin as a first name seems to be a thing amount Tennessee Democrats), had no
committee assignments. Their ability to enter the legislative facilities was restricted in a separate action.
One Is Above the Law'? Don't You Believe It. When rioters were burning and looting
American cities in 2020, Democratic politicians were defending or excusing their felonious
behavior, Democratic district attorneys were choosing not to prosecute them, and none other than
Kamala Harris was promoting schemes to bail them out of jail to continue committing crimes. [...]
Attorney General Merrick Garland's office has targeted parents at school board meetings as
potential terrorists, but is indifferent to Antifa running rampant in some American cities,
launching military-style assaults on a new police training facility in Atlanta, and storming state
capitol buildings in Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Real Domestic Terrorists Are Hiding Behind Pride Flags. America's current dystopian
turn has been long in the making but manifesting more rapidly since about, oh, Jan. 20, 2021.
Ever since the reins of the United States government were handed over to a mumbling moron who is being
controlled by people who are almost as slow as he is, the official narrative about good guys and
bad guys has been turned upon its head. Just last week, we were again discussing the
dangerously messed up priorities of federal law enforcement. Merrick Garland's unhinged rogue
Justice Dept. has been eyeing concerned parents and traditional Catholics. Neither group has
produced any murderers yet. In fact, they have yet to even produce any vaguely terrorist-type
plans, despite being voted "Most Likely to Kill Other Americans" by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. That discussion was last Wednesday, just two days after the horror in
Nashville. Since then, the narrative has been that the killer was really a victim and the
victims were responsible for it all.
Activists Storm Florida Capitol, Learn Being Loud Doesn't Equal Winning. Trans
activists have been storming state capitols over the last few days. On March 29, it was
Kentucky. On March 30, it was Tennessee. Now for the third day in a row, trans
activists have stormed another state capitol. This time, it's Florida. But I'm fairly
certain that none of these people will be charged with an effort to "obstruct an official
proceeding," after they screamed at the top of their lungs. [Tweet]
Need to Talk About Something Even Worse That Happened at the TN 'Transurrection'. To
recap, three days after the Nashville Christian elementary school mass shooting that involved a
transgender person murdering six innocent people including three children, rabid transgender
"rights" activists and gun control zealots stormed their way into the building and disrupted
official proceedings. Not only that but three woke members of the Tennessee House joined in
on the "protests," with one using a bullhorn on the House floor to chant "no action, no peace."
Making matters worse was that certain "reporters" were going full Baghdad Bob in painting the
aggressive agitators in the most flattering of lights despite what video clearly showed was going
on — what some on Twitter called a "transurrection." Perhaps worst of all,
however, was footage that began circulating hours after the transurrection took place. In it,
you hear someone who is presumably one of the "protest" organizers encouraging people to hold up
seven fingers in what sounds like an apparent attempt at declaring 28-year-old Audrey Hale, who
identified as "he/him," as the seventh victim of the Monday shooting massacre she orchestrated
shortly before Metro Nashville police officers located her and took care of business.
control activists storm Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville after 'Trans Shaman' joined occupation
of Kentucky legislature. Gun control activists were seen storming Tennessee's State
Capitol Thursday amid rising fears of a left-wing uprising at a rumored protest in Washington, DC.
Footage of the insurrection shows progressive protesters battling with cops as they attempted to
gain access to the legislature in Nashville. Hundreds of people were seen inside the lobby
and yelling from the gallery at concerned lawmakers. The protest against guns comes after
transgender shooter Audrey Hale on Monday gunned down six people, including three nine-year-old
kids, at a Christian school in Nashville.
Underway at Tennessee Capitol. Police officers are getting plowed over right now by
mobs of screaming protesters at the Tennessee capitol. It's absolute chaos there as anti-gun
nuts have broken into the chamber and shut down the People's business, chanting something about
justice and guns. They pushed through a line of state troopers to access the chamber.
Oddly, it doesn't look like anyone is getting arrested, pepper sprayed, tuned up with billy clubs,
or hauled off to prison on charges of "sedition." [Tweets] We've returned to the status
quo, where anyone on the left can break any law they wish and no one will go to jail. And if
they are arrested, they'll be bailed right out (probably by Democrats in the Tennessee legislature)
and not even have to pay a fine. But if you're on the other side of the issue or have ever
voted for that Orange Man, you are not allowed to protest.
Hobbs' press secretary resigns after controversial tweet following Nashville mass
shooting. Gov. Katie Hobbs' press secretary, Josselyn Berry, has resigned hours
after posting a controversial tweet that appeared to encourage gun violence just hours after a mass
shooting at an elementary school in Tennessee. The Governor's office confirmed first to
Arizona's Family that Berry resigned overnight after growing pressure from those within her circle
and other lawmakers.
Activists Seek to Hide School Shooter's Manifesto. Pro-transgender groups want to
conceal the manifesto of transgender school shooter Audrey Hale from public scrutiny. Hale
killed three children and three adults after leaving a still-hidden manifesto explaining her
motives, according to Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake. [Tweet] While
Republicans such as Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) are calling for the manifesto to be released,
several LGBT organizations are calling for the manifesto to remain hidden from the public.
Is it
a coincidence a 'Trans Day of Vengeance' is being held now? An activist group is scheduled to hold
a "Trans Day of Vengeance" outside the Supreme Court on Saturday — just days after
28-year-old Audrey Hale opened fire on a Christian school in Nashville leaving three kids and three
adults dead. "The Time is Now. The Trans/Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming/Intersex
communities are facing astronomical amounts of hate from the world," the Trans Radical Activist
Network states on its website in its promotion of "#TransDay of Vengeance." As Fox News
reported, TRAN describes itself as "a network of unapologetic activists fighting for Queer
Liberation" and promoted the protest earlier this year on social media. TRAN's website was
still promoting the event two days after a horrific school shooting at the private Presbyterian
institution, the Covenant School. The perpetrator, identified by investigators as Hale, was a
former student at Covenant and identified as a transgender called "Aiden."
Carlson Says Nashville Transgender School Shooter Murdered Victims Because They Were
Christian. On Monday, Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old biological woman who claimed she was
a "he," shot three staff members and three nine-year-olds at the Christian school in Tennessee
where she was formerly a student. And the number of leftists who tried to frame Hale as a
victim of Christian hatred has shocked many Americans. Carlson referred to U.S. Attorney
General Merrick Garland's comments on Tuesday. Garland that the FBI, the Nashville police,
and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are all investigating the
shooting — and yet he wouldn't hazard a guess on motive. "Motive hasn't been
identified, Garland told us," Carlson said. "Really? You wonder how that could possibly
be." He explained that the shooter herself said she'd left evidence behind to elucidate her
horrific actions.
American Left Grew More Violent While the FBI Was Hunting Soccer Moms. Ever since Joe
Biden and his handlers decided to turn the Federal Bureau of Investigation into the American Stasi,
we've been hearing that the real threat to America is coming from "right-wing radicals" or some
such nonsense. The FBI has been targeting soccer moms at school board meetings and pro-lifers
who pray outside of abortion clinics. You know, the scariest people among us. Every
time I write about the rogue FBI and its goon-squad priorities, I conclude by worrying about what
the Bureau might be missing in the way of people who might actually commit violence. Thus far
in the Biden era, it's been a fairly steady stream of leftists who are snapping and killing.
The parents at school board meetings have yet to amass a body count. The tragedy in Nashville
this week has shed even more light on the continued violent radicalization of the American
left. Matt reports that, prior to the shooting at The Covenant School, a trans activist group
coordinated something that seems like it might be worth some investigation by law enforcement:
["]The primary Day of Vengeance event is scheduled for 11 a.m. on Saturday at the Supreme
Court in D.C., with additional events planned for March 31. [... "]
Sure Looks Like the Nashville Shooting Was a Far-Left Terrorist Attack. The more we
learn about the school shooting in Nashville, TN, the worse things look. The shooter has now
been identified as a 28-year-old transgender man (i.e. actually a woman) who goes by "he/him"
pronouns. Further, law enforcement has revealed she wrote a manifesto that they have
recovered. More details are coming out, and this sure looks like it was a far-left terrorist
attack. The transgender shooter shot up a Christian school just a few weeks after
Tennessee passed a bill banning child mutilation under the guise of "gender-affirming care."
To further make the case, Luke Rosiak is now reporting that left-wing activist groups had been
calling for a "Trans Day of Vengeance." [Tweet]
It was an anti-Christian hate crime, among other things. Trans
school shooter may have been driven to kill by 'resentment' at having to attend Christian academy
she targeted. Nashville police have released footage showing the moment a transgender
28-year-old shot down the door of a Christian school she attended as a child and began stalking the
corridors, assault rifle in hand. Audrey Hale arrived at the Covenant School in her Honda Fit
just before 10 am and killed six people before she was shot dead. Hale opened fire on arriving
police from the second floor of the school before she was confronted by Officer Rex Englebert, a
four-year MNPD veteran, and Officer Michael Collazo, a nine-year MNPD veteran. The pair
returned fire and shot her dead.
Mental health is the issue here, not guns. Trans
female former student, 28, kills three nine-year-old kids and three staff members at Nashville
private Christian school. Six people - including three children - are dead after a
transgender female shooter opened fire at a private school in Nashville, killing three
nine-year-old children and three staff members. The shooter was 28-year-old Audrey Hale, who
at one time attended the school. Police said she identified as transgender, and online
profiles show Audrey used 'he/him' pronouns.
College Professor Placed on Leave for Suggesting it's OK to Murder Conservative Speakers.
A professor at Wayne State University has been placed on leave after suggesting on social media that
rather than shouting down conservative speakers on campus, it's OK to murder them instead. Higher
education in America has become completely dominated by the radical left. That's likely why this
person felt free to make these comments. The left does not want to debate ideas. They want
conservatives silenced.
Suggests Murder as Alternative to Shouting Down Speakers. An English professor at
Wayne State University apparently had an overheated reaction to the fiasco at Stanford Law
School. He thought the protesters did not go far enough, and he took to Facebook to say so.
"I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is
to shout them down,"he began, and he concluded with "The exemplary historical figure in this regard
is Sholem Schwarzbard, who assassinated the anti-Semitic butcher Symon Petliura, rather than trying
to shout him down. Remember that Schwarzbard was acquitted by a jury, which found his action
justified." The president of Wayne State has now announced that the professor has been
suspended and his social media post referred to law enforcement.
Antifa Plants
Deadly Traps in Georgia Park. Antifa has gone to war in Georgia. Months of
fighting has ensued over the determination of the Left to stop a police training facility.
But the police have fought back killing one leftist who opened fire on them and have pushed back
hard in the face of arson, lasers, explosive devices and violent assaults. This latest piece
of news shows just how far Antifa has been willing to go. [...] Intrenchment Creek Park has become
a major battle ground with Antifa and its allies camping out there in between battles with
police. They appear to have also taken steps to booby trap the area. As we've seen in
Portland and Seattle, elements of the leftist have adopted insurgent tactics and function not just
as domestic terrorists, but see themselves as Maoist guerrillas fighting battles against law
enforcement. This is in keeping with Maoist tactical doctrines that generally haven't been
applied in the United States since the 70s. But the goal is to escalate each encounter, not
necessarily to win, but to radicalize and go from a guerrilla movement to full armed warfare.
Pay Off Their Goons in Philadelphia. They've been called Brownshirts, they've been
called KGB, they've been called the Ku Klux Klan, they've been called lots of things, but they've
all been enforcement wings of the Democrat Party. Now they're called BLM/ANTIFA. Ultimately,
they're the goons willing to do harm to anyone to advance the causes of the left. How they
make money has always remained shrouded in mystery. Sure, a lot of arrest records have
exposed these mutants and the spoiled children of the rich — leftist children raised by
bad, neglectful parents who value politics over the wellbeing of their offspring. Many of
those people raising spoiled, violent Nazis are elected Democrats, including the number 2
Democrat in the House whose daughter was arrested this year for assaulting a police officer.
Jan 6:
The Worst Attack on the Capitol Since the Civil War? Last January, Joe Biden claimed
that the events of January 6, 2021 were the greatest threat to American democracy since the
Civil War. That invites a look at what happened at the Capitol some 80 years after the Civil
War. On March 1, 1954, Puerto Rican nationalists Lolita Lebron, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres
Figueroa Cordero and Irvin Flores Rodrigues, took a train from New York City to Washington DC,
arriving at Union Station shortly after noon. The four entered the House gallery alongside a
class of sixth-grade students from Maryland. That day, the representatives were debating an
immigration bill. At approximately 2:32 p.m. the foursome yelled "Viva Puerto Rico libre!"
and began firing with .38 caliber pistols. Rep. Alvin M. Bentley, Michigan Republican,
took a bullet to the chest. Iowa Republican Ben F. Jensen took a hit in the back and Clifford
Davis (D-Tennessee) suffered a bullet wound in the leg. The gunfire also wounded Democrats
George Hyde Fallon of Maryland and Kenneth A. Roberts of Alabama.
Antifa Punks Show Up And Assault Christians Outside Of Church. Two people have been
arrested and a police officer has been injured after a violent protest erupted outside a church in
Sydney's south-west where One Nation's Mark Latham was set to speak. The clash between
hundreds of people and more than a dozen LGBTQI+ protesters happened outside St Michael's Church at
Belfield on Tuesday at about 5 pm. New South Wales Police including the Public Order and Riot
Squad Riot Squad were called to the scene to disperse the crowd which reached about 500
people. [Video clip]
Reaches $9.25M Settlement with Anti-Police Rioters. On Monday, the city of
Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to over 200 rioters who claimed to have been injured by
police during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. As reported by Fox News, the settlement
was announced by the law firm Mincey Fitzpatrick Ross, LLC, which represented the 237 activists who
participated in the riots between May 31st and June 1st, 2020, following the fentanyl overdose
death of George Floyd. In addition to the financial compensation, the city has also agreed to
stop participating in a federal program that provides the police department with extra military
equipment. The city will also pay about $500,000 for counseling services for residents of the
52nd Street corridor, located in West Philadelphia, where most of the violence occurred. The
rioters complained about superficial injuries sustained during their clash with police, including
"scars" from rubber bullets and "nerve damage" from being restrained with zip ties, as well as
exposure to tear gas as police attempted to disperse the violent gatherings.
Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party. [#2] In
the 1920's and early 1930's the Nazi Party relied on street riots, property damage and gratuitous
violence utilizing their militant cadre, the Sturmabteilung (SA), to project power through
intimidation while blaming others for the violence. Their ability to terrorize the citizenry
and national political leadership played a major role in their ascendance to power as they promised
peace and impartial justice if elected. Almost immediately upon assuming the reins of
government, they transformed the judicial system into a vehicle of oppression directed their
political foes and the Jews while their allies were not prosecuted for any criminal activity.
The Democrat party revealed in the summer of 2020 that they, too, have the wherewithal and
inclination to acquiesce to street riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their
militant cadre, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, to project power through intimidation while blaming
white supremacy and police brutality for the violence. In the presidential campaign of 2020,
the Democrat party implicitly promised peace and impartial justice if elected.
Cameron book event interrupted by activists, drag queens: publisher. A group of drag
queens and activists dressed in black and white showed up on Friday at the Fayetteville Public
Library in Fayetteville, Arkansas, to protest actor-writer Kirk Cameron's story time event for
families and children, according to book publisher Brave Books, whose staff were present at the
reading. The drag queens blocked the views of some families and children and distracted
others from the book reading and remarks from the stage, said Brave Books. The publisher
shared photos taken by staff on the scene. Los Angeles-based Cameron, an outspoken Christian
who has been traveling across the country to public libraries to share messages of faith, family
and country at children's book readings and the singing of patriotic songs, told Fox News Digital
in exclusive comments on Saturday morning that he found the disruptions disturbing.
Tried to Overrun UC Davis Building Where Charlie Kirk Was Speaking. Violent antifa
protesters were arrested at the University of California — Davis campus on Tuesday after
clashing with law enforcement officers and students outside a building hosting an event with Salem
radio host and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. The demonstrators, clad in black and
many using umbrellas to conceal their identities, smashed through windows, tossed eggs, used pepper
spray, and blocked people from entering the building. According to UC Davis, one officer was injured.
Court requests more funding to protect justices. Why won't the DOJ do its job?
It is a violation of a federal statute to protest outside of the Supreme Court justices' homes, yet
protests regularly happen. Ever since the decision on Dobbs was leaked, indicating that Roe v
Wade would be overturned, there have been protests in the neighborhoods of conservative Supreme
Court justices. Attorney General Merrick Garland is a Democrat. Is it a partisan
politics thing? If so, Garland is a petty and spiteful man. If not, he is inept and
incompetent. There is no middle ground here. It's one or the other.
Violently Assaults Bystanders at Detransition Awareness Rally. While the radical left
loves to claim that LGBTQ individuals face horrible oppression and discrimination, the reality is
that almost every institution in this country (and others) celebrates LGBTQ ideology and calls
those who identify with it "heroes." The true victims of discrimination and harsh backlash
are the "detransitioners" — transgenders who decide to return to living as their
biological sex. These brave individuals not only have the courage to admit they were terribly
wrong (some with permanent bodily damage such as double mastectomies), but they must face leftist
targeting that paints them as traitors and villains.
Jane Fonda Really Did Call for the Murder of Pro-Lifers. It was all a joke, she
says. After igniting a firestorm by calling for the murder of pro-lifers on The View Friday,
Hanoi Jane Fonda issued a statement: "While women's reproductive rights are a very serious issue
and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest. My body
language and tone made it clear to those in the room — and to anyone watching —
that I was using hyperbole to make a point." Except that it obviously wasn't clear to anyone
present. Fonda was speaking seriously; her declaration only became a joke when it became
clear to her that she had crossed a red line.
Fonda just suggested on The View that pro-lifers need to be murdered. Friday with her
comments regarding abortion rights. The 85-year-old Hollywood icon suggested that women
seeking abortions should not abide by laws and could even resort to "murder" in order to have
control of their bodies. [Video clip]
Jane Fonda and claims she made the incendiary comment 'in jest'. Jane Fonda has dismissed
outrage over her quip that pro-life supporters should be murdered and said it was clear her comments were
made 'in jest' 'to make a point.' The Grace and Frankie actress, 85, appeared on The View
with her co-star Lily Tomlin during a debate about the contentious Roe vs Wade overturn, which took
away women's rights to an abortion in several states.
The Editor says...
This is a very common Democrat tactic: They will say or do something outrageous, and if there are any objections,
follow up a few days later with, "Can't you take a joke?"
Examples abound:
Fonda Says 'Murder' an Option for Dealing With Pro-Life Republicans. Actress Jane
Fonda joined "The View" Friday and when the conversation turned to how pro-abortion activists can
fight pro-life Republicans, the 85-year-old suggested murder as an option. Fonda was visiting
the show to promote her latest film, "80 For Brady." She was joined by co-star and longtime friend
Lily Tomlin. When the panel topic turned to recent abortion battles in red states Tomlin
expressed dismay at new Republican laws to protect the unborn, saying the country is "backsliding"
and it's "pretty awful[.]" Fonda followed up with her own comments. ["]We have
experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and
how many children to have. We know what that feels like, we know what that's done for our
lives. We're not going back, I don't care what the laws are. We're not going back.["]
Rioters Get $6M Because Cops Didn't Wear Face Masks. The Black Lives Matter race
riots in New York City were among the worst in the country. Racist mobs injured hundreds of
police officers, started fires, looted stores and vandalized parks and statues. At least 450
businesses, many of them small and family owned, were damaged or looted by the rioters who claimed
to be angry over the drug overdose death of George Floyd: a vicious career criminal who had
previously robbed a woman by putting a gun to her stomach. While Black Lives Matter was
swimming in hundreds of millions of dollars, funneled to it by radical nonprofits, major
corporations and Hollywood celebrities, family businesses in New York City looted by those rioters
were offered a maximum of $10,000 to rebuild their shattered lives. One small business owner
in the Bronx complained that it would hardly even begin to cover the $200,000 in damages to her
store after rioters "smashed glass display cases and medical equipment".
Domestic Terrorism Update: Citizens Speak Out, Court Dates, and More on the SPLC Lawyer
Involved. Two days after dozens of domestic terrorists marched on the construction
site of a public safety training facility that the city of Atlanta is building, new wrinkles are
emerging, and we're learning more about the goons who damaged the property in the name of a
far-left political agenda. On Monday night, citizens on both sides of the issue spoke out at
a meeting at Atlanta City Hall. Opponents of the training center brought 8,000 signatures on
a petition urging the project to stop. Opponents were particularly passionate and vocal, as
Fox 5 reported. "We are opening our mouths and crying with a loud voice to say we don't want
'Cop City,'" said Rev. Keyana Jones. "I live in East Atlanta. I don't want 'Cop City.'"
"This will not blow over," said another opponent of the project. "The current plan will heighten
tensions and harm communities for decades."
Anarchy hits "Cop City".
Approximately 35 people have been detained after "Stop Cop City" protestors allegedly set fire to a
construction site of Atlanta Public Safety Training Facility, nicknamed "Cop City" by anti-police
and environmental activists. The Atlanta Public Safety Training Facility is located in South
River and neighbors a Black neighborhood, a site which activists believe will further escalate
police militarization. [Tweet] According to the Atlanta Police Department, a group of
"agitators" left South River Music Festival around 5:30 p.m. and went to the construction site "to
conduct a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers." Authorities
stated that the group changed into black clothing and began to throw commercial-grade fireworks,
Molotov cocktails, large rocks and bricks at police officers.
Staff Attorney charged with domestic terrorism. Police say Antifa organized a musical
concert as cover to launch a premeditated terrorist attack on the construction site for the new
Atlanta police training center. The perps caused hundreds of thousands in damage using
firebombs to set buildings and construction equipment on fire. Twenty-six people were
arrested and charged with domestic terrorism. Almost all were from out of state. Two
are from foreign countries, including Canada and France. Among the alleged terrorists is SPLC
Staff Attorney Thomas Webb Jurgens. The SPLC has a long history of promoting, defending,
collaborating with, and even hiring members of Antifa. The woman in charge of the SPLC's
"Hatewatch," Hannah Gais, has even publicly glorified criminal violence against her political
enemies. Recently, twenty state AGs denounced the SPLC as "utterly discredited" in an open
letter to the FBI director. An Antifa gunman shot a police officer at the same location
earlier this year. [Video clip]
Lawyer among the Dozens Arrested for Attacking Cops at Atlanta Training Facility.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) staff attorney Thomas Jurgens was among the dozen of rioters
arrested following a violent attack on police at the proposed site of the Atlanta Police
Foundation's training facility, located a few miles south of the city. Jurgens previously
served as a legal intern in Dekalb County's public defender office and as an assistant public
defender for the 9th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, according to his LinkedIn profile. A
family member of Jurgens confirmed with a local journalist that the lawyer had been charged with
domestic terrorism following the violence. A list of the arrested suspects published by the
Atlanta Police Department (APD) on Monday revealed only two were from Georgia. The vast
majority hailed from other states. Two of the rioters came from other countries.
Police Arrest 23 Domestic Terrorists After Sunday Night's Attack on 'Cop City'. On
Sunday night, a group of over 100 domestic terrorists marched on the site of a public safety
training center for the city of Atlanta that is under construction and firebombed portions of the
site, including construction equipment and a police vehicle. The thugs began their "protest"
as a march and what they called a "music festival" on the site, but it quickly turned violent.
"Sunday night, attendees said a group branched off of the concert for a protest nearby around 5 p.m.,"
reports WSB Radio. "APD [Atlanta Police Department] said 100-plus protestors changed into black
clothing and entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails,
and fireworks at police officers."
they don't get out, I'm going to take them out one by one': Anti-white texts spark DOE
probe. New York City's Department of Education (NYCDOE) is currently investigating
racist, anti-white text messages that were allegedly sent by Marion Wilson, the black
superintendent for schools in District 31. According to the New York Post, screenshots of
the offensive text messages were forwarded by email to chancellor David Banks and other officials
from an encrypted email address, Mikeboy70@protonmail. It's not clear who's behind the
account, as the owner has reportedly refused to reply to requests for information from the Post and
other outlets. It is clear though that the text messages are quite disturbing. "I need
to clean up this Island. White folks need to recognize this is not the boys club
anymore. A strong black woman runs this bitch now and they can either get on board or get
out. If they don't get out I'm going to take them out one by one. They're not gonna
know what hit them," one message reads.
of Future Safety Training Center in Atlanta Under Lockdown After Massive Fire Destroys Construction
Site. In December 2022, The Gateway Pundit reported on five Antifa members who were
arrested and held on terrorism charges after protesting outside of a $90 Million police training
center near Atlanta, Georgia. During the arrests, police recovered bombs, flares, gasoline,
and weapons. Additionally, the protesters torched at least two vehicles during their protests
at the training center site. Protests have been ongoing since June 2021 when the training
center was announced with opponents camping out in surrounding trees. Protesters have dubbed
the center "Cop City." In January, TGP reported that a far-left protestor from Stop Cop City
ATL, was killed and a Georgia State Patrol trooper was wounded during a confrontation near the
facility. Sunday evening [3/5/2023], smoke and flames erupted in the area and the site was
put on lockdown. [Tweet]
Erupts in Texas Capital: Busy Intersection Taken Over, Cops Attacked. Austin police are investigating what
they called "street racing incidents." The incidents involved crowds taking over major intersections as drivers
participated in "drifting" demonstrations. When police arrived, the crowd attacked the vehicles with fireworks,
rocks, and other objects. Multiple videos show the chaos that erupted in a major intersection in downtown Austin
on Saturday night. Some of the videos show the crowds turning on police as they arrived to clear the
streets. Police say people in the crowd threw rocks and fireworks at patrol vehicles damaging at least two.
happened to the story of the two murdered NJ councilmen? We are being told it is a coincidence, and that
there don't appear to be any political motivations behind the murders. Perhaps that is true. I have no
reason one way or another to believe otherwise. But it sure is odd that not one, but two Republican councilmen in
New Jersey were murdered in a week, and both had been elected since 2020. The first murder was of Councilwoman
Eunice Dwumfour of Sayreville; the second of Milford Borough Councilman Russell Heller. The second murder may have
been work-related, as his killer shared the same employer. However, nobody is saying "boo" about what happened and
it isn't even clear that the killer and the councilman knew each other.
In the 1960's, people like this were called "outside agitators." The FBI
Paid a Violent Felon to Infiltrate Racial Justice Movement. As racial justice protests broke out
nationwide in the summer of 2020, a man driving a silver hearse became a regular at the demonstrations in Denver.
He was a paunchy 5-foot-7 with a ruddy complexion and wore military fatigues with patches on the sleeves. By
activist standards, he was an old-timer: pushing 50 as he swaggered through crowds of teens and 20-something protesters,
a cigar clamped in his lips. [...] The driver of the hearse filled with guns was Michael Adam Windecker II. He went
by the nickname Mickey and boasted of having been a soldier for the French Foreign Legion and the Peshmerga, the Kurdish
fighting force known most recently for battling the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. [...] Windecker was a fed.
The FBI paid him tens of thousands of dollars in cash to infiltrate and spy on racial justice groups during the summer
of 2020. For the last year, I've been investigating Windecker and his work for the FBI.
Republican Politician Murdered In New Jersey Just A Week After Previous Killing. Just a week after Eunice
Dwumfour, a Republican councilwoman in Sayreville, New Jersey, was murdered just outside her home, another Republican
councilman from a neighboring area was shot and killed on Thursday. Russell Heller, aged 51, was a Republican on
the Milford Borough Council. He was found dead on Thursday morning outside of his workplace. where investigating
authorities believe that a former co-worker of his shot him dead in his vehicle. The perpetrator, Gary T.
Curtis, aged 58, reportedly shot himself just hours after murdering Heller in cold blood.
councilwoman shot dead in New Jersey. New Jersey councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour, less than a year since
being elected, 30-years-old, a single mother and new wife, a pastor and director of churches for Champions Royal
Assembly North America, was shot and killed in a hail of bullets outside of her Sayerville home. There are no
suspects. As the investigation into Dwumfour's death continues, relatives and colleagues are still puzzling over
the motive behind the shocking tragedy. According to the New York Post, Dwumfour was pronounced dead Wednesday
night while driving her white Nissan near her apartment complex. Her car eventually came to a stop when it crashed
into two parked vehicles. [...] Before her death, the councilwoman had joined another Republican in offering a
resolution for a local investigation into disgraced former Democratic councilman Thomas Pollando's role in a strip club
bribery scheme. Take note of that. You had to know there might be a Democratic connection.
Arrested at NYC Protest Show Exactly the Problem With Dem Approach to Law Enforcement. We saw some of the
violence that went on in New York City in the wake of the release of the horrible video of the beating of Tyre
Nichols. People are legitimately upset with the actions of the police in this case. But in NYC, you also had
the radical leftists who are pushing their political agenda, no matter the reason or the cause. Everything is an
argument about why the current order should be shifted to the left. The march in NYC, which featured the Party of
Socialism and Liberation leading the way, dissolved into violence in Times Square when a man began stomping on a police
car and breaking the windshield. Police tried to arrest him and then others tried to free him. Then the
police were trying to make another arrest, reportedly of one of the organizers of the march, when a woman intervened and
started allegedly punching at cops. [Tweet]
Governor Kemp declares state of emergency in response to Antifa protest at public safety facility in
Atlanta. The governor of Georgia on Thursday issued a state of emergency order over continued protests in
connection to a proposed Atlanta police training facility. The order from Governor Brian Kemp will last 15
days and includes the mobilization of 1,000 Georgia National Guards troops. This comes a week after 26-year-old
Manuel Teran, a protestor, allegedly shot a state trooper before gunfire was returned and he was killed. The
trooper is expected to survive.
Director Physically Assaults James O'Keefe, Goes on Rampage in Coffee Shop. On Thursday, Project Veritas
shared a video of founder James O'Keefe was physically assaulted by Pfizer director Jordon Trishton Walker who went on
an insane rampage after being confronted. The day prior, Project Veritas dropped a bombshell undercover video
showing Walker admitting that Pfizer considered mutating COVID to be ready with more vaccines. "One of the things
we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively
develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like,
as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating [...] viruses," Walker said
during the first video.
Abrams adviser said burning police car, smashing windows isn't 'violence' after anti-cop chaos. A top
adviser for Stacey Abrams' voting rights nonprofit defended anti-cop activists who set a police car ablaze and smashed
windows while protesting the death of an environmental activist this past weekend in Atlanta. Marisa Pyle, a
senior rapid response manager at Abrams' Fair Fight Action, who also worked as a senior manager for Abrams' One Georgia
leadership committee during her most recent failed Georgia gubernatorial run, rushed to defend the anti-police
protesters and the ensuing chaos. "You cannot commit violence against a window or a car. Killing a human?
Now that, that is violence," Pyle wrote on Twitter this past weekend. "Shame on Atlanta's leaders who fall into the same
tired path of protecting property while our people are murdered by their police."
to introduce legislation labeling antifa as 'domestic terrorists'. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
announced Monday that she intends to introduce legislation declaring antifa "domestic terrorists." "America is just
sick and tired of antifa," Greene told Fox News host Tucker Carlson. "Look at what they've done over years now.
Just from 2020, they're responsible for nearly $2 billion in damage and many people dead, but the war is against the
police, and the reason why is because antifa is the ground troops of the Democrat Party."
Florida Residents Indicted on Federal Charges in Connection with Pregnancy Resource Center Attacks. Two
Florida residents have been indicted on federal charges in connection with attacks on several pro-life pregnancy
resource centers in the Sunshine State over a period of three months. Caleb Freestone, 27, and Amber
Smith-Stewart, 23, allegedly vandalized a pregnancy resource center in Winter Haven, Fla., according to the Department
of Justice. The pair is accused of spray-painting threats including, "If abortions aren't safe than niether [sic]
are you," "YOUR TIME IS UP!!," "WE'RE COMING FOR U," and "We are everywhere." The duo "engaged in a conspiracy to
prevent employees of reproductive health services facilities from providing those services," according to the
indictment. The DOJ alleges the pair violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACES) Act, which
prohibits the use of any type of force or intimidation against anyone seeking an abortion or anyone exercising their
First Amendment right of religious freedom.
Carlson Asks Why FBI and DOJ Do Not Target Antifa Domestic Terrorists. Intellectually honest observers
have long realized that Antifa, as an organized domestic violence movement in the United States, could not exist if it
was not supported directly or with willful blindness by the FBI. Sometimes you just have to accept things as they are,
and not as you would wish them to be. If the FBI did not support Antifa, it would be simple to target their
financial mechanisms, fundraising platforms and social media networks that showcase their communications. If the
FBI didn't support Antifa, they would simply target the networks and arrest the participants for domestic terror related
activity. It is not that difficult to see the FBI doesn't do this because the FBI/DOJ support the violence.
Claims Atlanta Riots Weren't 'Violent' As City Burns. A CNN guest suggested that the Atlanta riots,
pursued by Antifa, in which protestors set cars on fire, smashed windows, and shot fireworks at buildings, were
everything but "violent." David Peisner told CNN's Pamela Brown that the only acts of violence he saw were when
police officers were apprehending rioters as they set the city on fire. "You keep using these words 'violent,
violent, violent, violent'... The only acts of violence against people that I saw were police tackling protesters,"
Peisner said. The liberal guest went on to add that destruction of physical property is not the same as violence
against humans, so therefore it is acceptable.
Release Anti-Kavanaugh Movie [and] Hold Threatening Protests at His Home in DC the Same Weekend. Nothing
is spontaneous with these people. It's always a planned and organized operation. As Kristinn Taylor reported
earlier — Pro=abortion protesters marched in front of the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Sunday evening, chanting threats as they slowly paraded by. The protesters chanted in call and response as they
marched past a line of police in front of Kavanaugh's Chevy Chase, Maryland home, "Cut his time short! A rapist
should not rule the court!" and "No privacy for us! No peace for you!"
Claims 'Largely Peaceful Protest' in Atlanta, Mayor Quickly Demolishes That. Saturday night brought
rioting by Antifa people attacking police targets in Atlanta. Now, the night started with a protest against the
police, in the memory of one of their comrades, Manuel Teran. Teran had been shot and killed by the police after
he allegedly shot a cop, when police came to clear protesters out of an area they had been occupying where the city is
constructing a police training center. The radicals have had several people, in multiple incidents, arrested for
domestic terrorism at the site, including for throwing Molotov cocktails at the police.
Riot in Atlanta, Light Police Car on Fire, Break Windows. Far-left protesters rioted in downtown Atlanta
on Saturday evening, lighting a police car on fire and breaking business windows. The protest reportedly began as
a "mostly peaceful" demonstration in response to the death of 26-year-old activist Manuel Teran, who was killed during a
police sweep on Wedneday "in what the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said was an exchange of gunfire with police that
wounded a state trooper," according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC). The trooper remains unidentified
and is reportedly in stable condition after being taken to a hospital for surgery. Prior to the rioting,
protesters chanted, "No justice, no peace, no killer police" and "Stop cop city," which refers to the name of the
Atlanta police training site.
Antifa protesters lay siege on Atlanta, smashing windows and torching cop car. Atlanta erupted on Saturday
night, with police arresting at least six people after a protest over the death of Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, 26, turned
violent. Teran, also known as "Tortuguita," or "little turtle," was killed by police on Wednesday after he
allegedly ignored authorities and shot at state troopers on the grounds of the new Atlanta Public Safety Training
Center, Fox News reports. If an officer-involved shooting wasn't enough to inflame the woke mob, Tortuguita
reportedly identified as nonbinary and used they/it pronouns. It was a perfect storm that handed Antifa the excuse
they crave to riot.
Center Hires Private Investigators to Find Pro-Abortion Firebombers. A pro-life pregnancy center network
is taking matters into its own hands and hiring private investigators to find pro-abortion terrorists who attacked its
medical office, claiming that the FBI is "slow-walking" its probe, which has not resulted in any arrests.
CompassCare is partnering with the Thomas More Society, a nonprofit law firm fighting for religious liberty, to hire
private investigators to find the perpetrators on its own terms and timeline. "After talking with our investigators
so far, they've already provided very valuable insight that we didn't know. And they do have a track record
of identifying terrorists both internationally and domestically," Compass Care CEO Jim Harden told National Review.
The Editor says...
Isn't this what the FBI is for? If somebody bombed an abortion clinic, wouldn't the FBI be all over it?
Professor Openly Calls For White Genocide. A 2021 video of a critical race theory scholar claiming that
"white people are committed to being villains" and warning that "whiteness is going to have an end date" has recently
resurfaced on social media sparking renewed outrage. Brittney Cooper, who is Associate Professor of Women's and
Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University, made the comments during a podcast interview with The Root,
[...] [Video clip]
Growing Political Impotence. [Scroll down] Then there were the massive and widespread "George
Floyd" riots of 2020 during which the police largely served as uniformed observers while journalists told TV watchers
that despite the arson, gunshots, and mounting death toll, these events were "largely peaceful." It even became
fashionable to celebrate the rioters while our future vice-president contributed financially to quickly bail the rioters
out of jail. Meanwhile, public health "experts" explained that while ordinary Americans should wear masks,
practice social distancing, and generally avoid crowds, these social-justice protestors smashing windows for their Gucci
handbags enjoyed dispensations from COVID restrictions due to the sanctity of their cause. To rub it in, those
asserting that this mayhem was just racially driven looting were condemned as racists responsible for the
violence. In this upside-down world, rioters were now the "good guys" and those condemning them were the
"bad guys."
Antifa members are charged with domestic terrorism: Cops swoop on Atlanta autonomous zone and find explosives. Five
members of Antifa are in custody on domestic terrorism charges after they were protesting outside of a planned $90 million police
training center. The site of the planned center has been the focal point of protests for months by Antifa who have referred
to the site — which protesters have made an autonomous zone — as Cop City. Many of those who were arrested were holed up
in treehouses where police later recovered explosives. Prior to Tuesday's arrests, police detained several people at the site
for crimes including destruction of property and arson along with car-jacking and attacks on locals and government officials.
left-wing activists arrested for domestic terrorism in Georgia. Back in May a group of anti-police
protesters in Georgia were arrested after throwing rocks and a Molotov cocktail at police. The "protesters" have
been trying to prevent the city of Atlanta from building a new 85-acre police training center (which the left has dubbed
"cop city") in a large wooded area near the city. The group has blocked roads and harassed construction workers
who came to the site to work. During the May incident, police accompanied the construction workers to ensure their
safety and the protest group started throwing rocks at them. Then this happened: [Video clip] The
protesters have built tree houses in the area in order to claim they are not merely protesters but residents of the property.
A string of crimes in the area has continued and a law enforcement task force was created to deal with it.
terrorism charges for five arrested at violent Antifa autonomous zone near Atlanta. Five militants part of
a violent far-left occupation in south Atlanta were arrested on Tuesday and charged with domestic terrorism and other
felony charges. On Dec. 13, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) launched a raid on the so-called autonomous
zone at the site of the future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. Since June 2021, Antifa and other far-left
extremists from across the US have descended on the location to prevent the construction of what they call a "cop city."
Responding law enforcement were assaulted with rocks and bottles by militants occupying makeshift treehouses. The
GBI says it found explosive devices and gasoline after the rioters were cleared from the area.
Musk says risk of his assassination is 'quite significant'. Elon Musk has claimed the risk of his
assassination is "quite significant". In a wide-ranging, two-hour Q&A audio chat on Twitter Spaces, the social
media platform's CEO told listeners he "definitely" would not "be doing any open-air car parades, let me put it that
way". "Frankly the risk of something bad happening to me, or even literally being shot, is quite significant," he
said. "It's not that hard to kill somebody if you wanted to, so hopefully they don't, and fate smiles upon the
situation with me and it does not happen ... There's definitely some risk there." The Tesla CEO and world's
richest man — a self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist" — added that "at the end of the day, we
just want to have a future where we're not oppressed".
Do You Do When BLM Attacks You in Your Car? Anyone with a modicum of common sense understands that a
person shouldn't try to block a road with his body and then proceed to intimidate and threaten the drivers he's forced
to stop. When push comes to shove, protesters in the middle of the road aren't going to win the battle against a
two-ton vehicle, especially if they really make a person fear for his life and the lives of his passengers. It's
just a good rule of thumb, if you happen to be an Antifa or Black Lives Matter protester, to keep your big, dumb,
non-caring, socially unacceptable [self] out of the middle of the street and try to actually protest peacefully for a
change, and you won't get run over. In December of 2020, Kathleen Casillo found herself in just such a
predicament. She was forced to stop her car near the intersection of 39th Street and Third Avenue around
4:00 P.M. CST, where she and her twenty-nine year old daughter were immediately surrounded and attacked by a
howling mob of BLM "mostly peaceful" protesters, who jumped on her car and attempted to smash the windows and open the
doors, for the purpose of dragging one or both women out of the car. They were screaming, "White privilege b----"
at the women as all of this occurred. Fearing for her life and her daughter's life, Kathleen floored the gas and
sped off — rightfully so, and in self-defense — injuring nine protesters (one seriously) in the
process. Who wouldn't, when trapped in the same set of circumstances?
Musk Will Not Sign Autographs 'Ever Again' As He Warns Assassination Risk Is 'Quite Significant'. Twitter
CEO Elon Musk told groveling paparazzi over the weekend night that he will "never again" sign autographs as he warned
that the risk that someone will try to assassinate him is actually "quite significant." Musk told the paparazzi
that he would no longer sign autographs after he landed in at Dulles International Airport Saturday night [12/3/2022],
TMZ reported. "I want to be clear, I'm not doing any more signings ever again," Musk said as he was surrounded by
security guards.
Why You Should
Only Riot on Behalf of Your Rulers. When taking part in a violent mob, make sure to riot on behalf of the
liberal establishment. That way, you are likely to avoid punishment. You may even be richly rewarded:
["]A federal court Wednesday approved Minneapolis, Minnesota's agreement to pay 12 protesters a combined $600,000
for injuries sustained during 2020 demonstrations over George Floyd's murder [sic].["] That comes to
$50,000 apiece, in addition to whatever wealth they acquired by looting. Biden's IRS has yet to issue a statement
on whether BLM/Antifa thugs can deduct the bricks they throw through windows and the gasoline they use to set
neighborhoods on fire as business expenses.
A quick shift from bully to victim: Ex-Twitter
Executive: Elon Musk Is Putting Us 'In Harm's Way' By Showing How We Censored Content. Twitter's former
head of trust and safety claimed Friday night that Twitter CEO Elon Musk was putting people's lives in danger by
revealing internal company documents showing how employees censored conservatives and a negative news story about
then-presidential candidate Joe Biden's son. Yoel Roth, Twitter's former Sr. Director, Head of Trust &
Safety, complained about Musk's decision to release internal company communications through journalist Matt Taibbi about
the company's censorship of the New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 presidential election.
Taibbi tweeted out screenshots showing that company officials were in regular contact with Democrats and censored
content that Democrats wanted removed.
The Editor says...
Any repercussions from your misbehavior (when it is finally discovered) are entirely your own responsibility.
Children of Dr. Moreau Refuse to Understand Pregnancy Centers. On Thursday night, supporters of the
Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center gathered in D.C. for the organization's annual banquet. During a speech by
Executive Director Janet Durig, there was, shall we say, an interruption by those for whom babies being born alive is as
unwelcome a prospect as a broken bone. Or grown-up behavior.
Promised Violent Consequences For Elon Musk [and now] the Attacks Have Started. Elon Musk called a report
on Antifa wanting to burn down Tesla "concerning." The Tesla CEO responded to a Rebel News report on screenshots
of calls to action. Andy Ngô, editor-at-large for the ThePost Millenial, shared screenshots of the calls to
action by the now-suspended Twitter account @AshRedacted. The account posted links to Tesla locations and
encouraged followers to add their own. "Tonight in Portland! Every city, every town! Show up at your
local Tesla dealerships in protest of Elon Musk!" one screenshot read with a photo of a burning Tesla. Ngô
noted that the extremists wanted to get revenge on Elon Musk for suspending their accounts on Twitter. Musk's
Twitter suspended the violent extremist and Antifa collective @crimethinc. The international group operates like
ISIS: [it] makes propaganda & training material to radicalize militants toward violence.
Young Americans Unwittingly Voted to Ruin Their Lives. As regards Trump's belief that the election was
stolen, Democrats, including the losing presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, claimed Trump did not win the 2016
election. And it has been a common left-wing tactic for decades to illegally occupy state offices, not to mention
college presidents' offices. In 2011, thousands of left-wing protesters took over the Wisconsin state Capitol in
Madison — for four months. More recently, in 2018, protesters took over a Senate office building on
Capitol Hill demanding rejection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. It is not
conservatives who threaten freedom and democracy. It is the Left; its party (the Democrats); the legacy media
(virtually all mainstream media); and Big Tech (Google, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and, until now, Twitter). They
are the ones who suppress dissent — which, as I pointed out in my previous column, is proof the Left lies,
since truth-tellers have no need to cancel lectures, censor dissenters, manipulate search results, etc. The Left
constitutes the greatest threat in American history to freedom of speech, the most important of all freedoms. Yet
the young vote for the Left.
That Killed At Least 7 People Doesn't Fit The Mainstream Media Narrative. According to an employee on the
scene who survived and did a live stream on site, it was Walmart's manager that "entered the break room and started
shooting at workers". Andre Bing had no prior arrests. In the shocking video below, a Walmart associate on
the parking lot shares his recount of the events. In it you can hear coworkers crying at what they had
witnessed. "He plotted this for sure", he said, "he just started capping people." The employee also alleges
the gunman committed suicide by gunfire once he was finished with his actions.
Stunned As Their Narrative on Gay Club Shooter Gets Crushed. Late on Tuesday night [11/22/2022], court
filings by the attorneys for the alleged shooter from the LGBTQ night club in Colorado Springs, Colorado revealed the
shooter is non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns. After spending the past two days smearing conservative
Christians for allegedly inspiring this apparent attack against gay people, CNN Tonight anchor Alisyn Camerota was
clearly stunned as she watched her network's narrative come crashing down. Breaking the news to her audience,
Camerota begrudgingly reported that the "attorneys for the accused shooter, Anderson Lee Aldrich, say in new court
filings tonight that the suspect now identifies as non-binary."
Suspected Colorado Mass Shooter Identifies as 'Non-Binary'. It appears the left has been peddling yet
another false narrative. The New York Times reported on Tuesday night that the alleged gunman who carried out a
mass shooting at an LGBTQ club in Colorado identifies as "non-binary." According to a court filing, the suspect's
public defenders note that Anderson Aldrich, the suspected shooter, uses "they/them" pronouns. New York Times
reporter Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs posted a tweet that the defense attorneys refer to the defendant as "Mx. Anderson
Aldrich." [Tweet] Aldrich is currently being held on suspicion of murder and hate crimes, in connection to
the shooting at Club Q, which occurred on Saturday night. He was injured after patrons in the club attacked
him to stop the massacre, and was released from the hospital on Tuesday then booked in the El Paso County
jail. Left-leaning activist media outlets and influencers have been intimating that the shooting was motivated by
rhetoric coming from conservatives criticizing the sexualization of children and the effort to promote transgender
ideology among K-12 students. They attempted to insinuate that those speaking out against these issues inspired
the attack, which they say was a result of hatred against members of the LGBTQ community.
Antifa can claim total victory against Andy Ngo. Superman had to deal with Bizarro World, a place in which
everything is backward and evil is ascendant, and Andy Ngo has to contend with Portland, which pretty much seems to be
the same. The latest travesty is that, after the judge heard Andy Ngo's case against an Antifa activist whom Ngo
filmed throwing a liquid at him and grabbing his phone, the judge not only gave the activist a pass, but the judge also
scolded Ngo for daring to report Antifa activities. Most people who followed Antifa's activities in Portland,
whether leftists or conservatives, are familiar with Andy Ngo. At great risk to himself, he reported what the
Antifa gang was doing, whether silencing conservative speech, going to war against the city, state, and federal
government in Portland, or physically attacking conservatives, including Ngo himself. In every case, Ngo has
always had the video to prove that these attacks were real.
are dangerously dehumanizing their political opponents. On November 3, Sunny Hostin, a cohost on The View,
said, "White suburban women voting for Republicans are like roaches voting for the bug spray Raid." Her hostility
supposedly stemmed from Republican opposition to abortion. A co-panelist Alyssa Farah Griffin pointed out her
previous opposition to abortion based on her Catholic faith, but Hostin was not deterred. On the one hand, this is
a silly spat on a silly show. On the other hand, it matters a great deal when someone with a national platform
likens people to insects. Hostin's language is similar to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, in 2018,
referring to Jews as termites.
forget! The 3 times the radical left attacked the Capitol. For almost two years, the Democrats have railed
about Jan. 6. They have lied about it, they have mischaracterized the former president and his supporters, they've
conducted show trials over it, and they want to pin the whole thing on the former president — whom they hate
for it. They fear most of all that he will soon announce a decision to run again — and win again.
His party, this week, took the first step toward that by reclaiming power in the U.S. House and likely the Senate.
It has not been a pleasant two years under the Democrats. They have used the full weaponized power of the state,
the FBI, Attorney General Merrick Garland and the office of the "acting" president, not a very good one either, to turn
the country into something resembling fascism — or as close as I ever thought possible in this nation.
Isn't the 'White Powder' Attack on Kari Lake's Office Bigger News? [Scroll down] The assault on Paul
Pelosi has been branded a politically motivated attack. On Saturday, a supporter of Lee Zeldin was assailed by a
Hochul supporter during a counter-protest at a Hochul rally. The woman, who Fox News identified as Angelica
Torres, said her sign was grabbed and a man choked her. That was not exactly above-the-fold news. But it
does not take much to stir up a deranged person, and our media, which picked sides decades ago, knows how to take
something, anything, and twist it to the Left's advantage. Would you like proof? Compare the media
approaches to the Pelosi incident to the coverage of the shooting of Steve Scalise, the attack on Rand Paul while he was
doing yard work, the stalking of Brett Kavanaugh, and, yes, an attack on Kari Lake's campaign office that could be
legitimately described as an act of terrorism. Those events were covered, but not nearly to the extent of the
Pelosi incident.
Update: The
mystery of the disappearing white powder at Kari Lake's campaign office. A little more than a week ago, we
learned that an envelope (or possibly multiple envelopes) containing crude messages and a "white powdery substance" were
received at an office for Kari Lake's gubernatorial campaign in Arizona. A worker at the office made the discovery
while going through the mail and at least two staffers were put under medical supervision. Thankfully, no
illnesses were reported after the event. Two similar envelopes were collected by the FBI and sent to a laboratory
for testing. Yesterday, the results of the investigation were announced. There was no powdery substance
found in either envelope. So what actually happened?
Lake staffer under medical supervision after opening envelope with white powdery substance. A campaign
staffer for Republican Arizona gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake is under medical supervision after opening an envelope
containing a "suspicious white powder" that was received at the candidate's campaign headquarters on Saturday, an act of
political terror that isn't likely to get much play in the media let alone be condemned by Democrats. On the
weekend before what is arguably the most important election in the state's history, Lake's campaign command center was
shut down at the most critical juncture of the campaign, being swarmed by law enforcement including Phoenix police, the
FBI as well as hazmat and bomb squad teams.
Ramps up Against GOP Including Grisly Death Threat and Zeldin Supporter Being Choked. In the last days
before the election, we've been seeing an uptick in violence and threats from folks from people on the left against
people on the right over campaigns and the election. We reported on the violence against New Hampshire state
Senate candidate Lou Garguilo, who said that he had a truck drive at him and his supporters, someone threw a coffee at
him, and another person threw a power tool battery at his wife's head. There was another incident a few days
ago. Scott Lennox was arrested after allegedly threatening Darren Bailey, the Republican gubernatorial candidate
in Illinois, in a voicemail.
called to Kari Lake's campaign office after staff received suspicious white powder in two envelopes. The
FBI swooped on Republican Arizona Governor candidate Kari Lake's campaign offices on Saturday night after staff received
suspicious white power, DailyMail.com can reveal. Law enforcement was at the offices in Phoenix from 10pm to 5am
after Lake's team was sent two envelopes with the substance and abusive messages. Her campaign believes this was a
'terroristic attack, trying to intimidate Kari and the campaign staff'.
Ignore Physical Attack on Republican Gen. Don Bolduc. The establishment media have ignored the
physical attack against Republican New Hampshire candidate Gen. Don Bolduc. The three top establishment
newspapers, the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times, all failed to report the
physical attack on Gen. Bolduc that occurred moments before Wednesday's debate with Democrat Maggie Hassan (D-NH).
The media's decision to not report on the act of political violence against a Republican is notable. Attacks
against Republicans run counter to the media's narrative of violence singly perpetrated by Republicans.
Biden Was Babbling About Dangerous Republicans, Mostly Peaceful Leftists" Were Caught On Video As They Attack A
Republican Senate Candidate. While the president uses the Paul Pelosi attack carried out by a mentally
unstable former nudist green party member with rainbow flags outside his home as an example of right-wing violence, I
can't help but notice nearly EVERY example of political violence is from folks on the Left or those attacking
Republicans. As Biden was preening on and on about how 'our democracy' is AT STAKE in the upcoming midterm and
once again vilifying half the country implying they are a threat and a danger, some yahoo attempted to punch/attack
Republican candidate, General Don Bolduc.
Gen. Bolduc [was] Physically Attacked by Individual Outside Wednesday's Debate. Republican
Gen. Don Bolduc was physically attacked by an unknown individual before the Wednesday debate with Democrat
Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Bolduc's campaign told Breitbart News. Kate Constantini, Bolduc for Senate
spokeswoman, told Breitbart News that before the General went on the debate stage, he was physically attacked outside
the building by an individual in the crowd.
All the Left Wing Political Violence the Corporate Media Seems to Have Forgotten About. The media appears
to have rediscovered political violence the morning of October 28 when news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's
husband Paul was attacked by a hammer-wielding mad man in their California home. [...] In case they've forgotten or
would rather not discuss it, here is a small slice of left-wing political violence over the years that has either been
excused, dismissed or under-covered. [...] [#3] 2020 Summer of Riots: During the riots following George
Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody, leftist media ran cover for activists who torched American cities.
Infamously, CNN described August riots in Wisconsin as "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" while live reporting in
front of towering flames. An MSNBC reporter in May also reported live from a riot in Minneapolis, saying, "I want
to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking
unruly." As he said this, a building burned in the background of the footage. These riots caused an
estimated $1 billion in damages and 24 deaths.
Pro-Life Man Brutally Attacked Outside Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz. Longtime sidewalk counselor and
Life Legal client Ross Foti was brutally attacked outside a California Planned Parenthood last week. A woman
entering the clinic viciously shoved Ross to the ground, causing him to fall on a fire hydrant. Ross, who is 88,
suffered a punctured lung and other serious injuries and was hospitalized after the assault. He was released after
four days in the hospital but is still in constant pain and requires ongoing treatment. Witnesses report that the
assailant was furious because she wanted a certain parking spot in front of the abortion mill, but Ross had already
parked there. Even though the woman found another place to park, she screamed at Ross and then charged at him,
ramming him with her arms and pushing him into the fire hydrant.
and Impermissible Incendiary Speech? When New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin was recently
physically attacked on stage by a troubled alcoholic David G. Jakubonis (released into an alcoholic recovery program
from police custody a few weeks after his attempt on Zeldin's life), the media made no effort to tie the assault to
politically driven rhetoric. When Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was severely injured by a crazed neighbor, there was
no suggestion that left-wing extremist talk, and in particular political attacks on Paul, had pushed the assailant over
the edge — although there was plenty of undisguised liberal schadenfreude at Paul's injuries. For
example, in a March 2020 tweet, Christine Pelosi (Nancy and Paul's daughter) snarked: "Rand Paul's neighbor was right."
James Hodgkinson was a declared left-wing political activist and former Bernie Sanders campaign worker who went hunting for
Republican legislators and ended up shooting six people — among them Representative Steven Scalise (R-La.),
the House majority whip at the time, who nearly died.
Pelosi Got
Hammered. [Scroll down] What is absolutely certain is that neither the U.S. federal government nor
its media propaganda organs [care] about crime or political violence unless it can be used to slander MAGA
Republicans. Pro-life organizations and churches are firebombed, and the FBI does nothing. Conservative
volunteers and Republican campaign workers are brutally beaten and shot on the street, and the corporate news is
silent. A cowardly neighbor severely wounds Senator Rand Paul in a sneak attack, and Democrats (including Nancy
Pelosi's daughter) cry with laughter and jubilation. A Democrat stalwart, brainwashed by the endless corporate
news promoting the lie that Russia stole the 2016 election from Hillary, nearly succeeds in assassinating an entire
baseball team of Republican senators and representatives (again including Rand Paul), and the Democrat-Media Complex
hides behind calls for unity, while simultaneously casting blame on the victims. Some commie nutjob gets into the
Pelosis' fortified complex, though, and somehow it's all Trump's fault!
and violence privilege. Since the summer of 2020, most every metropolitan area had been ravaged by
progressive anarchists with impunity. Hundreds of people were injured, many of them seriously. Honest
hardworking people, through no fault of their own, sustained property damage valued in the tens of millions of
dollars. They deserved to be as heavily protected as elected officials are but were not, the reasons for which can
be clearly understood, as demonstrated by the police defunding movement. In each case, authorities stood
powerless. Leftist agitators acted so perfidiously that ostensibly everyone else was subordinate to the rule of
law, but not they. Progressives, Paul Pelosi included and especially, hate America with such vitriolic and
reckless abandon that they hold the moral stature of illegal aliens and even terrorists in higher regard than their
honest, law-abiding countrymen. For such people, I have no sympathy, and neither should anyone else. America
has been set upon by the leftist malevolence from within, which seeks to destroy our country.
Canvasser Brutally Attacked in Hialeah, FL After Being Told 'Republicans Aren't Allowed' Here. It's been
exceedingly difficult for Republican campaigns in California to get volunteers who will do door-to-door canvassing this
cycle, with many citing fears of violence and even fears of being doxxed by progressives who've been doing things like
taking photos of attendees at rallies to attempt to identify them and publicize their professions and workplaces.
Given the level of vitriol aimed at Republicans here, and incidents where canvassers have been harassed or even shot (an
84-year-old woman canvassing for a pro-life initiative in Michigan was shot) those fears are not unfounded.
Goldberg Says The Left Is Never Violent, Never Heard Of An Antifa Riot. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and
co-host of "The View" Whoopi Goldberg clashed after she appeared to bring up the January 6 riot at the U.S.
Capitol. Cruz made an appearance on an episode of the show Monday during which Goldberg went off on Republicans
and how they react when they lose elections. Whoopi: "We may not like when R's win, but we don't go and we don't
storm..." Cruz: "Did I miss an entire year of Antifa riots where cities across this country were burning...?"
Whoopi: "I don't know what an Antifa riot is." Cruz: "The left doesn't engage in violence? Really?"
[Video clip]
Campaign Signs Placed on Private Property Without Permission, Booby-Trapped with Razor Blades. In
Pennsylvania, the stakes for the upcoming November midterms have never been higher, as the state is one of the
closely-watched battlegrounds that will determine the makeup of the U.S. Senate when the dust settles after Election
Day. Unfortunately, those high stakes also bring stupid and dangerous decisions, which was evidenced in the
southeastern part of the state recently after residents reported rogue Democratic campaign signs placed in their yards
that were lined with razor blades, WTXF-TV reported. The Upper Makefield Township Police Department posted an
alarming update to their social media pages regarding the discovery, complete with images that appear to show razor
blade-rigged campaign signs for several top Democratic candidates, including Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Attorney General Josh Shapiro.
Here Come The Tantrums.
[Scroll down] Even after Trump left office, the deranged venting of spleens remained a staple of the left.
When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Democrats again looked liked overgrown preschoolers. At the
time we pointed out, in an editorial headlined The American Mushroom Cloud, that Democratic Sen. Elizabeth
"Warren's fevered tirade clearly shows we have reached the point that the left has decided that policy will not be made
like sausage but through tantrum, intimidation, and riot." Sure, it could be worse. There could exist a
powerful faction that tried to overturn the results of an election based on a false document, co-opting corrupt federal
officials, sowing division, and doing all in its power to poison the nation's politics. Wait, that did
happen. And we're not talking about Jan. 6.
Campaign Signs Placed on Private Property Without Permission, Booby-Trapped with Razor Blades. In
Pennsylvania, the stakes for the upcoming November midterms have never been higher, as the state is one of the
closely-watched battlegrounds that will determine the makeup of the U.S. Senate when the dust settles after Election
Day. Unfortunately, those high stakes also bring stupid and dangerous decisions, which was evidenced in the
southeastern part of the state recently after residents reported rogue Democratic campaign signs placed in their yards
that were lined with razor blades, WTXF-TV reported. The Upper Makefield Township Police Department posted an
alarming update to their social media pages regarding the discovery, complete with images that appear to show razor
blade-rigged campaign signs for several top Democratic candidates, including Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Attorney General Josh Shapiro.
National Security Threats Come From Domestic Left-Wing Extremists: Experts. National security analysts,
scholars, and a federal indictment reveal that threats from left-wing extremist groups in the United States are more
dangerous than right-wing and "MAGA Republican" groups recently cited by the Biden administration as "threats to
democracy." According to the U.S. government, some of the left-wing groups are being funded by Russian influence
operations to "sow discord, spread pro-Russian propaganda, and interfere in elections within the United States." On
July 29, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the indictment of a Russian national for working on behalf of the
Russian government to sow discord in the United States. "From at least December 2014 until March 2022, Aleksandr
Viktorovich Ionov, a resident of Moscow, together with at least three Russian officials, engaged in a years-long foreign
malign influence campaign targeting the United States" the indictment alleged.
Tim Ryan Doubles Down on Call to 'Kill and Confront' MAGA Republicans, Specifically Targets J.D. Vance in Violent
Rhetoric. Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan doubled down on his comments from earlier in the year calling to
"kill and confront" MAGA while specifically targeting J.D. Vance in his rhetoric during the debate on Monday
night. In the heated debate between Ryan and his Republican opponent for Ohio's open U.S. Senate seat, Ryan was
confronted and asked to explain his comments earlier in the year when he told MSNBC's Morning Joe that the
"exhausted majority" needed to "kill and confront" the extremist Republican movement. Now, Ryan, during the
debate — doubling down on his comments — included Vance in the group of people he labels as "extremists."
Urges on the Left. If you have the feeling that liberals would like to kill you, you aren't
paranoid. You are catching on. Around the world, we are seeing increasingly violent talk from the
Left. All too often, that talk has led to violent action. When Congressman and Senate candidate Tim Ryan
says "we've got to kill and confront" the movement of "extremist Republicans," you are right if you think he means you.
Meat exec accused of biting man's nose in road rage attack. An executive of a vegan food products company
has been charged with felony battery and making a terroristic threat after a fracas outside a football game in which
he's accused of biting a man's nose, Arkansas officials said. Beyond Meat Chief Operations Officer Doug Ramsey has
been accused of a road rage attack outside Saturday's game between the Arkansas Razorbacks and Missouri State Bears in
Fayetteville, Arkansas, according to a police report obtained by CBS News.
Comes of Taking Joe Biden Seriously. I don't believe we have covered the story of Cayler Ellingson, the
18-year-old North Dakota boy who was murdered by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt. Why did the murder happen?
Brandt says he ran Ellingson down with his car following a "political argument" because he thought Ellingson was part of
a "Republican extremist group." Where might he have gotten that idea? From the President of the United
States. So far no details of whatever conversation Ellingson might have had with the much-older Brandt are known,
but apparently it didn't take much for Brandt to conclude that he was dealing with a "Republican extremist." Not
surprisingly, local authorities say there is no evidence of Ellingson being any sort of extremist. He was attending
a street dance prior to his fatal encounter with Brandt. The story has engendered several types of fallout.
Shannon Brandt Released on Bond After Killing 18-Year-Old Cayler Ellingson Over Teen's Conservative Views.
On Sunday evening, 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson was struck and killed by a vehicle driven by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt
in a politically motivated murder in North Dakota. [...] Brandt confessed to killing 18-year-old Ellingson because of
his politics. The murder of Cayler Ellingson came two weeks after Joe Biden's demonic speech in Philadelphia where
he declared war against Republicans, conservative, patriots and Trump voters. Shannon Brandt was released on
$50,000 bond on Tuesday. Brandt was charged with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident.
Charged With Killing Teen Echoed Biden's 'Republican Extremism' Rhetoric To Justify His Act. The man
charged with fatally hitting and running over a North Dakota teen justified the act by echoing the same "extremism"
rhetoric President Joe Biden wielded against Republicans during his most recent address. Shannon Brandt, 41, mowed
down 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson early Sunday morning over what he later claimed was a "political argument" over
whether "the teen was part of a Republican extremist group." That language strongly resembles the description used by
Biden just a few weeks ago to describe Trump and "MAGA Republicans" as being "a threat to the very soul of this
country." In that speech, Biden claimed it was Republicans who had "blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness
to engage in political violence[.]" Ellingson was reportedly participating in a street dance before the incident occurred.
Driver admitted to intentionally killing teen at North Dakota street dance after political dispute.
According to court papers, it was not an accident but apparently a politically motivated attack. The fatal
vehicle-pedestrian incident happened early Sunday morning, Sept. 18, in McHenry, North Dakota, about 120 miles northwest
of Fargo and 54 miles north of Jamestown. Prosecutors allege moments before he was killed, 18-year-old Cayler
Ellingson called his mom to come rescue him because 41-year-old Shannon Brandt was chasing him in the city of McHenry,
where the street dance had just wrapped up. By the time she could get there, her son was dead. Brandt was
officially charged Monday with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident. "He was the one who
called 911 to report the crash," said North Dakota Highway Patrol Capt. Bryan Niewind. Court papers show
Brandt called 911 around 2:30 a.m. Sunday and told the 911 dispatcher that he just hit Ellingson, claiming the
teen was part of a Republican extremist group and was calling people to come get Brandt after a political argument.
Equal Justice, They Said.
Is it a crime to threaten a Supreme Court justice? Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) did just that in front of the
Supreme Court doors, when he riled up protestors by threats to individual justices: "I want to tell you
Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You
won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Had Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
done the same and warned both Justices Sotomayor and Kagan that the two "won't know what hit you," what would the Biden
Administration have done? [Is it] a felony to mass at a justice's home, and threaten his person, in attempts to
warp a judicial ruling? Attorney General Merrick Garland saw no problems when a left-wing mob descended on the
homes of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. No one was arrested or indicted. No wonder an admitted would-be
assassin later felt he could approach, with impunity, the Kavanaugh residence or that a mob could, with impunity, drive
him out of a restaurant. Again, would Garland have stood by had a MAGA crowd swarmed the home or the dinner table
of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson? For that felony, most would likely still be sitting in jail awaiting charges.
Rapids man charged with threatening to kill U.S. senator. A federal grand jury indictment alleges that a
Coon Rapids man made violent threats against a U.S. senator. Brendon Michael Daugherty, 35, appeared Friday in
U.S. District Court in Minneapolis on charges of threatening to murder a United States official and interstate
transmission of a threat. Public court records do not identify the target of Daugherty's alleged threats other
than to say the senator is not from Minnesota. Daugherty remains in federal custody without bail in the Sherburne
County jail. He's due back in court on Tuesday.
Tim Ryan Goes Silent After Saying Voters Must 'Kill' MAGA Movement. Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), running
against Republican J.D. Vance for Ohio's open United States Senate seat, has gone silent after saying "Democrats,
Republicans, and Independents" must "kill and confront" former President Trump's Make America Great Again (MAGA)
populist-nationalist movement. On Tuesday, Ryan called for voters to "kill and confront" the MAGA movement even as
more than 3.1 million Ohioans voted for Trump in the 2020 election and more than 2.8 million voted for him in
the 2016 election.
Senator Tim Ryan Says US Needs To 'Kill And Confront' 'Extremist' Republican Movement. Democratic Ohio
Rep. Tim Ryan said Tuesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that the U.S. needs to "kill and confront" the "extremist"
Republican movement. Ryan and co-host Willie Geist were discussing J.D. Vance, Ryan's Republican challenger for
the open Senate seat in the upcoming election. Geist noted a recent poll showing the two candidates trending
closely, with Geist asking Ryan if he had a message for Republican voters in Ohio. [Video clip]
Middle School Teacher Encourages Kids To Throw Bricks At People Who Don't Share Leftist Views. A new video
from Project Veritas has exposed a New York City middle school teacher for encouraging her students to join in violent
left-wing protests by throwing bricks at people who are on the other side of the political aisle. As part of their
series exposing liberal bias in academia, "The Secret Curriculum," Project Veritas took to the NYC Department of
Education, where they uncovered English teacher Ariane Franco's shocking views. "This is what I told my students,"
Franco said to an undercover investigative reporter. "I was like 'Guys, there's strategic ways to do this [protest].'
You want to... I brought up [a] crazy organization that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw
bricks in." "They chose — and they didn't do it in their own neighborhood... They didn't do it in black
and brown communities. Doing it in our own community does not make sense," the teacher said of violent protests
where people representing groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa have thrown bricks and other objects.
the Democrats Have a Murder Problem? [Scroll down] Already, some conservatives on social media are
playing "name that party," noting the odd and consistent pattern where if an obscure local Republican official is caught
in an embarrassing scandal, the headline and first paragraph will often mention the party affiliation. But if an
obscure local Democratic official is caught in an embarrassing scandal, the headline and first paragraph will only
mention the person's title and location; the party affiliation will be mentioned deep in the story — if it is
mentioned at all. Like just about every official in Clark County, Telles is a Democrat. We might cut local
media some slack on this; they may well believe their audiences already know that any official from this area is all but
certain to be a Democrat.
journalist is murdered, a Democrat pol is charged, and a local reporter finds a way to blame Trump. Murder
is staring journalists in the face, now that a veteran investigative journalist, Jeff German of the Las Vegas
Review-Journal, has been stabbed and killed in cold blood, allegedly by a Democrat politician. But does that make
an impression on the local talent in the press pool? Not to at least one of them. [...] It's an amazingly
offensive take, given that a serious crime has happened, not just the killing an innocent man, but the taking a capable,
competent, journalist out of circulation in a mafia-like hit, and sending a chill to all other reporters that the same
fate could happen to them should they perform their jobs as fearlessly as German performed his. That's what
happens in places like Mexico, where the cartels have taken power based on their capacity to corrupt local politicians,
and now that vile and lethal political tactic has arrived here in the states. That's what the reporter in the
press pool should have been concerned about. But she wasn't. In her still-unserious mind, the emerging
problem wasn't an emerging problem and the real problem was President Trump.
reporter was stabbed to death, now police have searched the home of an elected official he reported on.
Jeff German was an investigative journalist who worked for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Last Saturday German
was found murdered just outside his home, the victim of a stabbing. [...] As of Sunday there was no apparent motive for
the crime but Monday police released video and photos of a strangely dressed man they considered a suspect.
[Video clip] Police didn't say what connected this individual to the killing but obviously this person is
doing their best to avoid being identified. [...] Today the case took a surprising turn when police searched the home of
Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles, an elected Democrat who recently lost his primary at least partly
because of German's work.
Las Vegas Official Robert Telles Arrested, Charged With Murder of Investigative Reporter. Earlier on
Wednesday, I reported that the Democrat Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles had a search warrant executed
at his home in connection with a homicide investigation. I detailed the victim Jeff German, an investigative
reporter who was found deceased on Sunday. German had published an expose detailing hostile work environment
complaints lodged by Telles' employees and outing his affair with a staffer shortly before Nevada's primary, in which
Telles lost his re-election bid. German was working on another story about Telles at the time he was murdered.
Telles has now been arrested on suspicion of murder, Sheriff Joe Lombardo told The Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Dangerously Copy The Tactics Of Famous Fascists. For just over two years, we've seen the evil of fascism
take hold as it's never held sway before. Consider the following: In the summer of 2020, Democrats rained hell
down on America by allowing, encouraging, and funding urban terrorists who destroyed property, attacked citizens and the
police, and killed dozens of people. In 2020 and beyond, despite years of watching Democrats assail election
integrity, anyone who questioned the highly unlikely outcome of the 2020 election was branded as an anti-democratic
conspiracy nut and accused of supporting insurrection. The riot that occurred on January 6, 2021, was labeled an
"insurrection" and hundreds of citizens who had been welcomed into the US Capitol or
standing on its grounds were arrested, labeled as terrorists, and thrown in solitary confinement for months without charge
or bail. At the same time, among the crowd were provocateurs in whom the FBI was suspiciously uninterested.
6 Ways Democrats
Are 'Threatening Democracy'. [#4] Normalizing Political Violence: The damage from
just the first two weeks of 2020's summer of rage cost approximately 66 times that of the inflated
estimates of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. It took Democrats months, however, to begin condemning
brazen political violence after the party spent 2020 justifying explosive riots as righteous acts
of social justice. The normalization of political violence is a natural consequence of
citizens having forgotten how to function in a healthy democracy, where violence is the end result
when a significant population fails to secure its preferred political outcomes. The
presidential election year in 2020 might have been an outlier in politically-motivated carnage to
wreak havoc on Main Street, but the last two years have seen no absence of left-wing militancy
terrorizing the public. Pregnancy centers, in particular, have been firebombed across the
country in the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
are the 'right-wing extremists'? In the events of Jan. 6, one person died as a direct
result of the riot. More people are killed in Chicago every weekend than those who died as a
result of Jan. 6's "deadly insurrection. In 2021 and 2022 combined, there have been more than
twelve hundred murders in Chicago compared with one Capitol death on January 6. Where are the
calls to crack down on the left-wing extremists who run Chicago and on those who commit the crimes?
The FBI has set up "watch lists" for right-wing extremist groups, but in actuality, their "domestic
terror" list is composed of left-wingers. The 2020 left-wing George Floyd riots, occupations, arsons,
property destruction, and police deaths as a result of the George Floyd insurrection were responsible for
nineteen dead people as of April of 2022. Most who died were black, including black cops.
These riots were not caused by right-wing extremists.
Too Late For Corrupt Media To Decide Political Violence Is Bad. The 2020 election was
nothing less than a hostage situation, and everyone who lives in a major city (all of them run by
Democrats) knew it when they saw their shops, offices, and storefronts boarded up. That
wasn't in anticipation of a Biden victory. It was in fear of a Trump victory. The Left
had shown all summer that year what it's capable of when things don't go their way. They will
fabricate a conspiracy to derail a president who was never given a chance. They will hype up
an airborne virus, laying every single death it causes at the feet of their political
opponents. They will perpetuate a lie about race and police to shut down highways,
businesses, and government services. The cost: At least 25 deaths and up to $2 billion
in property damage. And that's just from the George Floyd riots of summer 2020.
a Liberal Falls Off His High Horse, Does He Make a Sound? This country is home to
several thousand violent savages who refer to themselves as "Antifascists." We see them out and
about travelling in mobs, torching buildings, pushing disabled veterans out of their wheelchairs,
and punching old ladies in the face. Heroes of the Revolution to be sure. One of them
was filmed lying in wait for a Trump supporter, whom he shot and killed. [...] You probably grew up
thinking that it would be pretty weird if the President of the United States sicced a bunch of
brownshirts on you and your family, to burn your house down and kill you, but that was before
Democrats got as snooty as they are now. Now they are so much smarter and better than we are
that they figure that they should be able to exterminate us like vermin. Or at least make us
go away. While the Leader of the Free World was telling the Democrats' Revolutionary Guards
that Republicans are fascists, the Governor of New York was telling her Republicans that they
should get out of her state now, move to Florida where they belong, because they're not "New
Yorkers." Apparently only Democrats can be New Yorkers now.
Carlson Outlines Dramatic Timeline of Political Corruption Within the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. Let me be very clear with another brutally obvious example.
Antifa could not exist as an organization, capable to organize and carry out violent attacks
against their targets, without the full support of the FBI. If the FBI wanted to arrest members
of Antifa, who are actually conducting violence, they could do it easily — with little
effort. It is the absence of any action by the FBI toward Antifa, that tells us the FBI is
enabling that violent extremist behavior to continue. Once you accept that transparent point
of truth, then, you realize the FBI definition of domestic violent extremism is something
else entirely. The FBI is not a law enforcement or investigative division of the U.S.
Department of Justice. The FBI is a political weapon of a larger institution that is now
focused almost entirely toward supporting a radical Democrat and left-wing agenda to destroy civil
society in the United States. The current mission of the FBI is to facilitate, preserve and
protect the administration of Joe Biden.
the FBI Deserves the Benefit of the Doubt? The FBI designated the death of a shooter
who attempted to gun down Republican lawmakers at a 2017 congressional baseball practice as
motivated by a desire to commit "suicide by cop." Last year, the bureau doubled down on the
designation. "It's fair to say the shooter was motivated by a desire to commit an attack on
members of Congress and then knowing by doing so he would likely be killed in the process," Jill
Sanborn, the executive assistant director of the FBI, told the House Appropriations subcommittee.
"The FBI still doesn't know exactly what the shooter was up to," McCabe, now a CNN contributor,
said last summer. "They never really uncovered the sort of detailed evidence that laid out a
specific plot or an objective." On the contrary, the 66-year-old shooter who almost killed
House GOP Whip Steve Scalise left behind a long record of extremist social media posts dripping
with contempt for Republicans, even branding them as the "Taliban of the USA" on Facebook. The
FBI also found a list of six congressmen in a rented Virginia storage locker but refused to
call it a "hit list."
alleged wannabe Kavanaugh assassin wasn't just an ordinary guy. When Nicholas Roske learned that
Roe v. Wade might be overturned, he grabbed a kidnapping and murder kit and headed over to Justice Brett
Kavanaugh's house, hoping to make Kavanaugh the first in a trio of Supreme Court justice killings. Thankfully, even
though federal and state law enforcement did almost nothing (despite laws on the books) to protect justices from protests at
their house (a perfect cover for Roske), Roske was caught in time. Now we're learning that Roske isn't just another
crazy leftist: He's a crazy leftist who also thinks he's a woman.
Kavanaugh Assassin Was 'Shooting for Three' Justices, Sources Confirm. Nicholas Roske, the California man who
attempted to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, was literally gunning for a SCOTUS trifecta. He wanted to kill
three justices. His plan was to "change the votes for decades to come," according to court documents. Roske flew
in from California and took a taxi to Kavanaugh's house. He was armed with a handgun, a knife, pepper spray, and
burglary tools. Roske left Kavanaughs' house when he saw marshals standing guard and called the police on
himself. Roske told investigators that he wanted to kill Kavanaugh to "give his life purpose."
tried to kill a congressman, and New York released him within hours. A man who attempted to kill a sitting
congressman and New York gubernatorial candidate was released shortly after the murder attempt. On July 21, U.S.
representative Lee Zeldin was making a campaign speech at the New York VFW in his bid to win the election for governor of New
York in November. He was speaking to a crowd from a stage "when a man stumbled through the crowd. He then
proceeded to climb on the stage and pull what was initially believed to be a knife," according to RochesterFirst.com.
The weapon was eventually determined to be a black hardened plastic keychain with two sharp points designed for self-defense.
man who tried to assassinate NY gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin during campaign event is arrested on federal assault
charge. The man who drunkenly attacked the Republican candidate for governor in New York was photographed being
taken into custody by FBI, state and county police Saturday on federal assault charges, after being immediately released
following the attack under the state's bail reform laws. David Jakubonis, 43, an Army veteran, was arrested after
allegedly attacking Zeldin with a $10 cat keyring weapon at the congressman's Thursday campaign rally for state governor,
outside of Rochester, New York. He was released hours later. But on Saturday, DailyMail.com cameras saw
Jakubonis, who had shaved his goatee overnight, was taken into custody by FBI, New York State police and deputies from the
Monroe County Sheriff's Office.
Whistler Kathy Hochul Told Supporters Where to Find "Far-Right Extremists". A man tried to stab Congressman and
gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin in the neck with a sharp metal object yesterday after New York Governor Kathy Hochul sent
out locations of her opponent's rallies, encouraging supporters to "RSVP" where "far-right extremists" will be gathering.
It was a crystal clear dog whistle intended to stoke disruptions, but one supporter took it to the next level. [...] Kathy Hochul
is not alone. Prominent Democrats like Maxine Waters, Rashida Tlaib, and Eric Swalwell have used similar language as Hochul
in prompting their supporters to get "aggressive" with MAGA supporters. It has resulted in multiple incidents over the past
six years where America First patriots have been assaulted for something as harmless as wearing a red hat.
Branded Zeldin 'Dangerous' And An 'Extremist' Weeks Before Man Tried To Stab Him. Democratic New York
Gov. Kathy Hochul branded Republican gubernatorial nominee and sitting Congressman Lee Zeldin as "dangerous" and a
"far-right extremist" in a campaign ad just weeks before a man tried to stab Zeldin at a campaign event. The ad,
released in June, said Zeldin isn't "just any Republican" but rather an "extreme" candidate. "Meet Lee Zeldin, the
far-right extremist that the Republicans just nominated for governor," Hochul's tweet read. "Despite what he might try
to sell you, the facts speak for themselves: he is dangerous for New York."
Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 762.
Lee Zeldin
attacked by man with brass knuckles at campaign event. A man attempted to stab congressman and gubernatorial
candidate Lee Zeldin (R-NY) at a campaign event in Perinton, New York, on Thursday [7/21/2022]. The attacker was quickly
suppressed, and Zeldin is unharmed. Video obtained by the Washington Examiner shows the incident unfold. A
man climbed onstage, grabbed Zeldin in the middle of his campaign speech, and attempted to stab the Republican. The man
appeared to yell "You're done! You're done!" as he accosted Zeldin.
Accused of Attack on GOP Rep. Zeldin Immediately Released after Being Charged with Felony. A 43-year-old
man accused of attacking Representative Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.) with a sharp object at a campaign stop in upstate New York on
Thursday evening was charged with a felony and released from custody just hours after his arrest, police said. Zeldin,
who is New York's Republican gubernatorial candidate, was giving a speech on bail reform at a stop on his "Unite to Fire
Hochul" bus tour in Perinton when David G. Jakubonis allegedly charged at him and pulled out a sharp object.
Zeldin's alleged attacker quickly released from jail. The man who allegedly tried to stab Republican candidate
for New York governor Lee Zeldin with a bladed weapon during a campaign stop on Thursday was released from jail within hours
of his arrest on a felony charge — just as Zeldin had predicted. David Jakubonis, 43, from Fairport, New
York, was arraigned overnight in Perinton Town Court on a count of second-degree attempted assault stemming from the attack
on Rep. Zeldin but was quickly released on his own recognizance. In a tweet after the violent incident in Monroe
County, Zeldin, who is running as a tough-on-crime candidate against incumbent Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul, said he
expected his alleged assailant to be back on the streets in no time.
Hochul campaign sent email about upcoming Lee Zeldin events before attempted attack. New York Democrat
Gov. Kathy Hochul's campaign sent an email about upcoming campaign events being held by Lee Zeldin, her Republican
challenger in the New York gubernatorial race, prior to a man's attempted attack on him while he was speaking Thursday
evening. Prior to the Zeldin campaign event, Hochul's campaign sent out a media advisory, titled "'Big Lie' Lee kicks
off statewide 'MAGA Republican' bus tour," to subscribers of its email list. That email, according to NY1 reporter Zack
Fink, contained information pertaining to Zeldin's upcoming campaign events, including the dates and times the events were
scheduled to begin.
Neighborhood Under Siege as Nightly Pro-Abortion Protesters Harass Residents. Lucky for you, you're probably
not a neighbor of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, but if you were, your evenings would be punctuated by "loud and
vulgar," almost-nightly protests from abortion proponents shouting about the recent SCOTUS overturn of
Roe v Wade. The Washington Post went to the tony Washington, D.C. suburb of Chevy Chase, Md. to
interview Kavanaugh's neighbors, and although many in the predominantly liberal enclave refused to go on record, most of the
ones who did were not pleased with the disruptions. "I understand where their passion comes from," said pro-abortion
46-year-old artist Emily Emily Strulson, "but I've had enough."
protestors now moving on to harassing the entire neighborhood where Brett Kavanaugh lives. [B]y the laws of the
left, not only is it OK to hound and harass a Supreme Court justice in his home, but the whole neighborhood can get harassed
out of house and home, too. That's the reality, now that filthy-mouthed and potentially violent protesters are getting
away with such deeds against Justice Brett Kavanaugh and now his neighbors.
Rule Of Law To The Law Of The Jungle. Unwilling to take their political and legal losses like the good citizens
of a democratic republic and work within the system, Democrats are more and more demanding they get their way through
harassment that includes the threat of violence. What has set this country apart since its birth is unraveling.
The U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs ruling, the "unflinching repudiation" of Roe v. Wade, set an already fuming political
left on fire. And the flame still burns. White hot. "The six justices who overturned Roe should never know
peace again," a Harvard law instructor, and democratic socialist, tweeted shortly after the decision was released. "It
is our civic duty to accost them every time they are in public. They are pariahs. Since women don't have their
rights, these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again."
The Party
of Violence. Democrats are openly the party of violence and death. Their policies fail so they must
advocate violence to get them implemented. Democrats and their spinoff-isms promote and glamorize abortion, the killing
of human beings. Barack Obama notoriously stated that he didn't want to see women being "punished with a baby."
Elizabeth Warren said that women who go to crisis pregnancy centers are met by people who "want to do them harm." Liberals
clearly believe that giving birth is not desirable but killing babies is.
officers watch pro-abortion vandals damage the home of prominent pro-life attorney. The home of pro-life hero
attorney Thomas Brejcha was vandalized by a radical pro-abortion mob the night of July 1 as police officers stood by in squad
cars and on bicycles observing and making no arrests. According to a Saturday email release from the Thomas More
Society (TMS), Brejcha, who founded the organization and serves as its president and chief counsel, was targeted in advance
of the attack by a terrorist group calling itself the "Reproductive Justice Union" (RJU).
Threat Forces California Pregnancy Center to Spend $150,000 on Security. Vandalism and violent threats,
including one leveled by a man wielding a machete last week, have forced a California-based pregnancy center to spend
$150,000 on securing the premises and defending the staff from harm, the director of the center testified Tuesday
[7/12/2022]. Heidi Matzke, director of Alternatives Pregnancy Center, described the intimidation and danger her
workplace has faced during her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
churches vandalized in Montgomery Co., arson investigation underway. Officials say vandals damaged three
churches in Bethesda, Maryland, this weekend with fires being set at two of them. Investigators believe it is
arson. Around 2:15 a.m. on Sunday, Montgomery County firefighters responding to a call found several church pews on
fire at Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic Church, located on Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda near the Capital
Beltway. Within hours, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service had launched an arson investigation into the fire.
Lots of things MAY happen when the Republicans take over. But don't hold your breath. All politicians make promises. A.G.
Merrick Garland May Face Impeachment over Abortion Protests at Justices' Homes Should GOP Take House. U.S.
Attorney General Merrick Garland could face impeachment proceedings over the Department of Justice's failure to enforce a
federal statute that prevents picketing or parading outside of Supreme Court Justices' homes, should Republicans take the
majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections. Conservative Supreme Court Justices were subjected
to demonstrations outside of their residences in Maryland and Virginia following the unprecedented leak of the Dobbs
v. Jackson Women's Health Organization draft decision in May, indicating the longstanding Roe v Wade
decision would be overturned. The leak was possibly an attempt "to intimidate one or more justices to reverse their
vote or to ignite a liberal brushfire to pack the Supreme Court before Democrats lose Congress in November," as Breitbart
News reported.
Theirs and Ours. Currently the Left is "demonstrating" against the Supreme Court justices who concurred in the
Dobbs decision. A few nights ago, [...] left-wingers harassed Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other diners at the
Morton's steak house in D.C. Liberals viewed this effort as a triumph — Kavanaugh reportedly had to exit out
a back door — and a pro-Democratic Party organization is now offering cash bounties to anyone who sees a
conservative justice out in public in time for a flash mob to assemble. When asked about such tactics, White House
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was nonplussed. These are peaceful demonstrations, she replied, the very essence of
democracy! Actually, they are manifestations of the totalitarian impulse. One defining feature of a totalitarian
regime is that everything is political. There is no such thing as private life. This is what today's liberals
believe. Thus, a conservative politician or, in this case, Supreme Court justice — keep in mind that the
same tactics were used against members of the Executive Branch in the Trump administration — is not permitted to
go out to dinner, or otherwise appear in public, with his or her family. There is no space for mutual respect, or even
tolerance, of citizens with whom the Left disagrees. They must be destroyed, and their lives made miserable.
There is nothing "democratic" about this. It is the stuff of Stalinism.
Offer Reward for Whereabouts of Justices Who Voted to Overturn Roe v. Wade. A leftist group is offering
rewards for people to report the whereabouts of specific Supreme Court Justices, according to the New York Post.
The justices were those who recently voted to overturn Roe v Wade, the outlet said. [...] In June, former
President Donald Trump called for an investigation into the intimidation of the Supreme Court justices once the Court's
decision to overturn Roe was leaked, Breitbart News reported. After the leak in May, radical pro-abortion
activists protested outside the homes of conservative Justices, and authorities later arrested a man for the attempted murder
of Kavanaugh. Meanwhile, Trump said. "The left wing campaign of terror directed at the Supreme Court in recent
months is unlike anything in the history of our country."
[are] gleeful at the harassment of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. Democrats are starting to sound just a
little demonic in their fanaticism for abortion, and it's obvious in their cavalier attitude toward the safety of the Supreme
Court justices. Here's the White House setting the tone: [Tweet] That's right: they ran circles around the issue
of this illegal harassment of a Supreme Court justice, refusing to draw a line anywhere (we already know they aren't bothered
by protesters harassing a sitting senator by following her into the bathroom) on what kinds of protests are inappropriate.
We also know that they have failed to condemn the fire-bombings, vandalism, and burnings on a huge number of Catholic and other
Christian churches and on crisis pregnancy centers, which offer willing patients alternatives to abortion. The pattern
is pretty obvious.
Left Pushes for More Restaurant Protests Against SCOTUS. The ridiculous practice of eatery conflicts continues,
with even the White House encouraging it. There is a faction of this country that feels unrecognized and strangely, at
the same time, they possess empowerment that is not matched by their possessing any legitimate power. I touched on this
in a recent piece, where workers at a decidedly woke coffee shop in Philly felt galvanized by the permissiveness and tried
forcing more activism on the ownership until the place had to close. Because of similar obliviousness, we are
witnessing a growing tide of restaurant rabblerousing.
Man Charged For Making Terroristic Threat Against Senator Ted Cruz. A Houston man who was charged for making a
terrorist threat against GOP Senator Ted Cruz in a cryptic phone call is still at large. 22-year-old Isaac A.
Nformangum of Richmond, Texas called Ted Cruz's office on June 26 and left a threatening voicemail. Nformangum was
angry about Cruz's plans to 'repeal' the voting rights act (more lies from the media) and said every single Republican who
supported his plan deserves to be found and killed.
House Defends Harassment of Justice Kavanaugh in DC Restaurant. On Wednesday evening, leftist protestors
harrassed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at a Morton's Steakhouse in Washington, D.C., forcing him to leave the
restaurant, according to a report from Politico. "Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our
other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton's restaurant,"
the representative of the chain restaurant said in a statement. "Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not
trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner. There is a time and place for everything.
Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency."
Force Brett Kavanaugh to Flee D.C. Restaurant. Protesters — apparently angry because they might not
be able to butcher innocent babies in certain states — harassed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh until he was
forced to flee out the back door of a Washington, DC, restaurant. [...] This, of course, happened just a few weeks after a
man planning to assassinate Kavanaugh was caught in his neighborhood. [...] Remember, the media approve and encourage this
harassment — I mean, as long as the target of the harassment is a Republican. For example, a few years back,
after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his wife were hounded out of a D.C. restaurant by the Democrat party's terrorist
Brownshirts in Antifa, CNNLOL said that was what Cruz "signed up for." His Fraudulency Joe Biden also encourages and
approves of this behavior. After all, his administration refused to enforce a law that states it is illegal to protest
in front of a judge's home.
'For sure' White House approves protest of Kavanaugh steak dinner. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
gave the thumbs-up Friday to protesters who targeted Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh while he dined out at a Washington
restaurant this week — then cut off questions about her implication with a haughty, "I'm done here."
abetting intimidation are destroying civil society. After a California man was charged with attempting to
assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh last month, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich had a few thoughts:
"If everybody's going to protest everybody who does something at their houses, we're going to have a very hard time
maintaining civil society." If only Elrich had the courage to match his convictions. Supreme Court Marshal Gail
Curley sent a letter to Elrich last Friday and requested that he use his power as county executive to enforce Maryland law
and end the Left's new habit of harassing and intimidating Supreme Court justices at their homes. "Protest activity at
justices' homes, as well as threatening activity, has increased since May," Curley wrote. "For weeks on end, large
groups of protesters chanting slogans, using bullhorns, and banging drums have picketed justices' homes. ... This is exactly
the kind of conduct that the Maryland and Montgomery County laws prohibit."
BLM Encouraged Looting Businesses, It Received SBA Funding. Black Lives Matter, an organization whose leaders
encouraged its supporters to riot and loot small businesses, received $30,000 from the Small Business Administration in 2020.
When the riots and looting occurred around the country after George Floyd's police custody death, a Black Lives Matter leader
in Chicago defended the looting as "reparations." In August 2020, as shops were devastated, Ariel Atkins said,
"That is reparations. Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance. They're going
to get their money back. My people aren't getting anything." The New York Post highlighted a small convenience
store that was looted twice in 40 days in Chicago and may have to close for good. Atkins doubled down and said that
calling someone a "criminal" is a form of racism, the New York Post reported.
More than Murder in Highland Park. It was not random; he picked the timing, the method, the location, with
care, to achieve maximum effect. And it was not a tragedy. This wasn't a matter of some old Fate choosing when to
cut the thread of life. It was a planned crime, a series of malicious choices, to load the weapon, to aim the weapon,
to fire upon innocent people in cold blood. It is pure evil. It is terrorism. We must make this
distinction, because already there are people making excuses, saying it's society that's at fault... the availability of
firearms, the omnipresence of war news on television, the violence in video games... or saying that he's clearly
crazy — "you have to be, to do a thing like this, after all" — so we are told that we should blame his
mental illness, not him. We must resist these temptations. There are no excuses for the cold-blooded murder of
innocent paradegoers. None. Even if some substance — from an ingested drug to a chemical imbalance in
the brain — tormented this killer in his wicked mind, that still cannot be considered an excuse.
Bee: We need to raise hell in every restaurant Alito eats in for the rest of his life. We had an
assassination plot against a justice foiled just a few weeks ago. The marshal of the Court is now urging local law
enforcement to do more to keep protesters away from the justices' homes. We'll probably arrive soon at the point where
the Court's members need to travel with a security detail at all times, assuming we're not there already. Egging on
liberals to confront the Court's members whenever they're encountered in the wild amidst that atmosphere is unwise.
Not a Republican: Information
Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the
Occult. Police arrested Robert 'Bobby' Crimo III', age 22, yesterday following the shooting in Highland Park,
Illinois. Crimo killed six and injured over 20 more individuals at the 4th of July parade in Highland Park,
Illinois. On Tuesday [7/5/2022] The Gateway Pundit uncovered information indicating Crimo is a radical progressive with
ties to Antifa, progressive groups, and the occult. Looking over information that was collected following the deadly
shooting, it is evident the Highland Park 4th of July parade killer, Bobby Crimo, has a very dark background.
The Editor says...
Whenever a "mass shooting" occurs, the news media will do one of three things, depending on who the shooter is: If the
shooter is a white man with no political ties, the news media will claim this country has a widespread problem with white
supremacy. If the shooter is a white man with a long list of connections to the political left, the news media will
claim this country has a mental health crisis and the shooter is the real victim. If the shooter is black, the story
will disappear in a matter of hours.
Park shooting suspect Robert Crimo wore women's clothing, fired over 70 rounds: cops. The shooter who allegedly
opened fire on the Highland Park Fourth of July parade was dressed in women's clothing to disguise himself and aid his
escape — then ran home to his mother, police said Tuesday [7/5/2022]. Robert E. "Bobby" Crimo III, 21, is
accused of killing seven innocent parade-goers and injuring more than 40 others after he allegedly climbed onto the roof of a
business in the wealthy Chicago suburb on Monday and fired off 70 rounds from a high-powered AR-15-style rifle. He then
wrapped the legally purchased weapon in a red blanket and ditched it behind the building so he could blend in with the crowd
as he fled during the chaos, authorities said. "Crimo was dressed in women's clothing and investigators do believe he
did this to conceal his facial tattoos and his identity," Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesman Christopher Covelli
told a news briefing. "He was seen on video camera in women's clothing."
Park massacre suspect Robert Crimo, 22, is rapper called 'Awake' with 16,000 listeners on Spotify and $100k net
worth. The man suspected of killing six people and wounding more than a dozen others during a July 4 parade in
Highland Park, Ill., is a Donald Trump-supporting rapper with a seemingly successful music career. Robert 'Bobby' Crimo
III, 22, who goes by 'Awake the Rapper,' has more than 16,000 listeners per month on Spotify. Music videos posted by
Crimo online last fall include a drawing of himself shooting people online, and a disturbing clip of himself throwing bullets
on the floor of a classroom while wearing armor in what appears to be a joke about school shootings.
arrest Highland Park 'shooter' Robert Crimo, 22. A 22-year-old rapper has been arrested on suspicion of
shooting and killing six people at a July 4 parade in an affluent Chicago suburb. Robert 'Bobby' Crimo III was
apprehended by cops in North Lake Forest, Chicago, after 7 p.m. Monday, after cops saw the silver Honda Fit he was last
seen driving. Dramatic photographs from the scene show the suspected mass murderer — who posted creepy clips about
shooting massacres online — being pinned to the ground face-down by police.
Memo Reveals Capitol Police Were Warned BLM from Baltimore Was Bussing in Rioters Disguised as Trump Supporters on Jan.
6. It was all a setup. Trump supporters were framed by FBI and government operatives and BLM and Antifa
terrorists. A leaked internal memo revealed that the US Capitol Police intel unit warned that BLM from Baltimore was
bussing in rioters for January 6th protests. According to the memo the rioters were going to blend in. [...] According
to a former FBI agent on the ground at the US Capitol, at least one bus load of Antifa goons infiltrated the Trump rally as
part of a false flag operation. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Tuesday entered into the record explosive testimony of
eyewitness accounts from Michael Waller detailing how he saw "agents-provocateurs" at the Capitol.
Vandalized with [pro-abortion] Graffiti. Police are investigating damage to property at a church in Madison,
Wisconsin, that was evidently perpetrated by a pro-abortion group. "St. Bernard Catholic Church's front door and
signage were damaged by graffiti, which contained 'anti-pro-life and anti-police' messages, according to officers," WMTV
reported Saturday.
Court marshal asks police to enforce laws banning picketing outside justices' homes. The Marshal of the U.S.
Supreme Court has asked Maryland officials to step up the enforcement of laws she says prohibit picketing outside the homes
of the justices who live in the state. "For weeks on end, large groups of protesters chanting slogans, using bullhorns,
and banging drums have picketed Justices' homes," Marshal Gail Curley wrote in the letters to GOP Gov. Larry Hogan and
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, which were dated Friday.
activists slash dozens of SUV tires in NYC, say 'major cities' across US to be hit next. A group of climate
activists has started a campaign to randomly slash tires of parked SUVs across the U.S. in an effort to curb greenhouse gas
emissions. The Tyre Extinguishers — a group that originated in the U.K. and has expanded to various European
nations — conducted its first "action" in New York City this week. The group vowed to conduct similar
operations in cities nationwide. "We are rapidly expanding across the United States and are in touch with people in
major cities across the USA," a spokesperson for the Tyre Extinguishers told Fox News Digital. "We expect this to
expand massively."
arrested for vandalizing Bellevue church in possible hate crime. A 31-year-old suspect was arrested Tuesday
morning on suspicion of a hate crime and assault after allegedly vandalizing a Bellevue church. The church's
surveillance cameras caught the suspect smashing and spray painting an estimated $10,000 worth of damage at the church and
its school. "It's violent, it's an invasion rather than coming to a place hoping to feel peace," said Father Gary
Zender with St. Louise Catholic Church.
to figure out that abortion is not a 'human right'. The idiocy, hypocrisy, vulgarity — and
propensity to threaten violence — are unmatched in the pro-abortion crowd. They are aghast at a court ruling
that they don't like and call it "violence," yet they call the killing of their own offspring in their womb "women's health
care." Most think the January 6 protesters and Trump-supporters should be locked up, but many claim that violence is a
"legitimate and appropriate" response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Conservatives did not embark on a
"night of rage" after the court's original Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Nor have we gone on a summer-long
"mostly peaceful" rampage across the country, burning, looting, and assaulting stores, offices, and government vehicles and
employees because of the Biden administration's recent threats to infringe upon our Second Amendment rights.
Triggered Over Roe v Wade Decision Destroys Church In Washington. A 31-year-old man was taken into custody on
Tuesday afternoon after he allegedly threw rocks, spray-painted and broke glass at St. Louise Catholic Church in
Bellevue. The suspect was caught on camera throwing a rock repeatedly at a door inside a pastoral office, before
kicking and punching the glass in. A woman was inside praying and tried to talk to the man, before locking herself
inside as he continued to spray paint the rock wall outside the building. He was chased off by an employee, but not
before throwing a rock at him and spray-painted him across the face. [Video clip]
Over J6 Protesters, the Left Is Back Outdoing You With Violence. A year and a half later, the Democrats are
still plodding through weeks of public hearings addressing the protest at the U.S. Capitol on one night, Jan. 6, 2021, as if
the violence was so dangerous it was going to destroy the country. The hearings haven't gotten anywhere because with
the exception of a couple of turncoat GOP lawmakers, Republicans aren't participating since they view it as a witch
hunt. Now, the House Select Committee investigating Jan. 6 looks sillier than ever, as just one night of violence after
the Supreme Court's decision reversing Roe v. Wade was issued on June 24 easily eclipsed the violence on Jan. 6.
Rabid pro-abortion supporters held lawmakers hostage in the Arizona State Capitol building while they violently pushed on the doors
to get in. A Colorado crisis pregnancy center was set on fire and vandalized by graffiti. In Portland, Oregon,
protesters broke windows and left graffiti. Ten people in Oregon were arrested, some for throwing rocks, smoke bombs
and water bottles at police, as well as resisting arrest, and six were arrested in South Carolina, including for resisting arrest.
West Virginia Catholic Church Completely Burned to the Ground in Suspected Arson Attack. A historic West
Virginia Catholic Church was burned to the ground on Sunday in a suspected arson attack. Pro-abortion extremists called
for violence and vandalism against churches in response to the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The St. Colman Catholic Church, better known as the "The Little Catholic Church on Irish Mountain," was built in 1878
and was declared an official historic site in 1984.
abortion protesters target pregnancy support center: 'The violence was horrible'. The head of a Portland family
and pregnancy support center said Monday on "Fox & Friends First" the nonprofit was mistakenly targeted and damaged by
protesters angry over the Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade. Mother and Child Education Center
executive director Maura White told hosts Carley Shimkus and Joey Jones that the organization is not "anti-abortion," as
protesters believed. "My organization, we are nonprofit, and we help moms, families, kids in need, babies from zero to
5 years old. We're just there to help people. And so they mistakenly thought that we were out here doing
anti-abortion and everything, the violence was horrible," said White.
Is Just Fine With Calls to Assassinate Justice Thomas. Shortly after Roe v. Wade was
overturned, a Twitter user with the handle @redfrnn, who has since deleted his or her or xis account, tweeted: "i'm going to
assassinate supreme court justice Clarence Thomas." The same Twitter user had just before that tweeted a photo of a gun,
saying: "im considering buying a mac mini." Twitter, however, did not find this murderous psychopath to be in violation of
their rules, despite the fact that those rules say, "You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of
people." Well, sure. You can't threaten violence against an individual, but Clarence Thomas, he's a
conservative. And not only does Thomas dare to dissent from the Left's agenda, but he is one of the most powerful
individuals in the country who is actively working against it. So would the Twitter fascists mind if @redfrnn or
someone else actually did kill him? It's unlikely that they'd shed a tear, even for the fallen rule of law in our
staggering republic.
Giuliani slapped by worker angry over abortion ruling at Staten Island supermarket. Rudy Giuliani was slapped
by a worker at a ShopRite on Staten Island on Sunday while campaigning for his son, leaving the 78-year-old former New York
City mayor shaken, the ex-pol told The [New York] Post. Giuliani said he had just gotten out of the men's room at the
store on Veteran's Road and was being greeted by a bunch of supporters when he was suddenly hit from behind — an
incident caught on surveillance video obtained by The Post. "All of a sudden, I feel this 'Bam!' on my back," Giuliani
said. "I don't know if they helped me not fall down, but I just about fell down, but I didn't. "I feel this
tremendous pain in my back, and I'm thinking, what the — I didn't even know what it was," he said.
Hours later... Rudy
Giuliani's alleged attacker walks free after charges downgraded. The ShopRite worker arrested for allegedly
hitting Rudy Giuliani on the back inside a Staten Island supermarket walked free from court Monday after his charges were
downgraded. Daniel Gill, 39, who was still dressed in his ShopRite uniform following his Sunday arrest, kept his head
down and refused to answer questions as he left Staten Island Criminal Court after his arraignment Monday [6/27/2022].
His charges were downgraded to third-degree assault, third-degree menacing, and second-degree harassment over the
caught-on-camera attack inside the supermarket.
Charges Man with Attempted Murder During Roe v. Wade Protests. A California man was arrested and charged
with attempted murder of Los Angeles police officers Friday as pro-abortion protesters took to the streets in the aftermath
of the SCOTUS abortion ruling. The landmark Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health
case, which overturned the long-standing 1973 Roe v. Wade judgement, sparked violent public upheaval across
the country, as Breitbart News reported. Michael Ortiz, 30, and Juliana Bernado, 23, were among those arrested during a
clash with police officers in the downtown Los Angeles, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Chief Michel Moore said.
This Is What Real
Revolution Looks Like. In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, we have
already seen the mobilization of radical groups in our streets. These are the exact same groups that burned our cities
in the run-up to the 2020 election. They are organized and dedicated and more powerful than ever. Abortion is a
pretext for these groups. Their real objective is the violent overthrow of the existing social, economic and political
order. Our government is not acting to stop them, and, in fact, is encouraging this violence as a political
tactic. This is not fantasy. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is as real as it gets. This is
what a real revolution looks like.
pregnancy clinic in Colorado is torched and graffitied with the words 'if abortions aren't safe, neither are
you'. A fire which occurred at a Christian pregnancy clinic in Colorado is being treated as arson after
chilling messages were spray painted onto the walls and ground outside. 'If abortions aren't safe, neither are you,' read
one. 'Bans off our bodies' said another by the entrance at the Life Choices clinic in Longmont, northeast of Boulder.
The fire broke out in the middle of the night at 3:17am on Saturday morning. Authorities believe the fire was set
deliberately. No abortions are carried out at the center which aims to educate women on pregnancy[.]
Brilliant deduction, Holmes. Fire
at abortion alternatives ministry investigated as arson. Longmont Public Safety (LPS) is investigating a fire
at an abortion alternatives ministry as arson. LPS said officers responded to a reported fire at Life Choices on
Mountain View Avenue at 3:17 a.m. Saturday. Police said the building sustained fire and heavy smoke damage, and
that the front of the building was vandalized with black paint.
the Green Agenda Being Forced Upon Us by Accident? The Left hates oil and gas, beef (and chicken, and all
meat), and coal [and concrete and air conditioning and DDT and nuclear power and CO2 and natural gas and styrofoam and
plastic bags]. But millions of Americans don't believe the hysterical Leftist claims that these things are destroying
the planet. What to do about these folks? A number of suspicious recent incidents suggest that some people have
decided to take matters into their own hands and force compliance with the green agenda by leaving us no other choice.
Night in America: Democrat Brownshirts. Riots and disruptive protests took place in major cities
throughout the nation last night after numerous Democrats urged radical abortionists to take to the streets. Rioters
attempted to breach the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the Arizona Senate was in session. The Arizona
Department of Public Safety issued the following statement: "Troopers deployed gas outside the Senate building after
protesters attempted to break the glass. The crowd then moved to the Wesley Bolin Plaza where some monuments were
vandalized. Gas was deployed again to disburse the crowd."
Arizona abortion
protest: Police release tear gas, lawmakers 'held hostage' in Senate building. Law enforcement officers
in Phoenix, Arizona used tear gas to break up a sizable group of protesters outside the state's Senate building following the
U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn the landmark abortion ruling Roe v. Wade. "Protesters threatened to
break the AZ Senate entryway glass," Republican Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers tweeted, as members were in the middle of
voting on a series of bills. The situation escalated into a "hostage" situation as lawmakers were instructed not to
exit the building, Republican Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend said.
Terrorists Answer The Calls Of Insurrectionist Democrats; Attack and Beat Innocent Woman. Yesterday, after the
Supreme Court's reversal of Roe vs. Wade, several Democrat lawmakers addressed angry mobs of supporters to tell them to
ignore the Supreme Court ruling. After she said "the hell with the Supreme Court" and told the media they would "defy"
the court's order, Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) warned America, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!" She even had the
audacity to suggest black women "by the millions" would fight back. "We are going to make sure we fight for the right
to control our bodies!"Does Maxine really speak on behalf of all black women?
in Los Angeles as Violent Leftists Riot Over Roe v. Wade Being Overturned. Chaos and mayhem took over in
Los Angeles on Friday night as pro-abortion activists rioted over the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade
and hand control of abortion laws back to the states. Less-lethal munitions were used in an attempt disperse the crowd,
but many of the protesters seemed determined to fight the police.
politicians seem to be inciting an insurrection. Angered that the Supreme Court announced in Dobbs that
abortion is not part of the Constitution but is, instead, a matter for the states to decide, a lot of leftists are announcing
that they're ready to burn down the entire American system rather than yield to the Supreme Court's ruling. Leading the
charge are sitting members of Congress, people such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Maxine Waters. What they are
demanding, and an army of activists is agreeing to do, is a classic insurrection.
Declares an Unlawful Assembly at the State Capitol. After the Supreme Court rendered its decision in Dobbs
v. Jackson Women's Health Organization which overturned Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion advocates and Democrat
politicians unleashed their professional protestors in State Capitals across the nation. [Tweet] According to Arizona
Republic, the state has two trigger laws on the books that allow the banning of abortion within the state. It is
unclear whether such a ban would prevail.
Security Warns Of Potential Domestic Terror Attacks 'For Weeks' Due To Roe v. Wade Ruling. The U.S. Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) warned in an intelligence brief on Friday [6/24/2022] that domestic terrorists could launch
attacks due to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. The announcement comes after a Left-wing
extremist was arrested outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh earlier this month for allegedly trying to
assassinate him and after more than 20 pregnancy resource centers and offices of pro-life groups have been attacked or
vandalized in recent weeks. "Some domestic violent extremists (DVEs) will likely exploit the recent US Supreme Court
decision to overturn Roe v. Wade to intensify violence against a wide range of targets," DHS said. "We expect violence
could occur for weeks following the release, particularly as DVEs may be mobilized to respond to changes in state laws and
ballot measures on abortion stemming from the decision. [...]"
brace for unrest as irate protesters gather across country after Roe v. Wade overturned. Hundreds of angry
protesters gathered outside the US Supreme Court building Friday to denounce the historic overturning of Roe
v. Wade — as police departments across the country girded for mass unrest after the bitterly contentious
ruling. Additional cops — many in riot gear — were brought in to protect the barricaded federal
building and keep any mayhem at bay, a scene that played out at burgeoning protests in all major US cities. A throng of
protestors chanted "F*** Clarence Thomas!" outside the Supreme Court site Friday afternoon to voice their displeasure with
the conservative jurist's vocal support of Roe v. Wade's dissolution.
plan to target Justice Clarence Thomas' home after he said SCOTUS should now revisit gay marriage and
contraception. Thousands of protesters took to the streets on Friday night to express their anger at the
Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade — the 50-year law that guaranteed access to abortion in every
state. In New York City, a crowd thousands strong massed in Union Square and Washington Square Park, and then marched
up Park Avenue. The crowd massed on Grand Central station, before walking past it and continuing through the Upper East
Side. In Washington DC, Union Square was the site of demonstrations, while protesters from Boston to Philadelphia,
Atlanta, Detroit and Los Angeles marched in fury.
Ocasio-Cortez Chants SCOTUS Dobbs Ruling Is 'Illegitimate'. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) joined
pro-abortion activists outside the Supreme Court Friday to protest the historic overturning of Roe v Wade by
the nation's highest court. Ocasio-Cortez can be seen chanting the word "illegitimate" in reference to the decision
alongside activists, according to video footage shared by TPUSA contributor Drew Hernandez. The New York Democrat was
also seen shouting "into the streets," in an apparent call for Americans to partake in public demonstrations against the ruling.
Waters Just Called For An Insurrection In front Of The Supreme Court. A shaken Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) issued a statement and spoke to reporters Friday on the Supreme Court decision returning abortion
lawmaking to the states. Pelosi called the ruling "cruel", "deadly serious" and blamed President Trump, Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Republicans. Pelosi also attacked the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, "Pelosi on
the court: "No, I don't respect a process that criminalizes a women's [sic] right to her reproductive freedom.["]
The Editor says...
Fetal homicide is not "reproductive freedom." Nobody has a right to commit homicide.
Offers No Apology After Assassination Attempt on Kavanaugh. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you,
Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward
with these awful decisions," Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said at a pro-abortion rally at the steps of the Supreme Court
building on March 4, 2020. At the time, Schumer was the minority leader of the Senate; he is now the majority leader. [...]
Instead of apologizing, Schumer responded, "First of all, I'm against violence in any way. I'm for peaceful protests,
but I'm against violence. Number two, we in the Senate passed legislation very quickly to deal with the Supreme Court
and I'm very glad the perpetrator was caught." He did offer an apology soon after he made his remarks in 2020, but has
never explained what he meant by the two judges would not know what "hit" them.
calls for members of Jane's Revenge to be designated as 'domestic terrorists' by FBI, DHS. In a letter sent to
the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday, Republican members of Congress
demanded that members of the militant pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge be deemed "domestic terrorists" following their
attacks on pro-life centers, and their most recent communication. In the letter, obtained by The Daily Wire, the
group said they were writing to express "grave concern" with members of Jane's Revenge, stating that they are "a threat to
expectant mothers across America, many of whom are in desperate need of assistance."
Michigan pro-life centers vandalized as attacks spike ahead of Supreme Court ruling. Radical pro-choice
extremists have claimed responsibility for attacks on two pro-life pregnancy centers in Michigan as vandalism surges ahead of
an anticipated Supreme Court ruling on abortion. An anonymous Tuesday post on Abolition Media said that the vandalism
targeting the Lennon Pregnancy Center in Dearborn Heights and the Pregnancy Care Center in Redford were carried out by "a
gang of criminal queers." "On the night of 6/19 a gang of criminal queers smashed the windows of two fake abortion
clinics in the greater Detroit area leaving the messages 'if abortion isn't safe, neither are you' and 'fake clinic,'" said
the post. "Jane will have her revenge."
The menacing
militancy of the young pro-aborts. In the latest installment of what the unprecedented leak of Justice Sam
Alito's alleged majority opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade has wrought, young teenage "activists" descended this last
weekend on the residential home of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to protest. With armed guards visible in the background of
their display, the young girls wrapped their own hands, smeared their own make-up, splattered their own white pants with fake
blood, and taped their own mouths shut. All of this was to symbolize the "silencing and shackling" of women should the
Court actually put an end to the judicially-imposed constitutional "right" to kill unborn children before birth.
foments violence in America? Our nation is being brutalized by violence in city after city: N.Y.,
Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and more. Criminals are being allowed to run free among
law-abiding citizens in Democrat-run cities throughout the country. Soros-backed D.A.s were promoted precisely to do
what they are doing: foment crime and chaos. Let the homicidal, drug-addled among our increasingly violent population
run free to do what they do. During the summer of 2020, BLM and Antifa wrought violence and did billions of dollars in
damage across America. The Democrat left supported those riots and raised money to bail out the perpetrators no matter
what they had done. Our media supported the rioters, too; they love nothing better than exacerbating an already
explosive situation. The media do not investigate the obvious possibility that the rioters were recruited and paid to
do what they do. Ask one of them why they are rioting, and you will get a blank look. They may be doing it for a
paycheck, not principles or ideology.
A Fanatic Have Tried To Murder Brett Kavanaugh If Merrick Garland Had Enforced Federal Law? Federal law is
quite clear about pickets or parades that seek to interfere with the administration of justice or influence a judge in the
administration of his duty. Such action is criminal, punishable by up to one year in prison. If the pickets were
a peaceful assembly of people who support abortion in a public place, such as the Supreme Court building, this would be
political activity protected by the First Amendment. But the protesters are bringing their demonstrations to the front
yards of Supreme Court justices' private residences. They come in large numbers; they shout through bullhorns; they
utter profanities. Since this is in response to a leaked draft of an opinion that the Supreme Court justices have not
yet voted on, there is no conceivable intent of such behavior other than to influence the decision. This is a federal
crime. Federal crimes should be prosecuted by federal authorities. Attorney General Merrick Garland was silent
about these protests at the justices' homes when they began.
Gov. Kathy Hochul Calls Pro-Lifers 'Neanderthals' After 20-Plus Violent Attacks On Pro-Life Centers.
Following a slew of violent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) is inexplicably amping
up the rhetoric against pro-lifers, calling them "neanderthals." Hochul on Monday signed legislation to boost abortion
"rights" and "empower" abortion providers in the Empire State. "This is the United States of America, where freedom and
liberty are supposed to mean something," the Democrat said. "It's the rock upon which we were founded. It is
supposed to mean something. Except in the eyes of some neanderthals who say, women are not entitled to those rights."
Earlier this month, a pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo called CompassCare was firebombed; windows were broken, the structure's
medical office was set ablaze, and the vandals added graffiti that said "Jane Was Here," a phrase used by a pro-abortion group
called Jane's Revenge.
Revenge Plans Roe v. Wade Reveal 'Night of Rage,' 'Carrying that Anger Out into the World Expressing it
Physically'. The radical pro-abortion group, Jane's Revenge, is planning more acts of domestic terrorism when
the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Roe v Wade is revealed, dubbed a "Night of Rage: An Autonomous
Call to Action Against Patriarchal Supremacy." The group posted its plans on the Anarchists Library website at the end
of May in expectation of the ruling, expected sometime in June.
Wing Group "Jane's Revenge" Announces "Open Season" on Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers. A shadowy pro-abortion group
called "Jane's Revenge" has issued a statement declaring "open season" on pro-life centers and organizations. They have
also claimed credit for related attacks that have already happened. The Biden Justice Department, which seemingly had
no problem with the idea of labeling parents at school board meetings as terrorists, has yet to issue a public statement on
this. This is all based on the leaked opinion about Roe vs. Wade. Radicals are trying to send a message.
Investigating Attacks on Pregnancy Centers. The FBI is investigating attacks on pregnancy resource centers
across the country as acts of domestic violent extremism, the bureau announced on Friday. "The FBI is investigating a
series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers and faith-based organizations across the country," the FBI
said in a statement first reported by Fox News. "The FBI takes all threats seriously and we continue to work closely
with our law enforcement partners and will remain vigilant to protect our communities." The investigations come after
violent pro-abortion groups have targeted these organizations following the leak of the Supreme Court's draft decision in
Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, which purported to overturn Roe v. Wade. These groups counsel
women on alternatives to abortion and, often, provide shelter and other resources for new and expectant mothers. Many
of them are religiously affiliated with Christian organizations and churches.
With Trump-Hitler Sticker Plows Into Pro-Trump Merch Shop. Imagine my surprise (that's sarcasm) to learn that a
Volkswagen Jetta with a bumper sticker depicting Trump as Hitler crashed through the store window of a shop selling Trump
merch in Easton, Mass. [Tweet] The store window was full of Trump flags. The car damaged or destroyed racks and
tables of t-shirts, hats, and various forms of Trump plunder, but missed the one person who was nearby. The police are
still investigating the "accident" and no charges have been announced against the driver, a 46-year-old man from the nearby
town of Raynham.
Garland must resign over DOJ inaction on Jane's Revenge, more than 50 attacks on pro-life groups. Sen. Tom
Cotton, R-Arkansas, said Thursday that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland should resign over the Biden administration
Justice Department's inaction on more than 50 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches in recent weeks purportedly
carried out by Jane's Revenge. In a letter sent to Garland, Cotton, who is the ranking member for the subcommittee on
Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism, the Intelligence Committee, and the Armed Services Committee, also called on the DOJ
to investigate Jane's Revenge as a "domestic terrorist organization."
Leaders Send Letter to Attorney General Garland Demanding Response to Pro-Abortion Terrorism. A coalition of
pro-life organizations sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland Thursday demanding action to address the recent wave
of pro-abortion terrorism and intimidation. In a letter organized by the non-profit CatholicVote, 25 pro-life leaders,
mostly think tank presidents, called the Justice Department's attention to the many attacks on pregnancy centers, churches,
and even Supreme Court justices that have occurred since the Dobbs majority opinion leak last month. "The relative
silence from the Administration endangers Americans even more," the letter read. "One extremist group is advocating for
violence in response to the final Supreme Court decision on Dobbs," the group said, invoking a recent statement from rogue
pro-abortion militants who call themselves Janes Revenge promising to unleash a rampage of violence against pregnancy centers
who don't close their doors.
half of Democrat men under 50 think it's okay to assassinate political opponents. If you still doubted that
our country is headed for a second bloody civil war unless we peacefully divide up the country beforehand, a disturbing
but revealing new survey released this week should remove any remaining doubts. The survey, conducted by the
left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center — which figures — found that voters who identified as
Democrats were far more likely than those who identified as Republicans to back political violence, up to and including the
assassination of political leaders they considered threats to their agenda. This helps explain why practically no
elected Democrats and no left-wing, Democrat-voting 'pundits' in the media condemned the attempted assassination of Supreme
Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. According to American Military News, the survey, "published June 1, found that 44 percent
of Democrat men under the age of 50 said they 'approve' of assassinating a politician 'who is harming our country or democracy.'"
Group Declares 'Open Season' on Pro-Lifers, Warns Next Protests Won't Be As 'Easily Cleaned Up as Fire and
Graffiti'. The pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge is declaring it "open season" on pro-life groups and crisis
pregnancy centers. The group has a history of damaging property during their protests, and they took credit for the
vandalization of a pregnancy resource center in Des Moines, Iowa earlier this month. In a message posted to social
media, the group said they broke windows and left graffiti political messages all over the clinic. "It was easy and
fun," the message read. In a new message from the group, they are promising to up their attacks, giving an ultimatum to
clinics that provide services meant to act as an alternative to abortion. The group says a 30-day clock given to their
protests has expired and now all must close up shop or face vaguely violent consequences, saying the next demonstrations "may
not come in the form of something so easily cleaned up as fire and graffiti."
Can't We Kill Trump?": J6 Hearings Lead To Leftists Asking Why Traitors Can't Be "Executed". It would be
difficult to blame someone for assuming that the phenomenon known as Trump Derangement Syndrome had calmed down. It was
a bizarre affliction to begin with, after all, with leftists losing their minds every time candidate and former President
Donald Trump offered a conflicting opinion or mildly offensive tweet. [...] Yet, such an assumption would be incorrect;
wildly incorrect, in fact. The infatuation with Mr. Trump continues on Capitol Hill, as evidenced by the ongoing
House Select Committee on January 6th, but then again, no one has been watching those hearings. Leftwing media outlets
continue with their anti-Trump obsession, and as evidence, we could cite the fact that as of yesterday afternoon, five of the
top stories on CNN's homepage were focused on the former president, including their top story. But again, Americans
have turned off CNN in droves as well.
pregnancy center is set on fire. Last week, someone set fire to a Christian pregnancy center in Eggertsville,
New York. Graffiti was sprayed on the building and the motives of the arsonists didn't require any help from Sherlock
Holmes to figure out. Now, not even a week later, another pregnancy center in Gresham, Oregon was set ablaze. The
Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center had its fire and smoke detection alarms triggered at approximately 3:00 am on Friday.
Fortunately, the fire department was able to respond swiftly and contain the blaze mostly to one room inside the facility,
but other parts of the structure suffered water damage and windows were broken. And yet again, graffiti was sprayed on
the outside of the Christian facility. The ATF is describing the fire as "suspicious." Ya think?
House Again Refuses to Condemn Illegal Protests at Justices' Homes. Even in the wake of an assassination
attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to condemned the illegal
protests targeting justices' homes as the Biden DOJ turns a blind eye to the leftists threatening originalist justices.
Despite saying that the White House wants protests to remain peaceful, Jean-Pierre on Monday said that the Biden
administration has "not weighed in on where people should or should not protest," which is true — but it also
further implicates President Biden and the White House in the illegal protests targeting originalist justices including Brett
Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and Samuel Alito.
Are Playing a Sick Game. [Scroll down] The kid from California who flew to DC to kill Supreme Court
Justice Brett Kavanaugh is just such a person. Unstable — he was already suicidal and looking to commit
murder for the cause before taking his own life, making him a hero to his political party, in his mind at least —
he only broke down once he realized the existing security around Kavanaugh's house would make his dreams of martyrdom
impossible and he called police on himself. It wasn't a story. The torture kit he carried with him would be
national news if he'd been caught walking into a school anywhere in the country or near any of Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders or
Barack Obama's mansions was reported and then ignored. This guy may be the only 26-year-old with no social media
footprint, or the tech companies wiped it clean in the hours between him turning himself in and the eventual release of his
name. His name was as closely guarded a secret as the identity of who Paul Pelosi was out getting hammered with while
Nancy was on the other side of the country giving a commencement address, no one in the media knew it until the Justice
Department was ready for it to be known.
And Healing? Pro-Abortion Group Targets Amy Coney-Barrett's Kids And Church. This past week we became
aware of an attempted assassination by a leftwing activist of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. [...] Did Biden do
anything to unite, heal, or even lower the temperature after the news? Has anyone heard a peep from Biden about the
planned killing of Kavanaugh? Or have we heard crickets? This brings us to this bit of news. The
pro-abortion group known as Ruth Sent Us has been militant in its rhetoric, and downright threatening. With the
exception of a temporary suspension of the group's TikTok account last month, there's been virtually no accountability for
the group. Their Twitter account is still active and as extreme as ever, and no prominent Democrats have come out and
denounced the group. Then on Tuesday, we became aware of the radical group's targeting of Justice Amy Cone-Barrett's
family and church.
Kavanaugh Assassination Plot is a Leftist Inside Job. After police arrested a California leftist on a mission
to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh, the Biden administration finally condemned the campaign to intimidate the Supreme
Court. "As the president has consistently made clear, public officials, including judges, must be able to do their jobs
without concern for their personal safety or that of their families," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre falsely
claimed. After leftist activists had posted a map of the homes of Supreme Court justices to harass them, Jen Psaki had
retorted. "I don't have an official U.S. government position on where people protest." There is in fact such a
position and it's illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 1507 which states that anyone with "the intent of interfering with,
obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness" "pickets
or parades in or near a building.... or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or
both." Biden just decided not to enforce these laws in order to allow his leftist allies to intimidate the justices.
Democrats: 'A Criminal Organization'. More than a decade ago, Michael Walsh dubbed the Democrats, "A criminal
organization masquerading as a political party." I once thought this was overstating the matter, but I no longer
do. If you can't fully accept this characterization, recent events surrounding the leak of the Supreme Court draft
opinion overturning Roe v Wade, should unshutter your eyes and let in the light. Democratic leaders
are encouraging lawless, threatening behavior against Supreme Court justices, and their attorney general refuses to enforce
the law against such behavior. This criminal organization has a huge public relations outfit working around the clock
for it, the Major Media, which is why you may have missed this. It's hard to ignore the fact that the leaders of the
party are openly inciting violence in an effort to force the Court to decide cases based on fear of the mob, instead of the
law. [...] Not one single Democratic leader has spoken out in opposition to the terroristic actions against the Court.
Wanted to Intimidate Justices. Now It's Getting Dangerous. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to
tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if
you go forward with these awful decisions." Those were the words of the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, one of the
most powerful elected officials in the nation, in March 2020. After spending years cynically delegitimizing the high court,
Schumer had moved to openly threatening lifetime-appointed judges, by name, because he feared they would knock down the
concocted constitutional right to an abortion. Initially, Schumer refused to walk back those remarks. His
spokesman ludicrously claimed the statement was "a reference to the political price Senate Republicans will pay for putting
these justices on the court." Of course, the senator hadn't singled out the Republican Party, or any Republican. He
called out the two newest justices by name. "You" and "you." Yet, it is almost surely the case that the coverage of
a California man carrying a weapon and burglary equipment near Brett Kavanaugh's home, reportedly there to murder the Supreme
Court justice over the leaked opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, will not be tied to the rhetoric of Democrats
like Schumer.
Court intimidation has taken justices to a dark place. [Scroll down] Notice how little we have seen of
the pro-Roe side relying on efforts to get their way through legitimate and obvious channels — to argue their
position on its legal merits. Perhaps on some level they know what has long been clear to pro-choice and pro-life legal
thinkers alike — that the Constitution simply does not include a right to abortion. For those on the Left,
legal analysis has given way to political platitudes. Principled debate has given way to raw intimidation
tactics. All of this only bolsters the conclusion that those who seek to subvert the court are on the wrong side of
history. Today we see the toll taken by these intimidation tactics — and by ostensible leaders who keep
appeasing the radicals in their party. This is why leaks of Supreme Court opinions are dangerous. This is why
doxxing justices is a bad idea. This is why justices' homes should be off limits. This is why the court must
release the Dobbs opinion as soon as possible.
police: Mountain Area Pregnancy Services vandalized, threatened. Police are searching for the person or
people who spray-painted a local pregnancy services clinic with the words "If abortions aren't safe, neither are you!" and
busted out windows, according to a news release. Officers with the department were called to Mountain Area Pregnancy
Services in West Asheville around 7:20 a.m. June 7 to investigate the report of vandalism, according to the
release. "Upon arrival, officers found that someone had spray-painted the business with red graffiti, with the
threatening wording, 'If abortions aren't safe, neither are you!' and an anarchist symbol on the front of the building," the
release says. "They also found the wording, 'No forced birth' on the side."
Just Tried to Kill Brett Kavanaugh. Welcome to the New Normal. Early Wednesday morning, police arrested
an armed man near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in Chevy Chase, Maryland. The man told
investigators he'd traveled all the way from California to break into Kavanaugh's house and kill the justice, then kill
himself. The man apparently told police that he was driven to kill Kavanaugh because he was angry that the justice
likely had voted to overturn Roe. The would-be assassin also was reported to be upset over the recent mass shootings in
Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas. He believed Kavanaugh planned to vote to loosen gun laws, and his eliminating the
justice would avoid that. [...] As my colleagues have noted on multiple occasions, these ongoing assaults on the justices'
neighborhoods are clearly illegal and go past mere protesting. Cully Stimson, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage
Foundation who happens to be a neighbor of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, explained a federal law that clearly has been broken by
these protesters.
Put Out a Contract on Justice Barrett. Would-be assassin Nicholas Roske failed to carry out his mission of
assassinating Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This isn't surprising: the sort of person who acts on incitement
from the likes of Chuck Schumer is more or less deranged, and more or less incompetent. Yet there are more where Roske
came from, and one of them may succeed. What do the Democrats think about attempted assassinations of Supreme Court
justices? To my knowledge, neither Schumer nor Joe Biden's handlers have commented. I surmise that the Democrats
are hoping for one or more assassinations to take place before Biden is hustled out of the White House, so that his handlers
can appoint a successor.
seeks deeper investigation on 'left wing lunatic' who wanted to end Brett Kavanaugh's life. Fox News host Jesse
Watters demands a deep investigation into the 'left wing lunatic' who allegedly traveled across the country in hopes to kill
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Watters asks if the orders came from the top in a recent video.
[Video clip] The California gunman arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Maryland home Wednesday
morning was identified as Nicholas John Roske, per law enforcement sources. He was arrested after reporting
himself. Nicholas was armed with a gun, a knife and pepper spray and had made violent threats against Kavanaugh,
sources said. He is charged with attempted murder against a U.S. Supreme Court justice. His first appearance in
court is scheduled in a Maryland federal court.
Radicalized Justice Kavanaugh's Would-Be Murderer? In the aftermath of the arrest of a California man who
plotted to kill Justice Kavanaugh, journalist Glenn Greenwald asks the question: "who radicalized him?" Of course, this
was a rhetorical question. Greenwald knows precisely who is to blame and wastes no time in pointing the finger to MSNBC's
Joy Reid. [Tweet] Greenwald also compares this event to when a fan of Rachel Maddow attempted to murder several
GOP members at a softball game several years ago. [Tweet]
months of Democrat incitement, attacker aims at Supreme Court justice. Nicholas John Roske, a 26-year-old man,
was arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home Wednesday morning and charged with attempted murder, according
to multiple reports. He was armed with a gun, a tactical knife and pepper spray at the time of his arrest and told
police he planned to kill Kavanaugh to give his life a "purpose," according to a federal affidavit. Roske told
investigators he was upset about a leaked draft opinion revealing the court would likely overturn Roe v. Wade and about
the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Democrats have been slow to condemn threats and intimidation of justices
after a leaked draft opinion revealed that the court would likely overturn Roe, initially reported by Politico. They
excused and in one case encouraged protests in front of justices' private homes after the pro-abortion group "Ruth Sent Us"
published what it claims are the home addresses of the six conservatives on the court. Roske told authorities he had
found Kavanaugh's address online, according to the affidavit.
Eerie Silence Around Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt. Just consider how when then-Rep. Gabby Giffords,
D-Ariz., was shot in 2011, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was blamed for inciting violence with a map with a series of
political targets — despite there being zero evidence tying Giffords' shooter to Palin. Yet in 2017, when a
gunman shot five people at a Republican lawmakers' practice baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, there was little in the
way of a national conversation. It looks like 2017, not 2011, is the road map for what will happen in the aftermath of
the attempted assassination of Kavanaugh, despite there being clear evidence Kavanaugh's would-be shooter was
motivated by politics. As noted in the criminal complaint, Roske told police "he was upset about the leak of a recent
Supreme Court draft decision regarding the right to abortion as well as the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas."
In light of Roske's motivation, it seems relevant to remember the remarks of then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in
2020 when, amid a discussion of abortion, he said in part, "I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind
and you will pay the price."
would-be assassin was acting on Sen Schumer's words. A pro-life group called Created Equal has said the man who
attempted to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was inspired by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's
comments about the Justice from 2020. A pro-life group called Created Equal has said the man who attempted to assassinate
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was inspired by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's comments about the Justice from
2020. In a statement, Created Equal exclaimed "Today, an abortion advocate apparently acted on the incendiary words of
Senator Chuck Schumer that Justice Brett Kavanaugh 'will pay the price.' The inflammatory rhetoric of the left is
leading to violence. It's time for the Biden Administration to publicly call for abortion advocates to turn down the
temperature." In a speech just outside the Supreme Court in March of 2020, Schumer said Kavanaugh has "released the
whirlwind and you will pay the price."
won't apologize for inciting violence. Here is a prediction that can be made with 100% certainty. If a
Democrat-appointed Supreme Court Justice had just had their life threatened, this nation's politics and media would be in
uproar. Were a man to have just been found outside the home of a Democrat-appointed Judge, seeking to kill them, it
would be wall-to-wall coverage. But it was outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh that a man was arrested in the
early hours of Wednesday morning. The 26-year old had traveled from California and has admitted that he hoped to kill
Kavanaugh. Among other things the man told officers that he was upset about the leaked draft of a Supreme Court
judgement on Roe v Wade. This news hardly made the front page of The New York Times. A tiny news
in brief line was all it got. There was no wall-to-wall coverage on the networks. So far the nation's late night
comics have not got the story between their teeth. Nobody is talking about the rise of fascism in America. Nobody
even seems particularly interested in looking in the would-be assassin's motives.
Democrats' 'Insurrection' Against The Supreme Court. It seems the Democrats' increasingly violent rhetoric in
recent years continues to bear its poison fruit. A mere day before [Nicholas J.] Roske was nabbed, pro-abortion
activists firebombed a pro-life CompassCare pregnancy center outside Buffalo, in what the Washington Free Beacon described as
"the latest in a series of attacks on pro-life offices and churches since the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion
overturning Roe v. Wade." To leave no doubt about who was behind the bombing, the perps left a scrawled
message: "Jane Was Here," a reference to the anonymous "Jane Roe" of the "Roe v. Wade" decision. But even
violent leftists who get caught red handed get off easy under President Joe Biden's Justice Department, headed by Merrick
Garland. Two radical lawyers, Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, were found to have handed out Molotov cocktails to
other rioters during the 2020 violence, and even threw one of the explosives into a cop car before escaping.
Under Pressure to Address Past Comments After Man Tried Killing Kavanaugh. The Senate's top Democrat is under
pressure to retract his remarks promising Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would "pay the price" after a man was
arrested near Kavanaugh's home with a gun. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in March 2020 that
Kavanaugh and Justice Neil Gorsuch, both Trump appointees, "have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price." "You
won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions," Schumer added, speaking to a crowd outside the Supreme
Court building in Washington. After Nicholas John Roske of California was arrested near Kavanaugh's home on June 8,
with authorities saying Roske outlined plans to break into the home and murder the justice, some of Schumer's colleagues
called for him to speak up.
in Kavanaugh Assassination Plot 'Flew Under the Radar,' Described as 'Socially Awkward'. Former classmates,
colleagues, and friends of the California man accused of attempting to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
early Wednesday described him as a friendly but sometimes "socially awkward" young man who tended to fly "under the radar."
[...] Roske was detained by police early Wednesday after he got out of a taxi in front of Kavanaugh's Maryland home wearing
black clothes and was spotted by two deputy U.S. Marshals, according to a criminal complaint. Roske told authorities he
called 911 on himself because he was having suicidal thoughts, and he told a dispatcher that he had come "from California to
kill a specific" Supreme Court justice, the affidavit said. Authorities searched his backpack and found a Glock 17 with
two magazines and ammunition, a tactical knife, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, a screwdriver, and other gear. Roske
told authorities that he was upset about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health
Organization that would overturn Roe v. Wade, as well as the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.
SCOTUS issue a ruling in Dobbs immediately as a matter of self-protection? When you have reason to believe that
five justices have signed onto overturning Roe but the decision hasn't been handed down yet, that's an incentive to take one
of those votes away by any means necessary. Especially since a Democratic president would get to fill the vacancy.
[...] The way to handle the leak isn't to have the Court change how it operates, it's to give the justices extra security.
[...] As a matter of political self-interest, Democrats should want that security in place ASAP. If someone harms one of the
justices, God forbid, they'll never be able to explain why they dragged their feet even after the reality of the threat was
made clear last night. And the country would be rendered ungovernable by the thought of Democrats benefiting
politically from a murder which they might have prevented if they had acted sooner to protect the Court.
Block Bill Providing Additional Security for Supreme Court Justices. House Democrats on Wednesday stalled a
bill that would have provided additional security for Supreme Court Justices on the same day a man was arrested for
attempting to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) made a unanimous consent
request on the House floor to bring up S. 4160 for a vote. S. 4160, which passed the Senate by a unanimous
vote, would have allocated additional security for the justices' family members.
Grand Jury Indicts 11 Antifa Members For Violent Attack During Patriot March. Yesterday, while voters elsewhere
in California were casting ballots to recall far-left District Attorney Chesa Boudin in San Francisco for his soft-on-crime
policies and subsequent skyrocketing violent crime rates, another DA 500 miles to the south was successful in her efforts to
actually hold criminals accountable. According to multiple reports, a grand jury in San Diego indicted eleven Antifa
counter-protest participants on Tuesday for allegedly attacking Pro-Trump demonstrators at a Pacific Beach march last January
9th, only three days after the infamous march and riot in Washington D.C. Of those indicted, ten have pleaded not guilty,
while the eleventh is expected to be arraigned in a few weeks.
militants are firebombing pro-life centers across America and the media pretends like nothing is happening. The
latest incident among many occurred in Eggertsville, N.Y., where a pro-life center called CompassCare was reportedly
"firebombed" and sprayed with graffiti early this week. An "abortion terrorist group" called Jane's Revenge has been
tied to the incident as an incriminating message scrawled on the side of the CompassCare building read "Jane was here."
Every visible window of the facility was smashed in and reports indicate that the offices inside were "extensively damaged by
flames and smoke" — all to fight back against the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Jane's Revenge
took credit for another recent incident in Madison, Wisc. The group firebombed the headquarters of Wisconsin Family
Action (WFA), a pro-life organization.
[are still] Allowed Outside Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Home After Assassination Threat. The Justice Department
appears to still be allowing protesters to gather outside of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home even after police
arrested a man who allegedly intended to assassinate him. Video on Wednesday showed protesters marching in front of the
justice's home shouting pro-abortion slogans. The protesters also made their way over to Chief Justice John Roberts'
home as well.
on Kavanaugh Death Threat: 'The Worst Is Yet to Come'. During an appearance on Wednesday's broadcast of FNC's
"Jesse Watters Tonight," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) warned there could be more trouble ahead in the wake of the threat
aimed at Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh's life uncovered earlier in the day. Graham blamed rhetoric
from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the inaction of Attorney General
Merrick Garland for what he deemed to be the "logical extension" of the threat of violence.
On the Would-Be Assassin. The man who traveled to Maryland to try to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been
identified as Nicholas John Roske, from Simi Valley, California. He apparently made it to Justice Kavanaugh's house
before being apprehended: [...] This is precisely the sort of person likely to act on incitement to violence by the likes of
Chuck Schumer. The New York Post has more, including reaction from the group who published Kavanaugh's home address:
[...] Ironically, Roske, who was armed with a Glock handgun and intended to kill Justice Kavanaugh, wanted more stringent
(unconstitutional) gun control laws.
With Gun Arrested Near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Home; Told Police He Was There to Kill Kavanaugh. A
California man was arrested overnight near the Maryland home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The man reportedly
told police he was there to kill Kavanaugh. After the story broke, the Supreme Court issued a statement confirming the
incident. Kavanaugh has been targeted by protesters at his home since the leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.
[...] Two years ago Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened Kavanaugh by name. [Tweet]
Man Charged with Attempted Murder after Traveling to Kavanaugh's Home with Gun. Nicholas John Roske was charged
with the attempting or threatening to murder or kidnap a Supreme Court Justice Wednesday after traveling to Justice Brett
Kavanaugh's home armed with a Glock handgun intent on killing the justice over his expected rulings in ongoing cases related
to abortion and the Second Amendment. Roske, 26, of Simi Valley, Calif. was identified as the suspect in an affidavit
unsealed Wednesday afternoon. Roske told law enforcement that he called 911 to turn himself in because he was having
suicidal thoughts, also telling the operator that he intended to kill a "specific" Supreme Court justice, according to the
affidavit. Roske was subsequently arrested, and officers found a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines, as well as a
tactical knife, pepper spray, and other items such as a hammer and screwdriver.
man arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home. An armed California man incensed about the
leaked Supreme Court draft opinion expected to overturn Roe v. Wade was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Maryland
home Wednesday after he hatched a plan to kill the jurist to "give his life purpose," prosecutors said. Nicholas John
Roske, 26, was arrested by the Montgomery County Police Department at about 1:50 a.m. near Kavanaugh's home in Chevy Chase
and was charged later Wednesday in Maryland federal court with attempting to kill or kidnap a US judge, court records
show. Roske, who was dressed in black clothing and carrying a backpack and a suitcase, was spotted getting out of a cab
in front of Kavanaugh's home around 1:05 a.m. by two deputy US Marshals, who were stationed outside the residence, court
papers state.
List of Gear Kavanaugh's Would-Be Assassin Was Carrying Is Terrifying. The FBI has released the affidavit filed
in the case of Nicholas John Roske, who was arrested near the home of Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanagh on Wednesday
afternoon. The list of weapons and gear the suspect had on his person reads like something out of a horror movie.
Roske, who told police that he planned to assassinate Kavanaugh, was arrested with a suitcase containing "a black tactical
chest rig and tactical knife, a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer,
screwdriver, nail punch, crow bar, pistol light, duct tape, hiking boots with padding on the outside of the soles, and other
items," according to the FBI.
Leader Chuck Schumer in 2020 to Justice Kavanaugh: 'You will pay the price'. Blood would have been on Schumers
hands. He wanted this, here is all the proof you need. Vague statements like this that are taken however they
want are the main reason some of the riots around the country happened, faulty reporting, aka misinformation aka fake news.
Now we have proof a top Democrat incited a man to attack the justice the Senator put a mark on. Arrest him now!
Schumer Accused of 'Clear Incitement of Violence' Following Arrest of Would-Be Kavanaugh Assassin. Following
the arrest of an armed man outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, many people are pointing to 2020
comments from Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as a potential catalyst. According to CNBC,
law-enforcement officers said Wednesday morning that a California man carrying a handgun, knife, pepper spray and burglary
tools was arrested about one block away from Kavanaugh's private residence in Maryland. [...] In a video from 2020, shared on
Twitter by Georgia Congressional candidate Vernon Jones, Schumer expressed outrage at Justices Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch for
considering decisions he did not agree with. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You
have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price," Schumer said. "You won't know what hit you if you go forward
with these awful decisions."
Chuck Schumer Culpable for the Assassination Attempt Against Justice Kavanaugh? Wednesday morning, a radical
abortion activist was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home in Maryland after admitting he wanted to kill him. [...]
How does a person get to the point where he thinks killing a Supreme Court justice is okay? Well, some are pointing
fingers at the Biden White House for its failure to condemn the protests outside the homes of justices after the leak of the
draft majority opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. That certainly didn't help, but the
normalization of violence against a Supreme Court justice over the issue of abortion is more directly linked to Senate
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. At a 2020 #MyRightMyDecision rally outside the Supreme Court, Schumer verbally issued
threats to Trump-appointed Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch over their potential votes in the first abortion case
before the new conservative-majority court. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have
released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price," Schumer said to a chorus of cheers. "You won't know what hit you
if you go forward with these awful decisions." [Tweet]
Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 762.
Denied Attempted Kavanaugh Assassin Was Armed, Cries 'Both Sides'. After taking over an hour to get to the
major breaking story of the day Wednesday [6/8/2022] — the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett
Kavanaugh at his home earlier that morning — CNN's At This Hour tried to downplay the incident by
suggesting the man wasn't armed "at all" and tried to claim there were threats from "both sides" of the political
spectrum. Despite reports that the would-be assassin was armed with a gun, a knife, and pepper spray, and was angered
by the leaked draft decision that could overturn Roe v. Wade, CNN law enforcement correspondent Whitney Wild
tried to downplay the entire situation, even denying he had any weapons on him.
Terrorists Firebomb Buffalo Pro-Life Pregnancy Center. Pro-abortion terrorists firebombed a pro-life Christian
pregnancy center in Buffalo, N.Y. on Tuesday, inflicting significant damage on the building and vandalizing the remains with
their organization's name. Pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge, which has developed a reputation for resorting to
violence, claimed responsibility for the attack, which left glass shattered and much of the interior of the CompassCare
office burned and destroyed, CBN News reported.
center near U.S. Capitol vandalized with red paint, 'REVENGE' graffiti. Police are investigating vandalism at a
faith-based pregnancy center just blocks from the U.S. Capitol. Washington Metro Police Department officers responded
Friday morning to reports of damaged property after vandals splattered red paint on the front door of the Capitol Hill
Pregnancy Center and spray-painted "JANE SAYS" and "REVENGE" onto the building.
Cocktail Lawyers Plead Guilty to Reduced Charges, Likely Will Get Only Two-Year Sentences. The two former
lawyers who threw a Molotov cocktail at a police car during the George Floyd riots have pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges
and are expected to receive reduced sentences. As we noted previously, they were originally facing a much harsher
sentence. [...] Prosecutors in this case have bent over backwards to ensure shorter sentences for these two. Good thing
they're not Trump supporters.
Group Offers Award for Arrest of Abortion Activists Who Firebombed Its Office. A Wisconsin pro-life group is
offering a reward to help find and arrest the radical abortion activist who firebombed its office last month. As
LifeNews reported, abortion activists firebombed a pro-life group's office in Madison, Wisconsin. A leftist radical
threw Molotov cocktails into Wisconsin Family Action's office in the capital city and a picture of the destruction shows the
office heavily damaged from the bomb. The pro-abortion terrorists responsible also vandalized the building and left a
threatening message saying "If abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either."
Ethan Klein calls for bombing of NRA conference. YouTuber Ethan Klein called for the NRA conference in Texas to
be bombed. "Saw there was a big protest outside the NRA meeting which was good," Klein said Friday. "Do we have
any insight into what they're actually talking about there at the NRA meeting that's today in Texas? Someone should
bomb that building." Klein hosts the H3 Podcast with 2.9 million subscribers. The National Rifle Association's
convention in held annually in Houston.
Liberal Screams at Ted Cruz in Restaurant For Attending NRA Conference — Has to Be Restrained By Bystanders.
Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz was confronted by a crazed liberal in a restaurant who blamed him for the school shooting that left
19 children and two teachers dead in Uvalde earlier this week. The unhinged lunatic was upset that Sen. Cruz had attended the
National Rifle Association conference in Houston and had to be restrained by bystanders because his actions were so out of control.
Biden Says The 'Protests' In The Summer Of 2020 'Unified' People Of Every Generation. During recent prepared
remarks, President Joe Biden said the the 'protests' in the summer of 2020 unified people of every generation. First of
all, they were more like riots than protests. Secondly, the only people they united were the far left radicals doing
the rioting. Most people were repulsed by the left's behavior. Parts of cities were burned or destroyed in other
ways. Biden thinks this was unifying?
Activists Vandalize Mississippi Church as Pro-Abortion Violence Continues Nationwide. A rural Mississippi
church was vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti Monday, the latest in dozens of attacks against churches and pro-life
organizations in recent weeks. The walls, doors and windows of Mt. Avery Missionary Baptist Church in Columbus,
near the Alabama border, were found covered with pro-abortion slogans and what appears to be a drawing of a sexual assault,
WCBI News reports. St. Elmore Armistad, a deacon at the church, said someone noticed the graffiti Monday
afternoon and called him, according to the Associated Press.
Rep should have done more research before blaming Dallas shooting on 'white supremacy'. In a rush to blame all
the horrors of the world on dangerous Republican rhetoric, the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC),
Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio), was quick to blame last week's shooting at a Korean hair salon in Dallas on "White
supremacy" and that racist white replacement theory. The only problem with her argument? The suspect in the
shooting is a black man. Standing outside the Capitol Thursday with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) standing
approvingly behind her, Beatty told the press, "On Monday, three people in a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas were gunned by
yet another white supremacy replacement theorist."
Shooter Was a Left-Leaning COVID Nazi, Wore Hazmat Suit to School. [T]he left finally found a white supremacist
mass shooter! The bad news for the Don Lemons of the world is that the Buffalo shooter was a lefty. As PJ Media's
own Matt Margolis reported, the shooter's manifesto claims he was anything BUT a conservative. [...] If you're still not
convinced this wackjob is a lefty, his family is now stating that the gunman lived in a seemingly constant state of COVID-19
panic. A cousin of his mother told reporters the shooter "bought into the fear of COVID." She claims he wore a
respirator mask to family functions and an entire hazmat suit to school.
Authoritarian Leftist Killers Committed Mass Shootings This Week, Media Silent. There were two mass shootings
committed this week in America, but only a fraction of the public is aware they were committed by authoritarian leftists, due
to selectively biased news media coverage. On Sunday, Chinese-born man named David Wenwei Chou, a 68-year-old resident
of Las Vegas, claimed the life of one person and wounded five others. It could have been much worse if not for the
brave actions of Dr. John Cheng, who lost his life putting an end to the assailants' shooting rampage. Now there
is a newly discovered development: Chou has connections to a Chinese communist front group, as was reported by the
Epoch Times.
Church Shooting Suspect Had Ties to CCP Front Group. The man charged with killing one person and injuring five
others after a Taiwanese service at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, California, was once a member of a U.S.-based
group controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. The Orange County Sheriff's Department said the shooting by the
alleged gunman, 68-year-old David Wenwei Chou of Las Vegas, was "a politically motivated hate incident." Sheriff Don Barnes
said the suspect "was upset about political tensions between China and Taiwan." Barnes also indicated that the suspect,
who wasn't a regular attendee and had no known ties or affiliation with the church, secured the doors within the church with
chains and tried to disable the locks with superglue before he opened fire.
The bullying
of America. When are conservatives going to fight back against the violence of the left? It's glaringly
obvious that the radicals in the Democrat party are using tactics that put many people in fear of physical assault or damage
to their property. This became clear during the Trump presidency when proud Americans were beaten up in public for
wearing hats supporting him. Viral videos of hats being snatched from the heads of people in restaurants, in shopping
malls, or just walking along a street became common. Did we ever think the time would come when people wearing caps
that read "Make America Great Again" would be subjected to vicious attacks? Contrarily, those who displayed support for
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, and even Fidel Castro would have no fear of reprisal for wearing political apparel.
shooting suspect Ethan Crumbley hoped massacre would get Biden impeached, records show. Ethan Crumbley, the
Michigan teenager accused of opening fire at his high school in November, allegedly wrote that he hoped the massacre would
get President Biden impeached, new records show. "Hopefully my shooting will cause Biden to get impeached," 15-year-old
Crumbley allegedly wrote in a journal entry disclosed in a court filing Wednesday, the Detroit Free Press reported.
Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Banning "Picketing and Protesting" Outside a Private Home. Florida Governor
Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law on Monday that prohibits "picketing and protesting" outside a private residence.
Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 1571 in the wake of abortion protests. The bill will make it unlawful to picket
outside Florida residences and be considered a second-degree misdemeanor. "Sending unruly mobs to private residences,
like we have seen with the angry crowds in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices, is inappropriate," said Governor Ron
DeSantis. "This bill will provide protection to those living in residential communities and I am glad to sign it into
law." The new law will take effect on October 1.
you sure you want to call the Roe protests "the summer of rage?". During the BLM riots that swept the nation in
2020 and beyond, critics of the violence and mayhem took to sarcastically calling that period the "summer of love." Now a
new wave of angry protests is erupting in multiple cities targeting the Supreme Court over its anticipated ruling that would
mostly overturn Roe v. Wade. The topic may be quite different than the BLM marches, but the tactics are
already starting to look similar. Protest organizers have already announced that they want this period to be a "summer
of rage." But is that really the way to win the battle for hearts and minds? If I had the chance to ask these
organizers one question, it would relate to what precisely they hope to accomplish, since the public has no leverage over the
decisions of the court whether they hand down a ruling you approve of or one that you loathe.
Scream Obscenities Outside Justices' Houses Following Washington March. About 20 pro-abortion protesters
directed their screams at Justice Brett Kavanaugh's children while walking by the justice's Maryland residence multiple times
on May 14. [...] The protesters walked past the house in Chevy Chase, then circled back multiple times to scream
obscenities again. About a dozen police officers stood outside the house, but none took action to arrest the protesters, who
continued to scream obscenities with every pass. "No privacy for us, no peace for you," the protesters chanted.
Protesters Call for 'Mandatory Vasectomies' Outside Samuel Alito Event. Pro-abortion protesters outside George
Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School Thursday afternoon called for "mandatory vasectomies" and claimed that "the
Bible itself tells you how to perform abortions." About 30 abortion advocates gathered outside the front entrance to the
law school in Arlington, Virginia, to protest an address set to be given by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito at the
school. The address was being given by Alito remotely from the court building while fallout from a draft opinion
overturing infamous pro-abortion case Roe v. Wade — written by Alito — was leaked,
leading leftists to gather outside justices homes to protest.
Silent on Pro-Antifa "Journalist" Who Vandalized Synagogues, Set Fire to Mosque. CNN's Don Lemon once comically
defended Antifa, stating that they had to be anti-fascist because it "says it right in the name: Antifa, anti-fascism."
But if the actions of a pro-Antifa "journalist" (along with 2020's 600+ riots) are any indication, the abbreviation certainly
doesn't stand for "anti-fire and arson." As Gateway Pundit reports, "In Portland (of course), deranged leftists have long
blamed phantom 'white supremacists' for causing trouble in the city, fearing that neo-nazis are lurking around every corner,
just waiting to strike. Well, apparently these 'white supremacists' are so inactive that deranged leftists themselves
have to commit the crimes that 'white supremacists' would otherwise be committing." "The latest case in point involves a
particular individual suspected of committing various acts of arson against various places of worship in the Portland area,"
the site continues. "Pro-antifa 'journalist' Mike Bivins has been arrested for allegedly vandalizing and setting fire
to two Synagogues and a Mosque, even attempting to burn people alive as they were inside the Mosque."
There Will
Be Blood. Progressive activists have long fallen on the tactic of resorting to violence, destruction, and even
bloodshed to get their points across. [...] Already, they vandalized several Catholic churches last weekend, and firebombed a
Right to Life group's headquarters. A bullet was fired into the office of the Virginia Attorney General this week as
well. Violence is already here. These were all pre-game activities as they warm up for what is to come. In
reality however, members of the far Left have consistently resorted to violence and sanctioned attacks against
civilians. Many of the Vietnam protests turned into riots. Domestic terrorists belonging to the Weather
Underground bombed school buildings, the U.S. Capitol, and the Pentagon. The SLA robbed banks, set off bombs and
murdered innocent people. In recent years, staff of the Trump Administration, such as Sarah Huckabee Sanders, faced
confrontational harassment and were asked to leave businesses — actions fully supported by politicians such as
Maxine Waters. Mad Maxine encouraged her followers to publicly accost Trump officials.
Leftwing Insurrection. According to the propaganda narrative of the media, Donald Trump and the Republican
Party foment insurrection and illegitimacy in American politics. Only the noble left, with its commitment to democracy,
can defend America and its institutions and rule of law. This is hogwash and anyone free from the tyrannic propaganda
of the media knows it. In reality, the left peddles insurrectionist language and promotes the idea of American
illegitimacy so as to endorse insurrectionist behavior — "in the name of democracy" though. Joe Scarborough,
one of the most annoying individuals to ever purvey television propaganda, has recently called the Supreme Court
"illegitimate." So have other liberal opinion writers. And what does all this talk of Court illegitimacy
bring? Insurrectionist beliefs. It is an announcement for haters of America to begin burning property and
launching violent protests aimed at desecrating the rule of law in the United States. It is the go-ahead for the army
of Bolshevik street-warriors to assail American institutions and the freedom they uphold.
Let the leaker pay for all the overtime incurred! Garland
directs U.S. Marshals to ensure safety of Supreme Court justices. Attorney General Merrick Garland has ordered
the U.S. Marshals Service to ensure the safety of Supreme Court justices amid protests sparked by a leaked draft opinion that
would overturn Roe vs. Wade. "The Attorney General directed the U.S. Marshals Service to help ensure the
Justices' safety by providing additional support to the Marshal of the Supreme Court and Supreme Court Police," the Justice
Department said in a press release Wednesday. The statement did not add further details about the security measures,
noting that Garland "continues to be briefed on security matters related to the Supreme Court and Supreme Court Justices."
Steps In to Offer Security for Supreme Court Justices as Biden DOJ Is AWOL. Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn
Youngkin appears to be stepping into a gap created by the Biden administration's Justice Department to help ensure the safety
of Supreme Court justices and their families. Protesters have gone to the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices
Samuel Alito, John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh in Virginia and Maryland following the leak of a draft majority opinion in
Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. Alito, who wrote the draft, Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney
Barrett and Clarence Thomas have reportedly signed on to the opinion, which would overturn the 1973 decision in Roe
v. Wade. Roe struck down all state laws banning abortion, making it a national right.
The Editor says...
[#1] The Supreme Court does not make laws or create rights. [#2] Homicide is not a right.
OK to incite violence on Twitter — as long as it's against the right. In the wake of an
unprecedented leak from the Supreme Court of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, national Democrats have taken to
social media appearing to encourage violence. Earlier this week, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a tweet calling on
"friends in the LGBTQ+ community" to recognize this moment as "a call to arms," stating in a second tweet that "we will not
surrender our rights without a fight." Multiple verified Twitter accounts, including a senior correspondent at Vox,
have tweeted calls to "burn it down," referring to both the country and the Supreme Court itself. Notably, this
rhetoric is taking place on a platform that purports to ban the "glorification of violence" and that infamously issued a
permanent ban against a sitting president of the United States for, according to Twitter employees, doing just
that — though with far less specific and anodyne tweets.
Rioters Serve Pelosi A Huge Dose Of Karma After She Encouraged SCOTUS Protests. The White House on Tuesday
[5/10/2022] said it encourages "peaceful" protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, while criticizing those on
the right who have expressed "outrage" over Roe v. Wade demonstrations but were "silent" when protests against school
boards, abortion clinics and the capitol riot. Nancy Pelosi was on the same page and commended those who "channeled
their righteous anger" over the Supreme Court's leaked draft decision that would strike down Roe v. Wade by organizing
and marching.
Texas Catholic churches vandalized with pro-choice messages. Three Texas churches were vandalized by pro-choice
activists. The graffiti was noticed by a church member early Monday when they arrived for an 8 a.m. meeting. They
discovered the message on the doors of the church's main entrance and side door reading: "Pro-Choice is Pro-Life."
"It's very unfortunate that people would desecrate the church like this, take their frustration out on the church," stated
Father Peter Damian Harris, pastor at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Houston.
Lightfoot issues a 'call to arms' against Supreme Court justices. Chicago's incompetent Mayor Lori Lightfoot,
presiding over a city devolving into violent, bloody anarchy on the streets, is encouraging violent protests at the homes of
Supreme Court justices believed to be supporting a draft decision by Justice Alito overturning Roe v. Wade.
That is the logical interpretation if two tweets she issued that Twitter believes do not violate its "standards" that
prohibit advocating violence: [Tweet]
Intimidation of Justices Is Illegal, but Will Biden Enforce the Law? Irony doesn't begin to explain why
pro-choice activists chose Mother's Day weekend to picket the homes of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John
Roberts, who appear ready to overturn Roe v. Wade. In an age when there appear to be fewer consequences for
violating moral or statutory laws, demonstrators and protesters outside the Supreme Court building seem to have violated at
least two federal laws. In the abortion-at-anytime Biden administration, which refuses to enforce immigration laws, it
seems unlikely these laws will be enforced. Here are excerpts from two federal laws, should the Justice Department need
to be reminded of them. The first, 18 U.S. Code 1507 "Picketing or Parading," states, ["]Whoever,
with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing
any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a
court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge ... shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.["] That seems clear, doesn't it?
called GOP 'party of mass shooters' in attempt to argue for abortion — It backfired BIGLY. U.S.
Rep. Eric Swalwell has once again made a complete fool of himself, this time with a defense of abortion in which he
brought up the completely unrelated issue of school shootings to blame Republicans for mass murder as justification for his
support for the killing of the unborn. Drawing on President Joe Biden's recent demonizing of nearly half of the
American electorate whom he accused of being the "most extreme political organization" in the nation's history, the
California Democrat upped the ante with his latest unhinged Twitter outburst. "You know who had a heartbeat?
Every child murdered in their school because Republicans are the party of mass shooters. This isn't about
heartbeats. This is about criminalizing women," wrote Swalwell.
I Saw When Protesters Marched to Supreme Court Justices' Homes. Dozens of furious marchers made their way
through a Washington, D.C. suburb Saturday evening [5/7/2022], hellbent on demonstrating their rage towards conservative
Supreme Court justices. "No uterus, no opinion!" they cried as they disrupted the quiet streets, days after a leaked
draft of a Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito indicated that five Supreme Court justices planned to strike
down Roe v. Wade. The protestors gathered outside a local market in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Initially, it
seemed like the poor weather was going to dent the number of marchers.
goons hurl Molotov cocktail into offices of Wisconsin anti-abortion group. Antifa vandals hurled at least one
Molotov cocktail into offices of an anti-abortion group in Wisconsin and scrawled a chilling message on the wall that read:
'If abortions aren't safe you aren't either.' The damage was discovered on Mother's Day morning when a passerby called
police and reported seeing smoke coming from the headquarters of the anti-abortion group Wisconsin Family Action in
Madison. The Antifa symbol — a capital 'A' inside a circle — was also scrawled on the wall, as well as the numbers
1312 — a code for the letters ACAB, which stand for 'All Cops Are B[...]s'
Abortion Activists Block Entrance to New York City Church. A group of radical pro-abortion activists blocked
the entrance to Manhattan's Basilica of Saint Patrick's Old Cathedral days after a U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion leaked
that signaled the Court will overturn Roe v. Wade. Pro-Life Catholics in the community have gathered for Mass and
a rosary procession to a Planned Parenthood one block away from the church nearly every month for the past 14 years to
protest this nation's abortion laws. However, the group of Catholics were met by pro-abortion activists who blocked the
church doors on Saturday.
is encouraging illegal intimidation of justices. The right of the people peaceably to assemble is so
fundamental to the foundation of our nation that it is enshrined in the First Amendment. But the term "peaceably" is
key. And the "when" and "where" that people choose to protest absolutely speak to whether a protest is peaceable.
In the summer of 2020, a wave of protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd swept the nation. While many on the
Left have sought to downplay the violent nature of hundreds of these gatherings, it is undisputed that they caused over
$2 billion in damage. Passionate protests always have the potential to turn violent, which is why it definitely matters
where they happen. It is one thing to protest outside city hall, a police station, or the Supreme Court. It is an
entirely different act to protest outside a mayor's personal residence or a police officer's house. In 2020,
unfortunately, many Black Lives Matter protesters crossed this line, demonstrating in residential neighborhoods, especially
outside of mayors' homes, many of which were vandalized.
Kavanaugh's home, a neighbor rallies for abortion rights. Lacie Wooten-Holway walked through Chevy Chase on
Wednesday night, pausing to stick fliers on her fence, a tree and utility boxes. She was advertising an abortion rights
protest here, in her neighborhood, in front of the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. A passing couple
paused, reading her sign: "HONK 4 REPRO Rights and Bodily Autonomy." "Good!" the woman said. "That I don't
agree with," the man interjected. "I think you vote, and you expand the court. You don't go to a guy's house." She
had heard the argument before and responded: "I organize peaceful candlelit vigils in front of his house. ...
We're about to get doomsday, so I'm not going to be civil to that man at all."
The Editor says...
Just a few months ago, the same "Bodily Autonomy" people were pushing for mandatory Covid vaccinations.
Roe Demonstrators: Where Did They Get That Idea? Much has been written this week about the
pro-abortionists' plans to picket the homes of the six Republican-appointed justices over the egregiously leaked Alito draft
overturning Roe v. Wade. Those criticisms, which I summarize below, are certainly valid. If we
had an attorney general who cared about enforcing the law, he'd seek injunctive relief and criminal penalties for such
conduct. [...] The relevant statute is 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1507 which reads:
[1] Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or
[2] with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty,
[3] pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or
[4] in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or
[5] with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence,
[6] shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
the Unhinged Protesters Know It's a Crime to Protest at a Supreme Court Justice's Home? The Virginia
Correctional Facility for Woman in Goochland awaits anyone who acts out their rage and shows up out of control at a Supreme
Court Justice's residence in response to the unethical and unprecedented leak of a draft opinion in the Dobbs abortion
case. The people of Virginia have decided that it is a crime to protest at a Virginian's home. [...] In other words,
civil society benefits by keeping homes about family, friends, and peace and not clowns in Handmaid costumes. If you
show up and protest a Supreme Court Justice near their home, you are committing a crime in Virginia. And most of the
Justices with any sense live in Virginia.
Look at U.S. Code Makes Jen Psaki's 'Answer' on Targeting Justices at Home so Much Worse. On Wednesday, [White
House press secretary Jen] Psaki gave a very troubling answer when questioned on whether the Biden White House would view a
majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade as a "legitimate" ruling. She refused to give a straight "yes" or "no"
answer, and instead pivoted to how things would supposedly take a dire turn for women in at least "half" the states in
America if the draft majority opinion held. Things got even more shameful on Thursday when Psaki was asked about the
admitted plans by the radical leftist group "Ruth Sent Us" to target and march outside of the private homes of some of the
conservative Justices, whose addresses were partially shared complete with maps by the militant left-wing agitators in a
clear attempt at intimidating them over the Mississippi pro-life case currently before the court. Not only did Psaki
decline to condemn the leak, but she repeatedly refused to condemn the planned "protests" outside of the Justices homes.
House Resists Condemning Protesters Descending on Supreme Court Justices' Homes. The White House on Thursday
resisted asking angry pro-abortion protesters not to descend on the homes of Supreme Court Justices after a draft judicial
decision on Roe v. Wade was leaked to the press. "I don't have an official U.S. government position on where
people protest," White House press secretary Jen Psaki replied when asked if the president condoned the actions of protesters
sharing information on the home addresses of originalist Supreme Court justices. The protest group Ruth Sent Us
announced plans to direct protests at the homes of six Supreme court justices — three in Virginia and three in
Maryland. Psaki also resisted calling the actions of some protesters "extreme," despite reported violence and vandalism
by some of the angry pro-abortion protesters.
Has Shameful Response to Leftists Targeting Churches and Homes of Justices. The White House has not condemned
the leak of the SCOTUS draft opinion, an attack on the integrity of the Court, and an attempt to intimidate the
justices. They wouldn't even say if they would accept the decision of the Court when it ultimately came down.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was given another chance on Thursday to do just that, and once again, she pointedly
refused to do so on behalf of Joe Biden. A reporter asked why they refused and Psaki got huffy, saying that the leak
was a "distraction" that wasn't at the same level as the SCOTUS non-decision. They want to whip the left into a frenzy
over it, to help their chances in November.
Protesters Hit Pastors Outside Supreme Court and Go Free. Pro-abortion protesters outside the Supreme Court
attacked four pro-life Christian activists who showed up to counterprotest. Priests for Life Director Bryan Kemper,
Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust Director A.J. Hurley, and
Right to Life East Texas founder Pastor Mark Lee Dickson walked together into the nearly 300-strong pro-abortion protest at
about 8 p.m. The protest was on the left side of a set of barricades that took up most of the center of the Supreme
Court grounds. First, an unidentified protester hit Kemper. "The police came in after I was punched," he
said. "The person that punched me is no longer here that I can see."
Roe v. Wade: Will Democrats Instigate Another George Floyd Summer? If the U.S. Supreme Court
overturns Roe v. Wade, desperate Democrats hope they've found their next George Floyd. In 2020, a
presidential election year, Floyd's death while in the hands of Minneapolis police "sparked" protests (AKA bloody riots) in
Democrat-run cities across the country. Democrats may angle for something similar should Justice Alito's draft majority
opinion overturning Roe v. Wade be issued. Leaking Alito's draft upending Roe v. Wade
was suggested as a rogue left-wing law clerk's attempt to scuttle the opinion's issuance. Don't buy it. The leak
was orchestrated to impact the 2022 midterm elections. At the very least, Democrats to fire up their feminist
base. Facing disaster in the midterms, Democrats aim to fall back on their 2020 playbook: manufacture fear and
uncertainty. Lie — and lie a lot — in that ending Roe v. Wade, they'll claim,
denies a woman her "sacred" constitutional right to kill the baby whom she acted to make.
Low-level domestic terrorism: Liberal
group calls for protests at conservative Supreme Court justices' homes. Left-wing activist groups are planning
to send protesters to the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices following a leak indicating the court may soon
overturn Roe v. Wade. The activists are organizing under the moniker "Ruth Sent Us" and have published the
supposed home addresses of Justices Amy Coney Barrett, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas and Neil
Gorsuch. "Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and
immigrant rights," the group's website reads. "We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics."
Heart of Mary Church in Boulder vandalized with 'anti-church, pro-choice messaging'. Statue by statue and wall
by wall, crews worked to remove the graffiti, paint, and broken glass left behind after a night of vandalism at Sacred Heart
of Mary Church in Boulder. "We're disappointed that we can't have a peaceful conversation about such a hot topic and
instead, people resort to violence. But we kind of understand, at least I do," said parishioner Charlie Danaher.
Danaher has attended the church for years and says this isn't the first time this has happened.
Attack Cops, Smash Windows During Roe v Wade Protest in LA. A group of rioters, some carrying Communist flags,
threw rocks at police and smashed squad car windows last night during unruly protests against the Supreme Court's indication
that it might overturn Roe v Wade. The LAPD issued a citywide tactical alert in response to the disorder after a group
of about 250 protesters became violent. According to LAPD Chief Michel Moore, the protesters were ordered to disperse
just after 9 pm, but their anger escalated.
Trends After Hysterical Democrats at Long Last Get Hoist by Their Own Petard. Agitators who the media will soon
be calling "peaceful protesters" were screaming their heads off behind barricades just feet away from the steps of the
Supreme Court building in scenes reminiscent of the brutal Supreme Court confirmation fight over Brett Kavanaugh, where at
one point we saw radical leftists pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court to stop Kavanaugh from being sworn in. But
it's not just random leftists in Washington, D.C. and the verified ones on Twitter who are whipping the outrage mobs into a
frenzy — it's powerful elected officials on the left and those who want to be who are using similar and in some
cases worse language, language that if the words were coming from a Republican we'd have 24-7 wall to wall coverage for weeks
on end about how Republicans were "inciting" folks to riot.
allegedly assaults Portland GOP rallygoers, understaffed police struggle to respond. The resource-strapped
Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reportedly took more than 20 minutes to respond when alleged antifa members assaulted a Saturday
campaign event near police headquarters in downtown Portland. By the time officers had "sufficient resources" to
establish a crime scene near Southwest 3rd and Main Street, the black-clad demonstrators had already dispersed after hurling
smoke grenades, paint-filled balloons and fireworks, according to police. Two were injured by "mortars," police
said. The protesters' violence cut short the event in support of Republican gubernatorial candidate Stan Pulliam, whose
platform includes refunding the police.
mob hurls smoke bombs at crowd of Republicans in Portland including children and old people, leaving two
injured. A black-clad Antifa mob in Prtland launched smoke bombs, paint, fireworks and rocks at Republicans
supporting an Oregon GOP gubernatorial candidate who were demanding law and order be returned to the crime-plagued
city. Video shows the intimidating group waving black flags and lobbing smoke bombs at the conservative crowd, which
included children and elderly people, during the rally near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Main Street on Saturday
[4/30/2022]. 'We're taking the city back. We're funding the police,' one man shouted from a megaphone.
'No longer are we gonna have the crime and the mayhem.'
Activist Celebrated for Self-Immolation Outside SCOTUS. Climate change fanatics celebrated a man who set
himself on fire and died to bring awareness to "the climate crisis," praising his suicidal "sacrifice" as a "fearless act of
compassion." [Tweet] Boulder, Colorado man Wynn Bruce, 50, self-immolated in front of the Supreme Court on April 22,
Breitbart reported. The Capitol Police, the Metro Police Department, and the Supreme Court Police responded to the man's
attempted suicide and airlifted him to a hospital, but he died from the burns shortly after arriving.
Media Doesn't Want To Talk About Why These Educators Featured On 'Libs Of Tik Tok' Got Booted From The Classroom.
Legacy media outlets were quick to condone the exposure of the woman behind "Libs of Tik Tok." What they didn't mention was
exactly what the educators, who got fired after the account posted their videos, were saying to children in their classrooms.
The Washington Post's Taylor Lorenz revealed the identity of the individual behind the "Libs of Tik Tok" account in an article
published Tuesday. The article accuses "Libs of Tik Tok" of spreading "anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment" by causing teachers to lose
their jobs over their own social media posts, although the article omits mention of the exact quotes that got the teachers fired.
Media outlets, like Rolling Stone and The Advocate, expressed support for revealing the identity behind "Libs of Tik Tok," but similarly
do not mention the quotes in question. The reality these media companies chose to hide was that the educators were dismissed,
reassigned or forced to resign for everything from blaming kids for getting molested to suggesting people who didn't get the vaccine
should be slaughtered.
Lawmaker Receiving Death Threats After Democrat's Speech Goes Viral. A Michigan state lawmaker is receiving
death threats after one of her colleagues spoke out against her earlier this week in a viral speech from the floor of the
Michigan Senate. Michigan Sen. Lana Theis (R) told The Daily Wire that she and her family has received death
threats in the days following a speech by her Democratic colleague, Sen. Mallory McMorrow. Theis said the threats
have been forwarded to law enforcement.
BLM Protester Puts His Hands On Cop During Protest In Pittsburgh — Big Mistake. A Wilkinsburg police
officer punched a trans-BLM protester to the ground during a demonstration against police brutality on April 16. The group of
around 20 people gathered to demand justice for Jim Rogers, a Black man who died in October 2021 less than 24 hours after
Pittsburgh Police officers tased him eight times. It was at the group's second stop at the intersection of Penn Avenue
and Center Street in Wilkinsburg, while Diamond Rogers, the niece of Jim Rogers, started to talk about her uncle, that police
from various departments, including Wilkinsburg and Edgewood, got on the speaker system and told protesters to leave, stating
that it was an '"unlawful assembly." [Video clip]
Shooter Puts Critical Race Theory into Practice. Mayor Eric Adams, who had called white people "crackers",
claimed that he needed his brother to head his security because of an "increase in white supremacy" in New York City.
The New York City Board of Health falsely claimed that racism was a "public health crisis" and a public school told parents
to abolish their "whiteness". After all that time battling white supremacy, which is as easy to find in the city as good
manners and parking spaces, the black supremacist subway terror attack came out of the blue. 29 people were wounded,
including a pregnant woman and a 12-year-old, when Frank James, a racist gunman, opened fire on a Brooklyn subway train.
James was a racial supremacist, but not the one that New York City's political establishment had spent so much time searching
for. James was just "abolishing whiteness" by putting critical race theory into practice. The black supremacist mass
shooter has been charged with terrorism for a carefully planned terror attack, that included dressing up as a construction
worker, deploying a smoke bomb and then opening fire. The racist terrorist's victims included a pregnant woman, and a
number of children and teenagers, some of whom were shot several times by the black supremacist. Like the black
supremacist Jersey City terrorists, James used a U-Haul as a base and was convinced that black people were being victimized.
Debasement of our Professional and Political Classes. Would a Republican-led House set up a special committee
to investigate the racketeering and "conspiracies" across state lines that led to a near "coup" and "insurrection" marked by
"the riots of 2020?" Would such watchdogs offer up criminal referrals for all those responsible for attacking a federal
courthouse and torching a police precinct or for setting an historic church afire? Or causing $2 billion of damage,
over 30 deaths, and 1,500 law enforcement officer injuries — while carving out illegal no-go zones in major downtowns?
The Editor says...
Don't hold your breath waiting for the Republicans to address the 2020 riots, even when they hold all the cards.
And even if the Republicans take any action, the news media will call the riots "ancient history," among other things.
Carolina medical school backs woke medical student who tweeted about deliberately injuring patient for mocking her pronoun
badge. A North Carolina medical school has backed a woke student who tweeted about injuring a patient for
mocking her pronoun badge that said She/Her. Wake Forest University has released a statement that includes groveling
commentary from trainee medic Kychelle Del Rosario which suggests she'll be back on rounds soon. Del Rosario sparked
outrage last month after she implied she'd deliberately injured a male patient who mocked the 'she/her' pronoun badge she was
wearing by missing his vein during blood draw.
Who Exposed Hunter Biden's Laptop Shares Disgusting Details. While Hunter Biden has naturally taken center
stage regarding the laptop he left at a computer repair shop in Wilmington, DE, few have asked exactly what happened to the
man who exposed it all. John Paul Issac, who owns the shop where the laptop was abandoned, has finally spoken out,
giving an interview on Fox News on Friday evening. In it, he revealed disturbing details about how he and his business
were treated, what he thought about the laptop, and how the authorities handled the situation. Sadly, Issac was
targeted as a Russian disinformation agent after the Biden campaign and others, including 50 "former intelligence officials,"
rushed to label the laptop as such. [...] Things apparently got so bad that his business was physically targeted, with people
throwing rotten food at his building. According to Isaac, he had to have a police presence because he felt his life was
in danger. Those two factors led to a sharp decrease in his customer base.
Hollywood Actress Just Threatened Violence Against Govs. DeSantis And Abbott. Aging and increasingly
irrelevant actress Sally Field is clinging to hope that someone will listen to her. Fading fame has that effect on
self-entitled losers. Does anyone younger than 40 know who Sally Field is? What has she done lately? And by
lately I mean decades? Even Breitbart, which covers her violence-fueled rant below, could best connect its readers to
her appearance in 1994's Forrest Gump and 1977's Smokey and the Bandit. She's a washed-up joke. She's also
apparently cool with political violence. Some might call that terrorism.
Goes On Disgusting Rant, Tells Conservative Students To "Jump Off A Bridge". As a result of Florida's
doesn't-go-far-enough bill that at least prevents five-year-olds from being exposed to gender identity, the left has
absolutely lost its collective mind and exposed its open agenda that is pro-grooming, pro-sexualization, and pro-brainwashing
of young children. That should be enough right there to prove how corrupted our government schools are, but then recall
that the Daily Wire breoke a story of how the rape of a teenage girl was covered up as a result of identity politcking in
Virginia schools. That's also bad news, but even then we are barely scratching the surface.
Rioting for fun and profit: Twelve
protesters awarded $14m after Denver police injured them during George Floyd demonstrations. A judgment in the
amount of $14 million was issued by a Colorado jury in a civil trial concerning twelve demonstrators who protested in the
aftermath of the death of George Floyd and claimed the Denver police injured them and violated their First and Fourth
Amendment rights. The three-week trial ended after 5 hours of deliberation by the jury that awarded each of the dozen
plaintiffs on Friday between $750,000 and $4 million each, The Denver Post reported. Attorneys for the plaintiffs had
asked for $17.5 million in damages for the injuries inflicted by bean bags and pepper spray while the city's attorney's
argued that the jury should consider the totality of the chaotic and unprecedented situation where some protesters were
launching projectiles at the officers.
Mic Catches School Board Member Asking to 'Set Marsha Blackburn on Fire'. During a meeting of the Metropolitan
Nashville Board of Public Education this week, a hot mic caught board members apparently pondering "can we just go set Marsha
Blackburn on fire?" — the latest instance of public school boards saying the quiet part out loud and revealing
their partisan hostility against conservatives and Republicans. Video from the meeting, posted here on March 23rd by
the district, captures the moment starting around the 1:02 mark after the school board tried to bring its meeting to order
but, still lacking a quorum, called for a short break during which a copy of the meeting agenda appears on screen but voices
can still be heard, picked up by the mics on the dais. [Tweet]
Mic Catches Death Threat Against Marsha Blackburn After Ketanji Brown Jackson Hearing. We truly live in the
dumbest of times. Naturally, that means asking any relevant question of Ketanji Brown Jackson, Joe Biden's Supreme
Court nominee, is justification for wailing and moaning. In that vein, no more triggering of a moment transpired over
the last week's confirmation hearings than Sen. Marsha Blackburn asking Jackson what a woman is. In true far-left
fashion, the nominee responded that she didn't know because she wasn't a "biologist." My seven-year-old can tell you what a
woman is, but a person seeking a lifetime appointment on the highest court in the land can't. It'd be hilarious if it
weren't so sad and pathetic. As I said, though, because everything must be stupid, it has been Blackburn who has borne
the brunt of scorn for even daring to challenge Jackson's delusional worldview.
Law refuses to condemn students who threatened to fight conservative debater at free speech event. Yale Law
School has defended a group of its students who snarled 'I'll hurt you bitch' at a conservative speaker during a debate on
freedom of speech. The Ivy League college claims the woke rabble-rousers have been 'spoken to' about their threatening
behavior on March 10, raising concerns that they've only been given a slap on the wrist which will embolden them to continue
their authoritarian behavior. Despite the chaos at the college's Federalist Society-organized event, Yale Law said in a
statement issued Thursday that school police 'assistance was not needed' and that students had followed the rules.
Stabbed 2 MOMA Employees — MSM Silent As The Assailant Has Been Identified As A Democrat And Anti-Trump
Lunatic. Video from the Museum of Modern Art shows the moment a man leaped over a reception desk and stabbed
two employees as they tried to flee Saturday [3/12/2022]. The video released by New York City police shows man police
identified as 60-year-old Gary Cabana entering the museum lobby through a revolving door then climbing onto the desk and
jumping over it as a man carrying what appears to be a walkie-talkie looks too scared to stop him. [...] The suspect was
identified as Gary Cabana, 60. Cabana's last-known address was a supportive housing residence in midtown operated by a
nonprofit, Breaking Ground, offering shelter for the homeless, the mentally ill, and those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, police
said, and he had no prior arrests.
Terrorist Who Threw an Explosive in a Cafe Gets 5 Years in Prison. Diego Vargas, 27, received his sentence at a
hearing in a federal court in Chicago today for the incident that took place on June 1, 2020, according to a press release by
the U.S. Attorney's office. Last June Vargas pled guilty to throwing a street pole through the window of the
restaurant, then tossing a lit explosive in after it, resulting in two explosions. The restaurant was closed at the
time. No one was hurt. The incident took place following a day of peaceful protests against the police killing of
George Floyd that turned into a night of civil unrest. [Video clip]
finds little accountability after MPD officer shot protestors with rubber bullets. The thousands of rubber
bullets that flew through the air after the murder of George Floyd were fired by officers who faced little to no
accountability, according to an independent review of the city's response. A team of investigators hired by the City of
Minneapolis presented their much-anticipated findings on Tuesday [3/8/2022], which included how police failed to follow its
own rules regarding the use and reporting of less-lethal force.
The Editor says...
Media bias alert: If you don't like the treatment you get at a riot, don't participate in it! Where's the "accountability" on the rioters' side?
woman gets 5 years in prison for torching police cars during Seattle riot. A 26-year-old Tacoma woman was
sentenced to five years in federal prison Tuesday [3/1/2022] after pleading guilty to arson stemming from the torching of
five police cars during the racial justice protests that rocked downtown Seattle after the murder of George Floyd by police
in Minneapolis in May 2020. Margaret Aislinn Channon was arrested June 11, 2020, after an investigation by federal
agents and Seattle police, who identified her from video showing an individual in distinctive clothing with tattoos on her hands
setting fire to the vehicles. During the sentencing, U.S. District Court Judge John Coughenour told Channon that her
conduct had done "tremendous damage to Black Lives Matter in Seattle." Channon was also shown breaking into downtown
businesses and stealing clothing and other items. According to court documents, she admitted smashing the window at a
Verizon store and entering a sandwich shop and destroying the electronic cash register.
is in the offing and it's the fault of our schools/. This past week while President Biden puttered about the
White House, addled and confused, in his rainbow-striped pajamas, two surveys were released that should chill the blood of
even the most progressive among us who still think we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. The first
survey was conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and reported that 23% of America's college students
now think it's okay to use violence to silence those with whom they disagree, and 66% currently support shouting down a
campus speaker whose ideas they don't like. Yes, you read that correctly. Nearly one-quarter of our precious
darlings, whose education we helped pay for with hundreds of millions of our hard-earned tax dollars, now tell us they have
no problem beating us into submission if they don't like our views.
Middle School Teacher Caught Saying 'Those Conservative Christians Need to Get COVID and Die'. A Colleyville
Middle School teacher identified by school parents [...] was captured on camera saying that political opposition to the COVID
vaccine prolonged the pandemic and added "those conservative Christians ... they need to die ... they need to get COVID and
die." The video was provided by a family of the school who asked to not be identified at this time. [Video clip]
Footage Shows Angry Texas Teacher Saying Conservative Christians 'Need to Get COVID and Die'. Over the past
couple of years, many public educators have been exposed repeatedly to be the last people you want to entrust your child
to. Be they the type trying to push their politics on your child, expose them to radicalized ideologies, convince them
to embrace mental illnesses, or even attempt to introduce pedophilia into their thinking, public school has become one of the
hottest political battlegrounds. The hard leftist teachers in Texas, especially, are having a very rough time as the
state continues to crack down on radical social conditioning and forbid schools from implementing unnecessary COVID
rules. One teacher at Colleyville Middle School seems to be so upset by the state cracking down on overboard (and
ultimately harmful) COVID precautions that she wished death on her political opposites.
Protest In Portland Sparks Dispute With Homeowner, Mass Shooting, 5 Shot, 1 Dead. Police in Portland, Oregon,
said they believe a shooting that left one woman dead and five people wounded at an Antifa protest over police violence on
Saturday night was triggered by a clash between an armed homeowner and armed demonstrators. The shooting took place as
people gathered in northeast Portland on Saturday to protest the death of Amir Locke, the 22-year-old fatally shot earlier
this month by law enforcement in Minneapolis during a no-knock apartment raid. [Video clip]
Have Meltdown at Police After Mass Shooting Involving Their Members. There's a story that hasn't been getting a
lot of the network news yet, and it may not — because it involves allegedly armed leftists and an armed
homeowner. The leftists had gathered in Portland, Oregon at Normandale Park on Saturday night [2/19/2022] to march
against the police shooting of Amir Locke that happened in Minneapolis on Feb. 4. A homeowner confronted members of the
group at the park. A witness said that there was a lot of arguing between the homeowner and the group. Another
report said that the homeowner confronted them about blocking traffic, a common BLM action. Then the shooting
started. The leftists did not come out well at the end of the encounter and neither did the homeowner.
Portland Antifa Pick Fight With Violent Biker Gang Then Blame Police When Things Get Violent. Gunfire erupted
when violent Antifa militants appear to have picked a fight with a notorious Portland, Ore. area biker gang. Antifa
lost. At least one person ended up dead and five others were injured in Portland Saturday night. Portland Police
are still sorting things out, but what we know is that police were called on Saturday night shortly after 8 p.m to a
disturbance that quickly escalated into gunfire. [Tweets] As Portland Police Public Information Officer Lt. Nathan
Sheppard attempted to update the media on the shooting melee in Northeast Portland, two known Antifa militants took over the
news conference, commandeered the microphones, and began blaming the police for failing to do their jobs to protect them.
is killed and five people are wounded in shooting at Portland park during protest over the police killing of Amir Locke. A
woman was killed and five others wounded in a shooting Saturday night at a Portland park where people had gathered to protest the police
shooting of Amir Locke. Police responded to reports of shots fired at a street intersection near Normandale Park just after 8 pm,
before demonstrators could even begin a planned march, which was set to begin at 8, flyers posted on social media show. Arriving officers
found one woman dead, and two men and three other women were taken to the hospital, police said.
are the police we revere doing the tyrants' bidding? The American left has made its contempt of our police
abundantly clear for several years now. Encouraging the BLM riots, excusing the damage done, decreeing no punishment
for those who did billions of dollars in property destruction over the summer of 2020 was their coin of the realm.
Lacking common sense and any skill at predicting the consequences of idiotic policies, they have doubled down on stupid as
cities like N.Y., Chicago, D.C., and L.A. rack up homicides committed by career criminals repeatedly let loose on an
unsuspecting public. On a daily basis, innocent victims are attacked, injured, or killed by violent perpetrators who
have been released by cavalier lefty judges who have become self-appointed social justice warriors. This explains the
parade massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin and nearly every other violent assault on innocent victims for the last year.
Our American left reveres criminals over law-abiding citizens. There can no longer be any doubt about that fact.
The Democrat party is, quite simply, pro-criminal.
sentences activists for torching NYPD van. Two activists who torched an NYPD homeless outreach van on a
Greenwich Village street in 2020 were each sentenced to six months in prison on Friday — as a federal judge chided
the well-educated, radical duo for the "aberrant act." The firebugs, Elaine Carberry, 38, and Corey Smith, 26, will also
have to serve six months in home confinement when they're sprung from federal prison and pay more than $72,000 in
restitution, Judge Lewis Liman ordered. At the sentencing Friday morning, Liman credited both Smith and Carberry as
being active members in New York's LGBTQ community and said he believed they are committed to social justice — but
added their crime warranted a prison sentence.
posts $100,000 bail for defund police activist, 21, honored by Obama who's now charged with attempted murder. A
BLM activist accused of trying to assassinate a Jewish mayoral candidate has been pictured with Barack Obama, as his alleged
victim slammed the 'broken criminal justice system' for freeing the suspected shooter on bail. Quintez Brown, 21, was
one of 22 people chosen to meet the former President of the United States in 2019 as part of Obama's My Brother's Keeper
Alliance, which is aimed at closing achievement gaps facing young boys and men of color. Brown, of Louisville in Kentucky,
was pictured smiling behind the president, and even named as a future star by the Obama Foundation website, but now finds himself
accused of the attempted murder of Craig Greenberg. And his case has attracted further outrage after it emerged a local
Black Lives Matter chapter had put up his $100,000 bail.
Convoy: Counter-Protesters Carry Communist Flags and Cause Trouble. While the police cleared the
Ambassador Bridge earlier on Sunday [2/13/2022] and arrested some of the Freedom Convoy protests who had been protesting
there, some protesters still remained in the surrounding streets, refusing to leave. Now, if the point was that they
were blocking part of the Bridge and the Canadian government wanted it cleared, it is now clear. Yet, the government
showed that wasn't the only reason for targeting the people — since they are still going after protesters. [...]
But police are still going after protesters even though they're on the sidewalks, and not apparently blocking anything.
Obama official encourages arrests and tire-slashing to punish Canada protesters. A former Obama administration
official is suggesting that Canadian authorities arrest members of the Freedom Convoy and encouraging people to "slash the
tires" of their trucks. Juliette Kayyem, who was assistant secretary of homeland security for intergovernmental affairs
under President Barack Obama, tweeted the message Thursday [2/10/2022] in response to footage showing trucks creating
gridlock on the Ambassador Bridge, which links the United States and Canada. "Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest
the drivers, and move the trucks," Kayyem wrote. [Tweet]
Update: CNN
analyst backtracks after calling for Canadian truckers to have their tires slashed. CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem
hastily backtracked her Thursday call for Canadian truckers participating in the protests against the Liberal government's
coronavirus policies to have their tires slashed. "Earlier today, I tweeted something that has been used by others to
suggest I was promoting vigilantism. I was not. People have the freedom to protest. Governments have the
responsibility to protect public safety. That was what I intended to say," Kayyem tweeted late Thursday evening
[2/10/2022]. Earlier in the day, Kayyem railed against the truckers, declaring their protest an "economic and security
issue," and calling for them to be stopped.
the Jan. 6 Capitol Incursion Really Was. To put the Jan. 6 event into context, let us ask this question:
What would have happened in Washington, D.C. if Donald Trump had won re-election? We don't have to speculate much,
because we have a lot of experience with leftist protests. The 1968 Watts riots, for example, lasted for six days and
killed over 30 people. More recent incidents include, in 2011, the 17-day occupation of the Wisconsin State Capitol; in
2018 the storming of the Supreme Court, invasion of the U.S. Capitol, and seizure of the Hart Senate Office Building; and in
2020 the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots. So we know the playbook. Here's what would have happened in Washington
if Trump had won: Tens of thousands of protesters descend upon the city. Massive marches, some undertaken without
permits, block bridges and roads. Protesters leave mounds of filth behind them. Many protesters riot.
Vehicles transport bricks and other potential weapons to strategic points to arm rioters. Rioters use them, as well as
weapons they brought with them, to smash windows and loot all throughout the central areas of the city.
Aren't Corporate Media Talking About The Car That Crashed Into The Freedom Convoy? [Scroll down]
Thankfully, no one was killed in the incident. Winnipeg police apprehended the suspect, a 42-year-old man from
Headingley, this past Sunday. He faces 11 counts of assault with a vehicle with failure to stop at the scene of the
crime. Although the police were able to quickly detain the suspect, why isn't there major media coverage of this?
Where's the legacy media calling out violence aimed towards peaceful protesters? Corporate media would be talking of
nothing else if this happened at a Black Lives Matter protest. Yet apart from Fox News, local Canadian news outlets,
and some British publications, there isn't much talk of this violence at all. CNN published an article about the
growing Freedom Convoy, offering only a brief summary about the Friday evening hit-and-run.
Alert — SUV Runs Over People At Truckers Protest In Canada, Multiple Injuries Reported. An active
protest is underway at the Manitoba Legislature. The protest, in support of the larger demonstration against COVID-19
vaccine mandates in Ottawa, formally kicked off at 9 a.m. [2/5/2022]. Police said they're working with the event's
organizers to ensure the protest remains peaceful. "The organizers have been pretty open with our members on the ground
and pretty co-operative," said police Chief Danny Smyth. "We'll just play it as it comes." Unfortunately, the
opposition to their movement has also escalated, as cowardly government leaders target the protesters as criminals, racists,
and terrorists, essentially signaling it's open season on them. Big Tech is also getting involved, deleting event
organizing pages from social media, while GoFundMe has refused to distribute funds donated for the cause.
drives SUV through Freedom Truckers protest in Canada and injures four. A Canadian man has been criminally
charged after he drove an SUV through the Freedom Truckers protest of COVID-19 regulations on Friday evening. Police in
Winnipeg said the driver, who was not immediately named, use his Jeep Patriot to plow through the crowd for coronavirus
mandate protesters at the Legislative grounds before fleeing the scene at high speeds. The driver was eventually caught
by police and arrested after a brief struggle, according to authorities. 'A 42yr old male is facing charges after driving
through a group of protesters that were part of the Freedom Convoy at the Legislative grounds,' the Winnipeg Police tweeted
Saturday. 'Four adult males were struck.' Video of the horrific incident has since circulated on social media,
showing a group of protesters as several are struck by the Jeep, with many chasing the vehicle as it sped from the scene.
Update: Man
Who Rammed Car into Winnipeg Freedom Convoy Protesters is Antifa Activist David Zegarac. On Saturday several
freedom protesters were injured by a vehicle that appeared to intentionally ram into a truck and run over at least one
protester in Winnepeg. This was a brutal attack. [...] The masked man who ran over the Winnipeg Freedom Convoy
protesters is an Antifa activist.
in Canada trucker protest hit-and-run is militant Antifa punk rocker. The suspect arrested over the car-ramming
attack against "Freedom Convoy" anti-vaccine mandate protesters in Winnipeg is an Antifa member with a long history of
far-left militant activism in Canada. David Alexander Zegarac, 42, of Headingley, Manitoba, allegedly sped off in his
Jeep Patriot to try and escape after the incident last Friday, which injured four people and was caught on camera.
Zegarac ran multiple lights and resisted arrest when he was finally caught around 40 minutes later, according to the Winnipeg
Police. Zegarac was well-known as the frontman and vocalist of several Antifa punk bands since the early 2000s, most
notably, Brat Attack. He was vocal about his veganism and radical anarchist politics. However, in 2015, record
label Rebel Time records dropped the group because of multiple accusations of sexual assault and rape against Zegarac.
One of his anonymous accusers said she was only 13 when he allegedly groomed her and raped her. Police said he does not
have a criminal history in Manitoba, though he has also lived in British Columbia and Newfoundland.
who tried to burn Minnesota school during BLM riots gets probation. A man convicted of attempting to set fire
to a high school during the Black Lives Matter riots in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd has been sentenced to
five years probation. Mohamed Hussein Abdi, 20, was handed the probation sentence in a U.S. District Court in St.
Paul, Minnesota, Thursday after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit arson, according to court documents obtained by Fox
News. Abdi was also ordered to pay just over $34,000 in restitution to Gordon Parks High School in St.
Paul. Court documents state that the sentence was "imposed pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984." The
presiding judge, Reagan-appointed District Court Judge David S. Doty, did not immediately respond to a request for
comment from Fox News.
District Attorney Releases Photos of BLM-Antifa Looters from 2020 Riots that Destroyed the City. The Kenosha
District Attorney released photos of BLM looters from the 2020 riots. Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists burned
down the city business district causing millions in damage. The FBI does not seem too interested in these rioters for
some reason. [Numerous photos] Each photo has a specific number associated with it and can be reported on
directly via email by clicking on the relevant image. If you do not have email or would like to report something
anonymously, you can do so via a form submittal page.
DOJ Say Arsonist Who Killed A Man Should Get Reduced Sentence Because He Was Rioting For BLM. A BLM rioter who
set fire to a pawn shop and killed a man is facing a shorter sentence than normal because, according to US Attorney W. Anders
Folk, he was "caught up in the fury" of the Black Lives Matter riots. On June 5, 2020, in Minnesota, BLM riots were
breaking out and becoming violent. Hundreds of people took to the streets and began looting local businesses, vandalizing
private property, and recklessly setting fire to buildings. Montez Terriel Lee Jr. was one of these violent actors. [...]
Over two months after Lee burned down the shop, a 30-year-old man, Oscar Lee Stewart, was found dead among the debris.
win light sentence for man who set deadly fire during Floyd riots. A man who set a deadly fire in a Minneapolis
pawn shop during the 2020 George Floyd riots was spared a murder charge and sentenced to just 10 years after federal
prosecutors invoked Martin Luther King Jr. and asked the judge to show leniency. Montez Terriel Lee, 26, pleaded guilty
to a single count of arson and was sentenced earlier this month to 10 years in federal prison — much less than
the 16½1/2 to 20-year punishment outlined in the sentencing guidelines.
the 1980s, a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol. Amidst the social and
political turmoil of the 1970s, a handful of women — among them a onetime Barnard student, a Texas sorority
sister, the daughter of a former communist journalist — joined and became leaders of the May 19th Communist
Organization. Named to honor the shared birthday of civil rights icon Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh, M19
took its belief in "revolutionary anti-imperialism" to violent extremes: It is "the first and only women-created and
women-led terrorist group," says national security expert and historian William Rosenau. M19's status as an "incredible
outlier" from male-led terrorist organizations prompted Rosenau, an international security fellow at the think tank New
America, to excavate the inner workings of the secretive and short-lived militant group. The resulting book, Tonight
We Bombed the Capitol, pieces together the unfamiliar story of "a group of essentially middle-class, well educated, white
people who made a journey essentially from anti-war and civil rights protest to terrorism," he says.
Riots, Then and
Now. President Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. In response, radical Democrats gathered in
Washington to riot. The riot was ugly and violent: [Photos] A number of police officers were injured, and the
radical Democrats assaulted random passers-by. The 2017 riot was, what? 1,000 times as destructive as the January 6,
2021 riot? 10,000 times as destructive? And yet none of the rioters sat in jail for a year awaiting trial. On
the contrary: [...]
Times Left-Wing Protesters Broke Into Government Buildings And Assaulted Democracy. Self-absorbed congressional
Democrats held a group therapy session on Capitol Hill on Thursday as they work tirelessly to immortalize Jan. 6 as an annual
day of doom, but the rest of us are old enough to remember a few more times when riots and protests overwhelmed government
buildings with no such theatrical response. More than a few times, actually. The 2020 summer of rage was more or
less "incited" by these same top Democrats, who race-baited as if their lives depended on it, and even our vice president,
who helped bail violent rioters out of jail. It featured a number of these attacks on the government (which strangely
weren't called attacks on democracy at the time). Not all of these demonstrations were allegedly a response to the
Minnesota death of George Floyd, however. Left-wing demonstrators have long made a habit of attacking, infiltrating,
and occupying government buildings. It started long before Jan. 6, 2021, and continued long after.
Antifa member targeted Florida rally with a bomb; more explosives found at his house. A man in black bloc
behaving suspiciously near a right-wing rally outside the Pinellas County Courthouse in Florida on Jan. 6 was apprehended by
deputies after he tried fleeing on foot. Garrett James Smith, 22, was arrested and found carrying an active pipe bomb,
Antifa propaganda and a written document on what to bring for his direct action. He had recently returned from
Portland, Ore. "He was running fast, he was running away from something," Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said at
a press conference on Friday.
J6 Vigil Organized By Left-Wing Activist Behind Violent Disruptions Of Trump Inauguration. The woman organizing
a vigil on the National Mall to remember "the attack on democracy that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021," is the same
Antifa-affiliated woman who planned disruptions for the inaugurations of both President George W. Bush and President Donald
Trump. She also co-founded and organized the group that terrorized Sen. Josh Hawley's wife and newborn baby last
year over the Republican's objections to the 2020 election results. Liz Butler is a "partner" with Movement Catalyst,
the organization hosting the official Jan. 6 vigil in Washington, D.C., just one year after the infamous Capitol
riot. The event is part of an entire day of Democrat programming hoping to smear Republicans as the destroyers of
The Real Insurrection: The
BLM Riots-The corrupt January 6 Committee ignores it. Riots? What riots? Insurrection in American
cities in 2020? Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Thus it is with the Stalinesque show trial that is the
January 6 Committee. As my colleague Melissa Mackenzie illustrated yesterday, "the Democrats are running their
committee like a criminal trial." It is indeed blatantly unconstitutional and no one is attempting to stop them.
Why? What is particularly telling about the hysteria over January 6 is that infinitely worse riots took place across
America in 2020 — a series of genuine and decidedly violent insurrections in the name of Black Lives Matter —
and there is nary an investigation in sight. So as January 6 of 2022 is upon us, let's do a little compare and contrast
as the hysteria about January 6, 2021, is whipped up in the liberal media.
hypocrisy of liberals hits a new low. I hate double standards with a passion. It was perfectly fine for
Madonna to say that she wanted to blow up the White House after Donald Trump was elected. Kathy Griffin held up a model
of President Trump's decapitated bloody head. Juli Briskman flipped off President Trump's motorcade and subsequently won a
seat on a county board of supervisors in Virginia. There were also the infamous pink hats, an attack on a seven-year-old
wearing a MAGA hat, and Trump supporters Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders driven out of restaurants.
None of these incidents of violence and hatred caused liberals to turn a hair.
Antifa rioter has federal case for assaulting Portland cops dropped after [completing] just 30 hours community service.
The federal case against an Antifa rioter from Portland accused of assaulting police officers was dropped after she completed just
30 hours of community service. Eva Warner, who is transgender and was formerly named Joshua, was charged with felony civil
disorder in September 2020 after she was arrested three times during Antifa riots in August. Warner, 26, would have faced a
maximum sentence of five years in federal prison if convicted.
'What Ifs' We're Not Supposed to Ask. [#3] What if, instead of Black Lives Matter and Antifa burning down
cities these last few years in response to perceived "injustices," Republican voters had continuously shown up in the streets
to seek vengeance for court decisions or police actions they did not like? What if they had responded to the unconstitutional
imposition of Obamacare or the federal government's refusal to enforce immigration law or the FBI's decision to classify conservatives
as "domestic extremists" by taking over highways, looting stores, and threatening innocent bystanders? Would mayors and
governors have sat back and said stoically, "Give them some space to destroy"? Would the director of the FBI have testified
that all these "mostly peaceful protests" organized by conservatives were really about some abstract idea of freedom, rather than
anything that should be targeted by law enforcement? Would pro-liberty Tea Partiers have been featured on the front pages of
fashion mags and had their political slogans emblazoned on chic clothing lines just as BLM's are regularly today?
Fired After Call For 'Shooting' Anti-Vaxxers. A Pennsylvania teacher lost her job after suggesting on Facebook
that Americans who refuse COVID-19 vaccinations for religious reasons should be shot. The General McLane School
District in Erie County confirmed Monday that Mollie Paige Mumau has not been teaching at McLane High School or permitted in
school district buildings since Dec. 8, a few days after she suggested in the Facebook post that the Republican Party "take
those guns they profess to love so much and just start shooting all of their constituents who think this way."
Activism, Uncensored:
71 Arrested in "Build Back Better" Demonstrations. The Poor People's Campaign traces back to Martin Luther
King's 1967 plan for a march of poor people to D.C. to demand jobs, unemployment insurance, and a fair minimum wage.
This was after his famous Riverside Church speech in Harlem, around the time he was altering his focus to opposition to the
Vietnam War and economic inequality. In other words, after King started to lose the backing of more mainstream
Democrats by leaving his "lane" to become more of a peace activist. The new incarnation of the Poor People's Campaign,
led by [Reverend William] Barber, insists it's not "left or right, Democrat or Republican," but a "moral fusion movement"
that advocates for social spending while opposing things like defense spending.
The Editor says...
Defense spending is authorized by the U.S. Constitution. Welfare programs are not.
Antifa members charged for alleged attacks on California pro-Trump protesters: 'Criminal acts'. Prosecutors
in San Diego filed charges against at least 10 anti-fascist protesters who allegedly tried to disrupt a pro-Trump rally
earlier this year with "violent criminal acts." "Video evidence analysis shows that overwhelmingly the violence in this
incident was perpetrated by the Antifa affiliates and was not a mutual fray with both sides crossing out of lawful First
Amendment expression into riot and violence," District Attorney Summer Stephan's office said in a news release, according to
the San Diego Union-Tribune. The defendants "are self-identified to be affiliated with Anti-fascists or Antifa" and
gathered on Jan. 9 in San Diego to take "direct action" against a pro-Trump "Patriot March," according to the San Diego
County District Attorney's Office. "Direct action" is defined as "acts of violence such as assault, battery, assault
with deadly weapons, arson, and vandalism," according to the DA's office. Police declared an unlawful assembly the day
of the clashes.
you're right: The Department of Justice has a double standard. The surest sign that you're living in a
corrupt country is that people are not treated equally under the law. Those who are politically disfavored are denied
justice while those whom the government favors walk away from their crimes. America is now a corrupt country if the
legal treatment accorded January 6 protesters is compared to those on the left. This was made perfectly clear when
comparing the sentence given to Jacob Chansley (the "QAnon Shaman"), who dared to walk through Congress, and Thomas Alexander
Starks, who attacked a senator's office with an axe.
Member Who Took Axe to Senate Office Given Probation and his Axe Back. We have been discussing the continued
incarceration of many individuals for their participation in the Jan. 6th riot. Despite claims that the riot was an
insurrection, the vast majority of defendants have been given relatively minor charges. Nevertheless, the Justice
Department has insisted on holding many without bail and some have received longer sentences, like Jacob Chansley (aka "QAnon
Shaman") who was given a 41-month sentence for "obstructing a federal proceeding." Thomas "Tas" Alexander Starks, 31,
of Lisbon, N.D., faced a strikingly different approach by the Justice Department. The self-avowed Antifa member took an
axe to the office of Sen. John Hoeven's in Fargo on Dec. 21, 2020. Federal sentencing guidelines suggested
10 [to] 16 months in prison but he was only sentenced to probation and fined $2,784 for restitution ... he then
reportedly mocked the FBI for returning his axe. Others declared him a hero and Democratic politicians pitched in for
his legal defense.
The Politics of Weaponized Car
Attacks. As we learn more about the senseless SUV attack on the crowd attending a Christmas parade in Waukesha,
Wisconsin, some liberal media outlets are energetically attempting to spin away from the suspect Darrell Brooks and his
left-wing politics on social media. That's funny. With Kyle Rittenhouse, they quickly dug into his social media
activity. The Washington Post warned last summer "the 17-year-old shadowed local law enforcement, filling his social
media feeds with posts declaring that 'Blue Lives Matter' and photos of himself posing with guns." For Brooks, the Post
lamely mentioned Brooks wrote under the name MathBoi Fly and that "after multiple legal battles," he "started turning the
life he lived in the streets into music."
& Antifa Chant 'Every city every town, burn the precinct to the ground' in Brooklyn during a Protest. Antifa
and BLM are back to their chants to remove the police department so they can continue their reign of terror on black
communities throughout the country. This time after Rittenhouse was found guilty of all counts they took to the streets
to chant for people around the nation to burn police stations to the ground. [Video clip]
Things We Learned From The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial. There were protesters in front of the courthouse from the
beginning of the trial — an increasing amount of them, in fact — and while some were pro-Rittenhouse,
the majority were anti-Rittenhouse. Those protesters were demanding that Rittenhouse be found guilty and were extremely
vocal in their pleas. And while most of us have probably felt the urge to smack a reporter upside the head on occasion,
we suppress those inclinations because we're rational human beings. But such was not the case with one anti-Rittenhouse
protester, who went so far as to physically body slam a reporter. That assault led to the young man's arrest, after
which it was determined that the body slammer had a felony warrant out for his arrest. What nice bunch of concerned
citizens, those anti-Rittenhouse protesters. One of the protesters outside of the courthouse was carrying an AR-15,
which is obviously not allowed, and jurors had expressed various fears from the very beginning of the process.
Additionally, the judge at the trial, Bruce Schroeder, received thousands of death threats and vile messages. This type
of nonsense has no place in our justice system, and it seems clear that such actions are increasingly common because they've
worked in the past.
Kyle Rittenhouse's
lawyer says he's received so many death threats he's no longer using his phone. Mark Richards, Kyle
Rittenhouse's criminal defense attorney, told Insider that he has received so many death threats that he was no longer using
his own cellphone. Richards said that he "can't count" the number of death threats he's received recently. "It's
too high," he added. The attorney has since taken to using his wife's cellphone, which he used to speak to Insider, but
added that her number has also been targeted by people making death threats. Richards said: "I would love for
things to change, for people to talk to one another without fighting, but, unfortunately, I don't see it changing it any time soon."
of black militia group The Brotherhood is kicked out of Texas school board meeting after threatening anti-CRT
parents. A former member of a black militia group was removed by police from a tense school board meeting after
he said he had 'over a thousand soldiers ready to go' who were 'locked and loaded' in support of critical race theory — leaving
anti-CRT parents feeling 'threatened' and 'scared.' The incident took place during a board meeting held by the Fort Worth
Independent School District on November 9. The meeting was devoted in part to the teaching of critical race theory,
which was opposed by some of the parents. During the meeting, a man identified as Malikk Austin got up and spoke for a
minute, defending the teaching of CRT. [...] School board meetings nationwide have become a flash point of controversy over the
teaching of critical race theory, which critics say makes children feel guilty for being white. Supporters of CRT claim
that it is vital to 'center' the experiences of black people and other minorities in educational curricula which until now
has been taught predominantly through the prism of white Americans.
defender tells parents he's got 1,000 soldiers 'locked and loaded,' some see it as threat. Fort Worth parents
told Fox News that they felt threatened when a parent who defended critical race theory turned to the crowd during a school
board meeting and said, "I got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go," before adding, "locked and loaded," as officers escorted him
out of the room. "Absolutely, it made me feel threatened," Hollie Plemmons, a stay-at-home mother of three, told Fox
News on Sunday. "I'm scared and I'm afraid he's going to do something." In the Fort Worth Independent School
District board meeting on Nov. 9, Malikk Austin turned to address the parents who had spoken up about critical race
theory. "For those who got an issue with this critical race theory equity, this is something I fight for, for my
children," Austin, who is African American, began. "How dare you come out here and talk about the things that my daddy
and my grandparents went through, the lynching, the oppression, Jim Crow, and my kids are still being afflicted by this."
"We are not our ancestors," Austin added. "I got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go."
The Editor says...
If the colors were reversed, this would be called an act of domestic terrorism at a school board meeting.
NYC Leader Who Threatened 'Riots' and 'Bloodshed' Walks off Interview When Called Out. New York City
Mayor-elect Eric Adams vowed last week that he will reinstate plainclothes, anti-crime police units in his violently
out-of-control city. "Shockingly," the units were disbanded by the worst mayor in the history of the known universe,
soon-to-be-ex, Bill de Blasio. "I'm going to put in place a plainclothes gun unit. We must zero in on gun
violence in our community," vowed Adams, on Thursday. [...] Somewhat surprising, Newsome later agreed to an interview with
Fox News host and former NYPD cop Dan Bongino, to discuss the announcement by Adams and the BLM leader's threat of violence
in response. Bad idea. [Video clip]
Nets Ignore BLM Threatening to Bring 'Bloodshed' to NYC. The broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) routinely
exercise their power to raise local stories to national attention when they decide it helps the narrative, or squash it if it
doesn't. So, obviously, Wednesday's terroristic threats from New York City's Black Lives Matter leader Hawk Newsome
were conspicuously absent Thursday evening even though he had said his group would bring "riots," "fire," and "bloodshed"
(emphasis his) if Mayor-elect Eric Adams (D) tried to bring back the "anti-crime" unit. While they were ignoring how
the socialist-extremist organization was threatening to launch terrorist attacks on New York City, ABC's World News Tonight,
the CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News were busy touting snow in the Midwest.
Chicago Braces for Rittenhouse Riots. "The Chicago Police Department has canceled regularly scheduled days off
starting Friday and through the weekend in apparent anticipation of civil unrest in the event that Kyle Rittenhouse is
acquitted," the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Allow me to translate that for you. Because Chicago is run by
Democrats, because the corporate media have been shamelessly lying about the truth of what's been revealed in the Rittenhouse
trial, Chicago police know that if Rittenhouse is acquitted (as he should be), the left-wing terrorists in Antifa and Black
Lives Matter, these dangerous babies who can't deal with things not going their way, are almost certain to take to the
streets to loot and burn in the name of social justice or something.
As Far-Leftists Hold Sen Manchin Hostage As They Surround His Car. A gaggle of far-left environmental activists
followed Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) from his DC houseboat to his car Thursday morning and attempted to prevent him from
leaving a parking garage — the latest fit of progressive pique over Manchin's current opposition to the
multitrillion-dollar Democratic social spending bill. [Video clip]
Travels From Portland to Kill Matt Gaetz, DOJ Yawns. How many FBI agents does it take to arrest the man who
threatened to kill Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz? Zero, you silly goose, because Gaetz is a Republican. If Gaetz
were a Democrat, the alleged hitman would likely have been arrested and detained without bail, like the 71-year-old
Pennsylvania man who was stopped while driving to D.C. with plans to kill various Democrats in February 2021. He is
looking at a maximum ten-year sentence. Rep. Matt Gaetz stated on the House floor that someone had threatened to
kill him and the Department of Justice (DOJ) won't arrest the man, despite the Capitol Police recommending they do so.
lawyers who made Molotovs plead guilty to one count each, face years in prison. The two Brooklyn lawyers who
made Molotov cocktails and tossed one under a police car last year pleaded guilty to one count each of "possession of a
destructive device." [...] Last July when these two were let out on bail I argued that the federal charges leveled against
them, including one charge of "use of explosives during a crime of violence" which carries a 30-year minimum sentence, was
too much. Ultimately, what these two did was throw a firebomb at an empty car. They deserve prison time for that
but let's face it, a lot of murderers don't get 30 years. That said, I'd hate to see the judge go too far in
the other direction.
by New Law, Portland Police Make No Arrests in Latest Riot. As a group of about 100 anarchists raged through a
Portland neighborhood on Oct. 12, police reportedly remained in their vehicles. Some say their inaction is a direct
result of confusion over an Oregon police-reform law passed last summer, which restricts how they can respond to such
crowds. In less than two hours, the group did an estimated $500,000 of damage to 35 locations, including banks, retail
stores, coffee shops, and government buildings. Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers issued verbal warnings through a
megaphone. "Those who refuse to leave the area are subject to arrest," the warning blared on a loop. "The bureau
will investigate crimes and will make arrests either tonight, or in the future."
Climate protesters
swarm White House, vandalize Jackson statue, warn Biden. Left-wing climate protesters hit the D.C. streets
Monday [10/11/2021], vandalizing a statue of former President Andrew Jackson and swarming the White House while warning
President Biden to take their demands seriously. The Build Back Fossil Free coalition took to the DC streets Monday
with their five-day-long protest's aim to spur action by the Biden administration against climate change, mainly by declaring
a national emergency and ending projects involving fossil fuels. Siqiñiq Maupin, director of coalition core member
the Sovereign Inupiat for a Living Arctic, told Fox News in a Monday email statement that the protest was happening because
they believe Biden needs to follow through on his campaign promises.
Antifa riot
outside Justice Center in Portland. Members of Portland's antifa movement started a riot Friday night outside
the Justice Center in downtown Portland. The riot followed a grand jury declining to indict an officer over the
shooting of a man who brandished a replica pistol at police. As a result, antifa blocked off the street and started a
fire. Videos have begun populating social media. One such video shows Portland police behind a gate in downtown,
Portland. Another video depicts antifa moving to the nearby city hall and burning an American flag. A final video
depicts the violent scene outside the US federal courthouse, still boarded up more than a year after antifa tried to burn it down.
Dog Whistle? Biden Calls Disgusting Harassment of Sinema and Manchin 'Part of the Process'. Remember when
Joe Biden called for calm and civility in politics when he was running for president? Well, I guess that's out the
window now. In recent days, Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have been targets of a
harassment campaign. Unhinged leftists have followed Sinema to her house and even into a public restroom.
County Catholic Church vandalized with pro-choice messages. Pro-choice messaging and anarchist symbols were
found spray painted on the building of Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Boulder County on Wednesday morning. "It
was way worse than I had pictured in my mind," said Mark Evevard, the youth director at the church. The Boulder County
Sheriff's Office said the vandalism happened at approximately 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday. The vandalism was discovered
along a truck in the parking lot and church signs on the property.
Home, Family Were Targeted by Protesters. This Must Stop. I was surprised to read The Washington Post's
recent editorial concluding that pro-choice protesters had crossed the line by demonstrating in front of the home of Supreme
Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. After all, The Washington Post is not exactly a conservative or rational voice on these
types of issues. Almost all the points in the editorial made perfect and logical sense, including the concluding
statement: "Leave spouses, children and homes out of it." As I finished reading the editorial, one overriding
thought came to mind. Where was this logical point of view in 2020 when many Trump administration officials, including
me, had to endure months of protests outside our homes for simply doing our jobs? My experience started in the summer
of 2020, shortly after civil unrest began around the country in the wake of George Floyd's death in police custody.
a Murder Over Mask-Wearing, Authorities Are Cracking Down on COVID Skeptics on Telegram. After a gas station
cashier was killed following an argument over mask wearing, the German government started pressuring social media platforms
to censor groups over what has become known as "corona misinformation." The State of Thüringen's Interior
Minister George Mair specifically called for the urgent regulation and classification of Telegram as a social network in
order to foist new rules on the platform. Currently the "Netzwerdurchsetzungsgesetz" law in Germany requires social
media platforms to delete whatever the government deems as "criminal" content, and even to report them to the Federal
Criminal Policy Agency (Bundeskriminalamt). Platforms such as Telegram, however, have typically been excluded as they
are not classified as social networks but as messaging platforms. Telegram has also been under pressure in the US, for
what globalist policy makers call the spread of "misinformation" and for "coordinating" the January 6 "insurrection".
Antifa Extremist Charged With Shooting of Coronavirus Mandate Protestor. An Olympia, Washington Antifa
extremist has been charged with the shooting of a man protesting coronavirus mandates earlier this month. 36-year old
Benjamin Anthony Varela was arrested on Thursday [9/23/2021], and will face charges of first-degree assault while armed with
a deadly weapon. Journalist Andy Ngo broke news of the arrest on Monday. Varela is accused of pulling the trigger
in the shooting of Tusitala "Tiny" Toese, a Proud Boys member and anti-mandate protestor who was shot in the foot on
September 4th. The shooting was caught on tape, with members of the left-wing terrorist organization celebrating the
violent act on social media following the event.
New Yorker provides a platform for ecoterrorism. David Remnick, of The New Yorker, put up a podcast over
the weekend. He opened by saying that, while the Biden administration and the UN are working hard on climate change,
it's too late. As the California wildfires show, catastrophic climate change is here. (Never mind that California has
had cyclical droughts and fires for centuries.) That's why Remnick respectfully gave The New Yorkers' bully pulpit podcast to
Andreas Malm, a lecturer at Lund University in Sweden, who thinks it's time to blow things up. [...] Well, as Remnick
explains, Malm's recent book is entitled "How to Blow up a Pipeline." And while "it's a bit more nuanced than the title
suggests," even Remnick agrees that, "at its core, he really does want environmental activists to rethink their commitment to
non-violence and embrace tactics of sabotage." Then, Remnick has a polite and respectful interview with Malm, as the
latter details his rage and the need to destroy property.
student-turned-shaman, 30, faces nine years in jail for 'starting California's Fawn Fire'. A former forestry
student-turned-shaman and yoga teacher has been charged with starting a huge California wildfire that has destroyed 41 homes — and
was being investigated in connection with other fires — after claiming the blaze was triggered accidentally while she
tried to boil bear urine so she could drink it. Alexandra Souverneva, of Palo Alto, was charged Friday with felony
arson to wildland with an enhancement because of a declared state of emergency in California, Shasta County District Attorney
Stephanie Bridgett said. The 8,500 acre blaze the 30 year-old is accused of starting has wrecked 41 homes, and 90 other
structures. Souverneva pleaded not guilty but could face up to nine years in state prison if convicted. She is
also suspected of starting additional fires in Shasta County and throughout the state, Bridgett said.
is it about academics and arson? You've heard of "going postal:? Maybe the next odious term should be "going
academic." We're seeing an awful lot of arson as a cause for California's wildfires and at treasured institutions being
perpetrated by academics. Here's the latest going on near Redding, California from the Washington Post: [...] Nearly
all of the accused have signs of drug abuse in their pictures as do these three, a lot of them are serial setters, and many
have mental health issues. But it's starting to stand out that some of the worst fire-starters are from the cool ivy
halls of academia, as if something in the culture is telling the angry ones among them to go burn something. What is
it? How is it that a profession that set such stake on telling America how to live seems to have so little capacity for
cleaning house?
23% of college students support violence to stop a speaker they disagree with. In a worrying trend for free
speech on college campuses, a growing number of students are expressing support for shouting down a campus speaker they
disagree with, or even using violence to stop a speaker, a new survey finds. The Foundation for Individual Rights in
Education (FIRE), a nonprofit group that supports free speech in institutions of higher education, published its 2021 College
Free Speech Rankings on Tuesday. The rankings assess the free speech climate on various college and university campuses
by surveying the students who go to school there. The survey gathered the opinions of more than 37,000 students at 159
of "America's largest and most prestigious campuses," FIRE said in a news release.
Group FCC Letter Included Question on Whether to 'Shoot' Republicans. The George Soros-funded Free Press is in
hot water after it submitted a leftist petition to the Federal Communications Commission that included a comment that
questioned if Republicans should be shot. The Free Press petition urged the FCC to "investigate its own history of
racism and examine how its policy choices and actions have harmed black people and other communities of color." The
petition included the following violent comment: "How come we have racist horseshit like FOX and the other ultraconservative
outlets and Christians owning most of our media. What happened to separation of church and state? Are we going to
have to shoot Republican[s] to reclaim our democracy?" Soros's Foundation to Promote Open Society and Open Society Institute
gave at least $4,785,000 combined to Free Press between 2004-2019 alone. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr reportedly told
The Washington Free Beacon that "'The only action the FCC should take on a request like this — one based on
a comment asking whether Republicans should be shot — is to dismiss it with prejudice.'"
Pro-Life Protestor Gets Brutally Assaulted On Camera By A Group Of College Students. Little is known about this
video making the rounds on social media. It is not yet known which university this incident happened at. A man with an
anti-abortion sign with a murdered fetus is surrounded by some students. One starts yelling at him, he responds by saying
'you shouldn't murder humans,' to which the female responds fetuses aren't humans. The two large men get in front of the
protestor filming and seem to count down to the assault. They punch him in the face several times before stomping on him when
he's on the ground. [Video clip]
nurse pleads guilty to threatening to kill Kamala Harris. A Florida nurse has pleaded guilty to threatening to
kill Kamala Harris, claiming she was going to carry out the sick plot because the vice president wasn't "actually black,"
authorities said. Niviane Petit Phelps, 39, of Miami-Dade County, pleaded guilty Friday, admitting she sent her
imprisoned husband six 30-second video clips of herself in February, claiming she accepted $53,000 for the "hit" to be
completed within 50 days, court documents show. "Kamala Harris, you are going to die," Phelps said in one clip,
according to a complaint obtained by USA Today. "Your days are numbered already." Phelps, who is black, told
investigators she made the threats because Harris, 56, who was born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, wasn't
"actually black" and her belief that the vice president placed her hand on her purse rather than a Bible on Inauguration Day,
according to the complaint.
Extremist Goes on Stabbing Spree at Recall Newsom Rally, Fractured Skull Reported. During a "Recall Gavin
Newsom" rally in San Rafael, CA, a knife-wielding Newsom supporter and liberal extremist stabbed a recall supporter, knocking
him to the ground and fracturing his skull. 59-year old Chris Carpinello was the victim of the attack and was rushed to
Marin County General Hospital, suffering a slash injury and a concussion after he was slammed to the ground. It was
later revealed that Carpinello fractured his skull and broke his jaw. Liberal extremists are hunting down conservatives
and the media is nowhere to be seen.
We are always having a "national
conversation" about "right-wing violence". [Thread reader] ... but everyone in the media either laughs about it
or straight-up memory holes it when it happens to Republicans. Rand Paul lost part of his lung. Scalise, among
others, almost died. These were both, clearly and directly, targeted political violence. No one even
disputes this. And yet, no discussions on left-wing political violence. The media never demanded that. [...] If
a Trump supporter shot up baseball field full of Democrat members of Congress and almost killed one of them, would the media
have forgotten about it so quickly? Or ever? This is why no one trusts journalists. People remember this
stuff. And oh hey, by the way, leftist are currently organizing a "direct action" plan to personally target Brett
Kavanaugh's private residence where his family lives. Try, just try, to imagine how the media would treat pro-lifers
targeting Ginsburg's house.
Isn't the Attack on Larry Elder the Biggest Story in America? A white woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at a
black man seeking to become the first non-white governor of our largest state, and the media shrug. Do a search for
"Larry Elder" and gorilla on the CNN website and nothing comes up. Washington Post? Zilch.
Nothing comes up on the New York Times site either, although if you make it to the 15th paragraph of a story entitled
"The Vice President pushed back against the effort to recall Newsom in the Bay Area," you will find a bland passing reference
to Wednesday's disgusting incident.
Update: 'Hate
Crime' Charges Filed After Racist Attack Against Larry Elder. On Friday, two California councilwomen filed a
complaint with the LAPD over alleged "hate crimes" committed by protestors. On Wednesday, the women, Latina Soledad
Ursua and Chie Lunn, were walking with California gubernatorial recall candidate Larry Elder as he toured a Venice Beach
homeless encampment when a white woman wearing a pink-haired gorilla mask hurled both eggs and racial slurs at the group.
[...] As of publishing time, Gavin Newsom has yet to denounce the racially and politically motivated attacks on Elder, Ursua,
and Lunn. That's no surprise. In Newsom's California, these things are acceptable if they're against Republicans.
racist leftist in ape mask assaults Larry Elder and take a look at how the LA Times covered it. So is naked
racism of Bull-Connor-era ilk against the man who may become California's first black governor O.K. so long as a Democrat is
doing it? Apparently so, based on how the Los Angeles Times is covering yesterday's egg-hurling incident. A
leftist white woman, unsubtle as she can get, wearing a gorilla mask, hurled an egg at the head of gubernatorial candidate
Larry Elder in Venice, California, nearly hitting him, and then another leftist did the same as Elder was hustled off by his
aides into an SUV.
recall candidate Larry Elder targeted by egg-throwing hostile crowd. At least one egg was thrown at Larry Elder,
the Republican front-runner in the California gubernatorial recall election, during a confrontation with a hostile crowd
while walking with his team on Wednesday [9/8/2021]. Local reporters posted video to social media that showed an
individual wearing a gorilla mask and tossing an egg in the direction of the conservative radio host, who was in the Venice
neighborhood of Los Angeles to tour a homeless encampment.
I were a Democrat they'd be calling it a hate crime': Larry Elder slams the left. California governor hopeful
Larry Elder has slammed Democrats for not calling attack on him a hate crime after a white woman in a gorilla mask was filmed
throwing an egg at him on a campaign stop Wednesday [9/8/2021]. On Thurday night, the GOP candidate told Fox News'
Tucker Carlson Tonight host Jesse Watters that he encountered the 'very angry and ugly scene' while he was touring a homeless
encampment in Venice Beach. 'If I were a Democrat, obviously, this would be called systemic racism, they'd be calling
it a hate crime. I don't like to play that game,' he said.
ignore racial attack on Larry Elder because he's a black Republican. Do a search for "Larry Elder" and gorilla
on the CNN website and nothing comes up. Washington Post? Zilch. Nothing comes up on The New York Times
site either, although if you make it to the 15th paragraph of a story titled "The Vice President pushed back against the
effort to recall Newsom in the Bay Area," you will find a bland passing reference to Wednesday's disgusting incident.
According to our nation's media leaders, it's not a story that a white person wearing a gorilla mask attacked Larry Elder, a
black man seeking to become the first non-white governor of California, by hurling an egg that touched his head. If
Elder were a Democrat, the attack would have been instantly and with good reason dubbed racist. It would not only be
front-page news, it would be just about the only news you were hearing about today on CNN and MSNBC.
On Black Gubernatorial Candidate Larry Elder Exposes Double-Standard On Race. Imagine for a moment that a white
woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg at the first black American with a serious chance of becoming governor of
California as he visited homeless encampments with black and Latino community leaders. Imagine that, seconds later,
both the gorilla-masked woman and a white man punched the candidate's security guard. And imagine that somebody fired a
pellet gun into the crowd. It is reasonable to expect that such an event would be instantly and roundly condemned as a
racist hate crime by civil rights leaders, talking heads, and political leaders. Some might demand an FBI investigation
into whether the woman acted alone, and why the L.A. police had failed to protect the candidate. And it is reasonable
to expect that, within hours, there would have been protests in Los Angeles and across the country. And yet, after this
exact event occurred in Los Angeles yesterday before noon it aroused neither extensive news media coverage, widespread
condemnation, nor protests.
sheriff on Larry Elder's gorilla mask assailant: 'How is this not a hate crime?'. The gorilla mask-wearing
woman who threw an egg at California recall candidate Larry Elder and slapped his security guard should be charged with a
hate crime, said Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva. The unidentified woman was seen in a viral video riding a
bicycle next to Elder and his guards after a campaign event in Venice Beach. She threw an egg that narrowly missed
Elder's head, and then she slapped a security guard. [...] LAPD, which has jurisdiction over Venice Beach, issued a press
release Thursday night saying two men also hit Elder's guard in the head. Police asked for the public's help in
identifying those suspects, along with the woman in the gorilla mask. "She might be one of the 20,000 felons from our
prisons released by our soft-on-crime governor," Elder quipped on Tucker Carlson Tonight about the woman.
Antifa starts
to use guns. Up until last weekend, Antifa thugs confined their violence to beatings, chemical "milkshakes,"
and mob violence. But now, an Antifa member has been accused of shooting an antagonist, a member of the Proud Boys.
[...] Interesting that the city manager doesn't identify which group's member pulled the firearm. Just "one group" and
"the other group." This is how the left protects its own.
wants white people to kill themselves. Occasionally, I receive nasty notes. My favorite are the
hurry-up-and-die notes from lefties who hate white people. It is no secret that leftists believe they will be in power
forever once white people no longer are a majority in this country. Which brings us to Professor Derek Hook. Emma
Colton reported, "A professor employed at a Catholic university in Pennsylvania [Duquesne] said on camera that there are
merits to the claim that it's ethical for White people to commit suicide." Any college that would employ and continue to
employ a professor who promotes suicide is not Catholic. Hook quoted a South African philosophy professor, Terblanche
Delport, who said, "White people should commit suicide as an ethical act." The Hook said, "There was something ethical
in Delport's statements." The message is clear: Hurry up and die so socialists can take over and Make America
South Africa.
is Arrested For Attempted Murder During The Mostly Peaceful Stabbing Of Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protester. A 30
year-old Long Beach man was in custody Thursday in connection with a stabbing that occurred last month during dueling
demonstrations in downtown Los Angeles over Vaccine mandates. Eric Cohen of Long Beach, was arrested for attempted
murder and booked into the Metropolitan Detention Center. He is currently being held on a $1 million bond.
[Video clip]
And Proud Boys Go To War In Portland, Black Bloc Gets Beats, Several Cars Destroyed, Shots Fired. Members of
the Proud Boys on Sunday violently clashed with left-wing Antifa activists following separate demonstrations in
Portland. The Proud Boys attended a planned gathering in the parking lot of an abandoned Kmart in Northeast Portland on
Sunday morning, as roughly 300 left-wing protesters arrived at Tom McCall Waterfront Park to protest the Proud Boys
gathering, according to Oregon Live. Proud Boys member Tusitala Toese told the outlet that the group moved the event
away from downtown in the morning to avoid clashes with left-wing activists. "We relocated the rally to avoid the
altercation and the violence between us and the people on the left, but if they do show up here, we're going to defend
ourselves," Toese said. [Video clip]
brawl between Antifa rioters and anti-vaccine protesters outside Los Angeles city hall. A man was stabbed and a
radio reporter was attacked on Saturday [8/14/2021] when a massive brawl erupted outside Los Angeles City Hall between suspected Antifa
activists and protesters decrying vaccine mandates. At about 2 pm, a group of people holding American flags and signs
calling for 'medical freedom' arrived at City Hall for the rally, the Los Angeles Police Department and local media said.
Counterprotesters quickly gathered nearby. About half an hour later, a fight broke out between the groups of protesters
and counter-protesters.
Keywords: Incitement, agitator, instigation, abettor. Eric
Holder calls for left to take to the streets in voter 'fairness' fight. The left will not give up on the "For
the People Act," because they know the so-called voter rights bill will all but assure one-party rule for
decades — for Democrats. In furtherance of that quest, they continue to push the myth of voter suppression
in America, falsely claiming that the right to vote for people of color is under attack at a time when access to the ballot
box has never been greater — a claim that comes with the full confidence of the national media being on
board. This is where Eric Holder comes into play. The left-wing ideologue who once said "when they go low, we
kick them," the man who protected Barack Obama's backside as the former president's attorney general, is calling for people
to take to the streets in the mythical "fight for fairness."
DFL chair calls burning of police precinct 'revolutionary moment,' 'act of pure righteousness'. The chair of
the Minneapolis Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party is defending a recent op-ed in which he argued that rioters' burning of the
Minneapolis Police Department's Third Precinct headquarters last year was an "act of pure righteousness" in their minds and a
"genuine revolutionary moment." In an Aug. 2 opinion piece for Southside Pride, a local monthly newspaper, titled The
cops started it, Minneapolis DFL Chair Devin Hogan argued that the burning of the Third Precinct on May 28, 2020, three days
after George Floyd's death in the same city, was a "proportional response" to the treatment of Black people by police. Four
men have since been sentenced to prison and ordered to pay millions in restitution over their roles in the precinct's burning.
House Candidate: 'We Should Be Allowed to Shoot' Anyone Who Doesn't Take COVID Seriously Enough. We should be
allowed to shoot anyone who makes practical arguments regarding COVID-19, according to one 2022 California congressional
candidate. The candidate is Steve Cox, an independent running to represent California's 39th Congressional
District. On Monday [8/9/2021], Cox responded to conservative commentator Matt Walsh on Twitter, writing, "Whenever
anyone says 'we all die from something' (or a variation thereof) to justify not taking precautions to help protect others in
this pandemic, we should be allowed to shoot them."
Sees Antifa Descend On Christian Worship Event, Clash With Proud Boys In Streets. Videos from Portland showed a
crowd of demonstrators violently shut down an event where Christians gathered to pray on the waterfront, before another clash
Saturday afternoon [8/7/2021] involved Antifascists and alleged Proud Boys members throwing projectiles at each other on a
city street. Police officers did not intervene in either confrontation, besides a squad car sounding its siren just
feet away. The first instance of violence happened Saturday at an open-air event planned at Tom McCall Waterfront Park
near the Battleship Oregon Memorial to be hosted by Artur Pawlowski, a traveling preacher who's been arrested in Canada for
holding in-person worship services in violation of coronavirus restrictions. Several Antifa Twitter accounts tweeted
about the planned event, the Post Millennial reported, and videos posted online showed that a crowd of demonstrators dressed
in black bloc attire showed up at the waterfront to confront worshippers.
Women Plead Guilty To Hate Crimes After Video Showed Them Violently Confronting Trump Supporters. Two women
pleaded guilty to hate crimes and theft Monday nearly a year after Trump supporters were violently confronted and had their
political gear stolen in Delaware. Police arrested Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy after viral footage showed the
defendants tearing a Trump supporter's sign and grabbing a "Make America Great Again" hat. The two women pleaded guilty
to misdemeanor charges of theft, hate crimes and child endangerment, the Delaware News Journal reported Wednesday [8/4/2021].
The suspects will be sentenced in September, the outlet reported. Prosecutors said that they will seek a probation sentence
without jail time, the outlet reported. Attorneys representing Winslow and Amy said probation is the "appropriate sentence."
The History
of Capitol Violence. In 1954, four Puerto Ricans opened fire in the House of Representatives, injuring five
congressmen. The attackers said they acted to demand independence for the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. The
injured congressmen survived and the four shooters received prison sentences. President Jimmy Carter commuted one of
their sentences in 1977, and granted clemency to the other three in 1979. On March 1, 1971, a bomb exploded in the
Capitol building. While the explosion did not injure anyone, it caused some $300,000 in damage. A group calling
itself the Weather Underground claimed to be behind the bombing and said it was in protest of the ongoing U.S.-supported
bombing of Laos. Susan Rosenberg was part of a terrorist group that bombed the Capitol in 1983. The bomb tore through
the second floor of the Senate wing of the Capitol. The device detonated late in the evening and no one was harmed, but
it caused an estimated $250,000 in damage. A group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit later claimed responsibility
for the attack, saying it was in retaliation for military actions in Grenada and Lebanon. Seven people were eventually
arrested in connection with the attack. Rosenberg had her 58 year prison sentence commuted in 2001 by President Clinton
at the request of New Yorker congressman Jerry Nadler. Rosenberg now sits on the board of directors of Black Lives Matter.
Journalist Tries To Attack A Black Trump Supporter At A Protest In West Hollywood. The anti-forced vaccination
protest was back at the doorsteps of Harlowe yesterday evening. The protesters who were mostly Trump supporters are
outraged over the restaurant's decision to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result to enter their
premise. The second night brought more hostility as Antifa members decide to counter-protest which escalated into
violence, forcing sheriff deputies to detain four individuals. When confronted about the aggressive energy taking place
that evening, several protestors said bottles were thrown at them and that they were egged by those who opposed them.
And they weren't lying at one moment a militant Antifa activist and journalist was punched to the ground by a person of color
at the protest.
As A Gang Of Antifa Terrorists Assault A Wi Spa Protester in Los Angeles. Antifa militants attacked protesters
again Saturday outside the Los Angeles spa where an outraged customer complained that a transgender individual's male
genitals were exposed to women and young girls in the female section. In this video, a group of Vanilla ISIS terrorists
picks on one of the smaller, lone protesters, getting him down on the ground and kicking and punching him several times
before two men in suits swoop in to protect him. Armed security? Other images and videos show other protesters
with bruises and welts as they were beaten with clubs, one woman was cut near the elbow with a knife. [Video clip]
'Silent Majority' Is Rapidly Becoming the 'Angry Majority'. The "silent majority" was mentioned by President
Nixon in 1969, who labeled middle Americans who weren't protesting the Vietnam war or joining the counter
culture — two activities being over-reported by the media of the day. The silent majority didn't speak up
much but respected traditional American values with a good-natured approach to political issues. They were silent, but
they voted. [...] But after five years of hysteria over Donald Trump, the media have hyped so many radical liberal causes to
the point where many conservative Americans feel they are an endangered minority. If we speak up, we feel we will be
ridiculed or ostracized by our friends and co-workers or even lose our jobs. People with conservative bumper stickers
have had their cars vandalized, and those wearing patriotic clothing have been harassed and physically assaulted. There
are so many issues that face us that we can easily be overwhelmed and simply give up on political discourse, which furthers
the idea that liberals rule the day.
dozen cases of debris thrown at drivers in Seattle in two weeks, spurring calls for action. Seattle is now
averaging more than two cases every day with debris thrown at drivers, mostly near downtown Seattle. Washington State
Patrol, working with Seattle police, have arrested 4 people in the last couple of weeks. Yet, another case of rocks
thrown from an overpass happened just Friday morning near the Washington State Convention Center. Troopers say no one
was hurt in this latest case.
leader blasts parents who oppose critical race theory in fiery speech outside Virginia middle school board
meeting. An NAACP leader has been caught on camera blasting parents who oppose Critical Race Theory and
shouting 'let them die' in a fiery speech outside a Virginia middle school board meeting. NAACP Vice President Michelle
Leete — who is also a member of Virginia state PTA — made the inflammatory comments to a crowd at Luther Jackson Middle
School in Falls Church, Fairfax County, Thursday. The crowd, who cheered in response to Leete's speech, had gathered to
counter-protest a group of parents who were holding a 'Stop CRT rally' at the school. Leete is Vice President of her
local NAACP chapter, Vice President of Training at the Virginia state PTA and Vice President of Communications for the
Fairfax County PTA. The PTA said Friday night that Leete's words 'do not reflect the values' of the group and that she
will be sent on 'sensitivity training' to learn about the 'impact of the words we use'.
Victims' Families Harassed By Antifa And Activists During Anti-Violence March. Oakland Police Chief LeRonne
Armstrong and a group of friends and family of victims of gun violence led a pro-police, anti-violence march on Saturday to
call for a unified stand against violent crime. Anti-police demonstrators and antifa showed up and clashed with members
of the group, leading to heated arguments between them and the crime victims' families and law enforcement supporters, video
footage showed. "Surreal moment in Oakland," Intercept reporter Lee Fang tweeted. "About 200 mostly black
families rally with police to call for an end to the epidemic of gun violence. Mothers at the stage mourning recently
murdered children. In the back, less than a dozen mostly white antifa protesters assembled to jeer them."
Island Columbus statue vandalized. Two teenagers are being charged with vandalism and malicious damage to
property after they allegedly vandalized a Christopher Columbus statue in Rhode Island. This is one of many recent
incidents regarding the vandalism of historical figures statues across the U.S., including a statue of Columbus in Boston
that was beheaded and another Columbus statue in Richmond that was thrown into a lake last year. A Columbus statue in
Providence was defaced with red paint in 2019, and later placed in storage to avoid additional vandalism.
Civil Liberties Group Leader Calls for Citizens to Burn All Churches Down. In a chilling tweet, the leader of
the BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) has called for more Christian churches to be torched in response to the discovery
of unmarked graves on the sites of former boarding schools for Indigenous children, many of which were run by churches
decades ago. The Western Standard reports Harsha Walia, the association's executive director, responded to news reports
of two more Catholic churches being burned down. "Burn it all down," she tweeted.
Antifa 'model' arrested for the fifth time at violent protest. A Portland serial riot arrestee and local Antifa
model was arrested for a fifth time last week as part of an anti-police mob that formed to stop law enforcement from
responding to a series of 911 calls. Simona Andrea Arteaga, 40, of Portland, and Olivia Morgan Massey, 20, of Athens,
Ala., were charged with felony assault, resisting arrest, interfering with an officer and other crimes. After midnight
on June 30, police were repeatedly sent to an apartment complex in northeast Portland after receiving four emergency calls
requesting assistance. Each time that police responded, they could not find anyone in need of help. When police
arrived the second time, an anti-police group had assembled and began threatening them.
Boogeymen, and Hobgoblins. During 120 days of rioting, arson, and looting during the summer of 2020, the
country suffered about $2 billion in property damage, roughly 25 deaths, and some 14,000 arrests. Rioters burned
down a Minneapolis police precinct. They set afire a federal courthouse in Portland. And they tried to incinerate the
historic St. John's Episcopal Church next to the White House. Downtown areas of Portland and Seattle were taken
over by rioters, who occupied entire city blocks with impunity. Most of those arrested during the violent summer were
either released or eventually had their charges dropped or vastly reduced. Although many of the Antifa and BLM rioters
shouted revolutionary slogans, called for violence against the police, and carefully organized their rioting on social media,
neither the media nor the government ever declared the rioters to be conspiracists or insurrectionists. In contrast,
when roughly 500 renegade Trump supporters, in buffoonish fashion, broke into the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the media
and government immediately claimed it was a carefully planned "armed insurrection." But no one was arrested for
possessing or using a gun.
year's Uptown Art Fair canceled due to unrest, safety worries. This year's Uptown Art Fair has been canceled,
organizers said Tuesday, citing concern for safety amid unrest and violence in the neighborhood. It was a last-minute
change for the Minneapolis fair, which was set to take place Aug. 7-8. Jill Osiecki, Uptown Association executive
director, cited "additional devastation" in the area, including the killing of Winston Smith Jr. on June 3 on Lake Street
and the subsequent protests that have rocked the area.
leftists call for armed confrontation for any state that enforces borders. As states pursue rule of law at the
border amid a record surge of illegal migrants and Biden administration inaction, open border activists are getting busy.
[...] [T]hey don't want protection of the U.S. border from migrant surges, they want the feds to turn their guns on states
that seek to do the job the feds won't do. Which is pretty twisted logic. It's almost as if the cartels have
donned activist skin suits and advocated their invader agenda. LULAC's Wikipedia page notes that the group, like the
Cesar Chavez United Farmworkers, originally opposed illegal immigration. Now they've switched, and seem to be doing the
cartels' bidding. Something funny happened to them. What's more, the rage of these open-border activists —
who are very well funded, by the way — likely comes with political muscle, an 'or else' to Joe, if he doesn't comply
with their demands.
We Witnessing The Death Of America's Democratic Republic? Public safety is perhaps the pre-eminent
responsibility of government. If a government cannot protect its citizens against criminal members of its society, or
even against the unlawful behavior of government itself, that nation no longer deserves to call itself a functioning
democracy. Has the United States reached that point? The Constitution, which is the primary document of the
United States government, begins, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare...." These provisions
are the basic tenets of the need to maintain civil order and public safety in a nation in harmony with itself. It means
providing law and order, protection, and safety for each lawful individual citizen.
Violence as a Political Tool. This week, pro-Palestinian demonstrators auditioned for the chance to join
already established Democratic Party militias antifa and Black Lives Matter by attacking Jews in New York and Los
Angeles. Apologists for the violence reason that the demonstrators are angry about the deaths of innocent Palestinian
babies under Israeli fire in Gaza so they're taking their frustrations — admittedly misplaced! — out on
American Jews. That is not what's happening. Who knows how many of the activists waving the Palestinian flag as
they beat Jews and detonate fireworks in front of Jewish-owned businesses are genuinely Palestinian Americans? Maybe
some aren't even Arab or Muslim, but that's irrelevant — they are staking their claim to recruit, promote, and
represent Arabs and Muslims as an interest group. And so the flag they're really flying isn't for the Palestinians but
rather for the Democratic Party.
Genesis of Our American Collective Meltdown. [Scroll down] Our first self-induced recession came next and
lasted over a year, destroying all the hard work of the prior three years. Next ensued the death of George Floyd and a
subsequent 120 days of rioting, looting, and arson. The immediate costs were $2 billion in damage, over 25 deaths,
14,000 arrests, and a Lord of the Flies anarchy with no-go zones in our major cities. A McCarthyite frenzy followed, as
remote-controlled America hunted down the supposed "racists" among us — while career agendas, personal grudges, and
ideological hatred fueled the cancel culture.
violence supports a mentally ill man who exposed himself to little girls. The problem with staking out a
political position premised on people's mental illness is that real people inevitably get hurt. That's what happened on
Saturday in Los Angeles when there was a clash between people supporting women's and girls' right to be in a locker room free
from the presence of mentally ill men, on the one hand, and Antifa and other leftist activists claiming that the mentally ill
have a transcendent right to do whatever the heck they want so that they can feel good about themselves, on the other hand.
[...] I'm sorry for those who are mentally ill. They deserve compassion and, up to a point, the right to be left alone
to live out their deluded fantasies. (And as I keep suggesting, maybe they should receive hormones aligned with their
biological sex, instead of slice and dice surgery and potentially deadly opposite-sex hormones.) However, the demand that we
remake society to accommodate their delusions is and must be entirely unacceptable. What happened over the past few
days in Los Angeles shows how dangerous it is to force societies to believe lies.
Service Arrested Dozens of Extremists at U.S. Capitol — But Nobody in the Media Cared. The U.S.
Capitol was the site of a gathering of hundreds of extremists earlier this week. Protesters held aloft picket signs
blaring 'No Compromise!' Blockades were erected at entrances. Secret Service agents made dozens of arrests. The
media completely ignored it. All extremists may be equal, but some extremists are more equal than others. These
were climate extremists demanding that President Biden take authoritarian action to keep the climate from changing.
Therefore, just as with Black Lives Matter torching cities and looting communities, and Antifa violently attacking civilians,
they can be 'safely' ignored. The radical activists were led once again by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who had been
the inciter of an 'insurrection' before. In 2018, the notorious AOC had actually staged a sit-in at Nancy Pelosi's office.
King County Council candidate threatens to blow up school bus, calls children 'cowards' as they flee. Footage
exclusively obtained by The Post Millennial shows progressive candidate for King County Council Ubax Gardheere threatening
school children while claiming she may have a bomb or a gun and then calling them "cowards" as they flee from her. Ubax
Gardheere boarded the Highline School District bus on Jan. 12, 2010 as it was about to begin its morning route to
Chinook Middle School. Gardheere can be seen walking on to the school bus filled with children. She tells the bus
driver not to drive because "it's a matter of national security." She tells him the "bus is not leaving." The
driver then calls the police. When the driver asks her if something happened to one of the kids, she says "if something
happens it's going to happen to you."
10 Examples of Leftist and Democratic Racism. [#8] Yale University speaker fantasized about shooting white
people — For this one, let's allow the words of the speaker, Dr. Aruna Khilanani to speak for themselves,
"This is the cost of talking to white people at all — the cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There
are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil." She went on to add, "I had fantasies of unloading a
revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away
relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a favor." Sounds charming, doesn't she?
vendor, 66, attacked during out-of-control Pride party in Washington Square Park. A 66-year-old hot dog seller
has told of his terror as he was attacked by a woman in Washington Square Park on Sunday night [6/28/2021], describing how he
feared he would 'bleed to death' as he was punched in the head and had hot sauce thrown in his eyes. Nader Hassaneen,
an Egyptian immigrant and street vendor, told The New York Post on Tuesday he would 'never go back' to the Manhattan park,
which has been plagued by crime in recent weeks. The trouble began during Sunday's Pride celebrations, he said, when
just before 11pm a woman pulled an American flag from the cart, demanding it be replaced with a rainbow Pride flag.
Cart Operator Is Assaulted And Sent To The Hostpital In NYC Because Pride Paraders Thought His Prices Were Too High.
Crews were cleaning up a large mess of trash left at a New York City park following Sunday's chaotic Pride event where at least
eight people were arrested. Video footage posted online shows Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village littered with
trash, including inside a fountain. Many of the discarded items included plastic bottles and food containers.
Crews appeared to be using leaf blowers in an effort to move the trash. [Video clip]
Suspect Was White" Is The Only Thing Saving Cities From Conflagration. [Scroll down] In both cases,
nothing was out of the ordinary. Antifa and Black Lives Matter were doing what they do best — cajoling their
army of aimless, indoctrinated losers to inflict harm on a decent society. Per the narrative, crowds organized because
systemic murder once again took a young black life, a life that presumably would not have been taken if the suspect were
white. Any violence directed toward police and any destruction directed toward businesses was justified in the name of
(fill in the blank [with the name] of the deceased). There are just a few problems. In the specific case of the Portland
shooting, it turns out that the killed suspect was a white male. Regardless, community organizers disseminated false information
to rile up the base. Either they are racist for assuming another black person was killed or they are twisted scum for knowingly
spreading dangerous lies. It's probably most accurate to suggest that both are true.
arrested, vendor attacked in chaotic night at Washington Square Park: cops. Rowdy revelers were caught on video
beating up a hot dog vendor late Sunday [6/27/2021] — as all hell broke loose at Washington Square Park, police
said. The chaos at the Greenwich Village greenspace resulted in the arrests of eight people, including a woman charged
with biting an NYPD lieutenant, cops said Monday morning. But no busts were made in the alleged beatdown of the
65-year-old vendor, who was attacked at Fifth Avenue and Washington Square North just before 11 p.m., according to
police. Disturbing video shows several people surrounding the man, in a bright yellow shirt, with one pummeling him in
the face and knocking him down. The attacker can be seen clocking him again as he tries to get away. The vendor
was left with a bloodied face and was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition for cuts on his head, authorities said.
Cal State LA ethnic studies dean previously said she hopes Clarence Thomas 'dies early'. Julianne Malveaux, the
incoming dean of Cal State University Los Angeles' newly created College of Ethnic Studies, has previously said she hopes
73-year-old, conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas dies an early death. "I hope his wife feeds him lots of
eggs and butter and he dies early, like many black men do, of heart disease," Malveux said during an appearance on PBS in
1994, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Studies dean regrets publicly hoping Clarence Thomas 'dies early, like many black men do'. Dr. Julianne
Malveaux, who once learned that her words can indeed come back to haunt her, is poised to become the first-ever dean of
Ethnic Studies at California State University in Los Angeles. The announcement of the incoming dean's appointment
raised eyebrows and criticism as a look at her past comments sparked questions about the move. Her past comments about
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as well as once wishing for the early death of a Supreme Court justice have resurfaced
with the announcement of her stepping in as dean of the newly created College of Ethnic Studies. A decade ago, Malveaux
issued an apology after she expressed her disdain for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas by publicly wishing for his death
during a 1994 appearance on PBS, claiming she had meant her words as a "wisecrack."
cops tell Antifa that there's no need to riot, cause the guy we just killed was white. So, please remind me
again, which race is it that is so privileged? [...] In the bad old days of the Democrat-run Jim Crow South, the rumor that a
White girl or woman had been attacked — or even looked at — by a Black male was sometimes enough to set
off a mob. Today, in the Democrat-run big cities, mobs once again are set off by rumors — now, of a death of
a Black man at the hands of the police. Democrats still run racist regimes, but the regions involved and the races
persecuted or protected have flipped[.]
There are other ways to prevent riots. Portland
cops ID victim of fatal police shooting as 'white' to prevent Antifa riot. Antifa militants attacked police in
Portland, Oregon, after news broke of a deadly police shooting — forcing the department to quickly announce that
it was a "white male" to prevent riots, according to police and reports. At least 50 protesters, most dressed all in
black and carrying anti-fascist signs, gathered at a Motel 6 late Thursday where police shot a suicidal man who charged at
them with a screwdriver, The Oregonian said. [...] The officer who fired the fatal shot was black, and was placed on paid
administrative leave, which is standard practice, The Oregonian said.
in Portland on Thursday Night After Police Shooting — Turned out They Shot a White Guy, So Everyone
Left. The headline is absurd, but so are things the way they happen in Portland. What a screwed-up
place. On Thursday afternoon [6/24/2021] officers of the Portland Police Bureau were involved in a shooting incident at
a downtown location. The early rumors were that the subject was a "person of color" — spread by BLM to drive
up rioter numbers. No better excuse exists to kick off the night's rioting on Portland streets before sunset so in
pretty much no time at all you had hostile encounters between police trying to maintain the perimeter of an active
crime-scene investigation, and Portland's professional riot class, also known as the unemployed loser population. Our
good friend Andy Ngo was able to aggregate much video footage from the evening's events. [Video clip]
Protesters Commit Arson Attack on South Carolina Police Station after Arrest. Hours after a video ignited on
social media showing police arresting two black men, rioters set a fire outside the Rock Hill, South Carolina police station.
[Multiple tweets] [...] According to a police statement, officers were conducting surveillance targeting violent and narcotic dealing
offenders when they saw a "known offender," Ricky Price, driving a black 2017 Mustang. He was stopped after he allegedly made
an illegal turn and "changed lanes unlawfully." Based on the man's previous interactions with police, a call was made for a
K-9 to conduct a vehicle sniff, which alerted the presence of illegal narcotics in the vehicle, police said, per Yahoo News.
"During the search, officers located two bags of Marijuana hidden in the driver's door panel," police said. "Officers then
placed Price under arrest and into handcuffs. Officers also located a 9 mm pistol in the back seat of the vehicle."
won't the national media cover the story Americans care about most? It's a very basic concept of journalism:
Cover the stories that impact your viewers and readers most, the stories they most care about. But for one very big story,
there's been relative silence from our national media, just passing mentions. It is the skyrocketing violent crime that is
paralyzing many major American cities while prompting record numbers of police officers either resigning or retiring. [...] Portland,
Ore.: Murders are up, not 8 percent or 80 percent, but 800 percent over the past year. "Roving gangs of
black-clad rioters do not speak for the hundreds of thousands of residents and business owners of Portland who want a safe and clean
city. Yet local politicians supported them," said Portland Police Association Executive Director Daryl Turner in a recent
statement. "These rioters, bent on destruction, hijacked social and racial justice movements. These rioters burned and
looted our city. Yet local politicians supported them."
Antifa Tough Guys Tried To Storm A Flag Appreciation Event Outside Of Portland. A coalition of Conservatives
including Proud Boys clashed with Antifa at Clackamette Park in Oregon City Friday afternoon [6/18/2021]. The event began
as an American "flag wave" but escalated into clashes when Antifa activists set fire to a flag of their own. At least one
individual who appeared to be on the left appeared to be seriously injured and was escorted away by police. [Video clip]
[have been] dropped for hundreds of alleged looters in New York City. In late May and early June 2020, looters
smashed storefronts in the Bronx and Manhattan boroughs of New York City. Many were caught on tape, some with their
faces visible. Others even posted their own videos of their actions those nights on social media. Hundreds were
arrested. But a review of NYPD data by the investigative team at WNBC, the NBC owned station in New York, shows that a
large percentage of the cases — particularly in the Bronx — were dismissed, and that many convictions
were for counts like trespassing that carry no jail time.
police riot team resigns after officer indicted over alleged assault on photographer. All 50 of Portland
police's highly trained rapid response unit voted unanimously to resign on Wednesday [6/16/2021] during a union meeting in
response to the recent indictment of Officer Corey Budworth for allegedly assaulting a photographer with his baton during as
an overnight riot broke out last August. "Unfortunately, this decorated public servant has been caught in the crossfire
of agenda-driven city leaders and a politicized criminal justice system," the Portland Police Association said in an initial
statement Tuesday after a Multnomah County grand jury indicted Budworth on one count of fourth-degree assault related to an
incident that occurred on Aug. 18, 2020. That night, according to the police union, a group of about 200
demonstrators — many equipped with tactical helmets, faces covered, and armed with a variety of weapons —
descended on the Multnomah Building in southeast Portland. Multiple dumpsters were set on fire, buildings were defaced,
and windows were broken. A riot soon was declared at the planned event after someone from the crowd launched a Molotov
cocktail into the Multnomah Building, setting it ablaze.
Accidentally IDs Antifa And BLM As Domestic Terrorists. The "fact sheet" accompanying Biden's "National
Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism," lists only two types of domestic terrorists: violent extremists who advocate for
the superiority of the white race, and anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists. [...] Now, who do you think fits
into these categories? Which groups have acted in ways that are "dangerous to human life," want to "intimidate or
coerce" as a means to "influence the policy of a government," and use "mass destruction" to get their ways? Would it be
QAnon and other right-wing groups, about whom the best team Biden can seem to come up with is that "they may be on the
verge of carrying out more violence in real life on Democrats and others that they perceive, however falsely, to be
threats"? Or does that definition of domestic terrorism better describe what Antifa and BLM followers have already
said and done?
a Coincidence isn't a Coincidence. Where does the support for Antifa and BLM originate? They're both
doing their part to destabilize America. BLM is led by self-professed Marxists — making them useful
idiots. Antifa seems to believe in nothing but anarchy — making them useful thugs. Whenever members of
either group are arrested, there's plenty of money to bail them out — from somewhere.
Andy Ngo on Antifa Attack: 'I Knew If They Got Me, They'd Kill Me'. Journalist and author Andy Ngo, who has
spent years documenting the activities of the anarcho-communist group Antifa, on June 12 recounted the moment he was chased
and assaulted by members in Portland last month. Ngo, an independent investigative journalist and author of
"Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy," was attacked on May 28 while covering a rally on the
one-year anniversary of George Floyd's death. In an interview with NTD's "The Nation Speaks," Ngo said that as much of
his reporting requires firsthand field observations, he decided to go undercover to observe how Antifa's tactics and
strategies have changed since last year. "The riots are still ongoing in Portland — not as intense and
frequent, but they're still happening, and the consequences are still being felt," said Ngo. "So I was out on the
ground in disguise, marching along with them. For whatever reason, they became suspicious."
The Grim Trade-Off
Of BLM? Why have murder rates spiked so badly over the last 12 months? [...] Well, surely the timing of the
surge in murders counts. And it can be timed quite precisely, in fact: to the very end of May, before which there
was little change and even some decline. The National Commission on Covid19 and Criminal Justice report shows what
University of Utah researcher Paul Cassell calls a "structural break" in the data timed exactly to the murder of George Floyd
and the subsequent wave of mostly peaceful protests and subsequent looting, rioting and violence that raged across many
cities. Before Floyd, no big increase in homicides, aggravated assaults, and shootings. After, a huge
spike. Of course, that is not causation. But it's [quite] a correlation — and no other event seems
relevant. It's as if the Floyd murder, and the subsequent urban chaos, sent a signal: the cops are on the
defensive. Which means murderers can go on the offensive. And once lawlessness establishes itself, it tends to
compound. A few gang murders can soon morph into tit-for-tat urban warfare.
Lawsuits Stem the Tide of Violence Sweeping the Big Cities That Defund the Police? Last summer, eight-year-old
Secoriea Turner got killed because the SUV she was riding in came too close to a particular Wendy's in Atlanta. Her
parents have now filed a lawsuit alleging that city leaders Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Police Chief Rodney Bryant, and City
Council member Joyce Sheperd had been negligent in controlling the area, leading to their daughter's death. The lawsuit
also names the city government of Atlanta.
Fonda Encourages Anti-Pipeline Activists in Minnesota to Mess with Critical US Infrastructure. The 83-year-old
Communist and traitor encouraged activists to "raise a ruckus" and create a headache for the Canadian oil company,
Enbridge. "Biden has taken a very clear and very beautiful position on the climate crisis," Hanoi Jane said. "But
we are really facing a potential catastrophe and the science is very clear — it's not enough to do something good
here like shutdown Keystone XL, shut down drilling on the Arctic national refuge and then allow Line 3 to go through."
"We can't do this in bits and pieces," she added.
real targets of lefty street thugs like BLM and Antifa. There are a lot of seeming contradictions in the street
violence widely employed by the left. Rioters destroy their own neighborhoods. Look at Detroit, where the riots
that started in 1967 have now devastated what was once one of the richest cities in the United States. Rioters in
Portland attack the federal courthouse, the bailiwick of the Department of Justice, which has become a virtual tool of the
left — keeping dozens of January 6 demonstrators in solitary confinements as hordes of left-wing rioters are not
prosecuted or even cut free after being arrested. This raises the question: why are they turning against their own?
Violence as a Political Tool. This week, pro-Palestinian demonstrators auditioned for the chance to join
already established Democratic Party militias antifa and Black Lives Matter by attacking Jews in New York and Los
Angeles. Apologists for the violence reason that the demonstrators are angry about the deaths of innocent Palestinian
babies under Israeli fire in Gaza so they're taking their frustrations — admittedly misplaced! — out on
American Jews. That is not what's happening. Who knows how many of the activists waving the Palestinian flag as
they beat Jews and detonate fireworks in front of Jewish-owned businesses are genuinely Palestinian Americans? Maybe
some aren't even Arab or Muslim, but that's irrelevant — they are staking their claim to recruit, promote, and
represent Arabs and Muslims as an interest group. And so the flag they're really flying isn't for the Palestinians but
rather for the Democratic Party.
two dozen suspected antifa rioters charged after enforcement shift from Portland district attorney. Over two
dozen suspected antifa rioters have been charged in Portland over the last two weeks on charges ranging from assault to using
explosives. Authorities have made arrests and filed charges against several suspected Portland antifa rioters in recent
weeks, including the rearrest of 24-year-old Malik Fard Muhammad. Muhammad, who was previously extradited to Oregon
after being "indicted on two counts of attempted aggravated murder, two counts of attempted first-degree murder, four counts
of felony riot, two counts of unlawful manufacturing of an explosive device, unlawful possession of a firearm and possession
of a loaded firearm in public," was arrested again after the antifa-linked Portland Freedom Fund paid $212,500 in bail
following his last arrest.
Worker Is Arrested After Beating A 67 Year Old Woman Over Her 'White Privilege,' Caught On CCTV. A woman
working as an Amazon delivery driver was arrested in Castro Valley after she repeatedly punched a 67-year-old woman wondering
where her package was, authorities said. Alameda County Sheriff's deputies took Itzel Ramirez, 21, into custody on
Thursday [6/3/2021]. That's after they received a 911 call from the victim who said the Amazon driver punched her at
least 10 times around the face and head. Video shows the Amazon worker repeatedly striking the other woman.
Happened To Umbrella Man? Who can take a city, burn it to the ground? Umbrella Man can, at least
according to the search warrant application/affidavit filed by Minneapolis police officer Erika Christensen in the summer of
2020. Star Tribune reporter Libor Jany told me he came across Christensen's affidavit in a routine review of court
filings. Libor reported on the allegations of Christensen's affidavit in his July 28 story "Minneapolis police say
'Umbrella Man' was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting." The story made waves around the
world. According to Officer Christensen, Umbrella Man is a white supremacist who set off the week of riots and arson
throughout the Twin Cities by knocking out the windows at AutoZone on Lake Street at Minnehaha Avenue in south Minneapolis on
May 27. Did Umbrella Man also burn the AutoZone down? I can't tell who burnt it down from Libor's story, but
it was in fact torched.
beset by protests for 3rd night over Black man killed in shootout with police. Black Lives Matter protesters
took to the streets in Minneapolis for a third straight night over the death of a Black man who was shot and killed by
officers seeking to take him into custody for a felony firearms violation. Demonstrators blocked streets Saturday night
in the Uptown neighborhood where the shooting occurred following a Friday candlelight vigil that spiraled into unrest,
resulting in Minneapolis police making 27 arrests on rioting and weapons charges, according to media outlets. Winston
Boogie Smith Jr., 32, was identified by family members and media as the man who was killed Thursday on the roof of a parking
ramp with officers serving on a U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force, according to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA).
Amazon driver's attack on an older woman is an important warning. On Friday [6/4/2021], a disturbing video
emerged and instantly went viral. It showed a young Amazon driver viciously punch an older woman who had been unhappy
with a slow delivery. While the video is shocking on its own, it's also a loudly clanging warning about the dangers of
Critical Race Theory (CRT), especially when allied with other leftist doctrines commonly taught to the young, including the
claim that words are violence. As CRT expands throughout America, expect more attacks like this one.
A Revolver Into The Head Of Any White Person": Yale Features Violent, Racist Diatribe By Psychiatrist. An
official event at the Yale School of Medicine featured a New York-based psychiatrist telling students she fantasizes about
"unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way." Disturbingly the talk entitled "The
Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind" was held as part of the continuing program, the Child Study Center Grand
rounds. The event was held in April, but audio only late this week of New York-based Dr. Aruna Khilanani gleefully
musing about murdering white people became available and was posted on journalist Bari Weiss's Substack.
protesters smash window of famed NYC eatery Carbone. Unruly protesters smashed a window at the famed Greenwich
Village eatery Carbone on Thursday night — leaving one diner with minor injuries, police and sources said.
Police said they are investigating the vandalism to the outdoor dining structure of the Italian American hotspot that
occurred as a group of demonstrators marched by at about 8:15 p.m. One woman seated at an outdoor table suffered
a cut to her shoulder, police and sources said. She refused medical attention at the scene.
Harass A Disabled Woman And Jump On Her Car While Blocking Traffic — No MSM Coverage. Black Lives
Matter protesters in Racine Wisconsin bullying an elderly disabled motorist, and disrupting the traffic during last night's
demonstration were caught on video which also shows no police presence as the chaos unfolds. The woman in the video
that was sent to us this evening is desperately trying to call help! Of course, the sender confirmed that he sent this
video to every major news outlet but everyone ignored the fact that BLM harras a disabled person.
Rand Paul says he's gotten death threats over clashes with Fauci. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Friday
[6/4/2021] his family had received five telephoned death threats over his recent confrontations with White House chief
medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci — and over Paul's vocal opposition to gain-of-function research[.]
"This week, I've had five death threats just for being outspoken on it," the Republican told Fox News' "Hannity".
"I don't know what the world's coming to, you can't ask honest, difficult questions that in the end have proved out that
Dr. Fauci was not being honest with us, but as a repercussion, my family had white powder sent to our house, and five
death threats phoned in." Last month, a package containing a threatening letter and white powder was reportedly sent to
Paul's Kentucky home. The envelope included an image of a bruised and bandaged Paul with a gun to his head and the
message: "I'll finish what your neighbor started [...]"
Thug Killed By Police This Week In Minn. Sent Out This Message Encouraging Terrorism, Was Armed When Shot.
The man who was fatally shot by Minneapolis cops Thursday had demanded "war" after George Floyd's death, was wanted on a felony-arms
rap — and appeared to have fired his weapon as authorities tried to arrest him, according to court records, online posts
and officials. Winston Boogie Smith, 32, was gunned down in the Midwest city around 2 p.m. when he "produced a handgun"
and fired it from inside his vehicle as members of a US Marshals task force tried to take him into custody on the state warrant,
officials said. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Not only does the guy not watch where he's driving, he speaks in an ethnic dialect that would be incomprehensible (except for
the F-word in every sentence) without the subtitles.
Minneapolis Black Lives Matter Mob Looting Sneaker Shop, Target, Walgreens, CVS and More. A large mob of Black
Lives Matter militants looted a Target late Thursday evening [6/3/2021] in response to a fatal police shooting in the
city. Winston "Boogie" Smith, 32, was reportedly wanted on a state warrant for being a felon in possession of a
firearm. After being stopped in his vehicle by law enforcement, the U.S. Marshals Service say he "produced a
handgun." [Video clips]
everything white in sight!': Shocking footage from 'National Black Power Convention' emerges online. Video
emerged online purportedly from an alleged black nationalist rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma as part of the National Black Power
Convention this weekend. It shows activists wearing black listening to speeches about black nationalism and white
supremacy. Hundreds of black men and women from across the country gathered in Tulsa and staged an armed march through
the city on the centenary anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. The New Black Panther Party was the largest
group at the march. "We're pushing death to white supremacy, death to capitalism, death to imperialism, and death to
fascism. We're pushing an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a head for a head, and a life for a life," a man shouts
through a megaphone to the gathered crowd.
Portland Antifa Death Squad Goes Head Hunting for Andy Ngo. The communist antifa and Black Lives Matter, Inc.
mobs have now elevated their war footing against western civilization and have begun deploying head hunting death squads it
appears. What else can you call it? On Friday, May 28, the usual black masked mobs slithered "like
water" — their favorite phrase for staying hidden and moving from cops — to hold another planned riot
and torching in "grief-stricken" homage to the anniversary of their George Floyd riots. [...] The time for benefit of
the doubt and pulling punches is over. It's long past time the political, civic, and business leaders who run Portland
to stop this before the next political assassination on their streets.
Rules Michigan Recall Effort Against Governor Can Proceed — Gretchen Whitmer Responds With Implied
Violence. A Michigan court has ruled that a recall effort against Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a woman with no
moral or leadership character, can proceed. That's good news. However, it is the response from the governor that
appears to be the buried lead. Specifically because the statement also included "courts" and the "ballot Box", the third
line of attack from the governor's office implies acts of violence "on the streets" against her political opposition.
Responds To Reports Of A Shooting In Harlem — This Is How They Were Received By The BLM Rioters. A
28-year-old man was shot and killed by a man riding an e-bike in Manhattan Sunday morning, cops and police sources
said. The victim was in a parked car at 2253 Third Avenue in East Harlem around 11 a.m. when the suspect on a red and
black e-bike shot him, the sources said. A clerk at a discount store near the shooting scene heard the rapid gunfire
and walked out to see the victim struggling to take his last breaths. [...] The same people that use BLM as an excuse to
attack people and riot used this situation again and started riots. The situation got out of control as the police
arrived to respond to the shooting but an angry mob attacked the police and the scenes reminded of a new civil war.
Black Supremacists in Tulsa: 'There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight'. Black
activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday [5/29/2021].
Organizers held a Second Amendment "March for Reparations" and marched through downtown Tulsa. "The struggle for Reparations
must be escalated," a news release from organizers read. "We must fight on every front to achieve redress and Reparations for
the atrocities committed upon Tulsa Massacre descendants; and we must intensify the fight to achieve Reparations for all 40-million
Blacks still grossly affected by racism, inequality, wealth disparity, police brutality and the like. Tulsa will mark a new
beginning in the upgraded fight for Reparations for Black people." Activists shouted, "Black power! Black power!"
Another supremacist threatened white people and said, "Because that time will come when there's a rat-a-tat-tat... black Americans
will kill everything white in sight." [Video clip]
Democrat Rep. Says She Sleeps With Gun Next to Bed After Death Threats. A Democratic U.S. House member
from California said she now sleeps with a gun next to her bed after receiving death threats following comments she made that
were critical of the governments of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Rep. Norma Torres (D-Calif.), who was
born in Guatemala and came to the United States as a child, says people have staked out her house after she lambasted the
three Central American countries' governments for official corruption and not doing enough to help their citizens.
Speaking to the Los Angeles Times last week, the California lawmaker said El Salvador President Nayib Bukele created a
campaign to flood her district with calls and harass her staffers. Her social media pages may have also been targeted,
with supporters of Bukele allegedly sending her hateful images, negative messages, and death threats, Torres said, adding
that she now sleeps with a gun nearby.
been a year of Antifa and unchecked anarchy. It was one year ago on Friday [5/28/2021] that Minneapolis'
soy-boy mayor, Jacob Frey, issued the order to police to evacuate the Third Precinct and leave the station to be overrun by
the mob and burned to the ground. Protests had quickly turned violent after George Floyd's death under the knee of
police officer Derek Chauvin three days earlier, and the police surrender only empowered the domestic terrorists who were
whipping up the crowd. For the next four nights, criminals ransacked the city and terrorized its residents with little
in the way of police intervention. Frey's craven capitulation to the forces of violence had lit the match on a summer
of rage across the country that really lasted beyond the November 2020 presidential elections, in lawless places on the West
Coast like Portland and Seattle. Statues were toppled, the White House was besieged, looters had a field day, and
police were assaulted with bricks, Molotov cocktails, bottles of urine and lasers.
reasons not to be optimistic about America's future. [#5] We are experiencing a complete breakdown of civil
order. In 2020, more than 500 violent protests resulted in the trashing of American cities and towns. Democratic
Party mayors and governors abdicated their responsibility to preserve order and, in some cases, supported the rioters,
looters, and arsonists. Ironically, Democrats are pressing for an investigation of the January 6 assault on the Capitol
instead of looking into the lives lost and billions in damages resulting from literally hundreds of riots. Murder,
arson, and looting are being referred to by Democrats as nothing more than "peaceful protests." Our cities may never recover
from the carnage. In 2022, you may not be able to leave your house without an armed guard. Sadly, I have
predicted massive civil unrest ever since I witnessed the 1960s riots in my hometown of Brooklyn, New York. I knew if
it could happen then, it could happen again at the drop of a hat. In 2020, the hat dropped.
Is this now an annual event? Riot
erupts in Portland on anniversary of George Floyd's murder. Militant protesters marked the anniversary of
George Floyd's murder with yet another riot in Portland, Oregon — smashing up local businesses and trying to burn
down the city's Justice Center, according to police. More than 200 rioters — most fully clad in black and many
wearing gas masks — trashed the troubled City of Roses soon after a peaceful march ended late Tuesday [5/25/2021],
according to the Portland Police Bureau (PPB). Some of the mob tried to torch the Multnomah County Justice Center by pushing
flaming dumpsters against the building as at least two people tried to pry open the doors and get inside, the force said.
In Portland Attack Police Officers, Vandalize Businesses, Set Fires. Extremists identified by journalists as
being antifa reportedly attacked law enforcement officers in Portland on Tuesday night while vandalizing businesses and
lighting fires along the road. The riot happened after a separate peaceful rally had taken place earlier in the evening
that Portland police described as activists "sing[ing] and chant[ing] as they walked peacefully." A few hours after the
peaceful event took place, a group of people "wearing helmets and carrying gas masks, backpacks and tote bags" arrived.
attacks leave the left wrestling with climate of hate argument they've loved in the past. As recently as a few
months ago it was common to see opinion pieces blaming the rash of hate crimes against Asian Americans on President Trump and
rhetoric about the "Chinese virus." Now, just a few months later, we have a spike in anti-Semitic attacks and the left is
suddenly struggling to make the same kind of generalizations about who is responsible. The climate of hate argument
only seems to operate in one direction.
with white powder and death threat sent to Rand Paul's home. Federal and local law enforcement are
investigating after a suspicious package was sent to Sen. Rand Paul's home in Kentucky. A large envelope with
white powder in it was delivered on Monday, and it is being examined for harmful substances, Sergio Gor, a senior adviser to
the Kentucky Republican, told Politico. The details were confirmed to the Washington Examiner by the
senator's office.
Starts Filming Large ANTIFA Gathering At Strip Mall, Gets Threatened And Harassed. A man witnessed a large
gathering of masked ANTIFA thugs at a strip mall in Oregon City and started filming. As he walked around filming within
the parking lot, one of the thugs walked over and told him to stop filming if he knew what's best for him. Others came
over and started the usual surrounding of victims they intimidate and sometimes assault. The man filming kept walking
and was threatened physically by the original harasser. Another ANTIFA member tries the old black umbrella trick to
block his camera. [Video clip]
Party In Huntington Beach Turns Into Sodom and Gomorrah As City Imposes Curfew After Night Of Madness. A
chaotic scene erupted in Huntington Beach when hundreds of people showed up for a party on the beach and in the streets
Saturday night [5/22/2021], resulting in nearly 150 arrests. Authorities estimate more than 2,500 people showed up for
the gathering after a Tik Tok video promoting a birthday party went viral. Police had monitored social media posts and
were prepared for an unruly crowd. [Video clip]
attacks escalate in New York and Los Angeles; Democrats go AWOL. Jews are suddenly being targeted in scary
numbers in New York, Los Angeles, and even other parts of the country. Worldwide, the escalation is 435% since Israel
defended itself against Hamas rockets fired from Gaza. Democrats, though, are AWOL. Ace at Ace of Spaces has a
collection of videos of some of these unbelievable assaults in the past few days, while a search of "anti-Semitic" and
"attack" on Twitter yields a [...] lot more since then [...]. "Are you Jewish?" now holds a chilling undertone.
It's the question that precedes these organized thug attacks and smells as though some foul entity is directing them.
After all, "are you Jewish" is the same phrase Palestinian terrorists asked of targets back when they were hijacking jets, as
on this horrific flight in 1985, where the heroine stewardess hid the Jewish passports. Or [another] one, in 1986,
where another heroine stewardess hid the American passports from other Palestinian terrorists. Say their
names: Uli Derekson and Neerja Bhanot.
Activists In Los Angeles Hunt Down And Assault Jews. Authorities are investigating whether an attack on diners
that occurred outside a Beverly Grove restaurant late Tuesday night [5/18/2021] was a Jewish hate crime. The brawl
occurred a little before 10 p.m. outside Sushi Fumi in the 300 block of North La Cienega Boulevard. Witnesses said a
mob of pro-Palestinians attacked a group of Jewish men who were dining at the restaurant. Cell phone video showed a
group of men get out of the car and start to attack them while yelling anti-Semitic slurs. [Video clip]
of the Left: Hamas thugs assault Jewish diners in Los Angeles. [Scroll down] It's also notable that
they were so confident and brazen in this assault on Jews, unworried about defunded police, unconcerned about cameras,
probably liking the cameras. "Who here is Jewish?" These Hamas thugs in Los Angeles were like just those 1986
hijackers asking who was American, as if they came from the same training book. They didn't try to hide anything about
what they were about, and they were confident there would be no repercussions. It's as if they were sent in, which raises
questions about some kind of plan. Here's the vile thing we know for sure: they've got the full support of the
left, which is openly supporting Hamas and all its violence and murder in these days as Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu vows to
wipe them out. When I hear about that restaurant assault, all I can think about is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's
open braying for the Palestinian side, led by terrorists. Or I think about the other members of the squad, particularly
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who are even worse.
plans taxpayer-funded CHOP block party a year after murders, attempted rape. An activist plans a block party to
celebrate the deadly Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP). How utterly disgusting. What is there to celebrate?
CHOP, also known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), came from a violent conflict with the police. It directly
caused the violent murders of two Black teenagers, the shootings of two others, attempted rape of a deaf woman, multiple
assaults, vandalism, a riot, and more.
says riots have become part of Portland's landscape. Gabriel Johnson, a retired Marine and the co-founder of
the Coalition to Save Portland, explains the current "atmosphere" in the city on "Fox & Friends Weekend" and stressed the
importance of investing in public safety. The retired Marine Corps officer made the comments following a report that
the police and the FBI are on the streets of Portland due to "imminent" efforts from outside groups to "engage and advance
gun violence" this weekend, the Portland City Council reportedly announced, citing intelligence. [...] Officials reportedly
said that groups involved in this violence have issued an order to shoot someone in the next 30 days or they be shot
for not showing loyalty, adding that people from Washington and California are in Portland to engage in gun violence.
Suggests that America is Ripe for a Conservative Resurgence. Aging hippies have a penchant for recalling the
1960s as some amazing, idyllic moment in time. As Jonah Goldberg writes in Liberal Fascism, it's "bizarre how
many people remember the 1960s as a time of 'unity' and 'hope' when it was, in reality, a time of rampant domestic terrorism,
campus tumult, assassinations, and riots." Goldberg hits the nail squarely on the head when appraising why aging hippies
feel that way. Their "liberal nostalgia" for the 1960s is more about a longing "for victory" than an interest in
"unity." Leftists love the 1960s for the same reason that they love the 1930s, a decade also marred by "political unrest,
intense labor violence, and the fear that one totalitarianism or another lay just around the corner." Both decades were
the times when leftists believed that "we were all in it together," writes Goldberg.
Antifa Mob Swarms Police Car, Doesn't Go Well For Them. Over 1,000 protestors, including those waiving ANTIFA
flags, marched for Palestinian rights in Los Angeles on Saturday. The march was in the Westwood area near the 405
Freeway. At one point, ANTIFA protestors attempted to block a California Highway Patrol vehicle from moving. It
didn't work out how they planned. According to the LAPD, no arrests were made. Nobody ever accused mobs of
20 something jackass Antifa idiots of being smart. Or any mob of jackass idiots, obviously. But mobs of
20 something jackass idiot Antifa morons are especially idiotic. They're used to singling out, surrounding, and
attacking defenseless old people and other civilians to try to play tough, almost always under cover of darkness.
Supporter Calls For The Systematic Killing Of White People. A purported Antifa supporter called for the
systematic killing of white people. The shocking incident was captured in a video shared on Twitter by independent
journalist Andy Ngo. [Tweet] The incident occurred during a protest near Seattle this week against the Billy Graham
Association. The footage shows an unidentified protester confronting a group of passers-by, explicitly saying she hopes
white people are murdered. She then doubled down on those remarks when confronted. [Tweet]
an act of hatred': Brooklyn Catholic church sees crucifix toppled, American flag burned. New York police are
investigating what they claim is a potential "hate crime" after a Catholic church in Brooklyn saw a large crucifix toppled
and an American flag burned earlier this week. The Diocese of Brooklyn said in a statement that a statute of the
Crucifixtion of Jesus "was found toppled over and lying face down" at St. Athanasius Roman Catholic Church in
Bensonhurst on Friday morning [5/145/2021]. "The statue of Jesus, the cross, and the display were all damaged in
what is being investigated by the NYPD as a hate crime," the Diocese said.
residents scared to visit 'trashed' downtown amid riots: poll. The constant protest is taking its toll on the
Rose City. Residents in the metro area surrounding Portland, Oregon, say the city's downtown is dirty, unsafe and
uninviting, and they don't expect to visit as often, a poll commissioned by The Oregonian found. Residents described
the city's core as "destroyed," "trashed," and "sad," and frequently referred to "riots" in discussing the city's economic
and cultural hub. The perception could have a serious impact on the city's recovery from the pandemic recession.
A Legal
System Corrupted. Since the press has quickly smothered this story, let me remind you. In June 2017
[James] Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders supporter who had posted on Facebook that "Trump is a Traitor. Trump has Destroyed
our democracy. It's Time to destroy Trump & Co," and had otherwise demonstrated his extreme hostility to Republicans,
traveled to Virginia from his home in Illinois, and after learning that the men playing ball there were Republican
congressmen, opened fired on them, wounding five people including Congressman Steve Scalise, who nearly bled to death and
required multiple surgeries before he could return to Congress. While Attorney General Merrick Garland claims that
white supremacists are the biggest terror threat facing us, and the press regularly hypes such a danger, the truth is that
this was the most serious partisan political terrorist act in recent years on our soil.
Women Arrested after Pig's Head, Blood Left at Former Home of Chauvin Defense Witness. California police have
arrested three women accused of vandalizing the former home of a retired police officer with a pig's head and blood smear
last month after the officer testified on behalf of Derek Chauvin in the George Floyd murder trial. The Santa Rosa
police department said that it appeared the "suspects in this vandalism were targeting" the retired officer, Barry Brodd, for
his testimony, in which he said Chauvin was justified in his use of force. Brodd is no longer a California resident
and has not lived in the home for years, so it "appears the victim was falsely targeted," authorities said.
3 women arrested
after pig's head left at former home of Chauvin witness, CA cops say. Three women were arrested after a severed
pig's head was left at the former California home of a witness who testified at the trial of Derek Chauvin in the death of
George Floyd, according to police. A group of people threw a pig's head and splattered pig's blood at Santa Rosa home
on April 17 before running away, police said. The home is the previous residence of Barry Brodd, a former Santa Rosa
Police Department officer who testified in Chauvin's defense, police said on Facebook. Brodd isn't a California resident
anymore and hasn't lived there in years, so it "appears the victim was falsely targeted," according to authorities.
Arrested For Bloody Vandalism Of Derek Chauvin Defense Witness' Former Santa Rosa Home. Three suspects have
been arrested in connection with the early morning vandalism of the former Santa Rosa home of Barry Brodd, who testified as a
defense witness in the Derek Chauvin murder trial, that left the residence smeared with animal blood and had a severed pig's
head dumped on the front porch. Santa Rosa police said 20-year-old Rowan Dalbey, 34-year-old Kristen Aumoithe and
35-year-old Amber Lucas, all of Santa Rosa, were being held on felony vandalism and conspiracy charges.
Protester: "I can't wait until black people lynch white people!" Video footage from Black Lives Matter
and left-wing riots in Bellevue, Washington this week shows a female agitator repeatedly shrilling, "I can't wait until black
people lynch white people!" Other rioters also chime in to voice agreement with the insurrectionist, black supremacist
narrative. "I can't wait until black people hang you!" the protester screams at an onlooker, who is caught off guard
and says, "Wait, what was that? Do you want to say it again?" "Um yeah," the female agitator responds, taking a
deep breath before bellowing, "I can't wait until black people lynch white people!" [Video clip]
Year After Chicago Looting, Most Suspects Draw Probation Over Jail. They were troubling images: marauding
gangs of looters roaming Chicago and the suburbs, smashing windows, stealing merchandise and wreaking havoc with little
regard for who might be watching. But a year later, an analysis of court records by NBC 5 Investigates indicates only a
few dozen cases have made it through the courts, and only a handful have drawn terms in prison.
police chief: If we lose the rule of law, we are going to lose America — and we're just about there. The
FBI is only one component of law enforcement, and the one which clearly isn't doing its job. Meanwhile local and state police,
trying to keep a handle on the unhinged anarchy and chaos taking place in their communities, are being undermined by political hack district
attorneys, who have implemented policies which release criminals before the ink on arrest reports is even dry. These policies however
are those being embraced by Democratic politicians led by the current occupant of the White House, Joe Biden. What we are witnessing
in cities such as Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York will become the way of life in American cities if Democrats
get their way. Most suburban Democrats don't seem to care what happens in the cities, as long as it isn't occurring in THEIR city
or town. But what happens if this chaos leaves city streets and moves to the suburbs?
Beaten Badly After Armed BLM Stop His Car in Frightening Encounter. Over the past year, we've seen some very
violent and/or out-of-control encounters because of the dangerous habit that the BLM has trying to block the street and stop
drivers from going through a 'protest' area. We reported on an incident in Plano, Texas, where there was an armed
standoff and the police seemed more disturbed with the driver than they were the crazies blocking all the cars in the
road. But, that was just one of many. BLM does this all over the country. On Thursday afternoon [5/6/2021]
in Portland, they severely injured a handyman, Joseph Hall, who was unlucky enough to turn into a street where one of their
'protests' was, according to the NY Post. Hall said he was coming home from a repair job nearby when he was cut off by
a moped. Then the moped followed him and the BLM folks converged to stop his truck to cut off his truck. As you
can see from the video, multiple BLM folks were armed.
Protesters Pull AR-15 And AK-47 On Motorists During Protest In Portland. Portland, Oregon. Thursday, the
13th of October. Police have been called to investigate a group of protesters blocking traffic in North Portland at the
intersection of N Vancouver and N Sacramento St. The protest was for Patrick Kimmons, who allegedly died after being
shot by police last year during a late-night shootout in North Portland. Protesters blocked traffic and began getting
aggressive when one driver with a pickup truck tries to get through the blockage. Several protesters are seen with
AR-15s and AK-47s aimed at the driver, demanding the driver get out of the car. A mini van's tires seemed to have been
slashed and the back window smashed out. [Video clip]
Held at Gunpoint and Beaten by Portland's Antifa/BLM Terrorists Talks From Hospital Trauma Center. The first
question a Portland police officer asked the man beaten and held at gunpoint by antifa and Black Lives Matter "protesters" on
a city street on Wednesday was "what did you do to agitate the crowd?" And that tells you everything about why
militant thugs run the streets of Portland with impunity. The cops blame the victims. Worse, victims who dare
defend themselves become the bad guys. Joe Hall is a former Marine and handyman, who currently lays his head in a
Portland hospital trauma unit. He's laid up with broken ribs, four fractured vertebrae, a dislocated shoulder, a
partially collapsed lung, and a broken eye socket from when he was kicked in the face while he was down.
convicts Florida man who issued 'call to arms' against Trump supporters. A Florida man who in January called
for people to surround Trump supporter at at rally has been found guilty on charges of threatening to kidnap or injure
others. Daniel Baker was convicted Thursday after issuing a "call to arms" for others on Jan. 20 to confront supporters
of then-President Trump whom Baker said would storm Florida capitol that day. "Armed racist mobs have planted the
Confederate flag in the nations [sic] Capitol while announcing their plans to storm every American state Capitol on or around
inauguration day," Baker wrote on Facebook on the "Defend Tallahassee" page, which he created, on Jan. 12, according to The
Epoch Times.
Jersey Police Officer Fired For Calling BLM Protesters "Terrorists". We have been discussing the termination of
public employees and others for their postings on social media or public displays. The latest case is out of New Jersey
where former Hopewell Township police officer Sara Erwin was fired recent over a June 2020 posting on Facebook in which she
referred to Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters as "terrorists." There remains an uncertain line of what political or social
views are tolerated and what are barred on social media. Indeed, Sgt. Mandy Gray was suspended and demoted for
simply liking the June 2020 post. Gray was the first female officer hired in Hopewell Township and became the first
female sergeant in 2019, according to NJ.com. Erwin insists that she posted the statement after she and her colleagues
were faced with violent protests and family members who were traumatized by images on television of officers being attacked.
Armed Antifa Militia In Portland Stop Traffic, Assault Driver At Gunpoint While He Attempts To Defend Himself.
A heavily armed anarchist militia in Portland stopped traffic and assaulted a driver at gunpoint while he attempted to defend
himself. A video from Portland, Oregon, posted on Twitter Thursday showed armed Antifa activists assaulting a driver
after threatening him with firearms in broad daylight while blocking traffic. At two separate points, multiple
participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened to be
driving along. [Video clips and photos]
problems in Texas compound after Democratic county leader called Sen. Tim Scott an 'oreo'. Sen. Tim
Scott of South Carolina made an unusual splash with his response to Joe Biden's quasi-State of the Union address,
declaring — with the weight of his life experience in the real Jim Crow era in comparison to today —
that America "is not a racist country." [...] Ordinarily, people pay attention to the president's speech, not the
rebuttal. But Scott's rebuttal is what got the attention. The left was vile, spewing out a slew of racist
epithets against Scott for his "heresy." When Scott said America wasn't racist, they sought to prove him
wrong — by hurling every racist epithet they could think of at him, as if to prove him wrong by showing them their
own stripes. "Uncle Tim," "Boy," and pictures of Al Jolson in blackface were just some of the disgusting things I saw
on Twitter, all of them posted by leftists.
Portland rioters have charges dismissed by US Attorney: 58 suspects of the 97 arrested have cases scrapped, while 32 more are
left pending. The majority of the people facing federal charges over last summer's protests in Portland, Oregon
will not be prosecuted or spend any time at all behind bars, it haas been revealed. Although 97 people were
arrested and had charges filed against them in connection to protests that took place between May and October of last year,
58 cases have either been dismissed completely or will be scrapped under deferred resolution agreements. A further
32 cases are also pending with many also likely to be dismissed, Fox News reports.
Native, 29, Stabbed Dead By Seattle Neighbor For Not Wearing Face Mask. A Pennsylvania native was stabbed to
death near his Seattle-suburb home on Sunday [5/2/2021], according to police in Washington. John Huynh, 29, formerly of
Ephrata, was stabbed in the heart following a disagreement with a neighbor — over wearing a face mask —
according to charging documents filed in King County Superior Court. Huynh, two friends and his wife walked out of the
Villas at Beardslee apartments in Bothell shortly before 7:30 p.m. Sunday, according to court documents.
Armed and Eating: BLM/Antifa Stumble
Into Bad Situation. A group of angry BLM/Antifa protesters marched in front of Churchill Downs ahead of the
147th Kentucky Derby Saturday, chanting Breonna Taylor's name. After a few minutes of continuing the march down
Bardstown, some of the protesters began harassing diners at La Chasse. As the protesters, some wearing body armor,
moved into the outdoor dinning area and confronting those sitting, a man eating on the restaurant's patio pulled a gun while
his associate argued with a clearly hostile protester. [Video clip]
Floods The Streets Of Paris On May Day, Destroying Everything. Hooded, black-clad demonstrators clashed with
police in Paris on Saturday as thousands of people joined traditional May Day protests across France to demand social and
economic justice and voice their opposition to government plans to change unemployment benefits. Police made 46 arrests
in the capital, where garbage bins were set on fire and the windows of a bank branch were smashed, momentarily delaying the
march. [Video clip]
Rioters Attack A Car During "May Day Protests". The police in Seattle, Washington, said 14 people were arrested
there when the May Day demonstrations saw protesters block traffic and clash with police. Q13Fox reported that the
group blocked traffic and put hazards — including flares — in the street. The group threw
bottles, flares, rocks, paint-filled eggs at police officers, according to police. Those arrested faced charges ranging
from assault to property destruction. Police said at least one bystander was "pelted" by eggs on the street. One
individual was arrested for allegedly throwing a rock through an open police car window. The driver was hit, the Q13Fox
report said. A video that was sent to USA Supreme by one of our fans who wished to stay anonymous shows a pretty
efficient way to clear the intersections when BLM/Antifa rioters are in town. [Video clip]
Trump supporter
reveals Northern Calif. Antifa hit list. A Northern California chapter of Antifa got their plans foiled
by a loyal supporter of President Trump. On Thursday, the Trump supporter revealed documents, messages and recordings
he accessed by infiltrating a far-left Antifa group in Sonoma County. The leader of the Antifa chapter is said to be a
25-year-old college student who was arrested in 2020 for assaulting a police officer. Furthermore, another member made
shocking comments when discussing a potential Saturday, May 1 "May day" protest. "It's May day baby, it's
May day," the leader, dubbed Marb, said during a meeting. "Come out and take something over with us. Let's kill
people!" "Let's kill people! Let's kill some cops," another member laughed along.
man infiltrated and spent a year behind Antifa lines, and they have plans. Antifa isn't a bogeyman or a figment
or an idea or the D-Day troops, as the mainstream press would have you simultaneously believe. They are "very real,"
says the man who infiltrated and spent a year recording and documenting one cell in California. "And they're a big
threat.["] This video from ABC7 in San Francisco is amazing both on account of it showing their murderous hate and ill
intent, and in the fact that it exists from a press outlet at all.
Day has morphed from celebration of worker's rights to violence, says historian. Police departments across the
state have been preparing for May Day for weeks. May 1 is known as International Workers Day, but in recent years the
day has ended in cities like Portland with arrests, fires and destruction. Police departments like the Portland Police
Bureau and the Salem Police Department put out statements ahead of the day as a warning for what could be seen in their
cities. Local historians say destruction from recent May Days doesn't connect with the actual history of the day.
"May Day means something. It's a memorial in a way to those who lost their lives in the 19th century fighting for
something so simple as the eight-hour day. It's easy to forget that," said Marc Rodriquez, a history professor at
Portland State University.
Rioters Target Upscale Restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky. BLM and/or Antifa goons targeted an upscale
restaurant in Louisville restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky this evening. The patrons were having none of it as they
faced the mob and taunted them like, 'Come on, Let's go!" [...] Some tweets are coming out of Kentucky tonight indicating BLM
and Antifa are in full force again. It's spring so the rioters are gonna riot. Noticeably none were wearing Trump hats.
Is the Left Allowed to Be 'Transphobic' and Racist? Last week, I asked why there was no uproar from LGBTQ
activists when Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner was "misgendered" and mocked by the left after announcing that he would run for
governor of California. (In reality, some of the mocking came from LGBTQ activists, who painted Jenner as a fame-hungry
reality TV star.) And where was the uproar when Bill Maher questioned the "born that way" dogma, stating, "Wasn't always
sure about the man-woman thing, but low capital gains taxes — born that way." To be sure, there were some
scattered voices of protest, but not a fraction of what would have happened had the mockery been pointed towards someone like
Richard "Rachel" Levine, President Biden's appointee as assistant secretary for Health and Human Services. But all that
pales in comparison to some of the attacks on Sen. Tim Scott after he responded forcefully to Biden's address to
Congress on Wednesday night.
people of color hate the riots the lefty elite keeps cheering. When Americans fight about race or culture, the
fight is almost always really about social class. And that shows up in today's discussions about riots and policing.
The Daily Caller recently sent a video correspondent to Brooklyn Center, Minn., scene of many police-shooting-related riots, and
to Washington, DC, home of America's ruling class, and asked people in both places when and if rioting was justified. The
answers differed sharply. In Brooklyn Center, where the destruction was visible first-hand, respondents (nearly all black
men of various ages) overwhelmingly opposed rioting. An African-American man in an "Army Veteran" hat commented:
"We're human, and we want to be treated with respect," but we also need to show "respect."
man arrested for alleged threats to kill Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan. Seattle police arrested a 43-year-old man
for harassment after leaving a voicemail for Mayor Jenny Durkan in which he allegedly stated he wanted to kill her.
Court documents identify the suspect as Rashidi Slaughter of Auburn. Detectives were told Tuesday the suspect left a
voicemail at the mayor's office earlier that morning. They were able to identify the man, determining the call was made
from Auburn. "It just shows again that we're in a very difficult troubled time right now, and this is just another
thing that many officials face," Durkan said about the voicemail.
Man Fined $12 Million For Police Station Fire At George Floyd Protest. A Minnesota man has been fined $12 million
for helping set fire to a police station during a protest last summer following the death of George Floyd. Dylan Shakespeare
Robinson, 23, pleaded guilty in December to one count of conspiracy to commit arson. He was accused of lighting a Molotov
cocktail that another person threw at the Third Precinct headquarters in Minneapolis. He now faces four years in prison and
a whopping fine for the damages to the police station — a penalty Robinson's lawyer argues he will never be able to pay.
The Editor says...
[#1] He may never pay the entire fine, but he can pay as much as he can, and perhaps some of his anarchist buddies will learn from his experience.
On the other hand, he pleaded guilty to conspiracy, which means someone else was involved, so why can't the other(s) involved share the cost?
[#2] Perhaps he will be pardoned by President Chelsea Clinton or President Jenna Bush.
Chilling Video, Antifa Doxes, Threatens to KILL Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. Late last week Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler
took to video to plea for the community's help to "unmask" antifa. The violence-prone anarchist-fascist group has terrorized Portland
with months of violent and destructive insurrectionist riots despite Joe Biden merely calling antifa an "idea." Someone purporting
to represent antifa has responded to Wheeler with a new video. In this video, the masked individual pushes anti-American themes and
publishes Wheeler's home address. The individual finishes the disturbing presentation with a veiled threat to kill Mayor Wheeler.
[Video clip]
man who helped burn MPD 3rd Precinct sentenced to 4 years in prison, owes $12M in restitution. A Brainerd man
has been sentenced for his role in the arsons committed at the Minneapolis Police Department's Third Precinct building last
year. According to the United States Attorney's Office District of Minnesota, 23-year-old Dylan Shakespeare Robinson
will serve four years (48 months) in prison. As part of his sentencing, he will also serve two years of supervised
release and owe $12 million in restitution. Court documents state on the night of May 28, 2020, Robinson went
to the Third Precinct where a crowd of hundreds had gathered. At one point, the crowd began shouting, "Burn it down, burn it
down." Soon after, a fence that was designed to keep people out of the building was torn down. Robinson, along with
other co-conspirators, breached the fence and entered the building. Robinson lit an object held by the unidentified
co-conspirator who threw it toward the Third Precinct building with the intent that it would start a fire or fuel an existing fire.
church cancels conservative speaker event, cites potential threats. An East Pierce County church has canceled
an event featuring a politically conservative activist after the senior pastor said police warned him groups opposed to the
event were targeting the pastor and members of the congregation. Motion Church's senior pastor, the Rev. Roger
Archer, told The News Tribune the Puyallup Police Department and FBI contacted him about safety concerns over a planned
appearance by Charlie Kirk. The Puyallup Police Department did not return requests for comment from The News Tribune.
State of emergency declared in North
Carolina as protests continues. Hundreds of protesters took to the streets on Monday, April 26 to protest the
shooting and call for the release of body-camera footage over Andrew Brown Jr.'s death in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
Elizabeth City Mayor Bettie Parker declared a state of emergency in preparation for outrage of the public. [Video clip]
Writer Doesn't Get Concerns About Driving Near Protesters, Here's an Explainer. Washington Post opinion writer
Radley Balko tweeted that he didn't quite get why some people were so worried about "inadvertently driving near a protest,
getting stuck in front of a wall of protesters, then getting pulled out of their car and beaten." [Tweet] In his tweet,
he referenced a ridiculous article from "The New Republic" which claimed Republicans wanted the "right to crash cars into
people" and that Republicans were endorsing a "terroristic tactic" against "protesters." [More tweets] As I've covered
the protests/riots over the past year, I've seen many encounters that have ranged from minor harassment to someone ending up
dead. I'm not sure what Balko has been watching over the past year, but BLM/Antifa people are constantly blocking cars
in the street and getting into encounters with drivers.
Lives Matter Protesters Block Traffic on Brooklyn Bridge, Clash With Police. Black Lives Matter and affiliated
protesters blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City on Saturday night, leading NYPD officers to make
arrests. Video footage showed the demonstrators crossing the Brooklyn Bridge from Brooklyn into Manhattan before
squaring off with officers. Some officers deployed pepper spray. Other footage showed the demonstrators being
told by officers to get off the bridge and pushing the crowd back. According to officials, no injuries were reported,
and about a half-dozen demonstrators were given appearance tickets for obstruction of vehicular traffic, reported the New
York Post.
You've made your bed, now lie on it. Black-owned
businesses in Minneapolis autonomous zone — where police are kept out — plead for help.
The New York Post reported that black-owned businesses at the intersection where George Floyd died in May 2020, now
known as George Floyd Square, are pleading for, among other things, help from police. [Tweet] Black merchants near the
once-thriving corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue said police have abandoned the blocked-off intersection, creating a
dangerous autonomous zone that has seen crime spoke and business evaporate. Owner of Smoke in the Pit restaurant
said: "The city left me in danger." The merchant, who asked to be identified only as Alexander W, for fear of
reprisals, added: "They locked us up on here and left us behind. They left me with no food, no water, nothing to
eat. The police, fire trucks, can't come in here."
A Long and Sordid History
of Crowds Threatening Violence in the Event of a Jury Acquittal. It does not matter to due process whether the
crowd is right or wrong, Black or white, well-intentioned or malevolent. Nor does it matter whether the defendant is
guilty, innocent or somewhere in between. Oliver Wendell Holmes correctly pointed out: due process simply cannot be
achieved for any defendant in the presence of hostile crowds ready for violence if a verdict of not guilty is rendered.
Every police chief and mayor of a large city understood that a verdict of not guilty for George Floyd's murder would result
in demonstrations and perhaps violence. They, along with the president, understandably prayed for the right
verdict — which they defined as a conviction for murder regardless of whether the evidence supported that result,
rather than a verdict of manslaughter, which the evidence clearly did support. Like Oliver Wendell Holmes, every
American should "very seriously doubt" if Chauvin had "due process of law." He may well be guilty of at least
manslaughter, but the process by which he was convicted was fatally flawed, in the same way that the process was flawed in
the Leo Frank, Sam Sheppard and other cases.
Antifa Hate Group Threatens to Burn Down Church Over Event With Charlie Kirk. A Puyallup, Wash., church has
canceled an event featuring conservative speaker Charlie Kirk after antifa activists threatened to burn down all of its
buildings and torch the neighbors' properties too. Motion Church planned an event with Kirk, the head of Turning Point
USA and a Christian speaker, on May 2. The church, in a community south of Seattle, ministers to the homeless, lost,
and addicted people in addition to hosting regular services and events at the church for families, and those seeking to know
Christ more.
This bold pronouncement is about eight months late, Mr. Mayor. Portland
mayor says it's time take our city back' from violent mob. The Mayor of Portland says he is determined to
reclaim the city from the 'anarchistic mob' that has inflicted 'criminal intimidation and violence' on its streets over the
past year. Mayor Ted Wheeler called on the pubic to help him identify the people responsible for the rioting and
destruction Portland so he could 'unmask them, arrest them and prosecute them.' In a news conference on Friday
addressing continuing violence in the city, Wheeler praised BLM leaders for showing 'the courage to stand up to this mob' and
said that all Portland residents should do the same.
Portland's Pusillanimous Mayor.
In August 2020, then-President Donald Trump offered to assist the Democratic mayor of Portland, Oregon, in putting down the
nightly riots that had ravaged his city for more than 90 days. Given this choice between ending the systematic violence
and arson that was wreaking havoc throughout his city and publicly signaling his virtue, Mayor Ted Wheeler chose the
latter. While the residents of Portland hid in their homes to avoid the violence, he responded to Trump's offer with a
sanctimonious letter that included this delusional passage: "No thanks. We don't need your politics of division
and demagoguery." A week later, Portland police declared a riot and arrested 59 people. Fast forward to last
Friday. Mayor Wheeler, having survived countless calls for his resignation and somehow managing to get reelected in
November, is still presiding over a continuous wave of riots and is reverting to the same ineffective tactics that failed so
spectacularly last summer.
mayor should resign first. The invoice is coming and it's going to be big. Last summer, cities, from
Portland to Minneapolis let mobs destroy their buildings and even kill police officers for no reason at all. The
political class backed down and did not protect their citizens and businesses from criminals who used George Floyd's death as
an excuse to burn and destroy. It was a pathetic display of weakness and irresponsibility. Well, Trump is gone
and reality is hitting everyone between the eyes. It's now time to clean up and do whatever they can to recover.
block traffic, clash with cops on Brooklyn Bridge. Dramatic footage by The Post shows a crowd of protesters
snarling traffic and squaring off with cops just a block from City Hall on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge on
Saturday night [4/24/2021]. Six cops were seen corralling one man with his hands behind his back at the Manhattan mouth
of the bridge from around 10:30 p.m. "He's breaking my finger," the grimacing man claims. "What am I being
arrested for?," another can be heard asking, as swarms of officers disperse several dozen protesters coming off the bridge
onto Centre Street. Dozens of protesters had crossed the bridge by walking along its Manhattan-bound roadway, blocking
cars. About a half dozen protesters were given appearance tickets for obstruction of vehicular traffic, according to police.
The Editor says...
Jaywalking tickets? That's it?
storms Oklahoma Capitol over GOP bills, where's the media outrage? Protesters shouting "Black Lives Matter"
stormed the Oklahoma Capitol this week and there doesn't seem to be much outrage or mass coverage from the mainstream
media. Nothing like what we saw on January 6 when people called Trump supporters insurrectionists. Aren't these
protesters doing something similar? Isn't it an insurrection when BLM storms a Capitol, or does that not fit in the
liberal mainstream media's narrative.
"Windham Incident" Death Threats. Many know, I have been actively involved with a State Senator and others over
the past few months — pushing for a forensic audit of Windham's voting machines and ballots from the November 3,
2020 general election. A law mandating the forensic audit was passed on April 12th. Part of my support for the
Bill included keeping the public aware, and asking them to respectfully submit their thoughts to the appropriate government
officials. Their responses have been overwhelming. It is the civic duty of every citizen to get involved with our
government — especially when critical decisions are made regarding the integrity of our elections. Citizen
involvement is the foundation of our representative government. This morning [4/23/2021], I was informed by the
Chairman of the Windham Board of Selectman that he received "at least two veiled death threats". He added, "the veiled death
threats have crossed the line. This is on you." He then asked that I make a public statement. I have had a good,
healthy, and respectful relationship with the Chairman going back many years. I agree completely with him that any sort
of threat — veiled or not — crosses the line. But I do not agree that "this is on me". I am NOT
responsible for the actions of any other person. I have NEVER incited — nor condoned —
violence. It is irresponsible that I am being blamed for someone else's actions.
Dump Piles of Cow Manure at Biden White House in Earth Day Protest. Leftist protesters led by Code Pink's token
white male Tighe Barry and Extinction Rebellion D.C. marched through downtown Washington, D.C. Thursday morning pushing pink
colored wheelbarrows filled with cow manure, heading to the White House to protest Joe Biden's climate policies on Earth
Day. This is one time when wearing masks outdoors might make sense.
The Editor says...
Did they drive right past the National Guard with a truckload of manure? Do you think a Republican in
a MAGA hat could do that without being questioned?
Columnist Argues Mass Rioting, Looting Last Summer Was Just Something Republicans 'Believe' Happened.
Throughout last summer, Americans witnessed widespread rioting and looting many BLM demonstrations caused across the
country. Now, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is arguing that all that destruction was just something Republicans
"believe." Krugman made the comment in a series of tweets criticizing Republicans for being most concerned about illegal
immigration and the deficit, according to a Pew study. "You might think that it would be hard to obsess over the
deficit when it was actually Trump who blew the deficit up, to zero complaints from his party," Krugman tweeted. "But
that would be assuming that R voters know about that, or would even be willing to hear it." "In reality, given that GOP
supporters believe that rampaging mobs burned and looted major cities — somehow without the people actually living
in those cities noticing — getting them to see facts about something as abstract as the deficit is a hopeless
cause," Krugman continued.
York Times columnist Paul Krugman suggests 'rampaging mobs' that looted cities were GOP make-believe. New York
Times columnist Paul Krugman suggested on Thursday that the violence that has plagued cities over the past year was a figment
of Republicans' imagination. Krugman knocked Republicans on Twitter for "only" being concerned about illegal
immigration and the deficit in comparison to Democrats, who according to a Pew study are overwhelmingly concerned about gun
violence, racism, the coronavirus, climate change, affordable healthcare, and economic inequality. "You might think
that it would be hard to obsess over the deficit when it was actually Trump who blew the deficit up, to zero complaints from
his party," Krugman tweeted. "But that would be assuming that R voters know about that, or would even be willing to
hear it."
vandalize Central Park monument and clash with police. Protesters clashed with police in Manhattan on Thursday
night [4/22/2021] after a monument was vandalized by cop-haters in Central Park. Six people were arrested in Columbus
Circle near the USS Maine National Monument, which was defaced with anti-police graffiti, cops said. [...] The crowd was part
of the Stonewall Protests, which gathers weekly outside the iconic Greenwich Village bar. The group describes itself as
"black queer and black trans activists centered on the acknowledgement of all black life" on Instagram.
James Incited Millions to Murder a Police Officer. Will It Cost Him Anything? As America learned that a
Columbus, Ohio, police officer shot and killed a teenage girl while she was in the act of wielding a knife at two other
girls, NBA star LeBron James took to Twitter and incited his followers against the police officer. James has 49.6 million
Twitter followers and is a hero to millions for winning basketball championships. He is very influential.
At Floyd Memorial Want To Burn Down City No Matter What, One Hints Towards Killing Whites. Radical black BLM
supporters in attendance at A George Floyd's memorial in Minneapolis were asked about their thoughts on police, civil war and
how they felt whites should be treated. What follows is a collection of shockingly honest words from people who are
actively looking to tear the country apart for no reason other than racism against white people, which despite what CNN would
have you believe isn't really that big of an issue anymore as many races work happily together every day around the
nation. "Burn the whole city down, what does it matter?" one of the women asked. "I say burn the city down,
y'know? So they can see that we're here," another woman asserted. One person said that Derek Chauvin should not
have received a trial at all.
And Their Mob Surround A Truck After The Chauvin Verdict, Try To Pull Driver Out. Protesters jumped on and
surrounded a semi-truck after it drove near a crowd of people celebrating the guilty verdict against former Minneapolis
police officer Derek Chauvin on April 20. The crowd was filmed jumping on the truck, trying to open the driver's door,
smashing his window, one person in a suit and tie even jumped on the hood of the truck. A voice in the video is heard
yelling 'beat [him]' and 'disconnect the trailer.' Jurors returned a verdict of guilty on all three charges against
Chauvin, on trial for the death of 46-year-old Floyd, after less than 10 hours of deliberation
Order Of Police Blasts LeBron James For 'Gaslighting' Attack On Cop Who Saved Black Girl From Stabbing Assault.
The National Fraternal Order of Police condemned LeBron James for using his influence to call for an attack on the police
officer who shot and killed a teenage girl wielding a knife to save the life of another black girl. "@KingJames, with
his vast resources & influence, should educate himself and, frankly, has a responsibility to do so, on the facts before
weighing in. This is disgraceful & extremely reckless," the FOP wrote on Twitter. "The officer saved a young
girl's life. No amount of gaslighting will change that fact." In a now-deleted tweet, the famous NBA player posted
a picture of the alleged Columbus officer involved in the fatal shooting captioned with the words "YOU'RE NEXT" and
"#ACCOUNTABILITY." James removed the post but it still received more than 6,000 retweets in the short amount of time it
circulated Twitter.
next': LeBron James tweets that the white cop who shot dead Ma'Khia Bryant should be held 'accountable' before deleting it
after he was accused of 'inciting violence' against police. NBA star LeBron James called for the Ohio cop who
shot dead 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant to be held accountable for his actions in a now-deleted tweet on Wednesday [4/21/2021].
Bryant, a black teenager, was killed by a white Columbus police officer on Tuesday while charging at two people with a knife,
sparking more outrage over the continued use of lethal force by cops just moments after former Minneapolis cop Derek
Chauvin was found guilty on murder and manslaughter charges over the death of George Floyd. In response to Bryant's
death, James, who is consistently outspoken about social justice issues, tweeted: 'You're next. #ACCOUNTABILITY.'
lawmakers confronted by more than two dozen protesters who swarmed house chambers to denounce a bill that shields motorists
who strike 'rioters' with their car. More than two dozen angry protesters swarmed the Oklahoma House of
Representatives chamber during a session on Wednesday to demonstrate against several bills that target demonstrators and
trans girls. The House and Senate were forced to lock their chambers as the protesters entered the Capitol's House
gallery on the fifth floor while lawmakers were in session. Video shows the group chanting 'no justice no peace' and
'Black Lives Matter'. But others heckled legislators, with one screaming 'you are a [...] disgrace to the whole country!'
Senate passes bill protecting drivers who hit protesters blocking roadways. A bill meant to protect drivers who
hit protesters during the course of fleeing a riot passed the Oklahoma Senate on Wednesday [4/14/2021]. House Bill 1674,
which passed through the Senate by a vote of 38-10, would increase penalties for blocking roadways while also providing
immunity to drivers who kill or injure motorists while fleeing the scene of a riot in fear for their lives, according to the
Associated Press. The bill comes in response to an incident in Tulsa, Oklahoma, last year in which a driver in a pickup
truck drove through a group of George Floyd protesters blocking an interstate and injured several protesters. The
driver, whose family was in the car, was not charged.
Falsely Describes Race Rioters Who Burned America as Marching "In Peace". Biden's response to the legal
lynching of Derek Chauvin for the drug overdose death of George Floyd came with the false claim that the racist rioters and
looters of the black supremacist Black Lives Matter hate movement had protested "in peace and with purpose". Purpose,
yes. Peace, no. Unless Biden considers $2 billion in looting damage, at least 8 mostly peaceful murders,
including that of a black 8-year-old girl, and the destruction of entire communities to be peaceful.
Activists Suggest We Should 'Start Killing' All White People. A shocking interview from the George Floyd
memorial in Minneapolis reveals how many Black Americans think about White people in the US. During the collection of
interviews, journalist and filmmaker Ami Horowitz asked several people who were attending the memorial about their thoughts
on burning the city down and using violence against white people. The responses may be shocking but not surprising to
those who have been paying attention. "Burn the whole city down, what does it matter?" one of the women asked. "I
say burn the city down, y'know? So they can see that we're here," another woman said. One of the women went on to
say that Derek Chauvin should not have received a trial at all, and should have just been sent right to jail for life.
The Editor says...
Yes, there was one party involved in this mess who should have been sent to jail for life, and it wasn't Derek Chauvin.
Chants 'Hit a Cop With a Baseball Bat' During Violent Frederick, Maryland Demonstrations. A group of AntiFa
radicals led threatening chants of "hit a cop with a baseball bat," during violent demonstrations in Frederick, Maryland; the
latest instance of extreme left-wing activity in a community once known for the conservative streak that set it apart from
other regions of the state. "From the Nile to the Platte, hit a cop with a baseball bat!", the group, which reportedly
goes by the name "Frederick Socialists," chanted through bullhorns during the "free the people, fight the power, fuck the
police march" down a residential street in one of several short clips posted online by march attendees.
Activist Says She Supports Mass Looting Because It's Payback For 200 Years Of What White People Have Done.
Activist Kim Brown, who hosts "Burn It Down with Kim Brown" on YouTube, says she fully supports the looting of Dollar Tree,
and of Advance Auto Parts (which was burned down). Why? Because blacks could loot every store in America for 200 years
and still not have their debt repaid. Someone should tell her stores aren't going to reopen if they're continually looted.
"I support the looting of Dollar tree. I support the looting of Advanced auto parts. I support all that [...]... Because
blk people could loot every store in this [...] country for 200 years and it would not even come close to what America
owes us." [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Excuse me for trying to inject logic into this discussion, but if you burn down somebody's store, how does that repay a debt?
Church Goes Up In Flames Minneapolis. A fire caused major damage to the century-old Sacred Heart of Jesus
church in northeast Minneapolis Monday night. Crews were called just before 7 p.m. to the church, located on the 2200
block of 5th Street Northeast, after reports of a fire on the first floor. Firefighters rescued a few parishioners who
had entered the church to try and put out the flames. By the time they were taken to safety, the fire spread to the
roof. [Video clip]
have abandoned all principle by telegraphing approval of some rioting. Are some riots good and others
unacceptable? Surely not. Those who destroy property and commit assaults, whether against law enforcers or
civilians, ought to be punished, no matter the cause they claim to support. But today's liberals reject this fair,
universal standard. Some riots deserve legal protection, they insist, while others must be harshly repressed. It
all depends on the politics of the rioters. Some, such as the excitable Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), are
cheering the prospect of another round of Black Lives Matter riots, er, "peaceful protests," if the Derek Chauvin trial
doesn't go their way. They're also up in arms about a new Florida law that strengthens punishment for those who take to
the streets to commit violence.
Intimidation, Racial Antagonists Throw Blood and Pig Head on Former Residence of Defense Witness in Derek Chauvin
Trial. As the closing arguments of the Derek Chauvin trial wrap up today those who want to advance racial
hatred attempt to intimidate a prior defense witness. Former police training officer Barry Brodd testified for the
defense. His former home in Santa Rosa, California, was attacked Sunday with a pigs head left on the blood-splattered
front porch. Fortunately Mr. Brodd had previously moved away from that location, but the current owner was
obviously mortified. The far-left is once again using every resource to trigger violence and hatred around this
case. Without a doubt the activists inside Obama's Chicago network are coordinating the effort. They have been
exploiting the death of George Floyd for maximum political value and antagonism from the outset.
church damaged in riot says cost of repairs will take away from feeding the homeless. Portland businesses and a
church picked up the pieces Saturday morning between nights of unrest in the city following a number of police shootings
nationwide. Groups of around 100 people moved around the streets of Portland, either protesting or looking to
cause damage on Friday night, leading police to declare a riot. The mayhem marked the third night in five days that
police have declared a riot in the city in the wake of police shootings nationwide, [...]
mansion, several homes vandalized in Denver. The governor's mansion was among several homes hit during a
vandalism spree in Denver overnight [4/18/2021]. Sister station CBS Denver reports most of the targets were the city's
Cheesman Park neighborhood.
that 2021 rioters will be attacking and burning wealthy neighborhoods. Rioting is a frequent phenomenon,
complete with a professional traveling cadre that moves into a city when a spark ignites anger — as most recently
happened in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. [...] With so many people and resources being expended, a bit of strategic thinking
is being brought into play. Poor Blacks burning their own neighborhoods hurts the (nonprofessional) rioters and their
families and is a burden that does not affect most people. It also doesn't win a lot of friends among the supposedly
oppressed people the itinerant professional rioters seek to lead. Now we are seeing signs that the urge to riot will be
directed from above at the affluent and comfortable, a property destruction analogue of the slogan "Eat the Rich" that has
enjoyed great popularity on some quarters.
Protesters? BLM Incites Crowd To 'Get Blood On Their Hands'. With the scent of mayhem over the George
Floyd murder trial verdict already in the air, Black Lives Matter is preparing to take to the streets for another round of
rioting, looting, and mayhem that could result in bloodshed. On Friday [4/16/2021], BLM activists and their Antifa
allies took to the streets to denounce the police and to warm up for the violence that will be unleashed if the jury delivers
anything less than a second-degree murder verdict against ex-cop Derek Chauvin. In one of the rallies that were held
across the country, a young activist speaking at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington D.C. made it clear that there will be
hell to pay for white America and issued a call for what sounded like a violent revolution.
National Guard, Police Team Targeted In Drive-By Shooting Hours After Maxine Waters Incites BLM Protesters.
Hours after Sen. Maxine Waters (D-CA) urged protesters to 'get more confrontational,' a Minnesota National Guard and
Minneapolis police team were targeted in a Saturday morning drive-by shooting, according to a press release by the National
Guard. The incident happened at approximately 4:19 a.m. local time when a light colored SUV drove by and
unloaded. Fortunately for the officers, only minor injuries were sustained — with two National Guardsmen suffering
minor cuts from shattered glass. They were taken to a local hospital. A third Guardsman had "only superficial
injuries" according to the statement.
"Panicking" About Police Informant Inside Network: Andy Ngo. Members of the infamous Antifa cell in
Portland are anxious after an informant in their midst gave information to police, leading to arson charges, Antifa expert
Andy Ngo says. "They're panicking because this may possibly mean that somebody has infiltrated high... and there's a
lot at risk, because this is a criminal cartel," Ngo said Saturday [4/17/2021] on NTD's "The Nation Speaks."
Waters Makes Inciting Comments, Goes All in With Rashida Tlaib on the Anti-Police Rhetoric. Rep. Maxine
Waters (Delusional-CA) joined a protest action in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, last night [4/17/2021] and made inflammatory
comments, saying that people needed to "stay in the streets" and be "confrontational" if Derek Chauvin, the police officer on
trial for George Floyd's death, is not convicted of first degree murder. [Video clip] Now, of course, this
is completely irresponsible for a sitting member of the House to be encouraging "confrontation," especially when things are
already at a fever pitch. If she had been a Republican and said this, she'd probably already be accused of
"insurrection." If she had been President Donald Trump, she'd already be impeached.
Taylor Greene Says She Will Introduce Resolution to Expel Maxine Waters From Congress. Freshman
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said Sunday [4/18/2021] that she plans to introduce a resolution calling on Congress
to expel sixteen-term Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) over incendiary remarks Waters made at an anti-police protest in
Brooklyn City, Minnesota late Saturday night. Waters was recorded on video demanding a guilty verdict from the jury in
the Derek Chauvin trial and urged protesters to "get more confrontational."
blast Rep. Maxine Waters over protest comments. A chorus of Republicans blasted Rep. Maxine Waters
Sunday [4/18/2021] for telling angry protesters to "stay in the streets" and "get more confrontational" during the
seven-straight night of unrest in Minnesota — saying the California Democrat's fiery comments could incite
violence in a state already on edge. Waters stood alongside demonstrators in Brooklyn Center early Sunday morning,
breaking a curfew set by police, to encourage them to make their voices heard following the fatal police shooting of Daunte
Wright and ahead of as closing arguments in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin for the death of George
Floyd. "We've got to stay in the streets, and we've got to demand justice," she urged the crowd, who earlier had been
chanting: "No good cops in a racist system!" "[...]!" and "No justice, no peace!" "We're looking for a guilty
verdict" in the Chauvin case, Waters said. "And if we don't, we cannot go away, we've got to get more confrontational."
Impeach and remove Maxine
Waters. In supporting the second impeachment of President Trump, California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters
said he was "inciting" his followers, and was "trying to create a Civil War." By her own standards, Maxine Waters should
be impeached and removed. On Sunday [4/18/2021] in Minnesota, Waters, breaking the law by violating curfew (because
"she didn't agree with it") said that if ex-police officer Derek Chauvin is not found guilty of murdering George Floyd,
"We've got to get more confrontational." There's been rioting, looting, graffiti — what did Waters mean by
"more confrontational?" In Portland, they set fire to an Apple store. They're trying to take over government
buildings. This isn't the first time Waters has incited her supporters. In 2018, she told them to harass Trump
administration officials. "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from
that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you
push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," she said.
Calls For Maxine
Waters to Be Immediately Arrested Grow After She "Incited Riots". Maxine Water, like all Dems, is hell-bent on
tearing this nation apart in the twisted name of "justice." Mad Max took to the streets of Minneapolis, wearing a mask,
and a massive plexiglass faceguard (wasn't she vaccinated?) and whipped the crowd up into [a] frenzy, and basically told
them to "burn it all down" if Derek Chauvin isn't convicted of the first-degree murder of George Floyd. [...] A sitting US
Congresswoman is actually encouraging rioting and looting if our justice doesn't convict Chauvin.
Waters tells Minnesota BLM protesters 'to get more confrontational' one day after violent anti-police clashes erupted across
US. California Representative Maxine Waters joined protesters in Minnesota as demonstrations entered a seventh
night on Saturday after the death of Daunte Wright. Waters told the protesters at Brooklyn Center that she will fight
for justice on their behalf and urged them to 'to get more confrontational' — just one day after protests descended into
violence. 'I am not happy that we have talked about police reform for so long,' Waters said. 'We're looking for a guilty
verdict,' she added in regards to the Derek Chauvin trial. 'If we don't, we cannot go away.'
Waters: Derek Chauvin Must Be 'Guilty, Guilty, Guilty' or We Take to the Streets. Rep. Maxine Waters
(D-CA) joined demonstrators Saturday evening outside the police station in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, and told Americans to
take to the streets unless Derek Chauvin is convicted for murder in the death of George Floyd. Waters joined protesters
who are angry over the shooting of Daunte Wright, 20, as he fled arrest after a traffic stop earlier this month. [...] The
incident was followed by protests and riots, just as the Chauvin trial was taking place several miles away. "We're
looking for a guilty verdict," Waters said. "And we're looking to see if all of the talk that took place and has been
taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd, if nothing does not happen, then we know that we've got to not
only stay in the street, but we've got to fight for justice," she said.
Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 762.
Goes Wild in the Nation's Capital, but the Reaction Is Decidedly Different. In the wake of the police shootings
of Daunte Wright and Adam Toledo, protests have begun to routinely devolve into rioting, looting, and general violence and
destruction. Earlier in the week, we saw violent outbursts in Minneapolis. Heading into the weekend, things had
also gotten worse in places like Portland, Chicago, and Washington D.C. In fact, these recent, disturbing videos show
Antifa terrorists trapping and attacking police officers in the nation's capital. [...] Where is the National Guard? We
were assured they were in Washington D.C. to keep the peace. There's a large contingent of them currently stationed
there. Why are they not being deployed to stop his anarchy? You can speculate as to the reasons why, and I
certainly have my theories. Regardless, what really stuck out to me was the difference in reaction we are seeing from
the left and their media allies compared to January 6th.
Senate Approves 'Anti-Riot' Bill. Florida's Senate has voted to approve an "anti-riot" bill supported by
Republicans, and Gov. Ron DeSantis in particular, but criticized by Democrats and civil rights groups as limiting the
right to protest in the state, the Orlando Sentinel reports. The newspaper notes that Democrats and civil rights
organizations specifically point to the provisions in the bill that "grant civil legal immunity to people who drive through
protesters blocking a road; prevent people arrested for rioting or offenses committed during a riot from bailing out of jail
until their first court appearance; and impose a six-month mandatory sentence for battery on a police officer during a riot."
The bill also states that a city cannot reduce its police budget without prior approval from the state, in an apparent
response to the movement to redistribute some of the funding that goes towards police.
Informant Snitches To Portland Police, Results In Arsonist Arrest, Chaos In Antifa Ranks. Antifa terrorists in
Portland are panicking as one of their own has supposedly turned against them, ratting out criminal behavior to the
police. After Tuesday night's [4/134/2021] torching of the police union headquarters building, one of the rioters, Alma
Raven-Guido, has been arrested and charged with Arson, Riot, and Criminal Mischief. If you can believe it, pro-antifa
district attorney, Mike Schmidt, is actually holding her to the charges. Turns out one of their own ratted her out to
police. And this isn't the first time this person has snitched!
From Portland Police Informant Leads to Arson Charges Against Woman for Torching Portland Union Hall.
Eyewitness testimony from a Portland police informant with a history of providing "credible and reliable information on
multiple prior investigations" is one of Multnomah County prosecutors' strongest pieces of evidence in charging a 19-year-old
woman with arson for allegedly setting fire to the Portland Police Association headquarters. On Wednesday [4/14/2021],
the district attorney's office filed charges of arson, criminal mischief and felony riot against Alma Raven-Guido. The
charges follow an April 13 protest against racist policing where some of the protesters marched to the union hall on North
Lombard Street and set fire to a portion of it. The most substantial information in the probable cause affidavit filed
Wednesday by the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office comes from the alleged firsthand account of an unnamed informant.
Director Wray Refuses To Disclose If Antifa Has Organized Finances To Launch Coordinated Attacks. Federal
Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray refused to disclose whether Antifa has the capability to organize, receive
funding, and coordinate attacks during the House Intelligence Committee's annual public World Wide Threats Hearing on
Thursday [4/15/2021]. Wray began his answer about Antifa by declaring it is a "real thing." "There are certainly
local and regional nodes, individuals who self-identify with Antifa and commit violent attacks, citing that as their
motivation, and we have a number of predicate investigations into such individuals and Antifa is a real thing. It's not
a fiction," Wray admitted, despite Democrats and their media allies previously calling Antifa a "myth." When pressed by
Republican Rep. Michael Turner of Ohio about the organizing, training, and financing of Antifa, however, Wray was
reluctant to divulge information.
Lives Matter activist Bree Newsome defends rioting and looting as 'a legitimate, politically-informed response to state
violence'. A prominent activist who supports the Black Lives Matter movement has appeared to support violent
protests, arguing that rioting and looting are 'a legitimate, politically-informed response to state violence'. Bree
Newsome, 35, made the passionate remarks in a series of tweets this week, arguing that police are not limited to
non-violence, and that a violent response to injustice can be appropriate and justified. Newsome, a filmmaker and
activist on racial justice issues, famously scaled a flagpole at the South Carolina State House to tear down the Confederate
battle flag in 2015. Weeks later, lawmakers ordered the divisive symbol's removal from the grounds.
investigating Antifa for violent attacks, Director Wray says. The FBI is investigating far-left Antifa radicals
linked to violent attacks around the country, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress on Thursday [4/15/2021].
Mr. Wray was asked his views on whether Antifa, a leftist radical group that has triggered violent attacks in several
U.S. cities, is an organized group. "We consider Antifa to be more of a movement," Mr. Wray said during an
appearance before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. "There are certainly local and regional nodes,
individuals who self-identify with Antifa who commit violent attacks, citing that as their motivation. And we have a
number of predicated investigations into such individuals."
Arab street has come to America. It's important to note that riots happen constantly. If you type the
word "riot" into YouTube, you get videos from every corner of the world. Many of the riots in the Arab world were part
of the Muslim spring, when liberty-seekers and Muslim Brotherhood despots alike took to the streets, anxious to unseat the
governments then in charge. In the West, riots tended to be focused on a specific political goal, complete with signs
and the usual leftist street theater. However, the notion of the "Arab street" connotes a specific type of riot, one in
which imams and other activists stir up a mob to take to the streets in a blind rage. [...] The initial George Floyd
protests, while they were built on a lie, had the indicia of a traditional protest: people focused on an issue gathered
together with signs and slogans to impress politicians with their numbers and, often, marched down the streets.
However, once those protests devolved into riots and looting, they took on the patina of the Arab street. And when the
people skipped the formal protest part entirely, as they did in Kenosha and are now doing in Brooklyn Center (and will
certainly do in Minneapolis after the Chauvin verdict), we are witnessing pure Arab street theater: demagogues are whipping
volatile crowds into frenzies that do not result in formal protest, but simply lead to anarchic street violence.
If I did this, it would be called "making
a terroristicthreat." BLM
Thugs Take Over Dallas Restaurant, Threaten To 'Burn [...] Down. What's your definition of terrorism? As
Black Lives Matter agitators take over this Dallas eatery, their chants of "Who burn [...] down? We burn [...] down"
sure sounds like a threat of terrorism. [Video clip]
Attacks against
journalists soar during Black Lives Matter protests. At least 50 journalists in the US have been arrested
during Black Lives Matter demonstrations across the US, while dozens of others have also been injured by rubber bullets,
pepper spray and tear gas. The US Press Freedom Tracker has collected nearly 500 incidents from 382 reports, from the
unrest in Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd's killing by police in late May, to demonstrations in more than 70 cities
across 35 states since. At least 46 journalists were arrested between the end of May and the beginning of June,
according to data collected by the organisation. Dozens of others reported injuries from law enforcement, firing "less
lethal" projectiles, tear gas canisters and other weapons into crowds or directly at reporters during demonstrations, even
when they had identified themselves and shown credentials, the organisation reports. Two reporters have suffered
permanent eye injuries.
Riots Okay Again? Are riots a violent insurrection by radical groups which must be suppressed by any means...
or a peaceful protest? Obviously, it depends on who's doing the rioting and where they're doing the rioting. A
riot in congress is an attack on "our democracy" while looting, burning and trashing a bunch of stores in Brooklyn Center is
a peaceful protest. Attacking Capitol Police officers is a horrifying crime, but attacking Brooklyn Center police
officers is a peaceful protest. If a Brooklyn Center officer gets a job working for the Capitol Police and moves to
D.C., then attacking him while he's in Minnesota is fine, but not in D.C., unless the attackers are protesting for some
fashionable cause like falsely accusing a Supreme Court justice of rape or claiming that the world is about to end because
not everyone drives a Tesla.
Nothing soothes the pain of a total stranger's death like a new pair of stolen sneakers. Minneapolis
Rioters Loot A Super Foot Locker In The Name Of 'Social Justice' After Police Shooitng Sunday. A law
enforcement officer fatally shot a young African-American man in the city of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, which sparked a
fresh wave of protests and resulted in clashes between protesters and police officers. Hundreds of protesters marched
to the Brooklyn Center police department to protest the officer-involved shooting of an African-American man, where they were
met by police officers in riot gear; some took advantage of the turmoil and started looting shops, including a local
Walmart. Videos have emerged online showing some of the protesters looting stores near Brooklyn Center during the
rally, which was declared unlawful by police. [Video clip]
it will look like for us if history repeats itself. With but minor changes adapting it to the situation, the
Derek Chauvin trial is reprising the George Zimmerman dramatic production trial. Chauvin
plugs in as Zimmerman, while George Floyd takes Trayvon Martin's place. We're wearily familiar with the script; there
will be riots no matter what's decided, with the same people rioting. The lamestream media will pronounce Chauvin
guilty with minimal regard for evidence, law, or common sense. In the court of public opinion, Chauvin will ultimately
be judged not on what he actually did, but on the narrative that somebody white has to pay for George Floyd's death.
Meanwhile, Minneapolis police shot and killed another black lawbreaker Sunday, bringing BLM rioters into the streets
again. These had been waiting for a spark to ignite another conflagration. They probably were anticipating the
decision in the Chauvin case, but pretty much any old spark would have served the purpose.
And BLM Crashes White Lives Matter Event In Huntington Beach, Massive Clashes Ensue. Huntington Beach police
Sunday declared an unlawful assembly after scuffles broke out between "White Lives Matter" protesters and Black Lives Matter
counter-demonstrators near the pier. Video shows at least two men carrying Trump 2020 flags and one going head-to-head
with the counter-protesters who then surrounded him and ripped his flag down. A small scuffle breaks out before police
intervened and officers confiscated the man's flag and took him into custody. [Video clip]
set fires at Portland, Oregon ICE building: Reports. Video footage shows fires burning at the Portland,
Oregon U.S. Immigration and Customs Enformcent (ICE) building. Video footage shows one fire that appeared to be burning
along the outside of the building that had wood panels on it. "On Sunday [4/11/2021], the Portland Police Bureau
confirmed that officers were called out to the federal building in Southwest Portland around 11:30 p.m. to assist the
Federal Protective Service once fires had been lit. Officers arrived to find at least two fires, including one that
appeared to be against the building," according to KATU News. "Videos shared to KATU News by Independent Media PDX show
the plywood that reinforced the exterior of the building ablaze. Wooden pallets piled outside were also set on fire,"
the outlet said.
Minneapolis Burns After Police Shooting, Must-See Video of Victim Emerges. The mainstream media have seized
onto another Black Lives Matter martyr: A charismatic-looking young father all of just 20 years old whose innocent
smile adds outrage to yet another tragic officer-involved death in riot-devastated Minneapolis. [...] But in the narrative
battle over whether or not a police shooting incident was right or wrong, any one-sided image is going to be misleading.
What the media is less likely to show those who desire to fuel the outrage and further BLM protests is that Wright was shown
on video blithely smoking and waving his handgun at the video in a menacing fashion. [Video clip]
Tries To Toss Cinder Block At Cops, Gets Taken Down With Rubber Bullets. A riot is underway in the Minneapolis
metropolitan area, and has already seen rioters injured, police property damaged, and an attempt to hurl a cement block at an
officer's head. The riot started in response to police-involved shooting of a man who had an outstanding warrant and
was in the process of fleeing from police. [Video clip]
Explodes in Rioting and Looting After Officer Shoots Black Man Escaping in Car. Minneapolis is already a powder keg
set to explode as millions await the trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd. On Sunday night [4/11/2021],
activists set into action after 20-year-old Daunte Wright was shot and killed by police as he tried to escape an arrest.
Wright, who had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, was pulled over by police. The suspect was shot after returning
to his vehicle to flee, according to police. "According to a statement from Brooklyn Center Police, officers stopped an
individual shortly before 2 p.m. Sunday after determining the driver had an outstanding warrant," the Washington Post
reported. "Police said when they tried to arrest the driver, the driver reentered the vehicle and drove away. An
officer fired at the vehicle, striking the driver. Police said the vehicle traveled several blocks before striking
another vehicle."
former Minneapolis police officer said he quit days before the Derek Chauvin trial because he thinks protesters will 'burn the city down'
no matter the case's outcome. A former Minneapolis police officer who quit the department days before the start of Derek
Chauvin's trial said he did so fearing there would be riots in the city no matter the outcome. The officer, a former sergeant,
spoke on the condition that he not be named, but his identity is known to Insider. The former officer said he was up for retirement
soon and worried about his safety in what he predicts will be "riots and more destruction" when the jury reaches a verdict, which could
happen this month. Chauvin's trial in Minneapolis began March 29. "If Minnesota had the death penalty and Chauvin
got it, people in Minneapolis are still going to riot," the officer said. "They're still going to burn the city down."
following police shooting in Minneapolis suburb make a fair trial for Chauvin impossible. The National Guard
has been called out to control rioting in the wake of a police shooting in the northern Minneapolis lower-middle-class suburb
of Brooklyn Center (whose Caucasian population is 44.5% according to Census Bureau estimates). Rioters behaved with a
hair trigger response, with at least one shot fired into the police station, and looting reported locally and many miles
distant, on Lake Street in Minneapolis, which received the brunt of the riot, looting, and arson damage following the drug
overdose death of George Floyd while in police custody.
Portland ICE building set afire by left-wing extremists during Saturday night insurrection. Left-wing
extremists reportedly set a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building on fire during another insurrection Saturday
evening [4/10/2021] in Portland, Oregon. Horrifying video footage from the insurrection showed the facility's entrance
on fire and its doors shaking as agents were "trying to apparently get out." Besides trying to burn down the facility
and kill those inside, the left-wing extremists also reportedly launched fireworks at the building, lit a fire in its
driveway and smashed its windows. Yet as of Sunday morning, not a single media outlet in America save for Fox News had
even taken note of the insurrection. Even local media outlets in Portland appeared to be ignoring it.
Insurrection? BLM Storm Iowa State Capitol, Fight With Police. Troopers clashed with Black Lives Matter
activists after they stormed the Iowa State Capitol on Thursday [4/8/2021]. Footage from the scene appears to show
protesters wearing face masks, holding signs and chanting inside of the building in Des Moines. [Video clips]
Underway In Iowa As BLM Storms The State Capitol Building Arrests Are Being Made. BLM activists have appeared
to force their way into Iowa's State Capitol building they are there to oppose legislation that they find racist. [...] In
videos posted to both Twitter and Facebook, one masked demonstrator is shouting in a government building while other
protestors stage a "die-in."
ANTIFA Member Arrested On Attempted Murder Of A Poilice Officer For Throwing Molotov At Cop In Portland. A
suspect has been arrested in Indianapolis, Indiana, related to multiple firebomb attacks on police officers in 2020. The
Portland Police Bureau Arson Unit, Portland Fire and Rescue Fire Investigators, the Multnomah County District Attorney's
Office, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives , and Federal Bureau of Investigation have been investigating uses
of firebombs, also known as Molotov Cocktails, used against police during riots in the summer and fall of 2020. On
Friday, April 2, 2021, 24-year-old Malik Muhammed was arrested in Indianapolis on multiple warrants, including Attempted
Aggravated Murder, Attempted Murder in the first degree, Attempted Murder in the second degree, Unlawful Manufacture of a
Destructive Device, Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Unlawful Use of a Weapon, and Unlawful
Possession of a Loaded Firearm in Public. [Video clip]
An obvious attempt to interfere with the judicial system, intimidate the jury, and/or incite a riot: Black
Lives Matter Activist Warns "All Hell Will Break Loose" If Officer Chauvin Is Not Convicted in George Floyd
Death. Black Lives Matter activist Maya Echols, who is also a signed model with IMG Worldwide, warned in a
recent Tik-Tok video that "cities will burn" if Police Officer Derek Chauvin is not convicted in the death of drug addict and
thief George Floyd. [...] The autopsy report found that George Floyd had meth, fentanyl, cannabinoids and morphine in his
system when he die. Floyd was also COVID positive.
Destructive Return Could Have Staying Power. After weeks of relative silence, Antifa's destructive activism
came roaring back to the Pacific Northwest. And as the trial of a former police officer in the death of a black man is
underway 1,650 miles away, this region worries that the violence not only will worsen but threaten to become a permanent
fixture. Violence erupted in both Seattle and Portland, Oregon, in mid-March as jury selection began for the trial of
Derek Chauvin in the May 25 death of George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapolis police. Yet this violence wasn't
exclusively connected to anger related to the trial; it was merely a symbolic restart to the extremists' activism.
Their violence uses social movements for cover. Their intent, however, is to dismantle our institutions and rebuild
through a lens of radical social justice.
Bloc Protester Tries to Climb Chase Bank Building, It Doesn't End Well. The activist was going up with black
paint in a backpack, likely hoping to use it on the building. While he climbed up, others were defacing the front
window, calling for the bank to defund from the pipeline project. A man who appeared connected to the building tried to
encourage the protester to come down. He came down, alright, hard, when he tried to cross over to an awning and then
fell about 15 feet to the ground on his right arm, yelling in pain. Thinking that hurt a lot. The black paint in
his bag spills everywhere. His fellow activists rush over and yell, "Call 911" which is rather ironic, given that on
any other occasion, you would likely find some of these folks marching with the BLM and calling to defund the police.
EMS responds and takes the guy to the hospital. [Video clip]
Lunantic Leftist Assaults Man Protesting Lockdowns And Masks, Smashes Window With Bicycle. This was the chaotic
scene on Main st in Vancouver when a protester with a bullhorn was attacked by an Asian man on a bicycle. The protester
was protesting lockdowns and masks when the man on the bike starting throwing punches through his van window. Then he
used his bike as a weapon, eventually breaking his window. [Video clip]
call for justice in Floyd death after opening statements made in Chauvin trial. Groups calling for justice for
George Floyd Marched in downtown Minneapolis Monday night [3/29/2021]. They say they will be protesting during key parts
of the trial. On Monday, lawyers in the trial of Derek Chauvin — the former Minneapolis police officer
charged in the death of Floyd — made their opening statements. "We're not asking for justice," Del Shea
Perry said. "We're demanding it."
The Editor says...
A noisy crowd outside the courthouse demanding a criminal conviction, as the trial has just begun, is almost exactly the same
as a lynch mob. The clear implication here is that rioting will break out if there is an acquittal.
'armed' rioters descend on Oregon State Capitol in Salem. Salem Police arrested at least three people and urged
others to stay away from Oregon's State Capitol building Sunday evening as violence linked to Antifa-aligned protesters broke
out. The "heavily armed" crowd had grown to as many as 200 people, Fox 12 Portland reported. The chaos
unfolded as a planned right-wing protest and Antifa counter-protest were scheduled in Salem for the same day. Police
received reports of vehicles driving past the Capitol being struck with balloons filled with paint as well as green lasers
being pointed at drivers.
supporter pulls a gun on ANTIFA rioter who tried to smash his truck's windows during clash between rival
groups. This is the moment a Trump supporter pulled a gun on rock-throwing Antifa protesters after they
vandalized his truck and maced him during a rally near the Oregon Capitol. Footage captured the demonstrators spraying
paint across the windshield of the man's truck and smashing the tail lights in Salem on Sunday [3/28/2021]. The driver,
who was wearing an American flag sweatshirt, stepped out of his vehicle as he engaged with the protesters, who then appeared
to mace him. The video then shows him pulling out his gun and pointing it at the anti-fascist protesters. [...] As
police arrived, the man could be seen putting his gun into the back of his truck before putting his hands up and kneeling on
the ground. The man was rubbing his eyes as the officer approached to arrest him.
Terrorists Throw Paint On Elderly Man's Car, Pepper Spray Him, Smash His Windows, Man Pulls Gun To Protect Himself, Salem Cop
Arrests Elderly Man. One thing has been made crystal clear by those who run Oregon: STAY [...] OUT OF
OREGON. That is if you are one that believes in freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of not being assaulted
at random, equal protections, those sorts of things. This elderly man in Salam found out, none of those thing apply to
him as ANTIFA terrorists destroyed his pickup for the crime of flying a flag off the rear bumper. The gentleman's car
first had paint tossed on it. When he got out of the truck, he was pepper-sprayed, and then his passenger side window
was smashed out. At this point, the elderly man pulls a gun to get the mob away from his vehicle. Now at this point
of the story, you would have figured the cops, who were standing just about 50 feet away would have arrested a bunch of
Black Blocheads but no, this cop pulls his gun and aims it at the victim, arrested the old man. [Video clip]
Update: Drivers
Have to Go Through Gauntlet of Antifa Attacking Them, It Doesn't End Well for the Radicals. My colleague
Brandon Morse reported earlier about some of the Antifa violence in Salem, Oregon, about an encounter that one driver had
with some of them. The Antifa people attacked him, throwing rocks at his car and yellow paint. Then when he got
out of the car to see the damage, they bashed parts of his car more and maced him. Bad move on their part because at
that point he pulled out his gun to get them to back off. Then the anti-police radicals suddenly were all hot to have
the police respond to protect them, which is so hypocritical and hilarious. When the police responded, they temporarily
held and questioned the victim, but he was the victim and he was not charged.
Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored. [Scroll
down] Fifth, in the 1920's and early 30's the Nazi Party routinely relied on street riots, property damage and
gratuitous violence utilizing their militant cadre, the Sturmabteilung (SA), to project power through intimidation while
blaming the communists for the violence. Every time a riot was met with little or no response from the established
authorities, the more emboldened they became. While the Nazis ostensibly came to power through the ballot box, their
ability to terrorize the citizenry and national political leadership played a major role as they promised peace on the
streets if elected or given leadership positions in government. The American left revealed in the summer of 2020 that
they too have the wherewithal and inclination to provoke street riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing
their militant cadre, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, to project power through intimidation while blaming white supremacy and
police brutality for the violence. In the presidential campaign of 2020, the Democrat party implicitly promised peace
on the streets if elected and insinuated there would be renewed violence if not.
Armed Antifa Clash With Drivers at Oregon's Capitol. Armed members of the far-left Antifa network clashed with
passing by motorists and counterprotesters outside Oregon's Capitol on Sunday [3/28/2021]. Video footage showed members
of the anarcho-communist group assaulting people with pro-Trump and pro-law enforcement flags driving by the Capitol in
Salem. At one point, the crowd lobbed a rock directly at a driver, shattering his driver's side window. Some of
the group flew Antifa flags; the vast majority donned gear favored by the network, including all black clothing and items to
obscure their faces from being identified by law enforcement. Approximately 100 such individuals, armed with weapons
such as guns, bats, and shields, arrived on the Capitol mall grounds shortly before noon, according to the Salem Police
Department. A police tweet described the group as "heavily armed."
at Echo Park homeless encampment begins as LAPD moves in, clashes with protesters. Authorities on Wednesday
night [3/24/2021] moved to close down a homeless encampment in Echo Park that has become a highly charged test of city
leaders' struggle to balance constituents' demands for clean streets and public spaces with the ever-growing tragedy of
people who have no homes. Scores of police moved into the area, where they were met by more than 200 protesters who
oppose the sweep. The Los Angeles Police Department repeatedly told protesters to leave, and by early Thursday morning,
the crowd had dwindled and the protest had mostly wound down.
Scrubs Page Showing Supermarket Shooter Was Anti-Trump, Pro-Refugee Activist. Facebook scrubbed a page
belonging to Boulder supermarket shooter Ahmad Al-Issa that revealed the gunman was anti-Trump and had promoted pro-refugee,
anti-Islamophobia activism. Al-Issa was arrested after killing 10 people, including a police officer, during a rampage
inside the King Soopers grocery store yesterday afternoon. [...] Journalist Andy Ngo reports that the page also revealed
Al-Issa to be a "deeply religious Muslim."
Mass Shooting Suspect's Anti-Trump Posts Uncovered: Obliterate 'Right-Wing Extremist' Claims. The news
broke on Tuesday [3/23/2021] that the name of the suspected mass shooter in the Boulder, Colorado supermarket incident was
released. The suspect, who is accused of killing ten innocent people, including a police officer, is named Ahmad al
Alissa. "Police have identified the suspect in the Boulder, Colo., shooting as Ahmad Alissa," the New York Daily News
reported. "The 21-year-old is charged with 10 counts of murder in the first degree in connection with the Monday
afternoon shooting at the King Sooper supermarket, police said Tuesday at a press conference." Reports also surfaced
that the Biden administration has been briefed on potential ISIS sympathies.
businesses rush to install security shutters after city changes rules to allow them. Last week, for the first
time in months, Dave Hautman took the plywood off his windows and rolled down new metal shutters to protect the
Franklin-Nicollet Liquor Store from potential looters. Though the retractable shutters cost more than $40,000, Hautman
figures they will more than pay for themselves. His store was hit by looters twice last year, racking up losses of more
than $250,000. "If we didn't have this kind of security, we'd just pack up and leave," said Hautman, general manager of
the liquor store. "You can't afford to keep going down this road. It has just become lawless."
Rep. Van Drew
addresses death threat from NJ columnist: 'Nobody's going to make me afraid'. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J.,
said he is reviewing his legal options after his office revealed a threatening voicemail by Ocean City Sentinel guest
columnist John McCall in the wake of his votes not to accept Arizona and Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes. Van
Drew said "I believe" he will press charges against McCall and said he would confer with his attorneys about a possible
lawsuit. The Republican told "Sunday Morning Futures" [3/21/2021] that even though the threat was shocking to him and
his wife, he said it "doesn't worry me."
Protesters Get Jumped, Assaulted In NYC Over The American Flag, MAGA Hats, Of Course. A rally held in New
York City against Covid-19 measures devolved into shouting matches and scuffles as police tried to separate anti-lockdown
activists and counter-demonstrators. Several dozen people gathered at Union Square on Saturday to voice their anger
over the pandemic restrictions. Some protesters were seen wearing patriotic costumes and MAGA hats as they listened to
impromptu speeches by members of the crowd.
Is Out of Control in Portland. Maybe Defunding Police Wasn't Such a Great Idea. The city of Portland,
Oregon, is a mess. This week, the city witnessed a telling, if predictable, incident. Police had removed a fence
erected around the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse because it became a "symbol of divide" between law enforcement and the
community, according to the Portland Police Bureau. Rioters then descended on the federal courthouse and vandalized
it. [Video clip] Now the fence is back up.
museum removes wax Trump figure after visitors kept punching it. A wax museum in downtown San Antonio, Texas,
removed its wax statue of former President Trump after it was repeatedly vandalized, the San Antonio Express-News
reports. Louis Tussaud's Waxworks pulled the figure from public view after it sustained multiple beatings and
transferred it into storage. The scratches on the Trump figure's face were especially damaging, said Clay Stewart, the
regional manager of parent company Ripley's Entertainment.
Protest at the Capitol. [Scroll down] A second group of "protesters" that unequivocally demonstrates
Democrat treachery, are the people who organized and participated in the hundreds of riots that started last year after the
death of George Floyd in March. Democrats lauded the protests, excused the rioters, and then cooperated by telling
police to stand down, or by not prosecuting the few protester/rioters who were arrested. The small number who were
arrested and prosecuted received light sentences considering the crimes committed: looting, arson, assault, vandalism, and
murder. The people of our country are now faced with a choice: will we allow our criminal justice system to be inverted
so that the innocent are punished and the guilty go free? Or will we object, make our voices heard, and reverse this
evil trend? Unfortunately, it isn't so simple. As we saw in 2020, the people of this country no longer have a
voice at the ballot box.
[the] Left's Violent Tendencies Lead To U.S. Breakup Or Dictatorship? The Democratic Party's far-left
wing — or is that redundant? — has pursued a relentless gaslighting campaign against
conservatives. It goes like this: Pay no attention to the Democrat fringe's insane violence of the last year,
members of the conservative right are the real troglodytes, prone to extreme political savagery. The Big Media, ambling
in their own leftist zombie trance, repeat the mantra over and over. Only problem: It's utterly false[.] It
should be no surprise that it's actually the left that has violent proclivities. And now, new data clearly back up what
we've known instinctively.
No-Go Zone. The Seattle "Autonomous Zone" got a lot of publicity before it was finally dismantled, but many
people do not realize that Minneapolis has its own no-go area where law enforcement is absent and "militants" rule. It
is the area that surrounds the George Floyd Memorial. A man was shot and killed in the Memorial area last weekend, the
fourth such death since the zone was closed to law enforcement.
Men Arrested for Assaulting Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, Who Died After Jan. 6 Breach. Authorities on
Monday [3/15/2021] confirmed two suspects were arrested and charged for assaulting Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who
reportedly died after the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, although his cause of death has not been disclosed. In a news release
from the Department of Justice, Julian Elie Khater, 32, of State College, Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, 39, of
Morgantown, West Virginia, were taken into custody on Sunday in connection to the incident. They were charged with
conspiring to injure officers and assaulting federal officers, among other charges, during the Jan. 6 incident, the DOJ
said. Khater was arrested after he got off an airplane at the Newark Airport in New Jersey, while Tanios was arrested
at his West Virginia home.
Behar: Antifa [is] 'an idea,' [and] 'not a real thing'. "The View" co-host Joy Behar claimed Monday
[3/15/2021] that Antifa is "an idea" and "not a real thing" during a heated discussion with co-host Meghan McCain.
During an on-air discussion about the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot, Ms. McCain noted the ongoing Antifa-led riots in
Portland, Oregon, and how the left-wing, so-called "anti-fascist" movement has a history of property destruction and violence
against law enforcement. "Antifa does exist," Ms. McCain said. "What separates Antifa is their willingness
to use violence. I have very good friends who have been reporting on Antifa for months, and months, and months. ... The
idea that Antifa doesn't exist is just factually inaccurate and wrong and a lie."
detain more than 100 Portland protesters in apparent kettling. Portland police detained a crowd of over 100
protesters during a Friday night demonstration, stemming a march only minutes after it began. The mass detainment was
an apparent use of kettling, a police tactic of surrounding a crowd and containing people within a perimeter. Police
told the crowd they were detaining everyone within the boundary for the "investigation of a crime" but did not specify the
nature of the alleged crime. [...] The kettling of Portland protesters most recently garnered attention in January after two
federal judges either dismissed or recommended throwing out civil suits, including one filed by the ACLU of Oregon, that
challenged the police practice.
January 6th 'Insurrection' that Wasn't. The "attack" on the Capitol started well before then President Trump
finished his speech at the rally at The Ellipse. This attack was no spontaneous event as alleged by Democrats, the
Media, and the Radical Left. It is evident to any police officer who has been on a police line this attack was
preplanned when coupled with the intelligence compiled by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) and other agencies.
From the videos, this is self-evident, e.g., coordination, tactics in engaging the police lines, hand signals, gas masks,
bear spray, goggles, helmets, knee pads, improvised weapons, and milk to neutralize crowd control gasses. It is
indisputable the Capitol Police were understaffed and immediately overrun within seconds of the attack. The attack
began some twenty-minutes before the former President finished his speech. Others observed a noticeable lack of law
enforcement presence that is usually SOP for these "peaceful rallies and protests" around the Capitol.
*REAL* Insurrection Effort in Portland Oregon, Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse, Break Windows. The irony
over the deployment of the national guard, fencing and barbed wire around the DC capitol exists because there never has been
a "right-wing extremist" insurrection effort in DC yet the Biden administration and Democrats use that false narrative as
justification for Speaker Pelosi's armed encampment. The U.S. media are currently pushing that false narrative with
every opportunity. Meanwhile, on the other side of the nation in Portland Oregon, an actual "left-wing extremist"
insurrection effort has been taking place for months; yet the national media ignore it and the Biden
administration — together with Speaker Pelosi — pretend not to know about it.
time for Red States to start nullifying federal law. Here are some of the issues that could be affected by the
concept of nullification: [...] [#4] Nullify the anti-police agenda. During the Obama regime, his DoJ
hamstrung city police departments all over the country with phony "civil rights" investigations, resulting in cities hesitant
to arrest or prosecute violent thugs. With anti-police activists surrounding Biden, his administration will do the
same, thereby empowering leftist rioters in our cities. The founders never gave the federal government a law
enforcement role as they thought this responsibility best be carried out by local police and sheriff departments.
States should resist and ignore all federal anti-police regulations and DoJ harassment of local police departments.
burns AGAIN: Federal agents shoot tear gas at Antifa protesters setting fire to American flags and smashing windows outside
boarded-up courthouse. Antifa protesters have burned American flags and clashed with cops outside the Federal
Courthouse in downtown Portland. The ugly scenes occurred Thursday evening, as dozens of the far-left protesters
assembled in the area for a demonstration against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The Courthouse has already
been boarded up with plywood after sustaining damage during destructive protests last summer, but shocking video shared to
Twitter shows all remaining uncovered windows were smashed during the latest demonstration.
detain an entire block of Antifa protesters on the second night of chaos in Portland: Activists smash
windows. Police have clashed with Antifa protesters during a second consecutive night of unrest in
Portland. The ugly scenes occurred Friday [3/12/2021] after a group of activists assembled to march against the
Department of Homeland Security. One local journalist claimed that between 100 and 150 protesters started making their
way through the city's Pearl District before they began 'breaking the windows of businesses' and 'attacking' anyone who was
filming them.
arrested in string of incidents in Seattle in which brake lines, tires were cut. The Seattle Police Department
announced Friday [3/12/2021] that is has arrested a suspect believed to have slashed brake lines and tires on dozens of
parked vehicles over the past three months, most of which occurred in the southern part of the city. Police confirmed
to KOMO News that Mowlid Mohamed, 36, was taken into custody in connection with the vehicle incidents and was booked early
Friday morning into the jail in Des Moines on an outstanding felony warrant violation, according to a written statement by
Seattle police.
Comes Back for More, Sets Fire to Portland Federal Courthouse. Yesterday [3/11/2021], radical leftists attacked
the federal courthouse in Portland during the day, trying to break in, smashing windows and throwing a liquid at one of the
security officers. They also stormed a Wells Fargo and a Chase Bank. At Chase, there was a scuffle with a
security guard causing him to pull a gun on them. But that wasn't all. Antifa came back last night to try to burn
the building down again as they have been trying for months.
Folks Storm Banks in Portland, Try To Break Into Federal Courthouse, It Doesn't Go Well. While Democratic
politicians obsess about a three hour riot that happened months ago, leftist riots attacking the government continue apace,
not that Democrats care or are paying any attention. [Numerous video clips] [...] Unfortunately what they're doing about it
is absolutely nothing because leftists. Even were any of these folks to be arrested, their charges would be
dismissed. They know they're completely free to do whatever they want without any fear of being locked up for
anything. Good thing the Guard is in D.C. where there's no threat and not in Portland which has been under constant threat
for almost a year. Paging Joe Biden! This is the federal government being attacked. What is your response?
Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed. My friends are belatedly realizing that the turmoil was not
created by Donald Trump. It was manufactured by the Democrats, simply to win an election. The Democrats embraced
socialists and anarchists (even though they never play well together) to create the turmoil, and now they can't turn it
off. Radical elements of the left are political vampires. Once invited in, it's not so easy to get them to
leave. The Democrats are stuck with the radicals, even though the voters aren't. But I don't get angry. As
my friends complain, I keep reminding them that this is what they asked for.
Floyd memorial site [is] reportedly now an anti-cop autonomous zone. Left-wing militants have reportedly turned
a memorial site for George Floyd in Minneapolis into a "volatile" autonomous zone — where police and even other
protesters aren't welcome. The memorial, called George Floyd Square, popped up in the days after the 46-year-old's
police-involved death on May 25 — the catalyst for a global movement against police brutality and racial
inequality. But since then, a militant-style group has taken over the blocks-long site, creating a hostile situation
for authorities and protesters alike, NewsNation Now reported. "The situation at the memorial, from what I understand,
is its kind of volatile," Kim Griffin, a Minneapolis resident, told the outlet. "People that want to go and support
doesn't feel a sense of inclusion. There is more of a like militant-type atmosphere over there and a sense of fear."
Roots of Insurrection: Antifa Exposed. Antifa's recent rise coincides with that of BLM, which draws on
the black power movement of the 1960-70s. Now linked, they share the goal of upending liberal democracy and the rule of
law while purporting to fight racism, sexism, homophobia, and capitalism. They aim to abolish law enforcement, property
rights, national borders, American jurisprudence, free markets, and free speech. Antifa advocates window-breaking,
looting, and arson as valid and powerful protests, deeming such actions "self-defense" against an "unjust" system.
Typically, Antifa announces a gathering to oppose an event it disagrees with through social-media blasts. Members
arrive in intimidating and protective black bloc — black clothing, ski masks, scarves, sunglasses, and helmets.
The use of pepper spray, batons, bats, brass knuckles, frozen water bottles, and "milkshakes" is encouraged.
Many carry weapons and are trained to gouge out eyes, break ribs, and deliver hits to the liver and kidneys.
Feds Chose an Odd Time to Remove Protection Around Antifa's Favorite Riot Target in Portland. The Department of
Homeland Security has chosen a most odd time to take down the F-word and ACAB-festooned fencing and jersey barriers
protecting the federal courthouse in Portland. Last May, after a fentanyl-addled George Floyd was held down for an
agonizingly long time (nine minutes) under the knee of Officer Derek Chauvin, riots broke out in his name, at first in
Minneapolis and then across the country, especially in "woke" Portland. Fast forward to now, when Chauvin's trial is
underway. Minneapolis has spent $1 million to secure buildings already trashed in last year's rioting and
looting. But Portland, where arguably the worst of the George Floyd riots occurred, is going in the other direction.
Floyd was busted for trying to pass a forged $20 bill to buy some cigarettes. It was far from Floyd's first problem
with cops, but it was his last. His death touched off a conflagration in Minneapolis and the rioting and looting followed
in Los Angeles, Louisville, Denver, Memphis, Seattle, and several other places, and, of course, the ground-zero of
Wokistan — Portland, Oregon.
Rleases New Video of Suspect Planting Pipe Bombs in DC on January 5th — But.... [Scroll down]
The FBI is in the business of creating, engineering and supporting political narratives. The FBI is a political
institution, that's why the request doesn't align with the system... they don't really want the public's help; because it is
pushing and promoting the investigation itself that is the goal. Once you accept the FBI is a political organization
with political interests, expectations and objectives, then everything makes sense.
New FBI Footage
Shows Suspect Connected To Pipe Bombs At DNC, RNC. The FBI released new footage Tuesday [3/9/2021] of a suspect
connected to two pipe bombs left at the headquarters for the Republican and Democratic parties before the Capitol riot on
Jan. 6. The video appears to show the suspect walking on a sidewalk with a backpack to the areas where the bombs were
later discovered. The footage occurred between 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 5, which FBI officials have said is when
they believe the bombs were planted. The suspect wore a gray hoodie and black and gray Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes with a
yellow logo, and had on a face mask, the FBI said. It added that it was hoping the new footage would lead someone to
recognize the person's "gait, body language, or mannerisms" to identify them.
Quietly Dismiss Dozens of Cases Against Antifa Extremists Who Terrorized Downtown Portland Last Summer. Federal
prosecutors have "quietly dismissed" 34 of 90 cases stemming from the violent riots in downtown Portland last summer, and
many more federal charges are expected to be dismissed soon, KGW8 reported this week. Cases being dismissed include
felony charges such as assaults on federal officers, court records show. According to KGW, more than half of the
dropped charges were "dismissed with prejudice," which means the case can't be brought back to court. And at least
11 of the dismissed cases were reportedly dropped on or after the inauguration of Mr. Biden.
Left's Revolution Is Just Getting Started — More Riots Are Planned. The perhaps $2 billion in
property damages suffered across the nation in 2020 were not the product of spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations designed to
call attention to abuses and recommend reforms. They were carefully orchestrated revolutionary actions by a wide,
sprawling network of well-funded groups — Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, Redneck Revolt, Liberation Road and
many more, which seeks to destroy the existing capitalist and democratic system and replace it with an expressly Marxist state.
Garland Testifies That Antifa Attacks Against Portland Federal Courthouse Probably [was] Not Domestic Terrorism.
During Merrick Garland Senate Judiciary Confirmation hearing earlier today [2/22/2021], Garland testified that Antifa
violence against law enforcement at the Portland Federal Courthouse may not be domestic terrorism since it happened at
night. His rationale appears to be that there was no intent to disrupt government or threaten lives, however the
courthouse is occupied 24/7.
rioter who allegedly assaulted cops with fire extinguisher ID'd as Robert Scott Palmer. A US Capitol rioter who
allegedly assaulted police with a fire extinguisher says President Biden wants to "vilify the patriots" who breached the
building, according to a report that revealed his identity Friday [3/5/2021]. Robert Scott Palmer, 53, was allegedly
captured on camera spraying officers at close range then throwing the emptied canister at them while wearing an easy-to-spot
American flag jacket on Jan. 6, the Huffington Post reported. Reached by phone, the Florida father — who
runs a cleaning business and has a criminal record — griped that cops at the Capitol launched crowd-control
munition at him for no good reason, according to the outlet.
supporters clash with ANTIFA in Manhattan after unfurling a huge flag of Pelosi as a demon outside Trump Tower.
Supporters of former President Donald Trump marched down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on Friday [3/5/2021] as they carried
enormous banners that read 'Trump 2024'. The event was billed as a 'Trump Save America Flag Unfurling' and featured all
sort of Trump signage including one banner that depicted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a demon. Towards the end of the
event, the Trump marchers clashed with some angry New Yorkers and which the Right Side Broadcasting Network claimed was a
group of 'Antifa' and Black Lives Matter activists, leading to the arrest of six people.
analysis shows internal components of pipe bombs found outside RNC and DNC. An unclassified document from
federal investigators shows forensic findings and analysis of a pair of pipe bombs planted blocks from each other outside the
headquarters of the Democratic and Republican parties in Washington, D.C., and discovered by authorities on Jan. 6., the day
of the U.S. Capitol riot. The "Quick Look Report" by the National Explosives Task Force, obtained by CBS News, offers
the most in-depth look at the internal components of the explosive devices that authorities believe were planted the night
before the attack on Congress by a suspect who, to this day, eludes capture. The FBI is offering $100,000 in reward
money for information leading to the location, arrest, and conviction of anyone involved in the placing of the bombs, which
were safely detonated at the scene by robots, according to CNN.
quietly dismiss dozens of Portland protest cases. Federal prosecutors have dismissed more than one-third of
cases stemming from last summer's violent protests in downtown Portland, when protesters clashed with federal agents.
KGW reviewed federal court records and found 31 of the 90 protest cases have been dismissed by the U.S. Department of
Justice, including a mix of misdemeanor and felony charges. Some of the most serious charges dropped include four
defendants charged with assaulting a federal officer, which is a felony. More than half of the dropped charges were
"dismissed with prejudice," which several former federal prosecutors described as extremely rare. "Dismissed with
prejudice" means the case can't be brought back to court.
Left's Campaign Against Self-Defense. Last week, federal prosecutors offered an undisclosed plea deal to two
lawyers who firebombed an NYPD van and drove around passing out Molotov cocktails to protesters at a violent May 2020 Black
Lives Matter (BLM) protest in Brooklyn. [...] In the name of "social justice," politicians and the judiciary in many cities
and states are bestowing moral rights on violent left-wing and anarchist groups. District attorney Mike Schmidt, for
instance, announced in August that he won't prosecute most of the 550 people arrested during the 75 days of mayhem in
Portland last spring. He said the leniency was an attempt to "create a forum" to express "collective grief, anger, and
frustration" at the death of George Floyd and the history of abuses endured by people of color. Worse, he said using
the criminal justice system against them would "undermine public safety" for those "demanding to be heard." Schmidt, his
Democrat cohort, and leftist sympathizers in journalism, law, and academia willfully ignore the fact that such misplaced
clemency condones and encourages militant groups' violence, their disrespect for the law, and their anti-American agenda.
National Guard [was] Served Undercooked, Moldy Food While in Washington D.C.. Politicians love to talk about
solutions to problems that they helped create and while they do, everyday Americans get caught in the crosshairs of their
idiocy. For this story though, it is not just any everyday Americans but those who serve in the Michigan National Guard
who have been entangled in a political mess not of their doing.
The Editor says...
The National Guard did not serve the food. The food was served to them. The omission of verbs is the difference
between English and Headline-ese.
chicken, moldy bread and Metal Shavings: The disgusting meals which have hospitalized Michigan National Guard troops in
DC. Members of the Michigan National Guard complain they have been forced to eat raw chicken, moldy bread and
meals containing metal shavings while they remain on guard in Washington DC protecting the US Capitol from attack. More
than a dozen soldiers on deployment have become ill — with some serious enough to be hospitalized — after reportedly
being given undercooked and contaminated food. Soldiers have blown the whistle on the sub-par food supplied by to troops
stationed in DC by a National Guard contractor. They shared photos of pink chicken, uncooked beef and moldy food with
lawmakers and online while one staff sergeant revealed dozens of meals had to be thrown out when metal shavings were found
inside dishes. A group of bipartisan lawmakers are now demanding a new food vendor is brought in, or for troops to be
given a daily allowance to buy their own food. Some are calling for guard members to be sent home altogether.
The January
6 'insurrection'. The disturbance at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is routinely described as a "deadly insurrection."
The riots that took place during the summer and caused between 1 and 2 billion dollars in damage and at least 17 deaths
are described as "peaceful." The only death that can be attributed directly to the violence on Jan. 6 was the death of a woman
shot by police in violation of any law enforcement's rules of engagement. It is clear that the government and the Deep State media
are not giving an accurate picture of what took place. You did not need a crystal ball to know that violent groups would use the
gathering to promote violence. Past experience with mass gatherings, such as Trump's inauguration in 2017 should have required
increased security. Yet, according to the Washington Post, "Capitol Police did not take the kind of extra precautions, such as
frozen zones and hardened barriers, that are typically used for major events near the Capitol." Former House Sergeant-at-Arms
Paul Irving said "We all believed that the plan met the threat and that we were prepared." Some of their confidence was based on
previous Trump rallies. Trump supporters had held dozens of mass meetings in the recent past. Police were assaulted in
none of them.
Garland Is in the Dark about Antifa. [Scroll down] Seriously, if you watched only the carefully curated
national news, you'd have gotten the impression that (a) Antifa doesn't exist; (b) Antifa is a civic betterment movement
led by the public-spirited Wall of Moms; and (c) The peaceful protesters of Antifa were the Gandhi-like victims of Trumpian
brutality. On the other hand, some of us who are Pacific time zone night owls watched hundreds of Andy Ngo videos of
what was happening in Seattle and Portland during the wee hours long after the national media had called a lid on their
coverage of the Peaceful Protests. In Ngo's simple video footage, the Antifada sure looked extremist and terrorizing.
Think twice before you sign up for the National Guard. Whistleblower:
Poor food quality at US Capitol making National Guard members sick. There's a disturbing problem facing
Michigan National Guard troops guarding the U.S. Capitol — their food. A whistleblower said nearly 75 meals
were thrown out Sunday [2/28/2021] after metal shavings were found, other meals showed up undercooked making soldiers sick.
A staff sergeant with the Michigan National Guard, whose identity is being protected, says the problem is not isolated.
"Yesterday, for instance, there were 74 different meals found with raw beef in them," the sergeant said. "Just yesterday,
the lunches were, soldiers had found metal shavings in their food."
Points Out National Guard Troops Intentionally Targeted Via Undercooked Food and Metal Shavings. The DC
leftists have installed national guard troops throughout Washington DC to accompany the fencing and barbed-wire that now
blocks access to Capitol Hill. The intent of the effort has been to create and promote a political narrative that
"extremists" are targeting the Biden administration. However, the claims bear no factual evidence. The
justification for the continued deployment of the troops surround the originating fraudulent presentation of the "storming of
the Capitol" that took place January 6th. However, as almost everyone understands the far-left do not support the U.S.
military; and as a result the stationed troops now appear to be targeted by twisted people contracted by DC politicians to
feed our troops.
Portland: Defunded Police Were Too Busy With Shootings to Stop Antifa Rioters. On Saturday night
[2/27/2021], a mob of antifa rioters ravaged the Pearl District of Portland, smashing windows and spray-painting anti-police
messages on businesses, including a Safeway, a Starbucks, and a Chipotle, among others. Police resources to deal with
the riot had been strained by multiple shootings in the city that same evening. Rioters terrorized at least one person
still inside the Chipotle when they attacked the building. Rioters spray-painted "ACAB," which stands for "all cops are
b[...]s," on the location. [Video clip]
Progressives are the extremists. Progressives are the extremists when it came to the "mostly violent" riots
that took place last summer. Deep State authorities stood by and did nothing while insurrectionists killed and beat up
innocent bystanders as well as stole, destroyed, and set fire to private property. Deep State politicians like Kamala
Harris did nothing to stop the riots except bail the rioters out of jail.
does it end?': Restaurant owner boards up windows ahead of planned rally in NW Portland. A planned protest
happening this weekend in Northwest Portland has some business owners on edge. The Fields Bar and Grill was vandalized
on Feb. 26, and now the owner is boarding up the windows and doors as a precaution. The protest is planned at a park
that is just a couple of blocks away from his restaurant. "We have removed everything that could possibly cause damage
tonight," Jim Rice, the owner, said. "When these people come through, and we've lost an entire day of business which
means that's impacting my team member's wages." Portland Mayor Ted Wheelers and Commission Dan Ryan have filed an ordinance
that would make it easier for businesses to install security lights and gates, which is set to be considered on March 3.
protesters smash businesses as locals scream at them to 'go home'. Protesters smashed up several businesses
during the latest night of destruction in Portland, Oregon — with fed-up locals screaming at them to "go home,"
according to reports. Around 150 black-clad protesters marched through the troubled City of Roses late Saturday,
trashing businesses during "direct action" against Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Oregonian said. "Windows
were broken at a grocery store, restaurant, bank, shipping business, and multiple coffee shops," Portland police said of the
two-hour rampage. Targets included a Chipotle, Starbucks and even an Urban Pantry, KOIN News said, with social media
images showing anti-ICE graffiti also scrawled across numerous buildings, including the ICE buidling.
revokes Trump order to cut funding from New York City, Portland and Seattle 'anarchist' havens after BLM protests. President
Joe Biden on Wednesday [2/124/2021] formally revoked a series of presidential orders and memorandum signed by Donald Trump, including one
that sought to cut funding from several cities he deemed 'anarchist' havens and another mandating that federal buildings should be designed
in a classical aesthetic. Since taking office last month, Biden has revoked dozens of Trump orders and issued dozens more of his own as
he's sought to target foundational aspects of Trump's legacy and promote aspect of his own agenda without going through Congress. The latest
slate of revocations targeted a grab-bag of issues, including a few that Trump signed in his last months in office.
offer plea deal to lawyers accused of tossing Molotov cocktail into NYPD vanduring George Floyd protest. Two
lawyers accused of tossing a Molotov cocktail into an empty NYPD car during the George Floyd protests last year were quietly
offered a plea deal by federal prosecutors, according to court papers filed Saturday. The offer was tucked away in a
routine status report in the case and contained no details about the specifics of the deal. The feds said they had
extended plea offers to the two on Feb. 11, and that the defense was now looking it over. The lawyers, Urooj Rahman and
Colinford Mattis, faced life sentences when indicted in June by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn. They were caught on
video May 29 outside the 88th Precinct in Fort Greene on May 29.
Police, security officials testify at Senate hearing that riot was 'coordinated attack'. Security officials
testified Tuesday that they believe the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 was a "coordinated attack" as they were pressed by senators
over the circumstances leading to the security failure. Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, former Senate
Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger and former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving, as well as Metropolitan Police Department
acting chief Robert Contee, appeared before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Tuesday, in
the first Senate hearing to examine the "security failures" that led to the breach of the U.S. Capitol last month.
Enforcement Confirms What We Already Knew About The Capitol Riots, Obliterates Democrats' Narrative. Law
enforcement officials testifying before a joint Senate hearing on Tuesday [2/23/2021] confirmed their belief that the Jan. 6
riots at the U.S. Capitol building was planned before the day of the event. This information completely annihilates the
Democrats' narrative regarding the assault on the Capitol building. The Hill reported, "Top current and former law
enforcement officials testifying Tuesday before a joint Senate hearing on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol told
lawmakers that evidence pointed to coordination and planning behind the mob of people that overwhelmed Capitol Police
officers during the attack." Former Capitol police chief Steven Sund told members of the Senate that several factors
led the authorities to believe that the riots were preplanned, and not spontaneous as Democrats have suggested.
I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6.
The deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.
A small number of cadre appeared to use the cover of a huge rally to stage its attack. Before it began, I saw from my vantage point on the West Front
of the Capitol what appeared to be four separate cells or units:
[#1] Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;
[#2] Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;
[#3] Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and
[#4] Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.
All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor.
However, they did not all appear at the same time. Not until the very end did it appear there was a prearranged plan
to storm the Capitol building, and to manipulate the unsuspecting crowd as cover and as a follow-on force.
Wish We Could Just Blow Up All The Trump Buildings." MSNBC Guest Wants to Cancel President Trump. MSNBC guest
and writer-at-large for The Bulwark Tim Miller said Wednesday that he wishes Americans could "blow up all the Trump
buildings" and erase former President Donald Trump from their memory "Men In Black style." Miller appeared on
"Deadline: White House" and listened as host Nicolle Wallace began the discussion with a video of Wednesday's implosion
of the former Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
How to Push Back
Against a Bully. Did a Minneapolis policeman's decision to sit on the neck of George Floyd on May 25 really
"cause" the summer of violence, namely the one that Antifa, BLM, and their Democratic sponsors unleashed in every major
American city? Did a single killing in Minneapolis cause organized wars against "systemic racism" here and in Canada
and then in Western Europe, with accompanying looting and burning? Were people cancelled and fired, statues toppled,
streets and buildings renamed according to quickly ratcheted-up standards of political correctness all because of an event in
Minneapolis last spring? The obvious answer is no. Crises are generated when those in power decide to generate
them. The media can throw oil on the flames whenever they decide it is in their interest to do so. Universities
and other "institutions of learning" will then join the fray, together with their comrades in the deep state, who are always
eager to fight "prejudice." The fact is, we are dealing with a power complex that can turn even minor incidents into
violent demonstrations and calls for government action to end "discrimination" and to ferret out and punish "white supremacists."
from Rochester arrested in Mexico, charged with arson. Two fugitives from Rochester were arrested in Mexico and
have been charged with an arson indictment. The U.S. Attorney's Office said 34-year-old Jose Angel Felan, Jr., and
22-year-old Mena Dhaya Yousif were detained by Mexican authorities for immigration violations on Monday. A superseding
indictment charges Felan with three counts of arson and Yousif with being an accessory to arson for their roles in multiple
arsons on May 28, 2020, the attorney's office said.
Rioting for profit: CNN
And NBC Both Paid $35,000 To Left-Wing Activist For Footage Of Fatal Capitol Shooting. A left-wing activist
facing criminal charges for his involvement in the Capitol riots received $35,000 from both CNN and NBC for footage he
recorded of a Trump supporter being fatally shot inside the Capitol building, according to records he filed in federal court
on Tuesday [2/16/2021]. Lawyers for John Sullivan, a 26-year-old Utah native, disclosed the payments as part of the
activist's argument that he was acting as a journalist in the Capitol rather than a rioter. "Defendant is legitimately
self-employed as a documentarian and it is oppressive to require that he not be allowed to continue his primary area of
employment for an extended period of time," Steven R. Kiersh, the Sullivan lawyer, wrote in a court filing in which
he argued for Sullivan to be allowed to continue using Facebook and Twitter.
Joe Calls Businesses Destroyed in BLM, Antifa Riots Nothing More Than 'Taco Stands'. 'Morning Joe' Scarborough
faced a growing backlash on social media Tuesday after diminishing family-run businesses destroyed in 'Black Lives Matter'
and Antifa protests over the summer as nothing more than "taco stands." "No, [...] I'm not going to confuse a taco stand
with the United States Capitol. I'm not going to confuse the selling of tacos with actually moving through a
Constitutional process," said Morning Joe. Economists say thousands of businesses were torched in major cities across
the country resulting in tens of billions of dollars in damages and insurance pay-outs.
Brawl During NYC BLM Event, 11 Arrested, 2 Cops Injured. A Black Lives Matter march through Midtown Manhattan
turned violent Friday night [2/12/2021], with 11 protesters arrested. The NYPD reported that two officers suffered
minor injuries during the protest, which was attended by about 100 marchers; officials could not immediately say how the cops
were hurt. At least some of those arrested were accused of attacking Daily News photographer Sam Costanza at the
intersection of Sixth Avenue and 54th Street in the mistaken belief that he was a cop, sources said.
Nordstrom display windows valued at more than $50,000 each smashed Sunday. Glass entrance doors and nine
display windows running the entire length of the ground floor at Nordstrom's flagship downtown store were damaged Sunday
night [2/14/2021], likely with a hammer, police said Monday. Officers reported arriving at the scene at around 9:45 p.m.
"after dealing with multiple protests earlier in the evening around the south end of the city," though the report did not say
whether the vandalism was connected to the protests. In the redacted report, the larger windowpanes were valued at "somewhere
between 50-70 thousand dollars apiece due to their thickness and a protective film that internally self-adheres after strikes
or damage," by an individual whose name was blacked out.
for the Umbrella Man or someone like him. Who can take a city, burn it to the ground? The Umbrella Man
can, at least according to the search warrant application/affidavit filed by Minneapolis police officer Erika Christensen
this past summer. Star Tribune reporter Libor Jany told me he came across Christensen's affidavit in a routine review
of court filings. [...] According to Officer Christensen, Umbrella Man is a white supremacist who set off the week of riots
and arson throughout the Twin Cities by knocking out the windows at AutoZone on Lake Street at Minnehaha Avenue in south
Minneapolis on May 27. Did Umbrella Man also burn the AutoZone down? [...] Officer Christensen's account of events was taken
at face value in the numerous news accounts that immediately followed the Star Tribune story, but it is ludicrous.
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is responsible for the key event that led to the destruction wrought throughout the Twin Cities
following the death of George Floyd. The key event was the abandonment of the Third Precinct headquarters on May 28.
for the Umbrella Man or someone like him, cont'd. Law enforcement has had the benefit of the Umbrella Man
suspect's cell phone records for nearly seven months, yet no charges have been brought. He remains at large.
According to the Minneapolis police, the investigation is continuing.
NYPD officers injured, photographer attacked during violent BLM demonstration — 11 arrested. Two
officers were injured and 11 protesters were arrested during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in New York City Friday night
[2/12/2021], the New York Post reported. Two NYPD officers sustained minor injuries and it was unclear whether other
officers were injured while responding to the demonstration, the Post reported. Some of the protesters were arrested
for attacking Daily News photographer Sam Costanza because they reportedly thought he was a law enforcement officer.
Antifa Show How Childish and Dangerous They Are. These are literally children in adult bodies. That's my
takeaway from this new video of Seattle Antifa acting like idiots from Andy Ngo. The group piled up snow in front of
the ramp where police vehicles are dispatched from. This prevented Seattle PD from being able to respond to calls, at
least with these specific units at this station. Given people often call the police because they are in
life-threatening situations, it can't be overstated how dangerous this is. This is the equivalent of protesters a road
and stopping ambulances from getting to a hospital. [Video clip] You may be asking yourself why there isn't
a follow-up video of these people being put in handcuffs. The answer is simple. The Seattle government, from the
Mayor, to the prosecutors, to the leadership at the police department, have taken a hands off approach with Antifa.
protesters hit cops with snowballs, break businesses' windows. Even winter has become a weapon for BLM and
Antifa protesters in Portland and Seattle. Antifa protesters reportedly shoveled snow into a tall heap to block a
garage driveway at the Seattle East Precinct on Saturday night [2/13/2021]. The snow "prevented patrol vehicles from
responding to calls," Katie Daviscourt, a local reporter and videographer for The Post Millennial, tweeted early Sunday,
along with video of a blocked cop car. In Portland on Friday night, a group of protesters took a break from smashing
windows to pelt police officers with snowballs in a decidedly one-sided snowball fight, authorities said. About 30 to
50 people gathered in downtown Portland around 8 p.m. Friday and marched to Central Precinct, where they began yelling
and throwing objects at the officers, according to the Portland Police Bureau.
Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video. On Friday [2/12/2021], lawyers for former President
Donald Trump presented a few hard-hitting videos contrasting Trump's calls for peace and law and order with Democrats
encouraging harassment and coddling Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters over the last summer. "To claim that the
president in any way wished, desired, or encouraged lawless or violent behavior is a preposterous and monstrous lie," Michael
Van Der Veen, one of Trump's lawyers, argued. Van Der Veen presented a video contrasting Trump's law-and-order remarks
and remarks from Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker
(D-N.J.), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Pelosi had said, "I just don't even know why there aren't
uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be." Waters had notoriously encouraged supporters to harass Trump
administration staff in public places. Biden had said that if he was in high school, he would "beat the hell out of" Trump.
committee should examine all types of political violence. When political violence and lawlessness are allowed
to thrive, it erodes the foundations of civil society and threatens the health of the republic itself. If the nation is
to avoid this grievous outcome, there must be a swift bipartisan response that deals with such violence in all of its
forms. Newly sworn in Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, the New York Times reports, plans to
"examine the influence of Russia and other foreign powers on anti-government extremist groups like the ones that helped
mobilize the deadly attack on the Capitol last month." [...] But if Warner is serious, both about the investigation being
bipartisan and about being concerned with foreign powers stoking violence, he should also look into the influences on the
riots that tore through U.S. cities in the summer — lighting businesses on fire, toppling statues, assaulting
police officers, attacking federal buildings, and beating innocent people.
41% of Democrats Said Violence May Be Necessary If Trump Wins. Social media and the media operate using trends
while ignoring and erasing everything that happened a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. [...] NPR, like other media
publications, never bother reporting on the level of Democrat support for violence. That's a good reminder that our
media literally operates like a propaganda service out of North Korea, China, or Russia. And isn't even pretending to
be anything else. Democrat support for political violence may have dropped. Not because Democrats have become
more peaceful, but because they've taken power. The Bolshevik support for political violence against the regime
vanished the moment that they became the regime. But even that's not clear.
Times Joe Biden Openly Urged Violence Against Political Opponents. [#1] In 2018, Biden fantasized about hurting
North Dakota Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, who was then challenging a Democratic incumbent. "I'd like to give him
a high threshold of pain," Biden said. "I'm serious. I'm really serious." [Video clip] [#2] Biden
made the same remark at a campaign event for the state's Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, encouraging the president of a
trade union in attendance to "show [Cramer] a threshold of pain." [Video clip] [...] The Democratic Party itself
normalized political violence as the primary means for individuals to make their voices heard after spending all last year
justifying militant Black Lives Matter riots that erupted in repeated outbursts across the country, because racism.
In Washington. The fascist organization Antifa does not exist, according to Democratic Party orthodoxy, so our
news media avert their collective eyes from its depredations. Ignoring Antifa isn't so easy if you live in cities that
are under siege, like Portland, Seattle, and, in this case, Bellingham, Washington, which is north of Seattle and south of
Vancouver. This police body cam video was filmed on January 28, released some days later and tweeted yesterday by
one of America's few actual journalists — an almost extinct profession — Andy Ngo. As Andy notes,
during an Antifa attack on City Hall last month, the Mayor of Bellingham (unlike Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) had to be
evacuated. Sounds like an insurrection, but for some reason it hasn't been in the headlines. [Video clip]
Maxine Waters' Full 2018 Speech: Democrat Celebrated 'Kicking' And 'Stepping On' Donald Trump. Since
giving a speech in 2018, Maxine Waters has faced criticism for the alleged incitement of violence. "If you see anybody
from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd.
And you push back on them," Waters told a crowd of supporters at a Los Angeles rally in June 2018. "And you tell them they're
not welcome anymore, anywhere." With Donald Trump being accused of inciting the violence witnessed in Washington D.C. in
January, Waters has faced renewed accusations of similar incitement — accusations that often reference the widespread
violence which exploded across multiple American cities throughout 2020. Speaking with MSNBC, Waters — who is
also chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee — was asked whether she could say that she had not
encouraged violence against conservatives.
busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter. Two men were busted for rubbing a dirty diaper on an
independent, conservative reporter's face and attacking her during a Black Lives Matter rally in Madison Square Park last
month, according to authorities and police sources. Tara Anne Szczepanski, 33, was filming the rally around noon Jan. 10
when a group shoved her around, hit her on the head with an egg and knocked her cellphone to the ground with an umbrella, cops and
the sources said. The caught-on-video scuffle continued as Szczepanski ran from the group, cops said. She was sprayed
with silly string and whacked with a skateboard before someone rubbed a used baby diaper on her face, video shows.
Mob Swarms D.C. Streets, Chants 'If We Don't Get It, Burn It Down'. A mob of Black Lives Matter activists took to the
streets of Washington, D.C. Saturday night [2/6/2021] to yell at police and harass outdoor diners while chanting insurrectionist
slogans such as "if we don't get it, burn it down." Like most similar incidents involving Black lives Matter, the corporate
media took zero interest in covering the march and accompanying threats of violence.
Hack Threatens Republicans on Live TV: 'Living On Borrowed Time'. New York Times columnist Tom Friedman issued
quite a threat to Republicans this week and CNN didn't do a thing about it. During an interview Monday night on "Cuomo
PrimeTime," Friedman told anchor Chris Cuomo that China was better than the United States because they had fast trains and
didn't need to deal with Republicans. After saying Republicans are "living on borrowed time," Friedman then arrogantly
asked: "But, you know what I've been thinking about, Chris, as I was listening to your show, the lead-in here. I
was thinking, like, what are they doing in China today?" Friedman then praised China for having a bullet train while some
Americans had chosen to elect freshman Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Bachmann rips 'absolutely sick' media coverage on riots, reveals she was locked in Capitol for 5 hours. Former
GOP Congresswoman Michele Bachmann slammed vindictive Democrats and ripped into the mainstream media for the "absolutely
sick" way the U.S. Capitol riot has been covered. The former Republican lawmaker from Minnesota told guest host Mark
Steyn on "Fox News Primetime" on Monday that the media has been on a mission to destroy the "legacy" of former President
Donald Trump and his supporters and that Democrats are engaging in "bad political dinner theater" with their second attempt
to impeach him. Bachmann revealed that she was "locked-in" at the Capitol during the riot last month after spending
time in prayer at the chapel on the grounds.
Released Body-Cam Footage Shows ANTIFA Abusing, Spitting On And Assaulting Washington Police. It has been a
little over a week since BPD cleared the Civic Center Unauthorized Encampment in Downtown Bellingham which was met with
violent Black Bloc Anarchists. The homeless encampment had already been successfully cleared and the only people who
remained at the camp were violent people who had answered a "Call to Action" ad on the internet, and that was also the reason
The City decided to clear the encampment a day early. [Video clip]
of Minneapolis restaurant destroyed in riots file lawsuit against city, Mayor Frey. The owners of a Minneapolis
restaurant that was destroyed in the riots after George Floyd's death filed a lawsuit against the city and Mayor Jacob
Frey. In the lawsuit, filed in Hennepin County District Court on Monday, Kacey White and Charles Stotts, owners of Town
Talk Diner & Gastropub, say the delay in response to the riots by the city and Frey allowed for more destruction and cost
them their restaurant. "Mayor Frey and the City's failure to control the significant (yet manageable) number of
malefactors on Lake Street resulted in his failure to protect Town Talk," the lawsuit states, in part. White and Stotts
also state in the lawsuit that Frey and the city infringed on their property rights by "negotiating with and appeasing
rioters," allowing the obstruction of public streets and "allowing pervasive vandalism and trespasses" on their
property. As a result, they say their restaurant was destroyed and they lost their business, building, revenue and
future income. The lawsuit seeks damages in excess of $4.5 million.
Threatens Arson During March In DC. Anti-police, BLM activists marched through the streets of Washington DC
Saturday night [1/6/2021], where they yelled at police and harassed outdoor diners while chanting various slogans such as
"Black lives, they matter here," and "if we don't get it, burn it down." [Video clips] Participants shined
flashlights in the windows of local businesses and residences. Meanwhile, DC police did virtually nothing to control or
stop the march as the group confronted locals. [Video clip] Members of Antifa were present, joining up with
the organizing group, "They/Them Collective," which describes themselves as "An anarcho abolitionist collective house based
in occupied Piscataway land here for queer, enby, trans, BBIPOC liberation."
Lives Matter, Antifa March Through DC, Chant 'Burn It Down'. Black Lives Matter protesters and Antifa agitators
marched through Washington on Feb. 6 and threatened people as they ate dinner, according to video footage and reports.
"Burn it down," the demonstrators chanted. "We are here tonight because black lives matter," members of the far-left
group also said. "Despite black lives mattering, black people are still dying at the hands of the police paid for by
our tax dollars." Other video footage uploaded by independent journalists on the scene showed Antifa types fighting
with police officers, who were trying to keep them away from restaurants. Some, clad in all black, could be seen
holding the red-and-black Antifa flag. At one point, police in Washington were seen forming lines around outdoor diners
to separate them from the demonstrators and agitators.
BLM/Antifa March Through D.C.
Calling to 'Burn It Down' If They Don't Get What They Want. Democrats finally paid attention to a riot on Jan. 6
after ignoring and/or justifying violent riots for months because they were being precipitated by radical leftists. But the
protests and riots they've variously ignored or embraced have continued on in various cities including in Washington, D.C.
There are thousands of National Guard in D.C. now allegedly to deal with amorphous "threats" that haven't even been defined for
the governors who sent them there. That's part of the reason some of them have pulled their units. But you didn't see
them Guard anywhere around when BLM and Antifa people marched through the city last night chanting to "burn it down" during one
of their frequent FTP marches.
Conflicting' And Ignored Threat Assessments Ahead of Jan 6 Capitol Attack. A New York Times report has
let the cat out of the bag: that law enforcement either knew and did nothing about the potential for violence on January 6th,
or issued conflicting and inconsistent threat assessments ahead of the events at the U.S. Capitol. The news will raise questions
as to why authorities allowed a predominantly peaceful Trump speech and rally in Washington, D.C. to be infiltrated and overtaken by
forces who had planned for violence in advance. Questions will also be asked about why authorities immediately claimed President
Donald Trump had "incited" the riot with his speech at the Ellipse outside the White House when we now know much of the violent behavior
was pre-meditated.
of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th — All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups.
For weeks the FBI, Democrats, and the fake news media have insisted there was no Antifa or far-left activist infiltration of the
January 6th protests where activists stormed the US Capitol. We already know this is false. The individuals who
entered the US Capitol and caused damage on January 6th were not all Trump supporters. Known members of Antifa were
inside the Capitol and there was even an Antifa event called for that day at 11 AM nearby at the Washington Monument organized
by John Sullivan that was closer to the US Capitol than the Ellipse where President Trump spoke to half a million supporters.
Hawley's wife Erin files criminal complaint against activist who organized a protest at the couple's Virginia home.
The wife of Republican Sen. Josh Hawley has filed a criminal complaint against the organizer of a protest which took place
outside the couple's Virginia home. Erin Morrow Hawley filed the complaint in a Fairfax County court on Friday [2/5/2021],
with the defendant identified as Patrick Young. On January 4, Young — who describes himself on Twitter as an
'organizer, agitator and educator' — led a noisy demonstration outside Hawley's home, angered by the senator's plans
to object to Electoral College counts confirming that Joe Biden won the Presidential election.
Supporter and Mother of Two Fears for Her Life and Her Children's Safety After Kathy Griffin Doxxes Her Family.
A Virginia woman is facing death threats and investigation by the FBI after liberal comedian Kathy Griffin doxed the mother
of two and her family on social media. In a desperate bid for attention, Kathy Griffin reposted the picture of her
holding a fake, severed head of President Trump for the third time on social media in January. "Just resign now.
You lost. It's over," Griffin gloated in a tweet alongside the famous photo of her holding the plastic, bloody
head. Daniel McCarty, a 43-year old former Democrat, shot back at Griffin for promoting violence against the president
and her world has been turned upside down since.
Schumer Used Violent Rhetoric To Sic A Mob On Two Supreme Court Justices. When Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.,
spoke against the constitutionality of the Democrats' impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, he reminded his
colleagues that Democrat elected officials had recently told their followers to attack Republicans. If Trump was to be
impeached for asking followers to "peacefully and patriotically" make their voices heard by members of Congress on Jan. 6,
what to do with Democrats' more incendiary rhetoric and actions, he wondered. Sen. Kamala Harris solicited funds
to bail out the rioters who destroyed Minneapolis during 2020's "Summer of Rage." Rep. Maxine Waters called on Democrats
to seek out Republicans in public places and "create a crowd" and "push back" on them to let them know "they're not welcome
anymore, anywhere."
a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol: Forgotten in the wake of January
6. In the furor over the January 6 riot, which Sen. Mitt Romney called an "insurrection incited by the
president of the United States," a more serious assault on the Capitol has been overlooked. For those who weren't
around or may have forgotten, here's what went down on the evening of November 7, 1983. "Listen carefully, I'm only
going to tell you this one time," a caller from the "Armed Resistance Unit," told the operator at the Capitol switchboard.
"There is a bomb in the Capitol building. It will go off in five minutes. Evacuate the building." A Senate
document, "Bomb Explodes in Capitol," describes what happened. The caller warned that "a bomb had been placed near the
chamber in retaliation for recent U.S. military involvement in Grenada and Lebanon." At 10:58 p.m. "a thunderous
explosion tore through the second floor of the Capitol's north wing." The device, hidden under a bench at the eastern end
of the corridor outside the Senate chamber, "blew off the door to the office of Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd. The
blast also punched a potentially lethal hole in a wall partition sending a shower of pulverized brick, plaster, and glass into
the Republican cloakroom." The adjacent halls were virtually deserted, so "many lives had been spared."
Salcedo Runs Montage of Democrats Threatening Violence Against Trump. Democrats and their media are hoping to
impeach private citizen Donald Trump next week for inciting a riot at the US Capitol on January 6th. This will be quite
a challenge for Democrats considering President Trump called for a peaceful protest and considering the violence was planned
weeks in advance before President Trump's speech. Then again Democrats will have one of their own senators presiding
over the proceedings because the Supreme Court wants nothing to do with it. On Monday night [2/1/2021] Chris Salcedo on
Newsmax ran a montage of radical Democrat after radical Democrat promoting violence against President Trump and his supporters.
Armed activists seize hotel in Olympia, declare it homeless sanctuary. Did this stunt get conducted by Antifa,
a local homeless-advocacy group, or both? It's only certain that it resulted in a spectacular backfire. No matter
who gets credit or blame for this attempt to seize property for the proletariat, the result was 33 people getting kicked to
the curb and at least a dozen arrests. But hey, at least they did something. I'm sure the homeless people who
lost their rooms at the Red Lion in Olympia, Washington are duly impressed: [Video clip] It took seven hours
to clear the occupiers from the hotel, after police got warrants to enter and conduct searches. It's not quite certain
why they would have needed a warrant, since the hotel itself called police to deal with the situation.
Killing The American Frog. Under ordinary circumstances, rioting and destruction would be quelled. But
strategically placed mayors and DA's, elected with money from disruptors such as George Soros, ensured that would not happen,
as did media complicity. We saw news people standing in front of burning cityscapes, saying the riots were "mostly
peaceful." By not stopping the riots, we conceded that mayhem was the new normal. By letting the rioters free
afterward, without charges, good people lost hope. Why do you know the names of the right-of-center people caught up
in the riots, but not one name of the anarchists? All but one have remained anonymous. They've never been charged,
including after the January 6th 'insurgency.' Does anyone know the name of any of the people who were chasing Kyle
Rittenhouse? Do you know who shot Ashli Babbit? Do we have any idea who led the charge into the Capitol
building? Was the January 6th 'insurgency' pre-planned by the left to achieve exactly the purpose it served? Were
the actual insurgents far-left operatives who simply knew that, in a crowd that big, they would find some hotheads among the
group to follow their lead, especially if they were dressed in the American flag, not Antifa gear?
arrested in Olympia after occupying Red Lion hotel near state Capitol. Seven individuals arrested Sunday night
in Olympia for forcibly occupying the Red Lion hotel near the state Capitol are appearing before a judge Monday [2/1/2021].
The individuals are facing various charges including burglary and assault, according to court documents from the Thurston
County Prosecutor's Office. The individuals are part of a homeless activist group known as Oly Housing Now, according
to a city press release Sunday. A woman, who has been identified as the leader of the occupation, had rented 20 rooms
at the Red Lion the previous night and said it was for a wedding party, court documents said. However, throughout the
day Sunday, hotel staff noticed 20-30 people were inside the building who were dressed in all black and some were armed with
batons and knives, court documents said.
A Tsunami of Hate.
[Scroll down] How virulent is the anti-white and anti-American racism of the Democrat Party? Consider this unhinged but
also unchallenged statement by Vice President Kamala Harris defending the Black Lives Matters rioters whose "protests" caused billions
in property damage, led to 25 deaths and injured 2000 police officers in the summer of 2020: "The reality is that the life
of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human... It's no wonder people are taking to the streets [to protest].
And I support them."
Be a tribe of one.
Suppose you're a die-hard Democrat. What do you do about such issues as: [...] Urban violence versus urban order.
Do you side with radical groups like Antifa and the more extreme elements of Black Lives Matter — overwhelmingly
Democrats — who candidly espouse attention-seeking violence for their causes? Or do you side with the urban
residents and businesses — also overwhelmingly Democrat — who suffer the results of that
violence? The same issue presents with regard to urban vagrancy, er, homelessness, er, persons experiencing
homelessness. Do you side with feral humans who seek attention by camping on the downtown sidewalks and pooping in the
gutters and their enabling advocates who are overwhelmingly Democrats? Or do you side with the urban residents and
businesses — overwhelmingly Democrats — who are trying to live and work a few feet away from those
make-shift toilets?
facial recognition programs being used against Trump supporters? In 2020, the violence inherent in leftism
exploded with the Black Lives Matter movement, especially when it became entwined with Antifa. In Democrat-run cities
across America, while many people did indeed march peacefully, thousands of them also rioted, looted, burned, assaulted, and
murdered, along with destroying public art and statuary. Minneapolis alone suffered a half-billion dollars in damage
and large swaths of Kenosha were burned to the ground. In Portland, Antifa is still engaged in nightly violent raids
against businesses, government buildings, and law enforcement officers. Just about the only physical opposition to the
violence on the ground came from a group called the Proud Boys — which the left instantly characterized as a white
supremacist group. They did so even though the Proud Boys' leader, Enrique Tarrio, is black. We also just learned
that Tarrio is an FBI informant. That tie to the FBI does leave a person wondering if the FBI infiltrated the Proud
Boys in other ways, including sending in provocateurs to try to make the organization appear violent and racist.
and police clash over Bellingham homeless encampment. Four people were arrested and three police officers injured
during a clash between homeless advocates and law enforcement outside Bellingham City Hall Thursday [1/28/2021]. A large
homeless camp has been growing since November outside City Hall. City officials call it an "occupation." Bellingham
Police Chief Flo Simon said some of the protesters were members of antifa and other groups out to confront law enforcement.
So much for incitement by Trump. FBI
investigators: Suspect planted pipe bombs night before capitol riot. The would-be pipe bomber of the
Democratic and Republican National Committees' headquarters planted the devices at the Washington, DC, buildings the night
before the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the FBI said Friday [1/29/2021]. In a wanted flyer, the FBI said it obtained new
information about the bomber, writing that the agency now believes the would-be terrorist planted the bombs between 7:30 p.m.
and 8:30 p.m. Jan. 5. The bombs were found the following day before they detonated, but law enforcement
authorities have said they believe the bombs were viable — and could have exploded at the downtown buildings.
A reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the bomber has increased to $100,000, the FBI's flyer states.
protesters burn dumpster, hurl rocks at feds. A throng of violent protesters set a dumpster alight and hurled
rocks at federal agents outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland, Ore. according to police and
video of the chaotic scene. Footage of the unrest shows a dumpster ablaze outside a boarded-up ICE building, where a team
of Federal Protective Service agents in riot gear responded at about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday [1/27/2021] after it was pushed in
front of the building, police said. Federal officers responded with tear gas and pepper-ball rounds as police advanced
on the demonstrators, the footage shows. At one point, a large explosion occurs near the dumpster, apparently caused by
fireworks. Portland cops responded to the scene a short time later along with firefighters to extinguish the burning
dumpster, police spokeswoman Officer Melissa Newhard said.
Capitol police 'betrayed' by leadership in siege: Union. US Capitol police officers were "betrayed" by
their bosses, who left rank-and-file cops poorly equipped to handle the storming of the Capitol building — and
weren't told the violence was expected, the department's union chief said Wednesday [1/27/2021]. Nearly 140 cops were
either physically injured or emotionally traumatized in the Jan. 6 assault, US Capitol Police Labor Committee Chairman Gus
Papathanasiou said. "I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack who have sustained brain injuries,"
he said in a statement, according to a report in The Hill. "One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal
discs," he said. "One officer is going to lose his eye, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake."
The Editor says...
Violence against the police is a feature of every Antifa/BLM riot, and it has been a part of exactly zero Trump rallies.
Group Storms Catholic Church in Ohio, Knocks Over Table, Shouts Profanities. A far-left pro-abortion group
disrupted a church service at St. Joseph's Catholic Cathedral in Columbus, Ohio Friday on the anniversary of Roe
v. Wade. The group of Marxists barged into the church, knocked over a table and shouted profanities. "Two,
four, six, eight this church teaches hate!" the protesters shouted. "Roe is the floor, we demand more!" Security
quickly rushed in and tossed out the screaming protesters.
The Editor says...
"Roe is on the floor." That's catchy, but what does it mean?
rioters smash up Tacoma in rampage over cop driving through crowd. Antifa rioters descended on Tacoma, Washington,
starting fires and trashing buildings in outrage over viral video of a police officer driving his squad car through a crowd of
illegal street racers. Videos showed numerous fires and businesses smashed up late Sunday as at least 200 people took
to the streets close to where the officer had sped through a crowd the previous night, running over at least one person.
At least two police cars were damaged during the rampage as some city buildings had to be evacuated, according to the News
Tribune. A cheering mob — dressed in all black and at one point seen toting an Antifacist Action flag —
was also caught on video trying to pull away the gates protecting the Pierce County Jail, chanting, "Free them all." Tacoma
police said they also busted two people trying to get onto the roof of an unspecified secure building — saying they
were armed with a handgun, double-bladed knives and batons.
Antifa mob moves to Tacoma in response to cop running over man at Fast and Furious-style burnout on Saturday.
More than 200 Antifa protesters reportedly descended on Tacoma, Washington, where they busted the windows of buildings and
set fires in the streets on Sunday, just a day after wreaking havoc in Portland. Video footage and images showed broken
glass scattered on the sidewalk outside of businesses and graffiti sprayed on the side of buildings. Protesters started
at least two fires in the area using a barricade for one and an American flag for the other. Dozens of Tacoma police
officers were seen lined up on bikes as protesters approached them.
charged in DC riot reportedly has brother in Secret Service who led Michelle Obama detail. A New Jersey gym
owner and former ultimate fighter who is accused of assaulting a federal officer during the US Capitol riots is the brother
of a Secret Service agent who led former first lady Michelle Obama's security detail, according to a report. Scott
Kevin Fairlamb of Stockholm, NJ, who fought under the name "Wildman," was charged Friday in federal court in Washington, DC,
according to court documents. Now it has been revealed he is the brother of Preston "Jay" Fairlamb III and the son of
retired New Jersey State Trooper Preston "Jay" Fairlamb Jr., who was killed in a 2012 motorcycle accident, the Huffington
Post reported. When Obama was first lady, she attended a memorial service for the elder Fairlamb, according to the news
outlet, because of her relationship with Preston "Jay" Fairlamb III.
Agents Arrest 'Walkaway' Founder Brandon Straka. FBI agents arrested 'Walkaway' founder Brandon Straka on Monday [1/25/2021]
for his 'actions' at the US Capitol on January 6. The 'WalkAway' campaign began on Facebook in the summer of 2018 after Straka,
a handsome, gay hairdresser from New York posted a video explaining why he was walking away from the Democrat party. The Walkaway
movement attracted tens of thousands of people, making Straka a target of the Marxist left. Straka, 44, was taken into custody on
Monday [1/25/2021] by agents from the FBI Omaha Field Office and faces charges of impeding a law enforcement officer during civil disorder,
knowingly entering and remaining on restricted grounds without lawful authority and/or engaging in disorderly conduct within proximity to
a restricted building to impede official functions and engaging in disorderly conduct with intent to disturb a hearing before Congress.
The Editor says...
I presume the people who disrupted
the Kavanaugh hearings got the same treatment.
Gaggle Of Pro Baby Killers Interrupt Mass In Columbus, Demand Defunding Cops To Pay For Abortion On Demand.
About eight pro-abortion protesters disrupted the Respect Life Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral in downtown Columbus
Friday, where Bishop Robert Brennan was presiding at an event marking the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. "Two,
four, six, eight, this church teaches hate," the protesters shouted, saying that abortion rights were under attack.
"Fund abortion, not cops," said one of their signs. "Abortion on Demand. End Hyde Now," said another, apparently
referring to the Hyde Amendment, which bans most federal funding for abortion. At least two protesters wore vests that
read "clinic escort" on the back. [Video clip]
Did Capitol rioters receive inside help?
While there is yet much to learn about what happened at the Capitol on January 6, some important facts are known beyond a reasonable doubt:
[#1] Most protesters who entered the Capitol encountered no resistance, and some were directed by police on where to go.
[#2] Some protesters who led the storming of the Capitol were leftist agitators.
[#3] The riot was planned, and foreknowledge of this event was reported to the FBI, the Capitol police, the NYPD, and even the Joint Terrorism Taskforce.
This raises the following questions:
[#1] If the police allowed protesters into the Capitol because they were overwhelmed, why did reinforcements fail to arrive? [...]
[#2] Why did CNN broadcast the account of John Sullivan? Did they already know he was a BLM agitator who encouraged protesters to "burn down" the Capitol?
[#3] It is almost certain that Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell knew about plans to storm the Capitol because failure to notify them would have been an egregious failure of intelligence.
Video Evidence Shows the 'Riots' At the US Capitol Were Infiltrated by Antifa and Other Radicals. Antifa and
others inserted themselves into the Capitol protests and framed Trump supporters. There is now ample evidence to
support this. Antifa-BLM leader John Sullivan organized an Antifa protest at the Washington Memorial not far from the
US Capitol on January 6th. This was right before the violence at the US Capitol. For some reason, the mainstream
media refuses to report on this Antifa protest? John Sullivan was later arrested for rioting inside the US
Capitol. No one has yet asked what happened to his cronies? There is also video of Antifa handing out weapons
from a bag during the Capitol Hill riots. The media has also ignored this.
break into Bellingham City Hall, mayor rushed out for safety. Protestors broke into City Hall in Bellingham on
Friday [1/22/2021], forcing the mayor to be escorted out of the building for safety. Mayor Seth Fleetwood said it is
impossible to ignore the parallels to the storming of the Washington D.C. Capitol Building on Jan. 6. "It was
unsettling," Fleetwood said. "They banged on the door and we got word they had somehow broken it open and were
entering, and I was advised to leave," he said. [...] Video from inside City Hall also shows protestors ripped down an
American flag outside the building, and people stomping on the flag before a man dragged the flag away. Protestors said
online they were there to advocate for the homeless who are staying at a large encampment of about 100 tents outside City
The Editor says...
People storming the City Hall to advocate for the homeless (camped outside), and tearing down a U.S. flag, sound
like far-left rioters. The only "parallel" to the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol is that far-left
agitators were exerting most of the violence there, too.
protests by anarchists and extremists signal divided left as Biden administration begins. The hundreds of
far-left and anarchist demonstrators who gathered in protest mere hours after President Biden swore the oath of office
Wednesday signal a fracturing on the left that could become a scourge for the new administration, political leaders and
experts say. Some activists are carrying their destructive tactics into a new administration to voice rejection of
centrist ideologies they believe will do little to address existential worries over climate change, economic inequality,
foreign wars and racism. The vandalizing of the Oregon Democratic Party headquarters by extreme-left demonstrators on
Inauguration Day has split Portland liberals, and federal agents' launching of tear gas at crowds that descended on the
city's Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters produced scenes reminiscent of similar summer standoffs ordered by
President Donald Trump.
Paul: Are They Going to Impeach Bernie Sanders for Inciting the Guy Who Shot Steve Scalise? Friday
[1/22/2021] on FNC's "Hannity," Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) questioned the validity of the impeachment process underway
against President Donald Trump now that he has left office. Paul argued there were other instances of where the
standard of incitement could be used against sitting members of Congress, including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and
questioned if Chief Justice John Roberts would show up to preside over the U.S. Senate's impeachment trial. He also
urged people to contact Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the leader of the Republican caucus in the U.S. Senate, and voice
their opposition to impeachment proceedings.
anti-ICE protests continue in Portland after Biden inauguration. Protests outside an Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) facility in Portland turned ugly on Saturday night as federal authorities threatened mass arrests for
trespassing. Dramatic videos posted on Twitter showed the crowd chanting: 'No borders! No nations! Abolish
deportations!' Officers with the Federal Protective Service, a branch within the Department of Homeland Security,
declared an unlawful assembly at about 10pm and ordered protesters to disperse.
aim to sink America. [Scroll down] Progressive tactics also have frequently included deliberate breaches
of the rule of law, including violent demonstrations, property damage, car bombings, felonious assault, and elections
cheating. Committing such violence, as we saw over the last two years, is considered acceptable if it advanced
progressive goals. That's why several thousand riots and violent demonstrations were permitted in our nation's cities,
with very few perpetrators facing justice.
launches investigation after bomb is thrown at anti-LGBT church in California. The FBI has launched an
investigation after a bomb was thrown at an anti-LGBT church in California just weeks after the pastor received an arson
attack threat. Police and fire crews were called to the First Works Baptist Church at 2600 Tyler Avenue in El Monte in
the early hours of Saturday morning to reports of an explosion. The FBI said an improvised explosive device had been
thrown at the building and it had also been covered in graffiti. No one was injured in the attack, authorities
said. The church has been the center of controversy in the local area due to its stance against same-sex relationships
and its teachings that residents have described as hate speech.
That Democrats Are In Power, Twitter Will Suspend Antifa. What's the difference between Big Tech and the
Democrat Party? Same as the difference between the media and the Democrats. If anyone needed evidence of the
obvious beyond the money trail, the past three months provided evidence not only that Big Tech companies will suppress
President Trump and conservatives, but that they will crackdown on leftists only when they inconvenience Democrats. Big
Tech cracks down on conservatives under the guise that they're misbehaving, but the selective crackdown on lefties can't be
justified in any such way. Why did Twitter wait until Biden was in power to finally crack down on Antifa social media
accounts after another set of riots targeted Democrats?
won't stop them, and neither will cops, until Portland is burned down. The nation's capital was hard to
recognize on Inauguration Day this year. In response to the Capitol Hill siege on Jan. 6, thousands of police and
National Guard troops were sent on the streets of Washington, DC, where they manned checkpoints and set up barriers.
The predicted right-wing violence by Trump supporters never materialized. Joe Biden's inauguration went off without a
hitch. But in the Pacific Northwest, Antifa had other plans. In Portland, Black Lives Matter-Antifa made good on
their pre-announced "J20" (January 20) riot. Around 150 Antifa dressed in black shut down traffic as they marched
unimpeded to the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon.
causes damage, continues march in downtown Seattle. A group of people marching in Seattle Wednesday night
vandalized buildings and caused property damage downtown. Seattle police have made at least three arrests —
two for property damage and another for assault. Seattle police tweeted photos of the damage and said multiple sites
were vandalized, including the William Kenzo Nakamura Courthouse at 6th Avenue and Spring Street.
militants smash up original Starbucks during anti-Biden protest. They really don't want Joe. Antifa
militants chanted [against] President Biden during a rampage through Seattle after the inauguration — and smashed
up the historic site of the very first Starbucks. Seattle cops made at least three arrests as at least 100 protesters
scrawled graffiti, smashed windows and even set fire to an American flag, according to the Seattle Times. Videos showed
the mob chanting their allegiance to "Antifa" and repeatedly decrying the election of a left-wing president, Biden.
smash windows at Democratic Party HQ in Northeast. Crowds of people across Portland turned violent on
Inauguration Day, smashing windows at the Democratic Party of Oregon and later targeting the Immigrations and Customs
Enforcement facility where federal officers declared an unlawful assembly. A crowd of around 150 people gathered at
Revolution Hall in Southeast Portland around 2 p.m. Less than an hour later, a few officers on bicycles rode into the
parking lot and were quickly surrounded by dozens of people, Portland Police said. The group took one officer's bicycle.
More officers arrived and they got the bicycle back but the crowd wouldn't let the officers leave. Police said reinforcements
came and they seized some long poles and a large knife from people in the crowd before setting off a smoke canister to escape.
Vandalizes Democratic Party Office in Portland. Antifa thugs vandalized a Democratic Party of Oregon's office
in Portland on Wednesday. Townhall's Julio Rosas was on the ground and captured the chaos. Members of the
far-left group can be seen spray painting obscene political messages [...] on the outside of the building before other
members shatter the office's windows. [...] During the first presidential debate, Joe Biden claimed "Antifa is an idea, not
an organization." Maybe the Democrats can sue the idea of Antifa for damages.
Administration Tear Gassed 'Peaceful Protesters' Just Hours After Inauguration. A Democratic Party headquarters
was damaged, an American flag burned, and marchers filled the streets in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday, following Biden's
inauguration. Antifa was reportedly behind the activity, known during the summer as "peaceful protests." The
New York Times reported that "federal agents in camouflage — now working under the Biden administration —
blanketed streets with tear gas and unleashed volleys of welt-inducing pepper balls as they confronted a crowd that gathered
outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement building near downtown."
rioters smash windows at Oregon's Democratic Party headquarters in Portland, burn American flags in Denver and vandalize
stores in Seattle. Antifa rioters smashed windows at Portland's Democratic Party headquarters, burned US flags
in Denver and vandalized store fronts in Seattle just hours after President Joe Biden was sworn in. While some
right-wing extremist groups had vowed to disrupt Biden's inauguration following the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol,
only scattered protests and violence emerged on Wednesday [1/20/2021]. Federal police were forced to deploy tear gas in
an attempt to disperse protesters who threw rocks and eggs at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland,
Oregon, late on Wednesday night.
Shows Known Antifa Members Changing into MAGA Clothing Outside of the Capitol Just before the Attack. As if you
needed any more evidence that the attack on the Capitol was all staged by radical leftists attempting to make Trump
supporters look bad. Here it is! Watch as known Antifa members change their clothing to look like MAGA supporters
just prior to the attack on the Capitol building. For those who don't know, the violence by Antifa actually started as
President Trump was still giving his speech. This is why the media was quick to remove all of the videos showing the
violence until the Antifa clowns were dressed in the right attire. [Video clip]
administration will face its own Frankenstein's monster. Demonstrations and riots will not stop with the
Biden/Harris administration. They present a real danger to government as we now know it. Joe Biden and Kamala
Harris are being sworn in today, 20 January. It has been obvious for some time that this would take place. On
January 18 a protest in NYC resulted in 29 people being arrested and eleven police officers being injured. Other
protests broke out on January 19. The election of Biden/Harris does not appear to have diminished the desire to
Now, the Left Owns It All.
That mob that split off from the Donald Trump rally of Jan. 6 to invade the Capitol has proven a godsend to the left.
The death of a Capitol cop has enabled the left — which spent the summer after George Floyd's death trashing
"racist cops" and shouting, "Defund the Police!" — to posture as fighting allies of the men in blue.
Liberals who implored us to understand the grievances of the rioters, looters and arsonists last summer have become sudden
converts to the church of law and order. Elites who had condoned the smashing of statues and monuments to Columbus,
Washington, Jefferson and Jackson as a needed cleansing of our hateful history have declared themselves sickened that
Trumpists would desecrate the temple of democracy. Had it been antifa or BLM that carried out the invasion, not one
statue would have been left standing in Statuary Hall, and we would have been instructed that it was slaves who had, after
all, built the Capitol building.
The Editor says...
If the January 6 event was so beneficial to the left, one must immediately wonder if it was orchestrated by the left.
On the other hand... Oath
Keepers Face First Conspiracy Charges Over Capitol Riot. Three members of the far-right group Oath Keepers are
facing the first conspiracy charges to arise from the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, with prosecutors alleging they plotted
to disrupt the electoral vote confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden. Thomas Edward Caldwell, Jessica Marie Watkins
and Donovan Ray Crowl were charged Tuesday [1/19/2021] by federal prosecutors in Washington with conspiracy as well as
obstruction of official proceedings and destruction of government property, among other charges. Caldwell, 65, served
as a leader in "planning and coordinating" the breach of the Capitol, the government claims. The riot by supporters of
President Donald Trump left five people dead and sent lawmakers fleeing for safety.
The Editor says...
[#1] From where I'm sitting, it appears that most of the people rioting were not Trump supporters. [#2] The riot
"left five people dead," yes, but one of the dead was shot by police for no justifiable reason, one guy had a heart attack in the crowd,
one woman was trampled, one was a cop who had a stroke after being pepper-sprayed and hit in the head (which doesn't sound like the
actions of a Trump supporter), and the other person died from an unspecified "medical emergency."
Peaceful" - Detaching Violence From BLM, Attaching It To Election Protests. [Scroll down] With the D.C.
protest, in which a large number of people lawfully protested over the stolen election, the Capitol March, involving a
smaller group, only a minority of whom clashed with police, and a much smaller minority of whom actually entered the building
unlawfully, as opposed to being allowed in, the Democrats and their media used the opposite tactic, conflating
everything. Rally participants were accused of all being in on it. Speakers are being investigated for
"incitement", a European speech doctrine that has no place in America. Peaceful protests are treated as criminal
because of criminal behavior by a tiny minority who were there at the time. Meanwhile violent protests are treated as
peaceful even when the violence comes from the top. The Black Lives Matter leadership never condemned the riots and the
violence. Instead they repeatedly excused it.
Crew Releases Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots. The footage was gathered as part of an
ongoing documentary about the fight for dominance playing out between establishment and independent news organizations.
The shocking footage exposes a coordinated attack on the 2017 inauguration of President Donald Trump. Highlights
include anarchists preparing for violent clashes with police (10:22), violent attacks on attendees (2:08), destruction of
property (9:50), and the physical premeditated blockades that succeed in preventing voters from attending the Presidential
Inauguration (3:29). [Video clip]
Island man arrested for his role in Capitol riot. A Staten Island man who allegedly livestreamed his
participation in the Capitol riot was arrested Monday, according to reports and the FBI. Nicolas Moncada of Taunton
Street was arrested at his home, with federal agents remaining at the scene. "[Moncada] is now in custody for his role in
assaulting the US Capitol while our representatives were inside performing their Constitutional duties," the agency said on
Twitter. The feds were able to track down Moncada because he livestreamed the Jan. 6 assault on the US Capitol building
on Instagram, a law enforcement source told The [New York] Post. He is due to appear in Brooklyn federal court on
Tuesday [1/19/2021], the source said.
Destroys Fellow Liberals: Don't Link Rioting Thugs to 74 Million Voters. Every now and then, Bill Maher
shocks his fellow liberals with some common sense. Friday night was one of those days as the HBO host closed Real
Time with a commentary lecturing them to not equate the violent thugs who stormed the Capitol with 74 million Americans
who may have voted for Donald Trump because of policy. He also eviscerated left-wing California as a red tape-filled
bureaucratic mess. Maher, who has been very tough on Islamic extremism, got this zing in at the left: "As bad as
last week was... let's not confuse 5,000 people with 74 million. Yes, even supporting the insurrection in spirit is,
well, deplorable, but there's a difference between holding illiberal beliefs and acting violently on them — at
least that's what they always told me about Islamic terrorism."
That sounds like a very smooth way to equate Republicans with Islamic terrorists.
Antifa advertising for rioters for Jan. 20? Independent journalist Andy Ngo posted an appalling group of rioter
recruiting posters, purportedly from Antifa. [...] The posters depict sinister ski-masked creatures in shadow dancing around
a bonfire circle while a little old Monopoly man figure is beaten and bruised and tied to the stake. They depict a
burning police car, and multiple soup cans hurled at a state capitol, some bearing hammers and sickle. It's ironic, as
it comes at a time when the press is all riled up about purportedly dangerous Trump supporters who are supposedly sure to try
to shut the Biden inaugural down.
John Sullivan, the Left-Wing 'Agitator' Arrested and Charged in the Capitol Riot. Now that the fog of war is
settling over Washington, D.C., details are emerging from the attack on the Capitol that were not reported correctly in the
immediate aftermath — as they rarely are. While news reports were denying that any counter-protesters were
involved in the violence at the Capitol, an arrest has been made that shows at least one left-wing activist who actively
participated in BLM was involved in leading and encouraging destructive behavior on January 6th. John Sullivan was
arrested and charged in federal court in the District of Columbia with civil disorder, being in a restricted area, and
disorderly conduct. Claiming to have been there only to document the event as a "journalist," Sullivan told police he
was just an observer. There is no record of John Sullivan working for any news outlet. Video taken from
Sullivan's phone shows much more than documenting events.
Terrorists Bombed The Senate In 1983. Bill Clinton Let Them Out Of Prison Early — At Jerry Nadler's
Request. On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of
radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the
Senate wing. Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping
42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years. The FBI landed formal
indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 "Resistance Conspiracy" case for their involvement in the bombing of the
Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical
left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese
leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine,
M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African
consulate in New York, and D.C.'s Fort McNair and Navy Yard. [...] According to the New York Post in 2001, New York
Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a "crucial role" in
Clinton's decision to commute Rosenberg's sentence.
Standard: Amazon Is Still Selling 'Kill All Republicans' T-Shirts After Banning Parler For 'Violence'.
Even as Amazon took away Parler's right to exist by kicking the platform off Amazon Web Services (after AWS has become a
near-monopoly in providing Internet access) after accusing Parler executives of allowing users to 'incite' the Capitol
Building violence and rioting earlier this month, the gargantuan hypocritical gatekeepers of expression and speech appear to
have no problem hosting a vendor who sells a t-shirt calling for the elimination of Republicans.
Turned Violent in Martin Luther King's Last March, Too. So long ago — before the national holiday we
observe today, before the monument in his honor was installed near the National Mall — Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. said he was getting too much of the credit for the civil rights movement. He had a point. In their
dedication and bravery, Ralph Abernathy, Bayard Rustin, John Lewis, and other giants of that era arguably were everything he
was, minus the smooth eloquence. [...] As happened in the Capitol riot that coincided with Trump's final rally on January 6,
outside agitators reportedly played a role in the sabotage of King's final demonstration. The violent criminality in
Memphis was at first attributed to the Invaders, a group of young activists. But was there more to the story?
Judge Releases BLM Capitol Rioter Without Bail. John Earle Sullivan, a far-left agitator who was present at the
Capitol riots on Jan. 6 and recorded a woman's death at the hands of police, was released from jail on Friday [1/15/2021]
without bail, according to Fox News. According to Utah District Magistrate Judge Daphne Oberg, the motion for
Sullivan's detention was denied because it didn't meet the court's threshold for a hearing. Prosecutors had asked for
Sullivan to be retained in jail at least until inauguration day. Democrats including President-elect Joe Biden, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have called the rioters "domestic terrorists" engaged
in "sedition," crimes that can carry the death penalty. Based on these claims, the U.S. capitol has been infused with
some 20,000 U.S. troops in advance of Biden's inauguration Tuesday. Federal judges have denied bail to others who took
part in the Jan. 6 chaos. Not Oberg.
AG Racine: Trump, Rally Speakers Are 'Being Reviewed' for Inciting Violence Charges. District of Columbia
Attorney General Karl Racine said Sunday [1/17/2021] on MSNBC's "Velshi" that he was looking at charging President Donald
Trump and others who spoke at the rally proceeding the deadly riots at Capital Hill on "inciting violence" charges.
Anchor Ali Velshi said, "You are considering bringing charges, that's what the reporting is, against people for inciting this
riot." Racine replied, "The reporting is accurate. The office of attorney general has jurisdiction over a number
of potential offenses, including weapons, ammunition, curfew violations, and the one that's gotten the most attention, of
course, is the inciting violence charge. We've brought that charge before. It is law in D.C. since 2011. It makes
illegal the statements of individuals that clearly encourage, cajole, and otherwise, you know, get people motivated to commit
violence. We'll balance the First Amendment rights of speakers versus this law and will be judicious with whether to
charge and who to charge but every single person at that rally is being reviewed."
Leaders in D.C. Don't Represent 74 Million Trump Voters. The media lie. All the time. They lied
about former President Barack Obama's economy; they tried to make us believe the worst economy since the Great Depression was
a great economy. Then they lied about President Donald Trump's soaring economy. They tried to make us believe the
best economy in 50 years, maybe the best economy ever for middle-class Americans, was a bad economy. They lied about
the Black Lives Matter riots. For months, we saw radical communists, Marxists and violent thugs riot, loot, burn, mug
and murder while attacking police officers with bricks, pipes and Molotov cocktails. They burned entire downtown business
districts to the ground, such as those in Minneapolis and Kenosha, Wisconsin. [...] They killed over 30 people.
They caused over $2 billion in damage. Yet liberal politicians and the liberal media ignored it all, or made
believe it never happened, or made believe it was "peaceful," or encouraged it, or supported it. In many cases, they
did all of the above.
The Antifa thugs shame America.
Last November the ineffectual Mayor of the city, Ted Wheeler, was re-elected over an Antifa-backed candidate. To say
that he has lost control of his city is an understatement; the city authorities have allowed rioting for months, even
resisting federal requests to assist law enforcement. Wheeler was chased out of his own apartment block and earlier
this month was assaulted in a restaurant. None of the placation seems to have worked. But this week the activists
of Antifa returned to one of their favourite targets: the journalist whose factual reporting seems to get under their
skin so much.
Federal Employees Conspiring To Sabotage The Trump Administration On A Leaked Zoom Call. Back in 2019, it was a
huge revelation that the president has to "hide" his phone calls from much of his own administration to reduce leaks.
This move might seem to indicate guilt — and is certainly being spun that way by Democrats and the
media — but for the knowledge that the president isn't wrong to mistrust his own workforce. Federal
employees are anything but neutral administrators of the law. Fully 95 percent of donations from those working for
agencies went to Hillary Clinton in 2016. And a web of civil service laws built over the past century effectively inures them
to the consequences of defying the elected and appointed officials tasked by our political process with captaining the ship
of state.
Blames Facebook CEO Zuckerberg For Capitol Chaos. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the former bartender
whose ascendance to political stardom is a modern day retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale is accusing Facebook and CEO
Mark Zuckerberg of being partially responsible for the chaos at the U.S. Capitol. AOC who falsely claimed that she was
nearly killed when the building where Americans are sold out on a daily basis was briefly occupied by pro-Trump protesters
and Antifa provocateurs accused Zuckerberg of aiding and abetting what Dems are defining as domestic terrorism. The
narcissistic Twitter diva's stunning remarks came during a virtual town hall with constituents in her New York City
congressional district.
today's America, the wise person willfully suspends belief. The violence in the capital was a setup. Just
as the Obama administration took extraordinary, and illegal measures to try to cripple or oust the incoming President, so too
has the Deep State devised a plan to deface Trump's legacy while simultaneously reducing all his followers to the status of
domestic terrorists. It was brilliantly planned and executed, and altogether evil. I would not have believed it
possible four years ago, but after seeing the Russian collusion fiasco unravel with its illegal unmasking, spying, and
politically motivated prosecutions, all orchestrated by the deep state and the opposition political party, and then to see
all the actors that were caught red-handed walk away virtually unscathed, I can easily believe that political operatives with
no scruples and nothing much else to do, could come up with this plan without any fear of being held responsible. The
Capitol scheme is already starting to unravel, with timelines not matching up and evidence of a preplanned attack coming to light.
'Hardcore Leftist' Arrested for Inciting Violence at Florida Capitol. Federal agents arrested a self-admitted
anarchist and "hardcore leftist" on Friday on suspicion of plotting to violently disrupt planned election-related protests at
the Florida state Capitol. Prosecutors said they "averted a crisis" at the Capitol by arresting 33-year-old Daniel
Baker, taking him into custody on a charge involving making a threat to kidnap or injure, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the
Northern District of Florida announced in a news release. "Baker issued a call to arms for like-minded individuals to
violently confront protestors gathered at the Florida Capitol this Sunday," prosecutors said. "He specifically called
for others to join him in encircling any protestors and confining them at the Capitol complex using firearms."
for CNN-NPR Jade Sacker embedded with BLM/Antifa leader John Sullivan during siege on US Capitol while cheering "We Did It!"
after inciting riot. As soon as the siege on the Capitol took place every left winger I know was screaming
about how bad boy Trump and all his riff raff followers had ruined yet another glorious day. There was violence, there
was chaos, people died, and according to them, it was all Trump's fault for "calling for violence." Except he
didn't. Politicians and special interests groups have been marching on the Capitol for as long as I can remember and
that's exactly what Trump asked everyone to do. I listened to that speech at least a half dozen times and not once did
I hear Trump even insinuate that the crowd should perpetrator what later ensued. I didn't hear anything from him that I
haven't heard dozens of times from a magnitude of speakers over various causes from that very spot.
the US Capitol attack planned with inside help? Attackers in organised columns, a woman shouting instructions
on a megaphone, and suspicious tours the day before: Investigators are probing the possibility that the Jan 6 attack on
the US Capitol was planned, with help from insiders. Disturbing videos, photos and online communications point to
potential conspiracy. In one video, more than a dozen men wearing assault force-type garb push up the Capitol steps in
a line, cutting through the dense crowd towards the building's doors. In another, a woman in a pink hat gives
directions via megaphone to others inside the building, telling them where to go.
caught on video planning riot at Capitol. I'm going to start by saying that I don't know if this group is
Antifa and I don't think that's been verified, despite what people are conjecturing online. Even so, it does show a
group planning and coordinating the riot at the Capitol: [Video clip]
Was In On It! Reporter Disguised Herself As Trump Supporter And Plotted With BLM Member. On Thursday
night [1/14/2021], [...] new footage showed CNN's Jade Sacker inside of the Capitol with John Sullivan, the BLM member who
was charged by federal prosecutors for inciting chaos on January 6th. Sacker co-conspired with the liberal activist in
order to cause chaos and make Trump supporters look bad. The shocking video shows her and Sullivan celebrating and
shouting "We did it!" when they got the footage they were looking for. When she asked Sullivan if he was filming, he
said was going to delete it. He never did.
Stone's Wife Hospitalized After Being Attacked By Leftist Goon While Walking Her Dog. Roger Stone's wife was
attacked by a leftist goon while walking her dog in her neighborhood on Thursday [1/14/2021]. Nydia Stone was attacked
so viciously that she was hospitalized and will require surgery. "Roger Stone's handicapped wife beaten badly by
deranged leftist man while walking her dog in her own neighborhood, currently in hospital," the Proud Boys posted on
Telegram, according to a report from Big League Politics.
Gaetz Goes Nuclear On the House Floor and Dems Lose It as He Calls Out Their Hypocrisy for Months of Riots.
Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz didn't hold back and put up a very large, figurative mirror in front of the Democrats in the
House on Wednesday and made it clear that while the riot at the Capitol was wrong, the Democrats were literally cheering on
months of destruction and violence during the Black Lives Matter riots. And the Democrats really didn't like hearing about it.
Tanks and 2x4's Are Magically Appear Along Roads in DC the Trump Rally will Use. Over the past 12 years we have
watched Antifa terrorists engage in blatant acts of terrorism in order to turn the USA into a communist nation. Now,
the group seems emboldened and looks to be staging terrorist attacks using propane tanks as explosive devices along the route
where Trump supporters will be walking during the Jan. 6th "Stop the Steal" rally. As usual, the FBI is nowhere to be
found. [Video clip]
What Now?
When enemies of Trump, and of freedom, created violence and mayhem in cities around the country, they were whitewashed,
protected, and even praised by the media, by Democratic politicians, and by police officials. In a debate with Trump,
Biden said Antifa was an idea, not an organization. Congressman Jerrold Nadler called it a myth. Meanwhile
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey gave BLM $3 million. While the leftist gangsters went unpunished, citizens who tried to protect
their homes and businesses from destruction by them were arrested by the police and demonized in the media. If you tried
to spread the truth about all this on social media, you were shut down by Silicon Valley bosses who said you were lying.
Kids, Reporters & Activists Were Murdered As Democrats Incited 2020 Riots; Now They've Accused Trump of Their Tactics. The
same media and Hollywood collective that derided American police in 2020 is now flooding the airwaves with their crocodile tears about the
police who were on the front lines against trouble-making demonstrators at the nation's Capitol on Wednesday. News networks sickly
dedicated just a few seconds to the death of black police officer David Dorn, murdered at the hands of Black Lives Matter looters in June
2020. Back then Joe Biden was silent about the killings, too, despite attacking President Trump and his supporters for Wednesday's
violence at the Capitol. There's certainly enough blame in America to go around. But to be proportionate, let's analyze some
things very clearly.
Antifa assault conservatives in San
Diego. A mob of antifa assault a small group of conservatives in San Diego, Cal. The black bloc mob is
also waving an antifa flag. [Video clip]
a Perfect Explanation of Why the Capitol Hill Riot Happened. In truth, it's been made clear to some Americans
that attempting to talk it out and even take their grievances to the voting booth isn't working. However, they flip on
the news and see riots happening as those involved scream things like "black lives matter" or "defund the police." They
see this and then see politicians, media, and "experts" heap praise on these violent radicals, and politicians both defend
and even encourage them. For some Americans, they see violence get results and a dangerous idea begins to formulate in
their head.
Hands Out Weapons from Bag During Storming of US Capitol. A new video was released that shows Antifa terrorists
handing out weapons to their comrades during the storming of the US Capitol. This should come as no surprise for
Gateway Pundit readers. As we reported earlier today Antifa organized a rally near the US Capitol on Wednesday.
On Friday investigative journalist Millie Weaver ran into Antifa activist and protest leader John Sullivan in Washington DC.
She overheard him say he was not being charged. [Video clip]
2020 Is Dead! Long Live Crazier 2021! Of course, there is no such thing as "good" or "acceptable"
violence of either Trump supporters or of the Antifa and BLM sort. Yet the latter were largely exempt from any
consequences for most of the summer — despite Joe Biden's demagogic implication that the now multibillion-dollar
funded BLM was treated harshly in comparison to the rogue Trump rioters. Do we remember the authorities' exemptions
given to "warlord" Raz Simone and his armed thugs who, with absolute impunity, took over a Seattle "autonomous zone" known as
CHOP or CHAZ, where four shootings and two deaths followed? Who exactly destroyed or vandalized thousands of state and
federal public monuments — some in Washington, D.C. — and burned and looted hundreds of buildings with
impunity? Those who wrongly demanded to defund the police, now rightly deplore the lack of a Capitol police
presence. Their only consistency is their own perceived political self-interest.
Mob Savages Beat Capitol Police Officer Viciously. For those who missed it yesterday when it was circulating on
social media, here's what "back the blue" meant to some of the cretins who descended on the Capitol last Wednesday. I
don't know for a fact that the cop being attacked is Officer Sicknick but I'd be amazed if the person who took this beating
survived it. [Video clip]
Months Ago, Democrats Blocked a Resolution Condemning Mob Violence. When a mob of rioters stormed the U.S.
Capitol building on Thursday, leaders from both political parties universally condemned the historic act of political
violence. [...] After months ignoring and justifying Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, Democrats also condemned the
Capitol violence. "This assault is just that. It shows the weakness of those who've had to show through violence
what their message was," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said. Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., echoed the
sentiment, arguing those who using political violence should face the harshest penalties available. "Those who
performed these reprehensible acts cannot be called protesters — no, these were rioters and insurrectionists,
goons and thugs, domestic terrorists... they must and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law." The
cross-party condemnations came as a welcomed move. But that very the same Congress was anything but united on the issue
of mob violence remarkably recently. This July, those same congressional Democrats killed a resolution aimed at curbing
mob violence.
Was No Revolution. There was no revolution. There was no pro-Trump coup attempt. Everyone knows
it. A couple of crackpots who pranked at the Capitol are now being called a "revolution." As if that crazy,
painted-face shaman with the buffalo-horn hat was leading — what are they calling it? Ah yes, an
insurrection. There was a call by millions of Americans for election integrity. It was met with "shoot to
kill" behavior and then a great purge. It wasn't a revolution; it was more like an ambush. No one is asking who
gave the shoot-to-kill order or who gave the order to invite protesters into the Capitol building. We do know that the
January 6, 2021 Capitol protesters were invited in. See the video [online]. What we do know is that there were
scores of Trump rallies attended by hundreds of thousands of people, with not one incident. What we do know is our people
are peaceful, respectful and law-abiding. What we do know is we are a subclass — "Untouchables" —
who have been brutally punished at every turn, most especially this past year, by Democrat despots. We do know is that
we witnessed months of "insurrection" — burning cities, government buildings, streets, and even sometimes homes,
and were told it was peaceful and necessary. That was insurrection.
Cowardly Republicans Got Hysterical about the Capitol Riots. Over the last six months, Black Lives Matter (BLM)
and Antifa riots caused two billion dollars in property damage, killed at least 25 people, and injured over 2,000 police
officers. Rioters occupied and burned a police station in Minneapolis. They attacked a federal courthouse in
Portland every night for months. In Seattle, Antifa set up an "autonomous zone" where five people were murdered,
including two teenagers shot to death when they drove "too fast" near an armed checkpoint. Senator Kamala Harris
applauded the rioters. In June, amid the burning and looting of large swaths of Minneapolis, she said the riots were
"not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not." Then she raised money to bail rioters out of jail.
Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan called Seattle's Antifa autonomous zone a "summer of love" before five people died. Two
months after the riots began, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley called for more "unrest in the streets."
close in for the kill — not just Trump, but all Republicans. When George Floyd, an ex-con convicted
of a brutal crime died from a drug overdose while Minneapolis police restrained him in accordance with their department's
training materials, Democrats across America went wild. Minneapolis alone suffered half a billion dollars in damages,
most to small business owners, many of whom are black. The dam burst in all major Democrat-run cities. Unhindered
by lockdowns, Democrats rioted, looted, burned, assaulted, and murdered in New York, Chicago, Austin, Los Angeles, Portland,
and Seattle, just to name a few places. And let us not forget what they did in D.C., where they tried to burn historic
St. John's church, tore down equally historic statues, smothered public property with obscene graffiti, and attacked
the White House. This wasn't the Democrats' first assault on D.C. For just one example, Ed Driscoll reminds us that,
back in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi applauded Democrats who stormed Pelosi's office. According to Pelosi, it
was a good thing to see activists "organize and participate in our Democracy." Indeed, they have had a habit of urging
violence against Trump and his supporters.
a disturbing video of people inciting violence if that's really Twitter's concern. As Twitchy reported Friday
[1/8/2021], Twitter has permanently suspended the @realDonaldTrump account, explaining, "We have permanently suspended the
account due to the risk of further incitement of violence." There are a lot of videos like this one going around, but
this one, put together by Caldron Pool, might be one of the best and most extensive. While Democrats and the media are
clutching their pearls over the president's alleged incitement of violence this week, here are some other people Twitter
might want to take a look at if inciting violence is a bannable offense. [Link to video clip]
Death of Capitol Police Officer After
Protest May Not Be as Initially Reported. The death of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was a tragedy.
But as it turns out, the facts originally reported about his death may not have been accurate. The initial story implied
that he died from an attack by protesters at the Capitol, it was even reported that he was hit with a fire extinguisher.
Apparently though, the facts as of this moment are not there to confirm that claim. Yet that has gone everywhere as "facts."
Indeed, according to ABC, they are reporting that Sicknick's death may have been "driven by a medical condition." [...] Now his death
may have been been related to interactions with the protesters, but we should wait until the evidence is in. People are being
whipped up based on unconfirmed or outright false reports, in a highly charged political climate. Meanwhile, folks on the
left on Twitter are spreading a video which they allege is Sicknick being beaten to death by Trump supporters, after his
family asked people not to make his passing political. It isn't him and it's not entirely clear what the video shows.
The Editor says...
[#1] Beating a cop with a fire extinguisher doesn't sound like something a Republican would do. But it does sound like
something an Antifa infiltrator would do. [#2] I'm sure the Twitter Thought Police will remove the video if it's being
used to spread misleading ideas.
Antifa Group Marches Right Down 7th Avenue in NYC In Full Black Bloc With Battle Shields. With the Capitol
protest, Democrats and media who had ignored or dismissed vandalism or violence at protests for months suddenly discovered
the law again and they are using the incident to try to crush anyone related to the rally, despite the fact that thousands of
people went with the intention to peacefully express their political opinions and only a smaller number of extremists broke
the law. [...] During the inauguration of Donald Trump, thousands of radical leftists rioted in the streets of D.C.,
attacking police, setting things on fire. Not only did Democrats not condemn that action against the government, they
legitimized it by calling Trump illegitimate, with 71 members of Congress saying that and refusing to attend his
inauguration. Yet all their Twitter accounts are intact, no one has called their actions "inciting." Meanwhile,
now with a Democratic administration on the horizon, today, a large group of Antifa has come out of their normal actions in
the darkness, to march boldly down 7th Avenue in New York City in the broad daylight, chanting, "Whose streets, our streets!"
supporters, counter-protesters clash violently in Pacific Beach. Counter-protesters clashed violently with
supporters of President Donald Trump at a rally in Pacific Beach Saturday, and police ordered people to leave the area as
they tried to maintain order. The event, described in flyers as a "Patriot March," took place along Ocean Front Walk
and began early Saturday afternoon. A group of counter-demonstrators — including members of anti-fascist
groups, clad in all black and holding sticks or bats — showed up to face off with the pro-Trump group, and at
times the tense exchanges turned violent.
'Hang Mike Pence'
trends on Twitter after platform suspends Trump. Twitter saw a surprising item trending on Friday night when
"Hang Mike Pence" hit around 14,000 tweets, according to reports. The social media platform announced Friday night that
it was permanently suspending President Donald Trump's Twitter account. The decision was made "due to the risk of
further incitement of violence," according to a statement on the company's blog. Many users were confused, then, to see
such a violent item in the trending section.
Left Is Enjoying Its Reichstag Fire Moment. [Scroll down] The parallels to what is happening today are
obvious. In the wake of the January 6 riot at the Capitol, the Democrats are trying to criminalize opposition to their
program, painting all support of President Trump and his America-First program as incitement to violence and tantamount to
sedition. He has been shut out of the major social media networks that exercise near-total control over the means of
communication today. And as Trump himself has pointed out repeatedly, for all the demonic frenzy of their desire to
destroy him utterly, he is really not the target. We are. The National Socialists used the Reichstag fire to
destroy all political opposition in Germany and assert total control over the lives of every German citizen. [...] The
American Left of today has followed the Nazis' Reichstag Fire playbook to a T thus far. What is to prevent
them from attempting to implement the whole thing? The one thing saving us from woke totalitarianism at this point
may be the fact that the sinister authoritarians of the Democratic Party, the social media corporations, and the
establishment media may already have overreached.
Century Rules for Revolutionaries. #8: Ultimate victory in the revolution will go to that segment of the
revolutionary body that is the best organized, best financed, and most ideologically dedicated. A revolutionary
movement can be composed of many divergent groups, each of which has a peeve with the central government. In our
country we have, among others, minorities, LGBTQ, and feminists all rubbing shoulders with liberals, socialists, anarchists,
globalists, Islamists, and hardcore Marxist revolutionaries. The last group is the best organized and funded.
They are completely devoted to the "righteousness" of their ideology and even have their own para-military group —
Antifa. Their goal is the complete destruction of the American political and economic system.
Night of the Tech Long Knives. [Scroll down] In any event the Capitol has been the scene of worse.
It was set afire by the British in 1812. In 1915 a Harvard professor planted dynamite near the Senate Reception Room which
went off as "an exclamation point in my appeal for peace." In March 1954 four Puerto Rican nationalists in the visitors'
[gallery] shot and wounded five members of Congress. President Carter later pardoned them. In March of 1971 the
Weather Underground set off a bomb in the Senate side of the Capitol causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.
(Bill Ayers was the leader of the group. He was a Chicago colleague of Barack Obama and is widely believed to have
ghostwritten Dreams of My Father, improbably attributed to Barack. Ayers's wife Bernardine Dohrn, also a member
of the group, is a retired professor of law at Northwestern University. The son of two other members of the group whom
they raised while his mother was in prison, Chesa Boudin, is a George Soros-funded district attorney of San Francisco, where
he's been successful in adopting policies causing significant increases in crime.) Twelve years after the Weather
Underground bombing, a leftist group set off a bomb which blew off the door of Senator Byrd's office. In contrast to
those events, videos show the Capitol police removing the barriers to the building and ushering through the mostly obedient
and respectful crowd.
Colin Kaepernick praised deadly BLM riots, Twitter CEO gave him $3 million. Last year, former NFL quarterback
Colin Kaepernick tweeted praise for the ongoing violent riots that were gripping the country at the time. He stayed on
Twitter and even got a $3 million donation from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. This week, President Trump was kicked off
Twitter for good for allegedly inciting violence among his supporters before they stormed the U.S. Capitol. The
contrast gained immediate attention, highlighted by the news site Not the Bee shortly after Trump was banned from Twitter on
Friday [1/8/2021]. In one 2020 tweet highlighted by the site, Kaepernick said of the destructive demonstrations
occurring across the country: "When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction."
Times Democrats Urged Violence Against Trump And His Supporters. While Democratic politicians and the corporate
media blamed President Donald Trump for the mob riot at the Capitol on Wednesday, saying his rhetoric incited violence, many
of these same lawmakers and bureaucrats have for years called for violence and physical action against those who believe
differently than they do. "Hate to break it to you but if Trump had won, there would have been violence on Wednesday,
and it most certainly would have been worse. How do I know? Because Democrats have been endorsing violence as a
political tactic throughout the Trump Administration," wrote Grabien founder Tom Elliott on Twitter. In an extensive
thread, Elliott outlined many examples of Democratic politicians and other leftists advocating for violence as a response to
conservatives. In 2018, Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California said on MSNBC that if Trump fired special counsel
Robert Mueller, there would be "widespread civil unrest" as people would "take to the streets." Similarly, former Director
of National Intelligence James Clapper agreed that if Trump fired Mueller, it would "set off a firestorm not only on the Hill
but also in the streets."
Hypocrisy on Violence Matters. As the whole nation and the entire world now know, the United States Capitol was
violently overrun on January 6, 2020. [...] As the situation started to unfold, conservatives rapidly took to social media to
swiftly condemn it. Republican lawmakers did the same once they safely emerged from secure locations after being
evacuated from the House and Senate floors. Then, former Vice President and President-elect Joe Biden made a statement.
[...] "The work of the moment and the work of the next four years must be the restoration of democracy — of
decency, honor, respect, the rule of law, just plain, simple decency. [...] Decency, respect, tolerance — that's
who we are, that's who we've always been." It actually isn't "who we've always been," and look no further than Biden's
side of the political aisle for proof. Just last year, Americans watched as cities around the country were ransacked by
Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters. People were killed, government buildings came under siege, and thousands of
buildings owned by hard-working Americans were burned to the ground. They were the most expensive riots in American
history and lasted for months.
at Capitol assault makes excuses for summer riots all the more disgraceful. Wednesday's mob assault on Capitol
Hill was shocking and brazen: Hundreds of MAGA-hat-wearing rioters broke into the seat of American democracy.
They stormed the halls, looting property and assaulting law enforcers, all in service of an absurd political demand:
reversing the outcome of an election. Now where had I witnessed such scenes before? The answer: in
blue-governed cities in my native Pacific Northwest throughout last summer and into the fall and winter. The right-wing
political violence was met with universal rebuke from politicians of both parties and the media. But many of those who
are loudest in condemning the Capitol Hill riot went radio-silent when rioters destroyed and looted in the name of Black
Lives Matter.
The Left Finds Time for One More Big Lie Against
Trump. [Scroll down] The reality is that the anarchists of Antifa and violent Leftist extremists of Black
Lives Matter — and their Democrat, Mainstream Media, Hollywood, and Academia apologists — changed the
rules of protest in America. Martin Luther King taught us in the 1950s and 1960s about non-violent civil disobedience,
and that became an American social norm for protest. [...] By contrast, this past year we saw one of the two major political
parties unabashedly excuse and allow for Antifa destruction and Black Lives Matter violence, burning cities and violently
attacking police. It evolved into a tragic, newly accepted norm of American protest. Democrat big city mayors not
only excused rioters' brutal street violence, but even allowed anarchists to control whole street blocks of their
cities. Even in blue lockdown states where masks and social distancing were legally mandated, special dispensation
excused BLM and Antifa rioters as they broke windows, looted stores, and tore down monuments of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick
Douglass, other abolitionists — even defacing a memorial to Raoul Wallenberg who gave his life defying Nazis.
Mayor Ted Wheeler assaulted at restaurant: Police. Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler was assaulted at a
restaurant Wednesday evening [1/6/2021] during a confrontation with protesters, police said. According to local news
reports, Mr. Wheeler was having dinner with a woman in the outdoor dining area of a northwest Portland restaurant when
he was approached by a group of protesters. "I think you need to leave," Mr. Wheeler told one protester, who was
recording the incident, according to footage posted on Twitter by a Defund the Police account.
Bombs Found in Republican, Democratic Headquarters in DC: Officials. Police in Washington D.C. confirmed late
on Wednesday that explosives were located near the U.S. Capitol in the midst of protests and as people stormed the
complex. D.C.'s Metropolitan Police Department said it recovered a pipe bomb from the Democratic National Committee
(DNC) and another one from the Republican National Committee (RNC), said Chief Robert Contee in a press conference.
Molotov cocktails were also found in a vehicle on the Capitol grounds, Contee said. The FBI confirmed that two
explosive devices were found.
when the Democrats rioted? Throughout 2020, for months on end, in dozens of American cities, numerous mobs
involving hundreds-of-thousands of left-wing thugs devoted to the Democrat party and its policies, rioted, burned, looted,
and murdered. The memorable images remind us of this carnage. As a result of this rampant lawlessness, dozens of
innocent Americans were murdered — including several police officers — hundreds of police officers were
significantly injured, and billions of dollars of U.S. property — often minority-owned small businesses —
was destroyed. The property destruction was the "most costly manmade damage to American property" in U.S. history.
In spite of all of this, as they have done for years, whether through their silence or direct words, Democrat politicians across
America, along with their apologists in the left-wing media, encouraged and enabled this evil. House Democrats blocked a
resolution that condemned the rioting and looting, and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris helped raise bail money for the many
criminals arrested throughout the riots.
We Ain't Going To Submit
and We Won't Forget. After four years of a sustained coup attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump,
the Washington establishment now wants us, the deplorables, to sit down, shut up and accept a steal. Here's a news
flash. We will not. [...] When Black Lives Matter and Antifa ravaged some of our major cities over the last 9 months,
these clowns did not denounce the rioting, looting and violence. They lied and called it peaceful protests. But
the Silent Majority saw with their own eyes the desecration of statues, the assaults on law abiding citizens, the destruction
of small businesses. When disgruntled Democrats and Hollywood elite insisted, "Trump is not our President", the media
did not denounce them as "insurrectionists." When Madonna called for blowing up the White House the only outrage came from
Trump supporters. The rest of the establishment yawned and celebrated. When Kathy Griffin, a low rent, untalented
comedian, decapitated a model of Donald Trump, the media again shrugged this off as nothing of import.
police release photos of suspects in US Capitol siege. Police in Washington, DC, have released dozens of photos
of President Trump supporters who stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday, causing widespread damage and sending the nation's
capital into lockdown. The DC Metropolitan Police Department posted the photos online late Thursday, with images that
include a man identified by media as Jake Angeli, a 32-year QAnon loyalist known in right-wing circles as the "Q Shaman."
"We still have a significant amount of work ahead of us to identify and hold each and every one of the violent mob accountable
for their actions," DC Police Chief Robert Contee said at a briefing. "We have collected numerous images of persons of
interest that we are asking the community to helps us identify," he said. "These images depict individuals engaged in
various acts of violence or property destruction." Contee said 68 people have been arrested — only
one of them from DC.
The Editor says...
The 7th picture on the top row appears to be a photo
of this guy,
And the 7th picture on the second row appears to be a photo
of this guy.
I'm glad I could help.
Enough With
the Outrage. Do you remember when President Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017? Leftist Democrats rioted
in Washington that day. That riot was arguably worse, more violent and more destructive, than what happened in D.C.
yesterday. The liberal rioters destroyed stores, set vehicles on fire and battled with the police. Six police
officers were wounded. Here is a video reminder: [Video clip] I don't recall a single Democratic
office-holder denouncing the Democrats' Inauguration Day riot, and the Associated Press came perilously close to praising the
rioters. Over the ensuing four years, Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioted countless times, bringing devastation to
cities like Portland, Seattle, Kenosha and Minneapolis. Did any Democrats denounce these riots? Not that I
remember. Many Democrats endorsed them, or seemed to do so.
underway for suspect who left pipe bombs in DC during Capitol riots. The FBI's Washington Field Office released
a surveillance photo on Thursday [1/7/2021] of a person suspected of leaving pipe bombs near both the Republican and
Democratic National Committee headquarters on Wednesday. The grainy images does not have much detail, as the suspect is
wearing a hooded sweatshirt and mask at the time the photo was taken.
Desperately Need SOME Institution to Execute as Constitutionally Designed. There have been hundreds of Trump
gatherings. All have been violence-free. There have been hundreds of Antifa-Black Lives Matter gatherings.
Almost all have resulted in violence. Yesterday, many Antifa-Black Lives Matter people were clearly identified in
attendance of the Trump gathering. Violence ensued. On which group does logic dictate the blame falls?
man sentenced to four years for assaulting man who wore MAGA hat. A San Fernando Valley man was sentenced
Monday after pleading guilty to assaulting a bar patron who wore a "Make America Great Again" hat inscribed in Russian, the
Los Angeles Daily News reported. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Thomas Sokolov sentenced David Delgado to four years
in jail, the Los Angeles Daily News reported. Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office announced Delgado "pleaded
no contest" to one felony count of "assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury," according to a March 4,
2020, press release. Delgado had approached the victim at a bar restroom Labor Day Weekend Sept. 2, 2019, the Los
Angeles Daily News reported. Delgado kept punching the victim after he inquired what the wording on the hat meant,
which caused the victim to fall to the floor, Hermosa Beach police Sgt. Robert Higgins said, according to the Los
Angeles Daily News.
Post Defends Leftist Mob that Terrorized Sen. Josh Hawley's Wife and Newborn at Their Home. The Washington
Post defended a mob of leftist protesters, who under the cover of night yelled through a megaphone and trespassed at the home
of Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., while Hawley was away and his wife and children, including a newborn, were inside.
"Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who
can't travel," Hawley wrote on Twitter. "They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door."
Reportedly Attacks Home Of GOP Senator Josh Hawley, Threatens Family. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said late on
Monday night [1/4/2021] that Antifa attacked his home in Washington, D.C., and threatened his wife and newborn baby.
"Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who
can't travel," Hawley wrote on Twitter. "They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let
me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by left-wing violence."
Of Bricks Are Being Found In DC Near Freedom Plaza — Officially They Are For Construction Work But Locals Say They
Were Left There Over Night. Members of D.C. National Guard will respond when supporters of President Donald
Trump protest the 2020 election results in downtown D.C. this week. The D.C. National Guard will assist the
Metropolitan Police Department with crowd management and traffic control, MPD's acting chief, Robert Contee, said at a news
conference Monday morning. The department is expecting a crowd larger than at two pro-Trump events in D.C. last year.
[...] During a press conference on Monday [1/4/2021], Mayor Bowser asked that local area residents stay away from downtown
D.C., and avoid confrontations with anyone who is "looking for a fight." But, she warned, "we will not allow people to incite
violence, intimidate our residents or cause destruction in our city." It seems they are ready and will control the
protests but why one day before the protests mysterious stashes of bricks are being found near a protest site. Near
Freedom Plaza stashes of bricks were left overnight.
Person Working With Jovan Pulitzer on Voter Fraud Has His House Riddled With Bullets. As a testament to how
violent the left has become, one of the members of Jovan Pulitzer's team is reported to have had his house hit with bullets
in a drive-by shooting. The shots fired through a window of the house was said to be his "daughter's bedroom".
Pulitzer says this incident occurred just after he was granted with inspecting votes in Fulton County Georgia. Pulitzer
says he can examine 500,000 absentee ballots in a couple of hours and can determine which ballots are good and which ones are
fake. Should he be allowed to do this, it would be a devastating blow to Democrats like Gov Kemp and SOS Raffensperger
who insist the election was fair.
scrape Antifa off their shoes. Believing they succeeded in stealing the 2020 presidential election, Democrats
are jettisoning the rioters they used this summer. The Post Millennial reported, "Portland Mayor finally denounces
Antifa following explosive New Years Eve clash with police." Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler whined to the press, "Why would
a group of largely white, young and some middle-age men destroy the livelihood of others who are struggling to get by?"
He was talking about Democrat Antifa rioters, not himself and a host of Democrat governors and mayors who imposed draconian
and ineffective rules that closed about a million small businesses nationwide. There were explosive clashes between
Democrat Antifa thugs and the police all summer long, but Wheeler blamed President Donald John Trump for the Democrat riots.
Why the
Left Always Wins. [Scroll down] Deconstructivism is simpler to learn, easier to embrace, and tons more
fun to practice than patriotic sacrifice. The leftist has only to dilate on racism to other smug communitarians, COVID
air-hug in delusional moral superiority, and his work is done. Furthermore, the streets have been filled with kids
looting stores, beating people up, even killing people, and the police don't care. So much fun! The alternative
is a conviction to stand for God-given liberty, respect the law, bear arms, and from time to time refresh the tree of liberty
with the blood of patriots. Who's buying that — especially when your professor tells you people who believe
that stuff are deplorable racists.
Six months too late... Portland
Mayor Turns On Antifa, Vows To Battle 'Lawlessness And Anarchy'. In July, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler thought he
was in control. As BLM protests raged across the country in response to the death of George Floyd, a black man who died
while in police custody in late May, Wheeler decided to mingle with protesters — a mix of BLM activists and Antifa.
Yet, instead of a rockstar crowd-surfing moment or whatever fantasy he envisioned, Wheeler was mocked as he gagged on tear
gas, until he was forced to flee. [Video clips] Two weeks later, Wheeler had changed his tone — calling
protesters who attempted to burn down a police station with people inside "attempted murderers," as the city saw its most violent
month in decades — which came after the Portland City Council slashed the police budget as part of an early July push
to defund the police.
Year's Eve vandalism of federal buildings in Philly leads to multiple arrests. Several people were arrested
Thursday night after police and city highway patrol officers responded to reports of large unruly crowds and vandalism at
federal buildings in Philadelphia. Police observed a crowd on the 900 block of Market Street at about 8:50 p.m.
Thursday, on New Year's Eve. A 25-year-old man threw a brick through a window of the Robert Nix Federal Building,
according to police. The man, along with another man, age 24, and two 23-year-old women, all dressed similarly in black
clothing, tried to flee the scene, but were taken into police custody.
Journalist Threatens Anti-Maskers & Christians During Unhinged Rant. If you don't believe masks work as much as
the media tells you, left-wing journalist and NY Times bestselling author Kurt Eichenwald wants to literally "beat you to
death". Yes, that's what he tweeted. In a New Years Eve twitter meltdown, Eichenwald blamed "anti-maskers" for the
death of his brother in law, even though he provided no proof that a maskless person infected him.
McConnell's Home Vandalized With 'Were's My Money', One Day After a Pig's Head Was Left At Pelosi's House.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's home in Louisville has been vandalized with "WERES [sic] MY MONEY" overnight.
The graffiti comes one day after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's was targeted with vandalism and a pig head was left at her
door. Other messages were also left for McConnell with white and red spray paint across his front porch.
Mitch McConnell's Louisville home vandalized. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's home in the Highlands
area of Louisville was vandalized overnight [12/2/2021]. Messages were written on the front of the home in red and white
spray paint. The words "Weres my money" were spray painted on the front door in reference to McConnell blocking an
effort to increase COVID-19 stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000.
6th and the right to protest. It should be anticipated that January 6 in D.C. will be wild. It has been
reported that D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser is working to suppress turnout and to punish attendees. Several hotels have
announced closure on the 4th, 5th, and 6th in an effort to limit accommodations. It is also being reported that
porta-potties are being withheld. Antifa/BLM have threatened attendees. These threats should be taken seriously,
and attendees should be prepared to defend themselves. I read countless op-eds and comments of how we (conservatives)
will fight tyranny when pushed too far. How much farther will we tolerate our long train of abuse? Antifa/BLM are
made up of pajama-boy, he/she miscreants, but they have one advantage against "the right." They riot in packs. When
they decide to attack, they do so in groups, usually against easy targets (women, older men, young persons, etc.). They
count on us wanting to work things out without resorting to violence.
kicks off 2021 with a riot for the new year. Portland rang in the new year with a riot — as vandals
wreaked havoc throughout the Oregon city, tossing Molotov cocktails and attacking law enforcement with rocks and bricks,
police said. The crowd convened around 7:45 p.m. near Chapman Square downtown, the heart of protests that raged in the
city throughout 2020. Portland police said at least two Molotov cocktails were thrown and commercial-grade fireworks were
launched at the federal courthouse and Justice Center, which some rioters attempted to break into.
Home Vandalized with Pig's Head, Fake Blood; Antifa Has Been Accused!. Nancy Pelosi's home in San Francisco has
been vandalized. Her garage was spray painted, fake blood was poured all over the place, and a pig head was involved.
[...] It is highly suspected that the vandalism was due to anger over the stimulus package. Antifa has been accused.
San Francisco is mostly Democrat, so it is widely believed that this vandalism was NOT carried about by conservatives.
the Presidential Election — and Beyond. If you're thinking Joe Biden will be seated behind the desk
in the Oval Office on January 20, put that thought on hold. I'm standing by my Sept. 26 prediction that President Trump
will serve a consecutive second term. What happens between now and inauguration day, and in the weeks following, will
not be pretty. I believe tensions will rise sharply after Jan. 6, and when it's finally announced that Joe and
Dr. Jill will not be moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, you can expect to see violence across America like you've never
seen before. The Deep State, both the vanguard in Congress and their Marxist street guerillas, will not like being
Trumped a second time. [...] Anyone who's thinking ahead has already stocked up on essentials. That includes a few
months' worth of food, medicine, and yes, toilet paper. We can pray that it doesn't happen, but several sources with
decades of experience in our nation's intelligence agencies told me they expect approximately 300,000 ruffians to hit the
streets and vent their anger at the news of Trump's 2nd term, and they expect the violence to be intense and widespread.
However, those same insiders also say those numbers will dwindle relatively quickly. As one former agent told me, "Half
of those causing chaos will be basement dwellers who'd curl up in the fetal position after getting hit in the face with a bean
bag." He went on to predict that after a week, the number of "protestors" nationwide will drop to about 150,000.
He then predicted that the number of street thugs would continue to drop by about half each week until things settled down.
Superintendent Accepts Apology of Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson for 'Joke' Calling for Beating of Mitch
McConnell. Richmond, Virginia School Superintendent Jason Kamras accepted the "heartfelt" apology by 2019
National Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson for calling for the beating of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
Robinson later said he meant the comment as a joke. Kamras did not indicate whether Robinson will face any repercussions.
[...] Robinson made his Twitter account private Wednesday evening [12/30/2020] after being called out for the McConnell
tweet. He posted an apology to Medium on Thursday that was accepted Kamras.
of the Year Rodney Robinson Posts 'Joke' Calling for Mitch McConnell to Be Beaten Up Like Rand Paul. Rodney
Robinson, 2019 National Teacher of the Year, posted a call to Twitter on Wednesday for someone to beat up Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) like was done to his fellow Kentuckian Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). Paul had to have surgery to
remove part of a lung that was damaged as a result of being attacked and beaten by a neighbor in 2017. (Update at end.
Robinson now says he was joking.)
Teacher Of The Year': McConnell's Neighbors Should Attack Him Like Rand Paul's Neighbor Attacked Him. On
Wednesday, a man who was named "National Teacher of the Year" in 2019 by the Council of Chief State School Officers tweeted
that the neighbors of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should act like a "true Kentucky hero" the way that the neighbor
of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) violently attacked Paul in 2017, leaving him with six broken ribs and necessitating the removal
of part of his lung. Rodney Robinson tweeted, "Who are Mitch McConnell's neighbors? I'm just saying Rand Paul's
neighbor did what a true Kentucky hero should do. It's your turn to step up." Paul's wife Kelly Ashby Paul
issued a fiery response, tweeting, "I am so disgusted by this I have no words. The 2019 'National teacher of the Year'
is celebrating the violent assault on my husband that resulted in 6 broken ribs and part of his lung being removed.
This hateful thug is calling for more violence on Sen McConnell."
You're It. The idea of Donald Trump as
a cult figure is being used to defame and dismiss a patriot's sense of duty to the republic. It's just another
communist plot to keep those patriots on the sidelines while they continue their all-out assault on the republic through
corrupt government practices, including the election. [...] Now, the Democrats have more aggressive tools at their disposal
like BLM and Antifa and they have used them. They have engaged in anti-white propaganda and racism in order to brand
any patriot as a racist or fascist. One can always count on the communists to accuse one of what they are
themselves. None of this is new. It's the communist playbook by the numbers and they operate by it with no sense
of self-awareness or blushing awkwardness. Communists hammer the opposition and count on sympathizers in the press to
carry their message, when that isn't enough, they send their brownshirts (Antifa) in to break some legs and set fires.
Members of their militant wing are never arrested, or, if so, quickly released. I wonder how many Antifa and BLM were
counting votes for the Democrats. So, why is this any different from the Tea Party? Why would the communists ever
think that they could not do with today's patriot what they did to them? The communists know they will get support from MSM
and the weaklings in the Republican Party, because their success with the Tea Party has enabled all other excesses of government.
You're It. As it stands, patriots know
that if they fight back against BLM or Antifa, they will be the ones arrested, even if those groups are busily destroying
property or harming people at the same time, in the same place. That when they go to trial, they are likely to get an
antagonistic judge who will heartlessly, vindictively sentence them to the maximum of the law. That acting to save the
republic will be seen as the actions of a right-wing extremist terrorist, where BLM and Antifa are considered peaceful
protestors. That the admonition to "vote for someone else" means accept your role as a non-person, without rights,
without voice, but full of assets to be taxed or confiscated. The only thing left is to throw off a tyrannical
government and institute new government more likely to restore these rights and respect freedom.
Seattle, a riot-stoking socialist councilwoman may just find herself held accountable. This past summer,
widespread protests led to outbreaks of violent crime in major cities around the country. Public officials around the
U.S. mostly condemned the violence, with some calling for calm. In Seattle, Kshama Sawant, the socialist politician
who's been known to ruffle feathers at City Hall, had a different take on the violence. Her office was directly
implicated in the months of civil destruction that overwhelmed Seattle. Now, the people of Seattle are responding in
kind, and Sawant may be held to account for the possible crimes she committed during the dangerous riots.
Charged for Allegedly Sending 'Graphic and Extreme' Message to Election Official Who Wouldn't Certify Biden Win. A
New Hampshire woman has been charged for allegedly sending "graphic and extreme" messages to one of two Michigan election officials
who resisted certifying the presidential election results from Detroit last month. Wayne County Republican canvasser Monica
Palmer and her GOP colleague William Hartmann voted against certifying the election results showing Democratic Joe Biden won in the
state's most populous county two weeks after the election, citing glaring irregularities. Both eventually voted in favor of
certification, and reports made it increasingly clear why that might have happened.
Violent crime
in cities presents new-year challenge for Democratic mayors. Mayors from around the country are facing a common
threat that isn't just the coronavirus: spiking violent crime. Across virtually every large urban area, a wave of
violent crime has plagued residents as they struggle to adjust to new pandemic-related restrictions and a general decline in
their quality of life. From bustling metropolises such as New York to sleepier cities like Salt Lake, violent crime has
reached levels not seen for years or, in some cases, decades. According to data analyst Jeff Asher, 51 major U.S.
cities saw their murder rates increase this year by an average of 35.7% through September compared to 2019. "Big
cities tend to overstate national trends in crime, but the national change in murder in 2020 will be historically awful," he
wrote on Twitter.
Bust Four for BLM Firebombings of Police Vehicles, Including Public Radio Journalist. After a months-long
investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), federal authorities have arrested four people
in the firebombing of police vehicles with Molotov cocktails during BLM riots in Arkansas during the summer. According
to the Post Millennial, Renea Baek Goddard, 22; Brittany Dawn Jeffrey, 31; Emily Nowlin, 27, and Aline Espinosa-Villegas, 24
were charged with malicious destruction of property belonging to an entity receiving federal funding, conspiracy to commit
those acts and possession of a destructive device.
Security Warns Of Possible Georgia Violence As Senate Runoff Election Nears. A field analysis report from the
Department of Homeland Security warns of potential violence in Georgia as the two runoff elections for the U.S. Senate near
on January 5. The Georgia run-off elections feature the crucial contests between incumbent GOP senators David Perdue and
Kelly Loeffler and their Democratic challengers, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. If the GOP retains either one of the
seats, the party will maintain control of the Senate; if not, the Democrats will control the Senate, House of Representatives,
and the White House as there would be a 50-50 tie in the Senate and vice-president-elect Kamala Harris' vote would break the
tie, thus giving president-elect Joe Biden a clear path to implement his agenda.
are the new SCOTUS justices thinking? The threat of violence is always present in our country. That is
why we have laws against violence and law enforcement personnel to enforce those laws (at least we have had). If SCOTUS
makes rulings based on the threat of violence, then those who are willing to commit violence are in control, and our laws become
inconsequential. During the past year, we have seen governors and mayors refuse to confront violence and even condone
it. Consequently, it is only by free and fair elections that politicians can be held accountable and, if necessary,
removed, so that responsible men and women can take their place.
Dakota senator's state office vandalized by man with an ax. Sen. John Hoeven's (R-N.D.) office in Fargo,
N.D., was vandalized by a man with an ax. Video of the vandalism posted on Facebook by the Fargo Police Department
shows a man wearing a mask walking up a set of stairs to a door carrying an ax, according to the Grand Forks Herald.
Once he reaches the door, the man smashes the window next to it with the ax and walks away.
Police Finally Swarm Filthy
Reincarnated Autonomous Zone in Seattle, It Doesn't End Well for Antifa. As we previously reported, Antifa had
been resurrecting a new "CHAZ" in Seattle, building barricades around Cal Anderson Park. They were trying to prevent
the police and the city from clearing out the park that they and the homeless had been occupying. It's quite literally
a filthy disgusting mess. They also took over a vacant nearby yellow house and began barricading that up as well.
[Numerous tweets and video clips]
It is no surprise that lawless people are led by other lawless people. Child
sex offender served leadership role at Portland Antifa autonomous zone. A serial sex offender and Black Lives
Matter activist recently released from prison served a titular leadership role at the Antifa autonomous zone in north
Portland. Micah Isaiah Rhodes, 27, was convicted of three counts of second-degree sexual abuse of minors in 2018. He
was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after violating probation by being near children during an Antifa occupation
of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility.
News Crew Gets Stalked, Assaulted And Robbed By ANTIFA In New Autonomous Zone. A gang of militant leftists were
caught on video descending upon a Portland TV news reporter and videographer who dared to enter their "autonomous zone" —
and they proceeded to bully, physically attack, and force out the news team. Reporter Genevieve Reaume and videographer Ric
Peavyhouse — both with KATU-TV News — on Tuesday [12/8/2020] walked past barricades set up around the
foreclosed house on North Mississippi Avenue in an attempt to interview occupiers.
Just Dropped Some Interesting Info About the Family 'Fighting Eviction' Behind Portland Autonomous Zone. We've
reported on the new Portland Autonomous Zone that BLM/Antifa people have erected. They're fighting, they claim, to
prevent a family from being evicted from a red house that had been foreclosed on and sold in 2018. But the people who
live there are refusing to leave. As we previously noted, Antifa has been camping out with them for months, causing all
kinds of trouble in the neighborhood, generating a lot of criminal response to the area. In the past week, Antifa has
created an "autonomous zone" called RHAZ, the "Red House Autonomous," that has now taken up several blocks around the
house. They have reportedly been stockpiling weapons and even have armed guards patrolling.
of N.J. county sheriff vandalized amid ongoing ICE detainee hunger strike. The home of Bergen County Sheriff
Anthony Cureton was vandalized Tuesday night after someone spray painted the words "Free them all" in black paint on his
garage door, authorities said. Detectives from the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office were investigating the incident
after they were notified about it Wednesday morning, according to a statement from the office. The vandalism happened
sometime after 9 p.m. Tuesday at Cureton's Englewood home, the office said.
Mellon Students Target Ric Grenell with Death Threat. Former Trump administration official Ric Grenell
reportedly received death threats from two students that want Grenell removed from his visiting scholar role at Carnegie
Mellon University. Two female students reportedly discussed their plan to kill Grenell in a since-deleted convers[at]ion
on social media. According to a report by the Washington Examiner, law enforcement officials are investigating a
death threat against Richard Grenell, the former Acting Director of National Intelligence under President Trump.
Up a Siege? Antifa Has Armed Guards, Stockpiled Weapons at Portland Autonomous Zone. On Wednesday
[12/9/2020], Portland's police chief reported that antifa has fortified barricades, stockpiled weapons, set up armed guards,
and threatened to kill police officers. Both the police chief and the mayor have urged the rebels to lay down their
arms, but it appears they are refusing to do so. "We want a peaceful & safe resolution to the occupation of public
space on N Mississippi Ave. We are greatly concerned about the fortification of barricades, stockpiling of weapons,
armed sentries, attacks on journalists & threats to kill officers in graffiti in this public space," Chief Chuck Lovell
tweeted on Wednesday.
representative removed from House committees after alleged threatening video. A state representative from the
Detroit area has been removed from all Michigan House committees after posting a video video perceived as threatening toward
Republicans on Facebook. State Rep. Cynthia Johnson posted the three-minute video Wednesday morning. She
made several remarks in the video about hitting Republicans in the pocketbook. Johnson ended with statements to
President Donald Trump's supporters to "watch out" and called for her "soldiers" to "make them pay."
Michigan State Representative seems to threaten Trump supporters. During a live video, Michigan State
Rep. Cynthia Johnson gave a rousing speech to her supporters. It wasn't about going forth and making America a
wonderful place, though. Instead, she gave them chapter and verse about harassing and economically destroying Trump
supporters, with strong undertones suggesting actual violence. The Michigan House disciplined her by stripping her
committees, but that was inadequate given what Johnson said. Johnson had already made something of a name for herself
as a thug more than a politician on December 2. That was when the Michigan House Oversight Committee held hearings for
Rudi Giuliani and his many witnesses about the massive amount and variety of fraud that took place in Michigan, especially in Detroit.
Update: Democrat
Rep Goes On Another Bizarre Rant After Threatening Trump Supporters With Violence. Yesterday, we told you about
how Michigan State Rep Cynthia Johnson declared open season on Trump supporters during a dark, threatening rant. "So
this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful, walk lightly, we ain't playing with you. Enough of the
shenanigans. Enough is enough. And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right,
be in order, make them pay," Johnson said on Tuesday night [12/8/2020]. That call to violence eventually led her to
being removed from the committee she sat on, which is good news. However, she wasn't done "making her voice
heard". Now, in a brand new video, Johnson adjusted her words, saying "Soldiers of Christ". Yeah, right.
"All you soldiers! Soldiers of Christ... soldiers against RACISM! Soldiers against misogyny! SOLDIERS
against domestic violence and domestic terrorism. Soldiers... RISE! It's time for you to rise," she bizarrely
exclaimed, while repeating herself over and over again. [Video clip]
explodes in violence again as hundreds of protesters attempt to set up an autonomous zone. Protesters outraged
with at least a dozen arrests at a home where a family was removed in September hurled rocks at officers, sprayed a fire
extinguisher at them and damaged police vehicles on Tuesday [12/8/2020]. The violence happened in broad daylight, and
by evening, Mayor Ted Wheeler sent out a statement saying he was authorizing Portland Police 'to use all lawful means to end
the illegal occupation ... There will be no autonomous zone in Portland.' 'It's time for the encampment and occupation
to end,' Wheeler said in a statement that also acknowledged the issues the protesters want to fix, such as housing and health care.
Don't Want You to Know About Alleged Shooting Attack on Trump Supporters. A South Carolina prosecutor says a
23-year-old man shot into a crowd of Trump supporters in late August. And — surprise, surprise —
this is something our useless national media don't want anyone to know about. Of course the corporate media don't want
you to know. What do you expect from a media that ask you to believe that when the terrorists in Black Lives Matter and
Antifa loot and burn and assault, the looting and burning and assaulting is "mostly peaceful." The corporate media lie to
protect left-wing terrorists, lie to smear Trump supporters, and hide inconvenient truths such as this one. And that's
why New Media is here. Not so much to complain about the corporate media. That's a waste of time. But to
report actual news that matters, such as this story, which the Washington Examiner found in a local newspaper.
to See Here, Just an Idiot Throwing an Explosive Into a Trump Supporter's Home. A Detroit-area man and his
girlfriend were kicking back at home on Saturday night, nothing out of the ordinary going on — except for the
explosive thrown into his home, that is. The homeowner, who has chosen to remain unidentified for safety reasons, told
WDIV-TV he thinks he was targeted because he is an "avid supporter" of President Trump. [Video clip]
Washington State Democrat Field Organizer Faces Terrorism Charges For Attack On Railway. Has anyone else
noticed that there sure is a lot of overlap between Antifa activists and prominent Democrats? [...] They're all playing on
the same team. This time, the subset of Antifa that was in play is an 'anti-colonialist' group going by the name of
'It's Going Down'. This group has claimed responsibility for either some or all of the 41 attacks against railways in
Washington State.
Flynn: Election Witness in ICU, Other Witnesses Had Tires Slashed, House Broken Into Twice. Former
National Security Advisor to President Trump Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army ret.) spoke on Thursday about the
price being paid by Americans speaking out about fraud and irregularities in the recent presidential election, saying that
one was hospitalized in the intensive care unit while others have had tires slashed, their home broken into twice or been
forced to move.
election official calls out Republican silence as threats of violence against government employees rise.
Gabriel Sterling has had enough. The Voting Implementation Manager for Georgia, Sterling opened a press briefing today
with a two-minute entreaty to outgoing president Donald Trump and Republican Senators to tone down their rhetoric and condemn
the violence and threats being made toward election workers, Politico reports. "Mr. President, you have not
condemned these actions or this language," he said. "Senators, you have not condemned this language or these actions.
This has to stop. We need you to step up. And if you're going to take a position of leadership, show some."
Sidney Powell:
Witness in Hospital After Beating. Attorney Sidney Powell said on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News Monday night that a
witness to election irregularities was beaten up and is in the hospital. Powell spoke about the attack while speaking about
witnesses needing protection as a reason some are not going public and signing affidavits. Powell said some are in the government,
others are in roles that require confidentiality, and that they need protection by the government.
Olbermann says out loud what the fascist left is thinking. Keith Olbermann never had much of a filter to begin
with, and the loss of his former cable news platform seems to have unleashed his id even more than before. Here he is
on his YouTube platform, captured in a tweet by Ian Miles Cheong, laying out his desire for a totalitarian police state in
which Donald Trump and his supporters, "flunkies," and "apologists" (by which he must mean me among many others) are
imprisoned in such numbers that vast new prisons are necessary. [Video clip - language warning.] Don't
expect Joe Biden or any other Democrat to be asked to comment by the media. Don't hold your breath waiting for
condemnation from anyone on the left.
breaks windows, tags SE Portland businesses with graffiti. Police made three arrests early Thursday morning
after a group of people walked through Southeast Portland, breaking windows and tagging businesses with graffiti, according
to police. At least 10 businesses, including grocery stores, banks, an auto service center, a package distribution and
mailing center and local business storefronts were damaged, police said. Police received multiple reports after 1 a.m.
that a group of people, all dressed in black clothing, were walking down Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard and breaking windows
as they went. Officers responded and found a group near Southeast 37th Avenue and Harrison Street that matched the
description provided by callers.
arrest 3 people after at least 10 businesses vandalized along SE Hawthorne. Several businesses in southeast
Portland were damaged during the early morning hours of Thanksgiving by a group dressed in black clothing, police said.
At around 1:22 a.m., Portland police responded to reports of people breaking windows and spraying graffiti at the New Seasons
Market in the 4000 block of Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard. According to police, multiple 911 callers said they saw a group
dressed in black clothing walking west along SE Hawthorne, smashing windows in their path.
arrestados por presuntamente quebrar ventanas y realizar pintas en comercios de Portland. [Translation by
Google] Police arrested three people early on Thanksgiving Day after a group traveled several blocks in the southeast of the
city, breaking windows and painting. At 1:20 a.m., police received a report of a group dressed in black vandalizing
businesses along Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard. Soon after, officers found a group of people matching the description
of the complaint near Southeast 37th Avenue and Harrison Street. Police said some people "carried evidence that linked
them to the vandalism."
Chaos and Anarchy in
DC. In case you missed it, over the weekend tens of thousands of protesters marched in the District of Columbia
to voice their support of the president and opposition to voter fraud. The "Million MAGA March," held Saturday
afternoon, was a peaceful event. But as the sun went down and the pro-Trump demonstrators left the protest, violent
agitators and counterprotesters emerged and descended upon them to harass and, in many cases, to commit violence. [Seven
video clips] Police arrested 21 people in connection to the violence, according to NBC Washington. NBC Washington
described some of the various charges of the suspects in this maelstrom, which included disorderly conduct and assault.
Though many local outlets covered these incidents extensively, the story gathered little attention from national media.
One would think that widespread violent attacks on peaceful protesters expressing their First Amendment rights would elicit a
strong response from journalists. But coverage was both lukewarm and deceptive, portraying the incident as if it was
Trump supporters who were the originators of the violent behavior.
Dem Arrested for Threatening to Shoot GOP Politicians. A Florida Democrat has been arrested for allegedly
threatening to shoot the state's governor Ron DeSantis, as well as Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, all of whom are
Republicans, Fox News reported on Wednesday[.] Karen Jones was arrested in her Palm Beach County home by police over the
weekend on three counts of written threats to kill or do bodily harm after she allegedly sent a tweet stating that "DeSantis,
Rick Scott and Marco Rubio are looting my state. Imma shot them." Jones admitted to the policemen arresting her
that she wrote the tweet, but said it was a joke, the Miami Herald reported.
BLM protester
seen assaulting Trump supporters at 'Million MAGA March' ID'd as journalism student: report. A Black Lives
Matter protester who was caught on video assaulting supporters of President Trump at Saturday's "Million MAGA March" is
reportedly a journalism student at Howard University. Brittany S. McAlister, 29, was filmed purportedly punching and
kicking men and women several times over the course of the Washington, D.C. event, according to reporting from The Post
Millennial. In one incident, McAlister allegedly kicked an unconscious man who had been knocked out by 39-year-old
Kenneth Wayne Deberry. Deberry was one of four people the city's Metropolitan Police Department arrested for disorderly
conduct. McAlister has yet to be arrested, according to a recent press release from the department.
Lives Matter protester seen assaulting Trump supporters at rally identified as journalism student. A Black
Lives Matter protester who was caught on video assaulting supporters of President Donald Trump at Saturday's "Million MAGA
March" is reportedly a journalism student at Howard University. Brittany S. McAlister, 29, was filmed purportedly
punching and kicking men and women several times over the course of the event in Washington, D.C., according to reporting
from The Post Millennial. In one incident, McAlister allegedly kicked an unconscious man who had been knocked out by
39-year-old Kenneth Wayne Deberry.
S. McAlister: BLM Protester Seen Assaulting Trump Supporters Identified. A female Black Lives Matter
(BLM) protester seen in viral videos assaulting some supporters of President Donald Trump has been identified as Brittany S.
McAlister. Post Millennial identified the suspect as a 29-year-old third-year journalism student of Howard University,
Washington DC, who also works as a freelance journalist. Brittany S. McAlister was seen on video assaulting at least
two individuals after Saturday's pro-Trump "Million MAGA March" in Washington DC.
Won't Joe Biden Condemn Antifa and BLM by Name for Attacking Trump Supporters? On Saturday [11/14/2020], many
thousands of President Trump's supporters came to Washington, D.C. But Joe Biden, who fancies himself the
president-elect who will "heal" this nation, was M.I.A. after antifa and BLM attacked peaceful "Million MAGA March"
ralliers. [Video clip] And no Democrats condemned the violence, not even Joe Biden. "Today, one week
after Biden called for unity and his supporters took to the streets to celebrate his media-projected win, Trump supporters
were attacked in our nation's capital by far-left protesters and Antifa," noted Breitbart contributor Kyle Morris. "Not
one Democrat member of Congress has denounced today's violence."
who punched out Trump supporter in viral video is registered child sex offender. A protestor who was arrested
after he punched a supporter of President Donald Trump is also a registered child sex offender, public records show.
The Metropolitan Police Department arrested 39-year-old Kenneth Wayne Deberry on Saturday [11/14/2020] for disorderly conduct, including
inciting violence, aggravated assault, and felon in possession of a firearm after police found he was carrying a handgun,
according to an MPD press release. According to the MPD Sex Offender Registry, Deberry is a registered sex offender who
was convicted in Washington, D.C. in 2008 of second degree child sexual abuse against a person under 16 years of age.
Elderly Trump Supporters Weren't Safe From The Leftist Goon Squad. Downtown Washington DC devolved into a
banana republic as peaceful Trump supporters who descended on the city to celebrate with the Million MAGA March were
harassed, assaulted, terrorized, and some even seriously injured by BLM and ANTIFA thugs. Even the elderly weren't
safe. [Video clip]
Left-wing rioters are no longer news. Lefties
attack MAGA marchers in DC — and the media shrug. If counter-protesters had triggered fighting
across Washington, DC, in the wake of the January 2017 Women's March, the media would have erupted in fury. Yet the
morning after Antifa types went after MAGA marchers in the nation's capital, the press obsessed about ... Kayleigh McEnany's
estimate of the crowd size. The difference, plainly, is that no one felt the need to confront the anti-Trump
marchers. But a significant element of the left seized the opportunity to harass and even assault the pro-Trump crowd.
Where's all the rhetoric about healing and unity, Joe? Biden
Called Out For Silence As Leftists Attack Pro-Trump Demonstrators In Nation's Capital. Democrat Joe Biden was
called out on Saturday for his silence as left-wing extremists that journalists identified as being affiliated with Black
Lives Matter and Antifa attacked pro-Trump demonstrators in Washington, D.C., who had gathered to show their support for
President Donald Trump. Various public figures called out Biden after he repeatedly campaigned on "unity" and "healing"
America. The Democratic Party tweeted on Saturday that Biden would "restore the soul of this nation and bring us
together." Most of the violence happened at night after the majority of Trump supporters had left the area after the
"Million MAGA March," which featured a brief appearance by the president. Later in the night, members of a purported
right-wing group went after some of the groups that reportedly attacked innocent people.
and #Black Lives Matter Are Evil. Today the Million MAGA March took place in Washington, D.C. to support
President Trump as he fights for honest election returns. Predictably, activists/communists/criminals from Antifa and
BLM — the groups no longer seem to be distinct — turned out to make trouble. They attacked the
Trump supporters; you can see a number of videos at ZeroHedge: "BLM/Antifa Thugs Attack Trump Supporters, Including
Children, After D.C. 'Million MAGA March.'" Here, you see Antifa/BLM thugs attacking a Trump-supporting family. They
knock a little girl to the pavement: [Video clip] These leftists are simply evil people. It is easy to
understand why they want to defund the police: if we had adequate law enforcement in America's cities, they would be in jail
where they belong.
erupts in D.C. at the 'Million MAGA March' with counter protesters throwing fireworks at Trump supporters in a
restaurant. President Trump called on cops to 'do your job' as he blasted counter protesters who turned up at
the Million MAGA March as 'Antifa scum' as he joked that they 'ran for this hills' after violent scenes erupted in Washington
D.C. on Saturday night. The president claimed 'Antifa' had waited until the end of the march to attack 'elderly people
and families' as he praised his supporters who 'aggressively fought back'. 'Antifa SCUM ran for the hills today when
they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally, because those people aggressively fought back,' he tweeted.
Accosts Women, Children, Elderly, and Restaurant-Goers After MAGA March. Antifa and BLM wasted no time in
accosting women, children, families, and the elderly as they walked down Washington, DC, streets after the Million MAGA March
on Saturday. Protesters threw large fireworks and projectiles at restaurant-goers eating outside and flashed laser
lights into hotel rooms. DC Metropolitan Police blocked off BLM Plaza so Million MAGA March attendees could not go
through. Trump supporters had to walk through a gauntlet of BLM, Antifa, and black bloc assailants in order to leave
the area.
Stomp on Trump Supporter's Head After D.C. Rally. A group of leftist protesters attacked numerous Trump
supporters who had finished taking part in a rally on the streets of Washington, DC, on Saturday. In one of the most
graphic attacks, a man who tried to fight off an attack is hit from behind while at least two women kick and stomp his
head. Several videos captured numerous attacks by protesters that were chasing Trump supporters out of the rally area
as the group made their way to their vehicles. Earlier in the day, thousands of Trump supporters had gathered in D.C.
for a rally supporting U.S. President Donald J. Trump. Violence broke out as the rally ended and people attempted
to leave.
The Fury of the
Fatherless. The frenzy that has been enacted in city after American city since May 2020 demands more scrutiny
than it has yet received. [...] According to the first thorough examination of the street protests triggered by the death of
George Floyd, undertaken by Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project in conjunction with the Bridging Divides
Initiative at Princeton, more than 10,600 incidents of what is benignly called "unrest" were recorded between May 24 and
August 22. Of these, some 570 involved violence. Of those, most have involved Black Lives Matter
activists. Preliminary insurance estimates show that the damage will surpass the $1.2 billion in damages accrued
during the 1992 Rodney King riots. And then there are the atmospherics that separate these protests from many that have
gone before: lusty screaming, ecstatic vandalism, the menacing of bystanders. The ritualistic exhibition of destructive
behaviors in city after city is without precedent in America. Neither the civil rights demonstrations nor the protests
against the war in Vietnam looked remotely like this. The differences demand explanation.
planned to live here our whole life. Thanks to Democrat policies, we're moving. [Scroll down] Then,
in May, a guy took a fatal overdose of multiple drugs, tried to pass a counterfeit 20, and died in the custody of the
arresting officers. Opportunity had knocked. The "free press" jumped on that one, and before the sun
set — and for days and days up to this very day — the Dems and the Republicans, too, in all their
public comments have spoken of this event as if it were a given that the poor drugged guy trying to pass a funny 20 had been
murdered by the Minneapolis police. Never mind that the procedures the police used were part of their training.
Never mind that the autopsy said the poor guy was as good as dead before he was taken into custody. In reaction, the
"mostly peaceful" rioters burned down a swath through Minneapolis that is five miles long and extended that into St.
Paul for another three miles. It turned out that the "mostly peaceful" rioters who were burning and looting and
murdering are the foot soldiers of the Dems. Throughout the riots, the governor and attorney general of Minnesota and
the mayor of Minneapolis acted on the side of these "mostly peaceful" rioters.
for Joe Biden Won't Save You From the Mob. The poor fellow in this video probably voted for Joe Biden to end
all the national drama, along with other reasons. But on election night, BLM activists showed up in his neighborhood
with drums, flashing lights, bullhorns, and obscenities. The national drama not only failed to end, it showed up on his
lawn and called him a "white supremacist" when he stood on his porch and asked them to be peaceful. [Video clip]
Day. In the days preceding last week's election, the downtown corridors of many American cities resembled
coastal hurricane zones. Business owners boarded up their stores, fearing that the election might unleash another wave
of destructive rioting. In Washington, D.C., luxury shops and office complexes constructed fortifications with boards,
chains, fences, and barriers. In the neighborhood surrounding the White House, the Secret Service, laborers, and
left-wing protesters all prepared for Election Night. Then something miraculous happened. The following morning,
as the election returns began to favor former vice president Joe Biden, the fences, boards, and chains came down. Small
business owners reopened their shops, and the anticipation of violence evaporated. The national media, which had been
stoking fears about Proud Boys and white supremacists flooding the cities with political violence, simply dropped the
story — as if it had never been a story.
DeSantis Introduces 'Anti-Mob' Legislation To Allow Floridians To Shoot Rioters And Looters. Republican Florida
Gov. Ron DeSantis has proposed an "anti-mob" bill that would allow residents to shoot rioters and looters who target
businesses following nationwide unrest. The law would expand the state's self-defense law, which currently forbids "the
use of force in defense of property," by increasing what constitutes a "forcible felony," according to the Miami
Herald. DeSantis seeks to make looting or "interruption or impairment" of a business such a felony, thereby justifying
deadly force to prevent it, the local outlet reported.
Big mistake: Target
reopens E. Lake Street store heavily damaged in riots. The Target store on E. Lake Street in Minneapolis
reopens Wednesday [11/11/2020] for the first time since shutting down in May following riots that destroyed the business and
many others along the normally bustling commercial corridor. The multimillion dollar reopening restores some normalcy
to a community hard hit by the civil unrest that broke out all along Lake Street in the wake of George Floyd's killing at the
hands of Minneapolis police. Target workers early Tuesday were busy nestling melons and bananas into place, adjusting
lights, installing the last ceiling tiles and monitoring several newly expanded departments in advance of a limited soft
opening later in the day before an official reopening Wednesday.
The Editor says...
[#1] George Floyd was already dying of a drug overdose before the cops arrived, so it is misleading to say that he died "at the hands
of Minneapolis police." [#2] The entire cost of cleanup and restocking will be passed on to the customers. Likewise, the
costs reimbursed by insurance companies will be passed on to their customers. [#3] Everything gained by this store's
reopening will be lost in the next riot, and if Target rebuilds it again, that's a sign of mismanagement at the highest levels of
the company. In my opinion, the looted Target store should be left in place, with all merchandise and fixtures removed, roped off
but still visible, to remind the neighborhood residents of what they've done, or what was done to them. If you want to live in
poverty and squalor, keep voting for Democrats.
creating new charges to combat rioting, looting introduced by State Reps. A bill aimed at creating new criminal
charges to combat rioting, looting, and violence in Ohio has been introduced by State Representatives Sara Carruthers
(R-Hamilton) and Cindy Abrams (R-Harrison). House Bill 784 creates a new Riot Assault charge for a person who
participates in an aggravated riot and causes physical harm that is punishable by a fifth-degree felony, according to the
release from the Ohio House of Representatives. The Riot Assault charge would be a fourth-degree felony if the assault
is against a peace officer, the release reads. It would be charged as a third-degree felony if the peace officer
suffers serious physical harm, HB 784 states. Peace officers would also be able to file civil suits against those
responsible, the Ohio House of Representatives' bill says.
Hate Filled Monster: Man Drives Car
Into Trump Rally. A Santa Maria man was arrested Sunday [11/8/2020] after driving his vehicle into a Trump
parade, causing a rollover crash and two injuries. Santa Maria police said the Trump rally was traveling westbound down
Stowell Road around 2:10 p.m. At the same time, a 20-year-old Santa Maria man was driving eastbound on Stowell when he
made a U-turn and caught up with the rally, gesturing and shouting aggressively at participating vehicles. Officers
said the man even threw bottles and other objects at drivers as he passed. [Video clip - language warning, as usual.]
target of profane graffiti in Portland, as crowd smashes windows at Democratic campaign office. Portland
demonstrators identifying themselves as Antifa targeted a Democratic campaign office Sunday [11/8/2020], shattering windows
and spray-painting messages like "[...]" and "no presidents" on the building. A group of people met in Laurelhurst Park
Sunday evening [11/8/2020] before marching north and gathering in front of the Multnomah County Democrats building located in
the 3500 block of Northeast Sandy Boulevard. Several members of the group began to tag the office with graffiti and
broke out several of the building's windows, the Portland Police Bureau said in a press release. Police released
several photos showing the damage.
people arrested in protest march from Stonewall Inn through Lower Manhattan. Nineteen people were arrested
during a Thursday night [11/5/2020] protest march from the Stonewall Inn through Lower Manhattan, including a man that tried
to wrap a heavy metal chain around a cop's neck, the NYPD said. Cops rounded up 13 men and six women during the tense
clash where bicycle officers tried to corral demonstrators onto the sidewalk and into Union Square Park. Ten people
received desk appearance tickets for a variety of misdemeanor crimes, meaning they will have to answer the charges in court
at a later date. Another eight people received summonses.
Portland commissioner
opposes $18M in police cuts, has home targeted by protesters. The home of a Portland, Ore., city commissioner
was targeted by protesters this week over his refusal to support $18 million in cuts to the police budget. A group of
around 60 people marched in the rain Thursday from Arbor Lodge Park to Commissioner Dan Ryan's home. Once there, they
smashed a window, broke a flower pot and threw burning flares and paint-filled balloons at the home, authorities said.
Dozens of state troopers and Multnomah County sheriff's deputies arrived at the scene and ordered the group to leave.
No one was arrested. It was the fourth night this week that protesters had descended on Ryan's home, the sheriff's
office said.
After Election, Oregon Dem Gov Asks For National Guard To Stop Portland Rioters. On Wednesday night
[11/4/2020], after months of violent rioting in the city of Portland, Democratic Oregon Governor Kate Brown finally ordered
the National Guard to go to Portland. Brown had directed the National Guard to be on standby on Monday. The
Multnomah County Sheriff announced the move on Twitter and explained the rationale: [...]
than 600 arrested during anti-Trump march on I-94 in Minneapolis. Law enforcement officials arrested more than
600 people after protesters blocked Interstate 94 in Minneapolis late Wednesday [11/4/2020] and early Thursday. The
Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) said the arrests by State Patrol troopers and city police were necessary to clear
the interstate of a people who stopped freeway traffic. "No force or chemicals were used, and no protesters or law
enforcement officers were injured during the incident," the DPS said in a statement issued Thursday. Marchers gathered
early Wednesday evening for a protest, led by multiple local organizations, dubbed "Don't Let Trump Steal the Election."
Marchers went from downtown streets to I-94, where they caused closure of the freeway from Interstate 35W east to Hwy. 280.
The interstate was cleared and reopened at 1:23 a.m. Thursday, the DPS said.
protesters clash in NYC as demonstration turns chaotic. Police clashed with an unruly mob of protesters in
Lower Manhattan on Wednesday night as demonstrators created carnage, set a fire in the street and one even spat directly in
the face of an officer. The confrontations resulted in the arrests of 60 people after a peaceful protest in Washington
Square Park took a violent turn once demonstrators worked their way through the West Village after 7:30 p.m. Earlier
chants of "Count the vote" were replaced with anti-police sentiments, inexplicable outbursts at outdoor diners and the
setting of rubbish fires.
Florida woman arrested for destroying Trump campaign signs, says she 'snapped'. Florida authorities arrested a
woman who identified herself as an "anarchist" after she damaged Trump campaign signs on private property. A Flagler
County Sheriff's Office deputy was on patrol along the Palm Coast Parkway on Saturday [10/31/2020] when he saw a woman trying
to destroy the signs. The woman told the deputy that she was "tired of the lies," the sheriff's office said in a
statement on Facebook. The woman identified herself as Tonya McRae, 42, after the deputy told her it was illegal to
provide a false name, which she initially provided.
left groups are already plotting a coup. A new website is leaking internal documents, images, and videos from
radical left groups and people working inside the federal government planning a coup if President Trump wins
re-election. The only way to defeat these people and their ideology is for Trump to have an overwhelming victory that
establishes his mandate to restore America's constitutional order.
Video From Zoom Chat Exposes The Coming Insurrection By BLM And Sunrise Movement After Election. Leaked Zoom
video featuring individuals from Black Lives Matter and The Sunrise Movement, a far left-wing, Marxist organization, reveals
the plan to take to the streets and try to force president trump from office. Members on the Zoom call openly discuss
how they will work together with federal employees, the intelligence community, the media, and Democrat members.
[Video clip]
Businesses Board Up Nationwide, Why Aren't the Democrats Hanging Their Heads In Shame? [Scroll down] The
point of this piece is to ask Democrats to take their own inventory. Think about it. Businesses in cities across
the U.S. are presently boarding up. They are as a precautionary measure against post-election rioting and
looting. About these precautions, does anyone seriously think cities known for a Republican lean will be battered if
Joe Biden wins? What about Democrat-leaning cities? Assuming Biden wins, does anyone seriously think Republicans
will wantonly break windows and loot in cities known to be majority Democrat? Oh come on, the question answers
itself. And while it's possible there will be rioting assuming a Biden victory, would anyone bet me that those throwing
rocks and stealing will be registered Republicans? This question also answers itself.
gearing up for false flag violence disguised as Trump supporters. With merchants in Democrat-run cities
boarding up their storefront windows, the possibility of serious urban violence is well understood. As horrific as that
could get (ask anyone who lives in Minneapolis), the progressive fascists appear to have a plan in place to make it even
worse: disguising their rioters as Trump-supporters in order to make the case that Donald Trump truly is a dictator that must
be violently overthrown if he wins or arrested and prosecuted if he loses.
Election Day 2020 Go Down In History As Riot Night Of The Century? When the Republicans took both chambers of
Congress in the historic 1994 elections, ABC news anchor Peter Jennings said "the voters had a temper tantrum." He felt it
necessary to portray GOP voters as children. But they did it the right way. If Americans want change, and feel
the need to act up, the ballot box is the place to do it. Democratic comrades, however, have decided that violence how
they are going to get their way. What we've already had plenty of is likely to erupt even more violently tonight and
Wednesday morning, and continue for some time. The political left is determined it will win the elections, even if
winning means more fighting in the streets.
BLM protesters armed with Molotov cocktails run riot on Election Eve, torching a Starbucks. Protests in
Portland continued on Monday as BLM demonstrators destroyed a Starbucks and clashed with police, amid fears that further
violence could be sparked by the election. At least two people were arrested amid the violence during which windows at
Portland State University's public safety office were smashed. Protesters also threw a flammable liquid inside the
Starbucks, whose walls were graffitied with 'BLM' and 'ACAB', [...]
puts potential rioters and looters on notice: You will be 'prosecuted to the fullest degree'. During one
of his final pre-Election Day rallies Monday evening, President Donald Trump warned "Biden's far-left supporters" that
federal justice awaits them if they choose to "loot and riot" either during or after Tuesday's pivotal election. He
issued the remarks from Kenosha, Wisconsin, where in August violent riots by Black Lives Matter extremists erupted following
the non-fatal police shooting of a black suspect who'd had an open warrant for felony sexual assault, among other charges.
that plywood tells you the real post-election fear is pro-Biden rioting. There is one clear leading indicator
pointing to Donald Trump still having a chance to win the election — stores around America are fortifying
themselves in anticipation of election-related violence. Businesses in cities like New York City, Washington, DC, Los
Angeles and Chicago are boarding up as if a Category 5 hurricane is bearing down. Everyone tends to be coy about the
reason why. The cops in Beverly Hills worry about "protest activity." Tiffany refers to "potential election-related
activity." Saks Fifth Avenue says it's taking precautions "in the event of civil unrest due to the current election."
Election Day riots —
how did we get here? There's plenty of blame to go around. Driving around Washington, D.C. a couple days
ago was a shocking experience. Block after block of businesses are boarded up and anything throwable or movable has
been removed from the streets. In the meantime, faculty, staff, and students at George Washington University (where I
teach) have been told to stockpile medicine and food "as you normally would for a hurricane or a snowstorm." The
reason? We are about to have a democratic election. The expectation is that is, unless it is a landslide for
Biden, there will be rioting and arson in Washington and other cities. When exactly did election rioting become as
forecastable as inclement weather?
Week in Leftist Violence and Intimidation Vol. 10. This week Portland continued to be a battleground between
federal agents and Antifa militants, protesters in Brooklyn called for "death to America," and Philadelphia saw mass looting
as well as the destruction of an immigrant church. [Several video clips]
Here's What
Police Are Doing Ahead Of Possible Election Unrest. Police departments are set to cancel days off, prepare
tactical response teams and gather intelligence about possible election unrest as Nov. 3 quickly approaches, according to two
police union officials. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) on Oct. 24 told businesses within the boroughs to
prepare for possible political violence, The Wall Street Journal reported Oct. 24. The department has reportedly been
preparing for weeks to keep the city secure in the event of election-induced calamity. Miami, Portland, Seattle,
Minneapolis, Orlando, Chicago and other major cities have also reported prepping for possible violence, according to Fox News.
Summarizing Joe Biden. [Scroll
down] Biden has generically condemned the violent riots that have engulfed cities such as Portland and Seattle for
months. But he has never called for the riots to be put down and order restored. Nor has he condemned the
Democratic governors and mayors who let the riots continue for months. He and Kamala Harris (who tweeted in favor of a
Minnesota group that was posting bail for rioters) don't side with those who want the law enforced and order restored.
Expert on Possible Trump Win: Thousands Could 'Storm White House'. J. Michael Waller, an expert on
strategic communication and unconventional conflict and vice president for government relations at the Center for Security
Policy, said at a webinar with reporters on Wednesday that federal officials should be prepared for violent mobs on the
streets of Washington, DC, that could attempt to attack the White House if President Donald Trump is victorious in winning a
second term. "We have to prepare for these mobs by the tens of thousands if not more right in downtown Washington, DC
... and storm the White House," Waller said.
of the cities where Election Day rioting is expected have one thing in common: They're run by Democrats.
The next time a cable news anchor mentions the perpetual "growing threat of right-wing violence in America" (which, for some
reason, never becomes much more than a "threat"), I'd like them to also name the list of cities preparing for mass rioting on
Election Day. Here's a hint: None of them voted for President Trump in 2016. CNN earlier this month
reported that "police department leaders in cities from Baltimore to Seattle and Portland ... have prohibited officers from
taking days off around the election." Bloomberg reported likewise that "Chicago, Philadelphia and New York are among
cities that have revealed plans to prevent violence on Nov. 3, when election observers worry polling sites could be targeted,
or in the weeks that follow if historic levels of mail-in ballots preclude the declaration of an immediate winner."
Halloween Last for Weeks? It's the night before Halloween and all through the District of Columbia, plywood is
being placed on shop and bank windows. Not because people fear rampaging trick or treaters but because in a few days
we will have our national election and those who don't think they'll like the results are preparing mayhem again. If
local businesses believed polls saying Biden has it in the bag, I doubt they'd be doing this. I suppose you might argue
they fear joyful riots because Biden won. I think it more likely the senescent Biden will lose and the businesses here
fear a continuation of the left's bullying and temper tantrums. Indeed, on a stupid pretext (as usual) the riots have
already begun here with 14 injured policemen and more damaged businesses, businesses already reeling from the consequences
of our blinkered mayor's lockdowns. There are many demonstrations planned for the nation's capital in the coming week.
Move from Businesses to Residential Streets in Portland. Rioters quickly moved from a business district in
northeast Portland onto residential streets after police declared a riot condition. Anti-capitalist, anti-police
rioters marched through a neighborhood overturning trashcans and shouting at residents. Rioters took to the streets of
a northeast Portland business district and began vandalizing the windows of companies, Breitbart News reported Saturday
night. Portland Police Burear officials quickly declared the demonstration dubbed "Capitalism is Scary" to be a riot
and ordered their immediate dispersal.
university warns students to stockpile 'a week of food' ahead of potential election unrest. A major university
just blocks away from the White House on Friday warned students to prepare for potential civil unrest on Election Day by
stockpiling a week's worth of food and medicine. George Washington University distributed a preparedness message to
both on- and off-campus students, faculty and staff. The message recommended that they prepare for Election Day as they
would "a hurricane or snowstorm that would prevent you from going outside for several days." The message cautions
students to think about how much food they typically eat in a day and plan for a supply to last them a week. University
officials recommended students stock up on foods that have long shelf life including rice, pasta, canned fruits and nuts[.]
American business owners, among hardest hit by looters, feel victimized and alone. For many of the nearly 100
beauty supply stores in Philadelphia, it was another rough week. From Monday [10/26/2020] to Wednesday, thieves and
vandals broke into at least 17 stores, making off with merchandise and even store fixtures. The losses were in the
hundreds of thousands of dollars. In some cases, thieves struck again at shops that were damaged previously during a
more widespread outbreak of looting that flared in May after police in Minneapolis killed a man there. The damage and
theft this week erupted after news broke Monday of how police had shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr. in West Philadelphia.
to survive the riots if President Trump is re-elected. Lunatics under the best of conditions, liberals and
leftists have already promised mostly peaceful rioting and socially-just attacks on Trump supporters if the Donald
prevails. So, if you don't want your home or business burned to the ground with you in it simply because Trump won,
there are several steps you must take now. Like bulls, libs are enraged by the color red. So now is the time to
put away all your red Trump signs and paraphernalia, not to mention anything red like, say, a St. Louis Cardinals
baseball cap. Let's face it, the 2020 electoral cake is already baked; leaving that Trump sign on your lawn won't
change any minds. But it will make your home an easy target for anarchists, arsonists and Antifarians.
Chicago unveils Election
Day security plan spanning 10 days. Chicago city leaders unveiled a 10-day Election Day preparedness plan
Friday, after a summer of unrest, surges in violent crime and lockdowns amid the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Lori
Lightfoot said the city had been planning since the late summer, which she said was at times "humbling" but also
"instructive." "We've been focused on two issues when it comes to Election Day," Lightfoot told reporters.
"First is election integrity. The second, of course, is public safety."
Prepared for Democrat-Sponsored Street Violence on Election Night. A new USA Today poll finds that 75% of the
American people are concerned about post-election street violence. [...] Business owners in the central districts of
Washington, DC, New York City, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and pretty much every other violent, Democrat-run city
in America are boarding up their windows and taking other measure to protect their property as if a Category 3 hurricane were
bearing down on them. Because guess what? That is essentially what is about to happen to them. The scenes
of rioting and looting out of Philadelphia this week were just previews of coming attractions.
of Antifa: This 'Idea' Has Violent Consequences. As riots and looting consumed Philadelphia this week
after a fatal police shooting, a radical left-wing group, the "Philly Socialists," began monitoring police scanners and
relaying information to help protesters evade arrest. At one point, the Philly Socialists tweeted out a clue as to
their street allegiances: "Do humanity a favor and learn what antifa stands for." The scene in Philadelphia was
similar to scores of violent protests around the country since May, which have often featured a common and shadowy
element — black-masked men and women who seemed as intent on breaking windows and confronting the police as
chanting social justice slogans.
Here's What
People In DC Think Will Happen If Trump Gets Reelected. The Daily Caller News Foundation spoke with people on
the streets of Washington, D.C. about what they think will happen if President Donald Trump is re-elected in next week's
presidential election. Some Washington D.C. business owners have boarded up store entrances in preparation of possible
unrest around the election, various videos show. Protests and violent demonstrations have been ongoing in the U.S.
since George Floyd's death in police custody in May and some residents expressed concern that the unrest could carry over
into election-related chaos if Trump wins.
The Editor says...
Any post-election rioting will not be Trump's fault.
Police Ordered To Not Arrest Looters. As John pointed out yesterday [10/28/2020], the Mayor of Philadelphia
imposed a curfew last night in an attempt to quell the ongoing rioting and looting. Shockingly, many of the people who
were already in the process of breaking any number of laws didn't follow his orders and set out to continue the mayhem. [...]
So why would the looters continue emptying the shelves of all the city's stores after they'd been put on notice by the
municipal government? Perhaps it's because they'd heard that the cops had been ordered not to arrest any looters.
Yes, you heard that correctly. The cops were told to simply "disperse" the looters and not take them into
custody. This comes from one of the local Fox News reporters who heard it directly from multiple police sources.
truck bomb: Is Antifa escalating its war on America? Against a backdrop of Antifa/Black Lives Matter
rioting in Philadelphia, police found what looks like a truck bomb, an abandoned truck left in the middle of the street
loaded with explosives, which, if they had gone off, could have been disastrous. [...] If it is what it looks like, it
signals that the domestic terrorists' war on America is going to a newer and much more dangerous level. A working
analysis suggests that up until now, they've contented themselves with burning and looting shops, creating big fires,
assaulting cops and the elderly, and terrorizing outdoor diners. It may be that the impact of that has worn off, and
nobody's paying as much attention now. And with an election on, some Democratic pols suddenly are tut-tutting their
looting and violence. So to stay scary and relevant, they're taking it to a sickening new Weather Underground-style
level with truck bombs.
or lose, Dems have big plans for America. Only a victory large enough to preclude the theft of the presidency
by the Democrats and their minions in the media can forestall their plans for America's future. [...] The Democrats already
have a plan in place to flood the streets with "mostly peaceful" riots before, during, and after November 3. A Trump
landslide will open Americans' eyes to the left's usurpation of the nation and perhaps provoke action. To expedite
post-election thievery, riots will again become endemic. Every judge that might rule against the Democrats' lawfare
efforts to steal the presidency will be doxed and confronted. Their families will be terrorized in their homes.
Special care will be taken to threaten members of the Supreme Court. Leftist agents will confront congressmen and
senators at their homes, offices, and out in public with their families. If need be, they will block them from
returning to Washington D.C. and resuming the functions of government. The same will be done to governors and mayors,
lest they try to use the National Guard to regain control.
Proper Way to Deal with the Not-So-Peaceful Parts of Mostly Peaceful Protests™. We already know that
District Attorney Larry Krasner (D-Philadelphia) hates the police and will not seriously prosecute #BlackLivesMatter
protesters who break the law and destroy property, so, to do the right thing, unfortunately, requires that the feds take
action. It's a good thing it was Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton appointing United States Attorneys! [...] The
Usual Suspects complained about the timing, just a few days prior to the presidential election, and during the Mostly
Peaceful Protests™ over the killing of Walter Wallace, Jr, by two Philadelphia police officers as he approached
them with a knife that he refused to drop.
Are Physically Attacking Trump Supporters Just Like They Did in 2016. In the months before the 2016 election,
Trump supporters were repeatedly physically attacked by members of the left, out in the open, sometimes as they left Trump
rallies. In 2020, we are seeing a repeat of this behavior as most of the media looks the other way, just as they did
four years ago. [Video clips] The liberal media ignores stories like these while suggesting that Trump
rallies are hate events and that his supporters are bigots. Meanwhile, Trump is repeatedly asked to condemn white
supremacy while Joe Biden is never asked to denounce Antifa.
kidnap plotter also wanted to hang Trump, other politicians, FBI says. A Delaware man accused of plotting to
kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also threatened to hang President Donald Trump and posted a hit list on Facebook targeting
other elected leaders, including former President Barack Obama, according to an unsealed search warrant affidavit obtained by
The Detroit News. The affidavit provides new details about how the FBI thwarted the alleged plot to kidnap Whitmer, a
Democrat, and kill police officers by enlisting the help of confidential informants. One of the informants was a
militia member who met a group of men accused in the kidnapping plot and became so concerned that the individual agreed to
become an FBI confidential informant, according to the court filing.
In Philadelphia 'Discover Van Loaded With Explosives, Suspicious Equipment,' Report Says. Law enforcement
officials in Philadelphia have reportedly launched an investigation into a vehicle that was discovered containing explosives
and suspicious items, which comes as the city is rocked by left-wing anti-police riots and widespread looting. "Action
News has learned that police recovered propane tanks, torches and possible dynamite sticks from the van," ABC 6
reported. "The bomb squad is on the scene at this hour." [...] "City officials say at least 200 businesses, many of
them already struggling in the midst of the pandemic, were the targets of massive looting across the city," the report
added. "To assist police, an undetermined number of Pennsylvania National Guard troops will soon be arriving in the city."
Thugs Just Handed Pennsylvania To Trump On A Platter As They Plunder And Destroy Philly, Here Are Some Lowlights.
A second night of unrest in Philadelphia began Tuesday night over the police shooting death of a Black man, just as his children
recalled memories of their father in front of reporters and 1,000 looters reportedly began targeting businesses, police said.
Elsewhere in the city, looters ransacked a Foot Locker, Rite Aid and other retail stores. At least one vehicle was set
on fire. The Philadelphia Police Department warned people to avoid the Port Richmond area where at least 1,000
looters were ransacking businesses that included a Burlington Coat Factory, Target and Dollar General. [Video clip]
Brooklyn protest, with trash fires and broken windows, leaves local residents shaken. The manager of a small
Brooklyn Yemeni restaurant, on the morning after a violent protest marked by trash fires and broken windows, wondered
Wednesday [10/28/2020] what the demonstrators hoped to accomplish. Mahmoud Alsafarini, 25, arrived at the Hadramout
Restaurant for his shift just a few doors down from the shattered glass at an Urban Outfitters outlet. Several
black-clad demonstrators also smashed windows at a Starbucks and a Bank of America branch on Court St., along with the
windshield of a green taxi, in a demonstration over the Philadelphia police shooting of a knife-wielding Black man.
"These businesses don't belong to them," said Alsafarini in the aftermath of the wild march where 39 commercial properties
were damaged. "Say what you need to say without violence. I was worried initially because the employees were
still here. They didn't have anything to protect themselves."
And Chaos Erupt In Brooklyn As Police Are injured, Stores Looted And Destroyed. A large crowd gathered to
protest in solidarity with Philadelphia protests over the death of Walter Wallace Jr. Who was shot ten times by the
police, he was holding a knife according to authorities. The group smashed police cars and some civilian car windows,
multiple large businesses such as Bank of America windows were broken and multiple fires set throughout the march. Cops
kettled the group on Atlantic Ave between Smith and Boerum Pl and moved in to make arrests, when they tried to stop one
car that was following the crowd the driver said "I'm trying to go home," and closed the door. [Video clip]
DC Plans to Shutdown the Election; the Left's Agenda is no Return to Normal. If the Left has anything to do
with it, there will be no return to anything that resembles "Normal". Sadly, the rioting and looting in Philadelphia is
a precursor to this. Protests erupted on Monday [10/26/2020] after police shot and killed Walter Wallace, Jr., a mentally ill young
man. Wallace wielded a knife at officers and refused to drop it even after repeated orders to do so. Now there is
unrest in the streets, and apparently someone planned for these "spontaneous" protestors to be well armed.
Resistance Plans 'Mass Mobilization' After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn't Win. Riot and
protest instigators plan to "make sure Trump leaves the White House" by any means necessary after the Nov. 3 election,
according to website posts from the group Shut Down DC and their allies. "[W]e're making plans to be in the streets before
the polls even close, ready to adapt and respond to whatever comes our way," the group says on its website currently. [...]
The group linked to protests at the homes of Trump administration officials tells its DC-area supporters to "Come to Black
Lives Matter Plaza" on election night "to create serious disruption if Trump really tries to steal the election!" Black Lives
Matter Plaza is the site of repeated anti-Trump summer rioting and defacement of the historic Saint John's Church one block
away from the White House. On the page, Shut Down DC sketches out its plans for election night and immediately
following. On Nov. 4-7, the group says it plans to "do whatever it takes".
Meltdown: Rep. Max Rose Attacks Shopper at Staten Island Store. Democrat Rep. Max Rose (NY) is
slipping in the polls in a race against Republican Nicole Malliotakis, who has been endorsed by President Donald Trump.
And now the Democrat is facing backlash for cursing at a constituent outside a Staten Island grocery store when the man
appears to disagree with him. [...] The news outlet [Shorefront News] reported Rose "may have snapped" as he faces a loss
against Malliotakis, yet still referred to him as a "talented politician" who was "forced" by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA) to support Trump's impeachment.
protesters leave trail of destruction in Downtown Brooklyn. Dozens of marching protesters were arrested in
Brooklyn on Tuesday night after clashing with NYPD cops and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake in response to the
Philadelphia police shooting death of an armed black man. About 200 protesters met in Fort Greene Park before snaking
their way through the streets, vandalizing police vehicles, torching an American flag and igniting at least one rubbish fire
during their travels, according to footage posted to social media by video journalist Issa Khari. "Burn the precinct to
the ground, every city, every town!" the group, mainly clad in black, chanted as they marched near Boerum Place and
Livingston Street in Downtown Brooklyn. Near Willoughby and Jay streets, several protesters chucked rocks and bottles
at police officers, sources said. Others in the group wielded pieces of wood.
Post-Election Agenda: More Riots, 'Truth Commissions,' Other Punishment For Their Foes — That Means
You. You hear it every day. Someone says, "I just want the election to be over," hoping out loud that
things will somehow "return to normal" once the 2020 vote ends. But it won't. The left already has plans to
ensure that. By "return to normal," of course, we refer to an America not so riven by politics that families and
neighbors no longer talk to each other because of the deep political divide. An America where people again become
friendly and human, politics recede in importance, the economy and schools reopen, and suspicion of others' political motives
fade into the deep background. Sounds great, the fabled tolerant America of yore. But, sorry, whether Donald
Trump wins or loses, the left has other plans.
Officer Run Over: Philly Riots Over
Man Shot Charging at Cops with Knife. A black pickup truck appeared to hit a police officer in Philadelphia as
unrest escalated in the Pennsylvania city following the shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr. Wallace, shot earlier
in the day as he was rushing at officers with a knife. Dozens of officers were injured with rocks, bricks and other
projectiles and this 56-year-old female officer, hit by a pickup truck and hospitalized with a broken leg.
[Video clip]
Is Running a Protection Racket. Joe Biden's big pitch is his promise to restore calm. It's a con.
It's Antifa and Black Lives Matter — both on his side — that are stirring everything up. He's
trying to run a protection racket: vote Democrat, or the chaos continues. Biden talks of calm, but it is not
Trump-supporters storming restaurants and other public places across the country to demand obeisance to their agenda.
Instead, from Washington to Kentucky to Florida, it is the "Black Lives Matter" movement — which Biden has made a
centerpiece of his campaign — that has smashed up restaurants, threatened their owners, and demanded that diners
raise the black power fist. As one headline put it, "aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white
diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them... or else." Biden speaks of
tolerance, but it isn't MAGA people marching into our schools, newsrooms, and even corporate boardrooms to demand absolute
allegiance; it's Biden-supporting leftists.
Erupts In Philly, Police Are Attacked By ANTIFA And BLM Thugs. Police officers fatally shot a 27-year-old Black
man armed with a knife during a confrontation Monday afternoon in West Philadelphia that quickly raised tensions in the
neighborhood. Late into the night, growing anger, fueled by BLM claiming the man was unarmed, turned into a violent
standoff at the local police district headquarters with several police officers injured by bricks or other objects hurled
from the crowd. There were reports of stores being looted and at least one police vehicle was set on fire.
[Video clip]
Man Charges Cop With A Knife, Gets Shot Dead, BLM Sparks Riots Soon After. An investigation is underway after a
man who police say was armed with a knife was shot and killed by officers in West Philadelphia late Monday afternoon
[10/26/2020]. Police said they were called to Locust and South 61st streets shortly before 5 p.m. for a report of a man
with a weapon. When they arrived they say they found a man, later identified as Walter Wallace, who was holding a
knife. [Video clip]
Violence and Mayhem Towards Jews, Trump Supporters And Cops In NYC This Weekend. Fights, brawls, and arrests in
a chaotic scene on Sunday [10/25/2020] in Times Square as Antifascists clashed with Trump Supporters. The fistfights
and brawls left some protesters bloodied and others arrested, at least one Trump supporter was seen taken away in handcuffs
after the unlawful assembly has been declared. Caravans started all over the city since the early morning, the Trump
rally began at Trump Tower and marched, along with a caravan of vehicles to Times Square. The counter-protesters hurled
eggs at the caravan and pulled flags from their cars. Rudy Giuliani was seen driving with the caravan and was then
approached by a protester and Trump supporters on 5th Avenue. [Video clip]
From the Army to
Antifa: Ex-private accused by feds of throwing explosive at Portland riot. An ex-Army private has been
federally charged for allegedly throwing an explosive mortar at law enforcement during a night of violent rioting in Portland
in September. Following an FBI investigation, 23-year-old Ty John Fox, of Astoria, Ore., was charged with felony civil
disorder, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Oregon announced. On Sept. 5, hundreds of Black Lives Matter
and Antifa rioters descended on the Portland Police Bureau's east precinct. Viral video recorded that night showed
rioters throwing lit Molotov cocktails toward the line of police. Two people were set on fire and one person was taken
to hospital for injuries. Amid the mayhem, a sergeant was struck and injured by a commercial-grade mortar firework.
Rams Line of Police Officers in Philadelphia. As protests in Philadelphia turn violent after a man armed with a
knife was shot and killed by police, a line of police officers, who appear to have been containing rioting, was run down by a
speeding truck that appears to have left the scene. [Video clip]
driver runs over a cop and protesters pelt police with bricks as BLM demonstrators and looters swarm Philadelphia.
Rioting, vandalism and looting erupted in Philadelphia on Monday night [10/26/2020] hours after police fatally shot a 27-year-old
black man armed with a knife during a domestic disturbance call. Late into the night, growing anger boiled over into a violent
riot near the Philadelphia Police 18th District building. Several officers were injured by bricks and other projectiles thrown
at them by a crowd of demonstrators. At least 30 officers have been hurt with 12 hospitalized including one female
Philadelphia Police Sergeant, 56, who suffered a broken leg after being hit by a speeding pick-up truck that was videoed driving
towards a line of officers close to the city center shortly before 1 am, according to Philadelphia Police.
hurl eggs at Rudy Giuliani, pro-Trump demonstrators in NYC. Anti-Trump protesters hurled eggs and insults at
supporters of the president — including former mayor Rudy Giuliani — as they rolled through Manhattan
in a convoy on Sunday [10/25/2020]. Video posted on Twitter shows a flag-draped pro-Trump caravan —
identified online as a Jews for Trump demonstration — led by Giuliani being bombarded with eggs, including one
spot at 59th Street and 5th Avenue — with one protester yelling "[...]" at the former Big Apple mayor.
[Video clip]
Liberals' 'Tiny Fraction' Lie. In a recent podcast, Michelle Obama, as she continues to shed her "no red state
nor blue state America but just United States of America" skin to reveal a ruthless, myopic partisan looking to settle scores
from fights unknown while making clear to those paying attention how America became so much more divided after the Obama
presidency, complains that the opposition to the protesters is "once again patently false, morally wrong, and racist." After
all, she insists, the violence is committed by just a "tiny fraction" of the protesters. [...] First of all, the assertion of
a tiny fraction is an absurdity. An estimated 570 riots were violent during the George Floyd protests, 19 people died
during 14 days of those protests, and approximately 2 billion dollars of damage has accrued from all this peace. The
magnitude of damage from a tiny fraction strains credulity, especially given the opportunity for live viewing of so many of
these riots, in which looters and harassers are clearly more than small fractions, while the other participants, if any,
cheerlead with venomous gusto.
Repeatedly Threatens Andy Ngo's Life. What Are the Portland Police Doing About It? On Thursday
[10/22/2020], the Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo and author Douglas Murray posed in front of a large graffiti death
threat in Portland reading, "Kill Andy Ngo." Ngo claimed he has reported many death threats to the Portland Police
Bureau, but the police have yet to follow up with him on these threats. "One of many such signs in Downtown
Portland. There is nothing normal about this. It is a call for the murder of a journalist in an American
city. Shame on the Portland authorities for tolerating it," Murray tweeted. "All death threats and incitements to
violence against me have been reported to [the Portland Police] since last year. I have not been followed-up with
once," Ngo added.
Bro with Van Full of Guns and Explosives Plotted to Assassinate Biden — Media Buries the Lede, as
Usual. Most of the time, the media doesn't outright lie to you. Yeah, every once in a while they'll blurt
out a huge whopper ("Russian collusion"), but usually it's more subtle than that. They'll give you the facts, but
they'll emphasize some facts over others to preserve the narrative they're selling. They'll lie by omission.
They'll distract you with trivia while the real story slips by you unnoticed. For example, did you hear about the guy
they just arrested in North Carolina for plotting to kill Joe Biden? Do you think you know why he wanted to do that?
[...] What was [Alexander Hillel] Treisman's motive? He must be one of those evil Proud Boys or crazy QAnon freaks we
keep hearing so much about, right? Wrong. But to find out the actual motive, you have to go all the way down to
paragraph 15 of the WaPo story. [...] He's a Bernie Bro. He wanted to kill Biden to somehow help Bernie.
Congressman And His Family 'Threatened' At Their Home. Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) released a statement on Friday
afternoon [10/23/2020] indicating that he and his family were threatened at their home today by someone who left a dead
animal and a brick with a family member's name on it at the residence. "Today, my family and I were threatened at our
home in Corning," Reed said in a statement. "The cowards used a dead animal and a brick with a family member's name on
it to try to intimidate us." "We assure everyone such threats only energize us to stand stronger," Reed continued.
woman is charged with assault for 'pushing a 73-year-old Vietnam veteran into an intersection because he was holding a Trump
sign'. A Massachusetts woman has been charged with assault after she allegedly pushed an elderly veteran to the
ground while he was holding a pro-Trump sign. Kiara Dudley, 34, was taken into custody following the purported attack
on 73-year-old George Griffin, which is said to have occurred in the town of Douglas on Saturday. Griffin —
who served in the Navy during the Vietnam War — was standing on the town's Main Street with his wife, Joann,
brandishing a 'Veterans For Trump' sign. According to Douglas police, the couple were subsequently approached by a
small group who 'began to berate them with insults and demanded that they leave.'
Who made it necessary to use tear gas? Look in the mirror, hippies! Liberals'
New Outrage: ACLU, Environmental Groups Sue DHS Over Tear Gas Used In Protests. Just when you think
progressive liberal groups have exhausted all forms to express outrage over, there's more. They always find a way;
there's always a way. While celebrities want to use their powerful status with fame and money to get criminals out of
jail, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) found their own fight. Protesters, rioters and looters in cities across
the country have forced law enforcement and government agencies to combat their destructive behavior; at times, tear gas was
used when the crowds grew aggressive. The Associated Press reports that according to the ACLU, "human health and the
environment are suffering the consequences" of the chemicals used in the tear gas.
Student newspaper publishes instructions on how
to make a Molotov cocktail. The student newspaper at the University of Wisconsin -Milwaukee posted an
opinion-editorial containing instructions on how to make and use a Molotov cocktail. The editor-in-chief of the UWM
Post, Adam Kelnhofer, wrote an op-ed on June 14 going over the history of the Molotov cocktail after protests broke out in
Milwaukee following the death of George Floyd. The op-ed included instructions on how to "make a Molotov cocktail."
The Antifa Industry at Work: Professional left-wing organizers,
planning for post-election chaos, promise to "shut down" the capital and engage in "civil resistance."
Writing at the American Mind last month, Michael Anton, author of The Stakes: America at the Point of No
Return, brought attention to a war game report issued by the Transition Integrity Project, an ad hoc group
associated with the George Soros-funded Democracy Integrity Project. Anton's widely read essay, "The Coming Coup?" was
heavily discussed on social media and by conservative talk show hosts including Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and
Glenn Beck. What conservatives found so alarming was that the Transition Integrity Project urged Trump's opponents to
wage a "street fight, not a legal one" in the near-certain event of a contested election. In other words, forces
arrayed against the president's reelection should abandon the American political system — and pin their hopes of
election victory not on the Constitution-mandated quest for the most electoral votes, but upon the street mobilization and
direct-action capabilities of Antifa and the Left's other professionally-staffed organizing groups. As a heavily
contested Election Day approaches, it is crucial for both conservative activists and officials in law enforcement to
understand that left-wing organizing for direct-action and "nonviolent" civil disobedience is being planned by career
organizing professionals working within well-funded, interlocking organizations.
Activist Faces Hate Crime Charges for Knocking Out the Teeth of a Black Conservative. On Saturday [10/17/2020],
a Black Lives Matter mob targeted a free speech rally against Big Tech in San Francisco. An assailant socked the free
speech rally organizer, 25-year-old black conservative Philip Anderson, in the jaw, knocking out his two front teeth.
On Sunday, the San Francisco Police Department arrested a suspect, 35-year-old Androa "Dro" Anderson, charging him with
mayhem and a hate crime enhancement. Philip Anderson organized the protest on his website, "Team Save America."
He launched the protest after Facebook and Twitter took unprecedented steps to censor a New York Post article about
Hunter Biden.
Liberals Threatening Violence
If Trump Is Reelected. It is worth reminding those that didn't watch that news pundits actually cried live,
on-air, completely forgoing even the pretense of objectivity anymore. Some have seen the video below, some haven't, but
it is perfectly representative of how shocked media personalities, pundits, comedians and celebrities all freaked out on
television, because they too had believed the pollsters who were almost all wrong, and allowed themselves to become
over-confident, assured that their candidate cannot lose. [Video clip]
in New Hampshire: A warning to all Trump supporters. "You have been identified as a Trump Supporter," the
letter begins. It asks if you have fire insurance, and ends with the statement, "you have been given fair warning."
Not an implied threat, but an implicit threat to burn down houses of Trump supporters. While these letters were
delivered in two small in New Hampshire towns, they culminate four years of hatred of this president and everyone who
supports him. It is the expected outcome of the largest propaganda war launched against a nation since Joseph Goebbels
ran the Reich Ministry of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. The lessons learned from Goebbels are being
applied today by the legacy media, high tech media, and the Democratic party. The key to the Goebbels' strategy was to
have one voice. And that is exactly what the combined Democratic propaganda machine is giving to America and, sadly, to
the world. One voice that hides any dissension, or variance from their talking points.
Kenosha Looks Like After Riots and Looting. In just 48 hours, over 40 businesses in the quiet city of Kenosha,
Wisconsin were ravaged by violence, according to the Kenosha Area Business Alliance. Rioters looted and torched shops
on the nights of Aug. 23 and 24. The Daily Signal traveled there to see what it looked like. The city of 99,000,
situated on Lake Michigan between Chicago and Milwaukee, is "a little big town," Kenosha local and business owner Scott Carpenter
says. Carpenter's business, B&L Office Furniture, was burned to the ground in riots after the police shooting of Jacob Blake,
29. [Video clip]
Proposes "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" to Target Trump Supporters if Biden Wins. Members of the
professional left are now proposing a 'truth and reconciliation commission' to shame Trump supporters if Joe Biden
wins. These would be the same people who have spent four years calling Trump an authoritarian, a dictator, a fascist, a
cult leader, and worse. Those same people are now proposing Orwellian forms of public shaming for having the 'wrong'
views. [...] Make no mistake about what is being suggested. These people are talking about a vindictive form of
retaliation for wrongthink.
Charged With Hate Crime For Attacking Black Pro-Trump Free Speech Rally Organizer. A suspect has been charged
with a hate crime after allegedly attacking a pro-Trump free speech rally organizer in San Francisco, a police report
says. The San Francisco Police Department arrested Adora Anderson, 35, Sunday [10/19/2020] and charged him with mayhem
and a hate crime enhancement, according to the statement.
putting Black Lives Matter sign in his yard arrested after shooting at Trump supporters. A Maryland man is
being held without bond and has been charged for firing a shotgun as Trump supporters drove by in a pickup truck while he put
a Black Lives Matter sign in his yard. CBS Baltimore reports the incident happened Saturday afternoon in Kingsville,
Maryland, a semi-rural community about 10 miles northeast of Baltimore. Police have booked resident Douglas Kuhn with
multiple charges, including assault.
man who hit Seattle officer with a metal bat said he wanted to 'slit every SPD throat'. Yesterday [10/19/2020]
Seattle PD announced the arrest of 19-year-old Jacob Greenberg in connection with multiple incidents of violence that took
place at protests. The best known of these was his use of a metal bat to strike an SPD officer in the back of the
head. Fortunately, the officer was wearing a helmet which probably saved his life. The helmet was cracked by the
impact from the bat. [...] As Ed pointed out when this happened last month, the anti-police individual who filmed the attack
deleted their own video after Antifa complained it could be used to identify the people involved. Unfortunately for
Greenberg, the video had already been copied by others. Using the clip police were able to tie him to multiple other
crimes including throwing a Molotov cocktail at a police precinct on Sep. 1 and setting fire to dumpsters on Sep. 26.
media liberals urge revenge, payback if Trump loses. Media commentators, who are unloading everything they have
on President Trump, are no longer content with the idea of him merely losing. Now, in their esteemed estimation, there
has to be a "reckoning." As part of a package of editorial condemnation, the New York Times declared that "Donald Trump's
reelection campaign poses the greatest threat to American democracy since World War II." Then the Washington Post's
Outlook opinion section devoted its cover to two alternatives: whether Trump and his minions should be prosecuted or
merely investigated as part of a national truth commission.
investigate threatening letters sent to Trump supporters. Milford police are trying to track down whoever is
behind a series of letters that were sent to supporters of President Donald Trump threatening to burn down their homes.
Kelly, a Milford resident who asked to be identified only by her first name, said she received one of the letters.
"Dear neighbor," the letter read. "You have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address
has been added to our database as a target when we attack should Trump not concede the election." The anonymous author
went on to say Kelly should hope her home insurance has fire coverage.
Activist group
plans widespread, 'disruptive' election activities to thwart potential Trump 'coup'. An activist group is
planning large-scale and widespread 'disruptive activity' starting on the night of the election, in an attempt to stop what
it predicts will be an "attempted coup" by President Trump in the form of a refusal to accept the election results.
"Shut Down D.C." is setting the stage for mass gatherings in D.C., noting that the "resistance" must begin during the
"muddied" legal and political debate over the election outcome. "Trump will not leave office without mass mobilization
and direct action," the group says on its website. In a separate document, first reported by The Federalist, the group
characterizes its planned movement as an "uprising," and calls for potentially blockading the White House, blocking traffic,
shutting down government office buildings and even Amazon fulfillment centers.
Team Accuses Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Encouraging Assassination of President Weeks Before Election. Donald
Trump's reelection campaign accused Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer of "encouraging assassination attempts" targeting the
president on Sunday afternoon [10/18/2020], amid escalating conflict between the two political leaders. Trump's
campaign, which uses the handle "Trump War Room" on Twitter, based its allegations against Whitmer on a token with the
numbers "8645" clearly visible. The token appeared behind her during an interview with NBC News host Chuck Todd on Meet
the Press Sunday morning. "Governor Gretchen Whitmer displayed an '86 45' sign during her TV appearance. 86
can be shorthand for killing someone," the Trump campaign tweeted, alongside a screenshot from the governor's interview.
"Whitmer is encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump just weeks after someone sent a ricin-laced package to
the White House."
Woman Charged With Attacking 73-Year-Old Trump Supporter. A woman charged with assaulting a Vietnam veteran
because he supports President Trump was released on $250 bail Monday. Kiara Dudley, 34, was arrested after the weekend
incident in Douglas. The 73-year-old veteran and another person were at the intersection of Main and Webster streets
just after noon Saturday with Trump flags and signs. Police said Dudley went up to the couple and "began to berate them
with insults" and told them to leave. As the couple tried to move away, police said Dudley bumped the veteran with her
body and then stepped on his "Veterans for Trump" sign. As he bent over to pick it up, investigators said Dudley
"knocked him to the ground causing an injury to his finger." Several people called 911 and Dudley was later arrested.
Liberty is Not White Supremacy and Does Not Date from 1619. In the midst of this election year we are seeing
widespread assaults on freedom of speech of those who do not share the leftist dogma. Dissenters from the doctrine are
labeled "racist." The assaults on freedom of speech have been accompanied by rioting and violence in mostly Democrat-run
cities under the guise of protests against "institutional" or "systemic" racism in policing and law enforcement. These
riots are being conducted by Marxist-anarchists, and leaders of the Democrat party only began to condemn them when the polls
reflected negatively on the Party's chances for November.
The Brownshirts
Are Back. Some American cities, like Portland, Seattle and San Francisco, are starting to look like Germany in
the 1930s. Yesterday a free speech rally was held in downtown San Francisco. Those marching for free speech were
attacked by fascists from Antifa. Zero Hedge has collected photos and videos. Event organizer Philip Anderson was
attacked by the Brownshirts, who knocked out his front teeth. White mob attacks black man and knocks out his
teeth? It's OK, they're Democrats.
Francisco Conservative Rally Attacked By Antifa Mob. When you think of San Francisco, a conservative rally in
support of the President and law enforcement probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But a group called Team
Save America somehow managed to pull one off yesterday. Or at least they did so briefly. The group was displaying
Thin Blue Line flags, along with American flags as they protested Twitter's suppression of free speech and the blackout of
news unfavorable to Joe Biden. The reason the rally didn't last long was that hundreds of Antifa thugs showed up almost
immediately and began attacking both the protesters and the police who were attempting to keep the two groups apart. At
least one protester was taken to the hospital and multiple officers were injured.
speech rally marred by violence as counterprotesters storm event, beat pro-Trump demonstrators. A rally called
to promote free speech and denounce big tech censorship turned ugly Saturday in San Francisco, when hundreds of alleged
Antifa counterprotesters showed up and berated and attacked demonstrators, leaving one missing a tooth. The
conservative group Team Save America organized the event to protest Twitter, which it argues censors free speech. They
planned to rally at United Nations Plaza before moving the protest to Twitter's headquarters a few blocks away. But the
event quickly devolved into a shouting match and violence as hundreds of counterprotesters stormed the scene. Video
shows one counterprotester punching Philip Anderson, an organizer of the event, knocking one of his teeth out. Anderson
posted a picture of the aftermath on social media and said he was attacked by Antifa.
Happened to the Riots? According to the Bridging the Divide Initiative, a Princeton think tank that conducts
U.S. protest modeling with a wink and nod to the left, there was a free fall in the number of BLM-associated demonstrations
and uprisings from a late-May peak to an October low. Who or what was responsible for this plunge? [...] CNN anchorman
Don Lemon, who has often made light of the mob violence for CNN's two million primetime viewers, suddenly called for an end
to hostilities. He fretted not over the loss of life, attacks on police officers, or the destruction of small
businesses. Instead, he lamented that it wasn't polling well for the Biden campaign. Lemon's apostasy and
reproach was a warning shot to upper-crust Democrats that their reluctance to censure street anarchism was becoming a clear
reflection of their support for the violence.
With Trump Flags Torched By Arsonists Near Portland. Another day, another fuzzy picture of a night time fire
set by violent leftists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Today's edition features a pickup truck in
Vancouver, Washington, just north of Portland (duh), that was adorned with Trump flags. That is until crazed arsonists
decided to light the flags afire, and the flames spread to torch the whole truck.
Antifa rioters who targeted
Portland cafe 'solidified' his Trump vote, military veteran says. A cafe owned by a military veteran was shot
at during a chaotic demonstration in Portland over the weekend after being deemed by rioters as unfriendly to the Black Lives
Matter movement. Heroes American Cafe was targeted for being an "unfriendly business" by so-called Antifa-linked
Twitter accounts, owner John Jackson told Fox News. Two windows in the cafe's downtown location were shot at and
another was struck with a blunt object — possibly a baseball bat — said Jackson, a Black man who served
in the Army and Marine Corps.
and Troubling Questions About Murder of Trump Supporter at Rally in Denver. In this story yesterday I wrote
about the discovery of the left-wing protest connections of Denver murder suspect Matthew Dolloff, who shot and killed Lee
Keltner, an attendee at the "Patriot Muster" pro-Trump rally. [...] There is a lot more to the story this morning
[10/12/2020]. First, Dolloff was not a licensed security guard. The City of Denver has a municipal ordinance
requiring anyone employed as a "security guard" to possess a city license authorizing the person to work in that capacity
inside Denver city limits. To get the license the applicant must complete the specified training. If the
applicant is to be armed as a security guard, he must undergo some additional training, and pass a firearms proficiency
course. If the security guard is going to work in a "plain clothes" capacity — as Dolloff was —
he must undergo even more training before getting the license. An official for the City of Denver licensing department
responded to a news inquiry that they have no application or file for anyone named Matthew Dolloff as holding the necessary
license issued by the City of Denver.
Supporter Shot Dead in Denver, Media Tiptoes Around It. You wouldn't know it if your only news source was the
legacy media, but on Saturday, a Trump supporter was shot and killed in broad daylight outside the Denver Art Museum.
There was a Black Lives Matter rally and something called a "Patriot Muster" going on at the same time, and when the two
groups clashed, someone was shot. The shooting was in full view of a crowd of people, and there's footage of the attack
from multiple angles. [Video clips] [...] I'm no lawyer, but this does not look like self-defense to me. The shooter
was reaching for his gun before the victim started pepper-spraying him, and the victim was backing away as the gun came out
and up. It actually looks like the victim was trying to defend himself from someone who was about to shoot him.
But even if it were the other way around, pepper spray is non-lethal and there's no justification for lethal force in response.
that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver. Was a local Denver television
station hiring violent Antifa supporters to act as their personal security guards? That's what it's starting to look
like, given that Saturday, an apparent radical leftist was hired as a 'security guard' by local news station 9News/KUSA, who
then got into a shouting altercation with an anti-communist group member, pulled out a gun, and opened fire on Lee Keltner,
shooting him dead. [...] Much of the focus now is on who was to blame, or whether the 'security guard' was somehow
provoked. But how [...] did this guy have a role as a security guard for newsmen covering protestors? Matthew
Dolloff was a non-employee "contractor," supposedly connected to the Pinkerton agency, according to 9News, and he acted as
the 'security guard' for newsmen covering the yelling and screaming rallies. However, he had no security certification,
as required by law. He was just a scruffy character with an Occupy! Denver past with a gun. Was he really a
security guard, or was he a leftist protestor? Based on the filmed sequences here, it appears he was acting as a
leftist protestor.
Murder Victim Incorrectly ID'd As Part of "Right-Wing Patriot Rally". Lee Keltner, a 49-year-old Navy veteran,
was murdered in Denver on Saturday. He was killed by 30-year-old Matthew Dolloff, who claimed to be a private security
guard. Keltner sprayed mace at Dolloff, who drew his weapon and shot Keltner in the head. The victim was
pronounced dead at a local hospital. Johnathon Keltner, Lee's 24-year-old son, told a newspaper reporter that his
father was not part a specific group. He said his father was "there to rally for the police department." News
reports immediately claimed that Keltner was part of a "Right-Wing Patriot Rally." Dolloff, who shot Keltner from about
six feet away, was immediately surrounded by police and taken into custody.
Denver shooter Matthew Robert Dolloff is a proud radical leftist. A man accused of shooting and killing Trump
supporter Lee Keltner in Denver yesterday [10/10/2020] has been proclaimed by both law enforcement and mainstream media as
definitely not being associated with Antifa, the radical progressive domestic terrorist organization that Joe Biden has said
is just "an idea." But his past social media posts and direct affiliation with Antifa precursor, Occupy Democrats, seem
to indicate that if he was not a member of Antifa, that his ideology closely aligned with theirs at the very least.
Olbermann: Trump Supporters Are 'Maggots,' Must Be 'Prosecuted'. Former ESPN host Keith Olbermann lashed
out at Trump supporters Friday night, calling for the prosecution and conviction of all those connected with the president.
Mr. Olbermann called Trump supporters "maggots," the new insult du jour to replace 2016's "deplorables" in the 2020
presidential election.
Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization. If you threaten strangers and destroy property in the name of Black
Lives Matter or Antifa, then local Democrat prosecutors will make sure you never answer for your crimes. If you
exercise your Second Amendment right to protect the lives of your family and secure your property, those same Democrat
prosecutors will threaten your liberty and future. If you riot in the name of "justice," then you are performing a
public service. If you seek spiritual salvation by attending church or synagogue, then you are a public health
threat. When Democrats are in office, there are two tiers of justice in America, one for protecting Democrats and one
for harassing Republicans. Former attorney general Eric Holder aptly articulated this reality when he argued that the
fight against Republicans is "not about principle" but about the "acquisition and use of power."
every Antifa goon arrested in Portland last night during their BLM anti-police protest. Notice anything they all have
in common? The Antifa dweebs were out in Portland last night, dressed in black and covered in body armor (and
body odor, no doubt), and 26 of them got themselves arrested. Just curious: Do you notice anything they all have
in common? [...] Armored attire or not, judging by the mugshots, those must've been the easiest 26 arrests ever made.
I honestly feel bad for these lost souls. They are desperate for a cause to believe in.
Leftists Want Us Dead... And
Our Culture. Reports say a history professor at the University of Rhode Island sees nothing wrong with killing
a fascist. The problem is: Extreme leftists have a very broad understanding of who may be identified as a
fascist. But what did professor Erik Loomis actually say? "[Reinoehl] killed a fascist. I see nothing
wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective." [Why Was Michael Reinoehl Killed? by Erik Loomis, Lawyers,
Guns & Money, September 4, 2020] The "fascist" murdered by Michael Reinoehl was Aaron "Jay" Danielson.
Danielson was a member of the Patriot Prayer group, which supports Donald Trump. That, apparently, qualifies him
as a fascist and worthy of death. Danielson was gunned down on a street in Portland, Oregon, where he organized a
caravan to support the president. The murder occurred August 29, 2020 and was video recorded. Days later
Reinoehl, himself, was fatally shot by police when he resisted arrest. Who else does Loomis consider fascists?
"The police is [sic] shot through with fascists from stem to stern," he wrote. "They were openly working with the
fascists in Portland, as they were in Kenosha which led to dead protestors." Seriously? Does Loomis consider it
a capital offense to support President Trump or to be a police officer? So it seems.
'Patriot Rally' shooter railed against Trump on social media. The unlicensed security guard accused of fatally
shooting a Navy veteran at a Denver "Patriot Rally" railed against President Trump and shared left-wing political content on
social media. Matthew Dolloff's ex-girlfriend, told the Daily Mail, she dated Dolloff from 2010 to 2013, and during
that time period, the former couple were both heavily involved in Occupy Denver — the local branch of Occupy Wall
Street. Dolloff, 35, a registered Democrat, includes dozens of political posts on his Facebook profile dating back to
2011 in which he railed against Republicans including President Trump in June 2016, [...]
because he backed the police': Man shot and killed during Denver rallies identified. The man shot and killed
during dueling political rallies in Denver has been identified as a veteran and local hat maker, Lee Keltner. "My son
Lee was at the patriot rally today in Denver," Keltner's mother, Carole, posted on the Northeast Arkansas Tea Party Facebook
group. "He was murdered because he backed the police." "His 24 year old son was with him," she continued, which was
reported by the New York Post. "I moved to Arkansas because Colorado got too expensive and liberal. The left has
gotten out of hand." Keltner had been living in Denver and was a hatter at Crossfire Hats in the city's historic district
for more than 20 years. The Sun reported he was shot and killed in front of his son.
in Denver shooting [is] not a licensed security guard. The private security guard who has been jailed on
suspicion of first-degree murder stemming from a deadly shooting on Saturday in Denver during dueling protests was reportedly
not properly licensed to work in the position. Matthew Robert Dolloff, 30, was reportedly working as a contracted
security guard for 9News at the time of the shooting. The local news station reported late Sunday that he was
contracted through another company to accompany its news staff to the protests. The station reported that it later
found out that it appears that Dolloff was not actually employed by the company it used and the company did not provide
additional information about his actual employer.
At Pro-Trump Rally in Denver Has Longstanding Ties to Left-Wing Protest Groups. Social media sleuths have
uncovered the name of the shooter in the murder of a "Patriot Muster" Rally attendee in Denver on Saturday. Online
booking records for the Denver Police Department show only one person arrested for First Degree murder on October 10, 2020,
and his name is Matthew Dolloff. His identity has now been confirmed by the Denver television station that hired him
for security. More on that below. The identity of the victim has now been confirmed by his family. [...] Some
websites are already canvassing the shooter's social media history and his numerous expressions of support for various
left-wing causes — which is extremism seeming to have increased in recent years. One of the first social
media messages connecting him to left-wing groups was his confirmation that he would be attending an "Occupy Denver" protest
rally in 2011. He's also a vocal supporter of Bernie Sanders on social media.
Biden/ Harris Win, A Crackdown On Whites Is Coming. Two recent events show us that a victory for Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris on November 3 will unleash a war on whites. First was the alleged "white supremacist" plot, inspired by
President Trump's "rhetoric," to kidnap the tyrannical Leftist governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer. Second is Twitter's
suspension of Lauren Witzke, the anti-immigration, America First candidate who has already won the GOP Senate nomination in
Delaware, merely for criticizing mass Third World immigration. [...] Truth is, Brandon Caserta, leader of the group, is a
NeverTrump, anti-cop anarchist. "Trump is not your friend," he says. "He's shown over and over and over again that
he's a tyrant. Every single person that works for government is your enemy." [Video clip] Yet somehow
that man is acting on Trump's orders?! Ridiculous yes, but that's what we're told by people who want to suppress Trump
and his supporters. Witzke's crime: telling an obvious truth. Import Third World immigrants and you'll
soon be living in the Third World.
Supremacist' Suspect In Michigan Kidnapping Plot Is Actually A Trump-Hating Anarchist. A new video of one of
the 13 men arrested and charged in an alleged kidnapping plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer shows the suspect
is a Trump-hating anarchist despite media claims the plot was hatched by pro-Trump white supremacists. "You know Trump
is not your friend, dude," said Brandon Caserta, with a large anarchist flag hanging on his wall behind him. "And it
amazes me that people actually, like, believe that. When he's shown over and over and over again that he's a
tyrant. Every single person that works for government is your enemy, dude." [...] In another video from Caserta, the
anarchist asserted, "[police] are oppressing you for a paycheck." "If you're still supporting law enforcement... you
are supporting the people who are enforcing slavery on everyone else."
Governor of Delaware Pardoned One of Gov. Whitmer's Kidnap Plotters. The whole story about these clowns
who were exposed last week in a foiled plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer keeps getting a tad bit stranger as more comes
out. As I wrote here last week on this, thankfully the plot was foiled by the police before she was able to defund
them. [...] Now comes word that one of the idiots planning on doing this was just pardoned by her fellow Governor, and
Democrat to boot, just last year in the State of Delaware. You know Deleware, where Joe Biden served as a Senator
forever and not Scranton, Pennsylvania as you might believe from all of the commercials. [...] Now, this pardon did not
release him from jail but it did clear his record to possibly give him the clearance to purchase some things he would not
have been able to do before. This will undoubtedly come out in the following months as this case is continued to be
laid out. Yet doesn't it seem that the Democrats are the ones pandering to people who are all about defunding the
police and destroying property and life and calling it peaceful? Including bailing them out of jail or even pardoning
people. That might be a strategy they rethink going forward.
suspect in Whitmer plot was pardoned last year. The Delaware man charged in federal court with conspiring to
kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has a long criminal history and was pardoned just last year by Delaware's governor
for crimes dating to 1994, according to state records. Barry G. Croft Jr., 44, was taken into custody this week after
being arrested by the FBI in Swedesboro, New Jersey.
Riot In The Suburbs: Inside The Changing Face Of Wisconsin 2020. [Scroll down] This shooting wasn't
a case of police killing an unarmed black youth. The victim, 17-year-old Alan Cole, had been armed when police tried to
arrest him on Feb. 2. The officer, Joseph Mensah, is also black, and fired only after Cole discharged his weapon,
inadvertently hitting himself in the arm. Further complicating matters is Mensah's record: This is the third time
the officer has killed someone in the line of duty in the last five years — and the third time Milwaukee County
District Attorney John Chisholm has cleared Mensah of wrongdoing in a fatal shooting. After the decision, hundreds of
protesters first took to the freeway downtown and then made their way towards the scene of the shooting in Wauwatosa.
When police in riot gear blocked their path, they turned onto North Avenue and began indiscriminately smashing windows.
The police eventually deployed tear gas and pepper balls, the crowd lobbed bricks at the police, and at one point a group of
rioters looted a gas station until the police arrived and the guilty scattered.
Least Two of Gretchen Whitmer's Kidnapping Conspirators Appear to Be Anti-Trump Anarchists. It didn't take long
for the internet to dig up what the FBI didn't feel was necessary to mention in its complaint about at least one, if not
more, of the conspirators indicted in a frightening plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a planned assault at
her vacation home. After the FBI revealed the plot in an indictment on Thursday, Governor Whitmer irresponsibly accused
President Trump of stirring up the hatred against her by his support for the Proud Boys. For the record, the Proud
Boys, a right-leaning group, was not mentioned in the indictment. No one involved in the plot is stated to be a part of
the group, and President Trump reportedly didn't know who the Proud Boys were until the past few days — nor did
President Trump give them instructions, as Whitmer claimed in her inflammatory news conference following the news of the indictments.
Rioters Raid The Suburbs, Smash Random Homes' Windows During Night Of Wilding in Wauwatosa. Windows were broken
at Colectivo Coffee and Swan U-Serv Pharmacy, and the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Wauwatosa at the corner of Swan
Boulevard and North Avenue. Videos from Julio Rosas, a conservative reporter with Townhall.com, shows young men
throwing bricks in the windows of businesses and appearing to break the windows of several residences near the scene where
police fired tear gas at the crowd.
mobs smash windows in residential homes during Wisconsin protests. Black Lives Matter mobs protesting in
Wisconsin over the decision not to charge a black cop for fatally shooting a gun-firing teen turned their rage on innocent
homeowners — lobbing rocks through windows on a residential street. Troubling video showed up to a dozen
people running up to homes in Wauwatosa, the sound of breaking glass and celebratory horn blasts as they repeatedly hurl
heavy objects through windows. "That's people's houses!" at least one distressed-sounding woman screamed, as others
tried to get the rampaging mob to stop, as filmed by Julio Rosas, a reporter for the conservative publication Townhall.
"That's their [...] home — it's not their fault!" shouted another man in the crowd. Wauwatosa police tweeted
warnings to locals to "shelter in their homes, lock their doors, and move away from windows."
Rioters Attack Businesses and Private Homes in Wisconsin. Those "peaceful protesters" who Michelle Obama was
talking about were at it again tonight in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. The riots have been continuing elsewhere, while we've
been covering the debates and the president getting ill. They haven't stopped. But they got another "spark" off
today. Not that they really need any more, because truthfully facts don't matter to these rioters. On Wednesday[,]
we found out that an officer would not face charges in the death of 17 year old Alvin Cole because there was sufficient
evidence to believe that the Wauwatosa officer, who was also black, Joseph Mensah, had reason for self-defense. That
kicked them off. As Julio Rosas reported for Townhall, a group then went on a smashing rampage throughout the town.
First, they smashed up the windows of businesses including Kumon Learning. Because apparently helping kids to learn is
offensive to the BLM.
Cuomo Coldly Says on Air He Wants to Choke, Punch His Critics at Fox News. CNN Prime Time anchor Chris Cuomo
coldly said on air Tuesday night he wants to violently hurt his critics at the Fox News Channel, saying he wants to put them
in a "naked choke" hold and "punch them in the sternum." Cuomo was talking with Don Lemon during the change of programs
at the 10 p.m. Eastern hour. Lemon was trying to explain away the lack of yard signs for Joe Biden compared to
Trump signs being seen all around the country by saying that Biden supporters were ignoring President Trump. Odd
reasoning, but this is Don Lemon.
Trump from a Tornado of Liberal Lies. The media's whitewashing of the riots is mind-boggling. The words
we use are important in accurately conveying a message; using words to sugarcoat reality is wrong. The left is using
the phrase "peaceful protests" to describe burning down cities and bludgeoning business-owners who guard their stores from
the looters. Commentators are earnestly lamenting the deprivations of poverty that supposedly are driving the poor to
steal in order to be able to eat; actually, the visuals show footage of those stealing luxury items — everything
from elite athletes' signature sneakers to big screen TVs — and partiers who are just grabbing
whatever — frequently alcohol — for the bragging rights. Then there are the serious analysts who
are using the riots as a pretext to attack Trump. And for what? Blaming him for the failures of Democrat mayors
and governors to maintain order because... Trump's hate-filled racist rhetoric caused the riots. The rioters are
obviously left-wingers, out-of-work students intoxicated by Marxist rhetoric and bored inner-city kids being manipulated in
anarchy by Antifa. All the talk about "white supremacy" groups is a smokescreen and an insult to the viewers who can
see what is actually happening despite all of the gaslighting about "mostly peaceful protests."
Democrat Party Media Guy Pulls a Knife on 'Oregon Women for Trump' Convoy. Don't worry, Democrats. The
local Democrat Party communications guy who was caught in photos and video threatening and intimidating the women of "Oregon
Women for Trump" with a knife on Sunday is just fine. He's out of jail and everything, as you would expect in the
second largest county in the People's Republic. So don't worry. This is Oregon, and — quick look...
here's a white supremacist over there! — so this whole episode will go down the collective media memory hole in no
time, just like that Hispanic "white supremacist" murdered by antifa. Or at least that's the fear being expressed by
the Oregon Women for Trump, who were confronted by Clayton John Callahan on Sunday afternoon [10/4/2020] in the lovely
Portland suburb of Hillsboro.
Democrat Official Pulls Knife On Trump Supporter. Clayton Callahan is the communications director for the
Washington County Democrat party and was allegedly following a Trump car cruise organized by "Oregon Women for Trump". He was
making sexual gestures and yelling at the women. One of the men helping with security went up to his car to take a
picture and Clayton got furious and pulled his knife and started chest bumping him. The video shows that he is
obviously mentally ill and unhinged. This is concerning because he is a C.O. for a women's prison at Coffee Creek
Correctional Facility. [Video clip]
Co-Founder Claims Joe Biden Is Part Of "Violent White Supremacist" System. Vice President Joe Biden would like
America's youth to believe that he has bent over backwards to 'really listen' to the demands of young progressives/cryptomarxists,
including the activists in "Black Lives Matter". Unfortunately for him, the transparent pandering hasn't been all that
convincing. Even after Biden and his fellow Democrats tacitly indulged the worst excesses of these so-called "activists" —
anarchic rioting and violence in cities big and small across American — it seems the former VEEP, who played second fiddle to
America's first black president for 8 years, has failed to win the BLM crowd over. The latest evidence of this an be found in
an ABC News interview with several young activists who are 'still out in the streets' peacefully protesting tell the press that they might
consider voting for a third-party candidate instead of Biden. [Video clip]
Antifa violence escalates as movement goes mainstream.
Antifa's profile is rising so quickly that it even got name-checked at last week's presidential debate. As the movement
enters the mainstream, its sympathizers are escalating the violence from throwing rocks and blocking doors to physical
assaults and, for the first time, killing. The rising level of violence from the group marks a sinister evolution from
minor street crime to guerrilla tactics usually reserved for revolutionaries. "The fear is that we are witnessing the
beginning of something that could be more violent over time," said Michael Kenney, a University of Pittsburgh professor who
has interviewed Antifa sympathizers.
White supremacists are the most lethal domestic extremist threat. Last year was the deadliest for incidents of
domestic extremism in 25 years — and White supremacists were responsible for the vast majority of people killed in
them, Homeland Security said Tuesday in a new threat assessment. The long-awaited report labeled White supremacists
"the most persistent and lethal" domestic threat to the country — though acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf also warned
of an "alarming" rise of violent protests trading on anti-authority messages. For more traditional threats,
Mr. Wolf labeled Russia the "primary" enemy when it comes to injecting disinformation into the election —
though he said Moscow's aim is less about selecting a candidate and more about weakening the U.S.
Get 'Mostly Peaceful' Outside LAPD Headquarters. Dozens of ANTIFA and BLM agitators gathered in Downtown Los
Angeles for a demonstration near the LAPD headquarters on Monday night. At one point, 'mostly NOT peaceful' protesters
were occupying streets and gathering in front of the headquarters. Some burned an American flag and windows were
smashed at a building near where the group was gathered. [Video clip]
rooting for the virus, the Left is just like Hitler. The Left now actively roots for the virus to kill people
they don't like, such as President Trump. Drunk on their fantasy, they hope that his death is painful and humiliating
and that his wife dies too. They express their sick sentiments not just in the dark recesses of their troubled minds
and not just over bad frou-frou coffee at Starbucks. They boast of their wicked wish openly to the world. [...] These
are the people who, simultaneously, are addicted to signaling their virtue by driving electric cars, banning plastic straws
and turning our once-great cities into burning anarchy zones and vagrant toilets.
What lovely people! Academics Call
For Trump To 'Die A Long, Lingering, Painful Death Alone'. Sarah Churchwell, who serves as a Professor of
American Literature and Public Understanding of the Humanities at the University of London, shared to her over 33,000 Twitter
followers that she wants President Trump to "die a long, lingering, painful death while we prosecute his children, his
vicious wife, and his entire [...] administration". The Chair for the Public Understanding of the Humanities Department
continued her public wishes for President Trump's death, labeling a tweet from David Rothkopf, a Professor at institutions
such as Georgetown and Columbia, "correct." Rothkopf's tweet appears to be an allegory attacking President Trump's
coronavirus response, insisting "don't lament the fate of the arsonist who is singed while burning down your home".
Dallas Police Dept.
headquarters vandalized. Texas police are questioning community members following the vandalism of the Dallas
Police Department headquarters. According to investigators, the incident occurred Thursday night when protesters
covered the walls and windows of the police department building in red hand prints. [...] Shortly before the damage was
discovered, a group of roughly 30 people had gathered outside the building for unknown reasons. Less than a
mile away, the Dallas Police Association building was also defaced with similar markings.
mounts about the source of President Trump's illness. [Scroll down] Lin Wood, a high-profile lawyer
representing Nick Sandman and Kyle Rittenhouse, tweeted, "Many leaders in administration of @realDonaldTrump are quarantined
by what almost appears to almost be targeted strike of Covid-19." He later tweeted, "There are no coincidences.
Zero. None. Hard stop." Deanna Lorraine, who ran for Congress against Nancy Pelosi, also picked up the theme of a
"targeted strike" in her tweet, "Does anyone else find it odd that no prominent Democrats have had the virus but the list of
Republicans goes on and on?" And Omar Navarro, a Republican politician in California, developed the theme: "1. RBG dies.
2. Trump announces he will nominate new justice before election. 3. Pelosi makes "Arrow in our quivers comment to
stop him." Week later Trump, his top aide, his campaign manager, two Senators all come down with COVID[.] 5. Schumer
immediately requests to delay nomination." [...] In the almost four years since Trump has become president, Republicans have suffered
three potentially mass fatality events.
Most of the Leftwing Media Tweets Out Gloating
Death Wishes for Trump, Then Deletes It and Hides the Evidence. When people tell you who they are, listen to
them. [...] Here's a thread of Blue Ticks praying for Trump's death. Update: Twitter is now blocking the posts
found there! They're not blocking the death wishes, but the person gathering up the death wishes to expose the
left! You can wish death on the president at Twitter — but you're not allowed to expose the death-wishers.
We Should Pray, Avoid Unnecessary Hysteria In Reacting To Trump COVID-19 News. Federalist Senior Editor Mollie
Hemingway responded to the news of President Donald Trump and the first lady's positive coronavirus diagnosis on "Fox and
Friends" Friday morning, noting she was "genuinely disappointed" to see many people cheering and responding to the news with
glee. "I was disappointed — genuinely disappointed — to see the glee with which some people
responded to this news," Hemingway said, referring to a number of political figures and verified Twitter users tweeting
comments such as, "I hope he dies."
Finds Disturbing Results On How Democrats Feel About Trump's Coronavirus Diagnosis. A new poll released late
this week revealed that a large percentage of Democrat voters are "happy" or "excited" over the news that President Donald
Trump has been infected with the coronavirus, which originated in China. "General shock and concern over the commander
in chief's positive diagnosis were the most dominant voter emotions, according to the new poll: 2 in 5 said the
word 'surprised' described them 'very' or 'somewhat' well, while a similar share said the same of the word 'worried,'" Morning
Consult reported. "The emotion with the largest partisan gap was sadness.
40% of Democrats 'Happy' Trump Contracted the Chinese Coronavirus. Forty percent of Democrats are "happy" that
President Trump contracted the Chinese coronavirus, according to a Morning Consult/Politico survey released on Friday
[10/2/2020] — less than 24 hours from the official confirmation of his positive test results. [...] Additionally,
55 percent indicated that they do not trust the president to provide accurate updates on his health, although 44 percent
said they trust White House physician Dr. Sean Conley to provide accurate updates.
Imagery, Curses Appear with Trump's Tweet on COVID Diagnosis. The public response to President Donald Trump's
positive COVID-19 diagnosis went a step beyond the malicious Friday morning, as strange accounts flooded the social media
announcement with Satanic imagery and apparent curses. Trump had taken to Twitter on Thursday evening to directly
inform the nation that he and first lady Melania Trump had both contracted the coronavirus and would be quarantining at the
White House, effective immediately.
Pile On the Hate After Trump Transferred to Walter Reed. Hollywood elites have refused to stop heckling
President Donald Trump following his revelation Friday that he and First lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19.
Unencumbered by empathy or decorum, wealthy elites used the coronavirus to attack the president in sniggering fashion even
after he was transferred to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. "Praying for Trump's speedy recovery so he can go to
jail," actor Michael Ian Black said, setting the tone for the torrent of hate from the Hollywood left.
Business Leaders Should Face A Firing Squad, Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Suggests In Angry Tweet. Many
harsh words are traded on Twitter each day. Dick Costolo, the former CEO of the company, added some of his own tonight
[10/1/2020]. Costolo was responding to a debate that has consumed tech's elite on Twitter over the past few days, an
argument about whether the industry should actively promote social justice causes and encourage political conversations at
work. Costolo's comments had the effect of dumping a jerrycan's worth of fuel on the fire. "Me-first capitalists
who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the
revolution," he tweeted. "I'll happily provide video commentary." Costolo's extraordinary language —
suggesting he'd like to see some of his peers face a firing squad — was jarring and reinforced the profoundly
unusual and troubling circumstances that have enveloped corporate America this year.
State Rep: Hard to Imprison Trump If He Dies from Coronavirus. Texas House of Representatives member Gene
Wu (D-Houston) lamented on Twitter Friday evening [10/2/2020] that it would be "hard to serve a prison sentence" if President
Donald Trump dies of Coronavirus. Not long after, the tweet was deleted and replaced with well wishes for a full
recovery. The southwest Houston politician did not offer an apology for the original statement.
Seeking To Expose White Supremacists During Riots Discovers Something Much Different. The New York
Times' Farah Stockman penned a column last Wednesday about the experience of Jeremy Lee Quinn, who started photographing
a Black Lives Matter protest in Santa Monica, California, on May 31. Upon arrival, he saw looters running out of stores
carrying shoeboxes as masked men wearing black supervised the thefts. The photographer saw a black-clad white man
shatter a store window using a crowbar the next day, although he did not steal anything from the store. Quinn began
reviewing videos of riots across the country and saw that other groups dressed in a similar fashion were engaging in the same
type of activities. After he noticed the similarities between groups operating in different cities, he decided to
infiltrate one of the protests. He believed that he would find that he was dealing with white supremacists engaging in
racially-motivated violence. But it did not take long before he realized he had linked up with a group of
"insurrectionary anarchists."
Joe Biden, If Antifa Is an 'Idea,' Who Is Burning Down American Cities? In the first presidential debate on
Tuesday, Democratic nominee Joe Biden cited FBI Director Christopher Wray in claiming that "antifa's an idea, not an
organization." The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) released a powerful ad exposing just how absurd Biden's
statement was, in light of the violent and deadly riots across America this summer. "If Antifa is only an idea then who
is burning down our cities, assaulting our law enforcement officers, and causing the violence we've seen over the last four
months?" Adam Piper, RAGA's executive director, asked in a statement. "Biden's remarks don't come as a surprise to
anybody who has paid attention to the Democrats' recent rhetoric. As lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by
lawless liberal mobs across the country, Democrat attorneys general are either encouraging the violence or downplaying its
existence," Piper warned. "Voters this November must hold Democrats up and down the ballot accountable for their
recklessness and incitement of this violence."
haters rejoicing in his testing positive for COVID-19. Some prominent Donald Trump-haters —
including "The Wire" actor Dominic West and a former spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton — are openly rejoicing over
the president catching COVID-19. West, 50, told "Good Morning Britain" on Friday that he felt "joy" at the news of
Trump's illness. Ex-spokeswoman Zara Rahim, who has also worked for Barack Obama and Vogue magazine, said in a
since-deleted tweet that she "hopes he dies."
Who are
the Proud Boys? In Tuesday's presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace tried to corner President
Trump: "Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand
down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we saw in Portland?" "Sure."
responded Trump, before noting that all the violence he saw was the fault of ANTIFA and other left-wing groups. Both
Wallace and Biden then implied that white supremacists and Proud Boys were responsible for the violence in Kenosha and
Portland, which Trump rebutted by referring to ANTIFA. "ANTIFA is an idea, not an organization." Biden responded.
The Editor says...
Ideas usually don't set fire to buildings and throw bricks through windows.
Portland Shield Maiden Attempts
To Block Police Motorcycle Officer From Pursuing Vehicle. Its the old story you've heard so many times
before — Police Officer on a motorcycle pulls up to two cars blocking a public street to protect protesters.
As the Officer speaks with the occupants of one car, a crowd of protesters moves in around him and begins to interfere with
him in the performance of his duties. The driver of the car takes advantage of the opportunity to drive off. The
Officer disengages from the crowd and gets on his motorcycle to pursue the vehicle. A "Shield Maiden" jumps in front of
the motorcycle to impede his efforts to follow the car. The Police Officer runs over the Shield Maiden. [...] The woman
was injured. Do I feel bad for her? Not really.
The Editor says...
If she shows up at a hospital, she should be arrested.
Trump's COVID diagnosis, leftists are showing their inner ugliness. At 1:00 a.m. on Friday, President Trump
notified the world that he and Melania have tested positive for the Wuhan virus. All decent people should hope he
recovers quickly because he is a fellow human being and because he is the President of the United States of America.
The left, however, has a massive cohort of indecent people. Within minutes of Trump's announcement, leftists, many of
whom are clearly Biden supporters, went on the ugliest Twitter rampage I've ever seen.
Truth About Today's Anarchists. [Jeremy Lee Quinn] arrived to find young people pouring out of the store,
shoeboxes under their arms. But there was something odd about the scene. A group of men, dressed entirely in
black, milled around nearby, like supervisors. One wore a creepy rubber Halloween mask. The next day,
Mr. Quinn took pictures of another store being looted. Again, he noticed something strange. A white man,
clad in black, had broken the window with a crowbar, but walked away without taking a thing. Mr. Quinn began
studying footage of looting from around the country and saw the same black outfits and, in some cases, the same masks.
He decided to go to a protest dressed like that himself, to figure out what was really going on. He expected to find
white supremacists who wanted to help re-elect President Trump by stoking fear of Black people. What he discovered
instead were true believers in "insurrectionary anarchism."
Thugs Arrested In Louisville Also Attacked 2017 Charlottesville Rally. Did Soros Pay Them? Where Is
FBI? Recently, I pointed out that the Antifa groups that attacked the 2017 Unite The Right rally in
Charlottesville VA were also key to this summer's BLM riots. Now arrests during the current Breonna Taylor riots in
Louisville KY have proved my point: notably Sean Gerwing Liter and his girlfriend Holly McGlawn-Zoller — who was
notoriously caught In a video clip unloading a U-Haul filled with riot supplies. [...] Holly McGlawn-Zoller and Sean Gerwing
Liter are both co-founders of Louisville Anti-Racist Action, an integral part of the Antifa Torch Network, explicitly known
for being "militant"[.] [...] Video footage shows that Zoller's riot shields and barricades were used in violent brawls
against law enforcement.
prosecutor: Driver tried to kill Trump supporters. The organizer of a Southern California rally against
police brutality and racism was charged with attempted murder Tuesday [9/29/2020] for driving her car into counterprotesters
and running over a woman's head. Tatiana Turner deliberately drove into a crowd of President Donald Trump's supporters
with the intent to kill the woman and also seriously injured a man who broke his leg, Orange County prosecutors said.
protester who attacked Trump supporter pleads guilty to assault. An "Antifa" street thug can now look forward
to continuing his fight — from jail. David Campbell, 32, copped a plea for his role in a 2018 beatdown
outside the Night for Freedom party in Manhattan organized by right-wing activist Mike Cernovich. Campbell pleaded
guilty to two counts of felony assault and will be sentenced on Oct. 23 to 18 months in the slammer, reps for Manhattan
District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. told The [New York] Post. Campbell was arrested near the venue, a nightclub at West 50th
Street and 12th Avenue on Jan. 20 2018, after he punched and choked a 56-year-old man he had followed out of the event,
police said. He was one of about 80 Antifa agitators protesting the gathering.
arrested during Capitol Hill riots suspected in arson attack on East Precinct. KOMO News has learned a teenager
arrested for one of the fires set during recent riots on Capitol Hill is suspected of additional serious crimes. This
comes amid growing concern and frustration that people accused of serious crimes during protests aren't being held
accountable. 19-year-old Jacob Greenburg faced a judge Monday after Seattle Police said he lit dumpsters on fire during
the 'Every Night Direct Demonstration' last weekend. Now, according to court documents, Greenburg is a, "strong suspect
for another arson attack on the East Precinct," where several people threw Molotov cocktails Sept. 1 at the precinct while
officers were inside.
Mugshots: 30 Arrested Following Saturday's Protests. Authorities arrested 30 people on Saturday night in
Portland after a relatively calm day of protests, despite dueling demonstrations which Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell
said were "free from serious violence." Gov. Kate Brown (D) declared a state of emergency prior to the expected
dueling protests in the city on Saturday.
Hogg Apologizes For Denouncing Violence, Saying His Message Only Applies To 'Young White People'. David Hogg,
the 20-year-old anti-gun activist who attended Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during the school shooting in 2018,
criticized violence as a way to "seize power" in a Monday tweet thread — and was then forced to apologize to a
Twitter mob of angry left-wing activists. Hogg wrote in his original Tweet, "We must not fall for the slander espoused
by those in power that says violence will solve our problems, they only say that so they can have an excuse to grow their
Police Mopping The Streets With ANTIFA Terrorists. Portland, Oregon: Officers went in hard pushing back
protesters and rioters — specifically targeting the sea of live-streamers and Antifa fake press. As seen
before when going full ape on rioters it brings collateral damages in the form of real press getting caught in the middle of
it. [Video clip]
Lives Matter supporter charged with attempted murder for driving her car through group of Trump supporters. A
Black Lives Matter supporter was arrested and charged with attempted murder after she reportedly drove her car through a
crowd of Trump supporters in California. Black Lives Matter-aligned protesters attending a "Caravan for Justice" event
clashed with Trump supporters Saturday afternoon in Yorba Linda, California, which reached a tipping point when Tatiana
Turner, 40, allegedly drove her sedan through the group of Trump supporters. Turner was reportedly in the area to
protest in the "Caravan for Justice" over the death of Breonna Taylor in Louisville earlier this year. Video of the
incident was posted to Twitter, garnering hundreds of thousands of views.
ANTIFA Try To Create A New CHOP/CHAZ, Police Storm In As Fires Are Lit Everywhere. People have smashed windows
and set fires in Seattle after a protest on Saturday night [9/26/2020]. Seattle Police have arrested seven people for
assault and property damage. SPD says people in the group have set fires at 11th and Pine Street. They're asking
people to avoid the area. They issued a crowd dispersal order in the area due to "public safety concerns."
About an hour later, SPD issued a second order for dispersal at 11th and Olive over fires. Seattle Fire was able to
extinguish both fires. [Video clip]
News Reporter In NC Is Surrounded By ANTIFA/BLM Thugs, Eventually Knocked Out. A well-known local figure was
seriously injured during protests in downtown Asheville on Wednesday night [9/23/2020]. Chad Nesbitt, the administrator
of SKYline News on Facebook, was livestreaming protests that erupted following a grand jury's decision to not charge
Louisville, Kentucky police for the killing of Breonna Taylor when the incident occurred. A statement from a Mission
Hospital spokesperson said Nesbitt suffered a traumatic brain injury and is in serious, but stable, condition.
[Video clip]
Upside-Down World of the Woke. After a grand jury decision yielded no indictments for murder against the
officers involved in Breonna Taylor's death, social justice warriors sprang into action. Strategically placed U-Haul
vehicles, full of protest signs and riot shields, were located by the rioters after the decision was announced. Like so
many other American cities in 2020, the city of Louisville was beset by arson, thievery, and violence at the hands of woke
mobs, AKA Democratic Party voters.
Diego ANTIFA Terrorize Restaurant Patrons, One Man Stands Up To Them, Gets Beaten. ANTIFA was out in full force in
downtown San Diego this weekend after the Breonna Taylor decision. Patrons to several eateries were terrorized and bullied.
One man just trying to enjoy his night pushed back and was promptly beaten down to the ground. [Video clip]
Injuries After Car Plows Through Crowd of Trump Supporters in Yorba Linda, California. A vehicle plowed through
a crowd of Trump supporters in Yorba Linda, California, on Saturday [9/26/2020]. The incident reportedly took place in a
parking lot. Violence broke out as supporters of President Donald Trump staged a counter protest against a Black Lives
Matter demonstration organized by the Urban Organizers Coalition.
Life In a Blue
City. In the video below, filmed in Hollywood, a Prius driver is stopped by a mob of Antifa/BLM criminals.
They try to haul him out of his car, but he gets away. They pursue him in multiple vehicles, and pickup cuts him
off. Again the criminals try to assault him, and again he saves his life by driving away. The video ends
with the victim being arrested and handcuffed by the police. [Video clip]
in the Midst of a Violent Revolution Started by the Left, Not by Us! The rioting and the looting, the
destruction of private property, all of this is happening because it's being committed by people on the left. Those are
the people engaged in this activity. They are the ones looting. They are the ones firebombing. They are the
ones that are destroying. They're the ones threatening. They are the ones literally trying to grab people out of
their cars and beat them up. They are the people who are attacking people in public, in restaurants and other places
and harassing them and bullying them and threatening them physically. This is all being done by people on the left, and
it's all being done by people who are going to vote Democrat.
Chief Threatens to Pull Offices Out of NYC Over 'Unwarranted, Violent Activity'. On the heels of the Department
of Justice deeming New York City and two other U.S. locations "anarchist jurisdictions," Environmental Protections Agency
Administrator Andrew Wheeler is threatening to pull its offices out of Lower Manhattan over concerns about the safety of its
employees. "If you cannot demonstrate that EPA employees will be safe accessing our City offices, then I will begin the
process of looking for a new location for our headquarters outside of the City that can maintain order," Wheeler wrote in a
blistering letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio. The EPA administrator blasted the Democrats for
failing to act during the July "Occupy City Hall" protests that not only made the building inaccessible to employees but
damaged the office and other buildings.
lawmaker arrested on rioting charge, accused of setting fire to public library. Kentucky State Representative
Attica Scott was arrested Thursday night during a Black Lives Matter protest that turned into a riot. Scott is the
author of Breonna's Law. She was booked on three counts after failing to disperse when police ordered her to do
so. The three counts are one count of unlawful assembly, one count of failure to disperse, and one count of riot in the
first degree. The arrest report alleges she "caused damage at multiple locations, including setting fire to the
Louisville Public Library." She was one of a large group of protesters who refused to disperse. The protesters were
seeking sanctuary at First Unitarian Church. Scott's daughter was also arrested.
state Rep. Attica Scott charged with felony rioting. Kentucky state Rep. Attica Scott was arrested
and charged with felony rioting Thursday night [9/24/2020] during a second night of violent protests sparked by the grand
jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case. Louisville Metro Police Department investigators said Ms. Scott, a
freshman Democrat, was part of a group who caused property damage to multiple locations and tried to start a fire in the
Louisville Free Public Library's downtown branch. Ms. Scott, the state's only Black female legislator, told The
Courier Journal following her release from jail Friday that she is "disgusted and offended" by the allegations.
Announces Mass Charges for Suspects They Say Committed Crimes 'Under the Guise' of Peaceful Protest. The
Department of Justice announced Thursday [9/24/2020] that more than 300 people are now facing federal charges stemming from
the violence that has occurred in cities across the country since May. In a news release, the department said individuals
in 29 states and the District of Columbia would face federal charges related to a wide range of crimes. The crimes
in question, according to the release, were "committed adjacent to or under the guise of peaceful demonstrations."
Where was he in July? Al
Sharpton encourages demonstrators to keep protesting, but 'keep it nonviolent'. Left-wing activist Al Sharpton
had a "message" for social justice demonstrators who have been protesting after a Kentucky grand jury's decision on the case
of Breonna Taylor. The MSNBC host urged activists to "continue protesting" during an interview Thursday [9/24/2020]
with anchor Hallie Jackson, but as downtown Louisville descended into a second night of protests, sometimes turning violent,
Sharpton suggested that people keep the demonstrations "nonviolent."
police officer attacked by mob, hit in back of head with baseball bat. Seattle police are searching for a
suspect accused of striking an officer in the head with a baseball bat during riots Wednesday night sparked by the death of
Breonna Taylor. Shocking video on social media shows an officer on a bicycle falling to the ground as black-clad
protesters cheer. In the video, as the officer tries to get up, a demonstrator pelts him with an orange traffic cone
and another grabs his bike. As the officer is trying to wrestle his bike away from the protester, another man in a gas
mask runs up behind him and cracks him in the back of the head with a baseball bat, the video shows.
Protesters Threaten to Burn Down Home for Displaying an American Flag. Protesters in Portland, many of whom
have taken their activism to residential areas of the city, threatened to burn down a home for displaying an American
flag. The city has experienced well over 100 days of protests, and in that time demonstrators have moved into
residential areas of Portland. Terrance Moses, a black veteran who runs a nonprofit in Portland, said he observed
protesters marching in the streets of his neighborhood. However, the demonstration took a turn after activists noticed
an American flag displayed on one of the homes.
[is] in peril if RBG's SCOTUS seat is not filled before the election. Rioters showed up outside of McConnell's
home in Kentucky. Police arrested at least one person. Twitter has lit up with threats of physical violence if
Republicans proceed. This threat of physical violence is precisely why Republicans must proceed. This violence is
terrorism, and the purpose of terrorism is to force people to alter their own behavior. When a church or synagogue is
bombed, the appropriate response is for people to flood their churches and synagogues. When Palestinian suicide bombers
blow up Israeli Jews to advance their agenda, the Israeli Defense Force cracks down hard to suppress that agenda. The
more the left resorts to criminal behavior, the more Republicans must be emboldened to restore law and order. A great
way to do that is to appoint judges who will ensure that those trying to destabilize the American way of life are severely
77-year-old veteran attacked for wearing MAGA hat. A 77-year-old military veteran described how he was attacked
in Red Bluff, apparently because he was wearing a 'Make America Great Again' (MAGA) hat supporting President Donald
Trump. The attack happened Friday, September 18 in broad daylight at the Red Bluff post office. The victim did
not want to be identified. He told KRCR-TV the attack caught him completely by surprise. He was wearing a MAGA
hat and a 'Back the Blue' mask with a blue line in support of police. He was approached by a man and woman.
Liberals Responsible For the Consequences of Their Death Threats? Incendiary and violent language is used
constantly by liberals, including the most important Democratic politicians. Thus, no one should have been surprised
when Bernie Sanders volunteer James Hodgkinson tried to assassinate a group of Republican House members in 2017, and would
have succeeded in killing Steve Scalise but for the miracles of modern medicine. Since Hodgkinson's assassination
attempt, things have only gotten worse. Implied or explicit death threats from liberals, not just random nobodies on
Twitter and Facebook but people with standing in the liberal world, have become rather common. [...] In today's world, that
is no laughing matter. One American city after another has gone up in flames set by left-wing arsonists. Violence
by BLM and Antifa is rife. Talk of "burning America down" is in the air — again, not just on the "dark
internet," but on CNN.
Taylor Protesters Run to Parked U-Haul Full of Supplies After Charges Against Cop Announced. Kentucky Attorney
General Daniel Cameron announced Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against two of the Louisville police officers
involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, while the third is being charged with "wanton endangerment." [...] Chaos
immediately erupted after charges were announced. Breonna Taylor protesters ran over to a parked U-Haul containing
supplies for a (possibly violent) demonstration. According to the reporter on the scene, the U-Haul contained signs,
shields, water etc.
Bullets Over Louisville. [Scroll down]
The time has come to say clearly what many of us have muttered for a long time: BLM, the Marxist-led Black Lives
Matter, is the modern version of the KKK. The skin colors may be different but the murderous instincts and racist
loathing are the same. The veneer of social justice is less than paper thin. "No justice, no peace," is the
hollowest slogan imaginable. It's all about acting out like a bunch of crazies in a Hieronymus Bosch painting, except
now they're drugged out on fentanyl, meth or whatever. Evil is on the march in this country. The question is who
is putting the rioters, looters, and destroyers up to their mayhem? Who, for example, rented the U-Haul from which,
video shows, all sorts of ad hoc weaponry was disgorged to the supposedly peaceful protestors before the Taylor decision
came down? And who paid that person and so on? It should all be tracked down now.
who rented the U-Haul full of weapons in Louisville may have ties to Soros. Following the Breonna Taylor
decision Wednesday afternoon, a U-Haul truck began handing out supplies to Antifa and BLM protestors. But, where did
the U-Haul come from, and what was inside? The answers may shock you. The U-Haul filled with shields, riot gear,
signs and weapons was rented by a George Soros-connected "bail disruptor" by the name of Holly Zoller. According to The
Right Scoop, a U-Haul employee leaked the logs that show she was the one who rented the truck.
Woman who rented U-Haul handing out weapons and shields in Louisville may have Soros ties. It turns out that
the U-Haul we reported on earlier passing out signs, shields and weapons for rioters in Louisville was rented by a George
Soros-connected "Bail Disruptor". According to GWP, a U-Haul employee leaked the logs that show Holly Zoller was the
one who rented the truck: [Photo] Here's Zoller's bio which shows she works for the "Bail Project": [Photo]
Here's a photo of her on the U-Haul: [Photo] Now how do we get from here to Soros? GWP posted this screenshot of
the woman who is the Community Outreach Director the Bail Project and it clearly states she was/is a Soros Justice Fellow: [Photo]
that supplied riot gear to Louisville protesters reportedly rented by Soros-connected bail project. The U-Haul
truck captured on video distributing riot gear for Louisville protesters following a grand jury decision in the Breonna
Taylor case was reportedly tied to the Louisville Bail Initiative, a left-wing activist group stacked with George Soros
Justice Fellows. Almost immediately after the grand-jury announcement, protesters swarmed a U-Haul truck in a parking
lot and took out riot gear, weapons, gas masks, and anti-police signs to use during clashes with police. Multiple media
outlets posted videos on Twitter, with many users commenting that the activists had prepared to protest no matter what
happened. [Video clip]
Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1979, page 5.
Officials Lash Out At Trump Over Designation Of Cities As "Anarchist Jurisdictions". Democrat mayors who have
allowed their cities to be overrun by criminals and wrecked by rioters are furious that the federal government would hold
them accountable. On Monday [9/21/2020], Attorney General William Barr followed through on his word by labeling
Portland, Seattle, and New York as "anarchist jurisdictions" cities that would deprive the cities of federal funding.
It was a decisive move by the Trump administration to restore order in areas where law-abiding citizens are being terrorized
by violent anarchists and street thugs while local officials handcuff and defund the police.
Discovered Protesters/Antifa Are Harassing Residential Neighborhoods, Even Threatening to Burn Down Couple's
Home. Sounds like The NY Times may have just discovered Antifa in Portland, so we wanted to take note of that
fact. Also they've discovered Antifa has moved into harassing people in residential neighborhoods. [Tweets] Now
of course Antifa has been in residential neighborhoods for months bothering people and the Times is identifying these people
as "protesters against police brutality." But they do mention Antifa in the story and how Antifa in black bloc are involved.
So we welcome the Times for finally catching up to at least part of the story.
to appearances, sometimes karma does get leftists. What's been frustrating for four years is that Democrats are
escaping well-deserved consequences. Those behind the Russia hoax, which is easily the most serious political scandal
in American history, have not only walked free, they've gotten rich through book deals and speaking engagements. In
America's Democrat-run cities, Soros-funded prosecutors won't charge people who have acted violently and, often, seditiously.
This sense of karmic passes may explain the enthusiasm for a video showing a driver so busy signaling her disdain for Trump
supporters that she crashes into another car — only to learn that the police were eyewitnesses. [...] This video
is one more in a series of videos showing screaming, white, leftist women. At the beginning of the Black Lives Matter
protests, I wrote that leftism harms white women. I included in that article several videos showing deranged, self-righteous
women. With the election drawing near, it's getting worse.
Woman Frantically Flips Off Trump Rally, Then Something Hilarious Happens. Friends don't let their friends
drive while suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Unfortunately for the woman in this video, she must not have any
friends willing to speak sanity into her life. Upon seeing a Trump rally on the side of a road, she decided it'd be a
great idea to let her foot off the brake, hang out the window, and frantically throw up the bird at people. That didn't
go well. Be sure and watch to the end because it gets even better. [Video clip]
suspect was a "solution finder" — used the hashtag 'killTrump'. The ricin story is ignored by the
media. Ricin is a deadly poison and it was sent to President Trump in a letter but intercepted before it got to his
desk. A woman is being held in connection to this crime. Pascale Ferrier is a 53-year-old Canadian woman who was
arrested in connection with a letter containing ricin that was sent to President Donald Trump last week, CBC reported.
Professor Suspended After Wishing Trump Supporters Die Of COVID Before Election Day. Marshall University has
suspended one of its faculty members after a video clip in which she says she wished Trump supporters would catch the
COVID-19 virus and die before the election went viral on social media. Professor Jennifer Mosher, of the school's
Biology department, was teaching a virtual class session Wednesday when she commented on supporters of President Donald Trump
at an indoor political rally not wearing masks. [Video clip]
DeSantis wants rioters and supportive cities to pay the price. As every parent knows, if you don't instantly
penalize bad behavior, the child will continue the behavior. The same holds true for criminals. That's why, in
Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis held a press conference on Monday announcing that he's proposing a new law that will impose
instant, mandatory, and severe penalties for the destructive and dangerous behaviors we've seen across America as BLM and
Antifa have taken to the streets. His goal is to prevent Florida communities from suffering as Minneapolis and Kenosha have.
proposes law to quash 'disorderly assemblies' in wake of Floyd, other protests. Florida leaders plan to crack
down on protesters involved in what Gov. Ron DeSantis called "disorderly assemblies," including making it a felony to
block a road, topple monuments or gather in a small group where violence breaks out. DeSantis on Monday proposed a
tough new law, which opponents swiftly labeled unconstitutional, in response to demonstrations that erupted nationwide after
the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. The legislation will be filed for the next
session that convenes in March. [...] DeSantis, a Republican, said anyone arrested during protests would not be eligible for
bail before their initial court hearing. There also would be efforts to identify any groups that are funding or
organizing such protests.
The Riot
Party. America's present crisis is driven in large part by the Left's rejection of the rule of law. Those
in charge of the riots are not merely blackmailing their fellow citizens on particular issues like defunding the
police. Rather, they seek to overthrow the electoral process itself. [...] Hysteria has supplanted reason in the public
square; public discourse no longer exists. The tactic leftists were advocating in 1995 has today become
commonplace. Riots are not only being justified: they are being made into a staple of our judicial system and our
public life, the threat of them used to install routine fear and racial supremacy in our homes and cities.
Antifa Rioters Break Into Starbucks and Chipotle, Calling It a 'Big Sale'. On Saturday night, an antifa mob of
about 200 people marched in Portland, smashing windows at a Starbucks and a Chipotle, forcing a truck driver to make a black
power salute, and at one point burning a "Thin Blue Line" flag, chanting "blue lives splatter." [...] The Portland Police
Bureau reported that a march of roughly 200 people began around 9 p.m. on Saturday evening. "The group marched around
in the street for several hours, stopping at various locations to demonstrate and in some cases damage property and apply
graffiti. Individuals in the group broke windows on businesses, including a bank in the 400 block of Southwest
Harrison Street, a restaurant in the 1900 block of Southwest Broadway, and coffee shop in the 1000 block of Southwest 6th
Avenue," the police reported.
declares New York, Portland and Seattle 'anarchist jurisdictions,' moves to cut federal funding. The Justice
Department on Monday declared New York, Portland and Seattle "anarchist jurisdictions," the first step toward revoking
federal funding from those cities. President Trump earlier this month ordered federal agencies to look for ways to cut
off federal funding in Democratic-led cities besieged by violence this summer. The Justice Department's move escalates
the criticism Mr. Trump has been leveling at Democrat leaders, blaming them for the rising crime and violence. The
list of cities is expected to be updated periodically, the Justice Department said.
made at Mitch McConnell's Kentucky home after hostile protesters defy police. Angry liberal Democrats carrying
"Black Lives Matter, "Wanted" and "Revolution" signs showed up outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's home in
Louisville, Kentucky this Saturday [9/19/2020] to protest. They were upset over his decision to abide by hundreds of
years of established Senate precedent and move forward with nominating and confirming a Supreme Court justice during an
election year.
General Barr Is Serious About Federal Prosecutors Using the Sedition Statute. [Scroll down] We know from
anecdotal information that federal law enforcement has placed undercover agents inside the protest groups, likely to secure
telephone numbers and engage in conversations with persons using those numbers to create probable cause to wiretap those
phones. Monitoring phones, email, text messaging, and other forms of communication has certainly helped identify the
infrastructure that clearly exists for Antifa and similar groups. Nearly every night, for over 100 days, Antifa and BLM
staged protests on a nightly basis in Portland. A couple of days after an Antifa supporter, Michael Reinoehl, killed a
"rival" agitator from an Antifa opposition group in Portland, Reinoehl himself was shot and killed by officers on a federal
task force who were staged outside an apartment where he was hiding. It seems that not long after, the recognition
seemed to set in that the Antifa/BLM organizers and agitators could be easily identified with open-source information, and
given the speed with which federal agents were able to pinpoint Reinoehl's location, the organizers and agitators in Portland
seem to have decided that going underground is necessary at this moment.
the Free State of George Floyd. The degradation and decline of the city of Minneapolis proceed apace.
5 Eyewitness News has posted the report by Jay Kolls (video below) from inside the city's "autonomous zone," a/k/a the Free
State of George Floyd. Whatever you do, you don't want to be in need of police help in the Free State of George Floyd
[...] [Video clip]
Soros is indeed an enabler of U.S. street violence. Fox News saw a bit of a dust-up this week when Newt
Gingrich, former speaker of the House, referred on air to the influences of billionaire George Soros on the violence that's
gone forth in the streets of mostly Democrat-controlled communities — only to have his comments shut down.
Censored, some might even say. Apologies and clarifications soon after came. But let's be clear and let's stay
clear on this: Soros is indeed diddling in America's political and legal systems. And his diddling is indeed
having a "have at it" effect on those who would take to the streets, with bricks, to express their frustrations with
President Donald Trump. This is no conspiracy theory. This is no tin foil hat moment. This is a
fact — a traceable, verifiable fact. What's more, it's not too hard to trace and verify.
Boys Promote Fake Rally to Expose Violent Antifa Lunatics — and it Worked. The Proud Boys advertised
a fake rally in West Philadelphia's Clark Park on Saturday [9/19/2020], causing Antifa to flood the streets. When the
Proud Boys did not show up, they attacked conservative independent media instead. As the Gateway Pundit reported
earlier in the day, the militant leftists attacked two conservatives who were filming the protest. They also attacked a
vehicle they believed to belong to the conservatives, but actually belonged to someone who was there in support of their cause.
Out There's an 'Autonomous Zone' in Minneapolis and It's Blocking Emergency Calls to Victims. Turns out that
like Seattle, there's been a continuing smaller barricaded 'autonomous zone' in Minneapolis that hasn't gotten a lot of
attention. But of course it's not good for the folks in Minneapolis and particular the businesses in the area being
occupied. The owner of an auto repair said he was violently attacked while in his office by someone who came from this
nearby zone which they are calling "the free State of George Floyd."
Why So Much Anger?
This year's pre-election rioting, looting, and shootings in many American cities is not only a consequence of the failure or
refusal of politicians to fix problems; it is also a failure by too many citizens who look to government to find solutions
for things it was never created to address. It is not the fault of a train that it cannot fly. A car mechanic
should not be blamed because he can't perform open-heart surgery. Government has a purpose, but it is not to solve
problems only an individual can address. People who are angry at government, instead of looking to Washington, should
be looking in the mirror.
Why Blue Check Twitterhawks Are Threatening Violence Over Ginsburg's Supreme Court Seat. Well, that didn't take
too long, did it? Mere hours after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was announced, progressives
on Twitter and other social media platforms had a collective meltdown in response to the reality that that mean guy in the
Oval Office might be appointing another judge on the highest court in the land. True to form, they took to Twitter to
express their holy outrage at the thought of having another judge who isn't a rabid progressive take Ginsburg's place.
Some of these intrepid individuals have taken action that only the bravest of us could even consider: Going on Twitter
and calling for political violence from the comfort of their home. Dr. Jessie Christensen, an Australian
astrophysicist, claimed that he would riot if President Trump and Republican members of the Senate push to confirm an
appointment. [... But] None of these people will participate in any of the violence they hope to incite with their social
media platforms. If there is more rioting and looting, it'll be done by Antifa peons acting out their faux angst.
left threatens death, destruction and fire if President Trump dares nominate a replacement for RBG on SCOTUS.
The news of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing has driven much of the left bonkers. They know that
President Trump may nominate a constitutionalist replacement and rather than a robust opposition, are vowing death and
destruction in response: [...] It's strange stuff, given that they no longer believe in debate, persuasion, or even
congressional maneuvers — they just want to menace, burn, and kill, which is the sort of thing totalitarian mobs
in nasty third world hellholes do, if not National Socialists in action. And they speak of it as if they haven't
already been to that well once, burning and looting to demonstrate their supposed calls for what they claim to be racial
justice, frequently targeting small black-owned buisnesses in inner cities to make their mendacious claims. Basically,
it's full blown civil war they want and like overconfident Confederates, they may be surprised how quickly they get it.
Unlike the Confederates, they lack courage, so it could be over quickly.
helps FBI track down protester accused of firebombing cop cars. Anyone who believes Apple and the FBI are at an
impasse over investigations into the iPhone maker's criminal customers should think again. In Seattle, Apple has given
the feds vital evidence from one of its iCloud users who was arrested for firebombing cop cars during the George Floyd
protests in late May. The case shows how Apple is willing to help even where the context of the crime is controversial,
namely the Black Lives Matter protests. That's despite President Trump and Attorney General William Barr lambasting the
company for failing to help track down serious criminals while caving in to the demands of the Chinese government.
Their comments came after Apple said it wouldn't help the government get into the physical iPhones of a Saudi national who
shot and killed three on a Pensacola, Florida, naval base in December 2019. (The FBI hacked into the phones anyway.)
Seattle Looter Now Facing Federal Gun Charges. Things just went from bad to worse for Al Talaga. The
32-year old Washington man was already facing charges of looting after he allegedly smashed the windows of a sneaker store in
Seattle during riots back on June 1st, and tried to take off with merchandise from the shop. Now he's facing federal
charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm, which likely would never have been discovered if he hadn't allegedly
decided to go looting in the name of justice. Once officers arrived at the Sneaker City in downtown Seattle, several
witnesses told them that one of the looters had been stashing merchandise in a Dodge Magnum parked nearby. Police ended
up impounding the car, and after a court order, searched the vehicle. Not only did they find some stolen sneakers, they
also found a stolen handgun; a .40 caliber pistol that had been reported stolen from a Tacoma home during a home
invasion robbery in 2019.
Mayor Jenny Durkan to Possibly Face Federal Charges Over CHOP/CHAZ. Heavy emphasis on the use of "possibly"
here, but reports are that Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan could face federal charges for her role in encouraging and coddling the
CHOP/CHAZ, an "autonomous zone" that ultimately left several people dead, never mind all the destruction and harassment of
local businesses.
Floyd Riots Caused Record-Setting $2 Billion in Damage, New Report Says. When George Floyd died while in police
custody in late May, most agreed his premature death was a tragedy. Yet the discussion on criminal justice reform that
emerged in the weeks after Floyd's passing was quickly overshadowed by the rioting, looting, and violence that broke out in
major cities such as Minneapolis, Seattle, and New York. Dozens of people were killed or injured in the violent unrest,
and thousands of businesses and properties, many minority-owned, were looted, torched, or otherwise vandalized. Only
now are we beginning to realize the full cost of the destruction. New reporting from Axios reveals that the
total insured property losses incurred during the George Floyd riots will come in at $1 billion to $2 billion.
riots: Justice Department considered pursuing charges against city officials in violent unrest. The
Justice Department explored possible criminal or civil charges against local officials in Portland, Ore., after weeks of
clashes between federal law enforcement and violent protesters, spokeswoman Kerri Kupec told Fox News. Kupec declined
to comment on whether the department ultimately will bring charges. She said there were no specific charges in mind,
rather, DOJ officials were looking at the way Portland officials "were handling, or not handling" the riots and violence.
staffer, 17, for Ilhan Omar's Republican congressional opponent is shot and killed in Minneapolis. A
17-year-old boy who had worked for a Republican congressional candidate running against Democratic Rep Ilhan Omar was shot
and killed in an attack outside a gas station on Minneapolis' north side. A second person who also had worked for
Republican Lacy Johnson was wounded in the shooting on Monday [9/14/2020]. Earlier this morning, police in Minneapolis
arrested a suspect in the fatal shooting following a high-speed pursuit. He is now in custody but has yet to be named.
Biden and the Democrats' lies about cops spawned sickening shooting. The targeted attack on two LA cops last
weekend is the inevitable result of the despicable lie Joe Biden and his party have been pushing all summer for political
advantage — that police are "systemically" racist murderers of black people. That lie has driven violent
anti-cop BLM-Antifa riots in Democratic cities from New York to Seattle. Police are demoralized, and resigning in
droves, leaving the poorest, most crime-ridden communities less safe. Violent criminals are emboldened. Crime
rates are surging. As of Friday, 37 law enforcement officers have been "feloniously killed" — a/k/a
murdered — this year, according to the FBI. That's 25 percent more than the same period last year. In
New York, police response times are delayed. Who is surprised? As the riots raged, Democratic mayors and councils
voted to abolish, "reimagine" or defund their city's police departments. A billion dollars was stripped from the NYPD.
American voters don't want this. That is the case, especially, for black Americans, 81 percent of whom wanted police
presence in their community to stay the same or increase, according to a July Gallup poll.
Barr Tells Prosecutors to Consider
Charging Violent Protesters With Sedition. Attorney General William Barr told the nation's federal prosecutors
to be aggressive when charging violent demonstrators with crimes, including potentially prosecuting protesters for plotting
to overthrow the U.S. government, people familiar with the conversation said. In a conference call with U.S. attorneys
across the country last week, Mr. Barr warned that sometimes violent demonstrations across the U.S. could worsen as the
November presidential election approaches. He encouraged the prosecutors to seek a number federal charges, including
under a rarely used sedition law, even when state charges could apply, the people said. The call underscores the
priority Mr. Barr has given to prosecuting crimes connected to months of protests against racial injustice that have at
times become violent and led to major property damage, as President Trump has made a broader crackdown on demonstrations a
key campaign issue. U.S. attorneys have broad discretion in what charges they bring.
Thugs Threaten Man Live Streaming, Say They Don't Want Police To Track Their Movements. This live streamer was
stalked and threatened by a group of Black Lives Matter thugs after they noticed he was filming the event in Lancaster.
The group leader yelled through a bullhorn for the man to turn off his phone and stop recording because the group didn't want
police to know what they're up to. The Live Streamer had to flee and ask for help. [Video clip]
NOT Peaceful Leftists Attack Pro Trump Vehicles In Sacramento, At Least 3 Of Them Were Injured. President Trump
landed at McClellan Airport on Monday to receive a briefing from state officials on explosive wildfires burning
statewide. During the event, hundreds of people could be seen surrounding the area, with a majority of those gathering
were President Trump supporters. Mostly not peaceful leftist troublemakers tried to attack a police cruiser and here,
in this video, several Trump-supporting vehicles were assaulted and taunted by the mob. [Video clip]
They're Not Gonna Stop.
It would seem that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have now made explicit what was always implied in their campaign: as Joe
becomes less and less compos mentis, the Democratic proposition on the table becomes, in the words of the candidates
themselves, a "Harris-Biden administration." So it behooves the American people to be as clear as possible not only
about who Biden is, but who his VP (read: replacement) pick really is. Both Biden and Harris have recently issued
tepid, nonspecific calls for an end to ongoing street violence. They don't really mean it of course, which is why they
couldn't bring themselves to explicitly name Black Lives Matter or Antifa as the perpetrators and organizers of the
ongoing civil unrest. The reality is that Biden has no ability to fulfill this promise. The nature of extortion
requires the victim have some reasonable assurance that you really can keep his store from burning down. But Biden
could not call off the dogs even if he wanted to, as his own vice-presidential candidate has already told us.
Riots Prove the Nationwide Unrest Isn't About 'Police Brutality'. There is a gigantic, deadly game of "Let's
Pretend" going on in America. Politicians, the media, and activists are all pretending that the violence, the arsons,
the beatings, and the mayhem in our city streets actually have a purpose. They pretend that the mostly peaceful
protests are only being made violent by the mere presence of police officers. The media pretends that the rioters are
"enraged" or fed up with "oppression" and "systemic racism" so that the chaos and thuggery is a completely normal response to
the problem. Do these people really believe the riots are all about poor, drug-addled George Floyd? Do they
really think all police are racist and out to kill all black people? Do they really think the rioters give a hoot about
"systemic racism"? When leftists are not busy denying that the rioters are using the innocent peaceful protests as
cover to loot and burn, they are pretending the real problems they want to be addressed are far, far, worse than they
actually are.
The Portland Riots Just Stopped. Why? I certainly don't want to tempt these thugs, but it can't go
without saying that Portland's 100 plus days of riots appeared to end after Wednesday, September 9th. That was the last
time the Portland Police Bureau warned about protests. The usual live-streamers decamped to other riots and
fires. By September 10th, the overworked cops from Portland Police Bureau were offered out to assist other
agencies. Suddenly, instead of being required to work the riots lines, they were free. [...] Riot-weary Oregonians
aren't necessarily mollified by the concerted effort to shut down these reports. Until last Wednesday night, they'd
seen the antifa rioters and arsonists in action on the news every night in Portland. And now some of them swore they
saw those people in Estacada, Sandy, Molalla and other parts of the burning Clackamas County. Indeed, documents from
the Department of Homeland Security show that whatever antifa rioters are doing, they're doing in concert, organizing with
other like-minded people.
bandit BLM protester is charged with harassing diners along with two others. Three people are now facing
criminal charges for harassing diners at a restaurant in Pittsburgh during a Black Lives Matter protest over Labor Day
weekend. Misdemeanor charges were filed against Monique Craft, 35, Kenneth McDowell, 33, and Shawn Green, 24, on Monday
[9/14/2020]. [...] Police identified McDowell as the 'ringleader' and said he used a megaphone to scream obscenities at
diners sitting outside Sienna Mercato and others passing by, as seen in the video. McDowell was also accused of getting
into an alteration with a McDonald's manager in another protest video that went viral.
demand cops let themselves be stabbed or shot. If the nation's police officers walked off the job today, it
would be hard to blame them. Sunday's anti-cop riots in Lancaster, Pa., have made the current de facto rules of
engagement clear: Officers may never defend themselves against lethal force if their attacker is a minority. They
should simply accept being shot or stabbed as penance for their alleged racism. In Lancaster, an officer responded to a
domestic violence call at a residence where a man had stabbed four people last year. As the officer approached the
house, a female escaped out the front door. A man — the suspect from the previous slashings —
then emerged and ran at the officer, brandishing a knife over his head. The officer shot him, as the officer was by all
appearances legally authorized to do, to stop the threat of deadly force. Twenty-seven-year-old Ricardo Munoz died from
the officer's gunfire.
Host's Must-Read Thread Nails Why Rioters Feel Emboldened To Shoot Officers — and How They Can Be Stopped.
"Fox and Friends Weekend" co-host Will Cain took to the Twitter machine Monday morning [9/14/2020] and posted a must-read thread
where he pointed out why rioters and others who hate the police feel emboldened to commit these type of despicable acts against
members of the law enforcement community — and how they can be stopped. He started off by referencing the attempted
assassinations of the young deputies in L.A. County from Saturday, noting that while we didn't yet know the motivation of the shooter
(though it's not hard to guess, considering the "ACAB" environment that infests the city of Los Angeles) that the incident drove him
to talk about some inconvenient truths.
Throw away the key: Lancaster protesters
held on whopping $1 million bail each after alleged riots. A Pennsylvania judge threw the book at several
protesters — setting their bail at $1 million each — for allegedly rioting in the wake of the police
shooting of a knife-wielding Lancaster man. Lancaster police nabbed a dozen people and one juvenile for staging the
riots around 3 a.m. Monday in clashes that culminated in police deploying tear gas at the crowd. The overnight
violence came on the heels of the death of Ricardo Munoz, the mentally ill 27-year-old who was seen on body cam footage
charging at a cop with a knife in hand. The officer shot and killed Munoz Sunday afternoon outside his mother's house
in downtown Lancaster.
It Votes
Biden Or It Gets The Riots Again. The quiet part is becoming very loud. Threats of left-wing political
violence if President Trump is reelected have gone from subtext to the plain text. Writing at The Atlantic, Shadi Hamid
warns of "mass unrest and political violence across American cities" if Trump wins. The Democrats are embracing their
inner movie villain: It votes for Biden, or it gets the riots again. Not that the rioting and related violence
have stopped — from the attempted assassination of cops in Los Angeles to "mostly peaceful" protests in New York,
the mayhem continues — but it is less intense than it was earlier in the summer. Now, prominent outlets of
establishment liberalism are warning that the destruction can, and will, be turned up if the nation votes "incorrectly."
at pro-Trump rally pelted with eggs in Wilmington, Delaware, say police. Delaware State Police are searching
for three men accused of pelting young children and adults with eggs at a pro-President Trump rally in Democratic rival
Joseph R. Biden's hometown of Wilmington on Sunday [9/13/2020]. Police said three children ages 10, 7, and 5 and three
adults ages 41, 44, and 70 were "struck by raw eggs" while attending a "Republican political rally" outside the Crossroads
Restaurant. "The victims were standing on a concrete wall adjacent to westbound Kirkwood Hwy attending the event when
they were struck by eggs thrown by three male suspects hanging out of the window of a passing by vehicle," police said in a
statement Tuesday. "The suspects were described as males approximately 20-25 years old and operating a gold or white
SUV. There is no other identifying information at this time."
Has 'Overwhelming' Intel That Portland Violence 'Organized' By 'Violent Antifa Anarchists,' Leaked Email Says.
A leaked email from a former top official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says that the department has
"overwhelming intelligence" that the extremist violence in Portland was "organized" by individuals with an ideology
categorized as "Violent Antifa Anarchist Inspired" (VAAI). CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge tweeted out a letter
that she obtained that was written by Brian Murphy, former Acting Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis at DHS, that
said in July that the violence in Portland had reached a level that officials could no longer state that the violence was
"opportunistic" but that it was "organized." Murphy stated in the email that the individuals who were attacking the
federal facilities in the city did so "based on those ideologies."
Owens blames BLM, athletes, media for ambush on L.A. police. Conservative commentator and BLEXIT founder
Candace Owens blamed the Black Lives Matter movement, the media, and athletes for an ambush on two Los Angeles sheriff's
deputies on Saturday. [...] Two LASD deputies were ambushed and shot while in their patrol car on Saturday evening.
Both deputies are "fighting for their lives," according to the LASD. Owens also blamed athletes for the attack.
Won't Fire City Manager Who said Shooting Deputies is "Expected". During these past few months of Black
Nationalist cultural terror, people have been fired for the slightest offenses against political correctness. And I do
mean the very slightest. But you can hold a top position and defend violence, and that's okay. Jose Ometeotl, the
city manager of Lynwood, California, responded to the shooting of two LASD deputies in Compton, with a hateful post, which
claimed to disavow violence, but then ranted that, "that communities like Compton have been plagued by deputy gangs that
inflict fear and violence in the community. These deputies murdered, framed and stole from the community just because
they could. [...]" [...] After the two deputies were shot, they were brought to a hospital in Lynwood, where Black Lives
Matter racists gathered outside to shout, "We hope they die". Has the city of Lynwood suspended Jose or fired
him? Nah. They've "disavowed" his comments.
you want to be controlled or do you want to be free? The Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots are about
control. These "activists" want to control the narrative and shift the conversation, any conversation, to always be
about their demands. Some Americans truly desire the types of controls these "activists" are demanding. They want
to be told what to do in an effort to maintain their social justice credibility. Others want the freedom to drive down
a highway with a reasonable expectation that "protesters" aren't causing mayhem and affecting people's lives by blocking the roads.
and BLM, the Democrat party's stormtroopers. When the tactics of Black Lives Matter coincide with the ideology
of NPR, Americans should realize that the left has crossed yet another line on the indecency scale. A reporter for an
NPR station showed up at the Los Angeles hospital where two sheriff's deputies who had just been shot while sitting in their
car were taken. A BLM crowd had miraculously appeared within minutes to block the emergency entrance, some of them
shouting "I hope they [...] die." Some were vowing to "[...]" The NPR station's reporter allegedly interfered
with the police attempts to control the "protesters." This is the nadir to which the radicalized Democrat party has
brought this nation as the election nears. Can it get worse? Most assuredly.
The 1960s Riots Foreshadow Today's Communist Weaponization Of Black Pain. [Scroll down] Elsewhere, dozens
of angry protestors surrounded Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and his wife Kelley as they left the White House grounds.
Eventually, more police officers arrived and escorted the couple to the safety of their hotel. Sen. Paul later
reported: "After we got back to our hotel room and some safety we heard something frightening. The 'protesters'
were staying on our floor — including the room next door to us. They were talking about their mob activities
and even saying they thought we were here on this floor. We had to develop a 3 a.m. plan with the Capitol Police
to get to safety." Paul asks, "Who are these people? Who paid for their hotel rooms? Who flew them
in?" What he saw that night led him to conclude, "It's organized. It's paid for. It's violent."
Several days later, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf announced the Justice Department had launched an
investigation into the organization and funding of the violent protests that have wracked cities across America for months.
reward offered in ambush shooting of two deputies in Los Angeles County. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's
Department offered a 100,000 reward Sunday [9/13/2020] in its search for a gunman who walked up to two deputies sitting in
their patrol vehicle and shot them multiple times before fleeing. The lone gunman ambushed the woman and man Saturday
night at the Martin Luther King Transit Center in Compton, California, approaching their vehicle from behind and firing
several rounds, the department said. The deputies were in critical condition Sunday after undergoing surgery. The
31-year-old mother of a 6-year-old boy and the 24-year-old man had graduated from the sheriff's training academy about
14 months ago, sworn in by Sheriff Alex Villanueva, who held a news conference after the shooting.
Sheriffs: NPR Reporter Arrested For 'Interfering' With Cops As They Tried To Control BLM Protests Outside
Hospital. A Los Angeles National Public Radio reporter was arrested early Sunday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs
said, after she "interfered" with police trying to prevent alleged Black Lives Matter protesters from storming the hospital
where two severely wounded L.A. County Sheriffs deputies were taken following a horrific ambush attack. Saturday night
[9/12/2020], two sheriffs deputies, a 31-year-old female and a 24-year-old male, were shot in what law enforcement officials
are calling an "ambush attack," according to earlier reports from The Daily Wire. The pair were sitting in their parked
vehicle outside of a train station when they were approached by a suspect who opened fire without apparent cause, leaving the
two deputies severely wounded.
Detroit's Police Chief Saved His City from Black Lives Matter. Compared to the conflagrations BLM has incited
in cities like Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, New York, Chicago, and even Kenosha, Detroit Will Breathe has been an epic
flop. Drawing mostly small crowds and desperate for media attention, DWB's been stifled from the get-go by Chief
Craig's zero-tolerance approach to thugs and looters posing as demonstrators. The first three nights after George
Floyd's death, when radicals — most from out of town and some armed with bricks and railroad spikes —
ignored a curfew and tried to turn the city into another Minneapolis, Detroit police pushed back hard, using tear gas and
making over 140 arrests. That quieted things.
Left's New Martyrology. [Scroll down] George Floyd, another "Gentle Giant" whose criminal record included
the robbery of a woman at gunpoint, is somewhat more controversial. There are serious questions as to whether the
officers who arrested him fulfilled their responsibility to ensure his safety and well-being once he was in their custody,
and we will have to wait for the legal system to determine this. The "woke" left lost no time, however, in turning
Floyd into yet another Horst Wessel with a wide array of posters that portray him as some kind of saint, while universities
have established George Floyd scholarships. Left-wing extremists used Floyd's "martyrdom" as an excuse to re-enact the
Night of the Broken Glass in Minneapolis.
The Democrats Encouraged Urban Violence? Democratic politicians are now trying to distance themselves from the
rioting, looting, arson and murder that have beset American cities — not because they object on principle, but
because urban violence is hurting them in the polls. But is the Democrats' disavowal of rioting and arson
sincere? This short video reminds us that for years, and more intensively in recent months, Democratic politicians and
celebrities have been promoting violence. [Video clip]
prosecutors take over Seattle protester cases, concerning local attorneys. This week the U.S. Attorney's Office
in Seattle announced its eighth arrest related to events during this summer's protests against racism and police
brutality. Defense attorneys say the Justice Department is going out of its way to try to discredit the protests.
But U.S. Attorney Brian Moran said his Seattle office is focused on cases like arson or firearms violations that he says are
hurting the protest message. That includes the big protest in Seattle the night of May 30. People took guns
out of police vehicles and set the cars on fire, leading to three federal cases so far. The next night, a man was
arrested after being accused of striking a police officer in the face with a can of beer, and of carrying an improvised
firearm. Stephanie Knightlinger, a senior deputy prosecutor with the King County Prosecutors Office, said she was
preparing to charge that man, Devinare Parker, in King County Superior Court.
Mayor Bans Police Use of Tear Gas After 100 Days of Rioting. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has banned the use of
tear gas on rioters in the Oregon city. Wheeler, a Democrat who is also Portland's police commissioner, banned the use
of tear gas munitions on rioters Thursday, despite ongoing riots that have surpassed the 100-day mark, a press release from
his office says. Wheeler wrote that the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office and the Oregon State Police have used tear
gas to quell riots over nearly four months.
The Editor says...
Here's my free advice: Use the tear gas anyway and let them fire you. Do your job and let them complain. If you're fired,
sue the city for wrongful termination. If they want friction, give it to them. No jury anywhere else in the country would take
the city's side in such an argument, and it might also work in Portland. And if it doesn't, well, you didn't want to work in a
city like that anyway.
Who Threatened to Kill Trump Supporters Pleads Guilty. A man who threatened to kill supporters of President
Donald Trump and brandished a rifle at a Black Lives Matter protest pleaded guilty to making threats, authorities announced
Friday [9/11/2020]. According to court documents, Emmanuel Quinones, 25, posted on Facebook on May 28, "Gonna get
some more of these to off racists and MAGA people."
man charged with arson of Target Headquarters. A Richfield man has been federally charged with arson at the
Target Headquarters that took place on Aug. 26 during unrest in Minneapolis. [...] According to U.S. Attorney Erica H.
MacDonald's office, Shador Tommie Cortez Jackson, 24, was arrested Thursday, Sept. 10 after surveillance video allegedly
shows him lighting a fire inside the store. Jackson made his initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis
on Friday, Sept. 11. According to the complaint, Jackson was stopped by Richfield police later that night and was in
possession of stolen merchandise. Jackson is scheduled to make his next court appearance on Sept. 16.
Man Charged for Allegedly Setting Fire to Target's Headquarters. A 24-year-old Minnesota man was arrested and
charged this week for allegedly lighting Target's headquarters on fire during rioting in Minneapolis on Aug. 26. During
widespread looting following false rumors regarding the death of a homicide suspect, Shador Jackson allegedly used a sign to
smash one of the glass doors of the headquarters building, according to court documents. Authorities said Jackson then
entered the building's mail room, where he ignited a fire on the top of a desk before pouring liquid from a bottle onto the
fire. About 5 minutes later, the man ran out of the building. He was seen walking away on a sidewalk before
stopping and looking into the main Target entrance door in the direction of the fire. Surveillance cameras captured
Jackson committing the criminal act, authorities said.
Police Group Withdraws Democrat Endorsements After Video of Union Chief Beaten in Effigy. The Minnesota Police
and Peace Officers Association board has switched its endorsements of Democrat candidates to Republican after one Democrat
candidate was purportedly caught on video beating a piñata with the likeness of top police union official Bob Kroll.
[...] Brian Peters, who serves as executive director of the police association, expressed concern over DFL caucus' support of
Thompson after he was identified as beating the Kroll effigy. "The endorsements that we rescinded, my issue was those
candidates did not stand up to their leadership and put pressure on and ask why are we supporting a candidate who did this in
Hugo," Peters said. "If this is the future of the Democratic Party, my organization is going to support elsewhere," he
added. Peters did not identify which Republicans were endorsed by the police group.
arrested and charged with firebombing Republican women's club office. A California man has been arrested and
charged with attempted arson after allegedly trying to firebomb a Republican organization office building. Police say
Carlos Espriu, 23, broke the windows of the East Valley Republican Women Federated office in La Quinta, California, on
May 31 before lighting several Molotov cocktails and setting the building on fire, according to Fox News.
Desert man charged with firebombing La Quinta Republican Headquarters. A Palm Desert man was in custody
Thursday and has been charged with the May 31 firebombing of the East Valley Republican Women Federated (EVRWF) office in La
Quinta, according to the Department of Justice. Carlos Espriu, 23, was named in a federal criminal complaint that
charged him with attempted arson.
Agitator Arrested for Starting Fire in Washington, Suspected of Starting Two Other Wildfires. A Washington man
with a history of left-wing agitation was arrested Wednesday evening [9/9/2020] after he allegedly started a fire in the
brush along a highway near Tacoma. Jeffrey Acord, 36, was charged for reckless burning in the second degree. He
is now reportedly also a suspect in two other Washington wildfires. [...] The suspected antifa militant has a history of
anti-police protesting and encounters with law enforcement, court records show. According to his Facebook, Acord also
attended a Black Lives Matter march in Seattle on June 5 of this year.
Trump may be battered by the waves, but he will not sink. [Scroll down] What ails the left is that
leftists believe everything they think, and their thinking is characterized by pomposity and intolerance. One has to
look no farther than Twitter to be clobbered by the gross intolerance of Democrats. They are rude, profane, wholly
without manners or grace. There are the vicious rioters in the streets whom the Democrats refuse to condemn, and there
are the equally vicious boors who drive the contempt in which social media is drowning. Those often anonymous haters
hide behind their not so clever handles like schoolyard bullies who cry for their mothers if their true identities are
discovered. That's when they cry "racism," or "white supremacy," or "white privilege," even if, as most of them are,
they are white. There is nothing more absurd than watching a young white female carrying a Black Lives Matter sign
shouting obscenities in the face of a black policeman to illustrate the depth of the left's vacuity.
Portland Bans Facial Recognition
Technology to Protect Peaceful Rioters. Portland has some really, really strange things going on. On
Wednesday [9/9/2020], amid a record-setting season of chaos, arson, vandalism, and violence in the streets, the city decided
to ban the use of facial-recognition technology by local law enforcement. [...] What's the technology good for? Well,
it "could help with tasks ranging from solving crime to checking student attendance at school." But it "comes with
fundamental privacy issues." In addition to the cops, "private entities in places of public accommodation" are now
barred from using it as well. That means businesses that serve the public — restaurants, grocery stores, etc.
Who Stole Kid's MAGA Hat Charged With Hate Crime. Two Delaware women accused of accosting a 7-year-old boy
outside of the Democratic National Convention and taking his MAGA hat are facing up to 15 years in prison for a hate
crime. [Tweet] Yes, it was "shameful." It was also mean, stupid, small-minded, and wrong. But do the women
really deserve to spend 15 years in prison for it?
The Editor says...
They could spend up to 15 years in prison. That's what juries are for.
That's what parole boards are for. Maybe the perpetrators should have thought of this about a month ago.
Fight —
or the Dems Will Steal This Election. Schools have been teaching identity politics to our children for
decades. The left seeks to abrogate of our nation's moral fiber with the deliberate destruction of absolute right and
wrong under written and duly enacted law. While we seek to debate, they seek to silence. While we accept
differences of opinion, they cancel. While we would live and let live, they will burn it all down. We see the
consequences of this in the disaffected youth playing "resistance" dress-up and burning down our cities. The process of
using identity politics to maximize victimhood has damaged the values and principles this nation was founded upon and its
citizens have lived by. Self-sufficiency, taking responsibility for one's own actions, equality under the law, property
rights, and law and order have been cast aside in favor of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project. It is the left's
attempt to see anarchy reign in our streets as rioters run amok, steeped in the victimhood and righteous violence taught to
them all their lives. It is all part of their plan to steal the presidency, one way or another.
deputies arrest 17 'anarchists' at South LA protest following shooting death of Dijon Kizzee. For the fourth
night in a row, a crowd of protesters gathered near the South Los Angeles Sheriff's station over the fatal shooting of Dijon
Kizzee. Deputies arrested three dozen people who were looking to stir up trouble after engaging with what authorities
described as a more "aggressive, anarchist" group than in previous nights. LASD told FOX 11 they gave the crowd an
order to disperse when the crowd began "gearing up" and was standing in the street at the intersection of Imperial Highway
and Normandie Avenue.
Wolf Sets the Record Straight on Portland, 'Mostly Peaceful' Riots, and COVID. Acting Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) Secretary Chad Wolf set the record straight on the violent antifa riots in Portland in his 2020 State of the
Homeland speech on Wednesday. He explained just how dangerous the riots had been for federal law enforcement and he
excoriated Gov. Kate Brown (D-Ore.) and Mayor Ted Wheeler (D-Portland) for refusing to cooperate with federal officers
as they protected the federal courthouse from rioters. Wolf also condemned the ridiculous assertion that the violence
in Portland has been "mostly peaceful."
Not Allowed To Film': The Fight To Control Who Reports From Portland. You can assert that, yes, you can
film; you can point out that they themselves are filming incessantly; you can push their hands away from covering your phone;
you can have your phone record them stealing your phone — all of these things have happened to me — and
none will have any impact [...] I wondered, the first time I attended the protests at the federal building back in July, who
all these young people with PRESS emblazoned on their jackets or helmets were. I asked one such guy who he worked
for. "Independent Press Corps," he told me. As it turned out, dozens of other young PRESS people happened to work
for the same outfit, which I at first assumed was a fancy way of saying "I want to report stuff and stream it on my
Instagram." This turned out to be naive. The IPC is an organized group in league with the activists, and it is
usually their footage you see streamed online and recycled on the news: mostly innocent protestors being harassed and beaten
by police.
I'm Voting for Trump, Even Though I Don't Want To. I want to vote for law and order and against Antifa and BLM.&Nbsp;
The violence, looting, and destruction in our cities is intolerable, abetted by weak Democrat mayors. Joe Biden
recently came out against violence — three months after the riots started. He has never condemned
Antifa or BLM.
Staffer Arrested by the Portland Police During BLM Riot, Dem Response Says It All. Democrats are now trying to
spin away any blame for the BLM riots after they unreservedly embraced the group and tried to downplay the actions as
"peaceful protest." Democratic leaders refused to properly address them or hold rioters accountable. In fact, there
have been multiple Democrats from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Rep. Maxine Waters and Rep. Ayanna Pressley
encouraging calling for unrest in the streets. On top of all that, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the Democratic
candidate for vice-president contributed to a fund to help bail out people arrested during the riots. At least
13 Biden staffers also contributed to the fund. They also encouraged others to contribute as well, helping the fund raise
$35 million. That enabled violent criminals to get out, including one who allegedly committed another assault,
leaving a victim with a traumatic brain injury.
Delaware women
accused of stealing MAGA hat indicted on robbery, hate crime charges. Two Delaware women accused of stealing a
MAGA hat outside the Democratic National Convention were indicted Tuesday on charges including second-degree robbery and
felony hate crimes. Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of second-degree
robbery, second-degree conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child, third-degree assault, attempted third-degree assault,
offensive touching and felony hate crimes, Delaware Online reported.
Reality Check: This Is A Problem Of RUF/ROE. Good men, home owners, fathers who want to protect their
families, and business owners, are progressively being backed into a corner. I suspect they will not allow themselves
to be put into a position of no escape from that corner. At that point, the Antifa/BLM project becomes very dangerous
for everyone involved.
of more than 50 leftist groups preparing for "mass public unrest" if election results are unclear, or Trump disagrees with
reported Biden win. An association of more than 50 left-wing organizations is discussing and preparing a
variety of strategies for potential responses to the results of the 2020 election. According to a report by The Daily
Beast, a recent virtual meeting of the group, which calls itself the Fight Back Table, included discussions of how to
initiate large-scale public civil disobedience if it believes Democratic nominee Joe Biden has won the election, but
President Trump is contesting the result. "It is very obvious that Trump is laying the groundwork for claiming victory
no matter what," said Rahna Epting, a participant in the call and the executive director of a group called MoveOn.
riots may be part of Democrat power grab. Whether or not all rioters are Democrat voters, they increasingly are
associated with Biden's campaign in the minds of voters who fear violence is coming to their suburb. This rolling
campaign of anti-police street violence is killing Biden's bid for the presidency — just look at private polling
in crucial swing states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where law and order has become a decisive issue.
So why don't Democrat leaders do more to condemn the violence and call for calm? To understand their inaction, you need
to step back and see street violence as one element of a coordinated "playbook" to dislodge President Trump, regardless of
the outcome of the election. This is the thesis of political theorist Dr. Darren Beattie, a former Duke University
professor and White House official.
Supported Marxist Group Plans Siege on White House Starting September 17. Leftist operatives with the support
of Democrats are burning and pillaging cities across the country. Stores are looted and government buildings are
attacked on a weekly basis by far left terrorists. This past week Leftist operatives announced a 50 days siege on the
White House. They plan on starting the siege on September 17th, to continue for 50 days, until the election
on November 3. Leftists hope this will get them more votes for Biden.
massive social disorder is no way to protest. It's increasingly obvious that far too many people out causing
havoc in the name of Black Lives Matter are in fact just wallowing in the chance to bully people and break stuff, or
worse. And the ranks of Antifa, in particular, are packed with utter thugs (mostly white) who are devastating mainly
black neighborhoods in towns like Kenosha, Wis. Yes, many protesters try to stand up to the extremists: In the
videos of ruffians trashing restaurants and threatening diners up in Rochester, you see some people trying to stop the
mayhem. But they fail, badly — and so the cause is set back, badly. And for that, all these movements'
leaders are to blame. The civil-rights movement understood that it could only succeed by appealing to the nation's
conscience and ruthlessly policed its own ranks. Black Lives Matter organizers seem to think otherwise — why
else sit by as its followers harass restaurant-goers across the country?
Of "White House Siege" Predict" Things Could Turn Very Ugly" — Predicts New Civil War. As November
draws closer, President Trump has indeed adopted a more ominous tone about the election. In speeches and interviews, he
complained about "voter fraud" and warns that Democrats will use millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots to steal his second
term. A few days ago Bernie Sanders said that he fears President Donald Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses
reelection and is calling on Congress and the media to take action to prepare for that scenario now, he said in an interview
with POLITICO. [...] Of course, the Dems have other foot soldiers to do their dirty work for them. With the chances of
a legitimate election win by Joe Biden slowly slipping away, allies of the Democrats are positioning their forces for the
chaos that will be unleashed by the reelection of President Trump.
vote for Joe Biden is still a vote for radicalism, not normalcy. [Scroll down] Second, Biden is finally
bothering to address the months-long rioting that the news media have been trying to cover up. Urban violence, and the
related spike in violent crime due to police being preoccupied or even defunded by radicals in city government, is suddenly
emerging as a defining election issue. Leftist agitators continue after three months to damage or destroy businesses
and private and government property in such cities such as Portland, Chicago, Washington, New York, Seattle, Denver, and a
host of others. Biden's acknowledgment that this issue exists is a start, even if his initial response has not been
intelligent. At first, he tried to blame it on right-wing extremist groups, taking his cue from an absurd conspiracy
theory that has spread among liberals seeking to justify or cover up rioters' behavior. Subsequently, Biden and
other Democrats have sought to emphasize that this is all occurring "on President Trump's watch," as if Biden were proposing
to take the necessary steps to restore law and order (which of course he isn't).
Fanning the Flames. For months,
Biden and his media allies have abetted #BlackLivesMatter activists in inciting racial fear and hatred, claiming that
"systemic racism" by police accounts for the deaths of black suspects at the hands of police. Even though research
clearly disproves such claims, the facts haven't stopped Democrats from trying to exploit this slanderous narrative in their
effort to defeat President Trump. Last week, after a self-declared "100% Antifa" radical murdered a Trump supporter in
Portland, Oregon, Biden doubled-down on this anti-police rhetoric, blaming "bad cops" for "racial injustice in America,"
while bizarrely accusing Trump of "stoking violence in our cities." Contrary to Biden's claims, however, the "violence
in our cities" — mobs rioting in Portland and Seattle, looting in Chicago and New York, and attacking police
everywhere — clearly has been fomented by anti-Trump activists, including the "trained Marxist" leaders of
in Our Town? How About 'Not in Our Country'? American law enforcement is now caricatured as the Gestapo
or as brainless, heartless automatons marching in lockstep to the commands of "systemic racism." Different communities and
different religions are taught not to look for common ground, but to instead wall themselves off from each other in
celebration of their own grievances. Yes, celebration. Identity politics has turned Americans into us and them,
and we are taught to celebrate "us" and fear "them." How [...] can Americans sit back and watch as gangs of dangerous
extremists maraud through our cities — burning buildings, throwing rocks, bottles and explosives at police, and
attacking the elderly? Why make excuses for the bullies or justify their violence? Looting is wrong.
Vandalism is wrong. Lawlessness is wrong. Yet too many people will not say so. Has the country completely
lost its moral center in the last 25 years? If one is being honest, the answer must be yes.
Not Allowed To Film": The Fight To Control Who Reports From Portland. "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FILM!" is a cry
you hear incessantly at protests in Portland, Oregon, always shouted at close range to your face by after-dark
demonstrators. You can assert that, yes, you can film; you can point out that they themselves are filming incessantly;
you can push their hands away from covering your phone; you can have your phone record them stealing your phone —
all of these things have happened to me — and none will have any impact on their contention that "YOU'RE NOT
ALLOWED TO FILM" and its occasional variation, "PHOTOGRAPHY EQUALS DEATH!" I cannot say who came up with these
anti-camera battle cries. But it's easy to understand why protesters use them: to shape the narrative the country sees
about the protests.
"It has been my experience that
whenever a leader — whether elected, anointed or media-appointed —
does not want you to see something, that's probably the time when you should go out of
your way to see it."
The Mayors Whose Names You Don't Know. [Scroll down] Take,
for example, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. For more than 80 days, Black Lives Matter protesters and Detroit police
observed a tense but durable truce, and the conditions for preserving the peace were simple. As long as the movement
was moving — literally, maintaining forward motion — there would be no interference with the protests
from law enforcement. That peace was shattered in the final week of August when demonstrators turned violent and
attempted to "occupy" a downtown street. "I am not going to let any group set up a Seattle zone of lawlessness here in
the city of Detroit," said Detroit Police Chief James Craig during a news conference. "That is non-negotiable." That
day, riot gear-clad police swarmed the section of the city in which demonstrators had gathered, arresting at least 44
protesters, confiscating weapons and body armor, and charging many of them with a variety of misdemeanor offenses. As
of this writing, Mayor Dugan continues to sleep well in his home, free from the fear of forcible ejection by a violent mob.
barista teaches how to make poisonous 'Blue Lives Matter' drink. Pranks have turned more and more deadly in recent months as
many, in particular radical leftist youths and young adults, have started ramping up efforts to engage in full-blown murder. Law
enforcement officers are often their targets, as was the case with a barista who made a video showing how to put together a poisonous "Blue
Lives Matter" drink. The barista, identified as Van Greyson Hart, is seen in the video demonstrating how to mix a lethal dose of bleach
with other ingredients to make it look like a standard Starbucks drink. According to Starbucks, the Target in which Hart works is
licensing the brand and directly employs Hart.
The Editor says...
"Licensing the brand" is no defense. If you permit a franchise owner (after recieving a hefty fee) to use your well-establish brand name
to lure customers, you share in the responsibility for whatever happens in that franchised location. I was in a jury pool once, and one
of the defense lawyers tried to play this card, and when it became clear that I wasn't buying it, I was excused.
What if, in those violent big cities run by liberal Democrats,
the politics were different? [Scroll down] What if Republican mayors, rather than restore order in their
ruined cities and towns, just hid in publicly subsidized fortresses, or bunkered behind police walls while the rest of you
were left on your own, and then those mayors just ran off? It was Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's staff
that raised bond money for rioters in ruined Minneapolis, back when his campaign saw the street anger as politically
beneficial. Biden floats like a cork on the sea roiled by the hard left that runs his party. And Republican
President Donald Trump hammers him for it. "We have not lived at home for two months," Krewson told the St. Louis
Post Dispatch. "We did it to de-escalate the situation ... and importantly because our neighbors were being disturbed
and threatened." Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler fled his home from riots there that never stop. The Oregonian reported
that Wheeler apologized to his neighbors for the damage to his home.
mayor facing resignation calls, questioned leadership as election looms. Two months before the November
election, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler faces calls to resign from sources as wide-ranging as liberal constituents who once
supported him to the nation's Republican president, who cite what they say is his lack of clear leadership as the city hit
100 days of protests. Many critics say they're frustrated that Wheeler, the city's police commissioner, expresses
support for police reforms yet hasn't come out strongly when officers appear to use excessive force on people during
protests. Many others are frustrated he hasn't done more to end the nightly demonstrations and the property damage,
small fires and provocations of police that usually accompany them. Still others feel he has said more about his
disagreements with President Donald Trump than his solutions to aid a city reckoning with a pandemic, a recession,
homelessness, unaffordable housing, increased gun violence and other racial and economic inequalities.
New York Is Now Trying To Turn Into Portland. While this story hasn't garnered as much national attention as
George Floyd or Jason Blake, it's quickly picking up steam. Back in March of this year, Daniel Prude, a 41-year-old
Black man from Rochester, New York, died after being taken into police custody. The fact that he was naked in the
middle of a street (obviously unarmed) and that the police had put a bag over his head until he was apparently asphyxiated
made for an ugly set of visuals. He was pronounced brain dead at a local hospital and died roughly one week
later. Recently, video of Prude's arrest showed up in the media and the response since then has grown like wildfire,
following a similar pattern that we've seen in Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha and other locations. The first night
after the video went viral, a few dozen protesters showed up near a local police precinct. By Saturday night, their
numbers had grown into the thousands and the police were under direct, physical assault. But as with so many of these
stories, there is more to the tale of Prude's demise than might first meet the eye.
Where are
the rioters coming from? Data shows mix of locals and out-of-staters converging on cities. West
Hollywood; Seattle; Portland; Pasco, Wash.; and Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. These are just a handful of the cities
where recently arrested Kenosha, Wis., rioters are listed as coming from. And as riots continue to pop up across the
United States, such data has fueled speculation about the origins of the agitators and how they might be organized. The
records released so far reveal a mix — of out-of-towners, of people whose home city police do not know and also
locals. Records reflect plenty of Kenosha residents have been swept up in the arrests there, just as Washington, D.C.,
and Minneapolis residents have taken part in the unrest in those cities.
book writers' son arrested in BLM rampage in NYC. One of the Black Lives Matter protesters busted in a
window-smashing rampage over the weekend is the son of a New York Times best-selling comic book writer whose creations
inspired the show TV show "Stumptown." Elliot Rucka, 20, of Portland was among the eight people arrested on rioting and
other charges in the spree Friday that damaged and vandalized banks, Starbucks and Duane-Reades from Foley Square up to 24th
Street. The protest — which was organized by the groups "New Afrikan Black Panther Party" and the
"Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement" — escalated to a three-hour marathon of destruction that caused at least
$100,000 in damages, authorities said.
"Stumptown" Creator's Son Arrested in NYC
BLM Riot. Another privileged young revolutionary was arrested at the latest social justice riot in NYC, Elliot
Rucka. Rucka was arrested in NYC on rioting and other charges in the spree Friday that damaged and vandalized banks,
Starbucks, and Duane-Reades from Foley Square up to 24th Street, the NY Post reported. Ironically, Elliot Rucka, the
20-year-old son of a successful comic book writer, is from the capital of social justice violent riots, Portland. This
young, idealistic window smashing crusader's father, Greg Rucka, is a New York Times best-selling author.
Pundits gaslight the American people on violent riots.
Though Joe Biden has now accepted that violence is occurring in many major American cities and has started blaming Donald
Trump for it, many of his supporters haven't gotten the memo. A new trend among some high-profile left-wingers is to
gaslight Americans by posting daytime photos of well-to-do areas of cities undamaged by the riots as proof that the riots
aren't real. Meanwhile, tear gas and fires engulf entire blocks at nighttime. Josh Campbell, a former FBI
agent and CNN contributor, kicked off the trend by tweeting September 1: 'Good morning from wonderful Portland, where the
city is not under siege and buildings are not burning to the ground. I also ate my breakfast burrito outside today and
so far haven't been attacked by shadowy gangs of Antifa commandos.'
do You Support Joe Biden? There are a lot of unanswered questions for Biden supporters. Part of the
frustration with the left and those that support it is that they never offer a convincing rationale for their actions.
Why are you voting for him? [...] How do you anticipate Joe Biden responding to the deadly and damaging riots in American
streets effectively when he's been here before and it is known that his anti-police rhetoric only encourages more entitled
lawlessness to build? Recall that President Obama and Vice-President Biden nurtured the growth of Black Lives Matter
with their baseless and divisive responses to the Cambridge police incident, the Trayvon Martin death, the Michael Brown
death, and the Freddie Gray death. Feel free to also to weigh in on the belief that Trump sending in troops to an
already burning city like Portland somehow increases the tension, or the fact that when they pull out the burning
continues.[...] How can you support the looting and riots, even writing them off as "mostly peaceful," knowing full well
you would never accept it in your own community and backyard? What right do you have to safety while others do not?
Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election. A group of "bipartisan"
neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats have been "simulating" multiple catastrophic scenarios for the 2020
election, including a simulation where a clear victory by the incumbent provokes "unprecedented" measures, which the Biden
campaign could take to foil a new Trump inauguration.
Who Was Bailed Out of Jail by Nonprofit Funded by Biden's Staffers Violently Assaults Man. A 32-year-old
accused felon committed another violent assault against an innocent man after being bailed out by the nonprofit funded by
Biden's staffers. The Minnesota Freedom Fund received $35 million in donations during the George Floyd riots and
Biden's campaign staffers were among the people who made substantial donations. Lionel Timms was bailed out of jail in
July thanks to the Minnesota Freedom Fund touted by Biden's running mate Kamala Harris.
Questions No Reporter Dares Ask Joe Biden And His Campaign. On Rioting And Violence: Will you ever
directly condemn Antifa and the Black Lives Matter rioters as the cause for the violence ripping through the nation's
cities? Would you allow the National Guard into cities like Portland that have seen 100 days of violence, rioting, and
even death? What, if anything, can be done to stop the epidemic of violence in Chicago and other cities? Have
their Democrat leaders failed the citizens there?
For Rioters If You're Visited By The FBI. [Scroll down] The feds are not playing "whack a rioter" every
night in the street. Each night is another step in building a larger case against organizers of these riots.
These consensual interviews are meant to identify participants and gather whatever information they can gather on other
participants. I'm 100% confident there is a significant database already in existence that is documenting the
identities and photographs of dozens or hundreds of individuals. In addition to the agent resources devoted to
dismantling the "command and control" network of the Portland groups, the Portland FBI office is certainly dedicating a
substantial amount of analyst work. All day long, while rioters are resting up and getting ready for the nighttime
festivities, numerous FBI analysts are going over audio, video, cell phone traffic, and any other communications they can
monitor to track the individuals who are planning and providing the logistical resources being used to sustain these
protesters. It is a laborious process of linking participants and documenting their activities. But when the
necessary investment of time and resources are made on the front end, bullet-proof cases against the most significant
participants emerge at the end. The protesters really have no understanding about the resources that have been devoted
to breaking them up.
48 of America's 50 Largest Cities Hit By Black Lives Matter Riots. New data from Princeton University show that
riots associated with the Black Lives Matter movement took place in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States.
[...] Within the largest 100 cities by population, 74 experienced riots. Several smaller communities have also
experienced riots, including — most recently — Rochester, New York, and Kenosha, Wisconsin.
violent, organized tactics are getting exposed. Based on the arrest photos of apprehended Antifa rioters, the
impression is out there that the group is little more than a bunch of extremist fringe crazies. Sadly, it's not
so. Report after report shows that Antifa is highly organized, in its rioting, its killing, and its press coverage.
[...] Besides the atrocities, they also have help. Apparently, someone on the inside in Portland's government is
providing shelter for them on the city's dime, in the form of a homeless tent camp. They deny it, of course, but it
certainly does seem to explain how Antifa, with all its pan-United States cast of characters, can operate for 100 nights
of mayhem in Portland alone. They also have the press.
Democrats' tragic romance with the rioters. [Scroll down] But the left's fondness for theater invariably
leads them to act up, and then overact. Predictably, they escalated their theater from drama to melodrama to Rambo
movies. Peaceful protests grew into riots. Buildings were burned, stores were looted and people were killed.
[...] The rioting culminated at the commencement of the Democratic National Convention which was held, virtually, in Joe
Biden's basement. Or wherever. People wondered, what will they say about the riots? We soon learned what
they would say. Not a [...] thing. They never mentioned the riots that worsened nightly through their
convention. The apparent reason was that the rioters hate Trump (and America too) and so do the Democrats. Under
the tribal shibboleth "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," the Dems figured that the rioters were their friends because both
were enemies of Trump. Friends don't call out friends just because they're looting, burning and murdering. At
least Democrat ones don't.
Lives Matter protesters smash NYC Starbucks window in stunning video. Manhattan business owners vented anger
and frustration Saturday [9/5/2020] as they surveyed the damage and cleaned up another mess caused by riotous members of
Black Lives Matter, whose protest the night before devolved into a lawless rampage of destruction through the Big
Apple. "I'm sick of this [...]!" raged Kevin McGrath, owner of the Five Points Academy boxing gym across the street
from a beseiged Starbucks at Lafayette and Grand streets in Soho. The java giant was among several businesses damaged
Friday night by BLM demonstrators during a planned protest march north from Foley Square to Chelsea and across to Flatiron,
resulting in what authorities said was $100,000 in damage to stores and banks.
Orders Detroit Police Not to Use Batons, Tear Gas Against Protesters for Two Weeks. A federal judge in Detroit
has ordered the city's police not to use batons, tear gas, shields, chokeholds, rubber bullets, sound cannons, or any other
type of non-lethal force against protesters for the next two weeks. The late Friday [9/4/2020] ruling granted a
temporary restraining order to the activist group Detroit Will Breathe, which sued the city on Monday, claiming that
excessive police force infringed upon their protesters' First Amendment rights, the Detroit Free Press reported.
Wealthy NYC woman
busted in BLM rampage. One of the Black Lives Matter protesters now facing felony rioting and misdemeanor
graffiti charges — after a window-smashing free-for-all in Manhattan — is a wealthy Upper East Sider
whose mother is an architect and whose father is a child psychiatrist. Clara Kraebber, 20, is one of eight people
arrested Friday night [9/4/2020] after a roiling, three-hour rampage that police say caused at least $100,000 in damage from
Foley Square up to 24th Street. "Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!" the group chanted as it
moved up Lafayette Street while busting the plate glass facades of banks, Starbucks and Duane-Reades. The protest was
organized by groups calling themselves the "New Afrikan Black Panther Party" and the "Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement."
[...] She is now facing a maximum of four years prison on her top charge of first-degree riot.
college student from wealthy elite family facing possible 4-year prison term for violent BLM rampage in
Manhattan. [Scroll down] Young Ms. Kraebber is no dummy. She is a student at Rice University,
one of the most selective schools (a mere 9% of applicants were admitted in 2019) in the country and is a graduate of Hunter
College High School on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, whose students score in the top one-quarter of one percent of
students based on test scores. Her parents are members of the nation's academic elite — her father is a
psychiatrist on the faculty of Columbia University, while her mother is the principal of an architectural firm bearing her
name whose clients include Columbia and NYU. Her family lives in the Upper East Side in an apartment for which they paid
$1.8 million 4 years ago, and also boasts a house in Connecticut with 4 fireplaces. On Friday [9/4/2020],
young Clara was arrested for participating in a 3-hour rampage that did an estimated $100,000 in damage, smashing store
windows and doing other damage to lower Manhattan.
America's Mayors, Home Is No Longer Safe. In San Jose, Calif., a group of about 100 people spray-painted an
obscenity on the front door of Mayor Sam Liccardo on Aug. 28, threw eggs and burned an American flag as they demanded that
he defund the Police Department. In Portland, Ore., protesters threw burning material into the lobby of the apartment
building where Mayor Ted Wheeler lives. In Seattle, they marched to the home of Mayor Jenny Durkan, who as a former
federal prosecutor later expressed alarm that her previously undisclosed address had been made public. In Chicago,
activists descended on the home of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, prompting the city to begin enforcing a statute banning protests in
residential neighborhoods. Most of the mayors are Democrats who support Black Lives Matter protests and have said they
want to see some law-enforcement reform. But they are attempting to draw the line at damage or threats to their homes,
putting liberal leaders in the unusual position of confronting activists on their side of the political spectrum, instead of
opponents on the right.
'riot' declared after Molotov cocktails tossed. At least three Molotov cocktails were tossed in the direction
of Portland, Ore., police late Saturday, prompting yet another night of unrest in the city to be declared a riot, according
to reports. Video posted on social media showed people scattering after a fiery object hurtled through the air and
crashed on the ground, resulting in a huge fireball and smoke. In another video, a rioter is seen scrambling for help
after his feet catch fire while trying to escape flames.
Member Tosses Molotov At Cops, Ends Up Lighting BLM Activist On Fire Instead. On what seems to be day number
1000 of rioting in Portland, ANTIFA tried to up their game against a seemingly more aggressive Portland PD. A Black Bloc
member tried tossing a Molotov cocktail at some officers but seems to have had bad aim as the flaming bottle landed by some
BLM activists, lighting one's legs on fire. [Video clip]
Trump: U.S. marshals [were] called in to locate Portland killer due to inaction from local authorities.
President Trump has expressed his support for a recent law enforcement operation, which resulted in the death of the man
suspected of murdering a conservative protester. On Friday, the president suggested federal agents were needed due to
inaction from local authorities. On Thursday, U.S. marshals located 48-year-old suspect Michael Forest Reinoehl near
his home in Lacey, Washington. Reinoehl was reportedly armed at the time. Authorities attempted to take him into
custody when shots were fired.
security company hired to watch Seattle park quits on first night after being harassed by Antifa. Cal Anderson
Park in Seattle is a large open space immediately adjacent to the former CHAZ/CHOP zone. For weeks the park has been a
kind of home base for protesters/rioters who would gather there each night before marches. Some people had set up tents
and were sleeping there. There was even some kind of store full of donated items. Earlier this week the city
finally cleared the park and found a tent serving as a kind of Antifa armory: [...] After the park was cleared, the city
contracted with a private security firm to keep an eye on things at night. I'm not sure what the thinking was
here. I guess it was cheaper to hire private security than to use police officers. In any case, the first night
the private security officers arrived they were immediately hounded out of the park. [Video clip]
Police Aren't Fooling Around Anymore. During night number 99 of rioting and mayhem, Portland PD put their foot
down on the neck of ANTIFA hard. Several Black Bloc-heads were tackled and arrested and one female was even
unmasked. Dozens were arrested. [Video clip]
Punk Tries To Storm #WalkAway Stage, Gets DESTROYED By A GIANT Black Trump Supporter, Arrested. This
altercation happened today during the Pro-Trump rally, #WalkAway Rescue America Rallies in Downtown Dallas. The event
was peaceful until this clash took place, as both President Trump supporters, and counter-protesters were letting their
opinions be known. Brandon Straka, organizer of Walk Away Rescue America, have emphasized that security is in place at
all rallies — in order to make it safe for supporters to participate. Last time in San Francisco, Black Lives Matter
tried to 'crash the party', today in Dallas, Texas security had to move in and pacify BLM agitators that became violent. [Video clip]
White Leftists Encourage Black People to Loot Their Neighborhoods. A hardcover copy of "In Defense of Looting"
will run you 21 bucks at Amazon and 28 bucks at Barnes and Noble. That's just how capitalism works for the distribution
and sales of a product from one of the biggest publishing companies in the world that's part of the Lagardère empire.
Why is the largest publishing company in France pushing what Publishers Weekly called, "a provocative, Marxist-informed defense of
looting" to Americans? Because it makes money. Learn why private property is just a social construct for only 21 bucks.
The Racist
Left Feels Entitled to Riot. Events have compelled lifelong swamp denizen Joe "Joey Basement" Biden to scurry
into the sunlight and read from a teleprompter. In a duplicitous performance worthy of Pravda, Biden blamed the
leftist riots roiling Democratic "governed" cities on — spoiler alert — President Trump and his
"right-wing" supporters. Attempting to dispel any doubts about his newfound concern for the lives, limbs, and property
of American citizens, Biden declared that rioters should be prosecuted. This must have surprised his running mate,
Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who previously helped to fund the rioters' bail; and the Democratic prosecutors who largely
have refused to prosecute the rioters. Apparently, Harris and Biden's campaign staff have a soft spot for lawless MAGA
supporters. Naturally, since the Left's new narrative (read "lie") is how Republicans' hobnailed wingtips are on the
throats of the law-abiding, Biden couldn't bear to mention Black Lives Matter or Antifa, the latter of which the Left argues
doesn't exist, though a "100 percent Antifa" murder suspect (lately deceased) disagreed.
shooting suspect followed right-wing activists after spotting them downtown, unsealed arrest warrant says.
Prosecutors in Oregon released recently unsealed court documents Friday alleging that self-described anti-fascist Michael
Forest Reinoehl hid in a parking garage before following two supporters of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group after spotting
them during street protests last weekend. Moments later, the records allege, Reinhoel shot and killed one of the men,
Aaron "Jay" Danielson. The records were made public a day after a fugitive task force fatally shot Reinoehl near Lacey,
Thurston County.
Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage: NYPD. Eight people were arrested Friday
night when a group of 150 Black Lives Matter protesters smashed windows and graffitied the storefronts of Lower Manhattan
chain stores and banks, police sources said. At least two Starbucks, five banks and a Duane Reade had their windows
busted, causing an estimated $100,000 in damage. Police recovered two stun guns, smoke grenades, and burglary and
graffiti tools. The protest had been advertised on Twitter by groups calling themselves the "New Afrikan Black Panther
Party" and the "Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement." One of the arrested protesters was from Portland, Ore., and
another was from Iowa, the sources said.
One Goes to Trump. The tragedy of Kenosha, along with the response of the presidential candidates, reveals much
about the core issues Americans will vote on in November. A properly functioning Democratic Party would have called for
calm and restraint, whilst offering sympathy to those who have suffered harm and loss. [...] In effect, this will be read by
millions of Americans, whatever their color, as meaning that the Dems have put American voters on notice: vote for us or this
will happen where you live. The Dems are claiming that only they can stop the riots, and the logical conclusion is that
they can do this because they know how to get in contact with the people organizing them. The evidence for this is that
when these riots occur in Dem-controlled towns and cities the local authorities do very little by way of stopping them until
the destruction is bad enough to provide useful political propaganda against Trump. And as soon as this aim has been
fulfilled, suddenly the rioting stops, as quickly as it began. That's pretty much all any reasonable, morally competent
person needs to know about the Democrats and race-riots.
Burned Her Minneapolis Business to the Ground, She's Received No Help. For nearly 30 years, Flora Westbrook
owned a salon in Minneapolis. In June, rioters took over the neighborhood and destroyed her livelihood by burning the
business to the ground. Months later, she's still received no help from local officials. In fact, they've made
things worse by sending her a $200,000 bill for building removal. "Here we are 100 days after your place was torched
and how much help have you gotten from your local and state officials," Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy asked during an
interview Thursday morning [9/3/2020]. "I haven't gotten anything, not a penny," Westbrook said. "They never
showed up. I didn't see any police at all patrol my area."
begin prosecuting rioters in Portland. Federal prosecutors have started filing civil disorders charges against
violent protesters in Portland, Oregon. They are filing the charges under a federal statute enacted in 1968 in response
to the rioting of that era. It's interesting, I think, that the Congress that passed this statute was controlled by
Democrats. In 1968, the GOP was outnumbered in both chambers to a much greater degree than it is now. Back then,
Democrats were serious about stopping riots. These days, they prefer to give rioters space to destroy. That space
is turning out to be wherever [...] they please. In Portland, the following three people have been charged by the feds
under the 1968 law.
Destroy America, Blame Trump. [Scroll down] During the four days of the Democratic National Convention,
not a single word was said to condemn the violence. Instead, a gloomy and ominous atmosphere of anti-Americanism
prevailed. America was again and again called racist, unjust, misogynist, and a dangerous place. Not a word was
said to pin violence on Trump — because the old narrative was still in place that there was no violence. But
the Democrats either miscalculated or completely ignored the basic human feeling of self-preservation. They also went
too far in their "black lives matter" hypocrisy. Outrage over the death of one black man has already cost hundreds of
black lives and livelihoods across the country.
Thug Arrested for Rand Paul Attack Outside RNC. Authorities have arrested a man from Florida over the attack on
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his wife outside the Republican National Convention last week. 27-year-old Brennen Sermon
was arrested and charged in connection with an attack, the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney's Office announced. The
incident reportedly left one of Paul's police guards with severe injuries to his face after he was allegedly punched by
Sermon. Sermon is from Orlando, Florida — quite a distance from Washington, D.C.
Secret Antifa tent city found,
and Portland is paying for it. Where do Portland Antifans rest during the day between riots at night? In a hidden
tent city near downtown, paid for and serviced by the city, according to a local citizen journalist. [Video clip]
Finds Secret ANTIFA Tent City In Portland, They Start Slingshotting Stones At Him. A man came upon a tent city
that houses hundreds of ANTIFA rioters in the Star Park Festival parking lot by the Hawthorne Bridge Junction. The man
films what he sees and taunts the Black Bloc members who seem to be just waking up. Near the end of the video, a member
with a slingshot with stones is used to try and get rid of the man filming. When that doesn't work, they chased him
away, which was not caught on video. [Video clip]
Is Where They House the Rioters!' City of Portland Houses Some Antifa Rioters Destroying the City. Portland is
wittingly or unwittingly housing some of the very same destructive rioters who have been tearing apart the city since May 28.
Let me repeat. The taxpayers are paying for their own demise and it's all under the auspices of the city. One month
before the riots started, ostensibly to allow grieving over the death of George Floyd — remember him? — the
City of Portland opened three homeless tent cities, one of which is the "Harbor of Hope." The camp is situated close to the
Willamette River, just a simple, short walk over the Hawthorn Bridge to downtown Portland, where it spills out onto riot central.
police involved in Daniel Prude suffocation and death followed training 'step by step', union head says. Police
officers involved in the suffocation of Daniel Prude — who died in March after a bag was placed over his head — were
following their training, their union chief has said, as it emerged that Prude's brother Joe said he was hallucinating and
suicidal before he died. Prude, 41, from Chicago, was naked running through the streets of Rochester, New York — where
his brother lives — in the early hours of March 23 when he was arrested. He had taken the drug phencyclidine, known as
PCP or angel dust, and was ranting at the officers, telling them he had coronavirus, saying they should just put him on a plane,
and asking for their guns.
of trouble before police pinned Prude naked on street. Daniel Prude appeared to be spiraling into crisis in the
hours before police handcuffed him on a city street in March, then pinned the naked man face down. The 41-year-old had
been thrown off a train the day before for disruptive behavior. He was sent to a hospital for a mental health
evaluation after he was said to have expressed suicidal thoughts.
NY police use pepper spray on Daniel Prude protesters. More than 200 protesters gathered in front of the Public
Safety Building to demand justice for Daniel Prude on Thursday night [9/3/2020]. But the gathering and ensuing
standoff with police — the most contentious since unrest on May 30 ended in vandalism, arson and
looting — intensified as the night wore on. Eight people were arrested and two officers were injured outside
the Public Safety Building early Friday, said Rochester Police Capt. Michael Callari. All eight protesters were
charged with disorderly conduct, a violation. Two of those protesters were also charged with resisting arrest, a
misdemeanor, and one was also charged with second-degree harassment, a violation. Callari said protesters threw rocks
and bottles at officers.
Cuomo attempts to walk back perceived threat Trump 'better have an army' to protect him in NYC. New York
Governor Andrew Cuomo was slammed after he appeared to threaten President Donald Trump over his plan to pull federal funding
from some Democrat-run cities. The Democrat leader declared that the U.S. President had "better have an army'" to
protect him if he ever plans to visit New York City, claiming residents want nothing to do with him. Cuomo later
reportedly clarified his remarks after igniting scathing criticism for his shocking rhetoric.
My run-in with the New York
Times. [T]here's a now infamous video from last week where a mob of enraged millennials with their fists pumped
in the air surrounded a lone young woman sitting outside a Washington restaurant where I often eat. Like a scene from
the Cultural Revolution, the crowd demanded she shout certain slogans and raise her clenched fist in solidarity —
or be damned as a racist. Most of her fellow diners took the path of least resistance. She wouldn't. The
chants grew louder: 'White silence is violence!' They started screaming in her face. She wouldn't cave. Wokeness,
in case you hadn't noticed, has entered a more intense phase. Not so long ago, you were canceled for something you did
or said or wrote. Now you're canceled just for saying absolutely nothing at all.
Members Flying Around the Country to Engage in Rioting: Barr. Members of the extremist Antifa network are
flying around the country and participating in riots, Attorney General William Barr said in a new interview. "I've
talked to every police chief in every city where there has been major violence and they all have identified Antifa as the
ramrod for the violence," Barr said in an appearance this week on CNN's "Situation Room." "They are flying around the
country. We know people who are flying around the country. We know where they're going." "We see some of
the purchases they are making before the riots of weapons to use in those riots," he added. "So, we are following
them." Crossing state lines to engage in rioting is illegal and a federal offense, the attorney general said.
the Good of the Country, the Democrats Must Accept a Drubbing. We need to make the riots stop. They are
getting too dangerous. [...] We've always had idealistic youth running around pretending they are Che Guevara. The
Socialist Revolutions always fail. What's different this time [...] is that the current crop of Socialist
Revolutionaries have been getting aid and funding and organizational help from what appear to be actual, honest-to-goodness
Socialist Revolutionaries. Perhaps they are Russians. Maybe they are Chinese. They could be "Americans"
like George Soros. It doesn't matter. Before these creeps showed up, we didn't have pallets of bricks being
mysteriously dropped off along the parade routes. We didn't see dozens of amateur Guevaras wearing identical protective
vests and gas masks. Somebody is buying this stuff and running a distribution operation to handle the logistics, and it
isn't the idealistic youth with their toy revolution. Somewhere in the back there are Serious Adults with Serious Money.
Police Assn. president: City Council holding police back from dealing with violence. The president of
Portland's Police Association has called on city officials to allow police to do their jobs. On Wednesday [9/2/2020],
Daryl Turner said the police could proactively stop a lot of violence if the City Council and police commissioner would step
back. Turner previously claimed the city was set up for tragedy after $15 million was cut from the police
budget. He reiterated police don't have the ability to step in and help.
Trump Doesn't Just 'Send In the Troops'. The devil is in the details, and the devil here makes Trump pulling
the trigger on the troops in the current situation a very bad idea. We should support his strategic patience and not do
what the Democrats want by getting mad at the president for refusing to stumble into an ambush.
of '100% Antifa' Portland Shooter's Death Emerge, Possible Large Shoot-Out. Last night [9/3/2020], Michael
Forest Reinoehl was shot and killed by federal authorities after evading capture for nearly a week. He is the man who
allegedly murdered a Trump supporter in cold-blood while "protesting" in Portland, OR. The original chilling video shows
Reinoehl responding to someone saying "we've got one over here" by pulling a gun and executing a man in the street at near
point blank range. At first, misinformation spread, claiming the police killed Reinoehl in revenge. That was, of
course, nonsense. [...] In reality, U.S. Marshals moved in to make the arrest after Portland PD and state agencies failed to
apprehend him. That ended badly for Reinoehl, who reported pulled a gun and reportedly had a fairly large shoot-out
with the authorities.
in deadly shooting of right-wing activist in Portland killed by officers in Lacey. A man suspected by police of
fatally shooting a Trump supporter in downtown Portland last weekend was killed in Lacey Thursday night when authorities
tried to arrest him during a traffic stop. A spokesperson for the Pierce County Sheriff's Department said officers
responded to a home in Lacey to find Michael Forest Reinoel, 48, a suspect believed to be involved in Aug. 29's fatal protest
shooting in Portland. Authorities said the suspect exited the house and got into a vehicle when officers tried to stop
the car. Shots were fired and the suspect was killed in the gunfire, authorities said. No officers were injured
in the shooting.
Kill Far-Left Extremist Accused Of Murdering Trump Supporter In Portland, Report Says. Law enforcement
officials reportedly killed 48-year-old Michael Forest Reinoehl, an antifa and Black Lives Matter extremist, on Thursday
night [9/3/2020] when they closed in to arrest him for allegedly murdering a right-wing protester in Portland. Officials said that
Reinoehl "was killed during the encounter in Lacey, Wash., southwest of Seattle, when a federal fugitive task force moved to
apprehend him," The New York Times reported. "An arrest warrant had been issued by the Portland police earlier Thursday."
Pathetic Psychosis Afflicts The Left. Michael Reinoehl was a mentally disturbed individual. His family
had been estranged from him for more than three years. His sister described him as having a temper, behaving
irrationally, and that he would not be able to deal with the intense situations such as those at the nightly Antifa/BLM
protests where he claimed to provide "Security" for protesters. At some point this week Reinoehl made contact with
Portland independent journalist — that's a euphemism for not having a job — Donovan Farley and agreed
to an interview. Farley contacted Vice News, who sent two camera crews to record the interview for broadcast
tonight. Sometime during the day on Thursday a Judge in Portland signed a warrant for Reinoehl's arrest. It's
quite possible that Reinoehl's videotaped admission that he was the shooter solved a prosecution problem of having a witness
who could identify him as the shooter. The video shows someone dressed in the same manner Reinoehl was dressed earlier
in the evening, but so far there has been no public disclosure that anyone at the scene of the shooting had positively
identified Reinoelh as having fired the fatal shots — that is until Reinoehl himself confirmed it to Farley.
Shooter Dead Hours After He Confesses On Vice TV — Federal Fugitive Task Force Near Seattle. [Scroll
down] Given that the warrant was issued sometime on Thursday, and that a federal fugitive task force —
likely based out of the US Marshal's Office in Seattle — already had solid information on where he was strongly
suggests that Reinoehl had been under surveillance in anticipation that a warrant would be forthcoming. It is unknown
exactly what time the warrant was issued, but it does not seem coincidental that it was issued in the same general time frame
as the publication of the teaser for the Vice interview. It is likely that Reinoehl's admissions in the interview
resolved one key issue still facing the prosecutor — a positive identification that Reinoehl was, in fact, the
person who fired the fatal shot.
Begins Indicting Portland (and National) Rioters With Federal "Civil Disorder" Charges. 18 U.S. Code § 231. "Civil Disorders" is a charge defined under
federal law as a "public disturbance involving acts of violence which causes an immediate danger of or results in injury to people or their property." Apparently this
federal statute is now being used by U.S. attorneys across the country.
Save Washington,
D.C.. D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser must think she's clever. Maybe she's just desperate. After weeks of
lawlessness in D.C., she's "pleading" with Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin to lower the boom on not-so-peaceful
protesters. In typical Democrat fashion, the violence and destruction plaguing a city — in this case, a very
special city — isn't the mayor's fault. Voters aren't buying this pap. By Election Day, they really
won't be buying it. Ask conservatives why mobs are running D.C.'s streets, and the typical answer is that Bowser isn't
doing her job. They're right about that. Say conservatives, if D.C. can't handle the mobs, Bowser should request
help from the president. Trump is ready to intercede. Law and order could be restored in hours.
York Governor threatens President's life. You may have already heard the latest hot rumor suggesting that the
President is looking into cutting off funding to various "anarchist" cities that are moving to defund or otherwise dismantle
their police forces. [...] As it turns out, that didn't sit very well with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (the more
successful brother of "Fredo"). The news hadn't been out for more than a couple of hours yesterday [9/2/2020] before
Cuomo called an emergency press conference. In it, he lambasted the President over a variety of policy issues while
slipping in attacks of a personal nature on both Donald Trump and his family. He calls the President "a clown" at one
point while insisting that the Pandemic's severe impact on New York City was somehow Trump's fault. (Ironic, coming from
the guy whose disastrous nursing home policy probably killed more people than were murdered on the streets of New York in the
past decade.)
Portland man repeatedly
struck federal officers with car: Justice Department. A Portland man is accused of chasing two federal
officers on an Oregon roadway and trying multiple times to hit them with his car — successfully crashing into
their vehicle twice, the U.S. Justice Department announced Wednesday [9/2/2020]. A U.S. magistrate judge released
Lonnie Vantewa Albert, pending future court appearances, following his Tuesday hearing in connection with the allegations he
assaulted two Federal Protective Service officers with a sports utility vehicle early Sunday morning, according to a
Department of Justice press release.
they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
Forced To Relocate Due To 'Death Threats' After Owner Exposed Nancy Pelosi. On Wednesday's [9/2/2020] broadcast
of the Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Erica Kious, the owner of the San Francisco hair salon that House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited, reacted to Pelosi's claim that she was set up by stating that Pelosi or her staff made the
appointment and wondered, "if she's in there comfortably, without a mask, and feeling safe, then why are we shut down?"
Kious said Pelosi "had called a stylist in, or her assistant did, and made the appointment. So, the appointment was
already booked. So, there was no way I could've set that up. And I've had a camera system in there for five
years. I mean, I didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in to set her up. So, that's
absolutely false." The video shows Pelosi entering a room followed by another person — the stylist, according
to Fox News — who is wearing a mask. It is not clear whether she subsequently put her mask back on.
To Destroy America.
The protests that sprang up in the wake of George Floyd's killing in Minneapolis seemed like spontaneous outpourings of grief
and anger. They weren't entirely. Though many who joined their ranks may have been moved by outrage at the images
of Floyd's death, those operating behind the scenes have prepared for this moment for a long time. Indeed, the leaders
of the Black Lives Matter organizations fueling this summer's disturbances were trained by self-described Marxist
revolutionaries who have long used the plight of black Americans as justification for overthrowing America's constitutional
order. They frankly admit that such "organizing" is the key to their goal of world revolution. [...] But who initiated
this demand for change? After the initial protests following Floyd's death, public outrage was channeled —
by trained activists working from a playbook — into manifestations that often grew riotous. The Black Lives
Matters Global Network and Movement for Black Lives organizations have been the nerve center of the protests. They have
been laying the groundwork for years, carefully cultivating a network of groups that could organize protests when the moment
came and amplify the message through social media.
back against Biden's claim that Trump caused the violence. In Seattle, the mob set up a murderous autonomous
zone. Chicago's downtown has been repeatedly trashed. Portland's been the site of downtown warfare for three
solid months. Most recently, little Kenosha, Wisconsin was turned into a war zone after police were forced to shoot a
violent rape suspect who fought them, had a knife, resisted being tased, and reached into a car for an unknown but
potentially lethal reason. In every case, the mob violence comes with demands to defund the police, cries of systemic
racism, unbridled hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters, demands for the overthrow of the federal government, anti-white
racism, and demands for redistribution of wealth. In other words, it's a leftist package deal.
Rioter Allegedly Stabs Two to Death Just One Week After D.A. Dropped Other Charges Against Him. Portland rioter
Phillip Lawrence Nelson is now a suspect in a double-stabbing murder that occurred just one week after he was caught and let
go by local law enforcement. The original charges against Nelson of interfering with a peace officer were dropped the
day after his first arrest in early June, and he was released. Cassy Leaton and Najaf "Nate" Hobbs were found stabbed
to death in Portland on June 16 after an apparent dispute over the building Nelson had been squatting in. Nelson faces
two murder charges and is being held without bail. Nelson is hardly the first — or last —
left-wing rioter to be freed under an unofficial "catch-and-release" program by district attorneys in some of America's most
violent Democrat-run cities.
With Biden Campaign Ties Funding Leftist Agitators On U.S. Streets. Last Sunday, the site of the Republican
National Convention in Charlotte witnessed a night of violence leading to at least five arrests. Since Friday, Black
Lives Matter activists terrorized the Queen City, including beating police officers, in an effort to intimidate GOP attendees
and business owners. By contrast, the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee brought only a small gathering of
peaceful activists, who declared: "We decided that it would make sense for us to make the emphasis of our action the
one point of unity that deals with police crimes." Here we have a real "tale of two cities." To understand the
disparity of these two convention host cities separated by only a week, let's examine some financiers of organizations
fomenting the riots now taking place across the country.
Biden's Laughable Pivot.
Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden has sat silent while roving bands of outlaws tore American cities to
shreds. He said nothing when an Antifa leader in Portland called for "the abolition of the United States as we know
it." His own vice-presidential pick, Kamala Harris, grinned as she warned that the riots are "not gonna stop. And they
should not." Until about five minutes ago, Harris and Biden thought they could use the Marxist revolutionaries of BLM
and Antifa as their own pet militia. They thought that once the brownshirts had made a hellscape of America, they could
come sailing in to convince voters that Grandpa Joe and Mamala were going to make it all better.
A Clutch of Fools. Reporters standing in front of
scenes of arson, flames billowing behind them, not very far from scenes of shooting and murder, insist that the protests are
"mostly peaceful." National Public Radio and a multi-billion-dollar global media conglomerate team up to bring you an
illiterate "defense of looting." The president comes to the defense of a dangerously stupid teenager who went looking for
trouble illegally armed with a rifle in his hands and, to no one's great surprise, found the trouble he was looking for.
The lesson of the summer is that intellectual and moral anarchy eventually bring with them political anarchy, that chaos in the
democratic mind unleashes chaos in the streets.
police: Woman assaults 12-year-old boy for carrying Trump campaign sign, tries to steal it. The Boulder
Police Department is investigating after a woman allegedly assaulted a 12-year-old boy and tried to steal a political sign he
was carrying. According to BPD, the incident occurred shortly before 2 p.m. Monday [8/31/2020] at Folsom Street and
Glenwood Drive. The boy was riding his bicycle and carrying a yard sign in support of President Donald Trump's reelection
campaign. A woman riding a gray-blue moped drove past the boy and saw the sign. Police said the woman made a
U-turn, approached the boy and "began assaulting him because of his political banner."
Biden Hits the Campaign Trail, It Hits Back. [Scroll down] The good news, if you care to spin it that
way, is that the mostly peaceful ransackers also probably don't know if this specific black-owned office they're setting on
fire has people living above it. Maybe someone will die of smoke inhalation, but, hey — maybe not!
There's much more at the Twitter thread, and [the writer] encourages you to watch all the videos. Also please take note
of how calmly and systematically these antifa thugs go about the business of destroying someone's business, someone's
life. They aren't angry or aggrieved or oppressed. Antifa just firmly believe that ruining people's lives will
advance their political agenda, and so that's what they do.
State Troopers were deputized by the feds so they can make arrests on federal charges. There are a lot of
moving parts to this one so let's quickly recap. There have been 95 straight nights of protests in Portland since the
death of George Floyd and on 25 occasions those have been declared riots. Mayor Ted Wheeler has been more vocal lately
about denouncing the violence and in response the mob has targeted him at his home with occupations, vandalism, arson and
rioting. Mayor Wheeler has now told his neighbors that for their safety he plans to move.
The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight. I'm moving for your safety. Perhaps at your expense, too. It's a public service!
and DHS Confirm Active Federal Probe into Criminal Activity and Funding Related to Violent Riots. The
Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security confirmed this week that the DOJ is investigating the organizers
and funders behind the violent riots that have engulfed the country since May. "We are investigating coordinated,
criminal activity — not First Amendment activity — and violence related to riots, destruction of
federal property and violence against law enforcement officers," said DOJ spokesperson Kerri Kupec on Tuesday.
Kupec Discusses Ongoing DOJ/FBI Investigative Efforts of Coordinated Domestic Political Violence. DOJ
Spokesperson Kerri Kupek appears with Martha MacCallum to discuss the ongoing DOJ and FBI efforts to track, trace and
identify the groups and individuals carrying out domestic political violence. Ms. Kupek focuses discussion on FBI
investigative efforts to follow the funding mechanism and money trail behind violent groups like Antifa and Black Lives
Matter. Personal Note — Ms. Kerri Kupek is a committed, solid and professional person representing the
institution of the DOJ and her immediate boss, Attorney General Bill Barr. As such Kupec is not obtuse, intellectually
disingenuous or prone to subject avoidance; however, she is also representing a flawed and fractured institution that still
contains considerable elements of corruption. [Video clip]
How We Know Biden Isn't Sincere About 'Condemning' Violence. Joe Biden wants the public to believe that he's
always deemed violence "unacceptable," even when it's perpetrated by leftists. But when he and his party held the
national spotlight just two weeks ago, they were cheering on the same thugs as "peaceful protesters." "I condemn
violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right," Biden said on Monday [8/31/2020]. That's
certainly news to anyone of the millions who watched his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. Biden
had absolutely nothing whatsoever to say about the ongoing violence around the country. [...] By the time he made his
acceptance speech, more than two dozen people had died in "protests." Dozens of police officers had been injured
and at least one lost his life.
Police Won't Say Why They Did Not Protect Politicians, Guests Leaving RNC. Washington, D.C.'s Metropolitan
Police Department refused to comment on why protesters were allowed to harass Republican National Convention attendees
outside of the White House Thursday night, according to a Daily Caller report. "Protesters harassed Florida
Rep. Brian Mast, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and his wife, RNC guests and police officers, multiple videos from the
night show," Daily Caller reported[.] Washington D.C.'s Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department Peter Newsham said in
a press conference Monday that the department had to plan for the convention on "short notice." "When you throw bricks,
and rocks and bottles and urine and you set fires, there is going to be a police reaction," Newsham said at the press
conference. "So folks who want to suggest or paint the picture that this was somehow peaceful, and the police
indiscriminately used munitions against them, they're not being honest," Newsham added.
protester arrested for recklessly driving his spray-painted van in DC was also at Portland and Kenosha riots. A
BLM protester who was arrested in Washington DC on Saturday night has also been at riots in Portland and Kenosha, police said
on Monday, as they revealed they were looking into whether groups were being funded to travel to protest hot-spots.
Jeremy Vajko, 27, a Microsoft engineer, was arrested on Saturday night during violent clashes between police and protesters
in the nation's capital. The Metropolitan Police Department incident report into his arrest claims he was driving
recklessly near the Hay Adams hotel and drove 'into a crowd of over one hundred individuals'.
New York
Had It Coming. In the wake of the riots and vandalism things aren't so wonderful in the Big Apple
anymore. Some have said the city is dead and isn't coming back. [...] Thousands of productive New Yorkers have left the
City, and [James] Altucher thinks they won't be coming back. Even so, many are taking their jobs with them. They
don't need to commute to work, as they can telecommunicate to work. That's because of the huge increases in bandwidth,
Altucher tells us. Why ride the subway to work when one can fire up one's computer and Zoom to work? Altucher
himself held out on moving from his beloved NYC until June, when the riots began. He has kids, and upon seeing videos
of rioters trying to break into his building after curfew, Altucher had had enough and decamped for Florida.
Peaceful' ANTIFA Rioters Try To Set Apartment Building Full Of People On Fire In Portland. Police declared a
riot Monday night after people broke windows, burglarized a business, and lit a fire in an occupied apartment building in the
Pearl District. In the evening, a gathering began in the North Park Blocks near Northwest Park Avenue and Northwest
Couch Street. At around 10 p.m., the group marched in the street to the area of Northwest 10th Avenue and Northwest
Glisan Street, where Mayor Ted Wheeler lives. Monday was Wheeler's birthday, and it is not known at this time if
Wheeler was home. [Video clip]
Be a Victim of Democrat Abuse and Voter Endangerment. [Scroll down] This last Saturday, an Antifa
operative walked up behind a Trump-supporter in Portland and shot him dead. There was no heat-of-the-moment fight
leading to the murder. It was a cold-blooded political assassination, and Antifa immediately cheered the result and
began fundraising for bulletproof vests while the victim still lay on the street. Both Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and
"Joke" Biden immediately blamed President Trump, while giving Antifa and their murderous allies another pass. It was
murder most foul, and Democrats took sides with the murderer. [...] The lives of Trump-supporters just don't matter.
This type of Democrat political violence should have been highlighted and eradicated back in 2017, when a Bernie
Sanders-supporter and frequent emailer of Democrat Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois attempted to carry out a mass political
assassination that could easily have ended with two dozen dead Republican congressmen. That attack nearly changed the
balance of power in Washington and the course of national history, but still Jeff Flake and other apologists found it easier
to blame President Trump rather than call out the relentless Democrat campaign to tar his presidency as illegitimate and a
national threat. Because the press and the Democrats ignored the violence breathing life into their political party,
they implicitly sanctioned all the acts of violence that have continued to the current day.
Tried To Set Boat With Trump Banner On Fire At Bridgeport Yacht Club. A city man has been charged with arson
after officials say he was seen with a gasoline can on a boat with a Trump flag at the East End Yacht Club. Olajuwon
Johnson, 25, of Bridgeport, was charged with third-degree arson. His bond was set at $10,000. The charges stemmed
from a 911 call around 2:30 p.m. Monday. The caller reported a person with an apparent can of gasoline on a boat
at the yacht club that had a flag on it supporting President Donald Trump, according to Scott Appleby, the city's director of
emergency management and emergency communications. [Video clip]
need to face the enemy to their left. Last week, a mob of white protesters swarmed a white woman eating dinner
in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, DC. Video of the bullies demanding that patrons raise their fists in
solidarity with the movement went viral. Pro-Trump and right-wing media personalities were quick to insist this verbal
assault was emblematic of the entire Democratic Party and the broader American left. Never mind that the victim, Lauren
Victor, was a fellow progressive who told a Washington Post reporter, "I'm very much with them. I've been marching with
them for weeks." Among the funny things about this decidedly unfunny event is that it would have been almost impossible
for this roving rhetorical goon squad to find the kind of victims they surely wanted.
mayor says he'll move soon, after protests at his condo building. Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler says he's
looking for a new place to live. Wheeler's disclosure came Tuesday [9/1/2020] in an email to other residents of the
high-rise condominium building in the city's Pearl District where he resides, which has been a frequent site of protests in
recent months, OregonLive.com reported. "I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear
that you are experiencing due to my position," Wheeler wrote, according to an image of the email that was sent to the news
outlet. Incidents at the 16-story building have included a violent clash Monday that saw crowd members breaking windows
and setting fires near the property, OregonLive.com reported.
Cops Finally Come To Life, Take Down ANTIFA HARD. Portland police called tonight's protest a RIOT after ANTIFA
members attacked a dentist office next to Mayor Wheeler's apartment. Portland PD was filmed rushing Black Bloc members,
tackling some. One officer was seen pounding some face as well. After over 3 months of abuse at the hands of
ANTIFA, as well as a Trump supporter assassination, we may have come to a tipping point. [Video clip]
Bay Police: Antifa Member with Flamethrower Cried in Fetal Position When Caught. A suspected member of
Antifa — who was allegedly armed with a flamethrower — cried in the fetal position before his arrest
during a Saturday evening protest in Green Bay, Wisconsin, according to law enforcement. [...] "It's worrisome when people
associated with Antifa come here to Green Bay from out of town for the purpose of protesting here or for the purposes of
committing violent acts," said Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith. "An unlawful assembly is three or more people who
gather in such a manner where property damage, or personal injury is likely to occur," Smith added.
Was a Wake-Up Call for Democratic Leaders across the Country. After a summer of seemingly unending chaos in
America's cities, Kenosha just may have been the tipping point. For three nights, the city burned in rioting after the
officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake, while Democratic governor Tony Evers refused to deploy a Wisconsin National Guard
contingent large enough to quell the violence. For three days, Evers issued inflammatory statement after inflammatory
statement — even going so far as to say that a Kenosha police officer "mercilessly" shot Blake — and
refused to either condemn the violence or urge calm. Laughably, the sternest warning he gave rioters was to remind them
to "wear your mask and keep social distance as best you can."
Unions Support Guillotines, Strikes & Closures Over Children's Welfare. Americans are sometimes accused of
ignorance over history and geography beyond their own shores. It was no different last week after the Chicago Teachers
Union tweeted support for a protest outside Jeff Bezos' home, where an effigy was placed in a guillotine. However, any
history teachers among them might have pointed out that the French Revolution ended up turning on its leaders. The
protestors, who were virtue signaling for a $30 minimum wage outside the house of a man who reputedly earns $4,000 a
second, clearly had violence on their minds.
'100% Antifa' Killer Was Previously Arrested Twice for Illegal Possession of Loaded Firearm. The left-wing
agitator who allegedly shot a Trump supporter in Portland over the weekend, is a proud member of antifa who has been arrested
and set free twice in recent months for charges that included the illegal possession of a handgun. "I am 100% ANTIFA
all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters!" the alleged shooter, [...] posted
on social media back in June.
The Democrat Party's Riots.
CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon have the collective brain capacity of rising third graders. OK, fair point —
there's no reason for me to insult our children like that. But the one upside of the tumbleweeds blowing through their minds
is that sometimes what the Left is really thinking accidentally rolls out of their mouths. Don Lemon recently called
on Joe Biden to make a speech addressing the riots and explaining how when it comes to reforming the police, he and Kamala
Harris "will take care of this problem" after being elected. "But guess what: the rioting has to stop." Lemon then
revealed the problem: "Chris, as you know, and I know, it's showing up in the polling, it's showing up in focus
groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking." Think about what he's
really saying here. "Rioting is fine — but only if it helps us win."
Democrats' Laughable 'President Chaos' Strategy. CNN's Don Lemon, one of the dumbest and [most eristic]
Trump-haters, blurted out that as the polls were moving unfavorably, it might be wise for Democratic candidate Joe Biden to
criticize mob violence, something he and his partisans had conspicuously failed to do at their convention the week
before. He did this within a day of his colleague Brian Stelter, who will enter the Guinness Book of World Records for
the frequency of his utterance in reference to President Trump in the last three years, "The walls are closing in,"
righteously wagging his glabrous head at the viewers as he told them that the urban guerrilla violence sweeping the country
really was "peaceful protest." The same assurance was given by correspondents of CNN and the other anti-Trump networks
reporting from riot-torn cities, even as largely minority-owned businesses torched by the "peaceful protesters" belched flame
and smoke behind them.
Portland Shooting Suspect '100% Antifa'; Cited, Released on Weapons Charge in July Riot. The Oregonian reported
Sunday night that the man under investigation in Saturday's fatal shooting of a right-wing protester after a pro-Trump
caravan in Portland is a supporter of Black Lives Matter and Antifa who was arrested on weapons charges and released earlier
this year. The victim of the attack has been reported to be Aaron Danielson, known also as "Jay." [...] Many of the
rioters who have been arrested in Portland over the past several months have been released shortly thereafter.
Democrats have directly
encouraged violence on the streets. Winding it back isn't going to be easy. Protests and riots have
spiraled out of control in the US. However, these aren't spontaneous demonstrations. Instead they're egged on by
Democrats, who seem hell-bent on burning America to the ground. To those fed a diet of mainstream media disinformation,
the protests sweeping the US are just that: protests. They're grassroots affairs, expressions of discontent and
resentment at a status quo that oppresses African Americans and denies them the rights and privileges afforded to
whites. That may have been true for all of about a day following the death of George Floyd back in May, and some of the
protesters no doubt still feel that they're fighting the good fight. But far more have taken to the streets to commit
brazen acts of violence, looting, and criminality. Thousands have been injured, and more than 32 people have been
killed, [...] If any Democrat can claim credit for inspiring violent street harassment, it's California Congresswoman Maxine
Waters. Back in 2018, Waters told her supporters that if they come across an ally of President Donald Trump in public,
"you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore,
anywhere." [Video clip]
it now okay to kill people we find offensive? The use of guns is becoming a common feature of the protests and
violence raging in many parts of the United States. The way in which the Wisconsin city of Kenosha has been turned into
a veritable warzone suggests that some people now see destructive behaviour as a way of gaining attention or making a
point. The recent shooting dead of a man in Portland, Oregon highlights the growing trend for dehumanising people who
are on the other side of the political divide. In this instance protesters celebrated the fact that a 'Nazi' had been
killed. The man was a member of the right-wing organisation Patriot Prayer — which means social media was
soon full of claims that it was only a piece of 'fascist scum' who got killed. [...] What disturbed me most about the
shooting of this member of Patriot Prayer was not simply the taking of a life but the manner in which it was reported and
discussed. Numerous commentators treated it as no big deal.
Identified In Portland Murder. The Oregonian reports that a suspect has been identified in the murder Sunday
night of Aaron Danielson, a Donald Trump supporter, in Portland: [...] The effort by Joe Biden and the Democrats to blame
leftist violence on President Trump is contemptible, but doomed to failure.
Arrested for Assaulting Cops as Disorder Reigns in D.C.. Six people were arrested for assaulting police
officers in Washington, D.C., over the weekend as the nation's capital was gripped by the worst unrest it has seen since
early June. The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department arrested a total of 27 over the course of a chaotic four days,
which began Thursday as protesters grew violent after President Donald Trump broadcast his acceptance of renomination for the
presidency from the White House lawn. In total, 15 MPD officers sustained injuries, Chief of Police Peter Newsham
announced during a press conference Monday, including one officer whose nose was broken.
left-wing turns on Mayor Ted Wheeler. Left-wing groups in Oregon demanded Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler resign
after the death of a right-wing protester over the weekend, saying Mr. Wheeler has allowed the city to spiral out of
control. Portland's Democratic Socialists of America, Oregon's chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations,
Portland's Resistance and other groups said they feel Mr. Wheeler has sided with the right wing folks over them.
They lamented the man killed Saturday — a member of the right-wing Patriot Prayer organization, according to
fellow members — but said his death after a day of clashes between the right and left was Mr. Wheeler's fault.
Charged With Stalking, Threatening Devin Nunes' Wife, An Elementary School Teacher. A criminal complaint was
filed against a California man earlier this month for sending threatening messages to Elizabeth Nunes, wife of
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who is the ranking member on the powerful House Intelligence Committee and one of the driving
forces behind exposing the false narrative that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
A misdemeanor criminal complaint was filed on August 13, 2020, against William Joseph Burden (also known as William Joseph
Terrell) after he allegedly sent threats and harassed Elizabeth, identified only as "E.N." in the complaint obtained by The
Daily Wire, which can exclusively report that E.N. does, in fact, stand for Elizabeth Nunes. Burden is accused of
"unlawfully, and with intent to annoy," calling or electronically contacting Elizabeth with "obscene language," including a
"threat to inflict injury" to her or her property and family.
Trump suggests
'some very stupid rich people' are funding protest groups, rioters at RNC and across US. President Trump told
Fox News' Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Monday night that he believes demonstrations outside the White House on
the final night of the Republican National Convention last week were bankrolled by "some very stupid rich people." Trump
added on "The Ingraham Angle" that an RNC attendee had traveled to Washington "on a plane from a certain city, and in the
plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that."
The president declined to say who had told him the story, but promised Ingraham he would reveal it "sometime."
'Antifa' militants
set fire to black-owned business in Portland, bombard mayor's apartment with fireworks. A crowd of roughly 200
people surrounded Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's home and demanded his resignation. After multiple fires were lit and
nearby businesses looted for fuel, police declared a riot. On the 96th consecutive night of protests in Portland since
the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police in May, hundreds of protesters, agitators and activists gathered outside
the mayor's home in the Pearl District condominium tower demanding his resignation. The crowd reportedly wore party
hats, it was the mayor's birthday on Monday, and sang "happy tear gas to you" while they launched fireworks at the
building before a bonfire fire was lit in the middle of the street.
FBI says dozens of Chicago
street gangs formed 'pact' to kill any cop seen drawing weapon on suspect — report. The FBI has
issued an alert to Chicago police warning that nearly three dozen street gangs may have struck an agreement to shoot any
officer seen with their gun drawn in public "on-site," according to a local news report. FBI officials in Chicago
recently issued a "situational information report" to Chicago law enforcement, pointing to a possible multi-gang pact to gun
down officers in the streets, a local ABC affiliate reported on Monday [8/31/2020]. "Members of these gang factions have
been actively searching for, and filming, police officers in performance of their official duties," the FBI alert said.
See Video Shows Democrats Continually Called for Uprisings and Violence. Democrats and the media have made a
sudden turn the last few days. After months of excusing the riots and even actively encouraging them, the new narrative
is that it's all Trump's fault. They ignore that Trump has offered assistance to Portland, for example, and has been
viciously rebuffed even as the city continues to suffer chaos. They also ignore that when Gov. Evers did accept
Trump's help in Kenosha, the violence dwindled almost immediately. No matter, though. The media believe they are
the vanguards of information and the Democrats know they have them in their pocket. So you get insanity like this
must-see video which succinctly shows just who has really been stoking the flames. [Video clip]
chant 'Death to America' in streets of Oakland. A large group of demonstrators took to the streets in Oakland
over the weekend to protest alleged systemic racism in part by chanting "Death to America," which drew a heavy negative
response. Several videos of the protests were posted online to social media, and a number of people expressed their
disagreement — not with the act of protesting, but with the message. "The left has created a monster that
they have lost complete control of," Jason Howerton wrote. "I never thought I'd see people chanting "death to America"
in the streets of America."
Here are Joe Biden
Supporters Chanting 'Death to America' in Oakland. In the olden days, "Death to America" was something you
would hear in Iran. Not Oakland. But this is who Joe Biden supporters are now. Call it Antifa, Black Lives
Matter, or a ham sandwich. It's all the left, and Joe Biden is the empty vessel the left is using right now, as Nancy
Pelosi/Bernie Sanders try to "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden all the way to the White House. He, and they, own this.
Biden's America being burned down ... by Joe Biden's supporters. Certainly, America is deeply divided
today. But every bit of the horrifying images and footage of burning, looting and violence we see today comes
exclusively from Joe Biden's America. The carnage in Joe Biden's America is the result of Democrat mayors and governors
unwilling and unable to stand up to the lawless, rioting mob that outwardly claims it is motivated by the very same fevers
and political positions that motivate Mr. Biden himself. In fact, Mr. Biden's vice presidential pick,
Sen. Kamala Harris, worked so hard to ingratiate herself with the increasingly unruly mob that she went on record a few
weeks back raising money "to help post bail" for those arrested during the riots — riots they now claim to oppose.
Tell Supporters To Punch People Then Blame Trump When Riots Start. Democrats have recently joined forces in
blaming President Trump of fanning the flames of violence. While this is nothing new, it is concerning evidence of a
pattern among the left. More particularly, the party that seeks to lead the nation is unwilling to take responsibility
for the misdeeds of its members and is always looking to blame others. Americans should not trust this party to lead
them. As reported by The Hill, Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) recently slammed the president's scheduled visit to
Kenosha, Wisconsin in wake of protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake. "I think his visit has one purpose and
one purpose only, that is to agitate things and make things [worse]," said Bass. "What happened in Portland, [was] you
saw a parade of Trump supporters actively shooting paintballs at peaceful protesters, and the president, in my opinion,
encourages that. He actually retweeted the people firing paint guns, I think he only means to agitate things."
Sent Their Rent-A-Mob to Destroy Kenosha. [Scroll down] In Ferguson, Missouri, during the Michael Brown
episode, those people were mostly from Oakland, California. They are destroying downtown Ferguson, Missouri. They
were not from Ferguson, Missouri, and they were not from St. Louis. Some of them were, but the vast majority
weren't. That's why there's a term for these people: Rent-a-mob. There are many who think that the primary
funding source is George Soros. Could be. Don't know. To me, it's enough to know that these people are not
from Kenosha. [...] It is not native. But the media want you to believe that it is the native citizenry that's erupting
in outrage at Republicans and at Donald Trump. When in fact, they're bused in. They're paid for. And a lot
of it is known as to who is paying for them and so forth. But just the fact that it's not legitimate is really all
anybody needs to know. It isn't legitimate, and it's not the result of whatever action took place.
car dealership owner says nothing [was] done to prevent damage during unrest. Unrest following the police
shooting of Jacob Blake left vehicles and businesses throughout the downtown Kenosha area badly damaged, including one local
car dealer that estimates its losses in the millions. Car Source, a car dealer in the city, was attacked when a mob
descended into its lot and begin smashing cars on the first night of unrest last Sunday. There was an explosion and
subsequent fire that spread from one vehicle to the next, one resident told Kenosha News. "It was a terrifying time,"
said Josie Rodriguez, who lives next to Car Source.
Killer of Trump Supporter in Portland Was Arrested Last Month with a Gun But Charges Were Dropped. We reported
yesterday that the anonymous message board 4chan once again, beat the media to identifying a violent rioter. [...] Within
minutes of the shooting, 4chan users got to work, and within hours, they had a name. [...] Now it is being reported that the
shooter, Reinoehl, is a member of Antifa and was arrested at the Portland protests last month on allegations of possessing a
loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest and interfering with police" but the charges were promptly dropped.
48, in fatal shooting of Patriot Prayer supporter describes himself as '100% ANTIFA'. The suspect under
investigation following the fatal shooting of a Patriot Prayer supporter has been named as a father-of-two who describes
himself as '100% ANTIFA' and was previously cited for bringing a loaded gun to a different protest. Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was
named by The Oregonian Sunday evening as someone police are investigating. He had already been accused of taking a
loaded gun to an earlier Portland protest and social media posts show him attending Black Lives Matter protests. [The
suspect] has not been charged nor have police commented on his connection to Saturday night's violence but his relatives also
told the local newspaper that he was the person in a video of running away from where Aaron Jay Danielson, a supporter of the
right-wing group Patriot Prayer, had been shot dead.
man eyed in deadly Portland shooting took teen daughter to protests. The Antifa security guard reportedly being
probed in connection with the deadly shooting of a President Trump supporter in Portland was photographed at a rally the
night before — alongside his baseball bat-wielding teenage daughter. Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was pictured
late Friday [8/28/2020] at a Black Lives Matter protest outside the condominium building that is home to the Oregon city's mayor,
Ted Wheeler, The Oregonian said. He caught the attention of a photographer because he was there with his 16-year-old
daughter, who stood beside him carrying a dark baseball bat, the paper noted.
suspected in deadly Portland shooting calls himself '100% ANTIFA'. An ex-military man who calls himself "100%
ANTIFA" and ready for "war" is being investigated over the deadly shooting of a President Trump supporter in Portland, according
to a report. Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated over the death of Aaron Danielson, a "supporter" of the
right-wing Patriot Prayer group who was part of a caravan of Trump supporters who flooded the city Saturday, police sources
told The Oregonian. He was identified in part by a distinctive tattoo on his neck of a "black power" fist —
as well as a call from his estranged sister who recognized him in video and photos of the deadly attack, the paper said.
incitement to looting being pushed by NPR. The twisted logic of author Vicky Osterweil's new book, In
Defense of Looting, would be laughable were it not so dangerous. Yet it is being taken seriously by NPR and other
media outlets that should know better. In her interview with NPR featuring no pushback from the taxpayer-funded
network's interviewer, Osterweil says of looting: "You're mass shoplifting. Most stores are insured; it's just
hurting insurance companies on some level. It's just money. It's just property. It's not actually hurting
any people." Nobody gets hurt. At least, nobody Ms. Osterweil cares about. Like the shop-owners with no
insurance because they can't afford it. And shop-owners whose insurance rates skyrocket or have their coverage dropped
because of the increased risk. How about the law-abiding residents of the community, who now have lost their stores and
restaurants as well as their jobs when the owners move away and don't rebuild.
The Editor says...
The person known as "Vicky" is a confused young man who used to be known as Willie
Osterweil. [Source]
Chicago and Minneapolis riots broke out over police killings that never happened. How do you restore order when
people start riots over injustices that never happened? Tragically, as riots sparked by disinformation unfold in
Minneapolis and Chicago, this is the question we now face as a country. Things are spiraling out of control. The
riots that broke out in late May and June after the death of George Floyd in police custody were destructive beyond
description. At least 15 people were killed during the wanton arson and looting. Meanwhile, thousands
of businesses, many owned by people of color, were destroyed, looted, and vandalized. The economic fallout of this
violence will haunt riot-torn urban communities for decades.
police arrest food distribution volunteers. Nine people arrested by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for allegedly
being outside agitators were in town city to distribute food to protesters, a director of the nonprofit kitchen said Saturday
[8/29/2020]. Jennifer Scheurle, who serves on the board of directors for Riot Kitchen, based in Seattle, said Kenosha
police were mistaken when they arrested the volunteers Wednesday for investigation of disorderly conduct. "We're not
there to stir up anything," Scheurle said. "We just want to feed people. We support protesters of any kind."
The nine were released from jail Friday on about $150 bail each, paid with the help of donations, she said.
to Antifastan. Remind me never to visit Portland, Oregon. Long associated with the brand of outré
hipster leftism deliciously satirized in TV's Portlandia, Oregon's largest city is now a zone of mass political
violence. It isn't quite Beirut-on-the-Willamette, to be sure. No suicide bombs are ripping through the farmers'
market at Shemanski Park, and the city's radicals don't store rockets in schools and hospitals. Even so, Portland is
fast emerging as America's answer to those benighted lands where "politics" involves roving gangs of masked fanatics
terrorizing the average citizen, checkpoints operated by the henchmen of competing extremisms, cityscapes divided by
unbridgeable ethnic and sectarian fault lines, the central authority indifferent to the mayhem and powerless to stop it.
mounts on Barr DOJ to identify funders, organizers of violent riots. Conservative pressure is mounting on
Attorney General William Barr and his Justice Department to ratchet up investigations of violent rioters across the country,
specifically to identify those funding and organizing the mayhem. Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., and Sen. Rand Paul,
R-Kentucky, made weekend appeals for DOJ to take action to cut off funding and logistical support for the groups of rioters
that have terrorized and destroyed American cities for months. "Law enforcement needs to look at the funding of violent
criminal activity like this. And national Democrats need to confront it. It's organized. It's paid
for. It's violent. It's not about Black lives or any lives; it's about anarchy and destruction," Paul wrote in a
Fox News op-ed on Saturday.
arrested during civil unrest in Kenosha, 104 had addresses listed outside city, police say. At least 175 people
have been arrested during the recent civil unrest in Kenosha, Wis., with 102 having addresses listed outside of the city,
according to numbers released by police on Sunday [8/30/2020]. The arrests were related to the protests that have
occurred every night, and have sometimes turned into destructive rioting, following the police shooting of Jacob Blake on
Aug. 23. Kenosha Police said in a media release that the arrests were from people located in 44 cities, although
authorities didn't elaborate which states they came from. A total of 69 people were arrested for curfew violations.
Video Angle Further Points to Targeted Murder of Trump Supporter In Portland. As RedState reported earlier, a
man was shot and killed in Portland, OR during the ongoing rioting in the city. The person shot was apparently a Trump
supporter participating in a counter-protest which started as a drive through by various vehicles. Later in the
evening, the victim in question was murdered in what appears to be cold-blood. It also appears he was targeted.
The man was reportedly a member of "Patriot Prayer," which is a group that is constantly labeled as a dangerous "far-right"
entity by the media when no evidence really exists to back that claim up. Unlike the "Proud Boys," which actively look
for fights, this group doesn't seem to be on that level. The shooter has been possibly identified due to the very
distinct vest he was wearing.
Portland BLM/Antifa Rioter Shoots And Kills
Man Because He Supports Trump. On Saturday night, a Trump-supporting man was shot and killed in Portland,
Oregon, after a caravan of Trump supporters clashed with BLM/Antifa protesters (they have been identified as associated with
either/both groups). [...] The victim was shot because he was a Trump supporter or at least thought to be a Trump
supporter. Just before he was shot, a BLM/Antifa protester screams, "We got a Trumper right there." Seconds later,
another leftist shoots and kills, the alleged Trump supporter. [Video clips] When word got out that the
victim was a Trump supporter, the BLM/Antifa terrorists celebrated.
antifa dance with joy to the murder of Blue Lives Matter supporter. A Trump supporter who participated in the
Portland caravan rally was shot and killed in downtown Portland. If the video below is accurate, he was murdered in
cold blood. The victim was wearing a Patriot Prayer hat. The left says the Patriot Prayer is far-right but
reporter Andy Ngo says they are conservatives. Antifa and Black Lives Matter revolutionaries physically blocked the
ralliers on the road and threw projectiles. After the man's death was known, the communist-anarchist mob celebrated and
danced. "Portland Police officers heard sounds of gunfire from the area of Southeast 3rd Avenue and Southwest Alder
Street. They responded and located a victim with a gunshot wound to the chest. Medical responded and determined
that the victim was deceased," the Portland Police Bureau said in a statement.
'in a Patriot Prayer hat' is shot dead in Portland during violent clashes between Trump supporters and BLM. One
person was shot dead in Portland on Saturday night as tensions between pro-Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter
counter-protesters boiled over. The victim was pictured lying on the ground wearing a Patriot Prayer baseball cap,
appearing to show support for the far-Right group which is frequently present during Portland protests. The Portland
protest was one of many that Donald Trump's supporters staged across the country on Saturday, with hundreds of people
congregating in Los Angeles, Georgia and beyond to celebrate their president and rally for his re-election.
Black Lives Matter Monsters Cheer and Celebrate Murder of Patriot Prayer Member. The rioters in Portland let
their true colors shine on Saturday night as they cheered and celebrated the murder of a member of Patriot Front by one of
their peers. For a while, rumors were circulating online that a rioter had been killed by a supporter of President
Donald Trump, but there was a big celebration when they found out it was actually the other way around.
Unloads On Portland Democrat Mayor After He Refused Federal Help, Protester Killed. President Donald Trump
unloaded on Portland Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler on Sunday morning after a right-wing protester was killed in the city
following Wheeler's decision to reject federal assistance from the Trump administration. "The shooting happened after
right-wing protesters drove trucks around the city with American flags and Trump flags and were met by far-left antifa
activists who blocked traffic and threw things at the vehicles, which often elicited a response from the vehicles," The Daily
Wire reported. "Video of the attack that was posted online showed the shooting and, according to two journalists,
appeared to show someone saying, 'we got a Trumper right here,' before two fatal shots were fired at the victim."
Trump supporter
shot dead in downtown Portland. On the 95th day of riots and protests in Portland, Ore., a Trump supporter was
fatally shot. He was identified by his "Patriot Prayer" hat and his shooting death was caught by multiple livestreamers.
[Video clips] After the man was murdered, his death was celebrated as a victory over Trump, and the dead man was
assumed to be a Nazi.
Celebrate the Killing of a Trump Supporter in Portland: We 'Took Out The Trash,' Video of the Alleged Shooter. On
Saturday [8/29/2020], hundreds of Trump supporters gathered in the outskirts of Portland in a "Cruise Rally" in pick-up trucks with
a lot of Trump 2020 flags decked out all over the cars. After their rally, they then decided to drive into Portland.
They were set upon, in the words of the media, by "counter-protesters" otherwise known as radical leftists/Antifa folk. Leftist
tried to block some of the cars, other cars they threw things at, threatened or stole flags from. Some of the Trump supporters
defended themselves with pepper spray or paintball guns. There were multiple fights between the two groups.
Media Didn't Report What It's Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will. Kenosha became a very different
place after police shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times. Subsequent video footage showed that Blake was armed with
a knife and had been wrestling with officers, threw off a Taser, and was disregarding police commands to stop after they were
called to address a domestic violence complaint. Following the shooting that left Blake paralyzed, rioting erupted in
the city. Although the first night was relatively peaceful, after the second night, things were "spiraling out of
control," said Steil. Fire and looting consumed uptown and downtown Kenosha, and Steil said the city was no longer the
"Kenosha we know." In uptown Kenosha, on Tuesday night, a woman, who said she has lived in Kenosha for more than
40 years, broke down in tears, saying her city felt like a "war zone" and she was "terrified."
The Attempt to Overthrow
America. The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 might appear, looking back, as a pretext for
mayhem. His reported killing by a white police officer was immediately followed by a wave of riots during which neighborhoods
in several major cities were devastated. Stores were looted, buildings were burned and people were murdered as mayors and
other local public officials chose to let the rioters run wild, whip up racial conflict and protect the criminals rather than the
citizens being brutalized. The riots quickly appeared to have nothing to do with Floyd's death and everything to do with
groups seeking to overthrow America. In the past, members of the radical organization Antifa had committed acts of violence,
but never before had been able to sow terror throughout major cities. This time, they could and they did.
Criminals are openly attacking police
officers in De Blasio's New York City. Violent criminals are openly attacking police officers in De Blasio's
New York City for citing them for parking violations now. This guy parked at a fire hydrant and proceeded to brutally
assault police officers. [Video clip]
Democrat suggests it's 'open season' on killing Republicans and President. Politics is hardly ever pretty when
it comes for folks racing toward an election, and thus that means the election for Florida's 18th congressional district is
not immune from the likes of nasty rhetoric from people trying to get a seat at the table. But when you have people
calling for an "open season" for killing your political opponents, then that is where a line has been crossed. The
person who crafted a hypothetical call for murdering the likes of President Trump, Roger Stone and AG Bill Barr is Pam
Keith. This Democrat is vying to land Florida's congressional seat for the 18th district, [...]
night of obnoxious protesters has diners seeing — and likely voting — RED. Political
commentators warn Democrats that Black Lives Matter's mob-bullying of random people and attacks on Trump supporters will
backfire bigly on them, since it's igniting support for President Trump. During the past three months, BLM and Antifa
thugs have threatened, beaten, and bullied Trump supporters and everyday Americans, trying to get them to bend the knee to
their mob tactics. One example is the escalating harassment of random people eating at restaurants. Here's an
alarming video showing aggressive BLM protesters threatening and harassing diners in Washington, D.C., a liberal city
populated by Democrats. [Video clip]
A Tyranny Perpetual
and Universal? [Scroll down] All that, though, was child's play compared to the nightly horrors
Antifa — and their BLM allies — have wreaked on America's streets for three straight months with close
to zero official attempt to rein them in, and often with officials cheering them on. Examples — from Joe
Biden and Kamala Harris to Governors Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, and Tim Walz, to Mayors Bill de Blasio, Eric Garcetti, Lori
Lightfoot, Jenny Durkan, Ted Wheeler, and Jacob Frey — are too numerous to catalog fully. The latest
atrocity came from Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, who, the instant a career criminal wanted on an active warrant was shot
while resisting arrest and, it appears, reaching into his car for a knife, took to Twitter to fire up the mob. His
state's fourth-largest city has burned every night since. It took him days to make even a token appeal for calm.
Mob Shines Strobe Lights Into Ted Wheeler's Condo at Night. On the ninety-third night of violent antifa riots
in Portland, a group of protesters occupied the lobby of Mayor Ted Wheeler's (D-Portland) apartment building as a mob held a
block party outside and activists shined strobe lights into Wheeler's window. The mob demanded the complete abolition
of the police by 2022. Meanwhile, a group of rioters set fire to the Portland Police Association building, targeting the
police union for what appears to have been the fourth time since the police killing of George Floyd. This unrest came
the day after Wheeler sent a letter to President Donald Trump, declining his offer to send federal officers.
Democrats and their liberal media minions are running scared. The Democrats and their media handmaidens are
starting to panic about Joe Biden's prospects. The proof comes in their efforts to wish away the wave of crime and
violence engulfing many American cities. Their argument can be boiled down to two false claims. First, it's
President Trump's fault. Second, it's not that big of a wave. The first is patently absurd on its face.
Democratic mayors running nearly all those cities are pulling back cops and rejecting federal help. The blood is on
their hands. The second claim is outrageously cold-hearted. It means the left sees hundreds of murders, mostly of
black men, and the wholesale destruction of property as small prices to pay for putting Biden in the White House.
Rioter Chucks Trash Can Lid into Back of Officer's Head. A video posted to social media on Thursday shows a
Black Lives Matter rioter throwing a trash can lid at a police officer's head, knocking him to the ground. A
Minneapolis police officer was struck in the head with a trashcan lid and knocked to the ground on Wednesday night during
instances of "confusion, unrest, looting and damage downtown," according to a report by Fox 9. Protests, looting, and
riots have sparked in cities across the country since late May, starting in Minneapolis, where George Floyd died in police
custody. Amid Black Lives Matter protests, extremist activists have repeatedly assaulted police officers, sometimes fatally.
Chaos in Urban America Is Bad Now — But Can Only Get Worse With Biden. People used to accuse
Democrats of being "soft on crime." Now, Democrat-run cities can't even properly identify crime, let alone punish it.
(Except, perhaps, the ultimate sin of defending your life and home from the mob). The eccentric, oddball, strange and
perverse crew of mayors that run these urban cesspools are intransigent in their refusal to fight crime. President
Donald Trump is increasingly at war with America's Democrat-run cities — but only because their mayors refuse to
fight the war with the crime on their streets. This week, the President announced that he was sending 200 federal
agents to Chicago and Kansas City. He has already sent U.S. Customs Border Security guards to Portland in an attempt to
alleviate the lawlessness and chaos in that city. At least he can still distinguish between legitimate protest and
rioting. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, apparently, cannot.
barriers put up around Seattle Police East Precinct after arson, vandalism. People going by the Seattle Police
Department East Precinct on Capitol Hill will notice some big changes to the building, including the installation of concrete
barriers. Over the next several days, the precinct will be undergoing structural upgrades in an effort to "protect the
facility from arson and other damages" as well as protect officers inside and residents who live nearby, according to a
statement from city of Seattle officials on Friday.
emerging on Jacob Blake shooting contradict the narrative that sparked riots. It is stunning how many recent
riots over purported racial injustice have been based on phony stories. Ferguson, Missouri was pillaged and burned over
the false contention that Michael Brown was gunned down with his hands up (the Obama Justice Department confirmed that he
was struggling to kill the police officer arresting him for a strongarm robbery he had just committed by grabbing his gun
when he was fatally shot). Baltimore was sacked over the contention that Freddie Gray was assassinated by police officers
deliberately tossing him around in a police van (a jury acquitted the officers). Just this past week, rioters looted
downtown Minneapolis on the false story that police had gunned down a suspect who had, in fact, committed suicide.
Which was captured on surveillance video. Yet, Target, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom were still looted.
of Brit's Pub says downtown Minneapolis no longer safe for customers. The morning after more civil unrest
struck Downtown Minneapolis, businesses are assessing the damage to their property and starting to pick up the pieces.
One of those trying to figure out what comes next is Kam Talebi, owner and CEO of Kaskaid Hospitality, the parent company
that owns Brit's Pub on Nicollet Mall, along with several other restaurants incuding Crave, Union and BLVD. Talebi spoke
to News Talk 830 WCCO's Mark Freie outside of Brit's Thursday morning where looters broke into the building, eventually
starting a fire inside the complex. Talebi tells WCCO the pub is devastated.
are the Ugliest Americans to Have Ever Existed. Antifa are undoubtedly the ugliest Americans to have ever
existed. It is no wonder why they are angry, they look like some of the most miserable people you would ever
meet. In this article, we will present to you some of the sorriest looking Americans you have ever seen.
shows video of him and wife harassed by 'paid, organized mob of lunatics'. Fox News contributor and leading
conservative podcaster Dan Bongino and his wife were two of several people harassed by mobs of protesters as they left the
White House Thursday after President Donald Trump's speech to close out the Republican National Convention. On Friday
[8/28/2020], the former NYPD officer and Secret Service agent shared video of the incident involving a number of people he
described as "BLM terrorists" harassing him and insulting his wife, Paula.
now redirects to Joe Biden's campaign website. [Scroll down] Joining the dots, it looks like some actual
Antifa "non organisation" got enough serious money to buy this domain in Jan 2020. It went live with english text and german
Antifa logo in the week after the Floyd homicide.
Will Sen. Kamala Harris Condemn The Attack On Her Colleague Rand Paul? Now that the GOP convention is
over, we can take a deep breath and relax to catch our collective breath in the anticipation of sprinting to the finish line
with the election only 67 days away. Unless, of course, you are a recognizable political figure in ANY American
city with a roaming BLM mob just lurking around being peaceful waiting to go not so peaceful. My colleague Jennifer Van
Laar covered the video earlier today of Sen. Rand Paul and his wife literally being surrounded by a mob threatening them
and the D.C. police protecting them with their bodies. [Link to video clip] The video above clearly shows that a
recognizable elected official and his spouse were put in danger by people who are radicals and obviously supporters of Joe
Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris.
Security Secretary Confirms ANTIFA Meets Standards Of Domestic Terrorism. Chad Wolf, the current Secretary of
Homeland Security made a public statement yesterday clarifying that Antifa "absolutely" meets the standards to be classified
as domestic terrorists. "The issue with ANTIFA," said Wolf, "it's not just one singular group. It's a loosely
knit organization that's very hard to define, very hard to define who's a part of it." He also stated, "I think what we see
with them individually targeting law enforcement, individually targeting certain officials for certain reasons, that is the
definition of domestic terrorism." There is a growing public concern regarding ANTIFA and it's recurring involvement in
violent incidents all over the US, and indeed, in Canada and in many other places in the world. Recently, even top
brass at Facebook finally realized that ANTIFA were promoting violence, and shut down many of their accounts and groups.
Banks to Introduce Legislation That Strips Rioters of Unemployment Benefits, Makes Them Pay For Police.
[Congressman Jim] Banks appeared on local radio for an interview about the Support Peaceful Protest Act on Friday
[8/28/2020], and talked about what led him to craft the legislation. "Antifa thugs are descending on suffering
communities, disrupting peaceful protests and leaving violence, looting and vandalism in their wake. They turned
Milwaukee, Seattle and Portland into warzones, and now they're moving the chaos to Kenosha, Wisconsin," Banks said.
"Who knows which community is next?" "Due to enhanced federal benefits, taxpayers are giving wages to jobless rioters that
are destroying our communities. We need to cut them off from their funding and make them feel the full financial
consequences of their actions." Banks also noted that "Many of these people are not working. They have the time to
show up every day at some of these violent protests like in Washington, D.C. and they're getting $600 a week of unemployment
to do it, and that's got to stop."
goes eerily silent after reports the FBI is hot on Antifa's tail. According to journalist Andy Ngo, who's been
on the ground in Portland, Oregon throughout the past three months of left-wing rioting, Thursday evening marked "the first
time in 93 days" that downtown Portland didn't succumb to rioting. In a tweet posted early Friday morning [8/28/2020],
he speculated that the silence may be a result of reports that the FBI's Portland branch has begun actively investigating the
Black Lives Matter and Antifa extremists responsible for the rioting.
The Editor says...
The riots can be stopped in a matter of minutes, just by enforcing the law and arresting the rioters. In this case,
the word got out, and the thugs and vandals didn't want to play the game any more if there was a substantial threat of incarceration.
Videos of Left-Wing Protesters Harassing People After the Republican National Convention. Protesters harassed
people in the streets of Washington, DC, following the last night of the Republican National Convention at the White
House. Many of the individuals harassed were Republican politicians and RNC guests who were leaving the convention's
closing ceremonies and were met by protesters shoving, cursing, and shouting Black Lives Matter slogans at them.
Breitbart News reporters and various others on the scene captured video of the confrontations.
Show Kenosha Protesters Burn Flag, Shout 'Kill the [...] Police' and 'Death to America'. Another city is
burning this week as America-hating anarchists riot under the guise of fighting racial injustice and police brutality.
This time, it's happening in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where violence erupted in the streets after police shot 29-year-old Jacob
Blake on Sunday [8/23/2020]. The exact circumstances are still unclear, though initial video evidence shows that police,
who were were responding to the scene of a domestic disturbance call, shot Blake after he apparently ignored their commands,
walked toward his vehicle and appeared to reach inside of it.
Antifa group arrested in Kenosha with riot gear, controlled substances. Members of Riot Kitchen 206, "a no
charge kitchen serving protestors, activists, movements and those in need in Seattle WA" have been arrested by authorities in
Kenosha, Wisconsin after police suspected that they were "...preparing for criminal activity related to the civil unrest."
Kenosha police released a statement following the arrests that acting on a tip, they had surveilled the vehicles with out of
state plates fuelling gas cans. The vehicles contained gas masks, helmets, protective vests, illegal fireworks and
suspected controlled substances.
Police arrest 8 during
DC protests, including 5 for allegedly assaulting officers. Police in Washington, D.C., arrested eight people,
including five accused of assaulting police officers, during protests late Thursday night into Friday in the wake of
President Trump's Republican National Convention speech at the White House, police said. The Metropolitan Police
Department (MPD) arrested people ranging in age from 18 to 37 early Friday, according to MPD data, after hundreds gathered
around the White House on Thursday night during and after Trump's Republican presidential nomination speech at the RNC.
Claims That Calling a Riot a "Riot" is Racist. NPR published an article claiming that calling a riot a "riot"
is offensive because it's "rooted in racism." Yes, really. The article was written by Jonathan Levinson for Oregon
Public Broadcasting, the Portland NPR affiliate. Portland has experienced 93 days of continuous rioting —
last night was the first time in that entire period that the city has not seen unrest — but according to Levinson,
merely calling a spade a spade is a racist dog whistle. Levinson's argument for this position is vague to the point of
being non-existent. He appears upset that police are able to declare a riot and use crowd control measures to disperse
violent BLM mobs.
The Fools
of Kenosha. On Sunday [8/23/2020], a black man named Jacob Blake was shot seven times by a police officer in
Kenosha after Blake refused to comply with his orders. The details of what happened remain murky. We know that
the cops were called in response to a complaint by a woman who claimed that Blake had taken her keys; we know that there was
a warrant out for Blake that cited sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct; and we know that Blake had a knife
"in his possession" at the time of the shooting. Beyond that, however, we remain largely in the dark. The nature
of these cases depends heavily on the details, and, at the moment, those details are few and far between. One would not
know this by the reaction. Within hours of the video of the shooting hitting the Internet, the city of Kenosha was on
fire. Cars were torched. Businesses were destroyed.
Rand Paul, BLM and DC's street
harassment laws. Over the past week, Washington, DC has turned into a truly dystopian nightmare. Diners
at several area restaurants, including the famous Martin's Tavern in Georgetown, were accosted by a Black Lives Matter mob
that bullied them into raising their fists in solidarity with the movement. Restaurant patrons who refused to comply
faced further verbal abuse and harassment. The trend continued outside the White House on Thursday night.
Attendees of President Trump's acceptance speech during the Republican National Convention were thrown to the wolves as they
left the event, and were chased and screamed at as they made their way back to their hotels. Kentucky senator Rand Paul
and his wife Kelly received some of the most aggressive harassment. Police officers formed a human barricade to protect
them from the protesters, who repeatedly shoved the officers and threatened the senator.
is why Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest. The cops involved in the shooting of Jacob
Blake — which touched off a fresh wave of angry, anti-police sentiment across the country — were
attempting to arrest him for violating a restraining order stemming from an alleged sexual assault, The [New York] Post has
learned. Blake, 29, was forbidden from going to the Kenosha home of his alleged victim from the May 3 incident, and
police were dispatched Sunday following a 911 call saying he was there. The responding officers were aware he had an
open warrant for felony sexual assault, according to dispatch records and the Kenosha Professional Police Association, which
released a statement on the incident on Friday [8/28/2020]. That police union statement also claimed that Blake was
armed with a knife at the time of the shooting — and had put one cop in a headlock and shrugged off two Taser
attempts while resisting arrest.
Restaurant owner describes intense confrontation with looters. In the height of all the looting in downtown
Minneapolis Wednesday night, one restaurant owner had an enormous decision to make. Watching his business being
destroyed, he pulled out his gun during an intense confrontation, before ultimately deciding not to pull the trigger.
The Nguyen family started the Lotus Restaurant in 1984. It's the American dream, which was almost shattered in one
night by a few people looking to destroy their hard work.
It's a little late now, isn't it? Democrats
worry about voter backlash in suburbs. Democratic strategists are worried scenes of violence in Kenosha, Wis.,
and the "defund the police" debate could give Republicans and President Trump a boost with suburban voters. The issue
has come back to the forefront amid new incidents of violence, property destruction and protests this week after another
unarmed Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot in the back by a police officer. Some Democrats worry the continuing unrest
could give Trump an opening with swing voters in Wisconsin and other key states that voted for Trump in 2016.
man whose brother was killed in a police shooting faces federal arson charges linked to fire at Seattle police
building. A 19-year-old Anchorage resident whose younger brother died in a shooting by police in February now
faces a federal arson charge for setting a fire outside a Seattle police station with officers inside. Desmond
David-Pitts was arrested early Tuesday morning in Seattle during protests over Sunday's police shooting that paralyzed
Wisconsin resident Jacob Blake. Police broke up a crowd of protesters in the Capitol Hill area, the Seattle Times
reported. Some climbed over a chain-link fence and set a fire next to the building, the Seattle Police Department said
in an online post. "Individuals also placed quick-drying cement in exterior precinct door locks."
in D.C. Assault People in Streets, Accost People Leaving Republican Convention Including Vernon Jones, Brian
Mast. President Donald Trump gave his final acceptance speech of the RNC acceptance at the White House on
Thursday evening with many people in attendance on the lawn. But outside the White House, the BLM mob was
gathering. The BLM had hoped to be so loud that that they might drown out the event. They failed at that which
made them incredibly frustrated as one can see in this picture. [Numerous photos and video clips]
of Man Murdered by CHAZ Security Files $3 Billion Lawsuit Against Seattle Authorities. The father of a 19-year
old man who was shot dead in Seattle's now-defunct Capital Hill Autonomous Zone is filing lawsuits against state and local
government, accusing the authorities of enabling the death of Lorenzo Anderson by tacitly permitting the self-declared
anarchist commune to exist in downtown Seattle. Horace Anderson is Lorenzo's father.
Paul calls for FBI arrests, investigation into 'mob' he believes 'would have killed us,' if not for police.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told "Fox & Friends" he believes he would have been killed if not for the police when he and his
wife were surrounded and attacked by a "mob" yelling threats and pushing police upon exiting the White House after President
Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) Thursday night [8/27/2020]. "It was horrific," the
Republican senator — who had part of his lung removed due to a complication from the 2017 assault by his
neighbor — told host Steve Doocy of the "unhinged" mob that continued to get bigger and bigger.
Mob Starts Looting to Protest Police Brutality After Black Murder Suspect Commits Suicide. It appears Black
Lives Matter activists are so anxious for an excuse to riot that they won't even make sure the police were the ones who
pulled the trigger when a black man loses his life. On Wednesday night, a large crowd started breaking windows and
looting stores like Target at Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis following news of a black man dying after police pursued
him. As it turned out, the man was a suspect in a murder case and he committed suicide to avoid arrest.
'Riot Kitchen' gets busted. Who knew that looters had their own food trucks? Who would have guessed that
Antifa had its own soup kitchen to come to after working up an appetite after a hard day's rioting? Turns out they did,
and when they headed out to Kenosha, Wisconsin, the cops shut them down. [...] Turns out the "Riot Kitchen," —
yes, it's really called that — may have had some unusual cuisine on its menu: ["]Police said they
recovered helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks and suspected controlled substances from the
vehicles. Nine people were arrested on disorderly conduct charges. Police did not immediately release their
names.["] The cops said they busted the leftist food truck for being "suspicious" after its denizens broke
curfew and were seen buying a lot of gasoline at a gas station, apparently in cans.
Rand Paul thanks DC cops for saving him from 'crazed mob' after RNC. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said he
was attacked by a "crazed mob" of more than 100 people after leaving the White House following President Trump's acceptance
speech at the Republican Convention. "Just got attacked by an angry mob of over 100, one block away from the White
House, he wrote on Twitter early Friday. "Thank you to @DCPoliceDept for literally saving our lives from a crazed mob."
Video on social media appeared to show a crowd chasing and jeering Paul, who was escorted by D.C. police as he returned to his
hotel. An officer was captured on video being shoved by a protester and was nearly knocked over. Paul appeared to
help steady the officer.
Chaos v. Order on the Ballot —
Again. Richard J. Daley, the old-school mayor of Chicago, told the city's superintendent during the riots that
followed Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination to "shoot to kill any arsonists" and "shoot to maim or cripple anyone
looting." [...] They don't make Democrats like they used to. But occasionally years, and usually not the good ones,
reincarnate. Vice President Mike Pence summed up 2020 as "this year like no other" during his Republican National
Convention speech this week. But a 1968 vibe, when riots challenged a shared ethos of law, order, and patriotism,
reverberates in the 2020 campaign.
face federal charges from Portland protests. Seventy-four people are now facing federal charges related to
protests that have rocked Portland, Oregon, for three months since George Floyd was killed. The misdemeanor and felony
charges include assaults on federal officers, arson and damaging federal property.
Faces Backlash For Misleading Attack On Trump Regarding Violence In Democrat Cities. Biden's attack, featured in a tweet,
came in response to Trump hammering him during the Republican National Convention on the issue of violence in the inner cities.
"We must never allow mob rule, we can never allow mob rule," Trump said. "In the strongest possible terms, the Republican Party
condemns the rioting, looting, arson, and violence we have seen in Democrat run cities all, like Kenosha, Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago,
and New York, and many others Democrat-run. There is violence and danger in the streets of many Democrat-run cities throughout
America." "This problem could easily be fixed if they wanted to," Trump continued. "Just call; we are ready to go in.
We will take care of your problem in a matter of hours. Just call. We have to wait for the call. It's too bad we
have to, but we have to wait for the call. We must always have law and order."
Democrats Face the Inferno They Created. With Antifa, the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, BLM, its
ideological arm, and the media, its propaganda arm, the Democrats have confected a riotous monster they are no longer able to
control. When you allow people to run rampant in the streets with no repercussions, the anarchy, looting, and arson
that result awakens within the faux revolutionaries their "woke muscles," allowing them to feel "big," and, most importantly,
in charge. Breaking stuff and burning stuff is fun. Looting is not only fun, but profitable. Being able to
order people around is empowering. For the aspiring sociopaths roaming free in our streets, hurting people with
impunity is a dream come true. Why would they ever want to stop now? Democrats will now seek to add tepid
disapproval of rioting and rioters to their active and avowed support of protestors just as Americans have come to the
conclusion that they are one and the same, and are beginning to take to the streets to fight back. At some point,
Americans will have had enough and are going to confront the attackers themselves.
Set on 'Vigilante White Supremacist Militia' Shooter. Yesterday [8/26/2020] Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old
accused of shooting three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, killing two and injuring one, was arrested. He was charged
with first-degree intentional homicide. President Trump has since sent in the feds and the national guard after the
useless governor of Wisconsin previously turned down offers of support. Hooligans are rioting because a black man with
a criminal record of violence was shot by cops when he resisted arrest, marched to his car and appeared to reach into grab
something. A knife was found in the car. Was Jacob Blake was trying to grab a gun? I wouldn't want to wait
and find out.
Kenosha Burning. Antifa/#BlackLivesMatter rioters seem
determined to riot in every city in America (or at least every Democrat-controlled city), and this week it was the turn of
Kenosha, Wisconsin, a city of some 100,000 on the shores of Lake Michigan between Chicago and Milwaukee, two other cities
that have gotten to experience the same violence. [...] The man over whom rioters were destroying Kenosha was a repeat
offender wanted on 3rd degree sexual assault charges and accused of rape.
Craven Democrats
invite violence. An army of lawyers descended on the Wisconsin city of Kenosha on Tuesday to prey on the family
of Jacob Blake and fan the flames of mob violence. Sure enough, a few hours later, two people were shot dead in another
night of rioting, arson and destruction, spurred on by politicians, lawyers and other faithless opportunists. Another
Democrat-run American city suffering at the hands of the violent BLM-Antifa wing of the Democratic Party, which has been
deputized to influence the outcome of the November election. After two nights of mayhem, the predatory attorneys, led
by George Floyd lawyer Ben Crump, staged a press conference designed to maximize anger about Sunday's police shooting of Blake,
who reportedly was wanted on warrants for domestic violence and sexual assault, and appeared on video to be resisting arrest.
the Sleeping Giant. [Scroll down] None of this is a surprise to anyone who is actually paying attention,
regardless of what side you vote for. If you don't see how lawless and dangerous the riots have become, then you're not
willing to see. On a daily basis, the police are being attacked with rocks, frozen water bottles, bricks, Molotov
cocktails, improvised explosive devices, and all manner of other weapons. The attacks are coming from "peaceful
protesters" clad in military style body armor and riot gear and are being directed at anyone who displeases them or seems to
disagree with their narrative. Or for that matter, anyone who is just trying to pass by, either on foot or in their
vehicle. [...] In several instances, Antifa has been very promptly and swiftly (and sometimes violently) ejected from towns
or neighborhoods who knew what their intentions were and collectively decided to take a stand. Those stories are
wonderful to hear, because to me it means that regular people — you know, those crazy people who have jobs,
families, responsibilities, maybe faith in God and a love of their country — are starting to tire of the violence
and overall nonsense.
murder suspect kills himself; mob accuses police of killing him and sets off looting downtown Minneapolis. Last
night offered a warp speed example of mob violence triggered by utterly bogus charges of police misbehavior resulting in the
sack of the premier shopping district of a major American city. The disgraceful incident happened in Minneapolis, where
I grew up, and there is a personal connection to one of the targets of the phony outrage that I will explain below. The
incident began just after 6 PM, when a murder suspect killed himself rather than be apprehended by police. The incident
was captured on surveillance cameras which the police quickly shared with local news outlets. [...] Three was no doubt that
police were blameless, but that did not stop bystanders from immediately castigating the police with the same sort of bogus
claims that led to mob violence in Ferguson, MO and elsewhere, even as they attended to the bleeding corpse of the suicided perp.
trying to get Tucker Carlson fired over Kenosha commentary. Last night provided more evidence that Tucker
Carlson is the most important political commentator of the current crisis. Ankle biting critics, jealous of his status
as host of the eponymous top-rated cable news show, seized upon perfectly reasonable comments he made on Wednesday's edition
of his show and launched a campaign to boycott his advertisers (they are close forcing me to buy one of Mike Lindell's
pillows) and thereby pressure Fox News into cancelling him. Tucker proudly tweeted out the segment in question, with
Twitter cautioning viewers that it may be sensitive and [requiring an] extra click in order to view the 7 minutes
or so. His tweet summarized his point, that when authorities stand down and allow mob rule, the situation
devolves into violent anarchy, with people taking up arms to defend themselves, with terrible consequences.
Minneapolis homicide suspect reportedly
commits suicide, as angry crowd suspects police shooting and riots. A homicide suspect reportedly took his own
life near Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis on Wednesday, August 26, according to local police. In the aftermath of the
suicide, people gathered around the scene and rumors spread on social media that the man was shot by police. To refute
social media rumors that the man was shot by police, Minneapolis police held a press conference and shared video of the
incident from a city surveillance camera. [Video clip]
Of Black Murder Suspect Who Shot And Killed Himself In Minn. That Caused Mass Looting. Gov. Tim Walz
mobilized the Minnesota National Guard on Wednesday night after people looted downtown Minneapolis businesses, in the wake of
a homicide suspect shooting himself. Police released a graphic video, which showed the man's suicide, after a crowd
gathered and believed it was the police who killed the suspect. [Video clip]
Loot The Nicollet Mall In Minneapolis After Black Suspect Kills Himself. Hundreds descended into the heart of
downtown Minneapolis Wednesday night to decry the death of a man who killed himself on Nicollet Mall as police closed in on
him, sparking unrest and property damage along the corridor and leading to a National Guard mobilization. Police almost
immediately shared surveillance video of the suicide, but it did little to calm the crowds who broke windows at retail
stores, restaurants, bars and coffee shops, prompting Gov. Tim Walz to declare a Peacetime Emergency in the City of
Minneapolis and mobilize the Minnesota National Guard. [Video clip]
Loot Saks 5th Avenue In Minn. Because a Thug Killed Himself Before Cops Could Arrest Him. A suspected
gunman fatally shot himself Wednesday as Minneapolis police were moving in to arrest him for a slaying committed hours
earlier, sparking looting in the downtown area, police told Fox News. The man was with a female at a parking garage
around 2 p.m. when they encountered another man, Minneapolis police spokesman John Elder said. The couple got into a
confrontation with the man, who was fatally shot by the man who was with the woman. [Video clip]
Third night
of RNC 2020 puts the onus squarely on Joe Biden. Mike Pence put it on the line in his speech on the third night
of the Republican Convention: "You will not be safe in Joe Biden's America." As he spoke, Kenosha was reeling from the
violence of the past four days while rioters were trashing Minneapolis yet again. The embrace of law and order was one
of the key themes of the night, and Pence was at his most dramatic as he said, "The violence must stop, whether in Minneapolis,
Portland, or Kenosha. Too many heroes have died defending our freedoms to see Americans strike each other down.
We will have law and order on the streets of America." He said that the men and women of law enforcement "are the best
of us," and that "we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line."
Chyron On Kenosha: 'Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting'. A CNN chyron reporting on the
riots exploding in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the early hours of Tuesday morning [8/25/2020] appeared to have gone
unnoticed. "Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting," the news network's television headline blared
while its reporter, Omar Jimenez, stood in front of several burning cars. The footage features Jiminez explaining to
viewers that while the city burns to the ground behind him, the so-called protesters destroying the blue-collar midwestern
town were being "mostly peaceful."
Positive Signs.
Democrats are getting nervous. After encouraging rioting and arson for months, CNN's Don Lemon is now worrying that
Antifa- and BLM-led violence is hurting Joe Biden in the polls. Do tell! [...] I assume that the Kenosha riots will
put Wisconsin in President Trump's column, and the riots here in Minnesota have, at a minimum, put the state in play.
There is another factor that hasn't gotten much attention: Kanye West has made it onto the Minnesota ballot.
Lemon says, out loud: Riots have to stop now because it's 'showing in the polling and focus groups'.
CNN's Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo finally spoke out against the rioting that continues in some U.S. cities but not for the
reasons many Americans condemn the violence. Lemon accidentally said the quiet part out loud when he lamented how
ongoing leftist riots need to stop because they are hurting Democrats in the polls. Criticizing riots not for damage to
human lives and property, but for the toll they are taking on the Democratic Party, Lemon called on Democratic presidential
nominee Joe Biden to address the unrest, warning that the issue is a "blind spot" for the party.
In Kenosha, The Seeds of Civil
War. [Scroll down] What did you morons think was going to happen? That you could continue burning
down a small city in middle America without any resistance? People are going to defend their lives and property sooner
or later, you know. You may have caught a break in that your nemesis turned out to be a 17-year-old you can cancel as a
crazed would-be school shooter, but the next incident might very well run your people up against decorated Navy SEALS or
Marines or retired cops with unblemished service records. Or just plain pillars of the community well-versed in
firearms. Particularly in a place like Wisconsin where those with hunting licenses represent a fighting force as large
as the army of many a small nation. The citizenry will eventually fight back. And when it does, nobody ought to
be surprised. The make-believe revolution must at some point become real. In Kenosha it became real. And in
real revolutions people get killed, because more than one side is fighting.
Rittenhouse, charged in Kenosha protest homicides, considered himself militia. Kyle Rittenhouse, the
17-year-old charged with shooting three people — two of them fatally — during a Kenosha protest Tuesday
night [8/25/2020], considered himself a militia member trying to protect life and property, according to videos, interviews
and social media posts. Video recorded in the hours before the shooting shows Rittenhouse hanging out with older armed
men who say they're protecting a car lot. Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, also did a video interview with the Daily
Caller in front of a boarded up building. "People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business,"
Rittenhouse says in the clip.
Kyle Rittenhouse
Was Right to Fire His Weapon. [Scroll down] [Video clips] Both of these pieces of footage [show]
Rittenhouse was firing with the intention of self-defense, not assault. He is always moving away, attempting to flee
pursuers and never fires until his pursuers are right on top of him. If that's the case then no death that occurred as
a result of Rittenhouse firing his weapon was not his fault due to Wisconsin's "Castle Doctrine" law. He was clearly
under attack and as such, was within legal bounds when he pulled the trigger from his legal firearm.
behavior we are witnessing from the mob is nothing new; what's different is the degree. Tearing down statues
and other public symbols of "white supremacy? Check. Lobbing rocks or Molotov cocktails at police?
Check. Smashing windows and committing acts of arson in the name of Black Lives Matter? Check.
Looting? Check. Add the latest offense — storming restaurants and harassing customers — and
the list is complete. All of these relics of revenge-mob mentality, supposedly carried out over police shootings of
black men, date back to the Obama era. In fact, there was one additional symptom that happily hasn't carried forward:
the wholesale assassination of police officers as they sat in their cars. If there is one difference between then and
now it is the level of depraved indifference exhibited by the mob.
his jaw:' Man in his 70s attacked while trying to protect burning Kenosha mattress store. A man was injured
after attempting to protect a Kenosha mattress store before it burned down during violent protests Monday night, Aug. 24, a
day after the police shooting of Jacob Blake. The man in his 70s was hurt while trying to stop people from burning the
building down, but fire leveled the building and the longtime owners are angry and emotional.
tried to burn Seattle police alive, sealed door during fire at East Precinct. Seattle rioters used a substance
suspected to be quick-dry concrete to seal shut the door to the East Precinct, the Seattle Police Department has
confirmed. At the same time, the rioter attempted to set fire to the building. Photos reviewed by the Jason Rantz
Show show the concrete mix and tools used. Now, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is
working with the Seattle Police Department on this investigation. Rioters assaulted Seattle's East Precinct on Monday
night [8/24/2020].
mob wasn't satisfied with destroying statues, so now they're coming for your homes and families. Statues
starting coming down in June. It's mid-August, and the "peaceful protestors" are roaming through residential
neighbourhoods yelling at people in their homes. We heard from activists and agitators that the statues had to come
down, that they were symbols of an unsavory past and could not blight our town centers any longer. In dozens of
instances, the statues came down, but the protestors have not been appeased. Protestors are no longer intent on
destroying statues and public property; they are now moving on to people. We hear so often that property damage isn't
violence. Ariel Atkins tells us that looting is merely reparations. The New York Times' Nikole Hannah-Jones said
that "Yes, it is disturbing to see property being destroyed, it's disturbing to see people taking property from stores, but
these are things." So when the fight moves from statues, government buildings, and town squares out into neighbourhoods,
is that violence? Or is it merely people making use of their right to freely assemble on residential streets?
rioting mobsters are turning into Trump's useful idiots. Protesters have been setting fire to yet another
American city today to tell us that black lives matter. This latest eruption is in response to a disturbing video that
shows a black man being shot repeatedly in the back by police as he reaches into his car in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The man
in question is called Jacob Blake. He is reported to be in a serious condition, but still alive in hospital this
morning. An investigation into the shooting is taking place, but the mob smashing up Kenosha doesn't care about
that — it cares about rage and destruction. We see the now familiar liturgy of so-called protest: cars
on fire; windows shattered; shops looted and tagged with 'BLM' and 'ACAB' graffiti. Rioters even threw a brick at a
police officer's head, knocking him out. It all makes for 'viral content' online and that's sort of the point.
Guard called out to Kenosha as protesters wreck largely black neighborhood. The National Guard was called in to
quell fiery riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin — as protesters defied a curfew to loot and destroy a mostly black
business area they are supposedly trying to defend following the police shooting of a local black man. Democratic
Gov. Tony Evers summoned 125 members of the National Guard Monday after protesters set cars on fire, smashed windows and
clashed with officers in riot gear Sunday after the shooting of Jacob Blake. But that and a dusk-to-dawn curfew did not
stop the city from exploding once again on Monday night — with blazes set near the scene of Blake's shooting as
protesters clashed with law enforcement in riot gear. Videos on social media showed some protesters using baseball bats
to systematically smash a line of parked cars. Another clip showed a man calmly lighting a fuse to torch an already
smashed-up garbage truck as explosions went off around him.
Kenosha: Officer Knocked Out with Brick.
Officers from the Kenosha Police Department are surrounded by rioters as bricks and large rocks are thrown. As the
officers try to move past the rioters blocking the road, one officer is struck in the head. He falls to the ground and
appears to lose consciousness. Other officers come to his aid. [Video clip]
armed civilians take to the streets of Kenosa to protect locals businesses as city braces for a third night of rioting, arson
and looting. Heavily armed civilians have been filmed patrolling outside businesses in Kenosha after arsonists
set buildings alight, torching much of the black business district Monday [8/24/2020]. In footage taken by a local
reporter, a small group of men can be seen carrying rifles and wearing combat gear as they protect local shops. They
deny they are part of a militia. The Wisconsin city became the nation's latest flashpoint in a summer of racial unrest
after police shot unarmed black man Jacob Blake, 29, in the back Sunday.
Rioters stomp on cars as chaos reigns
overnight in Kenosha. People jump onto cars in this used car lot, smashing windows as the crowd moves through
the streets in a chaotic night of protesting turned rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 24. [Video clip]
in Need Had to Fend for Themselves, and You Won't Believe Just One Night's Crime. You've seen the violence in
Portland. You've witnessed the chaos caught on tape. The cops have their hands full. So what happens, then,
when people outside the chaos need police? It turns out they have to go it alone. As reported by The Daily
Caller, on Sunday night, 35 officers had to abandon patrol duty after a riot was declared. That led to 80 other
emergency calls being put on hold. [Video clip] On Monday [8/24/2020], the Portland Police Bureau issued a
statement detailing the night's insanity. Twenty-three people ages 19 [to] 44 were arrested, for crimes
including assaulting a public safety officer, interfering with a peace officer, and escape in the third degree.
Detroit police prevented 'Seattle zone of lawlessness'. Officers used force to prevent protesters from setting
up a "Seattle zone of lawlessness" during demonstrations that turned violent Saturday, the city's police chief said Monday
[8/24/2020]. Detroit police chief James Craig made the comment while there are multiple internal investigations to
determine whether any officers acted improperly during the skirmishes. "I am not going to let any group set up a
Seattle zone of lawlessness here in the city of Detroit," Craig said. "That is non-negotiable."
businesses fight ban on exterior shutters owners wanting to protect their windows after riots face obstacle.
After looters crashed through his floor-to-ceiling windows and stole $1 million worth of booze in May, Chicago-Lake Liquors
owner John Wolf wanted to protect himself from a repeat occurrence. Like property owners throughout the world, he
wanted to install security shutters on the outside of his building. The investment would not only prevent rioters from
entering his store, it would protect his windows — which cost $50,000 to replace. But Wolf ran into a big
obstacle: The city of Minneapolis has barred security shutters on building exteriors since 2004.
Burns Down Kenosha — A City of 100,000 — With Police and National Guard Deployed. The
only option tonight for Police and National Guard was to use deadly force — or just let the rioters have their way
until they exhausted themselves. They chose the latter. The Kenosha Police Department has only 185 officers.
The Sheriff's Office is significantly larger, but even if it is twice as large, that is still only in the neighborhood of 600
or so officers. The National Guard deployment was only of 125 members, and the task they were publicly given by
Gov. Evers was to provide security for fire and emergency personnel. The public announcement did not seem to include
any support for law enforcement agencies dealing with the riots.
Denver's Turn In The Riot Barrel.
Saturday night [8/22/2020], downtown Denver got to experience the same joy that antifa and #BlackLivesMatter has brought to
places like Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle. [Video clips] These riots aren't about police brutality,
they're about a hard-left, anti-police activism that's rejected by the overwhelming majority of American citizens. In
Austin, state troopers and APD quickly clamped down on this stupidity before the idiots could do much damage. Other
cities should follow their lead[.]
They're Honest About It: BLM 'Protester' Charged With Terrorist Activity in Florida. One of the reasons
that Portland and Seattle have so gotten out of hand is that the local Democrats running the show aren't willing to hold the
radical leftist rioters there fully accountable for their actions. While they have arrested some, many have caused
trouble repeatedly without consequence as the rioters have tried to burn down police buildings and attacked dozens of police
and other citizens. But the actions are clearly terrorist activity — violence and intimidation for a
political purpose. Can there be a more accurate description? There's been a lot of terrorist activity going on in
Portland that hasn't been charged as such. But just to show you the difference in how BLM/Antifa crimes are treated,
there has been a BLM 'protester' charged with terrorist activity in Florida.
42 Rioters Arrested in Detroit Over Weekend. A Black Lives Matter riot was ultimately broken up by Detroit
police on Sunday, with over 40 rioters arrested, according to USA Today. The incident was started by a Detroit-area
Black Lives Matter-affiliated group called "Detroit Will Breathe," which has been causing trouble in the area ever since the
death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. One of the leading organizers of Detroit Will Breathe, a far-left radical named
Tristan Taylor, claimed without evidence that police attacked "peaceful protesters." The riot was broken up shortly
after midnight on Sunday, after multiple rioters began blocking traffic on major downtown roads. The initial protest
started with about 400, before eventually dwindling down to about 100 who stayed to block the roads.
BLM Thug Who Kicked Innocent Man in the Face Arrested, Charged With 3 Felonies. The Black Lives Matter rioter
who was caught on-camera kicking a truck driver in the face in a vicious, unprovoked attack last weekend in Portland, has
been arrested on multiple felony charges. Marquise Lee Love, 25, "turned himself in Friday morning after detectives and
the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office coordinated with his attorney," Fox 12 reported. The Black Lives
Matter agitator was booked into the Multnomah County Jail on charges of "second-degree assault, coercion, and riot,"
according to Portland Police. His bail was set at $260,000.
the Violence Would Increase Under Biden. It's easy to see why Joe Biden omitted even a glancing reference in
his presidential nomination acceptance speech to the violence that's overwhelming so many of our cities. He couldn't
figure out how to do it without exposing his party's egregious policies in those cities. From Portland, Oregon, where
the bloody uprisings have been going on for 80 days with no end in sight, to New York City — once the envy
of the world, turned into a public garbage dump and latrine for the drug-addicted homeless and child molesters, its citizenry
fleeing in droves — Democratic officials have proven to be a collection of virtue-signaling prima donnas lost
between their sympathies for the demonstrators (including violent ones with whom some seem to identify) and an absolute
cluelessness about what to do about the escalating situation. Whatever they do, they dare not offend the sainted
demonstrators by calling for law enforcement lest they (Democratic mayors, governors, attorneys general, and so forth) be
accused of racism — a fool's game if there ever were one, since everybody is, eventually, declared a
racist. That's how it rolls in today's America. Exceptions are, of course, the mayors of Seattle and Chicago
who — with mind-bending hypocrisy — suddenly screamed for the cops when their own homes were under
assault, something they never did for the benighted people of their cities, especially the poor they pretend to
support. In the case of Chicago, we have been watching the bodies pile up for years, turning the city into a virtual
killing field for black people. Meanwhile, those working stiffs known as the police, under constant assault by the
moral narcissists of the left, are retiring across the country at a record rate — who could blame
them — leaving cities undefended while Antifa and Black Lives Matter leadership continue their pursuit of
Helpful tip: Using the grammar of a six-year-old hillbilly doesn't advance your cause. Chicago
BLM Militant Issues Threat: "We Have Demands and They Need to Be Met... You Can Listen to Us Or Get Ran Over".
A Black Lives Matter militant in Chicago this week issued what many have interpreted as a terroristic threat. Taylor Norwood
this week unleashed on Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot during a press conference for allowing the police to arrest her 'innocent
friends' who were just exercising their Fist Amendment right. Norwood accused Lightfoot of protecting the whites in North
Chicago from blacks in Southside Chicago by blocking off exits to the north following back-to-back weekends of BLM terrorists
looting Magnificent Mile.
And Black Lives Matter Intelligence Report. Just who is Antifa? The American manifestation of the "Black
Bloc" isn't new. Antifa existed before now in Europe, but appears to have morphed into a more ad hoc conglomeration of
people who have certain ideologies in common, some of whom appear to have been overseas. [...] There is indeed indication
that some of these insurgents may have been imported with help from Obama administration officials (See also here and here;
additionally, 13 Biden staffers have donated to organizations that fund the riots, so this may carry forward to a future
administration). It has a flat organizational structure, but it is obviously getting funding for bail, legal support and
logistics in Portland and Seattle (and possibly elsewhere). Their tactics have evolved and increased in sophistication as
their encounters with law enforcement have increased. [...] The mob tactics they have employed (along with BLM) include
arson, looting, attacks on vehicles, busting windows, beatings of innocent people in the street, trashing businesses, and
destruction of structures not associated in any way to politics. Of late, Black Bloc has taken to neighborhoods in
Portland. They seek an end to the American system, and in fact an end to Western culture in general. They
are clearly Marxists and anarchists.
swarm of 'armed anarchists' wielding axes and guns descends on Denver Police HQ. Dozens of armed 'anarchists'
descended on the Denver Police Headquarters late Saturday [8/22/2020] and damaged buildings, set fires and injured an officer,
city officials said Sunday. The group, consisting of between 50 to 75 demonstrators, were said to be wielding
a varying degree of weapons — from axes to guns — during the incident yesterday evening.
This Is a Revolution. [Scroll down] As of this writing, Portland, Oregon, has endured more than two
months straight of anarchist violence directed at federal buildings and employees. In other cities — New
York, Los Angeles, Richmond, Omaha, and Austin, to name a few — mob violence continues to erupt regularly, always
connected to cries for justice and sometimes resulting in death. Accelerating the general dissolution, police forces
have been successfully hobbled in response to the killing of George Floyd, and the resulting spike in murder and violent
crime shows no sign of abating. All the while, armchair lynch mobs have continued to claim the scalps of those who veer
from or merely stumble on the path to social-justice enlightenment. It is the full-time job of any American with a
public presence to bow down before the identity cult. [...] 62 percent of all Americans, according to a poll by the CATO
Institute, now say they're afraid to voice their political views lest they be punished professionally.
details and arrests in the case of the hat-stealing Biden women. [Scroll down] Taylor's statement about
these two harpies confirmed another suspicion of mine: That these two women exemplify the Democrat trend of having
women as the frontline soldiers. They are not forced into the frontline. Instead, the Democrat establishment,
starting in public schools and continuing into colleges and universities, creates angry young white women who feel victimized
by society. At the same time, they feel guilty about their alleged white privilege. This combination of anger and
guilt plays out in remarkable viciousness. These women are also willing to engage in violence because, despite their
abandonment of traditional codes of femininity, they expect men to continue to respect the cultural prohibition against
striking women. This double standard appears in the video when one of the women strikes Taylor, and he doesn't retaliate.
In the Soup! [Scroll down] If you're black,
it's even worse. The person shooting you does so from a refuge of protection provided by the same political machine
that pumps lead infused water into your tenement, ensures that you never have any positive role models like Justice Clarence
Thomas, Economist Thomas Sowell or National Security Advisor Condolezza Rice, but continually fall back on drug dealers,
rappers and sports figures to show your young men the way to prosperity. The gun you are disallowed from owning to
protect yourself in the cities with the highest murder rates in the world are pumped into the hands for juvenile delinquents
in gangs by those who campaign all day long on "gun control." Those of you who are trying to sleep at night in order to get
up, go to work and pay for all of the largesse funneled out to those who hold you in contempt, are now awakened by Antifa/BLM/Revcom
soldiers just to let you know that they will show up in the middle of the night to harass you if you do not enthusiastically
obey their outlandish demands on a daily basis.
Navy Seal Instructs Americans on How to Deal With a Violent Mob. The mob is out there, and I don't mean on
Twitter. Across the nation, violent crowds are setting fires, blocking traffic, hospitalizing residents,
and — in some cases — shooting drivers. So what should you do if you find yourself the fixation
of an unruly horde? On Tucker Carlson Tonight Friday [8/21/2020], author and former Navy SEAL Jack Carr laid out
instructions. [Video clip]
Vehicle -"Protest"
Encounters: Politics, Legal Jeopardy, Defense. In the seeming never-ending riots portrayed as "peaceful
protests" by the Progressive left, including most of the Media, there are an increasing number of drivers/passengers involved
in vehicle encounters with agitators/protestors. There are numerous responses on Internet forums about how to handle a
situation where a person or persons in a vehicle encounter, often unexpectedly, agitators/protestors who are aggressively
blocking a public right of way. Many of these responses are very dangerous. It seems to be precisely what is
desired by the Progressive left, such as Antifa and BLM, their organizers, handlers, and political theorists. This
article explains some of the dynamics observed from the reporting of these events, and a framework of how to respond with the
least risk to the driver/passenger(s) involved. The design of many of these events is to deliberately block public
right-of-ways, to inconvenience large numbers of the public, and to show the public the participants can break the law with
impunity. Part of the design is to trap drivers/passengers and provoke a violent response to further the Antifa/BLM
agenda. In nearly all of these events, the local government, which may include the local prosecutor, mayor, and or city
council, are complicit, sympathetic, or compromised on the side of those organizing the event and the violence.
riots intensify; balloons with feces thrown at cop cars. Heeding the advice of critics, Portland police say
they repeatedly tried to deescalate with protesters Friday night. It didn't work. As many as 200 demonstrators
rampaged near a police station in the Oregon city, pelting a protective line of unoccupied police vehicles with golf balls,
softball-sized rocks, metal railroad spikes, paint-filled plastic eggs and balloons filled with feces. A torn-up street
sign was also used to smash cars, with tires slashed and windows broken, police said.
Storm Suburbs, Shine Lights Into Homes While Screaming: 'Out Of Your House, Into The Streets!' Hundreds of
far-left activists stormed a residential neighborhood in Portland, Oregon on Friday night as they shined lights into people's
home and screamed, "out of your house, into the streets!" Videographer BG On the Scene captured numerous videos of the
night's action and identified those who were marching as Black Lives Matter protesters. Journalist Andy Ngo identified
them as being part of antifa. The far-left activists wore black and carried shields, at least one of which could
briefly be seen with a hammer and sickle symbol on it. "Out of your house, into the streets!" the activists screamed as
they marched through the residential neighborhood. They repeated the chant countless times throughout the area.
riot: Vandalism, naked people, poop balloons and nine arrests. Another riot was declared in Portland last
night. I think that makes four this week. Last night the focus was the north precinct and Antifa vandalized a
police car. While they were there they also vandalized a van for the Boys & Girls Club which is not part of the police
bureau. [Numerous video clips] Police have been wasting their time (and the city's money) with these idiots every
night for months. They've vandalized city property and injured officers and they are forming shield walls to resist
orders to disperse. And yet, the moment someone gets pushed they are outraged.
Two Women were filmed harassing a mother
and her child for wearing MAGA hats. Just outside the DNC convention, two brazen women were filmed harassing a
mother and her child for wearing MAGA hats. Tearing up signs and one woman then stole the MAGA hat off the 7-year-old
child, who's name is Riley. [Video clip]
Update: Woman
who stole 7-yr-old boy's MAGA hat and terrorized him is charged cuffed and arrested. One of the women allegedly
seen in a video berating a boy and stealing his MAGA hat in Delaware was arrested by police in Wilmington. Olivia
Winslow was arrested by Wilmington Police on Friday after the 21-year-old was allegedly identified in a video that's gone
viral showing her and another woman involved in the incident with a 7-year-old boy on the last night of the virtual
Democratic National Convention this week.
Videos And Images Foretell The Future Of America. We are going to begin a little differently with this article
and provide the first video in question at the beginning, offering other related incidents after the video, all showing that
America is not going to go back to normal after the November presidential election, and that "normal" no longer exists.
As an FYI, while tempers are hot and everyone is trying to talk over each other at some point or another, there is no
outright violence, except an after-scene shot of a woman that according to the people in the video, exited her car to attack
the Trump supporters, and managed to get herself either maced or pepper-sprayed. [Video clip] [...] It is almost
as if they simply cannot stand that anyone that isn't a Democrat could gather and present a message, and they must attempt to
destroy the entire event. After the years of reporting on Antifa, it truly isn't a surprise to see people supportive of
them, or even members of one the many Antifa groups, acting out like children having a temper tantrum because someone is
espousing ideology that they do not like.
Convention Ignores the Elephant in the Virtual Room: Big-City Violence. As I keep telling you, when you
hear politicians talking, pay attention to what isn't said. Train your eye to see the negative space between the
dancers, because that, too, is often the story. Urban violence threatens the peace of targeted Democratic suburban
voters, like those soccer moms who've just installed police scanner apps on their cellphones. Trump is taking advantage
of this, but he didn't create it. What America is witnessing in cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago and New York is
a clash between the hard left and the liberal Democratic mayors who lead those cities. And this Democratic infomercial
is all about the swing vote, if there is such a thing, in battleground states, like Michigan, Pennsylvania and
Wisconsin. Naturally, Democrats accentuate the positive. Yet as the DNC infomercial makes plain, this new left
Democratic Party of 2020 sees only two types: The Oppressed and The Oppressors, a formula that invariably leads to
rising conflict and anger that can't be covered over with virtual kindness and virtual empathy.
'We, the People' Have a Duty to Stop the Violence.
We already have the power in our hands to throw out governments that have not cared enough about the people to act effectively
against violence. We already know enough not to accept as normal this unending violence. We will say the names of
those whose lives were ended and whose dreams were destroyed by those who accept no responsibility for their actions.
And we will use our power to remove governments that accept no responsibility for delivering positive results, who demand
loyalty on the basis of identity alone, and who never deliver even the most elementary responsibility of those who are
empowered only to serve the public — protecting the lives and property of the citizens. Public servants
who are loyal to the government at the people's expense have proven their incompetence and disloyalty. It is our sacred
duty to remove power from their hands by the means we the people have put at our own disposal.
Steal Child's MAGA Hat, Tear Up Trump Posters Near DNC Event. An incident captured on video appeared to show
two women who were protesting President Donald Trump on Thursday taking a "Make America Great Again" hat from a child and
tearing up pro-Trump posters. The incident continued to escalate throughout the video as the women and the child's
mother shouted back and forth and threatened each other with physical injury. "They attacked my son. I have it on
video," the boy's mother can be heard telling a man at one point during the video.
to him cry': Women attack a mom and 7-yr-old Trump supporters, steal his MAGA hat. Two women appeared to steal
a seven-year-old boy's MAGA hat and yell obscenities at him and his mother after tearing up signs supporting President Donald
Trump. In a video of the incident, the unidentified mother captures the two women accosting her and, allegedly, her son
as they destroy their homemade signs and take the boy's hat. The video carries a "Students for Trump" label and was
tweeted by Benny Johnson of Turning Point USA, who wrote in a Twitter post accompanying the footage that the incident
occurred outside the Democratic National Convention, which is being held in Milwaukee, though most 'attendees' are appearing
only virtually.
and BLM Rioters Try to Storm the ICE Building in Portland. It's starting to look like a war-zone in Portland...
wait it already was. Once again rioters have nothing else to do besides terrorize the city of Portland in the name of
Social Justice. This time the rioters assembled outside the ICE building where there were met by federal agents.
[Video clip]
Our Culture from the Left. Everyone knows it: the death of George Floyd was just a pretext. The rioters
who continue every night to wreak havoc in Portland, and who are poised to engage in new orgies of destruction all over the
country don't know much and care less about Floyd. They're quite open about engaging in a "revolution" with the goal of
destroying the existing order and replacing it with an authoritarian Marxist regime. But what we are seeing today is
not new. Its seeds were planted decades ago. Now the question before us, if we want to preserve the United States
as a free society, is what we must do to counter this violent, hate-filled movement. There will be no easy fix.
protester with long rap sheet who is on the run from cops. A Black Lives Matter protester on the run from cops
after being 'positively identified' as the man who kicked a truck driver in the face in Portland on Sunday is begging for
cash. Police are searching for Marquise 'Keese' Love, 25, after he fled the scene of a brutal attack on Adam Haner, who
was knocked unconscious and suffered two black eyes in the vicious beating. Haner was identified as the victim in a
GoFundMe campaign, which claimed he was trying to defend a transgender woman from being robbed before he was set upon by
protesters. Since fleeing the scene, Love has been posting messages on Snapchat, according to The Sun.
Portland attacker Marquise Love has lengthy rap sheet. The attacker being sought by Portland authorities for
allegedly knocking a man out cold during a chaotic demonstration over the weekend has a lengthy criminal record that includes
arrests for domestic assault and criminal trespass. Marquise Love, 25, has been arrested in Washington County, Ore.,
which borders Portland to the west, seven times since 2012, according to records provided to Fox News. In 2017, he was
arrested for domestic assault and domestic harassment. He wasn't prosecuted, The New York Post reported, but a judge
signed a protective order against him. His rap sheet also includes two separate arrests in 2016 for providing false
information in connection with the transfer of a firearm, and domestic assault and criminal trespass. In 2015, Love was
arrested for interfering with public transportation.
are Local and State Governments Illegitimate? This descent into hell is enabled by so-called progressive
Democrats in the aforesaid cities and Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, and wherever next. The progressives have
names: Ted Wheeler, Jenny Durkan, and Jacob Frey — all mayors — along with numerous council
members. And governors, Kate Brown, Jay Inslee, and Tim Walz. Add Lori Lightfoot, J.B. Pritzker, Bill de Blasio,
and Andrew Cuomo to the roster. All — all — have taken oaths of office to uphold the law
and attend to the public safety. They are glaringly derelict in their duties. These elected leaders aren't simply
craven, they're complicit in the violence and destruction that bedevils their cities. They see the mobs in the
streets. They witness the destruction. They are apprised of the violence. They know innocents are being
harmed. They know citizens cower behind locked doors. [...] Yet they permit the mayhem. They let the mobs
roam. They fiddle as their cities burn. These elected leaders are, in fact, aiding and abetting insurrections.
riot is declared in Portland on 83rd night of trouble. Portland police declared yet another riot Tuesday night
on the 83rd consecutive day of protests after a 200-strong mob of protesters torched the city's famous Multnomah
Building. The group had marched to the county seat of government for the first time, smashing windows and sparking a
blaze by pushing lit newspapers through the windows. One image shows the protesters had marked a window to the building
with the graffiti: 'Aim here.' Demonstrations that often turn violent have racked Oregon's biggest city for more than
two months following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Video taken Tuesday night shows protesters
calling for 'no cops, no prisons, total abolition'.
PD arrests woman who live-streamed herself looting stores. On a couple of occasions, we have lamented the lack
of arrests being made following the mass looting and destruction taking place when "peaceful protests" transform into riots
after dark in several American cities. This is particularly true in Chicago, where even Mayor Lori Lightfoot has
complained that the rioters who destroyed and emptied the Miracle Mile seemed to have "no fear of consequences" for their
actions. Well, perhaps there is a light at the end of this particular tunnel. The Chicago PD has managed to
arrest one of the looters from the Miracle Mile carnage on Monday, August 10. Of course, in the case of Taeshia Rochon,
perhaps they didn't have to call in their top detectives to crack the case. Rochon fired up her camera and live-streamed
herself robbing two stores on Facebook. Hang on for the video because it struck me as quite educational. [Video clip]
Manhunt underway
for attacker in Portland truck assault: police. Portland police on Tuesday identified a suspect in Sunday
night's attack on a truck driver who was seen on video being pulled from the vehicle and violently beaten. The Portland
Police Bureau is on the hunt for Marquise Love, who also goes by the name "Keese Love," for his alleged involvement in the
vicious assault that was caught on video and circulated on social media. Officials said in a press release they have
made several attempts to find 25-year-old Love, but have so far been unsuccessful. They have said they have probable
cause for his arrest.
than 200 charged with federal crimes, 1,000 arrested in Operation Legend, AG Barr announces. At least 207
people have been charged with a federal crime, and more than 1,000 arrests have been made in major metropolitan cities since
the Department of Justice launched Operation Legend in July, U.S. Attorney General William Barr announced on Wednesday
[8/19/2020]. Nearly 400 firearms have been seized by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Barr
launched Operation Legend on July 8 as "a sustained, systematic and coordinated law enforcement initiative in which federal
law enforcement agencies work in conjunction with state and local law enforcement officials to fight violent crime," the DOJ
said in a release. [...] The latest figures on charges and arrests do not include Indianapolis, whose operation was first
announced last Friday. The arrests of more than 1,000 people include those charged in state and local courts.
Pulled Gun On Group Not Wearing Masks: Police. A Bourbonnais man has been arrested on accusations he
threatened to shoot three people in a Jewel-Osco parking lot Tuesday night for not wearing masks inside the store.
According to the Daily Journal, 60-year-old Marc L. Bourdreau was in a checkout line inside the store in the 600 block of
Main Street NW while three people were behind him, not wearing masks, Bourbonnais Deputy Police Chief Dave Anderson
said. Bourdreau is accused of pulling a handgun on them in the store's parking lot after he waited for them to come
outside, and asked them, "How would you like to get shot in the head?"Anderson said, according to the Daily Journal.
Anderson told the Daily Journal that Bourdreau had a concealed carry permit and valid FOID card. Bourdreau was stopped
by officers while trying to drive from the parking lot. He faces aggravated assault and unlawful use of a weapon
charges stemming from the accusations.
Seattle, Chicago, New York: No End Of Violence In Sight For These Liberal Cities. Late Sunday
[8/16/2020], downtown Portland, Oregon was the scene of a vicious attack. A man driving a pickup truck was reportedly
chased by a mob, forcing him to crash his vehicle. He was then removed from the truck and violently beaten.
Multiple videos have emerged from the scene showing the attack. "The driver could be seen getting punched, kicked and
ordered not to leave in the middle of a city street. The man in the video, at one point, appeared dazed after the
initial assault, but suffered the worst blow when he absorbed a roundhouse kick to the side of the head," reported Fox
News. This was all done in front of the female passenger. Sunday marked Portland's 80th consecutive night of
protests, during which "more than 60 emergency calls to police went unheeded overnight... as officers were preoccupied with
hundreds of demonstrators downtown and were pelted by rocks," reported Fox News. Much of the evening was police
defending their own lives while being attacked and assaulted by rioters. Two officers were hospitalized and a photo
shared by the police bureau shows "a 9.5-pound rock that was thrown by a person posing as 'press' as the officer 'prepared to
ride away on a truck.' Several arrests were made."
Residents Voting for Trump After Democrats Refuse To Stop Rioting. The state of Washington isn't in play in any
substantive way this election season, which makes it an odd place to pay attention to voter sentiment. [...] Neither of
Washington's Senate seats are up for being voted on this year. Only one of the state's congressional
districts — Washington's 8th, a suburban Seattle district flipped by the Democrats in the 2018
midterms — is remotely competitive. However, while all of America will have been changed in some way by the
events of 2020, the state of Washington in general — and Seattle in particular — will look the most
different, particularly politically. It's seen some of the most radical of the post-George Floyd foment, particularly
in the lawless CHAZ/CHOP "autonomous zone" and in a series of mostly unpoliced demonstrations-cum-riots that followed.
4Chan Identifies One of the Portland Rioters Who Attempted to Kill Driver as 'Keese Love'. The anonymous
message board 4Chan has once again proven to be one of the nations best intelligence services, as they have seemingly
identified the man who dealt the final kick to a man who was savagely beaten by rioters in Portland on Sunday evening.
The rioters appeared to be attempting to murder the man after beating a white woman who may or may not have been with him.
Big Stories Corporate Media Is Ignoring Because The Truth Might Help Trump. [#7] Riots? What
Riots? The media also finds itself struggling to cover the riots occurring throughout our country. The "mostly
peaceful protests" spin remains strong because any acknowledgment of the violence confirms Trump's criticism of
Democratic-run cities and his decision to use federal law enforcement officials to protect federal property. So the
press bypasses or shades these major stories. At any other time and under any other president, the media would have
descended on the Portland federal courthouse to report the insurrection taking place. Reporters would have infiltrated
the autonomous zone and covered the rampant crime and violence occurring. Profiles of the small business owners whose
livelihoods were destroyed by the riots would run.
Innocent Protester? Or, Trained Assault Team Member?
[Scroll down] The masses that gather are being trained to commit assault on those opposing them, inflicting crippling pain and damage. I had seen rioters on the news over the last several weeks, clutching skateboards. From my knowledge of urban youth, I knew that skateboard use wasn't all that common. So, why were so many holding them? [#1] Use as a shield if physically challenged. [#2] Wielding it as a weapon against police. Unlike other weapons (such as the common sock of bike locks), the skateboard can argued to be an innocent means of transportation, not an intentional weapon. Other seemingly innocent devices have been deployed:
• Leaf blowers — used to re-direct tear gas/smoke back at the police
• Umbrellas (I'd seen this, and thought it quite odd to be carrying them to a riot). [Umbrellas are often used to block the view of surveillance cameras. -Ed.] In a pinch, the bumbershoots can also be used to jab agressively.
• Note the 'soccer moms' — all wearing bike helmets. Seemingly without nefarious use — but, could easily be taken off, swung by the straps, and used to batter opponents. That polymer material is meant to stand up to a lot of abuse.
• Flags on poles — not only a great optic (hey, we're just patriotic Americans!), but also leaves them with wooden poles to use as a weapon.
• Lasers — depending on the type of light (green are quite harmful to eyes), can blind. They are deliberately using these in coordinated attacks on the police. This was planned — most people use the red lasers for innocent purposes.
• The usual lighters, gasoline/bottle/wick combos, fireworks, IEDs, metal batons, bricks, etc.
Understand, most people, even on the Left, don't actively participate in these violent actions.
But they DO spread the lie that these are peaceful protesters. They are allies of the Left.
America's Endless Kristallnacht Before It Destroys Our Country. [Scroll down] America has been in its own
version of Crystal Night for many months now, from broken windows to looting to destruction of myriad stores and other places
of business, police stations, and government edifices, not to mention considerable physical harm to persons. Although
not yet of Nazi (i.e., National Socialist) proportions, it's pretty bad and doesn't seem to be getting better.
For the most part, nothing is being done about it, especially on the state and municipal levels. As in Nazi Germany,
it's unchecked. Furthermore, the U.S. populace, as it did in 1930s Germany, is becoming inured to the violence. A
video from Aug. 14 of remarkably passive Seattle citizens looking on as Antifa wreaks havoc to their city says it all.
(It's worth watching also for the confident bravura of the Antifa thugs and, it goes without saying, the absence of police.)
In other recent news reminiscent of Kristallnacht, the Ronald McDonald House in Chicago, where parents of hospitalized
children stay, had its door smashed and windows broken by looters (if that's what they were) on Aug. 9, preventing a 2-year
old with stage four cancer from leaving for his birthday. It's hard to know how anyone would want to live in Chicago
anymore. Of course, these events and many others like them are barely being covered by our mainstream media. They
don't fit their narrative. Omertà must rule before the election.
Portland: Attempted Murder Of Portland
Man Kicked In The Head By ANTIFA Thug, Left Comatose. A disgusting incident in Portland last night when a
couple driving a pickup truck confronted some individuals robbing a man. The mob turned on them, beating the woman,
chasing her away. When the man sped off, he crashed and the mob chased him down. This individual came running
from behind and kicked the unsuspecting man full force in the head. [Video clip]
Store windows smashed in Brooklyn during
march in support of Stone Mountain protests. Violence broke out in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on Saturday (August
15) as dozens marched in supports of the Stone Mountain protests in Georgia. Footage shows masked individuals attacking
an Apple store and a Whole Foods. The filmer told: "Antifascists marched through Williamsburg, Brooklyn for two hours
in solidarity with Stone Mountain protests in Georgia. "Windows were broken and walls tagged with messages such as
'Murder Bezos.'" [Video clip]
Mass brawl breaks out between far-right
and anti-fascist groups in Stone Mountain. Far-right groups clashed with anti-fascists at Stone Mountain in the
US state of Georgia on Saturday (August 15th). Various right-wing groups were planning to converge at the Confederate
monument in Stone Mountain Park but when they found the park closed, took to the streets. Anti-fascists had also
gathered there and a large brawl broke out between the opposing sides. [Video clip]
Antifa Is Evil.
Portland is a dead city, a nightmarish dystopia ruled by criminals associated with Antifa and Black Lives Matter. (Is
there still a distinction between those groups? They seem effectively to have merged.) We are all indebted to Andy
Ngo for documenting the depths to which Portland has descended. Here, Antifa/BLM criminals viciously assault a man who
was driving a truck, finally kicking him in the head, knocking him unconscious and leaving him for dead.
[Video clips]
protesters trash Williamsburg Whole Foods, Apple over weekend. Dozens of protesters, including suspected
members of the anti-fascist group Antifa, rampaged through Williamsburg over the weekend, trashing several national chain
stores and spraying anti-police graffiti, according to police and sources. The rowdy mob marched through the Brooklyn
neighborhood late Saturday [8/15/2020], with police first receiving a 911 call at 8:20 p.m. about vandalism at an Apple Store
on Bedford Avenue, where they found broken windows and the letters "FTP" — typically meaning "[...]" in this
context — spray-painted on the wall, cops said. The protesters, who also targeted a Whole Foods store in the
neighborhood, tagged one building with the message "Murder Bezos," according to reports.
Scenes From The Destruction of New York City.
The New York City riots were just a blip in the largest series of coordinated antifa/#BlackLivesMatter riots sweeping the
country then, but this video indicates that the looting and destruction in de Blasio's New York City was far more more
extensive than the media let on. [Video clip] I had a friend who recently visited NYC, and he says from the Holland
Tunnel to the Williamsburg Bridge through lower Manhattan almost everything was still boarded up and covered with graffiti,
with lots of trash on the sidewalk. "Looked like a scene from an early Scorsese movie." Is it any wonder that people
are fleeing the city in droves?
Goes To Sturgis! Sadly, as you probably might have guessed, it was only a handful of Antifa protesters, and
they relied upon a ring of Sturgis Police officers to keep them safe from the crown which would have likely "tarred and
feathered" them — hey, it's all black — had they had the chance. That is right up to the point
where the Antifa leader decided he wanted to incite the crowd, so the Sturgis Police took him down.
[Video clip] This seems to be the only incident that took place, and the Police were well prepared to not let
things get out of hand. As you can see it looks like only 5-6 Antifa-clad protesters were involved — and
about 10,000 motorcycle enthusiasts.
than 60 Portland 911 calls go unanswered overnight as police respond to 'violent, tumultuous' riot. A riot was
declared around midnight Sunday in Portland as protesters flocked to a law enforcement builing, continuing a nightly ritual
in Oregon's biggest city. Over 60 calls to Portland police went unheeded overnight as officers were deployed to quell
the protests where officers used crowd control munitions to disperse demonstrators outside the Penumbra Kelly building.
Protesters threw 'softball-size' rocks, glass bottles, and pointed green lasers at officers' eyes, the police department
reported on Twitter, documenting the unrest that has continued for 80 consecutive nights following the police killing of
George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Justice' Is Extortion. The Democrat Party pretense that mostly there are only "peaceful protesters" is a
blatant lie, particularly when elected Democrat officials encourage the looting and arson and attacks on police. The
claim that rioting is all about police reform and justice for African Americans no longer has any credibility. The
truth is that there is no light between Democrats and rioters, the antifa rioters serving as the militia of the Democrat
Party. The Democrat "defund the police" movement, which has hobbled the police in many Democrat-run cities, does not
enhance "black lives," which are threatened by a high rate of black-on-black crime, particularly shootings and murders, but
also theft, robbery, assault, and rape.
How Race Politics Burns
Out. [Scroll down] The kind of racialized violence now taking place reflects what historian Fred Siegel
called "the riot ideology", which has been deleterious to the progress of African Americans. The rioting in the 1960s
weakened urban economies and led to devastating losses for minority property owners and businesses. Even today many
areas burned down in the 1960s in Chicago, St. Louis and Detroit have never recovered. Indeed despite massive
expenditures to redress huge past inequities, high-poverty areas in cities have grown steadily, doubling in population
between 1980 and 2018. Looting and mayhem, long-term, don't work. After the 1992 riots, there were pledges of massive
corporate and government support for south Los Angeles. Now, almost three decades later, the area, site of two of the
worst riots in American history, has experienced a growing gap with the rest of the county in terms of homeownership, income
and educational attainment. The more recent disorders also are unlikely to spark much long-term inner-city investment.
'Woke Muscles' Meet Men Who Fight. The one Bronx neighborhood, which is residential but has many small
businesses on the main thoroughfare, did not suffer the riots, looting, arson, and violence that have been prevalent in
cities and towns across America. When Antifa came for it, the Italians, Irish, and Albanians, armed with pistols,
rifles, baseball bats, swords, and knives, merged onto the main thoroughfare, blocking it and other tertiary streets.
Faced with armed resistance, Antifa's forces were compelled to accept who and what they are, a band of spoiled white college
kids who like to break things, play dress-up, and pretend they are a force to be reckoned with. Threatening to "cry
havoc and let slip the dogs of war," they turned and fast-walked away in different directions. They most likely decided
that it would no longer be fun if they were required to pay a price in blood for their pernicious urgings. I am told
they never returned.
Riots should
re-elect Trump. Bill Ayers turned 75 the day after Christmas. This summer, he saw his decades-long dream
come true. No, not the election of his protegee Obama (whose memoir Ayers "edited" — i.e., wrote). [...]
This summer, Ayers got his wish for a race war. The death of George Floyd provided the excuse to roll out the nightly
riots, which used peaceful protests in the daylight to soften the PR. But the press in 2020 is not what it was in 1970
when Ayers first began blowing things up. Back then, most journalists were men who served in World War II or
later. Today's press is mixed sexes with mixed up ideas about America. Veterans are newsroom oddities now.
Degrees from Marxist universities — such as the one that employs Ayers — make journalists easy targets
for communist propaganda. And so for 2 months, rioters had a jolly good time trashing the cities and blinding officers
with lasers.
erupts in Portland on the 79th night of violence after police declare an unlawful assembly and clash with BLM protesters.
Chaos erupted in Portland for a 79th consecutive night on Friday after police declared an unlawful assembly during a peaceful
demonstration and stormed a protester shield line, beating people with batons. About 300 protesters had gathered in the
city's Peninsula Park around 9 pm for a peaceful march across North Portland that was expected to end at the Police Association
building on N Lombard Street. But even before demonstrators could begin heading toward their destination,
cops — changing tactics from the previous nights — cut off access to the streets leading to the police
union headquarters.
Tells Residents With Riot-Wrecked Buildings They Can't Clean Up Until They've Paid Their 2020 Property Taxes in
Full. The city of Minneapolis suffered around 1,500 heavily damaged buildings, with 150 set fire to and dozens
burned to the ground. The city suffered half of a billion dollars in estimated damages from the riots following the
police murder of George Floyd. Defenders of government's necessity argue that the protection of life and property is
allegedly one of the goods government uniquely provides and for which we pay taxes, yet Minneapolis demonstrably did a
terrible job on this task. But whether the government delivers on what it promises, it will always be diligent in
insisting we pay for those promises. Today the Minneapolis Star Tribune takes a long look at one reason why the
aftermath of rampant destruction, as yet untended to, continues to haunt the city. As social scientists understand,
such riot damage can have dire effects on development and poverty in an area for decades down the line.
Stepping in to Prosecute Portland Rioters Charged with Crimes as Local DA Stands Down. The Multnomah County
District Attorney announced earlier this week that dozens of people arrested over almost three months of rioting in Portland,
Oregon, will not be prosecuted, but as local officials stand down, federal prosecutors are taking on cases. D.A. Mike
Schmidt said his office would not prosecute rioters arrested unless the charges against them included property damage, theft
or the use or threat of force against another person.
State Police Leave Portland After Woke Prosecutor Refuses to Charge Rioters. For weeks, the Marxists who run
Portland complained about the outsized presence of federal agents and officers sent to protect the Mark O. Hatfield United
States Courthouse. It was an invasion ordered by President Donald Trump, you see. [...] That's nonsense, of
course, but to sane people, little of what emanates from Portland these days makes much sense. In any event, in
response to the constant harping and whining from people like Mayor Ted Wheeler and Gov. Kate Brown, the Trump
administration cut a deal to gradually redeploy federal protective service officers and other DHS agents out of the
courthouse and out of Portland, replacing them with local and Oregon State Police. Well, no sooner than that happened,
the Antifa thugs that have been allowed to run wild through Portland streets re-focused their attention back on local
cops — and State Patrol officers — as nightly riots continued. Now, according to The Daily Wire,
the Oregon State Police has had enough of the Left-wing lunacy in Portland after the Marxist district attorney announced he
wouldn't be prosecuting anyone for the 'peaceful' act of violent rioting.
State Police Pull Out of Portland — Local DA's Refusal To Prosecute Behind The Move? Return of Feds At
Hand? Very interesting development earlier today [8/14/2020], as the Oregon State Police announced they were
leaving Portland. [...] Local reporting says that the move is a result of the announcement by Multnomah County District
Attorney Mike Schmidt's that his office does not intend to prosecute most of those arrested. [...] The deployment of the
State Police in support of the Portland PD was the product of an agreement reached between Democrat Oregon Governor Kate
Brown, and officials of the Trump Administration, which came after weeks of escalating violence in the rioting at the
Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland. Prior to the agreement being reached two weeks ago, the Portland Police
Department had been ordered by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler to leave federal law enforcement agents defending the courthouse to
fend for themselves, and did nothing while rioters organized themselves and provided for their logistical needs in the parks
across the street from the courthouse.
Dance with the Devil. No one realized how weak the mainstream Democrat Party had become, or how powerful Black
Lives Matter and Antifa had become, until they destroyed downtown Minneapolis. Until then, they had done little more
than make nuisances of themselves. [...] The riots that started in Minneapolis quickly spread to Seattle, Chicago, New York,
Portland, and dozens of other Democrat-run cities. Local authorities didn't know how to react. After all, the
rioters were presumptive Democrat voters. [...] Black Lives Matter and Antifa seem to have thoroughly cowed the Democrat
Party. Whatever they wish, Democrats shall do. You want us to defund the police? Sure. Paint BLM
"murals" on city streets? Hand me a roller. Don't want us to prosecute rioters? Wouldn't think of it.
Looting is payback for long-overdue reparations? Well, yeah. Okay. Democrats must surely worry about the
optics of bowing to the rioters' will.
Fiasco of "Go Ahead, Break Our Windows" Policing. After looters struck downtown Chicago on Sunday night,
officials literally raised the bridges to prevent rioting hordes from roaming so easily. They also blocked road access
and stopped public transit. So, we have come to this: a major American city is replicating the strategy of medieval
castles: flood the moats and raise the drawbridges. [...] As we suffer through this summer of discontent, we can see a split
emerging among big-city Democrats. Most, like Portland's Wheeler, Minneapolis' Jacob Frey, Seattle's Jenny Durkan, and
New York's Bill de Blasio, favor drastic concessions to protesters, beginning with sharp reductions in police budgets.
Seattle just passed a new budget cutting up to 100 officers, slashing salaries for department leaders, and dismantling the
special team that removes homeless encampments, one of the city's worst problems. Seattle's police chief, Carmen Best,
responded by announcing her retirement. She was the first black woman to head the department. No matter to the
city council, which was busy congratulating itself for taking what it called "a first step" toward upending the city's law
enforcement. Still, the vote wasn't unanimous. One council member was angry because the cuts didn't go far
enough. This isn't sensible policy; it's senseless self-parody.
now investigating Florida man accused of making bombs. Federal agents are taking over the investigation of a
Florida man who was arrested after police found more than two dozen pipe bombs near his home, including some that contained
nails, screws and metal pellets. Boynton Beach police said Thursday that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives is now the lead agency investigating Gregory Haasze, 34.
man arrested after pipe bombs found near strip mall. A Florida man admitted to making more than two dozen bombs
that were found near a strip mall Wednesday night, authorities said. The explosives caused a scare that led police to
evacuate a strip mall and nearby homes. Gregory Haasze, 34, of Boynton Beach, is facing 26 counts of making,
possessing, throwing, projecting, placing, or discharging a destructive device, WPEC reported. According to online jail
records, Haasz was booked at 5:27 a.m. Thursday [8/13/2020], His bail was set at $26,000.
The True Victims of
the Chicago Riots. The riots rocking American cities have received less coverage lately, but they never really
stopped. On Sunday, Chicago, Illinois suffered another rampage that left 13 police officers injured and entire city
blocks in ruins. Coordinated via social media, a large group of looters converged in downtown Chicago around 1:00 a.m.
on Sunday morning and began smashing windows and ransacking storefronts. The looters initially focused on high-end
stores such as Tesla, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Coach, as the criminals made their way through Chicago's "Magnificent Mile"
shopping district. But soon enough, the marauding spread to shops like Walgreens and Old Navy. U-Hauls were
spotted being loaded with spoils and multiple shootings broke out.
Residents Worry as Protests Spread to Residential Neighborhoods. The streets of downtown Portland were quieter
on Tuesday [8/11/2020] as nightly protests approach 80 consecutive nights of unrest but that is not because protesters are
giving up. Instead, they are heading into residential areas, and people who live there are worried. "The main
action has shifted from downtown to residential neighborhoods on the east side of the Willamette River, bringing crowds of
demonstrators and a heavy police force onto usually quiet nighttime streets," the Oregonian newspaper's online portal Oregon
Live reported. "People who live and work in areas where protests have taken place are not happy."
'It Was a Planned Attack.'
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Says Looting Was Organized. A day after looters smashed-in retailer's windows,
carried away loads of high-end merchandise and overwhelmed police officers in downtown Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot says the
violence was an organized raid and not a demonstration of angry protest. "When people showed up on Michigan Avenue in
the downtown area with U-Haul trucks and cargo vans, and sophisticated equipment used to cut metal, and the methods that were
used, and how quickly it got spun up... that wasn't any spontaneous reaction," Lightfoot told TIME in her fifth-floor offices
at Chicago's City Hall on Tuesday [8/11/2020]. The chaos that unfolded Sunday night, and into the predawn hours Monday,
was initially blamed on a police shooting in the city's southside Englewood neighborhood. News of the incident —
along with misinformation that a minor had been shot — pinballed on social media, resulting in "caravans" of cars
headed north downtown, Lightfoot says.
real world reasserts itself. [Scroll down] What has happened in Portland, and across much of America, was
predictable, and predicted. First, the progressives tolerate and even celebrate civil disobedience, because the cause
is just and noble. Then, to hold onto public attention, the protesters march and block traffic. Next comes the
cursing of cops, the throwing of trash, water bottles and rocks. Then there's the smashing of store windows, looting
and arson, and Molotov cocktails. Finally, there's instigating violence with cops to get footage of police fighting
back so the law enforcement officers can be painted by the progressive press as stormtroopers and the Gestapo. In
Portland, we reached the point where "peaceful protesters" tried to set a building ablaze with cops barricaded inside.
This, as the mayor said, is attempted murder. Today, people watch their leaders in city after city fail to keep the
peace and restore order as protesters riot at will, and they make plans to move out. In the suburbs and country, they
quietly observe the inability of cops to quell the violence, and they buy guns.
Officials Need To Quell Riots Or There'll Be Bloody Street Justice. Everyday Americans, seeing the savagery
committed without consequence by Antifa, and in the name of Black Lives Matter, are fed up. They've seen the looting,
the destruction, the assaults, and the death that the "mostly peaceful" demonstrators are leaving behind. They
understand the difference between constitutional, peaceful protests and barbaric riots that are intended to destabilize and
crack apart our society and Western civilization. And they've watched elected officials not only approve of the
violence but in some cases encourage it. But if those elected officials don't soon take back the streets from the
criminals, everyday Americans might soon do the job for them.
of ANTIFA Setting Fire To Police Union Hall. On 9 Aug. 2020, ANTIFA rioters in north Portland set the Portland
Police Association building on fire again. The building was also set on fire the previous month by rioters. A mob
of rioters threw burning debris inside the Portland police union building Saturday, sparking a riot declaration by police,
who then advanced on the hundreds who gathered nearby. [Video clip]
75 days, Louisville has had enough of its too-often violent protests. Protests over the past few months in
cities like Portland, Seattle and even New York have led to violence all too often. Louisville, Ky., has had
enough. On Sunday [8/9/2020], its police department banned street marches and caravans that block city streets,
restricting protesters to sidewalks. It's more than reasonable; it's wise. Clashes with police have led to
injuries and arrests, and though the right to assemble is guaranteed by the First Amendment, public safety matters,
too. After 75 days of protests, no one can say Louisville doesn't allow dissent.
Barr's truth bombs about media's 'peaceful protester' narrative MUST be heard. You're being lied to by
mainstream media. If you're reading this on NOQ Report or listening to it through our podcasts, then hearing about fake
news media's propaganda is probably not a new topic for you. But if you haven't heard Mark Levin talking to William
Barr about the issue as well as our EIC JD Rucker breaking down what's really happening in the world today, then set aside
30-minutes for this. It'll be worth it. Antifa and Black Lives Matter "peaceful protesters" are generally neither
peaceful nor protesting. They are rioting, looting, vandalizing, burning, destroying, and generally being menaces to
the lawful society we crave, the lawful society we had achieved before this whole 2020 series of unfortunate events
occurred. Now, they are seizing on the opportunity to promote their agenda and mainstream media is falling in line with
the supporting narratives.
Police Officers Wounded In "Mortar Attack". Sunday night a riot was declared in Portland once again after
"mostly peaceful" protesters injured police in a mortar attack. Two officers were injured in the attack, according to
the Portland PD. [Video clip] "When the march reached the PPA, Portland Police made sound truck
announcements to the crowd warning them not engage in criminal activities such as vandalism or attempting to set the building
on fire," the Portland Police said in a statement. "These types of activities would not be permitted and will result in
arrest and potential use of force such as riot control munitions and tear gas."
Lori Lightfoot Says [the] National Guard [is] Not Needed After Looters Ransack Downtown Chicago. A security
guard was shot in Chicago as widespread violent rioting and looting overwhelmed the city. The rioting began on Sunday
evening in response to a black man who was shot by police after reportedly shooting at them first. The guard, who has
not yet been identified, is said to be in stable condition.
Rioting And Looting Rocks Chicago After Police-Involved Shooting. There are now videos circulating online that
show widespread rioting, looting, and other forms of violence erupting all throughout the city of Chicago in light of a
police-involved shooting that left a young man wounded. Social media users on various platforms posted up videos of
people in the city looting Walgreens, Macy's, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, among many other stores. There was even an exchange
of gunfire between looters and police at some point during the evening. No officers were harmed.
Exposes the Horrible Truth About Violent Antifa Riots in Portland. Friday marked the 70th consecutive night of
violent antifa riots in Portland. Early this month, the rioters shifted the focus of their violent attacks from the
federal courthouse in downtown Portland to the Penumbra Kelly police building in a residential neighborhood. Since the
clashes no longer center on federal property and federal law enforcement, the Democratic narrative of excusing or ignoring
the violence in order to demonize federal officers and President Donald Trump has fallen apart. But myths about the
federal involvement persist. This week, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a document dispelling three
big myths about the riots and the federal response.
Chicago Really Think this would Stay in the Black Neighborhoods? When I visited Chicago a few years ago I asked
the resident of the suburbs that I stayed with about the danger in the city and how they managed it. I was told that
the worst of it was confined to certain areas and as long as you avoided those areas you were generally safe. Not
anymore. [...] Closing thought: The last republican Mayor in Chicago left office in 1931.
Mile Riots, Looting Hit Democrat-Run Chicago. "Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other
parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores," reports the Chicago Tribune. There was
also gunfire and violence against police officers. As of this writing, downtown Chicago is all but closed to those
trying to get to work on a Monday morning.
Laser Eye Protection In The Wild. We've all seen that Antifa/BLM has blinded the border patrol agents sent to
protect federal property in Portland. Andy Ngo has been directly attacked with a green laser, and he points out that
the threat is expanding. [Video clip] [...] This is remarkable video. The communists have found an effective
weapon short of using firearms. So the question is necessarily posed, what can you do about this threat? The
answer isn't easy or clear short of deadly force (and this in fact may be the best option, but it may be difficult to effect
that end for reasons we'll discuss below). [...]
discovers that $17 million doesn't buy much protection from the mobs. Nobody has benefited more from the riots
destroying retail stores in major cities than Amazon, which has seen the brick-and-mortar competition shrinking even faster
than before. And the company, founded by Jeff Bezos, has not been shy about donating $10 million to "organizations
supporting justice and equity" and subsequently increasing the total to $17 million by matching employee donations.
If Bezos thought that such virtue-signaling would buy immunity for his Amazon empire from the mobs, he was mistaken. Less
than two hours ago, Andy Ngo posted video of a Seattle mob attacking an Amazon-owned Whole Foods retail outlet in Seattle,
"us[ing] hammers to break windows one-by-one."
damage reported throughout Chicago after night of looting. Chicago's top cop said about 100 people were
arrested and 13 police officers were injured after a night of looting in downtown Chicago. Widespread damage was
reported throughout Chicago after looting and rioting began around midnight Monday [8/10/2020]. Witnesses reported hundreds of
people smashing their way into stores throughout Michigan Avenue, areas in the South Loop and the near North Side.
Chicago Police Supt. David Brown said the looting started as a result of misinformation following a police-involved
shooting in Englewood.
rocked by widespread looting caught on video after police-involved shooting. Videos circulating online show
widespread looting and clashes with police across Chicago's Magnificent Mile shopping district early Monday [8/10/2020],
sparked by an officer-involved shooting hours earlier that left a 20-year-old man wounded. Chicago Police
Superintendent David Brown said as of Monday morning, responding units have arrested more than 100 people so far on charges
ranging from disorderly conduct to battery against police. He added that 13 officers were hurt in the unrest, including
a sergeant struck in the face with a bottle and an officer who had his nose broken while scuffling with a group of
looters. "This was not an organized protest. Rather, this was an incident of pure criminality," Brown told
reporters. "This was an act of violence against our police officers and against our city."
police return fire as looters hit Mag Mile, smashing windows and confronting officers. Hundreds of people swept
through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores, confronting
police and at one point exchanging gunfire with officers, authorities said. More than 100 people were arrested as of
9 a.m., according to Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown. Thirteen officers were injured during the unrest,
including a sergeant who was hit by a bottle. A civilian and private security guard were shot and wounded.
payouts fall far short of what's needed to rebuild Twin Cities. Though Gov. Tim Walz has estimated that
total losses will exceed $500 million, insurance companies have informed the Minnesota Department of Commerce that they will
be covering a maximum of $240 million in riot-related damage. In the 5-mile stretch of Minneapolis that sustained the
heaviest destruction, uninsured losses among local small-business owners are at least $200 million, according to the Lake
Street Council.
Motorists Run Over Anarchists at Impromptu Roadblocks? Anarchists' widespread use of roadblocks to attack
motorists requires citizens, and especially potential jurors, to understand the full implications of these incidents.
This is especially true given the propensity of some district attorneys and prosecutors to, as I see it, virtue-signal by
filing charges against the motorists rather than the potential carjackers and highway robbers. A "hasty roadblock" as
deployed frequently by anarchists can often be construed as prima facie evidence of violent intent, and, as motorists cannot
read the anarchists' minds, they must act on the situation as they find it. [...] There are videos of anarchists using "hasty
roadblocks" to stop vehicles, which, at least as I see it, puts their drivers in reasonable fear for their safety. This
does not entitle drivers to take the law into their own hands by running over anarchists who are not trying to prevent them
from escaping, or even those who have desisted from whatever violent acts they were committing but a moment ago.
gets WRECKED in Colorado neighborhood: 'You guys came to the wrong city, boys and girls'. While it's certainly
easy picking on and beating up elderly people, one group of black-clad Antifa and Black Lives Matter extremists just learned
the hard way that it ain't so easy picking on and beating up grown, die-hard American patriots. During a pro-police
rally Saturday in Fort Collins, Colorado, a contingent of left-wing extremists reportedly showed up and stepped into the
neighborhood across from the Fort Collins Police Services building where the rally was being held. In response, the
rallygoers apparently rushed into the neighborhood and chased the extremists right out, but not without first treating them
to some fist sandwiches. [Video clip]
Commentary on the video clip in the article above: More
evidence that Americans are fighting back. One of the points I've made to anyone who will listen is that the
Antifa and Black Lives Matter insanity we're seeing is a purely leftist phenomenon. This leftism is not just because of
the obvious fact that the activists are leftists; it's also because the cities that host their often theatrical violence are
leftist too. The truth is that, over the last two months, most American cities and towns have been peaceful, and most
Americans are hostile to this street theater.
to Stop Children Intent on Destruction. President Trump has labeled today's protesters "anarchists," and
rightly so. They stream through the streets, breaking windows, bashing cars, setting fires, blocking highways,
occupying city blocks, beating up innocent bystanders, and disobeying and attacking the police. This is not the
behavior of peaceful protesters who are only out to express their opinions. It is the work of anarchists bent on
destruction. The question is, what's behind this behavior? Is the violence purposeful, perhaps an effort to
defund police; influence this year's presidential election; or bring about a coup at the local, state, or even national
level? Or is it violence for the sake of violence? It's impossible to get inside the minds of individual
protesters, and most of those individuals are not very articulate — they can't get beyond chanting three
words. So one must infer a motive based on their actions.
Extremists Burn Police Building In Portland, Violently Attack Police Officers. Far-left rioters attacked law
enforcement officials in Portland on Saturday night and set an arson fire inside of a police building that they
breached. The group of rioters, estimated by police to have numbered in the hundreds, marched to toward the Portland
Police Association (PPA) Office and "illegally block[ed]" traffic along the way. "People within the crowd committed
crimes when they erected a fence, pushed dumpsters into the street to block traffic, set a dumpster on fire, vandalized the
PPA office with spray paint, and destroyed security cameras," the Portland Police Department said in a statement. "At
11:35 p.m., people within the crowd broke the window to the PPA Office, unlawfully entered, and started a fire, committing
the crimes of criminal mischief, burglary, and attempted arson."
More Than
100 NYPD Officers Injured In Protests Since June 10. Approximately 111 New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers
have been injured in demonstrations across NYC's five boroughs since June 10, a law enforcement spokesperson told the Daily
Caller News Foundation. A total of 461 NYPD officers have been injured since the start of violent demonstrations on
May 26 [...], NYPD spokesperson Sgt. Mary Frances O'Donnell told the DCNF in an email. NYPD First Deputy Commissioner
Ben Tucker told the city council on June 10 approximately 350 officers had sustained injuries since the start of the unrest,
according to NBC 4. Since his remarks, around 111 additional officers were hurt by demonstrators, according to O'Donnell.
mayor unleashes police on violent demonstrations. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who for weeks had blamed
President Trump for fueling riots in his Oregon city, on Thursday acknowledged that the violence has continued even after the
federal presence was curtailed, and told peaceful protesters to stay home. Mr. Wheeler, who is also the city's
police commissioner, said he's authorized officers to "do whatever is necessary" to gain control after another night of
rioting against officers. And he used a base political appeal to try to get the riots to stop, saying they're
inadvertently helping Mr. Trump.
protester tried to ID a cop on Twitter. Now he faces a felony — along with four who retweeted
him. When Kevin Alfaro noticed a masked police officer befriending a counterprotester who had threatened him at
a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Nutley, N.J. on June 19, he whipped out his phone and took a picture. Then
he tweeted: "If anyone knows who this b---- is throw his info under this tweet." Now, Alfaro and four others who
retweeted the post have been charged with cyber harassment, a 4th degree felony that carries up to 18 months of
incarceration and a $10,000 fine. A complaint sent July 20 to Georgana Sziszak, who retweeted the post, first
reported by the Verge and reviewed by The Washington Post, claims that the tweet caused the officer to "fear that harm will
come to himself, family and property."
shooting suspect fled Washington state, prosecutors say; warrant issued for his arrest. An arrest warrant was
issued Wednesday for an 18-year-old man who King County prosecutors say fled the state immediately after he fatally shot a
man in June in the six-block area then known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone. Marcel Long, who
remains at large, was charged Wednesday with premeditated first-degree murder in the death of Lorenzo Anderson, a 19-year-old
Seattle man who was pronounced dead at Harborview Medical Center 33 minutes after police received the first 911 calls about
the early-morning shooting on June 20, the charges say. The murder charge also carries a firearms enhancement.
Long, who also goes by the name Marcel Green and is known as "Celly Cell" on social media, has a last known address in Renton,
according to the charges. His bail was set at $2 million and he is scheduled to be arraigned Aug. 19.
Commercial Grade Fireworks,
Concrete, Rocks, Eggs Launched at Officers During Mass Gathering at Kelly Building. [Scroll down]
Because of the criminal behavior occurring in the group, public address announcements were made declaring the event an
unlawful assembly. The crowd was told to disperse to the east immediately. Despite the public address
announcements, the crowd continued to block traffic on East Burnside Street and several continued to trespass on the Kelly
Building property. At 10:05 p.m., certain members of the group began taking concrete pieces off of a retaining wall
nearby the Kelly Building. These people then smashed the concrete on the ground into smaller pieces which were thrown
at officers. Certain people in the crowd shined lasers at officers, which can cause permanent eye damage. [...] Around
12 a.m., a vehicle was stopped and an occupant was arrested for shining a laser at the PPB's air unit. At 12:10 a.m.,
individuals in the crowd gathered outside of the Kelly Building began throwing or launching frozen or hardboiled eggs, rocks,
and commercial grade fireworks at officers positioned in the parking lot.
PD Runs Antifa Right Off The Streets of Portland — Literally. The video out of Portland tonight is
almost comical. Rather than dutifully march down the street and "persuade through movement" the rioters to give ground
and disperse, Portland PD tonight [8/7/2020] performed a full-on charge in order to get Antifa/BLM rioters running away from
the scene. [Video clips] [...] It is hard to make a definitive judgment just from the videos, but the level of
kinetic force being applied by the Portland PD and Oregon State Police seems to be escalating bit by bit. Whether that
is deliberate is hard to know. It could be a tactic intended to "persuade" some number of protesters to quit before
they personally suffer an injury or arrest. If could also be a reflection of law enforcement frustration at facing the
same problems night after night.
Domestic Terrorism Can No Longer Be Ignored. It's become so normal for Democrats to engage paramilitary "brown
shirts" to intimidate voters and coerce government officials before any big election that nobody is surprised when American
cities begin to explode right on schedule. For months, "blue" cities from Seattle and Portland to Minneapolis and New
York have been little war zones, where Antifa insurrectionists throw Molotov cocktails and bricks at police officers by night
and an apologetic army of Walter Durantys write glowing accounts of their revolution in the Democratic Party press by
day. They block major highways and terrorize passing motorists and replace American law with their own, and Democrat
prosecutors applaud their tactics, just as they did for the Ku Klux Klan a century before. Every election season,
Democrats bring us Beirut, and every time, their organized violence goes unpunished.
protesters face charges with potential life sentence. Some Black Lives Matter protesters in Salt Lake City
could face up to life in prison if they're convicted of splashing red paint and smashing windows during a protest, a
potential punishment that stands out among demonstrators arrested around the country and one that critics say doesn't fit the
alleged crime.
not helping my Black friends': Neighbors confront destructive protesters, get splattered with paint. On the
second night in a row of vandalism and protests outside the Portland Police Bureau's East Precinct, two
neighbors — both in their 70s — stood up against protesters responsible for the destruction.
"Wednesday night they broke windows, it was a real mess," said 73-year-old Penny. By Thursday, Penny had had
enough. As protesters lit a fire outside East Precinct, Penny grabbed her fire extinguisher, her homemade Black Lives
Matter sign, and with the help of her walker, made her way to the precinct to put out the flames.
Perils of Pretending a War is Something Else. [Scroll down] Here's an equally scary current charade: the
straight-faced claim by Democrat leaders and their media enablers that there are only "peaceful protests" in the streets of our 400
torched cities — no riots, looting and arsons, no rioters, looters and arsonists associated with Black Lives Matter and
Antifa communists. Instead, the denial that the mayhem which has injured thousands and cost more than a dozen lives are only
possible because of the support of lawless Democrat mayors and city councils who are preoccupied with disarming the police. [...]
The fact that there have been no serious attempts by "peaceful protesters" to denounce the violence and the organizations that
perpetrated it — speaks volumes to the effect that they consider themselves allies of the rioters and share their
agendas. Defunding the police, leaving the most vulnerable in society without protection against criminals is the goal of
rioters, arsonists, looters, and so-called "peaceful protesters." The charade protects the criminals and their crimes.
Company Owner: Cities That Defund Police Are in for a Big Surprise. Cities that decide to cut their
police funding could be cutting their own supply lines, too. That was the message a trucking executive carried to "Fox
& Friends First" on Wednesday [8/5/2020], and it's something urban politicians — in the thrall of Black Lives
Matter rioters and antifa anarchists — should be seriously considering unless they think citizens can start
growing their own food. Because if it's not safe for truckers to carry goods — they just might not do
it. And trucking companies won't be willing to risk the business.
Descends Into Rioting Again, ANTIFA Attacks Police Station, Try To Set It On Fire. Portland police declared a
protest outside its East Precinct on Southeast 106th Avenue a riot late Wednesday night [8/5/2020] and said an explosive
device may have been left outside the building. The area around the unknown device was cleared and was later determined
to not be an explosive.
Victims, Never Bullies. The Portland mayor cited Donald Trump sending in federal troops as the culprit for
violence in Portland. We are supposed to believe that before federal law enforcement arrived in Portland, "peaceful
protesters" were holding hands, singing "Give Peace a Chance." We are not to ask what led to Trump sending in federal troops
or make any mention of rampant violence and burning buildings prior to Trump's actions. When protesters tried to
blockade a public road, a female driver attempted to maneuver past the crowd. Aghast at the audacity of anyone
unwilling to comply with their decision to ban any public street, at any time, the "peaceful protesters" miraculously
transformed into a violent mob. While jumping on the car, kicking, and hitting the vehicle, some rioters urged to get
the "license plate and face" of the driver as they recorded the incident. Why do they tell others to get a view of the
license plate number and driver's face on camera? To report her to the police. Ironically, the violent rioters
fighting for the abolition of law enforcement are incredibly eager to report any resistance to the authorities.
describes riot damage in cities across US: 'Beyond anything ... since at least the 1960s'. Mainstream media
outlets have failed the public by declining to spotlight the devastation left behind by rioters in cities across America,
independent journalist Michael Tracey said Tuesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." In a self-published article titled "Two
months since the riots and still no 'National Conversation,'" Tracey traveled to cities affected by violent protests and
documented his findings using photographs and conversations with store owners and residents.
Doubt About It: Democrats Are Part Of The Riot Problem. Qui tacet consentire videtur is the Latin
phrase that means he who remains silent appears to consent. The Democrats' silence when asked to condemn Antifa
violence is coming through louder than a deranged Joe Biden outburst on the campaign trail. New York Democrat Jerry
Nadler didn't hit the mute button when he absurdly claimed Antifa was "imaginary," then later said its role in the Portland
riots was a "myth that's being spread only in Washington D.C." But the congressman set the tone for his party.
During Tuesday's [8/4/2020] Senate hearing — titled The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble:
Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence — Democrats had a wide open opportunity to state their
position. Instead, they went quiet. "It is unbelievable the Democrats will not come out and say violence is
wrong, breaking the law is wrong," Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn told Fox News.
busted for allegedly trying to cut NYPD van's brake line. A cop-hating protester was busted by the FBI on
Wednesday [8/5/2020] for attempting to cut the brake line on an NYPD van, officials said. Jeremy Trapp was also charged
for allegedly telling a paid informant — who was embedded at a demonstration — that he wanted to blow
up the Verrazzano Bridge, according to federal prosecutors. "Had the NYPD not been watching him the consequences here
could have been tragic," Assistant US Attorney Francisco Navarro said at Trapp's arraignment Wednesday on charges he tampered
with a police vehicle.
Rioter Gets Nailed After Allegedly Setting Fire to Courthouse on Camera. It's probably not the best idea in the
world if you're going to try to set fire to a courthouse that you do it on camera. What's even worse is if you were
posing for a picture with the very sign that you allegedly later use during the arson to set the fire so they could identify
you from the protest. [Video clip]
Expert: Antifa Developed From Communist Terrorist Movements Like Weather Underground. A counterterrorism
expert testified at a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing on Tuesday [8/4/2020] that antifa developed from communist
domestic terrorist groups like the Weather Underground and has the goal of overthrowing the United States Constitution.
In his testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, Kyle Shideler, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland
Security and Counterterrorism for the Center for Security Policy, said that antifa is an anarcho-communist movement that uses
physical violence and intimidation to keep American citizens from engaging in the political process. "While they do
this under the cover of antifascism, the reality is that antifa defines the entire American political system, regardless of
party affiliation, as fascism," Shideler explained during the hearing [...]
Mask Karen Goes Berserk in Walmart, Screams at and Punches Teen Boy For Not Wearing Face Mask. A crazy mask
Karen went berserk in a Post Falls, Idaho Walmart over the weekend when she spotted customers without their faces
covered. The enraged, overweight woman began screaming at a group of teenagers: "You guys are abusing your
freedom! Stop it!" the woman screamed as she punched the teen boy who was recording her with his cell phone.
fired at latest Portland riot. Shots were fired early Wednesday morning [8/5/2020] as violent protests
continued to rock Portland, Oregon, with demonstrators breaking into the Portland Police Association's offices and setting it
on fire. Police declared the event a riot and said they had to use "crowd control munition" to restore
order — though they said no tear gas was used. While they were dispersing that crowd, they said shots were
fired nearby in what appeared to be two separate exchanges. One vehicle was struck, but officers said they didn't find
anyone hit, and no witnesses would speak to officers about what happened.
Documentary: Love Trumps
Hate. In August 2019, Millie Weaver (AKA Millennial Millie) went to a Trump rally in Cincinnati, Ohio.
She carried with her a microphone emblazoned with Alex Jones's InfoWars logo. Whatever one feels about
InfoWars is irrelevant. What is relevant, instead, is a 50-second-long clip of the video revealing that it is
Trump's supporters, not the left, who truly embrace the idea that "love trumps hate." Millie's goal last year was to get
some of the anti-Trump protesters to walk over to the Trump-supporters and see if they were as bad as the protesters claimed
they were. Eventually, Marco, a black American, took her up on the challenge. After he spent time with the
Trump-supporters, Millie asked Marco to escort her back to the anti-Trump protesters so he could compare his experience with
Trump-supporters to Millie's experience with the protesters. The resulting video lasts 44 minutes and, if you have the
time, is worth watching. The difference between the welcome Trump's supporters offer Marco and the spittle-flecked,
obscene, threatening invective that the protesters hurl at Millie is shocking. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Just watch the first five minutes of the video clip, and you'll get the idea, very clearly. You can spare five minutes,
if you can withstand all the profanity from the hateful leftists.
or Who Decides This Election? [#4] The riots. We at nearing peak Jacobinism, the point where the public
is growing tired of Antifa/BLM and skeptical about the surreal Democratic denial in which the endless violence, vandalism,
looting, killings, injuries, and statue-toppling are described as "intensified peaceful protests," or the work of only a
"small number of lawbreakers." The continuance of anarchy and chaos is being politically leveraged to create a general sense
of civil unrest purportedly caused by Trump's controversial nature. The Democratic strategy is to have protests that
are violent enough to frighten the public, but not quite violent enough to destroy daily life, so swing voters will go into a
collective fetal position, hands over ears, and shout that if they just vote out Trump, "it will all go away." But if
Antifa/BLM intensify or just continue the violence — Bible-burning is the latest addition to their
repertoire — more police are killed or injured, and the Democrats keep denying the obvious, it could be a disaster
for the Left.
Major October Surprises Awaiting Democrats. [#4] The riots. Yes, Virginia, there really are riots, they
really do hurt people, they really do burn and destroy property, and they really are evil people, not "moms" and "vets." (One
video of the "vets" showed them unable to even perform a simple about-face. Yeah. "Vets.") Despite a quarantine
on all violent riot activity footage by Hoax News, it still seeps out. Barr's agents have arrested and charged hundreds.
Probably to be effective, he'll have to add some zeros to those numbers. Still, this is a winning issue for Trump. All
it will take is a September murder of a cop or an innocent bystander by the fascist so-called Antifa or the Black Lives Murder
thugs and public sentiment will swing rapidly.
protesters say costly gear to protect them from cops prices them out of civil rights. Five Black Lives Matter
demonstrators in Seattle claim they're being priced out of their right to protest. In a lawsuit filed Monday [8/3/2020]
in federal court, they say that clashes with the Seattle Police Department have made it impossible for them to exercise their
right to protest without expensive personal protective gear. "Because protesters now must purchase expensive equipment
to be assured that they will be able to protest safely, the indiscriminate use of weapons by SPD implicates equal
protection," the lawsuit says. The plaintiffs — Jessica Benton, Shelby Bryant, Anne Marie Cavanaugh, Alyssa
Garrison and Clare Thomas — say helmets, gas masks, goggles, gloves, boots, umbrellas and other gear are needed
against pepper spray and nonlethal projectiles used for crowd dispersal.
Police Chief Slams City Council After Activists Target Her Home: 'You Must Forcefully Call For The End Of These
Tactics'. Seattle's Chief of Police called on Seattle's City Council to stand up against "mob rule" after
"aggressive" activists reportedly targeted her home over the weekend, which scared her neighbors. "I wanted to update
you on recent events, particularly those that occurred late last night," Best wrote in a letter addressed to City Council
President Lorena González and Public Safety Chair Lisa Herbold. [...]
Calls Riots 'Myth' — Then Blames Them on Trump and Barr. [Scroll down] Though Mr. Nadler
attended law school, it is not clear if he was ever a terribly successful lawyer. Somewhere along the line, however, he
got struck with just enough common sense to realize that the rioting in the streets that he and fellow Democrats refuse to
condemn and Mr. Nadler is on record calling "a myth" does not look very good heading into an election. So,
Mr. Nadler sought to blame the riots on Mr. Barr and, by extension, on Mr. Trump. Yes,
Mr. Nadler — AKA the exploded airbag — blames the riots on the only people who are lifting a
finger to curb the riots and enforce, you know, the laws. You know, the ones arresting rioters for assaulting innocent
people, firebombing public buildings, torching police cars, and using lasers to blind officers.
than 150 rounds are fired during a shooting outside a Portland apartment, as city suffers its deadliest month for 30
years. More than 150 rounds were fired during a shooting in a Portland neighborhood on Friday, ending the
city's deadliest month since the 1980s. The Portland Police Bureau said Saturday that the shooting occurred around
11.08pm outside an apartment building near the 600 block of NE 87th Avenue. A woman was struck in the arm by one of the
rounds, police said. Responding officers applied a tourniquet and she was transported to the hospital by ambulance with
what are believed to be non-life threatening injuries.
John Oliver Lies
About Portland Violence, Reporters Run to His Defense. The far-left talker insists 60-plus days of riots in the
city are, all together now, "mostly peaceful." Eh, it's just some graffiti and "light property damage," the highly paid NBC
talent told his viewers earlier in the week. The latter evokes a tipped-over lamp, a shattered end table or framed art
that fell to the ground and splintered. Want the truth? Here it is: [Video clip]
Riot Report: Texas Police Don't Even Wait for the Sun to Go Down. Word on the net tonight was that the
action was going to be — supposedly — in Austin, Texas as Antifa/BLM was holding a memorial for Garrett
Foster, the moron who pointed the business end of an AK-47 at active duty Army Sargeant Daniel Perry, who is well trained to
not wait for the other guy to shoot first once engaged. The not-so-well-trained former Air Force mechanic Foster ended
up on the losing end of a shootout due to his failure to get off a shot. Perry was driving for a rideshare company
during his off duty hours on Saturday night last weekend when he turned down a street in downtown Austin, only to encounter
protesters blocking his path. Foster was among the group of protesters who moved to surround Perry's car. Foster
was openly carrying an assault rifle over his shoulder, legal in the State of Texas. Foster approached the driver's
side of the car and — using the assault rifle barrel — motioned for Perry to roll down his window.
[Numerous video clips]
Police Advise: Give Up Your Property To Criminals And Obey Them. Minneapolis City Government's 'robbery
prevention tips' include giving up your wallet and obeying criminals. Police are encouraging residents to surrender to
criminals as part of their "robbery prevention tips" willingly turn over your valuables, and no matter what, don't resist.
The Editor says...
How is that a robbery prevention tip?
police tell residents to obey criminals and 'be prepared' to be robbed. Officials are now telling residents to
be ready and willing to comply with the demands of criminals in an email sent to Third Precinct residents. "Be prepared
to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet," the police said in their email, a copy of which was obtained by Alpha
News. The email said citizens should listen to criminals and "do as they say." The message warned that "some
victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun."
The Editor says...
Minneapolis will probably end up under the control of Sharia police,
who will be immune to criticism.
grandmother outs 18-year-old as suspect who threw explosive at Portland courthouse. A teenager in Portland
charged with arson over the bombing of a federal courthouse was arrested after his grandmother tipped off police.
Gabriel Agard-Berryhill, 18, appeared in court in the Oregon city on Friday, and faces up to 20 years in prison if
convicted. He was arrested after his Trump-supporting grandmother Karla Fox saw footage of Tuesday night's attack, and
tweeted that her grandson was behind it. She had bought him the vest he was wearing during the attack.
They Turn To Burning Bibles, Portland Rioters Show Their True Colors. While rioters previously attacked federal
buildings, businesses, and even officers, this weekend, they found a new target: Bibles. A video posted to
Twitter on Saturday shows rioters holding Black Lives Matter signs tossing Bibles into a fire. Bystanders stood and
watched as the flames licked away at the pages of the books. "Left-wing activists bring a stack of Bibles to burn in
front of the federal courthouse in Portland," wrote the Twitter user, Ian Cheong, who posted the video.
you still aren't sure what the riots are about, here's video of rioters burning bibles. Videos are still
pouring out of Portland and Seattle where the riots continue with no major effort by the mayors or the governor to stop
them. There has been a slight increase in the ability of cops to do their job, after President Trump set a timetable
for the National Guard to come in and take care of business, but it isn't even close to enough. And what are the riots
about? Why are they doing it? There are a lot of answers, but sometimes you just need to let them tell you what
they're about by their own actions. So watch this video of them burning a stack of Bibles. [Video clip]
Portland Rioters Burn
Bibles. While they didn't really attack the police, they did attack religion. [Video clip]
Gets 20 Years in Prison for Threatening Donald Trump, Prosecutor. A Pennsylvania man convicted of threatening
President Donald Trump and a district attorney was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday [7/30/2020]. "Authorities
charged 28-year-old Shawn Christy of McAdoo with threatening to 'put a bullet' in Trump and then-Northampton County District
Attorney John Morganelli and threatening 'lethal force' against police," according to the Associated Press (AP).
Let Portland and
Seattle burn. [Scroll down] In a clinical case of psycho-denial, the lefty Seattle mayor declared it a
"Summer of Love." Until they came for her, anyway. The rioters went to her house after a city council member even
more radical than the mayor apparently gave them her address. They were armed with the usual collection of bricks,
bats, guns, bottles and bombs. From the street outside her house, they called her vile names and threatened her.
Did she really think the mob would settle for one police station? Why would they, when even the mayor offers to
surrender? That's the one hand — the Dems denying the existence of the violence that we can see for
ourselves on our television screens. Who you going to believe, the Dems or your lying eyes? On the other hand,
even as the Dem politicians deny the existence of any violence, they contend that this violence which they deny exists is the
fault of the police which they plan to abolish. And, of course, the fault of Trump.
Leftist/Violence Nexus. Human dignity begins with the rule of law and is followed by behaving as if it applies
to everyone. But Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner don't seem to see it that way. At about
6:30 p.m. on May 30, I bore witness to heinous violent acts at Chestnut Street between 16th and 19th where people
were bullied, threatened, and harassed with veritable impunity by roving bands of rioters. I witnessed no law
enforcement presence. I surmised they had been besieged by rioters setting police cruisers aflame to the north and east
some time before. Scenes such as these should frighten every American. Both mayor Jim Kenny and Krasner are
charged with the protection of all who live and work in Philadelphia. By their intransigence, they failed abjectly and
deliberately. What little law enforcement there seems to have been in effect at the time missed the point while the
ravening behavior of the mob missed the form. Most alarmingly, the police did not immediately arrest those committing
criminal acts, very probably at Krasner's behest and on political pretext. Krasner, therefore, contrived the chaos that
day to unfold exactly as it did.
The Violence Is the Point.
Let me give you a few scenes from the past few weeks — vignettes of a nation seemingly falling apart.
Protesters go online to boast about surrounding the car of a "white woman" and to complain that police came to her rescue and
wouldn't allow them to imprison her in her vehicle. Same with the protesters who blocked a couple in their car in order
to shut down a bridge. All of this was originally posted by the protesters themselves on social media, not as a
shameful admission of their bullying and intimidation of random passersby, but as chest thumping. This is the use of
force as virtue-signaling: "Look at me, I'm a good person who really cares about important issues, and you can tell
that because I terrorized an elderly couple in their car." [...] The main thing to note about the resurgent violence is that
there is no plan or program to it. [...] The current wave of demonstrations does not appear to be not tied to any particular
reform agenda and it has no recognizable endgame.
Is ANTIFA, This Is Portland, This Is Terrorism. This shocking video took place on the evening of July 24th.
It is in chronological order and shows the level of violence happened at the Portland courthouse by ANTIFA. The violence in
Portland has now passed the 60 day mark with no signs of ebbing. [Video clip]
Who Volunteered To Work At Arizona Headquarters Ends Up Torching The Place. A man who volunteered for the
Arizona Democratic Party has been arrested for his involvement in setting the party headquarters on fire on July 24,
police say. Matthew Egler, 29, has been accused of arson, and sources say he had worked for the party from 2016 to
2017, but had been banned for unspecified reasons. [Video clip]
Are Now Sending Unmarked Vans To Snatch Up 'Mostly Not Peaceful' Protesters. A video showing a protester being
taken into an unmarked NYPD Warrants Squad van went viral on social media on Tuesday [7/28/2020]. The protester is seen
being taken into an unmarked van by plainclothes Warrant Squad officers in Kips Bay while other uniformed officers keep other
protesters away. Police confirmed that NYPD officers are seen making an arrest in the video. [Video clip]
Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance. Over the last four months, Americans have lived through what is
arguably the most consequential period of government malfeasance in U.S. history. Public officials' overreaction to the
novel coronavirus put American cities into a coma; those same officials' passivity in the face of widespread rioting
threatens to deliver the coup de grâce. Together, these back-to-back governmental failures will
transform the American polity and cripple urban life for decades. Before store windows started shattering in the name
of racial justice, urban existence was already on life support, thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns.
rioters, like their Marxist muses, are literal revolutionaries. [Scroll down] The rioters, by their own
admission, are implacable. They have no demands that can be met, short of overthrowing our entire societal framework
and constitutional system. They're not rioting over slavery, which was ended years ago. They're not demanding
equal opportunity under the law or the advancement of civil rights laws, which were enacted decades ago. They don't
seek dialogue. How can you reason with young white leftists who abuse and assault cops, and call African American cops
racist? How do you reason with spoiled, self-indulgent and sanctimonious malcontents? Think about it: While
rioting over alleged white privilege and white racism against blacks, they lecture, malign and bully blacks. It is
tragically surreal.
It's Done: Colorado Reporter Puts on a Clinic in How to Accurately Report on Violent Rioters. As we've
previously documented, the gaslighting from the MSM on the violent left-wing riots that have taken place in Democrat-run
parts of the country over the last two months has been absolutely out of control. There is literally not a day that
goes by where there is not some glaring instance of a media outlet like the New York Times or Reuters painting protests as
"mostly peaceful" or otherwise "dying down" until federal law enforcement officers have the nerve to step in to stop the
anarchy. Violent agitators in these reports are almost always referred to as "protesters." Along with that, excuses are
often made for their violent actions, as though just the mere presence of state and/or federal law enforcement officers on
the scene to protect innocent citizens and federal property is excuse enough for the agitators to try and blind them with
laser beams and hurt them with the nail-studded projectiles they hurl. One Colorado reporter, however, went against the
MSM "peaceful protester" grain in a recent report he filed on the Aurora, CO protests and riots that happened over the weekend.
Angels member believed to be 'Umbrella Man' spotted inciting violence during George Floyd protests. A man who
was spotted inciting violence during the George Floyd protests, known as "Umbrella Man" due to the umbrella he was carrying,
is believed to be a member of the Hell's Angels and an associate of the Aryan Cowboys biker gang, according to an
affidavit. A search warrant application filed Monday [7/27/2020] in Hennepin County District Court states, on the
afternoon of May 27, a man seen wearing all black and carrying an umbrella was spotted walking along the front of a
Minneapolis AutoZone and smashing out the windows with a sledgehammer. The AutoZone was kitty-corner from the
Minneapolis Third Police Precinct.
Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs with Nails. Antifa-Black
Lives Matter protesters attacked the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with nails
embedded in fireworks bombs. The left claims these people are peaceful protesters. The Democrat-sanctioned
protesters ransacked the Atlanta ICE office last weekend. Notice the Marxist flag they displayed.
Awesome Power Of 4Chan. Peak Oregon. ["]Apparently the guy who threw an explosive at the federal
courthouse in Portland has been identified in a review of the vest his grandma bought for him to riot in. You couldn't
make this up.["]
sues Portland Police: Stop filming, broadcasting riots. The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the
Portland Police Bureau to stop them from documenting the nightly riots that have besieged the city for more than 60
days. The lawsuit, which was filed on late Wednesday [7/29/2020], contends that the police union's practice of filming
and broadcasting the riots — which are filmed and broadcasted by numerous journalists, independent documentaries,
and livestreamers — violates an Oregon state law that bans police from collecting or even maintaining information
about the political, religious or social views, associations or activities of people who are "not suspected of criminal
The Editor says...
Rioters are not only suspected of criminal activity, they are engaged in criminal
activity. The moment you commit a crime, you are guilty. Moreover, anyone on
a public street is likely to be photographed by all kinds of people at any moment, especially
when engaged in violent sedition.
Sues Portland Police to Block Them [from] Videotaping Protesters. On Wednesday [7/29/2020], the American Civil
Liberties Union of Oregon sued the Portland Police Bureau, trying to block them from livestreaming protests. The ACLU
claimed in their lawsuit, "By livestreaming videos of protesters, PPB collects or maintains information about their political
or social views, associations and activities." "Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law for PPB's violations, which pose
a serious and imminent threat of irreparable harm to them and other protesters alike," the lawsuit continues.
"Specifically, PPB cannot 'undo' a video through which its officers identify or otherwise collect information about a
protester. Nor can it force a third party to 'un-learn" information about a protester that the third party obtains by
watching PPB's live stream. Moreover, any damages associated with such conduct by PPB would be, by their very nature,
extremely difficult or impossible to quantify."
Big Takeaways From the Attorney General's Capitol Hill Testimony. [Scroll down] During his opening
remarks, [Rep. Jim] Jordan presented a video showing TV reporters proclaiming the peacefulness of the summer's protests
before cutting to a press conference with the family of David Dorn, 77, a retired St. Louis police captain who was shot
and killed by rioters. [Video clip] The video then went to mass riots in which participants set fires, looted stores,
broke windows, and tore down fences. Jordan played the video days after Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., declared on
camera that Antifa, an extremist group believed to be behind much of the violence, was a "myth." Later in the hearing,
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., showed his own video of what he called peaceful protests that followed the police killing
of a handcuffed black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The Democrats
Surrender in Portland. The Democrats' surrender in Portland, coming so precipitously after the appearance by
Attorney General Barr before the Judiciary Committee in the House, looks like a favorable development, insofar as it
goes. It may be too soon for victory to be declared by America's government and other allies of moderation, law, and
order. We'd like to think, though, that the capitulation in Portland suggests that principle can prevail. The
deal was struck Wednesday, the day after Mr. Barr laid down the law before the House Judiciary Committee: "Since
when is it okay to try and burn down a federal court," Mr. Barr now famously said. Five days earlier, a United
States district judge had tossed out a lawsuit filed by the Oregon's state attorney general seeking an order to curb the
actions of federal officers. The judge said Oregon lacked standing.
Riots for thee, but not for me. Mayor Jenny
Durkan of Seattle experienced her own 'come to NIMBY' moment in June. After shrugging off weeks of vandalism, riots,
the terrorizing of local businesses at the CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) encampment, and even two murders, as a
'Summer of Love', Durkan was confronted with bullhorns on her doorstep. Led by the militant city council member Kshama
Sawant, rioters marched to the mayor's home. Incensed, Mayor Jenny demanded an investigation into Sawant for daring to
disturb her domestic sanctum, far from the colorful and homicidal 'street carnival' on Capitol Hill. Durkan took
immediate action to break up the CHOP menace. [...] As Fidel Castro once said, you have to break a few eggs to make an
omelet. The key is to make sure it's not your egg that gets cracked.
Burning Cities Mark Start Of Democrats' 'Civil War 2.0'? It's become obvious to one and all: The left
media and so-called progressive Democrats would rather see urban bonfires than lose to Donald Trump in November. Asked
recently about 59 straight days of protests and violence in Portland, New York Rep. Jerry Nadler called reports of
Antifa rioting there a "myth." Not to be outdone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi likened the federal police sent to quell the
disturbances to "Nazis." This is today what passes for leadership in the Democratic Party, which since losing in 2016,
has undergone an extreme makeover to become the most radical "mainstream" party in the U.S. in modern times. To find
its equivalent, you'd have to go back to ... let's see, 1860 and 1861, when the very same Democratic Party convinced 11
states to secede from the union, thus setting off the Civil War.
The Seditious
Among Us. By refusing to condemn and, instead, implicitly encouraging the ongoing riots and violence, as well
as meekly acquiescing to the demands of the left-wing extremist, the Democrat party establishment, which includes the
mainstream media, has exposed their spinelessness for the world to see and signed on to government by mob rule. The
Marxist ideologues in the nation's professoriate, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the media and the extreme left-wing of the
Democrat party have unabashedly declared their primary objective is to overthrow the government and radically transform the
nation. Yet, there is no condemnation or repudiation of these goals from Biden, the Democrat party hierarchy or the
mainstream media. By their silence they have wordlessly endorsed sedition. [...] There is but one word to describe this
cabal: traitors. Not because they wish to see Trump defeated or choose to not vote for him in November but that they
are willingly and openly in league with those implacably bent on overthrowing the government and radically transforming the
United States.
Purpose of Government. The term "domestic Tranquility" refers to peace and order; the ability of citizens to be
secure from harm, and for property to be safe from destruction. Tranquility centers on local governments establishing
and enforcing laws that create good order and discipline in the community. This goes to the very heart of government
which is to provide security and stability. Who would open a restaurant or a trade if security cannot be
guaranteed? Or open a business if officials did nothing to lawbreakers? Answer — nobody. Right
now, across the nation, Democrat mayors and governors are failing to provide domestic tranquility. Portland, Oregon has
experienced 60 consecutive days of rioting in which large areas of downtown are occupied by anarchists who loot businesses
and burn cars; people who interfere are beaten. Yet Portland's Mayor Ted Wheeler does nothing. Actually, Wheeler
supports the rioters in that he told the police to "stand down." Wheeler even showed up to riot with them and was
tear-gassed. The same thing is happening in Seattle, Chicago, and New York.
after NYPD hustles protester into unmarked van. The New York Police Department's use of plainclothes officers
and an unmarked minivan to haul away a vandalism suspect during a protest Tuesday created confusion and drew outrage from
people who compared it to covert tactics used recently by federal agents in Portland, Oregon. Bystander video of
18-year-old Nikki Stone's arrest spread quickly on social media, along with comments such as "nypd is out here KIDNAPPING
protesters off of the street."
The Editor says...
Apparently Suzie Snowflake has never seen anyone get arrested before, since she can't differentiate an arrest from a kidnapping.
Federal agents to begin
leaving Portland's downtown: DHS, Oregon governor. The federal agents who have clashed with protesters in
Portland will begin a "phased withdrawal" from the city's downtown area starting Thursday, Oregon's Democratic Gov. Kate
Brown announced. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf said in a statement that he and Brown have been in
contact over the past 24 hours and reached a joint plan to end "the violent activity in Portland directed at federal
properties and law enforcement officers." "That plan includes the robust presence of Oregon State Police in downtown
Portland," Wolf said. "State and local law enforcement will begin securing properties and streets, especially those
surrounding federal properties, that have been under nightly attack for the past two months. Oregon State Police will
coordinate with Federal Protective Service (FPS) officers to ensure all federal facilities remained protected and secure."
Terrorist Who Threw Bomb at Federal Agents in Portland is Identified — By His Grandmother! As
reported earlier this morning by Cassandra Fairbanks — An Antifa militant in Portland threw what appears to be an
improvised explosive device at the federal courthouse in Portland on Monday evening [7/27/2020]. Rioters have been
attacking the building for over 60 days. [...] The bomber has been identified — Thanks to his grandma!
Thanks to the internet sleuths at 4Chan. Here is video of the terrorist throwing the bomb at federal agents!
[Video clip]
Liars Are Barely Even Trying to Fool Us Anymore. [Scroll down] There simply are not that many people
rioting. They only manage to round up a few hundred cretins a night in Portland, but if you dive below the surface you
see that this fight is an idiot magnet for losers across the country. This is a nation of 330 million people, and maybe
2,000 are involved in the violence the mainstream media shows every night (albeit in a sanitized and curated form designed to
convey the official narrative). That's nothing.
is in talks with the White House to pull federal troops OUT of Portland. The Trump administration has initiated
talks with the Oregon governor's office about withdrawing federal agents deployed to quell protests as Portland officials
reveal the city is fining the government $500 every 15 minutes for erecting an unauthorized fence around its
courthouse. The White House said it would agree to draw down the presence of troops if the state stepped up its own
enforcement, an anonymous senior White House official told AP Tuesday [7/28/2020]. The talks are with the office of
Democratic Gov. Kate Brown and are in the early stages and there is still no agreement.
The Editor says...
What leverage does the City of Portland have over the federal government, so that they have any hope of collecting
arbitrary fines?
Wolf vows
federal agents won't leave Portland until courthouse at center of rioting is 'safe and secure'. Acting Homeland
Security Secretary Chad Wolf told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Wednesday [7/29/2020] that federal agents will not leave the city of
Portland, Ore. until a federal courthouse that has been repeatedly attacked by rioters is "safe and secure." "We will
continue to keep law enforcement officers in the area to make sure that that courthouse is secure at the end of the day,"
Wolf told host Bill Hemmer. Earlier Wednesday, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced that federal agents would begin a
"phased withdrawal" from Portland Thursday. Wolf said that he and the governor had agreed on a plan to end "the violent
activity in Portland directed at federal properties and law enforcement officers" that called for "the robust presence of
Oregon State Police in downtown Portland."
Wall of Moms crumbles amid online allegations by former partner, Don't Shoot PDX. Portland Wall of Moms, a
group formed in recent weeks and quickly recognized as a staple of nightly downtown protests, was accused publicly Wednesday
[7/29/2020] of "anti-Blackness" by leaders of an existing, Black-led community group. Wall of Moms, whose members said
they aimed to support and protect other Black Lives Matter protesters near the fence in front of the federal courthouse,
announced Friday that its white leadership had rescinded their positions to allow women of color to be in charge. New
leaders announced Friday include Teressa Raiford, executive director of Don't Shoot Portland, Demetria Hester and Danialle
James. But less than a week later, Don't Shoot Portland took to Instagram to urge people against supporting the Wall of
Moms, saying that it was no longer working with the moms group.
business owner on impact of riots, coronavirus: 'It's terrifying'. Two months of daily and nightly protests and
rioting have devastated the city of Portland, Ore., leaving many residents and businesses in a state of fear and
uncertainty. On Tuesday night's edition of "Fox News @ Night," host Shannon Bream talked with Stacey Gibson, owner of
five fast-food restaurants in the Portland area, including one in the troubled downtown section. "It's terrifying,"
Gibson said about trying to keep her businesses alive — and her employees in their jobs — amid the twin
disasters of the coronavirus and the rioting, which Bream described as a "one-two punch."
You Sure 'Vote for Joe Biden or We'll Kill You' Is the Best Campaign Pitch? Supporters of a candidate with
confidence in the politician's ability to win based on making the better argument don't usually use the
heckler's-veto-on-steroids to coerce people to their point of view. Yet that is precisely what Ronald Brownstein did in
an article in The Atlantic. The underlying tone of the article is: "Vote for Joe Biden or the national
temper tantrum will only get worse." He accuses the president of positioning blue cities as a threat in order to rally
voters to his law-and-order agenda. A brief scroll of Twitter will show you that riots in cities like Seattle and
Portland are absolutely a threat to safety and security. No one needs President Trump to
point it out.
Jordan Opens AG Barr Hearing with Brutal Video Highlighting Antifa Violence, Looting and Rioting. During a
House Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr Tuesday morning, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) the
ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, went over the heads of the corporate media to show a brutal video
highlighting the violence and mayhem of the Black Lives Matter and antifa mobs. Rep. Jordan opened his remarks by
skillfully running through all of the evidence that proves the Obama administration spied on the opposition party and
President Trump during and after the 2016 election. Jordan then played the nearly eight minute video, which starts out
with a montage of media and Democrat politicians describing the riots as "peaceful protests." The video goes on to
expose what Democrats and the media don't want the American people to see — the horrific violence on streets
across the nation being perpetrated by their domestic terrorist allies.
Reckoning With the Riots.
America's toleration of a completely unjustifiable level of general violence compared to anything in its past demonstrates
considerable progress in civility and restraint in the past 50 years. In 1968, the legendary mayor of Chicago, Richard
J. Daley, attracted great controversy but not majority disapproval when he publicly told his police not to hesitate to fire
live ammunition at violent demonstrators and rioters. As the immense disturbances surrounding the Democratic National
Convention in that city evolved, the mayor indicated that he was not exactly urging his officers to shoot to kill but to
shoot to stop the rioting, and implicitly, not to be overly concerned if some lawbreakers died as a result. There was
widespread support for this position. Eleven people were killed, about 500 injured, and more than 2,150 arrested in
Chicago; four months earlier, in the riots in at least nine major cities after the assassination of Martin Luther King, 43
were killed, more than 3,000 injured, and over 20,000 arrested.
Cruz: Democrats Are 'Letting Their Cities Burn'; It's Time They Paid the Price. For Texas Sen. Ted
Cruz, it's time Democrats paid the price. As the long, hot summer of 2020 spirals into more street violence by rioters
posing as protesters against police violence, the Republican senator is pushing one way to hold Democratic officers
responsible for allowing the continuing chaos. It's a federal bill, introduced last week, to make cities liable for
damage to businesses and personal property that's being allowed to take place because the Democrats who control them are
holding police back from their duty. [Video clip]
Leaders Abandon Citizens to the Violent Soros Mobs. Everyday citizens in Democrat-run cities have been
subjected to two straight months of mob violence this summer. This is an information warfare operation being conducted
against the American people. Cops in every American city could push back and stop the riots tomorrow. Instead,
the Democrat mayors in charge of these cities are tying the cops' hands. Seattle is just the latest example of this,
where the Chief of Police just sent out one of the saddest press releases ever. Out of all the black lady police chiefs
in America right now, Carmen Best of Seattle seems like one of the most competent. She's never held a press conference
about her nails or her hair. She seems genuinely concerned with the welfare of the cops on her force and the people in
her city. When Antifa moved in to set up CHAZ or CHOP or whatever it was called, Chief Best didn't want to abandon the
police precinct, or the 12 city blocks that the smelly insurgents occupied. She pushed back against her bosses and
fought against it, but in the end she lost.
mob comes for Seattle's mayor. [Scroll down] The "protesters" aren't going to overthrow the U.S.
government, but there are no limits to the barbaric tactics they are prepared to use in the attempt or to their willingness
to turn on anyone not fully on board. The "protesters" in question are anarchists who hate America. At root,
Durkan is their target because she heads up, albeit ineffectually, the city government, and isn't willing to cede complete
control of it. Has this reality dawned on Durkan yet? I don't know. It doesn't seem to have dawned on her
counterparts in Portland and Minneapolis who waded into the mob only to be jeered at and driven away. Reality certainly
hasn't dawned on Tammy Morales, a member of the city council. Morales, a member of the Democratic Socialists of
America, is trying to accommodate the anarchists.
women charged with beating Wisconsin lawmaker during protest. Two women accused of assaulting a Wisconsin state
senator as he took photos of a crowd that toppled two statues during a protest last month have been arrested, police
said. State Sen. Tim Carpenter, a Democrat from Milwaukee, was attacked in Madison on June 24 as he pointed his
phone at a group of protesters who tore down two statues on Capitol grounds. He was repeatedly punched and kicked in
the head and later required surgery for his wounds, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. "I don't know what happened
... all I did was stop and take a picture ... and the next thing I'm getting five, six punches, getting kicked in the head,"
Carpenter told the newspaper last month.
Police Release Body-Cam Footage Of Them Being Shelled And Assaulted By ANTIFA, 50 Injured. Police bodycam
footage shared Sunday shows a supercut of protesters throwing rocks, bottles, wood, and explosives at officers during
Saturday's protests in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Police said 59 officers suffered injuries ranging from cuts and
bruises to burns. One officer was treated at a hospital for a torn meniscus. Photos showed several officers'
fleshy wounds. [Video clip]
Class White Women Discover Rioting Hurts. Imagine the children that spawn from women like this. Oh, you
don't have to imagine it. You can see them wearing all black, armed with mace and flashbangs, hitting Trump supporters
with bike locks or injuring cops with lasers. These BMW driving women who have had it too good for themselves in all
white suburbia need a few months in jail. [Video clip]
Jay, Head Of The Radical NFAC Admits They Are Getting Paid To Protest. Video shows the leader of the Not
F---ing Around Coalition, Grand Master Jay, revealing he and his organization is getting paid to show up with weapons to
events. Remember, NFAC was the group that shot each other accidentally at an event in Louisville last Friday
[7/24/2020]. NFAC is also the organization that demands a state for blacks only, they recently targeted Texas for this
destination. [Video clip]
Thugs Terrorize Elderly Woman In Her Car Then Act The Victim In Front Of Cops in DC. These low IQ dopes who
support BLM made the huge mistake of actually recording their acts of terror and posting them online. These women
blocked this elderly lady's car, then one jumped on the hood as the others assaulted the vehicle. When the woman tried
to slowly drive away they ramped up their rage. [Video clip]
Angeles Protester Tackles Cop Making An Arrest, Protests Turn To Riots. Los Angeles Police Department officers
and protesters got into violent clashes Saturday in downtown L.A., one of several cities nationwide with demonstrations the
same night. During L.A.'s protests, people gathered outside City Hall and in front of the Federal Building on North Los
Angeles Street, which was left with smashed windows and spray-painted markings on its exterior. One message read:
"Bacon gets fried." An officer says something to a woman holding up her phone before appearing to push her. A man
then runs toward the officer and knocks him to the ground. Other LAPD officers and a few protesters rush toward the
man, some of the officers waving their batons. [Video clip]
Maces Couple Enjoying Lunch In Park For Not Wearing Masks. A woman maced a couple who were eating —
obviously without a mask — at a San Diego dog park. According to the couple, the woman called them "idiots"
and flipped them off. She came up to the table where they were having lunch, pointed the mace canister in the woman's
direction, and sprayed her. Her husband then got a heavy dose before wrestling the can away from her.
[Video clip]
a Trump Administration Can Restore Law and Order. At every point during this outpouring of violence and hatred,
throughout every insult to our nation and history, the American people have responded with patience, understanding, and
restraint. The federal government, under President Trump's leadership, has always tried to protect legitimate
protestors' right to assemble and make their grievances heard. Even on the president's own doorstep outside the White
House, law enforcement response has been measured and focused on defending our country's most hallowed monuments with minimum
force. Even when insurgents took over a section of Seattle and declared independence from American law and sovereignty,
this administration refrained from using force to intervene and permitted Mayor Jenny Durkan's "summer of love" to go on
unhindered. Her decision to allow the "autonomous zone" eventually cost two young black Americans their lives.
Patience has not been rewarded. Left-wing political violence continues to flare up, each time more organized, more
brazen, and more explicit about its desire to overthrow the American system.
The lunacy of the 'largely peaceful protest'.
The great conundrum facing the anti-American left at the moment is how to react to the violent protest ripping up various
Democratic-run cities. What is the preferred narrative? The two main choices are 1) it's all peaceful
protest, the 'right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances'? or
2) let 'er rip: we're out there destroying stuff and hurting people because the country's falling apart and
the sooner the better. Just so, a contributor to the Oregonian, announcing his fears of an impending
'anti-democratic, racist police state', wondered whether he would find 'the courage to resist racism and fascism', by which I
suspect he means a free, open, and democratic election in which a candidate he does not favor has the indelicacy
to win. For it should go without saying that the overriding criterion for choosing which narrative to plug is
this: which story will do the most damage to Donald Trump and Republican prospects in the November election?
The Seditious
Among Us. In the world of politics, repetition is almost without fail the key to winning elections. The
dominant campaign issue in the upcoming election that President Trump, the Republican Party and the conservative media must
relentlessly repeat is the now irrefutable fact that Joe Biden, the Democrat party and the mainstream media have tacitly
sanctioned sedition and have betrayed the American people. Consequently, if Biden and the Democrats win in November,
they will be incapable of preventing the Marxist ultimatums of the radical left from becoming the law of the land. By
refusing to not only condemn but implicitly encouraging the ongoing riots and violence as well as meekly acquiescing to the
demands of the left-wing extremist, the Democrat party establishment, which includes the mainstream media, has exposed their
spinelessness for the world to see and signed on to government by mob rule.
Portland protesters
face off with Trump but are they eclipsing Black Lives Matter? Teal Lindseth surveyed the sea of mothers she
was about to lead into the firing line. "I look at this crowd and I don't see many black people," lamented the
21-year-old African American activist. [...] Portland has another reputation alongside its radical image. That of the
whitest large city in America in a state with a constitution that once barred African Americans from living there. An
1850s law required black people to be "lashed" once a year to encourage them to leave Oregon, and members of the Ku Klux Klan
largely controlled Portland city council between the world wars. Housing was effectively segregated in large parts of
the city.
agent in Portland: Protesters seek to embarrass, defeat Trump, 'Catatonic with hate'. Hatred of President
Trump is fueling protests in Portland, Oregon, prompting activists to threaten the lives of federal police in hopes of
driving them away and handing the White House a major embarrassment, according to an agent who broke the code of silence to
describe the situation. "As the night goes on, the rioters become so hateful it is surreal. Their voices hoarse,
their sentences jumbled, they seem almost catatonic with hate," said the agent of the Portland clashes that have nearly
reached 60-straight nights.
you climb on top of and beat an innocent stranger's car, you're a violent criminal who deserves prison. Not
even the nicest parts of the American city is safe. The riots have come to Georgetown, the picturesque enclave of some
of D.C.'s most decadent denizens, on par with Brentwood or the Upper West Side. According to the organizing group,
Saturday night's Totally Peaceful Protest was predicated on criminal behavior. The rioters planned on obstructing
Georgetown traffic, a feat explicitly forbidden by D.C. law, while engaging in a "noise pollution" campaign. Because
George Floyd, or something. That the rioters could have obstructed emergency vehicles was bad enough, but soon the
demonstration escalated as rioters climbed on top of and beat the car of a woman who, according to one of the rioters, had
simply tried to avoid the riots by driving through a gas station.
protecting Portland's courthouse 'fear for their lives' after 61 nights of unrest. Federal officers who are
protecting Portland's courthouse under the orders of the Trump administration have revealed that they 'fear for their lives'
after 61 nights of protests in the city, but demonstrators say they are fighting back to protect themselves from the
agents. President Donald Trump sent federal agents to Portland earlier this month and has since said he would be
sending 100 more troops into the city to protect federal property.
Leftists Literally Addicted to Hatred? Enthusiasm and passion have been a hallmark of political action over all
of history. Stating something strongly and with conviction gets attention and almost forces people to listen. But
the last three years have seen political passion turn into an explosion of hatred and anger like never before. Why is
this? Psychologists say that anger arises when we have an unmet demand. Some angry reactions are reasonable, such
as objecting to bad service at an expensive restaurant, or protesting against an injustice, but others are irrational, such
as shooting a gun at someone who just cut you off in traffic. We use emotions such as anger to help us survive in
difficult situations. Scientists have found that all emotions cause neuro-chemical changes in the brain and hate and
anger have a larger impact.
reported near Portland protest site before another chaotic night. The 60th consecutive day of protests in
Portland was punctuated Sunday night by the discovery of a bag of rifle ammunition and Molotov cocktails by police responding
to a chaotic scene in Lownsdale Square Park. Around the same time the ammunition and destructive devices were being
uncovered, Portland police responded to reports of gunfire at the same park. Two people were taken into custody near SW
4th Avenue and SW Salmon Street and have since been released. A person arrived at a hospital by private vehicle with an
apparent gunshot wound but the injury was not life-threatening, the Portland Police Bureau said in a statement. A photo
of the items found in the bag was shared in a tweet from the police bureau saying someone pointed out the bag to officers at
the park late Sunday. No further information was immediately released.
I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means. The definition of "peaceful" has been radically altered by the
Left and media. Now I have a very uneasy feeling. The media tells us the protests in Portland (and elsewhere) are
peaceful. Or at best "mostly peaceful," which is one awful euphemism. Read this tweet from ABC News
carefully. "Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a
peaceful demonstration intensified." That's like tweeting, "Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor After Peaceful Flight Intensifies."
It's not just Orwellian. It's Swiftian.
AP Reporter Describes
Being Inside Portland's Besieged Courthouse With US Marshals While 4,000 Rioters Attack. Rioters aren't
protesters and this story is proof. They're out for blood and destruction, not peace or justice. Reading the
description of what Associated Press writer Mike Balsamo experienced during his night at the Mark O. Hatfield Federal
Courthouse in Portland, Oregon is like reading something straight out of a war novel. Thousands of people descending on
the building in order to bring it down as inside, federal agents brace for a long night of defending the building.
Balsamo described the scene around him, such as the defenses erected by police in order to help them repel the
attackers. He paints a picture of a castle-like structure under siege: [...]
Rush to Change the Narrative as the Rioting They Encouraged Backfires. The chaos in cities like Portland and
Seattle continues, not to mention the skyrocketing murder rates in places like Chicago and New York. Unfortunately, the
Democrat and media response has been to tacitly enable the violence, whether we are talking about their encouraging of the
riots, their trashing of Trump for trying to stop them, or their push to handicap the police, which is directly costing the
lives of the very minority citizens they claim to care about. Now, as the political winds show signs of shifting, they
are looking to change the narrative. Byron York chronicled some of the recent examples.
Shapiro accuses Democrats of using unrest as 'a pressure tactic' against voters. Rioters in cities across
America are engaging in a form of "political terrorism," and Democratic officials have show complicity through their
response, Ben Shapiro asserted Monday [7/27/2020]. "If you are burning cities because you're trying to apply pressure
tactics ... then you are in fact engaging in a form of political terrorism," said "The Ben Shapiro Show" host in response to
another weekend of lawlessness and unrest. "And for cities to stand by and cave to that is not only the height of
irresponsibility, it's incredibly dangerous and it makes them complicit in this act." Shapiro told his listeners that
Democrats are "rooting for the chaos" and allowing the destruction of their cities in the hope that the havoc submarines
President Trump's re-election bid.
[are] in [a] Bind as Turmoil Spreads Far Beyond Portland. A series of strident new protests over police
misconduct rattled cities across the country over the weekend, creating a new dilemma for state and local leaders who had
succeeded in easing some of the turbulence in their streets until a showdown over the use of federal agents in Oregon stirred
fresh outrage. [...] The latest catalyst was the deployment of federal law enforcement agents in Portland, Ore., whose
militarized efforts to subdue protests around the federal courthouse have sparked mass demonstrations and nightly clashes
there. They have also inspired new protests of solidarity in other cities, where people have expressed deep concern
about the federal government exercising such extensive authority in a city that has made it clear it opposes the presence of
federal agents.
Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It Is Not Going To End In November. The civil unrest that we
witnessed all across America this weekend was extremely alarming. For a few weeks, it seemed like the chaos that
erupted in the immediate aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd was subsiding, but in recent days there has been a
dramatic resurgence. Within the last 48 hours, there have been eruptions of violence in major cities such as Seattle,
Portland, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, Louisville, Austin and Richmond.
Asked Our Readers to Send Photos of the Democrat Party Sanctioned Destruction and Rioting in their Community.
For weeks now since the death of George Floyd in May Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Marxists and other far left groups with the
support of the Democrat Party have been looting, rioting and destroying businesses, homes and public property across
America. The mainstream media HAS YET to air this destruction from the weeks of Democrat-endorsed violence and
destruction. The Democrats don't want you to see the destruction. On Friday we asked our readers to send photos
of the Democrat sanctioned devastation in their communities. We were overwhelmed with the response.
and Ammo Found Near Where Man Was Shot at 'Mostly Peaceful' Portland Riot. Portland police are investigating a
shooting at what Democrats constantly tell us are "peaceful" riots by people that New York Congressman Jerry Nadler insist
are mythical creatures like unicorns. The mythical creatures also stored a cache of Molotov cocktails and ammo at a
park across the street from the federal courthouse that antifa and Black Lives Matter peaceful rioters have been assaulting
for more than 60 days straight. Portland police say the shooting and the cache "appear to be unrelated."
people facing federal charges in connection with Portland protests. Twenty-two more people have been arrested
and charged over their alleged roles in Portland protests, federal prosecutors announced Monday [7/27/2020]. The
charges of criminal conduct were in connection to demonstrations outside the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse between July 23
and early on July 28, U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams said. The protests, which began after the May 25 death of
George Floyd in Minneapolis, "have been followed by nightly criminal activity including assaults on law enforcement officers,
destruction of property, looting, arson and vandalism," his statement read. Two of the protesters, a man and a woman in
their 30s, are accused of assaulting federal officers during a demonstration that started Thursday night and lasted into
Friday morning.
Fed-up motorist and
black-clad militant pull guns on each other as leftists riot in a smaller Oregon city over weekend. Indeed
leftists are showing their solidarity with Portland militants by staging riots of their own in various U.S.
cities — and things heated up over the weekend in a smaller Oregon city as well. Hundreds showed up in
Eugene on Saturday night [7/25/2020] — less than two hours from Portland and with only 177,000
residents — and set off fireworks at a county jail and federal courthouse while attacking businesses with
employees trapped inside, Fox News reported.
property owner fears his building could be next target of rioters: 'Enough is enough'. Seattle property owner Joseph
Wanagel told "Fox & Friends" on Monday [7/27/2020] that "enough is enough," following a violent weekend in the city. "It's a
rough situation," Wanagel said. Seattle police said at least 59 officers were injured during protests on Saturday when
they were struck with explosives, rocks, bottles and wood. They added that the injuries include burns, bruising and a torn
meniscus. Most of the injured officers were able to return to work, police said in a Twitter message.
Anger: The Best Medicine.
[Scroll down] Conservatives can, at least, set our own minds straight when the Democrats, the media, the Black Lives
Matter movement, Antifa, and the rest are losing theirs. We know, for example, that the awful death of George Floyd at
the hands of Minneapolis police doesn't justify defunding or doing away with the police force there or anywhere else.
We know that the Democrats' moves to defund the police in places such as Minneapolis and New York City will result in more,
not less, crime and violence. We know that Floyd's death doesn't justify riots such as those that are tearing apart
Portland, Oregon, every night. We understand that anarchist thugs such as Antifa and their ilk aren't peaceful
protesters; they are criminals. We know that when the media tell us that the "protests" are "mostly peaceful" that
those "protests" are — in whole or in part — violent and must be put down by police, state, local, or
federal. Mayors of cities such as Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, and New York are working against the police and on
behalf of the rioters.
release photos of suspect in Trump super-supporter Bernell Trammell's murder. Milwaukee police have released
images of the man suspected of killing a Trump supporter in broad daylight. The Milwaukee Police department asked for
the public's help in identifying a man they believe is connected to the slaying of Bernell Trammell, the well-known black man
who had been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump. The motive for the shooting is still under investigation as
officials are searching for the suspect, a man believed to be in his 30s.
The Editor says...
Earlier reports called this crime a "drive-by shooting." The perpetrator was on a bicycle!
of black Trump super-supporter Bernell Trammell leads to calls for federal probe. The murder of a 60-year-old
black supporter of President Donald Trump in Milwaukee last week just hours after he gave an interview to local media has led
to calls for a federal investigation from Wisconsin lawmakers. Bernell Trammell was shot and killed at the same
location where he was interviewed, explaining why he supports the president, leading local police to suspect the murder may
have been politically motivated. Some Wisconsin Republicans have the same suspicions and they want the U.S. Department
of Justice to look into it. "Because of Trammell's well-known political activism and the possibility that his murder
could be politically motivated, I respectfully request that United States Attorney Matthew Krueger open an investigation,"
Andrew Hitt, chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, said late last week following the murder.
are never scared to speak up. Why are conservatives? A handful of friends and I have spoken privately
about the crippling anxiety apparently only experienced by independents and right-leaners when politics comes up in a social
setting. Right up until now, it was just a theory. A new study confirms what we suspected all along:
Liberals really do feel like they can spew their thoughts freely, while everyone else quivers with fear that anything they
say might offend. The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, published a study this week showing that overall, 62%
of people in the United States believe that the current "political climate" keeps them from sharing their political
opinions. Broken down by ideology, however, self-identified liberals and "strong" liberals were significantly more
likely to feel comfortable airing their opinions than centrists or conservatives.
The Editor says...
Marxists are bent on violent overthrow of our government. Socialists and Marxists proudly engage in violent insurrection
every night in Seattle and Portland, among other places. Violence and hate speech come from the political left, not the right.
Just ask Bernell Trammell. Socialists have a propensity for physical violence. It is therefore no surprise
that those of us on the right refrain from expressing our views.
Trump supporter, 60, is shot dead in Milwaukee: Detectives are investigating 'political' motive.
Detectives are investigating whether a black Donald Trump supporter was shot and killed in Milwaukee over his politics.
Bernell Trammell, 60, was gunned down in a drive-by shooting on Thursday at 12.30 pm in the neighborhood where he was known
for his signs that said 'Vote Trump 2020' and recited Bible versus. He was found dead in front of his business where he
sold his eXpressions Journal and had handmade placards backing a range of movements including Black Lives Matter in the window.
of black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell spurs call for federal investigation. The shooting death of a black
Trump supporter in Milwaukee has state Republicans calling for a federal investigation. Bernell Trammell, 60, a
dreadlocked activist known for carrying handmade signs through the streets reading "Vote Donald Trump 2020," and posting them
on his storefront, was gunned down by an unknown assailant on his sidewalk Thursday afternoon [7/23/2020], police said.
"Because of Trammell's well-known political activism and the possibility that his murder could be politically motivated, I
respectfully request that United States Attorney Matthew Krueger open an investigation," said Andrew Hitt, chairman of the
Republican Party of Wisconsin, late Friday.
City Officials Order Feds to Remove Protective Fence from Courts Building to Aid Rioters in their Ransacking.
Mayor Ted Wheeler and Portland, Oregon officials have made it clear whose side they're on and it's not the side of law and
order. For over 50 straight nights antifa-BLM rioters have ransacked the downtown and destroyed public property.
[Video clip] When the leftist mob took aim at the Hatfield United States Courthouse that President Trump sent in
federal agents. Now Portland officials are ORDERING the federal government to remove it's protective fencing around the
Hatfield Courthouse.
Why You Need
to Stay Out of Seattle This Weekend. If you think Seattle is bad now, you're right. But the BLM-inspired
chaos will get even worse. From a letter Chief of Police Carmen Best sent to the Seattle City Council: ["]SPD
[the Seattle Police Department] has confirmed with the City Attorney's Office that the City Council ordinance banning the use
of less lethal tools — including pepper spray — commonly used to disperse crowds that have turned
violent, will go into effect this weekend as written.["] Such tools were recently used to get the saw-wielding maniac
Shane Vordelmicha Green under control in Seattle's sister city Portland. [...] Under Democrat rule, Seattle has succumbed to
anarchy. The whole city is CHAZ/CHOP now. Residents are still expected to pay taxes, yet there will be no attempt
to preserve property or public safety against the violent mobs that have been running amok in the name of Black Lives Matter.
58 Riot-Center Highlights: Portland PD Rejoins the Fray in a Game of "Whack-A-Rioter". As I have said a
few times now, if the rioters want to pick this fight every night, the federal law enforcement agents will be there to accept
the challenge. Backing down and surrendering the courthouse to the mob is NOT an option. The feds have manpower
and resources. The officers inside the building are rested, fed, hydrated, and fully briefed. When they come out
to meet the rioters it is not ad hoc. They have a tactical plan, and they execute it. These men and women TRAIN
for this. The rioters are giving the agents what they want — it's like going to Disneyland every day for the
agents. [...] The rioters are amateurs, too dumb to know when to quit, and are being used as proverbial "cannon fodder" by
the Marxist Antifa and BLM organizations. Those groups exist to create chaos. The federal agents welcome the
chaos. [Numerous video clips]
Torch Justice Center Construction Site In Seattle, Attack Stores At Apartment Complex, Hit Store Owners.
Violent rioters torched a construction site at a justice center in Seattle and attacked a Starbucks store that was at the
bottom of an apartment complex on Saturday as far-left rioters caused significant damage in other cities across the U.S. The
Seattle Police Department reported that a large group of rioters arrived at the site of the King County Youth Service
Center/Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center, near 12th Avenue and Alder Street around 4 p.m.
"Approximately a dozen people then entered a construction site at the facility, set fire to portable trailers and other
equipment, and broke out windows on personal vehicles in the area and court facilities," the department said.
Portlander Changes His Mind About the Nightly Protests After He Attends One. A Portland resident who is black
and lives downtown a block away from the Justice Center thought the nightly protests had been completely peaceful. Then
he attended one and had a rude awakening. Gabe Johnson, a 48-year-old black man who served in the Marines, now says
that Portland police should use any means necessary, including force, to sweep the riots off the streets and end the nightly
violence. In an interview with PJ Media, Johnson said he considers himself a patriotic American, and that the United
States flag should be a symbol of unity for all Americans. He laments how some have turned it into a symbol of racism
and division, especially in Portland.
March In Oakland; Windows Smashed At OPD, Fire Ignited Inside Courthouse. Hundreds marched in downtown Oakland
Saturday night, demanding social justice and showing solidiarty for protesters in the streets of Portland who have been in a
standoff with federal agents for more than a week. While the majority of crowd peacefully protested, a handful of
demonstrators turned violent, vandalizing Oakland Police headquarters and setting a fire inside the Alameda County
courthouse, breaking windows and covering the building with graffiti.
in Seattle: Police Injured, Multiple Fires. On Saturday [7/25/2020], protesters in Seattle organized a march in a
show of support for protesters in Portland who have been attacking the Hatfield Federal Courthouse on a nightly basis.
Much like in Portland, the Seattle protest quickly turned violent. The Seattle Police Department is reporting that
several officers have been attacked by rioters and that emergency crews are responding to reports of multiple fires,
including one at the East Police Precinct. According to the Seattle Police Department, rioters are throwing rocks,
mortars, and other explosive devices at officers, including bottles and balloons filled with unknown liquids.
Demonstrators have also targeted businesses and police officers have made multiple arrests.
mayhem: More rioting and lawlessness in cities across US. Another night of rioting and lawlessness
exploded in more than half a dozen U.S. cities Saturday night — with the mayhem including damage to federal
buildings, local police precincts, and a fatal shooting in Austin, Texas. [...] Early Sunday [7/26/2020] local time, rioters broke
through a reinforced fence that surrounded the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in the downtown area, OregonLive.com
reported. Federal agents assigned to guard the building deployed tear gas and the Portland police declared the scene a
riot around 1:15 a.m. local time, the report said. Saturday night's demonstration followed what the news outlet said
was a familiar pattern: Hours of peaceful protests that eventually devolve into destruction and attacks against police.
militant arrested for stabbing black Trump supporter in Portland. Antifa militant and convicted pedophile Blake
David Hampe was arrested in the early hours of Saturday [7/25/2020] following his alleged stabbing of a black Trump supporter
in Portland. The Trump supporter and conservative, who goes by the name Black Rebel on social media, posted several
updates to his condition from the ambulance and hospital. In the Periscope livestream, he alleged that Hampe had
stalked him and his group of friends for several blocks in Portland before stabbing him. Black Rebel stated that Antifa
militants doxed his identity and posted his location on social media and advised each other to "watch out" for him.
Rioters Break Into Businesses, Loot, and Set Fires. A group of about 150 rioters in Seattle gathered late July
22 to cause significant damage in the former so-called autonomous zone, setting fires, breaking into businesses, and looting,
police said. Video footage and photographs showed rioters breaking into the Rove Vintage clothing store before dragging
clothes onto the street and setting them on fire. Protesters said they targeted the store because it's owned by the
wife of a police officer. Seattle officials had tolerated the autonomous zone, known as "CHAZ" or "CHOP," for weeks
before clearing occupiers earlier this month. [...] Police officers are facing increased pressure to keep the peace while
limited in the tools at their disposal.
are the innocuous words progressives want to ban you from using. Trying desperately not to get canceled, bosses
are trying to think ahead about what words might create a fake Duraflame firestorm of anger, and preemptively ruling ordinary
words out of bounds. At the Los Angeles Times, for instance, an editor has said the word "looters," which has been used
many times in the paper, now has "a pejorative and racist connotation" and that anyone who is inclined to use the word should
"talk to your immediate supervisor." Translation: Best not use the word at all, if you want to stay employed.
So what to call looters? Non-paying shoppers? That doesn't quite tell the story: Ordinary shoplifters don't
usually bust up all the windows. How about self-appointed retail-justice-commandos? Revolutionary mass
goods-redistribution agents?
protests descend into chaos when armed protester accidentally shoots members of his group, injuring 3. Gunshots
erupted during a planned protest in Louisville, Ky., Saturday [7/25/2020] and three members of the heavily armed militia
group, the "Not F---ing Around Coalition" (NFAC), were injured by shots fired from one of their own member's guns, police
told Fox News. The shooting took place near Baxter Square Park around 1 p.m. and all of the victims were transported to
the University of Louisville Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) told
Fox News. [...] Protesters from various groups have demanded justice for [Breonna] Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT who was shot
eight times as officers burst into her home on Springfield Drive, firing off more than 20 rounds, as they were conducting
a narcotics investigation on March 13[.] No drugs were found in the house.
police declare riot after crowds injure officers, cause 'explosive' damage to Capitol Hill precinct. Police
declared a riot Saturday afternoon after another day of peaceful protest was hijacked by looters who injured 21 police
officers, lit "explosive" fires and caused widespread damage in the city's Capitol Hill neighborhood. Hundreds of
people gathered about 2 p.m. Saturday for a peaceful march in solidarity with protesters in Portland who are facing
arrest by federal agents. By 4 p.m., crowds had broken away from the peaceful protest, setting fires to five
construction trailers at the Juvenile Detention Center and attacking camera crews. One officer was hospitalized with a
knee injury caused by an explosive. A Harborview Medical Center spokesperson said the officer is in satisfactory
condition as of Saturday evening. SPD said as of 10 p.m., 21 officers were injured by bricks, rocks, mortars and
other explosives. At least 45 people were arrested for assault on officers, obstruction and failure to disperse.
declare riot at Seattle protests; more than two dozen arrested. Seattle police declared a riot Saturday
following large demonstrations in the city's Capitol Hill neighborhood and deployed flash bangs and pepper spray to try to
clear an area near where weeks earlier people had set up an "occupied protest zone" that stretched for several blocks.
Via Twitter, police said they had made more than two dozen arrests for assault on officers, obstruction and failure to
disperse. They also said they were "investigating a possible explosive damage" to the walls of the city's East Precinct
police station. Authorities said rocks, bottles, fireworks and mortars were thrown at officers as they attempted to
clear the area over the course of several hours. One officer was hospitalized with a leg injury caused by an
Mayor Victimized By BLM Vandals She Supported; Turns To The Police She Did Not. Oakland, California Mayor Libby
Schaaf just received a hard dose of reality about the Black Lives Matter movement. Mayor Schaaf has been vocal about
defending the protesters in all their glory; looting, rioting, destruction and all. Additionally, she has joined the
movement's mass mentality and supports defunding the police. Despite her kinship, the Black Lives Matter activists
extended her the same courtesy as they did all other personal property. They vandalized her home. Spray painted
messages on her stone walls read "wake up Libby" and other slogans associated with the Black Lives Matter movement.
Must have been a shock for the Mayor to be told she, in fact, is not "woke."
Looters break into shoe store in Seattle.
Looters were seen breaking into a shoe store in Seattle, Washington on Wednesday night (July 22). Footage filmed on 11th
avenue in Capitol Hill shows the shop windows being smashed before the looters are seen entering the store and leaving with
items in hand. The filmer said: "The police disappeared from the place and let the mess happen."
Democrat-Run Cities Preview Joe Biden's America. Mobs light churches on fire. They attack federal police
officers with bricks, urine, feces, and pigs' feet. They blind law enforcement officers with lasers. They burn
down pawn shops with a man still inside, only discovered months after the news cameras left town. Yes,
people — radical, America-hating domestic terrorists, to be precise — do evil things. When
Democrats let them. This is what is happening in countless Democrat-controlled cities. In Portland, Seattle,
Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, and New York crime is skyrocketing, police are defunded and ordered to disengage.
Law-abiding citizens suffer, while Joe Biden and Democrats give cover to so-called "peaceful protesters" who are sharpening
PVC pipes to use against cops protecting public property.
agents likely permanently blinded by Portland protesters' lasers, White House says. Three federal agents who
were sent to Portland, Ore., to try to help quell the city's violent protests were "likely left permanently blinded" from
clashes, White House officials said Friday [7/24/2020]. "A federal agent's hand was impaled by planted nails, another
federal agent was shot with a pellet gun, leaving a wound deep to the bone, and tragically, three federal officers were
likely left permanently blinded by the rioters using lasers pointed directly into their eyes," White House press secretary
Kayleigh McEnany told reporters Friday. All five of the injured federal agents were hurt Monday during ongoing protests
at the Multnomah County Justice Center and a nearby federal courthouse in Oregon's largest city.
Department Announces Charges Against Rioters at Portland Courthouse. Leftists in Portland are routinely
committing violence in the downtown area. This week, the rioters have set their sights on the Hatfield Federal
Courthouse, which is a mistake since vandalizing federal property isn't handled by the pusillanimous officials of Portland
but by folks at the U.S. Department of Justice. U.S. Attorney Billy Williams announced on Friday that 18 individuals
arrested during attacks on the Hatfield Federal Courthouse this past week are now facing federal charges. Court
documents say protests in downtown Portland have been followed by criminal activity that includes assaults on law enforcement
officers, arson, looting, destruction of property, and vandalism. The federal courthouse has become a target of leftist
vandals and has sustained extensive damage.
What to Do About Portland.
To say that recent events in Portland are "troubling" understates their seriousness. We are witnessing the breakdown of
law and order, with almost two months of riots, which the media whitewash as "mostly peaceful." It is hard to know from a
distance what is really happening on the streets of Portland, but certainly rumors are circulating, and being widely
believed, that federal agents are arbitrarily arresting innocent people and brutalizing them. This is reported as fact
without any attribution or source by people who should know better, including Fox News's Judge Andrew Napolitano. But
even more disturbing than mostly peaceful protests that occasionally turn violent and destroy property, we are seeing the
breakdown of the United States as a functioning polity, with local governments refusing to follow national government
policies because they despise the current occupant of the White House.
businesses looted and vandalized on Seattle's Capitol Hill Wednesday night. The Seattle Police Department (SPD)
said a group of around 150 people caused "massive amounts of property damage" on Capitol Hill Wednesday night [7/22/2020].
Police said the group broke windows, looted businesses, shot off fireworks and started fires. According to police,
the group gathered in Cal Anderson Park around 9 p.m. and started roaming the neighborhood. Police said people in the
group broke the windows of a business on the 1400 block of East Olive Way and started a fire inside. Seattle Fire was
able to put the fire out. The group broke windows of businesses as they walked to the 1500 block of 11th Avenue.
The SPD said people from the group broke into Rove Vintage on that block, taking merchandise and then setting it on fire in
the middle of the street.
Gather In Portland For Another Night Of Protests. A large crowd of people gathered Thursday in Portland,
Oregon, for another night of protests, which have been ongoing in the city for over a month and a half. A night that
began with largely peaceful crowds singing eventually devolved into tear gas, smoke canisters and fires on Federal courthouse
property. Video showed the large crowd on the streets singing "hands up, please don't shoot me" with their phone
flashlights in the air. More people continued to arrive as the night went on.
Police Union Head Confirms 'Stand-Down' Order was in Place at Pro-Cop Rally. The president of the police union
in Denver, Colorado, Nick Rogers, confirmed on Wednesday that there had been a "stand-down" order in place during a
pro-police rally held by conservative activists, as reported by Fox News. Rogers, head of the Denver Police Protective
Association, explained in an interview with local radio host Peter Boyles, on 710 KNUS. As a result of the order officially
being in place, Denver police were prohibited from protecting attendees of the "Back the Blue" rally when Antifa, Black Lives
Matter, and other far-left terrorist organizations suddenly appeared and began attacking the demonstrators. One of the
leaders of the pro-cop rally was conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, who described the attackers as wielding
collapsible batons as they attacked her and others who were speaking onstage when the chaos began. Numerous fistfights
broke out, and at least one pro-police demonstrator walked away with a massive bleeding gash in his forehead.
Trump is winning the national policing argument. The mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon might not
like it, but President Trump has a winning issue with his federal law enforcement deployments. The simple truth, one
that Democratic politicians such as Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot need to grasp quickly, is that most people don't want to get
shot dead. Their ignorance of that reality, willful or otherwise, reflects a quite stunning failure of political
leadership. The facts are clear. The chaos in Portland is a direct consequence of Mayor Ted Wheeler's appeasement
of roving criminals. But rather than confront the destruction of private property and attacks on police officers and
city residents, Wheeler is playing to the idiotic Twitter meme that the federal law enforcement officers are actually the
Gestapo. In Chicago, Lightfoot is playing the same game.
Outside Portland Federal Building Set Comrade Ablaze. Rioters accidentally set one of their own on fire
Wednesday [7/22/2020] in yet another night of Portland, Oregon, rioting, which has spanned weeks. [Video clip]
[...] The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sent federal officers to aid colleagues already on the ground who have been
battling protesters as they try to destroy property and injure law enforcement personnel. According to Chad Wolf,
acting secretary of DHS, the nightly riots are not connected in any way to peaceful protests but involve criminals who should
be held accountable.
If Democratic mayors want to keep feds away, they should
govern their cities. Joe Biden seems to think that federal law enforcement is "brutally attacking peaceful
protesters" and using "egregious tactics" in Portland, Oregon. He ought to get out of his basement more often. On
Saturday [7/18/2020], over 50 days into a riot that has done millions of dollars in damage to downtown Portland and caused
tens of millions of dollars in economic losses, rioters broke into the headquarters of the local police union, the Portland
Police Association, and set it on fire. Up to that point, they had been laying siege to the city's federal courthouse,
barricading police inside, and engaging in pitched street battles, firing ball-bearings with slingshots and air rifles.
So much for the "peaceful protesters."
To Know Why ANTIFA Carry Umbrellas? Police released bodycam footage Monday evening showing Sunday afternoon
protests in downtown that turned violent. Authorities said a dozen Seattle police officers were hurt and one was
hospitalized from the protests. The video shows protesters approaching the West Precinct and a man holding an umbrella
to intentionally block the view of a security camera. Police said officers moved in to escort the person away from the
doors and were immediately assaulted with bottles, street cones, and fireworks. [Video clip]
'Wall Of Moms' Help Attack Federal Courthouse In Portland. A group of radical mothers, otherwise known as
MomBloc formed a 'Wall Of Moms' to help kick in a boarded-up section of a Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland. The
women also created a human wall to protect ANTIFA members from the federal police. [Video clip]
And Mainstream Media Tells You ANTIFA Is Peaceful, Watch This Video And Share. Contrary to mainstream media
reports, the protests in Portland this summer have been anything but peaceful. If you go into this city with a
differing viewpoint, you will be attacked. It is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. Antifa attacks people
wearing Trump gear, USA flags, and people that do not bow down to their Marxist, racist, communist ideology. Please see
Andy Ngo on twitter to see what is really going on here in Portland. [Video clip]
Dems: The Antifa Party.
[Scroll down] Democrats and the media want the federal government to brutally crack down on people who don't wear
masks — whatever the states say — but faced with an actual violent rebellion, the feds are supposed to
stand back and let the governors lead! Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called the federal officers protecting American
citizens "an attack on our democracy." Yes, Orval, Portland is "occupied territory" — just like Little Rock in
1957! Democrats don't care that they are mimicking monstrous figures from the nation's history. They don't care
that they are taking sides with antifa, whose express mission is to kill police officers and destroy America.
Mayor Libby Schaaf's home vandalized as threat of federal troops looms. Police are investigating an act of
vandalism at Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf's house. "Defund OPD," "homes 4 all," and "blood on your hands" were all
spray-painted on the garage, sidewalk and stone wall outside Mayor Schaaf's Oakland home overnight. Witnesses say 30 to
40 people dressed in black and wearing masks shot projectiles and set off fireworks around 2 a.m. [7/23/2020]
Malkin demands Denver cops' accountability for not protecting pro-police rally from violent attacks by BLM/Antifa/Marxist
mob. The premeditated attack by violent leftists on Sunday that shut down a pro-police rally in Denver,
injuring several of the speakers, is not being forgotten. Yesterday [7/22/2020], Michelle Malkin, the best known
invited speaker who was roughed up and had to run for her life to safety, filed a formal Colorado Open Records Act Request
addressed to the Denver Police Department. It asked for the following: [...] The request is based on video and other
evidence, much of it linked from Malkin's Twitter account, that the Denver police did nothing to stop the leftist mob from
attacking and shutting down the legal pro-police rally, allowing mayhem, injuries, and the squelching of free speech to go
forward unchecked.
A Tale of Two Arsonists.
Among the dozens of anarchists arrested over the past two months, few have gotten a more vociferous defense from the
anti-police left than Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, two "public interest" lawyers accused of firebombing a police
car. Their defenders, who argue that the criminal justice system is stacked against the poor and underprivileged, were
the first to invoke Mattis and Rahman's elite credentials when pressing the courts to cut them slack. Mattis and Rahman
are high achievers: He is a Princeton and NYU Law grad with a corporate legal job, and she graduated from Fordham Law
after spending a summer in "occupied Palestine." These credentials, of course, didn't protect them from federal charges after
they lobbed Molotov cocktails into an NYPD patrol car, but their defenders now cite them in pleas for leniency and special
treatment, both in the courtroom and in the press.
of Portland: Mayhem Erupts as Leftist Rioters Clash with Federal Agents. Well, after weeks of lawlessness
in liberal cities, federal law enforcement agents are moving in to restore law and order. The situation in these places
has been downright chaotic. In Seattle, armed thugs seized portions of the city, which was quasi-endorsed by state and
local leaders — all Democrats. In Portland, a federal courthouse had to be barricaded to prevent vandalism
and other forms of destruction from these lefty mobs. Rioters actually set fire to the building. And these mayors
and governors are totally aloof to the situation. [...] These people don't know what they're doing. They can't get
these clowns under control, so the federal government should step in and restore some sanity here. Portland raised some
eyebrows after it was reported that federal agents in unmarked vehicles were rounding up rioters. First, that was not
true, but it didn't stop House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from mouthing off, smearing these fine officers as "stormtroopers." At
the same time, let's say it was true — I would have zero issues with it.
Appears to Show Black Lives Matter Supporters Holding Down and Kneeling on Neck of White Baby. A photograph of
a [black] man kneeling on the neck of a white baby while another person holds the diapered child's arms is stirring up a
massive amount of rage on social media. The shocking and disturbing photograph, which was captioned by the abusers as
"Blm now mf" is beginning to make the rounds after being uncovered by Vincent James of Red Elephants.
Who Are These
People? The pillagings, shootings, arson, rape, robbery, murder, not to speak of other minor crimes such as
trespassing, is off the charts. Yet under pretext of protesting the death of George Floyd, this abject anarchy has been
allowed to continue. [...] Before going any further, let's immediately recognize some basic facts. For weeks after his
death, we've seen rioters, not protesters, gleefully carrying 50-inch TVs out of broken store windows along with any other
merchandise they could get their hands on. Was it to memorialize George Floyd? Let's get real.
Constitutionally recognized protest doesn't include people spitting, throwing Molotov cocktails, and attacking police
officers with impunity. Make no mistake, these unrestrained thugs, under the banner of social justice, less
repercussions, enjoy the excitement of plunder and nihilism. They are basically willing idiots of Black Lives Matter
and Antifa. These two groups are ideologically aligned in their endemic hatred of the United States, law enforcement,
and President Trump particularly. Along with tacit compliance of Democrat-run states, left wing media, and major
corporations filling their coffers, they are the puppeteers of this criminality.
Network bonds Antifa, BLM riots, and DNC at the hip. Over the weekend, the Trump Administration made a strong
move to re-establish law and order in the face of violent, far leftist "protests." The flash point is Portland, aka Antifa
central. Over the past 50 days, Antifa has established ground superiority over Portland. The Trump
Administration, no longer willing to tolerate the constant violence and destruction, against the wishes of local authorities,
sent the specially trained law enforcement BORTAC- Border Patrol Tactical Unit- to defend areas within Federal
jurisdiction. Not surprisingly, the Democratic Party chose the side of Antifa, claiming what was occurring in Portland
were peaceful protests that were winding down, only now to be stoked back up by the President's actions.
America Held Hostage. Things we
thought were sacrosanct, the icons of our national identity, now are scorned. We can pretend that this doesn't
matter. They're just statues, after all. But they do matter. Not for the pleasure they give the rioters so
much as for the pain they inflict on patriots who love America. Nor has it stopped with the vandalism. We've gone
to the next level, with the looting and rioting. In the last month major cities have become unsafe, as rioters work out
the logic of what "resistance" means. American stores lost hundreds of millions of dollars, and merchants boarded up
their stores for protection. Nothing to see here, folks, said the liberal media, which gaslighted the looting and the
boarded-up storefronts, and portrayed the riots as peaceful protests against an illegitimate president. [...] We're in the
middle of a chicken game, where the Left tells us they'll let this go on as long as Trump is president. The liberal
media will ignore the riots, the liberal mayors will tell the local police to stand down, the liberal prosecutors will
promptly release anyone arrested. Try to defend yourself, and you'll find yourself prosecuted.
President Trump Really Send In The Troops To Chicago And Other Cities? We have previously discussed how
President Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted constitutional authority that he does not have in dealing with the
pandemic. The President routinely ignored the principles of federalism in such claims of control over states in their
internal health and policing decisions. He is not alone. Cities like Portland have demanded that federal officers
leave the city and stop making arrested. While there are legitimate questions raised about the conduct of federal
officers in putting people into custody and the use of force in Portland, those concerns related to the use of federal
powers, not the basis for those powers. The federal government has full authority to protect federal buildings and to
carry out arrests for federal crimes in any city. Current reports coming out of the White House appear to refer to
surging law enforcement personnel, not sending military personnel. That would be constitutional if used for protect
federal assets or enforce federal laws. That is the flip side of federalism. But how about the recent claims that
the President is about to take over policing from cities like Chicago? The answer is that such a federal deployment
without a request from the governors would be unwise but would be legal. However, there are practical and legal reasons
why such any massive deployment is unlikely.
Malkin beaten by BLM thugs and prevented from speaking at Denver pro-police rally. Conservative author and
activist Michelle Malkin was brutally assaulted and prevented from speaking as she made her way to the speaker's platform at
a pro-police public rally in downtown Denver on Sunday [7/19/2020]. The patriotic event, the 6th Annual Law Enforcement
Appreciation Day billed as "family friendly," was advertised in advance on social media including at Malkin's Twitter, where
she has 2.2 million followers.
disgrace deepens as Michelle Malkin calls out perps and enablers of attack on Sunday's aborted pro-police
rally. On Monday, the day after the violent leftist attack on Michelle Malkin and her fellow conservatives at a
pro-police rally in Denver, more information about the assailants came to light. For a refresher, my blog yesterday at
American Thinker was the first draft of the history of this disturbing event. On Monday, an article by Lance Hernandez
at KMGH-TV channel 7 Denver identified the anti-police "counter protesters" who succeeded in violently shutting down the 6th
annual pro-police rally, where Malkin was to be a featured speaker, as representing "the Party for Socialism and Liberation,
and other Black Lives Matter supporters, including the Afro-Liberation Front." In other words, revolutionary Marxist communists.
Black Lives Matter supporters crash Pro Police rally at Civic Center Park, bring it to an end. Black Lives
Matter supporters verbally, and in some instances physically, clashed with law enforcement supporters, during a set of
dueling rallies Sunday afternoon [7/19/2020] at Civic Center Park. Police later said they used pepper balls and a can of pepper
spray to disperse part of the larger BLM supporters crowd, after some people "made aggressive moves" toward officers.
The protesters said there was no reason for police to use the spray.
The Editor says...
If you go downtown to start a riot and participate in violent insurrection, don't expect to be met with Nerf bullets and Silly String.
rioters seen damaging, looting stores; police say fire sparked at precinct, officer hospitalized. At least two
people were arrested in Seattle and a dozen police officers were injured — including one who was
hospitalized — on Sunday, after a march through downtown devolved into property damage and looting, police
say. Police said the demonstrators had broken out several windows of the East Precinct, then threw a device into the
lobby that ignited a small fire.
an unprecedented thing': DHS says it is in Portland to protect federal property. Amid weeks of nightly attempts
to destroy a federal courthouse in downtown Portland, the bigger clash between the Trump administration and local city
officials is overshadowing the initial issue of restoring peace in the Oregon city. Portland's Democratic Mayor Ted
Wheeler has accused the Department of Homeland Security of overstepping its authority by sending in dozens of federal agents
and officers amid the riots. The DHS employees have been observed seemingly arresting random people on the street and
using tear gas to disperse people outside the Hatfield federal courthouse. DHS data provided exclusively to the
Washington Examiner revealed 20 people have been arrested by federal law enforcement in Portland this month for
attacking personnel or the courthouse itself.
leaders plead for [a] 'moratorium' on street violence as police [are] targeted. Protesters have drawn national
attention after setting a fire inside the Portland Police Association building Saturday night [7/18/2020]. Portland
Police said around 10:45, protesters broke into the PPA's building and almost immediately started a fire. The building
on North Lombard Street is still covered with graffiti and remnants from the fire set Saturday night are still scattered
inside. Ash Leabenworth lives a few houses down from the PPA and said while it's scary to see this happening on his
street, he says dramatic action needs to be taken in order for change to happen.
Was Peacefully Rioting Until the Feds Came In. The mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon have decided
that violent leftist thugs should have the right to smash and burn anything they want. The Federal government however
has the right to protect its property. As Fort Sumter ought to have taught Democrat states last time around.
Democrats, predictably, claim that Federal law enforcement preventing violent attacks on Federal institutions is escalating
the situation. "Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism," Mayor Ted Wheeler
insisted. The obvious question is what does Mayor Wheeler propose to do? Nothing. Correction, he's going to
cut off the feds from being able to cooperate with local law enforcement because Portland and Oregon would like to double
down on seceding from the Republic.
Pelosi and Democrats have it exactly wrong on feds vs. protesters in Portland. If only mobs were allowed to
destroy federal property without consequence. Then, there wouldn't have to be any dispute over federal agents defending
a federal courthouse in Portland, Ore.; it could simply be over-run and burned to the ground with no unwelcome resistance
from the government. As it is, Portland's mayor, Ted Wheeler, who presides over a city that has become a watchword over
the years for left-wing thuggery unchecked by municipal authorities, has roused himself to a state of high
dudgeon — over federal officers trying to counter ongoing assaults on a federal building. He calls the feds
"a direct threat to our democracy" and argues that they are engaging in unconstitutional arrests and inflaming protests that
he had hoped "would end within a matter of days."
Moms" Help Antifa To Break The Barrier Protecting The Federal Courthouse — Hardly Any Media Coverage. The crowd
gathered outside the Portland Justice Center Monday night [7/20/2020] initially started out with about 1,000 protesters before quickly
doubling in size by 9.45 pm. Demonstrators were shown singing 'Hands up! Please don't shoot me' to the tune of 'Ring
around the Rosie,' in footage taken of the peaceful protest. This is what we heard from the mainstream media and the news becomes
viral all around the world. But not one mainstream media decided to report about the "Portland Moms" when they help Antifa as they
try to break the barrier protecting the federal courthouse. [Numerous video clips]
protesters are protected by their MOMS who form human wall in face-off with Trump's federal officers. Portland
protesters were protected by their moms who formed a human wall during a face-off with Trump's federal officers. At
least 30 parents linked arms with one another on Saturday chanting "feds stay clear, moms are here!" and "leave our kids
alone." The women, who were seen wearing bike helmets, demonstrated outside of a federal courthouse for a few hours,
before officers used tear gas and flashed bangs to get them to leave the area, Buzzfeed reported.
The Editor says...
Most of these "moms" appear to be roughly the same age as the "kids" — young adults old enough to know better. The females are being
pushed to the front lines under the mistaken assumption that nobody will fire tear gas or rubber bullets at women. Nope. You am woman,
hear you roar. You want equality, you'll get equality when the dogs are released and the fire hoses are turned on.
New York deputies' vehicles set on fire in driveway, blaze spreads to house. Vehicles owned by deputies in a
western New York county were torched overnight in an incident that is still being investigated. The Monroe County
Sheriff's Office is reviewing video surveillance footage taken from the area after a fire was started in a personal vehicle
belonging to a deputy in the early morning hours on Sunday. The fire began in one vehicle in the driveway of the
Clarkson home, then spread to another and a portion of the house, WROC-TV reported.
cuts brake line to NYPD van in latest deadly act of violence against cops. An activist taking part in New York
City's "Defund the Police" effort has been caught attempting to cut a brake line to an NYPD van, an act that could have
caused the vehicle to crash, injuring or killing occupants. Local media reports that Jeremy A. Trapp, 24, was charged
with reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, and additional charges after police said they caught him in the act Friday
afternoon in the Sunset Park neighborhood. NYPD officers were watching and videoing the van after spotting someone
underneath it. Officers took Trapp into custody after he emerged and attempted to run away, WNBC-TV reported.
and Black Lives Matter Rioters Smash Amazon Store in Seattle, Attack TV News Crew and Police Precincts. Antifa
and Black Lives Matter rioters attacked an Amazon store in Seattle on Sunday. Video posted by conservative activist and
citizen reporter Katie Daviscourt shows an Antifa and BLM mob smashing windows and spray painting the store's front window
and wall. The video is cut short as an Antifa goon orders the filming to stop. Other stores and the Seattle
Police West Precinct were attacked by the rioters, resulting in a wounded officer being taken to the hospital.
police in Portland are marked and acting lawfully; meanwhile, Pelosi, ACLU, and state of Oregon side with
Antifa. The Portland Police Department tweeted a devastating video on 8 July, showing clearly the methods by
which rioters were attacking police, property, and the occasional innocent bystander in the city's besieged downtown.
These are not political "demonstrations." They're massed attacks on soft targets. One of the targets has been the
federal courthouse in Portland (chief among the federal properties that have come under attack). At the beginning of July,
additional federal police were sent there to beef up the courthouse's minimal defenses.
Enforcement Got Serious About Ending The ANTIFA Riot Shortly After The Portland Police Association Building Was
Burned. The Portland Police Association building was set on fire as unrest in that city continued to escalate,
according to Portland police and a video posted on social media. The blaze came as Portland and Oregon leaders
heightened their rhetoric against President Donald Trump for deploying federal agents to the streets of that city. The
Oregon Department of Justice is suing federal agencies alleging they're detaining people without probable cause.
Fires set, fences
moved: Police call Portland protest a riot. Protesters broke into a building, set it on fire and started
dumpster fires late Saturday night [7/18/2020] in Oregon's largest city, police said, as demonstrations that have been taking
place since the death of George Floyd intensified for another night in Portland.
Warfare In
Grant Park. Last night Communist and Anarchist rioters attacked the statue of Christopher Columbus in Grant
Park, Chicago. Police tried to guard the statue, and a pitched battle ensued, with 18 police officers injured and a
dozen rioters — nowhere near enough — arrested. The rioters gained temporary ascendancy over the
police, got control over the statue and attempted to pull it down, but without success — unlike the vandals who
tore down the statue of Columbus on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol. [Video clip]
Antifa Terrorists and BLM Mob Hurl Frozen Bottles, Sticks, Cans, Fireworks at Chicago Police. Black Lives
Matter and Antifa terrorists swarmed the Columbus statue in Chicago tonight. They vandalized the statue and attempted
to pull it down with ropes. They were ready to rip it down. The Chicago Police then moved in and took control of
the area. That's when the Antifa and Leftist mob started hurling frozen bottles, sticks, cans, rocks and fireworks at
the Chicago police!
Go All-In With Communism In Minneapolis. Powderhorn Park, an older neighborhood consisting of
upper-middle-class, white leftist families in South Minneapolis, is a microcosm of what happens when leftist policies are
actually implemented without restrictions. You may recall a New York Times article from a few weeks back that quoted
local resident Mitchell Erickson as saying he regretted calling the police after a few young, black thugs held him at
gunpoint while demanding his car keys. [...] A more recent piece on a tent encampment that began with about 20 or so when
Erickson was held at gunpoint has now swelled to an estimated 560, according to the author. Growing with the physical
presence of tents are the daily interactions related to alleged prostitution, drug use, and drug trafficking. There
have been three rapes, with two of the victims being minors in the past nine days alone, and deaths related to overdosing.
Anarchist Who Set a Seattle Police Precinct on Fire Has Been Arrested. The man who set fire to a Seattle Police
Precinct during rioting in June has been arrested and charged with arson. If convicted, Isaiah Thomas Willoughby faces
a mandatory minimum of five years in prison with the possibility of 20 years. "This is the third case we have charged
federally for the criminal acts that tainted otherwise peaceful protests. Other crimes remain under investigation and
may result in additional federal charges," U.S. Attorney Brian Moran released a statement. "Those who worked to turn
protests into riots will not escape accountability for their criminal conduct."
Riot reparations.
I live in a suburb of Los Angeles in the golden state of California. Like other states, the place I call home has been
hit hard by the Wuhan Flu. Unemployment is high, businesses are closing, and our state's budget is in freefall.
If that weren't enough, California has accrued millions of dollars in damages from the George Floyd riots. Now, I'm all
for doing my part to help my state recover from this current economic crisis. But paying for riot repairs? Not so
much. As a homeschooling mom who walked away from a lucrative career in high-tech to raise and educate my children, I'm
not down for this costly revolution. Instead of cheerfully contributing my husband's hard-earned wages towards the
payment of National Guard troops and cleanup crews, I demand reparations.
Is Hillary Clinton Support In 2016 Correlated With Cities' 2020 Riots? In a soon-to-be-released book,
Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan says when President Obama called him during the 2015 riots in Baltimore, he
expected the president to offer federal assistance. Instead, Obama urged Hogan to back off. Hogan ignored Obama's
advice about the violence following the death of Freddie Gray, and worked to restore order to the state's largest city.
More than $20 million of damage was done after Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told reporters the city would provide space to
"those who wished to destroy." If Baltimore's Democrat leaders gave $20 million of "space to destroy" in 2015, the
price tag ballooned 100-fold in cities governed by the hard left in the 2020 round of urban violence.
Child Rapist Arrested for Baton Attack at Washington ANTIFA Protest. A man arrested and charged with felony
assault for a baton attack on a bystander during an ANTIFA left-wing protest at Olympia, Washington's City Hall is a
convicted child rapist and registered sex offender. Shaelyn Reed, 20, has been arrested and charged with fourth degree
assault for attacking a conservative demonstrator with a baton. Reed pled guilty to second-degree rape of a child in
2017, and is a registered sex offender in Thurston County, Washington.
Lives Matter Is Not A Peaceful Protest Group. It is a cultural revolutionary Marxist mob pursuing the total
transformation of modern society under the new woke world order. In reality, Black Lives Matter don't actually care
about black lives, otherwise there would be more outrage over recent spikes in community violence leaving more black people
dead rather than chasing an anarchic quest to "defund police" that will demoralize law enforcement and increase homicides.
[...] Since the killing of George Floyd at the knees of Minneapolis police, Black Lives Matter have exposed its true colors
as an anarchic movement terrorizing the nation. Within the last three months, mob rioters have burned down minority
businesses, destroyed minority neighborhoods, killed a black police chief, desecrated civil rights monuments, launched deadly
occupations of downtown centers, and set fire to churches.
Fight for Freedom. [Scroll
down] Black Lives Matter is responsible for her death, for the absence of a mother in her son's life. No one will
make them pay for that life as it would be seen as a racist act. She is the first casualty in the war against
communism. If there is anything systematic in America today, it is systematic communism. It permeates every
aspect of society. Communists abound without knowing they are communists. Ask anyone in state government and they
will say they are not a communist, but they work all day enforcing communist principles with relish. It gives them a
sense of individual power to enforce state dictates. The mask is a symbol of that systematic communism worn by those
who do not see the connection, who no longer recognize the individual as supreme, the only way it can be in a republic.
Communism killed this young woman and all I can do is see my daughter's face in hers. [...] Jessica deserves more from us
than a few tweets and a strenuous lament. We need to fight for the freedom to say anything, be anything, pursue our
dreams and provide that freedom to our posterity and hers. Jessica stood against these bullies and communists are
nothing, if not bullies.
Strategist Calls GOP Sen Marsha Blackburn 'Inbred Racist Trash'. A Democratic strategist called a Republican
female senator "inbred racist trash" for criticizing the founders of the Black Lives Matter group. Republican Tennessee
Sen. Marsha Blackburn critiqued the nonprofit Black Lives Matter national organization in a Monday tweet, saying that
BLM is run by "trained Marxists." She clarified in a later tweet her comment referred to BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who
has called herself and her fellow BLM organizers "trained Marxists," according to the New York Post. "We cannot allow
our great country to be destroyed under the pretense of social justice," Blackburn tweeted.
Mob Attacks 58 Year Old Man With Cerebral Palsy. Columbus Police is asking for the public's help identifying
persons in this video. The incident involves a vehicle take-over by people protesting in the downtown area on May 31st,
2020 at approximately 7pm at the intersection of High St and Broad St. The video documents people engaging in
violent behavior directed at a victim with Cerebral Palsy and his vehicle as well as others who actively came to his rescue
and attempted to stop the violence. [Video clip]
Lives Matter Terrorists Cut Down 9/11 Memorial for Fallen Firefighters in New York. Black Lives Matter (BLM)
rioters have targeted a 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, N.Y. honoring fallen firefighters who lost their lives as first
responders during the World Trade Center attacks. Washingtonville Police Chief Brian Zacarro said that the terrorists
severed a flag pole near the base of the memorial using a large saw. They vandalized the bottom of the statue with a
message that law enforcement is currently refusing to release to the public. Community members are outraged at the
defacing of the monument, which occurred as part of a coordinated marxist movement to rape what's left of America.
ANTIFA Militants Facing Federal Charges for Attack on Portland Courthouse. Seven ANTIFA-linked left-wing
rioters are facing federal charges for a mass attack on the Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland last week. A press
release from the Department of Justice names the criminal suspects, announcing that they would be charged federally for their
sophisticated and aggressive attack on the federal building.
The Editor says...
How many hundreds of people were rioting and looting in Portland last week? And the feds are bragging that they
filed charges against SEVEN of them?
Communists Attack Church In Troy, NY. [D]on't buy the lies that any of this is about race. It's a
communist revolution intent on tearing down Western civilization. Churches stand in their way. You'd better
attend worship services armed. This was peaceful compared to what I'm sure they have planned.
[Video clip]
Guy Finds Out the Hard Way He Opened the Wrong Motorist's Door. There's no question that Portland is a hotbed
of the radical leftist action going on now. Antifa has been attacking police in the city for over 45 days,
concentrating in the past couple of weeks on the federal courthouse, the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, trying to burn it
down. They have so far been unsuccessful, although it is all boarded up on the outside from all the attacks and it has
been spray painted with obscene phrases and threats against law enforcement by Antifa. [...] Antifa/protesters/rioters have a
habit of harassing people while trying to stop cars. At least two people have been shot by protesters, others have been
injured. But when one of the Antifa tried to open the car door of a motorist's SUV that was stopped outside the
Courthouse, the Antifa guy found out the hard way that was the wrong door to try to open. [Video clip]
White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying 'All Lives Matter,' National Media Fully
Ignores. A 24-year-old mother was killed by a Black Lives Matter mob in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for
saying "All Lives Matter." Unlike Charlottesville, or any violence from the right, this killing was reported so quietly
that barely anyone even noticed. Jessica Doty Whitaker was shot and killed following an altercation with Black Lives
Matter thugs who were upset that she and her fiance had said "All Lives Matter" last Sunday.
denies Minnesota governor's request for $500M to repair damage from riots. President Trump has denied a request
from Minnesota's governor for money to rebuild parts of Minneapolis that were destroyed during the riots following the death
of George Floyd. "The Governor is disappointed that the federal government declined his request for financial support,"
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's office said in a statement. "As we navigate one of the most difficult periods in our
state's history, we look for support from our federal government to help us through." Walz, a Democrat, requested that
Trump declare Minnesota a "major disaster" zone in a request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency on July 2 after
more than 1,500 buildings were damaged by looting and rioting in the wake of Floyd's death, totaling over $500 million
in damages.
Seattle Left Wing "Security" Murder and Assault Black Children? At 3:00 a.m. [6/29/2020], in the Seattle
lawless zone, known as CHAZ or CHOP, two children were killed by what some refer to as CHOP security. [...] The Seattle
Police Chief said it was obvious the crime scene had been disturbed by numerous people. No one has reported finding any
weapons at the scene. The car window on the passenger side of the Jeep was rolled up, as can be seen by the shattered
glass around the frame. [...] The last 10 shots do not appear to be justified at all. The driver seems
impaired. No gunfire can be discerned coming from the vehicle. After the vehicle is stopped, it seems the last
10 shots are fired into it to finish off the occupants. Given the rolled up passenger window, the idea that shots
came from the vehicle first, if at all, seems unlikely. Two members of the Seattle City council refused to express
any responsibility for the deaths, or to hold anyone in CHAZ/CHOP responsible.
Tells Minnesota Governor to Go Jump In a Lake, Denies Request for 'Disaster' Relief After Riots. Some weeks
ago, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota made a request for federal disaster relief after hundreds of millions of dollars in
destruction occurred in Minneapolis. That damage came at the hands of rioting and looting in the aftermath of the death
of George Floyd. Those cities burned because Walz and the local leadership refused to stop the carnage, even as people
were injured and killed in the chaos. The President had urged Minnesota to deploy troops early on, something that
wouldn't happen until later, after the damage was already done. Instead of accepting Trump's offering of active duty
troops, Walz refused while Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey trashed the President's urging to get tough and stop the anarchy.
deny Walz's request for aid to rebuild after riots. The federal government has denied Gov. Tim Walz's
request for aid to help rebuild and repair Twin Cities structures that were damaged in the unrest following George Floyd's
death. Walz asked President Donald Trump to declare a "major disaster" for the state of Minnesota in his request to the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on July 2. More than 1,500 buildings were damaged by fires, looting and
vandalism in the days of unrest that followed Floyd's May 25 death in Minneapolis police custody, racking up more than $500
million in damages, according to Walz. The governor's spokesman, Teddy Tschann, confirmed late Friday [7/10/2020] that
the request for federal aid was denied.
Rioters Surround Car and Driver Shoots His Way Out. Every night for the past six weeks in Portland, Oregon,
antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters, looters and vandals have turned what used to be a nice neighborhood in downtown into a
war zone. Portlanders are sick of it. The police commissioner/mayor and the new BLM-approved police chief have
done little about it. The Portland Police Officers Association held a scathing news conference, issuing a no-confidence
throwdown to City Hall and begging elected officials to stop defending antifa. But next to nothing has been done by
local Portland police.
arrested after allegedly pointing gun at Walgreens customer for not wearing a mask. A Boston man has been
arrested after police said he pointed a gun at a man in a parking lot for not wearing a face covering inside a store.
Todd Goulston, 59, has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, disorderly conduct, and disturbing the peace for
allegedly aiming a gun at a man who did not wear a face mask inside a Walgreens despite a statewide coronavirus mask order,
according to the Boston Herald. [...] Ghoulston's license to carry a firearm and the firearms he kept in his home were seized
by police.
Ave. Business Sues Cuomo, De Blasio for Riots, Estimates $100M in Damages. On May 29, George Floyd
protests in New York City devolved into looting, riots, and arson. Between May 29 and June 9, looters and
rioters damaged more than 450 businesses. During that lawless destruction, the NYPD union president blamed
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) and Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) for publicly attacking police and for not sending reinforcements
to restore order. Now, at least one business is filing a lawsuit to hold them accountable.
Avenue shop sues Governor Andrew Cuomo over looting. The Gov's being thrown a fat lawsuit. The thrower's
lawyer Sal Strazzullo. The damages? He estimates $100 million. Co-defendants: the NYPD, Commissioner
Dermot Shea, NYC, Bill de Blasio, the state of New York and others. I'm told that an official Notice of Claim has been
filed with the Court of Claims. The claimant? Domus Design Center aka DDC, 134 Madison Ave. The issue deals
with May 29's frightening night when looters, rioters and thieves terrorized our city, vandalized our streets,
burglarized our shops. Strazzullo: Cuomo should have worried about hospital reform instead of bail reform.
Getting a free pass, some criminals were not able to be detained pending trial and now we have looters. Who'd have
imagined we'd have to board up our stores? We're not in Afghanistan. Places like Saks Fifth, Louis Vuitton,
Prada, Rolex being bombed out?
Cut Down Flag Pole at 9/11 Firefighter Memorial. A flag pole at a memorial honoring four firefighters who lost
their lives in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center was found cut down by vandals in
Washingtonville, New York. The defunct pole was discovered on Wednesday and, according to Washingtonville Police Chief
Brian Zaccaro, a tool was used to cut the pole. Four to five feet of the pole was left standing in the ground and a
message, which has not been released by authorities, was written on it with a marker.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter Compare with Satan. It is impossible to know just what goes on in the mind of a
young protester while he is looting, setting fires, and engaging in other violent crimes. But it is possible to
know what he is attacking. He is after those who are affluent, those who believe in goodness and decency, and
those who support law and order. One of the primary objects of attack is the police. So far in 2020, over 30
police officers have been murdered by gunfire or other means. Far more have been seriously assaulted, many of them by
Antifa or other protesters. Based on calls to defund the police in many cities, our police officers have become a
special focus of attack. Obviously, there have been cases of excessive force, but those rare events cannot explain the
animosity of the young toward the police. Most adults realize that the police are all that stand between themselves and
criminal violence, and most of us deeply respect the men and women who protect us. But there are thousands of
protesters who truly despise those same police officers. To a person attacking others, looting, and burning, the police
are all that stand in his way.
Is No House of God!' Black Lives Matter Activists Yell as They Harass Church in Upstate NY. Amid nationwide
riots following protests over the horrific police killing of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter activists harassed a Baptist
church in Troy, N.Y., a suburb of Albany. Videos of the harassment went viral on Twitter, and the church confirmed to
PJ Media that the harassment did, in fact, occur. "On Sunday, June 28, the Marxist thugs screamed, chanted, harassed,
blocked our steps from allowing people to enter the church, and then physically assaulted our church members," John Koletas,
pastor of Grace Baptist Church, told PJ Media on Thursday. The harassment did not end on Sunday, however.
Agitator's Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers. A (Caucasian, by the way) woman in a Black
Lives Matter hat posted a video in which she describes a simple method for breaking a car window, cutting the driver's seat
belt, and "removing" the driver "if necessary." It looks as though her idea will work in terms of (1) getting the driver
beaten like Reginald Denny or (2) death or serious injury for the perpetrator along with potential felony burglary or murder
charges. While nothing in this article constitutes legal advice, we will see how this individual has advised Black
Lives Matter rioters (not "protesters") on how to commit acts that could turn them into roadkill or get them sent to prison
for life. In addition, possession of the tool in question for forcible entry into (rather than escape from) a vehicle
could be construed as possession of burglary tools, which can be charged as a felony in some jurisdictions and a misdemeanor
in others.
protests erupt after 2 police officers cleared in suspect's shooting death: reports. Utah Gov. Gary
Herbert declared a state of emergency Thursday evening [7/9/2020] after "civil unrest" broke out in Salt Lake City in
reaction to two police officers being cleared of wrongdoing in the May shooting death of an armed suspect. Images
posted online showed dozens of handprints, in what appeared to be red paint, splattered across a sign at the entrance to the
Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office.
Fragility Of The Woke. [Scroll down] Black Lives Matter, antifa and their large numbers of imitators and
loosely organized wannabes are mostly made up of middle-class youth, often either students or graduates. They deem
themselves the brains of the rioting, the most woke of the demonstrators, the most sophisticated of the iconoclasts. In
truth, they are also the most paranoid about being charged or being hurt. What explains the passive-aggressive nature
of these protesters and rioters? Many no doubt are indebted, with large, unpaid student loans. Few seem in a
hurry to get up at 6 a.m. each day to go to work to service loans that would take years to pay in full. While some of
those arrested are professionals, many are not. Few seem to be earning the sort of incomes that would allow them to
marry, have children, pay off student loan debt, buy a home and purchase a new car. Historically, the tips of the
spears of cultural revolutions are accustomed to comfort. But they grow angry when they realize that they will never
become securely comfortable.
says home vandalized, arson attempted in overnight attack. A vandal threw a brick through the window of
Ald. Ray Lopez's (15th) home early Thursday before coming back an hour later and setting a nearby garage on fire.
Lopez believes that what happened overnight at his home was a direct result of an experience that he had with FOX 32 News
about six blocks away from his home earlier in the day. Lopez was giving an interview to FOX 32's Dane Placko when he
says that a number of gang members told him that he does not control what happens in the neighborhood, they control what
happens in the neighborhood.
Talk about Black Privilege. Would it be fair to say all participants of Black Lives Matter are violent?
No, but it's not the peaceful ones I'm worried about. When Black Lives Matter colludes to tear down statues and
monuments, they're not doing so to rewrite their Democrat history — they don't know anything about
history. They destroy and deface because terrorists kill, annihilate, and terrorize just for the sake of it,
indiscriminately. What we're discovering about the professional Democrat protest class is that they think quite
similarly to Islamic supremacists. The Woodstock generation has produced lite versions of Osama bin Laden —
this is the actual legacy of the Democratic Party. Islamic supremacists always recruit the young, the vulnerable, and
the ignorant and always seek to expand. The only substantive difference between Democrats and Islamic supremacists is
that the latter have just been doing it longer.
Your Enemy: Undeniable Truths About the Left. [E]verything that is happening now is because the left's
plans to remake the United States from a Constitutional republic into borderless global state were thwarted by the people
electing Donald J. Trump for president. As a result, the left not only hates Trump for beating their savior Hillary
Clinton, it also loathes the citizens who voted for him. Once you honestly grasp the level of hatred the left has for
us, you begin to understand that the Wuhan virus extended lockdowns and the Black Lives Matter/Antifa led riots are for
express purpose of bringing misery and terror to those who dared to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and those who are planning
to vote for him in November. The left has turned up their intensity to eleven in their ongoing effort to isolate Trump
from his base. Democrat governors and mayors are holding your Constitutional freedoms hostage and the unspoken ransom
for you to make all this desolation go away is to vote Democrat.
protestors crash church service, assault worshippers. A church service was interrupted at Grace Baptist Church
in Troy, New York by a Black Lives Matter protest. The small worship service was underway when about ten or so
protestors walked into the church and announced "black lives matter." [Video clip]
Violence Must Not Be Tolerated. Hold Accountable and Punish the Wrongdoers. Orderly protest is part of
our American tradition. It is an exercise of our constitutional rights of free speech and peaceable assembly. It
is one way we the people can make our voices heard, our views known to those in power. But rioting, looting, destroying
property, and attacking fellow Americans have no place in orderly protest. They are, in fact, the very antithesis of
orderly protest. And in the end, these patently illegal actions not only undermine the moral standing of legitimate
protests. History shows that they also wind up hurting most of the very people that true protesters aim to help.
the lives of innocent city residents not matter? In Atlanta this weekend, an 8-year-old girl was shot and
killed while riding in a vehicle with her mother. The driver was trying to enter a parking lot where a group of people
had illegally placed barricades. Someone in the group reportedly opened fire. Elsewhere in Minneapolis, a
pregnant woman was shot while in her car. Doctors were able to deliver and save her child, but the woman died shortly
thereafter. And in Seattle, where a teenage boy died last week, another young woman was killed after a car drove into a
group of protesters on a closed highway. We don't know much about the perpetrators or their politics, but we do know
this: Violence will continue to escalate in cities that refuse to check and put down lawless behavior.
Leader Chased By Cops Across Highway, Cries Like A Baby When Caught. When they aren't walking around with
AR-15s, beating people they deem unfit for CHAZ or painting graffiti all over the police precinct, these so-called leaders
are crying [...] when they get pinched for their thuggishness. [Video clip]
Antifa Anarchist Accused Of Inciting Riots Turned In To Police By His Parents. A suspected Antifa anarchist
accused of inciting riots in Pittsburgh was turned in to police by his own parents Monday evening [6/29/2020]. Brian
Bartels, 20, is accused of inciting violent protests in the city on Saturday in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
armed Black Panthers threaten car driver in Stone Mountain. A large group of armed protesters on Saturday
marched through Georgia's Stone Mountain Park, calling for the park's massive Confederate carving to be removed. The
group menaced several cars just trying to drive through. [Video clip]
Black Militia March Up Stone Mountain To Surround KKK Headquarters. The BLM movement along with ANTIFA and
their propagandists in the mainstream media have been inflaming America's race relations. It is clear these groups are
pushing for a race war and it seems they will get it. [Video clip]
Thugs Show Up Again To The McCloskey's Residence To Harass Them. The McCloskey's made top headlines last week
after pulling guns on BLM and ANTIFA thugs who broke into their private residence in St. Louis. Another mob of
terrorist thugs came back to that PRIVATE residence to harass and threaten the family. [Video clip]
Experiencing an Attempted Revolution by Entitled, Privileged Snobs but How Will It Play Out? Unless you've
missed it, we're seeing the formation of what could become an active insurrection. A lot of it is straight out of the
unconventional warfare classroom. The radical Marxist group Black Lives Matter provides the direction. There are
establishment figures, like Nancy Pelosi, like Chuck Schumer, like Rachel Maddow, like Jake Tapper, who think by mouthing
correct slogans they will buy influence and loyalty, but, if this project succeeds those folks and their face-diaper wearing
colleagues will be among the first to the scaffold (assuming anyone in BLM has the mechanical skills to erect one). The
rent-a-mobs are composed of three easily identifiable segments: the provocateurs and street soldiers composed largely of
antifa and black bloc stooges; the 'mostly peaceful' protesters who think they are participating in a legitimate act of
protest; and the opportunists who show up to carry off big screen televisions, throw bricks at cops, and commit vandalism for
the sake of destroying stuff.
Is Off Limits to Defeat Trump. We are facing nothing less than the Democrat/Antifa/BLM usurpation of our
Constitution and the overthrow of the United States of America. We must fight for our republic if we wish to keep
her. The riots, the arson, and the toppling of statues have nothing to do with George Floyd, systemic racism, or the
Confederate past. They are about one thing only — inaugurating a Democrat as president on January 20,
2021. They seek to desensitize regular Americans to the violence, anarchy, and breakdown of even the pretense of civil
order, hoping that with bloodshed, they can also frighten those who might choose to fight back when they steal the election
or overthrow a duly reelected President Trump.
The Grim Lessons of CHOP.
Early this morning [7/1/2020], Seattle police began dismantling the barricades, tents, and signs that demonstrators had used
to control several city blocks for most of the last month. The area was originally known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous
Zone (CHAZ), but had recently been renamed, for reasons nobody could quite explain, the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (or
Occupied Protest), producing the ominous acronym CHOP — as in what happened to dissenters during the French
Revolution. In recent weeks, the area had begun to acquire a correspondingly evil reputation, particularly after
nightfall. This reached a breaking point about a week ago with two shootings in 48 hours. In one of them, a
19-year-old kid who was trying to get other protesters to stop setting off dangerous fireworks was shot and killed. The
protesters prevented police and ambulances from arriving at the scene. The victim died after being taken to the
hospital by CHOP "medics," and no suspects have yet been identified in his death.
Gov. Walz asks Trump for disaster declaration after George Floyd riots trigger over $500M in damages.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has asked President Trump for a federal disaster declaration in his state due to "extensive fire
damage" and other destruction in the unrest that followed George Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody on Memorial
Day. "We need to come together to ensure Minnesotans who were victims of this destruction have access to critical
infrastructure they need so they can go to the grocery store, pick up their medication, and live their lives," Walz said in a
statement Thursday. "Together, we will rebuild."
The Editor says...
The riots could have been immediately quashed by the Minneapolis mayor or the Minnesota governor, but they weren't.
Now they expect the rest of us to pay for the cleanup — together. Let the city of Minneapolis rot!
Mayor Admits CHOP Antifastan Caused Crime Wave, 'Alarming' Spike in COVID Cases. When Mayor Jenny Durkan
(D-Seattle) finally ordered police to clear out the antifa instigators in the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP), which has
been dubbed "Antifastan" (no offense to Central Asian countries), her order made some very fascinating observations about the
occupation she had allowed to fester for three long weeks. As it turns out, a lawless rebellion protest/anarchist
commune might be bad for... public health and safety. Specifically, CHOP appears to have caused both a crime wave and
an uptick in coronavirus cases amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
grad blames Trump supporters for being fired from her 'dream job'. The Harvard graduate who went viral for
saying she'd 'stab' anyone who told her 'all lives matter' in a TikTok video has tearfully returned to the video-sharing site
to reveal that she's been fired from her dream job at Deloitte. Claira Janover, who graduated in May with a degree in
government and psychology, posted a TikTok video this week where she said angrily: 'The next person who has the nerve to tell
me All Lives Matter... Imma stab you. 'Imma stab you and while you're bleeding out, imma show you my paper cut and say,
"my cut matters too."' She says it was a 'satirical analogy' that was taken at 'face value' when it shouldn't have been.
The Editor says...
When a Harvard graduate says, "Imma stab you," it means her tuition money was wasted.
Update: Deloitte
says Harvard grad who wept dramatically over loss of 'dream job' was NEVER an employee. The story involving
Harvard graduate Claira Janover has taken on bizarre elements of a Seinfeld episode after the company she claimed she was
fired from said that she never worked for them. A teary-eyed Janover said she was fired from her "government and
public-service analyst" job at Deloitte amid the fierce backlash over her threatening to stab anyone who dare to say "All
Lives Matter," rather than Black Lives Matter. The only problem with Janover playing the victim is that Deloitte
confirmed that she was never an employee of the company, the Daily Mail reported Friday [7/3/2020]. Deloitte managing
director Jonathan Gandal told the British tabloid that Janover "has never been an employee of our organization."
sees 525 percent spike in crime thanks to CHOP: Mayor Durkan. Seattle saw a staggering 525 percent spike in
crime as a result of the violence that swept through the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone, according to Mayor Jenny
Durkan. Durkan's emergency order booting protesters from the six-block cop-free zone makes mention of the "narcotics
use and violent crime, including rape, robbery, assault, and increased gang activity" within the CHOP since it first emerged
in early June. June 2 to June 30 saw the 525 percent jump in crime compared to the same period last year.
shot dead in Seattle's CHOP was being chased after stealing Jeep. The teenager shot dead in Seattle's Capitol
Hill Organized Protest area was being chased after stealing a Jeep at knifepoint — and sobbed, "I don't want to
die" after he was shot, according to a report. Antonio Mays Jr., 16, said that he and a 14-year-old boy were being
chased and shot at early Monday after they "beat someone up and took" their vehicle at knifepoint, his so-called "street
sister," Ciara Walker, told DailyMail.com. Walker told the pair to head to the police precinct in the CHOP zone,
telling them, "You will be safe there — nothing will happen to you."
Never Give
an Inch. We don't have any inches left. We can't compromise or concede anything. They're destroying
our history, our economy, our connections with God. They want to tear apart our families and they've already made
mockeries of our schools. This last spate of riots has to be the end. We can tolerate this Mad Hatter's tea party
no longer. "Black Lives Matter?" Whoever said they didn't? What does that even mean? Two hundred years ago
when most American blacks were slaves — even then — black lives mattered — they were
money. There's nothing even remotely rational in that slogan. What would they have chanted had Floyd been
white? It looked to me like a terrible miscarriage of justice no matter what the color of his skin, so had he been,
say, Jewish, would the rioters have been stealing TVs and torching cop cars? Would they have been chanting, "Jewish
Lives Matter?" So what does it mean? Not much. We abort black babies more often than babies of any other race,
but those lives evidently don't "matter." The cruelty of the abortion procedures evidently isn't an issue to these
miscreants. The black cops on the street are treated with even worse disrespect than the white cops, so it's not their
lives that matter. [...] It's never been clearer that this has been fit-throwing for fit-throwing's sake — and for
the sake of stealing the coming election.
Media narrative
of peaceful Seattle CHOP zone turned upside down as mayor sends in police to stop violence. As protesters and
armed anarchists seized control last month of a swath of Seattle's downtown that includes a police station, dubbing it
Capitol Hill Organized Protest, the local and mainstream media largely echoed elected leaders by insisting it was a peaceful
protest — until people started getting killed. The spin by the Seattle Times and national outlets that
covered it belied the violent and dangerous origin of the area that began on June 8, when Seattle police abandoned their own
station and allowed self-described anarchists to create a "police-free" zone. On Wednesday [7/1/2020], police went back
in and finished clearing out the area, after multiple shootings, an alleged rape and at least two murders.
Oklahoma police officer killed, rookie in critical condition, after suspect shoots both in the head. A veteran
Tulsa, Oklahoma, police officer died Tuesday after a traffic stop went wrong. Six weeks after Officer Aurash Zarkeshan
completed training with the Tulsa Police Department, he made a regular traffic stop on East 21st Street early Monday morning,
police said. After Zarkeshan ran David Anthony Ware's information into the system, he called for backup.
the Police: Nets Skip Death of Tulsa Officer Shot in the Head. On Tuesday, 15-year Tulsa Police
Department veteran and Sergeant Craig Johnson died at a hospital after sustaining a gunshot wound to his head on
Monday. Six-week rookie Officer Aurash Zarkeshan was also in critical condition after also being shot in the head
during the same struggle with a suspect. Though Monday's [6/29/2020] CBS Evening News was the only broadcast
newscast to report on their hospitalization, neither they nor ABC, or NBC informed their viewers about Sgt. Johnson's passing.
Chopped: Hypocrite Seattle Mayor Finally Lets Cops do Their Jobs. It turns out that all you had to do to
get the CHOP cleared out of the midst of Seattle was to send in the police in force, and do it before noon, while all the
depraved occupants were still sleeping. This morning [7/1/2020], after a fellow Marxist on the Seattle City Council had
organized a protest action in front of the Mayor's home, she sent in the cavalry to rid her city of the armed militants who
had illegally occupied the area for the past month or so. Obviously, the only way to convince a commie Democrat mayor
to let the police do their jobs is to make he or she [sic] feel personally threatened, a mistake the Antifa/BLM thugs made
Sunday evening.
Made After Mayor Orders End of CHOP. Seattle police cleared the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) on
Wednesday [7/1/2020] following an emergency order from Mayor Jenny Durkan (D). Numerous arrests were made as the city
retook possession of the Seattle Police Department's East Precinct, citing violence and lawlessness in the area as their
primary motives for shutting down the insurrection. Durkan issued an executive order declaring the cop-free zone an
"unlawful assembly" on Wednesday that gave protesters 48 hours to vacate the six-block zone. At 5:00 a.m.,
dozens of officers with the Seattle Police Department (SPD) moved onto the scene, some wearing riot gear.
Jesse Taggart, 33, Charged With Attempted
Murder For Allegedly Shooting Driver at Provo BLM Protest. Black Lives Matter activist Jesse Taggart, 33, was
arrested for allegedly shooting an elderly man during a riot in Provo, Utah on Tuesday [6/30/2020] and hit with a host of
charges including attempted aggravated murder. According to Provo Police, Taggart was charged with attempted aggravated
murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, rioting, threatening use of a weapon in a fight or quarrel,
criminal mischief and firing a weapon near a highway.
Police Arrest Black Lives Matter Agitator Who Allegedly Shot SUV Driver. A 33-year-old Black Lives Matter
supporter was arrested Tuesday night [6/30/2020] in connection with the shooting of an SUV driver during a riot in downtown
Provo. Jesse Taggart, of Salt Lake City, "was booked into the Utah County Jail and held on charges of attempted
aggravated murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, rioting, threatening the use of a weapon during a fight
or quarrel, criminal mischief, and firing a weapon near a highway, according to Provo Police. As American Greatness
reported on Tuesday, video footage of the altercation on Monday showed someone shooting into a white SUV while it was being
mobbed by violent agitators.
Democrats Propose Reducing Charge For Assaulting Police Officers. Virginia Senate Democrats are proposing the
reduction of the charge of assault on a police officer from a felony to a simple misdemeanor offense. The proposal, one
of 28 championed by the Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus to reform the state's law enforcement systems, would get rid of the
current law that considers an assault of a police officer a Class 6 felony and imposes a mandatory minimum term of
confinement of six months.
Police Finally Clear Out the CHAZ (After Radicals Came to Mayor's Home). Finally the mayor of Seattle decided
to drop the hammer on the Seattle autonomous zone. Last night [6/30/2020] the Seattle Department of Transportation
began removing some of the barricades. The radicals tried to put substitutes like couches and other things to block off
the area again. But Mayor Jenny Durkan issued an emergency order today, demanding that the radicals leave the Capitol
Hill area.
The Editor says...
Yes, but aside from the shooting, look at the trash and debris and graffiti and garbage everywhere.
It's like they've occupied the City Dump.
Stop The CHOP: Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan Loses Control. This weekend, two men were shot inside
CHOP — one died, and the other is in the intensive care unit at Harborview Medical Center. Let's not forget
that last weekend a man was shot dead and another injured. Thus far, three of the four are listed as teenagers.
Meanwhile, no one is talking. Authorities are unable to ascertain what happened and why in both incidents. In
referencing last weekend's murder, the Seattle police blotter states, "The victim refused to provide any information about
the circumstances surrounding the shooting of a suspect description to officers." With real police held at a distance, no one
is in custody for either shooting.
admits it: Riots and protests are 'tailor-made' for electing Joe Biden. Joe Biden is hiding in his
basement, but maybe that's because the rabid-left looters, rioters, and protesters are carrying out his presidential campaign
just fine for him. What else can be concluded but that, given that President Obama has cynically admitted that the
civil unrest covering the U.S. is "tailor-made" for electing Joe Biden? [...] Perhaps the idea is to beat the public down to
such an extent that it feels that only a Democrat can solve it. Perhaps he sees in the polls that the public is blaming
Trump. The New York Times reported just a couple days ago that Obama is obsessed with ousting President Trump.
That being the case, it's not unlikely that he will continue with his old Alinsky training, to oust Trump by any means
necessary. If riots will do it, Obama and his Democrats will be happy with more riots.
mayor slams protesters for showing no 'regard for' her 'safety' as demonstrators circle her home. A group of
protesters marched to the home of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on Sunday afternoon [6/28/2020], upset that she pledged to
dismantle the police-free "Capitol Hill Organized Protest" zone, known as CHOP. Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant
joined a group of dozens of demonstrators gathered at Durkan's home who were holding signs, chanting, and demanding she leave
the area alone or meet protesters' demands. Durkan said last week that police would soon return to Seattle's East
Precinct, which has been overrun by protesters who set up the CHOP zone, but gave no timetable.
Most Noble Experiment in Human History is on a Ventilator. So how did the completely senseless and tragic death
of George Floyd devolve into the anarchy pulsing through America's cities today? Is this really about George
Floyd? I posit for your consideration that the professional agitators and extremists have leaped upon Mr. Floyd's
death to do what they do best. Namely, this is their time to destroy the United States and all that has made it the
country of hope and opportunity for hundreds of millions of people. I do not know if China, Russia, or internal
fomenters of destruction are funding this wanton violence and destruction. I do know that George Floyd was just the
excuse. The attack on police, institutions, and statues are not about him. They are being orchestrated by those
who wish to radically change the United States.
Police Car Drives Through Swarming Mob as Protesters Cling to Hood. A Detroit police SUV drove through a
swarming mob of protesters Sunday night [6/28/2020] who tried to block the police car and then hung on the hood as the
officer drove through the mob to escape down the street. A second police SUV followed. The attack by protesters
came as police, who had been escorting the protesters, tried to redirect the Black Lives Matter march away from a busy
street. One police car reportedly had its rear window smashed in.
teen, 16, is killed and a 14-year-old boy is wounded after gunmen fired into their Jeep at Seattle's CHOP zone.
Surveillance video of a shooting at Seattle's CHOP zone that left a black 16-year-old boy dead and a 14-year-old seriously
injured shows gunfire ringing out as the Jeep the teens were in plowed into a barricade and a man screaming: 'Oh you're not
dead yet?'. Homicide detectives said they are investigating after the two teenagers were shot in a white Jeep near a
makeshift barrier around the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone at about 3am on Monday. Those inside the zone
say CHOP security guards, who are self-appointed and heavily armed, started shooting at the Jeep only after the teens opened
fire on them and drove into a barricade.
shooting in Seattle's protest zone leaves 1 dead. One man was killed and and a teenager was wounded early
Monday in Seattle's "occupied" protest zone — the second deadly shooting in the area that local officials have
vowed to change after business complaints and criticism from President Donald Trump. The violence that came just over a
week after another shooting in the zone left one person dead and another wounded was "dangerous and unacceptable" police
Chief Carmen Best said.
Shooting in Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP, Another Dead Body. We've lost count of the number of shootings that have taken
place inside Seattle's cop-free Summer of Love block party, AKA the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone or CHOP. CHOPanistas
seem to have a propensity of gunplay and shooting and killing each other. [...] It isn't clear how many more people will have
to be shot and killed before the Mayor will order that the CHOP and be taken down, allowing the city's police to retake their
abandoned precinct building. Or how many more lawsuits locals will have to file to push her to act.
City Council Member Blames 'Capitalism's Brutality' for CHOP Murders. Things aren't going so well inside the
"CHOP," the autonomous zone that Seattle's government is currently allowing to exist contrary to the law. We've already
had one murder in just two weeks inside an area no bigger than six city blocks. Now, there's been another one. A
man was killed and a 14 year old is fighting for his life after a drive-by shooting within the CHOP. Rumors are
circulating that it was CHOP's own self-proclaimed security that was involved. Unfortunately, the crime scene has already
been tampered with and it's unlikely many witnesses will cooperate. There is video of the incident that may help with the
World's Most Dangerous "Nation". After a handful of reported sexual assaults, violence against outsiders, and
numerous thefts, the Seattle Autonomous Zone known as CHAZ and/or CHOP suffered their first reported homicide over the
weekend on Saturday [6/20/2020]. [...] While the media has been portraying this modern rendition of Lord of the Flies as
peaceful (or as they sometimes comically put it, "mostly peaceful"), due to their low population, this single murder already
makes CHAZ/CHOP the most violent "nation" in the world. CHAZ/CHOP is estimated to have a small population of only 200,
implying a murder rate of 500 per 100,000. In 2019 Venezuela was the world's most dangerous country with a murder rate of
60.3 per 100,000, 88% lower than CHAZ/CHOP.
The Editor says...
Not that I really care all that much, but I spent about five minutes searching for the "population of CHAZ/CHOP" and found no
numbers. (I suppose conducting a census would look too much like the work of a bureaucracy.) Without knowing the
population, it's a little difficult to calculate the murder rate per capita.
Lives Matter update: 100% of CHAZ/CHOP homicide victims are black. Good job Democrats! CHOP is currently
the most dangerous country on earth based on per capita crime statistics. Also of note, the racist leadership inside
the terrorist nation has attempted to cover up the severity of the crimes against blacks by refusing to cooperate with
American authorities. [...] One man has died and another remains hospitalized in critical condition Monday following the
latest shooting near Seattle's Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said the death
marked the second African American man to die in the area that claims to believe Black Lives Matter.
Conservatives Underground. Cultural tyranny reigns in America, the last step before full-fledged political
tyranny. Lurking beneath the surface of virtue signaling leftists are tyrants seeking to exert their will over those
they despise. The defining leftist culture enables them to ruthlessly use all the power at their disposal, both real
and imagined, to enforce a single acceptable viewpoint on society. In some geographic areas, this is more obvious than
in others, but no area will ultimately be spared. This week, my wife volunteered during the Virginia Republican
primary. As people came by the booth to get information on the candidates, she offered these Republican voters an
opportunity to sign up for yard signs. Most whispered that they could never put something like that up in their
neighborhood. That's understandable. Unless a family is willing to stand guard 24/7 over their property, a Trump
bumper sticker or sign here is a risky proposition at best.
'security' growing more 'contentious' with nearby residents: report. Seattle residents said Sunday that despite
rumors that the city was going to reclaim the "occupied" area known as CHOP, little has changed on the ground and the
"security" at the protest zone has actually gotten more "contentious" with residents who live nearby. "They won't let
people in the neighborhood sometimes at night," Matthew Ploszaj, who lives there, told KOMO News. He told the station
that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement, but said it is a "terrible precedent" that "any political message can come
in and occupy a neighborhood."
mob takes aim at praying Christians and Catholic statue as anarchy spreads to the heartland. Counter-cultural
protests continued into the weekend around the country, including the heartland city of St. Louis where an angry mob of
Black Lives Matter demonstrators threatened a Catholic priest and attacked at least one person who attended a prayer
rally. At a demonstration sponsored by The Gateway Pundit in support of preserving the St. Louis Statue on Art
Hill in Forest Park, police had to separate BLM counter-protesters who attempted to disrupt the group as they prayed with
Catholic priests.
Rule Imperils Western Civilization. Now's the Time for Courage and Leadership. The war on history has
spread across our country and has even spilled over to other parts of the Western world. Now, on a daily basis, we see
scenes of lawless mobs attacking and tearing down statues, and defacing monuments of every type — often as
authorities stand idly by. But this violence has hardly been reserved just for statues. After toppling a statue
of an abolitionist who gave his life to the cause as a member of the Union Army, a mob in Madison, Wisconsin, mercilessly
beat a Wisconsin Democrat state senator who supported the protests. Mob rule is indeed coming to America. It must
be stopped.
Investigations Probe Arson, Destruction of Property in Riots, Attorney General Says. Attorney General William
Barr said Thursday that the Department of Justice is conducting about 500 investigations into acts of arson and destruction
associated with the protests and riots over the past several weeks. The DOJ is ramping up investigations into the
activists who participated in destruction of private and public property over the last several weeks, Barr said during an
episode of the "Verdict" podcast with Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. We've had scores of indictments so far
for such things as arson, destruction of federal property," Barr said, adding that the DOJ is going full bore on a
probe. "We have right now about 500 investigations underway, so it's picking up pace. We are committed to holding
accountable the people who engaged in this." He added: "State and local are not doing their jobs."
down CHOP: Seattle's leftist mayor now up to her keister in alligators. Where do liberals get the idea that if
you just talk nicely to warlords, expropriators, pirates, and invaders, they'll do what you say? That's the approach
Seattle's Trump-hating mayor, Jenny Durkan, took, and she's about to learn the hard way how that works, except that she
doesn't learn. She called for the shutdown of CHOP, and its defiant and entitled denizens have since walked all over
her, making her look like a fool.
Off-duty Dallas police
officer beaten to ground after trying to disperse crowd, police say. An off-duty Dallas police officer was
attacked from behind Thursday night after telling a group to leave a closed pool area at an apartment complex, authorities
said. The assault unfolded around 9 p.m. at the Allure apartments complex in North Dallas, police said Friday in a news
release. The officer, who was in plainclothes, identified himself as a Dallas police officer and tried to disperse the
crowd, police said. As he walked away, police said multiple people attacked him from behind and he fell to the
ground. The officer lost consciousness during the attack, police told WFAA-TV. When he wokevup, he called 911 and
told responding officers that a group of three or four men had struck him in the back and kicked him several times, police said.
leftists of CHOP refuse to quit their Seattle squats. After supporting Seattle's CHOP and declaring it a
"summer of love," Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan had no choice but to bow out of it, given that it had become a killing zone and
police were obstructed from tending the gunfire victims bleeding in the streets. The lawsuits from destroyed businesses
were looming, plus there was President Trump, a man she rabidly hated herself, threatening to come in and hose that hellhole
out if she wouldn't. Only a little bit of egg on her face, she tried to tell the media lackeys, as she backed down and
declared the CHOP over. No more block party, summer of love done, and summer hadn't even officially started.
Clearing her throat, she announced that community organizers would clear the streets and direct the homeless to 'services' and
lefty-ism could happily go on. Just one problem: The rabid leftists embedded at CHOP have no intention of leaving.
The Editor says...
"In 2020, the June solstice occurs on Saturday, June 20, marking the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere."
Antifa Run When Portland Police Rush Them, It Doesn't End Well for Them. Early Friday morning [6/26/2020],
hundreds of Antifa attacked police and the North Precinct in Portland. They tried to set up another autonomous zone
around the precinct with fencing and dumpsters, tried to lock police in the precinct and light it on fire, and pelted the
police outside with objects like glass bottles. [...] I think it's plain to see the Portland Police have had enough of these
characters. They rushed them and the Antifa kids were so taken aback they fell all over themselves trying to get away.
First Weekend Of Riots, Looting Damage In 20 Major Cities Exceeded $400 Million. Looting costs in America's 20
largest metropolitan areas exceeded $400 million from the first weekend of rioting, according to a new report from the
Anderson Economic Group. "This includes property damage, lost inventory, cleanup and reconstruction costs, and
closure-related lost wages," the report stated. "[The study] did not assign any costs to peaceful protests or demonstrations."
The report, published June 5, used "news publications to identify where looting occurred... and estimate the total costs
of looting between May 29 and June 3." The report authors say this value could be severely underestimated.
shot inside Seattle's CHOP claims racists attacked him in 'hate crime'. A man critically injured in one of the
shootings inside Seattle's chaotic, cop-free CHAZ claims it was a hate crime committed by racist infiltrators who dropped the
N-word. DeJuan Young told KIRO 7 that he was fleeing the sound of gunshots from where a teenager was shot dead early
Saturday when he was accosted by at least four men who dropped a racial slur when they shot him. "I'm not sure if
they're Proud Boys or KKK," Young told the station of the attack in the so-called "Capital Hill Autonomous Zone."
Protesters Stop Seattle Workers From Removing Barriers. City workers that arrived at the Capitol Hill Occupied
Protest (CHOP) on Friday [6/26/2020] to remove the barriers that currently separate the zone from the rest of the city were met with
resistance from protesters, culminating in the clean-up crews departing with the barriers still in place. Workers from
Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) were on the scene at about 6:00 a.m. local time with trucks and heavy machinery,
setting up around the edges of the "autonomous zone." But activists from the occupied area lay down in front of the
machinery, impeding the crew from doing their job. Two hours later, at 8:00 a.m., the workers left without having
removed the barriers.
Seattle union
chief: Residents, businesses held 'hostage' by CHOP 'criminals' need leadership. The residents and
business owners surrounding Seattle's Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) "police-free" zone are effectively being held
"hostage" by a "criminal element" that controls the six-block area and beyond, Seattle Police Officers Guild President
Michael Solan reported Saturday [6/27/2020][.] In an interview on "Cavuto LIVE" with host Neil Cavuto, Solan said that
the protests have gone "way too far" and that Seattleites — dozens of whom are now suing the city —
have "every right to be angry."
The left
is always destroyed by its lies. [Scroll down] It's a lie that mobs calling themselves "anti-fascists"
are in fact anti-fascists. The truth is that they're actually no more anti-fascist than the various "people's
republics" ruled by communist tyrants were actually for the people. The truth is that these so-called anti-fascists are
violent anti-anti-fascists who burn cities, rape women, beat those who disagree with them and seek to impose a Reign of
Terror intolerant of any dissent from their diktats.
Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism. This is a systematic, canonical, and "ideologically correct" approach to
the class struggle, designed to accomplish a dogmatic Marxist wealth redistribution. Why? Because since the 60s,
all leftists have known the maxim: "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." That is
why the two paramilitary wings of the Democrat party — the "white" Antifa and the "black" BLM —
perfectly understand each other. After all, the race is not a problem. The main goal is the revolution. (By the
way, the "white" wing of the stormtroopers was also created by the communist: Soviet agent Ernst Thalmann established
Antifa in Germany in 1932.) BLM stormtroopers are trying to provoke a racial war in America in the hope that it will
develop into a civil war — simply because it is much easier to make a revolution during a war. One of the founders
of BLM, Patrisse Cullors, does not hide the fact that BLM members are "trained Marxists" who "read Marx, Lenin, and Mao."
to Ted Cruz, Attorney General Bill Barr Is the Honey Badger. The interview opened with Barr answering questions
about federal law enforcement agencies' role in addressing the unrest and lawlessness that has been occurring nationwide.
[...] He did note that when the violence began at the end of May, the thirty-five Joint Terrorism Task Force teams were
activated nationwide. These are cooperative teams of local, state, and federal agencies that are built to deal with
terroristic threats. Barr shared that these teams are conducting investigations and cranking out indictments.
Citing scores of indictments and arrests for crimes such as arson and destruction of federal property, Barr stated there were
at least 500 investigations underway. When asked about evidence of coordination in the riots, he confirmed this is part
of the picture. Barr stated anarchistic groups associated with the antifa movement are acting as provocateurs among
legitimate protests. He also confirmed there is coordination close to the event. Often the day before or the
morning of, law enforcement is seeing: • Communications between groups •
Organization among the members • Pre-planning of activities • Pre-positioning
of materials
Virginia Woman, Being Attacked by Black Lives Matter Mob, Told to "Call City Hall" by 911 Operator. Fox Host
Tucker Carlson broadcast a stunning example showing how average Americans are being terrorized by rampaging mobs as local and
state officials do nothing. In the example a woman driving with her daughter through Fredericksburg, Virginia, is
attacked by a mob of Black Lives Matter thugs. Panicked the lady calls 911 for help, the response from the 911 operator
is to chastise the woman and tell her to "call city hall" with her complaint. This is a prime example of what Marxist
Democrats support.
General Barr Confirms Over 500 Federal Investigations into Rioters. Attorney General William Barr confirmed on
Thursday that there are currently over 500 investigations being carried out by the Department of Justice against those who
have been involved in widespread rioting over the last month, as reported by The Daily Caller. Barr made the
announcement on Senator Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) podcast "The Verdict," stating that "we've had scores of indictments so far for
such things as arson, destruction of federal property," and that they are "picking up pace." As has been previously
reported, there have already been over 70 indictments across the country on federal charges. Barr's comments come
nearly one month after President Trump officially declared Antifa a domestic terrorist organization, which gave the federal
government greater leeway to pursue federal charges against those involved in the violence.
Lives Matter Leader Threatens to 'Burn Down' America. Trump Responds in Kind. On Thursday [6/25/2020],
President Donald Trump condemned Greater New York Black Lives Matter leader Hank Newsome in the strongest possible
terms. Newsome had told Fox News's Martha McCallum that the United States was "built on violence" and warned that if
America "doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it." [...] "Black Lives Matter leader
states, 'If U.S. doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it'. This is Treason,
Sedition, Insurrection!" Trump tweeted.
Autonomous Zone Begins to Disband as Protesters Leave the Area. The "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest" (CHOP)
moved towards disintegration on Thursday [6/25/2020] as protesters began leaving the area. Four shootings have occurred
in the CHOP over the past several days, leaving one person dead. The area, which covers six blocks in Seattle's Capitol
Hill neighborhood, has also been referred to as the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone," or CHAZ.
Jordan Absolutely Goes off After Jerry Nadler Gaslights Antifa as 'an Imaginary Thing'. The mainstream media
and Democrats simply can't seem to make up their minds when it comes to the radical left-wing anarchistic group Antifa.
They're either 1) modern-day versions of the WWII Normandy beach heroes and saving America from alt-right racists, 2) a
fringe group joining up with white supremacist agitators to disrupt peaceful protests in the aftermath of the death of George
Floyd, or 3) they simply don't exist. That they are a mythical creation was posited by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
during a Thursday [6/26/2020] debate on the Democratic-led House's police reform bill. Nadler, the House Judiciary
Committee Chairman, stated on the House floor that Republicans were "dealing with imaginary things like Antifa".
increases reward to $20K for info leading to arrest of St. Paul arson suspects. The Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is now offering $20,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of a
man and woman wanted in connection with several St. Paul business fires during recent unrest in the Twin Cities.
Jose Felan, Jr., described as being a felon with multiple convictions, was captured on video setting fires at numerous
St. Paul locations, including Gordon Parks High School. The ATF reports Mena Dyaha Yousif, Felan's girlfriend and
accomplice, is believed to be helping Felan evade law enforcement officials.
They Disband CHOP, Its Leaders Insist Their Anarchy That Enabled Rape And Murder Was Successful. "CHOP,"
Seattle's lawless Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, is no longer occupied. The "Solidarity Committee" of CHOP, the
six-block cop-free area previously named CHAZ for Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, addressed their "Comrades in the struggle" on
Twitter Wednesday [6/24/2020] to break the news: "The CHOP project is now concluded."
Violence Is Prelude for November. The left is going to riot in November no matter who wins the
presidency. Leftists have established by precedent the premise that "mostly peaceful" rioting, arson, assault, and
rampant property destruction are not only acceptable, but necessary in order to purge our nation of imagined original
sin. George Floyd was merely a stroke of luck for the left; if it were not for his murder, they would have needed to
conjure up another excuse for the studied and deliberate anarchy we are experiencing today.
Are We Letting Democrats Steal from Us? We cannot ignore that these anarchists are robbing us of the law and
order required for our safety and prosperity. When police forces are defunded, police are told to stand down, and the
public supports the criminals over law-abiding citizens, the outcome is clear. No-go zones like CHOP in Seattle, murder
rates like those of Chicago, and riots and looting like those across our cities will become commonplace. The leftists
cannot explain how destroying peaceful and nonviolent co-existence, civil discourse, critical thinking, respect for differing
opinions, and an honest teaching of American history is problematic for the black community because this is not about BLM.
It's about power and keeping it in the hands of Democrats. That would be the same party that has controlled our inner
cities for decades, leading to the mess we're now seeing on display.
The Left Craps
Out. There is no move that the Dems or their leftist allies can make that is not even more catastrophic, more
humiliating, and more revealing. The Antifa mob holds downtown Seattle? Let them keep it. The people of
Seattle, and Milwaukee, and Chicago, voted for this — have been voting for it for decades — and now
here it is. It's time to pay the piper. They deserve whatever they've got coming, and I have no sympathy for
them. No city and no state has any right to put the nation as a whole in jeopardy, and that is the end of it.
tear down statues, attack Wisconsin state senator in Madison. Wisconsin's governor activated the National Guard
on Wednesday to protect state properties after a night of violence that included the toppling of two statues outside the
state Capitol, one of which commemorated an abolitionist Civil War hero. Protesters also attacked a state senator,
threw a Molotov cocktail into a government building and attempted to break into the Capitol Tuesday night, only to be
repelled by pepper spray from police stationed inside. The violence broke out as a group of 200 to 300 people protested
the arrest of a Black man who shouted at restaurant customers through a megaphone while carrying a baseball bat.
Police Chief Says Two Officers [were] Injured During [an] 'Ambush' Saturday. Police officers in Tampa, Florida,
were ambushed Saturday [6/20/2020] while responding to a call, according to Tampa Police Department (TPD) Chief Brian
Dugan. The chief said "officers were called to the intersection of 15th Street N and 26th Avenue E for a report of
shots fired with a possible victim," according to Fox 13.
Black Lives
Matter leader states if US 'doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system'. Greater New York
Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome joined "The Story" Wednesday to discuss the direction of the movement in the wake
of George Floyd's death in police custody and the subsequent demonstrations across the country, many of which have sparked
destruction and violence. "You ... have said that violence is sometimes necessary in these situations," host Martha
MacCallum told Newsome. "What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?" "Wow, it's interesting
that you would pose that question like that," Newsome responded, "because this country is built upon violence. What was
the American Revolution, what's our diplomacy across the globe? "We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their
leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical."
Terrorists Have Now Resorted to Lynching Pig-Faced Mannequins in NYPD Uniforms. The anti-law enforcement
sentiment in America has gotten so bad that someone in Jacksonville, Florida dressed up a mannequin with a pig face in a New
York Police Department uniform. They then hung the mannequin from I-95 around 6 a.m. Lamont Ross and his wife,
Keva, came around the corner on I-95 and saw the mannequin. At first they thought they saw the body of someone who had
committed suicide. "At first I thought it was a body and my heart — our heart — completely
dropped," he said. The pair, who work as medical transportation drivers, turned around to help what they thought was a
person." When the couple got to the overpass they filmed the video of what they saw.
The Editor says...
Whether it's at CHAZ or Mardi Gras, it takes a special kind of person to wade into the sewer to seek and save the lost,
and it's painful to watch a street preacher getting cussed out. Aside from the politics, it is disturbing to see
that young people today are unable to express themselves without the use of profanity and without shouting. The
idea of rational debate is completely unknown to them. There is a word for people like this:
Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1348.
Owners Within CHOP File Class Action Suit Against City of Seattle. It was inevitable. As normal Americans
have watched the utter disintegration of civilized society within the Capitol Hill area of Seattle, facilitated by their
idiotic, feckless "Mayor Jenny" Durkan, many have thought to themselves, "If I owned a business or lived in that part of the
city, I'd refuse to pay taxes," or, "I'd sue the crap out of the city." Now it's happening.
CHOP zone prompts lawsuit from businesses, residents: reports. Numerous Seattle businesses —
including an auto repair shop, a tattoo parlor and a property management company — sued the city Wednesday,
alleging city officials were complicit in allowing an "occupied protest" that has made them feel unsafe in their
neighborhood, according to reports. Workers and residents also joined the lawsuit over CHOP, the Capitol Hill Occupied
Protest, which drew scorn from President Trump and other critics who accused Mayor Jenny Durkan, the city's police chief and
other city leaders of turning the area over to "anarchists."
Election Will Be a Contest of the Angry. For nearly a month, the nation has been consumed by massive protests
and chronic riots, looting and arson. The catalyst for the demonstrations — the violent and wrongful death
of an African American man, George Floyd, while in the custody of Minneapolis police — is itself fading from
connections with the ensuing upheavals. Statues are toppled. Names are abruptly changed. Careers are
canceled. Police are both reviled — and walking off the job. Retired generals are no longer seen as
conservative traditionalists but radicals themselves who dare to take on the commander-in-chief. Downtown Seattle is no
longer in the control of the city government. [...] The people's energy, tranquilized by a two-month national quarantine
and the terror of the coronavirus, has suddenly exploded in both massive protests and silent seething at the lawlessness.
The result is that for good or evil, the 2020 election is no longer really about Biden and Trump, Democratic or Republican
policies, or progressive and conservative agendas.
Downtown Madison [is] not safe
following unrest in city, sheriff reportedly says. A Wisconsin sheriff reportedly said the downtown Madison
area was not safe Wednesday after a turbulent few days that included violent protesters vandalizing buildings, toppling
statues and attacking a state senator. Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney said his agency stands ready to deploy
additional resources to assist in handling any new protests. More than one hundred demonstrators gathered in Madison
again on Wednesday night, according to Madison's WMTV. The recent violence prompted Gov. Tony Evers to activate the
National Guard. Both Evers and Mahoney have been criticized for their early responses to these protests.
The Editor says...
How does being handcuffed make one safer?
Carlson: 'The mob' is controlled by Democrats, and 'this is their militia'. Tucker Carlson opened Tuesday's
[6/23/2020] edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" blasting liberal leaders for tolerating, if not supporting, the destruction
of statues and historical monuments by far-left and anarchist protesters. "How many stores and parks and statues and
public buildings have been destroyed recently by rioters? How many churches and memorials and monuments to our fallen
soldiers have been desecrated by them? Too many to count," Carlson said. "Now ask yourself, how many people have
been held accountable for these crimes? Some? A few? No, hardly any. Politicians applauded this
destruction. Law enforcement has ignored it. Why is that exactly? "Democratic politicians don't fear the
mob," Carlson continued. "Why? Because they don't need to. They control the mob. The mob operates
with their permission. These are their foot soldiers. This is their militia. In unguarded moments,
Democrats make it very clear that they know this."
protesters declare 'Black House Autonomous Zone,' desecrate St. John's Church. Demonstrators outside the
White House have declared a "Black House Autonomous Zone," in apparent imitation of the secessionist enclave in
Seattle. According to video from on-scene reporters at Lafayette Park, the demonstrators are marking the Zone by, among
other things, desecrating St. John's Episcopal Church. One video from the Daily Caller showed the letters "BHAZ"
spray painted on the columns holding up the traditional "church of presidents."
Clash With DC Police, Try To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Monument, Set Up 'Black House Autonomous Zone'. Rioters
gathered Monday [6/22/2020] in Lafayette Square before the White House where they clashed with police as they attempted to
tear down a monument to former U.S. President Andrew Jackson and set up a "Black House Autonomous Zone." Video footage
from [Daily Caller reporters on the ground] shows rioters attempting to pull down the monument to Jackson early on in the
evening. The protesters chanted, "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Andrew Jackson's got to go," Fox News reported. The rioters
were unsuccessful in tearing down the monument before police arrived on the scene.
attack Wisconsin state senator in chaotic night at capitol: report. A Democrat state senator from Milwaukee was
pummeled by a group of protesters at the Wisconsin State Capitol late Tuesday during a violent clash that included two
statues being toppled, a report said. Sen. Tim Carpenter told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he was beaten
after taking a photo of some of the protesters. "I don't know what happened," he told the paper. "All I did was
stop and take a picture and the next thing I'm getting five-six punches, getting kicked in the head."
Spent A Few Hours On Black Lives Matter Plaza — Here's What It Looked Like. Protesters have
continued to lock down one block near the White House, which many are now calling the "Black House Autonomous Zone" (BHAZ).
The Daily Caller spent hours in BHAZ on Tuesday [6/23/2020], observing what the scene would be like in the daytime after a long night
of massive protests, during which a Daily Caller reporter was surrounded and police were forced to use force to save her.
Check out what a day is like just blocks away from the White House.
police investigate THIRD shooting near CHAZ where one man was injured. Seattle police are investigating a third
shooting in the Capitol Hill neighborhood near the city's 'autonomous zone,' a day after the mayor vowed to dismantle the
encampment set up by anti-racism protesters. Police tweeted the shooting took place on the edge of the Capitol Hill
Organized Protest (CHOP), or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, where demonstrators set up a police-free zone in the wake of
George Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody. A man was taken to Harborview Medical Center at 5am on Tuesday
after being shot near Cal Anderson Park and was in satisfactory condition, hospital spokeswoman Susan Gregg said.
becomes next battleground in cancel wars. Christian figures and symbols have increasingly become the subject of
debate as protesters across the country demand a reckoning on racial justice, pulling down statues and criticizing
controversial figures along the way. Christianity, like nearly every long-standing institution in the United States,
has a complicated history with racism, prompting several leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement to call for its symbols
to be adjusted or removed. In some cities, protesters have taken matters into their own hands, pulling down statues or
taking over churches. Protesters on Monday [6/22/2020] occupied the exterior of St. John's Episcopal Church near
the White House, refashioning it as the "Black House Autonomous Zone," a reference to the police-free zone in Seattle,
Washington. The church's exterior was vandalized, the second time the building has been defaced since protesters burned
its basement in early June.
Seattle mayor moves to shut down CHOP, blames everyone but herself. So much for the "block party atmosphere."
So much for the "summer of love." Summer hadn't even started on the calendar when Seattle's Mayor Jenny Durkan was forced
to shut down the whole dumpster fire of lawlessness in the heart of her city down. She praised it and praised
it — and somehow never guessed that a police-free zone might just be an attractive place for criminals.
After turning six blocks of prime downtown land to armed warlords who chased out an entire police station and then set up
their own "autonomous zone," they did the predictable, turning the area into a hellhole, and the bodies piled up.
Durkan now is attempting to wipe the egg off her face after bona fide killings in the abdicated area, known as "CHOP," got to
be too much.
Cotton Gives a Must-Watch Speech for the Ages on the Dangers of Mob Rule and Cancel Culture. If you're like
many Americans, you've watched in horror over the last several weeks as protests for justice in the aftermath of the death of
George Floyd have been used by anarchistic left-wing mobs in cities across the country to take over city streets for days or
even weeks at a time. Businesses have been looted, set on fire, and communities destroyed by thugs who have no use for
law and order, who prefer to settle their differences with others by way of violent and dangerous mob rule. Innocent
people have also been assaulted. Sadly, some have even been murdered, including law enforcement officers.
Historical statues have been vandalized and pulled down by angry leftist mobs while police and sheriff's deputies stood down
and watched as it happened. Instead of condemning these heinous actions, the so-called "leaders" in these cities and
states — many of them Democrats — have either looked away, or have justified them by saying in so many
words the abhorrent behavior was acceptable due to pent up frustrations over past social injustices. Some have even
absurdly suggested the mobs are merely exercising their First Amendment rights. This is pure nonsense.
the Mob and Restoring Order. Decent Americans might come to support this solution because of the growing
disorder in America. We see growing disrespect for law enforcement in our "premier" cities, such as New York, where
hooligans douse policemen with buckets of water. Years before the current spate of lootings, New York experienced flash
mobs (aka flash robs) where gangs of young people swarm and overwhelm stores to steal merchandise. We all pay for such
theft in higher insurance premiums that get passed down to the customer as higher prices. Such behavior should not go
unpunished. And part of that punishment could be a public flogging, performed just before perps are sent to
prison. Recidivism would get perpetrators extra lashes. As with everything else, if we want order and domestic
tranquility, there's a price to be paid. However, Amendment VIII of the Constitution forbids "unusual punishment." Well
then, let's make corporal punishment usual again, something that lawbreakers can expect. Some elements in
American society feel they can do the most atrocious things with impunity. That's partly because they (correctly) see
the authorities as weak, too namby-pamby to do anything about their vile deeds. They can steal, destroy property, and
beat their fellow citizens senseless, and they rightly figure that the government isn't going to bring them to account.
WWII monument
in Charlotte defaced with hammer and sickle. A World War II memorial in North Carolina's largest city was
reportedly defaced over the weekend with a hammer and sickle. The 20-foot-tall memorial, located at Evergreen Cemetery
in Charlotte, contains the names of more than 500 county residents who died fighting in WWII, WBTV reported.
Being UNFAIRLY Stopped by D.C. Police From Toppling Andrew Jackson Statue, Female Rioters Go Berserk. 'It's
just really unfair when you put all that effort into pulling down a statue of President Andrew Jackson and the cops stop
you.' Townhall reporter Julio Rosas watched the drama unfold on Monday night [6/22/2020] in Washington, D.C's Lafayette
Park. The first clip shows the scene after police had dispersed the mob with pepper spray. In the second video,
Rosas recorded two extremely angry young women who were shrieking at the police officers. [...] The most noteworthy takeaway
is just how brazen the rioters are. They've been stopped by the police in the act of destroying public property, which
is illegal, and instead of being placed under arrest, they are acting like petulant children. It is their
constitutional right to protest peacefully. It is not their right to deface property that doesn't belong to
them. And one wonders why these women haven't been arrested. One of them is clearly out of control.
will move to dismantle 'CHOP' zone after shootings, mayor says. Seattle will move to end the police-free zone
known as the "Capitol Hill Organized Protest," or "CHOP," after two recent shootings, one of which was deadly, Mayor Jenny
Durkan announced Monday — signaling that a stunning chapter in the city's history could be drawing to a
close. The mayor said the violence was distracting from changes sought by thousands of peaceful protesters seeking to
address racial inequity and police brutality. Activists set up "CHOP" in the city's Capitol Hill neighborhood about two
weeks ago, barricading off the area after police evacuated a ransacked precinct building there. "The cumulative impacts
of the gatherings and protests and the nighttime atmosphere and violence has led to increasingly difficult circumstances for
our businesses and residents," Durkan said at a news conference. "The impacts have increased and the safety has
The Editor says...
The mayor could have made the same statement a week earlier. Her tepid response is an announcement
of her own weakness. She should have had all the occupants of CHAZ arrested for insurrection and mayhem, and
then dismantled the hippies' commune.
and fellow leftists are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Much as Democrats would like to deny it, the
reality is that Americans were unanimous in condemning how George Floyd died at police hands in a Democrat-run city.
Even after learning that Floyd was a career criminal hopped up on drugs when he met his death, Americans were willing to
accept the Democrats' (and their fellow leftists') demands for police reform. Had Democrats stopped there, they could
have achieved yet another incremental leftward push for their political agenda, a victory they could have put toward their
next moment of political theater. The problem is that Democrats have trained their army of college grads, minorities,
and other victim groups to view words as violence, to hate America's institutions, and to believe that hysteria is
persuasive. Once you unleash these emotionally unstable and factually ignorant foot soldiers on the world, they are
unstoppable, even if it's in the best interests of their cause that they stop.
What Happens
When the Madness Ends? Recently, there was murder in the CHAZ/CHOP-shop summer of love, and more random
violence. Soon average Seattle citizens will want their city's core back if only to reclaim their full 911
response. When the police begin not showing up for assaults, thefts, and break-ins, and criminals do what criminals do
without consequences, the proverbial victims and vulnerable will have had enough and either move away or organize. [...] When
pistol-packing, AR-15 toting Raz Simone declares himself exempt from his own past homophobia and repulsive N-word vocabulary,
and struts armed to the teeth at the head of his posse while blocking the police from aiding those shot and dying, then there
is no society left. And those who want society back at some point will act, whether silently or visibly. Either
Raz will be arrested — or bought off by a social justice Seattle billionaire and retired to a gifted lakeside
home. Either way, he will go soon.
NYPD Cops Poisoned at
Shake Shack: Where Are We Heading? Americans are now facing a new reality: Three New York Police
Department (NYPD) cops had their drinks poisoned with bleach at Shake Shack. This comes on the heels of National
Guardsmen who found shards of glass baked into a pizza they ordered while deployed at the Washington, D.C. protests.
much for Seattle's 'summer of love'. So much for Seattle's 'summer of love.' That's some 'block party
atmosphere' they've got in the CHOP. Less than two weeks after Seattle's mayor allowed warlords to declare an autonomous
zone over six blocks of Seattle in the name of 'abolishing' the police, the place is already starting to look like Liberia.
second straight night, shooting reported in cop-free Seattle protest zone. At least one person was shot on
Sunday night inside Seattle's autonomous protest zone, where demonstrators have settled during the civil unrest sparked by
the death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers. The Seattle Police Department said in a tweet at 11:26 p.m.
that one person had suffered a gunshot wound while inside the area and that a second shooting may have taken place.
"Police investigating reported shooting inside CHOP zone," the department wrote. "One person at HMC with gun shot wound."
doesn't deserved to be saved by taxpayer dollars. In a series of shocking and stunning turn of events, the
cop-banning, anarchy-baiting Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone of Seattle has devolved into death and violence. The illegal
settlement known as "CHAZ" suffered a shooting resulting in one person killed and at least one other injured, and that's
after a slew of rapes and robberies the Seattle police chief claimed that the police couldn't respond to in the region.
Raz Simone, the supposed "warlord" of the CHAZ, claimed that paramedics, terrified of entering the region, let the slain
person bleed out, though the claim hasn't been independently corroborated. Regardless, that is what you get for
illegally declaring an "autonomous" zone. If you're going to break the law and our social contract to illegally occupy
land that is not yours with the sole purpose of living out of the purview of law enforcement, you give up your right to
people still abiding by our social contract entering. That includes paramedics.
The Editor says...
Who's paying for the water and electricity being used in the CHAZ?
early morning shooting in CHOP, occupied area returns to its new normal. A shooting on Capitol Hill early
Saturday left one teenager dead, another person critically injured and raised new questions about the city's capacity to
provide emergency and medical services to the protest zone that has taken over the heart of the neighborhood for the last
12 days. There is no public evidence to suggest the shooting was connected to the protest, but neither Seattle
police detectives nor Seattle fire medics reached the scene after the shootings, according to city officials and videos
of the aftermath.
in The Lawless Seattle Autonomous Zone — Police Blocked From Responding After Two People Shot. The
Mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan now has blood on her hands after two people were shot last night and one killed inside the
lawless Seattle Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) zone. After two people were shot the responding police and
paramedics were blocked by the lawless occupying mob. One of the people died; the other was taken to the hospital by
occupiers. Obviously, the autonomous zone has become a severe danger to those within it.
terrifying five-day stay inside Seattle's cop-free CHAZ. On June 8, Seattle police frantically loaded what they
could from the east precinct onto trucks and cars. Within hours, they boarded up and abandoned the station. That
night, left-wing protesters from Black Lives Matter and Antifa declared ownership of the six-block neighborhood in the middle
of the Pacific Northwest's largest city. They named their new territory the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone," or CHAZ.
No laws or rules applied here except for one: "No cops allowed." During five undercover days and nights in the
zone, I witnessed a continuing experiment in anarchy, chaos and brute-force criminality. In order to avoid being
exposed as a journalist — several reporters have been barred or expelled — I slept and showered outside
the zone. (Those inside have no showers but they do have portable bathrooms.) I took meals, and most of my water
breaks, elsewhere because I was reluctant to remove my mask and risk being recognized. Every day I entered the zone
twice through its semi-porous borders — once in the early afternoon, and again after sundown, staying until the
wee hours. Crime has surged inside and outside the zone.
terror": Live Streamer Manhandled While Reporting On CHAZ. Say, wasn't the point of the Capitol Hill Autonomous
Zone to show how we could all live without police? If so, then the wan clucking of tongues from the CHAZ "leadership"
over this assault seems to indicate that some responsible authority is needed to keep the peace in an urban setting.
Seattle's KOMO-TV reports on the manhandling received by Shawn Whiting when he attempted to live-stream life within CHAZ or
CHOP in what had been a public park. KOMO has not made the video embeddable, but Whiting has it up on his own YouTube channel.
Lives Matter: Democrats Can't Live With Them, and Can't Live Without Them. What do these people
want? The rioter wants to have fun, which to him means stealing as much cool stuff as he can and destroying whatever he
wants. Probably he's a bit amazed at the topsy-turvy world he's created. The people he used to fear —
the cops — now fear him. He can see it in their eyes. And when the cops take a knee, he sees
surrender. For him, these are the best of times. He knows this can't last forever, but he also knows that
whenever it does end, he'll own lots more stuff and probably be immune from prosecution.
Activists Construct Giant Black Power Fist Statue But Can't Lift It Into Place. You're going to just love your
new country when it comes to your neighborhood. The far left citizens of CHOP, formerly CHAZ, attempted last night to
hoist a giant Black Power Fist statue inside their commune. But the statue was too heavy for the far left activists and
feminist allies so they abandoned their project.
wanted for burning of 3rd Minneapolis Police Precinct arrested in Colorado. On Tuesday, the U.S. Marshals
Service, alongside with the ATF, announced a 22-year-old suspect has been arrested in connection to the fire set at the
Minneapolis Police Department's 3rd Precinct last month. According to a tweet, Dylan Shakespeare Robinson was arrested
in Breckenridge, Colorado. He is one of several suspects wanted for the burning of the police station on May 28.
Breckenridge police told KSTP that Robinson was arrested at around 2 p.m. Sunday in the parking lot of a recreation
center. The arrest was a joint operation between local police and the ATF.
By The Enemy Forces. [Scroll down] You see a number of important things in this sitrep, including: [a] the
willingness to use human shields (what he calls peaceful protesters) in order gain a tactical advantage, [b] total disregard
for property belonging to other people, and the willingness to steal it for tactical advantage (since it's obvious that there was
no logistical planning involved, logistics had to be acquired on the spot), [c] the ease with which police were completely
outnumbered (here the police didn't rely on what the tool the constitution and state laws gives states, i.e., the militia), [d] the
total disregard for collateral damage (fires could easily have expanded to other areas, and in fact did so), and [e] the
intent to foment this kind of violence in order to produce anarchy. [...] I maintain, as I always will, that none of this would have
been possible, and that almost every bit of it could have been suppressed, except for the willingness of politicians to allow, and
even foster this.
man living in CHOP sounds alarms over safety: 'We're sitting ducks in here'. Business owners and residents in
Seattle's so-called "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest" zone, or CHOP, are growing increasingly concerned about safety inside the
area, according to local reports. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best declared this week that there's no "cop-free zone"
in the city, but stakeholders in the neighborhood around the abandoned East Precinct police station say otherwise. And
response times to 911 calls in the surrounding area have tripled since police vacated the building, according to authorities.
police officers will only enter CHOP if matter of 'significant life-safety,' mayor says. Seattle police
officers have agreed to only enter the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or the CHOP, to respond to "significant life-safety
issues," according to the mayor's office. "The Seattle Police Department's definition of life-safety issues may include
an active shooter incident, an assault, a structure fire, significant medical emergency (i.e. heart attack, stroke, trauma)
and other incidents that threaten a person's life safety," the office of Mayor Jenny Durkan said on Tuesday [6/16/2020].
City officials and organizers occupying the area previously called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or the CHAZ, reached an
agreement to remove temporary roadblocks set in place by protesters and replace them with concrete barriers, reducing the
size of the zone from about seven city blocks to just three.
devolves into a Fyre festival, a really bad band camp that didn't quite get the Porta-Potties up. The Capital
Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), is now being rebranded as the Capital Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), and still disgusting as
ever. That's a sign of a public relations problem and the pictures are clear enough from journalist Andy Ngo: [Tweet]
[...] But I like the band camp comparison even more. Because far from being pioneers of any sort, people creating
something new out of the raw wilderness, these Antifa-led denizens are infantilized babies, begging others to provide their
food and diaper changes for them. They don't build or produce anything of value, so they just beg. Their only
'autonomy' is in their toddler-like tantrums demanding to get whatever they want. The authorities play momma, as do
their more productive peers on the outside with cash or commodities to donate to their upkeep. But they themselves are
perpetual dependents, and Momma Government can shut them down any time were she not so adoring of them. They exist by
the leave of others.
mob of protesters violently attack, threaten to kill man until he pulls out his gun. Why is he the one
arrested? A member of a violent New Mexico rage mob brought a skateboard to a gun fight, with the expected
outcome occurring. As seen in a viral video, a man is beating a hasty retreat from a left-wing protest at a monument of
conquistador Juan de Oñate — the mob was calling for the statue to be removed, and began to take matters into
their own hands with a pickax, according to the Albuquerque Journal. This being a fair representation of the left-wing
chaos in American streets today. Members of the armed New Mexico Civil Guard, a civilian group, tried to protect the
monument, intervening when the pickax was deployed, the newspaper reported — why local police were not involved is
another question.
Occupier Suggests 'Rounding Up All the White People' into Work Brigades. A post that appeared on the subreddit
for the Seattle 'CHAZ' autonomous zone that has been taken over by left-wing extremists suggests rounding up all the white
people and organizing them into forced work brigades. That's right. Some of the very same people protesting
against racism and slavery want to enslave people based on their skin color. So progressive! The discussion
appears to be focused around identifying potential 'white supremacists' who are trying to infiltrate CHAZ, a 6 block area
of downtown Seattle occupied by Antifa and BLM supporters after the police force fled their precinct. The area now seems
to have been renamed 'CHOP' after some of the occupiers wanted to send a message to anyone who resisted that their fate would
resemble what happened during the French Revolution when adversaries were beheaded.
431 Police Officers Injured or Killed in Recent Far Left Black Lives Matter Protests and Riots. On Monday June 1,
2020, four police officers were shot in St. Louis City. The far left rioters threw gas on police. The
7-11 downtown was looted and torched. Across town retired Police Captain David Dorn was shot dead while protecting a
pawnshop. The looters shot Dorn and he bled out while being filmed on Facebook live. The killers understood no
police would be coming. The video of the shootout between street thugs and police was later posted on YouTube.
This was like something out of Afghanistan except that it was St. Louis City not far from downtown St. Louis.
Choice: Chicago or MAGA Country. As societal unrest and economic anxiety grip our land, the ascendant and
increasingly aggressive leftists seek a wholesale transformation of America into the harsh realities of Chicago, a place
afflicted by violence, bereft of opportunity, and committed to stifling statism. In recent weeks, agitators have
deployed street violence to achieve political power in ways unseen in this country since at least the 1960s, and perhaps
since the Civil War. Amazingly, a litany of establishment media voices are providing explicit approval and cover for
them. CNN anchor Chris Cuomo declared, "Show me where it says protests are to be polite and peaceful." Well, Chris,
human decency and common sense dictate that protests in a civil society entail neither violence nor vandalism. But, if
you are too conscience-challenged for such awareness, the First Amendment to our Constitution also protects, explicitly, "the
right of the people to peaceably assemble."
viral video reveals the black lives that Black Lives Matter destroyed. [Scroll down] The unnamed woman
narrating the video says every grocery store she's gone to looks like the one in her video. To the extent there's food
left, it's some random produce (which did not attract the marauders). All the other food — fresh, refrigerated,
frozen, or boxed — has been hurled to the floor and trampled. The non-food aisles have also been
ransacked. Walking through aisle after aisle, she implores the person viewing the video to "look at this."
in Downtown Seattle Not a 'Festive Zone'. Most revolutions don't end in liberty; rather, they typically end in
bloodshed and merciless tyranny. The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone ("CHAZ"), which was created in Seattle, is being
billed as a cop-free zone (or something along those lines), and is being treated by more than a few media organizations as
little more than a social justice street festival. [...] So, what exactly is the Seattle autonomous zone, and what does it
stand for? On June 8, some of the protesters drew up a list of what my colleague GianCarlo Canaparo called "foolish
and dangerous policy proposals," including abolishing courts, prisons, and the police. They also demanded citizenship for
illegal immigrants, socialized medicine, and reparations for black Americans. The zone has a mix of peaceful occupiers
and some not so peaceful ones, combining that so-called social justice street festival with the threat and occasional
eruptions of robbery, property destruction, and bloodshed.
Now What?
Peaceful protest in any cause is as American as apple pie, but what we saw in the wake of George Floyd's murder is as
despicable as anything recently seen in our nation. What makes it worse is the silence and seemly support in many
quarters for anarchists who have highjacked the protests to promote their own ends. These are the white liberals and
leftists groups like Antifa who could care less about the major problems that exist in black communities and made worse by
the rioting and looting. [...] The recent looting and property destruction, as well as the high crime rates in many black
neighborhoods, have the effect of a law that outlaws economic growth and opportunities. During the recent mayhem in
black communities, stores of many types were looted and destroyed. CVS pharmacy has closed 60 stores in 21 states amid
looting and protests. Large stores like Walmart were looted and burned. Many smaller stores and businesses were
looted and burned. Who will bear the ultimate cost of the rioting? If you said black people, you are right.
Mayor Who Supported Black Lives Matter Gets Home Vandalized During Riots, Calls It 'Domestic Terrorism'. It's
all fun and protests until someone vandalized your home. Olympia, Washington, Mayor Cheryl Selby has been a vocal
supporter of Black Lives Matter and those protesting and rioting across the nation, yet when her own home was vandalized
during the demonstrations, she called it "domestic terrorism." The Olympian reported late last week that "two groups
converged in downtown Olympia, and some became destructive, burning flags, smashing windows, and spray painting businesses"
before moving into Selby's neighborhood and vandalizing her home.
BLM-supporting Mayor of Olympia, WA calls riots 'domestic terrorism' after her home is vandalized. Mayor Cheryl
Selby of Olympia, Washington just got her consciousness raised. [...] Rioters never stop to check the politics of the owners
of buildings that they trash. The gay rainbow banner boght her no immunity. But many liberals somehow seem to
think that they are exempt from the chaos they unleash by offering their support to violent radicals. The owners of
businesses looted and burned have suffered a lot more than she did, annoying though it is to be spray painted.
Many have had their life savings and life's work destroyed, though guilty of nothing.
CHAZ Become a Cradle of America's 'Color Revolution'? Six blocks of the Seattle downtown that were ceded to
protesters after several tense nights of standoffs with police were declared the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ). It
resembles a commune and is centered on the East Precinct building, which the police abandoned on June 8. [...] On June 12,
the mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, compared CHAZ to a block party rather than an armed takeover and described it as "no
threat right now to the public." In his tweet, President Trump demanded that Washington Governor Jay Inslee and Seattle's
mayor take their city back: "If you don't do it, I will." Both have hit back by advising Trump to "go back to his
bunker" and "stay out of Washington state's business." The horror of the situation is, they have every right to say
that. The media and the politicians like Durkan and Inslee described Trump as a dictator and pure evil comparable to
Hitler, but he still won't use the military to suppress what local authorities call a "peaceful protest."
Installs Concrete Barriers to Protect #CHAZ #CHOP Armed Leftist Occupation Zone. The government of Seattle
Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) on Tuesday installed concrete barriers on city streets on the boundaries of the area occupied by armed
leftists to prevent vehicles from entering. One lane is reported to be left open to allow access by emergency
vehicles. Police will not be allowed in except to respond to life-threatening crimes. The concrete barriers are
encased in plywood so occupiers can paint the new barricades with slogans and 'art'.
The State of CHAZ. Over the
past week, following Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan's decision to abandon the Seattle Police Department's East Precinct Building,
left-wing protesters have transformed the surrounding neighborhood into the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), hoping to
create a new political authority based on social-justice principles. [...] Almost immediately, activists established a social
structure based on a "reverse hierarchy of oppression": Native American, black, and trans women are the highest authority;
diversity determines individual social status; and whites are called upon to perform rituals of atonement. Through a
series of speeches and community gatherings, activists have sought to implement the social theory of "decolonization," which,
in the words of Black Lives Matter activist Nikkita Oliver, means overthrowing capitalism, eliminating the structures of
"patriarchy, white supremacy, and classism," and returning the land of the autonomous zone to displaced Native American tribes.
It's Actually Like inside Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Media outlets left and right have turned
their spotlight to an emerging "nation" in one Seattle neighborhood: the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), a six-block
occupied space that a group of Antifa, anarchists, and progressive community activists took by force. But a lot of them
are getting key details wrong in their coverage. [...] When fights break out, nearby activists caution you not to record them
for posting online, as it may bring the wrong kind of attention to the commune they're portraying as peaceful. When I
recorded the Saturday afternoon fight, one of the CHAZ security members repeatedly bumped into me to try and prevent me from
doing so. He used the same strategy to stop a colleague from another outlet trying to film the fight. And on
Twitter, self-proclaimed Antifa groups and other CHAZ activists post the photos and names of people in the crowd so they can
be targeted for possible harassment or watched in case they cause trouble. In CHAZ, you're welcome to deliver
ideologically driven speeches preaching the most extreme left-wing positions. But free-speech rights are not
universally respected.
Lives Matter for Democrats — But Only During the Six Months Before an Election. The worst tragedy is
that which regularly hits and pulverizes the Black community. People get sold on a narrative, fashioned and shaped by
manipulators with political agendas, and they get suckered into joining the crowd. In the tragic case of George Floyd,
he is being leveraged for political gain. It all is cynical politics.
The Kountry is Korona
Krazy. [Scroll down] In Seattle, people calling themselves anti-fascists stormed a police station and
took over a neighborhood. They're extorting money from small local businesses in exchange for "protecting" them.
They expel the people they don't like from their little utopia. Now they're threatening to form their own nation in
downtown Seattle comprised of only people they like. They call it Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ (how hip is
that?). This bit of socialist paradise is ruled by a homophobic criminal warlord who prances around with an AK-47.
The Seattle police chief wants to expel these criminals and return the neighborhood to the residents. For that, Seattle
libs want to cancel her. In their eyes, the fact that she is a black and a woman is not enough; if she opposes people
who trespass, loot, riot and steal in the name of a protest, then she's a racist. The Seattle mayor is more woke than
the police chief. Unlike the police chief, the mayor supports the rioters. Because the rioters hate America and
she does too.
CHAZ Be Death Knell For America's Big Cities? The takeover of a chunk of downtown Seattle — renamed
the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone," or CHAZ, by one group of far-left protesters, and "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest," or
CHOP, by others — has been treated as a joke in some quarters. It's no joke. [...] Seattle's ditzy left-wing
mayor, Jenny Durkan, wants to, well, just let folks hang there for a while. She likened the violent capture of part of
her city to a "block party" and the infamous "summer of love." More like a summer of hate. Reports that the heavily
armed extreme-left Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club has been engaged to protect BLM leaders inside CHAZ/CHOP is a bad
sign. If Seattle police finally decide to take back their precinct, will they have their hands tied by extreme
restrictions imposed by the mayor and the equally far-left city council? The answer is yes. And the likelihood of
a tragic outcome will be increased. You can bet the John Brown Gun Club won't have any such restrictions.
Clean Up the Left's Mess. Democrat mayors and governors are rushing to sweep the riots under the rug,
pretending they never happened or branding them as "peaceful protests." It should go without saying that the looting and
rioting we witnessed recently was not justified by the death of George Floyd. Nowhere in the legal code does it say
that one unlawful act can provide an excuse for other unlawful acts. Anyone who picked up a brick and chucked it
through a window, anyone who torched a police car, anyone who stole a big-screen TV — anyone who engaged in
lawless behavior because George Floyd died a wrongful death is a criminal, not a hero. Their behavior cannot be
sanctioned, nor should it be covered up.
appears to show a white woman setting fire to Wendy's in Atlanta where Rayshard Brooks was killed as black protesters shout
'it wasn't us'. Video footage appears to show a masked white woman setting fire to a Wendy's restaurant near
where a black man was shot dead by police, as authorities offer a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of
arsonists. The fast-food outlet was torched late on Saturday during demonstrations that erupted over the killing of
27-year-old Rayshard Brooks by police officers on Friday [6/12/2020]. A video clip filmed by a protester that appeared
to show a woman fanning the flames.
The Editor says...
No matter who started the fire, there is plenty of footage showing black rioters trashing the restaurant and looting a nearby
gas station. If a white instigator started the fire, that doesn't excuse the black mob that followed.
Species of Protesters. [Scroll down] The last species on my list of demonstration fauna, the barbarous,
hardly needs an introduction. He is a creature fundamentally unfit to live in civilized society. Whether this is
because he grew up without a father or, like Jeffrey Dahmer, simply happened to be born without a conscience is of little
practical relevance. When the cinderblock hits the bystander's skull, we really need to stop talking about what the
perpetrator might have been and deal bluntly with what he is. Where the radical is an ideologue, motivated by
manipulating the crowd, the barbarian is clearly present for the pure bestial excitement of looting, mayhem, and
bloodshed. Far from being outraged by events, the barbarian delights in the opportunity to riot and would riot every
day if no one were there to stop him. When liberal mayors engage in conciliatory tearful sympathy toward an
uncoordinated mob of looters, eagerly engaged in wrecking everything in sight, they are simply conflating the barbarian with
the sincere.
Sam Just Started Delivering Payback for Terror Riots. The Department of Justice has filed what looks to be the
first tranche of charges against violent antifa protesters from coast to coast following weeks of rioting in the wake of the
killing of George Floyd by police. [...] More than 50 people have been indicted on various charges in La Mesa, Calif.,
Minneapolis, Austin, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Philly, St. Paul, and Tacoma. Conspicuously absent in this wave of
indictments is anyone from Portland, Ore., arguably the area most seeded with members of the group designated as domestic
terrorists by the Trump administration.
Shakedown: Protester
in Seattle's CHAZ demands white demonstrators give out cash. A protester in the police-free district set up by
demonstrators in Seattle demanded that white demonstrators fork over $10 to their black counterparts. A video, uploaded
to Twitter Saturday, shows a man inside the city's Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, urging protesters to donate the
cash. "I want you to find by the time you leave this autonomous zone, I want you to ... to give $10 to one African
American person from this autonomous zone," said the unidentified protestor speaking to dozens inside the area near the
city's East Precinct that was abandoned by police last week following two weeks of clashes after the death of George Floyd in
police custody in Minneapolis last month. "If you have a hard time giving $10 you got to think are you really down with
this struggle, are you really down with the movement," he said. "If that is a challenge for you, I'm not sure you are
in the right place."
Goth ISIS Utopia and Other Leftist Nonsense. A group of anarcho-communist-BLM nitwits surrounded and
"occupied" six city blocks in Seattle's Capitol Hill. David Burge "Iowahawk" refers to this as the "Goth ISIS Utopia,"
a description so apt I've appropriated it for the headline of this article. The mayor of Seattle, older but just as
dumb as that of Minneapolis, laughed it off as a "block party." Civilians and business owners trapped inside the borders
aren't too happy. Neither is the chief of police, who was forced to abandon a precinct there, blames the mayor for
making her abandon it, and asserts she plans to take it back. The various elements in the enclave are already fighting
each other and within days a man called Warlord of CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) controlled the area. He's black;
most of the denizens are white. He is the judge and jury there, it seems, and in one documented incident, caught
someone drawing unauthorized graffiti on a wall and his gang punched out the author of the message, broke his glasses and
confiscated his cell phone. The Warlord is reportedly the only one in the commune who's armed.
A Bad Rap. In
the newly formed principality of CHAZ (the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), the only thing actively being produced is irony —
and plenty of it. The leader (an admittedly hazy distinction) is a local rapper with an AK-47 and enough gold rings to
pay for all of the commune's needs, if he was willing to give them up, which he's not. Apparently seizing
his property for the people is still unacceptable. CHAZ has erected border walls to keep out foreigners and
demands voter-unfriendly (and likely racist) photo IDs at checkpoints. The local citizenry divides its time
between demanding that all land be seized for communal farming, and begging for food that someone else has produced.
Chaz Utopia Lives On.
Chaz abolishes alphabet and math. End systematic oppression now! [Numerous video clips.]
I went to visit the country of CHAZ
near Seattle today. You may have heard otherwise but it seemed more like a tourist attraction than a protest to
me. There was no check point at the border, people were coming and going freely. I never saw a gun. The
place was full of tourists looking around and taking pictures. The locals are really into defacing the property of
their new country. Spray paint is their national past time. It was mid afternoon on Thursday [6/11/2020] so the
unemployment rate is about 99%. The people with homes there voted for a Communist city council member so they approve
of their neighborhood being turned into a zoo. [Two video clips]
letterhead, already? CHAZ purportedly changes name to CHOP amid infighting. CHAZ has 99 problems, and all
of them involve fighting. First, some of the left-wing activists who inhabit the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
(CHAZ) in Seattle are reportedly trying to rename it the Capitol Hill Occupation Protest (CHOP), and the evidence suggests
it's because they're embarrassed. The thing about autonomy is it denotes self-reliance. Yet the Chazistanis, as
they've been mockingly called, displayed zero self-reliance when they called the Seattle Fire Department late Thursday to
help them with a dumpster fire.
Antifa doesn't have to TURN violent. It's always violent. Antifa
Faction Of Occupy Seattle Group Turns Violent — CHAZ Community Attacks and Chokes Christian Speaker. Things are
slowly devolving into violent confrontation in the nation of CHAZ Seattle. However, the violence is not with law enforcement; the
violence is internal as Antifa factions within the occupy movement begin doing what they are famous for, being violent. An openly
christian man walks into the occupied zone within Seattle, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ, to share the message of Jesus Christ.
The Antifa elements immediately confronted the man, threw him to the ground and began choking him.
CHAZ: Non-conformist Utopia, or Politically Correct Hell? Secession is considered treason by mobs hauling down
Confederate statues in other cities, but it's the very basis of CHAZ, Seattle's separate "autonomous zone." Signs at the
barricades read "Property of the People" and "Leaving USA." But from a video tour of the new country, it doesn't look
promising so far. [...] CHAZ was created after a ten-day standoff between police and angry protesters ended with the police
abandoning their precinct house and seeing it taken over by the mob. "This is an exercise in trust and deescalation"
was how Seattle police chief Carmen Best explained the situation. John Carlson, a talk-show host on Seattle's KVI
radio, says that CHAZ is only the latest capitulation by city leaders: "They've allowed homeless encampments and petty
crime to overrun the city. The people taking over CHAZ knew no one would push back no matter what they did." Indeed, a
report by a former official in the Seattle mayor's office found that a mere 100 "prolific offenders" among the homeless were
responsible for more than 3,500 criminal cases. Often they were released from jail the same day they were taken in.
You can't rally,
but we can riot. Are you ready for the second blame wave? As the country braces itself for an inevitable
repeat surge in COVID-19 infections, we're told red-state governors 'opened too soon'. The next outbreak, we can be sure,
will be something to do with the fact the President decided to resume his political rallies, approximately two weeks from
now. What nobody says is that individual or social behavior is the cause. It can't possibly be the thousands of
people closely together marching down city streets yelling and chanting, some with masks, some not. The guidelines fell
completely by the wayside for the Democrats and much of network cable news.
students take over police HQ, tried to mimic CHAZ, but they got hungry and had to pee. "Autonomous zones"
cropping up around the country appear to be Occupy Wall Street redux, only with a different cause than the 2011
campaign — both share one common element, that being a left-wing maneuver leading up to a presidential
election. With the People's Republic of Seattle setting the tone, progressive zealots in Chicago gave it the old
college try, though you could say they are making a mess of it. [...] The students want officers disarmed of guns and
non-lethal weapons and an ultimate plan to disband the department by 2022, The Hyde Park Herald reported. According to
one of the organizers, they want to replace law enforcement with "investment in genuine care — student counseling,
services that genuinely make this community more inclusive and more safe for everyone, not just an illusion of safety that
excludes some people."
Antifa Deathwish.
The first wave of protests spread out from Minneapolis and brought thousands and then tens of thousands of people into the
streets. Rioting and looting followed, first in Minnesota and then in other states as the protests spread. The
protests grew even larger, appearing in almost every major American city and spreading quickly upward, leveraging rapid
changes from previously reluctant or disinterested local legislatures and elite cultural institutions. The de facto
motto of the protests has become "defund the police," though no one can agree on exactly what that means. The editors
of Bon Appetit magazine and the Times' opinion page have both resigned in disgrace, for different reasons. With an
incredible speed that seems at least partly connected to the lockdowns they are bringing to an end, the protests spread
across the globe. [...] The argument over who is responsible for the wanton destruction gets one thing right: There are
many different groups in America right now who want to see the country burn, each with their own reasons. The secret to
understanding antifa is not a hidden connection to Soros or the DNC or a map of clandestine brick deposit sites, it's that
the group's influence is a function of its strange abusive romance with the media establishment and political elites.
Anarchy, Seattle, and All That
CHAZ. CHAZ is a mixed commercial and residential neighborhood that contains one of Seattle's principal police
stations. That station was surrendered to the rioters who have occupied it for about a week. The anarchists have
set up barriers to entry (and exit?) around the CHAZ. Seattle police are reportedly not responding to reports of rape
and other serious crimes committed inside the CHAZ. According to Police Chief Carmen Best, rapes, robberies, and all sorts of
violent acts were taking place in the CHAZ. Earlier, an assistant Seattle police chief told reporters that there were
complaints that the anarchists have imposed fees on business owners and residents for the privilege of living and operating
there. She said that was extortion and invited reports to the police (who won't do anything). The Wall Street Journal
wrongheadedly wrote that these fees were a "tax." No, the cop was right: they're extortion. The rulers of CHAZ
have no legal authority to impose any taxes.
and Barr Fooled Them All. Peaceful protests across the country about the death of a black man named George
Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis quickly turned into a series of violent nationwide riots. It turned out much of
this rioting seen across America was orchestrated by anarchist groups loosely referred to by the name "Antifa." President
Trump and Attorney General William Barr on May 31 announced that Antifa had been designated as a terror group and that all
federal law enforcement agencies were now coordinating their efforts through the 56 FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces to "identify
criminal organizers and instigators." While the Democrats and the media anticipated getting the optics they so desperately
craved of Trump sending in soldiers with bayonets fixed charging at the "peaceful protesters," what they got instead was the
sudden appearance of a bunch of federal tactical units from the FBI, the Secret Service, the DEA, ATF, the U.S. Marshals Service,
the Bureau of Prisons, and other agencies, in full gear, many with no rifles, and certainly no bayonets. As the entire
nation is about to belatedly discover, federal agents do not need the permission of governors or mayors before they can enter
a state or a city to enforce federal laws and arrest those who are breaking them. And it happens to be a federal crime
to conduct terror attacks against American communities.
The Editor says...
When the leaders of this insurrection go to trial, they might argue that it's not terrorism if the people of the city
aren't terrified. The city leaders in Seattle seem quite sympathetic to the rioters, not terrorized.
offers useful insights into the practical realities of revolutionary communes. It appears that someone has
prevailed upon Seattle Mayor Jenny "Summer of Love" Durkan to bring to an end the glorious revolutionary commune that is
Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (aka CHAZ). Many of us would have liked to see this race-based, criminal-friendly,
socialist experiment last a little longer. Still, even during its short time as an independent nation within America,
CHAZ provided useful insights into what happens when you abandon both the framework of civil society and the free market.
Overload: Autonomous Zone 'Warlord' May Soon Be Canceled after Old Homophobic Tweets Surface. As we've
previously reported, the Democrat/media-driven rush to "cancel" anyone who decides to think for themselves instead of
participating in left-wing groupthink in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd is at a fever pitch, with professors,
media figures, and pro-sports icons among those being tossed into the fire left and right. But in an ironic twist of
fate, a cancel notice may soon be coming for Raz Simone, the "warlord" of the radical Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in
Seattle, Washington as old homophobic tweets from his Twitter account have surfaced that appear to be legit based on various
web archive websites (language warning): [Tweets]
Resident Speaks Out About Life On The Border Of CHAZ. A Seattle resident living in Capitol Hill, where
activists have taken over a roughly six-block radius and turned it into the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ), spoke with
the Daily Caller in an exclusive interview about life on the border of the commune. The man, who asked to only be
referred to as Brandon, said he has been terrified since the protests began. Brandon said protesters are at his gates
every night, adding that his "own government" has abandoned the people.
on autonomous zones: Tennessee governor says he won't tolerate protester camp in Nashville as North Carolina cops tear
down barricades. Demonstrators in Nashville, Tennessee and Asheville, North Carolina have attempted to emulate
protesters in Seattle by establishing police-free 'autonomous zones' protected by barricades, as police union officials in
Seattle warn that their city is on the verge of 'lawlessness'. The efforts in Tennessee and North Carolina were met
with a strong response from local authorities, in contrast to Seattle where demonstrators in the 'CHAZ' have taken control of
a police precinct and remain manning the barricades armed after five days. In Asheville, activists say that about 100
people gathered Friday night on Lexington Avenue under the Interstate 280 overpass, where they attempted to block the street
with barricades and take control of the area.
Prepares for Rioters: 'Don't Mess with The Alamo'. Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush warned rioters who
might be planning to target the Alamo in a tweet saying, "Don't mess with The Alamo." The Texas General Land Office is
responsible for the care and safety of the Texas shrine. "The Alamo is the Shrine of Texas liberty. And it will
be defended," Bush began in the tweet below. "Rest assured we have already deployed, for several weeks and will
continue to do so, the Alamo Rangers in partnership with the SAPD (San Antonio Police Department, The Department of Public
Safety, and the National Guard to protect this sacred site."
Protests May Have Started Out Legitimate, but They've Been Hijacked. This mayhem has thus far taken the lives
of at least 11 people, many of whom are black Americans. Hundreds of others have been injured in the chaos, with police
officers getting shot and protesters struck with rubber bullets. As the carnage, looting, arson, and assaults have been
allowed to continue in Democrat-controlled states and municipalities, it has become undeniably evident that the wrongful
death of George Floyd has morphed into anarchism. As lives, businesses, and personal property have been driven asunder,
the criminal perpetrators are buoyed by pusillanimous Democrat politicians too timid to take back their own streets.
Whether it be Crown Heights, August 1991; Rodney King, May 1992; Ferguson Missouri, August 2014; Baltimore, April 2015; or
one of many others, the script has remained the same. In concordance with fawning state and local officials, a
legitimate protest is hijacked by a throng of anarchists.
Officials Planning to Take Back CHAZ Occupied Zone — Mayor Jenny Now Worried About Safety. A report
from KOMO News tonight [6/12/2020], highlights Seattle officials planning to take back the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or
nation of CHAZ, from the occupying anarchists and Antifa elements. However, it's more than a little funny to see
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan saying her administration is determining "when it would be safe for the Seattle Police to move
in there" considering she was just claiming last night on CNN the occupation was merely a small group of festive citizens
having "a block party". According to the report police Chief Carmen Best and her top commanders surveyed the inside of
the East Precinct building, she and Mayor Jenny Durkan discussed how and when the department could reassert control of the
building but they didn't give a timeline.
dangers of bowing to the mob and defunding the police. [Scroll down] What once was a call for racial
equality and an inward inflection on systemic racism has quickly transformed into a socialist wishlist funded, organized by
groups that have a vested interest in taking down the great power that is the United States. Venezuelan dictator,
Nicholas Maduro has deployed and funded foreign protesters to help destabilize the US and incite riots. America's
enemies have used this moment to seize global positioning to legitimize authoritarian regimes. Russia, China, and Iran
are all taking great pride in fanning the flames of these protests. If America's institutions are dismantled by a
combination of bad actors and "useful idiots" under the guise of racial equality, this generation of social justice warriors
will one day wake up to the harsh reality of a failed state, and as seen in the aforementioned countries; it won't be the
beautiful, majestic, equal utopia that leftists promise.
Nashville Trying to Set Up the
Next Radical Autonomous Zone. Are the anarchists trying to do Occupy 2.0? Reports were that activists were
going to try a repeat of the Seattle Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Nashville, Tennessee. This was circulating on
social media, indicating their intent to replicate Seattle in Legislative Plaze in Nashville across the street from the
Capitol. But Republican Gov. Bill Lee is not Washington Governor Jay Inslee, he was having none of that. He
issued a warning today [6/12/2020] that Tennessee would not tolerate such a "zone."
NC Protesters Attempt an Autonomous Zone, Police Immediately Dismantle It. As my RedState colleague Nick Arama
reported, the attempts in Nashville and Chicago by protesters to set up "autonomous zones" similar to the one that was set up
in Seattle in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd have not gone so well. The situation Friday night [6/12/2020]
in Asheville, North Carolina was no different. Except in this case we have videos of the police department actually
dismantling the encampment not long after occupiers in the area attempted to set it up.
indicted for allegedly throwing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles, face life in prison. An upstate woman and
two Brooklyn lawyers were indicted Friday on federal explosives and arson charges for allegedly tossing Molotov cocktails at
NYPD vehicles during George Floyd protests in New York City. Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, is accused of hurling
the makeshift explosive at an NYPD vehicle occupied by four police officers on early Saturday morning, May 30.
Prosecutors allege Shader bit one of the officer's legs when she was being taken into custody. Around the same time,
Brooklyn lawyers Urooj Rahman, 31, and Colinford Mattis, 32, were accused of tossing their own Molotov cocktail at an
unoccupied police vehicle in Brooklyn during a separate attack.
from 'CHAZ': Tweets call for guns, Gatorade and cigarettes as cops struggle to figure out who's in charge.
Activists and police have clashing views regarding the activities going on inside the so-called "CHAZ," a six-block area of
Seattle that has been taken over by protesters — and authorities are still scratching their heads as to who is
actually running the rabble. [...] One CHAZ supporter, identified as Armani on Twitter, encouraged protesters to "buy guns."
Police have repeatedly said they have "heard, anecdotally, reports of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate
within this area" while others have complained about armed guards asking to see identification for people to enter their homes,
according to Assistant Chief of Police Deanna Nollette. Police have also said their response time to 911 calls has tripled
over the last few days because they are unable to access the downtown region and are being blocked out by protesters.
Guardsmen found shards of glass in order from DC pizza shop. Two National Guardsmen who were deployed to
Washington, DC, during the George Floyd protests were delivered a pizza containing shards of glass in the dough and cheese,
according to a report. The two soldiers from South Carolina were staying at the Marriott Marquis during their stay in
the capital when they ordered the pie using Uber Eats, the Post and Courier reported, citing a Defense Department
report. They did not bite into the pizza and no other service members received a similar item, according to the news
outlet. "The command says that the soldiers are OK, and that this was the only incident to their knowledge,"
Capt. Jessica Donnelly, a spokeswoman for the South Carolina National Guard, told the paper. The Guardsmen were
advised to file a police report, Donnelly added, but a spokeswoman for the DC Metro police said there was no report on file.
Police Chief: Rapes, Robberies And All Sorts Of Violent Acts Occurring In Autonomous Zone, Not Able To Get To
Them. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best says rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts have been occurring
in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. "Our calls for service have more than tripled," she told reporters. "These
are responses to emergency calls — rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the
area that we're not able to get to."
Trump Just Got Democrats to Defend a Criminal, Anarchist Mob. Whether he meant to do it or not, Trump has
gotten two prominent Democrats, a governor of a state and a mayor of a large city, to defend what can only be described as
the unlawful actions of a violent, anarchist mob. They hate Trump so much and are so fervent in their desire to oppose
his every utterance they have gladly defended the indefensible. All Trump had to do was make a common-sense
condemnation of anarchy, theft, violence, and hooliganism in Seattle and Democrats reflexively attack him and defend the
criminals. So now the political lines are drawn. Trump opposes and condemns the mob that has commandeered several
blocks of a major American city as their own. Prominent Democrats have defended the action and even praised it as patriotic.
Colston, Kente Cloth, and Cleansing Fires. After the May, 2020, killing of George Floyd by police officers in
Minneapolis, Minnesota, fire and vandalism swept the nation and the world. Those participating in riots alleged that
America and Western culture were stained with white supremacy. Violence would even the score and purify the land.
My liberal Facebook friends insisted to me, "It's just property. Insurance will pay for it all. It will be
replaced." In fact it wasn't just property; human beings, including African Americans, have died in these riots. I
posted photographs of the victims. My liberal friends did not pause to type a word of mourning or second thoughts about
the price of civil unrest.
The Editor says...
Poorly-educated Socialist Democrats seem to think that if insurance companies (or the federal government) reimburse an individual
or a business owner (or an entire city) after a loss, then it costs nothing. This is a mistaken belief.
The Real Reform We Require.
We saw Antifa at Berkeley, Portland, and Charlottesville in 2017 and saw that it had its adherents and emulators elsewhere,
but it is clear that none of the municipal governments in the many cities that have been afflicted in the last two
weeks — and apparently not the U.S. Justice Department either — had any idea of these movements'
ability to exploit peaceful demonstrations in such a hugely destructive and well-organized manner. It is sobering for
Americans and shocking to the whole world to see how powerful and numerous are the forces of nihilist, almost mindless,
destructive, anarchy in American society. It would never have been imagined prior to two weeks ago that any such forces
would be capable of wreaking the damage they did in the most prosperous areas of America, on some of the most famous avenues
in the world.
America ever had a more crazed mayor than Seattle's Jenny Durkan? It's no longer big news that Black Lives
Matter, Antifa, anarchists, sex offenders, and criminal opportunists seized a six-block area in Seattle's chi-chi Capitol
Hill district. The same people who protested against Trump's walls built walls around their Utopian paradise, the
gun-haters armed themselves, and the ones decrying identification at elections demand identification for anyone seeking to
enter the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (or CHAZ). Most mayors would be horrified, but not Jenny Durkan. She likes
it. According to Wikipedia, the Capitol Hill district is a densely populated area known for its counterculture and LGBT
communities. It's in sync with the 87% of Seattle's population that supported Hillary in 2016. It's in this
neighborhood that BLM has brought forth a new nation, conceived in hysteria and violence, and dedicated to the proposition
that all black people are created better than everyone else (because only their lives matter).
In Defense Of The Narrative Are No Vice. It's widely known that our betters say it's OK to protest in massive
groups despite the risk of coronavirus transmission, but small gatherings not in support of Black Lives Matter are still
unacceptable. Now we're told that it's also fine for protests to turn violent as long as it happens for the "right"
reason. [...] While the media are generally ignoring Seattle because, says, DePauw University professor and media critic
Jeffrey McCall, it "is a bridge too far for even a sympathetic media to cover," the lack of coverage is tacit approval.
In Latin, the phrase is "qui tacet consentire videtur." In English, we'd say "silence means consent."
["Tarmac"] Lynch to Oversee Investigation of NYPD. New York, which was set on fire, looted, and vandalized has
brought in Loretta Lynch, former AG under Obama in case you forgot, will be investigating police behavior during the
protests/crime sprees. New York city doesn't have bail so all the criminals who were caught destroying the city have
long been released. They'll never come back, but the cops do not have that luxury. As the defund police movement
plows along, there won't be any police left to defund because people will and are leaving the police forces. Why would
they stay? They have to go out and face mobs of people who are throwing things at them and screaming at them and they
are under a microscope for the way they treat violent criminals wrecking havoc on their beat. If it were me, I'd leave
the police force. The residents don't seem to care, perhaps they want their city destroyed. Let them have it.
Andy Ngo reports
from Seattle: 'Hard for me to overstate the anarchy that is on the streets'. The Post Millennial
editor-at-large Andy Ngo told "The Story" Thursday that it was "hard for me to overstate the anarchy that is on the streets"
of Seattle following the establishment of an "autonomous zone" by anti-police protesters in the city's Capitol Hill
neighborhood earlier this week. "You have here a group of several hundred people who have laid siege to a territory and
have claimed it as a separate political entity from the United States," Ngo told host Martha MacCallum. "And, aside
from images of then dancing and having a good time, they also have people going around who are armed and acting as security,
and also border checkpoints. So to go through, you have to go through these physical barriers that have been set up,
and it is complete anarchy, because the police precinct has been boarded up, the police have abandoned it."
The Latest On Seattle's Downtown 'Autonomous Zone'. Seattle police say they are not responding to calls for
assistance while reportedly armed protesters operate checkpoints and have declared a portion of the city as "cop-free" and an
"autonomous zone." The area is called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) by the forces who have occupied it, KOMO
News reported Thursday morning [6/11/2020]. Antifa-affiliated groups seized control of the neighborhood, according to
the City-Journal, which also reports that they set up barricades with a cardboard sign declaring "you are now leaving the USA."
statues, memorials vandalized during National Mall rioting: National Park Service. As antifa militants
have taken over six blocks of Seattle's Capitol Hill district, calling it the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" or the "People's
Republic of Capitol Hill," Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has refused to act, and Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) actually laughed
about this open revolt, claiming he hadn't heard about it. He did say, however, that he was demobilizing the National
Guard. President Donald Trump told Durkan and Inslee to get their acts together, stat. [...] Roughly 500
Americans live in the six city blocks that antifa militants have claimed in the name of their revolution. The
anarchists in the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" appear to have set up an extortion racket to blackmail local businesses into
forking over supplies. Yet Jay Inslee appears to think it is a game.
are the gutless Republicans? [As in] previous riots, the rioters have set their own communities back
decades. The riots spread to New York; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles; Chicago; Santa Monica; Beverly Hills; and
elsewhere. There have been protests in nearly every other city in America. Hundreds of millions of dollars in
losses due to looting and damage to buildings have been incurred. The crisis has devolved into more destruction of
historical statues; Columbus has been executed over and over again. In nearly all cases, the police have been ordered
to let the rioters have their way; they were not allowed to do their job. Nearly all the rioting took place in cities
chronically and badly run by Democrats, public officials who have for years implemented every misguided progressive policy
known to man. They are all destined to fail.
The New York
Times Loves The Seattle Autonomous Zone — Here's What They're Not Telling You. The New York Times
published an article fawning over the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ) in which protesters have taken over six blocks
downtown in Seattle. "Free Food, Free Speech, and Free of Police," is how the Times described the zone in a Thursday
article. Police abandoned the six-block area earlier this week, leading protesters to repurpose police barricades to
defend the area. NYT described protesters as having "liberated" the streets to create a "homeland for racial justice."
[...] But what the article doesn't mention are the reports of rampant crime and armed vigilantes stalking the area.
"We've heard, anecdotally, reports of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate within this area.
This is the crime of extortion. If anyone has been subjected to this, we need them to call 911," Assistant Chief of
Police Deanna Nollette said on Wednesday, according to Fox News.
Autonomous Zone Gets a Warlord and He's Doing What the Cops Should've Done. Things in the newly declared
'autonomous zone' in Seattle are just going swimmingly. This zone was established yesterday when antifa/BLM protesters
took over about 6-8 blocks of downtown Seattle and established a nascent People's Republic in the best Bolshevik
tradition. It wasn't much of an accomplishment as the protesters were facing a feckless and sympathetic political
structure and the police who weren't deeply compromised were totally neutered. [...] I hope that until whatever passes for
authority in Seattle decides to end this nonsense that these people are ruled by an iron rod.
Left Will Destroy America to Regain Power. The left is desperate. The lockdowns, Russiagate, and
impeachment failed to rid them of Donald Trump. Hence the rollout of their militia, Antifa, with new uniforms and
advanced tactics and BLM as propagandists. Using Antifa and BLM now is also great practice — call it
wargaming for November. Because if the Democrats cannot steal the election "fairly," they will burn this country to the
ground. [...] They spent the last few years training and organizing Antifa as paramilitary units capable of running planned
operations at designated targets, while BLM honed the message explaining the reasons for the coming violence. They
parceled power out wisely, as a partnership, letting the larger and better trained Antifa run the military ops: breaking
windows to start the looting, gaining access and setting buildings on fire, attacking police and police cars, and breaking
whatever would be highest impact, both politically and publicity-wise. BLM supplies the issues this revolution is
purportedly founded upon, while running amok as well, thereby preserving the illusion that the pillaging was spontaneous and
not organized.
Seattle 'Autonomous Zone' Is Basically an Insurrection and It's Time to Shut It Down. What if I told you a
group of violent anarchists took over eight blocks of a downtown city, banished law enforcement, started shaking citizens
down, and even garnered their own warlord? You'd probably call that an insurrection, right? Well, that's exactly
what's going on in Seattle right now. As my colleague streiff wrote earlier today, things are already well out of hand.
[...] These revolutionaries couldn't even manage to feed themselves for more than 24 hours. The peace and love they
were all hoping to spread has turned into more violence. Meanwhile, nothing they are doing is sustainable. But I
think we have to look past how stupid this all is, because precedents that are set have long lasting consequences. What
kind of country allows a bunch of people to take over entire parts of a city, including the capital building? Where's
the line, and how long do you let this cosplaying as Bolsheviks carry on before it encourages more people to try this?
Portland has already had a similar issue, with Antifa essentially running areas of the city.
Anarchy in
Seattle. [Scroll down] The following day, a coalition of black activists associated with the autonomous
zone released a more specific list of demands, including the total abolition of the Seattle Police Department, the retrial of
all racial minorities serving prison time for violent crimes, and the replacement of the police with autonomous
"restorative/transformative accountability programs." Activists pledged to maintain control of the Capitol Hill Autonomous
Zone until their demands are met — setting the stage for a long-term occupation and the establishment of a
parallel political authority. The city government has not developed a strategic response to the takeover of Capitol
Hill. According to one Seattle police officer with knowledge of internal deliberations, the city's "leadership is in
chaos" and "the mayor has made the decision to let a mob of 1,000 people dictate public safety policy for a city of 750,000."
The officer said that Chief Best had dispatched high-ranking police officials to the autonomous zone to establish a line of
communication, but the officials were immediately sent away by armed paramilitaries at the barricades. "The tide of
public opinion is on the side of the activists and they're pushing the envelope as far as they can," said the officer.
"It's not hyperbolic to say the endgame is anarchy."
terrorists issue insane demands, they're armed, & extorting businesses. As we reported yesterday [6/9/2020] and
this morning, Antifa seized a police precinct and a six-eight block area in Seattle Capitol Hill. Black Lives Matter is
also involved and took over the City Hall with Antifa. Thousands are moving in to the Antifa 'cop free zone.'
The Mayor, Jenny Durkan, ordered the police to abandon the precinct. She sent porta potties in to these domestic
terrorists. [...] The demands include defunding and abolishing the police, the abolition of youth jails, reparations, the
retrial of all people of color in prison for a violent crime, decriminalize protests (riots), decentralized elections, free
college, and various educational demands reflecting their far-left views such as re-education of teachers and political leaders.
York and California Freed Thousands of Criminals and the Riots Began. New York City released over 2,650
criminals from prison to protect them from the pandemic. But they didn't stay home or wash their hands. They went
back to their old jobs and 100 of them accounted for 190 arrests for crimes like burglary and robbery. A rapist was
released and he went back to raping. One of the freed criminals was responsible for 18 burglaries at closed
eateries. And when he was arrested, the end of bail meant that he was set loose. This looting was going on long
before the riots. Now as the rioters and looters rule the streets of Manhattan, when the police manage to arrest them,
they have to quickly let them go. "When it comes to a burglary, a commercial store, which is looting, they're back
out," Chief Terrence Monahan said. "Because of bail reform, you're back out on the street the next day. You
cannot be held on any sort of bail." Of the 650 thugs arrested, almost all will be released back on the street to
riot and loot again.
Inslee Laughs About Antifa's Rebellion in Seattle as He Demobilizes National Guard. As antifa militants have
taken over six blocks of Seattle's Capitol Hill district, calling it the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" or the "People's
Republic of Capitol Hill," Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) laughed about this open rebellion, saying he hadn't heard about
it. Inslee added that the National Guard is demobilizing, and his chief of staff suggested that even if an open
rebellion had broken out on the streets of Seattle, it would be up to "local authorities" to fight it.
Inslee Had No Idea Anarchists Had Taken Over His State's Largest City. Washington Democratic Gov. Jay
Inslee was oblivious to the anarchist insurrection taking over Seattle Wednesday when he was asked about the rogue militia
during a coronavirus press briefing. "Governor, I'd like to ask you about what's going on in Seattle. There's
this thing called the 'Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.' What's your thought about the fact that the protestors have taken
that over and not allowing people to come and go freely?" one reporter asked. "Well that's news to me," Inslee said
caught completely blindsided by what was happening in his state's largest city. "I'll have to reserve any comment about
it. I have not, I have not heard anything about that from any credible source."
In Seattle: All That CHAZ. The Seattle Police — who, remember, ran away from the
precinct — say that they are getting reports that armed people within CHAZ are extorting the people living
there. While it is tempting to say these radical fools get what they deserve, the fact is that the authorities in
Seattle, and in Washington State, have allowed Antifa to take over a portion of a major American city, and run it according
to the law of the street. This is what happens when you let the mob rule.
Seattle stew in its own excrement. The news out of Seattle is that Antifa has captured a seven-block area in
central Seattle that they've dubbed the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ for short. [...] While my friends on
social media are clamoring for the president to send in the National Guard and reclaim the city, I believe that a different
tack is in order — let the people of Seattle stew in their own excrement. [...] Let Antifa have as much
land mass as it can acquire through the weekend, invite as many of its brethren to enter the autonomous zone as it wishes,
then cordon off their booty and blockade any and all raw materials and supplies from entering the, ahem, zone.
Setup a checkpoint, à la East Berlin, and require any and all those wishing to return to America to pledge
allegiance to our Constitution and our flag. Those unwilling to re-enter civil society can remain in the autonomous
zone until they come to their senses or perish. Seattle suburbanites need to be made to suffer for the consequences of
their choices at the ballot box. You want to subvert our Constitution, attempt to run roughshod over civil
society? Pay the price.
Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone has already had its first incident of self-appointed-police violence. [Scroll
down] We've seen all of this before, sadly. If you were around when the Occupy protests were a thing, they also
believed they had created a new utopia of equality for everyone to emulate. And then it became clear that people were
being assaulted, threatened and even raped inside the camps. The lead camp in Zuccotti Park even set up a women-only
tent in an effort to protect women from sexual assault. But, hey, I'm sure the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone will work
out great. Instead of all that messy due process and police we'll just have an armed rapper and his guys wandering
around smacking and threatening to kill people who get on their nerves. What could possibly go wrong?
Autonomous Anarchist Zone Learns a Hilarious Lesson About Theft. Have you heard that a six-block section of
Seattle has become an anarchist "capitol hill autonomous zone," or "CHAZ" for short? It has. Police and
firefighters vacated their premises and bugged out with a Twitter blessing from Mayor Jenny Durkan. Durkan dithered
over the descent of protests into violence for a week before doing much, and when she did much, her choice was to tweet in
hasty retreat. Anarchists quickly set up CHAZ to be and do its own thing, as long as that thing conformed with diktats
of the CHAZ hierarchy. They put up makeshift signs saying, "You are now leaving the U.S.A." [...] The CHAZ collective
thanked the mayor for her gift of a six-block area of America the mayor does not personally own (and which includes about 500
homes of actual Americans) by storming city hall and demanding that she resign unless she disbands the police.
Birx Says George Floyd Protests Have Resulted in the Destruction of 70 Covid-19 Testing Sites. Dr. Deborah
Birx, President Trump's coronavirus response coordinator, warned the nation's governors on a conference call that 70
coronavirus testing sites had been destroyed amid widespread protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd. During
the Monday [6/8/2020] call, a recording of which was obtained by the Daily Beast, Birx said governors should "scramble
now to make sure there is testing available in urban areas."
Campaign Director, James Clyburn, Says: There Was No Violence, Looting, Riots, Arson or Police Attacks in Washington DC
Last Week. Joe Biden's Campaign Director James Clyburn takes denial of truth to never-before-seen levels of
avoidance and lying. During an interview earlier today the Biden campaign architect claimed there was no evidence of
violence in Washington DC last week. According to Clyburn there was no violence, rioting, looting, arson or attacks
against police. The burned out cars, buildings and churches, the videos of rampant looting, and the 150 police officers
taken to the hospital were apparently staged and made up. According to his claims, none of what you saw actually
happened. Clyburn seems confident media will protect him and not call him out on his false claims. Judging by the
non-response of Neil Cavuto, his confidence is accurate.
Activists Take Over Six City Blocks in Seattle Washington — Create Lawless "Capitol Hill Autonomous
Zone". It is really quite stunning how the U.S. media have avoided reporting on a group of activists in Seattle
who have taken over part of the city surrounding the abandoned East precinct police station. No one is being allowed
inside what they are calling a "Free Capitol Hill Zone" or "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). The activists have
barricaded the streets and will not let any journalists or city officials inside their declared zone of control. The
region expands across six blocks as outlined by the occupying groups.
$500 Million Bill Comes Due in Minneapolis. Call it the most expensive street party of the decade.
Preliminary estimates of the property damage caused by the riots, lootings, and arson in the Twin Cities region of Minnesota
come to about $500 million across more than 500 businesses, according to the Star Tribune. This potential price tag
represents a dramatic increase from an earlier cost of $55 million cited by officials for Minneapolis. The half-billion
figure, if it holds up, would make the Twin Cities riots the second most destructive civil disturbance in the country's history.
Homes Flying American Flags [are being] Targeted by Arsonists. Four homes in the Sungarden neighborhood of Citrus Heights
in California were reportedly targeted early Saturday morning. Each of them was displaying Old Glory. Police are
asking Sungarden residents to assist them in identifying those responsible for setting fire to four American flags on Saturday
morning [2/6/2020]. Authorities have yet to identify a motive, but in each case, the flags were specifically ignited.
Systemic Racism
and Bigotry Are the Lifeblood of the Left. [Scroll down] If one wants to find systemic hate in
America, you will find it among outliers on the right and within the very core and system of the left. The hate
that has been shown in burning down even minority-owned drug stores and clothing stores. The looting and the physical
violence that awaits us all if the Left and its Ocasio-Hyphen anarchists ever attain their dream of defunding ICE at the
border and the police in our cities. And when the mob strikes, nowhere do they let their hate demonstrate itself more
manifestly than when they go after the Jews. First they go after the Jews who will not bow, just as Stalin did.
And eventually they get to the Schumers and Bernies just as Stalin got to the anti-Semitic Jewish apostates of another time
like the Trotskys, Kamenevs, and Zinovievs. The Left media have been so enthralled covering a few troubling but
isolated cases of police roughness that they conveniently have refused to cover the anti-Jewish pogrom that took place in Los
Angeles in the name of "Black Lives Matter."
Seizes Seattle PD, Sets Up 'Autonomous Zone' Just Like ISIS and the Paris Commune. Just as the Islamic State
(ISIS) claimed territory in Iraq and Syria, antifa militants have claimed territory in Seattle, Wash. According to
reports on the ground from The Post Millennial's Andy Ngo and Townhall's Julio Rosas, protesters and antifa instigators have
seized land in the Capitol Hill area around the Seattle Police East Precinct. Like ISIS, the rioters appear to have
decided on setting up a government in their occupied territory, naming it "Free Capitol Hill."
in real time as Seattle descends into anarchy. On Tuesday, the police in Seattle's Eastern District had
initially battled with the rioters, using tear gas and flashbangs. Eventually, recognizing that anything short of a
military-style defense was a waste of police time and put police lives at risk, the police abandoned the Eastern
Precinct. They shredded important and confidential documents, boarded up the windows, and walked away, leaving the
people whom they serve to the mob's mercy. The mob set up barricades around the streets and announced a new independent
community called the "Capitol Hill autonomous zone" or "Free Capitol Hill." Because this is Seattle, residents of the city,
rather than looking at the probably and imminent end of a comfortable life predicated on the smooth functioning of modern
civil services (law enforcement, food delivery, garbage pick-ups, street cleaning, etc.), immediately donated huge amounts of
food, water, and medical supplies to allow the anarchists to settle in for a long siege.
The Editor says...
The city could easily turn off the water and electricity to the whole area, starting with the police station.
Moreover, the National Guard could set up a perimeter around the seized area, to make sure that all the participants
are captured.
a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State's Reichstag Fire? Watch and see: this debate over
police brutality and accountability is about to get politicized into an election-year referendum on who should occupy the
White House. Don't fall for it. The Deep State, the powers-that-be, want us to turn this into a race war, but
this is about so much more than systemic racism. This is the oldest con game in the books, the magician's sleight of
hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your
midst. It's the Reichstag Fire all over again. [...] The nation in turmoil after months of pandemic fear-mongering and
regional lockdowns, a national election looming, a president with falling poll numbers, and a police state that wants to stay
in power at all costs.
the 'News' That's Fit to Apologize For. I've often joked that the enemies of America didn't need to bother
trying to destroy our country, that the political left would eventually do it for them from within. The only thing I
got wrong was the timing. I thought it would be the long con — an extended timeline of chipping away at
rights through the legislative process. Instead, Democrats are throwing everything behind the short con —
pushing for violent insurrection right now, another progressive burning of the Reichstag, hoping it will carry them through
November and into power. But much of that anger is directed inward, a circular firing squad of wokeness, and I, for
one, am enjoying it all. As the people who created and encouraged the angry mob scramble to appease it, hoping to be
spared its rage, they're failing miserably. In fact, more left-wing scalps have been claimed in this mess than anyone else.
Cities: A few words of advice. I have spent quite a bit of time in the Twin Cities and always found the
place lovely — wonderful restaurants, cultural events too numerous to mention, beautiful in summer, smartly plowed
streets in seriously frozen winters. [...] But that all went by the wayside when justified peaceful protests devolved into
mass thuggery and mayhem. We've all seen the result. Minneapolis looks like Somalia — maybe Ilhan Omar
feels more at home now. Here's a few things the people of the Twin Cities might want to consider: First, they
should understand that Antifa and a whole bleeding chunk of BLM are not interested in police reform. They're interested
in hurting people and breaking things while deceiving all who will swallow their line that they are "peaceful protesters."
They're not. Never will be. They want to silence, intimidate, hurt, and maim people who don't agree with them.
Lincoln monument torched in Chicago: 'An absolute disgraceful act'. Abraham Lincoln has joined George
Washington on the list of those targeted by Chicagoans in a national debate over Civil War-era monuments. Alderman
Raymond Lopez took to Facebook Wednesday night to decry the defacing of a statue representing the nation's 16th president in
the Englewood neighborhood. The giant bust appears to have been damaged after someone in the 15th Ward sprayed and
ignited a flammable liquid. "What an absolute disgraceful act of vandalism. This bust of Abraham Lincoln, erected
by Phil Bloomquist on August 31, 1926, was damaged & burned," Mr. Lopez wrote, a local NBC affiliate reported.
officer shot with crossbow during barricade in North Hollywood. An LAPD officer was injured Sunday night after
being struck by an arrow fired from a crossbow during a standoff with a man in North Hollywood, authorities said.
Officers were initially called to a residence on Bakman Avenue near Ostego Street around 6:45 p.m. after reports of an
assault with a deadly weapon, LAPD Officer Mike Lopez said. Police were alerted to a man wielding a rifle.
Burned In Floyd Riots Will Leave Minneapolis, Owner Says. The owner of a manufacturing company based in
Minneapolis has decided to move his factory after law enforcement was unable to protect the plant from burning during
riots. The plant shut down early in anticipation of the second night of riots and to ensure the safety of employees,
the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. President and Owner of 7-Sigma Inc. Kris Wyrobek said a production
supervisor and maintenance worker who live near the plant kept watch over the business and reported a fire at an apartment
complex next door.
Officials Duped By Professional Antifa Provocateur — Arrest and Charge Two Police Officers. Martin
Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can
get arrested and escape prosecution. Gugino's Twitter Account is also filled with anti-cop sentiment. Last
Thursday Gugino traveled from his home in Amherst, New York, to Buffalo to agitate a protest crowd. During his effort
Gugino was attempting to capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers. CTH noted what he was
attempting on Thursday night as soon as the now viral video was being used by media to sell a police brutality
narrative. Today, a more clear video has emerged that shows exactly what he was attempting. [...] Unfortunately in the
modern era the professional agitators have become very sophisticated and use technology to help create chaos.
an aged activist set up the Buffalo police? Many Americans understand that the riots aren't righteous protests
but are, instead, leftist activism aimed at destabilizing America and (the activists hope) destroying Trump's chance at
reelection. Still, people found shocking a video showing police in Buffalo pushing an old man to the ground where he
lay with blood pouring from his ear. Don't believe everything you see, though. The old man was a leftist activist
looking for trouble and may have staged the whole thing. [...] Almost immediately after the video appeared, the police
officers who pushed the man were charged with assault and suspended from the force. This tweet illustrates how
effective the man's fall was in advancing the anti-police narrative.
Left-wing mayhem.
The Democratic Socialists of America conducted an internal membership survey after Sen. Bernie Sanders's loss to Hillary
Clinton in the 2016 presidential primary. Its purpose was to reassess its priorities and expand its electoral
coalition. What it found was not far from the caricature of a modern left-wing radical, and a preview of what the
rioters and looters sacking major cities across America in 2020 would look like. We're in the midst of those riots now,
and it's long past time to get acquainted with the extremists who have taken to the streets to turn protests against police
violence into violence of their own. According to the Democratic Socialists of America's own data, nearly a third of
its members in 2017 earned over $100,000 a year. Just 6% belonged to a union. A vast majority boasted a college
or post-graduate degree.
made in Venezuela?: Take a look at the photos of BLM leaders whooping it up with Nicolas Maduro in Harlem and
Caracas. The mainstream media would have you think the riots and looting that have erupted across the country
are just spontaneous explosions of pent-up anger over the callous killing of a black suspect, at the hands of a blue-city
Minneapolis police officer. Well, I've covered a lot of riots — from Indonesia to Argentina to Russia to
East Timor to Thailand to Venezuela, plus domestic ones in Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco — as a
journalist. The one thing that's always come out in the aftermath is that none of these mass rioting and looting events
was ever a simple spontaneous eruption. All big riot events are man-made. If the press had any curiosity at all,
it would look to where the current mayhem is coming from.
Tom Arnold Calls For Armed Insurrection Against Trump Supporters. Desperately trying to stay relevant,
Hollywood has-been Tom Arnold has taken to twitter to call for an armed confrontation with Trump supporters by urging black
men and "us white liberal men" to borrow their dads' hunting rifles and go "nose to nose with Trump's gang of misfit tools."
Trump supporter, 82, 'violently assaulted' by motorist, 27, police say. Nobody should be attacked for their
political views, Charlie Chase says. But according to authorities, that's exactly what happened last week to the
82-year-old U.S. military veteran and supporter of President Trump. The Fall River, Mass., man says he was holding a
Trump sign and wearing a Trump hat when suddenly a motorist allegedly got out of his car and charged toward him.
Mob Turn on Mayor Frey For Not Being Woke Enough. Last week Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey allowed the mob to
burn the police precincts in an expression of his alignment with their woke demands. However, the Minneapolis mob was
not satisfied with his permission to riot, loot and torch the city, the mob wants more. The mob always wants
more. You can never be woke enough. The mob has an unquenchable blood lust for power. Today [6/6/2020] the
social justice warriors demanded Mayor Frey prove his virtue by promising to eliminate all police officers and allow the woke
community to take over the organization of their politically correct civic society. The Mayor could not make the
promise. So the mob turned on him and forced him to do the walk of shame through the crowd.
caught with axe taped to sign Saturday arrested in Manhattan. A protester was arrested in Manhattan Saturday
for marching with an axe taped to his sign calling for justice in the police killing of George Floyd. The axe served as
a handle and was duct-taped to the sign, which read, "Boomers asked 4 justice, millennials demand justice." The man was
also carrying a small knife in his backpack, police said. "We respect the right to peacefully protest, but remain
vigilant for these type of threats," the NYPD tweeted.
ACLU's New Curfew Position Unmasks Their Hypocrisy. After months of silence, the ACLU has finally taken a stand
to protect civil liberties during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their stand, however, is not against the draconian lockdowns
of society which have destroyed millions of jobs and ruined millions of lives. No, instead of supporting
freedom-loving, law-abiding people who want to work, eat out, travel, and educate their children, the ACLU is standing up for
violent rioters and anarchists who want to burn down American cities.
protesters tracked officers to their homes, threw Molotov cocktails at police cars, authorities say. Three
protesters are in jail Thursday after being arrested for trying to set police cars on fire with Molotov cocktails. They
were denied bond in court Friday [6/5/2020]. Police say the vandals tracked those officers down at their homes and tried
to torch their cars. Both fires were put out quickly, leaving minor damage to the vehicles.
If You Find This
Mark on Your House, Antifa May Have Singled It Out. An insider document from the nation's highest law
enforcement agency is reportedly warning of a secret code used by far-left activists. The mark, which could be
overlooked for its simplicity, has already been found on at least one structure. According to an FBI situation report
obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation, it's believed that antifa activists are behind the graffiti-based code.
The mark, a simple black line painted around buildings, allegedly designates potential arson targets.
'Orgy of
violence': Ami Horowitz talks to Minneapolis protesters who support looting, killing cops. Documentary
filmmaker Ami Horowitz embedded himself in the Minneapolis protests-turned-riots and said the majority of protesters he spoke
with supported an "orgy of violence," including "killing cops." Horowitz, who previously covered police protests in Ferguson,
Mo., in 2014, spoke to "peaceful protesters" Sunday night in the city where George Floyd died while in police custody on
Memorial Day. He found that, while they acted peacefully, they supported the looting and violence that started there
and continued in other cities. "What I saw was really shocking," Horowitz told Fox News. "It was a city on fire
and full of chaos. Anarchy was reigning across the streets, and you saw police officers chasing roving bandits all over
the city."
Louis police release surveillance video of 7 'persons of interest' in death of retired officer David Dorn.
Surveillance footage capturing a group of men breaking into a pawn shop around the same time of the killing of a retired
police captain attempting to prevent looting was released by St. Louis authorities Friday [6/5/2020]. The video
shows seven "persons of interest" running into Lee's Pawn & Jewelry on Tuesday during a night of widespread looting and
rioting following a mostly peaceful protest over the death of George Floyd. The men all have their faces
covered — six with masks and one with another covering.
looting, arson and violence have become a civilization-destroying pandemic. The United States is calmer, though
still threatening, following days of rioting that spread with lightning speed across the nation, with murderous assaults on
police officers and civilians and the ecstatic annihilation of businesses and symbols of the state. Welcome to a real
civilization-destroying pandemic, one that makes the recent saccharine exhortations to "stay safe" and the deployment of
police officers to enforce outdoor mask-wearing seem like decadent bagatelles. This particular form of viral chaos was
inevitable, given the failure of Minneapolis's leaders to quell the city's growing mayhem.
Cost of Riots. It's weird that this needs to be said, but here we are. Then again, the pundit who
reprehensibly claims that destroying property "is not violence" risks nothing. She agitates for revolution from the
safety of her apartment. Much the same, I suspect, most of those excusing the destruction of our cities —
either contending that businesses "have insurance" or peddling false choices about life being "more valuable than
property" — have never built a business themselves. Nor have I. Yet, I do know that having a
business destroyed can be devastating, and "having insurance" won't make victims whole.
a good liver or kidney shot': Antifa 'fight club' exposed, radical leaders train members for violent mayhem. A
new undercover video from Project Veritas shows, for the first time, Antifa instructors training members how to fight and
disable opponents, which would likely include law enforcement officers sent to quell riots. The undercover video posted
Friday [6/5/2020] as part of Project Veritas' "Expose ANTIFA" project contains footage of instructors and students who belong
to New York City's "RefuseFa" group, which is aligned with the loose-knit Left-wing anarchist movement that was declared a
terrorist organization last month by President Donald Trump. In the newly released video, a 'fight club' instructor is
seen teaching students how to kidney-punch and how to break 'floating ribs' so as to disable them at a location known as "The
Base Anarchist Political Center."
cocktail-tossing Brooklyn lawyers' home detention revoked; appeals panel sends them back to lock-up, for now.
Two Brooklyn lawyers accused of tossing a Molotov cocktail at an empty NYPD car during a chaotic George Floyd protest last
weekend are getting tossed into lockup themselves — for now. Princeton grad Colinford Mattis, 32, and his
alleged accomplice and fellow lawyer Urooj Rahman, 31, lost their home detention status late Friday when three federal judges
ordered them returned to official custody pending a further review of the feds push to get their bail revoked for good.
Don't Want Criminal Justice Reform — They Want A Revolution. These rioters aren't Martin Luther King
Jr. or even Malcolm X. They are Alex and his droogs from "A Clockwork Orange" out for a night on the town, albeit with less
style and a duller patois. Violence is the point. Protests responding to the cruel police killing of George Floyd
have been turned into nationwide riots and looting. This is not about Floyd anymore. His killing was universally
condemned, the cops involved were fired, and homicide charges have been brought against the officer who knelt on Floyd's
neck. More should be done, and what has been done could have been done sooner, but folks are not looting the Nike store
in downtown Chicago for greater justice. They just want to smash things and take stuff.
Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country. I haven't had much time to reflect on
the looting and riots that swept mostly (but not exclusively) large Democrat cities. It was a wilding on a scale we've
never seen. It was a bloodletting and release of criminal fury. We should be clear what is happening. It is
not protest over the death of George Floyd. That is the spark, but not the fire. This has been a long time
coming. At least a generation, maybe two. The left methodically has taken control of key institutions to
implement an anti-American, anti-Capitalist agenda. You send your kids to public schools and college, where they are
taught from their earliest years that America and capitalism are the sources of evil in the world, that we are a systemically
racist society that consumes 'black and brown bodies,' while socialist and communist systems are more equal and fair.
It's all a lie, but it's a lie told by the teachers, professors, and administrators with power. The real racists are
the people who obsess about race, and who judge people based on the color of their skin. When your kids emerge from the
social justice warfare meat grinder, you don't recognize them anymore.
These Images Are Not From
A War Zone, But 'Liberal America' That Is Literally Burning. As America burns after nearly a week of massive
riots all throughout the nation over the death by cop of George Floyd, a man we now know via autopsy had coronavirus and
found to have "Fentanyl Intoxication" And "Recent Methamphetamine Use," we note that outside groups have infiltrated the
"peaceful" protesters and are committing acts of domestic terrorism. Make no mistake, people should not die in police
custody, but the entire picture does need to be acknowledged, and the fact that Floyd was not exactly the poster boy for the
boy scouts, is something the media and liberals refuse to acknowledge, so we mention it not as an excuse or justification for
his death, but as part of the fact pattern. Images from around the country look like they have come from a war zone,
they haven't, this is America. Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other groups known for their use of brutal violence in
the name of "anarchy," with claims they are "anti-fascist," yet use fascist tactics at every turn, have decided to literally
light America on fire.
AntiFa is hilariously
failing in the suburbs. AntiFa has done terrible things over the past week, where they can run free with
protection and encouragement from law enforcement, but in the suburbs where most normal Americans live, they're hitting a few
road bumps. [Numerous video clips]
O'Keefe Strikes Again! Latest Undercover Video Exposes Antifa Terrorist Movement: Recruitment, Combat Training
and International Connections. James O'Keefe and Project Veritas released their investigative report on the
domestic terrorist group Antifa on Thursday morning [6/4/2020]. Antifa is a violent left-wing Communist faction that
uses a black bloc tactic where they dress in black from head to toe and cover their faces with black masks. The tactic
is meant to make it more difficult for police to identify those who break the law during a riot. Portland has one of
the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States. [...] President Trump just announced that the
United States will be designating Antifa as a terrorist organization. Their latest undercover report reveals how the
leftist terror group Antifa practice eye gouging, beating their opponents and create an environment of fear and terror.
Veritas exposes Antifa's violent tactics and chilling plot to destroy America. A shocking undercover video by
Project Veritas exposes Antifa's chilling plot to destroy America from the inside-out and to harass and provoke Trump
supporters in the process. Project Veritas is an independent media outlet founded by James O'Keefe. In the
four-minute exposé, an Antifa operative reveals that he was with the Rose City Park, Oregon branch of the domestic
terrorist organization for some time. He has since left the group. The operative said stealth violence and mob
bullying is part of Antifa's modus operandi. In the video, an Antifa leader admits that the group is violent, but its
members should try not to get caught in photos showing them beating people or vandalizing property [...] At one point, a
group leader instructs members how to hurt people during their so-called peaceful protests. "Practice things like an
eye gouge. It takes very little pressure to injure someone's eyes," the leader advises.
police captain killed on Facebook Live while protecting friend's pawn shop. David Dorn was trying to help a
friend. The retired St. Louis police captain was shot to death early Tuesday [6/2/2020] during a violent night of
protests in which four active St. Louis police officers were also shot. Dorn, who also served as police chief in
Moline Acres, was 77, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The shooting took place around 2:30 a.m.
Tuesday as Dorn tried to protect Lee's Pawn & Jewelry from looters, the Post-Dispatch reported. He was shot in the
torso and died on the sidewalk in front of the shop. His killing was captured on a Facebook Live video. [...] The video
of Dorn's death was taken down shortly after it was broadcast, according to The Associated Press. A Facebook
spokesperson told the Post-Dispatch, however, that the removal was a mistake because the video did not expressly violate the
platform's policy on violent or graphic content.
The Nation Has Gone Mad.
The current moment has fully exposed the extent to which ugly divides have gone mainstream, illustrating the lunacy of our
new woke-obsessed culture and the incompetency of our leaders. "This is how nations collapse," Fox News' Tucker Carlson
observed Monday night in a 32-minute monologue that will go down as a defining moment in prime time cable television.
Rioters claiming to be obsessed with racial injustice are committing gross racial injustices themselves, exerting their
ruthless fury on their own. For the sake of black progress, protestors are destroying minority businesses, leaving poor
neighborhoods devastated and ruining the livelihoods of those who barely emerged alive after two months of pandemic
lockdowns. An estimated 100,000 small businesses had already permanently gone under. Minorities are even being
targeted themselves amid the chaos.
extremists arrested for planning riots at protests in Las Vegas. A trio of right-wing extremists with military
backgrounds have been busted for plotting riots at George Floyd protests in Las Vegas — part of a plan to
overthrow the government, according to federal prosecutors. Army reservist Andrew T. Lynam Jr., 23, former Navy man
Stephen T. Parshall, 35, and former Air Force man William L. Loomis, 40, were being held on $1 million bond each on
terrorism-related charges. The trio were part of the "boogaloo" movement, "a term used by extremists to signify coming
civil war and/or fall of civilization," prosecutors said in a release.
Money Is The Motive Behind Gangland's George Floyd Arson And Looting Riots. [Scroll down] After
defending the circulation of Made-in-China counterfeit dollars, which may be just a criminal enterprise and hopefully not
strategic financial warfare against the American economy, these supporters of George went on to torch local businesses,
exactly when employees were expecting to go back to work towards the tapering off of the lock-down. Trashing strip
malls, torching mom-and-pop shops and restaurants is reckless vandalism, an evil assault on the U.S. economy at a most
crucial moment, dashing hopes of recovery. Every rioter who's not shot on sight during curfew should be thrown into
prison for many decades for their own good, and hopefully do some hard labor to teach them the virtue of word instead of
theft. Ineffective mayors and governors should not only be dumped at the polls, but investigated and prosecuted for
dereliction of public duty and as accomplices to murder and mayhem.
Man Wanted to 'Off Racists and MAGA People' at George Floyd Protest, Say Feds. The man arrested by police in
Lubbock, Texas, after he brandished a semi-automatic rifle in front of a George Floyd protest posted a threat on Facebook
saying he wanted to "off racists and MAGA people," officials stated. He allegedly shouted, "President Trump must die"
and "this is a revolution" as authorities took him into custody. Lubbock police officers arrested 25-year-old Emmanuel
Quinones on Saturday after he was captured on video purportedly brandishing a loaded Smith & Wesson .223 semi-automatic rifle
in front of protesters, KCBD NBC11 reported.
the police!'? What happened when a major American city tried that a century ago. Nothing better reveals the
depth of the madness afoot in the land than the demands to defund or completely abolish the police. [...] Fortunately, there
is a real-life experiment in complete withdrawal of police protection that occurred a century ago that is available to learn
from. The Boston Police Strike that began September 9, 1919 led to immediate looting and chaos as soon as the sun went
down. In August, Boston police had voted to form a union affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, but ran up
against opposition from Boston Police Commissioner Edwin Curtis, backed by Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge.
After attempts at compromise failed, the cops walked off the job at 5:45 PM. In the language of the day, "hooliganism"
broke out, with widespread looting. The following day, the mayor of Boston asked Governor Coolidge to supply force of
state militia, and he agreed. But in the time it took to raise a force that eventually numbered 5,000, about 3 times
the size of the Boston Police, looting increased on September 10, and continued for 9 days until the militia was able to
quell it.
group getting millions in state tax money is leading Madison's protests and calling for defunding of police
departments. Freedom Inc. isn't shy about pushing its radical rhetoric. The Madison-based nonprofit has
advocated for the release of all African Americans from jail and the defunding of police departments. As for the
current protests, the group's leaders say "all actions against racist state violence are justified." "Stop murdering black
people, and your glass will be safe," Monica Adams, co-executive director for Freedom Inc., said while leading the third day
of police protests in the state's capital on Monday [6/1/2020]. "Thank all the youth freedom fighters who were in the
streets fighting (Sunday) night and Saturday night," said Mahnker Dahnweih, community power-building coordinator for Freedom
Inc. "Every action is a contribution to liberation." So where does a group like this get the money it needs to promote
its agenda? A lot of it comes from you.
ex-intel official secures bail for NYC lawyer suspected of hurling Molotov cocktail in George Floyd unrest. A
former high-level Obama administration intelligence official has guaranteed the $250,000 bail for the New York City lawyer
who allegedly firebombed an unoccupied NYPD police cruiser early Saturday, calling the suspect her "best friend," Fox News
has confirmed. The Washington Free Beacon first reported that Salmah Rizvi, who served in the Defense Department and
State Department during the Obama administration, went to bat for Urooj Rahman, who was arrested this weekend alongside Pryor
Cashman associate Colinford Mattis. [...] The Free Beacon noted that, according to her biography at the Islamic Scholarship
Fund, Rizvi's "high-value work would often inform the president's daily briefs."
Arsonists to Be Instantly Freed from Jail Thanks to 'Bail Reform' Law. Arsonists who set fires in New York
City, New York, during multiple nights of riots will be instantly freed from jail if ever arrested thanks to Gov. Andrew
Cuomo's (D-NY) bail reform law. For many nights now, arsonists have set ablaze New York City Police Department (NYPD)
vehicles, city dumpsters, and rubble on the streets of New York City. Those arrested for arson, if arrests are made,
will spend less than 24 hours in jail.
All Rioters Freed from Jail in D.C., Most Avoid Felony Riot Charges. Nearly all rioters have been freed from
jail in Washington, D.C. and most have had felony riot charges dropped against them, and now they are only facing burglary,
destruction of property, and curfew violation charges. Arrest records obtained by WUSA 9 reveal that hundreds of
rioters have been arrested over the last week in riots and looting sprees across the nation's capital.
looting and America burning — the end of the progressive dream. There is a big debate about
designating Antifa a terrorist group and what if any steps the federal government can take to stop the rioting. But we
all know who the real culprits are for turning America's streets into a war zone: progressives and liberals. They
have filled the mind of America's youth with ideological nitroglycerine that is now exploding in our streets, while also
setting the conditions that make it almost impossible to stop it. The terrible events that have unfolded in the wake of
the death of George Floyd represent the systematic failure of five decades of progressivism and liberalism. The end of
the progressive dream has now brought us all to the brink in three ways. [...]
pols have put cops everywhere in peril. On Tuesday night [6/2/2020], as Mayor Bill de Blasio went on CNN to lie
to Chris Cuomo that all was "calm" in New York, the exhausted men and women of the NYPD were being bruised and battered for
the fourth night by criminals running amok under the cover of George Floyd protests. "It's been a good night," de
Blasio said. As he spoke, the reality on the streets was revealed in a video going viral on Twitter of a "looting
party" in Soho, with hundreds of revelers milling around looted stores and dancing on cars. At the same time, over on
Fox News, NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association chief Ed Mullins was making an extraordinary plea for the President Trump to
intervene to rescue a mighty police force that has been hobbled and abandoned by its political masters.
George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots — and So Did Taxpayers. Ever since the protests turned to
riots over the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, rumors have flown that George Soros and his Open
Society Foundation had to be involved. After all, OSF funded Black Lives Matter in 2015. It didn't take long to
reveal the financial ties to current riots and to show that OSF and George Soros directly support the movement today.
Particularly infuriating are the taxpayer-funded grants received in conjunction with the Soros funding. Daniel Bice of
the Milwaukie [sic] Journal-Sentinel reports that a group called Freedom, Inc. has received grants from the Wisconsin
Department of Justice: ["]The Madison-based nonprofit has advocated for the release of all African Americans from
jail and the defunding of police departments. As for the current protests, the group's leaders say "all actions against
racist state violence are justified."["]
Democrats at
War. Virtually all the mayhem was centered in Democrat-controlled states and cities. The same mayors who
had jailed local business people and ordinary citizens for congregating in groups of more than ten were utterly silent as
crowds of thousands formed to tear their cities apart. Meanwhile not a single word was uttered, not a single arrest
made, by these same Democrat governors and mayors to prevent the protesters and rioters from violating the social distancing
ordinances they had used to close churches and houses of worship the week before. While stores, apartment buildings and
even police stations were torched by violent radicals, while ordinary citizens were being terrorized, Democrat governors were
reluctant to call out their National Guard and nip the riots in the bud. This reluctance became active resistance when
they defied the president's appeals to them to take every measure necessary to stop the the terrorists in their tracks and
restore law and order to our cities. One of the most frightening sights amidst all the mayhem was the direct threat the
street terrorists posed to the White House. Thousands of rioters and protesters gathered in front of the White
House. What were the protesters doing at the White House in the first place? The president had condemned the
murder of George Floyd and called his family immediately after the event. There wasn't a politician or public figure in
the entire nation who was defending the killer cop.
and Antifa: Fighting Racism with Racism and Riots. An ugly incident of police brutality has yet again
brought the topic of race to the center of public discussion, peddled by the leftist media. Violent riots accompanied
by looting, arson, and destruction of property in dozens of American cities were presented my media and leftist politicians
as legitimate protests and expression of the black community's pain — because America is racist. [...] Somehow,
it's the white people who should be accountable for everything bad that happens, which fully corresponds with "identity
politics" promoted by the left. Constant oppression of "people of color" by their evil white counterparts indeed has
been at the heart of the leftist discourse for decades. Leftists talk about "systematic" and "institutional" racism
that exists in America. When asked for examples, the answer from the apologists is usually "Google it."
in the 1960s, violent rioting hurts the most disadvantaged. "America is burning. But that's how flowers
grow." So spoke Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey. "Riots are an integral part of the country's march toward
progress." So read a statement from the Democratic Committee of Fairfax County, Virginia, the affluent Washington suburb that
has a population of 1 million. "Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful," asked
CNN's Chris Cuomo. He's apparently been too busy interviewing his brother, the governor of New York, to reread the First
Amendment, which protects "the right of the people peaceably to assemble." I take a different view. I know how violent
rioting, and that's what we've been seeing, despite media attempts at hiding it, can destroy a city and ruin the lives of its residents.
actions, not thoughtcrimes. The notion that Mr. Floyd was purposefully killed by the policeman because he
is colored must not translate into illegal actions, looting the local stores, building fires, assaulting people, and destroying
property. To allege that the illegal looting and rioting actions are appropriate is the worst form of racism, alleging that
because of their color, these people are incapable of controlling their behavior. The actions of rioting and looting must
be aggressively shut down to maintain an orderly society. Anarchy cannot be an appropriate answer.
hasn't Antifa been infiltrated yet? With a hate group like the KKK, it seems that no three Klan members can
meet without at least one of them being a FBI informant. So how [...] does a violent anarchist group like Antifa, which
has been around in its present form for over ten years, manage to fly under the radar? Why hasn't Antifa been
infiltrated and its organizers exposed? It can't be that hard to do. These people are not like the Mafia or the
hardcore communists of the '40s and '50s with their cells and codes. Antifa is composed of pampered punks. And
yes, Antifa is mostly white radicals who use black anger as their pretext for violence. These multi-city riots and
demonstrations across the country don't happen by accident. Antifa people come from across state lines, assemble, and
sometimes seem to have target areas.
Police Union President: 'We Are Losing the City'. The president of the New York City police union wrote Tuesday
[6/2/2020] in a letter to his fellow sergeants, "I know we are losing the city," amid the violent protests and riots
occurring in the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis.
rioters not being prosecuted by circuit attorney, says attorney general. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt
says St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has not charged any of the people that St. Louis police officers have
arrested during recent violent protests and, as a result, they've all been released. "To see that kind of level of
violence and rioting that went on, police officers being shot and shot at, a retired police captain being murdered, people
throwing rocks and gasoline and frozen water bottles at police officers, firefighters being assaulted and blocked from doing
their job, businesses that have served the community for years being burned to the ground, it's unfathomable that every
single person arrested that night has been released.
investigating whether criminal actors exerting 'command and control' over unrest as bricks thrown at cops.
Federal law enforcement officials are probing whether "criminal actors" are coordinating violent activities during protests
and are looking into reports that "rocks and bricks" have been dropped off to throw at police and other law enforcement as
cities across the country grapple with the uptick in violence, a senior Justice Department official said. "You see the
hallmarks... We're trying to see if there's a coordinated command and control, you see those bread crumbs and that's what
we're trying to verify," the DOJ official said. Another DOJ official said the feds have seen signs of "very organized"
coordination from "professional" agitators, some linked to Antifa.
& Jerry's calls on Americans to 'dismantle white supremacy' in forceful statement. Let there be no doubt where
Ben & Jerry's stands. The ice cream maker has called on Americans to "dismantle white supremacy" and "grapple with the
sins of our past" as nationwide protests against racial injustice stretch into their eighth day. In a forceful statement
posted to the company's website late on Tuesday [6/2/2020], Ben & Jerry's describes the death of George Floyd, an unarmed
black man, at the hands of a white police officer as the result of "inhumane police brutality that is perpetuated by a
culture of white supremacy." "What happened to George Floyd was not the result of a bad apple; it was the predictable
consequence of a racist and prejudiced system and culture that has treated Black bodies as the enemy from the beginning,"
said the brand, which is owned by Unilever.
The Editor says...
I am happy to say that I have never tasted any of the stuff produced by Ben and Jerry.
Trump Can Use Military To Quell Spreading Riots — And He Should, If States, Cities Fail To Do The
Job. President Donald Trump says he may call out the military to quell riots if the states refuse to do their
duty to protect their citizens. But can he even do that? His harshest critics say no, but they're very wrong.
The riots and looting that have taken place across the country are anything but "peaceful." And while all of us agree
peaceful demonstrations are acceptable, even if we don't agree with them, the recent orgy of violence has been driven by
far-left anarchists and others bent on taking down a democratically elected government.
Are Using Antifa to Foment Revolution. Barack Obama started the "fundamental transformation of the United
States of America." Yet, this is not Obama's Antifa. A failure as president, he did manage to accomplish one important
prerequisite for this rebellion. He instilled in the left the understanding that "change" must be forced upon an
unwilling electorate. With this insight, Antifa has transitioned from pajama-boy blobs of perpetually offended
miscreants, mostly drawn from misanthropes who were picked last in high school, into a trained guerilla force with cool
uniforms. Fascists like cool uniforms. Antifa, the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, has spent the last
three years recruiting, and organizing. They have mobilized and learned tactics. They have a plan and are working
hard to cover all the bases. Starting slow, they probed to find what government would allow, media would trumpet, and
the public would endure.
St. Louis police captain killed by looters. A retired St. Louis police captain killed by people who
broke into a pawn shop after protests turned violent was a gregarious and outspoken leader who mentored youths and insisted
on strict ethical conduct among his employees, a longtime colleague said Tuesday. David Dorn, 77, was found dead on the
sidewalk in front of Lee's Pawn & Jewelry about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday. No arrests have been made.
carnage: These aren't protests — they're riots. Someone must end the lawlessness. Police
sirens wailed up and down 8th Avenue in Manhattan, and New York Police Department helicopters hovered overhead Monday night
[6/1/2020]. The rioters, according to my social media feeds, were several blocks away from my home, pillaging a clothing
outlet. A family member sent me a photo he took, from his window, of a jewelry store being ransacked, with no cops in
sight. New York City, like so many others across the country, is under siege. The police here are not in control
of the streets. Anyone can turn on the television or open up social media and see rioters chanting profanely,
destroying public and private property, or even attacking women shop owners.
Sole Justification Offered for the Riots Is a Fiction. It is true that there are injustices in the United
States. It is true that there is tension and distrust between the police and racial minorities, and that this has
terrible human costs, George Floyd's death prominent among them. But the rioters and looters and their apologists are
advancing a more specific claim still: that Floyd's death is not just an individual tragedy worthy of particular outrage, but
part of an epidemic of lethal violence perpetrated against unarmed black men by police officers. That such tragedies
happen with startling frequency. That black men cannot leave the house without getting shot by racist cops. "It's
important to be here today because we're dying," one protester told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "It's an
epidemic." This is not supported by the data.
Officials Arrest Illinois Man Accused Of Distributing Explosives, Inciting Riots In Chicago And Minneapolis.
Federal officials say they've arrested a Galesburg, Illinois, man whom they say traveled from his home to both Minneapolis,
Minnesota, and Chicago, Illinois, to hand out explosives and incite riots. Matthew Rupert was arrested by the Chicago
Police Department on Sunday [5/31/2020] after breaking the city's curfew[,] and when police searched his car, they found
evidence of explosives and other incendiary devices. An eventual search of his Facebook page yielded a number of
videos, which Rupert had set to "public," showing Rupert encouraging rioters to burn buildings and attack police officers,
according to CBS News Chicago.
Fights Antifa: 'They Just Beat the Ever-Loving Snot Out of Them'. A small gang of Antifa thugs tried to stir up
trouble in Yucaipa, California — but it turns out they messed with the wrong town. Video shows citizens
turning out in large numbers to chase the thugs out of town. "They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four
guys," said an unidentified man who was filming the beat down. "The Antifa guys are not doing well at all here.
[...]" [Video clip]
Fifth Avenue is wrapped in razor wire to prevent looting. Saks Fifth Avenue surrounded its flagship Manhattan
store with razor wire on Tuesday to keep thieves from smashing their way in and making off with troves of expensive
merchandise, The [New York] Post has learned. The luxury retailer has also hired private security guards with specially
trained dogs to protect the premises in the wake of Monday night's looting of Macy's iconic Herald Square location. At
Saks, workers on Tuesday afternoon began attaching chain-link fencing to plywood that was previously installed to cover the
luxury store's famed display windows.
Watched Antifa Grow, Let Me Warn You About These Terrorists. I absolutely knew the Antifa attacks would come
one day. Now, the President is aware these attacks are designed to spread. He is acting, as he must, designating
Antifa a domestic terror group. Because I work in the heart of radical progressivism, I have tracked Antifa for
years. These people are very serious. They are terrorists aligned with the radical leadership of Black Lives
Matter, who traded learnings with Hamas, and, the founding philosophy of which Professor Jacobson has exposed, based upon the
work of Anne Sorock of The Frontier Lab.
Looter Shot Dead Trying to Rob Philadelphia Gun Store. According to Fox29, the shooting happened "approximately
4:11 a.m. on the 1500 block of Front Street in the Pennsport section of the city." The deadly failed robbery reportedly
happened at Firing Line Inc when the owner was keeping guard of the store following an attempted break in on Sunday night
[5/31/2020]. The owner saw a small group of armed robbers attempt to make it into the store on the premises'
surveillance camera and heard them coming up the store stairs before he dealt with the intruders.
in the Cross-hairs — Antifa Declares War on Police. There was a time in our country when not even
the Mafia dared kill a cop. But those times are long past. Well-funded and highly organized anarchists have used
the protests over the killing of George Floyd as an excuse to burn private and government property and loot businesses across
the country. In the beginning, these terrorists focused on destruction and inciting others to riot. But now,
these provocateurs have ratcheted up their mayhem by taking aim at police officers and attempting to kill them. The
rule of law has fallen by the wayside. The guerrilla war now is being waged with lethal intent.
Cities Where Looters Are Ransacking Minority-Owned Businesses. Minority-owned businesses are among the
worst-hit targets of looters and rioters who rampaged in Minneapolis and then other cities after a black man died in police
custody, according to news reports. "Expressing grievances to our elected officials in the form of protest is a
time-honored tradition," Stacy Washington, co-chairwoman of the board of Project 21, a black conservative group, said in a
public statement Monday [6/1/2020]. "But what we are watching unfold across the country is a coordinated effort to
destroy the rule of law and order in our communities and to gin up racial tension," Washington said. "In video after
video, we see masked white protesters dressed all in black destroying property in black neighborhoods. And it's blacks
who are trying to stop the Antifa protesters from defacing small businesses."
Filled with Pipe Bombs Discovered Near Korean War Memorial. Jack Posobiec reported that authorities had
discovered a crate filled with pipe bombs near a Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. As of Tuesday evening [6/2/2020],
law enforcement is said to be pursuing a suspect in their placement.
Is Going According To Plan For The Leftists Long Working To Take Down & Destroy America. Martin Luther King,
Jr. was wrong when he declared, "A riot is the language of the unheard." No, a riot is the language of the
unhinged, the unlawful, the uncouth, the uneducated, and the uncivilized. It is always an attack upon the culture, the
community, the commandants, and civilization. It is a throwback to when "men did that which was right in his own
eyes." Riots are a message of hopelessness and an admission that thousands of years of advancement have failed, and
all hope is gone, so we have given up and are regressing into a New Dark Age.
Esper: 'I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act'. During a series of remarks made Wednesday morning,
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said that he does "not support invoking the Insurrection Act" as a way to quell the riots
that have overtaken cities across the country in the wake of George Floyd's death. In the wake of the riots, President
Trump suggested that he may deploy the U.S. military to cities that need help protecting their citizens and infrastructure,
which began a discussion of whether or not he would invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807. "The option to use
active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and
dire of situation. We are not in one of those situations now."
Has Become Insurrection. Make no mistake: we are at an inflection point in U.S history, one that's already
blown past the political and race riots and Hong Kong flu of 1968 and is barreling toward Fort Sumter, Shiloh, and
Antietam. For decades, a number of blue states have been in open defiance of federal law, especially regarding drugs
and immigration. They've created "sanctuary" cities, and have refused cooperation with Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), resulting in needless deaths of many Americans. And they don't care. Today, from their
bastions in New York City, Albany, Los Angeles, Sacramento, California, Chicago, and Lansing, Michigan, they have openly
trashed the First Amendment's guarantees of the free exercise of religion and peaceable assembly in deliberate
overreaction to COVID-19, while simultaneously finding a "right" to violent mass protest and property destruction. They
are no longer demanding a "redress of grievances" — they see the country as the grievance itself.
Designating the masked cowards of Antifa as terrorists is a good first step. It will give the feds valuable new tools
to put them away. But neither should the feds shrink from confrontation. This is no time to play patty-cake with
the rainbow coalition of terror now being visited upon us. The only thing violent thugs understand is overwhelming
force, brutally applied — a principle that Grant and William T. Sherman came to understand in their conduct
of the Civil War.
Another Night
in Lootopia. Race riots usually begin with criminality and end with criminality. They're protests by
criminals on behalf of a dead criminal. The stores with smashed windows aren't a means of expressing outrage, but the
end. The purpose of criminality is criminality. The police exist so that stores can remain unrobbed and random
pedestrians can remain unbeaten. The protests express opposition to that policy by robbing stores and assaulting random
people. Riots and looting are not a distraction from the protests. They are the essential point of the protests
and the radical movement that they represent. The police were never the problem. The looters and rioters were.
Piles of Bricks' Magically Appearing at Protests While Agitators Hand Out Cash to Rioters. A video from New
York City shows a protester heaving a brick through a window. This is a common sight the last few nights as riots have
broken out in the wake of protests over the killing of George Floyd. Ever wonder where those bricks come from? [...]
What's a stash of bricks doing in the middle of a Manhattan street with no construction project around?
attacked by mob on I-35 was delivering fuel to black-owned business. It was an indelible image, etched in my
young brain, that I wished I had not seen. Watching the nightly news with my parents on April 29, 1992, I, along with
millions of others, witnessed Reginald Denny being dragged out of his truck at a Los Angeles intersection and beaten in an
unspeakable manner in retaliation for the Rodney King beating. I never thought I'd see something like that again
outside a place like the Middle East, but here we are again, staring down the barrel of unbridled anarchy. Are
fundamental rights so contorted that rioters now have the right to block streets and freeways too, demand that anyone stop
for them, and then beat them out of their cars? And then the innocent drivers are the ones who get in trouble, not the
murderous mobs?
America: Cops get punished for self-defense; rioters set free. George Floyd's family is getting swift
justice against the cop who killed him by all levels of the Minnesota justice system. Now who will deliver justice for
the American citizens, including cops, beaten and killed and all the damaged property and disruptions? Well,
prosecutors in major cities are now dropping charges even against the few rioters arrested, while pressing charges against
cops involved in very dangerous self-defense situations. David Dorn was a retired cop, with the St. Louis police
department for 38 years. He was helping his friend defend his pawn shop when he was shot dead on the sidewalk Monday
night by rioters. Dorn was African-American. Police currently have no suspects. His family will likely
never see justice.
Burn Down Home, Block Firefighters, Trap Children Inside. A Virginia police chief delivered an emotional
statement when recalling an incident where firefighters were prevented from reaching a burning house by rioters amid the
chaos that ensued following the recent George Floyd protests. [...] In spite of the dreadful incident, thankfully, police
were able to rescue those trapped inside the burning house. Speaking about the weekend's protests, Richmond mayor Levar
Stoney said: "Peaceful protests in solidarity against the injustices of black men hijacked by bad actors. As soon
as you loot a store or set a public bus on fire, you're not demonstrating. You've made it about you.
Aren't Just Destroying Businesses, They're Taking Lives. While we've all been captivated by the images of
looting and pillaging taking place in dozens of American cities, off-camera, homicides have been soaring over the past week
as police are expending almost all of their energies trying to quell civil unrest. As cops try to get a handle on the
riots, criminals are taking full advantage. In Chicago, there were 22 homicides over the weekend, including 11
homicides just on Sunday [5/31/2020] alone. In the greater Cook County area the numbers are even worse.
charged with inciting riots after posting Facebook Live video. A Michigan woman faces up to 10 years behind
bars for encouraging others to loot and throw bricks at buildings in a Facebook Live video, according to a report.
Alexandria "Ally" Lyons posted the livestreamed video over the weekend during riots in Grand Rapids that left more than 100
businesses damaged, MLive.com reported. In the video, Lyons is seen swigging beer — likely stolen from a bar
called Mojo's in Grand Rapids — and showing off clothes allegedly swiped from F. David Barney Clothiers, according
to court records. At another point, "she is heard multiple times encouraging her friends and others to throw bricks or
other objects at windows of multiple businesses downtown and at one point picks up a brick herself and mentions heading 'back
to the courthouse,'" the arrest affidavit said.
NYC looters pull off 'well organized' scheme to target high-end stores. The looters ransacking luxe stores in
Soho appear to be large, rival groups engaged in a "very well-organized looting scheme," according to a local who has been
watching them across several days. Jarrod Jordan told The Post he has monitored two groups — one of which
has a caravan of luxury vehicles including Bentleys and Mercedes — as they prowled the neighborhood and broke into
high-end stores amid the chaos of unrest over the police custody death of George Floyd. "This is a real business.
This isn't angry protesters in any way shape or form," said Jordan, who is a chief digital officer of a multinational food
company. "This is organized crime happening really, really well."
woman shames looters for destroying her Brooklyn store and tells them 'get a job'. An elderly black woman has
slammed looters saying they 'lied' when they said 'Black Lives Matter' and telling them to 'get a job' after her Brooklyn
store was destroyed in riots. Shocking footage posted on social media shows the distraught New Yorker blasting the
actions of looters as she stands in front of her shell of a store with its front now exposed and wires seen dangling down
from the ceiling. 'The problem that bothers me? You said Black Lives Matter,' the emotional black woman is heard
saying while other people cleaning up the destruction look on.
Woman Store Owner Rips Looters: 'Tell Me Black Lives Matter. You Lied. You Wanted To Loot The Store'.
The protests, rioting, looting and anarchy that the Left has enthusiastically promoted has destroyed the livelihoods of blacks,
whites, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, and every other racial group from Atlantic to Pacific. In New York on Tuesday [6/2/2020],
a video went viral featuring a black woman store owner standing outside her now-ransacked place of business condemning the
rioters and looters that destroyed her livelihood.
than 20 shot over 12 hours in Chicago as gun violence remains high for second week. More than 20 people were
shot in Chicago over 12 hours Tuesday through early Wednesday [6/3/2020] as gun violence remains high across the city for the
second week in a row. In two of the overnight shootings — on the Far South Side and South Side —
three or more people were wounded, according to police. Shootings started spiking in Chicago over the long Memorial Day
weekend, when at least 50 people were shot. The next day, 28 more people were shot, including a 5-year-old girl
standing with her family.
The Editor says...
There is no such thing as "gun violence." The guns are not violent.
As New York burns, Cuomo blasts de Blasio, de Blasio blasts Cuomo. In an unprecedented blue-on-blue round of
finger-pointing, New York's Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo, has blasted New York City's far-left mayor, Bill de Blasio for
allowing criminals under the guise of 'protest' to take over New York City and smash, burn, and loot the place into rubble.
[...] It's not just the marquee places in New York that look like warzones either. Here a tweet showing how
Caracas-like it looks in what was once a nice part of the Bronx: [Video clip] De Blasio has literally lost
control, and clearly has no idea what he is doing.
400 NYC Looters to Be Freed from Jail Thanks to 'Bail Reform' Policy. More than 400 looters arrested in New
York City, New York, riots this week will be immediately freed from jail thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D-NY) "bail
reform" policy that eliminated bail for many nonviolent and violent crimes. As riots rage on in New York
City — and Mayor Bill de Blasio has refused to deploy the U.S. National Guard — hundreds of looters
arrested for burglarizing shops and stores are set to be immediately freed back onto the streets. The New York
Times noted that more than 400 people in New York City have been arrested for looting commercial businesses.
Almost all of them will likely be released from jail immediately after their arraignments in court.
Antifa Anarchist Accused Of Inciting Riots Turned In To Police By His Parents. A suspected Antifa anarchist
accused of inciting riots in Pittsburgh was turned in to police by his own parents Monday evening [6/1/2020]. Brian
Bartels, 20, is accused of inciting violent protests in the city on Saturday in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Airborne Division Arrives to DC Metro Area with Black Hawks and Chinooks. An 82nd Airborne Division's Immediate
Response Force battalion arrived to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland Monday evening for a civil unrest mission in the
nation's capitol, according to sources. The IRF battalion — which deployed to Iraq earlier this year to
quell Iran-backed violence — brought approximately 750 soldiers, ten Black Hawk helicopters, and four Chinooks,
according to sources. The helicopters are utility, not attack, and are used to transport troops short distances.
Cuomo Declares Protests Are Not Required to Be Peaceful. As NewsBusters has extensively documented, CNN host
Chris "Fredo" Cuomo has an affinity for the left-wing terrorist group Antifa; claiming they had a "good cause" and "morality"
on their side. So, it came as no surprise when, on Tuesday's [6/2/2020] Cuomo PrimeTime, he emphatically argued
that protests were under no obligation to be peaceful. Cuomo kicked off his show by decrying the strict curfews cities
around the country were putting in place to stop rioters and looters, and painted them as purely a way to crack down on the
actual peaceful protesters. "It is a sad day when we need curfews in our cities. America's major cities are
filled with people demanding this country become more fair, more just and ironically, more united," he whined.
Chicago Police Officers Injured During Riots. One hundred and thirty-two police Chicago police officers were
injured during this weekend's riots after George Floyd's death on May 25 in Minneapolis Police custody. WLS reported
that the city's 911 center took more than 65,000 calls, mostly for looting, over the past 24 hours — about 50,000
more calls than average.
Black American Deems Floyd Protests Unnecessary. As a black American, Democrats and fake news media demand that
I agree with the George Floyd protests. I say the protests are unnecessary and are totally politically motivated.
The American people of all races including President Trump have expressed their outrage over the wrongful death of
Mr. Floyd. The officer who killed Mr. Floyd has been charged with murder. The three officers who
watched the abuse have been fired and investigated. So, where's the beef? Why are opportunists looting stores,
burning businesses, and beating up whites in the name of demanding justice? Who is opposing justice for Mr. Floyd?
The answer is no one. Therefore, what is the real purpose of the riots, hate, violence, and chaos in our
streets? The answer is politics. Democrats and fake news media believe by generating racial hate, they can
ensure that blacks will vote against Trump in November.
LAPD Arrests Man 'Armed to the Teeth' in National Guard Uniform. A heavily armed man wearing a National Guard
uniform was arrested early Tuesday morning on assault weapon charges in Los Angeles, according to FOX 11. Reporter Bill
Melugin said the arrest occurred near protests over the death of George Floyd in the city's downtown area.
emergency responders are under siege. The violent protesters (whether BLM, Antifa, Chauvinistas, Anarchists, or
opportunists) are being aided and abetted by the media and Democrat politicians. It's the ordinary American
citizen — the small business owner, the retiree whose retirement fund includes shares in companies that are looted
and burned, the truck driver caught on the freeway, the churchgoers, and many other people just trying to get by —
who are the targets of the whole Democrat establishment, from the looters to the mayors' offices to Democrat politicians in
D.C. And what about the forces of law and order? Well, that's where it gets interesting. Keep in mind that
all of these protests are taking place in Democrat-controlled cities. When it comes to the guys and gals on the street,
some are siding with the peaceful protesters, but all seem to be trying to stem the violence. Their problem is that
their bosses, not the guys on the streets with them, but the Democrat police chiefs and mayors, are siding with the protesters.
are being subjected to an orgy of disinformation. The expression that "truth is the first casualty in (or of)
war" traces back to Aeschylus, but became popular in the early 20th century. As the past few days' riots show, that
expression is on steroids now, with many of the worst lies coming directly from the media. This post catalogs some of
the lies that swirled around, along with the facts that the media couldn't be bothered to check lest they interfere with the
narrative. The most consequential lies, as always, are about President Trump. Yesterday, holding his mother's
Bible, Trump walked out of the White House, crossed through Lafayette Park, and headed to St. John's church, the
historic church (founded in 1815) that the rioters had set aflame. The media and other leftists were not upset about
the burnt church. Instead, they asserted that Trump had ordered the military to use tear gas on protesters so that he
could cross the street.
Dead After Allegedly Breaking into Gun Store, Getting Shot by Owner. A looter who allegedly broke into a
Philadelphia gun store overnight was pronounced dead at the scene after the store owner shot him in the head just after
4 a.m. Fox 5 reports a "crew of looters reportedly attempted to break in," but the store owner was ready for
them. 6 ABC reports the owner had his business, the Firing Line Gun Range and Gun Store, staked out because of another
attempted burglary and he was watching surveillance cameras when he saw "three or four men use wire cutters to break through the
gate and enter the store."
If pushed,
we know what to do. Everybody in America knows that these riots have nothing to do with George Floyd and
everything to do with trying to force Trump from office. We've seen videos of Antifa paying off thugs and of pallets of
bricks waiting at strategic spots for thugs to come throw them. We saw video of a thug admitting he did it for the
money. We suspect that the guy who provided the money is named Soros. This has all been carefully thought through
and planned out. People have been on the ground setting things up and stirring the pot in cities across America.
It's not protest, but insurrection. It's time the decent people struck back — forcefully. Antifa has
tipped its hand. Private small businessmen have watched all this go down. They've seen the guys who had to watch
their life's work go up in flames; they also saw the bakery guys who defended their property with shotguns.
is right, antifa are terrorists; they always were. The term "anti-fascist" began as a lie. It remains a
lie today. Clueless commentators, ignorant of its history, have been known to refer to the "antifa" movement as
"strictly principled anti-fascists," or a group that "protests fascism." In fact, this is a movement of violent extremists
whose philosophy traces back to the early 20th century. The riots now raging in U.S. cities are not about police
misconduct. They haven't been for many days. The senseless and callous police killing of George Floyd inspired
peaceful protests at first, but now it has become an excuse for a troupe of professional revolutionaries and marauders.
They use these incidents in order to flex their muscle and test how far their impressionable recruits are willing to go in
breaking the law, as Jared Monroe discovered upon infiltrating one such group in Utah.
Why people leave
the church. "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a
joint statement that Trump is ripping the country apart when Americans are crying out for unity over the murder of George
Floyd in Minneapolis last week." The peaceful-by-day, arsonist-by-night protesters had tried to burn the church down the
night before. They are trying to tear the nation apart. I cannot find any condemnation by Pelosi or Schumer of
the violence and destruction by Antifa and other Democrats.
Park Police Say They Did NOT Fire Tear Gas At White House Protesters, Claim Demonstrators Were Attacking Cops.
United States Park Police officials defended themselves Tuesday [6/2/2020] from charges that they fired tear gas at
protesters outside of the White House, and denied that they dispersed a demonstration just so that President Donald Trump
could walk from the White House across the street to the historic St. John's Church. Trump and the Park Police
both ran afoul of mainstream media commentators for the incident Monday, with many on social media claiming that the Park
Police used extraordinary and violent measures to disperse a peaceful protest simply so the president could take photos
outside of the historic church which was nearly burned Sunday night, per Fox News.
Vogue: Antifa 'Aspires Toward Creating a Better World'. Leftist outlet Teen Vogue told its readers
that the terrorist organization Antifa "aspires to create a better world" in the wake of riots that have broken out across
the country, which have involved looting, vandalism, businesses being destroyed, beatings, and death. "'Antifa grows out
of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world, but the primary motivation is to stop racists
from organizing,'" tweeted Teen Vogue on Monday [6/1/2020].
police chief encourages residents to shoot looters breaking into homes. A Florida sheriff on Monday [6/1/2020]
encouraged residents to open fire on violent looters who try to enter their homes. "I would tell them, if you value
your life, they probably shouldn't do that in Polk County. Because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns,
I encourage them to own guns, and they're going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded," Polk County Sheriff
Grady Judd told reporters during a news briefing. "And if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I'm
highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns. So, leave the community alone."
governor Refused to send his National Guard to Washington D.C. to help restore order after request from the White
House. The governor of Virginia refused to send his National Guard troops across the Potomac River into
Washington D.C., despite a request from the White House for the state to deploy its guardsmen to help disperse protesters.
'I am not going to send our men and women in uniform of a very proud National Guard to Washington for a photo-op,' Governor
Ralph Northam, a Democrat, said at a press conference in Richmond on Tuesday [6/2/2020]. White House officials also
inquired about taking control of Washington D.C.'s police force as President Donald Trump sought to retake control of the
situation after protests broke out over the country in the wake of the death of George Floyd.
Vegas: Rioter Shoots Police Officer in the Head from Behind. Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told a
press briefing an officer was shot around 11 p.m. Monday night [6/1/2020] and is in critical condition and on life
support at University Medical Center. Lombardo said officers were dealing with a large group of rioters at a George
Floyd protest near the Circus Circus hotel-casino when the officer went down.
Warning to Rioters and Antifa Members Threatening to Come to the Suburbs. This isn't an internet tough guy
post. This isn't me flexing about my love of the 2nd Amendment and practice thereof. This isn't about how well I
can shoot, or what kind of guns I own. This is a legitimate warning about what will happen. [...] Rioting in a city is,
for all intents and purposes, safe for the rioter. Even if you do have a confrontation with police, you're more than
likely going to get a few bumps and bruises. At worst, some blood might be drawn from superficial wounds. The
worst that may befall you is if your fellow rioters turn on you for any reason. Then you'll really face serious injury,
though more than likely, you're just going to riot, loot, destroy, and go home. The rules change in the suburbs.
You're not robbing a private store and destroying public property anymore. Now you're in home territory. The
house is full of valuable possessions and luxuries, yes, but more than that, this location has family members in it.
Wives, children, and even beloved pets. You're in a different playing field now. Here the stakes are a lot higher
for the victims of rioters, and as such, the stakes will rise for you. You're no longer just facing an arrest charge or
a few bumps and bruises. You're now playing with your life.
why looters chose Target stores as focus of rage. Adweek has an interesting piece on why Target is
being, well, targeted by the anarchists and thieves who are looting stores in the chain. It's not a random
choice. A young woman aired grievances via a Twitter thread explaining the corporation's history of supporting and
funding local police. I would post that Twitter thread but her account is protected now — not available to
be seen by the public. I assume she started receiving blowback and didn't want the negative attention.
Minneapolis is the epicenter of Target branding.
agents provocateurs infiltrate US protests. As peaceful protests started a couple of days after the death of
George Floyd, they suddenly took a sinister turn. Within 48 hours, there were highly coordinated riots throughout the
US that rapidly multiplied. The protests have been quickly infiltrated by mainly white extremist groups, including most
visible in videos anarchist Antifa leftist activists. Clad in black, they have initiated and instigated looting and
property destruction. They have also targeted domestic security forces and burned police stations to weaken law and
order and destroyed critical infrastructure such as banks, pharmacies and grocery stores, sowing further chaos among a
population already reeling from the pandemic.
Most Important Enabler Is Its Legal Arm, the National Lawyers Guild. [Scroll down] Busy alongside Antifa
this year will be the movement's unofficial legal arm: the National Lawyers Guild. Although much lower profile than
their enablers within the establishment media and among the more extreme elements of the Democratic Party, the National
Lawyers Guild is actually far more important when it comes to keeping Antifa's program of extreme political violence
going. Made up of thousands of hard-left lawyers spread out in over 150 chapters across the country (not including over
100 student chapters), and funded by giant philanthropists like the Ford Foundation and George Soros, the NLG explicitly and
openly coordinates legal action and public relations in support of the Antifa movement. As one chapter states online,
the guild's member-lawyers "understand that legal support is critical in the planning and aftermath of any action," and "can
usually mobilize NLG volunteer lawyers to handle initial court appearances, and ... often continue to defend activists
pro bono."
Items Showing Up At Protests Across the Country Have Police Talking and Raises Questions About Who's Organizing All
This. Some Democrats and folks in the media have been trying to falsely blame white nationalists for the
violence at the riots. Apart from the fact that we can see on videos that's not true and we can see the organizing of
radical leftist organizations/Antifa, there's no way Proud Boys or the smattering of white nationalists across the country
could be accounting for all the actions across the country. Nor could they account for the strange items beginning to
show up at protests/riots. Across the country, people are reporting pallets of bricks showing up readily available at
protests/riots spots across the country, not necessarily near any construction areas or places where work is being done.
Thoughts on the Civil War the Other Side Wants So Badly. [#1] It's Antifa. It's not Black Lives
Matter. Black Lives Matter doesn't matter anymore. And you have to have the IQ of trouser lint to think it's
"white supremacists" destroying those cities. Sure, sure, if you look at those "protests" you'll see the usual suspects
from the Black Lives Matter gang, and yes, yes, there are the looters who generally speaking don't look much like
Antifa — though the people breaking those store windows to start the looting look a bit more like Antifa than
Black Lives Matter in an awful lot of cases. But there are lots of examples out there, circulating on social media,
where some of the protesters who are legitimately motivated into the streets by what happened to George Floyd have begun to
realize what's happening. Namely, that their protests are being used by a sinister gang of communist thugs to try to
start a revolution. You don't have riots in 30 cities without somebody organizing them. You don't have
mysterious pallets of bricks showing up out of nowhere unless there is money behind this insurrection.
The Editor says...
It shouldn't be very difficult to find out where the bricks came from, and who paid for them. Even in Dallas, there can't be
more than a dozen companies that could supply a pile of bricks and deliver them to a downtown address, and only one company that
actually did deliver such a load last Friday night.
Celebrities Pay To Continue National Riots and Violence — "Match" Funds. Most Hollywood celebrities
are the personification of caviar socialists and limo-liberals. Recently these celebrities have started a fund to pay
the legal costs of looters, arsonists and Antifa/Black Lives Matter activists arrested for physical violence. As each
payment is made, the virtue signaling echo-chamber then announce their "match" funds via twitter. One sharp content
producer pushes back against the Hollyhate and calls out the violence they are supporting in a video titled "Matched".
[Video clip]
'Fa' Foes Fum: 'Antifa' Is a Sub-Nazi Organization. [Scroll down] The fascists operate in groups and
prefer to target ordinary people emerging from Trump rallies, and when a conservative speaker shows up at UC Berkeley, they
wreck the place. The modern fascists, which is what they are, pick venues ruled by Democrat invertebrates such as
University of California boss Janet Napolitano, New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio, and Jacob Frey of Minneapolis. Frey
claimed the rioting in the wake of the George Floyd killing was the work of "white supremacists." That is predictable
nonsense, but it raises a point. The fascists now form an axis with violent mobs such as Black Lives Matter, common
criminals, and demented punks smashing windows with skateboards. Black Lives Matter has resurrected the Communist Party
concept that blacks are not Americans and need their own nation. In the current conflagration, black-owned businesses
have not been spared. Those who believe the United States is a completely racist, evil country do not want to see
African Americans succeed. It's all about destruction, and the pasty-faced fascists fit right in.
Grab $2.4 Million Worth of Watches from Soho Rolex Store. The looters of a New York City Rolex store did not
get justice, but they did get a high price timepiece on Monday night [6/1/2020]. Looters grabbed $2.4 million worth of
watches after breaking into a Rolex store in New York's Soho neighborhood, according to a New York Post report citing police
sources. A video shows a huge crowd of people running toward the store, entering it, and then leaving shortly afterward.
Journalists Defend, Excuse Five Nights of Riots. From the start, TV news media have done their darnedest to
paint the riots happening across the country in a positive light. While many journalists have glossed over the
widespread violence by relying on misleading characterizations like "mostly peaceful," others have outright defended and
justified the rioting. Some of the these attempts to sanitize the rioting have bordered on parody. For a sampling
of the media's most desperate damage control, watch the video below: [Video clip]
the riots is as simple as letting the police do their jobs. Restoring order to America's cities isn't a
complicated proposition. All it requires is resources and determination, and a firm rejection of the longstanding
progressive fallacy that an overwhelming police presence is "provocative" and "escalatory" and must be avoided. As has
been established across decades of civil disturbances, it is police passivity that emboldens mobs. When the cops stand
by, or don't show up or, even worse, run away, it is a permission slip for destruction. They might as well supply the
spray paint, bricks and hammers for the crowds, and beckon them into the local Target or Nike store to take whatever they want.
rodeo: National Guard and police round up 150 curfew violators — and find caches of arson
materials. It took several days for Minnesota to assert itself in the face of rioters, but they finally took
some steps toward restoring order yesterday. Rather than the retreats that characterized the police and National Guard
response for most of a week, last night the combined forces began arresting people en masse for curfew violations.
Around 150 got hauled into custody last night, while police and National Guard used some of the intelligence gleaned to seize
materials for use in more arsons.
St. Louis police officers shot at George Floyd protests. Authorities in St. Louis said early
Tuesday [6/2/2020] that four police officers were shot during protests in the city's downtown area and officers continue to
be under fire. St. Louis Police Chief John Hayden told reporters that two officers were shot in the leg and one
was shot in the foot. The other was shot in the arm. Hayden said they were hit by gunfire while standing on the
side of a police line amid protests in the city. "As we speak we're trying to get control out of this city, still
hearing gunfire and everything. I don't know what else to say. This is horrible," he said.
No! You clean up your own yard. Germany's
AfD Party: Trump Needs to go after Antifa Internationally. "Donald Trump is doing the right thing in
designating these violent extremist groups as terrorists. Antifa is an anti-democratic hate group whose radical
left-wing ideology rejects the free market and freedom of speech. The Alternative for Germany applauds President
Trump's announcement and urges the EU and German government to follow suit and finally act against these openly violent and
extremists gangs. American Antifa is modeled on German Antifa, and finds its supporters in the German mainstream media
and politics. German Antifa stages regular violent attacks on AfD members like Frank Magnitz, hunted US journalists
like Tim Pool on the street in Hamburg at the G20 summit, and just two weeks ago put a union activist a coma in Stuttgart.
shows NYPD cop being attacked by several men in the Bronx. An NYPD officer was attacked by several men in the
Bronx Monday night as onlookers recording the struggle instigated the suspects. The footage, which was tweeted by the
city's Sergeant's Benevolent Association, shows two men forcefully toss an unknown object at an officer who's on the ground
struggling with somebody else. After the second man attacks, the man tussling with the cup runs free, the video
shows. The officer, appearing dazed, gets up after the group flees and immediately withdraws his gun, but doesn't
appear to point it toward anyone in particular, according to the video.
spread into neighborhoods as Chicago sees one of its most violent weekends with more than 80 shot. After two
straight nights of looting in Chicago, the scene almost seemed normal. A man waited across the street as officers sped
down Division Street and scattered looters from a Target store that had its glass doors shattered. After the last
unmarked police SUV drove away around midnight Sunday, the man walked into the Wicker Park Target and spent several minutes
inside. He came out with just one box of beer and passed it around to a handful of others standing outside.
Riots Remind Us Why We Need the Second Amendment. For years, Philadelphia has been run by liberal progressives
who oppose private gun ownership. In Philadelphia, a permit is required to carry a gun or transport one in a
vehicle. Although Pennsylvania state law prohibits Philadelphia from enacting all of the gun control measures the
city's leaders wish, the city's website reads like a gun control propaganda sheet. The city's progressive leaders
believe that guns should not be widely owned by ordinary citizens. The protection of the city's residents should be
handled exclusively by the police department. But what happens when the police are unable to protect the city's
residents? The entire theory collapses. That's exactly what happened over the weekend in Philadelphia. The
looting and rioting escalated to the point where the police could not cover the city. In some parts of the city, looting
was occurring without any police interference. In other places, police cars were hijacked or burned by the rioters.
came to riot:' Man livestreamed lighting fires, throwing bombs at police officers in Minneapolis, charges say.
An Illinois man who came to Minneapolis to riot over the weekend livestreamed himself handing out explosives, destroying
property and appearing to set a Sprint store on fire, according to charges filed in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota on
Monday afternoon [6/1/2020]. Matthew Lee Rupert, 28, is charged with civil disorder, possession of unregistered
explosives and participating in and organizing riots, making him the first to face federal prosecution for allegedly taking
part in the fires, looting and other violence that engulfed the Twin Cities since the death of George Floyd in police custody.
Questions raised over masked white man with umbrella seen
calmly smashing windows before Minneapolis riots. As protests and unrest continued in Minneapolis following the
killing of George Floyd, people are questioning the identity of a man filmed smashing windows. Footage emerged of the
white man, dressed all in black, and in gloves and boots, calmly smashing the windows of an auto parts store with a large
hammer. His face is obscured by an expensive-looking gas mask and he is also holding an open black
umbrella — although it was not raining. Twitter quickly christened him 'Umbrella Man'. The strange choice of
clothes for a warm day, combined with the high quality gas mask, raised suspicions. He also seemed unwilling to engage
with other protesters. [...] Twitter users have accused him of being everything from an undercover police officer, to part of
Antifa, to a white supremacist, or an agent provocateur there to incite violence that would ultimately trigger a widespread
riot. The incident was recorded before fires were started.
were clearly pre-planned domestic terrorism by the radical left. Last night's riots in Dallas, Atlanta, and
elsewhere were pre-planned by radical leftist organizations. Organizers were directing the crowd where to go.
They had pallets of 100 bricks ready for rioters at strategic locations, and were yelling to the crowd "go left, there are
100 bricks on the corner over there" This wasn't random chaos, and it's not grassroots. As Attorney General Bill Barr
said yesterday, the agitators are "far-left" and the violence appears to be planned.
rioters are doing the bidding of radical progressive ringleaders bent on destroying America. America is on
fire, at least many of the metro areas are. The death of George Floyd sparked protests in Minneapolis that turned into
riots. Those riots have spread to cities across this nation. Is this an organic outpouring of anger spontaneously
triggered by the killing of a Black man at the hands of a white police officer? No. That's just the cover.
In reality, this is a coordinated attack on America from within. [...] This is clearly a coordinated effort. Black
Lives Matter, the organization that's at the forefront of these initial protests, have been turned into rioting, looting
masses for the sake of promoting the destruction of the United States. Many if not most of them aren't even aware of
the agenda for which they are being utilized. They still believe this is about George Floyd, but their protests have
been commandeered by evil forces who are using the combination of lockdown frustration and racial anger to push for anarchy.
George Floyd,
Antifa, And Terrorism. The Trump administration says it's going to declare Antifa to be a terrorist
organization. Though overdue, it's a welcome development. But this doesn't mean those who aren't part of Antifa
should be free to get away with blocking the free movement of people, property destruction, and violence. They should
be prosecuted, too. While the country was waking up Sunday morning [5/31/2020] to see how much damage "protesters" had
racked up overnight, President Donald Trump tweeted that "the United States of America will be designating Antifa," which is
reportedly participating in the George Floyd riots, "as a terrorist organization." According to the FBI, which could help
itself by doing something productive rather than being involved in a coup to overthrow a legal presidential election,
domestic terrorism is defined by: "Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological
goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature."
Antifa is all that.
Monica Looter Admits He's Doing It 'for the Money,' Not George Floyd. Bill Melugin on Fox 11 Los Angeles was in
the middle of the riots in Santa Monica, Calif., on Sunday [5/31/2020], and got the opportunity to interview a looter who was
arrested. "Alright man, we saw you at the New Balance store, why are you out here?" Melugin asked. "Man, very
point-blank ... just trying to get some money ... simple explanation, that's it, just trying to get some dough, that's it,"
the looter replied. "Just out here for the money?" "Yeah, pretty much," the looter admitted. "Anything to do
with the protests, what happened in Minnesota?" "I mean, a little bit to do with that, too ... But not really, I'm out
here for the dough."
of bricks 'randomly' appear during protests in NYC, Kansas City, Dallas and North Carolina sparking theories they were
planted. Pallets of bricks have 'randomly' appeared during protests across the US this weekend, sparking
theories they were planted to stoke violence. Those taking part in demonstrations against police brutality and the
death of black man George Floyd have reported finding large stashes of the makeshift weapons on streets. Videos from
New York City, Kansas City, Dallas and Fayetteville in North Carolina all appear to show piles of bricks unattended in the
middle of protests. The footage has led to suggestions the slabs were either planted by police or by extremists to
overshadow peaceful protests over the death of Floyd, a black man who pleaded for air as white police officer Derek Chauvin
pressed a knee into his neck for almost nine minutes.
riots site unlikely to see economic growth for decades, history shows. In the aftermath of the Minneapolis
riots, the region now risks falling into a perpetual cycle of economic blight similar to comparable urban areas previously
scarred by urban mayhem. In the summer of 1967, violent riots erupted and lasted for five days in Detroit, between the
city's black residents and the local police department after law enforcement raided a bar on the city's Near West Side.
Detroit was still recovering from a previous race riot 24 years prior.
Bill de Blasio's daughter, Chiara, arrested at Manhattan protest. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's daughter
was arrested at a Manhattan protest on Saturday night, law enforcement sources told The [New York] Post on Sunday [5/31/2020].
Chiara de Blasio, 25, was taken into custody around 10:30 p.m. after cops declared an unlawful assembly at 12th Street and
Broadway in Lower Manhattan, the sources said. She had allegedly been blocking traffic on Broadway and was arrested after
refusing to move, the source said.
says Biden staffers are working to 'get the Anarchists out of jail'. President Trump on Monday commented on a
report that campaign staffers for Joe Biden donated to a Minnesota organization that is paying bail for protesters to say
they are helping to "get the Anarchists out of jail." [...] At least 13 members of the presumptive Democratic presidential
candidate's staff have donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes suspects from having to post cash bail to avoid
being locked up before trial, according to a report on Saturday.
Darkness Falls.
Savagery is spreading with lightning speed across the United States, with murderous assaults on police officers and civilians
and the ecstatic annihilation of businesses and symbols of the state. [...] This particular form of viral chaos was
inevitable, given the failure of Minneapolis's leaders to quell the city's growing mayhem. The violence began on
Tuesday, May 26, the day after the horrifying arrest and subsequent death of George Floyd. On the night of Thursday,
May 28, Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey ordered the city's Third Police Precinct evacuated as the forces of hatred, distinct
from legitimate forms of protest, descended upon it for a third day in a row. The building was promptly torched,
sending a powerful sign that society would not defend its most fundamental institutions of law and order. On Friday,
May 29, Minnesota governor Tim Walz explained his reluctance to mobilize the National Guard as an unwillingness to seem
Man Wearing A MAGA Hat Is Lynched By Black Lives Matter Rioters. Two men wearing President Donald Trump
campaign hats at a Black Lives Matter protest in Charleston on Saturday were cornered by protesters and punched by members of
the crowd. In the video above, you can see the young man being stalked and hunted as he takes the MAGA hat off and
back-peddles. The crowd closes in as one black man grabs hold of the hat. The crowd then pounces, throwing
punches, smothering the young man. His condition is unknown. The hat was set on fire. [Video clip]
Punk Gets AR-15 From Police Cruiser, Gets Disarmed By News Security. Dramatic video from a Saturday night
protest in downtown Seattle showed a news station's security guard disarming a masked ANTIFA protester carrying an AR-15
assault rifle and ripping the magazine from it. The weapon was stolen from a police cruiser. [Video clip]
BLM Protesters
Deface CNN HeadQuarters! This may be one of the most ironic riot videos of the week. Black Lives Matter
protesters in Atlanta surrounded CNN headquarters and defaced their giant logo before climbing on top of it. There is
perhaps no network that champions organizations like BLM and ANTIFA so it will be interesting to see how CNN reports their
favorite protest group turning on them. [Video clip]
Rice: We Are Here Because Trump Demonized Peaceful Protester Colin Kaepernick. Sunday [5/31/2020] on
CNN's "Situation Room," former Obama administration National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the violence during the
protests over the death of George Floyd was in part because President Donald Trump demonized peaceful protests, including
former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the National Anthem.
declared Antifa a terrorist organization, and Democrats are worried. On Sunday, President Trump took aim at
Antifa, which apparently has driven the violent side of the protests ripping through America's Democrat-run cities.
With full-throated support from Attorney General Barr, Trump is designating Antifa as a terrorist organization. This is
an extremely important announcement because Antifa is more than just a terrorist group. It is, in fact, the
paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party.
President Has the Constitutional Power to Restore Order. He Must Act. Law enforcement is a vital response
to any riotous uprising. Indeed, I believe the failure to enforce the laws without apology from the start of the
upheaval last week has fueled its ferocity. It would be naïve to claim that much of the violence, which is being
incited and coordinated by radical groups, might not have happened anyway — these groups are always on a
hair-trigger, pouncing on any opportunity to make mayhem. But how badly things get out of control has a lot to do with
the resolve of state and federal law enforcement. The laws do not enforce themselves.
Misquoting MLK to Legitimize
Violence. It was inevitable that George Floyd's death would spark protests against police brutality and that
mendacity would characterize the attendant media coverage. True to form, the press affected dismay when the
demonstrations devolved into violence, yet reported the riots with obvious approbation. The most obscene example of
this was the widespread use, in headlines and ledes, of an out-of-context Martin Luther King quote suggesting that the civil
rights leader would have condoned the mayhem. [...] This grotesque misrepresentation of Dr. King's views is only
possible by cynically cherry-picking eight words from a 1966 interview during which he repeatedly emphasized that violence
was counterproductive to the progress of the civil rights movement.
Ellison declares 'support for ANTIFA' as dad Keith Ellison takes over George Floyd case. Jeremiah Ellison, son
of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and a Minneapolis city council member, declared Sunday his support for antifa,
the secretive left-wing anarchist group accused of driving the violent protests sweeping the nation. "I hereby declare,
officially, my support for ANTIFA," tweeted Jeremiah Ellison. His tweet came shortly after President Trump said the
U.S. would designate antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.
The Editor says...
The children of politicians are immune to criticism, no matter how radical their ideas may be.
The Fog Is Lifted.
The fog of war. It's real. It's been hiding the truth that civil war has been upon us for years now. [...] Now
the hard left has opened up another front for us to fight. The leftists are trying to scare us with violence dressed up
as racial protest. They are using the horrible death of George Floyd to foment racial division. They want us to
believe that these are organic protests, when they are fomented by Antifa and paid for by George Soros. Oh, for sure,
there are common looters joining them, but this is the leftists' plan: foment violence so they can once again claim that
Trump is causing violence in America — and deal the race card as hard as they can. America, understand one
thing: this is a civil war, one that is upon us from the hard left. It is stoked by leftist leadership, stoked by
leftist media toadies, and unfortunately bought by too many of the Democrat Party voters. Do not be deceived: the war
has one end, and one end only: the removal of Donald Trump and his coalition and the ascendance of the hard left to power and dominance.
Current Chaos is not All About the Death of George Floyd. Do not, for one moment, make the mistake of believing
that the violence and vandalism we are seeing in recent riots area are about the horrific death of George Floyd at the hands
of Minneapolis police officers. [...] First, the obvious. The vandals who pillaged a Louis Vuitton store weren't
driven to do so because of their sense of moral indignation about Floyd's death. They were driven to do so because they
liked the idea of smashing a window to steal designer items more than the idea of working and saving to earn those expensive
items. But let's imagine for a moment that it actually was Floyd's death that drove them to the act. The owners
of the business had precisely nothing to do with Floyd's death, so even then, in what meaningful sense would this be
considered "justice"?
Being Left in Protest Cities That Has Many Wondering Who's Organizing Riots. In cities across the U.S. where
demonstrations over the death of George Floyd in police custody are taking place, mysterious pallets of bricks are reportedly
showing up in parking lots and on street corners, even in areas where there is no constructions take place. Social
media users are asking where they came from and who paid for them.
Burning City Protests, Barack Obama's New Army. The protests taking place in American cities as this article is
being written is not about the tragic and unnecessary death of George Floyd. It's about "the silver bullet" Vote by
Mail, brought to you by the same force that has been trying to deny the peoples' vote of Election 2016 and has now come up
with a new scam to guarantee the outcome of Election 2020. In July 2008 then Senator Barack Obama said he wanted "a
civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military". (Canada
Free Press, October 15, 2011) If you look at what's going on in burning American cities today, looks like America's
first Community Organizer president's got it!
Communist Spring
Sprouts in Minneapolis. This is the stuff of revolution. Don't let any of the promoters of Antifa try and
tell you that they do not support the riots in the cities across the US. They have supported these proponents of communism
for the past several years. Usually, these Antifa troopers, who are nothing other than the military wing of the
Democrat Party, served them well while countering all manner of conservative protests, especially anything having to do with
Donald Trump. That Antifa took their role seriously as revolutionaries and now fail to see why Democrat run cities
should be excepted on their list of targets is simply amusing. Antifa usually operates well in and near public
universities, but more so when school is on and they can organize on campus, which is their MO, but they have strident
supporters across the nation, nurtured by Democrat governors and mayors who sought to employ them as counter protesters to
conservative opposition to Democrat policies. Whenever the right came out against something, Antifa was there to
provide cover for these Democrat governors and mayors, but not when they smell the opportunity to advance their sole
objective of installing communism across the US.
Only an
intellectual could 'justify' these riots. George Orwell's timeless admonition, "Some ideas are so stupid that
only intellectuals believe them," has been given new life by the desperate efforts of pundits, scholars and Twitter
blue-checks to defend the violence, looting, disorder and general monstrousness that have overtaken America's cities.
The glorification of mob violence and petty criminality that was one of the disgraceful hallmarks of bien-pensant thinking
throughout the 20th century resonates through every tweet, every deep TV observation and every piece of writing that casts
the coast-to-coast destruction and anarchy in a positive light. A Northwestern University journalism professor named
Steven Thrasher took to Slate to offer this analysis: [...]
an insurrection, no longer just protests. The Republic is in the greatest peril since the Civil War. A
grand coalition of its enemies is taking advantage of the weakness and frustration created by the lockdown of the economy and
ordinary life, the protests triggered by video of lethal barbaric cruelty of a then-police officer, and the economic
desperation and frustration that has multiplied over a quarter century of de-industrialization and widening class divisions
as globalization has transformed our economy.
Molotov cocktail hurler is Ivy League-educated lawyer, community board member. An Ivy League-educated lawyer
and member of a Brooklyn community board was among those arrested for hurling a Molotov cocktail at a marked NYPD vehicle
amid George Floyd protests, it was revealed Sunday [5/31/2020]. Colinford Mattis, 32, was allegedly behind the wheel of
a tan minivan as his passenger, fellow attorney Urooj Rahman, allegedly hurled the incendiary at an empty NYPD vehicle
outside the 88th Precinct stationhouse in Fort Greene early Saturday. Mattis, a graduate of Princeton University and
the New York University School of Law, is an associate at corporate Manhattan firm Pryor Cashman. He was furloughed in
April amid the coronavirus crisis, his employer confirmed.
of Minnesota's attorney general: 'I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA'. The son of Minnesota
Attorney General Keith Ellison tweeted on Sunday that he is declaring his support for Antifa after President Trump said that
his administration would be declaring it a "Terrorist Organization." Jeremiah Ellison, who is a member of the Minneapolis
City Council, noted in the tweet that he believes "white power" terrorists are actually the ones engaging in the looting,
arson and other riot activities as violent sects hijack some of the protests against racial inequality and police brutality
in the wake of the death of George Floyd last Monday.
Least 4 Synagogues Were Vandalized By BLM/Antifa. The riots might also be the single biggest wave of
anti-Semitic hate crimes in 24 hours since the Crown Heights Pogrom in the nineties. [...] Both Black Lives Matter and Antifa
have clear anti-Semitic ideologies. The vandalism of multiple synagogues ought to be part of the discussion about their
climate of violence and hate.
Ease of Destruction.
Peaceful protests are absolutely appropriate. Our nation has real racial problems that run deep and need solving,
though any longterm solutions are going to be difficult, multi-tiered, and involve hard questions for everyone
involved. But that's not what these riots are about. They are about anarchy, and the most violent offenders
couldn't care less about George Floyd. Many are politically motivated antifa-style terrorists, emboldened by previous
spasms of destruction that not only went unchecked and unpunished but were actively praised by left-leaning media.
St. John's Church Across from White House Torched by Violent Leftists. Violent Leftists torched historic
St. John's Church across from the White House on Sunday night [5/31/2020]. St. John's was designed by noted
architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe to serve Episcopalians in the neighborhoods in the western end of Washington. The
cornerstone of St. John's was set on September 14, 1815. Beginning with James Madison, until the present, every
person who has held the office of President of the United States has attended a service at St. John's.
Leader Nancy Pelosi Attacks President Trump — Refuses to Condemn Leftist Looters and Rioters!
Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on ABC's This Week on Sunday to attack President Trump. Leftist protesters have looted and
burned hundreds of businesses and government buildings across America the past three days. Pelosi attacked President
Trump for "fanning the flames" this weekend during this weekend of violence.
Writer For ESPN Encourages Terrorists to "Burn Down" Low-Income Housing Unit. ESPN writer Chris Palmer
encouraged arsonists and terrorists to burn down a 189-unit low-income housing development in Minneapolis. [...] The tweet
has been deleted, however the internet is forever. Oddly, the left-wing writer for ESPN had a change of heart as soon
as the rioters reached the gates of his building.
Service agents wounded outside White House, car bombs feared. Numerous Secret Service agents were injured,
fires set by rioters blazed near the White House and authorities were searching for car bombs late Sunday as protests over
the death of George Floyd continued to roil the capital just two days after President Trump had to be taken to a bunker for
his safety. A senior official in the direct chain of command for defending Washington D.C. told Fox News of the
injuries to Secret Service agents, some of whom were hurt by rioters throwing bottles and Molotov cocktails in Lafayette
Park, just across from the presidential residence. The official initially put the number of agents injured at over 50,
but that may have referred to the weekend toll; the Secret Service has since said the number injured on Sunday was 14.
to blame for rioting, Trump administration says; Dems see white supremacists at work. The Trump administration
blamed on Saturday far-left groups using antifa tactics for fomenting the violent protests upending Minneapolis and other
major cities, even as Minnesota Democrats say they're looking at white supremacists and far-right extremists. Attorney
General William Barr said that the "voices of peaceful protests are being hijacked by violent radical elements," and warned
that it was a federal crime to cross state lines to incite or participate in rioting. "Groups of outside radicals and
agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda," said Mr. Barr. "In many
places, it appears violence is planned, organized and being driven by anarchic and far-left extremist groups using
antifa-like tactics, many of whom traveled from outside the state to promote the violence."
Memorial and World War II Memorial Vandalized by Rioting Leftist Protesters. The Lincoln Memorial and World War
II Memorial were vandalized Saturday night by rioting protesters who spray-painted messages in large letters in the
memorials. The Park Service posted picture of three vandalized memorials, the third being an unnamed military
equestrian memorial. The Lincoln Memorial was tagged at the front entrance to the steps with "Y'all not tired yet?" The
WWII Memorial fountain base was tagged with, "Do black vets count?" The military statue had a profane anti-police message.
Chiara de Blasio, NYC Mayor's Daughter, Arrested at Riot. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's (D) daughter,
Chiara de Blasio, was arrested Saturday evening at a protest hotspot that had descended into rioting, the New York
Post reports. The 25-year-old De Blasio was taken into custody after 10:00 after police declared an unlawful
assembly between 12th Street and Broadway in Manhattan.
was like watching a rerun of Baltimore 2014. Let's see if you remember this story: the policeman is
accused of killing someone, the incidents sparks so-called protests, the mayor cracks and lets the demonstrators get it out
of their system, property and businesses burn down, and then the city is never the same. That was Baltimore 2014.
It sure felt as though I was watching a documentary of that story six years ago. Why are so many of our cities run by
such weak and incompetent leaders? [...] It does not matter who set the fires. The real issue is that the local
leadership let them do it. No one stood up to them, and that's how the mayor and the governor failed their
extremists are among those fomenting violence in Twin Cities. Gov. Tim Walz said state officials estimated
that 80 percent of the people involved in the violence and destruction were from outside the state. But according to an
analysis of Hennepin County jail records, 83 percent of people who were booked in connection with the protests over a 24-hour
stretch starting Friday were from Minnesota, and 56 percent were from Minneapolis or St. Paul. Walz said that
what began as peaceful demonstrations in response to the killing of George Floyd in police custody on May 25 have turned into
something else. "The situation in Minneapolis is no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd," Walz said at a
morning news conference. "It is about attacking civil society, instilling fear, and disrupting our great cities."
Floyd fallout in Chicago: Downtown locked down, unrest spreads to South, West sides and some suburbs. As
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot called in the Illinois National Guard to prevent a second night of downtown violence and
looting, the chaos spilled into some city neighborhoods and continued to overshadow the urgent message conveyed during
peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. [...] In Little Village, hammer-wielding
looters smashed their way into Fresh Kicks shoe store an hour after it opened and stole merchandise as terrified employees
hid. The police arrived about 10 minutes later, but it was unclear if they took anyone into custody, store manager
Lack Chong said.
General Barr: Antifa Rioters Will Be Treated as Domestic Terrorists. Following President Trump's
statement the federal government would be designating Antifa as a domestic terrorist group, Attorney General William Barr
issued a statement Sunday afternoon saying that Antifa and other groups participating in the rioting marring the George Floyd
protests would be treated as domestic terrorists. Barr also said with regard to lax state and local governments, "It is
time to stop watching the violence and to confront and stop it."
lawyers hit with federal charges for throwing Molotov cocktail at NYPD car. A pair of Brooklyn lawyers are
facing federal charges for throwing a Molotov cocktail into a New York Police Department cruiser during riots following the
death of George Floyd in police custody. Colinford Mattis, 32, a Princeton graduate and member of a New York community
board, and Urooj Rahman, 31, a lawyer and Fordham alumnus who recently lost her job, were arrested and charged with
attempting to damage or destroy law-enforcement vehicles on Saturday after a surveillance camera recorded the incident.
"Molotov Cocktails are violent tools of individuals looking to inflict harm and damage our city. Crimes like these are
devastating to their targets and also to the protestors and their right to free speech that police are working hard to
protect," NYPD Commissioner Dermot F. Shea said in a Department of Justice press release. "I'm confident that the
severest penalties under the law will be sought."
Night We Saw Why Americans Own 16+ Million AR-15s. As televisions and computers showed a fourth day of
protesters turned rioters Saturday, looting and destroying property, it was readily apparent why Americans own 16+ million
AR-15s. When Robert 'Beto' O'Rourke was still vying for the Democrat nomination — and pledging to come
take away your AR-15 — Breitbart News spoke with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) about what a
Herculean task that would be. After all, the AR-15 is the most popular rifle platform in America. NSSF shared
their calculations with Breitbart, showing an estimated 16+ million privately owned AR-15s in the U.S. You cannot be
blamed if you thought the number was closer to 250 or 300. Moreover, you cannot be blamed if you thought the 300 AR-15 owners
were toothless, old, white, racists living on some isolated, off-the-grid piece of property deep in the heart of the South.
Minneapolis Disaster has Democrat Fingerprints All Over It. [Scroll down] Despite these false claims by
Democrat politicians, the riots were and are purely a Democrat product. The Democrats chose to support Black Lives
Matter and to coddle Antifa. Minnesota's Attorney General Keith Ellison had previously posed with a copy of
Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, touting it as "the book that strike fear in the heart of" Trump. Now Ellison
has been tweeting conspiracy theories that blame the riots on "white supremecists". But, the only white supremacists on the
scene are Democrats. Minneapolis' last Republican mayor stepped down in 1974. While his city burned, Mayor Jacob Frey,
a Biden supporter, attacked President Trump, whining, "weakness is refusing to take responsibility for your own actions,
weakness is pointing your finger at someone else in a time of crisis." That's exactly what Frey and the Democrats have
been doing in the face of the riots. Frey, a former community organizer, had repeatedly tweeted support for the Black
Lives Matter racist hate group that is carrying out much of the violence. Instead of taking responsibility, Frey is
blaming President Trump.
Floyd protesters loot several NYC stores, clash with cops. Protests in New York City over the death of George
Floyd on Sunday night [5/31/2020] descended into chaos as small factions of demonstrators looted several high-end Manhattan
stores. Stores across the borough — including Chanel in Soho and Coach in Midtown — were targeted
by unruly protesters in the fourth night of demonstrations over the death of Floyd, a black man who died in police custody
last week in Minneapolis. A group of roughly a dozen people were seen busting into the Chanel at Spring and Wooster
streets shortly after 11 p.m. One man was spotted by a [New York] Post reporter making off with four bags.
Police Assaulted By Crazed MOB In Chicago. Three Chicago police officers were descended upon by rioters during
a scuffle as the mob kicked and assaulted them with signs and fists. It took one decent protester to stand between them
and the lunatics. Police have arrested nearly 1,400 people in 17 U.S. cities as protests continue over the death of
George Floyd. [Video clip]
staff is funding rioters as the cities burn. Joe Biden has said nothing, insofar as we know, against the riots
destroying businesses owned by black people or burning down housing projects where minorities live. We wondered if it
wasn't a political calculation. Now we know it is. Biden's staff is donating to bail for rioters. That is
not simply condoning, it's promoting and backing the riots. Cities are burning and Biden's staff are funding it.
That is the truth.
staff donate to group that pays bail in riot-torn Minneapolis. Campaign staff for Democratic presidential
candidate Joe Biden are advertising their donations to a group that pays bail fees in Minneapolis after the city's police
jailed people protesting the killing of a black man by a white police officer.
White ANTIFA Members Busted In The Suburbs Changing License Plates. These two white privileged ANTIFA members
with their VERY expensive12 cylinder Mercedes were busted by this guy changing a Seattle. plater with a Minnesota
plate. This of course is illegal so if you know these two clowns, repost them to the authorities.
[Video clip]
Fight Each Other, Pull Guns, Start Blasting, Many Shot In Indianapolis. The rioters just lost the plot and
decided to beat on each other. When things got too heated, guns were pulled and several rounds fired. Indie was
one of the most violent cities of rioting. Three people were killed and two others were injured as police worked
multiple shootings Saturday night [5/30/2020] and early Sunday morning in the city of Indianapolis.
[Video clip]
Member Busted Paying Others To Cause Chaos! A man is filmed paying others to protest in Columbus, OH outside
Hai Poke restaurant. He is heard telling the men he just paid 'this is your team right here.' More and more
reports from cities around America are claiming many protesters arrested are bused in from outside states.
[Video clip]
Business owner Pulls Up To His Business Being Looted, Pulls Out Shotgun, STARTS BLASTING!. A Rochester, New
York store owner pulled up to his business on Saturday and saw it being surrounded by looters, so he did something about
it. The man jumped out of his car, grabbed his gun, and bravely dashed towards his store while firing. The
looters scattered like cockroaches as the man approached the building, Terminator style. [Video clip]
This should have been done at least two years ago: Trump
says he will designate Antifa a terrorist organization as GOP points fingers at extremists. President Donald
Trump said Sunday [5/31/2020] that he will designate antifa as a terrorist organization after Democratic and Republican
officials pointed to extremist groups and out of town demonstrators as responsible for violent episodes at protests in major
cities across the country.
says he will designate Antifa as a terrorist organization. President Trump said on Sunday [5/31/2020] the
government will designate Antifa — the far-left extremist group his administration says is carrying out violence
during the nationwide George Floyd protests — as a "terrorist" organization. "The United States of America
will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization," the president said on Twitter. The designation could put
Antifa — short for anti-fascist — under the domestic terror label laid out in the 2001 USA Patriot Act,
which allows federal law enforcement agencies to target the entire organization.
League Graduate Corporate Attorney And Another Lawyer Reportedly Charged For Throwing Molotov At NYPD During
Riots. A corporate attorney who graduated from an Ivy League school along with another attorney are facing
federal charges after throwing a Molotov cocktail at an NYPD vehicle Saturday [5/30/2020] during protests over the death of
George Floyd that turned violent, the New York Daily News reported. Colinford Mattis, 32, and Urooj Rahman, 31, were
charged in the attempted attack on an empty police vehicle parked outside a police station in Fort Greene, according to the
Daily News. Mattis is a Princeton University and New York University law school graduate and an associate with Times
Square corporate law firm Pryor Cashman, the Daily News reported.
Shader Sisters: Two Women Arrested After Molotov Cocktail Is Thrown Into Van With Four Officers. Two
sisters have been arrested after a Molotov cocktail was thrown into a NYPD van with four officers inside. Samantha
Shader, 27, of Catskill, NY, is charged with throwing the incendiary device, which did not explode. Her sister, Darian,
21, (left) then allegedly tried to stop the arrest of Samantha Shader. The police have hit Samantha Shader with a slew
of major charges including attempted murder of a police officer, attempted arson, assault on a police officer, criminal
possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment. Her sister faces charges of resisting arrest and obstruction of
governmental administration.
against rioting and terrorism must be enforced against Antifa and other violent radicals. Attorney General
William Barr issued a statement Saturday decrying the rioters who have violently hijacked peaceful protests over the killing
of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. The attorney general made explicit reference to "groups of outside radicals and
agitators" who are pursuing a "separate and violent agenda." Barr added: "In many places, it appears the violence is
planned, organized and driven by anarchist and far left extremists, using Antifa-like tactics, many of whom travel from out
of state to promote the violence." The mention of Antifa is significant. It is a loosely-knit, interstate movement
whose objective is to wage a terrorist war against the United States, using violence against the government and our civilian
is recruiting, moving and paying the professional anarcho-rioters? [Scroll down] Is it really the
citizens of Minneapolis who have set the city on fire, burning down small businesses as well as the police precinct building,
libraries, etc.? Who are those masked men in black with secret-service quality ear-pieces, military grade gas masks and
backpacks full of Molotov cocktails? They are very likely professional rioters, recruited, transported and paid by the
likes of some George Soros front group or other anonymous Cloward-Piven devotees who share Soros' hatred of America and want
to see this nation bought to its knees. [...] These are not protests. What we are seeing is mass thievery under color
of protest. Chances are if the looters in Los Angeles were asked "who was George Floyd," they would not have a clue nor
would they care. Democrat-run cities have long valued "social justice" (different standards for different groups) and
identity politics over lawfulness and basic values. This is what you get when deviancy has been defined down so
egregiously that we have citizens behaving like animals.
Riots Began With Obama's Embrace of Occupy Wall Street. Politico declared Friday that President Donald Trump
faced "a culture war of his own making" in the riots following George Floyd's death. There is no doubt that Trump has
fought back in that culture war — but he did not start it. The chaos currently running amok on America's
streets began with President Barack Obama's embrace of the Occupy Wall Street movement in the fall of 2011, shared by
then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other Democrats.
of Minnesota Governor Walz and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeting support and helpful advice to rioters. The
acorn, as the saying goes, does not fall far from the tree. Daughters of two of riot-torn Minnesota's highest profile
office holders have been on Twitter offering encouragement and support to the forces rampaging there. Yaacov Apelbaum
did screen grabs of tweets from Hope Walz, daughter of Democrat Governor Tim Walz, whose fecklessness allowed rioters to
dominate law enforcement forces for days before finally calling up what appears to be adequate National Guard support.
Hope Walz has subsequently "protected" her Twitter feed, so you and I cannot see it. But here are the tweets grabbed by
Yaacov, showing her telling rioters on May 28 not to worry about the National Guard showing up because "it takes time"
for them to "come from all over the state" so, "the national guard [sic] will not be present tonight.
are the protesters? [Scroll down] Some evidence leads to suggest that protesters were coming to the
demonstrations from outside the urban centers that have been the epicenter of the demonstrations. For example:
• In New York City, one of two sisters from upstate New York was accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail
through the back window of a police van in Brooklyn, a law enforcement official said. • In Detroit, 37
of the 60 people who were arrested in overnight protests did not live in the city, and many came from nearby suburbs, police
Chief James Craig said Saturday. Although Detroit is about 80% black, many of those arrested were white.
Protester Claims That A Pallet Of Bricks Was Staged In Downtown Dallas For The Rioters. Dallas Police Chief
Renee Hall found herself in the midst of a 'hail' of bricks as the protest continued Friday night. [...] But today
[5/30/2020] a video from downtown Dallas surfaced where a black protester took footage of pallet of bricks and said that it
was all just a big set-up and that there is no construction site near the bricks. [...] Every election year, it seems like
the media drums up some police killing a black guy event.
terrorists attack. Police officers dragged through the street in Chicago. [Video clip]
Multiple police cars have been set on fire by rioters in Philadelphia. [Video clip]
How Racist Antifa Thugs Are Skewing Media Narrative Against Minneapolis Protesters. Many Americans seem to be
under the impression that the violent demonstrations are being mostly carried out by black residents of Minneapolis.
Indeed, several of the videos showing the looting and mayhem display black individuals engaging in this destructive
behavior. However, what many of these reports and videos fail to mention is the fact that most of these people have
traveled to Minneapolis from other cities to participate in the looting. The city's police chief confirmed as much
during a recent press conference. But there is another more insidious element to this equation. Other videos
clearly show that white agitators, many of whom belong to the far-left anarchist organization known as Antifa, have shown up
to incite and perpetuate violence and pandemonium. Civil rights attorney Rogan O' Handley tweeted a video and noted
that "white leftists are now openly destroying impoverished black communities."
is a Result of Democrat Governance. The outrage we are seeing manifested over the past few days, is focused on
the wrong target(s). We are getting wall to wall coverage of the aftermath of the in-custody death of George Floyd.
Riots in major cities, property damage and even a few deaths are just part of that aftermath. Innocent people are being
harmed, while at the same time, some are attempting to affix cause and blame for Mr. Floyd's death on the wrong
parties. As usual, using admittedly disturbing video, there are some who in a rush to judgement and to take advantage
of this terrible tragedy for their own political ends, cannot seem to wait for the facts to come out. Instead, they
instigate violence and property damage and actually harm the very folks they purport to care about. Also as usual, the
more time that passes, the more information comes out that increases our knowledge and subsequently alters our perception of
exactly what happened. Two critical pieces of such information have just come to light.
Shares 'Protesting Safely' Guidelines, Warns of 'White Supremacist' Infiltration. Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) shared an infographic on Saturday [5/30/2020] via Instagram with guidance for protesters, which she
entitled "PROTESTING SAFELY," including a warning of "white supremacists" who "may be infiltrating these protests." Her
recommendation came during ongoing demonstrations, protests, and riots in several cities following the death of George Floyd
in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Despite encouraging and supporting unrest, Ocasio-Cortez simultaneously advises her Twitter
followers to avoid "public places" due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Lashes Out at President Trump, Encourages Rioting and Looting by Left Wing Terrorists, 'Necessary For Real
Change'. Former CIA Director and Spygate architect John Brennan lashed out at President Trump Sunday morning
[5/31/2020] amid nationwide looting and rioting by far-left radical terrorists. Brennan also approved of the nationwide
looting and rioting by left-wing terrorists such as ANTIFA, asserting that it's 'necessary for real change.' Violent
protests have spread across the nation since a Minneapolis police officer killed a black man named George Floyd on
Monday. Black Lives Matter thugs and Antifa terrorists are using the death of George Floyd as an excuse to destroy
businesses and raze buildings to the ground.
Working Overtime to Frame the Narrative on George Floyd Riots. In 1989, District of Columbia Mayor Marion
Barry, Jr. insisted that his city was basically crime-free except for all the murder. "Except for the killings,
Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country," he told a luncheon audience at the National Press Club.
On May 28, MSNBC reporter Ali Velshi said something just as mind-bogglingly absurd. As violent riots erupted in
sections of Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd, Velshi insisted that the protests were basically peaceful. "I
wanna be clear on how I characterize this," Velshi said, as buildings literally burned to the ground in the background of the
broadcast. "This is mostly a protest. It is not, it is not, generally speaking, unruly." It's interesting to
watch Velshi struggle to find the words to shape the narrative he's trying so desperately to tell: that the violence and
upheaval unfolding around him aren't really happening. That the burning buildings are somehow not indicative of what is
really taking place on the ground. That the whole scene is really just a peaceful protest, so please don't misinterpret
the fires, the destruction and evacuation of Minneapolis's 3rd police precinct, the vandalism of police vehicles, and the
looting of the Target and arson of the AutoZone as "unruly."
and Riots Compared to Fourth of July Celebrations by Oklahoma Professor. John Adams said, "This day should be
celebrated with bonfires and fireworks." He was referencing the passage of Richard Henry Lee's resolution of independence by
the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776, but Americans soon applied his wishes to the adoption of the Declaration of
Independence on July 4, 1776, in which 13 British colonies jointly declared that they were seceding from the British
Empire. I have found no record that Adams urged Americans to celebrate looting or the wanton destruction of private
property on every 4th of July, while eating hot dogs and listening to patriotic music. Yet, James Davenport, a
government instructor at Rose State College in Midwest City (suburb of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) posted on Facebook late
Friday night while cities across America were enduring violent protests and property destruction, "I find it amusing that the
very same people who will be spending July 4th celebrating a violent protest in which people stole and destroyed the property
of others are up in arms that others today would follow that example."
Down on Misfits' Crime Sprees and Big Tech. Much of the looting — as far as I could tell from the
online videos shot in Minneapolis — has been from neighborhood black thugs, but not all of it by any means:
The riots that accompanied the looting there and elsewhere significantly involve white men and women with a decided stoner
look about them. Reports are that many of these rioters are, in fact, being bussed in from elsewhere. [...] Sure, black
lives matter. So do all lives. Like so many once-valued institutions and causes, it has been corrupted and is now
a part of the very obvious effort to sow misery and discord throughout the land in the belief that when people become
impoverished and distraught enough, the left will win. Why now, just as Americans are leaving the dispiriting and
costly lockdowns? These riots, per observers on the ground, seem to have been well planned in advance, the organizers
waiting for any spark to whistleblow the misfits into action.
Down. [Scroll down] "The most shocking thing to me when I was on the ground is realizing just how quickly
the emphasis of justice for George Floyd was lost," observed a reporter for The Daily Caller. "As the evening wore on
into the early morning hours, the original crowd of people that was there holding protest signs, doing chants, quickly
deteriorated." Cars sped around wildly, knowing the police wouldn't respond. People drank alcohol and smoked
marijuana in the streets. Then the rioters began looting and burning buildings, starting in south Minneapolis but
quickly moving to the more-upscale Uptown neighborhood. Rows of businesses and shops on Uptown's Lake Street were
looted and torched. Emergency call logs recorded dozens of "fire events," and responders were attacked with rocks and
other projectiles.
Campaign Staff Donates to Organization That Bails Out Rioters Arrested in Minneapolis. Campaign staff for
Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden are bragging about their recent donations to a far-left organization that bails
out rioters arrested in Minneapolis. Reuters reported that 13 members of the Biden campaign recently posted on Twitter
about their donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a group that uses such donations to pay bail fees of rioters arrested in
violent protests. A Biden campaign spokesman declined to answer whether the donations to the Antifa-aligned group were
officially coordinated with the Biden campaign.
Antifa's white privilege. There is no right
to burn down your neighborhood, but it's always an option. Freedom means choice, and real freedom must include the
choice of self-destruction — but not destroying someone else's neighborhood. Especially not when the
neighborhood is mostly black and poor. That is what the privileged whites of antifa are doing by instigating disorder
and destruction in Minneapolis's 3rd district and elsewhere. 'Every single person we arrested last night, I'm told, was from
out of state,' says Melvin Carter, Mayor of St Paul. Cost-free kicks at black people's expense: the
height of white privilege.
Is Easy: Don't Excuse, Defend, or Encourage Rioters. Decade after decade, generation after generation,
progressives keep making the same, elemental mistake: They downplay, excuse, and in extreme cases even encourage urban
rioters. We've been down this road before, and it's a straight stretch of highway with no twists whatsoever. It
would take a moral moron to get lost on it, and yet somehow progressives keep managing to do so. This isn't hard.
The people of Minneapolis are right to be angry about the savage death of George Floyd, but rioting will not bring him back
or honor his memory, and the riots will make everything even worse.
Mayor Moron Destroys
America's Major Cities. There is a validated playbook for dealing with riots. It is a tale of two riots
in the awful summer of widespread racial unrest, 1967. [...] [Eugene] Methvin compared two July 1967 riots: In Toledo,
rioters began smashing things, throwing rocks at police cruisers. The authorities resounded instantly and decisively,
arresting the thugs, with order restored within 36 hours. No one died. Not so in Detroit, where the authorities
decided to allow rioters to let off steam. Five days of violence followed, with more than 40 fatalities and more than
one thousand injured. Property damage was estimated at over $40 million, in 2020 dollars, roughly $300 million.
It was the worst rioting in America since the 1863 New York City draft riots, not to be exceeded in scale until the 1992
Rodney King riots. And there is a lasting loss for failing to do so. South Central LA never recovered from the
double blow of the 1965 Watts and 1992 conflagrations.
riots, looting prompt curfews, calls for National Guard in cities, states across US. Damage to police vehicles
and assaults against law enforcement officers Saturday night prompted San Francisco Mayor London Breed to call for an
immediate curfew until 5 a.m. local time — and to request that California National Guard personnel be placed on
standby. "What we are seeing tonight — the violence, the vandalism and the crimes being committed in our
city, not against property but against other people — that is something that we will not tolerate," Breed said,
according to FOX 2 of the Bay Area.
Antifa Is Just Occupy Wall Street
Rebranded. Here's How I Know. [Scroll down] OWS was never really a grassroots movement. They
were professionally organized and sponsored and then a few nice genuine protesters joined them here and there along the
way. That's all it ever was. So it doesn't surprise me in the least to see that many of the protesters causing
mayhem in Minneapolis are actually from out of state. It doesn't surprise me that many of them are white (anarchist
groups tend to skew white and wealthy) and it doesn't surprise me that there are two types of protesters in the George Floyd
riots — peaceful marchers and destructive morons. I know from my extensive experience since that time that,
as crazy as it sounds, there is an element in this nation that longs for anarchy. Piggybacking on racial tensions and
stoking the fires of unrest is literally their business model. Antifa is the latest group of professional anarchists
but they are nothing more than OWS rebranded.
Firefighter Spent His Life's Savings to Open a Sports Bar, Minneapolis Rioters Burnt It to the Ground. One of
the things that Killer Mike spoke of during his passionate speech about people rioting, looting and destroying businesses in
Atlanta was that rioters were destroying black businesses right along with everything else in the neighborhood. We saw
that in Minneapolis as well, where over 170 businesses were burnt or damaged. What good does it do to burn down the
Wendy's, to burn down new low income housing, to burn down the needed check cashing place? Yet all of that went.
And what business would ever dare to set up there again, knowing what had happened.
[MSNBC] Reporter Claims 'Protests' 'Entirely Peaceful,' He Gets Proven Wrong Live on Air. As we have previously
reported, MSNBC has been consciously trying to avoid calling the riots over the death of George Floyd "riots." They've
used all kinds of other terms. As rioters were setting a fire right behind Ali Velshi, he claimed they were "mostly
protests," not generally speaking "unruly."
Omar and Her Daughter Encourage Chaos and Mayhem in the Minnesota Streets. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and her
daughter are pushing for the chaos and mayhem in the streets of Minneapolis, Minn. that has turned the streets into a
Somali-style war zone. Omar has written tweets expressing sympathy for the terrorists in the streets burning down their
city due to supposed concerns about police brutality.
The Editor says...
Of course Omar's daughter is immune to criticism.
a black voter and you have lost me if you don't stand up to these criminals. American civil rights attorney Leo
Terrell called out Democrats who have not stepped up to publicly condemn crime in the wake of protests against the death of
George Floyd. The radio talk show host told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Friday [5/29/2020] that so-called protesters are
using the death of the Minneapolis man this week while under police custody as an excuse to go on crime sprees in American
cities. And Democrats, fearful of losing the black vote in November, are staying silent.
Gov. of Minnesota says George Floyd protests are being manipulated by 'domestic terrorists' and international forces trying
to destabilize the nation. President Donald Trump has blamed antifa and the 'radical left' as protests over the
death of George Floyd devolved into violence nationwide, after the governor of Minnesota suggested that foreign influences,
white supremacists and drug cartels are the fueling chaos. 'It's ANTIFA and the Radical Left. Don't lay the blame on
others!' Trump said in a tweet on Saturday [5/30/2020], referring to the militant far-left movement, short for
'anti-fascist', that is known for violence. On Friday night, widespread looting and arson continued in Minneapolis and
nearby St. Paul, in defiance of curfews there, and protests spilled into violence in 30 cities, as a federal agent
in California and a protester in Detroit were shot dead.
Protesting Works. Rioting Doesn't. [Scroll down] The
evidence seems clear: Nonviolent protests serve to unite people and build sympathy, while riots fuel division and distrust by destroying
the economy, endangering people's lives, and empowering authoritarian, law-and-order political forces. (In the current COVID-19 environment,
rioting presents a particular danger.) Yet there seems to be a tendency among some who are sympathetic to the cause —
accountability for the actions that killed George Floyd — to downplay the cost of the riots or even to romanticize them.
military police ready to deploy to quell riots in Minneapolis: Report. The Pentagon has ordered the Army
to be ready to deploy active-duty military police units to deploy to Minneapolis as violent protests rock the city in the
wake of the police killing of George Floyd. Citing three people with knowledge of the orders, the Associated Press
reported early Saturday morning that soldiers from Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort Drum in New York were directed to be
prepared for deployment within a four-hour time frame if they are called. Troops at Colorado's Fort Carson and Fort
Riley in Kansas were reportedly told to be prepared within 24 hours.
abounds over Trump's use of word 'thugs' to describe Minn looters. But, Obama used it too. As rioters
loot and burn portions of Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, some Americans believe it's more important to
check President Donald Trump's speech and choice of words to describe those who are committing criminal acts of
destruction. Earlier Friday [5/29/2020], the president took to Twitter decry the violence and the lawlessness,
describing the perpetrators as "thugs." "These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that
happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty
and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!" Trump wrote in a tweet that
the social media platform would go on to censor. [...] But of course, Trump isn't the first American president to use the
term. His predecessor, the always-race-conscious President Barack Obama, used "thugs" to describe rioters and looters
in Baltimore, some of whom were black.
Origins of Antifa.
Briefly, what is Antifa and why should anyone care about it?
Police Officer Is Removed From Duty After Defending Partner From Assault. The chaos across the country in many
of America's largest, Democrat run cities continues. What started as protests to justifiably speak out against the
killing of George Floyd have turned into anarchist riots, stoked by groups like Antifa, Black Bloc, and Black Lives
Matter. This had led to some heated moments caught on video, including a Fox News camera crew getting mobbed.
Another moment happened last night, where a police officer was assaulted and his partner came to his defense.
Protester Killed, Dragged by FedEx Truck in Downtown St. Louis after Mob Shuts Down Highway and Attack His
Truck. On Thursday night far left protesters attempted to loot a moving UPS truck during their violent protests
and rioting in Minneapolis. [...] On Friday night far left protesters in downtown St. Louis shut down Highway 70
heading into St. Louis City and then rushed on the highway to frighten drivers. One semi truck driver attempted
an escape from the violent mob and ended up dragging a protester who was caught between his two trailers. The FedEx
driver could not see him.
Protesters are 'organized groups' that 'have nothing to do with George Floyd'. President Trump alleged that the
protesters that have taken to the streets in dozens of cities across the country are "organized groups" and have no
connection to those mourning the death of George Floyd. Protests have raged across the country for the last four nights
in response to the death of Floyd, a black man who died in police custody on Monday. "These are 'Organized Groups' that
have nothing to do with George Floyd," Trump tweeted Saturday morning. "Sad!"
The Rioting Seems Coordinated. So who is actually behind the violence and devastation? Laura Logan has
been investigating. [Video clip]
'I've Had
to Paint 'Black Owned Business' on My Minneapolis Bar During the Riots'. I acquired Palmer's Bar a couple of
years ago. I just celebrated my two-year anniversary as owner, but we've been closed since March because of the
COVID-19 pandemic. I woke up and had a good cry that morning. The bar is still shut down, it's a very weird
time. And then these riots started a few nights ago, it's heartbreaking. George Floyd was a bouncer at a bar not
far from here. I didn't know him, but I know people that did know him and worked with him over the years.
Everyone's hurting. We all saw that video and had the same reaction. It was heartbreaking. But now with the
riots and the looting — though I don't often discuss race or get political — I felt I had to write a
"Black Owned Business" sign on Palmer's Bar.
firefighter 'devastated' after rioters destroy bar he spent life savings to build. Minneapolis firefighter
Korboi "KB" Balla says his dream was always to open a sports bar, something he almost achieved after "countless hours"
working on the project. His initial open date in March had to be pushed back because of the coronavirus pandemic.
He was ready to finally open his doors in June, but that plan came to a crashing halt when rioters destroyed his business on
Wednesday [5/27/2020]. "I don't know what I'm going to do," a teary-eyed Balla told a CBS affiliate. The outlet
reported that Balla invested his life savings into opening the bar which looters infiltrated as cameras were rolling.
"We've been working so hard for this place. This is not just for me. This is for my family," Balla says on the video.
riots are not about the police. The conclusion here for our purposes is that the mayhem in Minneapolis and its
rapid spread throughout the country has little to do with police brutality. The police have always been brutal and in
fact are less brutal and corrupt and racist today than ever before. At the same time, most black Americans today have
homes and mortgages; many have cushy government jobs; many have businesses; and overall they and their children are invested
in "the system" in a way that would have been almost unimaginable when Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed. [...] I would
venture to say that in simple manpower terms, large-scale mayhem (of the sort that causes police to abandon their stations to
arsonists) in most American cities is now impossible on strictly "racial" grounds, without participation from the "Antifa"
crowd and various other opportunists and adventurers, flash-mobbers, posers, hangers-on, and random selfie-takers with
nothing better to do. It is simply no longer a minority phenomenon.
Burning: A Leadership Vacuum Leaves the Activists Fully In Charge. Minnesota's still burning, and it is
no surprise. Yesterday at around 5:00 CT, I gazed and listened in wonder at what can only be described as the single
least effective law enforcement press conference ever to appear on national television. Here's what I posted on
Facebook as the presser concluded: ["]I don't know if any of y'all are watching this press conference in
Minneapolis right now, but these FBI/Minnesota law enforcement people are only making this situation worse. There will
definitely be more rioting in that city tonight. This is the least effective law enforcement presser I have ever
America's last
mile. [Scroll down] And then we watch the expected rage and violence and the mad glee of looters, then
the ritual burning of the American flag for the camera. Now white people in Minneapolis are joining in the mayhem, too;
why not? Everybody's doing it, and the cops are racists! The public has been groomed since the late '60s to
accept this narrative. The authorities will stand down, the folks will be allowed to get it out of their system, and
ineffectual but well meaning leaders will plead for peace. The looters will get lots of free TVs. Ten years
later, the street will be a burnt out empty scar on the city. Not mentioned in the narrative is who runs these cities,
or who is paying for the outsiders to come in and fan the flames, or even the leaders like Michelle Obama, who famously
called black voters "our folks." Does that ethnic voting bloc, should that bloc, even exist?
Third Precinct police station set on fire after rioters break in. The Third Precinct police station in
Minneapolis was set ablaze Thursday night as violent protests continued in the city — and other cities across the
U.S. — following Monday's death of George Floyd, a black man who died while in police custody. In response,
more than 500 members of the National Guard were heading to the Twin Cities region, called in by Gov. Tim Walz, the Star
Tribune of Minneapolis reported. Rioters broke into the precinct around 10 p.m. local time, after police on the rooftop
previously tried to disperse a gathering crowd using "flash bang" shots and tear gas, according to reports.
That Refused To Close During Lockdown Gets Burned Down, Investigated As Arson. A Mississippi church in the
midst of a legal battle to stay open despite local shutdown orders was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning.
According to first responders, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized and suffered a large explosion to
the back of the church. The incident is being investigated as a criminal act of arson. "I Bet you stay home now
you hypokrits," read one message spray painted on the church parking lot, Thomas More Society senior counsel and lawyer for
the church Stephen Crampton told Fox News on Thursday [5/21/2020]. "First Pentacostal Church Holly Springs. Arson
is Suspected," reported Tom Dees of FOX 13 Memphis. "Investigators say the church was spray painted with graffiti
and set on fire. There was a major explosion in the back of the church that blew out the front."
Not Your Imagination: The Journalists Writing About Antifa Are Often Their Cheerleaders. On February 1,
2017, Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to give a talk about free speech at the University of California, Berkeley. But
he was prevented from speaking by a group of 150 or so masked, black-clad members of a then-obscure movement calling itself
"Antifa." The protestors caused $100,000 worth of damage to the campus and injured six people as they threw rocks and Molotov
cocktails. Nine months later, again at Berkeley, an "anti-Marxist" rally descended into violence as approximately 100
masked Antifa members harassed journalists and beat rally organizers and attendees. Berkeley was where Antifa rose to
national attention, but it hasn't been the only place where the group has engaged in sustained acts of violence. At a
Washington, D.C. Unite the Right rally in August 2018, Antifa members hurled objects at police and assaulted journalists.
In Portland, Oregon, violent street clashes involving Antifa have become regular events. Notwithstanding claims that Antifa
is a peaceful, "anti-fascist community-defense group," it has adopted tactics that often are more violent than those of the
right-wing movements that the group opposes.
Jersey professor responds to backlash after '[...] each and every Trump supporter' comment. A professor at a
New Jersey university doubled down Thursday, saying she's tenured, after blaming President Trump and his supporters for the
impact of the coronavirus outbreak, claiming it's their fault African-Americans have been dying at a disproportionate
rate. "F--- each and every Trump supporter. You absolutely did this. You are to blame," were among the
comments — several of them containing profanity — posted on Twitter this week by Brittney Cooper, an
associate professor in the Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University. "I said what I
meant. And I curse cuz I'm grown," she wrote in part in a series of tweets Thursday, adding, "I have tenure.
Rutgers won't be firing me for tweets."
Jersey Public School Teacher Caught on Camera Telling Students She Hopes They Die From Coronavirus For Playing
Outside. A math teacher at Steinert High School in New Jersey was caught on camera telling students who were
playing football in the park that they should "die a long, painful death" from the coronavirus. The woman in the video,
Nicole Griggs, has been a teacher in the district for the last 15 years. One of the students that the unhinged teacher
confronted told the Trentonian that they were playing football on Thursday [4/23/2020] at the former Homedell School when the
incident took place.
the first time since 1861, Democrats want to see Republicans die. Several Republican-leaning southern states
are slowly reopening. Meanwhile, Democrat-run Northern and Midwestern states plan to keep their citizens locked down,
even as their state economies collapse. While the Democrats ought to be watching the Southern experiment with
curiosity, hoping that it works so that they can follow suit, that's not what's happening. Instead, with a venom the
Democrats last displayed in 1861, they're actively rooting for mass die-offs in the Southern states and among other Trump
Tear Down Their Neighbor's Trump 2020 Flag Before Getting Arrested. Two Florida gynecologists were arrested
after a doorbell camera captured them tearing down their neighbor's Trump 2020 flag last week. Geoffrey Michael
Fraiche, 41, of Gulf Breeze, told a second neighbor that he and his wife, Laura Webb-Fraiche, 38, were only playing "capture
the flag," when they snatched the banner, states a report from the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office. The husband and
wife — both registered to vote with the Florida Democratic Party — are each charged with misdemeanors:
criminal mischief, trespassing, larceny, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The couple was booked into the
county jail on Tuesday morning and released about an hour and a half later, records show.
H. Rap Brown. [...] is perhaps
most famous for his proclamations during that period that "violence is as American as cherry pie" and that "If America don't
come around, we're gonna burn it down."
hospital exec fired for encouraging coronavirus death on Trump voters. If Democrats retake power, they vow to
take over the health care system, claiming they'll "cut costs" and make medical care "free for all." Just one
problem: The health care system would be run by people like this. [...] Yet it's very, very common on the left to wish
Trump-supporters death. We saw that a lot in recent months, not just on the Hollywood D-list, but among actual
Democratic operatives, starting with James O'Keefe's undercover video of an Iowa-based Bernie Sanders staffer named Kyle
Jurek, who vowed to put conservatives "up against the wall" if not in Gulags and "re-education" camps. He said the
Sanders camp was full of people just like himself and his buddies, according to O'Keefe, and said they were worried he might
try to personally assassinate President Trump. Yet the Democratic staffer, so far as known, is still on payroll, and
the incident was dismissed as "gossip" by a mid-level Sanders staffer.
teacher' from Rhode Island offers to pay anyone with COVID-19 to cough on Trump. You've probably heard the
expression those who can, do, and those who can't, teach. A Rhode Island public school teacher perhaps gave that
chestnut a new meaning by allegedly taking to Twitter with an offer to pay someone infected with COVID-19 to cough on
President Trump. The educator in question, who has subsequently deactivated her Twitter account that purportedly
operated anonymously under the handle "Proud Teacher," is said to teach English as a Second Language to middle
schoolers. She previously taught in neighboring Massachusetts.
NY Hospital Exec Fired For Suggesting Trump Supporters Should Infect Each Other with Coronavirus. Roswell Park
Comprehensive Cancer Center fired a top executive for suggesting in Facebook comments that Trump supporters should infect
each other with the Coronavirus. Laura Krolczyk, the VP for external affairs at the cancer facility was fired after GOP
operative and former Trump campaign official Michael Caputo posted her exchange with Lisa LaTrovato, the center's director of
development to his Twitter account and called for his followers to call the cancer center and report the two.
members promise violence in response to coronavirus lockdowns. Millions of Americans are on edge over the Wuhan
Coronavirus, subsequent economic downturn, and political responses to both that include "stay at home" mandates for many
areas. Unofficial domestic terrorist group Antifa has some members promising to turn violent as a result. Andy
Ngo, Editor-at-Large for The Post Millennial, has been the tip of the spear in outing Antifa for months. He follows
their moves and, perhaps more importantly, their Twitter accounts to discern their plans and expose their radical
ideology. The group claims to be against fascism but has demonstrated the use of fascist tactics to promote their
agenda. Now, that agenda may include turning violent.
Nancy Pelosi's daughter Christine endorses felony assault on Rand Paul. The context of the sick tweet,
according to Fox News, was someone stating that Sen. Mitt Romney, upon hearing of Paul's illness, decided to
self-quarantine after hearing about Paul's misfortune in order to protect his wife, who has a medical condition that leaves
her especially vulnerable. Instead of cheering Romney, which would have been a reasonable person's response, she
decided to go low, [...] by bringing up the violent 2017 assault on Paul by a hate-crazed neighbor, whose attack left Paul
with five broken ribs and the loss of part of his lung — in order to cheer the criminal. And this, right at
the time when Paul is now afflicted by the coronavirus. Normal people wish anyone with the coronavirus, even political
opponents, well.
pulls tweet from Nancy Pelosi's daughter about Rand Paul. Twitter confirmed the company locked House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi's daughter out of her account for a short period of time due to a tweet she sent about Republican Sen. Rand
Paul that it said amounted to an endorsement of violence. "The account owner was temporarily locked out for violating
the Twitter rules against glorification of violence," a Twitter spokesperson told the Washington Examiner on Tuesday
[3/24/2020]. Christine Pelosi tweeted Sunday that the man who allegedly attacked the Kentucky senator in 2018 was
"right" for doing so.
Pelosi's Daughter Christine: Rand Paul's Neighbor Was 'Right' To Punch Him. Christine Pelosi, daughter of
House speaker Nancy Pelosi, tweeted Sunday that Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's neighbor, who once violently assaulted him,
was "right." "Rand Paul's neighbor was right," Pelosi said, in response to a tweet about Paul having COVID-19 from
Washington Post reporter Paul Kane.
Stefanik Received a Disgusting Note. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) on Saturday received a disgusting note
on her car while she and her husband went grocery shopping. [...] The left would be outraged if this happened to one of their
own. Every Democratic politician and member of the Democratic media complex would be demanding a Republican to condemn
this kind of action. Not only is it rude but it's also scary.
Supreme Court Justices Is Never OK. Congress must censure Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for
threatening two Supreme Court justices outside the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday. This should be wholly bipartisan
and utterly uncontroversial. No American, no less a high-ranking member of Congress like Schumer, should be permitted
to threaten government officials or judges. This type of thuggish behavior displayed by the senior U.S. senator has no
place in a civilized society and must be condemned by all.
the Supreme Court, and the Mob. On Wednesday morning, the Democrats' Senate minority leader stirred up the mob
outside the Supreme Court, unabashedly threatening Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh: "I want to tell you,
Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price," Schumer
inveighed. "You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Inside, the justices were then
hearing argument on what ought to be a straightforward abortion case (i.e., one in which the "right" invented in Roe v.
Wade is not up for consideration). When called on his menacing remarks, rather than apologize, Schumer brazenly lied about
what he had done. This morning, he was still lying — a tepid apology, offered under pressure while insisting
that "in no way was I making a threat." In a rule-of-law society, that should rate censure. Case closed. Except
it's not closed, because we are not a rule-of-law society. We just pretend to be. In a rule-of-law society, a mob
would not gather on the steps of the courthouse in the first place.
City County Museum Director: 'I hope every single one ... that votes republican, dies today'. The Pioneer
City County Museum Board of Directors is holding an emergency meeting after the museum's director made a social media post
saying all republicans should die. During voting for primary elections on Super Tuesday [3/3/2020], director Melonnie
Hicks made a post to her personal Facebook page that reads, "I hope every single one of you [...] that votes republican, dies
today." A screenshot of the post has since gone viral, getting thousands of shares from across the country. Hicks
posted an apology to her personal Facebook a few hours after the original post, but both posts have since been removed.
Museum Director Resigns Amid 'Republicans Should Die' Facebook Post. The embattled Executive Director of the
Pioneer Museum in Sweetwater submitted her resignation as of 5 p.m. Friday [3/6/2020] after posting Republican voters
should die on Facebook on election day. According to a statement from the president of the board of directors of the museum,
Melonnie Hicks submitted her resignation Friday.
of America Accelerating Faster Than Expected. Because of our open-door policy for the past 55 years, we're
being balkanized to death. This past week, Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle said, "I hope Trump is assassinated."
To make such a call constitutes "treason" but since she's a minority, she gets a pass. Another woman in my State of
Colorado, Denver Councilwoman Candi de Baca said, "If I get the coronavirus, I am going to attend as many MAGA rallies as I
can." In other words, she would deliberately infect anyone who doesn't hold her views. Also a minority, she enjoys
immunity. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said, "Trump is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a
religious bigot." That statement condemns half the American public that voted for Trump. It enflames half the
American people. When a national leader attacks SO virulently, it incites civil unrest, social anger, racial animosity
and cultural chaos. It's poor behavior and a dangerous example for our young people.
Bloomberg campaign offices across US spray-painted by vandals. Michael Bloomberg's presidential campaign
offices across the country are getting defaced by vandals — which his office blames without evidence on
Sen. Bernie Sanders' "hateful rhetoric." Chicago campaign workers for the former New York mayor woke up Monday
[2/24/2020] to find the office spray-painted in large red letters with slurs including "racist," "sexist," and "oligarch,"
The Chicago Sun-Times said. At least six other offices have also been similarly tagged, including ones in Ohio,
Michigan, Tennessee and Utah, where windows were smashed, Bloomberg's office then revealed.
Bernie Bro Shot Steve Scalise. Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison, the former congressman from Minnesota
who gave us examples of how to treat women, has tweeted that the "Bernie Bros," that rabid group of Bernie Sanders supporters
that seem like a branch of Antifa, has tweeted that, no, they are merely passionate and as gentle as he: "I have never
seen @BernieSanders supporters being unusually mean or rude," Ellison tweeted. "Can someone send me an example of a
'Bernie Bro' being bad. Also, are we holding all candidates responsible for the behavior of some of their
supporters? Waiting to hear." Like most Democrats, progressives, and liberals, Ellison has a selective and short memory
when it comes to their hypocrisy on moral issues and inciting violence. As it turns out, someone has provided Ellison
with an example of a "Bernie Bro" going bad. The winner of the Ellison challenge is none other than Congressman Steve
Scalise, the victim of a "Bernie Bro" running amok with guns and a list of Republicans he wanted to kill.
Police: Couple forced
boys off road, angered by Trump flags. A northwestern Indiana couple allegedly used a car to force two teenage
boys off a road, angered that the twin brothers were riding bicycles adorned with flags supporting President Donald Trump,
before ripping one of the sibling's flag from his bike, police said Friday [2/21/2020].
Arrested After Driving Kids With Trump Flags on Their Bicycles Off The Road. An Indiana couple has been
arrested for driving two teenage boys on bikes off the road while shouting threats at them in July. Kyren Gregory
Perry-Jones, 23, and Cailyn Marie Smith, 18, were arrested after evidence of the attack on the boys, who are twins, was
posted to Snapchat.
Criminal Justice Adviser Caught Plotting Violent Jailbreak. A former adviser on criminal justice issues to
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) was plotting a violent prison escape, stashing guns and ammunition inside a
soon-to-be-opened prison, authorities said this week. Nashville police said Wednesday that Alex Friedmann, a prison
reform advocate who helped shape the Vermont senator's criminal justice agenda, spent months plotting an escape for inmates
of the city's detention center. Sanders worked with Friedmann to develop positions on criminal justice in the lead up
to his 2016 presidential campaign — positions Sanders still touts. Davidson County sheriff Daron Hall, at a
press conference on Wednesday [2/19/2020], said Friedmann hid at least three loaded guns upon breaking into the detention
center in December.
backlash when new GOP field office in Milwaukee reportedly vandalized. The Republican Party of Wisconsin
appears to be dealing with vandals, as someone reportedly splashed paint on the windows of the 2200 block of North King Drive
field office. The word "scum" was also allegedly painted onto the back door. The Milwaukee police were contacted
and responded to the vandalism call on Wednesday morning, and are still looking for the suspect. They have not yet
established an official motive for the crime, but it's safe to say it was probably politically motivated.
students attack a young 2nd Amendment defender at Ohio University. Kaitlin Bennett made a name for herself the
day after she graduated from Kent State University in 1998 when she took a photo of herself holding an AR-10 in front of the
Kent State sign. She did so as a way of protesting the fact that during her years as a student there, campus policies
kept her disarmed. After graduating, Bennett went to work at Liberty Hangout. As part of her work, Bennett
interviews students on college campuses. On Monday, she and Joel Patrick traveled to Ohio University, a public
university in Athens, Ohio, to conduct interviews there. Within minutes, a mob formed and quickly got violent, with the
activists throwing objects and liquids at Bennett and Patrick for daring to support Trump and the Second Amendment.
Eventually, the mob tried to smash their way into the truck in which the two young people and their crew were traveling.
want you dead': Nancy Pelosi's GOP challenger threatened by leftist thug, still crickets from media, lawmakers.
California has devolved into an anarchic domain ruled by violent Antifa leftists. An unhinged leftist physically
threatened John Dennis, a Republican who's running against Nancy Pelosi for her Congressional seat representing San
Francisco. The ominous threats were caught on a disturbing video, in which a burly, bearded bully warns Dennis:
"I'm going to catch you when all the cameras aren't around and I'm gonna f--- you up! I want you dead." Predictably,
CNN, MSNBC and other mainstream media outlets totally ignored the story.
Two-Year Terror Campaign Against One Small GOP Office. Early Saturday morning [2/15/2020], a bearded
perpetrator in a hooded jacket, wearing gloves, smashed the glass door and windows of the Humboldt Republican headquarters
with rocks. He poured an unknown liquid into the storefront office before escaping on a bike into the streets of Eureka
in the pre-dawn hours. There was one obvious clue. The bike had a giant BERNIE sticker on it. When police
caught up to the alleged perpetrator, Michael Valls attempted to escape on his bike, then he tried throwing the bike at the
cops, and, when he was finally taken into custody, gave authorities a false name. But police caught him with the Trump
flag that he had stolen from the vandalized office. The Bernie Sanders supporter was charged with burglary, felony
vandalism, attempted arson, resisting arrest, and providing a false name.
breaks out at Bernie Sanders rally over 'Black Guns Matter' shirt. A brawl broke out at a Bernie Sanders rally
in Colorado on Sunday when a supporter of the Vermont senator confronted another man for wearing a T-shirt that read "Black
Guns Matter," a report said. The man sporting the shirt, who is black, told CBS Denver that he was recording the
presidential hopeful at the Colorado Convention Center when another rally attendee called him "racist" because of his shirt.
Dissent. Louis Shenker, a 21-year-old junior at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, just wanted his MAGA
hat back from the graduate student who ripped it off his head on campus. He wore the hat to a December 6, 2018 protest
organized by the university's graduate student union against Trump and local police. Video shows that when Louis, who
is 5'6'' and 140 pounds, arrived wearing the MAGA hat and holding a large sign, he was immediately surrounded by a hostile
mob of older grad students cursing at him and calling him a white supremacist. A woman lunged from the mob and snatched
Louis's MAGA hat. Careful not to get caught on camera hitting Louis with their hands, they instead mobbed him like a
colony of enraged penguins, using their bodies to push him from all sides, occasionally pecking at his head with their
cardboard signs, and chanting in unison: "THE PEOPLE, UNITED, WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED." [...] A month later, Louis was
horrified to recognize the woman who stole his MAGA hat as Beth Peller, a 36-year-old grad student who would be teaching his
mandatory freshman writing class.
Man Attacks Trump Supporters With a Cane Sword. Peaceful Florida citizens holding Trump signs were minding
their own business in Dunnellon, Fla., last Thursday when a man rushed at them with a cane sword. Police arrested
49-year-old James L. Whitehurst II and charged him with 10 counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and one count
of disorderly conduct, the Ocala Star Banner reported. Victims reportedly told police that Whitehurst had approached them
during their peaceful assembly with what was described as a cane sword. The assailant allegedly pointed the sword in
their faces and made threatening statements, holding the blade 6 inches from their faces.
violence accelerates against Trump supporters. This is just the latest of a string of violent incidents against
Trump supporters within the past week. There's a climate of political violence against Trump-supporters, and the
press is giving it little more than disjointed and cursory coverage at best, if not ignoring it entirely. It was there
from the start, yet it has extended ever since a Bernie Bro shot and nearly killed a group of GOP congressional leaders on a
softball field in Alexandria, Virginia in 2017. At the time, it was dismissed as an anomaly. But these anomalies
keep happening, and now the rate is accelerating — clearly a sign of a bigger problem.
Santa Cruz Leftist Attacks College Republicans, Spits on American Flag. A leftist at the University of
California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) was caught on video getting into a physical altercation with members of the school's College
Republicans student group, as well as with free speech activist Hayden Williams. Moments later, the individual was
seeing spitting on an American flag, which had fallen to the ground during the scuffle. Free speech activist Hayden
Williams — who was punched in the face at UC Berkeley while helping Turning Point USA recruit conservative
students last year — posted a video to his Twitter account on Thursday, which depicts an individual attacking the
College Republicans student group at UCSC.
Hampshire man arrested after allegedly assaulting pro-Trump teen at polling site. A New Hampshire man was
arrested Thursday afternoon [2/13/2020] after allegedly assaulting a 15-year-old Trump supporter and two adults at a polling
site during the state's first-in-the-nation primary earlier this week. The teen's mother said in an exclusive interview
with Fox News after the arrest that her son is "traumatized." The Windham Police Department said Patrick Bradley, 34, of
Windham, was charged with simple assault and disorderly conduct.
supporter charged with assaulting teen Trump fan. A 34-year-old antifa supporter is facing charges for
allegedly assaulting a teen fan of President Trump. Patrick Bradley of Windham, New Hampshire, allegedly assaulted
three supporters of Trump after voting in the state Democratic primary on Tuesday, according to NBC Boston. Police say
Bradley walked by a Trump campaign tent and "slapped a 15-year-old juvenile across the face." Two adults attempted to defend
the boy, and police say Bradley attacked them, as well.
Is Complicit in Leftist Violence Against Trump Supporters. It isn't safe out there these days if one is a Trump
supporter exercising one's right to participate in the American political process. You have to look out for lunatics in
vans, lunatics with cane swords, and lunatics who wake up looking like mug shots and slap kids. If — as all
of you are — frequent consumers of conservative media, you know about these stories. Those left to the
editorial whims of The New York Times or any of the evening news networks, however, are probably blissfully unaware.
It's not that they aren't being covered at all, it's that they aren't being covered with the fervor and repetition that, say,
a story about the president saying something mean to Jim Acosta would.
Hampshire man accused of slapping teen Trump supporter on primary day. A New Hampshire man accused of slapping
a 15-year-old Trump supporter on the day of the state's primary election day has been arrested, Windham police said.
Patrick Bradley, 34, slapped the teen after he left a polling place at Windham High School around 6:15 p.m. Tuesday
[2/11/2020], police said in a statement. Bradley is accused of slapping the 15-year-old and assaulting two adults who tried
to intervene while passing by a campaign tent for President Donald Trump. He also was accused of throwing Trump signs and
trying to knock over the tent, according to police.
Where was the media on this
act of political violence? The media frets constantly that President Donald Trump's rhetoric will lead to
violence against Democrats and even — the horror! — journalists. But the same media is curiously
silent when Republicans become the targets of hate. On Saturday, for instance, a Florida man drove his van through a
Trump campaign volunteer tent because, as he told police, 'someone had to take a stand'. The incident started when the
man drove his van slowly up to the tent, according to a police report. Two volunteers approached the man's van to chat
with him when 'the vehicle accelerated towards them and the tent.' 'Both victims had to move out of the way quickly in
order to prevent themselves from being struck by the vehicle. The suspect continued to drive and knocked over several
chairs, tables, and a tent,' the police report stated.
Media Spends
Just 64 Seconds Covering Anti-Trump Van Attack, MSNBC Ignores Entirely. The mainstream media lived up to its
'Fake News' moniker this week, dedicating a mere 64 seconds of coverage in total to a leftist plowing a van through a
Republican Party voter registration tent with six volunteers inside. The scant total is the sum of just three separate
mentions on NBC and CNN while their establishment counterparts MSNBC, ABC, and CBS ignored the attack entirely.
and vandalism is the American way': Black Lives Matter president blasts peaceful protest as 'a tool of white supremacy'.
The president of the Black Lives Matter movement in the Greater New York area has claimed that rioting is justified at protests because
the 'American way' is through 'bullets and blood' not peaceful protest. Hawk Newsome appeared on Fox Nation's 'No Interruption'
on Wednesday [2/12/2020] speaking to host Tomi Lahren about Black Lives Matter and about recent anti-police protests in New York.
Newsome, who also appears in the cast of CopWatch America on Bet, told Lahren he would not condemn the destruction caused as it calls
attention to the organization's grievances with society.
Report Reveals Why Anti-Trump Van Driver Targeted GOP Voter Registration Tent. The man who allegedly drove his
van through a Republican voter registration tent in Florida did so because he dislikes President Donald Trump, according to a
copy of the police report reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Gregory William Loel Timm, the alleged driver,
showed police videos he recorded on his phone up until he plowed through the tent on Saturday, the report stated.
Woman Punches Retired Cop for Wearing MAGA-Style Hat, Draws Blood. A female patron in a Tennessee bar punched a
retired police officer in the face Wednesday night [2/12/2020] after she was triggered by his MAGA-style birthday hat.
Daniel Sprague was at The Stage bar in Nashville celebrating his 50th birthday at the time, and was wearing a red cap that
read "Make Fifty Great Again."
punches man in Broadway bar over MAGA-style birthday hat. A man's surprise birthday gift led to a surprise
attack at a Broadway bar. Daniel Sprague was at The Stage bar on Broadway sporting a gift his wife gave him for his
50th birthday bash — a hat that says "Make 50 Great Again." The hat is styled to look like a "Make America Great
Again" hat that supporters of President Donald Trump wear.
US Senate candidate from Maine uses a guillotine for campaign logo. ivilized countries do not decapitate people
to gain political power. Nevertheless, Bre Kidman, an attorney who is challenging Senator Susan Collins for her Senate
seat in Maine, has decided that a stylized image of a guillotine is the perfect logo for its campaign. [...] Of course,
Kidman contends that the guillotine is merely symbolic. It's not a call for actual blood; it's just a suggestion that,
if Kidman and the Left generally do not get the change they demand, there might be blood.
Getting Death Threats After She Voted to Acquit Trump in Impeachment Trial. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said
the FBI began an investigation into death threats she has received due to her vote to acquit President Donald Trump in the
impeachment trial. Collins made the announcement when she spoke to the Maine Chiefs of Police Association. She
said the FBI identified three credible death threats to investigate.
Released Police Report Details Attack on Trump Supporters, Shows Clear Motive. Last weekend a man purposely
attempted to run over Trump Victory workers who were registering voters in Jacksonville, Florida. After causing serious
property damage, the suspect drove away and was later caught by police. A report on the incident is now available and
shows the attacker was politically motivated, wanted to "take a stand" and proudly showed officers videos just before running
the tent over with his vehicle.
Deliberately Crashes Van Into GOP Voter Registration Tent, Targeting Trump Campaign Volunteers. Law enforcement
officials in Jacksonville, Fla., say a driver intentionally crashed a van into a tent where Trump campaign volunteers were
registering voters Saturday afternoon. Thankfully, no one was injured. "We are investigating this as an
aggravated assault," Lt. Larry Gayle of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said. "Several people were in the area
and could have been seriously hurt."
Violence — Man Drives Van into Trump Voter Registration Event in Jacksonville, Florida. This is very
concerning given the propensity for political violence on the left. The GOP of Duval County, Florida are reporting that
a man intentionally drove his van into a Trump voter registration booth in Jacksonville, Florida. Thankfully the
volunteers were able to jump out of the way and no one was hurt, but this is alarming.
in custody after allegedly driving car into Trump supporters in Florida. Florida police took 27-year-old
Gregory Timm into custody on Saturday in connection with what may have been an attack on Trump supporters. He was
charged with aggravated assault just hours after he allegedly drove his van into a Republican voter registration tent.
Accused of driving through Republican Registration Tent. Hours after a van plowed through a Republican Party
tent where volunteers were registering voters, Jacksonville police arrested a 27-year-old man on two counts of aggravated
assault on a person over 65 years old, criminal mischief and driving without a license. The Jacksonville Sheriff's
Office identified Gregory William Loel Timm as the person behind the wheel of the van that struck the tent set up the parking
lot of a Walmart Superstore at the corner of Atlantic and Kernan boulevards about 3:50 p.m. Saturday [2/8/2020].
is getting death threats after impeachment acquittal. Republican Sen. Susan Collins says she's getting
death threats after her vote to acquit President Donald Trump at his impeachment trial, saying three of them were deemed
"credible" and are being investigated.
State University 'looking into' viral video of man screaming, 'Slash Republican throats!' Authorities at
Arizona State University are investigating a video apparently recorded on campus that shows a man screaming, "Slash
Republican throats!" "We are aware of a video circulating on social media where an individual appears to be making
threats," the ASU police department tweeted Wednesday night [2/5/2020]. "We are working with the University to address
the matter."
Who Threatened Pelosi's Challenger Identified. We have an ID on the foul-mouthed maniac who threatened Nancy
Pelosi's challenger John Dennis. His name is Stefan Goldstone. You would never guess what he does for a living.
Opponent Threatened While Cleaning San Francisco. John Dennis, Chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party
and a congressional candidate running against Democrat Nancy Pelosi for California's 12th Congressional district this fall,
was threatened with violence while attending a street cleanup effort Tuesday. San Francisco has been ravaged by
homelessness, opioid addiction and other problems that have not been seriously addressed. A beautiful city is quickly
becoming unrecognizable, with needles and fecal matter on the ground, prompting people like Dennis to pitch in with these
clean up efforts. Dennis says that thirty to forty Antifa members showed up to protest the event just because
Republicans were involved.
Threatens Pelosi's Challenger. Over the weekend, Scott Presler and his crew headed to San Francisco to do a
little community service (a/k/a clean up trash, used needles, human feces, and more from the streets) and partnered with the
San Francisco GOP. Yes, there is such a thing as a San Francisco GOP, and they're actually gaining membership.
That could be because their chair, who is also challenging San Fran Nan, actually stands up to bullies. That chairman,
John Dennis, was confronted by Antifa thugs during the cleanup (as was Presler). [...] Eventually, Antifa confronted Dennis,
who grew up in a housing project in Jersey City, New Jersey. After Dennis told him he disagreed with him, the man said
that more than disagreeing with Dennis, he wanted Dennis dead.
illness proves once again the hate comes from the left. On Monday, we were given the terrible news that conservative talk
show host Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer. There was an outpouring of prayers and support for the man who pioneered talk
radio. [...] As for the majority of the hate-filled left on social media, they did what they always do.
woman threatens to slit throat of pro-life student at 2020 March for Life. Dorothy Cummings McLean reports for
LifeSiteNews that at this year's March for Life, a pro-abort woman threatened 20-year-old college student Selene Cerankosky
that she would "[...] slit [her] throat." Cerankosky is a junior at Robert Morris University and the president of the
university's branch of Students for Life of America (SFLA). The encounter happened around 11 a.m. outside the U.S.
Supreme Court, where Cerankosky had gone to reserve space before the March for Life rally began. Cerankosky told
LifeSiteNews that she and other students "were trying to get to the front where the press was," when she "got blocked" by
a "very angry" stone-faced young woman wearing a pair of pale pants stained with red paint, presumably to simulate blood.
assaults 82 y.o. pro-lifer, breaking her leg. And yet the Left and their accomplices in the MSM continue in
their lies, portraying the Right as violent and intolerant. Deni Kamper reports for KLKY that Louisville Metro police
are investigating an assault of pro-life activist Donna Durning outside Kentucky's last remaining abortion clinic, which was
captured on surveillance video.
y.o. prolifer viciously assaulted at S.F. Planned Parenthood. Shawn Carney reports for LifeNews, March 27,
2019, that an 85-year-old man who was peacefully praying outside a San Francisco Planned Parenthood, was physically attacked,
knocked to the ground, and viciously kicked again and again.
arrested after assaulting pro-lifer at U. of Wisconsin. LifeNews reports that on April 22, 2019, during a
campus outreach by the pro-life organization Created Equal at at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, a pro-abort woman
vandalized the group's signs. When one of the pro-life advocates tried to stop her from spray-painting the signs, she
pushed him, yelled profanities at the group before driving away. Police later arrested the woman, identified as Sasha
Timofeeva, on charges of graffiti vandalism, assault and disorderly conduct.
Erupts As Antifa [Anti-Police] Protests Hit NYC; Vandalism Documented, Arrests Made. Chaos erupted Friday night
[1/31/2020] as thousands of left-wing activists and Antifa members converged on Grand Central Station in New York City to
demonstrate against the police, [...] As reported by The Millennial Post on Friday, multiple demonstrators were arrested
during the chaotic and violent protests. And as documented via posted photos from NYC authorities, possibly dozens of
acts of vandalism were committed. [...] The Twitter account for the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York
posted photos of potential weaponry at the protests and acts of vandalism.
BlackLivesMatter, Pro-Palestinian, Antifa Dems Hit NYC Subways. New York City is 100% Democrat and these are
their people. The Empire Report says "protesters" "rocked New York City." Nothing from the rest of the Dem media yet,
except for the NY Post. Take a look and you tell me if they are "protesters" or "rioters." A police-hating,
pro-Palestinian, Black Lives Matter-associated group tweeted with the hashtag, "DecolonizeThisPlace." [...] The
Democrat-supported groups wanted to destroy property and hurt police officers until the subway fare is abolished. They
are also angry that 500 new police officers were added to the subway. The communist Democrats went ahead and did what
they said they would do, and were joined by Antifa, the fascist group trying to silence normal Americans.
demonstrators storm Grand Central Terminal during rush hour. Masked anti-cop protesters flooded Grand Central
Terminal at the start of rush hour Friday in an attempt to shut down the commuter hub — but the whole thing soon
fizzled out. There were at least 12 arrests by MTA police following a skirmish between cops and demonstrators, who
refused to remove their masks despite repeated orders from police. Further arrests were expected as protesters headed
out of Grand Central and into Bedford-Stuyvesant Brooklyn, police sources said.
subway 'demonstrations' aren't protests, they're vandalism. We feel for the MTA workers who had to clean up
after Friday's actions by the group "Decolonize This Place," which included gluing or otherwise breaking turnstile card-readers
and spraying graffiti on buses, subway cars and station walls. This isn't protest — it's vandalism, at the
public's expense. And the efforts to block subway entrances and otherwise disrupt service aren't much better.
action:' Project Veritas unearths more radical Bernie Sanders staffers. Apparently it isn't that tough to find
radical left-wing staffers on the Bernie Sanders presidential primary campaign. Project Veritas released Tuesday the
third video in its #Expose2020 series featuring hidden-camera footage of two South Carolina field organizers —
paid staff, not volunteers — expressing support for upending the U.S. government and overthrowing capitalism.
A field organizer identified as Daniel Taylor said in the hidden-camera footage that even if Mr. Sanders wins the
Democratic nomination and the presidency, there may still be the need for "extreme action."
Turn Kobe Bryant's Death Into a Political Attack on Trump. When the news broke about the death of NBA legend
Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna, most responded with expressions of grief, offering their condolences to his family.
[...] But in the midst of the widespread grieving, others saw an opportunity to use Bryant's untimely passing to launch
cynical political attacks against President Donald Trump. [...] Some even stated that they wish it had been Trump who died
instead of the athlete.
Democratic Official Tells Conservatives Marching On MLK Day: 'Die In A Fire'. On January 20, Martin Luther
King Jr. Day, conservatives marched in Seattle in what was billed as a "MAGA March against Racism and Bigotry."
That prompted an alleged Democratic official who was standing with Antifa activists to shout at the conservatives that they
should "die in a fire!"
University professor given security guards for lectures after threats from transgender activists. An Oxford University professor has been
given security guards to accompany her to lectures after receiving threats from transgender activists. Prof Selina Todd, a historian who specialises
in the lives of women and the working class, said that she has now been provided with "routine security" to ensure she is not attacked. The
academic — who has been accused of being a "transphobe" for her involvement in women's rights advocacy — was told by her students
that she was potentially in danger.
Are Bernie Bros So Violent? I am starting to get the feeling that James Hodgkinson wasn't a one-off.
James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has been conducting an undercover investigation of the Bernie Sanders campaign. We
wrote [elsew]here about a Project Veritas investigator's conversations with one of Sanders' "top tier organizers" in
Iowa. The Bernie Bro expressed admiration for the Soviet Gulags, said billionaires should be sentenced to breaking
rocks, and suggested that anyone who opposes Sanders' revolutionary policies would be shot. It turns out there are more
pro-violence Bernie Bros where Hodgkinson and the first organizer came from. O'Keefe has now released another video,
this time of a South Carolina field organizer.
Extremist group wanted rally to start civil war. A hidden camera captured members of a white supremacist group
expressing hope that violence at a gun rights rally in Virginia this week could start a civil war, federal prosecutors said
in a court filing Tuesday [1/21/2020]. Former Canadian Armed Forces reservist Patrik Jordan Mathews also videotaped
himself advocating for killing people, poisoning water supplies and derailing trains, a prosecutor wrote in urging a judge in
Maryland to keep Mathews and two other members of The Base detained in federal custody. But the 27-year-old Canadian
national didn't know investigators were watching and listening when he and two other group members talked about attending the
Richmond rally in the days leading up to Monday's event, which attracted tens of thousands of people and ended peacefully.
man allegedly stabs and kills pro-Trump boss after political argument. A Florida man allegedly stabbed and
killed his Trump-supporting boss after a heated political argument, according to local law enforcement. William Steven
Knight, 28, described by authorities as a "proud and outspoken American and pro-Donald Trump," was killed by employee Mason
Trever Toney following a political altercation, according to witnesses. Police deputies found Knight dead with an
American flag draped over him.
Armed revolution? Aren't the Democrats opposed to guns and "sensless gun violence?" 'Guillotine
the rich': Sanders staffer says he's ready for armed 'revolution'. Project Veritas has apparently snared
another pro-Soviet, pro-gulag Bernie Sanders campaign staffer, this one saying in a hidden-camera video released Tuesday that
he was ready to "get armed" for the "revolution" and musing about sending Republicans to "reeducation camps." The
footage featured a man identified as "paid" South Carolina field organizer Martin Weissgerber was posted a week after the
release of video featuring radical Iowa field organizer Kyle Jurek, part of the undercover journalism outfit's #Expose2020
series. In the video, Mr. Weissgerber described himself as a communist and said that he was in contact with groups
that planned to hold mass "yellow-vest" protests like those that have roiled France if Mr. Sanders loses.
Will Pretend to be MAGA & NRA Advocates at Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally. The Internet is rife with rumors that
antifa will march shoulder to shoulder with pro-gun protesters about to descend on Virginia's capital tomorrow —
including one claiming that it will be antifa activists wearing red MAGA caps and NRA garb this time. If true, pro-gun
protesters should take lots of pictures for uploading to the 'Net during the event — because it will be the first
time the anarchists appear anywhere without their signature masks.
Fascist Roots Behind Today's Justification of Political Violence. A few weeks ago, I met an old friend who is a
professor. We discussed various issues, but when the subject of Antifa came up I was surprised by what he said. [...]
When I mentioned that some of the people being assaulted are ordinary Americans wearing MAGA hats, he merely said maybe
Antifa should be more specific about whom they target. Justifying Antifa's violent actions is nothing new. I have
heard or read enough similar statements that I was starting to think new members of Antifa and its fan club in academia, the
media, and in the Democratic Party, all receive the same flyer instructing them how to respond if anyone criticizes their
acts of violence, even when journalists and bystanders are among the victims. But now someone I personally know and
consider a rational, intelligent person was justifying political violence. It made me think that we have reached the
point where apparently normal people believe violence is an acceptable way to resolve internal political differences.
Veritas Highlights Violent Wing Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign. Project Veritas spent some time in Iowa with
the revolutionary communists at the heart of Bernie Sanders campaign. In a video expose' (see here) the Veritas group
showcase Bernie Sanders campaign workers who are prominent Antifa activists. The calls to violence are quite disturbing
but familiar for those who followed the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, RevCom, or the Democrat Socialists of America; all
factions of the same far-left ideology.
2020 Field Organizer [...] Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and "Reign of Terror". A Bernie
Sanders Presidential Campaign Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek, was secretly recorded bragging about his extreme left-wing fringe
views, calling for violence and death to those who oppose Sanders' radical policies. Kyle Jurek, who works out of the
Sanders campaign Iowa office, has been paid at least $9,775 since starting in his official campaign role. Project
Veritas Action Fund's undercover journalists secretly recorded Jurek's statements for months; recording footage on multiple
occasions where he lashes out against Sanders' Democratic opposition, President Trump's supporters, and others. The
recordings give insight into the mentality of many Sanders staffers and what they truly believe.
video: If Trump wins 'cities will burn' vows Sanders staffer. A member of Sen. Bernie Sanders'
presidential campaign is vowing there will be violent repercussions and even death to those who oppose the candidate.
An explosive new video from Project Veritas features disturbing comments from Kyle Jurek, a Sanders campaign staffer working
out of the Iowa office who is calling for cities to "burn" if President Donald Trump is reelected.
Man Who Spat on 'MAGA' Hat Wearing Bar Patron Gets 90 Days in Jail. A Florida man has been sentenced to 90 days
in jail and one year of supervised probation for spitting on an elderly Trump supporter wearing a "Make America Great Again"
hat at a bar, according to Fox News. Matthias Ajple, 43, entered a no-contest plea to a battery charge on Thursday and
Judge David Morgan found Ajple guilty of battery in Indian River County court.
man gets 90 days in jail for spitting on Trump supporter, ordered to pay for new MAGA hat. A twisted leftist
was sentenced on Thursday to 90 days in jail for spitting on a 67-year-old, MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporter in
October. The surprising justice meted out to Matthias George Ajple was attributable at least in part because the crime
was caught in on camera in living color at Hurricane Grill & Wings in Vero Beach, Florida. The registered Democrat will
not only sit and stew in the Indian River County Jail for three months, but he will also serve 12 months on probation, pay a
fine of $695, and fork out restitution in the amount of $155 to Robert Youngblood, the man who was the target of Ajple's
abuse. Forty dollars of the restitution was approved by County Judge David Morgan to replace the MAGA hat.
Security Guard Arrested After Allegedly Threatening to Kill Trump Over Soleimani's Death. A Florida security
guard threatened to kill President Donald Trump as retaliation for the U.S. military killing an Iranian general, posting a
live video on Facebook where he stated "he killed my leader and I have to kill him" while periodically displaying a
semi-automatic rifle, authorities said in court documents. Chauncy Lump, 26, of the Fort Lauderdale area, faces federal
charges of threatening to kill the president and remained jailed Thursday with bond set at $100,000, according to court
documents filed Wednesday [1/8/2020] by the Secret Service. He told agents the threats weren't serious.
guard charged in 'BlackMan vs. America' Trump death threat video. A Florida security guard threatened to
kill President Donald Trump as retaliation for the U.S. military killing an Iranian general, posting a live video on Facebook
where he stated "he killed my leader and I have to kill him" while periodically displaying a semi-automatic rifle,
authorities said in court documents.
Stand By While Conservative Reporter Assaulted by Antifa. Police stood by and watched while a conservative
reporter was assaulted by Antifa members at a Seattle protest, reported The Blaze. Elijah Schaffer, a
BlazeTV contributor and host of the show "Slightly Offens*ve," was roughed up as he tried to prevent an Antifa member
from grabbing the camera of one of his producers. Video footage shows police standing by without intervening.
Schaffer was covering the demonstration by a group called The Three Percenters, who met at City Hall for a demonstration for
which they had a permit. Antifa members — dressed in black with masks on their faces — tried to
take over The Three Percenters' space with a counter-demonstration, but were moved across the street. Another Left-wing
group was also present and counter-demonstrating.
the female-run communist terror group hell-bent on destruction. M19's two-year bombing campaign in New York
City and Washington, DC, aimed to cast a cloud over what President Ronald Reagan's re-election campaign was promising: a
sunny, prosperous "Morning in America." Reagan's election in 1980 told the remnants of America's radical left that the
country had rejected their call to revolution. But M19's core of five women and two men pushed back with a series of
seven explosions that they intended to be "percussive wake-up calls" for the nation, Rosenau writes — "proof that
an underground army was still at work."
arrested for hitting and choking retired Navy Seal Trump supporter. 37-year-old Andrew James Ruder of
Charleston, South Carolina, was arrested for "simple assault" by the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department on
Saturday for hitting and choking a Trump supporter who attended a pro-President Donald Trump event at the Willard
International Hotel, according to a police report and a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police Department.
Sounds to me like this man is threatening physical violence against the President. What would happen if you or I did that? Robert
De Niro says he'd like to see Donald Trump get hit in the face with a bag of excrement. Hollywood legend and
staunch 'Never Trumper' Robert De Niro has called for the president to be hit in the face with a bag of feculence. De
Niro's remarks, made in a interview with Michael Moore on the liberal film director's podcast, are just the latest explosive
insult the actor has hurled at President Donald Trump.
Note: All material below was once located on an overflow page, but has now been rejoined with the main page.
need to kill all ICE agents,' N.J. man posted on Twitter. Federal agents arrested him. An Edgewater man
has been arrested on accusations he spouted off threats on Twitter against the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE), including "We need to kill all ICE agents," authorities said. On Friday morning [12/20/2019], Carlos Alejandro
Tariche, 22, was arrested and charged with one count of interstate communications containing threats to injure, U.S. Attorney
Craig Carpenito said in a statement.
Trump-Supporting Women Allegedly Abused at D.C. Event, Called 'Nazis'. Attendees of a "high-profile Democrat
wedding" stalked, harassed, and physically assaulted guests of an event hosted by Women for America First at the Willard
Hotel in Washington, DC, on Saturday, the pro-Trump group alleged in a press release issued late Monday evening [12/16/2019].
Approximately 200 women attended the aforementioned Women for America First event — titled a Very MAGA Holiday
Weekend — at the Willard Hotel. The alleged "high-profile Democrat wedding" took place in an adjacent ballroom.
Women for Trump Group Attacked at DC's Willard Hotel — By Democrat Wedding Party. A meeting of
pro-Trump women by a group called Women for America First was disrupted and attendees harassed and attacked at the Willard
Hotel in Washington, D.C. Friday night, according to reports. Jonathan Gilliam, a former Navy SEAL, was in attendance
and tried to shield the women. Gilliam was attacked and reportedly wounded. There is a claim that one arrest was
made. The Willard is located about a block from the White House and is considered one of the finest hotels in the
nation's capital and is known for its annual Christmas decorations.
Leftists Riot in London Following Massive Election Loss. Following a major election victory for conservatives
in the U.K. the Antifa-left start rioting in the streets again. Proving once more that socialists do not accept
election outcomes. The vitriolic response from the British socialists resembles an almost identical response following
the 2016 election victory of President Trump. Same groups, same political ideology, same behavior, same violence, rage
and expressed anger.
Now! Antifa Fascists Are Rioting in London Over the Election. Police in London are desperately trying to
move the Antifa protesters and rioters off the street. They are calling for a revolution and yelling "F--- the police"
and "Not my prime minister!" Masked Antifa are joined by their Socialist Worker comrades, Andy Ngo reports.
They're fascists who refuse to accept the results of the election. It's what the Democrats are doing. They just
aren't as violent.
of violence: physical attacks on conservative college students keep piling up. When a conservative activist
with MAGA gear was hit in the face with a brutal haymaker at UC Berkeley earlier this year, it was caught on camera and
became fodder for national headlines. It was also no outlier. Throughout this fall semester, conservative
activists at campuses across the nation have continued to be physically attacked — and had their displays
destroyed — by aggressive student peers inflamed by right-of-center messaging. Just during the last month at
least two College Republicans have been hit in the face and a third incident saw campus conservatives surrounded by an
aggressive mob that trashed their display and got right in their faces, spewing vulgarity. And these were just the ones
caught on camera.
boy allegedly pummeled on school bus for wearing Trump 2020 hat. A 14-year-old Florida boy was allegedly
pummeled by several students on a school bus for wearing a Trump 2020 hat to school, disturbing video shows. The boy's
mother on Thursday released a 21-second video of the Nov. 21 attack in Hamilton County, where two girls and three boys are
seen relentlessly punching him as other students look on and scream in the background. The boy, identified as Tyler,
was assaulted for previously wearing to school a Trump 2020 hat that he bought "with his own money" at a flea market several
weeks earlier, his mother said.
bus bullies pummel 14-year-old boy leaving him hospitalized with head injuries 'because he'd worn a Trump 2020 hat'. Shocking video has
emerged showing a 14-year-old boy being attacked on a school bus, allegedly because he'd previously worn a hat supporting President Donald Trump.
The incident occurred on November 21 in Hamilton County, Florida, and the video first emerged on Thursday after the boy's family retained attorney
Foye B. Walker for possible legal action. The incident left the boy, identified only as Tyler, hospitalized with head contusions, according
to his mother, a Trump supporter [...] [Video clip]
report filed after HS student says teacher grabbed 'Women For Trump' pin off her shirt. A high school student
in Michigan claimed her teacher "aggressively" grabbed a pin she was wearing supporting President Trump. The family of
the junior at Mason High School filed a police report following the incident last week in which the teacher allegedly
assaulted the teen during school hours, grabbing her "Women For Trump" pin, according to Fox 47 News.
Home Invasions: 'Can It Happen Here?'. Recently, in Germany, a gang of Antifa punks broke into the home of a
34-year-old female real estate agent and beat her up for the simple reason that she was a real estate agent, i.e., selling
property. In her case it was luxury property. Antifa does not approve of private property, especially expensive
private property. So they beat her up. Here in the good ole' USA, Mike Adams wrote a column titled "Three
Essential Firearms for Civil Unrest," the 'civil unrest' likely being a "mob of Antifa 'anti-fascists'" coming into your
neighborhood and crossing your property line, Molotov cocktails in hand. This may seem farfetched, but I've seen things
progress at an alarming rate since 2011, when I observed and wrote about the Occupy Wall Street movement from which our
present-day Antifa movement has evolved.
Red Tide Rising.
On September 21, a protest was held in Aurora, Colorado demanding abolishment of U.S. borders and the Immigration & Customs
Enforcement agency. Over the last three years, a myriad of similar anti-ICE, open-border demonstrations have been held
in cities across America, all of which have been encouraged and supported, tacitly or otherwise, by the Democratic Party.
[...] Occupy Denver is another anti-capitalist group that showed up for the demonstration in Aurora. Hundreds of Occupy
affiliates are active in cities, towns and campuses across America. Like other Democrat identity politics groups,
Occupy affiliates are openly pro-communist — Occupy Denver's Facebook profile picture contains an image of "the
Raised Fist," one of communism's most recognizable call to arms.
acquitted over tweet offering $500 to killing an ICE agent. A man who tweeted an offer of $500 to anyone who would kill
a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent was acquitted Friday [12/6/2019] in Boston. Brandon Ziobrowski, 35, was
arrested in August 2018 after tweeting "I am broke but I will scrounge and literally give $500 to anyone who kills an ice agent."
He was charged with use of interstate and foreign commerce to transmit a threat to injure another person, facing up to five years
in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Starbucks manager Lola Rose considering lawsuit over 'PIG' cup fallout. The Starbucks manager who was fired
when a cop at her shop received an order labeled "PIG" is considering suing the coffee giant for making her a "martyr," she
told The [New York] Post on Wednesday [12/4/2019]. Lola Rose, a shift supervisor at the Glenpool, Oklahoma, location, is
determined to "clear her name" after she claims the chain wrongfully terminated her in response to the coffee cup
controversy. "I really feel like I was made out to be a martyr," Rose, 21, said during an exclusive interview.
Tale of Two Inaugurations. In retrospect, what we experienced proved the resistance was planned well in
advance, and launched on President Trump's Inauguration Day, not on the day after. The entire debate regarding total
attendance at President Trump's inauguration came up again when Carlson Tucker opined on Trump's predilection for bragging,
and the nagging question of total inauguration attendance numbers at Trump's inauguration. In fact, there was such a
negative factor in force that day that attendance numbers are impossible to accurately count. Antifa thugs were out in
droves, causing mayhem and major disruptions that prevented untold thousands from actually gaining access to not only the
inauguration area but into arteries near it as well. I can attest to the bedlam, because I was there.
police officer gets a Starbucks cup labeled 'Pig'. A police officer in Oklahoma was dismayed when he bought a
coffee at the local Starbucks on Thanksgiving and noticed the name on the label was "Pig." The chief of police the
Kiefer, Okla. said one of his officers trekked to Starbucks to get some java for a dispatcher when he received the insulting
label. "What irks me is the absolute and total disrespect for a police officer who, instead of being home with family
and enjoying a meal and a football game, is patrolling his little town," Chief Johnny O'Mara said in a Facebook post that
included an image of the "Pig" coffee cup.
Trump and Thanksgiving.
President Trump has been lied about and falsely accused 24/7 for his entire presidency by fake news media, Democrats and
treasonous federal employees. Media coverage of Trump is 92% negative. A Hollywood celeb said Trump's 12-year-old
son should be ripped from his mother and put in a cage with pedophiles. Can you imagine what would happen to someone
who called for the rape of Obama's children? Fake news media and Democrats are masters at instigating hate and violence
while pretending to be against it. They caused the assassination of police by spreading the hands-up-don't-shoot
lie. I am confident that fake news media, Democrats and Hollywood would instigate the assassination of a person who
suggested that Obama's children be raped. But when it comes to stopping Trump's America First agenda, the resistance
has decided that all rules of decency no longer apply.
covered in Trump bumper stickers 'bursts into flames' after being parked overnight in an ultra-liberal Brooklyn neighborhood.
A luxury red Cadillac adorned in Trump bumper stickers burst into flames in an ultra-liberal Brooklyn neighborhood — with some
speculating the owner's choice of decor may have sparked the fire[.] The $45,000 red car, complete with a Florida license plate, was
parked on Carroll Street, in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn when it caught fire late on Friday evening [11/22/2019], authorities said. The
2018 Cadillac's charred remains drew a crowd of gawking onlookers over the weekend, with a number speculating the MAGA (Make America Great
Again) stickers could have been the reason the car went up in flames.
and Capitulation: The Shocking Things Chick-fil-A Funds. "[We are] based on biblical principles, asking
God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we
have. And He has blessed us." Those were the words of Chick-fil-A's CEO, Dan Cathy, to the Baptist Press back
in 2012 as he confirmed his biblical belief that marriage is between one man and one woman. Days later, a disgruntled
activist violently took out his disagreement with Chick-fil-A by trying to kill as many people as possible inside of Family
Research Council's (FRC) D.C. headquarters. According to the FBI interrogation, Floyd Lee Corkins chose FRC as a target
because "Southern Poverty Law [Center] lists anti-gay groups. I found them online." So, Corkins stormed inside
FRC's building, armed with a backpack full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches and 50 rounds of ammunition to "kill as many as
possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims' faces, and kill the guard."
Militants Cut Turnstile Arm Off NYC Subway Platform During Anti-Police March. An Antifa militant cut the arm
off of a subway turnstile in New York City during an anti-cop protest on Friday [11/22/2019]. The vandalism took place
at the E. 149th Street and 3rd Avenue stop in the Bronx. Footage of the protesters hopping the turnstiles and
the arm being broken off was tweeted by the Antifa group Decolonize This Place on Sunday.
vandals cut turnstile arm in latest protest of subway patrols. Fare-beating anti-police protesters lopped the
arm off a metal subway turnstile when they stormed a Bronx subway station on Friday, according to a video posted
online. The footage — tweeted by agitator group Decolonize This Place on Sunday — shows at least
a dozen activists march into the E. 149th Street and 3rd Avenue stop. One portion shows a three-armed turnstile with
one of its limbs shorn off just inches from the base.
Antifa Member Tries to Block a Car and Assault Someone, It Doesn't Go Well. People can have their political
issues and believe deeply in them. That doesn't give them a right to block roads and attempt to assault people.
And if that happens, they shouldn't be surprised if someone defends themself. I'm not going to just relish in or laugh
at the Antifa protestor getting beat down here, because in the end, it's a serious issue and testament to deep problems in
our society. This stuff just needs to stop.
Rights Activist Stabs Fur-Wearing Woman in Church. An Ohio animal rights activist with a history of attacks on
people wearing fur has been charged with attempted murder for stabbing a woman wearing fur boots at a church outside
Cleveland, police said. According to the police report, the victim had taken children she babysits to the church for
choir practice at Fairmount Presbyterian Church, in Cleveland Heights. Meredith Lowell, came up and stabbed her, the
victim suffered two stab wounds to her arm and stomach, Fox News reports. "Witnesses told police they heard a woman
screaming and the babysitter fell to the ground due to the stab wounds."
Animal rights activist stabs victim in Ohio church over her faux-fur boots. An animal rights activist is facing
attempted murder charges for allegedly stabbing a woman inside an Ohio church. The incident happened Wednesday night,
just before children's choir practice at Fairmount Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights. Bodycam footage shows the
moment officers arrived on the scene after receiving a call indicating someone had been attacked. A churchgoer can be
seen pinning 35-year-old Meredith Lowell to the floor before officers rush in and arrest her. The victim was stabbed
twice in the arm and once in the stomach.
frenzied mob attacks conservative students, destroys their display. It's not uncommon for conservative students
to face pushback on campuses when they table and tout their principles, but an incident Thursday [11/21/2019] at Binghamton
University appears to be one of the more extreme examples in recent times — and the frenzied attack was caught on
video. Cellphone footage obtained by Young America's Foundation shows that a joint tabling event by the College
Republicans and Turning Point USA chapters at the State University of New York at Binghamton descended into chaos Thursday
afternoon as a swarm of students surrounded their conservative peers.
After the
Impeachment. [I]f the current attempt to impeach Trump fails and President Trump wins re-election, the
Democrats will go ballistic. Having failed at three years of undermining him and formal coup attempts, our nation will
likely see violence rivaling the worst in our history and on a scale like we've never seen before. Democrats are sore
losers and, as we've seen repeatedly, are determined to get their way whatever the cost to the nation. Thwarting them
after they've put everything on the line for impeachment will unleash the passions of their extremists, Antifa and Black
Lives Matter. It's become more and more typical for radicals to deal with any barrier to their unrealistic Utopian
schemes by street violence and rioting.
who threw drink at Gaetz gets jail time. Rep. Matt Gaetz celebrated the news on Monday that the woman who
threw a sports drink at him had been sentenced to 15 days in prison for the attack. "Physical assault has no place in
our political discourse," Gaetz said. "I am grateful that law enforcement and our judicial system recognized this
principle today."
fighter Tara LaRosa takes down anti-Trump protester in Oregon. MMA fighter Tara LaRosa showcased her octagon
skills in Oregon over the weekend, restraining an anti-President Trump protester during a flag demonstration ahead of
Veterans Day. LaRosa, 41, was among a group of people waving US flags in northeast Portland on Sunday when a
confrontation between her and a woman who was scuffling with right-wing protesters broke out, The Oregonian reports.
Footage of the dustup retweeted by LaRosa shows the MMA legend atop a woman who identified herself as a professor and
repeatedly said that she couldn't breathe as the mixed martial artist pressed down on her. [Video clip]
Ultimate Goal Is Communism, Journalist Attacked by Adherents Says. The Portland, Oregon-based journalist who
was beaten last summer by Antifa extremists says the violent leftist group's ultimate goal is to establish a communist
state. "Antifa is a far-left ideology and movement which brings together radical communists and anarchists seeking a
revolution that would result in communism," Andy Ngo said Thursday in an appearance at The Heritage Foundation. "But
they believe that they can do it and secure a communist society without the national borders, law enforcement, the military,
or state authoritarianism that has represented other communist revolutions," Ngo, who is in his early 30s, said in a packed
auditorium at the think tank's headquarters on Capitol Hill.
Francisco Supervisor Chants [in Opposition to] the [Police Officers Association] During DA Candidate's Campaign Rally.
Heading into 2020, it seems we've entered into an age in which anyone, from Twitter troll to elected public official, can say whatever
strikes their fancy no matter how abhorrent, destructive or violent, from any microphone they can manage to find, and with near
impunity. Oh, sorry. I mean, any liberal. Conservatives can't do that. Take, for example, San Francisco
Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer, who, after clunking her way up to the stage to stump for left-wing district attorney candidate Chesa
Boudin, used her moment at the podium to rant against the city's 2,000-member police union by leading the audience in the chant, [...]
How Did Democrats Get
Here? The ginned up hysteria over Trump's election has grown with Trump's triumphant successes with the economy
and national security. The Democrats' motivation for the fake impeachment crisis is obvious — they have no
platform and no candidate that gives them a path to the White House. What is less obvious is why three years of ugly,
crude propaganda, threatened and actual violence, wearisome agitation and lies is playing so well to previously normal
Democrats. The Democrat Party has veered far left very fast, without any pushback from within the party. Their
voters have turned, seemingly overnight, from normal American citizens to a deranged mob after Trump's blood.
Rage! Actors Threaten Punching Trump, Fantasize About His Assassination. The Hollywood Left is all about
preaching non-violence and tolerance, except when it comes to Republicans. In just the past few weeks, we've seen the
so-called tolerant celebrity left enraged at Ellen for laughing it up with former President George W. Bush and expressing
gratitude for a Republican senator getting beaten up. One actor threatened Donald Trump with a "left hook from Hell"
and another even fantasized about Donald Trump being assassinated.
Trump Derangement Syndrome. We have seen many people of 'eminence' scoff, scorn and even turn viciously abusive
Trump and his supporters. They have called Donald Trump a traitor, a criminal, a Russian puppet and a con man.
They have used expletives and vulgarities. Some have called for a coup, have called Trump's youngest child to be
attacked. They even wish for an assassination. They want to blacklist all Trump supporters rendering them
jobless. Like parasites who attach themselves to any host to serve their purpose. These deranged individuals have
attached themselves to the host called 'The Resistance'. The purpose is to earn their vile behavior a backbone of
morality. When people call them out they say 'we are angry because Trump is in office'. [...] If this were just a few
loons, the behavior could be ignored. But at the bottom of this, all is a blatant attempt delegitimize a democratically
elected president without any evidence of wrongdoing.
thug sentenced to 6 years for savage assault. An Antifa domestic terrorist was sentenced to almost six years in
prison, after taking a deal and pleading guilty to second-degree assault during violent demonstrations June 29 in Portland,
Oregon. A masked Gage Halupowski brutally attacked a man, Adam Kelly, who was coming to the aid of another who was being
assaulted by a group of Antifa rioters. Halupowski was just one of many black-clothed protesters who were recorded hitting
and pepper-spraying Kelly.
members don Andy Ngo masks, stalk his home, banging on doors and windows. Journalist Andy Ngo documents the
crazy Antifa "protests" in Portland, filming them blocking intersections, fighting with police, destroying property, and
attacking people — including him — on the streets of an American city, which they do because they don't
like Trump. And because he films them, they really don't like Andy Ngo, either. The fascist violence of Antifa is
well-documented. There is simply no question that it happens often and goes unpunished routinely. The press
simply don't want to tell America about it because it doesn't fit the narrative.
that Antifa thug who cracked an old man's skull open? Yeah, he's going bye-bye. The media may give a pass
to every Antifa transgression but there's a least one judge who did no such thing, because an Antifa thug from Portland is
going away for a long time. Y'all might remember the 20-something loser caught on camera cracking people over the head
with a baton at a so-called "protest" in Portland, America's combat zone. The story and the dramatic photos and video
went everywhere. Well, everywhere on the right, at least. A bit tougher to find in the MSM.
Antifa Thug Who Busted a Man's Head Open Gets Nearly 6 Years in Prison. This past June, masked thugs organized
under the banner of anti-fascism, or "antifa," and beat up conservative journalist Andy Ngo and others in Portland,
Ore. In one particularly gruesome attack, local conservative Adam Kelly got his head busted open with a baton. He
suffered a concussion and needed 25 staples to close the wounds. Gage Halupowski, the 24-year-old man who pleaded
guilty to second-degree assault in the attack, was sentenced to 70 months (5.83 years) in prison on Friday [11/1/2019].
"Antifa militant Gage Halupowski sentenced to nearly 6 years in prison for striking a man on head from behind w/ a baton
during riot," Ngo tweeted, sharing the breaking news Friday evening. "He was masked at the time & assaulted an officer
while trying to escape. His lawyer says sentence is too severe."
The Editor says...
That's his lawyer's job. The lawyer is supposed to say his client is innocent, even if that's obviously false.
Somebody else did it. You can't send this choir boy to prison! This sentence is too harsh, even for a
violent assault, in which my client strenuously denies any involvement!
to arms: Private group seeks armed volunteers to protect Trump rally-goers. A private association is
putting out a call for volunteers, armed or unarmed, to provide outdoor security for Trump supporters traveling to the
president's campaign rally Friday night in Tupelo, Mississippi. The group "Oath Keepers," which calls itself
nonpartisan, said in a notice on its website that it needs help "keeping the rally attendees safe" after a recent Trump rally
in Minneapolis at which some of the president's supporters were harassed and assaulted on their way to and from the
arena. "We generally use both armed and unarmed volunteers in our security operations, so if you have a CCW [carrying a
concealed weapon permit] valid in Mississippi, that may be very useful," the group's statement says. "If you don't,
please volunteer anyway since we will also have a role for unarmed volunteers."
in MAGA Hat Attacked. Matthias Ajple clearly has some issues. Not to mention a problem with basic facts.
According to Newsweek, Ajple, 43, went up to a man, 67 year old Robert Youngblood, who was wearing a MAGA hat at a bar
at the Hurricane Grill restaurant in Vero Beach, Florida.
girl hailed 'hero' after allegedly punching Fla. family man dressed as Trump at Halloween event. A 14-year-old
Florida girl who's reportedly been charged with misdemeanor battery for walking up to a man dressed as President Donald Trump
for Halloween and punching him is now being heralded as a "hero" by some members of the increasingly radical left. "A
14-year-old girl walked up to a man dressed as President Donald Trump as he stood in line at the Collier County fairgrounds
in Naples, Florida, and allegedly punched him while her friends recorded it," the Naples Daily News reported Monday
[10/28/2019]. [...] As the story slowly began to go viral across the Internet, members of America's increasingly unhinged,
pro-harassment, pro-vandalism and pro-violence left started lauding the underage perpetrator with praise and mocking the victim.
Menacing Warning From Antifa.
Cowards are encouraged to be very vocal about supporting all things moonbatty now, "because God help you if you are found to
be one of those people who backed the Trump Administration when the Left comes for you, because the Left will come for you,
one way or the other." [...] Guys like this are going to love working at the torture chambers and gulags if progressives
manage to make America into the Soviet Union II. He is correct that things will go very hard for countermoonbats if we
are not able to stop them. [Video clip]
Midler: We Should Be 'More Grateful for the Neighbor Who Beat [up] Rand Paul'. Left-wing actress and
singer Bette Midler on Wednesday [10/24/2019] lashed out at Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) over his criticism of the Kurds by
lauding his neighbor who brutally beat the senator, breaking several of his ribs in his Kentucky yard in 2017. "I DO NOT
promote violence but... Rand Paul says the Kurds are being 'ingrates' for taking their frustrations out on US troops. Which is a
good reminder for us all to be more grateful for the neighbor who beat [...] Rand Paul," Bette Midler said.
The Editor says...
This is an example of duplicity, also known as talking out of both sides of your mouth. She says she does not promote violence,
but she is grateful to those who engage in it.
charged in connection to assault outside of Trump rally. A Richfield man has been charged in connection to an
assault that occurred outside the rally that President Donald Trump held at Target Center in Minneapolis on Oct. 10.
A criminal complaint states Dwight Pierre Lewis, 31, faces one count of third-degree assault. The complaint says a man
went to the Minneapolis Police Department to report that he was punched in the mouth by a man outside of Target Center.
The man had to receive multiple stitches for his injuries.
Report Reveals Climate Change Protesters Are Being Paid, May Be in Trouble Because of It. We've been bringing
you some of the outrageous actions of the climate change gang, particularly Extinction Rebellion, the group that has been
incredibly annoying to the general populace in London and who has flexed their ability to annoy in the United States as
well. In San Francisco, they linked hands and blocked traffic on both sides of the intersection at Gates Avenue near
the University of San Francisco. Ironically, their actions were causing more carbon emissions while antagonizing
commuters. [...] Activists allegedly from the group got tossed out of a Long Beach, California In-N-Out Burger, screamed with
bullhorns in the face of the poor employees and then found themselves in trouble with the police. But now, the Daily
Mail has dropped a big report on the group. Turns out all that crazy is not free. And that could spell big
trouble for them.
Why Do They Hate Him
So? Joe Biden claims he wants to take Trump behind the gym and beat him up. Senator Kamala Harris
(D-Calif.) jokes that she would like to go into an elevator with him and see Trump never come out alive. Robert De Niro
has exhausted the ways in which he dreams of punching Trump out and the intonations in which he yells to audiences, "F***
Trump!" The humanists and social justice warriors of Hollywood, from Madonna to Johnny Depp, cannot agree whether their
elected president should be beheaded, blown up, stabbed, shot, or incinerated.
The Left Goes to War. Since its birth in the anti-globalist riots in Seattle two decades ago, the Antifa
movement has been violent. Trump's reelection will surely mean not only more of the same but, with Antifa's exponential
growth under the tutelage of the Democrat/media complex, much more. The left has demonstrated time and again
that they believe there is too much at stake to accept the limitations of our Constitution. They feel exactly the same
about elections; if the three-plus years of national tantrum since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 has shown
America anything, it is that.
Smash All Norms of Civility. President Trump is often described as a bull in a china shop, but one wonders:
what, exactly, is the china shop? The Democrats have debased our public life to the point where it is more apt to say
that Trump is a bull trying to defend himself in a slaughterhouse. You could adduce instances of the Democrats' lack of
the most basic decency every day; here are just two for today. First, Senator Rand Paul and a friend were eating lunch
when they were confronted and harassed by demented Democrats. This is the sort of thing that never happens to politicians
on the other side of the aisle. [...] Then we have Times Square. This one isn't an outburst by a perhaps-unbalanced
private citizen, it is a premeditated assault by a member of the business establishment.
Women Called 'Terrorists' and Thrown Out of Minneapolis Cafe. Three women were thrown out of a vegan eatery in
Minneapolis for wearing Trump gear earlier this month, and now one of the women says her real estate business is under siege
by Trump-hating leftists. Employees at the "worker-owned" Hard Times Cafe verbally abused the pro-life Trump
supporters, calling them "terrorists" and "baby killers," before forcing them to leave.
The Editor says...
Interesting. The Antifa Party calls Republicans "terrorists." The Abortion Party calls Republicans "baby killers."
Group Threatens Violence Against Church Screening 'The Rise of Jordan Peterson'. Earlier this year an anonymous
threat forced a D.C. theater to cancel a production of "FBI Lovebirds: UnderCovers." The play, produced by Phelim
McAleer, featured a reading of texts from disgraced FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. The two are enmeshed in the
Russia collusion hoax that kept the country hostage for north of two years. An element of the Left, fearful the play's
message would get out to the masses, threatened violence against the theater in question. The theater's management
opted to cancel its contract to host the play. Team McAleer was able to find another venue, but it still sent a chill
through the theatrical community — even though many venues refused to discuss the matter. Now, a fair
documentary about a member of the Intellectual Dark Web is under a similar attack.
Democrat Goes Off, Verbally Assaults Sen. Rand Paul at California Restaurant. Senator Rand Paul and his
deputy chief of staff Sergio Gor were having lunch in California on Friday when they were verbally assaulted by a deranged
democrat. The woman went ballistic as the two men dined, flipped them off and having a general temper tantrum over
their differing political beliefs.
All Rosa Parks Americans. The Democratic Party, fake news media, ANTIFA, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Black
Lives Matter, and LGBTQ enforcers are nothing more than anti-American and anti-Christian hate groups. They have
launched a no-holds-barred war on traditional Americans. They have zero tolerance for any opposition to them
transforming America. Along with social and financial destruction, opposing them could cost you your life.
O'Keefe Strikes Again! Undercover
Video Shows CNN Production Supervisor Wishing For Trump's Death, 'Hopefully He Dies Soon. O'Keefe also caught
CNN Field Production Supervisor Gerald Sisnette wishing for President Trump's death. "This is a story that's not gonna
go away," Mr. Sisnette said. "Oh the Ukraine thing? Or just Trump in general?" the CNN whistleblower
asked. "Trump in general. The only way this will go away is when he [Trump] dies. Hopefully soon," Gerald
Sisnette said.
evil is the Left? This evil. [There was a] riot that occurred in downtown Minneapolis during and after
President Trump's rally last Thursday night [10/10/2019]. Trump supporters were assaulted, their vehicles were blocked,
police officers and police horses were attacked, and so on. This video, filmed by Alpha News, shows how violent and
disgusting the "protest" by liberal Democrats was: [Video clip] You might think that in the aftermath of
such appalling lawlessness, mainstream Democratic politicians would rush to denounce the violence. In fact, to my
knowledge, not a single Minnesota Democrat has criticized what you saw in that video. At least one Democratic
legislator, Aisha Gomez, participated in the riot, and several others tweeted their support for it.
Threaten to "Bring Out the Guillotine" If Theaters Show Jordan Peterson Documentary. Theaters in many locations
are terminating their showing of the documentary "The Rise of Jordan Peterson" after receiving threats of violence.
According to The Stranger, showings in theaters in Toronto and Brooklyn had all been canceled due to complaints by staff that
they were fearful of "getting in trouble." It's the kind of "trouble" that is seen whenever Antifa and violent leftists show
up to impose their anti-fascist fascism on everyone present. The film's co-creator, Maziar Ghaderi was giving an interview
to The Stranger when he received a text message from a pastor who had agreed to screen the film in his church after theaters
refused to play it. He too had begun receiving complaints and threats.
and Political Disintegration Is Accelerating. [President] Trump — the embodiment of
capitalism — has become the personification of all the left hates. The politics of impeachment is powered by
inhuman forces of rage, deception, and immorality. Those spitting in the faces of those with MAGA red hats have
contempt for the Golden Rule as well as for the simple laws that stand against assault of one citizen by another. The
bullies and street punks of the sixties are still with us as bullies and lawless anti-Americans, and are attracting desperate
sex-obsessed partisans who are the products of declining family values. Yet, where are the Democratic leaders who
appeal for calm from those who oppose Trump or Republican policies? Rather, the Democrat leaders have shifted into full
statist mode with a large dose of anarchism as well. They oppose ICE and support other lawless behavior such as the
disgusting disrespect of the Senate during the Kavanaugh hearings. They advocate healthcare for all even though 180
million Americans would lose their present healthcare. This is nothing short of totalitarian communism.
Ilhan Omar and Lover Tim Mynett Were Seen at the MN Trump Riots. Riots of left wing radicals broke out in
Minneapolis on Thursday night following President Trump's record-setting rally in the Target Center. Far-left
protesters reportedly made a bonfire with dozens of 'Make America Great Again' hats stolen off the heads of people who
attended Thursday night's Trump rally in Minnesota. Blaze correspondent Elijah Schaffer reported that there were
approximately 40 hats stolen and burned.
Student Arrested Knocking Over Turning Point USA Table. A University of Nevada-Reno student has been charged
with property destruction and disturbing the peace after knocking over a Turning Point USA table on campus. The TPUSA
activists were promoting an upcoming speech on campus by the group's founder Charlie Kirk when Kevin Edsel began cursing at
them and flipped the table over.
Night, We Saw Fascism In the Streets. Last night [10/10/2019] President Trump conducted a fabulously successful
rally at the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis. Scott had a great experience that included meeting the President
and hearing his reporting praised repeatedly by President Trump. The 20,000 who were lucky enough to get into the
Target Center had a wonderful time; by all accounts it was one of Trump's best rallies. But outside the arena, things
were quite different. Thousands of lawless, violent Democrats "protested" Trump's appearance by committing assault,
among other crimes. They battled police officers. They attacked Republicans leaving Target Center. They set
bonfires and burned patriotic regalia. They carried the flag of the defunct Soviet Union.
MN State Rep Was Among Antifa Mob Harassing
Trump Supporters After Rally. A Democrat member of the Minnesota House of Representatives was among the
far-left riffraff that harassed and intimidated Trump supporters as they left the Trump rally in Minneapolis Thursday
night. Rep. Aisha Gomez (DFL) was seen consorting with a member of the antifa mob as he hurled profanities at
Republicans as they drove by. Hundreds of leftists gathered outside of the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis to
scream at Trump's supporters and tell them to go home.
legislator supports Antifa rioters. It turns out that a Minnesota politician was seen supporting the Antifa
rioters who attempted to disrupt President Trump's speech in Minneapolis Thursday night [10/10/2019]. There's been some
speculation that Ilhan (Omar) Elmi was there as well — there is video footage of a woman with her face half
covered that strongly resembles her — but Minnesota pol is dead certain.
Spitting, Violence from Trump Rally Protestors in Minneapolis. On Thursday [10/10/2019], the president held a
rally in Minneapolis and the violent left showed up to riot because our culture is laden with feeble-minded adult-children who
can't control themselves and lash out violently when presented with something they don't want to hear. And then they
are rewarded. You don't like the president? Fine hold up a sign, that's cool. You want to "set fire to Make
America Great Again hats and other memorabilia," or "punch a Trump supporter in the back of the head as he left the rally" or
assault rally attendees because they are "Nazis?" NO SIR. The more these terrorists are allowed to get away
with this behavior, the more they will do it and more their violence will escalate.
man allegedly threatened farmers who denied him sex with animals. A New Jersey man was arrested for asking
local farmers permission to have sex with their animals — and then threatening the farmers and damaging their cars
when refused, a report said. Richard Decker, 31, began sending the messages to Sussex County farms and horse stables in
2018, asking the animal caregivers if he could have sex with their cows and horses, the New Jersey Herald reported.
When he was rejected by the farmers, Decker allegedly sent threats and placed homemade metal spikes on their driveways to
damage their tires, according to the report. In one case, he threatened to beat a farmer's wife with a wooden stick
when denied permission. Several of the property owners reported their tires had been damaged by the spikes.
Rioters Attack Trump Supporters Leaving Minneapolis Rally. Left-wing rioters attacked supporters of President
Donald Trump leaving a rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Thursday evening — assaulting them in groups, setting
fire to pro-Trump hats, and attacking the police. Riot police stood by as members of Antifa were seen dragging steel
fences away from the Target Center. They were filmed by Elijah Schaffer, a correspondent for The Blaze, a conservative
news site — who was maced as he filmed.
protest in Minneapolis erupts in pepper spray, MAGA hat fires. Hundreds of protesters outside President Trump's
rally in Minneapolis Thursday night set fire to Make America Great Again hats and other memorabilia in an effort to show
their defiance to the current administration before police broke up the crowd, reports said. There were reports that
multiple protesters were arrested. One report indicated that protesters threw urine. Cell phone video posted by
Star Tribune reporter Chao Xiong showed Trump supporters walking through a crowd of protesters outside the Target Center in
Minneapolis, shouting, "Lock him up" and "Shame on you."
Embraces Police, Invites Them on Stage at Rally — Democrats and Antifa Thugs Outside Rally Attack
Police. President Trump held another massive rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Thursday night [10/10/2019].
During the rally President Trump invited the local police officers on stage at the rally. [Video clip] Outside the rally
wild-eyed Democrats and antifa terrorists attacked police. The leftists cursed police, threw bottles at police on
horses. The violent leftists were attacking police horses.
The Editor says...
As far as I know, the animal rights activists are okay with Antifa goons attacking police horses. They are all completely silent
about it. But you'll notice the Antifa goons aren't too eager to attack a police dog.
Frightened Old Woman with Her Trump 2020 Flag. Scouting a location to shoot a promotional video for my Trump
Train 2020 song, my wife Mary and I spotted a lovely home with a huge Trump 2020 flag waving in the breeze on a flagpole.
After knocking on the front door and introducing myself, I assured the elderly white homeowner that we would not show her
address in our video. Still, she declined our request to allow Mary to shoot video of me with her Trump 2020 flag in
the background. She was terrified of being persecuted by Trump haters. It is outrageous that citizens are afraid
to publicly express support for the president of the United States. The atrocious reality is Democrats and fake news
media continue to instigate hate and violence against Trump voters. Folks, we are in the process of losing our country
right now, not somewhere down the road. Democrats are aggressively repealing your constitutional right to free speech.
arrested after they 'gored' Charging Bull statue during climate protest. More than two dozen protesters were
hauled away in cuffs Monday morning after dousing Lower Manhattan's Charging Bull statue in fake gore during a climate change
demonstration, according to cops and photos from the scene. Members of the Extinction Rebellion group scaled the
statue, waving a green flag with the organization's symbol, and doused the financial icon and surrounding cobblestone block
with faux blood, according to social media. The NYPD said it had arrested 26 people as of 11:30 a.m. but did not
immediately have any further information.
ugly horde of female protesters target Judge Kavanaugh and Senator Mitch McConnell — again. All of
the usual anti-Kavanaugh protesters showed up in DC this past Sunday [10/6/2019] to mark the one-year anniversary of Justice
Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court. [...] To show what their version of democracy looks like, this scuzzy
bunch of mostly female agitators took to the streets around the Supreme Court building. They blocked traffic and
created a mess before marching off to Senator Mitch McConnell's home. Watch as DC police do nothing while the mob
trespasses on private property and vandalizes the U.S. Senate Majority Leader's front door with yellow tape. [Video clip]
The left's last
card. [T]he opposition is no longer loyal or respectable. It has gone functionally insane. The
Democrats have been transformed into the party of the fanatic, the messianic, the depraved, and the demented. The left
is obsessed with stopping Donald Trump at all costs and, as their slogan goes, "by any means necessary." If they can't
do it by legal or even the borderline means of the past three years, it is likely they will try to kill him. The
President is defended by agents of a Secret Service that has surely regained the level of professionalism eroded during the
Obama years. It is rumored that they are supplemented by top-of-the-line private security experts. But these
comprise the final line of defense. Any attempt against this president must never get that far.
Woman Found With 24 Pipe Bombs, Instructions, Manifestos. A 27-year-old Wimauma woman was arrested by the
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office after the bomb squad reportedly discovered 24 pipe bombs in her home along with
bomb-making materials, instructions on making bombs and anarchist manifestos. The sheriff's office said the bombs had
the potential to cause catastrophic damage and loss of life. Michelle Louise Kolts was arrested just after midnight
Friday at the home she shares with her parents in the 5000 block of Jagged Cloud Drive in the Sereno subdivision. The
sheriff's office launched its investigation into Kolts Thursday after her parents alerted the sheriff's office to her
Florida woman arrested
after parents find 24 pipe bombs in her bedroom. A 27-year-old Florida woman was arrested after her parents
found two dozen pipe bombs in her bedroom and called the local sheriff's office, authorities said Friday [10/4/2019].
Michelle Louise Kolts was arrested early Friday [10/4/2019] and booked on 24 counts of making, possessing, throwing,
projecting, placing or discharging a destructive device. "I can only imagine how hard it is to call in about any
family member," Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister said, according to Bloomingdale Patch.
Calls for Black Bloc Protest at Minneapolis Trump Rally: 'America is Cancelled'. Antifa has put out a call for
a black bloc protest at the Minneapolis Trump rally on October 10, declaring that "America is cancelled." Black bloc is
a tactic in which the far-left protesters dress in black from head to toe and cover their faces with black masks. The
tactic is meant to make it more difficult for police to identify those who break the law during a riot.
Man in 'MAGA'
hat assaulted in California restaurant bathroom; suspect arrested, police say. Authorities in California
arrested a man in connection with an assault last month in which another man wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat was
attacked in the bathroom of a restaurant. The Hermosa Beach Police Department said in a news release that David
Delgado, 32, was arrested Tuesday [10/1/2019] at his home in Winnetka, Calif., on suspicion of robbery and battery with
serious injury.
Supporters Wish Rape On Pro-Lifers, Cut Out Beating Hearts, Practice On Papayas. The abortion industry and its
defenders are in total freak-out mode, losing whatever wits they appeared to have in the process. That's not a
judgment. It's a demonstrable fact. It's almost as if every move they make in the public square these days is a
tragic bumble, merely revealing how flat-out extreme they truly are. The evidence is in ample supply. There's
this new video of an abortion supporter telling a pro-lifer she hopes "someone holds you down and rapes you."
After everything the violent Antifa thugs have done, THIS is what generates outrage? Antifa
hit with backlash over 'granny-bullying' after blocking elderly woman. Antifa took a public-relations hit this
week in Canada after activists blocked the path of an elderly woman using a walker as she tried to enter an Ontario college
for a talk featuring a conservative politician. The "anti-fascist" protest group was widely denounced over a viral
video showing three masked protesters standing in the woman's way Sunday [9/29/2019] as she slowly tried to cross the street,
accompanied by her elderly husband, while the activists shouted, "Nazi scum! Off our streets!"
Antifa Protesters Scream At, Block Elderly Woman. A video out of Hamilton, Ontario shows Antifa protesters
screaming in the face of and blocking the path of an elderly woman using a rolling walker. The incident occurred during
a demonstration outside Mohawk College against right-wing politician Maxime Bernier. The clip shows an elderly couple
attempting to cross the road while being accosted by a maniacal woman wearing a red face mask and two other Antifa members.
Antifa Radical Who Harassed Elderly Lady is a Syrian Migrant. One of the masked Antifa radicals who harassed an
elderly lady with a rolling walker during a protest in Hamilton, Ontario is Syrian migrant Alaa Soufi DaLua. As we
previously highlighted, the old woman was confronted as she tried to cross the road by a group of Antifa members who
proceeded to yell "Nazi scum!" in her face.
against the Citizenry Is the Left's Intent. [Scroll down] How can we think other than that there is
underlying violent intent in these Leftocrat so-called leaders? Instead of reprimands, rebukes, and calls for their
supporters to respect our democratic institutions and Republicans, they say nothing to encourage calm in the raging waters of
our political life. Rather, the ever charming Maxine Waters exhorts her followers to get in the faces of the opposition
in the Trump administration. And when the crazies were being removed from the gallery at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings,
not one of the Leftocrat senators condemned their disruptive behavior.
Antifa members caught on camera harassing Portland police near climate rally. Journalist Andy Ngo, who back in
June made headlines after he was brutally attacked by Antifa members, reacted Monday after covering a demonstration in
Portland, Ore., where young protesters harassed police. "This group that demonstrated on Friday was a bit younger than
what the average Antifa member is ... these were their youth wings," Ngo told "Fox & Friends." The comments came after
Antifa members were caught on camera harassing police in the area of a climate change rally.
Goons Get Thrashed By Federal Protective Service As They Attack An ICE Facility. Yesterday [9/20/2019], a
couple of thousand people showed up in Portland for the Climate Strike. This was a coordinated worldwide event in which
the least educated and most credulous among us demanded that the rest of us join them in moving society back to the Stone
Age. As you know, you can't have a demonstration in Portland without antifa or bloc or whatever they are calling
themselves. So, naturally, they set out to attack the DHS/ICE facility in Portland. That's when they found out
that they weren't opposed by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's ineffectual and anarchist-sympathetic police force but by people
who took their duties and responsibilities seriously.
Be Shot In The Head': Secret Service Investigates Teacher's Alleged Threat Against Pence. The Secret Service is
investigating a North Carolina high school teacher after she allegedly told a classroom of students that Vice President Mike
Pence "should be shot in the head," according to numerous reports. "The woman allegedly told her class at Cuthbertson
High School in Union County that Pence should be 'shot in the head,' WJZY reported over the weekend," The Charlotte Observer
wrote. The unidentified teacher allegedly made the comment the same week Pence stopped in Union County to campaign for
congressional candidate Rep. Dan Bishop, Fox 46 reported.
Communists Protest Outside ICE Warden's Home: 'No Borders, No Nations!' Communists and anti-enforcement
activists in Denver, Colorado, protested outside the home of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility warden,
shouting, "No borders, no nations, no racist deportations!" As Breitbart News has chronicled, Abolish ICE Denver,
Denver Communists, and Denver Action Network organized outside the home of Aurora's ICE processing center warden Johnny
Choate, arriving in shirts reading, "Let them all in," and, "Close the concentration camps."
group torches US flag in protest of Trump's Los Angeles visit. A self-described communist group burned an
American flag outside a Los Angeles hotel Tuesday in protest of President Trump's arrival in the city, sparking a series of
fights with pro-Trump counter-protesters. "America was never great!" chanted a contingent from Revolution Club Los
Angeles as they locked hands in a circle outside the Beverly Hills Hotel, a video of the act tweeted by the group
shows. That refrain turned to "Humanity first!" as a rabble-rouser in the middle of the circle set Old Glory aflame.
Threat And Chemical Attack Disrupts Pro-Life Students for Life Event in Rochester, MN — One Arrested. A
40 Days for Life and Students for Life Kick Off in Rochester, MN, was disrupted Wednesday night as Students for Life of America
Northern Regional Coordinator Noah Maldonado was speaking. An agitated man allegedly had in his possession what looked to be
a bomb. Maldonado was giving a speech titled "Embracing Controversy" at Rochester Community and Technical College in
Rochester, MN, as police were called to the scene.
and Trump Supporters Clash Outside of Trump Fundraiser. Several fights broke out Tuesday evening [9/17/2019] between
protesters and supporters of the president amid the arrival of President Donald Trump in Los Angeles for a fundraising event.
According to CBS Los Angeles's Chris Holmstrom, the fights began between several groups, including Antifa, out front of the Beverly
Hills Hotel after an American flag was lit on fire.
Its Own Definition Antifa is Fascist. Antifa's founding can be traced back to 2007 in Portland and the Rose
City Antifa group. Prior to 2016, the group's activities were limited to harassing neo-Nazi gatherings and doxing white
supremacists. But that changed in 2016 after the election of Donald Trump, when the group declared a national
emergency. Rose City Antifa has a website full of information about the group. In their FAQ (frequently asked
questions) section, they admit that fascism can be difficult to define as all fascist movements do not have the same
features. They utilize a definition of fascism that is based on a cluster of traits, so that a specific definition is
never mentioned. While a movement may not have every one of these traits, if there is a preponderance (a specific
number is never defined but we can believe that it's two or more) then Antifa will classify that movement or group as
fascist. By these criteria, Antifa clearly is fascist.
Incites Violent War on ICE. Abolish ICE thugs in Colorado want to see the homes and families of immigration
enforcement officials set aflame. Denver communists want alien detention facility employees dead, swinging from nooses
with broken necks. Both groups are brazenly using Facebook to spread their inflammatory and violent messages. So,
where is Silicon Valley — whose top companies partner with the Southern Poverty Law Center smear machine to
de-platform conservatives, pro-lifers and Donald Trump supporters — to stop the open borders left's escalating hate?
wish death on officers after fatal shootout on Staten Island. Onlookers pelted police with profanities and
death wishes shortly after officers killed a career criminal in wild a shootout that left a cop with a bullet in her hand.
[A man] bellowed [...] at a police cordon for about two consecutive minutes along the Clifton street, where the officer was
struck on the left hand around 8:45 a.m. [...] Much of the invective came from a group of 14 people restricted to the
driveway of one Prince Street home while cops painstakingly processed the scene where the Finest was wounded and gunman Gregory
Edwards was shot dead.
man says he smashed car windows because 'Trump owes me 1 trillion dollars'. A homeless Florida man went on a
vandalism spree smashing the windows of at least 20 cars parked at a hotel in Fort Walton Beach, claiming President Trump
owes him money. Okaloosa County sheriff's deputies arrested Justin James Wilson, 30, on Monday after allegedly using rocks
and a belt buckle to smash windows and beat cars parked at a Holiday Inn Resort. He caused at least $30,000 in damage.
Multicultural Frauds.
Notice how multicultural intellectuals teach nonwhites that they are victims in need of redress. Notice how whites
learn that they are to blame for all the world's problems. Despite their appearance of righteousness, multicultural
intellectuals are in the business of manufacturing hostilities and grievances between racial groups, for, as with feminism
and its endless battle against "sexism" and "misogyny," the war on "racism" requires a perpetual supply of "racists" to
oppose. Meanwhile, social order is breaking down, and the future looks dark. In 2017, the Brookings Institution
took a survey of 1,500 current undergraduates. To the question of whether a student group had the right to shout down
or otherwise disrupt a speaker who is "known for making offensive and hurtful statements," 51% answered that they found such
a tactic justifiable. One in five students said that violence was acceptable in silencing a politically incorrect speaker.
Matter Who Wins in 2020, There Will Be Blood. Antifa, the military arm of the Democratic Party, has not spent
the last three years practicing and organizing merely to sit on the sidelines. They have used the interregnum to
mobilize and learn tactics, while probing to find what government will allow, media will trumpet, and the public will endure.
[...] They will flood the streets after a Trump victory in their Antifa costumes looking to bust the heads of anyone near
enough to become part of their 15 minutes of YouTube fame.
Real Threat is Red Supremacists. August 2017, Charlottesville: Police disappear even as belligerents
advance toward each other, and fighting in the streets begins. [...] Anyone could see that white supremacists lurked on every
street. Funny thing: If you wait around for these people to turn up on their own, you will probably find they are
as rare as Sasquatch. Seriously. Does anyone know a white supremacist? Do they have any spokespeople on
television? Do they have networks as liberals do? Do they have bestsellers and big rallies? Do they run
departments at great universities? Do they control foundations? Central casting wants to know: where do you find
these people? Probably you can't, not unless you have top-level politicians willing to create riots on demand.
The Democrat-Antifa Axis.
Last fall, journalist Andy Ngo documented 38 "days of government-sanctioned anarchy" that swept like wildfire through
Portland, Oregon. Antifa, a group of black-clad, jackbooted left-wing militants, laid siege to the local U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office and eventually engulfed the community in chaos, all under the passive
oversight of Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler. Antifa barricaded exits and blocked the driveway to the field office. At
night they laid on the street in protest, obstructing traffic to a nearby hospital with their frail bodies. Wheeler, who
doubles as police commissioner, prohibited his officers from aiding Immigration and Customs personnel begging for assistance.
Some had been followed home by Antifa members, who proceeded to vandalize their property and frighten their children.
Court Judge Says Not So Fast on Pathetic 30-Day Sentence for Rand Paul's Politically Motivated Attacker.
Contrary to the punchlines of late-night comics, the attack that Rand Paul suffered back in 2017 when his neighbor tackled
him over landscaping disagreements was not funny at all. The crime left Paul with major complications including
recurring bouts of pneumonia after damage to his lungs, and multiple surgeries including a partial lung removal and
corrective surgery on a hernia. It isn't a stretch to say that Senator Paul could have died. The attack was
severe and the damage has been long-lasting.
Injured Rand Paul Gets a Second Chance at Justice. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals threw out the ridiculously lenient
sentence received by Rene Boucher for assaulting Senator Rand Paul, a sentence that fell well below the sentencing range of 21 to
27 months in jail that he should have received. Boucher was sentenced by Clinton-appointed judge, Marianne Battani, to one
month in jail and a $10,000 fine for what was almost surely a hate-inspired crime. He got less than 5% of what is recommended as
the bare minimum sentence when all factors were taken into account.
principal of DC school fails to protect Trump-supporting student. The principal of a high-performing magnet
high school located in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C. has jeopardized the safety of one of his students
because of her support for President Trump. Jayne Zirkle, a senior at School Without Walls High School, known as
"Walls," will spend the rest of the school year taking classes online. The severity of threats and harassment coming
from her classmates has made it impossible for her to attend the public school without fear of physical harm.
Antifa Calls
A Black Man Who Has De-Radicalized KKK Members A White Supremacist. Daryl Davis was a speaker at an "Ending
Racism" event organized by MINDS, which was part of a series "intended to create dialogue and promote viewpoint diversity."
Davis, a musician, is a race relations expert who has spent years speaking to and rehabilitating members of groups like the KKK.
About 40 Antifa members showed up to protest "Ending Racism," which was moved from a New Jersey theater to a center in
Pennsylvania because Antifa threatened to burn down the theater, Davis told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Some
Antifa members called Davis, who is black, a white supremacist for attending the event. "I laughed, I thought it was
funny," Davis told the DCNF.
Supporting High Schooler Harassed, Threatened and Hounded Out of School by Liberal Classmates. Washington DC
senior Jayne Zirkle was forced to leave her high school after continued harassment and threats from her liberal classmates
for supporting President Trump. And Jayne says the teachers were not helpful. She even had instances where the
liberal teachers lowered her grades because she supported the president.
Toronto opening stormed by protesters: 'Cluck off'. The grand opening of Chick-fil-A's first international
location in Toronto was met by a grand protest Friday by LGBTQ activists, who argued that the chicken-centric chain owner's
historically antigay policies will clash with the culture of Canada's largest city.
Lieutenant Blames Bill de Blasio's 'Regressive Policies' For Assault On Police Officer. Retried New York Police
Department (NYPD) Lieutenant Darrin Porcher blamed the "regressive policies" of Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
after video surfaced Thursday of a bystander throwing an open container of milk at a New York Police officer. "We look
what happened in the summertime, result of regressive policies from city hall, quote, unquote, Mayor de Blasio," Porcher said
Friday [9/6/2019] during an appearance on Fox & Friends.
hurls milk at NYPD cop on scene of Bronx fire. A man hurled a half-gallon of milk at a cop while officers stood
guard at a Bronx fire scene, the NYPD said Thursday [9/5/2019]. The incident happened just before 5 p.m. Tuesday
after cops had evacuated an apartment building at 1454 Grand Concourse as firefighters battled a blaze, according to the
NYPD. The crowd became rowdy and a man chucked a carton of milk at one of the officers — who quickly ducked
out of the way.
out of Boston': Judges refuse to drop charges against protesters at Straight Pride Parade. Activists hoping to
be let off with a slap on the wrist after being arrested for disrupting last weekend's Straight Pride Parade have run into
resistance from Boston judges. Two Boston Municipal Court judges refused to throw out the charges against the 18
defendants who appeared Tuesday in court, frustrating defense attorneys and prosecutors who sought to have minor charges
dismissed, as reported by local news outlets. Judge Thomas Horgan also told out-of-towners that they risked 90-day jail
sentences if they set foot in Boston for any reason other than court and lawyer appointments, rejecting one defendant's
request to visit relatives in the city's Jamaica Plain neighborhood.
Thought It Could Get Away With Violence Against Boston's "Straight Pride Parade," But A Judge Is Ruining Their
Day. Antifa has had an easy time of it lately. No matter what violence or illegalities they seem to
commit, they pretty much get away with it with only a few arrests here and there. What's more, the media that may as
well sport pompoms when they talk about Antifa, further putting social pressure on lawmakers to look the other way when it
comes to Antifa's crimes. Not in Boston, however. As Sister Toldjah wrote earlier on Wednesday [9/4/2019],
36 members of Antifa were arrested as they assaulted citizens and police while trying to disrupt the parade. The members
were charged with various charges, including assault and battery of officers as well as assault with a dangerous weapon.
Dems Raise Money to Help Activists Arrested in Boston, Including Antifa Goons Who Assaulted Cops. Far-left
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley lent a helping hand to violent antifa agitators over the weekend
after a number of them were arrested on assault and battery charges. The two "Squad" members urged their followers on
Twitter to contribute to the bail fund for the "counter-protesters" who tangled with law enforcement while protesting the
Straight Pride Parade in Boston on Saturday [8/31/2019]. A masked Antifa protester told reporters that the violence was
necessary in order to shut up Straight Pride marchers.
'Freaks And Misfits' Of Antifa Want Civil War And 'Revolution'. It appears Portland, Oregon authorities have
finally decided to start doing their jobs of arresting the violent thugs that created chaos during the August 17 rally and
counter-protest by Antifa, dubbed "Freaks, Hippies, Weirdos, Twerps, Misfits," by Big League Politics, as Independent Journalist
Andy Ngo, one of the only reporters that has documented the Antifa violence consistently since 2016, explains what Antifa's
endgame truly is, which is civil war and revolution. Top those arrests off with another 36 arrested in Boston after
attempting to violently disrupt the Straight Pride Parade on August 31, and it appears that Antifa groups are finally
being exposed publicly for exactly what they are, domestic terrorists.
Antifa what they are: domestic terrorists. The 36 arrests and four police who were injured during Saturday's
[8/31/2019] Straight Pride Parade in Boston is the latest episode highlighting why Antifa, a radical far-left militant group,
ought to be designated a terror organization. [...] The alt-left militant group clad in all black wearing face masks and
helmets resembling ISIS extremists are more aptly described as anti-First Amendment as they — like other terror
groups — use makeshift bombs, brute force, bricks, chains and other weapons to silence any speech or ideology they
disagree with. On Saturday it was a satirical heterosexual pride event they opposed. In July, authorities say it
was a self-described Antifa terrorist who firebombed an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, Wash., to oppose U.S. immigration
policy. That Antifa terrorist allegedly set a car ablaze then opened fire using an AR-15 and hurled Molotov cocktails at
the detention center, which housed over 1,000 migrants. If it weren't for our heroes in blue, scores would've been killed.
Latest attack on Hasidic Man in Brooklyn not motivated by hate; community still on edge. Police say they don't
believe a Sturday [sic] [8/31/2019] attack on a man wearing traditional Jewish garment in Brooklyn was motivated by bias, but
some members of the jewish [sic] community are concerned. Men dressed in traditional Jewish garment have been the target of
attacks in Brooklyn three times over the last week.
of ANTIFA Terrorists Arrested for Violence During 'Straight Pride Parade'. Law enforcement arrested 36
individuals, mostly believed to be ANTIFA terrorists, at yesterday's straight pride parade in Boston, MA, as four police were
injured as the thugs attempted to stop the parade from taking place. Big League Politics reported that ANTIFA was
already fundraising to cover bail fees for their organization's terrorists beforehand, as their violent display was clearly
premeditated in an attempt to shut down the lawful orderly protest that drew approximately 200 participants.
Woman Tosses
Molotov Cocktail Into Florida USCIS Office. A woman tossed a lit Molotov cocktail into the lobby of a U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services office in Oakland Park, Florida. No major injuries were reported, according to a
report of the incident sent to administration officials and viewed by The Associated Press, though one person reported
feeling ill from the smell of gasoline.
The Editor says...
The article goes on to say, in so many words, that the police are trying to pretend that the
recent attacks on ICE offices are unrelated.
Rape Shelter Gets Death Threats for Rejecting Transgender Women. The Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter
(VRRWS) is facing vandalism and death threats for refusing to include transgender women. The center, which is Canada's
oldest rape crisis shelter, shared photos of the vandalism on their social media account.
is Raising Bail Money For Arrests During Straight Pride Counter Protest That Hasn't Happened Yet. To prepare
for an upcoming Straight Pride Parade in Boston, Antifa-affiliated groups are already raising money to bail those who commit
violence out of jail. The fundraiser, posted on the website FundRazr, is titled "Solidarity Against Hate Legal Defense
Fund" is being operated by "Solidarity Against Hate- Boston," who describe themselves as Antifa. As of writing this
article, the fund has raised $1,710 of their $2,500 goal.
Assaulted in Portland for Wearing 'MAGA' Hat. A man and his wife were assaulted outside a bar in Portland,
Oregon during the weekend, over the fact that the man was wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat. Luke Lenzner
told a Fox affiliate in Portland that as he and his wife were leaving the Growler's Taproom bar just before 1 a.m., people
were "surrounding me, like literally surrounding me, pushing me." He said that he was "trying to stop the person from
hitting me, from taking my hat, and then I get sucker punched."
The Editor says...
If you're wearing a MAGA hat outside a Portland bar at 1:00 a.m., it would almost be newsworthy if you didn't
come under attack.
Day for prof who wants to 'kill all' Christians. Apparently, officials at an Iowa community college aren't
comfortable with a professor threatening to "clock" President Trump with a baseball bat and "bury" evangelical Christians
"deep in the ground."
Four Reports of Assaults Incited by CNN Journalists in Just 6 Weeks. For the better part of five years,
Breitbart News has meticulously documented the climate of violence CNN chief Jeff Zucker has aggressively fostered at his
fake news network. But over the past six weeks, the basement rated outlet's violent streak has become even more
aggressive as CNN journalists have been credibly accused and even caught on video engaging in violent and threatening behavior.
Ready For Apocalypse Ruth. Progressives' ghoulish glee over the death of an old man turned into barely
constrained panic when, later that day, it was revealed that their heroine Ruth Bader Ginsberg was just treated for
pancreatic cancer yet again. Their disgraceful joy at David Koch's passing was yet another reminder of the harsh truth
that leftists want you dead or enslaved. Koch's sin was that he disagreed with liberals (though, in important ways,
also with conservatives). For that, these cretins danced around like idiots celebrating his succumbing. And they'll
celebrate when you die too. Always believe people who tell you they hate you and want you dead.
Who Is Antifa?
What You Need To Know. There is much confusion as to who Antifa is, and what they stand for. [...] Fascism and
Communism are not opposite ends of the spectrum, rather, they are first cousins on the left. Both are secular socialist
with power being absolute with no opposition tolerated, especially from God. No natural rights, only that which they
choose to dispense. On Monday [8/19/2019], a disenchanted former Antifa member was interviewed on Fox News. He
was as confused as so many others. He called Antifa the real fascists. No, they are not fascists. Antifa
was and is primarily a global Communist movement using fascist tactics: breaking up meetings, rallies, destroying
property, clubbing a few people, etc. They use the moniker 'anti-fascist' to keep you confused with no idea as to their
real intentions. Democrats don't speak out because they are close relations: the militant wing of the party doing
the dirty work, but keeping enough space between them to distract you. Democrats are not strangers to militant wings,
hence the KKK.
Rubin: GOP Should Be 'Burned Down' with No 'Survivors'. On Sunday's [8/25/2019] AM Joy on MSNBC,
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin renewed a previous attack on former Donald Trump administration members as she declared
that they should be "shunned" for the rest of the lives, and that the Republican Party should figuratively be "burned down" so that
there are no "survivors," punishing Trump's "enablers."
Forecast: Stormy Weather Ahead. Telegraphing the hard slog ahead, Speaker Nancy Pelosi joins others in
her party suggesting threats of violence are called for: "So you have to be ready to take a punch. You have to be
ready to take a punch," Pelosi said. "And therefore, you have to be ready to throw a punch, for the children.
Throw a punch for the children!" She said this in an atmosphere where anti-Republican violence escalates. Given
Bernie Bro James Hodgkinson's shooting of Representative Steve Scalise and his attempted murder of the congressional
Republican leadership to the almost daily thuggery against conservatives on college campuses, in restaurants, and Portland,
her language is certainly as incendiary as that of Maxine Waters' harangue that "cabinet members and highly visible Trump
enablers should expect harassment at restaurants, gas stations, shopping places, and even their homes until they change their
immigration policy." The continued harassment and violence, of course, is unreported or underreported by the media.
Charlotte Police canceling all vacations in fear of major violence during GOP convention next August. I am so
old — far older than most of those planning to disrupt the convention — that I remember vividly the
riots that took place at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The antiwar fanatics, including Yippies
who later were dubbed the "Chicago 7" when put on trial, did not want Vice President Hubert Humphrey to receive the
nomination and continue the Vietnam War policies of his boss, President Lyndon Baines Johnson. They conducted riots
outside the convention and on the streets of downtown Chicago — much of it televised by the TV networks —
attempting to disrupt the convention. [...] The arrogant, self-righteous, repellant radicals managed to repulse a large segment
of the American public who watched on television. The result was the election of Richard Nixon and a GOP pickup of
seats in both the House and Senate.
Institutions [are] Mainstreaming Hatred. "Resistance" is a euphemism for anything goes when it comes to intimidating
and punishing republicans and proof that liberals are among the least tolerant people in America's history. It's also within
this environment that the ironically named and increasingly violent Anti-Fascist (Antifa) movement sprang into existence. Most
Americans have no idea how evil and dangerous this organization has become because its media collaborators offer it a blanket of
sexually assaulted by another woman at GOP booth at State Fair. A volunteer at the GOP booth at the Minnesota
State Fair was sexually assaulted Friday night [8/23/2019]. According to a Minnesota State Fair police spokesperson, a
40-year-old woman filed a police report stating she was volunteering in the GOP booth when a woman approached her and groped
her private parts twice.
The Editor says...
Earlier reports revealed that it was an angry Democrat who grabbed the volunteer's private area while reminiscing about Donald
Trump's boorish remarks to Billy Bush in 2005 (when Trump was a Democrat). Later, that detail was scrubbed from the news coverage,
with ambiguous headlines
like, "Volunteer allegedly sexually assaulted by woman at GOP booth at Minnesota State Fair," which could lead a headline-only reader
to surmise that a Republican assaulted someone.
reports being assaulted at state fair GOP booth. State Fair Police say the victim reported being groped over
her clothing by another woman she didn't know during a "verbal disagreement regarding political affiliation," around 9 p.m.
on Friday [8/23/2019].
says he'd like to 'clock' president with bat. A college professor in Iowa openly declared his support for the
violent far-left Antifa movement after coming under fire for inflammatory social media posts that included the desire to bash
President Trump with a baseball bat. Jeff Klinzman, an adjunct English professor of nearly 10 years at Kirkwood
Community College in Cedar Rapids, made the remark after a local TV station questioned him over his social media activity.
Professor in Cedar Rapids Under Fire for Violent Social Media Posts. A college professor in Iowa is under fire
after admitting to being involved in the violent Antifa movement and for posting inflammatory comments on social media posts,
including an apparent desire to "clock" President Trump with a bat. Antifa has turned many college campuses into war
zones, with every attempt to hold a right-of-center event descending into violent chaos.
Left Shows How Low It Can Go With Disgusting, Gleeful Twitter Messages Celebrating David Koch's Death.
Following news of the death of billionaire industrialist, GOP supporter and philanthropist 79-year-old David Koch, along with
details about his life and touching tributes, some Twitter users took the moment to celebrate his death. [...] The news of
Koch's death "sent many who already view the Koch brothers as Republican boogeymen to their keyboards to celebrate David's
passing and taunt his grieving older brother, Charles."
Boys Facing Up To 15 Years In Prison, Antifa Gets To Go Free. Maxwell Hare and John Kinsman, two members of the
far-right group Proud Boys have been convicted of attempted gang assault, attempted assault, and riot for a fight that
occured in New York City with Antifa members. The group is known for not starting fights, but finishing them.
New Mexico Ranch Has Story to Tell, Official Says. Recently deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's secluded
"Zorro Ranch" property in New Mexico is drawing attention, as state authorities there say they are cooperating with
investigators and have already handed over 400 pages of Epstein's property records. The documents, which may contain
names of Epstein's alleged co-conspirators, were handed to investigators by New Mexico Public Lands Commissioner Stephanie
Garcia Richard.
the French Revolution to Antifa in America: A thug is a thug is a thug. By any standard of decency, the
Antifa movement is a mob of thugs. Unfortunately, standards of decency have fallen upon hard times. So, anytime
the Antifa guys (and gals?) attack and maul people or property, the news is failing to show the thuggery. When the
far-Right Proud Boys agitate, the police can do nothing about the violence. City and state leaders, the always liberal
mayors and governors, bind the hands of the police. So, reels of films show these cowardly lunatics beating, smashing,
cursing and otherwise wrecking civilization virtually with impunity.
Declare Antifa
a terrorist group — Enough is enough. Over the last weekend, Portland once again became a
battleground for two extremist organizations: Antifa and the Proud Boys. There is still more video coming out,
but so far, Antifa is proving to be just as vicious and demented as ever. The last time Antifa organized in Portland,
journalist Andy Ngo was the only person who was attacked, but the more recent rally proved to be far more violent.
Enough is enough: it's time to designate Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. Make no mistake, the Proud Boys
are a hateful, neo-fascist group. But our First Amendment protects the free speech rights of all Americans and our nation
cannot tolerate the violence and intimidation Antifa is increasingly unleashing on those they disagree with — and
innocent bystanders — from coast to coast. The people of Portland and communities across America deserve
better from our government leaders.
Violence: Ten instances of threats against President Trump. Violence in America's cities might be
decreasing, but that does not mean violent political rhetoric is taking time off. Liberals sanctioned violence by
groups like ANTIFA is increasing. Over the last weekend, the domestic terrorists attacked protestors on Oregon, causing
bodily harm to those they disagree with. [...] What became known as Trump Derangement Syndrome has blown the top off
Pandora's Box. The result is that liberals — from Hollywood to Democrat politicians are responsible for the
hate movement washing over America. Unfortunately, the hate against President Trump has spilled over to liberal hate of
the unborn, conservative Trump supporters, ICE, Homeland Security, Republican's in office and the so-called deplorables.
True Face of Antifa is Too Ugly for Words. The fake news hacks at The Oregonian won't report it, but here's
what the real face of Antifa actually looked like during its' latest riot in Portland, Oregon on Saturday [Hat tip to
Mr. Andy Ngo, that rarest of rare animals in America today: a real, actual journalist.]: [Video clip]
Congresswoman Deb Haaland Calls Antifa 'Peaceful Protesters'. epresentative Deb Haaland (D-N.M.) defended the
violence of the far-left Antifa in an interview on CNN. Over the weekend, Antifa rioted yet again in the city of
Portland, Oregon, as the right-wing group Proud Boys was planning another demonstration in the city. Multiple videos
emerged showing numerous clear acts of violence from Antifa, including the left-wing mob chasing a little girl through the
city streets, and throwing hammers at members of the Proud Boys.
Role of Gun Control in Dictatorship. [Scroll down] [T]he socialists/communists will not control the
military until they have overthrown the current form of government and seized all power, including law enforcement.
Should confrontations occur before then, they will not be with the military, and depending on the politics of law enforcement
officers, may not be with the police. Rather, the earliest violent confrontations will be with armed civilian mobs,
successors to the ones we see now at the homes of political enemies, calling for their deaths and those of their family
members. This is foreseeable in the growing number of "John Brown Gun Clubs" around the country, which cater to
fanatical leftists who learn to shoot, and train to varying degrees to serve as the civilian vigilante arm of the left.
Unlike normal Americans, who are motivated to defend themselves from irrational lunatics, these gun owners are training as an
offensive force for the overthrow of capitalism and democratic republicanism.
Low-level terrorism: Rashida
Tlaib's Palestinian Grandmother Casts a Spell Over President Trump: 'May Allah Ruin Him'. Rashida Tlaib's
Palestinian grandmother, Muftia Tlaib, cursed President Trump in Arabic after he said she was the only winner in the decision
by her granddaughter to not visit her in the West Bank after a back and forth with Israel about whether the anti-Israel
Democrat Rep. Rashid (MI) would be allowed by Israel to enter the country and also visit the Palestinian
territories. The 90-year-old grandmother made these remarks during an interview with Reuters.
arrested, 6 injured in Portland clashes. Portland, Ore., police reportedly made 13 arrests on Saturday in
connection with dueling demonstrations between far-right demonstrators and anti-fascist counterprotesters. Police said
they seized weapons including shields, metal and wooden rods, knives, chemical sprays, and a stun gun from participants, who
included anti-fascists and members of the far-right Proud Boys organization and numbered about 1,200 at the peak of the
demonstrations, according to The Associated Press.
Protesters Mace, Beat Elderly Man Unconscious — No Police. Violent Antifa protests are breaking out
in Portland, Oregon, following the pre-planned "End of Domestic Terrorism" event taking place in the city. More video
has emerged of Antifa's activities in Portland, Oregon and this one is more brutal than the previous videos. In this
one, shown by journalist Andy Ngo, an elderly man is maced and beaten unconscious as crowd of Antifa surrounds him.
causes disturbances long after most Proud Boys leave Portland rally. While the Proud Boys rally to "End
Domestic Terrorism" at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park came and went within a short amount of time, members of antifa continued
to stay out in the streets of "Rose City." Scheduled to start at 11 a.m. on Saturday [8/17/209], the "End Domestic
Terrorism" rally coordinated by former InfoWars staffer Joe Biggs ended at around noon, with a majority of the group choosing
to march across the nearby bridge.
Boys Release Official Statement After Portland Officials Target and ARREST Conservative Pro-Trump Patriots Before Saturday
Rally. Far left Portland and Multnomah County officials sent out the police on conservative dissidents before a
rally on Saturday. Several pro-Trump activists have been arrested over the last week, with warrants out for others, as
the state officially files criminal charges stemming from the brawl that took place at antifa clubhouse Cider Riot.
None of the antifa people involved in the melee face any charges, despite them throwing beer bottles at the Trump crew,
pepper-spraying media, assaulting a student filmmaker and vandalizing his camera, and even wacking one guy with a baton as
he was retreating.
and Chaos': Violent Antifa Protests Break Out in Portland. Violent Antifa protests are breaking out in
Portland, Oregon, following the pre-planned "End of Domestic Terrorism" event taking place in the city. City officials
have been preparing for the potential of dueling clashes, with the police force at the ready and additional agencies on
standby. According to journalist and editor of Quillette, Andy Ngo, — who warned that Saturday's events had
the potential to be a "powder keg" — things are already taking a violent turn.
Multiple Attacks Caught
On Video During Antifa Demonstration In Portland. A series of Saturday [8/17/2019] clashes between Antifa and
right-wing groups were caught on video and posted to Twitter by journalists Andy Ngo, Elijah Schaffer and others.
Portland's Rose City Antifa comprised one of the leftist groups there to oppose right-wing demonstrators from various
organizations, including Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, and Three Percenters.
Haaland (D): Antifa Are 'Peaceful Protesters' Trying To 'Safeguard Their City'. Democratic Rep. Debra
Haaland (N.M.) called Antifa a group of "peaceful protesters" that is "working to safeguard their city from domestic
terrorism" during an appearance on CNN Saturday [8/17/2019]. Police arrested at least 13 individuals during the
protests and counter-protests between far-right activists and "anti-fascist" demonstrators in Portland, Ore. according to
reports. CNN host Ana Cabrera read a tweet from President Donald Trump posted Saturday in which he called for Antifa to
be labeled a terrorist group.
and Chaos': Violent Antifa Protests Break Out in Portland. Violent Antifa protests are breaking out in Portland, Oregon,
following the pre-planned "End of Domestic Terrorism" event taking place in the city. City officials have been preparing for the
potential of dueling clashes, with the police force at the ready and additional agencies on standby. According to journalist and
editor of Quillette, Andy Ngo, — who warned that Saturday's events had the potential to be a "powder keg" —
things are already taking a violent turn.
Dan Crenshaw rips Antifa demonstrators, blasts Portland protests as 'sad showing'. In a Twitter message
Saturday [8/17/2019], U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw declared Saturday's protests in Portland, Ore., "a sad showing," and said
the city's Antifa activists paled in comparison to the demonstrators fighting for democracy in Hong Kong. "In Hong
Kong," the Republican congressman from Texas wrote, "antifascists wave American flags, demand freedom and actually fight
fascists. "In Portland," he continued, " 'antifascists' burn American flags, demand violence in the name of socialism."
Trump Says 'Major' Consideration Given to Labeling Antifa an 'Organization of Terror'. One of the organizers of
the planned event, Joe Biggs, said it serves as a response to the violent Antifa protests that broke out in the city last
month, which resulted in the hospitalization of journalist and editor of Quillette, Andy Ngo. Video showed violent
Antifa protesters punching and kicking Ngo and throwing milkshakes.
When was the last time HuffPost called anybody a far-left group? Trump
Threatens Antifa With Terrorist Label As Portland Braces For Far-Right Rally. As Portland, Oregon, braced for
dueling protests between right-wing extremists and the anti-fascists who have vowed to confront them on Saturday, President
Donald Trump threw gasoline on the fire, threatening that the far-left demonstrators could be labeled terrorists.
acting ICE director under Bush and Obama slams 'disgusting' attacks, threats against ICE agents. The former
acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, John Torres, called the recent attacks on federal immigration
facilities "disgusting" on "Fox & Friends" Thursday, and said he considers them to be violent terroristic threats.
Torres, who served in 2008 and 2009, was referring to a Tuesday shooting in San Antonio, Texas at an ICE office building, and
at another facility where an ICE contractor was located. There was also an incident in Tacoma, Washington in July where
an Antifa protester threw incendiary devices at an ICE building and started setting cars on fire. He was ultimately
shot and killed by state police officers. "It's horrific. It's disgusting. It's borderline criminal
harassment," Torres said of the personal threats and attacks against ICE agents. "Actually, potentially terroristic
threats. We're not talking about peaceful protests here.
Accused Of Placing Fake Subway Rice Cooker Bombs Held On $200,000 Bail. The West Virginia man who allegedly
intentionally created a bomb scare on the NYC subway - one of the busiest, and poorest functioning mass transit hubs in the
country - will be held on $200,000 bond following his arrest and Sunday [8/18/2019] arraignment, the NY Post reports.
26, who placed two rice cookers in NYC subway station has a warrant out for his arrest in West Virginia. The
'person of interest' being investigated by police for causing a bomb scare in New York City on Friday by leaving two rice cookers
in a Manhattan subway station — and possibly a third by a trash can — has been identified by DailyMail.com.
Larry Kenton Griffin II, 26, of Bruno, West Virginia is the man captured on surveillance footage pushing a shopping cart containing a
number of rice cookers inside Fulton Street Station.
and the Collectivist Way of War. Antifa storms in and out of the news, despite that fact, the Left is unable to
denounce this militant band of thugs. The Left cannot denounce Antifa because Antifa embodies the very ethos of war and
violence that collectivism needs to thrive on. To assail Antifa would be to attack the heart of the cancerous poison
that is destroying liberty oriented societies. [...] Collectivism thrives on war. In fact, it needs war.
Collectivism demands the mobilization of people to advance its aims. As such, it is necessary for collectivists to
always have an existential threat which allows for the perpetuition [sic] of mobilized society.
Isn't AOC Taking Blame For Violent Attacks On ICE? If you didn't know about Tuesday's [8/13/2019] shooting at
the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in San Antonio, Texas, don't feel bad. The story got almost no
coverage. Even though it was the fourth attack on ICE offices in just the past four weeks, and these attacks are
clearly politically motivated. The San Antonio shooter knew what he was doing. He targeted two floors that housed
ICE administrative offices. Another shooting occurred at a separate facility that housed an ICE contractor. In
other words, this was an attack specifically targeting ICE and those who work with ICE.
More on the San Antonio ICE office shooting.
Let's keep in mind that this isn't an isolated incident. Here are the attacks on ICE offices just from this summer.
Aug. 13 — San Antonio, TX July 16 — Washington, DC
July 14 — Tacoma, WA July 12 — Aurora, CO The next thing to note is that most of
the media appears to be treating this shooting as a "local news story," as we so often say. As I'm writing this post
this morning, I have seen a grand total of one mention of this on CNN today, though I suppose it's possible I missed
one. And there hasn't been any deeper analysis of why it happened, etc. Just the straight "who, where, when, how"
type of journalism.
Funding the Wicked War on ICE? An alarming shooting took place at a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
offices in San Antonio on Tuesday [8/13/2019]. Local media reported that "multiple shots were fired on two floors
targeting ICE officials." [...] The San Antonio attack comes just one month after an antifa extremist ambushed an ICE
detention facility in Tacoma, Washington, armed with a rifle and incendiary devices. The vengeful antifa gunman had
assaulted a police officer last year at the same location, received a wrist slap, and then published a manifesto that
declared: "I strongly encourage comrades and incoming comrades to arm themselves."
Threaten [a] Contractor in Florida, [the] Day Before [an] ICE Facility [was] Shot at in Texas. A group of open
borders activists threatened employees of a government contractor in Florida that provides facility space for the Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to detain border crossers and illegal aliens the day before a shooting at the
contractor's offices in Texas. In exclusive footage captured by Matt Perdie of Breitbart News, protesters with Never
Again Action, Miramar Circle of Protection Friends of Miami-Dade Detainees, Food Not Bombs Fort Lauderdale, Students Working
for Equal Rights, and the Black Lives Matter Alliance of Broward County shouted threats at workers and former employees of
the GEO Group, a private contractor used by ICE for facility and detention space.
the Democratic Party Govern America? This same cabal that would be charged with governing the nation has, for
the past three and a half years, marginalized, physically confronted and repeatedly accused 63 million Americans who voted
for Donald Trump of being not only racists but fascists and white supremacists, as well as homophobic, xenophobic and among
the most vile people on the face of the earth. What will be their intentions for these rightfully incensed citizens?
Terrorists Promote & Defend Assassination Of Trump Supporters. Despite spending literally the entire
last week blaming President Trump's "heated rhetoric" for real world violence, CNN's Oliver Darcy and Brooke Baldwin defend
and promote assassination porn that depicts Trump supporters being summarily hunted and murdered by "elites." [...] This
movie was designed for psychotic, Democrat dirtbags — like Oliver Darcy, Brooke Baldwin, and the other terrorists
at CNN who have spent 3 years putting targets on the backs of anyone who dares to support President Trump — to
satiate their murderous rage for Trump supporters by watching them be hunted and slaughtered in a Hollywood-produced blockbuster
movie. And as if it's not bad enough that these CNN terrorists pretend there's nothing wrong with this type of "satire,"
they go on to mock and deride Trump supporters and other peace-loving Americans who do take issue with it.
MSNBC Panelist
On Most White People: 'Destroy Them'. In a feisty segment on Sunday's [8/11/2019] "A.M. Joy," Elie Mystal of
Above the Law made an inflammatory comment in which he said white people who voted for Donald Trump should be destroyed.
This came after a segment in which he argued there is no moral difference between avowed white supremacists and any white
person who votes for Trump.
Guest Advises: 'Destroy' Most Whites for Supporting Trump. On Sunday's [8/11/2019] AM Joy on MSNBC,
frequent guest Elie Mystal of AboveTheLaw.com made the kind of statement about a "majority of white people" that would be
considered blatantly bigoted or racist if aimed at any other group, as he stated that it is necessary for Democrats to
"destroy" whites who support President Donald Trump. Mystal — who has had a reputation for making incendiary
comments in his MSNBC appearances over the past year — made his comments during a segment in which panel members
got to rail against whites who support President Trump.
speaks out on 'Fox & Friends' after Burger King worker drew pig on food wrapper. A New Mexico police officer
who found a drawing of a pig on his Burger King order said Monday [8/12/2019] that he believes the incident shows the lack of
respect for law enforcement. [...] Five Burger King employees in Clovis, N.M., have been fired in connection with the cartoon
pig drawn on the wrapper of Rosenthal's burger. The employees were fired immediately after Rosenthal posted his burger
on social media.
Kind of Rhetoric Causes the Shooting of Whites?
What kind of rhetoric caused the following killings?
• On December 7, 1993, a black man, Colin Ferguson, targeted white people with a handgun on a Long Island Railroad train, killing six passengers and injuring several others.
• One of two black snipers who killed whites in the Washington, D.C., area in 2002, John Allen Muhammad, said that he'd intended to murder six whites a day for 30 days. He believed that "the white man is the devil."
• In 2010, black man Omar Thornton targeted whites at his workplace in Manchester, Conn., killing eight.
• In 2016, black man Micah Xavier Johnson shot 12 Dallas police officers, killing five; he'd told authorities that he wanted to kill white people. (Barack Obama's anti-police rhetoric comes to mind here.)
• Black man Fredrick Demond Scott was charged in 2017 with the killings of two white men in Missouri and is suspected in the deaths of three others. He'd said that he wanted to "kill all white people."
• In April 2017, black man Kori Ali Muhammad, who'd called white people "devils" on social media, murdered three Caucasian men in Fresno with a .357 revolver.
Then there was black man Oghaleoghene Atuno, who on April 5 purposely ran over two young white boys with his car. Though not all involve murder, numerous other examples of black-on-white racial attacks can be found [elsew]here.
a Trump supporter is no longer allowed, it seems. Tommy Lee is the new voice of the American Left. The
drummer for Mötley Crüe and convicted wife-beater laid out in florid terms his plans for what the Left will do in a
few years to the 47% of America that voted for President Trump. Lee's essay, posted on Twitter Friday morning
[8/9/2019], began "You Trumpsters better pray that liberals never gain control of the WH again because we are going to pay
you back [...] Lee's proposals, including taxing churches out of business and throwing condoms out of planes at noncoastal
Americans, were creative, and his language was colorful. But the basic notion — that Trump supporters
deserve to suffer — is mainstream these days.
The Road to Perdition.
The hatred is growing in intensity, as are the threats against President Trump and his supporters. The abject failure
of the Trump-Russian Collusion fable has given birth to a new narrative. One as empty of evidence as was the Mueller
Report. As a new hatred has taken shape. It is voiced as Democratic Party presidential candidates, and their
liberal media outlets, shout in unison that Trump is a white-supremacy racist, as are his supporters.
Mass Shootings To Provoke Political Panic Catch On, We're In Serious Trouble. At first glance, the perpetrators
of the El Paso and Dayton mass murders wouldn't appear to have much in common. Per his manifesto, the El Paso
perpetrator was a white nationalist with a side of environmentalism. The Dayton perpetrator's Twitter archive and
people who knew him paint a picture of a hard lefty. He was a socialist, and an acquaintance from the music scene
described him to BuzzFeed as an antifascist. And not just on Twitter: a local journalist who had happened to go to
high school with the Dayton perpetrator recognized him and spoke to him at a Ku Klux Klan rally where the Dayton perpetrator
was one of the armed and masked counterprotestors. The two mass murderers couldn't appear to have anything less in
common. But they shared something alarming: an interest in accelerationism.
Guest Calls For Literal Mob Of Pitchforks And Torches Outside Trump Donor's Home. Earlier this week Rep. Joaquin
Castro in Texas "named and shamed" San Antonio supporters of President Donald J. Trump in what he says was an effort to get
these Americans to think twice before being "complicit in white supremacy." Anybody with common sense understood the move was
dangerous, especially coming from a public official, as it could paint a target on these individuals' backs regardless if the
information was already public or not. On MSNBC Thursday night, guest Elie Mystal took the hysteria over supporting President
Trump one step further, saying that protesters should form literal mobs outside the SoulCycle and Equinox chairman's home in the
Hamptons due to his support for the commander-in-chief.
Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 762.
Contributor Calls For 'Pitchforks and Torches' Outside of Trump Supporting Billionaire's House. MSNBC contributor
and executive editor of Above the Law Elie Mystal called on Thursday night for "pitchforks and torches" outside the house of
billionaire Stephen Ross who has become the subject of controversy for his support of President Donald Trump. "People of
color are already targets under this administration," Mystal said. "I have no problem on shining the light back on the
donors who fund this kind of racialized hate. I mean I go further. I want pitchforks and torches outside this man's
house in the Hamptons."
Trump Thunders Against 'Racist' Hollywood: 'They Create Violence, Then Try to Blame Others'. President Donald
Trump criticized Hollywood as "racist" and creators of "violence" on Friday [8/9/2019] as critics reacted to the controversial
movie The Hunt. "Liberal Hollywood is Racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate!" Trump
wrote on Twitter. The president did not specify a particular movie but mocked Hollywood for creating violence and chaos
in the United States.
All this controversy sounds like a well-planned publicity stunt. C'mon, Universal isn't really going to shelve "The Hunt".
Universal's PR strategy seems obvious: Use the free publicity from Trump to create a taboo mystique around the film by
pretending to cancel it, then wait for the irate backlash to form demanding that the film be released for the sake of Art and
Free Speech. Between the extra curiosity among the public at large and the impetus among Resistance types to spite
Trump in any petty way they can, they'll make twice as much money in tickets than they would have otherwise.
Graham: "The Very Development & Filming of 'The Hunt' Shows Just How Sick Liberal Left in Hollywood Are".
Even though the release of a film about men hunting supporters of President Donald Trump has been cancelled, the very fact
that Hollywood greenlighted the project for development and production is a sign of the sickness that has infected the
industry, Reverend Franklin Graham said Sunday [8/11/2019]. In a series of tweets replying to a story in The Hill
reporting that the movie's release has been cancelled in the wake of recent mass shootings, Rev. Graham denounced Universal's
"The Hunt," a movie in which Trump supporters (dubbed, "deplorables" by Democrat Hillary Clinton) are hunted for sport.
political opponents isn't entertaining or funny. Responding to overwhelming criticism, Universal Pictures
announced Saturday it has canceled the planned September release of the film "The Hunt" about liberals hunting conservative
"Deplorables" who fit the description of supporters of President Trump. In a statement, a Universal Pictures
spokesperson said "the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film ... we understand that now is not the right
time to release this film." The cancelation is a victory for common sense and decency. The film —
called "a satirical social thriller" by the studio — sounded thoroughly disgusting.
7 Huge Questions
Remain Following 'The Hunt's' Demise. We may never know how inflammatory "The Hunt" truly is. Or
was. Universal just yanked "The Hunt" from its Sept. 27 release date without a syllable about its future.
The satire, according to The Hollywood Reporter, followed a group of liberal elites literally hunting down Red State Americans,
or Deplorables, to the death.
Hunt' Cancelled for Graphic Depiction of Violence Against Conservatives. A movie about elite liberals paying to
hunt conservative Americans in a safari theme park has been cancelled after a wave of criticism, accusing the film of
insensitivity to a recent wave of political violence across America. 'The Hunt' features a plotline involving elite
progressives kidnapping rural Americans and enacting their vengeful, violent fantasies through a hunt-style theme park.
The movie starred Betty Gelpin as a kidnapped 'deplorable' who seeks to rally other victims of the liberals to escape their
Cancels the release of controversial movie The Hunt about 'liberal elites' kidnapping 'deplorables' from red states. NBC
Universal will not be releasing controversial movie The Hunt in theaters next month as planned, following a backlash over the film's
themes that depicts 'privileged' vacationers hunting 'deplorables' for sport. There have been widespread objections to the movie's
plot, particularly in light of the recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton that left 31 dead. The studio's decision came just
one day after President Trump lambasted the film, calling its creators 'racist' and saying the movie was 'made to inflame and cause chaos'.
Pictures 'Temporarily' Pauses Ads for Movie Showing 'Elites' Gunning Down 'Deplorables'. Universal Pictures is
pausing the ad campaign of a movie depicting elites hunting "deplorables" in the wake of the recent mass shootings.
"The Hunt," is as an R-rated satire coming out on Sept. 27 that features 12 strangers who "wake up in a
clearing" and "don't know they've been chosen" for the hunt.
anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto? First, to be clear: The manifesto is insane. Part of it
discussed commonly debated issues such as the environment and the economy in ways that are well within the boundaries of
political conversation going on today — indeed, that might have come out of the New York Times or many other
outlets. [...] But the question is, was he inspired by President Trump? It is hard to make that case looking at the
manifesto in its entirety. Crusius worried about many things, if the manifesto is any indication. He certainly
worried about immigration, but also about automation. About job losses. About a universal basic income. Oil
drilling. Urban sprawl. Watersheds. Plastic waste. Paper waste. A blue Texas. College
debt. Recycling. Healthcare. Sustainability. And more. Large portions of the manifesto simply
could not be more un-Trumpian.
One Democratic Presidential Candidate Responds to Question Asking Them if They Condemn Antifa. Despite the
well-documented violence of the radical left Antifa group — the Department of Homeland Security classifies it as
"domestic terrorist violence" — not one of the 23 Democrats running for president would condemn Antifa when
repeatedly asked by CNSNews.com over the course of 12 business days. The Trump administration did respond, within a
day, condemning Antifa.
Trump's To Blame For El Paso Shooting, Is Warren To Blame For Dayton? As night follows day, the two horribly
tragic mass shootings have Democrats pointing fingers of blame at President Trump. Except one shooter, in addition to
being a white supremacist, was also an anti-corporatist environmentalist who backs universal health care, and the other was a
leftist supporter of Elizabeth Warren. Trying to pin the blame for these maniacs' murderous actions on any one person,
other than the shooter, is political opportunism at its worst. [...] In the case of the shooter who killed nine people in
Dayton, Ohio, he was a leftist Elizabeth Warren supporter and a Satanist. "I want socialism, and I'll not wait for the
idiots to finally come round to understanding," he reportedly wrote in one tweet. So is Warren to blame for that
one? Nope, Democrats are blaming Trump for that tragic shooting as well. Trump, you see, is responsible because
his rhetoric makes leftists so mad they lash out.
Today in hate.
After denouncing hate on Sunday, Democrats went back on Monday to calling for violence against conservatives. In
Kentucky, Mitch McConnell is convalescing at home after breaking a shoulder. Nancy's Army went to his house to harass
him. He's 77. The New York Post reported, "Gun control supporters stood outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell's home in Kentucky on Sunday night — protesting and hurling death threats at him — while
broadcasting on Facebook Live. "'Murder Turtle!' the demonstrators can be heard shouting on video, in reference to
McConnell's infamous nickname.
Forces McConnell Campaign To Pull Video Showing Violent Threats Against Him. On Monday night, dozens of
left-wing activists converged on the Louisville home of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to protest for gun
control. Video of one of the protesters, Black Lives Matter activist Chanelle Helm, calling for violence against
McConnell — initially posted on Facebook and then tweeted out by congressional staffer Ben Goldey —
quickly went viral, retweeted by the McConnell re-election campaign and Daily Wire reporter Ryan Saavedra. By Tuesday
[8/6/2019], Twitter had locked all three accounts until they pulled their posts featuring the video.
Do Democratic Presidential
Candidates Belong On A Terrorist Watch List? Of course, if we believe the part of [the El Paso shooter's]
manifesto that talks about an "invasion," I don't know why we're required to disbelieve the part where he says his ideas have
nothing to do with Trump — or the part where he denies being a "white supremacist." But those are the
rules. A white supremacist, who committed mass murder in El Paso, made arguments that "echoed" those made by President
Trump — and pay no attention to the avowed socialist and Elizabeth Warren-supporter who committed a mass shooting
in Dayton later that day.
Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Posted in New York. Numerous fliers that say "death camps for Trump
supporters now!!!" have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the
threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump's face as a skeleton. The fliers were "hanging across the street
from Stanley's Bedding Furniture on East Main Street, between Maple Avenue and North Ocean Avenue," according to MSN News.
Film Depicts Trump Supporters Being Hunted for Sport by Liberals. Kathy Griffin claims she can't get work
following her photoshoot with a decapitated and bloody Trump head, but don't let that fool you. Hollywood clearly still
likes the idea of promoting violence against people who aren't good and obedient leftists, because Universal Pictures is set
to release a thriller called The Hunt on September 27, which features left-wing "elites" hunting Trump
supporters for sport.
Themes in El Paso Shooter's Manifesto the Media Ignored to Blame Trump. A closer look at the [El Paso
shooter's] manifesto attributed to shooting suspect Patrick Wood Crusius shows that the author did not have a coherent
political viewpoint. While the text contains racist language targeting the Hispanic community, it also evidences hatred
toward what the writer labeled "average Americans" and calls for a decrease in the general American population. Missing
from much of the news media coverage is that the manifesto promotes far-left policy prescriptions including universal
healthcare and a socialist-style "universal income."
shooter may be antifa's first mass killer. Over the weekend, America suffered two mass shootings within hours
of one another, in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. These followed another mass shooting in Gilroy, Calif., a week
earlier. The alleged perpetrators of the attacks were young, "lone-wolf" gunmen. All three carried out carnage
against innocents using high-power rifles. All told, Santino Legan (Gilroy), Patrick Crusius (El Paso) and Connor Betts
(Dayton) killed 34 people and injured dozens more. While the attacks are similar, the response from liberals and
leftists has been anything but. Democratic presidential candidates Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and
Bernie Sanders succinctly condemned white nationalism — the ideology espoused by the El Paso shooter in his
purported 2,300-word manifesto.
Dayton Shooter 'Definitely Leaned to the Left,' Talked About Shooting up Bars. The Dayton Daily News
reported Monday evening [8/5/2019] that the gunman who carried out a mass shooting early Sunday morning "definitely leaned to
the left" politically and had talked to friends recently about shooting up local bars. On Sunday evening, Breitbart
News reported that Twitter had suspended an account reportedly linked to the shooter. The account had tweeted in
support of socialism, in favor of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), against President
Donald Trump, and against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
despair has America in the crosshairs of violently ill extremists. America has seen three young men pull out
guns and kill people. Not specific people. Just people. In Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton the carnage is
unforgettable. The alleged gunmen were "lone-wolf" killers. All three attacked innocents with high-power
rifles. Combined the three men killed 34 people and injured dozens more. All three young men were white.
But they were also Democrats. Socialists. Leftists. White Supremacists. Anti-Immigrant.
Environmental extremists. They were not one thing. However, they were all mentally ill, exhibiting a
desensitivity to violence. A desensitivity wrought by violent movies, music, video games, and angry politicians spewing
hate-speak towards the one person we should all respect — The President.
real cause of the shootings. The aftermath of the terrible recent shootings surprised no one. The
apparent white nationalist sympathies of the El Paso shooter, despite his anti-Trump comments, set off a lefty firestorm of
attacks on the president and the NRA. Beto O'Rourke, desperately trying to reclaim the political spotlight, was the most
despicable of all in blaming Mr. Trump. Never mind: for every shooter who the media decides must have conservative
thoughts, there are several leftist mass shooters. The Dayton shooter was a Liz Warren fan; the GOP baseball team shooter
worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign; and the Dallas police shooter, like President Obama, was an ardent BLM-supporter.
Yet no one calls out these politicians for spreading hate and creating a climate of violence.
shooter was armed counter-protester at KKK rally earlier this year: report. Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts
was reportedly spotted carrying a gun and protesting at a Ku Klux Klan rally earlier this year. The 24-year-old was
among the 500 to 600 counter-protesters who attended the May 25 event in opposition of the KKK, according to the Dayton Daily
News. He spoke briefly with a reporter — wielding a semi-automatic, AR-style gun similar to the one he used
in this past weekend's shooting, the newspaper says. Betts was wearing sunglasses and a bandanna at the time, which
reportedly covered his face. There were only nine KKK members in attendance for the rally.
the INCEL Community be Propelling Mass Shooters? [Scroll down] Information not found on social media is
still slow in coming, but it is now known that he was a young man who kept things such as kill-lists and rape-lists, going as
far back as his junior year of high school, and former associates have said he would sometimes comment about having a desire
to shoot up a bar or other crowded venue. He was suspended from high school at least once for writing out a list of the
names of girls he'd like to sexually assault. By most accounts, he was generally seen as very socially maladjusted.
This is what's worth looking at. What produces such reckless hatred for women at such a young age, that eventually becomes
another national tragedy?
Paul's surgery reminds us the Left has no problem cheering political violence. Imagine if Democratic leaders
Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer were viciously assaulted and Republican politicians behaved as
though they deserved it, citing everything from their positions on abortion to healthcare. Democrats would be outraged,
and rightfully so. When Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky announced Monday that he had surgery over the weekend to remove
part of his lung, a result of his 2017 assault from his neighbor, many wished him a speedy recovery. And many didn't.
gather outside McConnell's Kentucky home, one calls for his stabbing 'in the heart'. A group of protesters
supporting gun control gathered outside the home of Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. where one expressed that
someone should "stab [him] in the heart." The protest took place on Sunday night in the wake of mass shootings in El Paso,
Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. McConnell is currently recovering from a fall he had over the weekend, leaving him with a
fractured shoulder.
shooter Connor Betts may have had far-left Twitter account. A now-suspended Twitter account that appeared to
belong to the Dayton mass shooter showed extreme-left postings in which he lamented President Trump's election and encouraged
people to cut fences at immigration detention centers, according to reports. Though the Twitter account
@iamthespookster does not bear 24-year-old Connor Betts' name, it does include selfies that resemble known images of
him. The Washington Post captured over 3,000 tweets from the account, which was created in December 2013.
'cheering on' physical violence against McConnell, his campaign says. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
fired back at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday, accusing her of "cheering on" people who want to see the
Kentucky Republican "break his neck." "Last night, an angry left-wing mob of Amy McGrath supporters stormed Senator
McConnell's Louisville home screaming obscenities and hoping someone would 'just stab [him] in the heart,'" said McConnell
campaign spokesman Kevin Golden, referring to the Democrat and retired Marine who is seeking to unseat him in November.
Golden then took aim at Ocasio-Cortez and "liberal Twitter personalities," saying they "are trying to dox some underage kids
for taking a photo with a cutout at the Fancy Farm political picnic and are cheering on thousands of accounts calling for
Senator McConnell to 'break his neck.'"
Shooting Suspect Described Himself as a Socialist, Advocated Violence Against 'Facists'. [The] Ohio shooting
suspect [...] was a registered Democrat who posted pro-socialist content on a social media account along with repeated
indications that he favored gun control, violence against "fascists" and white supremacists, and Satanism. [He] described
himself as a "leftist" on his Twitter profile and used hashtags on one selfie that included "selfie4satan" and "HailSatan."
defender threatened with 'bullet hole through his chest'. A Trump adviser with 38 years in law enforcement, who
appeared on Fox to dismiss charges that the president hasn't done enough to stop mass shootings, said that he has been
threatened and the FBI and U.S. Secret Service are on the case. Navy reservist and former FBI terrorist task force
member Steven Rogers, after appearing on Fox yesterday, was threatened on a blog by a man who said he could be shot "with a
bullet hole through his chest. That's our reality now. We're all just waiting our turn."
Shooter Was A Pro-Satan Leftist Who Supported Warren, Sanders, Antifa And Communism. It has been a tumultuous
weekend for the country, which suffered two consecutive mass shootings over the last 48 hours in both El Paso and
Dayton. And while the media was eager to quickly expose the El Paso shooter as a right-wing extremist with the
implication that he is merely following Trump's belligerent rhetoric, only few details had emerged about the Dayton, Ohio
shooter although we certainly understand why the mainstream media may not have rushed to make these alleged details public,
because according to Heavy.com, the Dayton shooter was an Elizabeth Warren (and Bernie Sanders) supporter who advocated for
socialism, communism and supported Antifa.
who 'milkshaked' Rep. Matt Gaetz faces possible year behind bars, pleads guilty. The Florida woman accused
of "milkshaking" Rep. Matt Gaetz after he left a town hall in June pleaded guilty and could face a year in prison.
Amanda L. Kondrat'yev pleaded guilty Thursday to assaulting a government official after changing her initial plea of not
guilty back in June following her arrest for tossing a drink at the Florida Republican as he was leaving the Brew Ha Ha
Restaurant & Bar in Pensacola, according to the Pensacola News Journal.
Man says he was beaten in NYC for wearing
MAGA hat. Jahangir "John" Turan, 42, says it happened Tuesday evening on Canal Street. He was wearing the
MAGA hat that he had purchased earlier in the day at Trump Tower. "I love President Trump. I think he's doing a
great job," Turan said. He says the group of about 15 "kids" yelled "F*** Trump" and stomped on him. One of them
smashed his head into a scaffold. Turan says he suffered a fracture in his cheek and a badly swollen eye.
York City Store Owner Beaten by 'Pack of Teens' For Wearing MAGA Hat. A New York City store owner told police
that a 'pack of teens' viciously attacked him on Monday night for wearing a "MAGA" hat. Jahangir Turan, 42, said he was
attacked by 15 "kids" Monday [7/29/2019] on Canal Street who were screaming "F*** Trump!" then beat him. No description of
the pack of teens was provided.
Daniels to Stephen Colbert: America Needs Someone Who Can Punch Trump in the Face. Actor Jeff Daniels
appeared on The Late Show Tuesday evening and said that President Donald Trump's challenger needs to be somebody who
can "punch him in the face." Daniels, who stars as Atticus Finch in Broadway's To Kill A Mockingbird, said America
needs to "do better" and expressed hope that President Trump's challenger will be someone who can "punch him in the face."
and Booker threats to punch out Trump no laughing matter. Former Vice President Joe Biden has bragged on two
occasions that he would like to beat up President Trump. In March 2018, Biden huffed: "They asked me would I like
to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat [...]
him." Biden's tough-guy braggadocio was apparently no slip. A year later, he doubled down on his physical threats.
[...] Had former Vice President Dick Cheney ever dared to say something similar of President Obama, what would the media reaction
have been? Sen. Corey Booker, D-N.J., another presidential candidate, took up where Biden left off.
One Debate Question That Must Be Asked — But CNN Won't. The question is this: 'Do You Unreservedly
Condemn Antifa?' Nothing like that question will pass the lips of CNN's Dana Bash, Don Lemon, and Jake Tapper, however.
[...] If potential supporters of Trump or other GOP candidates hear that Antifa will be demonstrating near a rally —
or close to a voting facility on Election Day 2020 — they might stay away out of fear. That is a far more
direct assault on American democracy than Russian bots on social media.
Some Un-Chanted Evening.
Dear Trump haters, crack a history book. Or, if you can't spare the time to read, watch any of the many documentaries
on the rise of Hitler shown on the History Channel. The Nazis built their party on goons going into the street to beat
[...] anyone they didn't like. This was how they meant to shut up and intimidate anyone who got in their way and how
they established a totalitarian state. Antifa is doing the same thing with their own totalitarian goal in mind.
Cruz Urges FBI To Investigate Antifa Under RICO Act. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) called for the FBI to launch a
criminal investigation into the extremist Antifa movement, which is responsible for numerous acts of violence and vandalism
in the United States. "[Antifa] engages in the conduct of fascists," said Sen. Cruz. "They engage in violent
protests, masked men and women engaging in physical violence — we saw recently the Rose City chapter of Antifa in
Portland, Oregon, that was assaulting citizens ... violently assaulted one journalist so severely that he was hospitalized
for a brain hemorrhage."
Washington Post keeps shilling for Antifa. [M]ost people would agree that a group of masked thugs that goes
around, en masse, beating people with whom it disagrees about politics is fascist or, at a minimum, has fascist
tendencies. No reasonable person would accept that it is antifascist. One of Antifa's recent high-profile victims
was Andy Ngo. He's a gay, center-right journalist who has filmed Antifa's behavior. Does the Washington Post
believe that Ngo is a fascist? If not, it should stop calling Antifa "antifascist."
van vandalized offering abortion alternatives outside Planned Parenthood. A Human Coalition mobile care clinic
was vandalized last week after a pro-abortion webinar criticized the group. One of the Human Coalition vans was parked
outside a new Planned Parenthood facility in Charlotte, North Carolina, offering free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to
women all week. Sometime between Thursday evening and Friday morning [7/19/2019], the van was vandalized.
Left is following Communism's playbook for revolution. This destabilization of the American mind and moral
compass now has begotten, as it must, societal destabilization. This is reflected in, most obviously, the flooding of
our nation with unassimilable foreigners via a purposely porous border. This serves the Cloward-Piven goal of
overloading the system to cause breakdown, necessitating replacement of it with, the theory goes, a socialist one. Of
course, this human flood strains schools, hospitals, and services and resources in general. But it's also used for
propaganda purposes, with simple efforts to enforce immigration law — ones pursued by Barack Obama himself —
used to demonize ICE agents and the current administration. Vile, divisive lies such as claiming that detention facilities
are Nazi-like "concentration camps" lead to hatred, violence, protests, and terrorist attacks such as Saturday's assault on a
Tacoma, Washington ICE facility.
time for a federal civil rights intervention in Portland. Criminal laws are supposed to deter criminal
behavior. But that only works when the criminal gets caught and punished, and when people are permitted to hide their
identities behind a mask, as antifa thugs are, no one gets caught. Portland's mayor, Ted Wheeler, has vowed to hold the
offenders accountable. Let us know who the perpetrators are, he asked, and the city would hold them accountable —
a supremely useless plea when dealing with a largely masked and anonymous group. The antifa slogan in Portland is "we own
the streets." And they do. The city has let it happen. Last October, they blocked a street and threatened
drivers and passers-by who wanted to get through. A few months before that, they beat up a Bernie Sanders supporter
who was carrying an American flag. And it isn't just Portland. We saw similar brutality in Washington, during
President Trump's Inauguration.
cheer as antifa violence escalates. In the early hours on Saturday [7/13/2019], police in Tacoma, Wash., rushed
to the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility. An armed man was firebombing the building and nearby
vehicles. Police killed him in a shootout after he attempted to set off a large propane tank connected to the
facility. Antifa social media accounts subsequently identified their fallen "comrade" as Willem Van Spronsen. The
underreported incident marks a new chapter in the return of armed left-wing terrorism to the United States. It also
triggered a flash of memory in my mind: I had crossed paths with Van Spronsen in December, when a group of rifle-carrying
antifa militiamen tried to prevent me from filming their protest outside Seattle City Hall. Little did I know then that
I would soon have a more immediate encounter with antifa violence.
Lutherans for Open Borders Now! Brazen hatred of cops, Border Patrol and ICE agents were on full display at the
open borders protests fronted by LIRS and other left-wing groups, including Code Pink, CASA and CAIR. Marchers echoed the "Close
the Concentration Camps" rhetoric of Congressional Brat Pack Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). They carried
signs declaring "ICE=Gestapo" and "Free the People, Burn the Camps." It's not just idle rhetoric. Antifa thug Willem
Van Spronsen, armed with a rifle and incendiary devices, attempted to set a Tacoma ICE facility on fire on Saturday before
being shot dead. He has been hailed as a "hero" and a "martyr" by fellow "progressive" travelers, while sympathetic
mainstream reporters and activists look the other way.
Left's Demonization of Conservatives Becomes Dangerous. I was a Reagan supporter as a teenager and college
student, so I've been hearing for almost my entire life what a rotten person I obviously am. Of course, I am none of
the things that are pinned on me, but it doesn't matter. I am who they say I am, and they believe it to their
cores. It is a fascinating process, watching yourself being defined by people who actively practice what they pretend
to condemn. The awful things that they project upon us don't spring from our minds, but from theirs. Those
terrible thoughts and dark motives are bred in their own warped psyches. When they spring forth, we are assured that
these are what drive others but not themselves.
Omar & Pressley Refuse To Condemn Antifa Attack On ICE Center. An armed man was shot dead after trying to
attack an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) center in Tacoma, Washington. The event took place about six hours
after a protest by anti-ICE Resistance people who had been planning another protest today [7/16/2019]. Are the 'Gang of
Four' going to take any responsibility for demonizing ICE?
Hard Can It Possibly Be For Democrats To Denounce Antifa? On Monday [7/15/2019], as The Daily Wire reported,
Ocasio-Cortez repeatedly refused to denounce a weekend terrorist attack on a Tacoma, Washington Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) facility. The attack, as it turns out, was perpetrated by a far-left member of the horrifically
violent anarchist group, Antifa. Shamefully, though all too predictably, coverage of the cowardly attack "hardly
registered in the national media." And the fresh new face of the Democratic Party — an ideologically unhinged,
economically illiterate, senseless dolt of the highest order — could not bring herself to even condemn it.
Face Of Massive Border Crisis, Democrats Tell Americans Citizenship Means Nothing. On Friday night [7/12/2019],
a mob of protestors tore down an American flag outside a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Aurora, Colo.,
and replaced it with a Mexican flag. Local police stood by and did nothing. The next day, a gunman reportedly
associated with Antifa attacked an ICE detention center in Tacoma, Wash., throwing Molotov cocktails and attempting to set
fire to a propane tank. He was reportedly killed by police in a gunfight. The attack in Tacoma coincided with
left-wing protests at ICE facilities all over the country, prompted by nationwide ICE raids targeting Central American
families whom immigration judges have ordered to be deported after reviewing their claims. If you're a Democrat seeking
your party's nomination for 2020, what's your response to these events? So far, nothing.
Chief: Democrat Rhetoric Responsible For 'Fueling' Terror Attack On ICE Facility. Acting Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan directly pointed to the rhetoric coming from the Democratic Party as being
responsible for Saturday's far-left terrorist attack on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Tacoma,
Washington. Morgan appeared on Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle" with host Laura Ingraham, who highlighted the rhetoric
that was used in the attack. "[The attacker's] manifesto repeatedly referred to ICE and the holding centers as
'concentration camps,' a comparison pushed by AOC," Ingraham said. "Not one 2020 Dem or mainstream media organization
thought to mention that link, that same verbiage, none of it."
Omar Might As Well Have Told Radical Leftists It's Open Season On Trump Supporters with Latest Retweet.
Leftist's calling anyone to the right of Marx a "racist" is about as common as day following night. The accusation of
racism amounts to one of the laziest, but most effective ways the left has silenced arguments from the right for ages.
While the accusation definitely doesn't have the edge that it used to, it still manages to get hard left figures riled up and
ready to #resist. In this day and age, however, the accusation tends to get people on the hard left to become a tad
violent. Tactics from groups like Antifa have become more common than ever, and they justify their violence by labeling
people various things like "Nazis, fascists, and racists." So when Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar retweets an article
blatantly calling the fans of President Donald Trump "racists," it can be a bit worrying.
man attacking Tacoma's ICE detention center killed in officer-involved shooting. A protest outside the federal
immigration detention center in Tacoma last year drew headlines when a 68-year-old man wrapped his arms around a police
officer's throat and shoulders in an apparent attempt to free another protester. When police got the man into
handcuffs, they found a collapsible baton and knife in his pocket, leading to criminal charges. Early Saturday morning
[7/13/2019], that man, Willem Van Spronsen of Vashon Island, returned to the Northwest Detention Center, the holding facility
for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, this time armed with a rifle and incendiary devices, according to Tacoma police.
Armed with Rifle and Molotov Cocktails Tries to Set Fire to ICE Center in Washington. A man who was armed with
a rifle and throwing Molotov cocktails at the ICE Tacoma Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Wash., was killed by
responding police officers, according to the authorities. At around 4 a.m. on Saturday [7/13/2019], the Washington
state man, who has not yet been publicly identified, threw "incendiary devices" at the ICE detention center and nearby cars,
setting one on fire.
man shot, killed after throwing incendiary devices at Washington ICE detention center. Police in Washington
state say an armed man was shot and killed early Saturday after trying to attack a local Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) detention center. The Seattle Times reported that the unidentified man appeared outside of the Northwest
Detention Center in Tacoma with a rifle and threw incendiary devices at both the facility and nearby propane tanks, at one
point setting a vehicle on fire.
Malveaux: Get Rid of the Orange Orangutan! Julianne Malveaux is one of the most connected African-American
academics around. She is a ubiquitous presence on TV and in print, has been a faculty member at numerous universities,
served as a college president, and is currently the head of the educational branch of Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH Coalition.
Yet despite a resume that includes a Ph.D. in economics from MIT, Malveaux traffics in hateful rhetoric.
refuses to condemn protesters who hoisted Mexican flag at ICE facility. 2020 long-shot John Hickenlooper refused to
condemn the protesters who removed an American flag and replaced it with a Mexican one during a protest outside an Immigration
Customs Enforcement facility in Colorado. Protesters assembled at the Aurora facility Friday [7/12/2019] to protest the
widespread ICE raids that were scheduled to begin Sunday. Raising the Mexican flag after taking down the American flag,
they also hoisted a Blue Lives Matter flag they had vandalized. The flag, which is meant to honor law enforcement, was
spray-painted with the phrase "Abolish I.C.E."
protesters pull down American flag, raise Mexico flag, vandalize 'Blue Lives Matter' flag. Authorities in
Colorado restored an American flag to its place Friday evening after protesters demonstrating outside a U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility pulled down the star-spangled banner and flew the flag of Mexico in its place. The
protesters also removed a "Blue Lives Matter" flag, honoring law enforcement, spray-painted it with the words "Abolish ICE,"
then raised the flag upside-down, on a pole next to the Mexican flag, according to local media.
Screening Cancelled After Manager Threatened. A screening of the pro-life film Unplanned has been cancelled
after the manager was threatened. Police are also investigating reported death threats received by multiple theater
owners. Unplanned tells the story of former abortion facility manager at Planned Parenthood Abby Johnson as she
converts to a pro-life advocate. [...] According to LifeSiteNews, B.J. McKelvie, the president of Cinedicon, the Canadian
distributor for Unplanned, reported that two Canadian independent theater owners received death threats they perceived as
credible. He noted they are "fearful for their families."
Cancels Screening of Pro-Life Movie 'Unplanned' after Threats of Violence from Pro-Abortion Activists. Producers of
the anti-abortion movie Unplanned won a hard-fought battle to get their movie screened in Canada. Now, though,
pro-abortion activists are beginning to resort to threats of violence to stop the film. Shamefully, the threats of
violence appear to be working. A theater in Salmon Arm, British Columbia, has canceled a planned five-day run of the
movie after receiving violent threats against theater staff.
American Left's Army of Dupes. Many of us reached the boiling point the week of the Fourth of July as we saw
once again the haunting images of the Brown Shirt mobs utilized by the Nazis in the 1930's to intimidate and brutalize any
opposition. Except this time, it was the immature and brain-dead militia of the left, Antifa, in Portland and
Washington, D.C. physically attack journalists and peaceful citizens for expressing their political views while the
mainstream media silently cheered them on as they have done since November of 2016. To add insult to injury, on the Fourth
of July, the anniversary of the founding of the nation that saved the world and countless millions from Nazism and Fascism,
their fellow travelers gathered together to burn American flags and riot in front of the White House.
For Journalists Not Reporting On The Attack On Andy Ngo After A Week. The Voice of America (VOA), Committee to
Protect Journalists (CPJ) and The Reporters Committee For Freedom Of The Press (RCFP) have yet to publish press statements or
articles on their respective websites for the Ngo attack, which happened on June 29 and left Ngo with a reported brain
hemorrhage. [...] VOA launched its "Press Freedom" initiative earlier this year in an effort to tell the stories of
journalists "facing threats or other repercussions" as they reports the news, according to the VOA website. VOA has yet
to publish a press release or article about the attack on Ngo. "I'm familiar with the story; uncertain if or how we
might approach it. Sort of lost the 'news' angle with time," Doug Bernard, VOA press freedom editor, told the Daily
Caller News Foundation when asked if a statement had been released on the attack.
Communist Organizations Are the Same. I am certainly not surprised that Antifa issued guidelines to the media
for their (always) violent "demonstration" in D.C. yesterday.
Protect Black Female Trump Supporter From Violent White Antifa Terrorists in DC. Antifa terrorists attacked a
black female Trump supporter on Saturday [7/6/2019] at the Rally for Free Speech in Washington DC. The police escorted
the woman away from the violent leftists who turned out to beat "racist" Trump supporters. Antifa terrorists were
determined to smash heads. Police moved in to protect the peaceful Trump supporters.
Antifa Has Shown Why It Should
Be Designated A Domestic Terror Group. The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines domestic terrorism as
violence perpetrated by groups with "extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental
nature." Antifa meets that definition. The group consists of American citizens radicalized by left-wing ideology
who carry out threats of violence. It's high time to classify Antifa as a domestic terror organization. [...] To date,
federal officials have not classified Antifa a domestic terror group despite endless photographs, eyewitness accounts and
video evidence supporting the designation. During a protest of conservative speaker Ben Shapiro last year on the
University of California's Berkeley campus, Antifa members reportedly destroyed campus property, set fire to trash cans, beat
up college Republicans and forced students to shelter in place. (Campus police stood by doing nothing.) The school
settled the case, paying organizers nearly $100,000. It's difficult to understand why the group hasn't received a
terror designation.
Antifa: Terrorists
of the Bourgeoisie. The savage assault on journalist Anti Ngo by leftists in Portland, Oregon, has brought
renewed attention to the barbaric Antifa organization. Ngo, a journalist for center-left online magazine Quillette, was
beaten by a mob and sent to the emergency room with a brain bleed while filming demonstrators from the group. He is the
victim of a criminal, terrorist act. [...] But instead of blaming Antifa, the media responded to an actual assault on a
journalist with equivocation and muted indifference. Reporters latched onto a "concrete milkshake" rumor to downplay
the fact that Ngo was assaulted. Outside of a few token denunciations, the media ignored the attack, joining the
ghoulish scolds who blamed Ngo, the victim, for "provoking" Antifa.
Harasses Trump Supporter For Wearing MAGA Hat, Claims He Was "Standing Up to a Nazi". A Democrat harassed a
Trump supporter at a restaurant in DC for wearing a MAGA hat then claimed it was wrong he got kicked out because he was
merely "standing up to a Nazi". Yes, really. "Just got thrown out of Hill Country DC for standing up to a
Nazi. Don't go there ever again. They support Trump and Nazis," tweeted self-proclaimed "progressive communicator"
TJ Helmstetter. Helmstetter then explained how after seeing the man's MAGA hat he told him, "We don't tolerate
racism in this city".
a former Antifa member and enough is enough — Antifa must be stopped. The video showing Quillette
reporter being Andy Ngo savagely attacked by Antifa at a demonstration in Portland, Oregon, last weekend has rocked the
nation. The footage of masked thugs beating him with blunt objects and throwing "milkshakes" allegedly filled with
quick-drying cement is shocking to many. But I'm not surprised by this horrific behavior — I was once behind
the mask.
AOC' Doxxed And Threatened, Family Shuts Down All Her Social Accounts. The family of a young girl who went viral for
mocking Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shut down all of her social accounts Wednesday [7/3/2019], after
receiving death threats and harassing phone calls. A tweet from the account purporting to belong to the little girl's
stepfather said she will not be doing any more content because the harassment and death threats "have gone too far" and threaten
her and the family's safety.
'Mini AOC's' Parents Call it Quits Due to Death Threats, Harassment from the Left. The parents of "Mini AOC" —
the popular Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez impersonator — are reportedly calling it quits, stopping the spoofs and deleting accounts
due to death threats lodged against their family from the left. The 8-year-old actress's parents reportedly provided an update
Wednesday [7/3/2019] [...]
clashes in Portland, Ore., prompt call for anti-mask laws. Authorities in Portland, Ore., are calling for a
series of laws to curb violent clashes at demonstrations that include prohibiting masks worn by protesters, allowing police
to videotape demonstrations and giving the city greater control over events organized by groups with violent histories.
"We cannot allow people to continue to use the guise of free speech to commit a crime," police Chief Danielle Outlaw said in
a Wednesday [7/3/2019] news conference addressing last week's violence that occurred when three competing demonstrations
converged downtown.
Take an Antifa Beating. [Andy] Ngo was not alone. Two Oregonians who had come to support conservative
speakers at a downtown rally nearby were set upon by black-masked vigilantes. Adam Kelly was hit in the head with
fists, nunchucks, a metal Hydro Flask and a crowbar. Two massive gashes on his skull required more than 25 staples.
John Blum was also overrun by people in black masks, who aimed bear spray or mace at him when he, Kelly and two others tried to
come to the aid of others being assaulted by Antifa. The elderly Blum had carried a baton to defend himself, but was blinded
and incapacitated while being hit, punched and dragged across the street with blood pouring down his face. Antifa's apologists
in the liberal press scoffed at the savagery, mocking Ngo as a "[...] snowflake" and downplaying the gang ambushes harmless
"milkshaking." In total, medics treated eight people, including three police officers.
for Journalist Attacked by Antifa Plans to Take Action Against City Government. The attorney representing
journalist Andy Ngo, who was assaulted by members of far-left extremist group Antifa during a protest in Portland, Oregon,
said on July 2 that she intends to hold the city government and possibly its mayor liable for failing to protect one of its
citizens. "This cannot go on in America and I do intend to hold the city government and potentially the mayor liable to
the fullest extent to the law," attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon told Fox & Friends.
Mayor Ted Wheeler Invites You to Enjoy an Exciting Family Vacation. Portland, Oregon, is located in the
Northwestern United States. Portland is considered the cultural mecca for the most refined vision of Democratic
Socialism. Known as a Marxist hub for modern cultural and political violence, all tourists are eligible for
complimentary helmets as they travel to and from various points of interest. In addition to teaching your kids new
words, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler welcomes each visiting family. Together, he and his leadership team are committed to
maximum excitement during your stay.
Amps Up Justifications For Violence Against Their Political Opponents. Over the weekend, the Washington Post
published an opinion article written by Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.
Wilkinson famously kicked out White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family last June over what Wilkinson
felt was a moral obligation to stand up to the Trump administration. The restaurant owner not only ejected Sanders, but
followed her into another restaurant to continue the harassment. Wilkinson doubled down on her actions in her
Washington Post article, claiming that all restaurants and businesses have a moral obligation to prevent dissenters from
participating in public life because, as she said, "this isn't about politics. It's about values, and accountability to
values, in business." Her position, like many others, is that President Trump is akin to a murderous dictator, that he
is an unabashed anti-LGBT racist, despite no evidence to support this.
Is Mostly Made Up Of Privileged White Dudes. At Occupy Wall Street, there were two very distinct groups.
On one side of the park were the peaceful intellectuals. They ran the library and the general assembly, and organized
services in the park. On the other side was the black bloc, a collection of black-clad punks, often with bandanas ready
to serve as masks, who mostly engaged in drug use and drum circles. The latter group is directly related to the
movement we now know as Antifa. One thing that both of these groups had — and continue to have —
in common is that they are mostly young white people. This is not surprising; poll after poll shows us that the vast
majority of far-left progressives are white. The intellectuals at Occupy understood and tried to address this, giving
special treatment to the speech and ideas of their small cadre of non-white participants. The Black Bloc and Antifa
take a different approach; they just cover their faces.
Antifa Outrages in Portland. [Andy] Ngo was hospitalized and had several thousand dollars worth of camera
equipment destroyed. It turns out that at about the same time, in a different area of the Antifa rampage, Brownshirt
thugs attacked and seriously injured two other men.
American left is seriously out of control. Now they are dangerous. Antifa, the fascist organization that
protests anything and everything with which it disagrees, is violent, very violent. These people show up with weapons,
wearing masks, and attack anyone they perceive to be in opposition to their own warped ideology. CNN has long defended
the group as good guys, social justice warriors. That is how off the rails CNN is. Like Antifa, CNN is officially
and openly anti-American. Over the weekend in Portland, Quillette journalist Andy Ngo was badly beaten, seriously
injured, by a group of these thugs and got no help from the Portland police, who actually made him walk back through the mob
to seek help.
protest stirs up controversy across U.S. In the wake of a violent, Saturday, June 29 political rally that
provoked nationwide attention, the Portland Police Bureau and Mayor Ted Wheeler found themselves, once again, playing
defense. Everyone from a U.S. senator to the president of the local GOP piled on criticism, with many wondering how
only three people could be arrested during the sprawling, six-hour-long duel between conservative Proud Boys and the
black-clad anti-fascists fighters known as Antifa.
Unmask Antifa
and Watch the Cowards Retreat. It was appalling to watch masked Antifa thugs attack Andy Ngo, and it was also
appalling that the police weren't immediately present to arrest his attackers. Antifa's propensity to violence is well
known, and while I'd love to hear a sympathetic explanation for the absence of police, the lack of response looks a lot like
a dereliction of duty. There is, however, a simple and well-known legal reform that will go a long way towards
deterring Antifa violence — even when police aren't close by, but iPhones are. It's called an anti-masking
law. They've long existed in the South as a check on Klan violence, and they not only make it easier for police to
immediately identify and arrest criminals, they also allow witnesses to preserve the pictures and videos of violent attackers
for later criminal or civil action.
Antifa and
Fascists Are All the Same. They are the inbred children off one stick of totalitarianism's family tree.
Antifa calls itself the anti-fascists, but they are, at greatest distance, kissing cousins as the Nazis and communists
were. These are terrible people and battle terrible people. There are no heroes here, jut villains. They
should be rounded up and jailed. Those who defend Antifa and its tactics should be documented. There should be no
defending of these violent, masked thugs.
Living In
an Age of Hate. The Democratic Party has abandoned all norms of civility and constitutional government.
Somehow, though, liberals believe they are immune from having to live by their own "new rules." They sow the wind, but think
they never will reap the whirlwind. Why? Liberals act as though they are spoiling for a civil war, or at least a
slow-motion approximation thereof. Is that really what they want? Fighting in the streets? And, evidently, the
restaurants? Do they have reason to think they would fare well if they actually got what they claim to want?
Antifa thugs caught on video in ANOTHER attack. There's not a lot of confirmed information about this attack,
just the video making the rounds. Ted Cruz has called for a federal investigation into why the mayor of Portland
appeared to give Antifa full rein on their streets to attack whomever they wanted.
Member Is Reportedly Planning An Acid Attack At Saturday's DC Free Speech Rally. If you thought that acid attacks were
just a thing that Muslim extremists did whenever they found out a woman learned how to read or think for herself in general at all,
then I regret to inform you that Antifa has also adopted this extremist's tool of oppression. According to Big League Politics,
screenshots have become available of one reported Antifa member bragging that "we" have Muriatic acid, as well as water balloons dipped
in wax.
Arrests Made After Violent Antifa Protests In Portland. On Saturday, three far-left Antifa protesters were
arrested in Portland, Oregon. The violence during the organized counter-demonstration was well-documented online, and
included shocking video wherein Antifa members viciously assaulted and robbed journalist Andy Ngo. It's unclear,
however, if any of the arrests were made in connection with the attack on Mr. Ngo, who reportedly suffered a brain
hemorrhage, among other injuries.
Is Mostly Made Up Of Privileged White Dudes. At Occupy Wall Street, there were two very distinct groups.
On one side of the park were the peaceful intellectuals. They ran the library and the general assembly, and organized
services in the park. On the other side was the black bloc, a collection of black-clad punks, often with bandanas ready
to serve as masks, who mostly engaged in drug use and drum circles. The latter group is directly related to the
movement we now know as Antifa. One thing that both of these groups had — and continue to have —
in common is that they are mostly young white people. This is not surprising; poll after poll shows us that the vast
majority of far-left progressives are white. The intellectuals at Occupy understood and tried to address this, giving
special treatment to the speech and ideas of their small cadre of non-white participants. The Black Bloc and Antifa
take a different approach; they just cover their faces. But when members of Antifa are arrested, the masks come
off. And, as recent mugshots of Portland Antifa members show, these people are about as diverse as the Washington Generals.
is the mayor of Portland? In the wake of a horrific Antifa attack that put a conservative journalist in the
hospital with traumatic head injuries, Portland, Oregon's mayor has made himself scarce. [...] The whole picture really does
have the look of Antifa ruling Portland the way the Klan once did what it wanted in Biloxi.
time: Lefty journalists are fine with the Antifa attack on Andy Ngo. A large swath of American journalism
has been warning the public that by calling journalists the "enemy of the people," President Trump is a threat to the freedom
of the press. But when it comes to actual violent obstruction of the freedom of the press, a dismaying cohort of
left-wing journos are just fine with it, so long as the target is a conservative journalist.
Chief Jeff Zucker Owes Andy Ngo an Apology for Antifa Attack. Far-left CNN and, most especially, network chief
Jeff Zucker, owe Quillette journalist Andy Ngo a personal apology. For more than a year now, Zucker's CNN has
championed and defended not just the left-wing terrorist group Antifa, but Antifa's regular and documented use of violence
and physical intimidation.
are Officially the Party of Derangement. Harvard law professors Ronald S. Sullivan Jr and his wife were removed
from their 12-year position as faculty deans of a residential house because students were offended by Sullivan's participation
on Harvey Weinstein's defense team. Harvard administrators sided with the snowflakes rather than teaching them that one is
innocent until proven guilty and that the right to counsel is a constitutionally protected right. Similarly, Yale professors
Erika and Nicholas Christakis were forced off campus after a verbal attack by a mob of crazy, disrespectful students who found
Erika's memo regarding Halloween costumes offensive. Administrators decided to "protect" the students from ideas with which
they disagreed allowing the intolerant to dictate the rules at the university. Two of the students were given awards for
"enhancing race and/or ethnic relations" reminiscent of the recent President's Service Award bestowed upon the anti-Semitic and
hateful Students for Justice in Palestine at New York University.
fever takes threatening turn. The toxicity of the resistance to President Trump has risen in recent days, with
the nation's most respected newspapers publishing rationalizations for denying Trump supporters public accommodation and for
doxxing career federal employees, while a journalist found himself under physical attack from the so-called anti-fascist
group Antifa, which has stepped up its violent activities since Trump's election.
owner who booted Sarah Sanders warns: abuse is fair game, 'consider dining at home' ... or else. Stephanie
Wilkinson has re-affirmed the Red Hen's stance that it is perfectly acceptable to refuse service to political and social
figures you disagree with, and it was quickly met with backlash from those who have maintained their sanity. The Red
Hen rose to national recognition in 2018 after refusing to serve then-Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. This
account was confirmed by Sanders herself in a tweet made over a year ago. Since this shocking incident, we have seen a
rise in the number of establishments that are refusing service to Trump family and staff, and even high-profile Republicans,
with the most recent situation involving a Chicago cocktail lounge employee spitting on Eric Trump.
publishes op-ed justifying harassment of restaurant customers over politics. The Washington Post is all-in on
stoking the fire of public harassment of Trump supporters, denying them public accommodations. So much for civility and
mutual respect. [...] By publishing the self-justification of a person driven to hysteria ("the rules have changed") The WaPo
is impelling a decline of our civil order into outright open conflict all the time. I suspect that of conservatives
were harassing Democrats in publicspaces, the WaPo would have a different stance.
The Lie of Portland's
Antifa. For some time, self-described "anti-fascists," or Antifa, have been finding spurious and imaginary
reasons for demonstrating in the city. Though these are less like demonstrations than carnivals of civil disobedience,
violence and intimidation. One of the very few journalists to have taken an interest in the repeated shutting down of
the city center by these groups has been the young journalist Andy Ngo. Despite the police apparently regularly handing over
the city to Antifa to do what they want, there has been relatively little coverage of this whole story in the mainstream press.
Beats Up Andy Ngo. Andy Ngo is a Portland-based journalist (for Quillette) who has made it his business to
document the violence and insanity of Antifa in his city. Today they got him. They beat him up and stole his
camera equipment. One gets the impression that Antifa rules Portland with the same impunity that the Ku Klux Klan ruled
Birmingham in the 1960s. Do they actually have police in Portland? Do they have functioning government there?
A reporter for the Portland Oregonian recorded some footage of those masked cowards attacking Ngo: [Video clip]
thuggery: The battle lines are being drawn in Portland, OR. When local officials appear to wink and nod
as masked leftist thugs openly assemble and attack conservatives, it's time for the feds to come in and protect civil
rights. Anyone with vague familiarity with Weimar Germany's slide into fascism in the 1930s understands that a rising
tide of political violence bodes ill for the future of the Republic. We've already seen one attempted mass
assassination of Republican members of Congress and successful suppression of conservative speakers on many campuses.
The fact that the mayor of Portland, Oregon has apparently ordered his police to not intervene in physical assaults on
conservatives by the Antifa gang amounts to official sanction for mob violence against the mayor's political opponents.
As most readers already know, Andy Ngo was violently attacked by masked Antifa thugs Saturday in Portland.
Ted Cruz Calls on Federal Law Enforcement to Investigate, Bring Legal Action Against Portland Mayor. On
Saturday afternoon [6/29/2019] Quillette gay Asian journalist Andy Ngo was beaten and robbed by several Antifa attackers at a
Portland protest march. Ngo was later hospitalized Saturday night with a brain bleed following the brutal Antifa attack
as he covered dueling left-right demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, Ngo's attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon said.
It Won't Stop with Andy Ngo.
It was no surprise when Andy Ngo was repeatedly pelted by Antifa with concrete milkshakes on June 30, sending him to the
hospital emergency room. [...] The reactions were equally predictable. Conservatives were outraged but some on the Left
argued Ngo had it coming. "I'd argue what the fear mongering he's done against Muslims plus the work he's done to
discredit hate crimes, helped create an atmosphere of violence that vulnerable people all have to live through just for being
who they are. This is bad, but he's guilty of worse." Still, the combativeness of the last few days alarmed those
accustomed to regarding themselves as civilized. Nicholas Kristof tried to explain the savagery by explaining that the natural
virtue of liberals had been infected by conservative hate and that consequently, some were succumbing to their baser instincts.
Journalist Assaulted, Robbed by Violent Antifa Protester. A Portland-area reporter renowned for his coverage of
far-left violence has been injured in an attack by alleged members of Antifa, leaving him hospitalized with a "brain bleed."
Andy Ngo, an editor at Quillette and host of the podcast Things You Should Ngo, was reporting on Antifa street demonstrations in
Portland, Oregon, on June 29, when black-clad assailants singled him out for a vicious assault.
thugs attack and beat independent journalist Andy Ngo in Portland — while police do nothing. If
you've been reading Legal Insurrection for a while, you are familiar with independent investigative journalist and Quillette
editor Andy Ngo. We frequently feature his work. Today, I am horrified and saddened to report that Ngo was
attacked by antifa-fascists in Portland, Oregon. He is, thankfully, okay, but this incident shows yet again that antifa
is the exact opposite of what it claims to be.
Andy Ngo Hospitalized With Brain Bleed From Brutal Antifa Attack: Lawyer. Quillette journalist Andy Ngo
was hospitalized Saturday night with a brain bleed following a brutal attack by Antifa thugs as he covered dueling left-right
demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, Ngo's attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon said. Video of the attack shows Ngo being beaten
by several Antifa attackers and having "milkshakes" thrown on him. Portland police said the Antifa milkshakes reportedly
were made with quick-dry cement. When wet, cement acts as a chemical agent that burns skin.
Andy Ngo Assaulted by Antifa Protestors in Portland. Journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by Antifa protestors in
Portland Saturday afternoon [6/29/2019], according to video taken of part of the assault and Ngo himself. [...] The video
showed Ngo, editor of Quilette, being punched and kicked by masked assailants dressed in black and then being hit by various
containers of liquid as he is retreating.
writer Andy Ngo beaten and assaulted in chemical attack. The far left seems to be looking for a civil
war. The dynamics are getting truly horrible. This unmistakably violent antifa assault on Quillette commentator
Andy Ngo, a conservative who writes about antifa protests, in Portland, Oregon, really signals a bottom dropping out: [...]
Reason magazine has a good, albeit understated, account of the antifa mob violence against the man, perhaps not knowing at
the time that the 'milkshake' attack was what police say was probably an assault with a cement-hardening compound which can
cause burns and trauma injuries, and the video shows rocks and hard objects being hurled at the head of the already wounded
man as he moved away from the thugs.
Mayor Ted Wheeler Under Fire for Not Stopping Antifa Protests. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's hands-off policy
when it comes to Antifa protestors came under scrutiny on Saturday after journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by masked Antifa
assailants. Wheeler, who is also police commissioner, said nothing on Saturday, as hundreds of Antifa protestors
gathered on the streets, with some throwing milkshakes — potentially mixed with quick-drying cement —
and assaulting Ngo. Ngo, shaken and bloodied, began livestreaming on his phone after his assault, and could be heard
asking a police officer, "Where [...] were all of you?"
Owner: Worker Who Spit on Eric Trump Placed on Leave. The Alinea Group, owners of the high-end Chicago
cocktail lounge where President Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump, was spat on by an employee, has been put on leave.
Trump confirmed to Breitbart News that the U.S. Secret Service took an employee of The Aviary into custody following the
incident. In a telephone interview with Washington editor Matthew Boyle, Trump said the ordeal was "purely a disgusting
act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems."
Service Take Chicago Restaurant Employee into Custody After She Spits on Eric Trump. U.S. Secret Service took
an employee of a Chicago restaurant into custody Tuesday evening after she spit on President Donald Trump's son Eric Trump,
the president's son told Breitbart News. "It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional
problems," Eric Trump told Breitbart News when reached by phone late Tuesday evening [6/25/2019].
to desecrate the flag at Trump July Fourth rally. Sparks will fly in Washington as activists torch an American
flag to protest President Trump's July Fourth "Salute to America," which Trump claims will be one of the largest events in
city history. Longtime flag-burning activist Gregory "Joey" Johnson of the Revolutionary Communist Party told the
Washington Examiner, "I'm going to be there in D.C.," and "that rag of empire and oppression is going to burn."
The Editor says...
This action will probably lead to premeditated violence from one or both sides.
Swalwell Encourages Hispanics to Take Fight Against Trump to the 'Streets'. Hispanic voters should take their
fight against President Trump to the "streets," Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) suggested in a tweet Saturday [6/22/2019].
The Democrat presidential candidate spouted a series of falsehoods in a tweet posted Saturday, accusing Trump of breaking up
Hispanic families and caging children just for kicks. He also accused Trump of seeking to "erase" the Hispanic
population's existence by way of a basic census citizenship question.
Joe Biden, 76,
wants a violent civil war. Ryan Saavedra reports for the Daily Wire that on Monday, June 17, at the Moral
Action Congress of the Poor People's Campaign in Washington, D.C., Demonrat 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden was asked
by MSNBC's Joy Reid: "How would you get past either a majority Republican Senate in which Mitch McConnell was
determined to kill all of these ideas or even a Mitch McConnell in the minority who repeated the consistent filibustering
when you were vice president and anything that came from the Obama-Biden administration Mitch McConnell considered dead on
arrival?" Biden replied: "Joy, I know you're one of the ones who thinks it's naive to think we have to work
together. The fact of the matter is if we can't get a consensus, nothing happens except the abuse of power by the
executive. There are certain things where it just takes a brass knuckle fight. Let's start a real physical
revolution if you're talking about it."
Democrats Believe This Or Are They Trying to Get President Trump Shot? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is actually not
doing anything to improve the situation at the border except telling everyone the President is running concentration camps
and insisting she is serious. If the congresswoman actually believes the President is a danger who will be re-elected
without impeachment, it sounds like her fall back strategy is to try to get the man shot by hoping to inspire the next James
Hodgkinson.I cannot emphasize enough that if Donald Trump accused a Democrat of running concentration camps or, frankly, if
any elected Republican had made those claims against Barack Obama, the media would be all over the person saying such a thing
and insisting they were trying to incite violence against President Obama.
reporter harassed at impeach Trump protest: 'Go back to Fox News to pick cotton'. Two anti-Trump demonstrators
made racist comments to an African American Fox News contributor while he was covering an impeachment protest in New
York. The editor-in-chief of Campus Reform, 26-year-old Lawrence Jones, was interviewing people at an event promoting
President Trump's impeachment when two attendees began directing racist comments toward him. One of the men reportedly
told Jones that he should go back to Fox News "where there's more cotton for you to pick." When the man was asked to
clarify what he just said, he reiterated the racist remark, according to the producer.
Suggests Starting 'Physical Revolution' To Deal With Republicans. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden
appeared to suggest using violence against Republicans on Monday in response to a question about how he as president would
deal with opposition to his agenda in the Senate from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. [...] "There are certain things
where it just takes a brass knuckle fight," Biden continued, later adding: "Let's start a real physical revolution if
you're talking about it." [Video clip]
leftists attack conservatives at Buttigieg rally, police seeking arrest warrants. This past weekend, a number
of Democratic presidential candidates were in the state of Iowa and among those was the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete
Buttigieg. Conservative gun rights activist, pro-life advocate, journalist for Infowars, and social media personality,
Kaitlin Bennett was in town for the 'Picnic with Pete' event [6/9/2019]. After Bennett began asking some rally
participants about the stories of child drag queens that continue to make headlines in the news and if they believe its child
abuse for parents to put their underage children through hormone replacement therapy, the assaults began.
Who Attacked Conservatives at Buttigieg Rally Identified, Police Seeking Arrest Warrants. This past weekend, a
number of Democratic presidential candidates swept through the state of Iowa. Among these was the Mayor of South Bend,
Indiana, Pete Buttigieg. Buttigieg hosted a 'Picnic With Pete' event in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, June 9th from 11am-2pm
CDT. The South Bend mayor drank beer from paper bags, played cornhole, and even performed a tune on the piano for the Greene
Square Park crowd. After filming in Des Moines, Iowa for two days to cover the Capital City Pride Fest, Kaitlin Bennett was
in town for the Picnic With Pete. As stories of child drag queens continue to make headlines in conservative circles, Bennett
wanted to ask rally goers if they believe it's child abuse for parents to put their underage children through hormone replacement therapy.
Liberal Threatens to Run Over Conservative Reporter at Pride Festival. As Pride Month enters into its second
week, Iowans kicked off their annual Capital City Pride Fest in downtown Des Moines on Friday night [6/7/2019]. The
Friday event [6/7/2019] was attended by Democratic Presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand, with more candidates scheduled to attend
on Saturday afternoon. Conservative reporter Kaitlin Bennett was in attendance to ask attendees if they think President Trump
has helped the LGBT community. While conducting street interviews, dozens shouted profanities at Bennett and one woman
physically assaulted her.
Instagram Promotes 'Trans Disabled Model'
Who Is Calling For The Killing Of All 'Transphobes'. Facebook-owned Instagram on Monday [6/10/2019] promoted
"trans disabled model" Aaron Philip, 18, across their platform and to their more than 304 million followers in honor of Pride
Month. [...] After Instagram promoted Philip all over their site, Twitter and on Facebook, Philip within hours began calling
for the "killing" of all "transphobes."
Blow Contrasts Trump Base With 'The Rest of Us Who Are Sane'. Not surprisingly, HBO host Bill Maher and his
panel had few kind words to say about President Trump and his base on Friday's [6/7/2019] Real Time. While
Maher joked about President Trump executing his negotiating team, CNN political commentator and New York Times
columnist Charles Blow contrasted the President's base with "the rest of us who are sane." At the start of the panel,
Maher noted that "it was reported last week Kim Jong-un had his entire negotiating team killed" before asking "what if Trump
killed his negotiating team?" As his audience burst into laughter, Maher asked "what if he killed Mike Pompeo and John
Bolton, what would Mitch McConnell do?"
Maher asks panel what would happen if Trump killed Mike Pompeo and John Bolton. Bill Maher asked the panel on
his HBO television show to hypothesize what would happen if President Trump killed his team of advisers negotiating with
North Korea. On Friday's [6/7/2019] episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the comedian was joined by New York Times
columnist Charles Blow, Democratic Rep. Katie Porter, and national security analyst Clint Watts. Maher posed the
hypothetical in light of reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un killed or imprisoned members of his own negotiating team.
Reporter and YouTube Censorship Advocate Carlos Maza Defended Antifa, Encouraged Political Violence. Vox
reporter Carlos Maza, whose pressure campaign against YouTube contributed to the mass-demonetization and banning of
independent media and right-wing channels, is a former Media Matters employee who defended the violent Antifa movement.
The Vox reporter who YouTube listened to, causing the #VoxAdpocalypse, also encouraged the recent trend physical attacks
against pro-Brexit politicians in the United Kingdom, in which left-wing protesters hurled milkshakes at them.
"Milkshake them all," said Maza on Twitter, which has not restricted his account for promoting physical assaults on
Refuses To Remove Verified Account Who Joked About Killing 7-Year Old Trump Fan. A tweet posted by a liberal
"comedian" that "joked" about running over and killing a 7-year old Trump supporter went viral, receiving over 100,000
"likes." Twitter, who [sic] is known for silencing conservatives for doing much less, has not banned the owner of the
tweet from the platform and has decided to keep up the tweet for all to see.
Midler Suggests Someone Should Stab President Trump. Left-wing actress Bette Midler took to social media this
week and suggested that someone in President Donald Trump's "camp" should "shiv" or stab him. "He actually looks better
here! Maybe someone in his camp can gently give him a shiv. I mean, shove," Bette Midler said on Tuesday night
[6/4/2091]. The actress was piggybacking on a tweet by Michael Moore, who had ranted about President Trump's surprise
visit to McLean Bible Church in Virginia on Sunday.
Anti-Trump Protester Spits In Woman's Face, Then Justice Is Instantly Served. A bunch of daring pro-Trumpers
held a rally in far-left California. Things didn't end well for one anti-Trump protester, in particular. After
spitting in a woman's face with whom he disagreed, the unhinged man was taken away in handcuffs. [Video clip]
apparently struck by drink while leaving town hall; woman is arrested. U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz was struck by
a drink as he was leaving a Pensacola town hall meeting on Saturday, according to published reports and social media
posts. The incident occurred at the Brew Ha Ha restaurant in Pensacola, the reports indicated. A 35-year-old
woman, Amanda Leigh Kondrat'yev, no address listed, was arrested and charged with battery.
Trump supporter hit by milkshake
as protesters chant 'Nazi scum'. A British Trump supporter was hit with a milkshake as protesters surrounded
him in London's Parliament Square. In a distressing video, the anti-Trump activists chant 'Nazi scum' at the man,
before he is pelted with the beverage. The man retaliates by throwing some of the milkshake back at those encircling
him, and is pushed before police intervene.
Rights Extremist Attacks Kamala Harris, Moderator Blames Trump. A scruffy, hippie-ish animal rights
demonstrator with long beard, long hair in a bun, and blue jeans leapt onto the stage and grabbed the mike from Democratic
presidential candidate Kamala Harris during MoveOn.org's "Big Ideas Forum" in San Francisco on Saturday [6/1/2019], before
being shuffled away by security. If you were the left-wing Democratic Party operative moderating the event, you would
think, "too bad it wasn't a right winger wearing a MAGA hat. We could blame it on Trump!" Right? Wrong.
It's still Trump's fault!
People have
rightfully not gotten over a man storming Kamala Harris's stage. We don't know who needs to hear this, but
do not interrupt Kamala Harris while she is speaking. When the 2020 presidential candidate spoke at MoveOn's Big
Ideas Forum in San Fransisco on Saturday [6/1/2019], a man and animal-rights protester by the name of Aidan Cook stormed the
stage and snatched the mic from her while she was discussing the gender pay gap. Why? In attempt to turn people's
attention to "a much bigger idea." [...] It's appalling for anyone to storm a stage and make people feel that their safety
is at risk, but for a man to interrupt a woman as she's speaking about gender equality — not to mention attempt to
take away from a woman of color's time at the mic — is a whole other level of ridiculous.
Hosts Laugh at Dumping Milkshakes on 'Right-Wing' Politicians. The journalists at CBS This Morning on
Tuesday [5/21/2019] laughed at a new trend by militant leftists: Dumping milkshakes on politicians they don't
like. Co-host Tony Dokoupil began with a whimsical recounting: "In the latest of a series of attacks on
right-wing politicians, Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage was doused with a milkshake yesterday. That was actually
salted caramel if anyone is wondering." This prompted laughter from Dokoupil's co-hosts. Continuing the jovial
discussion of political intimidation, he added, "I'm sure it feels great. I'm sure people love the feeling.
Pictures fly around the world."
attacks are not funny — Left needs to condemn vile pranks before it's too late. Why do so many on
the left seem to take so much joy from the threatening harassment and physical assaults against "right-wing" candidates,
personalities, and political staff? It's not funny. It's quite dangerous, and it's escalating: the latest trend
of the far-left being "milkshake attacks" on candidates they oppose. In Britain, Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was
the latest target of these milkshake attacks — something the far-left Twitter universe and even "mainstream"
journalists here in the United States found quite amusing. The team over at "CBS This Morning" recently reported on the
attack of Farage, and you can actually hear them laughing and giggling in the background as the tape rolls.
Activist Caught on Video Vandalizing Catholic Church With Pro-Abortion Graffiti. Catholic parishioners in
Pennsylvania discovered Sunday that a vandal spray-painted their church with pro-abortion graffiti, sparking public outcry
and a police investigation. The as yet unidentified culprit wrote, "You do not have the right to decide how others
lives," in black spray paint across the glass doors of the Notre Dame de Lourdes Church and added "#Pro-Choice" on the side
of the building, according to CBS3 Philly. Parishioners like Jessica Prince said they were devastated by the defacement
of their church.
Antifa Scumbags Have Their Faces Polished.
Yesterday there was a violent clash of Antifa supporters and the Italian police in the Italian city of Bologna. The
police tried to stem the demonstrators gathered to protest the visit of the Forza Nuova founder Roberto Fiore. He held
a rally at Galvani Square ahead of the European elections. When the activists tried to break the chain of police, they
rebuked and pushed back with the help of batons. [Video clip]
Threaten Rape Of Children, Wife Of Pro-Life Advocate. On May 17, 2019, the Department of Justice announced the
sentencing of Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk, Virginia, for the online death threats sent out against Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) Chairman, Ajit Pai, his wife and children, because Man disagreed with the FCC's repeal of net neutrality
rules. [... But] the bigger picture is that liberals are becoming increasingly threatening and violent against conservatives,
using any issue they disagree with, not just the hot button topic of abortion over the slew of pro-abortion laws in
liberal states and pro-life laws in more conservative states, that are being passed of late.
'I'd prefer acid but milkshakes
will do': Charity worker provokes outrage with Farage attack tweet. A UK charity worker has caused fury on
social media after suggesting she would have preferred if it had been acid and not a milkshake that was hurled at Brexit
Party leader Nigel Farage while campaigning in Newcastle on Monday [5/20/2019]. In a tweet from her now-deleted account,
Ruth Townsend, who is head of measurement and policy at charity Happy City, which focuses its work on 'wellbeing' applauded
Paul Crowther, the man behind the milkshake attack on Farage. However, she ostensibly was a little annoyed it hadn't
been a more lethal substance.
a Milkshake, Tomorrow A Brick: Corporate-Backed Political Violence Is Here. It was always coming.
With the dovetailing of corporate social responsibility and social justice causes (i.e. "getting woke"), big global
businesses are now moving into the territory of actively encouraging political violence towards conservatives. Burger
King — which has an historically poor marketing performance amongst millennials — is seemingly trying
to do something about it by targeting political figures unpopular with said demographic. I said a few weeks ago things
are about to get worse in the sphere of corporations involving themselves in politics. At the time I was thinking of
Big Tech, but Gillette, Nabisco, and now Burger King are telling the business world: "Hold my beer".
King Encourages Leftists to Throw Its Milkshakes at Opponents. It may be difficult to take throwing milkshakes
at people seriously, but in a certain context it constitutes political violence, and will inevitably lead to an escalation of
violence. This is the context in which ever-so-woke Burger King encourages moonbats to throw its milkshakes at people
they disagree with.
Ordered To Stop Selling Milkshakes Near A Nigel Farage Rally. Apparently, milkshakes are a popular item for
violent political demonstrators in Scotland to throw at right-wing politicians with whom they disagree. According to
CNN International, police have ordered a McDonald's in Scotland to stop selling milkshakes while Brexit champion Nigel Farage
campaigns nearby.
Lebowitz: 'We Should Turn Trump Over to the Saudis' Who Killed Khashoggi. Back in 2013, a rodeo clown in
Missouri caused a national scandal by wearing an Obama mask. Somehow it was a threat to the president's life. A
mask. On a rodeo clown. In Missouri. And it was also racist, of course, because Obama's dad was black.
That was then. This is now. Hillary lost, so anything goes.
'deserves' Khashoggi treatment, Maher guest Fran Lebowitz says before backpedaling. Liberal author Fran
Lebowitz went to the extreme Friday night during an appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher," suggesting that President
Trump should not only be impeached but killed. Lebowitz began by saying she felt "plagued" by Trump's presidency and
"shocked" by what she claimed was criminal behavior by Attorney General William Barr over his handling of the Mueller
report. But when she was asked about impeachment, Lebowitz did not think that was enough punishment for the president,
who has not been charged with any crimes.
Charges, Physically Assaults Alabama Pro-Life Protester. A pro-life woman in Huntsville, Alabama, was physically
assaulted by a feminist earlier this month as she was protesting abortion outside the Alabama Women's Center abortion
clinic. The pro-life woman, identified as Mary Baggett, captured the assault on video and posted it to social media[.]
Man Faces Up to 140 Years in Prison For Threatening to Kill President Trump, Federal Officials. John Durham, US
Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced Friday that a federal grand jury in New Haven returned a 16-count
indictment charging Gary Joseph Gavelle, AKA Roland Prejean, 51, with threatening to kill President Trump and other federal
and state officials. According to the indictment, in September of 2018, used mail, email and telephone to threaten to
kill and harm officials, including President Trump.
police chief: Riot team was almost called for Gibson's Bakery protest. As the November 2016 protests
outside of Gibson's Bakery by Oberlin College students continued to escalate, Oberlin police considered calling in the
county's riot team to break up the crowd, a former Oberlin police sergeant testified. Victor Ortiz, who was with Oberlin
police at the time of the protests, said he and other officers were at the scene of the protests to try to maintain order.
Pro-Choice Student Throws Punches, Gets Citation For Assault. A group called Created Equal set up a display of
pro-life posters on the campus of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. You can't really see them in the video
below but those posters are graphic depictions of abortion. In fact, this group is a successor to another group called
the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform which toured college campuses putting up graphic images of abortion for over a decade.
In any case, the images were apparently too much for one female college student who asked the intern watching the signs if
he was responsible and then immediately started throwing punches.
says man from violent Antifa rallies dumped liquid on him at gym, stole his phone. An independent journalist,
known for covering Antifa violence, said a man he recognized from the group's rallies dumped liquid on him at a Portland,
Oregon, gym earlier this week and stole his phone. Andy Ngo tweeted video of a portion of Tuesday afternoon's
[5/7/2019] incident at a 24 Hour Fitness in the Hollywood section of the city.
Colorado STEM shooter was a bully, made jokes about school shootings, students say. One of the students accused
of opening fire at a Denver area STEM school, killing one student and wounding eight other people, bullied younger kids and
would make jokes about shooting up the school, students said. The suspected shooter, Devon Erickson, "would whisper,
like get really close and kinda put his arm around you, and whisper in your ear, 'don't come to school tomorrow,'" said Kevin
Cole, a former student of STEM School Highlands Ranch, during an interview on "Today." Erickson, 18, and a juvenile, who
police identify as a girl but who prefers male pronouns, are accused of entering the K-12 school with handguns Tuesday.
Colorado Gunman Spray-Painted [His] Car With Dark Graffiti. Two shooters were overpowered as they fired at classmates
at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Colorado Tuesday [5/7/2019], according to police. Cops Say Devon Erickson, 18, and an
underage accomplice opened fire at the school, killing one and injuring eight others. Erickson appeared in school
musicals and seemed popular, but he apparently had a dark side too. His car was spray-painted with the words "F***
Society," and on the roof were the numbers 666 and a pentagram.
school shooting suspect shared anti-Trump post on Facebook. The 18-year-old accused in the fatal shooting at a
Colorado charter school shared social media posts that were critical of President Trump and Christians, but heaped praise on
former President Barack Obama. On what appears to be his Facebook page, Devon Erickson gave no indication of the
carnage to come at STEM School Highlands Ranch.
high school shooters are revealed to be a young GIRL who 'was male by appearance' and an 18-year-old boy. Devon
Erickson, 18, and a juvenile female — who authorities previously identified as a boy — were taken into custody following the
shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Denver on Tuesday afternoon [5/7/2019]. Erickson was charged as an adult on
Wednesday with first-degree murder and attempted murder ahead of an initial court appearance in the afternoon. His
accused accomplice is being charged separately as a juvenile. [...] The underage student is reportedly in the process of
transitioning from female to male but Sheriff Tony Spurlock would not confirm if the young suspect was transgender.
In Denver School Shooting Is Transgender, Possibly Motivated By Revenge. We are learning a bit more about the
motive of yesterday's school shooting at Highlands Ranch, a STEM school in Denver. It's being reported that one of the
suspects is transgender and that the shooting may have been motivated by revenge and anger toward specific students.
Further Normalizes Leftist Antifa Terrorists. It's been over three years since the FBI and the Department of
Homeland security referred to the radical leftist Antifa movement's behavior as that of a "domestic terrorist" organization,
but that hasn't stopped CNN from promoting their activities. Just days after CNN host Chris Cuomo argued that Antifa
was a "true" and "good cause," social justice warrior Kamau Bell on Sunday's [5/5/2019] United Shades of America
offered a national platform to an Antifa member while offering no pushback against their violent tactics. Completely
ignoring the terrorist designation, Bell sat down with a young woman who only went by the name Ariel. As they began
their discussion, Bell allowed her to twist and lie about what Antifa actually was: [...]
of N.J. man peeing on police SUV as crowd cheered was 'personal insult,' cops say. Now he's facing
charges. An Essex County man was arrested Sunday after police say video posted to social media shows him
urinating on a marked police vehicle as a crowd cheered him on outside a movie theater. Tauqeer Boyd, 22, of West
Orange, was arrested less than 24 hours after the incident at CityPlex 12 Newark movie theater, according to Public Safety
Director Anthony F. Ambrose. "We absolutely will not tolerate disrespect of our police," Ambrose said in a statement.
"We take this as a personal insult. When our department became aware of this, we moved quickly to apprehend the suspect."
Arsonist Set Pro-Life Poster on Fire at Western Washington University. An arsonist at Western Washington
University set fire to a pro-life poster on Saturday [5/4/2019] that had been promoting an upcoming speaking event featuring
Kristan Hawkins, the president of the pro-life student group, Students for Life of America.
Held An Anti-ICE, May Day March In Portland And It Turned Into A Riot. Another "mostly peaceful" left-wing
event which ended in a riot, though the violence, in this case, wasn't one-sided. The event started earlier in the day
as a "festival of resistance" in support of anti-fascism and anti-capitalism. People put up tables hawking books about
communism, etc. But just as Portland police were declaring the event a success, fighting broke out at a pro-Antifa bar
called Cider Riot.
State University Students Arrested For Stealing Another Student's MAGA Hat. Another MAGA hat incident.
This one wouldn't have amounted to much except the hat-stealing student did this in front of campus police and then refused a
police request to return the hat. Three other protesters got carried away trying to get tough with the police.
The incident started Wednesday morning when a student named Tyler walked over to talk to some left-wing protesters. The
protesters were out that morning because a group of pro-free speech bikers called the Texas Nomads were supposedly coming to
campus. But the bikers never showed up.
Colbert Fantasizes About Choking Attorney General William Barr. Late Show host Stephen Colbert
fantasized about "wringing the neck" of William Barr, accusing the attorney general of spreading a "bucket of lies"
about the findings of Robert Mueller's report into supposed Russian collusion.
Antifa Plot for 'Armed Conflict at the Border' Uncovered by FBI. An alleged and bizarre plot has been
uncovered, involving a Mexican cartel, "anti-fascist" activists in the United States, "migrant" caravans, and an alleged
cartel associate named "Cobra Commander." As strange as it sounds, though, the story appears to be rather serious.
It involves a plot to start an armed conflict at the U.S.-Mexico border. The case was uncovered in a federal
investigation last year into groups and individuals behind the migrant caravans.
Smoke bomb disrupts pro-life speaker at UT Austin.
A "smoke bomb" disrupted a pro-life speaker's event Monday night [4/29/2019] at the University of Texas at Austin. The
school's Young Conservatives of Texas chapter was hosting Radiance Foundation President Ryan Bomberger to give a presentation,
titled, "Should Have Been Aborted," KTBC-TV in Austin reported. Bomberger attempted to address what the Radiance
Foundation deemed a "broken worldview" that the worth of some humans outweighs the worth of others, according to a
Facebook post by the group.
Thwart California Terror Attack — Man Arrested in Plot to Detonate Explosive Device. Mark Steven
Domingo, 26, a veteran and recent convert to Islam, was arrested by federal authorities for his plan to detonate an
improvised explosive device in/around San Fernando Valley California. His targets for the attack included "Jews, police
officers, churches, and a military facility." Thankfully the FBI intercepted him.
conduct of climate activists has been destructive, deceitful and violent. Global warming alarmists have shouted
down legitimate debate and committed deceitful and violent acts in support of their false cause. The Climategate emails
provide irrefutable evidence of scientific collusion and fraudulent misconduct. In Canada, skeptic climatologist
Dr. Tim Ball and other skeptics have received threats, and buildings related to the energy industry including the Calgary
Petroleum Club were firebombed. In the USA, skeptic scientists have had their homes invaded, and several highly competent
skeptic scientists have been harassed and driven from their academic posts.
Deep-Six Touchy Joe's Anti-Whitism. There was a clunkiness about Touchy Joe's invocation of Charlottesville on
his presidential announcement day. [...] I have a question. Why haven't we trained up a slugger to hit this stuff right
out of the ballpark? As in: "Hey Joe, why don't you hit on someone your own size? How about you bravely
take out after the real threat to peace and domestic tranquillity, the thugs of AntiFa? "Let's see, Joe. Back in
the day, the street thugs of the Democratic Party wore white flowing robes. Today they come all arrayed in artistic
black. Yeah, Joe-ker, riddle me this: how come artists just love wearing artistic black? "Back in the day, Joe,
the street thugs of the Democratic Party wore white hoods. Now they wear black masks and helmets. Where were you,
Joe, expressing your outrage at this illegal and hateful behavior? Back in the day, Joe, the street thugs of the
Democratic Party terrified people with burning crosses. Now they do it with bike locks. Hey Joe! When are
you gonna call for bike-lock control!"
Nunes [is] getting daily deaths threats. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., is receiving death threats on a daily
basis. A report Thursday [4/25/2019] from Your Central Valley, which covers news in Fresno, Calif., said Nunes is one
of a few lawmakers who contend with such a regular danger. "We take strong precautions, one of the concerns we have is
not necessarily me, but people who attend the event that I'm at, and that's the biggest challenge right now," Nunes
said. Nunes' office told the Washington Examiner they have reported the threats to police.
Surfaces Of Pro-Abort Breaking Elderly Pro-Life Woman's Leg. An elderly pro-life woman in Kentucky was thrown
to the ground outside an abortion clinic earlier this month, suffering a broken leg and head injuries. The incident was
captured by a surveillance camera outside the EMW Women's Surgical Center in Louisville.
Thrown at President Trump at NRA Speech. A cellphone was thrown at President Trump as he approached the podium
to give an address at the NRA convention in Indianapolis Friday. The phone missed Trump by several feet and bounced
harmlessly on the stage at Trump's left. Video of the incident was posted to Twitter by reporter Bradley Brewer who
reported the person who threw the phone was arrested.
Incites Violence Against Political Opponents. "It's time to punch a few Nazis." It's hard to shock me, but
I was shocked by the trailer for CBS's "The Good Fight." [...] Promoting violence in the abstract is not illegal.
According to the Supreme Court case Brandenburg v. Ohio, speech is legal unless it "is directed to inciting
or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action." The trailer showed an unprovoked
assault against a real person. It told viewers it is time to punch Nazis. If this isn't a call to violence —
at least against Richard Spencer — what is? If the show had named almost anyone else, there would surely be
criminal charges. While we are to attack "neo-Nazis," communists or non-white extremists are apparently off limits.
Leftists Arrested After Vandalizing Memorial to Border Patrol Agents in El Paso. The National Border Patrol
Museum was attacked by protesters in February. A poster on Twitter, whose report about the attack was retweeted by a
Texas Border Patrol union account, stated the protesters attacked every exhibit at the museum including the Memorial Room
dedicated to agents who gave their lives in the line of duty. On Monday [4/15/2019] two violent activists connected to
the vandalism at the museum surrendered to police. The protesters are accused of causing $2,500 in damages and glued
stickers to memorials of agents lost in the line of duty.
Point USA leader reportedly stalked, says almost victim of a hit-and-run on Seattle campus. On Monday
[4/15/2019] a deranged left-wing activist reportedly harassed, stalked and tried to run over a female South Seattle College
student over her decidedly conservative political views. Student Katie Daviscourt, the chair of the Washington state
college's Turning Point USA chapter, told local station KTTH that she and a fellow member had been hosting an on-campus table
discussion to recruit new members when the unhinged activist began hassling them. "He started vandalizing our table and
trying to take the posters off," she said.
Immigrant Wearing MAGA Hat Beaten in Maryland. A black immigrant from West Africa was beaten up Saturday [4/13/2019] by
two black men in Germantown, Maryland, because the victim was wearing a red Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" hat, police say.
The victim, Atsu Nable, is a legal immigrant from Togo and he supports President Donald Trump. But the two alleged attackers were
apparently incensed by the victim's Trump hat.
men charged with beating, robbing man in MAGA hat. Two men who allegedly attacked and robbed a pedestrian because of
his "Make America Great Again" hat have been arrested in Maryland. The Montgomery County Department of Police said in a press
release Monday [4/15/2019] that Jovan Crawford, 27, and Scott Duncan Roberson, 25, were arrested and charged over the weekend after
they harassed a man for wearing the pro-President Trump and then beat him to the ground and robbed him in Germantown.
Man in MAGA Hat Beaten and Robbed in Latest Politically Motivated Attack. Two Maryland men have been charged with assault
and robbery after attacking a man who was wearing a red Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat. Atsu Nable, a legal immigrant from
Togo, was reportedly out enjoying the spring weather in Germantown, Va., when the suspects approached him and started harassing him
about his MAGA hat. According to a Montgomery County Police Department press release, Nable said he told them that he is entitled
to his views and walked away. But the suspects then began striking the victim and telling him to take the hat off. He told
FOX5 he was "shocked" when one of the assailants hit him from behind.
faces 18 charges in Park City High School bear spray incident. The Summit County Attorney's Office on Wednesday
[4/10/2019] filed 18 criminal charges against a 17-year-old boy related to the release of bear spray at Park City High School
that hospitalized one person and sickened more than a dozen others April 1. [...] The spray was released in the lecture hall,
hours before the school's Turning Point Club was set to host an event there featuring a speaker from Prager University, a
conservative nonprofit organization. The Turning Point Club is the local chapter of a national organization that aims
to promote conservative ideas.
The Poison Of
Main Stream Media Propaganda. [Scroll down] There are many examples. Former Director Kirsten
Nielsen of the Department of Homeland Security was accosted and driven out of a Mexican Restaurant where she and her party
had chosen to dine. Back in June of 2018, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and other diners in her party were
asked to leave by the owner of The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. They immediately left. [...] Cordiality
is now a thing of the past. Even neo-con Senator Lamar McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao
were attacked by a mob. And Vice President Pence was lectured from the Broadway stage as he sat in the audience
watching the play, Hamilton. This is what both media and Democrats like Maxine Waters are promoting.
speaker who was assaulted by protester: 'This was a warning shot to conservatives'. A conservative speaker who was
assaulted by a protester Thursday [4/11/2019] while speaking about the differences between men and women says his attack was a
"warning shot" by Leftists against conservatives and lambasted the university for allowing "political violence to fester on
campus." "I woke up this morning expecting an apology for being assaulted during a lecture that I was invited to give at
the University of Missouri. Instead, I was smeared baselessly as a bigot," Michael Knowles said on "Tucker Carlson
Tonight" Friday.
wearing MAGA hat is harassed at post office: 'Your president is racist'. A President Trump supporter was
assaulted in a post office for wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, turning a camera on her harasser. On Friday
[4/5/2019], Paloma Zuniga, a Mexican-American businesswoman was mailing a package at a post office in San Diego, Calif. when,
according to her, a woman ahead of her in line said, "You should be ashamed of yourself for wearing that hat, you stupid
Leftist Nastiness
& Rage Know No Bounds. It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and
how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism. But what concerns me as much as this pattern
of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded.
Arrested After Reportedly Sending Poison to Susan Collins. A woman was arrested on Friday [4/5/2019] after
authorities discovered she sent a threatening letter to Sen. Susan Collins's (R-ME) home in October. The letter,
which was sent to Collins's husband, Thomas Daffron, was reportedly laced with ricin. An affidavit filed in U.S.
District Court in Bangor revealed that the suspect was 37-year-old Suzanne Muscara, from Burlington. Muscara's message
for Collins read that the senator, "betrayed the people of Maine." Because it was mailed in October, one can only conclude
the suspect was referring to Collins's vote in favor of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
liberal lunatics are deeply wrong about Kanye West. [Scroll down] Ever since the election, Hollywood had
revealed itself in countless ways as one of the most hypocritical capitalist enclaves in the world, with a preening surface
attitude advocating progressivism, equality, inclusivity and diversity — except not when it came down to inclusivity
and diversity of political thought and opinion and language. They proudly promoted peace just as they were fine with
Trump getting shot by Snoop Dogg in a video or decapitated by Kathy Griffin or beaten up by Robert De Niro or, more simply,
as an apparently drunken Johnny Depp suggested, assassinated. Fellow comrades had started to adhere to their new rule
book: about humor, about freedom of expression, about what's funny or offensive. Artists — or, in
the local parlance, creatives — should no longer push any envelope, go to the dark side, explore taboos, make
inappropriate jokes or offer contrarian opinions.
Alto woman loses job after confronting MAGA-hat-wearing Starbucks customer. A woman who said she confronted a
man for wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat inside a Palo Alto Starbucks was fired from her job at a nearby music store.
On Monday [4/1/2019], Rebecca Parker Mankey took pictures of a man wearing a MAGA hat, and wrote in a Facebook post that she "called
the entire Starbucks to order and yelled at him." "He will never forget me and will think seriously about wearing that hat in my
town ever again," she wrote. "If you see him in this hat, please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn't
speak up as we slipped into fascism."
Palo Alto Woman Harassed An Elderly Jewish Man In A MAGA Hat And Vowed To Get Him Fired (She Was Fired). How
many times have we seen this? Some woke person gets worked up over someone else wearing a hat that shows their support
for Trump and decides to go nuts in public. It happened again yesterday in Palo Alto, California. A 74-year-old
Jewish man named Victor was wearing the hat in a Starbucks when a woman he didn't know approached him and started shouting.
Is Outrageous that Supporting Trump Is Dangerous. My car, which has a "Trump/Pence" bumper sticker, was keyed.
While pumping gas, a motorist seemed impressed by my courage to have a Trump bumper sticker. People have told me they are afraid
to wear a MAGA cap or have a Trump sign on their lawn. Having to feel so afraid to express our political views is outrageous.
Democrats and fake news media have so twisted the meaning of "MAGA" and generated such hatred for Trump that citizens are afraid to
publicly support the president of the United States. [...] Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other Democrat domestic terrorists routinely
beat up Trump supporters. Meanwhile, fake news media promotes their lie that the Tea Party is the violent movement.
Cops Charge
University of Arizona Students With Misdemeanors for Disrupting Event. Two University of Arizona students face
misdemeanor charges after disrupting a Career Day event that featured border patrol officers. The incident took place
on March 19. The officers were speaking with students inside a classroom when two activists entered the classroom and
began heckling. One, a female student, shouted "murder patrol" continuously at the officers and claimed that their
presence on campus made her unsafe. Organizers asked her to leave, but she refused. The activists later followed
the officers outside, where a larger group of protesters were waiting.
The Editor says...
If the Border Patrol makes you feel unsafe, maybe you shouldn't be here.
punch the bully in the mouth,' Puerto Rico governor warns White House amid disaster aid quarrel. Puerto Rico
Gov. Ricardo Rossello said he will "punch the bully in the mouth" if the White House tries to bully him. "If the
bully gets close, I'll punch the bully in the mouth. It would be a mistake to confuse courtesy with courage," Rossello
told CNN regarding the disaster relief efforts still needed on the island following Hurricane Maria in fall 2017. Aides
for Puerto Rico's governor said the White House warned them Wednesday that representatives of the U.S. territories were
pushing too hard to discuss the island's situation.
Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello would have a very bad time if he punched Trump. The service's standing protocol
is to investigate all threats to the president. Because were Rossello to actually punch Trump, the governor would be
the physical loser. After all, the Secret Service would aggressively put him on the ground, as one photographer found
out during a 2016 campaign event. The Secret Service trains agents to use dominant force in face of physical
attacks. This is an agency that takes its protective mission exceptionally seriously.
Parenthood protester, 85, beaten in San Francisco: 'Stay on the ground, old man'. Police in San Francisco are
looking for a man who was caught on video repeatedly kicking an elderly anti-abortion protester outside a Planned Parenthood
clinic. The 23-second video, which went viral Wednesday after it was tweeted out by Donald Trump Jr., showed a
black-clad bicyclist trying to steal an 85-year-old man's banner during a pro-life demonstration on the 1600 block of
Valencia Street. In the video, the victim tries to retrieve the banner by lodging a stick into the spokes of the
suspect's bike. The suspect then uses the bike to push the victim to the ground and says, "Stay on the ground, old man,
unless you want to get hurt," according to the video.
Far Left Punks Arrested After Lighting Tulane Conservative Student's Dorm Room Door on Fire. Violent fascist
students doxxed Peyton Lofton, a chapter leader for Turning Point USA and YAL chapter officer at Tulane University, then lit
his dorm room door on fire on Friday [3/22/2019]. Mr. Lofton was doxxed by an anti-YAL (Young Americans for
Liberty) social media account, according to a fellow YAL member.
Did Trump Really Do
All That? [Scroll down] Why, after all, did Alfred A. Knopf publish the novel Checkpoint, a boring
and tired rant about fantasizing the assassination of then-President Bush? Who created the particular landscape that
encouraged filmmaker Gabriel Range to offer up "Death of a President" that trafficked in the same fantasies of a Bush
assassination? Why would the Guardian publish an op-ed by "satirist" Charles Brooker's dreaming of the need for
another John Wilkes Booth or Lee Harvey Oswald to repeat their needed work — a theme in part that actor Johnny
Depp has recently channeled against Trump. [...] What prompted the 2008 campaign rhetoric of "typical white person," "get in
their face" and "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun, because from what I understand folks in Philly like a
good brawl."
arrested for throwing glass of water at controversial Iowa Rep. Steve King, police say. A man was arrested
Friday for throwing a glass of water in the face of controversial Rep. Steve King at a local restaurant, police
said. Blake Gibbins, 26, allegedly approached King while he was eating lunch at Mineral City Mill and Grill restaurant
in Fort Dodge, Iowa. He asked King if he was the congressman and then threw a glass of water on him, Fort Dodge police
said in a press release. The release says others were also hit by the water, but no one was injured.
Zealand Shooter Hopes for U.S. Civil War: 'Conservatism Is Dead, Thank God'. The New Zealand shooter's
manifesto, which will not be linked to here, is a mix of avowed white supremacist sentiment and suggested tactics to fellow
extremists — including his declared intention to exploit racial, cultural, and political divisions in the
U.S. According to his manifesto, the shooter — who massacred civilians at two mosques in New Zealand's city
of Christchurch — appears to subscribe to a number of ideologies. The document is riddled with white
nationalist talking points, and the shooter describes himself as a "fascist." He also castigates Muslims as "the most
despised group of invaders in the west." Yet elsewhere in the document, the shooter describes himself as a socialist,
"depending on the definition." The shooter also declares his support for "environmentalism," "worker's rights," and
"responsible markets."
America Headed for a Wave of Political Violence? Aside from hyperventilating Hollywood types, who get an
outsized amount of media coverage, and the discursive rantings on Facebook, we're not quite at the point where neighbors turn
on neighbors, kids turn on parents, brothers turn on brothers, all in a bloody free-for-all. Go to a supermarket on any
given day and you'll see all types of Americans quietly going about their business. Few people let the fear of mass
shootings or terrorist attacks disrupt their plans.
Hidden cameras show vandalism of conservative
signs. A College Republicans president installed a hidden camera facing a wall that bore his group's campus
flyers. You won't believe how much footage of vandalism he got.
Killer: I'm a Socialist 'Eco-Fascist'. The primary suspect in the massacre Friday of 49 people at two
mosques in New Zealand named a prominent British fascist leader who was allied with Italy's Benito Mussolini in the 1930s as
the historical political figure with whom he most identified. The suspect, 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant,
published a 74-page manifesto before killing 49 people and injuring another 20 at the Christchurch mosques. Tarrant
wrote that Sir Oswald Mosley "is the person from history closest to my own beliefs." [...] Mosely, who was photographed with
Mussolini on a visit to Italy in 1936, was the leader of the British Union of Fascists in the 1930s after serving as a member
of Parliament.
Controllers Don't Really Want that 'Conversation'. In one instance, a woman attending the Connecticut General
Assembly's Joint Committee on the Judiciary hearing on several gun control bills, was photographed texting a threat against
Republican state Sen. Rob Sampson and NRA members. "If I had a gun, I'd blow away Sampson and a large group of
NRA," a photo of the text message reads. The anti-gun activist was escorted from the hearing. Later, Sampson said
that wasn't the first time he's been threatened with violence for standing up for the Constitutional rights of Connecticut
citizens. No charges were filed against the woman.
Control Activist Caught Texting Desire To Murder Pro-Gun Speakers. Anti-gunners always act like every gun owner
is a murderer in the making. They see a gun and act like we'll draw and start shooting at even the slightest provocation
as if we're all unhinged people who want to slaughter anyone and everyone. An anti-gun activist in the Connecticut State
Capitol showed us why they do that. The technical term is "projection."
is still America, right?' New app to help conservatives find 'safe' restaurants and businesses. An app has been
created to help conservatives find eateries and establishments where they would be "safe" from being attacked for their political
beliefs, Fox News reported. The app's founder, Scott Wallace, appeared Monday [3/11/2019] on "Fox and Friends" to speak
on the need for the service. "We feel like there's a general unease among conservatives out there, about whether they'll
be protected and safe as they go out to restaurants and local businesses," said Wallace.
Hayden Williams' attorney: Greenberg previously
involved in 'almost a dozen lawsuits'. Harmeet Dhillon, the attorney for Leadership Institute Field Representative
Hayden Williams, who was assaulted on the campus of the University of California-Berkeley in February, told Fox's Tucker Carlson
Wednesday night [3/6/2019] that 28-year-old Zachary Greenberg, who police say is the man in the viral video who punched Williams
in the face, has an extensive history of involvement in the judicial system.
Berkeley Thug Who Assaulted Conservative Activist Has Numerous Run-Ins With Law. As previously reported, a
violent leftist attacked a Turning Point USA activist who was out recruiting for their chapter at UC Berkeley last Thursday
afternoon in Upper Sproul Plaza. The assault was captured on video and posted to Twitter by Turning Point USA founder
Charlie Kirk.
man charged for alleged assault on conservative activist. The Alameda County District Attorney's Office has
filed three felony charges against an Oakland man who allegedly attacked a conservative activist at University of California
at Berkeley's Sproul Plaza last month. Zachary Greenberg, 28, is charged with assault with force likely to produce
great bodily injury, battery with serious bodily injury and criminal threats for his alleged attack on Hayden Williams, an organizer
with the conservative group Turning Point USA, while Williams was manning a table at Sproul Plaza on Feb. 19. Greenberg,
who was arrested Friday but is now free on bail, also is charged with misdemeanor vandalism causing less than $400 in damage.
Angry Moron Leftist Idiot ID'd In Berkeley Attack On Conservative; A Warrant Is Being Sought. On February 19,
Hayden Williams — a field rep for the conservative Leadership Institute — was on the campus of the University
of California, Berkeley to recruit. Along the way, he was shoved, called a racist, and punched in the face by an angry moron.
The ordeal was caught on video. Good news: The school reports the angry moron's identity has been confirmed.
York man pleads guilty to death threats during Kavanaugh confirmation. A New York man pleaded guilty Thursday
[2/28/2019] to making death threats against two senators for supporting Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh's confirmation last
year. Ronald DeRisi faces up to 10 years in prison for the threats and agreed to give up two rifles as part
of his plea. Authorities say they recovered more than 10 threatening voicemail messages DeRisi left on the unnamed
senators' office lines in September and October.
In Top Form, Trump Promises Campus Free Speech Executive Order. President Trump invited a conservative activist
who got punched in the face at the University of California-Berkeley to share the stage with him during a two-hour CPAC
speech in which he promised to sign an executive order protecting free speech on campus. "He took a punch for all of
us," Trump said of Leadership Institute organizer Hayden Williams, who was attacked last month on the Berkeley campus while
recruiting students for Turning Point USA. Comparing him to boxing legend Muhamad Ali — "He could take a
punch" — the president said "the good news" is that Williams is "going to be a wealthy young man" after he sues
the university and the man who attacked him.
executive order to bring back free speech on college campuses is bold and necessary move. Colleges and
universities in America have long been little more than indoctrination centers for the hard left, but the pendulum has swung
so far to the left that opposing views have been all but shut down at many of these institutions of higher learning. In
fact, espousing alternative points of view has become a dangerous task on some campuses, as was seen last month at the
University of California, Berkeley, where a conservative activist was punched in the face. And for the first time,
someone is pushing back: President Donald Trump.
PD Concludes Investigation Into Assault On Conservative, Seeks Felony Warrant. On February 19, an activist
helping a conservative group recruit on the University of California-Berkeley campus was physically assaulted by a man who
called him "racist" and threatened to "shoot" him. In a confrontation caught on video, the angry suspect punched the
activist square in the face after shoving him multiple times and slapping his cell phone out of his hand. According to a
spokesman for the school, police have identified the as-of-yet unnamed suspect and are seeking a "felony warrant" for his arrest.
Patrol Museum Reopens After Protest Hits Exhibits. A museum dedicated to the history of the U.S. Border Patrol
has reopened after officials say protesters vandalized exhibits during an organized demonstration earlier this month.
How A New Jersey Media Outlet Described The Assault Of An 81-Year-Old Man Over A MAGA Hat. The elderly victim
in this case was leaving a ShopRite grocery store in Franklin Township when a 19-year-old, identified as Ryan M. Salvagno,
lashed out over the MAGA hat, prosecutors told NJ.com. The two went back and forth over the hat, briefly, before the
victim turned to leave. "As the victim turned to walk away, defendant Salvagno was able to grab the victim's hat and
the two struggled for sole possession of the hat," Prosecutor Michael H. Robertson said in a statement to NJ.com.
"Salvagno then took the victim by the arm and threw him to the ground, tipping over the victim's cart of groceries and
ultimately throwing the hat to the side."
Arrested For Throwing 81-Year-Old Trump-Supporter to the Ground Over His MAGA Hat. New Jersey law enforcement
arrested 19-year-old Ryan M. Salvagno Wednesday [2/27/2019] for assaulting an 81-year-old man in a supermarket Monday over
his MAGA hat. According to Somerset prosecutors, the elderly Franklin Township resident was at a ShopRite on Elizabeth
Avenue Monday afternoon when Ryan Salvagno confronted him about his MAGA hat.
high school student caught knocking 'MAGA' hat off boy's head. An Oklahoma high school student is facing a
potential criminal charge after video showed him knocking a "Make America Great Again" hat off another student's head.
The incident at Edmond Santa Fe High School was captured on cellphone video, which showed a black male student in a yellow
safety vest blocking a white male student wearing pro-Trump gear from walking down a school hallway.
woman charged with assaulting man in 'MAGA' hat now faces deportation. A Brazilian woman who made headlines
this week after she was charged with assaulting a man wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat inside a Massachusetts
restaurant has been taken into ICE custody, officials said Tuesday [2/26/2019]. Rosiane Santos, 41, was charged this
month with disorderly conduct and assault and battery after police said she admitted to attacking a man because he supported
President Trump. Video submitted by 23-year-old Bryton Turner showed Ms. Santos yelling at him and knocking the
red, "Make America Great Again" hat off his head at the Casa Vallarta restaurant in Falmouth. Ms. Santos told
local media at the time that she was the victim in the situation, even though a bartender at the restaurant said
Mr. Turner did nothing to provoke the alleged attack.
Commie Prof at UC Davis Says Police "Need to Be Killed". The colleges and universities in our nation have gone
very far-left and lie to our youth as part of their Marxist indoctrination. This English professor is a standout at UC
Davis and that is saying something. Professor Joshua Clover has published work on critical theory, political economy,
and Marxism. He made his anti-police comments during an interview in 2016, according to The California Aggie.
professor reprimanded for saying police 'need to be killed,' reports say. The university said in a
statement: "The UC Davis administration condemns the statement of Professor Clover to which you refer. It does
not reflect our institutional values, and we find it unconscionable that anyone would condone much less appear to advocate
murder. ... We support law enforcement, and the UC Davis Police Department and Chief Joe Farrow have been and remain
critical partners to our community." Clover, whose work focuses on critical and political theory, political economy,
poetry, poetics and Marxism, wrote to The Aggie, saying, "I think we can all agree that the most effective way to end any
violence against officers is the complete and immediate abolition of the police."
Resistance is Everything They Accuse Trump of Being. In America today we have a domestic terror group, Antifa, organized in all our
major cities, and boasting scores of Facebook groups, assaulting Trump supporters in the streets. Far from condemning their actions, the
Democrats and their media shills have justified and even encouraged Antifa. In the 2016 election, as documented on hidden camera by Project
Veritas, Democrats sent paid provocateurs into Trump rallies to incite violence.
Who Is the UC Berkeley
Puncher? It was a busy month for getting angry at things that didn't actually happen. Fast-forward to
last week on the campus of UC Berkeley, and a hate crime that actually did happen. A young fellow named Hayden Williams
was manning a table for Turning Point USA when he was threatened and punched: [...] That was a week ago. You'd think
that the attacker would've been arrested by now, or at least identified. Right?
Trump Supporter Physically Assaulted in New Jersey Supermarket Over His MAGA Hat. An 81-year-old man was
assaulted in a New Jersey supermarket this week over his MAGA hat. NBC New York reported that according to Somerset
prosecutors, the elderly Franklin Township resident was at a ShopRite on Elizabeth Avenue Monday afternoon [2/25/2019] when a
far left lunatic confronted him about his MAGA hat.
Arrested for Attacking Man in MAGA Hat at Massachusetts Restaurant. A young man was minding his own business in
a restaurant in Falmouth, Massachusetts this week, when a woman approached him from behind and grabbed his 'Make America
Great Again' hat. The incident ended with her arrest. The young man, Bryton Turner, handled the situation
perfectly. He remained calm and let law enforcement handle it.
activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive. University of California police want the
public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was
caught on video. The campus police website said that two men on Tuesday approached a table where the activist was
recruiting members to his group, and an argument ensued. The alleged victim, identified by Turning Point USA as Hayden
Williams, held up his cell phone and began filming the two men who were allegedly harassing him. One of the two men
knocked over the table, police said, and then punched Williams several times, causing injuries to his face. Much of the
incident was captured on a witness' cellphone, but it was unclear what, if anything, Williams may have said before the
attack. The suspects had left by the time police arrived.
allegedly pulls gun on couple wearing MAGA hats at Sam's Club: 'This is a good day for you to die'. A man
allegedly pulled a gun on a couple wearing "Make America Great Again" hats at Sam's Club, threatening, "It's a good day for
you to die." On Monday [2/18/2019], James Phillips, 57, of Cottontown, Tennessee, entered a not-guilty plea in court for
first-degree wanton endangerment after purportedly harassing customers at the discount store in Bowling Green, Kentucky,
reported WBKO.
take over Border Patrol museum, deface pictures of fallen agents. Dozens of demonstrators occupied and
vandalized a privately owned U.S. Border Patrol museum near El Paso, Texas, over the weekend, according to the site's top
official. Museum director David Ham told the Washington Examiner his staff and guests worried for their safety Saturday
when a group of about 50 rowdy protesters entered the facility, defaced property, and refused to leave the grounds.
"Say it loud, say it clear, Border Patrol kills!" group members standing inside and outside the facility yelled.
activist facing assault charges was tied to Democratic policymakers. What a difference a year made for Joseph
Alcoff. On Monday, the 37-year-old has a court date in connection with charges he's facing in Philadelphia that include
aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation for allegedly being part of an Antifa mob in November that attacked two Marines,
Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, both Hispanic. Alcoff and two others charged in the attack have pleaded not
guilty. But while Democratic officials are distancing themselves from Alcoff now, until recently he was a
well-connected, aspiring political player in Washington who may have even had a hand in key policy proposals.
Wrath': Minnesota Senator Once Hit Aide After Throwing Binder. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) regularly
left employees in tears and at one point hit an aide with a binder after throwing it in anger, according to former staffers
who spoke to BuzzFeed News. The Minnesota senator's former staffers suggest she ran an office "controlled by
fear, anger, and shame," BuzzFeed reports. Based on interviews and emails reviewed by BuzzFeed, Klobuchar
"demeaned and berated her staff almost daily, subjecting them to bouts of explosive rage and regular humiliation within the
office." Several staffers said employees were frequently left crying due to Klobuchar's anger, which involved yelling,
throwing papers, and, in one case, accidentally hitting an employee with a binder.
Kellyanne Conway
speaks about alleged assault at restaurant. White House counselor Kellyanne Conway revealed Friday that a woman
has been charged for grabbing and shaking her while Conway was eating out with her teenage daughter in Bethesda,
Maryland. "Somebody was grabbing me from behind, grabbing my arms, and was shaking me to the point where I felt maybe
somebody was hugging me," Conway told CNN's Dana Bash. "She was out of control. I don't even know how to explain
her to you. She was just, her whole face was terror and anger. She was right here, and my daughter was right
there. She ought to pay for that."
Conway says she was assaulted by 'unhinged' woman. White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway says she was
physically assaulted by a woman at a Washington, D.C.-area restaurant last year while with her middle-school-aged
daughter. A 63-year-old woman named Mary Elizabeth Inabinett has been charged with second-degree assault and disorderly
conduct, according to the Associated Press, citing court records. [...] Conway, White House counselor, revealed the alleged
October incident took place while she was with her daughter and a group of her friends for a birthday celebration.
Klobuchar Reportedly Can't Get a 2020 Campaign Chief Because of Reputation For Mistreating Staff. Sen. Amy
Klobuchar (D-MN) will announce this Sunday whether she is running for president. But one new report asserts that the
Minnesota senator has had quite a bit of trouble getting someone to run her 2020 camapign — thanks to a reputation
for mistreating her staff. According to HuffPost, at least three people have pulled out of consideration from running
Klobuchar's presidential campaign. Klobuchar, according to the database Legistorm (via The New York Times), has
the third most staff turnover of anyone in Congress. From 2001-2016, she was ranked No. 1 in that dubious category.
Gives Us a Glimpse of Civil War Two. During the attempted electronic lynching of the Covington Catholic high
school boys on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the mask hiding the Left's genocidal rage slipped and was momentarily
visible. The reality of the confrontation was inverted 180 degrees by the duplicitous mainstream media so that a
smiling white teenager was made to face the wrath of an Orwellian two-minute hate that stretched on for days, even after the
factual record was corrected. Accelerated by social media, the virtual lynch mob called for, among other horrors,
MAGA-hat-wearing teenage boys to be fed headfirst into wood chippers, or for them to be locked en-masse into their school and
the school to be burned to the ground. This hurricane of socially sanctioned racial fury did not arise spontaneously,
but was the result of deliberate cultivation over the past few decades by the political Left, academia, the mainstream media,
and the Hollywood entertainment elite.
DC Antifa
Leader Arrested For Multiple Violent Felonies Out Of A Job At Progressive Nonprofit. Washington, D.C. Antifa
leader Joseph "Jose" Alcoff, also known as "Chepe," has been out of a job working for a progressive nonprofit since December,
his former employer told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday [1/29/2019]. Alcoff was arrested in Philadelphia on
Jan. 10 and charged with multiple felonies, including aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation and terroristic threats, in
connection to the Antifa mob attack against two Marines in November.
'antifa leader' is third charged in Marine attack in Philadelphia: report. A third man has been charged after
two U.S. Marine Corps reservists were assaulted by an Antifa mob just blocks away from a "We the People" rally in
Philadelphia more than two months ago. Joseph Alcoff, a 37-year-old who is believed to be the Antifa leader in
Washington, D.C., was charged earlier this month with aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation and conspiracy — all
felonies — and other charges for his involvement in the November 2018 attack, Philly Mag reported.
Stone Supporters Threatened Outside D.C. Courthouse. In a chaotic scene ahead of longtime political operative Roger
Stone's scheduled appearance at a federal courthouse in Washington, D.C, Tuesday morning [1/29/2019], video purportedly shows
supporters of the Trump ally being threatened by an angry protester. The 41-second clip shared to social media shows
the protester, sporting a blue hoodie and a New England Patriots baseball cap, verbally accosting Stone associate Jacob
Engels, calling him a Nazi and a traitor. Engels, who is Jewish, is seen holding a sign which reads "Roger Stone Did
Nothing Wrong!" "How am I a Nazi?" Engles pressed the protester to no avail.
Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You? Do you think the Democrats of yesterday
spent a lot of time weighing the evidence before lynching black men? Those Democrats murdered black men for two
reasons — because they wanted to send a message to other black men about the price of resistance, and because
they enjoyed doing it. When the Democrats of today were on Twitter mobbing those children from Kentucky for
daring not to submit, couldn't you sense the hideous joy they felt screeching for the heads of those kids? Their souls
are empty of morality and religion, and nature abhors a vacuum, so they filled that vacancy with pagan bloodlust.
Orwell wrote about the daily "Two-Minute Hate," and how is this any different?
who want to put kids in a wood chipper should maybe be on the no-fly list. America can be proud that in a
moment of an ugly attack against children, a prosecutor has entered the engagement to bring accountability and justice to
some stupid and hateful people. [...] Everyone in America has First Amendment rights to say just about anything. But
there is a law enforcement line that is legally crossed when a person is making physical threats.
Journalist Fired for Fake News and Threats Directed at Catholic MAGA Kids. It's been a bad week for the
mainstream press, first with the Michael Cohen hoax by BuzzFeed and now with the Covington Catholic fake news, where
journalists claimed that Catholic students mocked a Native American. That turned out to be untrue. It's safe to
say that the spectacle has ruined everyone's last remaining shred of hope that the media would stop being the Enemy of the
People. Clearly, that is not going to happen. The bright spot on the horizon is that The Wrap is reporting that
at least one of these terrible "journalists" has been fired.
viciously attack black Trump supporter at Women's March. It was a typical Women's March with a cadre of leftist
Democrats (of all races) representing LGBTQ, Planned Parenthood, environmentalists, pro-illegal immigration groups and others
radical leftists. Some of the marchers wore pink [protest] hats and were screaming obscenities about Donald Trump and
the "patriarchy." There was one universal theme at the Women's March in Los Angeles: Donald Trump is bad, and
conservative Christian men — especially white men — need to be stripped of their "toxic masculinity"
and their "white privilege." While I wasn't surprised by their awful signs and hateful words, this year's crowd was
more hostile toward Trump supporters and anyone else who disagreed with their leftist world view.
fired after wishing death on Covington Catholic HS students, parents: report. A freelance Vulture journalist
was fired from his main job at digital company INE Entertainment after wishing death for multiple Covington Catholic High
School students and their parents in the wake of controversy over the incident between students and Native American
activists, a report said. Erik Abriss, a post-production supervisor at INE Entertainment, was fired after his tweets
about the controversy involving teenage students went viral. He is reportedly a freelance journalist for Vulture.
Writer Who Wished Death on Covington Students Fired From Job at INE Entertainment. Digital company INE
Entertainment has fired a journalist who publicly wished for the death of several Covington Catholic High School students and
their parents in a pair of tweets over the weekend. Aside from his job as a post-production supervisor at INE, Erik
Abriss is a contributor to New York Media's pop culture site Vulture. "We were surprised and upset to see the
inflammatory and offensive rhetoric used on Erik Abriss' Twitter account this weekend. He worked with the company in
our post-production department and never as a writer," the company said in a statement to TheWrap on Monday [1/21/2019].
"While we appreciated his work, it is clear that he is no longer aligned with our company's core values of respect and
tolerance. Therefore, as of January 21, 2019, we have severed ties with Abriss."
Democrats Chose Hate. The Women's March is the Result. Like a preacher tiptoeing out of a brothel, the
Democrat Party quietly dropped its sponsorship of the Women's March. Like most of the other lefty establishment groups
slowly backing away from its pro-Farrakhan leadership, the DNC offered a non-denial and no condemnation of the group's
anti-Semitism. Instead of condemning the March's anti-Semitism, the Southern Poverty Law Center explained that it
wasn't going to sponsor it because "other projects were a priority." Even though HRC and GLAAD's names had vanished from the
Women's March partner page, the spokespeople for both gay rights groups claimed that they were waiting for clarification from
their respective organizations. That's typical. No one wants to be associated with the Women's March and no one
wants to be disassociated from it. The lefty establishment knows perfectly well that their activist base hates Trump far more
than it opposes anti-Semitism. Much of that activist base, including the ones with Jewish last names, would turn out to protest
Trump even if they had to do it side by side with Farrakhan, Hamas and Hitler.
March Protesters Call For Trump to 'Drop Dead,' His Children to Be Caged. Protesters among the Women's March in
Washington, DC, Saturday [1/19/2019] called for free abortions for all, President Trump's children to be caged, and for Trump
to "drop dead." The left-wing protesters showed support for feminism, prostitution, transgender issues, and
immigration. Many demonstrators also showed serious hatred for the president.
Embraces Anti-Semitic Women's March After DNC, Top Dems Cut Ties. On Saturday, Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) embraced the anti-Semitic Women's March just days after the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and
other left-wing organizations cut ties with the movement over blatant anti-Semitism. The anti-Semitism and racism
within the Women's March is so pervasive that the group's founder, Theresa Shook, called on all the co-chairs to step down
for allowing "anti-Semitism, anti-LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform."
of Georgia TA: 'Some white people may have to die' for blacks to advance. A University of Georgia teaching
assistant who routinely attacks the concept of "whiteness" on social media took it a step further Wednesday when he declared
that "some white people may have to die" in order for black people to advance. "Some white people may have to die for
black communities to be made whole in this struggle to advance to freedom," UGA philosophy TA and Ph.D. student Irami
Osei-Frimpong wrote in a now-deleted comment on the Overheard at UGA Facebook page, Campus Reform reported.
Mr. Osei-Frimpong doubled down on the comment Friday morning on his own Facebook page, writing, "I'm just saying that
America is set up to create functional White supremacists, and they have an attachment to it that's not particularly
moral. I wouldn't be surprised if White people have to die before Black Americans can live in freedom."
Georgia TA: 'Some white people may have to die...'.
A University of Georgia (UGA) teaching assistant wrote Wednesday [1/16/2019] on Facebook that "some white people may have to die for
black communities to be made whole in this struggle to advance to freedom." He added that to suggest otherwise is "ahistorical
and dangerously naive." UGA philosophy TA Irami Osei-Frimpong made the comment during a conversation on the Overheard at UGA
Facebook page. The comment has since been deleted.
History Lesson on the Shifting Political Stances on Illegal Immigration. When [Cesar] Chavez, the founder of the
United Farm Workers union, used the expression "Yes, we can," he meant something entirely different: "Yes, we can" seal the
borders. He hated illegal immigration. [...] Peaceful protest wasn't Chavez's only tool. He sent union members into the
desert to assault Mexicans who were trying to sneak into the country. They beat the Mexicans with chains and whips made of
barbed wire. Undocumented immigrants who worked during strikes had their houses firebombed and their cars burned.
By the way, Chavez remains a leftist hero. President Barack Obama declared his birthday a commemorative federal holiday,
an official day off in several states. A number of buildings and student centers on college campuses and dozens of public
schools bear the name Cesar Chavez.
woman who posted about shooting POTUS between the eyes berates, slams door on Secret Service. It's a safe bet a
San Antonio woman has never heard the "shouting fire in a crowded theater" counter to free speech, given her response to a
plainclothes Secret Service agent showing at her door. Some of the exchange was captured on video, with the woman
falling back on her right to free speech when the agent confronted her for allegedly asking on Facebook of the president,
"Can someone shoot the fool between the eyes already and call it a day."
The Godfather.
Left-wing activists smash windows with bats to protest conservative speakers. They burn property and threaten opponents
in public, violently lashing out at individuals for holding conservative views. It's 2019, but could be mistaken for
1969. That's no accident, observers of history say. The roots of disorder go back to a style of agitation and
organization made famous half a century ago by left-wing activists.
Radio Host Michael Savage Hit With Death Threats, Heads to Secret Location. Conservative radio host and
best-selling author, Dr. Michael Savage headed to a secret location after being hit with death threats. This is
the left — violent, totalitarian thugs who want to kill people for the 'crime' of having a different political
opinion — they want us dead. All hands are on deck and city, state and federal agencies are investigating
after a death threat was sent via email to a restaurant Michael Savage frequently dines in.
Savage, facing death threats, heads to secret location. City, state and federal agencies are taking a look at a
vicious, hateful email sent to a restaurant frequented by talk radio icon Michael Savage that threatens to shoot up the
establishment if he's not denied future service. Remember back in November when Fox News host Tucker Carlson and his
family were targeted and threatened by protesters? This is worse.
Man Goes Full Roid Rage after Being 'Misgendered' in GameStop. It's an amazing time to be alive, full of wonder
and terror and confusion all mixed together in a soup of "what could possibly happen next?" that keeps us all on our toes.
Today's dose of insanity comes from a viral video of a transgender man who had a testosterone-fueled meltdown because someone called
him "sir" in a GameStop in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The minimum-wage employee who took the brunt of the all-male rage-a-thon
should win Employee of the Year for trying his hardest to diffuse the situation.
Store Clerk Has Meltdown over Customer Wearing Trump Shirt. A store clerk at a vape store was fired Friday evening [12/28/2018]
after he was caught on video screaming at a customer wearing a shirt that said "Trump" and a MAGA hat, demanding for him to leave and refusing
to sell him anything.
Times Hollywood Celebs Wished Violence Against Trump in 2018. Once again, several Hollywood celebrities spent
the year fantasizing about violence against President Donald Trump, his family, members of his administration, and his
supporters. While down from the more than dozen celebrities who imagined violence against Trump in 2017, the Hollywood
hate was still savage from the likes of Jim Carrey, John Legend, and Rosie O'Donnell.
moves to the mainstream in America as Christianity declines, and has Trump in its sights. Witchcraft is
thriving in the US, with an estimated 1.5 million Americans now identifying as witches — more than the total
number of Presbyterians. As Christianity declines across the country, paganism has swung to the mainstream, with
witchcraft paraphernalia for sale on every high street and practises normalised across popular culture. In the past two
years, it has also become darkly politicised. Dakota Bracciale, a 29-year-old transgender/queer witch and co-owner of
Catland Books and witch shop in Brooklyn, is pleased with the outcome of the ritual hex placed on US Supreme Court Justice
Brett Kavanaugh in October. The curse, carried out from Catland Books, was well attended by witches, atheists ad
humanists — and was followed around the country on social media.
Antifa Leader Relied
On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda. Smash Racism DC organizer Jose Martin, also known as
"Chepe," is a radical communist and Antifa leader operating in the U.S. He advocates for the violent overthrow of the
government and for the murder of the rich and claims to have international involvement in left-wing movements. Smash
Racism DC is the Antifa group that protested in front of Fox News host Tucker Carlson's house and berated Sen. Ted Cruz
at a restaurant until he and his wife were forced to leave. It's only one of the Antifa leader's radical left-wing projects.
Remember, the Democrats are the ones who complain about incivility. Dem
Rep. Gutierrez berates Kirstjen Nielsen for 6 minutes, leaves room when she tries to respond. Rep. Luis
Gutierrez, D-Ill., berated Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen for six minutes at a Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday
[12/20/2018] over Trump administration policies, before promptly leaving when she started to respond to his charges. Nielsen
appeared in front of the committee where she announced a new policy requiring migrants seeking asylum to return to Mexico as their
claims are processed. Gutierrez, a fierce critic of the White House's border policies, made a blistering speech during his
allotted time.
state senator tweets 'kill yourself' to GOP aide. New York state Sen. Kevin Parker told a Republican
Senate staffer to kill herself in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday [12/18/2018]. Mr. Parker, a Democrat who is known
for his temper, tweeted the offending comment to Senate deputy Republican communications director Candice Giove after she
reported that a parking placard assigned to Mr. Parker was placed in a car to which it wasn't registered.
Yourself,' NY Democrat Tells GOP Staffer. "Kill yourself," a Democrat State senator tweeted to Republican State
Senate Majority Communications Director Candice Giove on Tuesday [12/18/2018]. Democrat Kevin Parker posted the tweet
in response to Giove's complaint about his parking, The Daily Caller reports.
NY Dem Tweets 'Kill Yourself' to GOP Aide Who Caught Him Parked Illegally. Tucker Carlson reacted to a violent
tweet by a New York State senator, who only weeks prior appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to defend his bill that would
allow the state police to access social media accounts of residents who apply for gun permits. [New York State
Senator Kevin] Parker, a Brooklyn Democrat, tweeted "kill yourself" to a NYSGOP aide who apparently photographed his
officially placarded vehicle parked illegally in a bicycle lane in New York City. [Video clip]
Does Trump Say, 'Enough Is Enough!'? What a daily drag for President Trump to pick up the newspaper or watch a
bit of cable news and hear a constant drumbeat of how he is evil incarnate and about to be removed from office and sent to prison!
Not simply disagreement over policy, but personal vitriol and hatred toward him and his family.
The Editor says...
Where are the "zero tolerance" anti-bullying enforcers? On the other hand, why wasn't he
known by his father's name in the first place?
March Leaders Face Anti-Semitic, Corruption Charges Ahead of Second Anti-Trump Event. The anti-Trump Women's
March that hit the streets the day after President Donald Trump's inauguration is now gearing up for a repeat event on
January 19 in Washington, DC, but some of its founders are facing charges from former fellow activists that the left-wing
group is promoting the bigotry and corruption it claims to oppose. Teresa Shook, credited as one of the women who
launched the march on social media, spearheaded the criticism last month when she called on the women now running the
"movement" to step down.
Report: Women's March Full Of
Anti-Semites, Has Ties To Nation Of Islam. Leaders of the left-wing activist group Women's March have ties to Nation
of Islam and believe in a variety of conspiratorial anti-Semitic tropes, according to a report from Tablet magazine. The
investigation by Tablet alleges that two core members of the group who occupy leadership positions, Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory,
shared erroneous ideas about the Jewish people in meetings, including that they "bore a special collective responsibility as
exploiters of black and brown people," and "were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade.
Women's March was Always Anti-Semitic. Again, kudos to the Tablet for some laborious in-depth reporting on the
origins of the Women's March, its dirty financials and its anti-Semitic origin story. [...] And anti-Semitism is also
commonplace among La Raza types. The Women's March decided to go multicultural the intersectional way by bringing in
ethnic, religious and racial nationalists.
the 2020 Presidential Election be the Most Violent in American History? 2020 is not going to be very
civilized. The Democrats have narrowed down their convention city to one of these four: Denver, Houston,
Milwaukee, and Miami Beach, Florida. The Republicans will hold their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.
These are cities you will want to avoid in 2020.
Cop To Reporter At Antifa Rally: You're Inciting Conflict. We have to take it on faith from Andy Ngo that
his short clips of yesterday's protest fairly represent what actually happened, that he wasn't taunting anyone while the
recorder was turned off to try to generate juicier footage. But it's not hard to believe that the mere fact of a
stranger with a camera in their midst might make a crowd like this turn hostile. That's what happened at the protests
at Mizzou three years ago, when then-professor Melissa Click infamously called for some "muscle" to remove a reporter who
wouldn't leave a public space that demonstrators had claimed for themselves.
What's the matter with Portland?
Their M.O. is direct confrontation against their opponents by any means necessary, including violence. Sometimes they
go after actual neo-Nazi groups but more often their fury is directed at less dangerous targets: conservatives, business
owners and state institutions. Sympathetic media outlets like to portray them as 'anti-fascist' heroes confronting the
extreme-right instead of the radical street militia which they actually are. As the group's national profile has risen
after the election of Donald Trump, much focus has centered on their stronghold in Portland. Here, antifa and other
far-left movements routinely gather in downtown to protest — and sometimes riot — over various grievances.
Dem State Rep Calls for Death of Republican Colleague. A Democratic state lawmaker from Illinois called for the
death of her Republican colleague and his loved ones during a floor speech on Tuesday [11/27/2018]. State Rep. Stephanie
Kifowit directed the comments at fellow Rep. Peter Breen (R.) during a debate about a bill for helping families of those who
suffered and died after they were exposed to Legionella bacterium at a state-run veterans home. "I would like to make him a
broth of Legionella and pump it into the water system of his loved ones so that they can be infected, they can be mistreated, they
can sit and suffer by getting aspirin instead of being properly treated and ultimately die," Kifowit said.
of Legionella' remark about GOP colleague's kin gets Democrat in hot water in Illinois. A Democratic state
lawmaker in Illinois is facing calls to resign after saying Tuesday she wanted to mix a "broth of Legionella" bacteria to
infect the "loved one" of her Republican colleague. The remark by state Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, directed at GOP
Rep. Peter Breen, came amid a heated debate over a bill aimed at helping families of those who died or became sickened
by a Legionnaires' outbreak at a state-run veterans home. The Republican had raised questions about the details and
cost of the plan, which Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner had vetoed. It called for raising the cap on damages the
state could pay in civil cases from $100,000 to $2 million, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
Rodriguez: 'Cowards Threatening My Life' Because Of Trump Support. If someone could manufacture a celebrity
specifically to send the left into convulsions, Latino comedian Paul Rodriguez would be that celebrity. Not only is his
humor acclaimed throughout both Latin America and the USA, but his celebrity activism goes far beyond the petty Twitter spats
of Bette Midler and Debra Messing: He heads up a water rights coalition in California and fights for better
access. But, he's a Republican and a Trump supporter, so some would prefer that he not even exist.
Rodriguez, Latino comic, says he's getting death threats over Trump support. Latino comedian and actor Paul
Rodriguez said he's been the target of death threats ever since he voiced support for President Trump earlier this
month. "Everybody's entitled to their opinion, I'm not in the closet anymore," Mr. Rodriguez, who produced and
appeared in "The Original Latin Kings of Comedy," told TMZ about his recent support for the president, Newsbusters reported
Monday [11/26/2018]. "I've received some cowards threatening my life, laughable, but it's sad that people think like
that when you disagree with their politics," he said.
Portland, Stay for the Riots. This is wonderful. Only 1:21 long, but you'll want to watch it five times,
and send to all your friends. Especially your Oregonian friends. [Video clip]
Of College Indoctrination. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine
Chao, were accosted and harassed by a deranged left-wing mob as they were leaving a dinner at Georgetown University.
Sen. McConnell was harassed by protesters at Reagan National Airport, as well as at several venues in Kentucky.
Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife were harassed at a Washington, D.C., restaurant. Afterward, a group called Smash Racism
DC wrote: "No — you can't eat in peace — your politics are an attack on all of us. You're
(sic) votes are a death wish. Your votes are hate crimes." Other members of Congress — such as Andy Harris,
Susan Collins and Rand Paul — have been physically attacked or harassed by leftists. Most recent is the case
of Fox News political commentator Tucker Carlson. [...] Enterprise Institute scholar Charles Murray discovered this when he
was shouted down at Middlebury College and the professor escorting him was sent to the hospital with injuries. Students
at the University of California, Berkeley shut down a controversial speaker and caused riot damage estimated at $100,000.
Protesters at both UCLA and Claremont McKenna College disrupted scheduled lectures by Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald.
Trashes President Trump: 'Confused, Shrouded in Hate, Racism... Mommy Issues'. Barack Obama trashed President
Trump on Monday night while speaking about ways to mobilize Americans to bring about social change at an Obama Foundation
Summit in Chicago. Arrogant Obama accused President Trump of ignoring the climate change hoax because he's a racist
with mommy issues.
Communist Antifa Thugs Swarm 'We The People' Rally In Philadelphia. A 'We The People' rally was held in
Philadelphia yesterday. There were not that many patriots there, but hundreds of violent communist Antifa thugs swarmed
the rally. They were there for a fight and they got one. Conservative groups had planned the rally in support of
ICE and police officers. Hundreds of black-clad, masked Antifa radicals descended upon them near the Independence
Visitor Center on 5th and 6th Streets. There were approximately 80 conservatives in the mix and they were vastly
outnumbered. The media is calling the Antifa goons counterprotesters. That's not what they are. They are
vicious communists who intend to beat conservatives into cowering and staying silent.
blue wave, but a tsunami of hate. Susan Carlson ran upstairs as the mob of vigilantes that CNN prefers to refer
to as "protesters," screamed disgusting threats at the Carlson residence, spray-painted the driveway and continued to try to
force entry through the front door, which they broke. The only thing seemingly missing from this display of
intimidation and hatred were burning tiki torches. While the radical left seems preoccupied with labeling everyone that
disagrees with their political views as white supremacist Nazis, including Israel-loving Middle Eastern women such as myself,
threatening displays like this seem awfully similar to the days of the KKK burning crosses on the lawns of blacks they wanted
to leave town. That was the message these radicals wanted to send to Tucker Carlson, along with his wife and children,
who, thank God, were not home at the time: Leave town and shut up. As someone who has had my own personal
address posted publicly by a leftist reporter, the thought of a mother of four hiding in her upstairs closet fearing for
her life sends chills down my spine, as it should any decent human being.
man says he was assaulted while wearing MAGA hat. Jonathan Sparks told KVOA he was walking through downtown
Tucson the Saturday before Election Day to encourage people to vote for Republicans. He wore the red hat that was made
popular during President Trump's presidential campaign and held a pro-GOP sign. He said he felt somebody from behind
grab him by his hat and hair. "The assailant had jumped onto my ankle from behind and so I, not knowing my ankle was
broken into four pieces, I turned around to grab and take the hat back. My hands latched onto the hat," Sparks told KVOA.
City Council Candidate Drops From Race Following Vile Racist Threats from the Far Left to His Wife and Children.
Following the tradition of threats of violence and harassment toward those whom they disagree with, far left activists in Seattle
have forced a city council candidate to drop out of the race, just three weeks into his campaign. Christopher Rufo promised
to challenge the status quo in Seattle, which has become a beacon of misery. The city experiencing an epidemic of homelessness,
skyrocketing housing costs, tons of new taxes, and rising crime rates. So Rufo filed to run for city council for the 2019
elections. Cue the leftist crybullies, who began to threaten Rufo, along with his wife and family.
We Could Use a Civic Hippocratic Oath. A mob of protesters associated with the radical left-wing group Antifa
swarmed the private residence of Fox News host Tucker Carlson on the night of Nov. 7. [...] During the Supreme Court
nomination hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, demonstrators disrupted the proceedings and stalked senators. Later, a mob
broke through police barricades to pound on the doors of the Supreme Court while Kavanaugh was preparing to be sworn in.
Their agenda apparently was to create such confusion and disorder that the nomination might be postponed. Hollywood
celebrities habitually boast of wanting to shoot, blow up or decapitate President Donald Trump. [...] Few of these
protesters fear any legal consequences when they violate the law. Nor do those who disrupt public officials at
restaurants, stalk them on their way to work or post their private information on the internet.
The Lonely
Mob. [Scroll down] The assault on Tucker Carlson's home by Antifa thugs this week was a much more serious
episode. It was an act of political terrorism directed at the family of a journalist and commentator with the goal of
intimidating him into silence. [...] They also broke his front door in what may or may not have been an attempt to illegally
and forcibly enter the home. A mob of 20 or so thugs trying to kick in the door, a mother by herself hiding in a
pantry: The next time somebody asks you why anybody really needs a semiautomatic rifle, here's your answer.
The Left's Fatal
Attraction to Crazy. After their victory in the midterms, Democrats can assume the two-year psychodrama they
inflicted upon the nation actually worked. So why stop. Hillary Clinton's been saying that "civility can start
again" when her party regains both the House and Senate. Since that's not going to happen for at least another election
cycle, it's a matter of public safety to wonder what the next level of crazy might be. [...] Not only do current crazies
enjoy the support of high-level Democrats, like Obama, encouraging them to "punish our enemies." They also have the
entire mainstream media behind them, eager to blame whatever they do on Trump.
Much For The Afterglow. We were told that civility would return once Democrats regained the House of Representatives.
In fact, we were told that was the only way civility would return to a world of angry liberal mobs assaulting and shouting down
anyone who dare not agree with them. We were lied to. Being lied to by liberals is not a surprise. What is a
little surprising is how quickly, boldly, and proudly they broke their word as if no one would remember the promise.
Country Club Bars Man After Calling Tucker Carlson's Daughter [Derisive Names]. A Virginia country club revoked
the membership of a man accused of verbally accosting Tucker Carlson's teenage daughter last month, according to the Fox News
Channel host. Conversely, the man referred to as Juan alleges Carlson assaulted him and is purportedly being
represented by television lawyer Michael Avenatti. Carlson provided a lengthy statement to The Hill's Joe Concha
Saturday, detailing the eyebrow-raising incident that reportedly involved the unnamed man, Carlson, and two of his children.
The Press Is Public Enemy No.
1. Consider that in a typical presidential election, Washington correspondents vote 93 [to] 7 percent for
the Democrat, while the rest of America votes somewhere around 50-50, according to Timothy Groseclose of George Mason University.
The reason that we will never hear our moral superiors in the press condemn Maxine Waters, Tim Kaine, Keith Ellison, or Eric Holder
for their endorsements of political violence, then, is that they do not see it as political violence. In their view, it's
self-defense against those who threaten their ideology. There is a reason, as Chris Buskirk notes, Americans have seen very
little coverage of the recent attacks and actual terrorism against Republicans: [...]
Nazis Terrorize Jews in New York. Higher rates of anti-Semitic attitudes are bound to lead to higher rates of
anti-Semitic hate crimes within the black community. And in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh mass shooting, all the
anti-Semitic incidents in New York City appeared to be perpetrated by black men. Two days before James Polite disproved
the myths about black anti-Semitism that his foster mother had helped spread, swastikas were spray painted on houses in
Brooklyn Heights. Surveillance footage showed that two black men were responsible. The two, Jarrick Wiltshire and
Daul Moultrie, turned themselves in. Closing out the week, six black teens hurled a pipe through the window of the
Volkan synagogue in Brooklyn during Sabbath prayers. Prior to that they had allegedly accosted a girl in the
area. In 1 week: 9 attacks on Jewish institutions, 7 fires, 1 broken window and 9 black
male perpetrators.
Antifa Comes for Tucker
Carlson. Here, then, is what our country has come to: Because a man supports border control — an
obvious necessity that should transcend political differences — he is "racist." So he must be harassed and run
out of town. On Twitter, Sebastian Gorka said the ugly truth: "This is on you Maxine Waters, Barack Obama, Hilary
Clinton, Eric Holder. You incited this. And you will be responsible if it gets worse." It has never been so
socially unacceptable to believe that mankind, on the whole, is simply not intelligent enough to make democracy work, although
great philosophers and great statesmen have always thought so. Nevertheless, the events of our time suggest that the
traditional elitist judgment is correct, and that, in keeping with the historical record, it's only a matter of time before
our democracy (such as it is) devolves into tyranny.
The Holy
Trinity of the Totalitarian Left. In just the few days since the midterm elections, the Left again has shown
its brazen disregard for our historical and cultural norms and their contempt for the rule of law: Mobs
were sent to intimidate political opponents into silence: Tucker Carlson's wife was cornered in her pantry, and this
was met only with media silence and no arrests by the police. Voter Fraud has been deployed in order to
steal elections they cannot otherwise win: Florida, with corrupt election officials not even being subtle.
Arizona and California possibly, too. Weaponizing Government to punish political opponents: The
Obama Administration's FDIC is revealed to have been running something called "Operation Choke Point" intended to freeze
politically disfavored businesses out of the system. And now come the threats to impeach Trump and Kavanaugh.
NBC Ignore Antifa Mob Assaulting Home of Fox News Host Tucker Carlson. The same night the liberal broadcast
networks ABC and NBC were acting as though Trump's combative press conference on Wednesday was some kind of affront to the
First Amendment, the Washington D.C. area home of Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson was under assault by a radical leftist
mob shouting threats. During both their morning and evening broadcasts Thursday, ABC and NBC ignored the actual attack
on someone's free speech. The CBS Evening News was the only network broadcast program to mention the assault on
Carlson's home.
mob at Tucker Carlson's house is a serious threat to freedom. What's a bigger threat to our freedom of the
press — a reporter losing his White House press pass or a commentator being targeted at his home by a threatening
mob? On Wednesday [11/7/2018], two news media figures became the story themselves. CNN White House correspondent
Jim Acosta was stripped of his credentials following an incident during a press conference with President Trump. When a
female White House intern motioned for him to surrender the microphone following a nasty exchange, he refused. As she
reached for it, the White House said, he placed his hand on her. The other media member story was of Antifa members
surrounding the home of Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson. "We know where you sleep at night" chanted the group in a
video it posted to social media.
Left's 'New' In-Your-Face Civility Isn't Civility At All. [Scroll down] If anyone prominent on the left
has outright condemned what happened to [Tucker] Carlson and his family, we've not heard it. Last year, Rep. Steve
Scalise and other Republican congressmen were attacked by a Democratic gunman intent on killing one or more of them.
The media and the Democrats mostly pretended it was an aberration. When Sen. Rand Paul was physically attacked by
a Democratic neighbor, sustaining three broken ribs, it was mostly shrugged off. Imagine if the tables had been turned,
and a Republican or conservative had attacked a group of Democratic congressmen with a gun. Or an angry GOP member had
broken the ribs of a liberal senator. How crazy would the media have been? Democrats might have even called for
outlawing the Republican Party. It's gotten that insane.
Tucker Carlson Antifa Mob Attack Is More Dangerous Than The Trump-Acosta Spat. On Wednesday evening, an Antifa
mob descended on Tucker Carlson's home in Washington, D.C. to threaten his family. The mob stood outside chanting, "We
know where you sleep," and one person pounded on the front door and screamed; that person apparently cracked the front door.
Carlson's wife locked herself in the pantry and called 911. Carlson has four children, but nobody was home.
Carlson's Terrified Wife Locked Herself In A Room After Antifa Mob Broke The Front Door. What's striking about
this incident is that normally Antifa intimidation tactics are presented, however superficially, as "demonstrations." This
same outfit ran Ted Cruz and his wife out of a Washington restaurant during the Kavanaugh wars but plenty of people, including
CNN anchors, objected to calling that "mob behavior." Supposedly they were just petitioning their representatives for
redress of their grievances, however ... impolitely. Even Antifa droogs' sporadic public brawls with white-nationalist
goons are often framed as mere "protests" that spilled over into violence because the alt-righters, not the lefties, wanted
to get it on. It's self-defense, man. Not this time. They made it clear that they were there to
terrorize Carlson's family.
relays wife's account of terrifying mob action and calls it what it is — Not a protest, it's a threat.
According to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, whose home a mob of left-wing terrorists "protested" outside Wednesday evening [11/7/2018],
the so-called "protest" wasn't a protest but a threat. "They weren't protesting anything specific that I had said," he said
during a phone interview with The Washington Post the following morning. "They weren't asking me to change anything."
Empathy': Vox's Matt Yglesias Defends 'Terrorizing' Tucker Carlson's Family. Vox.com co-founder Matthew
Yglesias defended a group of left-wing Antifa members terrorizing Tucker Carlson's wife. On Wednesday night [11/7/2018],
a mob of about 20 members of a group called Smash Racism, which is part of the left-wing terrorist group Antifa, gathered
outside the home of Fox News star Tucker Carlson. He was preparing to go on the air at the time and not at home, but
his wife was, and according to video posted by the group itself, this was much more than a protest. Using a bullhorn,
the group chanted threats: "Racist scumbag, leave town."
attacks Tucker Carlson's home while CNN whines about Acosta losing White House access. In what looks to me like
a terroristic threat, a mob of about 20 Antifa thugs pounded on the door of Tucker Carlson's house, cracking it, and issued
verbal threats intended to intimidate him into silence. [...] The natural first assumption was that this was a home invasion
attack. But when the thugs started using bullhorns, all doubt must have vanished. They posted videos of the
attack on social media, since deleted.
Mob Shows Up At Tucker Carlson's Home: 'You Are Not Safe'. On Wednesday night [11/7/2018], a leftist mob showed
up at Fox News host Tucker Carlson's Washington, D.C. home while he was on-air taping his show, "Tucker Carlson Tonight." In
the video posted to social media by leftist group "Smash Racism DC," the angry mob outside Carlson's home chanted that they
will "fight" him and demanded he leave town. Carlson has a wife and four children. "Activists ring doorbell, hold
protest at the Washington DC area home of [Tucker Carlson], racist, sexist, bigoted FOX News personality. So far no one
has opened the door," says a caption to one of the videos. "Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you
sleep at night!"
A Mob Showed Up
Outside Tucker Carlson's House And Ordered Him To 'Leave Town'. A left-wing mob showed up outside Fox News host
Tucker Carlson's house Wednesday evening [11/7/2018], posted pictures of his address online and demanded that he flee the
city of Washington, D.C. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller and host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," was at the Fox
News studio when the angry crowd showed up outside of his house. At least one of the protesters went all the
way up to Carlson's front door, where they left a sign with his family's home address written on it and rang his doorbell.
In Praise of Proud Boys.
Leftists are most violent in groups. Individually, they tend to be [wimps] who've never fired a gun or gotten into a
one-on-one fistfight. But as part of a mob? Now they find their courage. Mobs of leftists can lay a city to
waste; but without their numbers, they're usually not that much of a physical threat.
Graffiti Found in Brooklyn Synagogue — Suspect is a Black Male. Neo-Nazi graffiti was found Thursday
inside a Brooklyn synagogue, forcing officials to cancel a political event that had been scheduled that night. NYPD
officials told Breaking911 that the suspect entered Brooklyn's Union Temple around 8:30 p.m. Thursday night
[11/1/2018] and used a black marker to deface three different locations with the messages, "die Jew rats we are here,"
"Jews better be ready," and "Hitler."
Volunteer Arrested For Vandalizing NYC Synagogue With Anti-Semitic Statements, Police Say. The New York City
Police Department arrested a Democratic activist on Friday night for allegedly vandalizing a synagogue in New York City with
vile anti-Semitic messages. This comes just days after 11 people were murdered at a Pittsburgh synagogue in what was
the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history. Authorities arrested 26-year-old James Polite, a former volunteer on
Obama's first presidential campaign, for allegedly vandalizing Brooklyn's Union Temple on Thursday with anti-Semitic messages
that included "die Jew rats we are here," "Jews better be ready," and "Hitler."
Conservative Heckles-Rattles Barack Obama at Rally [...] Democrats Beat Him Up. CFP Founder Jacob Engels called out former
President Barack Obama, moments after an Afro-Cuban man exposed how Obama abandoned the Black-Latino community at Obama's rally in Tampa,
Florida on Friday. [...] The first anti-Obama protester started screaming at Obama for failing the black and Latino communities in
America! When that died down Jacob Engels started screaming at Obama, "You belong in jail! You belong in jail!" The
violent mob attacked him while he was being escorted from the arena — Something that would make headlines on CNN and The New
York Times if it would ever happen at a Trump rally.
'commie' convinced Nazis are taking over throws milk at campus Republicans in epic meltdown. A triggered
college student wearing a communist button threw milk at members of Florida State University's Republican club, who were
campaigning on campus for gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis. In a profanity-laced tirade, the clueless communist
accused the Republican students of "supporting Nazis." [...] Many on Twitter mocked the commie's meltdown, saying she sounded
deranged and irrational and couldn't even make a cogent argument to support communism.
Bullying Woke
Feminist Moms Must Be Stopped. Did you hear the one about the Mother who asked a little boy and his Mom to
leave a playground so that it could be girls only? No. Well, you are going to because I have [...] had it with
these angry, bitter, feminist bullying Moms and their ugly entitled attitudes.
Biden Suggests Republican Lawmaker Should Get Beat Up. Former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden suggested at
a rally for Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) that the trade union president beat up Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), saying,
"show him a threshold of pain."
intern arrested in Florida for throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans. An intern for Democratic Florida
gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has been arrested and charged with battery for throwing chocolate milk on College
Republicans tabling on campus before she kicked Gillum's opponent Republican Ron DeSantis' sign out of the ground. The
far-left student activist who had the profanity-laced meltdown, Shelby Shoup, is listed as an intern for the Andrew Gillum
for Florida Governor Campaign on LinkedIn and a member of FSU Students for Justice in Palestine. Gillum's campaign did
not return a Fox News request for comment.
Dem lashes out at McCaskill for 'crazy Democrats' comment, in profanity-laced tirade. Sen. Claire
McCaskill's, D-Mo., efforts to distance herself from "crazy Democrats" sparked a fiery backlash from a Missouri Democratic
state senator, who responded by calling her a [name] and nicknaming her "Dixie Claire." "Claire McCaskill is
desperate," state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal tweeted. "[...] Instead of knowing why people of color are angered by
this administration, she chooses to put us and our families in harm's way. If my family is harmed, blame it on Claire
McCaskill. She deserves to lose. She is not a Democrat." Chappelle-Nadal's comments were first reported by
The Daily Caller.
Scalise Calls Out CNN's Don Lemon for Denying Left-Wing Political Violence. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)
called out CNN's Don Lemon Tuesday [10/30/2018] as the anchor downplayed left-wing political violence. Steve Scalise
simply posted the "eyes" emoji and linked to a story from National Review about Don Lemon saying he doesn't "see
Democrats" killing people over politics.
In Wisconsin Attempts Purchase Of Radioactive Material With Intent To Kill. As the media peddle the story about
a fake Trump supporter sending President Donald Trump's Communist opposition fake bombs, they utterly neglect the fact that a
known left-winger out of Wisconsin sought to purchase radioactive material in order to kill. This man lost twice to
Republican in Name Only (RINO) Paul Ryan. His name is Jeremy Ryan and yes, he is a liberal.
James Cromwell warns of 'revolution': 'There will be blood in the streets' if Democrats lose. Actor James
Cromwell told an audience Sunday night that a violent revolution is coming if Democrats don't win the midterm elections.
"Something is coming up, which is desperately important to this country and to this planet, and that is an election, in which
hopefully in some measure we are going to take back our democracy," Mr. Cromwell, best known for his roles in "The Green
Mile" and "Babe," said in accepting a Carney Award in Santa Monica, California, Variety reported. "We will have a
government that represents us and not the donor class," he continued. "We will cut through the corruption, [and] we
won't have to do what comes next, which is either a nonviolent revolution or a violent one, because this has got to end."
[are] Using Every Evil Play in the Book to Silence Americans. Democrat Andre Carson said the Tea Party wants to
see black people hanging from a tree. Democrats Obama and Hillary Clinton praise Black Lives Matter to the high
heavens. This racist hate group boldly declared it "open season" on whites and cops. BLM warned white America to
prepare to be "picked off." Democrat Maxine Waters called for mob assaults on members of Trump's administration whenever
they are seen in public. Hillary Clinton told Democrats to keep up their lawless, violent, and crazy behavior until
Democrats are back in power. [...] Snoop Dogg shot Trump in the head in his music video. Kathy Griffin held a severed
bloody head of Trump. Madonna expressed her desire to blow up the White House. Neither Democrats nor fake news
media denounced these obvious leftist clarion calls to enact violence against our president and his supporters.
Threats, Assaults, Vandalism: over 40 Acts of Left-Wing Thuggery in October, So Far. Left-wing activists and
organized mobs have committed some 40 acts of violence and thuggery against President Trump and his supporters in October,
and there are still two days to go. The left's wanton acts of violence, vandalism, harassment, bullying —
combined with the establishment media's defense and justification of same — more than doubled the 16 recorded acts
in September and 18 acts in August. Contributing to this threatening atmosphere of violence is, of course, the looming
midterm elections and the bitter fight to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Brief History of Leftist Political Violence in 1 Year. Hillary Clinton had told CNN, "You cannot be civil with
a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about." Senator Hirono had refused to condemn
the harassment of Republicans, telling CNN, "This is the kind of activism that occurs and people make their own
decisions. If they violate the law, then they have to account for that." That same month, also in Minnesota,
State Rep. Sarah Anderson, a Republican, was punched by a man when she tried to stop him from vandalizing her campaign
signs. Also in October, Kristin Davison, the campaign chief for Adam Laxalt, the Republican candidate for governor in
Nevada, was left with pain and bruises after a confrontation with a Democrat operative. Her alleged assailant faces a
charge of misdemeanor battery. Three violent attacks on Republican political figures in just one month alone earned
almost no coverage in the media.
Journalist: Stop With the False Equivalencies. It's 'Plain as Day' That Republicans Are Just Worse.
[Scroll down] A high-profile Democratic member of Congress has directly advocated this approach to 'discourse.' Maxine
Waters isn't just a random back-bencher, I'd add; she's the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee and her
media footprint is substantial. And Waters isn't the only one who's urged direct confrontation, or explicitly rejected
civility. Destructive partisanship isn't a one-sided phenomenon. It doesn't occur in a vacuum. And it
didn't start with Donald Trump.
Leftist Mob Disrupts Marsha Blackburn Campaign Rally with Lindsey Graham. Half a dozen angry liberal protesters
attempted to disrupt a Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) campaign rally Sunday afternoon where Sen. Lindsey Graham
(R-SC) was the featured speaker. The two headlined an event held before a packed house at singer Ray Stevens' CabaRay
Theater in Nashville. Marsha Blackburn spoke for about ten minutes to the enthusiastic crowd of 500 that had been
infiltrated by a small left-wing group.
Man Charged With Sending Ricin To White House, Pentagon. A Utah man has been charged with sending a series of
letters threatening to unleash the deadly poison ricin to President Donald Trump, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and
several other top administration officials, CNN reports. The man, a Navy veteran, reportedly confessed to law
enforcement that he sent envelopes stuffed with the threatening letters and "ground up castor beans" (which can be turned
into ricin if the poison is extracted correctly) "to the president, FBI director, secretary of Defense and the chief of Naval
Operations," according to the Salt Lake Tribune, but pleaded not guilty to "five counts of mailing threats to officers and
employees of the US." The FBI says the man "knowingly threatened to use a biological agent and toxin, specifically
ricin, as a weapon," even though he was not successful in extracting any actual ricin from the castor beans.
Bullets Fired Into Republican Headquarters in Florida. Four bullets were fired into Volusia County Republican
headquarters, police say. According to police, on Monday morning a worker noticed damaged windows and called
authorities. WFTV reported that according to police, at least four bullets were shot through the window of the
Republican headquarters.
Calls The Shooting Up Of A Republican HQ "Vandalism". I want to be clear going into this article that any
destruction or violence visited upon anyone or any place is wrong. What's also wrong is dismissing the shooting up of a
GOP headquarters, as if someone just spraypainted dirty words in the night and ran. The Volusia County's Republican
Party headquarters in Florida was shot at sometime in the night between Sunday and Monday morning. Luckily, no one was
in the building due to it happening so late at night. Unlucky is the fact that no one was around to see who pocked
the walls and ceilings with bullets.
Threats, Assaults, Vandalism: over 40 Acts of Left-Wing Thuggery in October, So Far. Left-wing activists and
organized mobs have committed some 40 acts of violence and thuggery against President Trump and his supporters in October,
and there are still two days to go. The left's wanton acts of violence, vandalism, harassment, bullying —
combined with the establishment media's defense and justification of same — more than doubled the 16 recorded acts
in September and 18 acts in August. Contributing to this threatening atmosphere of violence is, of course, the looming
midterm elections and the bitter fight to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
the Socialist Delusion. [Scroll down] Unfortunately, small as the numbers of the true believers may be,
they're big enough: as of July 5th, 2018 John Nolte's Breitbart list of media approved acts of violence against
Trump supporters ran to 613 items — and new reports of significant violence against conservative candidates and
organizations are now a daily occurrence. Worse, I hope to see a massive red wave in November but if that happens many
of these people will have their belief in the social support available to them, a belief the mainstream media fosters at
every opportunity, suddenly destroyed — and when that happens many will fall away, but some will go over the edge
and head straight for the proverbial clock tower to attack, not the ideas or institutions representative of conservatism and
constitutional law, but the persons representing those ideals. I expect, in other words, to see a serious escalation of
liberal violence against individuals after the midterms.
Let The Media and Democrats Get Away With It. Cory Booker, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters have all called for
violence and harassment against Republicans. Run of the mill entertainers who identify as Democrat talk about killing
the president. And not just Trump, either. All Republican presidents are the subject of assassination porn.
[Indeed], just now, just today Rick Wilson called for someone to put a bullet in Trump's head as Ace reports. And
pardon me, we have to disavow our opposition to socialism and mind our p's and q's because we might cause violence. But
the left can deploy Antifa to turn entire downtowns into war zones. Leftist affiliated nuts can shoot Scalize and put
Rand Paul in the hospital fighting for his life, but hey, they don't have to apologize for anything.
Host Goes Nuts When Confronted With Past Examples Of Violent Left Wing Rhetoric. MSNBC Host Katy Tur got a
little testy with conservative commentator Erick Erickson, who dared to bring up that the Left has become unspooled since
Donald Trump's upset win over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Over the past few days, 13 devices that look like bombs have been
mailed to prominent Democrats, including former presidents, and celebrities. We just had an arrest in Florida, but we
don't know what their political leanings are, if any, or a motive. We don't know. Yet, the liberal news media
know exactly who it is: Donald Trump... and his supporters. We're to blame for the Left becoming so mind-numbingly
stupid over the past two years. And that goes double for the media. Erickson merely said that both sides need to
calm down, and that Trump didn't start the insanity that has been brewing for months during his presidency. That's
when Tur lost it[.]
candidate received letter threatening his 7 children, reports say. A Republican running for Congress in New
Jersey received a written threat that mentioned his seven children, his campaign said Wednesday [10/24/2018], around the same
time suspicious packages were reported sent to former President Barack Obama, the Clintons and CNN. In a letter sent
Tuesday to candidate Jay Webber's law office in Whippany, he was warned to drop out of the race, Politico reported.
threat sent to GOP candidate and his 7 kids in closely watched N.J. race. The campaign for GOP candidate for
Congress in New Jersey's 11th Congressional district, Assemblyman Jay Webber, R-Morris, said Wednesday [10/24/2018] that a
threat against him and his seven children was delivered to his office in Whippany yesterday. [...] Webber has frequently
incorporated his wife Johanna and their seven children into his campaign, featuring them in campaign ads. The threat,
which arrived with a cut up Webber for Congress sign, has been referred to the state police for investigation, according
to Ronica Cleary, a spokesperson for the campaign.
Waters Suggests "Knocking Off" Trump Then "Going After" Pence. You can always count on Rep. Maxine Waters
to give away the plans to destroy Trump's presidency and administration. The latest of which occurred Friday and
included a suggestion to "knock off" Trump, which was greeted with applause and cheers. The National Newspaper Publishers
Association gave Waters a National Leadership Award and Waters used her platform to trash Trump. [Video clip]
man charged for sending deadly toxin to President Trump, threatening admin officials. Many of the same
left-wing media outlets that rushed to blame the attempted bombings this week of various Democrat political figures on
President Donald Trump have been suspiciously quiet about an alleged attempt to poison the president. Earlier this
month Pentagon mail screeners discovered threatening letters addressed to President Donald Trump, Defense Secretary James
Mattis and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson with at least one, addressed to Trump, containing the deadly
toxin ricin.
the Left Can Stop Political Violence in America. "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, at a
department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them, and you tell
them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," Rep. Maxine Waters had urged an angry leftist mob. Eric Holder,
Obama's attorney general and a possible 2020 candidate, had urged, "When they go low, we kick them." He had tweeted at
Democrats, urging them to, "Use the rage." Hillary Clinton had told CNN, "You cannot be civil with a political party
that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about." Senator Hirono had refused to condemn the harassment of
Republicans, telling CNN, "This is the kind of activism that occurs and people make their own decisions. If they
violate the law, then they have to account for that." That same month, also in Minnesota, State Rep. Sarah
Anderson, a Republican, was punched by a man when she tried to stop him from vandalizing her campaign signs.
We Are
All Proud Boys Now. It is not easy to be a Republican in New York City, but our ragtag group does the best
we can to fight for conservative values in the belly of the beast. Earlier this week, we refused to back down in the
face of extreme oppositiony from the leftist mob. Those of us who have been in the fight since at least the 2016 Trump
campaign have seen our fellow patriots demonized, ambushed, insulted, defamed, beaten, and robbed of their livelihood.
From our experience, we know that to acquiesce to their ultimatums and threats is to surrender. We stood defiantly in
the face of those anti-American terrorists in the street, and welcomed Gavin McInnes to our event as he held a rubber sword
to honor legendary Japanese anti-socialist Otoya Yamaguchi. [...] After leaving the event, a colleague and I witnessed a
right-leaning independent journalist being assaulted and mugged by multiple masked Antifa thugs who did not want their
likenesses revealed to the greater public.
Liberal Hack Journalists Sign Letter Condemning Trump for Violence against the Press. President Trump has
broken more economic records in his first two years than any president in history. And his foreign policy successes are
just as impressive. Despite this the liberal mainstream media has found a way to publish anti-Trump screeds 92% of the
time. Then they all sit back and [complain] when Trump fires back at their bias and lies. On Thursday [10/25/2018]
200 hack journalists signed a letter condemning Trump for what they say is violence against the press. These are the
same asshats who have ignored over 600 beatings and violent acts against Trump supporters for the past two years.
When Democrats'
tactics backfire. Some leading Democrats haven't seemed to figure out that the harder they've worked to expose,
silence, scream at, attack and bully those with whom they disagree, the more they've invigorated the other side.
Radical "Antifa" protests covered on cable TV news only serve to energize the Republican base. Viral videos of leftists
attacking Republican politicians in public places only motivate formerly apathetic conservatives. Efforts to silence
certain views on social media only inspire impassioned defenses of free speech.
Stein: Mitch McConnell restaurant hecklers [are] 'exactly how the Nazis started out'. Actor and
conservative commentator Ben Stein said Saturday that the protesters who berated Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at a
Louisville restaurant the night before are "becoming like the brownshirts in the early days of the Nazi Party."
Mr. McConnell and his wife, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, were confronted at the Havana Rumba restaurant by
at least two hecklers who reportedly stole the couple's leftover food off their table and threw it outside. It was one
of many similar incidents involving Republican politicians being heckled in public in recent months. Mr. McConnell
was recently heckled by protesters at Reagan National Airport near Washington. Mr. Stein, a lawyer and economist
who is also Jewish, told TMZ at Politicon in Los Angeles that leftist protesters are wading into fascistic territory.
Face of the Resistance. High-profile Republicans in restaurants. County Republican HQs.
Participants at rallies and protests. And now, innocent individuals in their cars. This incident recorded on a
phone, took place on October 18th getting off the interstate in Pompano Beach, Florida. The victim? One single,
female in her car. The perp? One male with a limited vocabulary. The incident? The male cut off the
female as she was exiting the interstate. The cause? Two Trump bumper stickers on the female's car. As you
can see from the video, the perp is limited to the F word, the B word, and drawing attention to the fact that this
Trump supporter is a woman. He doesn't make much of a case, relying instead on invective, insult, and intolerance.
In fact, I think this is a fairly damning video of the left's true hatred towards women in general and Caucasian women in
particular, whom the perp repeatedly referred to as a female dog. [Video clip, replete with profanity.]
challenger loses it in synagogue debate with GOP incumbent. There was a debate Sunday night [10/21/2018] at a synagogue
between the incumbent congressman from the 8th District in Pennsylvania (with redistricting, soon to be the 1st District), Republican
Brian Fitzpatrick, and his challenger, Democrat Scott Wallace. [...] Fitzpatrick called out his opponent for lying, and he responded
by using a barnyard epithet. During a debate. In a synagogue. What makes this little campaign sidelight even more
interesting is that the article never mentions the party affiliation of either candidate. I knew Fitzpatrick because he's a
member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, but the casual reader would never know that Wallace is a Democrat. I guess the
writer, Rick Rickman ("Proud WBCB news director and afternoon News Anchor!"), didn't think it important enough to mention.
Or maybe too important.
Vandals Throw Giant
Boulder Through Rep. Mccarthy's Office Window. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's office in California
was vandalized Monday, according to an Instagram post by the congressman. McCarthy, whose local office is in
Bakersfield, Calif., posted photos of the suspects and some of the damage. Two young men were caught on surveillance
camera outside of the office, which had its window smashed in by a large boulder. "Does anyone know these two
guys? They threw a boulder thru our office window and took office equipment," McCarthy wrote on his Instagram account.
collection of stories of leftist attacks on prominent Republicans. Here's a reminder that we've moved beyond
spirited debate within our political culture into rudeness and thuggery. Take a look at the selection of stories about
that descent towards anarchy. The most recent abomination occurred just two days ago as the Senate Majority Leader,
Mitch McConnell (R-KY), has harassed at a Louisville restaurant. [...] Each article involves, directly or indirectly, an
elected Republican official, a current or former top member of a GOP administration member, or a candidate for public office.
[worries about the] prospect of Bolsonaro yanking Brazil from Paris climate accord. As Brazil prepares to elect
Jair Bolsonaro, the Donald Trump-like contender for president currently the frontrunner in polls by a wide margin, the left
is responding approximately the same way the left responded over here: They're screaming bloody murder, chasing people
from restaurants, rioting, and trying legal maneuvers to nullify the election that they know won't be going their way.
State Blues: Democrats' Mob Tactics May Be Working. Last month, a few days after my six-year-old daughter
started first grade, I was standing in the schoolyard, having just watched her walk off to her classroom, when I was accosted
by another parent. She told me that, given my conservative views, I should leave liberal California and move to Kansas,
where I'd learn how they treat Jews like me. I asked her if she thought she was being "tolerant." She replied:
"I am tolerant. I just hate you." I have hesitated to write about that incident until now, because I did not
want to escalate the conflict. But in the past several weeks, it has become clear that conservatives around the country
are having similar experiences.
America survive the growing insider threat in our homeland today? Insider threats are real. They exist in
insurgencies such as Afghanistan and they exist in politics. One example is The New York Times op-ed by an anonymous
Trump administration official that sharply criticized the president and claimed officials were secretly working from within
against the president. Another example involved Jackson Cosko, a former low-level staffer for Senate Democrats.
He was arrested on federal and local charges earlier this month after he allegedly broke into the offices of Republican
senators and doxed — or outed — their home addresses and phone numbers so that members of the
anti-Trump resistance could harass or harm them.
allegedly tosses soup at restaurant owner during spat: report. A customer annoyed with the size of her sandwich
allegedly threw hot soup in the face of a Massachusetts restaurant owner on Monday after she was offered the soup as a
gesture of goodwill, reports said. Boston's WBZ-TV identified the customer as a 64-year-old who has since been charged
with assault and battery.
witches place hex on Brett Kavanaugh. The Witches of Bushwick upheld their promise to "hex" Supreme Court
Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday night, carving his name into a black candle, dousing it in "Revenge Oil" and then setting
it on fire in a private ceremony in the Brooklyn neighborhood. The goal was "exposing the fact that he's a crook,"
explained witch Dakota Bracciale, 29. "I mean if his [...] shrivels up and falls off, great, but I don't think that's
something realistic to hope for."
Standing Up
to the Mob. Maxine Waters and other Democratic Party leaders have urged members of their party to harass
Republicans when they go out in public, and as far as I know, not a single prominent Democrat has denounced such mob
tactics. So the number of such incidents has multiplied rapidly. What I have never understood is why the mob can
get away with such disgraceful conduct. In nearly any setting, the sane outnumber the insane. The Democratic
Party mob is not a majority. So why don't ordinary citizens act to stop the craziness?
Two GOP Candidates
Assaulted in Minnesota. The Minnesota Democratic Party has suspended a spokesman for calling for violence
against Republicans even as two GOP candidates have been assaulted in suspected politically motivated attacks. The
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party has suspended communications staffer William Davis for one week without pay after making a
Facebook post joking that Democrats would "bring [Republicans] to the guillotine" on Nov. 7, the day after the midterm
elections. Minnesota Republican Party chairman Jennifer Carnahan said the suspension was not enough, calling for his
immediate firing in the aftermath of separate attacks against Republican candidates. She said she has been subjected to
numerous death threats during her tenure as the state party leader and that death threats are no laughing matter.
York Man Charged With Threatening Two Senators Over Kavanaugh Support. A 74-year-old New York man was arrested
Friday [10/19/2018] for violently threatening two U.S. senators over their support of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's
confirmation. Beginning Sept. 27, Ronald DeRisi left more than 10 threatening voicemails for two different
lawmakers — who were not named — according to the official complaint released by prosecutors in the
U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York, CNN reports.
The Annals
of Incivility. On the incivility front, the enraged rage. There are no limits. No bounds. No
rules and no constraints. Unfortunately, it isn't even funny anymore. It's a direct threat to democratic
institutions. Kevin Williamson reports on what he calls "The Witches of Bushwick," a group of witches, duh!, that has
joined together to cast spells and to utter mindless incantations for the sole purpose of causing Bret Kavanaugh to
suffer. Tell us about the party of love and empathy.
Ad Highlights Left's Violent Attacks On Republicans. The Republican National Committee released a new campaign
ad on Friday that highlighted the political violence that has occurred against Republicans in recent weeks; the ad comes just
as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi endorsed "collateral damage" against conservatives. The ad comes after several
violent attacks have been launched against Republicans in recent days, including: [...]
arrested for threatening Kavanaugh-supporting senators. A Long Island man was busted for making death threats
against GOP U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley and Susan Collins for their support of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh,
The [New York] Post has learned. Ronald DeRisi, 74, was taken into custody early Friday [10/19/2018], and is expected
to be arraigned later in the day in Central Islip federal court before Magistrate judge Gary R. Brown. The Smithtown
man is accused of leaving disturbing voicemails on the senators' office phones following their public support of Kavanaugh's
nomination and confirmation, in an attempt to discourage the pols from voting in the jurist's favor, a source familiar with
the case revealed.
Island Man Arrested for Threatening Kavanaugh-Supporting Senators. Ronald DeRisi, 74, was arrested early Friday
morning [10/19/2018] for threats against two of the United States Senators who supported Kavanaugh's nomination. In a
September 27th voicemail, DeRisi claimed he had a "present" for one of the senators: [...]
The Editor says...
Before you click on the link to the article immediately above, please be advised that the threats made against the Senators
included a great deal of profanity — as one would naturally expect from those who are so poorly educated that they
cannot express themselves politely.
Dem Suggests Violence After Two Attacks on GOP Candidates. The Minnesota Democrat Party suspended communications staffer
William Davis for one week without pay after making a Facebook post joking that Democrats would "bring [Republicans] to the guillotine"
on Nov. 7, the day after the midterm elections, The Washington Free Beacon reported. This was Davis's Robespierre moment.
Does anyone doubt they want the GOP silenced by any means? Minnesota Republican Party chairman Jennifer Carnahan said the
suspension was not enough, calling for his immediate firing after Republicans have been assaulted.
5 Keys to Surviving Attacks from a Social Media Mob. As someone who first started doing political blogging in
2001, I can tell you that there was once a time when the chances of a regular person being cut to ribbons online for a faux
pas were practically zero. As someone who has been deluged with negative comments after building a top 10,000 in the
world website, has received numerous death threats and quasi-death threats (i.e. "Someone should slit your throat), has
been doxed, has been the target of hit pieces in BuzzFeed and the New York Times, and has literally had thousands of
negative tweets aimed at him in a few hours' time, I can tell you it is no longer like that. YOU, yes you reading this
piece, may one day be in the crosshairs of a social media mob because of something you do or say on social media. So,
what do you do when it happens?
Us Destroy America, Or We Will Destroy America! [Scroll down] That is, unless We the People allow the
Democrats to allow open borders, sanctuary cities, higher taxes, government-run health care, suicidal foreign trade deals,
feckless economics, and an essentially destructive anti-American agenda, then they will sic "The Democrat Mob" on America.
Or, as Hillary Clinton might say, "Give us back our power and we will start acting like civilized human beings again.
If you don't give us back our power we will destroy America. Your call." Eric Holder might add, "And we will
kick you, and kick you, and kick you."
Former Navy sailor threatened Trump, 5 other top administration officials with ricin. A former Navy sailor
arrested earlier this month faces charges related to ricin-related threats mailed to President Trump and other top
administration officials. William Clyde Allen III, arrested Oct. 5, was indicted on seven counts by a federal grand
jury in Salt Lake City Thursday, according to the Justice Department. The 39-year-old was charged with one count of
using a biological agent as a weapon, one count of mailing a threat against the president, and five counts of mailing
threatening communications to an officer or an employee of the United States, the news release stated. The five charges
are for each of the threats the Logan, Utah, resident allegedly made to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Naval Operations Chief
Adm. John Richardson, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, CIA Director Gina Haspel, and Air Force Secretary Heather
Wilson. The threatening letters are alleged to have included castor bean material and had "Jack and the Missile Bean
Stock Powder" written inside.
Democrats Must Be Defeated. The Democratic Party has turned into a crazed, howling mob. It is degrading
our public life to a degree that has not been seen since they seceded in 1861. That is an observation we could make every
day; for now, let's go with this story: "Blackburn backlash shocks Mt. Juliet restaurant owner." [...] The
Democrats are trying to bully their way back into power through mob actions of various kinds. What you think of the
Republicans is pretty much irrelevant. The Democrats' bullying tactics must not be allowed to succeed. The
republic depends on it.
Violence Ramps Up As Election Nears. What happens when men physically assault female politicians or threaten
them with poison? If those women are Republicans and the attackers are leftists, Democrats greet them with silence,
excuses, or worse. So left-wing violence grows.
civility: Death threats, bullying against owner of restaurant rented by Marsha Blackburn's campaign.
Bullying, on camera and in public, is the best way to humanize a politician. It doesn't matter how arrogant or out of
touch they have been during their time in office. The moment a mob shows up at a restaurant to drive them out, most
look past the politics and empathize with the person who is having their dinner ruined. Normal people react this way,
because normal people don't like bullies. The far left, however, remains unclear on the concept. Consider what
just happened to Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who is running for Senate in Tennessee. She recently booked a meeting
place at a family-style diner in suburban Mt. Juliet, about 20 minutes east of Nashville. The owner, a man named
Tom Courtney, didn't think twice about renting the dining room — that is, until he and his staff started getting
death threats.
A Soros-Funded
Activist Was Charged for Assault of a Female GOP Staffer - It's Not His First Attack. The Democratic activist
funded by George Soros who was charged with battery against the female campaign manager of Nevada Republican gubernatorial
candidate Adam Laxalt has a long history of attacking Republicans. Wilfred Michael Stark, 51, who was employed by
American Bridge 21st Century, founded by David Brock, was fired Wednesday night after he allegedly pushed a door open,
"trapping" Kristin Davison, Laxalt's campaign manager, in the doorway, "grabbing her arm, and forcefully twisting it behind
her back and squeezing," Laxalt's campaign communications director Parker Briden told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
calls for harassing Republicans at restaurants, sticking 'fingers in their salads'. The University of Mississippi has
condemned a tweet by a faculty member that called on activists to abandon civility and harass Republican senators in public.
"Don't just interrupt a Senator's meal, y'all," James Thomas, an assistant professor of sociology, tweeted from his @Insurgent_Prof
account on Oct. 6, the day Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh was sworn into the Supreme Court. "Put your whole [...] fingers
in their salads," he wrote. "Take their apps and distribute them to the other diners. Bring boxes and take their food
home with you on the way out. They don't deserve your civility."
Leftist Becomes A Hyena As He Destroys Ted Cruz Signs. Ted Cruz has had his bouts with hyperventilating members
of the Left recently, such as hysterical women confronting him in airports and badgering him about his vote to confirm
Justice Brett Kavanaugh while displaying their utter ignorance of jurisprudence and due process. Cruz usually has a
witty response for such hecklers, and their hysteria is usually still somewhere within the parameters of what might be
construed as normal. But one Cruz supporter in the funky Montrose neighborhood of Houston, Texas, watched an even more
intense display of emotional incontinence when he was confronted by a wild-eyed member of the lunatic fringe whose apparent
hatred for Cruz triggered him to go berserk on video. The exchange was apparently precipitated by the leftist's rage at
seeing signs for Cruz planted around the neighborhood. The Cruz supporter videotaped the exchange.
Two GOP Candidates
Assaulted in Minnesota. The Minnesota Democratic Party has suspended a spokesman for calling for violence
against Republicans even as two GOP candidates have been assaulted in suspected politically motivated attacks. The
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party has suspended communications staffer William Davis for one week without pay after making a
Facebook post joking that Democrats would "bring [Republicans] to the guillotine" on Nov. 7, the day after the midterm
elections. Minnesota Republican Party chairman Jennifer Carnahan said the suspension was not enough, calling for his
immediate firing in the aftermath of separate attacks against Republican candidates. She said she has been subjected to
numerous death threats during her tenure as the state party leader and that death threats are no laughing matter. "The
overt hatred and violence that has become prevalent from many Democrats towards Republicans in recent times is unlawful,
unacceptable, and downright scary," she said in an email. "Yes, we have free speech and the right to peacefully
assemble, but these words and actions by the left have gone too far. ... He should have been terminated immediately."
of 9/11 Victim Accosted By Hateful Young Man in Portland. A young man, who reportedly is a member of Antifa,
thought it would be fun to verbally assault a woman sporting an NYPD hat and an American flag t-shirt in Portland, Oregon
this week. He hurled several insults at her and suggested her husband was abusive. When she told the man that her
husband died in the September 11 terror attack, he said, "good." The shocking video went viral on Twitter Tuesday
night [10/16/2018].
Are Lying, Cheating, And Assaulting Their Way To Election Day In California. In California's 24th congressional
district, it's a matchup between Justin Fareed and incumbent Democratic Rep. Salud Carbajal. It should be your
run-of-the-mill political campaign, which recently turned ugly when a crazy man in Paso Robles assaulted a canvasser for Fareed.
group fires operative after arrest over alleged battery against GOP campaign manager. The liberal group
American Bridge 21st Century announced Wednesday night that it had fired one of its operatives a day after he was arrested
and accused of battery against the female campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt. In a
statement, American Bridge said that Mike Stark had been relieved of his duties "effective immediately." American Bridge
was founded in November 2010 by David Brock, who also founded liberal watchdog group Media Matters. The group's largest
donor is liberal billionaire George Soros, who contributed more than $2 million between 2015 and 2016. Soros is
still involved with the group, most recently donating $300,000 in February, and $80,000 last year.
operative for Soros-funded group arrested for 'battery' against Nevada GOP candidate's campaign manager. A
Democratic operative for American Bridge 21st Century, a group founded by David Brock and funded by liberal billionaire
George Soros, was arrested Tuesday after the female campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial nominee Adam Laxalt accused
the operative of grabbing and yanking her arm and refusing to let go. Kristin Davison and other officials for the
Nevada attorney general's campaign said the "battery" left her "terrified and traumatized" — and with bruises on
her neck and arms.
Antifa Places Severed Pig Heads At Campaign Offices In Texas Calling For A Violent Revolution. Communist Antifa
is beloved on the left and defended by both Democrats and the media. That's because they share the same goals of
revolution, chaos and a violent coup. [Indeed], they're all communists. This past week, at least five separate GOP
offices were vandalized and attacked by these goons. Now, Antifa has stepped up their game by placing severed pig heads
at multiple polling locations and campaign offices in the Austin, TX area. But you won't hear about this. Instead,
you will hear the left whine incessantly because Republicans have correctly labeled the left as having an angry mob mentality.
They simply love mobs like Antifa, Democratic Socialists of America, the Communist Party USA, and all their minions bent on
terrorizing those who do not share their violent Marxist views.
25 Reasons I'm Not a Democrat.
[#4] It's wrong and disgusting to harass people in restaurants and at their home just because you disagree with them politically.
Also if you block traffic to get attention for your cause, whatever it may be, I am not on your side.
when you disagree: How 'safe spaces' led to today's political mobs. What's behind the recent spread of
outraged mobs on US streets, wild-eyed and throwing violent fits because their favored political outcome didn't happen?
How did so many Americans give up on resolving disagreements through discussion and turn the fact that a disagreement exists
into an excuse for a tantrum? Campuses started setting up "safe spaces" well before 2015, when the news hit our media
in earnest: College students were literally taking shelter from the possibility of hearing opinions they might disagree
with. For all the mockery the idea received, we're seeing that principle extended to the real world. The recent
outbursts on our streets have their root in the idea that only one opinion is the correct one and all others must be shut down.
Portland's Mayor
Defends Antifa's Anarchy. The mayor of Portland defended the city's response, or lack thereof, to members of
Antifa who blocked traffic and harassed bystanders after a video of the incident went viral.
What's Wrong with Portland?
Portland has now become a lawless city, one in which the authorities, including the mayor and the cops, turn a blind eye to a
horde of American brownshirts taking over the city's streets and threatening its residents. With the cops hors de
combat, the pushback is coming from the "alt-right," which is of course exactly what the violent Left wants:
Charlottesville all over again.
universities are now 'mob' assembly lines. Imagine that a person selects you to fill a position you have always
dreamed of having. Before you step into your new role, groups of people suddenly begin to accuse you of wrongdoing in a
whole variety of areas of your life. None of the accusations carry any proof and your family and friends all come to
your defense. Nonetheless, people currently inside the organization believe that just the fact that the accusations are
being made, coupled with the discomfort you seem to be causing people, is enough reason to not let you step into the
position. I'm talking about the recent confirmation process of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, right?
Wrong. I'm talking about what has been happening on college campuses to conservative professors and students for the
past two decades. That is where the Kavanaugh mob was trained. That is where fresh mob members are currently
being produced for future battles.
I Guess the New Democratic Party Platform Is Violence? Recently, Eric Holder, former attorney general for Obama,
stopped to speak at a political event for Stacy Abrams who is running for governor in Georgia. Holder told the crowd,
"When they go low, you kick them," referring to Republicans. His comment was made after the media has approved and
encouraged attacking or harassing Trump supporters at least 594 times. This type of language is dangerous and
reckless in our current political state. However, Holder does not seem to mind if anyone gets hurt as long as the left
gets power.
Secret Service Foiled ISIS Assassination Attempt On President Trump. Just one year into his term, President
Donald Trump was the target of a credible assassination plot attributed to ISIS — but the U.S. Secret Service
managed to foil the attempt, according to a report that will air on National Geographic channel on Sunday [10/14/2018].
Nicole Wallace told Jeb Bush to sucker punch Trump. MSNBC "Deadline: White House" host Nicole Wallace
admitted on Thursday that she once encouraged Jeb Bush to physically attack then-candidate Donald Trump after a heated debate
during the 2016 Republican primary race. "I told Jeb Bush after that debate that I thought he should have punched
[Trump] in the face," Wallace said during her show. [...] "I think you should have punched him in the face and then gotten
out of the race. You would have been a hero," Wallace said.
Prayer rally in Portland turns bloody; American flag saved from flames. Members of opposing groups violently
clashed in downtown Portland, Ore., on Saturday night [10/13/2018] during an event that was billed as a march for "law and
order." Participants with the conservative Patriot Prayer group and counter-demonstrators with Antifa got into a bloody melee
outside a popular bar where members on both sides used bear spray, fists and batons to beat each other, the Oregonian reported.
Attacks NYC GOP Headquarters. Are you still sure it's not a mob? On Thursday night, the New York City
headquarters of the Republican party was struck by vandals. It wasn't a minor attack, either. Windows were
smashed, the locks were glued shut and Antifa symbols were sprayed on the building along with other vulgarities. And
just to make sure that there was no question as to who was responsible or why they did it, the attackers left a note.
Seek to Normalize Insanity. Everyone from CNN to Fox News decries the "lack of civility" in current political
discourse, as though this were a bipartisan problem that both sides shared equal blame for. Democrats even blame
President Trump for being crude, one radio talker even called him "cruel." Thus, their anger and insane behavior is
"justified." None of this Democrat narrative is true. In fact it is the opposite. [...] entitled, threatening,
often unsanctioned and violent. Furthermore, they are usually highly-organized astroturf protests with paid protesters
financed by extreme Left groups, unions and Democrat mega-donors like George Soros. Tea Party and other similar groups
never engage in the kind of ugly, obscene behavior that is a signature of almost all leftwing protests, and have
never engaged in unprovoked violence. Their protests are orderly and meticulously follow the law —
obtaining permits, staying within their allotted areas, and very diligently cleaning up after themselves.
GOP decries Dems' 'mob rule,'
flipping the script. President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans are forecasting nightmarish Democratic "mob
rule" to amp up GOP voters for next month's critical midterm elections, flipping the script from complaints that it's Trump
and the tea party movement who've boosted rowdy and divisive tactics to dangerous levels.
How to
Tell If You Are Part of a Mob. A mob, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is "a large crowd of people,
especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence." In case you haven't noticed, mobs are quite hot
right now. The Kavanaugh confirmation brought out mobs in droves, whether they were tearing up pro-Republican signs,
attempting to claw down the doors of the Supreme Court like a herd of underfed velociraptors, or shrieking in unison at
senators who dare to step out in public.
It's Not Only the Right Who Will Bleed. Hillary Clinton said it best: "civility can start again" only when the
Democrats regain power. And "the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength." Eric
Holder, the Obama mini-me, wasn't far behind when he said, "When they go low, we kick them." He meant not only Republicans
but anyone who disagrees with their plans. The Democrats have overtly committed to violence. If we needed further
evidence, we need only look at what Antifa did in Portland the other day, where the police faded away, ceding the streets to
Antifa, whose members blocked streets and ordered traffic and pedestrians to obey, for no other purpose than to show that they
must be obeyed. Those who didn't were hit with batons. We've all seen the video of a septuagenarian trying to
get away and being punished. Now the Democrats who control Portland are considering charges against him.
activist assaulted by abortion protester on campus. Police are investigating an incident in Toronto caught on
camera where an abortion protester attacked a female pro-life activist. Gabriela "Gabby" Skwarko, a student at Ryerson
University in Ontario who works for the school's Office of Social Innovation and is part of the Ryerson Reproductive Justice
Collective, is seen in a video attacking two members of Toronto Against Abortion (TAA).
is a Mob not a Mob? When Democrats Realize Their "Mob" is Destroying Their Mid-term Hopes. The Democrat
party intentionally made a choice to embrace socialism and far-left Marxist ideology in an effort to fuel their political
goals. Tom Perez, current head of the DNC, has a life of activism and assembly for just these purposes. However,
the predictable risk and consequence of that decision is really simple; a loss of control over the mob. With four weeks
left before the mid-term elections, the modern democrat mob is now so highly visible, and so filled with toxic/violence and
rage, it has become a liability. The only thing the media can do to assist their party is to downplay the mob and
pretend it doesn't exist; that's the currently urgent narrative.
Vandals Hit NYC
GOP Headquarters: 'Attack Is Merely A Beginning'. The Metropolitan Republican Club on Manhattan's Upper East
Side was vandalized Thursday night with broken windows, spray-painted anarchy signs, and a threatening message that the
"attack is merely a beginning." The building is the headquarters of the Manhattan Republican Party and the New York
City regional office for the New York Republican Party.
Democrats go mean. 'You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what
you care about," announced Hillary Clinton during an interview on CNN. This after the Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh's
Senate confirmation hearings descended into mob action to destroy that man and his family. Here is a twice-failed
presidential candidate, former senator and secretary of state revealing her rejection of the peaceful transfer of power, a
hallmark of the American system. One could see this as her confession explaining the Democratic Party's obscene and
contrived effort to politically and socially assassinate a good man for committing the crimes of being a conservative and
being nominated by President Donald Trump.
student charged for attacking pro-life protest. Police detained a left-wing student activist at Indiana
University, Bloomington after he tried to steal, spray-paint and rip apart signs from a pro-life group protesting on
campus. Thomas Metcalf, 21, a member of the Young Democratic Socialists of America at IU and Black Lives Matter, was
charged with disorderly conduct, vandalism, and larceny-theft on Oct. 4 attacking Created Equal, an anti-abortion group
that puts up graphic images of aborted children on posters.
Justin Fareed's Campaign Canvasser Allegedly Chased, Assaulted. Video released by Republican Justin Fareed's congressional
campaign Friday [10/12/2018] shows a man chasing someone the campaign identified as Isaac, a college student and Fareed canvasser.
Isaac alleges the man assaulted him during the chase, according to the Fareed campaign. "Why are you attacking me?" Isaac can be
heard yelling back to the man who appears to slow as he realizes he is being recorded. "Because! You're lying!" the man
yells. [Video clip]
won't cover the left-wing mobs, but they'll cover Republicans' reaction. Left-wing agitators have recently chased Republican
lawmakers and White House officials from restaurants. Left-wing demonstrators also came out in force last week during the fight to
confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. They have disrupted hearings and floor proceedings and intimidated lawmakers. Two
protesters notably cornered Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., in an elevator, berating him for roughly 10 minutes over his decision to
support the judge. Other lawmakers, including Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, were also followed and scolded
by teams of angry demonstrators. On Saturday [10/6/2018], as the U.S. Senate prepared to vote to confirm Kavanaugh, police in the nation's
capital arrested more than 100 protesters, many of whom had broken past barricades set up around the Capitol building. Republicans,
including President Trump himself, have referred to these bands of irate, screaming individuals as a "mob."
Left is promising to abuse power if they win; voters should take them seriously. The Left has vilified the
presumption of innocence, the bedrock of our legal system and an indispensable moral principle as well. For even
outside of criminal court, decent people simply don't brook accusations that are presented without even the hint of
corroborating evidence. Without proof, it is gossip, and especially so when the story is inconsistent and lacks basic
details that could lead to proof one way or the other. The organizers of the not-insignificant Women's March are
assailing Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, as a rape apologist for merely adhering to this time-tested principle. This
is how they treat anyone with whom they disagree. The death threats and vile messages that progressive activists have
aimed at Kavanaugh and his family, as well as at Republican senators' offices and homes and families, is a clear statement of
who they are, and why the nation will suffer if they are ever returned to power.
Holder: When Republicans Go Low, 'We Kick Them'; Crowd Chants, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Not
only are the left-wing shock troops on the ground chasing Republicans out of restaurants, pounding on cars, and cracking
skulls, the Democrat leaders are calling for violence. Dem Congresswoman Maxine Waters previously called for members of
the Trump cabinet to be harassed everywhere they go. Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton also said this
week that Democrats can't be civil with Republicans.
Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win. Some people have asked about the computer projections for a tremendous
increase in civil violence. There is absolutely no resolution to the great divide that has unfolded politically.
The Democrats advocate violence as Hillary clearly states. She says that civility can ONLY return when the Democrats
take back the government. Clearly, this is throwing down the gauntlet that it shall be their way or no way. This
is the end of Democracy for what she is saying is there is to be none. [...] The next stage is the violence. This is
what will carry us into the peak of 2032. By that time, the hatred we are witnessing today drawn on political lines is simply
that what will happen is all civility vanishes and this will build into violence and end in civil war.
Rand Paul's right — 'someone is going to be killed'. Sen. Rand Paul hit the nail on the head in
an interview with Kentucky radio host Leland Conway when he predicted this hotly charged political atmosphere was going to
move from mayhem to murder. Remember Rep. Steve Scalise? It already very nearly did. "I really worry
that someone is going to be killed and that those who are ratcheting up the conversation — they have to realize
that they bear some responsibility if this elevates to violence," he said, Mediaite reported. Are you listening,
Rep. Maxine Waters?
Clinton's hypocritical call for 'incivil' war. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp perfectly summed up Hillary Clinton's
insistence that Democrats can't be civil to Republicans until they regain control of Congress. Quoth the North Dakota
Democrat: "That's ridiculous." Actually, "ridiculous" is an understatement. Clinton — clearly
desperate to regain a foothold in national politics — has openly embraced the far-left mob and its calls to wage
relentless war. Her justification: Republicans, she suggests, started it — and she's been unfairly on
the receiving end for 25 years. So, she told CNN, "Democrats have to be tougher," because "the only thing that the
Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength." As if falsely branding a Supreme Court nominee a gang rapist and
chasing Republicans from public places is too timid.
Paul Reveals Media Hid Key Detail About GOP Baseball Attacker. Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul revealed
on Wednesday [10/10/2018] that the media largely ignored a key detail from the attempted mass murder of Republican lawmakers last year at
a baseball field in Virginia. Appearing on Fox News' "FOX & Friends," Paul condemned the violent rhetoric of the political Left
and the Democratic Party and warned that someone is going to end up getting killed if the inflammatory rhetoric doesn't stop.
"I was there at the ball field when Steven Scalise almost died from a very, very angry violent man who was incited really by rhetoric
on the left," Paul said.
Wonders Why Media Had Little Interest in This Detail About GOP Baseball Practice Shooting. On Wednesday
morning, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) shared a shocking new detail about last year's attack at the Republican congressional
baseball practice. When the shooter, James Hodgkinson, began firing on the lawmakers, he reportedly shouted, "This is
for health care!" Some wondered why the media had not included this detail in their reporting at the time. [...]
Unfortunately, a year after that horrific shooting, some leading officials are inciting violence against their political
opponents. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told supporters to "harass" Trump administration officials in public.
Some seemingly listened and proceeded to bully White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of restaurants.
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told CNN that people should be uncivil to Republicans because they deserve
it. Then, just this Wednesday, former Attorney General Eric Holder told a crowd to "kick" Republicans.
NY Man Planned to Blow [Him]self Up in DC Over Country's Direction. Police and FBI agents searched a Hudson
Valley, New York, home Wednesday and arrested the 56-year-old man living there after learning about his alleged plan to build
a bomb and blow himself up in Washington, D.C., on Election Day, two law enforcement officials told News 4 New York.
Court documents say Paul Rosenfeld wanted to draw attention to his belief in an ancient election system called "sortition," a
method of choosing political officials at random.
Man planned to set off 200-pound bomb on Mall in Washington,
FBI says. Federal authorities have arrested and charged a New York state man who they say planned to build a
200-pound bomb and detonate it on Election Day on the Mall in Washington. Paul M. Rosenfeld, 56, of Tappan, N.Y., was
charged Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York with unlawfully manufacturing a destructive
device and interstate transportation and receipt of an explosive, according to the FBI. Officials said he planned to use
the bomb to kill himself and gain attention to a political belief called sortition, in which politicians are chosen at random
instead of by elections.
Heidi Heitkamp Hammers Clinton On Her Suggestion That Democrats Shouldn't Be Civil. In the midst of all the
violence being engaged in by the left, members of the right have been calling for someone from within the Democratic party to
speak out against the mob tactics being encouraged by Democrats. The latest encouragement came from none other than
Hillary Clinton herself, who said that it's impossible to be civil with Republicans and that the left shouldn't be civil with
them until they get power back in the House and Senate. At a time when shootings, mob confrontations, and Antifa are a
thing, it's incredibly irresponsible for Democrats to say these kinds of things, as any encouragement to be anything but
civil could result, as Rand Paul recently suggested, in someone getting hurt or worse, killed. At least one Democrat
has decided to speak out against Clinton.
Clinton cheers the end of civility. Hillary Clinton is not helping. [...] "You cannot be civil with a political
party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about," Clinton said in an interview with CNN's Christiane
Amanpour. "That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when
civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is
strength." Forget civility, Clinton seems to say. That only comes when Democrats control Congress. From here,
it is just a short skip and a hop to the "no justice, no peace" chant shrieked by mobs on college campuses and extremist
thugs on the streets of Portland. It is a license for bad behavior, and it is dangerous.
CNN Debates What Constitutes
a 'Mob'. A panel on "CNN Tonight" with Don Lemon Tuesday [10/9/2018] got very heated while debating what
constitutes a mob. The panelists' comments came in regard to the recent protester trend of harassing elected officials
in public; they questioned what exactly constitutes a "mob" and if protesters should be categorized as such.
Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it. With Steve Scalise still needing
canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to
harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the
Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the
Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
Clinton: Democrats 'cannot be civil' with Republicans anymore. Hillary Clinton, in a television interview
Tuesday, rejected the idea that Democrats should be "civil" with Republicans in the age of Donald Trump, embracing a more
confrontational and aggressive political approach. "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy
what you stand for, what you care about," Clinton said. Speaking to CNN's Christiane Amanpour, the 2016 Democratic
presidential nominee said, "That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's
when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength."
the outrage over Hillary's call for a 'civil' war? [Scroll down] Which brings me to the second event of
note: Hillary Clinton's statement Tuesday that Democrats "cannot be civil" as long as Republicans hold the White House
and Congress. "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care
about," Clinton told CNN. "That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's
when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is
strength." There you have it — a declaration of war and a license for violence. Where is the media
outrage? Clinton knows we are already in the danger zone when it comes to the political temperature. Her
comments, then, are as reckless as bringing a can of gasoline to a bonfire.
Clinton Calls for Incivility Against Republicans. The most prominent Democrat in the country has, for all
intents and purposes, just given a green light to every left-wing kook and violent sociopath to be uncivil to Republicans.
Hillary Clinton said on CNN, "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care
about," as reported by Fox News. [...] I may be wrong but I haven't heard of any Democrats and their families being chased out of
restaurants or threatened with bodily harm by mobs. Nor have I heard about their personal information being published online.
unleashes the thugs. Unless sobriety suddenly and miraculously returns to Democrats driven insane by their
unexpected loss to Donald Trump, the United States is headed for a downward spiral of political violence of the sort that has
destabilized democratic regimes (Weimar Germany and Taisho Japan) and led to fascism and world war. Only by the grace
of God and the bravery of the Capitol Police was a mass assassination of the House Republican Caucus avoided. That is
the context in which we must understand the irresponsibility and reprehensibility of Hillary Clinton's statement to CNN's
Christiane Amanpour during an interview in Britain. "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy
what you stand for." [Video clip]
Consider Becoming 'More Ruthless' After Losing Brett Kavanaugh Battle. After losing the war to defeat Brett
Kavanaugh, Democrats are thinking about becoming even "more ruthless," reports the far-left Politico. After
launching at least a half-dozen debunked and outright phony allegations of criminal sexual deviancy against Kavanaugh, after
accusing him of running a gang rape ring where women were drugged as a means to incapacitate them, after legitimizing the
harassment of President Trump and Kavanaugh supporters up to and including chasing them out of public spaces, Democrats are
thinking about becoming "more ruthless"? Other than violence, what is left?
says Hillary Clinton will have blood on her hands when her call for civil war gets someone killed. Failed
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for civil war and mob violence against Republicans this week, and the media
silence is deafening. The media constantly accuse President Trump of stoking unrest despite the fact that violent
leftist Antifa are the ones who routinely assault Trump supporters, block traffic, and vandalize public property. Yet
the press refuses to condemn Hillary's open encouragement of civil war — and their complicity could have
catastrophic consequences.
Antifa activists take over street, direct traffic, abuse motorists. Some Portland residents have expressed
their anger after dozens of Antifa protesters got into ugly clashes with motorists in Portland on Saturday during a march
over the police shooting of Patrick Kimmons. Activists were filmed shouting 'white supremacist' and 'whitey' at one
driver, before another video showed marchers attacking a man's car as he tried to make his way through a crowd of people in
the road.
and Antifa Agitators Take Over Street in Portland to Protest Police Shooting. Portland authorities allowed a
small group of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters to take over a busy street in downtown Portland over the weekend,
where they redirected traffic and bullied drivers — and it wasn't for the first time. For the past week and
a half, left-wing activists have been protesting the shooting death of Patrick Kimmons, who was fatally shot by police
officers after being involved in a gang-related shooting that left two people wounded on Sept. 30.
Of Dancing Girl Accosting Elderly Man On Supreme Court Steps Goes Viral; It Doesn't End Well For Her. A video
of a girl in jeans shorts dancing around an elderly man who is peacefully protesting in front of the Supreme Court went viral
over the weekend. The video was shot during protests in front of the high court after the confirmation of Justice Brett
Kavanaugh and shows the girl trying to knock two signs out of the man's hands. The signs read "She is a good liar" and
"Arm teachers, protect kids." During the brief video, the girl is also shouting "Hey hey, ho ho, Kavanaugh has got to go!"
in his face. Actor James Woods was among the many to highlight the video as a valuable insight into the mind of a liberal.
Kavanaugh flyers torn down, students threatened
with violence. A conservative student group at the University of Cincinnati posted pro-Kavanaugh flyers on
campus, which were later torn down. Students responded on Twitter to the group that posted the flyers with threats of
physical violence.
Kavanaugh: What Have We
Learned? [#3] Dems are angry, vindictive, and violent. Republicans are getting death threats, and now
they're even getting ricin in the mail. They're being doxed. Dems are screaming at them in elevators and hounding
them whenever they go out in public. All these intimidation tactics are happening barely a year after a Bernie Bro
tried to assassinate Republicans at baseball practice and almost murdered Steve Scalise. The Democrats cheer on this
behavior, and the media makes excuses for it. Brett Kavanaugh's anger at being falsely accused is bad, and his
opponents' anger at their inability to prove the accusations is good. It's as simple at that, in their minds.
Supports Professor's Right to Call for Castrating, Murdering White Men. It was bad enough when Georgetown
University professor Carol Christine Fair (shown) advocated for the castration and murder of white Republican men on social
media. But rather than reprimanding the professor for her offensive comments, Georgetown University has issued a
statement in support of the left-wing, anti-Trump professor. "The views of faculty members expressed in their private
capacities are their own and not the views of the University. Our policy does not prohibit speech based on the person
presenting ideas or the content of those ideas, even when those ideas may be difficult, controversial or objectionable,"
University spokesman Matt Hill told Western Journal by e-mail. Hill added that the university expects their
faculty to utilize more appropriate language in the classroom and in dialogue with students.
Investigating Teacher Who Called For Kavanaugh Murder On Twitter. On Monday [10/8/2018], Minneapolis/St.
Paul ABC affiliate KSTPreported that the FBI is looking into a threatening tweet posted on social media Saturday that
advocates for the murder of newly confirmed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. "So whose [sic] gonna take one
for the team and kill Kavanaugh?" the tweet read. The threatening message was removed, and we understand the Twitter
account was deleted, but not before the tweet was captured for posterity: [...]
teacher on paid leave after call to kill Justice Kavanaugh: 'Take one for the team'. A special education
teacher in Minnesota may soon receive some "special" attention by federal law enforcement officials after calling for the
killing of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. Intermediate School District 917 has placed Samantha Ness on paid administrative
leave for a tweet, now deleted, which encouraged the assassination of the newest member of the U.S. Supreme Court. "So
whose [sic] gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?" Ms. Ness wrote Saturday after senators voted to confirm
President Trump's nominee to the high court.
Education Teacher Tweets About 'Killing Kavanaugh'. A special education teacher in Minnesota on Monday
[10/8/2018] was putt [sic] on paid administrative leave following a controversial tweet about killing now-Supreme Court
Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Teacher: Let's Murder Kavanaugh!. The Democratic Party is stark, raving mad. That is the lesson of
the last two years. The Minneapolis Star Tribune headlines: "Rosemount educator on leave after tweeting 'kill
Kavanaugh?'" Well, yes, she is. [...] I am so old, I can remember when teachers knew how to spell. But that was
before the teachers' unions took over and dumbed down our educational system, with more or less catastrophic results both for
our schools and for our politics.
Colbert 'Late Show' writer: 'I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life'. In a social media post on
Saturday, a writer for CBS's "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" seemingly celebrated the damage done to Supreme Court
Justice Brett Kavanaugh's reputation during his bruising and bitterly partisan confirmation battle. "Whatever happens,
I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life," the writer, Ariel Dumas, posted on Twitter. Dumas later briefly made
her account private, preventing others from viewing her posts without her approval.
& Friends' Brian Kilmeade Stalked and Heckled into NYC Subway. A pair of activist comedians followed around Fox
& Friends host Brian Kilmeade, lobbing hostile questions at him on Friday. If you are a public figure after all, you
may get questions with or without a camera when you are walking down a public street (in fact, Mediaite has used a roving
paparazzi in the past as well). But they didn't stop there. Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler, who are known as
"The Good Liars," then trailed Kilmeade into a NYC subway and encouraged fellow passengers to jeer at him in what increasingly
felt like a potentially perilous situation for the Fox host.
Update: Comedians
who harassed Fox's Brian Kilmeade for a day take down video after massive blowback. Comedians who harassed "Fox
& Friends" host Brian Kilmeade reportedly took down the video they had posted of the confrontation after being torched on
social media. Days after self-identified comedians Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler, known as "The Good Liars," posted
their video showing them following the Fox News host in New York City, they removed it due to heavy backlash.
Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane. I was in the Senate gallery this afternoon when Justice
Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. You would have thought I was at an exorcism in an insane asylum. Perhaps you were
watching on television and heard the disruptions, though you certainly didn't see them. The attenuated audio probably
didn't catch the frightening, incoherent shrieking — including the lingering screaming and howling as they were
being dragged down the hallways outside the gallery. If there was any doubt that the opposition to Kavanaugh was
unhinged, uncivil, disruptive, rude, and borderline nuts, my experience in the gallery made it clear.
Liberals Break Down Sobbing After Senate Votes to Confirm Judge Kavanaugh. The US Senate voted on Saturday to
confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the newest Supreme Court Justice. Shortly after the vote Brett Kavanaugh was taken to
the Supreme Court for his swearing in ceremony. Liberal protesters were out in force on Saturday outside the Capitol
Hill and on the steps of the Supreme Court. There were several arrests.
Threaten to Kill Senators, One's Glad They Ruined Kavanaugh. Democrats are dangerous and they might become more
dangerous if they don't start winning after their recent losses. Widespread violence is in our future. After the
vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, who is now an associate Justice and the 114th Supreme Court Justice, the Republicans had to
have police escorts as they left the building. Vice President Pence walked through the crowd, refusing to be
cowed. Many left by secure back exits. Justice Kavanaugh had to be escorted out a back door and was sworn in
during a private ceremony by Chief Justice John Roberts in a separate building. The Justice couldn't even enjoy the
ceremony marking the culmination of his life's work.
Gardner says his wife got a gruesome death threat on her phone about Kavanaugh. According to Chad Pergram,
Republican Cory Gardner told him that he and his wife received death threats about his vote on Brett Kavanaugh. [...] I don't
think there was an interview anywhere about this, he just spoke to Pergram about it. This is pretty despicable, no
matter what side it's coming from.
exec slams GOP over Kavanaugh nomination. A design lead at Google has slammed Republicans in an angry Twitter
rant over the nomination of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh. [...] Hogue's LinkedIn entry describes him as Google's UX design
lead. He has been at the search giant since December 2013, according to the entry. On Sunday [10/7/2018], Hogue
confirmed that he had deleted the tweet.
Cory Gardner's
Family Members Doxxed, Wife Sent Graphic Video Of Beheading. Several family members of Colorado Republican
Sen. Cory Gardner have had their names and home addresses made public, and Gardner's wife has received a "gruesome"
video of a beheading. A spokesman for Gardner has confirmed to The Daily Caller News Foundation that his family has
been doxxed and graphic footage of a beheading was sent via text message to his wife. The Colorado senator —
who has invoked furor from liberal activists for voting in favor of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh —
first revealed the doxxing to Fox News.
Cory Gardner reveals wife received graphic text of beheading after Kavanaugh vote. In the wake of his vote to
confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday, Republican Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., revealed to Fox News
on Sunday that his wife had received a graphic text message with a video depicting a beheading, and that someone has publicly
posted the names and addresses of his family members. Gardner announced his support for Kavanaugh in July, and
reaffirmed it after reviewing the supplemental FBI report into uncorroborated sexual misconduct allegations against him.
seen in video kicking pro-life demonstrator loses job, may face charges. A man who was captured on camera
Sunday [9/30/2018] violently kicking a female pro-life activist lost his job at a Toronto hair salon amid social media
backlash, while the victim says she will pursue charges against him. Jordan Hunt has been identified as the culprit
behind the attack after a video of him spin-kicking the woman went viral. He deleted his social media accounts after
the backlash. In the video, he is seen approaching a group of pro-life activists and engaging them in a discussion
about abortion before suddenly kicking an activist and ripping a Campaign Life ribbon off her jacket and fleeing the scene.
The validation of violence
for political ends: This didn't start with the Kavanaugh nomination. It has been brewing for a while. Barack Obama
famously said, "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." Antifa has been taking Obama at his word for some years.
What we are seeing today is mob action by Democratic Party activists: harassing Republicans when they go out to dinner or walk through
airports; busing activists to Republicans' homes to harass them and frighten their children; invading Republican Congressional offices with
threatening mobs; and, in some cases, shooting or violently assaulting Republican office-holders. I wrote yesterday about Kellie Paul's
appeal to Cory Booker to withdraw his incitements to violence. Maxine Waters is another prominent Democrat who has endorsed immoral and
potentially illegal harassment of Republicans.
Shut up, Mazie.
From Bill Clinton to Anthony Weiner to Roman Polanski to Harvey Weinstein, past liberal winners of the Alyssa Milano Award
for Cognitive Collapse have found a bevy of assorted predators and perverts as useful tools for their career advancement in
politics and cinema, to be condemned with Casablanca-like shock only when their usefulness had ended. No stranger to
this phenomenon is Hawaii Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono, who famously told male defenders of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to shut
up and step up as he was politically blindfolded and shot by an assortment of Democratic wife-beaters and draft-dodgers on
the Senate Judiciary Committee. [...] Yet Mazie Hirono failed to step up and believe Hawaiian women accusing Daniel Inouye in
1992, who would go on to become, like Sen. Ted "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy, a celebrated and honored senator.
Far Will Democratic Party Violence Go? Thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, Democratic Party activists
have not yet murdered any Republican politicians. Steve Scalise is still alive, and the Democratic Party press is
trying hard to make us forget rabid Democrat James Hodgkinson. But the Democrats' hysteria over the Supreme
Court — which actually has little to do with moderate nominee Brett Kavanaugh — has suffused
Washington, D.C. with threats of violence. The threats were already there, of course. Egged on by Democrats like
Maxine Waters and Cory Booker, crazed activists have made it more or less impossible for Republicans to go out in public in
Police Arrest Screaming Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters on Capitol Steps. Judge Kavanaugh is expected to be confirmed
by a very slim margin in a Saturday evening [10/6/2018] vote. Far-left screaming anti-Kavanaugh protesters flooded the
Capitol steps Saturday, so the Capitol Police moved in to make arrests. As usual, the Soros-funded rent-a-mob held
professionally made signs and were given t-shirts to wear.
arrested in anti-Kavanaugh protests at Senate buildings. U.S. Capitol Police arrested and charged more than 300
protesters Thursday afternoon [10/4/2018] for unlawfully demonstrating inside Senate office buildings following the FBI's
release of a report that found no corroborating evidence regarding sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee
Brett Kavanaugh. Around 3:30 p.m. local time, police assigned to the Capitol grounds arrested 293 people for
crowding, obstructing, or incommoding in the Hart Senate Office Building.
Politics of Hate and the Soul of Democracy. Kelley Paul, wife of Sen. Rand Paul, writes a heartfelt plea
to Sen. Cory Booker to dial down the rhetoric of hate and incitement. The Pauls live in a state of fear. The
senator was severely beaten by a deranged neighbor and still suffers the pain and physical damage of the beating.
Mrs. Paul sleeps with a loaded gun by her bed. The local sheriff makes extra patrols around their home.
Rather than apologize for Sen. Booker's incendiary comments, his staff seized on the tried-and-true "out of context"
excuse, the same grasp of rhetorical straws Madonna used when she explained away her desire to blow up the White House.
Maxine Waters is unapologetic about incitement, having doubled down on the get-in-their-face tactic visited upon Sarah
Sanders, now the only press secretary ever to need Secret Service protection, and more recently upon Sen. Ted Cruz, who
can't go out to dinner without being confronted by an angry in-your-face group of hooligans.
When Did the Democratic
Party Become Antifa? A Democratic Party lacking the White House, majorities in the House of Representatives and
Senate, and the Supreme Court imitated strength in practicing rudeness. Now, hours before the confirmation vote that
they sought to postpone, the Democrats' boisterousness appears, belatedly at least, as camouflage for weakness. This
weakness, which may seem anything but when in earshot of protesters, appears most apparent in the U.S. Senate.
Democrats lack the raw numbers to win. Unable to rely on an institutional or the democratic apparatus to derail Brett
Kavanaugh's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, they embraced a by-any-means-necessary strategy.
Powdery Substance Sent To Cruz Campaign Office, Two Hospitalized. First responders were called to the Houston
campaign offices of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday [10/2/2018] after staff received an envelope containing a white
powdery substance. Officials dispatched a HazMat team along with police and firefighters after a campaign staffer
opened the letter, according to The Weekly Standard.
Taking the advice of Maxine Waters: Anti-Kavanaugh
Protesters Harass Mitch McConnell at Airport. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday [10/1/2018] was
harassed at Washington's Reagan National Airport by protesters opposed to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. McConnell
(R-Ky.) has vowed that Kavanaugh will sit on the high court, despite allegations of sexual assault that have caused some
Republican senators to waver on supporting him.
husband, Rand Paul, and our family have suffered intimidation and threats. An open letter to Senator Cory
Booker: It's nine o'clock at night, and as I watch out the window, a sheriff's car slowly drives past my home. I
am grateful that they have offered to do extra patrols, as someone just posted our home address, and Rand's cell number, on
the internet — all part of a broader effort to intimidate and threaten Republican members of Congress and their
families. I now keep a loaded gun by my bed. Our security systems have had to be expanded. I have never
felt this way in my life. In the last 18 months, our family has experienced violence and threats of violence at a
horrifying level. I will never forget the morning of the shooting at the congressional baseball practice, the pure
relief and gratitude that flooded me when I realized that Rand was okay.
envelopes sent to White House and the Pentagon contained castor seeds and not ricin. A former navy sailor has
been been arrested for sending an envelope which was believed to have contained ricin to President Donald Trump.
William Clyde Allen III, 39, of Logan, Utah, was in custody on Wednesday and is seen grinning in his mugshot. He
reportedly served in the Navy from 1998 to 2002 as a fireman apprentice on supply and support ships. The announcement
of his arrest comes as three suspicious envelopes sent to the White House and Pentagon on Monday were found to contain castor
seeds and not ricin in its extracted form which can kill if inhaled.
restaurant hires guards after anti-Kavanaugh crowd harasses Ted Cruz and wife. The upscale Italian restaurant
Fiola will hire security guards after protesters confronted Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife while dining at the restaurant
last week. "We are now living in the aftermath of this PR disaster," the owner said in an email to customers.
Last Monday, the senator and Heidi Cruz were chased out by about a dozen protesters regarding Ted Cruz's support of embattled
Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. In the email sent last weekend, owner and chef Fabio Trabocchi said the
restaurant had to temporarily take down social media accounts because of hateful comments, and reservation lines were
inundated with callers taunting staff and threatening to destroy the restaurant. The email said Trabocchi and his wife,
Maria Font Trabocchi, have personally received death threats.
protecting Georgetown prof who wants to castrate white GOP Senators and feed them to pigs? Georgetown
University's provost's distinguished associate professor in the Security Studies Program at its Edmund A. Walsh School of
Foreign Service, Christine Fair, is at it again, standing out. [...] She certainly has a violent orientation, rather like the
Muslim societies she purports to be an expert on on her Georgetown bio page, where, curiously, she is listed as Carol C.
Fair. I do not know if that was a recent change in a bid to avoid Google keywords or some secretary's typo or what.
But notice the Islamic flavor of that sort of fantasy described in the tweet. And notice how she doesn't seem to ever get
into any trouble for it. She's not your ordinary crazy left-wing loony professor.
Kimmel goes below the belt, says Kavanaugh needs 'pesky penis' cut off in public. Comedian Jimmy Kimmel told
his ABC audience on Monday night that Judge Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed for the U.S. Supreme Court —
provided his "pesky penis" be cut off in public. The man who once put mystery objects down his pants on "The Man Show"
while asking women to guess what was inside says President Trump's pick for the high court should have his penis removed.
[...] "I think there's a compromise here. Hear me out on this," Mr. Kimmel said. "So, Kavanaugh gets
confirmed to the Supreme Court. OK. Well, in return we get to cut that pesky penis of his off in front of everyone."
The Editor says...
Yep, that's some witty comedy act. Makes me wonder why anyone watches his show.
Antifa Sends Threatening
Message To Ted Cruz After Disrupting His Dinner: 'You Are Not Safe'. The Washington, D.C. chapter of Antifa
sent a message to Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz early Tuesday morning after chasing him out of a restaurant, telling
the Texas senator that he is "not safe." Cruz was dining with his wife, Heidi, on Monday night [9/24/2018] when a large
crowd of protesters flooded the restaurant shouting "we believe survivors," referring to allegations of sexual misconduct against
Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a nominee to the Supreme Court who Cruz supports. Cruz and his wife promptly left the restaurant.
mob who ran Cruz from restaurant deletes all-encompassing threat for 'right-wing scum'. The fascist left was at
it again, harassing Republicans in public places, just as Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., instructed, this time setting
upon U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife, who were attempting to dine out at a Washington D.C. restaurant. A Twitter
account titled "Smash Racism DC," which affiliates itself with the domestic terrorist group Antifa, boasted of the intrusive
feat while sharing a video on Twitter — this form of political speech apparently accepting to CEO Jack Dorsey.
professor says white GOP senators 'deserve miserable deaths' after Kavanaugh hearing. An anti-Trump professor
at Georgetown University is taking heat for a tweet saying white Republican senators who were at Supreme Court nominee Brett
Kavanaugh's hearing Friday should be castrated and endure a miserable death. Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an
associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown, said white Republican senators, specifically Sen. Lindsey
Graham, R-SC, who defended Kavanaugh in a fiery speech, "deserve miserable deaths." Fair went on to say in her Saturday
[9/29/2018] message that the living should "castrate their corpses and feed them to swine."
Professor Says White Republicans Should Be Castrated, Fed To Swine. Georgetown University "distinguished
associate professor" Christine Fair thinks all white Republican senators in the Brett Kavanaugh hearing before the Senate
Judiciary Committee "deserve miserables deaths." Oh, and after they're dead, the professor — who describes
herself in her Twitter bio as an "inter-sectional feminist, pitbull apostle, scotch devotee, nontheist, resister" —
thinks they should be castrated and fed to pigs.
Kavanaugh' Tops Twitter Search and Hashtag Suggestions. Typing "kill" into Twitter's search function currently
returns a shocking result at the top of its search suggestions: "#KillKavanaugh." It's also currently the third
autocompleted suggestion in searches for "ki" and the fourth suggestion in searches for "k" as of this writing. That's
right — by typing a single letter into search, Twitter is suggesting that its users might be interested in a
hashtag about the murder of a federal judge and SCOTUS nominee.
Gillum staffer fired after calling for Trump's execution, wearing shirt deriding pro-Trump states. A youth
outreach staffer for Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has been terminated after calling for President
Trump's death on Twitter, and wearing a shirt calling pro-Trump states [a derisive nickname]. The staffer, 24-year-old Manny
Orozco-Ballestas, made a series of sexually graphic and politically charged comments on social media in 2012 and 2013, according
to fringe blogger Jacob Engels, who flagged the posts. In one 2013 post, Orozco-Ballestas wrote to Trump: "you need
to be executed."
Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter. Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies
for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies, Far Left Watch reported. "Dr. Bones," the
co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers.
Bones asked: "Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a
'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused
on holding/maintaining turf?" Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on
ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said that during the day comrades should pretend
to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."
101: Let your opponents eat in peace. Should we really care if people are rude to figures like Sen. Ted
Cruz, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen when they go out to
eat? The latest instance was captured on a viral video in which Cruz and his wife are hounded out of a popular
Washington restaurant by a bunch of angry left-wingers. Some are treating this as a sideshow, but it would be a mistake
to underestimate the importance of such incidents. While fears about the threat to democracy posed by Trump have become
a staple of liberal commentary, his opponents are demonstrating that the question of the future of our political system is
more of an issue than conservatives may have thought. While Trump has played a major role in coarsening our political
culture, it's also vital for those who oppose him to be honest about what they're doing to weaken the fabric of American democracy.
Cruz latest Republican accosted after Maxine Waters' call for confrontation. Sen. Ted Cruz became just the
latest target Monday of a harassment campaign that has gone after GOP lawmakers and Trump administration members, as
protesters forced him and his wife to flee a restaurant in Washington, D.C. The mob scenes have followed California
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters' call earlier this year for critics to accost Republicans in public places.
shouting 'we believe survivors' chase Ted Cruz from restaurant. Sen. Ted Cruz got run out of a restaurant
in Washington, DC, on Monday night by a group of activists — who shouted "We believe survivors" in protest of
Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his Supreme Court bid. Footage posted on Twitter by "Smash Racism DC" shows the demonstrators
in action, some of whom approach the Texas lawmaker and speak to him directly.
Activists Accost Cruz Family At Restaurant. Far-left activists harassed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his wife
Heidi out of a restaurant in Washington, D.C. on Monday night, according to a video posted by an Antifa Twitter account.
The activists repeatedly screamed "We believe survivors!" in the restaurant, disrupting the business and its customers, and
forcing the Cruz family to leave.
Ted Cruz & wife
harangued out of DC restaurant by anti-Kavanaugh protesters. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and his wife have been
forced out of a restaurant in Washington, DC, after they were mobbed by a group of anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters. A
video shows people chanting "We believe survivors!" A video posted on Twitter by Smash Racism DC group shows Cruz and his
wife Heidi being encircled by a crowd of agitated activists confronting the Texas Senator about his continued support for
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, [...]
Cruz and Wife Finished Meal at Fiola Restaurant 'in Peace' Minutes After Protesters Forced Them Out. Sen. Ted Cruz
(R-TX) and his wife Heidi returned minutes later to Fiola, a downtown D.C. restaurant where they were heckled by liberal protesters who
forced them to leave and finished their meal, according to a statement from the restaurant's owner and chef, Fabio Trabocchi. [...] Videos
posted by a leftist group of the protesters harassing the Cruzes. [Video clip]
Cruz is hounded out of a restaurant in DC by anti-Kavanaugh protesters. Demonstrators ambushed Ted Cruz in a
restaurant in Washington DC last night, surrounding his table shouting 'We believe survivors', which prompted the Senator and
his wife to leave. The protesters were heckling Cruz in protest of US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who has
been accused of sexual misconduct by two women. Footage shows protesters approaching Cruz in Fiola, a high-end Italian
restaurant a few hundred yards from the U.S. Capitol, demanding to know his position on Kavanaugh and asking him if he
believes survivors.
admits to calling, threatening Congress members. Federal agents said they arrested a man in Florida this week
after he admitted to making threatening phone calls to members of Congress who "made him angry." The suspect, identified
as Richard Mel Phillips, 36, "smiled" when FBI agents played back the voicemail recordings when they visited the home he shares
with his mother. After the FBI identified Phillips as the caller, they charged him with transmitting threatening
communications, Lakeland newspaper the Ledger reported.
of Unhinged Kavanaugh Protesters Descend on Capitol Hill — Dozens Arrested. Far-left protesters
donning "Be a Hero" t-shirts flooded the Russel Rotunda on Capitol Hill Monday morning [9/24/2018] chanting "We believe the women!"
Other protesters lined the hallways outside of Jeff Flake's and Susan Collins' offices. Capitol police began to make
arrests early Monday afternoon; dozens so far have been arrested according to USA Today.
now call Trump supporters the 'dregs of society'. Watch out Trump supporters! Former Vice President
Joseph R. Biden is on the trail and has downgraded you from "deplorables" to the "dregs of society." It's the September
before an election, and like well-oiled machines, Democratic leadership crawls out of their basement, ready to instill fear,
division and loathing into the American electorate. And they hate you even more than they did before. One would
think they would have learned that denigrating the American people is passe, but it's all they have, and yet they still have
to have you rubes, rednecks and deplorables for your vote. But their biggest insult is to their own base whom they
believe are so unhinged and lacking of a moral compass, that casting their neighbors as something less than human will
inspire them.
Marshals capture 27-year-old fugitive who wanted to 'put a bullet in Trump's head'. The Pennsylvania man
accused of threatening President Donald Trump and law enforcement officials has been arrested in Ohio. Shawn Richard
Christy was taken into custody at 4.45 pm Friday [9/21/2018] in Mifflin Township, near Columbus, by US Marshals Service
and task force members from Ohio and Pennsylvania. A federal warrant was issued June 19 for the 27-year-old McAdoo
man in connection to Facebook posts threatening to shoot Trump and a district attorney in Pennsylvania.
Kavanaugh, wife and Christine Blasey Ford all receiving death threats. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's
wife, Ashley, has been receiving graphic and violent threats, according to emails obtained by Fox News, following reported
harassment also directed at accuser Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh himself.
The Death Threats Mrs.
Kavanaugh Is Getting Will Churn Your Stomach. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's wife Ashley Estes
Kavanaugh has received a battery of death threats in recent days, after allegations appeared in the press that the judge
sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in 1982. The vivid missives are just one iteration of the inflamed rhetoric
surrounding Kavanaugh's nomination to the high court, following Ford's accusations. The Ford family has similarly been
threatened. "May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell," one message to Mrs. Kavanaugh read.
The Editor says...
A thousand years from now, there will be a lot of lying, baby-killing Democrats who will be very surprised about who's in Hell and who's not.
Mad Maxine Waters Encourages 'Resistance' to "Knock Off" President Trump. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)
took her calls for violence against the President to the next level this weekend and encouraged the resistance to "knock off"
Trump. Maxine Waters accepted a 'Diversity' award in Washington DC this weekend when she went on a warpath against President
Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
debate turns to visions of murder. For the feminist red-hots, abortion has become a rite of passage. The
only thing wrong with abortion is that you have to get a man involved to need an abortion in the first place. Denise
McAllister, a frequent Fox News guest, public speaker and contributor to PJ Media, offered the observation the other day that
feminists and other abortion advocates regard abortion as an easy solution to irresponsible sexual adventuring. She has
been threatened with death by strangulation or rape and forcible abortion, presumably to show her the good times she has been
Days Later: CNN Has Still Not Done A Story About Farzad Fazeli Who Attempted To Stab Republican Candidate. It has been
two days since a man named Farzad Fazeli tried to stab Republican congressional candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade and CNN has still
not covered the story. [...] Do you think CNN would ignore this story if the political roles were reversed? Imagine if a Trump supporter
tried to stab a Democrat candidate for Congress. Does anyone believe CNN would ignore that? They would likely turn it into a
lead story and run it for days.
On Republicans: Hatemongers On The Left Spur Increased Violence. In case you haven't heard —
which would not be surprising, given the general media blackout on such events — attacks on Republicans are
increasing and increasingly dangerous. In just the past few days: A California resident attacked California GOP
congressional candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade. Witnesses said the assailant was spewing profanity-laced
remarks about Trump and the Republican Party. A Republican Party office in Laramie, Wyoming caught fire — in
what officials suspect was arson — just days after it opened. A deranged driver repeatedly rammed his truck
into a local Fox News affiliate in Dallas, Texas. Also this week, a leftist threatened to commit mass slaughter at a
"Make America Great" event at Trump's hotel in DC.
Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery [and] Urinating on Flags. On Monday [9/10/2018] George Gatteny was driving
near the Somerville Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Massachusetts when he noticed a man pulling miniature flags from the ground in the
veterans cemetery. Gatteny then saw the man urinate on the US flags that he threw on the ground.
of Rape and Strangling' Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet. Last week, PJ Media
contributor and Fox News guest Denise McAllister sent out a powerful tweet denouncing the abortion movement. Little did
she know, days later she would be in hiding, scared for her life. When she went public about receiving death and rape
threats, pro-abortion Twitter users championed the threats against her. "At the root of [abortion] hysteria is women's
unhinged desire for irresponsible sex. Sex is their god. Abortion is their sacrament," McAllister tweeted.
"It's abhorrent as women have flung themselves from the heights of being the world's civilizing force to the muck and mire of
dehumanizing depravity."
Against Right Escalates as Media Amp up Hate-Rhetoric Against Trump. Incidents of violence and threats against
the political right have escalated as the establishment media amp up its hate rhetoric against President Trump and his
supporters. The morning after Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd compared media critics to racist segregationists
and singled out Fox News as one of America's biggest problems, a man in a "mentally agitated state," and apparently upset over
an officer involved shooting, intentionally crashed his vehicle into the studios of FOX 4 in Dallas, Texas.
CNN Ignores
Switchblade Attack On GOP Congressional Candidate. More than 24 hours after authorities announced the arrest of
a California man who allegedly tried to stab a Republican congressional candidate, CNN has yet to inform its audience of the story.
Farzad Fazeli, 35, allegedly made disparaging remarks about the Republican Party before pulling out a switchblade and attempting to
stab Rudy Peters at a festival Sunday, according to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office. Peters is the Republican nominee in
California's 15th Congressional District, where he is challenging incumbent Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell.
murder of GOP candidate for Congress narrowly foiled. The extreme hatred for President Trump and Republicans
being unceasingly spewed from the left is having its inevitable result, with an attempted murder of a candidate for Congress
that was averted only by the faulty equipment employed by the assassin. The national media have not yet even noted the
murder attempt, according to a Google search of the intended victim's name at 8:37 AM EDT, three days after the incident.
GOP House candidate used campaign sign to protect himself from knife attacker, investigator says. A Republican House
candidate in Northern California was attacked by a knife-wielding man who was shouting profanities about President Donald Trump at a
local fair over the weekend, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Tuesday [9/11/2018], citing authorities. Alameda County Sheriff's
Office spokesman Sgt. Ray Kelly said no one was seriously injured when Farzad Fazeli allegedly attacked Rudy Peters at the
Castro Valley Fall Festival on Sunday afternoon. Kelly said Peters was manning one of the vendor booths at the festival when Fazeli,
35, approached him "in an aggressive manner and made disparaging remarks about his political party and elected officials."
Farzad Fazeli: 5 Fast Facts.
Farzad Fazeli has posted anti-Trump statements on his Facebook page over the past two years. In September 2017, Fazeli
wrote, "Hurricane Irma... Payback for voting Donald Trump." In February 2017, Fazeli wrote a Facebook post blaming Trump
for the Parkland high school shooting.
arrested after attempted switchblade attack on East Bay political candidate. A man is behind bars after his
arrest in connection with an attempted assault incident on a political candidate, authorities said. About 3:45 p.m.
Sunday, Alameda County sheriff's deputies were working the Castro Valley Fall Festival in the 2500 block of Castro Valley Boulevard
when they learned of a possible knife attack at a nearby vendor booth, the sheriff's department said Tuesday. Deputies spoke
with Rudy Peters, a candidate for a local congressional seat, and with witnesses who said another man had approached Peters
aggressively, making remarks about his party and other politicians.
Man Arrested After Trying to Stab Republican Congressional Candidate. Against the ongoing physical attacks and
assassination attempts by the political left against Republicans (Rand Paul, Steve Scalise and Lee Zeldin); and amid
instructions from Democrat Maxine Waters to target political opposition (Sarah Sanders, Kirstjen Nielsen, Pam Bondi etc); and
with the mid-term elections less than two months away; the latest attack against republican candidate Rudy Peters becomes
even more alarming. According to police and media reports, Mr. Farzad Fazeli, 35 (left), was arrested after
attempting to stab Republican congressional candidate Randy Peters with switchblade in Castro Valley, CA.
Valley Man Accused Of Switchblade Assault On GOP Congressional Candidate. A man was arrested on suspicion of
felony assault and other charges after allegedly attempting to stab a Republican congressional candidate with a switchblade
over the weekend at in Castro Valley, according to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office. On Sunday [9/9/2018], September 9,
at approximately 3:45 p.m., deputies working at the Castro Valley Fall Festival were alerted to a possible knife attack at one
of the vendor booths.
No, Dick Durbin, That's Not the 'Noise
of Democracy.' It's a Mob. "What we heard is the noise of democracy," declared Democratic Senator Dick Durbin
of Illinois, praising those who tried to break up Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's hearing. "This is what
happens in a free country when people can stand up and speak and not be jailed, imprisoned, tortured or killed because of
it." No, senator, the protesters did not scream with the voice of democracy. They reject the 2016 election.
That was the voice of democracy. They howled with the voice of bullies who want to subvert democracy. But is
America a democracy? No, not in the way Durbin thinks.
Trump' Brutally Stabbed During Rally. Jair Bolsonaro, a longtime politician and leading candidate in Brazil's
presidential elections, was brutally stabbed during a campaign rally Thursday [9/6/2018]. Right-wing presidential
candidate Bolsonaro was stabbed in the abdomen by an assailant while passing through a large crowd of supporters.
Footage shows Bolsonaro getting stabbed and then promptly rushed to a vehicle.
James Woods Warns Conservatives:
Get Armed and Vote, Your Life Depends On It. Where once the Democrat Party, led by Barack Obama, feigned to be
the party of peace, love, and acceptance, we now have a party that openly incites violence against their political
opponents. Where once Obama had denounced discourse that places "the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of
those who think differently than we do," we now hear Republicans accused of aiding a racist and abetting Nazi ideals.
Where once he urged us to talk "with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds," we now hear leading Democrats
openly urging their supporters to publicly harass those they disagree with politically. Such is the case of one Maxine
Waters who told voters, "If you see anybody from that (Trump) cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline
station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."
Maxine Waters Brags That She Threatens Trump Supporters 'All The Time'. Rep. Maxine Waters, already not
the most stable person in the world, appears to have gone off the deep end. The California Democrat has long called for
the impeachment of President Trump, but on Saturday, she went further — much further — while accepting
an award from the Stonewall Young Democrats in Los Angeles. Waters called on her supporters to seek out Trump administration
officials and berate them — and said she does that "all the time." "There are those who said we lacked civility
when I got up and talked about the President's Cabinet, and I said if you see them anywhere, if you see them at a restaurant,
if you see them in a department store, even at a gasoline station, just tell them you're not welcome here or anywhere," Waters
said to cheers.
Police Arrested 143 Protesters in the First Two Days of the Kavanaugh Hearings. From the very first moments of
the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Trump's second Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats and
protesters interrupted and shouted down the proceedings. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) likened the
situation to "mob rule," and the Capitol Police reported that in the first two days, they have arrested 143 protesters.
"The United States Capitol Police responded to numerous incidents of unlawful demonstration activities within the Senate
Office Buildings that were associated with today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing," the police said in a statement on
Wednesday evening [9/5/2018].
Kavanaugh's family are escorted from his confirmation hearing. Brett Kavanaugh vows to be an 'umpire — a
neutral and impartial arbiter' on the Supreme Court as the first day of his confirmation hearing was disrupted by protesters
and Democrats alike. [...] Seventy protesters were arrested, according to a statement from U.S. Capitol Police. The day
grew dragged on and grew so contentious that Kavanaugh's two young daughters were escorted from the room although they
returned in the afternoon to hear their father's opening statement.
daughters [were] rushed out of chaotic, 'hot' hearing. As Democratic senators fought to delay the hearing of Supreme
Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and as spectators jarringly heckled the process Tuesday [9/4/2018], his two young daughters
were rushed from the hearing room, according to sources. The two, Margaret and Liza, were taken out by their mother,
Ashley, as the hearing got "hot," said one insider. "It was very unpleasant for young children," said the insider.
arrested, charged amid protests at Kavanaugh hearings. The U.S. Capitol Police on Wednesday [9/5/2018] arrested and
charged three people with "unlawful demonstration activities" during Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, bringing the total
number to 73 since the beginning of his hearings. Authorities arrested 70 on Tuesday at the Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing, The Wall Street Journal reported. The majority of those arrested were removed from the Committee room inside
the Hart Senate Office Building. Sixty-six people were charged with disorderly conduct, and six were charged with "crowding,
obstructing or incommoding," a statement obtained by Fox News, read. One person was charged with resisting arrest.
Texas Doctors Saw Protesters at Kavanaugh Hearing Paid in Cash. Author and commentator Adam W. Schindler
interviewed three Texas doctors who traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh
on Tuesday. The three doctors witnessed troublemakers being paid in cash. [...] We were also informed by NBC News
yesterday by a Capitol Hill correspondent that Chuck Schumer pre-planned the outrageous protests at the hearing. Since
Schumer organized the near-riots at the hearing, where did the cash come from? Which far-left groups is this useful
idiot in league with?
Deploy Alinsky Tactics — Create Chaos, Crisis During Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings. From the first
moment the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing began to confirm Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the insane influence of
the far-left political apparatus was obvious. As screaming protesters responded to the cues of Democrats on the
committee the coordination and optics were transparent. Creating chaos and crisis is a typical Alinsky political
strategy to advance left-wing causes. The childish antics, visible rage and unhinged behavior will backfire in a
significant manner. Don't look away; these crazy ideologues are the people who are trying to win the 2018
election. Imagine if they ever had political power again.
Permeation of Propaganda in the College Student Brain. [T]o any freedom-loving American, the spectacle of
censoring speakers such as Candace Owens, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, David Horowitz, and others is so terrifying. Yet, "on Feb. 1,
2017, the University of California, Berkeley erupted into violence. Former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was set to
speak and an estimated 1,500 people showed up to protest, some with the goal of shutting down the speech 'by any means necessary.'
Protesters set fires, hurled Molotov cocktails, and allegedly assaulted other members of the crowd. Their efforts were successful.
The speech was canceled. There was $100,000 worth of damage. In an essay for the Berkeley student newspaper, one student wrote,
'Behind those bandanas and black T-shirts were the faces of your fellow UC Berkeley and Berkeley City College students[.]'"
High School Student
Arrested For Assaulting Classmate, Teacher Over MAGA Hat. A high school student in El Dorado, Calif., was
arrested Monday [8/27/2018] after assaulting both a classmate and a teacher in a fight over a "Make America Great Again"
hat. According to El Dorado Sheriff's Sgt. Anthony Prencipe, Jo-Ann Butler, a 17-year-old senior at Union
Mine High School, became enraged at a classmate for wearing a MAGA hat. At one point during her assault, Butler grabbed
the student's hat and threw it from his head. The teacher then asked Butler to leave — but she returned, at
which point she slapped the teacher's arm as he tried to physically separate her from the hat's owner.
We Must Fight
Back. The Left is out for blood. In recent years, they have come to see their ideological opponents not
as fellow Americans with whom they happen to disagree on certain issues, but as fundamentally bad people who do not deserve a
voice and who should be silenced. If they ever gain power in government again, they will not seek reconciliation with
the other side or to bridge the partisan divide. Instead, revenge will be the order of the day. It is absurd to think
that the same people who consider Donald Trump a fascist and his supporters "deplorable" want anything other than revenge.
The protesters
have become the Democratic Party. The Battle of Michigan Avenue is finally over, and it was won by the
protesters. The lopsided fight between anti-war demonstrators and the brutish police force of Chicago's Democratic
Mayor Richard Daley the night of Aug. 28, 1968, in the midst of the Democratic convention, was a debacle for the
left. The protests didn't stop the Vietnam War or the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hubert Humphrey, the sitting vice
president who was much too establishment for the radicals.
Jeffrey Toobin Falsely Blames Antifa Violence on Black Americans. CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin
bizarrely pinned the blame for Antifa violence on black Americans Tuesday night [8/28/2018], saying that the far-left group
is "widely perceived as an African-American organization." In response to President Trump warning of Antifa violence
should Democrats win the midterms, Jeffrey Toobin said, "Let's be clear also about what's going on here. The theme here
is, 'I'm Donald Trump and I'll protect you from the scary black people.'" "Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American
organization, and this is just part of the same story of LeBron James and Don Lemon and Maxine Waters and the NFL players and
the UCLA basketball players," he continued.
Wheaton Driven Off Social Media By 'Very, Very Angry' Social Justice Warriors. Wil Wheaton is an actor best
known for playing the role of Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. [...] Anyway, earlier this month
Wheaton decided to ditch his Twitter account in protest of the fact that Twitter was refusing to ban Alex Jones from the site
even after other social media sites (Facebook, YouTube) had obliterated Jones. Wheaton wasn't just looking to make a
momentary protest, he decided to abandon the site for good. In a post on his own website, he said Twitter had stopped
being fun, thanks mostly to terrible people on the right: [...] So, Wheaton deleted his Twitter account and moved onto a
smaller site called Mastodon thinking that there, away from the terrible right-wingers infesting Twitter, he could recapture
some of the early fun of social media. What happened next surprised him.
Stalker Of
Turning Point USA Arrested. A Chicago-area leftist has entered a plea of not guilty to threatening to "shoot"
and "blow up" a Turning Point USA-sponsored conference of conservative high school students that took place a month ago
in the nation's capital.
Jacksonville Madden Shooter Criticized
'Trumptards' On Reddit. Jacksonville mass shooter David Katz, 24, was a Redditor who hated Trump supporters and
mocked "mericans" as "retarded." "You trumptards seriously can never stop amazing everyone with how mentally challenged
you guys are," Katz wrote late last year [...] under the name "ravenchamps."
violent Left is a serious problem, stop parroting their propaganda. On Sunday [8/12/2018], a relatively small
group of white nationalists, under the banner of "Unite the Right," chose to make an ostentatious celebration of the
anniversary of their rally in Charlottesville — the one in which one of their number killed a counterprotester
with his car. This time, they protested directly in front of the White House. Naturally, this attracted a
significantly larger counterprotest, filled mostly with goodwill opponents of their racist ideology. But the
hooligan-like behavior of some in the crowd, who threw eggs and water bottles and shot fireworks at journalists and the
police, served as a reminder that the Hitler Junior crowd, odious as they are, are a much smaller and less threatening
gang than the so-called "antifa," that mob of militant leftists known for their political street violence.
We are Slaves
to the Children of the Lie. Over recent years, we watched alt-right figures get assaulted, falsely maligned,
and de-platformed because they defend white people. White men are hated in America because most are conservative
Christians, like those who founded and built our great country. Some in the alt-right unfortunately fall to anger and
blame — and the left is quick to point it out as "hate." But the left loves hate. They "love" angry blacks,
feminists, homosexuals, illegal aliens and Muslims. People on the side of evil control others with anger, using their hate
to gain votes, power and wealth. We watched Trump supporters get similarly attacked with violence and censorship —
worse today than ever!
Massive retaliation.
[President] Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election by
Mueller is to be expanded to include all participants and all activities in the campaign without limit. Mueller's new charge would be
"to determine whether there were any irregularities of any nature whatsoever in the 2016 campaign from any source whatsoever," with a special
focus and separate report on the violence at Trump rallies. This separate report will include a description of the participants in the
violence; their method of organization and transportation; their leadership — including the roles of Robert Creamer and Scott Foval,
if any — and how, by how much, and from whom they were financed.
Sanders supporter protesting right-wing rally with American flag beaten up by Antifa, video shows. A registered
Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter protesting a right-wing rally in Oregon earlier this month says he was viciously beaten
by militant members of his own movement because he possessed a "fascist symbol" — an American flag. Paul
Welch told The Oregonian/Oregon Live he took the flag with him when he went to Portland Aug. 4 to oppose a right-wing rally
being held at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park. Though the American flag is more commonly associated with the conservative
movement, Welch, an Oregon man who voted for Sanders during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, said he wanted to
"take it back."
Democrat encouraging the assassination of Trump. Forget about excusing this as "only a joke." Jokes are a well
recognized means of expressing hostility while pretending not to. We have already seen a Bernie Bro attempt to assassinate
a number of Congressional Republicans on a softball field, so any sane person understands that provocations issued by a person
in a position of public trust and authority should not go anywhere near inciting violence. Yet Alcee Hastings, a senior
Democratic whip in the House of Representatives, and a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, offered a threatening
joke to a rally on Sunday [8/19/2018]. As the poor quality of the video embedded below attests, TV cameras were not there
to record the event, and Hastings probably didn't expect the broader public to become aware of his incitement.
House Democrat
made death joke about Trump. I can remember when making jokes about a sitting president dying were at the very
least frowned upon, or even called racist. But in the age of Trump there are apparently no such rules on the left for
Democrat Alcee Hastings and his cheering fans: [Video clip]
With the Masks? Antifa mask-wearers are as likely as not to wreck property, smash store windows, assault and
batter law enforcement and first responders, and to do their best to recreate Kristallnacht images on the streets where they
demonstrate. They are entitled to speak and to engage in every form of protected communication. But Congress has
to go beyond threatening, and it has to legislate a federal content-neutral ban against wearing masks that addresses the same
concerns that have led some states successfully to ban Klansmen from hooding their faces. It is not about the politics
of KKK or Antifa. It is about barring people from hiding their identities from law enforcement in anticipation of
perpetrating violence and other felonies.
They Wonder Why We're Angry. Journalistic coverage of President Trump is more than 90 percent negative.
When a gunman attacked a newspaper in Maryland, one journalist was willing to immediately falsely report that the shooter was
wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat. Journalistic reports on the "killing" of the president or "impeachment" of the
president were exponentially higher for President Trump than Presidents Bush and Obama in their first six months of their first
terms. Artists and comedians uphold the interpretive concept of beheading the president. All of this factors into
hundreds of violent attacks on Trump-supporters who are falsely and uniformly represented as neo-Nazis, KKK members, and
"Alt-Right" fanatics.
left is not exactly rallying for the clown who smashed up Trump's Hollywood star. The Chamber of Commerce sees
the light, too. Instead of caving in, as you would expect it to do in a rabidly left-wing metropolis, the CoC wants the
book thrown at him, like Trump or not. Those guys know that if this clown gets away with his star vandalism, pretty
much any star on that walkway it runs is vulnerable to a smash-up. With stars costing around $20,000 to replace into
the walkway, that's a lot of money for the Chamber to cough up any time there's a political hiccup. It's actually
important that this clown get some consequences for his stunt. We wouldn't dream of encouraging the nice white walls of
the Obama monument in Chicago to meet a similar fate, but who knows what will happen once a precedent is set? Busting
miscreants works better.
Activists on Video Threaten to Kill President Trump. Antifa activists counter-protesting the so-called 'Unite
the Right 2' rally across from the White House in Washington, D.C. on Sunday [8/12/2018] spoke on camera to Daily Caller reporter Benny
Johnson, bluntly stating they want to murder President Donald Trump.
Antifa's Violence Against 'Bigots' Is 'Right'. Chris Cuomo announced Monday night that CNN will not condemn but
instead justify political violence against anyone it defines as "bigots" — which, according to the network's
editorial tone over the past two years, signals open season on all Trump supporters for violent activists like Antifa and the
Black Bloc. To legitimize political violence, Cuomo said, "All punches are not equal morally... Drawing a moral
equivalency between those espousing hate and those fighting it, because they both resort to violence emboldens hate,
legitimized hateful belief and elevates what should be stamped out."
CNN: Antifa Promises 'Bullets' For Political Rivals — Is That 'News?'. About that 'politically divisive'
discourse? It was impossible to ignore this enormous pro-violence banner. Unless you were willfully blind to it.
There was a great big banner telling all the world what their true feelings are. The brick-chucking, bike-lock-swinging punks
unveiled a new slogan. [Video clip]
Shorter Cuomo:
It's okay when our side is violent. If I was given one wish to make sure the mainstream news media did
everything humanly possible to secure a Red Wave in November, I would wish that they keep doing what they're doing.
Last night on his barely watched primetime show, Chris Cuomo made a furious defense of the Antifa thugs who attacked police
and reporters in Charlottesville and DC over the weekend.
Cuomo Says Antifa's Fight Is Moral Even After They Attack Cops, Reporters. CNN's Chris Cuomo suggested on
Monday night that violence carried out by Antifa is not as bad as violence committed by racists because Antifa's cause is
moral and just — even after they attacked police and reporters over the weekend at the "Unite the Right" rally in
Washington, D.C. The segment came after a couple of dozen racists came out in support of the "Unite the Right" rally and
were met by a large gathering of Antifa thugs who ended up attacking reporters and police officers. Cuomo downplayed
Antifa's violence by saying they only "confronted" police and "berated" journalists.
Attacks Journalists; Journalists Then Shamed for Reporting On It. What a mess the radical left has made of
reality this week, particularly when it comes to Antifa and their quest to literally kill the President. Antifa,
or the "anti-fascist" wing of the militant, radical left has long been attempting to convince us that they are freedom
fighters of some sort, even though they themselves are openly advocating against the First Amendment, and promoting
the same sort of authoritarian culture control that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power in the 1930's. Now, they have
even somehow convinced the mainstream media that reporting truthfully on their actions is somehow wrong, even when
those actions were vile, reprehensible, and downright fascist in their own regard.
Want Race War. The news cycle today [8/12/2018] has been dominated by reports regarding protests and counter-protests
in the streets of Washington D.C. One year has passed since the Charlottesville confrontation between White Supremacists, Antifa,
and Black Lives Matter, where a car was driven through the crowd resulting in one death, and nineteen injuries. The scene at
our country's capital today is being reported as a clash of opposites. White Nationalists (supremacists) versus anti-fascists
and pro-minority groups. The dirty little secret is both groups are a part of the same anti-liberty and anti-Constitution
coup facing the United States of America.
Veteran Struck in Head with Bike Lock at Rhode Island Antifa 'Protest'. A U.S. Army veteran and former candidate for U.S.
Congress was struck in the head with a bike lock after an Antifa protest at the Rhode Island State House on August 4. "According
to police logs, Alexander Carrion, 34 of Providence, was arrested on the scene for "assault with intent to commit a felony —
serious injury, and disorderly conduct. This is not the first time Carrion has been arrested at rallies in Rhode Island. In
2016, he was arrested while demonstrating against then candidate President Donald J. Trump at rally in Warwick," said The Ocean
State Current.
Protesters Caught On Video Threatening To Kill President. One year ago, President Trump told the American
people that there was "violence on both sides" during the Charlottesville riots. Those riots pitted neo-Nazis marching
in the city against Antifa and other progressive groups. The powder keg was lit and both sides committed acts of
violence against each other. The riots left many injured and one activist lost her life when awhite [sic] supremacists
[sic] rammed his car into a crowd.
Rewrite the History of Antifa Right Before Our Eyes. The media and the Democrats are rewriting the history of
Antifa, even history that took place only yesterday [8/11/2018]. You won't hear about the riots yesterday since it was
Antifa against the police and the media. There were no right-wingers to blame and only 25 to blame today. Senator
Tim Kaine told The Daily Caller he knows nothing about Antifa despite the fact that his son being a member of the
group. For her part, Pelosi can only remember the death of Heather Heyer last year and nothing of the rioting Antifa
and Black Lives Matter. The media never noticed the Anarcho-Communists last year.
Force Restaurant Owner to Apologize for Letting Jeff Sessions Dine in Peace. It's a very sad state of affairs
in this country when the left makes it impossible for people to be proud of government officials, to pose with them for
photos, or show them the respect of serving them in a restaurant. The owner of El Tiempo Cantina was forced to shut
down his eatery's social media presence and publicly apologize last week after Stalinist Democrats harassed his family for
allowing Attorney Jeff Sessions to dine at his restaurant. "We've actually received many, many, many insults and many,
many complaints, and even some death threats," Roland Laurenzo, the president of Laurenzo's Restaurant Group said in a phone
interview with station KHOU.
March in Charlottesville Turns Anti-Police: 'Cops and Klan Go Hand in Hand!' A march attended by Antifa to
commemorate the anniversary of last summer's Charlottesville rally devolved into an anti-police protest on Saturday [8/11/2018]
night. Shortly before a pre-planned evening rally to mark the anniversary of a campus confrontation between torch-carrying
white nationalists and counterprotesters, activists unfurled a banner that read, "Last year they came w/ torches. This year
they come w/ badges." "Why are you in riot gear? We don't see no riot here," Antifa members chanted Saturday evening.
Activists Threaten Cops. Members of the left-wing activist group "Antifa" threatened Washington, DC, police officers during a
counter-protest to the "Unite the Right 2" rally in D.C.'s Lafayette Park on Sunday [8/12/2018]. Videos of the encounter showed the
activists dressed in all black and carrying red flags physically and verbally abusing officers with D.C.'s Metropolitan Police Department
as they tried to keep the peace during the demonstration.
Vastly Outnumber White Nationalists as Unite the Right Rally Cut Short. Far-left protesters vastly outnumbered
white nationalists at opposing rallies in Washington, DC, on Sunday [8/12/2018], the anniversary of last year's Charlottesville
rally. Jason Kessler, who led the white nationalist rally in Virginia last year, and about two dozen other people were
escorted by police as they arrived at Lafayette Park for the "Unite the Right 2" rally, where they were met by thousands of
Lives Matter Activists Surround Cars, Attack Drivers. Black Lives Matter activists wearing ski masks attacked
and threatened drivers in Washington, D.C. during a counter-protest against the "Unite the Right 2" protest in Lafayette
Park. In footage taken by Breitbart News, Black Lives Matter activists can be seen attacking cars and threatening
drivers who were attempting to drive down the streets of Washington, D.C. [Video clip]
A Clash of Left vs. Left? On August 12, 2017, a free speech rally arrived in Charlottesville to stop the
removal of the statue commemorating Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Then a group of Neo-Nazis, white knights,
alt-right trolls, white nationalists, and other white supremacists showed up. They wanted to protect the statue,
albeit for different reasons. [...] The (left-wing) mainstream media hyped up this violent clash as a battle between white
supremacists on the Right against the anti-fascist Left. Wrong. Both sides are different variants of the
political Left. It's common knowledge that Antifa is as fascist as it gets, using violence and repression to advance
their anti-nation, anti-liberty, anti-American agenda. It's not as well-known that alt-right protesters are actually
left-wing agitators, too.
Ten Most Hateful Americans and Why they Matter. The American Left is stoking hatred and it's tearing us
apart. Our media is guilty of not only of failing to shame those responsible, in many cases they egg them on, giving
them a platform. The volume of irrational hatred spewing into our ether is extremely unhealthy, even dangerous for our
republic and the broader American culture.
Antifa, The
Real Fascists. Foul-mouthed Antifa demonstrators went on a rampage August 6 as they assaulted two high-profile
conservative activists at a downtown Philadelphia restaurant for being conservatives and supporters of President Trump.
The attack came the day after Antifa smashed the windows at a U.S. Marine Corps recruiting office in Berkeley, Calif., during
a leftist counter-protest of a "No to Marxism" rally. Twenty people were arrested. "Besides the damage to the
Marine Corps post, Berkeley police also said 'an extremist element among a large group' damaged 21 city vehicles, setting one
on fire, and slashed their tires," Fox News reported. The incident in Pennsylvania's biggest city also came after the
leftist mayor of Portland, Ore., Ted Wheeler (D), allowed anarchy to break out in his city, instead of cracking down on
Antifa troublemaking. For 38 days Wheeler, who is also police commissioner, allowed hundreds of his Antifa allies to
unlawfully occupy public property at an Occupy ICE protest site that eventually became a biohazard.
Chants Death to America. Open borders protesters and members of the left-wing anarchist group Antifa chanted
death to America during a counter-protest in Washington, DC, on Sunday [8/12/2018]. In a video by Breitbart News' Ian
Mason, Antifa members and open borders activists can be heard and seen marching down streets throughout Washington, DC,
demanding an end to the United States. "No border, no wall, no USA at all!" Antifa and open borders activists chanted.
Rally Turns Into Anti-Police Protest. When we originally heard that there was going to be a major rally in
Charlottesville yesterday [8/11/2018] on the one-year anniversary of the bloodshed at the first Unite the Right march, there
was obvious reason for concern. Would the same group of neo-Nazis and wannabe Klansmen show up again leading to a
battle with counterprotesters? Antifa showed up early in significant numbers, claiming that they were simply there to
honor the memory of Heather Heyer, the young woman who died when one of the Klan supporters plowed his car into the crowd.
But taking one look at their outfits and equipment it seemed obvious they were prepared for more than a memorial service.
Fortunately, law enforcement was out on the streets in large numbers, keeping an eye out for trouble and ready to respond.
Here's the curious, if not alarming part of the story. The white supremacists didn't show up. (They were probably
already on their way to Washington.) But even stranger than that was the fact that most of the protesters didn't seem
to be there to raise their voices against the Klan or Nazis or racism. They were there to protest the cops.
'Jokes' About Marsha Blackburn Jumping Off A Bridge. Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen "joked" that Republican
Rep. Marsha Blackburn should jump off a bridge when speaking about the hotly contested race in Tennessee. As noted
by Breitbart, both Cohen and Blackburn represent districts in Tennessee. Cohen has been campaigning with Democrat
candidate Gov. Phil Bredesen, who is running against Blackburn for the vacant Senate seat.
Rep. 'Jokes' About GOP Rep. Jumping Off A Bridge. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), the same man who said
disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok deserved a Purple Heart when Strzok testified before Congress, said he was joking last month
when he stated he wished Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) would jump off a bridge. Audio of Cohen making the remarks
while speaking to a group of pastors at a prayer breakfast was retrieved by HuffPost; it showed Cohen discussing the 2018
U.S. Senate race in Tennessee, in which Blackburn is running against former Gov. Phil Bredesen (D). As Blackburn is
a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, who has publicly endorsed her, Cohen mocked her for being obsequious, asserting,
"The big orange president ... He's going to come down here and he's going to endorse Marsha Blackburn, because Marsha Blackburn,
if he says, 'Jump off the Harahan Bridge,' she'll jump off the Harahan Bridge. I wish he'd say that." As the
audience laughed, Cohen added, "She will do anything he says."
Goon Who Hit People With A Bike Lock Gets 3 Years Probation. Even given the tendency of judges to later drop or
downgrade the charges against people involved in left-wing protests, I'm pretty surprised by this one. Eric Clanton is
the Antifa member who was caught on video last April swinging a metal bike lock and bashing a Trump supporter in the
skull. Clanton was facing four felony counts of assault, but Berkeleyside reports those charges were dropped in favor
of a single misdemeanor charge.
Professor Walks After Felony Assault Of Trump Supporters. Justice in California? Don't make me
laugh. Today, we saw how an Antifa Professor walks with no jail time after assaulting Trump supporters and injuring
three of them with a steel U-lock, officially classified as a deadly weapon according to California law. Eric Clanton,a
college philosophy professor, was originally charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great
bodily injury, plus a misdemeanor charge that Clanton wore a mask during the commission of the crime.
The Left Wants
War, Give It to Them. If you're not ready to go to war, you're not paying attention. The war is already
on. It is escalating with or without your participation. [...] In March 2016, three men in Georgia threatened a
homeowner with a gun over a Trump campaign sign in his front yard. In May 2016, a Trump supporter in California needed
a half-dozen stitches after a mob of illegal aliens and their supporters bashed open his head. In October 2016, a GOP
office was evacuated in North Carolina after a bomb threat was received. In the month President Trump defeated Hillary
Clinton, a Georgia man was murdered after joking he had voted for Trump. Again that November, a man in Massachusetts
was punched in the back of the head, knocked unconscious, suffered a fractured eye socket and broken nose, because he had a
discussion with friends about Trump that six thugs overheard. The following month, Justin Barkley, a former New York
state employee, murdered a 52-year-old UPS driver who he confused with the president in a fit of unhinged rage. "I shot
and killed Donald Trump purposely, intentionally, and very proudly," he said. Also that December, a man was stabbed in
the throat in Washington for openly supporting the president, and a 69-year-old woman was nearly beaten to death with a chair
for the same.
Antifa Thugs Furious After
Police Release Their Pics — Let's Make Them Famous! Police in Berkeley, California and Portland,
Oregon, arrested several members of Antifa over the weekend. Now, the Berkeley Police Department has released the names
and headshots of many of the individuals arrested during a Sunday protest, posting their pictures and making the unhinged
leftists furious. Let's make these fools famous!
Lives Matter protesters crash police officer's wedding: 'You're a murderer!' Black Lives Matter protesters on
Saturday [8/4/2018] crashed the wedding venue of one of the two police officers who shot and killed Stephon Clark in
Sacramento earlier this year. A small group of protesters tracked down the officer's wedding at a vineyard about an
hour outside of Sacramento and showed up just hours before he was set to say, "I do," a local CBS affiliate reported.
Video posted on Facebook by Sacramento Black Lives Matter showed the protesters accosting the officer, who police have not
identified due to safety concerns, while he was gathered in a room with his groomsmen.
saying "protesters" when you're talking about a mob. Yesterday [8/6/2018] we all saw the news of what happened
when Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk attempted to have breakfast at a restaurant in Philadelphia. At the time I didn't
feel particularly inspired to write anything about it because it just all seemed so predictable at this point. But I
noticed one headline from the Independent in Britain this morning which caught my attention because it contained such an
obvious, glaring error in the headline. "Candace Owens chased out of restaurant by left-wing protesters." Why are
we sticking with this idea that any group of people who decide to gang up on someone they disagree with are "protesters?"
mob interrupts Candace Owens' breakfast with primal screams. Earlier, Ed wrote about Twitter coming after
Candace Owens for quoting NY Times hire Sarah Jeong's tweets (but replacing the word "white" with "Jewish"). Twitter
apologized after realizing they had helped make Owens' point. But Owens was involved in some more drama this morning
[8/6/2018]. She and fellow Turning Point USA leader Charlie Kirk were having breakfast at a cafe in Philadelphia when
they were surrounded by a screeching mob.
remember when we called them mobs. According to a quick dictionary check, a mob is a large crowd of people,
especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence. In other words, a mob is not a group of
people having a serious disagreement over policy. A mob is not into seriousness but rather than causing trouble.
A mob wants to punch your face rather than hear your opinion. We call on the media to call this a mob, not a protest.
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged Edition, Page 919.
Left Mobs Riot In 3 Major US Cities — NOT ONE Mainstream Outlet Reports on the Widespread Leftist Violence.
Far left violent Antifa mobs rioted in three Major US cities this past weekend. Antifa mobs attacked police and conservatives in
Portland, Providence and Berkeley. Antifa cracked skulls and beat protesters and attacked grandmothers in Portland, Oregon on Saturday
[8/4/2018]. Far left Antifa thugs destroyed property, beat conservatives and abused police in Providence, Rhode Island on Saturday.
And on Sunday far left Antifa mobs rioted and vandalized a Marine recruiting office in Berkeley, California. NOT ONE national
mainstream media outlet carried reports on left-wing violence in three major US cities this weekend.
Declaration of Incivility. All around us the organized left (establishment media, Hollywood, and Democrats) are
lamenting the loss of civility. Of course, to express this lament, they must first take a break from calling us [names]
throughout the halls of the U.S. Capitol. [...] Elsewhere, a sitting Democrat congresswoman called on organized mobs to
ensure Trump officials "won't be able to go to a restaurant ... won't be able to stop at a gas station [or] shop at a
department store." She told the mob to "to turn on them" and to "harass them." And you had better believe "them"
is "us." For continuing the Obama policy of separating illegal alien adults from children, Sen. Richard Blumenthal
(D-CT) accused Trump of running "internment" camps.
Kirk, Candace Owens Harassed By Protesters. Conservative activists Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens were harassed
by protesters at a Philadelphia coffee shop Monday morning [8/6/2018]. Kirk and Owens are best known for organizing
thousands of conservative student activists with the group Turning Point USA, which Kirk founded. Footage shared by
Owens Monday morning show a man pouring a drink on Kirk.
Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens. On Monday [8/6/2018], Turning Point USA
head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a
Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these
rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside.
Waters gets her wish: Antifa mob ATTACKS Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens. Two of Turning Point USA's
leaders were accosted by protesters they say were Antifa in Philadelphia Monday morning [8/6/2018], according to videos
posted to Twitter. Turning Point USA communications director Candace Owens tweeted a video saying she and Charlie Kirk,
the organization's founder and president, were "ATTACKED" and protested while they were eating breakfast in Philadelphia, Penn.
Rules San Jose Police Will Go to Trial for Forcing 20 Trump Supporters to Walk Into Violent Anti-Trump Rioters.
Attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon appeared on the Tucker Carlson show tonight to discuss her case against the San Jose Police
Department, who Dillon claims sent 20 Trump supporters directly into a mob of violent anti-Trump rioters following a Trump
rally when they should have protected them. Dhillon shared her news that the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
will not allow the police officers to seek immunity in the case. The 20 Trump supporters who Dhillon is defending, were
beaten and bloodied by the violent San Jose, CA mob who kicked in cars, carried Mexican flags, chased down and beat Trump
Communist Antifa Attacks Patriot Prayer, Police In Portland — Throw Feces And Urine At Marchers. As
I reported last week, Antifa was practicing getting their violence on in Portland, Oregon with the Patriot Prayer
group. They did not disappoint. The police labeled it a 'civil disturbance' yesterday. It was a bloody
riot. Frankly, I saw a ton of weapons and a number of people who got hurt during the melee. Antifa showed up in
downtown Portland before the Patriot Prayer march. They were throwing projectiles at the police, including rocks and
bottles, and feces and urine at marchers. Eventually, the police used flash-bang grenades on them. As I looked
through the media this morning, predictably they spun it as Patriot Prayer's fault and painted all of them as the KKK and
Nazis. More fake news and lies. Although I saw alarming weapons from both sides, those holding Nazi paraphernalia
and KKK items looked to be Antifa trying to brand Patriot Prayer as such. Among the weapons seized were knives, clubs,
pepper spray, eggs, rocks etc. The police were there enforce this time, trying to keep a lid on fights between Antifa
and Patriot Prayer. They didn't stop the clashes but eventually dispersed the marchers.
Terrorists Smash Windows of US Marine Corps Recruiting Office With Hammers at Berkeley — 20 Arrested. On
Sunday [8/5/2018], police arrested several far left activists at Berkeley after violence erupted while two opposing rallies were
taking place. Anti-Marxist demonstrators were met with violence by masked Antifa thugs and other far left protesters —
police in riot gear wrestled the violent leftists to the ground and made arrests. Masked Antifa terrorists used hammers to
smash windows of a US Marine Corps recruiting office at Berkeley.
People Arrested For Threatening Republican Reps. Scalise And Smith. Just days after a Politico
reporter attacked supporters of President Donald Trump as "garbage people," law enforcement authorities have arrested several
people for making violent threats against Republican congressmen. One of the lawmakers threatened is Rep. Steve
Scalise (R-La.), who was nearly murdered last year after a deranged left-wing activist shot up a park full of Republican
politicians before being killed by police. Carlos Bayon, of Grand Island, New York, was arrested Thursday [8/2/2018]
for allegedly leaving threatening voicemails on office phone lines belonging to Scalise and the Washington state office of
another congressman, according to WKWB.
Reporter Hit in Forehead With Projectile at Portland Rally. Far left communists of "antifa" clashed with the
Trump-supporting Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon Saturday. Though the groups have clashed several times over the
last year and a half, the August 4th edition is shaping up to be like none other, as both groups are upping the ante.
Portland police were bracing for a bloody rally and tried to prevent people from bringing guns to the event. The rally
turned bloody Saturday afternoon [8/3/2018] after a black clad Antifa thug clubbed a conservative activist with what appears
to be a flag.
Isn't Putting Reporter's Lives in Danger, The Media is Putting Republican Lives in Danger. MSNBC is an outrage
network that runs on tantrums. This time it was Katy Tur's turn to throw a fit claiming that Trump is endangering the
lives of reporters. Tur read some threatening messages that she claimed were inspired by Trump. Republicans have
had to deal with threats for some time. Like these threats. [...]
Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown. Portland Police declared a riot Saturday
[8/4/2018] after tensions between the right-wing Patriot Prayer group and local anti-fascist activists came to a head and
broke out in violence. The afternoon began with a permitted rally at Terry Schrunk Federal Plaza organized by Joey
Gibson, U.S. Senate candidate for Washington and leader of the right-wing, Vancouver-based group. A
counter-demonstration by masked local anti-fascist groups gathered nearby among a heavy police presence. Officers
seized weapons such as utility knives, clubs and chemical sprays, detaining several protesters early on.
Supporter's Car Vandalized, 2020 Campaign Manager Calls on Dem. Leaders to Condemn. Scott Presler is an
avid supporter of President Donald J. Trump. The man known as #ThePersistance on Twitter can often be seen around the
country waving signs, touting the president's success, and talking to virtually anybody he can about the movement to make
America great again. But, today, while in Philadelphia for a rally supporting the police, Presler returned to his car
nearly completely destroyed. Presler was attending the ACT for America rally to show support for police in the city of
brotherly love as well as across America. But, he noticed some was awry when he got to his car. His tired were
completely deflated. Likewise, there were various dents, smashed mirrors, and scratches all over the body of the
car. Presler's car has a Trump bumper sticker on it and seems to have been targeted due to support for the
president. Nothing was stolen, which only furthers this suspicion.
Lawyer Says San Jose
Mayor May Have Ordered Police To Steer Trump Supporters Into Riot. "As we were leaving, the 250 riot gear clad
San Jose police were there on the scene, forced all of the people leaving to come out through one exit and directed them away
from the most direct path to the garages and into a riot of several hundred anti-Trump violent types waving Mexican flags
with large 6-foot poles and the eggs are just one part of it," [attorney Harmeet] Dhillon stated, explaining the
circumstances of the brawl.
Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor's Blessing.
A mob surrounded ICE's office in Southwest Portland June 19. They barricaded the exits and blocked the driveway.
They sent "guards" to patrol the doors, trapping workers inside. [...] Signs called ICE employees "Nazis" and "white
supremacists." Others accused them of running a "concentration camp," and demanded open borders and prosecution of ICE
agents. Along a wall, vandals wrote the names of ICE staff, encouraging others to publish their private information
online. Federal workers were defenseless. An ICE officer, who asked that his name not be published, told me one
of his colleagues was trailed in a car and confronted when he went to pick up his daughter from summer camp. Later
people showed up at his house. Another had his name and photo plastered on flyers outside his home accusing him of
being part of the "Gestapo."
Separate but equal: Metro
weighs separate subway cars for 'white civil rights' rally participants, protesters. Transportation officials
preparing for a "white civil rights" rally being organized outside the White House next weekend are considering segregating
participants and counterprotesters on separate subway cars, the chairman of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority said Friday [8/3/2018]. "We have groups clearly at odds with each other," said Metro board chair Jack
Evans. "We'd like to keep the groups separate. We don't want incidents on Metro."
NYT's Sarah Jeong Also Sent
Anti-Cop, Anti-Men Tweets. Sarah Jeong, the newest editorial board member of The New York Times, is also responsible
for extensive anti-cop and anti-men tweets. The New York Times stood by Jeong on Thursday [8/2/2018] after the internet
surfaced her old racist tweets, however her full Twitter history reveals her ire was not only directed toward white people.
The NYT claimed that Jeong was "imitating" the behavior of people who harassed her online, but this does not explain why she was
tweeting "f--- the police" and encouraging people to "kill all men."
Hey Media, You Started It.
New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger says he told Trump his anti-press rhetoric could lead to violence. But the media's
anti-Trump rhetoric already has led to violence: public officials rat-packed and bullied, Trump supporters harassed, White
House spokes-lady Sarah Sanders having to live under guard. And yet when Sanders pointed this out to Look-At-Me-I'm-Jim Acosta,
Acosta stormed out of the room. [Indeed], if he doesn't want to hear the truth, he could just stay home and watch CNN.
How to stop
political violence. Carlos Bayon received a $601,000 judgment in federal court in 2005 after suing the
University of Buffalo. He claimed that unfair treatment from faculty members prevented him from earning a doctorate in
anthropology. Now this one-time doctoral candidate is accused of threatening congressmen. Police arrested Bayon,
63, of Grand Island, New York, for making death threats against Republican Congressmen Steve Scalise and Cathy McMorris
Rodgers. This comes 14 months after a Democrat shot and severely wounded Scalise in an attempt to assassinate
nine Republican congressman as they practiced baseball.
Catches Antifa 'Fight Instructors' Teaching Activists How To Inflict Pain on Their Targets. A new undercover
video from James O'Keefe's Project Veritas features Antifa "fight instructors" teaching activists how to incapacitate
political enemies by violently attacking them. "If you get a good liver or kidney shot, it's pretty much crippling
them," the Antifa instructor said. "They're going to be pretty much doubled over and in a lot of pain." The
instructor also recommended breaking one of the floating ribs to cause maximum pain on a victim. "It's hard to move
after that — to catch a breath," he added helpfully. He told the activists that once the target is
incapacitated, they can either run away or "really put a beating on them" if they want to "make it personal."
N.Y. man charged with threatening top House GOP leaders over
Trump immigration policy. Federal authorities charged a New York man Wednesday with making threatening phone
calls to the offices of two high-ranking House Republican leaders, Majority Whip Steve Scalise and Conference Chairwoman
Cathy McMorris Rodgers. A charging document filed in U.S. District Court in Buffalo alleges that Carlos Bayon of Grand
Island, N.Y., left voicemails on the evening of June 30 containing physical threats against the two lawmakers, including that
"we are going to feed them lead." A U.S. Capitol Police officer used phone records and law enforcement databases to trace
the calls back to Bayon, according to the document. The officer matched the voice in the calls to video of Bayon
speaking in a local news report.
Arrested for Threatening Steve Scalise in Voicemails. A New York man was arrested Thursday [8/2/2018] after he
reportedly left threatening voicemail messages for two members of Congress. Carlos Bayon, 63, faces a charge of making
threats across state lines to House majority whip Steve Scalise as well as a Washington representative who is yet to be named.
Arrested After Leaving Frightening Voicemail For Scalise. If it weren't enough for Rep. Steve Scalise
(R-NY) to have been shot in June 2017 by a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter, a man from a town eight miles southeast of
Niagara Falls has been arrested for leaving a threatening voicemail for Scalise, stating, "You are taking ours, we are taking
yours. Anytime, anywhere. We know where they are. We are not going to feed them sandwiches, we are going to
feed them lead." Carlos Bayon, 63, of Grand Island, allegedly left the message on July 30; another reported recipient
of the message was Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), according to Fox News reporter Chad Pergram.
Racism of New York Times Reporter Sarah Jeong. Racism — hatred of racial groups rather than of
individuals for their actions — is pernicious. Since humans are so group-oriented, racism appears to be
tempting, but that means that social norms need to condemn it strongly and consistently. The most recent, high visible
toleration of left wing racism is by the New York Times, which hired Sarah Jeong. Jeong has a first-rate
left-wing resume, but her Twitter feed is filled with outrageously racist tweets, such as "Oh man it's kind of sick how much
joy I get out of being cruel to old white men" and [other stuff]. If these were tweets of a white person or a right
winger, the New York Times would never, ever hire that person. Why would they hire Jeong?
Loesch To Jim Acosta: Remember Your Network's 'Public Lynching' Of Me And Marco Rubio? In a video
released Thursday, NRA TV host Dana Loesch responded to CNN reporter Jim Acosta sounding the alarm over Trump fans chanting
"CNN s---s!" at a rally by reminding him of his network's infamous town hall after the Parkland shooting that featured
members of the audience condemning Loesch as a "murderer!" for her support of the Second Amendment and the NRA. "Acosta
is upset that someone yelled 'CNN s---s,'" says Loesch. "Imagine how he'd feel if his network set up a public lynching
of him. As they did of me and [Sen.] Marco Rubio, wherein people called me a 'murderer' and they screamed 'Burn her!'
And they rushed the stage and grabbed at me when I left. Jake Tapper corroborated this shortly after it happened, tweeting
this in response to those who were in doubt: He says, 'I don't know but Chris's' — talking of my husband —
'description is accurate and I made sure she was escorted out of the room.'"
Levin: 'Why Do The Press Hate The American People?'. Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin had some
strong words for the media during his appearance on Hannity. Levin began by saying that "a lot has been said" about
President Donald Trump's hostile rhetoric towards the press, specifically when he calls them the "enemy of the people,"
telling Sean Hannity that he has a "different take." "Why do the press hate the American people?" Levin asked.
"65 million people, give or take, voted for Donald Trump for president of the United States... various press outlets, reporters,
hosts or their guests called millions and millions of Americans 'Nazis,' 'racists,' 'deranged,' 'cultists,' 'deplorable,' and
even worse. How do the press in this country justify calling tens of millions of people such outrageous names?"
vandalism sweeps country: Yacht, Hollywood star latest targets. Two years into the Trump administration,
aggrieved activists are not only accosting Cabinet members or driving them out of restaurants — they're
increasingly taking out their frustration on inanimate objects. A burst of anti-Trump vandalism against possessions and
property associated with administration officials is the latest flare-up in a "resistance" that has taken many forms.
Last year, protesters marked the anniversary of President Trump's election by screaming at the sky. Lately, the tactics
have become more confrontational, touching off a national debate over civility in politics.
of DeVos' Yacht Another Example of Anti-Trump Sentiment Going Too Far. Two years after the presidential
election, liberals are still reeling, with some suffering from a new affliction known as Trump anxiety disorder.
Therapists in the U.S. have seen a rise in anxiety stemming from the election of President Trump, CBC reported. A
prevalent "symptom" of the "disorder" is feeling as though the world is going to end. Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce
said those feelings among some Democrats have been fueled by inflammatory rhetoric from people like Rep. Maxine Waters,
former CIA Director John Brennan and others.
woman enraged by Trump bumper sticker intentionally rammed into car, police say. A Massachusetts woman was
reportedly taken into custody on Monday after she allegedly drove into a car sporting a Trump bumper sticker. The
arrest of Chloe Wright, 25, followed an alleged hit-and-run in Hyannis on June 30, the Cape Cod Times reported, citing a
police report. After the incident, the man she hit reportedly contacted the Barnstable Police Department and recalled
hearing a motorist behind him honking their car horn as he waited at a red light.
Democrat Future Isn't Socialist, It's Crazy. Leftist politics is based on outrage. The greater the
outrage against class, race, gender or identity, the greater the totalitarian overreaction of terrorist violence it
justifies. But the Pelosis and Schumers want radical outrage without radical violence. And that just leaves its
base hopelessly and helplessly enraged.
Cool the Hitler Rhetoric Before Someone Else Gets Hurt. Back when Democrats ran the country and Republicans
mostly objected to how, that icon of the left, the New York Times, often got [upset] about incivility. To hear the
Times tell it back then, Republican incivility was not only annoying to the Times and other Dems but was downright dangerous
to the republic. But over the past, oh, about 18 months, times have changed and so has the Times. America's
self-described "newspaper of record" went on record this month with a column proclaiming in its title that civility is "white
America's age-old, misguided obsession." There's something vaguely racist in the contention that civility is just a white
thing, but I'll save that point for another day. Today's point is that the left is candidly abandoning civility and is
on the verge of embracing outright violence.
will Democrats condemn the left's growing turn to violence? Last week, a man was indicted for threatening to
kill Republican Rep. Diane Black. "They were serious enough threats that the grand jury did take action," Black
said in an interview with Fox News. It's been barely a year since the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise
during congressional baseball practice, and the story of the threats to Black was barely a blip in our news. The
shooting last June should have been a wake-up call for our political discourse, but we've only been on a further slide since
man charged in fight over President Trump. Fred T. Dickson, 58, of Southern Boulevard Northwest, was charged
Thursday [7/26/2018] with misdemeanor aggravated menacing in a Tuesday night neighborhood fight over President Donald Trump.
No arraignment date is listed in Warren Municipal Court records. Dickson told police he was across the street at his
neighbor's house talking about cars when he told his neighbor's friend, John S. Cope, 30, of Warren he was "not a fan"
of the president, which triggered an argument.
Leftists Target GOP Lawmaker Jason Lewis [and] Threaten His Daughters. Leftists targeted GOP Representative
Jason Lewis (R-MN) at his home recently. The raucous mob gathered outside his home screaming at the lawmaker and his
family. Violent leftists also threatened the daughters of the Republican lawmaker. Protesters held a "die-in"
protest because of Obamacare which is complete nonsense but since when to Democrats make any sense?
Are The Leftists Now Excusing Political
Violence? Earlier this week [Mark] Duplass tweeted out his opinion that liberals would do well to follow
conservative pundit Ben Shapiro on Twitter. Why? Because reading/listening to what Shapiro had to say could give
liberals a better understanding of why conservatives believe/think/say the things they do. Sadly, the leftwing reaction
to the tweet was so perverse and angry that Duplass eventually deleted the tweet, apologized for ever saying anything
positive about Shapiro, and even seemed to parrot the leftist hate by agreeing that Shapiro might be all the horrible things
the leftists were saying about him (he's not). [...] This is the ridiculous nature of our political discourse
today. Where a liberal can't even say that you should hear out a conservative without facing intense backlash and
horrible insults, we are in a very dangerous place.
Officer Stabbed and Three [Other] People Injured as Abortion Activists Violently Protest. A police officer was stabbed
and three women injured Wednesday [7/25/2018] when a pro-abortion protest in the capital of Chile turned violent. The
Latin American Herald Tribune reports the protest initially was described as peaceful, with about 40,000 abortion activists
marching past government buildings in Santiago, chanting and demanding that lawmakers pass a bill to legalize abortion on
demand. However, Santiago police later issued a report about violence that took place during the protest.
According to police, a Carabineros commander and three women were stabbed during the protest. Police said they were
taken to the hospital, and none of their injuries were life-threatening.
Tells Activists to 'Get Up in the Face of Some Congresspeople'. Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.) on Wednesday [7/25/2018]
told activists at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness not to protest from the sidelines. Booker said the way to get
through to Congress is to "get up in the face of some congresspeople." That call to action echoes his Democratic colleague
Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) and others who have said Republican officials should face regular opposition in public.
"Before I end, that's my call to action here. Please don't just come here today and then go home," Booker said.
"Go to the Hill today. Get up and please get up in the face of some congresspeople."
Cory Booker
Tells Supporters to 'Get Up In the Face' of Republicans. Looks like Cory Booker is following in Auntie Maxine's
footsteps. Booker (D-NJ) continued the incendiary rhetoric coming from prominent Democrats, telling his supporters that
they need to "get up in the face" of some members of Congress. "Please don't just come here today and then go home,"
Booker told supporters at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness. "Go to the Hill today. Get up and,
please, get up in the face of some congresspeople." [...] I'm telling you, this is the result of some insane left-wingers
getting their foot in the door of the Democrat party, and now everybody in the room is having to outdo the crazy.
DeVos' family yacht untied, causing $10,000 in damages to Huron pier. Police say someone untied a yacht owned
by the family of U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in Ohio, causing the vessel to drift into a dock and incur up to
$10,000 in damages. The Blade reports the $40 million, 163-foot yacht was moored at the Huron Boat Basin when the
captain reported it became untied around 6 a.m. Sunday [7/22/2018]. The vessel, named the Seaquest, struck
the dock and ended up with large scratches before the crew was able to get control of it.
DeVos's $40 million yacht set adrift by vandals. A $40 million yacht owned by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos
was reportedly untied from the dock at a northern Ohio marina and set adrift. The captain of the 163-foot yacht, named
"Seaquest," called the Huron Police Department early Sunday morning [7/22/2018] when the crew realized the boat was floating in
the Huron Boat Basin, The Toledo Blade reported. The yacht hit a dock, causing between $5,000 and $10,000 in damage, the
newspaper added, citing a police report. Investigators are hoping surveillance footage will show who untied the yacht
from the dock.
police clear occupiers from encampment at ICE headquarters. Portland police Wednesday morning [7/25/2018]
cleared the last remaining protesters from an encampment at the Southwest Portland offices of the federal Immigration and
Customs Enforcement agency. About a dozen protesters had remained at the headquarters in South Waterfront after the
camp five weeks ago was created by demonstrators saying they were acting against the immigration policies of the Trump
administration. Police released a statement about 4:30 a.m. saying Portland officers were assisting in cleaning
up the Occupy ICE Camp near Southwest Macadam Avenue and Bancroft Street.
Trump's Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Destroyed — Again. Footage tweeted by KUTV's Ron Bird shows
the star, awarded to Mr. Trump for his work on The Apprentice, smashed to pieces. San Francisco Bay Area
news outlet KPIX released a photo of the star with a pickaxe suspected of being used to destroy the star overnight.
who says he destroyed Trump's Walk of Fame star is booked on felony vandalism charge. A man who said he took a
pickax to Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame early Wednesday [7/25/2018] has given himself up to police,
authorities said. The man strode up to Trump's star off Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue about 3:30 a.m.
and proceeded to destroy the majority of it, including bashing through Trump's name plate, police said.
Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed. The Denver Post published a letter to
the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason. The letter criticized the president and
Sen. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.) following Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and said Soviet spies
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed atomic bomb secrets to Moscow, were executed for "far less." The letter, written
by Suzanne Gagnon of Lakewood, was in response to the paper's editorial last week, which gave tepid praise of Gardner.
Hogg Threatens President
Donald Trump. [David] Hogg, a social justice warrior who became famous after surviving the deadly shooting at
Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School in Parkland, Florida, seems to invent a story for himself every week. He tried
unsuccessfully to start boycotts against popular Fox News host Laura Ingraham and has used similar tactics against other
targets. Hogg's tweet mirrored Trump's warning to the Iranian leader, as a warning to stop the war-like rhetoric and
stop threatening America's interests.
Tyrant David Hogg Threatens President Trump: 'You Will Suffer Consequences Few Have Ever Suffered'. Parkland
school shooting activist David Hogg posted a threat to President Donald Trump on Twitter Monday [7/23/2018], warning he will,
"suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before." Hogg's threat mimicked Trump's
warning to Iran Sunday night after Iran threatened the U.S. with war.
Opponent of Senator Elizabeth Warren Punched in Face By Violent, Racist Leftist. An opponent of Sen. Elizabeth
"Pocahontas" Warren (D-MA) was punched in the face by one of her supporters at a rally this afternoon. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai,
a PhD from MIT and the inventor of email, was counter-protesting a Warren rally when one of he supporters crossed the street, and
pushed Ayyadurai's bullhorn into his face, knocking him back. The violent leftist was quickly apprehended by police.
Just How Far Will
the Left Go? The methods of rhetorically assassinating Trump all have been tried out by progressive
celebrities, politicians, and academics:
decapitation, high explosives, nightly ritual stabbing, hanging, death by elevator,
death by escalator, shooting, incineration, and fisticuffs. The reason that Kathy Griffin, Madonna, Robert De Niro, Kamala
Harris, or Snoop Dogg have been lately quiet about killing Trump is that the various ways to do so have long ago been exhausted.
Course, 'Activists' Are Thugs. When you believe that politics is the appropriate means to achieve everything
from pensions for the elderly, health care for all, and education for little children to establishment of diversity and
inclusion in the workplace, you are saying that force is the means to achieve this. And the right? Well, let us
agree that when the left accuses the right of excessive force — e.g., with poor little kiddies separated from
parents on the border — we get embarrassed and try to explain ourselves. No one among Antifa or the SJW
rank and file is the least bit embarrassed about the use of force in their peaceful protests. Because they are thugs.
cart closing due to threats from Occupy ICE PDX protesters, owners say. The owners of a Portland food cart
located near the Occupy ICE PDX camp announced they are closing the business due threats and verbal attacks by protesters.
Julie and Scott Hakes, owners of The Happy Camper Food and Coffee Bar, say they no longer feel safe in the neighborhood after
their daughter, who works at the cart, was repeatedly threatened. They plan to sell the cart. The Occupy ICE PDX
demonstration began a month ago at the Southwest Portland U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement holding facility.
Ax Attacker Uses Drugs, Demon Possession, to Defend Himself in Court. An Australian man who identifies as a
transgender woman defended himself in court on Thursday [7/19/2018], claiming that he was either possessed by a demon or his
mind was addled by drugs and therefore it was his body, not him, who attacked people at a 7-Eleven with an ax last year.
Throw Feces at L.A. Kosher Cafe Because Owner Supports Trump. Asher Shalom is a legal immigrant from Israel and
businessman who employs many immigrants. He recently opened a new cafe in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles.
Locals and the business community were welcoming until it became known that Shalom had shared something on social media which
showed support for Trump's immigration policies.
Goldberg Hearts MS-13 Killers. Well, at least Whoopi Goldberg didn't hold up a mock severed head representing
President Trump, but her verbal equivalent in profanely chastising guest Judge Jeanine Pirro shows how President Trump's
greatest accomplishment may be in pulling back the curtain and letting us see what delusional loons have been manipulating
public opinion in this country as part of their attempt to fundamentally transform America into something resembling
Berkeley, California — a sanctuary country full of defecating homeless people. Somewhat lost in the virulent
exchange was Whoopi's gross distortion of reality, following Saul Alinksy's rule that you don't debate your opponents —
you demonize them and make it personal.
Trump supporters as subhuman. This no longer is rhetoric. This is inflammatory language aimed at
generating a violent uprising. Calls of treason are inaccurate but calculated to create an atmosphere openly hostile to
political discourse. The past three years of calling him Hitler and us Nazis are projection. The other side of
the political coin is so sure of itself — so indoctrinated in their beliefs — so close-minded that they
have rejected civility. They see President Trump and his supporters as subhuman. Consider ABC presenter Whoopi
Goldberg's hostile treatment of guest Jeanine Pirro. Not only was Goldberg rude on the air, but afterward, she upped
her harassment of Judge Pirro.
Real Threat to American Democracy. The Washington Post's new slogan is "Democracy dies in darkness." But
most of the left either overtly or tacitly approves of the use of violence by Antifa to silence voices it doesn't like.
An electorate in darkness can't vote intelligently. Hence, if Americans don't know the truth, they are at risk of
voting against what's best for them. Antifa undermines our system by denying people the truth.
Peddle T-Shirts Of Trump Lynching, Instagram Is Promoting It. As Instagram removes infopics about Planned
Parenthood murdering black babies, they leave up an account from a new clothing line called "Hanging With Trump," which sells
t shirts depicting Trump literally hanging by a noose made from his very fine signature red tie.
gallery is forced to take down gruesome art work showing President Trump being beheaded. An art gallery in
Portland, Oregon, removed a window drawing that depicts President Donald Trump being beheaded ISIS style. The founder
of One Grand Gallery in the Northwest city told KPTV-TV that he took down the controversial drawing after threats from Trump
supporters and a request from his landlord. The gallery founder asked to remain anonymous for fear that someone would
try to harm him. The horrific image shows a man whose face is concealed holding Trump's head with one hand.
look for candidate who will punch Trump 'square in the face'. To beat President Trump, Democrats running for
the White House need to be much more proactive in taking on the president, say party strategists critical of contenders who
they see as too reactive rather than proactive. Democrats are good at offering strong responses to Trump, but they
aren't taking the fight to him, the strategists say. "I haven't seen one potential candidate who is willing to punch
him square in the face," one top Democratic strategist said. "And that's what we need to do. You can't win a race
against this guy by being graceful or by waiting to be attacked."
Gallery Puts Graphic Depiction of President Trump Being Beheaded on Public Display. One Grand Gallery in
Portland is facing online backlash after they put up an image of President Donald Trump being brutally assassinated in their
store window. The violent graphic is in public view where children will be exposed to it and features the caption "F***
Trump" below the image of his throat being sliced.
Democrats' Left Turn
Into Their Past. Extremist confrontations threatening Democrats today similarly ended their national dominance
fifty years ago. What 1968's Democratic Convention did in Chicago, current liberal activists are seeking to do
nationwide by confronting Trump administration officials wherever they find them.
Thug Attacks and Spits on Teen Trump Supporter in MAGA Hat. Ethan Jackson, a green-haired thug who identifies
as "non-binary," attacked a teen Trump supporter in a MAGA hat in Seattle this week. The deranged leftist then bragged
about the assault on Twitter. Genius. 17-year-old Ashton Hess was on vacation in Seattle this week when a mentally
deranged leftist assaulted him for wearing a red MAGA hat.
Why Leftists Become Thugs.
The "labor activists" who surrounded Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and her boyfriend in a movie theater, spit on her,
taunted him, chased them away; the restaurant workers who refused service to White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders and then
followed her family to another location to harass them; the protesters who surrounded Mitch McConnell outside a Kentucky
restaurant, telling the 76-year-old Senate majority leader, "We know where you live..." — these people are punks;
thugs. Their high purposes, their righteous philosophies, their political certainties — all these are worth
exactly as much as a wife-beater's tears: nothing. They are the bulliers of women and the menacers of old men.
Man Arrested After Threatening To Kill Trump Supporters at Republican Congressman's Campaign HQ. A 75-year-old
man has been arrested for threatening to kill President Trump supporters, including those of GOP Congressman Lee Zeldin
(R-NY). The man, Martin Astrof, showed up at Zeldin's campaign headquarters in Long Island and threatened to kill a
volunteer there as well as other supporters of Trump and Zeldin before nearly hitting the volunteer with his car.
Astrof was later arrested at his home and has been charged with making terroristic threats and reckless endangerment.
Anti-Mask Law Targets Antifa.
H.R. 6054 doesn't interfere with free speech because it simply does not ban the wearing of masks. If Antifa were to
simply counter-demonstrate while masked, this bill would have no impact. Counter-demonstrations are an established part
of free speech, after all, and since they're not interfering with anyone else's free speech, all should be good to go.
The problem is that Antifa believes it has a moral obligation to shut down other people's free speech. They
target anyone who disagrees with them. They engage in violence by committing assault, destruction of private
property, and arson. And if you're lucky, you don't get the business end of a bike lock. The new bill simply adds
punishment for wearing a mask while committing already illegal acts. The speech isn't the problem. This is about
the countless crimes perpetrated by Antifa since the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, and even before.
Antifa Terrorists 'Freaking Out' over Proposed 'Unmasking' Law. Antifa has also been responsible for untold
amounts of vandalism and property damage, and targets the alt-right. The Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018 can mean
additional fines and prison terms of up to 15 years. The Hill reports the "bill was introduced by Republican
Rep. Dan Donovan (N.Y.) and is co-sponsored by GOP Reps. Pete King (R-NY), Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Ted Budd
(R-NC)." Ironically, this proposed law is similar to laws passed decades ago in states like Georgia and Alabama to stop
another terrorist group formed by far-left Democrats, the Ku Klux Klan. According to the far-left New York
Times, Ohio and West Virginia already have similar laws on the books. Unless it is Halloween, Mardi Gras, or some
other kind of celebration, there is no legitimate reason to disguise who you are in public, unless you intend to do something
illegal and do not wish to be identified.
The Lone Ranger is unavailable for comment. 'Unmasking
Antifa Act' includes 15-year prison term proposal. The "Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018," legislation introduced
in the House, carries a potential 15-year prison sentence for those caught engaging in behaviors typically associated with
the "antifa" movement of anti-fascist activists. Under the act, anyone "wearing a mask" or in disguise who "injures,
oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person ... in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege" would be
subject to a fine or up to 15 years in prison.
by contempt. On July 2, a woman spoke to then-Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt at a
Washington, D.C., restaurant while holding her young son and looking at notes that she had prepared. She told Mr. Pruitt
that he should resign. She then posted the encounter on social media. (Mr. Pruitt announced his resignation on
July 5.) On June 17, White House Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller was accosted by a patron at the Washington,
D.C., restaurant Espita Mezcaleria and called a "real-life fascist." When the Metro D.C. chapter of the Democratic Socialists
of America received word that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was at MXDC Cocina Mexicana on June 19,
at least 15 protesters showed up shouting "Shame!" until she was forced to leave. [...] This increasing personal nastiness
reflects the left's understanding that they are losing. They can't win the argument, so they use intimidation, aggression and
spectacle. These examples are evidence that America is at a breaking point of a political-cultural civil war.
GOP Rep. Receives Threatening Voicemails, Emails Because of This Facebook Post. Last weekend, the Idaho
Republican Party held their annual convention. One of the main speakers during the event was newly-elected NRA
President Oliver North. Naturally, Oliver's presence brought gun control proponents out to protest. During one of
the convention's breaks, Idaho State Rep. Priscilla Giddings (R) walked outside and noticed a group of protestors
calling for gun control. Giddings read their signs and decided to pose for a picture with them. [...] Little did the
girls in the picture know that Giddings, a former combat pilot and current major in the Air Force Reserves, utilized firearms
during multiple deployments in the Middle East. The most ironic sign of them all was the one girl's call to ban...
artillery. "When I saw the gun control signs my interest was peaked," Giddings told Townhall. "I'm a very strong
supporter of guns and the Second Amendment."
From The 'Tolerant' Left's War On Trump Supporters. Every day brings new examples of the supposedly
open-minded, inclusive, tolerant, peace-loving left threatening or attacking Trump administration officials or Trump
supporters. Hatred and intolerance has been standard operating procedure on the extreme left. But thanks to
enablers among Democrats and the press, it's quickly becoming dangerously "mainstream."
The Gangster State. Consider what we
are watching with our government. News brings word that the US Attorney is dropping charges against the terrorists, who
went on a rampage during the inauguration last year. They announced this in a holiday week, so it would get the least
amount of news coverage. Now, they certainly could have looked into who financed the riot, who helped organize it and
then went after the shot callers, but they never bothered to do that. Instead, they sat on it until people forgot about
it and then dropped the case. Now, we have mountains of laws for dealing with self-defined criminal groups. The
Feds could go after a Lacy MacAuley, who details her activities on-line, in order to figure out who pays her rent. Then
they could go after that person or group. This is basic police work. At the very minimum, the people financing
these terrorists would know they have some exposure, but that never happens. You see, everyone knows who finances
Antifa and other terrorists operations and they have friends in high places.
News Host 'Felt Threatened' By Kavanaugh Protesters, Retreated to Safety. After President Donald Trump announced his nominee
for the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a Fox News anchor reported feeling threatened by the aggressive protesters mobbing the
streets. Shannon Bream said she had to flee for safety back to the Fox News studio in Washington, D.C. "Very few times I've felt
threatened while out in the field. The mood here tonight is very volatile," Bream tweeted. "Law enforcement appears to be closing
down 1st Street in front of SCOTUS."
News Host Forced to Cancel Live SCOTUS Broadcast Due to Leftist Protesters. It's not uncommon to broadcast live
from the steps of the Supreme Court during a newsworthy event. Even more so when the President of the United States is
announcing his pick for a vacancy on the court that could shape America for decades to come. Very "volatile" protesters,
however, many of whom had no little to no idea who President Trump's pick of D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh
even is, shut down one such broadcast. Fox News host Shannon Bream had planned on doing a live show from the steps of the
Supreme Court but had to pick up shop and head back to the studio when she "felt threatened" by the unruly mob around her.
"Very few times I've felt threatened while out in the field," she wrote shortly before her show was to begin. "The mood
here tonight is very volatile."
The top five craziest
prof tweets this school year. [#4] Prof Says He Would 'Be OK' If Betsy DeVos Were Sexually Assaulted:
Austin Community College professor Robert Ranco resigned from a position he held at a law firm after tweeting this
remark. "I'm not wishing for it ... but I'd be ok if #BetsyDeVos was sexually assaulted," the professor said in a
since-deleted tweet. "The recent social media comments made by a part-time employee on his personal page do not
represent ACC's vision, mission, and values," an Austin Community College spokesperson said. "The college does not
condone these comments and their sentiment."
The Gangster State. Consider what we
are watching with our government. News brings word that the US Attorney is dropping charges against the terrorists, who
went on a rampage during the inauguration last year. They announced this in a holiday week, so it would get the least
amount of news coverage. Now, they certainly could have looked into who financed the riot, who helped organize it and
then went after the shot callers, but they never bothered to do that. Instead, they sat on it until people forgot about
it and then dropped the case. Now, we have mountains of laws for dealing with self-defined criminal groups. The
Feds could go after a Lacy MacAuley, who details her activities on-line, in order to figure out who pays her rent. Then
they could go after that person or group. This is basic police work. At the very minimum, the people financing
these terrorists would know they have some exposure, but that never happens. You see, everyone knows who finances
Antifa and other terrorists operations and they have friends in high places.
Man Arrested After Threatening To Kill Trump Supporters at Republican Congressman's Campaign HQ. A 75-year-old
man has been arrested for threatening to kill President Trump supporters, including those of GOP Congressman Lee Zeldin
(R-NY). The man, Martin Astrof, showed up at Zeldin's campaign headquarters in Long Island and threatened to kill a
volunteer there as well as other supporters of Trump and Zeldin before nearly hitting the volunteer with his car.
Astrof was later arrested at his home and has been charged with making terroristic threats and reckless endangerment.
59% fear violence from Trump haters, 31% predict civil war. The division in the United States that has
escalated into the organized harassment of presidential aides has six in 10 worried about the violence from anti-Trump
advocates and nearly a third fearing it will end in civil war. The latest survey from Rasmussen Reports found that
59 percent of all voters "are concerned that those opposed to President Trump's policies will resort to violence."
And, added Rasmussen, 31 percent believe "it's likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime
in the next five years."
Beach homeowner says he was attacked over President Trump flag in yard. A fun night of fireworks was ruined for
a Boynton Beach man. Jeff Good says he was attacked for having a President Trump flag in his yard. Good said he was
watching fireworks in his driveway when someone drove in front of his house and started yelling at him about President Trump.
threatened to kill supporters of Trump, GOP congressman outside campaign office, police say. A New York man
nearly ran over a campaign volunteer at a Long Island congressman's re-election headquarters Friday [7/6/2018] after
threatening to kill supporters of the lawmaker and President Donald Trump, police said. Martin Astrof, 75, was arrested
outside his home shortly afterward and charged with making a terroristic threat and second-degree reckless endangerment, FOX5
New York reported. Astrof had driven to the Nesconset, N.Y., campaign office of U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin, and become
"irate with a campaign worker" and threatened to kill him and Trump supporters, police said.
drop all Trump inauguration rioting cases. Federal prosecutors announced Friday that they will drop all charges
against activists arrested and accused of rioting during President Trump's inauguration. The decision follows two
unsuccessful trials in which jurors either acquitted or deadlocked on charges against members of a largely black-clad
anti-capitalism march. Other cases were dropped after a judge found prosecutors improperly withheld evidence.
30 Arrested After Chaos Ensues When Some ICE Protesters Clash With Police. Protesters have been outside the
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office on 8th and Cherry Streets in Center City nonstop since Monday afternoon
[7/2/2018]. "I think this is a really unique time, one in which actual radical necessary immigration reform that has been
delayed for far too long is actually within the overturning window of public opinion," said protest organizer Anlin Wang.
The message that ICE needs to be abolished and that Philadelphia needs to do more to be a true sanctuary city was being made
and received peacefully, until hour 16.
statue base vandalized with pro-migrant phrases. The vacant base of the General Beauregard statue at the entrance to City Park
has been vandalized again, this time with pro-migrant phrases. The pedestal has been the target of vandals several times since the
statue of the Confederate general was removed last year.
Arrested For Threatening Rand Paul's Kids Is #ObamaForLife. The Democrat who was recently arrested for
threatening to kill Sen. Rand Paul and his family with an ax was a Barack Obama fan and used the hashtag #Obamaforlife
in some of his threats. Police arrested Democrat Nathanial Blaine Luffman. Paul said that the suspect had left
threats threatening to chop up his family with an ax. Officials say Luffman left the messages at Paul's Kentucky offices.
accused of tossing drink at pro-Trump teen inside Whataburger arrested. The man accused of hurling a drink in
the face of a Texas teen inside a Whataburger restaurant and then stealing the 16-year-old's "Make America Great Again" hat
was arrested Thursday, officials said. San Antonio Police identified the suspect late Thursday as 30-year-old Kino
Jimenez. "Kino Jimenez was located in Universal City, Texas," police said in a statement obtained by Fox News.
"Universal City police officers took Mr. Jimenez into custody without incident."
Commentator Marc Lamont Hill's Disturbing Reaction To Teen Being Assaulted For Wearing 'MAGA' Hat. On Tuesday
[7/3/2018], a 16-year-old boy was attacked by a Texas man for wearing a "Make Again Great Again" hat at a San Antonio
Whataburger restaurant. The suspect, identified as Kino Jimenez, 30, stole Hunter Richard's hat, cussed him out, and
threw a drink in his face. The attack on the innocent teen was apparently comical to Temple University Professor and
CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill. [...] This is incredibly disturbing, particularly at a time when harassment of Trump
officials and Trump supporters have become frequent occurrences. The attack on Richard comes in the wake of
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) calling for Trump administration officials to be harassed when seen out in public.
Service Officer Assaulted Outside White House at Immigration Protest by Violent Leftist. A psychotic leftist
was arrested outside the White House at an immigration protest on Saturday for assaulting a Secret Service officer while
screaming, "Where's the president?" Happy now, Maxine Waters? Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the
streets nationwide on Saturday demanding our government get rid of borders and abolish ICE. About 30,000 immigration
protesters were out screaming at the sky in D.C. on Saturday [6/30/2018].
Is Not the Common Property of All Mankind. [Scroll down] The populace is roused. For the first time
in a generation, it actually has political leaders trying to act in their interest. That is intolerable to the open
borders crowd, which is reacting with fury and hysteria. Witness the disgraceful Red Guard heckling of Homeland
Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a public restaurant — and the restaurant's management doing nothing
about it. Another restaurant's owner kicked out the president's press secretary. And there is the far more
disgraceful — downright evil — doxing of federal immigration agents by a university professor, to
encourage left-wing brownshirts to harm civil servants and their families.
allegedly threatens to chop up Rand Paul and his family with an ax. A man is accused of threatening to chop up U.S. Sen. Rand
Paul and his family with an ax. The man has been arrested. He allegedly called in the threats to Paul's Bowling Green office. Paul
mentioned the attack publicly at an event in Leitchfield, Kentucky, on Monday [7/2/2018]. "Capitol Police have issued an arrest warrant for a man
who threatened to kill me and chop up my family with an axe," Paul said. "It's just horrendous that we have to deal with things like this."
Paul says man arrested for threatening to kill him and 'chop up' family with an ax. Kentucky Sen. Rand
Paul tweeted his thanks on Monday to the U.S. Capitol Police for arresting a man who allegedly threatened to kill the
Republican lawmaker and chop up his family with an ax. "Thank you to the U.S. Capitol Police for their arrest of the
man who recently threatened to kill my family and me," Paul tweeted.
Writer Wants "Extinction" of Whites to Happen "Faster". Taylor Cox is an actress and, currently, a TV writer
for Amazon and NBC, as well as movies, but she had to protect her tweets after she was outed as advocating the extinction of
whites. She is white herself. One of the goals of the far-left is to eliminate whites, not by murder necessarily,
but by overwhelming the country with foreigners who are brown or black. They see them as more malleable and they hate
whites. Whites are responsible for all the things wrong with the USA in their view.
Pruitt becomes latest Trump official to be harassed at a restaurant. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt
became the most recent Trump administration figure to get an earful while trying to get a mouthful at a DC restaurant, according to a Facebook
posting Monday [7/2/2018]. Teacher Kristin Mink was shown approaching Pruitt as he chowed down with a pal at the Teaism restaurant Monday,
four blocks from his office at the EPA's headquarters. "I just wanted to urge you to resign, because of what you're doing to the environment
in our country," Mink said, holding her two-year-old son and a notepad, as her husband recorded the encounter.
Clips of Leftists Glorifying Violence Against Trump & His Supporters. In a recent campaign ad, the Republican
National Committee highlighted how the leftist progressive base of the Democrat Party has simply become "unhinged" in the era
of Trump, increasingly issuing threats of harassment and violence against the president, his family, members of his administration
and his supporters more generally. While that hard-hitting video put together by the RNC featured scenes of leftist violence
along with calls for such from prominent leftist celebrities and elected officials, a similar video has compiled similar, if not
more explicit, calls for violence from celebrities, elected officials and even partisan media pundits.
ricochet effect of public shaming now on full display. [Scroll down] The owner of the Red Hen, Stephanie
Wilkinson, was actually at home when [White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee] Sanders and her party came into the
restaurant. Wilkinson told the Washington Post that she drove down after her employees informed her, and she asked what
they wanted her to do. She said that some of her staff is gay, and they didn't like President Trump's stance on
transgender people in the military, which Sanders, in her job as press secretary, had defended. "I can ask her to
leave," Wilkinson said she offered her employees. "They said, 'yes.'" At that point, the Post reported, she went
over to Sanders and asked for a private word. "I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has
to uphold, such as honesty and compassion and cooperation. I said, 'I'd like you to leave.'" Sanders did not
argue. She quickly departed. Her party followed, and reportedly offered to pay for the appetizers. The
owner told them, "It's on the house." How gracious. No charge for throwing you out.
The Editor says...
The restaurant manager is determined to uphold certain standards, like sodomy, and special rights and privileges
for transvestites in the military. If those are her personal standards, I wouldn't want to eat anything that
came out of her kitchen. But this restaurant is good for one thing. Keep reading...
US Senate Candidate For Virginia, Corey Stewart Holds Rally at Red Hen Restaurant. Corey Stewart, a pro-Trump
candidate running for US Senate in Virginia, along with other conservatives, rallied at the liberal Red Hen Restaurant in
Arlington, Virginia this weekend. According to reports, The Red Hen will remained closed until July 5th in the wake of
the Sarah Sanders controversy. Corey Stewart is running to defeat radical Democrat Senator and Hillary's former VP
pick, Tim Kaine. Bikers For Trump along with other patriots showed up at the Red Hen carrying signs [...]
Update: 'Resistance
is not futile': Red Hen owner says booting Sarah Sanders was great for business. The owner of a small eatery in
Virginia, which gained national attention last summer for kicking out White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, says she
remains proud of that decision. In fact, booting Sanders from the establishment has been great for business, claims
Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen in Lexington, in a Washington Post op-ed published Tuesday [5/14/2019].
Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown. Portland Police declared a riot Saturday
[6/30/2018] after tensions between the right-wing Patriot Prayer group and local anti-fascist activists came to a head and
broke out in violence. The afternoon began with a permitted rally at Terry Schrunk Federal Plaza organized by Joey
Gibson, U.S. Senate candidate for Washington and leader of the right-wing, Vancouver-based group. A
counter-demonstration by masked local anti-fascist groups gathered nearby among a heavy police presence. Officers
seized weapons such as utility knives, clubs and chemical sprays, detaining several protesters early on.
The Editor says...
Bias alert: One side is "right wing." Is the other side described as "left wing?" No, the other
side comprises "local anti-fascist groups." Nobody is described as "left wing." If they went to
the event intending to act lawfully, why were they wearing masks? From which side did the police collect the
"utility knives, clubs and chemical sprays"? Keep reading...
grenade is thrown into right-wing Patriot Prayer rally. Four people were arrested amid the violence on
Saturday, which broke out when the pro-Trump group's scheduled march encountered an opposing group associated with a second
nearby rally. Neither rally was directly related to President Donald Trump's immigration policy, which drew peaceful
protests elsewhere in Portland and across the country on Saturday [6/30/2018]. Police said four people were transported
to area hospitals by ambulance, three with non serious injuries and one with a serious but non-life threatening injury.
attackers throw stun grenade into crowd of Trump supporters. It all started when a large crowd of Patriot
Prayer protestors squared off in the middle of a downtown street to head of a small collection of the alt-left liberal
commies who gathered in a failed attempt to thwart the message of freedom. Then, just seconds later, an infuriated
ANTIFA member tossed a stun grenade into the crowd of Patriot Prayer activists sending shock waves through the group at point
blank range from the repercussion. Police responded to the violence by firing fully-automatic weaponry containing
non-lethal ammunition into the angry crowd.
It's Dangerous
to Disagree in America. This weekend, Sarah Sanders Huckabee and her family were thrown out of a Virginia
restaurant after a vote by the staff. Do not trivialize this as a failure of civility, or a small incident in the soap
opera of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Victor Davis Hanson says it will pass. It is not passing. It is
growing. This is more than an assault on the Trump Administration; it is an assault on all of us. Everywhere, in
city, town, and country, Republicans keep their mouths shut among their neighbors, at dinner parties, at community gatherings,
at their workplaces. To be openly Republican is to lose old friends, to alienate neighbors, to risk losing your job or
career. Everyone on the Right has experienced this.
Foes Smell Blood at the Borders. Few episodes illustrate more completely the absurdity American political
discourse has reached than the more robust aspects of the controversy over separated children at the southern border.
Once again the Trumpophobic press decked the halls with their latest version of their triumphalist call that this time he
(the president) has gone too far. They have rung their bells threadbare with that refrain, from the size of the
inaugural crowd through restriction of entry from terrorism-plagued countries, Charlottesville, supposed affronts to foreign
leaders, warmongering over Korea, insults to countries that are the sources of immigration, and now the fate of these
children. When Senator Blumenthal compares it to stuffing "people in cattle cars and sending them to death camps," Bill
Maher calls for a recession and if necessary assassination, to be rid of the president, and the bellwether of Trump-hate, the
egregious and avaricious Representative Maxine Waters, warns of a violent public uprising and asks that Trump supporters be
assailed in public and in their homes, Mr. Trump's enemies smell blood, either his, at last, or in desperation, their own.
Thought Is Kryptonite to the Left': Author Rips 'Dangerous' Rhetoric By Democrats. Author Derek Hunter slammed
Democrats for their recent negative and "dangerous" rhetoric against President Donald Trump and his administration.
Democrats have increasingly been vocal about battling back against the Trump administration after Rep. Maxine Waters
(Calif.) called for her supporters to "absolutely harass" Trump administration officials in public.
Voters Threaten To Kill Electoral College Members. "You have people saying 'you're a hateful bigot, I hope you
die,'" he said. "I've had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I've
received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive." The
Detroit News verified one message containing a death wish and another containing a death threat, in which the person told
Banerian he would "put a bullet" in his mouth. Banerian said he deleted the rest of the emails and messages "because
as you can imagine they're clogging up my email."
Violence and Gun Ownership. It has become clear that attempted political overthrow is being effected through
emotional waves. The zealots, conditioned to react hysterically to whatever triggers have been implanted, escalate
their hyper-emotional, anti-intellectual reactions with each propagandized day. Sadly, this also has caused people who
have access to facts and should know better to become pliant on the basis of disinformation concerning the legal need to
conduct investigations of illegal border-crossers who misuse children. This has been the policy since Clinton was
president, but suddenly it is Hitlerian, because temporary separation of family members is the same as killing 6 million
Jews and enslaving the rest. What is also different is the extent to which members of the Democrat base are being
encouraged by normalizing mob violence. Government officials are now being openly tracked, organized against, and
attacked in public for the fact that their political party is enforcing the nation's laws. This is part of the
increasingly evident anarchy that seeks to derange our laws and their enforcement for the protection of actual citizens, who
no longer figure into the calculations of most elected officials.
shows DHS boss Kirstjen Nielsen being heckled, harassed at DC restaurant. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen
Nielsen was accosted by an angry socialist mob and forced out of a Mexican restaurant in Washington on Tuesday evening amid
backlash over the federal government's 'zero-tolerance' stand at the U.S.-Mexico border. The video, posted by the Metro
DC Democratic Socialists of America, shows a group of protesters harassing Nielsen at MXDC Cocina Mexicana, a restaurant near
the White House. [Video clip]
of Women for Trump Receives Death Threats After CNN Appearance. The co-chair of Women for Trump said she
received death threats after a recent CNN appearance and expressed her concern over people lashing out at Trump supporters
and conservative women. "I've gone on CNN for years. Last week, the hate was ratcheted up to a level I have not
seen before," said Amy Kremer on "Fox & Friends." After the segment, she tweeted about the threats and received a
response from CNN's April Ryan, a member of the White House Press Corps, who called her a liar and a "hater."
Its Anti-Trump Hysteria, The Democratic Party Has Become The Party Of VIOLENCE. Democrats such as Congresswoman
Maxine Waters have been encouraging this climate of intimidation and violence. Waters told supporters this weekend that
if they "see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you
create a crowd and you push back on them." Liberal celebrities are also doing their part to inflame this violent
reality. Last week, Peter Fonda tweeted, "We should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with
pedophiles and see if mother will will stand up against the [person] she is married to." Democratic leaders are trying
to distance themselves from the likes of Waters and Fonda, but this poisonous left-wing rhetoric is nothing new.
What Kind Of America Does
Maxine Waters Want? My question is: Does Waters wants America to return to those divisive, intolerant
days, similar to when Southern Democrats routinely segregated and harassed our fellow black American citizens?
Fortunately, this time around, intolerant Democrats like Waters are not targeting Americans due to their racial
heritage. Sadly, they are instead targeting them solely due to their political affiliation, no matter how loose that
affiliation might be. They are denying their fellow human beings the freedom to eat a meal, purchase gasoline or watch
a movie in peace. Think about that. Shockingly, they are even distributing personal home addresses, so that
liberal mobs can harass innocent families within their residential neighborhoods.
The Left
Tries To Blame Trump For Their Own Hate Mongering. After a week in which a celebrity called for the abduction
of the president's young son, a restaurant kicked out Trump's spokesman, and a mob harassed the Homeland Security secretary,
Democrats are starting to wonder if their "resistance" is getting out of hand — while refusing to take any blame for
it. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi managed to perfectly encapsulate this when she said "Trump's daily lack of civility
has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable." The blame-Trump-first meme has been catching on fast.
'Resistance' Is Turning into a National Lynch Mob. No doubt you've read the headlines. A Latin
American-style socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has just effectively won a seat in the U.S. Congress, defeating a
long-time Democratic Party boss. One of her close campaign associates is a Jew-baiting demagogue, who whipped up votes
by denouncing "greedy Jewish landlords." The president's press secretary, Sarah Sanders, and her family were evicted
from The Red Hen restaurant by an owner who disapproves of her politics. Then that owner led a mob to follow some of
the Sanders family and harass them at the next place they went to eat. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
tried to eat at a Mexican restaurant, only to face a mob of protestors inside the eatery screaming "Shame" amidst profanities
and insults. Florida Attorney General (and frequent defender of President Trump on Fox News) Pam Bondi was identified,
harassed, and spat on when she tried to watch the new Mr. Rogers movie.
Arrested for Threatening to Kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's Children. Federal authorities have located and
arrested a California man suspected of threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's children. He faces a maximum of 10
years in the federal slammer. He "is charged with a threatening to murder a member of the immediate family of a U.S.
official with the intent to intimidate or interfere with such official while engaged in the performance of official duties,
or with the intent to retaliate against such official on account of the performance of official duties," says the Department
of Justice. According to a Department of Justice press release, the man was upset about the repeal of net neutrality
and was trying to frighten Pai in retaliation.
The Editor says...
How many people care that much about the internet? Maybe one in a million?
Liberals Call
for Violence After Kennedy Resigns — Is Civil War Coming? Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy
announced his resignation last night, and with that, a reliably conservative judge will take his place. Instead of the
recent 5-4 rulings we've seen thanks to Neil Gorsuch, we could be seeing a court leaning to the Right, 6-3. On the other
side of the fence were those who must be tired of losing by now. In response to the news, which came after a number of
Trump administration officials were harassed and threatened by mobs this past week, liberals were quick to call for even more
harassment and violence.
Waters advances a liberal strategy with her call for mob action. With the appalling news of the past few weeks
of mobs attempting to harass and intimidate President Trump's female Cabinet members and staff, the inclination is to believe
that this remarkable behavior, so antithetical to American values, is the result of a lack of leadership in the Democratic
Party. Yet, the organized nature of the attacks, combined with liberal political and legacy media rhetoric, makes clear
this is not some sort of organic turn of events. Having come from the left, I can tell you everything liberals do is
organized around the principle of personalizing, punishing and polarizing; it's the only thing they know how to do and is a
required skill when you can't persuade people on the details of the issues and have no actual policy solutions. While
some were calling for an end to this classically fascist behavior, Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, decided more
mob action would be good. Ms. Waters spoke to a group in Los Angeles and did not call for an end to the menacing;
instead, she encouraged it.
California Code, Penal Code
§ 422(a). Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily
injury to another person, with the specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in writing, or by means of an
electronic communication device, is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, which,
on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made, is so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to
convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby
causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her immediate family's safety,
shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison.
One Flew Over The Democrat Party.
On one hand, they run from discussions of ANYTHING with tangible measurements — i.e. economics and crime —
while on the other hand, their emotional message resonates with high school kids like David Hogg — because they are
themselves childish. Their arguments are childish, their solutions are childish, their lies are childish, and their behavior
is childish. And now the children are becoming dangerous. [Video clip]
Man Arrested, Accused of Threatening to Kill Children of GOP Rep Over Immigration Policies. A man from Stuart,
Florida is in jail after being accused of threatening to harm the children of Republican Rep. Brian Mast (Fla.).
Mast, who represents the state's 18th Congressional District has three young children, all under the age of 8. The arrested
man, Laurence Wayne Key, is facing federal charges for the offense of "communication of a threat to kidnap or injure a person."
He threatened Mast's children in response to the Trump administration's immigration policies, according to NBC affiliate WPTV.
A criminal complaint alleges Key called Mast's Washington, D.C. office and told an intern he would "find the Congressman's kids and
kill them." He continued, "If you're going to separate kids at the border, I'm going to kill his kids. Don't try to
find me because you won't."
Unmasked: America's Real Fascists.
They come in all different disguises. • Protesters disrupting the Mexican restaurant meal of a Cabinet Secretary,
forcing her to leave. • The owner of an innocent-sounding "Red Hen" restaurant in Lexington, Virginia boasting
that she refused to serve the presidential press secretary Sarah Sanders and asked her to leave. [...] • A Florida
Democratic Party activist threatened Republican Congressman Brian Mast's children, saying to one of the Congressman's interns: "If
you are going to separate kids at the border, I'm going to kill his kids." News reports note that the man had called the
Congressman's office 478 times. • Hostile students physically assaulting a speaker at Middlebury College,
giving an accompanying college official a concussion. • Hooded Antifa members, "armed with sticks and shields
and clad in shin pads and gloves" (per the Washington Post), rampaging through the streets of Berkeley to attack a peaceful rally.
Five people were assaulted. • Media Matters and its constant campaigns to bully advertisers into removing
conservative X from the nation's television screen or radio air waves, warning that advertisers will get "burned" if they don't
comply. • A Member of Congress calls on supporters to confront and harass Trump administration officials
when seen in public. Said Maxine Waters: "They're not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they're not going to be able
to stop at a gas station, they're not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them,
they're going to protest, they're going to absolutely harass them."
Should Not Be Surprised When This Turns Violent. It's bad enough that the far-left conspiracy theorists are
convinced that President Trump stole the election, that he colluded with the Russians to do it, and that his administration
is invalid, immoral, and evil. But now, elected politicians are encouraging what could be labeled a call to violence
against appointed officials occupying high office in the Trump administration.
Thugs Guarantee Another Scalise Tragedy. Someone is going to get killed. We have gone beyond the severed
presidential head help by the unfunny and untalented Kathy Griffin to mob action, including the physical harassment of
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen who just days before was drummed out of a Mexican restaurant by left-wing
activists protesting the separation of children from parents caught crossing the border illegally. Nielsen was also
targeted by a leftist mob at her home.
of Rage. Angry, in-your-face confrontations dramatically increase the chances of violence. Put people in
close proximity, yelling and spitting, and public officials will rightly start to fear that they're in physical danger.
While millions of Americans don't remember that a Bernie Sanders supporter last year tried to assassinate a significant
portion of the GOP Congress, you can be assured that not a single Republican in Washington has forgotten. They can
never be sure that the screaming person in front of them doesn't mean them physical harm.
Maxine Waters Calls for Political Violence. Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters, calling for attacks on the
Trump administration at a rally in Los Angeles Saturday [6/23/2018]: "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a
restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and
you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere." How exactly does Maxine Waters think this is going to shake
out? Does she think this tactic will be used only by leftist protesters, only against Trump cabinet officials, and that
in no circumstance will "pushing back at them" lead to violence against those targeted individuals? Does she think that
there is no possible scenario where the security details assigned to protect cabinet officials from harm respond to threatening
behavior with force?
war: Plenty of people must think the Red Guards were a really nifty idea. ... because they're advocating
going down a road that would have an excellent chance of leading there. [...] The left in America today thinks it's already
the target of enormous persecution. On the contrary; it enjoys freedoms and liberties only dreamed of in most societies.
Examples from the Last Two Weeks That Show How Dangerous and Insane Liberals Have Become. [#4] Maxine Waters
Calls for Public Harassment of Trump Officials. Congresswoman Maxine Waters AGREED that Sarah Sanders should have been
kicked out of a restaurant for not being liberal and doubled down on it by saying, "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a
restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and
you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere." In other words, EVERY SQUARE INCH OF AMERICAN SOIL should be a
political war zone and somehow, some way, she seems to assume that no Democrats will suffer any blowback from all of
this. Again, the response to Waters' comments on the Left has been overwhelmingly positive.
Max and Nancy Pelosi: The twin faces of the Democratic Party. It is by now undeniable that the hate-Trump
left has gone stark-raving mad. Its members have lost all semblance of sanity, decorum, and class. With Mad
Maxine Waters leading the way, they are encouraging public interference and assaults in the form of hastily assembled mobs to
shame anyone connected to the Trump administration who has the temerity to venture out in public.
Gather Outside White House Adviser Stephen Miller's Apartment, Pass Out 'Wanted' Flyers. A group of chanting
protesters gathered outside White House adviser Stephen Miller's Washington D.C. apartment on Monday [6/25/2018]. But
before the chanting really picked up, the crowd circulated "Wanted" flyers expressing the contention that Miller is guilty
of "crimes against humanity," among other things. The reward? "Defeating Fascism and the Trump regime."
Nasty: Homeland Security Official Warned With Decapitated Animal On His Porch. According to an official
who is familiar with recent threats directed against the Department of Homeland Security, the department determined that
there is now a "heightened threat against DHS employees." The official said roughly two dozen threats have been made in
the last few days. One specific example: a senior DHS official living in the Washington, D.C. area found a burnt and
decapitated animal on his front porch. On Saturday [6/23/2018], Claire Grady, acting deputy secretary of Homeland
Security, wrote to employees, "This assessment is based on specific and credible threats that have been levied against
certain DHS employees and a sharp increase in the overall number of general threats against DHS employees."
Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence. This week they turned the hate up to "11," then cranked it to "17."
There are not many places to go once you reach "You are real live Nazis murdering children by not letting aspiring Democrat
voters flow into the country at will!" At some point, instead of a few wild-eyed randos with crummy aim trying to off libs'
political/cultural opponents, they are going to start collectively going to go for the throat. Our collective throat.
Which I do not anticipate us Normals responding to in a huggy, loving kind of way. You can see it coming as they grow more
and more unhinged.
attacks on Trump staffers won't end well for America. [Scroll down] Those harassing people for their
worldview in public should think long and hard about the repercussions. Nor is this breaking of social norms solely
because of the child-detainment issue. [...] FCC chairman Ajit Pai had protesters outside his home, with signs mentioning his
children by name because of Net Neutrality. Betsy DeVos was physically blocked by protesters from visiting a
school. Ivanka Trump was harassed on a JetBlue flight. Meanwhile Barack Obama's former Homeland Security
Secretary Jeh Johnson admitted that they, too, detained children and families. No protests appeared on his lawn, no
restaurant denied him or others in the administration service over the issue.
Waters Incites Violence. Sen. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is blatantly inciting violence against the Trump
administration. Yesterday, she called for leftists to attack members of President Donald Trump's administration,
screaming to a group of supporters that they should not be welcomed anywhere in society. We've seen four high-profile
women in Trump's orbit get attacked now. It started with Tomi Lahren. She was having brunch with her mother when
a leftist threw water on her. Then this week things really kicked into high gear. Homeland Security Secretary
Kirstjen Nielsen, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi were all harassed
and attacked this week. Waters wants this to be the new norm.
Hen, Civility, Extremism And Violence. A vocal rejection of civility is of course a call to violence. The
slippery slope gets greased. And then it's a small matter to go from harassment to assault. That's what the left
wants. Some conservative commentators are saying that the left hasn't thought this through. Sure they have.
The grad student working on some bottom rung of the D.C. career ladder before getting bombed and joining some anarchist
protest may not have thought it out, but the guys and girls pushing the buttons have. What they want is to wreck
America, go full Weimar, move to street violence, and then, by persuasion or force, impose their own system to deal with the
emergency. What better way to trash most of the forms of government, the Constitution, checks and balances, than by
burning everything down.
Bondi: Three Huge Guys Were Screaming at Me and Cursing Me One Inch from My Face. Florida Attorney
General spoke with FOX and Friends on Monday after after being verbally assaulted, threatened and bullied by raging leftists
at a movie theater on Saturday night [6/23/2018]. Bondi, the popular Attorney General from the great state of Florida,
has been a long-time target of unhinged left. She told FOX and Friends "three huge guys" came up to her and started
screaming at her and cursing her an inch from her face. The violent leftists then turned on her boyfriend and tried to
provoke him into a physical altercation.
The Media's Sickness Is Terminal.
The "ends" suddenly justify the means, and anyone who questions their uncivil behavior fails to see the "higher" good at
stake. In this atmosphere, anything goes, at both the low and high ends of liberalism, as we have seen since Trump's
victory: Upper East Side liberals trotting over to Central Park to watch a play in which a Donald Trump character is
stabbed to death; audiences laughing at comedienne Kathy Griffin for holding up a mock-severed, bloody head of Trump;
liberals retweeting actor Peter Fonda calling for Trump's son to be thrown into a "cage with pedophiles"; liberal activists
cheering attempts to throw Ivanka Trump off a plane; liberal activists congratulating a restaurant for refusing to serve
Sarah Huckabee Sanders. In the latter case, the only surprise is that the restaurant didn't poison her. Maybe
that will happen in Trump's second term.
Hen Owner Stalked the Sanders Family, Screaming, Yelling. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was not only chased out
of the Red Hen restaurant, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson followed the family across the street to another restaurant to harass
them. This was reported by the press secretary's father, former Governor Mike Huckabee on Laura Ingraham's radio show
this morning [6/25/2018]. Sarah and her husband left and went home without eating because they had been humiliated.
They 'had enough' her father said.
Hen Restaurant Owner Followed Sanders Family To Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment. The story of White
House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant by the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson,
takes on more context today as Mike Huckabee explained during a radio interview. According to Mr. Huckabee the
owner of the Red Hen restaurant not only kicked out Sarah Sanders and her in-laws, but she followed them to another restaurant,
organized a group of people to assist her efforts, and then led the mob in continued harassment of the Sanders family.
Believe the Disavowals, Democrats Have Been Harassing Opponents for Years. Democrat leaders scrambled Monday
morning [6/25/2018] to distance themselves from the incendiary comments made by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) over the
weekend, calling for the public to "harass" member of the Trump administration. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA) — who hopes to reclaim the Speaker's gavel if Democrats win the midterm elections in November —
tweeted that Waters's comments were "unacceptable" — though she blamed Trump for provoking them.
mad and proud of it. Kicking a few people out of restaurants can be satisfying but that won't get it
done. It might not even be legal. David Cole, the national legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union,
tells the website Law & Crime restaurateurs tempted to follow the Red Hen's crusade to restore morality to America through
fine cuisine and gustatory piety, that public-accommodations laws prohibit businesses that are open to the public from
discriminating against people based on certain characteristics is risky.
How to Go
Out in Public as a Trump Supporter without Getting Beat Up or Denied Service. It's obvious that Trump
supporters are increasingly unwelcome in the public square. Tomi Lahren can't go to brunch without getting assaulted,
Milo can't drink at a bar without being chased out by vulgar swine chanting "Nazi scum," Sarah Sanders can't take her family
to dinner, and Pam Bondi can't go to the movie theater without being harassed by screeching SJWs. There's no doubt
you're next, random Trump supporter. [...] If you really want to be left alone, then don a hijab or burka and no one
will dare approach you for any reason.
President Trump has responded to violent
threat from Maxine Waters and it's serious! President Trump is watching the Democrats and their threats
closely as he condemns the violence against supporters. Trump sent a message to Maxine Waters telling her, "Be careful
what you wish for". The President knows his supporters will not be kicked around.
Is Maxine
Waters Calling On Her Allies To Get Shot? [W]hat she did recently was incredibly stupid, even for her.
You see, following Sarah Sanders being kicked out of a restaurant simply because of who she was — apparently, only
people who make wedding cakes can be forced to serve others — Waters thinks she sees blood in the water.
Now, she's calling on her allies to harass Trump cabinet members anywhere they go in public. [Video clip]
An extremely Red Hen. A Red Hen restaurant
located just a few blocks from Washington and Lee University has sparked controversy by refusing service to White House Press
Secretary Sarah Sanders. Supporters are comparing the action to the "Masterpiece Cakeshop" ruling, but while Jack
Phillips offered to bake his customers a cake for any occasion other than a gay wedding, Sanders was denied service solely
based on who she is.
left loses its cool. Two senior Trump administration officials were heckled at restaurants. A third was
denied service. Florida GOP Attorney General Pam Bondi required a police escort away from a movie about Mister Rogers
after activists yelled at her in Tampa — where two other Republican lawmakers say they were also politically
harassed last week, one of them with her kids in tow. In the Donald Trump era, the left is as aggressively
confrontational as anyone can remember.
Crazies All the Way Down. The fact is that Democrat politicians view "Resistance" Brownshirts as their storm
troopers, leading the way to victory in November and beyond. Earlier today [6/24/2018] Maxine Waters, one of the most
senior and most powerful Democrats in the House of Representatives, explicitly endorsed harassment of members of the
administration, something we have never seen before in American history.
Huckabee: Red Hen owner followed Sanders family to another restaurant. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike
Huckabee alleged Monday that the restaurant owner who refused service to his daughter, White House Press Secretary Sarah
Huckabee Sanders, actually ended up following Mrs. Sanders' family to another restaurant and causing a "scene."
Mr. Huckabee told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham on Monday that Stephanie Wilkinson, owner of the Red Hen in
Lexington, Virginia, kicked Mrs. Sanders and her family out of the restaurant and then proceeded to yell at them when
they tried to go to a different restaurant across the street.
Why the
Left Is Having a Nervous Breakdown. Self-destructive, nincompoop behavior is rampant with members of the
so-called Resistance (what a desecration of the real Resistance that is!) now showing up at restaurants to harass members of
the administration while they eat. Do these clowns have any idea how that plays in Middle America? Do these
people think they are accomplishing anything but their own defeat? And how about yet another Fonda hoping Trump's young
son would be locked in a cage with pederasts? Does that aging Hollywood nitwit actually think he's influencing public
opinion in his direction by saying that?
to do when anti-Trump zealots cross the line into violence or even chargeable menacing. If an official of the
U.S. government is attacked in public and those responsible are legally charged, because we must be careful never to infringe
on First Amendment free speech rights, no matter how annoying, then the names of those responsible should immediately be placed
on a "no fly list." It is simple: if some zealots cross the line into violence or even chargeable "menacing," then
by their very action, they have made it known that they cannot be trusted on an aircraft with all different types of passengers.
heckle Florida AG Pam Bondi outside showing of Mr. Rogers documentary. Protesters heckled Florida Attorney
General Pam Bondi on Friday at a showing of a documentary about children's TV host Fred Rogers, challenging her support of
the Trump administration's stance on immigration and the state's decision to join a lawsuit against the Affordable Care
Act. After watching "Won't You Be My Neighbor," a documentary about the fabled Mr. Rogers, Bondi was shouted at by
demonstrators and had to be escorted by police, the Tampa Bay Times reported. "What would Mr. Rogers think about
you and your legacy in Florida? Taking away health insurance from people with pre-existing conditions, Pam Bondi," one
protester reportedly shouted.
The bawl of the
left. Leftists essentially reveal themselves to be bullies in their latest series of stunts that coincide with
their cry tactics. Their bullying is in the doxxing of U.S. immigration enforcers, with Wikileaks publishing their
names and addresses as the left encourages the harassment of them. To self-identified D-list actor Peter Fonda, this
was just natural stuff until he got called out. They ran Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant in Washington, D.C. in a
rabid harrassment activity, hoping to change U.S. laws by screaming and bullying. They also bullied White House
spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, with the leftist owner of the Red Hen restaurant asking Sanders to leave a restaurant just last
night [6/23/2018]. Hounding and bullying are the flip side of all these leftists stand for.
Are Pushing The Country To The Edge. The ability to agree to disagree is dead, murdered by leftists who demand
absolute adherence to their political will or they declare you an enemy of the people and seek to destroy you. As long
suspected, those "coexist" stickers on their Priuses were for show, they should read "obey" because obedience, in absolute
terms, is the only acceptable way to "coexist" with the liberal mob. [...] When the leadership of the party does not condemn
mob action against a Cabinet Secretary while she's having a meal or is at home, disrupting her entire neighborhood, the next
steps are only more dangerous. And when the media willingly lies to advance the mob to those next steps, how do you
pump the brakes on this runaway train?
Openly Call for Violence and Dehumanization of Opponents. Liberals/Leftists are getting more dangerous by the
day. They are pushing for violence and the silencing of all with whom they disagree. They openly and freely stalk
and harass conservatives [or even liberals who agree with something conservative] at their homes and restaurants.
MSNBC's Donny Deutsch on Friday compared people who vote for President Trump to Nazis, saying "if you vote for Trump, you're
the bad guy." The USA is now a country where the left-wing believes people with whom they disagree have no freedom of
speech, at least not political speech.
TV writer threatens Donald Trump Jr.'s 4-year-old daughter: 'We're coming for Chloe'. A Canadian television
comedy writer was forced to apologize this week after he appeared to threaten Donald Trump Jr.'s 4-year-old daughter on
Twitter. "Don't worry, we're coming for Chloe, too," Pat Dussault tweeted Wednesday morning to the president's eldest
son. The tweet was deleted, but not before actor James Woods snapped a screenshot and notified the Secret
Service. Mr. Trump Jr. retweeted both of Mr. James' messages condemning Mr. Dussault.
blast sounds of crying children outside home of DHS chief. Protesters gathered outside the home of Homeland
Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Friday morning, playing audio of crying migrant children who have been separated from
their parents after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. HuffPost editor Philip Lewis posted a video on Twitter showing
protesters from the progressive group Credo Action outside of Nielsen's townhome in Alexandria, Va., at 7:30 a.m.
Surround DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's Home. Protesters descended on the Alexandria townhouse of Homeland
Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Friday morning, demanding the Trump administration reunite illegal immigrant families at
the U.S.-Mexico border. Demonstrators were heard chanting "free the kids" and "no justice, no sleep," according to
HuffPost's Philip Lewis. Many people in the crowd carried signs bearing Nielsen's likeness, captioned:
Fonda Take Note: We are On the Verge of Someone Close to Trump Getting Killed. Anarchists from the
Democratic Socialists of America just confronted Kirstjen Nielsen — only the head of the Department of Homeland
Security entrusted with the massive job of protecting us all — in a restaurant in Washington, D.C., and forced her
to flee. They assailed her with her full security detail around her. [...] These anarchists not only surrounded the
Secretary of Homeland Security at her table, but simultaneously put the word out for more support. The election of
Donald Trump has so poisoned and completely unhinged the minds of many on the left, that rational and respectful debate is no
longer possible. [...] EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has been continually harassed, screamed at and even threatened in
public and on aircraft. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has been chased, screamed at in a restaurant and forced to
turn back from events by enraged protesters. It is only a matter of time, before these anarchists cross the final line.
Throw Tantrum. This week, liberal celebrities, politicians and members of the media put on a clinic on how to
behave badly. On Wednesday, actor Peter Fonda posted about the president's 12-year-old son on Twitter. "We should
rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against
the giant (expletive) she is married to." Fonda also called on his followers to intimidate the children of federal
immigration staff and border agents, tweeting, "We don't have to take the agents kids, we only need to surround their schools
and scare the (expletive) out of them and worry the (expletive) out of the agents. ... We need to scare the (expletive) out
of them! Need to make their children worry now." He also attacked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee
Sanders and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, referring to them in vulgar, sexist terms.
screaming rabid radical, employed by the Department of Justice. [Scroll down] Now, you expect someone
working at the Department of Justice to be an even-tempered person, someone concerned about fairness to all, whether on the
right or the left, someone who actually believes in the law, and not someone who would politicize government, as Hugo Chavez
did. [...] It's really very amazing: a mob of baying, radicals, who illegally disturbed the peace of Homeland Security
Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and physically threatened her, actually had at least one government employee among them.
Allison Hrabar, who goes by @allisoneroi on Twitter, and who according to her own identifier on her now-protected Twitter
account, is not only a DoJ paralegal intern, but a Metropolitan District of Columbia steering committee member of her local
Democratic Socialists of America, no doubt filling in their 'youth' slot, as well as 'insolent and vain,' a self-characterization
she has since deleted, not wanting to embrace all that Millennial 'irony' anymore. The Democratic Socialists of America
are an openly socialist group so extreme the only group that's more far-left than they are is the Revolutionary Communist Party.
Activist Who Harassed Homeland Security Secretary Works For The Department Of Justice. One of the activists who
chased Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant Tuesday night [6/19/2018] over the Trump
administration's immigration policies is an employee of the Department of Justice, The Daily Caller News Foundation has
confirmed. Members of the Washington, D.C., chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America crashed Nielsen's meal with
a demonstration full of chants and other outbursts. One of those participants, Allison Hrabar, actually works for the
Trump administration, as a paralegal in the DOJ.
activist who harassed Kirstjen Nielsen at Mexican restaurant works at Justice Department. Democratic Socialists
of America member Allison Hrabar reveled in her actions Wednesday [6/20/2018] to the Washington Examiner, saying it "feels
really good to confront people who are actually responsible" for arresting any illegal immigrants. One of the chants on
the video says Immigrations and Customer Enforcement should be abolished. According to the Examiner, Ms. Hrabar is
a paralegal specialist at the Justice Department. Ms. Hrabar said her actions were off-the-clock and not official,
and that she was merely engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment. She also called on other D.C. residents to
make the city, which is chock-full of bureaucrats who can be presumed to participate in some or other Trump administration
policy, a perpetual demonstration zone.
Nielsen heckled by protesters at Mexican restaurant. Other diners applauded them. Protesters entered a
Mexican restaurant in D.C. on Tuesday evening [6/19/2018] to heckle Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen.
She appeared to sit quietly with her head down for more than 10 minutes listening to the protesters chanting "Shame!" and
"End family separation!" Protesters, roughly 10 to 15 of them, entered MXDC Cocina Mexicana about 8 p.m.
while Nielsen finished her meal with one other person. The restaurant's general manager, Thomas Genovese, told The
Washington Post that Nielsen had been dining for about an hour when the heckling began. She did not come with a
reservation, he said. The eatery is about two blocks east of the White House.
Manager Where Secretary Nielsen Was Mobbed 'Happy About What Happened'. The Mexican restaurant where Department
of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was swarmed by protesters Tuesday in Washington, D.C., took no action to quell
the protesters or ensure Nielsen's safety, a manager told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday [6/20/2018]. "We
are not upset the protesters came here and we are not upset even if it was any of our staffers [who tipped off] the protesters,"
the MXDC Cocina Mexicana manager, who refused to give his name, told TheDCNF. "We are happy about what happened."
Harass DHS Secretary Nielsen at D.C. Restaurant. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen
can't even have as much as a meal at peace without harassment. Last night Nielsen was seated at MCDC Cocina Mexicana
restaurant in D.C., a few blocks from the White House. She was recognized, and a member of a local Democratic
Socialists (DSA) group tweeted out Nielsen's location.
Defends Hecklers Who Shouted at Nielsen in Restaurant, Blames It on Trump. Rep. Jackie Speier (D., Calif.)
on Wednesday defended protesters who shouted at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen until she was forced to leave a
restaurant Tuesday night [6/19/2018]. CNN's Erin Burnett asked Speier about the protesters, who were organized by the
Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America to heckle Nielsen over the administration's immigration policy. Speier said
the protest was "probably spontaneous." "What happened there was probably spontaneous. Those weren't progressives;
those were just people who are disgusted by the way the administration has thought it was okay to separate parents and their
children," Speier said. The heckling was not spontaneous, according to the New York Times, which reported that
the socialist group came to the restaurant after finding out Nielsen was there.
"Celebrities", Deviants and Predators, Continue Showcasing Democrat Ideology. There are those who refuse to
accept how deviant and perverse the underlying progressive ideology of Democrats really is; while everyone else accepts their
commonality. The latest example from Peter Fonda is not an exception, this is who Democrats are. [...] We've watched
the ridiculing of cops, the riots, and the lack of support for laws, or their enforcement. We've been absorbing all
that. We've been exposed to violence upon us by paid operatives of the organized DNC machine. We know; the media
trying to hide it doesn't change our level of information.
Suspends Reporters and Others Sharing Article With Stephen Miller's Phone Number. Twitter locked a number of
accounts for tweeting White House senior adviser Stephen Miller's phone number or even linking to a news article that
contained it on Wednesday [6/20/2018], representing the latest change in Twitter's ever-evolving rules for what does and
doesn't merit punishment on the platform. In a piece with no byline, Splinter News published Miller's phone number and
suggested readers might "like to call him about" his role in the Trump administration's family-separation policy, and noted
the president's own penchant for publicly sharing his enemies' private phone numbers.
Democrat Legislator in
PA Flips Off VP Mike Pence. Democrat State legislator Brian Sims of Pennsylvania is not happy about Vice
President Mike Pence visiting his district, and he posted a hateful message on social media. Sims is the state's first
openly gay state representative.
Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped. The Office of the First
Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump's son, Barron,
The Daily Caller has learned exclusively. In a tweet sent Wednesday [6/20/2018], the actor called for Barron to be
"ripped" from Melania's arms and put in a cage "with pedophiles."
Florida Man Threatened to Kill Rep. Brian Mast's Children over Trump Policy. Laurence Key of Stuart,
Florida was arrested Tuesday after allegedly threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) and his three young children
over the Trump administration's immigration policy. Key reportedly phoned Rep. Mast's D.C. office on Monday
[6/18/2018], warning the intern who received the call that he was going to "find the congressman's kids and kill them," say
court documents filed in U.S. District Court.
This sounds like incitement to me. Rep. John Lewis:
'Cannot Be Any Peace in America' Until Child Border Policy Ends. Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) told reporters
Wednesday [6/20/2018] there "cannot be any peace in America" until border agents cease the separation of immigrant families.
"It made me so sad," Lewis began. "I cried last night. When I heard those babies crying. Knowing that young
children have been taken from their mothers.
Fonda's unhinged tweets spark debate about crude attacks. Peter Fonda was sounding absolutely unhinged. [...]
In since-deleted tweets, Fonda said maybe "lying gash" Sarah Sanders should have her children taken away and be deported to
Arkansas. And he called Kristjen Nielsen "a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passerby. The
gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passerby while being filmed for posterity." I mean,
these violent fantasies are pure sickness. Only later did Fonda come to his senses and apologize for the "highly
inappropriate and vulgar" comments. Sony Pictures called his remarks "abhorrent, reckless and dangerous" —
but isn't pulling his new film.
Fonda wants Barron Trump raped. No Democrats denounce Fonda. If you thought the attempted assassination
of nine congressman last year by a Democratic resistance gunman was an anomaly, you are wrong. The resistance is
fascist. They want to destroy President Trump, his family, and every one of his supporters. They would have done
this regardless of the election. Consider last night's harassment of Kirstjen Nielsen, who as secretary of Homeland
Security is 17th in the line of presidential succession. She tried to dine at a restaurant in Washington last
night. Fascists booed her out of the restaurant.
Peter Fonda Issues Rape Threats Against Trump's Family. Arrogant and obnoxious celebrities are nothing new, but
Peter Fonda's obscene and insane comments were bad enough that Melania Trump admitted she got the Secret Service involved.
[...] After making these comments, Fonda's Twitter account was not suspended. The movie he has coming out was not
pulled. For the most part, he received praise from other liberals for his comments.
Fonda vs. Roseanne Proves #TimesUp Is a Big, Fat Fraud. Roseanne Barr literally had her career
destroyed by the establishment media and Hollywood a few weeks ago over one racist Tweet. Peter Fonda, however, has
been given a free pass by the establishment media and Hollywood's #MeToo activists after tweeting out a call to have a child
raped and a woman sexually abused and humiliated. The male, the guy faces zero consequences, but only because he is
part of the establishment, only because the targets of his hate and violence are the "correct" women and children to target
with hate and violence.
Pictures Condemns Peter Fonda's 'Abhorrent' Tweets But Will Release His New Film Anyway. Sony Pictures Classics
released a statement shredding actor Peter Fonda for his tweets, one of which called for 12-year-old Barron Trump to be
raped — but the company said it would still release Boundaries, a new film co-starring Fonda. "Peter
Fonda's comments are abhorrent, reckless and dangerous, and we condemn them completely," the film company said in an emailed
statement late on Wednesday [6/20/2018].
The Editor says...
The show must go on, because there's so much money at stake.
Fonda apologizes to Trumps for 'highly inappropriate and vulgar' tweet. Actor Peter Fonda apologized Wednesday
afternoon [6/20/2018] for a threatening tweet in which he said Americans upset with the White House's separation of
illegal-immigrant families 'should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.' The
first lady's office conferred with U.S. Secret Service about the incident. The agency wouldn't say on Wednesday whether
it had contacted the aging Oscar-winner directly. Fonda issued a statement hours later, shortly after President Donald
Trump signed an executive order forbidding the government from detaining children separately from the adults who brought them
across the U.S.-Mexico border.
Remains Silent over Violent Peter Fonda Tweets. Twitter has remained silent over recent posts from Hollywood
actor Peter Fonda which called for President Trump's son Barron to be put in a cage with pedophiles, the children of ICE
agents to be harassed, and United States Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen to be placed "naked" in a public
cage where people can whip her.
Griffin unleashes profanity-laced tirade at Melania Trump. Liberal comedian Kathy Griffin, who famously posed
with a fake severed head of President Trump, took a vicious new swing at the first lady over the immigration controversy on
Sunday [6/17/2018]. The first lady had weighed in earlier in the day. "Mrs. Trump hates to see children
separated from their families & hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration
reform. She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws but also a country that governs w/heart," her office
told Fox News.
elite embrace selfishness, bigotry and hatred of Trump and his supporters. Instead of questioning the
components of their ideology, looking for new policies that would help working Americans — or supporting those of
the Trump administration designed to do just that — establishment Democrats and Republicans have united around a
new elitist ideology. This time, the ideology has nothing to do with policy. The new elitist ideology is
personal, visceral, emotional. It starts with selfishness. Because they have benefited so tremendously from the
status quo, those in the establishment portray any attempt to change the status quo as "reckless" and "disruptive." Just
look at the hysterical reaction to President Trump's new trade strategy, or his administration's tough stance on immigration
(not even tough enough for some, by the way).
Rand Paul's Attacker
Gets 30 Days in Prison. The neighbor of Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul was sentenced in a federal
court on Friday after being convicted of attacking the senator in 2017. Rene Boucher, 59, pleaded guilty in March to
assaulting a member of Congress, resulting in personal injury, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison and a year of
supervised release for the attack, reported U.S. News And World Report.
Cuomo float physical violence after Heated segment with GOPer: 'Would've rearranged his face'. After a heated
interview with Corey Stewart, a Republican candidate running for the U.S. Senate in Virginia, CNN's Chris Cuomo suggested his
father, the former governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, would have "rearranged" Stewart's face. Cuomo's talk of physical
violence prompted a supportive reply from colleague Don Lemon during a handoff, who implied that if the Republican candidate
was "in the same room with you — well, both of us...," before leaving the rest of the sentence dangling on what
they might have done.
Occupy Scott
Pruitt? Anti-Capitalists Post EPA Head's Home Address Online. The left-wing activists group Occupy Wall
Street posted Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt's Tulsa, Okla., home address on the group's Twitter
account. Occupy Wall Street posted Pruitt's address on Twitter on Monday along with a New York Times article detailing
the EPA head's "cozy ties" with Joseph Craft, a coal executive. The group gave out his address to their Twitter
followers "if you want to take [your] pitchfork to him directly."
standards for the left. The president says he is still waiting for an apology from Disney CEO Bob Iger for
insults directed at him by people on various ABC programs, insults that mocked Christianity and accused the White House of
supporting white supremacists, among other slurs. Mr. Trump shouldn't hold his breath waiting for that
apology. Among other examples of disgusting labeling and rhetoric is one from Google, which listed "Nazism" as the
ideology of the California Republican Party. That posting came less than a week before the California primary.
Google later told The Daily Caller News Foundation that it happened because sometimes "people vandalize public information
sources, like Wikipedia, which can impact the information that appears in search." Two White House statements summed up
the outrage over the increasing number of insults from the left. This from Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
herself the target of recent attacks by supposed feminists about her personal appearance.
and Patriot Prayer demonstrators clash in downtown Portland; 4 arrested. Dueling demonstrations faced off
Sunday in downtown Portland, marking the first large street protest of the spring. The rallies drew hundreds to a pair
of parks near City Hall, including right-wing Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson of Vancouver, his supporters and
counter-protesters, including black-clad antifascists, known as antifa. The rallies began peacefully and escalated with
shoving, a small bonfire on the antifa side of the gatherings and punches thrown. Portland police stepped in to quell
the fights and asked people to stay away from the area as Patriot Prayer supporters started marching.
The Editor says...
That's one way to look at it. Here is another:
sees bloody fighting as Antifa activists storm Patriot Prayer rally. Violence broke out in downtown Portland,
Oregon, on Sunday [6/3/2018] as Antifa activists stormed a Patriot Prayer rally — about a year after similar
dueling rallies triggered bloody fights and arrests. Some protesters on Sunday hurled bottles and fireworks at police
officers while others were caught with knives and other weapons, Portland Police tweeted. Officials encouraged people
to get out of the immediate area "for their safety."
The Democrats Descend
Into Farce. [Scroll down] The Barr-Bee girls: Roseanne and Samantha. Barr impulsively sends
out a vulgar tweet that could be interpreted as racist. She apologizes but her popular show is canceled within
hours. Bee reads a vetted, approved, vulgar script that includes a despicably sexist term in reference to Ivanka
Trump. Her producer brags when the remark trends on Twitter. She is given an award. She issues a
half-hearted apology. Leftists, meanwhile, rush to explain that referring to a woman in the most low and disrespectful
manner imaginable isn't really so bad, after all. They debate the nature of comedy. They explain why the two
situations are so very different. Bee's show, which no one watches, is still on as of this writing.
PAC Urges Donors To 'Take Out' Republican Congressman Who Survived Being Shot Last Year. A liberal group is
raising money to put up a billboard to "take out" Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), who survived being shot while practicing
at a baseball field in Alexandria last June. The homepage of Mad Dog PAC's website has a photo of the proposed
billboard with a link asking site-goers for donations.
Butchers Are Now Living In Fear Of Violent Attacks From Militant Vegans. Britain's butchers say they're "living
in fear" after a spate of violent attacks they say were committed by militant vegans who are unhappy with their meat-based
businesses. According to The Telegraph, "attacks on small businesses by vegan activists are on the rise." The attacks
include what farmers say are threats of violence and death, "stoked by social media and encouraged by international groups of
activists." Small businesses, like Marlow Butchers in the town of Kent, have been vandalized with red paint. Other
butchers say vegan activists have threatened to burn down their homes. Farmers who cultivate livestock for slaughter
say they've been threatened, and even truck drivers who haul live animals to meat processing plants have had their
windshields cracked by marauding groups of animal rights activists clad in black face masks.
The Editor says...
Are they really militant animal-rights activists, or are they Islamic halal/sharia activists?
Professor Defaced Family Home of NRA's Chris Cox. I watched as stone-faced Patricia W. Hill, a "Research
Assistant Professor" from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was found guilty on May 21, 2018, of a misdemeanor crime for
defacing the private home of NRA's Chris Cox. Cox is the charismatic Executive Director of the Institute for Legislative
Action, the political and lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association. Patricia Hill — well, she is not a fan of the
NRA. Cox's security detail observed and recorded Hill as she approached his home and sprayed red substance on the front
steps of the Cox family residence. The substance appeared to be the color of blood, Cox testified.
[are] Slowly Turning Off the Faucet of Free Speech. Recently, a dozen Cheesecake Factory employees approached the table of a young black
customer. Incredibly, the employees harassed and threaten to punch the restaurant's patron in his face for wearing a MAGA hat. [...] Had the
employees attacked a customer wearing a Black Lives Matter or homosexual rainbow logo hat, outraged leftists would demand that the Cheesecake Factory
fire the employees immediately. [...] With leftist college professors condoning violence to silence politically incorrect speech, a disturbing
19% of college students believe they have the moral high ground to physically assault people who express opinions they don't like. So it
is not surprising that seniors and veterans have been brutalized for wearing "Make America Great Again" attire.
Destroy Veterans Memorial In Texas. Residents of the sleepy, rural town of Brownwood, Texas (population 19,000)
awoke Sunday to find four monuments at a local veterans memorial knocked over and shattered on the ground. The
memorials were en-scripted with the names of local area veterans who have served.
Cheesecake Factory Employees Are Out After Trump Hat Remarks. Cheesecake Factory Inc. said two workers at one
of its Miami restaurants are no longer employed there after making "disparaging remarks" about a customer's hat bearing the
slogan of President Donald Trump's campaign "Make America Great Again." "No guest should ever feel unwelcome in one of
our restaurants and we are very sorry," the chain said in a statement on Twitter. An investigation is continuing into the
incident, which occurred on Sunday. It said that as of Tuesday, the two staff members are no longer with the company.
School Shooter Found
Carrying Symbol Linked to Radical Trump Haters. As journalists poured over the alleged shooter's social media
accounts, they found something chilling. It appears that the shooter proudly wore a piece of pro-Communist propaganda
on his clothing as he carried out the attack. Photos and descriptions from the accused criminal's Facebook page show an
unmistakable Soviet "hammer and sickle" pin placed prominently on the lapel of his jacket — the same jacket that
witnesses said he wore during the rampage.
Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered! [Scroll down] We do have some clues as to the mind of
[Dimitrios] Pagourtzis, however, thanks to his now deleted Facebook profile that was scoured by internet sleuths in the moments
after his arrest. As it turns out, Pagourtzis leaned heavily to the political left, at least according to his choice of
clothing and accoutrements, flying both the Hammer and Sickle and Nazi iron cross on pieces of outerwear in his closet.
Rifle Scope Journalism.
Honestly, I can't imagine why President Trump calls the news media the enemy of the people. It isn't like they are
doing anything disgusting like posting gifs of him in a rifle scope. Wait...
Rhetoric On Trump Administration Becomes Increasingly Violent. Despite the establishment media's claims that
President Donald Trump is inciting violence against them by calling them "fake news," journalists have only ramped up their
own violent rhetoric in regards to the Trump administration. CNN's Jim Acosta told Variety Magazine in April that he
believes Trump's criticisms of the press could cause people who "don't have all their faculties" to physically attack a
reporter, asserting, "a journalist is gonna get hurt one of these days." CNN media analyst Brian Stelter and anchor
Brooke Baldwin dedicated an entire segment to Trump's "dangerous speech" prior to the election in 2016, claiming, "If there
is unrest and violence after election day, I think we now know why."
By A Lack Of Civility, MSNBC's Wallace Wants To Choke Sarah Sanders. On MSNBC's Deadline: White House
Friday, a discussion was had over a lack of civility at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The topic was raised due to White House
employee Kelly Sadler referring to John McCain's irrelevance because he is "dying anyway." Amid the castigation of impolite
behavior, referring to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders avoiding questions about the insensitive comment, host
Nicolle Wallace told correspondent Kristen Welker she'd like to choke Sanders. How's that for civility?
Factory Employees Attack Black Man For Wearing MAGA Hat, Witnesses Say. On Mother's Day [5/13/2018], employees
at a Cheesecake Factory in Miami, Florida, verbally attacked and made threatening gestures toward a black man who dined with
his girlfriend's family simply because he was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, according to multiple witnesses
interviewed by The Daily Wire. The Sunday incident allegedly began at the Cheesecake Factory located inside Dadeland
Mall when 22-year-old Eugenior Joseph was seated while wearing his MAGA hat.
Cheesecake Factory Responds To Attack On Black Man Who Wore MAGA Hat. Late on Monday night [5/14/2018], The
Cheesecake Factory responded to an alleged attack on a black Trump supporter that happened at one of their restaurants in
Miami, Florida, by announcing that they have launched an investigation into the incident.
Goldberg Challenges Trump To Be Tortured: "I Would Like You To Try It". On Thursday's edition of ABC's
The View, Whoopi Goldberg weighed in on CIA Director-designate Gina Haspel's testimony at her confirmation hearing yesterday,
who stated that torture does not work, and "The Guy In The White House," President Donald, who said that "torture works."
Goldberg challenged Trump and former Vice President Dick Cheney to "try it."
Nicolle Wallace suggests Sarah Sanders should be choked. MSNBC daytime host Nicolle Wallace suggested that White House press
secretary Sarah Sanders should be choked after she refused to comment Friday on a report that an aide in the administration made a dismissive
remark about Sen. John McCain's, R-Ariz., health. On her show Friday [5/11/2018], Wallace, who was an adviser for McCain's 2008
presidential campaign, asked NBC News' White House reporter Kristen Welker, "How do you resist the temptation to run up and wring her
neck? Why can't she just say if a staffer said that, we're going to get to the bottom of it and she'll be fired?"
on California High School Depicts Aztec Warrior Spearing President Trump's Decapitated, Bloody Head. A mural
painted on a California charter school has sparked outrage for depicting an Aztec warrior spearing President Donald Trump's
decapitated head. The artist, Sasha Andrade, claims that the high school approved of the image before she painted
it. The mural is one of several painted on the back of the MAAC Charter School in Chula Vista.
mural school in Chula Vista caters to illegals, sports an abysmal academic record. A charter school in Chula
Vista, Calif., just south of San Diego, got its name in the news for hosting a mural featuring a bloodied severed head of
President Trump. After a public outcry, the school acted quickly to cover it up, and got the "artist" (Sasha Andrade,
who has no record at all on the Internet of creating any art) to change it, apparently under protest.
Riot and Trash Cities Across the Globe on May Day. Chaotic images of rioting, violence and looting were posted
to social media from all over the globe on Tuesday [5/1/2018] as anarchists celebrated May Day, or International Workers' Day.
man pleads guilty to threatening to kill U.S. Sen. Tim Scott. Tim Scott, the Senate's sole black
Republican, knew the color of his skin made him a target for Internet trolls and bigots. Then came the voicemails and
the death threat. Last fall, federal authorities arrested a Georgia man for calling in a profanity-laced death threat
to Scott's Washington office. On Tuesday, 41-year-old Jason Kenneth Bell confirmed he was that caller and pleaded
guilty to two counts of anonymous telecommunications harassment, the U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia
announced. Bell told U.S. District Court Judge Marc T. Treadwell he did not give his name when he called
Oct. 23 and said he would physically injure the senator from South Carolina.
Student arrested for dousing Confederate statue
with red paint. A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill student was arrested Monday and charged with
vandalism for dousing a controversial Confederate statue with red paint. The "Silent Sam" statue has been a focal point
of controversy throughout the school year, and many students expressed outrage over Maya Little's arrest, even encouraging
others to follow her lead.
capital sees some of the worst May Day madness as protests erupt around the world. Protest marches have been
held around the world to mark International Workers' Day, and while some remained peaceful parades, others escalated into
violent clashes and destruction. Riot police in Paris arrested more than 200 anti-capitalist demonstrators today as
they went on the rampage to mark May Day. Water cannon and tear gas were used against the protestors, many of whom were
anarchists belonging to the Black Bloc movement.
of the Left: The Most Powerful Force in America Today. It is becoming more and more common for leftist
mobs to gather in front of a conservative's home, scream epithets at the conservative's family members and vandalize the
home. Just last week, the Associated Press reported: "Protesters are targeting the northern Virginia home of the
National Rifle Association's top lobbyist ... Chris Cox ... as well as his wife's nearby decorating business. ... Libby
Locke, a lawyer for the Cox family, said the vandalism included spraying fake blood and defacing the home with stickers."
West threatened by rapper over Trump support. Musician Kanye West's public support for President Trump has
resulted in calls for gang violence against him by a former associate of rapper Snoop Dogg. Daz Dillinger of the "The
Dogg Pound" duo took to social media on Monday [4/30/2018] with a "Crip alert" to attack Mr. West for his recent
rhetoric in favor of Republicans and conservatives. The threats by Mr. Dillinger, real name Delmar Drew Arnaud,
were made on Instagram.
with ties to Snoop Dogg issues 'Crip alert' for Kanye West. A California rapper on Sunday [4/29/2018] ordered
local gang members to attack Kanye West over his support for President Donald Trump. Daz Dillinger, a cousin of
legendary rapper Snoop Dogg, issued a "Crip alert" for gang members in an Instagram video.
Tells Crips Gang Members To 'F--- Kanye Up'. Kanye West's expressions of support for President Trump are not
going over well with some LA area rappers. [...] The interesting point about this is not how it impacts Kanye West (he's a
multi-millionaire who can hire top security if needed), it's whether or not this sort of threat creates a more generalized
chilling of free speech in the black community.
chose wisely, ignoring the White House Correspondents Association hatefest. President Trump held a rally in
Michigan on Saturday night while the DC media establishment held their annual White House Correspondents Association
Dinner. The latter is the event where every year some leftist host is chosen to spew what is always a joyous
celebration for the leftist media at which those on the stage bash all things Republican, conservative and decent.
Trump wisely chose not to attend last year and did not attend this year. As everyone knows, the night is meaningless,
an open-mic night for anti-Republican jokes that are really just insults. But the jokes have become cruder and ruder
year after year. One thing about the left is certain, written in stone: they are vicious, malicious and filled
with hatred for all things not radically leftist. This year was, as last year, a doubling down on the vulgar.
Crazed Haters
Unbound. Last night's White House Correspondents' Dinner was a disgrace. "Comedian" Michelle Wolf was
vulgar and partisan. I know, that is par for the course at these events, but Wolf went far beyond the pale. Her
attacks on Sarah Sanders were particularly vicious and inexcusable.
Who Was
Worse — Michelle Wolf or Her Audience? Michelle Wolf — a comic I had never heard of —
was mean, dumb and notably unfunny at Saturday's White House Correspondents' Dinner, but her audience was worse. They
should have unanimously walked out on her or, at the least, taken the leftover monkfish on their plates and heaved it toward
the stage until the woman ceased her vulgar and unnecessarily vicious attacks on Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was sitting
about twenty feet away with her husband. But with some notable exceptions, they did nothing. Some even applauded.
Or laughed at this humorless harridan. It was the Robespierre moment of the #MeToo movement. Sisterhood is no longer
powerful. It's sadistic — especially when aimed at women on the "wrong" side. This is of a piece with sudden
silence about the accusations against Tom Brokaw. Feminism isn't just dead. It's decomposed.
Michelle Wolf's Worst Attack Was Worse Than You Think. In a better world, the liberal media attacking Michelle
Wolf for her attacks would mark the high point of anti-Trump hysteria. Even left-wing journalists saw these attacks as
a bridge too far, but Wolf is likely to become a hero in many "progressive" circles nonetheless.
Huckabee: I hope my grandchildren never see comedian's jokes about Sarah Sanders. Huckabee added while he
valued free speech, people should be held accountable for what they say. "The WHCD was supposed to celebrate the 1st
Amendment. Instead they celebrated bullying, vulgarity, and hate. They got all dressed up so they would look
nicer when they had a hired gun savagely attack their guests," he continued.
teacher under fire for allegedly calling pro-Second Amendment student Kyle Kashuv 'Hitler' in class. Officials at
the Florida school where 17 students were gunned down during a mass shooting on Valentine's Day are investigating allegations a
teacher compared pro-Second Amendment student Kyle Kashuv to "Hitler" and called him "dangerous." The comments were allegedly
made by Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School American history teacher Gregory Pittman, an outspoken gun control advocate.
Pittman's reported remarks came after photos posted to social media showed Kashuv visiting a gun range with his father.
Working Families Party has an Anti-Semitism Problem. When D.C. Councilmember Trayon White came under fire for blaming Jews for
controlling the weather, dumping a Holocaust Museum tour and donating to an anti-Semitic Nation of Islam event, the loudest voice in his defense
came once again from the Working Families Party. The WFP is a spinoff of ACORN. Rafael Shimunov, the WFP's Creative Director, claimed
that each exhibit of the Holocaust Museum was a "new trap" as the "under educated Black man was followed by rich white people waiting for him to
say something offensive." Shimunov, a member of the anti-Israel hate group If Not Now, had previously also defended Keith Ellison and Linda
Sarsour over their own anti-Semitic comments and history. White isn't an "under educated Black man" victimized by the Holocaust Museum's
exhibit "trap." He has an MA in Public Administration and a BA in Business Administration. He's a bigot. Not a victim
Time to End the
Resistance of the Swamp The president and his trusted advisers are either being investigated or threatened with investigation. The
best public servants appointed are flooded with death threats, and neither the FBI nor the DOJ does anything about that. Scott Pruitt and
Ajit Pai are the first names that come to mind. These threats are backed by actions, such as the mass murder attempt in which Representative
Scalise was injured. Violence against lesser known persons standing in the way of the Democratic Party agenda is not reported by the
mainstream media.
and Worse to Come. Are we reaching a point in the so-far-failed Resistance where little is left except abject
violence in the manner of the Roman or French Revolution? The problem for Trump's pop-culture foes is not whether to
imagine or advocate killing the president. That's a given. They just need to agree on the means of doing so:
decapitation (Kathy Griffin), incineration (David Crosby), stabbing (the Shakespeare in the Park troupe), shooting (Snoop Dogg),
explosives (Madonna), old-fashioned, Lincoln-style assassination (Johnny Depp), death by elevator (Kamala Harris), hanging
(a CSU professor), or simple generic assassination (a Missouri state legislator).
Earth Day Co-Founder Killed, Composted His Girlfriend. Environmental activist and self-proclaimed Earth Day
co-founder Ira Einhorn had a dark side. Einhorn was found guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend and stuffing her
"composted" body inside a trunk, NBC News reported in 2011. After five years of being together, Helen Maddux broke up
with Einhorn. Enraged, he threatened to throw Maddux's belongings onto the street if she didn't come by to get
them. She went to Einhorn's apartment to retrieve them on Sept. 9, 1977, but was never seen again. Maddux went
missing after going out to the neighborhood co-op to buy tofu and sprouts, Einhorn told police several weeks later.
However, 18 months later, authorities searched his apartment after neighbors complained that a "reddish-brown,
foul-smelling liquid was leaking from the ceiling directly below Einhorn's bedroom closet," NBC News reported.
DC Democrat Who
Blamed Jews For Bad Weather Donated To Nation Of Islam Event. A Washington, D.C., lawmaker who accused Jews of
controlling the weather now faces scrutiny over a donation he made to a Nation of Islam event where the group leader Louis
Farrakhan railed against Jews as his "enemies." Democratic council member Trayon White gave $500 to the Nation of Islam
through a fund designated for community services, The Washington Post reported Friday. The District's campaign finance
officials gave White until May 3 to explain the payment, according to The Post. White generated controversy in a March
18 Facebook video after he blamed a late snowfall on Jewish bankers who he claimed secretly controlled the weather. He
later apologized. The council member's Nation of Islam ties raise questions about the sincerity of his apology, Rabbi
Shmuel Herzfeld told The Post.
ex-husband of Barbara Bush-basher Prof. Randa Jarrar speaks out. Randa Jarrar, the Fresno State University
tenured professor who demonized Barbara Bush shortly after her death and mocked her critics by pointing out that she has
tenure and cannot be fired from her six-figure job shaping young minds, ought to become a poster child for the depths to which
academia has sunk. Her status is under review according to university officials, no doubt worried about alumni
giving declining, so there is a decent possibility that she will become a cause célèbre on the left,
should she lose her job. More attention on her would be perfect, as far as I am concerned.
who slammed late Barbara Bush as 'amazing racist' applauded at literary festival. A Fresno State University
professor who blasted former First Lady Barbara Bush as an "amazing racist" following her death was applauded at a weekend
literary festival. Randa Jarrar was scheduled to headline Fresno City College's LitHop on Saturday, but she declined to
attend amid the uproar following her controversial tweets. Mention of her name in various LitHop speeches garnered
heavy applause from the 100-person audience, according to the Fresno Bee.
Jarrar: Bigot Of Fresno State. According to a January 2017 interview with one-time Fresno State colleague
Alex Espinosa, Randa Jarrar was born in Chicago to an Egyptian-Greek mother and Palestinian father. Jarrar was raised
in Kuwait and Egypt and returned to the United States at 13 after the Gulf War. As Espinosa noted, Bitch
Magazine described her this way: "A queer, Muslim, Palestinian-American and proud fat femme, Jarrar lives the
complexities of intersectionality."
The Editor says...
Judging by the numerous quotes in the article above, which were intentionally omitted from the excerpt,
Ms. Jarrar appears to be a truly miserable person who is evidently unable to express herself
without the wholesale use of profanity. It is a sad commentary on the state of "higher
education" that such a person makes a living as a teacher.
Fresno State Professor Promotes 'Resistance' — Praises Airplane Hijackers. As previously reported,
Fresno State Associate Professor, Randa Jarrar cheered the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush on Tuesday [4/17/2018] from her
verified, 'blue checkmark' Twitter account. Earlier Tuesday, a spokesman for the family confirmed former First Lady
Barbara Bush passed away at the age of 92. The hateful Muslim professor at Fresno State cheered Mrs. Bush's death[,]
then doubled down and wished for the 'rest of the Bush family to fall to their demise.' Fresno State promptly held an
emergency press conference to address the appalling tweets by Jarrar. A video has now surfaced of Randa Jarrar calling
for acts of terrorism.
as California prof calls Barbara Bush 'amazing racist' and says she's happy 'witch is dead'. A university
professor in California has sparked a social media uproar after calling former first lady Barbara Bush an "amazing racist"
who raised a "war criminal," and saying she's "happy the witch is dead." Randa Jarrar, an author and professor in the
English department at California State University, Fresno (aka Fresno State), made the distasteful comments just an hour
after the death of the former first lady was announced. "Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who,
along with her husband, raised a war criminal.
Fresno State professor stirs
outrage, calls Barbara Bush an 'amazing racist'. A Fresno State professor called former first lady Barbara Bush
an "amazing racist" who raised a "war criminal," and expressed no concern that she could be fired or reprimanded for her
outspokenness on social media. Randa Jarrar, a professor in Fresno State's Department of English, expressed her
displeasure with the Bush family within an hour after the official announcement that Mrs. Bush died Tuesday at the age
of 92.
State Won't Condemn Professor Who Rejoiced Over Barbara Bush's Death. On Tuesday [4/17/2018], a far-left
professor at Fresno State University cheered the death of former first lady Barbara Bush and then bragged about being immune
to any sort of disciplinary action from the school. Shortly after Randa Jarrar sent out a series of tweets that
rejoiced in Bush's death and celebrated the suffering of her family, Fresno State President Joesph I. Castro released the
following statement: [Omitted for brevity, among other things.] The key line in Fresno State's statement is:
"Her statements were made as a private citizen, not as a representative of Fresno State."
professors behaving badly. Two professors, one in California and one in New Jersey, are reportedly under
investigation by their employers for behavior that at a minimum is rude and arrogant and that, some hope, could cost them
their jobs. I believe that both are exemplars of the moral hazard that accompanies the exalted status accorded
professors, often aggravated by the practice of granting tenure. Tuesday evening [4/17/2018], following news of the
death of Barbara Bush, Professor Randa Jarrar, who teaches creative writing at Fresno State University, violated the norms of
decency when she tweeted: [...]
Barbara Bush's Death, Left's Torrent Of Bile Shows Who The Real Hatemongers Are. The passing of former first
lady and presidential mother Barbara Bush should have been a time for reflection on a life truly well-lived, both as a
private person and as a public servant. Instead, the progressive left turned it into a political hate-fest. We
need a safe space for civility.
Prof cheers death of Barbara Bush, then hides
behind tenure. A California State University, Fresno professor has come under fire for cheering the death of
Barbara Bush and claiming that she will "never be fired" due to her tenure status. In a series of tweets on Tuesday,
academic Randa Jarrar gleefully celebrated the death of the former First Lady, calling her a "witch" and an "amazing racist."
Vandal smashes glass display case to get at Republican
flyer. Political activists at Cabrillo College have allegedly damaged school property in an attempt to
vandalize recruitment flyers posted by the Republicans and Libertarians Club on campus. Images and videos obtained by
Campus Reform depict the aftermath of one recent instance, showing the smashed glass panel of a large student
billboard and a defaced placard advertising the club's first meeting last week. After breaking the glass, the
unidentified perpetrator proceeded to vandalize the sign by adding text above the student group's call to join the campus
Law School Students Disrupt Professor's Lecture on Free Speech. A law professor was heckled and shouted down
during a recent speech at the City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law by students who opposed his conservative
views. Josh Blackman, a professor at the South Texas College of Law, was invited last month by CUNY Law's Federalist
Society chapter to give a lecture on "The Importance of Free Speech on Campus." As he tried to give his talk, Blackman was
repeatedly interrupted by protesters holding signs with slogans like "Rule of Law = White Supremacy" and "Oppressors are not
welcome here."
police warn officers to bring 'riot gear' to work in event Trump fires Mueller. Rumors spread by left-leaning
groups alleging President Trump will fire special counsel Robert Mueller have begun prompting official action, with
Pittsburgh's police department preparing for an eventuality the commander-in-chief has said will never come. Pittsburgh
Police Commander Victor Joseph sent out an email to officers Wednesday [4/18/2018] saying "there is a belief that President Trump
will soon move to fire Special Prosecutor Mueller," which "would result in a large protest within 24 hours of the firing.
"Based on this information, beginning tomorrow, April 19, 2018 all Major Crimes detectives are required to bring a full uniform
and any issued protective equipment (riot gear) with them to work until further notice," the message added.
College vows to hold defiant pro-abortion vandals
accountable. The College of New Jersey has agreed to hold students responsible for destroying a display
commemorating the victims of the 3,705 of abortions that occur in New Jersey each month. TCNJ Students for Life, a
chapter of the national pro-life organization, erected a Graveyard of the Innocents display on April 11 with school
approval. The display featured approximately 370 flags, each representing 10 aborted children. Such presentations
are a popular form of demonstration for pro-life students, as well as easy targets for pro-abortion vandals.
Law school dean: Disrupting free speech event
was free speech. The dean of the CUNY School of Law is speaking out in defense of student protesters who
heckled a conservative speaker on campus recently, saying the "non-violent, limited protest was a reasonable exercise of free
speech." The students disrupted Josh Blackman for roughly eight minutes as he attempted to give a presentation in support
of the First Amendment, shouting that "legal objectivity is a myth" and calling him a "white supremacist."
Demand Action's Shannon Watts Mum About Member Who Bullied Teenage Girls. Moms Demand Action founder Shannon
Watts has yet to weigh in on last week's ugly incident involving fellow MDA member and Texas Councilwoman Kellye Burke.
As PJ media reported here, the unhinged Burke loudly assailed a group of teenage girls in a West University Place cookie shop
because one of them was wearing a MAGA t-shirt. While the girls were waiting in line to buy cookies for a church
function, Burke got in their faces, screaming, "Grab em by the (expletive) girls!" She also mocked them by chanting, "MAGA!
MAGA! MAGA!" and took a picture of them. Watts, as Twitchy pointed out, likes to present herself as "a champion of
standing up for bullied teenagers."
Law students attempt shout-down of conservative law prof. Disruptions of conservative speakers, even at law
schools, has become a common tactic. We've documented dozens of such incidents. The tactic, even when it doesn't
prevent the speech completely, is not merely the expression of disagreement. It's an infringement of the speaker's
right to speak, and the audience's right to hear that speech. But it's more. It's meant to create a toxic campus
atmosphere in which there is a price tag to expressing non-progressive ideas. It just happened again, to conservative
law professor Josh Blackman from Southern Texas College of Law in Houston.
tourist threatened at knifepoint for wearing Trump hat, police say. A Danish tourist was robbed at knifepoint
by two thugs who snatched his "Make America Great Again" cap — and threatened him when he tried to get it back,
authorities said. The 18-year-old victim was about to jump on the subway at Union Square about 5:40 p.m.
Thursday [4/12/2018] when one of the two men grabbed him from behind and grabbed his polarizing cap, police said.
Vocally relishing the idea of an upcoming riot is not comedy. It is not journalism. It is agitation. Whoopi
Goldberg: Riots Over Mueller Firing 'Would Be Fun to Watch'. Wednesday [4/11/2018] on ABC's "The View," co-host
Meghan McCain said if President Donald Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller, there would be riots in Washington D.C.
"at levels we haven't seen."
EPA Head Wouldn't Need Security if the Left Wasn't Violent. The #resistance left has been especially obsessed
with the EPA and the NSC. That's why Flynn was targeted. It's why they're going after Bolton. Again.
And it's why Scott Pruitt has been a special target. Obama Inc. used the EPA to put its eco-fascist agenda in
place. Any attempt to change that has been met with hysteria. The hysteria is a product of, among other things,
of a cult. The cult has convinced a sizable numbers of leftists that the planet will be destroyed unlike everyone joins
the cult. And anyone who doesn't believe in the culture is a threat to the planet. Eco-fascist groups told their
followers that Pruitt represents the destruction of the planet and the deaths of their children. They incited panicked
hate. And Scott Pruitt's need for security is their fault.
Does The Left Get A Pass On Anti-Semitism? This week, an assemblywoman from Brooklyn — the New York
City borough with approximately 2.7 million people, not some far-flung hamlet in flyover country — went on an
near-hour-long rant in which she accused Jews of conspiring to gentrify her district and steal her home. In the midst
of this outburst, Diane Richardson reportedly referred to one of her rivals as the "the Jewish senator from southern
Brooklyn." This incident comes not long after a DC Council member named Trayon White Sr., a Democrat who represents
the Eighth Ward of the capital of the free world in the twenty-first century, posted a video offering some of his thoughts on
how "the Rothschilds" were controlling the climate to squeeze money out of the oppressed.
Resistance cheered as Trump Tower burned. I will simply point out that when U. S. Senators decide that it is
all right to make wise cracks about the demise of the U. S. President, which goes unchallenged by the American media or our
nation's other representatives, then we have hit a dark, new low in decorum and respect. It also gives nutcases
encouragement to act out their sick, marshmallow-roasting death fantasies.
threats to kill Rep. Goodlatte reveals multiple levels of leftist hypocrisy. A man named Michael McGowan
has been arrested in Roanoke, VA and is reported by WDBJ TV to have been charged with ["]'making a threatening
communication through interstate commerce' Friday [4/6/2018], according to a release sent out by the Department of Justice.["]
Under the Twitter handle of LittleMac, McGowan has been threatening Goodlatte with execution, with absolutely no removal by Twitter,
despite its longstanding notoriety for banning conservatives for violating community standards.
says 'unprecedented' number of death threats against Pruitt. EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has faced an
"unprecedented" number of death threats, according to an agency spokesman. His statement follows reports Pruitt has
spent millions on security despite no proof his life was in danger. "According to EPA's Assistant Inspector General,
Scott Pruitt has faced an unprecedented amount of death threats against him and his family," agency spokesman Jahan Wilcox
said late Friday [4/6/2018]. "Americans should all agree that members of the president's Cabinet should be kept safe from
these violent threats." The statement was obtained Saturday by Fox News and included a list of several published reports
about such incidents.
EPA Head Scott Pruitt's Security Expenses Hit $3 Million. Just over a year into his job as the head of the
Environmental Protection Agency, security costs for Scott Pruitt have so far totaled about $3 million, the Associated Press
reports, citing an EPA official. Pruitt, who has been under fire recently for what critics say is lavish spending of
taxpayer money, was given a 20-member full-time security detail that is more than three times the size of that of his
predecessor. Some of the millions of dollars spent on Pruitt's security detail were reportedly incurred while he was
on a family vacation, with his 24-hour security coverage reportedly requiring investigators to abandon their field work
duties. EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox said late Friday [4/6/2018] that an "unprecedented" amount of death threats against
Pruitt is behind the sky-high security costs.
Nothing alarming about Twitter CEO pushing article about winning 'New Civil War' by wiping out conservatives.
Conservative are more than justified in thinking the deck is stacked against them at every turn, especially on social media.
With Facebook reportedly voluntarily providing data on millions of its users to the 2012 re-election campaign of President Obama,
tweets have surfaced of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Twitter board member Evan Williams seemingly promoting a piece that declares
the way to win America's "new civil war" is to annihilate Republicans.
Compelling Reasons Why The Youtube Shooting Has Disappeared From Headlines. [#1] As a woman, a peaceful vegan,
and a PETA advocate, the suspected shooter is the opposite of the typical "mass shooter" profile promoted by the mainstream
media. When the suspected shooter was identified as Nasim Najafi Aghdam — a 39-year-old woman attempting to
carry out a mass shooting when the overwhelming majority of mass shooting suspects are typically men in their early 20s, it
may have seemed as though she would actually receive more media attention than most. However, Aghdam does not appear to
have been a white supremacist, a crazy conspiracy theorist, or a religious cult member. Instead, she was a vegan
YouTube content creator with a long list of bizarre videos and a passion for animal rights.
Course Not All Vegans Are Dangerous Lunatics, But... Obviously not all vegans are as dangerously psychopathic
as the late YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam. But it's an unfortunate fact that a significant minority are imbued with
exactly that toxic mix of fanaticism, burning outrage and weapons-grade self-righteousness you find among all the most
ruthless terrorists.
You Tube Shooter: The Perils of Toxic White Masculinity. 38 year old Nasim Aghdam walked into the YouTube
campus armed with a weapon. She had developed a serious grievance against the company and had chosen this way to
express her feelings. She described herself as a: ["]... Persian Azeri female vegan athlete and animal
rights activist promoting VEGANISM, the healthy and humane way of living["] She entertained some highly
sophisticated political opinions: ["]Be aware! Dictatorship exists in all countries but with different
Brutally Assaulted in D.C. Restaurant After Professing to be a Trump Supporter. The largely unreported
incidents of violence against Trump supporters that spiked in the days and weeks after the 2016 election have waned, but
there are still ugly anti-Trump altercations occasionally hitting the news. The latest such incident took place in
Washington D.C., where police are searching for a pair of black females suspected of brutally attacking a 29-year-old woman
who professed to be a supporter of the president. "This was a nasty attack," reported Fox 5 DC's Linda
Watts. "The police report is even calling it a suspected hate crime."
snowflakes and the targeting of YouTube. It's attention-drawing for what it is not — a typical
Muslim rampage in the name of some Islamist cause. The woman, Nasim Aghdam, despite the appearance of her name, wasn't
a Muslim, didn't wear a veil, and said she was Azeri Persian and of the Bahái faith, which isn't associated with
terrorism. Her last name is actually the name of a province in Armenia, next door to Azerbaijan, so the picture that
emerges is that she seemed more of a Kim Kardashian-type, with her excessive makeup, her focus on showing off her body, and
her compulsive need to be on camera, which is why she was so obsessed with YouTube and paranoid about its intentions.
shooter Nasim Aghdam was vegan who complained about 'suppression'. Nasim Aghdam visited a gun range hours
before she showed up at YouTube's California campus — packing a legally registered pistol and a grudge —
and opened fire, police said Wednesday [4/4/2018]. "We know that she was upset with YouTube," Police Chief Ed Barberini
said of the motive for the attack, in which the 38-year-old vegan activist wounded three people before killing herself.
Aghdam's family told NBC News that she believed YouTube was discriminating against the videos she uploaded onto the site,
cutting into her income.
woman was assaulted in D.C. for saying she supports President Trump, police say. A woman said she was assaulted
after she interjected into a conversation last month outside a D.C. restaurant to say she supports President Donald Trump,
according to a police report. The woman told D.C. police the assault took place around 1 a.m. on March 16 outside
Surfside restaurant in D.C. [...] D.C. police released video Monday of the two suspects. Included in the video shows
one of the two suspects appear to strike someone filming her as the video image shakes once her hand appears to make contact
with that person.
Dash Quits Congressional Race: 'There Were Many Threats Against Her'. "Clueless" star Stacey Dash dropped out
of the congressional race for California's 44th district, saying being a politician would be "detrimental to the health and
well-being of my family." Dash, who was running as a Republican, has been viciously attacked on social media after
announcing her congressional bid last month.
Investigating Suspicious Packages Sent to Military and Intelligence Locations. The FBI is investigating
multiple suspicious packages sent to military and intelligence locations in and around Washington, D.C. Officials said
Monday [3/26/2018] that suspicious packages were received at the CIA, Fort Belvoir, Fort McNair, and a Naval Support Facility
in Dahlgren, Virginia, CNN reports. The package that was sent to the National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington,
D.C., contained explosive material, it has been confirmed. No one was hurt and the package has been ruled safe.
Candidate Jokes about Killing Defiant Gun Owners to Delight of Bloomberg Moms. "On Wednesday March 7, 2018, I
was asked to address a group in West Asheville and relay information as it pertains to current gun legislation in NC.,"
Buncombe County Sheriff candidate R. Daryl Fisher told visitors to his campaign Facebook page. "I took this opportunity
to relay proposals on what I believe to be sensible gun legislation. "A group"? Why not just come out and say it was
Michaels Bloomberg's Moms Demand Action? "As a candidate for Sheriff, I cannot enact legislation," Fisher goes on to
deflect. "If elected Sheriff I cannot enact legislation. But as a candidate for Sheriff, I can propose what I
believe to be sensible gun legislation. It is up to our legislators to determine what becomes law." What he's
obscuring is that law enforcement officials can be extremely influential in persuading lawmakers to act, and as sheriff, he
would enthusiastically enforce citizen disarmament edicts.
suggests 'Second Amendment' remedy vs. Trump. A New York Democratic congressman is being accused of
promoting violence against President Trump after suggesting during a town hall that citizens may have to take up arms against
the president if he doesn't follow the law. "I mean, this is where the Second Amendment comes in quite frankly, because
you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?" Rep. Tom
Suozzi, D-N.Y., said during a March 12 Q&A session with constituents in Huntington, on Long Island. "It's really a
matter of putting public pressure on the president," he said.
suggests Second Amendment as means of opposing Trump. A Democratic congressman from Long Island implied that
Americans should grab weapons and oppose President Trump by force, if the commander-in-chief doesn't follow the
Constitution. Rep. Tom Suozzi made the remark to constituents at a town hall last week, saying that folks opposed
to Trump might resort to the "Second Amendment." "It's really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,"
Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. "This is where the Second Amendment
comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do?
What would we do?"
Trump Official Allegedly Assaulted By Democrat Operative Speaks Out. A female staffer serving in the Trump
administration was allegedly assaulted on Capitol Hill Thursday by a Democratic operative. Now she's sharing her story
with The Daily Caller. Heather Swift, press secretary Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, was leaving a meeting with the
House Committee on Natural Resources when she was allegedly assaulted by an American Bridge staffer, who reportedly pushed
Swift violently while lunging after her boss. According to the official, Swift engaged the liberal operative verbally,
attempting to protect her boss, but the American Bridge staffer pushed back harder.
Against Trump Made by John Brennan and Samantha Power Must Be Investigated. Two ominous tweets, one written by
former CIA Director John Brennan, the other by former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power, openly threaten a sitting
president — President Trump. This must be investigated. Both of these tweets raise enormous questions,
not only about what is meant by these threats, but what kind of inside information these former Obama officials might be
receiving from unauthorized sources.
with 'Trump' flag assaulted by mob during National School Walkout. A student at a Minneapolis high school was
assaulted by a mob of students after he carried a pro-Trump flag during the National School Walkout on Wednesday, police
said. The attack took place while students at Southwest High School were supposed to be observing a moment of silence
to commemorate the 17 students and teachers who died in the Parkland, Fla. shooting last month, WCCO reported. Police
said the student was waving a flag in support of President Trump when he was ambushed by at least eight classmates.
Capitol Police
Arrested Male Dem Operative For Assaulting Female Trump Admin Official. U.S. Capitol Police have arrested a
male Democratic operative for assaulting a female Interior Department communications official following a House budget
hearing Thursday. The assault happened after Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke finished testifying on the department's 2019
budget proposal before the House Committee on Natural Resources. The suspect identified himself as a reporter with
American Bridge and pushed a female Interior Department communications official to the floor, chasing after Zinke, The Daily
Caller News Foundation learned. Interior communications director Laura Rigas was "greatly alarmed and extremely irate
that a female senior member of my DOI Communications team was physically assaulted today by a Democrat staffer from the PAC
American Bridge," she told Politico.
Penn's debut novel is Trump assassination porn. Who knew that Sean Penn was a novelist? Well, that may be
a misnomer. More accurately, he thinks he's a novelist. His first effort in that regard comes in at a super-light
176 pages — a light book from a super-lightweight intellect. In it, Penn apparently gushes Trump-hatred that
even he should be embarrassed about. According to this report in the Daily Mail, the novel revolves around the
activities of the main character, Bob Honey, described as an "American man, entrepreneur, and part-time assassin." The
assassin's target? A president who sounds remarkably like Donald Trump.
Abortion Supporter Raped Me Because I Said I Oppose Abortion in Cases of Rape. At age 15, I met at school a
girl who hated me because I was completely against abortion. She would always say me: "That's because they never
raped you." And I replied that even if someone did, I would never kill my son because he would not be to blame for that
violent aggression. One day, while waiting for the bus, she and her brother got me in a car and raped me.
AG: Trump Should 'Be Careful' If He's Ever In 'A Dark Alley With Maxine Waters'. California Attorney General
Xavier Becerra said in an MSNBC interview Monday [3/12/2018] that President Trump should "be careful" if he was in "a dark alley
with Maxine Waters." "I think Donald Trump probably said that from about 2,000 miles away from Maxine Waters because
he's probably too afraid to say it to her face," Becerra said of comments Trump made during a speech over the weekend.
"Maxine Waters has been one of the greatest champions that consumers have ever had, that families have ever had."
[Video clip]
panel cheers: Old conservatives will 'thankfully die off' soon. A panel on MSNBC cheered the imminent
demise of "old, kind of crusty" conservatives who support the Second Amendment and prevent young people from enacting gun
control measures. Sunday [3/4/2018] on "AM Joy," news anchor Joy Reid described conservatism as a "creepy, weird
worldview" that "young people, who are a big, big cohort of the American population, do not share." She asked her
panel: "At some point, does the conservative media run out of viewers?" Kurt Bardella, a columnist for the
Huffington Post, responded that there is "credence to the idea" that old conservatives, "through the process of evolution,"
will "thankfully die off, and that will be the end of that."
Peterson Speech Met With Broken Windows, Calls to 'Burn it Down'. Free speech warrior Dr. Jordan Peterson
was greeted by protestors at Queen's University in Canada who called him a Nazi, smashed a stained glass window, and threatened to
"lock them in and burn it down." Professor Peterson, a University of Toronto psychology professor, was speaking in support of
his bestselling book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. Despite speaking at one of Canada's more established
and distinguished universities, far-left protestors once again decided that he should not be allowed to express his viewpoints.
Media Decision To Ignore Democrat Ties To Farrakhan Reveals Toxic Bias. What would the establishment media
reaction be if tens of members of Congress met with one of America's most notorious racists and anti-Semites and refused to
denounce him? Or if the leaders of one of America's hottest social movements embraced him? If the bigot in
question is Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan — who has blamed Jews for the 9/11 attacks, said white people
"deserve to die" and praised Adolf Hitler — the answer seems to be ... not much, at least not when those embracing
him are Democrats and progressives.
You Know That Jews Control The FBI, Right? Perhaps Louis Farrakhan thought the time was ripe for a Nation of
Islam campaign against the FBI, considering the controversies in which it's been mired. Instead of sticking to a
coherent and fact-based argument, though, the leader of the NoI instead declared before a cheering audience that the problem
with the FBI is the Joooooooooos. After accusing the FBI of being the biggest foe of "black advancement,"
Farrakhan explained, "See, the Jews have control over those agencies of government," to scattered applause and shouts of
encouragement. He added, "If you go to work tomorrow and your bosses are Jews, don't tell them where you've been."
One might be tempted to consider the whole thing a joke that had been taken out of context, but no — Farrakhan
himself underscores the message in his own tweet of this clip: [...]
Gets [Resistance] After Attempting To Storm College Panel. Antifa is itself a fascist group that accepts all
the radical leftist ideals it can, and will happily resort to the destruction of person or property in order to achieve its
goals. As Steven Crowder and his crew exposed, they are even willing to go so far as to arm themselves with knives and
guns in order to win the physical battles they typically lose. It seems this time they were ill prepared, however,
likely believing that their opponents would retreat to safety, and that the event would be canceled. However, the crowd
that attended Benjamin's talk was far more willing to engage in self-defense than Antifa had obviously anticipated.
[Video clip]
Students Disrupt Duke Divinity School Proceedings, Present 15 Demands. Student activists at many colleges
aren't content to allow anyone or anything to stand in opposition to them. They don't want dialogue, they want
subservience. Take, for example, the antics of campus LGBT activists during the Duke Divinity School's State of the
School address. The Duke Chronicle reports, "The group, which identified themselves as LGBTQIA+ Duke Divinity students
and allies, was protesting the treatment of students with marginalized sexual orientations and gender identities in the
school." The group listed 15 demands that they expect the school to address. If the school fails to act,
the group has threatened more "non-violent, direct action."
U of Miami, Free Speech Is Expensive. The Federalist Society at the University of Miami Law School proposed to
bring in Charles Murray as part of a debate on free speech. Ironically enough, the university responded by charging the
Federalist Society for the cost of security for the event — security made necessary by liberals' proclivity toward
violence. The tab? Nearly $8,000, a prohibitive sum for most campus groups. Goodbye, debate on free speech!
Don't Hate The NRA. They Hate You. The progressives are cranking things up to 11 on the Stupid/Psycho Scale,
which is good for us in the short term — some of us Normals were growing complacent and the midterms are
coming. But we also need to open our eyes and accept the bitter reality we face. We can't just pretend the truth
is not the truth because we wish it were otherwise. The left's dropping of its mask has demonstrated once again the
undeniable fact. The left hates you. Just give them a listen. Those carefully selected moppet puppets are
out there on TV telling Normals "We are going to outlive you." When leftists tell you that you are going to die first, you
should believe they mean it. They have a track record of making that happen. And then there is the new meme, that
the NRA is a "terrorist" organization. This means you are a "terrorist" simply by advocating for your political views.
Republicans' Patriot Prayer rally disrupted by counter-protesters. Five people were arrested as fights broke
out and at least one American flag was burned Saturday after a college Republican rally in Seattle drew counter-protesters.
College Republicans at the University of Washington had invited members of Patriot Prayer, a group in Vancouver, Wash., to speak
in the university's Red Square for a "freedom rally," the Seattle Times reported.
Stockton students become violent during anti-gun protest. At least five students were arrested Friday as
hundreds of others from several Stockton high schools walked out of classes in protest of gun violence after last week's
deadly shooting at a Florida high school. Students at Stagg, Edison, Chavez, Lincoln and Village Oak high schools were
walking along streets, creating traffic problems in the area as streets were blocked off.
Revolutionary Student Front Is Recruiting And Radicalizing Students With Mental Health Issues. It was a very
short hop from Austin, Texas being progressive, to becoming a communist hotbed of radicals and revolutionaries. There
are many communist groups there now. One of the most active according to Far Left Watch is the communist militia group,
Red Guards Austin. Evidently, this is a Maoist "anti-fascist" group. They are big into armed demonstrations and
they routinely call for violent armed revolution. They are itching to kill capitalists. They also have a track
record of attacking pro-lifers and Trump supporters. And they are far from alone in Austin. Texas has a real
problem it would seem.
THE NRA' Scrawled Across Vandalized Billboard In Kentucky. The leftist push for gun control in the wake of a Florida
school shooting took a turn for the bizarre — and creepy — Tuesday morning [2/20/2018], after a billboard in
Louisville, Kentucky was vandalized with the words, "KILL THE NRA." The billboard is apparently "calling out the National Rifle
Association following the recent school shootings in Kentucky and Florida," according to local media. The message was signed,
"Resist 45" — the calling card of a local Kentucky group that "opposes President Donald Trump" (to put it
mildly) — likely some of the same people who have been suggesting Republicans have "blood on their hands" for
supporting gun rights.
Vandals Who Destroyed Confederate Monument
Get Off Scot-Free. The vandals who destroyed a Confederate monument in North Carolina got off scot-free in court on both Monday and
Tuesday [2/20/2018]. Durham, N.C., Judge Frederick S. Battaglia Jr. deemed one suspect in the incident not guilty and annulled charges
against two other protesters. District attorney Roger Echols announced these actions made proceeding in court with the remaining protesters
irrational, reported WRAL.com. "I do believe the evidence supported the misdemeanor charges, and we proceeded on those charges," said
Echols. "Acts of vandalism, regardless of noble intent, are still violations of law."
poll shows activists will violently protest pipeline. On Friday's [2/16/2018] show, I examined the results of a
poll commissioned by a hard-left NDP MP just about the Trans Mountain Pipeline. The poll proved that pipelines enjoy
broad and increasing support among British Columbians, despite a decade of foreign-funded anti-oil extremism. But it
also showed that a dangerous minority exists who are willing to consider "acts of civil disobedience" to halt the pipeline's
expansion. [Video clip]
Democrats, United by Hate. Nothing unites Democrats more than their loathing of one man and their disdain for the
American voters who elected him. Donald Trump has succeeded in undoing much of the legacy left us by his leftist predecessor.
And he's not done undoing. So it's easy to understand how the Democrats' boundless love for Barack Obama would translate into
mindless hatred for Donald Trump. They call it "political opposition," but the nonstop venom spewing from liberal politicians
and the media, Hollywood, and academia represents something much more dangerous to our republic than healthy political opposition.
One of the more recent examples came from Barry Bluestone, a Northeastern University professor, who said of Trump during a public lecture,
"Sometimes, I want to just see him impeached. Other times, quite honestly ... I wouldn't mind seeing him dead."
Must Stop Using Terror To Try And Intimidate Conservatives. It should be no surprise that less than a year after a
Bernie Sanders fan took a rifle and attempted to erase the Congressional GOP for the crime of having different political views
that some cretin decided to send Donald Trump Jr. a packet of mystery white powder. After all, Don Jr. is not a
progressive, so don't his and his family deserve to be terrorized, if not murdered? Or did I misunderstand the progressives'
stand by their near total silence? Well, not total silence. The Twitter left sure had a ball with it, yukking it up.
Dousing someone in fake anthrax — hilarious! And totally justified, in their minds, because Don Jr. supports his
father and is conservative. That makes it okay. In fact, let's help by posting his home address!
Normalizing Democrat Violence.
When Democrats aren't actively attempting to kill Republicans, they're laughing at the misfortune of Republicans. A
group of Republicans were going on a retreat when the train they were traveling on with their families was hit and
derailed. There were critical injuries and one train engineer died. Democrats laughed. It's easy to
forget all the incidences of Democrat violence. [...]
Arrested At Patriot Prayer Rally On University Of Washington Campus. You may remember the group Patriot Prayer
which was featured in a Weekly Standard story last September after a clash with Antifa in Berkeley, California. Over
the weekend the group held a rally in Seattle on the campus of the University of Washington at the invitation of the College
Republicans. Nearly 1,000 people showed up to protest the rally and five people were arrested. The University
initially wanted to charge the College Republicans a $17,000 security fee, but a federal judge put an end to that last week.
Campaign Manager Wants Pollsters "Shot" For Recent Polls Showing Democrats Losing Support Among Voters. Jim
Messina is an odd guy. Always has been. Always will be. He was the lumpy outcast with a penchant for
canoodling just enough with the then-Obama campaign's legion of media supporters to give himself some political street
cred. Work was easy back then though. Obama had few strong opponents in D.C., and fewer still among the media
elite. Then came Donald Trump and Jim Messina's world was turned upside down. The manufactured polls he once used
to great effect to manipulate opinion and validate Barack Obama have been discarded in favor of a single Trump Tweet.
And now when those same once-friendly polls show Mr. Trump gaining in popularity and Democrats increasingly despised,
Jim Messina offers up this rather aggressive solution: "I think all public pollsters should be shot."
hate speech toward Trump likely to go unchecked. Imagine if a college professor ever said of Barack Obama:
"I wouldn't mind seeing him dead." It would be the end of the egghead's career, tenure or no tenure. Instead,
consider the case of the ancient Barry Bluestone, a longtime UMass Boston "economist" now passing his dotage at something
called, believe it or not, the Kitty and Michael Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy.
Republicans' Patriot Prayer rally disrupted by counter-protesters. Five people were arrested as fights broke
out and at least one American flag was burned Saturday [2/10/2018] after a college Republican rally in Seattle drew
counter-protesters. College Republicans at the University of Washington had invited members of Patriot Prayer, a
group in Vancouver, Wash., to speak in the university's Red Square for a "freedom rally," the Seattle Times reported.
Midler Jokes About Rand Paul Being Violently Attacked. Actress Bette Midler took to Twitter late Thursday night [2/8/2018]
and responded to Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) refusal to allow a vote to end debate on the government funding bill, by suggesting
that the man who violently beat Paul should do it again.
Says He 'Wouldn't Mind' Seeing President Trump 'Dead'. On January 31, a Northeastern University professor from
the university's School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs who served as that school's founding dean from 2006-2012, told a
gathering at a public event that he "wouldn't mind" seeing President Trump "dead." Barry Bluestone made his ill-tempered
remarks at an event titled, "The Rule of Law in a Time of Polarization," part of the university's 2018 Myra Kraft Open
Classroom series, which examines "the definition of the Rule of Law, what it requires, what happens in its absence, and how
it has declined and emerged globally," as well as how the rule of law works in times of "polarization and technological upheaval."
Journalist calls for profs to drown conservative
students. After conservative activist Charlie Kirk tweeted about conservative students being penalized for
their views by professors, a liberal journalist replied that professors should drown the students instead of docking their
grades. Kirk observed that Jesse Farrar must have been joking with his apparent endorsement of waterboarding students
to death, but Farrar insisted that "I am not joking."
From Farrakhan With Love.
Two years before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States, he met with the leader of a hate
group who had praised Hitler and declared that the Jews, "can't say 'Never Again' to God, because when he puts you in the
ovens, you're there forever." The previous year, Obama had launched his national profile with a DNC speech proclaiming,
"There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America."
And there he was, smiling alongside Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, the largest black separatist organization
in the country, whose theology claimed that white people were genetically engineered devils who were due to be destroyed by flying
saucers. Also posing with Farrakhan and Obama were Mustapha Farrakhan, Joshua Farrakhan and Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad, his
security chief and son, his other son, and his chief of staff and son-in-law. Also there was Willie F. Wilson, a
Farrakhan ally, who had led a protest against an Asian business by a mob shouting, "F___ the Chinks". "We forgave
Mr. Chan," he told reporters after that incident. "If we didn't forgive him, we would have cut his head off
and rolled it down the street." Hope and change.
From Conspiracy
Theories to Conspiracies. [Scroll down] Any "resistance" aimed at removing a president would also involve
the proverbial street and popular culture. A good way might be to implant to such a degree the idea of killing or
harming the president that it would become something more than just a sick fantasy, but become contextualized as an act of
near patriotism across the broader culture. Celebrities accordingly might dream out loud at rallies of blowing up the
White House. Or a movie star might announce to his audience his hopes for a repeat of a John Wilkes Booth-style
assassination. Or a state legislator might post hopes that someone would kill the president. Or a rapper might
release a video in which the president is shown shot. Or a comedian on camera might hold up a facsimile of the bloody
severed head of the president. Or a New York troupe might perform public plays in which the president each evening is
ritually stabbed to death. We might also see and hear ad nauseam from actors and other celebrities expressing
desires to beat him to a pulp, or hang him, or shoot him — all the insidious efforts not of those easily
disregarded as unhinged, but of those with public personas, and with the effect of incrementally normalizing violence against
the president. Late night comedians might vie with each other in their profanity and scatology, ridiculing the
president with references to him fellating a foreign leader. Who knows, a secret service agent might even post a brag
that she would not be willing to "take a bullet" to defend the likes of this president. Or a left-wing zealot might
think shooting Republican congressmen was doing his part to thwart the evil Trump agenda. All that, too, transpired in
Trump's first year.
Storm Sellout Chuck Schumer's Home, Demand Amnesty. Angry DACA supporters descended upon Senate Minority Leader
Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) home on Tuesday [1/23/2018], demanding amnesty. The protests broke out after Schumer backed down
to President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans over the government shutdown that started on Friday and ended three days
later, Fox News Insider reports.
Aliens Charge Pro-Amnesty Thom Tillis' Senate Office. Illegal aliens charged into pro-amnesty Sen. Thom
Tillis' (R-NC) Senate office on Capitol Hill demanding an immediate amnesty for all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens
living in the United States, hurling insults in the process.
Charge Rand Paul's Attacker; Media Pushes Unproven 'Pile of Brush' Feud. The Department of Justice announced
Friday [1/19/2018] that Rene Boucher, the person who attacked and seriously injured Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul 2½ months
ago, has been charged with a federal felony and admitted to the attack. Several press accounts are crowing that the DOJ's
announcement proves that the attack was not politically motivated. It does no such thing.
who tackled Rand Paul charged with felony assault. Rene Boucher, Sen. Rand Paul's neighbor, was charged
with assaulting a member of Congress for tackling Paul to the ground after witnessing him stack brush onto a pile in November.
The charge is a felony under federal law, and Boucher, 58, faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, the U.S.
Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Indiana announced Friday. "Assaulting a member of Congress is an offense we
take very seriously," Josh Minkler, the U.S. attorney, said.
Update: Rand
Paul Awarded $580,000 In Case Stemming From Attack By Neighbor. In November of 2017, Rand Paul's neighbor Rene
Boucher attacked the Senator, charging at him while he was cutting the lawn with his back turned. The result for
Sen. Paul was six broken ribs and severe pain that lasted for weeks. Today [1/30/2019], Fox News reports a jury
awarded Paul $580,000 in a civil trial stemming from the incident.
Woman Strikes St. Kate's. St. Catherine University (a/k/a St. Kate's, formerly St. Catherine
College) sits on a leafy 110-acre campus in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul. It is located a few blocks
down the street from my high school alma mater and within shouting distance of Macalester College as well as St. Thomas
University. A "Minnesota woman" went on an arson rampage at St. Kate's this past Wednesday. Truza Jamal
Hassan — a 19-year-old former student — set eight fires in seven buildings across the campus.
All but one of the fires were set in trash cans inside bathrooms. Hassan kindly explained that she did so in retaliation
for American military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the criminal complaint failed in Ramsey County District
Court. Her religious inspiration isn't expressly stated, but she appeared in court yesterday wearing garb including a
black face covering that exposed only her eyes and what appeared to be a large white sheet draped over her head.
Update: Woman
Accused in St. Kate's Arson Tried to Leave US to Join Terrorist Groups, Court Filing Says. A woman accused
of starting nine fires in multiple buildings on the campus of St. Catherine University and now facing federal charges
of arson and terrorism had twice attempted to leave the country to join al-Qaida, according to a court document filed on
Friday [2/9/2018]. In the document filed ahead of an arraignment and detention hearing for 19-year-old Tnuza Jamal Hassan,
the United States Attorney's Office in Minneapolis argues Hassan "presents an extraordinary danger to the community and a
significant risk of flight and therefore should remain in custody pending trial."
Cotton's office sends cease and desist letters after staff subjected to 'repeated... harassing and vulgar' communications.
A spokesperson for Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Thursday [1/18/2018] that cease and desist letters sent to an unspecified number
of individuals in October were sent because staffers were being harassed and have nothing to do with activists who have been protesting
outside the senator's office this week or payback for constituents simply voicing opposing views. Cotton's communications director
Caroline Rabbitt Tabler told the Washington Examiner the practice of sending these types of letters is "rare" and "only used under
extreme circumstances" when previous warnings have not been successful.
protester accused in shooting reaches plea deal. Attorneys for a Denver woman accused of shooting at law
enforcement officers during protests in North Dakota against the Dakota Access oil pipeline say they've reached a deal with
prosecutors to avoid a lengthy prison term.
college group calls for 'Law Enforcement Incineration Day'. A tweet by a radical, left-wing student group at
the University of Texas that featured a photo of a police officer on fire has sparked widespread criticism for apparently
advocating for violence against law enforcement. The tweet — sent out by the Autonomous Student Network
(ASN) at UT-Austin — states "Instead of #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay how about #LawEnforcementIncinerationDay"
next to a photo of a French police officer engulfed in flames after being hit by a Molotov cocktail during last year's May
Day protests.
memorial in Georgia vandalized, faces $200G in repairs. A war memorial in Georgia dedicated to those who served
this country is facing some costly repairs after extensive damage was done by vandals last month. The Walk of Heroes
War Veterans Memorial in Conyers faced an estimated $200,000 in repairs after four people broke into the memorial park located
about 25 miles outside of Atlanta on Dec. 15 and used tools and tree branches to pry multiple bronze pieces from
their mounts. "When I got to the site, I felt like I was coming to a funeral," Darin Riggs, a board member for the memorial,
told FOX 5 Atlanta. "It was just heart wrenching for me. It just was not pleasant to come out here that day."
A Tribute to the Great
Social Justice Warriors of 2017. [#2] The Man Who Mistook a Robot for Trump Jay Malsky, an actor and former executive
assistant at NBC, went to Disney World to vent his hatred of President Trump. In the Hall of Presidents, where robot versions of
America's presidents are used to teach a bit of history, Malsky started screaming "Lock him up!" at the Trump robot (an imprecation more
often associated with Hillary Clinton). The startled audience, which included children, were not impressed. More than one
spectator was reported to have reminded Malsky that the robot wasn't actually Trump so his SJW tantrum was pointless. [...] Malsky
followed up with a tweet advocating Trump's death.
Pai's Personal Hell, Our National Media's Failure. Something disturbing has been taking place in recent months which, if
unchecked, poses a real danger to our democracy, yet has barely been noted by the mainstream media: The continuing, organized
political harassment of Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai. Pai has been subject to a nonstop campaign of attacks,
vilification and outright threats unseen in this country in decades. And why? Because he overturned a ruling by President
Obama's FCC imposed on the nation regarding "net neutrality."
goons are targeting the FCC chief — and his family. In the minds of today's political activists, the
objects of their fixations represent an existential threat. This is how opposition to an arcane, bureaucratic decision
by the Federal Communications Commission transformed from a liberal cause into an obsession. This is also how the FCC's
chairman, Ajit Pai, became the subject of almost daily persecution. The source of great consternation on the left is
the FCC's decision to scrap an Obama-era rule implemented in 2015 deemed "net neutrality." The end of net neutrality will
allow internet service providers to, if they choose, privilege the content of providers that they own or support. Over
this, Pai has been the target of a campaign of harassment that amounts to a national scandal.
Chairman Ajit Pai Cancels CES Appearance Reportedly over Death Threats. Federal Communications Commission Chairman
Ajit Pai has canceled his scheduled appearance at the Consumer Electronics Show, reportedly due to death threats. Recode
reports that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has canceled an appearance set for this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) due to threats
against his life. This isn't the first time that Pai has received direct threats; past threats occurred during the FCC's
vote on net neutrality in December of 2017 when a bomb threat was called in which resulted in the evacuation of the building.
Pai has also been harassed by protesters at his home, who held signs directed at his children.
Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison Proudly Endorses Antifa. Minnesota Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison, who also
serves as the DNC's Deputy Chairman, posted a photo Wednesday night [1/3/2017] proudly displaying an Antifa handbook and warning Donald
Trump about its use. As a reminder, Antifa is a leftist agitator organization whose members advocate violence for the sake of
political gain. They are hardly the "anti-fascists" they claim to be. Antifa is responsible for violent riots during
President Trump's inauguration last year and regularly advocates for shutting down speeches on college campuses across the
country. The group is also under FBI investigation for their tactics and has warned about future attacks: [...]
DNC Deputy
Keith Ellison Blasted for Tweet Touting Antifa 'Handbook'. One of the leading figures in the Democratic Party
is taking heat on social media for proudly touting the violent far-left group Antifa. Rep. Keith Ellison
(D-Minn.), who serves as DNC deputy chair, tweeted a picture to promote a book called "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook."
Keith Ellison
Poses With Antifa Handbook. Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison endorsed Antifa on
Wednesday, tweeting a picture of himself smiling with an Antifa handbook. Ellison posted a picture with "Antifa:
The Anti-Fascist Handbook" and asserted that the book would "strike fear in the heart" of President Donald Trump.
Antifa is a far-left group that uses violence to achieve progressive political ends, including starting riots and fires at
the University of California, Berkeley. While the group claims to be anti-Fascist, they routinely shut down the speech
of people they disagree with. Antifa clashed with far-right protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year.
Ellison Has A History Of Support For Radicals. Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, vice-chair of the Democratic
National Committee, sparked controversy on Wednesday by tweeting an apparent endorsement of violent left-wing group
Antifa. Ellison's endorsement of the group, which the Department of Homeland Security says is responsible for "domestic
terrorist violence," is just the latest instance of Ellison publicly attaching himself to radical figures and
ideologies. Ellison once defended famed anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, against charges of
anti-Semitism. In an op-ed for the Washington Post last year, Ellison said he should have more closely scrutinized
Farrakhan, who once said Hitler was a "very great man," but blamed a "right-wing smear campaign" for any questions raised
about his ties to anti-Semitic figures.
World's Trump robot [was the] target of [a] screaming rant. Is there any place that's safe from leftist insanity?
Disney World in Florida is a special place that attracts about 52.5 million children and adults each year for days of family fun
at what it calls "the most magical place on Earth." But the theme park was unable to offer its guests an escape last week from
a truly bizarre protest against President Trump. A man who clearly was no Trump fan started screaming "LOCK HIM UP!"
over and over again when a robot portraying President Trump at the Hall of Presidents attraction began "speaking" with the recorded
voice of the real President Trump.
statue in Georgia vandalized to the tune of $200G, officials say. A statue of a Confederate soldier that stood
high atop a Georgia cemetery was severely vandalized — with the statue's hands and rifle cut off and its face
bashed in. Someone or a group of people entered Myrtle Hill Cemetery on Wednesday before damaging the monument, which
was built in 1887. "It looked like it was surgically cut," Rome City Manager Sammy Rich told the Rome News-Tribune.
"It's just super disappointing that somebody would go to that much trouble to get up there, put a ladder up or whatever to
reach it."
says he sent a gift-wrapped package of manure to Steve Mnuchin's Bel Air mansion. A Los Angeles psychologist says he
hand-delivered gift-wrapped package of manure to Steve Mnuchin's Bel Air mansion because the GOP tax bill is 'bulls***'. Robby
Strong identified himself as the man who dropped off a box of horse manure at Mnuchin's house in an interview with AL.com.
Panther awarded $3.75 million after clash with Oakland councilwoman. An East Bay jury has awarded former Black
Panther leader Elaine Brown $3.75 million in damages for injuries she suffered when Oakland Councilwoman Desley Brooks
assaulted her during an argument at a downtown restaurant. In its verdict Thursday [12/21/2017], after a day of
deliberations, the Alameda County Superior Court jury agreed with Brown on every disputed issue in the case: that Brooks
had attacked her without justification, that Brown had never threatened her, that Brooks was acting within the scope of her
employment with the city, and that the assault on the then-72-year-old woman was an act of elder abuse.
Leftists Beg Baseball Shooter To 'Finish The Job' After Rep. Steve Scalise Votes For Tax Cut. Rep. Steve
Scalise has been back on the job in Congress for a little more than two months, after suffering a near-fatal gunshot wound in a
mass shooting where he and other Republicans were targeted by a leftist out to kill conservative lawmakers over a political
disagreement. Scalise is also one of the key Republicans behind Wednesday's [12/20/2017] landmark tax reform bill, helping
to usher the massive tax cut through the House twice, after a procedural issue doomed the first vote. It took ghoulish leftists
mere moments to make the connection — and, of course, suggest that the Congressional baseball diamond shooter should have
finished the job.
Army Bell Ringer Attacked for Saying Merry Christmas. Liberal progressive Democrats in Northern California
really hate it when you say Merry Christmas. So much so that an atheist liberal thug attacked a Salvation Army bell
ring. His reason? Because the bell ringer said Merry Christmas. This is Northern California in a
nutshell. As bad as Southern California is with Los Angeles, we aren't nearly as bad, or as violent as the extremist
leftists in Northern California cities like San Francisco, San Jose or Sacramento. That's Pelosiville.
Army halts some kettle locations in Wisconsin after workers threatened at knife point. Salvation Army officials
in Wisconsin are keeping dozens of donation kettles closed until police track down an "agitated" former employee who
threatened two workers at knife point on Tuesday [12/19/2017]. The ex-employee confronted a red kettle worker and a
Salvation Army representative outside a Walgreens store in Brown Deer, located just outside of Milwaukee, according to Steve
Merritt, who supervises operations in the region. "The man became quite agitated and pulled out a knife and waved it
around," Merritt told Fox 6, after the man was asked to leave. Salvation Army officials said in a news release that
no money was taken, but the suspect also called The Salvation Army of Milwaukee County's Citadel Corps to threaten an officer
working there.
Preparing Elaborate Protests in Hopes Mueller Is Fired. The left is champing at the bit, hoping President
Donald Trump will fire White House Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Even though Trump himself has said that he has no
intention of firing Mueller, top liberals like former Attorney General Eric Holder are already gleefully planning what they
will do if Mueller is forced out of the probe.
Invade Chuck Schumer's Office and Threaten Him. Leftists unleashed the kraken, and now they don't know what to
do. Democrat clowns prostitute American laws allowing children of illegals hope of becoming citizens. All for
votes. Understand that Conservatives aren't heartless. But laws are in place for a reason. Simply put, laws
are meant to be followed. Nevertheless, Leftists selectively follow laws, based on what get them the most power.
And as with most things Leftist, things go awry.
Hey, Chuck: I fixed
your Twitter timeline picture. [L]ike most Leftists, Chuck [Schumer]'s virtue-signaling has its limits.
When seven illegal alien DACA protesters entered Schumer's office, Chuck had them arrested for "unlawful entry." [...] So the
lesson here is Chuck Schumer doesn't mind you unlawfully entering our country. But you cannot unlawfully enter his office.
Bragged in April about Sabotaging Railroad Tracks to Block Fracking. ISIS shouldn't be the only terrorist group
under suspicion for the Amtrak derailment in Washington this morning. [...] The anarchist group "It's Going Down" last April
bragged online about sabotaging railroad tracks in the Pacific Northwest to block fracking equipment from getting to its
destination. The group has since deleted the post, possibly in reaction to today's Amtrak disaster.
Ethics Czar: 'Take The Streets' If Trump Fires Mueller. The federal government's former ethics czar says he is
"stocking up" on "gear" in order to "take the streets" in the event that President Trump removes Robert Mueller as special
counsel. "I'm concerned the assault on the rule of law is coming over the holidays when we're distracted. It'll
be a defining moment for the Republic," Walter Shaub wrote on Twitter on Friday [12/15/2017].
Berkeley Students Rip Down Kate Steinle Poster Hung at Vigil. College Republicans at UC-Berkeley held a
candlelight vigil for Kate Steinle last week as a show of support for the slain woman and to show dissatisfaction that a
criminal illegal alien was acquitted of her murder. However, the gathering caused some leftist students to do what they
do best: protest and destroy.
Offers To 'Rip' Ben Shapiro's 'Shoulder Out Of His Socket' For Charity. A University of California, Merced
professor declined to debate conservative author Ben Shapiro, but offered to fight him, according to audio released Wednesday
[12/6/2017]. Fernando Cortes Chirino, a sociology professor at the school, addressed Shapiro's upcoming visit to Merced and
suggested he would enjoy "ripping this fool's shoulder out of his socket" in a charity fight, reported Campus Reform.
grows over what sparked the attack on Rand Paul. Federal prosecutors said they are investigating the case.
[Rene] Boucher could be charged under several federal statutes, including one rarely used provision that bars assaults on
members of Congress and other high-ranking government officials. Intrigue has deepened in the weeks since the Nov. 3
assault as Paul and Boucher have remained largely quiet about what prompted it. Neither would comment for this
article. Into the vacuum, competing theories for the assault have been floated, like so many Washington trial
balloons. They range from the mundane, such as bad blood over spoiled views of a lake, to the outlandish —
an Antifa plot.
Jennifer Lawrence Tells Oprah She is Prepared to Assault President Trump. Jennifer Lawrence says any encounter
she has with President Trump will likely end with "a martini to the face." [...] Lawrence said in 2015 that a Trump presidency
would be "the end of the world." But earlier this year, she preached unity, telling Vogue that the country needs to
come together because "we can't continue this divide and anger."
Window-Smashing Vandal Targets Boston-Area Trump Supporter Twice in Same Weekend. A vandal targeted the home
and vehicle of a Donald Trump supporter with spray paint and a blunt object twice this past weekend in Somerville,
Massachusetts. The man sported a "Make America Great Again" sign in a window at his home and a bumpersticker supporting
the president, along with a National Rifle Association decal, on a rear window of his truck. The vandal smashed the
front windshield of the Chevrolet truck and spraypainted "BLM," an acronym for Black Lives Matter, on the hood.
Poverty Law Center Claims Antifa Is NOT a Hate Group. Testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee
on Thursday, Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen stated that Antifa is not considered a "hate group" by his
organization. "If you are familiar with our work, we write about antifa often," Cohen testified during the hearing on
domestic terrorism. "We condemn their tactics — I've said so publicly and we do so always — but
antifa is not a group that vilifies people on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion and the like." While they may not
hate over religion, they certainly spread hate based on political leanings. In fact, Cohen's statements came one day
before a man in Boston was hospitalized with three fractures in his face after being attacked by a group of 7-10 Antifa
militants over his support of President Donald Trump.
Campus cops defend vandalism, destruction of
property. Campus police officers at the University of Florida told conservative students that they couldn't
prevent classmates from vandalizing flyers for an upcoming event, saying the flyers are "no longer yours" once they are
posted. Video footage also shows one vandal knocking a cell phone from the hand of a student who was filming the
altercation, but the officers justified that action by saying, "he defended himself because he didn't want to be videotaped."
to FCC and Congress Over "Net Neutrality" Are Domestic Terrorism. FreedomWorks continues to condemn the
abhorrent, racist, and threatening vitriol being directed at officials over the Restoring Internet Freedom Order proposed by
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai. Today, thankfully, federal prosecutors announced charges
against an individual for threatening to kill Congressman John Katko of New York and his family if he did not support
so-called "net neutrality." FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and his family have also been the target of violent and racist
harassment, with vitriolic messages left at their home.
Liberal Organizers Incentivize Protesters To Get Arrested. Organizers with the left-leaning group Housing Works
told protesters they must "risk arrest" in order to be reimbursed for airfare to Washington, D.C., according to an internal
email obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. "We will transport, house and feed you, and deal with all legal
support. Caveat: if you are far away from DC and expensive to transport, we can probably only fly you if you can risk
arrest," the internal email told supporters.
Sportswear may close downtown Portland office over threats, public defecation by homeless people. Columbia
Sportswear may be the next business to flee downtown Portland after a series of frightening encounters with the city's
homeless population, including car break-ins, human waste dumped by the office's front door and threats to its
employees. In an op-ed piece published earlier this month by The Oregonian, Columbia Sportswear President and CEO Tim
Boyle said he is concerned he made a mistake when he opened a headquarters for the company's Sorel footwear brand downtown,
calling the situation "outrageous and unacceptable."
tries to cut into Trump's motorcade in Florida. An angry motorist tried to cut his van into President Donald
Trump's motorcade in Florida on Saturday afternoon and made obscene gestures as he was pulled over by police. A White
House pool report said the red van "attempted to cut into the motorcade. Local law enforcement pulled over the vehicle,
where the driver made obscene gestures and screamed several expletives."
supports killing Donald Trump 'for the safety of humanity'. British singer Morrissey said he'd kill President
Trump "for the safety of humanity" if given the option to eliminate him instantly. The outspoken former frontman for
The Smiths answered affirmatively during a recent interview with German magazine Der Spiegel in response to a hypothetical
question about being able to kill Mr. Trump with the push of a button. "If there was a button here and if you
pressed on it, Trump would die dead [sic] — would you push it or not?" Der Spiegel asked Morrissey. "I
would, for the safety of humanity. It has nothing to do with my personal opinion of his face or his family, but in
the interest of humanity I would push," the singer responded.
Tell FCC Chairman's Kids Their Father Is An Evil Murderer. Net neutrality activists left signs at Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai's house Saturday, telling his children that their father was an "evil" man
who "murdered" democracy. The cardboard signs list Pai's children by name, telling them that "you don't have to be
evil." Pai's leadership of the FCC has been fraught with criticism due to his rejection of net neutrality policies advocated
by former President Barack Obama's administration. The FCC announced last week that it plans to role back net
neutrality rules, triggering protests outside the Pai family's home for the second time this year.
Paul's Wife Slams Media for Misrepresenting Attack on Her Husband. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's wife Kelley
wrote a heartfelt column for CNN describing the intense pain her husband has been suffering from since he was attacked
earlier this month at his home and blasting the news media for misrepresenting the incident and trying to blame her husband
for it. Kelley Paul accused some news outlets of "concocting theories about an 'ongoing dispute,' based on nothing more
than speculation from an attention-seeking person with no knowledge of anything to do with us," insisting that neither Rand
nor anyone else in the family has spoken to the attacker, who is a neighbor, in a decade.
hate crime charges for teen in kidnapping/torture of white teen in Chicago. In January, a brutal crime shocked
the nation in the days before Donald Trump was inaugurated. Four black individuals abducted an 18-year-old mentally
challenged white man, brutally tormenting him with punches, kicks, and taunts while slicing off hunks of his hair with a
knife and tearing off his clothing. They broadcast their crime on Facebook. Perpetrators Jordan Hill, Tesfaye
Cooper, Brittany Covington, and Tanishia Covington, shouted "F**k white people!" and "F**k Trump!" while they brutalized the
sobbing young man. One of them cut a patch out of the victim's scalp. Before the attack, the victim thought of at
least one of the assailants as a friend. The torture lasted for at least 30 minutes.
'Make America Great Again' hat thief could face jail time. A University of California, Riverside student could face jail time after
she was seen in a now-viral video appearing to swipe a "Make America Great Again" hat from a fellow Highlander. Edith Macias allegedly snatched
Matthew Vitale's MAGA hat before going on a bizarre, profanity-laced tirade in the video, shot by Vitale.
Harm Deborah Frisch Has Inflicted, and Why She Must Be Incarcerated. For more than decade, Deborah Frisch has
been harassing blogger Jeff Goldstein and his family. The story made national headlines in 2006, when Frisch —
then an adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Arizona — was fired for her vile threats against
Goldstein. Yet this was not the end of her deranged harassment, merely the beginning. Frisch was a fugitive when
she was arrested Thursday in Oregon, after having failed to appear at a court hearing in Colorado to face two felony charges.
Frisch had sentenced to 10 years probation in April, after pleading guilty to felony stalking and harassment. Why was she
not imprisoned at that time?
Out of Control. Let us understand who
Devin Patrick Kelley was. He was a high school loser whose classmates, reached after Kelley's mortifying killing spree
in a Baptist church southeast of San Antonio, roundly slammed him as an unhinged misfit. Kelley was a militant atheist
who regaled his Facebook friends with anti-Christian bigotry so intense that many parted ways with him. He was a
subscriber to various left-wing causes, such that two days after his horrid final day on this Earth there are loud whispers
he was affiliated with Antifa.
Libs think you're Stupid. Are
You? What you will not hear from the major media about the shooting in the Baptist church in Sutherland Springs
is that the killer, now known as Devin Patrick Kelley, was an atheist and Bernie Sanders supporter who was stopped while
still reloading his deadly weapon by a civilian gun owner, Stephen Willeford. That spoils the narrative so unless
you're a dummy you should ignore this feeble attempt to demonize the NRA again. How does one stop these horrific
killings by the deranged? Well for one thing we have to stop thinking solely about gun legislation and focus on the
mind of the killer. He must be strategizing where he can do the most damage so he would then search out three handy
targets-churches, theaters and zero gun areas like elementary schools in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. If there had been one
civilized gun owner in any of those murder scenes, the killer's victims would have had a better chance of survival.
With Guns Like Stephen Willeford Save More People Than Cynics Like Stephen Colbert. [Scroll down] It
boiled down to one sentence: those guns-and-Jesus country bumpkins "got their prayers shot right out of them"; hope this
teaches their kind a good lesson for supporting Republicans and their "terrorist" arm, the National Rifle Association.
This wasn't just the keyboard warriors on Twitter. The New York Times editorial board went out of its way to
mock Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for suggesting that Christianity could combat violence and the Texas attorney general for
suggesting that perhaps congregations should have one or two present who are armed. I almost couldn't believe what I
was reading. The emotional detachment of the leftist commentators from the victims of the shooting combined with an
astounding blindness to the facts on the ground led them to respond to 26 innocents dead by heaping scorn on the prayers of
those who were shot and demanding we take away their neighbors' guns. But here are the facts on the ground:
Shooter Devin Kelley was a "vocally anti-Christian" atheist who apparently shared the leftist elite's disdain for prayer.
Federal Charges Expected For Rand Paul's Attacker, Assault May Have Been Politically Motivated. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul
has been told to expect federal charges against his socialist neighbor who attacked the Republican senator last week, Fox News' Shepard
Smith reported on Thursday [11/9/2017]. That prosecutors are expected to bring federal charges in the attack indicates that they may
believe it was politically motivated, Smith reported. Previous media reports that the attack was over a long-standing dispute are
inaccurate, Paul's office has said.
Paul's Neighbors Say Reports Blaming Savage Assault on 'Landscaping Dispute' Are Fake News. Rand Paul's
neighbors are calling into question reports suggesting the Kentucky senator's character and libertarianism contributed to one
member of their community allegedly attacking him at his home in Bowling Green, KY, last week. Police arrested Paul's
long-time neighbor, 59-year-old retired doctor Rene Boucher, and charged him with fourth-degree assault after he allegedly
blindsided the senator, who was reportedly mowing his lawn.
Paul attack: More neighbors now casting doubt on 'landscaping dispute' story. More of Sen. Rand
Paul's neighbors are speaking out and casting doubt on reports that a mere 'landscaping dispute' led to the attack a week ago
that left the Republican lawmaker hospitalized with six broken ribs. As the suspect — 59-year-old neighbor
and anesthesiologist Rene Boucher — pleads not guilty to a single misemeanor assault charge, the motive for what
Paul's office describes as a "blindside" remains a total mystery. The New York Times initially reported neighborhood
chatter suggesting a long-running landscaping disagreement led to last Friday's attack in Kentucky.
Skip This Key Detail: Rand Paul's Assailant Is a 'Liberal' 'Socialist'. Imagine if lefty Senator Elizabeth Warren had been
violently assaulted by an arch-conservative. Think journalists would mention that point? Well, they didn't when the situation was
reversed and Rand Paul was attacked over the weekend by a "liberal" "socialist." Only ABC even bothered to compare this latest incident
to the attempted murder of Republican congressmen in the summer. The total coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC of this latest violent act is
3 minutes and 7 seconds
Update: Rand Paul Sustained 6 Broken Ribs, Pleural Effusion. Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul
confirmed his injuries are more extensive than initially reported after his neighbor attacked him outside of his Kentucky
home Friday. Paul's neighbor, 59-year-old Rene Boucher, assaulted Paul while he was mowing his lawn. The Kentucky
Republican was initially thought to have broken five ribs and suffered contusions after being tackled to the ground. "I
appreciate all of the support from everyone," he said in a statement Wednesday. "A medical update: Final report
indicates six broken ribs and a new X-ray shows a pleural effusion."
Paul suffered 5 broken ribs during assault by neighbor in Kentucky. Sen. Rand Paul is recovering after an
assault by his neighbor left him with five broken ribs on Friday [11/3/2017]. The Associated Press reported Doug
Stafford, a top staffer to Paul, said it's not clear when he'll return to work because he's having trouble getting around due
to considerable pain.
mystery in Rand Paul attack: Neighbor's lawyer says it had 'nothing to do' with politics. The attorney
for the man accused of violently attacking Sen. Rand Paul in his own yard said Monday that the clash had "absolutely
nothing to do" with politics and was a dispute over something "trivial" — deepening the mystery over what led to
the attack that left the Republican senator with five broken ribs. The attack was serious enough that it's unclear when
Paul will return to work on Capitol Hill. But 59-year-old Rene Boucher was released on $7,500 bail Saturday
and — so far — faces only a misdemeanor charge. While more charges could be forthcoming, it
remains unclear exactly what led to the attack in the first place.
The Editor says...
The motive for the attack "remains unclear" to everybody who doesn't have access to the internet.
Paul assaulted by Trump hater, Bernie Sanders supporter. Senator Rand Paul was tackled to the ground by a
neighbor while he was mowing his lawn in Bowling Green, KY on Friday, causing minor injuries according to a police
report. The neighbor, Rene Boucher, and Paul were embroiled in some kind of feud, according to another neighbor.
But Boucher's Facebook postings reveal a virulent Trump hater and a supporter of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
Headline-ese not English. Hope make self clear. Rand
Paul's Injuries At [the] Hands of [a] Registered Democrat [are] Worse Than Initially Thought. Senator Rand Paul
was physically assaulted by his neighbor over the weekend, blindsided while he was out mowing his lawn. Neighbors
indicate that Rene Boucher, a 59-year-old fellow doctor, had an ongoing dispute regarding his and Paul's adjacent
properties. Slate reported that Paul only suffered a "minor injury" and genuinely seemed perplexed about the assailant
being detained.
The Editor says...
As much as I admire Rand Paul (and Ron Paul), I think this whole story is highly dubious.
How many 54-year-old doctors have the time and the inclination to mow their own yards?
How many U.S. Senators, who don't even answer their own phone calls, have the time to stay home
and mow the lawn — on a Friday?
on the Democrat's Assault on Rand Paul. The Washington Post has an update on the apparently-unprovoked attack
on Senator Rand Paul by his neighbor, Rene Boucher. Paul's injuries were initially described as "minor," but that is
not the case. Boucher broke five ribs, and Paul suffered lung contusions and facial injuries as well. Apparently
Boucher blind-sided the senator while Paul was mowing his lawn, or had just completed mowing his lawn. Paul's staff
says his ability to return to his Senate duties is unknown.
Media Omit How Rand Paul Was at Alexandria Shooting in Coverage of Alleged Assault. Saturday afternoon [sic],
Republican Senator Rand Paul suffered a minor injury when he was attacked as he was mowing the lawn at his home. Most
print media coverage thus far have failed to note that Paul was present at the baseball practice where Congressman Steve
Scalise of Louisiana and three others were shot in June, or that the FBI reportedly believes that yesterday's attack on Paul
was politically motivated.
man charged with assaulting Paul at senator's home. A Bowling Green man was arrested Friday and charged with
fourth-degree assault after an incident at the Bowling Green home of U.S. Sen. Rand Paul. Rene Boucher, 59, was
booked Friday in the Warren County Regional Jail and was released Saturday night on a $7,500 bond, according to online jail
records. Paul suffered minor injuries, according to a news release from Kentucky State Police Post 3 in Bowling Green.
Paul Attacker Likes Bernie Sanders, Hates Trump. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was assaulted at his Bowling
Green, Ky., home on Friday [11/3/2017] and sustained minor injuries. According to police, Rene Boucher has been
arrested for the assault. Boucher is a 59-year-old anesthesiologist who supports Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on
universal health care and has widely shared his fierce opposition to President Donald Trump.
man pleads guilty to attack on Sen. Rand Paul that broke the lawmaker's ribs. The man accused of violently
attacking Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul in November, leaving him with six broken ribs, pleaded guilty Friday [3/9/2018].
Rene Boucher, Paul's 59-year-old neighbor, pleaded guilty to a federal charge of assaulting a member of Congress resulting in
personal injury. A judge set sentencing for June 15.
Update: Sen.
Paul files civil suit against Boucher. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Bowling Green filed a lawsuit against the
neighbor who admitted assaulting him in front of his house. In the civil complaint, which was filed Friday [6/22/2018]
in Warren Circuit Court, the Republican senator seeks an unspecified amount of compensatory and punitive damages from Rene
Boucher for "physical pain and mental suffering" resulting from Boucher's tackle of Paul as the senator was mowing his yard
Nov. 3 in the Rivergreen subdivision in Bowling Green. Paul suffered multiple rib fractures and dealt with recurrent
pneumonia in the aftermath of the incident.
Stars Who Imagined Violence Against Donald Trump. Since the election, several celebrities have voiced their
displeasure — even anger — with the Trump administration. Some have gone so far as to suggest
violent measures. From Robert De Niro to Snoop Dogg, here are nine left-leaning noteworthy people who have fanned
themes of violence toward Trump and the GOP.
A Big
Day For the Crazy Left. These people are pathetic, which doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't
dangerous. One can only hope that they are dooming the Democratic Party's electoral prospects.
Streets Project Vows to Disrupt Antifa, Black Bloc Domestic Terror Riots on Nov. 4. An organization called Refuse Fascism has
more far-left protests planned all over the country to commemorate the election of Donald Trump and the electoral upset on November 4.
This could spin out of control quickly. "Regime change," as they call it, is the goal, yet they claim they are not trying to overthrow the
government or disenfranchise millions of voters who voted for Donald Trump. The idea is to take to the streets until Trump and Pence resign.
Seriously. This footage of Refuse Fascism activists hyping the coming chaos was taken on Halloween night on the streets of Chicago.
Refuse Fascism claims their protests will be nonviolent. But domestic terror groups Antifa and Black Bloc may have other plans.
Sues Public District to Stop it from Giving JW Antifa Activism Records. A Judicial Watch record request has
fueled a tense legal drama between a middle school teacher who is a national organizer for a radical leftist group and the
public district that employs her. The conflict ensued a few weeks ago when Judicial Watch filed a California Public
Records Act (CPRA) request with the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) to obtain information about the controversial
teacher's violent Antifa activism. The teacher, Yvette Felarca, works at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School and
is a prominent figure in By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), an organized militant group founded by the Marxist Revolutionary
Workers League that uses raucous militant tactics to protest conservative speaking engagements. Over the summer Felarca
was arrested and charged with several crimes, including felony assault, for inciting a riot in Sacramento, according to
information provided by the Sacramento County District Attorney's office to a Berkeley news outlet. Felarca was
captured on video calling a man a Nazi and punching him in the stomach repeatedly while shouting obscenities at him.
More than a dozen people were injured in the riot, at least 10 with stab wounds, and the capitol grounds suffered thousands
of dollars in property damage.
claims Antifa leader lauded 'supersoldiers' who will 'behead' white parents, business owners on Nov. 4. There's
been a lot of talk about far-left protests set to take place across the country on November 4. On Monday [10/30/2017],
the Gateway Pundit's Lucian Wintrich said a person thought to be one of the leaders of the domestic terrorist group Antifa, issued
a tweet that read, "can't wait for November 4th when millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents and small
business owners in the town square."
"Lightworker" Columnist Returns to Defend Calls for EPA Head's Death. Once upon a time this would have been a
deranged letter to the editor. The sort of thing that would have triggered an FBI investigation. Now it's the new
normal. It's a column at the San Fran Chronicle's sister site. The same left that endlessly preached about
violence and claimed that Sarah Palin's map killed is completely okay with a winking defense of sending death threats to the
head of the EPA.
Socialist group suggests conservative peer belongs
in Gulag. A socialist student group at Kent State University recently suggested that a conservative student
belongs in a Soviet prison camp for her stance on free speech. TPUSA Vice President Leandra Westbrook had written that
"silencing free speech is fascism" in response to a student petition aimed at silencing conservative voices, adding that "we
aren't going anywhere."
State Socialist Group Suggests Gulag for Dissenting Voice. We all know what would happen to most of us if
socialists got their way. Assuming we didn't die outright in the immediate aftermath due to "self-inflicted" gunshots
to the back of the head, we would end up in a gulag somewhere inhospitable. Being from the South, I suspect I'd be sent to
Alaska or something. We all know it. It's just a little refreshing to see a socialist come right out and say it.
Scott Pruitt: Family getting death threats, too. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott
Pruitt says the death threats against him have extended to his family. "The level of protection is dictated by the
level of threat," Pruitt told Bloomberg in an expansive interview released Wednesday night, answering questions about his
recent request for almost a dozen more 24-hour security agents. "The quantity and the volume — as well as
the type — of threats are different. What's really disappointing to me as it's not just me — it's
family." Pruitt has an 18-member security team that is charged to guard him around the clock. It was reported
earlier this week that EPA is looking to add as many as 12 new guards to the 18-member squad.
Waters Makes Threat She Will 'Take Trump Out'. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is no fan of President Donald J.
Trump, but at a recent awards gala for LGBT youth, the bombastic Democrat made a disturbing claim that she would "take Trump
out." Kyle Olson of the American Mirror reported the statement on Friday [10/20/2017], but Youtube pulled down the original
video. At the Ali Forney Center gala in New York City, Waters jumped right into the liberal audience's applause by
making the off putting, only a mere four months after multiple Republican members of Congress were gunned down by a democrat
mad-man who actually wanted to take them out.
Socialist group calls for 'extermination' of capitalists.
The Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) chapter at Iowa State University has repeatedly posted threatening tweets
about conservatives, but the school maintains that the comments are a form of free speech. In one tweet, the group said
that "the only dope worth shooting" is Donald Trump, and more recently it posted a message calling for the hanging and
extermination of "capitalists."
Left has gun-toting militias of its own, Charlottesville lawsuit reveals. With a name like Redneck Revolt, one
"paramilitary" group named in a lawsuit filed in the wake of the deadly Charlottesville protests sounds like the classic
alt-right, gun-toting militia many blame for the August incident that sparked a national debate on race and guns. But
Redneck Revolt is a sometimes-armed militia that left-wing protesters have apparently started calling on for security, and
critics say it represents a growing group of heat-packing, far-left social justice warriors who are "willing to take on
personal risk to defend those in our community," according to the group's website.
Package Left Near Pro-Lifers Praying Outside Abortion Clinic to Scare Them Off. A suspicious package was found
near a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil Friday [10/20/2017] in Dallas, Texas, prompting pro-life advocates to call the police
and the bomb squad. WFAA News 8 reports police later determined that the suspicious package was a hoax, quite possibly
meant to scare pro-life advocates who peacefully pray outside a nearby abortion clinic. Pro-Life Dallas said the
suspicious package was the second target this week against pro-lifers' peaceful, prayerful work. On Oct. 11, the
group said a man also vandalized the site and left behind a beheaded doll with the word "pro-choice" written on it.
Loesch forced to move due to 'repeated threats from gun control advocates'. National Rifle Association spokesperson
Dana Loesch said Sunday [10/15/2017] she was preparing to move from her home "due to repeated threats from gun control advocates."
In a series of tweets, Loesch explained some of the threats she has recently experienced.
Down Leftist Foundations Like The Mafia. The Department of Justice has been investigating DisruptJ20, a "resistance" group
that plotted to shut down President Trump's inauguration. The DOJ has demanded the IP addresses of visitors, along with any emails,
photos and names it can get. But the pipeline of Dj20 funding goes back to George Soros. And not just Soros. Money from
the Global Justice Alliance went to Refuse Fascism, a group founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party, which staged violent
protests. "Respectable" big money leftist groups like the Hill Snowdon Foundation and Ben and Jerry's Foundation fund middlemen like
the Alliance. And then the Alliance funds "direct action" groups that are willing to get their hands violently dirty.
The Left's
attacks are getting personal. We have been treated to a year of rioting and violence over the mere hint that a
conservative may speak at some college. The intolerant, fascistic, violent Left seems determined to demonstrate just
how vicious and despotic its instincts are. And the Left has apparently upped its game even further now.
Well-known blogger and investigative journalist Warner Todd Huston woke up in the middle of the night this weekend to
discover his car on fire. There is no reason to mistake this as some kind of accident and every reason to assume the
worst. Over the past year, his house has been pelted with eggs and hate graffiti, his flags have been desecrated and
destroyed, and now this.
Blogger's Car Torched in Chicago. For the past year, conservative writer Warner Todd Huston's home in Chicago
has been under attack by vandals in what looks like an attempt to intimidate him.
Control, Not More Gun Control, Is What We Need. Leftist celebrity Nancy Sinatra notoriously tweeted "Murderous
members of NRA should face firing squad" — to express her politically correct assumption that a gun, rather than
an individual incited by hateful comments like hers, was responsible for the slaughter. Nor are Democrats unaware that
their reckless rhetorical attacks can have deadly results. Republican Congressman Steve Scalise nearly lost his life at
the hands of a Bernie Sanders supporting Democrat, James T. Hodgkinson, during a baseball game this summer. Just last
week a local prosecutor officially found that the shooter committed an "act of terrorism" that was "fueled by rage against
Republican legislators."
Statue Vandalized with Red Paint, Obscenities. Residents of Providence, Rhode Island awoke on Monday, Columbus
Day, to find a statue of Christopher Columbus covered in red and black paint, as well as obscenities. ABC6 reported
that buckets of paint had been poured over the monument, located in Columbus Square, late Sunday night or early Monday
morning [10/9/2017]. This comes after similar incidents took place in New York and Connecticut as a means of protesting
statues — and a holiday — celebrating a man who is maligned by many as a figure of European colonialism
and destruction brought upon Native Americans.
Home And Car Vandalized
Because He Is A Conservative Writer. Over the course of the year, someone in my neighborhood has targeted
me. At first, I thought it was just random vandals as the attacks were penny-ante things, but now I am pretty sure it
is being done by someone who knows I am a conservative writer and they are trying to intimidate me. It started early
this year when a flag was pulled off my flag staff and left ripped in pieces and thrown on my lawn. I replaced the flag
imagining it was just local punks acting tough. Weeks later that new flag disappeared. That's twice. Then
my garage door was egged. That is three times.
Why Conservative College
Kids Should Be a Protected Class. [Scroll down] The backlash was swift. Perhaps I went into it too naively. After all,
I was a student at a women's college, a hotbed of militant feminism. I should have expected it. But after a while, the angry comments
and diatribes students emailed me gave way into something more pernicious — being targeted on campus. Students started yelling, quite literally,
when they saw me on campus. One student followed me around twice in the local grocery store, trying to accost me. They'd come up to me
at my campus desk job, demanding an apology for what I'd written. One student would take pictures of me when she saw me at the library.
Then, the death threats came in. Not from strangers on the internet, but from fellow students.
Gets On Social Media — Prays Only "Trumptards" Died In Vegas Shooting. Another sterling example of what a
teacher should not be... a dirt bag, radical, political activist full of hate. 59 innocent people got mowed down in
Las Vegas and 527 were injured, and the leftists just line up with their hate. So much for love and diversity, which was a
pretense anyway. A teacher named Ann took to Twitter to spread the hate and possibly infect her students with it.
Stephen Paddock: The Most Plausible Theory
of His Motivation. [Scroll down] Democrats own the fringes of their party. Now, given the patterns
of the last two years (to say nothing of the left's long history of violence), is not the theory that the Vegas killer was
but another committed Resister, determined to, "by any means necessary," "bash the fash" not eminently plausible? After
all, the predominantly white country music fans upon whom Paddock set his sights constitute the collective poster child of
the Deplorable, a fact of which leftists, in their ever articulate manner, have spared no occasion to remind us from the
moment that word broke of this outrage. Shouldn't someone in Big Media, specifically, in the so-called "conservative"
media, at least raise these points? Can there be any doubt that had this been a rap concert — an event comprised of tens
of thousands of black men, women, and children — that, despite being short on verifiable facts, the very media figures who now
refuse to indulge speculation as to the shooter's motive would have wasted no time in speculating about "racism?"
Sinatra Calls for NRA Members to Be Killed by Firing Squad. In 2013, the NRA estimated it had five million
members. When another Twitter user asked Sinatra to explain why she thought every NRA member should be killed, Sinatra
did not challenge the interpretation of her remarks.
The Consequences of Media Weaponized
Hatred. I'll wait until all the facts are in but I will say this; gun laws would NOT have prevented the Las
Vegas carnage and the liberal response to the tragic murders is simply reprehensible. What is it about social media
venues like Facebook and Twitter that make people express vile, despicable comments? A top legal executive at CBS,
Hayley Geftman-Gold, has no sympathy for those murdered by the Las Vegas madman because she wrote, "bc country music fans
often are Republican gun toters."
Justice Warrior who stole MAGA hat to face justice system. Last week, a remarkable video was seen by millions
of viewers on YouTube, showing a UC Riverside student stealing a MAGA hat and refusing to give it back. I wrote about
it here, as a symptom an actual, serious, long-term revolutionary movement underway in the United States. The progressive
cant uttered by the student, identified now as Edith Masias, reveals the brainwashing she has received: a mindset that
utterly rejects the laws and customs of society. [Video clip]
shopping for agitators. Let's face facts. There is a revolutionary movement afoot in the United
States. And it is organizing itself before our eyes. Serious people believe that the constitutional republic can
be overthrown. Overt Marxist and revolutionary groups never gave up the cause, but others in respectable jobs worked
tacitly to shape education into political indoctrination, at all levels. One of the principal forces that will bring
about the fall of the regime is street violence that can overwhelm the forces of law and order. A cadre of youth to
take control of the streets of our major cities has already been indoctrinated that "hate speech" is the same thing as
violence, so it is moral and just to violently attack the "fascists" who are killing minorities.
Antifa Mayhem. Thanks to the all-too-typical duplicity of the "mainstream" media, the tragedy of Charlottesville
was turned into a great victory for the armed and masked Antifa anarchists/communists, while President Donald Trump, conservatives,
and defenders of Confederate monuments were falsely presented as indistinguishable from violent neo-Nazis and Klansmen.
Antifa were presented as heroes, with Harvard Professor Cornel West, a radical Marxist who has been active in communist causes
for decades, claiming that Antifa "saved" him and other "peaceful" demonstrators from the white supremacists. West's claim,
repeated and prominently featured in multiple media reports, along with similar statements by other radical participants, conferred
a new valorous glow on the masked hoodlums. It is crucial to note, however, that the confrontation in Charlottesville turned
in the fatal direction precisely when the city's "progressive" Democrat Party machine ordered the police to stand down and
allow the antagonists to fight — and then, going further, directed the police to corral the demonstrators and push them into one
another. The results were as deadly as they were predictable. Charlottesville was not the first time local police had
been ordered to stand down and allow armed and masked Antifa terrorists to attack opposing demonstrators.
Blacks, Crime, and the
Bended Knee. [T]he election of Obama only served to exacerbate tension between whites and blacks. Many blacks felt emboldened
and protected in their demands and racist protests against police are now commonplace. Chants by Black Lives Matter "What do we want? Dead cops!
When do we want it? Now!" were frequently heard at protests. The result is a war on cops with numerous officers killed in the line of duty
in NYC, Dallas, Baton Rouge, San Antonio, and other cities throughout the land.
Ignores Violent Antifa Plot Caught on TAPE by Crowder. "Louder with Crowder" host Steven Crowder has released a
new video, a video he told Conservative Review is "by far, the biggest video I've ever done." In this undercover
exposé, Crowder and his producer, Not Gay Jared, infiltrated an Antifa group at the University of Utah just before
conservative commentator and Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro was scheduled to speak there. They became part of
this Antifa group's private internet message boards, had this group install an encrypted messaging app on their phones, and
even learned their codenames. But things came to a head when Jared was handed a knife and a screwdriver and was informed
of a plan to "lure" conservatives to a parking lot, where Antifa would lie in wait with a stash of hidden guns.
Machiavellian Solution to Antifa. Antifa has been a menace throughout the United States this year. The
so-called antiauthoritarians and allied leftists have shown themselves to be authoritarian indeed in regard to those who dare
to disagree with them, diligently trying to stop universities from practicing the sins of free speech and independent
thought. In August, during the "Rally Against Hate" in Berkeley, Antifa attacked a crowd of peaceful right-wing
demonstrators. Antifa has injured or tried to injure police officers across the country, from Boston to St.
Louis, Berkeley to Portland. Not only a force in so-called higher education, Antifa is now a presence in our secondary
schools as well. American cities and institutions of learning are spending vast sums of money to contain these
hypocrites, who are themselves the problem for which they pretend to be the solution.
Never Died, It Was Cleverly Repackaged for the Historically Impaired and Useful Idiots. The Internal Security Act of 1950 is known as the
Subversive Activities Control Act or the McCarran Act, after its principal sponsor, Sen. Pat McCarran (D-Nevada). Congress enacted this federal law
over President Harry Truman's veto who was concerned about the fact that it curtailed the freedom of speech, press, and of assembly. [...] If found in
violation of the McCarran Act, a person could lose his/her citizenship for five years. There was an emergency statute that gave the President the
power to "apprehend and detain each person as to whom there is a reasonable ground to believe that such person probably will engage in, or probably will
conspire with others to engage in, acts of espionage or sabotage."
leader, teacher Yvonne Felarca arrested at 'empathy tent' Berkeley brawl. A middle school teacher-turned-Antifa
leader was among the four people arrested after opposing political groups clashed Tuesday [9/26/2017] inside a so-called
"empathy tent" at the University of California, Berkeley. Yvonne Felarca, a 47-year-old teacher at Berkeley's Martin
Luther King Jr. Middle School, was charged with battery and resisting arrest after a scuffle broke out at rally held in
response to student organizers canceling a planned "Free Speech Week" that would have featured right-wing firebrand Milo
Yiannopoulous. Three men were also arrested on charges including possession of body armor, carrying a banned weapon and
participating in a riot.
who threw flare into cop car during May 1 protests gets 5 years. A 23-year-old man who threw burning flares into
a Portland police cruiser and the downtown Target store during May 1 protests that overran downtown Portland admitted guilt
Monday [9/25/2017] and will be sentenced to five years in prison. A local TV station aired live footage of Damion Zachary
Feller hurling a flare through a shattered picture window at Target, prompting employees to run with fire extinguishers to
put out a burning section of carpet.
John Lewis Wants To 'Take A Bullwhip' To People So They Care About Civil Rights. Democratic Rep. John Lewis said
Thursday [9/21/w2017] he sometimes feels like "taking a bullwhip" to people in order to make them care about civil rights. [...] Lewis
added that young people must become "fighters" and "warriors" for the cause of civil rights. Activists "just need to be
radical" and "extreme" in order to fight racism in the United States, Lewis opined.
Democrats Caught Red-Handed Inciting Anti-Police Riots In St. Louis. I wish I could say I was shocked by
this, but sadly I'm not. It turns out that the St. Louis Young Democrats are collaborating with Black Lives
Matter to instigate protests and riots in the city. At approximately noon yesterday, the Young Democrats tweeted that
the next "protest" in response to the not-guilty verdict in the Jason Stockley trial was planned for Wednesday evening.
They told rioters where and when to show up. They hashtagged it #blacklivesmatter on the tweet. Of course, both
groups are claiming that they are calling for peaceful protests. Funny how it never works out that way though.
Black Lives Matter is a domestic terror group and they aren't very concerned with staying peaceful. They are much
better known for smashing storefronts, setting cars on fire, spraying chemicals, throwing rocks and projectiles at police and
beating people up. We've had six nights of violence in St. Louis. A dozen police officers have been injured
and thousands of dollars of damage has been committed against local businesses. Now, we find out that the Young
Democrats are in the thick of it, which isn't surprising since they are communists.
Antifa Group Announces Nationwide 'Deface Columbus Day'. Following multiple acts of vandalism on Christopher Columbus
statues since August, a militant antifa group has announced "Deface Columbus Day" on Oct. 9 as a coordinated campaign to deface
and destroy more historical monuments. In Yonkers, New York, a Columbus statue was beheaded on Aug. 30. Antifa
vandals were also responsible for the destruction of the oldest Christopher Columbus monument in the nation on Aug. 21.
Vandals left the messages "Racism: Tear it down" and "The future is racial and economic justice." On Sept. 20, a
New York City-based antifa organization calling itself Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement put out a press release on far-left
extremist websites like It's Going Down to call on their comrades elsewhere in the United States to take action and "decorate"
their neighborhoods and parks.
Monuments and Lying about Race. All this mayhem over historical monuments is bought and paid for by George
Soros. I hate seeing Americans surrendering to Soros' evil hired hit squads. Leftists have launched their minions
to wreak havoc in our streets because they cannot tolerate having a president in the White House who has America's best
interest at heart. Pure and simple.
rising: 19% of college students support violence to silence dissent, study shows. Early results from a
Brookings Institution study on the First Amendment's standing among college students foreshadow an ominous future for free
speech rights. [...] • 44% of all students said "hate speech" is not protected by the First Amendment,
while 16% answered "don't know." • 51% of all students said shouting down speakers to silence them in
a public forum is acceptable. Over 60% of Democrats agreed compared to roughly 40% for Republicans. •
19% of students supported violence as a means of shutting down speech deemed unacceptable.
kids: 20 percent OK with First Amendment violence. The Brookings Institute conducted a survey of 1,500 college
students around the nation, and found fully 44 percent think hate speech — whatever that is — isn't
a First Amendment right. About half that think violence is an OK form of protest. The indoctrination of the next
generation is nearly complete. The left's years and years of hard work at shutting down dissenting political views is
paying off big time.
Threaten to Torch Church for Sign Supporting Biblical Marriage. An Australian church has received "vicious"
threats to its safety after it displayed a sign stating the Biblical position on marriage, which activists claim "cause
distress". Ahead of a postal vote on same-sex marriage, the Bellbowrie Community Church was targeted with threats
and abuse after posting the sign, which pointed out that "God designed marriage between a man and a woman."
LGBTQ Activist
Commits Suicide by Cop - Who Does the Media Blame? Even when an incident is recorded, fully displaying the
innocence of police officers, the left jumps to claim that police have somehow mishandled a sad situation. Such is the
story that is playing out in Atlanta, as police are once again forced to defend themselves from their leftwing attackers.
Truly Imperils Our Free Society? A week ago, the statue of missionary and Catholic Saint Fr. Junipero
Serra was beheaded at the Santa Barbara Mission he founded. A century-old Columbus statue in Central Park was defaced
and spray-painted with: "Hate will not be tolerated." Baltimore's monument to Francis Scott Key, who observed the
bombardment of Fort McHenry on a British warship late in the War of 1812 and was inspired to write "The Star-Spangled Banner,"
was covered in red paint. "Racist anthem" was written across it. In Berkeley, home of the Free Speech Movement,
the university last week had to spend $600,000 to protect an invited speaker of the college Republicans from being assaulted.
But St. Louis was where the real action was. Friday [9/15/2017], a mob hurled rocks and bottles injuring 11 cops,
leaving one with a broken jaw.
arrested in violent Georgia Tech protests after police shoot student. Anger over the police shooting of a Pride
Alliance leader at Georgia Tech turned violent Monday night [9/18/2017], as protesters who had attended a vigil on the campus
set a police car ablaze. Two police officers received minor injures and one of them was transported to Grady Memorial
Hospital, a Tech spokesman said. Three people were arrested and charged with inciting a riot and battery of an officer.
Antifa Should Be Designated a 'Domestic Terrorist Organization'. St. Louis police arrested dozens Sunday
night following the latest round of clashes with demonstrators protesting the acquittal of a white police officer in the
shooting death of a black man. At least 80 arrests were made in what was the third night of violence in the
city, with hundreds of people protesting Friday's court decision that found Jason Stockley, a 36-year-old cop, not guilty
in the 2011 death of Anthony Lamar Smith.
Arrest 80 Rioters In Third Night Of St. Louis Unrest After Officer's Acquittal. 80 people were arrested
during a third night of rioting in downtown St. Louis, following outrage over a white police officer being acquitted in
the shooting death of a black man. A man who was fleeing said officer. Officer Jason Stockley was acquitted in
the killing of a 24 year-old man six years ago. It doesn't matter to Black Lives Matter that it was a justified
shooting... they are in a rage because it was a white cop killing a black man.
St. Louis Erupts, Democrats Own It. The acquittal on Friday [9/15/2017] of a white cop on trial for murder
for fatally shooting a black man in 2011 after a high-speed chase was immediately met with demonstrations and violence
including attacks on police, property, and the media. That was predictable, but what was equally and sadly on display
were incendiary comments by local elected Democrat officials up and down the line that appeared to add more fuel to the
already volatile fire in the streets. [...] None of these politicians — in the midst of a volatile situation with
various agitators having planned and threatened to take action — encouraged people to respect the integrity of the
judicial system that had rendered a verdict in the case.
professor 'privileged to teach future dead cops' was obsessed with hating cops. Trying to impress with his
oh-so-ironic perspective, John Jay College adjunct professor Michael Isaacson declared on Twitter last month that he was
privileged to teach "future dead cops." [...] But it was far from an over-the-top indiscretion made in the midst of a heated
argument, as some tweeters get themselves in trouble for. Teaching at the John Jay College for Criminal Justice, New
York's top school for students interested in law enforcement careers, Isaacson made a string of rabid, anti-cop statements
over the past years, all of them perfectly in line with that of someone utterly hostile to cops.
of force works as Ben Shapiro delivers speech to UC Berkeley audience. The violence and destruction that
accompanied Milo Yiannopoulos's unsuccessful attempt to deliver a talk at U.C.'s Zellerbach Hall were thwarted last night at
the same venue, thanks to the widely reported expenditure of $600,000 on installing jersey barriers and positioning large
numbers of police, authorized to use pepper spray. The Antifa warriors were not up for fight with superior forces.
Thought Is Violence. It's amazing how diversity is not really all that diverse in a world composed of safe
spaces and resegregation under a unitary set of acceptable ideas where words no longer mean what we thought they meant.
Antifa, which is modern-speak for anti-fascist, is probably the most fascist organization in America today and the same goes
for the SPLC and Black Lives Matter (BLM). All lives matter, but saying that is now hate-speech and thus violence, which
can be justifiably met with actual violence.
Antifa Terrorists
Say Violence is Necessary. These media and Democrat darlings are becoming more of a nuisance for their
supporters and let's say say the mask has dropped on their intentions. No more "mostly peaceful" nonsense for these
clowns, they're a domestic terror group and the sooner they're crushed the better of we'll all be. Remarkably, the
headline to the story calls them activists.
braces for riots over conservative Ben Shapiro's speech on campus. The campus of the University of California,
Berkeley, and the area around it, looks like it's bracing for a military siege. Six buildings have been shut down and
put off limits, large concrete blocks have been placed in roadways, police are enforcing a huge perimeter around one of the
buildings and the school's administrative staff will leave two hours early. It's all for Thursday evening's [9/14/2017]
speech by conservative Ben Shapiro — or rather for the possibility left-wing activists may use violence and
vandalism to stop the speech, something that they have done before.
to Tucker Carlson: Antifa has the right to physically beat opponents. While appearing on Fox News, Mike
Isaacson, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice who supports the radical far-left Antifa, told Tucker Carlson
that the group has the right to physically beat political opponents, Mediaite and others reported Thursday [9/14/2017].
According to Isaacson, "communities have the right to defend themselves against groups that actively seek to eliminate
members of that community." "Defend themselves against violence?" Carlson asked. "Yes, against violence."
Isaacson said in response.
The Editor says...
That would almost be an understandable position except for the fact that the politically-motivated violence
in this country comes almost exclusively from the left.
Depot's Morano receives threatening email: 'You and your children should be burned in public'. Marc Morano
received the following barely literate email: ["]Although it is my belief that you and your children should
be burned in public. Not be cause [sic] you are " a skeptic", I honestly believe that you know the science is
true, but because you are to [sic] cowardly to engage in a real dialog. [..."]
Bro jailed after judge declares him a 'danger to society'. Pharma cad Martin Shkreli was decreed a "danger to
society" Wednesday and jailed by a federal judge following Facebook posts in which the loudmouth said he'd cough up $5,000
per strand of Hillary Clinton's hair. Despite a groveling letter from the 34-year-old claiming the social media status
was an "awkward attempt at humor or satire," Brooklyn federal court judge Kiyo Matsumoto revoked his $5 million bond
and ordered him thrown behind bars.
throws smoke and projectiles at police at Portland rallies; 7 arrested. Antifa demonstrators hurled smoke and
projectiles at police officers during rallies in downtown Portland on Sunday [9/10/2017], injuring at least two, according to
police. The Rally and March Against White Nationalism, which was organized by the Portland Stands United Against Hate
group, started off at a park on the waterfront with speakers leading demonstrators in song and prayers, Fox 12 reported.
I learned from the Antifa handbook: For starters, you won't believe who is defined as a 'fascist'. And
now here comes author Mark Bray — a lecturer at Dartmouth College and an Occupy Wall Street organizer —
attempting to give philosophical justification to a movement so certain of its righteousness that it's not going to let a
little thing like free speech get in the way. [...] Indeed, the biggest irony in this unintentionally ironic book is that
while Bray wants to save the world, the revolutionary socialism he calls for would actually impoverish and enslave
everyone. And I don't consider that conjecture — it's the verdict of history.
lawyer says he would 'be ok' if Betsy DeVos were sexually assaulted. A lawyer in Texas who disagrees with the
Trump administration's plan to reform how accusations of sexual assault are adjudicated on campus said he would "be ok" if
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos were sexually assaulted. Rob Ranco, a partner at the Carlson Law Firm, suggested
Mrs. DeVos does not fully grasp how serious of a crime rape is, and that she might come to a different policy conclusion
if she did.
Sharpton's daughter Ashley Sharpton arrested after cops say she attacked cab driver. A birthday celebration for
Rev. Al Sharpton's daughter ended in handcuffs early Saturday after she punched a cabbie in Midtown and snatched his
keys, police sources said. Ashley Sharpton was in a yellow taxi just before 1 a.m. with three of her friends near the
intersection of W. 48th St. and Ninth Ave. Each of the passengers gave the driver a different destination.
The cabbie Georges Coly — annoyed and confused — stopped the car and refused to move until Sharpton's group
could figure out where they wanted to go.
Please note: The Republican Party currently enjoys a majority in the Senate. Senate
Resolution Condemns White Supremacists, Not 'Anti-Fascists'. A bipartisan joint resolution being introduced in the Senate
condemns "white nationalists, white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and other hate groups" for their role in the violence in
Charlottesville, Va., last month, but does not mention so called anti-fascist groups. The joint resolution, signed by Democratic
Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine of Virginia and Republican Sens. Cory Gardner of Colorado and Johnny Isakson of Georgia, calls
on the Trump administration to deploy all available resources to "improve data collection on hate crimes and to work in a coordinated
way to address the growing prevalence of hate groups."
Mob Forces Cops To Shut Down "Patriotic Picnic". Here we go again. This time at San Diego's Chicano Park
on Sunday afternoon [9/3/2017], a violent confrontation erupted. A pro-Trump group of fewer than a dozen people held a
'Patriot Picnic' in the public space when an angry mob of several hundred people descended on them. The patriots were
there to eat lunch at Barrio Logan Park before going on a tour of the murals there. Roger Ogden, who was one of the
organizers, said that an email campaign had been initiated to get the artwork removed from the park. As you can imagine
the artwork is nationalistic in nature — for Mexico. It pro-illegal alien, anti-border wall and anti-Trump.
Antifa Could Be Teaching Your
Kids. BAMN [By Any Means Necessary] is part of the explicitly violent Antifa network. It was founded by
the Marxist Revolutionary Workers League, and has ties to NAMBLA, which promotes pedophilia. ["]One of BAMN's most
prominent organizers is Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher and pro-violence militant.["] As noted
previously, Felarca is facing charges for her political violence, despite her assertion that violence against "fascism" is
"not a crime." BAMN has been successful at shutting down right-of-center rallies and preventing conservatives from
speaking publicly in the San Francisco area. The DHS and FBI now formally classify the activities of Antifa outfits
like BAMN as "domestic terrorist violence." But the violence and censorship by intimidation aren't the scariest part.
Terrorists Now Repping Mexican Flag Face Covers. Don't be surprised if the next antiFa protest you see on TV rioting, looting,
assaulting people and burning things are lily white trash trust fund babies wearing these Mexican flag face covers or masks.
School Teachers Behind Violent Antifa Group. Public school teachers are behind a leading far-left militant
group that is part of the Antifa network that federal officials say is committing "domestic terrorist violence." By Any
Means Necessary, which has played a key role in riots in Berkeley, Sacramento and elsewhere, has dozens of public school teachers
among its members, including among its most prominent leaders. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security began paying
closer attention to Antifa groups in general after BAMN and other extremists started a riot and attacked marchers at a white
nationalist rally in Sacramento last July, Politico reported on Friday. The Sacramento violence left at least
10 people hospitalized, several of whom had knife wounds.
Normalizes Political Violence by Mainstreaming Antifa. Charlottesville proved once more that the media is
unworthy of the trust the people want to place in it. Keen to pounce reflexively and at any opportunity on a president
they abhor, the mainstream press provide cultural cover for Antifa's political violence. In a textbook example of
psychological projection, they ascribed to the president actions and motivations which proved to be their own: making excuses
for political violence.
A Word To The
Wise - "You're A Mercenary If...". ["]If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to "counter"
the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a "counter protestor." You are a mercenary. There is
no need for further debate on this. You were paid to attack someone you don't know for reasons that you couldn't care
enough about to go there for free. You did your "job" and collected your check and your reimbursement of expenses.
You're a mercenary.["] Not a Patriot. Not a Social Justice Warrior. Not a Defender of Freedom or
Liberty. Not an upholder of Truth or Justice. None of those things you claim to be. You are a mercenary.
And mercenaries are not lawful combatants and deserve whatever comes their way at the hands of the people they are attacking.
You have no 1st Amendment rights when you're a mercenary. Doesn't matter what side you're on. Doesn't matter what
cause you're showing up to disrupt. If you can't express yourself peacefully through diplomatic means, then you better
be prepared to meet your maker at the hands of someone who is only barely keeping their own violent tendencies at bay through
a massive exercise of self-control.
Sexism and Racism by Leftist Professors at University of Nebraska. Campus Reform reports on a horrific incident
that occurred at the University of Nebraska on Friday [8/25/2017]. Katie Mullen, a Nebraska sophomore, heads the Turning
Point USA chapter on campus. She was "tabling" various posters, stickers and the like on the university's campus. As
Ms. Mullen was manning her table, three or more professors began to harass her. They carried signs attacking Turning
Point, screamed profanities, and shouted the usual drivel about "fascism," "white supremacy" and so on.
Berkeley's Mayor Call Out Antifa Protestors, Classify Them As A 'Gang'. After a bloody weekend of violent
clashes between free speech rally-goers and violent leftists, Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin said Antifa, a violent leftist
group comprised largely of anarchists and communists, should be considered a gang by law enforcement. "We should
classify them as a gang," Arreguin told local CBS affiliate KPIX in a televised interview. "They come dressed in
uniforms. They have weapons. They're almost a militia. I think we should think about that when it comes to
our law enforcement approach." Media and cell phone videos show Antifa members viciously attacked Donald Trump supporters
attending the free speech rally last weekend. Dressed in black, Antifa members chased after and beat up people they
suspected may have sympathies towards the so-called alt-right.
is not a political movement; it's a delusional, violent outburst. The progressive left and their media comrades
have been trying hard in recent weeks to construct a sympathetic narrative for "antifa." This is no easy task. These
self-proclaimed "anti-fascists" (hence the name) have been showing up at rallies across the country since Trump's inauguration,
assaulting police with urine bombs, beating journalists bloody, and setting the occasional car on fire. All this is somehow
supposed to protest fascism. Or Inequality. Or capitalism. It really depends on the day. The good news is,
to know antifa is to despise it.
How the left
props up Antifa, and why Nancy Pelosi was right to condemn the violent radicals. "Our democracy has no room for
inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts," read a statement released
by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday [8/29/2017]. Such an unequivocal condemnation of what the Washington Post
described as an attack by "black-clad Antifa members" on "peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley" last weekend probably
wasn't high on the Democratic leader's agenda. Common decency and civil propriety demanded it, but so, too, did elementary
political competence.
DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence". As Politico points out today [9/1/2017],
previously unreported FBI and Department of Homeland Security studies found that "anarchist extremist" group like Antifa have been
the "primary instigators of violence at public rallies" going back to at least April 2016 when the reports were first published. [...]
Not surprisingly, law enforcement officials noted that the rise in Antifa violence overlapped perfectly with Trump's campaign as they made
appearances at rally after rally to incite chaos...all the while making it seem as if violent, racist Trump supporters were to blame.
it official: Antifa is a movement of domestic terrorists. As the first affirmative-action president,
Obama got a pass for that and much else. He should be in prison. He and the Democrat Party that supported him
have blood on their hands. They may be about to get more. His entire modus operandi was to define America as
"racist" and "bigoted." Taking it to the next level, antifa justifies its violence on the contrived narrative of a racist
America now taken over by "fascists" with the election of Donald Trump. Antifa openly declares its goal is to make
America ungovernable. Democrats have signed on to this strategy too. Insanity is described as doing the same
thing over and over, and expecting different results. Do the Democrats not understand why they really lost? But
there is nothing new in the "racist" "fascist" narrative. The true enemy, according to Karl Marx, has always been capitalism.
Antifa does equal Nazis. How high and mighty the pundits and politicians sounded after Charlottesville.
How dare President Trump say many sides were responsible? But now as the violence from the leftist Antifa group
escalates and shows what the anti-Trump resistance really is about, my oh my, are they bailing.
Now that it is politically expedient to do so... Pelosi
Condemns Antifa: 'Our Democracy Has No Room for Inciting Violence'. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.,
Calif.) denounced the radical leftist group "Antifa" and its violence in Berkeley, Calif. over the weekend. The
black-clad, masked, so-called "anti-fascists" attacked and assaulted members of a peaceful right-wing protest in
Berkeley. The famed college town has seen other far-left violence this year in response to conservative speakers
appearing on campus. In a statement published to her official website, Pelosi said the "perpetrators should be
arrested and prosecuted."
State Faces $2.1 Million Budget Crisis After Radical Students Go Berserk. The Evergreen State College is facing
a $2.1 million budget shortfall and a five percent plunge in enrollment in the wake of this spring's continuous stream of
high-profile protests led largely by radical black students. Officials at the taxpayer-funded campus in Olympia, Washington
broke the bad news to the school community in an Aug. 28 memo obtained by The College Fix. Student registration for
the fall quarter at Evergreen State has decreased from 3,922 students to 3,713 students. Critically, most of the missing
students are nonresidents who would pay substantially higher out-of-state tuition — $24,138 per year versus just
$6,678 for Washington residents.
the Left's Plans to Occupy Trump. One week after Charlottesville, "the Resistance" is planning its next
move. Members of a group calling itself "Refuse Fascism" met in five cities around the country on Saturday with
the intent to plan and organize nationwide demonstrations later this year. Their goal, according to Eva Sahana, a
22 year-old organizer, is simply to "drive out the Trump and Pence fascist regime." The planning is still in its
early stages, but the organizers have an idea in mind. On Saturday, November 4 — approximately a year after
President Donald Trump's election — members of the Resistance will descend on America's major cities. They'll
march and demonstrate, as they have in the past, but this time, say organizers, they won't go home at the end of the day.
Instead, the plan is to occupy city centers and parks and not leave until, and only until, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence
have fallen.
Griffin "No Longer Sorry,' Brings Up Trump's Son Again. Yesterday [8/28/2017] I wrote about Kathy Griffin's
interview with New York Magazine in which she said the press conference where she cried and acted like a victim didn't help
her case. Today Griffin went a step beyond that in an interview with an Australian news program, saying she is "no
longer sorry" for what she did.
Griffin retracts apology, rips backlash over gory Trump photo shoot. Kathy Griffin said in June that she was sorry.
Now she's retracting her tearful apology for that controversial photo shoot featuring her holding a fake severed head in the likeness
of President Trump and treating the backlash as a joke. "I'm no longer sorry. The whole outrage was [intentionally
deceptive]. The whole thing got so blown out of proportion, and I lost everybody," she said Tuesday [8/29/2017] during an
appearance on the Australian morning show "Sunrise," where she was promoting her "Laugh Your Head Off" world tour, which will head
Down Under for five shows in October. "Like, I had Chelsea Clinton tweeting against me," she said. "I had friends,
Debra Messing from 'Will & Grace,' tweeting against me. I mean, I lost everybody."
Update: Kathy Griffin
Comes Unglued: Not 'One Single Paid Day Of Work In Front Of Me'. Kathy Griffin is coming unglued.
The D-list comedian, who was blasted for releasing a photo of herself holding a bloody severed head that looked like
President Trump, posted another bizarre video to her YouTube page on Saturday [11/18/2017].
The Editor says...
When someone makes a foolish, career-ending decision for the purpose of self-aggrandizement, it comes as
no surprise when that person is permanently unemployed thereafter. It is difficult to feel sorry for Ms. Griffin,
partly because she oscillates between apologies and retractions of her apologies probably for the purpose of staying
in the newspapers.
Antifa: The New Ku Klux Klan.
[Scroll down] In other words, yet again for the umpteenth time in the history of the American Left, it has turned to
violence. And just as the paramilitary and hooded Ku Klux Klan was used as, per Columbia University historian Eric
Foner, "a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party" and, according to University of North Carolina
historian Allen Trelease, the "terrorist arm of the Democratic Party," so now the hooded fascists of Antifa are being used
as a paramilitary organization designed to further the Left's political agenda by force.
false narrative crushed by DHS warning. Governor Terry McAuliffe's efforts to evade responsibility for the
shocking violence at Charlottesville just got even more implausible. He and local authorities were warned, and yet
allowed, if not forced, the two violence-prone parties into such close proximity that violence was a near certainty. [...]
Even before the report of this devastating DHS warning, it was clear that Virginia public officials played a role in the
passivity of the police on the scene, where multiple accounts reported violence breaking out, yet there were no early arrests
and there was a lack of standard public safety protocols, seeming almost to encourage the expected violence. The
culpability seems to go high up the chain.
Shouldn't Participating In Antifa Terrorism Get
You Fired? Corporations and institutions have made a point of speaking-out to condemn "hate" and in some cases
make million-dollar-plus donations to dubious "anti-hate" organizations, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, to signal
their opposition to racist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. But there seems to be no rush to make statements or
signal virtue in opposition to the hate and violence of the Marxist — Anarchist Far Left terrorists of Antifa.
for the Federal Government to Crush Antifa. Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the
Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have
contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those
whose views they oppose. In Berkeley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn't exist anymore. The
threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African
American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of "anti-fascism."
And it is the third such case this week — the others being Boston and Berkeley.
Making Excuses for Antifa Thuggery. One of the least safe places to be in Berkeley, California, is in the
vicinity of someone holding a "No Hate" sign. So-called anti-fascist, or antifa, activists bearing shields emblazoned
with those words assaulted any of the handful of beleaguered Trump supporters they could get their hands on at a small
political rally over the weekend. All in the cause, mind you, of demonstrating their supposed opposition to
hatefulness. Too many people were willing to perfume antifa in the wake of Charlottesville, where it clashed with Nazi
thugs who caused, and deserved, a wave of national revulsion. But Berkeley demonstrates once again the true nature of
this left-wing movement, which is thuggish in its tactics and totalitarian in its sensibility. Anyone who at this point
makes excuses for antifa — or worse, justifies it — is participating in its moral rot.
website linked to G20 violence banned in Germany. German authorities have banned the most influential internet
website of Antifa — the country's militant left — in the wake of violence that occured last month
outside the G20 summit in Hamburg. In an unprecedented move against violent left-wing extremism, Germany's Interior
Ministry informed the owners of the left-wing site about the crackdown Friday, the Local reported.
Video Exposes True Antifa. An investigative video, shockingly made by none other than fake news specialists
CNN, tells the truthful story of the radical Antifa movement. You will find out all you need to know about Antifa in
less than six minutes in this video. No, really — this isn't a joke. It's an actual CNN piece on
Antifa that isn't leftist propaganda. [...] And just who makes up Antifa — where do they come from? The
Antifa spokesperson answers that question with clear specificity when she says, "People in our group come from across the
left spectrum; we have people that are anarchist, we have people that are socialist, we even have people that are like
liberals or social Democrats."
Cops must
never stand down against 'antifa' thugs. Many on the left are starting to see the goons of Antifa as the menace
they are. Too bad the Berkeley, Calif., Police Department remains clueless. The college town saw a large Rally
Against Hate on Sunday, initially planned as a response to a right-wing demonstration that wound up canceled over security
concerns. A few pro-Trumpers and other miscellaneous rightists still turned out to show their flags — and so
did the ninja-wannabes. Yet when hundreds of masked, armored thugs arrived in quasi-military formation, carrying
shields banned under police rules, the cops were ordered to retreat.
CNN denounce Antifa for assaulting reporters? For months, CNN has wrongly accused President Trump of inciting
violence against reporters by daring to call the news media out on it lies, distortions, and prejudices. But the people
beating up reporters are the anti-Trump crowd. So far Woolf Blitzer and his brethren have not demanded Hillary Clinton
and other members of the Resistance to denounce this form of fascism. No, the fascists have the tacit approval of CNN,
which ran a story on August 18 under the headline, "Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement: Activists seek peace
through violence."
Persecution Of Patriot Prayer. Democrat politicians like Nancy Pelosi have given their ultra-violent "antifa"
allies permission to use physical violence against the Patriot Prayer group rallying in a San Francisco park on Saturday
[8/26/2017] by smearing them as "Nazi sympathizers." The story of Oregon-based Patriot Prayer is a case study in the power
of propaganda in generating leftist mass hysteria. It is also a reaffirmation that everyone has First Amendment rights
in America, except for non-leftists. Leftists are already planning riots.
Most Notorious Hate Group. Consider the DNC's latest pathetic ad campaign, which reads: "If Trump wants
us to believe he does not support white supremacy, tell him to fire the enablers of white supremacy working for him in the
White House." What's remarkable is that while the imaginary "white supremacy" of Trump's aides and advisers makes Democrats
squawk with fiery indignation, the DNC not only countenances a number of very real, impossible-to-miss racial
supremacists of its own, but it actually celebrates and honors them.
real threat to our republic is the Orwellian Antifa. For all the talk of Trumpian bluster or exaggeration,
there is only one group that seeks to systematically and violently achieve its goals here in the United States on a broad
scale: the so-called "anti-fascist" movement, now commonly called "Antifa." And the goal? It's not "anti-fascist"
or "anti-racist" as they attempt to portray themselves. It's the systematic elimination of free speech, free assembly,
and free thought via any means necessary, including violent protest, the media and Orwellian revisionism.
Antifa Group Calls For Revolution, Seizing Property, And Violence Against Police. An armed Antifa group is
launching a new cell in Philadelphia, with support from the "alt-left" alternative media. The group currently hosts
anti-police workshops called "Our Enemies in Blue." The group draws inspiration from convicted murderers and calls for
violence against the police, theft of goods, and armed insurrection. Antifa websites like It's Going Down, Sub.Media
and Insurrection News have been promoting the group, which calls itself the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement, calling on
their readers to donate to a Fundrazr account for the creation of the new cell. The press release the group published in
far-left media is filled with hyperbolic claims about how "mosques are being ruthlessly bombed" and how "LGBTQ are being battered."
Beach Police Arrest White Antifa Thug Who Sucker Punched Black Trump Supporter. A white Antifa thug could be
charged with a hate crime against a black Trump supporter after allegedly assaulting him at a rally in California over the
weekend. Laguna Beach police have arrested 20-year-old Richard Losey, who is seen on video sucker punching the Trump
supporter during an America First! rally in Laguna Beach on Sunday. The rally drew 2,500 people, according to the
Orange County Register, and has resulted in four arrests.
Leader Vows to "Crush Skulls" With Baseball Bat During 'Patriot Prayer' Rally. A self-proclaimed Alt-Left
"leader" has vowed to use a baseball bat embedded with nails to "crush skulls" during a "Patriot Prayer" peace rally set to
take place in San Francisco this weekend. The Twitter user, who goes by the handle @ibPrinceJordan, tweeted, "The
Patriot Prayer rally is a nazi white supremacist event. I'll be their to crush some nazi skulls." He repeated
the threat in a series of other tweets that have now been deleted.
Racist Arrested for 'Allegedly' Sucker Punching Black Trump Supporter. Over the weekend, AntiFa left wing
domestic terrorist held a "rally" to protest white supremacy. Of course, nothing AntiFa does is just a peaceful
protest. It either includes violence, burning, looting, smashing windows or vandalizing. This past weekend in
Laguna Beach was no different. The mostly lily white AntiFa left wing terrorists sucker punched a black Trump supporter
because he strayed off the Democrat plantation. The lily white terrorist named Richard Losey (appropriately named) was
finally arrested. As usual, no coverage of this from the national left wing media.
orders company to produce data on anti-Trump site. A court in the District of Columbia on Thursday ordered web
hosting company DreamHost to produce data and information requested by the Department of Justice (DOJ) related to an
anti-President Trump website. Chief Judge Robert Morin of the Superior Court of D.C. ruled from the bench that the
government, under the court's supervision, can proceed with an amended search warrant for data requested from DreamHost on
the website disruptj20.org, which was used to organize protests against Trump on Inauguration Day.
White House petition to call Antifa terrorists has over 297K signatures. A recent Whitehouse.gov petition
urging President Trump's administration to label the so-called "Antifa" a "terrorist organization" has gained nearly 300,000
signatures. The petition debuted on Aug. 17 and has since grabbed 297,424 signers, nearly three times the 100,000
people needed to receive an "official response" before a Sept. 16 deadline. "Terrorism is defined as 'the use of
violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,'" the petition says.
Who's Behind
Civil War In America? Larry Grathwohl's daughter Lindsay is a free speech activist who has been attacked by the
"anti-fascist" activists. She has to wear a football helmet for self-protection. "They were throwing rocks and
bricks." [Video clip]
senator who urged Trump assassination booted from committees. Sorry might not cut it for the Missouri lawmaker
who called for President Trump's assassination. Missouri Senate leaders announced Tuesday [8/22/2017] that Democratic state
Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal has been stripped of her committee assignments, just two days after she tried to calm the
controversy with a public apology. Meanwhile, the state's Republican lieutenant governor, Mike Parson, on Tuesday
called for the Senate to go into special session to expel Chappelle-Nadal from the body.
Louis Newspaper Calls for Resignation of State Senator Who Posted About Trump's Assassination. One of
Missouri's biggest newspapers is calling for Democratic State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal to resign after her
controversial Facebook post hoping President Donald Trump will be assassinated. The editorial board of the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote Monday that "no clear-thinking public figure" would express hopes for an
assassination of the president, no matter how angry she was over his response to the violence in Charlottesville, Va.
The Missouri Democratic Party, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, Democratic Rep. William Lacy Clay, Republican
Gov. Eric Greitens, and Republican Lt. Gov. Mike Parson have all called for her resignation, the board noted.
Facts about Texan Charged for Allegedly Attempting to Bomb Confederate Statue. Law enforcement officials came
into contact with Andrew Cecil Earhart Schneck as he crouched behind bushes in Houston's Hermann Park near the statue of
Confederate General Richard Dowling about 11 p.m. Saturday [8/19/2017]. [...] A criminal complaint revealed more
details about the park ranger's encounter with Schneck. As the suspect came out of the bushes, the ranger observed
Schneck holding two small boxes with various items. Those items included duct tape and wires, the FBI agent
wrote. After being ordered to place the boxes on the ground, Schneck allegedly pulled out a bottle containing
liquid. The ranger said he opened the bottle and attempted to drink from it, but spit some of the liquid out. He
then poured the remaining contents on the ground. The ranger contacted the Houston Police Department, who then summoned
the bomb squad to investigate. Police asked Schneck why he wanted to harm the statue and he answered he did not "like
that guy," the complaint states.
Majority of Americans Supports Preserving Statues That Commemorate Nation's History. But, the SJWs won't
care. Their job is to create strife and conflict and force other people to comply with their rigid SJW beliefs.
They will create problems, throw urine, assault police officers, destroy property. They'll attempt to blow statues
up. Vandalize others. They'll voluntarily go to a college named after Robert E. Lee, then suddenly
realize that they're appalled.
The Terrorists of the Left.
At Whitehouse.org, there's a petition with over 110,000 names demanding that the federal government declare Antifa to be a
terrorist organization. That's not a terrible idea, of course; if you've followed the antics of Antifa and the rioting
and violence they've involved themselves in, you might well think of the current definition of domestic terrorism in federal
law. [...] What's especially interesting is the reaction of Antifa to the neo-Nazi crowd given the similarity of the politics
between the two sides. They're both leftists fighting over the same market. No wonder the animus.
Activists Plan To Steal Trump's Show In Phoenix. Leading anti-Trump activists backed by major Democratic donors
including George Soros are mobilizing large numbers of protesters ahead of President Trump's rally in Phoenix on Tuesday,
with the intention of stealing the spotlight from the president's event. Local leaders of Indivisible, one of many
"resistance" protest groups formed as a direct response to Trump's election, are organizing thousands of protesters
associated with a coalition of left-wing groups ahead of Tuesday's event. In addition to organizing mass protests
outside the rally, Indivisible is encouraging protesters to register for tickets for the rally itself, increasing the
likelihood that protesters will disrupt Trump's speech, as often happens at Trump's rallies.
to Label Antifa Terror Group Has 146,000 Signatures So Far. A petition to label the anti-Trump group "Antifa" a
terrorist organization sped past the requirement of 100,000 signatures needed to get a response from the White House.
The petition says Antifa's "violent actions in multiple cities and their influence in the killings of multiple police
officers throughout the United States" earns it the terrorist designation.
Left is waging civil war against America. An Antifa website, It's Going Down, is calling for violence against
all supporters of President Trump and capitalists. The website has a "library" with downloadable instructions on how to
form an Antifa group, and on "insurrectionary mass resistance and refusal" and militant tactics against employers and law
enforcement. [...] If you do nothing about the Left's domestic terrorism in words and deeds, then you are part of the
problem. Don't complain when the violence is at your door.
Gov. Calls for Removal of Democratic Legislator for Her Trump Assassination Comment. A Missouri state
senator is under intense criticism this week after making a comment on Facebook expressing hope that President Trump gets
assassinated. State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal posted online about how the President was causing her "trauma and
nightmares." In response to one of the comments on her post, she said, "I hope Trump is assassinated!"
Antifa Is
Un-American. The Swastika is the perfect symbol for Antifa, because anyone with only a smidgen of history will
recognize Antifa as another neurotic repetition of the worst moments in history. The people who pay for, recruit, and
organize ruckus-makers teach radical street theater, and hey, if somebody gets killed, you just blame the innocent.
This is the whole purpose. Innocent people getting killed are a small price to pay for the glorious revolution, as
Obama taught in his ACORN Alinsky trainings. What is more un-American than calling for the assassination of our legally
elected POTUS Trump? Wanting to kill a political enemy is the very definition of all the tyrannical war cults in history.
Ironically Named Antifa or "Anti-Fascism" Is America's new Ku Klux Klan. Before writing this up, I truly wanted
to give the honor of the "new KKK" to the Black Lives Matter movement. As much as they like to cause riots, call for
the death of policemen and women, and voice their hatred for white people, they were a strong contender for the title.
But I give the high and glorious award of America's most hateful and fascist group to Antifa. The ironically named
Antifa or "Anit-Fascism" is a group of masked rioters bent to destroy and attack everything "fascist" about President Trump
and any of his supporters (or conservatives in general for that matter). While disregarding their own fascist means
their goal is to shut down everything in their way.
Normalizes Antifa: Leftists 'Seek Peace Through Violence'. Antifa, according to CNN, "has come to
represent what experts who track these organizations call the 'hard left' — an ideology that runs afield of the
Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and
elites." CNN also speculates that Antifa is a grassroots organization that lacks central leadership, although it has
been documented by Breitbart News that powerful Leftists, including George Soros, are funding protests and protesters.
Is Biggest 'Fake News' Story of Summer. Once the two sides had gathered in the same place, the violence was
totally predictable. Two parties, two culpabilities; but except for the initial statement of President Donald Trump,
condemning both sides, only one party has been held accountable, and that happens to be the one that was in the park
legally. What is taking place in the media accounts and political commentaries on this event is an effort by the left
to turn the mayhem in Charlottesville into a template for their war against a mythical enemy — "white
supremacy" — which is really a war on white people generally. The ideology that drives the left and divides
our country is "identity politics" — the idea that the world consists of two groups — "people of color"
who are guiltless and oppressed, and white people who are guilty and oppressors. This is the real race war.
Protester Yvette Felarca Says Violence Against The Far-Right Is 'Not A Crime'. Yvette Felarca, the Berkeley
area school teacher and militant left-wing protester responsible for organizing the riot at the University of California,
Berkeley in February 2017, claims that violence against the far-right is "not a crime." Felarca, who belongs to "By
Any Means Necessary," a far-left group, is currently facing assault charges after she was caught on video assaulting a white
supremacist during a July 2016 rally in Sacramento, Cal.
Scandals: Nets Blackout Indictments and Assassination Hopes. Thursday [8/17/2017] was a terrible day for
the Democratic Party as they were rocked by two major scandals. First, Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal
wrote on Facebook that she wanted President Trump assassinated. Second, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's former IT
staffer, Imran Awan was indicted on bank fraud among other charges. Again, it was a damaging day for the Dems but you
wouldn't know it from watching the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) who ignored all of it. As documented by the
local CBS affiliate out of St. Louis, Missouri, State Senator Chappelle-Nadal was in a conversation with a friend, on
her private Facebook page, who claimed his cousin was on Trump Secret Service detail. The friend seemed to allude to
the idea that Trump would be assassinated "sooner... not later." The man then said he was probably going to get a visit
from the Secret Service, to which the state Senator responded: "No I will. I hope Trump is assassinated!"
Chappelle-Nadal was now facing calls from elected officials higher up the Democratic Party food-chain to resign immediately.
York Times Applauds Far-Left Violence. The mere existence of supporters of President Trump is violent, so it is
OK to attack them with baseball bats. The Times reporters show no sign of disagreeing with this "reasoning."
Won't Be Stopping With Monuments. Thursday night, Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin talked to his
radio audience about the ideology behind the leftist attacks on the American heritage. Our monuments are under attack
and, ultimately, the Constitution is under attack. But why? Levin tells us. [Audio clip]
The Business
Behind the Left's Pay-to-Protest Scheme. On Jan. 20, rioters met at Logan Circle in downtown Washington, D.C.,
armed with crow bars, metal poles, hammers, bricks and explosive devices, according to the indictment. They were dressed
all in black with hoods and masks to conceal their identities, and goggles and gas masks to reduce the effects of tear gas.
They rampaged through downtown Washington, D.C., using verbal commands to move as a black bloc and smashed the windows of an
Au Bon Pain, broke the windows of a parked limousine and assaulted the limousine driver, and pulled trash cans into
streets. The group also smashed the windows of a Starbucks, a Bank of America, a Bobby Vans restaurant, a McDonald's and
a second Starbucks inside the Crowne Plaza hotel before breaking the windows of a police car and attempting to crash through a
police line, injuring a police officer.
America on 'cusp' of civil war bought and paid for by George Soros. On Friday [8/18/2017], talk show host Rush
Limbaugh said that America is under attack from within. He went on to say that one "might even get away with saying
that we are on the cusp of a second civil war." That war, he added, is being bought and paid for by people from both inside
and outside the country. He specifically mentioned George Soros. "America is under attack from within. Our
culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life," he said. "And I'm sure
it's the same with you. We haven't seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on
the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun.
However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it's being bought and paid for by people from
outside America, in addition to inside." "I'm thinking of people like George Soros and any other number of international
financiers whose objective it is to take the United States out and down as a superpower, to literally erase the United States
as a powerful or super powerful nation," he added.
and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup? The "founder" of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler, was an activist with Occupy
Wall Street and Obama supporter. He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in
riling up some crazy people for some political purpose? We know the left is skilled in all manner of dirty tricks. That
sort of thing was Robert Creamer's job for the Hillary campaign, hiring thugs to incite violence that could then be blamed on Trump supporters.
Think of Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley, etc. Antifa and BLM are every bit as fascist as any of the supremacist groups; they are more
violent and there are more of them. Why is the left so afraid to admit this fact?
Of Lincoln Defaced In Chicago. The people who are tearing down statues of Confederates in the South are barbarians,
not notably different from the Taliban fanatics who blow up Buddhas and other historical monuments. Many have noted
that if the barbarians want to erase Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis today, it is only a matter of time before they come
for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. We can add Abraham Lincoln to that list.
senator deletes hope for Trump assassination post. A Missouri lawmaker acknowledged Thursday [8/17/2017] that she posted
and later deleted a comment on Facebook about hoping for President Donald Trump's assassination, saying she was frustrated with the
president's response to the white supremacist rally and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Service investigating after Mo. senator's Facebook post hoping for Trump's assassination. Thursday morning, a
Missouri State Senator posted a comment on Facebook stating she hoped President Donald Trump will be assassinated.
Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, posted the comment, "No. I Will. I hope Trump is assassinated!" in
response to a comment from another person who posted about his cousin being on the President's secret service detail and his
fear that he will probably receive a visit from the secret service. A screenshot of the comment was posted to Twitter
by KMOX's Mark Reardon. "Someone wrote a statement on my Facebook and I responded with something that shouldn't have
been put up there," Chappelle-Nadal said.
of Charlottesville's Unite the Right rally described as onetime wannabe liberal activist. After using his blog
and Wes Bellamy's Twitter history to make a name for himself last fall, those platforms are now being used against Jason
Kessler, the "pro-white" activist who organized the Unite the Right rally that turned deadly on Saturday. Articles and
conspiracy theories about Kessler's past as a supporter of President Barack Obama and wannabe liberal activist who participated
in the Occupy movement abound now as President Donald Trump continues facing backlash for his response to the rally that
resulted in one woman, as well as two state police officers in a separate incident, dying.
The American Heritage College Dictionary, Fourth Edition, page 1423.
Tapper: People Need to Know That Antifa Has Assaulted a Number of Journalists. The more leftists insist
we aren't allowed to talk about left-wing political violence, the more I'm inclined to circle back to the subject. As a
companion story to today's item about a conservative student getting roughed up by Antifa thugs when he showed up in
solidarity at an anti-Alt-Right rally, here is CNN anchor Jake Tapper refusing to look away from the hard left's
pattern of targeting journalists — developments that you'd think the entire press would be all over.
Protesters Arrested in Chicago After They Attack Cops Outside Courthouse. Three members of Antifa were arrested
Wednesday night after they tangled with Chicago police outside of a courthouse on the city's northwest side. The
"protesters" were clad all in black with black bandanas covering their faces. They claimed to be there to demonstrate
against a man facing arraignment inside the courtroom, who they said had ties to "white supremacist" and "right wing"
groups. But what started out as a run-of-the-mill leftist rally featuring the same, old, tired, scripted chants
("Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Neo-Nazis go away!"), ended in a melee after Chicago police showed up to try to contain
the demonstration. Protesters had wandered away from public property and blocked an intersection, making notoriously
terrible Chicago traffic even worse for innocent bystanders, and causing havoc for local residents.
Senator: 'I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!' A Missouri state senator said in a now-deleted Facebook post that she
hopes President Donald Trump is assassinated. Maria Chappelle-Nadal acknowledged on Thursday [8/17/2017] that she wrote
a post which read: "I hope Trump is assassinated!" She made the comment in an exchange with a left-wing activist
who claimed that his cousin is a Secret Service agent.
Their Own Words: The Radical Political Goals Of 'Anti-Fascists'. In the days since violent clashes at a
white nationalist rally in Charlottesville culminated in a neo-Nazi sympathizer driving his car into a crowd of counter-protesters,
journalists have mainstreamed the self-described "anti-fascists" (or "antifa") at the rally — largely ignoring their
involvement in the escalating political violence in this country. Many establishment political figures insisted the far-left
actors were just like American soldiers on D-Day. But these "anti-fascists'" own statements show they're nothing like American
soldiers on D-Day. They aren't interested in protecting America's system of government, according to their own
statements — they're interested in destroying it.
Admits Federal Informants Linked to Deadly Charlottesville Riots; Unlikely To Face Charges. FBI insiders said
it is unlikely leaders of the radical groups that clashed in demonstrations turned deadly in Charlottesville, VA will face
prosecution. Why? FBI said they have already identified several federal informants who participated in the
mob-like riots over the weekend in Virginia. The FBI is also now working those sources to piece together the events
from Charlottesville, sources said. But FBI agents have deemed the newly-minted investigation dicey, having to navigate
separate agreements with embedded intelligence assets while trying to pinpoint responsibility for the violence.
stinks about Charlottesville. Evidence is turning up from, of all places, the Southern Poverty Law Center, as
well as Breitbart and others, that this character, Jason Kessler, who organized the suspicious and supposed Alt-Right demonstration
in Charlottesville, Va. that blew up in everyone's face, is a cunning lefty holdover from the Occupy Wall Street movement and a
former Barack Obama supporter. I smell Soros money, sabotage, and Democrat dirty tricks here. [...] I have to wonder if this
Kessler fellow, strong Barack Obama-supporter that he is, had a hand in making sure his Alt-Right marchers were clearly guaranteed
to encounter a strong crowd of riled up counter-protesters as well.
Who Was Really at Fault
in Charlottesville? [Scroll down] Antifa, which purports to find fascists at every position of authority
in the United States, Black Lives Matter (whose name suggests that any sane person had ever said otherwise), and other
far-left groups with a propensity to violence, made no secret that they too would be there. As the day unfolded,
it was clear that orders had been given to the local police to ensure that a serious fracas occurred. The police
did nothing to disperse the armed groups on each side, on several occasions herded them toward each other to encourage
combat, and then withdrew at times to facilitate the violence. It must be assumed that orders for an insufficient law
enforcement and ineffectual rules of engagement emanated ultimately from the governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, the ne
plus ultra of Clintonian zeal and cynicism, and former Democratic Party chairman.
Rise of the Violent Left. Since antifa is heavily composed of anarchists, its activists place little faith in
the state, which they consider complicit in fascism and racism. They prefer direct action: They pressure venues
to deny white supremacists space to meet. They pressure employers to fire them and landlords to evict them. And
when people they deem racists and fascists manage to assemble, antifa's partisans try to break up their gatherings, including
by force.
Death of a Nation.
The violence at Charlottesville, the pulling down of a Confederate memorial by a mob in Durham, the removal of four monuments
from Baltimore (which has one of America's highest homicide rates) under the cowardly cloak of night, and calls for getting
rid of many more are simultaneously the death throes of the old America built on one national concept and the birth pangs of
a new, borderless, multiethnic, multilingual, multireligious, multisexual, ahistorical, fake "America" now aborning in
violence and lawlessness. [...] When one accepts demonization of part of our history and placing those who defend it beyond
the pale of legitimate discourse, one should hardly be surprised when the arrogant fury of the victors is unleashed.
That takes two forms: the nihilist street thugs of "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matter", and the authorities (both
governmental and media, a/k/a the Swamp) who confer on them immunity for violent, criminal behavior. The former
are the shock troops of the latter.
Who Destroyed Durham Confederate Statue Is A Pro-North Korea Marxist. One of the activists who toppled a
Confederate statue in Durham, N.C., on Monday night [8/14/2017] is a member of an extreme leftist group that supports the
totalitarian regime in North Korea and wants to abolish capitalism. Taqiyah Thompson, a student at North Carolina
Central University, was arrested Tuesday following a press conference in which she defended the actions of the demonstrators
and equated police officers to Confederate soldiers and Ku Klux Klan members.
Who Destroyed Confederate Statue Is Caught, Found To Be Pro-North Korea Marxist. I'm shocked! Looks like
the woman who was arrested for destroying a Confederate statue is a student at North Carolina Central University. Her
name is Taqiyah Thompson, and was taken by police after a press conference where she defended actions of demonstrators and
called cops Confederate soldiers and Ku Klux Klan members. Taqiyah is also an Islamic concept that says it is okay for
Muslims to lie to non-Muslims if it will help their religion.
Activists Kills Republican Neighbor After Shooting Him Twice In the Face. The political climate in the United
States right now is already fraught with tension, as violence and hatred has people on both sides of the aisle angry and
afraid. Now, a horrific murder has shocked people across the country and will likely only serve to make the political
divide even worse.
The Other Evil Political Force. The media should talk about every instance of people on the Left and the Right,
especially authority figures (pastors, politicians, academics, and so on) legitimizing violence as a way to solve political
disputes. And the rest of us should fight hard to make it taboo, to establish it as a line we as a society will not
cross. We have to stop with whataboutism, the habit of responding to revolting things your own side does with "but the
other side does it too!" [...] It doesn't matter who's worse, antifa or the neo-Nazis. Both are capable of doing severe
damage to our democracy, because they both hate the political order, and they both love violence.
Whose Side Is He On? I wonder how
many of the counter-protesters at the Charlottesville event even had any idea who Robert E. Lee was. He was a major
hero of the Mexican-American War. He fought for the Confederacy against the Union, but at the time he did it, it was
not illegal. Slavery was — while 100 percent evil — completely protected by law as of 1861.
When Lee went to work to defend his native Virginia, he was not violating any law. In fact, at no time did the Supreme Court
rule that secession was unconstitutional. To the contrary, when the Supreme Court moved towards declaring secession lawful,
President Lincoln, in violation of every lawful principle, threatened to have Roger Taney, the Chief Justice, arrested and jailed.
Group That Got Ignored in Charlottesville. Antifa is a loosely connected band of anti-capitalist protesters
generally on the far left who dub themselves "anti-fascist" after their compatriots in Europe. They've been around in
the United States since the 1990s, protesting globalization and burning trash cans at World Trade Organization
meetings. But they've kicked into high gear over the past two years: They engaged in vandalism in violence,
forcing the cancelation of a speech by alt-right popularizer Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley; a
few months later, they attacked alt-right demonstrators in Berkeley; they attacked alt-right demonstrators in Sacramento,
California, leading to a bloody street fight; they threw projectiles at police during President Trump's inauguration; they
attacked pro-Trump free-speech demonstrators in Seattle last weekend. They always label their opponents
"fascists" in order to justify their violence.
Was This 'Crowd Hire' Company Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte Last Week? [President]
Trump ignited a political firestorm yesterday [8/15/2017] during an impromptu press conference in which he said there was
"blame on both sides" for the tragic events that occurred in Charlottesville over the weekend. Now, the discovery of a
craigslist ad posted last Monday, almost a full week before the Charlottesville protests, is raising new questions over
whether paid protesters were sourced by a Los Angeles based "public relations firm specializing in innovative events" to
serve as agitators in counterprotests. The ad was posted by a company called "Crowds on Demand" and offered $25 per
hour to "actors and photographers" to participate in events in the "Charlotte, NC area."
Stabbed By Antifa Mob Outside His Home For Not Condemning 'Nazis' Hard Enough. A Vermont man says he was
stabbed outside his home by a group of five masked men armed with box cutters on Tuesday, after being labeled a "Nazi
sympathizer" for denouncing attempts to ruin the life of a Unite the Right rally attendee — even though he himself
strongly disavows white supremacy. The victim, Sam Wormer, who identifies as neither right or left, is so concerned
about the divide in the country that even after being attacked he wasn't sure that his story should be told.
The Editor Of The Washington Post. Marty Baron lives in a $1.7 million condo in Logan Circle. It's seven
blocks away from the headquarters of the Washington Post. And a 12 minute drive away from the FBI's J Edgar
Hoover Building. Arrest him. His paper's latest contribution to wrecking this country is an editorial titled
"Charlottesville showed that liberalism can't defeat white supremacy. Only direct action can." It concludes with,
"Start throwing rocks." [...] Incitement to riot is a crime. And it's about time that the Washington Post along with
other media outlets was held accountable for the violence that is tearing apart our cities and our campuses.
Plans on the Hard Left for November 4. One thing overlooked in the uproar over Charlottesville is that this
was, evidently, merely a dress rehearsal for a much larger-scale effort planned for this Autumn. Activist groups on the
left evidently have something big in store for November 4th. The idea seems to be a revival of the 1971 "Days of
Rage" — an effort to shut down the country as a whole to force a change in government.
Was The Charlottesville Riot A Set-Up?
The riot in Charlottesville, Virginia that took the life of Heather Heyer has some strange coincidences, along with lapses
and provocations on the part of Charlottesville and Virginia state officials that make one wonder if the whole affair wasn't
designed to result in a violent clash that not only could be laid at the feet of President Trump, but would spark other
violence across the country — which it did. The first item worth noting in this tragedy is that the
organizer, Jason Kessler, appears to be an equal opportunity provocateur. Prior to the election of President Trump
Kessler was not associated with the Alt-Right, Charlottesville police chiefhe was an Obama supporter, associated with the
violent Leftists of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
"Unite the Right" Organizer Was Occupy Wall St. Activist & Obama Supporter! Well this is fishy.
His name is Jason Kessler. He is the one cited as the organizer of the now infamous "Unite the Right" rally in
Charlottesville, Virginia. The thing is, Mr. Kessler's arrival on the "alt right" and/or "White Nationalist" scene
didn't occur until November 2016. That's right — Kessler didn't start his white nationalist activism until
after Donald Trump won the White House. Prior to that it appears he participated in the far left/socialist Occupy Wall
Street movement as noted by the far-left, George Soros-funded Southern Poverty Law Center
topple Confederate statue in North Carolina. Protesters toppled a Confederate monument in Durham, N.C. on
Monday night [8/14/2017]. Video posted to Twitter shows protestors surrounding the statue and chanting "No KKK! No
fascists! USA" as several protestors appear to pull down the statue with a rope. [Video clip]
the Right from 'Unite the Right' Charlottesville Nutters. Those rallying under the mantra "National Socialism Now" this
weekend chose the perfect slogan if not for that "w" at the end. The protestors descending upon Charlottesville wrongly label
themselves "right." In no sense of the word do socialists, no matter the prefix, fall under any category of "right."
They do not oppose the Left. They imitate them.
Lying, There Was Plenty of Leftist Violence in Charlottesville. The source is the Hill's Taylor Lorenz, who was
punched in the face by leftist thugs. There have been plenty of accounts, but this comes from a mainstream media source
which should make it much harder for the media to deny the leftist violence that day and gives a credible overview of the
dynamics of the situation. [...] This is significant because it makes the police failure all the more blatant.
Especially after similar clashes in other cities. Everyone knew this was coming. The police certainly did.
Job #1 would have been to keep both sides separate. That might not have changed the outcome, but it remains a striking
failure that isn't being discussed much.
Reporter for The Hill Allegedly Punched by 'Antifa' Protester in Charlottesville. A female reporter for the
Hill was allegedly punched by an "Antifa" protester in the wake of a deadly car attack in Charlottesville, Virginia
Saturday as she tried to film the ensuing chaos. Taylor Lorenz was filming the site of the incident that left at least
one person dead — after a car was driven into a crowd of "anti-fascist" protesters responding to a parallel white
nationalist protest in the city. The suspect was identified by police late Saturday as 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr.
Supremacists Were Not The Only Thugs Tearing Up Charlottesville. The violence in Charlottesville reveals not
who we are as Americans, but who we might become if we allow radicalism and totalitarianism to become normalized. In
America today, that possibility is most likely to come, not from the radical Right, but from the Left. To understand
this trajectory, we need to know who the players were in this weekend's violence. Those behind the protest and the
counter-protest were not average Americans, but two extremist groups: anti-fascists (Antifas) on the Left (the
counter-protestors) and white supremacist nationalists on the Right (the protesters). These groups did not suddenly
appear with the inauguration of Donald Trump. They've been around for a very long time.
Left Gets the Body they and the Media have sought for a Year. Back in June of last year during the time when
the left was seeding Trump rallies with people to be beaten I wrote that the goal of this exercise was to create an election
winning narrative. [...] It was also my opinion that this goal was one of the reasons why the left was pretty much silent on
the ANTIFA violence. There was the hope that one of these useful idiots might get him or her (or whatever pronoun said
idiot choose to use) killed by a political opponent in order to lay the blame on Trump. With the attempted murder of a
group of GOP congressman and the near fatal wounding of Congressman Steve Scalise the need for such a body increased
exponentially. While the media could and did treat said murder attempt as a one off, it was completely unacceptable to
the narrative for the only potential murder victim of political violence during the Trump administration to be a republican
congressman targeted by a Bernie Sanders Democrat. It was necessary, nay VITAL that somebody, anybody die for the cause
of changing the narrative[.] And that brings us to Charlottesville.
a Bernie Sanders supporter attempted to assassinate Republicans, the media were quick to disassociate a politician from his
radical supporters. President Trump is being roundly criticized by most of the media for failing to criticize
one side over the other in the Charlottesville riots, even before the exact sequence of events is understood, such as who
initiated the violence. The verdict in this case must precede the evidence. So let's take a short trip down
memory lane and recall how the media treated the attempted assassination of House Republicans by a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Put Donald Trump's Head on a Pike in Union Square NYC. You just got to love the peace, love and tolerant
left. Egged on the media, protesting at Union Square in New York City pulled a Kathy Griffin and put a beheaded Donald
Trump head on a pike, dripping in blood earlier today. As usual, this goes unreported by the corrupt media.
We're Also Allowed to Talk About Left-Wing Violence. A national discussion about political violence must
include the obviously relevant fascistic thuggery of Antifa Leftists. Noting that Charlottesville police said
the clashes were engaged by 'mutual combatants' does not diminish the evil of white supremacy or neo-Nazism. At all.
[...] Antifa's brutality and violence hasn't merely been limited to the horrible spectacle in Virginia. They've assaulted
Trump supporters at political events, they've rioted to prevent others' exercise of free speech rights, and they've used threats
and intimidation to cancel civic events in which Republicans planned to participate.
What Draws
People To Anarchy? Left-Wing Extremism And Smashing Stuff But Mostly Smashing Stuff. The Washington Post published a piece today
[8/10/2017] titled "What draws Americans to anarchy? It's more than just smashing windows." The story itself isn't as dumb as the
headline suggests, but it never does demonstrate that what draws people to anarchism is anything beyond a kind of left-wing outlaw chic.
The Violence
of Thought. [Scroll down] Ann Coulter's speech at Berkeley was canceled out of fear for her safety. Protesters, some wearing
masks, physically confronted Charles Murray when he tried to speak at Vermont's Middlebury College — when Allison Stanger, a
liberal Middlebury professor, tried to come to his aid, protesters assaulted her, gracing her with the gift of a trip to the
emergency room. In Olympia, Washington, students patrolled the campus at Evergreen State College with bats, batons, and
tasers when Professor Bret Weinstein refused to participate in the nowhites allowed "Day of Absence." Eric Clanton, an
"Antifa" activist and professor of philosophy and ethics while hiding behind a mask used a metal bicycle lock to assault Trump
supporters at a Patriot Day rally, sending one man to the hospital. You see, today, we live in a world where thought is
violence and actual violence in reaction to thought is merely a measured response.
Violent Left And The Anti-Democratic Nature Of Antifa. The Atlantic published an interesting piece a few days
ago titled "The Rise of the Violent Left." The focus of the piece is the gathering support for Antifa movements across the
country but especially in the northwest. Author Peter Beinart spends a lot of time walking readers through some the
recent clashes that have involved Antifa: the cancellation of Portland's annual Rose Festival, the shutting down of a speech
by Milo Yiannopoulis at Berkeley, etc. All of this will be familiar to Hot Air readers, but Beinart goes on to make an
interesting point about the nature of these protests. Since Antifa members are mostly anarchists who believe in taking
things into their own hands, they are necessarily stepping into territory reserved for democratically elected governments: [...]
Gets Violent In Downtown Portland, 2 Arrested. Video from KOIN 6 shows one Antifa member running across a park
and kicking someone from the opposing group. That starts a scuffle as one man tries to grab the attacker and hold on to
him. Later, several members of Antifa are seen attacking someone on the ground using sticks, though it's not clear what
happened immediately before this.
Who Made Death Threat Against Trump Won't Be Returning to Class. The professor who tweeted "[President] Trump
must hang" and "justice = the execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant" will not be returning to teach in the
fall, according to a Saturday [8/5/2017] report. California State University, Fresno President Joseph Castro announced
that history professor Lars Maischak would not be returning to teach at the school in the fall semester, according to The Los
Angeles Times. But while the professor will not be returning to campus, his contract does not expire until May 2018,
and he is tasked with converting 2 courses into online formats.
Rise of the Violent Left. Since 1907, portland, oregon, has hosted an annual Rose Festival. Since 2007,
the festival had included a parade down 82nd Avenue. Since 2013, the Republican Party of Multnomah County, which
includes Portland, had taken part. This April, all of that changed. In the days leading up to the planned parade,
a group called the Direct Action Alliance declared, "Fascists plan to march through the streets," and warned, "Nazis will not
march through Portland unopposed." [...] Next, the parade's organizers received an anonymous email warning that if "Trump
supporters" and others who promote "hateful rhetoric" marched, "we will have two hundred or more people rush into the parade
... and drag and push those people out." When Portland police said they lacked the resources to provide adequate security,
the organizers canceled the parade. It was a sign of things to come.
The Fascist Roots of
the American Left. [Herbert] Marcuse's targets are not Nazis but rather patriots, Republicans, conservatives,
and Christians. The real meaning of Marcuse's essay is: No free speech for patriots and conservatives. No
toleration for capitalists and Christians.
Brawls Erupt in Portland. Far-left masked Antifa members showed up at the Patriot Prayer 'Freedom March' Sunday
to disrupt and attack Trump supporters. Antifa must be designated a terrorist organization. Masks should also be
banned for public protesters.
Commits Suicide After Harassment From Animal Rights Activists. A 27-year-old Spanish woman best known for her
blogging on hunting committed suicide recently. She was apparently unable to cope with the massive hate and harassment
she received from so-called animal rights activists.
leader arrested after California Capitol brawl. California authorities announced Wednesday [7/19/2017] that
they arrested a prominent San Francisco Bay Area anti-fascist leader on charges stemming from a state Capitol brawl last year
between white nationalist groups and counter-protesters.
O'Donnell under fire after she shares game that encourages users to kill President. Over the weekend, the
former talk show host posted a link to a new game that allows users to kill President Trump four different ways: pushing
him off a cliff; pushing him into a volcano; pushing him into a manhole; and pushing him into the mouth of a Tyrannosaurus
Rex. The games is called 'Push Trump Off A Cliff,' and in addition to O'Donnell it has also been shared by Hollywood
stars including John Leguizamo.
Game Encourages Users To 'Push Trump Off A Cliff'. A new online game encourages users to send a virtual
President Trump to his death, either by sending him off a cliff, down a manhole, into a volcano or into the jaws of a
Tyrannosaurus Rex. The game, "Push Trump Off A Cliff Again," instructs users to "Take out your frustrations with
[the] President by pushing him off a virtual cliff, or into a virtual volcano."
Southern Poverty Law Center Has Become a Dangerous Joke. [Scroll down] But the joke's not funny anymore. In our
polarized times, radicals use the SPLC's hate-group designations to justify violence. Politicians and corporations use the designation
to marginalize and punish good men and women. Not long ago the Family Research Council narrowly avoided mass murder when a man tried
to attack its headquarters. He was inspired in part by the SPLC's hate-group designation, and his plan was to shoot FRC employees and
stuff Chick-fil-A sandwiches into their dead, bleeding mouths. Last year, a radical mob tried to physically attack American Enterprise
Institute scholar Charles Murray. He escaped unharmed, but a female professor who tried to protect him was injured, suffering a concussion
and other injuries as the mob surged toward Murray. What helped motivate the mob? The SPLC's absurd designation of Murray as a "white
nationalist." It would be unfair to hold the SPLC responsible for these violent acts. After all, the ultimate moral responsibility
for violence rests with the criminal. But we all know that speech has power.
Did Trump Earn an Unprecedented Progressive Backlash? In truth we are back to 2004-2008, when the Left did to
George W. Bush what it is now doing to Donald Trump. Assassination? Alfred A. Knopf published Nicholson Baker's
novel, Checkpoint, about characters fantasizing how to kill Bush. A guest columnist in the Guardian, Charlie Brooker, wrote
to his British readers on the eve of the election fearing that if Bush were reelected, there would be no assassin to shoot
him: "John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr. — where are you now that we need you?"
Do we remember filmmaker Gabriel Range's "Death of a President," the docudrama about Bush's assassination that was a
favorite at the Toronto Film Festival? Cindy Sheehan wrote she wished to go back into time to kill a younger Bush
before he could be president.
Bleeds On Dance Floor From Pummeling Due To Trump Hat. Activist Jovi Val was at Mehanata bar in Manhattan after
attending a pro-Trump event Friday night [7/7/2017]. While he was on the dance floor, Val's "Make America Great Again" hat
fell on the floor. Before he could pick it up, bar patron Emma Rodriguez allegedly stomped on it, prompting Val to ask
her to stop.
man threatened to kill Sen. Joni Ernst at motorcycle charity ride. Sen. Joni Ernst led a charity
motorcycle ride Saturday in Iowa, one day after a Nebraska man was arrested for threatening to kill her at the
fundraiser. Robert William Simet, 64, of Omaha was taken into custody Friday after telling employees at Loess Hills
Harley-Davidson in Pacific Junction, Iowa, that "everybody in the government needs to be killed off" and specifically
mentioning Mrs. Ernst. "The unknown male went on to say that he knew Joni Ernst would be here Saturday and 'I
could kill her, they would kill me, it would not matter, I would win either way,'" said the affidavit filed Friday by FBI
special agent Jonathan Robitaille.
Protester: Liberals 'Are Going To Get Better Aim'. A protester arrested outside the Tucson office of Sen. Jeff
Flake's (R-Ariz.) Tucson office after threatening a Congressional staffer on Thursday [7/6/2017] reportedly warned that liberals were
going to "solve the Republican problem" by getting "better aim." "You know how liberals are going to solve the Republican
problem?" the protester was quoted as saying. "They are going to get better aim. That last guy tried, he needed better
aim. We will get better aim." The latter reference was likely to the shooting last month of House majority whip
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).
Jersey Homeland Security Officially Lists Antifa as a Terrorist Organization. The Department of Homeland
Security in New Jersey has officially listed Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization after a rash of violent attacks by
the group targeting supporters of Donald Trump. [...] There have been innumerable violent attacks on Trump supporters by
members of Antifa over the last six months, although the mainstream media has barely reported on them.
CBS Omit Shooting Threat at Senator Flake's Office Leading to Arrest. Red flags went up quick at the Tucson,
Arizona office of Republican Senator Jeff Flake on Thursday [7/6/2017] when one angry leftist claimed that shooting all of
the opposition was the way to solve "the Republican problem." The leftist protestor also brought up the shooting of Majority
Whip Steve Scalise and was arrest by police a short time later. This disturbing incident went unreported on both ABC
and CBS during their evening news programs. Correspondent Kasie Hunt became the only network news reporter to mention
the threat when she brought it up during her segment on NBC Nightly News.
Riot In Hamburg and Caracas. Representatives of the G20 countries are meeting in Hamburg, so the traveling
circus of anti-capitalist rioters naturally showed up. As best one can tell, it is more or less the same people who
turn out for all of these anti-capitalism demonstrations around the world. They don't appear to have jobs, and quite a
few of them are reported to be trust fund babies. These photos from Hamburg are typical; they come from the Sun.
At least 76 policemen were injured in the anti-free enterprise riot.
arrest man for allegedly threatening Sen. Flake's staff. The Pima County Sheriff's office confirmed that
Mark Prichard, 59, was arrested on Thursday at Flake's Tucson office. According to an aide to Flake, Prichard told a
staffer: "You know how liberals are going to solve the Republican problem? ... They are going to get better aim.
That last guy tried, but he needed better aim. We will get better aim."
Of New Jersey Declares Antifa "Domestic Terrorism" Group. Members of the "Antifa" movement claim to be
anti-fascist but they act like fascists all the time. They use violence and intimidation to silence people they don't
like and destroy private property. Now they've been declared a terror group in the state of New Jersey.
Agents Just Paid a Visit to Kathy Griffin — And Grilled Her for Over an Hour. When Kathy Griffin
posed for a photoshoot holding a fake decapitated, bloody head of President Donald Trump in June, she likely didn't think
about the wide-reaching implications of her so-called "joke." While her controversial stunt resulted in some serious
professional consequences, it also earned her a lengthy visit from the U.S. Secret Service. Secret Service agents
reportedly tracked down Griffin and interviewed her in person for more than an hour. Further, the investigation into
the bloody head debacle remains open.
officially declared a terrorist group by New Jersey's Homeland Security office. The radical far-left group
Antifa has been using threats and violence to suppress conservatives, libertarians, nationalists, and capitalists for months,
and finally, a state has officially labeled them a terrorist group. On June 12, New Jersey became the first state in
the country to label Antifa a domestic terrorist organization with the state office of Homeland Security and Prepardness.
"Anti-fascist groups, or "Antifa," are a subset of the anarchist movement and focus on issues involving racism, sexism, and
anti-Semitism, as well as other perceived injustices," the website details.
The Editor says...
How is it possible to non-violently storm an office? The word storm, in the military sense, means
to suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force. And what would those of
Mr. Moore's ilk accomplish by storming a Senator's office?
Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 799.
Journalists Are Outraged At The NRA For Pointing Out Leftist Violence. You might not remember it because the
news media pivoted away from the story as quickly as possible, but just two weeks ago an anti-Trump Bernie Bro tried to
assassinate a bunch of elected Republican officials while they practiced for the annual bipartisan Congressional baseball
game. Just days after the New York Times revealed that Republicans regularly practiced at a public park in
Alexandria with minimal protective detail, the shooter showed up at the park and started surveilling it. According to
the FBI, he even took pictures of the location. Before opening fire on the lawmakers, the shooter also confirmed that
the assembled officials were Republicans. Unsurprisingly, a lot of Republicans responded to the attempted massacre by
noting that unconstitutional laws in D.C. actually prevented the Republican officials from carrying firearms for the purpose
of self-defense (although the shooting was in Virginia, most lawmakers reside in D.C., meaning D.C. law effectively bans them
from carrying anywhere in the area since they would eventually have to return to their homes with the firearms).
Times Hollywood Hacks Envisioned Violence Against Trump. All the liberals and media are [upset] after Donald
Trump posted a video from a 2007 Wrestlemania event where you body slammed slammed, and put CNN's logo on the guy's
head. It was like the end of the world for the media and liberals. They claimed this will eventually get media
hacks killed. This after one of their owned tried to murder Steve Scalise three weeks ago. If what Trump tweeted
over the weekend will get media hacks killed (which even I don't want), then these 15 Hollywood 'celebrities' would surely be
a danger to Trump and his family: [...]
3 Charged, Antifa Flag Seized After Trump Supporters, Police Attacked. Violent scuffles broke out in the
aftermath of competing protest marches Sunday in Philadelphia, leading to at least three arrests. Shouting between a
group of Trump supporters and alleged members of the violent left-wing "anti-fascist" movement Antifa accelerated into thrown
punches on the sunny, 90-degree day. The fighting took place shortly after pro- and anti-Trump marches ended in the
city Sunday afternoon [7/2/2017].
Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth edition, 1979, page 1282.
Liberal Portland Became America's Most Politically Violent City. Left wing "antifas," wearing red bandana masks alongside other far-left
protesters, have rioted multiple times and caused millions of dollars of damage, with threats from left wing groups even forcing the cancellation of a
parade because it featured a float from the local Republican Party. Eager to push back against the opposition, white nationalists have begun mixing
with anti-government militia members for "free speech" rallies. A man who attended one of these rallies would later stab to death two men on a train
when they intervened to stop his anti-Muslim rants against two young women. The norms of protest and counterprotest — mostly verbal
shouting and sign-waving — are quickly crumbling in Portland. The left wing antifa have even threatened preemptive violence in the
name of the defending the city from groups they say promote violence.
'Right-Wing Spin Machine' 'Trying to Put This Over That We Are the Violent Ones'. On Friday's [6/30/2017] broadcast of HBO's "Real Time,"
host Bill Maher said the right is trying to falsely claim that liberals are the violent ones. Maher said, "According to the right-wing spin machine,
the greatest threat to America now is that liberals are violent." After playing an ad that played in Georgia's special election that linked Democratic
candidate Jon Ossoff to the Congressional baseball shooting, Maher stated, "[S]ee, that's what they do. But this idea, this is not just this
one ad. I can read — I have so many quotes here. I'm not going to read them all, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, all the people
on the right... who are saying things like, liberal hatred toward President Trump and Republicans have reached a fever pitch, and now it is becoming
violent. Wait, I thought we were snowflakes? And now, any minute, Kathy Griffin might be coming in with a head, severed off. They
are trying to put this over that we are the violent ones."
Journalists Are Outraged At The NRA For Pointing Out Leftist Violence. Barely two weeks after a progressive Democrat activist attempted a
mass assassination of Republican officials, progressives are outraged at the NRA for noting that the Second Amendment gives people the right to defend
themselves, with arms if necessary, from people who might try to assassinate them or their families. You might not remember it because the news media
pivoted away from the story as quickly as possible, but just two weeks ago an anti-Trump Bernie Bro tried to assassinate a bunch of elected Republican officials
while they practiced for the annual bipartisan Congressional baseball game. Just days after the New York Times revealed that Republicans regularly
practiced at a public park in Alexandria with minimal protective detail, the shooter showed up at the park and started surveilling it. According to the FBI,
he even took pictures of the location. Before opening fire on the lawmakers, the shooter also confirmed that the assembled officials were Republicans.
Post Reporter Tells Fact-Checking James O'Keefe Fan to 'Drop Dead'. The Washington Post recently opined that "civility is golden." Someone
tell Post writer Paul Farhi, because he's telling critics of his recent attack on James O'Keefe to "drop dead." In an email from his Washington
Post account, Farhi told O'Keefe fan Jasun Doyle to "drop dead" after Doyle emailed Farhi about inaccuracies in his article attacking O'Keefe.
Maxine Waters Attacks Ben Carson at Town Hall, Wants to
'Take Him Apart'. Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) went after Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson at a town hall on
Saturday [6/24/2017]. At the town hall in Gardena, Calif., Waters said that Carson should go back to his former profession of being a surgeon, the Los
Angeles Times reports. Waters also told the crowd that the next time Carson went before the House Financial Services Committee, she would "take him apart."
Waters is the top Democrat on that committee.
Sen. Durbin's Office Won't
Release Emails With GOP Baseball Shooter. Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin's office will not release reported email correspondence with
anti-GOP shooter James Hodgkinson. An Associated Press report says, "Hodgkinson also visited the office of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose campaign
he had worked on as a volunteer, and was in email contact with the two Democratic senators from his home state." The "two Democratic senators from
his home state" of Illinois would presumably be Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth. When The Daily Caller reached out to Sen. Durbin's office, we
received this comment, "Mr. Hodgkinson contacted our office to state his opinion on a variety of legislation over the years. Those emails were
all given to USCP and are part of the current investigation."
Man destroys new Ten Commandments statue at Arkansas Capitol. Michael Tate Reed, 32, of Van Buren, Arkansas,
was booked in the Pulaski County jail shortly after 7:30 a.m. on preliminary charges of defacing objects of public interest,
criminal trespass and first-degree criminal mischief. An arrest report lists his occupation as "unemployed/disabled."
Reiner Just Called for 'ALL OUT WAR' to 'Resist' President Trump. There aren't many celebrities who are Republicans, or who are
fans of Donald Trump. And while celebrities are often outspoken about their hatred towards those on the right, they usually avoid advocating
outright violence. But notable director Rob Reiner just crossed that line...
Reiner Calls for 'All Out War' to Resist Trump. Actor and filmmaker Rob Reiner was shredded by social media
users over the weekend after he called for an "all out war" to resist President Donald Trump. Writing on Twitter Sunday
[6/25/2017], the All in the Family star mentioned a Fox News report about the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with
Russia during the 2016 election. "When Fox says that DT colluding with the enemy is not a crime, the fight to save
Democracy is now an all out war. US-Stay strong. #Treason," he wrote.
Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth edition, 1979, page 726.
Nye Show Writer Ready to Accept Deaths of 'Old [...] Conservative White Men' If It Sparks Gun Control Debate.
Marcella Arguello, a standup comedian and a writer for Bill Nye Saves The World on Netflix, tweeted in the wake of the
Congressional baseball shooting that the deaths of "a few old [...] conservative white men" were a worthwhile risk if it led
to gun control. The remarks, which Arguello subsequently deleted from her Twitter feed but can still be viewed in
archived form, followed the shooting of U.S. Majority Whip Steve Scalise earlier this month.
'Fed Up With Republicans' Threatens To Kill State Representative, Police Say. A Miami-area man has been
arrested for threatening to kill Republican Rep. Jose Felix Diaz in a Facebook post. Steve St. Felix, 33,
allegedly wrote he would kill the lawmaker if he showed up to a political meeting. Miami-Dade police say St.
Felix confessed to making the threat and told investigators he was "fed up with the Republican party" but didn't intend to
harm anyone. He also said he had not taken his medication.
Scalise Still In The Hospital, The Left Is Back To Urging Violence Against Republicans. For a brief moment
after Rep. Steve Scalise was nearly killed by a crazed Bernie Sanders supporter, some prominent liberals uttered a few
words about "toning down the rhetoric." If that pledge was sincere at all, it barely lasted a week. Actor Johnny Depp
took the prize last week, when at a film festival in England he asked, "Can we bring Trump here," and followed that by asking
"When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?" The audience roared with cheers and laughter.
Dem Party Official Loses Job After Saying He's 'Glad' Scalise Got Shot. The Nebraska Democratic Party on
Thursday removed one of its officials after a recording surfaced of him saying he was glad House Majority Whip Steve Scalise
(R., La.) got shot and wished he died. Phil Montag, who served as volunteer co-chairman of the party's technology
committee, was fired after his comments were released, local Fox affiliate KPTM reported. Montag made the remarks during
a private meeting with the party's Black Caucus chairwoman, Chelsey Gentry-Tipton, and a friend of hers, Destin Madison.
30 GOP
Congressmen Have Been Attacked or Threatened Since May. A total of 30 Republican members of Congress have
either been attacked or revealed that they were the victim of a death threat since the beginning of May. [List of
incidents omitted here for brevity.]
Democrat Inspired by Hodgkinson Threatens Assassination. E. Stanley Hoff of Westerville, Ohio appeared in court yesterday
[6/21/2017], charged with threatening to "assault, kidnap, or murder a United States official." [...] The criminal complaint against
Hoff, a Democrat, says that he "has left at least five harassing and threatening voice-mail messages with Stivers' Hilliard office
since February." Capitol police told Hoff to desist, but the threats continued. It appears that the attempted assassination
of multiple House Republicans by James Hodgkinson may have caused the authorities to finally move against Hoff.
Who Does The FBI Work
For? [Scroll down] That brings us to yesterday's [6/21/2017] FBI briefing on the shooting targeting
Republicans in Alexandria, a briefing that could not be more bizarre in its content and its conclusions. There's also
this incredible tidbit, which somehow has received little to no attention: "Hodgkinson also visited the office of
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose campaign he had worked on as a volunteer, and was in email contact with the two
Democratic senators from his home state." If this was a shooter who had worked for Ted Cruz and was in contact via
email with both of the Senators from Texas, wouldn't we know about it? There's no reason to beat around the bush here:
what the FBI is claiming is mind-boggling when they claim the shooter had no target in mind. Consider the number of
accidents of circumstance you would have to believe were going on here to not have the shooter doing what seems obvious from
every piece of evidence we have: researching and planning for an attack on Republicans of some kind, particularly looking for an
opportunity when security will be low and vulnerability will be high. This was an attack, not an "anger management" problem.
Of Alexandria Shooting Showed The Left's Cultural Bullying At Its Worst. James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville,
Illinois arrived in a D.C. suburb several months ago and lived out of his van next to a small local baseball field, which had
recently been reported as the site of Republican congressional baseball practice. He took pictures of this otherwise
unremarkable locale, and showed up there last Wednesday with two guns and a list of six elected Republicans on his
person. He verified with a member of Congress that they were indeed Republicans on the field before opening fire,
attempting to murder a bunch of them. A week later, one of the victims, Rep. Steve Scalise, had been smeared by
one national media figure and told his wound was "self-inflicted" by a nightly news anchor while he was still in the hospital
fighting for his life. Republicans had been scolded for not changing their views on the Second Amendment in response to
being attacked, and national media had either moved on from the story or moved on to scolding Republicans for their reaction
to it.
Man Arrested For Threatening To Assassinate Trump. An Illinois man has been arrested and charged with
threatening to kill President Donald Trump. According to the Secret Service, Joseph Lynn Pickett threatened to "take
the life of, to kidnap, and to inflict bodily harm" against the President of the United States.
Democrats Turn Up the Rhetoric.
A week after a gunman opened fire on a Republican congressional baseball practice, triggering bipartisan calls for unity,
Democrats have turned up their rhetoric. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R., La.) was shot in the hip on
June 14 along with four others after a shooter targeted the GOP practice in Alexandria, Va. The shooter, James T.
Hodgkinson, was an avid supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) who had a deep hatred of Republicans and President
Donald Trump. Republicans and Democrats subsequently joined in unison to call for lawmakers to tone done their
political rhetoric. The rhetoric was toned down for several days — until Senate Republicans on Thursday
[6/22/2017] introduced their health care reform legislation to replace Obamacare. Democrats denounced the bill as mean
and evil. They predicted that thousands of Americans would die and that the bill would be funded by "blood money."
Schumer, Other Democrats Silent on Johnny Depp's Remarks on Assassinating Trump. Senate and House Democratic
leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, respectively, did not respond to Breitbart News's request for comment on actor Johnny
Depp's remarks at a festival in England about assassinating President Donald Trump. Breitbart News sought comments in
an email sent twice to Senate Minority Leader Schumer and House Minority Leader Pelosi's press officials. Breitbart
also sought comment from Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) but received no response from either,
both of whom are outspoken critics of the president.
left's violent assault on an American president. Hollywood wants President Trump to sleep with the
fishes. They want him dead — decapitated — his bloody entrails splayed across the Rose Garden for
all of the world to see. A who's-who of actors and directors and musicians want him to suffer the most agonizingly
brutal and gory death in the history of assassinations. Johnny Depp is the latest star of stage and screen to flirt
with the idea of murdering President Trump. "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to
clarify: I'm not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it's been a while and maybe it's time," he told an
audience at the Glastonbury arts festival in England. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause at the idea of someone
murdering our commander in chief.
Anti-GOP Shooter Was Conditioned By Media's 'Hate-Filled Propaganda'. Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert
unloaded on the media and Obama-era holdovers at the Department of Justice on Wednesday after the FBI announced that it was
treating last week's attempted mass assassination of Republican congressmen as "assault" rather than terrorism. Gohmert
said that the FBI's refusal to label the attack as terrorism indicates that there are too many officials from the previous
administration in the DOJ and charged that the left-wing shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, was conditioned by "hate-filled
propaganda" from the media and some Democrats.
Shooter 'Liked' the Terror-Linked SPLC, Which Repeatedly Attacked Scalise. James T. Hodgkinson, the Bernie
Sanders supporter who targeted Republicans at a congressional baseball game practice and gravely wounded Congressman Steve
Scalise (R-La.), gave moral support to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the group whose "hate map" inspired a
terrorist attack in 2012. The SPLC had repeatedly attacked Scalise, along with former presidential candidate Ben Carson
and women's right activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali. "Over the decades, the SPLC has refined a method of defaming its political
opponents that is extremely effective when combined with the massive war chest it can rely upon," explained Lt. Gen.
(Ret.) William Boykin, executive vice president at the Family Research Council (FRC), in a letter to senators on Tuesday
[6/20/2017]. "The SPLC targets people by using the 'hate' or 'extremist' label against them seeking to destroy them,"
Boykin explained. "Few people or organizations have the resources to fight back, so the SPLC typically has a clear target."
Supporter Stabbed Nine Times Following Political Rally. Trump supporter Tony Forman is recovering today after
being stabbed nine times. Ordinarily, even the fact that Forman was a Trump supporter wouldn't be enough for this to
appear on a site that covers national politics. However, the circumstances surrounding Forman's stabbing indicate this
may not have been your average act of violence: [...] Not all of Forman's friends are ready to say the crime was politically
motivated, but it does appear that Forman's race was brought up as he was being attacked.
T. Hodgkinson: Just Another Well-Intentioned Progressive. [Scroll down] Actually, that Hodgkinson
is pretty much a standard-issue progressive ought to give everyone the creeps. His politics are no different than those
of a local librarian or a schoolteacher or a union guy back in 2014 when it was so fashionable to be a member of the "Angry
Left." Of course in 2011 there were the Occupiers, and now in 2017 there is the Black Lives Matter movement. What
separates Hodgkinson from Bill Ayers, the bomber of the Pentagon, except that Ayers tried to kill more people? The left
has been on a steady evolution toward homicide like what Hodgkinson undertook last week for years, and there are a lot more
Hodgkinsons out there than we care to contemplate.
To Announce Findings In GOP Baseball Shooting Investigation. [Scroll down] The Daily Caller was the first
to report last week that FBI officials discovered a list of Republican lawmakers in James T. Hodgkinson's possession when he
opened fire at a congressional baseball practice, wounding four people including Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise. All
six lawmakers on the list were members of the House Freedom Caucus — the most conservative members in the lower
chamber. The FBI also recovered a cell phone and computer from Hodgkinson's van at the scene, the agency announced last
Thursday. The 66-year-old Hodgkinson, a left-wing Bernie Sanders supporter, frequently espoused angry rhetoric on
social media and belonged to anti-Republican groups on Facebook, including one called "Terminate The Republican Party."
The members of that group celebrated Hodgkinson's attempt at murdering Republican congressmen.
Carlson Destroys #HuntRepublicans Democrat. Tucker Carlson took on Jim Devine last night on his show.
He's the Democratic strategist who put out the tweet: "We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich
people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent? #HuntRepublicanCongressmen," right after Congressman Scalise was
shot last week. Tucker said he was brave enough to come on his show... no, he was stupid enough to do so. But
then again, evil is inherently stupid.
A Trump Supporter Had Shot A Democratic Congressman. If Democrats had been shot by a Trump supporter, all you
would be hearing and reading about is how much hate the Trump election has unleashed in America, how his election is
threatening our democracy and how he is unleashing fascism. But it was a not a Trump supporter who attempted to murder
a Democratic congressman, Capitol Police officers, a House GOP aide and a lobbyist; it was a Trump-hating leftist who
attempted to murder a Republican congressman and other Republican officials. And, for that reason, what would have been
the dominant issue in America today is already a nonissue.
Website Encourages 'All Manner of Physical Violence' Against Trump Supporters and Capitalists. The Antifa
website It's Going Down has become the de facto resource for anarchists and "anti-fascist" activists currently engaging in
sporadic street battles across the United States against Trump supporters and the government. The site calls for
violence against capitalists and anyone it labels a "fascist." It features posters for self-identified anarchists that
call for Trump supporters to be stabbed. A poster published in April shows the silhouette of a man with a Make America Great
Again hat and a Pepe the Frog lapel pin being cornered by a bayonet. Behind him is the transparent silhouette of a Nazi.
The Left-Wing
Terrorist's Capitol Hill Coup d'Etat. Throughout history, grandiose visions of world-altering consequences have
motivated political assassins. Gavril Princip's June 1914 rendezvous with Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo is a
horrifying example. Despite the historical track record, until James T. Hodgkinson's June 2017 criminal assault on a
Virginia baseball diamond, a chilling congressional coup d'état scenario which alters history in these United States
would be little more than an edgy plot-line in a paperback thriller. In the Hollywood movie version there is a one
hundred percent certainty right wing activists would be the monsters who attempted the coup. Unfortunately, the
scenario is no longer over the edge. Whether intended or unintended, a change in control of the House of
Representatives could well have been a consequence of Hodgkinson's crime.
Reid and Scott Pelley Blame Steve Scalise For Getting Shot. Have you no shame, Joy Ann Reid? In an
appalling example of the left's pathological hatred of anything and anyone conservative, the MSNBC host said, not in so many
words, that Rep. Steve Scalise kind of had it coming when a Bernie Sanders volunteer tried to assassinate him and his
GOP colleagues as they practiced for thee annual baseball game between Democrats and Republicans in Congress. As Fox
News reported her beneath contempt and all human decency remarked: As Rep. Steve Scalise lay in his hospital bed
recovering after he was shot by a maniac gunman who was hunting congressional Republicans, an MSNBC host asked whether the
House Majority Whip's life-threatening injuries meant Americans had to "ignore" his political positions. Joy Ann Reid
on Saturday cited Scalise's positions on ObamaCare and gay marriage as among the concerning "moral" issues she felt couldn't
be overlooked despite his critical injury at the hands of a left-leaning lunatic who opened fire at a GOP baseball practice
on June 14.
are Okay with Beating Up Trump and His Supporters. Why are leftists and progressives okay with beating up Trump
supporters? That's the question that The Federalist attempted to answer, but did not find one. Instead, they
found examples of anti-Trump rhetoric that talked about violence.
Sanders: Act in 'unprecedented' ways to thwart Republicans. Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders says "unprecedented" actions
by his supporters must be taken to stop Republicans from passing a health care bill in the Senate. A Facebook Live event Monday
[6/19/2017] with Mr. Sanders and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren included a call for unorthodox actions to halt Republican
efforts to replace Obamacare, former President Barack Obama's signature legislative achievement.
Prof calls whites 'inhuman [...],' says 'let them
die'. A professor at Connecticut's Trinity College seemingly endorsed the idea that first responders to last
week's congressional shooting should have let the victims "f*****g die" because they are white.
The Editor says...
One would presume that a college professor would have the ability to express himself without resorting to profanity. Apparently that is now too much to ask.
leftists are completely honest: They want to destroy you. If there remained any question about the
character of the radical Left, recent reporting by Ian Miles Cheong at Heat Street paints a disturbing picture of the extent
to which Antifa leftists condone violence against capitalists and so-called "fascists." Cheong draws attention to an
Antifa website, "It's Going Down," the "de facto resource for anarchists and 'anti-fascist' activists currently engaging in
sporadic street battles across the United States against Trump supporters and the government." The website features Antifa
articles from staff writers and anonymous submissions that give the reader insight into the demented minds of those who urge
violence against their countrymen. The literature of the anarchist leftists is honest in its presentation of who they
are and what they want.
Bleeding America?
The left and Democrats expected Hillary Clinton's victory, and with it, not just consolidations of power but extensions. As was
witnessed under Barack Obama, the cudgel of government power can be used to advance cultural totalitarianism. Why insinuate PC
aims when law and the threat of force can hasten results? Frustrated and angry before November, the left and the Democrats resorted
to violence to disrupt Trump events and assault his supporters. Little of this was impromptu; much was premediated black ops.
After the elections, the left embraced public expressions of hate, took to the streets, destroying property and assaulting opponents.
Its entertainers and artists spew hate and incite violence under the guise of free expression (Madonna, Kathy Griffin) and artistic license
(the Trump assassination play). Then came James Hodgkinson. Hodgkinson's attempted massacre of Republicans and their aides is
a watershed in a critical respect.
Violence: 33 Attacks Against Conservatives in the Last Year Alone. A wave of liberal rage has marked the last
11 months since the rise and subsequent election of President Donald Trump. Antifa protestors clad in black masks
shut down college campuses, destroy property and indiscriminately attack those they disagree with, whether women or the
elderly. Meanwhile, CNN fires Kathy Griffin for taking photos with a bloody replica of the president's decapitated
head. Amid this backdrop, The Huffington Post publishes an article calling for the execution of Trump and "everyone
assisting his agenda." Then, shots ring out as a man gorged on media hysteria attempts to slaughter Republican
congressmen while they practice for a charity baseball game.
Media Personalities Agree: Those Republicans Deserved To Get Shot. A shooter opened fire on Congressional
Republicans practicing for the annual Congressional baseball game at a baseball park in Alexandria, Virginia, Wednesday
morning, injuring lawmakers, staff, and law enforcement. It is unclear at this time whether the shooter was killed or
is currently in police custody. In the wake of the shooting, lots of people on the Internet lost their minds.
Several progressives even went out of their way to suggest the victims deserved to get shot because they have the wrong views
on gun control, or Obamacare, or Donald Trump. Here are some of the most insane reactions to the Congressional baseball
shoooting so far. [...]
Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1979, page 5.
The Culture Police. Recently
at Evergreen College in Washington state, students demanded that white people leave the campus on a "Day of Absence." One liberal white professor
protested. His classroom was stormed as he was teaching. He was shouted down with "F" bombs and accusations of racism by the mob that
invaded his lecture. [...] What we are witnessing is not state dictatorship but a new phenomenon — the rise of a totalitarian
culture which seeks to control everything and everybody.
Current Atmosphere in This Nation Is Unsustainable. When you cast your ballot against, speak against, write
against or otherwise work against a candidate or a party, that is political dissent, and if so desired, could be called
resistance. But when a prominent show business personality holds up a replica of the bloody severed head of a sitting
president, or a major corporate sponsored Shakespeare company perverts a four-hundred-year-old play to plot and carry out the
multiple stabbing of a sitting president, that is hate.
Leftist Sculptor Crucifies
Trump. Whether it's Kathy Griffin displaying the president's severed head or James Kelsey crucifying him, the
Left makes it clear they want the man dead.
turning virulent. Every day, across the country, Trump supporters are brutally attacked by the sore losers of
Nov. 8. This week in Indiana, a pick-up truck with a Trump flag was fired upon. There's a special congressional
election in suburban Atlanta Tuesday. Late last week, neighbors of the GOP candidate found envelopes full of white
powder in their mailbox, along with a vile note that said, among other things, "STRING UP THE COLLABORATORS!" In other
words, lynch Republicans. Talk about back to the future, in Georgia of all places.
Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes. The most prominent liberals in America regularly
accuse conservatives of being racist, sexist, Nazis, fascists who want children to die and are killing the planet and ruining
the environment all because of their hate of the poor and minorities. Liberals today aim a nastier stream of propaganda
at Republicans than America did at the Nazis; so is it any wonder that some people take the next logical step and become
violent? Meanwhile, you have plays, rap videos and prominent liberals glorifying the murder of the President, liberals
applauding unrepentant terrorists like Bill Ayers, all while cops at left-wing universities stand back and allow violent
students to riot, threaten and disrupt conservative speakers. We're moving fast towards a point where clashes between
armed gangs of thugs on both sides will leave people dead because liberals believe conservatives aren't human beings and
thus, don't deserve the same protection under the law.
mass shooting isn't surprising given the mainstreaming of political violence by Democrat extremists. It's
shocking, but not altogether surprising, that a mass-shooting occurred during a Republican Congressional sports outing.
Senator Rand Paul, who observed the volley of 50 or 60 shots, said that a "massacre" had been narrowly averted. If
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise's security detail hadn't been present, Paul said, it would have been a slaughter.
Moment Loretta Lynch Called On 'Blood And Death' In The Streets To Oppose Trump. The call for blood was only
two months ago for Loretta Lynch, the 83rd Attorney General of the United States of America — the nation's top law
enforcement officer — as she released a video asking for revolution, insurrection, and mass violence in the
streets, all because they despise Trump. If you are trying to connect the dots of the crazed murderer and liberal
activist James T. Hodgkinson, to his driving motivation, Lynch would be a great start as she had said the following on
her video: "We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding
Fathers. They've marched, they've bled, yes some of them have died. This is hard. Every good thing
is. We have done this before; we can do this again." [Video clip]
Bernie Sanders
Links Political Rhetoric to Violence When 'Right-Wing,' Not When Perpetrated by His Own Volunteer. Sen. Bernie
Sanders (I-Vermont) today reacted to hearing news that congressional baseball shooter James Hodgkinson was a volunteer on his
presidential campaign with a somber and unequivocal statement that he was "sickened," and that "violence of any kind is
unacceptable in our society." [...] On January 11, 2011, three days after Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle
Giffords (D-Ariz.) and murdered six people, Sanders sent out a fundraising email that, among other things, criticized
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for not doing more to condemn right-wing political rhetoric.
envelopes sent to Georgia GOP candidate Karen Handel, neighbors. Authorities in Georgia are investigating after
a suspicious package and powder-filled envelopes were sent to a Republican congressional candidate and her neighbors.
Roswell police responded to reports of at least five homes receiving envelopes containing a "white powdery substance," WSB-TV
reported. "The packages contained threatening letters and a suspicious substance," candidate Karen Handel said in a
statement. "The police were quickly notified and the street is now being blocked off."
shots fired at truck flying 'Make America Great Again' flag on I-465. Indiana State Police say shots were fired
at a truck carrying a "Make America Great Again" flag and an American flag on eastbound I-465 Tuesday. Officers believe
the shots were fired from a newer white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu with a Louisiana plate near Emerson Avenue around 4 p.m.
The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the
window and then a male fired several shots.
They Want Us Dead.
A Marxist professor at Syracuse University just called on lunatics to come and kill us. "We almost have the fascists on
the run," she said from her Twitter account, @danaleecloud, "come down to the federal building to finish them off." By
"fascists" she means people like you and me who oppose Sharia law, and by "finish them off" she likely means death.
This is what Robert Spencer has been saying since he was poisoned. The left dehumanizes us with violent rhetoric so it
will be easier to kill us. They don't want to challenge our ideas. They want to end our lives, and they are
willing to do it by any means necessary. I don't think they care if it's a mentally ill person or a jihadi who does the
killing, as long as we're taken out. They themselves say, "The only good fascist is a dead one," and it's going
mainstream. Plays in the park depict long, drawn-out scenes of Trump being stabbed to death. Kathy Griffin holds
the president's severed head. Rap videos play out the assassination of Trump. In fact, the whole concept of
assassination has been normalized by the mainstream media.
List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind Blowing. A wave of liberal rage has marked the last 11 months since
the rise and subsequent election of President Donald Trump. Antifa protestors clad in black masks shut down college campuses,
destroy property and indiscriminately attack those they disagree with, whether women or the elderly. Meanwhile, CNN fires Kathy
Griffin for taking photos with a bloody replica of the president's decapitated head. Amid this backdrop, The Huffington Post
publishes an article calling for the execution of Trump and "everyone assisting his agenda."
Crush the Resistance, and Save the
Nation. [Scroll down] Furthermore, even after the attempted mass murder of nearly two dozen members of Congress and the
near-assassination of the House Majority Whip, there is no admission that The Resistance, the moniker being bandied about in self-congratulatory
fashion to describe those people incapable of accepting the results of the 2016 election, inspired this man. Sanders, for whom Hodgkinson stumped
in Iowa, took to the well of the Senate and declared himself "sickened" by the attack. He then made clear that violence is unacceptable.
Which is all very well, but of course this is a man who spent an entire year barnstorming America demanding a "political revolution in this country."
[...] At minimum this should be the end of Sanders' political career.
Civility: Nebraska Democrat Doubles Down on Saying Republicans Getting Shot "Was Funny". It's been just
48 hours since Republican lawmakers and their staff members were gunned down on a field in Alexandria by a Bernie Sanders
volunteer while practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game. Republican Whip Steve Scalise is still in critical
condition at the hospital and has undergone a number of surgeries after being shot in the pelvis. In reaction to the
attack, Nebraska Democrat Chelsey Gentry-Tipton said it was funny to watch Republicans who were on the field get emotional
when recalling what happened during media interviews. After calls for a new civility, unity and her resignation,
Gentry-Tipton is doubling down.
The Empire
Strikes Back. Along with many others, I have suggested that in the wake of James Hodgkinson's rampage,
Democrats should look in the mirror and consider whether the insane climate of hate they have fomented over the last seven
months contributed to the overtly political crime committed by one of their fervent supporters. Despite the Democrats'
prior attempts to blame the actions of crazed leftists like Jared Loughner, who listed The Communist Manifesto among his
favorite books, on Republicans, they take umbrage at the idea that their calls for "Resistance" might have gone too far.
A Long
History of Leftist Hatred. James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, who aspired to end his life as a mass
murderer of Republican Congressmen, was a Donald Trump hater and a Bernie Sanders backer. Like many before him,
Hodgkinson was a malevolent man of the hating and hard left. His planned atrocity failed because two Capitol Hill cops
were at that Alexandria baseball field, providing security for House Whip Steve Scalise. Had those cops not been there,
a massacre would have ensued with many more dead than the gunman.
shooter James Hodgkinson had list of Republican lawmakers' names. The gunman who opened fire on congressmen at
a Virginia baseball field on Wednesday [6/14/2017] had a list of Republican names in his pocket at the time of the incident,
Fox News has confirmed. The handwritten list was found in a van belonging to James Hodgkinson by the FBI, and the
lawmakers named on the list are known to be conservative members associated with the Freedom Caucus.
List Found On James Hodgkinson's Body. James T. Hodgkinson, the shooter who opened fire on dozens of Republican
congressmen and staffers at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, had a list of Republican names in his
pocket that was recovered by the FBI, The Daily Caller has learned. The news that the shooter had a list of names
suggests the shooting was not a random outburst, but instead appears to be a premeditated political assassination.
Steve Scalise Shooting Shows, Left's Rhetoric Of Anger And Hate Has Gotten Out Of Hand. In recent weeks, we've
seen Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" staged in Central Park, with a Trump lookalike getting assassinated by dagger; Kathy
Griffin's sickening ISIS-inspired shot of her holding Trump's bloody head in her hand; and the continuing verbal and physical
assaults across the country by "Antifa" activists on campuses and city streets of Trump supporters, Republican politicians,
and anyone daring to declare themselves as outside the progressive consensus. Meanwhile, various Hollywood celebrities
have routinely called for violence against Trump or Republicans — ranging from Robert DeNiro to Madonna to any
number of rappers, including Snoop Dogg. We can't list them all; it would take up too much space.
shooter's attack on Republicans marks grim political breaking point. The demonizing of Mr. Trump has
become a contest of one-upmanship, which in just the past weeks involved comedian Kathy Griffin displaying a likeness of the
president's bloody severed head and the staging of a play in New York City that depicts the assassination of Mr. Trump.
The vitriol directed at Mr. Trump has extended to his Republican allies in Congress, whose support for the president's agenda has
sparked such a heated outcry that some lawmakers have debated the need for more security at town hall meetings in their districts.
Pulls Article Calling For 'Ultimate Punishment' Of Trump. The Huffington Post pulled a piece calling for the
"execution" of President Donald Trump published Saturday by contributor Jason Fuller. Fuller's piece contained rhetoric
and imagery that seems tasteless, particularly after Wednesday's events. Fuller boldly declares in the title that
"Trump must be prosecuted — if convicted in a court of law — executed." Fuller doesn't stop there,
however, as he insists that "impeachment isn't enough" to "drain the swamp," and to do so means doling out the "ultimate
punishment [execution]" in order to fully restore the moral compass of the U.S. Fuller's "ultimate punishment" is not only
reserved for the president, but also for "everyone assisting in his agenda," including Republican Reps. Mitch McConnell
and Paul Ryan and White House strategist Steve Bannon. Fuller claims that "all must face justice" by being tried,
convicted and ultimately executed for treason.
Fundraised in 2011 by Falsely Blaming Sarah Palin for Tucson Shooting. Former Democratic presidential candidate
Bernie Sanders once fundraised by blaming conservatives and then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R.) for the 2011 attack on
former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D., Ariz.). "This horrendous act of violence is not some kind of strange aberration for
this area where, it appears, threats and acts of violence are part of the political climate," Sanders wrote in a fundraising
email in January 2011. "Nobody can honestly express surprise that such a tragedy finally occurred."
Maddow Denies Show Had Contact With VA Shooter; Segment Does Not Re-Air on Show Repeat. Wednesday [6/14/2017] on MSNBC's
"The Rachel Maddow Show," host Rachel Maddow reacted to news that James Hodgkinson, the now-deceased alleged shooter in an incident
that has resulted in five people hospitalized, including House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), was a fan of her program.
Trump was the real target.
That's who they're really trying to bag, if by Red Scare innuendos in Congress or by mockery that plainly hints at the
wishful thinking of a Trump assassination. From Stephen Colbert's rant, to Kathy Griffin's head-on-a stick, to
Shakespeare in the Park substituting Trump for the bludgeoning of Caesar, we know what they're thinking... and we can only
guess who they may be influencing. There are any number of nut cases out there who get the general idea.
Rep. Jones: 'Resentment and Hatred' in Political Climate 'Started with President Obama Being African-American'. Reacting
to the shooting of House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) on Wednesday, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) said it would be "good"
if both parties could agree on ways to restrict access to guns for "deranged people" from "all over the country and all over the political
spectrum." The man who shot Scalise in Alexandria, Va., while GOP members of Congress were practicing for the annual charity baseball
game was identified as James Hodgkinson, 66, a Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) presidential campaign volunteer who frequently posted anti-Trump
material on Facebook.
the professor who said Republicans should be executed? Our great nation is teetering on the brink of political
anarchy. And the blame lies with Hollywood and public universities and left-wing activists. Their hateful
rhetoric over the past year — their quest to remove President Trump from office — has now given birth to
bloodshed. This time at the hands of a man who hated President Trump — a man who wanted to kill as many Republicans as
he could. Good people gunned down because of their political affilaition. Make no mistake — the man who pulled
the trigger bears the responsibility for the bloodshed. But we would be foolish if we did not address the festering
anti-Trump cancer that has infected the left.
This Is the 'Most Poisonous Political Atmosphere' I've Ever Seen. Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume
said the attack on Republican members of Congress comes amid the "most poisonous political atmosphere" he has ever witnessed
as a reporter going back nearly 50 years. Hume recalled on "The Story" the year 1968, which saw two assassinations
and riots in the streets and at the party's conventions.
Rhetoric About 'Nazis' and Trump Derangement Syndrome Lead to Bloodshed. We've been saying for months now that the breathless false narrative created
by the media about Trump supporters was going to lead unstable people to do bad things. We've seen it in Berkeley, where masked Antifa thugs attacked "Nazis"
(or anyone in a Trump hat). Then there was Kathy Griffin's disgusting mock beheading of President Trump, where she put the Left's violent fantasies on display,
followed up very shortly with Shakespeare in the Park featuring the stabbing assassination of Donald Trump to wild applause and standing ovations.
In Denial About The Shooting They Inspired. Now that a leftist supporter of Bernie Sanders has carried out
orders that Organized Leftism has been sending out since the election of Donald Trump by shooting up the GOP baseball
practice, expect Organized Leftism to start scrubbing the web of incriminating evidence of its calls for violence against
conservatives and Republicans. First example: HuffPo has erased an article calling for the execution of Trump
and his political team for treason.
shooting: Of course this was going to happen. What did you expect? "Julius Caesar," dressed and
looking on purpose like Donald Trump, is knifed to death nightly in a New York theater presentation lauded by CNN as "a
masterpiece." Tom Perez, the head of the Democratic National Committee, says "Republican leaders and President Trump don't
[care] about the people they were trying to hurt." That noted political philosopher, Madonna, thinks a lot about
blowing up the White House. Words have weight. And now, a former campaign volunteer for Bernie Sanders has
used violence to express his feelings.
#Resist, They Said, And
So Resist He Did. Last week, a known leftist terrorist was made the star of a parade. The week before, a
comedienne pretended to cut off the head of the President. This week, a theater company pretended the President was Caesar
and stabbed him. Then there's ANTIFA, the ironically named Anti-Fascists who use fascistic techniques to suppress the
speech and free activities of those with whom they disagree. Don't forget Black Lives Matter where an armed gunman
systematically executed police officers. He was just resisting oppression. And murdering. But mostly resisting.
The Western Museum of
Antiquities. The shooting comes after months of increasing political hostility which include but is not limited to, pitched battles
between activists at universities, the forcible eviction of speakers from campuses in the name of safe spaces, veiled calls by "comedians" for
political violence and general name calling and incivility. The Hill reports that lawmakers are now receiving anonymous threats from
voices which accuse them of betraying a political ideal.
Ask Bernie Sanders to Apologize for Attack on Trump Nominee's Faith. Over 50,000 individuals so far have signed
an online petition asking Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to apologize for his public attack on the Christian beliefs of
President Donald Trump's nominee for a post in the Office of Management and Budget. Sanders "responded in anger after
Russell Vought, President Trump's nominee to be deputy director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, answered
a question about his belief that salvation is found alone through Jesus Christ," the petition drafted by the Family Research
Council, a Washington-based conservative policy organization, reads.
mass shooting isn't surprising given the mainstreaming of political violence by Democrat extremists. It's
shocking, but not altogether surprising, that a mass-shooting occurred during a Republican Congressional sports outing.
Senator Rand Paul, who observed the volley of 50 or 60 shots, said that a "massacre" had been narrowly averted.
If House Majority Whip Steve Scalise's security detail hadn't been present, Paul said, it would have been a slaughter.
Times Democrats Glorified Violence Against Republicans Since Election Day. In the wake of a mass shooting
during a Republican Congressional baseball game by a disgruntled Democrat who referred to President Donald Trump as a
"traitor," one cannot help but recall all of the calls for violence, or glorification of violence, towards the right coming
from the left. Congressman Steve Scalise and five others were shot by James Hodgkinson, a supporter of Bernie Sanders
who had volunteered with his campaign. The shooter's Facebook page features posts such as "Trump is Guilty & Should Go
to Prison for Treason," along with a link from a website called "ImpeachDJTNow," and a slew of other liberal media hysterics.
Morning's Shooting Was Predictable, Foreseeable, and Won't Be the Last. For the last several months, the
political left in this country has amped up the rhetoric to an unprecedented degree and when anyone confronts them with it
they engage in whataboutisms over various Republican statements about Barack Obama. They have spread a fable that
Donald Trump has collaborated with the Russians to steal the election. On top of that fable they have spread lies that
the GOP is covering up that election theft. With the President walking away from the Paris Accord, Democrats and the
political left have tried to mainstream the belief that the GOP wants to kill off Americans and destroy the world.
Well respected intellectuals among the left have called the GOP a criminal enterprise and worse.
'Making History' Star Adam Pally Says
He Wants To 'Kill Trump'. Adam Pally, star of the new FOX show "Making History," told TMZ on Wednesday
[6/14/2017] he would like to assassinate President Donald Trump. After TMZ asked the actor who he would like to "spend
an hour with" if he could go back in time, he responded by saying he would "have to" murder our democratically elected
president Donald J. Trump.
Nuts Embrace Threats, Violence After Scalise Shooting. A left-wing Twitter user made an implicit threat against
Laura Ingraham, editor-in-chief of LifeZette, on Wednesday afternoon in the wake of a shooting attack made in Virginia
against GOP members of Congress. The offensive tweet read simply, "Too bad you don't play baseball."
are the Marxist Memes From MSNBC that Led to the Shooting of Republicans. James Hodgkinson, the left-wing
"Resistance" terrorist who attacked a Republican charity baseball practice game, was a product of the left's hate
machine. He was a Bernie supporter and apparently volunteer. He feverishly quoted Robert Reich, reposted Occupy
Democrats memes, cheered on Elizabeth Warren and his favorite TV show, you guessed it. MSNBC's Maddow.
"Resistance" Shot A Republican Congressman Today. After losing the election, Democrats decided to rebrand as
the "Resistance". Now Resistance street violence has escalated into an assassination. But that's what a "Resistance"
does. If Republicans are just fascists and President Trump is a tinpot dictator, well you shoot fascists and dictators,
don't you? Our political system depends on a consensus. Everyone fights it out at election time. And then
goes back to work the next day. When you reject the results of an election and try to reverse it, some will try to
reverse it with fake news scandals and impeachment efforts. Others will just pick up a gun.
The shooter wanted to kill all Republicans.
Rep. DeSantis told Fox News that he and another congressman were leaving when a man asked them whether Republican or
Democrat members of Congress were on the field.
Liberals Post Anti-Trump Messages
After Rep. Scalise Shooting. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), the House Majority Whip, was shot along with
his aides and a Capitol Hill police officer this morning [6/14/2017]. The tragic situation, where the shooter opened fire
for 10 minutes, would have been worse except that Scalise travels with a security team, unlike most House members.
But because Scalise supports the Constitution and gun rights, liberals immediately went on the attack.
down, 216 to go...': A GOP Congresswoman received an email threat after the shooting. A Republican
Congresswoman received an ominous threat via email just hours after a gunman opened fire on GOP lawmakers practicing for a
charity baseball game. Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) received an email with the subject line: "One down, 216 to
go." House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) was shot Wednesday along with a Congressional aide, a lobbyist and
two Capitol Police officers.
Shooter: James T. Hodgkinson, left-wing extremist. The gunman that shot House Majority Whip Steve
Scalise, two Capitol Police officers and a staff member has been identified by Law Enforcement officials as James T.
Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill. Hodgkinson, 66, was shot and killed by Capitol Police officers after he had sprayed a
GOP baseball practice with more than 50 bullets.
At GOP Baseball Practice Latest In Pattern Of Violence Against Republicans. James T. Hodgkinson opened fire on
GOP lawmakers and staffers with a rifle on Wednesday morning as they prepared for the annual summer baseball game between
Republicans and Democrats. The shooter wounded several victims, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and a
staffer for Texas Rep. Roger Williams, before heroically being taken down by Capitol Police. If not for the
attendance of Scalise — whose leadership position comes with a security detail — "it would have been a
massacre," said Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who managed to avoid getting shot. "I felt like I was back in Iraq but
without my weapon," said Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup, a former combat surgeon.
Steve Scalise injured in GOP baseball shooting; gunman James T. Hodgkinson dies in custody. A man unleashed a
barrage of gunfire Wednesday at a park in Alexandria, Va., as Republican members of Congress held a morning baseball
practice, wounding five people, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (La.). President Trump said the
gunman — identified by multiple law enforcement officials as James T. Hodgkinson III, 66, from
Illinois — died after a shootout with police officers, two of whom were wounded in the gun battle.
Belleville suspect killed in congressional
shootout belonged to anti-GOP groups. The accused shooter who was killed during gunfire at practice for a
congressional baseball game Wednesday morning [6/14/2017] was from Belleville. The shooter, according to law
enforcement, was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, who belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including
one called "Terminate the Republican Party."
Stone, Washington Post Freelancer Blames Scalise For Getting Himself Shot. Britni de la Cretaz, a Boston-based
freelance writer for such esteemed publications as Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, The Atlantic and
Marie Claire, is blaming House GOP Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for being shot. She pointed to a bill introduced
by Scalise to relax restrictions on interstate firearm sales. Her timing and compassion are impeccable.
T. Hodgkinson: 5 Fast Facts. An anti-Trump, Republican-hating Bernie Sanders supporter with a history of
domestic violence has been identified as the gunman who opened fire on Republican members of Congress Wednesday morning at a
baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia. He was shot by police at the scene and later died at a local hospital,
President Donald Trump said. Four other people, including a congressman, were shot, but none were killed.
Lawmakers have praised the actions of police in stopping the shooter, preventing a "massacre."
Shooter Recently Wrote, "It's Time To Destroy Trump & Co.". The gunman who opened fire this morning on
Republican congressmen and staffers recently declared in a Facebook post that, "It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co." The
accused shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, 66, posted a link to a Change.org petition in late-March that included the notation
that, "Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co." Hodgkinson's
Facebook page includes numerous photos of Senator Bernie Sanders, whom Hodgkinson appears to have strongly supported during
the 2016 Democratic presidential primary. In posts last August, Hodgkinson wrote, "I want Bernie to Win the White
House" and "Bernie is a Progressive, while Hillary is Republican Lite."
Media Personalities Agree: Those Republicans Deserved To Get Shot. A shooter opened fire on Congressional
Republicans practicing for the annual Congressional baseball game at a baseball park in Alexandria, Virginia, Wednesday
morning, injuring lawmakers, staff, and law enforcement. It is unclear at this time whether the shooter was killed or
is currently in police custody. In the wake of the shooting, lots of people on the Internet lost their minds.
Several progressives even went out of their way to suggest the victims deserved to get shot because they have the wrong views
on gun control, or Obamacare, or Donald Trump. Here are some of the most insane reactions to the Congressional baseball
shoooting so far. [...]
baseball gunman was a Trump-hating Bernie supporter: Hero cops kill white Illinois man, 66, who opened fire on
Republican lawmakers. The gunman who was killed by cops after opening fire on a Republican congressional
baseball practice on Wednesday, the president's 71st birthday, was a Trump-hating Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter with
a long history of violence. James T. Hodgkinson, 66, from Belleville, Illinois, was killed by Capitol Police after
firing up to 100 rounds from an assault rifle at a baseball park in Alexandria, Virginia, leaving five injured including
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise at 7am on Wednesday [6/14/2017]. [...] Two Capitol Police officers were shot as they bravely
returned fire on Hodgkinson while the lawmakers scrambled across the field to safety. Co
on the Conservative Response to the Shooting Attack on Scalise and Other Republicans. As David illustrates, it
took about a nanosecond after the shooting-spree targeting congressional Republicans for slaughter for the Left to roll into
its anti-gun riff. Rep. Mo Brooks capped off his demonstration of personal valor with a flawless, spirited defense
of the Second Amendment and the gun regulations that already exist in law. [...] To put a finer point on it, what is
blameworthy is the failure of government, academia and the media both to condemn the appalling notion of violent suppression
as acceptable political expression, and to take enforcement and punitive action against instances of it. That is the
problem here.
Hodgkinson's 'Revolution'.
The man who shot five people at a Republican congressional baseball practice Wednesday morning [6/14/2017] appears to be a
diehard liberal, judging by social media accounts under his name.
fan narrowly thwarted in attempt to mow down GOP Congressional baseball team. A gunman now identified as James
Hodgkinson attempted a massacre of members of the GOP Congressional Baseball Team, practicing for a planned charity game
against the Congressional Democrats Thursday night. The only reason the entire contingent of reps and aides were not
slaughtered was the presence of a security detail of the Capitol Police, guarding a member to the majority leadership.
Their armed response, which wounded both, staved off Hodgkinson's intended killing spree (he shot more than 50 rounds),
presumably pinning him down until police arrived a reported few minutes later.
rep. received threatening email with subject line 'One down, 216 to go...' after lawmaker shooting. The office
of Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) received a threatening email with the subject line "One down, 216 to go...," shortly
after a shooter opened fire on GOP lawmakers who were at a congressional baseball practice, according to her office.
The person who sent the email then wrote in the body of the email, "Did you NOT expect this?" "Did you NOT expect
this? When you take away ordinary peoples very lives in order to pay off the wealthiest among us, your own lives are
forfeit. Certainly, your souls and morality were lost long before. Good riddance," the email said.
Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'.
Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning [6/14/2017] at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told
NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the
practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the
shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out
there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.
GOP congressman shot including GOP Majority Whip Steve Scalise. Representative Steve Scalise (R-La.), the
majority whip (number three in GOP House hierarchy), and Representative Roger Williams (R-Texas) were shot, as were two
members of the Capitol Police guard assigned to Rep. Scalise. Had Rep. Scalise not been there along with
his guards, everyone could have been slaughtered.
Scalise was shot, man asked if Republicans or Democrats were on field, rep says. A man asked whether
Republicans or Democrats were on the field moments before the shooting at a congressional baseball practice outside
Washington Wednesday morning, according to a congressman on the scene. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., told Fox News
that he left the practice minutes before the shooting. But before he did, he had a "very, very strange" encounter in
the parking lot. "As I was getting into the car [with a colleague], there was a guy that walked up to us that was
asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there. It was just a little odd," he said.
Are We
Nearing Civil War? We are approaching something of a civil war where the capital city seeks the overthrow of
the sovereign and its own restoration. Thus far, it is a nonviolent struggle, though street clashes between pro- and
anti-Trump forces are increasingly marked by fistfights and brawls. Police are having difficulty keeping people
apart. A few have been arrested carrying concealed weapons. That the objective of this city is to bring Trump
down via a deep state-media coup is no secret. Few deny it.
Left-Wing Hate Machine Doesn't Stop Even As The Left Denounces The Right-Wing Hate Machine. [A] New York
theater company is staging a free production of Julius Caesar in which the play has been updated to the present day.
Caesar, who as we all know dies violently in the play, has been re-imagined as a Trump-like leader complete with a wife who
speaks with a heavy accent (though the text of the play is unchanged). For the record, no one disputes that the intent of
the production was to focus on Trump as Caesar. As word of the production circulated, not everyone was thrilled with the
idea of having a presidential assassination staged in the park. Breitbart and Fox News wrote stories about it and a
couple of corporate sponsors, Delta Airlines and Bank of America, decided it was too much for them to handle.
Liberal Protest Violence: AntiFa Woman Stabs Police Horse With Makeshift Weapon. 23 -yr-old Lisa J. Simon
is being charged with a whole list of things after aggravated assault to police and taunting police animals she stupidly resisted
arrest. She's being accused of fastening a nail at the top of a flagpole to strike a state police corporal's horse.
The Editor says...
Where are the animal rights protesters? They are all completely silent about this!
Angry protester
hit a police horse with a flagpole that had a nail sticking out, police say. A Pennsylvania woman is facing
multiple criminal charges for resisting arrest and assaulting a police horse after a protest and counter-protest at the state
capitol in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, became heated. According to Harrisburg police, two people were arrested at
Saturday's demonstration, which was aimed at protesting Sharia, Islamic law, and was part of a nationwide network of protests
organized by ACT for America, the Associated Press reports. One of those arrested was Lisa Joy Simon, 23, PennLive.com
reports. Simon, from Philadelphia, was one of several people at the event observed carrying weapons, including
sharpened bamboo poles and baseball bats, according to PennLive.
Leaker Reality Winner "Wanted To Burn Down The White House". On Thursday afternoon, Reality Winner was indicted
by a federal grand jury on a single count. She entered a not-guilty plea before the judge denied bond. Based on
evidence seized from her home, federal prosecutors detailed Winner's alleged plans "to burn down the White House" and travel
to Afghanistan, pledging her allegiance to the Taliban according to Atlanta's Channel 2 News.
Winner: Accused leaker wanted to 'burn the White House down'. The woman accused of leaking classified information once
wrote she wanted "to burn the White House Down... find somewhere in Kurdistan to live," prompting prosecutors on Thursday [6/8/2017] to
argue she would flee the country if she was released on bond. Reality Winner appeared before a judge in Augusta, Ga., on Thursday [6/8/2017]
who ordered her to remain jailed until her trial. Prosecutors argued that the 25-year-old might try to flee the U.S. if she was released on
bond. They added that Winner wrote in her notebook alleged plans to set the White House on fire, travel to Afghanistan and pledge her
allegiance to the Taliban, WSB-TV reported.
Bank of America Drop Sponsorship of NYC Public Theater over Onstage 'Trump' Stabbing. Delta Air Lines has
cancelled its sponsorship of New York City's Public Theater following backlash surrounding a Shakespeare in the Park
production of Julius Caesar, a "contemporary" take on the classic play in which a Donald Trump-inspired twist on the
titular character is graphically stabbed to death on stage.
The Left Won't
Rest Until Someone Gets Killed. I'm old enough to remember when "violent rhetoric" was the root of all our
problems, and crosshairs on a website no one ever saw was the reason for mass murder. Of course, those were different
times, times in which the president had a (D) after his name, not an evil (R). Since that important change happened,
everything flipped — over-the-top rhetoric is no longer the domain of the fringe; it's the currency of the
mainstream media. Worse, it's turned from heated political disagreement to paranoia and pure hatred, and it's going to
get someone killed.
School Art Display: "Burn in Hell, Trump". A New York school district has launched an investigation into
a student art show that included profane references to President Trump. The art show at Shen High School featured a
dozen drawings of the president's face. Above the drawings was a sign that read, "Draw on Me." On a nearby table
was a box filled with markers.
severed head is a sign of spreading Trump Derangement Syndrome. By now you've seen the tasteless, shocking,
gruesome and disgraceful image of third-rate comedienne Kathy Griffin holding a prop meant to be the bloody, severed head of
President Trump. Apparently, impeachment is insufficient for some Trump haters; beheading is the only fair punishment.
Soon after this image made its way around the world on social media, news broke that the Secret Service wanted to talk to
Ms. Griffin, causing her to hurriedly publish an apology video.
The Editor says...
Any day now, we'll hear, "Can't you take a joke?" That's the missing ingredient from the next article, too.
condemns but doesn't fire Bill Maher for 'inexcusable and tasteless' N-word 'joke'. HBO condemned Bill Maher's
use of the N-word on his show "Real Time" on Friday, which has elicited fierce backlash, but resisted calls for his
ouster. In a statement Saturday, the network said Maher's comment last night "was completely inexcusable and
tasteless." HBO also said it will remove "his deeply offensive comment from any subsequent airings of the show." Maher
later apologized. Maher was in the middle of a sit-down interview with Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., when he said it.
Maher drops racial slur during 'Real Time' interview with senator. Late-night comedian Bill Maher sparked
immediate condemnation from all sides of the political spectrum Friday after he used a racial epithet during an interview
with Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. [...] The remark received a mixture of groans and
laughter from audience members. Sasse, who chuckled at the comment, did not address it. Maher quickly asserted,
"It's a joke."
People Just Can't Take a Joke. Kathy Griffin holding a bloody Trumpish head wasn't a Trump joke. It was
an ISIS joke, and anyone who thinks ISIS is a laughing matter is way out of touch.
Kathy Griffin blames 'older white guy' Donald Trump for her offensive ISIS-like photo. In a pathetic press conference on
Friday [6/2/2017], alleged comedian Kathy Griffin played the victim card, blaming President Trump for her participation in a photo that
depicted her holding a mock-up of the president's bloody severed head. "What is happening to me has never happened, ever, in the
history of this great country," she whined.
Kathy Griffin: Reprobate
Heathen. This untalented wretch is emblematic of wannabe tough liberal radical feminist women. They are
tough as long as they are bullying and insulting others to the cheers of those like them; but when they find themselves
confronted with the ramifications of their demonic insolence, they whine, cry and blame others. Griffin spent the past
days blaming President Trump for her fall from grace. She, with her attorney, accused him and his family of ganging up
on her and deliberately ruining her career. She even got misty-eyed as she claimed President Trump "broke her."
She and the Clinton woman are pariahs of their own making. No one forced Griffin to do what she did. She
thought she was clever and above ridicule for her actions.
her bubble, Kathy Griffin thought nothing was out of bounds in mocking Trump. Imagine living in a bubble so
impermeable, it didn't occur to you that retailing a photograph of a decapitated president's head would be a horrendous
career move — a bubble in which you don't know anyone who doesn't think the world would be a better place once
Donald Trump had had his head cut off. That is the world Kathy Griffin lives in. This Times Square Rolex knockoff
of Joan Rivers knew the photograph of her holding the decapitated and bloody head of the president of the United States was
edgy and provocative. That's why she was excited to pose for it. That's why she sent it to TMZ. That's why
she initially defended the picture to the journalist Yashar Ali by claiming it was "art."
'Beheading' Photographer Stands By His 'Art': 'I Can't Censor Myself'. Tyler Shields, the photographer behind
the now-infamous image of Kathy Griffin holding the bloodied, decapitated head of President Donald Trump, says he stands by
his art and won't censor any of his work in the future. The Los Angeles-based photographer was approached by TMZ
outside a Gelson's supermarket, where he appeared to suggest he wouldn't change what happened if he could go back and do it
over again. The image of Griffin holding a bloody head meant to resemble that of the president went viral Tuesday
[5/30/2017], causing a firestorm online.
"Let not any one say that he cannot govern his passions,
nor hinder them from breaking out and carrying him to action; for what he can do before a prince or a great man, he can do alone, or in the presence of God
if he will."
Finally, conservatives are
fighting back! Vile leftist activist Kathy Griffin published a disgusting photo of her holding the bloody beheaded head of President Trump.
Imagine the tsunami of fake news media outrage had a Tea Party person published such a photo holding Obama's bloody head. Rabid leftist Trump-hater
and TV host Bill Maher made mean-spirited incest jokes about Donald and Ivanka Trump. Again, imagine the furious anger and dire consequences had a
conservative made such jokes about Obama and his daughters. Do you see the pattern, folks? Leftists lay down all kinds of rules for us, while
they are allowed to behave without laws or rules of human decency.
'Line' Did Kathy Griffin Cross, Exactly? Alleged comedian Kathy Griffin is getting attacked by her friends on the
left, who say she went "too far" with the picture of her holding up a bloody, severed President Trump head, ISIS style.
But how is what she did any different from the endless calls to violence Trump's opponents have been issuing since November,
without a peep of protest? At first, Griffin defended the photo, saying she was just "mocking the Mocker in Chief."
But then liberal pundits, celebrities and politicians started calling it "disgusting," "vile," "completely inappropriate."
Finally, Griffin issued a mea culpa: "I'm a comic, I crossed the line."
Middlebury Prof Attacked by Mob Still Suffers from Concussion. Allison Stanger is the distinguished Middlebury
professor who was physically assaulted for escorting conservative political scientist Charles Murray to an event on the
Middlebury campus. Stanger, a Democrat, had agreed to moderate a session with Murray because she is committed to the
robust exchange of views. An angry mob charged the car carrying Stanger and Murray. Someone pulled her
hair. Others shoved her. The car was rocked. Initial reports were that she sustained injuries to her
neck. It appears that this was not all.
Report: Hispanic TX Democrat Threatens
to Kill Republican Colleague for Calling ICE on Illegals. Texas Democratic Rep Poncho Nevarez allegedly
threatened to kill Republican Rep Matt Rinaldi for calling ICE on a group of illegal immigrants protesting in the Capitol
building. [...] The media, predictably, reported it completely backwards, saying his statement he would defend himself from
violent aggression was a death threat.
Furious Over Release Of Video Depicting Them Going Berserk At College. Students at Evergreen State College are
furious that a video documenting their anarchic behavior has been made public, The College Fix reports. The footage
shows students going berserk, swearing like your mother never heard and screaming about "racist white teachers," "white-a****
administrators," and the obligatory "black power" slogans during what was supposed to be a "meeting" between the malcontent
students, college president George Bridges and other college administrators.
Are Shocked To Find We're Starting To Hate Them Right Back. We don't like the new rules — I'd sure
prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that
path — but we normals didn't choose the new rules. The left did. It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury
College, Berkeley, and "Punch a Nazi" — which, conveniently for the left, translates as "punch normals." And many
of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate — jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an
anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog.
'White Supremacist' Portland Stabber
Was A Bernie Supporter, Threatened to Kill Trump Supporters. The "white supremacist" who stabbed three people
in Portland is actually a Bernie Sanders supporter who hated Donald Trump and threatened to murder his supporters.
While the top result for murderer Jeremy Christian is an article from Portland Mercury which paints him as a Donald Trump
supporting white supremacist, his Facebook posts are all over the place and show he supported Bernie Sanders.
The Devil in One
Generation. Never in my life before have I actually been afraid for myself and my family simply for giving a political opinion.
This isn't the way it's supposed to work in the United States. Elections bring new forces in, but there are things those victors can't do.
It's this system that maintains the peace and insures a free flow of ideas. This is the system that has prevented tyranny since our founding.
But in 2017, liberals at every level have decided that those rules (be they constitutional or local) just don't apply to them. This has terrifying
implications. Calls for violence against those who disagree with the liberal narrative are becoming all too common, and not just in backwater
channels of the internet. Calling for violence against our fellow citizens has never been found to be protected by the First Amendment.
Ironic that these people want to lecture us about how "unsafe" they feel.
professor arrested in beating at Berkeley Trump rally. A 28-year-old former East Bay community college professor was
arrested for a brutal bike-lock attack amid a clash between President Trump supporters and radical left demonstrators last month in
Berkeley, officials said Thursday [5/25/2017]. Video of the April 15 assault exploded on right-wing websites in the days
following the clash as scores of cybersleuths began identifying Eric Clanton as the masked man seen bashing a Trump backer in the
head, causing serious bleeding.
Area college professor used U-shaped bike lock in beating, police say. A former Diablo Valley College professor
was arrested Wednesday in connection with the use of a bike lock in the beating of three people during a rally for President
Donald Trump last month, police said Thursday [5/25/2017]. Eric Clanton remained in custody in lieu of $200,000 bail at
Berkeley Jail on Thursday and is scheduled to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Friday at Oakland's Wiley W. Manuel
Courthouse. He was arrested on three counts of suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon that isn't a firearm and
assault causing great bodily injury.
Middlebury sanctions 67 students for riot at Murray
speech. Middlebury College has finally completed the disciplinary process for students who disrupted a March
speech by Charles Murray, handing down sanctions to 67 students. Forty-one students received mild punishments for
disrupting Murray's speech, while 26 others face "more serious consequences" for participating in a mob that injured a
professor after the event.
students disciplined; none expelled or suspended. Middlebury College announced its punishments this week for
the students involved in the protests against Charles Murray — protests that devolved into violence and resulted
in injury to a Middlebury professor. Most of the protesters who faced the possibility of discipline were placed on
probation. None was expelled or suspended. The school announced that 67 students have been disciplined.
Forty-one students received sanctions from the College administration for participating in the first stage of the disruptive
protest in Wilson Hall. The remaining 26 students, who faced more serious consequences for actions in the hall and
outside the building, were sanctioned by the College's Community Judicial Board, which held group and individual hearings in May.
The Democrats' Second
Secession & America's New Civil War. [Scroll down] So that no one would mistake their hostile intent, the Democrats' attacks were
accompanied by calls for Trump's impeachment, despite the fact that he had hardly been in office. These were echoed in massive street demonstrations,
organized and funded by core Democratic groups, which featured chants of "Not My President," claims by celebrity speakers that Trump's election was "worse
than being raped," and addled wishes to "blow up the White House." Each protest — no matter its official organizing premise — was
orchestrated to underscore the identity-driven accusations that the Trump regime was anti-woman, anti-black, anti-Muslim, and anti-immigrant.
Trump and his supporters were in turn anathemized as members of a hostile tribe — "white nationalists."
Strong Enough.
Did anyone realize the onslaught that a Democratic loss would bring? Did anyone predict just how juvenile and inane the
Democratic base would be? Did anyone understand the petulance and nastiness Democratic officials would display?
Did anyone predict how hyperbolic and crazy the leftist media would become? It is disconcerting how many have become so
unhinged over the past years. Even so, it's not possible to have guessed just how extreme and hyperbolic the left would
become. Championing "resistance" as if they were in a revolutionary cadre in a South American country was not expected.
Acting like whining toddlers en masse was not anticipated. A media in total hysterical lockstep to unearth
any evidence that Trump was bad, going as low as critiquing two servings of ice cream for him, was not foreseen.
in the Cesspits of Despair. Last week, revered left wing thinker Noam Chomsky said that President Trump and the
Republican Party represent a worse threat to humanity than ISIS; NBC news reader Lester Holt interrupted the President of the
United States nine times in three minutes; some art professor announced that Republicans in Congress should be lined up and
shot; and exactly none of the mainstream media players, from the New York Times to CBS and the Huffington Post, all of which had
spent weeks enthusiastically berating Sarah Palin for suggesting the Republicans target a few House districts for election
purposes protested repeated calls for Trump's assassination or saw anything wrong with any of the rest of it. This
behavior stands in stark contrast to what Republicans do when they lose elections: no serious conservative, for example,
advocated that Obama be shot; tea party gatherings never turned into riots; and even fringe right wing sites generally talk
more about issues than personalities.
insiders now worried about dashing the scandal expectations of their base. Lots of people on the left are
making money and are buoyed by a level of anger and discontent among the Democrat base that has not been seen since the
election of Abraham Lincoln. Just yesterday, Democrats in California, meeting at their state convention, disgraced
themselves with a scene of mass vulgarity that has no precedent on American politics that I know of. Along with money
and enthusiasm, the Blame Russia Strategy has created soaring expectations among the base that President Trump will be
removed from office because the evidence of treason — so far lacking — just must be there,
simply because they desire it so deeply.
immigrant who went to UConn is arrested for 103 counts of anti-Trump vandalism around the school. A former
University of Connecticut student has been arrested after vandalizing several buildings around campus. Eric Cruz-Lopez,
21, was charged with 103 counts of criminal mischief. Police caught him after a three-month investigation into incidents
of vandalism from December 2016 to March 2017. Cruz-Lopez was seen entering and leaving areas around the time when the
vandalism was reported to occur, police said.
Minnesota yearbook: Behead Trump.
I have some bad news for the kids at Brainerd High School in Minnesota — your 2017 yearbook is not so much a celebration of you as it is an
anti-Trump propaganda book. The 2017 edition of the yearbook included a section titled, "Trump 2k17-2k20? How do you feel about him?"
And let's just say I'm surprised the Secret Service hasn't paid a courtesy call to the campus. "I would like to behead him," one student
declared. "I do not like him."
Quote on Wanting to See Trump Beheaded Makes Brainerd High School Yearbook. A post in the Brainerd High School
yearbook from a student about wanting to see President Donald Trump beheaded is drawing scrutiny on social media. The
post appears on a page titled "Trump 2k17-2K20? How do you feel about him?" "I would like to behead him," reads one
student's response. "I do not like him." Mark Johnson, the assistant special agent in charge of the U.S. Secret
Service field office in Minneapolis, confirmed the agency is investigating the matter.
Man arrested on 103 counts of vandalism
at UConn, many anti-Trump. A man was arrested in connection with 103 counts of vandalism, many of them directed against President Donald
Trump on the UConn campus. Eric Cruz-Lopez, 21, of Storrs and Bridgeport, was charged with multiple counts of criminal mischief after a three-month
investigation into incidents of vandalism in the Homer Babbage Library and other places around campus from December 2016 to March 2017.
and media are engineering an era of political violence. By constantly whipping up hysteria over imagined
misconduct (remember the phony story, thoroughly debunked under oath, that President Trump fired James Comey after he
requested more resources for the Russia investigation?), the media and their hyperventilating Democrat allies are driving
insane the more unstable elements of their coalition. The entirely predictable consequences include violent attacks on
Trump supporters and eventually could lead to a wave of political assassinations. Think I am exaggerating? These
are just the most recent incidents of political violence form individual leftists: [...]
arrests Tucson man over threats to U.S. Rep. Martha McSally. The FBI arrested a TUSD employee on suspicion
of threatening U.S. Rep. Martha McSally. FBI agents arrested Steve Martan, 58, in connection with three messages left
on the congressional office voicemail on May 2 and May 10, according to a criminal complaint filed May 12 in U.S.
District Court in Tucson. Martan is a campus monitor at Miles Exploratory Learning Center in the Tucson Unified School
District. He was placed on home assignment and told not to come into work as the district investigates the allegations.
Bar Offers 'Free Whiskey for Life' to Customers That 'Punch Steve Bannon'. A bar in Portland, Oregon has
offered a lifetime supply of free whiskey to any customer that punches White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. A
patron of the Paydirt Bar in Portland, Oregon recently posted a photo of one of the bar's receipts to Twitter, noting that
the bottom of the receipt featured the proclamation, "Punch Steve Bannon, Get Free Whiskey For Life."
Leftist Poisons Robert Spencer. Last Thursday [5/11/2017], I gave a lecture on the jihad threat at the Grand
Hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland. Shortly thereafter, a young Icelandic Leftist registered his disapproval of what I said by
poisoning me. [...] It's clear: jihad and Islamization are not subjects that Icelandic politicians and media opinion-makers
want Icelanders to discuss. That's all the more reason why it must be discussed. But meanwhile, I learned my
lesson. The lesson I learned was that media demonization of those who dissent from the Leftist line is direct incitement
to violence.
Republicans, it's getting dangerous out there. A Tennessee woman, apparently discontent with her congressman's
remarks at a town hall held at the University of Tennessee-Martin, did what any normal, curious and courteous constituent
would do to have her followup concerns addressed — she chased his car down, forced him off the road and started
screaming and banging on their windows. You guessed it. The congressman, David Kustoff, is a Republican.
And for Republicans the nation over, it's getting pretty dang dangerous out there. This particular story ended with
Wendi Wright, 35, being arrested and charged with felony reckless endangerment.
The American Left
Is Talking Itself Into Violence. The recent spate of violent protests on college campuses has been
well-documented, but the violence and intolerance championed by left-wing student activists is beginning to creep off campus
and into mainstream public life. The reason for this is straightforward enough: although progressives pride themselves
on their putative tolerance and diversity, the imperatives of leftist politics are fundamentally illiberal. Justice
imposed through power is the philosophical foundation of the political left, and when earnest progressives become convinced
the only avenue to power is violence, their tolerance quickly falls by the wayside. Consider a few recent events, none
of which involved college protesters but all of which were marked by threats of violence.
Liberal Lie So Big It May One Day Split the Country. If you believe someone doesn't want kids to have
healthcare, hates gays, hates women, hates minorities and wants more rapes to happen, you will probably detest that
person. However, liberals seldom consider that the reverse of this is also true. You will also probably detest
people who falsely accuse you of not wanting kids to have healthcare, hating gays, hating women, hating minorities and
wanting more rapes to happen. In the Palestinian territories or Syria, there might be significant numbers of people who
believe many of those aforementioned beliefs. In America, there are very few. What this means is that there are
large numbers of people liberals have inspired hatred towards via falsehoods and also large numbers of people who've grown to
abhor liberals after being targeted by their lies. Put another way, liberals are CREATING an America where it's natural
to HATE people of differing political views. Not disagree with, HATE.
Lewis to Graduating Students: 'Never Hate,' 'Get in Necessary Trouble'. Hillary Clinton supporter and Georgia
Democratic Rep. John Lewis instructed students to "get in the way" and stir up "necessary trouble" while giving a
commencement speech on Saturday [5/13/2017]. Lewis pushed for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens before saying:
"There's a mean spirit in America today."
John Lewis to Graduating Students: 'Get in Trouble'. Hateful Democratic congressman John Lewis, the same guy
who said Trump wasn't a legitimate President, told a group of college graduates to get in trouble at their commencement speech.
In response to Mr. Lewis: Progressives
openly signaling the arrival of political violence as a tactic to obtain power. When a revered Civil Rights Era
hero, who carries a steel plate in his skull owing to injuries from a police baton, implicitly encourages the ongoing wave of
violence, a lot of people take it quite seriously. [...] "Good trouble" is a wonderful (yet horrifying) catch phrase.
It is memorable, and readily defensible. Yet in the minds of the violent factions of the left, it can be appropriated
to provide blanket permission to misbehave. The expression "good trouble" can be picked up by anyone from nonviolent
demonstrators seeking "symbolic arrests" to antifa thugs to (God forbid) potential future Weathermen-like terrorists.
From the standpoint of Lewis, it is not an explicit call to violence, of course. He is citing nonviolent Civil Rights
Era heroes, and after all, he is one himself. So he is bulletproof in uttering these words.
Santa Cruz Black Student Group Threatens More 'Reclamations'. Last weekend, the administration of the
University of California-Santa Cruz caved into from demands from the African/Black Student Alliance, whose members were
occupying the administration building. [...] But the black student group issued three other demands and has given the
administration until the Fall Quarter 2017 to comply or there will be more "reclamations" — their word for the
takeover of buildings.
A&M won't fire professor who called for killing white people. In a May 10, 2017 email to students obtained by
Red Alert Politics, Texas A&M President Michael K. Young refused to discipline or fire professor Tommy Curry. Curry
called for white genocide, saying in a 2012 podcast "in order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have
to die." While condemning Curry's remarks as "disturbing comments about race and violence that stand in stark contrast to
Aggie core values," Young refused to say that they were disqualifying for Curry's position or worthy of discipline.
One would think the environmentalists would have some objections to this: Vandals
cut down trees at Trump's Bronx golf course: NYPD. Cops are investigating a bizarre incident at Trump
Golf Links at Ferry Point in the Bronx, where vandals cut down four 30-foot tall trees with a chainsaw, officials said
Wednesday [5/10/2017]. Police recovered the chainsaw at the scene of the severed trees, which a golf course general
manager discovered inside the Ferry Point green space at about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, officials said. Two
vandals climbed an iron fence to get to the trees, cop sources said.
says House GOP 'should be lined up and shot'. An Art Institute of Washington professor recently declared that
House Republicans "should be lined up and shot" for their passage of an Obamacare-replacement bill. "They should be
lined up and shot," Professor John Griffin posted to his Facebook, according to a screenshot of the post obtained by Campus
Reform, even clarifying that he wasn't being hyperbolic, saying "that's not hyperbole; blood is on their hands."
rose parade canceled after 'anti-fascist' email threatens local Republican group. For years, the 82nd Avenue of
the Roses parade has kicked off Portland's annual Rose Festival and marked beginning of the Oregon city's parade
season. But after a threatening email was sent to parade organizers — singling out members of the Multnomah
County Republican Party (MCRP) who were planning to take part — officials have decided to cancel the
family-friendly procession in an effort to avoid any clashes between protesters and marchers.
Repeal and
Replace Our Universities. Political intolerance is now the official policy at colleges and universities across
the United States with violence or the threat thereof as the means of enforcing extreme leftist orthodoxy. In February,
a proposed speech by former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos precipitated riots at the University of California Berkeley as
protesters smashed ATMs and bank windows, looted a Starbucks, beat Trump supporters, pepper-sprayed innocent individuals, and
set fires in the street. The speech was cancelled. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter was forced to cancel her
speech at Berkeley, after law enforcement sources announced that there was a "99% chance" of violence from left-wing
activists if the speech was held.
And Berkeley: Sanctuary Cities For Leftist Violence. After Trump won, thousands of leftist thugs rampaged
through Portland smashing windows and starting fires. They threw fireworks and bottles at police. And they caused
a million dollars in damage. A Homeland Security report described the leftist thuggery as domestic terrorist violence.
Who was "Portland's Resistance" fighting? 73% of voters in Multnomah County had backed Hillary. Only 17% had voted
for Trump. The odds that any of the drivers whose windshields were being smashed or the small business owners coming back
to a destroyed shop had voted for Trump were vanishingly small.
by Pro-Fascist Thugs Lead to Cancellation of Portland Rose Parade. Activists targeted the 82nd Avenue of Roses
Parade, scheduled for Saturday, because the Multnomah County Republicans were allowed to participate. The parade's
organizers, the 82nd Avenue of Roses business association, received an email from an unknown email address Saturday, which
threatened violence unless the Republican group was kicked out, Oregon Live reports. The email threatened to send "two
hundred or more people rush into the parade into the middle and drag and push those people out" unless organizers kicked the
Republican group out of the parade, according to Oregon Live.
today's fascists don't understand. Justification of modern, left-wing fascism and spineless capitulation in the face of it is
becoming more common. The illiberal tide is rising. This isn't just a thing among wacky rich kids at colleges that aren't
worth the fees they charge. No, a growing minority on the left argues against the principle of free speech and against the idea
of open debate. They use bad law and bad philosophy for their arguments. They would, without a doubt, gravely regret the
consequences if they got their way, for the results would be pernicious.
Terrorize Texas College. In the past week, vandals have repeatedly defaced property at the prestigious
University of Texas-Austin, spray-painting a hammer and sickle symbol and words like "rapist," "racist" and "kill frat boys"
on at least four fraternity houses. Last Friday [4/21/2017], the vandals published an anonymous manifesto on It's Going
Down, a website that describes itself as "a media platform for revolutionary anarchist, anti-fascist, and autonomous
anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements." In it, the vandals urge students to join them in terrorizing fraternities.
Coulter cancels Berkeley event amid protests, says decision 'a dark day for free speech in America'. The hecklers used
their veto. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter told Fox News on Wednesday [4/26/2017] she would no longer give a planned
speech at UC Berkeley after Young America's Foundation pulled its support for the event amid threats of violence, calling her
decision "a dark day for free speech in America." The speech was originally scheduled to take place Thursday — but
Berkeley asked to postpone it until next month after protests over the planned speech grew into a nationally-watched firestorm.
Op-Ed Argues Rioters Have Been in the Right. Antifa protesters loves them some violence. From punching
people with cameras to rioting because you don't like who is talking. A few times, apparently. So, leave it to
the New York Times to run an op-ed that seems to argue that the rioters who disrupt speech of those they disagree with are
the true guardians of free speech.
Coulter Cancels Her Speech at UC Berkeley. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter has canceled her speech planned
for this week at the University of California's Berkeley campus after a dispute with school officials, who feared violent
protests, over whether a safe venue could be found. "There will be no speech," Coulter wrote in an email to Reuters on
Wednesday in which she also criticized two conservative groups who had originally sponsored the event, saying they were no
longer supporting her. "I looked over my shoulder and my allies had joined the other team," she wrote. "I have no
sponsor, no lawyer, no court order," she added. "I can't vindicate constitutional rights on my own. I was just
supposed to give the speech."
Agitators Target Conservative Thinkers. A newly formed left-wing activist group with ties to liberal billionaire
George Soros invaded the lobby of the conservative Heritage Foundation on Tuesday morning [4/25/2017], causing security and
police to scramble to the Massachusetts Avenue building in Washington, D.C. But besides being loud and obnoxious, the
organized protesters — apparently bused in from an airport — did little harm. Eventually, the loud
crowd of more than 300 people moved outside, where they chanted and beat on plastic drums. The loudest chant was
"Arrest Donald Trump."
Protesters Storm
Heritage Foundation. Protesters demanding a "budget for the people" stormed the offices of the conservative
Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday [4/25/2017]. The Twitter account "People's Action" tweeted out videos
of protesters entering the building and chanting "shut it down!" The protesters stated their opposition to priorities in
President Trump's budget, which they said "will hurt our communities," and they railed against Heritage as being Trump's
think tank.
Berkeley riots: Violence looms as mayor questioned over ties to extremist group. The University of
California, Berkeley is likely to once again be the site of brutal protests on Thursday as questions arise about whether the
city's mayor has ties to an extremist group sparking violence. Ann Coulter has vowed to move ahead with a planned
appearance at the university, despite Berkeley trying to reschedule her speech over security concerns. Law enforcement
sources told Fox News that regardless of whether the conservative firebrand shows up, there is a "99 percent"
chance that the college will erupt in violence.
Shatter Windows Next To A Prominent Global Warming Skeptic's Office. Shots were fired at the fourth floor of a
science and technology center at the University of Alabama-Huntsville sometime over the weekend, hitting windows adjacent to
climatologist John Christy's office. No one was hurt, and university police have characterized the event as a "random
shooting," UAH spokesman Ray Garner told WHNT News. [...] While police say the shooting looks to be random, Christy's colleague,
Dr. Roy Spencer, said it's "more than coincidence" that shots were fired around Earth Day.
Snapshot of Bias: Double-standard for Palin and Reagan-Bashers. The White House — home of the
President of the United States — can and does attract both protest and support twenty-four hours a day. In
my experience working there a day literally did not pass without someone standing in front of the place protesting their
favorite cause. On occasion the storied old home even witnesses face-jumping maniacs who generally fall into the
category of crazies if not gun-toting would-be assassins.
Operatives Direct Town Hall Disruptions Nationwide. As members of Congress wind up their Easter break back in
their districts, a website honoring former President Barack Obama is providing "progressives" with the information and tools
they need to disrupt town hall meetings that lawmakers are holding over the remainder of this week. Visitors to the
townhallproject.com website can find everything from detailed information on each scheduled town hall meeting to how to make
signs and even specific questions to ask to push the agenda on a range of talking points including: investigating President
Donald Trump, Trump's "starvation budget" on foreign policy, climate change, supporting illegal aliens, and LGBT rights.
Blogger Says Trump Supporters 'Deserve to Die More Than I Do'. Here's a new item for the "Just When You Thought
You'd Seen It All Department." The left-wing Huffington Post website recently deleted a blog in which the author actually
"fantasized about the deaths of Donald Trump supporters" because they "deserve to die more than I do." Written by
contributor Chris Call, the item began by stating: "So we all woke up to the news on Thursday that our chocolate cake
enthusiast turned commander-in-chief dropped the 'mother of all bombs' on an ISIS {Islamic State of Iraq and Syria] tunnel
complex in Afghanistan."
UC Berkeley surrenders to the
fascists. [Scroll down] When in 1957 then-governor Orville [sic - Orval] Faubus [Democrat] of Arkansas similarly agreed with the anti-integration
mobs seeking to prevent black students desegregating Little Rock's Central High School, he instructed the National Guard to "preserve the peace" by
turning away the black students. How is that different from U.C. Berkeley factotums announcing that Ann Coulter's talk would be canceled to
preserve the peace? [...] The arrogant left-wing academics accommodating fascistic students across the land by failing to punish disrupters of
conservative speeches do not realize it, but they are in an existential crisis. Higher education is a vast and rich industry that feeds at
the public trough and is squandering centuries of public goodwill and support. An accumulating mass of insults to common sense by radical
leftists on the faculty and in the student body is eroding that support and eventually will see support for strong measures.
Haymarket Martyrs, And Other Riot Lies. The recent rioting by "antifascists" attacking people who believe in
free speech, Trump supporters, and actual members of the Dissident Right, has led to a lot of hard lying in the MSM, mostly
blaming the victims.
Battle of Berkeley. If the media accurately and comprehensively reported on leftist mob violence, it would see
that a pattern has emerged: On campus and in the streets, a violent or menacing core seizes the ground it wants, blocks
access to buildings, and shuts down the speech or events it seeks to suppress. This violent core is often surrounded
and protected by a larger group of ostensibly "peaceful" protesters who sometimes cheer aggression wildly and then provide
cover for the rioters, who melt back into the crowd. After the riot, the polite progressives condemn the violence, urge
that it not distract from the alleged rightness of the underlying cause, and then do virtually nothing to enforce the law and
punish the offenders. We've seen this play out time and again as mobs shut down campus speech, occupy campus buildings,
and even assault innocent people — all without facing any real fear of arrest or meaningful punishment.
Student Newspaper Threatens Students Who Do Not Conform to Progressive Values. Students at the all-female
Wellesley College, the alma mater of both Hillary Clinton and Madeline Albright, are threatening their peers who refuse to
tow the progressive line in a recently published column in the student newspaper. As a part of a wider conversation on
hate speech on campus, the student editors of The Wellesley News penned a column ironically titled "Free Speech is Not
Violated At Wellesley," that claims that students who "refuse to adapt their beliefs" will be treated with hostility by their peers.
arrested as hundreds of Trump supporters and counter-protesters clash at Berkeley rally. Hundreds of pro-Trump
demonstrators and counter-protesters clashed Saturday at a "Patriots Day" rally in Berkeley, the third time the groups
engaged in violent confrontations on city streets in recent months. Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King
Jr. Civic Center Park, where Trump supporters had scheduled a rally. Fireworks and smoke bombs were thrown into
the crowd, and a few demonstrators were doused with pepper spray. Both groups threw rocks and sticks at each other and
used a large trash bin as a battering ram as the crowd moved around the perimeter of the park. One bank boarded up its
ATMs before the rally as a precaution.
thin line separating Wellesley Editorial And Berkeley Street Fighting. The attitude of the Wellesley editors is
hardly uncommon on campus. We've covered dozens of stories in which allegedly "hateful" speech has been shut down by
progressive protesters, sometimes violently. Middlebury College's recent riot shocked even many progressives, Student
Mob at Middlebury Attacks Speaker and Sends Prof to Hospital. But the logic behind and justification for the Middlebury
College riot was exactly that as laid out in The Wellesley Editorial.
accused of just idly watching from patrol cars as violent clashes erupted between pro and anti-Trump groups during 'Tax Day'
demonstrations. Police officers have been accused of abandoning the scene of wild protests in Berkeley on
Saturday, allowing shocking street brawls to go unchecked. Thousands of people marched during 'Tax Day' demonstrations
that were designed to pressure Donald Trump into releasing his tax returns. The tax day protests in more than a dozen
cities were largely peaceful, however hundreds of pro and anti-Trump demonstrators clashed in Berkeley, California.
State student destroys pro-life display because it made him 'angry'. A student repeatedly destroyed a pro-life
display at Washington State University last week because it made him "angry." Keaton Aspell said he left class Wednesday
morning [4/12/2017] and was disgusted to find a "Cemetery for the Innocent" — 300 pink crosses representing 100 children
aborted per day — sticking out of a quad.
Democrats Laugh About Rising Suicide Rates Among White Males. Former Maine senatorial candidate Richard
Fochtmann was filmed joking about rising suicide rates among white males at a recent event hosted by the Maine Democratic
Party. The video shows Fochtmann tell the crowd at a "Values and Vision" community meeting about how the Democratic
Party needs more "young people" and "more women." "Today, you know, I saw a [inaudible] that said a lot of men, white
men are committing suicide," he continued. "I almost thought yeah, great."
Democrats Joke About Rising Suicide Rates Among White Males. A Maine Democrat who launched a failed state
senatorial run in 2016 joked about the rising suicide rate among white males during a "Values and Vision" community meeting
hosted by the Maine Democratic Party, causing others in the room to burst out laughing. Video of onetime candidate
Richard Fochtmann joking about suicide was circulated by Maine First Media on Friday [4/14/2017], according to the Daily
Caller. "A lot of white men were committing suicide, and I almost thought, 'Yeah, great,'" Fochtmann said while
laughing. "Then I thought about it little more and I thought maybe I shouldn't say that out in public."
The Editor says...
Please note: Apparently he doesn't mind saying hateful things about other people's suicides — he just regrets saying such things "out in public."
And Abetted: Student Brown Shirts And Their Administrators. [Scroll down] For example, Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac
Donald, a white woman who has written multiple books on policing, crime, and race, recently had her speech at UCLA disrupted by Black Lives Matter
agitators. Mac Donald had been invited to deliver her speech, "Blue Lives Matter," by the Bruin Republicans. However, it wasn't
long after she opened the floor to a question-and-answer session that the organized disruptors became unruly. According to The College Fix,
an attorney who specializes in free speech violations at publically financed colleges and universities, William Becker, recorded the whole event
before escorting Mac Donald off of campus. "Many students, including a number of black students, attended solely to disrupt the event,"
he said. "A cluster of black students remained seated during the Pledge of Allegiance. Three students were well prepared to disrupt
the event." Becker says that not only did he capture the fiasco on video; he has photographs of it as well.
College Students: 'Hostility' Is Warranted Against People Who Say Anything Offensive. The editorial staff of Wellesley College's student newspaper
recently wrote that anyone who dares utter a politically incorrect thought should be met with "hostility." The editorial started out as an explainer about
why there's not a free speech problem on their campus and that their reputation as "house flowers who cannot exist in the real world" is entirely unfair.
Then things get weirder. The student editors say it's fine to suppress and deny people the right to speak their minds if their thoughts offend others.
to Conservative Students. Whether it is female Republican students at places like St. Olaf College and
Cornell University being accosted, cursed at, threatened with physical violence and, in the latter case, actually assaulted;
Cal State Fullerton Trump supporting students being assaulted by an instructor; a riot at Berkeley; or College
Republicans being targeted by name as "fascists" and encouragements made to make their personal information public so that
decent folks can "punch fascists" — bullying, intimidation, and threats of violence against conservative students
have become staples of campus life. While this phenomenon is an outrage in itself, equally outrageous is the fact that
it has been permitted to occur and recur. It's inconceivable that college administrators and faculty would permit these
outrages if white Republican conservative students were the perpetrators and their victims were, say, black, gay, or
transgendered. But because it is only conservative and moderate students who are being victimized by leftists, not only
has no real action been initiated to stop these attacks. In some instances, faculty and administrators have even
encouraged them.
Mob Shuts Down Speech by Pro-Cop Writer Heather Mac Donald as Event Turns Violent. An "angry mob" of protesters
effective shut down a speech by a pro-law enforcement scholar at Claremont McKenna College on Friday [4/7/2017], surrounding
the building, screaming obscenities and banging on windows. Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald, who is
promoting a book called The War on Cops about the Black Lives Matter movement, was forced to give her speech on
livestream — to a largely empty room — and then to flee the University building under the protection of
campus security when things got really scary.
'Trump Must Hang,' Republicans Should Be Executed For Each Immigrant Deported. A history professor at
California State University, Fresno, appears to have advocated for the death of President Donald Trump on Twitter.
Tweets from an account purportedly operated by Professor Lars Maischak call for Trump to "hang" in order to "save American
democracy," and say the only "cure" for racist people is a bullet to their head. The account is not verified, although
the bio and interactions between the user and other Twitter users indicate it belongs to the professor. "To save
American democracy, Trump must hang," Professor Lars Maischak appears to have tweeted in February.
woman enraged by 'fancy white people' attacks man, Porsche with hammer: cops. The incident began when [Angela M.]
Jones approached the Massachusetts man as he fueled his Porsche and began yelling at him, authorities told [WTVR]. When the man
tried to ignore her, she began bashing his boat and Porsche with a hammer, the report said. He was then struck in the face with
the hammer several times when he approached her, authorities told the television station. Some of her comments referred to him
being rich and white, the report said. Jones, who is black, also said she was "sick of fancy white people," the man told the
television station in an interview.
shop loyalty card shows hole-punch through Trump's head. A Pennsylvania coffee shop is brewing up controversy with its loyalty
card. The front of the card has the typical 10-count with its logo to punch, but on the back — pictures of 10 people
management does not like: Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Ann Coulter, Mike Pence, Martin Shkreli, Pat Robertson, Bill O'Reilly, Rush
Limbaugh, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. Black Forge Coffeehouse co-owner Nick Miller says the cards are designed to look like a shot
in the head when the card is punched.
Clad Alt-Left Thugs Shut Down Peaceful Pro-Trump Rally in Philly. Saturday was a particularly ugly day in the
city of brotherly love as violent leftists invaded and shut down a rally in support of President Donald Trump.
Philadelphia police were forced to prematurely halt a local Make America Great Again rally out of concern for the safety of
the decent folks looking to support the president. Violence and mayhem are rapidly becoming a staple of the left in the
aftermath of Hillary Clinton's election defeat.
anti-Trump protesters arrested in California. Three people have been arrested on suspicion of illegal use of
pepper spray following a scuffle at a rally to support President Donald Trump at a Southern California beach.
Capt. Kevin Pearsall of California State Parks Police says the arrests happened when counter-protesters sprayed
pro-Trump supporters.
people are arrested after Trump supporters are doused with pepper spray as they clash with protesters. A Make
America Great Again rally that began with a dove release to symbolize peace turned violent when supporters were doused with
pepper spray by anti-Trump protesters in Southern California. The clashes, which led to three arrests after police clad
in riot gear intervened, came before the president posted a tweet thanking those who marched. In Huntington Beach
alone, almost 2,000 Trump supporters gathered for the pro-Trump rally.
Refuse to Blame Anti-Trump Protesters for Violence at Rallies. Anti-Trump protesters launched violent attacks
on supporters of President Donald Trump at rallies across California on Saturday [3/25/2017], but the media uniformly
downplayed their role. In headlines reporting the violence, media outlets either seemed to blame the Trump supporters
for the violence, or used passive language that made the violence seem to have erupted as a natural consequence of the
events. Ironically, the text of the actual articles often made clear that anti-Trump protesters were to blame, but the
headlines — which create a stronger impression, and are all that a casual reader may notice — uniformly
refused to place blame where it belonged.
Reports of Violence, Threats Against Conservative Students. A wave of dangerous hatred has struck our college
campuses. Conservative students are being assaulted. Conservative students are being intimidated and harassed.
It's easy for the Left to dismiss these cases as isolated, but this report from St. Olaf College in Minnesota reveals
just how insidious the problem has become.
Hate Group That Incited the Middlebury Melee. Under different circumstances, Alabama civil rights lawyer Morris
S. Dees and American Enterprise Institute scholar Charles Murray might have been colleagues, even pals. Instead, Murray
found himself in a near-riot at Middlebury College after accepting a speaking invitation from Republican students at the
Vermont school. Students and faculty galvanized by Dees' political organization barred Murray from speaking. They
shouted him down, chanted their own manifesto, and pulled fire alarms to prevent him from being heard. When Murray and
Middlebury professor Allison Stanger tried to leave the building, they were followed by protesters who accosted them
physically. The professor was grabbed by the hair and her neck twisted — she was fitted with a neck brace at
a hospital — and their car rocked in a way that alarmed local authorities. It was another victory for
opponents of free speech, and if that seems like an incongruous scalp for a civil rights lawyer to wear, well, our politics
are pretty odd these days.
Allows Class Action Lawsuit Against City of San Jose by Attacked Trump Supporters. Last year hundreds of Donald Trump
supporters were attacked in San Jose California as the local law enforcement stood back and watched. Manyattendees and victims
stated the police actually facilitated the attacks by funneling the rally crowd directly into the path of an unchecked mob. Last
week a judge approved the class action lawsuit continuing.
It's Not College Kids Creating Chaos To Resist Trump, 'They're Professionals'. A New Zealander we interviewed
at the Conservative Political Action Conference, who has studied the radical left for some 30 years, says he is watching an
escalating number of radicals foment hate, violence and chaos by any means necessary to destroy the American constitutional way
of life. These "ain't college students; they're professionals." He hopes more Americans are connecting the dots and
paying attention.
threats against the president are OK now? Turn on TV or browse your newsfeeds on social media, and you will be bombarded with
polemics about the sky falling and credible threats of violence against conservative figures. The FBI investigated a threat to kill
Milo Yiannoupolis for the audacity to want to speak on a college campus. Threats against former Labor Secretary nominee Andy Puzder's
wife caused him to withdraw himself from consideration. Multiple intimidatory remarks haunted members of the Trump-voting Electoral
College. President Trump has been the target of declarations of violence on a near daily basis. And yet, when it comes to this
constant low of threats, there seems to be little outrage from the nation's leading journalists and pundits.
Event Postponed After Anti-Trump Protesters Harass Speakers. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), chair of the U.S. House
Foreign Relations Committee, was forced to postpone his annual Women's Conference at California State University Fullerton
after anti-Trump protesters harassed and intimidated the speakers. Members of the so-called "Indivisible" movement, a
nationwide anti-Trump effort, said that they had not intended to do anything violent, and that they were not responsible for
intimidating social media messages sent by some of their activists, the Orange County Register reports. Still,
Royce and the other participants in the conference felt that it was best to cancel, or at least postpone, the conference
because of the potential for disruption and other problems.
Savage violently assaulted outside restaurant in Marin County. Angry, violent progressives, driven by nonstop
Trump-hatred emanating from mainstream and leftist media, apparently feel impunity in acting out their fury. Apparently
it is open season on conservatives, at least in progressive bastions such as the wealthy Marin County town of Tiburon.
Today's Riot-Prone Mobs
Are A Product Of America's Cult-Like Education System. If you are of sound mind and watched the anti-Trump demonstrations unfold on Inauguration
Day, then during the recent anti-speech riots at the Cal Berkeley and New York University campuses, two developments probably stood out to you. First,
you could see how violent rioters systematically infiltrated and punctuated those purportedly "largely peaceful" protests. I dare say, the Black Bloc
presence and body language looks eerily similar that of ISIS terrorists, right down to the black hoods and masks. Second, there is a particularly
cult-like feel to the behavior of these mobs: the incoherence, blind rage, encouragement of lawlessness, and utter hostility to anyone who doesn't conform
to their mindset. It's an anger sustained by vilification tactics reminiscent of the "two minutes hate" in Orwell's novel "1984." Rather than
acting as individuals who exercise rational thought, participants in these mobs act more like atomized parts of manufactured hives. They have been
deployed at the drop of a hat — at airports, town halls, campuses — no doubt to create the illusion of mass resistance to a duly elected president
and his administration. Such mobs are also aggressively pre-packing and swarming town halls of GOP members of Congress in solidly GOP districts.
is Going On (Part III)? When in doubt, Trump's brain dead, hyperventilating with hate, opponents either blame
the Russians or declare him Hitler. The histrionics displayed by the low IQ hypocritical Hollywood elite, corrupt
Democratic politicians, fake news liberal media and Soros paid left wing radical terrorists over the last two months has been
disgraceful, revolting, childish, and dangerous. A counter-revolution by the gun owning normal people in the 85% red
area of the country that voted for Trump would not be a pleasant experience for the paid protesters, [pink] hat wearing
feminazis, and the safe space anti-free speech lefties on campuses across the land.
Rioters Are Winning. In two key incidents at two important colleges, violent and disruptive protesters succeeded in shutting down
free speech. In Berkeley, police literally stood back and let the riot unfold, later defending their passive approach on the grounds that
actually enforcing the law could have caused greater injury. As it was, they intervened on a case-by-case basis to stop individual beatings
and let rioters vandalize 15 buildings. University police made one arrest. City police reported zero arrests on the night of the
riots. The Middlebury incident is more recent, and investigations are still ongoing, but protesters sent a liberal professor to the hospital
after they "rocked, pounded, and jumped on" her vehicle, and dozens of students succeeded in drowning out Murray's speech with their boos.
So far, they have faced no consequences for their actions.
vandalize $250m Trump golf course by tearing six-foot tall letters into a green. A brazen group of environmentalists vandalized one
of President Trump's golf courses over the weekend — and released a video of them doing the damage. The 'anonymous environmental activist
collective' snuck into the $250 [million] Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes, California and carved the phrase 'NO MORE TIGERS,
NO MORE WOODS' near the fifth hole's green. The group said the act was a rebellion against the Trump administration's 'blatant disregard'
for the environment.
Post describes Trump golf course vandalism as 'daring act of defiance'. California environmental activists
vandalized one of Donald Trump's golf courses is Los Angeles over the weekend. A video uploaded to YouTube shows a
small group sneaking onto the course at night and carving a message into one of the greens which read, "No more tigers, no
more woods." While the vandalism itself is noteworthy, perhaps equally significant is the response of the Washington
Post. The Post published a news story whose opening line read, "A group of environmental activists pulled off a
daring act of defiance."
Destroy Section Of A Trump Golf Course. A group of activists vandalized one of President Donald Trump's golf
courses Sunday morning [3/12/2017] because of the president's "blatant disregard" for the environment. The group of
anonymous demonstrators sneaked into the Trump National Gold Club in California and etched a seemingly incoherent message
into one of the course's greens. Golf Digest ranked the 18-hole, 7,300-yard course the 43rd best course in California.
media: Even anti-Trump vandalism gets good reviews. An outrageous lead in the Washington Post captured
the animus that underlies much of the coverage of Donald Trump: "A group of environmental activists pulled off a daring
act of defiance." And what was this "daring" act? They snuck into Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes,
Calif. and carved six-foot letters into the green. In other words, they broke the law and defaced private property.
Student Receives Death Threats, and His Car Is Vandalized. To say our nation is divided may well be the
grandest of understatements. Neither side has any interest in even listening to the other or engaging in a real and
meaningful debate. Instead, things seem to be getting uglier and uglier as time marches on. It's especially bad
for college students who lean to the right. They're surrounded, dropped well behind enemy lines — and it
doesn't even matter all that much if you're in a red state.
College Professor Criticizes Middlebury Students for Stifling Free Speech. Jay Parini, a left-leaning English professor
at Middlebury College, condemned students at his school during an appearance Tuesday night [3/7/2017] on Fox News for not letting the
prominent conservative political scientist Dr. Charles Murray speak on campus last week. Host Tucker Carlson [...] noted
that Parini was distressed by the unwillingness of Middlebury students to hear viewpoints with which they disagree. Protesters
at Middlebury, many of whom were students, shouted down and physically intimidated Murray on Thursday evening as he was set to speak
on campus. They also attacked a professor, Allison Stanger, who had to be taken to the emergency room.
protester pleads guilty in plot to wreck Trump inaugural ball, receives no jail time. An anti-Trump protester pleaded guilty
Tuesday [3/7/2017] to conspiracy for his role in plotting to shut down an inaugural ball by setting off stink bombs and sprinklers.
Scott Ryan Charney, 34, was sentenced to community service after agreeing to plead guilty to a charge of conspiracy to commit assault after
he was caught on videotape discussing the scheme by Project Veritas.
Kaine's Son Arrested For Rioting Against Trump. The youngest son of Hillary Clinton's running mate, Virginia
Sen. Tim Kaine, was arrested in Minnesota over the weekend for rioting against President Trump. Linwood Michael
Kaine, 24, was arrested with four other people and charged with second-degree riot for his activities during a pro-Trump
rally held in the rotunda of the Minnesota state capitol in St. Paul on Saturday [3/4/2017].
Kaine's son arrested after rioting at pro-Trump rally. Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine's youngest son was
arrested last Saturday on suspicion of second-degree riot following a "March 4 Trump" rally in St. Paul, Minn.
Police took Linwood Kaine, 24, into custody after he and a group disrupted a rally in support of President Trump at the
Minnesota State Capitol. The group chanted and whistled during the pro-Trump event, setting off air horns and a smoke
bomb at one point.
the Anti-Semite They Were Looking For. How annoying for the Left when one of their pet narratives crashes
head-on into the facts. [...] That brings us to Friday's [3/3/2017] news: FBI agents in St. Louis arrested Juan M.
Thompson. Federal officials suspect that he made bomb threats against the Anti-Defamation League and seven other
Jewish groups and Jewish community centers (JCCs). Far from being a right-wing, Trump-loving white supremacist,
Thompson is precisely the opposite: a left-wing, Trump-hating black racist. Oops!
Oops: Threat-maker's
ex-employer on Tuesday ripped Trump for suggesting anti-Semitic threats might be by liberal plants. You have to
hand it to The Intercept, which neither you nor I had ever heard of until today. As recently as Tuesday they went all
in with the argument that President Trump was delusional and pathetic for suggesting high-profile, anti-Semitic threats might
have been perpetrated by liberal plants in an attempt to make it appear Trump supporters were responsible. It would
certainly not have been the first time a "hate crime" turned out to be a hoax, but the Intercept really went to town ripping
Trump for positing this theory. So when it turned out as Rob told you earlier that the bomb-threatener was not only a
liberal plant — just as Trump had suggested — but was one of the Intercept's own former writers, well
... someone had some 'splainin' to do!
rally descends into shocking violence after clashes with liberal activists. Violent clashes between Donald
Trump supporters and demonstrators broke out again during a rally in California. The warring political factions came to
blows once more during a march in Berkeley — one of several pro-Trump demos taking place across the US this weekend.
Video footage of the fighting shows a man being dragged along the ground as he's pummelled by several people.
AG Lynch Rants About Rights Being 'Rolled Back'. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch made a video rant that
Senate Democrats found so "inspirational," they posted it to their Facebook page. Lynch warned that our rights are
"being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back." Which rights enjoyed by Americans are under assault
Ms. Lynch forgot to mention. Yeah, but it sure sounds frightening, doesn't it? Even more hysterically, Lynch
seemed to suggest that Trump opponents should mimic civil rights protesters from the 1960s, when ordinary people "marched,
they've bled and yes, some of them died." Is Lynch advocating violence in the streets?
AG Lynch suggests we need more 'marching,' 'blood,' and 'death' in the streets. In a video rant that Senate
Democrats posted to their Facebook page as "words of inspiration," former Attorney General Loretta Lynch seemed to suggest
that the way to combat the policies of President Trump was to mimic the success of civil rights protests, no matter the
cost. Without offering a shred of proof or any specifics, Lynch said that American's rights were "being assailed, being
trampled on and even being rolled back." She also appeared to suggest that the way to remedy the situation was to march,
bleed, and die for the cause.
Arrested in Berkeley, Elderly Man Assaulted Following Violent Anti-Trump Protest. Ten people were arrested in
Berkeley, California on Saturday [3/4/2017] following an anti-Trump protest that sought to counter a march in support of
President Trump. "A total of 10 people were arrested, including five for battery, four for assault with a deadly weapon
and one for resisting arrest," reported The Marin Independent Journal on Saturday. "Police reported items
confiscated among the combatants were: 'metal pipes, bats, 2x4s and pieces of wood. A group with bricks was detained,
and their bricks confiscated.'"
In day of pro-Trump
rallies, California march turns violent. At a park in Berkeley, across the bay from San Francisco, protesters
from both sides struck one another over the head with wooden sticks and Trump supporters fired pepper spray as police in riot
gear stood at a distance. Some in the pro-Trump crowd, holding American flags, faced off against black-clad
opponents. An elderly Trump supporter was struck in the head and kicked on the ground.
professor is attacked and injured by 'seriously scary' student mob. A college professor was injured by a
'seriously scary' and violent student mob as she escorted a conservative guest speaker off campus. Professor Allison
Stanger at Middlebury College in Vermont suffered a neck injury after her hair was yanked by unruly demonstrators while she
was escorting author Charles Murray off campus on Thursday [3/2/2017]. The screaming crowd, made up of students and 'outside
agitators', were protesting Murray's visit and attempted to stop his car by climbing on the vehicle, hitting its windows and
throwing a stop sign at it, a college official said.
Communist Arrested For Jewish Community Center Bomb Threats. A disgraced former reporter was arrested by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation Friday for several bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers, Jewish schools and other Jewish
organizations around the country. Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis by the FBI for making at least
eight bomb threats and the cyberstalking of an ex-girlfriend. Thompson was a former reporter for The Intercept, and was
fired after it was discovered that he made up sources and stories, including one about Charleston shooter Dylann Roof.
Arrested Targeting Jewish Centers is Far-Left Bernie Sanders Supporter. Earlier today [3/3/2017] a Saint Louis
man was arrested and charged with multiple counts of violent threats against various Jewish communities and Jewish centers.
Juan Thompson, a 31-year-old black male, has been identified as a far-left Bernie Sanders supporter with connections to various
left-wing groups and political activist organizations. Thompson's profile fits the larger profile of radical Islamic
activists who align in ideology with Black Lives Matter and the Bernie Sanders Revolution Communism themes.
Trump supporters in New York City feel intimidated.
When massive crowds flood New York City streets on a weekly basis to protest President Trump and his agenda, it can seem like
everyone is on the same side, but Brooklynites Glenn Nocera and Batya Goldberg tell you otherwise. "It feels like
sometimes you're at the Alamo, you're outnumbered," said Nocera, a lifelong Republican and an ardent Trump supporter.
He said many people have "de-friended" him on Facebook. His brother, who had a Trump flag on his car, received a letter
from a stranger calling him an embarrassment to the city.
to Black Racism. Trump supporters around the country are under violent attack from black people, while MSNBC
and others are trying to convince us the opposite is true. The latest comes from Kettering, Ohio, in the suburbs of
Dayton. Over the weekend, a white kid walked out of sports bar where a dozen black people started taunting and
harassing and threatening him about Donald Trump. Stop me if you have heard of this story before in dozens of other
places around the country over the last few months: pulling white people out of cars, beating them to the sounds of Trump
obscenities. Or my personal favorite, the black person who, just a few days ago, pulled on AR-15 rifle out of the trunk
of his car, removed a Trump bumper sticker, then challenged to the owner to stop him.
Freak Out After GOP Town Hall Opens With A Prayer. Liberal protesters became enraged when a Louisiana town hall
with Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy opened with a prayer earlier this week, screaming at the chaplain as he tried to lead
the crowd in prayer. The protesters, who were there with a local chapter of anti-Trump group Indivisible, can be heard
groaning and shouting as the chaplain says, "In God we trust." One man can be heard saying, "Pray on your own time!" Others
shouted incredulously, "Prayer? Prayer?" Video of the event, first reported by The Washington Free Beacon, reveals
one woman shouting the name "Lucifer" while the chaplain invokes God's name. Other, non-protesting attendees can be
heard trying to shush the protesters.
Than 200 Inauguration Day Protesters Have Now Been Indicted on Rioting Charges. For the most part, those
protesting President Donald Trump on Inauguration Day did so peacefully — but a couple hundred "anti-fascist"
protesters marred events in the nation's capital when they began smashing storefronts and bus stops, lighting fires, and
hurling objects at police. At the time, 230 people were arrested for rioting, which forced law enforcement to use
flash-bang grenades and pepper spray. And now, at least 214 people have been indicted on felony rioting
charges, CNN reports.
Pre-School Teacher in Texas Suspended for 'Kill Some Jews' Comment. A Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
activist and pre-school teacher has been suspended from her job because of her anti-Semitic comments on Twitter.
University of Texas-Arlington (UTA) student Nancy Salem, who teaches young kids at The Children's Courtyard in South
Arlington was outed by Canary Mission, a campus watchdog group, along with dozens of others for racial hatred. EAGnews.org
posted some of the offending tweets made by Salem, a staunch supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.
From Here To The Left's Fascist, Maybe Violent, Endgame. Do you think Hillary Clinton or whatever aspiring Hugo Chavez
they offer up next is going to protect us from violent leftist thugs, or encourage them? Remember how Obama weaponized agencies
like the IRS against conservatives? Multiply that by a thousand. Think about the "hate speech" rules used to silence
conservatives on campus; imagine them as federal law. That's coming, just like in Europe — it's now a crime in France to
speak out against abortion. Do you imagine leftists don't dream of doing that? No, once back in power they will
ensure we will never be able to challenge their rule.
Democrats Behind Mexico City Demonstration Against Tillerson. An official arm of the Democratic party is behind
a planned demonstration against Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday outside the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.
The Mexico chapter of Democrats Abroad — "the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living
outside the United States," according to the group's website — is organizing the demonstration against Tillerson,
who arrived in the Mexican capital on Wednesday [2/22/2017].
Dallas teacher threatened to kill staff unless he was given raise. A Dallas teacher was arrested after he
reportedly threatened to kill the staff if he didn't get a raise, police said. Omar Alanis, 29, was a world history
teacher at Seagoville High School and reportedly used his school email account to message the principal and other
administrators that they should pay him and another teacher the "Master Teacher Salary" and back-pay them from August
of last year, Fox 4 News reported.
Mayor: 'Culture Of Protest' New Norm For 'Foreseeable Future'. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called for peace in
the wake of the latest violent anti-Trump protests, but said the "culture of protest" is going to continue both locally and
nationally for the "foreseeable future." Wheeler also said he wants Portland's police officers to "create a more positive
space for expression" for protesters. Portland, known for its liberal politics, has been the site of regular anti-Trump
protests since the election last November. Those demonstrations have often devolved into riots and property destruction,
forcing police to arrest dozens of agitators.
Monument, Lincoln Memorial vandalized. The Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, along with the World
War II Memorial were all damaged with graffiti over the holiday weekend, government officials said Tuesday [2/21/2017].
U.S. Park Police and National Park Service officials said at a news conference Tuesday in front of the Lincoln Memorial that
the markings were scrawled in black permanent marker in five spots and were similar in nature.
anti-Trump protesters clash with cops as thousands take to the streets across the country. Thirteen people were
arrested in Portland, Oregon, after a small group protesting President Donald Trump clashed with the police. The
demonstrators, who did not have a permit, spilled out onto the streets outside the Federal Building and failed to heed the
warnings of police in tactical gear. The protest was just one of several held across the country as part of the 'not my
Presidents' Day' rallies against Trump.
Eddie Griffin Pleaded with 15,000 People to Assassinate Donald Trump. Radio show host Ben Ferguson went to a
comedy event in Dallas this past weekend. The entire event involved A-list comedian after A-list comedian slamming
Donald and Melania Trump in the vilest of ways, but comedian Eddie Griffin went much further. He acted out and
advocated for the assassination of Donald Trump. All copies of the routine were taken down by Facebook. Radio
show host Ben Ferguson was at the event and live streamed it. It had at least a 100,000 views when Facebook took it down.
school student confessed to throwing wooden block at Trump's motorcade, authorities say. A Florida middle
school student has confessed to throwing a "2×4" block of wood at President Trump's motorcade on Friday, not far from
the president's Mar-a-Lago estate, authorities said. Just before 2 p.m. Friday, as the caravan was passing
through West Palm Beach, one vehicle in the motorcade was struck by "what was believed to be a small hard object," the Palm
Beach County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Saturday [2/18/2017].
Service Investigating Object Thrown at President's Motorcade. While traveling from the Palm Beach International Airport en route
to Mar-a-Lago [2/17/2017], an object was reportedly thrown at the President's motorcade. No serious damage nor any injuries have been reported,
but the United States Secret Service has confirmed the incident and that they are investigating.
Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries. The difference begins with manners. Throughout the
campaign Trump's partisans forgathered in huge rallies, applauded, calmly went home, and later voted. At the same time
we saw on Clinton's behalf mobs of ill-bred, worse mannered, loutish, perennial adolescents blocking highways, shutting down
rallies, engaging in vandalism and physically attacking supporters of Trump. Cars were destroyed, fires set, ATMs
smashed. Black Lives Matter, always ghetto predators, were worst, but low-grade college students and their equally dismal
professors joined in. They were obscene, infantile. And naive: They apparently believe that they harm Trump
though of course their behavior drives people in the other direction.
Normalizing Degeneracy.
[Scroll down] His group is another one of these "antifascist" movements you see with kids wearing masks, smashing Bank of America
windows, and punching "Nazis" (anyone who disagrees with them) in the face. They purport to be about equality, but I just had an
epiphany and realized they're actually mentally ill perverts who are at war with normalcy because it exposes them for the freaks they
truly are. One of their favorite accusations is we are "normalizing white supremacy." This sounds like a world where skinheads
with swastika tattoos pack your groceries and it's very confusing if you take it literally, but what it really means is: "Normal" is
the worst thing imaginable. If you recognize it as a concept, you're a Nazi.
who recorded his professor describing Trump's election win as 'an act of terrorism' is suspended by Californian college. A Republican
student who filmed his professor describing Trump's election win as an 'act of terrorism' has been suspended by his college. Caleb O'Neil
filmed Olga Perez Stable Cox, 66, labeling the president a 'white supremacist' during a psychology and human sexuality class at Orange Coast College,
California, in December. He anonymously sent the clip to the college's Republican body for it to be shared online, prompting a barrage of
complaints against Cox who critics said should not thrust her political views on students.
Orange Coast College
student suspended for secret recording speaks out. An Orange Coast College student who faces a suspension for
secretly filming a teacher in class making anti-Donald Trump comments filed an appeal Wednesday [2/15/2017] with the
school. Flanked by his attorney and students who came out in support, Caleb O'Neil, 19, spoke publicly about his
experience for the first time during a news conference at the Costa Mesa college.
I Lost $100 Bet Because Trump Wasn't Shot. Jane Germaine said her son's English teacher at Rancho Campana High
School told the class that she lost a $100 bet because President Donald Trump had not been shot on Inauguration Day.
Mrs. Germaine tells me the teacher's remarks were troubling. "A public school teacher using classroom time to
share with students how she lost a bet because the president was not shot on Inauguration Day is beyond reprehensible to me
and I do not see how the school district does not find this troubling as well," she told me. And it turned out not to
be the first time she's heard about teachers at the high school making politically-charged statements in the classroom.
The Handmaidens
of Hatred. Approximately 35% of our population have become unhinged maniacs. That's a huge amount of our
population that has accepted hatred of its fellow citizens as okay. That's a monster waiting to rear its ugly head, a
Godzilla that will destroy everything in its wake just to survive. If you think I'm exaggerating, just look at how the
latest Berkley riots happened, and look at the coverage given them in our mainstream media. These people are yelling
"fascist" at those who are simply speaking an opinion. All the while, the insanity and irony of them using the violent
tactics of real, historical fascists goes unacknowledged. Not one adult from the leftist mainstream media, Hollywood,
the Democrat leadership, or their voting base has stood against them.
Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America's Cult-Like Education System. Rather than acting as individuals who
exercise rational thought, participants in these mobs act more like atomized parts of manufactured hives. They have
been deployed at the drop of a hat — at airports, town halls, campuses — no doubt to create the
illusion of mass resistance to a duly elected president and his administration. Such mobs are also aggressively
pre-packing and swarming town halls of GOP members of Congress in solidly GOP districts. To what purpose? The
professed hope, as stated by founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA Carl Dix as well as Princeton
University professor Cornel West, who are founders of the Soros-funded group refusefascism.org, is to mobilize "tens of
millions" of resisters into the streets to bring down the Trump administration.
Made Their Bed with Leftists, Now They Must Lie in It. Something new is happening before our eyes.
Radicals are completing a takeover of the Democratic Party. [...] After 8 years of exploiting and enflaming the grievances of
identity politics, the Democratic Party is being eaten by the monster they rode to power. Radicals don't need to be a
majority — they never are. They dominate through mob violence, media manipulation and threats.
An Alt-Left, And It's Trying To Make America Ungovernable. President Donald Trump's White House staff may be
longing for the random acts of vandalism committed against the early George W. Bush team by the Clinton White House staff in
2001, including taking the Ws off many White House computer keyboards. Instead, today, a subversive alt-government is
emerging, in line with the alt-left's growing resistance to use any means necessary to slow, stop and obstruct Trump's
agenda, from inside the government, to make America ungovernable.
police investigating if Betsy DeVos was assaulted during protest. The D.C. police are investigating a possible
assault against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos when she was blocked from entering a local middle school Friday morning
[2/10/2017]. The police department tweeted one man had been arrested for assaulting a police officer at the protest at
Jefferson Middle School Academy.
Than 100 Inauguration Day Protesters Indicted on Rioting Charges. A grand jury has indicted more than 100 Inauguration Day
protesters on rioting charges in Washington, D.C. In total, 209 people have now been indicted. The indictment, handed up
D.C. Superior Court on Wednesday [2/8/2017], charged 146 additional protesters with felony rioting — meaning they face a fine of
up to $25,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison.
Analyst Issues Sobering Warning. The rage among the left continues to build and it is being supported in
earnest by mainstream personalities in Hollywood and the music industry. According to cyclical analyst Martin
Armstrong, things are only going to get worse as protests spread and soon turn to large-scale riots.
Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America's Cult-Like Education System. If you are of sound mind and watched the
anti-Trump demonstrations unfold on Inauguration Day, then during the recent anti-speech riots at the Cal Berkeley and New
York University campuses, two developments probably stood out to you. First, you could see how violent rioters
systematically infiltrated and punctuated those purportedly "largely peaceful" protests. I dare say, the Black Bloc
presence and body language looks eerily similar that of ISIS terrorists, right down to the black hoods and masks.
Second, there is a particularly cult-like feel to the behavior of these mobs: the incoherence, blind rage, encouragement of
lawlessness, and utter hostility to anyone who doesn't conform to their mindset. It's an anger sustained by
vilification tactics reminiscent of the "two minutes hate" in Orwell's novel "1984."
fired after writing 'Only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter'. While substitute teacher David Colin
was supposed to be watching students in Rutherford County Schools, he was instead posting about his hatred for Donald Trump
supporters on Facebook. "The only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter," Colin allegedly wrote at 9:29 a.m.
Nov. 9.
Liberals Became
the Hate Machine They Warned Us About. Society is more divided now than at any time since the Civil War.
People hate other people because of who they voted for. People are even choosing friends and breaking apart from family
members based on who they supported in the last election. Beyond Facebook unfriending, relationships are impacted.
It's based on fear, disappointment, and hatred, and it seems to be all coming from one side. Leftists said if Trump won,
that there'd be violent mobs of hate, and intolerant fascists would try to silence those with whom they disagree. And
they were right. It just was by a group of people from which they didn't expect it: themselves.
Violent Revolution: "We deserve to be in in charge". We the people are under siege by a small group of
elitist, dogmatic authoritarians. They have no idea who and what they are up against. They lost, we won but they
aren't having it. It's our turn now. It's their way or anarchy. They will lose. These riots are not
anti-Trump, they are anti-you-and-me, they are anti-America.
Ginsburg: Yeah, I Would Support Changing The Electoral College. Hillary Clinton ran for president — and she lost. But
the Left still can't let it go. Protests are erupting at Republican town hall events. You had progressives burning things, rioting, and pretty
much acting like six-year-olds because they apparently have forgotten in the eight years of Obama's presidency that liberals aren't going to remain in power
Now Getting a Taste of How the Obama Years Felt for Conservatives. The mass hysteria of the American left today is whipped up with
ancient mob agitation methods, which were all too well known in Eastern Europe and Russia, being used by Vladimir Lenin, the Nazis, and many earlier
mob leaders. The same mob methods were constantly utilized by the czars and other tyrannical rulers of Poland and surrounding countries.
They were also the methods used by the KKK against blacks after the Civil War, and they are identical to Saul Alinsky's little book of agitprop methods
used by the hard left both here and there. Mob agitation is a cultural universal, it seems.
Berkeley Staffer Under Investigation for Participating in Riot. At least one employee of the University of
California, Berkeley is allegedly under investigation by the FBI for his part in the violent riot that prevented Breitbart
editor Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking last Wednesday night [2/1/2017]. Other employees may have taken part in the riot as
well. Last week, internet sleuth "Pave Darker" discovered a Twitter account with the handle @teen_archer and the name
"Eugene V. Dabs" boasting about beating a Trump/Milo supporter outside of the event. "Pave Darker" was able to connect
this account to Ian Dabney Miller, a UC Berkeley employee who received $374,802.86 in compensation from 2008-2013, according
to University of California Data Analysis.
Republican Describes Night of Terror, Says Agitators Were Trying to 'Burn Us Alive'. In an interview with The
College Fix, a Berkeley College Republican said that he and his compatriots feared for their lives during the violent riot
last week and some of them continue to face threats from the "anti-fascist" (Antifa) terrorists on campus. Naweed
Tahmas, who helped organize the Milo Yiannopoulos speaking event, said he was "pushed and shoved" by agitators as he headed
to help prep for the speech. As the demonstration devolved into a riot, he and his peers sheltered in place as
left-wing goons threw firebombs at the building.
Importance of Language: Leftist Thugs are Terrorists, not Protesters or Snowflakes. While violence has
always had a home on the political left, and while the left in America has been engaging in violence from at least the time
of the late 1960s, forces on the thuggish left became emboldened during Obama's tenure in the White House. Within the
last year or so, they have become especially brash and merciless toward Trump supporters. This came to a head recently
at Berkeley when "protesters" prevented provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a planned speech. Mobs of
anti-Milo and anti-Trump demonstrators were on the scene. No small number were self-described "anti-fascists" (or
"antifa") clad in black with masks concealing their faces. Things turned feral as fires were lit, Molotov cocktails
were thrown, property was destroyed, officers were assaulted, and innocents were tear-gassed and beaten up with various
weapons. And the police arrested... no one.
The Tyrant
in the Room. The violent riots on college campuses designed to shut down free speech are simply the latest sign
of the elephant in the room: modern liberals are fascist tyrants at heart who reject democracy, free speech, and pretty
much everything else in the Constitution. They are not patriots with a different vision of democracy, but traitors who
want to remake America into a one-party state where the government rules the people.
Left Whips Up a Climate of Violence — the Prime Target Is Donald Trump. Is there a media-driven
"climate of violence"? You bet there is, and it's being whipped up by the left and the Main Stream Media, here and around
the world. And it has a clear purpose: The ultimate goal is the destruction of the Trump presidency —
and, for at least some, seemingly, the goal is the assassination of President Trump himself. But don't take Virgil's
word for it: Have a look at the cover of Village magazine. That cover shows a rifle's crosshairs superimposed on
a photograph of Trump's head. And the headline reads, "Why not." The once-obscure magazine, published in Ireland,
is now basking in worldwide attention, and American social media are happy to magnify Village's glorification of a criminal act.
Shame. On the University of California's oldest campus, named for one of the most important philosophers of the
18th century (Schopenhauer thought so, anyway), Breitbart editor and right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos was
invited by a campus political club to make a speech about the events of the day, and this was prevented by riots —
not protests, but the violent destruction of property with explosives by a brick-throwing mob that promised further and worse
violence if Milo Yiannopoulos were permitted to speak. And so Yiannopoulos was prevented from giving his talk.
Blood Libels of the Left. Contrary to assertions by useful idiots like Robert Reich that the Berkeley riots
were the work of paramilitary right-wingers, it has become increasingly evident that black-clad Antifa anarchists
coordinated with Bay Area community activists and UC Berkeley student groups to orchestrate the violent protests against Milo
Yiannapolous. The Antifa rioters are the same mask-wearing, black-outfitted, Molotov cocktail-throwing, fire-burning,
stick-carrying pugilist punks featured in The Occupation Manifesto and The Occupation Devolution videos chronicling Occupy
Oakland in 2011.
Keyword: Astroturf Mainstream
Media's Trump Derangement Syndrome Epidemic. The Left prides itself on so-called unprompted demonstrations and
public disruptions while asserting that these protests are a mirror reflecting what they erroneously claim a clear majority
of Americans think about an issue. The reality is that virtually all these demonstrations are nothing more than
organized spontaneity to engender sympathetic media coverage such as the near instantaneous demonstrations at airports when
Trump announced his temporary suspension of refugee immigration from seven Islamic nations.
Left is insane, incoherent and incompatible with liberty. Now, their true colors are showing. After their
tried and true Race card failed, and their usual rhetoric about sexism failed, they gave in to their true nature. And
now, America is seeing just how depraved the Left truly is. They are not just intense on their ideology, they are
savage and fanatical. Consider the riots, yes, riots, not protests, riots. Consider the rhetoric, the meltdowns
we are seeing. The Left is putting on a carnival of extremism.
Their Own Words: Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Leaders Say They Want To Make America 'Ungovernable'. Behind the
mass protests, choreographed chants and acts of violence, leaders of anti-Trump "resistance" efforts are communicating the
same simple but dark message: they want to make America "ungovernable" for the president of the United States. These
protesters say they will do whatever it takes to keep Trump from enacting his agenda, and many of them have shown a
willingness to destroy public property, assault law enforcement officers and inflict violence upon their fellow citizens.
the Rioters. For the political Left in this country, violence in the pursuit of "social justice" is not to be
condemned, it is to be understood. There is the occasional winking rebuke of the forcible methods, but the underlying
"progressive" cause is always endorsed, and the seditionist vanguard is the object of adulation. It is a huge problem
in our country. What is being championed is not dissent. It is the destruction of the right to dissent. It
is the suspension of the rule of law, without which a free society protective of life, liberty, and property is
impossible. During the Civil War, Congress enacted the first seditious-conspiracy law. Aimed at rioting and other
aggression by Confederate sympathizers, it criminalizes plots to levy war against the United States, or to oppose by force
the government and its execution of the laws. It has been on the books ever since, though rarely invoked.
Left Hates You. Act Accordingly. Find a leftist — it's easy. Just say something positive
about America or Jesus and they'll come swarming like locusts. Engage them and very quickly they will drop their masks
and tell you what they really think. I know. I keep a rapidly expanding file of Twitter leftist death wish
screenshots. They will tell you that Christians are idiots and vets are scum. That normals are subhumans whose
role is to labor as serfs to subsidize the progressive elite and its clients.
Part of "You Lost" Don't Liberals Understand? The behavior of many liberals since Donald Trump's election has
been appalling — not to mention, in some cases, criminal. It is also, in some respects, puzzling. A
case in point was a town meeting conducted last night by Congressman Tom McClintock in Roseville, California. Liberal
activists attended the meeting and behaved so boorishly and so threateningly that the Congressman had to be escorted from the
hall by armed policemen.
United States Cannot Survive as Presently Constituted. The inauguration of Donald Trump sparked national
protests — obscene, vulgar, and crude — by the Left. Over sixty congressional Democrats boycotted
his inauguration. Plans to impeach him were in the works — before he had even done anything. And when
Trump fulfilled a campaign promise by cracking down on immigration from Muslim countries — for the purpose of
preventing jihadist terror attacks — the Left took to the streets once again. And that was just Trump's
first week in office. What do Americans of the Left and the Right have in common? Nothing — except
hate for each other.
Insurrectionist Left. After less than two weeks of the Trump Administration, it is becoming clearer and clearer
how the Democrats and the Left plan to approach the Trump Administration. This approach is not attempting to find common
ground where possible. It is not principled opposition. It is not mere dissent. It is insurrection.
school student attacked on bus for wearing 'Make America Great Again' hat. A group of middle school students
from the Parkway School District got into a fight on a school bus when they started arguing with one student who was wearing
a "Make America Great Again" hat. "As a parent it's so upsetting," said Christina Cortina, the mother of the 12-year
old who was wearing the Trump hat, and who was suspended. "I feel like my son was made an example of, it was a tricky
situation, it was politically charged."
Dem Congresswoman
Calls Violent Riots at Berkeley a 'Beautiful Sight'. Democratic Rep. Val Demings (Fla.) said on Thursday
that the violent riots that took place at the University of California, Berkley the prior night were a "beautiful sight."
Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos, a vocal Donald Trump supporter, was scheduled to speak at UC Berkley on Wednesday
night, but the event had to be canceled due to violent protests from students and other activists. "The university said
fires were set, including one caused by a firebomb that ignited a generator-powered spotlight, and commercial-grade fireworks
were thrown at police," NBC News reported of the riots.
Find a Use for Violence. Conservatives are torn these days. We wake up happy and excited to read the
headlines and see what great new thing Trump has done. Then we're hit with images of thugs in black masks beating up
Trump supporters. It is very disturbing. Democrats are scared stiff that Trump's sensible, practical polices will
make our country safer, boost our economy, and deliver jobs to blacks and millennials. That's why they are running
around in pink hats and black masks, beating dissenters up literally or verbally. Democrats are rejecting the heart
of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power via the ballot box.
Area Conservatives Keep Meetups Secret Fearing For Their Safety. Some East Bay conservatives say they live a
secret life. They can never tell anyone what they really feel like in fear of their safety. Robert Ward is coming
out conservative, but in a place he says is risky for those who share his beliefs. "If you witness what happened in
Berkeley, actually they are so violent on top of it. I mean being a conservative in the Bay Area is like being a
heretic," says Ward. "You lead a double life. You can never tell your friends and co-workers."
Access Pipeline protest leader charged with inciting a riot, 74 arrested. Dakota Access Pipeline protester
Chase Iron Eyes was arrested this week and has been charged with inciting a riot, which is a felony. Iron Eyes
allegedly led a group of several dozen protesters who set up a new camp on higher ground, out of the flood plain where the
current camp sits. The only problem: The property the new camp was set up on is owned by the developer of
the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Who Funds The Group Behind The Call To Arms At Milo's Berkeley Event. The left-wing group that helped organize
the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a
progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large
companies. The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse
Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event. The call to arms
succeeded. Yiannopoulos' talk was cancelled after demonstrators lit fires, vandalized businesses, and assaulted
Donald Trump and Yiannopoulos supporters.
Jesse Watters on Berkeley Riots: College Liberals 'Now Resemble Islamist Mobs'. Fox's Jesse Watters,
guest-hosting tonight's [2/3/2017] O'Reilly Factor, reacted to the UC Berkeley riots by saying tonight, "It's my
opinion that liberals on college campuses now resemble Islamist mobs, where they riot over rhetoric." He argued that just
like when there were riots over "affronts to Islam" in other countries, when liberals think their worldview is under attack
they "riot and break things." Leo Terrell distinguished between the rioters and the peaceful protesters to argue that
people are just trying to draw attention to the "extreme views" of people like Milo Yiannopoulos.
teacher is caught on camera spewing obscenities to Black Lives Matter demonstrators. An activist associated
with the Black Lives Matter movement took to the megaphone to spew obscenities and voice her support for killing
people. At 1:50 in the video, shot on January 29 during an anti-Trump protest in Seattle's Westlake Park, the
unidentified woman wearing a jacket with Black Lives Matter written on the back rants: 'And we need to start killing
people. First off, we need to start killing the White House', says the woman, who claims she's a preschool teacher.
[Video clip]
Are Cracking Down on the Biggest Protests Since '60s. Republicans in statehouses across the U.S. are devising
legal tools to regulate public dissent as demonstrators take to the streets to protest President Donald Trump in waves not
seen since the Vietnam War. At least 10 bills to limit protests have been introduced in recent months.
North Dakota is considering protection for motorists who unintentionally kill protesters blocking roads. Washington state
Senator Doug Ericksen would punish those who "disrupt our economy." Next week, North Carolina Senator Dan Bishop will
call for imprisoning people who intimidate ex-officials, after former Governor Pat McCrory was pursued down a Washington, D.C.,
alley by a group chanting "Shame!"
on Lou Dobbs: Who's to Blame for Violent Berkeley Protests? Freedom Center founder David Horowitz and
Washington Times staff writer Charlie Hurt appeared on Fox News with Lou Dobbs to discuss whether President Trump
should defund the University of California, Berkeley over the rioting Wednesday night that prevented Milo Yiannopoulos from
delivering a Freedom Center-sponsored speech demanding the end of "sanctuary campuses" that harbor illegal aliens.
Milo's address, which was canceled amid violent mob attacks, fire-setting, and wanton property destruction, had been
scheduled to mark the launch of the Freedom Center's #nosanctuarycampusforcriminals campaign. Who is responsible for
that rioting?
Berkeley student assaulted for MAGA hat one day
after riots. A student sporting a Make America Great Again hat was abruptly assaulted at the University of
California, Berkeley Thursday, not even a day after the violent riots that put campus on lockdown. Both assailants were
detained by police, and a College Republicans member who witnessed the attack has declared his intention to press charges.
Are the Groups Behind Those 'Spontaneous' Anti-Trump-Ban Protests. News reports and TV broadcasts about the
week's protests described the events as "spontaneous protests" mounted in response to the Trump administration's travel and
immigration executive order. But to Make the Road New York, and the groups like it across the country, there was
nothing "spontaneous" about it. As some observers and activists were quick to point out, these grassroots and
professional organizers had been waiting and planning for this type of mass, direct action — ready-made to go viral
on social media — ever since, well, Nov. 9. From the moment Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the general
election, they've been anticipating and mapping out their battle plans for Trump's orders on deportations, bans, and detention.
We Know: Those 'Spontaneous' Anti-Trump Airport Protests Weren't Spontaneous At All. There was always
something fishy about the outbreak of "spontaneous" protests at airports around the country in the immediate wake of
President Trump's executive order pausing visas and refugees from terror-prone countries. Not that you'd suspect
anything from the way they were covered. Nearly every story published over that weekend stated without equivocation
that the protests were an unplanned and visceral reaction to Trump's executive order. [...] But these protests weren't spontaneous
at all. They were, in fact, the result of months of careful planning by hard-core left-wing activist groups.
We Can't Unite Against Rioting, We Can't Unite at All. In the United States of America, rioting to stop free
speech is unlawful and reprehensible. Period. Full stop. It's not "understandable." It's not
excusable. There should be no tolerance and no sympathy for people who pepper-spray young women, beat bystanders
senseless, and tear up property because they're mad that another human being is speaking. Last night's
[2/1/2017] spectacle in Berkeley, Calif., was disgraceful.
Embrace Violence. Many have long suspected that if you scratch an American liberal, you will find a budding
fascist. I mean that in the literal sense, not as a general epithet. More and more, liberals are openly embracing
violence as a path to power. Not just the nuts, either: their recently-defeated vice-presidential nominee, Tim Kaine,
has called on his fellow liberals to become street fighting men.
Hope the Loony Left Keeps Exposing Itself. The entire liberal establishment — from the cultural
crybabies to the lefty campus snowflakes to the mainstream media to the leading Democratic politicians — is having
a nervous breakdown, and it is ugly and self-defeating. These bullies have been doing for years what they're now
falsely accusing Trump and the Republicans of doing. They are the ones who try to suppress speech, who act lawlessly
and tyrannically, who undermine the democratic process, who breach the peace and who disrupt our domestic tranquility.
Berkeley Prof Suggests That Violent Protesters At Milo Event Were Right-Wing Plants. Robert Reich, the Labor Secretary
under Bill Clinton and a Berkeley professor, suggested on Thursday, contrary to all evidence, that right-wing groups staged the
violence that shut down a Milo Yiannopoulos event that was to be hosted on the liberal university campus on Wednesday [2/1/2017].
Village Magazine Cover Shows Gun Target on
President Trump's Head. The February cover of Ireland's Village Magazine has sparked outrage after portraying President Donald Trump's
head with a sniper target locked on it. The cover, which was revealed on Twitter Friday [2/3/2017], reads "WHY NOT." Village is a
left-leaning monthly publication that dubs itself "Ireland's political and cultural magazine."
Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior. One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and
intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Barack Obama, they had
gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President
Donald Trump. They committed acts such as assaulting Trump supporters, setting fires, and stoning police.
Turn The Clock Back To 1860. At this year's Screen Actors Guild awards, "Stranger Things" actor David Harbour
openly advocated committing criminal violence against political opponents. Harbour had also approved of an Inauguration
Day assault against Richard Spencer, an outspoken Eurocentric social media star. For his explicit call to political
violence at the SAG awards, Harbour received a standing ovation from the crowd. You're not reading that wrong said
Daniel Payne, writing for thefederalist.com, a famous actor called for violence against his fellow Americans, and a bunch
of other famous actors were totally for it.
Escalating: Defiance and Calls for Violence among Democrats. In the immediate wake of Trump's inauguration, violence erupted.
Leftists angered that Trump was president took to the streets, hurling rocks and employing David Harbour's method of catharsis. On the heels of the
protest violence, came the Million Gals March. Intimations of violence were elevated as celebs — Madonna and Ashley Judd, notably —
spewed vitriol to a national audience. Madonna's dream about blowing up the White House (with the president in it, doubtless) was swept away by the
MSM as hyperbole. Yet a worldly 58-year-old diva shouldn't be lightly dismissed as a complete idiot. Madonna knows plenty about audiences and
followings. Her words act as cues.
One more company to boycott: CEO
Tells People 'Rest Easy,' Predicts Trump Assassination Within 100 Days. There has been no shortage of vitriol
directed at President Donald Trump, but one CEO recently went beyond criticism to what could be viewed as a threat. Ted
Kornblum, Founder and CEO of Magnatone guitar amplifier company, posted on Jan. 30, "Rest easy people, it'll take only
100 days till Trump gets a bullet in the head!" Kornblum posted the statement via his personal Facebook page, which now
appears to have been deactivated. He issued an apology on the Magnatone company Facebook page for the original post.
Things' Actor Vows 'We Will Punch Some People in the Face!' to Wild Applause. During the 23rd Annual Screen
Actors Guild Awards on TBS Sunday night [1/29/2017], a strange call to violence was issued by actor David Harbour as he
accepted the award for Best Ensemble in a Drama Series for Stranger Things. Mind you, the stars of this Netflix
series are children. He began by calling on his fellow actors to "cultivate a more empathetic and understanding
society," but ended with a screaming call to "punch some people in the face" with "soul, heart, and joy."
Slashed During Inauguration Day Tells Her Story. While most protests on Inauguration Day remained peaceful, a
few incidents turned violent. One Trump supporter said she was slashed by someone from behind. [...] "My husband... was
in front of me and to the right because that's where a majority of the protesters were," she said. "One of them came
behind me and I thought just pushed me in the back. And I turned a little over my shoulder to see if anything else was
coming. Nothing was, I ignored it, I went through. We went to the inauguration, didn't think anything of it.
That evening when I went to put on my coat, I realized it wasn't a shove — my coat had been slashed."
Student Physically Assaults Conservatives. On Wednesday, a meeting between student groups at West Virginia
University (WVU) turned violent, as liberal students kicked out conservatives, with one following them out the door.
The Editor says...
No further excerpt of this article was possible, because the remainder of it was replete with profanity.
school teacher stages mock assassination of Trump. A Texas high school art teacher has been placed on
administrative leave after video surfaced showing her "shooting" President Donald Trump inside a classroom while screaming,
"Die!" The Secret Service field office in Irving tells me they are aware of the incident, but declined further comment.
Dallas teacher 'assassinates' Donald Trump
in class with water pistol. A Dallas high school art teacher is in hot water for firing a water pistol at a
projection of Donald Trump during last Friday's inauguration. The teacher yells "DIE!!" while repeatedly firing the
gun. The incident appears to take place in a classroom, but it's unclear whether students were present.
Women's March Of Hate. On Saturday, the nation's capital was inundated with masses of loud, obnoxious,
foul-mouthed Trump-hating women (and some men) at what was billed the "Women's March on Washington." [...] Black mask-wearing
rioters destroyed private property a few blocks from the White House, smashing windows at a Bank of America branch, a
Starbucks, and a McDonald's. They set cars and trash cans on fire and assaulted police using crowbars, bottles, and
sticks. They blocked uniformed Air Force officers from entering the inauguration grounds. They injured at least
six cops. About 3,000 local, state, and federal law enforcement officers were stationed in Washington, along with 5,000
members of the National Guard. Perhaps unaware that he works for their friends in the Russian government, rioters
torched the limousine of RT America broadcaster Larry King. At least 217 individuals were arrested and charged with
rioting. The U.S. Attorney's Office said each offender is facing up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
happens when you wear a Trump hat in NYC? YouTube star films himself 'being harassed and SPAT on'. A notorious
YouTube star risked the wrath of New Yorkers on Saturday by walking around the city wearing a 'Make America Great Again' cap
following the women's march. Joey Salads — real name Joseph Saladino — donned the hat bearing Trump's signature slogan
as part of an apparent social experiment in Manhattan's Union Square. And the right-on citizens of the Big Apple did
not disappoint, with Salads being spat at, called a 'racist piece of s*** and even having the baseball cap ripped from his
head and thrown to the floor in disgust.
The ugly Americans.
If your career is on the skids, try this: Join the mobs against Trump and tell them you have dreams of "blowing up the
White House." That was Madonna who said that amid the anti-Trump hysteria in Washington on Sunday and now she's famous all
over again. Haven't heard from her in years. Ditto Gloria Steinem and so many other forlorn and forgotten figures
from the women's movement of the past. They're back. They have a cause. Nobody's really clear on what that
is, except for the fact that we took away their boy toy, Barack Hussein Obama.
March — See What a Massive, Hillary-Shaped Bullet America Just Dodged? Has anyone actually worked
out yet what that Women's March over the weekend was all about? Or is it another of those things we're just supposed to
know — and the very fact we don't know shows precisely how insensitive and unobservant we are?
of activists planning to disrupt inauguration were infiltrated by conservative group. In the weeks leading up
to President Trump's inauguration, a small group of activists threatening to disrupt the event was trying to keep the details
secret. D.C. police detectives were working hard to learn the plans and head them off. What neither authorities
nor the activists apparently realized was that conservative activist James O'Keefe's Project Veritas had already infiltrated
key meetings of groups of suspected agitators.
journalists arrested covering anti-Trump riot face felony charges. Two journalists who were reporting on the riots in
Washington, DC, on the day of US President Donald Trump's inauguration have been charged with felony crimes that could see them
imprisoned for 10 years. Evan Engel of Vocativ, a media company that says it explores the deep web, and Alex Rubinstein
of RT America, part of the Moscow-based network Russia Today, were arrested Friday and charged with the District of Columbia's
most serous rioting offenses, The Guardian reported Monday. If convicted, they could also be fined up to $25,000.
Soros: The "God" Who Should Be Jailed. Over the past several years, American cities have been plunged
into racial and civil turmoil at a level we have not experienced since the 1960s and 1970s. [...] The anti-Trump
demonstrations and riots — both before and after the election — follow a pattern that we have seen over
and over again, from the protests of Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter to Dream Act/Open Borders. Not only are
the tactics the same, but many of the same groups and individuals keep reappearing in all of these seemingly spontaneous
outbreaks of organized chaos. Were the "Not My President" rioters that illegally blocked streets and freeways, set
fires, threw Molotov cocktails, injured police officers, destroyed property, and defaced public buildings with graffiti day
after day following the November 8 election merely Soros rent-a-mobs? There is good reason to believe so.
The DC Women's
Tantrum. The day after Donald Trump took the oath of office to become the forty-fifth President of the United
States, radical liberal feminazis took to the streets of Washington D.C. and put on a disgusting display of hedonism and
hate. What was billed as the "Women's March on Washington" quickly devolved into what any sound-minded political
observer knew it would, and the worst of the American left was on unhinged display for all the world to see.
Gold Star family members 'assaulted and spat on by protesters' as they tried entering the Veterans Inaugural Ball. Amy Looney,
who lost her husband Navy SEAL Lt. Brendan Looney, and Ryan Manion, who lost her brother Marine First Lt. Travis Manion, claim the
incident happened [1/20/2017] while they were trying to enter the American Legion's tribute to Medal of Honor recipients at the Renaissance
Washington DC Downtown Hotel. 'As soon as we started walking they all turned to us and converged on us and got in our faces were
screaming really vile obscenities in our faces,' Manion told Fox29, as she claimed the group was about 75 people strong.
Protestors Spat On Gold Star Family Members Outside American Legion Ball. Ryan Manion, who lost her brother in
Iraq in 2007 and Amy Looney, whose husband died in Afghanistan in 2010, were spat upon by anti-Trump protestors while walking
into and leaving the American Legion's Salute to American Heroes Inaugural Gala Friday night. According to Manion,
whose Facebook post on the incident has been shared almost 2,000 times, they were not black-bloc-style rioters but mostly
regular protesters, and many of them were women.
of Self-Destruction. The destruction in Washington DC and other cities this past weekend was not
unnoticed. The violence in the name of moral superiority is hard to overlook. The demands to be heard, the
demands to force all others to see their narrow viewpoint, these are hard to see without cringing.
Democrats have incited a climate of
violent intolerance. Friday night in Seattle, a man was shot during a riotous protest outside an event at the
University of Washington featuring pro-Trump speaker Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor for Breitbart.com. Police say the
incident is still under investigation, but a report by the Seattle Times indicates the gunman was part of the anti-Trump mob
and that he claimed to have been assaulted by the man he shot, whom he believed to be a "white supremacist." However, friends
of the victim — who is reported to be hospitalized in critical condition — say the man is actually an
anti-Nazi activist who voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democrat presidential primaries. The shooting in Seattle
happened on the same day that mobs protesting President Trump's inauguration rioted in Washington, D.C., where among other
criminal acts they broke windows at a Starbucks and a Bank of America branch and burned a limousine parked outside the
offices of the Washington Post. A day later, during the anti-Trump "Women's March on Washington," aging pop singer
Madonna spoke of her violent fantasies: "Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House."
Liz Warren Refuses to Disavow Madonna's Wish to 'Blow Up the White House'. Two days after Madonna shared her
wish to blow up the White House, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D.-Mass.) has not come out with a statement condemning the
outrageous desire that the pop singer expressed in her address to Saturday's Women's March on Washington's National Mall.
Who Said She Wants to Blow Up the White House Now Claims She's Not Violent. Just imagine if anyone said they'd
like to blow up the White House while Obama was president. The media would be on Day 3 of a complete meltdown and every
living Republican would be badgered into denouncing them. But this deranged [person] says it and now pretends she really didn't
mean [it].
March Protestors Booed Trump Hotel Staffers Who Aided Woman Having Heart Attack. Hotel staffers who crossed
protest barricades to treat a heart-attack victim outside the Trump International Hotel in Washington this weekend were
treated to jeers and anti-Trump slogans by protesters. Around 4 p.m. Saturday, a woman protester suffered a heart
attack on the street outside the Trump hotel. The medical emergency sent a hotel staffer sprinting outside with an
automated external defibrillator. Protesters held back by crowd control barricades loudly booed the staffer before the
man passed the defibrillator to law enforcement.
immigrant business owner says insurance may not cover limo torched during violent anti-Trump protests — leaving him out
$70,000. Several businesses, restaurants and vehicles, including a limousine, suffered extensive damage when
demonstrators took to DC streets protesting Donald Trump's presidency on Inauguration Day. One business that fell
victim to rioters was the Virginia-based Nationwide Chauffeured Services. Muslim immigrant, Muhammad Ashraf, who is the
president of the company, said his limo was set on fire by protesters in DC, and his insurance probably won't cover the
damage, which may cost as much as $70,000.
liberal who sucker punched Sheila Gunn Reid has been identified. Sheila Gunn Reid, Alberta bureau chief of The
Rebel, was assaulted at the Women's March yesterday while covering the event. It seems not even journalists covering
their march are safe from the "tolerance" of liberals. [Video clip]
woman accused of smearing bananas on cars at Mar-a-Lago, typing Trump profanity on its computer. A Florida
woman is accused of a smear campaign against Donald Trump, mashing bananas against cars at his Mar-a-Lago resort. Kelly
Weidman was arrested for trespassing at the Palm Beach property Friday morning, allegedly also putting a bunch of balloons in
the bushes and typing a profane statement about Trump on one of the resort's computers.
I Am Mad
About The Protests and The Press. The protesters waited until the cameras were set up to begin
"agitating." They organized around the camera positions between D and 7th and K and 12th, and performed for the news
crews. We walked through those areas and there was no violence as the cameras were just getting set up after the
inauguration events. These were not just angry people. They were trained, likely paid, agitators. They were
coordinated with with press so the crews knew exactly where to put there cameras. The filming angles, shots and
probably even the actions of the agitators were staged. And the news ran with their footage over and over again.
The progression from "peaceful" protest, to confronting the police, to vandalism was set for maximum impact so people would
focus on this and not the historic events taking place just blocks away.
hag tossed off plane after harassing Trump supporter. Late Saturday, Facebook user Scott Kotesky said he had
what he called the "craziest experience ever on an airplane." Kotesky said he had a somewhat harrowing experience when he
boarded a flight going from Baltimore to Seattle. It seems he sat next to a woman who apparently didn't like President
Donald Trump. In no time, she began berating him, telling him that she would throw up in his lap because he supports
the new president. Eventually, the woman was removed from the airplane for her conduct.
Rioters Will Face Up To 10 Years In Prison And Possible $25k Fine. The charge also carries a punishment of a
$25,000 fine. Hundreds of rioters launched a violent rampage just blocks away from the White House as anti-Trump
protesters smashed windows of local businesses, threw debris at police and set fire to vehicles. One defendant told the
judge that they were a journalist for the site Vocativ and should not have been arrested.
March Led to ZERO Arrests, Official Says. Saturday's "Women's March" in Washington D.C. reportedly led to
absolutely no arrests despite featuring an estimated half-million people. D.C. Homeland Security Director Christopher
Geldart told NBC News that no one got put behind bars, according to a Saturday report. That's in marked contrast to
Inauguration Day. Over 200 people were arrested after President Donald Trump took the oath of office. People in
that crowd allegedly threw rocks at police officers. Fires were also reported.
Donald Trump hounded by furious protestors in motorcade journey home. President Donald Trump faced thousands of
furious protestors yesterday during a journey home in his motorcade to the White House. The billionaire leader of the
free world was travelling back from a meeting with the CIA on Saturday [1/21/2017] when his convoy clashed with the Women's March on
Washington. Hundreds of protesters screamed and chanted at the newly-inaugurated President as he sped along the route back to
his new home.
Service WILL investigate Madonna after singer says she wants to BLOW Up the White House in expletive-filled rant at women's
march. The Secret Service has reportedly said it will open an investigation into Madonna after the singer told
the Women's March on Washington that she had thought about 'blowing up the White House'. Donning a black [hat], the
music icon caused controversy by dropping the F-bomb four times, sparking a slew of apologies from broadcasters airing the
protest live. She went on to speak of her rage at the election result, telling the crowd she had thought a lot about
'blowing up the White House' but knew that it 'wouldn't change anything'.
motorcade is surrounded by screaming protesters as the President speeds back home to the White House. President
Donald Trump had trouble avoiding protesters in Washington on his way home to the White House as thousands took to the
streets surrounding his motorcade. Trump was on his way back from the Central Intelligence Agency on Saturday when he
got a first-hand look at the Women's March on Washington. Hundreds of protesters lined the motorcade route as Trump
sped back to the White House, many screaming and chanting at the president.
Airs Madonna's F-Bombs At March On Washington. An embarrassed CNN quickly — but not quickly enough —
pulled away from its live coverage of Madonna's F-bomb fueled speech at the March on Washington. "I just need to apologize for the
multiple f-bombs by Madonna," said CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin. "That happens, and we apologize here at CNN for that."
charges awaiting hundreds of Inauguration Day violent rioters. There will be problems with getting convictions
from a DC jury, of course, but even so, the prospect of a decade in the federal pen and the need to hire defense counsel will
stand as a warning to others who might be inclined to riot. There are gangs of leftist activists that operate in a
number of major cities, and they are used to smashing windows, lighting fires in the street and other bouts of civil disorder
without much consequence. In the Bay Area, we see the same faces doing these activities every time there is a new
leftist cause célèbre sparking anger. I have my fingers crossed that prosecutors will go after the sponsors,
if any, of this violence. A familiar banner seen at many riots is that of the Revolutionary Communist Party.
Exactly who funds this organization is a mystery. Using the prospect of a ten year prison sentences as an inducement,
perhaps some of the rioters will name names.
than 200 are arrested as riot police teargas masked mob of Trump haters smashing stores and burning cars.
Thousand of protesters launched a violent rampage just blocks away from the White House as Trump haters smashed store
windows, set fire to cars and threw bricks at police — who arrested more than 200 before nightfall. Heated clashes
broke out in McPherson Square and along K Street as hundreds of riot police fired tear gas and drew their nightsticks to
contain the masked mob. As the rioting unfolded, Trump and his family were arriving at a review stand at the White
House to see the end of the inaugural parade.
200+ arrested, windows
shattered, cars burned at inauguration Day protests. Protests surrounding the inauguration of President-elect
Donald Trump have reached fever pitch as demonstrators turn violent, smashing windows and throwing objects around DC. More
than 200 people were arrested, according to police. Just ahead of Trump's scheduled swearing-in, some 500 protesters
tore through downtown Washington, smashing symbols of capitalist America along the way.
protesters vandalize, set fires try to disrupt Trump's oath, as police arrest nearly 100. Protesters made
themselves heard in the nation's capital Friday, leaving a trail of damage along some city blocks, disrupting security
checkpoints at President Donald Trump's inauguration, and clashing with police as Trump supporters tried to celebrate.
As people poured into the city to watch Trump sworn in as the 45th president, they encountered protesters across the area
throughout the day. Many of the demonstrations were nonviolent, with people holding signs that spoke to their causes
and concerns. One protest even took on a carnival atmosphere, with puppets, stilt walkers and a giant inflatable
elephant wearing a sign that read "racism." But other groups tried to disrupt the day's events by burning flags,
throwing bricks and rioting en masse, leading to injuries and 217 arrests by Friday evening.
I saw at the anti-Trump riot in DC. On Friday thousands of protestors gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest
the peaceful transition of power from one democratically-elected president to another. And it got ugly quickly.
Organized by the DisruptJ20 protest group, activists took aim at the alleged sexism and racism of the incoming
administration. Practically speaking, that meant blocking security checkpoints, smashing windows, and torching at least
one limousine outside the Washington Post building. But while the media certainly gave them plenty of attention, the
protestors probably won't win much sympathy.
Press Whitewashes Inauguration Protesters. This is what yesterday's "protests" against the Trump inauguration
looked like: [Video clip] The "protesters" also set a limousine on fire and threw concrete blocks at police officers, yelling
"put the pigs in the ground." None of this is surprising. This is what leftist protesters — read, criminals —
always do.
'Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House'. Madonna told thousands of Women's March
attendees in Washington that she has "thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House" since President Trump was
elected. Addressing rallygoers from the stage, Madonna said, "This is the hallmark of revolution. So, my question
to you today is, are you ready? I said, are you ready? Say yes, we are ready!" "Yes, I'm angry. Yes, I
am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House," she said. "But I know that this
won't change anything. We cannot fall into despair."
of Ugly Left at the Inaugural. Millions of Americans watching President Donald Trump's inauguration on
television missed one of the more important parts of the day — the faces of the ugly Left. Sure, you might
have seen a few of them on television at 12th and L Street, throwing rocks at police officers and sending two of them to the
hospital. But they were everywhere else in force, and TV cameras did show many of them. Democrats in Congress
hoping to slow down Trump's agenda should be thankful television cameras didn't capture what my camera did below.
There's nothing that could frighten Middle America much more than the sights, sounds, and even smells of the anti-Trump Left
that prowled Washington, D.C., today.
Pro-Trump female protester
has hair set on fire. A video of a lively but peaceful protest and exchange among anti- and pro-Trump
supporters turned nasty when a young woman's hair was set on fire. A video of the incident, which occurred Friday
[1/20/2017], emerged over the weekend. Luckily friends were on hand to put out the flames, but there have been calls to
find the fire starter.
the left have a drug problem? I remain dumbfounded at the left's continual episodes of tantrums and meltdowns,
and since last week, things have only gotten worse — a lot worse.
protesters vandalize, set fires try to disrupt Trump's oath, as police arrest nearly 100. Protesters made
themselves heard in the nation's capital Friday, leaving a trail of damage along some city blocks, disrupting security
checkpoints at President Donald Trump's inauguration, and clashing with police as Trump supporters tried to celebrate.
As people poured into the city to watch Trump sworn in as the 45th president, they encountered protesters across the area
throughout the day. Many of the demonstrations were nonviolent, with people holding signs that spoke to their causes
and concerns. One protest even took on a carnival atmosphere, with puppets, stilt walkers and a giant inflatable
elephant wearing a sign that read "racism." But other groups tried to disrupt the day's events by burning flags,
throwing bricks and rioting en masse, leading to injuries and nearly 100 arrests by early afternoon.
Arrested activist featured in Project Veritas inauguration video. DisruptJ20 protesters dismissed as a joke an
undercover Project Veritas video showing activists supposedly planning to shut down Thursday night's DeploraBall by setting
off smoke bombs or the sprinkler system — but D.C. police weren't buying it. The 34-year-old man arrested
Thursday night [1/19/2017] for conspiracy to commit assault at the event was among the activists featured in the undercover video
released this week, according to court documents made public on Friday. Scott Ryan Charney was one of the three men
caught on camera discussing plans to set off fire alarms and spray Butyric acid — an ingredient commonly used in
stink bombs — at the National Press Club, where the party for Donald Trump supporters was held Thursday
night. In the Project Veritas video, Mr. Charney is identified as Scott Green, the documents state.
on loose after protest shooting at University of Washington, victim critical. An unidentified man was listed in
critical condition after he was shot during a demonstration Friday [1/20/2017] at the University when anti-Donald Trump
protesters clashed ticket-holders there to see far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. The suspect, who was described
in reports as an Asian male in his 50s, is reportedly still on the loose.
bombs and profanity: How the Left welcomes a peaceful transition of power. It's already become a
cliché, but this is one reason why we have President Donald Trump. As Trump supporters celebrated the eve of the
inauguration with a dance at the National Press Club (called "The DeploraBall" as a play on attacks on their character),
Trump's opponents gathered in the street outside to protest, and ... events played out exactly as one would have
guessed. NBC Washington's Shomari Stone reported from the scene after smoke bombs got thrown by the crowd, which
then complained that police used pepper spray to disperse them.
Trump supporter punched
in the head at 'Deploraball'. Video has emerged online of a Donald Trump supporter being punched in the head
outside the 'Deploraball', an event to celebrate Trump's inauguration in Washington. James Allsup was wearing a Trump
T-shirt and 'Make America Great Again' hat while debating an anti-Trump demonstrator outside the event on Thursday. An
individual wearing a ski-mask and holding a banner reading 'antifascist' is seen in the video grabbing his hat and, in the
altercation that follows, Allsup is punched by another individual, also wearing a ski mask.
75 Leftist Groups Trying to Stop Donald Trump from Taking Office. This is the most comprehensive list of the
leftist groups supporting the DisruptJ20 event designed to thwart President-elect Donald Trump and his supporters.
These are the anarchist cells, affinity groups, student consortiums, left-wing bookstores, propaganda distribution outlets,
anti-American websites, hacker collectives, and other leftist groups on the shadowy edge of the worldwide radical movement
that sees Trump's political victory as the main barrier to their goal of fundamentally transforming the world. This is
the far left of the far left — the anarchist, communist, and socialist organizations, some of which urge
lawbreaking "direct action" including violence, arson, and intimidation.
The Democrats' acidic
petulance. With thousands of anarchists conspiring to disrupt or curtail inaugural events, Democrats in Congress are essentially
urging them on with their acidic behavior. CNN did its part with a stunningly irresponsible report in which it wistfully speculated that
Democrats might be able to maintain the White House if Trump were assassinated before being sworn in.
Inauguration Day Protests
or Tantrums? I am not watching the Inauguration tomorrow. I have this funny thing called work instead.
J20 however has a lot more time on their hands to plan protests. How are they protesting? Well they are doing things
like hand out pot on federal government property mentioned [elsew]here and a Queer Dance Party talked about [elsew]here.
Hate to tell the J20 twits the bad news but this looks like a tantrum rather than a protest.
Dear Rioters: Thank You.
As I sit here and watch Donald Trump sworn into the presidency with Hillary Clinton watching from a few feet away, I can
think of only one thing to say to you: Thank You. You are the reason we are here today. Without your
efforts, we would never have come this far. Over the past year, your members and others like you on your side of the
aisle have relentlessly opposed the nomination and the election of Donald Trump — now our 45th President.
You have used insults, disruptive protests, and violence to attack anyone that disagrees with your point of view. You
have done everything in your power to label your opposition as racist, misogynistic, and intolerant. You have used
racial slurs against black Republicans, and have bullied gay Republicans. You have turned crying wolf into a
career. You have mocked religious freedom, and trampled on our freedom of association.
begin to turn violent at Trump inauguration. Police and protesters clashed in the nation's capital Friday
afternoon [1/20/2017] just before the inaugural parade got underway, with demonstrators throwing rocks and lighting small fires in
downtown Washington, D.C. The skirmishes occurred outside the parade's security perimeter but prompted a response by
hundreds of officers outfitted in riot gear, who deployed pepper spray and fired off crowd control munitions in an effort to
disperse the groups. The standoff was at least the second major confrontation on Inauguration Day — law
enforcement arrested at least 90 people Friday morning after masked protesters smashed storefront windows and bank ATMs
and overturned trashcans.
The Editor says...
The news footage I saw (and I saw a lot of it on January 20) included pictures of a McDonald's restaurant in D.C. that had its windows
damaged in the riot. McDonald's, Wal-Mart and ATMs symbolize capitalism, and the people who oppose Donald Trump really
hate capitalism, and hate to see capitalism succeed, which it usually does.
Protesters break windows,
pepper spray used during DC march. Protests surrounding the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump have
reached fever pitch as demonstrators turn violent, smashing windows and throwing objects around DC. More than
100 people were arrested, according to police.
Protesters Stage 'Cough-In' at Trump's Manhattan Restaurants. Protesters who support Obamacare staged a
"cough-in" at Donald Trump's International Hotel and Tower restaurants on Sunday to rally against the repeal of the
Affordable Care Act. The protest was initiated by Mark Milano, 60, and organized by the "Rise and Resist" activist
group. Twenty activists from the group made reservations for lunch at Jean-Georges and Nougatine restaurants at Trump
Hotel and Tower, and then coordinated everyone to start coughing at 12:20 p.m., according to a Facebook post written
by one of the organization's administrators.
of Anarchy: Hoodlums will be out in full force this Inauguration Day weekend. Clenched-fist troublemakers
will use any mass gathering as an excuse to undermine civil society. Social media and the irresistible lure of virality
have only strengthened their incentive to [disrupt]. Here's another thing you can take to the bank: "Mainstream"
protesters on the streets of D.C. will look the other way at these lawless vandals who leech onto any available cause.
Their common goal is not "social justice." It's destabilization and disorder.
O'Keefe producing real news on Inaugural Violence Plans MSM yawns. [B]ecause the media have become democrats
with bylines such things are left to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas[.] Well it's kind of sad that this kind of work has
to be done by a James O'Keefe vs the MSM but if I'm wrong about the MSM & the "Democrats with bylines" bit and given their
claimed commitment to real news, an actual plot to release acid at events, chain up DC subways, and assault people at
the inauguration, particularly with said revelations on video, might just be considered newsworthy by places like CNN.
Veritas Exposes Sore Losers Stink Bomb Plots. There should be no surprise that Leftist groups have these
plans. There are surely many, many more that haven't been caught. You can see the video at the Daily Caller link
or Project Veritas. The information and full videos were given to the anti-terrorist law enforcement and the Secret
Service. Remember when there were all sorts of Right leaning groups attempting to utterly disrupt Obama's
inauguration? That's right, we didn't bother.
video of racist black man shaming inter-racial couple goes viral. Worldstar Video, the platform for "urban"
viral videos, has a pretty awful video showing a black man accosting an inter-racial couple at a black-owned restaurant.
He calls the man "weak" for being in a relationship with a white woman, and disparages her race, saying, "if they're even human,
it's arguable that they're even human." [...] The amazing thing is that we're told that white racism against minorities would
get worse because of Trump, but this video shows how black racism seems to be getting worse.
Rioters Urged to 'Go Hard' in 'Only Chance' to 'Rove the City' Under 'Protocol of the Obama Era'. A chilling
article from one of the over 75 groups that Breitbart News has identified as connected to the #DisruptJ20 events titled Ten
Reasons to Go Hard on January 20 makes the case to anarchists, socialist and communist ruffians from across the country about
"why would it be worth driving across the country to a city crowded with reactionaries and police." Saying that during
the inauguration "the DC police will have their hands full" it ominously tells the web of American-hating, anti-capitalist
activists worldwide that the January 20th inauguration "is our only chance to fight Trump under the laws and police protocol
of the Obama era."
Marc Lamont Hill: Blacks meeting with Trump are 'mediocre Negroes'. CNN's Marc Lamont Hill referred to
Trump diversity team member Bruce LeVell as a part of a group of "mediocre Negroes" who met with the president-elect.
The characterization, which includes Pastor Darryl Scott and television host and comedian Steve Harvey, came during a panel
discussion with host Don Lemon on "CNN Tonight" on Monday [1/16/2017]. "They (the Trump transition team) keep bringing up
comedians and and actors athletes to represent black interests. It's demeaning, it's disrespectful, and it's condescending,"
Hill argued. "Bring some people up there with expertise, Donald Trump, don't just bring up people to entertain."
Video Shows Plans To Disrupt Trump Inauguration Using Chains on Metro Railways. Project Veritas has released a
second undercover video showing left-wing anarchists and professional agitators planning multiple coordinated attacks upon
Washington DC infrastructure and mass transit. The second video exposes the collusion between the various groups under
the DisruptJ20 umbrella. The video shows that DJ20 is not simply a movement of fringe groups but instead a nefarious organization.
Activist Calls Black Band Playing At Trump Inauguration 'Coons'. A race activist referred to a historically
black college's marching band as "coons" for playing at President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. Tariq Nasheed, a
black writer and activist, used a racist trope to describe Talladega College's marching band. "So the HBCU
[historically black colleges and universities] Talladega College Marching Band has agreed to perform at the Trump
inauguration... that's interesting," Nasheed wrote, adding a picture of a group of raccoons playing instruments.
The Editor says...
Does anyone know what name was given to "Tariq Nasheed" when he was born?
Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls. On the day of President-elect Donald Trump's
inauguration protesters are planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls.
The protests will likely include property destruction, a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily
Caller Friday [1/13/2017]. The blockades are not limited to roads but will also be at every security checkpoint, the
source said. The source added that the protesters blockading each checkpoint will represent a different liberal cause
such as climate change or money in politics.
Video Exposes Anti-Trump Groups Plotting Criminal Acts To Disrupt Inauguration. In the latest undercover video
from Project Veritas, investigators uncovered a group of protesters known as the DC Anti-fascist Coalition plotting to
disrupt President-Elect Donald Trump's inauguration by deploying butyric acid (aka "stink bombs") at the National Press Club
during the Deploraball event scheduled for January 19th. In a dose of irony, the planning meeting for the attack was
held at Comet Ping Pong, the DC pizza restaurant that recently gained infamy as the location of the Pizzagate controversy.
Apparently "Plan A" of the disaffected agitators was to set off "stink bombs" in the ventilation systems of the building
hosting the "Deploraball."
protests could get very ugly. Protestors are promising to disrupt many of the events surrounding Donald Trump's
inauguration, with some protest leaders promising violence. No venue will be safe from protestors, including the
inaugural parade, inaugural balls, and every place in betweeen.
Party Bullies try to Scuttle Trump's Inauguration. Never before in our history has one party been so petty as to try to interfere with the
traditional celebrations that accompany a presidential inauguration, but that is what the Democrats are doing now. Every performer who has agreed
to participate in the inaugural has been bullied mercilessly by the Democrats, and most are unable to take the heat, or to sustain the financial loss that
could result from a boycott. One after another, they have either dropped out or declined to appear in the first place. Opera singer Andrea
Bocelli has withdrawn, saying he has gotten death threats from liberals.
protesters caught on camera planning acid attack on ball for activists as part of bid to close down inauguration
celebration. Activists who oppose President-elect Donald Trump were caught on camera in an undercover video
discussing ways to disrupt a gala celebrating his inauguration, including the use of butyric acid, better known as stink
bombs. An edited video, shot by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, a conservative group known for conducting sting
operations on liberals, that was released Monday shows three members of the D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition brainstorming ways to
shut down the inauguration eve DeploraBall in Washington, D.C.
shows anti-Trump activists plotting to set off stink bombs, sprinklers at inaugural fetes. Anti-Trump
protesters are plotting to derail an inaugural ball by setting off stink bombs and the sprinkler system to force the
evacuation of celebrants, according to an undercover video released Monday [1/16/2017]. The D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition,
part of the anti-inauguration umbrella group #DisruptJ20, plans to "ruin" the DeploraBall, a sold-out black-tie gathering
Thursday night at the National Press Building, according to the Project Veritas investigation.
O'Keefe Video: Leftists Planning Stink Bombs At 'Deploraball'. A new video released Monday [1/16/2017] by
James O'Keefe's Project Veritas shows left-wing activists allegedly planning to use butyric acid bombs — commonly
known as "stink bombs" — to disrupt an event scheduled for the week of Donald Trump's inauguration as the 45th
President of the United States. The leftists captured on film were allegedly targeting the Deploraball, a grass-roots
event being held on Thursday at the National Press Club "to celebrate and honor ... the passionate citizens who worked social
media, knocked on doors, and endured harassement to support" Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Shkreli Pelted with Feces at Canceled Milo Yiannapoulos Event. Milo Yiannopoulos' event at UC Davis this
weekend with pharma bro Martin Shkreli didn't go as planned. It was canceled amid a storm of protest and fears that
Milo's appearance would cause violence to escalate on campus. UC Davis' College Republicans, who sponsored the program,
were contacted by the University's police department and student affairs officials who advised them to nix the controversial
event. So while Milo, the alt-right provocateur, was nowhere to be seen, his wingman Shkreli still showed up outside
the building where the event was supposed to take place and approached some protesters. He was pelted with feces in
short order.
star Andrea Bocelli backs out of singing at Trump's inauguration after receiving death threats. Opera star
Andrea Bocelli backed out of singing at Donald Trump's inauguration after receiving death threats, The Mail on Sunday has
learnt. The revelation came as another singer — Broadway legend Jennifer Holliday — last night
pulled out of the President-elect's festivities after being threatened and branded an 'Uncle Tom'. When blind tenor
Bocelli announced he would not sing at this Friday's celebration, it was widely reported it was because fans had said they
would boycott his concerts and records.
NavyJack —
Communists Intend to Overthrow the United States before Inauguration Day. In previous articles I have reviewed
the planned activities of the ANSWER Coalition, #DisruptJ20 and the ANTIFA during the week leading up to the inauguration of
Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. In this article we will review a new and even more dangerous
organization, Refuse Fascism, which has stated their intent to stop the inauguration and prevent Donald Trump from becoming
Caucus chairman threatens violence over 'Cops as Pigs' painting. On Tuesday [1/10/2017], Politico reported that
Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, threatened violence after a painting that
depicts police officers as pigs was removed for the second time in a week. "We may just have to kick somebody's a** and
stop them," he threatened.
of the Capitol orders 'Cops as pigs' painting taken down. The Architect of the Capitol Stephen Ayers on Friday
evening announced plans to remove a painting portraying police officers as pigs. The artwork, currently on display in a
tunnel between the U.S. Capitol and Cannon House Office Building will be taken down on Tuesday, before President-elect
Trump's inauguration three days later. The painting has been on display since last June after Rep. William Lacy
Clay, D-Mo., hung it as a gift from his constituent. However, the image has caused controversy between lawmakers
because of its political message. Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., a former sheriff, asked Ayers to remove the image.
Update: Pelosi
loses in 2-1 vote upholding ban of embattled student artwork. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi made a
vigorous but ultimately futile argument on Friday to keep student artwork hanging near the Capitol that portrays police as
pigs, noting other politically themed paintings remain on the wall. The controversial painting was selected as part of
a student art competition in Rep. William Lacy Clay's district. The Missouri Democrat hung it in the Capitol, and
Republicans immediately demanded that it should be taken down. After the Architect of the Capitol agreed the painting
should be removed, Pelosi appealed the decision to the House Office Building Commission.
Update: Taking
down student painting violated First Amendment, lawmaker claims in lawsuit. Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo.,
announced Monday [2/20/2017] that he is suing Stephen Ayers, Architect of the U.S. Capitol, in response to the "arbitrary and
unconstitutional" removal of a painting created by former St. Louis student David Pulphus.
Sues Architect of Capitol Over Removal of Controversial Cop Painting. A St. Louis congressman filed a
federal lawsuit today in the removal of a student painting depicting a police officer with a boar-type head, charging the
Architect of the U.S. Capitol Stephen Ayers with suppressing the artist's First Amendment rights.
Yet another update: Federal
judge blocks bid to bring back 'pig painting' on Capitol Hill. A federal judge has blocked efforts to bring
back to U.S. Capitol grounds a controversial painting that depicts a police officer as a pig. David Pulphus, a student
artist from Missouri, and Rep. William Clay, his Democratic congressional representative, had sued Architect of the
Capitol Stephen Ayers for removing the painting in January amid a showdown with law enforcement groups and Republican
lawmakers who opposed the "art." U.S. District Judge John D. Bates said in his decision that the government
has used its editorial discretion in the selection and presentation of the piece.
Rules: No, That Hateful, Anti-Law Enforcement Painting Can't Go Back Up At The Capitol Complex. That
disgusting, race-baiting, anti-law enforcement painting is back in the news. Misery pimp, Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.)
attempted to use the courts to have a vile, hateful painting reinstalled in an underground hallway at the Capitol
complex. The painting was the winner of a high school art contest in Clay's district, and it depicts police officers as
pigs. David Pulphus, the "artist" responsible for the vile piece of hate-bait is a constituent of Clay's, and joined
Clay as a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the architect of the Capitol, who had ruled in February that the painting violated
the rules of the contest.
Fire: The Racist Anti-Racists at MTV News. On Tuesday [1/10/2017], just before the confirmation hearing
for Attorney General nominee and Alabama GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions kicked off, an MTV News reporter demonstrated his high
and mighty commitment to racial tolerance ... by mocking Sen. Sessions' half-Asian granddaughter. Sessions'
daughter, Ruth, is married to Asian-American John Walk. They have four girls. Upon spotting Sessions with one of
his multiracial granddaughters sitting on his lap as he waited for the proceedings to begin, MTV News "culture writer" Ira
Madison III tweeted a photo of them and snarked: "Sessions, sir, kindly return this Asian baby to the Toys 'R' Us you
stole her from." So much for liberals celebrating diversity. So much for Michelle Obama's rallying cry to the left
that "our motto is, when they go low, we go high."
Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls. On the day of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration protesters are
planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls. The protests will likely include property destruction,
a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily Caller Friday [1/13/2017]. The blockades are not limited to roads but
will also be at every security checkpoint, the source said. The source added that the protesters blockading each checkpoint will represent
a different liberal cause such as climate change or money in politics.
Attack on Sessions's Granddaughter Exposes the Left's Remarkable Intolerance. On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary
Committee commenced its confirmation hearing of Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), their longtime colleague in the Senate and
the former attorney general of Alabama. Prior to the proceedings, Sessions, whom President-elect Donald Trump has
nominated for U.S. attorney general, visited with family, who came to support him in the biggest job interview of his
life. Of the entire assembled Sessions clan, one family member in particular stood out to MTV News correspondent Ira
Madison III. This reporter found it troubling that the junior senator from Alabama was, in plain view, holding in his lap a
toddler who appeared to be of Asian descent. "Sessions, sir, kindly return this Asian baby to the Toys 'R' Us
you stole her from," Madison wrote in a now-deleted tweet.
Jersey soldier home for holidays beaten by men who allegedly didn't like his Army jacket. U.S. Army Serviceman
Austin Freni was reportedly attacked and brutally beaten by a group of young men while he was walking with his mother, Lori
Freni, after the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia on New Year's Day, NJ.com reported. The attack was prompted, Lori Freni
said, by the fact that her son was wearing his Army jacket, according to Fox 23. She said a group of 10 to 15 men
walked by them making "derogatory comments" about the jacket, and then one of them took a swing at her 19-year-old son.
Immediately after, the rest of the group piled on top of Austin, she said.
Continues Multi-Pronged War on Trump, Calls Him "Would-be Dictator". [J]ust two weeks after Election Day, on November 22, [George] Soros's
Open Society Foundations announced a "$10 Million Initiative to Confront Hate." This new money spigot will expedite funding to organizations
combatting the "harsh rhetoric and policy proposals" of Donald Trump "during the 2016 presidential campaign that drew on racist, sexist, anti-immigrant,
anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTI, and other forms of hate." Which means, of course, that there will be ample funding for the "anti-hate"
protesters who will be demonstrating (and likely rioting) on Inauguration Day, while spewing obscene and hateful remarks, burning Trump in effigy
and carrying facsimilies of his head around on pikes (as they did in the November melees).
of Ronald Reagan Defaced During Break-In at GOP Office in North Carolina. Someone vandalized a portrait of
former President Ronald Reagan during a break-in to a county Republican Party headquarters in North Carolina. The
vandal kicked in the door to the Wayne County Republican Party headquarters in Goldsboro and vandalized a portrait of Reagan
with a cowboy hat, which was part of a mural that included the North Carolina flag, elephants, and a picture of the World
Trade Center burning on 9/11, the News & Observer reported.
as Charlie Sheen says Trump should be the next celebrity to die prompting backlash from web users. Charlie
Sheen is facing a massive backlash after he took to social media to pray Donald Trump would be the next celebrity to
die. His tweet, which read, 'Dear God; Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please!
Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please!,' was shared just hours after it was announced Debbie
Reynolds had died in an apparent reaction to the latest huge name to pass away in 2016.
30,000 Sign Petition to Oust Professor Whose Husband Accosted Ivanka Trump on Plane. The group Right Wing
Millennials has started a petition to oust Hunter College professor Matt Lanser for participating in the "immature and cruel
harassment" of Ivanka Trump and her children on a recent flight out of JFK airport. Lasner, an urban studies and
planning professor, and his husband Dan Goldstein, a Brooklyn lawyer, were on the same JetBlue flight as Ivanka and her
children last week.
University's white genocide nightmare in 2017. Boy, I am really glad that I am not a trustee of Drexel University. They
are in a no-win siuation, with the stakes very high. Assistant Professor George Ciccariello-Maher has created a huge problem for his
employer and those who guide its survival. His Christmas Eve tweet wishing for "white genocide" created an understandable firestorm,
and the school has already undergone layoffs and pay cuts because not enough tuition checks are coming in. Pathetic attempts to justify
expression of genocidal intent on the eve of the biggest holiday of the year, one that celebrates the Prince of Peace, are less than useless.
Crucial to the nightmare that lies ahead for Drexel is this information, via the TaxProf blog [...]
Saga of the Nutty Professor and Drexel University. On Christmas day, Drexel University Professor George
Ciccariello-Maher was caught with a twitchy tweet finger by American Thinker Editor Thomas Lifson, who published the
professor's Christmas message: ["]All I Want for Christmas Is White Genocide["] [...] Ciccariello-Maher,
who describes himself as a communist, joined Drexel University in 2010. Drexel University said in a statement Sunday
afternoon [12/25/2016]: "While the University recognizes the right of its faculty to freely express their thoughts and
opinions in public debate, Professor Ciccariello-Maher's comments are utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing, and do not
in any way reflect the values of the University."
really do want white genocide. "White Genocide" was trending on Twitter yesterday [12/27/2016] after
self-identified communist professor George Ciccariello-Maher of Drexel University in Philadelphia tweeted, "All I want for
Christmas is White Genocide." But what most of the media has missed is the direct correlation between Ciccariello's
anti-white sentiment and his communist ideology. The academically-promoted concepts of "White Privilege" and "Critical
Race Theory" can be traced back to anti-white Marxists who have successfully influenced a generation of students that white
people are racist oppressors.
tweets 'all I want for Christmas is white genocide'. The Caucasians among the tender young minds exposed to
Professor George Ciccariello-Maher at Drexel University are on notice that their teacher wants them exterminated because of
their race. Not exactly a welcoming atmosphere.
professor under fire for 'white genocide' tweet. A Drexel University professor, whose tweet that he wanted a
"white genocide" for Christmas sparked a fire storm of criticism from the school and social media users, said on Monday
[12/26/2016] his comment was satirical. George Ciccariello-Maher, a white assistant professor of history and politics
at the Philadelphia university, posted "All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide" on Twitter on Christmas Eve, according to
media reports.
after Pennsylvania professor calls for 'white genocide' in a Christmas wish tweet. A Drexel University
professor has been summoned to a meeting with school officials after he tweeted a Christmas Eve message wishing for 'white
genocide.' George Ciccariello-Maher, who is white and an associate professor of politics at the Philadelphia university,
told The Associated Press by email Monday that his Christmas Eve message to nearly 11,000 Twitter followers — 'All
I Want for Christmas is White Genocide' — was meant to be satirical. Drexel was not amused, condemning
Ciccariello-Maher's tweet and saying in a statement it was 'taking this situation very seriously.'
crushes figures in creche at Saint Clair church. A vandal severely damaged a few of the ceramic characters
which were part of a Nativity set on the lawn of a church in the borough. "We never had anything like this happen
before. It's sad," Bonnie Baker, the senior warden of the church, The Church of the Holy Apostles at the northeast
corner of North Nichols and East Hancock streets, said Wednesday [12/21/2016].
Student Driven Out Of School For Backing Trump. A freshman student at Bryn Mawr College has dropped out after
what she says was unbearable harassment from her fellow students for supporting President-elect Donald Trump. In
September, shortly after starting at the Pennsylvania women's school, Andi Moritz made a post on the Bryn Mawr's ride-sharing
Facebook page, asking if anybody wanted to accompany her during a Saturday spent campaigning for Trump.Moritz said she wanted
another girl along to ensure her safety since she was carpooling with a man she didn't know. The request turned out to
be a big mistake, as Moritz was bombarded with hundreds of comments from fellow students, most of them extremely hostile.
Texas Governor Taunted to Ask God to Walk Again. A Twitter user attacked Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his
religious faith and asked him why God has never helped him walk again. Abbott has been confined to a wheelchair since
July 1984 when a tree fell on him, breaking his back. He was running with a law school friend at the time through a
neighborhood in Houston.
Lawyer Verbally Harasses Ivanka On JetBlue Flight, Secret Service 'Intervene'. The Brooklyn lawyer, and his husband where [sic]
was tossed off a JetBlue flight at Kennedy Airport for verbally assaulting Ivanka Trump on Thursday morning [12/22/2016] speedily hurried
out of the San Francisco airport once he arrived to the destination, hours after Ivanka and her family. Attorney Dan Goldstein, his
husband, Matthew Lasner and their own adopted child were escorted by security through San Francisco International Airport when they eventually
touched down, having been forced to get another flight because of their idiotic antics.
Ivanka and
the JetBlues. For Christmas, soon to be first daughter Ivanka Trump, her cousins, husband Jared, and the
couple's three small children, Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore, booked a low-key commercial JetBlue flight to San
Francisco. Brooklyn Labor Relations and Employment lawyer Daniel Jennings Goldstein was also along for the ride.
The problem is that Goldstein took umbrage at having to share in-flight cabin air with the Trump-Kushner entourage.
Legendary in his own right, Mr. Goldstein (below at left) is a fascinating guy. When not litigating sexual
harassment lawsuits and marching against Donald Trump with the Hunter College professor he calls his husband, Matthew Lasner,
Goldstein enjoys staying active in liberal causes and taking family vacations with son Amos.
should be treated with respect — unless you're a Republican. 'Tis the season to spread joy and
cheer — unless you're a liberal still bitter about the election. Thursday, Ivanka Trump and her family were
accosted by Dan Goldstein, a lawyer from Brooklyn, who yelled at her that her father, who has yet to take office, was
"ruining the country." It wasn't a spontaneous outburst. Goldstein's husband had tweeted from the JetBlue terminal at
JFK Airport that Goldstein was "chasing" Ivanka and her family to "harass" them. "Why is she on our flight? She
should be flying private," Goldstein reportedly shouted when he saw them on the plane and allegedly engaged with her children
as well. Goldstein and his husband were removed from the plane, with Goldstein complaining that he was merely
"expressing his opinion."
Trump and her family are rushed off JetBlue plane after they were accosted by a Brooklyn lawyer. After being
accosted while boarding a JetBlue flight Thursday morning, Ivanka Trump and her family made sure they didn't have the same
experience exiting the plane that landed in San Francisco hours later. The 35-year-old, her husband, Jared Kushner, and
their three children, were swiftly escorted by Secret Service officers off the commercial plane before any other passengers
and were ushered into waiting SUVs, TMZ reported. They were then driven nearby to board a private jet heading to Hawaii.
are sanitizing that Ivanka harassment story. Two men were ejected from a JetBlue flight Thursday for reportedly
harassing Ivanka Trump and her three children. We know about the alleged incident because one of the men tweeted about
it in real-time, and JetBlue confirmed in a statement that there was indeed a "conflict" aboard one of its planes. But
despite the airline's statement, and the fact that one of the men involved specifically used the word "harass," some
headlines have sanitized the reported incident to the point where it's basically a story about nothing.
College Members Receive Death Threats for Promising to Back Trump as President. Members of the Electoral
College have received troubling messages and death threats as they get closer and closer to the moment where they will
presumably confirm Donald Trump as America's next president. Demonstrations against Trump continue across the country,
and people have been pressuring electors to revolt by not voting on Monday for their state's popular vote winner. CNN
spoke with Michigan elector Michael Banerian, who has received a variety of messages demanding that he change his vote (even
though Michigan state law forbids people like Banerian from doing so).
Keepers Pledge to Protect Electors from Terrorist Death Threats. Oath Keepers is hereby issuing a standing
offer of volunteer protection to any of the Electoral College Electors who may feel threatened or in danger from leftist
radicals attempting to coerce them into changing their vote as Electors.
Electoral College voters who will back Trump are sent death threats. Members of the Electoral College are being
threatened as they plan to vote on Monday for Donald Trump. The New York Post found a number of Republican electors who
find themselves being berated by Americans who would prefer them not to cast a vote for the Republican president-elect, who
won the Electoral College, but not the popular vote. One elector, Michael Banerian, a 22-year-old college student at
the Oakland University in Michigan, told the Post he was getting death threats sent through the mail and over the internet
via email, Facebook and Twitter. 'Somebody threatened to put a bullet in the back of my mouth,' Banerian told the newspaper.
'Kill all police' on wall isn't a terrorist threat, judge rules. Spray-painting 'Kill all police' on a public
wall doesn't rise to the level of a terrorist threat, a Detroit judge ruled Tuesday [12/13/2016]. Stuart Lewis, 49, of
Detroit, faced a series of charges after police pinpointed him as the culprit who painted anti-police graffiti on a wall last
October. After discovery of the graffiti threats, Detroit Police Chief James Craig vowed to find and arrest whoever was
responsible. The department followed through, dispatching its Special Response Team — the equivalent of
SWAT — to arrest Lewis at his home. The man's dog was killed during the raid.
news site's 'best-case scenario': Assassinate Trump. Fusion, the liberal news site aimed at millenials and
multiculturals and created by the Spanish-language Univision network in 2013, has joined those who think toying with the idea
of assassinating Donald Trump is acceptable political speech. The site posted a four-panel cartoon Thursday by Matt
Bors titled, "The best case scenarios under Trump," one of which shows a plot employing Melania Trump as a Slovenian double
agent being ID'd as her husband's assassin.
Climate Alarmist: Donald Trump Should 'Kill Himself Immediately'. One of the leading purveyors of climate
change panic has described the Presidential election of Donald J. Trump as a "global disaster," adding that if were to meet
Trump he would tell him: "Kill yourself immediately." Evolutionary biologist John Wiens of the University of Arizona
claims that the earth is racing toward "global extinction" similar to the era of the dinosaurs, as half the world's species
are allegedly failing to cope with global warming. Wiens said that while we may not quite be at the level of "global
extinction of entire species that have already happened," we are unfortunately "on track for that to happen."
Moore: 'Disrupt the Inauguration'. Liberal documentary filmaker Michael Moore is encouraging Americans to take
to the streets to protest the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.
Supporter Has His Truck Torched & Sprayed With Anti-Trump Slogans While at Christmas Party. Looks like the
"progressives" have committed another terrorist act in the name of tolerance. A Wisconsin man had his Dodge Ram pickup
truck set on fire and spray-painted with anti-Trump slogans while he was at a Christmas party a couple days back. We've
not yet seen photos of the vandalism, but I'm sure that will be coming soon given the amount of media attention this garnered
late last night [12/5/2016].
buried Trump-related 'hate crimes' against white kids. At least 2,000 educators around the country reported
racist slurs and other derogatory language leveled against white students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected
president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn't publish the results in its report on Trump-related "hate
crimes." The Southern Poverty Law Center partnered with the American Federation of Teachers, which formally endorsed
Hillary Clinton, to circulate the questionnaire among its 1.6 million mostly Democratic members. The survey was
sent out to K-12 teachers and administrators who subscribe to its "Teaching Tolerance" newsletter.
Declines To Comment On Why Agency Won't Investigate Threats To Electors. The Department of Justice did not want
to discuss why the agency refuses to investigate alleged harassment and death threats toward Electoral College voters in
states that went for Donald Trump. "The department will decline to comment," DOJ deputy press secretary David Jacobs
told The Daily Caller in an email Wednesday afternoon [11/30/2016]. The Justice Department seemed concerned about
protecting voters from being intimidated at the polls on Election Day. It deployed 500 monitors to 67 jurisdictions
in 28 states to watch polling stations this past presidential election cycle.
woman sentenced to more than 100 days for scrawling anti-Trump graffiti on government buildings. woman has been
sentenced to more than 100 days in jail after admitting to causing thousands of dollars in damage by spray-painting
anti-Donald Trump graffiti on several Los Angeles County buildings. Victoria Jayne Bay, 37, of Los Angeles pleaded
guilty to one felony count of vandalism over $400 damage, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney's
office. Bay was sentenced to 180 days in jail, three years of probation and ordered to pay restitution, Deputy
Dist. Atty. Brenda Chan said.
Vandalism — Philadelphia City Attorney Caught on CCTV Spray Painting "F*** Trump". Philadelphia
police posted a CCTV video asking for help in identifying two suspects who were caught on camera spray painting anti-Trump
graffiti on an upscale grocery store in a Germantown suburb. One of the suspects is participating while wearing a blue
blazer, a scarf, loafers and holding a glass of wine. Yes, really. But wait, as it turns out, the bourgeois
vandal is actually the Philadelphia Assistant City Solicitor Duncan Lloyd.
ultimate symbol of Trump Derangement Syndrome? We may have found the perfect example of the madness gripping
progressives and even some conservatives in the wake of Donald Trump's election as president. If I were a screenwriter,
I could not come up with a more emblematic scene than a blue blazer-clad man identified as a city attorney, clutching a glass
of wine (Chardonnay, I hope), participating in vandalizing of an upscale grocery store, spray painting "F--- Trump" on a wall.
City Attorney Identified In Connection With [Anti-]Trump Graffiti. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer,
assistant city solicitor Duncan Lloyd was captured on video with another man who spraypainted "F*** Trump" on a new grocery
store. Lloyd, who was seen walking down the city sidewalk with a glass of red wine in his hand, took photos or video of
the message on his cell phone before walking off with the graffiti artist, video surveillance showed. The cost of the
damage is estimated to be between $3,000 and $10,000.
Service To Investigate Progressive Liberal Death Threats Against Trump. All presidents and presidents-elect get
death threats unfortunately. But with Donald Trump and the Democrat liberal-progressive hate and vitriol spread mostly
by the corrupt fake news media, the amount of Trump death threats is much higher than usual. The death threats against
Trump have gotten so out of hand that the Secret Service will now be investigating all the death threats from Democrat
liberal-progressives who are bitter that Hillary Clinton was such a big failure.
hope you die!' Hillary Clinton loyalists lash out at the only person in Chappaqua to back Trump. He's been a
respected scout leader, little league coach and all-round pillar of the community for nearly three decades. And yet
retiree John Nadler now finds himself a virtual outcast — all because he's the only person in Hillary Clinton's hometown to
throw his weight behind Donald Trump. The married father-of-three lives about a mile away from the Clintons in the
upscale New York hamlet of Chappaqua, a haven for well-heeled financiers, lawyers and liberals.
Has His House Burned & Sprayed With Anti-Trump Graffiti. Sometimes people get a little hyperbolic when
describing an attack as terrorism. But you can't describe something like this as anything other than terrorism. A
veteran just had his house torched and sprayed with graffiti[,] all because he supported Donald Trump. If this had
happened to a Hillary backer, you would never hear the end of it. Don't count on the "progressive" media spending much
time on this one, though.
loser Hillary Clinton perpetuates America's divide by joining recount efforts. In the weeks following the
election, there were riots in Portland, demonstrators taking to the streets of Cleveland, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New
York City, and blocking streets in Washington, D.C., where one 15-year-old boy was beaten for wearing a "Make America Great
Again" hat.
The Left's Dead
End. The entirety of the Leftwing Movement has become a form of medium strength tyranny. They are no
longer soft because they are rioting up in the streets, murdering police, blocking traffic and destroying private
property. They are not yet hard because they haven't completely metastasized into the tumorous archipelago of
gulag-building yet. They are still somewhat loosely organized even though they do have the traditional media, colleges,
entertainment and slightly less than half of the government on their side. But understand, if Hillary Clinton had won,
those scales would have tipped radically the other way with an imperialist invasion of the courts.
Lefties Protest Dakota Access Pipeline With Violence. The standoff between law-enforcement officials and environmentalists determined to stall
completion of the Dakota Access crude oil pipeline turned violent late Sunday night [11/20/2016]. About 400 protesters set two trucks on fire near
Cannon Ball, South Dakota (which sits on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation), and when sheriff's deputies moved in to quell the accelerating riot they
were met with a rain of rocks and flaming logs. At least one officer was struck on the head. All the mainstream media could do was point out
that law enforcement used high-pressure water from fire trucks to push back the crowd, along with firing rubber bullets and tear gas grenades. Little
was said in the MSM that the crowd had been given multiple orders to disperse as they were trespassing on private land and causing damage.
Return of Assassination Fascination. Left-wing America has been overcome by another contagious epidemic of
assassination fascination. It's time to declare a public-health crisis. In San Antonio last week, two high-school
students performed a sicko skit depicting the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump. In Cleveland, unhinged
24-year-old Zachary Benson tweeted his "life goal is to assassinate Trump." The hashtag #AssassinateTrump surfaced on
Twitter, along with a flood of bloodthirsty death wishes. Another #AssassinateTrump threat came from Atlanta public
transit employee Aleama Philips, who tweeted, "I wish I had the [courage] to kill him myself," illustrated with a photo of Trump
dead and riddled with bullets. She was fired by the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority last week.
Super PAC Basically Calls For Lynching Republicans. A Democratic super PAC made not-so-subtle references to
lynching Republicans in an email that, rather ironically, asked supporters for donations to oppose President-elect Donald
Trump's allegedly "racist" chief strategist. Democrats have called Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart News chairman, a
"racist" and a "white supremacist" with ties to the alt-right. But a liberal super PAC is now saying they want to tie
Bannon's reputations "around the necks" of Republican senators. "Help us tie Trump's racist Chief Strategist around the
necks of vulnerable Senate Republicans," Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), wrote in
an email to supporters titled "Air this ad on MSNBC?" Wednesday night [11/23/2016].
'Sanctuary,' Anyone? Since well
before Trump was declared the winner, and with increased vigor since then, we've seen all kinds of opposition and even
defiance of a Trump presidency. Much of that anti-Trump hatred is vicious and vulgar. And much of it has
backfired badly and brought contempt upon itself, and brought new supporters to Donald Trump.
Man viciously beaten in Chicago
by group yelling 'don't vote Trump'. A white man was brutally attacked by a group of black teens who were
shouting "don't vote Trump" in footage that has gone viral on social media. A witness can be heard yelling "You voted
Trump?" and "beat his a**." Apparently, it all began with a fender bender accident between the white man and a African
American woman. It then turned into a racially-tinged brawl, revealing again our nation's racial and political divide.
Access pipeline protest erupts into 'ongoing riot'. Tension flared anew on the Dakota Access pipeline as
protesters tried to push past a long-blocked bridge on a state highway, only to be turned back by a line of law enforcement
using water cannon and what appeared to be tear gas.
Democrats Turn To Death Threats. Democrats are having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they lost
the presidential election. Now they are threatening to kill Republican electors unless they switch allegiance and vote
for Hillary Clinton when the electoral college meets on December 19. [...] Reportedly, over four million Democrats have
signed a petition calling on electors in Republican states to vote for Hillary. That won't happen, of course.
Petitions are relatively benign, compared with death threats, but the common denominator is craziness.
the Left Actually Incite a Civil War? [Scroll down] Be assured that every failure of liberal policies
(such as the implosion of the Obama health care system) will now be blamed on Republicans, and particularly on the man they
despise most, Donald Trump. The Democrat ministry of propaganda (formerly the mainstream news media) will headline
every unfortunate instance of a child suffering from disease, and loudly proclaim that the child would be in perfect health
had not Trump cruelly withheld the funds to save that child. Such diatribes cannot help but incite violent
emotions. Calls for assassination will be made, as in fact they already have been, including by educators.
left is 'projecting' its own evil onto conservatives. Anti-Trump rioting in Portland, Los Angeles, New York,
Chicago, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, and Omaha by the left in which private and public property is destroyed. During the
campaign, the husband of elected congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Robert Creamer, boasted on video of hiring thugs to violently
disrupt the Trump rally in Chicago. We still await the violent right-wing extremism of which the left always warns.
Hypocrisy a Character Trait of the Left? For months, the Left has been predicting that if Trump lost the
election, which of course they assumed he would, his supporters would lash out violently. They would rant, rave and
riot. Sure. Just as conservatives did when McCain lost and Romney lost? But here we are, a week and a half
after the defeat of Hillary Clinton and leftists are still rioting, marching, and weeping. Students on college campuses
are behaving like ill-raised toddlers when they do not get what they want at the toy store. Adults who should know
better are comparing Trump's victory to 9/11! That is how insane the left is today. This reality, that Trump will be
the new president, is apparently a bridge too far. The left simply rejects it out of hand and are behaving badly.
House report card: D for Obama inciting anti-Trump protests. This week's Weekly White House Report Card
finds our grader Jed Babbin highlighting the contradictions of President Obama's last tour of Europe where he told anti-Trump
protesters back home that they shouldn't stay quiet.
Yourself for Four Years of Nonstop Freakoutrage. It's important to understand why liberals are so angry and so
scared. They are angry because they believe they have a moral right to command us, apparently bestowed by Gaia or
#Science or having gone to Yale, and we are irredeemably deplorable for not submitting to their benevolent dictatorship.
They are scared because they fear we will wage the same kind of campaign of petty (and not so petty) oppression, intimidation,
and bullying that they intended to wage upon us.
and Socialists Going Bonkers Over Trump. The communists were shaking the pom-poms for Hillary throughout the
campaign, unabashed and unashamed. They were also not reticent about eviscerating Donald Trump, who was their boy
Hitler to their girl Trotsky. But with The Donald's victory, the communists' concerns have morphed into outright
hysteria. They are now in full panic mode, full propaganda mode, full mass-organizing mode. Agitate, agitate,
agitate is the old Marxist maxim, and that's precisely what these American Marxists and socialists are doing right now.
In fact, it literally looks like CPUSA's website has been completely redesigned simply to respond to Donald Trump.
Wearing Donald Trump Hat Attacked on NYC Subway. A man says he was attacked by two men on a New York City
subway simply because he was wearing a hat in support of President-elect Donald Trump. Corey Cataldo, 24, of the Bronx,
said he was riding the uptown 5 train from Union Square to Morris Park Friday [11/18/2016] when a fellow rider on the subway
noticed his "Make America Great Again" hat and didn't like it, WABC reported. "He asked me if I'm a Trump supporter. I
said 'yeah' and thought he'd say 'me too.' People have been doing that," Cataldo said. "But no. This
man was not a Trump supporter."
Temper Tantrums and Riots: Liberals Aren't Losing Their Minds, They're Revealing Them. For a week, now,
since the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States, liberals under 30 years of age who grew up
earning "participation trophies" for everything they did have been rioting in some of the nation's largest cities in order to thwart the
more than 200 year American tradition of the peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another. But this nation[-]wide
temper tantrum isn't an example of the left "losing its mind." It is actually revealing the authoritarian, violent, and hate-filled mind
the left has inculcated in our youth. Young liberals have been flooding the streets of America's big cities crying, pleading for "safe
spaces," kvetching, and whining about President Elect Donald Trump. And if that was all it was, it would be a bad enough sign that the
left so hates our system that they don't want to accept the results of an election simply because it didn't go their way. Unfortunately
it is worse than simply blowing off steam. Instead these "protests" are filled with death threats, widespread property damage, physical
violence against those with who they disagree, and all around anti-American hatemongering. In a few instances people have even been shot
by these "protesters." And if these anarchists continue, it won't be long before there is a growing number of deaths recorded.
block downtown streets to protest Trump victory. Hundreds of people, mostly students, flooded into downtown San
Diego Wednesday, blocking streets as they marched to protest Donald Trump's presidential victory. The demonstration
began near San Diego City College on Park Boulevard about 10 a.m., police said. Around 11:15 a.m.,
protesters — mostly from San Diego High School and San Diego City College — marched into the
street. The crowd was estimated at 300 to 500 people, according to police and participant estimates. Protesters
were mostly peaceful, with the exception of a few who raised a ruckus when a San Diego police officer was detaining a minor after he
refused orders to get out of traffic near Sixth Avenue and C Street. Police said some in the crowd surrounded the officer,
yelling, "Let him go."
Venezuelan Diplomat Joins Chicago Communists Plotting Trump Resistance. A Marxist, a Venezuelan diplomat and an
illegal alien headlined a meeting of organizers of the Trump resistance as they announced their plan to shut down Chicago on
Saturday and Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day. The Chicago branch of Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER)
met in Chicago's northwest side neighborhood of Albany Park to plot their next move in their resistance of the Trump
presidency. Chicago ANSWER was one of the radical leftist groups that helped to organize anti-Trump protests when
his campaign tried to hold a rally in March; that rally was canceled after protesters clashed with attendees.
Jan Brewer:
Allegiance of some anti-Trump protesters is to Mexico, not US. Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who has
been mentioned as a potential pick for Donald Trump's cabinet, blasted anti-Trump protesters Tuesday, saying that those who
fly the Mexican flag are loyal to Mexico, not the United States. Calling the protests "orchestrated" and "just awful"
on KTAR News 92.3 FM Arizona radio, Brewer said of the protesters, "They're not very sympathetic when they're flying the
Mexican flag. Obviously their allegiance isn't to the United States, it was to Mexico. They're not entitled to
behave like that, I don't believe. You know, people protest, it's fine. A lot of them aren't legal citizens and
some of them are and they didn't even vote and now they're outraged. They could at least give him a chance."
Why the Left Demonstrates.
What do the protestors want, and why are they marching? That question is as important as who is funding them, which Roger L. Simon
has already addressed. As an American who values the Bill of Rights and believes firmly that freedom of speech guarantees the right to
protest, I have serious questions and reservations about these ongoing demonstrations, especially those that have included violent actions.
The latter should be called out, not only by Republicans and conservatives, but by all citizens including liberals and Democrats. Of
course, they have mostly been silent about them, but it was not too long ago that their main concern was that Trump supporters would go berserk
if he lost. Today's Washington Post has a report indicating that these mostly young protestors didn't vote for Hillary Clinton, and that
they are at the protests for other reasons such as "meeting about the perils of capitalism." They hold signs reading "Not my president,"
"Viva La Raza," "Black Lives Matter," and "hella queer folks." In other words, they are a bunch of young radicals, revolutionaries, and
single-cause activists of the far left. Or as the reporter puts it, they seem "to gravitate toward far left politics."
flames instead of calling for calm is classic Obama. Given the chance to speak out on the world stage against
the anti-democratic, alt-radical left protests against President-elect Donald Trump, President Obama on Thursday [11/17/2016]
incredibly chose instead to encourage the out-of-control behavior. "I would not advise people who feel strongly or are
concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign — I wouldn't advise
them to be silent," Obama said, in a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Well, some of these
protests have been violent, and the situation cries out for leadership from the White House. But the lack of condemnation
falls in line with everything that President Obama stands for.
to Anti-Trump Protesters: Don't Be Silent. Thursday [11/17/2016] in Berlin, at a joint news conference
with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Barack Obama told the protesters over the victory of President-elect Donald
Trump to not "be silent." Obama said, "One of the great things about our democracy is it expresses itself in all sorts of
ways. And that includes people protesting. I've been the subject of protests during the course of my eight years.
And I suspect that there's not a president in our history that at some point hasn't been subject to these protests. So I
would not advise people would feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of
the campaign, I wouldn't advise them to be silent. What I would advise, what I advised before the election and what I will
continue to advise after the election is that elections matter."
When you're a community organizer, this is what you do. Obama
won't call off anti-Trump protesters. President Obama won't try to call off protests against Donald Trump, he said
Thursday [11/17/2016], ignoring pleas from the president-elect's advisers to denounce the nationwide demonstrations. "I would
not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised over the course of the campaign,
I would not advise them to be silent," Obama said during a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Obama
said protests are just something Trump would have to get used to as the leader of the free world.
Getting Stupid. While it certainly appears so when Hillary Clinton
and Barack Obama don't seem to have much interest in explaining to the "protesters" that Trump will be president and it's time to go home, it's often
worse than that. Take, for example, U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-New Jersey), who came right out and said "God bless the protesters." That's
a man who supposedly will carry the Democrats' standard in 2020.
Professor Taken to NYC Hospital for Psychiatric Evaluation After Tweets Threatening to Kill White People: NYPD. A Rutgers
University professor who created a "politicizing Beyonce" course was taken to a New York City hospital for a psychiatric evaluation after campus
police said he made threats to kill white people. The NYPD said that officers took Kevin Allred to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation after
being contacted by the Rutgers Police Department about the threats. He was subsequently released.
gunned down outside bar after he joked about voting for Trump. A first date went terribly wrong when a man was
gunned down outside a bar after he jokingly said he voted for President-elect Donald Trump. Shaunita Walker told WSB-TV
that she and Mitchell Mormon Jr. were outside Church Bar on Edgewood Avenue in Atlanta at about 3 a.m. Saturday [11/12/2016]
when her new date got into an argument with another man who pulled a gun.
Atlanta Man Jokes
About Voting For Trump, Gets Shot To Death. Mitchell Mormon Jr, aged 32, was gunned down outside of Church bar
on Edgewood Avenue around 3am on Saturday [11/12/2016]. At the time, he was on a date with Shaunita Walker, aged 25, who
was also shot and suffered injuries to her arm. Walker said Mormon jokingly told the man he voted for Trump. The
argument continued and the alleged shooter, identified by Walker as a Hispanic man, went around a corner, came back with a
gun and began shooting.
and Other Far Leftists Instigate Revolution Against Trump. [Scroll down] Even well before the presidential election,
Soros was busy behind the scenes fomenting combustible street protests that burst out of control. For example, the Washington Times
has reported that "Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the
grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations."
Soros is anti-police. He tweeted a reference to an article published by his Open Society Foundations, entitled "Let's Reduce, Not Reform,
Policing in America." The author described policing as "the armed enforcement of the interests of the most powerful over those who would
challenge that power." Her proposed solution was not better police training or accountability, but simply to "shrink the size and scope of
police forces, reduce the number of gadgets at cops' disposal, and constrain their ability to ensnare us." Without adequate police to
prevent or constrain riots, protesters will have free rein to intimidate those whom they see as their political enemies.
Democrat: 'My life goal is to assassinate Trump'. A 24-year-old man from Ohio has been charged in a federal
court after tweeting a threat to assassinate President-elect Donald Trump on election night. Zachary Benson, from
Fairview Park in Cleveland, posted the remark on Twitter a few minutes before the Republican nominee was declared the winner
of last week's election.
Anti-Trump Professor Accosts U.S. Senator on Hiking Trail. University of the South professor David Haskell and
several companions were hiking on Stringer's Ridge when they came upon Sen. Corker (who happened to be traveling alone).
"Professor Haskell began shouting at Senator Corker in a profanity-laced tirade while pointing a finger in his face and told the
senator that he was embarrassed to live in a state where the citizens voted to overwhelming elect Donald Trump," Corker
spokesperson Micah Johnson said in statement.
Direct Attack On American Democracy. The press prostitutes continue to lie to us. [...] We are witnessing a
direct attack on American democracy. These protesters are the hired mercenary enemy of the American people.
Have To Die': Unhinged Leftist Protests Greeted by Media Silence. Leftist groups wasted no time organizing
protests in cities and campuses across the country, with marchers cursing the election of Donald Trump and yelling slogans
such as "Not my President." In some cases, the protesters went beyond mere strident rhetoric. They turned into mobs,
threatening and assaulting people whom they thought were Trump supporters. They threw bottles at police. They set
fires and defaced property. While President Obama and Hillary Clinton have made general calls for unity in the wake of
the election, they have not personally condemned the out-of-control mob rule popping up across the country. Mainstream
media has also largely downplayed the violence and threats. They have mostly reported the protests as peaceful, spontaneous
expressions of dissent, even though there was nothing spontaneous about these protests. Far left groups such as Black Lives
Matter and Socialist Alternative used social media to rally their faithful into the streets.
The Left's
Orwellian Tactics. Since the election of Donald Trump to be America's next President, large groups of
protestors and rioters have fanned out around the United States, smashing windows, damaging property and physically attacking
other people to express their anger of Trump's victory. Their conduct in the aftermath of the election of a president is
unprecedented but, given the riots launched by "Black Lives Matter" not a huge surprise. The central theme of the anti-Trump
demonstrators is to equate his calls for border security and effective immigration law enforcement with racism and bigotry.
company CEO fired after threatening to kill Trump. A California-based network security company has accepted the
resignation of their CEO of he threatened to kill President-elect Donald Trump. Matt Harrigan, the now FORMER CEO of
PacketSled, went on a Facebook tirade on election night. The series of angry messages were part of a private thread
that someone exposed through a series of screenshots.
in San Diego resigns after online threat to shoot Trump. The chief executive of San Diego cybersecurity
start-up PacketSled has resigned after election night posts on social media about assassinating President-Elect Donald
Trump. Matt Harrigan, who founded PacketSled in 2013, wrote the comments on his Facebook account as election night
unfolded. The account has since been deleted, but his comments were copied and posted on Reddit, another social media
site. On Monday [11/14/2016], PacketSled issued a statement on its website saying Harrigan had been placed on administrative
leave. The company announced today that it had accepted Harrigan's resignation and is searching for a replacement.
Democrat' arrested for slamming Trump protester down stairs. When a protester denouncing Donald Trump at Ohio
State University was violently slammed down a set of stairs on Monday night [11/14/2016], agitators accused the man of being
a Trump supporter. Well, it turns out he's actually a Democrat.
Supporter Attacked at NYC College; MAGA Hat Almost Set Alight. The media has been awash in allegations of bad
behavior by white Trump supporters intimidating minorities and Trump rejectors intimidating his white supporters. But
here's a story that defies those classifications. Thomas Arrington is a student at Queensborough Community
College. He is black, 20-something and a New Yorker. He's also a Trump supporter. "I was accosted,
threatened with being lit on fire, and almost lit on fire for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
it's called an election, we won. Donald Trump's election was a tremendous repudiation of the America-loathing,
servitude-loving, corruption-enabling, cop-hating culture that's been growing steadily in America under the tutelage of
leftist groups. In our democracy, the winner is still celebrated. But after witnessing the pathetic riots
disguised as protests on our nation's streets I'm wondering how long that could last.
NY Times Ignore California Startup CEO's Trump Assassination Threats. On Sunday, Matthew Harrigan, the
President and CEO of PacketSled, Inc., posted specific threats to assassinate President-elect Donald Trump on Twitter and
Facebook. The company's board placed Harrigan on administrative leave on Monday [11/14/2016] and announced his
"resignation" very early Tuesday morning. That a company CEO could do what Harrigan did has to be national news,
right? Well, not yet. Searches on the company's name at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday morning at the Associated
Press's main national site, its Big Story site, and at the New York Times returned no results, even though the tweets
involved occurred about 1½ days ago. And where are the lamentations about the "climate of hate" which might
have brought such a person to do something so completely unhinged?
of the 112 protesters arrested in Portland last week didn't vote in Oregon, according to state election records. Approximately
30 percent did cast a ballot in Oregon or in another state. At least seventy-nine demonstrators either didn't turn in a ballot or
weren't registered to vote in the state. Following Tuesday's presidential election of Donald Trump, thousands of people took to the
streets in downtown Portland for five straight nights. The activity included at least one night that the police declared to be a riot,
with more than $1 million in property damage.
Liberal protesters
call for RAPE of Melania Trump. A man outside of Trump's hotel in DC held up a sign during a protest that said,
"Rape Melania." This is one of the most reprehensible and vile things I have ever seen. Not to mention it's a crime to
threaten the First Lady with rape. It's no longer free speech when you cross that line. What's even worse is that
no one surrounding this beast seems to have an issue with his sign. That says a lot right there. Tell me... who
are the violent bigots now?
protesters now target Democratic leaders as 17 get arrested while occupying Charles Schumer's DC office. More than two
dozen protesters occupied the Capitol Hill office of Senator Charles Schumer Monday [11/14/2016] — and 17 young Democrats were
arrested. The group objected to Schumer's close ties to Wall Street as he is poised to lead Senate Democrats. They
called for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to lead the party instead, as Democrats were swept out of power last week.
time for Democrats to step up and call for an end to these protests. President Obama, Secretary Clinton,
Senator Sanders, Senator Reid and Senator Warren need to engage the anti-Trump protesters vandalizing the streets of
Democratic Party-controlled cities and tell them to stop. Now. We've been told over the past election cycle that
Hillary Clinton was virtually a born leader who was more prepared to lead this nation than any other American in history.
Where is she? We've been told that President Obama is a transcendent figure who speaks for generational and demographic
groups that have felt voiceless for our country's entire existence. Why is he invisible?
Arrest Two Anti-Trumper Thugs For Brutally Assaulting Trump Supporter. Saturday [11/12/2016] at noon, a man was
on the median at Hanover St., in Meridien CT. He was celebrating Trump's win by waving a Trump sign and an American
flag. Two men passing by didn't like that. So they stopped their car and gave him the finger. The man
responded "same to you." Immediately the two men began assaulting the Trump supporter, kicking and punching him, eventually
causing him to fall into the street. Unbeknownst to these two thugs, a police lieutenant was parked nearby at Hanover and
Colony, observed the entire incident and arrested both men for assault.
students tore up, threw out American flags at Veterans Day ceremony. American flags flying for a Veterans Day
ceremony at Brown University were snapped in half, torn up and thrown away, according to a veteran who watched it happen and
another student who videotaped what he saw happening and posted it online. [...] At American University last week, some
students set American flags on fire to protest Donald Trump's election as president and "white America," saying the country
was "going down in flames," and American flags were destroyed at protests elsewhere in the country in recent days.
Police Wastes No Time in Arresting Violent Trump Protesters. Violent protesters took Austin Police for granted
and thought they could get away with their actions. They were not going to let Austin become like Ferguson or Baltimore
and the police quickly went to action. [Video clip]
Far Left Is Planning The Biggest Political Protest In United States History For Inauguration Day. We have seen
very large protests in major cities all over America since Donald Trump won the election, but the biggest one of all is being
planned for January 20th. Radical leftists are calling for thousands upon thousands of activists to descend upon
Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day, and they are planning to disrupt the inauguration festivities as much as they possibly
can. And if you doubt that the "Not My President" movement can pull this off, you may want to consider that 25,000
protesters showed up in New York City on Saturday on very short notice. These people are bitter, angry, frustrated and
incredibly motivated. At this point they still have more than two months to organize their forces, and many are expecting
that this is going to be the most chaotic Inauguration Day in American history.
to assassinate the president has consequences. The ugliness, the hate, the narrow-mindedness, the violence, the
authoritarianism of the liberal left unleashed by the election of Donald J. Trump (R), despised by the self-proclaimed
dealers of peace, tolerance, love, and open-mindedness, as documented [elsew]here by Carol Brown and other right-thinking
media (and minimized by the so-called mainstream media), is revealing. Remember, this isn't the alt liberal-left —
the fringe. These are the feelings, the attitudes, and the beliefs of a substantial proportion of liberals. After all,
President Barack Hussein Obama (D) and other elected Democrats haven't condemned these violent snowflakes. Dominating the
culture for so long, these lefties thought they could do anything and get away with it. But they can't.
call on Clinton, Obama to reel in Soros-linked 'professional' anti-Trump protesters. After five days of
anti-Trump protests and mayhem led by left-wing groups, including one linked to top Clinton donor George Soros, Republicans
said Sunday that it's time for Democrats to call off the dogs. Kellyanne Conway, Republican president-elect Donald
Trump's campaign manager, urged President Obama, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie
Sanders to use their influence to talk down those she described as "professional" agitators "masquerading as protesters."
About those rioters.
Conservatives have never marched or rioted when they have lost an election. Never. But the left can be counted on
to do so when offended by anything they can define as a grievance against their "group," such as the votes of others with
which they disagree. These protests are not spontaneous, as anyone who read the Podesta emails and watched the O'Keefe
videos knows. They are planned and paid for, by Soros, ANSWER, etc. — far-left trolls like those in
Ferguson, who, with Soros dollars, launched the thuggish Black Lives Matter group, so affectionately embraced by Hillary
Clinton. Since the 1920s, it has always been leftists who fomented and promoted violence as a means to their
endgame. But our media for months gleefully warned that Trump supporters would riot in the streets if he lost.
That never would have happened and they know it. These tactics are wholly the province of the left. Anarchy is
and has always been a strategy of the progressives to make civilized people fear them.
George Soros Can Be Charged
With Treason and Sedition. This columnist spent most of last night researching the law to learn if George Soros
could be charged with Sedition and Treason for the damage he is causing the U.S. The goal was to discover if someone living
in another country meddles into the affairs, security and destabilization of another country, specifically, The United States,
could they face criminal charges based on that law?
Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1979, page 1218.
protesters arrested during fourth night of violent anti-Trump protests in Portland. A whopping 71 people were
arrested in Portland during the fourth night of anti-Trump protests that saw police hurling flash grenades and tear gas on
demonstrators. Authorities say most individuals failed to comply with several lawful orders to vacate city streets in
the downtown area of the city. In addition, projectiles including road flares and bottles were thrown at police
officers throughout the evening. A police vehicle was also spray painted with an anti-Trump message. Five
people were given criminal citations, while 67 people were booked into the Multnomah County Jail.
Anti-Democracy Riots in
Portland. Sore losers smash stuff in Portland and other cities. Meanwhile the MSM goes nuts over a
purported rash of bullying by pro-Trump children. [Video clip]
Student reporter gets a not-so-subtle threat:
'STOP FILMING' anti-Trump protests. Portland State University's student media are covering the riots against
President-elect Donald Trump in their city, and someone apparently doesn't want the attention. Mike Bivins, who writes
for the Pacific Sentinel campus magazine and has been on a tear with video from the protests, got a threatening letter
THIS A WARNING. His colleague at the Vanguard student paper, Andy Ngo, posted the flyer that Bivins
received. It pretty baldly demands that student journalists stop reporting — which might incidentally
help police identify suspects — and start advocating for the protesters' causes.
Vicious, Violent, Anti-Democratic. Across the country, Democrats disappointed at losing the presidential
election are rioting, burning American flags, throwing Molotov cocktails at police officers, hurling bricks through windows,
setting fires in urban streets, and attacking random passers-by. We wrote about the riots and posted photos here.
Much more could be added in the three days that have gone by since that post. The photos could be multiplied endlessly.
Who Let The Thugs Out?
I understand how a large section of U.S. Citizens feel so strongly about the outcome of the election that they wish to
protest. They are protected by the Constitution to do so. What I can NOT understand is how breaking windows and
setting things on fire can be considered anything other than plain and simple criminal acts.
Blue Nation Protesters.
The protesters burning up the heart of Blue Nation are involved in a perfect display of what we must oppose, even if the
protests themselves are pathetic and obviously guided by white men with money and encouraged by a traitorous media, but more
importantly, not discouraged by the President of the United States. A president that encourages civil unrest and
destruction of property has never been worthy of the office.
Hillary Journalist Who Called For
Trump's Assassination Just Got BAD News. Realizing her mistake, Rajesh deleted both her Twitter and Facebook
accounts, hoping the evidence of her serious offense was wiped cleaner than Hillary's private server. Unfortunately for
her, she must've forgotten that anything said can and will be held against her, especially if someone archives her private
account that includes her threat against the President of the United States. As expected, Rajesh's tweet quickly spread
on social media and was reported multiple times to federal law enforcement officials. Breitbart reports that Rajesh has
been fired and the liberal outlets are refusing to run to her defense.
Scenes from the liberal
meltdown. Anti-Trump protests have spread to more cities and continue to turn violent. In Portland
Thursday night, rioters stoned police and vandalized businesses and cars. Anyone expressing support for Trump has
become the target of unrestrained venom: There are calls to boycott New Balance — its sneakers have been
publicly burned — because an official said Trump would be better on trade issues. Meanwhile, the CEO of
Grubhub, the online food-delivery service, demanded that employees who agree with Trump resign, because "you have no place
here." (He had to retreat: His lawyers read him the First Amendment and noted that political discrimination also
violates California law.)
Clinton, And Sanders Could Stop The Riots But They Just Watch. During her concession speech, Clinton said, "We
must accept this result, and then look to the future. ... Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open
mind and the chance to lead." After that, she has been mum on the entire thing. [...] Bernie Sanders, the one from whom
the Democratic primary was fraudulently stolen, the one who backed up Hillary Clinton anyway, has also been
uncharacteristically silent, especially for an aging peace-and-love hippie kind of guy.
Soros Exposed as Money Behind Anti-Trump Protests. Once again, the black hand of George Soros has reached into
America's political system, this time as the man behind the money that's funding the on-going and violent anti-Donald Trump
protests around the country. Note to protesters: Setting fires, thwarting traffic, screaming obscenities and
disrupting the lives of the working sane to rebel against democracy — despite the fact that it was democracy in
action the brought Trump to the White House — is insanity in action.
person 'shot multiple times' at Trump protest — 'African American' suspect on the run. Anti-Trump protesters
have taken to the streets in Oregon where police have fired teargas and hurled 'flash-bang grenades' to disperse the
crowds. The unrest has erupted in Portland where police say protesters threw burning missiles at them, leaving them no
option but to use force in retaliation. Protesters had promised a peaceful rally but as the hundreds of angry activists
descended on the streets chaos ensued — with assaults and vandalism across the city. One person was shot during the
protest multiple times and police said an 'African American' suspect was on the run.
and Trump supporters clash with cops in Indianapolis who blame 'out of town instigators'. Angry anti-Donald
Trump protesters have chanted 'kill the police' at officers while throwing bottles and rocks at them during demonstrations
against the President-elect for a fourth-consecutive night across the country. At least seven people were arrested in
Indianapolis on Saturday night, with more than 500 protesters clashing with police in the city, and cops blamed 'out-of-town
instigators' for causing some of the trouble.
Protests and Collegiate Wailing. On the West Coast we see kids holding Mexican flags, rioting, and burning our
flag while screaming "This is not my country" in cities which ironically did not vote for Trump. Correct, it's
not. If you think elections should be resolved by who creates the most street violence, then leave and return to the
hellholes where that's the case. [...] The riots continue, though we know many are paid demonstrations of the sort Dem shills
Move On and OWS are known for. And the question's been raised, why has the president not stopped them. Is he
trying for leverage to force Trump to clear him and other administration officials of the wrongdoing they think is about to
be revealed?
on Camera: Student Rips Down Conservative Posters. This woman didn't seem to like the "Where Feminism
Went Wrong" message... So she ripped all the Young America's Foundation posters down from her campus' bulletin board.
shot during anti-Donald Trump protest in Portland. An anti-Donald Trump protester has been shot during a
demonstration early Saturday morning in Portland, Oregon, police have said. The man was taken to the hospital after the
shooting, which took place took place on the Morrison Bridge in Portland around 1am on Saturday [11/12/2016], and the gunman
is still on the loose. [...] According to ABC News: 'The suspect is described as an African-American male, late teens,
5'8" tall, thin build, wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.
Protests Funded By Left-Wing 'Charity'. The Progress Unity Fund is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization — the same
classification as the Red Cross. The group's mission is to "provide a progressive alternative to mainstream charities," according
to its IRS filings. The fund provides the financial backing for Act Now To Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition, a left-wing
activist group that began organizing "emergency protests" immediately after Trump's election.
Soros-fronted orgs
among groups calling for anti-Trump protests. Some of the anti-Trump protests in the US have been organized by
groups that were sponsored by Clinton sympathizer and billionaire George Soros. Among Wikileaks' Podesta emails was a
strategy document involving the Soros-supported MoveOn.org and grassroots organizing and funding. MoveOn.org issued a
press release on Wednesday afternoon about the protests where they wrote "hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to
gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny,
racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia."
Day Three
Of Their Epic Tantrums. When I checked my phone in a hotel room in another state on Wednesday morning I was
shocked by the post by Deanna Fisher explaining that Donald J. Trump had pulled out a victory against all the odds, and the
polls to win #Election2016. What has shocked me further has been the epic temper tantrums thrown by the left in the days
following the election. We have seen violence break out across the country in the past three days.
activist charged with assaulting 74-year-old Trump supporter during protest. A Brooklyn woman who became an
anti-bullying crusader after suffering a brutal attack was busted for assaulting a 74-year-old Donald Trump supporter, cops
said Friday [11/11/2016]. Shacara McLaurin, 23, got into a shouting match with victim James Durkan during a Thursday
anti-Trump rally near the President-elect's namesake building on Fifth Ave., cops said. The fracas started as an
argument over who should have won the presidential election — and quickly escalated, a police source said.
Progressives, Thank You for Reminding Us of the Real Reasons We Fight You. Normal, well-adjusted, mature people
do not function at this level of hatred and vitriol against total strangers, or especially friends. Mentally well
people do not insist that their behavior, no matter how anti-social, is permissible because they have granted themselves a
"right" to do it, on the basis of their own "moral" superiority. [...] In case you didn't know who would rule society in a
Clinton presidency, the radicals are rioting over the opportunity they lost. They fully intended to conquer us.
Some have openly said that there will be bloodshed now, which they seem to desire as their own overt racism and bigotry,
superimposed upon their enemies, is laid bare.
the fourth night: Police brace for violence across the country as demonstrators take to the streets.
Anti-Donald Trump protesters were confronted by riot police who used tear gas and flash bangs in Portland, Oregon, on Friday
night [11/11/2016] as demonstrations continued, three nights after the billionaire was sensationally elected president.
Protesters gathered for a rally intended to be a peaceful demonstration after the previous night's unrest. Police in
riot gear began by watching the event closely and eventually had a standoff with protesters who converged at an intersection
and didn't move even though police told them the activity amounted to unlawful assembly. The protest stayed peaceful
for the first part of the evening but grew tense later in the evening. Police ordered a dispersion on Fourth Avenue
after burning projectiles were thrown at officers.
Side Chicago thugs beat man, "You voted Trump". The assault described below occurred in the North Lawndale
neighborhood, one of the worst in Chicago. Trump is the first Republican presidential candidate in decades to make a
strong appeal to black voters. [Video clip]
journalist sparks fury after calling for Donald Trump's assassination over Twitter. A journalist who called for
Donald Trump's assassination sparked fury and calls for her arrest last night [11/11/2016]. Guardian writer Monisha
Rajesh — who has also worked for the Daily Mirror and the Daily Telegraph — tweeted: "It's about
time for a presidential assassination". But she later shut down her account after coming under a barrage of online
criticism over her inflammatory retort, posted as America went to the polls on Tuesday.
The Editor says...
That's not a journalist. That's a left-wing activist masquerading as a journalist.
'Employing the same tactics that lost the election' Anti-Trump students spraypaint 'AmeriKKKa'
on the flag 'out of respect' for Veterans Day. Wesleyan University students honored America's veterans Friday
[11/11/2016] by defacing the American flag rather than burning it. It's at least the third school this week where
students upset over the election of Republican Donald Trump have taken out their frustration on the flag, joining American
University and Hampshire College. A Trump supporter at Wesleyan who was harassed by protesters told The College
Fix that she defended their right to deface the flag on Veterans Day, but said it would set back their anti-Trump cause.
threats against Trump flood Twitter. The shock and anger over Donald Trump's ascension to the White House has
triggered a flood of calls on Twitter and other social media outlets for the president-elect to be assassinated —
and authorities will investigate all threats deemed to be credible, The [New York] Post has learned. Trump met Thursday
with President Obama in the Oval Office, with the Republican businessman calling the hour-plus session a "great honor." Obama
said they had an "excellent" and "wide-ranging" conversation, while urging all people to "now come together." But that
message of inclusion was apparently lost in social media circles, particularly Twitter, where a simple search can reveal
dozens and dozens of calls to gun down the next leader of the free world. Some posts called for both Trump and Vice
President-elect Mike Pence to be assassinated, and there's even an #AssassinateTrump hashtag.
Operation HYPO: Infiltrating the
Protests against the President Elect. An anti-Trump rally in Portland, Oregon, was promoted as a peaceful on
Thursday night [11/9/2016]. The march attracted over 4,000 people and quickly turned violent. Over the course of the
evening, provocateurs in the crowd threw objects at officers, vandalized local businesses, severed electrical conduits, shattered
windows and damaged cars. This is only the beginning. Similar scenes are playing out in cities all over the country
with some of the most violent activities occurring in Oakland, CA. In light of the protests and rioting that have transpired
since the election, a sober analysis is warranted to determine if these protests are the result of organic grassroots movements,
or something much more sinister, sophisticated and dangerous.
They were going to riot anyway? Oakland
Residents: Riots Have 'Nothing to Do with Trump'. Protests and riots exploded across California and
throughout the nation for the third night after Donald Trump's surprise victory in the presidential election. In
Oakland, the East Bay Times reports, the rioting is almost out of control. However, the link between the protests
and the election is increasingly unclear. "This has nothing to do with Trump," one resident told the Times.
"It was just an excuse for people who want to get their frustrations out. It makes me feel really bad for my city."
Socialist Protests Continue.
Various factions of the George Soros network are continuing civil unrest in liberal cities across the nation. Some
victims are being dragged from cars at road blocks and beaten by thugs who take part in these random protests. In one
Oregon protest, onlookers cheered on the beating of a lone dissenter with the phrase; "Love Trumps Hate". As the
lawlessness continues, many local governments are actually encouraging the violence.
Best Protest Sign
Ever: 'Deport Fashisom'. We take a break from the savages rioting over Trump's victory to bring you this
blithering idiot. He seems so proud and must be thrilled that everyone's stopping to take his photo:
vest urged for Trump. President-elect Donald Trump, rushed off a stage during the last week of the campaign
when a shout of "gun" was heard, is being urged to wear a bulletproof vest when he steps outside into busy groups. A
long-time expert of the Secret Service said that the Republican is facing a wave of threats, likely heightened after the
election that has prompted violent outbursts and protests.
Non-Profit Paying Activists to Protest "Trump Agenda". Washington Community Action Network, a grassroots
non-profit organization, is offering activists fifteen dollars an hour to fight against Donald Trump's "agenda." In an ad
posted to Craigslist Wednesday, the day after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the general election, Washington CAN!
asked people to apply in order to "fight the Trump agenda." The ad was briefly removed by Craigslist for review, before
being re-published.
Anti-Trump rioters
brawl — with each other! Some people just want to see the world burn. As anti-Trump rioters
wreaked havoc in the streets of Portland, Oregon on Thursday, they ended up turning on each other and brawling in the road
way. Video shows one rioter hammering an electrical box with a baseball bat. One human being — who
appeared to be a woman (unconfirmed) — stood by the box, apparently shouting for the man to stop. As he
successfully beat the lock off the door, he flung it open, nearly hitting her in the face.
Clinton Supporters Continue Riots on Night Two. Hillary Clinton and President Obama's ideological mobs continue
the organized anarchy in the streets on the second night following the election. Riots, arson, property damage and
looting continue via Clinton/Obama supporters.
Trump Tantrums: Incoherent Moonbats Unclear How Elections Work. [Scroll down] Oh, speaking of CNN
star Sally Kohn, look who's helping organize the tantrums: [...] Weird, just a couple of weeks ago, another CNN clown was
worried Trump wouldn't accept the election results.
Unbearable Lightness of Anti-Trump Hysterics. [Scroll down] On numerous campuses, students marched and
rioted, vandalized and burned stuff to protest Trump's victory. This is what counts as "progressivism" in 2016;
indoctrination works just as it did in Nazi Germany, Cuba, the former USSR, and the dictatorial states of Central and South
America. In every one of those examples, the people lose — and lose everything.
I shoot him first?": Pro-Trump students attacked. Supporting Donald Trump isn't easy, you can lose friends, be
slandered online, have your property vandalized, be threatened, and even physically assaulted. Students at the
University of Pittsburgh were the latest victims of the left's bigotry. According to Campus Reform, the group Youth for
Trump organized outside the campus library on Monday afternoon and almost immediately began receiving a series of threats.
Liberal activists began shouting at the Trump supporters, cursing at them, and began vandalizing their table.
200 arrested in third night of anti-Trump protests in downtown L.A. Nearly 200 people were arrested early
Friday [11/11/2016] after demonstrators flooded the streets of downtown Los Angeles and marched between City Hall and the Staples Center,
the third night of demonstrations against the election of Donald Trump as president. An estimated 185 people were
arrested and one officer was injured during the hours-long demonstrations, LAPD officials said. Details on the officer's
injuries were not available but he was expected to be released from the hospital early Friday, said Officer Norma Eisenman.
Bigotry And Hatred Is On Full Display After Trump Win. There's nothing like an election to bring out violent
hatemongers, the narrow-minded bigots and the just plain intolerant extremists. And no, we are not talking about Trump
supporters here, but the legions of left-wingers who are showing off their true colors.
adviser urges Obama, Clinton to speak out on protests. Donald Trump's campaign manager took to Twitter Thursday
to call on President Obama or Hillary Clinton to speak out against calls for political violence, as unruly post-election
protests broke out for the second night in a row in cities across the country. Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a
once peaceful protest was a riot after demonstrators were seen attacking drivers and committing acts of vandalism during
their march against Trump's election Thursday night.
Protest In Portland, Ore., Turns Destructive, Declared A Riot. A Portland, Ore., demonstration against President-elect
Donald Trump included a group of people who engaged in "criminal and dangerous behavior," authorities say, leading police to declare
the Thursday night gathering a riot. Some protesters smashed windows, lit a dumpster on fire, threw objects at police and lit
firecrackers, according to The Associated Press. Police say they responded with non-lethal munitions fired into the crowd,
and that 26 people were arrested.
Night Of Riots Kick Off, This Time in Portland. More on this breaking story as I get it. As you can see,
these so-called progressives have a real problem with democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. This is the second
night in a row that thugs have decided to riot over Donald Trump election victory.
Looks Like George Soros Is Funding The Trump Protests Just Like He Funded The Ferguson Riots. Paid instigators
are making an already bad situation much much worse. As riots and protests rage through the streets of America, the
question has to be asked: Does someone behind the scenes want to see civil war in the United States? The answer
is almost certainly yes. And it isn't likely to settle down anytime in the next few days.
protesters' riot over Trump's election, attacking bystanders and vandalizing cars, property. Police in
Portland, Ore. declared that a once peaceful protest was a riot after demonstrators were seen attacking drivers and
committing acts of vandalism during their march against Donald Trump's election Thursday night [11/10/2016]. Portland
police said at least 29 people were arrested in the riot and that more information would be given on the charges Friday
morning. According to KPTV, one driver had her windshield smashed and someone painted "Capitalism kills" on a nearby
convenience store. Police declared the protest a riot at around 8:30 pm. A riot is a Class C felony in Oregon.
Protester Going Nuts On CNN Over Hillary Loss Was a CNN Cameraman? Is CNN using their own crew members as fake
protesters? Earlier today, we posted a video of a Hillary supporter having a total meltdown on CNN last night. In
a slightly longer version of the clip you can watch below, CNN's Don Lemon remarks at the end of the video that he knows the
man and that he's a CNN cameraman.
Clinton Supporters Continue Riots on Night Two. Hillary Clinton and President Obama's ideological mobs continue
the organized anarchy in the streets on the second night following the election. Riots, arson, property damage and
looting continue via Clinton/Obama supporters.
Communists Behind the Anti-Trump Protests. From reading the various mainstream media accounts of these events,
one comes away with the distinct impression that they are grassroots actions that began organically among ordinary,
concerned, well-meaning citizens. But alas, if one were to think that, one would be wrong. Contrary to media
misrepresentations, many of the supposedly spontaneous, organic, anti-Trump protests we have witnessed in cities from coast
to coast were in fact carefully planned and orchestrated, in advance, by a pro-Communist organization called the ANSWER
Coalition, which draws its name from the acronym for "Act Now to Stop War and End Racism." ANSWER was established in 2001
by Ramsey Clark's International Action Center, a group staffed in large part by members of the Marxist-Leninist Workers World
Party. [...] Since its inception, ANSWER has consistently depicted the United States as a racist, sexist, imperialistic,
militaristic nation guilty of unspeakable crimes against humanity — in other words, a wellspring of pure evil.
Whites Die': Anti-Trump Rioters Vandalize NOLA Monuments. What started as a protest against President-Elect
Donald Trump soon turned to violent riots where one of New Orleans' most famous monuments was covered in graffiti and glass
windows were shattered out of a nearby bank. Hundreds showed up to denounce the election of Trump — but
despite media reports of a peaceful gathering, the crowd grew increasingly hostile and violent, according to Breitbart Texas
sources on the ground. Students holding signs reading "End white supremacy" originally gathered on the steps of the Lee
Circle monument before the demonstrations turned destructive.
schooler punches 'white boy' classmate holding Trump sign. A Central Florida 17-year-old faces battery charges
after police allege he punched a classmate in the face who was holding a Donald Trump sign during gym class. Palm Bay
Police allege Bayside High School student Andre Hudson punched a classmate in the face who was holding a Trump sign Wednesday
afternoon then flew into a rage, yelling obscenities at school and police officials and destroying school property, WKMG reports.
people — the majority women — take to the streets to protest Trump's victory. For a second straight night,
protesters took to the streets Thursday in Philadelphia to denounce the election of Donald Trump to be president. As
many as 2,000 people — the vast majority of them women — marched between City Hall and 30th Street Station, and then into
North Philadelphia. A second, smaller group marched around Center City.
photojournalist is hospitalized after savage beating by four anti-Trump activists while covering the protests in
Oakland. A photojournalist who spent years covering conflicts in the Middle East was brutally attacked while
covering an anti-Trump protest in Oakland, California. Kyle Ludowitz was left with a fractured cheekbone and abrasions
when four men attacked him on Wednesday night [11/9/2016] as he took photos of protesters wreaking havoc across the city.
The 27-year-old was hospitalized and had both his cameras, which were worth $5,000, destroyed in the violent attack.
Trump denounces 'professional protesters, incited by the media'. President-elect Donald J. Trump took to Twitter Thursday
night [11/10/2016] to denounce the thousands of protesters who filled streets decrying his election. "Just had a very open and successful
presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!" he said in a tweet that had
been retweeted more than 12,000 times in just a half-hour. Some of the protesters Wednesday night and Thursday vandalized businesses and
a few called for Mr. Trump's assassination, according to video footage shown on TV.
on Trump-backing student spurs campus protest. Racially driven animus over the presidential election jarred the
usually serene Woodside High School campus with video spreading of a violent attack on a student who voiced support for
Donald Trump. Within 24 hours, as the student was home recovering, much of the campus walked out of class and
gathered in the quad to vent their myriad feelings about the new political atmosphere taking shape in the country.
Man kicked in head, has car
stolen as bystanders shout 'You voted Trump'. A shocking video of a white man being beaten by a group of black
youths while witnesses shout, "You voted Trump," and, "Don't vote Trump," has been posted online. The disturbing
footage shows the man lying on the ground, struggling to get up as he is repeatedly punched and kicked in the head. The
incident happened in broad daylight at the corner of South Kedzie Avenue and Roosevelt Road in Chicago.
protests in Oakland turn violent. Hundreds marched through the city's downtown, following a peaceful rally at
Frank H. Ogawa Plaza to object to Trump's election victory, as teams of police in riot gear moved in to disperse the
crowds. Several demonstrators reported being sprayed with tear gas. Many in the march scuffled with police.
One tossed a flare at a line of officers. One officer was injured, though police did not specify the details of the injury.
Mob Viciously Beat Elderly White Trump Voter. The video was reportedly shot in Chicago on Election Day.
The man is violently dragged, kicked, and punched in the vicious attack. "You voted Trump... You gonna pay for that
s***", the mob screams. The thugs then stole the mans belongings. Twitter users were horrified at the violent video.
Random House Dictionary, Unabridged, 1981, page 738.
get a lesson in democracy. Have you noticed how many of the riff-raff can't wait to go in front of the TV cameras to announce in
broken English that the reason they hate President-elect Trump is because they're illegal aliens. Then they hold up their signs saying
"NOT MY PRESIDENT!" Well then, of course he's not your president. You're from Guatemala, or maybe Honduras. Last night, as
a public service to the viewing public, Fox News Channel started running English-language subtitles under the anti-Trump sound bites.
I'm serious.
erupt in California after Trump victory. Protests broke out across California and Oregon early Wednesday in the
wake of Donald Trump's stunning presidential victory. Angry gatherings were reported in Portland, Oregon, and on the
campuses of UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, on the streets of Oakland and Berkeley. "Not my president!" roared
protesters at both UCLA, and along the 60s throwback street of Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. [Video clip]
protests: Left freaks out with hysterics, temper tantrums after a fair election. On Tuesday, Americans
had enough and decided to seek fundamental change. Today, the left is protesting in the streets because of American
democratic action. The left accuses Donald Trump of totalitarianism, but it is the left refusing to accept a democratic
act. The left blasted Trump for suggesting the election was rigged. But they are okay with protesting a fair
election and declaring it illegitimate because they hate the outcome.
Filled Protesters Trash Numerous West Coast Cities — Protesting Trump Win. Evidently disaffected
liberal [fools] in several cities on the West coast decided to protest Donald Trump being elected President and defeating
Hillary Clinton. In Portland, Oregon they were calling for Donald Trump to be impeached. Boy, not very bright are
they? He hasn't done anything yet he can be impeached for, you morons. [...] No sympathy here... for all their evil
machinations, the people outdid them finally. All the pollsters and media got it wrong. They are finally waking
up to the fact that just because they say something over and over, doesn't guarantee it will come to pass and be reality.
Violent Anti-Trump Riots Break out in West Coast Cities, Campuses. Violent anti-Trump protests and riots broke
out in several West Coast cities and on California campuses as news of Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential
election spread. Students at the University of California Los Angeles rioted in the streets of Westwood, Los Angeles,
declaring: "Not my president!"
protesters take to the streets in NYC. Thousands of protesters chanting, "Trump is Hitler!" stormed up Sixth
Avenue en route to Trump Tower on Fifth Wednesday night in one of many demonstrations nationwide against the new
president-elect. Those in the mob first gathered in Union Square to vent their anger over the election results[.]
They later took to the streets and headed to Trump's headquarters and penthouse apartment in Midtown, where they climbed
light poles and burned flags. There were at least 62 people arrested, police sources said.
Hate Democracy: Thousands Protest Trump Because He Won The Election. Thousands are protesting right now
over Donald Trump's election victory. [...] The new breed on the left has [zero] respect for democracy and the will of the
people. They want what they want and if they don't get it, then it's time to act like a crybaby. That's what
you're seeing tonight, in spades. Not only that, they're so stupid that they don't realize this plays right into
Trump's hands. He can now say, legitimately, that he reached out last night and thousands spit in his face
To Assassinate President-Elect Trump Rampant On Twitter. A funny thing happens when one searches the words
"Trump" and "GoFundMe" in Twitter: Numerous tweets appear advocating the use of a fund-raising website to support
efforts to assassinate president-elect Trump.
Erupts With Calls For Donald Trump To Be Assassinated. Twitter is exploding with people calling for
president-elect Donald Trump to be assassinated. The Republican real-estate billionaire beat Hillary Clinton handily to
become the next president of the United States, but that hasn't stopped lots of people calling for somebody to murder him.
Video: I got your liberal
tolerance right here! It's Bush in 2k all over again, without the hanging chads and supreme court challenge to
determine the presidency. So classy. Here's a longer video of the protest if you want to watch it. Beware,
there may be some foul language by those who filmed it: [Video clip]
take to streets in major cities to protest Trump election. Thousands of people coast-to-coast took to the
streets Wednesday night to protest Donald Trump's election, disrupting traffic, chanting anti-Trump slogans and some ending
up in handcuffs. From New England to heartland cities like Kansas City and along the West Coast, demonstrators bore
flags and effigies of the president-elect, disrupting traffic and declaring that they refused to accept Trump's
victory. Some California cities saw heated tensions over Trump's election. Thousands of protesters burned a giant
papier mache Trump head in Los Angeles and started fires in Oakland intersections.
The Editor says...
This breakdown of civility is the poisonous fruit of violent movies,
television, video games, and socialist indoctrination in the public schools. Thanks, liberals!
The Editor says...
How ironic: The name of the group is Move On. Unfortunately there's not enough room on this page to reprint
their press release. Maybe next time.
closes MAX platforms around Pioneer Courthouse Square because of protests. Hundreds of demonstrators took to the
streets in downtown Portland and marched onto [I]nterstates 5 and 84 on Wednesday [11/9/2016] as they protested Donald
Trump's election. After roaming on both sides of the Willamette River during rush hour, at times chanting "Not my president,"
they entered I-5 near the Moda Center and closed it down. Authorities blocked off northbound and southbound lanes on a
stretch from the Fremont Bridge to the Marquam Bridge in one of multiple freeway closures during the protest.
War II memorial vandalized in apparent pipeline protest. Someone who was against the Dakota Access Pipeline
apparently vandalized the World War II memorial in Washington, the National Park Service said Tuesday [11/8/2016].
Spokesman Mike Litterst said someone spray-painted the North Dakota section of the memorial. A photo provided by the
park service showed the phrase "#NoDAPL" was written in paint. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe has been fighting along
with other tribes and environmental groups to stop the completion of the $3.8 billion pipeline, saying it would threaten the
water supply for millions of people. Supporters say the pipeline is a safer way to move oil than trucks and trains.
Trump staffer assaulted, robbed for wearing MAGA
hat. A Trump staffer was ambushed in a parking lot at Towson University, where he was spit on and slapped by a
student for wearing a Make American Great Again hat. Gary Collins also had his phone taken by the student, who was
later arrested after confessing to the assault.
Police Commissioner: 'Kill Your Local Trump Supporter' Graffiti 'Troubling'. Graffiti that said "kill your
local Trump supporter" was found Sunday spray-painted in white letters on the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston,
the Boston Herald reported. In response to the discovery, Boston Police Commissioner Bill Evans called the
graffiti "troubling." "In a college area, it's probably a college kid that somehow thinks that's a proper thing to write
at this time, but it shouldn't make people afraid to come out to vote tomorrow," Evans said to CBS Boston. "We have a
few people in our department who are very good at reading graffiti and finding out who's responsible."
Vandalize FBI Building, Trump Hotel in DC: Police. Two men participating in the Million Mask March in
Washington, D.C., have been arrested for vandalizing federal property and the Trump International Hotel, police say.
D.C. police officers found several buildings and sidewalks in the area had been vandalized with spray paint, including the
Federal Bureau of Investigation at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, and the Trump hotel at 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Northwest, about 11:15 a.m. Saturday [11/5/2016].
and Walls of Trump Campaign Offices in Denver Defaced. In yet another act of political vandalism against
Republicans, the Donald Trump campaign offices in Denver were attacked with vile slogans painted on its walls and windows in
an attempt to intimidate Republican supporters of the GOP nominee. The anti-Trump slogans were painted on an exterior
brick wall of the office sometime early in the morning of Friday, November 4, police said. The windows of the office
were also covered in paint.
Surge Freakout: More Violence Against Supporters. Physical attacks on Donald Trump supporters and their
personal property appear to be growing increasingly common as Election Day approaches and passions intensify. As
LifeZette recently reported, there was a foiled assassination attempt at a Trump rally and many Trump supporters have been
beaten up or hit with flying objects throughout the course of the fall campaign.
Denver campaign office is vandalized twice in one day. Donald Trump's campaign office in Denver was vandalized
twice in the same day. Police responded to the office at Clarkson Street and 18th Avenue shortly before 9pm on Friday
after a rock was thrown through a window. Michael Ferrara, 33, was taken into custody on suspicion of criminal
mischief, CBS Denver reports. Ferrara was reportedly detained at the scene by a security guard with Trump's campaign
until officers arrived.
Thug "Austyn Crites" Attempts To Rush Trump on Stage In Reno Nevada. During a speech in Reno Nevada a Clinton
thug named Austyn Crites (University of Chicago Graduate) attempted to rush the stage and attack candidate Donald Trump.
The crowd and Secret Service intercepted the attacker and Donald Trump was briefly rushed off stage: [Video clip]
Editor: I Want Trump Supporters To Die. The editor of a prominent black website wished death upon
Republican nominee Donald Trump's supporters for their political beliefs. Damon Young, a contributing editor for
Ebony.com, wrote an op-ed Wednesday explaining why he's voting for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, before writing he
wants Trump supporters die.
Not Willing to Sacrifice My Family for Your Gun-Free Dreams. Two weeks ago I published an extended essay
describing my family's ordeal at the hands of pro-Trump alt-right trolls and thugs. The response was overwhelming.
There was renewed alt-right harassment (of course), but it was swamped by support from across the political spectrum.
Pro-Trump conservatives were appalled, as were progressive Hillary supporters, and the story was shared far and wide.
Violence in the
Name of Compassion. As the elderly black female homeless Trump supporter was curled in the fetal position on
the sidewalk while street swine jeered at her from all sides, a black man leaned over and told her that she'd brought it all
on herself: [...] The woman, still unidentified, had taken it upon herself to protect Donald Trump's star on Hollywood
Boulevard a day after "millionaire activist James Otis" had violently destroyed it last Wednesday morning with a pickaxe in a
hissy-fit over news reports that Trump was, like, mean to women or something.
Trump Supporter Attacked By Liberal Mob. Physical assaults against Trump supporters continue, the main stream
media continues to ignore it. Earlier this week, a homeless woman set up camp at Donald Trump's recently vandalized
Hollywood Walk of Fame Star. The unnamed African American woman has vigilantly guarded the star to "prevent further
damage" while holding up signs condemning Hillary Clinton and supporting Donald Trump. "I'm gonna stay here and
watch this, and make sure nobody touches it."
Attack Homeless Woman Defending Trump Walk of Fame Star. A homeless woman quietly demonstrating in support of Donald Trump near his star on the
Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday [10/27/2016] was violently harassed and abused by a group of people who surrounded her, yelled insults at her and appeared
to knock her to the ground. The woman can be seen in a series of videos posted to YouTube sitting silently while holding signs in support of the Republican
presidential nominee, including one that read, "20 Million Illegals and Americans sleep on the streets in tents. Vote Trump."
Carolina state House candidates scuffle at local festival. A witness told the Bladen Journal that Democratic
candidate Tim Benton was trying to confront Republican Brenden Jones at the annual Beast Fest in Bladenboro. Woody
Hester told the paper that Benton was accusing Jones of being behind fliers linking him to a white supremacist group.
"Mr. Benton kept nudging him with his shoulder the whole time they were walking across, and then he just stepped back
and little and coldcocked him," Hester said. "To beat all, he (Benton) left a little child in a stroller to walk across
the street, and if Mr. Jones' (companion) hadn't caught her, the child would have rolled into the street," Hester added.
protesters campaigning for safe spaces 'block white students' at Berkeley university. Protesters demonstrating
for "safe spaces" for people of colour and LGBT students formed a human chain at a US campus, reportedly designed to stop
white people getting to their classes. In a video of the demonstration at the University of California, Berkeley,
protesters are heard shouting "Go around!" at white students while they are seen allowing BAME people through the blockade.
One demonstrator tells a student who is trying to make his way through: "This is bigger than you. This is about whiteness."
Party Operative Robert Creamer Used Terror to Wage War on Honesty. Until forced to resign his post as a
"consultant" with a Democratic Party-aligned organization named Americans United for Change, Creamer ran what amounts to a
domestic U.S. political terror and propaganda operation dedicated to undermining the 2016 U.S. presidential
election — "rigging the election," to use the current term. Yes, Creamer's operation uses
terror — and three investigative videos recently released by Project Veritas contain information supporting my
assessment. Creamer resigned as an official consultant because Part One and Part Two exposed him. His operation,
however, remains active and continues to do damage. The election rigging scheme he commanded relies on street thuggery.
Pro-abortion CSULA prof freaks out at Star Parker event. Conservative activist Star Parker
provoked a pro-abortion professor into hysterics at a recent lecture at CSULA, simply by comparing the moral case against abortion to the arguments against
slavery. Dr. Heidi Riggio began shrieking that "I'm not talking about slavery" while Parker spoke, and later accused Parker of trying to "impose
your religion on everyone" before storming out of the room.
Trump supporters are getting death threats. I guess they also don't care that Hillary Clinton has vowed to
bring in upwards of a million more gay-hating Muslim invaders in just her first term if elected. [Video clip]
destroys Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star. The man who did it was dressed as a city construction worker,
wielding a sledgehammer and pick-ax. He told Deadline his name was Jamie Otis and he was trying to extract the star to
auction it off and give the proceeds to the multiple women who have accused Trump of sexually assaulting them over the decades.
3 Morning Shows Silent on Destruction of Trump's Walk of Fame Star. According to Deadline, Donald
Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star was shattered this morning [10/26/2016] by a vandal dressed as a construction
worker. But the morning shows failed to report the news. Although Trump's star has been defaced multiple times
this year, this is the first instance of heavy damage. Jamie Otis smashed the star early Wednesday morning when
Hollywood Boulevard was nearly empty. When Deadline interviewed him, Otis revealed that he had planned to remove
the star and auction it; however, after taking a beating, the star was pulverized.
protester antagonizes vet daughter outside DC hotel opening. Tensions escalated quickly Wednesday when the adult daughter of an Army veteran expressed
her outrage over anti-Donald Trump protesters who defaced an American flag outside the grand opening of the Republican presidential nominee's new D.C. hotel.
steers clear as North Dakota pipeline protests veer out of control. Having lent support to the North Dakota
pipeline protesters, the Obama administration is stiff-arming requests for more federal assistance as the situation on the
ground at the massive encampment grows increasingly volatile. Six states sent law enforcement support to the Dakota
Access pipeline site after several law enforcement officers were hurt in last weekend's clashes that saw 127 arrests, the
shooting of a drone that buzzed a helicopter and the use of pepper spray against protesters who charged a police line.
asks pipeline protesters to leave North Dakota land. The developer of the Dakota Access oil pipeline said
Tuesday [10/25/2016] that the dozens of protesters who have camped on company-owned land since the weekend are trespassing and that
"lawless behavior will not be tolerated."
Dirty tricks: Then and now.
In 1974, [Donald] Segretti pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor counts of distributing illegal, even forged, campaign
literature and served four months of a six-month prison sentence. I mention this sordid history because some Democrats
are playing similar "dirty tricks" on Donald Trump. Videographer James O'Keefe and his Project Veritas and National
Review columnist Stanley Kurtz have exposed Democratic dirty tricks in this presidential campaign. O'Keefe's videos
purport to show Democratic activists, allegedly hired by the party, describing tactics they use to deceive the public.
The most notable comes in a clip in which Scott Foval, national director at Americans United for Change, tells of hiring
people to demonstrate and even start fights at Donald Trump rallies.
of San Jose Trump Rally Violence on Project Veritas Video: The 'Mob' of 'Paid' Protesters Threw Eggs in My Hair. Rachel
Casey, the 29-year-old woman and Donald Trump supporter who was violently attacked by progressive protesters and had eggs thrown into her hair
in San Jose, California, earlier this year, gave her first exclusive interview since the revelations in new videos that Democratic paid operatives
incited such violence around the country to Breitbart News on Sunday [10/23/2016]. When asked to describe what happened to her that
fateful evening when the progressive protesters targeted her with eggs and other violent tactics, Casey portrayed a horrific scene.
Video Shows Direct (And Illegal) Coordination Between Clinton Campaign, Dem Operatives, And Trump Protests.
James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released their third investigative video exposing the dark web of Democratic operatives and
consultants who are seen allegedly colluding to instigate violence at Trump rallies, take part in voter fraud schemes, and
provide a hub from where pro-Clinton super PACs can establish lines of communication. In this third video, taken from
a year[-]long investigation into the Clinton campaign's inner workings, we have allegations that Hillary Clinton herself is
involved with some of the activities at Trump rallies.
to sue DNC for hiring violent thugs to protest his rallies. Trump is getting ready to sue the DNC for hiring
"bird dogging" violent thugs to infiltrate his rallies. These leftists have also sent people to protest Trump all over
the country. James O'Keefe of Project Veritas fame, is asking him to hold off. He claims he has a video that will
be released tomorrow that shows Hillary Clinton and Donna Brazille both were directly involved in the action here.
O'Keefe has already released two videos: the first exposed DNC and other individuals who infiltrated Trump rallies to
cause violence. The second shows how the left is involved in massive voter fraud.
Operatives Admit Hillary Ordered Duck Campaign to Disrupt Trump Events. The latest Project Veritas video shows
Democrat operatives admitting that Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ordered the Donald Duck campaign to
bombard Donald Trump/Mike Pence events: [...] Fovel then told the PV journalist that the duck idea came about in May, but
had to move it from the DNC to AUFC. PV then asked Creamer why they had to do this. Creamer said it had to do "with
some problem between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a trademark issue."
But it turns out since Brazile has a connection to ABC and Disney, she didn't want the duck around because "she didn't want
to get sued." The DNC then decided to move the duck to AUFC.
Should Be Disqualified and DNC's Donna Brazile Fired for #DuckGate. Democrat presidential candidate Hillary
Clinton personally ordered people outfitted in Donald Duck costumes to troll Trump rallies, the latest groundbreaking video
from Project Veritas shows. The third in a series exposing Democrat voter fraud and campaign finance corruption,
Veritas' latest video depicts an operative receiving mandates directly from the Clinton campaign ordering "Donald Duck"
agitators to hold signs at Trump and Pence events pressing the issue of Donald Trump's tax returns.
warns of North Dakota pipeline protesters' criminal pasts as more arrests made. More demonstrators were
arrested Saturday for infiltrating the Dakota Access pipeline construction site as law enforcement warned about a coterie of
activists with lengthy criminal records inside the protest camps. The Morton County [N.D.] Sheriff's Department
reported closing down Highway 1806 and arresting 83 people on rioting charges after about 300 protesters marched three miles
into private property at a construction site for the pipeline project. Officers used pepper spray against some
activists after they tried to break the police line, during which one protester grabbed a canister and sprayed an officer
in the face.
Lasonde Demands Schakowsky Resign over James O'Keefe Videos. Republican Congressional candidate Joan McCarthy
Lasonde, 50, is demanding that nine-term incumbent Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), 72, resign over videos released by James O'Keefe's
Project Veritas revealing that her husband, Robert Creamer, was at the center of a plot to incite violence at Donald Trump
rallies, in a tactic known as "bird-dogging."
and DoJ are ignoring evidence of crimes in Project Veritas Action videos. Ahem, where is the criminal
investigation of apparent crimes, conspiracies to violate the civil rights of Trump supporters, and possibly riot, for
starters? And where is the media clamor to get to the bottom of this frightening perversion of democracy? People
were hurt in the near-riot at the Trump rally in Chicago, and their right to assemble negated by a conspiracy. The
media are completely uninterested in asking any questions.
mistakes town meeting for Donald Trump rally and smears 30 cars with smooth peanut butter in protest. A woman
was arrested on Monday [10/17/2016] after allegedly smearing peanut butter on 30 cars parked outside what she believed was a
pro-Donald Trump rally. Christina Ferguson was arrested in Amherst Junction, Wisconsin after interrupting what turned out
to be a meeting of a local environmental organisation, Tomorrow River Conservation Club.
Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times. A key operative in a Democratic
scheme to send agitators to cause unrest at Donald Trump's rallies has visited the White House 342 times since 2009, White
House records show. Robert Creamer, who acted as a middle man between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National
Committee and "protesters" who tried — and succeeded — to provoke violence at Trump rallies met with
President Obama 47 times, according to White House records. Creamer's last visit was in June 2016.
Sotomayor's thuggish fantasy. A remarkable moment took place Monday night, as a sitting justice of the Supreme
Court of the United States expressed her fantasy of taking a baseball bat to Justice Scalia during sessions on the bench, if
only one had been handy. [...] Who has such violent fantasies? And who on earth would admit to it in public?
operative plotted to have men bully women at Trump rally. The latest hidden-camera video posted by Project Veritas shows
Aaron Black, an associate at the Democratic consulting firm Democracy Partners, brainstorming about how to make sure pro-Trump men bully
hired female agitators. "So we get people behind Trump when he's at a rally, but we make sure it's women and they are positioned
next to men," said Mr. Black. "We want images of the men bullying the women who are trying to hold their signs up.
That's what I'm going to do. That is what we're going to do. That is the hit."
Video Exposes DNC's Plan To Use Women Against Trump Supporters. James O'Keefe's organization, Project Veritas Action (PVA),
released yet another video Wednesday afternoon [10/19/2016] titled, "DNC Schemes to Bully Women at Trump Rally." In this video, the
Democratic National Committee's Rapid Response Coordinator and associate at Democracy Partners, Aaron Black, talks about how they can use
verbally abusive and antagonistic women at Trump rallies to incite a "bullying" response from male Trump supporters.
House denies Obama friends with Democratic operative linked to agitators at Trump rallies. The White House denied Wednesday [10/19/2016]
that President Obama has a friendship with a Democratic operative who has visited the White House more than 300 times and is linked to an
undercover video probe of a Democratic scheme to bait supporters of Republican Donald Trump at campaign rallies. Asked if Robert Creamer
was a friend of the president, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said, "That's not how I would describe him." He is married to
Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, a close ally of Mr. Obama. Mr. Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates,
stepped down from his role helping the campaign of Hillary Clinton Tuesday [10/18/2016], a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post
as national field director of Americans United for Change.
Guess Who
Paid to Injure Cops. Yes, the democrats. Specifically the husband of communist plant and Alinsky-ite
representative Jan Schakowsky.
Threat at Second GOP Headquarters. According to a Facebook live video Monday, the Arizona Republican Party
received a bomb threat and had to shut down while police shut down the area. The GOP headquarters in North Carolina was
firebombed over the weekend, so police take these threats very seriously. "We've had a bomb threat here at the Arizona
Republican Party," declared Arizona Republican Party Chairman Robert Graham in the Facebook video. He called this
"voter intimidation at its pinnacle. The Left is doing everything they possibly can, and they've gone as far as at
our sister party in North Carolina to actually throw a pipe bomb inside their facility there."
Creamer, caught on camera talking about provoking violence at Trump events, visited the Obama White House 340 times. The shocking
video by James O'Keefe and Project Veritas Action has so far not been screened on the mainstream networks, but it cannot be totally embargoed in the
age of social media. It shows Robert Creamer discussing provoking mayhem at Trump events. The Democrats are trying to distance themselves,
with Donna Brazile, interim head of the Democratic National Committee, calling Creamer a "temporary regional sub-contractor," a term that is literally
true but highly misleading. In fact, he is married to Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and has a long history as a henchman for the left,
going back all the way to the Midwest Academy, an Alinskyite training institution on whose board he now sits.
operative plotted to have men bully women at Trump rally. The White House moved Wednesday to distance itself
from a Democratic dirty-tricks scandal amid Republican calls for an investigation and newly released footage revealing that a
Hillary Clinton campaign consultant schemed to have women bullied at a Donald Trump rally. The latest hidden-camera
video posted by Project Veritas shows Aaron Black, an associate at the Democratic consulting firm Democracy Partners,
brainstorming about how to make sure pro-Trump men bully hired female agitators. "So we get people behind Trump when
he's at a rally, but we make sure it's women and they are positioned next to men," said Mr. Black. "We want images
of the men bullying the women who are trying to hold their signs up. That's what I'm going to do. That is what
we're going to do. That is the hit."
Put Democrats on Defensive About Dirty Tricks. A Democratic operative, wearing a checkered blue shirt and a
tie, spoke calmly, explaining exactly how agents could infiltrate the rallies of Donald J. Trump and cause mayhem among the
Republican's nominee team, his security staff and supporters. Creating an explosive reaction, said the operative, Scott
Foval, was "the whole point of it." Mr. Foval and Robert Creamer, another operative working for the Democratic
National Committee, were the unwitting stars of undercover videos released this week in which they and others were captured
discussing unseemly tactics like instigating violence at Mr. Trump's rallies and arranging for fraudulent voting.
Tactics, Robert Creamer, and Us. Rather than try to adjudicate the factual underpinnings or the journalistic
rights and wrongs of this story, I'm going to focus on Robert Creamer's background. Creamer has already made news by
"stepping back" from the Clinton campaign in response to the videos. So at this point, it's fair to comment on his
background. Creamer is a longtime Alinskyite activist and a leader in Obama's old community organizing network.
Creamer was a key figure in the work of Chicago's community organizer training center, the Midwest Academy, to which Obama
had close ties.
Backtracks on Assault Claim After O'Keefe Video. A woman who accused a Donald Trump supporter of punching her
outside a Trump rally in North Carolina is backtracking after James O'Keefe and Project Veritas released video showing
Democrat operatives claiming she was a trained activist. 69-year-old Shirley Teter of Asheville now says it is possible
that 73-year-old Richard L. Campbell merely touched her accidentally, as his attorney had claimed all along.
Who Attacked Pro-Trump Activist Charged with Assault. The two women who were briefly arrested in August after
assaulting a pro-Trump activist outside of a popular Mexican restaurant in West Hollywood have been charged with assault and
battery. According to Los Angeles Court documents, Kelsey Rae Salem and Jacqueline Raye Johnson were charged and are
set to be arraigned in court on Wednesday, where they will formally hear the charges against them. The assault victim
was Alaskan artist and pro-Trump activist Tim Treadstone, better known by stage name Baked Alaska, who was rallying in
support of Trump in a city from which the Republican presidential nominee is officially "banned."
butter vandal mistakes gathering for Trump rally. Disorderly conduct charges are pending against a woman who
authorities say smeared peanut butter on 30 vehicles outside a gathering in central Wisconsin that she mistakenly thought was
a Donald Trump rally.
heads roll after video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies. Two top Democratic strategists have exited the
presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid
agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump. Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and
the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday [10/18/2016],
a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director of Americans United for Change.
Democratic strategist resigns from his post after video surfaced purportedly showing he 'hired people to incite violence at
Trump rallies'. A Democratic operative campaigning for Hilary Clinton has resigned and another has been fired
after a video surfaced purportedly showing members of their organization discussing ways to incite violence at Donald Trump
rallies. Robert Creamer — the husband of Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois — said
he was 'stepping back' from his role after conservative activist James O'Keefe released footage appearing to show senior
staffers plotting ways to undermined the Republican candidate's campaign events. In the video, Creamer and other
strategists appear to advise protesters to get into situations where they would be captured on camera, producing footage
that could be used at later stages of the race for the White House.
Democratic Operative Resigns From Clinton Campaign After Being Exposed By O'Keefe Investigation. On Monday
[10/17/2016], James O'Keefe's investigative journalism group Project Veritas began releasing tapes from their yearlong
investigation into the dark web of progressive groups, who working in concert with the Clinton campaign, have divulged
databases, information about designated operatives whose main goal is to instigate violence at Trump rallies, and how these
groups constitute a hub of communication for the various pro-Clinton super PACs to keep in contact with one another;
something that is forbidden by federal election law. Scott Foval, the national field director for Americans United For
Change, is very open about how he's hired homeless people and the mentally ill to create havoc at political events, though he
says that he will always remember to make sure to pay for the bail, or hospital bill, for any one of his operatives that get
roughed up or arrested at these venues.
Video: Dem Operatives Boast of Deliberate Scheme to Provoke Violence at Trump Events. Cast your mind back
to March of this year, when Donald Trump's campaign was forced to cancel a rally in Chicago, as officials worried that a
confrontation between Trump's supporters and scores of protesters might lead to the political equivalent of a powder keg
explosion. Remember that? [...] The underlying theme of much of the ensuing, dark coverage was, this is Trump's
America. To their credit, most Republicans, including several of Trump's primary rivals at the time, focused the
majority of their criticism on the agitators who'd forced Trump's campaign to call off the event. Marco Rubio said the
protesters were "probably being paid to do this," drawing ire from the professional Left. Now we know that his "probably"
qualifier was superfluous, and that the sinking feeling in many Americans' stomachs was precipitated intentionally by hardened,
paid provocateurs.
video shows Democrats admitting they hire agitators for Trump events. Those supposedly spontaneous protesters
disrupting events for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump actually may be professionals trained by operatives
working with the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign. A yearlong undercover investigation by
the conservative group Project Veritas Action shows Democratic strategists discussing how they hire agitators —
including union members, homeless people and the mentally ill — to incite violence by provoking Trump supporters
on camera at campaign stops.
throw bricks through windows at Delaware County Republican Party office. The Delaware County Republican Party
said vandals struck at their office last week. Someone threw two landscaping bricks through a window on Oct. 8.
Signs for Donald Trump and Todd Young were hanging on the window at the time, according to the group's Facebook page.
Officials said it would cost about $1,200 to replace the broken window and said anyone interested in helping cover the cost
could donate online.
left-wing groups and the DNC arrange astroturf agitation at Trump events for Hillary's benefit. One of the open
questions here, and key to any legal issue, is whether the campaign itself is coordinating with the Super PACs who are
allegedly involved in these activities. Campaigns are strictly barred by law from contact with PACs; maybe there's more
to come about that in the next videos, but for now it's clear at least that there's some chain of command to all of this and
that the DNC is involved in some astroturfing.
Woman Filmed Taking Credit for Chicago Riot Was On Hillary's
Payroll. Activist Zulema Rodriguez, who was featured in James O'Keefe's latest video taking credit for the riot in Chicago and the
road blocking protest near Phoenix, was paid directly by Hillary Clinton's campaign less than two weeks before Donald Trump's Chicago rally.
Who Took Credit For Violent Chicago Protests Was On Hillary's Payroll. An activist who bragged about disrupting
multiple Donald Trump campaign events in a recent Project Veritas video was on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign
payroll, a search of Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reveals. In a Veritas video released Monday [10/17/2016],
filmmaker and provocateur James O'Keefe recounts meeting activist Zulema Rodriguez at the Republican National Convention in
Cleveland. In the video, Rodriguez takes credit for violent protests in Chicago that forced Trump to cancel a March rally.
Firebombing of Orange
County GOP office ignites storm on social media. The Orange County Republican Party headquarters was firebombed
overnight Saturday and graffiti was spray-painted nearby in an attack that the GOP called "political terrorism." A
flaming bottle was thrown through a window of the office and a swastika and "Nazi Republicans leave town or else" were
painted in black on the side of an adjacent building, Hillsborough officials said in a news release. The inside of the
office, which contained campaign signs and other election materials, was blackened by soot, and broken glass littered the
floor Sunday evening [10/16/2016]. Office equipment, including a printer, had melted.
Carolina Republican office torched by firebomb. A North Carolina GOP office was firebombed early Sunday while
the culprits marked their hate for the party by spray-painting the words "Nazi Republicans." Hillsborough police are
investigating the overnight attack on the Orange County Republican Party office that one GOP official called an "act of
political terrorism," according to the Charlotte Observer.
terrorism perpetrated by the American Left. Where is the wall-to-wall coverage of not alleged tampering with an
election but actual, in-your-face felony violence in an attempt to disrupt political speech and activity along with a clear
threat, backed by arson, to murder anyone who doesn't vote as they wish! Let's call this what it is: Domestic
terrorism perpetrated by the American Left.
party headquarters is firebombed and daubed with Nazi graffiti in North Carolina. A Republican party
headquarters in North Carolina was firebombed and an adjacent building was vandalized with the words: 'Nazi Republicans leave
town or else.' One state GOP official called the attack in Hillsborough, Orange County an act of 'political terrorism',
the Charlotte Observer reported. A bottle, filled with flammable substance, was thrown into a window during the night,
setting off a fire that scorched the interior of the building before the blaze burned itself out, police said. Photos
from the interior showed damaged yard signs bearing the names of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, along with other politicians.
terror attack' at Republican Party HQ as thugs compare party to NAZIS. Donald Trump has accused Hillary Clinton
supporters of firebombing the Republican Party's headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina. Writing on Twitter, Mr Trump
suggested last night's suspected terror attack was an attempt by Democrats to derail his Presidental bid. The office, in the town
of Hillsborough, was set on fire when thugs launched a bottle of flammable liquid through the front window. The words "Nazi
Republicans get out of town or else" were spray-painted on a nearby building, along with a swastika.
More Worried by Trump's 'Dark Tone' Than Firebombed GOP. On Monday [10/17/2016], NBC's Today devoted a nearly three-minute
report to stoking fears that Donald Trump's supporters could cause violence if the Republican nominee is defeated in November, while only
offering a scant 39 seconds of air time to a GOP campaign office in North Carolina being firebombed over the weekend.
Media has Become a Terrorist Organization, Incites Violence, Covers-Up Crimes. The firebombing of a North Carolina is the
latest attack on free speech in the United States. This attack, which would be labelled a domestic terrorism and be the subject of
never-ending media coverage had it happened at a Clinton office, has been largely ignored by the American media. The North Carolina
firebombing is part of a broader campaign of terror incited by American media, which continues to cover up violence.
Project Veritas:
Clinton Camp Hires Agitators to Instigate Violence. Political investigative group Project Veritas Action just
released a new video. The video shows first person accounts implicating Clinton's Campaign for instigating violence and
riots throughout the country. Her campaign appears to collude with superPACs to disrupt Trump events including the
highway blockages in Arizona and many other unlawful acts. [Video clip]
O'Keefe Video Sting Exposes 'Bird-Dogging' — Democrats' Effort to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies.
Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election
cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called "bird-dogging," according to a new video investigation
released Monday [10/17/2016] by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas. The goal of "bird-dogging": to create a sense of
"anarchy" around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support. Often, the tactic uses the most vulnerable
people — including the elderly and disabled — to maximize shock value.
With Trump Stickers Looted, Destroyed By Black Youth. YouTube personality Joey Salads left a car laden with
Trump paraphernalia in a parking lot of a "black neighborhood" and let a video camera capture what happened next. It
took 30 minutes, according to the YouTube video, for locals to ravage and loot the car. The YouTuber did not identify
what city his 'social experiment' took place in.
spray-paint at least 20 vehicles outside Trump rally in Bangor. Police said on Sunday that no one has been
charged in connection with an act of vandalism that left several cars marked with white spray paint outside Republican presidential
nominee Donald Trump's Saturday rally in Bangor. The investigation was ongoing Sunday and new information likely won't be
released until Monday [10/17/2016], Sgt. Wade Betters of the Bangor Police Department said.
Daily News: Trump Supporter Spat on for Protesting Media Bias Outside CNN's LA Bureau. In a disturbing
story first reported by the Los Angeles Daily News on Monday [10/10/2016], a woman was arrested and charged with
battery for allegedly spitting on a Trump supporter outside CNN's LA bureau at an event originally aimed at protesting
liberal media bias. Reporters Anita Bennett and Matthew Carey reported that the individual was taken into custody after
having fled the media bias rally and fled to a coffee shop.
detained as Trump supporters protest outside CNN building in Hollywood. The protesters gathered at the corner
of Sunset and Cahuenga boulevards to speak out against what they perceive as pro-Hillary Clinton media bias and to demand CNN
"be more truthful" in its coverage of the 2016 presidential election. "The things that I see on CNN, it really is
beyond bias and slant," said Dorothy Caruso of Costa Mesa. "It's the Clinton News Network." While Caruso stood to
the west of the CNN building, she said she was confronted by someone who obviously isn't a Trump supporter. "Somebody
had a temper tantrum, abused my Women for Trump sign," said Caruso as she held up a homemade poster that had been torn apart.
The Left's Mobocracy.
[F]or decades, the only real threat of mob violence has come from the political left. The left proved this once again
this week when rioters in San Jose, California ignored do-nothing police officers and assaulted Trump supporters after his
campaign rally. They overran police barriers, punched random rallygoers and egged a woman. They spit on people,
burned American flags and generally made a violent nuisance of themselves. The left reacted by blaming Trump.
First off, let's point out that while Trump has encouraged his own rallygoers to participate in violence against peaceful
protesters, there has never been a pro-Trump mob or riot. Individuals have engaged in bad behavior, but there
has never been any mass activity. The same is not true of the political left, which traffics in mob action, from
Ferguson, Missouri, to Baltimore, Maryland, to Seattle, Washington, to Occupy Wall Street.
Teen Beaten Into Critical Condition After Posting 'Blue Lives Matter'. A 17-year-old Alabama high school
student is in critical condition after being assaulted this weekend. According to Sylacauga Police Chief Kelley
Johnson, Brian Ogle was assaulted in an Ace Hardware parking lot following Sylacauga High School's homecoming game on Friday
[9/30/2016]. When authorities arrived on the scene, they discovered Ogle beaten and bleeding from the head.
Broaddrick barraged with dozens of hate messages from Hillary trolls. Juanita Broaddrick has accused Bill
Clinton of raping her in 1978, and most recently, she's challenged Chelsea Clinton's complaints about "attacks" on her
parents. Now, Hillary's trolls are making Broaddrick pay the price for speaking up. The retired Arkansas
nursing home administrator shared exclusively with The American Mirror some of the awful messages social media
users have sent her over the last two days.
Wasserman Schultz: Donald Trump 'Not Fit to Wipe Floors of the White House'. Former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz
re-emerged on the national stage on Friday [9/30/2016], campaigning for Hillary Clinton during a rally in Coral Gables, Florida.
"[...] Donald Trump is not fit to wipe the floors of the White House, let alone legally reside in that building," she said. Wasserman
Schultz said she wanted to further ridicule Trump's appearance but added that she would keep that to herself because her parents raised her
with "class."
Black Lives Matter Mob Chases, Beats Man Wearing Trump Hat. In an assault captured on video, Feras Jabro, a
Donald Trump supporter wearing a "Make America Great Again" baseball cap, was harassed, chased, thrown to the ground and
beaten by Black Lives Matter activists at a protest in El Cajon, California.
Cabinet Official Says It's A Good Thing Justice Scalia Died. It's a good thing for labor unions that Antonin
Scalia died earlier this year, Tom Perez, President Obama's Labor Secretary, said on Thursday [9/29/2016]. Perez, a
progressive whom Hillary Clinton considered choosing as her running mate, was answering questions during a session at the
Washington Ideas Forum when he was asked about strategies to increase labor union membership.
Female student attacked for wearing Trump hat on campus.
A female member of the Gustavus Adolphus College Republicans was verbally assaulted by a male student for wearing a "Make
America Great Again" hat shortly before Monday night's debate.
Charlotte riots, Tulsa
doesn't. For inexplicable reasons, leftists believe that the violence wrought by angry minorities will benefit them, so they
encourage it. They subsidize it. Obama has given his not-so-tacit permission to riot every time one of these tragic events occurs,
from the Henry Louis Gates minor incident to the killings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and the Dallas officers. And now BLM is
rolling in money, $100M from "social justice" organizations. Soros gave them $33M. What we see in Charlotte is what they pay
for. They are not wasting their money in Tulsa because Oklahoma is in the bag for Trump.
Trump Tombstone to Be Displayed in Brooklyn Art Gallery. Artist Brian Andrew Whiteley's "Trump Tomstone," a
fake tombstone belonging to the Republican presidential candidate which caused a media frenzy when it appeared in Central
Park in March, will go on display Friday at an art gallery in Brooklyn. The mock tombstone — which features
the name "Donald J. Trump" alongside the date "1946 — " and the epitaph "Made America Hate Again" —
will be on display at the Christopher Stout Gallery in Bushwick beginning Friday and running through Sunday, October 9,
according to the gallery's website.
says exactly what most Americans think, especially when it comes to Islamic terror. Donald Trump's a
monster. A vile, hideous, bigoted, nasty, ignorant, deluded, psychotic, ruthless, preposterous, demented buffoon on a
collision course to steal the White House and destroy the planet. [...] I know all this because I've been reading those exact
descriptions about Trump for weeks in the US media, from a whole phalanx of intelligent, experienced journalists,
broadcasters, politicians and pundits.
Lives Matter' activist: 'Kill all white babies'. On Monday [9/12/2016], Paul Joseph Watson posted a video of a
woman he identified as a Black Lives Matter activist demanding that all white babies be murdered. "I hope they kill all
the white babies," she screamed while jumping up and down. "Kill 'em all right now."
Hillary Tell Us What Percentage Of Muslims Are 'Deplorable'? It wasn't just the well-heeled donors at the
Cipriani Club who laughed and applauded when Hillary called half of Trump's supporters a "basket of deplorables" —
"racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic." Her campaign advisers also thought it was a killer line. This
wasn't an off-the-cuff remark captured on a bartender's cellphone. We know that because: (1) nothing is ever
off-the-cuff with Hillary; (2) it was part of her scripted remarks, and (3) she's used it before. Nor did
anyone in the media mind one little bit. They've been calling Trump's supporters racists for more than a year now.
Calling other people "racist" is the media's favorite thing to do.
Maher Jokes About Hinckley Assassinating Trump Since Polls Are Tight. Politico touted as "HOT AUDIO" HBO star
Bill Maher making jokes about Donald Trump being assassinated. Well, it was sort of a joke. It had that Maher
edge — as in, "seriously, shouldn't we shoot Trump before he gets elected?" Judging from the giddy reaction from
Maher-loving liberals, could we call it "bloodlust"? Maher was doing a standup comedy set at DAR Constitution Hall in
Washington, DC, and he admitted, "I'm nervous. And I saw the headline today — "Race tightening. Trump
ahead in Ohio and Florida." If this race is even the week before the election, somebody is going to have to go out there..."
He paused for effect, then said in a low, growly voice: "Why do you think they let Hinckley out?"
to be filed against Green Party presidential candidate. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, who is
accused of spray-painting equipment Tuesday [9/6/2016] at a Dakota Access Pipeline work site, will face charges for her
action, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said in a press conference. Stein was part of a group of 150 to 200 people
who protested at the construction site, where two protesters attached themselves to bulldozers and some construction equipment
reportedly was vandalized.
booby traps pro-Trump sign in his front yard. An Indiana man who was targeted for the Donald Trump poster he
had erected in his front yard decided to take a stand against any future thieves who didn't share his political inclinations — by
booby trapping the sign. The Indianapolis man, who wanted to only be identified as Phillip, said passers-by had
twice tried to steal the sign in the last month, and so he took matters into his own hands. He jerry-rigged the sign
with fishing wire that had been painted green and put up a video camera on a nearby tree, ready to catch the next
thief. Or at least their attempt.
Safety Warning.
So not only was the subject armed (and his gun recovered), he had just shot someone else. And the cops had to Taser
someone else, then take cover when the unruly crowd started taking shots at them. Sounds like the other day on the
south side where someone started shooting in an alley to distract cops from their scene.
calls 'half' of Trump supporters 'basket of deplorables'. If you support Donald Trump, you are "irredeemable,"
part of a "basket of deplorables." A "kind" who should never be allowed to rise again. You are a "radical fringe" made
up of "racist," "sexist," "homophobic," "Islamophobic," "anti-Semitic," "misogynist," "xenophobic," "you name it" types.
Hillary Clinton paints you as hopeless moral lepers who should be banished to a remote island to live your final days.
We are so bad, so evil, that we are no better than "terrorists." We are "not America." We are all of these
things (and more), according to Hillary Clinton.
It Hillary' mobile app game banned by Apple; titles like 'Punch Trump' approved. A new game called "Hide it
Hillary" originally was denied access to Apple's App Store because company gatekeepers said it "includes content that could
be considered defamatory or mean-spirited." The same vetting process allowed titles like "Punch Trump," "Slap Donald Trump,"
and "Smack a Trump" into the marketplace. The conservative website Heat Street reported Friday that "Hide it Hillary,"
which is now available on Google Play for Android devices, does not condone violence or even feature the former secretary of
state's image. Instead, users are tasked with putting documents into a "laptop, server, shredder, or closet."
A day after the Heat Street report, the app was available for 99 cents at the iTunes store and had garnered multiple
5-star reviews by Sunday night [9/4/2016].
Anti-Trump Frenzy Will Backfire. Americans have never tolerated thought police before, but regular Democrat voters are
now entirely willing to sell their American freedoms [to] defeat the evil enemy, their fellow Americans. We see the success of
Democrat scapegoating on college campuses, Hollywood, mainstream journalism, and indeed, in every area of life where liberals
dominate — accomplished by blacklisting, threats of mob violence by 'protesters', and personal attacks.
Coulter told to 'kill yourself' at Comedy Central Rob Lowe roast. Ann Coulter was encouraged to commit suicide
during Saturday's [8/27/2016] taping of "The Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe." "Ann is one of the most repugnant,
hateful, hatchet-face b----es alive," British comedian Jimmy Carr declared, as audience members cheered. "It's not too
late to change, Ann. You could kill yourself!"
Chanting 'Black Lives Matter' Charged With Riot for Allegedly Attacking White Targets. Early Sunday [8/21/2016]
in Akron, Ohio, police say a group shouting "Black lives matter" approached a group of seven white people and attacked them
while shouting. Cleveland 19 News reported that according to police reports, the alleged assailants punched, kicked, and
hit their targets with bottles. Police say the alleged attackers were five black men and two white men. One of
the victims reportedly lost consciousness after falling to the ground and being kicked in the head. The suspects
allegedly ran off with the victims' belongings before police responded and apprehended them nearby.
chant 'Black lives matter' before viciously attacking white victims, police say. A group of men chanting "Black
Lives Matter" was accused of viciously beating up seven white victims in Akron early Sunday morning [8/21/2016].
According to the police report, the attack happened around 12:30 a.m. in the area of Carroll and Goodkirk streets.
Police said seven white men were walking when they were approached by five black men and two white men, shouting, "Black
lives matter."
of protesters yell, push and spit on Donald Trump donors as nominee attends private fundraiser. Demonstrations
turned nasty at a private Donald Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis on Friday as masked activists pushed and spit on donors
attending the event. A largely peaceful demonstration by activists outside the Minneapolis Convention Center turned
violent after nightfall as people covering their faces with balaclavas arrived. Police were forced to push crowds back
as scenes turned ugly, with demonstrators blocking Trump's motorcade as it left the building, hitting the windows and jumping
on the hood of one SUV.
Attacks against Trump supporters continue apace. Although leftists possess adult bodies, developmentally they
are frozen in time somewhere between childhood and adolescence. So when someone doesn't agree with them, they get
frustrated, angry, and rather agitated, with a tendency to behave like unruly children. It isn't pretty. And
sometimes it's downright dangerous. This propensity to yell, scream, shout down, pump fists, pound feet, lie, steal,
and attack is on display just about every day in this presidential election cycle as Trump supporters are maligned (at best)
and physically assaulted (at worst).
Activists Crash Trump Fundraiser, Attack Motorcade, Assault Trump Supporters in Violent 'Gauntlet'. Leftist
agitators viciously attacked attendees at a Donald Trump presidential campaign fundraiser in Minneapolis on Friday night
[8/19/2016]. Video shows dozens of anti-Trump activists shouting obscenities and throwing debris as they surround Donald
Trump supporters attempting to exit the Minneapolis Convention Center. Trump fundraiser attendees attempting to exit
the building were forced through a gauntlet of punches, with one protester seen violently attacking an elderly man as another
man and a woman caught the brunt of the brutal beating.
Native American Says He Was Attacked Over Redskins Shirt. An Oklahoma college student visiting Washington D.C.
on a school trip, says he was beat up for wearing a Redskins Jersey. And the person he got into a fight with was a
White House official in charge of American Indian education. Barrett Dahl is Native American and a member of both the
Choctaw and Sac and Fox Nations. He is also autistic. He says he wore the Redskins shirt because he was in
Washington D.C. and because he sees it as a sense of cultural pride. However, when he showed up wearing it at a
Pow Wow that's when the trouble started.
Officer Who Shot Armed Criminal In Hiding After Death Threats. "Protesters" have posted the name, pictures, and
address of the African-American Milwaukee police officer who shot serial predator Sylville Smith (above) this past weekend in
Milwaukee, causing the officer to seek shelter at an undisclosed location while Milwaukee police guard his home home against
threats on his life.
who shot and killed Milwaukee man now receiving death threats. The African-American Milwaukee police officer
who shot dead a black man Saturday, touching off violent riots, has reportedly received death threats. The police
officer, whose identity was reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel but could not be confirmed by FoxNews.com, is
reportedly a 24-year-old patrolman who went to high school with Sylville Smith, who was allegedly holding a gun and ignored
orders to drop it when he was shot. Thousands of people have circulated a photo, purportedly of the police officer, on
Facebook, with some posts accompanied by threats and even his home address. "Now y'all see his face if he's seen
anywhere in the city drop him," read one post reported by the Journal Sentinel.
Democrat Threatens Reporter to Demand Apology for Story. The president of the College Democrats of Minnesota
(a.k.a Minnesota Young DFL) decided to send a threatening email to a television news reporter. The threat was an
apparent attempt to coerce an apology for a report regarding Democrat state legislative candidate Ilhan Omar. The
Somali-American claimed victory over a 44-year incumbent in a primary last week, but soon found herself embroiled in scandal
when it was revealed that she may be guilty of bigamy. According to public records, Omar appears to have been married
to two men at the same time. Along with the father of her children, Omar appears to have also married her own brother
in an effort to secure his immigration to the United States.
Arrested for Assaulting Trump Supporter in West Hollywood. Two women were briefly arrested on Friday night
[8/12/2016] after a rally for Donald Trump in West Hollywood, a city from which the Republican presidential nominee is
officially "banned." Earlier, a woman allegedly assaulted Alaskan artist and pro-Trump activist Tim Treadstone, better
known by stage name Baked Alaska, outside of a popular Mexican restaurant in West Hollywood. [...] Treadstone said the West
Hollywood Sheriff's Department was contacted and that the two females attempted to hide in the restroom of a neighboring bar,
but that they were arrested after a couple who witnessed the altercation — and who were not Trump supporters —
spoke to police. At the restaurant, pro-Trump ralliers had attempted to dine but were refused service. Instead,
patrons hurled food, drinks and slurs at them.
attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed. What are liberals going to say for themselves if
Donald Trump gets assassinated? That's a question worth pondering as a new effort is under way to delegitimize The
Donald in the wake of his remarks on the Second Amendment. Leftists are accusing Trump of trying to incite an attack on
Hillary Clinton from "Second Amendment people." They have been using such intemperate language that it wouldn't be
surprising if someone took a shot at The Donald.
audio: Ted Strickland jokes that Scalia's death came 'at a good time'. Ohio Senate candidate Ted
Strickland joked about the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Monday [8/8/2016], saying it came "at a good time" for
union workers since he was unable to cast the deciding vote in a March case that ended up in a 4-4 deadlock. According to a
video posted on YouTube Tuesday by NTK Network, Strickland made the remarks in Cleveland, telling AFL-CIO members that
Scalia's death "saved labor" from a terrible decision in the case, which could have dealt a blow to the ability of public-sector
unions to collect fees from those who decide against joining the union and pay for collective bargaining activities.
Strategist Calls For the Assassination of Julian Assange. Amid the media-hyped furor over Donald Trump's 2nd
Amendment comments and Wikileaks' suggestions about the untimely death of DNC-staffer Seth Rich, we thought it perhaps of
note that Democratic strategist, and CNN host, has publicly called for the "illegal assassination of [...]" Julian Assange.
"A joke about killing a president is only wrong if he's a Democrat." A
Good Joke About Political Murder. A few years after his failed presidential campaign, John Kerry went on Bill
Maher and joked about killing President Bush. After Maher riffed that Kerry could have gone to New Hampshire and killed
two birds with one stone, Kerry replied, "Or, I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one
stone." There was no media outrage. The event is remembered only on conservative websites. And barely even
there. At least back when Kerry had joked about the assassination of Dan Quayle, he had been forced to briefly
apologize for it. But less than a decade later the media bias had become so pervasive that joking about murdering
Republican politicians had become so socially acceptable that it wasn't even worth mentioning.
In Chicago Reportedly Agree To Use Snipers And Automatic Weapons Against The Police. Is the city of Chicago
about to see a wave of unprecedented chaos and violence? The facts that I am about to share with you may seem
fantastical at first glance, but they come from the Chicago police and they are being reported by the mainstream media.
According to authorities, at a recent gathering of major gangs in the city it was agreed that they would use automatic
weapons against the police, and at least one of the gangs already has "a sniper in place" but officials do not know where
that sniper is located.
police: Man beaten with crowbar for wearing Trump shirt. A 62-year-old male was assaulted in a Friendly's
parking lot for wearing a Donald Trump T-shirt, Bloomfield police reported Tuesday [8/9/2016]. The victim was walking on
West Passaic Avenue in Bloomfield at 5:41 p.m. Wednesday when a male in an older gray compact vehicle questioned him
about his shirt of the Republican presidential candidate. The suspect directed profanities at the victim as he continued
to follow the victim.
Over Police Radios Have Officers and Scanner Buffs on the Case. The male voice came over the police radio,
speaking in standard departmental jargon as he asked to be patched through to the duty captain in the Midtown South Precinct
in Manhattan on July 30. The captain responded. "South Captain, remember how you put me in jail?" the man on the radio
asked. "I am out now, and I'm coming to put a bullet in your head." The threat, so brazen across the restricted
airspace of the New York Police Department, was a shock. How had the man gained access to the radio frequencies?
The Editor says...
Radio is not magic. Police radios are neither unique nor invincible. Police radio frequencies are neither sacred nor mysterious.
If someone has no reservations about making death threats against a police officer, he or she will have no qualms about FCC violations. The
only reason this sort of incident doesn't happen more often is that these two categories of people rarely overlap: Those who have the
technical skills to pull it off, and those who are so angry that they make death threats. Eventually this guy will get caught for two
reasons: [#1] there are hundreds of well-equipped technicians (both professionals and hobbyists) listening for him, and [#2] sooner
or later he will talk too much.
Iowa The Next Nigeria? Arson Suspected in Pipeline Fire. Attacks against oil infrastructure are all too
common in areas like the Niger Delta of Nigeria or Iraq's northern Kurdish region. But authorities in the United States
believe unknown assailants deliberately targeted a pipeline under construction in central Iowa. According to the
Insurance Journal, around $1 million in equipment at three building sites of the Dakota Access pipeline including heavy
machinery were damaged in a series of fires.
Supporter Physically Assaults Trump Supporter, Attempts To Burn Flag. Left-wing agitators have once again shown
their willingness to resort to physical violence when it comes to confronting those with whom they disagree politically.
The latest incident took place on Saturday in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, when a supporter of Hillary Clinton confronted a group
of Trump supporters and attempted to burn an American flag they were carrying.
Does Nothing As Breitbart Contributor Is Flooded With Death Threats. Despite Twitter's insistence that its
priority is tackling threats and harassment, not punishing conservatives like Milo Yiannopoulos, the social media company has
ignored the calls of two conservative campus activists who have been repeatedly targeted with threats and harassment on the
platform for their political views. The tweets displayed below are only a sampling of the threats sent to conservative
campus activists Ariana Rowlands and Kassy Dillon have received. Although those responsible have been repeatedly
reported to Twitter, no action has been taken.
Exclusive — Code
Pink Founder: We'll Try to Infiltrate, Disrupt RNC. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the infamous Code Pink
leftwing antiwar activist group, admitted in an interview with this reporter that her organization will attempt to infiltrate
the Republican National Convention here this week with the goal of disrupting the event. Code Pink has a history of
infiltrating and briefly disrupting events, including the confirmation hearing for CIA Director John Brennan; a Senate
hearing at which Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was testifying about the threat posed by the Islamic State; Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu's 2011 address to Congress, and many others.
kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage. Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni
Morrison says she wants to see an officer shoot an unarmed white teenager in the back before agreeing that the "conversation
about race" is over, but she almost certainly already has received her wish. An analysis released last week shows that
more white people died at the hands of law enforcement than those of any other race in the last two years, even as the
Justice Department, social-justice groups and media coverage focus on black victims of police force.
Held In Husband's Shooting Was Democratic Delegate. A Pennsylvania woman accused of trying to kill her husband
over the weekend was one of the more than 4,500 delegates to next week's Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
Wearing "F--- the police" Shirt Fires Shots at IMPD's Officer's House. March Ratney, 27, was taken into custody
a short time after the shooting around 2:00 a.m. Tuesday on the near east side. IMPD Chief Troy Riggs says Ratney
fired at least a dozen shots after yelling obscenities directed at police. Five of the shots hit the officer's house
and three hit his patrol car. No one inside the house was hurt, and Riggs says members of the community helped officers
track down Ratney. [...] Though Ratney was wearing a t-shirt that said "f--- the police" on the front and "black lives
matter" on the back, Riggs says he does not believe Ratney is representative of any organization or movement.
statue memorializing fallen officers is vandalized less than a month after being installed in new park. A memorial to police
in Richmond, Virginia has been vandalized with a message referring to the police killing of a black man in Louisiana. A large red 'X'
was spray-painted on the torso of the statue of an officer carrying a child, and 'Justice for Alton' is written on the stones below, an
apparent reference to 37-year-old Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge. 'It's a senseless act,' said local resident H. Penn Burke,
whose police father was slain in 1925, to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Lives Matter note found near police cruiser firebombed outside Florida mosque. An unoccupied police cruiser was
firebombed outside a Florida mosque Sunday morning and a note supporting the Black Lives Matter movement was found at the
scene, police said. Someone likely used a Molotov cocktail to destroy the marked Daytona Beach police car about 2 a.m
outside the Islamic Center at 347 S. Keech St., Police Chief Mike Chitwood said. Police arrived on the scene to
find the vehicle completely engulfed in flames, The Associated Press reported.
The Editor says...
The article above goes on to say the car was being used as bait for car thieves, which shows that bait cars don't fool everyone.
student who criticized Black Lives Matter faces death threats. On Wednesday, July 6th, Purdue University
summoned Joshua Nash to meet with the Director of Student Assistance in regards to a "comment on Facebook." Nash believes
this meeting is due to a post where he said that "Black Lives Matter is trash because they do not really care about black
lives. They simply care about making money and disrupting events for dead people."
Obama's Agenda of Anarchy.
Some of the very same protesters involved in the street-level take-overs are, or have been in power under Obama. Eric Holder,
for example, participated in the armed take-over of the former Columbia University ROTC office for 5 days in 1970. Holder
served as Obama's Attorney General from February 3, 2009 through April 27, 2015, replaced by Loretta Lynch. Other
members of Obama's inner circle played important roles to varying degrees, including advisors, during his fundamental changing of
the United States, including Bill Ayers and Ayers' wife, Bernardine Dohrn, a self-described "revolutionary communist." The
list of individuals is lengthy. The pretexts differ, but the anarchy playbooks have been modified only to make the best use
of social media, which provides more effective avenues of communication and organization. Many of these street-level
protesters and the foot soldiers of these radical Leftist groups have infiltrated government and academic institutions since
the 1970s. We are now paying the price, in terms of bodies and real human blood, for allowing this infiltration to occur
under the guise of social tolerance and enlightenment.
Professor Calls for Mass Murder at NRA Headquarters. It's clear the radicals who seek social change do not care
at all about justice, since all of the killed officers were individuals who had nothing to do with any incidents portrayed by
BLM as racially motivated killings. But because of the mental sickness that focuses on uniform and skin color, every
white cop is in an extremely dangerous position. So it would be helpful if people started taking rhetoric about
murdering people with guns pretty seriously. Law-abiding gun owners don't go out and buy a gun to murder people, nor do
they share plans to do so on social media in order to create "social change." Case in point: James Pearce.
The FBI is now investigating Professor Pearce's Facebook post from the middle of June that called for killing everyone at the
NRA headquarters. Pearce is an adjunct professor of Southern State Community College in Ohio, and was referred to the
FBI and Loretta Lynch told the college head to take no action until the federal government concluded their investigation.
police pelted with rocks, rebar; 102 arrested after protests turn violent. More than 100 people were arrested and 21 police officers
injured in Minnesota Saturday night [7/9/2016] when protests over recent police killings of black men morphed into rioting. St. Paul Mayor
Chris Coleman detailed at a Sunday press conference what he called an "extreme incident" Saturday night that led to 102 arrests after protesters
pelted police officers with rocks, rebar and incendiary devices, including Molotov cocktails. The injuries to officers were "significant, but
none were life-threatening," Coleman said.
police union threatens not to work Browns games. The Browns don't believe it's good enough for running back
Isaiah Crowell's to simply apologize for posting on social media an image of an attack on a police officer. The union
that represents Cleveland's police officers agrees. Stephen Loomis, the president of Cleveland Police Patrolmen's
Association, calls Crowell's gesture a "store-bought apology." In comments to TMZ, Loomis also described Crowell's post
as being as "offensive as putting a picture of historical African-American men being hung from a tree in the 60s."
NFL Player Posts
Instagram Photo Showing Police Officer's Throat Getting Slit. An NFL player is apologizing for posting a
graphic image on Instagram showing a man dressed in all black slitting the throat of a police officer. Cleveland Browns
running back Isaiah Crowell, 23, deleted the image he posted on Instagram showing blood gushing out of the officer's neck.
The image conjures up videos posted by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria showing the terrorist known as "Jihadi John"
beheading American and British victims.
Authorities, Business Owners Worry About More Protests. The city of Oakland was cleaning up Friday[7/8/2016] after a night of
disruptive protests as officials and business owners expressed concerns over more unrest to come. Thousands turned out Thursday night
to stand against two deadly police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota this week. A crowd estimated at around 2,000 people gathered
in downtown Oakland to protest the recent police shootings, marching through the streets, taking over Frank Ogawa Plaza and gathering outside of
the Oakland Police Department on Broadway. Someone painted the word "murderers" on the door of Oakland police headquarters.
Power sniper group vow to kill more. A group named "Black Power Political Organization — BPPO" posted to its
Facebook page this morning claiming there would be more attacks in the coming days. They claimed they were behind the
attack on their Facebook page which has since been suspended. The post read: "#BlackPower! #BlackKnights! Sniper
Assassins Take Down Five Police Officers! And More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work
Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper Rifle And Join Our Thousands Of Sniper Assassins Worldwide In The Fight Against
protesters: 'Disrupt,' 'shut down' outside 24th, 25th Police Districts. Activists started their march Saturday
evening [7/9/2016] from the Fairhill section of North Philadelphia toward the 24th and 25th Police Districts, where they
planned to "disrupt" and "shut down" police activity and area traffic as part of a "weekend of rage" against fatal police
shootings nationwide of young black men, one of the protest leaders said.
Wiesel's Perfect Tribute: Hate Tweet from Hillary Clinton Associate. Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel died on
Saturday [7/2/2016] at the age of 87. He was a living witness to the horrors of antisemitism taken to its logical conclusion, and a powerful
spokesman for the cause of Zionism and the ideals of America. Which is precisely why terror sympathizers and antisemites like Max
Blumenthal — son of Hillary Clinton's close associate, Sid Blumenthal, and a Jew who hates both Israel and the Jewish people
into which he was born — celebrated Wiesel's death.
Calls 2A Supporters "Dirty... Filthy... Crazy... Vicious... Heartless... Supporters of Terrorism". While we all
know that the majority of the politicians in California are painfully liberal and terrified of guns and, well, you know,
freedom, Senator Isadore Hall really raised (or lowered) the bar last week. [...] Senator Isadore Hall, vehemently (albeit
ungrammatically and rather incoherently) asserted that the representative from the National Rifle Association was
personally responsible for the shootings in Orlando. He accused the representative of defending the "senseless
acts of terror" that occurred and suggested that a good old-fashioned mouth-washing with soap was in order.
Man Accused of Tweeting Threats to Shoot Senators, Then Claims He Was Joking. A Virginia man who works as an
Uber driver tweeted threats to shoot at least two U.S. senators, according to testimony at a hearing Monday in a Virginia
court. Kyler Schmitz has been ordered held in jail. [...] An automated license plate reader detected Schmitz's car on
Independence Avenue SW, within two blocks of the U.S. Capitol, in the hours after he posted some of the messages, prosecutors
said. Schmitz acknowledged sending the tweets, his fiancé, Paul Cianciolo, told News 4, but said the tweets were
meant as "parody" and satire.
didn't start the violence at state Capitol, police say. A series of violent clashes this weekend involving
neo-Nazis permitted to rally at the state Capitol was initiated not by the white nationalist group but by counter-protesters,
a law enforcement official said Monday [6/27/2016]. "If I had to say who started it and who didn't, I'd say the
permitted group didn't start it," said California Highway Patrol officer George Granada, a spokesman for its Protective
Services division. "They came onto the grounds and were met almost instantly with a group of protesters there not to
talk." The Traditionalist Worker Party had a permit to hold a rally on the Capitol grounds at noon, Granada said.
Times The Militant Progressive Left Used Violence To Shut Down Donald Trump. As presumptive Republican nominee
Donald Trump gears up for the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July — where he is almost certain to
face angry progressive protesters — Breitbart News has compiled a list of the worst examples of anti-Trump
violence so far this year. Below is a list of some of the most violent progressive demonstrations that have happened at
Trump events across the country throughout the GOP primaries — a harbinger of what is likely to come in the days,
weeks and months ahead. In one case, an anti-Trump protester even tried to murder Trump just this week.
'Occupy DNC' Nears 30,000 Protesters. Almost 30,000 people have now committed to an "Occupy DNC" protest
against what they consider "a fraudulent Hillary nomination" during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next
month. Approximately 10,000 of those protesters have joined within the last month, as it's become increasingly clear
that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. By the end of May the group had 20,000 protesters committed to
their efforts. As of Wednesday afternoon [6/22/2016], 28,683 people have committed to taking part in the protests.
NBC producer
calls would-be Trump assassin 'good guy with a gun'. In an effort to make a smug attack on the conservative
position that the best way to fight a bad guy with a gun is a good guy, an NBC producer tweeted that the failed assassin who
tried to murder Donald Trump could be considered a "good guy with a gun." Matt Mowrer, an associate producer for NBC
Universal since 2014, tweeted late Tuesday night [6/21/2016] that anyone who kills the Republican nominee is considered
deserves the same praise as someone who tries to stop a mass killing.
prison being prepared for Democratic convention. A shuttered Philadelphia prison that was built 120 years ago
and once used inmates as test subjects for biochemical research is being readied in case space is needed to hold protesters arrested
during the Democratic National Convention.
Trump's Would-Be Assassin Inspired by a 'Climate of Hate'? Did the left-wing "climate of hate," which has been
plaguing Donald Trump and his supporters for many months, incite an autistic British man to take extreme measures to "stop"
him? If Sarah Palin and the tea party could be blamed for the assassination attempt on Gabrielle Giffords in 2011, then
it's fair to question if Donald Trump's critics can be blamed for the attempt on his life. A few days ago, 20-year-old
Michael Steven Sandford attempted to kill the Republican presumptive nominee at a rally at the Treasure Island Casino.
Sandford tried to take a gun from a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer in order to assassinate Trump but failed
in his attempt, according to court documents filed in U.S. District Court in Nevada.
Illegal immigrant makes Donald
Trump's point by attempting to assassinate Donald Trump. You're supposed to believe that every impulse to crack
down on illegal immigration is rooted in nothing more than abject racism. Never mind the fact that illegals come in all
shapes, sizes, colors, and nationalities. If you want to enforce America's border security laws, you're a "phobe" who
hates the "brown people." At least that's the moronic story that progressives try to peddle. Fortunately, we have
illegal immigrants who are doing everything they can to disprove the left's fantasy.
Supporters Practice Getting Arrested At The Democratic Convention. The big question this weekend in Chicago is
how to turn the Bernie Sanders movement into a lasting element of Democratic politics. For some of the Sanders faithful
on Saturday afternoon, the answer was locking arms on a civic center floor and struggling as "police officers" pulled them
apart and "arrested" them. The People's Summit conference, sponsored by the National Nurses United — a
progressive union that backed Sanders to the hilt during his run for president — is aimed at uniting all elements
of progressivism into a single effort that exerts pressure on the Democratic Party and its presumptive presidential nominee,
Hillary Clinton.
Cop Admits Violent Protesters Got Bused Into Trump Rally. A Dallas police officer admitted to InfoWars reporter Joe Biggs that the
unruly protesters present at Donald Trump's Thursday [6/16/2016] rally had actually been bused in from out of state. [Video clip]
Documents Reveal RNC Convention Protesters Are Set Up For Confrontation. A lack of permits and a confined protest parade space
will leave protesters of all political stripes together in Cleveland and competing for rally space on a first-come, first-serve basis, documents
reveal. The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio has filed a lawsuit, which is in part guided by Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone, over
complaints of a lack of permit granting and a restrictive "event zone." The ACLU is upset about the expansive size of the event zone,
3.3 miles, and the fact that restrictions of objects for security reasons will impact the homeless, Cleveland residents and college students.
This is How
Democracy Dies. The attacks on Trump supporters at a rally in San Jose last week were another example of the
left's violent assaults on free speech and association. Before the election there is likely to be more thuggery, as an
emboldened left lets slip their dogs of war to foment disorder to continue Obama's aim to "fundamentally transform"
America. As the long history of political philosophy teaches, this undermining of law by violence is an important sign
of democracy's impending doom.
Trump's Opponents Call for Violence At Rally. Richmond residents were worried about being assaulted and
subsequently arrested them if they fought off their attackers, after being shocked by the vicious swarms, beatings, and mob
attacks inflicted on Trump supporters — including women — in San Jose, California. "'I also would hate
to end up in jail for defending myself, because I do not just want to get beaten up on,'" the resident wrote in an email to
Richmond Police Chief Alfred Durham.
Mexplaining Mexican Pride.
The most feral and violent contingent of anti-Trump protestors appears to consist of unabashed Mexican supremacists falsely
accusing Trump of being a white supremacist. They are so irreparably dim that they appear to believe that by stomping
on cars, throwing rocks at police, and sucker-punching white people, they will finally quell all doubt about whether they
deserve to be here. Behold the parallel-universe specter of hateful assholes hatefully screaming and hatefully
attacking people while toting placards that read STOP THE HATE. Even more absurd is the specter of people who ran screaming
from the flaming abyss that is Mexico proudly waving Mexican flags in the USA. The most unhinged anti-Trump street riot so
far occurred on June 2 outside his rally in San Jose, CA. Mexican flags were waved, Trump hats were burned, women were pelted
with eggs and water balloons, men were sucker-punched, and white Trump supporters were chased and attacked like beasts of prey.
the Popcorn, the Left Is Imploding. After months of telling us we're violent and violence isn't the answer, we
learn they think violence is okay as long as they're the ones doling it out. Beta-faced Vox editor Emmett Resnin was
just suspended for a week (with pay) after advocating violence against Trump supporters. HuffPo's Jesse Benn agreed
with Resnin, exclaiming, "Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any." I'd be stunned if either of them
has ever been in a fight. The Killer Mike contingent of the Bernie Bros, however, is much more likely to "throw down,"
and so they did when confronted with Trump supporters at a rally last week. Only they weren't Trump supporters.
They were fellow Bernie Bros.
Rapper busted after video
shows him blasting Trump while brandishing stolen guns. By the time [Joe] Meaux called police, he said local authorities and the Secret Service were
already aware of the Instagram video featuring Demarcus Davis, 22, a local rapper who goes by "Maine Musik." "I really want to go to war with Donald Trump
because Donald Trump is tryin' to take food stamps from my momma and that's all the (expletive) she got," Davis said on the video. "Let Donald Trump know
it's up over here. We want war; we're going to declare war."
Sam Liccardo Is Perfectly
Emblematic. They happened over a week ago, but those riots in San Jose deserve a bit of a mention because they
remind us of something that cannot be repeated enough. Namely, that the Democrat party in America at present is such a
morally bankrupt, indecent, and malevolent entity that the country we used to be would have put it out of business. The
mayor of San Jose is a Democrat. Sam Liccardo, who prior to last week was known mostly for the fact that he's in his
mid-40s and white and actually got elected to something as a Democrat, gave us a great example of how atrocious his party
actually is. Donald Trump may have his problems, and Trump's supporters may have theirs, but Trump held a rally in
Liccardo's city — as is his right as a presidential candidate — and Liccardo's police department
provided grotesquely inadequate security given the relatively open effort by political activists sharing his party
denomination to fill the streets outside the Trump rally venue with violent thugs.
supporters were 'running for their lives' after San Jose rally, police report says. Two undercover police
officers at a Donald Trump rally last week said they saw Trump supporters "get punched, kicked and pushed" and "running for
their lives," according to a police report. The plainclothes officers said they did not intervene for fear their own
safety would be jeopardized as the estimated 400 protesters developed a "mob mentality." The officers' observations
were included in the arrest report of Antonio Moses Fernandez, 19, of San Jose, who is accused of throwing a metal barrier
into a police skirmish line following the Trump rally June 2 outside the San Jose Convention Center. Fernandez made
his first court appearance Tuesday [6/7/2016] and was charged with felony assault on a peace officer with a deadly weapon and
misdemeanor resisting, delaying or obstructing an officer, according to court documents.
Jose Undercover Cops: "Trump Supporters were running for their lives — We were unable to help". Understand the scope
of this story and you understand the reason why the entirety of the progressive left has been harping on the Trump University story. They are
desperate to keep eyes and attention from the San Jose violence and the city officials who factually facilitated and organized it. Of course
the insufferable GOPe and 'Conservative Punditry' are stupid enough not to see that.
What The
Coming Race War Will Look Like. The 2016 presidential is shaping up to be one of the ugliest in recent
history. After eight years of racial agitation under the Obama administration and social justice warriors run wild,
race relations have reached a low point. We may even be witnessing the beginnings of a race war. At a recent
Trump rally in San Jose California, a white woman was egged by a group of Hispanic men. The men waved the Mexican flag
while screaming "f*** you!" in her face. The woman was merely exercising her right to attend a rally for the Republican
presidential nominee. In the video below, a white man is sucker punched by a man who is carrying a Mexican flag.
Also, a white boy is chased by a crowd of non-white protestors because of his support of Trump. [Video clip]
Condoned As Long As It's A Trump Rally? We have all seen the unbelievable violence that has been thrust upon
the attendees of Trump Rallies. If you haven't seen the videos, then it is time to change the news station you watch.
Why are the innocent victims being beaten and harassed while law enforcement stand down? Do the leaders of these cities have
political agendas, and are these protestors really angered by Trump's message or are they being paid to riot? Juan Hernandez
was brutally beaten as he walked out of a Trump rally in San Jose, California. He left the rally with a broken noise, a mild
concussion and his clothes covered in blood. "It was riots. Riots were happening everywhere, and the protesters were
picking out supporters and sucker-punching them, taking them down."
The Truth About
'La Raza'. The nation's television screens many days recently have been filled with scenes of huge crowds
carrying the colorful green and red flag of Mexico viewers could well have thought it was a national holiday in Mexico
City. It was instead, downtown Los Angeles, Calif., although the scene was recreated in numerous other cities around
the country with substantial Mexican populations. Hordes of Mexican expatriates, many here illegally, were protesting
the very U.S. immigration laws they were violating with impunity. They found it offensive and a violation of their
rights that the U.S. dared to have immigration laws to begin with. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa mounted the
podium, but any hopes that he would quiet the crowds and defend the law were soon dashed. Villaraigosa, himself, has
spent a lifetime opposing U.S. immigration law.
media applaud the San Jose violence. The far-left media are excusing the behavior of San Jose rioters, instead
blaming the violence on Trump and rally attendees. Some journalists have gone so far as to encourage the attacks.
In the wake of the outrage over the violent protesters' behavior, online leftist publications churned out a flurry of
articles that stank of damage control. But unlike of the apologia they exhibited during the Baltimore and Ferguson
riots, the authors of these pieces went a step farther than merely excusing the mob attacks in San Jose. They endorsed them.
Free Press Editor Calls For Murder Of GOP Lawmakers. The Pulitzer prize-winning editorial page editor of the
Detroit Free Press has called for the murder of Michigan lawmakers with whom he disagrees. [...] The political
environment is toxic all around these days, but it's shameful that a Pulitzer winner sought violent retribution against
political opponents, much more that he wrote these thoughts down, and much more that his newspaper has no problem with it.
Trump-Rally 'Protest' in San Jose Was a Riot and Indefensible. For all his faults, Donald Trump is not
committing acts of violence — unlike the contemptible goons who have descended on his rallies in recent
months. That's worth keeping in mind after Thursday's [6/2/2016] bloody evening in San Jose, during which Trump supporters
were pelted with eggs, vegetables, and bottles; had their "Make America Great Again" hats stolen and in some cases burned; and
were punched or beaten. San Jose is the latest in a series not of anti-Trump "protests" but of riots — the
distinction seems to be lost on these courageous opponents of "hatred" and on their defenders in the media and elsewhere.
Jose welcomes illegal immigrants but not Trump supporters. San Jose is supposed to be a sanctuary city.
Illegal aliens are welcome — but Donald Trump and his supporters are not. A violent crowd of mostly
Spanish-speaking thugs, waving Mexican flags brutally attacked Americans in San Jose Thursday night [6/2/2016]. They
targeted supporters of Mr. Trump — leaving them bloodied and battered. One guy was sucker-punched.
Another was smashed in the face. A woman was pelted with bottles and eggs. CBS in San Francisco reported that
"another young man was chased down like prey. He ran until finding some police officers who stopped his attackers."
ABC News reports the rioters smashed the taillights of a car. The vicious mob even turned their wrath on
police — attacking them with whatever they could find.
Fighting Man: The Danger Of Political Violence In America. Apart from Charles Sumner and a handful of
ugly protests and labor incidents over the years, America has largely avoided political violence that has been commonplace in
other parts of the world. Until now. Today, it has become an all too real, all too common — and a very
bipartisan — phenomenon. Violence from Trump supporters has been all over the headlines in the past
year. But this week, the shoe was on the other foot as protesters attacked and threw eggs at Trump supporters.
Goon Squad. Think what you will of Donald Trump and the things he's said ... he's only said things. Yet
whenever he gathers with supporters to say things, an organized and well-funded progressive mob gathers outside to intimidate
and attack people who simply want to hear the man speak. Their shirts may be all colors of the rainbow, but their
actions are decidedly brown. The Sturmabteilung, more commonly known as "Brownshirts," were the fanatical enforcement
wing of the Nazi Party during its rise to power. The Brownshirts intimidated opponents of Hitler into submission
through threats and violence. Ultimately they were simply "useful idiots," discarded (read: purged) after their
usefulness had run its course. But the concept of a fanatical, violent mob to silence opposition lives on in the
progressive movement.
Message Of The San Jose Violence. Politics is now a maelstrom of baying mobs with burning tires, shattered
bottles, eggs hurled, shot-out tires, smashed in windshields, rocks hurled as cops stand around doing nothing. Nor, if
you are a Democrat, do you have a right to have your vote counted fairly — the establishment above you has named some pigs
more equal than others and created a superdelegate system that makes a mockery of voter sentiment, and enforces the status
quo. What does it add up to? A realization that democracy itself is under assault, far weaker than anyone realized.
San Jose Police Hammered for Allowing Thug Riot. This Silicon Valley city and its police department are facing
mounting complaints of a tepid and tardy law enforcement response to attacks of Donald Trump supporters after a political rally.
The American Left Made Political Violence The New Normal. On Thursday night [6/2/2016], leftist protesters at a
Donald Trump rally in San Jose, California, chased down Donald Trump supporters and beat them bloody, spit in their faces,
pelted a female Trump supporter with eggs, hurled rocks at police horses, and broke down metal barriers — all
while burning American flags and screaming slogans like "America Was Never Great!" and "Make America Mexico Again!" In
recent years, under the tender tutelage of the Obama Department of Justice, mass violent action by leftists has become
commonplace across the country, from the Occupy Wall Street movement to Black Lives Matter-inspired mob violence in Ferguson
and Baltimore, from campus chaos at California State University of Los Angeles to this sort of violence at Trump rallies.
Hey media, these anti-Trump goons
are not 'protesters' — They're violent racists. If you've been watching the news, you've seen the
footage. An angry, violent, mob attacked Trump supporters at his San Jose rally last night. They threw things,
destroyed property, fought with police, set fire to flags and other items, and generally caused a lot of mayhem as they tried
to intimidate and silence their opponents. You've also seen them described as "protesters." [...] If you're attacking
people, destroying property, fighting cops, and burning other people's belongings — all in an attempt to instill
fear in your opponents — you're nothing more than a cheap hooligan and you should be jailed for your crimes.
City San Jose's Climate of Hate and Violence. San Jose has been a declared illegal alien sanctuary city since
2007. So it's no surprise that lawlessness and anarchy reigned yesterday at a rally for Donald Trump. The anti-Trump
mobsters were so brazen in their bloody attacks that even the liberal media could not avert its collective eyes or whitewash
the assaults away.
Muslim man chases white Trump supporter and tackles him to the ground at San Jose rally where demonstrators attacked The
Donald's backers. [Scroll down] A dozen or more people were punched and knocked to the ground by
protesters during the melee, as anti-Trump demonstrators grabbed the candidate's signature hats from off of the heads of his
supporters in order to set them on fire. And at one point, a mostly male mob that was five to six people deep even
surrounded a female Trump supporter and began to pelt the defenseless woman in the face with eggs and watermelon. That
woman, who was wearing a 'Trump' jersey, responded by smiling and pointing right back at the group as they screamed and waved
Mexican flags, before eventually making her escape thanks to a nearby door.
Leader Ben Howe Mocks Defenseless Woman Attacked by Mob at Trump Rally. Ben Howe, a leader of the dwindling
so-called #NeverTrump group of moderate bloggers, pundits, and political consultants on the right, mocked the defenseless
woman in San Jose whom protesters pelted with bottles, eggs, and food on Thursday night.
McAuliffe's latest scandal just the tip of the iceberg. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the top Clinton
operative who holds elected office, is under investigation yet again. This time, it involves $120,000 given to
McAuliffe's gubernatorial campaign by a billionaire who served in China's communist legislature. McAuliffe's business
and political dealings have raised questions repeatedly. For example, in the 1990s, as McAuliffe set records raising
money for the Clintons, congressional investigators uncovered a Chinese government scheme to funnel money to the Clinton
operation through a number of businesspeople, including a man named "Charlie" Trie. In that case, 94 people either
refused questioning, pled the Fifth Amendment, or left the country.
Mexican Flag: An All-American Symbol? Violent mobs who have attacked Donald Trump supporters at one rally
after another wave Mexican flags while burning American flags. The vast majority of Americans will disapprove, to say
the least, so the Associated Press felt called upon to assure us that Mexican flags are really OK: "Mexican flag, seen at
Trump protests, has long history in US." [...] The AP wants us to think that Mexico has legitimate grievances against the
U.S., although how that is relevant remains unspoken.
San Jose Mayor Justifies Mob Violence.
Thousands of Americans participated in that most benign of civic rituals in San Jose, California, on Thursday night: seeing a
presidential candidate speak. Of course, that candidate was Donald Trump, so as these engaged citizens streamed out of the arena,
they were subjected to astonishing levels of violence. An angry mob pelted eggs, tomatoes, and bottles at the spectators —
as well as the police, who tried (and failed) to maintain some semblance of order. Other Trump supporters were set upon and
punched. One was left with blood streaming down his face.
compounded: San Jose mayor blames Trump for violence committed against his followers. The riot last night
[6/2/2016] in San Jose, California was outrageous on its face — political violence committed with ethnic
animus. The San Jose police largely stood by as Trump supporters were violently assaulted. But the mayor of San
Jose made it even worse, blaming the victims and raising suspicions about the orders that were issued to police.
Member Among Two Anti-Trump Protesters Charged with Felony. Two anti-Donald Trump protesters, one of whom is an
East Side Bulldog gang member, are facing multiple felony charges for assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest during
a May 27 demonstration outside a Trump rally in Fresno.
editor suspended for encouraging riots at Donald Trump rallies. Vox deputy editor Emmett Rensin was suspended by the media
site Friday [6/3/2016] for encouraging people to riot at Donald Trump rallies. Vox editor-in-chief Ezra Klein said in a statement
that Mr. Rensin's conduct "violated Vox's standards and Emmett has been suspended as a consequence."
editor: If Trump comes to your town, start a riot. Vox's "deputy first person editor" Emmet Rensin took
to Twitter last night to declare that, since Trump is a racist and a fascist (in Rensin's opinion, at least), then all forms
of violence short of murder have become completely legitimate. I wonder whether the mayor of San Jose might rethink his
blame-throwing for yesterday's violence from a leftist mob after this: [...]
Editor Openly Supports Violence: 'If Trump Comes to Your Town, Start a Riot'. In the wake of violent protests
and attacks on Donald Trump supporters in San Jose Thursday night [6/2/2016], an editor at Vox praised the demonstrators and
called for more riots. Emmett Rensin began by mocking the outrage to the violence.
Thousand Committed To Anti-Hillary 'Occupy DNC' Protest. More than twenty thousand people have committed to
protest Hillary Clinton's likely nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia — and that
number is quickly growing. The protesters are united in their support for Bernie Sanders, as well as their opposition
to "a fraudulent Hillary nomination," according to the group's website. Their leaders have set up a Facebook
group — titled Occupy DNC Convention — to organize housing and transportation.
Animal rights activists charge Bernie's
stage and the Secret Service makes them wish they hadn't. [Video clip] To sum up the 2016 election
so far: Bernie fans violently interrupt Trump rallies because he's not far left enough. Bernie fans violently interrupt
Clinton rallies because she's not far left enough. Bernie fans violently interrupt Bernie rallies, because even he is
not far left enough. If you're seeing a pattern here it's because, when your ultimate goal is the full blown dissolution of the
U.S. system of government and economics, no one on Earth is far left enough.
Says Legal Expert Has Received Death Threats For Testifying Against Obama Transgender Guidance. A legal expert
has received death threats after she testified against the legality of the Obama administration's Transgender Guidance.
University of San Diego law professor Gail Heriot — a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights —
was invited to testify before a House hearing on "executive overreach" where she called the transgender guidance
"fundamentally anti-democratic."
rights activists briefly disrupt Sanders' rally in California. At least five animal rights activists on Monday
[5/30/2016] rushed the stage as presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke at a rally in Oakland, video posted online
showed. The protesters were led away by several Secret Service agents before they were able to reach the Democrat,
whose speech was briefly interrupted by the disturbance, a video posted by CNN showed.
Mayhem: Activists Storm Stage, Threaten Milo at DePaul Event. Milo Yiannopoulos' event at DePaul
University had to be cut short Tuesday night [5/24/2016] after protesters stormed the stage, blew whistles, grabbed the
microphone out of the interviewer's hand, and threatened to punch Yiannopoulos in the face. [Video clip]
Yiannopoulos attempted to continue the event, but protesters refused to leave the stage and the group of security guards
(which DePaul forced both the organisers and Breitbart to pay for) refused to intervene.
breaks out at another Trump rally. Fierce protests erupted in Anaheim on Wednesday as Donald Trump arrived for
a rally in the Californian city. Police in riot gear swarmed the streets on Wednesday afternoon trying to curtail the
crowds who were throwing objects, setting trash cans on fire, and brandishing anti-Trump signs. The uproar was centered
on the Anaheim Convention Center, which was blocked by a wall of mounted police and barricades.
Unruly group instigated violence at Trump rally. A day after a riot erupted outside a Donald Trump rally,
Albuquerque officials blamed the downtown melee not on impassioned politics but on an unruly group intent on creating chaos
in a city that has seen more than its share of violence.
least 35 arrested after Trump rally in San Diego. At least 35 people were arrested Friday [5/27/2016] as
confrontations between protesters and authorities boiled over following a rally from the presumptive Republican presidential
nominee Donald Trump in San Diego, police said. Trump delivered a speech inside the San Diego Convention Center as more
than 1,000 protesters representing various opposition groups demonstrated outside the venue, Fox 5 San Diego reported.
Protesters Jump on Police Cars in Albuquerque. A demonstration against presumptive Republican nominee Donald
Trump turned ugly in New Mexico Tuesday night [5/24/2016], as violence erupted and the ire of angry protesters was unleashed on police
officers trying to keep the peace. Video taken by KOAT-TV captured anti-Trump protesters jumping on and walking over police cars
in the streets of Albuquerque.
Anti-Trump rioters wound police
officers in New Mexico. A protest against presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump turned into a
violent riot on Tuesday night at Albuquerque, New Mexico, as hundreds of demonstrators hurled rocks and bottles at police
officers, leaving a number of them wounded.
Who? — The Albuquerque Trump Protests Were 100% Organized Political Astroturf. This Reuters Article describes
the rioting mob from New Mexico last night: [...] However, what the article doesn't mention is that the protesting groups
were 100% organized political astroturf. Notice the sign above, and see the caption "PSL"? "PSL" stands for "Party
for Socialism and Liberation". Here's a copy of their organizing flyer prior to last night's protest rally: [Illustration (left)]
thugs shout 'Viva Mexico' while burning [a Trump banner]. An angry mob caused mayhem outside a Donald Trump rally
Tuesday night in Albuquerque, New Mexico — turning the city into a de facto Third World country.
The rampaging gang was made up of anti-Trump goons — waving the Mexican flag and burning a Trump banner.
Get ready for
2016's 'Summer of Anarchy'. Keep videos of the violent Albuquerque anti-Trump protest in which several police
officers were injured in your 'Save' file. It's all you will ever need to know about how a D.C. administration run by a
community organizer works.
Flag-Waving Mob Attacks Police, Horses Outside Trump Rally. Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump held a
rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico Tuesday [5/24/2016]. Outside the event, a large group of liberal activists and illegal
aliens caused a near-riot attempting to shut down the event. The mob, holding anti-Trump signs and Mexican flags, began
throwing rocks and bottles at police on foot and horseback.
protesters at Trump rally throw rocks, bottles at Albuquerque police. What began as an assembly of about 1,000
peaceful protesters outside a Donald Trump rally at the Albuquerque Convention Center morphed into madness Tuesday evening
when mostly young, raucous rioters joined the ranks, hurling burning T-shirts, rocks and bottles toward the police and police
horses trying to contain them.
Throw Rocks at Police Horses Outside Trump Rally in Albuquerque. Protesters outside a rally for Donald J. Trump
in Albuquerque threw rocks at police horses and lighted fires on Tuesday night [5/24/2016], according to the police and postings on
social media. The Albuquerque police said on Twitter that contrary to reports, no tear gas had been deployed outside the rally
venue, the Albuquerque Convention Center. [...] The police reported that their horses were being attacked.
protesters smash door, break through barriers. Protesters lit fires, smashed a door and threw rocks outside a
Donald Trump rally Tuesday night in New Mexico — the latest scuffle to follow the presumptive Republican nominee's
campaign. The scene outside Albuquerque's convention center was chaotic as police ushered protesters away from Trump's
event and into the nearby streets.
Artificial Outrage of Paid Protestors and Rent-A-Mobs. Every day on the news there are stories of well-organized
protests. I report from the California State Capitol which almost daily is ground zero for some group protesting a grievance.
As a political journalist, I am skeptical of most protests. It does not matter if the protestors are wearing hard hats
and orange vests and stand all day in front of an office building under construction, or a prominent restaurant feigning outrage
showcasing a giant inflatable rat to passersby. [...] While every citizen is entitled to his or her own voice for a cause, the
professional paid protesters who appear at protests all across the state and even across national borders are mercenaries.
Sanders Refuses to Apologize for Nevada Democratic Convention Chaos. Sen. Bernie Sanders is refusing to
apologize after a group of his supporters sparked chaos over a dispute on convention rules and delegate eligibility at the
Nevada Democratic Party convention on Saturday. The uproar reportedly involved violent behavior and death threats
directed at party leaders.
at Nevada Democratic Convention as Sanders Delegates Oddly Disqualified. Supporters of Democratic Presidential
candidate Bernie Sanders protested the party's state convention in Nevada on Saturday, amid controversy over how the delegate
selection process was conducted, and who was allowed to participate. Sanders had 1,662 delegates to the state
convention in attendance, just shy of Hillary Clinton's 1,693 supporters, but multiple reports indicate that 64 Sanders
supporters were denied entry, which would have more than made up for the difference.
Draws Crucified Children, Blames NRA. The Louisville Courier-Journal cartoonist thinks he's so edgy and
provoking. Marc Murphy, a self-described trial lawyer and editorial cartoonist (per his Twitter biography), decided to
try blaming the NRA for the shooting deaths of children in his editorial cartoon Sunday night [5/15/2016], which was
published on Monday in the newspaper. The NRA convention is coming to Louisville this week, and Murphy decided to draw
a picture about his opinion.
Democratic Chairwoman Describes Death Threats From Sanders Supporters. The chairwoman of the Nevada Democratic
Party said on Tuesday that she has been receiving death threats every few seconds from supporters of Sen. Bernie
Sanders (I., Vt.). Chairwoman Roberta Lange described the harassment and threats she had received from Sanders' supporters
and how the Sanders campaign has not condemned the actions of its supporters and staff. At the Nevada Democratic
Convention, chaos broke out among supporters of Sanders who said they were not treated properly.
Democratic Convention ends with Bernie supporters throwing chairs. The Nevada Democratic Convention turned into
an unruly and unpredictable event, after some Bernie Sanders supporters started throwing chairs in protest of 58 would-be
Sanders delegates being ruled ineligible. Thousands of people gathered at the Paris casino in Las Vegas to pick
delegates to send to the national convention in July. But friction between Sanders' supporters and state Democratic
Party leaders had flared throughout the day on Saturday [5/14/2016].
leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention as dispute over delegates escalates into violence. Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday [5/14/2016] at
the Democrats' Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for
grabs. Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign. It's almost
as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.
BLM Protesters Tear Down Memorial To Slain Police. A controversy has erupted at Dartmouth College after a
pro-police display was torn down by Black Lives Matter activists, who denounced it for memorializing the "perpetrators" of
"state violence."
Inside the Anti-Trump
Circus: Here Comes the Summer of Hate. Wherever Donald Trump goes, protests follow. The media is
only interested in these protests when violence or riots erupt — "If it bleeds, it leads" remains the guiding
principle of the national press. But if a protest passes more or less peacefully, as most do, the media tends to ignore
it — which is a tragedy, because this dismissiveness hides the sobering reality that 2016's anti-Trump protests,
even when nonviolent, have already escalated into kaleidoscopic circuses of unhinged hysteria. This report reveals what
a typical anti-Trump protest is really like, in all its bizarre end-times glory, for once setting aside who punched
whom or which window got smashed.
restaurant owners receive death threats after being discovered eating meat. Terces and Matthew Engelhart have
made quite the life for themselves out on the left coast over the past decade, having established a small chain of "organic,
plant-based" restaurants which specialize in completely vegan food. They apparently attract Hollywood celebrities who
are impressed not only by the business ethic of their eateries, but the "Love Farm" where they raise much of their produce,
presumably in a Gaia approved fashion. They've published a book which explains the tenets of their "sacred enterprise"
which is a must read for the nature loving set. And now they're receiving death threats... not from some evil, radical
right wing carnivore crew, but from their own customers. It turns out that the Engelharts have betrayed the goddess
entirely and gone back to eating meat.
woman who called for 'death to all white cops' apologizes publicly, charges dropped. An Atlanta-area woman who
called for black people to "rise up and shoot every white cop" apologized for her Facebook post Friday [5/6/2016].
Prosecutors charged Ebony Dickens with terroristic threats and inciting a riot after they said she wrote, "I condone black on
white killings. H--- they condone crimes against us," and "death to all white cops nationwide" under her Facebook name
Tiffany Milan last April.
Aren't We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence? If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut
down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an
insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a
flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of
discourse in America. No one would be spared.
Seattle police officers hurt as May Day protest turns violent. Seattle police said late Sunday [5/1/2016] that
five officers were injured after anti-capitalist protesters pelted them with rocks, flares, bricks and Molotov cocktails
after a May Day gathering in the city turned violent. Nine people were arrested and authorities used pepper spray to
disperse the crowd. The department said one of the injured officers was treated for a head laceration after being hit
by a rock; a second was injured, but not burned after being hit by a Molotov cocktail; and a third was bitten, though it was
not immediately clear by whom.
barraged with anti-Semitic threats after profiling Donald Trump's wife. "They said I'd make a good lampshade,"
says Julia Ioffe. Ioffe is a journalist, who happens to be Jewish, and who happened to write a profile of Donald Trump's
wife, Melania, for GQ. She has since been barraged with insults and threats, many of them violent, and many of them anti-Semitic.
Many Illegal Alien Criminals Released by Obama Were Involved in Violent Protests Against Trump? Perhaps it's
just coincidence or simply a matter of bad timing, rather than a vast left-wing government conspiracy against American
citizens by an administration known to be openly and bitterly hostile to all things American. Still, the confluence of
events is quite remarkable. To wit, recent reports indicate that the Obama administration released, rather than
deported, thousands of criminal illegal aliens, including some guilty of murder and rape. This is particularly ironic
when considering the fact that violent protestors, many carrying Mexican flags, rioted against Republican presidential
front-runner Donald Trump in Costa Mesa on Thursday [4/28/2016].
Trump forced from his motorcade amid chaotic protests at California convention. Hundreds of protesters
repeatedly tried to storm the hotel where Trump was due to address the California Republican convention in Burlingame, near
San Francisco International Airport. Some protesters managed to get inside the Hyatt Regency by booking rooms in
advance. When inside they unfurled two large Stop Hate banners from the upper floors that could be seen from outside,
where protesters hurled eggs, clashed with baton-wielding police, and blocked roads.
of Mexican flag-waving demonstrators smash up a squad car, punch a Donald supporter. Police clashed with
hundreds of protesters outside Donald Trump's rally in Southern California on Thursday night [4/28/2016]. At least one
police car was smashed up as hundreds of demonstrators — many of them waving Mexican flags — took to
the streets outside the Pacific Amphitheater in Costa Mesa, Orange County where Trump was speaking. The protesters
flooded the street outside the amphitheater with some stomping on cars, hurling rocks at motorists and forcefully declaring
their opposition to Trump — bringing traffic to a halt and creating a tense standoff with authorities. One Trump
supporter was pictured with a bloody face after clashing with the anti-Trump activists, many of whom appeared to be young
Hispanic people.
car smashed during anti-Trump protest outside rally in Orange County; 20 arrested. A police car was destroyed as rowdy
protesters stopped traffic outside a Donald Trump rally in Orange County. The Republican presidential candidate began his
campaign in California on Thursday night [4/28/2016], bringing a crowd to The Pacific Amphitheater in Costa Mesa.
supporters, police attacked by illegal immigrants and their advocates. Thugs advocating the mass lawless
invasion of the United States attempted to shut down a rally of those who demand the law be enforced. That is the true
nature of what happened last night in Costa Mesa, California, in Orange County. But a quick scan of media headlines
about the event makes it clear that the media is doing its best to obscure the nature of the aggression, and portray the
incident as the inevitable outcome of Trump's vicious message of intolerance.
storm California GOP convention to protest Trump. Hundreds of demonstrators descended on the California Republican Convention
Friday [4/29/2016] to protest Donald Trump ahead of his speech. Protesters — some of whom wore bandanas over their faces
and carried Mexican flags — blocked off the road in front of the Hyatt Regency here, forcing the GOP front-runner's motorcade to
pull over along a concrete median outside the hotel's back entrance.
YG has 20,000 people screaming obscenities at Coachella. Rapper YG whipped a Coachella crowd up into a
Trump-hating frenzy on Friday [4/15/2016], getting the 20,000-strong audience to chant 'F*** Donald Trump' before launching
into a song that predicts riots and assassination for the Republican candidate.
Rent-a-mob now forming: Wanted:
Street Activists to 'Change the World ... and Get Paid'. Calling community activists: If you're a committed,
left-leaning activist who'd like to take part in "grassroots campaigns to protect the health, economy, environment, and livelihood
of Ohio communities," then Ohio Citizen Action has got a job for you. And it's one that pays reasonably well, with benefits on
top. This could be an especially nice deal for recent college graduates looking to help create a little drama in Cleveland
when the Republican National Convention convenes in July.
monument smashed into pieces at Florida park. Veterans in Florida say they're disgusted that someone apparently
stormed a war memorial in Gainesville and smashed some of it to pieces over the weekend. [...] The monument, part of a
memorial known as "Walk Through Time," honors U.S. service members who died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after
September 11th.
destroy war memorial in Gainesville. Progressives, like ISIS are destroying historic memorials around the
country. The latest was in Gainesville, Florida where progressives decided to destroy a war memorial. As each day
passes, progressives resemble ISIS more.
Banks Posts Again. Azealia Banks penned another expletive-filled note Wednesday [4/6/2016] attacking Sarah
Palin, "crackers," and "whitey" just hours after the former Alaska governor vowed to sue the rapper for an earlier graphic
outburst against her.
and Bernie's Friend: Al Sharpton Called for Murder of 'Crackers' and 'Pigs'. [Scroll down] To put this in
perspective, even the repugnant Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke never has gone so far as to encourage the murder of black
people. [...] Sharpton, in contrast to Duke, has been involved in at least two incidents of fatal racist and anti-Semitic
violence: the Crown Heights riots and the arson of Freddy's Fashion Mart. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are
therefore promoting, legitimizing, and mainstreaming a worse hate-monger than David Duke.
Sharpton Predicts Unrest In The Streets Once Obama Leaves Office. An in depth profile on civil rights activist
Al Sharpton contained a concerning prediction for America once Obama leaves office — the streets will be filled
with even more tension and unrest. According to Vanity Fair, Sharpton's "great fear" is that "everything it took so
much sweat and blood and sacrifice to achieve will be taken away", most notably the loss of the White House. "I worry that
the despair and emotions on the ground escalate. 'Cause not only do we feel we're not getting justice, we're not feeling
we're being assuaged by someone that we feel is at least sensitive to those needs. And I don't know that America is
ready or has adequately prepared to deal with that," Sharpton said.
Reaction Sharp
after Decision to Not Charge Officers in Jamar Clark's Death. Reaction was sharp inside a Hennepin County grand
jury room Wednesday [3/30/2016] after Attorney Mike Freeman's announcement that the two Minneapolis police officers involved
in the shooting death of 24-year-old Jamar Clark would not be criminally charged. Minneapolis NAACP President Nekima
Levy-Pounds challenged Freeman during the question-and-answer part of his new conference after his announcement.
"You have not held one single officer accountable," Levy-Pounds said to Freeman. Emotions were running high inside
the room. "If the city burns, it's on your hands," someone else shouted at Freeman.
Capitol Shooter Was an Activist for $15 Minimum
Wage. Liberals are shocked that they cannot not blame this shooting on the NRA. The Capitol Hill shooter Larry Dawson, has
been identified as a Tennessee pastor. He is an activist for increasing the minimum wage and has a history of "problems."
Gets In White Student's Face For Having Dreadlocks. A video allegedly showing a woman at San Francisco State
University verbally badgering a student for "cultural appropriation" has gone viral after being posted on YouTube Monday
evening [3/28/2016]. The woman can be heard telling the student, a white male, he can't wear dreadlocks because "it's
[her] culture" and threatens to cut them off with scissors. The woman is identified in the YouTube as a "campus employee."
Francisco State University launches probe into dispute over man's dreadlock. San Francisco State University
said Wednesday it is investigating an incident involving an African-American woman seen on video grabbing a white student in
a confrontation over his dreadlocks. "You're saying that I can't have a hair style because of your culture? Why?"
Cory Goldstein asks the unnamed woman in the video posted on YouTube. "Because it's my culture. Do you know what locks
mean?" the woman responded. He then tells her dreadlocks were part of Egyptian culture and tries to walk away but the woman
blocks him and is seen grabbing Goldstein's arm. She then turns to the person filming to block the camera with her hand.
Appropriation: Black Female Accosts White Male Over His Dreadlocks. In a video published on Monday [3/28/2016],
a black female said to be a campus employee accosts a white male said to be a student at San Francisco State University out
of hostility to the "cultural appropriation" of his dreadlock hairstyle. "You're saying I can't have a hairstyle, because
of your culture? Why?" asks the white male, who appears to be wearing a dress. "Because it's my culture," responds
the black female.
America is Still Great. Keep
It That Way — Vote Smart. The hysteria about Donald Trump's success as a presidential candidate only
confirms the fact that the media and the establishment that promoted him are ignorant of history. If there are riots to
come then they will come from the Democrats who've crossed over to Trump in despair at their own pitiful candidates.
Conservatives don't riot. They may sulk but they don't riot. They were not there in 1968 at the Democrat convention.
Conservatives don't have progressive terrorists like Bill Ayers in their membership.
American Fascists.
The upsurge of American Fascism we are observing has nothing to do with Donald Trump, because this is what the left ALWAYS does:
they block, with coercion, intimidation or physical violence, any viewpoint not in line with their murderous policies of total political
mind control and inevitable economic ruin. What, after all, are Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter but a little street
muscle? Leftist apologists for this street terror, like, oh let's take Rachel Maddow for example, want us to believe that
these violent incidents are the result and not the cause of these disturbances. And that's because the one requirement for
being a progressive is that anything that has ever happened only happened if it advances their warped agenda.
of Confederate symbols turns ugly in New Orleans. Backlash against a plan to remove prominent Confederate monuments in
New Orleans has been tinged by death threats, intimidation and even what may have been the torching of a contractor's Lamborghini.
the anti-Trump Disruptors, the Fine Hands of Alinsky and Obama. Recently, when disrupters showed up at a Trump
rally in Chicago, the first thing that came to mind was that America's most notorious community organizer could be the wizard
behind the curtain orchestrating what was being sold as an organic occurrence. In Saul Alinsky's 1971 book Rules for
Radicals, the late author could have been describing Obama's last seven years in office when he wrote that an efficacious
organizer should be "an abrasive agent to rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; to fan latent hostilities
of many of the people to the point of overt expressions." The father of community organizing taught that once people are
"whipped up to a fighting pitch," the agitated could be directed to participate in rowdy demonstrations. By employing those
techniques on the international level, Alinsky's star pupil, Barack Obama, has successfully managed to whip up global chaos.
The silent majority is [angry].
The person responsible for fomenting political unrest and creating this toxic environment is not Donald Trump — it's President
Obama. For the past seven and a half years this man has been stoking division and discord. You want to talk about creating
controversy? Fine. Let's talk about Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri and Trayvon Martin. President Obama is the one who
told his followers if they bring a knife to the fight — we bring a gun — that's what he said.
P.C. — R.I.P.
There should be no surprise that former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, who played a role in launching the political
career of Barack Obama, was found among the street demonstrators in Chicago who succeeded in forcefully disrupting and shutting
down Republican frontrunner Donald Trump's campaign rally on March 11, injuring two police officers who were trying to maintain
order. When Trump proceeded to move to his next campaign stops in Ohio the following day, he came before crowds and naturally
addressed the previous night's unfortunate descent into violence, only to experience another attempt at disruption.
Campaign Operatives Heckle Marco Rubio and John Kasich — Media Mistakenly Blames Trump. Two days ago — two men,
actually two professional antagonists, showed up wearing armbands supposedly 'spoofing' Donald Trump with Nazi comparisons. However,
things were not as they seemed. The men who wore armbands touting Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump were actually the same
pranksters who sported "Settle for Hillary" shirts at a Hillary Clinton event earlier this year.
Fascism in Chicago Last Friday. On Friday, March 11, an event occurred in Chicago that reminded me of violent
clashes between Nazis and Communists during the waning years of the Weimar Republic in Germany. GOP presidential candidate
Donald Trump canceled a scheduled speech at an event to be held in the Windy City, where a sizable crowd of left-wing
students and Black Lives Matter activists clashed with Trump's supporters. Telecasts showed that in addition to screams
of "Hitler!" and other face-to-face confrontations, punches were thrown and a few landed. Although Chicago police did their
best to prevent bloodshed, the anti-Trumpeteers succeeded in preventing people from hearing what the Donald might have had to
say. Trump's free political speech was trashed.
Didn't Start This Fire. Commentators on MSNBC and CNN have been shedding crocodile tears over Donald Trump's
"divisive rhetoric" and lamenting his failure to unify the country. This sudden concern for national unity is rather hard
to take from the same worthies who have incessantly glorified the Black Lives Matter movement over the last year and a half.
Let's dip into the rhetoric of a garden-variety Black Lives Matter march that I observed last October on Fifth Avenue in New
York City. It featured "F--- the Police," "Murderer Cops," and "Racism Is the Disease, Revolution Is the Cure" T-shirts,
"Stop Police Terror" signs, and "Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Racist Cops Have Got to Go" chants. [...] How about presidential rhetoric?
President Obama routinely claims that the police and the criminal-justice system treat blacks differently than
whites — an allegation without any empirical support.
From Ferguson
To Chicago. The riot planned and executed by the Left at the canceled Donald Trump campaign rally in Chicago on
Friday was just the latest in a long series of mob disturbances manufactured by radicals to advance their political agendas.
Even so, it is a particularly poisonous assault on the American body politic that imperils the nation's most important free
institution — the ballot. [...] This so-called protest, and the disruptions at subsequent Trump events over the
weekend, were not spontaneous, organic demonstrations. The usual culprits were involved behind the scenes.
surfaces of man urinating on assembly line at Memphis Kellogg facility. Kellogg is looking into the incident,
and the FDA has started a criminal investigation. The video was shot during the same time the company and the workers
union fell into a nasty labor dispute and those employees were locked out.
raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come. Moveon.Org is conducting fundraising activities from the Chicago
protests against Donald Trump that prompted the Republican presidential front-runner to cancel a rally there Friday [3/11/2016], and promises that
more disruptions are on the way. "Last night, without consulting local police, Donald Trump abruptly cancelled a rally in Chicago in the
face of massive and overwhelmingly peaceful student-led protests," MoveOn.org wrote in an email Saturday to members. "We're being flooded
with aggressive emails and social media posts from Trump supporters. Some of them are threatening. We refuse to be intimidated by
Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else."
invade Trump rally. In advance of a Trump rally on the University of Illinois-Chicago campus on Friday night,
protesters flooded the arena with the express goal of shutting down the event. Physical altercations are reported to have
taken place between the protesters and Trump supporters. With the safety of his supporters in mind, Trump rightly canceled
the event. When this was announced, the protesters erupted in applause, their mission accomplished — to stifle
opposing points of view.
Eyewitness Account of Organized Chicago Leftist Thugs In Action. [Scroll down] The protesters were ignorant,
vulgar, vile scum who were insulting Trump people as we left, but we gave it back in spades in unity and strength. Outside
was a huge mob of BLM, communists, Bernouts, illegal aliens and other assorted scum. In the parking deck, I met three college
kids who understood cultural marxism and told me about the indoctrination of white guilt in our schools today. One thing was
certain, everyone there was even more united and energized in their support for Donald and in despise for the leftist scum who took
away our right of assembly and free speech. As we pulled out of the parking garage, we ran a gauntlet of anti-white,
anti-American trash cursing us, flipping us off and calling us racists. All I can tell you is that my mom said she
had not seen anything so disgusting since the King riots in Joliet in 1968.
How black,
Latino and Muslim college students organized to stop Trump's rally in Chicago. When black, Muslim and Latino
student activists at the University of Illinois at Chicago heard last week that Donald Trump was planning a rally on campus,
they did what any good organizers do in 2016: They went online. Within days, thousands of people had liked a Facebook
page called "Stop Trump — Chicago." Tens of thousands added their names to a MoveOn.org petition calling on the
school to cancel the rally.
group getting ready for 'spontaneous' demonstrations 'caused' by Trump's rhetoric at GOP Convention? People
like George Soros know how to plan ahead to manufacture mob violence masquerading as social movements. It worked like a charm
in Ferguson, Missouri, and laying the groundwork for energizing the critical black turnout in 2016, courtesy of #BlackLivesMatter
and others. #BLM is also serving as a useful vehicle for suppressing the Trump phenomenon. Now, a group called Working
America, funded by the AFL-CIO (which relies on raking off a portion of the paychecks of people forced to join unions) and by
billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer, is advertising for organizers in Cleveland.
Arrested at Trump Rally Told Police Act Was Preplanned. A man arrested Saturday [3/12/2016] after he tried to
get on the stage at a Donald Trump campaign rally in Ohio reportedly told police he planned to grab the microphone and yell
that Trump is a racist but didn't intend to hurt anyone.
Death Cheered by Fusion: It Could 'Save the Planet'. The death of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
is being cheered by Univision's sputtering millennial-focused English-language spinoff, Fusion. "How Antonin Scalia's death
could save the planet" is the title of a segment on the network's website that exemplifies just how low Fusion is willing to go
when it comes to trafficking in denigrating, over-the-top propaganda.
Hate Tweets Against Nancy Reagan Expose Left's Deadly Agenda. The firehose of bile from Twitter users at the death of former First Lady
Nancy Reagan on Sunday [3/6/2016] reveals the success of leftist radicals' attempts to rewrite the facts of the War on Drugs, the program put into place
by Ronald Reagan with the support of Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign. That revisionist history is a key component of the current "mass
incarceration" movement that is aimed not only at putting dangerous felons back on the street, but also in turning them into both foot soldiers in the
revolution and a voting bloc for Democrats. An analysis of hundreds of tweets revealing the left's outpouring of hatred in the 24 hours after
Nancy Reagan's death shows that much of the animosity towards the Reagans stems from anger about the War on Drugs.
think Black Lives Matter is a good thing? In case you're still under the delusion that Black Lives Matter is
anything other than domestic terrorism, check out what savage gangs of young Blacks are being encouraged to do in the most
mundane sorts of places... like a McDonald's in Washington DC. If a famously decorated Marine is fair game, who's safe
from this Black Hitler Youth?
Lives Matter Organizer Posts Guide To Riotwear — In Arabic. A Black Lives Matter activist who was
part of the Ferguson riots posted a visual guide to urban riot wear in both English and Arabic on Twitter. [...] The tweet is
significant because it was posted by Ashley Yates, who uses the handle @BrownBlaze on Twitter. Yates is a prominent protest
organizer in the Black Lives Matter movement who is an advocate for violence.
Denver Activist Accused of Killing Deputy, Wounding Two Others. Martin Wirth, an Occupy Denver activist who had run for State Senate on the
Green Party ticket in 2014, allegedly shot three Colorado Sheriff deputies on Wednesday [2/24/2016], killing one. Park County Sheriff Cpl. Nate
Carrigan was killed and two other deputies wounded as they were part of an eight man force serving a "contentious eviction" notice. Wirth had
defaulted on his house in 2013 and was facing foreclosure proceedings. Police say 58-year old Wirth opened fire first.
Black Woman Launches Racist Attack On Innocent White Man. No one can deny that since President Obama has
been in office, race relationships have deteriorated, perhaps the worst in 50 years. This decline can easily be
attributed to an administration that has used race as a wedge issuein almost every political instance, regardless of the fact
that this president was elected twice by a majority of white voters. The racial divide began with several incidents that
became a rallying cry for race hustlers the mainstream media and the Obama White house to immediately inject themselves into
ongoing investigation involving a violent altercation between a white police officer and a black teen. [Video clip]
rudeness hits new heights with Scalia, Schumer. Donald Trump's policy of demeaning and snarking his political
opponents has been a favorite habit of President Obama for the last eight years. Obama is perhaps the first president who
believes that leading the country and playing to the beliefs of the extremists in his own party amount to the same thing, and
like Trump fans, Obama fans are motivated in large degree by sheer hatred. They love to hear their idol channel their rage
by bashing people they don't like.
Are Liberals So Racist When It Comes to Clarence Thomas? There's something endlessly fascinating about the left's
insistence that Clarence Thomas is not "authentically" black — that this descendant of slaves, this grandson of
sharecroppers, this hardworking man who rose to the grandest heights of the legal profession, is a traitor to his race and his
class. I don't know what it is about Thomas that drives the left so nuts, but it's there, and it's very real.
Could you imagine what would happen if someone on the right described a brilliant liberal African-American of being no more
than a slave controlled by white devils?
Activists block
Chicago traffic to protest deportations. Calling for an end to the mass deportations of undocumented immigrants
that began last month, immigration and human rights activists have blocked traffic outside a US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement office in Chicago. Beginning at around 8:00 am CT [2/16/2016], protesters shut down part of Congress Parkway
at LaSalle Street in downtown Chicago. The location is just outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office,
according to WBBM.
Block Downtown Traffic, Demand End To Deportations. A dozen protesters were arrested Tuesday morning [2/16/2016], after blocking
traffic on Congress Parkway as part of an anti-deportation rally that lasted more than an hour. Shortly before 8 a.m., about 50
protesters began blocking traffic on eastbound Congress at LaSalle Street, outside a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office.
henchwomen have a dirty secret. When Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem tried to shame and bully young women into
supporting Hillary Clinton, they inadvertently revealed a dirty secret of the left's fixation on gender, race and ethnicity.
They demonstrated that hiding behind the gauzy appeals to make history is a willingness to use brass knuckles to achieve conformity.
In their warped vision, biology trumps individuality, and those who don't agree are traitors to their gender. That's not just
unappealing, it's also un-American.
Why Are Media Ignoring
These Threats To Rape A Pro-Lifer's Family? Hey, did you hear the story about the Purdue University staffer who allegedly threatened to rape some
women? No, you probably didn't — because so far the media have almost completely ignored it. [...] Think about that for a moment: a staff member at a
prominent American university apparently made public, vile, profoundly disturbed, and disgusting threats of sexual assault towards innocent women, the
university is refusing to do anyting about it, and the mainstream media have ignored it for nearly a day, if not more. In our lightning-quick digital
media age, how could such an astonishing story go so underreported for so long?
Allegedly Assaulted Mid-Burger At McDonald's, As Gang Yelled 'Do You Believe Black Lives Matter?'. A former
Marine became the target of an alleged assault in a McDonald's Friday night [2/12/2016], as a crowd of youths cornered him
and demanded he answer the question, "do you believe black lives matter?" Before knocking him unconscious and robbing him.
Christopher Marquez, a veteran of Iraq and recipient of the Bronze Star for valor, said he was dining at a McDonald's in northwest D.C.
when a group of black teenagers came up to him and allegedly began harassing him about the black lives matter movement.
Marquez ignored them which prompted calls and shouts that he was a racist.
Sanders and Hillary Clinton Debate: Who Hates America More? The Democrat Party is the world's most successful hate group. It
attracts poor people who hate rich people, black people who hate white people, gay people who hate straight people, feminists who hate men,
environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine, and a lot of bratty college kids who hate their parents. However, the real
secret of the party's success is that it attracts the support of journalists who hate Republicans, and who therefore work tirelessly to
convince the rest of us that we should vote for Democrats.
Obama Defense official pens poison letter to Antonin Scalia. One might think that during such a tumultuous period of shock and grief
that those in prominent, public positions might refrain from breaking out the slings and arrows for a man who dedicated his life, on an off, for
more than four decades to the service of his nation, no matter how much they may have disagreed with his opinions. One would be incorrect
in such an assumption. At Foreign Policy Magazine, the cause of Scalia's death hadn't even been confirmed before Rosa Brooks set to work
writing an opinion piece about the celebrations which would be taking place in legal circles outside the United States, with victory laps being
run to mark the great man's demise.
Chef Drops Foie Gras From Menu After Vegan Death Threats.
A chef in the United Kingdom is backing away from including foie gras on a Valentine's Day menu after receiving death threats from vegan activists. The chef
at Kings Arms at Fleggburgh opted out of serving the decadent dish during Valentine's Day dinner this weekend after being subjected to "harassment" by activists
who threatened to protest the menu, the Guardian reports.
flag desecrated at Hillary campaign rally. Sometimes it's the little things that tell you the most. To call the photo
tweeted out last night [2/9/2016] by the Washington Post's Post Politics Twitter feed "disturbing" is an understatement; some would call it
an outrage, or even desecration.
plagued by radical left-wing violence for second night in a row. Frank Henkel, Berlin's minister for internal affairs, condemned
the violent acts committed by left-wing anarchists on Saturday night, the second night in a row the city has seen such violence. Between
50 and 100 rioters stormed through the neighborhood of Neukölln in the early hours of Sunday morning [2/7/2016], setting fire
to 20 cars and throwing at least one stone at a police car. The previous night, between 20 and 40 masked rioters on
bicycles burned 28 cars and smashed windows in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin.
Trump Sign Vandalized in California. Donald Trump supporter Kerri Youngdale arrived home from Sunday morning
[2/7/2016] church service to a vandalized Trump for President campaign sign in her yard, and eggs splattered across her garage.
'Special place in hell' for women who don't support Hillary. Democratic women are issuing every threat imaginable in their
effort to save Hillary Clinton's candidacy in New Hampshire. During an appearance with the candidate Saturday afternoon, former Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright warned women of dire consequences if they don't support her preferred candidate.
'There's a special place in hell' for women who don't back Clinton. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on Saturday [2/6/2016] said there
was a "special place in hell" for women who backed Sen. Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's primary. [...] During her remarks, Albright made it clear
to women in attendance in the Granite State's capital city — especially those backing Bernie Sanders — that they need to help out Clinton
because they have a duty to do so.
The Editor says...
If I were a left-wing baby-killing Democrat, I'd be very careful about making rash pronouncements with regard to who's going to Hell and who's not.
Laughs Off 'There's A Special Place In Hell' For Women Who Don't Vote For Her Comment. Hillary Clinton defended former Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright's assertion that "there's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other." Sunday [2/7/2016] on NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd,
Clinton laughed off Albright's attempt to shame women into voting for Clinton by saying, "Well, good grief, we're getting offended about everything these days.
Honest to goodness. I mean, people can't say anything without offending somebody."
Vote For Sanders,
Then Rot In Hell? "There's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other," said former Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright in a message to young women voters at a weekend campaign event for Hillary Clinton. Clinton
punctuated Albright's comment with her loud, phony laugh. Team Clinton later pointed out that Albright has used that line for
years. Clinton herself described the line as "lighthearted," but pointed. [...] When you say there's a special place in hell
if you don't support women, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough railed Monday, "Is it only powerful women? Or are 22-year-old women who
are being taken advantage of in the Oval Office not worthy of that same support?"
Update: Too little, too late. Albright expresses regret over
comment about women in hell. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who made headlines last week when she said women must vote for
Hillary Clinton or they would go to a "special place in hell," said Friday [2/12/2016] that her controversial comment was "undiplomatic."
effigy battered by Sanders supporters. Local proponents of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders took his message of
political revolution to the West Side on Saturday, leading a few dozen supporters in a Donald Trump-bashing exercise and encouraging voters to
register by Monday's deadline.
News and commentary about Melissa Click:
professor who pushed reporter away from protesters is fired. Melissa Click, a professor who gained national
notoriety during the protests at the University of Missouri, has been fired. Click made headlines when a video of her
pushing a reporter away from protesters went viral; she could be heard calling for "muscle" to toss out reporters trying to
cover the news. The protests at the flagship state university over race and other bias issues had paralyzed the campus
and forced the resignation of the system president and chancellor. When a student journalist said he had a First Amendment
right to be there and take photos, Click said, "I can't hear you!" and started chanting, according to a transcript released by
the university system, "Hey hey! Ho ho! Reporters have got to go!"
Missouri professor seen yelling profanity at police in new video. A since-suspended University of Missouri professor is seen yelling
profanities at police officers trying to clear activists blocking traffic in a video that surfaced late Sunday night [2/14/2016] of an October
protest. Assistant Professor of Communication Melissa Click was suspended from her position in late January after she was charged with
misdemeanor assault following a different videotaped skirmish with a student journalist in November. The prosecutor has said he'll drop
the charge in a year if Click completes community service, though her position at Missouri is still being reviewed.
Thugs and Thieves. Professor Melissa Click of the University of Missouri criminally assaulted an undergraduate student and, though local
prosecutors were slow to move on the case — there was video of the incident, and the facts were not in question — she eventually
was charged with third-degree assault. She will not be convicted of a crime, and, so far, her tenure-track position is safe.
Suspends Melissa Click in Wake of Assault Charges. Embattled University of Missouri professor Melissa Click was
suspended Wednesday night [1/27/2016] by the UM Board of Curators, pending further investigation. This comes three days
after Click was charged with third-degree assault for an incident that occurred during a campus protest last November.
of Missouri professor charged with assault in fracas with journalist. The University of Missouri communications professor caught on
video scuffling with a journalist during a November campus demonstration was charged with third-degree assault Monday morning [1/25/2016], the Columbia
city prosecutor's office confirmed to FoxNews.com. A summons with a yet-to-be determined court date is set to be mailed to UM assistant professor
of communications Melissa Click.
MU professor Melissa Click, who called for 'muscle' to
remove reporter, charged with assault. Melissa Click, the University of Missouri communications professor who garnered widespread scorn for
trying to physically remove a student reporter from a campus protest, was formally charged with assault Monday morning [1/25/2016]. A spokeswoman for
the Columbia prosecutor's office said Click was charged with third-degree assault, a class C misdemeanor that carries a possible 15-day jail sentence.
Update: Prof.
Melissa ('I need some muscle') Click gets another college teaching gig. [Scroll down] Her academic work
is not at all impressive. As I wrote after examining her list of publications: A brief examination of her
published work shows that she is highly political. Incidentally, she has been an assistant professor at MU for 7 years
now, according to the Missourian. As a recovering academic, I can report that this is a very long time to remain at the
bottom of the hierarchy of professors. Most institutions have an up-or-out system, and spending 7 years at the bottom
rung of the tenure track is not an encouraging sign. Click's "research" seems to involve indulging in a lot of popular
culture and writing up her thoughts.
Fired MU professor
Melissa Click hired at Gonzaga University. Former University of Missouri professor Melissa Click has a new job
at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., according to the university's website. Click was a communications professor at
the University of Missouri until she was fired in February after she was filmed calling for "some muscle" to eject a student
videographer from protests at the Concerned Student 1950 camp on the Columbia campus. The video posted afterward went
viral. Faculty, students, alumni and others lambasted Click.
Melissa Click muscles out competition for Gonzaga
job. Gonzaga University has brought embattled ex-Mizzou professor Melissa Click on board to serve on its
faculty despite her assault of a student journalist last fall.
Pfleger flogged Hillary. I had forgotten about Father "Mike Pfleger," as President Obama called him at CNN's
"gun violence" forum last week. Obama and Pfleger are old Chicago buddies. I was unaware of Pfleger's interest in snuffing
out Second Amendment rights. "It wasn't that many years ago," John Boch writes, "that the man of the cloth called on the owner of
Chuck's Guns, John Riggio, to be 'snuffed out' — using the lingo of his parishioners. Pfleger had used the same thinly
veiled call for violence against Illinois legislators who voted against gun control." Boch posts photos of Pfleger protected by
three armed guards.
Newsweek Senior Writer Compares Cruz Supporters to Nazis; No Suspension Coming. Is it ego or just plain stupidity? [...] Today's [1/6/2016] latest
example comes courtesy of Newsweek senior writer Alexander Nazaryan. His crime? Tweeting out an old image of people marching with Nazi flags and sporting
swastikas to illustrate what he calls "Ted Cruz's ground game." In other words, if you support Cruz, you advocate the genocide of Jews with fascism being your
particular political flavor.
high schooler gets lesson in hate after penning column on Missouri race friction. Philadelphia high school
senior Michael Moroz knew he was courting controversy when he wrote about race in the school newspaper, but he never expected
death threats from classmates and strangers. Just before Christmas break, the 17-year-old wrote an opinion piece for the
Central High school paper, the Centralizer. In it, he criticized the racially charged University of Missouri protests and
opined that Michael Brown, the black teenager killed in 2014 by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., was "a delinquent"
who was "at worst, justifiably killed, and at best, [was] a thug." The story hit the paper's Facebook page while school
was out, and that's when the threats poured in.
Nastiest Insult to Call a Black Man, According to Liberals. When you're an outspoken black conservative like I
am, you grow accustomed to vile names, hate mail, disdainful attitudes, snide comments, and the like. For reasons unknown,
Caucasians espousing conservative values are not sellouts to their fellow white folk, but blacks and Hispanics are. [...] Pretty
much all of these personal attacks come from self-described open-minded, inclusive, minority-loving liberal types who cannot see
the blatant hypocrisy of their own positions.
graves, Gov. Aycock marker vandalized at Oakwood Cemetery. Vandals spray-painted anti-racist graffiti on nine
monuments inside Raleigh's Historic Oakwood Cemetery, mostly damaging the graves of high-ranking officers in the Confederate
Army but also defacing the stone of North Carolina Gov. Charles Aycock, whose racial views in the early 1900s have found
increasing criticism. The attack caused roughly $20,000 in damage Wednesday night [12/30/2015] and is thought to be
the first of its kind on private property, said Robin Simonton, executive director at Oakwood.
Barack Obama, We Did Not Have Shootings Like This. If it seems like we are in a more violent age, we just might
be. The violent rhetoric of America's own president suggests it. He lectures Christians on the crusades and thinks we need to
understand why Islamic radicals want to kill us. When a lunatic kills three people outside a Planned Parenthood facility, the
President and his political allies blame pro-life Christians. When an Islamic radical kills soldiers at Fort Hood, the
President considers it workplace violence. The political left in this country has decided, in the name of constantly
advancing their agenda, to politicize everything. [...] It used to not be so. But then Barack Obama stood up and
literally told people to start taking guns to knife fights. Now we are dealing with the consequences.
Explains the Vicious Left? The asymmetry of modern politics is clear to every conservative; painfully clear to
several Yale undergraduates who asked me about it recently. Leftists, they pointed out, are hostile, nasty, and seem to have
no concept of a civil conversation. [...] You see characteristic leftist arrogance among global warmers, who show their respect
for their opponents by refusing to listen to them and implying that they are crackpots. On campus, leftists have spit
at conservatives, screamed obscenities at moderate liberals, yammered on about phony "rape crises" while doing everything
they could think of to promote universal debauchery, rigged local votes to silence opponents of the Kill Israel (aka "BDS")
movement. The list goes on, the arrogance is staggering, the asymmetry all too obvious.
governor calls for probe of councilman who says let's pelt cops with rocks, bricks. Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant issued a statement
Saturday [1/2/2015] denouncing remarks a local elected official made about throwing rocks, bricks and bottles at police officers. Bryant also
called for an investigation to determine if Jackson Councilman Kenneth Stokes' remarks "represent criminal threats against law enforcement officers."
governor calls for probe of councilman who says let's pelt cops with rocks, bricks. Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant issued a
statement Saturday [1/2/2015] denouncing remarks a local elected official made about throwing rocks, bricks and bottles at police
officers. Bryant also called for an investigation to determine if Jackson Councilman Kenneth Stokes' remarks "represent criminal
threats against law enforcement officers."
Colorado Board Member Resigns After Encouraging Shooting Trump Supporters. An American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) Board Member in Colorado has resigned after making national news headlines for urging people to kill Donald Trump
supporters. Loring Wirbel of Colorado Springs, posted on Facebook, "The thing is, we have to really reach out to those
who might consider voting for Trump and say, 'This is Goebbels. This is the final solution. If you are voting for him I will
have to shoot you before Election Day.' They're not going to listen to reason, so when justice is gone, there's always force..."
board member calls for Trump supporters to be shot 'before election day'. The American Civil Liberties Union
has descended to the level of self-parody. Of course, the civil liberty guaranteed by the Second Amendment has never existed
in its view, but in the past it occasionally defended free speech for people with whom its liberal membership disagreed. Rarely
have its officials called for murderous totalitarianism (although, in fairness, the organization was originally founded to defend the
rights of American communists who supported the murderous totalitarianism of Joseph Stalin). Actual political murder of opponents
in America was never advocated by its officials. Until now.
ACLU Chairman Resigns After Writing About Shooting Trump Supporters. The co-chairman of the Colorado Springs
American Civil Liberties has resigned after being criticized for a Facebook post that said to supporters of Donald Trump: "If
you are voting for him, I will have to shoot you before election day." The Daily Caller drew attention to the posts on Loring
Wirbel's Facebook account this week. The ACLU of Colorado tweeted Friday [12/11/2015] that it "has accepted Loring Wirbel's
resignation as chapter representative to our state board."
Media Bias That Makes You Sick. A so-called
"Media Activism Research Conference" is being held next year in Canada to expand even further the "progressive" causes available to
journalists. The event is described as a "Gathering for Grassroots and Transformative Media" at Lakehead University and "an
opportunity to develop collaborations and networks among anti-capitalist, feminist, anti-racist, trans, queer and Indigenous alternative
media activists and activist-researchers by sharing knowledge, skills and experiences on grassroots and transformative alternative media."
Brace yourselves for one of the seminars, which concerns "Queer anarchist autonomous zones and publics: Direct action vomiting against
homonormative consumerism." According to my research, and I may not have gotten to the bottom of this, it seems as if media activists
in Canada are exploring vomiting as a form of social protest against capitalism.
The Editor says...
I guess you'd have to be a public school student to understand how terroristic vomiting on random strangers would make the
general public sympathetic to a left-wing cause, or to understand how capitalism is a threat to homosexuals.
in Custody Targeted 'White Devils': Will the Media Cover? The media has been carrying water for pro-abortion
activists since the Friday shooting at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado in trying to hold the pro-life movement/conservatives,
along with the Republican Party, responsible for the murders for their "fierce criticism" of the abortionist organization.
However, a more recent incident of threatened violence leads one to wonder if the press will advance the same narrative with Black
Lives Matter and other "racial justice" activists. On Monday [11/30/2015], Andy Thomason of the Chronicle of Higher Education
reported that University of Illinois at Chicago student had been arrested in connection with an online post where the user threatened
"to kill 16 white students or staff members in retaliation for the police shooting of... Chicago teenager" Laquan McDonald.
Thomason quoted from the Chicago Tribune's reporting on the arrest, and noted that "the University of Chicago canceled classes on
Monday after the FBI passed along the threat, which described a detailed plan to 'do my part and rid the world of white devils.'"
The Editor says...
Notice in the video that the protestors are all bundled up for cold weather as they express their concerns about warming.
Is Tearing This Country Apart. Speaking in regards to the shooting incident that took place this summer between
a police officer and a civilian in Ferguson, MI., Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan proclaimed that violence was justified
in response to the grand jury decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown. Farrakhan
threatened that if the demands on behalf of those protesting the police weren't met, "We'll tear this g**d*** country apart".
Arguing that violence was justified by the "law of retaliation" mentioned in the Koran, Farrakhan concluded his threat by stating,
"We going to die anyway. Let's die for something".
Doc: Black Lives Matter Protesters Started Confrontation That Led to Minneapolis Shooting. A search warrant
related to the shooting of five Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis reveals new details that may strengthen the case
that the shooting was an act of self-defense by white suspects who were being assaulted by black protesters. [...] Evidence
suggests that the Minneapolis police were aware that the initiation of force came from the black protesters.
Made After Protesters Destroy Part of City Christmas Tree. During the second night of protests over the Laquan McDonald
shooting, police made several arrests after some demonstrators tore off lights from the Christmas tree standing in Millennium Park.
Video shows a group of protesters just before 10:00 p.m. [11/24/2015] yanking the lights from the bottom of the tree. Police
quickly responded to disperse the crowd. Investigators have not said exactly how many arrests were made.
Trump Rally Protester is Convicted Bomber of Marine Recruitment Center. It would appear that Donald Trump got
the Secret Service detail just in the nick of time. One of the protesters from Trump's campaign stop in Massachusetts
yesterday [11/18/2015] is named Peter Rondon. He was arrested and convicted for trying to bomb a Marine Recruitment center
in '05: A Domestic Terrorist!
Cornell professors display artwork depicting GOP as terrorists,
rapists. As part of an event on diversity and inclusion in the labor movement, professors at Cornell
University displayed cartoons depicting Republicans as knife-wielding terrorists, raving lunatics, and even molesters.
[...] Perhaps in an effort to make the attendees feel comfortable, one of the partner organizations, Huck/Konopacki
Cartoons, contributed several illustrations attributing the most unflattering characteristics to Republicans.
Creepy, Coercive Turn For Campus Protests. As campuses erupt with protests and the TV cameras pan the crowds,
an informal survey among the IBD editorial board members finds that pretty much every college student we know of is so busy
studying that he or she has no time for or interest in protesting, no matter what the cause. To the far left, schooled in
Alinskyite coercion, that's unacceptable. [...] At Columbia, kids are being coerced into joining protests whether they like it
or not, as noted by Rick Moran, writing for the American Thinker. At Dartmouth, it's even worse — kids are being
disturbed if they study, with in-your-face violent pushing, shoving and screaming right in the campus library.
My Letter to Dartmouth's
President. You say that "we have received no complaints of physical violence" and therefore, apparently, you have no problem with
the conduct of the protesters, which included threatening and screaming racist abuse at students who were peacefully studying, in an effort to
"shut down" the library. Is racist abuse now acceptable at Dartmouth, as long as no one is actually punched? That sets the bar
ridiculously low, and appears to represent a change in policy. I never expected to see a scene straight out of 1930s Germany in my beloved
Baker Library, but that apparently, in your view, is now the norm.
Lives Matter protesters berate white students studying at Dartmouth library. Roughly 150 Black Lives Matter protesters
reportedly stormed a library at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, Thursday night [11/12/2015] to berate students studying
there for their supposed racial privilege. The Dartmouth Review, an independent newspaper at the private Ivy League college,
reported that protesters marched into the Baker-Berry Library shouting profanity and berating white students.
Protesters Disrupt Students in Library. Protesters at Dartmouth University disrupted students studying in the
library, reportedly directing profanity towards white students and physically pushing others. [...] In addition, the
[Dartmouth] Review reports that some of protesters became physically violent: "Men and women alike were
pushed and shoved by the group. 'If we can't have it, shut it down!' they cried.
Hillary Supporter Wanting to 'Strangle' Fiorina Was 'Sort of Funny'. Attempting to excuse Hillary Clinton laughing at
one of her supporters wanting to "strangle" Carly Fiorina, NBC correspondent Kelly O'Donnell appeared on MSNBC's 3 p.m. ET
hour to offer up a defense of the harsh rhetoric: [...] Reciting Clinton talking points on the controversy, O'Donnell declared:
"...her campaign says this was a joke. No one took him seriously. Meaning he wasn't actually threatening to strangle
Fiorina. That it was sort of a, you know, a punch line that he was delivering."
laughs after audience member suggests he wants to strangle Fiorina. Hillary Clinton failed to admonish an audience member on Tuesday [11/10/2015]
who said he wanted to "strangle" Republican primary candidate Carly Fiorina. The audience member said he was a systems engineer who was laid off from
Hewlett-Packard while Fiorina was CEO of the company. He critiqued decisions made by Fiorina to fire workers and said he becomes infuriated whenever he
sees her trumpeting her business record on television.
The Left's War on Comment Sections.
The internet was born open but is becoming closed everywhere. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the rush to shutter readers' comments
sections at major news organisations. Cheered on by intolerant, snobbish cultural elites, news organisations from The Verge to
The Daily Beast have, in recent months, informed their readers to take their opinions elsewhere.
Barnicle: Ben Carson a 'Political Nut-Boy'. For nearly three decades, Ben Carson was the head of pediatric
neurosurgery at one of the world's best hospitals. To MSNBC panelist Mike Barnicle, however, Carson is a "political nut-boy"
who reminds him of a patient at a certain type of hospital.
Man March speaker chants 'Down, down USA'. A female Native American speaker led a crowd in a chant of "down, down USA" at
the Million Man March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday [10/10/2015]. In her speech, the woman claimed that former Libyan dictator
Muammar "Gaddafi is still alive" and called on President Obama to pardon Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist who was convicted
of murdering two FBI officers in 1975.
of Thousands Rally With Farrakhan in DC to Chants of "DOWN, DOWN USA". Louis Farrakhan is a hate monger who
plays on peoples' fears and hate and uses it to demonize whites, Jews, police and anyone else in his crosshairs.
Farrakhan's speech reached back hundreds of years to find the injustice he thinks people bear in the present day.
He said they — minorities — are denied the "human right of self-determination." Leftists made
these extremists into a permanently injured class who think they are entitled and who live as victims. The damage
the left has down will probably take years to counter if it can be countered at all. Farrakhan compared the
Republican presidential field to a "whore" who was prostituting herself for money. This despicable human being
called America "hypocritical" for challenging human rights issues abroad, and said Jews "have no forgiveness in them."
Obama #BlackLivesMatter
Leader Demands New Constitution or There will be "Bullets". A "Black Lives Matter" leader has issued a dire warning for the
United States: the United States needs a new Constitution or else, he warns, "it will be the bullet" for the US.
Blake Simons, who wrote an article detailing his ideas, is the Deputy Comms Director of "Afrikan Black Coalition."
Short History of Leftist Violence. [Scroll down] You see, terrorism is just as much a tool of the
Revolution as anti-racism, demos, and loudspeakers. So it shouldn't be a surprise to learn that from September 1969 to May
1970, the aforementioned [Mark] Rudd (of the SDS) and his coprogressives committed 250 terrorist attacks. That amounted to
one bomb every day! In one summer of 1970 there were 20 bombings a week in California alone.
Ivy League Prof Calls Ben Carson A
'Coon'. An Ivy League professor has suggested naming Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson "coon of the year"
for saying it should be legal for private citizens to display the Confederate flag. Anthea Butler is a religious studies
professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and also an active Twitter user with more than 62,000 tweets.
pol arrested after slapping TV reporter who asked about vote fraud. We constantly hear from Democrats that there is no serious
vote fraud in the United States, so we don't need photo ID. Yet for some reason, it appears that when asked about specific allegations,
a sensitive nerve is touched. Consider what happened to WTVY reporter Lance Griffin when he approached Dothan, AL District 2
commissioner Amos Newsome as he was leaving a Dothan City Commission yesterday [10/6/2015].
Students go berserk after conservative club uses term 'anchor babies'. A
recently approved Young Americans for Freedom student club at Gettysburg College made quite a debut on campus after its recruitment fliers used
the term "anchor babies" and asked of abortion "do you enjoy hugging babies vs killing them," among other statements. Shortly after posting
the literature, left-leaning peers at the small liberal arts school — a tight-knit community next to the historic Civil War
battlefield — went berserk. They tore down YAF's flyers and vandalized them with swastikas and curse words, according
to pictures and student interviews.
Newsroom cliché alert!
Why is every small town called a "tight-knit community" in the press?
Oregon gunman singled out
Christians during rampage. A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in "one second,"
during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday [10/1/2015] that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more
wounded, survivors and authorities said. "[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. 'Are
you a Christian?' he would ask them, and if you're a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said,
'Good, because you're a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.' And then he shot and killed
them," Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.
Parenthood Paid Protestors Who Threw Condoms at Carly Fiorina. Planned Parenthood paid some of its supporters
who threw condoms at GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina and at her supporters during an Iowa Hawkeye tailgate on
Saturday [9/26/2015]. The payments were briefly mentioned in a story by the New York Times. "On Saturday, women
wearing pink, some of whom were paid by Planned Parenthood, protested Mrs. Fiorina at a campaign appearance in Iowa, throwing
condoms and chanting, 'Women are watching, and we vote,'" reported the New York Times.
Obama rolls out the White House
red carpet for racist, pro-cop-killing movement. Black Lives Matter is animated not only by anti-white racism but by a
hatred of normal American values, including law and order. Its members denounce the U.S. for imagined institutional racism and
discrimination against African-Americans. Members idolize convicted, unrepentant cop-killers Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu Jamal,
both of whom are black, and have declared "war" on law enforcement. Its members openly call for police officers to be assassinated.
Black Lives Matter activist Joseph Thomas Johnson-Shanks, a 25-year-old black man, murdered 31-year-old white Kentucky State Trooper Joseph
Cameron Ponder last Sunday night. Johnson-Shanks apparently committed suicide-by-cop when troopers caught up with him the next
morning. The convicted felon pointed a gun at police and they shot him in self-defense. The White House love fest Wednesday [9/16/2015]
came after several high-profile attacks on law enforcement across America.
Committed Christians Are Compared to ISIS. It's scary enough when peace-loving Jesus followers are compared to
ISIS. What's even scarier is that many people believe the comparison is accurate. Have they completely lost touch
with reality? It's one thing to have passionate and deep differences on issues like abortion and redefining marriage.
It's another thing to use inflammatory rhetoric that it is not just dishonest but is actually dangerous. Do people not
realize that their words have consequences?
Davis Might Be Wrong, But So Is Demonizing Her For Her Convictions. Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who has
stated that she is willing to go to jail for the sake of her religious beliefs, became the punchline of jokes for things that
had nothing to do with her stance on gay marriage. "How could someone this ugly be married three times?" read one meme.
"Who gave her a license to eat that much?" read another. What is it about the social media age that makes us behave so
cruelly towards one another?
Savagely Attack Air Force Officer With Mace And Baseball Bat. The name of the officer, who is a pilot from
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, is not being released at this time. He suffered eye irritation and bruises on his shoulder and back
from the baseball bat. The so-called peaceful protest also resulted in major damage to city hall in Olympia, Wash.
Columnist: All Men Should Be Put In Camps & Heterosexuality Should Be Eradicated. Modern feminism is a far cry
from the feminism that once advocated for equality. Today's feminism is about retribution and supremacy, not equality.
One leading feminist has stopped the charade entirely and stopped advocating for equality and has been brutally honest; she feels
heterosexual men should be rounded-up into camps.
British Actress Recites Bizarre Poem On TV: Fossil Fuel Workers Are Basically Nazis. Award-winning actress Emma
Thompson recited a bizarre poem for news cameras Wednesday warning [9/2/2015] of an apocalyptic world of "liquefied slaughter" and
melting ice caps all thanks to greedy fossil fuel companies. Attending a protest against Shell's plans to drill for oil in
the Arctic, Thompson indulged Sky News reporters with a poem written all by her lonesome, lamenting the immense selfishness of those
using oil to fuel their cars and heat their homes.
Anti-Police Graffiti Calling for Violence Against Cops Is Spreading Across Texas. Violent anti-police graffiti
is now spreading across Texas. It has appeared in Austin and Houston now. Statements such as, "Run Over Cops At Traffic
Stops; Shoot Them In The Cop Car!" are appearing on 7-11 stores and other places. Emojis depicting shooting cops in the
head were found in Houston immediately after Deputy Goforth was gunned down while filling his patrol car at a gas station.
[...] This has to be stopped — the cops are now patrolling in pairs and are on high alert. It's a powder keg
ready to blow.
Mob: 'We Need to Start Killing These Officers'; Punched Police Officer. Two women in Madison, Wisconsin were
arrested Wednesday night after punching and threatening to kill a police officer who was responding to a 911 call about a
nearby street brawl. Within minutes of arriving on the scene, police said the officer attempted to arrest a woman he
saw punch a man in the face but was quickly overwhelmed by a mob of people chanting anti-police slurs, including "We need
to start killing these officers."
now see a war on police, and they know who to blame. If you have a growing sense that there's a deadly war
underway against the nation's police officers, you are not alone. [...] President Obama didn't help the situation by
prejudging numerous cases, saying there was "no excuse" for police use of "excessive force," as if there had been some in
Ferguson. He ordered a Justice Department investigation, which found nothing chargeable. Obama has spoken with
noticeably less force about attacks on police.
shifts on violent rhetoric for Black Lives Matter. Some newsrooms are pushing back hard on the notion that the
recent spike in police officer deaths is tied somehow to the anti-cop rhetoric of the Black Lives Matter movement. That's
a sharp contrast from the press' more recent habit of tying Tea Party rhetoric to similarly deadly acts. The Black Lives
Matters movement, which was born out of concerns over police brutality in African-American communities, has come under fire
recently for some of its members' charged rhetoric.
Leader: 'Pigs in a Blanket' Chant Was Just 'Playful'. The leader behind the "pigs in a blanket, fire them like
bacon" chant at a recent #BlackLivesMatter protest said on MSNBC Tuesday night that the chant was meant to be playful, not to
incite violence. "Do those activists, do you, do #BlackLivesMatter activists hate police officers?" asked host Chris
Hayes. "No, not at all," Trahern Crews responded. "And I want to put that chant in context."
Words Don't Kill?
BLM is a "grievance" group whose Minnesota acolytes happened to concoct a playful chant on a protest march. Indeed, the
chant is children's book fodder: "Pigs in a blanket; fry 'em like bacon!" Or close enough. We know it was
all in fun because march organizer Trahern Crews said so. [...] Imagine if similar playful rhetoric had flown from the mouths of
aggrieved whites (okay, whites can't be aggrieved, per race politics, but let's pretend). "Homies on the grill, roast 'em
like ribs." Say the motivation for that chant was decades of pent up white fear about straying into anyone of a number of
inner city hoods after dark. Or in protest of black-on-white murders, which are disproportionately the more probable
occurrence. Or due to a more recent fear among whites: walking down a city street — Dayton will
do — and being cold-cocked by a black kid playing the "knockout game."
needs this?' Police recruits abandon dream amid anti-cop climate. Police departments face a recruiting shortage
amid a growing anti-cop mood that some fear has taken the pride out of peacekeeping and put targets on the backs of the men
and women in blue. Open calls for the killing of police have been followed by assassinations, including last week's
murder in Texas of a Harris County sheriff's deputy. Instead of dialing back the incendiary rhetoric, groups including "Black
Lives Matter" have instead doubled down at demonstrations with chants of "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon." Public
safety officials fear the net effect has been to demonize police, and diminish the job. "It's a lot harder to sell now,"
Jeff Roorda, business manager of the St. Louis Police Officers Association and former state representative, told FoxNews.com.
"This is a very real phenomenon."
Now Obama Cares About Police Safety. Amid a rash of deadly ambushes of police officers, President Obama
suddenly is concerned for their safety. Not so fast. Obama is chief among the anti-cop antagonists who've put
police lives in danger. After spending a year falsely vilifying police as racist murderers, Obama has softened his
tone. What changed? National outcry over the cold-blooded assassination of a Houston cop.
Woman Who Tweeted Deputy Deserved Execution Arrested on Assault Charge. The Texas woman who garnered an
unexpected national spotlight after tweeting that a Harris County deputy deserved to be executed was arrested in her home
county on an assault warrant out of Houston. The arrest stems from a 2011 incident where she allegedly punched a former
co-worker in the face causing bodily injury. Montgomery County jail officials confirmed to Breitbart Texas that Monica
Foy was arrested on Tuesday evening [9/1/2015] for an arrest warrant out of Harris County.
The Black Lives Matter Movement For What It Is: Promotion of Cop Killing. It's time to expose the Black Lives
Matter [BLM] movement for what it is: a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers.
The evidence is in their rhetoric and written on their shirts. If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed,
you'll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, "Assata Taught Me." They're referring to infamous cop killer
Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Chesimard, who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973.
CNN, Sheriff Clarke Slams 'Black Lies Matter' Movement. Reacting to the murder of officer Darren Goforth,
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke told CNN's Pamela Brown that the "anti-cop rhetoric" being peddled by Black Lives
Matter has "fueled" these recent attacks on police across the country. Clarke argued that it was "very fair" to indite Black
Lives Matter following the death of Officer Goforth especially "in light of the anti-cop rhetoric that is sweeping the United
States of America, fueled by this group, some of the vulgar, vile rhetoric coming out talking about killing cops. And that's
some of the nice stuff."
Tune Out 'Black Lives Matter' Anti-Cop Death Threats. Hewing to their corrupt anti-cop narrative, the Big Three
news networks refuse to cover Black Lives Matter activists chanting death threats within hours of a cold-blooded police
execution linked to their movement. While ABC, NBC and CBS covered the deadly ambushing of a white Houston sheriff's
deputy by a black man, who sneaked up behind the uniformed officer at a gas station and fired 15 bullets at close range, they
left out the related news that Black Lives Matter protesters shortly thereafter demonized cops as "pigs" and called for them to
"fry." Even so, some of the networks blasted the deputy's boss for tying the racist assassination to the violent anti-cop
rhetoric spewed by Black Lives Matter agitators.
Graffiti of Police Officer at Gunpoint Appears Around Houston. There have been eight police officers killed by
gunfire in just the past month, 24 total killed since the beginning of the year, counting yesterday's shooting death of
Lieutenant Charles Joseph "Joe" Gliniewicz of the Fox Lake Police Department in Illinois. Last week, two Louisiana
officers were killed by gunfire in separate incidents, and two officers in Mississippi were shot to death during a traffic
stop in May. Police all across the nation are understandably on edge. Amidst this unsettling atmosphere, someone
in the Houston area thought it would be a good idea to stencil some graffiti of a police officer with a gun to his head.
The left's deranged attack on Clarence
Thomas. Black lives matter — unless, apparently, you're Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The
left is renewing its venomous, racist attacks on Thomas in the aftermath of his dissent in the Supreme Court's 6-3 ruling in
favor of gay marriage. Actor George Takei smeared Thomas as a "clown in blackface." The Huffington Post called his
dissent "beyond ridiculous" and tarred him as a hypocrite for opposing a court-created "right" to gay marriage: "Clarence
Thomas is married to a white woman — something that would be illegal today, if it weren't for the Supreme Court's
historic Loving v. Virginia ruling." As if his personal life is fair game.
'Pigs in a blanket' chant at Minnesota
Fair riles police. An organizer behind the Black Lives Matter weekend march outside the Minnesota State Fair stood by the
group's chant to fry police "like bacon," saying Monday [8/31/2015] that law enforcement officials are cherry-picking a 30-second chant
to take issue with an otherwise peaceful protest.
Lives Matter Podcast Calling for Whites to be Murdered & Lynched Suddenly Disappears from Website. Last week the Internet
burned up with news that a group of African Americans hosting a "black lives matter" styled podcast had been urging blacks to begin
lynching white people and taking photos of their bodies hanging from trees[.] The podcast had been up for some time, but over the
weekend, after people began to notice its existence, the program suddenly disappeared from the black radical's website.
Lives Matter Protesters Chant: 'Pigs In A Blanket, Fry 'Em Like Bacon'. "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like
bacon," activists with the St. Paul, Minn. branch of Black Lives Matter chanted while marching behind a group of police
officers down a highway just south of the state fair grounds. [Video clip]
Activists Call for Lynching of White People and Cops. Members of the #FYF911 or [profanity deleted] and
#BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio
show Tuesday night [8/25/2015] to "turn the tide" and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black
people in America. One of the [profanity deleted] organizers is called "Sunshine."
The Editor says...
It is practically impossible to report on this issue and the sordid characters at the center of it, quoting from the relevant news articles
while dodging a torrent of vulgarity; for indeed, the low-life agitators and community organizers who are attempting to make matters worse
are evidently incapable of expressing themselves without resorting to the language of the gutter; that is, the language of the city jail,
the public transportation system, or the public schools.
Did A Radio
Show Incite Murder? [Scroll down] Now, unless the killer claims that the show incited him, we will never
know if "Sunshine" and her radio show directly caused the murder of Deputy Goforth. The fact that she's locked down her
Twitter feed says that she doesn't want to be tied to it, blamed for it, or even discuss it. But this is the natural,
inevitable result of her rhetoric. If you incite violence, or allow it to be spread, eventually someone acts on it.
Black Panthers to Texas Cops: 'We Will Start Creeping Up on You in the Darkness'. Armed Black Panther members
marched in front of the Waller County jail and shouted, "You're gonna stop doing what you're doing, or we will start creeping
up on you in the darkness." The statement was made just two weeks prior to the assassination of a Harris County deputy sheriff.
Compares GOP Candidates' Stance on Women to Terrorists. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
compared her Republican rivals' stance on women to that of a terrorist group during a Thursday [8/27/2015] campaign rally.
"Now extreme views about women? We expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don't want to
live in the modern world," Clinton said at a rally in Cleveland.
compares GOP candidates' views to those of terrorists, RNC wants apology. The Republican Party called on Hillary Clinton to
apologize Thursday [8/27/2015] after she compared GOP candidates to terrorists during an Ohio campaign stop. Speaking in Cleveland, the
Democratic presidential front-runner hammered Republican presidential candidates for their views on abortion and other women's issues.
post-racial America: Black leftists dancing on the graves of dead white reporters. Whenever something ugly
happens like today, it always brings out the worst on social media. Today, black leftists are now celebrating basically the
fact that black racist Bryce Williams killed two white reporters and shot a third innocent person. Check out some of the
tweets of black leftists celebrating what happened today: [...]
Radicals Threaten Veteran, Pregnant Wife. #FYF911 "black radicals" say they will be holding the "imperial powers" that are
actually responsible for the terrorist attacks on September 11th accountable on that day. "Palmetto Star" describes himself as
one of the head organizers. He said in a YouTube video that supporters will be burning their symbols of "the illusion of their
superiority," their "false white supremacy," like the American flag, the British flag, police uniforms, and Ku Klux Klan hoods.
Obama calls opponents of Iran deal 'the crazies'. Ruddy from the sun, Obama described himself as "refreshed,
renewed, recharged — a little feisty." And he delivered, recounting the ride he and Reid had just taken from the
conference to the fundraiser in his up-armored presidential limo, where they talked about old times and getting back to Washington
to "deal with the crazies in terms of managing some problems." The line evoked the late Dean Acheson, who as secretary of
state liked to refer to opponents of Harry Truman's foreign policy as "the primitives."
The Editor says...
I'd be a little more cautious, if I were Mr. Obama, about calling other people crazy.
Tell Black Lives Matter to Shut Up and Go Away! Black Lives Matter thugs are bullying everyone because they
can. These evil hate-filled race profiteers ignored the facts in every incident in which a black is killed. The
movement is a scam. BLM is really about gaining political power. It is not about resolving issues or racial unity. [...]
The insidiously evil movement is unworthy of respect from the American people. Pandering to BLM is a huge mistake; emboldening
them to behave more outrageously and make more absurd demands. • In Boston, BLM banned whites from a public
forum. • At a Chicago suburb white high school students were barred from attending a Black Lives Matter
event. • BLM leaders say they will "shut down" the Republican National Convention. •
In Denver, BLM bullies say screw history, we want the name of the city's Stapleton neighborhood changed. •
BLM thugs began digging up a confederate general's grave. • BLM launched a campaign to deface civil war
monuments across America. • BLM thugs are burning American and confederate flags.
Black Panthers March in Texas: 'Off the Pigs'. A group of armed members of the New Black Panther Party marched
on the Waller County Jail Wednesday afternoon chanting "The revolution is on... Off the pigs," and "Oink Oink... Bang Bang!"
The group of about fifteen Black Panthers exercised their First and Second Amendment rights. The group was met in Waller
County by a large contingent of Harris County (Houston) Sheriff's Office deputies.
oink.. bang, bang': Dozens of heavily-armed New Black Panther activists threaten Texas police. Dozens of
heavily-armed Black Panthers took to the streets of Texas yesterday chanting slogans about killing police officers as they
protested the death of rights activist Sandra Bland. Wielding AR-15 assault rifles, shotguns, and hunting rifles, the
hard-line activists chanted slogans such as 'Off the pigs', 'Whose streets? Our streets' and 'Oink, oink... bang, bang'.
The group, who said they were from the New Black Panthers movement, marched to the Waller County Jail where Bland died in
police custody a month ago today.
outruns the facts in Ferguson. If there is any growing national sense of weariness over the unrest and protests
in Ferguson, it was personified by a white Army veteran talking with an activist here Monday night [8/10/2015]. "When you
guys first started all this, I was with you. I hate the pigs, too!" said the man, who wouldn't give his name but had no
problem speaking his mind.
Bland Protest: All White People Should Be Killed. Breitbart Texas was at the Waller
County Sheriff's Office county jail Saturday evening when a protester told reporters and others
present, that all white people should be killed. She also called white people and reporters,
"terrorists." Her orders — "go back into the cave where you came from." As reported by
Breitbart Texas, the group Anonymous posted a YouTube video and made threatening demands upon the Waller
County Sheriff's Department and Waller County officials saying, "We all know where you live. No mercy
for murderers."
Hasn't Louis Farrakhan Been Arrested Yet? It's been nearly a week since Nation of
Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan called on his followers to rise up and kill their perceived enemies,
and the silence of the Obama Justice Department has been deafening. Likewise, the MSM has been
shamefully quiet, too — as if this is acceptable behavior for the leader of a 50,000-strong
denomination. It most certainly isn't.
protesters march with roasted pig's head that has Darren Wilson's name scrawled on it.
Ferguson protesters used a roasted pig's head during a demonstration marking the eve of the one-year
anniversary of Michael Brown's shooting death. After a peaceful march during the day [8/8/2015],
hundreds of protesters converged outside the police department after 10 pm. They carved and
ate from the pig's head, which was placed on a concrete barrier near the building. Earlier in
the day, someone had scrawled the name 'Darren Wilson' on the side of the animal.
Lois Lerner called conservatives [nasty names] in emails. A trove of IRS emails show top official Lois Lerner had
a deep commitment to the Democratic Party and a significant dislike for the new conservative grassroots groups that formed under
the Tea Party banner and sought tax-exempt status from the agency. [...] The emails are included in a bipartisan report issued
Wednesday [8/5/2015] by the Senate Finance Committee, which cited "gross mismanagement" and also "personal politics" as the root
cause of the IRS mishandling of tax-exempt applications from Tea Party organizations.
Chair: Tea Party Came 'Out of the Trailer Parks'. Russ Feingold, who served 12 years
as a hard-left Senator from Wisconsin and lost in the Republican wave of 2010, is hoping to make a comeback
in 2016. It has been more than 80 years since a defeated Senator reclaimed his seat in the next
election, but Feingold and his supporters are counting on 2010 being a political aberration.
Attack Vacation Home of Dentist Who Killed Cecil. Police in southwest Florida say vandals spray painted
the words "lion killer" on the garage door of the vacation home owned by a Minnesota dentist who has been identified
as the hunter who killed Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe.
Twitter Mob: Society's New Mechanism for Enforcing Morality. [Scroll down]
Indeed, there's a tendency on the right to bemoan the fact that traditional morality is breaking
down — and that's obviously true. But the conclusion many take from it is that nothing is
taking traditional morality's place. I've been writing for years that this isn't true. Society,
like nature, abhors a vacuum; if you remove one moral dogma, another will rush in to take its place.
That's what much of political correctness is — an attempt to replace one system of customs,
mores, values, and ethics with another.
Cops Arrest Mom for Confederate Flag Arson. Patricia Cameron, an activist with Black Lives Matter, was woken in the
middle of the night by Colorado police — for organizing a burning of the Confederate flag.
Shows VA Psychiatrist On Facebook Telling Veteran To Commit Suicide. An image posted
online Monday night [7/27/2015] apparently shows a Department of Veterans Affairs psychiatrist
telling a veteran to commit suicide. The image was uploaded to Imgur and shows an anonymous
veteran indicating support for gun rights on a Facebook comment thread. In response, Gregg Gorton,
whose Facebook profile shows that he works at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center as a
staff psychiatrist, said that the user should commit suicide. "[O]ff yourself, please," Gorton
said in response to the veteran. Another Facebook user jumped into the conversation shortly after
Gorton's comment, saying, "is that what you say to pro gun Veterans at the VA?"
Journalism is Slipping: Atlantic Writer Thinks Religious Believers Belong in Straitjackets. Jeffrey
Tayler is a respected journalist — an author of multiple books, a contributing editor at The Atlantic,
and a frequent commentator on NPR's venerable All Things Considered. Review his Atlantic author
page, and you'll see a collection of sober-minded, interesting articles — written from a leftist perspective,
to be sure, but many of them are certainly worth reading. I haven't caught his NPR commentary, but I expect they
would be worth hearing. I enjoy thoughtful liberal commentary, and The Atlantic is still often a destination
site for the best the Left has to offer. But that's Mr. Tayler as Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Hyde emerges over at
Salon, [...]
Lives Matter co-founder threatens to "shut down" GOP convention. [Scroll down]
It's unclear whether [Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse] Cullors was referring to the Republican
National Convention next summer in Ohio or if she was simply confused and meant to speak to the debates
coming up next month. Either way, the agenda seems clear, at least for today. If they
can shut down any discussion not directly speaking to the one subject they wish to discuss, they will
do so. No other issues have any relevance. Of course, there's more than a little confusion
on any number of subjects when it comes to Patrisse. She started off her diatribe with a reference
which has long since been rendered to the dustbins of fake history.
Cartoonist Ted Rall Fired By LA Times for Lying About LAPD. Ted Rall, a noxious
left-wing political cartoonist who has advocated violence against conservatives and on more than one
occasion revealed himself as a racist, finally went too far, even for the same LA Times that
champions those who threaten Jews with curb-stomping.
Lives Matter Founder Rants at Netroots: 'Burn Everything Down!'. The nascent Black Lives Matter movement
cannot claim that these statements were made by a few fringe members: the entire rant was orchestrated by Black
Lives Matter Founder Patrisee Cullors, who can be seen in the video enthusiastically pumping her fist and shouting along
with every incendiary statement. Nor is Black Lives Matter a fringe group; they have been embraced and given fealty
by the highest levels of the Democratic power structure.
Emerged Video Reveals The Real Agenda Of Radical 'Black Lives Matter'. [Martin]
O'Malley, the former Maryland governor, tried to appease members of the noisy and insistent
disruptors. But when he dared to tell the crowd that "all lives matter," he was caught in such a
liberal bind that he quickly backed away from that statement and publicly apologized for his supposed
insensitivity to the Blacks Lives Matter message. [...] As Breitbart notes of the profanity-laced
disruption of the event: "The shouted manifesto lays bare the theory behind the burning, looting,
and rioting that have transpired in recent months in Baltimore and Ferguson, and it also lays out the
group's agenda on current news events like immigration reform, transgender activism, and the fables
about the death of convicted criminal Sandra Bland that the group is spreading through the media."
Activists Free 5,740 Mink in Cross-Country Crime Spree. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task
Force has arrested two animal-rights activists after they spent half a year driving 40,000 miles
around the U.S., raiding fur farms, and releasing about 5,740 mink into the wild. According to
the Associated Press, in addition to freeing the mink (and one bobcat), Joseph Buddenberg, 31, and
Nicole Kissane, 28, allegedly slashed tires, smashed windows, glued door locks, vandalized
businesses using caustic acid, and even tried to flood a fur industry employee's home. The
Oakland natives evaded capture by avoiding cell phones, using encrypted email via public computers,
and paying for everything in cash while on their road trips. They did, however, detail their
exploits on animal-rights websites.
Black Lies Matter. [W]e had some
protesters a few weekends ago in my town, obstructing traffic and marching through the streets,
chanting "Black lives matter" and "I can't breathe" and "Hands up-don't shoot", and it really is
aggravating. I don't know who these five or six-dozen people think they are winning over by
causing massive traffic backups and disrupting peoples' dinners at the street cafes and restaurants
downtown. I am just infuriated by the lies, and so many people being hurt by them. The bile and
hatred on Twitter over this [nonsense] is horrendous — I've never seen anything like it.
Racial relations in this country are in a terrible ebb tide, much degraded from just twenty years ago.
The Editor apologizes for the thinly-redacted profanity herein: BuzzFeed
Editor Regrets Bashing 2nd Amendment of 'G**d*** Constitution'. In a tweet sent while
news of the tragic July 23 attack in Lafayette's Grand Theatre was still rolling in, BuzzFeed News
Editor Rachel Zarrell exclaimed, "Let's just give everyone guns, right? It's in the g*dd*mn
constitution." This tweet was preceded by one in which Zarrell wrote: "If this were someone
in my family I'd want every person alive screaming about gun control to anyone who would listen."
And another in which she tried to stir people to action: "Don't pray. Push for gun control."
scientists investigating melting Arctic ice may have been assassinated, professor claims. Professor Peter
Wadhams said he feared being labelled a "looney" over his suspicion that the deaths of the scientists were more than
just an 'extraordinary' coincidence. But he insisted the trio could have been murdered and hinted that the oil
industry or else sinister government forces might be implicated. The three scientists he identified — Seymour
Laxon and Katherine Giles, both climate change scientists at University College London, and Tim Boyd of the Scottish
Association for marine Science — all died within the space of a few months in early 2013.
Low': Media Matters Staffer Slams Ann Romney's Book About MS. Megyn Kelly and Janice
Dean highlighted what some critics have called a "new low" for the left-wing Media Matters group.
A research fellow, Oliver Willis, tweeted some eyebrow-raising criticism of Ann Romney over her new
book, which is about living with multiple sclerosis (MS). Dean, who has also written about living
with MS, said it seems like there is a "culture of mean" that is getting worse on social media.
Shapiro files police report against Zoey Tur for televised threat. As was covered at
AT a few days ago and as many readers likely know by now, Ben Shapiro was recently threatened
multiple times by Zoey Tur (a man who identifies as a woman). The threats occurred during, and
after, an appearance by Shapiro, Tur, and others on a program called Dr. Drew on Call.
During the program, Tur threatened that Shapiro would "go home in an ambulance" if he continued to
express his point of view. (And no one on the program flinched!)
Day, A New Way to Hate. Even without a specific word to label critics of the transgender
celebration, neo-puritans already feel empowered to beat them up, literally if need be. Recently,
on the TV show, "Dr. Drew On Call," Breitbart Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro calmly observed that every cell
in Jenner's body is male and that he still has all of his male appendages. So why, Shapiro asked,
"are we mainstreaming delusion?" Indeed, Spokane's loopy Rachel Dolezal has as much claim to being
black as Jenner does to being female. Shapiro's dissent troubled the transgendered Inside Edition
reporter Zoey Tur. Tur placed his large paw on Shapiro's shoulder and flashed his XY chromosomes with
the unlady-like threat, "You cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance."
Shapiro Files Police Report Against Transgender Reporter Zoey Tur. Breitbart News
Senior Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro has filed a report with the Los Angeles Police Department
alleging battery against transgender Inside Edition reporter Zoey Tur, née Robert Albert Tur.
Shapiro filed the report Sunday morning [7/19/2015], two days after a contentious exchange with Tur on
the HLN program Dr. Drew. On a panel discussion over Bruce Jenner's receipt of ESPN's Arthur Ashe Cour
reporter threatens Ben Shapiro for calling him 'sir': 'You'll go home in an ambulance'. A
transgender reporter physically and verbally threatened Breitbart senior editor Ben Shapiro on HLN's "Dr.
Drew on Call" after Shapiro questioned why Caitlyn Jenner received the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the
ESPYs on Wednesday [7/15/2015]. The reporter, who goes by the name Zoey Tur, grabbed Shapiro by the
neck and threatened to send him home "in an ambulance."
bumped from flight after accosting Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for opposing gay marriage.
As he was waiting with family and staff to board a flight back to Austin on Tuesday night [7/14/2015] after two
days promoting Texas in New York City, Gov. Greg Abbott was approached by another passenger who shook his hand
and then loudly and profanely expressed his unhappiness with the governor's opposition to gay marriage.
"I hope you [expletive] go to hell because of your stance on gay marriage," the man told the governor, using
an epithet for emphasis, according to Abbott communications director Matt Hirsch, who was with the governor.
The Editor says...
A thousand years from now, a lot of people will be surprised to see who's in Hell and who isn't.
and values: What side are you on? Last week, the Ten Commandments Park north of
Columbia Falls was vandalized for the second time in a month. No surprise there, I suppose. It is
no secret that Christianity — like its namesake Jesus Christ — is widely despised and
persecuted, so putting up a monument to the word of God (including a replica of the three crosses of Calvary
Hill) would of course provoke a backlash. [...] The vandal, of course, operated under the cloak of night, but
perhaps he need not have done so. Based on the reaction on Facebook to this story, he might almost
be expected to be awarded a medal for his civic-mindedness in attempting to blot out what one earlier letter
writer called "a blight" on the Flathead Valley.
The Gay Lifestyle Fallacy.
I did not do well in biology in high school, but there is one glaring fault in this, gays cannot have children naturally.
I am not against the gay lifestyle, they should feel free to do what they want. For religious purposes I do not support
it. I made the mistake of saying that on Facebook the other day, and received a torrent of invective from both gays and
atheists. I was accused of not reading the Bible, being too stupid to understand it, and being a bigot who should try
the gay lifestyle for a year before I condemn it. I tried to explain that I don't condemn the people, I just find the
gay lifestyle to be against my beliefs.
park suffers vandalism. The Ten Commandments billboard park in Columbia Heights has been the target
of vandalism in recent weeks. Vandals spray-painted and slashed parts of the collection of religious signs
along U.S. 2. Philip Klevmoen, owner of the park, found the latest round of vandalism Tuesday afternoon
[7/7/2015]. One sign was spray-painted with the words "Praise Allah," while others were adorned with symbols
and words. Long slash marks were made along the bottom of some signs, with one lower sign on a building nearly
torn away.
marriage message on Mansfield church marquee vandalized. A church marquee that
displayed a message disagreeing with the Supreme Court's recent ruling on same-sex marriage was
spray-painted with graffiti this weekend. But the sign at Bisbee Baptist Church was quickly
cleaned up to keep showing the message: "Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right."
black conservative receives Twitter death threats for being 'racist'. It's easy to
imagine the media publicizing threats directed at a black 12-year-old after calling out "racist
comments" — except in a case like this, that is. CJ Pearson, a 12-year-old conservative,
made headlines earlier this year after criticizing President Obama for "downright hatred" of America on
YouTube. He's again in the news after telling actor George Takei to "shut up and sit down" for
"racist, bigoted comments" directed at Justice Clarence Thomas — a move that resulted in
threats against him and his family.
up and stop the lynch mob. The aphorist G.K. Chesterton observed that, when you strip
away the Judaeo-Christian morality that we acquired relatively recently, we revert to vindictive
savagery. Can anyone on Twitter doubt that he was right? When a prominent person says something
controversial, the pattern is always the same: remove all context, disregard the speaker's past
record and demand resignation. There is no volume control knob. No one ever says:
"That was badly phrased, but I kind of get what she meant," or "OK, let him apologize and move on."
Nothing short of the end of a career will do.
deface Confederate statue with 'Black lives matter' message on University of North Carolina-Chapel
Hill campus. Vandals targeted a controversial statue dedicated to 321 University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill alumni who died as Confederate soldiers in the Civil War. Three
messages defaced the bronze and stone memorial known as "Silent Sam" to students decrying racial
tension sparked by last month's Charleston massacre, a photo shows. "Black lives matter,"
"KKK," and "murderer" were the words spray painted on the side of the memorial commissioned by
the state's United Daughters of the Confederacy chapter.
Meet the woman whose video about George Takei
went viral. Patty, who for obvious reasons does not want her full name used, operates
the Facebook page, Young, Black and Conservative. On Friday [7/3/2015] she uploaded a video in response to
comments actor George Takei made about Justice Clarence Thomas's remarks in his dissenting opinion in the
Supreme Court same sex marriage case. Takei called the only African American currently sitting on the
Supreme Court "a clown in blackface" for writing that slavery was dignified. To most people with
at least an average reading ability, Thomas wrote no such thing.
The New Totalitarians
Are Here. [George] Takei called Thomas a "clown in blackface" and said Thomas had
"abdicated" his status as an African-American. (Also, much like "1984," some of the journals
ostensibly committed to liberal thought have already tried to scrub their pages of Takei's comments
and consign the matter to the Orwellian memory hole.) I also include people like Quartz.com
journalist Meredith Bennett-Smith, who disagrees with writer Cathy Young about sexual conduct codes
on U.S. campuses, and thus wants the Washington Post never again to publish the "horrendous rape
apologist" Young in its pages. This isn't political debate or even name-calling: this
is the incendiary dehumanization of an African-American judge and a female writer.
Sandbox. A picture
doing the rounds of Facebook shows a picture of Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas and actor
George Takei, who called Thomas "a clown in blackface" for dissenting with the majority decision on
gay marriage. The caption says: "Thomas votes for the party that freed his ancestors.
Takei votes for the party that put him, personally, in an internment camp."
Takei Apologizes For Calling Justice Thomas "A Clown In Blackface". After a week of defending his
remarks, George Takei finally apologized today for calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a "clown in
blackface." Takei went on the racist rant Monday [6/29/2015] during an interview in Phoenix, in response
to Thomas' comments regarding the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage: [...]
Takei Clarifies: Actually, 'Black Face' Isn't Racist At All. After getting pilloried
on social media today for referring to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as a "clown in black
face," Hollywood has-been George Takei took to Facebook to double down on his comments.
Thomas Is A 'Clown In Blackface,' Says Gay Activist Takei. Star Trek celebrity
and gay marriage activist George Takei told a Phoenix news station Tuesday [6/30/2015] that Supreme Court
Justice Clarence Thomas is a "clown in blackface." Takei, 78, was referring to Thomas's recent
dissent in Obergefell v. Hodges, the 5-4 decision in which the Supreme Court found that there
is a "fundamental" right to same-sex marriage in the Constitution. "He is a clown in blackface
sitting on the Supreme Court. He gets me that angry. He doesn't belong there," Takei said.
Preachers are Brutally Beaten at Gay Pride Festival in Seattle. I guess the First
Amendment is just passe now and only applies to favored minorities. Two street preachers in Seattle
found out the hard way that if you dare to preach God's word and hold a sign stating your beliefs,
it gets you ambushed by packs of gay thugs — it gets you kicked, punched and beaten... all
on video. And the crowd descended on them too. Now, to be fair, a few tried to break it up
and then the police arrived. But this shows the mentality of the militant gay movement.
Beat Confederate Flag Supporters Bloody at the South Carolina Statehouse. It's all
about tolerance with liberals, until they themselves are faced with the prospect of respecting other
people's beliefs. Because for the oh-so-tolerant crowd, thinking the wrong thing means that it's
A-OK to face the consequences, including getting beaten bloody.
over FDNY activist's 'white boy privilege' rant. The leader of the city's female
firefighters has sparked outrage for blasting "white boys" and "white privilege." Sarinya
Srisakul, president of United Women's Firefighters, is taking heat from fellow Bravest after some
found her online comments.
of Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard recently spray painted with 'Black Lives Matter'.
The statue of Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard has been spray-painted with the words 'Black Lives
Matter' on both sides of its base. The statue stands at the main entrance to City Park in the circle
where North Carrollton and Esplanade avenues intersect, directly in front of the New Orleans Museum of Art.
for Conservatives to go on the Offensive in the Framing Wars. The left has figured out
how to successfully push through its agenda by using one simple tactic: demonizing the right.
Even if there is no truth to the cruel labels, the left has figured out they work. Repeat the words
"bigot," "hate," "sexist" and "intolerant" enough and they will start to stick. It's known as the
"framing war," and Republicans aren't very good at it, probably because we're too nice. We're the
party of Judeo-Christian morality, so calling the opposition names isn't considered polite. Instead,
we naively think we can stick to debating the substance of issues and the truth will win out. We
saw how a very small minority within the left, the gay community — less than three percent of
the population — was able to implement same-sex marriage. A small group of radicals
labeled anyone who disagreed with their approach as bigots full of hate.
Farrakhan: "We Will
Kill You All". After a recent speech given by Minister Louis Farrakhan, he took questions
from the audience. One woman goes to the mic and asks Farrakhan about leadership and what she needs
to do to be a good leader. Farrakhan gives her an answer about leadership and then goes into a [sic]
angry diatribe about those who would come against them... "We will kill you all" [Audio clip]
target Confederate monuments in half-dozen states. Vandals have targeted monuments dedicated to the leaders and soldiers of
the Confederacy, painting the slogan "Black lives matter" on memorials in a half-dozen states where the landmarks stand tall in parks and
outside government buildings.
Are We Not Removing All Things Related To Robert "KKK" Byrd? Should we remove George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson from Mount Rushmore? How about all statues, streets, monuments, and references to the two? Despite
being opposed to slavery, they had been slave owners at one time. Better yet, why are we not calling for the removal
of all things named after Robert "KKK" Byrd (Democrat), as well as any and all statues? The man was an actual high
ranking member of the KKK. [...] Byrd made many racist pronouncements. He was a virulent racist. Let's remove
all references to him.
of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left. Ninety percent
of the racism in America today comes from the Democratic Party and the Left. They live off it and
exploit it. It is unconscionable to the degree they do this, ruining the lives and futures of the
very people they say they are helping in the process. I am uniquely positioned to say this because
I spent most of my life on the Left and was a civil rights worker in the South in my early twenties.
I was also, to my everlasting regret, a donor to the Black Panther Party in the seventies. So I
have seen this personally from both sides and my conclusion is inescapable. The Left is far, far
worse. They are obsessed with race in a manner that does not allow them to see straight.
Further, they project racism onto others continually, exacerbating situations, which in most instances
weren't even there in the first place. From Al Sharpton to Hillary Clinton, they all do it.
Barack Obama is one of the worst offenders in this regard.
Panther Ex-Chairman: 'Complete' Charleston's Slave Rebellion's Plan to Kill All Slave Masters. In an
angry call to arms just a block away from the site of the Charleston massacre, former New Black Panther Party
chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz told a group of about 200 African American Charlestonians that they need to "finish
the mission" of killing "slave masters" and their families. He made the incendiary comments at the Save the
Black Church rally held Tuesday night [6/23/2015] in Marian Square, close to the Mother Emanuel AME Church, where
white racist Dylann Roof allegedly murdered nine black churchgoers.
Organizer to Black Youth: Avoid Forgiveness, Do Not 'Police Your Rage'. In the wake of
the gruesome massacre of nine black churchgoers by an angry racist white gunman in Charleston, South
Carolina, comes an article that encourages black youth to be angry, racist, uninformed, unforgiving,
intentionally opaque, and to explicitly exclude and ignore "white folks" in a direct call for unrest
and anarchy. The most shocking part is that the call for uncivilized radical action comes not
from some obscure underground revolutionary manifesto, but from an author with a conventional liberal
resume, including a writing gig at the Huffington Post and a previous executive position with
an ostensibly positive program working with black youth.
Are All Mass Murderers Democrats? • Nidal Hasan — Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
• Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter — black liberal/Obama voter
• Seung-Hui Cho — Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to
President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat. • James Holmes —
the "Dark Knight"/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,
progressive liberal, hated Christians. • Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her
colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter. • Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into
IRS building in Texas — Leftist Democrat.
Campaign Launch Features Staffer That Said 'F U Republicans'. A top Hillary Clinton
campaign official addressed potential volunteers at Clinton's Roosevelt Island campaign launch event
Saturday, despite his verifiable hatred of Republicans and membership in an anti-GOP "mafia."
Marlon Marshall, director of political engagement for the Clinton campaign, spoke at the rally where
he discussed volunteer sign up numbers and pro-Hillary house parties underway in key early states.
Marshall previously served as President Obama's deputy director of the White House Office of Public
Engagement, a baldly political agency overseen by senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.
Columnist Brands Dr. Ben Carson as 'a Court Jester, a Minstrel Show'. Pulitzer
Prize-winning columnist Cynthia Tucker criticized Dr. Ben Carson for his conservative political and
religious views, referring to the retired pediatric neurosurgeon and 2016 presidential candidate as
"the GOP's latest black mascot, a court jester, a minstrel show." Carson, who was raised in a
poor, single-parent household in inner-city Detroit, became the director of pediatric neurosurgery
at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland at age 33. He made medical history when
he became the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins attached at the head. [...]
Claiming to speak for the black community, Tucker said that Carson's non-politically correct views
on homosexuality, evolution and religion threaten to eclipse his many accomplishments, and that because
of his conservative views he "stands to lose his place as one of the nation's most admired men."
University prof at center of racist tweet flap was charged with felony ID theft in 2008. A newly hired
Boston University professor, who apologized over racially charged comments and allegedly ridiculed a white rape victim
in Facebook posts, reportedly was charged in 2008 with felony identity theft. According to Boston.com, incoming
BU sociology professor Saida Grundy was convicted of a misdemeanor in 2008 after she created a fake account for another
woman on the adult website Fling.com.
Valdosta Flag Defiler Wants to Kill All White Crackkkas. Remember the radical Valdosta State University
student "protester" whose flag was taken away by a female Navy veteran who was then arrested aggressively and detained?
The protesters were defiling the flag and the leader was a person named Eric Sheppard. He is wanted in connection with
a gun found in his backpack and has refused to turn himself in. He said he'd "annihilate" anyone who comes after him.
He's at it again. He wants to kill all white crackkkas, even old crippled crackkkas.
Texas, black race hustlers throw white liberal under the bus. It was supposed to be
post-racial America. But the Obama years have instead been filled with racially charged mayhem:
inner-city riots; myriad black-on-white attacks like the "knock-out" game; and racially charged police
shootings and arrests. And no doubt there also have been untold numbers of testy non-violent
encounters with racial overtones: nasty spats and hurt feelings between ordinary blacks and whites
who increasingly walk on eggshells around each other while navigating the lower-frequencies of American
life. One of these stories occurred not long ago in the left-leaning city of Austin, Texas, and
revolved around a nasty encounter between 24-year-old "Agatha" (not her real name) and her black
tormentor: a 28-year-old law student named Robert McKnight.
Cities On Fire —
Seattle. Seattle is no stranger to riots. They occur there almost on a yearly basis,
with anarchists being the biggest organizers and instigators by far. But this year, the May Day riot
had an even more thuggish bent to it[.] [...] The desire to murder police officers was aggressively advertised.
As most protests, it started out fairly peaceful. It didn't stay that way for long. They were protesting
for workers' and immigrants' rights. Then the anti-capitalist thugs joined the fun and all hell broke loose.
They smashed windows, started fires and attacked police officers. They started throwing rocks and bricks and
brandishing sticks and wrenches at about 7 pm on May Day.
and support for homosexual marriage: proven indicators of a violent nature. Somebody has to ask the
question. Should atheists and supporters of homosexual marriage be allowed to own a firearm? Does adhering
to either of these beliefs indicate a mental deficiency, disorder, or infirmity that rises to the level that in the
interest of public safety we should insist that they be disarmed? [...] While correlation is not causation, there is
clear evidence of a pattern here linking mass killings and politically motivated shootings with being an atheist
and/or being an advocate of homosexual marriage. There is a much clearer link here than that used to say that
salt causes hypertension or consuming cholesterol is a health risk.
The Naked Obamunists.
"It seems a little idiotic to me." Those were the words of Seattle City Councilman Bruce Harrell at a
hearing discussing the aftermath of the Seattle May Day riots. The words were greeted with a great
howl of laughter and applause from the assembled audience. Harrell wasn't castigating the black-clad
vandals that delayed traffic, vandalized property, smashed windows, and assaulted police officers. He
was castigating the Seattle Police Department (SPD) for arresting one of them — and Councilman
Harrell is the Chairman of Seattle's Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology Committee.
'Subway employee' caught celebrating cop killings spurs mass calls for boycott of sandwich
chain. A Mississippi woman believed to work at a Subway restaurant created a social
media firestorm Sunday [5/10/2015] after posting messages online that applauded the deaths of two police
officers killed in the line of duty the night before. The Laurel woman who uses the name Sierra
C-Babi Mccurdy wrote 'Two police officers shot tonight in Hattiesburg,' followed by 'GOT EM' and a
gun pointed at the words as well as laughing emoji. Because the woman was wearing what appeared
to be a Subway uniform in one of her photos, the Clarion-Ledger reports, thousands of tweets and
Facebook posts demanding a response from the Subway company began to almost instantly to appear.
Almost immediately... Subway
worker fired after praising death of two cops. A Subway sandwich shop worker sparked
outrage on Twitter with her social media posts celebrating Saturday's killing of two Mississippi
cops — and now she's been fired. "This behavior is unacceptable & does not represent
our brand's values & ethics," Subway tweeted Sunday night [5/10/2015], in response to the backlash.
"The franchise has terminated the employee."
Right to Blaspheme. The name of the poor wretch is lost to history, but the year is
recorded: It was in 1631 that last German Jew was burned at the stake, falsely accused of
desecrating the Host. Flash forward a few hundred years. In 1989, the AIDS activist group
ACT UP disrupted services in St Patrick's Cathedral, New York. One protester grabbed a
consecrated communion wafer, broke it, and tossed it to the floor. He and some 100 others
were arrested. A few of the protesters were sentenced to community service. None went to
prison. Needless to say, none was burned at the stake.
Grundy, Boston University professor: White males a 'problem population. A newly hired
Boston University professor has come under fire for several anti-white comments she made on Twitter,
but the school says she is simply practicing free speech. Incoming assistant professor of
sociology and African-American studies, Saida Grundy tweeted a slew of tweets over several months
blasting white males which have drawn criticism on social media, Fox News reported Saturday
[5/9/2015]. "White masculinity isn't a problem for America's colleges, white masculinity
is THE problem for America's colleges," Ms. Grundy tweeted in March.
University prof flunks 'white masculinity' in controversial tweets. Critics say a
newly-hired Boston University professor has crossed the line with recent tweets bashing whites, but
the school says it's simply free speech. "White masculinity isn't a problem for america's
colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america's colleges," Saida Grundy, an incoming
assistant professor of sociology and African-American studies at Boston University, tweeted in
March. In another tweet from January, she wrote: "Every MLK week I commit myself to
not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and [sic] every year i [sic] find it nearly impossible."
The Editor says...
One would think that a "professor" would capitalize the first-person singular pronoun I, capitalize the
first word in a sentence, and refrain from beginning a sentence with a conjunction.
video taking on Baltimore rioters, Army Sergeant receives threats. The last thing that
liberal protesters want is someone who challenges their "narrative." U.S. Army Sgt. Marcus Rogers
posted a video in which he questions the motives of the rioters in Maryland. That video now has
him the target of threats.
Black Panther Party chairman says he's 'willing to kill' in white war against blacks.
When last we left our good friends of the New Black Panther Party, they were in Ferguson, MO
attempting to kill the prosecutor in the Michael Brown case and trying to blow up the Gateway Arch.
The FBI stopped those plots in their tracks, and the NBPP disappeared from the media for a few months.
You just knew they couldn't keep their mouths shut about the Freddie Gray matter. And in typical Black
Panther fashion, they are threatening to kill people in the "war" against blacks.
Black Panther Party Head: We Are 'Willing to Kill' for Black Nation. This Week on the
New Black Panther Party's "Black Power Radio," national chairman Hashim Nzinga said since America
has "declared war on us," evidenced by "military police in the black neighborhood" protecting the
rich, the New Black Panthers should be looked upon as Founding Fathers who declare war and are
"willing to die or kill to save our babies and to save a black nation that is dying before our eyes."
Police Say Bloods, Crips Agree to Put Turf Wars Aside to Target Cops. [Scroll down]
Gray's memorial service was today [4/27/2015], and unrest in Baltimore resulted in nearly three dozen
arrests over the weekend. Six police officers were reportedly injured. Photos began to surface
on social media of Bloods and Crips united in protest, with red and blue bandanas mingling in the midst of
other protesters. Baltimore police said today that its Criminal Intelligence Unit "has received
credible information that members of various gangs including the Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods, and
Crips have entered into a partnership to 'take out' law enforcement officers." "This is a credible
threat," the release stressed in boldface.
warning: Gang attacks on white cops might spread outside Baltimore. Law enforcement intelligence
officials have put out a warning that someone has sent a text calling on people to kill "all white police officers"
in reaction to the death of Freddie Gray while in Baltimore police custody, raising fears violence could spread
nationally, according to safety memos obtained by The Washington Times. Officers are being warned of possible
ambushes and urged to change travel patterns and to tone down clothes or emblems that identify them as police.
The Baltimore police department separately put out a press release on Monday saying various gangs, including the
Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods and Crips "have entered into a partnership to 'take out' law enforcement."
I'm Out. [Scroll
down] And after much rumination, research, and listening, I began to rethink my positions, and
it became abundantly clear to me that I am a conservative. Not a criminal or a hater or even a
telemarketer, no, just someone who doesn't agree with the ideology, and won't fall victim to emotional
manipulation and hypocrisy of the Left any longer. So I decided to do something that many people
won't or can't do. I came out... 'right', and owned the fact that I see things differently now.
And boy howdy what a reaction I got! When I first shared my new views on Facebook it was as if I
had announced that I was dedicating my life to murdering kittens.
Woman Arrested For Facebook Threat: "death to all white cops nationwide". We share
this story to bring forth a point. There is a real danger when the professional Black Grievance
Industry makes a decision to construct a false story of racial animosity, and the media decide to
sell it. (Trayvon Martin / Mike Brown as examples) Unstable people read these stories, believe
them, then take action based upon the enemy identified within them. This is dangerous.
Minneapolis Man Charged with Making
Threats in Islamic State Group Case. A Minneapolis man is accused of threatening
federal agents, the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota, and a criminal informant who assisted in the arrest
of six men accused of trying to join the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria. Mahamed Abukar
Said was charged in federal court Friday after posting a series threats on his Twitter page, according
to an FBI affidavit. The tweets have since been deleted but investigators used screen grabs to
capture the threatening messages.
case for a national Powder Room Initiative. If you're a woman who might prefer someone
other than Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States, you're a self-loathing,
anti-woman traitor. Already, women I know report that they're feeling the heat from their
more-liberal friends. Not a Democrat for Hillary? Good luck leaning forward, at least
in this town. I've heard from a few readers along the same lines.
there be a National Conversation after environmentalist shoots energy worker? A disturbing story flagged
by The Washington Free Beacon's Lachlan Markay out of West Virginia indicates that a man, enraged by the drilling taking
place in his state, shot an employee of an energy exploitation company on Monday [4/13/2015]. [...] A reporter with The
Charleston Gazette called a member of the West Virginia Sierra Club for comment and received unequivocal condemnation
of this violent incident, but the episode has received little attention in the national press. For a media culture
that is quick to blame conservatives for every episode of violence with a potential political motive, the commentary
community's silence on this incident is deafening.
crosses mocked, thrown in garbage at Clarion University. Students at Clarion
University of Pennsylvania destroyed a pro-life display on campus that featured dozens of white
crosses commemorating lives lost to abortion. The public university's Students for Life (SFL)
chapter discovered Monday morning that a significant portion of the crosses had been broken, removed
and tossed into nearby garbage cans, Campus Reformreported.
To Go On The Offense Against Liberalism. Perhaps I would be a bit more charitable if
over the last week I had not been barraged with obscenities, death wishes, and threats for daring to
opine that being on EBT is something you should be ashamed of. But when progressives invite you
to die because you'd prefer not to subsidize lay-about Democrat-voting losers, it clarifies things.
Leftists want you dead, or at least enslaved, and you can tell that because they can't keep themselves
from telling you that.
High School Coach Tweets That Christian Business Should be Burned Down. This is how
much liberals hate most Americans. On Tuesday [3/31/2015] a gay high school coach in Elkhart,
Indiana jumped to Twitter to say that she wanted to burn down a Christian-owned pizza shop over the
state's Restoration of Religious Freedom Act.
Reporter's Cheap 'Gotcha' Story Incites Hate Mob Against Indiana Pizza Shop. "RFRA:
Michiana business wouldn't cater a gay wedding." "Restaurant denies some services to same-sex
couples." That's how Alyssa Marino "reported" a story Tuesday on ABC affiliate WBND-TV in South
Bend, Indiana, with the result that a firestorm of hatred came raining down on a pizza shop. [...]
The pizza shop was forced to close Wednesday and the owner told Dana Loesch they might not re-open
because of all the death threats.
Memories Pizza Place May Never Re-Open, Due to
Death Threats. There will be no reportage on this. Death threats are only publicized
to the extent they can portray the left as sympathetic victims. When the left threatens to murder
political opponents, the media covers it up.
Noah and the Flood. So-called liberals habitually tolerate black anti-Semitism. Jesse
"Hymietown" Jackson remains a revered figure in the Democratic party; Al "Bloodsuckers" Sharpton was
inflicted upon the general viewing public, or at least a couple of hundred members of it, by MSNBC;
progressives are happy to stand with vile anti-Semites such as Louis Farrakhan, and Democratic
organizations are happy to host them. So-called liberals tolerate black anti-Semitism because they
believe in their hearts that blacks are their wards and that they cannot be expected to know any better.
If unfunny anti-Semitism of the Nation of Islam variety is to be indulged, what's an unkind joke or three?
Government Economist Calls Indiana Christians 'Nazis'. Since 1998, Elizabeth Ashack
has worked as an economist for the US Department of Labor. Sunday, using her Twitter account, this
government employee wrote "people in the red states vote for nazis to govern, and then call themselves
Christian." She quickly deleted the Tweet, which was directed at the new religious freed[om] law
passed in Indiana.
Democrat Says GOP Colleague's 18-Month-Old Son Is Racist. An Indiana Democratic state
representative made a shocking claim during a floor speech earlier this week when she said a
Republican colleague's 18-month-old toddler was scared of her because she's black. Rep. Vanessa
Summers was debating the Religious Freedom Restoration Act on Monday when she speculated that
Republican Rep. Jud McMillin's young son is a fledgling racist.
Jews, Self-Hating Americans, Self-Hating Whites. [Scroll down] [A]s anyone who was a student in the
late '60s through the '70s knows first-hand, the Left is all about anger. Chanting the chants at demonstrations,
shouting obscenities at the police, saluting with the clenched fist — it was all hugely exhilarating.
Arriving at Berkeley in 1972, I was gratified to discover it was still not too late to throw rocks at the cops.
cocktail thrown at pro-life protesters outside Austin Planned Parenthood. A 52-year-old Austin woman
faces felony assault charges after she allegedly threw an ignited Molotov cocktail toward a group of pro-life protesters
outside a Planned Parenthood facility Monday night [3/23/2015]. Melanie Marie Toney eventually admitted to police
that she threw an object that "might" have been smoldering from her vehicle toward the Planned Parenthood facility at
201 E. Ben White Blvd. She did not say whether she was aiming for the facility or the protesters, and her motive
remains unclear, the Austin American-Statesman reported.
Person Putting "Whites Only" Stickers Around Austin
Turns Out to be Liberal Social Justice Warrior. It turns out that the person who has
been posting "whites only" stickers around Austin, Texas is actually a liberal "social justice warrior"
looking to bring attention to the racism of whites. For days no one knew who had posted them and
why could only be speculated. The answer has been solved today: the stickers were posted
by Austin lawyer Adam Reposa who did it to point out the "gentrification" of Austin and the displacement
of minorities.
senator compares police to ISIS, suggests he'd shoot a cop. A Nebraska state senator
compared American police to Islamic terrorists and suggested he'd shoot a cop if only he had a
weapon. State Sen. Ernie Chambers said during a legislative hearing on March 20 that you don't
have to go halfway around the world to find an ISIS mentality. It can be found in America because
police terrorize blacks every day.
Sign Shows Up At Nation's Largest Teachers Union-Funded Protest. Despite the name
"Wisconsin Jobs Now," the small, radical group has spent considerable time and energy in recent
months protesting police tactics. [...] The National Education Association is a major financial
donor for Wisconsin Jobs Now. The teachers union — the largest in the United
States — gave $125,000 to Wisconsin Jobs Now in 2014 alone.
Panthers Call for Killing of Police During SXSW Armed March. Black Panthers march
downtown Austin, TX during SXSW [South by Southwest, an annual event in Austin] chanting slogans
supporting killing cops. This is the type of propaganda we saw in Ferguson funded by George Soros.
NH's first transgender
lawmaker arrested for hospital bomb threat. Stacie Laughton, the state's first openly
transgender legislator, was arrested Thursday by Nashua police after saying she is the person
responsible for calling in a hoax bomb threat at a local hospital. Laughton, who was elected
to the House of Representatives and then withdrew her candidacy days later, turned herself in on
Thursay [3/12/2015] on a warrant for the Feb. 27 incident after spending two weeks receiving
treatment at a Vermont hospital for bipolar disorder.
President Compares Ferguson Public Officials to 'Roaches'. Shortly after Ferguson
Police Chief Thomas Jackson announced his resignation on Wednesday [3/11/2015], NAACP President
Cornell William Brooks said he viewed it as "a validation, certainly not a victory." "The fact
is that the Department of Justice uncovered an unholy trinity between the Ferguson Police
Department, the municipal court and city hall. And the fact you have these resignations
indicates that these public officials are reacting to the Department of Justice report the way
roaches react to light.
Left-fascism: Undercover journalist who brought down ACORN accosted. Let's hope that
this was just some random jerk. Let's hope it wasn't some union guy who knew exactly what he was
doing, or was told to try to intimidate James O'Keefe by someone else. That the recorded nut made
reference to how happy he was that Andrew Breitbart was dead and how he would like to dance on Breitbart's
grave could be construed as a threat.
Don't Liberals Care About Black-on-Black Killing? [Scroll down] This
ruling-class tolerance for lower-class violence is not new. We've had urban gangs in America at
least since the Irish gangs of the mid 19th century. We've had Jewish gangs and Bugsy Siegel running
Las Vegas. We've had the Italians and the Mafia. We've had the black Crips and Bloods for a while
and now we've got Hispanic gangs. And then there are unions. The point of a labor union is
intimidation, and not just intimidation of employers. The whole point of the strike and the picket
is to intimidate workers eager for a job from hiring on at picketed employers. And liberals are fine
with that.
Dem Party Chair Arrested for Trying to Hire Hit Man to Kill Girls He Molested. The
former Chairman of the Falls Church, Virginia Democrat Party who has been charged with sexually
molesting two young girls is now also accused of trying to hire a hit man to kill the young girls
before they could tell police their story. Loudoun County prosecutors say that Democrat Michael
Gardner, who is about to stand trial for the molestation charges, tried to find a hit man while in prison.
Police Upset After Memorial Vandalized During Protest. Denver Police Chief Robert
White on Sunday defended his policy ordering police not to interfere with protesters, saying he
found it "disgusting" that they vandalized a memorial for fallen police officers while officers had
to stand by and watch, but he said their restraint was necessary to protect the community.
Lack of Curiosity About Killer of Muslims in North Carolina. [Scroll down] The
SPLC runs a hate crimes racket, and the media — desperate to promote headlines that fit
their pre-existing left-wing narratives about race, inequality and religion — are quick
to swallow their propaganda. "I think it's perfectly natural to guess that this is anti-Islamic,"
[Mark] Potok told the [Washington] Post in the interview regarding the triple murder. "Not just
because the three victims are Muslim, but because there has been so much terrible news in recent
days about extremist Muslims." Potok also appeared on MSNBC on the morning of February 13 with the
news anchor Tamron Hall, and there was no mention of Hicks' political leanings, which appear to be
consistent with their own.
The Killer,
the Reporter, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Craig Hicks, the man who murdered
three Muslims in North Carolina this week, had a Facebook page. One of the groups he liked on it is
the Southern Poverty Law Center. An AlterNet article about Hicks — reprinted
today [2/14/2015] in both Raw Story and Salon — includes several long quotes
from Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Guess what subject never comes up?
atheist charged in slayings of North Carolina Muslim students. The middle-aged white
man charged with fatally shooting three young Muslim students near the University of North Carolina
is a self-proclaimed atheist whose Facebook page is full of rants. "There's nothing complicated
about it, and I have every right to insult a religion that goes out of its way to insult, to judge,
and to condemn me as an inadequate human being — which your religion does with
self-righteous gusto," the suspect, Craig Stephen Hicks, wrote on Facebook, without calling out
any specific religious doctrine.
Atheist' Charged with Executing 3 Muslim Students. Though no motive for the shooting
has been confirmed, local media is reporting that social media sites connected to Hicks might offer
a clue. Hicks is a self-described "anti-theist" who lashed out against all religions. Apparently he
is associated in some way with United Atheists of America and uses social media to lash out at both "radical
Christians and radical Muslims."
of 3 UNC-Chapel Hill Muslim Students Was Hardcore Anti-Religion Atheist Progressive.
A horrific triple homicide was committed yesterday in Chapel Hill, NC, as three Muslim students were
apparently targeted by a deranged anti-religion progressive. [...] A review of the Facebook page of
the man charged in these murders, Craig Hicks, shows a consistent theme of anti-religion and
progressive causes. Included in his many Facebook "likes" are the Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow,
the Southern Poverty Law Center, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Bill Nye "The Science Guy," Neil
deGrasse Tyson, gay marriage groups, and a host of anti-conservative/Tea Party pages.
ordered to stand trial for murder after argument over presidential politics. In a
dramatic and colorful case with strong political overtones, a Livonia, Michigan woman was ordered to
stand trial for murder after allegedly bashing her neighbor to death with a slow cooker following an
argument over presidential politics. The news media are studiously avoiding any inquiry into the
politics of the accused and those of the victim, which ordinarily tells you the story. A few
seconds' worth of internet sleuthing fills in a few details that proceed along the lines any
conservative (but no media reporter) would suspect.
Spray Paint 'Murder' on 'American Sniper' Billboard. Clint Eastwood's biopic American Sniper has
owned the box office since its wide release Friday [1/16/2015], however its record-breaking success continues to fuel
both outspoken critics and outright opponents. Some of those opponents took action against American Sniper
on Sunday [1/18/2015], when they defaced a billboard for the film in Los Angeles by tagging the word "murder" across it
in red spray paint.
suis Frank'; how 'bout you? Writing a column from a conservative point of view has
left me exposed to vitriol, venom and vulgarity more times than I care to remember. Prominent
citizens wonder aloud how I could be allowed to write my column and say what I believe. Can't
I be muzzled? Silenced? Stopped? How dare I write in defense of the Constitution?
Or in opposition to Obamacare? Or in outrage over Benghazi?
newspaper office vandalized over use of 'illegal' immigrant label. The Santa Barbara
News-Press's front entrance was sprayed with the message "The border is illegal, not the people who
cross it" in red paint, sometime either Wednesday night or early Thursday [1/8/2015], according to
the newspaper's director of operations, Donald Katich. The attack came amid wider objections to a
News-Press headline that used the word "illegals" alongside a story on California granting driver's
licenses to people in the country illegally.
erupts at Ferguson protest takes over Wyden town hall. Senator Ron Sen. Ron Wyden
(D-OR) attempted to hold a town hall in Portland, OR, on Saturday, January 3rd. Ferguson "I Can't
Breathe" protesters, together with the $15 Now! communists, busted through the event, even threatening to
punch safety officers who were trying to shut the doors, and took over the whole town hall.
Liberals' use
of black people, part II. Hardly anyone blinks an eye at the Rev. Al Sharpton's racist
statements, such as: "White folks was in the caves while we [blacks] was building empires. ... We
built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was. ... We taught philosophy and
astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek [homosexuals] ever got around to it."
Sharpton again: "So [if] some cracker come and tell you 'Well, my mother and father blood go back to
the Mayflower,' you better hold your pocket. That ain't nothing to be proud of. That means
their forefathers was crooks." Sharpton also offered, "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them
to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."
town hall disrupted by 'hands up, don't shoot' protests. A town hall meeting with U.S.
Sen Ron Wyden was called off Saturday afternoon [1/3/2015] when "hands up, don't shoot" protests
broke out. The event, at Portland Community College's Southeast Campus, was canceled after
45 minutes. More than 100 protestors entered the Wyden event shortly after 2:30 p.m.
shouting, "I can't breathe" and "hands up, don't shoot." Wyden, D-Oregon, stepped away from
the microphone as the protesters moved to the front of the meeting area and continued shouting and
holding placards.
claims of police oppression fit the radical narrative. The deaths of Michael Brown and
Eric Garner at the hands of police last year have reignited the war liberals have waged against our
cops. [...] This is a political war that liberals have waged for decades in protests, newspapers and
even in song. According to the Progressives Today website, protesters in Portland, Oregon, sang
"Deck the halls with rows of dead cops," on Dec. 28. The "brave protesters," according to
the report, did so while blocking streets in supposed demonstration against the death of Michael Brown.
Shabazz to Black Panthers: 2015 Time to Build Army, Go to Gun Range. On this week's
episode of the official broadcast of the New Black Panthers Party's "Black Power Radio," the former
national chairman of the New Black Panther Party and current national president of Black Lawyers for
Justice, Malik Zulu Shabazz said 2015 is the time to "build up that army" and go "to the gun range."
Lap dogs and attack hounds.
The softball questions don't concern me as much as hardball hatred. One journalist long ago wrote
she hoped Clarence Thomas would eat unhealthy food and have a heart attack, so it's not surprising
to find Alan Pyke of the Think Progress website writing about the Fox News Channel boss, "I hope
Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry
is unprecedented for an individual."
Better or Worse, the Words That Defined 2014. "I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful,
and soon," Democratic Party activist Alan Pyke wrote on Twitter about the Fox News president. "The
evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual." Pyke, an
economic policy editor for the Center for American Progress's in-house blog, was reacting to Fox's
coverage of the Ferguson unrest. He later apologized, sort of, but hyperbole had a good year
in 2014.
Baby Jesus stolen,
replaced with real pig's head. Police in Haverhill, Massachusetts, are asking the
public to help solve a bizarre theft. Authorities say a priest at Sacred Hearts Church, north of
Boston, called them Christmas morning to report that someone had stolen a baby Jesus from a nativity
scene and replaced it with a real pig's head.
Bloomington seeks charges against
Mall of America protesters. Bloomington authorities are seeking charges against
organizers of an anti-police-brutality demonstration at the Mall of America that upended one of the
busiest — and lucrative — shopping days of the year. Some protesters may
also be on the hook for the city's overtime costs to beef up security on the day of the protest,
authorities said Tuesday [12/23/2014].
7 charged with threats against
NYPD officers. At least seven New Yorkers have been charged with making threats
against police officers since the Dec. 20 killing of two patrolmen shot in their squad car in
Brooklyn, a police spokeswoman said. Six were charged with making terroristic threats through
social media or in direct phone calls to police, said Officer Sophia Mason, a police spokeswoman.
Lies Killed the Two NYC Cops. We noticed that on his "Million Marchers" day (Dec. 13)
when "protesters" in NYC chanted "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" We
noticed it also when, in the Washington, D.C. march Sharpie Sharpton led himself, his followers
repeatedly uttered the word "peace" — within the context of the chant "No justice, no
peace!" And we noticed it when Sharpton incited a massacre at Freddy's Fashion Mart in 1995,
in which seven innocents died, calling its owner a "white interloper."
Democratic Party Killed Two Cops in New York. A lynch mob is all fun and games until
someone actually gets lynched. At first everyone has a good time marching around and shouting
"Black Lives Matter" and "I Can't Breathe." The police are accused of being racist killers by the
defenders of actual racist killers like Mumia Abu Jamal. Every community organizer within a thousand
miles shows up to brandish signs claiming cops are randomly killing innocent black men even as he spits and
throws bottles at any cop within reach. Not to mention engaging in the occasional act of convenience
store redistribution. [...] The lynch mobs make it their mission to invade holiday events, protest parades
and scream racist rants. Then they begin attacking police officers. The media insists that
protests whose participants chant, "What do we want? Dead cops!" are peaceful. This homicidally
insane definition of "peaceful" had only previously been applied to Islam.
Police Threatened 40 Times Since 2 Cops Killed. There have been 40 separate threats
against New York City police since two officers were shot and killed in Brooklyn Saturday, the NYPD
said today [12/24/2014]. Half of those threats have been deemed not credible. The rest are
still under investigation. There have been four arrests in the four days since the shooting,
officials said.
Wicked Mobs, Cop Killers, and the
Attorney General. It is no surprise or accident that a ghoul like Ismaaiyl Brinsley
bathed himself in messages of hate, racial division and anger and then chose to destroy lives. But
Brinsley wasn't alone in his racially soaked hatred of the police. [...] When a mob led by Al Sharpton
chants on the streets of New York City they want "dead cops," people should expect dead cops.
The clapping and laughing at the crime scene in Brooklyn as well as the happy-it-happened racialist
venom on Twitter leave no doubt that the mob has Brinsley's back.
claims 'people were CLAPPING AND LAUGHING' at the scene where two cops were killed. Police Commissioner
William Bratton choked up at a news conference at the Woodhull medical Center on Saturday afternoon as he talked about
the fatal shootings of two officers in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood. Meanwhile, an eyewitness who
spoke to The Daily Beast said that 'a lot of people were clapping and laughing' following the murder of the two police
officers. 'Some were saying, "They deserved it," and another was shouting at the cops, "Serves them right
because you mistreat people!"' said the man, identified as Carlos.
is Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley? Ismaaiyl was no stranger to the law, and had many
felony charges including ones involving firearms. The rhetoric that President Obama and all the
race baiters continue to push have directly caused this unstable person to snap. For weeks
protesters have been calling on the deaths of police officers as seen here in this video.
"What do we want? DEAD COPS!"
Sharpton [is] very worried that execution of police officers will derail his movement.
Sharpton's go-to analogy is to work the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner into a comment about
the grieving families of the two slain police officers. This is not simply offensive, but
outrageous. Those officers were on the job, out on the streets, trying to keep the citizens of that
community safe when they were gunned down in a most cowardly ambush. To attempt to put them on the
same level as people who instigated a confrontation with other police officers — no matter the
circumstances — is nothing but hate speech.
is blood on hands of those who demanded 'dead cops'. There may have been just a single
shooter in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday afternoon. But New York's failure to denounce without
nuance the bloodlust that's been boiling out of the corners of the Eric Garner-Michael Brown demonstrations
for weeks now boils down to this: There is blood on many hands this morning.
Deserved It': The Repulsive Reaction to Brooklyn Police Executions. It's a dark time
in America — a time when two uniformed officers who had absolutely nothing to do with
what happened to Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., or to Eric Garner on Staten Island, are executed
without warning, and some witnesses actually say "They deserved it." Again: "They deserved it."
They being two men marked for death because they wore a New York Police Department uniform.
Michigan Professor Says It's OK To Hate Republicans. Susan J. Douglas hates Republicans and wants
you to know about it. When Douglas is not busy working as a professor and chair of Communications Studies
at the University of Michigan, she writes a column for In These Times, a progressive news magazine which receives
financial backing from labor unions. It was there on Monday [12/15/2014] that Douglas dropped a hate-bomb
aimed squarely at the modern-day GOP.
those anti-cop protesters were peaceful? Think again. 'Tis the season of magic, so
let's play pretend. Let's make believe that only an itsy-bitsy handful of those anti-police
protesters disrupting the city are hell-bent on mayhem. To get there, you have to ignore the
hundreds if not thousands in Manhattan caught on tape chanting, "What do we want?" and answering:
"Dead cops." They must have been in some other city. You have to overlook those "shoot back"
chants as well.
CUNY Professor Responsible For Attack On Cops During Sat. Demonstration. During Saturday's [12/13/2014]
protests about the lack of indictments in the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, CUNY adjunct professor and creator
of erotic poetry Eric Linsker picked up a trashcan and tried to throw it at police officers. Two police
lieutenants were attacked by the crowd when the officers tried to arrest Linsker.
Sharpton Leads March in DC as NYC Protesters Chant: 'What Do We Want? Dead Cops!' Joining the families of
blacks killed by police, thousands marched toward the capitol and down New York streets on Saturday [12/13/2014] to
protest what they called an epidemic of abuse at the hands of police. But even though it was his event, many
attendees didn't want to hear from organizer Al Sharpton.
Garner Protesters in NY Attack 2 Officers, 'Bag of Hammers' Discovered. New York
police report that two officers were assaulted by marchers that took to the streets to protest
police violence on Saturday [12/13/2014]. Police also reported finding a bag of newly-purchased
hammers that were apparently intended for use as weapons.
protest over Garner, Brown decisions wreaks havoc in Berkeley. Protesters described as
"hostile" and "aggressive" over the killing of unarmed black men by white police officers briefly
blocked a highway in Berkeley, Calif., nearly preventing medics from reaching a pregnant woman stuck
in traffic, set garbage cans on fire, threw rocks at police and brought mass transit to a halt
during the city's fourth night of protests. "The crowds have become larger, more hostile and more
aggressive," Eric Sanchez, an assistant division chief for California Highway Patrol, told the San
Francisco Chronicle. The protests started peacefully, but just before midnight small groups broke
off and began breaking store windows, including a 7-Eleven and Safeway.
Off-duty cops protect
Darren Wilson, as death threats come in. Darren Wilson has lived in the shadows for
nearly four months, changing residence from house to house, spending spare time in dark movie
theaters, in hopes he won't be spotted. But he has not sneaked around alone. He
has had protectors.
Darren Wilson resigns from Ferguson
police police force. In a telephone interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Wilson said he resigned
after the police department told him it received threats of violence if he remained an employee.
Protesters Scream "F--- You!" and "Honkey!" at Police Officers. The left showed its true colors in this
profanity-laden video, protesting outside the Ferguson Police station in Missouri. This is the kind of crude,
violent anarchist behavior that race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have successfully stirred up over
the years. The irony is that many of these police officers they are targeting are black or another minority.
needs facts, not passions. In anticipation of the decision on whether to indict
officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, the town of Ferguson, Mo., is a virtual
armed camp. Schools are closed. The National Guard was called out when the governor declared a state
of emergency. The emergency? A grand jury announcement. While most protesters have engaged in
legitimate and lawful speech, others used the shooting of the black teenager by a white police officer as
justification to loot the town. State and federal forces are assembling in Ferguson in expectation that
some protesters will riot unless there is a criminal charge. Those who insist that "justice" can be
found only in jail for Wilson are speaking not of real justice but mob justice.
Protesters Erupt Outside Police Department: 'What Do We Want? Darren Wilson! How Do We Want Him?
Dead!' Protesters in Ferguson, Mo., have taken to the streets and chosen not to wait
for a grand jury's decision before clashing with police once again. A grand jury is expected to
decide whether to indict police officer Darren Wilson, who is accused of shooting 18-year-old
Michael Brown, in the coming days. But protesters made their voices heard outside the Ferguson
Police Department on Thursday night shouting, "What do we want? Darren Wilson! How do we want
him? Dead!"
The Editor says...
A lynch mob is still a lynch mob if their intent is made clear, even if they don't follow through with the lynching.
teacher allegedly makes graphic comments in classroom. Lucas Ardagna, 18, who is a
student at Minuteman Regional High School, told his parents about what he says was a shocking
outburst by a teacher in class. "The teacher became frustrated with the students because they
weren't answering his questions," Ardagna's mother said. She went on to say that the teacher
asked the students if they had a handgun so he could "blow his [expletive] brains out." The
Lexington superintendent confirmed the incident.
Talking-Head Is Totally Unhinged. Watch these clips of Ed Schultz absolutely unhinged:
[...] He admits he has no evidence for what he says, but just take his word for it, "Republicans
lie, they want to see you dead, they'd rather make money off your dead corpse."
Rangel: Calling tea partyers 'white crackers' actually 'term of endearment'. Don't take offense —
referring to members of the tea party as "white crackers" is actually complimentary, said Rep. Charles Rangel, longtime
Democratic lawmaker. That's how Mr. Rangel explained away his widely criticized 2013 reference to the group during
an interview with The Huffington Post in which he also seemed to suggest that tea party members were of the same vein as
The Editor says...
Mr. Rangel and those of his ilk don't have a history of laughing off "terms of endearment" from the other direction.
pro-life teen-assaulting professor and her university sued. One of the most blatant
incidents of academic bigotry is going to end up in civil court and potentially cost the University
of California, Santa Barbara and Assistant Professor Mireille Miller-Young a lot of money. You may
recall that the good professor, enraged by the appearance of pro-life demonstrators in a designated
free-speech zone on her campus, assaulted a 16-year-old pro-life demonstrator, whose lawful demonstration
offended the professor. Professor Miller-Young was convicted of various misdemeanors and sentenced to
probation and "anger management." Outrageously, a senior administrator at UCSB defended the professor.
Professor Sued for Altercation With Pro-Life Demonstrators. The Life Legal Defense
Foundation (LLDF) filed a civil suit Thursday against the University of California and Professor
Mireille Miller-Young seeking "compensation for physical battery, property theft and civil rights
violations" following an on-campus altercation in March with pro-life demonstrators.
Miller-Young, an assistant professor in the Feminist Studies Department at the university's Santa
Barbara campus (USCB), was convicted in July of stealing a pro-life sign from the group of
demonstrators in a specially designated free speech area on campus and assaulting a teenaged
member of the group.
Today's Signing Event
At TCU Is Canceled. We just found out this afternoon that TCU is unable to provide
security and because it is a gun-free zone, I am prohibited from lawful carry in place of that
security. We had an incident at my signing in Grapevine where a man belligerently pushed his way
through the line, yelled at store employees and about how he hated me and Glenn Beck, and when he
was told to leave, punched the store's promotional signs on the way out; that, coupled with the
threats I recieve regularly from anti-2A folks (even a few in the DFW area), I'm just not cool with
being a sitting duck somewhere or asking any of you to be also.
Spanish-Language Ad Calls Tea Party Republicans Radical Terrorists. A new ad by
Democrat Manuel Medina, the Bexar County Democratic Party chairman launched a new Spanish-language
ad last Thursday [10/30/2014] on Univision, implying tea party Republicans are terrorists the equal
of ISIS who could behead them in their sleep.
in Fox News Costume Beaten in California. A California man dressed as a Fox News
reporter was violently assaulted in the left-wing haven of Santa Cruz, California during the annual
Halloween parade this weekend. A 29-year-old man, Scott Kory, allegedly shouted "I hate Fox
News!" before grabbing the victim's microphone, making an obscene gesture with it, and beating him
with an aluminum tennis racket.
Religious Fanatics. [Scroll down] In each instance, the Democrat religious
fanatics seek to pit one group of Americans against another — not to advance society, but
to incite violence, hatred and animosity. Ultimately, Democrats are motivated by only one goal:
power. The Democrat Party, which only 50 years ago was represented by a tax-cutting advocate
for a strong national defense named John F. Kennedy, has become a religion of hatred.
pastor endorses Republican for governor — guess what happens next. Corey
Brooks is the pastor of New Beginnings church on the south side of Chicago. Pastor Brooks, who is
black, endorsed Bruce Rauner for governor of Illinois, going so far as to appear in television ads
with the candidate. Normally I wouldn't find it necessary to describe the skin color of anyone I
write about. However, in this case, it's central. Because ever since Pastor Brooks endorsed a
Republican for office, he and his church have experienced threats and attacks. More specifically,
the pastor and his family have received hundreds of death threats. Most recently, his church was
Ignoring Nikki Haley's Opponent Wanting to 'Escort Whore Out the Door'. Did you hear
about Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott in Texas saying of opponent Wendy Davis, "We
need to keep the whore away from the door"? Of course you didn't. We know that if Abbott had said
anything like that, it would become national news story more important than even Ebola within minutes.
So why is it only news at about a dozen web-based center-right outlets that Democrat Vincent Sheheen, who is
running against incumbent Republican Nikki Haley in the South Carolina Governor's race, told supporters on
Thursday [10/23/2014] that "we're gonna escort whore out the door"?
Democrats Threaten
Riots in Atlanta. Note that this comes from the Georgia Democratic Party itself, not a
disavowed group. Don't you like watching Democrats, starting with The Obamessiah, claim
Republicans are using fear to gain an advantage while they try their own Halloween tactics.
anchor, liberals give grins and thumbs up to violence against the 'Right' women. How
do you get liberals to approve of violence against women? Just tell them the women are Republicans
named "Palin." Wednesday afternoon [10/22/2014], CNN anchor Carol Costello hyped newly released
audio of Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol tearfully recounting her being physically assaulted during a
fight the family was involved in last month by saying it was "quite possibly the best minute and a
half of audio we've ever come across." She grinned during the entire setup.
Lesbian's Daughter Has Had Enough. My name is Rivka Edelman, and I am the product of
same-sex parenting. Recently I published an essay on Public Discourse about the ruthless misogyny
that pervades LBGT culture. I pointed out it that it can and will victimize women and children with
impunity and then, in America's narcissistic fugue, get hailed as brave and heroic. Since my essay
was published, there have been hundreds, maybe thousands, of posts calling me a liar or trying to
shame, discredit, intimidate, and threaten me.
Stop Rush Activist
Fantasized About Torturing Limbaugh. For years, activists associated with Media
Matters have attempted to undercut the advertising base for Rush Limbaugh's radio show, with little
success. Those activists, who represent a small, hard-core base dedicated to launching secondary
boycotts — boycotts against advertisers on Limbaugh's program — are now revealing
themselves as not merely leftist advocates, but some of the fringiest characters this side of MSNBC.
Rank Hypocrisy: Father Pfleger comes to gun control
rally with armed bodyguards. Chicago's activist Catholic Priest, Father Michael
Pfleger was on hand at Saturday's Brady Campaign Rally against America's gun stores in Riverdale,
IL. Pfleger is gun civil rights what Bull Connor was to racial civil rights in the 1960s.
It wasn't that many years ago that the Chicago Catholic Priest called on the owner of Chuck's Guns,
John Riggio, to be "snuffed out" — using the lingo of his parishioners. Pfleger also called for
legislators voting against gun control to be snuffed out as well. Pfleger didn't call for anyone to be
snuffed out this year, but he did enjoy the protection of three armed bodyguards.
The End of Civil
Rhetoric. Pelosi's intent in this case, as it often seems to be, is to demonize her political opponents as
enemies of civilization. In other instances she has characterized Republicans as bigots who hate women, gays, immigrants,
children, and old people. [...] When one of the highest ranking members of the Democratic Party is willing to compare her
political opponents to wife beaters, and another is unwilling to distinguish them from murderous enemies who behead our own
citizens, how much more shocking can the rhetoric get? Where else can we possibly go?
Alleged Leftwing Firebomber the Media Doesn't Want You to Know About. Twenty-eight
year-old Eric King was charged with attempting to firebomb U.S. Congressman's Emanuel Cleaver's
Kansas City office on September 11. According to local media[,] law enforcement found a letter in his
apartment that railed against capitalism and war. In other words, the alleged firebomber is a
leftist, which is why this incident is receiving absolutely no national media coverage.
Reporter Compares Palin to Burqa-Wearing Taliban Supporter. Unfortunately I don't possess the
intellectual nuance required to grasp why an elite leftwing journalist would think it was okay to compare a
female governor and mother of five to a burqa-wearing Taliban supporter brandishing a pistol.
Want to Throw Us All In Jail — Or Worse. The totalitarian impulse is all
too familiar: since I represent Progress (and, of course, everyone who acts in the political realm
fervently believes that he represents Progress) those who stand in my way are retrograde — evil,
really — forces, that belong in the dustbin of history. Therefore, I might have to
lock them up or kill them to ensure that Progress prevails.
Mob Threatens StL County Leaders. Hundreds of Ferguson protesters and local far left activists packed the St. Louis County
Council meeting last night in Clayton, demanding action in the Michael Brown shooting case.
The Alleged Leftwing Firebomber
the Media Doesn't Want You to Know About. Twenty-eight year-old Eric King was charged with attempting to firebomb U.S.
Congressman's Emanuel Cleaver's Kansas City office on September 11. According to local media, law enforcement found a letter
in his apartment that railed against capitalism and war. In other words, the alleged firebomber is a leftist, which is why this
incident is receiving absolutely no national media coverage.
"gun control" supporters want you dead. Make no mistake, it positively infuriates me
that small-minded, ignorant, intolerant people are incessantly trying to find ways to restrict,
limit, regulate, or outright abolish the rights of law-abiding Americans, but I have never once
wished death upon any of them, nor would I celebrate their deaths if that were to happen.
Disagreeing with people is all well and good, and animated disagreements are certainly to be
expected, but I cannot say as though I have understood or will ever understand the mentality of
wishing death upon those you disagree with.
Chef' Host Padma Lakshmi And Crew Flambéed By Boston Teamsters. The Teamsters picketers
were already mad. By the time Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi's car pulled up to the Steel & Rye
restaurant in the picturesque New England town of Milton just outside Boston, one of them ran up to
her car and screamed, "We're gonna bash that pretty face in, you f***ing whore!"
Presser Goes Off the Rails as Residents Shout Down Governor. What started as a press
conference by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon Saturday afternoon quickly devolved into an often angry
community meeting as residents of Ferguson demanded justice for Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager
who was shot by a police officer there one week ago. The initial interruption by a women who
called on Nixon to charge officer Darren Wilson with murder was just the beginning.
Now Say Slavery Forced Colleague To Batter Teen, Destroy Her Anti-Abortion Poster. The saga of
University of California, Santa Barbara feminist studies professor Mireille Miller-Young has taken yet another
bizarro twist after her defenders urged a judge to excuse the criminal allegations against her because of the "cultural
legacy of slavery." Miller-Young pleaded no contest last month to misdemeanor counts of battery, theft and
vandalism after she rallied up a small gaggle of female vigilantes and attacked abortion protesters Thrin Short,
16, and Joan Short, 21. The radical feminist armada forcibly stole a graphic anti-abortion sign from the two
protesters. Miller-Young scratched and appeared to push the 16-year-old girl, then destroyed the sign.
Made Me Do It. Or Maybe It Was Pregnancy. [Scroll down] The Cliff Notes version
is that the good professor felt her actions were justified because the images on the pro-life signs
upset her. If only the pro-life activists had obeyed her command to remove the signs, she would not
have been driven to take further action. And there you have it! The core argument of the
ever-aggrieved victim classes who claim their delicate sensibilities have been offended. Otherwise
known as: I don't like you and/or what you stand for and/or what you're doing and so I am going to
physically assault you and/or those with you and/or your possessions and goods. And I am justified
in my behavior. (Jihad in a nutshell.)
Follow-up: University
of California Students Had Better Wise Up and Learn Their Constitutional Rights. In one instance, University of California,
Santa Barbara students allowed feminist studies associate professor Mireille Miller-Young (whose 2013 salary was $77,100) to steal and
destroy an anti-abortion poster that constituted speech protected by the First Amendment and displayed in the Campus' designated "free
speech zone," and to assault the young woman holding the poster. Furthermore, Miller-Young, whose academic specialties are pornography
and sex work — topics inevitably involving free speech — told police the "hate speech" nature of the poster "triggered"
her to destroy it, and that she was unaware of "an acceptable and legal response" to the poster.
desecrated at military homes in North Texas. At least seven family homes —
some with strong military ties — have had their American flags ripped down, set ablaze,
and destroyed in the past few days. Mike Freiley and his wife woke up to find their flagpole
charred, and the flag destroyed on Friday morning [8/8/2014]. "It burnt and melted right there on
the pole," said Freiley, a 30-year veteran of the United States Navy. "Yeah, it makes me really angry."
The Eight
Grossest Reactions to Education Reform. Education reformer and former CNN host
Campbell Brown has had to deal with a series of vile Twitter attack from teachers, trolls, and
pornbots since launching her court challenge to teacher tenure.
Mulgrew defends Common Core. Teachers union honcho Michael Mulgrew unleashed a venomous screed directed at anyone
who would dare threaten his beloved Common Core agenda. "If someone takes something from me, I'm going to grab it right
back out of their cold, twisted, sick hands and say it is mine! You do not take what is mine!" the head of the United
Federation of Teachers shouted in a speech at a convention last month in Los Angeles. The rant was posted Thursday [8/7/2014]
to the Ed Notes Online blog. "And I'm going to punch you in the face and push you in the dirt because this is the teachers'!"
added Mulgrew.
Columnist: Christians Spew the Most 'Hateful Internet Speech'. Everyone is exactly who
he or she says on the internet — at least according to one Washington Post writer. That
conclusion is her rationale to say Christians are awful people. Sally Quinn, Washington Post
columnist and OnFaith founder, claimed that, "When it Comes to Hateful Internet Speech, Christians
Are the Worst." In her July 17 article, Quinn examined a white-supremacist site and comments
on her articles to conclude that Christian "haters" "need a place to unleash their dark sides."
DOJ Head and Current Labor Secretary, Tom Perez, Says He Wants To "Punch Republicans In The Head". When
members of Congress suggest unemployed Americans aren't trying hard enough to get jobs, U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez
gets mad. "When I hear people on Capitol Hill say the long-term unemployed are unemployed by choice, I wanna punch 'em,"
Perez said Tuesday [7/8/2014] during a meeting with reporters. [...] "The thing they say that angers them as much as anything
is when politicians suggest they're unemployed by choice, they're just sitting at home eating bonbons," Perez said.
Mobs: Thugs in Union Cause. Law enforcement agencies reported "numerous threats
against elected officials," such as: "We will hunt you down. We will slit your throats. We will
drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square. This is
your last warning." "I as well as many others know where you and your family live, it's a matter
of public records. We have all planned to assult [sic] you by arriving at your house and putting a
nice little bullet in your head." A note pushed under the office door of Sen. Glenn Grothman
read: "The ONLY GOOD Republican is a DEAD Republican."
is the Most 'Bloodthirsty' Enemy? Certainly, "bloodthirsty" comes to mind whenever
the Taliban is mentioned. Consider the five terrorist leaders released from Gitmo by the White
House. [...] Yet, they are not the ones who earn the "bloodthirsty" title from [Brian] Beutler.
[...] No, the term "bloodthirsty" is used as follows: "the problem for the diffuse conservative
outrage industry is that nuanced debates over public relations strategies and the relative 'value'
of Guantanamo detainees probably wouldn't have satisfied bloodthirsty right-wingers." Does Beutler
really think that Rush Limbaugh, Mark Steyn, or Sean Hannity is more likely to order a car bomb
into a crowded marketplace to kill women and children than any of the Taliban Five? How about the
beheading prisoners or the honor killing of women? Would he rather see a Taliban gunman walking
down the street than a Fox commentator?
The New Regressives.
[Scroll down] Nor do I think MSNBC must dump Al Sharpton for his past homophobic,
anti-Semitic, and racist rants that have on occasion contributed to fatal violence. If they wish to
put a buffoon who cannot read a teleprompted script on the air, then it is their market decision to
do so, and we are adult enough to make the necessary channel selections. Nor do I think Chris Rock
should apologize for calling the 4th of July "white people's day," or for that matter Jamie Foxx
making a crude joke about the joy of killing white people as an actor in the latest Tarantino film.
Free speech assumes that much of free speech is crude and vulgar.
Killers and Gun Fetishes. My 1980 print edition of the Oxford American Dictionary
defines "fetish" as an object worshiped by primitive peoples who believe it to have magical powers.
When it comes to guns, this definition clearly defines liberal gun control advocates, not America's tens
of millions of lawful gun owners, or even the large but smaller population of gun collectors and enthusiasts.
Nonetheless, I was not shocked to read this article in the Daily Beast, which threw the F-word repeatedly at
"gun nuts" who refuse to see the recent killings in Santa Barbara California as anything but confirmation
that the 2nd Amendment is destroying America.
candidate Clay Aiken deletes tweet about punching Ann Coulter 'in the face'. Democratic congressional
candidate Clay Aiken has reportedly deleted a tweet in which he fantasized about punching conservative author Ann
Coulter "in the face." "Anyone else watching @piersmorgan want to punch Ann Coulter in the face?" the former
"American Idol" runner-up tweeted in October 2012, The Daily Caller reported. The tweet was first flagged
by a blog that found other instances of celebrities re-tweeting Mr. Aiken's comment, including Arsenio Hall.
Clay Aiken Tweeted About Punching Ann Coulter. As we at NewsBusters have documented, the liberal media have
shown no lack of interest in the candidacy of American Idol runner-up turned Democratic politician Clay Aiken. So it
should be interesting to see the coverage, or lack thereof, for Mr. Aiken having tweeted a while back, "Anyone else watching
@piersmorgan want to punch Ann Coulter in the face?"
protesters again storm Eric Cantor's condo. For the second time in six months, a group of pro-immigration protesters stormed
inside the private northern Virginia residence of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va. About two dozen activists from a group
called Casa de Virginia appeared at the Cantor's condo complex in Arlington at about 8 p.m. Thursday. One distracted the
complex's front desk clerk long enough to allow the rest to stream into the lobby area. Once inside, they attempted to distribute
fliers to residents accusing Cantor of being "the one man blocking immigration reform." They also loudly chanted, according to
residents. At least one protester shouted through a bullhorn.
Dean: "Republicans Aren't American". He was addressing a Democratic crowd in
Colorado, and went off on a tirade against Republicans. Yes, he really did say that Republicans
aren't American. And that they should stay away from the United States, and go to Russia where they
belong. One gets the feeling that if the Democrats ever have the opportunity, they will have us all
arrested. Or deported: [Video clip]
Congressman Condemns Chicago Sun Times Article. A leading African American member of
Congress from Illinois condemned the Chicago Sun-Times for running an "over the top" column last
month that compared black Republican voters to Jews who collaborated with the Nazis. Democratic
Rep. Danny Davis told the Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday [5/20/2014] that the piece by Sun-Times columnist
Neil Steinberg was surprising, "inaccurate," and "over the top." Steinberg's piece sparked a row
in the Jewish and black communities last month after Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn's reelection campaign
tweeted — and then quietly deleted — several messages praising the article and encouraging followers to
read it.
Democratic Reps Who Made Racial Remarks. Recently two Democratic congressmen attacked the GOP base and a
Supreme Court justice with racial remarks. Steve Israel said that the GOP base was "animated by racism," and
Bennie Thompson called Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom."
man arrested for threatening to kill Boehner over jobless aid. An Indiana man was arrested on Thursday [5/8/2014] on
charges that he threatened the life of Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Justice Department said Friday [5/9/2014]. In emails
to Boehner's office and voicemails on his wife's cellphone, Brandan James Thompson, 32, of New Castle, Ind., allegedly
threatened to shoot the speaker because the House failed to extend emergency unemployment benefits.
Correspondents' Dinner Comedy Act, McHale Denigrates Republicans as Racists. Joel
McHale, the comedy performer at Saturday night's White House Correspondents' Association dinner,
delivered some zingers at the cable networks, the President and Democrats, but reserved his
political invective for Republicans, the only group whose motivations he impugned —
specifically, as racists.
investigate threats against Trey Gowdy. The U.S. Capitol Police are investigating threatening
emails against Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican recently tapped to lead a special panel probing
the Benghazi terrorist attacks. The investigation comes after POLITICO reporters and journalists at other
outlets received two emails on Tuesday warning that Gowdy would be harmed because of his role in investigating
the 2012 attacks.
Congressman Makes Shocking Racial Comments About Republicans, Clarence Thomas, Mitch McConnell.
A Mississippi Democratic Congressman says Clarence Thomas is an "Uncle Tom," Mitch McConnell is a "racist,"
and that Republicans are only anti-big government and anti-Obamacare because President Obama is black.
Rep. Bennie Thompson made the comments over the weekend while appearing on a New Nation of Islam radio program.
Democrat: Basically All Criticism of Obama is Straight-up Racism. Slinging racial arrows at Clarence
Thomas is par for the course in some circles sadly, so Thompson's ugly "Uncle Tom" reference isn't a surprise.
It's actually less offensive and racist than recent comments from another Southern black Democrat, who stated in a
floor speech (!) that he despises the Supreme Court Justice because "he's married to a white woman." And that
super racist Mitch McConnell quote? An online search for it turns up zero results — except for
references to Bennie Thompson's tirade. Did this Congressman just invent it on the spot?
congressman stands by comment that Clarence Thomas is an 'Uncle Tom'. Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson
(D-Miss.) on Wednesday stood by his remark that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is an "Uncle Tom" and continued
to suggest that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) opposition to President Obama is race-based.
In an interview with CNN, the Congressional Black Caucus member doubled down on his comments, first made over the
weekend, that Thomas apparently "doesn't like black people, he doesn't like being black." His comments were
first reported by BuzzFeed.
Is More Dangerous: a Racist NBA Owner or a Bigoted Member of Congress? Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi
unwittingly provided evidence that race-based hate is alive and well when, in an interview with a Nation of Islam radio
program, he not only claimed that all opposition to President Obama was rooted in racism and that Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell is an example of this but that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is "an Uncle Tom." Thompson
isn't backing down and, in an interview with CNN, even suggested that he could say such things because he's black.
When liberals cry 'uncle'.
On a Nation of Islam radio show last weekend, Rep. Bennie Thompson — a Mississippi Democrat and
member of the Congressional Black Caucus — called Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom" for his
part in recent Supreme Court decisions, such as last year's finding of a portion of the Voting Rights Act
unconstitutional. For the uninitiated, this is one of the most vile terms that can be directed at an
African-American. It has come to mean a servile black person in league with white power interests.
[...] A CNN reporter noted that "Uncle Tom" is inappropriate if said by a white person. "But
I'm black," Thompson responded. So that makes it right, Congressman?
calls Clarence Thomas 'insulting'. Rep. Jim Clyburn on Friday said he doesn't have any concerns
with Rep. Bennie Thompson calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom" or Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell "racist." Clyburn, promoting his new book on "Morning Joe" on Friday [5/2/2014], said
Thompson was simply registering his disappointment with Thomas, a black Supreme Court justice who typically
sides with the court's conservative wing. "I am very disappointed in Clarence Thomas," he added.
Display Vandalized Twice on University of Miami Campus. A pro-life display at the University of Miami (UM) has
been vandalized twice over the last several days. UM Respect Life students reportedly had their display items destroyed
and thrown into a trash bin, and the pro-lifers themselves were excoriated by fellow students who told them they were trying
to induce guilt in women who had abortions.
Dem Offers $100K for Proof of White Families Adopting Black Kids; Families Show Up. Earlier this month,
Alvin Holmes, who has represented the Montgomery-area 78th District for 39 years, bet a substantial purse on his
claim that Alabama whites were incapable of tolerating black children. [...] Holmes has a long history of offensive
racial comments. He has accused Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina of voting only as "white folks"
tell him to vote and called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom."
Erasing the race card. The race cards have
been flying so fast and furious lately, one can hardly tell the kings from the queens. Leading the
weird lately has been Democratic Alabama state Rep. Alvin Holmes, who called Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina "Uncle Toms." Holmes, who also has said that
it's fine by him if men want to marry mules and, while we're exorcising demons, that white people
are only pro-life until their daughter gets pregnant by a black man.
Jewish Center Gunman didn't just Appear out of Nowhere. The alleged killer of three at
the Overland Park (Kansas) Jewish Community Center and a nearby Jewish retirement home didn't just
"appear out of nowhere"; he's a man who has been in the public eye before, right here in the Kansas
City area and elsewhere, along with his foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Jewish and white supremacist
views. [...] Frazier Glenn Cross/Glenn Miller ran as a Democrat for Governor of North Carolina in
1984. He also served three years in Federal prison on convictions for weapons charges and white
supremacist militia activities. In addition to his avowed anti-Semitic and white supremacist views,
Miller is on record as being vehemently opposed to homosexuality and to immigration from the Third
World. Now, do I really need to point out how this reprehensible individual, and his (alleged)
cowardly and murderous acts on Sunday, will be exploited and spun by the Obama regime? The masters
of propaganda in the Obama regime will make Glenn Miller the poster boy for everyone who dares to
oppose or criticize it. We've already seen anyone who dares to criticize Barack Obama or Eric Holder
labeled a "racist"; Glenn Miller will be paraded as "proof" of that.
[Emphasis added.]
union leader once threatened janitorial company with death threats. The anti-Wal-Mart crusader leading
the fight to unionize the company once threatened a non-union janitorial company with death threats, The Daily Caller
has learned. Dan Schlademan runs the United Food and Commercial Workers Union's (UFCW) Making Change at Walmart
group, which is fighting for pay hikes for Wal-Mart employees and to block the retail giant from opening new stores
that could drive down wages in various regions. The Making Change at Walmart campaign is organizing employees
at every stage of the Walmart supply chain, including logistics and warehouse workers.
The Liberal Gulag.
Adam Weinstein, whose downwardly mobile credibility has taken him from ABC to Gawker, called for literally imprisoning
people with the wrong views about global warming, writing, "Those malcontents must be punished and stopped"; [...] Mr.
Weinstein specifically called for political activists, ranging from commentators to think-tank researchers, to be locked in
cages as punishment for their political beliefs. "Those denialists should face jail," he wrote. [...] At the
risk of being repetitious, let's dwell on that for a minute: The Left is calling on people to be prosecuted for
speaking their minds regarding their beliefs on an important public-policy question that is, as a political matter,
the subject of hot dispute. That is the stuff of Soviet repression.
Activists Uncaged. Finally, someone has come up with a way to settle the debate over climate change:
Put the people on the wrong side of the argument in cages. A writer for the website Gawker recently
penned a self-described "rant" on the pressing need to arrest, charge, and imprison people who "deny" global
warming. In fairness, Adam Weinstein doesn't want mass arrests. [...] But Weinstein's magnanimity ends
there. Someone must pay. Weinstein suggests the government simply try the troublemakers and spokespeople.
You know, the usual suspects. People like Limbaugh himself as well as ringleaders of political organizations
and businesses that refuse to toe the line. "Those malcontents must be punished and stopped."
Michael Moore: General Motors 'criminals' deserve
death. Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore believes that whoever was responsible at General Motors for
failing to recall a faulty ignition switch deserves death. "I am opposed to the death penalty, but to every
rule there is usually an exception, and in this case I hope the criminals at General Motors will be arrested and
made to pay for their pre-meditated decision to take human lives for a lousy ten bucks," he wrote.
radio host to NRA board member: 'I will shoot you'. Angered by Georgia's pending expansion of
concealed carry laws within state lines, liberal radio host Mike Malloy said he'd like to invite an NRA board
member to come meet him, then shoot the board member and claim "Stand Your Ground" in defense. The Georgia
bill — the Safe Carry Protection Act — has passed the state House and Senate but still awaits the governor's
signature. It would expand concealed carry into schools, bars, churches, and the portions of airports
that are outside the security parameter.
'Funny' Feminist: I'd 'Personally Like to Castrate Every Male
Conservative Christian'. Joe Newby at The Washington Examiner has found a real doozy of a
"comedian." Her name is Laura Levites — with obviously no connection to the priests of
the Old Testament. (She's an atheist with a fondness for Ricky Gervais.) "I would personally
like to castrate every Male Conservative Christian so that they have NO reproductive rights," she wrote
on Twitter, using the hashtag "#HobbyLobby." She certainly knows how to draw attention to herself.
Unruly Progressives. Sure, once in a while, a
prominent liberal will run afoul of his brethren. MSNBC dropped its relationship with Alec Baldwin shortly
after suspending him in the wake of video footage of the actor allegedly shouting homophobic slurs to a paparazzo.
Around the same time, Martin Bashir resigned after he declared, on air, that someone should defecate in Sarah Palin's
mouth. But Democrats are given a wide, wide berth for comments they themselves would be quick to label racist.
South Carolina Democratic chairman Dick Harpootlian, for example, urged his party to "send Nikki Haley back to wherever
the hell she came from." (That would be Bamberg, S.C., but her parents were Sikh immigrants from India.)
week in Muslims. An Oberlin College professor has filed a lawsuit because, she claims, another professor on the Oberlin
faculty has harassed her and created a hostile work environment for female employees for years. The plaintiff is Eunjung An,
professor of French and cinema studies at the smallish liberal arts school about 35 miles southeast of Cleveland, Ohio,
reports The Morning Journal News. An alleges that comparative literature professor Ali Yedes informed an unnamed Oberlin
employee last year that he had helped his nephew obtain a student visa to the United States expressly to "stab and kill someone
from his department."
Anti-Gun Activists Wish Death on Children Over New Gun
Law. As Eric Berman of WIBC.com has been reporting, a new bill that would allow people to keep guns locked in their trunks on school
property will go to the Indiana House and Senate. Proponents say the bill will eliminate criminal charges for those who lawfully carry a
weapon who may forget to remove it before reaching school property. Opponents object to the idea of having guns anywhere near a school
campus. [...] On Twitter, things have taken a far nastier turn.
Zimmermans Sue Roseanne Barr Over
Tweet. George Zimmerman's parents are suing Roseanne Barr, claiming that the comedian forced them into hiding after
she sent a Twitter message listing their home address in the wake of their son's shooting of Trayvon Martin. Robert and Gladys
Zimmerman allege that the 61-year-old performer sought to "cause a lynch mob to descend" on their Florida home by sending a March 2012
tweet containing the couple's address and phone number. Barr, they allege, mistakenly believed that their son was living with
them, adding that her tweet was "an open and obvious call for vigilante justice."
Pro-life teen
defiant after alleged attack by feminist professor. A teenage pro-life demonstrator who claims she was assaulted by a feminist
studies professor at the University of California in Santa Barbara during a campus event this month told FoxNews.com she is more determined
than ever to protest against abortion. Thrin Short, 16, and her sister Joan, 21, had handed out nearly 1,000 informational pamphlets
during a March 4 outreach event organized by the Riverside-based nonprofit Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust before things took an
unexpected turn.
sisters fighting back after professor steals graphic pro-life sign. Two California sisters told Fox News' Megyn Kelly Thursday
[3/13/2014] they are fighting back against a college professor who they say assaulted them and stole their pro-life signs because "no one
has the right to take someone else's property." Thrin Short, 16, and her sister Joan, 21, were part of an anti-abortion protest at the
University of California, Santa Barbara when they were approached by Associate Professor Mireille Miller-Young. They say Miller-Young,
who teachers feminist studies, grabbed the sign from them, and when they attempted to get it back, kicked and pushed them.
The Pornified Professor
Versus Pro-Life Youth. The other day, this story hit the New Media. It's one the Old Media will simply never
report. Two sisters, 16 and 21, and members of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, were holding a pro-life sign while
demonstrating at the University of California, Santa Barbara. A choppy cell phone video caught the scene: Students
hurl obscenities at the young girls while a large, imposing woman, with two accomplices in tow, march off with the sign, having
ripped it from one girl's hands. The girls follow the thugs to the elevator, and as the video continues recording, the
intimidating woman sneers at the girls, taunts them and dares them to try retrieving the stolen sign while her accomplices laugh.
of California-Santa Barbara feminist professor charged in confrontation with pro-life teen. A feminist studies
professor at a California state university is facing criminal charges after a videotaped run-in with a teenage pro-life
demonstrator in which she snatched an anti-abortion sign and appeared to get physical with the girl. University of
California at Santa Barbara Associate Professor Mireille Miller-Young was charged with one misdemeanor count each of theft,
battery and vandalism in the March 4 incident, Santa Barbara County District Attorney Joyce Dudley announced Friday
[3/21/2014]. The charges came days after 16-year-old Thrin Short and her parents met with prosecutors.
Free Speech for Me, Theft,
Battery, and Vandalism for Thee. Mireille Miller-Young is an Associate Professor at the University of
California, Santa Barbara. She teaches in the Department of Feminist Studies ("an interdisciplinary discipline
that produces cutting-edge research," offers an undergraduate major and minor, and houses "the minor in Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer studies"). According to her university web page, Dr. Miller-Young's "areas of
emphasis" are "black cultural studies, pornography and sex work." She appears to teach four courses: "Women of
Color," "Sexual Cultures Special Topics," "Feminist Research and Practice," and "Sexualities." She holds a Ph.D. in
"American History and History of the African Diaspora" from New York University.
Update: Professors as Petty
Tyrants. The mother of the 16-year-old pro-life demonstrator who suffered a rough confrontation with a
professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has shown a rare civility — the spirit liberals are
forever bemoaning the lack of but rarely exhibit themselves. The event: A small group of pro-life
activists visited UCSB to demonstrate against abortion. They bore posters and leaflets and set up
their display on the campus's "free speech zone."
America's Dumbest Congresswoman?
Anyone who can't guess the age of the Constitution to within a century and a half and who habitually addresses a staffer as "you stupid
m*****f*****" should probably be run out of office. Fortunately for Sheila Jackson Lee, she's a Democrat, so she has no worries.
Dirty Harry Reid Goes Around
the Bend. Harry Reid delivered another salvo against the Koch brothers on the floor of the Senate today. On
reading it, the reaction of any normal person would be that he has gone off his meds. That a Senate Majority Leader should
indulge such crazed vituperation against a couple of private citizens, on the floor of the Senate, dramatizes how low our democracy
has fallen.
Alan Grayson Accused of Shoving, Injuring Wife in Domestic Incident. Democratic Representative Alan Grayson,
Congressman from the Orlando area, has made a name for himself with his incendiary comments: he's said on the House
floor that Republicans want Americans to die quickly, he's likened the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan in fundraising emails,
and he once called an adviser to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke a "K Street Whore." All this pales in
comparison to what we learned about him over the weekend.
NY Times
Cartoon Suggests 'Climate-Change Deniers' Should Be Stabbed to Death. As far as cartoonists at the New York Times are concerned, if you
are skeptical about climate change, you should die. Preferably in a violent manner. [...] Yes — even killing a climate-change
knuckle-dragger is illegal, at least for now. But give the oh so tolerant true believers more time. All crimes are justified when
one is saving the world.
NY Times publishes
cartoon about killing global warming 'deniers'. When apocalyptic cults turn murderous, they become a danger to the public.
The warmist cult, frustrated by the failure of nature to back-up their prophecies of doom, apparently is turning to homicidal fantasies, and
venting them in the pages of the New York Times.
NYT suggests 'deniers'
should be stabbed through the heart — like vampires. So, as WUWT readers well know, I have a different opinion about global
warming. Do you think the New York Times should endorse stabbing me (and others with similar opinions) through the heart like a vampire because
I hold that opinion?
Hate is the Force that Gives the Left Meaning. Pageviews are
the obvious profit motive behind all this and yet it says something deeply disturbing about a progressive readership that eats up hate
and doesn't react to anything positive. The rash of fake hate crimes feeds into that same perverse need for an enemy to hate and fight.
The left used to pretend that it wanted to do something positive. But now that it has the power, it can't stop searching for someone to hate instead.
Wheelchair Truthers. Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott
became a paraplegic in 1984, when an oak tree fell on him while he was jogging. Ever since, he's been confined to a wheelchair. Or, at
least, that's what he'd like you to think. Some Texas liberals are questioning whether Abbott is really a paraplegic, and they are
asking for proof.
Fact-Free Liberals:
Part IV. From the 18th century to today, many leading thinkers on the left have regarded those who disagree with
them as being not merely factually wrong but morally repugnant. And again, this pattern is far less often found among those
on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum. The visceral hostility toward Sarah Palin by present day liberals, and the
gutter level to which some descend in expressing it, is just one sign of a mindset on the left that goes back more than two centuries.
Wendy Davis's
Campaign Mocks Greg Abbott for Being Paralyzed. Wendy Davis's campaign spin on her fundraising numbers is impressive.
She wants you to know that she raised $12 million to Republican Greg Abbot's $11.5 million. What she is hoping you
will ignore, and which much of the press will ignore, is that Greg Abbott raised his $11.5 million in three months while Davis
raised her $12 million in six months. And this matters, and the media should focus on this, because Wendy Davis's campaign
is mocking Greg Abbott for being in a wheelchair. No, I am not kidding.
lawmaker sends shocking racist rant to gun-rights constituent. A black member of the Alabama legislature uncorked a racist
tirade in an email this week to a constituent who urged him not to embrace new gun control laws — copying his incendiary language to
every member of the state legislature. Joseph Mitchell, a Democrat who has represented parts of the city of Mobile since 1994 and
ran for re-election unopposed in 2010 and 2006, castigated a voter named Eddie Maxwell, a Jefferson County man whom he correctly presumed
was white.
Union Leader Tweet: Wishes Disabled
Vets Had Died, Lost All Limbs. She is a Democrat, a Union Leader and she lives in the liberal bastion of Massachusetts.
While Democrats are the incessant promoters of tolerance in all things diverse or non-traditional, they sometimes fall short when the
same considerations they demand of others are placed upon them.
Who are the real
haters in the 'Duck Dynasty' controversy? There's a fine line between love and hate, but even a finer one between genuine
hatred, as seen in David Duke and Bull Connor, which really is toxic, and the kind ginned up to delegitimize arguments by making it seem
toxic when it is at worst just controversial.
New Obama adviser compares
GOP to Jonestown cult. In a profile published late Tuesday by Politico Magazine, Podesta is quoted comparing
Republicans to the infamous cult led by Jim Jones, who was responsible for the 1978 cyanide poisoning of more than 900 of his
followers in Guyana. [...] On Wednesday, Podesta apologized for his impolitic comment.
'A Cult Worthy of
Jonestown'? Hey, Democrats Embraced Jim Jones! John Podesta, soon to become a White House adviser, recently called the Republican party "a cult
worthy of Jonestown." Today he apologized. It's an interesting metaphor, increasingly common — how often have you heard references to
"drinking the Kool-Aid"? — but it's worth recalling that Jim Jones was, before his horrific, sadistic end, an increasingly influential figure in
California politics, particularly Democratic-party politics.
'Unprecedented Opposition' Canard. Let's recall just a few examples of the Left's treatment of President George W.
Bush: Within minutes of the 2000 election's controversial resolution, liberals were printing up bumper stickers emblazoned with
slogans such as "not my president," and "selected, not elected." Clinton administration staffers removed the 'W' keys from
many White House keyboards as Team Bush transitioned into office. Lefties regularly compared Bush to Hitler and apes. A
feature-length film was produced fantasizing about depicting Bush's assassination, to critical acclaim.
Bob Filner sentenced in battery, false
imprisonment cases; no jail. A Superior Court judge Monday [12/9/2013] accepted the major terms of the plea bargain of ex-Mayor
Bob Filner, sentencing him to 90 days of home confinement with no jail time. Filner pleaded guilty in October to a felony charge of false
imprisonment and two of misdemeanor battery, all involving women.
Jezebel Editor Apologizes
for Wishing Scott Walker Dead. After news of "Fast and Furious" actor Paul Walker's death in a fiery one-car crash hit the Internet
Saturday night [11/30/2013], Erin Gloria Ryan, editor of the left-wing website Jezebel (which is part of the Gawker network), tweeted that she wished
it had been Wisconsin Republican governor Scott Walker instead.
protest against Catholics in Argentina as classy as you'd expect. After watching the video, one might guess that the police were intimidated
by the sheer size of the protest. Clearly, they didn't want to intervene on behalf of some people who were turning themselves into passive human
shields to protect their place of worship. It's not as if they had been taken by surprise, though, because this happens every year in Argentina
for its National Meeting of Women, and a trek to defile the local cathedral is always on the agenda.
Professor Tells White Male Students To Commit Suicide To Benefit Society. Noel Ignatiev, a professor at Massachusetts College
of Art, has for years advocated the total elimination of Caucasians. During his final lecture before retirement last Monday, he told
his white male students "you don't deserve to live. You are a cancer, you're a disease."
Alec Baldwin Blasts
Bashir, MSNBC's Double Standards. On Tuesday, hours after he was reportedly fired from MSNBC for an off-set anti-gay
rant, Alec Baldwin lashed out at the network for terminating him while not disciplining Martin Bashir, who suggested on air that
someone should defecate and urinate in former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's mouth. Baldwin's remarks were made off-the-cuff,
while Bashir's were scripted and produced.
Sarah Palin slams MSNBC for allowing
Martin Bashir's insult. Tea Party crusader Sarah Palin accepted MSNBC host Martin Bashir's apology Sunday for saying someone
should defecate in her mouth — but didn't forgive the network that let him get away with it.
Tea Party 'Bullies' Who Need Punch in Nose. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on a conference call organized by Karl Rove's
Crossroads organization for large donors and their advisers on Oct. 30 that the Tea Party movement, in his view, is a "nothing but a bunch of
bullies" that he plans to "punch ... in the nose." On the call, according to a donor who was on it, McConnell personally named Sens. Mike
Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) as Tea Party conservatives he views as problematic for him.
Southern Poverty Law Center: 'Far-Right Homophobes' To Blame
For LAX Shooter. The notion that homophobia lies at the root of anti-TSA sentiment is beyond asinine, but the SPLC is the same group that labeled
the Family Research Council a "hate group," leading Floyd Lee Corkins to shoot a security guard in the FRC headquarters.
Teacher's union head investigates whether
parent is a neo-Nazi. A Pennsylvania father is steaming mad after the head of a local teacher's union suggested he may be a "neo-Nazi" for
questioning a school assignment. Josh Barry, of Camp Hill, Penn., expressed concern after his daughter brought home an assignment analyzing a New
York Times article discussing the recent government shutdown. Examiner.com first reported the story. The assignment asked questions like, "Whom
do you hold most responsible for the government shutdown?" and "Do you feel it is principled or irresponsible for politicians to threaten a shutdown?"
Barry thought it was an exercise in indoctrination.
the Chilling Note Sent to Gov. Scott Walker's Wife. [Scroll down] But if you thought the rhetoric aimed at Walker during the 2011
protests was bad, just wait until you hear his version of events included in his upcoming book, "Unintimidated: A Governor's Story and a Nation's
Challenge" — particularly the chilling note that was sent to his wife. State Patrol Capt. Dave Erwin, a former United States Marine,
brought the governor a particularly eerie piece of hate mail during the protests that contained very specific information about his wife and children.
ObamaCare Schaden-Fraud. This is the magnificent
validation we are experiencing as all elected Democrats and members of the Jurassic media are fast discovering that the man and the plan they have
so arrogantly shoved down our throats — and so naively placed their hopes in — are simultaneously being exposed as shams.
And sham-wow, is it ever cathartic, as we have been called racists, terrorists, hostage-takers, kooks, haters, and stupid for years — all
because we deigned to be correct about the biggest legislative boondoggle in American history.
Accountability, Obama-style. [Scroll down]
Speaking of accountability, in the "Stay Classy, Democrats" file, we have this news item about Florida Rep. Alan Grayson comparing the Tea Party to the Klan.
Well maybe he would know: after all, virtually the entire membership of the Klan were Democrats. Worth keeping in mind. Along with the
forgotten fact that Bull Connor wasn't just a Democrat, but a member of the Democratic National Committee.
The truth about civil
rights and the Democrat Party. After appearing on MSNBC this week where he compared the Tea Party movement to the Ku Klux Klan, Democrat Congressman
Alan Grayson (D-Florida) stirred controversy when his KKK-themed fundraising email surfaced featuring a burning cross, men in white sheets, and the words Tea Party
spelled out in flaming letters. If anyone would know what the Ku Klux Klan stands for, it would be Grayson and his Democrat Party.
Hatred Of Tea Party Crosses The Line.
As liberals obsess over the name of a football team, they ignore hate speech spewing from their own ranks over Americans' exercise of constitutional rights.
Grayson, media bias, and the new totalitarianism.
[Alan] Grayson is a great example of the "soft" media bias that shields Democrats. He's a [person] who daily says the kind of idiotic and offensive things
that would immediately end any Republican's career. More importantly, if he was a Republican, every other member of the party would be routinely asked to
denounce him, right up to the President. [...] We saw the same thing with Filthy Filner, whose party affiliation had all but vanished from media accounts before
his sordid tale was done.
My Fear. I once had a person leave a message on my home answering
machine telling me how he was going to come to my house, tie me up, cut off my eye lids, and force me to watch as he raped and murdered my family.
Another person once emailed a very similar tale. One time after I'd made a bunch of liberals mad while I was out of town, someone pulled into our
driveway in the dead of night and just sat there after having circled past the house a few times. The police had to stay overnight in the cul-de-sac.
After Weeks of Hate Speech from Media & Obama, Cruz
Receives Death Threat. After weeks of being vilified by the national media and White House as a terrorist, racist, and radical hostage-taker out
to destroy the economy, Ted Cruz (R-TX) is receiving the kind of death threats that are all-too expected after this kind of national demonization campaign.
Authorities looking into threat against Texas
Sen. Ted Cruz. Law enforcement officials are investigating a threat against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who was vaulted into national prominence
with his push to defund ObamaCare. A person identifying himself as Troy Gilmore Jr., posted on Twitter Friday morning: "Take down Ted Cruz, at
his home" and listed Cruz's home address in Houston.
Canadians Riot Against Fracking. Dozens of anti-fracking protestors
were arrested in Canada after throwing Molotov cocktails and torches into at least five police cruisers on Thursday [10/17/2013]. The demonstrators
were rallying against a shale exploration project in New Brunswick, Canada, home to the Elsipogtog First Nation tribe, the National Post reported.
Many of the protestors were tribe members and New Brunswick locals.
Drown the Racist Terrorists!: Media Ramp Up
Rhetoric Against Right. With the government shutdown now entering into its third week, the frustration and rage among the media elite is
manifesting itself in ways above and beyond the usual-usual hostile coverage. Just two years after launching the New Tone-era, media elites are
now openly wishing conservatives dead while comparing them to terrorists, criminals, and segregationists.
Another Leftist Slur. Peter Wehner's Commentary
magazine article, excepted in the Wall Street Journal, offers a list of the ad hominem insults aimed at Republicans during the government shutdown:
["]Republicans are being referred to as jihadists, arsonists, anarchists, terrorists, extortionists, racists, gun-to-the-head hostage takers, grave threats to
American democracy, the heirs of Joe McCarthy ... people with a bomb strapped to their chest.["]
Doves and peaceniks no more:
These Democrats relish the role of bullies. It's a perfect storm, with Democrats leading the pace. President Obama called Republicans
"reckless and irresponsible," casting the Grand Old Party in the role of villain. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, referred to
Republicans as "anarchists," and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, deemed Republicans "legislative arsonists."
What Is the President Willing to Give Up?
[Scroll down] Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's contribution to negotiations was, "We are not going to mess around with ObamaCare, no matter what
they do." Case closed. Harry Reid has gone further. He has called the Republicans "insane" for seeking negotiations when
Reid has already refused to grant them that.
Why Harry Reid Lost His Temper.
One of Washington's worst-kept secrets is that [Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid's attitude toward most people ranges from
miserable on his best days to uncommonly vicious on his worst. When he describes members of the public as unwashed masses to their
face, he isn't being playful. He holds most people in utter contempt, and despite the best efforts of his staff, he usually tells
them so. It's refreshingly honest in its own way, but it does not exactly grease the wheels of compromise.
government shutdown: Barack Obama looks like a bitter, petty and partisan president. [Scroll down] Obama allies have used similar
inflammatory language over the past week, aimed at demonising anyone who disagrees with their approach. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has
railed against Tea Party "anarchists," and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has attacked what she calls "legislative arsonists." Even former Vice
President Al Gore has jumped in to the fray, accusing the GOP of "political terrorism."
Extremely Extreme Extremists. Democrats and their media
allies have spent the past week labeling Republicans "anarchists," "fanatics," "radicals," and "terrorists" who are wholly to blame for the situation that
we are told will soon lead to a government shutdown. And if all you know about this situation is what you get from the media, you might actually believe
that this is a crisis created by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and his fellow conservatives who sought to use the vote on a short-term spending bill as a means of
preventing implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare.
White House compares GOP to terrorists
as government shutdown nears. Senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer on Thursday compared Republican lawmakers to suicide bombers as the
showdown over a possible government shutdown intensified. "We are for cutting spending, we are for reforming our tax code, we are for reforming
entitlements," Mr. Pfeiffer told CNN's Jake Tapper. "But what we are not for is negotiating with people who have a bomb strapped to their chest."
Media Shamefully Silent After White
House Links GOP to Terrorists. [Scroll down] The American public, too, has become accustomed to the Obama administration vilifying
its political opponents in ways that would have horrified many just three short years ago. "What we're not for is negotiating with people with a
bomb strapped to their chest," said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House advisor for strategic communications — let that sink in, strategic
communications — on CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper on Thursday [9/26/2013]. "It's a negotiation if I'm trying to sell you my
house and we are debating the price of it," he added. "It is not a negotiation if I show up at your house and say, 'Give me everything inside or
I'm going to burn it down.'"
10 Commandments monument toppled
in Washington. A stone monument of the Ten Commandments that sits on a street behind the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington and was
the subject of controversy in the past has been toppled by vandals.
burn Ronald Reagan statue at park he praised for being privately-funded. Vandals have torched a statue of President Ronald
Reagan at a California park he praised for being started by private citizens and not the government. [...] At least one park administrator
is suggesting the crime was politically-motivated — committed by someone who doesn't like Reagan or the conservative viewpoint he has
come to represent.
Vandals torch Ronald Reagan
statue at California park. Vandals set fire to a life-size statue of Ronald Reagan at a Southern California sports park that bears
the name of the 40th president, authorities reported Monday [9/23/2013]. The bronze statue stands at the Ronald Reagan Sports Park in
Temecula, Calif., the very same site praised by Reagan in the 1980s as a solid example of what volunteerism and fundraising can
accomplish — rather than government regulation and taxpayer dollars.
What liberal NC professors think of opposing views. Make sure to read the whole thing, and if
you're a parent who is paying or who will be paying for your daughter and/or son to attend UNC-CH, Duke, or
any of the other universities mentioned in the piece, question what you're money will be paying for.
Party official forced to resign after tweeting death wish to GOP senator's aide. The Democratic Party of Sacramento County, California scrambled on
Friday [9/20/2013] to deal with fallout from a series of tweets its communications chair sent Friday, in which he wished the children of a speechwriter in the office
of Sen. Ted Cruz would endure a painful death. By day's end Allan Brauer was apologizing, but not before galvanizing conservative Republic tweeters against
him in a virtual online bloodbath and losing his political position over what the party called 'appalling and inexcusable' comments.
At least in this case there was an apology... California Dem apologies for death rant
on family of Cruz staffer. A California Democrat has apologized for personal rants against a staffer of Sen. Ted Cruz, after she expressed optimism
her boss and other congressional Republicans could defund "ObamaCare." The Twitter attack on Amanda Carpenter, a Cruz speechwriter and communications adviser,
occurred the same day House Republicans voted to fund the entire federal budget expect for ObamaCare.
professor put on leave after tweet blaming NRA fo DC shooting. A Kansas professor was put on administrative leave Friday after a tweet he sent
earlier in the week that blamed the Navy Yard shooting on the National Rifle Assn. Announcing her decision to put University of Kansas journalism professor
David Guth on indefinite leave, Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little said in a statement that she sought "to prevent disruptions to the learning environment
for students."
FRC Shooter gets 25 Years; Feds call it Act
of Terrorism. The Virginia man who planned a mass shooting based on a leftwing group's "hate map" of conservatives got sentenced to 25 years
in prison today [9/19/2013], though federal prosecutors had recommended 45 for what they call an act of terrorism. Floyd Lee Corkins stormed into the
headquarters of the Family Research Council (FRC) last August and carried out the politically-motivated shooting based on a target list from the Southern
Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit that features conservative organizations on a catalogue of "hate groups."
FRC shooter gets 25 years. Floyd Corkins II walked into the lobby of the
Family Research Council (FRC) in August 2012 with a backpack full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches, a gun, and 100 rounds of ammunition. [...] Corkins, 28, told
authorities he planned to shoot as many people as possible and smear the chicken sandwiches in their faces as a political statement. The volunteer for The
DC Center for the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Community was angry over the position conservatives, including Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy,
have taken on homosexuality and same-sex marriage.
Student Indoctrination. William Penn, Michigan State University
professor of creative writing, greeted his first day of class with an anti-Republican rant. Campus Reform, a project of the Arlington, Va.-based Leadership
Institute, has a video featuring the professor telling his students that Republicans want to prevent "black people" from voting. He added that "this
country still is full of closet racists" and described Republicans as "a bunch of dead white people — or dying white people"
KU puts professor on administrative leave for tweet sent after
Navy Yard massacre. The University of Kansas journalism professor who sent a tweet wishing violence on children of National Rifle Association
members has been put on administrative leave. David Guth's remarks, which had led NRA leaders to calls for his firing, were in response to Monday's
shootings at the Washington Navy Yard that left 13 people dead.
California Democrat sends
hateful message to Sen. Ted Cruz aide. A Twitter debate on policy turned ugly Friday [9/20/2013], when a local Democratic official wished the
children of a Republican aide to Sen. Ted Cruz would "die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases" after she praised the House's vote to derail
funding for Obamacare.
Democrat Official Wishes Death to Children of
Cruz Staffer. Washington can be a vicious place despite whatever nonsense Nancy Pelosi tells you about our "post-partisan" President.
There are lines you do not cross however, and one of those lines is attacking the children of a politician or their staff.
Ultra-Liberal Professor Goes
on Vulgar Rant at College Republican Meeting. The potty-mouth professor is Joseph Schwartz, a political science professor who said he's won every
teaching award at the university. He's also a card-carrying Democratic Socialist (but he stresses he's not an authoritarian communist). The good
professor, along with a handful of his followers, took over a "right to work" discussion hosted by Temple's College Republicans and featuring a representative
from Pennsylvania Right to Work Defense and Education Foundation.
Congressman Calls House
Judiciary Cmte. 'Murderers' Row': 'They All Like Their Guns'. Apparently, being pro-Second Amendment in Congress is equivalent to supporting mass
shootings in America. At least, that's the interpretation of Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) during an appearance on MSNBC today. Congressman Cohen, who
is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, commented that the congressional reaction to the Navy Yard shooting on Monday September 16 wasn't that
surprising given the inaction on gun-control legislation after the shootings in Newtown.
Says he understands 'the Senate better than any man or women who's ever served in there.' Biden Calls Republicans 'Neanderthals'.
Vice President Joe Biden said Repulican opposition to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in the House of Representatives came from the
"Neanderthal crowd." And he gave himself credit for coming up with the law almost 20 years ago.
Professor Tells Class Republicans "Raped"
America. A Michigan State University professor said Republicans were a bunch of "dying white people" who "raped this country" and wanted to prevent
"black people" from voting in a secretly recorded tirade during the first day of a creative writing class, Campus Reform reported.
Michigan State investigates professor who tells students
Republicans 'raped this country'. Campusreform.org, an online news organization part of the conservative Leadership Institute, posted the video on
Tuesday [9/3/2013], claiming to have received it from a student in the classroom. In the video, MSU professor William Penn berates Republicans in front of
about 400 students in his Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities lecture-hall class on Thursday [8/29/2013].
He professes outrage when there's little evidence of bias
against blacks, but ignores attacks on whites. Obama's Racial Imbalance.
Unfortunately, many attacks on innocent people have taken place in revenge for Trayvon's death. Some include:
• Gainesville, Fla.: A white man was beaten by a group of black men yelling "Trayvon."
• Oak Park, Ill.: Two blacks repeatedly punched a young white man; one of the two attackers told police he beat
the victim because he was upset with the Trayvon case.
• Toledo, Ohio: A 78-year-old man was severely beaten by a group of black youths while they shouted "this is for Trayvon."
• Washington, D.C.: Three black men robbed and beat a white man, stealing his wallet and iPhone. One of the black men said,
"This is for Trayvon Martin" as they approached the victim.
• Mobile, Ala.: A white man was attacked by 20 black adults who hit him with chairs, pipes, brass knuckles, and paint cans.
As the group left, two witnesses reported one assailant said, "Now that's justice for Trayvon."
• Baltimore, Md.: A group of black youths beat a Hispanic man while saying, "This is for Trayvon."
• Chester County, Pa.: Firefighters responded to an arson started at a white-owned business with the
words "Kill Zimmerman" painted in red on the front wall.
Similar revenge attacks have reportedly occurred in Memphis, Tenn.; Norfolk, Va.; and Sanford, Fla.
Gore compares global warming skeptics with racists, apartheid supporters, and homophobes. A skeptic is more likely to receive cheers than boos
by challenging orthodoxy. And Gore fails to mention in the interview that US emissions of CO2 have dropped to levels not seen since 1996 —
without any of his carbon get rich quick schemes or silly government pronouncements about CO2 being poisonous.
Rodeo clown Tuffy
Gessling: Someone threatened to burn my house down. The controversial rodeo clown banned for life from the Missouri State
Fair for wearing a President Obama mask and mocking that a bull should run him down spoke out Monday about the death threats and fallout
since the incident. "I've had one lady spit in my face, called me a dirty name, spit in my face and walked off," Tuffy Gessling told
KCTV 5 News. "I've had somebody threaten to run me over. One of them wanted to burn the house down," he added.
Controversial rodeo clown
speaks out after death threats. [Tuffy] Gessling's antics drew angry rebukes from politicians, a lifetime ban from the
Missouri State Fair and more personal hits than he ever faced in the ring. "I've had one lady spit in my face — called
me a dirty name, spit in my face and walked off," Gessling said. And he says there have been five death threats.
Send in the Clowns. [Scroll down] In fact, the rodeo clown
incident so ticked off the true believers in their secular messiah that it sent them into Paula Deen syndrome. Once again, someone perceived to have offended
leftist sensibilities became a target for complete destruction. The left and the NAACP are actually calling for a federal investigation of the clown for
"inciting violence against President Obama." Yes, as a commentator at The Examiner points out, that would be the same left "who made movies depicting the
assassination of President George W. Bush, who hanged Sarah Palin in effigy, whose messiah mocked her as a pig with lipstick, [and who are now] destroying
the life of this man and his associates."
Rep. Clyburn likens American
media to Nazi propagandists. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the third-ranking House Democrat, on Wednesday accused the U.S. media of spreading "manufactured
controversies" that pose dangers similar to the propaganda spread by the Nazis during the Holocaust. [...] "You have people's words and phrases being misrepresented and
looped through the news media and thrown out there on the Internet, and people run with it because these things start getting reported in the mainstream media, and
before you know it, people believe that stuff," Clyburn said.
Clyburn Compares 'Extreme
Right-Wing' Blogs to Nazi Propaganda. Democratic representative Jim Clyburn likened conservative media and websites to the propaganda outlets of
Nazi Germany in a radio interview today [8/21/2013]. The South Carolina Democrat at first seemed to be going after the American media as a whole, but
went on to target "extreme right-wing" bloggers for supposedly ginning up "manufactured controversies." He warned of serious consequences of people's
trusting such sources, saying "the people of Germany believed Hitler's foolishness that led to the Holocaust. They believed that stuff."
The Editor says...
Please note that Nazi is a contraction of National Socialism. Thus the Nazis were (and are) on the extreme left, not the far right.
SEIU Man: If
McDonald's Strikers Don't Get What They Want, They May Contaminate the Food. So I guess going to a New York McDonald's isn't a good idea
right now. [...] The strike for $15/hour to flip burgers is stupid. Working the line at McDonald's was never intended to be a full-time career.
It's an entry-level job at low wages to gain experience to help advance to the next, better, job. Obama's wretched economy is forcing many Americans
into underemployment, though, where benefits are scarce and wages are low.
Rangel: Tea Party activists are 'white
crackers'. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) on Friday likened House Republicans to "terrorists" and Tea Party activists to "white crackers" and
segregationists. In a wide-ranging interview with The Daily Beast, Rangel blamed the GOP for damaging American competitiveness. "What is happening
is sabotage. Terrorists couldn't do a better job than the Republicans are doing," he said. Rangel, 83, also compared fighting the Tea Party to
fighting Southern segregationists.
The Democrats' Hate Campaign Continues.
Over the last year or two, I have published a number of emails that I have received from the Democratic Party. My purpose is to expose the hateful,
purposely ignorant tone in which the Democratic Party communicates with its faithful. There is nothing like it on the Republican side:
as it is sometimes expressed, we are playing golf, while they are playing football.
males allegedly said "This is for Trayvon Martin" before robbing white male of wallet, phone. A weekend robbery in a racially diverse
neighborhood of Washington may have been a hate crime, police said. "This is for Trayvon Martin," one of the three black men told a white man
as they approached him early Saturday [7/27/2013], according to Washington Metropolitan Police Officer Anthony Clay.
Channeling King Henry II. A properly instructed
jury found Zimmerman not guilty of the charges he faced. National headlines should have ended at this point. Sadly, race hustlers
led by MSNBC personality Al Sharpton have stoked the flames of racial tension since the verdict. Twitter is full of thousands of tweets
demanding the death of George Zimmerman and his family.
The Sword of Hypocrisy. Three decades
ago TV celebrity Paula Deen used the 'N' word in what may have been a careless moment or a simple indiscretion. For that she
has to forfeit her entire career and be subject to ridicule and social shunning. Go figure. From the Black Panthers gathered
in front of polling booths in the 2008 presidential election to the recent prosecution witness in the Trayvon Martin case, we have all
heard the term 'cracker' used as a derogatory term for white people. No careers were lost for the use of that word.
Why Are North Carolina Liberals So [Very]
Angry? On Monday [7/15/2013], for the 11th week in a row, thousands of protesters descended on the copper-domed [North Carolina]
Capitol denouncing the policies of a Republican Party that for the first time since Reconstruction controls North Carolina's governorship and
legislature. Some 800 agitators have been arrested for disrupting the legislature. By all accounts, these "Moral Monday"
rallies, though peaceful, are growing in size and volume.
Winter Park woman getting Zimmerman
death threats. A Winter Park woman said she began getting death threats to her cellphone after a jury acquitted George Zimmerman.
She said her number is one digit away from Zimmerman's number and someone posted her number online thinking it was his.
Morgan hate crime was motivated by Zimmerman verdict, police say. A Bethesda man was beaten and robbed early Saturday morning
in Adams Morgan by three men who yelled, "This is for Trayvon Martin," before attacking him, police said. The incident is being
investigated as a hate crime and robbery, according to D.C. police spokesman Araz Alali.
'Let's Go Mess Up Hollywood For Trayvon'.
On Tuesday night [7/16/2013], a flash mob of some 40 to 50 teenagers invaded the busiest and most tourist-centric part of Hollywood,
smashing windows, stealing cellphones, and assaulting passersby. The police described the incident as a "rolling crime wave." One
police official said that the George Zimmerman acquittal provided the flash point excuse for the flash mob.
'Bash mobs' sweep through Southern
California. Organized "bash mob" crime rampages of roving groups attacking innocent people and businesses have been striking cities
around the United States. Law enforcement agencies in Southern California have reported few similar problems — until now.
In the last several days, there have been several reports of such group crime waves in South L.A., Hollywood, San Bernardino and Victorville.
Long Beach police are bracing for another one Friday [7/19/2013].
Arrests in San Bernardino; 'Bash Mob' in Long
Beach. Police say a mob of young people smashed windows and threw rocks and bottles in San Bernardino, resulting in at least six arrests.
Police are trying to determine whether Thursday night's [7/18/2013] civil unrest was arranged through social media contacts and whether it was sparked
by the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
The 4 Most Unhinged Responses to the
Zimmerman Verdict. The recent George Zimmerman acquittal drew predictable responses from the race-obsessed left: death threats
directed at Zimmerman, his family and the jurors; protests with signs provided by and promoting Communist organizations; violence and vandalism; and of
course community organizing by race hustlers Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. But it also brought forth a few particularly irrational reactions.
Juror B37 Gets a Lesson in Race
Incitement. After two days of silence on the part of the jurors in the George Zimmerman murder trial, one member of the panel
that voted to acquit him emerged last night in a fascinating interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper. But if she was thinking that her
account of the deliberations wouldn't be greeted with derision and abuse, she was soon sadly better informed.
storm Wal-Mart in Crenshaw area. People protesting George Zimmerman's acquittal marched along Crenshaw Boulevard on Monday night,
stomping on cars, chasing bystanders and storming a Wal-Mart. Several protesters made their way into the Wal-Mart as guards scrambled to
close security gates. A short while later, Los Angeles Police Department officers wearing helmets and carrying batons swarmed the store
as others marched through the parking lot.
verdict protesters attack TV reporter, storm Wal-Mart. A peaceful protest of the George Zimmerman verdict in Los Angeles
turned violent Monday after youths broke away from the main demonstration in Leimert Park, stomped on cars, broke windows, set fires and
attacked several people. KCBS-TV/KCAL-TV reporter Dave Bryan and his cameraman were among those who came under assault.
claims youths yelled 'this is for Trayvon' in beating. Baltimore police say they are investigating a witness account that a group of
black youths beat a Hispanic man near Patterson Park Sunday while saying, "This is for Trayvon." A witness posted the account on a community
Facebook page, and police confirmed they are looking into whether the suspects' reaction to the verdict in the Florida trial of George Zimmerman
played a part in the incident.
Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation.
The victim, who did not want to be identified, told News Channel 3 and investigators the men drove up to him and asked him to get into their
car, implying they had a gun. The man, who is white, told police the men who attacked him are black. The man says the men drove him
miles away in silence before pulling him from their car and attacking him, saying, "I'm fixin to beat your a** for Trayvon."
Giants' Cruz apologizes.
Upon further view, Victor Cruz shouldn't have predicted a vigilante death for George Zimmerman.
Parents in Hiding from 'Enormous Amount of Death Threats'. George Zimmerman immediately went back into hiding after being acquitted of
murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, his parents told Barbara Walters in an exclusive interview with ABC News, adding that they haven't
seen him since he left the courthouse. The Zimmermans said that because of "an enormous amount of death threats," they, too, have remained in
hiding and still don't feel safe enough to return to their home in Orlando, Fla.
The Editor says...
The story immediately above was posted on the ABC News web site, and disappeared about 8 or 9 hours later; however, several ABC affiliates
put the same story on their web sites.
So if there was an attempt to scrub the story, the effort failed.
Why Is IMDB Allowing a
User to Post Death Threats Against George Zimmerman? The Internet Movie Database is hosting online threats to the life of George Zimmerman.
According to the PJ tipster who sent this to us, IMDB has been notified of the threats, which have been online for more than 40 hours. Instead
of taking the threat down, our tipster says that IMDB deleted his post notifying them of the threat and has not replied to the notification.
Trayvon Nation. I thought Atlas readers might
want to check out some videos of response by the morally superior and immensely tolerant left. Remember, Obama said if he had a son, he would
look like Trayvon. Indeed.
Pro-Abortion Mob Threatens
Pro-Lifers Inside the Texas Legislature. The scene inside the Texas legislature is chaotic for pro-life advocates who have been
attempting to stand up for unborn children while members of the legislature debate the late-term abortion ban. The pro-abortion side has
reportedly threatened pro-lifers with guns and chains to the point that state troopers have helped pro-lifers get to undisclosed locations and
other places of safety out of the way of what has become an unruly mob.
Texas Police Confiscate Jars of
Urine, Feces From Abortion Activists. Texas police have issued a statement confirming they have confiscated numerous jars of feces and
urine that abortion activists planned to throw at pro-life legislators today who are debating the late-term abortion ban. As LifeNews reported,
abortion activists also planned to throw tampons and feminine pads at lawmakers, but the Texas Department of Public Safety statement below confirms
the planned assaults on legislators are much worse than that.
Texas Abortion Activist
to Pro-Life Legislator: I Want to "Pummel His Face In". The debate over the Texas Preborn Pain bill revealed the face of the abortion
movement. On June 25th, the last day of the first called Special Session, abortion advocates caused a disturbance in the Senate chamber,
resulting in the removal [of] 75 protesters. As the midnight deadline to pass the bill approached, pro-abortion protesters violated every rule
of decorum.
New Black
Panther: 'Praise Be to God' if George Zimmerman Is Killed in Prison. A member of the New Black Panther Party said he hopes George
Zimmerman is found guilty and murdered in prison. "Anything less than death for George Zimmerman is not justice," Kojo Kayrallah, who
identified himself as the chief of staff for the state of Florida, told the Daily Caller. Asked about the possibility of Zimmerman
being killed in prison, Kayrallah responded, "praise be to God."
Teen arrested over Zimmerman tweet. A 15-year-old boy has been arrested after authorities say he tweeted out a threat to commit a "mass
homicide" if George Zimmerman is found not guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin, according to the Lake County News-Sun.
Video shows men attacking religious
protesters at Pridefest. A protester holding a sign reading "Repent or Else" was attacked by a group of people following a loud argument during Pridefest
Sunday [6/30/2013], according to the Seattle Police Department. Bicycle officers heard a loud debate between two groups of people near Fourth Avenue North and Broad Street
but continued on their way.
Hating America. University of Southern California professor Darry
Sragow preaches hate to his students in his regulation of elections and political finance class, recently telling them that Republicans are stupid, racist
losers and that they are angry old white people. A few years ago, Rod Swanson, a UCLA economics professor, told his class, "The United States of
America, backed by facts, is the greediest and most selfish country in the world." Penn State University professor Matt Jordan compared supporters
of the voter ID laws to the Ku Klux Klan.
Gays at the Supreme Court: Somewhere Under the Radar.
Last week I decided to observe the scene under the rainbow flags at the Supreme Court building. [...] As a supporter of marriage, I wasn't in the mood to
entertain more vitriol from a gauntlet of LGBT activists as was spewed at participants of the March for Marriage held in Washington three months ago.
Among that LGBT mob was a guy directing his "F--- you" stance to marriage supporters as he collected video of them on his cell. Also prominently on
display was a mocking transgender pole dancer, clad in rainbow tutu and devil horns.
From Facebook' Wants Conservatives to Boycott This July 4. [Scroll down] One Texas man found his account frozen after he wrote
"Seizing the day with baby Obama" to a friend, and an anti-immigration group was unable to get the word out about an anti-Obama protest it was
holding. Meanwhile, Newby noted, a page called "Kill Mitt Romney" was permitted to stay up for nearly two weeks, and a page called "I hate it
when I wake up and Sarah Palin is still alive" stayed active long enough to attract 3,000 members.
protesters drown out "Amazing Grace" with chants of "Hail Satan". I admit I was skeptical of this story when it came across my e-mail
yesterday evening. Generally speaking, stories that are either too good or too bad to be true aren't. Even at the beginning of
this short clip, it's nearly impossible to make out what the pro-abortion protesters are yelling — at least until the camera swings
around, and a young woman helpfully boosts the message.
Texas abortion battle heats up as
activists 'Hail Satan!'. Tensions in Texas ratcheted a bit higher Tuesday as activists on both sides of the abortion issue squared off
at the Capitol in Austin for a somewhat odd religious-themed shout-down. [...] Pro-choice protesters shouted, "Hail Satan!" as an attempt to drown
out pro-lifers' rendition of "Amazing Grace."
Pro-choice activist to pro-life senator: "I hope
your daughter's raped." Pro-Life
Texas Legislators Receive Threats. Pro-life legislators in the Texas statehouse have faced threats and abuse from
pro-choice protesters, prompting at least one to bring in extra volunteers to help with security. State representative
Jonathan Stickland tells NRO that being vocally pro-life has made him a target for abuse and threats from some of the pro-choice
protesters in Austin.
Democrat Tweets Repugnant Joke Involving Abortion and Dick Cheney. State Rep. Gene Wu represents District 137,
Harris County. The Houston-area Democrat tweeted this joke today, as the legislature's special session gets underway.
The legislature is reconsidering a bill regarding abortion and standards at clinics, which died in the first special session last
week thanks to a combination filibuster and clock-killing mob tactics.
Mecklenburg County commissioner Kim Ratliff
under fire for racial statements. A Mecklenburg County commissioner is under fire for making statements with racial overtones that
have some people calling for removal — or at least a reprimand. This time, it's not Bill James, the longtime Republican commissioner who's
been known to utter divisive remarks. It's Kim Ratliff, the board's Democratic vice chairwoman, who told WBTV that she'd prefer commissioners
not choose a "white male" to be the next county manager.
Did Sen. Charles Schumer warn of — or threaten — immigration
reform riots? Sen. Charles Schumer — the New York Democrat who is the lead sponsor of the Senate immigration reform
bill — has warned that there could be huge demonstrations against the Republican Party should it vote down his highly flawed 1,000-plus-page
bill drafted for the most part by his staff. For most of the nation and much of the media, his warning has flown under the radar screen.
It should not. It should not because it can and should be fairly asked if he was warning this could happen, or was he encouraging it to happen?
Howard Dean on climate realists: "Run 'em over".
The former Governor noted it was the 10th anniversary of his campaign speech and talked about the progress he's seen in that time — such as the ability
to fight back against people who say "crazy" things. "I heard a great program on CurrentTV yesterday about people who deny climate change, and I'm in favor of
what their solution was," Dean said. "We don't have to talk to them anymore about stuff that's not true and this propaganda that's a lie. We're just
going to run 'em over. And that's exactly what we're going to do."
of Immigration Activists Storm Kansas Secretary of State's Home. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is calling for a criminal
investigation after a huge mob of illegal alien supporters surrounded his private home Saturday and held a rally on his front porch. At
least 200 members of Sunflower Community Action were bussed into Kobach's Kansas City-area neighborhood on Saturday — to
protest his staunch anti-illegal alien views.
Rep. Steve King: 'Illegal
aliens' invaded my office. Rep. Steve King, a Republican from Iowa and the House's leading immigration hawk, complained
Thursday [6/13/2013] about young immigrants who had shown up to protest his bill that would defund President Barack Obama's deferred
action program. King wrote on Twitter that "20 brazen self professed illegal aliens have invaded my DC office. Obama's
lawless order gives them de facto immunity from U.S. law."
The Liberal Creed: Punish the
Innocent and Reward the Guilty. [Scroll down] Liberals want to reward those who spew true hate speech. If someone calls
Bush Hitler, calls a Crucifix in a jar of urine art, or condemns all conservatives as racists, liberals will defend his right to free speech and
help him get federal funding. But if someone speaks out against gay marriage or wants to offer a woman entering an abortion clinic a pamphlet,
liberals are incensed. In fact, liberals are constantly working to get all conservatives tossed off the airwaves and to have Fox News banned.
Every Hollywood Liberal Is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out. Appearing on MSNBC, singer and former civil rights
icon Harry Belafonte told President Barack Obama how he should take control of the political debate. His answer? Jail
opponents. "That there should be this lingering infestation of really corrupt people who sit trying to dismantle the wishes of
the people, the mandate that has been given to Barack Obama, and I don't know what more they want," Belafonte told race hustler
Al Sharpton. "The only thing left for Barack Obama to do is to work like a third world dictator and just put all these
guys in jail."
the journalism professor who says NRA members are treasonous, should be executed. In a bizarre op-ed in The Charleston
Gazette last week, journalism professor Christopher Swindell argued that the National Rifle Association "advocates armed rebellion
against the duly elected government of the United States of America." Stirring words, to be sure, but Swindell was hardly
done — not even close. He also said that the NRA is guilty of "treason" "worthy of the firing squad."
Why are liberals so rude to the right?
Why is it that liberals feel no qualms about being rude? Far too many people who are perfectly polite and courteous, otherwise, think nothing of
insulting you for not sharing their political opinions. They look at us with disdain, thinking we're unenlightened conservatives and never
hesitating to say so.
Those crazy,
lone-wolf, low level IRS employees. William Yeomans, professor at American University's Washington College of Law,
wrote in a piece in Politico "It has become commonplace to call the tea party faction in the House 'hostage takers.' But
they have now become full-blown terrorists. ... Tea party members must reassess their distorted vision of patriotism and join
true patriots in Congress in raising the debt ceiling promptly until 2013, without inflicting further economic harm on already
struggling Americans." Thomas Friedman equated the Tea Party members of Congress with Hezbollah. Nicholas Kristof
suggested they are Al Qaeda.
Chair Emeritus: 'Legitimate' For IRS To Target 'Admittedly Racist' Tea Party. Julian Bond, chairman emeritus of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, joined anchor Thomas Roberts on MSNBC on Tuesday [5/14/2013] where he said that
he did not believe the federal government was complicit in any wrongdoing given the news that the Internal Revenue Service singled out
conservative groups for added scrutiny. He said that it is right of the government to look into the Tea Party, which he
called "overtly racist" and the "Taliban wing of American politics." Bond made these comments after noting that his group
was illegitimately targeted by the IRS in 2004.
Democrats Try To Cash In On Texas
Fatalities. The explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas that claimed 14 lives is still unexplained; investigators have not yet
figured out the cause. But that hasn't stopped the Democrats from trying to make political hay out of the tragedy. First we have this
disgusting cartoon in the Sacramento Bee, which is predicated on the idea that the explosion was caused by lax regulation on the part of the State
of Texas.
Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Appears to Be Obama Fan. Several posts on what several news organizations have confirmed as the
Twitter profile of accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev indicate that that the 19-year-old Chechnyan immigrant was a supporter of
Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election.
Has The World
Gone Stark Raving Mad? With liberals dancing on the great Maggie Thatcher's grave, it's clear they don't think they'll pay
a price for their hatemongering. Why? Simple: The media won't shame their own. [...] Similarly, neither the Democratic
Party nor the American press denounced the violent tactics of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
The Top 50 Liberal Media Bias Examples. [#37] "Hate Speak" Double
Standard: The lefty media have for decades railed about the "hate speak" coming from America's conservative talk radio hosts. Every sleight, real or
perceived, uttered by conservative talkers has been ballyhooed as shameful shock radio. Yet worse has been perpetrated by left-wing talk radio hosts and
the Old Media has remained silent.
Why Aren't More People Repelled by the Left?
Margaret Thatcher's death has been the latest occasion for the Left to show its true stripes. All across the U.K., there have been demonstrations —
vulgar at best, and violent at worst. In Bristol, lefties celebrating a Thatcher "death street party" started fires, destroyed property and battled police.
Explosive addressed to Arpaio found in Flagstaff.
Authorities say law officers in Arizona have intercepted an explosive device that was earmarked for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said late Thursday night [4/11/2013] that the device was contained in a package addressed to the sheriff at his
downtown Phoenix office.
Low Life Gay Radicals Send Profanity
Laced Screeds to Two Girls. William Bigelow of Breitbart.com is reporting that there have been two targeted attacks of young girls in
the past two months by homosexual activists who were upset by the girls' stance in favor of traditional marriage. The first victim,
11 year-old Grace Evans, received some "rather colorful comments" from activists upset with her bold testimony before the Minnesota
House Committee on Civil Law in February.
Left Celebrates the Death of Rick Warren's Son.
One of the more disturbing aspects of the internet culture — fed largely by the ability to post anonymously — is the rash of
mean, hateful comments made following the death of a prominent figure associated with one side or the other. [...] Are people really that bereft of
humanity and care that they think no more of trying to inflict pain on the families and friends of someone who died than they do of swatting a fly?
'celebration' breaks out just minutes after Baroness Thatcher's death. Champagne was flowing tonight as the Left took to the streets
to celebrate the death of former Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. [...] Members of organisations including the Anti-Bedroom Tax
Federation, the Communist Party, the Socialist Party, the Socialist Working Party, the International Socialist Group, were joined by members of the
public at the impromptu 'party'.
Alinsky and McCarthy: Brothers
under the Skin. The charge of "McCarthyism!" is the left-wingers' favorite tactic for silencing anyone with the temerity to
express views they consider anathema. Leftists, however, often practice what they pretend to oppose: reckless, unsubstantiated
charges against those they fear, including ad hominem attacks, character assassination, and guilt-by-association. The tactic
appears to work.
Pediatric Neurosurgeon with No Criminal Record is a "Monster".
A strange juxtaposition of stories from Hot Air. Convicted felony murderer Kathy Boudin is an adjunct professor at Columbia.
But Ben Carson is, according to the left, a "monster." He saved lives while Kathy Boudin was ending them. Obviously he's a
monster and she's a Distinguished Intellectual. Nice leftwing people on Twitter said so.
The sanctioned abuse of the
faith. The mockery of Christianity, and not just the ridicule of individual Christians, has even won the sanction of the
courts. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which will sanction everything weird and contentious, ruled in 2011 that "hostility
to religion" is OK, after a 16-year-old Mormon boy sued his teacher for ridiculing him for his beliefs, saying there was no more evidence
of the works of God than "there is a giant spaghetti monster living behind the moon." The class was expected to reward him with a
hearty laugh.
Reverend León vs. Dr.
Carson. I've been out of pocket, so I missed most of the hullabaloo about Reverend Luis León's indefensible
Easter sermon at St. John's Episcopal Church in front of the Obama family. Among his comments he said the "religious Right" wants
"blacks to be back in the back of the bus, for women to be back in the kitchen, for gays to be in the closet, and for immigrants to be
on their side of the border."
black legislator sends racist tirade to gun rights supporter. Would it do any good to point out that if this bozo was
white and sent a racist screed like that to a black constituent, that there would be calls from one end of the country to the other
for his resignation? No — but it is obligatory to point it out.
fly as gay marriage advocates and opponents clash outside Supreme Court. Midway through a National Organization protest in
front of the US Supreme Court building, punches flew. One, which landed on the face of a marcher, was thrown by gay marriage advocate
Sergei Kostin, a former Occupy DC member whom a source in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department described as a 'professional
'The Good, Racist People' of
Manhattan. [E]very once in a while, something that a prominent "liberal" says, when he or she believes he's
making a Profound Statement on the State of Mankind, just jumps out as being remarkably misanthropic.
Democratic aide compares Scott Walker with Jeffrey Dahmer. In Milwaukee politics, there's one person to whom you can
never compare a sitting politician. Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. A top Democratic Party aide found that out
Friday [3/1/2013]. Shortly after prosecutors announced they closed the John Doe investigation of Gov. Scott Walker's
aides, Democratic Party spokesman Graeme Zielinski took to Twitter to begin ripping the first-term Republican governor.
Cher Calls GOP Star Ted Cruz a 'Bigot'.
Cher leaned heavily on her Twitter page in the waning months of the 2012 presidential race to blast anything associated with Mitt
Romney. Now, she's focusing her GOP hate on the party's rising star, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Cruz, whose aggressive approach
has made him the target of mainstream news outlets which ignore similar tactics by liberals, is now Cher's favorite outlet for her
social media vitriol.
The Violence Of The Gun Hating Left. First, there was Nkosi Thandewe, who murdered one woman and
wounded two. Thandewe told the court that he learned to hate white people while he was a student at the University of West Georgia. Then there is
Christopher Dorner, who murdered a former co-worker's daughter and her fiancee in revenge — and a police officer for the fun of it. Oh yes,
Dotson is a gun hating, Piers Morgan supporting Obama fan. A registered Democrat, of course.
Dorner murder
spree is the just the logical extreme of Alinsky tactics. These news organizations are attempting to cover up the fact
that Dorner is the latest in a long and growing line of left-wing terrorists spawned by a combination of mental illness and progressive
ideology, which uses "Alinsky" tactics to polarize and dehumanize opponents, justifying their destruction.
If Chris Dorner Liked Conservative Hosts Instead Of Liberal Ones, The Media Would Go Nuts. Hannity pointed out how Dorner
is a big fan of liberal politicians and celebrities, while finding the NRA a deplorable organization. Hannity remarked, "don't
expect to hear much about this on liberal news outlets," since Dorner appears to be a fan of networks like CNN and MSNBC. Hannity
brought on Media Research Center president Brent Bozell to take on the media coverage, or lack thereof, of the manifesto.
L.A. Cop Killer Posted Pro-Obama, Pro-Gun Control, Leftist Rant on the Web. The suspect, Chris Dorner, posted a manifesto on
the web, but media are ignoring some of its key passages. Dorner's rant begins with an attempt to justify his crimes, and then reveals
a man steeped in typical Think Progress, Media Matters style leftist thinking.
Media Scrub Cop Murderer's Manifesto of Pro-Obama, Hillary, MSNBC, CNN, Gay, and Anti-Gun Comments. I started
noticing that some of the details the media was talking about didn't fit the released manifesto I've read everywhere.
Especially interesting, is that KFI's morning news regurgitator Bill Handel had mentioned some pro-Obama comments and anti-NRA
sentiments in the manifesto. But these weren't in the copy that KFI themselves released — see for yourself.
Chris Dorner: A Mass Shooter Leftists Can Love.
[Scroll down] Dorner also effusively praises President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, while showing contempt and disdain for "America," the screed's
addressee, for not wholeheartedly supporting Dear Leader.
The Truth About Dorner: Leftism Is Violence.
The media has been dishonest in trying to cover up [Christopher Jordan] Dorner's left-wing views. They've been beyond hypocritical in drawing no link between
Dorner's acts and his politics — after they have repeatedly tried to link acts of violence to conservatism even when, as usual, there was no link to be
made. Worst of all, as Big Government has shown, they are beginning to try to justify the slaughter.
federal endorsement for Southern Poverty Law Center. Floyd Corkins, 28, learns his fate July 15 when he returns to
federal court in the District of Columbia for sentencing following his Feb. 6 guilty pleading to three felonies, including interstate
transportation of a firearm and ammunition, assault with intent to kill while armed, and committing an act of terrorism while armed.
He could be sentenced to 40 years in federal prison.
Liberal Shooter Planned Mass
Murder. [Floyd] Corkins pled guilty today [2/6/2013] to firearms, terrorism and assault charges in Washington, D.C.
Corkins shot and wounded one man in a terrorist attack last August, but he admitted in court that he had intended to kill as many as
possible. He was carrying a loaded 9 mm handgun and had in his possession two additional loaded magazines and 50 loose
rounds of ammunition. So the Democrats and their media outlets should be talking up Floyd Corkins, right? Wrong.
Because he carried out his attack on the Family Research Council's Washington headquarters.
Family Research Council shooter pleads guilty to three felonies. New details
about Floyd Lee Corkins II emerged Wednesday in federal court, where he admitted to the politically motivated shooting at the conservative
think tank in downtown Washington. Corkins, 28, pleaded guilty to three felony charges: a federal charge of transporting a firearm
and ammunition across state lines and D.C. charges of assault with intent to kill and committing an act of terrorism while armed.
Shooter Identified FRC
as Target on Southern Poverty Law Center Website. Floyd Lee Corkins II, who pleaded guilty in federal court on Wednesday to
the Aug. 15 shooting at the Family Research Council (FRC), identified the FRC as a target by using the website of the Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC), which includes what it calls a "Hate Map" that features the FRC's Washington, D.C., headquarters.
Time to
Call the SPLC a Hate Group? Because according to reports, it was the uncivil discourse found on its website that incited
Floyd Lee Corkins to attempt a mass shooting at the Family Research Council, last August.
Kills: Left's Demonization of Conservative Group Inspired Shooter. Who told Floyd Corkins that the Family Research
Council was a leading opponent of the gay-rights agenda? Who convinced Floyd Corkins that opponents of the gay-rights agenda
were evil people who need to die? Whoever they are, they've got blood on their hands. [...] The Southern Poverty Law
Center — which did much to demonize the Family Research Center by listing them as a "hate" group — is embraced
as a valuable partner by Eric Holder's Justice Department. So, in effect, the Obama administration has given its imprimatur of
approval to this terrorism against conservatives.
Left Wing
Terrorist Pleads Guilty To Shooting, Liberal Media Ignores. Last August, Floyd Corkins walked into the office of a
conservative organization called the Family Research Council and opened fire. Today, he pleaded guilty to the charges.
Corkins was angry at the FRC because he thought it was a hate group. Know why? Because the far left organization known
as the Southern Poverty Law Center told him it was...
Ignores Leftist Website Connection to FRC Shooter, Yet Suggested Palin Map Inspired Jared Loughner to Kill. Floyd
Corkins Jr. pleaded guilty on Wednesday to wounding a security guard at the Washington headquarters of the Family Research Council,
a conservative Christian lobbying group fighting against gay marriage, on August 15 last year. Corkins was carrying
15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches at the time — the restaurant chain noteworthy for its public, Christian-based opposition
to gay marriage — and intended to rub the sandwiches in his victims' faces. The New York Times made do with a brief
from Reuters that did not mention a vital angle: That FRC was brought to the attention of Corkins via the website of the
left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled FRC a "hate group."
the Left Incites Violence. As the Washington Examiner reports, the person charged with an attack on the Family Research
Council in which a security guard was shot last summer did so after he read an entry on the Southern Poverty Law Center website
designating the conservative organization as a "hate group" because it opposed gay marriage and helped him find its offices.
Floyd Corkins II plead guilty yesterday [2/6/2013] to a federal firearms charge and D.C. terrorism and assault charges.
Poverty Law Center website triggered FRC shooting. The Family Research Council shooter, who pleaded guilty today to
a terrorism charge, picked his target off a "hate map" on the website of the ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center which is
upset with the conservative group's opposition to gay rights. Floyd Lee Corkins II pleaded guilty to three charges including a
charge of committing an act of terrorism related to the August 15, 2012 injuring of FRC's guard. He told the FBI that he
wanted to kill anti-gay targets and went to the law center's website for ideas.
Pentagon Consults Anti-Christian Extremist for Religious Tolerance Policy. Floyd Lee
Corkins — the first person ever convicted of domestic terrorism in federal court under the laws of Washington, D.C. — told
the FBI that he chose his intended shooting spree targets from the SPLC website's map. Corkins was arrested at the offices of the Family
Research Council (FRC) after shooting a security guard in August 2012. His court documents state that Corkins intended to kill as many
people as possible.
Liberal Group Cited in Terrorism Case.
To read the Sentencing Memorandum is not only to understand just how close the nation's capital came to mass murder in the name of left-wing
politics. It opens the entire can of worms that has become the Southern Poverty Law Center itself.
FRC Shooter gets 25 Years; Feds call it Act
of Terrorism. The Virginia man who planned a mass shooting based on a leftwing group's "hate map" of conservatives got sentenced to 25 years
in prison today [9/19/2013], though federal prosecutors had recommended 45 for what they call an act of terrorism. Floyd Lee Corkins stormed into the
headquarters of the Family Research Council (FRC) last August and carried out the politically-motivated shooting based on a target list from the Southern
Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit that features conservative organizations on a catalogue of "hate groups."
FRC shooter gets 25 years. Floyd Corkins II walked into the lobby of the
Family Research Council (FRC) in August 2012 with a backpack full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches, a gun, and 100 rounds of ammunition. [...] Corkins, 28, told
authorities he planned to shoot as many people as possible and smear the chicken sandwiches in their faces as a political statement. The volunteer for The
DC Center for the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Community was angry over the position conservatives, including Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy,
have taken on homosexuality and same-sex marriage.
Cops Say Road Rage Incident Was Prompted By Suspect's
"Impeach Obama" Bumper Sticker. Paul Guaschino was driving Friday when a fellow motorist spotted an "Impeach Obama" bumper
sticker on the 62-year-old Connecticut resident's vehicle. According to cops, the other driver apparently did not appreciate the
bumper sticker and "displayed his dislike by showing his middle finger."
Carrey: 'Assault Rifle' Owners Have 'Very Little in Their Body or Soul Worth Protecting'. Actor Jim Carrey said
Saturday [2/2/2013] that anyone who has bought an "assault rifle" since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School retain little
that is "worth protecting." "[Anyone] who would run out to buy an assault rifle after the Newtown massacre has very little left
in their body or soul worth protecting," said Carrey on Twitter, Feb. 2.
Totenberg: 'Conservatives Want To Take a Knife To Hillary Clinton's Throat'. Remember all that talk about civility in
political discourse after the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords? NPR's Nina Totenberg apparently doesn't, for on
PBS's Inside Washington Friday, she said of Hillary Clinton, "Any time conservatives can they want to take a knife to her throat".
Accosted by Security over Mayor Bloomberg Gun Control Question. In an explosive exchange outside the U.S. Conference of
Mayors meeting in Washington, D.C., security guards for billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg accosted senior Talk Radio
Network investigative reporter Jason Mattera when he asked the mayor about his strong support for gun control.
lawmaker arrested after threatening to shoot Speaker elect, found with gun. According to KNTV in Nevada, a Democratic
lawmaker was arrested on Saturday [1/19/2013] for threatening to shoot the Speaker elect. State Assemblyman Steven Brooks had
been upset about his recent assignments and Brooks took it out on Marilyn Kirkpatrick, the soon to be Speaker of the State House.
The Assemblyman Has
a Gun: The Steven Brooks Saga. Nevada's political scene has been rocked by the odd story of a Democratic lawmaker, the party
leader he allegedly threatened, and a shoebox with a revolver in it.
The Left's Inability To Be Civil.
This past week, Bob Sheiffer of CBS compared defeating the NRA to defeating the Nazis in World War II. Not to be outdone Martin Bashir
of NBC said the NRA "...deserved to be compared to Hitler." Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) claimed: "...they [NRA] cannot
get over the fact that Obama is black." And the ever reasonable Charlie Rangel (D-NY) in discussing gun control said: "..the
Southern states have cultures that we have to overcome." These are but a few of the many references to either Hitler, the Nazis, racism
or backwoods gun-totting hicks in fly-over country since the debate spawned by Obama's determination to impose more stringent gun control
measures began.
Freshman congressman receives death
threats. Death threats have been made against freshman Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma), his wife and children, according to a
statement by his chief of staff Karl Ahlgren. Ahlgren said law enforcement authorities consider the threats to be a "serious matter due to
the content and nature of the threatening letters which were received." Precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of Mullin's wife
and children, Ahlgren added. He did not specify the nature of the threats, or the potential motivation behind them.
Obama can't abide views he doesn't share. Obama supporters like to portray Republican attempts to negotiate as hostage-taking
or extortion. But those are violent crimes. Negotiations — discussions attempting to reach agreement among those who
differ — are peaceful acts.
President: Death Threats Against Org Reflect Obama's Tactics. "Hundreds" of death threats have been made against the
president of the National Rifle Association just since the first of this year. And those threats reflect President Obama's
political tactics. That's what NRA President David Keene told talk show host Ernest Istook on Thursday [1/17/2013].
Video Game Allows Players to Murder NRA President. A new online video game is taking political discourse to a whole new level.
We already reported the death threats being received by NRA executives and now, a video game which allows users to shoot NRA President David
Keene in the head, has been released.
The Philadelphia Story. The video [in this
article] shows a Philadelphia union keeps non-union engineering contractors off the premises. He tries to sneak past them to do his job and
they crush him against the fence until he passes out. Then they laugh at him. When not similarly engaged they also use tire-busters
and direct threats. Maybe that's not news. What is news is that the video was collected by the Pestronk brothers, a pair of
developers, who used it and similar surveillance videos to fight back. No they didn't go to the police. They took the videos
to the public.
The 'Bullies': Breitbat Editor Exposes Obama's Army of Thugs In New Book. President Obama and his leftist allies like to claim they're
anti-bullying. They stand up for the little guy. They stand up to the powerful. They protect victims. They're liars. [...] When
the DHS wasn't busy running StopBullying.gov, they were busy bullying religious employers into violating their consciences by forcing them to cover
contraception for employees. And who headed up the It Gets Better Project? Dan Savage, the thug who screamed at Christian teenagers who
had the temerity to walk out on one of his anti-Biblical screeds. Obama isn't against bullying. Neither is the left more broadly.
Teachers union
leader jokes about killing the rich. Karen Lewis, president of the Chicago Teachers Union, recently
gave a speech that joked about the possibility of union members killing the wealthy. The speech, delivered to the
Illinois Labor History Society on Dec. 2, attracted attention this week after video of the event surfaced online.
Laughs, Applauds Chicago Teachers Union President After She Jokes About Beheading The Rich. Controversy erupted at the
Illinois Labor History Society's "Salute to Labor's Historic Heroes from the History Makers of Today" conference when Karen Lewis, president
of the Chicago Teachers Union, drew applause and laughs for suggesting that a past generation of labor leaders preferred to resolve disputes
with murder.
Why Is The Left In America So Filled With Hate? The rancid
attitude of the left has poisoned the American political process and has infected the American citizenry so deeply that a total breakup of the
country would not be unexpected. The only joy they seem to be able to attain is by creating a mob in the streets where they make complete
and utter fools of themselves (to the amusement of of millions) by protesting the very thing(s) that makes America great, unique, and exceptional.
20 Ways
America Has Begun to Reap What It Has Sown. [#19] We denigrate Christianity at every opportunity, mock people of honor,
and openly scoff at people who talk about morals; then we're surprised at how dishonest and nasty our society has become.
Outing the Gun Owners and the
Left's New Savagery. In the 1930s, when the National Socialist German Worker's Party, aka the Nazi Party, was consolidating
its power in Germany, its storm troopers regularly terrorized its opponents: showing up when they spoke to shout them down and
intimidate them, vandalizing their messages, and sometimes attacking them outright. We are rapidly approaching the same situation
in America today, as the Left's demonization of its opponents descends to this menacing new level.
Yes, Fascism Has Come to America. I see
horrifyingly evil "opinions" expressed by fellow Americans every day on Twitter, and in comment sections of blogs. They don't just disagree
with conservatives — they want us to shut up, lose our jobs, be financially ruined, or to drop dead. They actually root for Republicans
to die, and when they do die, the ghouls celebrate their deaths. Not just one or two weirdos engage in this behavior — huge packs of
them do.
Deranged Left-Wing Fundamentalist Syndrome.
Christian "fundamentalists," even when negative, typically have hope in a final victory for goodness, as their faith demands. Their leftist
scoffing children often do not, hence they are completely cynical and see human history as a miserable cycle dominated by rubes lacking their own
Professor Calls for Death
Penalty for Climate Change 'Deniers'. It is as inevitable as the rising of the sun; the Left, when thwarted in their quest for power,
suggests the use of lethal force to compel those who disagree. There is a nauseating litany of murders done by our betters in their pursuit of
the Benthamite vision of "the greatest good for the most people" — which in their minds equates to collectivization and socialism.
You have Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Margaret Sanger, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot. Now we can add one more name to the list: Professor Richard
Parncutt, Musicologist at Graz University in Austria.
Earth First Journal Assassination Hit List.
The latest newsletter from the environmentalist group Earth First! Journal contains a curious topic — assassinations. In fact, the
newsletter conveniently provides the names, addresses and phone numbers of the assassination targets. Naturally, none of this is to be taken
seriously, the environmentalists tell us. [...] Earth First is one of several shadowy fringe environmental groups that engage in the euphemism
"direct action" but have no centralized structure.
New Jersey Liberal Threatens to Kill Republicans.
Anyone who has observed the hateful rhetoric that Democratic politicians and media figures have directed at Republicans over the last few years must have
wondered whether Democrats' over-the-top hate speech would lead to violence. So far, mercifully, it hasn't; not lethal violence, anyway. But a pro-gay
marriage activist named Ronnie McMillian, from Hawthorne, New Jersey, shows how liberal loyalists can be whipped into a homicidal frenzy by liberal hate speech.
The new racial derangement syndrome. There is a different sort
of racialist derangement spreading in the country — and it is getting ugly. Here is actor Jamie Foxx joking recently about his new movie role:
"I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that?" Reverse white and black in the relevant ways and even a comedian would hear national
outrage. Instead, his hip "Saturday Night Live" audience even gave Foxx applause.
Texas Democrat Party Official Calls For Murder Of Fellow Americans Over Political Disagreement.
[John Cobarruvias] is now a member of the Texas State Democratic Executive Committee — the governing body of the Texas Democratic Party — which
makes him among the top Democrat leaders in Texas. [...] This top dog Dem is coming out in support of the murder of political opponents for the crime of —
being a political opponent of his gun grabbing agenda! And having called for the murder of those who dare to dissent from his political agenda, John Cobarruvias
then has the audacity to declare his opponents to be terrorists!
The Post-Newtown Witch Hunt. [Rhode Island Professor Erik]
Loomis is a militantly unhinged foe of all things conservative. This week, the nutty professor took to Twitter to rail against law-abiding gun owners
and the National Rifle Association. "Looks like the National Rifle Association has murdered some more children," Loomis fumed. "Now I want Wayne
LaPierre's head on a stick," he added. (LaPierre is executive vice president and CEO of the NRA.) Loomis was just warming up.
Professor: I Want NRA Vice
President's "Head on a Stick". Campus Reform has reported that University of Rhode Island Professor Erik Loomis has called for NRA Vice President
Wayne LaPierre's "head on a stick" during a rant on his Twitter page. Loomis also called the NRA a terrorist organization.
Detroit-Area Pastor
Threatens Campaign of Harassment Against Mich. Gov. and Family. Imagine for a moment if a Christian fundamentalist pastor publicly threatened a
Democratic Party governor about to sign a legitimately passed bill into law with a long-term campaign of public harassment for doing so. Now imagine if
that pastor extended that threat to include appearances at the governor's home and at his children's sporting events, and that Republican and conservative
elected officials on hand during the pastor's announcement voiced no objection to the pastor's threats. All of that would be news, right?
How to Get Away with Political Violence.
It is evident that Washington Post pundit Dana Milbank has an odd filter when it comes to commenting on political violence in this country.
He imagines it on the right and ignores it on the left.
War on Women: Prominent
Democrat's Son Assaults Girlfriend, Fracturing Her Skull. The last time Patrick Moran was making headlines, it was for his appearance in an
undercover video by James O'Keefe. Moran was seen assisting voter fraud, and was promptly fired from his father's campaign. His father is Rep. Jim
Moran of Virginia. Now, the younger Moran stands accused of assault and has pled guilty.
Union Thug to Governor
Rick Snyder of Michigan, "We'll be at your daughter's soccer game". Remember kids, this is how the left operates. They want what they want, and if
anyone stands in their way, they will be subjected to threats, attacks, intimidation, and harassment. They aren't above threatening children, or families, or
disrupting Church, because even God takes a back seat to the temper tantrums of the petulant left.
Black Skin Privilege.
As it happens, the term "white skin privilege" was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of "Weatherman," who were carrying on a
terrorist war against "Amerikkka," a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends,
Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war
already in progress. Although their methods and style kept the Weather radicals on the political fringe, their views on race reflected
those held by the broad ranks of the political left. In the following years, the concept of "white skin privilege" continued to spread
until it became an article of faith among all progressives, a concept that accounted for everything that was racially wrong in America beginning
with its constitutional founding.
Union destroys hot dog cart, calls owner an 'Uncle Tom' over right-to-work. Clint Tarver's hot dog cart, which he has operated
since 1996, is another casualty of the union protest against the right-to-work law. Union members destroyed the cart and called Tarver
an "Uncle Tom," among other racist epithets, for serving right-to-work proponents. After destroying the Americans for Prosperity tent,
where Tarver was catering hotdogs, the mob turned there [sic] attention to the hot dog cart.
Union Goons
Destroyed Man's Hot Dog Cart While Calling Him [Names]. So Mr. Tarver runs a business, semi retires, operates a hot dog cart for
so long that it becomes a local icon, then gets himself hired by those Koch minions and somehow gets the unions' tolerant and thoughtful ones to
call him names and wreck his business, er, if you're a liberal and buy the alternate history view of Tuesday's events. That's one of the
longest and weirdest false flag operations I've ever heard of.
Update: Michigan's 'hot
dog guy' getting new digs after protesters destroyed his supplies. Clinton Tarver, the owner of Clint's Hot Dog Cart and Casual Catering,
saw his small business thrust into the national spotlight on Tuesday [12/11/2012] when his supplies were destroyed at a pro-union protest against right-to-work
legislation in Lansing, Mich. "Violent" demonstrators tore down a tent where Tarver was serving his dogs, he said, prompting a staff member for a local
lawmaker to create an online fundraiser for the 63-year-old downtown fixture. As of Friday [12/14/2012], more than $33,000 had been donated.
Union Thugs? No Kidding. Had King
Electrical Services owner John King been shot by, say, a Tea Partyer, there'd be no end to the public pontificating from Washington's politicians
and media commentators about their rhetoric or protests inciting violence. It's quite a different story for the Lambertville, Mich.,
contractor who woke up in the dead of night a week ago found a silhouetted figure on his driveway spraying "SCAB" on the side of his vehicle.
The figure fired a gun at him before fleeing.
Obama's Tacit Approval of the
violence in Michigan. Obama's implied consent has been evident throughout his presidency. I don't ever recall his position
regarding the unprosecuted Black Panther polling incident. If only a journalist would ask him to weigh in. And now, nary a one dare
ask him to opine on the Michigan politicians and union officials with their harsh dialogue and suggestions of coming violence. Obama should
know fomenting when he hears it, shouldn't he?
Union Violence in the Age of Obama.
Not so many moons ago, President Obama urged us all to "make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds."
He Who Heals advocated "a more civil and honest public discourse" in the wake of the January 2011 Tucson massacre. As usual, though, the White
House has granted Big Labor bullies a permanent waiver from the lofty edicts it issues to everyone else.
Hoffa predicts 'civil war' in Michigan.
Jimmy Hoffa, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, said Tuesday [12/11/2012] he expects Michigan unions and lawmakers to
break out into "civil war" after the state legislature passed right-to-work bills that would weaken unions' power.
Democrats threaten violence on
Michigan House floor. "There will be blood," State Representative Douglas Geiss threatened from the floor of the Michigan House of
Representatives today as the body debated legislation that would make Michigan the nation's 24th right to work state.
WH: 'There will be blood' might
not mean real blood. President Obama's spokesman cited the ambiguity of the statement, "there will be blood," as he avoided
condemning the remark made by a Michigan Democrat who opposes the imminent state's right-to-work legislation.
Michigan Dem on right-to-work
law: There will be blood. As protests against Michigan's right-to-work laws swelled, pro-union Democrat legislator Douglas Geiss
took to the state House floor — and Twitter — to promise violence.
Fox News
contributor punched in face at pro-union protests in Michigan. A Fox News contributor was punched in the face during a pro-union
protest Tuesday [12/11/2012] in Michigan, one of a series of confrontations between union demonstrators and opponents on the day the state
Legislature approved so-called "right to work" legislation that unions oppose.
Scarborough to
GOP: Punch 'bullies,' 'cowards' on talk radio in the face. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough has a solution for the Republican
Party's electoral woes: take on conservative talk radio. On Monday's [12/10/2012] "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, Scarborough
likened conservative talkers to schoolyard bullies and suggested Republicans "punch them in the face," which is something Mitt Romney
failed to do during his campaign, Scarborough said.
Jamie Foxx
Jokes About Killing 'All The White People' In His New Movie. Two weeks ago, Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx made national headlines
when he called President Obama "Our lord and savior." While hosting NBC's Saturday Night Live this weekend, Foxx joked about how in his
new film "Django Unchained," "I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that?"
A New Low From
The California Federation Of Teachers: Urine Indoctrination. If anything raises questions about the fitness of the California Federation
of Teachers to be around kids, just look at its new video pushing class warfare doctrine by graphically depicting "the rich" urinating on the poor.
The angry, hate-filled cartoon video was placed right up top on the California Federation of Teachers' website, where children could see it, if it's not
already being shown in classrooms.
And They Lived Happily Ever
After. Today's big controversy is the cartoon produced by the California Federation of Teachers and narrated by actor
Ed Asner. It's called Tax the rich: An animated fairy tale, and it contains all the wit and charm you would expect
from a video produced by a team of CFT apparatchiki.
California Teachers Union Video Features 'Rich' Urinating On 'Poor'. A new video
produced by the California Federation of Teachers — which could be playing in your child's classroom as we speak —
drums up the typical class warfare images we've come to expect from Big Labor.
The Racializing of American Politics.
The GOP's problem with Hispanics today is a tangle of issues involving the law, labor and assimilation that is hardly reducible to the
accusation that the party is too white. In virtually every instance, the idea that the Republican Party is "too white" is dropped
with almost no discussion of what exactly that means. The phrase is being pinned like a scarlet "W" on anyone who didn't vote for
the Democrats' nominee. It's a you-know-what-we-mean denunciation. Its only meaning is racial.
Beyond the Pale: Mike Malloy
Prays for Beheading of 'Teabaggers'. Left-wing radio host Mike Malloy keeps reaching for new lows in depraved discourse. Those
familiar with Malloy from his numerous appearances at NewsBusters over the years are aware of his pathological obsession with violence, especially
toward those who don't share his totalitarian politics.
We Feel the Hate from the Left.
This left to right hate isn't new. We deal with it all the time. Right women are favored targets, routinely considered fair game
for rape.
after woman flashes middle finger at Arlington National Cemetery. A photo of a Massachusetts woman flashing her middle finger at Arlington National Cemetery
has sparked widespread disgust across the web and prompted an online petition to get the woman fired from her job. Lindsey Stone posted the picture of herself
making the obscene gesture at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, next to a sign at the military cemetery that asks for 'Silence and Respect,' in October and the snapshot
quickly went viral.
fired. Lindsey Stone, the woman who posted to Facebook a tasteless photo of herself flipping off the fallen heroes at Arlington National
Cemetery, has been fired by her employer, Living Independently Forever, along with the co-worker who took the photo.
Dead pig in
Romney T-shirt left on sidewalk outside Republican headquarters in LA. Given Barack Obama's landslide re-election win, you might think
that victorious Democrats would be feeling upbeat and positive rather than vindictive. But one Obama fan apparently proved a sore winner —
leaving a disgusting message of hate outside a Republican field office.
Dead pig wrapped
in Mitt Romney T-shirt dumped at GOP office. Manhattan Beach police were looking Friday for the person or persons who wrapped
a dead pig in a Mitt Romney T-shirt and dumped it at a local Republican Party campaign office. The dead animal was found early Thursday
morning [11/8/2012] at the GOP office in the 3900 block of Highland Avenue, the Manhattan Beach Police Department said.
Is the Secret Service Ignoring Threats Against Mitt
Romney? The Secret Service appears to be playing politics by ignoring threats of riots and violence against Republican presidential
candidate Mitt Romney made by leftist filmmaker Michael Moore and the liberal group MoveOn.
Liberal Ad: Obama Supporters Shoot, Hack, Bludgeon and Bomb Romney Supporters. RepublicanZombieDefense.com, a Democrat activist website,
released a gross and violent "Get Out the Vote" ad today. In the video, Romney supporters, pictured as brain-dead zombies, are shot, hacked,
bludgeoned, and murdered. It's liberal humor at its best.
NPR Stations Air
Poison: Pro-GOP Women are 'Battered,' Romney's 'White Supremacist Ticket'. When conservative tax dollars support public radio stations across
America, what kind of programming gets aired? One radical show is "Smiley and West," which is distributed by Public Radio International. This
weekend, PBS star Tavis Smiley was too busy, so they replaced him with Julianne Malveaux — the loud-mouthed wacko who infamously announced on the
PBS show To The Contrary that someone should feed Clarence Thomas a lot of cholestrol so he dies young. So much for civility.
Imagine the news coverage if a Republican had done this. Wasserman
Schultz Involved in Police Altercation Outside Voting Precinct. A group of sign-waving campaign ralliers comprised of
both Democrat and Republican supporters outside an Aventura, Florida polling location witnessed Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
get involved in a heated altercation with an Aventura policeman after she apparently took issue with his request to not engage in
campaign activities in the street which would hold up oncoming traffic.
Twitter Users Who Threatened Romney's Life Remain
Active. More than a dozen Twitter accounts that were used as a medium to publically threaten Republican candidate Mitt Romney's life after the
second presidential debate remain active, nearly two weeks later.
Phony in Chief. When President Barack Obama and
others on the left are not busy admonishing the rest of us to be "civil" in our discussions of political issues, they are busy letting loose insults,
accusations and smears against those who dare to disagree with them.
Vandal Keys 'Obama' Into 2 Cars In Alta
Loma. A case of campaign vandalism is under investigation Friday in Alta Loma. Someone keyed the word "Obama" into
two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence that had Mitt Romney campaign signs.
Church sign defaced with anti-Romney
message. One side of the sign read "Christ voted Democrat" and the other read "Romney hates women". Luke Jackson,
the pastor of the church, said the statements on the sign were vandalism and that the authorities had been contacted.
The Editor says...
"Christ voted Democrat"? Really? Is there anything in the Bible about Jesus casting a ballot? I must have missed it.
Obama Campaign Posts Picture Of
Romney Wearing Dunce Cap. It is unclear who created the picture, but the raw photograph seems to have been taken from
the town hall-style presidential debate at Hofstra University several weeks ago.
Camp. Threatens NAACP Official. The Illinois political director of President Barack Obama's campaign allegedly
threatened a Chicago NAACP official because he did not support Obama's reelection campaign. David Lowery, the president of the
South Suburban Branch of the NAACP, alleged to CBS Chicago that Louis Raymond, the Obama official, threatened him during a phone call
because Lowery did not support Obama. Lowery felt Obama did not adequately address the concerns and issues of the black community.
NAACP Official: Obama Campaign Staffer
Threatened Me. The President of the South Suburban Branch of the NAACP alleges a director of the re-election campaign of Barack Obama
has threatened and intimidated him because he doesn't support the president.
Romney signs defaced with excrement
in Virginia. A conservative radio host based in central Virginia, has posted a video on his website of a GOP office with its window smashed
in, expletive-laced rants presumably delivered at Republicans, and Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan signs torn down, defaced and smeared with what appears
to be human excrement.
Elderly Couple Face
Vandalism, Molotov Cocktail Over Romney Sign. An elderly California couple has been subjected to violent threats, vandalism and a fake
Molotov cocktail because they erected a pro-Mitt Romney sign on their front yard. [...] A spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Dept. confirmed to Fox
News that the incident occurred.
Fracks of life — and
death — for NY pol. One of the state Legislature's leading backers of "hydrofracking" for natural gas has
received death threats from what he believes are environmental radicals opposed to the controversial drilling technique, The [New York]
Post has learned. "There have been repeated threats to me of bodily harm," Deputy Senate Majority Leader Thomas Libous
(R-Binghamton) angrily told The Post. "There have been calls saying, 'We know where you live,' 'We'll come to your
house' — that kind of stuff," Libous continued. Libous said he had notified law enforcement of the threats.
Democratic Millionaires
Spew Hate On The Rich. The most ridiculously annoying aspect of the Democratic political run for offices in 2012
is the incredibly long line of leftist millionaires who continually spew extreme hate and venom on the wealthy. Every
time a financially successful person gets up before the masses and promotes the leftist's class warfare by denouncing the
successful and wealthy persons and businesses among us, it is the most bizarre thing happening in the current elective
campaign process.
campaign tells Obama to 'rein in his supporters' on Nazi comments. Mitt Romney's campaign issued a statement
Wednesday [9/5/2012] demanding Democratic officials "cease and desist from comparing those with whom they disagree to Nazis" after
the chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party compared Gov. Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) to Adolf Hitler mistress Eva Braun.
Secret Service
looking into DNC delegate who wants to 'kill' Romney. A spokesman for the Secret Service told The Daily Caller that
the agency is aware of video showing a delegate at the Democratic National Convention expressing a desire to "kill" Republican
presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
Mia Love Wikipedia page
vandalized with slurs. Rising Republican star Mia Love's Wikipedia page was vandalized overnight with racist and
sexist epithets. The attack comes as Democrats and liberal media outlets criticize or downplay the GOP's effort at showcasing
diversity at their convention in Tampa. Love, a Utah city mayor and congressional candidate who is black, delivered a brief but
rousing address Tuesday night [8/28/2012] at the Republican National Convention.
Has the
President Lost Credibility? Politics is a dirty sport, it is true, and politicians can be expected to hurl insults and
untruths. However, it is not for nothing that the Obama campaign has been charged by its critics with engaging in ruthless,
unscrupulous "Chicago-style" politics. From the outset of this campaign season, even prior to Romney's victory in the
Republican presidential primaries, Obama made it clear that his sole objective would be to "destroy" Romney.
Matthews Admits to Verbally Accosting GOP Delegates at Restaurant. Just hours after a producer for deranged
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was accused of physically assaulting Republicans outside the party's national convention last
night, Matthews himself has admitted to verbally confronting several GOP delegates at a restaurant in Tampa, Florida ...
star under fire after 'saying she hopes Republicans are drowned by Hurricane Isaac'. A Hollywood actress has come under
fire for apparently saying she hoped Republicans would be drowned by Hurricane Isaac. The violent storm, which made landfall in
Louisana on Tuesday night [8/28/2012], was previously feared to be heading for the GOP conventionin Tampa, Florida.
'Kill Mitt Romney' Facebook Page Was Online
for 17 Days. Facebook page entitled "Kill Mitt Romney" garnered close to 30 likes and remained online for 17 days
before Facebook removed the page Monday [8/27/2012]. The Secret Service was aware of the the page and is taking "appropriate investigative
steps," according to FoxNews.com.
Philly blogger supporting
accused cop killers also behind 'Kill Mitt Romney' Facebook page. A Philadelphia blogger is behind a Facebook page calling for the
death of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and another page supporting two alleged cop killers. The page calling for violence
against Romney garnered 27 "likes" and remained up for 17 days before coming down on Monday, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
Campaign Breaking an Honored Gentlemen's Agreement. The lengths to which the media will go to excuse the negative
campaign that President Obama is running seem to know no bounds. The latest example is its dismissal of the interference that
Obama and his minions are planning during the GOP convention, as if he has to engage in the negative attacks, as if some outside
force is making him do it.
Reagan deserves 'special place in hell' for war on drugs. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle on Tuesday [8/21/2012] said former President
Ronald Reagan deserves "a special place in hell" for his role in the war on drugs, but later she regretted what she called her "inflammatory" remark.
The comment from Preckwinkle, known more for a reserved, straight-ahead political style, came at a conference led by former Republican Gov. Jim Edgar, who's
now at the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs.
Crickets Chirp When Leftist Hate Inspires
Violence. A gay activist opens fire in a conservative organization's offices, inspired by the steady drumbeat of leftist vitriol against those who
value traditional marriage, and no one says a word. [...] Those who blamed Sarah Palin for the shooting of Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords or Rush Limbaugh for the
Oklahoma City bombing are strangely silent. At least the likes of ABC's Brian Ross didn't reflexively blame the Tea Party, as he did after a gunman shot up
an Aurora, Colo., movie theater.
Lee Corkins charged in Family Research Council shooting. The man authorities say was angry with the conservative stance of the Family Research Council
and shot the group's unarmed security guard in a downtown D.C. office was ordered by a judge Thursday [8/16/2012] to undergo a mental evaluation. An FBI
affidavit quotes 28-year-old Floyd Lee Corkins II of Herndon telling the guard, "I don't like your politics" as he pulled a 9mm Sig Sauer pistol from a backpack
he had carried with him on Metrorail from East Falls Church.
Southern Poverty Law Center Website Put FRC on 'Hate Map'.
The man who shot a security guard at the Family Research Council (FRC) on Wednesday was "given a license" to do so because of groups such as the Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC) that have labeled the FRC a "hate group," said FRC President Tony Perkins. The SPLC has posted what it calls a "Hate Map" on its website that points
to the FRC as a "hate" group located in Washington, D.C.
Fanning the flames of left-wing violence. To borrow from President Obama's Black
Nationalist mentor, Jeremiah Wright, the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate-baiting chickens "have come home to roost." The hard-left group has become
everything it presumes to expose. On Wednesday, homosexual activist Floyd Corkins entered the Washington-based Family Research Council (FRC) armed with a gun
and a backpack full of ammunition. [...] The only thing standing between Corkins and mass murder was FRC facilities manager and security specialist Leo Johnson.
As Corkins shouted disapproval for FRC's "politics," he shot Johnson who, despite a severely wounded arm, managed to tackle Corkins and disarm him (of course, this
is all impossible as it's illegal in Washington, D.C., to carry a concealed weapon).
Man Indicted for Shooting at Conservative
Group. While the shooting was denounced by both liberal and conservative groups, it did little to calm heated rhetoric on both
sides of the gay marriage debate.
Update: Terrorism
charges filed in Family Research Council shooting. Seven new charges have been filed against Floyd Lee Corkins II, the Virginia
man accused of shooting a security guard at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., in August, including one count of
committing an act of terrorism while armed.
The Editor says...
It sounds as if the word "terrorism" is now being applied to anyone who fires a gun in a political dispute. This was a violent and indefensible crime,
but it is hardly what the average American pictures when discussing "terrorism".
Pat Buchanan explains why Democrats abandon civility more than Republicans. During Sean Hannity's radio show
Thursday [8/16/2012], he and commentator Pat Buchanan discussed the hostility they have both experienced from liberals during past Democratic National Conventions.
And Buchanan concluded that some activists on the left are so vicious about politics because politics is all they have in their lives.
Black Panther's Graphic Charge: We Need to Kill White Babies by Bombing Nurseries. "Under siege." That's how New Black Panther
Party Chief of Staff Michelle Williams describes the black community in Tampa, FL, site of the GOP convention. And you can bet she blames
Republicans, whites, and "tea baggers." [...] But the most shocking comments come in a separate piece of audio posted on the site. In it, the host
says blacks are "too scared" to drag whites out of their houses, skin them, hang them in trees, drag them behind trucks, and pour acid on them.
Cops: LGBT volunteer shoots conservative
group's guard. A man suspected of shooting and wounding a security guard in the lobby of a Christian lobbying group had been volunteering
at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
It's only an "atmosphere of hate" if it's
useful to liberals. An organization that's been vilified by the left gets shot up by somebody yelling about their policies.
Ho-hum. Politically motivated shootings are only news when they can be twisted around to make conservatives look bad. Not much
chance of that here. But maybe I shouldn't be so cynical. Maybe the national news will cover this, even though it has nothing to do
with the Romneys' clothes or hobbies or pets.
gunman identified as LGBT volunteer who opened fire at conservative lobbyist headquarters. A gay activist carrying a bag of
Chick-fil-A items opened fire in the headquarters of a conservative lobbying unit, wounding a security guard, police said. At
approximately 10.45 a.m. the man, identified as 28-year-old Floyd Corkins II, walked into the Family Research Council's (FRC)
headquarters in Washington, DC's Chinatown area, made a statement, produced a gun and then shot a security guard who tried to stop him.
Corkins had been volunteering at a community center dedicated to gay, lesbian and transgendered people.
Thoughts on the Family
Research Council Shooting. [Scroll down] We now know that Corkins is a volunteer at a District of Columbia LGBT center.
The organized gay community has properly, and I am sure sincerely, condemned today's shooting. Online, however, gay activists and their allies
have consistently smeared the Family Research Council as a "hate group" because it supports traditional marriage.
Man charged in shooting at conservative group HQ.
A man who volunteered at a gay community center had a backpack full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches and a box of ammunition when he said "I don't like
your politics" and shot a security guard at the headquarters of a conservative lobbying group, authorities revealed Thursday [8/16/2012].
Security guard shot at
Family Research Council in Washington. [Scroll down] When the FBI took the suspect into custody, he had Chick-fil-A "materials"
and ammunition in his backpack, the senior law enforcement official said. The official refused to say whether the Chick-fil-A material was a
flier, a menu, a sandwich wrapper or something else. Gay rights groups have called for a boycott of Chick-fil-A because its chief executive
took a public stance against gay marriage, and the Family Research Council has supported Chick-fil-A.
Will the Left Pause
After DC Shooting? After virtually every shooting attack in which a gunman took the lives of innocents in this country, the
instinct of the mainstream media and the liberal chattering classes has always been to look for a reason to blame conservatives. [...] That
leaves us wondering what those who have been so quick to use these tragedies as political soapboxes to denounce conservatives or to promote
liberal patent nostrums will say after today's incident in Washington.
After D.C. Shooting,
SPLC, Planned Parenthood, and the Feds Under Fire. The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center, tax-funded abortion behemoth Planned
Parenthood, and even the federal government are under fire for wild rhetoric and vicious hate-mongering that many conservatives and even some
establishment analysts believe may have contributed to Wednesday's shooting in Washington, D.C., by deranged homosexual activist Floyd Corkins.
Some experts expect to see more similar violence in the future if the hostile climate is not addressed.
Food Reporter Rejoices at Chick-Fil-A VP's Heart Attack, Apologizes. Mark Bittman, a New York Times food critic, admits he
used an "inappropriate phrase" in an August 3 blog posting about Chick-Fil-A. In fact, it was down right Bitter, man, because
he seemed to be rejoicing that a vice president of the fast food company had died of a heart attack back in July.
Founder's Death leads to Nasty Comments. Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A founder, died Monday [9/8/2014] at age 93. With
hard work, discipline, and dedication, he turned a single Atlanta diner into a popular restaurant chain and household name. He
rose from poverty to riches. Cathy opened his first restaurant in 1946, just after returning from serving his country in World
War II. Today, Chick-fil-A has nearly 2,000 outlets in 39 states. All along, the man was faithful to his business,
his family, and his God. You would think that his life's story would elicit nothing but praise. But if you think that,
then you don't live in modern America — that is, today's fundamentally transformed America.
'Kiss-In' Activists Harass & Mock 'Homeless Street Preacher' Reading His Bible Outside Restaurant. The writer describes a group of about
20 to 30 protesters who assembled outside of the Chick-fil-A location around 7 p.m. Some of the couples, Sorock reports, kissed one another
in a stand against the fast-food chain's opinion on same-sex marriage. While these acts were expected, some of the protesters made their way over to an
individual whom Sorock described as "an elderly African-American homeless man." He was seated along a fence nearby the protest. When the activists
approached him, they began arguing with him about theology, while also mocking him. One of the individuals in the group even wrote disparaging messages in
chalk near the man, who was peacefully sitting and reading his Bible at the time.
mob urges Team USA shooter Corey Cogdell to shoot herself. Corey Cogdell is a Trap Shooter who won a bronze medal at the 2008 Olympic Games in
Beijing and competed in the 2012 Olympic Games in London. She also participates in trophy hunting (hunting of wild game animals).
How to Fight Democrat Intimidation.
[Scroll down] I have witnessed left-wingers risk life and limb just to flash you the bird because your bumper sticker offends them — they'll
speed up to your car, take their eyes off the road, and angrily flip you off. I saw a public union thug break a Tea Partier's hand for no
reason other than that he was at the same protest but on the other side. My car was kicked in by members of the California Nurses
Association at a peaceful event for Carly Fiorina. I know people who have had their houses egged for the crime of displaying a yard sign.
Another friend had garbage dumped on her for committing the offense of manning a table for conservative candidates at a farmer's market.
I hear endless stories of cars being keyed because of bumper stickers...
Nanny state liberals — usually very intrusive about your
diet and nutrition — want you to die if you are a political foe. ACLU lawyer wants
Chick-fil-A supporters to gorge on transfats. If you support Chick-fil-A in the face of left-wing nutcase attacks
over the restaurant chain's support of traditional marriage, ACLU of Massachusetts Executive Director Carol Rose has some advice:
"Did you see that politicians Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee are now trying to rally all homophobes to eat at Chick-fil-A? I'm
thrilled. In fact, I encourage all bigots to load up on transfats and carbohydrates. Go ahead — eat
your heart out on the "Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit" breakfast! Mmmm." Presumably, her idea is to trigger heart
Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don't Understand. [#5] Hate: Liberals often define simple disagreement
with them on issues like gay marriage, tax rates, or abortion as hatred. No matter how well a position is explained, or the logical
underpinnings behind it, it's chalked up to hate. Meanwhile, the angriest, most vicious, most hateful people in all of politics are
liberals railing against what they say is "hatred." This irony is completely lost on the Left.
attack. The vile, hate-filled messages started showing up soon after Mitt Romney and the national press corps left Brian Maloney's
truck repair shop in Roxbury. "It was incredible," Maloney tells the [Boston] Herald. "It was crude, abusive, mindless garbage."
Maloney hadn't committed a crime, but to some Democrats and liberals he had done something far more heinous: He had dared to criticize
President Obama.
PETA takes
'bets' on when senator will die after objection to USDA vegetarian push. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has started taking
"bets" on its website over when Sen. Charles Grassley will die, after the Iowa Republican scolded the Department of Agriculture for advocating a
vegetarian diet. The USDA drew the ire of rural state lawmakers over a newsletter urging department employees to embrace "Meatless Mondays."
Roseanne Gone Wild: Chick-Fil-A Customers
'Deserve' Cancer. The fact that Roseanne Barr hasn't made us laugh since the Clinton administration should be enough to get
her drummed out of the competitive realm known as show business. Barr's steady stream of Twitter rage is also reason enough to
professionally marginalize the once talented performer.
Obama Grants Himself a Waiver From Civility.
Remember when President Obama lectured the nation on civility in its political discourse? [...] Unfortunately, his words ring hollow.
President Obama's counsel was not directed at himself or those who work at his behest. The rules of civility as decreed by President
Obama (and enforced by the mainstream media) apply only to conservatives and to anyone else who has the temerity to disagree with the Obama
Pitt's Mom Tests Hollywood's Tolerance. Hollywood and the American left love diversity, except when it offends
their "progressive" value system. Witness the reaction to actor Brad Pitt's mother, Jane, who publicly opposed President
Obama's re-election. Mrs. Pitt's pro-life, anti-gay marriage statement to her local paper last week inflamed the Tolerance
Brad Pitt's Mom Receiving Death Threats Over Anti-Obama
Letter. As Twitchy (which has compiled a list of Tweets regarding Pitt's letter) notes, some online are advocating that the actor's mother
[*vulgarity deleted*] for her comments, with others calling for her to be killed. WND.com, meanwhile, reports that Mrs. Pitt "has been scared into
silence by the hate-filled, vulgar and even violent reaction" to her letter.
Roberts, Blankenhorn, and
the Power of Liberal Intimidation. Given how many more Americans define themselves as conservative rather than as liberal, let alone than
as left, how does one explain the success of left-wing policies? One answer is the appeal of entitlements and a desire to be taken care of.
It takes a strong-willed citizen to vote against receiving free benefits. But an even greater explanation is the saturation of Western society by
left-wing hate directed at the right. The left's demonization, personal vilification, and mockery of its opponents have been the most powerful
tools in the left-wing arsenal for a century.
The Editor says...
If you see anything wrong with that, you must be a racist!
Obama superdonor says Allen West
is in 'Party of the Apes'. Bill Maher, a comedian who donated $1 million to President Obama's superPAC, attacked the only
Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus while describing the GOP as "the party of the apes."
Rethinking Gay Marriage. Anyone
who is active in the political world knows that the most obnoxious, profane, hateful partisans, the ones most likely to engage in
harassment, are the left-wing gay activists. So I was not at all surprised to see the latest misbehavior from that source:
gay activists invited to the White House for a "gay pride" event by President Obama photographed each other making obscene gestures
toward Ronald Reagan's portrait.
Gay Activists Know Nothing About
Reagan, History. I worry more about whether or not Pluto is a planet than whatever adults do in their bedroom. But, your
lifestyle, straight or gay, is no excuse to be rude.
Game of Thrones shows President George W. Bush's decapitated head impaled on a stake. Politicians are calling for a boycott
of HBO's fantasy series Game of Thrones after the creator's 'despicable' decision to include former President George W. Bush's
severed head in several scenes. In the tenth episode of the first season, Mr Bush's decapitated head is seen impaled on a wooden
spike, covered in filthy long hair and slathered in dirt. HBO and the show's creators, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, have
apologized for the incident.
Lord of the Skeptics. [Scroll down]
Whenever inconvenient facts don't fit the desired narrative, out come the nasty names. Skeptics are called things like "birthers,
baggers and blowhards," "love letter truthers," racists, extremists, "transcripters," "planet wreckers," flat-earthers, deniers,
crack-smokers, and crackpots — in order to mock, ridicule, and shut them up, Alinsky-style.
Behar Wants to See Romney's House Burn Down. Joy Behar, Al Gore's new employee at Current TV, said Tuesday in response to
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's comments on the need for more police, teachers, and firefighters, "I'd like to see his
house burn, one of his millions of houses burning down."
slapped after conceding to Walker in recall. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was slapped by a supporter after he conceded last
night to Gov. Scott Walker in the Wisconsin recall election. WISN-TV, an ABC affiliate, shot the video. Reporter Terry Sater
said in his report the woman was upset that Barrett called the Republican governor while there were still voters in the building trying
to cast their ballots.
South Carolina AFL-CIO Leader Bashes Nikki
Haley piñata. Donna Dewitt, the outgoing president of the South Carolina AFL-CIO, is seen in this video bashing a piñata of South Carolina
Governor Nikki Haley's face while Dewitt and her colleagues were at a retreat in Columbia, S.C. Saturday afternoon [5/19/2012].
Carolina AFL-CIO Head Takes Aim at Gov. Nikki Haley's Head. The incident occurred at a Saturday meeting of the South Carolina
Progressive Network, a group of about 60 organizations that Dewitt co-chairs. [Governor Nikki] Haley, who has voiced her dislike for
unions and has been sued by the International Association of Machinists and AFL-CIO, wrote on her Twitter and Facebook pages, "Wow. I
wonder if the unions think this kind of thing will make people take them seriously."
bat-wielding Big Labor thug of the day repeatedly whacks Nikki Haley pinata. The head of the South Carolina chapter
of the AFL-CIO, Donna DeWitt, thought it would be fun to take a baseball bat to GOP Gov. Nikki Haley's face on a piñata. [...] Just
watch it and see how other Big Labor goons shrieked "Hit her again! Whack her again!"
Nikki Haley Were a Democrat This Would Be a Hate Crime. Were Nikki Haley a Democrat, the media would make this
the front page story across the nation — racist tea partiers beating up the minority governor in effigy.
But no, Nikki Haley is a Republican minority. The media views most stories like this in terms of victim and victimizer and a
minority who signs on with the Republicans has, in the mind of so many reporters in America, chosen to join the victimizer
class. Therefore, when she herself is a victim, it's just payback.
Mass. Church
Threatened With Violence for Stand on Marriage. A Catholic parish in Acushnet, Massachusetts, has been targeted by homosexual
activists for a sign it posted taking a stand for traditional marriage. The sign, displayed on the outside message board at St. Francis
Xavier Church in Acushnet, read, "Two men are friends not spouses" — a simple and direct confirmation that, in the eyes of the Church,
only a man and a woman can be married. According to the New England Cable Network (NECN), the sign, which the church displayed for
only a 24-hour period, prompted a major backlash from homosexual activists and their supporters.
bile being spat at the people of North Carolina. Apparently if you oppose gay marriage you are a dumb, ill-informed, brainwashed,
knuckle-dragging hick and bigot. At least that's the message coming out of liberal circles in America this week, as supporters of gay marriage
look with disgust upon the people of North Carolina for voting in favour of Amendment 1.
Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose 'Job' Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence. Drug dealer, alleged child molester,
and convicted perjurer, forger and Indiana Speedway Bomber (who is also believed to have played a role in the assassination of a grandmother), Brett
Kimberlin, spent 17 years in prison before his ultimate re-absorption into American society. He started a non-profit dubbed "Justice
Through Music (JTM)" that has, since at least 2005, been funded by George Soros' Tides Foundation and Barbara Streisand among other leftists.
Along with his associate, Kimberlin also started an organization called "Velvet Revolution" that supports the Occupy movement.
Hate Group Associations Disqualify Obama.
In 2007, about a year before Obama posted Michael Pfleger's endorsement on his website, Pfleger said of an identifiable
licensed gun store owner, "We're going to find you and snuff you out."
Fox News' Decision Not To Fire Jehmu
Greene Angers The Right. As you may recall, on last Thursday's [5/3/2012] edition of America Live, Fox News contributor Jehmu
Greene called the Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson a "bow-tying white boy" in response to Carlson's criticism of Elizabeth Warren's
qualifications. Many outraged conservatives have called upon Fox to fire Greene.
official: 'Crucify' oil companies. Al Armendariz, a regional administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency,
explained in 2010 that he understands the EPA policy to be to "crucify" a few oil and gas companies to get the rest of the industry
to comply with the laws.
floats measure calling on official to resign over crucify remarks. The resolution marks the latest push by
Republicans in Congress to put pressure on EPA Administrator Armendariz to step down. Rep. Jeff Landry (R-La.) introduced
a House resolution Friday calling on an Environmental Protection Agency official to resign over 2010 comments comparing enforcement
of clean-air laws to crucifixion. The resolution marks the latest push by Republicans in Congress to put pressure on EPA
Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz to step down amid the firestorm over his comments.
The Editor says...
On Saturday, April 28, Democrat consultant Julian Epstein, speaking on the Fox News Channel, tried to play down the importance of Mr. Armendariz's
comments by referring to him as "a low-level EPA official." That is a deceptive mischaracterization, if not an outright lie.
Mr. Armendariz is was the Regional Administrator for EPA Region Six, which covers five oil-rich
states.* See for yourself at 2:50
into this video
clip. The Regional Administrator for EPA Region Six, whoever it is now, is a high-level EPA official.
EPA chief: 'Crucify' comments
from official are 'disappointing'. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson on Friday [4/27/2012]
said an agency official's 2010 comments comparing enforcement of clean-air laws to crucifixion are "disappointing." But
Jackson declined to say whether the official would be fired or face any disciplinary action, saying the agency "will continue
to review" the situation.
"Crucify Them": The Obama
Way. One of President Obama's radical eco-bureaucrats has apologized for confirming an indelible truth:
This White House treats politically incorrect private industries as public enemies who deserve regulatory death sentences.
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Al Armendariz, an avowed greenie on leave from Southern Methodist University,
gave a little-noticed speech in 2010 outlining his sadistic philosophy.
Administration's Repeated Abuses Are Extension of Extreme Liberalism. Every day, we get a new kick in the
gut from the Obama administration. Most recently, Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 Administrator
Al Armendariz was caught on video articulating his view of the agency's role in enforcing its regulations. [...] This
man should be fired — yesterday. White House press secretary Jay Carney risibly says Armendariz wasn't
articulating the attitude of the administration. Sadly, that's precisely what he was articulating.
Twitter Buzzes With Talk of Zimmerman Riots.
Since Friday [4/20/2012], there has been an explosion of tweets surrounding the possibility of rioting if Zimmerman is acquitted — or even
because he was released on bail.
'Someone Kill the Judge'. George Zimmerman, the accused
murderer of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, has been released from jail on bail. Meeting Zimmerman's release are calls (on Twitter) for him to be
Global warming crusaders
lose steam, tempers. Writing for Forbes.com, [Steve] Zwick has called on so-called "climate deniers" to be treated like virtual
war criminals: "We know who the active denialists are — not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create
the lies," he writes. "Let's start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let's make them pay. Let's let their houses
burn until the innocent are rescued. Let's swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let's force them to bear the cost of rising
food prices. They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us have to pay for it?" Those who disagree with him are not merely
mistaken, they are malevolent, unworthy even of persuasion through honest debate. Instead, "denialists" deserve only to have their homes
razed. This is becoming a more and more common feature of environmentalist rhetoric.
The Editor says...
Can you imagine a person who believes that he (or anyone else) could break the climate?
Soros and Obama vs. Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Rush Limbaugh was right in recently calling out the MSM's bias against Sheriff Joe in that not a single left-wing news source has reported that the sheriff has
received repeated online death threats by an avid Obama supporter. But a year ago, when then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot by a madman, the MSM were
quick to incriminate any right-wing sources, including polemical innuendoes on former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's and Limbaugh's websites, for contributing to
the killing spree on that dark, tragic Arizona day.
deniers should be tracked and made to pay 'when the famine comes', says inflammatory climate columnist. A
liberal environmental analyst sparked a firestorm after he used an outlandish example that suggested those who deny the
existence of man-made global warming should have their houses burnt down. Steve Zwick used the example of the fire
department in a small Tennessee town allowed several houses to burn to the ground because their owners had not paid the
mandatory $75 fee for the service.
Climate Alarmist
Calls For Burning Down Skeptics' Homes. Writing for Forbes Magazine, climate change alarmist Steve Zwick
calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be tracked, hunted down and have their homes burned to the ground, yet
another shocking illustration of how eco-fascism is rife within the environmentalist lobby.
Caucus" chair urges Cheney's execution. Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston), the Democrat chair of the Maine
legislature's Moderate Caucus, used his Twitter account to express his view that former Vice President Dick Cheney
should be executed. This comment has led some to question the validity of Kruger's moderate credentials.
Democrat: Cheney should die like Saddam. Democratic Rep. Chuck Kruger, a state legislator in Maine's "moderate
caucus," called for former Vice President Dick Cheney to die like Saddam Hussein, and now regrets his "lousy attempt at humor."
The Editor says...
Once again, this is the most common Democrat defense after a Democrat says something offensive: "Can't you take a joke?"
New Black Panthers
Call to Create "Red Sea" of "Bloodshed". The New Black Panther Party wants a race war
and they want it to start tomorrow. In an audio recording of a planning meeting for a Trayvon
Martin rally, New Black Panther Party members have resorted to violent action for what they are
calling "revolution."
"Progressives" and the Art of Civility.
When concerned Americans objected to Obama's health care scheme and turned out at town hall meetings in strong opposition, they were called racists and
fringe radicals. The Department of Homeland Security then released a report calling those Americans who opposed Obama's policies "potential domestic
terrorist[s]." As more and more Americans took up the protests against an ever growing federal government, the "Progressives" took to the CNN/MSNBC/New York
Times media cabal to accuse the growing Tea Party of violence and then called for "civility" in political debate. That of course meant NO DEBATE.
It's a high-tech lynching. Twitter Should Probably Delete This
'Kill Zimmerman' Account. A Twitter account with the handle "@KillZimmerman" has been active on the social media site
for five days now, gaining attention and sparking tension as its owner has fired off more than 450 tweets since its inception.
Twitchy, conservative pundit Michelle Malkin's social media website, is where this was first noticed. It remains active in its
fifth day on Twitter, and cries for its removal have started to gain steam. The account's profile image is of Zimmerman's head
in a target.
The Left No Longer Finds
Dissent Patriotic. The left is trying to shut down the opposition. When they were out of power, dissent
was patriotic. Now that they are in power, they want to use both the state and intimidation in the public square to
shut down opposing views. It goes beyond boycotts to financially intimidate those who disagree with them. Now,
the left is showing up at the private homes of American citizens they disagree with to intimidate them, threaten them, harass
them, and make them pay for daring to have a different view.
Civility Alert: Liberal
Comics Mock Cheney Following Heart Transplant Surgery. Liberal comedians don't consider the notion of "too soon" when
it comes to mocking conservatives in distress. So when former Vice President Dick Cheney underwent heart transplant surgery
liberal comics rushed to Twitter to fire off vile jokes.
Dick Cheney heartlessly mocked. The national chorus of Cheney-bashing over the ex-vice president's heart transplant —
with local lefties gleefully weighing in — disgusted Republicans and political observers who say the uncivil liberal
Twitterfest is ... heartless.
New civility:
Twitter explodes with Cheney hate following heart transplant. While Dick Cheney was recovering from his heart transplant
in the intensive care unit of Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Va. Saturday [3/24/2012], Twitter exploded with hate and
ill wishes for the former vice president.
Do The Democrats And The MSM Think All
Women Are Stupid? According to Rochelle Riley at the Detroit News, Rush Limbaugh is the 21st Century foolish bigot.
In her article by that headline she basically calls Limbaugh a terrorist and says, "The danger is clear: As Limbaugh and others
continue to push hate, we are turning the rift between Americans into a fault line. And all Americans will be hurt by it."
I read her entire article checking to see if she named any other remarks by misogynists like Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, or Imus.
Alas no. Ms. Riley is just part of the media blitz to push the economic crisis aside and replace it with the issue of
birth control.
Democrats Distract With Smears. The Democrats' attack on Rush Limbaugh hasn't turned out the way they
had hoped. The blowback, in the form of conservatives pointing out the outrageous conduct of liberals like Bill
Maher and Keith Olbermann, has dwarfed the original reaction against Rush. Worse, the blowback continues.
So Democrats are now in the position of trying to shut down the conversation about civility and misogyny that they
opportunistically started.
Chris Rock Attacks Conservative Author Over Tea Party Question. The confrontation, which took place
around 2:00 a.m. on January 23, 2012, at Spike Lee's Sundance Film Festival after party at Tao night club,
ended with Chris Rock challenging the conservative author to a fight, says [Jason] Mattera: "Chris Rock shouted,
'You want to throw down? Let's throw down right now!' Of course, he was standing safely behind two
bodyguards when he said it."
White House Hypocrisy.
There's something even more offensive than pundits and comedians using their platforms to launch nasty or sexist attacks on
people they disagree with politically. And that's the selective outrage and brazen hypocrisy of this White House, which
calculatedly stirred up anger about Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke comments for political gain, but seemingly has no problem
when liberal comedians and talk show hosts take sexist jabs at conservative women.
Rep: Maher can stay on the air, but Rush can't. Rep. Shelley Berkely, D-Nev., has led a push to get
Rush Limbaugh pulled off the air, but she doesnn't [sic] believe that Bill Maher needs to face the same pressure
because Maher is less important to Democrats.
Maher's Toilet Mouth Exempt From Democrats' Standards of Decency. Could it be because Bill Maher
is a huge supporter of Democrats and just gave $1 million to Obama's Super PAC Priorities USA? Maher
repeatedly utters vile, disgusting things which go well beyond the point of decency and all we hear is crickets
from Democrats and the liberal news media.
"Outrage" Over Limbaugh — What
About Left-Wing Misogyny? The "firestorm" over Limbaugh's "sexism" would be convincing —
were it not for its selective nature. Where's the outrage when the misogyny comes from the left? Ed
Schultz, for example, the blowtorch left-wing MSNBC host, called conservative radio show host Laura Ingraham a
[bunch of names that won't be repeated
on akdart.com].
Comedians Feel Limbaugh Backlash. This is a war and it's a dumb war, but it's here to stay thanks
to the Leftists and their corrupt media allies who started it and conservatives who have finally learned to
fight fire with fire. ... Thankfully, the Left is currently losing this war.
The War on Conservative
Women. I'm sorry the civility police now have an opening to demonize the entire right based on one radio
comment — because it's the progressive left in this country that has viciously and systematically slimed female
conservatives for their beliefs. We have the well-worn battle scars to prove it. And no, we don't need coddling
phone calls from the pandering president of the United States to convince us to stand up and fight.
The Party of Hate. Millions
of Americans voted for Barack Obama in the hope that he would be a trailblazer who would conduct the presidency in a new
way. Well, he has: Obama has been the most divisive president in our modern history, unabashedly stirring up
hate against not only his political enemies, but against private citizens who exercise their right to participate in our
democracy. The most recent hatefest has been directed against Rush Limbaugh, and Obama has personally stirred the
pot. Of course, Obama has had nothing to say about the far worse invective that his own supporters have directed
against Republican women.
Incite Death Threats Against Limbaugh. Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh is being targeted by
multiple death threats after President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party ignored his apology for controversial
remarks and continued to single him out for rebuke. The assault has become so nakedly partisan and
opportunistic that even HBO host Bill Maher — who recently donated $1 million to Obama's Super
PAC — has called it a witch hunt with intimidation as its goal.
Ingraham Blasts The View: When I Was Called A Slut, Barbara Walters Laughed. Laura Ingraham appeared on
Tuesday's [3/6/2012] Fox & Friends, and spoke out about the controversy swirling around Rush Limbaugh's remarks
to Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke. Co-host Gretchen Carlson asked the conservative radio host whether
there was a double-standard when liberals use slurs against conservatives.
Obama's Waiver for Bill Maher.
[Scroll down] Let us also remember that [David] Axelrod wasn't satisfied with Rush's apology because what he said about
Fluke "was not only vile and degrading to her, but to women across the country." So does Axelrod also believe that
Maher said things about Sarah Palin that "were not only vile and degrading to her, but to women across the country?"
Honor Of Andrew Breitbart, 20 Examples Of Liberal Hatred On Display. Breitbart loved nothing better than
exposing the festering anger and hatred at the heart of modern liberalism. That's why he retweeted the sick and
demented things that liberals said about him on Twitter and it's why, in honor of Andrew Breitbart, here are 20 examples
of liberal hatred on display.
Death threats leveled against Rush Limbaugh.
Liberals aren't really mad at Fox for dishonesty — they can never produce any examples of it during their
anti-Fox rants, and they turn purple when reminded of blatant liberal journalistic frauds like RatherGate. What
drives the Left nuts is that Fox can pick up and amplify stories the Left would rather ignore, reducing the time lag
from blogosphere chatter to water-cooler conversation.
sign Bill Maher for fundraiser as Obama urges civility. Alabama's Democratic Party has recruited
controversial comedian Bill Maher to headline a fundraiser March 17, amid calls by President Barack Obama and
other Democrats for greater civility in public debate. Maher has donated $1 million to aid a superPAC that
is aiding Obama's re-election campaign. He is popular among Democrats, but is reviled by many GOP advocates
for his frequent sexually-themed insults of Republican women.
Numerous examples of left-wing hate speech: Liberals
celebrate death of Andrew Breitbart. As news broke this morning of the tragic death of Conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart,
liberals celebrated the news on Twitter.
Rolling Stone on
Breitbart: He's Dead. Good! And it gets much worse from there... I almost hate to draw attention to
this incredibly sad example of the intolerant left over at Rolling Stone, but quite frankly, Andrew Breitbart probably
would have eaten this up, and tweeted it back out.
Thoughts on the Hateful Left. The
vermin of the left have been out in force with nastiness and viciousness about Andrew Breitbart since Breitbart's death.
We on the right have quite rightly taken offense. The left claims we do the same thing when a lefty dies. They can't
prove it.
Slate Columnist Cheers Breitbart's
Death. Economics and philosophy expert Matthew Yglesias reacted with glee Thursday morning [3/1/2012]
at the news that conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart had died.
Why Liberals Cheer When Conservatives
Die. Outside of the bin Ladens of this world, I refrain from saying unkind words about the dearly
departed. If someone dies and I have nothing nice to say about them, I don't say anything at all. If
only [Matt] Taibbi, [Matt] Yglesias and other liberal pundits practiced this principle.
Can't the Obama Administration Make Its Case Without Disseminating Hate? Have we ever had an
administration like Barack Obama's? An administration that tries to benefit from pitting Americans
against one another? An administration that uses its billion-dollar slush fund, not to mention the
resources of the Executive Branch, to demonize private citizens who disagree with its policies? An
administration that uses hate as an instrument of domestic politics? I don't believe that there is any
precedent in American history for the mean-spiritedness that now emanates from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Lugar Calls TEA Party Voters Morons. Richard Lugar's campaign just sent out a truly astounding email.
The email reprinted in whole an article from Mike O'Brien titled Dan Parker's favorite Republican. Although
the article wasn't written by Lugar, it was enthusiastically pimped in its entirety by Lugar's campaign, thus
indicating Lugar's basic agreement with it. The article reeks with contempt for conservatives in general
and TEA Party voters in particular — including this astounding paragraph...
Death Threats? Ho Hum!
Threats of the sort described by Charles Koch go with the territory if you are a conservative. We have gotten
threats, harassing phone calls, etc., over the years — although none lately, as far as I know — and
anyone active in politics on the conservative side has had the same experience. With the bizarre campaign
of hate that the Left has orchestrated against the Koch brothers over the last year or two, one can hardly
imagine the vitriol they must get from liberals. Of course, that is of little concern to liberal
reporters. The civility campaign of 2011 is so ... 2011.
Waters: Boehner and Cantor 'Demons'. Maxine Waters reminded us today that, should Democrats win back the
House, she is in line to become the next chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee. If that doesn't scare
you, then just watch this video. In it, she calls Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
"demons" who "would rather do whatever they can to destroy this president, rather than for the good of this country."
Maxine Waters calls
Republican leaders 'demons'. Rep. Maxine Waters, no stranger to controversy, is turning heads once again,
this time for describing House Republican leaders as "demons." The California Democrat's comments, which surfaced
Wednesday [2/15/2012], were made last weekend at a state party convention in San Diego. Video of her speech shows
her rallying Democrats to win back control of the House in November.
on civility: The crowd of more than 2,000 — bloated by swarms of Occupiers and their
teachers-union promoters — shouted down any opposition via a standard Occupy trick, the so-called
"peoples' microphone," in which one speaker's words are picked up and relayed in short phrases. Naturally,
four-letter words flew. The goal was to thwart a legal and democratic process through disruption and
Liberal hate speech increasing. Last
week, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D.-Fla.) linked the Tea Party to the tragic Jan. 8, 2011, shooting
of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D.-Ariz.). ... Wasserman Schultz is not alone. Vice President Joe Biden has
compared the Tea Party to terrorists, and David Axelrod, President Obama's political henchman, has compared Newt
Gingrich to a monkey. The Washington Post quoted an Obama campaign e-mail to supporters in October of
last year claiming the Republican plan for job creation is to "suffocate the economy for the sake of what they
think will be a political victory." The President has referred to Republicans as "hostage takers."
chair blames Tea Party for Tucson shooting? Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., speaking in
New Hampshire this morning [1/11/2012], reminded her audience of the tragic Tucson shooting last year — and also
insinuated that the Tea Party, which she said regards political opponents as "the enemy," has enhanced
divisiveness in Congress and had something to do with the shooting, at least indirectly.
erupts over DNC chairwoman's comment on Giffords shooting. An inter-party feud erupted Wednesday
evening [1/11/2012] over whether the head of the Democratic Party blamed the Tea Party movement for the shooting
one year ago in Tucson, Ariz., that killed six and injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.). The left claimed
that Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.) was referring to the rancor of public
discourse — a hot topic in the days after the shooting. Republicans called it a pathetic attempt
to score political points, and demanded an apology.
Leftism Makes You
Meaner. Two examples in just the past week offer compelling evidence. Prominent left-wing
commentators used the way in which Rick Santorum and his wife handled the death of one of their children to
attack — make that mock — the former Pennsylvania senator. In a lifetime of observing
and participating in political debate, I have seen a lot of meanness. But one just assumes that some
things — not many, just some — are off limits to political pundits and activists.
Among these few things, one has to believe, is the death of a child. But I was wrong.
Government's Debauchery Of Human Capital. The short life of Gabriel Santorum would seem a curious
priority for political discourse at a time when the Brokest Nation in History is hurtling toward its rendezvous
with destiny. But needs must, and victory by any means necessary. In 2008, the left gleefully mocked
Sarah Palin's live baby. It was only a matter of time before they moved on to a dead one.
Obama's Fascist
America in 10 Easy Steps. [#3] Develop a thug caste. At a town hall meeting in St. Louis
held by Democrat Congressman Russ Carnahan, members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), representative
of government employees, beat a black man who was there selling flag pins. A woman was beaten up by an Obama
supporter in Minnesota. A man had his finger bitten off in an assault by an Obama supporter at an anti-health
care rally. And let's not forget the entire Occupy movement of the 99-centers; they have been camps full of
lawlessness, full of rapes and assaults. OWS was produced and organized by people close to the Obama administration.
Walker Recall Intimidation Caught On Video.
Volunteers working to recall Gov. Scott Walker said they have proof of the harassment they've been getting from
opponents. Reports of harassment have come in from many areas, and on Monday night, Brookfield police arrested
a man after one such incident was caught on tape.
They Mean Well. Really?
Does anyone doubt the sincerity of Democrats when they castigate their Republican opponents as Nazis? ... Until
conservatives understand the ruthless mindset of their "friends across the aisle," they will continue to operate
at a huge disadvantage in the political arena. As President Obama said, "If they bring a knife to the
fight, we bring a gun."
Follow Obama Down the Low Road. Democrats and Republicans don't agree on much politically.
These days, we can't even agree on the basic proposition that scapegoating is destructive. Scapegoating
tears a country apart. It distracts us with false solutions when we are facing an economic emergency and
have no time to waste. And it raises the specter of violence — actual physical violence, with
businesses destroyed and people hurt and killed. Yet Democrats applaud President Obama's scapegoating rhetoric.
The Union War
on Wisconsin Governor Walker. Unleashing forces of hate, making it personal, unions roll out heavy
artillery in their all-out war against their declared enemy, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Union devotees
will need about 540,200 signatures on petitions in 60 days to trigger a special recall election targeting the
besieged rookie governor. Meanwhile, protesters' signs hang in the Capitol rotunda, left from February protests,
depicting Gov. Walker as a mustachioed Hitler, the devil himself, object of daily exercises of almost ritual union
members' hatred, like an Emmanuel Goldstein in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. Only the ritual
hate sessions are not two minutes daily; rather, eight grueling months for unions' most faithful haters.
OWS Supporters Confirm: Violence is an
Essential Component. The Occupy Oakland branch of the nationwide tent city protests seems to have
produced the worst-case scenario for both the occupier movement and its critics. A man was shot and killed
there a few days ago, and police are clearing the protesters out this morning [11/14/2011] (though many occupiers
are threatening to come back after the police are gone).
Top 10 Joe Bidenisms. [#1] Republicans
want more rapes: While trying to sell President Obama's jobs bill, Biden hurled a vicious attack on Republicans
blocking the bill, saying that if the bill didn't pass, murders and rapes would increase: "It's not temporary
when that 911 call comes in and a woman's being raped, if a cop shows up in time to prevent the rape. It's not
temporary to that woman. ... I wish they [Republicans] had some notion of what it was like to be on the other side
of a gun, or a 200-pound man standing over you, telling you to submit."
Occupy Protester Arrested In $10M Arson Fire.
Police have arrested an Occupy Fort Collins protester in connection with a $10 million arson fire that damaged
dozens of condominiums and businesses in Fort Collins. Benjamin David Gilmore, 29, was arrested on Thursday night
[11/3/2011] on suspicion of arson, burglary and criminal mischief.
Occupied with violence.
Remember when Sarah Palin was accused of promoting "Tea Party violence" because she used an ad graphic depicting
crosshairs on a map of the United States? On Wednesday, the Occupy Wall Street movement declared a general strike
in Oakland, Calif. According to the Occupy Oakland website, the goal of their "anti-capitalist march" was to "shut down
Oakland" and "blockade everything." This was no drawing — the violence was real.
Protester throws
fit in McDonald's when he can't get free food. A Zuccotti Park protester threw a violent fit in a
McDonald's yesterday after employees refused to give him free food. Fisika Bezabeh, 27, ripped a credit-card
reader from a counter and threw it at workers at about 2:30 a.m. at the Mickey D's at 160 Broadway,
a bathroom spot for protesters.
The Obama Rule.
As we saw with the Representative Giffords shooting, we now know the Obama Rule: Anytime the president
sermonizes about civility and the need to curb partisan rhetoric, this is a telltale sign that in a few days a
savage partisan attack will surely follow.
Obama launches cultural warfare.
Obama's reelection strategy is about more than the haves and have-nots. It appears he is seeking to stir up
full-blown cultural warfare against a large and diverse segment of society known as Republicans. ... But in
waging this battle, Obama is saying nasty and dangerous things.
blessed out-of-touch moment from Nancy Pelosi. [Scroll down] Ironically, Pelosi's comments came at
almost the same time a representative of the mob, Roseanne Barr, literally called for guillotining —
yes, guillotining — wealthy American bankers. She openly called for their forcible "re-education"
and execution. I have friends and students there in New York observing this spectacle. They email
me daily. One took a picture of two homosexual men embracing while holding a sign imploring the brethren
to "KILL YOUR PARENTS." As he snapped this picture, the throng initiated a frightening march upon the
homes of those loathsome "millionaires and billionaires" that President Obama targets unceasingly with his
terribly destructive class-based rhetoric. It's only a matter of time before this angry, envy-filled
insurrection turns violent.
Supporters Cuss At Tea Partiers and Their Kids. I returned a bit ago from getting photos and video
of the Obama fundraiser protest in St. Louis. It was hosted by Tom Carnahan, owner of the Wind Capital
Group, an alternative energy group which received around $100 million in stimulus funds. That
Carnahan's brother is Democratic Representative Russ Carnahan surely helped change Wind Capital Group's
fortunes. The St. Louis Tea Party was among various conservative groups and activists who showed up to
protest at Forest Park, barricaded across the street from Tom Carnahan's stately home.
Trumka: Wisc. Governor 'Lucifer,' Will Support a Recall. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said
that his union coalition would participate in a planned recall campaign targeting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
(R) — a man Trumka referred to as "Lucifer." "Would I support going after Lucifer?" Trumka
said, after being asked if he would support a recall of Walker. "Let me think about that. That's a
tough one. Of course we're gonna' be there."
Herman Cain as a 'Racist, Bigoted Person,' Says Dem Strategist. Democratic strategist Cornell
Belcher was up-in-arms Thursday over Herman Cain's remarks that African-Americans have been "brainwashed" to
vote Democratic. Belcher, an African-American, called the remarks "racist" and "bigoted" and added that
Cain "should be treated like a racist and bigoted person."
Top 10 Examples of Liberal Incivility.
With President Obama's approval ratings in free fall and 2012 election prospects looking bleak for Democrats,
liberals are resorting to vicious attacks, name-calling and hyperbole to paint Republicans in a bad light.
Activist Physically Assaults GOP Lawmaker in Wisconsin, Media Silent. A known liberal
activist that has for months been stalking several Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin, verbally abusing
them, has finally crossed the line into a physical attack. So ... where is the Old Media to
chronicle this assault?
Obama Hypocrisy. Barack
Obama is nothing less than a hypocrite on his admonitions over public discourse and the latest example
of this truth lies in his refusal to condemn the violence-tinged language of Teamsters president Jimmy
Hoffa not to mention his similar silence on the obscene rhetoric of many of the leading members of the
Congressional Black Caucus.
Obama and
Our 9/11 Trauma. [Scroll down] In 2006, New York State Comptroller Alan
Hevesi spoke at the graduation ceremony of Queens College, a public university. Here's
how he introduced New York's Senator Charles Schumer to the fresh-faced graduates: "The
man who, how do I phrase this diplomatically, who will put a bullet between the president's eyes
if he could get away with it."
to rebuke Hoffa another failure of leadership. It's bad enough that Teamster union boss Jimmy
Hoffa called on President Obama to use union members as an "army" to "take these sons of bitches out" —
speaking of Tea Party opponents of Obama's policies. Worse is Obama's immediate followup in saying
he is "proud" of Hoffa and other union leaders at the Labor Day rally in Detroit where they both appeared.
The president let Hoffa's violent language hang in the air, unchallenged.
Civility Goes Out
The Window. Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa Jr. introduced President Obama to union hordes
by declaring war on the Tea Party and offering him an army against Republicans. Why no
condemnation from "The Great Uniter"?
on the Decline. A growing problem for Barack Obama is Barack Obama. Because
he chose to be a sermonizing president, he is bound to practice what he so commonly preaches —
otherwise he risks the fate of an Elmer Gantry, or sanctimonious Jimmy Carter. But on a
number of topics, he has simply lost all credibility. How can Obama ever again lecture
Americans on "civil discourse" and the need for common standards of polite public speech after
following Hoffa's mean-spirited rant and offering him praise?
Brown Defend Hoffa: Suddenly Opposed To 'Sanitizing' Speech. Is there no double-standard
depths to which the liberal media won't sink when it comes to provocative political speech?
No — judging by the pitiful performance of two MSMers on today's Morning Joe in defending
James "Take 'Em Out" Hoffa. Newsweek editor Tina Brown brayed that we must not "sanitize" political
speech or take the "juice" out of it — all the while condemning Michele Bachmann and Glenn
Beck for some of their remarks.
Obama Protects the Teamsters. The same civility police on the left who decry any references
to crosshairs as incitements to violence are now mute about Hoffa's brass-knuckle rhetoric. The
Chicagoans in the White House refuse to comment. Those calling on Obama to condemn Hoffa's
uncivil tone are deluding themselves. The 1.4 million-member Teamsters lifted Obama to
power with a coveted endorsement and bottomless campaign coffers funded with coerced member dues.
Over the past two decades, the union has donated nearly $25 million to Democrats (compared to
$1.8 million for Republicans).
President Should
Rebuke Hoffa. The president has tremendous influence with his allies; if he genuinely
cared about the quality of public discourse in America, why wouldn't he rebuke Hoffa?
party calls on Obama to rebuke union chief. A tea party group called on President Barack Obama to
rebuke Teamsters President Jim Hoffa for urging him to use supporters at a Labor Day rally as an army to march
and "take out" tea partyers, describing the remarks as "a call for violence."
uncivil rhetoric on tea party, congressional conservatives. While warming up a Detroit crowd for
President Barack Obama's Labor Day speech, Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. said unions need to fight
a "war" against tea partiers and congressional Republicans. "President Obama, this is your army," Hoffa
said. "We are ready to march. Let's take these sons of b·····s out
and take America back to where America we belong."
Tea party group to Hoffa:
Resign! After Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. called for a "war" against Republicans
and tea partiers on Monday [9/5/2011], one tea party group is calling for the union leader to resign.
"Calls to violence can never be acceptable in this civil society," the Rockford, Illinois tea party group
said in a statement.
House Declines To Comment On Union Leader's Anti-Tea Party Rhetoric. Despite President Obama's
repeated claims to change the tone in Washington, the White House had no comment this afternoon after Teamsters
Union leader James Hoffa, speaking at an event before President Obama, said of Tea Party activists that, come
November, Democrats should "take these sons of b·····s out." Warming
up the crowd before President Obama's Labor Day speech in Detroit this afternoon, Hoffa warned the largely
union crowd that the Tea Party was waging a "war on workers."
Barack Obama condemn Joe Biden and Jimmy Hoffa? Hoffa, the Teamsters president, was warming up a
Detroit crowd when he said: "President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's
take these son of a b·····s out and give America back to an America where
we belong." Biden, whose mouth has long been a liability for Obama, was at an AFL-CIO rally when he told
union members: "You are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates... the other side has
declared war on labour's house."
Two Americas.
On the one hand, Teamsters mob boss Jimmy Hoffa Jr. can stand on stage, at a podium bearing the presidential
seal and with the chief of state sitting a few feet away, and make his Hoffa-you-can't-refuse pledge to "take
these sons-of-b·····s out," and President Obama responds by saying how
"proud" he is of Hoffa.
Obama Forgets What He Said in Tucson. Can't remember what Barack Obama said when he spoke in Tuscon,
Ariz., at the Jan. 12 campaign rally disguised as a memorial service to honor the people killed in Tucson
four days earlier? You're not alone. After hearing AFL-CIO President Jimmy Hoffa call for war on
the Tea Party Monday, the president seemed as if he had forgotten his words, too.
Does Not Speak for Working Americans. James P. Hoffa's résumé suggests that he
knows little or nothing about genuine blue-collar labor, either as a practitioner or a facilitator
such as an engineer or technician. His depiction of Tea Party members as "son of
a b·····s [sic]" shows that he knows nothing about
public relations either.
Tea Party group: Rep. Andre Carson should resign. The nation's
largest Tea Party organization is calling for a Democratic congressman to resign after he said Tea Party lawmakers
would like nothing more than seeing black people "hanging on a tree." Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin of
the Tea Party Patriots described Rep. Andre Carson's remarks as "disgusting" and "hateful" in a statement to the
[New York] Daily News. "Rep. Carson should immediately resign from Congress," it read. The Indiana
lawmaker and leading member of the Congressional Black Caucus made the shocking remarks at an Aug. 22 jobs
event in Miami sponsored by the caucus.
Thug ID'ed as Former Teachers Union and SEIU Organizer! When the protests turned ugly
outside of the Milwaukee Catholic school where Gov. Scott Walker was appearing last Friday, I instinctively
knew that the worst offenders would be teacher union leaders. Why? Because a nasty,
belligerent attitude has become a requirement for a leadership post in most teachers unions.
Sure, union leaders publicly talk about the need for civility and open-mindedness, but in their
unscripted moments they spew vitriol, intimidation and hatred.
Carson stands by tea party racism blast. A spokesman for Democratic Rep. Andre Carson
said the Indiana representative and member of the Congressional Black Caucus is not backing down from
comments he made previously, when he said members of the tea party movement on Capitol Hill would like
to see African Americans "hanging on a tree." Jason Tomsci, Carson's aide, confirmed the comments
and reaffirmed the sentiment.
Three Nets Ignore Rep. Carson's Lynching Smear of Tea Party. Representative Andre
Carson's inflammatory attack on the Tea Party has yet to have receive any attention from the Big
Three networks. As reported by Politico on Wednesday, Rep. Carson accused Tea Party-friendly
members of Congress of wanting to bring back Jim Crow and went so far to accuse his colleagues of
wanting to bring back lynching: "Some of them... would love to see you and me... hanging on
a tree."
Andre Carson: Tea party wants
blacks 'hanging on a tree'. A top lawmaker in the Congressional Black Caucus says
tea partiers on Capitol Hill would like to see African-Americans hanging from trees and accuses
the movement of wishing for a return to the Jim Crow era.
The Editor apologizes for the profanity in this headline. Kerosene
Maxine to Tea Party: "Go to Hell!". [Representative Maxine] Waters once said of the then-sitting
president: "I would like to ... say ... very clearly that I believe George (H.W.) Bush is a
racist." She routinely refers to the Republican Party as "the enemy." She also referred to
Republican former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan as a "plantation owner." She called the 1992 Los
Angeles riots a "rebellion," and bellowed, "No justice, no peace!" She defended looters: "There
were mothers who took this as an opportunity to take some milk, to take some bread, to take some shoes.
Maybe they shouldn't have done it, but the atmosphere was such that they did it. They are not crooks."
Party Group Slams Rep. Waters Over Outburst. A national Tea Party group urged Democrats to
adhere to their own calls for civility after Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters told a restless crowd over the
weekend that the "Tea Party can go straight to hell." Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin, who lead the
Tea Party Patriots, suggested President Obama should step in to put a check on the overheated rhetoric.
Rep Declares "Open Season" on "Managers and Scabs". As the CWA picketing of Verizon continues it
seems some of the union leadership is becoming more and more unhinged. Apparently one member of the union
leadership went so far as to instruct his members, by way of publicly accessible telephone hotline, that it is
now "open season" on "managers and scabs". The thug went on to say that union members should "follow them"
and "torture them, torture them with chants and noise".
Black Privilege. [Scroll down] In
Obama's America, there's little human decency to be found. The rules have changed, and they consist of the
new three Rs: rage, revenge, and reparations. And this malignant game of Blaming
Whitey will go on and on until we call it what it is (hate), walk away from the table, and refuse to play.
Party terror? If liberals believe anything, it is that the right is either solely, or
mostly, responsible for the degradation of political discourse in America. And they are surely
correct to condemn such ugly rhetorical excesses as the Obama-is-Hitler placards that flowered across
the land in the summer of 2009. But liberals are in deep, deep denial about their own incivility
Tea Party
Terrorists. According to the website Politico, Vice President Joe Biden agreed "with a line
of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting" that
congressional tea party members "acted like terrorists" in the way they stood against attempts to raise
taxes and force spending reductions as part of the debt-ceiling deal. Biden denied making the
comparison. Given the heated rhetoric behind and in front of the scenes, the use of such a phrase,
particularly in light of Biden's known salty language, has credibility.
[Heck] with You People. Tom Friedman — who knows a bit about Hezbollah — calls
the tea partiers the "Hezbollah faction" of the GOP bent on taking the country on a "suicide mission."
All over the place, conservative Republicans are "hostage takers" and "terrorists," "terrorists" and
"traitors." They want to "end life as we know it on this planet," says Nancy Pelosi. They
are betraying the Founders, too. Chris Matthews all but signs up for the "Make [a fool] of
Yourself" contest at the State Fair. Joe Nocera writes today that "the Tea Party Republicans can
put aside their suicide vests." Lord knows what Krugman and Olbermann have said. Then last
night, on the very day Gabby Giffords heroically returns to cast her first vote since that tragic
attack seven months ago, the vice president of the United States calls the Republican party a bunch
of terrorists.
To [Heck] with You People.
Tom Friedman — who knows a bit about Hezbollah — calls the tea partiers the "Hezbollah faction" of
the GOP bent on taking the country on a "suicide mission." All over the place, conservative
Republicans are "hostage takers" and "terrorists," "terrorists" and "traitors." They want to "end
life as we know it on this planet," says Nancy Pelosi. They are betraying the Founders, too. Chris
Matthews all but signs up for the "Make [a fool] of Yourself" contest at the State Fair. Joe Nocera
writes today that "the Tea Party Republicans can put aside their suicide vests." Lord knows what
Krugman and Olbermann have said. Then last night, on the very day Gabby Giffords heroically
returns to cast her first vote since that tragic attack seven months ago, the vice president of the
United States calls the Republican party a bunch of terrorists.
'Gun Against
the Head' Civil Discourse. In 2008, long before a shooting in Tucson where six people died and
19 were injured, candidate Barack Obama did not shy away from violent imagery when explaining how he would
counter Republican attacks during the 2008 presidential campaign. Chicago-style Obama warned: "If
they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
and the "N" Word. It is simply unacceptable in America for liberals to continue to refer to
conservatives as Nazis. Last week at a union protest in Trenton the Vice President of Communications
Workers of America, Chris Shelton, came close to using this barbaric language, but exercised slightly more
tact by only referring to New Jersey's Governor as "Adolf Christie." But the insinuation was still
evident. This type of vituperative language from the left is not uncommon.
Boss Calls Christie "Hitler". Once again the leaders of America's union movement are
providing more evidence of the devotion of liberals to civil political discourse. At a rally in
Trenton, New Jersey yesterday [6/16/2011], Chris Shelton, the vice president of the Communications Workers
of America, told a crowd assembled to protest pension reform that "It took World War II to get rid
of the last Adolf Hitler — it's gonna take World War III to get rid of Adolf Christie!"
Why It's Futile to Argue With a Liberal.
A recent column by Paul Krugman, the uber-liberal New York Times pundit (is there any other kind at
the Gray Lady?), was aptly headlined "Let's Not Be Civil." ... But that presumes that up till now his fellow
liberal Democrats have been civil — a premise for which there's scant evidence. New York Rep. Louise M.
Slaughter's outrageous claim April 7, responding to efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, that the
freshmen Republican congressmen elected in November came to Washington "to kill women" was only the most
extreme and outrageous of the many manifestations of that incivility.
hints at assassinating Palin if she is elected. "You know what man?" [Christopher] Titus said.
"I am going to literally — if she gets elected president, I am going to hang out on the grassy knoll
all the time, just loaded and ready — because you know what? It's for my country. It's for
my country. If I got to sacrifice myself, it's for my country."
The Editor says...
This man calls himself a comedian. Is this comedy? I'd say he's a propagandist, or a left-wing
activist, but he's no comedian.
Juan Williams unhinged.
Do you remember when the American left recently launched its new era of political civility? Neither does
Juan Williams.
The Left's Deranged
Hatred of Allen West. On the list of things that make progressives gnash their teeth and foam
at their mouths, little tops an African-American of the conservative persuasion. Even more horrifying
to the Left is one who makes clear: "you're not going to intimidate me," as Congressman Allen West
(R-FL) said at a Tuesday night [4/26/2011] town hall meeting where leftists, including former Air America
host Nicole Sandler (who was later arrested), tried to disrupt the event.
Several Tossed From Congressman's Town Hall Meeting.
Police escorted a number of people out of a town hall meeting Wednesday night [4/27/2011] — the second
night in a row that U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., held what became a heated event.
La Raza Student Mob Shuts Down Tucson School Board
Meeting. A group of local La Raza students shut down the Tucson school board meeting. They
screamed, chanted and chained themselves to the tables. The young La-Raza activists demanded that an
outlawed racist anti-American curriculum be taught at local schools.
Email Prompted Complaint Against Outgoing Homeland Security Official. Homeland Security
Secretary Janet Napolitano's outgoing communications chief is known for his combative style. But in a
confrontation that was undisclosed until now, he once threatened to "f---ing decapitate" the staff at the
immigration office press shop. The email outburst from Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Sean Smith
so startled one of the employees on the receiving end that she made an internal complaint against him.
Hate Speech Makes a Comeback.
Well, it sure didn't take long for the Tucson Truce to collapse. After Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was
shot on Jan. 8 by a berserker who killed six others, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old
girl, and wounded 13, the media were aflame with charges the right had created the climate of hate in which
such an atrocity was inevitable.
No Time for Civility.
Most of the current leaders and many of the rank and file within the American conservative movement have as
their defining characteristic a bottomless pit of pessimism and timidity, combined with an overarching fixation
with civility. Their political opponents, the liberals, have as their defining characteristic an air of
confidence that they are always right as well as the smartest people in any room, combined with the knowledge
that they can intimidate and exploit the aforementioned natural proclivity of the conservatives. There
is an obvious cause and effect at play.
The Tolerant Left.
One thing you have to say about the Left: They never miss an opportunity to let the mask of hatred
slip. It's practically Pavlovian; they are so invested in the myth of their own righteousness that
their "tolerance" fetish goes right out the window whenever they suffer the slightest affront to their
delusional notion of how the world works.
Blow His Brains Out?
Remember all of three months back when Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head during
an assassination attempt in Tuscon and the political world reacted with, oh, half an hour of deceny and
reflection and urged a new level of respect and less fiery rhetoric during political debate? Well,
apparently, state Rep. Margo Davidson, D-Delco, does not. ... "If the gentleman from Butler County stood
yelling, knowing that he's a gun-toter, and I felt threatened, would I be protected under court law if I blew
his brains out?" Amid audible gasps, she then giggled. House Speaker Sam Smith banged the gavel
and ordered Davidson's remarks stricken from the record.
Politician Asks if She Can Kill a Colleague, 'Blow His Brains Out'. Yes, it's that new age of
Democrat political civility rearing its ugly head yet again. During an April 12 debate on gun
control Pennsylvania State Representative Margo Davidson of Philadelphia wondered aloud on the House floor
if it might be OK for her to blow the brains out of one of Pennsylvania's Republican Representatives.
Warning: This article is
replete with vulgarity and profanity — all of it written or spoken by leftist Democrats. The news you'll never see.
With the advent of the internet the liberal/leftie hold on the media has some gaps; the unpleasant truths
they formerly suppressed, glossed over or reworked now often comes through in all its ugliness.
Ignore Wisconsin Teacher Charged With Sending Death Threats to Republicans. According to the
criminal complaint, [Katherine R.] Windels allegedly sent an email threat to State Sen. Robert Cowles
(R-Green Bay) March 9. Later that evening, she allegedly sent another email to 15 Republican
legislators, including Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau). The subject line of the
second email was: "Atten: Death Threat!!!! Bomb!!!" In that email, she purportedly wrote,
"Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your families will also be killed due to
your actions in the last 8 weeks."
Rep. Louise Slaughter:
GOP Freshmen Came to Washington 'To Kill Women'. Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) said today [4/7/2011]
that the new Republicans elected to the House of Representatives last November came to Congress "to kill
women." She also likened Republican efforts to prohibit federal funding of abortion except in cases
of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is endangered to actions taken by Nazis.
Tea Party Leader in Brookfield Receives Threat. Police are increasing patrols near the Brookfield
home of a state tea party leader who has pushed for greater health and pension concessions from public employees
after he received a veiled death threat over the weekend. Wisconsin Tea Party Patriots State Coordinator
Michael Hintze told police when he answered a call on his cell phone about 2:30 p.m. Saturday [3/12/2011],
a male voice "asked if he was wearing a bullet-proof vest" and then hung up.
Another example of Democrat civility and professionalism: D.C.
Delegate Tells Congress to Go 'Straight to Hell' Over Budget Battle. Lawmakers' tempers are
flaring on Capitol Hill over the possibility of a government shutdown, and D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes
Norton is no exception. The Democratic non-voting representative for the District of Columbia told
MyFoxDC.com that Congress should go "straight to hell" for trying to meddle in D.C. affairs.
charged with e-mail threats in Wisconsin union fight. Wisconsin prosecutors filed a
four-count criminal complaint on Thursday [3/31/2011] against a 26-year-old woman, charging her with sending
e-mail threats to Republican state senators after they passed controversial curbs on public employee
union rights.
"New Civility," RIP.
One would think that if anything is uncivil it is a death threat. Local news outlets in Wisconsin
report that a number of Republican legislators have received such threats. Democratic Party activists
have gone to Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald's house and pounded on his windows, demanding that he come
out, at 6:00 in the morning. Crazed mobs have repeatedly menaced Republicans, who had to be spirited
out of the state Capitol by armed state patrolmen. If this isn't uncivil, what is?
Was Always Dead. Blogress Ann Althouse, a university of Wisconsin law professor, is half
of the husband-and-wife team that has done a better job than any journalist of reporting on the skirmish
in Wisconsin over government union privileges. Yesterday [3/12/2011] she posted a link to a bizarre threat
against her and hubby Laurence Meade that was posted on Scirbd.com.
Progressives in Their Own Words.
A death threat serious enough that State Department of Justice is investigating it — along with
"several" others made to Republican legislators, followed by a thinly-veiled threat of extortion by
public service union police official sent to the director of a financial services company. An
extortion letter co-signed by other police, firefighting and teacher union "leaders" as well. Take
a good, long look at progressivism minus the mainstream media filter, my fellow Americans.
Death Threats
by the Dozens in Wisconsin. 'We will hunt you down. We will slit your throats. We
will drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square.
This is your last warning." Is this a passage from Bram Stoker's Dracula? A snippet from
al-Qaeda's latest missive? No, this e-mail reached Wisconsin state senator Dan Kapanke (R., La Crosse)
on March 9, after he voted for GOP governor Scott Walker's controversial budget and labor reforms.
Chilling threats
made against Althouse. It's like living in Venezuela. Blogger, lawyer Ann Althouse, who
has been covering the Wisconsin labor dispute, received what can only be called a declaration of war on her
from someone — or, more likely, some people — who don't like her anti-union sentiments.
Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin. [In this article], you'll find a compilation of
20 days worth of the death threats, vandalism, and intimidation practiced by pro-union thugs opposed
to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill. ... Not only should the local and national media
be amplifying their coverage of this ongoing scandal because of the bar they themselves set with the Tea
Party for what rises to the level of of racism, "predominantly white" protesters and troubling behavior —
but in the wake of the tragic shootings in Tuscon you would think direct threats on elected officials would
rate a little outrage. Well, obviously not when those threats come from the Left.
Brownshirts. 'Every once in a while, you need to get out on the streets and get a little
bloody when necessary," Rep. Michael Capuano (D., Mass.) told a February 22 union rally in Boston.
Even if union members and their supporters missed Capuano's call to mayhem (or his subsequent tepid apology),
many of them are on the same brutal wavelength. Although Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D., Ariz.) still is
recovering from a January 8 assassination attempt, the Left's post-Tucson civility campaign has vanished
like gunsmoke in a desert breeze.
War On Taxpayers Update: Massachusetts.
George Noel is the director of the Massachusetts Department of Labor. The Boston Herald reports that
he addressed a union rally over the weekend, in the company of such illustrious organizations as Code Pink and
MoveOn.org. Peering across the fruited plain to Wisconsin, Noel declared: "Make no mistake about it.
We are at war. This war is about everyone in the middle class... If [Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his
supporters] claim to love this country, why do they hate democracy?"
The media protects a Democrat with silence.
You would think something like this would be a pretty big story, especially since the union troops Hintz supports are
becoming increasingly aggressive in their occupation of the state capitol. After millions of BTUs worth of hot
air were unleashed about "tone" and "civility" in the wake of the Tucson shootings, an actual death threat from an
elected representative is a significant event. No "heat of the moment" defense would be accepted from a
Republican under similar circumstances, especially if a male Republican cited for sexual misconduct were
threatening a female Democrat.
Dem Assemblyman Curses GOP Assemblywoman, Media Mum. A Wisconsin Democrat Assemblyman turned to a
Republican Assemblywoman in the middle of a legislative session Friday and said, "You are f---ing dead."
Despite the following report from the Northwestern at 12:53 PM Monday [2/28/2011], no major media outlet
other than Fox News has covered this disgusting story.
Teacher: Give Us the Billionaires' Addresses! The Democrats and the unions had a very bad election
last November. Their only hope of stopping the inevitable demise of collective bargaining privileges
for public sector employees is by swaying public opinion. The unions are playing a very weak hand, and
the protests are their "ace in the hole." But what's inexcusable is the attempt of some protestors to
villanize and make veiled threats against private American citizens (namely "The Rich").
and Violence From the Left; It's Not Right. How much longer can the Democratic Party, the mainstream
media and other leftists successfully maintain the ruse that intolerance, hatred and the propensity for violence
mainly come from the right in this country? The lie is getting old. The left's ideas continue to
fail in the real world, and the majority of the people reject them, which is why their proponents so often disguise
their true intentions. Partially because they can't prevail on a level playing field, they use whatever
means they can to advance their agenda.
Union bile
runneth over. The Boiling Over of the Liberal Mind is on full display these days, and it is
not a pretty sight. Union protesters in Wisconsin compared Gov. Scott Walker to former Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak and other tyrants. A sign showed him in a Nazi salute and screamed, "Heil Walker."
Another said, "Hitler, Stalin, Walker." Still another showed a swastika next to his name.
Progressivism Has Been "Outed".
Public sector workers have willingly abandoned the jobs they're paid to do. Unscrupulous doctors have
written notes filled with lies to protect them. The mainstream media has referred to runaway anarchist
legislators as heroes, and deliberately ignored the same hate-filled rhetoric directed at Republicans they
declared unseemly and dangerous after the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords. Rhetoric that reached a low
point on Wednesday, when Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) told a group of union supporters that "[E]very once
in awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."
'Get a Little Bloody'.
The rhetoric around Wisconsin's government labor dispute is getting more violent. NHJournal.com reports
that Rep. Michael Capuano, a Massachusetts Democrat, said this yesterday [2/22/2011] at a Boston "solidarity" rally:
"I'm proud to be here with people who understand that it's more than just sending an email to get you going.
Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."
Bush-Death-Wishing Guitarist Delights Union Crowd in Madison. While reporters like Adam Nagourney
"worry" out loud that the Wisconsin Republicans are going to look too extreme, AP somehow left out Morello's
truly appalling and extremist stands, like speaking fondly of Philadelphia cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal and the
Maoist Shining Path terrorists in Peru. If that didn't seem pro-violence enough, then there's Morello
praying for the drowning of President Bush in 2007, as reported in the Washington Post.
Left Using Twitter
for Death Threats. Gov. Scott Walker has received death threats via Twitter. He is no
stranger to this modern phenomenon, as just last month he and other elected officials from Wisconsin
received hate messages after the Rep. Gabby Giffords shooting. Death threats against public officials
have been increasing in the past few years, and now they're becoming commonplace. Mentally unstable
people are responsible for a large percentage of threats, and it appears the Left has more than its fair
share of uncivil, intolerant and moderately ill people in its ranks.
Minnesota bomb plotters linked to Mansion fire. An anarchist group whose members were prosecuted
for plotting to bomb the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., has been linked to
the unsolved June 2008 arson fire that gutted the Texas Governor's Mansion, officials confirmed this
afternoon [2/17/2011].
The Spider Hole Party. [Scroll
down] Meanwhile, parents in Madison, Wisconsin enjoyed Day Three of the unions' innovative home-schooling
program, as teachers once again left their students to rot while they marched around the Capitol with idiotic
signs. Some of these signs are extremely hateful, and even violent in nature, the sort of thing New York
Times editors fantasize about Tea Party activists carrying. One shows a photo of Governor Walker with a
crosshairs on his face. Another describes his budget proposals as "rape." Comparisons of Walker
to Hitler, Mussolini, and deposed Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak are plentiful.
Wisconsin: Progressivism in All its Ugly
Glory. Don't think for a second that the appearance in Wisconsin of the Democratic National
Committee, along with Barack Obama's Organizing for America, is merely a show of "solidarity" with the
"oppressed" public service employees. Wisconsin has become Ground Zero for a progressive movement
quite comfortable with the use of intimidation, threats of harm and precisely the same hateful rhetoric they
accuse conservatives of perpetrating whenever that particular bit of hypocrisy suits their purposes.
Political Process has been Stopped by a Mob'. If you want to know just how unruly the union
protests are at the state capitol in Madison, check out this eye-opening account from a Wisconsin political
insider over at a Milwaukee radio station: ["]Last night one Senator told me they had been told to
clear the Capitol because the new groups coming in overnight are filled with with people 'who aren't afraid
to be arrested' and the Administration could not guarantee the safety of the legislators and their staffs.
In our Capitol.["]
protesters call Gov. Walker a dictator, put crosshairs on his face. What is happening in
Wisconsin is disturbing. Protesters have jumped on the Egypt bandwagon, claiming that "Cairo has
moved to Madison," which trivializes the real brutality and lack of openness of the Mubarak regime, and
claims a moral standing for the unions that they simply have not earned.
operative attempts to destroy Tea Party rally's speaker system. Police officers in Madison detained
and subsequently released a labor union operative who attempted, somewhat successfully, to destroy the speaker
system at the Tea Party counter rally Saturday. Police would not release the name of the man, or any more
details, but eyewitnesses told The Daily Caller he ripped the wiring out of several different speaker systems.
Part of the sound system went out for about five minutes.
Wounded Iraq
vet jeered at Columbia. Columbia University students heckled a war hero during a town-hall
meeting on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus. "Racist!" some students yelled at Anthony
Maschek, a Columbia freshman and former Army staff sergeant awarded the Purple Heart after being shot
11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq in February 2008. Others hissed and booed the veteran.
Is This How a President Should
Act? We are witnessing the logical conclusion of the Democratic Party's philosophy, and it is
this: Your tax dollars exist to make public sector unions happy. When we run out of other people's
money to pay for those contracts and promises (most of which are negotiated outside of public view, often
between union officials and the politicians that union officials helped elect), then we just need to raise
taxes to cover a shortfall that is obviously Wall Street's fault. Anyone who doesn't agree is a bully,
and might just bear an uncanny resemblance to Hitler.
And The Unions: A Lawless Alliance? Last month the president called for civility in politics.
Yet now he supports the Democratic lawmakers in Wisconsin who unlawfully refuse to do their elected
jobs — and the union mobs backing them.
The Many
Paradoxes of Barack Obama. When President Obama called for a new civility, I was somewhat
confused. In 2004-7, the uncivil demagoguery of the Left damaged Bush; immediately after Obama's call
for civility, someone wrote an "I hate Joe Lieberman" column; now, Governor Walker-Nazi signs have appeared
in Madison. Given that the country polls center-right, the hysterical style is something that the
modern Left uses to counteract public opinion; Obama has condemned a methodology that is predominately
embraced by his own hard-core base. (Indeed, swarming someone's private home, or using terms like
"enemy" and "punish," are not unknown to either the younger or older Obama.) The result is the hypocrisy
of condemning the incivility that will only become more useful to the Left as the election nears.
The Civility Police: Liberal Threats And Violence Surge. Wasn't it just last month that we
had hypersensitive liberals going on and on about civility after Gabrielle Giffords was shot? Well
today, the same people who were hyperventilating over phrases like "job killing" are apparently peachy keen
with actual threats and intimidation. Why? Because most liberals are actually fine with political
violence and threats as long as it's aimed at their political enemies.
Bring in the rent-a-goons. DNC
Caught Organizing Wisconsin Protests. The Democratic National Committee's Organizing for America
arm — the remnant of the 2008 Obama campaign — is playing an active role in organizing
protests against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's attempt to strip most public employees of collective
bargaining rights. OfA, as the campaign group is known, has been criticized at times for staying out
of local issues like same-sex marraige, but it's riding to the aide of the public sector unions who hoping
to persuade some Republican legislators to oppose Walker's plan.
One More Thing About Wisconsin.
A common theme of the union demonstrators in Madison today was that Governor Walker is a "dictator."
This showed up on sign after sign. It sheds light, I think, on how public union members in particular,
and liberals in general, think.
targets Speaker Boehner's (small-h) house. When did demonstrating at the private homes of politicians
or corporate executives become an acceptable way to voice one's political opinions? Nearly two dozen
activists from DC Vote swarmed House Speaker John Boehner's Capitol Hill residence at 7:30 Thursday
morning [2/17/2011] ...
Myth: Liberals Never Use Violent Rhetoric or Imagery. In the weeks following the shooting of Rep.
Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) there was a constant media barrage dishonestly contending liberals never use
violent rhetoric or imagery. As Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker tries to balance his
state's budget with a bold move limiting the collective bargaining rights of public employees, the Left
have come out in force dispelling the myth that only the Right uses harsh tones to make its point.
Fox News Highlights Nazi, Hitler Signs in Wisconsin Pension Debate. Wisconsin radio talk show
host Vicki McKenna appeared on Your World With Neil Cavuto to discuss the battle over whether state employees
will have to pay more for their pension and health care. Citing the attacks by liberals, she informed,
"I have been called the Taliban, Hitler... I mean, anything that involves dictator, tyrants or genocide,
historical references to slavery." In comparison, Good Morning News anchor Juju Chang spun the story:
"Well, a bill seen as the most aggressive anti-union proposal in the country goes up for a vote in Wisconsin
today." She simply claimed that state workers are "swarming the capitol in protest."
The Thugs
Come Out in Wisconsin. The last few days have made quite clear that, if you cross the
public-employee unions, you run risks: and not merely political risks (which are nothing).
I hope our national media will be covering Wisconsin, just a little.
Cain: The age of civility, like the era of post-racial politics, is a mirage created by liberals
to mute criticism of their policies by committed conservatives. Otherwise, we wouldn't see the continued
abuse heaped by liberals on women and minorities who dare to be conservative, members of the Tea Party or the
GOP, or all of the above.
Dallas Politician:
'All of you are white. Go to hell!' Most of you won't know the name John Wiley Price, but he's
obviously a man well qualified to hold a position at the Eric Holder Justice Department. What has Price,
a Dallas County Commissioner, done to distinguish himself? He told a group of five citizens, "All of
you are white. Go to hell!"
Wiley Price Tells Citizens To "Go To Hell". [Scroll down] Turner continued speaking,
ignoring Price's ongoing interruptions. At that point, Jenkins adjourned the meeting. As Price
stood to leave, he looked at Turner and the five other citizens who addressed the court. Price said to
them, "All of you are white. Go to hell!" Price repeated "go to hell" three more times. An
unknown member of the audience said, "You should be ashamed!" "I'm not ashamed!" Price answered.
"I'm not ashamed! Go to hell!"
they think civility's a must. The years 2004-07 — between the failed campaign of
John Kerry, the Democrats' control of Congress and the beginning of the successful Iraq surge —
should be known as "The Insane Years." In that era, Gitmo was a gulag, renditions were the stuff of
Hollywood movies and President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were deemed veritable war
criminals. I recall all that only because Oprah Winfrey just called for more civility to be shown
President Obama.
Union Boss Says Advocates for Spending
Cuts are 'Mentally Retarded'. In a perfect example of why unions are the biggest problem
for government budget reform, John Gage, President of the American Federation of Government Employees
(AFGE), has just pronounced anyone that wants to cut the overly generous pay, benefits, and pensions
of government employees are "mentally retarded." This is the to-the-hilt fight that the unions
will go to, not only to keep their cushy remuneration, but to enlarge it still more all on the backs
of the working poor taxpayers that don't have luxurious government jobs.
Party chief charged in fight. The chairman of the Madison County Democratic Party is
scheduled to appear in Jackson City Court this morning on a charge of simple assault that stems from
an incident after a party meeting last week. T. Robert Hill received a criminal summons on
the charge and went to the Madison County Jail to be fingerprinted and photographed on Thursday
afternoon [2/10/2011], said Sheriff David Woolfork.
Declines To Condemn Left-Wing Racist Attacks On Justice Thomas. The NAACP is quick to play the
race card when it means defending a left-wing agenda. In fact, they partnered with Think Progress and
Media Matters and New Left Media to launch teapartytracker.org, a website that publishes and monitors what
they consider "racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement." But after lefty
moonbats at a Soros-funded anti-Koch rally made unambiguously racist comments [about] Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas ... The race card was nowhere to be found.
do women columnists attract so much more hatred than men? It's mysterious how few people on
Twitter have commented on Melanie Phillips' latest article. She writes: ["]For during the past
seven days, I have been subjected to an extraordinarily vicious outpouring of hate and incitement to
violence, via email, the internet and in the mainstream media, and much worse besides.["]
if this had been the Tea Party? Imagine for five seconds had this been someone from the
Tea Party calling for the lynching of Justice Thomas.
Koch Protesters Call for Clarence
Thomas's Lynching. Ed Morrissey has an excellent roundup of the increasing incivility at the
Koch protests. Contentions previously reported on the use of swastikas at the demonstration,
and yesterday a video surfaced of protesters calling for Justice Clarence Thomas to be lynched.
Everybody Does It?
Really? As we noted yesterday, over the weekend Common Cause held a rally in California at which
numerous supporters of the self-styled "grassroots organization" were caught on video advocating violence against
Supreme Court justices and media executives — including calls to lynch the high court's only
black member.
Ralliers Call for Lynching of Black Justice. We were joined by at least half a dozen busloads
of public sector union members and common demonstrators from AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace,
Code Pink, and the Progressive Democrats of America, among others, without whose valuable contributions
to the yelling, the rally would've been just a lousy bust. Video camera in hand, I purposely engaged
them to get beyond their programmed talking points, only to find some rather colorful agenda items —
particularly for Justice Thomas. In post-Tucson America, where for the past few weeks a chorus of voices
on the left have amplified their attacks on the "racist tea party," "racist conservatives," "racist Republicans,"
and their "violent, irresponsible rhetoric" to the degree of accomplice-to-murder accusations, I figured a
left-wing rally such as this would also be a demonstration of the left's ideal, self-proclaimed rhetorical
Terror Suspect Turns Out to Be a... Leftwinger. It seems that whenever you hear about a "rightwing" hate
crime nowadays, it turns out the the perpetrator turns out to be a leftwinger... much to the disappointment of liberals
who continue to maintain the fiction about a violent Tea Party movement.
Climate Change: The
eruption of wild accusations after the shootings in Arizona illustrate once again that those who talk about
civility the most practice it the least. Pious calls for the restoration of civility have come from a
parade of pundits and pols famous for celebrating or rationalizing the most egregious violations of it.
The Threat of Leftist Violence.
In 1918, the Sedition Act was added to the Espionage Act of the prior year, making it a crime to publish, speak,
or write in a fashion critical of our form of government. Aimed at the radical Progressives, there
were more than two thousand successful prosecutions under the act. The Sedition act was upheld in the Supreme
Court numerous times as a perfectly constitutional means of protecting the Constitution from those who sought to
subvert it. Twenty-two years later, the Smith Act made it illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of the
government. Yet just the other week, MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan committed prosecutable violations of both
acts when he hosted a segment on his show featuring cartoonist/author Ted Rall discussing his cheerful new book,
The Anti-American Manifesto. ... That such a discussion was held on a mainstream American news network
defies belief.
The Left's History Of Violence. What
constitutes violent political rhetoric is subjective; what constitutes political violence is more clear-cut.
One can debate whether the American Right currently has the market cornered on the former, as Krugman and Tomasky
suggest. But the latter, at least as assaults upon high-profile American politicians are concerned, overwhelmingly
stems from the Left. And let's face it: Violence, not "violent rhetoric," kills people. Four men have
murdered U.S. presidents. Three of them have been communists.
Black Racism. Why haven't national media outlets reported on the vile and violent rants of the
New Black Panther Party (NBPP) thugs whose 2008 voter intimidation tactics got a pass from the Obama
administration? Simple: Radical black racism doesn't fit the Hope and Change narrative.
Targeted in Violence-Tinged Tweets Following Arizona Massacre. Critics of former Alaska Gov. Sarah
Palin have turned to Twitter to post hate "tweets" suggesting that "she should be shot" and "assassinated."
A four-minute video montage of the the "tweets" — apparently sent after Saturday's massacre in Arizona that left
six people dead and 14 wounded, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords — was posted to YouTube on Tuesday
hateful, violent, extremist liberals. Imagine a group of angry demonstrators toting swastika-festooned
protest signs calling politicians Nazis, shouting obscenities and racial remarks and throwing rocks and bottles
at police officers sent to keep order. No, these are not Tea Partiers. They are the mob that turned
out last week to protest Arizona's new immigration-enforcement law. This group of liberal rowdies has been
dubbed the Tequila Party. For the most part, liberal media coverage overlooked all the leftist violence.
Typical headlines described the protest as "mostly peaceful," with media outlets avoiding details about why they
had to use the qualifier "mostly." Reporting a near-riot by the opponents of the Arizona law doesn't fit
the dominant media storyline.
Sick Thinking From 'Mainstream' Leftists.
The Obama left, realizing it has really stepped in it with the American people by cramming Obamacare down our
throats, has decided to blunt the backlash against it by tarring, yet again, mainstream conservatives as racists,
bigots, homophobes and violent. Its tactics are objectively despicable.
Talker Malloy Calls for Deaths of Limbaugh, Beck and O'Reilly. As the mainstream media
hyperventilate over what is now regularly being referred to as rightwing hate speak, liberal talk radio
host Mike Malloy Friday actually called for conservative talkers Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Bill O'Reilly
to commit suicide.
in the Crosshairs. The bullets had hardly stopped whizzing when a cataract of commentary descended.
The first inundation came mostly from the Left. Its basic message was epitomized by Paul Krugman: The
shooting was probably politically motivated. The Tea Party. Sarah Palin. Scary. "The
climate that preceded the Oklahoma City bombing." Beck. Limbaugh. "The evils of
Partisanship." "Culture of hate." Et cetera.
Advocate of
Violence. In the olden days, Frances Fox Piven was a cutting-edge social theorist of the
hard left. In a 1977 book, she and her husband, Richard Cloward, argued "that the poor and unemployed
are so isolated from the levers of power in America that their greatest potential impact is to withhold
'quiescence in civil life: they can riot,'" as Stanley Kurtz reports in National Review Online.
Coulter Foes Launch Hate-Filled
Attacks. Many of those writing the negative e-mails are outraged that a conservative
would ask a conservative author questions from a conservative's perspective for a conservative
newspaper. One person writes, "You are so unfair and unbalanced!" Well, there goes
my shot as a Fox News anchor.
Patrick J. Kennedy faithful flooding
Rhode Island GOP with 'hate mail'. Rhode Island Republicans have received piles of "hate mail"
from supporters of U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy, angry that the GOP has called for the troubled six-term
congressman to step down. "This has clearly hit a raw nerve somewhere," Rhode Island GOP spokesman
Chuck Newton told the Herald. "We've received mountains of hate mail from all over."
Hate speech from the left - 2005
edition. [2004 was] another year in which liberals engaged in, and mostly got away with,
grotesque slanders and slurs about conservatives — the kind of poisonous rhetoric that should
be unheard-of in a decent society. Once again, too many on the left — not crackpots from the
fringe, but mainstream players and pundits — chose to demonize conservatives as monsters rather
than debate their ideas on the merits.
The extreme sport of insult:
The hard left decided long ago that George W. Bush is Hitler. In maddened corners of the Internet and at
swastika-choked antiwar marches, Bush is shown with a Nazi uniform or a Hitler mustache.
DNC Stands By Rangel After 'Hate Speech'. The
Democratic National Committee yesterday [9/27/2005] refused to distance itself from Rep. Charles Rangel's
comparison of President Bush to an infamous Southern segregationist, Theophilus "Bull" Connor, remarks the
Republican National Committee identified as "hate speech" and urged the DNC to repudiate.
Hate in America: The
protesters, while unable to disrupt the Republican National Convention as intended, represented a disturbing
new development in the nation's politics: hatred in the streets. The organized demonstrations were
purely negative, attacking George W. Bush with scant expression of support for John Kerry. Individual
marchers singled out any person they thought might be a convention delegate, firing off angry, often obscene,
Politics Of Hate:
Its one thing to scare senior citizens about Social Security reform with hate speech, but to go so far as
staging an assassination of the president over his idea for a Social Security fix, is kind of over the top. In
researching the politics of hate, I was surprised to get 1,690,000 hits on Google for "hate Bush."
But I was astonished to get 1,140,000 for "kill Bush."
PETA Thug Arrested.
Billy Prusinowski, a 19-year-old college student, was arraigned last week on second-degree assault charges in
Syracuse, NY. Police say Billy punched a fellow teenager in the face so hard that he needed to see an eye
surgeon. They also say he's "affiliated with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals," according to
the Syracuse Post Standard. When Billy arrived at his arraignment, the paper adds, "he had PETA
literature and what appeared to be a member card with him." Police Captain Tom Winn told the Post
Standard that this "vicious assault" was motivated by the victim's family business. The victim's father,
you see, owns a fur store.
Anger. Anger, the most toxic of emotions, has poisoned the American left and
much of the Democratic Party. ... Anger has become the fashionable political mood in America's faculty
lounges, big city newsrooms, and Democratic political events. Anger is a terrific
motivator. Angry people contribute money, go to events, wear buttons, t-shirts, and
funny hats, and readily slap bumper stickers on their Volvos, Beetles, mini-vans, and Lexuses.
Left wing
climate of hate and assassination. Successful propaganda is composed of equal parts
deception and suppression, and the apparatchiks in the mainstream media are much better at the latter.
They may have erred in pushing the Arizona assassination attempt beyond its ideological limits last week,
but they succeeded brilliantly a few months earlier in suppressing news of a nearly lethal attempt by a
genuine leftist.
How About Some 'Civility' Toward College
Conservatives? After the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona, President Obama said Americans must
respect each other's views and we should begin "talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way
that wounds." It's ironic that Obama, the leader of the American Left, has called for civility
when it is his followers on college campuses that have eagerly denounced, shouted-down, and even
assaulted those who dare express different viewpoints from their own.
they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
Thugs In Velvet.
A pack of leftists has put a $200,000 price on the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donohue.
Oh, it's not a plot to kill him, they claim, only a bounty to get him arrested. ... Monday [12/7/2009], Fox
News reported that a coalition of 120 left-wing groups called "Velvet Revolution" issued an Old West-style
"wanted" poster, complete with a tip hotline urging anyone connected with the Chamber president to come
forward with information that will get him arrested. It offers guaranteed anonymity for tipsters.
Intimidation nation.
Almost every destructive agenda being promoted in America today is being advanced, not through logical
argument, but intimidation. Take the Obama crowd. The president, a disciple of Saul Alinsky,
and his administration rely heavily on ridicule, which is very intimidating. ... When normal citizens
opposed Obama's unprecedented power grab right after inauguration, his Department of Homeland Security
labeled them "right-wing extremists" and terror threats. When Fox News aired stories critical of
his administration, Obama launched a bizarre defamation campaign against the only cable news network the
country watches anymore...
The Left Defends
Its Advocate of Violence. Glenn Beck continues to suffer an onslaught of programmatic
propaganda by progressives, who accuse him, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin's kitchen sink
of inciting violence — while at the same time assailing Beck for his exposing the true
violation of Americans' lives and livelihoods by these neo-Marxists. Recently the right and
the left are fighting over Marxist agitator Frances Fox Piven, who, in her old age, has been caught
talking up violence to her callow trainees.
Hating Bush: We have
reached the point where much political debate consists of insults and name-calling, every attack is likely
to be called a "lynching," and tired expressions such as "institutional terrorism," "institutional racism,"
and "intellectual McCarthyism" are supposed to be taken as real arguments.
Self-indulgence: The
enraged speeches and street disorders across the country that accompanied the inauguration of President Bush
may tell us more than we want to know about what is happening to this country. Elections are supposed
to be an alternative to other ways of settling political differences, including riots, military coups and
dictatorships. But riots have been re-christened "demonstrations" by the mealy-mouth media.
Hate in America: The
protesters, while unable to disrupt the Republican National Convention as intended, represented a disturbing
new development in the nation's politics: hatred in the streets. The organized demonstrations were
purely negative, attacking George W. Bush with scant expression of support for John Kerry. Individual
marchers singled out any person they thought might be a convention delegate, firing off angry, often obscene,
The Shock of Barack.
When I see what Obama is doing to this country, how he is treating its citizens, I'm reminded of the man who
mugged me. I think that both are constitutionally incapable of seeing our humanity. And each day
that Obama is in office, he communicates this same deadly message to the masses — that opponents are
not human. This would explain the burgeoning of hate and even violence towards those who deign
to disagree.
Is this Kristallnacht or the Reichstag Fire?
The hysteria over the "violent" right wing is just that — hysteria. The true danger here comes
not from the grassroots right, but from the Astroturfed left, which is being orchestrated and trained by the
Obama administration and its media minions to attack Americans who still believe in America's founding principles.
Schoolboy Kicked Unconscious
Over Confederate Book: A 13-year-old Houston boy who had checked out a book about
Robert E. Lee was kicked in the head and sent unconscious to the hospital, a Southern heritage
organization reported. The boy's mother and lawyer believe the actions of government school
officials set the stage for the attack.
Obviously this would be a hate crime — if it had been a predominantly black church. Alaska Gov.
Sarah Palin's church purposely set on fire. Gov. Sarah Palin's home church was badly damaged by
arson, leading the governor to apologize if the fire was connected to "undeserved negative attention" from her
failed campaign as the Republican vice presidential nominee.
Arson suspected in fire at Palin's church.
A Friday night fire at Gov. Sarah Palin's church caused an estimated $1 million in damage, and
investigators say it could be the work of an arsonist. Firefighters were called to Wasilla Bible
Church about 9:40 p.m. and found flames and smoke coming out windows at the back of the three-story
structure, said James Steele, chief of the Central Mat-Su Fire Department.
ATF: accelerant poured
around Palin's church. Federal investigators in Alaska say an accelerant was poured around
the exterior of Gov. Sarah Palin's home church before it was heavily damaged by a fire. The Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Monday that the accelerant was poured at several locations
around the church, including entrances.
Keeping Hate Alive.
When the New York Post went ape in a cartoon, the enemies of freedom and equality showed their colors.
Apparently the time has come to silence all critics of President Obama! He is the leader of our country
and must not be questioned!
Eco-Terror's Inspiration. Eco-terrorist
James Jay Lee [in September 2010] executed a dangerous hostage plot inside the headquarters of the Discovery
Channel. Armed with what appeared to be pipe bombs and a cheap pistol, Lee claimed to have been "awakened"
by Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth". Lee regarded humans as the "most destructive, filthy,
pollutive creatures around." His desire was to force the Discovery Channel to fill its programming
schedule with "solutions to save the planet." Lee was shot and killed by police. Sadly, Lee is
not first eco-freak to go off. In 2005 the FBI declared domestic eco-terrorism to be America's No. 1