Note: You might want to start at the Barack
Obama Index Page, especially
if you arrived here by using a search engine.
Years ago, the Democrats tried to assert that the Republican party was mired in a "culture of corruption,"
and only the Democrats could be trusted to obey the law. Almost since the day they introduced that
slogan, exactly the opposite has been shown to be true. I've been pointing out the Democrats' ethical
shortcomings for several years on this page,
and now it seems the Obama administration is supplying a ton of new material every week, by hiring,
defending and (in some cases) retaining a whole series of people who cheat on their taxes.
This should come as no surprise, because as some of us have been saying for about a year, Mr. Obama has
never competently managed any business or organization in his life. All this was pointed out
on this page, in case you missed it.
As the months go by, Mr. Obama's administration has begun to emit more odors of corruption than any
presidency since... the last Democrat president!
Related pages:
Which party has a "culture of corruption?"
Obama's fundraising scandals in 2008,
and again in 2012.
Eric Holder
Joe Biden
Loretta Lynch
The FBI neglects to indict Hillary Clinton
pack of judges is destroying the American judiciary. The Fast and Furious scandal,
under the auspices of Obama's AG Eric Holder, was a scheme to provide the Mexican drug cartels with
guns, so if and when our border agents were killed, their deaths could be blamed on American gun
dealers and manufacturers. It was a devious and reprehensible plan that proved the Obama
administration's wholesale lack of respect for human life, American and Mexican lives.
Obama's was an amoral administration. It was Obama and Hillary Clinton who set in motion the
fabricated Russia hoax that became a ten-year campaign of lawfare, the left's attempt to destroy
Donald Trump but that destroyed countless other lives caught up in their web of lies. The
illegitimate Biden administration was far worse, far more corrupt, albeit with the help of Obama's
anti-American cabal of Marxist thugs, including all those judges who are currently trying to
hog-tie Trump. Most of America's once-respected institutions have been thoroughly
contaminated by the deep state, and yes, there are numerous Republicans among them.
Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter. [Scroll down] So, as
president, Barry pretty much had his way for eight years, growing government; siccing the FBI, CIA,
and IRS on his opponents; using the imbecile Joe Biden as impeachment insurance; and making our
country just as gay as a man who dreams daily about sodomy with other men could. And when
Obama's time in office was almost up, his DNC purposely screwed over every candidate but Crooked
Hillary, his media minions pretended she was Albert Einstein with ovaries, and the FBI lied to a
compliant FISA court to start spying on Donald Trump's campaign. In return for
having the Oval Office handed to her, Hillary was to be Obama's puppet and do whatever he
demanded. But despite all the money, media, and Deep State denizens supporting her, Clinton
somehow lost the election. [...] And in 2019, a new Obama puppet was found to oppose Trump:
the dolt Joe Biden. All the already corrupt and captured institutions listed above
immediately did their thing, and with the help of some serious electoral shenanigans, we saw an
elderly, clearly senile man with a history of brain injuries installed in the Oval Office.
Obama had once again relied on the stupidity of the American voters to win the day.
Donald Trump's sacrifices are like no other leader in the history of America.
[Scroll down] The Obamas entered the White House with $1.3 million. Upon
leaving, they received lucrative book, oratory, movie, and podcast deals which caused their net
worth to multiply by almost 24 times, to $70 million. Experts claim that if the
Obamas proceed on this trajectory they will be worth $242.5 million when all is said and done.
Joe Biden Understand He Did Anything Wrong? One of the greatest acts of corruption in
American political history took place while Biden was vice president, it was committed in broad
daylight, and virtually nobody cared. But this time it wasn't Biden — it was his
boss and political benefactor, Barack Obama. Obama spent serious political capital during his
second term pushing for Net Neutrality. I'm an old-school internet idealist — or
at least I used to be before Google and Facebook beat it out of me — but Net Neutrality
was a huge scam. I don't know the current figures but back then, the 25% of Americans who
subscribed to Netflix used more than 40% of the nation's bandwidth during primetime viewing
hours. Netflix loved Net Neutrality because under its "bits are bits" regulations, ISPs
couldn't charge more for the Netflix video bits that were clogging the nation's internet
arteries. Netflix loved Obama so much that, once he'd been out of office for a
discreet-looking period, it gave him and Michelle a $50 million payday to produce not much of
anything. Certainly not $50 million worth of anything, but the Washington-Infotainment
Complex acted as though Obama was above even the appearance of impropriety.
News: Obama muscled Zuckerberg to censor Trump — and made an example of
him. Has Barack Obama gone from ex-president to Democrat party crime boss? It
sure looks like it, based on a new report about his treatment of Facebook founder and CEO Mark
Zuckerberg. Investigative reporter Lee Smith has got a stunning report that ran this week in
Tablet, comparable in impact to that report by Molly Ball at Time who wrote about how elites
conspired to "fortify democracy" by rigging the election against President Trump in 2020 and
afterwards thought it was a smart thing to crow about. Smith's report begins with how the FBI
"hacked" Twitter, not just engaging in a "master-canine" relationship as Twitter files reporter
Matt Taibbi put it in one of his reports, but actually infiltrating the company and controlling it
from within, rendering it a corporate Zombie.
Corruption Context and The Lightbringer. This is a short reminder about linking
President Obama, Teh One true bringer of all progressive enlightenment, into the discussion and
analysis of Joe and Hunter Biden's corruption, bribery and influence selling while in office.
There are an increasing number of people who are asking when the golden child will be brought into
the issue of Vice-President Joe Biden selling his influence while working for the
Lightbringer. Please stop! There will never be any accountability for Obama in any
endeavor or discovery — not by this generation. Historians will note the issue
later in the annals of historical reference long after we are departed; but right now, in this era,
the Lightbringer is immune. Obama represents the personal identity of the professional
political left. To remove the veil of Teh One is to deliver a black pill so toxic that entire
segments of the U.S population, including every facet of DHS controlled media operations, would
melt in place. It will never happen. Not ever in this era.
been quite a week in the news, and I have questions. And finally, we now seem to have
evidence that Hunter and his dad were in cahoots in squeezing some Chinese fellas. All this
started two administrations ago. That administration and its heavy hitters were surely aware
of what was going on. After all, everywhere that Joe traveled, he went on signed government
orders. We know about the 10% for the Big Guy. So, I'm just wondering: How much of that
was for the Black Guy?
Obama pay for anything with his own money? A memoir is a history of one's past.
Mine includes attempts to reveal who Barack Obama really is — or isn't. I recently
published my memoir at the age of eighty-one years: The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack
Obama. I have been chasing Obama since 2009, when I uncovered, while working as a
licensed private investigator, that he has used a phony CT social security number his entire adult
life. I was undaunted when my lawsuit to keep him off the Ohio presidential ballot in 2012
was dismissed, even though it is illegal to use a false Social Security number. My book
contains other investigations, but I found more juicy information about Obama to include,
especially about the alleged purchase of the Magnum P.I. property on Oahu. I note
specifically: Hawaii television station KHON2 announced on March 19, 2015 that Marty Nesbitt
bought the Waimanalo property, made famous in the television show Magnum P.I. for $8.7 million and
that he is the "sole investor."
Received Millions in Illegal Campaign Donations, Jury Finds. A Washington D.C. just
has determined that former President Barack Obama received illegal campaign donations. On
Wednesday, rapper Prakazrel "Pras" Michel, of the 1990s hip-hop group Fugees, was convicted on
charges involving multi-million-dollar political conspiracies spanning two presidencies.
Michel was convicted after a trial that included testimony ranging from actor Leonardo DiCaprio to
former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The former music star was funneling money from a
now-fugitive Malaysian financer through straw donors to Barack Obama's 2012 re-election
campaign. He then attempted to squelch a Justice Department investigation and influence an
extradition case on behalf of China under the Trump administration.
DiCaprio's sworn testimony is a gross reminder of how the D.C. Establishment makes the
sausage. Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio recently testified at the trial of rapper
Pras Michel, who stands accused of accepting money from Malaysian fugitive tycoon Jho Low, to
influence U.S. politics. First a bit of a background about Michel and Low. Michel was a
member of the hip hop band Fugees. Low allegedly embezzled $4.5 billion from Malaysia's state
investment fund, making it the biggest scandal of its kind in history. Michel allegedly
received over $100 million from Low. Low allegedly recruited Michel to funnel the money to
Obama's reelection bid using an illegal network of third parties paid for by foreign funds.
(Foreigners cannot donate to U.S. campaigns under federal election law.) The prosecutors have
accused Michel of receiving $21.6 million in payments from foreign accounts linked to Low, funds
which the rapper then paid out to roughly twenty straw donors between June and November 2012.
DiCaprio Testifies Obama Received Billions in Stolen CCP Cash From Fugees Founder 'Pras'
Michel. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio took the stand and testified in the federal trial of
Prakazrel "Pras" Michel, founder of the hip hop band Fugees, and his alleged involvement in a money
laundering scheme that included a huge — and illegal — donation to Barack
Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. DiCaprio recalled a conversation with Malaysian financier
Jho Low, who mentioned that he was looking to donate millions of dollars to the Obama campaign by
giving the money to Michel and having him pass it to Obama's people.
DiCaprio Testifies In Trial Against Fugees Rapper Accused Of Illegally Funneling $30M To Obama
Campaign. A-list actor Leonardo DiCaprio took the stand in the federal trial against
recording artist Prakazrel "Pras" Michel, a founding member of the Fugees, who stands accused of
funneling money into former president Barack Obama's re-election campaign in 2012. DiCaprio,
48, used to associate with the fugitive Malaysian financier Jho Low, who allegedly gave the money
to Michel to donate to the campaign through shell accounts. Michel is accused of conspiring
to make illegal campaign contributions using foreign money, witness tampering, and failure to
register as a foreign agent of the Chinese government. The actor, who was on the stand for
about an hour, said he thought Low was "sort of a prodigy in the business world and ultra-successful."
Low apparently told the actor he planned to contribute funds to the campaign. "It was a
significant sum — something to the tune of $20-30 million," DiCaprio said in
court on Monday. "I said, 'Wow that's a lot of money!'"
'No One Is Above The Law,' Democrats And Their Partisan Pawns Would Be Arraigned, Not Trump.
Before [Hillary] Clinton was forced to pay for her scheming, President Barack Obama faced "one of the largest
fees ever levied against a presidential campaign," $375,000, for "campaign reporting violations."
Instead of facing calls for prison time, Obama received years of protection from the corporate media and
fake fact-checkers who repeatedly downplayed his violation as a proportionally small infraction compared
to the billion dollars he raised on the campaign trail.
Tyrants Play with Fire. Had Barack Obama ever had to properly answer for illicitly
using the IRS, EPA, DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence Community to target, harass, and persecute his
political opponents or account for his stunning success in using his political office to transition
from one of America's poorest presidents to one of its wealthiest, he and his wife would not so
absurdly yet flippantly claim that his presidency was aboveboard and "scandal-free."
how unjust is our system of justice? It has been clear enough since the Obama
administration weaponized the DOJ and the FBI that there is no longer a single and equal system of
justice in America. There are two; one for progressive Democrats that essentially ignores the
Constitution, and a harsh, Kafkaesque version for conservatives. Remember when those Black
Panthers stood outside a polling place in Philadelphia with baseball bats and Eric Holder refused
to prosecute them for voter intimidation? Or when the Obama administration sold guns to the
drug cartels in a pathetic effort to track them and ultimately blame American gun stores? One
of those guns killed a U.S. Border Patrol agent. And when subpoenaed, Eric Holder refused to
comply and was not held in contempt. That was just the beginning.
Archives Issued 3 Statements Claiming Obama's Records Were Fine. The National Archives issued three
statements, one on August 12, one on September 8 and one on September 23, supposedly rebutting claims
that there were any issues with Obama's presidential records. The September 8 statement specifically denied
that any records from the Obama administration were missing. Or, very specifically, NARA "is not aware of any
missing boxes of Presidential records from the Obama administration." Not aware is of course 'lawyerese' for
plausible deniability. In November, the first tranche of classified documents was found at Penn Biden.
NARA's only statement on Nov 9 involved Trump's documents. Ditto for another Dec 20 statement. Was
NARA really unaware of the Biden documents at that point?
Jan. 6 Fiasco Is Just Another Example of Conservatives Being Treated as Second-Class Citizens. In another
instance of the DOJ's double standards, former President Barack Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, faced no repercussions
after Congress held him in contempt for refusing to comply with its Fast and Furious investigation. Meanwhile, former
Trump adviser Peter Navarro was put in leg irons during an ambush arrest at the airport for the same charge of
contempt. Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn was financially destroyed by a federal investigation, meanwhile
fired former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe won back his taxpayer-funded pension even though McCabe admitted to lying to
the FBI about a press leak. Former CIA Director John Brennan, a serial Trump antagonist, repeatedly lied before
Congress. His penalty? A lucrative book deal and no leg irons. And let's not forget the 51 former
"intelligence" officials who wrote an open letter calling the Hunter Biden laptop story (verified by even leftist media
outlets like The New York Times) Russian disinformation. They've faced no professional sanctions, no stripping of
security clearances, even though they refuse to apologize.
Lawless Legacy Is The Cancer Consuming America Today. You don't have to be any kind of intellectual savant to
recognize this increasingly hyper-accelerated and precipitous decline our nation has been stricken with now for over a
decade. A deliberate decline, wholly manufactured and implemented with malevolent intentions among the usual suspects
of political ruling class malefactors and their various radical militant acolytes. A calculated decline whose
subversive, accelerated machinations I believe to have been set in motion and implemented throughout the 8 years of Barack
Hussein Obama's dumpster blazing presidency, setting the stage for these subsequent years of successive, surreal and
intensifying social anarchy, civil unrest and unparalleled political corruption. All done for the express purpose of
seeking to subvert and decimate the pillars and foundation of our Republic. To be sure, no one man could accomplish as
much division and social upheaval as Obama managed to do without the help of accomplices and fellow conspirators. How
else can you explain an obscure community organizer whose own past was shrouded with vague content, going from an
unaccomplished Illinois state senator with the sort of radical political associations that would see any of us put on an FBI
terrorist watch list, to a U.S. senator to president of the United States in the span of a decade, void of having any
substantive legislative achievements and possessing no executive experience?
intriguing points about the Durham allegations. There are few people who have followed the Russia collusion
hoax as closely as Dan Bongino. That's why I made sure to listen to his podcast the Monday after the story broke
regarding John Durham's allegations about the Hillary campaign spying on Trump Tower, Trump's apartment, and the White House.
[...] Bongino thinks the real bombshell in this is that Durham is warning Sussmann that Latham & Watkins is a very dangerous
law firm to have representing him. The reason is that one of the top Latham & Watkins attorneys is a gal named Kathryn
Ruemmler or, as Bongino calls her, "The Fixer." He points out that Ruemmler has her finger in every single corrupt pie
baked during the Obama administration.
Appeasement Was a Left-Wing Monopoly. One way of understanding the 2009-2014 Obama Administration policy of
"reset" with Vladimir Putin's Russia is to recall two iconic incidents. The first was the 2009 "reset." Newly
appointed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that she would pursue a "reset" détente with Russia.
America would relax the prior Bush Administration's mild ostracism of Russia after its 2008 invasion of Georgia and softly
start anew. The second was President Barack Obama's hot mic moment in March 2012 in Seoul, South Korea. Obama got
caught asking Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to reassure Vladimir Putin. Or as Obama put it: "After my
election I have more flexibility ... On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but
it's important for him to give me space ... This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility."
Both Obama and Putin apparently got their quid pro quo wishes.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Took $50,000 In Undisclosed Foreign Cash. Obama-era Transportation
Secretary Ray LaHood took $50,000 in undisclosed foreign cash while he was still in office in 2012 because he was "suffering
financial difficulties," Axios reported on Wednesday [3/31/2021]. The cash came to LaHood as a loan from Virginia
businessman Toufic Baaklini, an associate to Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury, who conspired to funnel foreign
money into U.S. elections. The Department of Justice noted that LaHood purposefully refused to mention the loan on
government ethics forms "because LaHood did not want to be associated with Chagoury," which was unrelated to a larger scheme
of making illegal campaign contributions to U.S. politicians. Prosecutors say he also "understood at the time" who the
money was coming from but "made misleading statements to FBI agents" during the investigation anyway.
Clintons and communist China all linked to SolarWinds. News about the SolarWinds Orion hack is generating a lot
of questions about what this company is and who is behind it. What we know so far is that its corporate ties include
gems like communist China, the Clintons and the Obamas. In 2016, according to the company's 10K on the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) website, SolarWinds was acquired by investment firms Silver Lake Partners and Thoma Bravo.
Two years later, the company went public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Later that year, SolarWinds' IPO was
completed, and 25 million shares of the company's common stock were sold at an issue price of $15 per share. During
this process, the company raised $375 million in gross proceeds, and approximately $353 million in net proceeds.
Name 'Project Hanson': Insider Documents Reveal How Hunter Biden Associates Helped Chinese Military Contractor Acquire Michigan
Dual-Use Manufacturer. In September 2015, the Obama-Biden administration approved the sale of a strategically
sensitive Michigan manufacturer, Henniges Automotive, to a firm connected to Joe Biden's son, Hunter, and a Chinese military
contractor that was on an American watch list because of its close ties to the People's Liberation Army. Hunter Biden's
equity fund, backed by the Communist Chinese government, and the Chinese contractor, Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC),
needed special approval for the deal from the Committee of Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CIFIUS) because Henniges produced
technology with potential military use. AVIC entities have been sanctioned by the United States on five separate occasions
since 1993 and the addition to the watch list — a major red flag — occurred less than a year-and-a-half
before they co-purchased Henniges with the Biden-led Chinese joint venture known as Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). The fact that
CFIUS approved the deal is alarming given that Henniges owns numerous facilities in the United States that are now controlled
by a Chinese military front company.
The New York Times Discovers
China. [Scroll down] Obama has just as much incentive to spread this kind of misinformation about the
Trump account and to cover up the Biden family business as does "working class Joe." The Chinese weren't interested in what
Joe or his brother or his son Hunter could do for them. For the Chinese, they wanted nothing more than access to the
Obama administration. Moreover, when the former President first visited China in 2009, even the nauseatingly obsequious
media reported that the new President had been led by the nose by the Chinese. But perhaps Obama's nose just detected
the smell of money?
Defector's Emails Reveal Hunter's Associates Viewed Direct 'Pipeline' to Administration as 'Currency'. Hunter
Biden's business associates spoke candidly in emails about Hunter Biden's role in the business, particularly as it related to
foreign ventures, apparently viewing the Biden name as a form of "currency," and bragging that they had a "direct...
pipeline" to the Obama-Biden Administration. In another email, Hunter Biden's associates touted Hunter's access to the
White House and contrasted his willingness to "take on risk" with that of Chris Heinz — then-Secretary of State
John Kerry's stepson and a close friend of Biden and Archer — who was uncomfortable with some of their potential
now has serious questions to answer about Hunter's dodgy deals and he can't duck them forever. Four days ago,
the New York Post published a bombshell report raising serious new questions about presidential candidate Joe Biden and his
son Hunter's relationship with Ukranian energy company Burisma. [...] I have no idea if the report is entirely true, partly
true, or completely untrue. But with my old newspaper editor hat on, I do know that the response from Joe Biden so far
has done nothing to make me think it's false. Crucially, there has been no denial of the fact that these emails are
genuine. And if they are, then they raise important questions. The potentially most explosive part of the story
is a 2015 email supposedly sent by a top Burisma adviser, Vadym Pozharskyi, thanking Hunter for giving him the chance to meet
his dad Joe while he was Vice-President.
Stench Of Corruption Is Overwhelming. In short, Biden's response to any and all questions concerning Hunter's
role with Burisma has been to dismiss such allegations as debunked conspiracy theories pushed by his political
opponent. No one did anything wrong. There is nothing to explain, and he is not about to try.
Inconveniently, for Joe, though, the story will not go away. Just today [10/14/2020] the New York Post broke the news
that they were in possession of an email from a senior official from Burisma to Hunter Biden which makes a specific
reference to Hunter's role in setting up a meeting between the official and then Vice-President Joe Biden.
Long Has The U.S. Intelligence Apparatus Been Selecting Presidential Candidates? One would have to be
intellectually obtuse to think former President Barack Obama was unaware his Vice-President, Joe Biden, was raking in
tens-of-millions from his use of Hunter Biden as family bagman while lobbying foreign governments. With that in mind;
and considering all of the downstream consequences from the original selection of Joe Biden as the VP candidate; and
considering how those in power now have the tool of the NSA database to control political offices; how long has the
intelligence apparatus been involved in selecting the U.S. presidential candidates?
The Editor says...
The article above links to the article below, which is well worth your time.
Former President Obama knows
exactly what evidence exists against Biden. [Thread reader] That's the point. That's the plan.
Install Biden/Harris then team Obama give the word to their allies in media, stop protecting, release the evidence and remove
Biden. It's the Chicago way. [...] After the initial inquiry, federal investigators maintained the target of the
illegal activity was Obama's passport file. It does not take a stretch to come to the conclusion this was for the sole
purpose of cleansing records of information adverse to Obama's candidacy.
Bidens and the Crooked Ukrainian Prosecutors. During the time Joe Biden was US point man on Ukraine, there were
three Ukrainian Prosecutors General. The first, Vitaly Yerema and the third, Yuriy Lutsenko, actively helped Burisma,
the Ukrainian oil and gas company, escape responsibility for the theft of Ukraine's oil and gas assets. Biden did not
speak out against them and made no effort to force either of them from office. Coincidentally, his son Hunter and
Hunter's business partner, Devon Archer, were on the payroll of Burisma. Only one, Viktor Shokin, pursued Burisma and
its owner Mykola Zlochevsky. Shokin put seizures on their assets and issued a warrant for Zlochevsky's arrest should he
return to Ukraine. Yet Shokin, not Yerema and not Lutsenko, was the one Prosecutor General that Biden called out and
forced from office. In fact, I am aware of no other instance in which the United States demanded the firing of a
prosecutor in a country to which we supplied foreign aid, no matter how corrupt. If not unprecedented, what Biden did
in Ukraine was at least extraordinary.
Hunter's MacBook: Email account of his ex-busines partner reveals high level Chinese group bought hidden access to Biden at
the White House. The evidence establishing a shocking pattern is now clear: Hunter Biden and his busines partners
sold access to Joe Biden when he was the Obama administration's point man on China. This took place during the period when US jobs
were being exported to China by the millions. Hunter earned many millions of dollars and funneled a share of that money to his
father, in return for selling out American workers. An entirely new source — a business partner of Hunter Biden who
has "flipped" and granted full access (i.e., his username password) to years of his Gmail email account — reveals that
access to then-VP Biden in the White House was granted in 2011 to a high level group of member of the Chinese Communist Party
with a keen interest in US trade policy, as that policy was being formulated.
Biden Business Associate Flips From Prison, Releases Emails Detailing China Influence-Peddling Operation.
Emails from a former business associate of Hunter Biden's inner-circle who's serving time in prison for a 2016 investment
scheme reveal that Hunter and his colleagues used their access to the Obama administration to peddle influence to potential
Chinese clients and investors — including securing a private, off-the-books meeting with the former Vice President. The
emails, given to investigative journalist Peter Schweizer by former Biden associate Bevan Cooney and published by Breitbart
also reveal that in 2011, the younger Biden and his business associates discussed strengthening relations with "China Inc."
as part of a "new push on soft diplomacy for the Chinese." As Breitbart notes, these emails are completely
unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails released by the New York Post.
'takedown' of General Flynn, he was planning to audit John Brennan for running billions 'off the books'. Sidney
Powell, attorney for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, said her client, in his duties as the White House national
security adviser, was prepared to "audit" the U.S. intelligence community. That, according to the former federal
prosecutor, is partly why federal agents "set up" Flynn. Powell, who took over Flynn's defense last summer, told the
"Vickie McKenna Show" on 1310 WIBA Madison that her client was "totally set up" because he threatened to expose wrongdoing by
top intelligence officials in the Obama administration.
administration was corrupt, more and more evidence reveals daily. There was so much hope in January 2009 when
Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black president of the United States, promising to be a leader for all
Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were
saying the Civil War was finally over. Unfortunately for America, it didn't turn out that way. As more and more
evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency
in the history of the republic.
Of Course It Comes Back to Obama's Narcissism. At the bottom of the Russian hoax story is a tale of
narcissism: Hillary Clinton's shock at losing the election, the media's shock at being wrong and less capable of
manipulation that they thought, and, importantly, Barack Obama's shock that his priorities — all of them, but most
of all the Iran Deal — would be swept away as so much ideological detritus. [...] Not only did the Obama
administration use every tool in their arsenal, most of them illegal at worst and [very] shady at best, but they also had the
media on their side. The media's reputation was tied to Obama's. Their cheerleading proved their own value.
He was, after all, a media creation. He had to succeed or they would be revealed as fools and neophyte-enabling stooges.
Must Result in Criminal Prosecutions. [Scroll down] For three years, the American people have been led to
believe by the Democratic Party, the media, and corrupt holdovers from the Obama administration that President Trump is a
criminal and under the control of Russia and Vladimir Putin. The reality was that members of the Obama administration
and Democratic Party colluded with a former British intelligence agent and some drunk Russians to concoct a puerile fantasy
about Donald Trump that they stupidly used as an excuse to then spy on his campaign. That's precisely why James
Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, plus any number of other Obama
administration officials (including Big Ears himself) must be given a fair trial and punished to the full extent of the law,
which should include lengthy prison sentences.
AG Barr is right about not criminally prosecuting Obama or Biden. If there were a trial, it would go on for
years, and that wouldn't even include all the appeals. No matter how it concluded, whether it were an acquittal, a
partial conviction, a hung jury, or a jury nullification, it would still be argued for decades. Either way, Obama would
be a hero to millions throughout the world, and he could go on another anti-American world tour as a victim of an unfair
justice system. The ones who actually did the crimes at his direction would be brushed aside in the frenzy and even
forgotten. But it appears that A.G. Barr and Michael Horowitz are leaving nothing undiscovered and fully intend to
proceed with criminal prosecutions. If those who did the crimes under Obama's orders and direction have to hire hugely
expensive attorneys, perhaps even sell their homes, as General Flynn had to do, they will be angry, very angry at Obama's
getting a pass. They will tell all on each other and on him.
Had No State Department Inspector General for More than Four Years. President Donald Trump is being criticized
by his opponents after firing State Department Inspector General Steve Linick on Friday night. Sen. Mitt Romney
(R-UT) called it a "threat to accountable democracy." However, President Barack Obama did not nominate an inspector general
for the State Department during his entire first term. In fact, the post was vacant for nearly four years. The
last inspector general under President George W. Bush, Howard J. Krongard, resigned in December 2007. The position was
vacant for nearly six years until the Senate confirmed Linick in September 2013. There was little public outcry or media criticism
about the vacancy at the time.
Welcome to #Obamagate, Everybody!.
Last week's cascade of revelations that the entire Trump-Russia narrative and Mike Flynn case, among other shenanigans
falling out of Washington, D.C., over the past four years, weren't just garbage but garbage cooked up and spread by the top
levels of the Obama administration, to be summed up in one catchy hashtag, has the potential to change American politics in
fundamental ways. We know that prosecutions are afoot, and we know indictments are coming. We know that some of
those indictments will be handed down to people with famous names. We know already that #Obamagate is the correct name
for the mess unfolding before us, thanks to the summary of a meeting held on Jan. 5, 2017, provided by the former president's
National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
Obama Officials Tired of His Drunken, Late-Night Calls. Members of the so-called "Obama Alumni Association"
feel harassed and abused by the former president whose late-night, drunken conference calls have become annoying, frequent,
and less coherent as time goes on. Hennessy's View has learned that Obama began these occasional conference calls with
a handful of former officials about six months after leaving office in 2017. Over time, the 44th president stopped following
a semi-weekly schedule of planned calls. Instead, he began calling the team at random times, often late at night and,
according to some, after he'd been drinking.
Obama's Long History of Playing Dirty Finally Catching Up With Him? As it became clear Mitt Romney would be the
Republican presidential nominee in 2012, the Obama campaign fired up its Chicago-style machine to attack the incumbent
president's election foe. Team Obama identified several Romney donors to smear publicly; one was a wealthy businessman
from Idaho. A former Democratic Senate staffer, according to a 2012 editorial in the Wall Street Journal, contacted an
Idaho courthouse seeking the divorce records of Frank VanderSloot, who had donated $1 million to Romney's campaign. The
operative was traced to a professional opposition research shop based in Washington, D.C. The name of the outfit?
Fusion GPS.
'Worried' That Flynn Cleared By DOJ Over Illegitimate Investigation: 'Rule Of Law Is At Risk'. Former President
Barack Obama said on Friday that he was "worried" by the Department of Justice's (DOJ) decision to drop the charges against
former national security adviser Michael Flynn this week after Attorney General William Barr said that "there was not a
legitimate counterintelligence investigation going on." "The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat
downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn," Obama said. "And the fact
that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off
scot-free. That's the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional
norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those
directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we've seen in other places."
The Editor says...
The man who orchestrated Fast and Furious,
the man who accepted illegal campaign contributions from fictitious people
like "Doodad Pro,"
the man who gave preferential treatment to
the Black Panthers,
the man who illegally spied on thousands of Americans,
the man who issued the
"greatest number of individual clemencies in a single day,"
the man who lied about Benghazi
and lied about Obamacare,
the man who fired an Inspector General of Americorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case,
the man who secretly sent plane loads of cash to Iran,
the man who used the IRS
and EPA as weapons,
the man who has a forged birth certificate
and uses somebody else's Social Security number,
is now concerned about the rule of law!
Close Friend Arrested During Prostitution Sting in Hawaii. One of President Obama's close friends from his
native Hawaii is facing charges after being arrested during a prostitution sting in the state. Robert Richard Titcomb,
49, allegedly solicited sex from an undercover police officer posing as a prostitute, Hawaii News Now reports. Titcomb
was one of four arrested during the sting, Hawaii Police Department says. Titcomb was released on $500 bail and will
appear in court next month.
Obama's Department of Injustice. [Scroll down] Boss Tweed was a piker and a rank amateur when compared to
former President Barack Obama., who used the full weight and power of the federal government for his own personal political
gain. However, Boss Tweed only controlled the largest city on the East Coast. Obama controlled the entire country
for eight years, and the stench of corruption still lingers from his administration, four years later. [...] The United
States was founded on the principle of equal justice under the law, but the most powerful people in government abused their
authority to weaponize the legal system against their political enemies.
Trump the Only One in Washington Innocent of Russian Collusion? [Scroll down] Consider just how much of
DC ended up taking part in the lie. Brennan and the CIA constructed fake Russian spy rings throughout Europe; Nellie
Ohr passed this same imaginary Russian intel to her husband, Bruce, and the FBI; Lynch, Comey, and McCabe used this
elaborate but fake Russian conspiracy to file fraudulent FISA applications and pursue Section 702 bulk surveillance on anyone
and everyone who ever worked near or for Donald Trump; Robert Mueller used all this American-made kompromat to bully
Trump campaign associates into accepting unethical plea deals, while hiding real Russian collusion by the Clinton campaign;
Senator Feinstein repeatedly covered for Fusion GPS's perjury by leaking confidential transcripts, while her former intelligence
staffer, Daniel Jones, worked to raise funds for Fusion GPS's defense and continued counterintelligence operations against President
Trump; Richard Burr joined Mark Warner on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to give our intelligence agencies cover
by justifying their illegal spying on a domestic political campaign; Adam Schiff spent the last four years doing the Russians'
bidding by further dividing the country with reckless and wholesale lies that the sitting president is a Russian agent; and the whole
apparatus of the American press spun this fantastic tail of Russian collusion, while giving each other First Amendment prizes for
their bravery, acumen, and Jayson Blair-like persistence. Only in Obama's America could a hoax as fraudulent and unsubstantial
as this one come to fruition.
How Eric Holder Helped the Obama Administration Transform the Democratic Party into a Party of Thugs. It was
during the Obama Administration that civility between the two parties truly became a vestige of the past. Obama's eight
years in office fundamentally changed the order of business in Washington. It was then that the Democratic Party
morphed into a party of thugs. And it didn't happen by accident. Their objective was to fill the government and
its agencies with as many liberals as they possibly could, politicizing them. They worked toward their goal
deliberately and methodically throughout Obama's presidency. It had all begun with an agreement between Obama and his
Attorney General Eric Holder. (And it continued under his successor, Loretta Lynch.) Federal law prohibited the
administration from basing hiring decisions on political affiliation, but Obama, Holder and Lynch easily found ways to get
around that.
Homeland Security IG Indicted on Theft of Government Property, Wire Fraud and Scheme to Defraud US Govt.
Obama's Acting Homeland Security Inspector General and his subordinate were indicted on 16 counts of theft and fraud, the
Justice Department announced on Friday [3/6/2020]. "The indictment charges Charles K. Edwards, 59, of Sandy Spring,
Maryland, and Murali Yamazula Venkata, 54, of Aldie, Virginia, with conspiracy to commit theft of government property and to
defraud the United States, theft of government property, wire fraud, and aggravated identity theft. The indictment also
charges Venkata with destruction of records."
Homeland Security IG Indicted On Fraud, Theft Charges. Former Department of Homeland Security Inspector General
Charles Edwards and his former aide Murali Yamazula Venkata were indicted Friday on charges of stealing government property
to defraud the U.S. government. Yamazula was also charged with destroying records. The indictments handed down by
the Justice Department allege that Edwards and Venkata were working with others within the inspector general's office to
orchestrate a scheme to steal confidential and proprietary software that includes sensitive information on government employees.
Blagojevich Dishes Dirt on Barack Obama, Warns of More Bombshells. Convicted former Illinois Governor Rod
Blagojevich went on Fox News in his first post-release interview and held very little back about Barack Obama's involvement
in the scandal that put him in prison, while the first black president was never held accountable. Appearing on
"Watters' World" with Jesse Watters, Blagojevich was quickly asked about the 2008 Senate-seat-for-sale scandal, in which
Blagojevich had negotiated appointing an Obama-approved candidate, in exchange for a cabinet position.
Barry is a total con man.
Remember Solyndra? [Thread reader] In 2009 the Obama administration gave $535 million to Solyndra,
claiming that it would create 4,000 new jobs. However, instead of creating those 4,000 new jobs, the company went
bankrupt. It was later revealed that the company's shareholders and executives had made substantial donations to
Obama's campaign, that the company had spent a large sum of money on lobbying, and that Solyndra executives had had many
meetings with White House officials. It was also revealed that the Obama administration had already been aware of
Solyndra's financial troubles. For example, according to the company's security filings in 2009, the company had been
selling its product for less than the cost of production. In 2010, Obama visited the Solyndra factory and cited it as a
role model for his "stimulus" program, saying "It's here that companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter
and more prosperous future."
Must Confront The Enemy From Within. We watch as horrific abuses of power such as Fast and Furious and Benghazi
play out and no one does a [...] thing about it. Obama funds the biggest terrorists on the planet while Hillary Clinton
plays tiddlywinks with the Russians and Ukrainians in treasonous ways that would put anyone else behind bars forever.
[A]nd yet, here we sit feigning outrage and doing absolutely nothing about it.
Hill Testifies that Obama Was Putin's Puppet. While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump
investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared
that Obama danced to Putin's tune. Fiona Hill testified [...] that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as
to not upset Putin. That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket. Hill's testimony
also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative. After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should
arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad. Given that
the Democrats are saying in the impeachment hearings that Trump temporarily not following the "guidance" of the interagency
is an impeachable offense, clearly, Obama's permanent rejection of the interagency guidance must also be a crime.
Obama Fundraiser Accused of Spending Non-Profit Funds for Personal Use. Fox News is reporting that a former
fundraiser for Barack Obama repeatedly misused funds from his non-profit organization for both political and personal use
before the organization went bankrupt. Dixon Slingerland is accused of taking the funds from the California-based
non-profit, the Youth Policy Institute, and spending them on a "lavish" lifestyle and "partisan political contributions" before
the YPI filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In the filing, YPI asked Slingerland to repay approximately $1.7 million
back, which the organization says is an amount that was gradually stolen over the course of five years. He worked for YPI
for 23 years and earned roughly $400,000 per year before he was fired from the organization.
National Gave Thousands of Illegal Donations to Obama Inaugural Committee, Report Finds. An analysis by the
Associated Press of campaign finance records and court documents determined that Barack Obama's 2012 inauguration received
hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal donations from a Saudi national via a straw donor. [...] [Imaad] Zuberi was also
a top fundraiser for Obama and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, serving on both of their campaign finance
committees, before switching support to Trump after his 2016 victory. Zuberi and his family have donated to both
Democrat and Republican national committees and candidates, raising questions about how donations are vetted even when they
unaware of the illicit nature of donations.
Who [are] "they?".
Obama is like the Left's version of the New Testament's John The Baptist. Obama was put in office to pave the way for
future unbridled destruction of the Constitution. The weakness and corruption within the Republican Party allowed Obama
to take a wrecking ball to the American system of government. It is true that the Obama administration was significantly
more corrupt than any other because of two disturbing facts. Not because of its high number of scandals or the gravity
of those scandals but because the corruption was spread throughout the entire government and because Obama's administration
received unprecedented cover and protection by the fake media. The once trusted institutions, such as the I.R.S. were
severely compromised, conducting the illegal withholding of tax-exempt status from those with a different point of view.
It's Not Surprising Voters Don't Think Trump's Rhetoric Is Disqualifying. [Scroll down] Barack Obama was
a well-spoken, generally nice guy. He also sued nuns to make them pay for abortions. Everyone in his orbit spent
months in 2012 calling Mitt Romney — Mitt Romney! — a racist felon who gave people cancer. Obama
brought a mobbed-up Chicago banker to the White House and emphatically endorsed that mobbed-up banker's run for his old
Senate seat. He made excuses for the Internal Revenue Service going after his political enemies. He lied
repeatedly about health care. He gave cash to terrorists and guns to cartels, and his own "wingman" at the Justice
Department said people were racist for asking questions about the latter. I could go on about Obama, yet I still see
journalists routinely praising his manner and civility as if there weren't a whole lot of very disturbing cracks in that facade.
heroes of the Week? Hillary, Schiff, and Mitt. Most Americans who pay attention to politics, especially
conservatives, have long realized that the members of the Beltway self-appointed elite care little about the 330 million-plus
people who inhabit and love this nation. They care, first and foremost, about the preservation of their own power and
the wealth that inevitably comes with it. The Clintons and the Obamas came to the office without great wealth but left
as multi-millionaires through graft and pay-to-play. They were bought and paid for by those to whom they sold themselves.
I tried to warn the Obama administration about Hunter Biden and Ukraine in 2015, but no one would listen. A
diplomat who served in the State Department under former President Barack Obama testified Tuesday that he sounded the alarm
about Hunter Biden's appointment to Ukrainian energy company Burisma in early 2015, but no one seemed to care, according to
the Washington Post. George Kent, who still works in the State Department as deputy assistant secretary of state, testified
as a part of the House impeachment inquiry that he was concerned about the conflict of interest with Hunter Biden joining the
company at the same time that then-Vice President Joe Biden was heavily involved in the administration's Ukraine policy.
Year State Dept. Investigation Concludes Noting State Dept. Violations From. Perhaps the only
institution more corrupt than the Obama intelligence apparatus, writ large, was/is the Clinton constructed U.S. State
Department. Foggy Bottom is appropriately named as the septic tank for the Administrative State. Former President
Barack Obama carved out a segment of the financial indulgence, and thereafter purchased the acquiescence of Team Clinton,
when he handed Dame Hillary the keys to the State Dept as an outcome of the 2008 election. Barry from Chicago and his
fellow travelers would weaponize the domestic apparatus, and Hillary could graft the international effort; thus, the compact
was sealed.
WH corruption: Rampant pay to play by Clinton, Kerry, and Biden. Pay to Play corruption in the Obama
administration was widespread among top officials, especially Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Vice President Joe
Biden. Sweetheart deals. Board positions on energy companies. Contributions to "foundations" and overt
bribery were the currency of foreign governments and would-be policy influencers alike. They found rich terrain in the
Obama Administration. Usually funneling money through family members or lobbyists. The Hunter Biden scandal
involving Burisma Holdings and the Rosemont Seneca equity fund is just the tip of an ever-growing and horribly corrupt iceberg.
Will We
Ever Prosecute? Imagine that the local cops know that a gang member, named William, broke into the pawn shop
and stole guns, jewelry, and money. William's fingerprints, film image, and DNA add to the hard evidence log. The
owner knows it; the prosecutor knows it; William's gang associates know it. But he is not arrested. Nearby
shopkeepers and neighborhood mothers are asking why he is walking the street. No one explains it; mum's the word.
Could it be there is a grand plan to take out the gang's leaders? No one knows; mum's the word. Shopkeepers and
residents are about to give up and start moving away from the area, and no one asks them to stay the course.
Fast-forward to today's still vocal Obama gang. Why no indictments? Mum's the word. Can anyone hold to the
faith in American justice? Those who support the rule of law feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football.
media paper over alleged abuses of power by Obama and Biden. The mass media continue to fail to investigate
serious abuses of power alleged against former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, whilst devoting their
substantial resources to pursuing President Trump for the same alleged offence. [...] Three alleged serious abuses of power
involving Obama and Biden cry out for scrutiny by the mass media: [#1] Approving the surveillance by the FBI of an
American citizen, Carter Page, between October 2016 and January 2017, using a dossier containing false information compiled
by former British spy Christopher Steele supplied to him by his intelligence sources in Russia, and commissioned and paid for
by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee [#2] Threatening to withhold financial aid of $1 billion
to Ukraine unless Ukraine removed a prosecutor investigating a Company of which Biden's son was a director. [#3] Abandoning
decades of bipartisan policy on Israel by refusing to veto Security Council Resolution 2334 passed on 23 December 2016 whilst
Obama was in Presidential caretaker mode prior to Trump assuming the Presidency on 20 January 2017 —
a scandal-in-waiting.
"Grandpa, what's a telephone book?"
Bartiromo: IG Report on FISA "Will Be Released October 18th — As Thick as Telephone Book". Against new
information that U.S. Attorney John Durham has lengthened the time-frame for this investigative inquiry into the DOJ and FBI activity
around the 2016 election, earlier today Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo revealed (and President Trump tweeted) the FISA report by
Michael Horowitz will be released on Friday October 18th. If that time-frame for the IG report is accurate, that means the
classification review has been completed; any remaining classified information not specifically authorized in the inspector general
report, a decision granted to AG Bill Barr, would be placed in a classified appendix that is not available to the public.
The witch unmasked.
Samantha Power [...] has reappeared from obscurity this week amid questions concerning "unmasking" activities during the 2016
election. Like most members of the Obama administration, Power left behind her a trail of mysteries, of events that are
utterly incomprehensible unless they're part of a larger scheme still unknown to us. In her case, these involved the
illegal "unmasking" of American citizens. [...] Like much that went on under the Chicago Messiah, we'll probably never get to
the bottom of this. But, along with Joe Biden's Ukraine woes, it's yet another reminder that every last member of the
"most scandal-free administration in history" was corrupt to the bone.
The Madness
of Progressive Projection. Who made the decision to quash the investigation of Hillary Clinton after she
destroyed over 30,000 emails under subpoena? Who excused Obama officials after they knowingly misled federal FISA court
justices? Who leaked information about a surveilled phone call between Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador?
Who decided that it was acceptable for Samantha Power to request over 260 times the unmasking of names of American citizens
swept up in government surveillance, many of which were illegally leaked to the press and most of which Power denied requesting
and alleged others had used her name to do so? Somewhere, somehow there was a great deal of obstruction and distortion
of justice that so far has prevented the pursuit of these criminal acts.
no one who worked for Obama should ever be investigated? Here are some examples: Trump did not
dictatorially and unilaterally change and ignore existing immigration law. That was Obama, and Trump is trying to
reverse Obama's unconstitutional action and enforce the laws Congress passed as his oath requires. Trump did not sue
states that sought to enforce immigration laws. That was Obama. Trump did not threaten to cut off funds from
Ukraine if they didn't do something specific. That was Obama and his vice president, Joe Biden. What's more, Biden
said it on tape. That was quid pro quo. The U.S. and Europe, in the 1990s, agreed to help Ukraine
defend itself if it would agree to give up nuclear weapons. When Ukraine was attacked by Russia, the agreement meant
nothing. Obama turned down the request. Trump didn't — and gave them the weapons.
Hears Barr's 'Chilling' Footsteps. James Clapper, the man who lied to Congress about spying on the American
people was shocked back in April to hear William Barr testify before Congress that, yes, he thought that the Trump campaign
had been spied upon by his political opponents. [...] Barr has more than that, it would seem and has sent chills up Clapper's
spine that the walls may be closing in, not on President Trump, but on Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan for their
seditious roles in the attempted coup against the President.
William Barr and Atty. Durham closing in on the Obama, Brennan coup plotters. As the Schiff Pelosi
"whistleblower" Ukraine impeachment hoax fizzles, what really has Democrats terrified is William Barr. Barr and John
Durham have been visiting Italy, Australia, and Great Britain looking for evidence about the origins of the Russia
Hoax. They have found a lot of it. In the coming weeks John Brennan is supposed to sit down with
John Durham. Brennan is said to be nervous about the Durham investigation. He ought to be. Only when Brennan,
James Clapper, James Comey and the central players in the inner circle of the Obama White House are held accountable and
brought to justice for the attempted coup against Donald Trump will the American people finally know that justice has been
done. That is what terrifies Democrats.
Walls Really are Closing In On the Elite. If the Ukraine corruption case is so obviously weak, why rush to use
it as a basis for impeachment? The best answer is that they're scared. They needed something, anything, to
bring down this administration, and this was the best weapon they had on hand at that moment. [...] The personal corruption
and moral bankruptcy of our elite are ripe for exposure. The scandals of the Obama administration, which have been
hushed by a supine media, could be thrust before the public. The attempts of our elites and their allies in the
bureaucracy to prevent Trump's election or to depose him after he became president, are clearly targets of Barr's and
Durham's investigations. Once the dominoes begin to fall, who can say what will follow?
the Bidens, the Clintons, the IMF and Others Pillaged Ukraine. President Obama, his Vice President Biden and
his son, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, Mueller, the Podestas, the IMF and others all pillaged the Ukraine and then
delayed loans to the country before forcing Ukrainians to pay grossly inflated natural gas prices. Now these vultures
claim they are innocent.
Want to See Obama's Transcripts. [Scroll down] We're debating a phone call between a president and a
world leader. Why would any of us have access to this call? Have you ever heard the details of any other phone
call between a world leader and an American president? [...] But the real question that must be asked: Why can't we see
transcripts of Obama's conversations with world leaders? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. We've
now seen Trump's conversation. I want to see Obama's conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. We all
heard Obama whisper on an open microphone that, once reelected, he could give Putin whatever he wanted. So what do you
think Obama said during private, classified calls to Putin?
Admin. Gave Ukraine "List" Of People Not To Prosecute In 2016. Many people wonder if the full extent of
the criminal corruption that ran rampant in the Obama regime will ever be fully exposed, and they think there's no way it can
be. Mainly because there is so much illegal activity to investigate. In fact, new evidence shows that while the
2016 presidential election was underway, [Barack H.] Obama and [George] Soros were busy protecting their interests by
shutting down investigations in the Ukraine.
Obama, the real king of the quid pro quo. It's only with Trump that Democrats seem to have gleaned a sense of
conscientiously objecting to what they perceive as abusing one's high office to obtain political or personal favors.
Where were they with Obama? [...] The Westly Group funded, among other companies, Tesla Motors. And all the while he
was visiting the White House, serving as a member of the Obama administration's advisory board on energy policy, and so forth
and so on, he was raking in half a billion dollars in loans, grants and stimulus bucks for his green companies. That
was money from the Obama Energy Department to [Steve] Westly, the guy who wined and dined with Obama et al with
eyebrow-raising frequency.
blinders of the media and other Democrats. If the media and Democrats want to investigate anything, how about a
possible corrupt payback from Netflix to Obama? Obama gave the very wealthy Netlfix, Google and others huge financial
benefits with net neutrality and Netflix gave the Obama's a huge contract even though they had no video production expertise
or experience.
Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election. While the 2016 presidential
race was raging in America, Ukrainian prosecutors ran into some unexpectedly strong headwinds as they pursued an
investigation into the activities of a nonprofit in their homeland known as the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).
The focus on AntAC [...] was part of a larger probe by Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office into whether $4.4 million
in U.S. funds to fight corruption inside the former Soviet republic had been improperly diverted.
continues: Obama advisor trial opens. In political terms, Greg Craig's trial might be more of a sideshow
in the Robert Mueller circus. In terms of its impact on lobbying, his prosecution has already transformed the industry
by instilling a new respect for the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). But will Barack Obama's former White House counsel
be the first Democrat to go to prison over a Russia-collusion theory that turned out to be largely empty in the first place?
must Obama be thinking as Dems support Mueller's contention that an ex-president can be prosecuted for crimes committed while
in office? [The Trump-haters] focus instead on Mueller's avowal that while a sitting president cannot be
indicted, an ex-president can be. They urge Trump's defeat because a second term in office would bring the
statute of limitations into play, immunizing him from the consequences of his imaginary crime. Thus, Democrats keep
reminding us that it is important to hold ex-presidents criminally liable for their criminal conduct in office. Have
you noticed how ex-President Obama is nearly invisible lately? I have to wonder if he worries about US Attorney
Durham's grand jury investigating the role of John Brennan in enlisting foreign intelligence agencies in the plot to spy on
the Trump campaign, and after the election, to bring it down?
Government Media Network Official, Author of "Vying for Allah's Vote," Guilty of Stealing $40,000. In the
latest scandal to rock the U.S. government's international media networks, the Obama-appointed chief's right hand man has
pleaded guilty to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the government. The disgraced senior government official
at the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), Haroon K. Ullah, admitted that he fraudulently obtained $40,000 in government
funds by falsifying hotel invoices, fake taxi receipts and by billing Uncle Sam for personal travel.
State Department worker, 63, pleads guilty in China spy case. A former State Department employee admitted
Wednesday to misleading investigators about accepting thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits from Chinese intelligence
agents in exchange for information. Candace Marie Claiborne, 63, pleaded guilty in federal court in Washington to a
charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States. The charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
Obama State Dept official sentenced
to 3 years in prison for selling State docs to the Chinese for cash and gifts. Working as a State Department
official under Barack Hussein, Candace Claiborne was sentenced to 40 months in prison Tuesday by a federal judge for
"conspiracy to defraud the United States." Clearly, the judge should have added six months for the hairdo. Claiborne
pleaded guilty after being arrested in March 2017. At her sentencing, U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss called
Claiborne's crime, "a truly grave offense, a betrayal of her employer and a betrayal of her country."
Biden: Not a 'hint of a scandal' during Obama administration? Please! In 2012, several members of
the U.S. Secret Service got snagged in a prostitution scandal in Cartagena, Colombia, while preparing for a visit by
Mr. Obama. What's more, a member of the White House advance team — aiding in the preparations for the
president's visit to the Summit of the Americas — was also implicated in the scandal. At first the White House
said no staffers were involved, but when evidence emerged to the contrary, the White House sought to cover it up.
things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump. If Democrats want to argue that corrupt intent and
an underlying offense are not needed to prove obstruction, then was former President Bill Clinton committing obstruction when
he met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix Airport while the FBI was investigating his wife's mishandling of
government emails? Or was former President Barack Obama committing obstruction when he opined that Hillary Clinton had
done nothing wrong with her emails while she was his secretary of state? Both Presidents Obama and Clinton acted before
then-FBI Director James Comey announced his recommendation that Hillary Clinton — then running for president
against Trump — should not be charged for improperly using a private email server instead of the required secure
government email system while heading the State Department. Knowing what they know today, if House Democrats move
forward on the impeachment of President Trump, five things will happen. [...]
Are Top Obama Officials Working Cushy Jobs for Chinese Company We Now Consider a Threat? As many Americans know
and appreciate, the foundation for President Donald Trump's foreign policy is the protection of Americans. It's one of
the reasons his supporters voted for him and, quite frankly, it's what Americans should be able to expect of any
president. Since taking office in 2017, Trump hasn't backed down from taking on what he considers foreign and domestic
threats, but former officials from President Barack Obama's administration might be in a position to hinder Trump's ability
to keep one major international rival at bay.
Reasons Why the Uranium One Scandal Won't Go Away. [#2] Uranium One was never just a Clinton scandal; it's also
an Obama scandal. In addition to Obama's State Department, his Department of Justice (DOJ) had a lead role on the
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that approved the sale. Thus, top DOJ and FBI officials
share blame for not blocking the transaction in 2010. That could explain why Obama's top DOJ and FBI personnel stonewalled
their own field office investigations involving Hillary Clinton's Uranium One conflicts. Those investigations effectively
exonerated her just before the 2016 election. The DOJ's role in the 2010 CFIUS review is troubling. No one from
the DOJ involved with that committee raised any objections to the deal, despite separate ongoing FBI investigations into Russian
espionage and racketeering schemes — schemes that specifically targeted the U.S. nuclear industry. Despite hard
evidence of these schemes, the FBI, the DOJ, and other Obama agencies nevertheless raised no objections to the Russian takeover
of U.S. nuclear assets. The fact that Clinton's State Department wasn't the only Obama agency in the CFIUS review with
conflicting motives must be fully investigated.
Listen to Joe diGenova.
If diGenova's track record holds, a legal rain of ruin is about to befall the deep state operatives who tried to steal the
2016 election and, failing that, to unwind the result. And if, in fact, the enormous surveillance powers of our
intelligence agencies were usurped by the Obama administration to spy for years before the election on the opposing political
party, then the implications go far beyond just one election and one presidential candidate. If that happened, then
there can be no doubt that, when candidate Obama promised to "fundamentally transform America," he really meant it. If
Obama's "fundamental transformation" involved not only the atrocious harassment and intimidation of the Tea Party patriots by
his Internal Revenue Service, but also included surveillance state spying on the Republican Party generally, there must be no
question about whether the deep state actors should be punished for their actions.
Indictments Are Coming For Obama/Clinton Associates". Normally such a claim would cause more than a few eye
rolls and shakes of the head as for a very long time, the upper echelons of the Deep State continued to dance just beyond the
realm of real legal accountability for their nefarious actions. Former U.S. prosecutor Joe diGenova is a proven
reliable source, though, and so if he says indictments are coming, he's likely right. The question then is if someone
like John Brennan will take all the heat or if he will choose to point at those who approved his actions — namely
figures like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Valerie Jarrett. [Video clip]
walls are closing in on Obama. The truth of violations of law by the Obama White House, long buried, is being
excavated by two private groups. Judicial Watch has obtained testimony from a top FBI official that Hillary Clinton's
home-brew server emails were found in the White House. This means that Barack Obama's illegal handling of classified
information contained in those emails is closer to being exposed. This implicates him in the same felonies committed by
Hillary Clinton that James Comey falsely claimed "no reasonable prosecutor" would pursue.
Attkisson takes on 'most persistent scandal of the Obama era'. The left continues to search for a way to
connect Russian collusion with President Trump while conveniently ignoring who was in office while the scandal unfolded.
In a new opinion piece published by The Hill, Sharyl Attkisson takes on the "most persistent scandal of the Obama era,"
analyzing ten reasons why top intelligence officials missed the forest for the trees in their pursuit of anti-Trump
political maneuvering.
cannot quit because they won't quit. This is no time to be polite and pretend the other side has been
civil. UnAmerican activities such as spying on political opponents cannot go unpunished because the penalty for
crossing that line must be greater than the reward — or else people will continue to do that. Did Democrats
shrug off Watergate? We are in win-or-die politics. This is no time to forgive and forget and move on.
Clapper, Brennan, and Comey weaponized America's intelligence and law enforcement apparatus to create a KGB for Obama that
they planned to hand over to Hillary. President Trump needs to keep this story in the American conscience. You
don't just put a Band-Aid on it and kiss this boo-boo to make it better. Obama left us with cancer. It's chemo time.
Trump, Here Are Five Reasons Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached. Midway through his second term, more than
half of the nation's inspectors general wrote a letter to Congress accusing the Obama administration of systemic obstruction
of ongoing investigations. That letter should have resulted in the appointment of a special counsel, but Attorney
General Eric Holder, who famously called himself Obama's wingman, wasn't going to let that happen. In fact, neither
Holder or Loretta Lynch, Obama's second attorney general, ever appointed a special counsel, despite ample times where one
should have been appointed. Obama didn't just appoint attorneys general to lead the Justice Department, he appointed
protectors to keep Obama from being held accountable for corruption.
Craig, ex-Obama White House counsel, indicted for alleged false statements. Greg Craig, former White House
counsel for then-President Barack Obama, was indicted Thursday [4/11/2019] on two counts of making false and misleading
statements to investigators — including Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team — in connection with his
work on behalf of Russia-backed former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. Craig is the first prominent Democrat to
be indicted in a case arising from Mueller's now-completed probe into Russian election interference. Mueller referred
the Craig case to prosecutors in New York last year after uncovering possible wrongdoing while he investigated former Trump
campaign chairman Paul Manafort's Ukraine lobbying work.
Obama White House Counsel Gregory Craig Indicted in Foreign Lobbying Probe. Former Obama White House counsel
Gregory Craig was indicted Thursday on false statement charges stemming from a foreign lobbying investigation into his work
on behalf of Ukraine. The Department of Justice charges Craig hid "material facts" and lied to the National Security
Division's Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) Unit in relation to legal work he did for Ukraine in 2012 after leaving the
White House to join Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.
lawyer one big step closer to being first high-profile Dem indicted under Mueller probe. Greg
Craig, a high-powered attorney who served as White House counsel in the Obama administration and as senior legal adviser to Bill Clinton
during his impeachment investigation, is expected to be indicted for lying to DOJ investigators during the Mueller investigation.
It's possible other charges will also be leveled. As BPR reported last month, Craig will likely be the first high-profile Democrat
to be charged in connection with the special counsel witch hunt. Because Craig refused a plea deal, a grand jury indictment
may come as soon as today, Thursday [4/11/2019], the Wall Street Journal reported.
Obama WH counsel Greg Craig indicted in charges connected to Mueller probe. A federal grand jury on Thursday
[4/11/2019] indicted Greg Craig, a prominent Democratic attorney who worked for two presidents, charging him with false
statements and concealing material information in connection with work he performed for Ukraine. An indictment in the
case against Craig, which originated in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, has been expected for several weeks,
with Craig's own lawyers saying Wednesday they anticipated such an outcome.
Ex-Obama counsel expects charges
in Mueller-related probe. Former Obama administration White House counsel Greg Craig expects to be charged in a
foreign lobbying investigation spun off from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, his lawyers said.
WH counsel faces possible prosecution in Mueller-initiated probe. Former Obama White House Counsel and
Clinton-linked attorney Greg Craig may soon be charged by the Justice Department for engaging in illegal unregistered
overseas lobbying, in a case initially probed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller — a development that would make
him the first Democrat to face prosecution amid the long-running Russia investigation. The case centers on lobbying
work that Craig performed in 2012 for the Russian-backed president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, while Craig was a partner
at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. Craig allegedly never registered as a foreign agent under a U.S.
law known as the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, which requires lobbyists to declare publicly if they represent
foreign leaders, governments or their political parties.
Obama, daughters' personal tennis instructor charged in college bribery scheme. A tennis coach who worked with the
family of former President Barack Obama was among the 50 people charged Tuesday [3/12/2019] in a college admissions scheme in which
wealthy parents allegedly bribed coaches and others to get their children accepted to some of the top schools in the U.S.
Gordon Ernst, 52, was a former tennis coach at Georgetown University and the University of Rhode Island. He is accused
of conspiracy to commit racketeering while he was at Georgetown.
New Attorney
General Needs To Clean House. The liberal direction of the DOJ is nothing new. In the Obama
administration, then Attorney General Eric Holder was a liberal activist instead of the nation's top law enforcement
officer. Holder infamously labeled America "a nation of cowards" for not having the courage to discuss race
relations. Thereafter, he spent his entire tenure obsessively focused on race. It was certainly a questionable
decision when his department decided not to prosecute members of the Black Panthers who were threatening voters and armed
with a weapon at a precinct in Philadelphia. He made sure that no investigations ever touched President Obama, since he
promised to be his "wing man."
didn't the FBI open Counter Intelligence investigations into these Russian assets? For example, Barack Obama
promised Vladimir Putin that he (Obama) would be more flexible for Putin after the 2012 election. [Video clip]
More flexible for Vlad? That sounds pretty serious to me. It sounds as though Obama was acting as a Russian asset!
One of the first things he did as President was pull the missile shield from Poland to please Putin. Did a single democrat
find that objectionable? Did the FBI think a CI investigation was called for? Nope. In 2010, while his wife was
Secretary of State, Bill Clinton went to Vladimir Putin's home in Russia. The next day Clinton gives a cup of coffee speech
and walks away with $500,000. Since they file taxes jointly, that means the money effectively went into her pocket as well.
The next thing you know, $140 million flows into the Clinton Foundation and 20% control of US uranium falls into the hands of
Vladimir Putin. [...] Despite the concrete evidence that Obama and the Clinton's were truly acting on behalf of Putin and Russia,
the FBI had no interest. So who was the Director of the FBI at that time? Robert Mueller.
The Democrats' Blueprint
for Impeachment. Democrats colluding with Russians is an old story, though the Russians have usually been
communists and I guess you would have expected Democrats to collude with communists in years gone by. [...] More recently, a
Democratic president was caught on a live mike telling Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that "I'll have more flexibility
after the election" to handle contentious issues such as missile defense. Is this not collusion? But President
Obama was not telling a joke. He was serious.
Results of Obama's Presidency Still Don't Matter to Journalists. Obama's policies gave us the slowest economic
recovery in seventy years despite almost zero interest rates, massive federal injection of funds, substantial government
spending increases and an increase of around $10 trillion in debt. Trump has given us the fastest annual growth since
2005. Obama gave us the lowest labor participation rate in forty years. Trump has brought the unemployment for all
races, all education levels and all sexes to record lows. Obama rewarded political bundlers with jobs and contracts.
Trump has given almost 100% of U.S. taxpayers and businesses more money to improve the economy, whether they donated to him or
supported him or not. [...] Obama used the EPA, CFPB and Justice Department to blackmail companies and set up slush funds
for political purposes and to reward supporters. The slush funds are gone after Trump was elected.
Ethics: Another law enforcement agency found corrupted. A Senate memo has blasted another law enforcement
agency for corrupt behavior: the U.S. Marshals Service. The report describes forged signatures for subpoenas,
retaliations against whistleblowers, hire-anyone hiring practices and of course, money flung all over the place. Kind
of sounds like Chicago politics. Which made me want to look up who might have appointed the obviously failed leadership
of this once-respected law enforcement agency, with this time the woman named being Stacia Hylton: Got it.
President Obama. Another person hired not for her character but for her loyalty to Obama, and likely identity politics
Obama's Campaign Was Fined $375,000 for Campaign Finance. Donations — Why Didn't Liberal SDNY
Prosecute Obama? Gregg Jarrett went off after the New York Southern Division accused President Trump of campaign
violations by paying hush money to two women from his own pocket. [...] Of course, the NYSD said nothing when Obama was
accused of campaign finance donations. In January 2013 the Obama Campaign was fined $375,000 for campaign reporting
Does Trump Say, 'Enough Is Enough!'? So what if Trump personally paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet? Obama's
campaign, not him personally, paid Reverend Wright hush money during the 2008 campaign and I don't recall any special counsel
investigations or Congressional hearings into campaign finance violations.
Obama Staffers Could Face Serious Jail Time After What Trump Discovered. This group of potential leakers
consists of a group of 30 Obama Administration leftovers that President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions believe
might be leaking information to the left wing media. In an effort to find out who is leaking information, Attorney
General Jeff Sessions has announced that he is planning to give lie detector tests to everyone on the National Security
Council. This means well over 100 people will be questioned and evaluated very carefully. President Trump
has been briefed on this pool of suspected leakers, so the cat is out of the bag.
Obama: "Nobody
In My Administration Got Indicted". Well, that's not really true, not that many indictments, but there was a
promise to deal with corruption. As you can see, Obama, Hillary, Lynch and Holder remain at large, which should tell us
something about the current administration dealing justly with corruption in DC.
Eric Holder
as President? Eric Holder has decided to run for president to complete the work of converting America to an
openly recognized communist country. [...] Eric Holder was held in contempt for refusing to release documents that implicated
him, Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in the Fast and Furious scandal, allowing Barack Obama to later claim that there had been
no scandals on his watch.
Foundation is raising big bucks but hiding the identities of its mega-donors. The planned Obama presidential
library "Presidential Center" that wants to grab priceless lakefront property from taxpayers for a vast campus that amounts
to a cenotaph-like monument to the wonderfulness of the 44th president of the United States recently filed its required Form
990 for 2017 with the IRS. It revealed three surprising facts. One: The Foundation's fundraising skyrocketed
from $13.175 million in 2016 to an eye-popping $232.6 million in 2017, 17.6 times as much. Would it be too
cynical of me to notice that this coincided with the elimination of the self-imposed limit of $1 million per contributor?
[...] Two: The Obama Foundation decided to mask the identities of its mega-donors.
Obama's $50 Million Netflix Swamp Cash Deal Explained. Want to know how the D.C. swamp works at the highest
levels and how this one White House example is legion throughout the federal government? It goes something like
this: As president, Barack Obama aggressively pushed for "Net Neutrality" which primarily built and then protected the
platform for Netflix ISP dominance. Netflix's value skyrocketed. And what then happened in 2018? Netflix
turned around and gave the Obamas a $50 million dollar 'consulting and development' deal.
Receives Ethics in Government Award. For years I've been warning about how the media, Hollywood, and academia
have been aggressively trying to rewrite Obama's abominable record in the White House. To hear them recall the Obama
years, one can only conclude they believe Obama single-handedly saved this country from economic collapse, saved the planet
from environmental calamity, and had a completely scandal-free administration. One might as well claim Obama cured
cancer and saved us from an alien invasion — because they're just as believable. Today [9/7/2018], we saw
just how far academia is going to perpetuate the myth of Obama's "scandal-free" administration when he was awarded the Paul
H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government by the University of Illinois. Not since the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize has Obama
been so undeserving of an award. But, I submit that this award is even worse than the Nobel Peace Prize he didn't deserve.
The Audacity of Obama.
Few things could be more embarrassing than giving Barack Obama a prize for "ethics in government," as the University of
Illinois did on Friday [9/7/2018]. [...] The media has made a great deal of Donald Trump's personal moral failings and
fabrications. The funny thing is, his exaggerations and braggadocio don't affect our lives. But when Barack Obama
told us that "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it," knowing full well that this was untrue, he defrauded every
American. And when he and his staff knowingly misinformed the media about the nature of the Iran Deal, he made every
American (and every Middle Easterner) less safe. [...] And now that Donald Trump has waved that wand, sparking the economy,
renegotiating trade deals, bring America to the point that — for the first time in history — the
Department of Labor reported more jobs available than people looking for work. Obama wants you to believe it was all
his doing.
Times the Obama Administration Should Have Appointed Special Counsel. [W]hile liberals are holding out hope for
Robert Mueller to find evidence of collusion and force Trump to resign or be impeached, it occurs to me that despite the
rampant corruption and scandals-a-plenty of the Obama years that there was never a single special counsel appointed.
Not one. Obama supporters point to this as evidence that his administration was above board, but in reality, it was
just proof of just how corrupt things were. By limiting investigations to their own sham investigations that saw no one
held accountable, or to congressional Republicans whose investigations they could simply stonewall and accuse of being
partisan, the Obama administration felt they could keep up the ruse that they were scandal-free.
There's a
Direct Line from Obama, Holder, Rice, Lerner, and Clinton to FBI Scandals. Former President Barack Obama's eight years in
the White House were marked by four huge scandals, each of which uniquely contributed to the unprecedented level of corruption now being
exposed in the FBI's Russia collusion investigation. The four scandals include:
[#1] Fast & Furious (2011), which exposed the Department of Justice's (DOJ) selling high-powered rifles and other firearms
to individuals known to be straw buyers for Mexican drug cartels.
[#2] Benghazi (2012), the terrorist attack that killed four Americans in a U.S. consulate in Libya, including
J. Christopher Stevens, the country's ambassador to Libya, and the Obama administration's false explanation of it.
[#3] IRS targeting (2013), in which the federal tax agency's illegally singled out Tea Party, conservative, and
evangelical nonprofit applicants for illegal harassment during the 2010 and 2012 election campaigns.
[#4] Hillary email (2015), which included hundreds of emails containing highly sensitive classified information to and
from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her private server, which was compromised by multiple foreign powers and hackers.
Money laundering:
Inspector General: Obama
Paid $300 Million To 'People Who Don't Exist'. Barack Obama will always be remembered for a series of highly
irregular overseas payments to authoritarian regimes, however according to a report by the special inspector general for
Afghanistan reconstruction, those wasted millions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Obama's largesse.
According to special inspector general John Sopko, Obama wasted at least $300 million on the salaries of "people
who don't exist", who were supposedly operating in Afghanistan, far away from the prying eyes of U.S. oversight.
Obama's Best Friend's
For-Profit University Faces Federal Investigation. The University of Phoenix is still facing a federal
investigation more than two years after a private equity firm with close ties to former President Barack Obama made a deal to
purchase the for-profit college, despite one executive's promise to operate "with the highest ethical standards," The Daily
Caller News Foundation has learned. The Vistria Group is run by Martin Nesbitt, who's been described as Obama's best
friend and is also chairman of the Obama Foundation. The Apollo Education Group, which owns the University of Phoenix,
agreed to be bought in February 2016, and Vistria completed the $1.1 billion purchase a year later.
Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina met with Obama officials in 2015. Desperate Trump-haters, searching for
something — anything! — to show that the Trump administration is in bed with Vladimir Putin seized on
the news a week ago that a young Russian named Maria Butina had been indicted for violating the Foreign Agents Registration
Act (FARA), or, in the words of the DOJ, for "conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian Federation within the United
States without prior notification to the Attorney General." Here at last was a face — and a red-headed
female one, to boot — to attach to the charges of treason being thrown around by the likes of John Brennan.
Nunes Closes In on Corrupt Obama Officials. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is calling on two
of his fellow Republican committee chairman to hold open hearings for 10 former State Department and Obama White House
officials regarding alleged surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign. [...] Nunes has investigated the Justice
Department, FBI and State Department over the agencies' investigations of Trump campaign associates. The Republican has
mostly focused on the DOJ and FBI's handling of the infamous Steele dossier and their applications for Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Nunes and other Republicans have alleged
that law enforcement officials improperly used the unverified dossier to obtain the spy warrants while also failing to
disclose to federal judges that the document was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
single-handedly ruined the FBI and the DOJ. While the devious machinations of the Deep State are not new, it
was the Obama administration, most likely Obama himself, who brought us to this low point, the wholesale corruption of the
FBI and the DOJ leadership. Obama surrounded himself with like-minded globalist elites who thought no laws applied to
them: Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Valerie Jarrett, the Podestas, Ben Rhodes, Jonathan Gruber, and more. Eric
Holder was the most unprincipled attorney general, more even than John Mitchell, who served time in federal prison. We
learned from the I.G. report that Obama lied when he said he learned of HRC's private server from the media. He knew
because he, too, corresponded with her from a private email, just as Comey used a non-FBI email account. None of these
people, not one, respected our Constitution or the laws meant to govern their agencies. This is what Obama did to America.
He virtually destroyed the FBI, the CIA, and the DOJ by turning them into weapons with which to destroy his opponents.
Obama Says 'I Didn't
Have Scandals.' So What Are All These? At a Las Vegas tech conference last week, former president Barack Obama told an
audience that his presidency had been scandal-free. [...] Why does it matter now? For one thing, historical revisionism shouldn't
go unchallenged. Democrats are running to retake power, and many of them were participants or accomplices in numerous corrosive
scandals that have been airbrushed. The other reason, of course, is that when we start to juxtapose the mythically idyllic Obama
presidency with the tumultuous reign of Trump, we're reminded that many journalists largely abdicated their responsibilities for eight
years — which has a lot to do with the situation we find ourselves in today.
Obama's Guilty Contentment.
Obama's abuse of power — directing the result of an FBI investigation — was eagerly abetted by
Comey. And then we come to the granddaddy of all White House scandals. As chronicled and analyzed so well by
NRO's Andy McCarthy, the Wall Street Journal's Kim Strassel, and the incomparable Sharyl Attkisson, Obama's administration
conducted a spy operation on Donald Trump's presidential campaign. It dwarfs other Obama scandals but one because it
was, as clearly as Obama's direction to the FBI on the Clinton email matter, an abuse of power for the purpose of affecting
an election. What they did was far worse than the Watergate scandal that toppled Richard Nixon for one big reason.
The men who were hired by the Nixon campaign to burglarize the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee were
private citizens. The spy operation on the Trump campaign in 2016 was planned, conducted and covered up by
high-level officials of the Obama administration abusing their powers of law enforcement and intelligence gathering to
influence the election and, if necessary, nullify its result.
Obama is daring Trump to bust corrupt members of his administration. Mouthing an old trope dating from his time
in office and ever since, former President Obama declared at a Vegas conference that he had a scandal-free administration,
quite unlike President Trump. Supposedly, it was now a joke. [...] I don't see anything to joke about with that phony
claim, given that he's mouthed it quite a few times before, and not as a joke. What's more, he made that mendacious
claim just as he was being paid big dollars at the Las Vegas conference itself, which, as most Americans know, is typically a
disguised bribe for some favors performed earlier and in itself a scandal. His fees are reportedly $400,000, which is
nice money for a few minutes of speaking work.
Obama Takes Jab At Donald Trump: 'I Did Not Have Scandals As President'. President Barack Obama took a light
swing at his successor during a tech conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday. His eight years in office were scandal free,
he told the audience. "I didn't have scandals, which seems like it shouldn't be something you brag about," Obama joked.
The Editor says...
Newsweek says that was a joke. Was Obama really joking, or is that Newsweek's form of damage control?
on the Brink. If it is true that President Obama ordered Attorney General Lynch and Director Comey to avoid bringing
charges against candidate Clinton and to spy on the Trump campaign with the intention of throwing the election to Clinton, and if
high officials at the FBI knowingly requested a FISA warrant on the basis of evidence known to be false, these actions will represent
the most serious political crimes in the history of the country.
Obama and his political Choom Gang did is far worse than Watergate. The Obama administration — with
or without the knowledge and direction of President Obama himself — perverted one of the most powerful,
clandestine spying operations in the world and used it at the very height of a presidential campaign to spy on political
opponents, punish them and, ultimately, silence them through extortion. If this was orchestrated without the express
knowledge of Mr. Obama, then it reveals just how blatantly he instructed by example the weaponizing of the entire
federal government to carry out his low, dishonest and unjust ideology. By any means necessary, one might say.
Only instead of being driving by visions of justice, these people were driven by visions of undying power.
whole Trump Insurance Policy has Obama's stench all over it. Come on. Do you really think for one
nano-second that Obama's faithful would pull something so despicable if they thought he'd object? This is the Obama
Administration. They used taxpayer money funneled through the State Department to interfere with the 2015 elections in
Israel. Mostly because they hate Benjamin Netanyahu almost as much as they hate Donald Trump. Obama also
interfered with the Brexit referendum in 2016 — even threatening the UK if they defied his demands that they stay
in the EU. Does anybody in his right mind think Barack Obama would pass up the opportunity to interfere with the outcome
of the 2016 President election? This is the guy who used the power of the Executive branch to harass and suppress Tea
Party groups, pro-Israel groups, and other conservative organizations in the lead-up to the 2012 election. He's the
president who spied on journalists who had the audacity to investigate his administration's corruption.
Regime Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal. Earlier this week
President Trump withdrew from the sham Iranian nuclear deal. President Trump knew the deal with the Iranian mullahs was
not working. This was despite former Secretary of State John Kerry working against the Trump administration to salvage
the weak deal with the Iranian regime.
May Finally Be Investigated After All These Years! Barack Obama is under investigation and while you may not
be hearing about it from the mainstream media, it is indeed the truth. [...] The Barack Obama Foundation is under audit after
it was discovered that the foundation's accountant, a small CPA firm in Chicago, has been reprimanded by the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board in Washington, D.C. for having filed an audit considered deficient according to industry accepted
accounting standards.
Here are 1,366 well
sourced examples of Barack Obama's lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.. [#30]
Although Obama had promised to have "the most sweeping ethics reform in history," and had often criticized the role of money
in politics, the truth is that after he was elected, he gave administration jobs to more than half of his 47 biggest fundraisers.
Money Laundering Scheme. While it obsesses over an aging porn star, Russians, discredited ex-FBI officials, and
pimple-faced gun-grabbers, the mainstream media has been ignoring an explosive federal lawsuit unearthing a huge illegal
money-laundering conspiracy said to have been masterminded last election cycle by the Democratic National Committee and the
Hillary Clinton campaign. It is yet another facet of the plot by which Clinton, possibly in league with then-President
Obama, broke the law in an attempt to rig the election. Throughout his agonizingly long presidency, Obama serially
abused his powers as the nation's Chief Executive to undermine his political opponents.
Time to End the
Resistance of the Swamp. The ongoing Mueller "investigation" is not a legal matter. It's a continuation of abuse of power
by the Obama administration, which behaved as if Democrats were going to reign forever. The extent of their abuse started to come to light
only after the elections. [...] It's clear now that the Obama administration used the FBI to persecute its political enemies. The FBI needs
to be investigated thoroughly and be purged of the Obama-Hillary loyalists who conducted these crimes. The first step in such
investigation might be to offer FBI agents and officers who observed or participated in such activities to step forward and to tell what
they saw or did. But it is also clear that Mueller does everything in his power to prevent such investigation. This alone
justifies arresting him and charging with obstruction of justice.
Respect Unearned.
Trust in the Obama-era directorships of the Justice Department, FBI, and, indeed, the federal courts themselves are now
horses that have long ago left the proverbial judicial barn. Should the public also believe that no sober and judicious
FISA court judge would ever have approved surveillance of American citizens without asking where the evidence came from, who
compiled it, who, if any, paid for it, or had a vested interest in seeing it used for a warrant? Should the public
believe that its FBI director, and various deputy attorney generals, would never have dared keep from a FISA court
information about their own submitted evidence?
got the order to shut down Hillary investigation from...Obama? Rush Limbaugh on his April 19 show said the important
news in the report of Inspector General Horowitz's report is the August 12, 2016 call to McCabe from the Obama DOJ regarding the
Clinton Foundation investigation. Limbaugh believes that it was Sally Yates, of the Obama DOJ, who called McCabe to tell him they were
"concerned" about the investigation. [...] While Mueller searches in vain for the nonexistent collusion and obstruction of justice by
President Trump, there is clear evidence in the Horowitz report of obstruction of justice to interfere with the 2016 election by the
Obama DOJ.
When Barack Obama Took $3.3 Million In Illegal Campaign Donations? It was 2008 and money was pouring into the
Obama political machine at an unprecedented rate. A few whistleblowers had the courage to cry the alarm. The
money was coming in from overseas, from dubious sources, from individuals who had already exceeded the maximum allowable
donation limit. Mr. Obama won the White House. His administration "reviewed" the claims and quietly paid a
fine and the matter was promptly buried — and then the process repeated in 2012. No media outrage. No claims
of collusion. No raids on law offices or campaign headquarters. No calls for impeachment. My how things
have changed.
Democrats' Long History of Making Incriminating Documents Disappear. One EPA regional administrator was forced
to resign after being caught conducting government business through an email account with an environmentalist group; another
apparently used a fake email account. Lisa Jackson, the agency's top official, used the account of "Richard Windsor,"
named after her dog and her hometown. Windsor, despite never existing, was awarded six EPA certifications in cyber-security
and ethics. Jackson's successor, Gina McCarthy, simply deleted every one of thousands of text messages she sent on her
EPA phone, claiming they were all personal. That includes the ones she could be seen sending while seated at
congressional hearings.
counsel investigating the FBI. The headline and accompanying story in the Hill made it appear as if Attorney
General Jeff Sessions is defying the Senate: "Sessions declines to appoint second special counsel." The story said,
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed in a letter to lawmakers Thursday [3/29/2018] that he had declined to name a second special
counsel to investigate allegations of surveillance abuse within the Department of Justice, despite pressure from the Republican Party
for him to do so." I read the letter. Sessions, a veteran prosecutor, said a special prosecutor isn't necessary.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his staff of 470 people are handling the investigation in the corruption of the FBI by Barack
Obama and company. Sessions named U.S. Attorney John Huber — an Obama appointee — of Utah to handle any
prosecutions that may arise from Horowitz's investigation.
Obama Administration Wasn't Corrupt? Think Again. Former President Obama and his political supporters
have repeatedly stated that his administration was scandal-free, unlike administrations before and after. "We're
probably the first administration in modern history that hasn't had a major scandal in the White House," Obama himself
said. A new book puts the lie to that statement.
used executive powers to benefit close friends' private investment firms: Book. President Obama used his
executive powers to attack industries to lower the value of certain companies, allowing his friends in the private sector to
swoop in and buy them up at reduced prices, according to Peter Schweizer's new book Secret Empires: How Our
Politicians Hide Corruption and Enrich Their Families and Friends. The book, released Tuesday [3/20/2018], said Obama
and his administration would deem industries either destructive to the environment or exploitative for the financial and
professional gain of his friends, including industries such as coal mining, offshore drilling, cash advance companies, and
for-profit colleges. The book highlighted Marty Nesbitt and Harreld Kirkpatrick III, both former basketball players and
close friends of the Obamas, who launched their private equity investment firm Vistria in sync with Obama's re-election in 2012.
Biden cronies made billions off China trade deals and regulatory policies: Report. Former President
Barack Obama used his executive powers to impose industry regulations that lowered the value of certain companies and led to
financial gains for a firm owned by two close family friends, according to Breitbart editor-at-large Peter Schweizer.
The admissions were revealed in Schweizer's new book, "Secret Empire," which found a pattern of investments in coal, offshore
mining and for-profit universities that closely tracked the Obama administration's regulatory policy changes.
Billionaire activists Tom Steyer and George Soros were among the beneficiaries.
Everybody Knows.
[Scroll down] Everybody knows that Barack Obama is doubly unaccountable. He is unaccountable by physiognomy and by exquisite
hypocrisy. Holder and Lynch, both also double-unaccountables, subverted the justice system as Obama's attorneys general, criminally
conspired in multiple ways for political ends. Everybody knows that Obama knew about the illegally obtained FISA warrant to spy on
Donald Trump. National security adviser Susan Rice is a numbskull who was valued for race and for lying straight faced.
[...] Power corrupts. Power plus unaccountability turns sophisticated people into incompetent criminals and the uneducated into
destructive, foul-mouthed brats. The Obama administration produced multitudes of both.
and Nellie Ohr: The other Trump-hating lovebirds. Now we have revelations that U.S. Department of Justice associate deputy
attorney general, Bruce Ohr, failed to disclose the payments his wife Nellie Ohr was receiving from Fusion GPS on his official forms, an ethics
violation that carries a jail penalty, according to the Daily Caller. Nellie Ohr, identified as a Russia expert, may have been writing
some of the contents of the utterly gamy and fictional Steele dossier, and from appearances, it looks as if she might have, while ol' Bruce
may have been shilling the product to the FBI as investigative bait, which the agency later did use as the basis for obtaining a FISA warrant
to spy on President Trump through his lieutenants.
Corruption, Lawbreaking — And So What? [Scroll down] Despite a nonstop media assault on
Trump's administration, Representative Devin Nunes, and the congressional investigative committees, more than 50 percent
of the public already believes that the Trump campaign was illegally surveilled and smeared through the confluence of the
Clinton campaign, the Obama administration, and the FBI. Voters would only grow more cynical if some Americans
were allowed to abuse constitutionally protected civil liberties, and to lie to the Congress, the FBI, and the courts, while
the less connected others go to jail for much less. Without a judicial accounting, it will be impossible to clean up
the hierarchies of the FBI and the DOJ.
Turns To Barack Obama As Evidence Mounts Of Shocking Abuses. The list of federal authority abuses during the
eight years of Barack Obama's presidency is mounting fast and furious these days. So much so that even the Establishment
Media is finding it more and more difficult to ignore as seen by this just-published expose via The Hill: [...]
abuses on Obama's watch represent a growing blight on his legacy. In all of the discussions about the political
weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies
and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent:
President Barack Obama. High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama
oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe,
Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr. Given the tight control Obama exercised over every
part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities
without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity.
Coverup for Hillary Clinton Was Worse Than Collusion. Records available through the FBI Vault prove beyond any
doubt that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her inner circle of trusted aides, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl
Mills, were subjects of a formal investigation into the mishandling of classified information, beginning July 10, 2015.
Yes, you read the above correctly: A formal FBI investigation commenced well before any 2016 Democratic presidential
debates and primaries. Yet how many times did Clinton and her political and media allies claim that, whatever may
have been happening, the review of her private servers and unsecured devices during her years as America's chief diplomat was
nothing more than a "normal security review," not an "investigation"? Or, as then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch instructed
then-FBI Director James Comey to describe it, just a "matter"?
Reveal Obama State Department Provided Classified Records to Sen. Ben Cardin to Undermine President Trump.
Judicial Watch today [1/31/2018] released 42 pages of heavily redacted State Department documents containing classified
information that was provided to Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and
outspoken critic of President Donald Trump. The documents show Russian political interference in elections and politics
in countries across Europe. According to a March 2017 report in the Baltimore Sun: "Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin
received classified information about Russia's involvement in elections when the Obama administration was attempting to
disseminate that material widely across the government in order to aid in future investigations, according to a report
Wednesday ... Obama officials were concerned, according to the report [in The New York Times, below], that the Trump
administration would cover up intelligence once power changed hands."
Media examining Trump? Why not examine Obama instead? Obama was paranoid, delusional, and a power-hungry autocrat who
didn't care about equal justice, his oath to enforce laws, the Constitution, economic opportunity for all, or the safety of the people. [...]
Clapper, Brennan, Hillary, Rice, Huma, and Holder all committed perjury, and they were never prosecuted. Hillary and her aides continually
violated the nation's security laws, and they were purposely not charged. Lois Lerner and others at the IRS committed perjury, destroyed
records and computers, and violated people's constitutional rights, and Justice didn't charge them. Obama said there wasn't a smidgen of
evidence of wrongdoing at IRS and didn't see anything Hillary and others did at the State Department that jeopardized the safety of the U.S.
The "independent" Justice Department did what it was told by not charging anyone. Obama repeatedly said he didn't have the right to
unilaterally change immigration laws but did it anyway. When Arizona wanted to enforce immigration laws, he sued the state. When
sanctuary cities refused to enforce laws on the books, he supported them. When states passed sensible voter ID laws, Obama sued them.
seedy, groping, pervy atmosphere at Obama's DOJ. What a seedy, sleazy atmosphere. And quite typical of
the left, which holds libertine views about sex for starters, as well as a sense that laws, rules, and manners don't apply to
its own members. Put the two together, and you get this.
scolds Obama administration over reported groping, harassment, office sex. The Justice Department scolded the
Obama administration on Wednesday following a report on how sexual harassment of all kinds was improperly handled at the
department for years. The Washington Post reported that the DOJ's inspector general had found "systemic" problems with
how complaints were addressed, with offending officials often being let off the hook or even rewarded. The article
cited investigative reports on a lawyer who allegedly groped two female attorneys and a top U.S. Marshals official who had
sex with "approximately" nine women in his office.
biggest EVER scandal uncovered (yup... drugs AND terrorism!) An explosive new report alleges that former
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry betrayed America, sold out our allies, and helped enrich terrorists
and drug dealers. Even worse, the silence from the mainstream media on the biggest scandal to ever hit the Obama
administration is deafening — and it has conservatives outraged. Obama sold out America, and did it to get a
toothless and ugly deal with Iran that experts believe hasn't stopped the Ayatollah from pursuing nuclear weapons.
FBI Plot
Against Trump. This shouldn't be all that surprising given that Barack Obama gleefully weaponized the FBI,
Department of Justice, and various intelligence agencies, and criminalized political differences in the process. A radical
zealot with a desire to fundamentally transform the United States, the 44th president had a limited sense of boundaries.
Obama was more Third World caudillo than president and he was never troubled by hijacking governmental powers to hurt his
opposition, as the conservative groups targeted by his IRS can attest. His race-obsessed first attorney general, Eric Holder,
turned the Justice Department into a virtual arm of the Democratic Party, using the agency to punish the Left's enemies and let
allies run wild. His second attorney general, Loretta Lynch, surreptitiously met with Bill Clinton in an airport hangar,
presumably to cut a shady deal to let Hillary Clinton escape punishment for the many crimes she committed in office.
Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud. There were many factors that hurt Mitt Romney and favored Barack
Obama in the 2012 presidential election. The Democrats portrayed Romney in the worst light possible; as a wealthy, out
of touch millionaire who wanted to return women to the 1800's. The left wing media predictably did everything it could
to perpetuate that false caricature. Obama's race was an advantage; voters of all persuasions, particularly minorities,
still cannot get over the allure of the first black president. The 47% of Americans on welfare were predisposed to vote
for the food stamp president over Romney, wanting the free goodies to keep on giving, despite the long-term unsustainability.
In spite of those odds, polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election. The economy is close to Great Depression
era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office. Economic conditions became so dire after
Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party. Presidents rarely win reelection when the
economy is in the tank.
Finds More Evidence Obama's EPA Broke Federal Law. Former President Barack Obama's EPA used a social media
platform to secretly promote the agency's policies in violation of federal law, according to a conservative watchdog group in
Washington, D.C. Judicial Watch obtained 900 pages of documents Monday showing the EPA used social media to lobby support
for the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. The agency used Thunderclap, a platform that shares messages across
Facebook and Twitter, to recruit outside groups to generate support for various environmental policies. Federal law
prohibits agencies from engaging in propaganda. It also forbids agencies from using federal resources to conduct
grassroots campaigns that prod U.S. citizens into browbeating lawmakers to act on pending legislation.
the Letter to Barack Obama Warning About Dangers of the Uranium One Deal. The warning was issued December 21st,
2010. Barack Obama was President and Hillary Clinton his Secretary of State. A uranium deal that allocated a sizable
portion of U.S. uranium reserves had just been awarded to Russian government-controlled interests. The deal made no sense.
It weakened American security. It also made the Clinton Foundation very-very rich via donations made by corporate interests
directly tied to the deal. Senator John Barrasso sounded the alarm. Barack Obama, his administration, and much of the
Establishment Media chose to ignore the warning.
kinds of truth: actual and political. The Clinton administration was corrupt, but the Obama administration took
its cue from them and built upon it to become the most corrupt administration in modern history. The combined list of
crimes committed by the two presidencies of Clinton and Obama is too long to list here. Both administrations were chock
full of criminals and we are living with the consequences of their misdeeds today. The Clintons learned their tricks of
the trade from the Kennedys. Obama learned his from the Clintons. Hillary got fabulously rich while Obama looked
the other way, national security [notwithstanding].
Trump Collusion Case Is Not Getting the Clinton Emails Treatment. [Scroll down] Lest we forget, President Obama had endorsed
Mrs. Clinton, his former secretary of state and his party's nominee, to be president. Moreover, Obama had knowingly
participated in the conduct for which Clinton was under investigation — using a pseudonym in communicating with her about
classified government business over an unsecure private communication system. Obama prejudiced the emails investigation.
Long before it was formally ended, he publicly pronounced Clinton innocent.
Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the
swamp. The Obama administration was, as far as I can see, a criminal enterprise. It was as if the Mafia had taken control
of the nation. It took the good fortune of an unexpected election of a rogue candidate to the office of the presidency to expose just
how deep is that cesspool of depravity in Washington. That unexpectedness was key. Had Trump been far head in the polls for an
entire year, had his election been widely predicted by the media, there would have been time enough for the inmates to destroy more of the
evidence, to (so to speak) wipe their servers with a cloth, and to fabricate better lies. They confidently assumed that Clinton would
win and that her presidency would continue to shield them, to continue filling the trough from which they slurped. As it was, the light
switch was thrown unexpectedly, and the cockroaches could not scurry fast enough to avoid being discovered.
Justice Department's $1 Billion 'Slush Fund' Boosted Liberal Groups. President Barack Obama's Justice
Department created a "slush fund" of nearly $1 billion using legal settlements with banks and steered those funds to
political allies on the left while excluding conservative groups, internal documents show. The financial institutions,
which made legal settlements with the Obama administration regarding mortgage securities that imploded during the 2008
financial crisis, include Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and JPMorgan Chase. Public
records of the settlement agreements with the Justice Department show that when cash donations to liberal groups are combined
with other donations in the form of loans and a separate settlement with Volkswagen of America Inc., the slush fund may have
topped $3 billion.
Obama's felony: 'Sitting'
on the ROSATOM nuclear crimes. There is currently ample open-source evidence to conclude that all the key
National Security officials in the Obama Administration (especially Sec of State Clinton) knew as early as 2009 that Vadm
Mikerin, a Russian national, and his "higher officials" Moscow backers, were engaged in a vast criminal conspiracy relating
to "nuclear kickbacks" and felony violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices act. Mikerin was a big-wig in ROSATOM.
In 2015, Mikerin pled guilty to the "criminal money laundering conspiracy involving violations of the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act," and was sent to Federal Prison for 4 years. According to its website, ROSATOM is the Russian
"State Atomic Energy Corporation." The ROSATOM webite continues to state, "ROSATOM is a proponent of the uniform
national policy and best management practices in nuclear power utilization, the nuclear weapons industry, and nuclear
safety." Did you get that? ROSATOM a "proponent of the uniform national policy" of the Russian "nuclear
weapons industry." In the United States, Mikerin set up and ran Tenam which was a subsidiary of Tenex ROSATOM's
foreign trade arm. So, in 2009 and 2010, Sec. of State Clinton and the entire Obama national security team
intentionally and knowingly withheld time-sensitive national security information about the Russian key nuclear-arms
corporation while the UraniumOne and New Start treaty were being evaluated by the United States Senate and CFIUS board.
Appear To Confirm That President Obama's DOJ Funneled 'Slush Fund' Money To Leftist Orgs. On Tuesday [10/24/2017], House
Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) revealed that documents obtained in a separate, ongoing
investigation show that former President Barack Obama's administration directed money intended for victims of Wall Street mortgage
meddling to progressive activist organizations who now form much of the "resistance" to President Donald Trump. Members of the
House Judiciary Committee mentioned several weeks ago that they suspected Obama's Department of Justice had iced out conservative
organizations looking for their share of the more than $1 billion legal settlement the DOJ collected from "big banks" who'd
played a part in the housing crisis of the late 2000s. The DOJ required banks included in the settlement agreement to make
"mandatory donations" to non-profits working on housing and property rights policies.
Justice Department's liberal slush fund exposed. New internal documents from the Obama Department of Justice
(DoJ) reveal the existence of a DoJ "slush fund" used to fund left-wing groups while intentionally excluding conservative
organizations. Despite sworn assertions before Congress by DoJ representatives that the "Department did not want to be
in the business of picking and choosing which organization may or may not receive any funding under the agreement," a series
of emails exposes the real intent of DoJ leadership and staff to funnel "money toward an organization of our choosing" using
funds obtained via settlement with banks involved in the housing bubble of 2008-2009.
Emails, Trump Dossier, Russian Nukes: All Point To Corruption In Obama's Justice Department. [Scroll down]
We've also only recently learned, thanks to intrepid reporters at The Hill, that the FBI had a substantial amount of evidence showing
that Russian nuclear officials had been involved in a number of illegal schemes designed to expand its nuclear business in the
U.S. — which included bribery, extortion and racketeering. Worse, they had all this before top Obama administration
officials — including Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder — signed off on a deal that gave
Russia effective control of 20% of uranium in the U.S. by approving Russia's purchase of Uranium One. Why didn't the FBI clang
the warning bells before the administration signed off on that deal? Well, it just happens that doing so would have been
hugely embarrassing for Obama and Clinton, who were busy at the time making nice with the Russians with their "reset." Did the
FBI put politics ahead of law enforcement?
few questions for Loretta Lynch. Why did you threaten the FBI informant on the uranium deal with jail if he
told Congress and the public what he knew? Should Eric Holder, Hillary and the Obama administration have approved the
uranium deal to Russia knowing that they were under Federal investigation for corruption and kickbacks? Mueller was
involved in the investigation, so do you think he should be investigating the supposed Russian collusion today? Is
there any way that Bill Clinton should have been allowed to accept $500,000 from Russia for a speech and meet with Putin
while Hillary was Secretary of State? Doesn't over $100 Million in donations to the Clinton Foundation after
the uranium deal was completed have all the appearances of kickbacks? What else could they be?
Corrupt Are American Institutions? In 2009, the Obama Justice Department began investigating a Russian plan to
expand Russia's atomic energy business by acquiring uranium in the United States. Through bribery, kickbacks, money
laundering and extortion, the Russians were able to acquire 20% of the uranium mining rights in the United States.
Shareholders in the Russian firm Rosatom funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation in the months leading up to the
Obama administration's approval of the transaction. The sale was officially approved in 2010 by the Committee on
Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), whose members included both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney
General Eric Holder. Apparently neither Holder nor Clinton informed the other members of the committee just what an
historic act of corruption they were participants to. [...] The government informant at the heart of the case was (and
remains) forbidden to speak to Congress by an Obama Justice Department gag order (that gag order has yet to be lifted by the
Trump Justice Department). If this story is true, then all our worst fears have been confirmed, and we are indeed living
in a banana republic, with one set of rules for the rich and powerful, and another set of rules for everybody else.
Connections Made Between Uranium Deal, Obama Administration. New connections are being made between the Obama
administration and a Russian uranium deal. According to an article in "The Hill," the FBI had evidence the deal
involved bribing truckers who were transporting uranium in the U.S. The Justice Department — run by then
Attorney General Eric Holder at the time — claimed it was investigating the allegations.
sat on evidence of Russian bribery plot as US uranium reserves signed over to Russia. A blockbuster story in
The Hill yesterday is being given the silent treatment by the mainstream media. That won't last for long. [...] The FBI
under Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice under Eric Holder and his U.S. attorney Rosenstein allowed a strategic
natural resource to slip into the control of a rival hostile power and declined to act on corruption investigations into the
Clintons — all while keeping Congress and the public in the dark about the unfolding crime involving the highest
levels of politics.
Team Obama's
stunning cover-up of Russian crimes. It turns out the Obama administration knew the Russians were engaged in
bribery, kickbacks and extortion in order to gain control of US atomic resources — yet still OK'd that 2010 deal
to give Moscow control of one-fifth of America's uranium. This reeks. Peter Schweizer got onto part of the
scandal in his 2015 book, "Clinton Cash": the gifts of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, and the $500,000 fee to Bill
for a single speech, by individuals involved in a deal that required Hillary Clinton's approval. The New York Times
confirmed and followed up on Schweizer's reporting — all of it denounced by Hillary as a partisan hit job.
Now We Know. One of the mysteries of the election
campaign has been the ongoing Russian hacking conspiracy nonsense that was forced on us by the Democrats after the election.
[...] Even if it was just a distraction to shift the focus from the problems of the Democrats, it is a one week story at
best. Yet, it went on and on, forcing Trump to appoint a special prosecutor to chase ghosts and phantoms that could not
possibly exist. [...] Well, we may now have an answer. It may simply have been the old Progressive tactic of
preemptively accusing others of something they are doing. The Hill is reporting that the FBI had stumbled onto a plot
that looks a lot like bribery by the Russians to, wait for it, get the Clinton's support in their efforts to grow their
nuclear business inside the US.
Uranium One Scandal Is Exploding. The Russia/Obama/Clinton scandal that goes generally under the name of
Uranium One is getting harder for the liberal press to cover up. [...] The original story goes back to Peter Schweizer's
Clinton Cash. The scandal is a blockbuster, perhaps the worst involving Barack Obama, Eric Holder's corrupt
Department of Justice, and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
implicated in Russia probe. The Hill and Circa media have broken a story the FBI spent years investigating —
and actually sent someone to jail over — involving bribery, blackmail and corruption by Russians who wanted to buy up
a big chunk of the world's uranium, located here in North America. We've known for a while that then-Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton both approved the deal and her family foundation received millions of dollars from Russians backing the deal. That's
one reason the nickname "Crooked Hillary" stuck. What we didn't know until now is that "the FBI had evidence as early as 2009
that Russian operatives used bribes, kickbacks and other dirty tactics to expand Moscow's atomic energy footprint in the U.S.,"
according to Fox News. Not only did Hillary's State Department approve Russia's purchase of Uranium One — handing
20 percent of the U.S. uranium supply over to allies of Vladimir Putin — but the Obama FBI and Department of Justice
let it happen unchallenged. All while the Clinton Foundation collected millions in "donations" from these Russians, and Bill
Clinton was paid $500,000 by a Russian investment bank to give a speech in Moscow.
Let the Russian-crimes
whistleblower testify. A key informant in the Russian bribery and extortion scheme to gain control of US atomic
resources wants to tell Congress what he knows — but is legally barred from doing so. That's the latest
bombshell to emerge from The Hill's exposés this week that the Obama administration knew all about the scheme yet
still OK'd a deal to give Moscow control of one-fifth of US uranium. Moreover, the unidentified informant tried to tell
his story by filing a lawsuit during last year's campaign — but was squelched by the Obama Justice
Department. According to his lawyer, Reagan-era Justice official Victoria Toensing, the informant was pressured into
signing a nondisclosure agreement that forbids him from revealing anything about the case and was threatened last year with
criminal charges if he violated it.
wants 'gag order' lifted for FBI informant allegedly 'threatened' by Obama DOJ. A top Senate Republican is
calling for the Justice Department to lift an apparent "gag order" on an FBI informant who reportedly helped the U.S. uncover
a corruption and bribery scheme by Russian nuclear officials but allegedly was "threatened" by the Obama administration to
stay quiet. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is focusing on the informant amid scrutiny of
the 2010 approval of a controversial uranium deal with a Russian company. He's raising questions about potential
"conflicts of interest" for Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration, and especially wants to know whether the committee
that approved the deal was aware of the FBI probe involving a subsidiary of the same Russian firm.
One Means Mueller Must Recuse Himself from Russia Probe. Virtually whatever [Robert] Mueller has to say
about his involvement or non-involvement in this metastasizing scandal, he must recuse himself immediately for the most
obvious reasons of propriety and appearance. Frankly, it's outrageous that he, Ron Rosenstein, or anyone who even
touched the Uranium One investigation now be involved with the current probe — unless the real name of the FBI is
actually the NKVD. This is not how a democracy is supposed to work, even remotely. Forget transparency —
this was deliberate occlusion. The collusion Trump & Co have been accused of is chickenfeed compared to twenty percent
of U.S. uranium ending up in Putin's hands under the aegis of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder, the latter two
members of CFIUS (the inter-agency committee that reviews the transfer of U.S. companies to foreign entities and was then
chaired by Timothy Geithner).
Much Did Mueller and Rosenstein Know about Uranium One? Back in July, I called for a criminal investigation into Hillary
Clinton's collusion with Russia to turn over control of 20 percent of our uranium supplies to Russian interests in return
for some $145 million in donation to the Clinton Foundation. Now it turns out that there was one, an FBI investigation
dating back to 2009, with current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller up to their
eyeballs in covering up evidence of Hillary's collusion, bordering on treason, with Vladimir Putin's Russia.
Hillary and Mueller Implicated in Monstrous Russian Bribery Scandal. Yes, I said it: the Russian government
and its proxies were involved in all types of collusion with actors in the U.S. It turns out, though, that said
actors included Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and then FBI-director Robert Mueller. They knew the Russians were
leveraging bribes, kickbacks and extortion to gain control of America's uranium. Which they did.
Hides Massive Russian Bribery Scandal Involving Hillary, Mueller and Obama. A day after The Hill
reporters revealed a stunning bribery plot involving the Russian government and members of the Obama administration, our
modern day Pravda — you may know it as "CNN" — decided its audience didn't actually need
to know that inconsequential bit of breaking news. Sure, they cover the usual litany of anti-Trump stories. But
searching its front page for the word "Russia" revealed only one reference.
Revelations About Russia and Obama's Department of Justice. These extraordinary revelations, apparently from
frustrated FBI agents, were published in The Hill today [10/17/2017]. The corruption they suggest is extensive: [...] All
of this was known before the Obama/Clinton State Department approved the controversial transfer of US uranium assets to
Russia. But the Obama/Holder Justice Department did nothing.
Investigates Russia, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Uranium And Bribes — And It's About Time. We now know,
thanks to an investigation by The Hill, that the Russian scandal's roots go far deeper than first thought, extending all the
way to the start of the Obama administration. Many people seemed to know about it: Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder and, even, President Obama himself. Now, a Senate committee wants to know how
much they knew, and why no one stopped the criminal behavior. The scandal over Russia has suddenly, weirdly morphed
from being about "Russian meddling" in the 2016 election to actual criminal behavior by Russian nuclear industry officials
who were involved in bribes, extortion, kickbacks and money laundering here in the U.S. — all part of Russian
leader Vladimir Putin's efforts to elbow his way into the U.S. uranium market.
criminal conspiracy unravels: Hillary Clinton took $145M from Russians to sell out the U.S. uranium supply to America's
enemies. We have truly reached the point in American history where criminal indictments need to be immediately
leveled against James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Robert Mueller and a dozen other
high-ranking officials who are now known to have been complicit in one of the most treasonous criminal cover-ups in American
history. Although the entire left-wing media is running a campaign of complete silence on this story, the rest of the
media is now widely reporting that, under President Obama, the FBI had documented an exhaustive trail of corruption, bribery
and treason that involved Hillary Clinton, State Department corruption and Russia-linked mining companies that acquired
rights to U.S. uranium supplies.
FBI Uncovers Confirmation of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Uranium Deal with Russia. New evidence has emerged to
confirm Peter Schweizer's account in his bestselling book Clinton Cash about the corrupt tactics behind former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's approval of Russia's purchase of 20 percent of U.S. uranium.
Judiciary opens probe into Obama-era Russian nuclear bribery case. The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched
a probe into a Russian nuclear bribery case, demanding several federal agencies disclose whether they knew the FBI had
uncovered the corruption before the Obama administration in 2010 approved a controversial uranium deal with Moscow.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the committee chairman, on Wednesday [10/18/2017] raised the issue in public during questioning
of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during an oversight hearing. The senator cited a series of The Hill stories that showed
the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear officials were involved in a racketeering scheme as early as 2009, well before the
uranium deal was approved.
Did Mueller Know? New Documents Show Clinton-Russia Scandal Dwarfs Anything on Trump's Side. Contrary to
the Left's favorite narrative, any Russia scandal has always been worse for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump.
Recent revelations confirmed this Tuesday, and even implicated the special prosecutor at the center of the Trump-Russia
investigation, former FBI director Robert Mueller. In 2010, the Obama administration approved a controversial deal
giving Russian company Rosatom partial control of Canadian mining company Uranium One (and with it 20 percent of U.S.
uranium), just as Russians paid former president Bill Clinton for speeches and Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.
To make matters worse, the FBI had already gathered evidence of Russian corruption in the U.S. but kept it secret just when
it would have mattered most, The Hill reported Tuesday [10/17/2017].
Investigation Links Hillary And Mueller And Others To Russia. [Scroll down] Usually, [The Department of]
Justice and the FBI publicize crimes where Russian financiers are convicted of bribery, buying a controlling interest in the
US production of uranium, and gifting politicians large sums of money. In this case: crickets. Not just
crickets but mute crickets. Then the FBI and Justice tried to hide the investigation from Congress and keep it tightly
compartmented inside the FBI and Justice:
The REAL Russia scandal
is a Democrat problem. As the Obama administration rubber-stamped deals giving the Russians massive control
over U.S. uranium supplies, the Justice Department had a mountain of evidence suggesting collusion between Secretary
of State Clinton and Russian business interests. And no one said a word.
Real Russian Influence: Massive Bribery Scheme Before Obama Admin Approved Uranium Sale. Some will claim
"this is old news!" Au contraire, it highlights that anyone screeching about Russia Russia Russia in relation to Trump
should take a hard look at Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and his administration[.] [...] This is all icing on the cake regarding
what Team Obama was doing with Uranium One, and how Hillary, Bill, and their foundation profited heavily from the sale.
It shows how Team Obama ignored what the Russians were doing, which had national security implications.
tables turn, roping Clinton, Obama, Holder, not Trump. The tables have turned and what was once the media's
favorite message — President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election — has now grown
silent. Apparently, it's Bill and Hillary Clinton who've been doing the behind-scenes and suspicious dealings with
Russia all along. Oh, and perhaps others in the Barack Obama administration, too.
uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial
records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium
trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents
show. They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear
officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable
foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision
to Moscow, sources told The Hill.
probes Clinton 'conflicts of interest' amid new questions in Russia uranium deal. A top Senate Republican is
probing potential "conflicts of interest" for Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration regarding the 2010 approval of a
controversial uranium deal with a Russian company, amid new details about donations from "interested parties" and an FBI
corruption probe involving employees of the same Russian firm. "This committee has an obligation to get to the bottom
of this issue," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Wednesday, at the start of a hearing with
Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The Hill reported a day earlier that the FBI had evidence as early as 2009 that Russian
operatives used bribes, kickbacks and other dirty tactics to expand Moscow's atomic energy footprint in the U.S. —
but the Obama administration approved the uranium deal benefiting Moscow anyway.
Obama's Russian
collusion. The Hill's release of information on the collusion between American corporate interests, U.S.
government agencies and Russia seems to be all-new material. The text outlines the failure of the U.S. government under
Obama to take account of information generated by the FBI on attempts by Russia to gain a financial advantage in the U.S.
nuclear industry. "The Swamp" is reflected in the matter of Rosatom at every angle from which it can be viewed.
While Rosatom has been in the news before, nothing has brought it to the level of significance seen in these primary
documents and the specificity of the charges found in the text of the article. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein
should be summarily fired, along with anyone else who touched these papers above the level of the FBI. The responsible
individuals must be dragged into the court system where their actions can at the very least become part of the public record.
DOJ slow-walked probe despite national security concerns. Despite extensive information as early as 2009 that
Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm and that Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to
benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable foundation, Hillary Clinton's State Department and other government
agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment (including Attorney General Eric Holder) unanimously approved the partial
sale of the Canadian mining company, Uranium One, to the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom in October 2010. Multiple current
and former government officials told The Hill they did not know whether the FBI or DOJ ever alerted committee members to the
apparent Russian criminal activity. Likewise, major congressional figures were also kept in the dark.
Collateral Damage: The Obamas. Barack Obama, whom his campaign bundler Harvey Weinstein once introduced
to Hollywood elites as "the Paul Newman of American presidents," came out with his "shocked, shocked" statement now that
Weinstein is exposed and down and every celebrity and his brother is making Weinstein-was-a-pig statements for the press.
[...] It's as if Obama never gummed up traffic in Los Angeles during rush hour to raise campaign funds and schmooze with
celebrities of Weinstein's ilk over the long course of his presidency. [...] So now we are expected to believe that the
Obamas were "disgusted"? Where were they when all this was going on, and why are they only speaking out about it now
that Weinstein is down and not in a position to hold Democratic fundraisers anymore? And with all their post-presidential
millions, why aren't they giving any of it back?
Obamas were star-struck by Hollywood mogul Weinstein's access, cash. Barack and Michelle Obama now say they are
"disgusted" by Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment accusations. But as president and first lady, oh my, how they loved
the movie mogul's cash and Hollywood glitz. As a powerful pipeline to the Democrats' cash machine in the entertainment
industry, Mr. Weinstein raised millions of dollars for Mr. Obama's presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012. He
and his wife, Georgina Chapman, hosted Mr. Obama for a high-end fundraiser at their home overlooking Long Island Sound
in Westport, Connecticut, in August 2012. Other guests included actress Anne Hathaway, Vogue editor Anna Wintour and
screenwriter Aaron Sorkin.
funded' Obama presidential library could cost Illinois taxpayers $100 million or more. Erecting a monument to
the Obama presidency is a task best handled quickly, before the seeds of disaster planted in Iran, the federal debt, and the
FISA Court (among other places) come to full flower. And despite promises of private funding, taxpayers are going to
have to cough up, even in Illinois, a fiscal dead man walking with pension obligations that dwarf the taxing capacity of
the state and the City of Chicago. Barack's plans for a monument to his glory will not be thwarted by mere politicians
or community groups.
Records: Harvey Weinstein Visited Obama White House 13 Times. Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein had a close relationship with President
Barack Obama, visiting the White House complex on 13 occasions during the Obama presidency, according to visitor records.
A Lying Quartet. Rarely
has an intelligence apparatus engaged in systematic lying — and chronic deceit about its lying — both
during and even after its tenure. Yet the Obama Administration's four top security and intelligence officials time and
again engaged in untruth, as if peddling lies was part of their job descriptions. So far none have been held
accountable. Those exemptions are likely because, in hubristic fashion, all four assumed their service to progressive
noble agendas would justify any odious means felt necessary to achieve them.
Corruption Trial Reveals State Department Favors. For the first time in nearly four decades, a sitting U.S.
senator is on trial for federal bribery, and he's dragging the State Department into his legal quagmire. Sen. Bob
Menendez's trial for bribery is shining an uncomfortable light on the lawmaker's efforts to pressure State Department,
including allegations he helped settle a dispute over a lucrative foreign contract in favor of a friend and campaign
donor. That's just one of a dozen other bribery and corruption charges being levied against Menendez, a Democrat from
New Jersey. Prosecutors also allege that the senator helped acquire U.S. visas for several of the donor's foreign
girlfriends, citing official State Department records and emails between the senator and his staff.
Obama's Top Campaign Ad Firm Got Nearly $60M In Federal Contracts. Former President Barack Obama's presidential
campaign advertising agency received nearly $60 million in federal contracts after he took office, according to an analysis
by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. The gravy train for the Washington, D.C.-based agency, GMMB,
hasn't slowed since President Donald Trump's inauguration, the analysis found. The liberal Democratic communications
powerhouse was awarded nearly $15 million in a new contract in June, after Trump entered the Oval Office.
3 Ways
Kathleen Sebelius Sabotaged The Rule Of Law. Of all the people crying "sabotage" when it comes to Obamacare,
Kathleen Sebelius might be the most qualified on the subject. [...] She presided over numerous actions that violated the text
of Obamacare, and the Constitution, to thwart the will of Congress and undermine "the law of the land" — Obamacare
as it was actually written, not as Democrats wished it were written — and the rule of law in general. [...] If
Sebelius wants to espouse different policy positions than the current administration, that is her right. But given the
ways in which the last administration repeatedly violated Obamacare to suit its own purposes, conservatives should take no
lessons from Sebelius on how to avoid "undermining the law."
Why I Wouldn't Change a Word of
Trump's Statement. "Egregious" displays of "hatred, bigotry and violence" have no place in America he told us, with stunning
clarity. No exceptions. No qualifications. Whoever you are, whatever you are, whatever your grievance, there shall be one
law, one standard. The first thing to be done was "a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives... [for]
no citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society." Had Trump stopped there, it would have been enough.
It would have been more than Barack Obama had said in eight years. Obama was on the wrong side of violence. He sympathized with
the rioters in Ferguson, Missouri, and made excuses for the riots in Baltimore. Worse still, he failed even to mention the need to
establish law and order and protect the lives and property of innocent people. And he put lives in danger by blaming the violence
on the police.
IRS is STILL toying with conservative nonprofits. Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp, and here's a seven-month progress report: The
Washington bog is still as wide and fetid as ever. Consider that Mr. Trump's Justice Department has inexplicably continued to defend the IRS's
misdeeds under President Obama. Voters put a Republican in the White House in part to impose some belated accountability on the scandal-laden Obama
administration. And the supreme scandal was the IRS's assault on tea-party groups — a campaign inspired by congressional Democrats, perpetrated
by partisan bureaucrats like Lois Lerner, and covered up by Mr. Obama's political appointees. This abuse stripped the right to political
speech from thousands of Americans over two election cycles. To this day, no one has answered for it.
EPA Employees Earned Overtime Pay Without Justification. Environmental Protection Agency employees under the
Obama administration earned emergency overtime pay without justification, in violation of agency policy. The inspector
general for the agency released an audit last week finding "numerous instances of noncompliance" of the emergency overtime
pay system for employees in Seattle, Wash. Employees must receive a waiver from biweekly pay caps if they are to
receive extra pay for working during a natural disaster, or for conducting "mission-critical" work. The inspector
general found just a fraction of employees in the final three years of the Obama administration who received overtime pay
had requested a waiver.
Loretta Lynch's email
problems mount. Lynch maintained and used an email account with a pseudonym, "Elizabeth Carlisle" (the name of her grandmother).
She joins a list of Obama officials, including her predecessor Eric Holder (Lew Alcindor), EPA administrator Lisa Jackson (Richard Windsor), and
Lois Lerner (Toby Miles). [...] Lynch's potential problems with obstruction of justice depend in part on what can be established as her state of
mind at the time of the acts. That speaks to intent. The use of an alias to discuss those acts and the enlistment of outside help to
conceal those acts, before and after the event, speak to mindset.
Obamaphones Fraud
As High As 65 Percent. A massive portion of Obamaphone recipients are receiving the benefit after lying on their applications, according to a
new 90-page report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO). An undercover sting operation showed ineligible applications were approved 63 percent
of the time, and a review that found that 36 to 65 percent of beneficiaries in various categories had lied in easily-detectable ways but were approved
anyway. The fraud reached unheard-of proportions because the Federal Communications Commission let the task of screening for eligibility fall to phone
companies that profit off of enrolling as many people as possible.
Jay Sekulow:
'Why Don't We Have a Special Counsel Reviewing... President Obama?'. Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for President Donald Trump, was back at Fox News
Wednesday [6/28/2017] to rail against what he calls "the so-called Russian probe." Appearing on America's Newsroom, the attorney pointed the finger
at Trump's predecessor, former President Barack Obama, and questioned why his administration's actions with regard to Russian election interference aren't
being scrutinized more thoroughly.
Criminal Enterprise Collapsing. As former FBI Director James Comey's best friend, Robert Mueller, stocks his
Seinfeld investigation-about-nothing with every Democratic lawyer and Hillary and/or Obama donor he can find, we are treated
to the delicious irony of collusion with Russia being confirmed — and the colluder-in-chief being Ex-president
Barack Hussein Obama. Even Obama's Democrat supporters are now acknowledging he knew about Russia's hacking of the DNC
and Podesta emails. They are acknowledging that he did nothing but are not acknowledging the reason why —
that he thought Hillary Clinton was going to succeed him and he wanted to do nothing to offend the Russians to whom he had
once famously promised more "flexibility."
wrong attorney general is testifying today. The kabuki theater that is Congress' hearings on Trump's alleged
collusion with the Russians to win the 2016 election has come full circle. This is the issue that inspired Conservative
Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin to expose the "police state tactics" of the Obama administration and the scandal of Obama's
spying on American citizens. The focus on Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his testimony is misplaced, as the media
and Congress ignore allegations of another major Obama administration scandal, one that would clearly show Obama's Justice
Department interfered in the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton win.
Reminder: What a Real Presidential Scandal Looks Like. As liberal McCarthyism continues searching for
Russian monsters under Trump administration beds, it might serve us well to remember the Obama administration scandals, for
which there were no special prosecutors appointed, no grand juries convened, not even a leaked memo to The New York Times via
a friendly professor at Columbia University.
Obama DOJ was 'an arm of
the Clinton campaign'. It takes a bit of collective amnesia to honestly discuss President Donald Trump's
alleged attempts to manipulate the American justice system without acknowledging just how closely the Obama Justice
Department worked with the Clinton presidential campaign. That's according to former Attorney General Michael Mukasey,
a George W. Bush appointee. He told Newsmax TV: "What makes it egregious is the fact — and I think it's
obvious that it is a fact — that the attorney general of the United States was adjusting the way the department
talked about its business, so as to coincide with the way the Clinton campaign talked about that business." Mukasey added
that the DOJ under Obama was "essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign."
ends Holder-era 'slush fund' payouts to outside groups. The Justice Department announced Wednesday [6/7/2017] it will no
longer allow prosecutors to strike settlement agreements with big companies directing them to make payouts to outside groups, ending an
Obama-era practice that Republicans decried as a "slush fund" that padded the accounts of liberal interest groups. In a memo sent
to 94 U.S. attorneys' offices early Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he would end the practice that allowed companies to
meet settlement burdens by giving money to groups that were neither victims nor parties to the case. Sessions said the money should,
instead, go to the Treasury Department or victims.
wouldn't follow Trump's lead, but was Lynch's lapdog. The Comey hearings yesterday brought nothing with which
to hang Donald Trump, but it did raise several questions about Comey and his behavior. [...] And speaking of conflicts[,] did
Comey go stupid because of something more ominous? There apparently is a recording of the conversation held by Loretta
Lynch and Bill Clinton during that "coincidental" meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix. You know, just before Comey announced
that he would recommend against prosecuting Hillary Clinton. Almost as though he was given his orders. Lynch asserted
that her conversation with Bill Clinton consisted of "grandchildren" and "travels." Since when are grandchildren and casual
travel a matter of national security?
Interview Regarding Subpoenas Issued to Obama Cronies. Writing at The Daily Beast, John Batchelor offers
a fascinating sitdown with Chairman Devin Nunes of the House Select Intelligence Committee. The primary topic:
the unmasking of Trump campaign officials — like Michael Flynn — by various members of the Obama
administration. Read the entire thing, but some key graphs follow to provide a flavor to the scope and magnitude of the
investigation. It's truly powerful stuff.
End Of Obama's Corrupt Global Warming Treaty. Yesterday [6/1/2017], President Trump announced that the United
States is withdrawing from Obama's disastrous Paris climate accord. The President's action marks another important
campaign promise fulfilled, and it also marks the end of one of Obama's most corrupt acts as President. While Obama and
his liberal allies from Hollywood to Silicon Valley to Wall Street claim that the goal of the treaty was to reduce so-called
greenhouse gasses, its effect was to produce a massive wealth transfer from American workers to foreigners and wealthy
investors. And the end of that wealth transfer is what drives the howls emanating from Wall Street and Silicon Valley.
Official Got Secret Cash Bonuses as Office Lost Billions to Fraud, Corruption. The senior Obama Education
Department official who resigned this month to avoid testifying before Congress got hundreds of thousands of dollars in
bonuses despite his well-documented failures, sources inside the agency tell Judicial Watch. The extra cash was kept
off the books, away from the public, and doesn't appear on his official government salary record but Judicial Watch has
obtained the figures with yearly breakdowns. The official, James Runcie, ran the scandal-plagued Federal Student Aid
(FSA) office, the government's $1.4 trillion financial aid program.
did Trump say that Obama spied on him? Because he did. Obama was never scared to break the laws because he knew the Justice
Department, the media, and the Democrats wouldn't care. On Fox News Wednesday night [5/24/2017] Charles Krauthammer said he hopes people
don't spend a lot of time looking back to see who violated the law but instead focus on stopping it in the future. I do not understand
that at all. I believe powerful people like Obama or his staff and Hillary and her staff should be held responsible for what they
did. If you don't hold the powerful to account, how do you ever hold lower-level people to account for the same or lesser things?
Republicans Go to Jail,
Democrats Run Free. During the eight years of one of America's shadiest presidencies, not one Obama administration
official went to prison. Or was convicted of a crime. Or even indicted. Sure, Rep. Darryl Issa (R-CA) and
the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held plenty of hearings. But while they called countless press conferences, not
one Democrat ever was held accountable for the numerous crimes exposed by this and other Republican-controlled congressional panels.
Rotten Obama Record — and Legacy. An incomplete recap of the corruption that has happened under his
watch: Eric Holder, the "stimulus," Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Obamacare, the census power grab, the IRS targeting of
political opponents, executive amnesty, the Snowden NSA spy revelations, the debate collusion with Candy Crowley, race-baiting
for votes, selling our soul to Iran and Cuba, wiretapping allies, spying on journalists, destroying attempts to clean up
voter rolls, the Benghazi video. Politicizing and weaponizing our government and its bureaucracies. And so much
more. This was eight years of a purposeful, corrupt power grab in the worst of ways. And no, I do not believe for
a second he did not know, or did not incite these to happen. Fish rot from the head down. The media was the neck
of this administration.
cases against corrupt leftists. The nadir of honesty in the federal government was reached in the
hyper-politicized Obama presidency. The IRS was used shamelessly to punish conservative groups. The Department of
Justice opened countless "cases" against utterly innocent groups whose offense was to challenge the orthodoxies of
leftism. Indeed, it seemed at times as if the Obama administration viewed the whole federal government as little more
than a scourge to be used against Americans who did not follow the party line. That is the one thing no free government
can stand. When government is the enemy of much of the people, then government has no moral ground upon which to
exercise its power.
Dept. employee charged with misleading FBI in China intel case. Candace Marie Claiborne, a 60-year-old employee
of the U.S. Department of State, was charged Wednesday with obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements to
the FBI — both felony offenses — for allegedly concealing numerous contacts that she had over a period
of years with Chinese intelligence agents, the Justice Department said Wednesday [3/29/2017]. The veteran State
Department employee, who appeared before a judge Wednesday [3/29/2017], is also accused of failing to report gifts she received
from Chinese contacts. Claiborne allegedly failed to report repeated contacts with two intelligence agents of the People's
Republic of China, and the agents provided tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits to Claiborne and her family
over five years, prosecutors said.
to Investigate Obama, not Just Trump. A fair amount of this happened not long before Barack Obama suddenly changed
the rules regarding raw intelligence, for the first time ever allowing the NSA to share its data with 16 other intelligence
agencies, thus making the dissemination of said data (i. e. leaking) many times more likely. That was done on
January 12, 2017, just three scant days before Trump's inauguration. Why did the then president finally decide
to make that particular change at that extremely late date, rather than on one of the previous seven years and three hundred
fifty-three days of his presidency? You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes or Watson to smell a rat.
Obama's shakedown.
The issue finally came to the firefront of the Obama administration bringing charges against large corporations and then
settling for fines instead of seeking criminal convictions of executives — as President Bush 43 did to a score
of CEOs. The Obama administration then parceled the money out to liberal groups. This is called a shakedown.
Congress and President Trump may stop this gravy train to liberal groups.
of Obama's 'Former Officials'. Just 24 hours after Trump's address, a series of troubling reports involving
links among those in Trump's orbit to Russian officials reset the national discourse. Those stories make for a trend,
though, that has little to do with Trump and a lot to do with his predecessor. The Obama administration's
foreign-policy team seems to be campaigning to rehabilitate itself one leak at a time, and the press is helping.
The Obamacare Financing
Flimflam. Now we know why the Obama administration unilaterally changed rules on Fannie Mae funds in 2012. They basically screwed
private-sector bondholders and shareholders to create a slush fund for left-wing groups allied with the administration. These funds do not
go through Congress. They are treated as off-balance sheet entities, where the amount that comes to the government is treated as a net reduction
in expenses instead of an increase in revenue. In other words, it allows Congress and the president to pretend they are controlling spending.
The Obama Regime's Criminal
Syndicate. [Scroll down] Among the radical leftist groups pre-approved by the settlement agreements to directly receive
funds from the banks is none other than The National Council of La Raza, which bills itself as "the nation's largest Hispanic activist
organization." Yet, a brief history lesson on the reality of La Raza, which literally translates to "the race," shows us that the
group has been connected to the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), an extremist Mexican race hate group which firmly believes in
exploiting illegal immigration to bring about 'La Reconquista', a violent overthrow of the southern U.S. states that would be absorbed into
Greater Mexico. [...] According to a February 2016 independent monitor report, there are 147 "HUD-approved counseling agencies" that make up
these third party groups like La Raza that are currently receiving hundreds of millions of dollars directly from the banks under the DOJ
settlement agreements.
wants to eliminate shadowy DOJ slush fund bankrolling leftist groups. The Obama administration funneled
billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional
investigators. "It's clear partisan politics played a role in the illicit actions that were made," Rep. John
Ratcliffe, R-Texas, told Fox News. "The DOJ is the last place this should have occurred." Findings spearheaded by the
House Judiciary Committee point to a process shrouded in secrecy whereby monies were distributed to a labyrinth of nonprofit
organizations involved with grass-roots activism.
Obama aide fined $90,000 for illegally lobbying Emanuel on Uber's behalf. A former Uber senior executive who
once served as Barack Obama's campaign manager has been fined $90,000 by the Chicago Board of Ethics for illegally lobbying
Mayor Rahm Emanuel on behalf of the ride-sharing company. The board voted 5-0 to find that David Plouffe violated city
ethics rules by failing to register as a lobbyist after contacting Emanuel to help the company on regulations for picking up
travelers at Chicago's two airports. Plouffe's lobbying violation only became public after Emanuel in December released
hundreds of personal emails related to public business under the pressure of two open records lawsuits alleging the mayor
violated the state's open records law.
campaign manager, Plouffe, fined $90G for violating lobbying rules. Former-President Obama's ex-campaign
manager was fined $90,000 on Thursday for illegally lobbying Chicago's mayor on behalf of Uber. The Chicago Board of
Ethics determined that David Plouffe violated ethics rules when he failed to register as a lobbyist after contacting Mayor
Rahm Emanuel. Plouffe was trying to help the ride-hailing service with regulations for picking up travelers at Chicago
airports. The board also fined Uber $2,000 for hiring a lobbyist who violates the city's lobbying laws. An Uber
spokesman said the company regretted the mistake and would comply with the board's assessment.
Now Getting a Taste of How the Obama Years Felt for Conservatives. Voter fraud? Now you're talking Mom and apple pie to the Alinsky left.
Obama himself never bothered to win a real election in Illinois, always managing to blackmail his opponents into resigning before the vote was ever taken.
Obama learned his politics under the tutelage of Emil Jones, the godfather of the Illinois machine. There are hundreds of jokes about the dear departed voting
for Democrats in Boston, Chicago, Philly, and New York. Today we have millions of illegal voters — foreign nationals with unknown loyalties — voting
wherever paid Democrat thugs can intimidate the wrong American voters.
of Ethics Office Receives Bipartisan Rebuke From Congress. Director of the Office of Government Ethics Walter M.
Shaub received a bipartisan rebuke from members of Congress for his criticism of President Donald Trump during a
closed-door meeting Monday [1/23/2017]. Shaub, an Obama donor and defender of Hillary Clinton's ethics, could "compromise
the agency's objectivity" by using the office's official Twitter account to criticize the new president, leaders of the House
Oversight and Government Reform Committee said. The Associated Press reported that both Republicans and Democrats said
Shaub's tweet storms urging Trump to divest from his business were inappropriate.
Rising Announces Multiple FOIAs Targeting The Politicization Of Obama's Ethics Office. In light of the ongoing
controversy swirling around Walter Shaub, head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE), America Rising is filing
multiple Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) to understand better what partisan politics are afoot at OGE.
Ethics Office Comes Under Fire For Unprecedented Public Criticism. Ever since NPR uncovered that Office of
Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub used the OGE Twitter account to attack Trump, questions about Shaub's motivations
have grown more prominent. This morning [1/17/2017], The Hill moves that story forward with reporting on the how
Shaub's latest public criticism broke with "[OGE's] longstanding practice":
Timeline Of Walter Shaub & Hillary Clinton's Unethical Paid Speeches. Walter Shaub, the director of President
Obama's ethics office, has been in the headlines a great deal lately. While the attention has primarily focused on
recent events, America Rising thought it valuable to take a closer look at his role in Hillary Clinton's unethical paid
speeches. In the timeline below, anyone can clearly see that Shaub had one set of rules for the Clintons and has
another one for Republicans today: [...]
unethical Office of Government Ethics. At any point, Obama appointee Walter Shaub, head of the Office of
Government Ethics, may claim the Trump administration has a conflict of interest if his namesake Trump Hotel in Washington
accepts reservations from any business, organization or individual who chooses to stay there. Of course, Schaub was
previously silent and never alleged any wrongdoing when those same travelers stayed at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill,
despite Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker's deep family ties to the Hyatt chain. Apparently standards change
depending on the political party.
of Ethics Office Is Obama Donor, Now Concerned About Trump Nominees. Director of the Office of Government
Ethics Walter M. Shaub donated to President Obama before his appointment and defended Hillary Clinton's decision to not
disclose paid speeches to the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of state. Shaub, the head of the little-known
ethics office, has been on the attack against President-elect Donald J. Trump for months. [...] A timeline compiled by the
PAC America Rising of Shaub's service at the ethics office revealed Shaub donated to Obama before his appointment in January
2013, and has a record of defending Hillary Clinton when she was a presidential candidate from ethics concerns. Shaub
donated $500 to Obama's reelection campaign in 2012. When Clinton came under fire for not disclosing paid speeches to the
Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of state, his office said disclosure was not required.
Spent Almost $1M To Cover Up Accusation Against Top Exec. Taxpayers wrote a $900,000 settlement check to a
federal employee to compensate her for once being likened to a "Little Rascals" character by her boss, The Daily Caller News
Foundation's Investigative Group has learned. The secret settlement appears to be one of the largest-ever
discrimination settlement payouts to an individual federal employee. The payment came after an Equal Opportunity
Employment office ruled that the remark was racist and accepted without challenge the claim that it caused nearly a million
dollars worth of emotional harm. The offending boss was Mary K. Kinney, then-executive vice president of Ginnie
Mae, which is part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Has No Answer For Why Its Financial Books Are Worthless. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
officials refuse to explain why they haven't fixed poor accounting practices and useless financial books their inspector
general (IG) has been exposing for four years. It's not clear whether HUD officials understand what they're doing is
wrong because, their spokesman, Brian Sullivan, told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group that "HUD does
apply generally accepted accounting standards." Not so, said the IG, whose most recent audit found 11 "material
weaknesses," seven "significant deficiencies" in internal controls, and five instances of "noncompliance with applicable laws
and regulations."
Obama Should be the One Investigated for all His Shady Dealings. The jury is in: the Obama administration will go down as the
biggest criminal presidential administration in U.S. history. Laundering $400 million cash into Swiss francs and Euros, palletizing,
and shipping off to Iran. Illegally wiring billions to Iran — and these two incidents are just in the last three weeks or
so. But there is clear proof, to go along with Hillary Clinton's pay for play scheme at the State Department — which also
occurred under the Obama purview.
to Criminalize Tyranny. Some people are calling for "reconciliation" after Trump's election. Some even
say that Hillary shouldn't be prosecuted. The reality is that if we allow liberals to constantly misuse government
power and break the law with no consequences, they will never stop. Like little children, they need a spanking to keep
them in line. President Trump should set up a special prosecutor to dig up all the government workers, from Hillary
on down, who used government power to further tyranny. People like Lois Lerner, who used the full power of the IRS to
silence voices that disagreed with her political leanings, should not just be able to retire and collect a pension. So
long as liberals know they can misuse the power of government and get away with it, they will continue to wage war against
the American people while being paid by the American people.
Senior Gov. Official Says Obama Made Quid Pro Quo Deal With FEC Commissioner. Federal Election Commissioner Ann Ravel wished to step down
until she met with President Barack Obama in early 2016, who persuaded her to stay on board through the November election in return for two favors, a senior
federal government official has told The Daily Caller. Ravel, a Democrat, told the senior government official about the arrangement in private and even
showed the official pictures of her and Obama in The White House. The official told TheDC Ravel had wished to step down and move back to California
before the Jan. 28 White House meeting. Obama told Ravel she could move back and do most of her work from California and that she would be
supported in her effort to replace California Attorney General Kamala Harris as Attorney General if Harris were to win her Senate election.
Department official tipped off Clinton campaign about email probe. A top Justice Department official leaked
information to the Clinton campaign about the legal case concerning Hillary Clinton's secret email server, according to a new
email released Wednesday by WikiLeaks that could further taint the administration's claims of impartiality. Assistant
Attorney General Peter Kadzik sent a heads-up to Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta in May 2015 letting him know the
government was going to try to delay posting Mrs. Clinton's secret emails until 2016. In the message, sent from his
private account rather than his government-issued account, he also warned of a looming House hearing where he expected a
Justice Department official would face questions about Mrs. Clinton's emails.
State Dept. Official: Every Obama Official 'Uses Their Gmail Account'. A former top Department of
State official who worked under Hillary Clinton told her presidential campaign chair every White House staffer and top
cabinet official uses a personal email account. [...] Reports have been circulating for years about top Obama administration
officials using "secret" email accounts to conduct official business and possibly avoid Freedom of Information Act requests.
A few Obama administration officials have been caught using private email accounts to conduct government business.
Emails Show Obama
Was Complicit in Cover-Up. New revelations from Wikileaks seem to prove that the White House knew about
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server. President Obama previously denied that he had any prior
knowledge of Clinton's "homebrew" server, but Wikileaks documents suggest that the president used a pseudonym to correspond
directly with Clinton's private email address and then lied about it.
There Is a Coup On in America. [Scroll down] Then there's the fact that Hillary's guilty of perjury,
destroying evidence, obstruction of justice, and that whole pay-to-play thing. I know — she hasn't been
charged, much less convicted of those crimes, but that brings me back to my original point. Hillary wasn't charged or
convicted because the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) served as accessories after the fact to cover up her crimes and
enable her to avoid prosecution. The FBI flat-out took a dive. The Department of Justice (DOJ) tried to be more
clandestine, but Bill Clinton's meet-up with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the airport tarmac got caught on video.
The meeting might have been to influence Comey but more likely to dot their Is and cross their Ts on the
upcoming non-indictment. So we have a woman, Hillary Clinton, who should be in jail but is instead cruising to the
presidency; a Justice Department that openly assists Hillary in her cover-ups, and a complicit media that hides all these
facts from the public.
Daughter Traveled On Taxpayers' Dime To Get Government Contracts. Secretary of State John Kerry's daughter and
her staff traveled around the world on the taxpayers' dime to secure more than $9 million in Department of State-funded
contracts, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The Peace Corps authorized an estimated $46,000
for 20 international and domestic trips for Dr. Vanessa Kerry and her staff, agency documents obtained by TheDCNF
show. The purpose of the travel was to form the Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP) — a Peace Corps-run
and State Department-funded program Kerry proposed.
Treatment Gave John Kerry's Daughter $9 Million In Gov't Contracts. Peace Corps officials directed Department
of State funds to a nonprofit run by Secretary of State John Kerry's daughter by disqualifying other potential applicants
through half-hearted analysis. "We'll never know, but this market research seems like an effort to steer this deal to
Kerry's group, which might not have been in the government's best interest," Project On Government Oversight (POGO) General
Counsel Scott Amey told The Daily Caller News Foundation. POGO is a nonprofit watchdog that has extensively
investigated government contracts among other oversight issues.
Official Goes Totally Unpunished After Having Sex With WaPo Reporter In Office. A highly-paid Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) official's confession to having sex with a Washington Post reporter in his office as part of
a 2013 lawsuit seemingly went completely unnoticed in the media. Thomas Reed, director at the FCC's Office for
Communications Business Opportunities (OCBD), has since gone on working in the same position, unpunished and drawing his
lucrative six-figure salary. In early 2013, FCC employee Sharon K. Stewart sued the FCC in federal court, claiming she
was the victim of a hostile work environment at OCBD, an FCC division that advises commissioners on "issues, rulemakings, and
policies affecting small, women, and minority-owned communications businesses."
Real Story Behind The FCC Sex Scandal. Though a lawsuit's revelation that Thomas Reed, the director of the
FCC's Office for Communications Business Opportunities, had sex with a Washington Post reporter in his office is salacious,
that's not what should get Congress's attention. The far more serious revelation involves the FCC's official legal
response to a female employee's allegation that she was subjected to a hostile work environment due to management inaction
when a male coworker repeatedly invited other male coworkers to watch porn with him in the cubicle adjacent to hers, from
which she would "hear groans — mmm, mmm, ahh — in response to the pornography viewings," while having
one "stand guard looking for her."
Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times. A key operative in a Democratic
scheme to send agitators to cause unrest at Donald Trump's rallies has visited the White House 342 times since 2009, White
House records show. Robert Creamer, who acted as a middle man between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National
Committee and "protesters" who tried — and succeeded — to provoke violence at Trump rallies met with
President Obama 47 times, according to White House records. Creamer's last visit was in June 2016.
Cruz Demands Investigation After Obama Met With Man Who Admitted He Rigged Elections. President Barack Obama
has had a total of 45 meetings with a man named Robert Creamer. For those who don't know who Creamer is, he has a very
rich history of voter fraud as well as bank fraud. [...] Knowing this man's history, what business does Obama have with him, let
alone that needs to be discussed over 45 meetings? Ted Cruz wants to know this as well, which is why he called for a
criminal investigation into the matter and managed to get a shot at Hillary in, to my amusement.
files reveal State Dept. pressure to protect Clinton over secret email server. One of Hillary Clinton's top deputies at the
State Department tried to "pressure the FBI" to hush up some of former Secretary Hillary Clinton's classified emails, two FBI employees
told investigators in files released Monday [10/17/2016]. Patrick Kennedy, the undersecretary for management, considered a "quid pro
quo" where he would let more FBI agents into Iraq in exchange for the FBI erasing an earlier judgment that had deemed some of the Clinton
email messages secret, according to investigative notes of interviews agents had with the two employees.
Why Did Vote-Rigging Robert
Creamer Visit The White House Over 200 Times During The Obama Admin. Earlier today [10/19/2016] we wrote about
a new Project Veritas undercover video that uncovered several democratic operatives openly discussing, in explicit detail,
how to commit massive voter fraud. One of the operatives was a person by the name of Robert Creamer who is a co-founder
of a democratic consulting firm called Democracy Partners. Within the video, an undercover journalist details a plan to
register Hispanic voters illegally by having them work as contractors, to which Creamer can be heard offering support saying
that "there are a couple of organizations that that's their big trick"
surround Clinton's gatekeeper at State. Republicans aren't surprised at all that Undersecretary of State
Patrick Kennedy is in the middle of the latest Hillary Clinton email scandal, since Kennedy has been in the GOP crosshairs
for the last four years for other Clinton controversies. FBI notes released Monday [10/17/2016] indicated that Kennedy
offered a trade with the FBI in order to downgrade a classified email from Clinton's private server. But Republicans
pointed out Tuesday that Kennedy was involved in two earlier scandals.
Criminality in Washington. Recent revealed emails within that broad criminal conspiracy known as leftism show
just how utterly dependent those sock puppets like Obama and Hillary are upon the nefarious intertwined collusion of the
leftist media, the agencies of the Executive Branch, the Clinton campaign, and the DNC. The depth of this criminal
conspiracy, as these latest emails show, is stunning. Consider the network news programs that gave Hillary the
questions days before she was asked in a presumably spontaneous interview. Giant corporations are not supposed to give
free campaign resources to candidates. That violates federal election laws unless the economic value of these actions
are reported as corporate contributions to the Clinton campaign, which, of course, these are not.
Department decides to pass on prosecuting EPA officials over Gold King spill. You probably remember the
disastrous spill at the Gold King mine in Colorado which was caused by EPA inspectors getting a bit too loose with their
drilling equipment. The resulting outpouring of contaminated water affected people in multiple states, particularly
some Native American tribes who are still pursuing legal remedies though the courts. In case you were wondering if
anyone would be held accountable, the Inspector General's office at the EPA did conduct a full investigation to see if there
was any criminal culpability and it recently drew to a close. They turned the case over to the U.S. Attorney's Office
but... surprise, surprise, surprise. That office of the Justice Department has decided not to
pursue it.
Obama Spent BILLIONS Of Taxpayer Dollars Trying To Convince You He's Smart. It has been eight years of the most
ego-driven presidency in the history of the Republic. And if the devil is to be found in the details, those details
have now revealed the extent of Barack Obama's yearning to convince others of his own magnificence — an endeavor
he spent a half-BILLION dollars per year of taxpayer dollars on. And beyond that direct $500 million per year federal
employee public relations army, is another ONE BILLION dollars the administration is utilizing for outside the administration
PR firms to spin his policies in a favorable light. That is a one billion dollar advertising campaign to combat reports
on administration-related scandals, the still-tepid economy, unemployment, the rise of ISIS, etc. In short, it is the
pay-to-play scheme that Team Obama has utilized to control the Mainstream Media.
Department-Funded Nonprofit That John Kerry Had 'No Role' In Was Founded In His Home. A nonprofit created in
Secretary of State John Kerry's upscale Boston home and managed by his daughter Vanessa Kerry has received more than
$9 million from the Department of State, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has found. Seed Global
Health was founded at 19 Louisburg Sq in Boston's Beacon Hill, tax forms indicate.
Nap on FBI Email Probe: Obama Decided He Needed to 'Save Hillary'. Cheryl Mills, a top aide to Hillary
Clinton who also acts as her lawyer, received an immunity deal from the Department of Justice and was also allowed to sit in
on the FBI's interview with Clinton. At a House hearing Wednesday [9/28/2016], Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told FBI Director
James Comey that he doesn't understand how the FBI could hand out five immunity deals with no prosecutions and also allow Mills, a
potential target of the investigation, to sit in on the interview with Clinton. "That is not the FBI I used to work with,"
said Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor.
Director Comey Took Millions From Clinton Foundation Defense Contractor. Is anyone surprised by this
corruption? When FBI Director James Comey said that the organization would not be seeking to bring charges against
Hillary Clinton over her illegal email server, anyone paying attention knew there was a deep level of corruption. Now,
it's been made clear. James Comey received millions of dollars from the corrupt Clinton Foundation, and his brother's
law firm also does the Clinton's taxes.
Sporting Event Where Only One Team Obeys the Rules. After eight years of the most blatant and obvious
corruption, we watch current events as if we have a splinter in our eye. An entire political party is so morally
bankrupt that it no longer feels any need to hold its members to any rules at all. [...] The IRS commissioner still uses the
IRS to target conservatives. The Obama administration is literally turning illegal aliens into citizens to unlawfully
alter the outcome of the upcoming election, as Democrats have always done. They are rewarding criminals with early
release from prison and restored voting rights simply to tip the scales. They are flooding our country with Muslim
Syrians, whose culture is antithetical to ours, knowing the inevitable outcome will be an eventual conflict between those who
believe in forcefully imposing Islamic theocracy and those few who still know and believe in the American Constitution.
They are making secret alliances with our enemies, or merely surrendering to them out of abject cowardice or belief in common
principles. They protect terrorists, who are the ultimate rule-breakers, while demonizing Americans, who cannot figure
out what they may have done wrong, having done nothing but exist.
Donor Pulled in $270M in Government Contracts Under Obama. The company of a prominent Democratic donor has
pulled in more than $270 million worth of government contracts under President Barack Obama. Checchi and Company
Consulting, Inc., a D.C.-based consulting company that "provides technical assistance, training, and management services to
promote social and economic development" in developing and transitional nations, boasts of having managed hundreds of
long-term bilateral project implementation contracts in addition to numerous short-term projects. Cheechi's clients
have included U.S. government agencies along with international entities such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and
African Development Bank. The company has secured 180 federal government contracts totaling $270 million in
compensation under the Obama administration, according to USA Spending.
Admin 'Laundered' U.S. Cash to Iran Via N.Y. Fed, Euro Banks. A member of the House Intelligence Committee is
accusing the Obama administration of laundering some $1.7 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Iran through a complicated
network that included the New York Federal Reserve and several European banks, according to conversations with sources and
new information obtained by the lawmaker and viewed by the Washington Free Beacon. New disclosures made by the
Treasury Department to Rep. Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.), a House Intelligence Committee member, show that an initial $400 million
cash payment to Iran was wired to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) and then converted from U.S. dollars into Swiss
francs and moved to an account at the Swiss National Bank, according to a copy of communication obtained exclusively by the
Free Beacon.
the Plug on America. When the president, the attorney general, the director of the FBI, et al. have conspired
to not merely shield a crook from prosecution, but elect her to the highest office in the land, they resemble mobsters who
use bribes, threats, and murder to expand their criminal syndicate. What the Founding Fathers put together is now on
life support, and the grasping fingers of criminal collusion and left-wing dogma are about to pull the plug.
Obama's legacy could be tarnished by Hillary's scandals. How is it that Obama has not been connected to or
tarnished by Clinton's various scandals? Why doesn't Obama bear any blame for his Justice Department's controversial
decision not to indict his former Secretary of State? Was Obama blind to the millions of foreign government donations
pouring into the Clinton Foundation that violated the ethics agreement Clinton signed upon agreeing to serve as his secretary
of state? Why isn't Obama a central figure in all the email and foundation scandals when President Obama was Clinton's
direct supervisor in the most important cabinet seat?
Kerry's State Department Funneled Millions To His Daughter's Nonprofit. More than $9 million of Department of
State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry's
daughter, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show. The Department of State funded a Peace Corps program
created by Dr. Vanessa Kerry and officials from both agencies, records show. The Peace Corps then awarded the money
without competition to a nonprofit Kerry created for the program.
Comey Should Resign Now for the Good of the Country. If were I an FBI agent, I would despise James Comey. He has humiliated the
FBI and all its employees. The institution will never be the same, at least not for decades to come. The FBI is no longer an instrument
of justice. It is the reverse. It is an obfuscater of justice and an enabler of the rich and powerful. [...] If he doesn't resign, I
predict he will soon have a full-scale mutiny on his hands from within the ranks of the FBI. Rumors have already surfaced. That
humiliation, institutionally and personally, is too great for honorable men and women to take. And there are many honorable men and women
in the ranks of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Official Who Led 'Independent' Clinton Email Probe Is An Obama Donor. One of the Justice Department officials
who interviewed Hillary Clinton in July as part of the government's investigation into her email practices has contributed to
President Obama's presidential campaigns, The Daily Caller can reveal. David H. Laufman is named in the notes taken
during Clinton's July 2 interview. Since December 2014 he has served as chief of the counterespionage section of the
Justice Department's National Security Division. [...] But Federal Election Commission records show that Laufman has at least
some political leanings.
FBI Found Clinton's Smoking Gun, Threw It Away, and Told Us on Labor Day Weekend. It's Labor Day weekend, and
I'm doing exactly what the FBI, the mainstream media, and Hillary Clinton expect me to be doing today. Nothing.
Maybe some football. Not reading through the FBI's notes on the Clinton investigation. In this, their scheme
worked. Dump the data when America is completely disconnected and distracted, knowing that sometime in the next 48 hours
Donald Trump will save Clinton by doing or saying something to make a headline. The country will move on by Tuesday.

Impeach James Comey. For the sake of the nation, to
preserve the Rule of Law, the corrupt crony-protecting cover-up apparatchik James Comey must be impeached. Even if he cannot be
removed from office, his reputation should be blackened forever with an impeachment from the House. [...] America will not survive
Congress' failure to punish such an obviously corrupt individual for failing in his most basic and most important function — patrolling
govermnent [sic] officials for corruption and safeguarding America's secrets. The FBI is, after all, the nation's counter-intelligence
service, the service charged (more than any other) with protecting American secrets from foreign pilferage. If he gives a Secretary
of State license to flout the law for her own self-serving interests of keeping her emails about her Foundation, speaking gigs, and other
sundry forms of bribery from a public with the right to specifically know such things, then he is unfit to hold any position of trust in
the American government, and completely unfit to lead the FBI.
Gowdy Got The IRS To ADMIT That They Have NO IDEA What They're Doing. A while back, the IRS, on order from the
Obama Administration, was unfairly targeting and auditing conservative groups that didn't mesh with Obama's liberal
narrative. When pressed on the issue, the IRS commissioner, in a Congressional hearing, said that he denied any
wrongdoing, because of course he did. I'm willing to bet that he expected to walk out of that hearing with his head
held high and everyone else with their tail between their legs. And then he spoke to Trey Gowdy and got burned so badly
that he's gonna need medicated ointment for the next month. Gowdy get the IRS commissioner to admit, in front of the
American people, that he had no idea what "wrongdoing" even meant, since he had no working knowledge of the law. He
also admitted that the claims made by the Obama Administration were untrue, and likely made up to save face politically.
Of Millions In 'Consumer Relief' Funds Going To Liberal Activists. The Obama administration has quietly
funneled millions (and potentially billions) of dollars to leftist organizations and politicians that promote liberal
policies and win political elections at the entry-level of government, according to the Wall Street Journal.
strategy on Clinton scandal: Play dumb. The Obama administration said Wednesday [8/25/2016] that it didn't know too
much and didn't care to look into the latest scandal to hit Hillary Clinton's campaign: the release of documents that appear to show she
gave several donors to the Clinton Foundation special access to the State Department when she ran it. Several questions were asked
about whether there were fears at the White House or State Department that Clinton operated a "pay-to-play" system, or whether it even
looked bad enough to warrant further investigation. But at each turn, officials said they simply didn't know enough about it to
comment, and indicated they wouldn't be doing much to look into it further.
Cashes In At Fundraiser Hosted By Former EPA Chief Who Used A Secret Email Account. Former Environmental
Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson co-hosted a fundraiser for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Wednesday
[8/24/2016] — an ironic twist since Jackson left the Obama administration amid a major email scandal. Jackson
co-hosted the Clinton fundraiser with Apple CEO Tim Cook in the San Francisco Bay area, and tickets for the event reportedly
cost between $2,700 and $50,000. Jackson currently serves as Apple's environmental director, and is also on the board of the
Clinton Foundation. Jackson took the Apple job after leaving the EPA amid a scandal involving her use of a secret email
account. For years, Jackson used an email account under the alias "Richard Windsor" in what critics called an effort to
sidestep transparency laws. Jackson's emails were on a government server, but the former administrator used her alias
account to conduct official business and communicate with environmental activists.
The renewable fuel
standard 'set up for fraud'. America's rush to renewables has invited corruption and fraud. Researcher
Christine Lakatos and I, together, have produced the single largest body of work on green-energy crony-corruption. Our
years of collaboration have revealed that those with special access and influence have cashed in on the various green-energy
programs and benefitted from the mandates, rules, and regulations that accompany the huge scheme. Dozens of the
projects, including biofuel, which required the unwitting investment of taxpayer dollars have failed — leaving
employees without jobs, buildings without tenants, taxpayers without repayment, and cronies without pain (even snatching
hefty bonuses on the way down). Most people know about Solyndra, the first bankruptcy, and some may know about Abengoa, the
biggest bankruptcy, but there are many more. These big projects allowed the politically connected to bilk taxpayers of
billions and is the definition of corruption. But, there's fraud in renewable energy, too — and, while it
doesn't hit us as hard as taxpayers, it does cost us as consumers.
administration provides Clinton's first line of defense amid scandals. Just as stunning as the unending stream
of reports of scandal and subterfuge that has come to define Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state is the Obama
administration's tireless effort to keep a lid on it. Whether it's the Justice Department taking a pass when afforded
the opportunity to investigate or the State Department steadfastly defending every controversy, President Obama's
administration has emerged as a first line of defense for the woman who would carry on his legacy. The kid-glove
treatment of Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, has helped shield her from bad headlines as Republican
nominee Donald Trump has been battered by the news media over his remarks on the stump and rants on Twitter.
Cornyn asks Loretta Lynch about DOJ declining to investigate Clinton Foundation. Sen. John Cornyn, Texas
Republican, on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking questions about a report saying the Justice
Department turned down requests to investigate the Clinton Foundation for possible wrongdoing while Hillary Clinton was
secretary of state. "As the press have reported widely and emails released over the past few days confirmed, representatives
of the Foundation repeatedly sought special treatment for its donors and associates from senior officials at the State
Department," Mr. Cornyn, the U.S. Senate's No.2-ranking Republican, wrote to Ms. Lynch.
The Coming
Election Fraud. Obama has co-opted every federal agency tasked with providing honest oversight of the election
process. From the Federal Election Commission to the FBI and ultimately the Justice Department itself, the Clintons and
the Democrats know that there will be no negative consequences to any and all law breaking that they undertake to steal the
election. Voter intimidation by gangs of Clinton thugs will be given the response that the situation will be
"investigated." In modern day Government usage "investigation" is simply a euphemism for "we intend to do nothing."
Release of e-mails proving the corruption and collusion of the Democratic National Committee with the Clinton campaign are
simply ignored by the Media and the watch dog agencies of the Government. [...] It is now up to the Republican governors,
especially, to plan for the onslaught of illegal election activities in their States.
Alphabet Soup Corruption. [Scroll down]
Given a largely obsequious media, it will take years to assess the full legacy of the Obama administration. But, eventually, historians will
find that it marked one of the more politically driven, corrupt, and unconstitutional eras in the history of American governance.
familiar? Obama's HUD secretary won't be punished for breaking the law. [R]emember, fellow peasants, "I
didn't intend to break that law" is only an acceptable defense when used by our intellectual, moral and ethical betters in
positions of power.
investigators: Cabinet secretary and potential Clinton running mate Julian Castro violated Hatch Act. The
telegenic young Cabinet secretary has been mentioned for months as a prospect to be Clinton's running mate. He was
among the first candidates to go through the formal process of vetting by the campaign. A report from the Office of
Special Counsel delivered a mild rebuke to Castro for his handling of the April interview with Yahoo News. The seal of
the Housing and Urban Development department was visible behind Castro as he answered questions from host Katie Couric about
his support for Clinton, including his chances as running mate.
Castro, potential Clinton running mate, slips up. This is not great timing for Julian Castro, who is on Hillary
Clinton's short list of potential running mates. The charismatic political rising star serving as President Barack
Obama's secretary of Housing and Urban Development has gotten himself into trouble for mixing politics with his government
job. An investigation by the Office of Special Counsel found Castro recently violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits
such co-mingling.
won't punish HUD chief. Castro for giving partisan interview
move to impeach IRS chief. Conservative House Republicans on Wednesday [7/13/2016] introduced a resolution to impeach Internal
Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen, something they hope can get a vote this week before Congress leaves for an extended summer
break. The resolution was introduced by Reps. John Fleming, R-La., and Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., a move that was welcomed by
Freedom Caucus Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio. "I thank my colleagues John Fleming and Tim Huelskamp for their resolution to impeach IRS
Commissioner John Koskinen," he said. "Mr. Koskinen has failed the American people through gross negligence, dereliction of duty,
and violating the public trust."
Freedom Caucus Members Introduce Resolution To Impeach IRS Commissioner. House Freedom Caucus (HFC) members
Reps. John Fleming of Louisiana and Tim Huelskamp of Kansas introduced a resolution to impeach IRS Commissioner John
Koskinen Wednesday [7/13/2016]. Republicans have been pushing for Koskinen's impeachment, alleging he misled Congress
and violated a subpoena related to the IRS targeting conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status. "He deliberately
kept Congress and the American people in the dark, making materially false statements under oath," Fleming said in a statement.
"Koskinen needs to be held accountable and in this case that means impeachment. We can no longer wait."
The Obama
Regime's Criminal Syndicate. In short, the DOJ, leveraging the settlement process under threat of prosecution,
has bypassed Congress and the Courts to secure settlement agreements to provide consumer relief funds to third-party radical
leftist groups. Moreover, the DOJ has used a portion of the funds agreed to under the settlements to finance the
administrations housing policy goals as the DOJ inserted its own spending priorities to pick certain groups, such as La Raza,
to receive funds without any requirement that the funds be disbursed to aggrieved homeowners. Officials within the DOJ
have also effectively skimmed off three percent from mortgage-related bank settlements and thus have been able to create a
$500 million dollar slush fund allowing them to spend the money in whichever way they best see fit. Like a criminal
syndicate, the Obama administration shakes down banks, funds radical leftist organizations and makes themselves wealthy all
the while using the power of the federal government under the guise of the DOJ acting with false pretenses to the law with
purely political motivations.
Hillary's FBI
interview. It now appears that those in charge of the justice system have decided to allow guilt or innocence
to be decided by the vagaries of the election process for selected powerful people. [...] People continue to attempt to place
James Comey in a positive light, but the bottom line is that he is as corrupt as all the other agency heads in the Obama
government. [...] Comey's complicity in this abuse of power and his contempt for the oath he swore to uphold the Constitution
is exemplified by his staging of the charade called the Hillary Clinton FBI interview.
Most Frightening Political Fix. We knew they could fix the Department of Justice; we suspected they could fix
the FBI. What we didn't know was that the fixes would be this transparent: the secret meeting with a chief culprit
and the DOJ head; the next day announcement by Justice that the Clinton bribery investigations would be postponed until well
after the election; the suspiciously brief FBI interrogation of the former Secretary of State who during her entire tenure
had recklessly breached national security protocols, deleted 30,000 emails; burned her government schedules; put top secret
information onto a hackable server in violation of federal law; and topping it all the failure of the FBI director after
enumerating her reckless acts to recommend a prosecution — all within a single week, and just in time for the Democrats'
nominating convention. It was, all in all, the most breathtaking fix in American history.
Emails Reveal How Clinton Foundation Donor Bought Seat As Hillary's Nuclear Weapons Advisor. Forget Hillary's
personal email server: this is what true cronyism and criminal corruption looks like, and this is the biggest threat from a
Hillary presidency. It has been widely speculated, if not proven, that donors to the Clinton Foundation who over the
years have transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to the "charitable organization", bought political favors with the
Clintons in exchange for their generosity. That has now been confirmed thanks to a stunning ABC report which reveals
how a major foundation donor — one who previously had practically no experience on intellgience matters — mysteriously ended
up as a nuclear weapons advisor to Hillary during her tenure as Secretary of State. Worse, the person in question Rajiv K.
Fernando, had been the head of a high frequency trading company, Chopper Trading (recently acquired by HFT powerhouse DRW), which may
explain the unprecedented pull of the HFT lobby throughout all ranks of the US political apparatus. In other words, Fernando
bought a seat to not only have advance knowledge of all US foreign policy, but to directly shape it, something he could then parlay
in the forms of massive policy frontrunning profits thanks to his trading company.
Email Scandal: Stock
Trader Bought Role as Hillary's Nuclear Weapons Advisor. Several revelations from the newest release of a batch
of Hillary Clinton's emails show both astonishing cronyism and lackadaisical indiscretion with national security.
Confirming longstanding allegations the ubiquitous Clinton Foundation serves as a front for political and domestic and
foreign policy favors, ABC News reported that a wealthy Foundation donor — with zero prior experience in matters
of intelligence — inexplicably received an appointment to serve as a nuclear weapons advisor to Hillary during her
tenure as secretary of state. Rajiv K. Fernando's experience to land this crucial position included fundraising for a
plethora of Democratic politicians and for the Clinton Foundation, as well as heading a powerful trading company —
but nothing concerning intelligence, much less nuclear weapons and strategy. However, according to ABC News:
"Fernando's history of campaign giving dated back to at least 2003 and was prolific — and almost exclusively to
Democrats. He was an earlier supporter of Hillary Clinton's 2008 bid for president, giving maximum contributions to her
campaign, and to HillPAC, in 2007 and 2008. He also served as a fundraising bundler for Clinton, gathering more than
$100,000 from others for her White House bid."
Ready Bill to Stop DOJ From Bankrolling Liberal Groups. The Senate may take steps to end a Justice Department
slush fund that has channeled millions of dollars in banking settlements to outside organizations, including left-wing groups
such as La Raza and NeighborWorks America. Four Republican senators — James Lankford of Oklahoma, Ted Cruz
of Texas, and Utah's Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee — said they would introduce legislation Friday [6/10/2016] to prohibit federal
settlement agreements that require donations to third parties. The Justice Department currently allows corporations found
guilty of wrongdoing to pay a portion of their financial penalty as a donation to certain preapproved nonprofit groups.
Endorses Hillary, Immediately Meets With Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Shortly after the endorsement was
made, President Obama met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch this afternoon in the Oval Office. The meeting was closed
to the press. Lynch, of course, will ultimately make the decision as to whether Clinton will be prosecuted should the
FBI issue an indictment surrounding her use of a private email server to store and transfer top secret, classified information.
In order for Clinton to carry Obama's torch, she has to stay out of prison. In order to do that, she has to avoid
prosecution. I'm sure Obama made that very clear to his somewhat new Attorney General.
Ordered to Create Off-Duty Conduct Policy after Secret Service Scandals. Following shameful debacles involving
Secret Service agents getting drunk and hiring prostitutes during foreign travel details a federal audit is recommending that
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) develop a policy for off-duty conduct abroad. The Secret Service inspired the
probe but many other DHS agencies — including Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Coast Guard and Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) — also have a substantial number of employees that travel and work in other
countries. Apparently, the belief is that specific rules banning drunken sex scandals could help avoid more public
embarrassments, though it's difficult to imagine that members of an elite law enforcement agency don't already know this.
blocks his own order sending Obama lawyers to ethics class. Justice Department lawyers and illegal immigrants
won a temporary reprieve Tuesday after Judge Andrew S. Hanen blocked his own order sending the lawyers back to remedial
ethics classes, and ordering the government to turn over information on tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who were
erroneously granted a three-year deportation amnesty. Judge Hanen said he'll hear new arguments in August, and until
then he issued a stay. He also gave the Justice Department a chance to suggest its own punishment for having repeatedly
misled the federal court.
IG: EPA Still Blocking.
The Environmental Protection Agency is still blocking its inspector general from investigating wrongdoing at the agency, according to
the government watchdog's semi-annual report to Congress. More than a year after coming under scrutiny for stonewalling an
investigation into a senior official accused of sexually harassing over a dozen women, the EPA is still not being cooperative with
the inspector general. "In the previous Semiannual Report to Congress, we reported theoretical progress with regard to the
longstanding denial of access for the [Office of Inspector General] OIG by the EPA's Office of Homeland Security (OHS) to information
sought by the OIG," the report said. "After considerable delay, OHS provided some documents to the OIG but continued to deny
access to others."
admits it's still violating judge's order on immigration amnesty. Homeland Security has discovered more
three-year amnesty applications it approved in defiance of a federal judge's firm injunction, lawyers told the court late
Wednesday — less than a week after the judge delivered a vicious spanking to the administration for repeatedly
bungling the case. Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said as they were preparing
for their latest update to the court, they discovered three more three-year amnesties they had sent out, after Judge Andrew
Hanen had ordered them not to.
Conducts Two Secret Meetings A Year To Decide How To Dole Out Billions In Slush Fund Money. Congress
appropriates about $1 billion annually for EPA's Superfund program, and the agency has accumulated nearly $6.8 billion
in more than 1,300 slush fund-like accounts since 1990. Two committees consisting entirely of EPA officials meet behind
closed doors twice annually to decide how the agency spends those funds on highly polluted — and often
dangerous — Superfund sites. All reports to and from the groups, as well as the minutes of their meetings
and all other details, are kept behind closed doors.
the Department of Justice. The Obama Justice Department has revealed its final descent into naked politics and
totalitarian bullying. Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton, two transparently guilty criminals whose crimes are compounded
by the fact that both are also lawyers, will face no indictments and no prosecution. The corrupt bosses of the Veterans
Administration likewise face no sanction at all despite the manifest criminality of their actions. Lying under oath to
Congress, failing to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests, conspiring to obstruct justice, and many other clear
wrongdoings permeate almost every single crevice of the Obama administration, and yet no one who matters has faced any
trouble from the Department of Justice. This is not because the Department of Justice is quiet and subdued. The
attorney general refers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution of those who question the leftist orthodoxy of man-made
global warming and moves almost instantly to litigate the actions of states protecting children in school restrooms.
Incompetent Failures in the Obama Administration. [#6] Attorney General Eric Holder's list of dishonors is long and impressive:
being censured by the House of Representatives, withholding subpoenaed documents, lying about a failed gun-walking caper in Mexico (also known as
"Fast and Furious"), and most importantly failing to enforce the law (his constitutional duty) on everything from immigration to Obamacare.
Oh, and Holder illegally billed the government for his private use of a federal Gulfstream jet, snooped on Associated Press reporters, gave
exemptions to "unbiased" IRS officials, and made extensive use of the race card. He also used not one, not two, but three email
aliases to avoid public scrutiny.
Closing in? Obama crony
faces impeachment. A powerful House committee has moved to impeach the head of the Internal Revenue Service,
saying he violated the public trust and illegally targeted conservative groups. After two years of investigation into
the IRS, Republicans have finally had enough. On Friday [5/13/2016], the Judiciary Committee announced two hearings on
impeachment of IRS commissioner John Koskinen, an appointee of President Barack Obama.
that donated tens of thousands to Hillary certain to treat her crimes with the utmost of objectivity. In what
appears to be a super-sized potential conflict of interest, Clinton, a pathological, self-serving liar who doesn't mind if
Americans die to further her political ambitions, has accepted almost $75,000 in campaign contributions in the current
election cycle from employees at the Justice Department, the cabinet bureau that will eventually decide whether to prosecute
the Benghazi bungler for her use of a hacker-friendly home-brew email server while top U.S. diplomat. The server is at
the heart of the scandal over Clinton's mishandling of an Islamic terrorist attack in militant-infested Benghazi, Libya on
the 11th anniversary of 9/11 that left four Americans, including U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens, dead. Even now, almost
four years after the assault, the Obama administration has failed to provide an autopsy report about Stevens who was
initially reported to have been ritualistically sodomized before being murdered by Muslim terrorists.
EPA Stashes Billions In Slush Fund-Like Accounts. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have
accumulated at least $6.3 billion in more than 1,300 obscure spending accounts akin to slush funds that are essentially
beyond congressional, media and public scrutiny. The accounts — which were created through EPA's Superfund
program — are not technically secret because the agency officially acknowledges their existence. But getting
concrete details about deposits and expenditures is extremely difficult. The EPA deposited more than $6.3 billion into
an estimated 1,308 special accounts between 1990 and 2015, according to the agency's website, and has spent more than half of
the total. The agency doesn't publicly report individual special account balances or expenses.
IRS workers steal taxpayer data to plunder the Treasury. The Treasury Department's Inspector General for Tax
Administration said this week that three current and former IRS employees have been caught trying to steal money as taxpayers
try to pay off their tax debts. In one case, former Missouri IRS employee Demetria Brown was sentenced in February
after pleading guilty to wire fraud and identity theft. Her scheme was to obtain people's personal information, like
Social Security Numbers and dates of birth, to file fraudulent federal and state tax returns.
Giving Tax Credits to Illegals Who've Engaged in Identity Theft. In a typical year, April 15 is Tax Day when
hard-working Americans cede over an enormous amount of their income to the federal government so they can redistribute it to
all sorts of special interests and protected classes, including illegal aliens. You heard that right. The IRS has
admitted to knowingly granting refundable tax credits, which work as back door welfare payments, to illegal aliens who break
the law and steal Social Security numbers to obtain employment and file their taxes. During a meeting of the Senate
Finance Committee, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen admitted to Sen. Dan Coats (R-IN) that illegal aliens were stealing
Social Security numbers and using them to receive refundable tax credits through their annual returns. Worse, he felt
it was a good thing they were filing and didn't seem committed to stopping it.
confirm Eric Holder's role in Fast and Furious cover-up. "Fast and Furious" is back in the news. The
reason? In January, Judge Amy Berman, an Obama appointee, ordered the Department of Justice to produce documents
relating to the "gun walking" scandal that Congress had been seeking for four years. DOJ finally produced them, some
20,000 pages worth, this month. [...] Having reviewed these documents, Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform, has released a memo summarizing what they show. [...] Holder and his subordinates:
1. Presumed that allegations about gunwalking in Arizona were false and refused to adjust when documents and
evidence showed otherwise.
2. Politicized decisions about how and whether to comply with the congressional
3. Devised strategies to redact or otherwise withhold relevant information from Congress and
the public.
4. Isolated the fallout from the Fast and Furious scandal to ATF leadership and the U.S.
Attorney's Office in Arizona.
5. Created a culture of animosity towards congressional oversight.
judge calls IRS untrustworthy in tea party case. A federal judge said the IRS isn't to be trusted as he and his
colleagues tried Thursday [4/14/2016] to figure out whether the tax agency is still targeting tea party groups for intrusive and illegal
scrutiny. Judge David B. Sentelle of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said there is strong evidence that
the IRS violated the constitutional rights of the groups when it delayed their nonprofit status applications and asked inappropriate
questions about their political beliefs. The agency's insistence that it has retrained employees and instructed managers to behave
better did not mollify the judges, who said past IRS behavior doesn't lend itself to the benefit of the doubt.
says it's OK for illegal aliens to use fraudulent Social Security numbers. There is no longer the rule of law
in America, and government is the worst offender. The Obama administration has become a lawless administration.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under the Obama administration targeted conservatives and Christians for special scrutiny
and even plotted to imprison conservatives. Even when it was discovered, IRS officials like Lois Lerner were not held
accountable, which means the IRS can violate the rights of conservatives and Christians with impunity. The latest case
in point: Earlier today, the Gollum-like IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told a Congressional hearing that the IRS
doesn't have a problem with illegal immigrants using fraudulent Social Security numbers to file their taxes, because they're
doing that for "a legitimate reason". By "legitimate reason," Koskinen means tax revenue.
Balance claims Obama administration promised shoe contract for silence on TPP. New Balance, a Boston company
that makes athletic shoes, says someone from the Obama administration promised to help get the company a substantial military
contract in exchange for the company ending its vocal opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.
Despite the promise, no order for shoes was ever placed by the Pentagon, so now the company is renewing its opposition to TPP.
Shoe Company: Obama Admin Pressured Us
to Stay Quiet on TPP. The Boston Globe is reporting that U.S.-based shoe manufacturer New Balance has
come out hard against the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal. The odd thing, though, is that "the Boston company had
gone quiet [on TPP] last year. Now, apparently, we know why: [...]
Chief's Resume: Lying to Congress, encouraging illegal aliens to steal SSNs to use to file taxes.
Remember how the bumbling, idiotic, corrupt, feckless, toad-like losers in Republican leadership followed through with their
threats to impeach IRS chief John Koskinen for lying to Congress? Me neither. [...] Yes, the disgusting, pathetic,
nefarious, amoral miscreants who pretend to be our "leaders" in Congress have done absolutely nothing to deal with
Koskinen's high crimes and misdemeanors, even though legal experts have stated that it would be "utterly irresponsible" not
to impeach him.
host White House dinner Saturday for Obama Foundation. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle on Saturday evening
[4/2/2016] hosted their first White House event for supporters of the Obama Presidential Foundation — though the dinner was not
a fundraiser. "The President and First Lady are having a private dinner tonight with friends and longtime supporters, many of whom
are assisting the outside work of the Foundation as it gets up and running," said Principal Deputy White House Press Secretary Eric Schultz
in an email.
says he's not 'ashamed' of his presidency. As he looks back at his presidency in his final year, President Obama said
Wednesday [3/23/2016] he has nothing to be "ashamed" of. "I feel pretty good about the fact that I can look back and say that
I operated with honesty and integrity and don't feel as if I said things I didn't believe, or acted in ways that would make me
ashamed," Mr. Obama told reporters in Argentina. "That, I think, counts for something."
indicates DOJ not required to charge Clinton. Attorney General Loretta Lynch indicated Wednesday [3/9/2016] that the law
doesn't require the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email system, even if
the FBI recommends criminal charges. Lynch was asked in a hearing by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, what her department would do if the
FBI were to recommend that step. "If the FBI were to make a referral to the Department of Justice to pursue a case by way of
indictment and to convene a grand jury for that purpose, the Department of Justice is not required by law to do so, are they — are
you?" Cornyn asked.
Fund': Senator Slams State Dept. for $500M Payment to Green Climate Fund. Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) on
Tuesday [3/8/2016] slammed the administration's handover of $500 million to the U.N. Green Climate Fund, asking a State
Department official how the "handout to foreign bureaucrats" could be justified at a time when there were "real problems"
that need to be addressed at home. Barrasso told Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Heather Higginbottom he
viewed the payment to the "new international climate change slush fund" — the first installment of a $3 billion
pledge — as both a misuse of taxpayer dollars and a violation of legislation that prohibits federal agencies from
spending federal funds in advance or in excess of an appropriation. "It appears to be latest example of the administration
going around Congress because the American people don't really support what the president is doing with this initiative," he said.
yourself for the greatest prosecutorial discretion event in history. As Barack Obama finishes his final year,
his attorney general, in all likelihood, will execute the greatest instance of prosecutorial discretion in the history or our
nation. [... The case of Lois] Lerner is just the beginning. The IRS dismissal, large enough on its own scale and
importance, will be but a side event in this attorney general's career. For the longer the Hillary email "scandal" plays
out, the more protracted the discovery and analysis by the FBI, and the deeper into the campaigning and nomination process we
go, the less likely any indictment of Ms. Clinton. It will likely involve a discretionary event by Loretta Lynch.
The more Hillary becomes the likely nominee, the greater the political aspects of the FBI's work. To now dethrone the
Democrat nominee with an indictment is much more difficult than if it had been done after the Iowa caucus. And the closer
we get to the convention, the more distasteful and difficult any action against Hillary.
5 Reasons to Impeach IRS Chief John "One Step Shy of Perjury" Koskinen. Taxpayers deserve a transparent, accountable
government, starting with Commissioner John Koskinen's complacency in uncovering the truth in the Lois Lerner conservative
targeting scandal. The agency has continually displayed extraordinary lack of responsibility. Koskinen has also proven
to be incapable of correctly handling taxpayer dollars, protecting them from identity theft, fraud, and even lied to the American
people and Congress. Clearly, the agency is in desperate need of reform and new leadership.
Emails: Appoint A Special Counsel, Guarantee A Speedy Trial. The investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email account is taking on the
look of a political stonewall. It's time for an independent counsel to ensure that justice isn't delayed past the next election. The Hill
reported Monday [2/8/2016] that pressure on Attorney General Loretta Lynch to appoint an outside solicitor in the Clinton email scandal is starting to build
as "top Republicans are calling for a special prosecutor to be brought in and evaluate the situation." As one GOP congressman pointed out, the unique
circumstances of this case require an exceptional response.
Growing Conflict of Interest in the Clinton E-Mail Scandal. [Scroll down] So egregious have the scandal's
latest developments been that a critical State Department admission from last week has received almost no coverage: Eighteen
e-mails between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama have been identified, and the government is refusing to disclose them. [...]
Think about what this means. Not only is it obvious that President Obama knew Mrs. Clinton was conducting government
business over her private e-mail account, the exchanges the president engaged in with his secretary of state over this
unsecured system clearly involved sensitive issues of policy. Clinton was being asked for "advice and counsel" —
not about her recommendations for the best country clubs in Martha's Vineyard, but about matters that the White House judges
too sensitive to reveal.
Inspector General: Powerful Democrat Women Standing in the way of Hillary Indictment. Former Inspector General
Howard J. Krongard says the current FBI investigation should be focused on how material made it from the classified email
system, known as SIPRNet, to Clinton's unclassified private server. "It can't just jump from one system to the other.
Someone had to move it, copy it. The question is who did that?" Krongard tells the New York Post. [...] Even if the FBI
decides Clinton holds the ultimate responsibility for creating the private server, "It will never get to an indictment," Krongard
tells the Post. The decision to act on the FBI's recommendation would have to pass through, "four loyal Democrat
women." Krongard is referring to Loretta Lynch and her deputies Leslie Caldwell and Sally Yates. In addition, Valerie
Jarrett, one of President Obama's top advisers, could weigh in.
FBI Official Red-Flags Troubling Lack of Activity at DOJ Regarding Hillary's Emails. A former assistant director of
the FBI is voicing concern about the Justice Department's lack of movement on the ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's
email arrangement which, according to sources, will be wrapping up soon. If Bureau leaks are to be believed, the results
will show that Mrs. Clinton and her underlings flagrantly violated some of our most important laws — laws that are designed
to protect national security. Anyone else would have been arrested by now.
warns of White House influence on Clinton investigation. The second-ranking Republican in the Senate is amplifying his call for the Justice Department
to name a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton's email server, suggesting the White House is trying to influence the FBI's probe. "I believe that
Secretary Clinton has likely violated multiple criminal statues," Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said Monday [2/1/2016]. Cornyn said Attorney General Loretta
Lynch should name a special counsel to counter the "apparent inability of the White House to resist the temptation to try to influence or at worst obstruct the
current investigation."
new ethics chief once ordered that records be illegally destroyed. The new head of the Internal Revenue
Service's (IRS) ethics office once oversaw the illegal shredding of documents sought by the federal tax agency's inspector
general (IG) and allegedly retaliated by snitching on that colleague[.] Stephen Whitlock was named director of the IRS
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) in August 2015. The OPR supports "effective tax administration by ensuring all
tax practitioners, tax-preparers, and other third parties in the tax system adhere to professional standards and follow the
law," according to the agency's web site. Whitlock's chief of operations was, until recently, a former tax enforcement
agent who attempted to avoid government payments by declaring bankruptcy and who even lost his official sidearm in a bar fight.
IRS Wipes Another Hard Drive: Sackless GOP Leaders Issue
Sternly Worded Memo in Response. Leading members of Congress are ripping IRS officials for erasing a computer hard drive after a federal judge ordered it to be
preserved. "The destruction of evidence subject to preservation orders and subpoenas has been an ongoing problem under your leadership at the IRS," Committee on House
Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz and Rep. Jim Jordan, wrote in a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen late Thursday [1/21/2016]. "It is
stunning to see that the IRS does not take reasonable care to preserve documents that it is legally required to protect," Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, and Jordan, an Ohio
Republican, said in the letter to Koskinen.
EPA cleared of bias in Alaska mine controversy despite lost
emails. Despite acknowledging it could not obtain more than two years of emails from a key employee, the
Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Inspector General on Wednesday [1/20/2016] effectively cleared the EPA of
allegations of bias in its quest to preemptively kill a proposed mine in southwest Alaska. The troubling details of the
missing emails raise charges of an EPA whitewashing, a scenario and an allegation all-too-familiar in the Obama administration.
IRS Erases Hard Drive Despite Court
Order. The IRS erased a hard drive belonging to a former top employee involved in the agency's controversial,
taxpayer-funded hiring of elite trial law firm Quinn Emanuel. Although there was a court preservation order on all documents
related to the IRS hiring of the outside firm, the hard drive was erased anyway. The order was borne of a Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) request submitted by Microsoft. Even though the white shoe law firm has zero experience handling sensitive tax data,
taxpayers have been footing bills of over $1,000 per hour for its services.
Facing Investigations, DOJ Claims Right To Avoid Investigations. Beset by several investigations, the Department of Justice is
claiming the right to avoid being investigated. As reported by PJMedia, the Office of the Inspector General's job is to combat problems
of waste, fraud and abuse within the federal government. But Attorney General Loretta Lynch has no intention of allowing any investigation.
She told the House Judiciary Committee that her office will simply ignore any request from the OIG at will.
At Least 20 Investigations Slowed or Closed Due To Obama Admin. Numerous inspectors general say that at least
20 investigations have been slowed or closed due to government watchdogs not having access to needed documents or records
under the Obama administration. Dozens of interviews of people with firsthand knowledge of the years-long problem
spoke of the tensions between the watchdogs and the administration.
Liberal Slush Fund. Republicans talk often about using the "power of the purse" to rein in a lawless Obama
administration. If they mean it, they ought to use their year-end spending bill to stop a textbook case of outrageous
executive overreach. This scandal comes courtesy of the Justice Department, which for 16 months has engaged in a
scheme to undermine Congress's spending authority by independently transferring dollars to President Obama's political allies.
The department is in the process of funneling more than half-a-billion dollars to liberal activist groups, at least some of which
will actively support Democrats in the coming election.
Watchdog: HUD's Financial Books Are Impossible To Audit. A government watchdog says it can't audit billions in
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) spending because the agency's financial books are kept so poorly. HUD's
financial statements and systems are missing records, inaccurate and sometimes even violated federal laws, according to a HUD
inspector general report released Monday [11/30/2015]. Included among the programs with useless financial accounting records
is nearly $20 billion at the Government National Mortgage Association.
A Pattern Of Executive
Overreach. Recently, the Justice Department announced it would not be indicting anyone for their role in the most
serious domestic political scandal since the Nixon years. Starting in 2010, the IRS, under pressure from congressional
Democrats and the White House, engaged in blatant ideologically motivated discrimination against conservative organizations
applying for non-profit status. That the most feared bureaucracy in Washington was making decisions based on illegal
political criteria should send a chill down the spine of any American who cares about the First Amendment and the rule of law.
Punishing the Obama
way. Although the rot has been visible for some time, recent actions by President Obama's Department of
Justice and director of national intelligence make it possible to say definitively that the United States we once extolled
as a nation of laws and not of men no longer exists. Our federal laws are today being manipulated by political operatives
in ways that would have made those running the old Daley machine in the president's hometown blush.
Jeh Johnson, DAPA, and The Case For Impeachment. [Scroll down slowly] In our opinion the White House never
intended to win the underlying case. The executive action was clearly unconstitutional as it created an entirely new
status of personage: "An Illegal but lawful resident", complete with employment eligibility. If President Obama believed
he was just using prosecutorial discretion in non-deportation he could do nothing. He doesn't deport them, and 5+ million
(who qualify under DAPA) stay put without change. Taking no executive action is the same thing as not deporting; but that's not
what he did — he created an executive action to make those illegal aliens "lawful residents". [...] Obama never planned to
win the case; he planned to lose the case but in the interim have carried out the action that is irreversible. It would be
impossible to make 5 million people unlawful once their new lawful status was achieved. This was/is the goal all along.
Gave Paid Leave to Drug and Child Sex Offenders. Drug and child sex offenders received paid administrative
leave from the Environmental Protection Agency, according to a new audit. The agency's inspector general found the EPA
rehired a child sex offender after they were put on leave for violating probation, in one example of misuse of administrative
leave that cost taxpayers over $1 million.
Obama Official Who Pled Guilty to Espionage Gets... $250 Fine. Glenn Woodell, a NASA supervisor who pled guilty
to violating U.S. espionage laws involving a Chinese NASA contractor was given a slap on the wrist with six months' probation
and a $250 fine, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. Daniel Jobson, a Woodell colleague and fellow NASA supervisor,
had his espionage charges reduced to a misdemeanor and was released without any penalty. The lenient plea deals were
quietly delivered October 26 in U.S. District Court in Newport News, Virginia. The U.S. Attorneys office did not
to [sic] issue a press release about the deals and declined comment when contacted by the DCNF.
America's Soft Tyranny is
Hardening. Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton should both be in prison. Both have broken many, many laws, laws that
are meant to protect American citizens. Neither of them cares a whit about American citizens. Both knew and know they
will never be punished. Hillary expects to be elected to the presidency. We can thank the DC establishment, Left and
Right, for this sad state of affairs. Character no long[er] counts for anything. And we can thank the Obama
administration for being the most purposefully divisive, lawless, and anti-constitutional in modern history.
Democratic Donor Claimed Dog, Dead People as Clients in BP Oil Spill Fraud Case, Court Documents Say. Mikal
Watts is regarded as a Democratic kingmaker and wealthy Texas trial lawyer who even hosted a private $35,000-a-plate
fundraiser for President Obama at his home. He is now under federal indictment for allegedly fraudulently representing
thousands of clients — including a handful of dead people and a dog — in litigation against BP after
the 2010 Deep Water Horizon oil spill. Watts appeared in federal court Thursday in Mississippi along with his brother,
David[,] who is also charged. Both men, along with five others, allegedly used stolen and false identities of people
to sign up as plaintiffs in their case against BP, eventually claiming to represent more than 40,000 individuals making claims
against BP valued in excess of $2 billion.
Jim Jordan: 'Flat Out Wrong' Not to Bring Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), head of the
conservative Freedom Caucus and a member of the House Oversight committee, says he strongly disagrees with the Justice Department's
decision not to bring criminal charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner for impeding conservative groups seeking tax-exempt
status. "That is just flat out wrong, in my judgment," Jordan told "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace. "Here's a lady
who systematically and for a sustained period of time targeted people for exercising their most fundamental rights, their First
Amendment free speech rights.
The FBI & Hillary's e-mails: A Lois Lerner precedent?
The fix was in: Lois Lerner will walk away scot-free. On Friday, the Justice Department closed its two-year investigation into the Internal Revenue Service
targeting of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status and decided to charge ... no one. This, when Lerner admitted the IRS had singled out righty
groups, but blamed the "absolutely inappropriate" actions on "front-line people" — that is, lower-level folks. And then refused to answer more questions
by pleading the Fifth. Questions about, say, her orders to hold up applications from any outfit with "Tea Party" or "patriot" in its name.
are no longer equal under Obama. Disgraced former IRS chief Lois Lerner is enjoying her "Get Out of Jail Free" card care of the
Obama administration. Who's surprised she won't face charges given the fact that most Americans believe the White House was in on
allegations the IRS targeted Tea Party and conservative groups applying for nonprofit status? It gets worse. During the
"investigation," IRS head John Koskinen stonewalled big time, refusing to provide Congress with information including Lerner's "missing"
emails. Sound familiar?
fundraiser, Julian Castro patron indicted on fraud charges. Multimillion-dollar Democratic donor and Obama fundraiser
Mikal Watts was indicted on fraud charges this week. Federal prosecutors say his class-action suit against BP after the oil
spill was built in part on phony clients. Watts' attorney said the charges "are related to allegations that Watts committed
fraud or forgery when he claimed to represent 44,000 clients in litigation against BP PLC," as the Associated Press puts it.
Stop Obama's War On Watchdogs.
Federal inspector generals across dozens of agencies are begging lawmakers to grant them access to public records as guaranteed by the 1978
Inspector General Act. The call for help comes as Obama administration obstructionists and cover-up operatives impede and downplay
several key investigations into government corruption and malfeasance.
Obamacare's Blue State Money
Laundry. When Maryland's Attorney General announced last summer that his office had negotiated a settlement whereby
$45 million would be recouped from the IT contractor that botched the state's Obamacare exchange, it was widely reported as
good news for taxpayers. It appeared that their investment in the mismanaged project would not be a dead loss. But the
AG's statement included this curious passage: "The agreement... will lead to the recovery of funds for both Maryland and the
federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS]." What's so odd about that? Well, the state didn't contribute
any money to the project.
Is Threatened When Rule Of Law Is Trashed. The rule of law is fundamental to our nation's existence, and it's
been destroyed over the past seven years by the Obama administration and federal courts with acquiescence from
desperate-to-be-loved congressional leaders.
Time for Christians: No Longer a Hypothesis. Meanwhile, it goes without saying that Obama is the most lawless
president in U.S. history, refusing to obey laws he dislikes. Sanctuary cities run by Democrats defiantly disobey federal
immigration law at the cost of endangering and even killing American citizens. It is insane to allow these conniving vipers
to claim the moral high ground over us, lecturing us about obeying the law.
Why the Federal Reserve should be
audited. It is time for a comprehensive audit of Janet Yellen's Federal Reserve — and not just for
the reasons presidential candidate Rand Paul and others have given. The Fed needs to be audited to see if its ruling
body has broken the law by manipulating financial markets that are outside its jurisdiction. A thorough investigation
of the Fed will show once and for all if its former chief Ben Bernanke and current Chairwoman Yellen should go to jail.
Clinton's State Department IG Was More Lapdog than Watchdog. Without the House Select Committee on Benghazi's
initial probe into Clinton's communications, even the fact that she used a private e-mail account to conduct government
business may have remained a secret. It's puzzling. At the time, many State Department employees did appear
to know of Clinton's private account, yet the State Department inspector general (IG) only opened an investigation into the
scandal in April 2015, years after she had left office. Before then, the agency's top watchdog had given no indication
that it was either aware of, or concerned by, Clinton's e-mail practices. Why?
employees caught buying child porn from site which showed three-year-olds being abused — but they escape
prosecution. NASA employees were caught buying child pornography from a criminal ring in Eastern Europe that
distributed images of minors as young as three, it can be revealed. An investigation by Daily Mail Online found 16 staff
members from the space agency paid for pictures and videos of children in sexual situations, but were never prosecuted.
Their names have never been released because of government guidelines which protect their privacy — prompting fears
some of the culprits are still employed by NASA.
DOJ memo undermines agency probes. Agency watchdogs are up in arms over a Justice
Department memo questioning the legality of turning over documents they say are crucial to their
investigations. The new policy protecting certain portions of sensitive documents —
announced last month by the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel — came under fresh fire from
lawmakers during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday [8/5/2015]. Lawmakers in both
parties, including the top Republican and Democrat on the panel, disagree with the policy shift,
saying it goes against the specific intent of the Inspector General Act of 1978. The law
specifies that inspectors general have access to "all records" needed during an investigation.
Patrol poster boy's arrest, new report bare agency's corruption issue. The arrest last week of a onetime Border Patrol
poster boy on charges of smuggling illegal immigrants followed a damning report on corruption within the Customs and Border Protection
agency. Supervisory Customs and Border Protection Agent Lawrence Madrid, 53, was arrested July 24 at his El Paso home
by agents of Homeland Security Investigations and charged with alien smuggling. Madrid, a 20-year veteran, is one of 177 agents
who have faced corruption charges since 2005, according to CBP spokesman Roger Maier.
Judge: I Will Haul IRS Chief Here and Personally Hold Him in Contempt. IRS
Commissioner John Koskinen has been stonewalling Congress and the courts for more than a year over
Lois Lerner's "missing" emails. He's also ignored court orders to produce documentation and now,
U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan has had enough. During a hearing yesterday surrounding
a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, Sullivan said he "will haul into court
the IRS Commissioner to hold him personally into contempt" after the IRS failed to turn over ordered
documentation to the Court. The information ordered included status reports and recovered emails
belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner. Sullivan also noted Department of Justice of attorneys
are in the same position for failing to turn over ordered documentation.
is the Ironclad Case for Impeaching IRS Head John Koskinen. Key members of the House
Freedom Caucus are demanding that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen be removed from office. In an op-ed
written for the Wall Street Journal, Reps. Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis told President Obama that if the
Commissioner is not removed, they will begin the proceedings to impeach him. Modern Americans view
impeachment with a sort of awe and reverence. To most, it seems like an inconceivably drastic thing
to do. But it was not always this way, nor was it the intention of the founders. Impeachment
has always been a practical tool for getting rid of bad actors in government and, given the amount of
government corruption we see today, a tool that should be used with much greater frequency.
Judge Threatens to Hold IRS Chief and DOJ Attorneys in Contempt of Court Over Lerner Cover-Up. U.S
District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan today [7/29/2015] threatened to hold the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue
Service and Justice Department attorneys in contempt of court after the IRS failed to produce status reports and
newly recovered emails of Lois Lerner, former director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the IRS, as he had
ordered on July 1, 2015. During the a status hearing today, Sullivan warned that the failure to follow
his order was serious and the IRS and Justice Department's excuses for not following his July 1 order were
"indefensible, ridiculous, and absurd." He asked the IRS' Justice Department lawyer Geoffrey Klimas, "Why
didn't the IRS comply" with his court order and "why shouldn't the Court hold the Commissioner of the IRS in
contempt." Judge Sullivan referenced his contempt findings against Justice Department prosecutors in the
prosecution of late Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) and reminded the Justice Department attorney he had the ability to
detain him for contempt. Warning he would tolerate no further disregard of his orders, Judge Sullivan said,
"I will haul into court the IRS Commissioner to hold him personally into contempt."
Ted Stevens recap:
Plot, Different Actors. [Scroll down] In the Stevens case, the government
suborned perjury, hid a critical witness for the defense, and suffered no consequences of note for
that. With Stevens out of the Senate, the Democrats rammed through ObamaCare before the
serious misconduct of the FBI and DoJ attorneys was known, too late to provide solace to Stevens,
who died in a plane crash before the truth was revealed.
judge threatens to hold IRS chief in contempt. A federal judge threatened to hold IRS
Commissioner John Koskinen in contempt Wednesday [7/29/2015] after the IRS failed to produce, as
ordered, newly recovered emails of former IRS official Lois Lerner. U.S. District Court Judge
Emmet Sullivan had ordered the IRS on July 1 to turn over Lerner emails on a weekly basis in
response to a lawsuit by the watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit focused on the 2013
scandal in which the IRS acknowledged agents had improperly singled out Tea Party and other conservative
groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status during the 2010 and 2012 elections.
Oversight Committee Details Case for Removal of IRS Commissioner. House Oversight
Republicans, led by Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) today called for President Obama to remove IRS
Commissioner John Koskinen. Under Koskinen's leadership, the agency has continually stonewalled the
investigation into the Lois Lerner targeting scandal. Years after the scandal first broke, the
agency has done its utmost to bury the truth. Taxpayers deserve a transparent and responsive
government, but under Commissioner Koskinen the IRS has displayed unprecedented unaccountability.
Chairman Chaffetz vowed to explore all options to remove Commissioner Koskinen including impeachment
and holding him in contempt of Congress. As Chaffetz notes, the agency under Koskinen's leadership
has failed time and time again to comply with Congressional investigators.
Barack's Great Gambit.
[Scroll down] Last week the White House stepped in and attempted to put an end to the work of inspectors
general. It has ruled that inspectors general seeking to investigate their agencies will need permission
from their agencies to lay hands on such things as wiretaps, grand justice testimony, and even credit information.
In other words, the agency about to be investigated by its inspector general is free to cooperate or not.
It clearly will render the inspector general toothless.
The Stonewall
at the Top of the IRS. Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen needs to go.
When it was revealed in 2013 that the IRS had targeted conservative groups for exercising their First Amendment
rights, President Obama correctly called the policy "inexcusable" and pledged accountability. He even fired
the then-acting IRS commissioner because he said it was necessary to have "new leadership that can help restore
confidence going forward."
asks Obama to fire IRS chief Koskinen for 'obstruction' of congressional probes. The
head of the top House investigative panel Monday called for the firing of IRS chief John Koskinen,
arguing he has repeatedly "obstructed" congressional probes into the agency's political targeting of
taxpayers. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and
Government Affairs, made his request Monday [7/27/2015] in a letter to President Obama, arguing the
president vowed in 2013 to "work hand-in-hand with Congress to fix the problem."
The Editor says...
One might as well send a letter to Barack H. Obama asking him to immediately resign. Asking corrupt politicians to do
the right thing is like going to the airport and asking for a free ride to Hawaii. It isn't gonna happen.
Need A Woman of Your Special Skills". The woman who "discovered" all of those deleted emails at the
IRS was the one person the State Department felt it had to have onboard to "vet" Hillary's emails? I wonder why.
facing bipartisan criticism for move to 'undermine' gov't watchdogs. The Justice
Department is facing bipartisan criticism for clamping down on government watchdogs' access to
documents, in a decision lawmakers say defies Congress and undermines those tasked with rooting out
government misconduct. The DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel issued a 68-page memo last week that
said the department's inspector general would be required to get permission from the agencies it
oversees to obtain wire taps, grand jury testimonies, and credit information. IGs are assigned
to audit and conduct internal reviews of federal agencies. The decision, first reported in The
Washington Post, faced an almost immediate backlash from Capitol Hill and the watchdogs themselves.
administration cripples ability of Inspectors General to investigate corruption and fraud in government.
Department of Justice officials gave official approval Thursday [7/23/2015] to the FBI's practice of blocking
access to data and documents in a decision that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz said "undermines" his
ability to do his job and violates the will of Congress. "Today's opinion by the Office of Legal Counsel
undermines the IG's independence, which is a hallmark of the Inspector General system and is essential to
carrying out the IG's oversight responsibilities under the Inspector General Act," Horowitz said.
administration restricts investigative powers of inspectors general. The Obama administration formally
announced that inspectors general will have to get permission from their agency heads to gain access to grand jury,
wiretap and fair credit information — an action that severely limits the watchdogs' oversight capabilities,
independence and power to uncover fraud. An opinion, issued by the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel,
says the Inspector General Act of 1978 — which was written by Congress to create the government watchdogs in
order to help maintain integrity within their agencies — does not have the authority to override nondisclosure
provisions in other laws, most notably in regard to grand jury, wiretap or fair credit information.
The Hell
That is the Obama White House. Every sentient human being whose brain isn't stuffed
with ideological fairy dust can see that Obama is behind every major scandal of his administration
from Benghazi to the I.R.S. disgrace. How can one know this? Because the culprits haven't
been fired. Moreover, if they are serial liars like Susan Rice, they've actually been promoted to
posts where their loyalty to the criminal-in-chief can do America and its citizens even more damage, if
that is possible. A president faced with a scandal created by underlings behind his back would be
naturally furious at their misbehavior, and want heads to roll. This didn't happen in any of these
scandals because their point of origin was the White House itself. Promoting the culprits is a way
of keeping them quiet.
criticize government audit of Ordinarily you would think that members
of Congress would be happy when the federal auditor, the General Accounting Office, reveals that a
program is vulnerable to fraud of Biblical proportions. [...] If the program we're talking about is
ObamaCare, you would be wrong. It is the signature program of The LightWorker, their Precious,
and therefore, it is beyond criticism.
Rockefeller Fund Spent Millions to Make the Iran Deal Happen. Behind every great act
of appeasement is a whole lot of dirty money and political influence. And some of the usual sources
make their appearance here.
Penumbra School of Law. The administration at every level expresses its contempt for
Congress and its legal obligations knowing the attorney general will never prosecute its wrongdoing.
The most obvious at the moment involve record keeping by the IRS and Hillary Clinton. As you'll
recall, the IRS contributed to Obama's reelection campaign — perhaps even fixing its
result — by denying his opponents the tax exemptions to which they were entitled. Then it
made up cockamamie excuses why it could not produce the email record evidence which they were legally
obligated to preserve and produce. Now it turns out that the records requested did exist and
were destroyed after the agency was put on notice to keep and provide them to Congress.
Deleted Hundreds of Back-up Tapes Containing Thousands of Lerner Emails After Congressional Subpoena
Was Issued. This used to be called obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence.
According to new information from the House Oversight Committee, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
[TIGTA] Russell George and Deputy Inspector General for Investigations Tim Camus, the IRS deleted hundreds of
backup tapes containing thousands of emails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner, the woman at the center
of the conservative targeting scandal. The tapes were destroyed nine months after a congressional
subpoena was issued to the agency demanding they be preserved and turned over.
of Evidence at the IRS. [Scroll down] Fox is told the hearing will definitively state there was a
destruction of evidence 10 months after a preservation order for the emails was in place, 7 months after a
subpoena was in place and 30 days AFTER the IRS realized there were potential problems locating the emails.
This destruction of evidence happened 22 days BEFORE the IRS Commissioner testified to Congress, in response to my
questioning on March 26, 2015, that they had the documents and they would provide all of them to Congress.
Republicans Considering Impeachment of IRS Head over Stonewalling in Lois Lerner Investigation. House Republicans
investigating the IRS's targeting of tea-party groups are seriously considering an effort to impeach IRS commissioner John Koskinen
or other agency employees for "culpable misdemeanors" pertaining to the destruction of e-mails written by Lois Lerner, the former
official at the heart of the scandal. "We've briefed the leadership's counsel, and I think that they're open to it, but it's
the type of thing where this town is like, 'oh, that's not how we do things, it's not really been used lately,'" a Republican member
of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee says. "But, quite frankly, we really haven't had executive branch
officials behave this way like we do now."
Exclusive —
Ted Cruz: Obamatrade Enmeshed in Corrupt, Backroom Dealings. The American people do
not trust President Obama. And they do not trust Republican leadership in Congress. And the reason
is simple: for far too long, politicians in Washington have not told the truth. Both President Obama and
Republican leadership are pressing trade promotion authority, also known as TPA, or "fast-track." Rep.
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) both oppose it. As a general matter, I agree (as did
Ronald Reagan) that free trade is good for America; when we open up foreign markets, it helps American farmers,
ranchers, and manufacturers. But TPA in this Congress has become enmeshed in corrupt Washington backroom
deal-making, along with serious concerns that it would open up the potential for sweeping changes in our
laws that trade agreements typically do not include.
did federal agency get $500M from stimulus? 'We misled Congress,' ex-official says. On paper, it sounded like a true
government success story: The Social Security Administration in September opened a "state-of-the-art" data center in Maryland,
housing wage and benefit information on almost every American, "on time and under budget." However, six years after Congress
approved a half-billion dollars for the project — the largest building project funded by the 2009 stimulus — a
whistleblower says the center was built on a lie. "We misled Congress," Michael Keegan, a former associate commissioner who
worked on the project, told
DC Officials Sentenced For Fraud — Stealing Money To Fund President Obama 2009 Inaugural Ball. Neil S. Rodgers,
a former District of Columbia government official, was sentenced today [6/17/2015] to a period of incarceration and ordered to pay full
restitution on a charge stemming from his role in channeling $110,000 in youth and drug prevention grant funds that were used to pay for
an inaugural ball. [...] According to the government's evidence, Rodgers aided [Harry] Thomas in illegally securing funds for the 51st
State Inaugural Ball, held on Jan. 20, 2009, at the Wilson Building.
Officials Stole $110K From Children's Program to Fund Obama Inaugural Ball. Neil S. Rodgers, a former D.C.
government official, was sentenced Tuesday [6/16/2015] for his role in the misappropriation of $110,000 earmarked for D.C.'s
Children at Risk and Drug Prevention Fund to cover a deficit for the 51st State Inaugural Ball for President Obama's inauguration
in 2009. Rodgers, found guilty of fraud in March, was sentenced to 36 days (served on weekends) plus two years of probation.
Rodgers must also repay the entire $110,000 as restitution for his crime.
The Editor says...
There's a presidential pardon coming shortly, I presume.
Obama Presidency — A Cacophony of Corruption. Obama apologists have recently been trotted out en masse
to absurdly portray the Obama presidency as an entirely scandal-free citadel of piety. [...] As Obama, himself, has insisted,
there is not a "scintilla of scandal" to be seen. If only it were so. In fact, however, both in scope and scan,
the Obama reign is arguably the most scandal-ridden presidency in American history.
Ridden State Department' Faces Greater Congressional Oversight. A bipartisan team of
senators is pushing new legislation to ensure the Obama administration's "scandal-ridden State
Department" comes under greater congressional oversight, particularly to ensure that it cannot hide
instances of wrongdoing among employees, according to a copy of the new legislation. Sens. Tim
Kaine (D., Va.) and David Perdue (R., Ga.) introduced legislation that would force the State Department
to undertake a series of reforms aimed at increasing transparency and ensuring oversight authorities
have the ability to route out malfeasance among employees.
Group Files FOIA Lawsuit for Records on DOJ Tax Attorneys Assigned to White House. The
watchdog group Cause of Action is suing the Justice Department for records on what is says are
possible unethical disclosures of confidential taxpayer information to the White House, the
organization announced Thursday [5/28/2015]. The group discovered in April that attorneys from
the Justice Department's tax division, some of whom were also involved in litigation over the IRS
targeting scandal, were being detailed to the White House to conduct background checks on potential
executive nominees.
Link to Nonprofit Stirs Up Transparency Debate. A charitable foundation connected to a
president is facing criticism from watchdog groups about transparency and influence peddling.
No, it's not the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, which has come under fire over its
donor disclosure, transparency standards and foreign donors as former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton geared up for her 2016 presidential run. Government watchdogs and transparency advocates
say that President Barack Obama's involvement in the new My Brother's Keeper Alliance, a private-sector
version of a government initiative he started in 2014, raises potential red flags about the millions of
dollars in corporate pledges flowing to the new group.
House denies Obama visit to Nike is favor for 'Let's Move' contribution. The White
House said Friday [5/1/2015] that President Obama's visit to Nike headquarters in Oregon next week
is unrelated to the company's $50 million contribution to first lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move"
campaign for kids. Asked whether Nike's generosity was behind the White House's selection of the
company for a presidential visit, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said "not that I'm aware
of." He said the president will visit the company to talk about free trade.
How Lois Lerner evaded
charges. Good soldiers in the Obama administration don't get indicted, thanks to other
good soldiers. And no doubt they get rewarded, too.
Customs Enforcement Director Sarah R. Saldana Tells Congressman: We Follow Obama Rules, Not The
Law. Those following the Obama Immigration Executive Action legal battles will note
yesterday [4/15/2015] Congressman Young was asking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Director Saldana the exact same point outlined in Judge Hanen's rebuke of the White House.
Official's Visa Intervention Explanation Just Doesn't Add Up. One of the claims
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) deputy secretary Alejandro Mayorkas made defending himself
against recent accusations of improper intervention on behalf of politically-connected Democrats
just doesn't add up. Last week, DHS' inspector general (IG), John Roth, released a scathing report
detailing Mayorkas' "unprecedented" intervention during his stint as director of U.S. Customs and
Immigration Services (USCIS) to help companies seeking approval for EB-5 visa applications.
USCIS whistle-blowers said they had never witnessed interventions like Mayorkas' and felt that
they were politically motivated.
Department Gives $259 Million 'Green' Conditional Loan to Politically Connected Corporation. The
Department of Energy's disastrous loan program lost taxpayers at least $780 million as companies like Solyndra,
Fisker Automotive, and Abound Solar crashed and burned. But as I write today, after a four-year hiatus, the
Energy Department has announced a new fuel-efficient-vehicle loan — a $259 million conditional
award to Alcoa. It's a pretty sweet deal: The Energy Department touts on its website how this loan
program "offers attractive financing for U.S. auto industry," including no application fees, a closing fee of
just 0.1 percent, and interest rates estimated at no more than 4 percent. Of course, one might
wonder why a company like Alcoa, which brought in $23.9 billion in revenue last year, needs government
(read: taxpayer) help. But it turns out Alcoa has major Obama administration ties.
Homeland Official Alejandro Mayorkas Accused of Political Favoritism. Deputy Homeland Security Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas tainted the image and integrity of the immigration program he oversaw by fostering "an appearance of
favoritism and special access" in how the agency treated projects that would bring visas and Green Cards to wealthy
foreign investors, a new report from the agency's Inspector General says.
Va. governor received special treatment from Homeland Security. Not long before he
became governor of Virginia, Democrat Terry McAuliffe received special treatment on behalf of his
electric-car company from a top official at the Department of Homeland Security, according to a new
report from the department's inspector general. McAuliffe was among several politically powerful
individuals from both parties, including Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), seeking special visas for
foreign investors through a program administered by the department. But intervention on behalf of
McAuliffe's GreenTech Automotive company by Alejandro Mayorkas, now the department's No. 2 official,
"was unprecedented," according to the report.
Don't forget that State had no independent IG under Hillary. How did the State
Department get away with so many failures during Hillary Clinton's leadership? They ran a consulate
in Benghazi with substandard security even for normal locations, let alone in the collapsed-state
region of eastern Libya in 2011-12. Hillary herself and her closest aides didn't use State
Department e-mail systems despite both policy and legal requirements to do so.
Old Dogs
Doing Old Tricks. [Scroll down] Much the same pattern [as in the Trayvon Martin
case] followed in Ferguson, Missouri, this time bankrolled by the Democrats' left-wing big daddy
George Soros. "Hands Up Don't Shoot" was now the propaganda follow-up to kiddies in hoodies with
Skittles. Once again an innocent man's life was ruined, local law enforcement authorities slandered
and the department continued the investigation after state justice procedures cleared Officer Wilson.
Residents of Ferguson have been left with far diminished real estate values, shops have been shuttered,
and the community destroyed. Even worse, in the continued disruption, two police officers were shot
by one of the Don't Shoot gang.
Shuts Down Program for the Poor to Fund Well-Heeled Liberal Groups. Cancel a program
that provides free help to low-income families and the elderly, and shift the money to
well-connected interest groups with a terrible track record for customer service. It sounds
almost like the sort of thing a liberal caricature would acuse a heartless Republican of doing.
But in this case, that's just what the Obama administration has accomplished.
Admin Kills Program That Helped Poor File Taxes, Sends Funding To Liberal Groups. The
Obama administration has quietly killed an IRS tax preparation program designed to help low-income
and disadvantaged citizens, choosing instead to give millions of dollars to liberal groups for the
same purpose. Without fanfare, the administration has closed down the free walk-in services at
hundreds of taxpayer assistance centers around the country. Administration officials are now
trying to steer the "face-to-face" help to volunteer community groups, some with political ties.
But one undercover inspection of those groups in 2013 revealed a 49 percent error rate.
First Lois Lerner, Then Hillary Clinton, Now Eric Holder. How Corrupt Is This Administration? The mainstream media
focus on Hillary, but she's merely one of many in the Obama administration who play fast and loose with the rules. When running
for office Obama promised his administration would be transparent, open and honest. Instead, it seems that the U.S. is now
governed by an administration more corrupt than Nixon's.
Clinton's Brother Granted Super-Rare Mining Permit from Haiti After State Dept. Sent Country
Billions. Hillary Rodham Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a
self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two "gold exploitation permits" from
the Haitian government — the first issued in over 50 years. The tiny North Carolina
company, VCS Mining, also included on its board Bill Clinton's co-chair of the Interim Haiti
Recovery Commission (IHRC), former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.
The Democrats' Thugocracy.
The Dem officeholders have been kept in line because someone is keeping a little list of all their
little foibles. It's a delightful system. The Obama administration does nothing about corrupt acts
by its supporters until the day that a supporter breaks ranks. Then it's: Nice little political
career you got here. Pity that something should happen to it. Especially if you break with Mr. Big
on his Iran policy. [...] It's a cunning scheme. The boss winks at his Democratic rank-and-file
whenever they breach the rules: Hey, everybody does it! But you note the violation down in your
little black book, and when the time comes to twist an arm for a vote, you don't even need to break a sweat.
hit for filling embassies with political allies, highest in 27 years. Career diplomats
are finding that they can't advance to top State Department posts such as ambassadorships because
President Obama has stuffed political appointees into those jobs, the most ever in his second term.
"Yes, it's a problem," said Robert Silverman, president of the American Foreign Service Association.
"This is an ongoing struggle. We need to maintain the ability for our top people to go straight to
the top," he said.
Government Ethics Document Filed After FEC Chairman Ann Ravel Takes Lavish Weekend Trip.
Federal Election Commission Chairman Ann Ravel enjoyed a $160-a-day rental car paid for by the California
Political Attorney Association while she attended a seminar in Squaw Valley, California, travel documents
reviewed by Breitbart News show. [...] According to — Reno location —
standard rental cars start at $19 per day. You can get a nice upgrade for $25 dollars [sic] per
day. Ravel also was subsidized $452 for her hotel and $355 for meals and registration. The
value of the two day trip was $1,417.37.
administration stonewalls FOIA request on IRS targeting scandal. It has been almost
two years since the exposure of the IRS efforts to target conservative groups applying for
tax-exempt status, and their donors. In the meantime, the Obama administration has done
exactly nothing to hold IRS personnel accountable for their actions.
Transparency: 47 Inspectors General Denied Documents
in Violation of Law. Obama declared that his administration would be the most
transparent ever in the same Orwellian spirit that ObamaCare was named the "Affordable" Care Act.
Trey Gowdy sounds the alarm on what "transparency" means to a lawless tyrant regarding documents
that by law must be provided to inspectors general: [Video clip]
claim payout from big-bank settlements being steered toward 'special interests'. The
separate deals were reached with the Justice Department in summer 2014, with Citigroup agreeing to
pay $7 billion for misleading investors over mortgage-backed securities and Bank of America paying
$16.65 billion for similar actions. But of the $24 billion, roughly $150 million is
tabbed for financial-counseling agencies — a category that includes liberal-leaning groups such
as the National Council of La Raza.
Holder: Politicize the Department of Justice, moi? Outgoing Attorney General Eric
Holder seems determined to leave 'em laughing. How else can we interpret his claim earlier this week
that there has "been no politicization" of the Justice Department under his watch? [...] The Department of
Justice's own Inspector General found that one office in that division "passed over candidates who had
stellar academic credentials with some of the best law firms in the country" in order to hire others they
preferred, a majority of whom came from just five advocacy organizations that are political allies of
the Obama administration.
Department watchdog report charges nepotism at Interpol office. A new report by the
Justice Department inspector general's office has claimed that the executive officer at Interpol's
Washington D.C. office used his position to secure work for his son and other relatives and
acquaintances. In a report released Wednesday [2/4/2015], the Justice Department watchdog found
that other high-ranking agency officials had also used their position to help get internships for people
they know, contributing to what it called "a pervasive culture of nepotism and favoritism."
What is the Openness
Administration Hiding? In what must be the most under-reported story of the past year,
some two thirds of the inspectors general in the government think the administration is stonewalling
their lawful efforts to oversee government activities. Three of them testified Tuesday [2/3/2015]
before the House Oversight Committee, newly chaired by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). Many others were
in the room. In an August 2014 letter to Congress, 47 Inspectors General from across the
administration — including major agencies like the Department of Commerce, the Department
of HUD, the Department of Labor, and NASA — supported specific complaints by their fellow
IGs in the Peace Corps, EPA and DOJ about foot dragging and lawyer-driven end-runs, and suggested
the practice is pervasive.
$500,000 Green Card: Obama, Clinton Kin Courted By Foreign Middlemen. The obscure
immigration program that helps wealthy foreigners get American Green Cards is proving profitable to
some people with very familiar names. Hillary Clinton's brother is involved. So are powerful
California politician Willie Brown and Chicago political boss Richard M. Daley. One firm that
helps wealthy Chinese gain access to the little-known immigration program even tried to recruit President
Obama's half-brother, Mark Obama-Ndesandjo.
Holder's Justice Department rocked by nepotism charges. The head of a Justice
Department law enforcement office used his position to secure a job for his son and other relatives,
the agency's internal watchdog said Wednesday [2/4/2015], the latest in a string of reports that
have repeatedly found examples of nepotism at the department.
Adviser Podesta Caught Green-Handed In Major Ethics Violation. In 2013, John Podesta
was paid $87,000 by a shadowy foreign billionaire whose passion is preventing energy exploration on
American land. Just two years later, Podesta is a member of President Obama's inner circle, and
the driving force inside the White House to block 12 million acres of land in Alaska's Artic
National Wildlife Refuge from oil drilling.
under the influence of lobbyists. A top executive of a trade association that lobbies
for local housing authorities was hired by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to regulate
those same authorities — and was allowed to keep her paid job at the lobbying association at
the same time. HUD's Inspector General said the 2011 hiring of Debra Gross, deputy director of the
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, was an "inherent conflict of interest" in the same way it
would be to hire an Exxon lobbyist to regulate oil companies. Gross was a registered lobbyist for
the group until 2009.
Tavenner Takes a Powder.
Marilyn Tavenner, the Obama administration official who presided over Obamacare's worst debacles and
most devious deceptions, has finally made an intelligent decision — she resigned.
Tavenner ran the government bureaucracy responsible for the inept rollout of, the
promulgation of phony PPACA enrollment figures, and the handout of legally dubious waivers to
Democrat-friendly donors. And, when Congress subpoenaed her emails — stop me
if you've heard this one before — she discovered that they had somehow been deleted.
Nominee to Elections Panel Helped Dem Group Skirt Massive IRS Fine. President Barack
Obama's nominee to a federal panel that oversees elections previously helped a top Democratic
political group avoid a $5 million IRS penalty and worked to prevent the disclosure of the group's
donors. Matthew Butler, who Obama tapped for a seat on the Election Assistance Commission (EAC)
in November, has made a career at highly partisan left-wing advocacy groups, including a stint as
the chief executive of Media Matters for America, a pro-Hillary Clinton opposition research blog.
Critics of Obama's pick on the left and right say that Butler lacks any actual experience in
monitoring or administering elections and will increase partisan divisions at the EAC.
golf pal called 'hostile' witness in Chicago fraud case. One of President Obama's
close friends and regular golf buddies is caught up in a steamy legal case that dates back to the
pocket-padding Blagojevich days, as prosecutors accuse him of being a hostile witness. Prosecutors
are trying to speak with Eric Whitaker in connection with a Chicago fraud case involving millions of
taxpayer dollars from the former Blagojevich administration to a businessman who allegedly spent it on
vacation homes, luxury cars and more.
Scandal-Tainted BCGB (Best Chicago Golfing Buddy). In his "Rules of Civility and
Decent Behavior," George Washington offered this sage advice: "Associate with men of good quality if
you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company." Too bad
President Obama and his best Chicago golfing buddy (BCGB), Dr. Eric Whitaker, didn't heed our
Founding Father's wisdom. The duo's continued intimacy, as the stench of government corruption
thickens around them, speaks volumes about our current commander in chief's reckless disregard for
his reputation.
pal Eric Whitaker stonewalls feds in grant-fraud case. Dr. Eric E. Whitaker, one of
President Barack Obama's closest friends, has refused to answer federal prosecutors' questions about
whether he had a "sexual relationship" with a former aide who pleaded guilty to stealing $400,000 in
taxpayers' money in a scheme that began when Whitaker was her boss at the Illinois Department of
Public Health, court records show. Prosecutors announced the bribery and theft charges against
Quinshaunta R. Golden, who'd been Whitaker's chief of staff at the state agency, on Aug. 7, 2013.
The following day, Whitaker told reporters he was "fully cooperating" in the federal investigation.
In fact, prosecutors say, Whitaker already had stopped cooperating by then, [...]
Transparent Conflict of Interest — Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Blocks White House/IRS
Email Release. Enough circumstantial information exists to speculate the information
within the denied documents could outline collusion between the White House and the IRS —
to formulate a list of political opponents for targeting. The enforcement mechanism used for
targeting includes the DOJ and various other government agencies (ATF, OSHA, EEOC, EPA Banking/Finance)[.]
According to the jaw dropping IRS letter — Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, interceded and blocked the
FOIA discovery from being released.
in Ruins. [Scroll down] Obama will go down in history as presiding over the most
corrupt administration of the last half-century, when historians finally collate the IRS, VA, GSA,
and Secret Service scandals; the erosion of constitutional jurisprudence; the serial untruths about
Benghazi, amnesty, and Obamacare; the harassment of journalists; the record shakedown of Wall Street
lucre in 2008 and 2012;and the flood of lobbyists into and out of the Obama administration.
staffers linked to 'alleged serious misconduct,' agency reveals. Eight Environmental
Protection Agency employees who racked up a total of more than ten years' worth of paid "administrative
leave" between 2011 and 2014 — valued at more than $1,096,000 — apparently did so
because they were involved in "cases of alleged serious misconduct," Fox News has learned. In a
memorandum sent from EPA's acting assistant administrator, Nanci E. Gelb, to EPA's inspector general,
Arthur Elkins — a draft also was given to Fox News — the agency has revealed that at
least three of the affected employees have now left EPA.
'Lost' IRS Emails Reveal A Corrupt White House? Leaking taxpayer information to the White House isn't
new, just as the email shell game in the IRS fiasco no longer shocks. But the discovery of data "lost" on
backup tapes may expose the extent of administration guilt.
Obama: A Companion of Fools. It seems that Barack Obama has a propensity to surround
himself with some questionable friends. [...] Take for example one foolish companion the president
walks with: the prominent gay rights activist Terrence P. Bean, 66, who has been indicted for
allegedly sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy. At a 2009 Human Rights Campaign dinner, Mr. Obama
called the alleged child molester a "great friend and supporter." As a matter of fact, Obama's
"great friend" Terrence has frequented the White House at least six times in the past couple of years.
An ardent and influential supporter of many prominent Democrats, in addition to visiting 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue, Bean has also been a guest of the president on Air Force One flying around at $181K an hour.
the Media Blackout on Gay Rapists. Liberal politics, not people, matter to our evil
media. That's precisely why they rush to their cameras, microphones and keyboards when news
breaks about a pedophile Catholic priest having his way with altar boys. Not because they care
about the altar boys, but because they want to discredit the Catholic Church. If you doubt that
fact, ask yourself why you haven't heard much from the Mainstream Media about the recent arrest of
66 year-old Terrence Bean, charged with raping a 15-year old boy. The answer is because
Terrence isn't a Catholic priest. Instead, he's the co-founder and on the board of directors
of the homosexual organization ironically called the "Human Rights Campaign."
Silence: Obama Ally, Gay Activist Arrested for Child Sex Abuse. Here's today's
installment of "Imagine if this had been a conservative..." As Newsbusters reported last week, the
founder of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which markets itself as the nation's largest LGBT rights
organization, was arrested Nov. 18 for allegedly sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy. Terrence Bean,
66, is a Democratic money man, prominent liberal activist and Obama ally. Bean's 25-year-old former
boyfriend was also charged in the crimes. [...] Since the story broke Wednesday [11/19/2014], local
media and conservative media have covered it. The Washington Post ran a brief AP story on the
arrest, but the networks have yet to report on it.
Obama fundraiser arrested for sex with minor. He's a mega bundler for President Obama.
He's been on Air Force One. He's shared a Christmas visit with Michelle Obama at the White House.
And now he's being accused of sex with a minor. Terry Bean, 66, a gay activist and major
Democratic fund-raiser, was arrested Wednesday in Portland, Ore., for allegedly having sex with a
15-year-old boy. Bean's ex-boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, 25, was arrested Thursday in connection with
the same incident.
Obama bundler accused of child rape. Conservatives complain that President Obama gets
a free pass from the media, which acts as a de-facto public-relations shop for the Democrat in the
White House. Never has that charge seemed truer than now as an ugly rape scandal unfolds on the
West Coast. On Wednesday [11/19/2014], Portland, Ore. police arrested Terrence Patrick Bean, who has
been charged with two felony counts of having sex with a minor last year. This man is not just any
old guy accused of having sex with a 15-year-old — he's a big-money Democratic donor and
liberal political activist with connections inside the Obama White House. Bean raised more than
a half-million dollars for Obama's 2012 re-election campaign.
Pal And Golf Buddy Eric Whitaker Accused Of Stonewalling Investigators. The law may
have finally caught up with longtime Obama friend and basketball buddy Eric Whitaker, who is close
to being labeled a "hostile witness" in a Chicago corruption case. Taking a page out of his
powerful friend's playbook, Whitaker has been stonewalling the investigation according to prosecutors.
Service Prostitute Investigator Reportedly Resigned for an Ironic Reason. The man who
was investigating the Secret Service prostitution scandal resigned back in August, The New York
Times reports, because [...] he was caught up in a prostitution scandal of his own.
Investigator in Secret Service prostitution scandal resigns. The investigator who led
the internal inquiry into the 2012 Secret Service prostitution scandal resigned in August, after he
was implicated in his own incident involving a prostitute, according to a report from The New
York Times. Local law enforcement in Florida reportedly saw David Nieland, the investigator,
going in and out of a building they were surveilling as part of a prostitution investigation. The
prostitute later identified Nieland as a client.
in Prostitution Scandal Quits. The investigator who led the Department of Homeland
Security's internal review of the Secret Service's 2012 prostitution scandal quietly resigned in
August after he was implicated in his own incident involving a prostitute, according to current and
former department officials.
The fevered political
plague. More worrisome than the cavernous competence gap is the politicization of
every bureaucracy, even institutions charged with equal enforcement of laws, such as the Justice
Department and IRS.
The NSA Has Turned Into A Giant Profit Center For Corrupt Insiders. Last week, two
very important stories came out; one from Reuters and the other from Buzzfeed. They both zero in on
how current NSA employees are using their expertise and connections to make big money in the private
sector while still working at the NSA.
Taking back
America. With its many scandals, including the Benghazi tragedy, the perverse
"progressive" ideology of the Obama administration, combined with its deceitful and manipulative
methods, has corrupted normally nonpartisan government agencies. More importantly, it has infected
the civilian and military leadership who lead their agencies. The core of the corruption is an
attitude that flaunts the Constitution and takes the position that the president can do anything he
wants with a pen and a phone that promotes an agenda, regardless of its impact on the country's
national security.
Bad Apple: Obama and his Influence. [Scroll down] And look at the rest of his administration: a
DoJ that obstructs justice over and over and over. An IRS that can conveniently "lose" important
records. A secretary of state who has covered up her involvement in one of the biggest tragedies to
ever befall an American embassy. I could go on and on. Lying has become the way you play the game in
Washington. Has this falsehood-loving corruption flowed any further into American life? Take a
close look at Planned Parenthood and their willingness to hide what they're really up to. Look at
the quiet perfidy in the implementation of Common Core.
Klain and Solyndra. Ron Klain is a sharp-elbowed Democratic political operative with
no medical expertise. Tapping him as "Ebola czar" may not be the president's best move when, as it
is, no one can believe a word the Obama administration says. And that's not just because Mr. Klain
is yet another lobbyist recruited despite Mr. Obama's vow that his administration would shun lobbyists.
Klain was also a central player in the president's Solyndra fraud, which soaked taxpayers for over half a
billion dollars for the benefit of Obama cronies.
Fraud and Corruption Forces Federal Judge To Take Nuclear Option. In perhaps the most
stunning documentation yet of abuses by Eric Holder's Justice Department, two former Assistant
United States Attorneys spoke to defense attorneys and revealed appalling deceit and corruption of
justice. This latest litigation time bomb has exploded from multi-million dollar litigation
originally brought by the Department of Justice against Sierra Pacific based on allegations that the
lumber company and related defendants were responsible for a wildfire that destroyed 65,000 acres in
California. In what was dubbed the "Moonlight Fire" case, the tables are now turned. The
defendants have discovered new evidence and filed a stunning motion.
federal corruption case moving forward with almost no media attention. Corrupt federal
prosecutors presenting false evidence in order to shake down a blameless corporation and bring in
tens of millions of dollars seems like a pretty dramatic story. Especially when former prosecutors
support the charge and a chief judge acts on the allegations and takes dramatic action. Yet the
media silence is deafening. Eric Holder's Justice Department is implicated in a dramatic and
shocking case of alleged corruption that is so bad that the Chief Judge of the Eastern District of
California has taken what can rightly be called the "nuclear option" and recused all the judges
in the district from the case because they may have been defrauded by the DoJ prosecutors.
Case Implodes as Its Former Lawyers Allege Fraud Against Holder's DOJ. The New York
Observer reports that two former Assistant United States Attorneys say the Holder Justice Department
engaged in deceit and corruption of justice in connection with the DOJ's litigation against Sierra
Pacific Industries, a California lumber company. As a result of the allegations, a federal
district judge has ordered the recusal from the case of every judge in the Eastern District of
California. He reasons that the court may have been defrauded by the government, thus
requiring the appointment of an outside judge to handle the matter going forward.
'The dog
ate my emails'. [Scroll down] The most troubling recent instance of this has
been at the Internal Revenue Service, where Lois Lerner, the official at the heart of allegations
that the agency singled out conservative groups for harassment, has pleaded the Fifth Amendment and,
conveniently, seen some of her email records destroyed. You don't have to be a conspiracy
theorist to find the disappearance of such key documentary evidence suspiciously convenient for the
embattled tax official. Given that the missing documentation seems to have effectively put the
brakes on any meaningful punishment for Lerner or her IRS colleagues, it should come as no surprise
that similar lapses are now breaking out elsewhere in the federal government.
From Comedy to Farce.
[Scroll down] But here is where the farcical kicks in. The squelched investigation was
focused on White House staffer Jonathan Dach. And who is Dach? He was at the time a young Yale law
student and White House staffer, and is now a State Department activist working on — what else? —
"Global Women's Issues." And how did young Jonathan Dach at the ripe age of 25 years land such a prestigious
job as a presidential advance man? His father, Leslie Dach, was a lobbyist who gave the Obama campaign $23,900 and
was later hired on to work with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign. And, of course, Leslie Dach now has
left his job lobbying for Wal-Mart. And where does he work now? For the Obama administration. Promoting
what? Obamacare.
Census staffer brings data falsification to light. A field supervisor in the Census
Bureau's Denver region has informed her organization's higher-ups, the head of the Commerce
Department and congressional investigators that she believes economic data collected by her office
is being falsified.
claims union's legal fight reveals ObamaCare fraud. Non-profit group Southern United
Neighborhoods got a $1.3 million federal grant in 2013 to serve as a "navigator," enrolling people
in Affordable Care Act coverage. The group subcontracted with United Labor Unions Local 100, which,
according to Cause of Action, paid members less than it billed the government and, in some cases, paid them to
recruit union members. The watchdog group discovered the alleged discrepancy in court papers filed by
union workers suing the labor organization for unpaid overtime.
A Culture of Incompetence.
Obama's left never accepts responsibility for anything. Weaned on the sour milk of thuggish, tenured academicians and
marinated in the surreal stew of lawyer-land, the odd creatures that infest our White House have no notion of work or honor
or duty. This manifests itself in different ways. Mendacity has been elevated almost to a secular religion.
Obama, his officials, his armies of minor minions prevaricate with such aplomb that one wonders if they truly know when they
are lying or telling the truth. The disgraceful trail of obfuscations, dissimulations, and quarter-truths are invariably
defended by the administration's flacks with the mantra "we have seen no evidence." Of course we have not! The
evidence has been destroyed or hidden or lied about.
Official in Las Vegas Conference Scandal Finally Gets Charged. It only took four years for
the feds to finally indict a high-ranking government official at the center of the General Services
Administration's (GSA) scandalous Las Vegas conference that fleeced taxpayers out of a million
dollars. The lavish event, held by the GSA for its employees, featured luxury accommodations for
staff and their loved ones, fine cuisine, wild parties and expensive gifts. Adding insult to injury,
dozens of agency workers were awarded cash bonuses for arranging the outlandish Sin City celebration.
Details of this atrocity were featured in a GSA Inspector General report published a few years after the
exorbitant 2010 bash.
Official Pleads Guilty To Stealing $843,000 In Taxpayer Funds. Former Housing and
Urban Development loan specialist Brian Thompson pleaded guilty Thursday to stealing $843,000 of
taxpayer money in a wire fraud scheme. Thompson was responsible for selling properties acquired
by the government after borrowers defaulted on their HUD-guaranteed mortgages. Specialists like
Thompson were tasked with ensuring the sale of these properties at the best possible price to reimburse
the government for taxpayer funds made to mortgage lenders for insured loans. Instead, he funneled
portions of the proceeds into bank accounts he controlled, netting himself $843,000 in the process.
DHS Corruption and Bribery Surrounding Immigration Kickbacks. A U.S. immigration
officer was sentenced on October 3, 2014 to two and a half years in federal prison, for accepting
bribes in the form of cash and egg rolls from applicants seeking citizenship and green cards.
DOE Manager Created 'Hostile Work Environment,' Used Subordinates As Errand Boys. A
Department of Energy manager used government employees as his personal accountants, improperly
accessed their private communications, and retaliated against subordinates who spoke out against the
conduct, according to department watchdogs. The manager's conduct amounted to routine violations
of federal guidelines regarding the ethical conduct of government employees, according to a DOE
inspector general report released on Friday [10/3/2014]. The report is light on details, citing
the Privacy Act of 1974 in withholding specifics about the identities of the individuals involved
and the office in which the conduct took place.
Doesn't Punish Crime Among Its Ranks. The Department of Justice (DOJ) is responsible for enforcing the law,
providing federal leadership in preventing crime and punishing those guilty of illegal behavior yet it allows its own
officials to get away with all sorts of appalling crimes and transgressions. As if this weren't bad enough, the
DOJ also protects its perpetrators, covering up their name and allowing them to keep their lucrative government
jobs. Even the agency watchdog, which is charged with rooting out corruption, conceals crucial information about
unscrupulous DOJ officials, including those in high-ranking positions. Now a national newspaper chain offers insight
into this astounding cover-up scheme with documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a federal law
often used by Judicial Watch to expose government corruption.
NSA Won't Say If Official's
Spouse Does Business With The Agency. A large government contracting firm that appears to be doing or seeking business with
the National Security Agency employs the spouse of one of the most powerful officials at the agency, according to corporate records, press
releases, and company websites. But the NSA has declined to address whether there is a potential conflict of interest or to disclose
any information about contracts or the official's financial holdings. The spouse, for years, has also had an intelligence technology
company incorporated at the couple's suburban residence in Maryland. The NSA official, Teresa H. Shea, is director of the Signals
Intelligence Directorate, which means she oversees electronic eavesdropping for intelligence purposes.
Emails: White House Coordinated With Department of Labor To Hide Illegal Obama Fundraiser Hilda
Solis' Schedule. The Department of Labor coordinated with the White House on whether
or not to release hidden portions of former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis' schedule as Solis battled
an FBI investigation into her illegal fundraising for President Obama. New emails provided to
The Daily Caller from the nonprofit legal research firm Cause of Action show the White House thanking
the Department of Labor for "flagging" a public information request for "withheld" portions of
Solis' schedule.
at Justice Department isn't always prosecuted. Dozens of Justice Department officials,
ranging from FBI special agents and prison wardens to high-level federal prosecutors, have escaped
prosecution or firing in recent years despite findings of misconduct by the department's own
internal watchdog. Most of the names of the investigated officials, even the highest-ranking,
remain under wraps. But documents McClatchy obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal for
the first time a startling array of alleged transgressions uncovered by the department's inspector general.
The head of the IRS doesn't seem too concerned about laws.
Commissioner: We Follow the Law 'Wherever We Can'. In responding to a question from the chair of the
House Ways and Means Committee Wednesday [9/10/2014], IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said he and his department
follow the law "wherever we can." House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) asked Koskinen
"Will you be following the law," in collecting money for a certain type of healthcare subsidy. After Koskinen
ducked the question, Brady asked again. Koskinen then admitted: "Yes, wherever we can, we follow the
law." A discouraged Brady chuckled while admonishing the commissioner saying, "I encourage you to follow the
law in all instances."
chief: 'Whenever we can, we follow the law'. During another grueling hearing on the
ObamaCare rollout, the head of the IRS tried to offer lawmakers an assurance about the soon-to-open
enrollment period. "Whenever we can, we follow the law," IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told the
House Ways and Means subcommittee on health on Wednesday [9/10/2014]. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas),
who leads the subcommittee, immediately expressed his concern with the remarks. "I encourage you
to follow the law in all instances," Brady said.
Hilarity: IRS Thug Koskinen Says 'Whenever we can, we follow the law'. Uh, John, this isn't one of those things
where you follow the law when it's convenient. Might be difficult to fathom considering you work for a lawless punk.
Justice Department Stonewalling Internal
Investigators. The head investigator charged with overseeing the Department of Justice testified Tuesday [9/9/2014] that various
government agencies have repeatedly stymied his investigation efforts, and have done so in direct violation of federal law. Michael E.
Horowitz, Inspector General of the Department of Justice, was testifying before the House Judiciary Committee hearing on investigative access to
government information.
Sebelius, Solis
decline Issa invite to testify. Two former Obama cabinet officials have declined to testify before the House
Oversight Committee in its probe of the White House political office. The news came late Friday in an angry statement
from Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who blasted the officials for [shrinking] "from an examination of the facts."
"The White House's efforts to reconfigure its political office does not inoculate it from oversight of any prior wrongdoing
or efforts to rectify these legal violations," Issa said.
lawmakers say DOJ probe into IRS 'compromised,' demand special counsel. House
Republicans are calling on the Department of Justice to appoint a special counsel for its probe into
the IRS targeting scandal, claiming new evidence shows the investigation is "compromised" due to
multiple instances of conflict of interest. One example, according to House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee Chairman Jim
Jordan, involved a DOJ attorney representing the IRS in litigation relating to the scandal who used
to work for the IRS and was involved in the targeting. However, Monday night [8/25/2014] a DOJ
source confirmed to Fox News that the employee in question, Andrew Strelka, "no longer works at DOJ."
Is the Word For Government Action Against Bank of America. [Scroll down] These
huge bank settlements are election-year ATMs for the Obama administration. It was $12 billion for
JP Morgan, another $7 billion for Citigroup, and on and on. It's a real shakedown.
No one even remotely knows how these penalty-payment numbers are calculated. The federal government's
disbursement of these funds is equally mysterious. As the Wall Street Journal editorial page has pointed
out, a lot of money has gone to states run by Democratic governors.
rejects Obama administration secrecy on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. A federal judge has
issued a stinging rebuke to the Obama administration's recent attempt to shield documents from
disclosure in a case that could yield important clues about the Treasury Department's relationship
with mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Government lawyers had argued they could redact
key information before releasing records to the public by saying the documents related to the
"deliberative process." But in a ruling last month, U.S. Federal Claims Court Judge Margaret M.
Sweeney rejected that, saying the government was illegally cutting corners.
The Hell
That is the Obama White House. Every sentient human being whose brain isn't stuffed
with ideological fairy dust can see that Obama is behind every major scandal of his administration
from Benghazi to the I.R.S. disgrace. How can one know this? Because the culprits haven't been
fired. Moreover, if they are serial liars like Susan Rice, they've actually been promoted to posts
where their loyalty to the criminal-in-chief can do America and its citizens even more damage, if
that is possible. A president faced with a scandal created by underlings behind his back would be
naturally furious at their misbehavior, and want heads to roll. This didn't happen in any of these
scandals because their point of origin was the White House itself. Promoting the culprits is a way
of keeping them quiet.
Peace Corps' Awful Secret. Since 2008, Peace Corps Inspector General Kathy Buller has
led internal investigations that have led to 21 criminal convictions for crimes such as rape,
attempted rape, abuse of minors, embezzlement, theft and possession of narcotics. She's a career
watchdog, with nearly 30 years of experience in the inspector general community. Buller charged
the Peace Corps with employing procedures that have hindered her office's oversight efforts, and
said the agency was not fully disclosing its sexual assault reports.
to do about the politicization of the Attorney General's office. The chief law
enforcement officer of the United States is the Attorney General. He/she is charged with the
investigations and prosecutions of Federal crimes. When there is corruption in the government, it is
the Attorney General who is charged with ferreting out the corrupt and restoring integrity to the
Federal government. But what if the Attorney General selectively seeks out crimes to investigate?
What if the Attorney General turns a blind eye to those crimes and scandals that will discredit his
political interests? What if the Attorney General himself is corrupt?
it time to view the Obama administration as a criminal enterprise? [C]onsider the
steadily accumulating evidence about the Obama administration's modus operandi with potentially
incriminating documents subpoenaed by Congress: A scandal erupts. Congressional hearings
are held. Documents are requested and withheld. Subpoenas are issued. Contempt
charges threatened. A few documents dribble out. Then come the admissions that, oh by
the way, emails required by multiple federal laws to be preserved have either been destroyed or "lost."
Over and over and over... The latest example comes from the Department of Health and Human Services,
which admitted Wednesday [8/6/2014] that hundreds of Obamacare emails subpoenaed in 2013 by the House
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform were destroyed months ago.
Reasons Not to Trust the 'What Me Worry' Media About Ebola. [#2] The Obama
Administration Lies[.] In a situation where an Ebola outbreak could in some way hurt President
Obama's popularity numbers or agenda, do I believe the Obama Administration is morally corrupt to
the point where they would put politics above the safety of the public? I'd tell you to ask our
Libyan ambassador and three other foreign services workers that question, but they're all dead.
Were Ebola to creep over the Southern border in the form of an illegal immigrant, that could hurt
this Administration's push to legalize 11 million Democrats. There is no doubt in my mind,
the Administration would cover this up for as long as it could.
the Obama Administration Has Actually Broken the Law Hundreds of Times. Nearly half of
the Obama administration's 4,000 regulations since 2012 were illegally imposed by skipping the
required congressional review, the Washington Post reported — and there's not much
Congress or the courts can do about it. Under the 1996 Congressional Review Act, most federal
administrative rules are supposed to be reported to the House and Senate and to the Government
Accountability Office. The idea was to give Congress the opportunity to take action before the rule
goes into effect. That same law also barred such rules from judicial review. Curtis
Copeland, a retired Congressional Research Service staffer, examined how many rules issued since
2012 were not reported to Congress and the GAO. He found that out of about 4,000 rules, more
than 1,800 were not properly reported.
House Committee Investigating
FCC Waiver to Obama Donor. A House committee will investigate the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) decision
to allow a waiver granting favorable status in wireless auctions to an Obama donor, the committee announced Thursday [7/31/2014].
Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Fred Upton (R., Mich.) sent a letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler asking for
information and documents relating to the designation of Grain Management, LLC as a "designated entity" last week. The
status will allow the company to receive discounts designed for small businesses when bidding for wireless licenses. David
Grain, a major bundler for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, owns the firm.
remains confident in CIA head John Brennan despite Senate spying. President Obama
remains confident in CIA Director John Brennan's leadership despite an independent investigation
that concluded that the agency had overreached its authority by spying on Senate staffers. White
House spokesman Josh Earnest said the findings had not diminished Brennan's standing in the administration.
When asked whether it damaged his authority or credibility in any way, Earnest said: "Absolutely not."
confesses: Yeah, we hacked the Senate's computers. In March, Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-CA) revealed that CIA Director John Brennan told her that the intelligence agency he leads had
improperly accessed Senate computers and secretly removed classified documents while the agency's
War on Terror interrogation tactics were under investigation. Feinstein alleged that Brennan told
her the CIA took that action because the agency believed the Senate might have accessed documents that
they were not authorized to see. In a statement, Brennan said the Senate Intelligence Committee
chairwoman had leveled "spurious allegations about CIA actions that were wholly unsupported by the
facts." While he confessed that the agency had made mistakes, the CIA director insisted that
there was no merit to the charge that the agency had spied on members of Congress.
Brennan's Lying and Usurpation of Law, President Obama Gives Strong Vote of Confidence In CIA
Director John Brennan. President Obama issued a strong defense of CIA Director John
Brennan on Friday in the face of revelations that his agency spied on congressional staffers'
computers. "I have full confidence in John Brennan," Obama said in a White House press conference.
John Brennan Know Too Much for Obama to Fire Him? It's difficult to cross man with
details on every secret drone strike you've authorized — especially the legally dubious ones.
corruption on the rampage. The Obama administration is arguably the most corrupt
administration in U.S. history. Corruption destroys civil society and economic growth by undermining
the rule of law and protection of private property. Corruption takes many forms, from the simple
payment to a government official for a favor, to the failure of government employees to do what they
are paid to do, to gross abuse of power. The president and his senior officials swear to uphold the
Constitution and the law — which means following the law as written, and not as they wish
it were written. The failure to apply equal justice to all citizens is a major form of corruption
and has been blatant in Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.'s "Justice Department."
Crimes by members or friends of the administration are ignored — just consider the lack of
action against employees of the Internal Revenue Service who obviously broke the law in many cases.
Partisans. Something has gone wrong in our civil service. Consider some recent
developments. The IRS was forced to pay the National Organization for Marriage $50,000 for leaking
the group's donor list. Tea-party organizations and donors were much more likely than others to be
audited by the IRS. This misbehavior was not the work of a few rogue employees in Cincinnati. In
general, the IRS stalled tea-party applications for status as 501(c)(4) groups. Meanwhile, April
Sands, an employee of the FEC, recently pleaded guilty to violating the Hatch Act, which prohibits
federal employees from campaigning at the office. Ms. Sands, who worked in the office charged with
enforcing our election laws, recently said, "I just don't understand how anyone but straight white
men can vote Republican." What business does such a person have in that office in the first place?
Somehow the FEC managed to wipe her computer clean, weakening the case against her. Perhaps that
answers our question. These cases reflect a larger pattern.
At 4,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is still unaccountable. Four years ago, the
big-government liberals got the agency of their dreams, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It
was the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who was a Harvard law professor in real life and a
Cherokee Indian in her dreams before she was elected to the U.S. Senate. There she beats the drums
for the bureau to serve as a "cop on the beat" to protect consumers from undisciplined capitalism.
The bureau is mired in undisciplined corruption. Created through the passage of the Dodd-Frank
Wall Street regulation act, the bureau was crafted with uniquely undemocratic features. The bureau
pays its bills by drawing funds directly from the Federal Reserve, bypassing Congress. It was set up
this way to ensure it would operate as a fiefdom free from congressional scrutiny, and it shows.
Associate: "I Don't Understand How Anyone But Straight White Men Can Vote Republican".
Which brings us to the case of April Sands, an employee at the Federal Elections Commission (FEC),
who struck a deal with the agency's Inspector General to avoid criminal charges related to running
afoul of the Hatch Act on numerous occasions. She has openly confessed to breaching federal law as
part of her effective plea bargain, but investigators were unable to probe a potential goldmine of
incriminating activity: Her email. Why? You guessed it; her hard drive crashed,
supposedly wiping out her email records, and resulting in the FEC recycling (i.e., destroying) the
hard drive. Sounds familiar. Did I mention that Ms. Sands worked under Lois Lerner when
Lerner served as the agency's Associate General Counsel for Enforcement?
Lerner's Former FEC Colleague Has Emails Go Missing Too. The Federal Election
Commission recycled the computer hard drive of April Sands — a former co-worker of Lois
Lerner's — hindering an investigation into Sands' partisan political activities,
according to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. [...] One of Sands' tweets,
from June 4, 2012 read "I just don't understand how anyone but straight white men can vote
Republican. What kind of delusional rhetorical [sic] does one use?" Sands is a black female.
"Dear every single Republican ever, When will U learn that Barack Hussein Obama is simply smarter
than U? Stand down, Signed #Obama2012 #p2," Sands wrote on May 1, 2012. In a
message from Aug. 25, 2012, Sands called Republicans her "enemy."
House asks Darrell Issa to drop subpoena. The White House is asking Rep. Darrell Issa
to withdraw a subpoena of a senior adviser to President Barack Obama and is offering instead to hold
a private briefing on activities in the administration's political affairs office. In a letter
sent Monday [7/14/2014], White House Counsel W. Neil Eggleston offered to brief Issa, a California
Republican who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on the role of the the
Office of Political Strategy and Outreach on Tuesday. That's one day before the office's director,
David Simas, is under subpoena to testify on potential violations of the Hatch Act.
The Democrats'
War on Children. Central American children are pawns in the Democratic Party's pursuit
of political advantage through an open Southern border. [...] The Obama regime's official
complicity in promoting the flow of unaccompanied, undocumented children entering the U.S. lacks the
same degree of transparency associated with the civilian deaths in Mexico due to Eric Holder's Fast
& Furious gun-running, the White House's involvement in the IRS Scandal, and the deaths of Americans
in Benghazi. None of the above is likely to ever be fully parsed.
House committee chairman subpoenas White House political chief over claims Obama staffers are doing
campaign work with taxpayer funds. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
chair Rep. Darrell Issa sent his latest subpoena to the Obama administration on Friday [7/11/2014], demanding
testimony from the director of a controversial White House office reportedly tasked with political
work on taxpayers' dime. David Simas, the director of the White House Office of Political Strategy
and Outreach, has refused to testify voluntarily but will be required to answer questions in a July
16 hearing on Capitol Hill. President Barack Obama closed the White House Office of Political
Affairs in 2011, just days before an Office of Special Counsel report warned that it risked
'transforming from an official government office into a partisan political operation.' But the
president reopened the office six months ago under a new name as Democrats began to gear up for
a contentious midterm election fight.
worker suspended for pro-Obama activities. The employee, whose name wasn't mentioned
in the announcement from the Office of Special Counsel, admitted to using his job for political
purposes and agreed to the settlement that involved a 100-day suspension. "OSC's complaint alleged
that, when fielding taxpayers' questions on an IRS customer service help line, the employee
repeatedly urged taxpayers to re-elect President Obama in 2012 by delivering a chant based on the
spelling of the employee's last name," the investigative office said. The OSC also announced a
U.S. Postal Service employee was fired after he ran for seats in Congress and solicited donations to
his campaign, violating the Hatch Act that limits government employees' ability to get involved in politics.
standard? Pro-Obama IRS worker suspended, postal employee fired for political violation. A
federal agency announced two disciplinary actions this week against federal workers for violating a law
that limits political activity. But while one of them — a now-former Postal Service worker
who committed the apparent sin of running for Congress — was fired, the other — an IRS
worker who used taxpayer resources to promote President Obama's 2012 candidacy — faces only a
suspension. Now the ex-Postal Service worker in question, Illinois resident and congressional
candidate Marcus Lewis, is slamming the federal government for stripping him of his livelihood by "selectively
enforcing" the law. "What happened to me is not only unfair, it's ungodly," he told
political donor leading Justice Department's IRS investigation. Two Republican
lawmakers and a conservative legal group are crying foul over the Justice Department's selection of
a Democratic donor to lead the agency's investigation into the Internal Revenue Service's targeting
of advocacy groups during the 2010 and 2012 election cycles. House Oversight Committee Chairman
Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) issued a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric
Holder on Wednesday [7/9/2014] saying DOJ trial attorney Barbara Bosserman's involvement is "highly
inappropriate and has compromised the administration's investigation of the IRS." They asked
that the department remove her from the case.
Scandal Playbook. Since Obama took office in 2009, we've witnessed Operation Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Department
of Justice spying on reporters and their families, IRS targeting of conservatives, the debacle, the GSA
conference scandal, Solyndra, veterans dying as a result of secret wait lists within the Department of Veterans Affairs,
and many, many more. [...] Obama's White House has not weathered these storms through luck alone. They have a
well-thought[-]out, well-used playbook designed to lie to the American people, protect administration officials,
and to avoid accountability or criminal prosecution.
Does Barack Obama Understand The Constitution?
The obvious answer is impeachment — but that is not a solution to the constitutional
overreach of Barack Obama. Even setting aside the optics of making the first African-American
president the first president to be impeached and removed, the reality is that removal will not
happen. After all, as demonstrated by the quotes from Senators Melendez and Durbin, the very
senators whose duty is to vote for Obama's removal in order to defend the constitutional prerogatives
of Congress are acting as cheerleaders for his usurpation of congressional power.
Counsel Can't Name One Person She Worked With During 6-Month Stint at IRS. White
House attorney Jennifer O'Connor testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee Tuesday that she couldn't recall who she worked with during her six months at the IRS.
Before working for the Office of White House Counsel, O'Connor worked for the IRS from May 2013 to
November 2013 to help the agency deal with the IRS scandal.
Fawn Over IRS Commissioner Who Contributed Over $85,000 to Their Committees, Candidates. IRS
Commissioner John Koskinen contributed more than $85,000 to Democratic candidates and committees, MRCTV research
has discovered — with a $5,000 donation to President Obama in 2012 and $19,000 to the Democratic National
Committee from 1988 to 2008. This may explain the fawning "thank yous" Koskinen received for his public service from many
Democrats last night on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
Declarations Of
War. [Scroll down] I cannot remember an exchange between an appointed Cabinet
official and an elected federal legislator that's remotely comparable to these. Commissioner
Koskinen's arrogance and defiance are unprecedented. He appears unconcerned with what might follow
his open refusal to cooperate with the investigation, the most important such since Teapot Dome. No
appointee concerned with his tenure in his position would exhibit such an attitude except after having
secured assurance of protection against any significant penalty. Such protection could only issue
from higher up in the Administration: specifically, from the White House.
arrogant and lawless IRS. If there was any political motivation for
this abuse of power, it is a form of corruption — the kind of thing Americans like to
criticize in countries they regard as less developed. And the circumstantial evidence is strong.
This wave of heightened IRS scrutiny came after Democratic senators, warning of possible abuses
spawned by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, demanded additional IRS scrutiny of
nonprofit political groups. Because evidence of political influence is both plausible and
circumstantial, a special counsel is needed to sort out the truth.
The Golden Days of Government under Emperor Obama.
We have seen the Obama Administration routinely review its own actions for illegality —
Eric Holder, for example, conducted a vigorous inquiry into the possible lawless behavior of Eric
Holder. This, as you know, was the ultimate chessmatch between investigator and target, a battle
of two masters. It was like a game of wits between Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarity, if both
were corrupt and both were dullards. But in case you think that's a case of favoritism for the
high-ranking officials in the Obama Administration, Think Again, Buddy. The policy is
extended downwards to mid-level managers, too.
Obama Megadonor Indicted for
Fraud, Manslaughter. Well, that's fun: an Obama megadonor, who donated over a million dollars to an Obama PAC
in 2012 and dozens of other Democrat donors, was just indicted on a smattering of charges, including fraud (for running a
multimillion-dollar kickback scheme), and, uh, manslaughter.
Shadowy Obama
Megadonor Indicted On Fraud And Manslaughter Charges. A California grand jury has
indicted Kareem Ahmed, a major donor to President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, and 15 of
Ahmed's associates in an alleged multimillion-dollar insurance kickback scheme.
says it cannot locate Lois Lerner emails prior to 2011. The Internal Revenue Service
told Congress Friday it has lost a trove of emails to and from Lois Lerner, a central figure in the
agency's Tea Party controversy, sparking outrage from congressional investigators who have been
probing the agency for more than a year. The IRS said it cannot locate many of Lerner's emails
prior to 2011 because her computer crashed during the summer of that year.
The Editor says...
First of all, her email messages don't reside on her computer. Her email resides on a server somewhere,
and the servers, if they are managed properly, have backup files stored at yet another location. (Ask
Oliver North how that works.) But even if this latest excuse is valid, this is all surprisingly
convenient, isn't it?
about Lois Lerner's very convenient computer crash.
No one fired in outing
of CIA official; leak ruled inadvertent. An investigation into the outing of the
CIA's top intelligence official in Afghanistan last month determined the leak was inadvertent.
No one was disciplined or fired, White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Wednesday [6/11/2014].
When pressed on who was responsible for revealing the name to some 6,000 journalists, Earnest said
the White House was focused on changing procedures, rather than one specific misstep.
Prosecute the President.
This is not just executive overreach. In many cases, Obama's exercise of authoritarian power is
criminal. His executive branch is responsible for violations of the Arms Export Control Act in
shipping weapons to Syria, the Espionage Act in Libya, and IRS law with regard to the targeting of
conservative groups. His executive branch is guilty of involuntary manslaughter in Benghazi and in
the Fast and Furious scandal, and bribery in its allocation of waivers in Obamacare and tax dollars
in its stimulus spending. His administration is guilty of obstruction of justice and witness
tampering. And yet nothing is done.
House: Release of CIA Official's Name 'Inadvertent,' No Punishments. The White House
said it determined that the release of the name of the CIA station chief in Afghanistan was
unintentional and said they don't know of any disciplinary action that has been taken. The
station chief's name was fed to the White House press pool in a list of people meeting with
President Obama on his recent trip to Afghanistan. White House spokesman Josh Earnest told
reporters yesterday that the protocol is for the lead press contact to clear names with National
Security Council staff before releasing to the media.
Shapiro: Obama Administration 'A Criminal Enterprise Like The Mafia'. ["]There are
tons of charges can be brought against the Obama administration. But I'm arguing here is this is
really a criminal enterprise like the mafia. Basically, President Obama never has to give a direct
order. All he has to do is sit atop of the chain of command and then let all of his minions do
whatever it is that he wants. This is why the RICO Act was created — is to wrap all of
this kind of stuff in a bundle and then allow for prosecution.["]
Clinton State Dept. Broke Law, Lied About Boko Haram Terror Threat. A leading senator
has charged that Hillary Clinton's State Department broke the law by intentionally obfuscating and
downplaying to Congress the terror threat posed by the Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram, which
recently gained international infamy for violently kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls.
Sen. David Vitter (R., La.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, petitioned Secretary of
State John Kerry on Monday to explain why Clinton's State Department misrepresented and downplayed
key information about Boko Haram's terrorist activities in its annual reports to Congress.
Office of Special Counsel Investigating 37 Cases
of Whistleblowers Being Punished For Whistleblowing. If you lie the way they want you
to, you get promoted. If you tell a truth they don't want out, you get suspended, reassigned, or fired.
Orders NSA To Stop Destroying Evidence — For The Third Time. U.S. District
Court Judge Jeffrey White's ruling came at the request of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which
is in the midst of a case challenging NSA's ability to surveil foreign citizen's U.S.-based email
and social media accounts. According to the EFF, the signals intelligence agency and the
Department of Justice were knowingly destroying key evidence in the case by purposefully
misinterpreting earlier preservation orders by multiple courts, multiple times.
Totally Normal That Joe Biden's Son Works for a Ukrainian Energy Company. The
inauguration of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president was Europe's biggest story today
[6/7/2014]. The billionaire confectioner promised to bring Ukraine closer to Europe and the West.
He also had some tough words about Crimea, which he delivered in the presence of Mikhail Zurabov,
the recently restored Russian ambassador to Ukraine.
Ex-Interior Department official steered federal awards to friends. President Obama's
only Cabinet-level official from the U.S. territory of Guam steered federal contracts to friends,
engaged in discrimination and sexual harassment, requested and received personal favors from
subordinates and benefitted personally from taxpayer-funded trips, according to a watchdog report.
The review by the Interior Department's inspector general largely substantiated allegations from
agency employees against Anthony Babauta, who resigned in January as assistant secretary for
Interior's Office of Insular Affairs.
exec with top-secret clearance didn't disclose China trip, past felonies. Top General
Services Administration officials learned of a troubling discovery by the agency's watchdog office
back in December: a GSA executive responsible for intelligence agency customers had gone to China a
year earlier without telling anyone. The official not only held a top-secret compartmented
information clearance that required him to report the trip, he failed to disclose decades-old
felony arrests or report multiple contacts with foreign nationals, according to a Dec. 6, 2013,
memo from the GSA Office of Inspector General to the agency's top acquisition and human resources officials.
fundraiser, donor sat on boards of federal subsidy agency — and a finance company it
subsidized. James Torrey of Greenwich, Conn., has bundled more than $1 million for
Barack Obama's presidential runs, is a huge donor to Democratic Senate campaigns (including Obama's
2004 race) and gave about $80,000 combined to Obama's 2008 and 2012 presidential races. This
couldn't have hurt his appointment to the board of directors of the Overseas Private Investment
Corp. — a federal agency that subsidizes U.S. businesses investing in foreign countries.
Torrey is also on the board of the microfinance company MicroVest. After Torrey joined OPIC's
board, MicroVest went from being a moderate customer of OPIC to a leading recipient of OPIC
subsidies: $57 million in taxpayer-backed financing and another $20 million in
OPIC-provided insurance.
officers poised to profit after Pentagon's alarmist climate change report. Retired
military officers deeply involved in the climate change movement — and some in companies
positioned to profit from it — spearheaded an alarmist global warming report this month
that calls on the Defense Department to ramp up spending on what it calls a man-made problem.
The report, which the Obama administration immediately hailed as a call to action, was issued not by a
private advocacy group but by a Pentagon-financed think tank that trumpets "absolute objectivity."
The research was funded by a climate change group that is also one of the think tank's main customers.
White House Sued Over Possible Hatch Act
Violations. A watchdog group is suing the Obama administration for records on an investigation into possible Hatch Act
violations by former White House staff members Rahm Emanuel and Jim Messina. Judicial Watch announced Thursday it has filed a
Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) for records on its investigation into former White
House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, whom the watchdog group alleges used their positions as
high-level administration officials in 2009 to affect federal elections. The Hatch Act states that an employee may not "use
his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election."
When Obama Resigns.
Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media and the political establishment to protect Barack
Obama, they can no longer hide the incompetence and criminality of the most divisive and sordid
administration in American history. Former National Security Council Spokesman Tommy "dude, this
was like two years ago" Vietor is the poster boy of the Obama Administration; a collection of
inexperienced, emotionally immature ideologues, whose "the ends justify the means" mentality
permits them to tell any lie, violate any law and indifferently sacrifice lives as long as it
serves their political objectives. This bungling and scandal-prone gaggle of amoral nitwits, led
by a talking teleprompter, survives only because the extent of their dishonesty is matched by that
of the political-media establishment and the public's inexplicable willingness to tolerate it.
It is, in fact, explainable. Just as certain banks were "too big to fail," Barack Obama is, quite
simply, too corrupt to fail.
Obama's attack on the
independence of inspectors general. Inspectors general are the taxpayers' policemen. Their beat is the
corridors of the bureaucracy, which they patrol for waste, fraud, abuse and even crime. This often puts them at odds
with a president, his administration and his congressional allies. Not long after settling into the White House,
President Obama fired Gerald Walpin, the inspector general for AmeriCorps, because he had exposed a scam involving a close
presidential friend. Mr. Walpin filed a report about the misuse of $847,000 in grant money by Kevin Johnson, the mayor
of Sacramento, Calif. Mr. Johnson, a former NBA star, was accused of using government cash to pay "volunteers" to keep his
car sparkling clean and to run personal errands. The firing of Mr. Walpin sent a clear signal to his colleagues:
Investigate a friend of the president, and you'll be looking for a new job. Many got the message.
about the firing of Mr. Walpin.
Voter Fraud: An Existential
Threat to America. It is difficult to describe the enormity of the crime being committed by the Obama
administration and their Democratic allies. They flagrantly flout the law, while simultaneously turning it into a
weapon against political opponents, use government agencies to target innocent Americans, attempt to create legal voters
through amnesty, and undermine voter integrity measures to facilitate vote fraud, while denying it even exists. In
short, they are corrupting the entire process.
war on watchdogs. A Senate report last week revealed that the Obama administration
utterly debilitated the inspector general for the Homeland Security Department. Charles Edwards, the
acting IG from early 2011 till last December, toadied to Obama appointees at every opportunity —
stifling reports, deleting damning findings and boasting of his chumminess with agency chieftains.
Unfortunately, torpedoing oversight of the federal government's largest nonmilitary department fits
the administration's template of suppressing evidence of its debacles far and wide.
Obama Hiring of Criminal Lawyer Due to Benghazi E-mails? On April 29, Judicial Watch announced that
it had obtained the "smoking gun" e-mail on April 18, 2014 — days before Obama announced that Neil
Eggleston would replace Kathryn Ruemmler as White House counsel to the president. [...] Is the Obama administration
simply gearing up for battle due to myriad unconstitutional and possibly illegal activities? Eggleston will
certainly have his hands full after the last six years.
Federal Election
Commission Lawyer: Politicking for Obama on Taxpayer Time. A lawyer for the Federal Election Commission
has resigned after being found to have engaged in prohibited political activity to help President Obama's reelection
on government time. The Federal Election Commission is the agency charged with regulating campaign finance for
the presidential campaigns and serving as a purportedly neutral federal agency. [...] The Hatch Act prohibits federal
employees from engaging in political activity on government time or using government resources to aid the election of
candidates. The most serious penalty possible for violation of the Hatch Act is loss of federal employment.
Here's a shocker:
Evidence Shows DHS Official 'Politically Influenced' by White House. Evidence has come to light linking
former DHS watchdog Charles Edwards to a White House agenda. Sec of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson has put Edwards
on leave, after a Senate Oversight Subcommittee revealed that, "The employee was too cozy with senior agency officials
and delayed or classified some critical reports to accommodate President Barack Obama's political appointees."
Edwards was the former Deputy Inspector General of The Dept of Homeland Security.
Obama's Dirty
Watchdogs. The Obama administration doesn't have watchdogs. It has whitewash puppies. The
president's Chicago bullies have defanged true advocates for integrity in government in D.C. from day one. So
the latest report by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Operations Committee on corruptocrat Charles K.
Edwards, the former Department of Homeland Security inspector general, isn't a revelation. It's
confirmation. Investigators found that Edwards compromised the independence of his office by socializing and
sucking up to senior DHS officials.
Probe: DHS watchdog cozy with officials, altered reports
as he sought top job. The top watchdog for the Department of Homeland Security altered
and delayed investigations at the request of senior administration officials, compromising his
independent role as an inspector general, according to a new report from a Senate oversight panel.
Charles K. Edwards, who served as acting DHS inspector general from 2011 through 2013, routinely
shared drinks and dinner with department leaders and gave them inside information about the timing
and findings of investigations, according to the report from an oversight panel of the Homeland
Security and Government Operations Committee.
Fraud runs rampant in Census
Bureau. There's a pattern of falsifying statistics throughout the entire Census Bureau.
And anyone who attempts to blow the whistle on the fraud is either retaliated against or ignored, according to
two new sources who have experienced the process firsthand. As I've been writing for more than six months,
the Census Bureau office in Philadelphia uncovered a case of fraud in 2010, did nothing about it and allowed the
practice to continue. In that instance, a data collector named Julius Buckmon was faking reports that
went into the nation's all-important jobless tally and consumer-inflation survey.
Obamacare: Sicker than we
thought. [Scroll down] And the Census Bureau, which the Obama administration hijacked and dragged into the White
House, making it potentially a house organ, like MSNBC, has announced that it's changing the way it questions folks
about their health insurance status. That means, no matter the reality, Census Bureau statistics will show a
drop in the number of uninsured. "We are expecting much lower numbers just because of the questions and how
they are asked," Brett J. O'Hara, chief of the health statistics branch at the Census Bureau, told the
New York Times.
Obama and the politics of lies. Since it became painfully clear in 2013 that Obama had
lied about Obamacare since 2009, it has been increasingly difficult for many Americans to continue
accepting at face value his statements on other major public issues. In both the Benghazi and IRS
scandals, for example, Obama claimed to have known nothing about them until they were reported in the
national media. But if that were true, why has the president's attorney general and so many
other of his most prominent appointees withheld thousands of documents subpoenaed by Congress and
requested by journalists under the Freedom of Information Act? Are there passages in those
withheld documents that make it clear Obama knew much more than he has admitted?
Show Corruption At [the] Heart Of [the Obama] Administration. The newly released emails were gathered for
a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch, a nonpartisan public interest law group. They show that
former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner discussed with the Justice Department going after conservative
groups that she believed lied about their political activities. What's shocking is that this discussion came
just days before Lerner acknowledged that the IRS had investigated tea-party and other conservative groups but insisted
that it was an isolated incident conducted by low-level officials in the IRS' Cincinnati office.
Obama's thug administration. One of
the hallmarks of the Obama administration is that it is among the most corrupt administrations in living memory.
[...] The Obama Administration isn't the first in American history that secured power through corruption.
However, it is very likely the most criminally corrupt administration in this nation's vaunted history. Its
slick progressive veneer is slowly eroding to reveal its fascist intentions. It must be stopped and individuals
like Obama, Holder and their loyal lackeys must be driven from public life.
Ted Cruz: Congress Should Impeach Eric Holder If He Takes No Action on IRS Targeting
Scandal. On the day the House Oversight Committee held Lois Lerner in contempt, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Congress
should impeach Attorney General Eric Holder if he does not indict those like Lerner for their roles in the IRS's targeting of
conservative groups. In a Thursday appearance on Sean Hannity's radio program, Cruz said Holder should be impeached for
"defying Congress and the rule of law."
officials broke hiring rules, watchdog alleges. Top hiring officials at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency
broke federal civil service laws when they tried to hire three politically connected but unqualified candidates who were favored by
the agency's then-commissioner, a government watchdog charged Tuesday. The human resources office was warned that choosing the
candidates, political appointees who worked on President Obama's 2008 campaign and were then hired at the Department of Homeland Security,
CBP's parent agency, would circumvent laws designed to create a fair competition for federal jobs.
Sessions: 'Deliberate Plan by President' to Collapse U.S. Law Enforcement System. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said
today that Americans need to stand up to "a deliberate plan by the president of the United States" to collapse the nation's law
enforcement system regarding illegal immigration. "Our law enforcement system is in a state of collapse, and it's a deliberate
plan by the president of the United States, and it's wrong. And, people need to be aware of it and need to stand up to it
and I believe the American people are beginning to do so." Sen. Sessions rebuked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Vice
President Joe Biden for their pro-amnesty efforts: "So, you come into the country illegally and the attorney general of the
United States declares that these individuals have a civil right to amnesty. How can this possibly be: the chief law
enforcement officer in America?"
is Obama administration blocking Detroit River bridge? Why isn't the Obama administration willing to
finance the customs plaza for the new international bridge over the Detroit River between Detroit and Windsor,
Ontario? That's a question raised by this article in the Wall Street Journal. As the Journal notes,
the government of Canada has agreed to pay, as part of a public-private partnership, about $3.65 billion for
building the bridge, including a $550 million link with Interstate 75 in Detroit. The new bridge
would provide an alternative for the privately owned Ambassador Bridge, which was opened in 1929. Yet the
Obama administration isn't ponying up $250 million to build a customs plaza. [...] Why is the Obama
administration withholding the $250 million for the customs plaza? One possible reason: to propitiate
Matty Maroun, the Michigan billionaire who owns the Ambassador Bridge and profits handsomely from tolls and concessions.
Justice Department Corruption While Giving Thousands to Obama Campaign. A key ethics investigator
at Eric Holder's Justice Department has contributed $6,100 to Barack Obama's election campaign even though she
has participated in high-profile investigations of political misconduct at the Department of Justice Office of
Professional Responsibility. Mary Aubry is an attorney in the Office of Professional Responsibility.
The office has investigated a wide range of politically sensitive matters including the dismissal of the New
Black Panther voter intimidation case, terrorist interrogation techniques, and the "investigation" into the
firing of United States attorneys who served at the pleasure of President Bush.
Culture of corruption in federal
bureaucracy. Evidence is accumulating of a corrupt bureaucratic culture in many, if not all, federal agencies. Revelations
of lavish meetings at fancy hotels, featuring stupid but expensive custom-made videos emerged in the last couple of years. But even worse,
cases of bureaucrats stealing from taxpayers by taking time off while still being paid high salaries have been reported recently, with their
supervisors knowingly turning a blind eye to the taxpayer rip-off. The EPA's highest-paid employee pretended to be a CIA agent and
defrauded the taxpayers of about $900,000 in salary and travel expenses (often first class airfare and five star hotels). But this
apparently was no isolated incident.
Obama Admin's
Unbelievably Brazen Obstruction Of IG Investigation. A high-ranking official at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
who said he was acting at the direction of top lawyers in President Obama's White House, went to extraordinary and seemingly bizarre lengths to
obstruct an Inspector General investigation into illicit lobbying activity at the agency. The aggressive obstruction of an IG investigation
is serious enough that a senior lawmaker says the police may need to be involved.
Vitter Accuses
Inspector General of Providing Cover for EPA in Investigation. Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee are condemning an inspector general's report exonerating Environmental Protection Agency officials in the case of using
unofficial email addresses to hide their dealings from public scrutiny. In a letter to Arthur A. Elkins Jr., the
agency's inspector general, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), the panel's ranking member, charged that the probe was not only insufficient
but that it was conducted in a manner "that inappropriately provided cover for EPA's problematic email practice." Vitter
expressed concern over the scope of the OIG investigation, cited flaws in the office's methodology and maintained investigators
arrived at questionable conclusions despite evidence to the contrary.
Obama appointee
subsidizes electric bus company, then goes to work for it. Washington's green revolving door keeps on spinning. President Obama's
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood has left the administration and joined an electric bus company he subsidized and praised while in office.
Proterra Inc. makes buses that require no gasoline or diesel — they run on electricity and fuel cells.
Obamacare's Criminal
Enterprise. Question: If Obamacare officials cannot prevent accused embezzlers from infiltrating their offices,
how can they protect enrollees from grifters, con artists, and thieves in the federal health-insurance-exchange system?
of Corruption Postscript: The Hilda Solis Files. Put on your super-shocked faces, everyone: Former Obama administration official
Hilda Solis, who is now running for yet another government position in Los Angeles, is embroiled in yet another union corruptocracy scandal.
The Hope and Change hits just keep on coming. Solis served as President No More Business As Usual's first secretary of labor. Remember
waaaay back then, when "most transparent administration in history" had not yet become an automatic punchline?
Obama labor secretary did not report union-funded private jet trips to the FEC. Former Obama administration Secretary of Labor Hilda
Solis took thousands of dollars of free trips on a union's jet to "avoid freeway traffic" and did not report the trips as required by federal
law, according to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court against union leaders. Solis traveled on a private jet owned by the International
Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 12 in a series of pricey trips that she did not report to the Federal Election Commission, according
to a report on the lawsuit by Hews Media Group. The trips occurred in 2009, and some were intended to fly her to Washington, D.C. when she
was being considered for the Obama cabinet post.
are President Obama's political plums. Noah Bryson Mamet is a political consultant who raised at least $500,000 for President Obama and
the Democratic Party in the 2012 election cycle. As of last week, he had never visited Argentina — which helps explain the
ambassador-designate's spotty performance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at his confirmation hearing.
Don't Celebrate Eric Holder's Pending
Departure. Nobody should celebrate the announcement that Attorney General Eric Holder will be leaving the administration this year.
Whoever replaces Holder will be just as radical and ideological. [...] So even after Eric Holder is gone, the Civil Rights Division will be just as
racialist and lawless. The Criminal Division will still refuse to prosecute election gangsters like Melowese Richardson in Ohio who proudly
said on camera she voted six times for President Obama in 2012. It will still refuse to prosecute large banks for criminal conspiracy because
they are "too big" to prosecute.
Expert: Obama's 'myRA' violates
multiple investment laws. President Obama's new and low-budget proposal to help Americans build a tiny nest egg appears to violate
federal laws barring retirement plan sponsors from steering investments to self-serving accounts, in this case the Treasury's own bonds, according
to a new analysis. The "myRA" plan Obama unveiled in his State of the Union address would also be outlawed in the private finance world
because it offers no investment diversification and amounts to a conflict of interest, violations that call for fines up to $100,000 and up to
a year in prison.
Go to Jail — Get
Obamacare. Defend a Cop Killer — Get a Massive Job in DoJ. It seems every day the Democrats currently in power find a new way
to express sneering contempt for everyone who disagrees with them for any reason. Democrat Leahy did not allow the widow of slain police officer
Daniel Faulkner to testify as to why the attorney who represented her husband's murderer should not be confirmed to head DoJ's Civil Rights Division.
Why did he deny her her right to speak? A technicality. And because he could. It would have been inconvenient to the Obama
administration for Congress to have heard directly from Abu Jamal's surviving victim.
bundler nominated as ambassador to Argentina has never been to the country. Presidents often award diplomatic posts to campaign donors
and fundraisers, but Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., suspects that Obama's choice of ambassador to Argentina — a man who bundled more than
$500,000 for President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, but who has never been to the country — is in over his head. "Have you
been to Argentina?" Rubio asked Noah Mamet during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing Thursday [2/6/2014]. "I haven't had the
opportunity yet to be there," Mamet replied.
What Does It Cost To Be an Obama
Ambassador? Rewarding donors and political allies with ambassadorships is nothing new, but Obama vowed to buck the tradition,
promising shortly after he was elected to "have civil servants, wherever possible, serve in these posts." "My expectation is that high
quality civil servants are going to be rewarded," he said in a January 2009 news conference. In fact, Obama has rewarded political
supporters plum ambassadorships more than his predecessors. [...] In his second term, Obama has named more political than career appointments,
39 versus 36. Twenty of his political appointments raised more than $500,000 for his 2012 campaign.
'Smart Diplomacy' Collapses Under Political Cronyism. [T]he State Department under Obama is turning into a global laughingstock as
he puts forward a series of incompetent political cronies for key diplomatic posts, showing disrespect for allies and contempt for our own nation's
proud diplomatic traditions. [...] George Tsunis, who raised $988,550 for Obama in 2012, became ambassador to Norway, [...] Noah Mamet, Obama's
just-named envoy to Argentina, a major Latin American nation on the verge of fiscal collapse, has never visited that country. But, hey, he did
bundle more than $500,000 for Obama in 2012. Caroline Kennedy, who doesn't speak Japanese, has no real expertise in Japan and whose sole
qualification appears to be her last name, is now U.S. representative to our No. 1 ally in Asia. Tokyo officials took it as a grave insult.
More than a smidgen:
IRS whistleblower's terrifying charges. These charges deserve official investigation, and because the Eric Holder Department of
Justice cannot be trusted to appoint someone with an interest in getting at the truth, the charges ought to be part of a special prosecutor's
mandate. Of all government agencies, the IRS has the most arbitrary and easily-abused power. Corruption within its ranks cannot be
tolerated, for it has the potential to metastasize rapidly into banana republic tyranny
Obama's IRS 'Confusion'. House
committees are still digging into the IRS political targeting scandal, and based on a hearing Wednesday there's more to learn. The day
produced more evidence blowing apart President Obama's claims that there was "not even a smidgen of corruption" or political motivation in the
IRS handling of groups applying for tax-exempt status.
This Is Starting
to Look Like a Pattern of Political Moves and Prosecutions. A pattern indeed, that stretches back to 2010 and the IRS abuse, or 2009
if you include Obama's joke that he would use the IRS against his opponents. Here is one more fact. In 2012, Obama's campaign deliberately
disabled safeguards on its website, allowing it to collect illegal foreign donations. It did accept illegal foreign donations; to what extent
is unknown. Those donations, and the campaign staff who disabled the safeguards, were never investigated or prosecuted. The media never
showed much interest in investigating, either.
Former Energy Secretary Joins Board of
Stimulus Recipient. Former Energy Secretary Steven Chu will join the board of a company that got millions of dollars from
the Department of Energy during Chu's tenure and is backed by some of the nation's most politically connected investors. Lithium
ion battery manufacturer Amprius announced Chu's move on Monday [1/20/2014]. His "ideas and experience will help Amprius accelerate
the development of even higher-energy batteries," the company said in a statement. Chu has already helped the company accelerate
that development through more than $4 million in DOE grant money paid to the company since 2011.
Democrats Are Playing the Knockout
Game. [Scroll down] But in the meantime, conservatives of all stripes wonder where the indictments on the IRS targeting
of conservatives are. They wonder why there have been no charges filed over the "Fast and Furious" scandal and the Benghazi debacle.
They wonder why there have been no consequences for the outrageous actions and inactions of Harry Reid, Eric Holder or Kathleen Sebelius; why
there has been no investigation of the Solyndra debacle and why there never seem to be any lasting and effectual investigations into our
president's imperial ambitions and behavior.
Should Americans believe anything
Obama says? When Americans first learned last year that the IRS had illegally targeted Tea Party, conservative and evangelical nonprofits for harassment
during the 2010 and 2012 campaigns, Obama said such activities were unacceptable and he promised to get to the bottom of the scandal. But not long afterwards,
he began dismissing the IRS matter as a "phony scandal" concocted by Republicans unhappy that he had won re-election. Then, Attorney General Eric Holder, or
somebody reporting to him, appointed Barbara Bosserman, a long-time Obama campaign donor, to head the investigation. So it came as no surprise last week when
it was reported that the FBI expects no criminal charges to be filed in the IRS scandal. Politicized justice is no justice at all.
Echoes of Marc Rich in Edward Snowden case.
Attorney General Eric Holder, FBI Director James Comey and new Obama White House counselor John Podesta all played roles in the Rich saga, wrestling with the complex
questions of what tactics and compromises officials should consider when an American is holed up overseas, beyond the reach of the U.S. justice system.
The Nonsolution. As the IRS investigations of political
enemies show, it is what you are allowed to do with what you know that constitutes the major peril. When the intelligence and law enforcement
functions are mixed they constrain each other, as may have happened in the case of the Boston Bombers. The incentive of the FBI is to secure a
conviction. The incentive of intelligence is to anticipate a threat. Mix these two functions together and you sometimes get neither or if
you get something, you get something very dangerous.
Obama Picks Soros Crony to Lead NSA
Probe. When President Obama needs help, he can always turn to one of the Soros inner circle. In a speech on Jan. 17,
Obama announced that his new Presidential Counsel John Podesta will lead a "comprehensive review of Big Data and privacy," following the NSA
privacy scandal that has dogged his administration. What he didn't mention was that Podesta is the founder of the liberal Center for
American Progress. CAP has gotten $7.3 million from liberal billionaire George Soros since 2000 and was one of the keystone
liberal think tanks founded after the Democrats lost the 2004 election.
US government finds no evidence to accuse itself of a crime. Instead,
the FBI — through a leak — has let it be known that confusion about rules and bureaucratic incompetence, and not
intentional or particularly targeted malfeasance within the IRS, were to blame for the completely one-sided targeting of TEA Party
groups in the run-up to the 2012 elections. Or, to put it another way, the government has decided, after what it will call careful
examination, not to charge itself for its own internal lawlessness and vindictiveness.
The Fix is In In the IRS Abuse
Scandal. President Obama himself at least set the tone that led to the abuse of conservative, Christian and Tea
Party groups by calling for them to be investigated in several of his public comments. He may have done a whole lot more
than just set the tone. Obama placed William Wilkins into the IRS counsel's office, and that office was responsible for
developing the IRS guidelines that led to the targeting of the president's opponents. IRS chief counsel Wilkins met with
President Obama just two days before his office handed out the guidelines that agents used to target the president's opponents.
A day after that, the head of the IRS workers union also met with President Obama. Either of these meetings looks bad, but
both together look terrible.
The Washington Way: Top
officials [are] rarely fired in times of scandal. [A]s the scandals pile up in the Obama Executive Branch, the response is casting
a spotlight on the capital's unique brand of accountability: For those who've done wrong, or were in charge when wrong was done, a
graceful exit is almost always an option. Or, drawn-out internal reviews take the place of prompt firings.
Shredding the layers of the ObamaCare onion. It was just
announced that the Obama White House is dropping CGI, Inc. next month when its contract with the U.S. federal government expires.
Certain journalists and armchair sleuths with a peculiar penchant for political partisanship engaged in a frenzied frolic at the discovery
of cronyism related to CGI. [...] CGI Federal ultimately secured a $678 million no-bid contract to build the ObamaCare website, and
did so miserably. At least, that's the government's story, and they're sticking to it. Yet that's just the veneer of a much
deeper, more nefarious scheme, especially when you look at its replacement.
Is It Time for
an Independent Counsel to Investigate the State Department? Corruption, malfeasance, and complacency represent the stories
we heard about the State Department regarding its actions in 2012. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed a fatal attack
on an American ambassador and three other Americans on an anti-Islamic video then inflaming the Middle East. Her response when
questioned before Congress? "What difference at this point does it make?" It still makes a lot of difference, and not
just because of Benghazi itself. There is a larger culture of corruption at the Department of State.
The 'crime' of the IRS. Only days after we learned the
Obama administration had appointed an Obama donor to head investigations into the IRS targeting of conservative organizations, we now
have a leak from law enforcement saying the FBI doesn't expect to file criminal charges. That's the gist of a late-breaking story
Monday evening [1/13/2014] in The Wall Street Journal.
FBI not expected
to file charges in IRS targeting of tea party groups: report. The Federal Bureau of Investigation didn't find the kind
of political bias needed to file criminal charges over the Internal Revenue Service's heightened scrutiny of tea party groups, law
enforcement officials told the Wall Street Journal. "Instead, what emerged during the probe was evidence of a mismanaged bureaucracy
enforcing rules about tax-exemption applications it didn't understand, according to the law-enforcement officials," the newspaper said.
The case is still being investigated, but officials familiar with the case said it is increasingly unlikely any criminal charges will
One week earlier, this news came to light:
FBI quietly drops 'law enforcement' as
its primary mission. Without any fanfare, "law enforcement" has been dropped from its status as the FBI's primary mission.
The FBI's IRS Outrage. The [Wall
Street] Journal reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is unlikely to file any criminal charges in the targeting of conservative political
organizations by the Internal Revenue Service. Yet Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who represents many of the targets, says that the FBI has never
contacted any of her clients to discuss their treatment at the hands of the IRS. "Shouldn't law enforcement talk to the victims in an
investigation?," she asks in an email. "That's like investigating a burglary without interviewing the burgled," notes a Journal editorial.
about the use of the IRS as a weapon.
FBI Just As Tainted And Untrustworthy As The IRS. The FBI says it won't prosecute anyone at the IRS for its admitted
targeting of the president's political foes. This just as the agency claims the law is no longer its main mission. So
it's a political goon squad now.
Obama's ambassador picks,
by the numbers. $436,000 to Democratic causes — that's from former White Sox outfielder Mark Gilbert, the nominee
for the U.S. Embassy post in New Zealand. [...] $291,000 in contributions to Democratic campaigns and committees — that's from
"The Bold and the Beautiful" executive producer Colleen Bell, who is up for the job of ambassador to Hungary.
Obama Trying To Whitewash The IRS Investigation? Barbara Bosserman is not a household name. But she's an important
figure. According to Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the trial
lawyer in the IRS' Civil Rights Division is leading the internal probe into the IRS treatment of conservative groups. She also
happens to be a "significant" contributor to Obama and the Democratic Party.
Feds pick Obama supporter to
lead probe of IRS tea party targeting. The Justice Department selected an avowed political supporter of President Obama to lead
the criminal probe into the IRS targeting of tea party groups, according to top Republicans who said Wednesday that the move has ruined the
entire investigation. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, and
regulatory affairs subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, said they have discovered that the head of the investigation is
Barbara Kay Bosserman, a trial lawyer in the Justice Department who donated more than $6,000 to Mr. Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns, as
well as several hundred dollars to the national Democratic Party.
Donor Picked to Head IRS Scandal Investigation, Big Three Networks Censor. After months of stonewalling the Justice Department finally
named someone to head the investigation into the IRS-Tea Party scandal — and it's an Obama donor. So far ABC, CBS and NBC have
yet to mention what Darrell Issa called "a startling conflict of interest." In fact the Big Three networks have almost completely stopped
covering the IRS scandal investigation altogether. Since July 1, ABC, CBS and NBC have devoted a total of just 2 minutes and
8 seconds to the IRS imbroglio.
attorney general appoints Obama donor to investigate Obama's IRS. President Barack Obama's deputies have picked one of his political
donors to investigate the IRS' attack on independent political groups during the 2012 election, according to California Republican Rep. Darrell
Issa, chairman of the House investigations committee. "We request you immediately remove Ms. [Barbara] Bosserman from the ongoing
investigation," said a Jan. 8 letter from Issa to Attorney General Eric Holder. The secret selection of Barbara Bosserman, a lawyer
in the Department of Justice's civil rights division, was revealed by a committee investigation after the DOJ stonewalled the legislators.
Republicans call for
removal of Obama supporter leading IRS targeting probe. Republicans claim the Justice Department's investigation of the IRS
targeting scandal is "compromised," after revealing that it's being led by one of President Obama's political supporters. In a
letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, the lawmakers said they've learned trial attorney Barbara Kay Bosserman is leading the probe.
They detailed federal campaign finance records showing she's given more than $6,000 to Obama's two presidential campaigns — and
urged Holder to remove her from the case.
Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting.
President Obama claims that Republicans are busy probing "phony scandals." But the sheer number of scandals suggests that misbehavior,
abuse of power, and possibly corruption are not something being dreamed up by the GOP, but a defining characteristic of the Obama administration.
Here is a full list of the administration's most egregious scandals. The ones we know about, at least. I've added four since the
last time we ran the list — an increase of 20 percent!
Dems use new filibuster rules to
approve DHS nominee Mayorkas under investigation. Senate Democrats used the new filibuster rules Friday [12/20/2013] to win confirmation
of a controversial top Homeland Security official, approving a new deputy secretary who is still under investigation of wrongdoing in his current post
as head of one of the immigration agencies. [...] Republicans said it's the first time the Senate has ever knowingly confirmed such a high official
who is currently being investigated by an inspector general, and said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has set a new precedent.
Judge: The Obama Administration Aids and Abets Human Trafficking. A federal judge in Texas has issued a searing indictment of the Obama
administration's immigration policy. He accuses the government of "completing the criminal mission" of human traffickers "who are violating the border
security of the United States" and assisting a "criminal conspiracy in achieving its illegal goals." The judge calls the administration's behavior
"dangerous and unconscionable" and says that "DHS should cease telling the citizens of the United States that it is enforcing our border security laws
because it is clearly not. Even worse, it is helping those who violate these laws."
director defends transport of illegal immigrant children as 'appropriate and legal'. The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
defended the role of federal agents in transporting illegal immigrant children after a federal judge complained they were hand-delivering smuggled
kids to parents in the United States. "While the court's comments did not relate specifically to ICE, it is clear that the transportation of
unaccompanied children (UAC) by ICE personnel is appropriate and legal," acting Director John Sandweg wrote in a brief email obtained by
DHS Complicit In Drug Cartel Human
Trafficking. A federal judge finds that the Department of Homeland Security, instead of arresting cartel members and the clients who pay
them to smuggle children into the U.S., helps the drug lords complete the transactions.
Court: Obama's Partnership With Mexican Drug Cartels Goes Far Beyond Guns. Last Friday [12/13/2013], an opinion by Texas federal judge
Andrew Hanen opened a window onto the sheer lawlessness of the Obama administration — in particular, the Department of Homeland Security.
The case was United States of America v. Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez.
'Zero Dark Thirty' leak investigators now
target of leak probe. More than two years after sensitive information about the Osama bin Laden raid was disclosed to Hollywood
filmmakers, Pentagon and CIA investigations haven't publicly held anyone accountable despite internal findings that the leakers were former CIA
Director Leon Panetta and the Defense Department's top intelligence official.
Top Climate Change Expert Engaged in "Crime of Massive Proportions". Surprisingly, his crime of massive proportions isn't pulling this
climate change scam that has cost us billions in wasted tax dollars.
Culture of Corruption: The Dems'
Dangerous DHS Pick. The "S" in President Obama's DHS doesn't stand for "security." It stands for "sleaze." In the wake of Dirty Harry Reid's
sabotage of the filibuster, Democrats have rammed through the Senate nomination of a shady Chicago crony associated with dangerous Clinton corruption and at least two
visas-for-sale schemes.
Eric Holder's kickbacks for community
organizers. The government has quite the tidy little deal going in terms of getting money out of large banking interests lately.
The latest example was the $13B dollar "settlement" reached with JP Morgan, which certainly must have taught them a thing or two.
But some observers have been digging into the details of the deal and finding that it might be even sweeter for certain progressive interest
groups than anyone had previously imagined.
Obama's 'Sham-Wow' Presidency. Forget
impeachment, it's time for criminal prosecution. Obamacare isn't about incompetence and it isn't about political disagreement. It's
about a trillion dollar fraud, carried out by the President of the United States. Now add in the IRS scandal and all the others.
There's enough here to put a CEO away for life.
of scandal-plagued FMCS to resign following Washington Examiner series. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Director
George Cohen is resigning only days after learning he is a target of a congressional inquiry spurred by a Washington Examiner series.
The Examiner series reported that FMCS employees spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on luxuries and that top officials retaliated
against employees who questioned the spending.
USAID programs
hit by fraud, corruption and bid-rigging allegations. USAID, the government agency in charge of distributing tax dollars to
foreign aid projects, once again is being hit with allegations and audits exposing how fraud and corruption are undermining its programs.
Though the government says it's taking "steps" to address the problems, the multiple reports reflect a decades-long problem with how USAID
money is administered and, critics say, how little has been done to fix it.
USAID programs hit by
fraud, corruption and bid-rigging allegations. USAID, the government agency in charge of distributing tax dollars to foreign aid projects,
once again is being hit with allegations and audits exposing how fraud and corruption are undermining its programs. Though the government says it's
taking "steps" to address the problems, the multiple reports reflect a decades-long problem with how USAID money is administered and, critics say, how
little has been done to fix it.
Obama using food-stamp cash to fund Michelle's
'Let's Move'. On Nov. 1, sizable cuts were gouged into the federal food-stamp program (or, as it's now called, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program), which feeds 47.6 million people, or nearly one in six Americans. In the city, 1.9 million folks get the bulk of
their Jell-O and Campbell's Soup from stamps. But news has spread among the poor, like leafy green vegetables, that it wasn't heartless Republicans
who triggered the cuts. Rather, some of the food-stamp cash was snatched to pay for Michelle Obama's pet project, Let's Move.
Obama's second-term ambassador
nominees raised more than $16 million for him. President Obama's second-term nominees for foreign ambassadorships raised more than
$16 million for his presidential campaigns and inaugurations. Obama has nominated 24 campaign bundlers that have raised at least $16.6 million
for his presidential efforts, according to a database created by the Center for Public Integrity. Eight six-figure Obama bundlers have already
been confirmed to key posts including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and Italy.
Obama's Republic of Lies. [A]lthough we do not yet know
the extent of the damage — how many lives will be blighted or lost — because of ObamaCare, we know for a certainty that the legislation
was sold to us on false pretenses. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." There was never any chance of that, as numerous critics
pointed out at the time. They knew it could never be, and so did Obama. Does it matter? Does anyone really care whether the president
of the United States ostentatiously breaks a promise he made publicly on at least 36 separate occasions? We know what would happen if the
president of an insurance company made and then flagrantly broke a promise that his customers could keep their health care coverage if they
liked it. He would be prosecuted and jailed.
firm received 'unauthorized' $100,000 contract for Michelle Obama's anti-obesity effort. The marketing firm that created first
lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" anti-obesity campaign's logo, slogan and web design has close ties to the Obama administration and was
paid $100,000 in an "unauthorized" no-bid contract, according to internal documents. The 44 pages of documents — obtained
through a Freedom of Information Act (FIOA) request by the conservative government accountability group Judicial Watch — reveal that
federal officials are looking into the Let's Move contract with Shepardson, Stern & Kaminsky (SS+K) as an "unauthorized commitment."
According to Judicial Watch, the contract violated federal contracting laws.
The Next Big Obamacare Scandal. [Scroll down]
Perhaps even more troubling than the Obama lies, however, is the political cronyism that has surfaced in the administration's choice of the
contractor to fix the Obamacare website and a legally indefensible interpretation of the Obamacare law by Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius that can protect this contractor and its insurance company parent, among other firms, from kickback claims.
Dept. of Veterans Affairs chief pleads the Fifth. A former assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs pleaded the
Fifth on Wednesday [10/30/2013], refusing to testify about a pair of taxpayer-funded human resources conferences in 2011 that cost a scandalous
$6.1 million or more. John Sepulveda oversaw the conferences, which included the screening of a parody video based on 'Patton,' whose
production cost the Treasury more than $52,000. But in front of the House Oversight Committee, he chose to remain silent, [...]
NLRB nominee accused in union corruption
case. Richard Griffin, President Obama's nominee to be the National Labor Relations Board's general counsel, is accused of making false
statements under oath in a union corruption complaint in California district court. The charges stem from when Griffin was the top lawyer for the
International Union of Operating Engineers. The complaint alleges that he gave a false explanation in a deposition for why union officials sought
the ouster of a colleague who was blowing the whistle on internal corruption.
State Department swept sex scandals under the rug. Months after
whistleblowers accused the State Department of covering up employee sex scandals, most of the cases have been ignored or swept under the rug, critics charge. Records
show that staffers were given cushy jobs or allowed to retire, and watchdogs say the feds have hardly bothered to investigate since the shenanigans came to light this past
Ex-Secret Service agent charges 'pattern'
of drunkenness by Obama aides. A former Secret Service agent who spent three years at President Obama's side is claiming in a new book that White House staff
regularly got drunk at "wheels-up" parties overseas, acting just as badly as agents fired for their involvement in a foreign booze-and-prostitution scandal last year.
Dan Bongino, who quit the service in 2011 to run as a Republican in the Maryland Senate race, charged that he witnessed Obama staffers boozing at parties in foreign nations
after Air Force One was "wheels up" and the president headed for home.
Illegal use of DoD Communications Systems by Obama
Administration. The American Spectator has been provided with the text of a political message sent on Saturday evening, using
Department of Defense communications systems, on behalf of President Obama and Secretary of Defense Hagel. It is addressed to "all US government
employees" and further specified by the DoD sender to go to "all subordinate commands," in compliance with Hagel's call for "the widest possible
Government 404 Error. [Scroll down] Looking back over
recent events, I recall the attorneys who railroaded Senator Stevens out of office, giving the Democrats a majority in the Senate, were not really punished;
Lois Lerner who quite obviously worked with the Administration to use the IRS to punish and hamstring Obama's opponents, will retire with over $100,000 a
year and no prosecution is in sight; Attorney General Holder has used the Department's Civil Rights and Voting act section in much the same way, presided
over a failed scheme that put weapons in the hands of Mexican drug lords, and has ignored a Congressional contempt citation against himself while refusing
to take action against civil servants who quite obviously have been violating federal law.
Review of NSA Surveillance Not Exactly 'Independent'. A panel of so-called independent experts appointed by President Obama to
review the federal government's surveillance programs "has effectively been operating as an arm of the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, which oversees the NSA and all other U.S. spy efforts," according to a report from the Associated Press.
'Friends of Barack' facing multiple
charges in corruption case. Well, well, well! Just look at who has been charged with money laundering, mail fraud, conspiracy, obstruction of
justice, and other crimes involving Federal and Illinois grant money for health charities, job training and other programs. A few friends of our president,
Barack Obama, that's who. One of those charged is the daughter of Reverend [...] Jeremiah Wright. Wright is the minister who united Barack Obama and
Michelle Robinson in matrimony; the happy couple then attended his church for many years listening to Wright's anti American sermons.
Watchdogs: Tally in Illinois grant-fraud
probe so far: 13 charged, $16M embezzled. The U.S. attorney's office in Springfield has been busy the past few years investigating a variety of fraud schemes involving
state grants. Thirteen people have been charged so far, six who have pleaded guilty. Two of them have ties to President Barack Obama. One is the daughter of his controversial
former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Another was chief of staff to Obama's longtime friend Eric E. Whitaker when Whitaker was Illinois' public health chief.
someone mention Jeremiah Wright?
Obama Administration Is A White House Of Historic Incompetence. It started with the stimulus package. One-third of the money
went to public employee union members — a political payoff not very stimulating to anyone else. Billions went to green energy loans,
like the $500 million that the government lost in backing the obviously hapless Solyndra. Infrastructure projects, which the president
continues to tout, never seem to get built. He's been talking about dredging the port of Charleston, for example, to accommodate the big
container ships coming in when the Panama Canal is widened. The canal widening is proceeding on schedule to be completed in 2014. The
target date for dredging the port of Charleston: 2024.
Former EPA official charged with stealing nearly
$900G. A former high-ranking official with the Environmental Protection Agency was charged Friday [8/23/2013] with stealing nearly $900,000 from
the agency over 13 years.
EPA employee stole $886K from the agency.
An Environmental Protection Agency employee knowingly stole more than $886,000 from the agency, according to a criminal filing from the Department of
Justice. The alleged fraud occurred in the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation under the nose of former administrator Gina McCarthy, who now
heads up the entire agency. "There appears to be corruption to the umpteenth degree," said Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter.
Socialists Designed Obama's Credit
Watchdog Agency. Socialist activists and their front groups played a shockingly outsized role shaping and passing the monumental financial reform
legislation that authorized the creation of President Obama's powerful consumer credit watchdog agency. Their intimate involvement is revealed in a new book,
"Financial Justice: The People's Campaign to Stop Lender Abuse," which offers a rare, if biased, behind-the-scenes look at the anti-bank movement's multimillion-dollar
lobbying effort in support of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Democrats and Lawlessness. President Obama has already seized the
power to rule by decree, and is doing so virtually every day now. [...] He is now regularly exercising the power to legislate directly himself, either by announcing
on his own supposed authority changes in existing laws that Congress has already passed, or by announcing that he will carry out entirely new laws that Congress
never passed, or even refused to pass. These actions are brazen, lawless violations of the Constitution.
The Scandal Society. Remember Black Jesus? The Lightworker?
The One? The next Lincoln, the Democrats' Reagan, the neo-FDR? He is now standing next to Tricky Dick and Slick Willie, caught in a quartet of burgeoning
scandals, charged with rewriting the facts when they became inconvenient, harassing the press, and using the Internal Revenue Service to get at his enemies, subverting
their rights of assembly, and speech.
Just How Corrupt is the Obama Administration?
Scandal after scandal, coupled with an ongoing contempt for the law and the Constitution, demonstrated by high-level officials and the president himself, point to
one deeply troubling conclusion: the Obama administration may be the most corrupt administration ever inflicted on the American public. And while the
mainstream media have done a remarkable job deflecting much of that reality, even they cannot keep up with the avalanche of disturbing revelations that arise,
seemingly on a daily basis.
Obama Presidency A Lengthening Legacy Of
Lawlessness. Constitutionally, the president has the authority to check the legislative branch by recommending legislation to be passed by Congress
or through the presidential veto. But he cannot legislate through executive fiat and he can't pick and choose which parts of the law he will comply with or
decline. Nor can he defy judicial rulings from the highest court in the land. But that's what he's done. [...] From the Zimmerman trial, the EPA
phony-address emails, the handing of farmers' personal information to green activists, down to the illegal campaigning by Cabinet members, the list continues.
President Obama, Meet Warren Harding.
In sum, this is the most lawless administration since Warren Harding's ninety years ago. Except those scandals came from below as Harding was,
to put it mildly, a hands-off administrator, mostly interested in wine, women, and poker games. The Obama administration is very much a top-down
administration. And the Harding scandals were mostly about money (Albert Fall, secretary of the interior, accepted bribes in the Teapot Dome
scandal and became the first cabinet secretary to go to jail). The Obama scandals are all about political power, protecting it and increasing it.
Holder's mortgage fraud whopper.
Bloomberg News provides the latest evidence that the Obama Administration cannot be trusted to report on itself honestly.
Obama charade: Appoint a crony to investigate himself. James Clapper, Obama's Director of National Intelligence, will digest
his groups' findings on what national intelligence has been doing under James Clapper and James Clapper will report them to his boss Obama,
who's already said publicly there are no abuses. We're going way out on a mid-summer limb today to predict that Clapper will absolve
Clapper and his community of any abuses and Obama will agree. Completely. Probably sometime during the holiday season when,
like now, fewer people are paying attention.
paid billions to defense firms that previously defrauded the government. Like a battered spouse in an abusive relationship, the Pentagon
paid billions of dollars to companies even though the same companies were known to have defrauded the government in the past, according to a report
compiled by Department of Defense officials.
Another Agency Goes IRS.
One big question raised by IRS political targeting is whether Obama officials or their bureaucratic allies unleashed the power of the
administrative state for partisan ends. Now evidence is emerging that officials at another agency, the Federal Election Commission,
used their enforcement power as an anti-conservative sword. The House Ways and Means Committee this week released emails showing
that, in 2008 and 2009, the FEC's general counsel staff sought tax information about conservative political groups from Lois Lerner of
the IRS. Ms. Lerner [...] had previously worked at ... the FEC's general counsel office.
Suggest Collusion Between FEC, IRS to Target Conservative Groups. The correspondence suggests the discrimination of conservative
groups extended beyond the IRS and into the FEC, where an attorney from the agency's enforcement division in at least one case sought and received
tax information about the status of a conservative group, the American Future Fund, before recommending that the commission prosecute it for
violations of campaign-finance law. [Lois] Lerner, the former head of the IRS's exempt-organizations division, worked at the FEC from
1986 to 1995, and was known for aggressive investigation of conservative groups during her tenure there, too.
Watch: Senior DHS Official and Top Obama Nominee Under Investigation. The US government's Inspectors General have been mighty
busy lately. Whereas the IRS, DOJ and Benghazi scandals can all be succinctly summarized in a sentence or two, this latest emerging story
cannot — which is why it may lack the legs to really blow up. Nevertheless, a newly-revealed investigation by the
Department of Homeland Security's Inspector General may cause some heartburn for the Obama administration, former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton, and the Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Virginia.
Shed Some Light on Eric Holder's Blatant Disregard for the Rule of Law. Yesterday [7/24/2013] during a speech on the
House floor, Republican Rep. Paul Gosar took a moment to remind everyone of Attorney General Eric Holder's lawless record in the
Department of Justice. Gosar has been leading a charge of no confidence against Holder for years and re-introduced his Resolution
of No Confidence earlier this year. The Resolution calls for Holder's immediate resignation and has 137 co-sponsors in the House.
Holder is still in criminal and civil contempt of Congress.
Report: Obama's pick for Homeland Security No. 2 spot
probed. President Barack Obama's choice to be the No. 2 official at the Homeland Security Department is under investigation
for his role in helping a company secure an international investor visa for a Chinese executive, the Associated Press has learned.
Report: Senate immigration bill includes nearly $300 million in slush funds for immigrants' rights
groups. A former senior policy analyst at the National Council of La Raza supervised the drafting of a U.S. Senate bill,
passed on June 27, that would give an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants a path to citizenship if the House of Representatives
goes along. And La Raza figures to enlarge its budget significantly, thanks to slush funds buried deep in the legislation.
Raza In Line To Pocket Reform-Bill Slush Funds. The avowed purpose of the immigration bill passed by the Senate and pending
in the House is to provide a "path to citizenship" for the illegal immigrants in exchange for tough new enforcement measures that would prevent
other such incursions in the future. But buried deep within the immigration bill are hidden multimillion-dollar slush funds for left-wing
nonprofit groups to provide services to the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now in the U.S. Once enacted, the slush funds
would total almost $300 million over three years and grow over time.
Leaving DHS Under Cloud of Suspicion. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano suddenly announced last week that she was resigning
her position at the embattled agency in order to take a $750,000-a-year job as president of the University of California system. This will
more than triple her salary, which was $200,000 at DHS. The timing of her resignation is highly unusual for a member of the president's
cabinet. Most cabinet members who leave after a president's first term don't wait an extra six months into the second term. Many
believe she abruptly left DHS because of some sordid dealings that are about to be discovered.
Nuclear Crimes and Misdemeanors.
What does the billion-dollar Colorado-based consulting, engineering and construction firm CH2M Hill; the Department of Energy; Senator Harry Reid
and other key Democrats; high-powered liberal lobbyists and eco-radicals with direct ties to the Obama White House; and billions of taxpayer money
have in common? Well if you haven't guessed it, this post will answer that question — a green energy, crony-corruption tale that
began towards the end of the 90's.
Leaking Distrust. [Scroll down] On the "Fast and Furious"
scandal, the administration perpetrated a massive cover-up ending with Attorney General Holder being held in contempt of Congress and protected from
criminal sanctions for contempt by Obama's claim of executive privilege. On the IRS scandal, Lois Lerner's claim of the Fifth Amendment's
protection against self-incrimination comprises the agency's entire defense. On the Benghazi attack, the administration executed another
cover-up, making Watergate pale in comparison. And then there's the AP subpoenas, the James Rosen search warrant and Clapper's "least untruthful"
congressional testimony.
Whistleblowers. So what did whitleblower Aurelia Fedenisn blow
the whistle on? She is a former investigator in the Inspector General's office in the State Department. Agents for the department had been
working on investigations that uncovered serious and criminal wrongdoing. Their work, they said, was subject to influence and manipulation by
higher-ups at the department. Agents told the IG's office they were told to stop investigating a U.S. ambassador in a sensitive post who
solicited prostitutes in a public park. Fedenisn, a 26 year veteran at State, went public.
Homeland Security watchdog faces fresh allegations.
The embattled deputy inspector general at the Department of Homeland Security destroyed incriminating documents to prevent their public release, used
federal funds to pay for two Puerto Rican vacations, and bugged his employees' phones and email, a new letter from Cause of Action, a government-accountability
group, charges. The recent allegations against Charles Edwards add to those leveled last week by the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
State Department's Sex Trafficking Scandals.
Pssst, did you hear? President Obama is replacing Ambassador Howard Gutman in Belgium. You remember Ambassador Gutman, don't you?
He's the big Democrat donor President Obama nominated to represent his policies in Belgium and who, it is alleged, trolled for prostitutes —
some of them children! — in a park near his official residence. Late in the day on Friday, June 21, the White House released a
list of new nominees for various posts, and Denise Bauer was listed for the United States Ambassador to Belgium post.
Watt Backed Waivers Benefitting Donors.
A prominent Democratic congressman who has been tapped to lead a major federal agency proposed tariff waivers worth millions for a
textile company whose lobbying firm donated thousands to his campaign. The revelations could fuel criticism of a program that
some say amounts to a back-door means to secure federal earmarks and encourages companies that use imported products to curry favor
with key lawmakers.
Washington's $279 Billion Fraud.
If you think the federal student-loan program looks like a bad deal for taxpayers, imagine how it would look with honest accounting.
And now you don't need to imagine thanks to a new report that's receiving far too little attention. Turns out that the official
"savings" for taxpayers of $184 billion over the next decade really add up to $95 billion in losses.
Security watchdog accused of whitewashing report. The man in charge of policing waste, fraud and abuse
at the federal government's third-largest department has been accused of suppressing a politically sensitive report, violating
anti-nepotism laws and misusing agency resources, according to a letter from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security.
Obama Donor Set To Profit
From Keystone Demise. Environmental activist Tom Steyer donated as much as he could to get Massachusetts Rep. Ed Markey elected to the
Senate in the recent special election to fill the seat vacated by now-Secretary of State John Kerry. He wanted another senator who's opposed to
completing the Keystone XL pipeline that he says would be an environmental plague on the planet. A few days before President Obama said that
Keystone XL would be built only if it could be shown to have no net effect on greenhouse gas emissions, Steyer, a major contributor to Obama's
campaigns, urged the president to kill the project.
Obama administration riddled with scandals, but Americans yawn.
It should come as no revelation that Barack Obama — a man who oversaw the leak of his opponent's divorce records to gain entry into the U.S.
Senate — is fixated on the protection of his vanity and advancement of his power. His humiliations of recent weeks have further confirmed
the suspicions of those who saw through the amateur confidence game of the president and knew that constitutional liberty, economic efficiency and
administrative competency are not priorities in his administration.
exchange: Obama tried to steer $10 million to Chicago nonprofit under investigation. While he was a sitting U.S. Senator, Barack Obama
attempted to steer $10 million in taxpayer money to a Chicago nonprofit under investigation for potential fraud, according to an email sent by the
nonprofit's then-director of operations. Former Save-A-Life Foundation (SALF) director of operations Vincent Davis sent an email dated June 10,
2007 to Eric Brandmeyer, an official at an Illinois hospital trying to implement SALF's controversial first-aid training programs at a local school
district. Davis assured Brandmeyer that public funding for SALF would remain strong in the aftermath of a local media report on the group's
potentially fraudulent activities.
Obama's Bodyguard of Lies.
President Obama and his people deserve at least one accolade: they have perfected lying into an art form. Is anyone
in Obama's closest orbit a truth-teller?
Two New Obama Scandals in a Single Day.
White House Dossier last week noted a total of 20 significant Obama administration scandals, but that was before these latest two
and the revelation that the government is keeping track of telephone calls and Internet traffic. In one the fresh scandals
that came to light Monday, CBS News revealed that State Department investigations into misdoings by officials overseas —
several having to do with sex — were manipulated or quashed.
It's RICO time! How to Stop the Obama Administration Crime Wave.
The bottom line is this. You can't get justice within the political system in America anymore because the politicians own it.
What stopped the mob? The Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). What will stop the Obama administration? RICO.
least 436 Department of Health and Human Services employees — and possibly more at the White. House Office of
Management and Budget — received advance notice of an $8 billion Medicare decision that sent private health insurers'
stocks soaring. The Department of Justice and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) have launched a probe to investigate
possible insider trading.
grants ethics, cyber-security certificates to fake employee 'Richard Windsor'. Environmental Protection Agency officials
granted at least six ethics and cyber-security certifications to "Richard Windsor," the fake employee invented for former EPA Administrator
Lisa Jackson's use for conducting official business.
News: U.S. State Department Cover-Ups Range From Prostitution Charges to Drug Rings. Uncovered documents show the U.S. State
Department may have covered up allegations of illegal behavior ranging from sexual assaults to an underground drug ring. CBS News
reports that is has unearthed documents from the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), an internal watchdog agency, that implicate the State
Department in a series of misconducts worldwide.
Has Sebelius Violated the Anti-Lobbying Act?
The HHS Secretary appears to be using Obamacare funds for illegal lobbying.
The Growing Stench of
Corruption. Nearly half of those surveyed — 47 percent — believe the president
isn't telling the truth when he says he didn't know the IRS was giving extra scrutiny to the applications of conservative
groups seeking tax-exempt status. More than half — 55 percent — say the IRS actions raise
questions about the administration's "overall honesty and integrity." Fifty-eight percent believe the administration's
handling of the Benghazi consulate attacks raises questions about the honesty of the White House [...]
Obama's Inspector General Negligence.
With so many scandals breaking in Washington, one may well ask: Where were all the inspectors general when these bad
things — at the IRS, at Justice, and at State before, during and after Benghazi, for instance — were
going on? Where were the presidential appointees who, since the Inspectors General Act of 1978, are meant to root out
gross mismanagement, fraud and other abuses at their federal departments and agencies, or among those whom the agencies
regulate? The sad truth is that in the Obama administration many of the most important IGs mandated by Congress simply
are not in place.
Controversial Nonprofit Receives CDC Grant.
A controversial nonprofit organization that critics accuse of acting as a labor front group received a lucrative grant from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention in March. [...] "The CDC started with an honorable goal to improve health outcomes, but the devil's in the
details," he said. "CDC grants are not supposed to be used for lobbying, but this money could end up getting funneled to a labor
association that goes straight to Washington with it."
Community Organizations:
Obama's corrupt power grab. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D. California) has equipped fellow Democratic
lawmakers with an "Affordable Care Act Tool Kit." It reveals the Democratic Party's plan to turn the worthy goal of enrolling
the uninsured into a cynical scheme for enrollling Democratic voters. The kit's biggest tool is community organizing. [...]
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is under fire for soliciting donations for Enroll America, and it's no
wonder. Enroll America is 100% political.
The U.S. Government Asked the AP for
$1 Million for Secret Email Addresses. The Associated Press filed Freedom of Information Act requests for the secret
email addresses of appointed administration employees, and a Labor Department spokesman came back with an offer: you can have
the emails if you give us a million bucks.
Appointees Using Secret Email Accounts, Demand $1M for Info. The Associated Press has been trying to uncover this information
through FOIA requests. Remarkably, this incredibly corrupt administration demanded over a million dollars for the information.
The Smoking Gun in Plain Sight.
[Scroll down] Education is more important than prosecution. Right now, the best use of their time and energy would be to
expose the Obama administration's wrongdoings; to illuminate for Americans just what's been going on in Washington and to show
voters — especially young voters — what sort of country we'd be living in if the president had gotten away
with this. Never before have our politicians and our news organizations had a better opportunity to demonstrate just what
happens when we vote carelessly, elect a zealot who appoints operatives with no sense of honor or comprehension of right-and-wrong,
then parties with rock stars while his coup d'etat unfolds.
Cruz To Megyn Kelly: Eric Holder Should Resign For 'Unprecedented' 'Willingness To Disregard The Law'. Appearing on Fox News' America
Live this afternoon [5/30/2013], Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, and leaders from both parties
for "not respecting the Bill of Rights" through a variety of recent scandals including the snooping on journalism outlets and the purposeful targeting of
conservative groups for additional tax scrutiny.
An Antidote to Cynicism Poisoning.
The Benghazi scandal was and is shocking, and the Justice Department assault on the free press, in which dogged reporters are tailed like enemy
spies, is shocking. Benghazi is still under investigation and someday someone will write a great book about it. As for the press,
Attorney General Eric Holder is on the run, and rightly so. They called it the First Amendment for a reason. But nothing can damage
us more as a nation than what is happening at the Internal Revenue Service.
Fire Eric Holder. In the greatest attack
on the free press in decades, the Justice Department seized phone records for reporters and editors in at least three AP offices as well as its office
in the House of Representatives. Holder, however, proceeded to claim absolute and blissful ignorance of the investigation, even failing to recall
when or how he recused himself. Yet, this was only the latest attack on the news media under Holder's leadership.
Obama's Dangerous Contempt for the Rule of
Law. Whatever the investigation into misconduct at the Internal Revenue Service reveals, we already have all the evidence we need to
understand President Barack Obama's fundamental attitude toward the rule of law. That evidence is right there in the public record, and what
it shows is indifference and contempt.
Kickbacks as 'a natural part of business' at Fannie
Mae alleged. Investigators are looking into assertions by an ex-Fannie Mae worker that kickbacks were 'a natural part of business' at the
federal housing finance company.
Senators say Holder can't 'review'
himself on news media snooping. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.'s direct involvement in the Justice Department's decisions to
spy on the press should disqualify him from heading any review of the unfolding controversy, Republicans said Sunday. Questions have been raised
about the attorney general's role in two Justice Department investigations of leaks, one involving a massive seizure of Associated Press phone records
and another an aggressive probe of Fox News reporter James Rosen's private emails.
shows contempt for law. Mr. Obama — greeted rapturously in 2008 as the "constitutional law professor" who would restore respect
for our founding document — has demonstrated a contempt for law unseen since Nixon. Nixon was devious, insecure and paranoid.
Everyone knows that those are unfortunate traits. Ever since Nixon, we've been encouraged to be wary of leaders who are suspicious or guarded.
Obama is brimming with excessive self-regard, intellectual vanity and supreme self-righteousness. No one has ever warned Americans to regard
these as dangerous traits, but they may be more worrisome than Nixon's cynicism.
GOP widening Sebelius shakedown probe.
A day after insurers complained that Kathleen Sebelius and the Obama administration had pressured them to fund Enroll America, a House committee
sent them a request for more information on the matter. The Energy and Commerce Committee had already begun looking into whether Sebelius had
broken any laws by attempting to get donations from an industry that will be heavily regulated by her under ObamaCare, and now The Hill reports
this new request as a widening of that probe.
Eric Holder Lied Under Oath In Front Of
Congress. The people in the Obama Administration have gotten a free ride for so long that they apparently believe they can get away with
anything. That may be the only thing that explains Eric Holder doing something as stupid as this.
Commerce Secretary Didn't Report $80 Million in Income. Barack Obama's close friend and major fundraiser, Penny Pritzker,
who has been nominated to be the new Secretary of Commerce, didn't include more than $80 million in income in financial disclosures
she filed last week. Pritzker, who is a billionaire, supposedly "inadvertently omitted" this tiny part of her fortune.
Sebelius Under Scrutiny. The House Energy and Commerce Committee is
expanding its investigation into whether Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius broke the law when she asked health care executives
to contribute to nonprofit groups that are helping to implement the Affordable Care Act.
Barack Obama's long
history of scandals — and escapes. The standard rule for handling bad news in politics is to get it all out at
once. Take your hits for a news cycle, two or three. And then try to move on. The conventional wisdom has been that
the worst thing to do is allow the bad news to dribble out, poison drop by poison drop, for days, weeks, even months. Yet that
is precisely what Barack Obama has done — and continues to do in his current epidemic of embarrassments — over a
decade of controversies and scandals. The amazing thing is, so far, it's worked like a charm. So, why should he change?
A Crack in the IRS Dam.
The dam protecting the IRS scandal began to crack today when Lois Lerner, the IRS official who announced, and apologized for,
the improper singling out of conservative-leaning organizations by IRS employees under her command, announced through her criminal
defense lawyer that she will not testify as scheduled tomorrow before the House Oversight Committee. Rather, she will assert
her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. This marks a milestone in the IRS investigation. It can now be taken
as more or less established that crimes were committed by Obama administration employees.
Obama Meets With Illegal Aliens in White
House. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden met in the Oval Office on Tuesday [5/21/2013] with three people
who are in the country in violation of U.S. immigration laws but who have received "deferred action" allowing them to stay in the country
under the terms of a "memorandum" issued unilaterally last year by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
The Obama Crony in Charge of your
Medical Records. Who is Judy Faulkner? Chances are, you don't know her — but her politically connected,
taxpayer-subsidized electronic medical records company may very well know you. Top Obama donor and billionaire Faulkner is founder
and CEO of Epic Systems, which will soon store almost half of all Americans' health information. If the crony odor and the
potential for abuse that this "epic" arrangement poses don't chill your bones, you ain't paying attention.
Huma Abedin fails to respond to
Senator's inquiry into her work for private contractor. Huma Abedin, the wife Democratic mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner, has
blown off a top senator seeking details on her unusual employment deal last year.
More Secrets From Huma Abedin.
Huma Abedin, former Secretary of State Hillary's Clinton's long time aide with extensive ties to Muslim Brotherhood groups, was granted
an arrangement by the State Department to do outside consulting work, even as she remained a top advisor in the Department. Abedin
did not disclose either the arrangement, or how much she earned from it, on her financial report, despite a requirement that public
officials must disclose significant sources of income. Clinton advisor Philippe Reines contended she was under no obligation
to do so.
WH: Legality of IRS Action Against Conservatives
'Irrelevant'. Appearing on Sunday morning on ABC News' This Week, White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer told a credulous
George Stephanopoulos that the IRS' targeting of conservative groups was "inexcusable," and that the law with regard to the activity was "irrelevant."
"I can't speak to the law here," he said. "The law is irrelevant. The activity was outrageous and inexcusable, and it was stopped and
it needs to be fixed so we ensure it never happens again."
Scandal is not Enough. It has long been obvious to
conservatives in America that Barack Obama and his fellow travelers are devoid of any honor or integrity and have been immersed in not only
socialist/ Marxist philosophy but the belief that they are preordained to govern the masses. Therefore there is but one enemy —
their political opposition, who must be defeated at any cost and by any means possible, ethical or otherwise. This mindset was bound to lead
to excesses that even the many sycophants in the mainstream media could not ignore or effectively sweep under the rug.
clouds gathering — your safety, your freedoms and the Obama White House. This past week, we learned that the IRS
has targeted for additional scrutiny the tax exemption applications of groups with whose messages it disagrees. We also learned that
the Department of Justice obtained the personal telephone records of hundreds of reporters and editors employed by the Associated Press
without a search warrant issued by a judge. And during this past week we learned that the White House, the Department of State and
the CIA all engaged in a conspiracy of disinformation so that the official version of events of what caused the murders of four Americans
at our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, would not impair Obama's re-election campaign in 2012.
Holder plays dumb.
Attorney General Eric Holder was in a familiar spot yesterday: testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, dodging and weaving and
otherwise doing his best imitation of Sgt. Schultz from the old TV show "Hogan's Heroes": I know nothing. Scandals at
the IRS? Under investigation, can't comment. Subpoenaed phone records of Associated Press reporters? How should I
know? I recused myself. That's not testifying — that's obfuscating.
The Burden Is on Us. The Obama administration is drowning in
the tsunami of its lawlessness. [...] What were [Ambassador] Stevens and others in the U.S. diplomatic corps doing at that Temporary Mission Facility in
Benghazi in the first place? Was the Obama administration running a Middle Eastern version of Fast and Furious? Were we arming
terrorists? Why were particular organizations investigated and harassed by the IRS, and on whose say? For what purposes did you
snoop on the communications of the Associated Press? They weren't pliant enough? The responsibility is on Democrats everywhere, who
must, once and for all, put aside their maniacal loyalty to a man who is finally being widely exposed as a tyrant.
Barack Obama's America.
In Barack Obama's America, states cannot be allowed to enforce immigration laws, but they can't be allowed not to enforce
health-care laws. States that won't enforce federal laws against vote fraud get a free pass, while states that do try to
abide by federal laws against vote fraud get sued by the feds. Barack Obama's America is a place where legal subpoenas get
ignored, false testimony under oath is cheered, government evades transparency, government watchdogs are hounded from office, and
White House access is sold with impunity.
Scandals Stem from His Lawless Presidency. Last Friday, after the Associated Press learned about the Justice Department's
sweeping seizure of its phone records, AP CEO Gary Pruitt said "there can be no possible justification" for the action. No doubt
that's true. But there also seems to be no possible justification for the many other scandals now swamping the Obama
administration — from Benghazi, to the IRS scandal to the White House's attempt to shake down health companies
for ObamaCare money. Except that they all stem from a common root — President Obama's callous disregard
for the rule of law.
A legacy of scandal. We don't know who
gave the order to lie about Fast and Furious, nor about Benghazi, nor about the IRS audits. The answers to the questions have grave
consequences, especially if the IRS campaign of intimidation was orchestrated from the very top. Nearly four decades ago, the House
Judiciary Committee voted 28 to 10 to say that it is an impeachable offense for a president personally, or through his
subordinates, to cause "income-tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."
Does Obama Need [a]
Staff Shakeup to Manage Scandals? President Obama and his insular team are violating almost every principle of crisis
management. Shoot straight. Ditch the spin. Don't feed the fire. Restore trust. While the West Wing is
run by smart and dedicated public servants, their crisis communications instincts are horrible. They dissemble. They make
things worse. They undermine the administration's credibility.
A Tainted Campaign? If it is proven that the
IRS thwarted some groups from obtaining tax-exempt status in fear that their traditional or conservative messages might hurt the 2012
Obama campaign (especially if it did so under pressure from White House-affiliated operatives), and if it is proven that the Obama
administration deliberately ignored warnings about lax security at the Benghazi consulate, missed real opportunities to send help,
or deliberately massaged intelligence reports in order to mislead the pre-election public about the true nature of Benghazi in order
to further a false campaign narrative of a near dormant al-Qaeda and a calm progressing post-Qaddafi Libya, then the scandals point
to the potential corruption of the electoral process itself. The election outcome may have been successfully affected by these
Machiavellian tactics. More will come out, as the scandals work themselves up the chain of command.
House in damage control mode as potential scandals pile up. The White House was in damage control mode Tuesday [5/14/2013]
as an escalating series of potential scandals raised questions about whether officials abused their authority — all while
threatening to undermine President Obama's second-term ambitions.
HHS: Nothing
improper about Sebelius's ObamaCare fundraising. The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) says there's nothing illegal or
improper about soliciting donations to help promote President Obama's healthcare law. Republicans leapt at the news that HHS Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius has been asking industry and community groups to donate to Enroll America, an outside organization created to promote the
health law and encourage people to enroll in its new coverage options.
30 Reasons To Dislike
Barack Obama. [#30] Barack Obama may be the most crooked President ever to sit in the Oval Office. His
campaign contributors at Solyndra got 535 million dollars they couldn't pay back and he broke the law to help his union cronies at
GE and Chrysler while taxpayers lost 25 billion dollars on the deal. In a better, more honest world Obama would deserve to
face possible JAIL TIME for what he did there.
Obama Taqiyya. This week, we have witnessed the remarkable spectacle
of HHS Secretary Janet Napolitano asserting before that same body that the administration, sworn to uphold the laws duly passed by that august body, has the
right to pick and choose which to enforce, and then Eric Holder telling a Latino group that illegal aliens have a civil right to US citizenship. Until
recently, it had been thought that actual citizens had an actual right to expect that the executive branch would enforce the laws that their elected
representatives passed on their behalf [...]
Obama inauguration
fueled by corporations, unions. Chevron, Boeing and other companies whose fortunes are heavily dependent on government
action or inaction were among the companies that gave $23 million to President Obama for his inauguration party, with the politician
who ordinarily demonizes corporate money relying primarily on such sources, rather than individuals, for the $44 million gala in
January. AT&T Inc. gave $4.6 million, Microsoft Corp. gave $2.1 million, oil giant Chevron Corp. and defense contractor
Boeing Co. gave $1 million each, and healthcare firm Genentech Inc. gave $750,000, a filing showed this weekend.
How Barack Obama Is Using Health Care to Balkanize
America. What we are now seeing in the country is but one of the many deliberate designs of the Obama administration to pit one group against another and
make them beg for some dispensation or waiver. The class warfare that has been an Obama signature now engages cancer patients and teachers and the military.
Who will be next in line to demand special consideration? Obama knows only one way to rule — and I do mean rule, since governance has gone by the
wayside. Bribes and special interest group waivers have marked his presidency since the beginning of his term.
Nominee Gina McCarthy Has A History Of Misleading Congress. President Obama has nominated Gina McCarthy to succeed
Lisa Jackson as EPA administrator. When the Senate takes up her confirmation, lawmakers should be aware that McCarthy, the
current chief of air regulation at EPA, has a history of misleading Congress and the public about her agency's greenhouse gas
regulations. At a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in October 2011, McCarthy denied motor
vehicle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards are "related to" fuel economy standards. In so doing, she denied plain
facts she must know to be true. She did so under oath.
This is what's known as a slush fund.
Obama to call
for $2 billion green energy fund. President Obama in Illinois Friday will call for the creation of a $2 billion
Energy Security Trust, which would take government royalties from offshore oil and gas leasing and use the money for research in
green-energy technologies. [...] The initiative comes as Republicans pressure Obama to approve construction of the Keystone XL
Pipeline, a project that would carry oil from Canada to refineries in Texas. The president has delayed construction of the
pipeline because of environmental concerns.
Pump Up the Fraud. A politically connected engineering company
that received massive stimulus contracts has admitted that workers committed widespread fraud under the encouragement of its executives
while working on a major taxpayer-funded nuclear cleanup effort.
Did Obama DOJ Nix U.S.
Weapons Tech Espionage Probe? It appears that the Obama Justice Department killed — or at the very least
intervened in — a potentially explosive espionage investigation involving the illegal transfer of American weapons technology
to China and other foreign countries. Those who get their news from the mainstream media would never know it, though the scandalous
details have been reported in several aerospace trade publications as well as Washington D.C.'s conservative newspaper.
Senator: EPA lied about
using private emails. Environmental Protection Agency officials lied when they said a top official used his private
email only once for public business, a Republican senator said Friday [3/8/2013] as he released copies of several emails in which
that official conducted business with the EPA's director and with outside groups.
Check: Obama Uses Obamacare to Pay Off Crony to The Tune of $340 Million. Even in the absence of definitive proof of
cronyism, the checkered record of FIC leaves open the question of why it received such a large amount of federal money. The
existence of such a question implies the need for a greater degree of transparency. Accusations of cronyism are more plausible
when the standards by which such loans are given out are left up to the imagination, and certainly, that is the case when it comes to the
funding for those who set up these insurance exchanges. Hopefully, the congressional investigation into these matters will shed
some light on the subject.
Want to meet Obama? It will cost you $500k. One of my
favorite scenes in Lincoln takes place at the White House. Petitioners from across the United States wait in the
lobby for an audience with the president. [...] Those days are over — needless to say. Unless, that is, you
happen to have a spare $500,000. In which case you too can meet with the president, on a quarterly basis, provided the
$500,000 finds its way to Organizing for Action (OFA), the nonprofit, social welfare organization "established to support
President Obama in achieving enactment of the national agenda Americans voted for on Election Day 2012."
For Corruption. As if it weren't bad enough already that President Obama has decided to keep his campaign machine active as
a tax-exempt, "social welfare organization" to advocate his political agenda, it's a fact that anyone who writes a check for $500,000 sits
on OFA's "national advisory board" and gets face time with the president four times a year. That's a lot of access from a president
who refuses to answer questions from the press about his actions and rarely ever holds press conferences. It also renders White
House spokesman Jay Carney's blunt denial that the president is selling access for cash total baloney.
administration's multiple Hatch Act violations raise questions. A troubling pattern of illegal campaigning by
government officials, including two members of President Obama's cabinet, is raising questions about the federal oversight
agency that monitors such infractions. The Office of Special Counsel, which investigates federal employees for engaging in
partisan politics, previously found that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius did indeed break the law last
year when she campaigned for President Obama during an event in North Carolina. But according to new information obtained
by watchdog organization Cause of Action, the DNC improperly reimbursed the federal government for the trip.
Apparent Pick for Commerce Secretary Has a History of Shady Commerce. As he continues to fill out his cabinet, a report
emerged late Wednesday [2/6/2013] that President Obama is "close to choosing" Chicago billionaire Penny Pritzker as America's next
Secretary of Commerce. There's only one problem. She and her secretive family have been caught up in some pretty dodgy
commercial ventures including but not limited to dodging taxes and running a bank that specialized in subprime mortgages.
Obama crony wins
contract to give phones to jobless. A cellphone company whose top executive has close ties to President Obama lobbied
for and won a piece of a major new government push to provide Internet service to low-income job-seekers, even though critics say the
company's smartphones are poorly suited to the task of helping those in the program find work. The program's supporters tout it
as a way for the unemployed to learn technical skills, to prepare resumes and to search for jobs, but one of the 14 pilot
contracts that the FCC awarded went to Miami-based TracFone Wireless Inc.
after Election Day, major donors keep giving to Obama. The Obama organization, which is in the process of transitioning to
a nonprofit entity called Organizing for America, transferred $5.5 million to the campaign itself, which will employ the campaign's
assets, including its valuable supporter databases, to advance the president's legislative agenda. That nonprofit will be able to
take contributions in unlimited amounts from corporations and wealthy individuals, a first for a sitting president, and one that critics
say opens the door to influence-peddling.
The Editor says...
If you send a politician money, but he isn't running for re-election, does that not have the appearance of bribery?
Continues to Violate His Own 'Stimulus' Law by Not Releasing Quarterly Reports. Have you heard much about President Obama's
$787,000,000,000 economic "stimulus" (now estimated to cost $831,000,000,000) lately? In its last report, published in 2011, the
president's own Council of Economic Advisors released an estimate showing that, for every $317,000 in "stimulus" spending that had by then
gone out the door, only one job had been created or saved.
Exclusive: Gov't probes possible
USAID bid rigs. Memos from the inspector general of the U.S. Agency for International Development also reveal that there was
evidence that Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg tried to interfere with an internal investigation.
Scandals show the
Obama administration is corrupt. There are real scandals around Obama. That the media ignores them doesn't make them
nonexistent, just as the media's obsession with something doesn't make it a scandal. Solyndra, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the NLRB suing
Boeing, and Lisa Jackson's EPA emails are all serious scandals involving government corruption at the highest levels. At the minimum they
show Obama to be ignorant or indifferent to what's going on in his own administration.
Obama's dirty clean-energy deals.
Three of the country's biggest residential solar-panel installers — SolarCity, SunRun and Sungevity — have been subpoenaed by
Treasury's Office of Inspector General for their financial records to determine if they had inflated the market value of their costs when they applied
for federal reimbursement. The firms have reportedly received more than $500 million in federal grants and tax credits. Officials in
two of them, SolarCity and SunRun, have been among some of Mr. Obama's most generous campaign donors.
National Labor RICO Board. A recent lawsuit filed in a federal court
in California alleges that National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) member Richard Griffin was complicit in a scheme to cover up embezzlement at a
major labor union by terminating employees who attempted to expose the effort. The allegations appear in a lengthy complaint filed against the
International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE). The lawsuit alleges numerous violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations (RICO) Act, and names Griffin, IUOE's former general counsel, as a defendant.
Holder's family papers over his ties
to abortion doctor. Eric Holder Jr.'s family is moving fast and furiously to bury the U.S. Attorney General's ties to one of Georgia's
most notorious abortion doctors. Just cleared by an internal report in the "Fast and Furious" gunrunning debacle, the nation's top lawman now
faces allegations that his connection to Dr. Tyrone Cecil Malloy is a conflict of interest that helps explain Holder's failure to prosecute abortion
providers who run afoul of federal law.
Obama Golfs with Buddy Busted for
Soliciting Prostitute. President Barack Obama is in Hawaii for Christmas. Right now, he's golfing with White House chef Sam Kass,
staffer Marvin Nicholson, and friends Mike Ramos and Bobby Titcomb, according to the White House pool report. Titcomb was arrested in Honolulu
last year for soliciting a prostitute.
begins Hawaiian Christmas vacation by playing golf with friend arrested for soliciting prostitute. As the nation peers over the edge of
the fiscal cliff, President Obama kicked off his Christmas vacation in Hawaii today by playing a round of golf with friends — including his
longtime pal Bobby Titcomb, who was arrested last year on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute.
Obama Admin Protected Sex Offender,
Helping Re-election. In a new low for Obama corruption, AP reports that the Homeland Security Department "several times" protected a Democratic
senator's registered sex criminal aide from arrest before November's election.
Fair Share: Obama Staffers Owe
$833,970 in Back Taxes. Federal employees as a group owe a whopping $3.4 billion in unpaid taxes, including 1,181 employees of the
Treasury Department delinquent on a total of $9.3 million in taxes.
36 Obama aides owe $833,000 in
back taxes. How embarrassing this must be for President Obama, whose major speech theme so far this campaign season has been that every
single American, no matter how rich, should pay their "fair share" of taxes. Because how unfair — indeed, un-American — it is for
an office worker like, say, Warren Buffet's secretary to dutifully pay her taxes, while some well-to-do people with better educations and higher
incomes end up paying a much smaller tax rate. Or, worse, skipping their taxes altogether.
Obama-stimulus recipient goes to the highest bidder, the highest bidder being China. The problem here is that in the case of
A123 Systems, a manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries for electric cards, the Obama administration spoon-fed hundreds of millions of dollars
of taxpayer money into what they assured us was a guaranteed-successful endeavor at ushering in the glorious green-energy revolution and leading
us down the path of ostensibly necessary energy independence.
donor firm conducted auction in which Chinese company bought US battery maker. The Chicago law firm that auctioned the assets of
failing battery maker A123 Systems Sunday [12/9/2012] to the Chinese company Wanxiang Group is a major Obama campaign donor, records
reveal. A123 received $249 million in funds from President Obama's 2009 stimulus package, and spent at least $132 million of
those funds to build two factories in the Greater Detroit area. The company's bankruptcy and sale to Wanxiang Group means that the
Chinese company now owns all of the properties A123 purchased with its stimulus money.
Obama Donors Got $21,000 in
Government Money for Every $1 They Gave. Who says that there are no great investments anymore?
Startup electric car
company accuses Energy Department of corruption. To date, the $25 billion ATVM program has approved just four loan guarantees for Ford, Nissan,
Tesla and Fisker, totaling approximately $8.5 billion. XP alleges those awards were the product of a poorly documented process rife with political
cronyism and manipulation, and not based purely on merit. XP manager Scott Douglas Redmond says his company has several witnesses and more than 5,000
documents to back up its claims that it will reveal during a trial, if one is granted.
Did the Obama "Genuises" Steal the
Data? We all know that there were a myriad of campaign irregularities from Black Panthers turning people away to foreign donations
using untraceable single use credit cards, and George Soros paying [an] unprecedented FEC fine for illegally funneling cash to the Obama campaign.
Yet we are told, to just stand in awe that the smartest self-professed lazy student with grades he will not share, is so smart and so tech savvy that
he just out thunk us.
Democrats get elected,
insiders get cash, Americans get nothing. Outside of higher taxes on everyone, we don't know a lot about what President Obama's second term
agenda would look like. But we do know this: it would mean a lot more taxpayer investments in green energy companies. Campaigning in Florida
earlier this year, Obama told supporters he would "double-down on a clean energy industry that's never been more promising." Never mind that almost
50 energy companies Obama has already wasted tax payer dollars on are either faltering or already bankrupt.
Fundraiser Is Winner in Solyndra Bankruptcy Ruling. A major fundraiser for President Obama's reelection campaign
appears to be the biggest winner from a ruling by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware, last week in favor of an
exit plan for Solyndra LLC, the failed manufacturer of solar panels and the recipient of a $535 million government-guaranteed
loan under the President Obama's economic stimulus plan, passed by Congress in 2009. Losers include the American taxpayers [...]
Obama gave $443 million no-bid
contract to drug firm run by Democrat fundraiser. It turns out that Obama actually does like millionaires and billionaires — enough to give them
millions of taxpayer dollars from the middle class.
Emails Link White House to Another Green
Flop. Just-revealed emails confirm that the Obama administration, and the president himself, have misled Americans about the White House's role in
fast-tracking a $400 million "stimulus" loan guarantee to a politically-connected "green energy" firm. If you followed the Solyndra saga, this will
come as no surprise to you — nor will the fact that Obama has been spreading misinformation about his White House's culpability in the matter.
Brother Awarded Lucrative Gov't Contracts: Media Silent Thus Far. The rampant crony capitalism of the federal government
simply can't be ignored anymore, but the media has made a habit out of selectively picking and choosing what it wants to report on with
this administration. This latest example may ultimately be ignored and denied too however, because it involves the brother of our
current vice president.
House Insider: The Only Way Obama Wins This Election Is To Steal It. As Benghazi news reports now pummel down upon the
head of President Barack Obama, a longtime D.C. political operative who has spent the past three years attempting to correct the
mistake that was the 2008 election, declares in this brief communication that the only way Obama can now be allowed a second term is
if he steals the 2012 election.
Report: Taxpayer loss
due to Solyndra may be as high as $849 million. The cost to taxpayers for the failure of solar panel company Solyndra may be much higher
than the $535 million dollar federal loan guarantee the company received. After the company went bankrupt in last August, 2011, the Energy
Department, which had given the original loan, okayed an unprecedented deal to attract more private investment to Solyndra. One result of this
deal is that it has allowed more than $350 million in tax write-offs to pass to those private creditors, one of which is owned by a major donor
to President Obama.
Interior secretary
may have violated law in Obama campaign appearance. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar may have violated federal law
during his appearance at an Obama campaign event in Colorado on Wednesday [10/17/2012]. The Hatch Act limits how federal employees
in the executive branch of government may engage in partisan political activity. For instance, they may not use their official
titles at political events. But Salazar was presented as "Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar" in the Montrose County Democratic
Party's online event calendar.
The Ties that Biden. Since
November 2010, James Biden has been the executive vice president of Hill International's housing subsidiary despite little if any documented work
history in residential construction. And if the company's projections are accurate, both Hill and Biden are on the verge of a huge payday,
beneficiaries, some analysts believe, of James Biden's connections to the Obama Administration through his older brother.
Green stimulus profiteer comes under
IRS scrutiny. Vice President Biden snickered during last week's debate at the suggestion there was waste, inefficiency or cronyism in the
2009 stimulus bill. If he can stop cackling for long enough, Biden, the self-proclaimed "stimulus sheriff" should sit down with the IRS officials
and the federal inspector general who are investigating a solar company owned by leading Obama donor and subsidy recipient Elon Musk.
DUI Can't Keep Bundler From Bundling. On Friday [10/19/2012],
the Obama campaign disclosed its most recent list of campaign bundlers. Disgraced almost-ambassador Tim Broas is still listed as a bundler
committed to raising more than $500,000. Broas was also a bundler for Obama in 2008. Obama nominated Broas to be ambassador to the
Netherlands in April. The White House was forced to withdraw the nomination after Broas was arrested and charged with drunk driving and
resisting arrest in June.
Food Tent Displaying
Obama Signs Erected Outside Ohio Poll. On Wednesday, [10/10/2012] a food tent peppered with Obama campaign signs was seen in Cleveland
directly across from the Board of Elections where early voting is taking place.
White House That Punishes Adversaries, Pays Off Friends. Did the Obama administration stiff a group of non-union workers
and pay off a political ally in the 2009 auto bailout? Yes, it did, says the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
ObamaPhones Profiting ObamaDonors. [Scroll down] One of the
major providers of the free cell phones — 3.8 million subscribers as of late 2011 — is Miami-based TracFone Wireless, a
company whose president and CEO, Frederick "F.J." Pollak, has donated at least $156,500 to Democratic candidates and committees this cycle,
including at least $50,000 to the Obama campaign. Pollak's wife, Abigail, is a campaign bundler for Obama who has raised more than $632,000 for
the president this cycle, and more than $1.5 million since 2007. She has personally contributed more than $200,000 to Democratic candidates
and committees since 2008.
Though Illegal, Obama Appears to Solicit
Super PAC Money at Jay-Z Fundraiser. If our corrupt media believe a Republican said something inappropriate at a fundraiser about the
47% of the American people the rest of us carry, the corrupt media attempt to destroy his campaign over it. However, if a sitting president
appears to openly and brazenly break the laws surrounding the solicitation of super PAC money, this very same media dutifully report but refuse
to talk about it.
What Does It Take to Get Fired In the Obama
Administration? The last ten days have revealed a piece of good news, in a morbid sort of way. At a time of rampant economic uncertainty
with millions of Americans facing the prospect of layoffs or having their hours and pay cut, there is one place left on earth where one's job is so secure
that no power — not lawbreaking, not even lethal incompetence — can trigger termination. That place is the Obama administration.
Top Obama Bundlers Bag Millions in Taxpayer Money. An investigation by the Government Accountability Institute found
that more than half of the most politically active 50 campaign bundlers for President Obama were either appointed to a presidential
council, committee, board, or other White House post. Many bundlers' businesses or relatives' businesses also received millions
of dollars in taxpayer-funded federal contracts, grants, loans, or other crony perks. In all, the top 50 bundlers received
three council appointments, one ambassadorship, two committee appointments, and a whopping 20 State Dinner invitations.
Public Sector Union Supports Obama
after Cushy Contract. The National Air Traffic Controllers Association, a public sector union, has emerged as the
second-largest donor to Democratic Super PACs, including a $1 million donation to President Barack Obama's Priorities USA,
reports the Wall Street Journal. This support comes after the Obama administration gave air traffic controllers a plush
MF Global Will Face No Criminal Charges. After ten months of investigating Obama campaign bundler and former MF Global
chief Jon Corzine's role in the loss of $1.6 billion of customer funds, the New York Times is reporting that Eric Holder's
Department of Justice is unlikely to file any criminal charges against Corzine or top MF Global executives. As
Breitbart News has reported, the case is riddled with serious conflicts of interest.
Justice Inaction: The Department of Justice's Unprecedented
Failure to Prosecute Big Finance. Despite Attorney General Eric Holder's heated rhetoric promising to hold Wall Street
accountable, an investigation into the Department of Justice's handling of the 2008 financial crisis found that:
• The Department of Justice has not filed a single criminal charge
against any top executive of an elite financial institution.
• Attorney General Holder, Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli,
Associate Attorney General Tony West, and Deputy Associate Attorney General Karol Mason all came to
the DOJ from prestigious white-collar defense firms, where they represented the very financial
institutions the DOJ is supposed to investigate.
• Top DOJ officials played prominent roles in his 2008 campaign. Holder
co-chaired the campaign with Tony West, the DOJ's third highest official.
• No other modern administration has staffed the DOJ with big money
fundraisers. Holder bundled $50,000 for Obama's 2008 campaign, while Perrelli, West, and Mason all
bundled $500,000 for the campaign. West also helped raise an estimated $65 million in
• Washington's "Revolving Door" is at work in the DOJ. Top Justice officials came from and
returned to law practices where they defend the financial institutions the DOJ is tasked with prosecuting.
Goldman Sachs, Other Wall Street Titans Are Not Being Prosecuted. The Justice Department's decision not to
prosecute Goldman Sachs in a financial-fraud probe is another sign of the cronyism that has kept Attorney General Eric
Holder from taking action against other big Wall Street firms, says Peter Schweizer.
Guide to the Obama Administration's Five Major Scandals for Mainstream Media Dummies. Scandal 2: Kathleen
Sebelius breaks federal law, keeps her job. In February 2012, Secretary of Health and Human Services (that's a federal
position, just in case you're not up on your civics) Kathleen Sebelius openly electioneered on government time in her official
capacity during a visit to North Carolina. The Hatch Act, a federal law, expressly forbids such activity.
Sebelius violated Hatch Act, agency finds.
Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated the federal law prohibiting federal employees from partisan
activities, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) reported Wednesday [9/12/2012]. "OSC concluded that Secretary Sebelius violated
the Hatch Act when she made extemporaneous partisan remarks in a speech delivered in her official capacity on February 25, 2012,"
the office said in its report. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from trying to influence the outcome of an election while
using their official authority or using their official title or when speaking about agency business.
Office of
Special Counsel Says HHS Secretary Violated Hatch Act. President Obama was notified today by the U.S. Office of Special
Counsel that one of his key Cabinet officials violated the Hatch Act, the law that restricts the political activity of anyone employed
or holding office in the Executive Branch except for the President and Vice President. Carolyn Lerner, head of the U.S. Office
of Special Counsel concluded that Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius violated the Hatch Act
when she served as the Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker at the February 25, 2012 gala for the pro-gay rights Human Rights
Campaign in Charlotte, North Carolina.
OSC report: Sebelius violated Hatch Act.
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits certain political activity, when she made "extemporaneous
partisan remarks" during a speech in her official capacity earlier this year, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel said Wednesday.
The office sent an official report outlining the rare Hatch Act violation and Sebelius's response to President Barack Obama.
Probe: Sebelius broke the law
by campaigning for Obama reelection. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated federal law by using her Cabinet
position to campaign for President Obama, federal investigators said Wednesday. The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) said
Sebelius broke federal law by saying in a February speech that it is "imperative" to reelect President Obama. She also used the speech,
delivered at a Human Rights Campaign event in Charlotte, N.C., to plug local Democrats.
Reporters haven't
asked about Sebelius breaking law in W.H. briefings. Reporters covering the White House don't seem to have many questions
about Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who was last week found in violation of federal law against engaging in
political activity while on the job.
Sebelius' Impunity On Hatch Act
Violation Portends More Dirty Government. The White House has dismissed HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' politicking on the taxpayer dime as "an
inadvertent error" and is letting her get away with it. It shows a pick-and-choose attitude to law.
Legal Questions Dog
Administration Officials on Campaign Trail. Executive-branch officials aren't barred from endorsing candidates; they just can't do it in
their official capacity. But the escalating deployment of top officials for campaign purposes presents an ethical problem, experts say —
one thrown into sharp relief by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's recent violation of the Hatch Act.
N. Carolina paper calls on Obama to
punish Sebelius. A North Carolina newspaper is calling on President Obama to punish cabinet secretary Kathleen Sebelius,
who was found in violation of the Hatch Act earlier this month for giving a political speech while conducting official business in the Tar
Heel state. An editorial published Tuesday [9/25/2012] in The Gaston Gazette of Gastonia, North Carolina declares, "Either we should
enforce the Hatch Act or take it off the books."
Sebelius to hit
campaign trail again after Hatch Act violation. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will soon be back to
doing what she does best — campaigning for President Obama. Sebelius will travel to New Hampshire this weekend for a swing
of "grassroots events" with Obama, according to the New Hampshire Union Leader. The campaign trip comes after the Office of Special
Counsel found that Sebelius had violated federal campaign law by campaigning for Obama during an official event.
Sebelius' illegal campaign trip for Obama worse than we thought. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
violated federal law by campaigning for President Obama on the taxpayers' dime, but now that initial violation has the Democratic
National Committee and an HHS aide in the spotlight for related alleged infractions. A nonprofit government watchdog filed a
complaint alleging that the DNC violated campaign finance law by misreporting the money it spent to reimburse HHS for Sebelius' trip
in a way that masked the fact that the Hatch Act, a ban on political campaigning by government employees working in their official
capacity, had been violated.
More Accusations in Hatch Act Case.
The government watchdog group that last week requested an investigation into two FAA employees for potential Hatch Act
violations has discovered more potential violations of election laws by one of the individuals, the Washington Free
Beacon has learned.
Obama Bundler Could Face Charges. A
prominent Obama fundraiser and former Democratic politician could face criminal and civil charges for his role in MF
Global's bankruptcy and the company's loss of more than $1 billion in customer money, Fox Business has reported
today [9/11/2012]. Jon Corzine, MF Global's CEO and New Jersey's former Democratic governor, has been fingered
by MF Global's North American chief financial officer, Christine Serwinski, for complacency in the company's loss of
customer funds totaling $1.6 billion. She told investigators that Corzine "was well aware of the use and possible
misuse of the customer funds during the firm's final days," Fox reported.
Still More Corrupt Green Energy Boondogglery. The $535 million of
our money Obama laundered through the Solyndra debacle to pay off donor George Kaiser is only the tip of the iceberg. Another
example of how Hopey Change (formerly known as Chicago-style corruption) is applied to energy policy. [...] Why is Obama running for
reelection instead of cooling his heels in an orange jumpsuit for the looting spree he calls an energy policy? Because the
"mainstream" media will see to it that stories like this are swept under the rug, and Republicans are afraid to make an issue
of them.
Journalists 'Cover Energy And Environment Subjects As Liberal Activists,' E-Mails Show. Liberals claim to support
transparency in government — until conservatives start finding shady things through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
requests. New York Times bestselling author, litigator, and Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Chris Horner has been
filing such FOIAs for years and has turned up Obama's "true plan" for cap-and-trade, a close relationship between an energy official and
a Solyndra director — and more. Horner's quest for public information, labeled as "criminal" by one Obama agency head,
will be detailed in his upcoming book, "The Liberal War on Transparency."
Can states go after Corzine if
Obama administration won't? Has Jon Corzine escaped justice after MF Global fleeced customers of more than a billion dollars?
On CNBC, Rick Santelli and James Koutoulas say ... maybe not. If the Obama administration's Department of Justice won't prosecute Corzine,
who not coincidentally is a big Obama bundler and a former Democratic Governor and Senator from New Jersey, then maybe states where Corzine's
former customers live might be interested in theft on the grandest scale imaginable.
Holder's DOJ "Biggest Enabler Of Financial Crime In U.S. History". According to the trustee's report, MF Global was routinely
using customer funds to fund intraday operations as far back as August, months before the bankruptcy. That's a violation of the Commodity
Exchange Act. Then, once their credit rating was downgraded, they just outright took those funds and wired them to JPMorgan to meet house
margin calls, which is also a violation of the Commodity Exchange Act. It is a felony, and it bears a penalty of 10 years in prison
per offense.
Corzine gets the New Black Panther
treatment. To control prosecutorial exertion is to control when and where the law is applied. Whom the posse pursues should
not be a whim of political influence, but a matter of compulsory legal scrutiny. No man is above the Law. No man, not even the Attorney
General, should decide if and when and to whom law is applied. And Congressional testimony, though unpleasant, is not penance.
"Clean Energy" Is Obama-Speak for
Crony Government. As I noted back in January in my column on Obama's green robber barons, my scouring of White House visitor logs showed
nine visits from Illinois-based Exelon's CEO John Rowe, who met with the president and former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel multiple times. The
clean energy company's deep ties had already been illuminated by several other business publications, including Forbes and Crain's. Frank M.
Clark, the veteran lobbyist who runs Exelon's Commonwealth Edison, the largest electric utility in Illinois, is a top Obama adviser and fundraiser
dating back to the former community organizer's Illinois State Senate days. Longtime Obama campaign guru David Axelrod worked as a consultant
to Exelon. And Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel helped create Exelon — where he raked in more than $16 million over two years.
"Green Energy" Scandals Widen as Lawmakers Probe Deeper. The Obama administration and its Energy Department are under fire over
controversial "green energy" schemes yet again, with Republican lawmakers alleging on August 15 that senior officials may have violated
federal law by attempting to conceal records using private e-mail accounts. Last week, the House Oversight Committee also requested more
information from President Obama about his personal involvement in funneling billions of taxpayer dollars to politically connected companies such
as Solyndra that later failed.
Homeland big on ICE. Homeland Security boss
Janet Napolitano's embattled high-ranking immigration aide took a leave of absence following salacious new claims about the agency's alleged sexually
hostile environment toward men, while Napolitano herself indicated she is pondering stepping down. Suzanne Barr, who has close Arizona ties to
Napolitano, took a "voluntary leave," according to Brian Hale, spokesman for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Barr's leave, which
began Tuesday [8/12/2012], comes as two more male accusers claimed they personally witnessed Barr engage in lewd and hostile behavior with subordinates.
Signature Move: Unsealing Private Records. Obama's usual campaign method, used in 100 percent of his
races, has been to pry into the private records of his opponents. Democrats aren't going to find any personal dirt
on the clean-cut Mormon, so they need complicated tax filings going back decades in order to create the illusion of scandal
out of boring financial records.
Federal Court: DOJ
Official May Have Lied About the New Black Panther Case. In a little noted decision on July 23, a federal district court
judge concluded that internal DOJ documents about the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case "contradict Assistant Attorney General
[Thomas] Perez's testimony that political leadership was not involved in" the decision to dismiss the case. In other words, the sworn
testimony of Perez, the Obama political appointee who heads the Civil Rights Division, before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was apparently
Department officials violated nepotism rules, new report says. Eight Justice Department officials tried to get their
children and other relatives hired at the department in violation of laws and regulations, according to a report released Thursday [7/26/2012]
by the department's inspector general. The nepotism violations in the division that serves as the Justice Department's management arm were
revealed in the third investigation of the division in the past decade, according to Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz. His office
found similar improper hiring practices in 2004 and 2008.
No justice in Corzine case. As the march
to the November elections heats up, voters can expect to find fewer and fewer issues that unite Democrats and Republicans. Yet one
emerging issue appears to be gathering enough steam to produce a rare point of bipartisan agreement: the Justice Department's
unwillingness or inability to charge, prosecute and seek conviction of a single Wall Street executive in the wake of the largest financial
collapse in U.S. history. One of the most glaring examples of the cronyism that has ground the process to a halt can be seen in the
lack of any real action against former MF Global chief Jon Corzine.
Corzine's MF Global Was Client of Eric Holder's Law Firm. Those wondering why the Department of Justice has refused to go after
Jon Corzine for the vaporization of $1.6 billion in MF Global client funds need look no further than the documents uncovered by the
Government Accountability Institute that reveal that the now-defunct MF Global was a client of Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant
Attorney General Lanny Breuer's former law firm, Covington & Burling. There's more.
Did Barack Obama Underreport His Income
to IRS? President Barack Obama released his recent personal finance records in 2008, which included his 2004 U.S. Individual Income
Tax Return and Senate Annual Finance Report. President Obama's records for 2004 do not reconcile with the State of Illinois Comptroller's
Office. There are inconsistencies in the total compensation received as an Illinois State Senator. The largest error likely is President
Obama's omission of a "Leadership Stipend" of over $8,000. This stipend should have been recorded as income. [...] 18 USC 1001
provides for prosecution for knowingly and willfully false statements to the Federal government. This act allows for unspecified fines or
imprisonment up to 5 years.
Obama fundraiser gets
Energy Department post. Dozens of major fundraisers for President Obama's re-election campaign have been appointed
to plum posts on advisory boards and humanities commissions and at embassies. The practice is not new to Mr. Obama, but it's
generally viewed as unsavory. Not to Steve Westly, a financier who has raised between $200,000 and $500,000 for Mr. Obama
this election season. In correspondence with the Energy Department as they were vetting him for a post on an advisory
board to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, he was upfront about his political connections and money-raiser role.
Subsidized failure:
Obama bankruptcies and green cronyism. When you subsidize something, you get more of it — and the Obama
administration has been funding failure. The lights may have gone out on his uneconomic solar firms, but the money trail is
still visible. Billions of taxpayer dollars were wasted while President Barack Obama's well-connected friends benefited.
Harry Reid's Part in Green-Energy Crony-Corruption. So far our chronicle of the green-energy crony-corruption story, has
focused primarily on the connections the players have to President Obama. This chapter stars Senator Harry Reid. When
looking at the whole story, it's important to note that Senator Reid "led passage of the $814 billion stimulus bill and
worked to include the loan guarantee program to help finance clean-energy projects" — projects to which, as we
will show, he is connected.
File: Big-Time Obama Fundraiser in Mortgage Seizure Scheme. A bundler is someone who raises campaign cash from others on behalf
of a campaign and then gets special treatment from the president if the candidate wins.
Obama, Reid Contributor Ralph Lauren
Outsourced Olympic Uniforms. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has raised a furor over the fact that the
uniforms for the US Olympic Team are made in China. Which is to say: outsourced. Who designed these
uniforms? Who actually did the outsourcing of these Olympic uniforms here? That would be the famous American
designer Ralph Lauren. Who has a habit of outsourcing his clothes to places like China, Sri Lanka and El Salvador.
Uh-oh. That would be the same Ralph Lauren who, according to the Federal Elections Commission, on May 7,
2012 — barely two months ago — contributed $35,800 to the Obama Victory Fund 2012.
Team USA Olympic uniforms not made in
USA. Not only do this year's Team USA uniforms look a little militant, but it turns out the London Olympians' duds
were made in China, which, if you didn't know, is not in the United States. Classic Americana designer Ralph Lauren stylized
the team's opening ceremony uniforms, but outsourced the actual tailoring to China.
U.S. Olympic Uniforms: Made in
China by Democratic Donor's company. Lawmakers were livid to discover that the United States' Olympic team uniforms
were made in China. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) even suggested "they should take all the uniforms, put them in a
big pile and burn them and start all over again." The company who designed the uniforms, Ralph Lauren, has received less
scrutiny. Few outlets have noted that Ralph Lauren himself is a prominent contributor to President Obama and the Democratic
What's next for Attorney General Eric Holder?
[Scroll down] But what will become of Eric Holder? Well, his citation for criminal contempt will be turned over to the U.S. Attorney for the
District of Columbia, Ronald Machen. [...] And if he [Machen] does decide to move forward against Eric Holder, Machen can always be over-ridden by
his boss, the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder. Anyone who thinks Holder would be afraid to perpetrate such a political outrage
hasn't been watching the same Attorney General, and Administration, that I have. Don't make the mistake of believing the media would excoriate him
for such a transparently corrupt exercise of power.
Emails: White
House worked with health industry to send business to Axelrod's firm. The charge that the Obama administration coordinated with the
health-care industry in 2009 during the Obamacare fight to send a good chunk of business to the consulting firm founded by presidential adviser
David Axelrod has resurfaced in the news media. At issue is whether the White House worked with officials inside the industry to form the
outside group, "Healthy Economy Now," which ran pro-Obamacare ads with the help of Axelrod's former political consulting firm, AKPD Message and
LightSquared founder, Obama ally
Falcone sued by SEC for fraud. US regulators sued hedge fund billionaire Philip Falcone for fraud Wednesday [6/27/2012], accusing him
of taking $113 million from a fund to pay his taxes.
Executive Privilege Has The Stench Of Cover-Up. The president illegally asserts executive privilege to protect an
attorney general who's either a clueless political hack, malevolent or both, withholding answers of who is responsible for a
Border Patrol agent's death.
Prisoners producing solar panels sold for installation by
major Obama donors on federal buildings.
Green Energy Gulag. The Obama administration is using prison labor to advance
its green energy agenda, enriching foreign companies and some of the president's largest campaign donors in the process. [...] Hundreds of federal
inmates earn between $0.23 and $1.15 per hour manufacturing solar panels at UNICOR facilities in New York and Oregon. The panels are
then sold to a variety of government agencies, which are obligated by law to purchase them.
Energy Dept. awards $2 million grant to solar company linked with Van Jones. On Wednesday [6/13/2012] the
Department of Energy began financing solar power installation research with a $2 million award to Solar Mosaic.
The solar energy research company has former Obama "green jobs" czar Van Jones listed as an advisor. It also employed
Rebuild the Dream, Jones' firm, to do its public relations work. The DOE's grant money will be distributed to nine
companies in four states. Solar Mosaic received the most money, four times the amount of most other grants.
Jones resigned his post in the Obama administration three years ago amid controversy stemming from his past remarks.
More Taxpayer Millions for
Van Jones and His Nest of Vipers. A solar installation research company based in Oakland, California called Solar Mosaic has just
received $2 million in grant monies from the Department of Energy's SunShot Initiative program. Mosaic pulled in 4 times more money
than the other eight companies that made the cut. Why did the California company fare so well? Simple. Obama's former green jobs
czar buddy, Anthony K. "Van" Jones is listed as an adviser while two radical organizations he co-founded are cited as "members of the Solar
Mosaic family." The payouts for Mr. Obama's radical cronies just keep on coming.
House moving to hold Holder in contempt.
House Republicans said Monday [6/11/2012] that they will move to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress,
escalating a separation-of-powers battle over Fast and Furious, the Obama administration's botched gun-walking operation.
Bringing Eric Holder to Justice. Patience
has apparently run out with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his refusal to turn over what congressional investigators consider
critical evidence in the ongoing Fast and Furious gunrunning investigation. On June 20th, the House Oversight Committee will
vote on whether or not to hold Mr. Holder in contempt of Congress. The vote would mark the fourth time in the last 30 years
that Congress has initiated contempt proceedings against a member of the executive branch of government.
How much longer can Obama and Holder protect
each other? If this were just the first such instance of a failure in President Obama's campaign promise to 'have the most transparent
administration in history,' perhaps negative sentiments, particularly bi-partisan, would not run so deep. But, it is just the next, in a long line
of many political scandals that have plagued the Obama Administration almost from day one, including Solyndra Solar and Operation Fast and Furious, both of
which appear to suffer from "stonewalling" by the government agencies involved.
Convicted Felons Could Swing the Election for Obama. Mitt Romney's lead over President Barack Obama in the states most
likely to decide the presidential election could diminish over the next few weeks if left wing pressure groups work successfully to
block ballot integrity efforts. Catherine Engelbrecht, president and founder of "True the Vote," is blunt. She warns that
2012 could mark the end of free and fair elections in America.
Spending Money Like It's Water. When most people
think of the United States Department of Labor, they think of those people trying to make President Obama look good by manipulating
employment data to show less than 8% unemployment before Election Day. But what few people know is that the USDoL also has a
fairly large slush fund to delve into and toss pennies from heaven upon people they deem as worthy.
GM's Bailout Bucks. General Motors has funneled more than $1 million to two
powerhouse Democratic lobbyists since the taxpayers rescued the automaker in 2009.
Oh no! We can't let Romney win, he'll let lobbyists in the White
House! If Romney wins, will lobbyists defile the White House that Obama has kept so clean and so pure? That's
what Politico suggests with this piece today [10/16/2012] headlined "Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Romney."
Inspector General under
investigation in drilling ban. Lawmakers are investigating whether a top government investigator was involved in
producing a report that erroneously suggested certain scientists approved a drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico after the
Deepwater Horizon disaster. The moratorium cost thousands of jobs throughout the region and created a decline in energy
production. Seven members of the National Academy of Engineers later rebuffed the action.
Bundler of Sunshine. New disclosures show that one of President Obama's bundlers is the wife
of an executive at an energy company that received a more-than-$1.2 billion Department of Energy (DOE) loan guarantee for a solar power plant.
Arvia Few is a bundler for the Obama re-election campaign who has promised to raise between $50,000 and $100,000. She began bundling for Obama in the
first quarter of 2012. Her husband, Jason Few, is an executive at a company that has benefited handsomely from the Obama administration's clean energy
spending, records show.
Obama's thug style campaign tactics.
Over the weekend, we learned that the Obama campaign tried to pay off "G-D America" preacher Jeremiah Wright not to preach during Obama's 2008 election.
Apparently the price not to preach was $150,000. If it's true, does this surprise you? Not me! This is Chicago style campaigning
and it has been Obama's preferred campaign mode throughout his entire career and will continue to do so through the 2012 campaign.
New allegation from Rev. Wright deserves answer.
[Scroll down] So the allegation is there: Wright says he was offered money by a close Obama friend to disappear at a key moment in the 2008 campaign.
In what way is that not newsworthy? A top Obama re-election official says the campaign will not comment on Wright's allegations, saying Klein's book is simply
not credible. But listening to the recording, Wright said what he said. It is news.
about Jeremiah Wright.
Homeland Security stalls Florida voter clean-up effort.
The Department of Homeland Security is stonewalling Florida's effort to clean up its voting rolls 12 years after George W. Bush won the
state's electoral votes by a razor-thin margin. The state asked DHS in September to check the citizenship of 180,000 registered people who
have Florida driver licenses but may not be citizens, Chris Cate, communications director for the Florida Department of State, told The Daily Caller.
Florida's stalled request comes amid efforts by Democratic legislators and advocates to stop popular and court-approved voter-identification laws.
Senior Homeland Security
staffers have no law enforcement experience. President Barack Obama's Homeland Security secretary, Janet Napolitano, has presided
over the hiring of at least four senior staffers and advisers who have no law enforcement experience but align politically with the president.
Project run by Obama family, friends
receives $5.9M HHS grant. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded a $5.9 million grant to a University
of Chicago Medical Center program run by one of President Barack Obama's closest friends. Obama's longtime friend, Eric Whitaker, runs the
Urban Health Initiative (UHI), which was founded as a means of connecting low-income patients with health clinics in their own communities.
Longtime Obama pal Eric Whitaker keeps
popping onto political scene. In a Monday afternoon [5/14/2012] radio interview with Sean Hannity, Klein revealed that Whitaker had purportedly
offered Rev. Jeremiah Wright — an infamous and challenging weight on Obama's 2008 campaign — $150,000 to stay silent until after the
election was over. Wright refused Whitaker's offer, Klein said. Also on Monday, White House Dossier reported that the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) has awarded the UHI a $5.9 million taxpayer grant.
HHS Sends $5.9 Million to Program Run by Obama
Buddy. The Urban Health Initiative, which received the award, was originally based on a smaller program launched during the last decade by
Michelle Obama, who was an executive at the University of Chicago Medical Center before she departed to become first lady. The UHI is headed up
by Obama basketball and golf buddy Whitaker, who has known the president since Obama's days in law school and who also vacations with the first family.
"Regulations don't matter if your best friend is the cop who pulls you over."
Grimm Reaper. House Republicans say the Obama administration is too
politically tainted to investigate former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine's role in the MF Global bankruptcy. The group of
congressmen, led by Rep. Michael Grimm (R., N.Y.), is calling for an independent counsel to investigate whether Corzine illegally
transferred billions of dollars from customer accounts to offset his risky trading strategy.
The Chicago Way: Justice for sale at Holder's DOJ.
In an explosive Newsweek article set to rock official Washington, reporter Peter Boyer and Breitbart contributing editor and Government Accountability
Institute President Peter Schweizer reveal how Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice are operating under a "justice for sale" strategy by
forgoing criminal prosecution of Wall Street executives at big financial institutions who just so happen to be clients of the white-shoe law firms where Holder
and his top DOJ lieutenants worked.
Fraud found in Obama's online donations. President Barack
Obama's 2012 campaign has hundreds of thousands of eager, low-dollar donors — and a tiny trickle of unwilling, defrauded donors. The latest
example comes from David Newman, who found a $15 charge, dated May 6, from the "Obama For America" campaign on one of his debit cards. Newman had
supported Obama in 2008, but "I didn't sign up to say 'Do this every three months or every three years when you need money,'" he told The Daily Caller.
Treasury's GM Bankruptcy Ally Rewarded by Energy Department? I may have just solved a General Motors bankruptcy
mystery that has existed for about three years. That is, why did a group that was supposed to be representing bondholders
immediately cave to Auto Task Force pressures and endorse a deal that saw GM bondholders get put to the bottom of the creditor
list? The apparent answer exposes the ugly way in which cronies were rewarded with taxpayer money for their support in the
Obama orchestrated bankruptcy process while less favored classes got thrown to the back of the bus. In fact, the group that
helped smooth the bankruptcy process has received a $1.35 million contract from the Energy Department to "help track"
capital raising efforts at Fisker Automotive as well as for advice on another green energy loser, Beacon Power.
DreamWorks Nightmare. The Hollywood studio run by one of
President Obama's biggest donors is under investigation by the Securities Exchange Commission for bribing Chinese officials to
secure exclusive film rights in the communist country — rights secured in secretive negotiations that included Vice
President Joe Biden. The SEC is investigating at least five Hollywood studios — including 20th Century Fox,
Disney, and DreamWorks Animation — for allegedly making illegal payments to Chinese officials, Reuters reported
Tuesday [5/1/2012]. DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg is the largest donor to the Obama reelection super PAC
Priorities USA.
True The Vote, Day Two: Breitbart Is Here.
Volunteers from 32 states have gathered to bring integrity back to what has become a corrupted election process. We have
heard story after story today and last night — ACORN's $30 million Project Vote effort in 2008; several jurisdictions
across several states have more names on their voter rolls than there are eligible voting adults in their area. Tom Fitton of
Judicial Watch directly warned that the Obama administration's Department of Justice is working hand in hand with former ACORN lawyers
who have pled guilty in voter fraud cases, on this year's election strategy. He connected the Obama stealth amnesty for illegal
aliens with this voter drive and the administration's overt opposition to commonsense voter ID laws that have already proven to be
no obstacle whatsoever to legitimate voters into a terrifying probability: that the Obama administration is preparing to steal
this fall's election.
of Energy "Junk Loans" and Cronyism, Part One. [Scroll down] Political buddies indeed — 21 energy
firms are behind the 27 projects found in the House Oversight investigation, and 18 of them are politically connected to
President Obama (15 alone) and the Democratic Party, that's over 85%! 13 were bundlers, donors, and supporters for Obama's
2008 campaign, and two are members of the president's Job Council, while three are allied to Senator Harry Reid — all
with ample other Democrat links in the mix.
Issa: We have the 'most
corrupt' government in history. House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa said he is putting his foot down
on "corrupt" government financial dealings in the wake of scandals at the Secret Service and the General Services Administation
(GSA). [...] "We are busy in Washington with a corrupt government, with a government that I said perhaps because of the money,
the amount of TARP and stimulus funds, was going to be the most corrupt government history, and it is proving to be just exactly
that. "This money going though the hands of political leaders is corrupting the process, whether it is Solyndra, GSA, or
a number of other scandals."
DOJ Asked to Investigate How
Obama Campaign Co-Chair Obtained Stolen IRS Tax Return. The National Organization for Marriage is asking the U.S. Department
of Justice to investigate and prosecute the individuals responsible for leaking the organization's confidential U.S. tax return and then
illegally publishing it. The stolen tax return was first published by the Human Rights Campaign and subsequently the Huffington Post.
HRC is led by Joe Solmonese, who also serves as a co-chairman of President Obama's reelection committee.
Obama's Ponzi Scheme Donor. The Persian-Jewish
proprietor of a bogus hedge fund under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission is a prolific Democratic donor
who dined at the Obama White House just months before the SEC shut down his Ponzi scheme. Shervin Neman, a self-described
hedge fund manager in Los Angeles, is said to have targeted members of his own Persian-Jewish community in a $7.54 million
Ponzi scheme that the SEC claims "raised funds from at least 11 investors in the fraudulent securities offering."
An $8 billion trick? Call it President
Obama's Committee for the Re-Election of the President — a political slush fund at the Health and Human Services Department. Only this isn't
some little fund from shadowy private sources; this is taxpayer money, redirected to help Obama win another term.
Where Are the Rolling Heads from NOAA?
[Scroll down] A special master appointed by the IG found that [Larry] Yacobian had been treated unfairly. The government returned
$400,000 to Mr. Yacobian, and the Secretary of Commerce, Gary Locke, apologized personally. But nobody has ever been punished. Why?
Because the NOAA outrages are based on cronyism and fully condoned by our current brand of Big Government. Dr. Jane Lubchenco, the person who
decides on reward or punishment at NOAA, is an environmental superstar and Obama's favorite eco-zealot. Dr. Lubchenco, with the cognizance and
support of the president, has filled the upper management of NOAA with like-minded eco-zealots. They are knowingly and purposefully shrinking
the fishing fleet, driving hardworking Americans out of business and out of work to consolidate the industry.
Amazon is Obama's Mistress.
Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, announced on April 11, 2012 that the Department of Justice is suing Apple and five major book
publishers on charges that they violated anti-trust laws by conspiring to raise the price of e-books. Here's the catch:
Apple and the five publishers were not conspiring to artificially raise the price of the e-books. They were merely switching
from an outdated "wholesale pricing model" for print books to an "agency model" that is better suited for e-books.
A Fish Rots from the Head Down.
Subordinate organizations and agencies don't just suddenly take it upon themselves to behave badly. Each of them takes
their guidance from the management levels above them. Perceived laxness and permissiveness in the next higher level of
management encourages similar behavior in the extant level and this relaxation of standards and ethics then flows downward to
permeate the whole.
Former Dem.
Congressman Kennedy Alleges 'Quid Pro Quo' for Access to White House. Access to the Obama White House is in direct correlation to
the amount of money donated to the president's reelection effort and the Democratic party, the New York Times reports today [4/15/2012].
The Times reports: "those who donated the most to Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party since he started running for president were far more
likely to visit the White House than others.
Quid Pro Dough. President Obama's ban on lobbyist contributions has not prevented
lobbyists and other representatives of special interests from visiting the White House frequently, a New York Times review of public documents
reveals. [...] The Times's study revealed a direct relationship between the amount a donor has contributed to President Obama and the number
of times that donor has visited the White House.
Cash For White House Access. A new study documents that access to the White House is based on how much money is
put into the president's campaign coffers. [...] An analysis of White House access by the New York Times suggests that hope
and change has changed nothing except maybe you don't get to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom. But in exchange for
enriching the president's campaign coffers, you do get to bend the president's ear with a frequency greater than heads of
state and Cabinet members.
Stimulus-Funded Solar Firm Cancels IPO. BrightSource received
a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the Department of Energy, funds that were allocated in the $787 billion stimulus package passed in 2009.
The largest investor in Brightsource (with a 25 percent stake) is VantagePoint Venture Partners, a firm whose principal, Sanjay Wagle, helped raised
millions for President Obama's campaign in 2008 and even served as a "renewable energy grants adviser" at the DOE.
Barry's Bank. The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im) is
a little-known institution that has become a hot topic in Washington as Congress debates whether to extend its authorization and
increase its lending capability. The bank is also a hotbed of crony capitalism — run by political donors for the
benefit of political donors. The bank's board of directors — appointed by the president and approved by the
Senate — is stocked with large political donors and campaign bundlers.
Obama's Legal Humiliation.
Today there is no American news outlet factually covering the illegal actions of the sitting President of the United States in context.
Nor is there one consistently exposing the laws his administration has flagrantly broken, though this corruption now demonstrably permeates
every level of the federal system.
$10 million government prize competition corrupted? Something smells very bad in the Department of Energy's
awarding of a ten million dollar prize to Philips Lighting. The requirements of a competition the Department sponsored
(without congressional authorization) for an LED bulb appear to have been lowered to enable a winner to be declared.
If propaganda, not technological progress was the goal of the prize, then the move makes sense. Green enthusiasts
desperately want technology to obey their wishes. Any reminder that "green" LED technology actually isn't ready
yet would be anathema to propagandists. So a propagandist would not mind handing over 8 figures to a
foreign owned company.
Obama campaign donor accused of fraud. A major donor to President Barack Obama has been accused of defrauding
a businessman and impersonating a bank official, creating new headaches for Obama's re-election campaign as it deals with the
questionable history of another top supporter.
Dubious donations (2012 edition).
Barack Obama has proved the greatest campaign fund-raiser of all time by a long shot. In 2008 his campaign raised more than
$750 million. The Obama campaign even went the extra mile to raise campaign funds by failing to adopt standard protections
against fraudulent and illegal giving. [...] As we and others noted, the 2008 Obama campaign's records revealed big contributors with
names like "Doodad Pro" (employer: "Loving," profession: "You") and "Good Will" (same employer and profession). Both donated via
credit card. I believe it was Pamela Geller who reported that some donations came from overseas — raising the
question of whether Obama was accepting donations from foreigners.
Donations Illustrated (Illegal Contributor Edition). The Obama re-election campaign fundraising scandal deserves
to be, and I think inevitably will be, a major news story. Earlier this morning I decided to find out how far an illegal
donor could push the envelope and still have his contribution welcomed by the Obama campaign. So, like a number of our
readers, I went to the Donate to Obama page and identified myself as Illegal Contributor. I entered my address as
Cell Block 13, State Penitentiary, Stillwater MN. I identified my employer as Minnesota Penal System and
my occupation as Inmate. [...] I put a $3 contribution on one of my credit cards, and the Obama campaign accepted it.
Company Juiced Up Pols' Coffers. A Waltham-based electric car battery supplier — now facing financial
implosion despite receiving $249 million in federal stimulus cash — was a heavy donor to congressional Democrats
before scoring the hefty taxpayer handout, the [Boston] Herald has learned. A123 Systems CEO David Vieau has donated $16,900 to
Washington, D.C., power brokers and Democratic committees since 2008, including $2,400 to Bay State Rep. Edward J.
Markey, the chairman of the climate and energy committees, in 2009 — just three months before A123 received
$249 million in federal stimulus funds.
The Case of CH2M HILL:
$2 Billion in Crony Stimulation. While CH2M HILL is in no danger of suffering the same bankruptcy plight
[as Solyndra], they also languish in a pool of mismanaged taxpayer funds. The firm has a history of fraud, kickbacks,
violations, and cover-ups, not to mention one particular parallel with the Solyndra scandal — layoffs. This,
despite receiving almost $2 billion in stimulus funding.
Obama's Crony
Capitalism and His Top 2008 Donors. President Obama raised several hundred million dollars during the 2008
election, more than twice what Republican rival John McCain raised and a far cry more than any other U.S. President before
him. The result? Obama's fundraising achievements have ushered in a degree of crony capitalism Americans have
quite possibly never witnessed before. The voluminous scale of political favoritism, and in some cases downright
corruption, in the current administration has undermined taxpayers and trampled on the U.S. Constitution, as corporate
bailouts, legislative kickbacks, and shady government appointments have become commonplace in the Obama White House.
Obama donors stand to profit from president's latest green energy fixation.
Algae Alimony. Solazyme, a San Francisco-based firm that
specializes in the plant matter, has received more than $25 million in federal grants and contracts as part of Obama
administration's controversial stimulus package, and is poised to receive millions more as part of the president's recent
efforts to promote green biofuels such as algae. The firm employs a former member of the Obama-Biden transition team
who, according to one online bio, "played a key role in developing the energy provisions in the economic stimulus bill."
The Breathtaking Scope of a Criminal Act. On March 9th, the UK's Daily Mail reported that
voters in several states were receiving illegal robocalls attacking Republican members of Congress and attempting
to tie them to the media-driven scandal revolving around Rush Limbaugh.'s Jeffrey Scott Shapiro
has reported on the mystery surrounding the source of the calls. As our investigation has progressed, the most
striking picture that's emerged is the breathtaking scope of the illegal call operation. Illegal calls were made
to voters in 23 congressional districts in 12 states. Only a very large political operation with deep
pockets could have pulled off such a scheme. There really are only a handful of possible suspects.
Team Praying Voter Fraud Will Re-elect Their Boss. The US Justice Department has blocked the
implementation of a Texas statue to require voters to present a photo id at the voting booth. Last December,
the same Eric Holder led department blocked the enforcement of a similar law in South Carolina. Vetoing state
laws governing voting procedures shows a dangerous pattern of abuse by these officials, and could dramatically
increase fraud and undermine the integrity and legitimacy of elected officials. It leads to a feeling amongst
voters that these same officials want fraudulent votes to re-elect their very unpopular boss, Barack Obama.
Energy: Popular but Corrupt. We are familiar with Solyndra, but how about its political paybacks?
George Kaiser, one of Solyndra's primary investors, a big Obama backer, raised between $50,000 and $100,000 for Obama's
initial election campaign. Kaiser personally donated $53,500 to Obama's 2008 election campaign. Campaign
finance records show that Kaiser and Solyndra executives and board members donated $87,050to Obama's 2008 election
campaign. And let's not forget the DOE's request that Solyndra delay its layoffs until after the November 2010
elections. Was the delay request yet another political payback?
Obama hires lobbyist again, ethics aside. Revolving-door lobbyist Steve Ricchetti, Vice President
Biden's new top aide, exemplifies President Obama's farcical crackdown on lobbyists. Ricchetti and his K Street
firm also embody another core trait of this administration: using big government and populist rhetoric to enrich
politically connected companies.
Energy Debacle: Taxpayer Dollars Into Pockets of Obama Donors. President Obama and the rest of his
Administration remain vigilant in their attempt to convince Americans that "green energy" and "green jobs" are
real. The only reality seen in this Administration's "green jobs" push is the consequence of Big Government
intervening into the private markets. Although these failed renewable energy companies — backed by
OUR tax dollars — filed for bankruptcy, it wasn't before they used the Department of Energy's (DOE) cash
to fund six-figure bonuses.
There He Goes Again. No
one would suggest cutting the budget of a city's police force by 50% while the population remains essentially
unchanged. Then why did the Obama Administration slash the money available to the Inspector General's Office
(IG), the police force at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), by almost 50% while leaving
CNCS's allocation almost unchanged? There can be only one reason: CNCS is a pet agency of the Obama
Administration, and these cuts are its latest move to torpedo independent oversight of CNCS.
launches ethics page, still breaks his rules. President Obama unveiled a new Ethics website designed
to facilitate researching lobbying reports, campaign contrbutions, and White House visitor logs, as part of his
promise to run a transparent administration — even though he has proven adept at circumventing his
own rules.
Obama gave over half of his biggest fundraisers White House jobs.
Staffs White House with Top Donors. Over half of the President Obama's 47 top
fundraisers — individuals who helped bag a minimum of $500,000 for his presidential campaign — have
been given jobs in the Obama White House. The latest revelation of crony capitalism, which was
reported by the Washington Post, also found that nine more top bundlers landed appointments to presidential
boards and committees and that 24 more were given foreign ambassadorships.
Issa: Obama administration not fighting food stamp fraud. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on Wednesday accused the Obama
administration of being lax in going after food stamp fraud. Speaking on Fox News, Issa cited a report that said of 4,600
retailers barred from accepting food stamps, 1,500 of them continued to do so at a cost of $750 million annually. "[The
investigators] didn't use rocket science, they used open source," Issa said. "They compared two lists — the lists
of those who were getting it and the list of those who were denied it. This is something that at a basic level government
should do. It was government's own databases that they went to and discovered that there was no enforcement under
this administration."
Tale of Two Enemies Lists. Fully
tax-exempt, like ACORN, Media Matters (MM) put together a list of President Obama's presumed enemies and furthermore, suggested
ways to smear or harass them. The organization was in regular communication with the Obama White House, suggesting it was
acting as a proxy for the Obama machine. ... What has been the response of mainstream news media to MM's skulduggery?
Only silence. Only the targeted Fox News rips MM's wretched excesses; it is joined by no one else. The silence
of the mainstream media is, once again, deafening. Is it conspiratorial, too?
suggest military spectrum could go to LightSquared. A bipartisan group of lawmakers sent a letter to Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski this week urging him to find new radio spectrum for troubled wireless company LightSquared.
Phil Falcone and his hedge fund Harbinger Capital invested billions of dollars in LightSquared's plan to build a nationwide 4G network,
but the FCC moved to block it earlier this year over fears it would interfere with GPS devices, which operate on nearby frequencies.
CEO resigns amid revelations of company's proximity to Obama White House. LightSquared CEO
Sanjiv Ahuja abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday [2/28/2012] amid revelations of his company's political
proximity — and his own closeness — to the White House and Obama administration officials.
The Daily Caller first reported one week ago on emails and documents that indicate political ties and numerous
meetings between LightSquared and Obama administration officials as the company was undergoing regulatory review.
ignores House subpoena for Solyndra documents. President Obama and his West Wing aides ignored a subpoena of
documents pertaining to the Solyndra loan guarantee even after congressional investigators met with White House officials
to negotiate the scope of the subpoena, according to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
LightSquared shaping up as the FCC's Solyndra. Documents and copies of communications obtained by
The Daily Caller indicate that the Federal Communications Commission propped up broadband company LightSquared
with favorable regulatory decisions and other special treatment, while driving its competition out of business.
In August 2008, Wall Street hedge fund Harbinger Capital Partners, owned by longtime Republican political donor
Philip Falcone, sought to buy a majority stake in the satellite company SkyTerra — the company that would later
become LightSquared. ... Before Barack Obama became president, he was personally an investor in SkyTerra.
show Obama's FCC used regulatory muscle to destroy LightSquared's competition. The Daily Caller has
obtained documents, emails and communications showing how President Barack Obama's Federal Communications Commission
demolished wireless broadband company LightSquared's competition through a pattern of regulatory decisions apparently
aimed at establishing an "open-access" Internet in the United States. The FCC successfully green-lighted LightSquared's
corporate formation in 2009 by allowing Wall Street hedge fund Harbinger Capital Partners to purchase majority ownership in
satellite company SkyTerra. A major obstacle that still remained in LightSquared's way was competitor GlobalStar.
CEO made curious max donation to DNC while seeking White House audience. Broadband company LightSquared's CEO
made a maximum-allowable political donation to the Democratic Party on the same day his lawyers were trying to arrange a
meeting between him and top White House technology officials, records and emails obtained by The Daily Caller show. Those
same records also show a questionable inconsistency, listing the CEO's employer as a company he hadn't worked for in a decade.
The requests and donation came soon after President Barack Obama's Federal Communications Commission successfully propped up
LightSquared, and subsequently demolished its competitor GlobalStar with regulatory muscle.
Obama's Enviro-Fat Cat
Welfare Program. In a blockbuster story published last week, Washington Post reporters
Carol D. Leonnig and Joe Stephens outlined more of the details of the incestuous relationship that the
administration and green energy companies share. ... Overall, the Post investigation unearthed
$3.9 billion in federal grants, and financing flowed to 21 companies backed by firms with
connections to five Obama administration staffers and advisers. It's easy to conclude that's
just the tip of a very big iceberg.
Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2011. Despite the
Obama administration's reticence to release details regarding this scandal, much is known about this shady deal.
White House officials warned the president that the Department of Energy's loan guarantee program was "dangerously short
on due diligence," nonetheless the Obama administration rushed the Solyndra loan through the approval process so it
could make a splash at a press event. The company's main financial backer was a major Obama campaign donor
named George Kaiser. While the White House said Kaiser never discussed the loan with White House officials, the
evidence suggests this is a lie.
Obama Bundler Earmarked Stimulus
Money for Donors. A top campaign contributor to former Rep. Ron Klein (D-Fla.) — the Obama
bundler who once registered, then deregistered, and now "never" registered as a lobbyist for Spirit
Airlines — won stimulus grants and contracts worth nearly $18.5 million, White House records show.
Florida Turbine Technologies (FTT), an engineering and development firm headquartered in Klein's district,
received a total of $18,459,277 in federal funding as part of the 2009 stimulus package, which Klein supported.
Rot Spreads Through Justice Department. There seems to be a pattern emerging in the Holder Justice
Department: DOJ employees committing crimes and very little seems to happen to them. I'm not just talking
about the questionable testimony under oath of Attorney General Eric Holder or Assistant Attorney General Tom
Perez. I'm talking about theft, graft, child porn, bribery, and perjury. The fact that very little
ever seems to happen to DOJ officials who purportedly commit the crimes tells you a great deal about the
leadership of the Obama DOJ.
Issa threatens Holder with contempt over 'Fast and Furious' operation. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
threatened to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress if the nation's top cop doesn't hand over
Justice Department documents within nine days. Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government
Reform Committee, blasted Holder in a letter on Tuesday [1/31/2012] for refusing to comply with the panel's
subpoena for documents relating to the "Operation Fast and Furious" gun-trafficking operation.
about Eric Holder and the politicized Justice Department.
More about the Fast and Furious scandal.
Puppetmaster Warren Buffett Biggest Winner From Keystone Pipeline Rejection. As it turns out, it is not
just natural resources and aquifer purity that Obama had in mind when sealing the fate of the Keystone XL pipeline.
No, it appears there were far more relevant numerial metrics that determined Obama's decisions. Such as the bottom
line number of Buffett's Burlington Northern, which according to Bloomberg, is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that
stand to benefit from the Obama administration's decision to reject TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL oil pipeline
Was Keystone Blocked to Benefit Buffet?
While our anti-petroleum president is visiting oil and pipeline country in a Potemkin photo op attempt to imply that he is what he
clearly is not, here's something to ponder. Are you one of those who've wondered why billionaire, Warren Buffet, is so cozy
with the Obama Administration? In an article published a couple of weeks ago by Bloomberg News, which gained little traction,
author, Natalie Doss, noted that Buffet had made another one of his "pretty good bets" back in 2009 when Berkshire-Hathaway bought
the Burlington Northern-Santa Fe Railroad.
Oil on Buffett's Railroad. It's already been widely reported that Warren Buffett, a major shareholder
in Obama, Inc. will be one of the primary beneficiaries of the decision from the White House to kill the Keystone
pipeline and the jobs it would create. The administration now makes no attempt at all to disguise the fact
that most decisions he makes are made in the best interest of Obama, Inc. shareholders.
'Thank You,
Warren.' 'No, Thank You, Mr. President!' The "tar-sands" oil from Canada, and the crude
from the Bakken and Three Forks formations in North Dakota, will be extracted regardless of the ultimate fate
of the Keystone XL pipeline, but should the pipeline not be built, nearly all of the transport infrastructure
for moving this oil will belong to one man: Warren Buffett.
State Of The Union: The Hollow Man Speaks. [Scroll down] I had to chuckle at President Obama's
solemnly intoning the so-called Buffet Rule as an example of how 'the rich' should behave. Buffet, a nicely
placed Obama donor stands to make a tidy sum because the pipeline got cancelled because the oil we buy from Canada
will now have to be shipped via Buffet's railroads. At a surcharge, of course. It's good to be the
King's friend!
Burlington Northern Among Winners From Keystone Denial. Warren Buffett's Burlington Northern
Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration's
decision to reject TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit. With modest expansion,
railroads can handle all new oil produced in western Canada through 2030, according to an analysis of the
Keystone proposal by the U.S. State Department.
The Editor has two questions:
Do railroads present less danger to the environment than pipes? And why is the State Department involved
in this anyway?
Questions The Mainstream Media Would Ask Barack Obama If He Were A Republican: [#2] In 2010
you said Solyndra, which gave your campaign a lot of money, was "leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous
future." Today, Solyndra is bankrupt and the taxpayers lost $500 million on loans that your administration
was well aware might never be paid off when you made them. What do you say to people who say this is evidence of
corruption in your administration?
Where are the "Separation of Church and State" people now?
partisan pulpit speech may have violated IRS church-state rules. On Sunday [1/15/2012] President
Barack Obama's controversial aide, Valerie Jarrett, used the Ebenezer [Baptist Church] pulpit to tell the congregation
that the jobs of teachers, police and firefighters "are now in jeopardy because Congress — well, let me be
specific — because [of] the Republicans in Congress." ... Shortly after the religious service, the
church hosted a voter registration drive for its mostly African-American congregation.
Obama's Fascist
America in 10 Easy Steps. Frankly, in a saner world, if the GOP hadn't just impeached the last
Democrat president, and if the matter of Obama's race were not an issue, this president would be facing forcible
removal from office, and several of his cabinet would be facing jail time. Barack Obama is proposing
eliminating half a million U.S. military jobs, while at the same time calling for a salary raise for SEIU members
of the bureaucracy. Interesting, that; the military tends to vote GOP, and the government workers are
staunchly Democratic.
Top 5 Reasons Obama Must Be Removed as Commander-in-Chief. [#1] LightSquared: If we had an
actual media, you should be able to wake up an average fourth grader at 3 AM and ask, "Who's General William
Shelton?" and the fourth grader would chirpily recite: "He's the Air Force Commander who was pressured by
the White House to change his testimony about LightSquared." The facts are not in dispute. A four-star
general has testified to Congress that he was pressured by the White House to alter his testimony to make it
friendlier to a broadband company backed by a major Democratic donor.
LightSquared offered me a political "win" in exchange for backing down on FCC probe. The push for
LightSquared's FCC exemption had already become embarrassing for the Obama administration, but it might be about
to turn toxic. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), who has pursued a probe of the FCC over its curious actions
towards the company owned by big Democratic Party donor Philip Falcone, now claims in a press release earlier
today [1/23/2012] that Falcone and another person offered inducements to Grassley to get him to back off of
his efforts.
Department's political action. The Justice Department has been empowered to use millions of
dollars intended to go to victims of racial discrimination to enrich pressure groups with close White
House ties. It's another revelation of the means the Obama administration is using to divert funds
to political cronies.
Denied Big Air Force Contract in Favor of Brazilian Company With Soros Connections. It seems
after investing around $100 million in this project, Hawker-Beechcraft has been excluded from a contract,
worth almost $1 billion, to build a new light air support plane. What intrigues me is the Brazilian
company Embraer, the likely contract winner, is currently under investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, and the Justice Department, for possible violations of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Ignore Obama Hawaii Golfing Buddy Who Was Arrested in Prostitution Sting. Mediaite's Nando Di Fino
reports President Obama has played at least two rounds of golf in Hawaii with a high school buddy, Robert "Bobby"
Titcomb, was arrested as part of a prostitution sting, after he allegedly approached an undercover police officer
for sex in downtown Hawaii.
Year in Obama Scandals — and Scandal Deniers. As Solyndra and an avalanche of other ongoing green
subsidy scams erupted, so did the LightSquared debacle — a federal broadband boondoggle involving
billionaire hedge fund managers and Obama donors Philip Falcone and George Soros. In September, two
high-ranking witnesses ... exposed how the White House had pressured them to alter their congressional
testimony and play down concerns about LightSquared's interference threat to military communications.
The Justice Department Condones
Perjury — Again. Why should we be surprised? Look at how Eric Holder and the
DOJ have mishandled the investigation into Operation Fast & Furious and repeatedly misled Congress.
Schumer bro-in-law judge
nod stuns NJ. Sen. Charles Schumer's brother-in-law was quietly nominated this month to a federal
judgeship in New Jersey — a move that has some in the Garden State crying political foul, The [New York]
Post has learned. Kevin McNulty, who is married to Schumer's sister, Fran, was named to the US District
Court by the White House late on Friday, Dec. 16.
Neuter Obama. They say
Gingrich is an idea man, but has Barack Obama ever come up with a new idea, or a new approach? No, it's
always the same thing, spend, spend, spend, with him deciding where, which is why 80% of the many billions we
threw at green energy went to Obama supporters. His stimulus legislation, written by others, and including
every liberal lunacy of the last half century, also rewarded backers of Barack.
The Shadow Over Osawatomie.
While denouncing greedy corporate types, Obama occupies Wall Street with his motorcade, seeking campaign
contributions. While carping about the unfairness of capitalism, he embraces Jon Corzine. Corzine
went from Wall Street to the Senate, and from the New Jersey State House to the corporate suite of the now
defunct MF Global. Mr. Corzine says, stunningly, he doesn't know where all that money went. Perhaps
he was too busy bundling for the president's re-election to keep track.
of the vanishing billion. Another Wall Street genius runs a business aground and can't remember what
happened to over a billion dollars of investor money. Forget that he was a U.S. Senator (D-N.J.) and the
governor of the great state of New Jersey and a former executive of Goldman Sachs. One would think with
those credentials he certainly was a financial "guru" or was he? One thing for sure is that the former
CEO of MF Global hasn't got a good memory. That maybe because as a politician he trained on the well worn
phase of "I don't recall."
SEC Cracking Down on
LightSquared's Falcone? Billionaire Phil Falcone, whose cozy relationship with the Obama
Administration was first exposed by NLPC, may face civil fraud charges by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). According to a filing yesterday by Harbinger Group Inc., Falcone and two other
directors have received "Wells Notices," meaning that they are under investigation.
Is Obama Betting on
Another Iffy Company? LightSquared had almost every advantage in their audacious plan to exploit the Obama
administration's goal of expanded broadband delivery — key political connections in the White House, a curiously
incurious FCC, and a hotshot hedge-fund wizard as its main financial backer. The only thing LightSquared lacked was a
system that didn't create havoc on the airwaves, but the company won't let that stand in the way of their ambitions.
Watch Left-Wing Pseudo-Journalists Roll Over and Purr:
for Obama, Get a Federal Contract. Solyndra, Lightsquared, and now Solayzme are all companies
that are closely connected to the Obama campaign and all got government money. While the Obama Administration
has been attacking Republicans as "crony capitalists" and using an army of left-wing pseudo-journalists to make the
attacks, the Obama Administration has been rewarding campaign friends with government contracts. In Barack
Obama's America, he, not the marketplace, picks the winners and losers. But just how far into the government
and into the Obama campaign does this crony capitalism go?
Crony-Run LightSquared's Network Now Shown to Disrupt Plane Safety Gear. Late Friday afternoon
[12/9/2011], Todd Shields at Bloomberg News broke a story about some guy, who happens to be an Obama and Democratic
Party donor (but not disclosed), against whom the Securities and Exchange Commission is formally considering an
enforcement action (also not disclosed ...), whose "wireless service caused interference to 75 percent
of global-positioning system receivers examined in a U.S. government test." Though it generated a fair amount
of center-right blog discussion over the weekend, the establishment press largely ignored the stunning result.
satellite backed by Obama bundler a bust. Phillip Falcone, a hedge fund manager and Obama campaign
fund raiser, appears to have struck out on a $3 billion gamble to supply satellite broadband service to the
bulk of the country. Called Lightsquared Inc., the company held out the promise of fulfilling one of President
Obama's pet agenda items — making broadband widely available to the general public. The Defense
Department has just conducted a test about how the satellite's signal will affect GPS devices and it doesn't look
good for Obama's buddy.
LightSquared Disrupts Plane Safety Gear in Testing. Philip Falcone's LightSquared service disrupted
airplane safety equipment in U.S. tests of the proposed wireless network, government officials said. Signals
from LightSquared equipment caused "interference with a flight safety system designed to warn pilots of approaching
terrain," according a statement from the Defense and Transportation departments distributed today [12/14/2011]
by e-mail.
Fuel-Gate Is Obama's New Solyndra. SolyndraGate was no isolated case of corrupt government misspending.
The U.S. Navy was just forced to buy 450,000 gallons of biofuels from an Obama-connected firm at an outrageous
$16 per gallon.
The Volt Administration.
The headline reads like a piece from the Onion: "U.S. Navy Paying $15/Gallon for Green Fuel." ... The investment
will certainly brighten the day of T. J. Glauthier, a "strategic advisor" to Solazyme, one of the companies
selling the environmentally correct fuel to the U.S. government. Glauthier, reports blogger J. E. Dyer,
just happens to have worked on President Obama's transition team. If the administration pattern holds,
Gauthier will be paid off before the taxpayers when Solazyme files for bankruptcy.
'Green' Initiatives: It Pays (BIG) to Be an Obama Bundler. President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign
is promising to raise enormous sums of money, by some estimates and unprecedented $1 billion. The
Finance Chair for the 2012 campaign, Matthew Barzun, is reactivating the 2008 financial network of campaign
bundlers to meet that goal. In my new book, Throw Them All Out, I expose the scandal that is
outrageous and typical: those who are raising money for Obama received large amounts of taxpayer-funded
energy stimulus money from the Obama Administration. It offers a new form of "recycling" when it comes
to campaign dollars that is unprecedented.
E-mails questioned huge
contract for firm with ties to Obama administration. A series of e-mail exchanges between officials
at the Department of Health and Human Services shows growing alarm at the amount of projected profit from a
government contract for a drug company whose controlling shareholder is a longtime Democratic Party activist.
Just another
Obama scandal. So it's not just solar-energy boondoggles when it comes to the Obama White House rewarding top
Obama donors. And now, even a top Democrat is asking some serious questions. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has
officially called on the Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general to investigate a suspicious $433 million
no-bid contract for a dubious smallpox vaccine. Frankly, just about everything connected with this one smells.
Tentacles of Obama's Green Cronyism Reach beyond the Department of Energy. Much has already been
revealed about the Obama administration's cronyism when it comes to the Department of Energy. 80% of Department
of Energy green loans are tied to President Obama's most prolific donors including the now infamous Solyndra solar
panel company and the Robert Kennedy Jr connected Brightsource which also deals in solar energy.
Obama bundler benefits from DOE loan. Abound Solar, given a $400 million Department of
Energy (DOE) loan guarantee for a project expected to create 400 permanent jobs, receives private financial
backing through an investment firm founded by a fundraising bundler for President Obama. The Sunlight
Foundation notes that Bohemian Companies, which was founded by billionaire and Obama bundler Pat Stryker,
participated with other companies in the "second institutional equity round of financing" in 2008 for
Abound Solar, which recieved $104 million total through that round of financing.
asks for investigation into Obama administration's sole-source vaccine contract. Sen. Claire
McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, has asked The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to review the Obama
administration's award of a $443 million sole-source contract to a company owned by a major Democratic donor.
The Los Angeles Times reported earlier this month that the Obama administration has taken unusual steps to procure
an experimental smallpox vaccine from a company owned by a major Democratic donor despite concerns from some
experts that such a drug was unnecessary and would not be effective.
Felon and Democrat Strategist Robert Creamer Visits White House Five Times in August. Michelle Malkin
reports today, based on the Obama administration's latest document dump of visitor logs, that convicted fraudster and
community organizer Robert Creamer has visited the White House sixty times since January 2009 — five times
in August 2011 alone.
The Man Who
Wrote the Blueprint for Obamacare from His Prison Cell. Robert Creamer is the husband of Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky.
He formerly served as ... a lobbyist for George Soros's Open Society Institute. Today Creamer heads the Strategic Consulting Group, a
political consultancy whose list of clients includes ACORN and the Service Employees International Union. Pursuant to an FBI
investigation, Creamer in 2006 was indicted for bank fraud and tax evasion. He ultimately was sentenced to five months in federal
prison plus eleven months of house arrest. While incarcerated, Creamer wrote a 628-page political manual titled Stand
Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win (published in 2007). In the Acknowledgements section of the book, Creamer stated that
his political views had been deeply influenced by "the legendary community organizer" Saul Alinsky.
escaped Rezko's orbit. Although it did not go unreported, convicted Chicago political influencer
Tony Rezko's 10-year prison sentence was treated as an afterthought during the short Thanksgiving workweek.
Also an afterthought: the amazing facility with which President Obama has completely escaped Rezko's orbit
in the liberal mainstream media's standard narrative. From the coverage he gets now, you would hardly know
that Rezko dined with the current president of the United States on occasion, and even hosted him at his vacation
home. You might forget that Rezko was one of Obama's most important donors.
President Obama's Justice
Department Opposed Enforcement of Anti-Vote Fraud Laws. President Obama's Justice Department is
doing its part to maximize the Democratic turnout in the 2012 elections by filing "motor voter" suits across
the country that claim state officials are not circulating voter registration forms in social service agencies.
The lawsuit filed against Louisiana this past summer is closely timed with a separate suit advanced by ACORN's
Project Vote affiliate and the NAACP.
golfs with pal who faced prostitution charge. President Barack Obama is golfing in Hawaii with
boyhood pal Robert "Bobby" Titcomb who pleaded no contest to soliciting a prostitute earlier this year.
Move over,
Solyndra, here comes Siga. If you thought Solyndra was bigtime corruption, wait until you read
the details of the Siga scandal. David Willman of the Los Angeles Times reveals a huge no-bid contract
bearing all the signs of intervention from above, that could dwarf Solyndra. It involves the health and
safety of the American poeple, and a squandering of taxpayer resources. The Department of Health and Human
Services has signed a no-bid contracted [sic] with Siga Technologies for as much as much as 2.8 billion
dollars' worth of a high priced drug, for a terrorism threat that may not exist.
How Obama's Alternative-Energy Programs Became Green Graft:
Campaign Backers and Bundlers Rewarded With Green Grants and Loans. It would take an entire book to
analyze every single grant and government-backed loan doled out since Barack Obama became president. But an
examination of grants and guaranteed loans offered by just one stimulus program run by the Department of Energy,
for alternative-energy projects, is stunning. The so-called 1705 Loan Guarantee Program and the 1603 Grant
Program channeled billions of dollars to all sorts of energy companies. The grants were earmarked for
alternative-fuel and green-power projects, so it would not be a surprise to learn that those industries were led by
liberals. Furthermore, these were highly competitive grant and loan programs — not usually a hallmark
of cronyism. Often fewer than 10 percent of applicants were deemed worthy. Nevertheless, a large
proportion of the winners were companies with Obama-campaign connections.
President Obama's
Godfather. Despite several decades of [Herman] Cain's rise in the business world, only his
relatively short tenure at the NRA produced these multiple nasty allegations. Well maybe it wasn't
Godfathers' special pizza sauce; Ann Coulter pinpoints another godfather, a Chicago godfather and a dear
friend of President Barack Obama (D) — David Axelrod who just might be the behind the scenes trigger of
this sudden flurry of wronged women.
says Obama should return book profits. A Republican congressman is calling on President Obama to
return royalties he received from the State Department's purchase of at least $70,000 in books authored by
Mr. Obama since he took office. The request by Rep. David Schweikert of Arizona cited what he called "a
time of record deficits and a heightened need to cut government spending," according to a letter he sent to Mr.
Obama Tuesday [11/1/2011].
DOE Inspector General: Over 100 Criminal Investigations
Of Obama Stimulus Spending. The Inspector General of the Energy Department, Gregory Friedman, has been
investigating the fate of the $35.2 billion his department received from the Obama "stimulus" disaster in
2009. ... You'll be delighted to know that more than a hundred criminal investigations were launched into Energy's
handling of its mere 4% of the Obama stimulus. Friedman says "these involve various schemes, including the
submission of false information, claims for unallowable or unauthorized expenses, and other improper uses of Recovery
Act funds." Five criminal prosecutions have resulted, and over $2.3 million in stolen "stimulus" loot has
been recovered.
Inspector General launches criminal probe into more than 100 Energy
Dept. loans. Solyndra is being investigated by the FBI, but that may just be the tip of the
shovel-ready iceberg. The Department of Energy is investigating more than 100 potential instances
of criminal abuse of stimulus loan monies, according to the department's Office of Inspector General.
In prepared testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday [11/2/2011],
Energy Department Inspector General Gregory Friedman said his office has launched more than 100 probes
into possible criminal activities related to the 2009 stimulus funds behind the loans.
Panel Member Whose Solar Firm Won Loan Guarantees Raises 'Conflict of Interest' Concerns. A
clean-energy firm led by a member of President Obama's jobs council has a stake in projects that have reaped
nearly $2 billion in loan guarantees from Washington, a case that has raised conflict-of-interest concerns
as the same jobs council pushes for more "government-backed" investment in renewable energy.
Obama fundraiser is investor in car company that won federal loan. An investment firm whose
vice chairman has been an adviser and fundraiser for President Obama saw one of its portfolio companies win
approval this year for $50 million in loans from the administration's clean-energy loan program.
war: Obama offers cash-for-votes student loan policy. President Barack Obama's new student
loan policy will force working class Americans to pay the ballooning college costs of middle class Americans,
and will also hinder needed reform of the bloated education sector, say critics. Obama is "shifting the
burden of paying for college to all of those Americans who did not graduate from college — the
waitresses, construction workers, mechanics — and that should infuriate the taxpayers who worked
hard to pay off their loans, who decided to live a modest lifestyle to pay off their loans," said Lindsey
Burke, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation.
Obama is better than
you. The administration is downplaying the revelation that the State Department blew $70,000 in taxpayer
cash buying copies of President Obama's books. As first reported in The Washington Times, the purchase was
meant to "engage key audiences in discussions of foreign policy." It's another uncomfortable reminder of the
degree to which those who surround Mr. Obama feel it necessary to bathe him in adulation.
Department buys $70,000 worth of Obama books. The U.S. Department of State has bought
more than $70,000 worth of books authored by President Obama, sending out copies as Christmas gratuities
and stocking "key libraries" around the world with "Dreams from My Father" more than a decade after its
release. ... Leslie Paige, spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, a watchdog group, said
if the federal government is looking to cut costs, eliminating purchases of Mr. Obama's books is a
good place to start.
The Editor says...
In my opinion, this amounts to either bribery or graft, depending on whose idea it was.
fundraiser still boosting Obama campaign. Steven Spinner, a former Energy Department official
with ties to the failed solar company, continues to raise money for the president and help organize events.
900 Days Of Irresponsibility. Over the weekend, Senate Democrats passed a dubious milestone —
going 900 days without fulfilling their legal obligation to pass a budget. Worse is the fact that this
gross dereliction of duty has gone largely unnoticed.
Ignored Death Threats, Tried to Frame Whistleblower Agent to Cover Corruption. [William] Newell
was the brainchild of Operation Fast and Furious in the ATF Phoenix Field office. Newell is also the agent
who was in regular contact with a member of the White House national security team, Kevin O'Reilly, about the
lethal program. Newell also said he would conduct Operation Fast and Furious again, despite two Americans
and hundreds of innocent Mexicans dead as a result of the program. Newell used [Jay] Dobyns as a test run,
to see just how much he could get away with in his management position within ATF before getting reprimanded.
Considering nobody was held accountable for the mistakes made in handling death threats against Dobyns, Newell
knew he had the green light to do whatever he wanted, at the highest levels of corruption.
about Fast and Furious.
What happened to "No Blood for Oil"?
Uganda Gambit to serve Soros. [George] Soros seems to have his hand in trying to guide the
development of the oil and gas industry in Uganda. The Ugandan government would naturally be beholden
to Soros if he could show he had enough influence with the White House to bring in American troops to take
out a rebel group. Also, the defeat of the rebel group would make development of the energy industry
that much more viable since operations would be much more secure.
DOE in the
headlights. The Obama administration made $533 million disappear by giving it to a " green"
company named Solyndra. Next came a "green" company named SunPower that manufactured photovoltaic solar
panels. This time the money was upped to $1.2 billion of taxpayer money. This company was supposed
to manufacture photovoltaic solar panels for its California solar valley ranch. Amazingly it just happens
to be that the company had converted an old auto plant to a manufacturing plant for the panels. Guess where
the plant was located, of all things, in the Congressional District of a strong supporter, Rep. George Miller,
D.-Calif. Another surprise was that the lobbyist for SunPower just happened to be the son of Rep. Miller.
But of course that did not influence the senior Miller as he advocated for the loan.
Obama's Top Solyndra Crony Claimed Zero Income.
There's a lot of talk about making the Evil Rich pay their "fair share" these days. President Obama
wants us to be very angry at the spectacle of billionaires escaping from confiscatory tax rates. ... It's
too bad Obama never rails against [Solyndra crony George] Kaiser, because the well-connected Oklahoma billionaire
reported zero taxable income during five years of his rise to the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest
Americans. In another year, he claimed on $11,699 in taxable income, which works out to $5.62 per hour.
This just in: Obama stole the 2008 election.
signatures may mean Obama didn't actually qualify in Indiana. Minus suspected fakes, then Democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama likely fell short of the number of signatures needed to appear on the 2008
Indiana primary ballot, and it's possible his opponent, Hillary Clinton, did as well, according to information
obtained by The Tribune as part of an investigation into suspected ballot petition fraud.
funder Kaiser paid zero taxes for years. Because [Oklahoma billionaire George] Kaiser was a
campaign "bundler" — an individual who collects contributions to a candidate from others that are
then simultaneously given to the candidate — who raised about $250,000 for Obama during the 2008
campaign, congressional Republicans and media analysts have speculated that the Solyndra loan guarantee was
nothing more than using tax dollars to reward a political supporter.
Obama Indiana primary petitions tainted by forged signatures. Several pages from petitions used
to qualify Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the state's Democratic primary contain names and signatures
that appear to have been copied by hand from a petition for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jim Schellinger.
The petitions were filed with the Indiana Election Division after the St. Joseph County Voter Registration Office
verified individuals' information on the documents. St. Joseph County Prosecutor Michael Dvorak's name
appears twice on the Clinton petitions.
Fraud in Obama's 2008 Indiana Nomination Petition? According to the [South Bend Tribune]'s
investigation, the evidence suggests that at least 19 pages of Obama's petitions were copied by two
Team Rejected Nomination Petition Signatures Because They Were in Print? I had heard the stories
of Obama winning his first primary by getting all of his opponents disqualified. But I hadn't heard that
the criteria for disqualifying his opponents was such a technicality. Signatures were rejected because the
names were printed? People's signatures were actually thrown out because they weren't in cursive?
(This presumes that the board didn't have some other, oddly unstated reason to think that the printed names
were fraudulent.)
petitions got a stamped signature. Suspected fake petition pages to place Democrats Barack Obama
and Hillary Clinton on the ballot during the 2008 Indiana primary passed through the county voter registration
office on days when the Republican head of the office was absent, The Tribune has learned. The pages in
question bear the stamped signature of Republican Linda Silcott, indicating Silcott was not in the office at
the time to sign the documents by hand. By comparison, most of the other, non-suspicious pages examined
by The Tribune contain Silcott's written signature.
Jobs Council Stacked With Democratic Donors. The group of private-sector business leaders advising
President Obama on how to create jobs and grow the economy is full of deep-pocket Democratic donors and high-profile
financiers of Obama's re-election campaign, a review of Federal Election Commission data shows.
Obama's Solar Slush Fund. Newly released communications regarding the loan approval for Solyndra,
the now failed California solar energy company, show direct intervention by an Energy Department adviser and
Obama campaign fundraiser, and raise new questions of possible involvement by Rahm Emanuel and the President.
As more is learned, it becomes increasingly clear that the Administration used the Stimulus, and specifically
the green energy loan program, as a campaign slush fund to distribute billions of dollars like party favors to
supporters and to grandstand for re-election to a perceived constituency.
Obama's Commerce Nominee Wants to Limit Energy Consumption and Redistribute Wealth.
The wise man smiled and proclaimed that government should use "regulatory steps" as well as market forces to
intervene in the power generation sector. The man also told his UC Berkeley audience that government should
set higher targets for non-fossil-fuel-based energy production and penalize producers that don't comply.
The issuer of these decrees was John Bryson, who at the time just happened to be CEO of Edison International, a
company whose fortunes would increase under alternative energy mandates. Bryson now happens to be President
Obama's nominee to head the Commerce Department.
'Green' For Donor Energy. Follow the money, it has been said, and you'll find out all you need to know.
Two days before the expiration of the program that funneled $535 million to a failing but donor-connected Solyndra,
another billion dollars was rushed to two more solar energy companies. That money could have repaired more
than a few crumbling bridges. You'd think the program would have been suspended until the administration
found out what went wrong. Unless, of course, the program was functioning exactly as
intended — to spread the wealth around with an emphasis on Democratic Party donors.
More solar companies led by Democratic donors received federal loan
guarantees. A Daily Caller investigation has found that in addition to the failed company
Solyndra, at least four other solar panel manufacturing companies receiving in excess of $500 million in
loan guarantees from the Obama administration employ executives or board members who have donated large sums of
money to Democratic campaigns.
Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law. It's increasingly hard to tell
the government's green jobs subsidies apart from the Democrats' friends and family rewards program.
Power's Political Payoff. Tom Carnahan, of the Missouri Carnahans, arguably that state's most
prominent political family, is listed on President Obama's campaign website as a host of the St. Louis
fundraising extravaganza amid widespread unemployment and tanking markets. Coincidentally, of course,
Carnahan's energy development firm, Wind Capital Group, is the recipient of a $107 million federal tax
credit to develop a wind power facility in his state.
case targets grants awarded by President Obama's friend. The indictment of a Chicago nurse
accused of diverting hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds for her personal use has turned a
spotlight on an Illinois state agency that awarded her money while it was headed by one of President Barack
Obama's closest friends, Dr. Eric E. Whitaker, records show. Under Whitaker, the Illinois
Department of Public Health awarded Margaret A. Davis — the former program director of the
Chicago Chapter of the National Black Nurses Association — a no-bid contract and seven AIDS- and
cancer-related grants that became part of her $500,000 cash-siphoning scheme, prosecutors say.
lobbyist for LightSquared sought meeting at White House. Lobbyist and former Democratic majority
leader Dick Gephardt (Mo.) sought a meeting in April with the White House on behalf of the wireless company
LightSquared, emails obtained by The Hill show. The requests to the White House, made in emails sent
April 22 and April 27 by an employee at Gephardt Group Government Affairs, were initially rebuffed.
turns up in Obama's LightSquared imbroglio. As Republican lawmakers begin to dig into the White
House's cozy relationship with a startup wireless company and the wealthy Democratic donor who owns it, a new
character has appeared on the story's edges: liberal superdonor, conservative bete noire and controversial
investor George Soros. Soros reportedly invested in the telecom company LightSquared through a hedge fund,
and many of the nonprofits he finances have backed LightSquared in regulatory and policy disputes.
Obama's Dangerous Broadband Boondoggle. If you thought the half-billion-dollar, stimulus-funded
Solyndra solar company bust was a taxpayer nightmare, just wait. If you thought the botched Fast and
Furious border gun-smuggling surveillance operation was a national security nightmare, hold on. Right on
the heels of those two blood-boilers comes yet another alleged pay-for-play racket from the most ethical
administration ever.
Predictable Scandals. The media finally conceded the Obama administration to be inexperienced and
inept, reminiscent of the Carter administration — but, they maintained, not possibly involved in any
corruption. Then suddenly scandals erupted on nearly every conceivable front.
House Fingerprints on LightSquared Scandal. The newest Obama Administration scandal-de-jour, LightSquared,
has quickly escalated to involve potentially "guided" testimony to two separate Congressional Committees.
Additionally, two witnesses have confirmed that the White House pressured them to alter testimony in favor of
LightSquared, a Virginia broadband provider whose executives also made very large Democrat Party campaign
Republicans investigate LightSquared donations. Citing concerns over alleged White House
influence in dispersing loans, California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa announced that the House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee would begin an investigation into the wireless startup LightSquared. On
C-SPAN's Washington Journal Tuesday morning [9/20/2011], Issa, who chairs the Oversight Committee, named
LightSquared along with the embattled solar energy company Solyndra as examples of "crony capitalism."
to launch probe of Obama actions on Solyndra, LightSquared. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said
Tuesday [9/20/2011] that his committee plans to investigate government loan programs to private corporations
in light of allegations of improper dealings between the White House and failed energy company Solyndra and
wireless start-up LightSquared.
about Solyndra.
favors 'Fast & Furious' special prosecutor. House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa,
R-Calif., on Tuesday called for a special prosecutor to investigate the growing "Fast and Furious" scandal, in
which the Obama administration allowed guns to walk to Mexico, where they fell into the hands of drug lords
and were found at the murder scene of at least one U.S. border agent.
about Fast and Furious.
Administration's Tangled Web. [The Obama administration is] imploding under the weight of
incompetent policies based on long-discredited progressive ideology and now a wave of scandals that involve
gun-running, witness-tampering and political payoffs — and cover-ups of all of the above.
Obama Speech was "Obama
Unplugged". [Obama is] the fellow who lectured us yesterday about fighting for the middle class
"as hard as the lobbyists and some lawmakers have fought to protect special treatment for billionaires and big
corporations." This admonition comes from the same fellow who presides over a White House that inappropriately
pressured the Office of Management and Budget to approve half-billion dollars to a company, Solyndra, which
wasn't deserving of the money and has now gone belly up. The reason the money was fast-tracked and
funneled to Solyndra was because its chief investor, George Kaiser, is a significant fundraiser for Obama.
Kaiser, by the way, is a billionaire.
Squared. Crony capitalism, which has been rampant in President Obama's push for green energy, is
one thing. Rewarding donors with stimulus dollars is merely the "Chicago Way" brought to Washington,
D.C. But when ideology combines with cronyism to place American lives and the nation's security at
risk, it's quite another thing. At issue is a plan by Reston, Va.-based satellite broadcast communications
company LightSquared to build a next-generation 4G wireless phone network.
Barack Obama, Flim-Flam
Man. Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy has an important column in which he argues that
the Solyndra fiasco is not just a garden-variety scandal, but a criminal fraud that should land someone, inside
and/or outside of the Obama administration, in the slammer. ... The facts warrant a full-scale criminal
Judiciary chairman urges Justice Department to probe Solyndra loan. House Judiciary Committee
Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) called on the Justice Department Monday to investigate a California solar firm
that filed for bankruptcy in August after receiving a $535 million loan guarantee from the Obama administration.
Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way. This is not a new kind of politics. It's the old
kind. The Chicago kind. And now the Tribune Washington Bureau has reported that the U.S. Department
of Energy employee who helped monitor the Solyndra loan guarantee was one of Obama's top fundraisers.
Kaiser Family Foundation 2009 grant sparks more Solyndra questions.
A Daily Caller review of the George Kaiser Family Foundation's income tax returns found that during the same
year billionaire investor George Kaiser successfully secured $535 million in government loan guarantees
for the now-failed solar panel manufacturer Solyndra, his private philanthropy donated to a political cause
close to the hearts of several high-ranking Obama administration officials. Kaiser, a major Obama donor,
was a frequent White House visitor during the week before the Obama administration approved that
taxpayer-underwritten financial deal.
Solyndra Fraud. The Solyndra debacle is not just Obama-style crony socialism as
usual. It is a criminal fraud. That is the theory that would be guiding any competent
prosecutor's office in the investigation of a scheme that cost victims — in this case,
American taxpayers — a fortune. Fraud against the United States is one of the most
serious felony offenses in the federal penal law. It is even more serious than another apparent
Solyndra violation that has captured congressional attention: the Obama administration's
flouting of a statute designed to protect taxpayers.
Solar Scandal. Solyndra. That's the name of a company that manufactured solar
panels in Fremont, Calif. (which voted 71 percent for Obama in 2008). It was the first
company to receive a loan guarantee from the Department of Energy as part of the 2009 stimulus
package. This wasn't small potatoes. The loan guarantee was for $535 million.
Nation. To find a metaphor for the failed Obama presidency, look no further
than Solyndra. ... "Keep up the good work!" wrote an administration official to a Solyndra
executive last May. "We're cheering for you." That was before the bankruptcy
filing. Before the 1,100 lost jobs and the empty 650,000-square-foot production facility
in Fremont, California. Before the FBI raid of Solyndra headquarters. Before the
House Energy Committee released emails suggesting the Solyndra loan was rushed and improperly
vetted. These days the White House is tight-lipped. The only cheering comes from
Republicans sensing a possible Obama scandal.
admin reworked Solyndra loan to favor donor. The Obama administration restructured
a half-billion dollar federal loan to a troubled solar energy company in such a way that private
investors — including a fundraiser for President Barack Obama — moved ahead
of taxpayers for repayment in case of a default, government records show.
Pet Billionaire at Solyndra. A high profile, politically well-connected California
solar energy company that had won a $535 million loan guarantee from the Obama Administration
declared bankruptcy earlier this month and closed its doors sending 1100 workers to the unemployment
line. The demise of Solyndra has already sparked an FBI investigation, congressional hearings,
and raised numerous questions of political cronyism and corruption connected to the highest
levels of the Obama Administration.
Reveal Direct White House Tie to Solyndra Scandal. Yesterday [9/13/2011], ABC
News dropped the bombshell that Bush era Energy auditors actually nixed the loan as unsound,
nd that Obama OMB staffers raised similar concerns upon their own evaluation. The White
House's political team seemed to disagree, putting the deal on a "fast track." Mere days
later, the massive government loan to the unstable "green" poster-child — backed by
major Obama donor cash — was fortuitously approved.
LightSquared the New Solyndra? Last week, Air Force General William Shelton,
Commander of Air Force Space Command, told Congressional leaders in a closed-door session that
the White House tried to pressure him to change his testimony to favor a company that turns out
to be a major donor to the Democratic Party. ... LightSquared is funded by Harbinger Capital, a
hedge fund owned by Philip Falcone, a major donor to the Democratic Party. LightSquared's CEO,
Sanjiv Ahuja, is also a major donor to the Democratic Party.
House Pressure for a Donor? The Pentagon has worried for months that a project backed by a
prominent Democratic donor might interfere with military GPS. Now Congress wants to know if the White
House pressured a general to change his testimony.
Reported He Was Pressured on Testimony About White House-Backed Project. Gen.
William Shelton, head of the Air Force Space Command, told House members in a classified briefing
earlier this month that he was pressured to change prepared congressional testimony in a way that
would favor a large company funded by Philip Falcone, a major Democratic donor, congressional sources
told Fox News. Republicans have raised questions about whether the project pursued by the company,
LightSquared, is being unduly expedited by the Obama administration, which has pushed for national
wireless network upgrades.
House Pressure for a Donor? The Pentagon has worried for months that a project backed
by a prominent Democratic donor might interfere with military GPS. Now Congress wants to know
if the White House pressured a general to change his testimony.
LightSquared: The Next Big Obama Scandal.
The new Obama scandal is huge, but it's also nice and simple. LightSquared is a satellite broadband
company, based out of Virginia. It received heavy investments from a fund run by a big-money Democrat
donor named Phillip Falcone, a billionaire who "became wealthy shorting subprime debt," according to The
Daily Beast. The company's biggest investors, according to the Huffington Post, include Obama donor
and current U.S. ambassador to South Africa Donald Gips, Obama friend and investment manager George
Haywood... and Barack Obama himself...
Air Force general tells secret Congressional hearing,
House forced me to back project funded by Obama donor. A four-star Air Force general
told a classified Congressional hearing he was pressured by the White House into changing a political
briefing to favour a Democratic-backed firm. Air Force Space Commander General William Shelton
was speaking about a wireless project by Virginia satellite broadband company LightSquared. The
Pentagon believes it could interfere with GPS — but the firm's majority owner happens to be
Democratic donor Philip Falcone's hedge fund.
Cash-for-Visas Program. As part of his warmed-over jobs plan, President Obama is
repackaging "Buy American" stimulus subsidies to help hard-hit homegrown businesses. At
the same time, however, Congress is pushing to expand a fraud-riddled investor program that
puts U.S. citizenship for sale to the highest foreign business bidders.
A top bundler and major investor in a now-bankrupt green company made multiple White House visits before
he got a guaranteed stimulus loan that the administration monitored to ensure it was granted.
FBI serves
search warrants at Solyndra. FBI agents served search warrants this morning at Solyndra, the
Fremont solar company that abruptly closed last week, two years after receiving more than $500 million
in federal stimulus money, an agency official said. The search is part of a joint investigation
involving the FBI and the Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General, said FBI spokeswoman
Julianne Sohn, who declined to elaborate.
officials made numerous trips to the White House, logs show. Not only does the
now-bankrupt solar energy firm Solyndra have a cozy financial relationship with the Obama
administration, company representatives also made numerous visits to the White House to meet
with administration officials, The Daily Caller has learned. According to White House
visitor logs, between March 12, 2009, and April 14, 2011, Solyndra officials and
investors made no fewer than 20 trips to the West Wing.
Watermelon Regime's Pay-to-Play Way. It just so happens that key players for Solyndra
were lavish supporters of Obama during his election. For example, one George Kaiser, a billionaire
who donated over $50,000 to Obama's campaign and helped raise tens of thousands more, just by pure
random chance happens to be one of the biggest investors in... Solyndra! Kaiser chipped in
fifty lousy grand of his own money to help elect a regime that then chipped in half a billion bucks
to his now-failed business.
picks snoops' lawyer for consumer bureau. President Barack Obama wants the first chief
of his new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to be Richard Cordray, the former Ohio attorney general
who offered free legal support to three state officials who snooped through confidential state databases
in search of information about Joe Wurzelbacher, nicknamed "Joe the Plumber."
Republicans: Solyndra investment
'dubious' from the start. Besides questioning whether the company was a poor risk,
critics have seized on news reports that one of Solyndra's prime financial backers was an Obama
campaign bundler in 2008.
there a Solyndra/ObamaCare Connection? Chatter began to emerge on Thursday [9/1/2011]
about the unique treatment received by the bankruptcy-declaring Solyndra, a government-dependent maker
of solar panels whose scheme, shaped somewhere between a pyramid and a trapezoid, was described in the
Washington Post no less...
lobbyists. The Obama administration sure liked to tout Solyndra, the solar-power
company that took in millions of federal subsidies before going bankrupt this week. Given
that this company's short life was dependent on government connections, it's worth looking at
Solyndra's lobbyists.
there a Solyndra/ObamaCare Connection? Solyndra resides in Fremont, California,
which in turn rests within the then-cozy confines of California's 13th Congressional District,
represented by Fortney "Pete" Stark. As chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means
Committee's Health Subcommittee during Obama's push for Obamacare, Stark was critical to
Obama's signature step in 'fundamentally transforming America.' You might recall a
few procedural curiosities, some strong-arming and vote-buying that went on way back then.
about Solyndra.
Report: Gibson Competitor is Dem Donor; Uses Same Wood, Experienced No Federal
Raids. If true, it add another piece to an increasingly disturbing puzzle.
the Music World Protest Against Feds Eco-Zealous Raid On Gibson Guitar? Does this sudden
interest from the Feds have more to do with the fact that Gibson is non-union and relocated to Tennessee, a
right to work state?
Comcast is the nation's largest cable operator and the new owner of
Employees Top Donors to Obama and 'Victory Fund'. While Comcast employees gave
$5,000 each to Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty, "Comcast employees contributed nearly $80,000
directly to Obama for America and roughly $200,000 to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint account
benefitting both the Obama campaign and Democratic National Committee, through the first half
of 2011 records show." The Center for Responsive Politics analysis found 40 percent
of Obama Victory Fund contributions are coming from two very blue states: California
(25 percent) and New York (15 percent), also two states where most of our
news and entertainment media are located.
Comcast-Obama Alliance. The media is still showing the love for Obama. Not
only does the fawning coverage continue but media executives are putting their money where their
collective mouths are, by showering the Obama campaign with money.
The political-media complex.
There has never been any doubt that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible for the Presidency according to the
Constitution and the binding Supreme Court precedent of Minor vs. Happersett. At least twenty
document experts have now shown that Obama's Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery. The Social
Security Administration has corroborated that Obama is using a Social Security Number not issued
to him. His Selective Service registration is a forgery. All are felonies.
Sufficient evidence is already available. The problem is that neither Congress nor any legal
authority will take action.
Obama Labor Department to Re-Define Term 'Employer' to Exclude Union Bosses.
Any day now, the U.S. Department of Labor, under former Big Labor treasurer and now Obama's current Secretary
of Labor Hilda Solis, intends to announce a new definition for the term "Employer" that will protect her union
boss friends.
to Investigate White House Involvement with Bin Laden Film. The normally tight-lipped
Obama administration is reportedly giving a Hollywood production company access to sensitive intelligence
information, in an effort to help produce a film about the Osama bin Laden raid. Why would the
White House do something like this, you might wonder? It could have something to do with the movie's
well-timed release date — a month before the 2012 election.
Hosted Obama Fundraiser, Releasing Bin Laden Movie Before Election. There may be an overtly
political reason that moviegoers will be seeing the story of the Osama bin Laden raid just before they vote
for president. Sony Pictures, the company distributing next year's film, hosted a fundraiser for Barack
Obama on their studio's premises in California last April. So far, Sony is the only major studio to hold
a political fundraiser this cycle. According to Deadline Hollywood, Sony will release the bin Laden movie,
directed by Academy Award-winning director Kathryn Bigelow, on October 12, 2012 — less than
a month before the presidential election.
Civility, Obama
Style. [Scroll down] Instead Obama has used the agency chairmanships as spoils of
political hackery. To run the [National Endowment for the Arts], he appointed a Broadway producer
("Big River") named Rocco Landesman, whose chief qualification for the job was to share a business office
with one of Obama's most fertile fundraising "bundlers," another Broadway producer ("Hairspray") called
Margo Lion, whose generosity earned her a place atop Obama's "arts policy committee."
Obama's Continued Denial of Illegal
Fundraising Questions. What is clear is that the Obama administration is using this
Memorandum as a cover in saying it did no wrong when it used the room for soliciting campaign funds.
But if one actually reads it, it is simply not the case. Therefore, a thorough investigation should
still be conducted and until a Department of Justice conclusion of the use of the Map Room specifically
is determined to fall outside the realm of this law, a valid concern of illegality is warranted.
Obamanocchio. [Scroll down] These
actions serve as proof positive that Mr. Obama, David Plouffe, Valerie Jarrett and the rest of the Hyde Park,
Chicago, Progressive Leftist contingent are simply — at their core beings — slimy Chicago
politicians employing the "say anything to win" strategy of instituting crisis while employing fear-tactics
that target our nation's seniors and the most vulnerable among us. It is despicable and our nation
deserves better.
OMB ignores document subpoena. Solynydra was the first firm to receive a loan guarantee under
Obama's $859 billion economic stimulus program in 2009. Obama has pushed billions of federal tax
dollars to so-called "clean energy" firms like Solyndra, which makes proprietary solar energy panel equipment.
At least one major fund raiser for Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, Tulsa, Oklahoma, billionaire George Kaiser,
is among Solyndra's venture capital backers and there have been multiple questions about the firm's future
sleight of hand on lobbyist contributions. "We did this from the bottom up," Obama campaign
manager Jim Messina said of the $86 million haul last quarter by the campaign and the Democratic
National Committee. "We didn't accept one single dollar from Washington lobbyists. ..." This
is true by some definitions, but basically misleading. Plenty of Obama's large donors are, by any reasonable
definition, "Washington lobbyists" — they are simply not registered as such with the congressional
ethics and records offices.
Obama ignores the debt limit, he'll totally get away with it. For months Treasury Secretary Tim
Geithner has been warning Congress that a failure to raise the federal government's $14.3 trillion debt
limit would have "catastrophic economic consequences." But now that financial Armegeddon is supposedly
just weeks away, Geithner is raising the possibility that he may ignore the law entirely. And if he did,
he'd get away with it.
on Obama's Alleged Fundraising Illegality. President Obama may enjoy a comfortable lead among
his competitors, but it also seems that he is enjoying a comfortable leniency in protocol in terms of legality
in fundraising. The article in NewsMax explains that Obama used a room in the White House as a location
for a fundraising video in which he and Vice President Biden were touting a raffle for a dinner with the two
of them in exchange for a campaign contribution.
Favorite Scandal-Plagued Mayor. A prominent Democratic politician who was banned from receiving
federal aid three years ago over fraud charges is once again raking in government funds from the very same
program he abused. It pays to be a FOTO — Friend of the Obamas. Our publicly
subsidized con artist is Sacramento mayor and former NBA star Kevin Johnson.
Suspicious Connections to Clean Tech Companies Receiving Federal Money. Since March of 2009,
Obama has spent over half of his out-of-town business trips visiting 22 different clean-tech projects
with a $90 billion stimulus check to promote the clean-tech companies of his choosing. Superficially,
Obama looks like he's supporting an industry he champions as the next big thing and a creator of an entirely
new sector of jobs. Hiding behind the curtain is a different story, though. The focus of his
clean-tech trips has been to support ventures backed by his donors.
Obama Gives New Grant to ACORN;
Did He Violate Federal Law? Why is President Obama apparently defying federal law by funding ACORN?
Judicial Watch discovered that the Obama administration is flouting the will of Congress by giving federal
taxpayer money to ACORN. Obama's Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave a $79,819 grant to
the largest branch of the ACORN tree, ACORN Housing Corp. (AHC). AHC filed papers last year legally changing
its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA). It's the same old organization with a
brand new ACORN-free name.
It Turns Out Obama Gave ACORN
$541K This Year, Not $80K. Remember that story from a few days ago, the one about the Obama
administration giving ACORN a $79,819 grant in March despite a federal law that prohibits the government
from giving money to ACORN? It turns out that sum is a lowball figure.
Obama Raffle Video Not
Legal, Election Law Experts Say. A video of President Barack Obama filmed in the White House and
included in a fundraising e-mail sent to supporters is not legal, two election law experts told
The video was included in an e-mail sent to supporters of President Obama promoting a fundraising drive that
offered participants a chance to win an invitation to dinner with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
are for the little people, not President Obama. Based on his behavior, it's apparent the president
views himself as a man so lofty in vision and skill that he's exempt from the decrees imposed on the little
people. ... The following description of Title 18, subsection 607 U.S.C. is so straightforward even
a layperson could understand. ["]It shall be unlawful for an individual who is an officer or employee of
the Federal Government, including the President, Vice President, and Members of Congress, to solicit or receive
a donation of money or other thing of value in connection with a Federal, State, or local election, while in
any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties.["]
The Editor says...
Read the law
for yourself.
Fewer prosecuted
in benefits program fraud. People who defraud food stamps, Social Security or other benefits
programs are less likely to face federal criminal charges. In the two years since President Obama took
office, data released by the Justice Department show the number of criminal prosecutions for defrauding those
programs has dropped by about 20% to its lowest point in a decade.
Is the FBI Investigating Obama?
In a front page story about a major FBI terrorism investigation, The Washington Post has reported that the targets
include "Chicagoans who crossed paths with Obama when he was a young state senator and some who have been active
in labor unions that supported his political rise." The implication is that the trail could lead to the
White House.
Top Barack Obama donors net government jobs.
Telecom executive Donald H. Gips raised a big bundle of cash to help finance his friend Barack Obama's
run for the presidency. Gips, a vice president of Colorado-based Level 3 Communications, delivered
more than $500,000 in contributions for the Obama war chest, while two other company executives collected at
least $150,000 more. After the election, Gips was put in charge of hiring in the Obama White House,
helping to place loyalists and fundraisers in many key positions.
Judicial Watch says...
dollars for La Raza skyrocket after Obama appoints one of its leaders to White House post. Should
anybody care when a radical left-wing special interest group gets a big boost in federally funded grants and
contracts after one of its most visible leaders is appointed to a key White House job? That's exactly what
happened after President Obama appointed Cecilla Munoz, the National Council of La Raza's (NCLR) senior vice
president, as his director of inter-governmental affairs, according to an investigation by Judicial Watch.
rubs elbows with regulatory robber barons. President Obama on Monday [6/13/2011] was scheduled
to give a pep talk for American manufacturing at a factory in Durham, N.C., where Cree Inc. makes LED light
bulbs. Cree embodies Obama-era capitalism: profiting from government grants, political
connections, revolving-door lobbyists and regulations that force people to buy your product.
about mandatory fluorescent light bulbs.
Capitalism and Obama's Anti-Coal Crusade. Barack Obama has long sought to bankrupt the coal
industry. But, Cook County politician that he is and always will be, the relevant question is: who
benefits from his plans wreck a major portion of our economy while also boosting electricity prices across
America? A clue: he and his pals from Chicago have incestuous ties to the one company whose
prospects will be boosted by Obama's policies.
to Win Payoffs and Intimidate Enemies in Obama's America. Some recent stories instruct us
anew on the cardinal tenets of Obamanomics, a.k.a, pay for play the Chicago way. Consider first the
story reviewing the rush of organizations to get exemptions from Obamacare. So far, nearly 1,400
different entities (businesses, unions, insurers, and state and local governments), covering over three million
people, have been given exemptions from the bill by Obama's HHS Secretary Sebelius, and those waivers have a
disturbing pattern. The Obama regime clearly played the crony capitalist card in granting these waivers.
gets nearly free internet and computers? Who are the lucky beneficiaries among all the Americans
who fit this category? Are you sitting down? Poor blacks in Obama's hometown in Chicago are the
ones getting the sweet deal. Is it also a coincidence that Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former Chief of
Staff, was recently elected mayor and may need to boost his reputation among this same group of people...
half-brother runs questionable charity. President Obama's half-brother runs an off-the-books
American charity that claims to support poor Kenyans — but it lies about its federal status and no one
knows how it spends its money. The group, the Barack H. Obama Foundation, was named after the
president's father and founded by his sibling Abon'go Malik "Roy" Obama, a 53-year-old polygamist who
recently made headlines by adding a third wife — who's still in her teens.
official from Obama-backed black chamber faces criminal charges. A top official from the U.S. Black Chamber,
Inc. — the Obama-backed, rival upstart to Harry Alford's National Black Chamber of Commerce — has a
checkered past and faces criminal charges from allegations he exploited a Hurricane Katrina victim.
May the Constitution rest in peace.
Thanks to the malfeasance or political cowardice of the Republican and Democratic Parties, we now have an
ineligible individual, Barack Hussein Obama, occupying the White House. In addition, there is an
increasing amount of credible evidence to suggest that forgery may have been committed during Obama's campaign
for the Presidency. Yet there are no ongoing official investigations. Quite the contrary,
everything is being done by both political parties to suppress any discussion of wrongdoing.
All the President's Funny Money.
President Obama's perpetual campaign cash-o-matic machine kicks into high gear again this week as the
celebrity-in-chief heads to Hollywood for several high-priced fundraisers. But while the Democrats'
2012 re-election team stuffs its hands into every liberal deep pocket in sight, questions about the Obama
2008 campaign finance operation still fester. Last week, the laggard watchdogs at the Federal Election
Commission announced an audit of the Obama 2008 campaign committee -- which raised a record-setting
$750 million. White House flacks are downplaying the probe as a "routine review."
"Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2010. Remember the promise President Obama made just
after his inauguration in 2009? "Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this
presidency." Instead, Americans have suffered through lies, stonewalling, cover-ups, corruption,
secrecy, scandal and blatant disregard for the rule of law ... this has been the Obama legacy in its first
two years. In 2010, Obama was caught in a lie over what he knew about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's
scheme to sell the president's vacated Senate seat. Blagojevich's former Chief of Staff John Harris
testified that Obama had personal knowledge of Blago's plot to obtain a presidential cabinet position in
exchange for appointing a candidate handpicked by the President.
Gives Obama Donor $500 Mil For "Green" Projects. One of President Obama's top fundraisers has
been rewarded with more than half a billion dollars in stimulus money for "green" projects and a coveted
adviser position at the federal agency that regulates his highly profitable business ventures. It's
the very cycle of money, influence and access that Obama vowed to break when he came to Washington,
according to the investigative journalism group that broke the story this week.
FCC Expands Internet Takeover,
Adds Bailouts and Price Controls. The FCC has inserted itself, as a government agency, into the roaming
contract negotiations between private-sector companies. It does so by compelling an agreement and setting
"reasonable rates." ... This is the very definition of crony capitalism. Some companies seek favors from
the FCC. The FCC rewards them with a "regulatory bailout." The bailout allows the corporations to
avoid taking the corrective action necessary to compete in a free market. In turn, those companies become
more dependent upon, and supportive of, increased regulations.
Appointed by Obama to Investigate Union Corruption,
SEIU Official Cuts Number of Investigators. Has President Barack Obama been deceiving America,
with his Ethics Executive Order 13490? It certainly appears that the actions of the Obama Administration
are far from his recent statement that he has "put into place the toughest ethics laws of any Administration
in history [pause] in history." A host of Obama's appointments call into question the President's
commitment to his own Ethics Order.
Misprision of Treason:
DOJ Officials Abandon CAIR Terror Finance Prosecutions. It is a felony offense to know or
have reason to know that seditious activity is underway and do nothing about it. The term used
in the U.S. Code for such a crime is "misprision of treason." Counterterrorism expert Patrick Poole
reveals today that political appointees in the Obama-Holder Justice Department would appear, at a minimum,
to be candidates for prosecution for obstruction of justice and perhaps guilty of violating this statute.
The Aroma of
Illegality. [Scroll down] Obama and Eric "My People" Holder may natter on about
"equal protection." That's just talk, though. What they care about is not the 14th Amendment
but their political program. Example: if you are a white voter in Philadelphia, you don't get
equal protection from armed Black Panthers who strut about polling places. And if some nebbish in the
Justice Department who hasn't gotten the message brings a suit against the Panthers, a higher-up (maybe
even "My People" Holder himself) can quietly drop the suit when he thinks no one is paying attention.
Soros Wins Under Obama's
Energy Policies. Abby Wisse Schacter, in the New York Post, notes that the Obama administration
is clamping down on oil and gas development in America (both onshore and offshore) but is hell-bent on helping
other nation's tap their resources and points out that such help is being showered specifically in New Guinea,
of all places.
George Soros: Demagoat. Another
interesting note: Soros has a lot invested in Brazilian oil production. His puppet, Obama announced
that the U.S. would be investing and trading in Brazil's oil development. Of course, Obama doesn't want to
drill here in the U.S. The connection is very clear. Since Soros is out to destroy the USA like he
has other countries, all of the organizations he funds are nothing but puppets for him, just like Obama.
Obama went to Brazil to protect the Soros investment there in Petrobras.
Shady Union Ties. Would most people consider it quite odd that the president of the most
infamous union in the country-the AFL-CIO-brags about how frequently he is a visitor to the White House?
In his words, that's two or three times a week, and that's in addition to his numerous weekly phone conversations
with White House officials. What union business could possibly require such a close alliance between
the AFL-CIO and president Barack Hussein Obama? Certainly, we can only hazard a guess, but if AFL-CIO
president Richard Trumka's actions in the recent past are any indication, he's getting more than tea
and crumpets during his visits.
A Thousand Points of
Blight. In a 2006 speech to the National Press Club about lobbying reform, Illinois Senator
Barack Obama waxed eloquent about the malevolent influence of special interests on Beltway politics: "The
American people are tired of a Washington that's only open to those with the most cash and the right
connections. They're tired of a political process where the vote you cast isn't as important as the
favors you can do." ... Four years later, Obama had long since moved to Pennsylvania Avenue and was receiving
frequent visits from people with more than a passing resemblance to the iniquitous special interests whose
influence had once filled him with righteous indignation.
The Tyranny Of The
Green. [Scroll down] Awards are merely paybacks for political campaign contributions.
British Petroleum was awarded a safety award for its Deep Water Horizon rig a year before the Gulf Coast
disaster. A Politico article by Erika Lovley cited: "During his time in the Senate and while
running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC
and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records."
administration keeps giving out Obamacare waivers. Although House Energy and Commerce Committee
Chairman Rep. Fred Upton, Michigan Republican, is about to launch a congressional investigation into Obamacare
waiver selection, the administration continues to approve waivers from health-care law for labor unions and
others. In fact, since Upton first requested documentation from Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius in late January, the administration has issued 307 more Obamacare waivers, 47 of which
for labor unions. That brings the total number of waivers to 1,040. Labor unions received
269 of those.
Vulnerable And Unpopular.
The ObamaCare waivers granted to businesses and organizations now number more than a thousand. This is a
desperate tactic by the administration — as well as a tacit admission that the law is deeply flawed.
The Department of Health and Human Services added 126 waivers Friday [3/4/2011], bringing the total
to 1,040.
More about
the waivers, favoritism and unfairness associated
with Obamacare.
Discriminatory Application of Laws Abounds. reports that the administration gave
one-year waivers to 28 separate local chapters of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union,
exempting them from an Obamacare requirement that bans annual limits on what insurance plans will pay for
coverage. The UFCW's political action committee spent $673,309 in independent expenditures promoting
Obama's 2008 election.
Labor Department isn't just about helping unions. Don't like your boss? Just call Obama's
Department of Labor, and they'll help you find a lawyer. ... There is a Bush-era executive order still in
effect ... which bars the federal government from directly hiring trial lawyers on a contingency fee basis.
This program, which merely refers them, might not actually break the rule, but it walks right up to the line.
Obama's Ongoing War on
Inspectors General. One inspector general after another faults the Obama administration for using
suspect methodology to burnish its claims regarding job creation. At one point, Obama wanted to create
a brand new $30-billion government program to grant loans to small business. The program was designed to
be free of any oversight by inspectors general. This program had the potential to be a thirty-billion-dollar
slush fund to channel taxpayer dollars to those people who are allies of the Obama administration.
Issa: Obama 'feigns perfection' without achieving it on lobbying rules. Congressional
leaders offered a chilly response to President Obama's call for lawmakers to match the White House in
publicly disclosing their meetings with lobbyists. The Republican in charge of government reform,
Rep. Darrell Issa (Calif.), rejected the suggestion out of hand and brushed back the president by noting
reports that White House officials met with lobbyists at coffee shops to avoid their own disclosure rules.
Obama's Solar Nightmare:
[Scroll down] How else have the Democrats been trying to change our power industry? By the old-fashioned
way: changing the rules of the game and then using our tax dollars to enrich green schemers. The
grand champion of spending boosts by Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress has been a 1014% boost in spending
for the "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program." Then there is something called the Green Jobs
Labor Fund — which did not even exist prior to 2009 and has received hundreds of millions of dollars.
But wait... there is more. Much of the stimulus money also went toward funding green schemes, and one
of the major beneficiaries have been solar power promoters. These are, in the words of Washington Post
columnist Robert Samuelson, "pipe dreams." Many of the promoters and hucksters behind these "ventures"
have chummy relationships with Democrats...
Obama Administration one of the most corrupt, says
Rep. Issa. US Representative Darrell Issa, the incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government
Reform Committee, spent the weekend bashing the Obama Administration saying it was one of the most corrupt
administrations ever. The California congressman stated he intends to investigate such incidents as Obama
White House promises made to Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak to drop out of his Senate race in 2010, and the
allegations of misconduct by Justice Department officials in the handling of the allegations that New Black Panther
Party intimidated voters on election day.
there corruption in the Obama administration? [Scroll down] Here's a slightly more complete
list of corruption in the Obama administration, or questions that deserve investigation for possible corruption
and violation of his ethics rules:
• Ex Google lobbyist Andrew McLaughlin working as the No. 2 tech policy guy in
the White House discussing net neutrality with Google lobbyists (registered and unregistered) while
Google stood to profit from the administration's Net Neutrality rules.
• Former Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson taking a job as Treasury
Department chief of staff within 9 months of his work for Goldman.
• Obama officials meeting off campus for official business for the sake of
avoiding the Presidential Records Act.
Government as a Criminal Enterprise.
The Obama administration is "one of the most corrupt administrations in modern times" said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)
Sunday, January 2. As the incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee,
we can expect some explosive revelations.
Former Car Czar Rattner To Pay $10 Million
To Settle Pay-to-Play Lawsuits. Former Obama "car czar" Steve Rattner agreed Thursday to pay $10 million
to settle two lawsuits filed by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for an alleged kickback scheme involving New York
State's public pension fund.
Former car czar
Rattner to pay $10M in pension fund probe. The investment banker who helped lead the Obama administration's
auto industry overhaul has agreed to pay $10 million to settle influence-peddling allegations in New York.
party stays in home taxed at $300. The absentee owner of a multimillion-dollar home being used
by President Barack Obama's visiting entourage gets one of the biggest residential property tax breaks on
Oahu. Kevin Comcowich, the Houston investment executive who purchased the nearly 5,000-square-foot
home for $9 million in January 2008, was charged $300 in property taxes this year.
Pigford and
New Black Panthers: Friends at DOJ. At the Justice Department, one man has played a central role in
two of the most controversial racialist policies of the Obama Administration — Associate Attorney General Thomas
Perrelli. This bundler of huge campaign contributions for the Obama Campaign is now the second highest ranking
Presidential appointee at the Justice Department. Perrelli is best known for his central role in dismissing the
slam dunk voter intimidation case brought and dropped against the New Black Panther Party. But the leftist
Perrelli has outdone himself.
DOJ is a freedom of information disgrace. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
(CREW) just issued what is probably its unkindest press release so far about the Obama administration, comparing
its Justice Department to the Bush administration when it comes to transparency.
How to tell when a democrat
is losing an election. Obama just endorsed sending out $250 checks to the 58 million
seniors receiving social security checks coincidently only two weeks before an election. Yet it's Obama,
Pelosi, and Reid who took away $500 billion in Medicare from those same seniors.
Obama Rules That SEIUs Law Breaking is OK By Him.
With a recent Federal Election Commission decision, Obama's government has ruled in favor of the SEIU's illegal
kickback scheme and decided that such law breaking it is A'OK as far as he is concerned.
Obama's Costly Green
Jobs Project. [Scroll down] So there's really no way the Ivanpah business model can lose.
Up-front financing and price guarantees for thirty years down the road. So who might benefit from such a cozy
government-business arrangement? Brightsource investors include (a member of Van Jones's
Apollo Alliance) and the California State Teachers Retirement System. Billions in federal financing,
billions every year for the next thirty years in taxpayer subsidies for above-market priced electricity, with
profits going to Obama insiders like the Apollo Alliance and a teachers' union? Should we really call
this "clean" energy?
41 Obama White House
aides owe the IRS $831,000 in back taxes. Over the years a lot of suspicion has built up across
the country about Washington and its population of opportunistic transients coming to see themselves as a
special kind of person, somehow above average working Americans who don't labor down in that monument-strewn
former swamp. Well, finally, an end to all those undocumented doubts. Thanks to some diligent
digging by the Washington Post, those suspicions can at last be put to rest. They're correct.
Gen. 'Stonewall'
Holder. [Scroll down] The administration, moreover, touts itself as "the most transparent
in history" while steadfastly refusing to disclose the names of lawyers who previously litigated on behalf of
al Qaeda members (though two, principal deputy solicitor general Neal Katyal and national security division
attorney Jennifer Daskal, were well known for their work on behalf of detainees). The Obama Justice
Department seems determined to prevent the timely release of information that might give the public insight
into just who is offering advice on controversial matters of national security.
Covering up for George
Soros. [Scroll down] For example, Soros has made a boatload of money off his huge investment
in the Brazilian oil company, Petrobras, a company that has benefited mightily from its deep offshore oil
reserves. Barack Obama had the U.S. Export-Import bank extend billions of dollars of loans to underwrite
Petrobras's offshore oil development. Soros positioned himself to reap big gains just days before his
pal in the White House pushed for billions in loans to Petrobras — a company from a country that
can certainly tap the financial markets on its own to raise funds to tap oil off its shores.
Obama's Other
Chicago Problem. [Scroll down] Mr. Obama continued to swing for Mr. Giannoulias right
through the news that the Giannoulias's Broadway Bank had loaned millions to Michael "Jaws" Giorango, a
convicted bookmaker, as well as other crime figures. He stuck with him through the news that some of
this money had been disbursed when Mr. Giannoulias was the bank's senior loan officer. And Mr. Obama
stuck with him when even the Democratic speaker of the Illinois House, Mike Madigan, refused to endorse Mr.
Giannoulias. "My history in politics, if you were alleged to be connected to the mob, you were done,"
said Mr. Madigan in the run-up to the 2006 treasurer's election.
Why Do Ethics Cost
More in the Obama White House? In 2008, the Bush administration paid four White House Ethics
advisors a total of $383,015, whereas the four Ethics advisors in the Obama White House will rake in $491,176
in 2010. Three of those four, according to FEC records, are Obama campaign donors. Interestingly
enough, the Obama administration's 2009 report listed no Ethics advisors... which could go a long way toward
explaining their actions.
pattern of rigging the rules. Barack Obama learned from Saul Alinsky's manual that the most
essential tactic for expanding power is to make opponents abide by the rules while never enforcing the
rules against one's allies. That's exactly what his Justice Department and other executive departments
are doing in case after case, all aimed at rigging the deck in favor of the political left.
Obama's Treachery:
Election tampering by Obama treads upon the very foundation of American exceptionalism — free
elections in a representative democracy. ... Election tampering and transparent corruption are not business
as usual unless you're a Democrat. Whether it be suppression of the black vote in the south for a
hundred years after the Civil War, Tammany Hall politics at the turn of the 20th century in New York,
machine politics in Chicago, or bribes and payoffs for votes on health care and stimulus funding, the
failure to prosecute polling place intimidation by the Black Panthers in Philadelphia or Acorn voter
registration fraud, this is the Democratic Party Way, the Obama Way.
Goes, Geithner Stays? High-profile tax-scofflaw Tom Daschle has been shamed out of an
appointment as secretary of health and human services. ... But the most outrageous offender, Timothy
Geithner, was confirmed as Treasury secretary, borne aloft on an air of indispensability.
When Crimes
Become Mistakes. For a president who said he was going to preside over the most ethical
administration in history, Barack Obama has shown an astounding talent of being able to find appointees who
mistakenly manage to forget to pay their taxes. Just look at Timothy Geithner, for example. The
new Treasury secretary — the man who oversees the IRS — forgot to pay $34,000 in taxes.
Schumer, Durbin and Barney Frank See No
Problem with Treasury Nominee's Tax Problems. House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank
(D-Mass.) told that Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy Geithner is qualified to serve despite his failure
to properly pay at least $34,000 in taxes. Other members of Congress, including Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) agreed, but some Republicans questioned the nomination.
Surely this isn't what Obama meant when he vowed
change. Three of his top nominees have been caught with tax problems, two them departing abruptly
Tuesday. Two more were former lobbyists named to high positions despite Obama's ban on lobbyists in his
administration. Yet another, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, had to withdraw weeks earlier because of
an investigation into alleged "pay-to-play" politics at home.
Victims of
the Tax Code? Not So Fast. The tax system is complicated. It is, according to many
lawyers and tax preparers, in need of sweeping reform. But the tax code can hardly be blamed for the
recent problems of Obama administration appointees who came up short in what they owed the government,
several tax experts said yesterday.
Culture of
Corruption II. When in the last election Democrats spoke of a "culture of corruption" in
Washington, few realized they were making a promise. The Obama Administration is not yet three weeks
old but already features a growing collection of ethically challenged officials.
The Neediest Cases. Tom
Daschle is not the Tom Daschle Barack Obama thought he knew. Today, as the Washington Post reports,
Daschle withdrew his nomination as secretary of health and human services, "citing the distractions that
followed his failure to pay all of his taxes in recent years." Hey, how come when "distractions" were
raised about Obama during the campaign, the candidate told us to shut up and talk about the real issues,
whereas when the "distractions" concern Obama's nominees, he throws them under the bus?
Making Americans
Sick. [Scroll down] The Fanjul family of Palm Beach, Fla., a politically connected family,
has given more than $1.8 million to both Democratic and Republican parties over the years. They and
others in the sugar industry give millions to congressmen to keep high tariffs on foreign sugar so the U.S.
sugar industry can charge us higher prices. According to one study, the Fanjul family alone earns
about $65 million a year from congressional protectionism.
to the major leagues, President Obama. There are multiple lessons to be gleaned by President
Barack Obama from the withdrawal Tuesday of former Sen. Tom Daschle as the White House nominee for secretary
of the Health and Human Services Department. [For example] Having made strong public defenses of two of
your three major nominees with tax problems, you have become a defender of Washington's business-as-usual
culture and given up the opportunity to portray yourself as the man who was going to bring change to the
Potomac. It was a huge mistake to condone conduct by your Treasury and HHS secretary nominees that
would have ruined the reputation of most people.
Daschle dashed, and some promises, too. It
wasn't so long ago that Barack Obama was on the campaign trail, talking about hope and change, about the
purity he would bring to Washington. ... Now comes reality, governing, and two cabinet nominees who evaded
taxes, one nominee faced with corruption allegations and another nominee who was going to keep an eye on
government performance but who apparently neglected to keep an eye on her own.
Standing Behind
Daschle. When Barack Obama was asked last Monday if he still supported Tom Daschle, his
embattled Health and Human Services nominee, the president gave a firm one-word response: "Absolutely."
Oh, the ethics of it
all. Mr. Daschle proved to be a true limousine liberal; he failed to pay taxes on the limousine
he used while earning $5.2 million advising — among other industries — insurers and
hospitals (two of the industries he would be overseeing). ... After Mr. Daschle removed his name from
nomination, the president said the withdrawal filled him with "sadness and regret." Why would it if he
is serious about upholding ethics in Washington?
Needs to Give Tax Dodging Nominees a Rest. The form contained 63 questions for those seeking
high posts in the Obama administration. The questionnaire asked for writings, speeches, financial
statements, tax returns, e-mail, brokerage statements, mortgage papers, some documents going back 10 years
or more. ... Perhaps the Obama team should have added a 64th question. "Have you ever cheated on
your taxes?"
A touch of Chicago. You can't say
this new administration isn't changing Washington. Because politically, the nation's capital is starting
to look a lot like Chicago on the Potomac, complete with the sleazy deals and subsequent embarrassment.
We're supposed to believe that any resemblance between the goings-on in the Windy City, whose civic culture is
legendary for its, uh, ethical flexibility, and the current process of picking a Cabinet is purely
Obama Needs
To Fire Someone. The first revelations were Tim Geithner and Bill Richardson. Now Daschle
and Killifer are gone because of unpaid taxes. Next Hilda Solis comes along letting us know she was not
only pimping for a labor group against Congressional rules, but her husband had tax liens for 16 years.
She wants us to believe that she has no knowledge of the tax matter. It is possible that her husband did
not know that she was in the California Legislature or a member of Congress, but now realizes that he should
do the right thing and be a model citizen. It certainly possible he hid it from her until Obama came
calling and he had a "Honey, we need to talk" conversation. However that scenario seems a little
farfetched to me.
Here We Go Again.
Let's see... a Democratic representative gets free housing from a pollster who enjoys some very lucrative
contracts from both that representative and a very influential group said representative heads up? Why,
I'd never even suggest some kind of a quid pro quo arrangement. All through his campaign, Obama and his
surrogates touted his great judgment and his commitment to change and transparency. Yet more and more of
his nominees keep getting exposed for their ethical lapses ... .
'The Most Sweeping Ethics Reform in History'?
Barack Obama promised during his campaign to "clean up both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue" with "the most sweeping ethics
reform in history." He declared that his administration would "have the toughest ethics laws of any administration
in history." But shouldn't that moral commitment extend to all of those he appoints, too? Recently, many people
were nominated by Obama for high-ranking positions in his administration. Six of them were involved in tax evasion
or other shady deals.
Above the
Law. These are the times that tax men's souls. Unless, that is, you're an Obama
administration appointee and opt out — or try to.
self-destructing over ethics. The Obama administration and the new Congress are quickly
handing over to Republicans the same "culture of corruption" issue that Democrats used so effectively
against the GOP before coming to power.
Democrats hit ethics pothole early in Obama
administration. The Obama administration and the new Congress are rapidly giving Republicans the
same "culture of corruption" issue that Democrats used so effectively against the GOP before coming to power.
Democrats' ethical issues are popping up at a dizzying pace, after less than two months of party control of both
the White House and Congress. Freshman Sen. Roland Burris, D-Ill. is only the latest embarrassment.
The People Who Can Make or
Break Obama. [#5] Roland Burris: ... The Illinois GOP is calling for him to resign and the
Democratic Senate is nervously eying the contradictory transcripts. The dilemma for the Senate and the
White House is once again how to deal with the ooze of corruption from Illinois. Will they put a halt
to the budding storyline — which includes figures such as Rep. Charlie Rangel, Sen. Chris Dodd, and Reps.
James Moran and Jack Murtha? It is getting hard to deny that the Democratic Party is rife with
More personnel
trouble for Obama? It looks like 3 times will not be a charm when it comes to getting
someone — anyone — honest enough and subservient enough to run the Department of
Commerce for President Obama. First, it was Bill Richardson who somehow slipped under the radar of
Obama's super sharp vetters, having problems with cronies back in New Mexico. Then it was Judd Gregg who
withdrew his name after Obama blindsided him by politicizing the census. Now it's Gary Locke —
former Governor of Washington and now lobbyist for a firm that does a lot of business in China —
who may have to be thrown under the bus. Why? The old Clinton-Gore connection to the Buddhists.
And a close association with former Clinton era fundraiser and convicted felon John Huang who raised hundreds
of thousands of dollars for Locke.
Barack Obama surrounding
himself with spivs and chancers. So for those impressed more by words and racial symbols than
performance, the most unqualified president since before even John F. Kennedy remains above the kind of
vicious media criticism routinely heaped on Bush. But how loudly would the people who cheer Obama have
screamed if Bush had, for instance, surrounded himself with this extraordinarily long list of spivs and
Grace Napolitano Pays Herself $200,000 In Interest On 1998 Loan. The Democrats campaigned to
take over the reins of the majority in Congress by promising to "drain the swamp" of a "culture of
corruption" by the Republican Party. Examples of Democratic corruption or self-dealing go largely
unnoticed. For two weeks now, the national media has ignored a Los Angeles Times report that Rep.
Grace Napolitano has paid herself more than $150,000 in interest on $150,000 she loaned herself in her
initial 1998 House campaign.
charges Obama fund-raiser in $290 million fraud. Hassan Nemazee, a fund-raiser for Barack Obama, Hillary
Clinton and other Democrats, has been indicted for defrauding Bank of America, HSBC and Citigroup Inc out of more than
$290 million in loan proceeds, U.S. prosecutors said on Monday [9/21/2009].
Another Obama pick
owes back taxes, but it's OK because, now caught, he'll pay up. Word today that yet another
Barack Obama appointee has a little problem with taxes — a $10,000 problem. Ron Kirk, the
former mayor of Dallas who would be the White House chief trade representative if confirmed, didn't pay
taxes on some speaking fees he donated to his alma mater and he tried to write off the full $17,000 costs
of his Dallas Mavericks season tickets. Not sure if we have room here to list every other would-be
Obama appointee who turns out to have some tax problems.
The Editor says...
Season tickets (or lifetime tickets) to the Mavericks games can't possibly be worth $17,000. And I would
think that any former Dallas mayor could get in to see the Mavericks at no charge, but I guess not.
Another Obama Nominee, Another Tax Problem.
It appears you have to be a tax cheat to get an appointment in this administration. The latest case of tax
delinquency is Ron Kirk, Obama's pick for U.S. trade representative. It seems Mr. Kirk, a former Dallas
mayor, owes some $10,000 in back taxes for speaking fees he received which he failed to report as income.
And oh yeah, for those season tickets to the Dallas Mavericks!
Obama suffers a trust deficit. For sheer chutzpah, it would be hard to top the scene on Capitol
Hill yesterday. As Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner vowed to go after wealthy Americans who shield money
in tax havens, the man wielding the chairman's gavel in the House Ways and Means hearing was Democrat Charlie
Rangel. Perfect together. Geithner and Rangel are two peas in a pod when it comes to dodging their
own taxes, and neither is embarrassed about demanding others pay up.
Touts Tackling Tax Evaders After Failing to Pay His Own Taxes. Treasury Secretary Timothy
Geithner told the House Ways and Means Committee Tuesday that the Obama administration, which has been
riddled with tax problems, is mounting plans to go after tax evaders.
picks throw wrench into message. In the short time Obama has been in office, his administration
has faced a number of questions about statements made by Cabinet officials that seemed to contradict his
policies or put the White House in an awkward position. One of the more recent examples happened last
week when Attorney General Eric Holder said that the president would seek to reinstate the assault-weapons
ban, an assertion that surely sent chills up the spines of Blue Dog Democrats and checks pouring in to the
National Rifle Association.
issues grow for urban czar Adolfo Carrion. President Obama's new urban czar, Adolfo Carrión,
admitted Tuesday he has not paid an architect who designed a renovation of his Bronx home two years ago. That
presents conflict-of-interest issues because at the time the architect was a key player in a Bronx development that
needed approval from Carrión, then the Bronx borough president. In a statement to the Daily News,
Carrión admitted he hadn't paid architect Hugo Subotovsky to design a porch and balcony for his City
Island home.
What's Obama smiling
about? The Obama presidency is becoming a reverse fairy tale: The prince is turning into a
frog. ... What about integrity in government? Judging by his gutter-ball series of appointments and attempted
appointments, I am beginning to think that either his vetting process was actually looking for crooks or the president
is moving in the wrong circles. Obama put a tax-cheat in the U.S. Treasury, tried to put an even bigger tax-cheat
in Health, and only reluctantly dropped an accused influence peddler as commerce secretary.
Democratic donors rewarded with W.H. perks. During his first nine months in office, President
Obama has quietly rewarded scores of top Democratic donors with VIP access to the White House, private
briefings with administration advisers and invitations to important speeches and town-hall meetings.
Conflict of Interest for
Obama's Weatherization Czar. [A small window company called Serious Materials] got some high
profile endorsements from President Obama and Vice President Biden, which is suspicious because the company's
vice president for policy is married to the overseer of President Obama's weatherization program, Cathy Zoi.
Amazingly, Serious Materials was the only "green" window company to receive some recent tax credits from the
federal government.
'Poster Child' for Obama hypocrisy on green jobs? Robin
Roy is a senior executive of Serious Materials, a California-based windows maker that was virtually unknown
within its industry until last year when President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden began praising it as, in
the latter's words, the "poster child of green industry." ... Assistant Secretary of Energy Cathy Zoi, Roy's
wife, just happens to be the Obama appointee in charge of the government's crash weatherization program.
Big Government's
Cronies. Of all the window companies in America, maybe it's a coincidence that the one which
gets presidential and vice presidential attention and a special tax credit is one whose company executives
give thousands of dollars to the Obama campaign and where the policy officer spends nights at home with the
Energy Department's weatherization boss. Or maybe not. There may be nothing illegal about
this. ... But it sure looks funny to me, and it's odd that the liberal media have so much interest in
this one company.
The Weatherization
Boondoggle: Leave it to the left to turn something as sensible as insulating your house into
a big-government organized-labor boondoggle. ... President Obama's proposed $6 billion program known as
HOMESTAR, a.k.a. Cash for Caulkers, is only one of many energy efficiency initiatives taking place on federal,
state and municipal levels.