Note: You might want to start at the Barack
Obama Index Page, especially
if you arrived here by using a search engine.
On this page:
Obama shows great potential — as a Marxist dictator!
The use of a temporary government shutdown as a weapon.
Obama resides on the outskirts of the law.
Obama's Assault on British Petroleum.
INTERPOL is granted immunity from U.S. law.
The Swine Flu Panic
Oath Keepers: Just say no!
Related topics on nearby pages:
Obama's henchmen in action.
Obama spends our money on himself.
The use of the IRS as a weapon
Obama is named Gun Salesman of the Year
Operation Choke Point and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Obama's use of HUD to forcibly integrate wealthy neighborhoods
The use of the Census Bureau as a weapon
The use of the EPA as a weapon
If you criticize Obamacare, you will be audited
All this adulation is a bit much.
Obama for America / Organizing for America / Organizing For Action.
President Obama and Gun Control.
Domestic surveillance.
The Clamor for Obama's impeachment.
President Obama's Drones and the Secret Kill List.
Obama vs the Catholic Church
Prepare for an Obama Thugocracy
A Taste of the Obama Thugocracy at the "town hall" meetings.
Obama fraternizes quite cordially with dictators in other countries
Taking control of the internet
The NLRB vs Boeing
Egypt hits the internet kill switch and Obama takes notes.
Using public schools as indoctrination centers
Obama's malignant narcissism
Homeland Security vs the Right Wing
President for life?
Evidently Obama hates America
Preferential Treatment of the Black Panthers
Obama vs Gibson Guitar
The firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin
The "Snitch on Your Neighbor" program
Here a czar, there a czar, everywhere a czar czar.
The Obama team manipulates the news media
Obama vs the Associated Press
Obama vs Fox News Channel
Obama and the news media versus Toyota
Using the National Endowment for the Arts as a propaganda tool
Obama's Culture of Corruption
Obama shows great potential — as a Marxist dictator!
Earlier, I had used the term "Communist dictator" in this spot, but upon further consideration, it
is probably more accurate to substitute the
word "Marxist." The
distinction is somewhat obscure. Either way, my point is that President Obama has many disturbing
personality traits, disreputable friends
and associates (past and present), and
millions of poorly educated minions on his side. His political views are way out on the very edges
of left-wing extremism. The ingredients are in place for a dangerous
transformation of our country into something we will all quickly regret. Whatever he does in
this regard must be done before the 2010 elections, when there will surely be a voter backlash and a
return to more balanced power in Washington.
I do not use the term Communist lightly. As a young man, Barack Obama spent a lot
of time learning from a man named Frank
Marshall Davis, who was a communist. As an adult, he has surrounded himself
with others who share many of the same
goals and ideals as Mr. Davis. As the candy coating wears off in the next few years,
my hope is that more people will begin to see how dangerous this man really is. Barack
Hussein Obama, in my opinion, is the most dangerous and one of the most thoroughly dishonest
presidents this country has ever had.
Please note that the governors and the legislatures in several states are reacting negatively to
President Obama's hunger for centralized power, and many are in the process of passing
bills declaring their states' sovereignty under the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution.
More information about such opposition can be
found here.
The most disturbing theme, especially since Obama's re-election, is the encouragement Obama gets from his rabid supporters:
The more he uses draconian Executive Orders to bypass the legislature and the Constitution, the happier they are. The activists
on the political left, including a number of elected officials, are pushing the President to single-handedly enact totalitarian gun
control, severe environmentalist restrictions on energy production, blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants, reparations for slavery,
an unlimited debt ceiling, and so on. Some even want Obama to be permitted to serve three (or more) terms. The
Constitution means nothing to left-wing activists, because the public schools hardly mention it any more, but Senators and
Congressmen should know better than to suggest bypassing the Constitution.
Culmination of Barack Obama's Plan "To Fundamentally Transform the United States of America" Into a
Communist State. Obama has had his fellow Communist allies register millions of the
18 million Illegal Aliens as possible, that the "Obama Open Border Policy" allowed to invade
the US through the wide-open US borders over the last four years, so they can vote for Comrade
Kamala Harris in the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. They will also execute
their four-year plan to electronically initiate Voter Fraud on election night, to steal the 2024
Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump by changing his vote totals, as they
electronically stole the 2020 Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump. The
Socialist Democrat Party has been misleading American Citizens over the last four years about their
Progressive policies, attempting to convince the American electorate, that they only want to
install an insignificant number of Socialist Policies in the US Government Bureaucracy (over the
last 125 years, Socialist Policies have never worked in any government). What they have been
hiding from American Citizens is that Socialism is the "Short-Lived" waystation, on the way to
Barack Obama's and Comrade Kamala Harris' final goal, their plan to change the US Constitutional
Republic into an oppressive and freedom killing dictatorial Communist Government.
Intel Agencies of Government Are Fully Weaponized. In the era shortly after 9/11, the
DC national security apparatus was constructed to preserve continuity of government and
simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats. The Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were created specifically for
this purpose. What Barack Obama and Eric Holder did with that new construct was refine the
internal targeting mechanisms so that only their ideological opposition became the target of the
new national security system. This is very important to understand as you dig deeper into
this research outline. Washington DC created the modern national security apparatus
immediately and hurriedly after 9/11/01. DHS came along in 2002, and within the Intelligence
Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 the ODNI was formed. When Barack Obama and Eric
Holder arrived a few years later, those newly formed institutions were viewed as opportunities to
create a very specific national security apparatus that would focus almost exclusively against
their political opposition. [...] The DHS, ODNI, DOJ and FBI became the four pillars of this new
institution. Atop these pillars is where you will find the Fourth Branch of Government.
Obama the Vindictive Enforcer. The definition of "vindictive" is to have or show a
"strong or unreasoning desire for revenge." As an observer of the ongoing humiliation and
persecution currently directed toward Donald J. Trump and anyone who supports him, what America may
now be witnessing is an unparalleled display of malicious revenge. One might ask, "Who is
driving this retribution?" The most obvious answer to that question is that it must be a
self-absorbed force with a notorious reputation for spiteful exoneration. Judging from past
conduct, that force would be none other than former president Barack Obama. This man thrives
on adulation. Even the casual observer is aware of Obama's inability to accept
criticism. Refuse to genuflect, and Mr. Obama's ire is immediately directed like a laser
toward the defiant. Just ask "tea baggers" or victims of a weaponized IRS. Judging from
Obama's self-identification with his ideology, retribution isn't just politics; it's personal.
Defy him, and the former president looks for any forum, weapon, policy implementation, or cruel
injustice to vindicate his vendetta and somehow manages to accomplish this either publicly or privately.
Obama's True Legacy. On the cusp of the 2008 presidential election, then-candidate
Barack Obama galvanized an ecstatic crowd at Missouri University by claiming that he and his
supporters were "five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Not
making America great again, but fundamentally transforming her. This unsettling
vow, from the man who would later declare that American exceptionalism was no more valid than
British or Greek exceptionalism, promised not restoration, but revolution. It
made clear that his incoming administration intended to toss the greatest country in the world onto
the trash heap of history to make way for a Progressive utopia centered on social justice and on
the dismantling of American power. Obama's threat took two presidential terms to gather
momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a
shot at a third term in 2020 — vicariously through his former Vice President Joe
Biden. Under the decrepit figurehead Biden, Obama and his muses Susan Rice and Valerie
Jarrett could accelerate the fundamental change he promised.
News: Obama muscled Zuckerberg to censor Trump — and made an example of him. Has Barack Obama
gone from ex-president to Democrat party crime boss? It sure looks like it, based on a new report about his
treatment of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Investigative reporter Lee Smith has got a stunning report
that ran this week in Tablet, comparable in impact to that report by Molly Ball at Time who wrote about how elites
conspired to "fortify democracy" by rigging the election against President Trump in 2020 and afterwards thought it was a
smart thing to crow about. Smith's report beginns with how the FBI "hacked" Twitter, not just engaging in a
"master-canine" relationship as Twitter files reporter Matt Taibbi put it in one of his reports, but actually
infiltrating the company and controlling it from within, rendering it a corporate Zombie.
Why They Hate
Trump. [Scroll down] Obama/Biden was the most activist administration since LBJ, intent on promoting
universal abortion "rights," open borders, and globalist policies that weakened the United States, and they used the Justice
Department and FBI, along with many other agencies, to persecute those who opposed them. What they especially attacked was
the traditional faith of the heartland. Hobby Lobby found that out, so expect there to be more Hobby Lobbies under Biden.
From DNC Irony to Parody.
Barack Obama won his Senate race only after the sealed divorce records of both his primary and general election rivals
were mysteriously leaked to the public. Sloganeering like "get in their faces," "take a gun to a knife fight," "punish
our enemies," and "you didn't build that," were boilerplate divisive campaign and presidential rhetoric during Obama's two
terms. Obama weaponized — in unprecedented go-low fashion — the IRS, General Services
Administration, Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and Department of Veterans' Affairs. In his final two years in office, he
illegally sought to destroy an opposition campaign, a presidential transition, and a presidency itself.
Obama and his
Gang of Untouchables. In the 1987 classic "The Untouchables," federal crime fighters take on legendary mafioso
Al Capone and the Chicago mob during the Prohibition era. [...] The term "The Untouchables" referred not to the Chicago mafia
but to Eliot Ness' incorruptible gang of cops. In the Obama era, however, that term is flipped on its head. It
applies to the former president himself and his own sort of mob — a broad syndicate of henchmen, including corrupt
cops, who continue to serve their Don and enrich themselves in the process. Barack Obama still calls the shots and
pulls the strings while his goombahs in the news media, federal government, and Democratic Party carry out his orders.
"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said in 2008, cribbing [Sean] Connery's line, during his first
campaign for president. It was a warning that the Chicago-machine raised politician would use any weapon at his
disposal to defeat his foes — which is exactly what he did.
Times Democrats Didn't Care When Obama Committed Obstruction of Justice. Listening to Democrats make their
"case" for impeaching Trump is like watching a child make excuses for why they should be able to stay up late or not have to
eat their vegetables. It's an endless evolving list of explanations and excuses. We've seen them allege a quid
pro quo, bribery, extortion... basically whatever polled well on a given week. One fairly new angle they've been
pushing is that the mere pushback against subpoenas is tantamount to obstruction of justice — an impeachable
offense. Professor Jonathan Turley destroyed this argument during his testimony this week before the House Judiciary
Committee. "He's allowed to do that; we have three branches, not two. If you impeach a president, if you make a
high crime and misdemeanor out of going to the courts, it is an abuse of power. It's your abuse of power," Turley said,
referring Congress. "You are doing precisely what you're criticizing the president for doing."
it when journalists and other Democrats stand on principle. As soon as Obama took office, he showed he had no
respect for the law or equal treatment under the law as he violated bankruptcy law to award political supporters over more
secure creditors. [...] The Obama administration shook down corporations at Justice, EPA and CFPB and used a significant
amount of funds for political purposes and to reward supporters.
Congressman Reminds You What Life Would Be Like Under Left-Wing Rule. While there has been some pushback the problem is
not one Democrat "doxxing" more Republican donors. It is much deeper. The Obama years demonstrated that this is how the
Left does its business. When street thugs like the Black Panthers, BLM, or Antifa can't get it done, find and publish any
information you can on anyone. Send the message. You could be next. This is speech suppression, plain and simple.
[...] Obama's IRS released Tax information to third parties who then protested and intimidated individuals and companies. His
administration raided and terrorized private business owners. His FBI and CIA spied on everyone including private citizens,
the press, and political opponents. For one purpose: to destroy them if the need arose. It's the sort of thing
you'd expect from another Castro family. The one in Cuba.
Many Divisions Does Chief Justice Roberts Have? When Obama didn't like a court order, he ignored it. In fact,
he exceeded the constitutional bounds of his office at least 10 times, notes Ilya Shapiro. He did it in intervening in
Libya without even notifying Congress; in subverting creditors' rights in the Chrysler bailout; in his administration's implementation
of ObamaCare; In the political profiling by the IRS; in illegally appointing three members of the NLRB and the head of the Consumer
Financial Protection Board when Congress was not in recess; in directing "the Department of Homeland Security to issue work and residence
permits" to the so-called Dreamers (Deferred Action to Childhood Arrivals); in assaulting free speech and due process on college campuses;
in creating and implementing his clean power plan; in his overly expansive clean water plan to cover water which is not navigable; in
adopting a net neutrality rule; in implementing a cap-and-trade rule.
playing dictator-in-exile from a kingly south of France palace? President Obama is living the life of a former
king, vacationing these days at a palatial estate in the south of France. At what point has he made enough? [...] Why
the taxpayers should pay for this via the security guard details, as if the man can't afford any of his own after all the
payoffs he's now collecting from speeches and book deals is rather a side issue. The problem is that this comes as he's
engaging in quite a few shenanigans on his own around Europe. DCWhispers, a pretty reliable blog, reprinted an item
stringing together all the Obama spottings around Europe with its leaders, all of whom are of the #NeverTrump ilk, calling it
the activity of a "dictator in exile."
Barack Obama's Troubling "Dictator In Exile" Behavior. Regardless of whether or not you supported Barack Obama
as president, what he's doing now should not be supported by anyone regardless of their political leanings because a globalist
oligarchy is a threat to the freedom and future of everyone.
It's Time to Question Whether Obama is Running
a Shadow Government. We started tracking former President, Barrack Obama's movements over 4 months ago and
frankly, I am a bit worried with what we found. Most Americans have not had the time nor inclination to make a deep
dive into how many federal agencies and employees were involved in the attempted coup of Donald Trump. Even fewer have
considered the ramifications of what such a widespread, inter-agency operation may mean to their own constitutional
protections. They should care because our Republic has been gravely imperiled by these deep state actors. If they
can get away with this level of corruption with the intent to incriminate a president, what chance does an ordinary citizen
have once they're targeted?
is the Democrats' white whale, and Pelosi is Ahab. [Scroll down] It all began within the Obama
administration, most likely with his instigation. So enamored of himself, Obama was determined to protect his legacy,
no matter how unworthy of acclaim, at all costs. He had made it clear years earlier that he bore a certain contempt for
the Constitution as a document of "negative rights." Obama, like all communists at heart, reveres only documents that
dictate what the government must do, not what they cannot.
Times Barack Obama Abused His Power To Appease His Base. President Trump has spent much of the past two years
trying to undo Obama's abuses of power — which Obama did, not in the best interests of the whole country, but for
the benefit of his base. Has Biden forgotten Obama's presidency or is he just a bad liar? Many of these abuses
should have resulted in Obama's impeachment. Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress didn't have the guts to impeach
him, but they tried everything they could to reign in his pseudo-dictatorship. Two pieces of legislation were drafted
in order to stop his abuses and force him to follow the law. Obama threatened to veto both bills rather than risk any
limits on his ever-expanding legislative authority.
Trump, Here Are Five Reasons Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached. [#5] Obama's dictatorial approach to
governing would manifest itself many times during his presidency, and any one of them should have had Congress using their
check on executive overreach, the power to impeach, but for reasons that can't be justified, it never happened. One
such example is Obama's unilateral writing of immigration law. It is quite clear that Congress has the power to write
immigration law, but Obama decided that since Congress wouldn't act (and by that, he meant to do exactly what he wanted) he'd
simply create a law with his executive pen. When the DREAM Act failed to pass Congress he simply began enforcing it
without Congress's consent by issuing an executive order, known as DACA. It was unconstitutional (even Obama repeatedly
admitted that he didn't have to power to create immigration law) and his blatant disregard for the Constitution should have
resulted in articles of impeachment being drafted immediately.
Peace in America, We Must Return to the Rule of Law. There has always been some corruption and malfeasance on
both sides of the aisle. But in ten years, we went from being America to being "Obamistan": a high-tech, relatively
affluent version of a two-bit banana republic. There has never been an American president who flagrantly abused his
power and flouted the rule of law to anywhere near the extent that we have seen with Obama. There has never been a
president who, once having left office, devoted all of his energies to blatantly undermining his successor. These
facts, combined with the manner in which those who support him have absolutely refused to see his abuses for what they are,
and a Democratic Party leadership who seems determined not only to sweep his crimes under the rug, but even worse, to
continue with his style of governance, is what has The Rest of Us so [very] angry.
Trump does not do. When Democrats lost to a non-politician in 2016, they could not swallow the failure and
began to degrade their opponent's victory (by manufacturing "Russia collusion"), insult people who voted for the winner (calling
them racist), and assassinate the character of the winner (calling him a dictator). To make the case for the third act,
they invented a story that Donald Trump likes dictators and wants to be one and will not leave office if not elected in 2020.
But his actions show the opposite. Trump does not want to be a king or a dictator, while his predecessors behaved as if they
wanted to be. To demonstrate this fact, I will provide examples of what Trump has not done and what King Barack H.
Obama and King George W. Bush did. [...]
the Record, Obama Made Mincemeat of the Constitution. Under President Barack Obama, the Constitution was
violated more wantonly than a goat at a Taliban bachelor party, and the faithful cheered every violation. In early
2014, New Yorker editor and Obama groupie David Remnick wrote about his experience accompanying Obama on a west-coast
fundraising tour. At one stop, when Obama walked out on stage, "It happened again: another heckler broke into Obama's
speech. A man in the balcony repeatedly shouted out, 'Executive order!' demanding that the President bypass Congress
with more unilateral actions." Obama confirmed to the audience that, yes, people did want him to sign more executive
orders and "basically nullify Congress." At that point, wrote Remnick, "Many in the crowd applauded their approval.
Yes! Nullify it!" These were not wild-eyed tent-dwellers on Wall or some lesser street. These were potential
Illusion Or Invasion U.S.A.?
[F]ormer President Obama himself declared 10 national emergencies while in office, including one on July 25, 2011 blocking
property of transnational criminals from Los Zetas, one of Mexico's most dangerous drug cartels. Does blocking property
from a drug cartel seem like grounds for a national emergency declaration? Yet, Congress didn't even flinch over its
enactment. So, Obama can declare a national emergency against a single drug cartel, but President Trump can't declare a
national emergency against all of the cartels, human traffickers, and all types of criminals and gangs infiltrating our
country right now? I believe our current president has a far greater basis of national threats than Obama ever did to
enact a national emergency.
is Trump, and not Obama, the so-called 'dictator'? [L]et's contrast what President Trump is doing in compliance
with laws that Congress wrote with what Obama did while he was in office, when he was supported by almost all journalists and
other Democrats. President Obama repeatedly said the Constitution didn't allow him to unilaterally change immigration
laws, but he did it anyway with his executive order on DACA. Democrats not only didn't care that he went around Congress and
acted as a dictator, but supported the move. Obama and the complicit Justice Department decided they weren't going to
enforce immigration laws and instead supported sanctuary cities and states as they defied the laws. While the Obama
administration supported cities and states that openly defied the federal law they were sworn to defend, they showed how
insincere they were when they went after Arizona for wanting to enforce those same laws. [...] When Obamacare came up
short of funds, President Obama didn't go to Congress or declare an emergency. He just illegally diverted the money and
Democratic congressional leaders at the time, such as House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer, didn't sue or
care. [...] After Obama was chastised for illegally diverting funds, that didn't stop him. He just stole again from
low-income housing. Again, Pelosi, Schumer, and others didn't care.
and Warren obviously need a history lesson. Obama, the authoritarian, couldn't get DACA through Congress, so he
dictatorially and unconstitutionally implemented it. Pelosi didn't care about Obama usurping congressional
authority. When Obamacare came up short of funds, Obama didn't go through Congress for appropriations. Obama, the
corrupt authoritarian, just illegally stole taxpayer money from other sources. Pelosi and other Democrats didn't
care. The immoral and corrupt Obama and others continually lied to the public to get Obamacare passed. The
authoritarian Pelosi dictatorially told the Democrat minions in the House to vote for Obamacare without reading it.
They wouldn't want the public to see what freedoms the Democrats were taking away.
Reasons Obama Is to Blame for Trump Believing He Can Unilaterally End Birthright Citizenship. For eight years,
Obama saw the Constitution as something that got in the way of his agenda, and he repeatedly ignored it. Obama
infamously claimed "We're not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans
the kind of help they need. I've got a pen and I've got a phone" and "We can't wait for Congress to do its job, so
where they won't act, I will." For the most part, he got away with it. And Democrats, rather than say, "Oh, no
you can't," went along with it without objection. Their agenda was too important, and the risks of creating an imperial
presidency were inconsequential to them.
Administration Plotted Election Interference Until the Very End. From 2008 until 2016, the United States lived
under a very scary government where the likes of Ben Rhodes, the Obama whisperer, called many of the shots, despite a lack of
any notable qualifications beyond malice and calculated dishonesty.
had secret plan to validate Clinton victory if Trump didn't accept it: report. Former President Obama had a
plan to validate the 2016 election in the event that then-candidate Donald Trump lost and challenged the results. Obama
administration officials told New York magazine that a bipartisan plan was in place just in time for the election to certify
the results and reveal the intelligence community's claims that Russian interference supported Trump's candidacy. Such
a measure was devised after Trump said the election was "rigged" and joked on the campaign trail that he wouldn't accept the
election results if he lost.
The Top
Five Ways Obama Attacked the Free Press. It's been over a year and a half since Obama left office, but it still
bothers me hearing him speak. Between his trying to take credit for the Trump economy and his claim that he, unlike
Trump, didn't "threaten the freedom of the press," it's hard not to get angry when he speaks because virtually everything he
says is a lie. His trying to take credit for Trump's economy was pathetic, but his claim that he was not an enemy of
the free press deserves to be called out. "It shouldn't be Democratic or Republican to say that we don't threaten the
freedom of the press because — they say things or publish stories we don't like," Obama said during his speech at
the University of Illinois. "I complained plenty about Fox News, but you never heard me threaten to shut them down, or
call them 'enemies of the people.'" Obama certainly had his issues with Fox News. Newsweek actually
described the conflict between them as "a war."
Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History. [#6] Weaponizing the government against his
enemies: Perhaps the most well-known example of the Obama administration abusing its power to target Obama's political
enemies is the infamous IRS scandal. Over a two-year period leading up to the 2012 election, tea party groups and other
conservatives were improperly scrutinized by the IRS. Twelve different IRS offices across the country were involved and the
entire operation was orchestrated out of Washington, D.C., and there was also evidence of White House involvement. The
IRS also targeted private individuals critical of Obama, GOP candidates, and Romney donors. There are also examples of
conservative individuals being targeted as the result of gross abuse of power by the Obama administration. Conservative
author Dinesh D'Souza was indicted for campaign finance violations for a crime typically not prosecuted at all.
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas was put on a terrorism watchlist after a video was released of him dressed as a terrorist
crossing back and forth over the U.S./Mexico border to demonstrate the lack of border security.
gets too, too cute when he warns of dictators and liars. Obama ran the presidency as a strongman, starting with
his claim that he could rule with his pen and his phone. He said repeatedly that he couldn't change or implement
immigration laws on his own, and then he did it anyway, in the case of DACA and in the judicial rebuke he got on offshore oil
drilling. Judges, the media, and other Democrats now act as though such made-up rulings were the law. He decided
not to abide by the Defense of Marriage Act as well as immigration laws, and the Justice Department followed his
ignore-the-law commands. He ran the Justice Department as a fiefdom. Taking over at least 15% of the economy
through Obamacare certainly indicates an autocratic president, too. Setting up the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, which operates without congressional oversight and has a gargantuan budget, is another such instance.
Shows Gov't Has Too Much Power. Democrats loved it when President Barack "I've got a pen and I've got a phone"
Obama utilized executive orders to achieve policy objectives they wanted, like Obama's DACA order on immigration. But
faced with President Trump's ability to exercise that same power (even if just to undo Obama's orders), they scream
"Fascism!" The problem isn't Obama or Trump per se; it is an executive branch that increasingly exceeds the
constitutional limits of its power, and usurps that of Congress.
Unspoken Truth: It was Obama who Weaponized the Government and the Media who Let him do it. Given that
Barack Obama was an inexperienced Chicago Pol who came from a Corrupt Chicago System and sponsored by an actual terrorist
(Bill Ayers) the idea that such a person would weaponize government in the Chicago style is not a surprise and govern as
such. Unfortunately it was also not a surprise that the media was not going to let facts proclaim the 1st Black
President a failure [...] or worse a corrupt failure.
single-handedly ruined the FBI and the DOJ. While the devious machinations of the Deep State are not new, it
was the Obama administration, most likely Obama himself, who brought us to this low point, the wholesale corruption of the
FBI and the DOJ leadership. Obama surrounded himself with like-minded globalist elites who thought no laws applied to
them: Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Valerie Jarrett, the Podestas, Ben Rhodes, Jonathan Gruber, and more. Eric
Holder was the most unprincipled attorney general, more even than John Mitchell, who served time in federal prison. We
learned from the I.G. report that Obama lied when he said he learned of HRC's private server from the media. He knew
because he, too, corresponded with her from a private email, just as Comey used a non-FBI email account. None of these
people, not one, respected our Constitution or the laws meant to govern their agencies. This is what Obama did to America.
He virtually destroyed the FBI, the CIA, and the DOJ by turning them into weapons with which to destroy his opponents.
How Obama
became the first communist president. The use of the state to spy on and infiltrate the campaign of a political
opponent is the final proof of the truth that we have averted our eyes from for the last 14 years. Barack Obama
is a communist. Mild compared to Castro or Mao, but nevertheless a believer in state control of everything.
Top Four Obama
Policies Trump Has Reversed. [#4] The Paris Climate Accord: Once again, this was another multinational
treaty that Obama knew he couldn't sell to Congress, so he didn't even try.
The Obama Legacy Deserves To Be
Destroyed. [N]o administration in memory was stopped more often by courts, often by unanimous SCOTUS decisions.
Whether it was ignoring the Senate in making appointments or claiming to rewrite employment law, Obama tried to function without
constitutional restraints. None of this even breaches the unprecedented regulatory regime Obama built to circumvent the legislative
branch. Even The New York Times characterized his governing as "bureaucratic bulldozing, rather than legislative
transparency." Fortunately, it is also unsustainable.
Here are 1,366 well
sourced examples of Barack Obama's lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.. [#419]
Merchant Dan McCall sells items that parody the U.S. government, such as coffee mugs that say "Department of Homeland
Stupidity." Although such parody speech is protected by the first amendment, the Obama administration sent him a
"cease and desist" letter, and threatened to prosecute him if he did not stop selling the products.
equal justice under the law exist in America today? Having two sets of laws — one for the political class and
one for everyone else — accelerated under the administration of President Obama, beginning with Obama's pick for Treasury
secretary. Timothy Geithner was delinquent on his taxes to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars, but became Treasury secretary
in charge of the IRS. He paid no price for that behavior. The Daily Caller discovered from an inspector general's report in
2015 that 1,580 employees of the IRS were found to have not paid taxes over a 10-year period and 61 percent were not fired, but were
given suspensions, reprimands or counseling. Would you or I be treated in the same way? Revelations coming from House and
Senate Intelligence committee investigations have shown how the Obama administration politically weaponized the National Security Agency,
State Department, FBI and the Department of Justice.
The Obama Administration Hid Identity Theft To Support The DACA Program. There is no doubt that one of the most
lawless acts committed by the Obama Administration was the establishment of the DACA program. This program created an
entirely new immigration status which seems to protect illegals from deportation while, at the same time, locking them into a
netherworld where they can never become U. S. citizens. And in order for this to work, the Obama Administration
had to indulge in more than some administrative slight of hand. It had to enlist the federal government in preventing
the prosecution of felonies.
Times Obama Ignored the Law to Impose His Executive Will. President Obama — the imperial President,
the "I've got a pen and I've got a phone" president who can't wait to show us his "year of action" — once vowed to
do exactly the opposite. ["]The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying
to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that's what I intend to
reverse when I'm President of the United States of America.["] That was candidate Obama back in 2008.
This comment somehow slipped under the radar for the past few years and resurfaced this week.
Let Obama Defy the Law, and Took a Step Toward Anarchy. Early in the presidency of Barack Obama, some activists
pressured him to stop deporting illegal immigrants brought here as children. But Obama was a smart lawyer surrounded by
other smart lawyers. He even boasted that he had been a Constitutional law professor. He had actually just been a
part-time and untenured instructor, but he still knew that the president had no authority to ignore the immigration
laws. According to the New York Times and Washington Post, he clearly said so. In fact, according to the
fact-checker Politifact, he said so at least 17 times. But then he did it anyway.
Rest assured that Barack Obama was aware of his administration's KGB-style tactics. On Monday [2/5/2018], CRTV
host Mark Levin returned from a short break to explain why President Obama must have known about the FISA warrant application
process and the "police state tactics" detailed in the Nunes memo. "Barack Obama had to know, at least generally, what
was taking place for multiple reasons. And he's the one the Democrats are protecting the most," Levin said. "He's
the one the media are protecting the most." [Audio clip]
From Conspiracy
Theories to Conspiracies. [Scroll down] If any of these efforts were undertaken in 2009 to subvert
the presidency of Barack Obama popular outrage might well have led to criminal indictments. If Hollywood grandees had
promised to do to Barack Obama what they boast doing to Donald Trump, the entire industry would have been discredited —
or given the Obama investigatory treatment. Indeed, in many cases between 2009-2017, U.S. citizens the Obama Administration
found noncompliant with its agendas became targets of the IRS for their political activity or monitored by the Justice
Department. The latter included reporters from the Associated Press and James Rosen of Fox News. Many a
journalist's sources were prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917. In another case, a filmmaker had his parole
revoked and was scapegoated and jailed to advance a false administration narrative about the death of four Americans in
Benghazi. Still others were surveilled by using fraudulent documents to obtain FISA court orders. Everyone
should be keen to distinguish conspiracies from conspiracy theories. The above are real events, not the tales
told by the paranoid.
How a Civil
War Happens. Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that's not the system that runs this
country. The left's system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the
country. If it's in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have
his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is
unlimited. He's a dictator. But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can't do
anything. He isn't even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A
Democrat in the White House has "discretion" to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican
doesn't even have the "discretion" to reverse him. That's how the game is played. That's how our country is run.
mounts of Obama involvement in Dinesh D'Souza's selective prosecution. Would President Obama have been that
petty to target a critic for draconian law enforcement over a movie? The way the Soviet KGB might have targeted a
dissident? Well, given the common thread of socialism in both, it shouldn't be a big surprise that he would. It
now comes to light that apparently, yes, he did. Dinesh D'Souza reports that he seems to have been in that unlucky
category, targeted for any violation however minor, after making a couple of richly textured, artistically good and very
popular critical movies about Obama. When a minor campaign finance violation was finally found after all that looking,
D'Souza got the book thrown at him.
is 'Stalin,' yet Obama actually threatened journalists' rights. Jeff Flake, John McCain, and journalists from all over the
spectrum are ripping into Trump for his threat to the media. Flake even compared Trump to Stalin. I have to wonder where they
all were when...
• Obama continually targeted Fox News (he obviously wanted 100% devotion).
• Obama
specifically targeted James Rosen of Fox News.
• The State Department erased portions of an interview it didn't like
on Iran with James Rosen.
• Obama's administration spied on Sharyl Attkisson.
• The IRS
targeted and shut up political opponents.
• The Justice Department threatened legal action against those who dared
disagree on climate change.
• Obama illegally spied on thousands of Americans for years.
• Obama
spied on a political opponent before an election.
• Obama had staff who illegally unmasked people associated with
Donald Trump and their conversations.
DACA and
the Rule of Law. First, the parents are to blame. One can understand and be sympathetic toward their
crime, but it is a crime nonetheless. Failing to deport a minor because the minor himself is not to blame rewards the
crime. Can a nation that professes to honor the rule of law reward those who break it? Can a nation that rewards
the breaking of a law hope or expect its immigrants to assimilate into a law-abiding a society when, through that very
process, it demonstrates its disregard, if not contempt for the law? Second, those Democrats who, for perceived
political purposes, facilitated such illegal entries are to blame — as are Republicans who, fearing political
backlash, did not oppose such measures. Given the demands of politics, the role of both in this matter may, like that
of the parents, be understandable. The one who really merits the greatest blame and condemnation is Barack Obama. [...]
Obama created a legal status for immigrants, but it was a status that could be removed with the stroke of another president's
pen. Obama surely did not think that would happen. He surely believed he was creating a situation that,
politically, would be hard to undo. (Indeed, it is.)
Media examining Trump? Why not examine Obama instead? Obama was paranoid, delusional, and a power-hungry autocrat who
didn't care about equal justice, his oath to enforce laws, the Constitution, economic opportunity for all, or the safety of the people.
Obama wiretapped James Rosen, threw Dinesh D'Souza in jail, and spied on Sharyl Attkisson. If you were an opponent of Obama, you
weren't safe. I did not see supporters thrown in jail. The State Department deliberately deleted embarrassing questions from
James Rosen about Iran. (The media and Democrats didn't care.) Obama illegally spied on thousands of Americans for years and
spied on his political opponent, Trump. Obama changed the rules so that members of his staff and bureaucrats could illegally unmask
people's names and illegally leak conversations to the media. There was no punishment by the Justice Department, and somehow there
were no leaks surrounding Hillary or Obama.
Eastwood: Obama 'Worst President In Our History; He Looted America'. Shameless Barack Obama "looted
America like a mobster" while running "the dirtiest business in the town" according to Clint Eastwood, who also declared that
history will judge Obama to be "the very worst president in the history of the United States — by some distance."
"Nobody would have predicted Obama would turn out to be such a vindictive bully," Clint Eastwood said in London, England, while
promoting his new film, 15:17 To Paris, about three young Americans who thwarted a terrorist attack on a French train in 2015.
"The great shame of the Obama administration was the way he looted ordinary Americans, and then put out hit-jobs on anybody who dared
to question his White House," Eastwood said. "There is hard evidence that anyone who filed a formal complaint with the
authorities about illegal actions by Obama's administration was hit with vindictive and destructive bullying tactics by Obama's
people." "The Obama administration ruined millions of people's lives. Go and speak to the thousands of US citizens
in New York, Seattle, Dallas, Boston, you name it, who had hit-jobs put on them by Obama and his administration."
Obama Administration
Turned FBI into KGB. For all the calls of President Trump being a dictator and a Nazi, the Left really tell you
what Barack Obama was. And soon, they will no longer be able to hide from that fact. The more we learn from the
investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller about the inner workings of Obama's Department of Justice, the more we
discover the absence of justice. The FBI undoubtedly helped orchestrate what will soon be called the biggest political
scandal in American history. We now know that the FBI exonerated Hillary Clinton, who was guilty of multiple
crimes. Moreover, the FBI instigated the witch hunt by Mueller that has suddenly turned on the Left.
FBI Plot
Against Trump. Two Trump-hating FBI gumshoes investigating Hillary Clinton's email treachery and alleged
Russian interference in last year's election traded crude, caustic barbs about President Trump while they plotted to
undermine him, congressional overseers heard yesterday [12/13/2017]. This shouldn't be all that surprising given that
Barack Obama gleefully weaponized the FBI, Department of Justice, and various intelligence agencies, and criminalized
political differences in the process. A radical zealot with a desire to fundamentally transform the United States, the
44th president had a limited sense of boundaries. Obama was more Third World caudillo than president and he was never
troubled by hijacking governmental powers to hurt his opposition, as the conservative groups targeted by his IRS can attest.
the Missing Puzzle Piece. For those who have, over the years, watched with horror and ire as Obama usurped
power and ran the government like a dictator, the latest revelations are not especially surprising. For in our hearts
we always believed that Obama was intent upon destroying this country in as many ways as he could. Now the facts have
been established with incontrovertible evidence and they confirm what we always felt given Obama's unending anti-American
stance. An extremely serious national security breach was permitted under his watch. But now that the smoking
guns are being exposed, we also wonder if the few good people who have the power to effect change will now use that power.
flimsiness of Obama's 'legacy'. Virtually all of the things Trump has done to destroy the Obama legacy were
actions taken by the previous president on his own initiative without any of the building blocks of legislation or consent of
the public that really do ensure a legacy. Executive orders, treaties, even Obamacare were never executed in any
bipartisan spirit or with consideration for the sentiment. Obama issued the executive orders on his own and did the
treaties on his own, and even on the one legislative achievement, Obamacare, he passed the law on a monopartisan basis.
Of course it was an unstable house of cards. The Obama legacy was never grounded in the institutional framework that
could really ensure a lasting legacy.
dismantles Obama's 'imperial' presidency, rescinds dubious orders. Democrats are attacking President Trump for
"dismantling" President Obama's legacy on everything from Obamacare subsidies to immigration amnesty, but nobody knew better
than Mr. Obama how vulnerable his go-it-alone agenda would be if Mr. Trump won the election. Unable to work
with a Republican-led Congress for most of his presidency, Mr. Obama did what he could with his presidential "pen and
phone," issuing executive orders, rules and regulations that in many cases could be overturned by another stroke of the
pen — this time by a Republican president. Long before Mr. Obama left office, Republicans were accusing
him of overreaching presidential authority, and Mr. Trump was vowing to overturn his unilateral decisions.
Trump Must Keep
His Promise: Repeal DACA. There are three main problems with DACA. The first is that it undermines the rule of law in a
fundamental way. In signing DACA, President Obama overstepped his authority and violated the division of powers as laid out in the Constitution.
DACA was and is a usurpation of legislative power; it is a knife in Congress's back. This republic was constructed according to a number of axioms,
one being that different arms of government have different parts to play and that each arm checks and balances the others. Congress is the seat of
legislative authority.
Inc. Planned to Deploy Troops to Polling Places. This is the sort of thing you expect from Venezuela.
But it almost happened under our last left-wing regime. [...] There is a mention in the plan that it's illegal for armed Federal
personnel to set up shop in a polling place. And any talk of deploying troops around an election would be a Weimar signpost
and deeply distrubing. There is also no concievable call for it. It's reasonable for the FBI to participate in on-site
investigations of hacking incidents. No amount of hacking would require the deployment of the military unless the goal is
to reverse the results of an election. With all the expected rioting that would occur. And that does ring some major
alarm bells.
officials fume after leak shows how feds planned to use armed troops. An organization representing top state
election officials is complaining it's being kept in the dark by the federal government after a new report showed the Obama
administration was quietly making extensive plans — including the possibility of deploying armed
troops — in the case of an election day cyberattack or last-minute propaganda efforts from Russia. Time
Magazine reported on a document it obtained showing the administration's plans, which noted that state and local governments
would have the primary jurisdiction, but called for the deployment of armed troops to counter a "significant incident."
Withdrawal from
the Paris Accord is a Win for America. For starters, the Paris Agreement should have never legally been allowed
to happen in the first place. Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution says, "[The President]
shall have power, by and with the advice of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur..."
The founding fathers incorporated this clause into the Constitution because international treaties are legally binding on our nation
and future Presidents. No president should enjoy such a monarchical type power, but it seems that President Obama believed he
alone should. President Obama ignored this constitutional requirement in an unsurprising move, and circumnavigated the Senate
by writing the agreement into law through a series of executive actions. His administration knew that the agreement would not
pass with a two-thirds vote in the Senate.
The Devil in One
Generation. As I write this, there is a crowd outside the house of FCC commissioner Pai. His crime? He is
returning control of the internet to internet service providers (ISPs). The Obama administration enacted "Net Neutrality" in
defiance of a Supreme Court decision. In essence, Barack Obama seized ISP property because the ISPs weren't serving the public
interest. This was exactly how socialist revolutionary Benito Mussolini defined Fascism: a system where citizens own
private property so long as they serve the public interest.
Republicans Go to Jail,
Democrats Run Free. [Scroll down] That brings us to the IRS scandal. This was not just a few rogue
IRS agents harassing a few conservative groups, as originally reported. This was the Obama Administration's organized,
concerted effort to intimidate and silence the entire Tea Party movement. Why? To neutralize them while Obama ran
for re-election. According to Judicial Watch, IRS agents abused nearly 500 center-right groups and their leaders.
They were swaddled in red tape and pummeled with questions about things as intimate as the books they read and how they
prayed. Most of these groups were kept in limbo, waiting and waiting and waiting — sometimes for years —
not knowing whether their applications for tax-free status were approved or rejected. This sapped their energies, hindered
their fundraising, and curtailed their effectiveness before the November 2012 elections. For Team Obama: Mission
Accomplished. Many were told, illegally, that they could not engage in policy activity. This was a lie.
How the Obama Precedent
Empowered Trump. After complaining for years that he was constitutionally unable to grant executive-order
amnesties, Obama lost all such scruples after his 2012 election. His legacy was not so much the number of executive
orders that he issued, but rather the unapologetic overreach of them — whether granting blanket amnesties,
ordering convenient pen-and-phone non-enforcement of federal immigration laws, green-lighting sanctuary cities, changing the
idea of due process on college campuses, recalibrating the order of Chrysler bankruptcy creditors, or delaying the employer
mandate of the Affordable Care Act for reelection advantage.
gives land back to Americans. Presidents use executive orders to declare large patches of lands of limits to
development, by designating them as memorials and the like. For example, Barack Obama declared 1.35 million acres of
Utah off limits last December because it is allegedly is an area sacred to a few Indians. No hearing. No vote by
our representatives in Congress. Just a lame-duck president with a pen deciding the fate of an area larger than Rhode Island.
Was Obama simply a hoax?
All by himself Obama proclaimed that he did not even need Congress. He said, "I've got a pen and I've got a
phone" — so forget the rules. So much, then, for the claim that Obama did not have the Constitutional right
to wiretap Trump... which is the hot news of the day. That assumes that Obama as President cared about the
Constitution, taught the Constitution, or ever learned the Constitution. They say he taught it at the University of
Chicago. Who says? The New York Times. So that is reason number one to be skeptical. Has any former
student of his ever come forward — a fellow professor to share the pride? It's the same about his place of
birth. The reason we don't know for sure is because we do not know the media for sure. They can't be trusted.
They covered up for him from one betrayal to another, from one scandal to the next, and that is why we are in this fix.
A Fair
and Legal Replacement for DACA. President Obama's DACA, issued in 2012 via memorandum, was a patently lawless
use of executive power. After Congress (again) decided not to pass the DREAM Act, granting legal status to illegal
immigrants who came here as children, the president abused his "pen and phone" to impose the law's provisions unilaterally.
The administration risibly claimed that this was an exercise of "prosecutorial discretion," implying that the government would be
evaluating applications for deferred status on a case-by-case basis. Unsurprisingly, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
officials have reported otherwise; in fact, anyone who appears to be under the maximum deferral age — that is, any
illegal immigrant who appears younger than 35 years old — is simply presumed to be eligible for DACA. Under
the policy, about 750,000 illegal aliens have been granted not only renewable, two-year deportation stays, but also work permits,
Social Security numbers, access to the EITC welfare program, and driver's licenses. Functionally, more than 2 million
have been shielded from deportation for nearly five years.
If Obama Wiretapped Trump, It Would 'Destroy Whatever Legacy' He Has. Judge Andrew Napolitano said Barack Obama's alleged
wiretapping of Trump Tower is technically legal but it would destroy whatever legacy the former president has if true. The Fox News
senior judicial analyst was a guest Tuesday [3/7/2017] on "Fox & Friends" discussing whether the former administration would face legal
trouble if the wiretapping is confirmed. The judge said Obama had the power to legally order a wiretap, saying it's directly in the
FISA statute that "the president of the United States on his own may conduct surveillance or order surveillance of any person in the
United States upon the filing of a certification with the attorney general."
Rubber stamp court:
to Zero: For 6 Years, Spy Court Denied No Electronic Surveillance Applications. In the last six years on
record (2010-2015), the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court did not deny a single application out of the 9,400 the
government submitted seeking authority "to conduct electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes" under the terms
of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, according to reports filed by the U.S. Justice Department. The last time
the court denied an electronic surveillance application under FISA was 2009. That year, the court denied one application
outright and denied another in part.
FISA Court:
Whatever Obama Wanted Obama Got. FISA became a rubber stamp for the Obama administration. Between 2010
and 2015, FISA did not deny even one of the 9,400 applications submitted by the federal government. These applications
sought "to conduct electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes," according to reports filed by the U.S. Justice
Department. FISA Court, executive overreachWithout any real checks and balances, Obama could say, "I saw Trump drinking
a Black Russian one night, ergo let's put him under investigation." The Justice Department's annual report provides the
status of their 2015 FISA requests. The court denied a grand total of zero government FISA applications from 2010
through 2015. However, the court did modify some applications that it approved. And the government withdrew some
of those it submitted.
the Hysteria, Trump Is Trending Less Authoritarian Than Obama. [Scroll down] Indeed, if you peel back the layer of leftist
critiques of Trump's early actions and early hires, they contain a surprising amount of alarmism over the rollback of
governmental power. Education activists are terrified that Betsy DeVos will take children out of government schools or
roll back government mandates regarding campus sexual-assault tribunals. Environmentalists are terrified that Scott Pruitt
will make the EPA less activist. Civil-rights lawyers are alarmed at the notion that Jeff Sessions will inject the federal
government into fewer state and local disputes over everything from school bathrooms to police traffic stops. A president
is "authoritarian" not when he's angry or impulsive or incompetent or tweets too much. He's authoritarian when he seeks to
expand his own power beyond constitutional limits. In this regard, the Obama administration — though far more
polite and restrained in most of its public comments — was truly one of our more authoritarian.
Executive Orders Are Nothing Compared To Obama's 'Pen And Phone' Abuses. Interest in "executive orders" is so
widespread that Google currently has a separate category in its news feed devoted to stories about the topic.
Obviously, it's all been stirred up by Trump's controversial orders. But Obama issued more executive orders out of the
gate, some just as controversial. Among them, Obama called for closing the Guantanamo Bay detention center and signed
three pro-labor union executive orders in one day. None of these attracted anything like the attention — let
alone the fury — Trump's have. And Obama was only getting started. It was only three short years ago,
remember, that Obama announced — without a peep of protest from the left — his plan to bypass Congress
and enact policy on his own if lawmakers refused to bend to his will.
Obama Declares Record 26th, 27th National Monuments. Using authority granted the President under the 1906 Antiquities Act, Obama created
the 1.35 million acre Bears Ears National Monument in Utah and the 300,000 acre Gold Butte National Monument in Northern Nevada. This action
brings the number of national monuments created or expanded by President Obama to 27, more than any other president in history. A national monument
designation prevents a variety of uses on the land including energy development, mining, and sometimes fishing and hunting.
commutes 330 drug sentences on his last full day as president. In a last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences
of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday [1/19/2017], bringing his bid to correct what he's called a systematic injustice to a
climactic close. With his final offer of clemency, Obama brought his total number of commutations granted to 1,715, more than any other
president in U.S. history, the White House said. During his presidency Obama ordered free 568 inmates who had been sentenced to life in
prison. 'He wanted to do it. He wanted the opportunity to look at as many as he could to provide relief,' Neil Eggleston, Obama's
White House counsel, said in an interview in his West Wing office.
final act as president, Obama commutes 330 drug sentences. In a last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of
330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday [1/19/2017], bringing his bid to correct what he's called a systematic injustice to a
climactic close.
Reporter: Obama Is Freeing Chelsea Manning Because She's Transitioning. CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny argued
on Tuesday that President Obama commuted Chelsea Manning's prison sentence because the former Army private is transitioning
from a man to a woman. "I think the question this president and the White House will have to answer here, will answer,
and I think it's an important one, how much was the personal story of Chelsea Manning involved in this," Zeleny said in a
panel discussion of the White House decision. Manning, who was formerly known as "Bradley," was sentenced to 35 years
in prison in 2013 on espionage charges for stealing nearly one million classified documents and leaking them to WikiLeaks.
pardons Cartwright, source of Stuxnet virus leak. US President Barack Obama pardoned 64 people and commuted
sentences for an additional 209 on Wednesday [1/18/2017], among them retired Marine Corps four star general James Cartwright,
the alleged source of leaked information to the press detailing a cyber attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in 2010.
Frees Chelsea Manning and 273 More Criminals. President Barack Obama announced his plan to free Chelsea Manning
(who changed his name from Bradley) after leaking classified military documents to Wikileaks and being sentenced to 35 years
in prison for his crimes. Once in prison, Manning went on a hunger strike to demand sex change surgery in prison, which
was granted by officials at the cost of American taxpayers. Obama included Manning on a list of prisoner commutations
announced late Tuesday afternoon, allowing him to be set free on May 17, 2017.
Worst Perversion. Under the Obama administration's watch, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal
agencies from the BATF to the NLRB were illegally used to target and harass the president's political enemies. The IRS
targeting scandal was the most high-profile of these, but others are just as worrisome. Federal investigations and
congressional oversight were obstructed, and investigators were lied to outright — a serious crime. The
administration protected the wrongdoers and saw to it that they retired with generous federal pensions rather than serving
federal sentences for their crimes. [...] Having an IRS that sorts nonprofits by their political stances in order to
facilitate the harassment of political rivals is in real terms far worse than anything Bill Clinton got up to with Monica
Lewinsky, and far worse than the shenanigans that Gordon Liddy and the rest of the Nixon henchmen got up to in the
Watergate. The BATF harassment of True the Vote and other Obama-administration enemies is the stuff of which banana
republics are made.
Tapper: Manning Commutation 'Contradicts the Last Eight Years' of White House on Leakers. CNN's Jake
Tapper reacted to President Obama's commutation of Chelsea Manning's sentence by pointing out how the White House has felt
about Manning, WikiLeaks, and leakers in general in the past eight years. Bill Kristol called this "great news for
Donald Trump" to start off, because it shifts focus away from him versus the intel community. Tapper pointed out that
Obama has used the Espionage Act to go after leakers a great deal more so than presidents past, and now for him to commute
the sentence of "one of the most notorious leakers... certainly contradicts the last eight years of policy in terms of leaking."
Obama transfers $500m to Green Climate Fund in attempt to protect Paris deal. Barack Obama has heeded calls to
help secure the future of the historic Paris agreement by transferring a second $500m instalment to the Green Climate Fund,
just three days before he leaves office. The fund was a key aspect of the Paris agreement signed in 2015, which aims to
keep global warming "well below" 2[°]C and aspires to keep warming to 1.5[°]C. Established in 2010, it is
financed by wealthy countries and used to assist developing countries with adaptation and mitigation. It was widely
seen as a key measure to bring both rich and poor countries to the negotiating table. The US committed to transferring
$3bn to the fund. The new instalment leaves $2bn owing, with the incoming president, Donald Trump, expected to cease
any further payments.
Obama has granted more commutations than the past 12 Presidents combined. Barack Obama has commuted the
sentences of an additional 209 people yesterday — meaning the incumbent President has granted more commutations
than the previous 12 Presidents combined. With less than 72 hours left in the Oval Office, Obama announced 209
commutations and 64 pardons in an unprecedented decision as he prepares to step down as President. He has now commuted
the sentences of 1,385 people, including 504 life terms — more than any President in US history.
administration forgives $558 million in student debt. Education Department officials have approved thousands
more requests for loan relief from borrowers who claim they were defrauded by the now-defunct Corinthian Colleges and ITT
Technical Institutes. "The department is making continued progress with adjudicating borrower defense claims and
processing closed school loan discharges for impacted borrowers," officials said in a statement Friday afternoon [1/13/2017].
Goodbye, Obama. [Scroll
down] Throughout his second term, Obama increasingly governed by executive fiat. "I've got a pen, and I've got a
phone," he bragged, and he proceeded to use them to, among other things: pressure schools throughout the country to adopt
national curriculum requirements Congress never authorized; promulgate new rules that nearly quadruple the number of workers
eligible for overtime pay; force American power plants and, ultimately, electricity consumers to bear billions of dollars of
costs in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, despite the fact that Congress has never voted to treat CO2 as a pollutant; issue
regulatory "guidance" documents purporting to make the rules for nearly every school and workplace bathroom in the United
States; and unilaterally amend the Affordable Care Act by ignoring clear statutory mandates and deadlines. During his
efforts to rewrite the Affordable Care Act on the fly, Obama even invented a presidential "power of the purse" and ordered
the disbursement of billions of dollars in "cost-sharing" subsidies that Congress never appropriated.
set for pardon frenzy as he leaves office. [President] Obama is fielding pressure from all sides to grant
unlikely pardons or commutations of sentences to people whose supporters say have been unjustly sentenced or sought out by
the justice system. Among them is Bowe Bergdahl, a US Army sergeant held captive for five years by the Taliban before
his release in a prisoner swap, who is due to be court-martialed for desertion. Leonard Peltier, a Native American
activist convicted for the 1975 deaths of two FBI agents in what his supporters say was a setup, is also hoping to enjoy
Obama's good graces.
to Obama: Stop now. You lost. Since November, Obama has conducted a flurry of actions and issued
executive orders that have not just irked Trump voters, but also many Democrats. His list of last-minute political
maneuvers is impressive. He gave an order to the EPA to proceed with its controversial Stream Protection Rule that even
further curtails the coal industry; designated the majority of government-owned Artic lands closed to drilling; commuted the
sentences of more prisoners than all of the last six presidents combined; sped up the refugee resettlement process; permitted
the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution declaring all Israeli settlement activity to be illegal; and designated
over 1.5 million acres for two new national monuments, Gold Butte in Nevada and Bears Ears in Utah.
Still Doesn't Get America. For Obama, the US Constitution is just an obstacle to be circumvented or simply ignored.
A few weeks ago he told us that the Electoral College is "outdated" apparently because the American States are now largely under the
thumb of the Feds. [...] Obama still wants to be King, and he wants it by hook or by crook. He therefore continues to pose an
ongoing danger to the American Republic, and will for the remainder of his life.
on Obama to grant last-minute pardons, commutations. Under increasing pressure to free convicts as a last act,
President Barack Obama is planning at least one more batch of pardons and commutations before leaving office in two weeks,
but don't expect many famous offenders to make the list.
game's over Mr President - and your team lost. End your Trump temper tantrum and show some dignity.
Obama's spent the past few weeks charging around like a guy who's watching the clock tick down and is desperate to snatch
some semblance of victory from the jaws of a crushing, humiliating defeat. Since the election, as the New York Times
reported, he's banned oil drilling off the Atlantic coast, named over 100 people to a range of senior government jobs,
created new environmental monuments, commuted the sentences of 232 inmates and pardoned 78 others, protected funding
for Planned Parenthood clinics, ordered the transfer of detainees from Guantanamo Bay and blocked new Israeli settlements.
As some critics sneer, it's more governing than he's done in eight years.
is sabotaging Russian-American rapprochement. Obama loves power, and the only thing better than a lot of power is more
power. That is his reason for being, and the end of his term has seen him getting more and more irritable and depressed.
That's how he is. Now he has found the solution. The Obama of the future is going to be President-for-Life, maybe by running
Michelle (Bill Clinton did it that way), or some other stooge, or maybe he will finagle a way to become President of the World by getting
nominated to be Sec Gen of the UN. Which is why he is publicly shafting Israel today, knowing that this moment will be
celebrated by all the Muslim throwbacks in the world.
Lame Duck Restraint Act. The American presidency has historically been accorded a unique place in national and
international politics. The office combines the head of state with the head of government, which no other major nation
has done. Moreover, we have retained the "Lame Duck" period between national elections, again something that no other
major nation has done. Finally, Congress has granted (I would argue beyond its power to grant) effective quasi-legislative
powers to the president through a variety of means. Americans today see, in the hands of an infantile and dumb man like
Barack Obama, just how dangerous that can be. His recent designation of various areas as protected from exploration for
energy and other mineral wealth after his party lost all power in Washington is evidence of the need for immediate change.
seizes yet another 1.65 million acres of American land for the feds. In a bold rebuke of Utah's entire
congressional delegation, President Obama seized nearly 1.35 million acres of land in southeastern Utah to create the Bears
Ears Monument in San Juan County, Utah, this week. Obama also claimed 300,000 acres in Clark County, Nev., as the Gold
Butte National Monument. For months, Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Congressmen Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah and Rob Bishop,
R-Utah were vocal in their opposition to President Obama unilaterally designating over a million acres of their state's land
as a national monument, without any input from any elected officials.
if Obama dropped Hillary's email bombs? Obama is a major narcissist who always wants to expand his personal power.
Being president has not satisfied his power-hungry ego; nothing ever will. For months he has been talking about running for a third
term, and he's back at it today. Washington speculation has long focused on Obama's ambition to become SecGen of the
U.N., an office he could try to expand into a genuine power center to achieve the utopian fantasy of the left, a world order in which
everything is "properly" controlled from a dictatorial center. This is consistent with the worst kind of Marxism, but it is also
the dream of jihad: world conquest. Obama has shown time and time again that he is a sort of Marxo-jihadophile.
Historic Land Grab: 553 Million Acres For 'Conservation'. President Barack Obama decreed two more national monuments from his
vacation home in Hawaii on Wednesday [12/28/2016], taking 1.65 million more acres of Western land for management by the federal
government. The new Bear Ears Buttes monument includes 1.35 million acres of Utah and the Gold Butte monument includes about
300,000 acres in Nevada. That makes a total of 553 million acres of national lands and waters that Obama has repurposed for
conservation and protection using the 1906 Antiquities act, more than any other president, according to the New York Times. More
than 80 percent of Nevada and about 65 percent or Utah is owned by the federal government, according to National Public Radio.
Shmoath. For much of American history, Congress and the president frequently torpedoed legislation they
considered unconstitutional without outsourcing the question to the courts. For vexatious reasons, we now think that
the court isn't merely the final word on the Constitution, but the only word on the Constitution. It is a corruption of
republican principles. What Obama is doing is different. He said over and over again that he doesn't have the
constitutional authority to do what he is doing.
circumvents Constitution with 'signing statements' after blasting Bush. President Obama said Friday that the
annual defense policy bill Congress sent him violated the Constitution — but he signed it anyway. Instead of
a veto, Mr. Obama issued a statement saying he would modify the law in its execution so he carries it out the way he
thinks meets constitutional muster. Mr. Obama promised during the 2008 campaign not to engage in issuing signing
statements. He said that kind of behavior was a dark spot on the presidency of George W. Bush. But in the years
since, Mr. Obama has become a regular practitioner, issuing more than 20 signing statements purporting to alter the way
Congress wrote laws.
Quietly Signs Bill Declaring War On Independent Media. The human wrecking ball that is Barack Obama is refusing
to be a good lame duck and just go away. In a flurry of blows to America and a key Middle East ally, Obama stabbed
Israel in the back at the United Nations and set the conditions for a total war on independent media. The fiendish
Obama waited until the Christmas weekend to quietly sign off on the creation of a new federal entity to combat "Russian"
propaganda and target websites deemed to be sources of fake news. Snuggled warmly within the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) to fund the military was a nasty and secretive provision that thanks to Congress, creates an
Orwellian Ministry of Truth.
urges Trump to resist executive action, then goes it alone on Arctic oil ban. During a Monday [12/19/2016] interview with
NPR, President Obama urged his successor to avoid relying on executive action. The next day, he did the opposite,
unilaterally closing millions of acres of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans to oil exploration. The episode offers a
primer on the Left's double standard on presidential power. While Obama urges President-elect Trump to work with
Congress, he's acknowledged another set of rules for his own actions. Whatever is not expressly forbidden —
and more importantly whatever a Democrat president can get away with — is permissible. The drilling ban at
once solidifies Obama's legacy as an environmentalist as well as an imaginative and overreaching executive.
Walker's Call to Arms. With the active collusion of congressional Democrats, President Obama's presidency has
been one long series of body blows to the separation of powers that has protected our democracy since the founding. The
results have been stark. Never has a president trampled so much on the prerogatives of Congress. Obama's
executive orders, suspending parts of our immigration laws and even his own prized Obamacare, have been sheer usurpations,
going far beyond even the breathtaking delegations of legislative authority granted by the brief Democratic supermajority in
Congress in 2009-10. Sad to say, Obama's trampling on the prerogatives of state governments has been even more
unprecedented, and potentially far more damaging.
Control President Reduces More Sentences For Violent Felons Convicted Of Gun Crimes. This week President Obama defended his
record of most pardons/commutations of any president in the modern era by issuing 231 pardons and commutations. Forty-nine of these
offenders were convicted on charges of felony use or possession of firearms.
pardons 78 felons and commutes 153 more as White House boasts of 'greatest number of individual clemencies in a single day'.
President Barack Obama has pardoned 78 people and shortened the sentence of 153 others convicted of federal crimes, the greatest
number of individual clemencies in a single day by any president, the White House said Monday [12/19/2016].
The Editor says...
Clemencies and pardons and commutations are usually applied sparingly, because one assumes the criminal justice system has bad people in
prison for a reason. Mr. Obama is taking the wholesale approach.
list of names of offenders granted commutation Monday by Obama. [Mostly people convicted of possession of
methamphetamines, cocaine and marijuana.]
Who Loves Executive Orders Warns Next About Using Same. The crazy thing here is that Obama seems sincere, and
does not understand his hypocrisy and silliness. [...] Obama's idea of the legislative process is to write some suggestions
on a sticky note with a few ideas he'd like done, then complain, cast blame, and demean Republicans before even discussing
the ideas with the same legislative branch. Then either sign an EO or jam through a rule/regulation.
warns Trump not to overuse executive orders. With about one month to go before he leaves office, President
Barack Obama gave some exit interview-type advice to his successor Donald Trump: Don't rely too heavily on executive
orders. In an interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep on Thursday [12/15/2016] that aired in its entirety Monday on
Morning Edition, Obama said it's preferable to work with Congress.
Obama to
Trump: Executive Action Is Good for Me, Bad for Thee. Despite his fondness for executive actions in the
White House, President Obama recently said he was worried about the American people becoming "impatient with the slowness of
democracy." [...] Obama made the remarks a month after Donald Trump won the White House. Obama did not have such
patience in 2014, when he declared multiple times, "I've got a pen, and I've got a phone," suggesting he could use the pen
to sign executive orders and use his phone to rally people to his cause when Congress did not act to his liking.
Grants Clemency To More Federal Convicts Than Last 3 Presidents Combined. President Obama has granted clemency
to more federal convicts than his three predecessors combined and more than any single president since Lyndon Johnson.
As he approaches the end of his final term in office, Obama has granted clemency to 1,093 people convicted of federal crimes,
including 1,023 commutations and 70 pardons. That is more than Presidents George W. Bush (200), Bill Clinton (459), and
George H.W. Bush (77) combined. As the Pew Research Center reports in its recent analysis of Justice Department data, Obama
has granted clemency more times than any president since Johnson who granted 1,187 convicts clemency, including (960 pardons,
226 commutations and one remission).
defendants hope to capitalize on Obama's record-setting leniency. Pressure is mounting on President Obama to
grant eleventh-hour mercy in the high-profile national security cases of accused Army deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl,
exiled NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and transgender military secrets leaker Chelsea Manning. Lawyers for
Sgt. Bergdahl and Manning have written to Mr. Obama in recent days requesting clemency, while a celebrity-studded
group including liberal billionaire George Soros is pushing for an unlikely presidential pardon for Mr. Snowden.
While it's common for lame-duck presidents to receive a flood of clemency requests before their term expires, the pleas in
these notorious cases are landing on the desk of a president who has set a record for leniency with more than 1,000
commutations, exceeding the previous 11 presidents combined.
claims immunity from lawsuit under 'the king can do no wrong' legal maxim. Just when you thought the
lawlessness of the most lawless administration in history couldn't get worse, the Department of Justice files another legal
brief. In response to a class action lawsuit by as many as 3,500 ready-to-hire air traffic controller applicants whose
names were "purged" so the Federal Aviation Administration could hire based on race, federal lawyers asserted that the
administration is immune from liability for denying constitutional equal protection because of sovereign immunity. In
other words, they claim protection by the legal maxim rex non potest peccare, which means, "the king can do no wrong."
Democrats Want Obama To Pardon Illegal Aliens. Instead of worrying about the middle class, which, really, Democrats
rarely do, they're more concerned with people who came to the country illegally, whether they were young or not, over the needs of
American citizens. Democrats do not care about the DREAMers per se, they just want their votes.
reaches 1,000 commuted prison sentences. President Barack Obama surpassed the 1,000 mark for commutations granted during
his presidency on Tuesday [11/22/2016] after shortening sentences for 79 people. Obama has been granting commutations at
rapid-fire pace in his final months in office. All told, he's commuted more sentences than the past 11 presidents combined,
the White House said.
Obama should 'appoint' Garland to Supreme Court, ignore Senate. Hollywood superstar Barbra Streisand is
demanding that President Obama ignore the Senate's refusal to consider his pick to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia
and "appoint" federal appeals judge Merrick Garland.
The Editor says...
Why does her opinion matter now? She promised to leave the country if Trump was elected. Bon voyage.
Arrogant and Lazy Presidency. No president has ever announced that he has "a pen and a phone, and I intend to
use them if Congress won't act." Two examples are the bold immigration acts (transparently designed to legitimize illegal
immigration and the next-generation of sure-fire Democratic voters whom those illegal immigrants will produce) and presidential
EPA appointees who then enact punitive environmental edicts that could never pass through the normal legislative process, for
the purposes of helping the administration solidify political and fundraising allegiances with the sympathetic Green lobby
while simultaneously inflicting financial damage on "evil" Republican-run capitalistic enterprises. The champion of
all non-legislative "executive actions" was the controversial Iran nuclear agreement.
thoughts from a 'deplorable'. For the past eight years, America has been subject to the monarchy of Barack
Obama who by fiat and endless executive orders has managed to sink this nation into weakness and economic stagnation.
In her speeches, Hillary Clinton proved that she would continue the president's policies and we simply could not afford this.
Hillary Clinton wasn't the
only big election loser. Because Obama built so much of his record on unilateral executive fiat and partisan
congressional votes, much of it seems likely to be swept away by Republican majorities still controlling both houses of
Congress working with an adopted Republican president, Donald Trump. The fact is Obama's two terms will end with his
Democrat Party in smoking ruins in Washington and across the country. But voters — and a fair number of
courts — have consistently rejected Obama's record of high-handed arrogance and executive over-reach. He may
have achieved much of what he wanted in the short-term. But that's made it much easier for any successor, especially
one whose party controls Capitol Hill, to erase much or all of it.
Obama Unleash A Regulatory Tsunami On His Way Out? When running for office, Donald Trump promised to reduce the
regulatory burden on the economy. But before he gets a chance to do so, President Obama will likely add to those
burdens with a last-minute regulatory rush. In a memo to her staff, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said that "we're
running — not walking — through the finish line of President Obama's presidency." The memo is
indicative of what's come to be called "midnight regulations."
Quietly Signs Executive Order To Advance Global Vaccination Agenda. So basically, the agenda is to push
vaccines and normalize quarantine procedures across nations during outbreaks. [...] Bill Gates provided the CDC with a
surveillance tool that helps identify "district-level measles risk" based on immunization records. What's more,
the HHS recently proposed giving the CDC the power to detain and quarantine people without due Process.
'Obama's Legacy Is Toast'. "Obama's legacy is toast," [Dr. Charles] Krauthammer said [11/11/2016].
"Obama's legacy is gone. Which explains why he's so desperately and unusually in American history campaigns so roughly
against Donald Trump. He knew that so much of his accomplishments had been built on ramming stuff through the House and
the Senate with very little consensus, in fact none on ObamaCare coming from the Republicans, on executive orders that are
reversible with the stroke of a pen, on regulation that is easily reversible, that it collapses if and when his successor
turns out to be a Republican."
It is actually easier to write about the simplicity of eliminating almost all of President Obama's accomplishments
specifically because of the way Team Obama went about constructing them, dictatorial fiat. DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals), Obama's executive action (amnesty) dream act, and DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans), the
overreaching executive action blocked by Judge Andrew Hanen and upheld by the Supreme Court, are only one Trump-pen-stroke
from elimination. The rest is simple enforcement.
will ask Trump to keep executive orders in place. President Obama has described Donald Trump as ignorant,
dangerous and unfit to lead the nation, but he'll ask the Republican president-elect Thursday not to wipe out his cherished,
legacy-making executive actions on everything from the Iranian nuclear deal to Obamacare. In a meeting at the White
House to prepare Mr. Trump for taking office, Mr. Obama will try to persuade the president-elect to honor what his
aides call a "tradition" of preserving executive actions implemented by the departing chief executive.
The Editor says...
When has Barack H. Obama ever cared about American traditions? This is the guy who lit up the White House in rainbow colors one night
to celebrate homosexual sodomy. Obama might ask for all kinds of things in his last few days in office. He might try to arrange for
his mother-in-law to keep living in the White House at our expense, but it won't happen. Hit the road, and don't let the gate hit your
limo on the way out!
orders, pardons, 'midnight' regulations expected as Obama presidency draws to close. As President Obama runs
out the clock on his eight-year tenure, analysts say, he still has plenty of business left undone, and they expect him to
follow the lead of other presidents and issue a series of rules, to add to his list of executive orders, to continue his
record-setting pace of commutations and perhaps add a controversial pardon or two into the mix.
It's Gloves Off in Obama's Final Two Months.
Barack Obama has demonstrated great contempt for Rule of Law during his eight years in office. From the Iran nuclear
deal to the Paris climate agreement — and myriad other executive actions and unilaterally enacted regulations far
too numerous to list — Obama perennially stretched and breached the boundaries afforded the executive branch.
As a Washington Examiner editorial aptly put it, "Obama's most egregious mistake ... was to govern as though his opinion was the
only one worth considering." That's a mistake the next president, Donald Trump, must avoid. In the meantime, Obama
has two months left in the Oval Office to unleash what's left of his mandate. For him, now that Hillary Clinton won't be
his successor, that means the gloves are off. For us, that means a slew of unilateral diktats are coming down the pipe.
orders, pardons, 'midnight' regulations expected as Obama presidency draws to close. Look out for the executive
orders, the "midnight" regulations and, perhaps most controversially, the pardons. As President Obama runs out the
clock on his eight-year tenure, analysts say, he still has plenty of business left undone, and they expect him to follow the
lead of other presidents and issue a series of rules, to add to his list of executive orders, to continue his record-setting
pace of commutations and perhaps add a controversial pardon or two into the mix.
Obama Ramps Up Pardons to
Warp Speed. Have pen, will pardon. In the last eight days, President Obama has pardoned 170
convicts. He just needs to pardon 54 more to reach a total of 1,000 pardons during his presidency.
Obama Pardon Hillary? President Obama has the power to pardon Clinton on the simple prospect she could be charged
with a crime or handed an indictment by the FBI. Because the FBI announced in July that they were not going to indict
Clinton, there was no need for a pardon to be on the table. That has since changed. Which brings us to the
question: Will President Obama pardon Hillary Clinton before he leaves office?
Praises Obama: 'He Has Been Able to Circumvent Congress' on Climate Change. In between waxing poetic about the
coming climate apocalypse and exchanging no less than two dozen self-congratulatory praises for being such an awesome
guardian of Planet Earth, Secretary of State John Kerry rejoiced during a panel discussion on climate change that a great
American industry responsible for supporting hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs is "now bankrupt." At a screening
of Leonardo diCaprio's new global warming film, "Before the Flood," Kerry lamented that it took this long for coal companies
to go out of business — a fate brought on largely by President Obama's aggressive environmental regulations —
saying that it would have happened earlier if "big coal" hadn't been so busy buying political support during Kerry's time in the Senate.
[says] Obama [is] unraveling [the] rule of law with Dakota Access stoppage. The Obama administration may be unraveling the very fabric of U.S.
democracy by holding up the approval of the Dakota Access oil pipeline after a federal court said it could move ahead, a coalition of diverse industry groups
said in a letter sent Thursday night [10/20/2016] to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and other federal agency officials. [...] The Dakota Access pipeline has
become a symbol for the environmentalist movement in recent weeks, where activists and some Democrats have galvanized opposition against the pipeline as an
affront to tribal rights and as a way to combat climate change. But with the pipeline going through two federal courts for review, and both saying it
can go forward, it would appear that politics is taking over where the law has left off, say observers.
Obama's Orwellian Farewell. [Scroll down] Considering the above examples, it was all-the-more astonishing to hear
President Obama lashing out last week in a Pittsburgh speech about citizens needing to "sift through lies and distortions" in the
media. The President looked back fondly to the days before Talk Radio or blogging or Social Media when just three networks
delivered what he called "fact-based news" that people trusted. Mr. Obama — as the hourglass runs out on his
time in the White House — added these chilling suggestions: "We are going to have to rebuild within this
wild-wild-west-of-information flow some sort of curating function that people agree to,.... There has to be, I think,
some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to
discard, because they just don't have any basis in anything that's actually happening in the world." One can only
speculate as to what Mr. Obama's proposed "curating function" for news could accomplish which the Associated Press is
not already doing.
Imperial President's Toolbox of Terror: A Dictatorship Waiting to Happen. As the New York Times concluded, "President Obama,
who came to office promising transparency and adherence to the rule of law, has become the first president to claim the legal authority to order
an American citizen killed without judicial involvement, real oversight or public accountability." Obama's kill lists--signature drone strikes
handpicked by the president--have been justified by the Justice Department as lawful because they are subject to internal deliberations by the
executive branch. "In other words," writes Amy Davidson for the New Yorker, "it's due process if the President thinks about it."
A Lawless President Made
More Secret Deals. Will Congress continue to accept this lawless erosion of its Constitutional role? Will
they, at any point, stand up and assert that the President must at least obey the laws he himself signs? If not,
what role does Congress intend to serve? What future is there for the system of checks and balances that once
restrained the executive branch from imperial ambitions? The matter is even more important than that. The
so-called "Iran Deal" has been a manifest disaster for the interests of the United States abroad. Tearing it up
is one of the five most crucial steps that the United States can take right now.
President Obama to Create New Racial Category. As if the irony of Barack Obama having been dubbed the first "post-racial president" wasn't thick
enough, now the Obama administration wants to create a new racial category -- for people from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Just as with
"Hispanic," "Arab" and "Persian," the two terms describing most Middle Easterners, refer not to races but ethnicities. But now the feds want to change
this in what USA Today describes as "the biggest realignment of federal racial definitions in decades." The new category would include Israeli
Jews and Coptic Christians as well and would appear on 2020 census forms. [...] Virtually all the people in this new "racial category" would be Muslims,
who traditionally had been less than one percent of the U.S. population. But with more Muslims having been admitted to our nation since 9/11
than during all our history prior to it, this bloc is growing.
commutes 102 sentences, adding to record total. In what is becoming a monthly routine, President Obama granted commutations
Thursday [10/6/2016] to another 102 federal inmates for mostly drug-related crimes. White House counsel Neil Eggleston said the
latest commutations are for people "who have demonstrated that they are deserving of a second chance at freedom." He said the
"vast majority" were serving lengthy prison terms under outdated laws for drug sentences. Fifteen of the inmates were convicted
of firearms crimes — either using a weapon during a drug transaction, or possessing a gun illegally as a convicted felon.
plans to circumvent Congress and bail out big insurance companies. Most readers will recall that in 2013,
millions of Americans received notices informing them that their existing health insurance plan would disappear once
Obamacare's major provisions took effect. President Obama's "if you like your health care plan you can keep your health
care plan" mantra was exposed as a lie. In response, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) agreed to
ignore the requirements of Obamacare and allow people to keep their prior coverage. Insurers could permit individuals
who purchased coverage after the law's enactment but before October 2013 to keep their plan for a few more months (later
extended until December 2017).
House wants to add new racial category for Middle Eastern people. The White House is putting forward a proposal
to add a new racial category for people from the Middle East and North Africa under what would be the biggest realignment of
federal racial definitions in decades. If approved, the new designation could appear on census forms in 2020 and could
have far-reaching implications for racial identity, anti-discrimination laws and health research.
The Editor says...
Barack H. Obama is attempting to create a new protected minority, bypassing our elected representatives in the Congress. This demographic will be a
new untouchable sacred cow that must have special rights and privileges. No longer to be considered latent terrorists, they will officially become downtrodden
victims. Barack H. Obama is doing this, I suspect, to protect the thousands of Muslim immigrants he is inviting to the U.S., so they may enjoy a lifetime of food
stamps, cell phones and pressure cookers. Within a few years, any criticism of this new minority will be considered a hate crime. Of course, there is a way to
prevent this: Congress can remind the President that he is not a king.
Urge Obama to Bypass Congress to Set Aside 6,261 Acres on California Coast. California Democrats introduced
legislation earlier this year that would have expanded the California Coastal National Monument some 6,261 acres covering
five coastal sites. The bill did not advance, and in February those lawmakers urged President Barack Obama to use his
authority under the Antiquities Act to make the land off limits for everything except tourism.
drops 'backdoor' ratification of UN nuke treaty. President Obama's team gave[9/23/2016]up on an attempt to pass a United
Nations resolution on nuclear weapons test bans that might have circumvented the constitutional treaty requirements, earning rare
approval from skeptical Republicans in the process. Obama had considered the endorsement of a U.N. resolution on the Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty, which the Senate rejected in 1999. Senate Republicans argued the draft version of the resolution would bar future nuclear
tests, in defiance of the Senate. The U.N. passed the resolution, but only after deleting the language that Republicans viewed as an
attempt to bind the United States from testing nuclear weapons.
Most Flagrant Violation of the Constitution Yet. President Obama has just committed his most flagrant violation
of the U.S. Constitution to date. He purported to commit the United States to a legally binding treaty without first
obtaining consent by two thirds of the Senators present, as required under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. [...]
China presumably had no problem moving forward to formally join the Paris Agreement. However, in order to do his part so that
the UN could declare the Paris Agreement to be in legal force sooner rather than later, Obama had to find a way to justify skipping
over the constitutional requirement of U.S. Senate consent and still cause the U.S. to become bound to a treaty. The answer
was to pretend that what the UN itself regards as a treaty, to which its parties would be legally bound once it came into force,
was not really a treaty after all. It was only an executive agreement, the Obama administration argues, that is within the
president's power to enter into without any congressional involvement.
Administration's Latest Overreach Sides with Planned Parenthood. The Obama Administration continues its
abrasive Executive overreach to push its agenda, bypassing Congressional approval and in direct opposition to the will of the
American people. In its latest move, the Obama bureaucracy is trying to push through a new regulation to prevent state
governments from redirecting Title X funds away from Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers to community health
centers and other health care providers that provide more comprehensive health care for women and family members in need.
America — transformed indeed. More Americans than ever now mistrust government. And although
such skepticism can be good, it is not healthy that citizens feel they are neither listened to nor represented by those in
power. Our divided country's rare consensus that Washington can't be trusted has much to do with President Obama.
His failures have taken the hammer to several quaint 20th-century assumptions. The public no longer believes politicians
understand how economies work, or that government has practical solutions to ordinary people's problems.
'Pen and Phone' Cost Taxpayers $31 Billion, Study Finds. President Obama promised Americans that 2014 would be
a "year of action." He said he wasn't going to wait around for Republicans in Congress to get things done, saying "I've got a
pen and I've got a phone, and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions
that move the ball forward." But Obama left out one important detail of his "I've got a pen" strategy: the enormous
price tag he'd end up imposing on taxpayers.
9/11 Moment Of Silence Moved Up Because Obama Was Impatient. A moment of silence remembering the September 11
victims at a Pentagon memorial service began early in order to accommodate a restless President Obama, a Department of Defense
official told The Daily Caller. A source close to the situation told TheDC that Obama arrived early to the memorial
service — which took place at the Pentagon — and wanted to get things started early. A Department
of Defense official confirmed that the moment of silence was moved up a few minutes and that Obama was the one who made the
decision, saying the president "moved early."
and the true measure of progressivism. My sense is that President Obama wanted his administration to be the
capstone of a century-long, progressive project. He wanted to consolidate the federal government's control over key
aspects of our lives and prove, once and for all, that the country would be better off.
Will Talk to "Death to America" Iran, But Not "Son of a Whore" Philippines. An actual American leader should
hold the honor of his nation at least as highly as his own honor. It goes without saying that Obama does not.
That he cares nothing for America's honor, but a great deal for his own. That he will pursue diplomatic relations with
countries that abuse America, but walk away in a huff when an ally that insults him personally. And there also lies the
discrepancy. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is under fire by the left because he's fighting drug dealers while
Obama frees them from prison.
legislature ratifies climate deal; Obama decrees US ratification. The Communist legislature of China voted to
ratify the Paris climate accords yesterday [9/2/2016], leading to President Xi declaring the agreement now in effect in China.
Meanwhile, President Obama also declared the ratification of the climate deal — but sort of forgot to take it to
the Senate to get its approval. He just waved his scepter, and ratification came into being.
Bypasses Congress to Create 87,500 Acre National Monument in Maine. In a more than 3,900-word proclamation
establishing 87,500 acres of the Katahdin Woods and Waters in Maine a national monument, President Barack Obama bypassed
Congress and its power to create national parks — a move that has made some in the state unhappy, including the
state's governor, Republicans and an Independent lawmaker in the U.S. Congress. On the eve of the National Park Service's
100th anniversary on Aug. 24, Obama issued the lengthy proclamation that includes references to glaciers retreating
12,000 years ago, people living there for more than 11,000 years and the end of the logging livelihood there "based
primarily on environmental concerns" in the 1970s.
The Editor says...
If I haven't mentioned this before, or even if I have, Obama's constant declarations of more and more areas as national monuments, parks,
wildlife preserves and federally protected land are all about preventing oil exploration and mining in as much of the country as possible.
He does this to choke off the supply of hydrocarbon-based energy, because he hates America and he hates capitalism, just like his surrogate
father, Frank Marshall Davis.
Obama Commutes
Sentences of 111 More Federal Inmates. The White House announced Tuesday [8/30/2016] that President Obama had
commuted the sentences of 111 federal inmates, his latest round of record-setting commutations this month. Obama has
commuted 325 sentences this month alone, more than double the amount commuted during the rest of his presidency and more than
the past 10 presidents combined, in an attempt to clear out a backlog of more than 11,000 pending clemency petitions.
In 2014, the Obama administration announced a clemency initiative aimed at nonviolent offenders serving time under mandatory
minimum sentencing laws that have since been reduced.
cuts short the sentences of another 111 inmates — bringing the total to 325 in just one month. Barack Obama has
commuted the jail sentences of another 111 inmates, more than a third of whom were serving life tariffs. The new
commutations brings his total to 325 in August alone, the most in a single month by any President in history. Over
eight years, Obama has shortened sentences for 673 inmates jailed for largely nonviolent drug offenses, more than the
last ten Presidents combined.
Obama Opens the
Prison Doors — Again. President Obama ordered the early release of another 111 federal prisoners
Tuesday [8/30/2016], adding to the record-breaking pace he has set during the final year of his presidency. [...] The latest
group includes 16 convicted on firearms charges in addition to drug violations on their records. Steve Cook, president
of the National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys, said the criminal charges of the clemency recipients offer more
evidence that Obama is violating his own criteria of releasing low-level nonviolent drug offenders with insignificant
criminal histories. "It just seems that the list of people benefiting from clemency keeps getting worse and worse," he
said. Five prisoners getting breaks are serving time for participating in a continuing criminal enterprise, "which in
plain language is the kingpin statute," Cook said.
The Editor says...
It will be interesting to see how many of these people are arrested again — and how soon.
shortens prison sentences of 111 convicts — White House. Obama has now granted a total of 673 commutations
during his presidency, more than the number granted by the 10 previous presidents combined, as he seeks to reform the
criminal justice system, it said.
China's Legislative Body Mulls Paris Climate Accord, As Obama Takes the Executive Route. The Standing Committee
of China's rubberstamp parliament is meeting to discuss formally acceding to a far-reaching climate change agreement
negotiated in Paris last year, amid signs that President Obama is preparing to take the same step — but without
Senate ratification — possibly within days. The White House maintains that the climate accord is an
executive agreement, not a treaty, and therefore does not require the Senate's advice and consent.
The Editor says...
If it is a non-binding agreement that doesn't cost anything, the President can agree to whatever he likes.
If it is a treaty, he has to go through proper channels, i.e., the United States Senate.
eyes special declaration to take charge of elections. Even before the FBI identified new cyber attacks on two
separate state election boards, the Department of Homeland Security began considering declaring the election a "critical
infrastructure," giving it the same control over security it has over Wall Street and and the electric power grid. The
latest admissions of attacks could speed up that effort possibly including the upcoming presidential election, according to
officials. "We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure
like the financial sector, like the power grid," Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said.
Security to Take Over Elections. The Washington Examiner reported that the Department of Homeland Security is
considering taking control of elections by declaring them "critical infrastructure." [...] The federal government never
wastes a good crisis to gain more power, and this is no exception. Officials are already talking about speeding up the
process in the wake of election cyber attacks: Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said, "We should carefully
consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the
power grid."
will bypass Senate, ratify Paris climate accord himself during trip to China: report. President Obama is
prepared to enter into the Paris climate accord as early as this week even though Republicans have insisted that the pact
must be ratified by the Senate, according to a report out of China. The South China Morning Post reported that
Mr. Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping are "set to jointly announce their ratification" of the ambitious
international climate-change pact on Friday, two days before the start of the 11th G-20 Summit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.
"There are still some uncertainties from the U.S. side due to the complicated U.S. system in ratifying such a treaty, but the
announcement is still quite likely to be ready by Sept. 2," an unnamed source told the English-language newspaper.
creates largest ocean reserve, takes heat for new federal decrees. President Obama, with the stroke of a pen,
created the world's largest ocean reserve on Friday [8/26/2016] off Hawaii, days after designating a massive federal monument
in Maine — moves that have angered local lawmakers who accuse the president of disregarding the impact on residents.
Obama used a presidential proclamation to expand the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument off the coast of Hawaii by
over 400,000 square miles. The preserve now stretches 582,578 square miles, the world's largest marine protected area. [...] But
the decision drew sharp criticism from the fishing industry and even fellow Democrats, as it will drastically expand the area where
commercial fishing and drilling is banned.
Decree Targets Gunsmiths and Online Firearm Information. When Obama vowed to use his "pen and phone" to
circumvent Congress and impose his will on America, he was actually telling the truth for once. In the latest example
of lawless decrees coming from the executive branch, the Obama administration is taking aim at gunsmiths and free
speech. Basically, if a recent "regulation" disguised as "guidance" is not stopped, gunsmithing — an
American tradition stretching back centuries that was crucial in the War for Independence — will be effectively
made illegal, experts say. Another controversial element of the decree would purport to unconstitutionally criminalize
many forms of gun-related speech on the Internet. If not withdrawn, the illegal Obama decree would purport to shred the
rights protected by the Constitution's First and Second Amendments by making it illegal to post any "how-to" information
about guns online. It would also effectively make all gun-related information on the Internet a crime because it could
be accessed by foreigners. However, as has happened with virtually all of Obama's power grabs, opposition to the newest
illegal edict is surging — this time among Second Amendment activists, gun owners, industry, and proponents of
constitutional government.
to Circumvent Congress and Push UN Anti-Nuclear Testing Resolution. Last week, Josh Rogin reported for the Washington Post that President Obama
will seek a United Nations Security Council resolution that, at the very least, calls for an end to nuclear testing. According to Rogin, the president's
diplomatic gambit is to occur in September — around the 20th anniversary of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which President Clinton signed but the
U.S. Senate rejected during ratification. By end-running the Senate at the UN, Obama hopes to make good on his promise, made over seven years ago in a
major address in Prague, to "aggressively pursue U.S. ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty." Unfortunately, the move is quintessentially
Obama — contemptuous of Congress and utopian as policy.
Obama Administration
Set To'Oversee' U.S. Elections. President Barack Obama is considering plans to allow his administration to take
full administrative control over the upcoming presidential elections, citing 'security concerns' as justification. As
various news articles report on the alleged danger to American elections from Russian hackers, there is pressure on the
government to allow a federal agency to protect the elections from these hackers.
Napolitano Says Obama Admin. Is Breaking Federal Law Prohibiting Gov't From Compiling Gun Owner 'List'.
Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano alleged Thursday that the Obama administration is violating a
federal law prohibiting the federal government from compiling the personal information of gun owners during an interview
Thursday [8/4/2016] on Fox and Friends. During an interview on "Fox & Friends," Napolitano said that the federal
government may gather statistical information about gun owners but must "destroy" any personally identifiable information,
such as their names and addresses. A recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives "did not always comply" with the restriction.
to Skirt Congress Again, Push for Nuclear Test Ban at UN. President Barack Obama has supported a ban on nuclear
testing since his earliest days in office, but has been unable to rally support for ratification of a nuclear test ban treaty
in the U.S. Senate. Frustrated with this opposition and facing the end of his second term, The Washington Post reports,
Obama will bypass Congress and seek a United Nations Security Council resolution that "would call for an end to nuclear
testing" on the 20th anniversary of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. This is an extremely troubling decision that ignores
fundamental concerns about such a ban and is dangerously erosive of the separation of powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution.
Two Priorities of the Government. Priority
2: Easing the Path of Criminals. We've just had another record-setting release of criminals. Mostly, they seem to
be released because the President believes that they were just being picked on because of their race. The 214 felons,
including 67 lifers, are already out. ABC News has an inadvertently funny report: ["]Almost all the
prisoners were serving time for nonviolent crimes related to cocaine, methamphetamine or other drugs, although a few were
charged with firearms violations related to their drug activities.["] Depends on how you define "a few,"
cupcake. The lifers were almost all felons in possession; of the others, about 25% of them had a firearms charge, and
others had prior violent crimes, although this time they didn't shoot anybody.
commuted the sentences of 214 inmates today: He has now shortened more sentences than the last nine presidents
combined. President Barack Obama on Wednesday [8/3/2016] cut short the sentences of 214 federal inmates,
including 67 life sentences, in what the White House called the largest batch of commutations on a single day in more than a
century. Almost all the prisoners were serving time for nonviolent drug crimes, reflecting Obama's long-stated view
that the U.S. needs to remedy the consequences of decades of sentencing requirements that put tens of thousands of Americans
behind bars for far too long.
commutes sentences for 214 federal prisoners. President Obama on Wednesday [8/3/2016] cut short the sentences
of 214 federal inmates, including 67 life sentences, in what the White House called the largest batch of commutations on a
single day in more than a century.
Why is it necessary to make a statement like this?
House: Obama Committed To Smooth Transition Of Power — Even If Trump Elected President.
President Barack Obama is committed to a smooth transition of power of the presidency, even if the winner is Republican
presidential nominee Donald Trump, White House officials say. Some raised questions about Obama's willingness to give
up power, after he described Trump as "unfit" to serve as president. But during today's [8/3/2016] White House press
conference, Press Secretary Josh Earnest asserted that Obama's commitment to a smooth transition was "one of his top goals"
for the final year of his presidency.
will bypass Congress, seek U.N. resolution on nuclear testing. President Obama has decided to seek a new United
Nations Security Council resolution that would call for an end to nuclear testing, a move that leading lawmakers are calling
an end run around Congress. Top administration officials, including Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, briefed lawmakers
and congressional staffers this week about President Obama's decision to push for the U.N. action this September, to coincide
with the 20th anniversary of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which was adopted in September 1996 but was never ratified by
the Senate.
Alphabet Soup Corruption.
[Scroll down] What do all these scandal and embarrassments have in common? Aside from the fact that many appointees were selected based on their
progressive bona fides and that they saw their missions to promote liberal causes, sometimes even at the cost of overriding their own agencies'
mandates, there was a widespread sense that the law simply did not apply to them. The President set the tone with a series of executive orders that
overrode federal immigration law. He arbitrarily suspended some elements of the Affordable Care Act for fear that they would prove unpopular in the
months before the 2012 election, and has bypassed congressional oversight and jurisdiction, whether by sidestepping the Senate's ratification of
treaties with the Iran deal or allowing the EPA to create new laws regulating coal plants and water standards that were never ratified by Congress.
The ensuing message was that social awareness, fairness, and egalitarianism trumped the rule of law.
Is Too Incompetent To Pull Off A Coup. Turkey's failed coup, combined with the disastrous disunity and polarization in the United States
thanks to Barack Obama, have gotten people talking about whether it could happen here. For example, part-time law professor and full-time
Instapundit Glenn Reynold has recently taken some serious looks at the issue of coups within the context of the American system of checks and balances.
So what if next January Obama and his barely post-puberty band of juice box screw-ups in the West Wing decide they don't want to leave?
Courts: Emperor Obama's Executive Overreach is [Impermissible]. In another blow to President Obama's
flagrant executive overreach, a federal appeals court smacked down an ObamaCare rule requiring all indemnity health insurance
plans to meet essential coverage minimum standards. [...] The courts have repeatedly rebuked Obama for extending his
executive pen too far. In May, a federal judge ruled Obama "exceeded his authority" and struck down an Obamacare
provision giving billions of dollars to health insurers through subsidies. Last month, an Obama-appointed federal judge
struck down Obama's overreach when it came to fracking regulations. [...] In June, an appeals court ruled Obama had wrongly
bypassed Congress on his temporary government appointments. [...] Last year, the Courts blocked Obama's water rule not once,
but twice for flexing executive power exceeding federal law.
Wants More Federal Oversight of Cops After Attacks on Cops. President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing
attacks on police — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to
federalize state and local police forces.
messages of #BlackLivesMatter leader reveal Obama admin's plan for 'summer of chaos' and martial law. U.S.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is coordinating with Democratic activists to so disrupt the upcoming Republican and Democratic
National Conventions that martial law will be declared. That's the stunning discovery revealed in a series of direct
messages between three activists. On Friday, June 10, 2016, someone hacked into the Twitter account of
#BlackLivesMatter (BLM) leader and former Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay McKesson. McKesson later confirmed the hack
to The Baltimore Sun. On June 11, 2016, a Twitterer who calls himself The Saint (@TheSaintNegro) tweeted a
direct-message conversation on June 10 between KcKesson and another BLM leader Johnetta Elzie (Netta), in which the two
discussed talking with Attorney General Loretta Lynch about plans to bring on martial law by causing chaos at the upcoming
Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, so as to keep
Obama in office.
the President Usurped the Constitutional Authority of Congress? On June 16, a Minnesota Public Radio news
program held a debate on this timely question: Has the president usurped the power of Congress? With the
presidential election fewer than five months from now and in light of promises made by both major party candidates about what
they will do in their "first 100 days," it is important to review the powers granted to that office by the states when they
created the federal government in the Constitution. Before beginning to offer a brief, constitutionally based answer to
that question, Americans concerned about the rise of the "imperial president" may study the words and warnings of our Founding
Fathers and their political and philosophical influences regarding the primacy of the separation of powers in a good government.
entire Constitution is at risk if Hillary wins. In its 4-4 ruling barring President Obama's executive order on
immigration from going into effect, the Supreme Court proved that Obama was right the first time: He lacked the power
to change the law on his own. As recently as December 2014, the president lectured supporters that the Constitution
didn't allow it: "The notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case."
Then, a few months later, after Congress again refused to pass the law he wanted, he decided to see if he could get away
with it anyway — issuing an order that not only suspended deportation for millions, but also gave them the right
to work legally.
Obama Thinks of Islamism, Communism — and America. There has been quite a debate recently about
President Obama's understanding of Islamism, and his refusal to use terms such as "Islamist terrorism." But he has given us
his view of another significant term: Communism. [...] The notion that the Communist nomenklatura in Russia or
Communist China or anywhere else was composed of people whose main goal was to eliminate poverty is bizarre and hopelessly
wrong. Stalin and Mao were not motivated by reducing poverty; they were concerned with seizing and keeping power.
Mao put it pretty well: "Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy."
In Sunlight — Paul Ryan Threatens To Sue Donald Trump Over Temp Muslim Ban. House Speaker Paul
'Omnibus' Ryan is quoted in a Huffington Post interview as threatening to sue President Trump if he attempted to initiate his
proposed halt on Muslim immigration: [...] "I would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers", Ryan says.
That's rather strange, because there's a disconnect. When President Obama declared his November 2014 "executive action
on amnesty" or DAPA, neither Paul Ryan nor any other body of congressional authority attempted to sue the president.
Exactly the contrary is evident. Through Ryan's Omnibus spending approach, all of President Obama's priorities were
fully funded through the end of his entire term in office.
'Dictator' Obama flooding rural towns with illegals. A chief critic of President Obama's open door immigration
policies on Thursday slammed him as a "dictator" who is filling rural towns with illegal immigrants instead of turning them
away at the border and telling them to enter legally. Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions said that the
administration's plan to ship some 2,000 illegals to his state has been met with the same outrage as other efforts to take
undocumented immigrants seized in Texas and Arizona and house them as far away as Massachusetts.
The Editor says...
Wake up. You're a Senator! If you think Obama is a dictator, impeach him!
Writer Wants 'Prez' to 'Unilaterally Ban' All Guns. Dylan Matthews, a writer for the left-wing publication Vox,
tweeted out Thursday that he wants to give the president power to "unilaterally ban [all Americans] from buying guns."
It's funny that he specifically says "(hopefully everyone!)" because that phrase alludes to one of the glaring problems with
his and other Dems' proposals. Which is this: you can be "hopeful" all you want but the bad guys, the criminals,
will always get the guns one way or another.
Obama Rewrites
the Law. Obama's transgender diktats are another case of his overreaching presidency, which deserves more
attention on the campaign trail. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate
invidiously on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. And Title IX of the Education Amendments of
1972 prohibits invidious discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. In
those statutes "sex" identifies a protected class defined only in terms of one's biological sex, male or female. In its
work over the years on other matters concerning discrimination, Congress has never understood "sex" in any other way than the
sex someone is born with. Under Title IX, which permits institutions to differentiate intimate facilities by sex,
schools have provided separate toilets, locker rooms, and shower facilities on the basis of sex. By no means has that
been regarded as discriminatory.
sets vote to stop Obama's 'pen and phone' regulations. Republicans will take on Obama's "pen and phone"
executive actions this week by voting on legislation that would give the courts more power to interpret laws and regulations
that the GOP say are being foisted upon the nation by an unchecked and "overgrown bureaucracy." The House Judiciary
Committee will vote Wednesday on whether to advance the Separation of Powers Restoration Act, a bill, sponsored by Rep.
John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, who is battling with the Obama administration over floodplain regulations in his home state.
"The endless stream of rules and regulations being rolled out by federal agencies has real consequences for real people all
across the country," Ratcliffe said in a statement. "Unelected federal bureaucrats are not accountable to the American
people and can't be voted out of office; yet, they wield immense power to impose regulations that have the force of law."
Burlington College. [Scroll down]
[H]ow about the coming swarm of transvestites, transsexuals, Tim Curry impersonators, and just general perverts ready to descend on public-school
girls' bathrooms and locker rooms? That comes courtesy of America's own would-be caudillo Barack Obama, who has decided the plight of
trannies with an urge to drain the main vein is the civil rights cause of our time. So urgent, he's decided, that constitutional niceties
like the separation of powers and federalism must go by the wayside. His administration put out a letter to the nation's 98,000 public
schools, not a single one of which is run by the federal government, demanding they allow sexually confused boys into the girls' rooms and
vice versa. The letter went even further, resisting any attempt to define eligibility for such treatment — if a boy determines he
"feels" like a girl on a given day and demands entry into a girls' bathroom the school shouldn't question his judgement.
Definition of Democracy You've Got There, Mr. President. Where does the ex-constitutional law lecturer who
now serves as U.S. president get off with trying to remake moral policy for a nation of 330 million? Where does he get
the idea it's his business to instruct the 50 states that schools must henceforth allow the transgendered —
whatever that curiously concocted word may mean — to visit the school restroom of their choice? Most of all,
where does he suppose he gets the authority to do all this? Our modern-day Wizard of Oz is blowing and bloviating with
glee. It's time someone pulled back the curtains.
Obama thinks it can govern with strongly worded letters. The authors of the Federalist Papers neglected to
explain the fearsome powers that inhere in the "Dear Colleague" letter under our system of government. It is the
instrument by which middling bureaucrats impose their will on the nation, as the assistant secretary for civil rights at the
Department of Education and the principal deputy assistant attorney general for civil rights at the Department of Justice
just did in the matter of transgender bathroom policy in our schools and colleges.
Dictatorial Transgender Proclamation. George Orwell would be impressed. On Friday [5/13/2016], the Obama
administration issued a proclamation with all the force of law, requiring all public-education institutions in the land to
allow boys to use girls' bathrooms and locker facilities. They need only feel very strongly, on any given day, that
they are really girls deep down inside. Of course, the president can't formally issue a law. This is still
a democracy — superficially at least. So whenever Obama "changes the law," as he likes to brag, the new law
usually takes the form of something else. In this case, the new law took the form of "guidance" in a "dear colleague"
letter issued jointly by the Department of Justice and Department of Education to school officials from sea to shining sea.
Governor Vows to Fight Obama Trans Bathroom Policy: 'He's Not a King'. Texas Governor Greg Abbott vowed Friday
[5/13/2016] to fight a recent letter from the Obama administration threatening to pull funding and seek legal action against
schools that block transgender students from using the facilities of their choice. Abbott took to Twitter to accuse
President Barack Obama of rewriting the Civil Rights Act to suit his own purposes.
decree is Obama at his worst. There was a time when candidate Barack Obama was still properly in awe of the
office he sought, and of the opportunity it offered to uplift Americans by the power of his example. As Robert Frost
might have put it, he was fast approaching a point where two roads diverged, and had he chosen the one less traveled by, what
a difference it might have made in the kind of president he has become.
Obama Violates
the Law to Push His Climate Obsession. Whether it's gun control, health care reform, climate change, or a host
of other issues, President Barack Obama does not follow the law if it conflicts with his policy preferences. While
Obama is not unique in this regard, he has taken ignoring the oath U.S. presidents take to uphold and faithfully execute the
Constitution and the laws of the United States to a whole new level.
president or a king? The Supreme Court will decide. Russian fighter jets violate American rights on the
high seas by buzzing as close as 30 feet to American naval vessels. Three times in the past month, Russian jets have
ignored rules every country observes. Secretary of State John Kerry said that our Navy ships are entitled to shoot down
these Russian planes, but President Obama says nothing. He doesn't want to upset relations with the Russians. On
the other hand, Obama is quite comfortable upsetting relations with the U.S. Congress. What on? Deportation of
people illegally here and whether or not to do his job "faithfully."
The Men Who
Would Be King. The New York Times has an article describing how Ben Rhodes, President Obama's deputy
national security adviser for strategic communications, sold fiction as truth in communicating the president's foreign
policy. Rhodes regarded the deception as a clever way to success. Like an engineering student who has found a way
to cheat on his final exam, or a man astonished to find himself with a medical license by mistake, Rhodes appears to think
he's actually accomplished something positive. He has no clue he's set up a disaster that is only waiting to
happen. Thomas Ricks, writing in Foreign Policy, calls the article "a stunning profile of Ben Rhodes, the [person]
who is the president's foreign policy guru." But it is also a profile of the president.
Hatch demands secret memo that's aided Obama executive actions. President Obama's unilateral pen-and-phone
approach to governing has been aided by a decades-old secret memo that allows him to avoid economic scrutiny of some of the
most intrusive rules and regulations his administration has issued, a top senator said Thursday [4/28/2016]. Now
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, Utah Republican and chairman of the Finance Committee, has demanded Treasury Secretary Jacob
Lew release the 1983 memorandum of understanding and defend the Reagan-era policy that has let Mr. Obama pursue changes
on everything from corporate taxes to Obamacare without first giving a full heads-up to Congress.
Surely you don't still believe Obama has
had the most transparent administration in history, do you?
Obama Uber Alles.
Apparently, President Obama believes it is time to move beyond the constitutional constraint called separation of powers, an
idea he considers outdated, obsolete and certainly not progressive. [...] Mr. Obama has a habit of saying one thing and
doing the opposite. Though he said, "I am not a king," as well as "I am not a dictator," he acts as though he is both
rolled into one. He sees no limit to his power and behaves as though Constitutional limits on the executive branch do
not apply to him.
Criminal Constituency. [Governor Terry] McAuliffe is here following the example of Barack Obama, another chief
executive who has attempted to use particularistic powers entrusted him in a categorical rather than discrete fashion,
thereby transforming exercises in executive privilege into policy changes that would normally require changes in the
law. In the case of our ever-more-imperial president, the issue was illegal immigration: The federal government
is under no particular obligation to prosecute every instance of illegal immigration — prosecutorial discretion is
an ordinary feature of the law — but President Obama's general application of that discrete power amounted to a
change in the law (an executive amnesty) and a usurpation of legislative authority. The matter is going to the Supreme
Court; so far, the lower courts have looked upon the Obama administration's policy adventuring with skepticism.
Begins: Obama Forgives Student Debt Of 400,000 Americans. Joining the ranks of "broke lawyers" who can cancel
their student debt, "Americans with disabilities have a right to student loan relief," now according to Ted Mitchell, the
undersecretary of education, said in a statement. Almost 400,000 student loan borrowers will now have an easier path to
a debt bailout as Obama primes the populist voting pump just in time for the elections.
Gun-control Hypocrisy Called Out by Alabama Senator. On March 30, President Obama commuted the prison sentences of 62 criminals,
12 of whom were behind bars for gun-related drug crimes. This was just too much for Alabama's senior Senator Richard Shelby (R), so
the next day Shelby sent a stinging letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. He asked her about the president's hypocrisy and demanded answers
to questions that he posed to her during a committee hearing back in January. [...] During his administration, the president has so far commuted the
sentences of 248 individuals, 33 of whom were convicted of firearms-related offenses, more than all of those commuted by the last six presidents.
Lawless Executive Clemency Putting Violent Firearm Perps Back on the Street. We've often mentioned that
President Obama, despite his insistent shaming of America over its supposed lack of gun regulation, has shown little interest
in enforcing the gun control laws already on the books. But it gets worse. A lot worse. Information has
now arisen that the Obama administration is granting executive clemency to dozens of felons imprisoned for firearm-related
offenses, some whose crimes involved possessing or using a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking crimes. These
criminals will for the most part be released back into the very communities that they exploited and victimized with their offenses.
Claims Power to Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Social Security, Disability. Does the president of the
United States have the power to unilaterally tell millions of individuals who are violating federal law that he will not
enforce that law against them now, that they may continue to violate that law in the future and that he will take action that
makes them eligible for federal benefit programs for which they are not currently eligible due to their unlawful status?
Through Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, President Barack Obama is telling the Supreme Court exactly this right now.
The solicitor general calls what Obama is doing "prosecutorial discretion."
Abusing His Authority to Try and Stop American Tax Inversions. The U.S. tax system makes it extremely difficult
for international businesses to compete in the global market. A prominent and recent example of the lengths American
businesses will go to escape our anticompetitive system is Pfizer, a large U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer. Pfizer
recently tried to merge with Allergan and locate the newly formed business's headquarters in Allergan's home country of
Ireland. This is known as an inversion. By doing this, Pfizer would've escaped from the onerous U.S. tax system
that taxes the company on all the income it earns around the world, rather than only the income it earns domestically.
Only six other countries in the 34-member Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) tax companies' income
earned outside their borders. Of these, all of them have much lower tax rates than the U.S., which makes that extra
taxation less relevant for their businesses. The U.S. is an outlier.
Tells Landlords They Must Rent to Murderers, Rapists and Other Felons. The Obama administration released a
warning Monday [4/4/2016] telling the nation's landlords that it may be discriminatory for them to refuse to rent to those with criminal
records. The Fair Housing Act doesn't include criminals as a protected class, but the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) says refusing to rent based on a criminal record is a form of racial discrimination, due to racial
imbalances in the U.S. justice system.
Say goodbye to freedom of association.
Admin Tells Landlords They Can't Refuse To House Criminals. The Obama administration released a warning Monday
[4/4/2016] telling the nation's landlords that it may be discriminatory for them to refuse to rent to those with criminal
records. The Fair Housing Act doesn't include criminals as a protected class, but the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) says refusing to rent based on a criminal record is a form of racial discrimination, due to racial
imbalances in the U.S. justice system.
Not Renting to Criminals is Racist. Disparate Impact has been the crazed monster living chained up in the civil
rights basement. No administration dared to completely unleash it because of the madness it would entail. But
Obama is releasing the beast. Recently, Obama's Lynch declared that fines were racist because they had a larger impact
on minorities. Now we move on to renting to criminals.
told 'stay away from windows' for Obama visit. When US President Barack Obama arrives in Hanover for a visit on
Sunday April 24th, residents have been told very clearly what is expected of them: stay away from windows and do not
wave. Local police issued advisory flyers out of security concerns for some 1,800 residents who live near the Congress
Centrum and zoo area, where Obama will be meeting Chancellor Angela Merkel for the Hanover Messe, a major global trade fair
for industrial technology. Police strongly advised residents to abide by the precautions so as not to alarm officers,
which could result in an inspection of their home.
The Editor asks...
Did these restrictions originate in the German government, or were they Obama's idea?
Selective tyranny:
regulations whack GOP states, go easy on liberal states. Sweeping and expensive regulations pushed by President
Obama have had a lopsided effect on states that voted for Obama's presidential foes, Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain,
according to a new George Mason University study of the impact of rules and regulations. The top 14 states crushed the
hardest by financial and environmental regulations sought by Obama voted for Romney in the last election and generally trend
Republican in other elections. They include Louisiana, Texas, Indiana, Kentucky and Alabama.
Obama holds his
own... Umbrella. In previous such outings in rain or storm with President Obama, his Secret Service detail were shamefully
abused by being forced to hold umbrellas over the heads of Obama and whomever else he thought warranted the cover. To outside
observers, this may not seem a big deal, but to cognoscenti, the use of Secret Service agents for any purpose other than alert
protection is unlawful.
Should Prevent 'Midnight Regulations' in Obama's Last Year. As President Barack Obama's term of office comes to a close, a new issue
percolates in Washington: What end-of-term rules (also known as midnight regulations) will his administration produce? Given the president's
prolific executive lawmaking, will Congress be able to stop them? "The federal lawmaking process should be simple," says Rep. Markwayne Mullin,
R-Okla., "the legislative branch writes the laws, and the executive branch enforces them" — emphasis on "should be simple."
The Age of Mafia Government.
[Scroll down] Mafia leadership never directly calls the hits. They imply to underlings what they want done, so if the
underlings are caught they can't incriminate the bosses in court. This leadership style is not just the mafia's. "A Few Good
Men" dramatized how it might play out within a Marine unit. The direct analogy, of course, is that President Obama never seems to
know what's happening within his own organization. He had no idea the IRS was targeting conservative groups. He heard on the
news about the Veterans Affairs debacle, where vets literally died because the agency managing their healthcare was so corrupt and
incompetent, even though in the Senate he had served on the Veterans Affairs Committee and had heard of the problems in 2007. Rush
Limbaugh has played a montage of all Obama's "I'm just hearing about this and I'm so furious" moments: About the Secret Service
scandal, the Gulf Oil spill, when people found out Van Jones was a Communist sympathizer... the list never ends. Either Obama is
the world's best delegator-in-chief, or he knows a lot more than he's telling us. Nobody will ever be able to prove that, of course.
Obama's Unconstitutional Climate Treaty Coup. President Obama claims the recently adopted Paris Agreement on climate change
is not a treaty but rather an executive agreement — a pact he can approve on his sole authority, with the stroke of a pen.
Why is he doing this? Because if he were to follow the constitutional treaty making process, and submit the agreement to the Senate
for its advice and consent, the treaty would be dead on arrival. In fact, as I explain in a new CEI policy paper, the Paris Agreement
is a treaty. That is the only reasonable conclusion based on U.S. historic practice, the Agreement's potential costs and risks, its
prescriptiveness and "ambition" compared to predecessor climate treaties, and international protocol including recent instructions from the
United Nations Climate Change Secretariat to the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Obama: I don't get 'a
kick out of big government'. President Obama on Monday brushed off Republicans who say he's in love with big government. "I
do not believe in regulation for regulation's sake, contrary to rumor," Obama told a gathering of the National Governors Association. "This
idea that somehow I get a kick out of big government is just not the case." Republicans have chided Obama for years for his penchant to
issue sweeping regulations on areas where he disagrees with Congress, including climate change, gun control and immigration.
The Editor says...
In a twisted way, Mr. Obama's statement is true: He doesn't like "big" government, if "big" includes the Congress. He prefers the
convenience of an autocratic government in which he can singlehandedly dictate the government's actions, spend money, and issue new laws by decree.
Once and Future Caudillos. History demonstrates that once caudillos come to power, their most likely successors
are other caudillos. Obama is a caudillo. And so would be Clinton, Sanders, or Trump as president.
Vows To Sign UN Global Warming Deal Without Senate Approval. The Obama administration has vowed to sign a United Nations global warming
deal in April despite intense opposition from the Senate and a Supreme Court ruling derailing the government's green regulatory scheme. "We're
going to go ahead and sign the agreement this year," Todd Stern, the U.S.'s climate envoy told reporters Tuesday [2/16/2016], brushing aside questions
about last week's Supreme Court ruling against the Environmental Protection Agency's key climate regulation.
for the Senate to Tell Obama Where He can Put his Phone and Pen. [Scroll down] When Obama started
stacking independent agencies with radical leftists who could not gain Senate support via abuse of the recess appointment
clause, the House exercised their constitutional prerogative not to recess, thus preventing the Senate from recessing (again
under the express text of the Constitution. Obama decided that the sole power to determine whether the Congress was actually
in recess belonged to him and him alone, and made a bunch of recess appointments even though Congress was definitely not in
recess. This blatantly unconstitutional action by Obama had absolutely no chance of succeeding, and wasted billions of
federal dollars before every action taken by the agencies he packed was nullified by a unanimous Supreme Court.
having an Enemies List is all right if you're Barack Obama and not Richard Nixon. It has become an iffy idea to
cross Barack Obama. After seven years, the president has created a Hugo Chávez-like deterrent landscape, intended to
remind friends and enemies alike that he is perfectly willing to use the federal government's vast power to go after those he
finds politically inconvenient, while exempting those he understands to be sympathetic to his agendas. In Freudian
fashion, Obama has long joked about using the power of government in a personal way. [...] To have a legitimate disagreement
with the president is to be caricatured as either a coward or a bully.
Obama, the fair-weather
constitutionalist. President Obama would like people to think he is being wronged by Senate Republicans who plan to deny him the chance
to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. But the GOP lawmakers are determined to block his nominee not merely because he'd create
a majority on the bench whose judicial philosophy is to usurp the democratic process and hand down decisions based on their own prejudices. It
must, rather, be seen in the context of a presidency that has abusively increased executive power, usurping or trampling the proper authority of
Congress. Obama does not respect congressional authority.
Obama orders creation of new national monuments in California. President Barack Obama on Friday [2/12/2016] set aside 1.8 million acres of Southern California desert for protection, using
his sometimes controversial executive power to designate three new national monuments. In a long-anticipated decision, Obama designated the Mojave
Trails, Sand to Snow and Castle Mountains national monuments in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. "The California desert is a cherished and
irreplaceable resource for the people of Southern California," Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said. The federal government already owns the
affected lands, and Jewell noted that "valid existing" uses, including by the U.S. military, can continue.
The Editor says...
How does this action offer any protection to the land? And since it is already government property, from whom is the land being protected?
Obviously this Obama's means of impeding the production of coal, oil, and gas in the area. Only those who look below the surface of this story
know what it really means.
Billion Obama Plan Would Give Lunches to Poor Children in the Summer. The Obama administration proposes to provide free lunch to
millions of children who lose access to the subsidized meals once the school year comes to a close. Under the program announced Wednesday
[1/27/2016], low-income families who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals during the academic year would receive an electronic benefits
card loaded monthly with $45 per child. The benefit would go toward groceries during the summer months when school is closed.
The Editor says...
Mr. Obama has an annoying habit of announcing expensive programs of his own autonomous creation, without mentioning the source of the funding for them.
A Retrospective
on the Obama Years. [Scroll down] Remember when the American left's dominant fear was an imperial presidency?
Yet today the silence is deafening as an army of appointed bureaucrats and an imperial executive repeatedly bypass the people's elected
representatives. The National Labor Relations Board has morphed into a wholly owned subsidiary of the AFL-CIO. This critical
regulator has in turn imprinted organized labor's agenda on the private sector, a remarkable turn of events given labor's ever-declining
share of the American workforce. Outside the workplace, Obama's unilateral directive to grant legal status to four
million illegal immigrants was unprecedented. So was the "guidance" to allow non-Obamacare insurance plans to be offered in the private
insurance marketplace for an additional two years. Only the federal courts have stopped Obama's unilateral rewriting of religious freedom
protections granted by law. And the EPA's attempts at expanding the reach of the Clean Air Act are seemingly endless. Lawless?
No — the courts have regularly narrowed or defeated such end runs. An imperial mindset? Yes.
If Obama is treated like a king, he will act like one.
300 Organizations Ask Obama to Grant TPS for Central American
Immigrants. Around 300 organizations sent a letter Monday [1/25/2016] asking U.S. President Barack Obama to grant Temporary Protected
Status, or TPS, to undocumented immigrants fleeing violence in Central America's Northern Triangle — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
"TPS is grounded in clear statutory authority that was established by Congress 25 years ago to respond to humanitarian crises like we are seeing
in the Northern Triangle," said Royce Murray, policy director at Heartland Alliance's National Immigrant Justice Center.
Serious Pushback Against Obama's Imperial Presidency. During Richard Nixon's presidency, Democrats repeatedly excoriated him for
running roughshod over the Constitution's limits on executive power — and they were right to do so. Nixon's view that presidential
authority was almost limitless, summed up in his famous statement caught on tape, "If the president does it, it's not illegal," was completely
at odds with the Constitution's provisions for the scope of executive power in Article II. The president does not get to
change the Constitution to suit his desires. At least, he shouldn't.
Lawlessness Fuels Civil Disobedience and Record Government Distrust. When Obama entered office, he possessed an overwhelming majority in the House of Representatives,
and a filibuster-proof Senate majority. Accordingly, he could have introduced any among his litany of extremist proposals on whatever issues he wanted — climate change,
labor unions, gun control, immigration, closing of Guantanamo, treaties with Iran or anything else. But he didn't. Only when his own actions created a backlash and caused
Americans to elect Republican House and Senate majorities not seen since the 1920s did Obama miraculously find it appropriate to begin imposing his agenda by extra-constitutional means.
No "Major Scandal" in Obama Administration?
This list just scratches the surface. Executive overreach has become standard fare, whether on immigration or environmental regulations. The
Obama administration's penchant for controlling leaks, a lack of transparency, and a war on journalists has been noted by the likes of former
Washington Post executive editor Len Downie Jr. who said "The [Obama] administration's war on leaks and other efforts to control information
are the most aggressive I've seen since the Nixon administration leaks," and New York Times reporter David Sanger who said, "This is the most closed,
control-freak administration I've ever covered." James Risen of the Times added that the Obama administration has been "the greatest enemy of
press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation."
Obama Has 'Centralized Power' More than Any Other President. [Quoting former Defense Secretary Robert Gates: "]You know,
the president is quoted as having said at one point to his staff 'I can do every one of your jobs better than you can.' And I think that he has
centralized power and operational activities of the government in the White House to a degree that is unparalleled.["]
House Task Force Considers Push Against Presidential Overreach. House Republicans have put together a team to
address what they consider unauthorized expansion of presidential power. In coming months, the Task Force on Executive
Overreach will explore how Congress can begin to reassert its legislative authority. But it's not political. So says
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., who authorized the task force. The effort is meant to address some of the
habitual abuses to the constitutional separation of powers, he said.
Nobody over-estimates Barack H. Obama's intelligence more than Obama himself.
Sec Def Bob Gates: Obama Thinks He's The Smartest Person In The Room. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates,
who served during the Obama administration, has turned into a harsh critic of the president, saying that Barack Obama always
thinks he's the smartest person in the room. Gates also bashed Obama for bringing on advisers who do little else but
constantly agree with his proposals, fostering a group-think environment where dissenting opinion essentially does not exist,
The Free Beacon reports. In other words, there are no "strong" people around the president. And when there is
dissent, Obama tries to crush it.
is upending the role of the presidency. President Obama has all but declared that he will spend his last year
in office acting unilaterally to advance his agenda. But his basic misunderstanding of presidential power will render his
gains hollow, and his excesses will create the very tools to undo his legacy.
Trump and Executive Power. As much as Americans are distrustful of politicians as a class, they reserve an even
greater disdain for a president who bypasses the Constitution and rules by executive fiat. Obama's executive amnesty program,
his creation of "czars" in the White House, his decision to enter into trade deals and nuclear arms treaties while denying that
they are treaties, taken together, amount to an unprecedented abuse of executive authority. The former Constitutional
lecturer in the White House is in fact a Constitutional revisionist. Even the national media have bemoaned Obama's refusal
to work with Congress, instead deciding to make up his own rules as well as his own laws. The president's job is to
"faithfully execute" those laws, not usurp Congress' authority to legislate.
Executive Orders Longer And More Restrictive Than Previous Administrations. Since President Obama has taken
office, the length of the executive orders he has issued now exceeds the length of the executive orders issued by former
presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, according to a count from the Federal Register. Additionally, the
executive orders that President Obama has issued includes more restrictive language than previous administrations.
Spies on His Enemies in Congress. [Scroll down] Therefore, 92% of Congress may have had their private conversations
wiretapped, which might explain why Republicans consistently grant a paranoid Obama unprecedented leeway on things they swear they oppose.
With that said, and although pure speculation, could the majority party's consistent pusillanimous posture be based on their knowledge that
America's first black male president blackmails those he considers enemies in Congress? And didn't Richard Nixon resign for much less?
Based on the seriousness of the spying accusation, if true, Barack Obama should step down or be impeached, which may require the Republicans in
Congress to pull up their pants, place concern for self aside, and finally do something that's long overdue — put the survival of
America first.
and the Insanity of the Liberal Mind. Obama took an oath to defend the Constitution. He has been at war with its
constraints since day one, usurping power from the other branches of government and ignoring the laws that he swore to uphold and the
security of the country he vowed to defend. He has chosen to transform the country through a strategy of divide and conquer despite
promises of bipartisanship and transparency. Whether ObamaCare, illegal immigration, or the Iran deal, Obama has reduced Congress
to an insignificant thorn in his side. [...] Obama's over-reaching executive actions and regulations are being litigated in untold
numbers — because they are unconstitutional. Whether welcoming illegal immigrants en masse and illegally handing
them work permits or rewriting Congressional legislation unilaterally as he did with ObamaCare, Obama does not believe in the
Constitutional limits of office.
Legacy Will Be Executive Abuse. [Scroll down] But more consequentially — and this may be the
most destructive legacy of the Obama presidency — is the mainstreaming of the idea that if Congress "fails to act"
it's okay for the president to figure out a way to make law himself. Hillary's already applauded Obama's actions because,
as she put it, "Congress won't act; we have to do something." This idea is repeated perpetually by the Left, in effect
arguing that we live in direct democracy run by the president (until a Republican is in office, of course). On immigration,
on global warming, on Iran, on whatever crusade liberals are on, the president has a moral obligation to act if Congress doesn't
do what he wants.
Fully Support This New Kind of Background Check at Gun Shows. So our benevolent leader Mr. Obama intends to
bypass Congress once again to "tighten gun-control laws". By my count, this is only the 408th time Mr. Obama has
rewritten federal statutes, a new Constitutional power he's apparently created out of whole cloth.
Urges Citizens to Stand Up Against the National Rifle Association. A hallmark of Obama's presidency since his early days in office has
been his habit of pitting American citizens against each other: Democrats vs. Republicans, blacks vs. whites, rich vs. poor, climate change
alarmists vs. climate change skeptics, gay vs. straight, etc. It was shocking at first. Seven years in, it is depressingly expected of
the Community-Organizer-in-Chief. In his weekly address, released Friday [1/1/2016], Obama vowed to spend his final year in office seeking
ways to impose gun control policies via executive fiat, and urged American citizens to stand up against groups like the NRA — which,
of course, is made up of other American citizens.
The Left May Come to Loathe
Obama. Unfortunately, the expanded executive authority that Obama carved out for himself sets a precedent that can never be
undone. Obama criticized George W. Bush for using the urgency of the immediate post-9/11 environment to expand the president's
powers, but he only built upon that ballooning authority when he occupied the Oval Office. The next president is equally likely to
cite Obama's dubious example to pursue unilaterally the agenda preferred by his or her core supporters.
Presidents Are Beginning to Act Like Kings. As I write, the president of the United States is openly promising
to finish off his second term with a flurry of extraconstitutional activity. By the power invested in his "pen and phone,"
Barack Obama intends to wield his "executive authority" in order to institute a set of environmental rules that the people's
representatives have declined to grant him; to close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay in direct defiance of Congress's will;
and to further circumvent a series of immigration laws that have been on the books for decades. These are no idle threats.
In his second term alone, this president has rewritten by fiat some of the central portions of his signature legislation, Obamacare;
granted a series of unauthorized waivers from the 1996 Welfare Reform Act; and instructed agencies such as the IRS and the EPA to push
forward with the enforcement of a series of administrative rules that simply cannot be justified by the texts of their enabling statutes.
President Obama's Top Ten
Constitutional Violations of 2015. Even in his first term, the administration launched a "We Can't Wait"
initiative, with senior aide Dan Pfeiffer explaining that "when Congress won't act, this president will." And when the
reelected President Obama announced his second-term economic plans, he explained that "I will not allow gridlock, or
inaction, or willful indifference to get in our way." Accordingly, it hasn't been difficult to point to constitutional
abuses; the hard part is narrowing them down to a top-ten list.
Obama's Veiled Threat.
With a year left to go, President Obama is determined to make sure he continues to squeeze the living daylights out of America. Or as
he put it during his year-end news conference: "I said at the beginning of this year that interesting stuff happens in the fourth
quarter — and we are only halfway through." What "interesting stuff" he has in mind is anybody's guess. [...] What's
one man's productivity is another man's tyrannical executive order, after executive order, after executive order.
Politicians Without Borders.
Recently, The Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel used the phrase "no political guardrails" to point out how many of today's
politicians seem to lack any constraints, any safeguards against their use of power. She's onto something. "Mr. Obama
wants what he wants. If ObamaCare is problematic, he unilaterally alters the law," Strassel writes. "If the nation won't
support laws to fight climate change, he creates one with regulation. If the Senate won't confirm his nominees, he declares it
in recess and installs them anyway." Hillary Clinton does it too. In fact, she promises that once she becomes president,
that is how she will govern. If Congress won't give her gun control laws she wants, she says she'll unilaterally impose them.
Likewise, if Congress rejects her proposed new tax on corporations, "then I will ask the Treasury Department, when I'm there, to use
its regulatory authority, if that's what it takes." Whatever it takes. So far, the public doesn't seem to mind.
Obama Revolution Enters its Radical Phase. While the Obama presidency has not been a real revolution, Obama took office with
the deliberate intention of "transforming" United States, a process that has been in many ways almost as painful and destructive as a
revolution. That process, like classic revolutions of the past, now appears to be entering its most dangerous and radical phase.
The radical phase of the classic revolutionary cycle comes after a more moderate period, and tends to provoke a strong conservative counter-reaction.
It is driven both by the excesses of leaders who see their power and opportunity waning, and the demands of an agitated constituency that feels
let down by the pace of change and wants to push the radical agenda to the breaking point. We can see this happening in the country
today. It is evident in Obama's increasingly desperate attempts to remain relevant and press his agendas through any means possible, for
example through unconstitutional executive actions.
The Man Who Can't Stop Lying. As predicted, Barack
Obama attempted to misdirect the American people during his prime-time Oval Office address last night. The absentee President's relatively
brief addressed seemed more concerned with protecting his view of the nature of Islam than the lives of American citizens, and he quickly pivoted
towards asserting that American gun owners were the real threat. Toward this end, Obama pushed his call to weaponize his enemies list.
He wants to be able to arbitrarily put American citizens that he doesn't like on one of several list, and then strip them of their constitutional
rights by executive fiat.
Versus the Separation of Powers. [Scroll down] No president has more abused the power of the executive.
Obama was raised in Indonesia during key formative years, a nation that in the 1960s was run as a strict military autocracy.
At the time that Obama was attending school there, the state's founder Achmed Sukarno had just been overthrown by Gen. Mohammed
Suharto. Accompanying this transfer of power had been a nationwide purge that murdered at least 100,000. (The government
shrugged the victims off as communists, but it was a lot more complicated than that). Afterward, Suharto merrily set about
becoming what a number of sources state to be "the most corrupt leader in history," stealing over $30 billion while his family
accounted for another $4 or 5 billion. During the same period he sanctioned further massacres in East Timor and West
Irian. This is the environment in which Obama's consciousness of the world emerged, while sitting in a classroom presided over
by a portrait of Suharto in his black songkok. It's from here, rather than any later encounter with Alinsky or Ayers, that
he gets his idea of government. While his left-wing pals may have poured in the ideology, the jug had been shaped for some time.
Threatens US Intelligence and Military If They Don't Tell Him What He Wants to Hear. Barack Obama is pretending
his ISIS "strategy" is working even though we can all clearly see that it isn't. The President said during his ISIS
presser that he vigorously rejected the idea that he should go further with his war against ISIS, dismissing critics who were
playing "political games" or offering "shallow solutions". He said he's getting advice from the greatest military minds. [...]
But in fact, advisors either tell him what he wants to hear or they could face losing their livelihoods. More than 50 intelligence
analysts have confirmed that their work has been altered to say the war against ISIS is more successful than it is.
man our founders warned us against. In his assumption of monarchical powers and his accompanying demagogy,
Barack Obama is the man our founders warned us against. That is the thrust of David Bernstein's important new book,
Lawless: The Obama Administration's Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
Obama Not 'Lame Duck,' 'Really Big Things' Coming. White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett said criminal justice reform that
reduces the prison population would make America safer. Jarrett also said President Obama is focused on tackling the issue along with
Congress and is not a "lame duck." Obama has directed federal agencies to "ban the box," which prohibits them from asking about an applicant's
criminal history. Jarrett said Obama wants Congress to do the same for federal contractors as well, which requires congressional action.
In addition, the Justice Department has decided to release about 6,000 inmates from federal prison who were convicted of drug-related offenses.
senators warn Obama to tell the truth about climate deal. A group of more than three dozen senators are pressing President Obama to
tell the truth in talks with foreign leaders on any deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and explain that the ultimate say is with Congress and
not the administration. Republican Sens. John Barrasso of Wyoming and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma led a group of 37 senators in sending a
letter to the president Thursday night [11/19/2015], saying that any global agreement with "binding" timetables and emission targets, as well as
financial obligations costing taxpayers, "must be brought before Congress for approval."
Obama: I didn't appreciate how weak the
presidency is until I was president. One big thing Barack Obama has learned about being president? The job isn't as
powerful as you might expect. In a new interview with Bill Simmons at GQ, which is well worth reading in full, Obama explains that
he "didn't fully appreciate" how "decentralized power is" in the US political system until he took office. That is, to get anything
done, he had to spend a ton of his time trying to persuade other people.
The Editor says...
Mr. Obama is shocked to learn that his job entails actual work! All this negotiating and deal-makiing cuts down on
his imperial power and takes a big bite out of golf time. I feel so sorry for the poor guy. Maybe he should retire early.
acting more like a king than president. Judge Napolitano's Chambers: Judge Napolitano explains how President
Obama is acting like a king by forcing once-rejected immigration laws through executive action. [Video clip]
Hey, that UN Global Warming Treaty we signed is legally binding and the Senate gets no say in the matter. Now,
apparently, there's a United Nations global warming initiative that Congress won't even get the chance to vote on.
Secretary of State John Kerry walked back remarks that a future United Nations global warming treaty would not be legally
binding. Now Kerry says a climate treaty would, in fact, be legally binding and not require Senate approval.
Obama's immigration plans are still unconstitutional. President Obama has a penchant for presidential power plays.
He has been following his own playbook since January 2014 when he declared: "I've got a pen, and I've got a phone" —
his promise to do all that he could to bypass Congress — relying on Executive Orders and actions instead of legislation.
Now, a federal appeals court has struck a critical blow against his strategy to unilaterally "change" the nation's immigration laws.
Monday [11/9/2015], a majority of a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit rejected the president's
unprecedented and unlawful power-grab. The Fifth Circuit ruled that President Obama's executive overreach that unilaterally
rewrote the law without congressional consent is unconstitutional, unlawful, and violates the separation of powers.
Immigration, President Obama and the rule of
law. Earlier this week, a federal appeals court in New Orleans upheld an injunction issued by a federal district court
in Texas against the federal government, thereby preventing it from implementing President Barack Obama's executive orders on immigration.
Critics had argued and two federal courts have now agreed that the orders effectively circumvented federal law and were essentially
unconstitutional. Though the injunction on its face restrains officials in the Department of Homeland Security, it is really
a restraint on the president himself.
WH: If Gitmo Closure Ends Up
in Court, Blame Congress. White House spokesman Josh Earnest couldn't say when President Obama will release his "top priority"
plan to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but on Thursday [11/12/2015], he did assure reporters it will be "relatively soon,"
maybe after Obama leaves Washington on Saturday for a trip to Turkey, Malaysia and the Philippines. The bigger question is whether
President Obama will use his executive authority to order the transfer the remaining Gitmo detainees to prisons in the United States.
That would invite a legal challenge from Congress, which has passed a law specifically prohibiting those transfers.
Paul Ryan Warns Obama against
Closing Guantanamo Bay. House speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) warned President Obama Tuesday [11/10/2015] against defying the
lawmakers who have voted to prevent him from transferring prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to the U.S. "He doesn't
have the authority to do it," Ryan told Bloomberg's Mark Halperin last night. "The law is the law. It's just that clear."
DHS memo shows Obama might circumvent DAPA injunction. A newly leaked internal DHS memorandum produced for an
off-the-record agency conclave reveals that the Obama administration is actively planning to circumvent a federal court
injunction that suspended part of last November's deferral-based amnesty initiative. The document, apparently prepared as
follow-up from a DHS "Regulations Retreat" last summer, appears sure to re-ignite concerns in Congress as well as federal judges
in the Fifth Circuit.
Obama and Post-Constitutional America. [O]ver the past hundred years, with the gargantuan expansion of the
executive bureaucracy, the potential for such encroachment has increased in ways unimaginable in earlier periods. Still,
there has been little precedent for the widespread and blatant seizure of unconstitutional authority by President Obama and
by the federal bureaucracy under his aegis. Foremost is the President's own creating or rewriting of federal statutes in
pursuit of his policy goals — whether, for example, in the context of implementing Obamacare, or recasting immigration
law, or signing off on far-reaching international commitments without constitutionally prescribed Congressional authorization,
and even violating the provisions in the watered down Congressional oversight of the Iran deal that had become law only two
months earlier.
weighs expanding background checks through executive authority. In response to the latest mass shooting during
his presidency, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress with his executive authority and imposing new
background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers. Under the proposed rule
change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers.
Obama mulling expanding gun background checks through executive action. His royal highness, King Barack I is
thinking of issuing a decree to his subjects, ordering more background checks for those wishing to purchase a firearm.
This backdoor gun control would be accomplished by forcing high volume gun dealers to obtain a license to sell guns from the
ATF — one of the requirements being to perform background checks on purchasers.
The Most Dangerous Man In the World.
neither Russia's Vladimir Putin nor China's Xi Jinping, nor at this time, Ayatollah Khamenei — it's none other than America's Barack Hussein
Obama. This is not because of any aggressive, risk-laden actions he has taken, far from it. It is because of those he has
failed to take at critical times to credibly dissuade strategic competitors and potential aggressors, such as Russia and China, from
actions that may suddenly compound into destabilizing confrontations, even war. When the Middle East cauldron spawned the barbaric
ISIS, Obama's indecisive, pusillanimous response allowed this Islamic malignancy to rapidly metastasize, compounding and accelerating an
existing refugee problem that will involve America. Additionally, throughout his tenure, overt actions Obama has taken served to
steadily and materially, degrade American military capabilities, while enemies grow stronger.
Ben Carson: 'Hitler' could happen
here. Ben Carson suggested on Wednesday [9/30/2015] that a Nazi-like force could come to power in the United
States. At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Carson noted that many people believe a situation like what took place in
Germany in the 1930's and 1940's could never happen in America. "I beg to differ," Carson said. "If you go back
and look at the history of the world, tyranny and despotism and how it starts, it has a lot to do with control of thought and
control of speech."
Carson: Hitler could
happen in US. GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said Wednesday [9/30/2015] that a government like Nazi Germany's
could reign over the United States. Carson argued during a campaign stop in New Hampshire that a similar regime is possible in
any nation that relinquishes its freedoms.
Global Warming, Syria Push at United Nations Skips Congress. The Paris accord, like the Iran deal before it,
will be strictly an executive agreement, given that Obama wouldn't have the votes to pass anything in either chamber.
Prospects seem to have improved for getting a deal after last week's agreement with China, which has announced plans to
implement a cap-and-trade scheme and push for a global accord in France. Congress, if it gets a chance to weigh in
at all, will be via an effort to disapprove Obama's carbon regulations.
How to Create a Banana Republic: Start with a
dictator. Obama's position has been straightforward, at least privately. He will do whatever he wants and no one
will stop him. He has repeatedly defied Congress and the courts to do so. While he plays the game of giving speech in
which he demands that Congress do X or Y, it's in practice shut out of the process. Here's how it worked on the Iran Deal.
Obama made it clear to Democrats in Congress that he would implement the deal no matter what. The Republican leadership by now has
gotten the message. The message is that Congressional voters are irrelevant. They don't affect policy unless the dictator-in-chief
allows them to.
orders federal agencies to hire psychologists. President Obama on Tuesday directed federal agencies to
incorporate "behavioral science insights" into their daily work to improve how federal agencies deliver programs and
services, which includes the hiring of psychologists by the government. "A growing body of evidence demonstrates that
behavioral science insights — research findings from fields such as behavioral economics and psychology about how
people make decisions and act on them — can be used to design government policies to better serve the American
people," Obama said in an executive order issued Tuesday [9/15/2015].
of spies insist their reports on JV team were altered to please president. This will no doubt come as shocking
news... to Barack Obama and his press secretary. A new report claims that scores of intelligence analysts (read: spies)
have begun talking out of school and are complaining that their reports on major terror groups have been "inappropriately
altered" to paint a brighter picture before being passed on to the President and other leaders. Who could have possibly
suspected that this was going on?
Report Book-Cooking Howls For Reform. Fifty intelligence analysts whose job is to honestly assess what's going
on in the Middle East have charged their reports about Islamic State's rise were systematically altered by senior officials
to the opposite of what they meant: "Happy talk" about the terror group being "on the run" and merely a "JV" version of
al-Qaida, according to a report in the Daily Beast. In a letter to the Pentagon Inspector General's Office, the analysts
said their reports were corrupted to further the White House's narrative that the Middle East was little more than George Bush's
war, and President Obama's premature pullout from Iraq and Afghanistan amounted to "victories." It wasn't, and they didn't.
The shambles of the Middle East and the surprise rise of Islamic State show that something different was going on, and now we know it
had a name: Obama's Domestic Political Priorities.
Is Removing McKinley's Legacy From Hawaii, Not Just An Alaskan Mountain. As our first anti-colonialist
president, Barack Obama is no fan of McKinley, who practically overnight turned America into a "colonial power." Winning the
Spanish-American War, the Republican leader took control of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam and effectively Cuba, which
became a U.S. protectorate. While none of these acquisitions sits well with Obama, he views McKinley's war-time overthrow
of the Hawaiian kingdom as unforgivable.
is accused of constitutional over-reach by renaming North America's highest peak from Mount McKinley to Denali.
A group of Ohio Republicans and Democrats have finally found something to agree on: they are vehemently opposed to President
Barack Obama's renaming of the country's highest peak from Mount McKinley to Denali. The president is expected to make
the long-awaited name change official during his trip to Alaska, where he is expected to arrive this afternoon [8/31/2015]
to take part in a climate change summit.
McKinley's Greatest Monument. It's a
mystery to us where President Obama or his interior secretary, Sally Jewell, gets the authority to rename in Alaska a mountain whose
name was ratified by Congress a century ago as McKinley. We can understand the Democratic Party's interest, in that McKinley, a
Republican, was a particularly fine President. He was, moreover, one of four presidents felled by an assassin. We can
understand, too, the sentiments of Alaska, whose legislature has wanted to change the name. Where, though, does the president
come off doing this by fiat?
carries on Obama's contempt for rule of law. Last Thursday [8/27/2015], property owners across America sighed
in relief when a federal judge in North Dakota enjoined the Environmental Protection Agency from putting its new Waters of
the U.S. rule into effect. Federal District Judge Ralph Erickson wrote that a delay to the rule, which redefines the
Clean Water Act to dramatically expand EPA jurisdiction, "is in the best interests of the public" because it gives the courts
an opportunity to decide the issue on the merits.
The long,
slow death of the rule of law in America. Consider the current debate over the nuclear deal
with Iran. By any reasonable reading, the agreement should have been presented to Congress as a treaty,
requiring a two-thirds supermajority in the Senate to take effect. The White House, however, has refused to
classify it as such, leaving Congress to haggle its way into an arrangement whereby the president can have his way
with the support of just one-third of either house of Congress. The Obama administration hasn't even attempted
to dress this up as a matter of principle, with Secretary of State John Kerry telling the House Foreign Affairs
Committee last month that the deal wasn't a treaty simply "because you can't pass a treaty anymore."
Obama's opinion is the only one that matters.
Obama's Brass Pressured Us to Downplay ISIS Threat. [Scroll down] Reports that have been deemed too
pessimistic about the efficacy of the American-led campaign, or that have questioned whether a U.S.-trained Iraqi military
can ultimately defeat ISIS, have been sent back down through the chain of command or haven't been shared with senior
policymakers, several analysts alleged. In other instances, authors of such reports said they understood that their
conclusions should fall within a certain spectrum. As a result, they self-censored their own views, they said,
because they felt pressure to not reach conclusions far outside what those above them apparently believed.
Barack's Great Gambit.
[Scroll down] Last week the White House stepped in and attempted to put an end to the work of inspectors
general. It has ruled that inspectors general seeking to investigate their agencies will need permission
from their agencies to lay hands on such things as wiretaps, grand justice testimony, and even credit information.
In other words, the agency about to be investigated by its inspector general is free to cooperate or not.
It clearly will render the inspector general toothless.
Scandal: It's Dangerous On Wrong Side Of Obama. Documents produced by the IRS confirm
that being on the wrong side of this administration is a dangerous place to be. Judicial Watch,
which used the Freedom of Information Act to pry the documents from the government's grasp, said
Wednesday they "confirm that the IRS used donor lists to tax-exempt organizations to target those
donors for audits." Among these groups was the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. That organization "may
find itself under high scrutiny," an IRS official whose name was redacted told IRS attorney Lorraine
Gardner in an email.
Manhandled While Protesting Obama. A veteran attending the national convention of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars was manhandled by his fellows when he stood up during a speech by President
Barack Obama and lifted a sign in protest. The sign read, "The emperor has no clothes" and
referenced the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya. [Video clip]
Is Building Massive Databases on Every American. Some of these databases were listed
by the New York Post but I've added some they left out. The Post article focused on the
racially-oriented databases which Obama is setting up for social justice activists to exploit for
time to come, but it's not limited to that. The Housing, Mortgage, Credit Card, Employment, and
to some degree the Education Databases will be used for his Marxist reparations-redistribution of
people and resources to blend city and suburb until the suburbs are no more and the poor and the
criminal gangs live with the wealthy. [...] If this sounds Orwellian, it is. The government
is supposed to be here to serve us, not the other way around. As you go through the list of
databases, imagine a gun registry in the hands of this man.
A Red Diaper Baby President Is Rigging Future Elections With Illegal Immigrants. By
promoting open door policies, eliminating deportations, protecting sanctuary cities, by not
following immigration law, Barack Obama, a red diaper baby, is rigging our future elections. His
goal is a one-party Democrat-Socialist welfare state. We may not be thrilled with Republicans at
times, but this administration wants them and it wants all opposition eliminated.
looks like Lois Lerner may have also been behind conservative targeting in Wisconsin. Remember
those horrifying police raids in Wisconsin a while back? With no hyperbole, it was modern-day tyranny
that should have incensed the entire nation, regardless of political affiliation or viewpoint. Instead,
very few ever even heard about it. Why? Because progressives were the perpetrators and conservatives
were the targets. The raids were part of a so-called "investigation" of conservatives who were supporting
Scott Walker. Well new email evidence suggests that Lois Lerner may have been in cahoots with a Wisconsin
official regarding the investigation.
Your town doesn't
have enough black people. Obama is going to fix that. It doesn't matter what kind of
neighborhood you want to live in. Obama will dictate who moves in next door. Obama will
dictate what kind of house you'll be allowed to build. Obama will dictate where you live, where you
shop, where you work, and how you get around town. It's the culmination of decades of "equality of
outcome" nonsense spewed by the denizens of "fairness." Because it's "unfair" that someone who worked
hard all his life has a nicer house than someone who is sliding by on Section 8 vouchers.
moves to reverse two decades of success in reducing crime. Having empowered Iran's
criminal regime and all but ensured its long-term survival, President Obama is turning his attention
to doing what he can for American criminals. In one day this week, he commuted the sentences of
46 criminals, the most presidential commutations in a single day since at least the administration
of President Lyndon Johnson, according to the White House. The president also took the time to write
a personal letter to each of the 46 criminals. He has not, however, contacted the family of Kathryn
Steinle who was murdered in San Francisco by an illegal alien and convicted felon who was released from prison
earlier this year.
Obama Throws
Open 46 Cell Doors at Last. President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 46 federal drug
offenders Monday [7/13/2015]. In his first term, Obama issued one meager commutation; he was arguably
the stingiest modern president when it came to the exercise of his pardon authority. Now, White House
spokesman Josh Earnest noted, the president has issued 89 commutations — more than the previous
four presidents combined.
Plans Broader Use of Clemency to Free Nonviolent Drug Offenders. Sometime in the next
few weeks, aides expect President Obama to issue orders freeing dozens of federal prisoners locked
up on nonviolent drug offenses. With the stroke of his pen, he will probably commute more sentences
at one time than any president has in nearly half a century. The expansive use of his clemency
power is part of a broader effort by Mr. Obama to correct what he sees as the excesses of the past,
when politicians eager to be tough on crime threw away the key even for minor criminals. With many
Republicans and Democrats now agreeing that the nation went too far, Mr. Obama holds the power to unlock
that prison door, especially for young African-American and Hispanic men disproportionately affected.
Can't Find Victims of 'Mass Incarceration' in Federal Prisons. On Monday [7/13/2015],
President Obama announced the results of his war on unjust sentences and the incarceration of large
numbers of low-level, non-violent drug offenders. Now in the seventh year of his presidency, he has
added just 46 federal felons to the list of those whose sentences he has commuted. The New
York Times tried to help, claiming that Obama has now commuted more sentences "than the last
four presidents combined." But the proper category for presidential clemency is the combination
of pardons and commutations. More "clemency" than "the last four Presidents combined?"
That's a misrepresentation: [...]
Obama Has a Banner Burn the Constitution Week. Constitutional lawyer and red diaper
baby, Barack Obama, obviously rejects the concept of the separation of powers, disdains Congress and
its role, and is impatient with the idea that he should have to follow or respect the findings of
the courts. This week's events have proven the point on both climate change, the nuclear deal and
even housing. On July 8th, Senator Sessions spoke with George Mason University law professor
Jeremy Rabkin at a congressional hearing who told lawmakers that Obama's unilateral commitment to a U.N.
agreement/treaty on climate change without Senate ratification was "a real change in our Constitution."
Rewrites ObamaCare to Save It. [The Supreme] Court once again rewrote ObamaCare to save it.
And it doing so, it validated a massive power grab by the president, one that allows him to spend hundreds of billions
of dollars absent any input from Congress. Moreover, and far more troubling, a terrible precedent has been
established: a president may now unilaterally alter or suspend any law on nothing more than an
unconstitutional whim, solidifying the concept of an imperial Executive as never before. In short, the
nation has entered uncharted waters.
Rand Paul to sue IRS, U.S. Treasury. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul will sue the U.S.
Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service for denying his constitutional right to vote on treaties
that the Obama administration unilaterally negotiated with dozens of foreign governments, The
Washington Times has learned. The treaties, which the administration calls "intergovernmental
agreements," require foreign banks to gather and share private financial information about millions
of Americans living and working outside the U.S. — information they would not have to
disclose to the U.S. government if they lived and worked in the U.S.
is 'Weakening the Family and Attacking Religious Liberty,' Like in 'Totalitarian Regimes'. "This
administration has grown the government, increased dependency on the government and lessened the self-sufficiency
of America's families," said Blackwell during a June 22 interview on the Joe Miller Radio Show. "So,
every day I try to make the case that this rapid expansion of the welfare state under the Obama administration
is not unlike any of the welfare state expansions, totalitarian regimes, throughout human history," said
Blackwell. "And those regimes have done two things — again, whether they have been to weaken
the family and two, to silence the church."
does President Obama criticize the Supreme Court so much? In his more than six years
in the White House, Obama has to an unusual degree — for a serving president —
offered strong opinions on how the court's justices should decide cases central to his legacy. In a
few instances, those pointed opinions have sounded a lot like outright criticism. Obama's
willingness to plunge into the court's business reflects his background as a constitutional law
lecturer, his irritation with the legal and political wrangling surrounding the landmark health-care
law and his view of the court's role in American society.
the Lame Duck: Constitution Rising. Liz Peek, writing at The Fiscal Times, offers an
incisive description of a president at war with the Constitution. His serial affronts to our precious
system of checks and balances are made all the more egregious thanks to an opposition party leadership
that is either afraid of conflict or simply crypto-conspirators.
Unilateral Presidency Crashes Into the Constitution. It turns out that you actually
can't run the country all by yourself, even if you're the smartest fellow in the room. That's
proving quite a shock to our legacy-hungry commander in chief, who is responding to various setbacks with
increasing indignation and hauteur. But, never, ever, moderation.
Prepares More 'Executive Actions' On Global Warming. President Barack Obama is preparing to
unleash a series of "executive actions" aimed at boosting the green energy industry as part of the president's
global warming agenda. Obama is launching a "Clean Energy Impact Investment Center" at the Energy
Department to "make information about energy and climate programs ... accessible and more understandable
to the public, including to mission-driven investors." The White House is also ordering the IRS to
come out with guidance and rules to get nonprofits to invest in green energy technologies, along with
creating more government financing options for small businesses looking to go green.
Obama Presidency — A Cacophony of Corruption. [For example,] Executive order abuse — Using these
unilateral executive actions to thwart laws against illegal immigration, enact a mortgage relief program, revamp the student
loan debt program, strengthen the Federal Drug Administration's power to ration prescription drugs, wreak regulatory havoc through
the EPA, undo bipartisan welfare-reform law, and impose Common Core, Obama has acted more as despot than as a president.
Obama Instructs
the Court. No one wants a Captain Queeg in the White House. But Barack Obama combines his
egocentricity with an almost boundless intellectual arrogance. It is one of the primary reasons his
presidency has been so devoid of successes and so filled with failures and disasters. Only Woodrow
Wilson comes anywhere close to being in the same league. The reason, as Noemie Emery points out in
the Washington Examiner, is that men like Obama and Wilson can't learn from their mistakes because they
cannot admit, or even conceive, that they can make mistakes.
Firearms Speech
Regulations. Let's cover the list. No more American Rifleman Magazine (since it has
technical data in it), no more descriptions over forums for how to reload or what recipe is best for
certain situations, no more tactical training videos over YouTube, no more posting of results of
ballistic gelatin, no more gun reviews, no more descriptions of how to field strip and clean
firearms, and on and on the list goes. It won't work. Obama will be defeated, now and in
eternity. Just like gun control doesn't stop the availability of guns, Obama can't stop the
sharing of information. And for his totalitarianism, Mr. Obama has earned a place in hell on
judgment day. In the mean time, the administration has declared war on you and your freedoms.
is wrong with Democrats? Barack Obama has run roughshod over the Constitution and the
separation of powers. Have Democrats in Congress who excoriated Richard Nixon for running an
imperial presidency (he was a piker compared to Barack Obama) objected to the many examples of Obama
violating important principles enshrined in our Constitution? This should not be a partisan issue
and is not in doubt. [...] Senators and representatives take an oath, as did President Obama, to
defend and support the Constitution. They have not. In fact, they have done everything they
can to promote the powers of the President since they assume Democrats have a lock on the presidency.
is in the Process of Repealing the 2nd Amendment By Executive Order. It has been revealed that Obama is
teaming up with Loretta Lynch to repeal the 2nd Amendment, bypassing congress and relying on executive orders.
The variety of new laws and regulations on guns are far ranging and quite unconstitutional. The measures being
proposed are the banning of certain high powered pistols. I really don't know what the good in that is. It
might make it harder to shoot people from a long distance but most attacks using pistols are from short range. [...] Other
new regulations and laws include new rules on the storage of weapons. "Hey, Mr Burglar, could you wait a moment
while I open up my gun safe?" Then there's universal gun registration, a ban on gun ownership for anyone with a
misdemeanor domestic violence charge, like spanking your child, banning gun ownership for anyone who is seeing a shrink
or has done so in the past, and expanding the list of people who can never own a gun, which will be done arbitrarily.
Also posted
under Obama and gun control.
Think like a liberal —
or else. Extra-legal executive orders can help a president bypass supposed troglodytes
in Congress and among the public. Obama granted blanket amnesties, proposed rules that would
lead to the closure of many coal plants, and arbitrarily chose which health or labor statutes should
be enforced and at what times. A filmmaker was even jailed on a trumped-up probation charge after
making a video about Islam that was deemed unhelpful to the official administration Benghazi narrative.
The IRS hounded nonprofit groups considered insufficiently progressive.
You 'Must be Made' to Obey.
This is an idea older than — and as well preserved as — Vladimir Lenin himself.
How Dear Leader intends to reconcile his scheme to "change how the media reports on these issues" with the
First Amendment's Free Press Clause, namely, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom ... of
the press," is abundantly clear. He doesn't. Our emperor-in-chief will force feed his once-free
subjects yet another unconstitutional executive decree — a Net Neutrality sandwich with a side of
Fairness Doctrine. [...] Whether it's Obama saying government will "have to change how the media reports," or
Hillary saying "deep-seated religious beliefs have to be changed," such despotic demands should spike the
neck hair of every freedom-loving American.
Obama the
Magnificent. President Obama recently hinted at forcing Fox News to stop disagreeing with him
("we're going to have to change how the media reports on these issues"). Our fearless leader is so
deeply fixated that he can't imagine being wrong. Obama has a Napoleonic mindset, with no real precedent
in American history. But Napoleonic delusions are common enough in one-party dictatorships.
by Executive Order. [Scroll down] Now we hear that the White House is considering
unilateral action to essentially increase taxes on corporations through executive action. Besides
fighting a Revolutionary War against such tactics, it would clearly be unconstitutional since the only
way revenue can be raised is through the legislative branch. Every single other Executive Order
issued in our history never contemplated such an audacious, power-grabbing view. When money was
discussed or implicated, it is always in the context of how to save money for the government through
streamlining regulations or strengthening safeguards against wasteful spending. Not a single one
came close to unilaterally changing the tax code without Congressional approval. If allowed and
if unchecked, Obama would be the closest thing to a King that this country has ever witnessed.
Lynch Filibuster That Never Happened. The appointment of Loretta Lynch to be the
nation's Attorney General won Senate confirmation on April 23, 2015. [...] During hearings
leading up to her confirmation, Ms. Lynch was asked about possible use of executive orders
by the President to create law, especially law regarding illegal immigrants. Making law
with the stroke of a pen has, of course, always been a violation of the Constitution's very first
sentence: "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United
States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." Anyone who understands
the meaning of the word "all" would know that no President can make law. The President's job
is to see that laws are "faithfully executed." The Senate's procedural rules contain the
possible use of the procedure known as filibuster. It allows continued debate about an issue,
even dragging on indefinitely, until an objectionable measure is withdrawn.
Republicans back lawsuit against Obama's immigration actions. Top Republicans in Congress on Monday [5/11/2015]
entered the court battle over President Obama's latest moves to ease deportations for immigrants living in the country
illegally. Texas and 25 other states have challenged the legality of the unilateral actions, arguing that the
president overstepped his executive power with programs halting deportations and granting work permits to certain groups
of illegal immigrants.
Civilizations Collapse — Is U.S. Next? In the last six years, the
enforcement of federal laws has depended on their apparent political utility. If elements of the
controversial Affordable Care Act were deemed politically risky, then their implementation was ignored
until after an election. If the Environmental Protection Agency could not see its agenda passed
through Congress as federal law, then it implemented its green policies by fiat. If the Obama
administration reaches a controversial agreement with Iran that will not meet the constitutional test
of ratification by two-thirds of the Senate, then it will not be called a treaty and instead be
imposed by presidential executive order.
Kerry Told Iran He Wishes 'U.S. Had a Leader like Iran's Supreme Leader'. Secretary of
State John Kerry told his Iranian counterpart that he wished the United States had a leader more
like Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, according to comments made by a senior Iranian cleric and
repeated in the country's state-run media. Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda claimed during Friday prayer
services in Iran that in negotiations over Tehran's contested nuclear program, Kerry told the
country's foreign minister that he "wished the U.S. had a leader like Iran's supreme leader,"
according to a Persian-language report on the remarks published by the Asriran news site.
David Perdue: Obama Runs 'Country Without Congress'. President Barack Obama's abuse of executive power
privileges has essentially frozen Congress out of the government for the past six years, leading to foreign policy
disasters across the globe and systemic domestic problems, according to Sen. David Perdue (R., Ga.), who blasted
the White House's abuse of power during a speech on the Senate floor Monday evening [4/27/2015]. Perdue, in
his first wide-ranging speech from the Senate floor, blasted what he said is the Obama administration's unprecedented
abuse of the presidency and failure to set America on stable path.
still not specifically authorizing Islamic State campaign. U.S. forces have now
surpassed 2,800 strikes against targets in Iraq and Syria under President Obama's war against the
Islamic State, all as part of a conflict Congress has yet to specifically authorize — and
amid worries lawmakers won't ever act. Under intense pressure from Capitol Hill, Mr. Obama
finally submitted a draft authorization for the use of military force against the Islamic State in
February, but it's since languished, caught in the stalemate between those who want tighter
restrictions and those who want the president to have as free a hand as possible. Now analysts
worry that inaction will set a dangerous precedent and leave Congress shorn of its warmaking powers.
Obama's Three
Premises. Obama's worldview is not consistent with the foundational heart of America's founding.
He sees nothing wrong whatsoever in his actions. Thus, his opprobrium against America continues because we,
as a nation, are wrong. Our values are distorted; our strengths are our weaknesses; our foundations are
ill-begotten and need to be dismantled. His contempt for the nation is the correct reaction for Obama.
And thus, we find Obama will agree to a "phased-in relief to sanctions" for Iran with absolutely nothing in return
but empty gestures.
Obama's Republican
Collaborators. The GOP swept to victory in November by declaring that this imperial
presidency must be brought to heel, and President Obama's illicit seizures of Congressional power
must end. That was then. Now is now. This week, Congress takes up legislation to cede His
Majesty full authority to negotiate the largest trade deal in history, the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership,
and to surrender Congress' right to amend any TPP that Obama might bring home.
executive action rollouts increasing in pace. President Obama never used the words
"executive action" until nearly three years into his presidency. Now announcements of executive
actions have become a routine, almost daily occurrence.
No War Powers Request to Congress As It Sends Aircraft Carrier to Yemen. "Was there any consideration before you
sent this aircraft carrier out to the Gulf of Aden to send a War Powers Act request up to Congress?" a reporter asked the White
House press secretary on Tuesday [4/21/2015]. "I don't believe so," spokesman Josh Earnest replied. "But if —
let me check with the lawyers on that before I — before I completely rule that out. My suspicion is that, based on
the fact that there are — is already a military presence there, that a War Powers Act would — or
notification would be unnecessary."
I, Obama Supplicant.
I don't know if you realize it, but gradually, over his presidency, Obama has become king, and we
have for all intents and purposes become his supplicants. He speaks, and, without congressional
oversight or debate, we are forced to obey. I mean, think about it. A king speaks the word, and
it becomes law. Obama does the same. While Obama's decrees may not be legal, they are implemented,
with the MSM cheering him on for his compassion and skill at getting around the racist, sexist, and
mean GOP. The GOP appears unwilling to stop him.
Beware the
Jury of One. This week, President Obama suddenly "commuted" — read:
canceled, reversed, and summarily ended — the federal mandatory minimum sentences of 22
federally convicted drug traffickers. Of that group, eight were serving life sentences for their
endangerment of the public, others ten years or more, and all likely had other encounters with the
law. Exactly what kind of message is this president sending to America's kids, parents, teachers,
mayors, governors — in an old fashioned phrase, America — and what can we expect
next? Three serious questions need to be asked and answered by the White House. First, what
is going on with these 22 offenders? Specifically, how, why, on what basis, for what compelling
reason could such sentences be lifted for such egregious federal crimes — effectively
re-endangering the American public?
Obama's UN
Ambitions. Why does Obama do dangerous and irrational things? By now half of American
voters have pretty much figured him out as a power-hungry and self-serving Chicago pol with strange
Muslim sympathies, [without regard for] the U.S. Constitution and the law. [...] Obama's eyes have
always been on the biggest prize in the world, the virtual Presidency of the Planet. He has been
signaling (the way he always does) to the fantasists of the Left, the people who think world government
is the answer. That's the point of the global warming scam and similar power grabs. It is
also why Obama pretends that the UN can guarantee the Iranian nuclear surrender, rather than the U.S.
Senate, as required by the Constitution.
Chicago Presidency. Obama in adolescent fashion put it best in the 2008 campaign when
he urged his flock, "I want you to argue with them and get in their face," and when he later lifted
a Chicago line from screenwriter David Mamet's dialogue in The Untouchables to say to his base, "If
they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." No wonder Obama — despite having once
been on the receiving end of a racial slur from Senator Harry Reid — recently praised the
outgoing Senate majority leader, whose style and modus operandi were akin to Obama's own.
wants to turn America against Israel. As most informed Americans know by now, Barack
Obama is a man with grandiose visions of himself. According to Barack Obama, President Obama's
accomplishments have vaulted him into the pantheon of the greats: Lincoln, Roosevelt and Johnson.
His nomination victory speech marked the moment "when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began
to heal" according to, once again, Barack Obama. He was a better political director than his political
director and a better speechwriter than his speechwriters, reported... Barack Obama. The sense of grandiosity
is dangerous in any president as is the view that a president can do whatever he wants — the conception
of the presidency as held by... you guessed it... Barack Obama.
List of Obama's Constitutional Violations. Clearly Obama has not respected or
protected the Constitution. Obama has broken his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the
Constitution of the United States. Article II, Section 1. Note: Executive
Orders/Actions by the president were not designed for, nor do they give a president the authority to
use as, a means to override or alter legislation or any other Constitutional violation. Executive
Orders cannot defy Congressional intent.
much do executive orders cost? No one knows. When President Obama issued an executive
order granting civilian federal employees a 1% pay raise last December, the White House did not tell
Congress how much those raises would cost. Instead, White House Office of Management and Budget
Director Shaun Donovan said in a report that the order "is not anticipated to increase discretionary
obligations and outlays overall." To Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla., that statement is "ludicrous."
As Congress and the White House battle over whether Obama has the executive authority to halt deportation,
delay implementation of the Affordable Care Act or negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran, another skirmish
has opened up over the question of how much Obama's executive orders cost. The answer:
No one knows.
for a Dictatorial Presidency. Members of Congress from both parties once jealously
guarded its power against the executive branch, but under President Obama, this is no longer true
for Democrats. There are very good reasons Democrats have ceded their power to President Obama and
ignored their responsibility to uphold the Constitution the past 6 years — and disgraced
themselves in doing so. Because governmental bodies rarely give up power voluntarily, this
historic transition deserves careful scrutiny.
'Signature Achievement' Will Be Bypassing The Constitution. For a guy who's not a fan
of certain foreign leaders, Barack Obama sure does place a tremendous amount of trust in the good
will of other nations. For legacy-building purposes, for example, the administration trusts that
Iran will police its own nuclear ambitions — or, as John Kerry might put it, we've entered into
a nonbinding agreement that is also not based on trust. The same goes for the Chinese government,
whom we will soon have to trust so the president can get his legacy-building global-warming deal.
President is
not Commander in Chief of Foreign Policy. The president is only the commander
in chief of "the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when
called into the actual service of the United States." This provision was intended to assure civilian
control over the military and to serve as a check on military power. The only people he is empowered
to command are soldiers, sailors and members of the militia — not ordinary citizens. This
important limitation on the president's power is highly relevant to the current debate about Congress having
the authority to check the president's decision to make the deal that is currently being negotiated with
Iran. The Constitution is clear about this. The President is not the Commander-in-Chief of
our nation's foreign policy.
warns Obama not to try executive-fiat tax hikes. Congress's two top tax chairmen
warned President Obama on Wednesday [3/18/2015] not to claim unilateral executive powers to raise taxes on his
own, saying it violates the Constitution and ruins chances for a lasting deal. Rep. Paul Ryan,
chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, chairman of the Senate
Finance Committee, said they were troubled by White House's announcement earlier this month that Mr.
Obama is "very interested" in exploring what options he has to raise taxes without going through Congress.
calls for mandatory voting in U.S.. President Obama, whose party was trounced in last
year's midterm election due to poor turnout among Democrats, endorsed the idea of mandatory voting
Wednesday [3/18/2015]. "It would be transformative if everybody voted," Mr. Obama said during a
town-hall event in Cleveland. "That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything.
If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country." Mr. Obama
raised the subject during a discussion of curbing the influence of campaign donations in U.S. elections.
The president said he had never discussed the idea publicly before, but said Australia and some other
countries have compulsory voting.
Liz Warren:
The next Obama. [Scroll down] Obama is the most extreme leftist ever to become
president. He has no real commitment to the U.S. Constitution, as he has said himself, but he
obviously does have a yen for Islamist extremists like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian mullahs.
Remember, these are seriously delusional people. They think they deserve untrammeled power over the
rest of us, because they, and only they, know how to run things. They believe that regular Americans
are stupid, when they believe in the viability of Marxism, the global warming fraud, and killing off U.S. energy
independence. But they are experts at political deception and manipulation, and the public is still mostly
in the dark.
Choke Point is government run amuck. Operation Choke point is an Obama Administration
Justice Department program created in 2013 to intimidate banks into not loaning money to businesses
that they simply do not like. This means that gun shop owners, tobacco retailers, and other
companies like this are going to be feeling the stranglehold of government. Already, they have
used the program to block credit being issued to small business owners and have put gun dealers out
of business. They have targeted companies that sell fireworks. They targeted online gaming
companies. They went after tobacco sellers and dating services. They have even targeted loan
companies if they don't favor the rates and the recipients, such as "payday" loan companies.
Course Obama Wants to Take Hillary Down. [Scroll down] Obama is not going to
disappear into obscurity in two years. In two years he will be the most powerful leftist in
America. He will still have the ability to raise enormous sums of money (witness the Clintons) and
funnel it to the destructive, radical causes he loves. His Alinsky tactics will be unfettered in
destroying opponents, including Democrats not docile enough to his diktats. Obama's presidency was
only the beginning for the socialist, anti-colonialist, anti-white makeover of America.
live in constant fear of upsetting the WH [White House]". The AP recently obtained
government emails they requested to determine who pays for Michelle Obama's expensive dresses. The
National Archives and Records Administration blacked out one sentence on every page claiming the
part of the law that allows shielding of personal information such as a Social Security number. They
forgot to black out the sentence on one page and it said, "We live in constant fear of upsetting the
WH [White House]." This has been going on for years but grew into a far worse problem in 2009
with a simple presidential memorandum. The White House memo of April 15, 2009, cited White House
Equities — Presidential Privilege — to give itself the power to censor any
FOIA requests that might contain "White House equities" — essentially any information
involving or referencing communications with the White House — without first clearing it
with presidential attorneys. Anything embarrassing is certainly included. The vagueness
of "White House equities" allows them to frighten agencies into releasing nothing and passing
everything imaginable by them for approval like they do in Third World countries.
Obama Is Not
Hitler. What Hitler and Obama do have in common, of course, is their love of
socialism. Obama has given himself unprecedented power through Obamacare via the IRS.
And while America has dabbled in socialism before — i.e., Roosevelt's New
Deal — Obama is hell-bent on turning the United States in a National Socialist
direction. Executive orders by the truckload, extra-constitutional czars, warrantless
wiretaps, all wrapped under a cult of personality, which is central to National Socialism, mark this
presidency. [...] So Obama's socialism results in the expansion of the welfare state, which
continues to explode with illegal immigrants and a mix of terrorists. Add to this a burgeoning
expansion of ill- or uninformed Americans as this concoction of dependency expands.
A Better Plan.
Today, we have a constitutional crisis on our hands. President Obama has decided that because Congress has not
granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens living in the U.S., he will do so himself. Let us ponder for a
moment just how shameless this assertion of power is.
Archives Tried to Hide Email About Living in Fear of White House. The National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA) tried to hide an email about its fear of upsetting the
White House from Freedom of Information Act requests by the Associated Press, the AP reported Friday
[3/13/2015]. Associated Press president Gary Pruitt reported in an op-ed on government
transparency that, during the course of an AP investigation into Michelle Obama's dresses, NARA used
a privacy exemption to redact a line in an email that was actually about the agency's fear of the
White House: [...]
It's Not Just Iran
You Can't Trust. Though many presidents have claimed (and often been granted) primacy
in foreign affairs, this is tradition, not law. The president must submit treaties to the
Senate for "advice and consent." He has the power to make ambassadorial appointments (again,
with the Senate's OK), and he is commander in chief. He is nowhere designated the sole arbiter
of foreign policy.
Really Upsets Barack Obama About the Letter to Iran from 47 Senators. The letter
infuriated Barack Obama because it told the Mullahs that any deal must include Congress and the
president is not the sole decision maker. It infuriates Obama personally and ideologically to
have his power limited.
c'est moi': Obama vs. the people. Indeed, listening to the four liberal justices lay the groundwork for
their opinion Wednesday was akin to watching a team of contortionists on "The Ed Sullivan Show" bend themselves into
pretzels — all for the sake of avoiding the truth. It is probably just a matter of time before they
vote (with the connivance of Chief Justice Roberts and/or Associate Justice Kennedy) to confirm that the state is
whatever Obama declares it to be. As the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, is reputed to have declared,
"L'etat c'est moi." (The state, it is I.) Even more relevant in this case is the king's declaration
that, "It is legal because I wish it." That is the position of President Obama and his team of
lawyers. They are arguing essentially that it doesn't matter what the law says.
Ongoing Assault on the Constitution. Throughout his tenure in office, Obama has been
exercising powers outside the scope of his constitutionally prescribed executive authority.
Democrats have cynically denied his usurpations, saying that he's just doing what other presidents
have done, but his abuses have been different in kind. He has abused his power with premeditation,
announcing early on, through his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, that he would govern through
"executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues." More recently,
he has boasted that he has a pen and a phone — tools that will enable him to circumvent
legislative authority.
Also posted
under grounds for impeachment.
Obama to
Adopt the Power for Taxation for Himself. Maybe Obama thinks we're still operating
under the Articles of Confederation! The Articles of Confederation did not grant Congress the power
to tax. Someone needs to let Obama know right away that a constitution has been adopted. Obama,
in response to a letter from Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist-Vt.), which I'm sure the White House had
nothing to do with, is considering curbing tax breaks that could net the government $100 billion
over ten years.
The Constitution has Failed.
Today [3/3/2015], thanks to servile Democrats and feckless Republican leadership, the system has
revealed itself as finally and utterly broken. Forget for a moment how you feel about immigration
policy. As it happens, my position is relatively close to the President's. Nonetheless, the
authority to set immigration policy is clearly delegated to the Congress by the Constitution and
Congress has spoken — repeatedly and exhaustively — on this subject. President
Obama's Executive Order was not issued in a vacuum in which Congress had not acted, but instead was a
direct declaration that the law would henceforth be enforced in a manner completely opposite from the
written law on the books. Each and every person in Congress — Republican or Democrat,
immigration hardliner or amnesty proponent, should have objected strenuously to this, if only for
the sake of protecting the right of Congress to pass laws that will be enforced as written.
Lex est quod dico.
is Looking into Raising Taxes by Executive Order. We already knew that President Obama
was happy to continue waging war in Libya even after his lawyers told him he needed Congressional
approval. We already knew that he was willing to alter and delay major portions of Obamacare,
regardless of the statutory language. And we already knew that he was eager to indefinitely
suspend deportations for millions of illegal immigrant adults — and proactively give them
legal work papers, making them eligible for billions in tax credits — despite years of
explicitly arguing that he didn't have the authority to do so.
news from Josh Earnest: Obama's "very interested" in using executive action to raise new tax
revenue. Look at it from O's perspective: If you're going to steal lawmaking power
from Congress on an important issue like immigration, why wouldn't you also steal power on an issue
like taxes that's at the very core of the liberal agenda? Not only have Republicans in Congress
failed to stop his earlier power grabs, they've actively humiliated themselves in trying. It's
pure win for the White House.
Obama Claiming He'll Raise Taxes By Executive Order. President Obama really does think
he is a king or an emperor of some type. Now he claims that he is going to use executive orders to
raise taxes on us all. This arrogant prince thinks he can do anything he wants just by his say-so.
No act of Congress needed.
Jarrett Says Americans 'Hungry' For Obama to Act Like an Imperial President. On
Tuesday [1/27/2015], White House Senior AdviserValerie Jarrett told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that
Americans are "hungry" for Obama to take unilateral action, bypassing Congress wherever he can to
get things done, CNS News reported. "People around our country are hungry for action," she said.
[...] Although Obama will prod Congress to act on his agenda, Jarrett said Obama "will make clear
tonight that he will take action on his own," bypassing Congress when he sees fit. "We're going
to do what we can, within the president's own executive power, and working throughout the country
with those who want to move our country forward," she added.
Barack Obama An Imperial President? During an appearance on the Janet Mefferd Show, Rep. Louie Gohmert
(R-TX) warned that a provision within Obamacare could create an armed "secret security force". That force goes
by the name "Federal Protective Services" which is a "Federal Police Force." NOTHING in the Constitution
authorized a Federal Police Force. It appears Obama is setting up his own version of the S.S. No
wonder Obamacare is so important to him. It gives him his own private army. WHAT does that have to do
with healthcare?
King v. Burwell
Is Much Bigger Than Obamacare. [T]he President conducts himself in a manner utterly
inconsistent with republican principles and his constitutional oath. Obama obviously believes the
law is what he says it is, a delusion evidently shared by his party and the press. He behaves as if
he possesses the power to unilaterally change laws and create new ones merely because the opposition
party actually opposes his agenda. [John] Adams characterized such behavior as that of "a despot,
bound by no law or limitation but his own will; it is a stretch of tyranny beyond absolute monarchy."
'If You Weaken (the Law) Today, You Weaken It Forever'. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) has a
message for those who may approve of — or even benefit from — President
Obama's unconstitutional immigration policy: "Be careful what you do with the law today, because if
you weaken it today, you weaken it forever," he told the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday
[2/25/2015]. Gowdy said the law is the nation's greatest unifying and equalizing force —
"but one person does not make law in a republic."
Illiberal approach to immigration
only invites more acrimony. A federal judge has temporarily blocked President Obama's
executive order that overrode existing immigration law. The result is more acrimony and chaos. It
is a good time to remember that there are more than just two types of immigration — legal and illegal.
There also exist liberal and illiberal approaches to immigration. Take liberal immigration. It is governed
by laws passed by Congress and signed and executed by the president. Nearly all Americans accept that no individual
can pick and choose which federal statute he chooses to obey, depending on his own perceived self-interest.
This Man Is Dangerous.
[Scroll down] Not only does Obama believe he can set immigration policy without legal authority
from Congress. Now, he believes he is the only person, the Leader, who sets foreign and defense
policy objectives and means. Yes, this clearly contradicts the Constitution, which places this
duty and power in Congress, subject to the President's execution of Congress's law. But the
Constitution is a scrap of paper to Mr. Obama. No more than a scrap of paper, as is anything
that gets in his way.
of the House: President Has Acted 'Far Beyond His Constitutional Authority'. As
Democrats and even some Republicans blast conservatives for refusing to pass a clean Homeland
Security funding bill, House Speaker John Boehner said on Sunday it's important to look at why this
is happening: "But remember what is causing this," Boehner told CBS's "Face the Nation."
"It's the president of the United States overreaching. And that's not just on immigration.
You know, 38 times he made unilateral changes to Obamacare — many of these, I believe,
far beyond his constitutional authority to do so. [...]"
Believes He Alone Is The Law In America. First, the president issues unlawful executive orders
giving illegal immigrants amnesty. Then, he dares an equal branch of government to vote on his orders'
legality so he can veto it. Is he establishing a monarchy?
Can We Impeach Now?
First Barack Obama decided to overreach and extend amnesty by executive order. One judge in Texas
has told him no and Republicans are hanging their hat on that judge's order. Then the FCC
decided to declare internet a public utility. They overreached, rushed it through, and committed to
as little transparency as possible to make it happen. Congress did nothing on this front and the FCC
decided to replace the Congress on the matter. Now there are reports that Barack Obama, by
executive order and agency regulation, will curtail the manufacture of certain ammunition. Again
and again and again the President of the United States has met the boundaries of his powers and stepped
across them. The Senate is now on the verge of confirming his Attorney General appointee who sees
no limits to the power of Octavius Obama.
Dictator's Dynamic In Obama's Bullet Ban. The president has ordered the reclassification of
AR-15 bullets as a threat to lawmen, effectively banning them. It's nonsense. But we see what's
going on: a backdoor bid to ban guns and scrap the Second Amendment.
Congress Has No Role in Approving Iran Nuclear Deal. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday [2/25/2015]
declined to "get into" what negotiators are proposing to the Iranians in the nuclear talks, and defended the president's
authority to execute foreign policy, saying he did not believe a negotiated agreement should go through a "formal approval
process" by Congress. "I don't think there ought to be a formal approval process," he told the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, adding that the administration was consulting with Congress and that lawmakers would ultimately have to vote on
lifting sanctions on Iran.
Obama embraces presidential power. Barack Obama is expected to issue the third and
most significant veto of his presidency Tuesday [2/24/2015], embracing raw executive power in the
twilight of his administration. [...] On Tuesday he is likely to make good on another veto promise,
rejecting a bill pushing for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring oil
from Canada to the United States.
A Question
of Personality. [Scroll down] Rather than standing foursquare on a wide,
bipartisan consensus, he is ruling from a narrow circle of advisers on the residue of the legitimacy
provided by his charisma. The authority for his actions is increasingly himself. This happens
all the time with charismatic leaders. Hugo Chavez did it, and it leads to disaster. Because the
day may come when someone may ask, "well where are all these beautiful and evocative short stories you wrote
as an organizer?" Where are all the articles you wrote as President of the Harvard Law Review?
And what was your legislative track record before becoming president? These questions
are all off limits even though they are interrogatories of the most ordinary kind. And
they are off limits for a reason. They undermine the root of the legend.
Obama is on a rampage.
He can't bring himself to call Islamic terrorists what they are, but President Obama finally said
something with which we can all agree. Speaking of his remaining time in office, he said:
"Two years is a long time." He can say that again — and did, attaching a scary promise about his
plans for the twilight of his tenure. "Two years is also the time in which we're going to be setting the
stage for the next presidential election and the next 10 years of American policy," he told wealthy donors
in San Francisco. "So I intend to run through the tape and work really hard, and squeeze every last little
bit of change." There you have it. Instead of cleaning up the messes he's created, Obama is hell-bent
on making more of them.
Republicans blast 'King Barack' for latest national monument: 'Land grab'. Not
everyone was thrilled by President Obama's plan to designate another national monument in Colorado,
this time a 21,000-acre area around the Arkansas River called Browns Canyon. While Democrats and
environmental groups cheered the pending announcement, some Colorado Republicans were fuming over
Mr. Obama's repeated use of the Antiquities Act to bypass the legislative process and create
national monuments on his own.
to designate 3 national monuments. The three sites will bring to 16 the number of
national monuments Obama has created under the 1906 Antiquities Act, which grants presidents broad
authority to protect historic or ecologically significant sites without congressional approval.
Plurality of Democrats think Obama should be able to ignore court rulings if it's "important". A small
reminder that Obama couldn't get away with his authoritarian plays on immigration and health care if his party wasn't
backing him up. Turns out, in fact, that they're willing to go even further than he is. Obama tends to
limit himself to summarily rewriting federal statutes, like immigration laws and ObamaCare's employer mandate.
Democrats wonder: Why not rewrite some federal court rulings too?
Pincer Movement on Ammunition. As it wanes, the Obama administration grows bold, and
even reckless, on matters that send a thrill up the leg of its most leftward supporters. Its new
attack on so-called armor-piercing ammunition — which is, in reality, a very broad attack
on ammunition across the board — is a dangerous and destructive example of the administration's
late-days slide into rule-by-decree.
way for Congress to halt Obama's executive overreach. President Obama's abuse of his
authority is being carried out by government bureaucrats running wild with power. Executive branch
bureaucrats represent a serious threat to our liberty, and the new Republican Congress must pass
legislation such as the REINS Act to rein in the excessive power wielded by the executive branch.
Climate change regulations being advanced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers a case
study justifying the need for the REINS Act as a way to counter Obama's executive branch of power.
become UN Sec General Obama must 'Solve' the Existence of Israel. President Obama is
basically a Marxist of the "Third World" variety, which means that he lives in the faith that some
elite political minority can rule first the United States and Europe, and then the world. In
Washington speculation is rife that the end of the Obama years is only the beginning of a run for UN
Secretary General, a job he can fiddle into real power, using leftist and Muslim regimes from around
the world to support him. Obama's ambition runs his mind and his life. He can't face the
end of power.
Touts "Inclusive Capitalism". In an interview with Ezra Klein of Vox, President Obama
said traditional market forces that used to redistribute income are failing and the time for
government to do it instead has arrived. The interview, which ran today, was conducted January 23.
Touting what he referred to as inclusive capitalism, Obama made the case for what actually sounds a lot
like socialism. [...] Capitalism, Obama indicated, is no longer working to get enough money out of the
hands of the rich and into the hands of workers.
Obama's Fanaticism.
Americans have been and continue to be deluded by a man who feels he is entitled to a divine right
to rule over his subjects, the very subjects whom he reviles and despises, especially those who
still value freedom. In all of Obama's executive orders and unconstitutional actions, one
characteristic is abundantly clear and that is the "negation of liberty." Instead he creates an
"ongoing despair" as people work harder and earn less, as people strive for success, but are shackled
by ObamaCare lies, excessive regulations, and increasing taxes.
Unfaithful Executive.
When Obama campaigned for the White House in 2008, he joined many other Democrats in condemning President George W.
Bush's use of "signing statements" narrowly to construe federal laws touching on the president's powers. Obama
excoriated the Bush administration's efforts "to change the meaning of the legislation, to avoid certain provisions of
the legislation that the President does not like, and to raise implausible or dubious constitutional objections to the
legislation." [...] But that was then. After years of controversy over his targeted nonenforcement of federal
laws — from "waiving" inconvenient provisions of the Affordable Care Act to disregarding provisions of the
Clean Air Act that would render his climate-change program unsustainable — the president announced that he
was effectively waiving the federal immigration laws with respect to 5 million illegal immigrants.
Obama's Amnesty At Any Price. Is President Obama so hellbent on amnesty for illegals he'll resort to
nullifying and even breaking the law? Based on his moves to delay deportations and his shadow work permits,
it sure looks like it.
Worst Examples of Emperor Obama's Serial Desecration of the United States Constitution.
[For example,] [#1] The president's selective targeting of political opponents for
harassment and abuse by the IRS and obstruction and corruption of the resulting investigations[.]
[#2] Fraudulent claim that the Benghazi massacre was caused by a film, willfully misleading Congress
and the American people, providing false information to Congress, scapegoating an individual instead of
taking responsibility for waging a war under false pretenses and inadequately protecting Americans overseas.
[#3] Unlawfully granting amnesty to categories of illegal immigrants, pressuring states by expensive
litigation and the withholding of federal resources to not enforce laws against illegal immigration[.]
[#4] Refusal to enforce border security laws passed by Congress[.]
House Claims Power to Regulate, Tax Internet Without Congress. The White House dropped a bombshell
on Thursday [1/15/2015] by announcing that FCC already has the authority to take over regulating and taxing the
Internet without Congressional approval. Under "network neutrality" proceedings, the FCC could extend its
16.1% fee on interstate telecommunications services and relay fees to the Internet. The action would more
than double the "universal service" revenue it collected in 2014, from $8 billion to $16 billion.
Tells States They Can't Block His Immigration Order. Obama claims his unconstitutional
immigration order is unreviewable. He has also banned public input. While we are watching the
events in Paris, twenty-five states, that have sued to block Barack Obama's executive order allowing
millions of illegals to stay in the U.S., have been told by the federal government that it is above
judicial review. The Dictator is not only ignoring Congress, he is ignoring the courts and he is
trampling states' rights. His goal is to destroy the co-equal branches of government and the
constitutional protections against a rogue president. It is not hyperbole to call him a dictator.
He is dictating.
Reflections on Lawlessness in
Government. If the Legislature is unwilling to do its job and rein in an out of control executive, then the people
and the states must step into the breach. If nothing is done, sooner or later, there will be the establishment of a dictatorial
executive branch. Obama's behavior, ever since he entered the political scene shows quite clearly that this is the sort of government
he favors; especially with him occupying the seat of ultimate power. If he believes he can get away with it he will continue to act
unilaterally until he can assure himself that there will be no protest to the establishment of an outright dictatorship.
And if he believes he can get away with it, he will do so.
Stone: Obama Makes Nixon 'Look Like a Boy Scout'. "Nixon's men only wiretapped one
office building ... this president that we have now is wiretapping the entire country," said Stone.
"One of the counts against Nixon is that he used the CIA to tell the FBI to stop investigating Watergate
... this administration uses the CIA to spy on reporters."
Hides Executive Abuses by Calling Decrees "Memoranda". Since taking office, Obama has issues 198 decrees via memoranda — that
is 33 percent more than Bush, the runner up for the record, issued in eight years — along with 195 executive orders. Among other policy
areas, Obama's memoranda edicts have been used to set policy on gun control, immigration, labor, and much more. Just this week, Obama issued
another memoranda decree purporting to declare Bristol Bay in Alaska off limits to oil and gas exploration — locking up vast quantities of
American wealth and resources using his now-infamous and brazenly unconstitutional "pen and phone." "Like executive orders, presidential memoranda
don't require action by Congress," reported USA Today as part of its investigation into Obama's decrees. "They have the same force
of law as executive orders and often have consequences just as far-reaching. And some of the most significant actions of the Obama presidency
have come not by executive order but by presidential memoranda." However, despite the newspaper's obvious confusion on constitutional
matters — only Congress can make law, not the White House — the review raises a number of important issues.
horrible, no good, very bad year. [Scroll down] Accordingly, soon after the 2014
midterm elections, Obama announced executive action to extend legalization for up to 5 million more
immigrants, focusing on those who were in the country illegally but whose children were U.S. citizens by
virtue of their birth here. Nearly two dozen times in the past Obama had stated publicly that he
could not constitutionally undertake such actions, but he did it anyway. This immigration end-run
creates a class of people who effectively are exempt from the immigration laws, without Congress ever having
recognized such an exemption. It is not prosecutorial discretion but a usurpation of legislative power.
No longer merely on the way, the
Revolution is here. The intent of Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America and
those of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA are one and the same. Both foment for the kind of
revolution that will take down America and toss it into the dust bin of history.
House Says Courts have NO Power to Review Obama's Decision-Making. Never before in the
history of our nation have we been in the severe constitutional crisis as we face today. Thanks to
liberal public education and even more liberal mainstream media, few Americans are aware of it or if
they are they just don't care. Over the past six years, Obama has repeatedly taken it upon
himself to decide what laws he would enforce and what ones he doesn't want enforced. The first ones
that come to mind are the Defense of Marriage Act and immigration laws. Then there are other laws
that Obama decided to alter and change on his own. This would include immigration laws and the
Affordable Care Act to name just a few.
Detailed Obama's Power Grab in September. On September 4th at Sen Harry Reid's "annual
energy conference, where green-tech-industry players, environmentalists, and politicians" meet to
discuss their agenda, ongoing or preferred, Center for American Progress founder and White House
insider John Podesta blandly presented what may be the greatest presidential power grab in American
history, but the media is only getting around to telling people about it now.
issues 'executive orders by another name'. President Obama has issued a form of
executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in
history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
The Obama
Rule: Can I Get Away With It? President Barack Obama did not move forward with his
unilateral action on immigration before the midterm elections, because he was worried he would pay
too high a price. Additional congressional Democrats might have lost, and more Democrats would have
blamed him for the losses. He moved forward with his unconstitutional action after the elections
because he calculated — correctly — that Republican congressional leaders
would let him get away with it.
Real Barack Obama is Standing Up. Liberated from campaign politics, Obama is seeking
to cement his legacy as the transformational leader he promised to be eight years ago —
and in the process he's angering lots of people in Washington. Where he once looked to Lyndon B.
Johnson, a president known for achieving sweeping change through legislation, he's now far more interested
in the legacy of the Roosevelts, two administrations that pioneered the strong use of executive power,
those who've spoken with him said.
fight: Obama admin tells courts they're powerless to stop executive order. The
administration warned a federal judge Monday [12/15/2014] to stay out of the debate over President
Obama's deportation amnesty, saying decisions about whom to deport fall squarely within the
executive's job description, "which this court lacks authority to review."
Ted Cruz:
Obama Is Acting Like a Monarch. When the Senate on Friday [12/12/2014] was debating
the 1,603-page omnibus spending bill that allows President Obama to use money drawn from the U.S.
Treasury to implement his unilateral amnesty of as many as five million illegal aliens, Sen. Ted
Cruz gave a speech on the floor stating that Obama was acting like a monarch. Congress, Cruz
argued, had a duty to stop the president from usurping its constitutional authority and "subverting
the rule of law."
Sessions Discovers Our Emperor's Plans for a Mega-Immigration Center. Northern Virginia is targeted
by our Emperor to house a mega-immigration processing center with a staff of 1,000 who will give out work permits,
Social Security cards and Medicaid to everyone who applies. Congress has rejected all of this five times.
Obama is breaking the law! We no longer have illegal immigrants. We no longer have borders and we are no
longer a sovereign nation. While everyone is looking at the shiny object in Ferguson or New York City, the
Emperor Obama is doing whatever he wants.
just tweeted something that is straight up communist. Three things pretty much can
guarantee you won't permanently live in poverty in this country. Graduate high school, get a job,
and don't have kids out of wedlock. It's not very complicated. That is what will improve the
standard of living in this country. Not the government being responsible for everybody. We've seen
how well the DMV operates. Sorry, but those aren't the people I want being equally responsible for my
kids someday.
Open Letter to Republicans in Washington. We have a president who has made it clear he
will unilaterally change laws in a way that will harm America's economy for years to come —
whether they pertain to labor, energy, health care, and of course, immigration. He openly brags
about his newfound ability to "change the law," and he is only emboldened to continue building on the
lawlessness for the next two years. This begs the deeply uncomfortable and inconvenient question
of our time: is there anything this president cannot get away with over the next two years?
in Ruins. Obama's immigration legacy will be the juxtaposition of his serial
insistence that he was not a king or an emperor, and could not contravene the Constitution by
granting a blanket amnesty, with his efforts to do just that when it was no longer politically
inexpedient. I don't think a president has ever quite so habitually warned the country of the
dangers that would soon emanate from himself.
continues to expand the president's war powers. Let's start with the law: The
Constitution gives Congress, and only Congress, the power "To declare war, grant letters of marque
and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ...." James Madison crafted that
language at the Constitutional Convention, changing the phrase "make war" in an earlier draft to
"declare war." This change was seemingly aimed at allowing the President to defend the U.S. from an
attack, but bar him from entering the country into a war of choice. Roger Sherman, a delegate from
Connecticut, supported Madison's language, saying, "the Executive should be able to repel and not to
commence war."
A Conversation with Sharyl Attkisson. In many cases, reporters have allowed the
government under the Obama administration to bully them into submission. [Sharyl Attkisson]
documents how the Obama presidency has become an enemy to openness and is one of the least
transparent administrations in American history. In fact, after reading what she had
to go through, President Obama makes Richard Nixon look like Mother Teresa.
Amnesty is Treason.
In 1986, a Democrat controlled Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act signed into to
law by President Ronald Reagan. Democrats in Congress convinced Reagan to sign the reform bill on
the condition that it would provide a "one-time" amnesty for an estimated one million illegal
immigrants residing in the US at the time, and that all US Immigration and Naturalization laws would
be forever thereafter enforced. Because the Federal Government broke its obligation to the
American people by refusing to enforce our immigration and naturalization laws since 1986, we find
ourselves facing yet another national disaster and more than twenty-million illegal invaders in our
country demanding equality with all "legal" American citizens. For anyone in the federal
government to adhere to our enemies by providing aid and comfort within the United States, granting
any degree of citizenship rights to people who have broken into our country illegally with the
purpose and intent to subvert our laws and alter the social demographics of our nation, is an
overt act of treason.
How Obama blatantly disregards the
law. President Obama likes to claim he's been forced into rogue executive actions, laying the blame on an
intransigent Congress. In fact, his lawlessness is coldly calculated, dating back to his days as a Chicago community
organizer. Consider what he wrote on page 276 of his 1995 memoir, "Dreams from My Father," reflecting on his
decision to study law: "I had things to learn in law school, things that would help me bring about real change.
I would learn power's currency in all its intricacy and detail, knowledge that I could now bring back to where it was
needed ... bring it back like Promethean fire." Obama fancies himself a modern-day Prometheus stealing laws from
the oppressive Founding Fathers for the benefit of the oppressed.
the Road: Amnesty For Gitmo Detainees. [I]f you think granting de facto amnesty to
millions of illegal aliens was a reach, wait till you see what he might do about Guantanamo. As is
well known, Obama promised on Day One of his presidency to close Gitmo within a year. But then
reality intruded, plus congressional legislation, when Democrats still controlled both houses,
blocking him from bringing Gitmo detainees to the U.S. I'm guessing Obama remains determined to
close Gitmo, and the one executive action he could take to accomplish this is simply to declare an
amnesty for all of the remaining residents of Gitmo, and releasing them. If he does this in his
last week in office, what could Republicans do? Impeach him?
Banana Republic Without the Bananas. Should U.S. taxpayers be expected to finance
millions of the 12 million uneducated, unskilled, and often un-American illegal immigrants? I can
defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants? With Obama's legalization of at least five
million illegal aliens, he will turn America into a banana republic — without bananas.
While many of the aliens covered are decent, hardworking people, many are not. I think this tragic
immigration policy will create political, financial, and cultural anarchy.
The Rule of Memo.
Turn now to the President's "executive action" on immigration. What did he do? According to a wide
variety of media sources, the President issued an executive order. [...] Wow. Some executive order.
Except there isn't one. Check the White House web site under the section "Presidential Actions."
The most recent executive order is one from October 17, on consumer financial transactions. What
the President signed on Friday, November 21 were two memoranda, setting up a task force and directing
government officials to recommend improvements in the immigration system. [...] An executive order has the
force of law. The Office of the Federal Register assigns it a number and publishes it. There is
a permanent record; a place to go to find it. None of this applies to the memo.
Who's Planning
to Sue Obama Over Immigration? Five Republican governors are so upset with President
Obama's executive actions regarding the nation's immigration system they are ready to take the
nation's chief executive to court. A sixth, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, did not raise the
possibility of a lawsuit in her response to Obama's executive actions. But she did blast the
president — whose Justice Department sued Arizona over its immigration enforcement
practices four years ago — for "thwarting Congress and the American people." "Evidently
this president must be reminded that we, the American people, elected a president that serves beneath
the law. We did not anoint a tyrannical king that is above the law," she said in a statement.
A Bigger Problem Than
Obama. We have two major parties in the nation now: the Republican Party and the
Banana Republic Party, otherwise known as Democrats. The difference between them is over the rule of
law. When President Obama appointed judges without Senate approval, made environmental law without
Congress and rewrote his health law two dozen times, Republicans protested that Obama was shredding the
Constitution. Most Democratic lawmakers turned a blind eye to the Constitution they swore to
uphold. Last Thursday, Obama opted for lawlessness again, dictating broad changes to immigration
law. He made them banana-republic style: one man ruling with the stroke of his pen.
Review Editor: Ban Obama From Delivering State of the Union Address. Congressional
Republicans have found themselves completely stymied by President Obama's executive action on
immigration. There's no bill for them to vote down, they lack the votes for impeachment, and
shutting down the government never works. National Review editor Rich Lowry has suggested an
innovative new way for Republicans to express their displeasure: ban President Obama from delivering
the State of the Union Address: "If I were John Boehner," he said, referring to the House speaker,
"I'd say to the president: 'Send us your State of the Union in writing. You're not welcome
in our chamber.'" Well, that is new. And it could work.
unleashed: Defies GOP election wins, moves in opposite direction. President Barack
Obama has spent November acting with a defiant fury, moving with little regard for the message
voters sent at the polls. Instead of reaching out to Republicans who won control of next year's
Congress Nov. 4, he's charged ahead with initiatives that infuriate the victors, prompting critics
to label him a "king" or "emperor." Wednesday [11/26/2014], the Obama administration began an
effort aimed at easing smog-related pollution. Earlier this month, Obama took executive action on
immigration and climate change. The White House has suggested he would block the Keystone XL
pipeline. He's vowed to have the federal government regulate Internet access.
Indifference to Law Echoes Famed Plot Of the Writer O. Henry. The phrase "banana
republic" was invented by the American fiction writer O. Henry, in exile a century ago in Honduras.
It was a country where laws were changed frequently by petty dictators. Mr. Obama says he's acting
alone because Congress waited too long. But the Constitution vests all legislative powers, including
immigration and naturalization law, with Congress. It doesn't say "unless Congress waits too
long." There's no timetable.
puts the Republic out of its misery. Obama isn't the first president to abuse
executive power — not by a longshot. But he has to be the first president in American
history to overtly and consistently argue that he's empowered to legislate if Congress doesn't pass
the laws he favors. It's an argument that's been mainstreamed by partisans and cheered on by those
in media desperate to find a morsel of triumph in this presidency.
No Shame for
Obama. [Scroll down] And to get to the nitty-gritty, how many millions of
illegal aliens will ultimately qualify for this discretionary amnesty and completely overwhelm
American hospitals, schools, courts, and other institutions that are totally unprepared to deal with
this? Furthermore, Obama's latest unilateral action will result in the destruction of American
jobs. Obama is directing a self-coup whereby he came to power "through legal means but [is] now
dissolving or rendering powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assuming extraordinary
powers, not granted under normal circumstances." In other words, the road to a dictatorship.
Eerily Calm Transition to Dictatorship. Obama's expected plan to grant legal status to
as many as 5 million illegal immigrants was hailed as a victory for the powerful amnesty movement
and criticized by amnesty opponents as an extra-constitutional power grab by a president who has
grown increasingly fond of issuing executive power grab.
Not Legitimate for Future Presidents to Lower Taxes via Executive Action. After
unilaterally granting temporary amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal immigrants last
week, President Barack Obama said it would not be legitimate for a future president to unilaterally
lower tax rates. When asked on ABC's This Week if his successor could unilaterally act to
lower taxes if Congress does not, Obama replied, "absolutely not."
is not doing enough to wreck the country. Potential future Obama executive orders may
include: enforcing gun control based on the United Nations Arms Treaty; closing Guantanamo Bay
prison; limiting carbon emissions as part of his climate change agreement with the Chinese government;
eliminating voter ID laws; expanding pre-kindergarten programs for minorities; issuing a Presidential
pardon for himself; deporting the Koch brothers; making the National Cathedral a mosque; inviting ISIS to
join NATO; declaring Ebonics as the official language of the United States; establishing a lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender SEAL team; inaugurating Al Sharpton Appreciation Day; outlawing common sense,
logic and the stating of facts as federal crimes; forbidding all future fundamental transformations
of the United States.
Rogue President. Asserting
a legal and constitutional authority he himself said he did not have, President Obama is going
rogue, issuing an executive amnesty to 4 to 5 million illegal aliens. He will order the U.S.
government not to enforce the law against these 5 million, and declare that they are to be exempt
from deportation and granted green cards. Where did Obama get his 4-5 million figure, not
2-4 million, or 5-7 million? Nowhere in law, but plucked out of his own mind, as to what
he can get away with. Barack Obama just felt it was about right.
Obama betters the tyranny of King George. Mr. Obama has exterminated American citizens
not accused of crime without due process of law on his secret say-so alone. He has initiated wars
against Libya, Syria, and the Islamic State without congressional authorization. He has imprisoned
persons indefinitely without accusation or trial at Guantanamo Bay — even detainees whom
the military has found to be innocent of international terrorism. He has used military tribunals
in lieu of independent courts for the prosecution of civilian offenses.
Abbott: Obama Feels 'Completely Unconstrained By The Constitution'. Texas Republican
Governor-elect Greg Abbott said during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday" [11/23/2014] that President
Barack Obama felt "completely unconstrained by the Constitution."
plays dirty politics with the Constitution. At some point during grade school, American children
are taught about the separation of powers. [...] But any schoolboy watching President Obama's speech on Thursday
night — where he laid out his plan to act unilaterally on immigration (without Congress) —
might rightly be confused. For it seems that the president has crossed that fine line between enforcing the
law (his proper role) and simply rewriting laws that do not suit him. And in so doing, he has directly
contradicted at least 22 of his own past statements, including very specific quotes like: "I'm president,
I'm not king. I can't do these things just by myself'" and "I'm not the emperor of the United States.
My job is to execute laws that are passed."
Republican Party Cowards.
It was an audacious announcement that was both unconstitutional and confrontational. It circumvented
Congress, and their vital role in this issue, and was, thus, radically different from the last time
amnesty was given to illegal immigrants. In 1986, President Reagan did not issue an executive order
on illegal immigration; he signed a bill passed by Congress. Sadly, this President does not care
what Congress thinks or does. He has no interest in meeting or working with them. Whether he
is acting like a tyrant or an emperor, it is clear that he is not acting in conjunction with Congress.
Mr. Obama, It Must Be Good to Be King. Incredibly, even after all of the scandals,
corruption, lies, and deceits; even after this past week when we learned about the depth of your
Obamacare deception; even after using the IRS to target your political opponents; even after letting
your ambassador die in Benghazi and lying about it afterwards; even after dividing the nation and
exploiting racial tensions for your own gain; even after six years of incompetence, dishonesty,
conspiracy, and illegality; even after every law you've flouted, promise you've broken, and lie
you've told, you still found a way to top yourself. In refusing to enforce our borders and uphold
our immigration laws, you are now guilty of the most profound presidential power grab since Abraham Lincoln.
Obama's Amnesty Speech,
Deconstructed. Tonight we were treated to a spectacle eerily reminiscent of a scene
from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, in which Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic
Republic declares a reorganization into the Galactic Empire and makes himself an emperor. That scene
ends with a great quote from Padme Amidala, the character played by Natalie Portman, who laments "So
this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause." The good news is the thunderous applause
was only heard among the illegal immigrants gathered outside the White House to rejoice in the lawlessness
of an American president abjectly refusing to faithfully execute American laws.
Sessions reacts: We must stop Emperor Obama. Apparently, America now has its first
emperor. And he has issued an imperial order to dissolve America's borders. Millions more will
enter and demand the same amnesty benefits as those who came before. The entire moral foundation and
consistency of our laws will have been eviscerated. Law enforcement officials have repeatedly warned
that the president's new amnesty will unleash a "tidal wave" of illegal immigration. The impact on
our jobs, wages, hospitals, schools, police departments and neighborhoods will be crushing.
Executive Amnesty:
Will We Allow One Man to Fundamentally Transform America? [Scroll down] The rare
Enterovirus D68 is causing an outbreak across 45 states, sickening nearly 700 — mostly
children. Illegal alien minors are also spreading dengue fever, swine flu, tuberculosis, and
possibly Ebola. Obama's open border policy has delivered over 300,000 illegals; 75,000 of them are
children who directly entered schools across America without proper examinations and so on. It
has been exposed that many of the illegals are gang members and drug dealers. As inconceivable as
this is to imagine, it does appear that one man, exploiting the historical aspect of his presidency
to break the law at will, may be allowed to fundamentally transform America. Obama via executive
order will grant amnesty to 5 million illegals, plus the 75,000 children who invaded our country and
their parents. If Republicans do not stop Obama's insanity, one characterless, out-of-control,
arrogant, evil liar will fundamentally transform America. That is totally unacceptable.
Sessions: Obama's Amnesty 'Endangering Our Entire Constitutional Order'. Incoming
Senate Budget Committee chairman Sen. Jeff Sessions says that President Barack Obama's executive
amnesty is something that is "endangering our entire constitutional order" as a democratic Republic.
"President Obama's executive amnesty violates the laws Congress has passed in order to create and implement
laws Congress has refused to pass," Sessions said in a statement.
Today is a Sad Day.
This is a turning point. This is a new nation. Fundamentally changed. If we are indeed to
become a country in which the chief executive ignores laws and does as he pleases, then we are finished.
Cruz Cites Cicero: 'How Long Is That Madness Of Yours Still to Mock Us?'. On the floor
of the Senate this morning, Sen. Ted Cruz read aloud the text of Cicero's First Oration Against
Catiline, subbing in President Obama's name in the context. "When, President Obama, do you mean to
cease abusing our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us? When is there
to be an end to that unbridled audacity of yours swaggering about as it does now?" Cruz asked.
Our Modern John C. Calhoun. Elementary school civics class has taught the same thing
for two hundred years: Congress makes the laws, the president enforces the laws, the judiciary
interprets the laws. The reason this is so is because individual liberty thrives when government is
hobbled by division of power. People live better lives when federal power is stymied. When
President Obama announces that he will be suspending laws to bless the illegal presence of millions
of foreigners in the United States, he will have adopted the most basic philosophy of John C.
Calhoun: some laws can be tossed aside because his ends justify the lawlessness.
Obama Like Leader of 'Banana Republic'. Columnist Charles Krauthammer said that
President Obama's planned executive order on immigration is comparable to the actions of a leader of
a banana republic on Wednesday's [11/19/2014] "Special Report" on the Fox News Channel.
sets off on scorched-earth rampage. After his party's historic losses, he refused to
even acknowledge the thrashing. Instead, he said the real lesson from that day was that Americans
want everyone in Washington to "work together." Yet behind the scenes, the president was busy
directing his team of lawyers to find real or perceived loopholes in the law — even the
Constitution — in order to wave his royal scepter and instantaneously turn as many as
12 million illegal aliens into America citizens. Already he had quietly ordered the federal
government to stop deporting aliens and unilaterally allowed some 60,000 "unaccompanied minors" to
enter the U.S.
Obama Being Called Emperor Is 'Criticism the President Wears with a Badge of Honor'.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said President Obama wears the 'emperor' label "with a
badge of honor" during a press briefing Wednesday [11/19/2014]. Responding to rhetoric from
critics of Obama's impending executive action on immigration reform, Earnest said the president has
no problem using the law to make "progress." "We heard rhetoric for some time. Their most recent
statement referred to 'Emperor Obama,'" Earnest said. "The fact is the president is somebody who is
willing to examine the law, review the law and use every element of that law to make progress for the
American people and that's a criticism the president wears with badge of honor."
mows down separation of powers and limits on executive power. Obama on Thursday night
plans to announce an amnesty for about 5 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally. His order is
based on no statutory authority, but is instead an expansion of the idea of "prosecutorial discretion" —
the notion that federal government can't catch all scofflaws, and so it must set priorities. Republicans, and
even much of the mainstream media, have sniffed out Obama's likely true motives here, and they are nakedly political.
accuse Obama of 'imperial presidency' as he readies immigration plans. President
Barack Obama will on Thursday announce his controversial plan to halt deportations of millions of
illegal immigrants before flying to Nevada to begin rallying support for his reforms. Mr Obama
will use a rare prime time television speech to unveil his plans, which are expected to shield up to
five million people from deportation and allow them to work legally in the United States.
Republicans erupted in fury before details of Mr Obama's executive action were even announced,
accusing the President of behaving like an "emperor" who rules by fiat and promising to wage a
fierce campaign to derail his plans.
Game Plan to Stop Obama's Unconstitutional Amnesty. The Obama Administration is
planning to pardon at least 4.5 million illegal aliens and grant them work permits. This move will
allow them to receive driver's licenses and Social Security cards, and eventually obtain access to our welfare
system. Additionally, as part of his coup, he is planning to make numerous changes to our immigration
system — all without the consent of Congress. It's as if Article I Section 8 of
the Constitution, which explicitly grants Congress plenary power over immigration and naturalization,
does not exist.
ABC Grills Obama on Executive Order Flip-Flop. Before playing a clip of Jon Karl
pressing White House press secretary Josh Earnest, George Stephanopoulos pointed out: "...The
President has suggested in the past that he doesn't have the kind of power to do this on his own."
Karl agreed, noting that Obama "has repeatedly said in some very colorful ways that he doesn't have
power to do it." The report then featured a February 2013 clip of the President admitting, "I'm the
President of the United States. I'm not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute
laws that are passed."
Is Not a Monarch. The Constitution designs a system of checks and balances for our
nation, and executive amnesty for immigrants here illegally unilaterally decreed from the White
House would seriously undermine the rule of law. Our founders repeatedly warned about the dangers
of unlimited power within the executive branch; Congress should heed those words as the president
threatens to grant amnesty to millions of people who have come to our country illegally. To be
clear, the dispute over executive amnesty is not between President Obama and Republicans in Congress;
it is a dispute between President Obama and the American people.
Is About to Commit an Act of Constitutional Infamy. Mr. Obama is now acting like, in
his words, an "emperor." His hypocrisy is, even by his standards, staggering. But hypocrisy is not
unusual in politicians and presidents; firing a missile aimed at our constitutional form of government is.
And that is what Mr. Obama is about to do.
Obama's Royal Scam.
Obama has on several occasions correctly described the action he now intends to take as unlawful. He
has dismissed it as royal rather than presidential in character. [...] Obama must feel some compunction
about the forthcoming decree because he has baldly lied about his past statements disclaiming the
constitutional authority he now purports to exercise.
Love: Obama's Executive Amnesty 'Looks More Like A Dictatorship'. Utah Republican
Congresswoman-elect Mia Love told the hosts of "Fox and Friends" that President Barack Obama's plan
for unilateral executive amnesty looks "more like a dictatorship" than a democracy. "This is not
about the president. It's about the American people, and what the American people want the president
to do," Love said Wednesday [11/19/2014]. "The American people want Congress to work with the president,
want the president to work with Congress so that we can be compassionate, so that we can create a uniform rule
of naturalization.
the republic to save his party with immigration 'reform'. [Scroll down] Why
would President Obama do such a thing? It is simple. When people like him suffer crushing election
losses, it is never because he is wrong, that his policies are terrible, or that nobody trusts him anymore.
It is because there is something terribly wrong with the people who voted. That is why Mr. Obama actually
declared after the election that he would dismiss the voices of this year's election voters in favor of the
message he heard from all those people who didn't vote. He really did actually say that.
vs. Us. Obama is doing precisely what he promised during his 2008 presidential
campaign, to cheering and mesmerized crowds: "We are going to fundamentally change America" and "We
will change America. We will change the world." Obama is living up to those pledges by subverting
our Constitution and adopting the political style of a banana republic dictator. [...] Ask yourself
whether our Constitution permits the president to unilaterally change a law enacted by Congress. For
a president to do so is for him to behave like a banana republic dictator.
House: Obama Is Not A King Or An Emperor But He Can Order Executive Amnesty. President
Obama is not a king or an emperor, according to the White House, but he still has lawful authority
to issue executive amnesty for illegal immigrants. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest
explained to reporters that Obama still stood by his remarks about not being a king or an emperor of
the United States, allowing him to act unilaterally on immigration reform.
Should Republicans Do to Stop This Aggressively Unconstitutional President? It's hard
to overstate how irresponsible President Obama would be to go forward, as he almost surely will,
with his sweeping executive order on amnesty. Ross Douthat of the New York Times has written
a fine column on why doing so would be, in his words, a "disgrace." What the president is on the
verge of doing would do tremendous, long-term damage to our political culture and our constitutional order.
It would set a dangerous precedent. And it would be an act of extraordinary selfishness. By now
none of this should surprise us.
Obama Threatening to Shutdown Government with Immigration Executive Order. President
Obama will risk shutting down the government if he moves forward with his executive action on
immigration, and Republicans "should do everything they can" to stop him, says Bobby Jindal. "No,
we shouldn't shut down the government, but absolutely Republicans should do everything they can to
force the president to follow the law," he said on Meet the Press on Sunday [11/16/2014].
"No, the president shouldn't shut down the government so that he can break the law."
order on immigration would ignite a political firestorm. Reports are rampant that
President Obama will sign an executive order as soon as this week that will allow up to 5 million
undocumented immigrants to avoid deportation. Signing such an order would have explosive political
consequences — it would not only reshape the near-term fights in Congress but also have a
potentially profound effect on the two parties' national coalitions heading into the 2016 election
and beyond.
Law Professor: Obama's Executive Amnesty 'Tearing at the Very Fabric of the Constitution'. Georgetown
law professor Jonathan Turley, a political liberal but a longstanding critic of President Obama's executive overreach,
continued to sound the alarm against the president's planned executive amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants,
saying it will "tear at the very fabric of the Constitution."
The Gridlock
Clause. President Obama routinely cites Congress's obstinacy regarding his agenda as
justification for a series of executive actions that suspend, waive, and even rewrite statutes. His
frustration is understandable, but his response is not justifiable. Brazenly maneuvering around the
lawmaking function of Congress is an affront to the constitutional order.
Is Immigration Americans'
No. 1 Priority? The fourth issue of big-government overreach is extraordinarily dangerous.
You can be sure that Barack Obama will completely bypass Congress and sign an executive order to basically extend
amnesty to millions of illegals. This will be done whether there is an outcry from the American people or
not. He already knows how Americans feel on this issue, but nothing will stop his agenda.
prepares to defy voters' will — again. When Obama acts, Congress will have
no choice but to react. Obama's edict will involve ordering the executive branch not to enforce laws
that Congress has passed and that lawmakers have specifically declined to change. Writing the
nation's immigration laws is the responsibility of Congress, and Obama's action will likely be a
major encroachment on the legislature's constitutional authority.
Irrelevant, Incompetent or Intentional? [Scroll down] This is what, in all seriousness, Barack Obama
is doing. He is planning to go ahead with an Executive Order to make millions of new Americans of
the illegal aliens currently residing here. He will probably stiff-arm Congress and act in defiance
of the Constitution and the laws.v He will probably nominate a new Attorney General — and
press a lame-duck Senate to ram through the confirmation vote. Socialism is inherently
undemocratic. Its adherents believe they are "on the right side of history" and thus they feel
entitled, empowered even, to bend and break the rules in order to achieve an ever-greater central
control over Americans' lives.
Senators Warn Obama on Unconstitutional Amnesty Move. Yesterday Obama responded to the
decisive public repudiation of his policies represented by the massive Republican wave by reaching
out to the incoming majority, generously offering to give them a few weeks to propose legislation to
his liking before he jettisons the Constitution entirely and rules by decree.
Refuses To Give Up His Dictatorship. Proving once again the will of the American
voters means less than nothing to him, Obama [...] is substituting the current majority and minority ethnic
races in the USA — the ones who finally woke up and saw the real writing on the wall — with
his unschooled illegals from Central America and beyond. And, in case there are still a few out there who didn't
notice, Obama replaced his position of the illegal POTUS with that of the ObamaGov tyranny in early 2009.
He has no intention of giving up his dictatorship that will continue to replace US citizens with illegal aliens.
Executive Overreach on Immigration. Votes were still coming in on Tuesday evening when
ABC's Jon Karl reported that, per White House sources, "the president will move forward with an
executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get." The
shellacking was bigger than even the most optimistic Republicans had predicted. To act on
immigration without engaging the country's new congressional majority would be a defiance of the
legislative branch, and of the American electorate.
Wants the Democrats to Lose. [Scroll down] Obama wants Democrats to lose because
a solidly Republican Congress will allow him to step to the Pontius Pilate water bowl, wash his
hands (with a dramatic flourish) of the whole business of politics, and start ruling in earnest by
fiat. We have already seen that, by executive order, Obama is going to issue green cards to some
thirty-three millions Hispanics (read: future Democrats) as soon as the elections are over. With a
divided Congress, though, the president would have a much less plausible excuse for slipping into full
dictatorial character.
the Wake of Massive Rebuke, Obama to Move Forward With His War on America. Coming off
a massive wave election the GOP needs to play hardball now. Cut the purse strings off on him,
unleash a barrage of investigations in the Senate into his myriad scandals and expose him further
for the lawless thug that he is. It's obvious he's not learned any lesson.
Government takes a Beating. What it means to be fed up with machine politics is simply
this: Americans do not want a country run by dictators. That's exactly how Harry Reid ran the Senate
as majority leader, blocking much-needed legislation or tossing it into the trash without a second glance.
That's exactly how President "I have a pen and a phone" Obama has been governing, issuing one executive order
after another as he saw fit, circumventing the Republican-controlled House. America is not a banana
republic to be run by a caudillo.
These 6 Senators Say Obama Is Risking a 'Constitutional Crisis' Over Amnesty. Despite
yesterday's [11/4/2014] electoral losses, Obama is reportedly moving forward with an immigration
plan before the end of the year. In a letter today to outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid,
D-Nev., the six senators expressed their concern over Obama's vow to take executive action.
According to the letter, such action would "lawlessly grant amnesty to immigrants who have entered
the country illegally."
Barack Bulworth
Obama. Barack Obama has a penchant for power. The next two years will be very
challenging for Americans concerned about their nation's future. Obama's goal to exercise power
with very few limits has been clear for some time to all but the most obtuse. In early 2011 he told
people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. He has not changed his views.
After losing control of the House of Representatives, he rejected compromise with Republicans by boasting he
has a "pen and a phone" and would circumvent Congress and the Constitution (in other words, staying the
course since his inauguration). While strolling with the visiting French resident at Monticello he
"quipped" that "the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want." Jefferson would
cringe that America, a nation he helped found, would be led by a man who had so little respect for our
founding principles and fathers — and for the American people.
Declaring martial law, will Obama cancel 2016 elections? Widespread anarchy gripping
the country could be reason enough for the Obama administration to announce the implementation of
martial law and the suspension of some, if not all, of Americans' constitutionally protected
rights — including the right to vote and hold national elections. On the surface this
seems unbelievable, but upon further analysis, Carson's ominous suggestion is plausible; this is an
extremely unnerving scenario that all Americans should be aware of and ready for. The Obama
administration has very quietly and subtly done many inexplicable things that could very well be
precursors to the suspension of some, if not all, of Americans' constitutionally protected civil rights.
Today's Susan Page: Obama administration most 'dangerous' to media in history. At some
point, a compendium of condemnations against the Obama administration's record of media transparency
(actually, opacity) must be assembled. Notable quotations in this vein come from former New York
Times executive editor Jill Abramson, who said, "It is the most secretive White House that I have
ever been involved in covering"; New York Times reporter James Risen, who said, "I think Obama hates
the press"; and CBS News's Bob Schieffer, who said, "This administration exercises more control than
George W. Bush's did, and his before that." USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page
has added a sharper edge to this set of knives.
The White
House Gaslights America on Immigration. The evidence by this point has become pretty
overwhelming that the White House plans some sort of mass amnesty via executive fiat immediately
after the elections have concluded. Disgruntled Democrat Hispanics have openly declared that Obama
has promised them as much, and earlier this week, Breitbart News revealed that the Administration
was placing a supply order that would enable them to issue 34 million green cards, which would
represent either a drastic and unprecedented increase in work visa issuage or (more likely) a
one-time massive order for them pursuant to an Obama executive order.
Congressman Warns,
"Republic is Dead" if Obama Moves Forward With This Plan. A sitting congressman
suggests that if President Barack Obama moves forward to enact amnesty for millions of illegal
immigrants via executive order after the midterm elections and the American people do not rise up in
protest, it will mean that the "republic has been destroyed." Rep. Steve King said that such an
action would amount to a blatant violation of the limits on presidential power imposed by the Constitution.
Government Bureau Is The Nearest Thing To Eternal Life We Will Ever See On This Earth.
It is no secret that government today is far overreaching and intrusive. This past year alone we
have seen privacy breaches by the NSA, the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS, and the
disastrous consequences of Obamacare on small businesses and families. Obama has even said, "I
can take steps without legislation." This self-righteous statement underscores that he has no
respect for the Constitution — a document meant to protect the rights of all Americans
and prevent our government and our leaders from trampling on those rights. Unfortunately, today we
have a President and federal officials who are no longer accountable to the American people because
they consider themselves to be above the law.
perpetual state of emergency. The United States is in a perpetual state of national
emergency. Thirty separate emergencies, in fact. [...] Those emergencies, declared by the
president by proclamation or executive order, give the president extraordinary powers —
to seize property, call up the National Guard and hire and fire military officers at will. "What
the National Emergencies Act does is like a toggle switch, and when the president flips it, he gets
new powers. It's like a magic wand. and there are very few constraints about how he turns
it on," said Kim Lane Scheppele, a professor at Princeton University.
Bad Apple: Obama and his Influence. We're only 6 years into a presidency gone bad and
I, for one, am profoundly thankful that there won't be another 50+ years of this terrifying
laughingstock of a regime. Barack Obama has created so much havoc with his ideology and policies
that it will take us years to recover. His high-handed, pen-and-phone end runs around the
Constitution ought to land him in prison, but he is creating the biggest mess by just being who he is.
Barry Is Not On The Ballot, Says Everybody But King Barry. The only time he tells the
truth is when it can hurt somebody who has crossed him. And by running as fast as they can from his
disastrous policies, by distancing themselves as far as possible from him, they've crossed him.
The Divine Right of Barack
Obama. Since he ordered military action in Libya in 2011, President Obama has argued as a matter of routine that
Article II of the U.S. Constitution confers such considerable power upon the commander-in-chief that, in most instances at
least, Congress's role in foreign affairs is limited to that of advice bureau. The political ironies of this development
are sufficiently rich to stand without much comment. (Imagine, if you will, trying to explain to an average voter in 2008
that by his second term the Democratic candidate for president would have adopted wholesale an interpretation of the Constitution
that was championed by the likes of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and John Yoo.) Less obvious, however, is what this means
for America and her future. The bottom line: It's not good.
complains about OTHER countries for trying to silence dissent. After all that Tea
Party groups have been through because they were targeted by Obama's IRS, Obama has the audacity to
call out other countries for trying to crackdown on legitimate dissent. Talk about narcissism.
Not only that, but he decries 'endless regulations' as though his hands were clean. Hello Obamacare?
Hello EPA?
Obama's Database for Fundamentally Transforming America. The Democrats and the
institutional left have a new political tool that allows them virtually to ignore moderates yet
still win elections. This tool, the Catalist database, was employed in the 2012 election. That
election defied conventional wisdom: Mitt Romney sought and won independent voters overwhelmingly,
but still lost. If you wondered why the conventional wisdom about independents and moderates didn't
seem so wise in 2012, the answer is Catalist.
Secret Service unveils a plan to turn the White House into The Forbidden City. If the
Secret Service gets their way, us peasants won't be able to even look at the White House
anymore. All because some guy jumped the fence on Friday [9/19/2014], and caught them
with their pants down.
'Obama Has Openly Reaffirmed His Unconstitutional Plan to Nullify Our Nation's Sovereign Laws'. Senator Jeff
Sessions issues this statement in response to President Obama's decision to wait until after the mid-term election to take
action on immigration by executive order. "President Obama has openly reaffirmed his unconstitutional plan to nullify
our nation's sovereign laws, issuing executive amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal immigrants. In so doing,
he will wipe away American workers' lawful immigration protections. Illegal workers will be instantly allowed to take
precious jobs directly from struggling Americans in every occupation in America. Countless more unlawful workers will
pour across the border and overstay their visas. These executive actions will incentivize a tsunami of illegality,"
reads Sessions's statement.
'To Hell With the
Constitution!' In 1902 Theodore Roosevelt intervened in a strike by Pennsylvania coal miners,
exceeding his Constitutional authority as president. When this was pointed out to him by Republican House
whip James E. Watson, Roosevelt allegedly yelled, "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!"
This outburst reflected the novel Progressive view of the Chief Executive. Instead of the Constitution's limited powers
focused on specific needs, such as national defense, beyond the capacity of the individual states or local governments to
address, the President needed more expansive authority in order to serve the "people." Over 100 years later,
Barack Obama has governed on the same assumption, one that undermines the Constitution's structure of balanced powers and
limited government, and puts at risk our political freedom and autonomy.
Obama Power Grab, Climate Trumps Constitution. Apparently letting the Environmental
Protection Agency run amok with regulations fulfilling candidate Obama's pledge to bankrupt the coal
industry, and enact a de facto cap-and-trade regime the president couldn't get through Congress, is
not enough. The man who said his nomination was the moment the seas began to recede and the
planet began to heal now plans to deal the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution yet another blow.
He's doing it by agreeing to a Kyoto-like "accord" he can use as moral cover for further destroying
the U.S. economy, in lieu of an actual climate change "treaty" that must be ratified by two-thirds
of a Senate that has already unanimously rejected such a pact.
the climate hoax. President Obama is preparing to use his executive authority to
impose the carbon-dioxide limitations dreamed up by the climate hysterics when they meet next year
in Paris. He intends to ignore his constitutional duty to ask the Senate's consent, and use the
Environmental Protection Agency and other departments to impose the rules. Ignoring the Constitution
can be habit-forming, as Mr. Obama has shown us.
A President's Global Warming Treaty
Tyranny. In yet another demonstration of contempt for the Constitution, President
Obama and his administration are pursuing what the New York Times characterizes as a
"sweeping international climate change agreement to compel nations to cut their planet-warming
fossil fuel emissions" — absent any input from Congress. The Constitution requires a
two-thirds majority approval by the Senate to ratify any legally binding treaty. The Obama
administration plans to sidestep that requirement by calling the agreement a "politically binding"
deal that would substitute for an actual treaty.
Constitutional chutzpah.
There are three ways something can become what the US Constitution calls the "supreme law of the
land." It can be made part of the Constitution by amendment, it can be passed by Congress as a law
or it can be ratified by the Senate as a treaty. President Obama can't get his climate-change
agreement made supreme law of the land by any of those constitutional routes. Not even close. The
Republican House doesn't want it. The Democratic Senate won't act. That's because the people
don't want it.
The deadly combination of Obama and
the UN will indenture civil society. With Barack Obama now firmly in place as their ex
officio leader, the United Nations pooh-bahs have come up with a surefire way to stick it to the
taxpayers of the world, while feathering their nests for all time. It's called making global
warming/climate change a health issue at their very next summit in November 2015. Christiana
Figueres, the top UN climate official, said upcoming negotiations on an international global warming
accord should be viewed as a health issue.
Obama Tries for
Kyoto 2.0. We can talk about the composition of the Untied Nations another time. But
when it comes to Barack Obama's cavalier treatment of the Constitution, you need look no further
than this morning's New York Times. Under the headline "Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in
Lieu of Treaty," the paper explains how the president, frustrated by Congress's unwillingness to
barter away U.S. sovereignty by signing on to the so-called "Kyoto Protocol," the economy blighting
climate standards devised by Greenies and other folks eager to hamstring the world's most productive
economies, especially the Untied States, is planning to "sidestep" Congress.
new power grab: A climate change treaty without Senate ratification. It's not a "new"
treaty, apparently, if they're rewriting an old treaty that's already been ratified. Maybe that's a
sneak peek of Obama's Syria policy too. Instead of asking for a new AUMF against ISIS, he could
issue an "addendum" or whatever to the 2001 AUMF against Al Qaeda. Come to think of it, that's his
approach on immigration too. The mega-amnesty he's getting ready to uncork isn't being presented as
new policy, even though it would legalize five million people or more. It's being presented as a
discretionary application of law that's already on the books. Turns out every bold new move Obama
wants to make as president has already been authorized by statute, as if prophesied.
use of executive authority is about to become a real political issue. President Obama
is weighing a big-time executive action on immigration that has both Democrats and Republicans
anxious. He's also pursuing a major international climate-change agreement without ratification by
Congress. And it's not yet clear whether the White House will seek congressional authorization for
military action in Syria that appears increasingly likely. Yes, we are finally entering into what
could be a very big debate about executive authority — and with the 2014 election just
weeks away.
Obama's unlawful
Bergdahl-for-terrorists swap. President Obama was wrong earlier this year to trade
five hardened terrorists from the prison at Guantanamo Bay for a deserter. All but the president's
most dedicated supporters understood then that the trade was a really bad idea. Now, the nonpartisan
Government Accountability Office has confirmed what many suspect, that the swap violated a "clear
and unambiguous" law. For this White House, the law is little more than an annoyance to be swatted
away when inconvenient. Mr. Obama makes and remakes the law as he goes along. Congress has allowed
itself to become irrelevant.
I Sued the President. The president and his administration have ignored the law on a
breathtaking range of issues. For example, President Obama directed the Environmental Protection
Agency to propose new environmental rules that will devastate coal miners and raise electricity
prices sky-high, even though the EPA admits that the "literal" terms of the Clean Air Act prohibit
the regulations. Similarly, after he failed to pass immigration reform through Congress, the
president decided to ignore the laws on the books and give out work permits as he pleases. He did
the same thing with the Affordable Care Act, giving billions of dollars of tax credits that the law
does not authorize. [...] Americans from both political parties have decried this lawlessness.
Obama Will 'Set the Country Completely on Fire' with Executive Amnesty by Labor Day.
On the Friday [8/22/2014] broadcast of "The McLaughlin Group," columnist Pat Buchanan predicted that
President Obama would grant amnesty to illegal immigrants via executive order by Labor Day and that
such an action would "set the country completely on fire."
Sessions: CEOs 'Scheming with WH to Extract by Executive Fiat' Amnesty Congress Denied. Sen.
Sessions says the CEOs are "scheming with the White House" to flout both Congress and the will of the people:
"The same group of CEOs who helped write the Senate's Gang of Eight immigration bill in secret is now scheming with
the White House to extract by executive fiat what was denied to them by the American people and Congress."
If these companies so desperately needed illegal alien labor, they wouldn't be laying off American workers by the
thousands, Sen. Sessions notes: "Even while they demand more foreign workers, these companies are laying off
current employees in droves. [...]"
Closed Doors, Obama Crafts Executive Actions. When President Obama announced in June
that he planned to bypass congressional gridlock and overhaul the nation's immigration system on his
own, he did so in a most public way: a speech in the White House Rose Garden. Since then, the
process of drafting what will likely be the only significant immigration changes of his
presidency — and his most consequential use of executive power — has been
conducted almost entirely behind closed doors, where lobbyists and interest groups invited to the
White House are making their case out of public view.
The Maximalist. In 2011,
President Obama, speaking before the National Council of La Raza, remarked that "I know some people
want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own." He acknowledged the appeal of dictatorial
action, but he said "that's not how our system works." The crowd responded, "Change it" and "Yes,
you can!" He spoke of bypassing Congress as a temptation to which he wouldn't yield. But he
has, and it is clear that he regards America's system of checks and balances as an odious obstacle to
his conception of good government.
activists beg Obama to legalize eight million illegals or more. The number kicked
around for the past few months was five or six million. That's not good enough for immigration
groups, who want to see something closer to eight figures. And once you're creeping up towards
10 million, there's really no point in having eligibility criteria at all. Just
legalize everyone, no questions asked. Honestly, if we're going to have the president dictate
national policy, what's the sense in demanding that he do it by half-measures?
Nixon was bad but Obama is worse. No man, Nixon's critics assured us, was above the
law. For his transgressions, Richard Nixon was forced from office, evading prosecution only because
of a presidential pardon. Yet by any reasonable measure, Nixon's sins seem venal compared to those
of President Barack Obama. [...] While Nixon was known for his "Enemies List," the former head of
the National Security Agency's global digital data gathering program says that Obama also has an
enemies list stored by keyword, which has been used to take down perceived political enemies such as
General Petraus. During his re-election campaign Obama even brazenly posted his enemies list on-line
as a not-so-subtle threat not to donate to his opponents.
Four Business Owners Squeezed by Operation Choke Point. With no explanation, Brian
Brookman last month lost the bank account for his pawn shop. He had no idea why. Brookman says
his store in Grand Haven, Mich., never had been in trouble with federal or state officials. [...]
After researching his case on the Internet, Brookman says he concluded that his banker, JP Morgan
Chase, closed the account because two of his business activities — dealing in vintage
coins and selling firearms — were labeled "high risk" by federal bureaucrats as part of
an Obama administration initiative called Operation Choke Point.
President Humpty Dumpty.
The law that Congress wrote (but didn't read, under the shameless leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi)
turned out to be, as was inevitable, filled with holes and errors. No matter: a presidential
edict a day keeps collapse away. But the Constitution doesn't allow for government by executive edict.
That's for monarchy or dictatorship.
Celebrating Obama's Birthday. This is really not the biggest deal in the world, but
every year on August 4, I'm reminded of something kind of creepy in the Cult of Obama.
That, my friends, is the obsession with his birthday. [...] This is not to be encouraged for two main
reasons. One, it's childish. Birthdays are for kids. And even for kids, they
should be restrained. Yes, it's another year to be thankful for God's provisions.
Great. Do that with family and friends. Don't make a big production.
Obama Asks Me to Sign President Obama's Birthday Card. I find it hard to say precisely
why I find this email a bit creepy. At one level this seems innocuous enough — and it is
definitely not a big thing. At another level, asking millions of Americans to sign a birthday card
for the President suggests a tone-deafness about the cult of personality. If we lived in a
dictatorship, getting millions of subjects to celebrate the Dear Leader's birthday would be routine,
but in a free republic this appeal to get millions of citizens to celebrate a current president's
birthday strikes a discordant note to my ear.
Barack Obama Plotting a Coup? When Obama changed the Affordable Care Act by
decree — to name just one example, substituting "2014" for "2013" in a critical provision
of the statute — he acted as a tyrant. In his refusal to enforce the immigration laws,
contrary to the Constitution which requires him to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed,"
he has acted like a tinpot dictator, asserting the right to change or ignore the law by fiat. If he
now directly nullifies Section 274(a) of the Immigration and Nationalities Act by legalizing, and
issuing work permits to, five or six million illegal immigrants, thereby repealing federal law by
decree, how else can we describe his action but as a coup? The Obama administration openly
takes the position that the rule of law no longer applies.
Impeachment Game. This is the tone of the media coverage right now: The president may
get the occasional rebuke for impeachment-baiting, but what the White House wants to do on immigration is
assumed to be reasonable, legitimate, within normal political bounds. It is not: It would be
lawless, reckless, a leap into the antidemocratic dark. And an American political class that lets this
Rubicon be crossed without demurral will deserve to live with the consequences for the republic, in what
remains of this presidency and in presidencies yet to come.
Republicans authorize lawsuit against Obama for presidential overreach. House
Republicans voted Wednesday evening [7/30/2014] to authorize an unprecedented lawsuit against President Obama,
escalating a separation of powers battle between Congress and the White House that is heavily tinged
with election-year politics. Mr. Obama mocked Republicans, telling them to "stop just hatin' all
the time," but GOP lawmakers said they felt boxed in, being unable to get their legislation through
the Democrat-controlled Senate and having to watch as the president tweaks, waives or ignores laws
Congress has written but which he dislikes.
Now there is Nothing We Can do about Obama. What this man is doing is appalling.
Everyone — including those people in his own party who actually care about this country,
its constitutional framework and the rule of law — ought to be appalled by it. [...] The
problem of a president willing to destroy our border and our Constitution for the purposes of
partisan political gain has been years in the making. And it will not be solved by a House vote or
the stroke of a pen.
readies bill to stop Obama's immigration order — in advance. On what could
be the last lawmaking session before the summer recess, both House and Senate are preparing bills to
one-up each other on immigration. First, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that if the House
passes a border crisis bill, he and Senate Democrats might attach the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration
reform bill to it — a move that would clearly doom the whole border emergency spending effort.
Now, House Republican leaders have written a bill that would stop President Obama from using executive power
to legalize millions of currently illegal immigrants — something Obama is widely thought to be
getting ready to do.
Count Down to Impeachment.
While a lame duck session will at least temporarily defang the progressive beast, for many, simply
holding Obama at bay doesn't adequately redress the damage he has done to their country and
[C]onstitution. The tides of freedom and liberty are rising but there is much work to do as the
mid-term elections, and a republican majority in the senate, are far from certain. Not based on
public sentiment mind you, rather on the uncanny way that Democrats have of stealing elections, and
the growing resentment conservatives feel towards the Republican Party which may hamper voter turn-out.
Warn Obama Over Executive Overreach on Immigration. Democrat Senators Kay Hagan of
North Carolina and Mark Pryor of Arkansas have both now warned Barack Obama against taking "any
steps without the approval of Congress" when it comes to dealing with the current illegal
immigration crisis. "I'm not for government by executive order. He needs to have statutory
authority before he acts," said Pryor. Meanwhile, via Politico, a spokeswoman for Hagan said, "this
is a problem that needs to be solved legislatively and not through executive action."
'We Cannot Allow Executive Orders to... Eradicate Plain Law'. Sen. Jeff Sessions
(R-Ala.) took to the Senate floor Wednesday [7/30/2014] to blast the president's reported plan to use his
executive authority to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants by scaling back deportations and
granting them work permits, saying Congress must not allow the president use executive actions that
eradicate "plain law." "This Congress needs to speak. We cannot allow executive orders to be
issued by a president that eradicates plain law. To do so is wrong. The American people are watching
this. They are not going to be happy that this Congress didn't take action, and expressions of
concerns among senators really are not enough," said Sessions.
to Obama: The American People Will Not Be Mocked by Your Unlawful Amnesty. Monday
[7/28/2014], Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) took to the floor of the U.S. Senate to criticize President
Barack Obama's attempt to "unilaterally implement large portions of his congressionally rejected
amnesty bill by executive action."
by Edict. Many people in Washington seem to be talking about the prospect of the
president unilaterally legalizing the status of several million people who entered the country
illegally as though it were just another political question. But if reports about the nature of the
executive action he is contemplating are right, it would be by far the most blatant and explosive
provocation in the administration's assault on the separation of powers, and could well be the most
extreme act of executive overreach ever attempted by an American president in peacetime.
Out of Order.
Barack Obama's disdain for the slow, grinding mechanisms of government has become unmistakable of
late. So it is little surprise that, frustrated by congressional inaction on his proposal for
"comprehensive immigration reform," the president last month declared that he would "fix as much of
our immigration system as I can on my own." The result, intimated by White House senior adviser Dan
Pfeiffer last week, is a "very significant" executive action to be unveiled by the end of the summer.
Ignores Subpoena Again as White House Defies Issa. Top White House political adviser
David Simas refused again Friday [7/25/2014] to honor a congressional subpoena, prompting
Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to vote to rebuke the
administration. The Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted 19-14 to reject the White
House's claim that Simas has absolute immunity from a subpoena from Congress. Republicans said
they were standing up for the principle that no one is above the law, and Oversight and Government
Reform Chairman Darrell Issa quoted a long list of Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid of Nevada and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, who have backed Congress' right
to subpoena top administration officials.
The Editor says...
This isn't the first time Obama has ignored a subpoena.
Obama Encounters an Apex of Anger.
No one in Congress believes a word Obama says and the House of Representatives is getting ready to sue him for his
failure to enforce the laws Congress has passed and his usurpation of unconstitutional power to alter laws
whenever he wants. This is unprecedented in the history of the nation.
President Is Just Getting Started. President Obama is implementing his leftist
policies and punishing his detractors like a Soviet dictator. In short Obama is going Soviet, as
explained by analyst Brian Preston. The leftist dream agenda of open borders, green energy, income
redistribution, and transference of US sovereignty to the UN is now being implemented without
consent of Congress.
Of Horses,
Politicians, and Fences. Leaders who fashion themselves above law "just a little" and
only in their own minds, soon assert rights far above the law, and boldly move to remake the world
to conform to their delusions. Even if you can tolerate a dictator, abhor his means. Such leaders
never evolve back into democrats. They are never humble servants of a Sovereign People. In their
minds, they are smarter. While they hold power, they are objectively powerful. They seek to control
the marketplace of ideas.
Predicts Victory in Lawsuit Against Obama. Rep. Tom Rice (R., S.C.) and constitutional
law expert David Rivkin on Wednesday [7/16/2014] predicted victory in the lawsuit the House is launching against
President Barack Obama. The House Rules Committee held a hearing on the proposed lawsuit, which is
intended to prove the unconstitutionality of Obama's unilateral delay of the employer mandate
portion of the Affordable Care Act. Witnesses at the hearing argued about whether the House has
standing to sue the president to enforce the law. "I'm very optimistic that this lawsuit will
succeed," Rivkin said in an interview. "I certainly expect there to be a propaganda offensive to try
to stop it, but I don't see any fundamental legal problems, with regards to standing or the merits."
Turley to Congress: You face self-destruction if you don't rein in Obama. If the
president can override Congress whenever it's at an impasse, the minority party will be forced to
choose between letting the president do what he wants by executive order and "compromising" by
signing onto a bill that lets the president do what he wants in exchange for a few concessions.
That's the end of Congress, and the end of checks and balances.
House Has No Plans to Defund Unconstitutional Acts by Obama. House Speaker John
Boehner (R-Ohio) indicated today that if President Barack Obama takes actions that exceed his
constitutional authority, the House of Representatives has no plans to use its own constitutional
authority to withhold funding from those actions. At his weekly press briefing, asked
Boehner: "You've said you disagree with calls to impeach the president over abuse of power via
executive actions. But under the Constitution the House actually has the power of the purse.
So, if the President takes actions that exceed his Constitutional authority, will you withhold funding for
those actions in the next must-pass appropriations bill?
executive actions seen as threat to Constitution. A prominent law professor and avowed
supporter of the Obama White House will tell the House on Wednesday that the president has created
one of the biggest constitutional crises in the country's history and will endorse House
Republicans' effort to sue to rein him in. Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington
University, will say President Obama is trampling the founders' vision for the country in his push
to circumvent Congress, and he will demand Republicans and Democrats alike forget their party labels
to unify against this White House's power grab.
alert system gives president special code for emergency messages. The national
Emergency Alert System broadcasts television alert messages to warn people about immediate dangers.
The system is often used at the local level to warn people about weather conditions such as
tornadoes or flash floods. The system is not capable of reaching the entire country all at once
should the president need to warn the public of something like a terrorist attack or an act of war
against the country. Instead, to reach the entire country, each local jurisdiction would have to
broadcast the same message — a tedious process that could leave room for gaps if one
station misses the broadcast.
The Editor says...
This is a complete waste of money, at best, and at worst it is an opportunity for the President to overtake all
broadcast stations on a whim. In the event of a national emergency, all network-affiliated television
stations will talk about nothing else, as was demonstrated on 9/11/2011. (Independent stations could
go on showing re-runs of "I Love Lucy," and not without a number of oblivious viewers.) The problem with
the proposed break-in-any-time system is that the definition of "emergency" is left up to the White House.
Chances are Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro or Robert Mugabe would install such a system, if their countries had the money.
emergency alert system will give Obama the power to flip a switch and address the entire nation at
once. The Emergency Alert System, the latest version of a program first established in
1951, blasts out emergency messages in the event of local weather emergencies, but can also be used
to warn Americans about terror attacks and major natural disasters. Every broadcaster in the
country is required to participate in the EAS. Messages travel along a closed, private network,
piggybacking from station to station. It can take up to 10 minutes for every radio, TV,
cable and satellite provider to blare its alert.
Signs of Dictatorship. Barack Hussein Obama consistently flouts American law, disregards the
separation of powers, and seemingly could not care less about the swirling scandals surrounding him.
As of May 2014 there have been 23 executive alterations of Obama's own Affordable Care Act. Chris
Conover at Forbes highlights the egregious and unilateral changes to Obamacare when he explains that "[t]he
Constitution and its carefully crafted system of checks and balances matters. If President Obama
disagrees with a statutory provision enacted into law (and that he signed!), the proper course of action
is to go back to Congress and get the law changed." In addition, Obama flouts federal immigration
law and enacts the Dream Act, thus bypassing the Congress.
'believes he has the power to make his own laws'. House Speaker John Boehner put
himself one step closer to suing the President of the United States on Thursday, unveiling a
resolution permitting the move and attracting return fire from the White House. Announcing late
in the day that the legal action will focus on the Affordable Care Act, Boehner fumed that Barack
Obama had 'changed the health care law without a vote of Congress' in 2013, 'effectively creating
his own law by literally waiving the employer mandate and the penalties for failing to comply with
it.' The president, he carped, 'believes he has the power to make his own laws.'
vs. Political Correctness: Amnesty and the Fight for America's Soul. Amnesty for more
than 10 million illegal aliens (on the very conservative end of the projections) will necessarily
cause an expansion of the federally funded social "safety net" in terms of health care and
education, a burden which American taxpayers do not want, and there are pragmatic reasons,
aforementioned, to suggest that the expansion of the federally subsidized social "safety nets" is a
bad thing for our country. At the very least, that expansion should be considered and approved by
the legislative body to which our foundational contract has assigned the task. It is not a matter
that would have ever reasonably been left at the whim of a single man in executive power. And for
good reason. If Obama does what his previous actions suggest he will do, which is to act well
outside his constitutional tether to advance amnesty for these lawbreakers and their children that
have illegally entered our country, he will have made himself an outright despot. And we Americans
will have a choice to either accept his despotism or reject it.
Call For Amnesty As Obama Plans To Legalize Millions of Illegal Aliens With Executive Power. Billionaires
Warren Buffett, Sheldon Adelson and Bill Gates have teamed up to call for amnesty for America's illegal immigrants as a
solution to the ongoing crisis at the border as President Barack Obama mulls granting amnesty to millions via executive power.
President Barack Obama and
Napoleon Bonaparte. The overall intent of the Founding Fathers was to avoid the defects of the British system of
the 16th and 17th centuries. Until the Bill of Rights was passed in 1688, laws might be made by proclamation of the king,
who could also suspend or dispense with laws. James I in 1610 declared he had an inherent authority to assert power
in the absence of legislation. Clearly, the new political system of the United States was intended to avoid this extreme
position, and Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper 70 argued for a more restrained presidency.
to fire first legal volley over Obama executive actions. House Republicans announced Thursday [7/10/2014]
that their first attempt to sue President Obama for breaching the limits of his executive power will be over his decision
to exempt businesses from his health care law's employer mandate. Making good on Speaker John A. Boehner's threat
last month, the Republicans released a draft of the bill to authorize Mr. Boehner to sue the president, in what Republicans
say is an effort to rebalance the powers of Congress and the White House. [...] The draft resolution was introduced just
hours after Mr. Obama offered his most vehement defense to date of his claims of executive authority on everything from
gun control to higher education, saying it's his "job" to act when he can't find willing partners on Capitol Hill.
Boehner Officially Begins
Plan To Sue Obama. "Today [7/10/2014] we're releasing a draft resolution that will
authorize the House to file suit over the way President Obama unilaterally changed the employer
mandate," Boehner said in a statement. "In 2013, the president changed the health care law
without a vote of Congress, effectively creating his own law by literally waiving the employer
mandate and the penalties for failing to comply with it. That's not the way our system of government
was designed to work. No president should have the power to make laws on his or her own."
The House Rules Committee will consider the draft resolution next Wednesday.
King George III to King Obama I. The only way to check the abuses coming out of the
White House — whether it's the stream of executive orders, the use of the IRS to go after
political enemies, or the ignoring of the clear language of the law repeatedly in the rollout of
Obamacare — is for the House Republicans and Speaker Boehner to stand up and say no.
Lawyers Behind the Lawsuit against Obama. For some time now, Elizabeth Foley and David
Rivkin have had two questions about the 44th president: "How is he getting away with this? And why
isn't someone doing something about this?" Foley, a professor of constitutional law at Florida International
University College of Law, and Rivkin, lead outside counsel of Florida et al. v. United States Department
of Health and Human Services, one of three Obamacare challenges that ended up before the Supreme Court
in 2012, are doing something. They are the architects of the House of Representatives' likely lawsuit
against President Obama, which would challenge the president's selective suspension of various laws as
violations of his constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws, and as violations of the constitutionally
prescribed separation of powers.
Cruz Releases Fifth Legal Limit Report On Obama Regime's Attempts to Expand Federal Power. The Supreme Court has unanimously rejected
Obama Administration's arguments 20 times during the five and a half years of his presidency says Senator Ted Cruz in his fifth report on the
Regime's attempts to expand federal power.
Legal Limit
report #5. [I]n the eighteen months from January 2012 to June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously rejected the Obama Administration's
arguments for more federal power nine times. If Obama's DOJ had been successful in those cases the federal government
would have had the power to:
• Attach GPSs to a citizen's vehicle to monitor his or her movements, without having
any cause to believe that a person has committed a crime (United States v. Jones);
• Deprive landowners of the right to challenge potential government fines as high as
$75,000 per day and take away their ability have a hearing to challenge those fines (Sackett v. EPA);
• Interfere with a church's selection of its own ministers (Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical
Lutheran Church & School v. EEOC);
• Override state law through presidential fiat (Arizona v. United States);
• Dramatically extend statutes of limitations to impose penalties for acts committed
decades ago (Gabelli v. SEC);
• Destroy private property without paying just compensation (Arkansas Fish & Game
Commission v. United States);
• Impose double income taxation (PPL Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue); [...]
Obama Doesn't Understand Representative Government. Once again, President Obama has
announced that he's going to bypass Congress in order to impose his own agenda through executive
orders, this time on immigration. Does this guy even understand how representative government
works? Here's how it works: the representatives govern. In other words, Congress
makes the laws. But Obama seems to think that when push comes to shove, the president is the
only representative the people need.
threatens to bypass Hobby Lobby SCOTUS ruling via executive action. As we reported
recently, the left is none too happy that the Supreme Court recognized the fact that the
Constitution doesn't give the government the right to force private entities to pay for the
abortions of others. You can include Obama among the people who aren't exactly thrilled.
And while he's not threatening to literally burn down any Hobby Lobbies (like many on the left are),
he is threatening something very illegal: Bypassing the SCOTUS ruling by a dictatorial executive order.
No Borders, No Rules
= Dictatorship! [Barack H. Obama] repeatedly promised that this would be the most transparent
administration ever. Yet the members of his loving media, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and others have all said
over the last few months this has been the most closed administration that they have ever seen, and many of
them are 20-year news veterans. This administration now hands pictures and narrative to the press on
what will be seen and printed. This sounds like Communist America to me comrade! He tweaks the
laws to say what he wants them to say. He enforces the laws he wants to enforce. He spends money
where he wants to. He issues executive orders to get the EPA, IRS, and other departments to do what
he wants them to do.
Press Sec: Obama Not Worried About GOP Response to Executive Orders. The Obama
administration is not too concerned about possible Republican responses to its unilateral
administrative actions on immigration. "What that they might sue?" White House Press Secretary
Josh Earnest said laughing when asked Tuesday [7/1/2014] about possible Republican retaliation for the
executive action. "They announced they were doing that last week," he continued.
dismisses House Speaker John Boehner's lawsuit against him as a 'stunt'. Obama has
repeatedly touted his 'pen and phone' approach to implementing his domestic agenda by going around
Congress, casting 2014 during his most recent State of the Union address as a 'year of action.'
The House has passed legislation that would curb the president's power to take executive actions
that Republicans say fall outside his constitutional authority, but Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid has declared them dead on arrival.
Obama Administration Once Again Threatens Tyrannical
Executive Lawmaking on Immigration. "We're not just going to sit around waiting for
Congress to write the law," as the Constitution requires, threatens Josh Earnest.
Does Barack Obama Understand The Constitution?
The obvious answer is impeachment — but that is not a solution to the constitutional
overreach of Barack Obama. Even setting aside the optics of making the first African-American
president the first president to be impeached and removed, the reality is that removal will not
happen. After all, as demonstrated by the quotes from Senators Melendez and Durbin, the very
senators whose duty is to vote for Obama's removal in order to defend the constitutional prerogatives
of Congress are acting as cheerleaders for his usurpation of congressional power.
No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration. President Obama has delayed any
potential changes to his deportation policy to allow House GOP leaders time to bring legislation to
the floor this summer. But if the Republicans don't act in July, the Democrats say, unilateral
changes by Obama are inevitable. [...] "Their first job is to govern," Menendez added, "and in the
absence of governing, then you see executive actions."
Will Govern By Fiat Until It's Stopped. The Supreme Court this week admonished the
Environmental Protection Agency for overreaching in regulating greenhouse gases. The Clean Air Act
covers polluters that emit 250 tons per year (or in some cases, 100 tons). This standard
makes no sense if applied to greenhouse gases. Thousands of establishments from elementary schools
to grocery stores would be, absurdly, covered. So the EPA arbitrarily chose 100,000 tons as the carbon
dioxide threshold. That's not "tailoring," ruled the Supreme Court. That's rewriting.
Under our Constitution, "an agency has no power to 'tailor' legislation to bureaucratic policy goals by
rewriting unambiguous statutory terms." [...] This administration does not learn constitutional lessons.
It continues marching until it meets resistance. And it hasn't met nearly enough.
House Press Secretary: 'We're Not Just Going to Sit Around and Wait' for Congress to Write
Laws. President Obama, tired of waiting for Congress to act on immigration reform,
is currently exploring ways to address issues with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh
Johnson. During an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest
explained that the Obama administration was getting impatient with Congress. "[W]e're not just
going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress," he explained. "We've been waiting a year
already. [...]"
To The Executive Dictatorship. Nobody in the executive branch has been punished for
Benghazi, Libya, Fast and Furious, serious national security leaks to major news outlets,
violations of civil rights by the National Security Agency or any other major scandal. The Obama
administration has seized authority to regulate health care, carbon emissions and labor relations
in unforeseen ways. And no one will stop the executive branch. Impeachment will not
solve the problem of a 3 million-strong regulatory branch in which accountability is a fantasy.
To Impeach or Not to Impeach.
It has been persuasively argued that President Obama is impeachable on many grounds. Having joked
that he could do anything he wants, Obama is guilty of running roughshod over the Constitution,
bypassing Congress and governing by executive decree, stuffing his administration with Muslim
Brotherhood operatives, making common cause with America's enemies and betraying its allies,
promoting the global warming scam at enormous cost to the taxpayer, accepting illicit campaign
donations, failing to defend U.S. soil against illegal border crossings (in direct contravention of
Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution), being in contempt of federal court for his oil-drilling
moratorium in the Gulf, allowing the IRS to target conservative nonprofits seeking tax-exempt
status, approving via his attorney general Operation Fast and Furious, concocting the Benghazi
cover-up, and constantly and illegally rewriting the rules of the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act, at least 29 times to date.
someone mention impeachment?
Boehner Planning House Lawsuit
Against Obama Executive Actions. Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, told Republicans
Tuesday he could have an announcement within days on whether the House will file a lawsuit against
President Barack Obama, challenging the executive actions that have become the keystone of the
administration. The lawsuit could set up a significant test of constitutional checks and
balances, with the legislative branch suing the executive branch for ignoring its mandates, and the
judiciary branch deciding the outcome.
A Lame Duck Country?
President Obama has demonstrated, time and again, that he has no respect for the Constitution's
limitations on his power. Despite his oath of office, to see that the laws are faithfully executed,
Barack Obama has unilaterally changed welfare reform laws, by eliminating the work requirement
passed by Congress during the Clinton administration. He has repeatedly and unilaterally changed
or waived provisions of the ObamaCare law passed by Congress during his own administration.
President Obama has ordered Border Patrol agents not to carry out provisions of the immigration
laws that he does not like.
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on
Iraq. I'll let you know what's going on, but I don't need new congressional authority to act, President
Barack Obama told congressional leaders Wednesday [6/18/2014] about his upcoming decision on possible military intervention
in Iraq.
Iraq crisis: President Obama can
'bypass Congress'. US President Barack Obama has told Congressional leaders he does
not need lawmakers' approval for any action in Iraq, the top Senate Republican says. Senator
Mitch McConnell was speaking after a meeting between the president and senior members of Congress.
Iraq has asked for US air strikes against advancing jihadist militants, who have seized key cities and towns.
Obama to Congressmen: If I Alone Decide to Declare
War on Iraq Unilaterally, I'll Be Sure to Send You an Email About It. As a technical
matter, the 2002 authorization for the use of military force in Iraq has not been repealed, nor did
it expire — but most AUMFs don't technically expire. Given, however, that Obama has
withdrawn all troops from Iraq and declared that war "over," it seems Obama himself provided a
contextual termination to the 2002 grant of authority. But now, of course, the man who vowed to
the American public to not act unilaterally like the War Criminal George Bush is asserting that the
2002 AUMF contains penumbras and emanations empowering him to make war on Iraq whenever it should
please His Luminescence.
Exactly what one would expect in Cuba or North Korea:
Patrol Agents Threatened with Criminal Charges for Speaking to Reporters. A surge of
thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has left federal resources and
facilities overwhelmed. Most of the new migrants are children from Central America. In the
aftermath of Breitbart Texas releasing photos showing minors warehoused in crowded U.S. cells, Border
Patrol agents in Texas have been instructed not to speak to media outlets.
Obama is Going
Thelma and Louise. "I believe the president has, within existing law, the power to
take action to protect the immigrant community, and I think he will take those actions." [Congressman
Luis] Gutierrez declared. There are three very interesting points in that brief sentence.
The first is the odd notion that this president cares a whit about whether or not anything he does is
within the law. He has not shown any hesitation to violate or interpret laws as he sees fit from
day to day. Another curious proposition is that the immigrant community either needs or deserves
"protection" in the form of amnesty in order to insulate them from the results of illegal acts.
Apparently American citizens and legal immigrants do not merit protection from the results of those acts.
The most troubling suggestion, however, is the one most likely to occur. The president, probably will
"take those actions."
Obama to Unilaterally Enact Amnesty After Cantor Loss. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL),
perhaps the most outspoken amnesty proponent in Congress, said the stunning defeat of Majority
Leader Eric Cantor in the primary Tuesday [6/10/2014] is no impediment to President Obama moving forward with
immigration unilaterally. "When people say there'll be no action on immigration, watch the White
House," Gutierrez said in a brief interview with Breitbart News.
Springtime For Warmists.
Last month Rush Limbaugh remarked that the reason for "the re-establishment of climate change and
global warming as a new primary impetus of the White House" is that "it offers the president
opportunities to be dictatorial." A defender of the president might counter that "dictatorial" is
overwrought. [...] But National Journal's Lucia Graves takes a different approach. Instead of
denying that Obama's actions are dictatorial, she disputes Limbaugh's implicit premise that there's
anything wrong with that. [...] Yes, it has come to this. Americans are being urged to submit to
"dictatorial" government because democracy is incapable of controlling the weather. "In college
classes, climate change is taught as a textbook example of where democracy fails," Graves asserts
in the very first sentence of her column.
The Obama Impeachment Bible.
Liberal [law professor Jonathan] Turley says "...Barack Obama is really the president Richard Nixon
always wanted to be. You know, he's been allowed to act unilaterally in a way that we've fought for decades."
Ways Obama's Immigration Decisions Parallel Those Of Castro. A wave of single mothers
and children is crashing across our border from Central America in numbers not seen since Cuba's
1980 Mariel boatlift. Incredibly, it's now President Obama playing the role of Castro.
'My Government' Didn't Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal. During an
interview with NBC's Brian Williams, Barack Obama claims — incredibly — that
"my government" acted 'unanimously" in its decision to trade five Taliban commanders for Army Sgt.
Bowe Bergdahl. [']It was a "unanimous decision" by "my government." "I make no apologies for
it."['] But surely, he meant to say "my administration," right? Don't bet on it.
Constitution, Rule of Law, and the Power of the Political Class. Why are so many
people upset that the Obama White House keeps arbitrarily changing parts of Obamacare —
even when bad provisions are being suspendedor certain groups are being exempted from bad policy?
Well, some of them may simply dislike Obama or government-run healthcare, and there's nothing wrong
with being against a politician or rejecting bigger government. But the most important reason to
be upset is that the White House is making a mockery of the rule of law.
accused of targeting gun industry with 'Choke Point' program. The Obama administration, after failing to get
gun control passed on Capitol Hill, has resorted to using its executive power to try to put some in the firearms industry
out of business, House Republican investigators say. The assertion is included in a report recently released by California
GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Citing internal
Justice Department documents, the committee concluded that the administration used a program known
as Operation Choke Point to target legal companies that it finds "objectionable."
A Most Successful
President. If one sets out to destroy the core pillars of a society, to incrementally
break down the values of a country, and to dishearten its inhabitants, then Barack Hussein Obama
has been a sterling success. [...] Obama is doing what Obama said he would do. He is transforming
this country into the mold he wants — a weakened America, a demoralized American people,
and a vast playground that he can ultimately demolish should he become head of the United Nations.
Obama and His Urban Parasites Declare War on the Constitution. Who needs the birthers when we
have Barack Obama himself? His recent statement about the role of the U.S. Senate proves that he is a
self-declared enemy of the United States Constitution and of its checks and balances on federal power. [...] Of
course, Wyoming has the same Senate representation as California specifically to prevent individuals
like Barack Obama, and his constituency of urban parasites, from imposing their will on the less populous states.
This "Great Compromise" of 1787 was a condition of these states' willingness to join the United States in the
first place. This is also why each state gets no fewer than three electoral votes, regardless of population.
Speech: Obama is Upset That No One is Properly Following Orders. It must be very
frustrating for the President that so many people will not do what he wants: International
companies that aren't investing in America, Republicans who won't implement his economic plans, and
businesses that put their priorities before his.
Barack Obama is a king,
not a president. George Mason foresaw this in the 1787 Convention that gave us our Constitution.
The American president would be an "elective monarch," he said, and added that that would be worse than the real thing.
[...] All this should be alarming to Americans. Nothing is more central to the Founders' Constitution than
the idea that the centralization of political power in a single person is a threat to liberty.
Gridlock is the only thing standing between us and a dictatorship.
Obama blames Founding Fathers'
structural' design of Congress for gridlock. President Obama is taking a swipe at the Founding Fathers, blaming his inability to
move his agenda on the "disadvantage" of having each state represented equally in the Senate. At a Democratic fundraiser in Chicago
Thursday night, Mr. Obama told a small group of wealthy supporters that there are several hurdles to keeping Democrats in control of the
Senate and recapturing the House. One of those problems, he said, is the apportionment of two Senate seats to each state regardless
of population. "Obviously, the nature of the Senate means that California has the same number of Senate seats as Wyoming.
That puts us at a disadvantage," Mr. Obama said.
The Editor says...
Mr. Obama seems very perplexed by the Constitution and its origins, even though he was allegedly a lecturer on the Constitution
at some college years ago.
Unhappy with America's Constitutional Balance of Powers. President "I am not a dictator" Obama, the same man who once
bemoaned that the U.S. Constitution is deeply flawed and America's Founding Fathers had "an enormous blind spot" when they wrote it,
is again complaining that our Constitutional Republic does not satisfy his dictatorial aspirations. Apparently, the inconvenience
of having each state represented equally in the Senate is inconveniencing his ability to shove his leftist personal agenda down the
throat of Congress and the American people.
Obama's Constitution. [Roger] Sherman's greatest
contribution was as architect of the so-called Connecticut Compromise. That was the breakthrough that gave popular representation
to the House of Representatives and equal suffrage of the states to the Senate. It is a core principle of our government.
All the more breathtaking, 225 years later, to hear the President of America carping about it in respect of his political
predicament. Yet, according to a dispatch in the Washington Times, Mr. Obama is "blaming his inability to move his agenda
on the 'disadvantage' of having each state represented equally in the Senate."
Reaffirms His Intention to Rule By Dictatorship. He began his address with a lie: "At
a time when our businesses have created 9.2 million new jobs in just over four years, and more
companies are considering bringing jobs back from overseas, we have a choice to make. We can make
it easier for businesses to invest in America — or we can make it harder." We actually
have 4 million fewer jobs than we had when he came into office. He is the one sending jobs
overseas. He talks about cutting red tape but he is the leading purveyor of red tape.
He wants another $302 billion plan to repair the country's transportation system. He
used the demand for the money as an opportunity to bash Republicans. Obama already wasted much of
the 900 billion on the Stimulus in 2009, money that was spent on frivolous green energy projects.
Obama Releases 36,007 Criminal Aliens Into U.S.. Here's everything you need to know about
immigration reform: last year the Obama administration released 36,000 criminal aliens into
the United States population. The jailbreak was deliberate and included 193 murderers.
The Center for Immigration Studies obtained the information and released a report documenting the number and
nature of the crimes committed by the aliens. If 36,000 criminal aliens walking around your
community wasn't enough, Obama's Department of Homeland Security is aiming to make it even easier
for aliens to be released from detention. That's what the groups agitating for immigration reform
are demanding. That's what the groups are likely to get. The 2013 jailbreak included rapists,
kidnappers, arsonists, burglars, sex offenders, and car thieves. That's merely for 2013.
New Level of Illegal Immigration Chaos. A bombshell report by the Center for
Immigration Studies (CIS) is difficult to construe as anything other than the Obama
administration's contempt for the rule of law. An internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
document obtained by CIS reveals that in 2013, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released
from detention 36,007 convicted criminal aliens awaiting the outcome of their deportation
proceedings — including 193 individuals convicted of murder, 426 convicted of sexual assault, 1,075
convicted of aggravated assault, and 303 convicted of kidnapping. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) put
this utter abdication of responsibility in the proper context. "This would be considered the worst
prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the president and perpetrated by our
own immigration officials," he declared. "
released hundreds of immigrant murderers, drunk drivers, sex-crimes convicts.
Immigration officials knowingly released dozens of murderers and thousands of drunken drivers back
into the U.S. in 2013, according to Obama administration statistics that could undercut the
president's argument that he is trying to focus on the most serious criminals in his immigration
enforcement. Among the 36,000 immigrants whom U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released
from custody last year there were 116 with convictions for homicide, 43 for negligent manslaughter,
14 for voluntary manslaughter and one with a conviction classified by ICE as "homicide-willful kill-public
The Editor says...
Fidel Castro did the same thing 20 years ago.
Ordered to Stay Silent on Release of 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants. Breitbart
Texas recently reported on the release of 36,000 convicted criminal illegal immigrants, including
almost 200 murderers, who were released back into the U.S. by immigration officials in 2013.
The figures were outlined in a report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). Breitbart Texas
subsequently reached out to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices around the country, in
an attempt to learn more about release policies. Each ICE representative that Breitbart Texas came
in contact with was familiar with the CIS report, but would not comment on it. They additionally
refused to answer general questions regarding detention and release policies.
Cruz Lists Obama Admin's Lawless Actions in Legal Limit Reports.
"Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the President's persistent pattern of
lawlessness," according to Texas Senator and Harvard Law graduate Ted Cruz. Cruz exposed the Obama Administration's
illegal actions in four Legal Limit reports released Wednesday [5/7/2014].
Ted Cruz claims he has evidence Obama has abused his power or acted outside the law
76 times. Speaking of what he sees as the Obama administration's activism that falls outside the boundaries of
federal law, he claimed that 'if the same acts had been committed by Richard Nixon, every day the headlines in newspapers would
be banner headlines.' 'And yet,' he said, 'you don't have that level of scrutiny.' Most lawmakers, Cruz said, claim
to be in favor of enforcing federal laws as they are written, but many Democrats and some news outlets reflexively come to Obama's
defense because 'he's on our team.'
Lawmaker: Obama Planning 'Broader, Bolder Action' On Immigration Unless Republicans Act. Illinois Democratic
congressman Luis Gutierrez warned that "unless Republicans act" on comprehensive immigration reform, President Obama will
take "broader, bolder action" to curb the deportation of illegal immigrants without changing the law through Congress.
Gutierrez spoke to MSNBC's Ronan Farrow on Wednesday afternoon about their agreement that comprehensive immigration
reform — which may or may not include amnesty for illegal immigrants — should make it through
the U.S. Congress this summer. The Illinois congressman claimed that even with strong opposition from parts of
the Republican Party, he's confident reform will pass. But even if it doesn't, Gutierrez promised immigration
activists they won't be disappointed.
Cruz Releases Definitive List of 76 'Lawless' Obama Actions. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz released a
definitive list Wednesday of 76 "lawless" Obama administration actions and abuses of power. Cruz's "The
Legal Limit Report No. 4," obtained by The Daily Caller, delves into little-known and little-reported details of
President Obama's executive actions. [...] "Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more
dangerous than the President's persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law
and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat," Cruz stated in the report's introductory remarks.
to Sue Obama. The legal left and media are always last to know, but there are the
makings of a correction in how the courts police conflicts between the political branches. President
Obama's serial executive power abuses — on health care, immigration, marijuana and much
else — may be inspiring a heathy rejoinder. Under the Constitution, Congress is
supposed to create and amend laws and the President to faithfully execute them, but Mr. Obama has
grabbed inherent Article I powers by suspending or rewriting statutes he opposes. The President has
usurped Congress with impunity because he assumes no one has the legal standing to challenge him.
Congress Can't Stop Obama On Global Warming. White House adviser John Podesta told
reporters Monday afternoon that Congress could not derail the Obama administration's efforts to
unilaterally enact policies to fight global warming. Podesta said that the president was committed
to using executive orders to pass regulations under the Clean Air Act to limit carbon dioxide
emissions that they say cause global warming. "They may try, but there are no takers at this end of
Pennsylvania Avenue," Podesta told reporters at a Monday press conference at the White House.
The Editor says...
At first glance, it appears that Mr. Obama is fighting problems we don't
have. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant,
and global warming has already stopped — all
by itself. In reality, global warming is all about finding a "problem" that can only be solved by
establishing one centralized world government. It's all about power, and that's why Obama is so
quick to bypass the Congress
skeletons out of the political closet. With Europeans intrigued by America's unexpected success, Alexis de
Tocqueville carried out an in-depth study of the new nation in the 1830s. He was quite impressed by our divided
government, which featured the separation of powers. This structure made it difficult for any one branch —
executive, judicial or legislative — to acquire too much power and run roughshod over the other branches and
the will of the American people. Unfortunately, today we are witnessing a largely unchecked executive branch issuing
decrees that circumvent Congress while facing only tepid resistance.
The Imperial Presidency Of Barack Obama. "Imperial presidency" perfectly describes what the Obama
administration has become as it increasingly violates the limits on its power defined by the Constitution.
Criticisms of how President Obama is overstepping his authority are now being heard from all sides of the political
spectrum. A remarkable 33-page report posted on the Internet by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor proves how
imperial the Obama administration has become. This easy-to-read report, which can be downloaded from, details dozens of examples where the current occupant of the White House is exercising
powers that the Constitution doesn't give him.
Senators Denounce Obama for Threatening 'Entire Constitutional System' By
'Nullifying' Immigration Laws. On Thursday [4/24/2014], 22 Republican senators, including even Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), denounced President Barack Obama in a scathing letter for threatening America's "entire
constitutional system" with his immigration "enforcement review" that threatens to "nullify" the nation's immigration
laws. "Your actions demonstrate an astonishing disregard for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rights
of American citizens and legal residents," the senators wrote in a letter to Obama. "Our entire constitutional
system is threatened when the Executive Branch suspends the law at its whim and our nation's sovereignty is imperiled
when the commander-in-chief refuses to defend the integrity of its borders."
to free hundreds of drug felons under clemency rules. At the center of the move is a set of old
sentencing rules that punished crack-cocaine offenders with more time behind bars than users or traffickers of
powder cocaine. Civil rights groups have claimed the practice amounted to racial bias since crack —
a solid, smokable form of the highly addictive drug, has been more popular in African-America, [sic] inner-city
communities since its introduction to the U.S. in the early 1980s.
for Drug Offenders Is More Presidential Lawlessness Disguised as Pardon Power. The pardon power
exists so that the president can act in individual cases to correct excesses and injustices. It is not
supposed to be a vehicle by which presidents rewrite congressional statutes that they disagree with
philosophically (just as "prosecutorial discretion," another doctrine the Obama administration has abused,
is not supposed to be a vehicle by which the president substitutes his policies for duly enacted federal law).
The Obama administration is philosophically opposed to mandatory minimums in the federal penal law, especially
in the narcotics area. The Justice Department is filled with racialist ideologues and pro-criminal rights
ideologues (they tend to be the same people) who have long contended that the drug laws are racist. This
is another of those absurd arguments that finds racism based on unintended consequences rather than racist designs.
Announces 6 'Stringent Standards' for Inmates Seeking Reduced Sentences. Under the new
initiative, DOJ will prioritize clemency applications from inmates who meet all of the following
• They are currently serving time in a federal prison and
likely would have received a substantially lower sentence if convicted of the same offense(s)
• They are non-violent, low-level offenders without significant
ties to large scale criminal organizations, gangs or cartels;
• They have
served at least 10 years of their prison sentence;
• They do not have
a significant criminal history;
• They have demonstrated good conduct in
prison; and
• They have no history of violence prior to or during their
current term of imprisonment.
aides unsure how many thousands of drug dealers, addicts to get pardons. In their infinite
wisdom, now that this administration need never be judged again by voters, the pair [Barack Obama and Eric
Holder] has decided not only to accept many more commutation pleas. These men, who have round-the-clock
personal security, have decided to actively seek out incarcerated candidates and urge them to apply for release.
They're sure they won't free violent drug offenders. Just the polite ones.
Subverts the Law in the Name of Clemency. Alas, the next item on the transformational-change agenda is
undoing prior administrations' faithful execution of the narcotics laws. The forward-looking prosecutorial-discretion
doctrine is unavailing to address the past. That is where the pardon power comes in. The Obama
administration does not like the federal narcotics laws. The enmity goes way beyond the president's nostalgic
sympathy for pot smokers.
News Poll: Many voters say Obama lies to the country on important matters. About six in ten
American voters think Barack Obama lies to the country on important matters some or most of the time,
according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday [4/16/2014]. Thirty-seven percent think Obama
lies "most of the time," while another 24 percent say he lies "some of the time." Twenty
percent of voters say "only now and then" and 15 percent "never."
The Editor says...
The fifteen percent who believe Obama never lies are some of the most dangerous people in the country.
Carson: White House wanted apology for 'offending' Obama. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson says
the White House wanted him to apologize for "offending" President Obama after he famously delivered
a conservative message at the National Prayer Breakfast last year.
signs Ted Cruz bill into law, but says he won't enforce it. President Obama on Friday signed into
law a bill authored by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz that would bar an Iranian diplomat from entering the United States,
but immediately issued a statement saying he won't enforce it. Obama decided to treat the law as mere advice.
Sessions: 'Deliberate Plan by President' to Collapse U.S. Law Enforcement System. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said
today that Americans need to stand up to "a deliberate plan by the president of the United States" to collapse the nation's law
enforcement system regarding illegal immigration. "Our law enforcement system is in a state of collapse, and it's a deliberate
plan by the president of the United States, and it's wrong. And, people need to be aware of it and need to stand up to it
and I believe the American people are beginning to do so." Sen. Sessions rebuked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Vice
President Joe Biden for their pro-amnesty efforts: "So, you come into the country illegally and the attorney general of the
United States declares that these individuals have a civil right to amnesty. How can this possibly be: the chief law
enforcement officer in America?"
Most Un-American Speech Barack Obama Has Ever Delivered. But the most ghastly aspect of the president's
speech was its celebratory tone. This president stood in the Rose Garden in the lawn of the people's house.
He used force to coerce Americans into doing what he wants for the sake of politics and power. An American
president should never celebrate taking freedoms away from Americans. This president has, and he is pleased
with himself for doing it. He basks in the applause of those who celebrate with him, as if it's an achievement
to use the full force of government to impose yourself on others. Outside the gates of his little ceremony,
Democrats remain on the run because Obamacare is wreaking havoc on people's lives.
Yourself For More Obama Executive Orders. Just two short months ago President Obama announced from
the White House, "I've got a pen and a phone and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive
actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward." Obama made the statement out of his frustration
with a split Congress and a House controlled by Republicans opposed to his big government, lawless agenda.
Now, although Obama may have a pen and a phone, he doesn't seem to have much patience, especially on the issue
of immigration reform.
Is Barack Obama a Communist?
Rogues Gallery Of Radicals. You have to be a Kremlinologist to keep track of all the communist-sympathizing
cronies orbiting this White House. Obama's previous appointees include:
• Valerie Jarrett, his closest White House adviser, whose father-in-law worked closely with Obama
mentor and Communist Party leader Frank Marshall Davis in a number of front groups during the Cold War.
• David Axelrod, Obama's political aide, whose mother worked for a communist organ in
New York and whose mentor was Soviet agent David Canter.
• Van Jones, an admitted communist hired by Jarrett as Obama's green jobs czar.
• Anita Dunn, former White House communications director and Obama's 2012 foreign policy debate
coach, who listed communist dictator and mass murderer Mao Zedong as one of her two favorite philosophers whom "I turn
to most" when questions arise. [...]
• Erica Groshen, Bureau of Labor Statistics chief who sends her children to Camp Kinderland,
aka "Commie Camp," a communist-founded institution where kids during the Cold War sang Soviet anthems.
Obama as Imperial President.
Ever since President Obama was elected in 2008, his administration has taken on the appearance of an "imperial presidency" while
Congress has acted as a tableau of figureheads. Americans need look no further than Obama's executive actions concerning
the delay in the ObamaCare mandates, the recess appointments, and his changes in the immigration laws. President Obama had
no qualms in his recent State of the Union address in declaring that he will use the power of the pen and will sidestep Congress
whenever and wherever possible.
Obama May Issue 'Very Controversial Executive Orders' on Immigration. Last week, President Obama
directed his Homeland Security Department to examine its current deportation practices — "to see how
it can conduct enforcement more humanely, within the confines of the law," the White House announced on March 13.
But with immigration reform stalled in Congress, what more can Obama do? "I think he's going to wait until August,"
said Telemundo anchor and immigration-reform advocate José Díaz-Balart. And if Congress doesn't
act on immigration reform by then, "I wouldn't be surprised if he starts making some very controversial executive
orders to mitigate the pain of millions of people who face deportation," Díaz-Balart told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow
on Thursday [3/20/2014].
Obama, in His Sole
Discretion. With each passing day, President Barack Obama, leftism personified, demonstrates
that leftism is characterized by anything other than the human compassion it claims as its exclusive
possession. [...] I've always said leftists are about not compassion or treating people with sensitivity
and respect, much less equally, but control and bullying, all with an arrogant, mean-spirited air of
superiority. For Obama, there are at least two aspects to his control-freakishness. He not
only pushes policies that give the federal government vastly more control over our lives but also is
inordinately dictatorial in the manner in which he ramrods his agenda through, displaying utter contempt
for what anyone else thinks, what he might damage with his unilateral actions and, most of all, the
Constitution and the rule of law.
At long last...
Begins To Fight Back Against Obama's Broad Executive Overreach. After five years of his flouting the letter and spirit
of the law in an increasingly brazen fashion, congressional Republicans have been starting to ramp up their rhetoric about
Obama's lawlessness, their most concerted effort on the issue to date. Several new reports from top Republicans underscore
the breadth of Obama's executive overreach. Viewed comprehensively, it involves laws ranging from healthcare to immigration
to privacy to technology to social issues to national security matters and more. Scandals like Benghazi, Operation Fast and
Furious, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, NSA spying, CIA spying on Congress, the Delphi pensions scandal, the auto
bailout and others have many unresolved questions — and unmet document and information demands.
five Colorado Democrats may have paved the way for Congress to sue the administration. Last week, the U.S. Tenth Circuit decided
a case that should reverberate on Capitol Hill. In Kerr v. Hickenlooper, five Colorado legislators sought "standing" to challenge
a state constitutional amendment. The three-judge panel — consisting of Carter and Clinton appointees — ruled in
favor of the legislators' standing. This decision should embolden members of Congress who correctly believe that President Obama has
encroached upon Congress' constitutional authority. Indeed, Congress should do no less in defending its authority than the five
Colorado state legislators.
Cantor Releases Updated Report on 'Imperial
Presidency'. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) updated his report on the "imperial presidency" on Thursday [3/13/2014],
adding to the dozens of examples of executive overreach by the Obama administration. "Our Founders created a series of checks and balances
for our democracy to prevent any one of the three branches of government from becoming too powerful," Cantor said. "Today, this system
is under threat as the executive branch continues to bypass Congress and use executive action to promote its own agenda." Cantor says
Obamacare is the greatest example of the administration's "blatant disregard for the rule of law."
Gowdy Uses Obama's Own Words Against Him In Response to Veto Threat. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) used President Obama's own words as
a U.S. senator to excoriate him for threatening to veto the ENFORCE the Law Act, which would provide a streamlined system for a house of Congress
to the sue the Executive Branch for failing to enforce laws passed by Congress.
House backs
bill to sue president over ignoring laws. A bill is now making its way through Congress addressing the growing controversy
in Washington over executive authority. The GOP-led House has backed legislation that would require the president to enforce laws
passed by Congress. The White House says Obama would veto it if it hits his desk.
House Backs Bill to Sue President Over
Laws. Casting Barack Obama as a president run amok, the House voted on Wednesday for a bill that would expedite congressional
lawsuits against the chief executive for failure to enforce federal laws.
House demands
notice when Obama ignores law. The House approved legislation Thursday that would require the executive branch to
notify Congress whenever it decides against enforcing federal law. The Faithful Execution of the Law Act is the second part
of this week's Republican plan to fight back against the Obama administration's several decisions to selectively enforce federal law.
The GOP says Obama has watered down immigration law by delaying some deportation proceedings, and continues to delay implementation
of key parts of ObamaCare.
Trey Gowdy's EPIC Floor
Speech Sends Shockwaves Through Nation. The vote was 233-181 in the Republican-led House as GOP lawmakers excoriated Obama
for multiple changes to his 4-year-old health care law, steps he's taken to allow young immigrants to remain in the United States and the
administration's resistance to defend the federal law banning gay marriage. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., sponsor of the ENFORCE the Law
Act, delivered a fiery speech and read a series of statements by Obama when he was an Illinois senator in which he warned of the encroachment
of the executive on the powers of the other branches of government.
House Threatens to Veto Bills that Aim to Keep Executive Power in Check. The White House issued veto threats on Wednesday [3/12/2014]
for a pair of bills reining in executive overreach that debuted and were debated on the House floor. The Executive Needs to
Faithfully Observe and Respect Congressional Enactments of the Law (ENFORCE the Law) Act of 2014 puts in place a procedure that
would expedite the ability of the House or Senate to sue the executive branch for failure to faithfully execute the laws.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), a former prosecutor who introduced the bill, said a three-judge panel at the federal district court level
followed by direct appeal to the Supreme Court is necessary so that the president can't stall litigation until his term is up.
President Makes A Grab For Dictatorial Power. The U.S. is at "a constitutional tipping point" and "in the midst of a constitutional
crisis." Has President Obama unilaterally overturned the constitutional framework of three branches that is the basis of our unique and
successful system of self-government? That question is not just partisan bickering by Republicans and Tea Party activists. It was
spoken in all seriousness in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee by a distinguished constitutional law professor who voted for
Obama. Jonathan Turley of George Washington University said that the "massive gravitational shift of authority to the executive
branch" is unconstitutional and threatens the stability of our separation of powers and checks and balances.
House vote strikes at
Obama's use of executive actions. The House approved legislation Wednesday that would let Congress file civil lawsuits against
the executive branch for failing to enforce the laws, a response to what Republicans say is an Obama administration that routinely ignores
the will of Congress. [...] The bill is the culmination of years of GOP frustration with Obama's use of executive branch discretion.
Republicans have cited Obama's decisions to deprioritize the deportation of younger illegal residents, ease welfare work requirements and
delay various ObamaCare enforcement provisions as examples of Obama's failure to follow the law.
threatens to veto Republican bills that require him to follow the law. If he had a sense of humor, he'd sign the bills and then ignore
them. Just like he did with ObamaCare. Forcing him to threaten a veto was, of course, the whole point of these bills in the first
Obama threatens
vetoes of bills requiring him to follow the law. President Obama is threatening to veto a law that would allow Congress to sue
him in federal courts for arbitrarily changing or refusing to enforce federal laws because it "violates the separation of powers" by encroaching
on his presidential authority. "[T]he power the bill purports to assign to Congress to sue the President over whether he has properly
discharged his constitutional obligation to take care that the laws be faithfully executed exceeds constitutional limitations," the White
House Office of Management and Budget said Wednesday in a statement of administration policy. "Congress may not assign such power to
itself, nor may it assign to the courts the task of resolving such generalized political disputes."
threatens to veto bill that would require administration to enforce laws. The GOP is pushing the bill through the House
because Obama has repeatedly declined to enforce laws he doesn't like, say GOP legislators. "President Obama has refused to enforce
those parts of our nation's immigration laws that are not to his political liking, has waived portions of our welfare laws, has stretched
our environmental laws to accommodate his policy objectives, and has waived testing accountability provisions required under the 'No Child
Left Behind' education law," according to Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the House judiciary committee.
Mr. Obama, our
Constitution is clear — your executive overreach must stop. The Constitution is clear: it is the role of Congress to
make all laws, the Judiciary to interpret the laws, and the President to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." This system
was wisely set into place by our country's framers because they saw the effects of executive overreach by the crown in England and designed
the Constitution to avoid concentrating power in one leader or one branch of government. The framers knew first hand that the
concentration of power in the same hands was a threat to individual liberty and the rule of law.
Quietly Releases Newest Edict: Everyone can be Exempted from Individual Mandate if they Can't Afford Obamacare. With
Obamacare looming large for Democrats, the president who once promised hope and change now operates as a king to avoid the political
fallout of his signature "achievement."
president's power grab. In a system of shared powers, one would expect an outcry or at least stony silence when
a president promised to circumvent the legislative branch. Instead, many senators and representatives erupted in rapturous
applause; they seemed delighted at the notion of a president assuming unprecedented and unchecked powers at their expense.
Last week, Obama underlined what this means for our system: The administration unilaterally increased the transition time for
individuals to obtain the level of insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act. There is no statutory authority for the
change — simply the raw assertion of executive power. The United States is at a constitutional tipping point:
The rise of an uber presidency unchecked by the other two branches.
Turley: 'The President's Power
Grab'. Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University, is considered liberal
enough to appear on the cable nets whenever a reliable left wing view is needed. But he also has great respect for the
constitution's separation of powers and he has been warning for years about the growing power of the executive branch at the
expense of Congress and the Courts.
'The Imperial Presidency'. Members of Congress and constitutional
law experts testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday [2/26/2014], warning that the legislative branch is in danger of ceding
its power in the face of an "imperial presidency." The hearing, "Enforcing the President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the
Laws," focused on the multiple areas President Barack Obama has bypassed Congress, ranging from healthcare and immigration to marriage and welfare
rules. Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, testified that the expansion of executive
power is happening so fast that America is at a "constitutional tipping point."
Upholding the Law. Many
Republicans — and a handful of independent commentators like George Washington University professor Jonathan
Turley — have been highly critical of President Obama's executive branch overreach. The president has
arbitrarily delayed, deferred, or ignored provisions of numerous laws, none more so than his signature Obamacare legislation.
There is indeed much to criticize; no other president in recent times has usurped congressional lawmaking powers to the extent
Barack Obama has.
Press Ignores Turley's 'Government Unto Himself' Warning on Obama's Executive Overreach. The volume of significant news going
unreported in the establishment press has gone from astonishing to surreal. The best example of that, as intrepid NewsBusters posters have
noted now for nine months, is the virtually complete blackout in the establishment press of developments in the IRS-conservative
targeting scandal.
Eric Holder Asks State Attorneys
General To Ignore Law. We acknowledge the doctrine of prosecutorial discretion, which provides those charged with enforcing our laws
in the courts with the authority to decide which particular cases merit pursuing. However, this power does not extend to deciding which laws
passed by the duly elected representatives of the people may be enforced. Obama and Holder took oaths to see that the laws of the United States
are faithfully executed, an oath both have ignored. Obama, armed with his pen and his phone, has routinely ignored the courts, Congress and the
Constitution. He's governed through regulations and executive orders like some banana republic dictator. From unconstitutional recess
appointments to the unlawful treatment of the statutory requirements of his own signature legislation, Obama operates as if laws are written on
an Etch-A-Sketch. He has adopted the imperial attitude of a despot who believes the ends justify the means.
Our Weimar Republic. As Weimar Germany slid to
Nazi Germany, another disturbing trend was the reduction of the national legislature to irrelevance. In the last years of Weimar Germany,
President Hindenburg began ruling Germany by emergency decree. On the pretext that the Reichstag could not operate, the executive branch
of Weimar Germany simply began acting without legislative consent. This is eerily close to what the president of Weimar Amerika, Barack
Obama, is doing openly today. Because Congress is not doing what Obama wants, he is amending or suspending statutory and regulatory
provisions by something akin to Weimar presidential emergency orders. Because he does not like some of the provisions of his signature
law, ObamaCare, the president is blatantly ignoring his duty to faithfully executive the laws of our nation.
'The Imperial Presidency'. Members of Congress and constitutional
law experts testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday [2/26/2014], warning that the legislative branch is in danger of ceding
its power in the face of an "imperial presidency." The hearing, "Enforcing the President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the
Laws," focused on the multiple areas President Barack Obama has bypassed Congress, ranging from healthcare and immigration to marriage and welfare
rules. Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, testified that the expansion of executive
power is happening so fast that America is at a "constitutional tipping point."
Obama's Trifecta. The First Amendment has three parts to it:
the protection of religious freedom, the protection of speech and press, and the protection of the people's right to assembly and petition.
In all three categories, the Obama administration's record is outrageous: it has forced the religious to finance free contraceptives, treated
some journalists as potential criminals, and sought to undermine political speech and action through "campaign finance reform" and IRS harassment.
Conforming to the Obama administration's pattern of disregarding the First Amendment in total is this month's news: a Federal Communications
Commission plan, now thwarted, to gather information on newsroom practices.
The "reckoning"
arrives for Obama's conservative political opponents. Earlier today, John [Hinderaker] noted that "everywhere we look, our friends on
the right are under attack." In nearly all cases, the Obama administration is doing the attacking, be it through ridiculous criminal prosecution
or harassment via the IRS, the FBI, the EPA, and even OSHA. We shouldn't be surprised. Obama has been attacking his political opponents
through trumped up charges of unlawful activity since he first ran for president. Hillary Clinton's backers were Obama's first victims.
Can SCOTUS Curb Obama's
Imperial Presidency? In June 2012 the U.S. Supreme Court had a chance to derail a vast expansion of government power by the Obama
administration. But the court wound up ruling that ObamaCare was constitutional, even if the rationale provided by Chief Justice John Roberts
for his deciding vote contradicted the opinions of the four liberal justices who joined with him to form a 5-4 majority as well as the arguments of
the government on behalf of the law. But next week the Court will have yet another opportunity to brush back the president's fast and loose
approach to the Constitution when it will hear arguments concerning the president's use of executive orders.
Holder Can't Explain if Constitution Allows Obama's Executive Actions. Attorney General Eric Holder flubbed a question from Sen. Mike
Lee (R-UT) that is of vital importance to the rule of law. While the Constitution allows — and sometimes requires —
executive action on many matters, President Barack Obama has asserted executive authority in unprecedented ways. When Lee asked why one of
Obama's orders does not violate the Constitution, Holder — the chief legal officer of the nation — had no answer.
Dinesh D'Souza
Speculates on 'Retribution': 'Vindictive' Obama Sees Critics as Enemies. Author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza speculated to Megyn
Kelly Friday night [2/21/2014] that FBI's indictment of him for campaign finance fraud may be Alinsky-style political retribution for his anti-Obama
film 2016. Earlier this week, four Senators sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey demanding an explanation for what they termed
the "selective prosecution" of D'Souza. "I am a public critic of the president and I do recognize this has made me vulnerable to a form of
counterattack," D'Souza said. He added that Obama, whom he characterized as "vindictive," had released a video response to 2016 on
his website, proving the film had gotten under the president's skin.
Levin: Obama Admin Using The Law Against Us Is The Definition Of Tyranny. The FCC, call it whatever you want, Barack Obama's
henchman, Barack Obama's comrades, there, that's right, all over the federal government have hijacked the institutions of government and are
now turning them on the people. Whether it's the EPA, or the Department of Justice, the Interior Department, NOAA, this, that or the
other, they're using the government, they are using a law against us. Which is the definition of tyranny.
The United States of Decline. America is unraveling
at a stunning speed and to a staggering degree. This decline is breathtaking, and the prognosis is dim. For starters, Obama now rules by decree.
Reportedly for the 27th time, he has changed the rules of Obamacare singlehandedly, with neither congressional approval nor even ceremonial resolutions to limit
his actions. Obama needs no such frivolities. "That's the good thing about being president," Obama joked on February 10. "I can do
whatever I want."
Obama to issue executive order on truck
fuel standards. The preisdent just "can't wait" for Congress to develop new fuel efficiency standards for trucks, so he will do it for them using
his power of executive authority. [...] It isn't so much that Congress won't develop new fuel standards. It's that they won't do it the way he wants it
done. Like any good king, the president knows what's best and things like, "compromise," and "consensus" shouldn't stand in the way of his royal
Obama, the shrinking imperialist president. The flip side of the
shrinking presidency is the imperial presidency, something we've been fretting by name since at least Franklin Roosevelt and in principle since the founding.
Politically, what is remarkable is that Obama seems to be doing both at the same time. His "Year of Action" — intended to dispel that lame-duck
scent — is simultaneously Caesar-like and pathetic.
Obama's cult of
personality has turned US into 'a nation of enablers'. Law professor Jonathan Turley said he's astonished by how passive
Americans — especially Democrats — have been to President Obama's abuse of executive power, which he said has become
so dangerous it's making the U.S. political system unstable. "I think that we've become a nation of enablers. We are turning a
blind eye to a fundamental change in our system. I think many people will come to loathe that they remained silent during this period,"
Turley, who teaches at George Washington University, told Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Wednesday. "I'm afraid this is beginning to
border on a cult of personality for people on the Left."
Man-given rights and government gone
wild. Our formerly constitutional government, in the form of the Federal Communications Commission, has developed a plan to put observers
in the nation's newsrooms in order to better understand "the process by which stories are selected." Of course, they won't just "understand" the
process; they will most assuredly and dangerously alter it, merely by the implied threat of their presence in the formerly sacrosanct newsroom.
Just ask anyone who ever worked for a newspaper in Soviet Russia or Hitler's Germany or even Chavez's Venezuela.
Obama's clever campaign to constrict
the flow of criticism. Among the many costs of the Barack Obama presidency is an intentional corrosion for its own political gain of public
faith in so many American institutions, among them Congress, the Supreme Court and the media. If numerous sectors of society are feuding or distrustful
of each other, then a well-controlled central authority like a chief executive can more easily rule the pieces. It's classic Chicago politics, the
way the mayor there controls the city's feuding neighborhood fiefdoms of Democrat pols and workers.
Obama's Fate. This is the way of life he was first
exposed to, and obviously enough, the way he thinks things should be. A single all-powerful ruler, lazy and with few demands on his
time, his dictates carried out by a loyal cabal, a terrified and obedient opposition, total corruption, show initiatives that are meant
solely as theater with no concrete results expected, and levels of luxury unattainable even by the world's billionaires. This is
the program he is attempting to carry out, the system he wishes to put in place. [...] It is pure third-world authoritarianism.
Obama reveals his
obliviousness at Monticello. America's president — heir to the world's greatest document of freedom ever drawn up
by man — strode across the hallowed grounds of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. With his hands clasped behind his back as a
fuehrer surveying his troops or his kingdom, he told a gaggle of onlookers, "That's the good thing about being president. I can do
whatever I want." It may have been a lame attempt at despot humor. But it fell terribly flat and reveals a shocking unawareness
of himself and what so many American people think of him.
Why should we trust
Barack Obama on immigration reform? President Obama has been quite up-front about it: he refuses to enforce laws he dislikes
and unilaterally changes others without the consent of Congress. The Supreme Court may soon have to decide the constitutionality of all this
but, in the meantime, many are wondering why Congress would believe they can trust the president to work with them in good faith on any issue.
Obama: 'That's the
Good Thing as a President, I Can Do Whatever I Want'. The comment came around the time the White House announced it would be
delaying the Obamacare mandate for some businesses unilaterally.
Yes! We Have More Bananas. President
Obama's latest rewriting of the Affordable Care Act may prove to be the last straw. From all quarters, scorn is being heaped on him for
his banana republic behavior. Visiting Monticello, Obama told French President Francois Hollande that "[a]s President, I can do anything
I want." Obama calls it a joke; as Glenn Reynolds likes to point out, Obama "joked" about using the IRS to audit his political enemies
as far back as 2009. It seems pretty clear that "I can do anything I want" accurately reflects Obama's views on executive power.
Don't be silly. Obama's words don't make him a tyrant!
Today [2/10/2014], during a visit to Thomas Jefferson's home of Monticello with French President Hollande, President Obama jokingly stated,
"That's the good thing as a president, I can do whatever I want." Of course this was spoken as he was breaking visitors' protocol,
and walked to the off-limits Jefferson terrace. The real issue is about dumb luck and coincidence because the press pool report of
this absurd "slip of the lip" came right as it was revealed that the White House plans to unilaterally delay the Obamacare employer mandate
for businesses with 50 to 99 employees.
Barack Obama: The George Wallace
of Free Speech. The Democrats are using the levers of the executive branch, particularly the I.R.S., to deter Americans from exercising
the First Amendment rights that were guaranteed them by the Supreme Court.
Hate is the Force that Gives the Left Meaning. The American
left has never had it this good. It has never had two terms of an unabashed and uncompromising leftist in the White House dedicated to
its agenda functioning as a dictator without the military uniform, making and unmaking laws at a whim, siccing the IRS and Federal prosecutors
on political enemies and transforming the country at a breathtaking pace. Obama is what generations of the left have dreamed of and worked
Executive Order
Tyranny. Can the president legally bypass Congress and rule the government by decree? The answer to the question above is:
No. But you wouldn't know that by listening to President Obama.
Tyrant Obama will force liberalism on
America. For example, the White House declared Wednesday [2/5/2014] that it will not go through Congress to create
regional "climate hubs" to deal with the supposed crisis of "climate change." This comes on the heels of a week of grandstanding
at events in which he tells Americans "I will act on my own" and throws out new executive orders for everything from schools to job
training to hiring decisions. The president thinks the American people will view him as a benevolent leader and not a tyrant
for dictating policy.
Obama has plenty of enablers.
congresswoman boasts her new group's 'number one agenda' is to draft executive orders to help Obama circumvent Congress. A top
Democratic congresswoman from Texas boasted recently that a new 'Full Employment Caucus' of liberal lawmakers in Washington will make its
'number one agenda' providing the White House with ready-made executive orders that President Barack Obama can use to implement his agenda
without seeking the approval of Republicans in Congress. Sheila Jackson Lee, a far-left legislator who has served in Congress since 1995,
said during a Jan. 29 press conference the new caucus will be working to 'give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can
sign with pride and strength.'
Rep. Jackson
Lee: 'We'll Give President Obama a Number of Executive Orders'. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) says that the newly launched
Congressional Full Employment Caucus will "give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign." Jackson Lee made the
statement while gathered with Democrats on January 29th to announce the establishment of the Full Employment Caucus.
New Congressional Caucus Wants To
Make Law Illegally. A new caucus believes its chief purpose is to provide the president with executive orders to sign. That's
not lawmakers' job, but in today's Washington, constitutional limits seem to mean little. Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of the
Congressional Full Employment Caucus says "we'll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.
"I think that should be our number one agenda," she said. "Let's write up these executive orders — draft them, of course —
and ask the president to stand with us on full employment."
Another enabler:
Three Ways Obama's Executive Orders are the
Worst of Any President. Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post is the latest to defend President Barack Obama's use — past,
present, and future — of executive orders to circumvent Congress. She argues that his "push-the-envelope moves" are "within the bounds
of the modern presidency." Marcus is not alone here: others have pointed out that Obama has used fewer executive orders than his
predecessors, forgetting that constitutionality is what matters, not quantity.
Jarrett: America
Hungry For Dictatorship. "People around our country are hungry for action," White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett told
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday. "And what you'll hear from the president tonight is going to be all about action — creating
opportunity — and it's going to be a very optimistic speech." Jarrett said the president, in his sixth State of the Union
Address, will "set forth very specific, concrete proposals that he things will move our country forward — create opportunity for
hard-working Americans who want to succeed."
Barack Obama And The Quest For Raw
Political Power. The White House said over the weekend that President Obama plans to bypass Congress because it won't do what he wants
it to. Yet again, this president goes outside the law and acts as if he were a monarch.
Obama's Weaponization of Government.
A tired, graying Barack Obama stood before Congress this week as a political figure, party leader, and progressive activist to make sure the Members
understood one thing — he doesn't need them. In fact, he hasn't needed them in quite some time. After all, in his mind, it's
his government.
Silencing the Opposition. As described
in the Federal Register for November 29, 2013, the purpose of the new rule is to clarify the standards, thus enabling the IRS to grant 501(c)(4)
status more rapidly and fairly. In typical Obama fashion, that is a lie. The real purpose of the rule change is exactly the opposite,
to silence opposition to candidates, appointees, or specific partisan issues that can be identified with either a candidate or a political party.
Mark Levin
Instructs House GOP on Confronting 'Imperial President' Obama. Levin said Obama's State of the Union speech was "historic," but
"not because it's brilliant, not because he's a statesman — quite the opposite — because we will have in a speech before Congress and members
of the Supreme Court, and the entire nation and media, a man asserting imperial powers he does not lawfully possess under the Constitution."
Paul Ryan:
Obama presidency "increasingly lawless". Top House Republicans slammed President
Obama's embrace of executive action to move his agenda forward on Sunday, saying the president's
freelancing creates a trust deficit that makes bipartisan legislating more difficult.
Obama and Executive Orders. Barack
Obama announced in his 2014 State of the Union Address that he intends to bypass Congress "whenever and wherever" to achieve his extremev
left-wing goals. Evidently, Obama intends to govern by executive orders (EO's). EO's are usually defined as directives that
either implement or interpret a federal law, a constitutional provision, or a treaty. Obama has threatened to issue executive orders
to make policy, a different use of them.
Obama Is The
President The Founders Warned Us About. With the ObamaCare albatross threatening to take Democrats down to defeat, President Obama
seeks a game-changer: keeping his opposition (Congress) off the playing field so he faces no defense — checks and balances — to
stop his illegal plays and unconstitutional face-masking. He'll "go it alone," "assert a unilateral agenda," "tackle public
policy issues without congressional action," screamed the headlines and the pundits before the State of the Union. Obama himself
said, "I've got a pen, and I've got a phone. And that's all I need." The Founders must be turning in their graves.
General Eric Holder can't explain constitutional basis for Obama's executive orders. Attorney General Eric Holder couldn't explain the
constitutional basis for executive orders such as President Obama's delay of the employer mandate because he hasn't read the legal analysis —
or at least, hasn't seen it in a long time. "I'll be honest with you, I have not seen — I don't remember looking at or having seen
the analysis in some time, so I'm not sure where along the spectrum that would come," Holder replied when Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked him to explain
the nature of Obama's constitutional power to delay the mandate.
Bachmann says House preparing
to sue Obama for overreach: 'He's not a king'. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann says House conservatives are preparing to sue President
Barack Obama for executive overreach in response to his threats of unilateral action on a host of issues. "He's the president of the United
States — he's not a king," the Republican lawmaker told reporters after Obama's State of the Union address. "He may think he's a
king, he may declare himself king, but that's not what he is under our Constitution."
Are Obama's
Executive Orders Constitutional? Eric Holder Explains. Well, he doesn't, actually. But Senator Mike Lee did a good job of
trying to pin down Attorney General Eric Holder as to the constitutional basis of some of President Obama's executive orders, particularly his
deferral of the employer mandate under Obamacare. As he so often does, Holder bobbed and weaved without ever articulating a constitutional
rationale. In my opinion, there is none.
Confirms Obama Ready to Use Executive Order on Guns. Attorney General Eric Holder said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today
that President Obama is open to using an executive action to push through gun-control and/or associated mental health measures that haven't found
approval in Congress.
Obama bosses around CEOs,
calls for the hiring of long-term unemployed. President Obama on Friday [1/31/2014] formally announced a deal with some of the nation's
largest companies to institute new hiring practices that do not "disadvantage" those who have been jobless for several months or longer.
The new initiative, agreed to by more than 300 businesses including giants such AT&T, Apple, Wal-Mart, Ford and others, also will extend to
the federal government and its interview processes.
Obama Will Take 'Executive
Action' to Reduce Prison Population. Congress can pass legislation giving judges more discretion in the sentencing of prisoners,
but President Obama "also has the ability to take executive action" to commute the sentences of "low-level" drug offenders — and that's
just what he plans to do, Deputy Attorney General James Cole told the New York State Bar Association annual meeting on Thursday [1/30/2014].
A sorry state of the
union — what if Obama believes he answers to no one? What if the government spies on all of us all of the time and
recognizes no limits to its spying? What if its appetite for acquiring personal knowledge about all Americans is insatiable?
What if the government uses the microchips in our cellphones to follow us and listen to us as we move about? What if the Constitution
expressly prohibits the government from doing this?
Barack Obama — the man who would be
America's king. This is not the first time in history that presidents and legislatures have been sharply divided by differences of
opinion. In the past, however, the importance of the lawmaking process was recognized, and consensus was reached through negotiation and
compromise. Obama's failure to effectively negotiate with Congress — a Congress, it should be added, that has many legitimate grievances
with his policies — doesn't give him license to become a dictator. Obama's speech indicates, more than anything else, his disdain for the
American system of governance.
Sen. Mike Lee Grills
Eric Holder on Executive Orders. The day after he delivered the official tea party response to President Barack Obama's State of the
Union, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) aggressively challenged Attorney General Eric Holder on the constitutional basis for the executive orders Obama announced
in his speech. After questioning Holder about NSA surveillance programs, Lee moved on to discuss the president's renewed efforts to bypass
Congress with executive orders. He asked Holder specifically about the legal basis for the executive order that effectively delayed the
Affordable Care Act's employer mandate.
Is Barack Obama an imperial
president? The president (or his administration) has unilaterally changed elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); declared an
anti-gay-rights law unconstitutional; lifted the threat of deportation for an entire class of undocumented immigrants; bypassed Senate confirmation of
controversial nominees; waived compliance requirements in education law; and altered the work requirements under welfare reform. This
month, the Obama administration took the highly unusual step of announcing that it will recognize gay marriages performed in Utah —
even though Utah itself says it will not recognize them while the issue is pending in court.
Blueprint for Tyranny. There are
lots of Americans who, after the first five years of living under the governance of Barack Hussein Obama, have concluded that, among
his most notable characteristics, he is an incompetent, a pathological liar, a Marxist, and, fearful as the prospect is, a potential
dictator who will not leave office when a new President is due to be sworn in.
The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama.
The president's taste for unilateral action to circumvent Congress should concern every citizen, regardless of party or ideology. The great 18th-century
political philosopher Montesquieu observed: "There can be no liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or
body of magistrates." America's Founding Fathers took this warning to heart, and we should too.
A Pen, a Phone, and a Flailing
President. For months, the White House and its allies mocked critics of Barack Obama's leadership, arguing that no president
has "Green Lantern" superhero powers. Now these same people are predicting that Obama can salvage his agenda by waving a magical "pen
and phone." [...] Obama's plan to exert executive branch authority, starting with his State of the Union address, further illustrates his
unfamiliarity with the levers of political power, the limits of his leadership style, and the vast amount of time and potential squandered
by the president so far.
The Editor says...
Mr. Obama boasts that he has a pen and a phone, and he's not afraid to use them. Maybe so, but he does not have a crown.
House GOP signals it could
sue Obama for executive overreach. House Republicans are mocking President Obama's plans to circumvent Congress to achieve key policy
priorities and are not ruling out suing his administration for executive overreach.
McCain on Obama's Executive
Orders: 'He Relies On' Lengthy Court Battles. When asked by whether President Barack Obama has the constitutional authority to
act on climate change without congressional authority, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said the president does not have that authority and relies on the
complexity of legal challenges to his actions.
Rep. Steve King: Congress
needs to restrain Obama from 'extraconstitutional behaviors'. Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, chastised President Obama Tuesday [1/28/2014]
for ignoring Congress on big-ticket items — for example, a new executive order to raise the minimum wage for new federal contract
workers — saying lawmakers on Capitol Hill need to act to rein in the Executive Branch. "This Congress should lay out the
violations that the president's had, and there are many," Mr. King said on CNN's "New Day."
The Bully-in-Chief Takes the Bully
Pulpit. Aaron Goldstein listed more than one reason for a dislike of Obama: his use of the race card, petulance, prickly
and disingenuous disposition, lack of humility, dishonesty, "unlimited capacity to overestimate his capabilities," and "delusions of grandeur."
An IBD editorial, after recounting a litany of troubling events, concluded that to "a degree once thought impossible, the presidency has been
politicized and its enforcement arms used to pursue and punish Obama's political enemies." John Hinderaker, after also listing some
extraordinary news items, asserted that this administration's "gangsterism has shifted into high gear."
The D'Souza Arrest: Obama Adopts
the Stalinist Style. Liberals should be as concerned about this as conservatives. Foes of jihad should be just as concerned about
it as those who share D'Souza's worries about "Islamophobia." For the evidence is mounting that D'Souza has indeed been targeted for being a
public and high-profile foe of Barack Obama — a development that should disquiet anyone who believes in the value of a stable, functioning
republic with a loyal opposition.
Did Mockery of Obama Get Dinesh
D'Souza Arrested? Here we thought Obama's Department of Justice fingered D'Souza for an allegedly illegal campaign contribution.
Turns out the catalyst for the arrest and excessive $500,000 bond may actually stem from a tweet. [Mike] Klonsky suggests the arrest is payback
for D'Souza's "racist" mockery of President Obama's post-verdict comment in the Trayvon Martin case.
Meet Preet — Obama's
hatchet man against filmmakers. Meet Preet Bharara, the U.S. prosecutor who last week indicted anti-Obama filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza on
campaign finance charges. Mr. Bharara is the snapping jaws of Attorney General Eric H. Holder's junkyard attack dog and the velvet fixer
of President Obama's thorniest political problems. Mr. D'Souza very well may be guilty of a few winks and nods that wound up violating limits
on campaign contributions he was allowed to make to a friend running a long-shot campaign for the Senate. But it does seem rather odd to handcuff
a guy and set $500,000 bail for a crime that in the past has been pleaded out as a misdemeanor.
Did D'Souza Hit a Nerve? How does one connect these
(1) Obama backs offshore drilling in Brazil but not the US
(2) The Gulf oil spill is used as an occasion to lecture the US on the evils of our fossil fuel consumption.
(3) Obama backs a 100 million dollar mosque near Ground Zero but turns a blind eye to the
prohibition in many Arab countries against building any new churches.
(4) Supports the release of the Lockerbie bomber but incarcerates the producer of an anti-Mohamed film.
(5) NASA Chief Charles Bolden announced that from now on the primary mission of America's
space agency would be to improve relations with the Muslim world.
Penance? Penance for past colonial exploitation?
Amnesty, but Not for D'Souza. Mr.
D'Souza's real crime, the only offense that really matters in Washington these days, is being an Obama critic. Oh, they say he borrowed a couple
of people's names, but his real mistake was doing it in the Wendy Long Senate campaign. For Obama 2008 donors, borrowing other people's names
seems to have been a requirement.
Dinesh D'Souza Tells Hannity
Indictment Could Be 'Payback' for Anti-Obama Film. Dinesh D'Souza, the conservative commentator and filmmaker who was indicted last month
on charges of campaign finance fraud spoke out for the first time about his legal troubles on Fox's Hannity Friday night [1/31/2014].
His defenders have spent the last few weeks wondering aloud whether D'Souza's indictment was some kind of retribution from the Obama Administration
for his film, 2016: Obama's America, but now it was his turn.
If you like
Obama's executive orders, you are going to love 2014. The American system of government has as it's chief executive, a president
who is carefully checked by a watchful Congress and a consientious judiciary. Except, when it isn't. Case in point: Our president
plans to rule us — not govern us — by using the vast powers of his office and absolute control of the federal bureaucracy
to ram his vision of hope and change down our throats. Done without the approval of Congress and with little challenge from the judiciary.
Can he get away with it?
Gangster Government, Rampant. It
was Michael Barone who, early in President Obama's first term, described the Obama administration as "gangster government." With Obama
now re-elected, his administration's gangsterism has shifted into high gear.
Obama Wants Mayors To Help
Him Bypass Congress. President Obama told a group of mayors at the White House on Thursday [1/23/2014] that he's relying
on them to help advance his agenda when Congress won't act. "I want to work with Congress whenever and wherever I can. But
the one thing I'm emphasizing to all my Cabinet members is we're not going to wait," Obama told a group of 250 mayors at the White
House. "Where Congress is debating things and hasn't been able to pull the trigger on stuff, my administration's going to move
forward, and we're going to ... do it in partnership with all of you."
Also posted
under What's the rush?
'Operation Choke Point' Will Only Hurt Working Poor. The Obama administration thinks driving payday lenders out of business will help the
urban poor. In fact, a Fed study suggests it will only drive them into the jaws of loan sharks.
Obama Uses Government
To Harass, Intimidate Foes. The Obama administration has turned the executive branch loose on its enemies — part of a disturbing
and unprecedented trend toward delegitimizing political differences and marginalizing conservatives. Behind the special status of his presidency,
President Obama has used the machinery of government to harass and intimidate political opponents — to an extent greater even than former
Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, both threatened with impeachment.
Silencing the political opposition.
Chuck Schumer, the Senate's No. 3 Democrat, thinks the Internal Revenue Service hasn't done enough to silence the Tea Party. He wants
the White House and the IRS to "immediately redouble" efforts to shut down conservative political-action groups through tougher government oversight
and enforcement. The Tea Party opposes much of President Obama's agenda, and to Mr. Schumer, that's both a sin and a crime.
Stop Giving Obama
Radicals the Benefit of the Doubt. [Scroll down] History never stops turning the soil and what seemed impossible not
long ago is always possible. Had you brought up fears in 2005 that the federal government would take over General Motors, shut down
coal plants, destroy secured creditor rights of Chrysler bondholders, or taken over the health care system, polite company would have
moved to the other side of the room. "Couldn't happen here," would have been the response.
Disarming the White House. Amid the coverage
of the Christie controversy and the latest budget deal, it was easy to miss the news about last week's oral arguments before the Supreme Court in
the case of National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning. And yet the Canning case represents the biggest threat to presidential power in
decades, and the stakes in the decision are extremely high.
Obama hits a restraining wall. A federal appeals
court struck down the administration's attempt to impose new rules on the Internet, and the Supreme Court, based on questioning by the justices — not always
a reliable guide to their intentions — appears likely to tell Mr. Obama that, as important as he is, he can't make an end run around the Constitution to
appoint certain senior officials in the executive branch.
Levin on Obama: 'This is a Gradual, Quiet
Coup'. Commenting on President Barack Obama's remarks yesterday [1/14/2014] that he will not wait on congressional legislation
but will instead use his pen to take executive and administrative actions, conservative talk-radio host Mark Levin said what Obama was doing
constituted "a gradual, quiet coup," or takeover of the government. Levin added that Obama's language equaled the "common parlance of
the dictator."
One-Man Rule Amounts To A 'Gradual, Quiet Coup'. President Obama has vowed to bypass Congress and govern by the stroke of
his pen and the bark of phone orders in place of the law. [...] But according to this month's IBD/TIPP Poll, that is precisely what the
respondents do not want. [...] The older the respondent, the less likely the respondent was to trust a president who gives himself
unlimited executive power.
Imperial, lawless Obama
threatens more unilateral action. Obama is simply a lawless president who regards his own counsel higher than his duty to
obey the Constitution. He believes that advancing his political agenda justifies ignoring clear limitations on his power.
In rationalizing these imperial outrages, Obama tells us that he is going to provide the American people with the help they need —
as if he is the sole arbiter of that, as if Congress is a potted plant and as if the Supreme Court is either impotent or a rubber stamp.
Obama's overreaches would be just as outrageous if he were providing Americans with what we need, but he is doing the opposite as he is
systematically destroying the country.
Obama's NSA
Speech: More mush from the proto-tyrant. Obama is behaving like a tyrant, but doing it sneakily, with the connivance
of a mainstream media that refuses to present to their audience the alarming stories of what is really going on. The low
information majority is blissfully unaware that the organs of state power are being mobilized to suppress Obama's political
opponents. In this context, the NSA domestic spying apparatus is and remains a grave threat.
Limbaugh on
Obama's executive order vow: He sounds like a 'dictator'. In response to President Obama's warning that he would
use more executive orders in the coming months to achieve his policy agenda, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh scoffed, "This
is just absurd," Breitbart reported. Mr. Obama's actual terminology on Tuesday [1/14/2014] was that he would rely on the
executive power to "move the ball forward" in order to sidestep a stalled Congress. To Mr. Limbaugh, that's the move of a
dictator. "He's basically bragging about the fact that he can do executive orders to make things 'fair,'" Mr. Limbaugh said.
Levin: We are witnessing a gradual, quiet
coup! Mark Levin opened his show today [1/14/2014] livid over Obama's announcement that he will ignore the legislature
and use his pen to write executive orders. He says the separation of powers are the key to our Republic and yet today Obama just
announced that he would assume lawmaking powers via executive orders.
On Executive Actions: 'I've Got A Pen And I've Got A Phone'. "We're not just going to be waiting for legislation
in order to make sure that we're providing Americans the kind of help they need. I've got a pen and I've got a phone,"
Obama said Tuesday [1/14/2014] as he convened his first Cabinet meeting of the year.
Pfeiffer: 'President Obama is ready to use every executive action available'. White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer sent an
e-mail early Tuesday to preview President Obama's plan to use his executive power in ways Americans have never seen before. "President
Obama has a resolution for 2014: That this will be a year of action," Pfeiffer said in the e-mail, pointing out that Obama would no
longer be waiting around for Congress to get things done.
Obama to Congress: We're not waiting for
legislation. President Barack Obama sent a message to Congress Tuesday [1/14/2014]: He plans to use his power whenever he can to
move his agenda forward. "We are not just going to be waiting for a legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans
the kind of help that they need," Obama said before a Cabinet meeting. "I've got a pen and I've got a phone — and I can
use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward."
Poised to Strike Down Obama's Recess Appointments. On Monday [1/13/2014], the Supreme Court heard arguments regarding
whether President Barack Obama's appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) are unconstitutional. The case will
probably be a lopsided defeat for the president, with his own Supreme Court appointees expressing deep skepticism of the Justice
Department's arguments.
Finds White House Wanted to Make Sequestration as 'Painful as Possible' for Rural Schools. A House Natural Resources Committee
investigation has found that President Obama's Office of Management and Budget ordered that sequestration cuts be applied retroactively to
funding for rural schools over the opposition of the Agriculture Department.
Cruz: President Obama runs America like a "corrupt dictator" not bound by the law. "If the president of the United States can simply
pick and choose which laws to follow... we know what that looks like," Cruz told small-government conservatives Friday [1/10/2014]. "There
are countries on this globe where that is how the law works. You look at corrupt countries where the rule of law is meaningless, where
dictators are in power and they have things they call law. But what does law mean?"
Establishing a U.S. State Religion.
In direct contradiction of the First Amendment, which forbids the establishing of a state religion, the Obama administration is busily doing
just that. Meanwhile, it is attempting forced conversion of the reluctant, all the while targeting Christians and Orthodox Jews as people
who are continually violating the establishment of religion clause. [...] It is establishing the faith of secular statism, a religion currently
characterized by the tenets of radical progressivism. Statism is rapidly becoming the only faith in America allowed to operate with complete
freedom. Remember the announcement at the 2012 Democrat National Convention that "government is the only thing we all belong to?" [...] It
is but a short step from you all belong to the government to you all must do what the government decrees to you must, forsaking your own faith,
bow before the god of the State.
Mad King Barack: The Repeated Injuries and Ursurpations. The man whose middle
name is Hussein is not a King, but he rules as if he was a tyrant. Our Founders understood the stakes of the gamble they took with
their lives, liberty, fortunes, and sacred honor 237 years ago. The stakes are higher now because a population of Americans,
which is fast approaching a majority, is willing to trade human liberty for their perception of perpetual government administered sustenance
and security.
Climate And Environmental Agendas Will Add To Obama's Executive Disorders. President Obama's promise to be the most transparent
administration in history is proving to be true with regard to the recent appointment of John Podesta as his high profile congressional circumvention
strategist. Podesta's belief in government by fiat is clear. [...] Never mind that having witnessed the past 17 years of flat global
temperatures despite ballyhooed record atmospheric CO2 levels, John Podesta is hell-bent to reheat regulatory assaults on carbon emissions.
Does America need a king? No way. Install a king
and before you know it he'll be issuing royal edicts changing the law willy nilly to suit his daily whims. What would be left of America then?
Obamacare Obama gets. There is a government health plan that is available to a small number of individuals. The risk pool
consists of a few dozen people, all of whom work in one building in downtown Washington. If they need a check-up, the doctor comes up to
their office for a house call. If they need a prescription, the medicine is delivered to their desks. If they need to see a specialist,
they are taken by government transport to one of the best hospitals in the world. If they need surgery, a special suite is available.
And it is all free of charge. This is not Obamacare. But it is the care President Obama gets.
The top ten Obama constitutional violations of
2013. Rarely does O get called on his unconstitutionalities by a federal court, and it'll be rarer still over the next three years as he
packs district and appellate courts with friendly benches via the newly filibuster-less Senate.
La Loi, C'est Obama. In a move
worthy of a Third World banana republic, President Obama used his extraconstitutional lawmaking wand and secretly extended the
Dec. 23 Obamacare enrollment cutoff by 24 hours, usurping the authority of Congress. This is only the latest in
a long series of capricious, imperial, impeachable, ad hoc adjustments that the 44th president has made to his creation.
Each and every unilateral abridgment or abrogation of the Affordable Care Act, as monstrous as the statute may be, is an
affront to the rule of law that is supposed to prevail in our constitutional republic.
and Obama: The difference between a hero and a zero. Obama is not a public servant; he is our public master. If you are in Hawaii,
don't go swimming or take a boat out near King Obama's retreat. Not only is he living luxuriously at the taxpayer's expense, but if you enter the
security zone that the Department of Homeland Security has established in the Kailua Bay area, you face 10 years in prison. Kings and tyrants
tell the people where they can and cannot go. Public servants respect the people who have entrusted them with the leadership of the nation.
Now Hear This: Big Brother Wants to
Talk to You. Right Now!. Apparently, the world has become so dangerous -- and Americans, to put it bluntly, so stupid -- that the
federal government has concluded that it is vital that the president or other "authenticated public safety officials" be able to tell you what
to do right now. Kind of like the loudspeakers the North Korean government has wired into every home. Only wireless, too.
The man democrats fear the most is
already under attack by Obama. With each day this regime edges closer and closer to totalitarianism. Barack Obama lies constantly
and with fluidity without fear of accountability. He unilaterally rewrites history and rewrites existing laws. He drops slam dunk prosecutions
and refuses to pursue those who commit Obamacare fraud. Convicted felons can become Obamacare navigators as becoming an Obamacare navigator requires
no background check and virtually anyone working with these navigators is ripe for identity theft. Apparently any sort of scum and villainy can
become Obamacare navigators. He jailed a video maker for the attacks in Benghazi. Harry Harry Reid just cleared the way for Obama to rule
via regulation. Obama has a past history of making sealed records public in order to impair opponents. He cooked the census books and used
the IRS to suppress conservatives to win the 2012 election.
General Join Forces to Call Into Account Illegal Obama Administration Violations. The purpose of this report is to outline actions taken by this
Administration that are violations of law. The obvious example is a federal health care overhaul, passed against the will of the majority of Americans
and more importantly in violation of the Constitution, which is now being challenged by more than half of the states. While the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has received the most attention, it serves as a representation of a much larger picture that demonstrates the continued disdain
for the Constitution and laws shown by the Obama Administration.
12 questions
the White House press corps could have asked Obama about Obamacare. [#1] [F]rom where do you derive the legal authority to
change large parts of this law passed by Congress? And, if you believe you have the legal justification for it, what's to stop a future president
from simply deciding he won't enforce large parts of it? [...] [#3] Does the administration have the authority to exempt people from certain
taxes on an ad hoc basis? From where does it derive this power? Are there other taxes from which people could be exempted by the
president's decree?
Court Rejects Obama Admin Executive Privilege
Arguments. A federal judge Tuesday [12/17/2013] rejected the Obama administration's sweeping claims of executive privilege and ordered the
disclosure of a foreign aid directive signed by President Barack Obama in 2010 but never publicly released. U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle
ruled the presidential order is not within the bounds of executive privilege and called the government's arguments in favor of secrecy "troubling."
"The government appears to adopt the cavalier attitude that the President should be permitted to convey orders throughout the Executive Branch without public
oversight ... to engage in what is in effect governance by 'secret law,'" Huvelle said.
Has Failed Basic Duty To "Faithfully Execute: Nation's Laws. [Barack H.] Obama, himself a constitutional lawyer, is ignoring the Constitution
and governing like a dictator. His latest ploy exempts unions from a fee the Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes. Professor Jonathan Turley of
George Washington University, who voted for Obama and professes to agree with him on health care and other issues, didn't mince words when he testified
before the House Judiciary Committee on Dec. 3. He warned that Obama's power grabs are causing "the most serious constitutional crisis I've
seen in my lifetime."
What Will It Take? [Scroll down] In a recent speech, [Monica Crowley]
spelled out what should have been plain for all to see: "We have a president who ... came out of the swamps of Chicago machine politics, who
learned at the knee of the communist revolutionary Frank Marshall Davis, who studied under Marxist professors ... who trained intensively in the
revolutionary tactics of Saul Alinsky, who launched his political career in the living room of Marxist revolutionaries and domestic terrorists ... who
for two decades sat in the pews of the radical anti-American preacher, who tried desperately to bury that past, who spoke about the fundamental transformation
of the nation ... who waged war on entire news organizations, Fox News, and who spent his first term slamming into place radical wealth redistribution
and socialized medicine.... What I'm describing here is the classic tin-pot dictatorship. We never thought it could happen here, and yet,
here it is. [...]"
The Affordable Care Act First does
Harm, Period. While much about Barack Obama remains mysterious, he was easily the most left-wing member of the U.S. Senate.
As president of the United States, his left-wing orthodoxy is best manifest in his signature health plan. ObamaCare follows a principle
beloved of Karl Marx and other socialist founding fathers: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Note
the first word: from. In this order of priorities it is more important what the individual gives up and what the state takes.
The individual's particular needs are secondary, and ObamaCare follows this pattern precisely.
Common Core
Lesson Teaches Children Obama Is A Messiah. During the Soul Train Awards in 2012, comedian and actor Jamie Foxx exhorted
a wildly cheering crowd to "first of all (give) honor to god, and our lord and savior Barack Obama," exhibiting the all-too-widespread
hero worship that casts rational thought aside and labels even legitimate criticism as virtual blasphemy. The same cult of
personality is creeping into lesson plans and reading materials being created under the guise of the platform for nationalized education
known as Common Core. One new lesson teaches our children that Obama is indeed the messiah.
The Schizophrenia of Barack Obama. Barack Obama
is a man with only one core conviction. He has, as the basic foundation of his otherwise disorganized and uncertain belief system, the irrefutable
tenet that the United States, because of its European roots, has been the epitome of oppression and arrogance throughout its history. Therefore,
he is able to rationalize the need to say or do anything as the transformation of American society and the end of the pre-eminent status of the United
States are his sole objectives. He has, thus, adopted a pre-meditated schizophrenic personality wherein he comports himself as an apologist and
appeaser on the international stage and a narcissistic autocrat at home.
Does Obama Think He Is Lying? To lie "is the ability to understand
another's mind." And here Obama excels. He clearly knows that the reality of his deeds would never have been accepted if the American people clearly understood what the
ultimate goals would be. Thus, fibbing, misinforming, distortions, and victimizing, have become the rule of the day.
Is Laying the Groundwork to Move Without, Around, and Outside Congress. [John] Podesta's appointment, which needs
no congressional approval, comes at a time when Obama is already making moves to do without Congress. He has used executive
actions to re-write Obamacare, and to recalibrate immigration law, both in ways that just happen to favor either himself or the
Democrats. The New York Times reports that Podesta will work on executive actions when he returns to the White House.
Podesta Hire
Shows Obama Is Done Dealing With Congress. The move to hire Podesta now, as opposed to waiting till after the 2014 elections, is an
admission by the White House that their second term legislative agenda (immigration reform, gun control, and climate change) is already dead.
If progressives are going to make any progress expanding government during the rest of Obama's presidency, it will only be through unilateral
executive action. It will not be sanctioned by Congress.
Obama [is] the Danger
[the] Constitution Was Designed To Avoid. A liberal constitutional scholar warns of the concentration of power not only in the hands
of one branch of government but in a single man who ignores the Constitution and acts of Congress on a whim.
The Slow, Painful Education of Barack
Obama. If [Obama] actually was the man he claimed to be, he was probably the best placed president we have ever had to come
into office and enact sweeping reforms to streamline government. He could have come in an leveraged his position on the Democrats' far
left to force reforms through Congress. But he wasn't that man. He is not a reformer. He is a Chicago thug politician who
loves big government, hates opposition and believes government is the solution to all problems, and at the same time a weapon he can personally
wield against those opponents he hates.
Gowdy: If Obama Chooses
Not to Enforce Immigration Laws, Can He Suspend Election Laws Too? At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday [12/3/2013], Rep. Trey Gowdy
(R-S.C.) on Tuesday asked if President Barack Obama has the "prosecutorial discretion" not to enforce immigration and marijuana laws, what's to stop
him from deciding not to enforce election laws. "If the president can fail to enforce immigration laws, can the president likewise fail to
enforce election laws?" Gowdy asked Simon Lazarus, senior counsel to the Constitutional Accountability Center, one of several legal experts who
testified at the hearing titled, "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws."
Activists encourage
Obama to circumvent Congress, use more executive authority. President Obama's repeated use of presidential powers is causing
a tough problem — his own supporters now expect him to use it to achieve everything they want. [...] A day after Mr. Obama
denounced income inequality, progressive lawmakers said he should take the lead by issuing an executive order requiring all federal
contractors to pay workers more than the minimum wage. A dozen lawmakers and immigration activists held a news conference outside
the Capitol on Thursday [12/5/2013] asking him to halt all deportations as a down payment on an eventual immigration bill.
Testifies to Congress that Obama's 'Ignoring Laws' Could Lead to Overthrow of Government. During a congressional committee hearing
about the constitutional limits imposed on the presidency and the implications of President Barack Obama's disregard for implementing the Affordable
Care Act as written, one expert testified that the consequences of the president's behavior were potentially grave. He said that the precedent
set by Obama could eventually lead to an armed revolt against the federal government.
I'm Not the Problem; Need to 'Reorganize the Government'. President Obama says his personal management style
isn't a problem: "Part of what we need to do is reorganize the government, which was designed primarily in 1935-45. We could
consolidate agencies," he told "Hardball" host Chris Matthews Thursday in an interview conducted at American University in
Washington. Matthews, an Obama fan, told the president that problems with the rollout of Obamacare suggest he
does not have a "strong top-down authority system."
The Editor says...
The government was designed in the 1780's. It is not the President's job to overhaul, overthrow, or "fundamentally transform" it.
Rep. Gutierrez:
Obama 'Should Be Expanding His Prosecutorial Discretion'. At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)
said that President Barack Obama should be expanding his prosecutorial discretion when it comes to enforcement of immigration laws. "Unfortunately,
he should not be limiting his prosecutorial discretion. He should be expanding his prosecutorial discretion," Gutierrez said during a hearing on
the constitutionality and legality of actions the Obama administration has taken on issues like the enforcement of immigration laws.
Obama Praises 3 'Coequal Branches' of Gov't, Preventing Tyranny. In his book "The Audacity of Hope," President Barack Obama
praised the Constitution and the federalism it enshrines, including the "three coequal" branches of government and checks on power that
"prevent tyranny by either the few or the many."
The Editor says...
And now the president is violating the principles he crowed about in "his book." This isn't shocking at all — in fact it
makes perfect sense — if one will concede and stipulate that Barack H.
Obama didn't write "his book."
law prof: Obama's unconstitutional power grabs are creating a "very dangerous and unstable system". Show of hands: Who thinks
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will keep Obama in line? Before you answer, note that leading amnesty shill Luis Gutierrez argued at this same
hearing that, if anything, Obama should have a freer hand so that he can go about unilaterally legalizing the illegals Gutierrez has been effectively
representing in Congress for years. That's what's left of Democratic opposition to the imperial executive.
Congress must take
back its constitutional powers. President Obama's abuse of executive power has grown to the point that "he's becoming the very danger the
Constitution was designed to avoid," Jonathan Turley, a liberal law professor at George Washington University, told the House Judiciary Committee at a
Dec. 3 hearing on the issue. Turley also pointed to what he described as "increasing autonomy and decreasing transparency" of the rapidly
growing federal bureaucracy. Both of these developments have accelerated the decline of congressional power that Congress, by its actions, has
allowed to happen.
Levin: Glad
Liberal Profs Finally Speaking Out Against Obama's Power Grab. Landmark Legal Foundation (LLF) president and radio talk show host Mark
Levin says he welcomes George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley's recent acknowledgement that the concentration of presidential
power under President Obama poses a "severe" danger to the nation. "I thought I was hearing an echo. I've been complaining about the
Obama imperial presidency for several years now," Levin told "It's nice to have a liberal law professor testify before Congress
that we have a president who is out of control.
Obama Is Down, but Not Out. New Black
Panthers. Fast and Furious. NSA domestic spying. Spying even on reporters. Solyndra. Pigford-settlement fraud.
Contempt of court concerning offshore drilling. IRS harassment of conservative groups. E-mail lawbreaking at the Environmental Protection
Agency. All sorts of reversals, embarrassments, and scandals at the Department of Justice, including egregious trial misconduct. And,
of course, the incompetence and cover-ups related to Benghazi. Every time decent people think the scandals and embarrassments circling Barack
Obama will sink this presidency, we look up and see Obama still there — chin jutting out, countenance haughty, voice dripping with disdain
for conservatives — utterly unembarrassed, utterly undeterred from any assertion of power he thinks he can get away with, [...]
On repealing the 22nd amendment. This is one of
those issues which seems to pop up reliably during the second act of every two term presidency. Should we impose term limits on US Presidents
and was the 22nd amendment really a good idea? It's a concept which has been unofficially in place since the first President and was then
enshrined in the constitution in 1951 as a backlash against FDR. Of course, the people most exuberant about the idea tend to be supporters
of the current White House occupant and for all the wrong reasons.
presidential term limits. Democratic lawmakers would worry about provoking the wrath of a president who could be reelected.
Thanks to term limits, though, they've got little to fear. Nor does Obama have to fear the voters, which might be the scariest problem of all.
Washington Post: Repeal presidential term limits.
As President Obama faces a small revolt within his own party, a Washington Post op-ed is calling for the United States to end presidential term limits
and allow him to run again in 2016. "Barack Obama should be allowed to stand for re election just as citizens should be allowed to vote
for — or against — him," writes New York University Jonathan Zimmerman professor of history and education. "Anything less
diminishes our leaders and ourselves."
SF Protesters to Obama: Please Be a Dictator? When
Obama's motorcade rocketed around San Francisco on Monday, very few locals even noticed his presence, and fewer still cared. [...] Yet
even with the small turnout, there was a theme amongst Obama's protesters/supporters: They didn't want him to change his political
agenda — instead, they demanded that he assume dictatorial powers so that he could finally implement the radical plans with
which they already agree. The message of the day was: Stop dilly-dallying around, Mr. President: Ignore the
Constitution and just make The Revolution happen, as you promised! That message would be disturbing enough all on its own,
but it becomes much more disturbing when you suspect (as I do) that many of these pro-totalitarian protesters were
Interior secretary says Obama may bypass Congress
on monuments. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says she will recommend that President Obama act alone if necessary to create new national
monuments and sidestep a gridlocked Congress that has failed to address dozens of public lands bills. Jewell said the logjam on Capitol Hill has
created a conservation backlog, and she warned that the Obama administration would not "hold its breath forever" waiting for lawmakers to act.
Thus Spake Obama. It is a condition of my
admission to this great land that I am not allowed to foment the overthrow of the United States government. [...] Fortunately, at least as far as
constitutional government goes, the president of the United States is doing a grand job of overthrowing it all by himself. On Thursday, he
passed a new law at a press conference. George III never did that. But, having ordered America's insurance companies to comply
with Obamacare, the president announced that he is now ordering them not to comply with Obamacare.
The unspoken success of ObamaCare. Despite what you are being
told, the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), commonly known as ObamaCare, is already proving to be a resounding success. [...] First, it is vital
to understand that the ACA is not now, nor never was, about providing affordable health care. It is merely disguised as such. Rather,
it is the vehicle that is being covertly used to conduct the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that this nation
has ever experienced. It is being done methodically and for a specific purpose. It is the vehicle that will ultimately disassemble and
destroy significant parts of the United States Constitution and further enslave United States citizens.
Obama threatens GOP with executive
orders on 'drawer full' of ideas. President Obama on Friday night continued throwing his entire second-term agenda against the wall to
see what sticks, challenging Republicans to join him and support more federal spending, pass immigration reform and tackle other challenges. But
should the GOP stand in the way, the president indicated he's willing to use executive orders to accomplish his aims.
The Editor says...
It is the duty of the Congress to "stand in the way," if Mr. Obama is disregarding the Constitution and wrecking the country, which he is.
Fantasy Despot Syndrome and
Entrepreneurs have to implement through consent and prove their ideas in the marketplace. In contrast, the administration lacks the patience and
pluck the free market demands and wants instead to introduce reform via dictate.
Obama's 1984. [Scroll down] In addition to his dissatisfaction
with what he views as the barriers to "social justice" presented by this country's founding documents, Obama is frustrated with the constraints
on his personal power as President. He barely bothers to conceal his impatience and contempt toward the other branches of government that
hinder his authoritarianism — the judiciary and Congress. And he is selling his supporters on that attitude by painting Congress as the bad
guys. Toward the end of a July 2013 speech in Jacksonville, Florida, for example, Obama said, "So where I can act on my own, I'm going to
act on my own. I won't wait for Congress." Depressingly, this baldly totalitarian statement was greeted with applause.
The Perils of Wearing an Obama Mask. In Kentucky, someone
wears an Obama mask and performs a skit saitirizing Obamacare. For having the temerity to criticize our Dear Leader, all 750 employees of the
Jennie Stuart Medical Centre in Hopkinsville must undergo sensitivity training. Talk about collective punishment. Can you say re-education
camp? Remember it was only a couple of months ago when that rodeo clown in Missouri found himself banned for life for wearing an Obama mask.
Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers
In Five Years. What the president calls "my military" is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the
administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful.
Obama tells insurance
companies to shut up, if they know what's good for them. More thug tactics from a White House that is no stranger to them, as CNN reports
insurance companies have been warned to dummy up about the ObamaCare disaster if they know what's good for them. "What is going on is a
behind-the-scenes attempt by the White House to at least keep insurers from publicly criticizing what is happening on this Affordable Care Act
rollout," reports Andrew Griffin of CNN. "Basically, if you speak out, if you are quoted, you're going to get a call from the White House,
pressure to be quiet."
The Editor asks...
What does "pressure to be quiet" sound like?
Anchor: Obama Administration Threatens Journalists Who Make Obama Look Bad. Carol Costello says, the Obama Administration hates to get
embarrassed and looks for ways to exert its influence to get reporters fired for actually doing their job! During last night's CNN broadcast, Mrs.
Costello admitted Barack Obama's media team has immense influence with mainstream news agencies. She says if you make Obama look bad, you could lose
your job.
Cruz: Obama 'Absolutely' Abusing Power.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told Fusion TV host Jorge Ramos that President Barack Obama is "absolutely" abusing his power. In an interview that aired
on Monday [10/28/2013], Ramos mentioned a speech Cruz's father, Rafael, made in which he compared President Barack Obama to Fidel Castro. Cruz
told Ramos his father was referring to a "statement President Obama made at the State of the Union where" Obama said "if Congress doesn't act to enact
his agenda that he will do it anyway on his own."
Federal agents' pre-dawn raid on
reporter's home raises questions. Audrey Hudson's husband had just left for work on August 6 when suddenly, her dog began barking.
The nationally-known journalist walked over to the curtains and peeked outside to discover her Chesapeake Bay home was surrounded by law enforcement officers
wearing full body armor. The phone rang. It was her husband. "I'm in the driveway," he said. "The police are here. Open the
door." And so began Hudson's nightmare — held captive by armed agents of the U.S. Coast Guard, Maryland State Police and the Department of
Homeland Security as they staged a pre-dawn raid in search of unregistered firearms and a "potato gun."
Exclusive: Feds confiscate
investigative reporter's confidential files during raid. A veteran Washington D.C. investigative journalist says the Department of Homeland
Security confiscated a stack of her confidential files during a raid of her home in August — leading her to fear that a number of her sources
inside the federal government have now been exposed.
Silencing dissent by SWATing messengers of truth. [Scroll down] Ms.
Hudson is now speaking out because of what the agents of this Gestapo-like tactic took from her home. While the search warrant was limited to any
alleged guns on the premises — again — stemming from a quarter-century old incident reportedly involving her husband, their reach
well exceeded their authority. What was taken from the home of Audrey Hudson was more valuable than any gun. What was taken from Audrey Hudson,
in addition to her freedoms as an American citizen and a Pulitzer Prize nominee for her journalistic prowess, were her pages of notes and names of sources
inside and outside of government who had confidentially provided her information over the years.
Armed agents seize records of reporter,
Washington Times prepares legal action. Maryland state police and federal agents used a search warrant in an unrelated criminal investigation
to seize the private reporting files of an award-winning former investigative journalist for The Washington Times who had exposed problems in the Homeland
Security Department's Federal Air Marshal Service. Reporter Audrey Hudson said the investigators, who included an agent for Homeland's Coast Guard
service, took her private notes and government documents that she had obtained under the Freedom of Information Act during a predawn raid of her family
home on Aug. 6.
'Clearly Intimidation': Feds
Seize Reporter's Files During Pre-Dawn Raid. A conservative reporter alleges that in a pre-dawn raid, the Feds took her files while searching
her home for a toy potato gun. Audrey Hudson, Washington correspondent for the Colorado Observer, thinks the government may have an ulterior motive for
conducting the search. In her first television interview, Hudson told Gretchen Carlson on The Real Story that the raid stems from her husband purchasing
a potato launcher online five years ago. The search warrant presented said they came to recover the gun. However, she said, "Once they were in the
house, the first thing that the Homeland Security officer asked me was 'Are you the same Audrey Hudson who wrote all of the Federal Air Marshal stories for
The Washington Times?'"
Packing Washington's most crucial
court. The U.S. Senate will soon vote on the nominations of three individuals to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit. This court is widely regarded as a steppingstone to the Supreme Court. Because of its location in the nation's capital, a considerable
portion of its cases involve federal agencies. This makes the D.C. Circuit a watchdog over the executive branch.
Top 50 reasons people keep comparing Obama to Hitler.
As Democrats continue viciously crucifying anyone who disagrees with them as Klansmen, suicide bombers, anarchists and misogynists, anyone who dares to notice
the similarities between our Constitution-shredding Black Panther-in-chief and other racist dictators is still being met with the same hysterical shrieks,
convulsions and fainting as always from the book-burning tyrant-worshipers of the left. But Obama's lawless, un-American attacks on dissent, rigged
elections and appalling crimes against the Constitution are overwhelming and unmistakable at this point, and more than warrant such comparisons.
Jamie Dimon's $13B sin — bashing Obamanomics. The folks in the Obama
administration may be unable to run a health-care Web site, but they're brutally determined and efficient when it comes to squashing those who oppose their
policies — as Jamie Dimon is finding out. Today the JP Morgan chief executive could be putting the final touches on a deal with the Obama
Justice Department that would make Don Corleone proud. For various alleged financial "crimes" involving the sale of fraudulent mortgages, the nation's
largest bank is slated to fork over $13 billion, admit some culpability and prepare for a barrage of lawsuits from Wall Street ambulance chasers.
A Criminal Enterprise Called the Democratic Party. In the wake of the
Great Depression, the wheels began to come off the Weimar Republic, a liberal democracy that had been in place since the end of World War One.
In 1930 President Hindenburg assumed emergency powers. By 1933 three Chancellors had preceded Hitler and when the Nazi government took over it
simply ignored Germany's constitution. A lot of scholars who know much more about the U.S. Constitution than I are increasingly speaking out
about the same scenario occurring here.
Obama's Tax Thugs. Like the Kennedy team, Obama's people were
more interested in the political allegiances of the bureaucracy under their control than its competence and in an administration where even the National
Park Service has been politicized, the use of the IRS as a political weapon of terror was inescapable. IRS scandal figures like Lois Lerner and
Sarah Hall Ingram embody the Obama ethos by hiding their political partisanship within a façade of incompetence. But like [Mortimer] Caplin
they were performing political duties, rather than governmental ones. Their allegiance was not to the law, but to Obama.
Obama's Curious Purge Of The
Military Continues. The firing of two nuclear commanders in a week adds to a body count that suggests we have either the most corrupt
and incompetent general staff in history or our military is being reshaped for other purposes.
Is Obama Creating a Martial-law-ready
Military? Let's start with a hypothetical. Let's say you were a hard-left-wing commander in chief who wanted the military firmly in
your corner. You'd certainly note that our armed forces have been a bastion of conservatism and Christian faith, and you'd know that its members
generally weren't very fond of you. So how would you go about changing this?
Who Will Tell Obama He has no Clothes? Before this phony government
"shutdown," if you had asked whether I believed that American military and law enforcement personnel would follow an order from Barack Obama, or any
other president, to turn their guns on their own countrymen, I would have said no. However, after witnessing the behavior of armed National Park
Service officers unnecessarily closing our national monuments, parks, and even our military cemeteries in Europe, while simultaneously allowing a protest
demonstration by illegal aliens on the National Mall, I am no longer confident in that belief. It's as though Obama is using every weapon in his
arsenal to create civil division among the people. Why?
Slippery slope of Obama's constitutional contempt. From where we stand today, it is merely a matter of degree before we are ruled by decree.
• America's Bill of Rights is under assault.
• Federal authority bullies 50 States and over 300 million Americans into unconstitutional compliance.
• Common Core in schools indoctrinates communism and ignores America's founding values.
• Christian belief and speech in the military are unlawfully restricted; Islam and atheism are favored.
• The People's right to keep and bear arms is abrogated by Executive edict and UN treaty.
• SWAT teams swoop in on Americans accused of crimes not criminal, written by nameless bureaucrats.
• IRS is used to target and punish Americans who speak out against Obama and his cronies.
• NSA and a host of other agencies scoop up and log every tidbit of personal communication for review.
• NDAA allows arrest and indefinite detention without warrant, trial or writ of habeas corpus.
Yet this litany of abuses barely skims the surface of the foul stew Progressives have boiled up.
How do you deal with a
President who is hell bent on destroying America? Glenn [Beck] opened the radio program this morning [10/9/2013] with a scathing critique
of President Obama and his increasingly authoritarian leadership style. When you consider the results of a new AP-GFK poll, which find the President's
approval rating to be at a mere 37%, clearly the American people are fed up as well.
Obama's War on America Is Heating Up. [Scroll down]
It's an example of how ALL liberal-fascists view that relationship; it's at the heart of Progressivist ideology. It's also a perfect snapshot of the
mindset of most of the federal bureaucracy itself: arrogant, contemptuous of the people they ostensibly serve, tyrannical. They're petty, spiteful,
self-serving, megalomaniacal, and altogether despicable.
Obama: Time for America to Embrace My Dictatorship and Their Own Slavery, Or Else.
Acting more and more like a cheap version of Josef Stalin or even Hugo Chavez and, increasingly, drunk on his personally perceived absolute power over US citizens,
Obama is now openly attacking we Americans and all of our institutions. [...] Veterans' Memorials have been shut down by Obama and his syndicate, while elderly Vets
have been threatened with arrest if they do not comply with the dictator's commands. Access to other public sites has been banned... including Mount Rushmore
where cones were placed in the streets to disallow American citizens to even stop and take pictures.
The Little Eichmanns of the Government Shutdown.
If anyone had any doubt about the vicious and petty character of Barack Obama and his administration the past week should have put those doubts to rest.
Not even Nixon's "enemies list" can compete with Obama. [...] Obama and his minions have effectively declared all Americans the enemy in an attempt to make the
impact of the government shutdown artificially painful. This could not succeed without the assistance of a corps of facilitators, Little Eichmanns, if you
will, who are willing to abuse their fellow citizens in order to better serve their master.
Crowd storms World War II Memorial.
Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it
off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown. Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee,
R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these
walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government
shutdown that began Oct. 1.
Protesters Push Through Barriers at WWII
Memorial. A crowd converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall, pushing through barriers Sunday morning [10/13/2013]
to protest the memorial's closing under the government shutdown. Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas were among
those who gathered Sunday morning, along with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, according to WTOP Radio. Cruz said President Barack Obama is
using veterans as pawns in the shutdown.
Cruz, Lee, Palin join memorial
protest. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) attended a rally protesting the
closure of the World War II Memorial, according to reports. The lawmakers and the former governor — and 2008 GOP vice-presidential
nominee — joined a crowd that removed barricades at the memorial and chanted "tear down these walls," according to Washington, D.C., radio
station WTOP.
Obama Boots Kids' Sandcastle Contest off
Beach. It was announced today [10/9/2013] that an annual sandcastle contest on San Francisco's Ocean Beach has been cancelled out of sheer malice by
the Obama administration, despite the fact that the beach on which it is held — part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area — normally
has no lifeguards, no rangers, is permanently open to the public, and requires no funds for day-to-day operations.
Obama Incites
Federal Workers to Target Conservatives. How concerned would you be if President Obama were promoting revenge — using government
resources — against conservative thought and activism? [...] If you think the IRS scandal was intimidating, imagine what it will be like when
all federal employees view conservatism as an enemy.
The Face of Tyranny. It is beginning to dawn on a lot of people that Barack
Obama is the face of tryanny, a man for whom the Constitution, the democratic process and its need for compromise, exist only to be spurned. Any President
who is happy to preside over closing the White House to public tours, who authorizes placing barricades around Washington War Memorial that is normally open
24 hours a day as well as the Normandy, France D-Day cemetery where our soldiers are buried, is more than merely heartless, but represents a level of evil
intent never before seen in anyone who has held that office.
Park Service Admits It Discussed Plan To Close War Memorials With Obama Officials. In
other words, we were right all along, this was orchestrated by the Obama regime to make the shutdown
as painful as possible.
ABC, NBC, CBS Nightly Newscasts Ignore Amnesty
Rally. On Tuesday [10/8/2013], not one word about the immigration rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. was mentioned on the nightly newscasts
for NBC, CBS, or ABC. Americans watching the nightly newscasts would not have known that such a rally ever happened during the government shutdown.
Two D.C. Attacks and a Series of Unfortunate "Coincidences".
No one would have ever believed beforehand that the President might conspire with his Department of Justice and other agencies to funnel weapons to
Mexican drug lords in order to precipitate a panic over America's rampant "gun culture" — but indeed, this occurred. Nor would
Americans have thought that the President would clandestinely provide arms to the same Muslim fanatics who attacked us in 2001, then order an
attack on the compound facilitating such action when it became a liability. No one would have believed that Obama would allow American
personnel to perish at that compound in order to preserve his power. [...] If that is not definitive of a tyrant — and one who would
employ any means necessary in order to attain his objectives — then what is?
Napolitano: Obama is acting like a dictator.
While the Judge stated that all modern presidents have overstepped their 'oath faithfully to uphold the law', Barack Obama has taken this violation to an
entirely different level, deciding willy-nilly what parts of the law to apply and to whom. He went further by stating that under Barack Obama, the
Executive Branch has far too much power and the system of checks and balances set into place by our Founders with 3 equal branches of government is
House votes 425-0 to restore death benefits
for fallen soldiers. The House voted unanimously on Wednesday [10/9/2013] to restore the financial payments the Department of Defense makes to the
families of fallen U.S. soldiers. Members easily passed the bill after the Pentagon said it can no longer make the payments because of the government shutdown.
The Honoring the Families of Fallen Soldiers Act, H.J.Res. 91, was approved in a 425-0 vote.
Congress and White House scramble to restore death benefits to
troops' families. The House voted unanimously Wednesday to restore death gratuity payments to families of military service members killed in action, even
as a "very disturbed" President Obama ordered his top aides to begin making the payments even without congressional action.
Mark Levin:
Obama is preparing to destroy the role of Congress. Barack Obama is plotting that if he can't get what he wants, out of the House Republicans,
that he can't get his Plan A, and get Boehner and the Republicans to buckle, not just on the Continuing Resolution, but the Debt Ceiling, then he's got
his Plan B. His Plan B is the most egregious attack on our Constitution by a President, not just in modern history, but in all of our history,
if in fact he unleashes it. And he's being urged to do so by Nancy Pelosi, by Bill Clinton, he has in the past, by Dick Durbin, by a long list of phony
law professors from liberal institutions, by liberal think-tanks, and what is he being urged to do? He's being urged to bypass Congress, to raise the
debt ceiling unilaterally as President of the United States, using the 14th Amendment as a fig leaf, to seize from Congress, the power of the purse.
Frightening! — Mark Levin Predicts Obama's Final Death Blow To America. At around the
50 minute mark on Levin's 10/03/13 "Audio Rewind" podcast he reveals Obama's plan to usurp the power of the purse from congress. Effectively
destroying even the pretense of separation of powers.
Obama: Transforming America.
An imperial presidency is not new. But rule by executive fiat that escapes audit from the media is. We live in an age when a president can arbitrarily
nullify a law, like Obamacare's employer mandate; ignore it, like the Defense of Marriage Act; or simply create it, as with partial blanket amnesties.
Various wars — on coal, guns, non-union businesses, and political opponents — are waged by executive action. For now, the logic is
that the president's means are justified by the exalted ends that he professes. Obama has set the precedent of a president creating, ignoring, or defying laws
as he sees fit to forward a progressive agenda.
Presidential Delusion. This is a president who did not
meet with the Republican minority leader in the Senate until a year and a half into his presidency; who excluded Republicans from any part in the shaping
of the ObamaCare legislation, and forced it through on a strictly party-line vote; who excluded Republicans from any input on the stimulus bill; who
invited Paul Ryan to a conference on health care and then insulted him to his face when Ryan could not reply; who accused Republicans of wanting only to
deny health care to 30 million Americans; who called them "bitter clingers," and told his supporters to get in their faces.
shows Obama campaign video that includes celebrities pledging 'be a servant to the President'. A Wisconsin middle school has been forced to
apologize after showing students a video produced after Barack Obama's 2008 election that included celebrities pledging to 'be a servant to the President.'
Some parents who watched the video at an assembly at Hudson Middle School in Hudson, Wisconsin, called it propaganda and complained that it was inappropriate
for young minds. The video, produced by Oprah Winfrey's production company, [...]
Pelosi: Obama can raise debt limit on his own (an
impeachable offense). Nancy Pelosi wants you to think debating the debt limit is dumb. From what she knows of the Constitution,
Obama can raise the debt limit on his own. [...] Public debt has to be authorized by law, and only Congress can pass laws. Not complicated.
But, apparently, too complicated for Pelosi.
The President's Disdain for His Oath.
[A]s president, Mr. Obama has certainly showed zest in getting around the Constitution as he seeks to expand an activist government. Since entering the
Oval Office, his constitutional violations have fallen into three main areas: executive overreach, the erection of an administrative state, and the
infringement of individual rights.
Follow Alinsky: Call Obama's bluff. In his famous primer,
"Rules for Radicals," Saul Alinsky made two points that help illuminate how President Barack Obama has chosen to lead America. The
first point is that Alinsky instructed his acolytes to manufacture a crisis — any crisis — and to then use that any
crisis to polarize the community for and against the community organizer. For the last five years, this has been how Obama has led
the nation, crisis-to-crisis, and always leaving the middle ground for compromise like the no man's land between the trenches.
Obama's Fall From Grace Sets A Scary
Precedent For Future Presidents. If President Obama can unilaterally decide which parts of the law he must enforce, what is to prevent the next
president, regardless of party, from unilaterally deciding to not enforce these and other laws passed by Congress? And how far is he willing to test
Americans' patience with his increasingly imperial presidency?
Obama's Increasingly Tyrannical Proclivities.
The Constitution does not permit a president single-handedly to alter laws, but we have witnessed more than one instance in which the Obama Administration has
unilaterally changed provisions of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare. Last year Obama unilaterally altered provisions
of America's immigration laws, particularly those pertaining to the deportation of youthful illegal immigrants. Obama hasn't gotten around to imposing
his own version of "cap and trade," but he has announced that if Congress does not act on such a bill, he will do so himself.
Obama Flag at March on Washington Gets Twitter
Riled Up. We know a picture is worth a thousand words. Apparently it's also good for fifty stars. An American flag with
President Barack Obama's face where the fifty stars normally go caused a bit of a stir on Twitter, where some objected to the "hero worship" of Obama,
and complained that it was part and parcel with the rally's overall "Democratic" feel.
Pledging Allegiance To The Flag Of The Obama
Nation. A U.S. flag with the president's face replacing the field of stars resurfaces at the March on Washington's 50th anniversary, turning
the symbol of freedom many have fought and died for into a campaign prop. It has been a while since President Obama accepted his first nomination among
faux Greek columns in Denver in 2008. But judging from the reappearance of the "Obama flag" at a march celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A
Dream" speech, the cult of personality that has risen around him has not been diminished or discouraged.
The Editor says...
Look at the creases in that flag. That thing is a commercially available product -- not just a one-of-a-kind creation put together by
a fanatic.
The Obama Regime. Obama does whatever he wants.
Those pesky impediments on his predecessors — namely, federal law, the separation of powers, and the Constitution — have proved
as tough as tissue paper in containing Obama's ambition to impose statism on America. From Obamacare to unions to telephones, it's basically
another day, another decree.
West: Obama "a very dangerous threat to the existence of America as a constitutional republic". This is a great interview with Allen
West as he discusses the lawlessness of this president and why he is "a very dangerous threat to America as a constitutional republic," a quote even
Greta got wrong — twice. In the 2nd half he discusses the Obamacare navigators who apparently will undergo no background checks as
they have access to all your personal information. [Video clip.]
Why the law does not matter to Obama. The goal of
the entire Democrat party is to be the permanent, sole political authority in the country. This is the actual transformation that Barack Obama promised to
great applause in his 2008 campaign. [...] The media will not examine Obama's imperialist manner because they do not want to. They agree with it.
The courts are literally unable to enforce their rulings contra this administration; Obama ignores them at will and without consequence.
President Obama seems to regard the law as a mere inconvenience.
Presidential Lawlessness: It's So Cool.
"If Congress won't act, I will," the president repeatedly assures us. But that's not the way it works in a constitutional republic of laws.
Nonetheless, Obama acts, and who's going to stop him?
Is Obama 'Insuring' Softball Questions?
[Scroll down] American media executives, and American journalists, might have political positions with which we cannot agree, and they might not even appear
sensible, but for the most part, they are still intelligent people. And they remember a lot of what they hear or read. They see how this
administration has approached dealing with those it might view as "enemies." They have heard how a president's choice for the FCC views control
of the media. [...] So perhaps we should view these media "softball" questions as a pre-emptive defense position. That would be the most
charitable view we could take. Otherwise, we would have to conclude that the mainstream media are acting in collusion with the administration
to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America.
Plan B on
immigration reform for amnesty supporters: Have Obama issue an order granting temporary amnesty. He did it once before for the DREAMers in a cynical but
effective bid to drum up Latino turnout before the election. Why wouldn't he do it again ahead of the midterms, with Democrats desperate to rally their base to
hold back a Republican tide? Remember, this is a guy willing to ignore key provisions of his own landmark health-care law, with not even a pretense of having
the legal authority to do so, if it'll help Democrats politically.
OFA Extends Cult with
ObamaCare Birthday Wishes to Barack. Obama's organizing arm, OFA, not only wants me to know that Sunday is Barack's Obama, but also
that I should be politically active in "honor" of the event. This creepiness is beyond the ability of science to measure.
Obama to America: 'Bleep You'. It has become increasingly clear since
President Barack Obama's reelection that he and his administration intend to govern as they wish, pushing as far and as fast as they can against constitutional
and other legal limits which have constrained previous administrations. It has also become more than obvious that it is willing to hurt those
who might get in their way, and to exploit others whose help they can co-opt to accomplish their agenda.
Obama's Creeping Authoritarianism.
Please don't complain later that you didn't see it coming. As always, Mr. Obama states publicly what his intentions are. He is doing
that now. Toward the end of his speech last week in Jacksonville, Fla., he said: "So where I can act on my own, I'm going to act on
my own. I won't wait for Congress." (Applause.) The July 24 speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., has at least four
references to his intent to act on his own authority, as he interprets it: "That means whatever executive authority I have to help the
middle class, I'll use it." (Applause.) And: "We're going to do everything we can, wherever we can, with or without Congress."
Not A Phony Scandal When President Obama Tramples The Constitution. According to [Stanford Law School Professor Michael] McConnell,
although the president may refuse to enforce laws he believes are unconstitutional, the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel
(which provides opinions to the president on such issues) "has always insisted that the president has no authority, as one such memo put it in
1990, to 'refuse to enforce a statute he opposes for policy reasons.'" And yet McConnell offers examples of the president having done
so repeatedly.
Obama: I 'probably'
can't legalize immigrants myself. President Obama said in an interview with Univision airing Tuesday that he "probably" cannot legalize
illegal immigrants by executive order — a decision he might be faced with if Congress fails to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
Probably not," Obama said, according to a transcript.
The perils of dispensing
with the law. On ObamaCare, as on immigration enforcement and welfare requirements, Barack Obama is following the course that cost King
James II his throne. He is dispensing with the law. James II was ousted in the Glorious Revolution of 1688-89, in large part for
claiming that he could in particular cases dispense with — that is, ignore — an act of Parliament.
U.S. Repeals
Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans. For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's
mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the
implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded
radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts.
EPA Growth Knows No Limits. Last week, President Obama
rolled out a climate plan fit for a king. In his speech at Georgetown University, the president declared that since Congress won't enact climate
policies, he's just going to impose them — much as would a king. Simply put, the president is using Congressional inaction as a pretext
for a climate policy power grab, and that is very troubling. Alas, it is only the latest development in a worrying accumulation of authority at
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Barack Obama's Lawlessness. Examples include (but
are not limited to) unilaterally delaying implementation of the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate, issuing health-care edicts that undermine the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act, making unconstitutional "recess appointments" to the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau, refusing to enforce current immigration laws related to illegal immigrants who were brought to America as children, and waving
welfare work requirements. This is all part of a pattern in which Mr. Obama enforces laws he likes and refuses to enforce (or unilaterally
alters) laws he disagrees with. I suppose the temptation to act as a potentate is understandable; but it also happens to be illegal.
Obama's Rule by Decree. Barack
Obama has never been clear on the distinction between sovereign and servant, between the American people and those, including himself, elected
to do the people's business. We saw that yet again this week with the president's unilateral rewrite of the Bataan Death March known as the
Affordable Care Act — Obamacare. For this president, laws are not binding expressions of the popular will, but trifling
recommendations to be ignored when expedient. The collapse of law — not just Obamacare but law in general — is
the Obama administration's most egregious scandal.
The Law Means Nothing to These People.
President Obama has just nullified, all by his lonesome, a provision in a duly-enacted law: the employer mandate in ObamaCare. It's one
thing to give priority to enforcing one law over another, such as stressing interdiction of cocaine over marijuana. But to just cancel a law is
quite another matter.
power play: Obama stops Obamacare employer mandate. In a display of raw power, President Obama has once again declined to enforce the
law. Obama does not like democracy. He has longingly told leaders of nations without democratic traditions that he wishes he had the kind of
power they wield. He has told people it would be much easier to be the president of China. It probably would be. The president of China
can rule by decree and have his political opponents jailed or executed.
Before James Rosen, There Was James
O'Keefe. Some three and a half years ago, the New Orleans wing of the Obama Justice Department arrested O'Keefe and indicted
him and three of his colleagues on the bogus charge of entering a federal building under false pretenses. For its part, the media
celebrated their arrest. [...] Although there was nothing illegal about recording the staffers and the four had all entered the building
using their own IDs, the Justice Department wanted revenge for O'Keefe's and Hannah Giles's stunning takedown of the corrupt ACORN enterprise
months earlier.
Obama's Fundamental
Transformation of a Nation He Despises. [Scroll down] From the flow per second of your morning shower to the temperature
at which you set your thermometer at night, from the car you drive to what you eat, from where and how your children are educated to how you
fund your retirement, Obama wants government to control every moment of your existence. Long ago, in a glorious revolution, Americans
rejected this sort of tyranny when it was imposed on them by the British Crown.
Germans Loved Obama. Now
We Don't Trust Him. [Scroll down] Germans have experienced firsthand what happens when the government knows too much
about someone. In the past 80 years, Germans have felt the betrayal of neighbors who informed for the Gestapo and the fear that
best friends might be potential informants for the Stasi. Homes were tapped. Millions were monitored. Although these
two dictatorships, Nazi and Communist, are gone and we now live in a unified and stable democracy, we have not forgotten what happens
when secret police or intelligence agencies disregard privacy.
An Uncontrollable Ego. Obama is a loose cannonball. He
has only one guiding principle, the aggrandizement of his own ego. But just one Nobel Peace Prize, just one presidency, can never be enough for his
insatiable needs. Obama will always need more. Obama wants to control everything except himself. That has always been a formula for tyranny,
and Obama is no exception.
Obama cuts off sources of criticism:
U.S. Army Restricts Access To
'The Guardian' Website. The Monterey County (Calif.) Herald has a great scoop: "The Army admitted Thursday [6/27/2013]
to not only restricting access to The Guardian news website at the Presidio of Monterey, as reported in Thursday's Herald, but Armywide."
In simple terms: If you're accessing the Internet at an Army facility across the country, you would not be able to access parts, if not all,
of the website for the British newspaper.
Politico: Obama Must Use 'Fear'.
Despite mounting evidence of the federal government's abuse of power, Politico's analysts have decided that the cure for Obama's second-term
"doldrums" are that he must use "fear" to exert his will on Washington. "Obama does not instill fear — one of the customary instruments
of presidential power," write John F. Harris, Jake Sherman, and Elizabeth Titus.
More DHS insider from DC. [Scroll down] "The intimidation
factor is huge if a media contact is outside of a small circle of 'vetted' journalists who are completely loyal to Obama and his agenda.
If you are not part of that inner circle, you are a target, it's that simple. You are seeing the formation of a state-run media and an
administration that will intimidate, punish or prosecute anyone considered unfriendly to the Obama camp from the inside and the outside. [..."]
Obama Rhetoric Matches
That Of Old Soviet Leaders. [T]he real power in the USSR was in the hands of Communist Party leaders. They, in the name of the people,
defined foes of centralized government as "enemies of the people." Similarly, Obama's Department of Homeland Security has defined right-wing extremists
as "those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority." His National Security Agency has specified
that in addition to gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, right-wing extremists also "may include groups and individuals that are dedicated
to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration." Soviet bureaucrats were justified in harassing and persecuting "enemies of the
people." IRS bureaucrats, empowered by NSA definitions, feel free to harass and intimidate people and groups who question administration policies.
CNN: Majority No Longer Trust
Obama. [B]ack in 2006, only 52% of Americans disapproved of how President George W. Bush handled government surveillance
of Americans. Today, a full 60% disapprove of Obama on the same issue. This is likely due to the fact that Bush always made clear
that the War on Terror was his foremost concern and that he was doing everything possible to make us safe. On the other hand, Obama
ran against Bush's surveillance state and now tells us that the War on Terror is pretty much over. But then we learn that, rather than
wind down the surveillance along with the war, he has put it on steroids.
The False Excuse of National Security.
Does the Obama Administration actually want to fight terrorism all that much? Or are they primarily interested in gathering vast
amounts of information about American citizens? Do their actions tell us where their attention is focused? The proof, they say,
is in the notorious pudding. The government is being highly successful in invading the privacy of Americans and increasing control
and surveillance. The government is not doing so well fighting terrorism. The actual behavior of the government points to
development of a 'Big Brother" surveillance state and exposes national security as a phony excuse.
Harassment and Intimidation: The Goals of Obama's Information Dragnet.
[Scroll down] Anyone organizing or even participating in an effort to do something about government waste, fraud, and abuse, or working
to elect people who might stop the the Obama administration's Federal Reserve-assisted debt and spending death spiral now recognizes that they
potentially have plenty to lose. The IRS, based on its track record of the past three years, won't hesitate to ask them and their
associates about their political beliefs, who's giving them money, what books they've read, and their ambitions for political office.
Those who really start to become pains in the rear end, or those who merely write checks in support of opposition causes, face the prospect
of having the IRS target their individual and business tax returns, while other federal and state regulatory thugs perform anal exams on
other aspects of their lives.
Spying on Americans:
the Legal Status of Emails. This topic has several main issues. At the top of the list is President Obama's
outrageous statement that Americans may need to give up some freedom for security from terrorism. The president has no right
to decide what degree of freedom Americans can have. The freedom Americans have is defined not by any one elected official
but by the Constitution.
A dictator needs a supply of well-armed goons who picture themselves as commandos.
IRS And DOJ Raid Small Businesses With Paramilitary, Gestapo Style Tactics. A short documentary by Jan Morgan of
JanMorganMedia, called "Rampant Injustice" exposes the federal abuse of power that has taken place since Obama was elected.
This underexposed video documents the egregious trampling of the Constitutional rights of Americans during white collar crime
investigations by the Department of Justice and the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service.
Obama's Orwellian Legacy.
Is America moving toward the Big Brother dystopia envisioned by George Orwell in some of his most famous novels? That question
has been on many minds in the wake of revelations about the National Security Agency's sweeping surveillance of phone records and
Internet data. The ACLU, for one, called these programs "beyond Orwellian" in a statement released last week. The
ACLU's response is characteristically feverish, but in at least one respect, the organization is right: We are indeed
approaching an Orwellian world.
helps find terrorists — and Obama voters. Great cries of shock and disillusionment are echoing across many
precincts of President Obama's political base, particularly among academics, civil libertarians, nonprofit activists and media
celebrities. The howls of distress stem from the chief executive's stunning reversal on the scope and constitutionality of
domestic surveillance programs at the National Security Agency and elsewhere in the federal government. Although he vociferously
opposed these programs while campaigning for president in 2008 and before, Obama began singing quite a different tune once he began
working in the Oval Office.
Ted Cruz: Obama targeting
enemies, can't be trusted. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday decried the spread of unaccountable federal agencies like the IRS
and National Security Agency caught prying into American lives, charging that President Obama's promise that his administration isn't
snooping on citizens can't be trusted. What's more, Cruz said that by spreading a broad net to include average Americans in its
search for terrorists via the NSA, the administration missed catching actual U.S. enemies such as the Boston Marathon bombers and the
Fort Hood, Texas killer.
Foibles and Foolishness of Barack Obama Go Beyond Ignorance. Going into his second term, you either knew what we had in Barack
Obama or you didn't. [...] But what a disappointment this man has been. There has been no level of discord to which he has not been
willing to drive us. There have been no principles that he has not been willing to abandon. There has been no opportunity lost
to use our country for personal, political ends.
Obama's power grab.
[Scroll down] [I]s it plausible to believe that a government that would abuse the powers of the IRS to attack political enemies, go
after journalists who publish unflattering material or scapegoat a filmmaker in the hopes of providing political cover to an election-season
claim that al-Qaeda was finished would have any qualms about misusing the massive power of government-run snooping and Big Data?
What we've seen here is a pattern of abuse.
The Administration: Scarier
Than You Could Imagine. Despite a trifecta of scandals, Obama and company continue to stonewall, lie, or refuse to answer
questions — in essence, giving Congress and the American people the finger. Pundits are shocked and taken aback by the
unprecedented arrogance of the Obama administration. Such pundits are a bit late coming to the dance, as we in the Tea Party have
been well aware for years of the lawlessness and arrogance of this bunch of thugs from Chicago.
Ignorance is strength!
Air Force Bans
Personnel from Reading News Stories Reporting NSA Scandal. The Air Force's 624th Operations Center sent an e-mail with a NOTAM
(Notice to Airmen) that prohibits them from accessing and reading news stories related to the current National Security Agency snooping
controversy on the Air Force's NIPRNET (Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network) systems.
Obama Is Just Obama. Obama is now somewhat
shocked that a few in the media hold him responsible for lots of bad things that his administration did: destroyed the
reputation of the IRS; had a rogue EPA director invent a phony persona; let the HHS secretary shake down PR money from corporations
to sell Obamacare; turned the Justice Department into a veritable Stasi enterprise going after the phone records of reporters;
reduced the State Department into an arm of the 2012 Obama reelection effort; and helped erode the reputations of both Hillary
Clinton and Susan Rice, who advanced campaign narratives about Benghazi that were not just untrue, but were demonstrably false
the moment they were presented.
Rep. Waters: Obama
Campaign Database Has Information on 'Every Individual'. Earlier this year, in an interview with TV One, Rep. Maxine
Waters (D-Calif.) praised President Barack Obama for putting together a campaign database that "will have information about everything
on every individual." "And that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it's never been
done before," Waters told "Washington Watch" host Roland, referring to Obama's "Organizing for America," which was changed from a
campaign organization to a 501(c)(4) called Organizing for Action.
key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown. [#2] The Obama presidency is imperial in style and outlook [...] It would be hard to
find a US president in recent times who has behaved in a more arrogant fashion than President Obama, and that includes Richard Nixon. The Obama White
House is routinely disdainful of criticism, sneeringly dismissive of Congressional opposition, nasty and brutish towards dissenting voices in the media, and
completely lacking in humility.
This White House Running An Outlaw Government? The Associated Press has turned up a collection of secret email
accounts used by White House appointees. Yet another dark wall is revealed in the most "transparent administration in
Denial and the Obama Presidency. The president is seemingly
unaware of what is going on around him. He is either insulated from events or he is misled or the agencies being questioned are "independent," beyond
his control. Someone at the highest level of government had to issue an order to "stand down" when a request was made by those under attack at the
Benghazi embassy. Someone with authority had to issue a highly charged request that conservative organizations should be targeted by the IRS. And it is
now clear, that the sequestering of James Rosen's journalistic record was authorized by Attorney General Holder who reports directly to the president.
Obama sitting back and waiting for Internet panic to hit.
Notice how the main whistleblowers in this case are left-leaning news outlets? When was the last time left-leaning news outlets did
anyone outside of Big Government a favour? [...] Obama operates in the dark and people afraid to communicate ideas on the Internet is just
what he most hopes for and most needs. In short, Obama wants you to do what you never ever should: Surrender and give up.
Cruz Fires At Obama Administration: 'They View Constitution As A Pesky Obstruction'. Speaking on the Glenn Beck
Show Thursday night [6/6/2013], Texas Senator Ted Cruz unfurled a list of violations that he says shows "a pattern of this
administration not respecting the Bill of Rights and not respecting the Constitution." "I think they view the Constitution
as, essentially, a pesky obstruction to carrying out their agenda," Cruz said.
Obama Can't Be Trusted with Power.
[Scroll down] I would include as evidence to support my assertion the president's routine slander of his opponents, his serially misleading
statements (including flat-out falsehoods about the lethal attacks on the Benghazi consulate), the IRS scandal and the public signals the president
sent to that agency over the years, the unprecedented targeting of journalists by the Department of Justice and the attorney general's nasty little
habit of misleading Congress, Mr. Obama's unusually dishonest campaign against Mitt Romney, and his overall contempt for the rule of law. He
just doesn't think that rules should apply to him, that he is above all that. Those who see themselves as world-historical figures tend to
do that.
President Obama's Dragnet.
[Scroll down] The administration has now lost all credibility. Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive
will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it. That is one reason we have long argued that the Patriot Act,
enacted in the heat of fear after the 9/11 attacks by members of Congress who mostly had not even read it, was reckless in its
assignment of unnecessary and overbroad surveillance powers. Based on an article in The Guardian published Wednesday
night [6/5/2013], we now know the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency used the Patriot Act to
obtain a secret warrant to compel Verizon's business services division to turn over data on every single call that went
through its system.
From Verizon's 'Can you hear me now' to NSA's "Yes, every
eavesdropped word". When "Big Brother is Watching You" was the cold war mantra of the day, there were no cellphones,
no iPads, no satellite communications of any kind in the hands of the unwashed masses. Today Big Brother is not watching you,
he's stalking and harassing you — right in the place you call home. There's nowhere to hide; nowhere to run to
and no one to turn to in a world where a government that has learned how to slip being held accountable has all the tools
on its side.
Cruz: Obama administration reminds me of Castro's Cuba. On "The Wells Report" radio show over the weekend,
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was asked about his comment about the Obama administration's disregard for the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights. Cruz explained that it was "really unfortunate and dismaying" that the Obama administration continued
to disregard the Bill of Rights in order to promote its own ideological agenda, citing the Internal Revenue Service scandal
and reports of the Justice Department spying on reporters.
Full Dimensions of IRS Scandal
Emerge. The incredible frequency of the visits — essentially weekly — indicate that President Obama must have been
deeply involved with the inner workings of the audits and harassment of conservative groups. If [Douglas] Schulman was in the White House every
week, what was he there to talk about? Not Obamacare. Not without having Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in attendance,
you wouldn't. About Treasury issues? Deficit reduction? Not without Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. The obvious reason is that
Obama was following the IRS audits with an obsessive, personal involvement.
What the GOP must do to save the country
from leftist fascism. Look at the stories that have been in the news just lately, from Brandon Raub the Marine the wrongfully arrested and
detained for criticizing the Obama Regime to the IRS Scandal and the politicized closing of GM dealerships during the government-administered bailout and
restructuring of that automaker, to the news that IRS political suppression of Tea Party and other groups cost the GOP its chance to win the presidency
and control of the senate in last year's elections. What do all these stories have in common? Blatant, egregiously partisan, and
authoritarian abuse of power by the Obama Regime to keep Barack Hussein Obama and other liberal Democrats in power in Washington D.C.
shows contempt for law. Mr. Obama — greeted rapturously in 2008 as the "constitutional law professor" who would restore respect
for our founding document — has demonstrated a contempt for law unseen since Nixon. Nixon was devious, insecure and paranoid.
Everyone knows that those are unfortunate traits. Ever since Nixon, we've been encouraged to be wary of leaders who are suspicious or guarded.
Obama is brimming with excessive self-regard, intellectual vanity and supreme self-righteousness. No one has ever warned Americans to regard
these as dangerous traits, but they may be more worrisome than Nixon's cynicism.
They hate First and Second Amendments, but will take the Fifth.
[O]ur President and his minions are doing a great deal to infringe the individual rights protected by the First and Second amendments. At the
same time, it's clear they are dismissive of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, which make clear that the Founders intended that the states and the
people retain all powers not expressly delegated to the federal government by the Constitution.
Obama's 'Iron Curtain' descends on America.
Far more wily than Uncle Sam or Uncle Sugar, 'Uncle Satan' lures scores of U.S. citizens motivated by entitlement mentality with
food stamps, free cell phones and unquestioned access to social security, into a trap from which they will never escape.
Comfortable with the guarantee the government will look after them from cradle to grave, few see the walls going up around them.
Benghazi and Obama's Ambition to Be U.N.
SecGen. In three and a half years, Obama will be out of a job. He is 50 now and wants to soar to greater heights, because that's
what matters more than anything else in his life. What's better to Obama's Napoleonic self than being U.N. Sec Gen? He is a man who wants
to be worshiped by the world, and the path to that goal is clear. It is also an opportunity to carry out his internationalist and pro-Muslim
Don't Blow the Opportunity
Obama Has Handed Us. Barack Obama has not hidden his animosity to Republicans in Congress, the Tea Party Movement, the
alternative media, evangelical Christians, conservatives, the Catholic Church or any other entity that espouses any philosophical
belief counter to left-wing extremism. He considers these groups to be implacable adversaries that must be destroyed.
Since Obama's first inauguration he and his administration have utilized the propaganda and regulatory machinery of the government,
with the aid of far too many sycophants in the mainstream media, to marginalize and overwhelm these groups.
of Obama's Scandals Are Ultimately About Information Control. There's really no reason for the press to suggest that the
recent slew of scandals involving the Obama administration — Benghazi, the AP phone-record seizure, the snooping in James
Rosen's e-mail, the IRS's targeting of conservative groups, and so on — are a confusing jumble. There is a very clear
thread running through all of the administration's actions.
Obama's Federal Gestapo is Going Down.
The current story involving Obama's use of the IRS to target political opposition via going after more than 500 patriotic action groups,
their donors and their volunteers, is but one piece of a much larger conspiracy to destroy the United States beginning with all who would
stand in the way of that agenda. Yes, the administration has been using the IRS to target all political opposition since taking
office in 2009. They went after Tea Party, 912, Patriot, Liberty, Christian, conservative, republican, constitutional, pro-life
and anti-global governance organizations.
Obama's Scandals and Saul Alinsky.
In recent weeks, scandal after scandal has rocked Barack Obama's administration. His presidency might be imperiled. Or it
might not be. Obama steadfastly remains an activist, a "community organizer." Nor has he forgotten that which he learned
from the godfather of all community organizers, Saul Alinsky. In his Rules for Radicals, Alinsky writes that the goal "of
the organizer is to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a 'dangerous enemy.'"
Obama Administration Dares The Press To Respond To Intimidation Tactics. In a two-fold assault on the freedom of the
press, President Barack Obama's Department of Justice has been implicated in efforts designed to intimidate both the press and their
sources. [...] The DOJ subpoenaed the records for 21 phone lines in five separate AP offices, including a line that had been
inactive for six years. Those lines have been used by at least 100 reporters and reveal tradecraft and methods that AP
reporters use to gather facts and build cases in their reporting.
Obama's Imbroglios. Where are we now in this
morass of Obama Administration scandals? [...] We have one massive cloud of confusion, and that is exactly what this embattled
Administration wants, confusion.
America's cry for help lost in the White Noise.
Tyranny, the same kind that kept the people of the former Soviet Union and environs in the stranglehold of communism for 70 years,
is making its way — unhampered — through the USA. The Obama administration started off by identifying Tea
Partiers, returning war vets and Christians as terrorists — and got away with it. Now news reporters like James Rosen, a
Fox News correspondent has been openly branded a "possible criminal co-conspirator" for his alleged role in publishing sensitive
security information. The only difference between soft tyranny and hard tyrannies is that in the latter, those deemed enemies
of the state are jailed and killed. But a cursory read through history teaches that hard tyrannies usually got their start as
soft ones.
Anti-Fraud Group
'True the Vote' Harassed NOT JUST by IRS, but FBI, OSHA... then ATF? Houston-based True the Vote is an organization
dedicated to preserving the integrity of the voting process. They're a outfit any normal, good-faith American ought to be glad
exists, what with 160 U.S. counties showing more people registered than the actual number of live, eligible voters in existence.
Alas, the compulsively-crooked Obama White House despises them. True the Vote IS NOT a Republican outfit, and promotes
no candidates nor political issues- they're merely focused on ensuring legal/fair/inclusive voting.
The Editor says...
Obama's rabid opposition to non-partisan groups who try to prevent voter fraud can be interpreted as evidence of the intent
to stuff ballot boxes and steal elections.
Barack Obama, speech isn't free when it criticizes him. [Scroll down] Finally, the administration secretly tracked
the phone calls of the Associated Press to root out who leaked the report of a drone strike. Then the CIA told AP to hold off on
the story so that Obama could announce it first. This has a chilling affect on journalists. But it's also the latest salvo
in the Obama administration's war on whistleblowers.
Obama gets an 'F' for management. Early in his presidency, Barack Obama flaunted U.S. constitutional tradition
by pushing through major social legislation, Obamacare, without a bipartisan compromise and consensus. And he relied on a
legislative sleight of hand to pass the U.S. Senate. Simply, Obama's hard left agenda requires him to treat the constitution
and Congress as mere inconveniences — expediency is his ethical standard.
This Is No Ordinary Scandal.
We are in the midst of the worst Washington scandal since Watergate. The reputation of the Obama White House has, among conservatives,
gone from sketchy to sinister, and, among liberals, from unsatisfying to dangerous. No one likes what they're seeing. The
Justice Department assault on the Associated Press and the ugly politicization of the Internal Revenue Service have left the
administration's credibility deeply, probably irretrievably damaged.
O's unfixable woe.
The problem is that these are agencies the Obama presidency has empowered and is in the process of empowering still further. They
are arms of the federal government whose authority and reach he wishes to increase — at a time when the American people might
be coming to think that, especially now, these agencies need to be reined in.
A Pattern Of Power
Abuse. Tyranny isn't lurking around the corner. It's now upon us, manifest in the pattern of misuse and abuse of
government power by this presidency, as revealed in its:
• Siccing the IRS on its political enemies.
• Seizing the home phone records of journalists.
• Opening more criminal investigations of press leaks than all previous presidents combined.
• Intimidating and silencing government whistle-blowers.
• Doctoring CIA intelligence reports to cover up national security failures.
• Framing private lenders and other businesses for civil-rights violations.
Did The IRS Try To
Swing Election To Obama? The inspector general's report on the IRS targeting of conservatives makes it seem like a case
of bureaucratic bumbling. But the more we learn, the more it looks like a concerted effort to hobble Obama's political foes.
heavy hand felt in IRS, AP scandals. If there is any thread that unites these scandals, it is government heavy-handedness.
Seizing the phone records of, say, three editors and reporters would constitute a leak investigation. Seizing the phone records of
perhaps 100 is a fishing expedition and a form of intimidation. "They're sending a clear message to our sources," says National
Journal's Ron Fournier. "'Don't embarrass the administration or we're coming after you.'"
The Burden Is on Us. The Obama administration is drowning in
the tsunami of its lawlessness. [...] What were [Ambassador] Stevens and others in the U.S. diplomatic corps doing at that Temporary Mission Facility in
Benghazi in the first place? Was the Obama administration running a Middle Eastern version of Fast and Furious? Were we arming
terrorists? Why were particular organizations investigated and harassed by the IRS, and on whose say? For what purposes did you
snoop on the communications of the Associated Press? They weren't pliant enough? The responsibility is on Democrats everywhere, who
must, once and for all, put aside their maniacal loyalty to a man who is finally being widely exposed as a tyrant.
You Believe The Administration Got Phone Records of The House Of Representatives? That's the revelation made by California
Congressman Devin Nunes, who sits on the House Ways And Means Committee on Hugh Hewitt's Show Wednesday night [5/15/2013].
O's scandals take nation by
storm. As a metaphor for big government, it is hard to top the Justice Department's seizing of journalists' phone records
from The Associated Press. Unless, of course, you think the best example is the Internal Revenue Service turning the screws on
groups it viewed as conservative and, therefore, unworthy of fair treatment. Or maybe the winner is the sneaky spreading of
ObamaCare's tentacles, with insurance companies now predicting the law will drive up the cost of individual premiums by as much as
400 percent. There are no losers in this race to the bottom — except the American people.
Obama White House
Wants To Govern By Permanent Crisis. Bill Clinton governed by the permanent campaign. Barack Obama wants to govern by the
permanent crisis. What most see as disasters Obama sees as opportunities to ram through his progressive agenda.
Obama Continues His War on the Fourth Amendment.
White House wants legislation enacted that will punish Internet service providers who fail to cooperate with FBI requests and court orders.
Obama Administration's "Culture of Intimidation" Led to IRS Scandal. Senator Marco Rubio railed against the Obama
administration's "culture of intimidation" today during a speech on the Senate floor. "In the span of four days, three
major revelations have been made regarding the use of government power to intimidate those who are doing things the government
doesn't like," Rubio said regarding news of Benghazi whistleblowers being threatened, the IRS targeting conservative groups and the
DOJ secretly monitoring personal and work phone lines of AP reporters. "These are the tactics of the third world.
These are the tactics of places that don't have the freedoms and the independence that we have here in this country."
about the use of the IRS as a weapon.
Obama hopes for extended crisis atmosphere.
President Barack Obama says he wants to "see if we can institutionalize" in Washington the community spirit that sometimes emerges
after a terror attack or an industrial explosion. The president made the comments during a fund-raising trip to New York,
shortly after leaving Washington, D.C. in an uproar over an explosion of scandals, including last week's revelations of politically
motivated IRS investigations and the White House's editing of reports on the lethal terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.
Barack Obama's imperial presidency is imploding. As I've noted in previous pieces, this is a nasty, brutish, imperial-style
presidency that is highly intolerant of dissent, and which goes out of its way to target political opponents. [...] Suppression of
political dissent, a callous disregard for the loss of American life in Benghazi, and the relentless rise of big government —
these will be three of the most of enduring images of Barack Obama's imperial presidency.
Obamite Thuggery Has
Long History. It was Michael Barone who first wrote that Barack Obama was a practitioner of "gangster government."
Barone was right. The plethora of scandals now engulfing the administration, combined with all sort of prior scandals that a lapdog
media largely ignored, show that this regime is thuggish beyond repair.
It's Harvest Time in
Washington. From the onset, the Obama administration has woven a web of fabrications so thick it is hard to see where
reality ends and make-believe begins. Over time, Obama has woven that web tighter by installing a gang of Chicago allies,
confidants, tongue-biters and tale-tellers as a "shadow government" answerable only to him. There was safety in this tight-knit
crew of like-minded associates, or so they thought, until recently when parts of Obama's web began to unravel.
Watch out for Petraeus in Benghazi
scandal. Mr. Obama has only a few trusted aides, and occasional leaks from the West Wing show a paranoid president suspicious of
nearly everyone around him. Supremely confident, convinced by the fawning minions at his feet that he is untouchable, the president
dismisses all controversy as partisan attacks by an overzealous opposition. A pliant press corps of stenographers follows in lockstep.
orders top aides to praise Obamacare during commencement speeches. President Obama has ordered his Cabinet officials to
praise Obamacare when giving speeches at college commencement ceremonies, even as the president's aides fear that poor implementation
of the law will tarnish his legacy.
5 Benghazi Mysteries that Must
Be Solved. [#5] Where are the Benghazi survivors and why have we not heard from them? As many as 30 Americans
survived the attack at Benghazi. Some of them have turned up, quietly, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Where
are the rest? Why have we not heard anything from them about the attack? Are they being silenced by threats and intimidation
from higher up in the government, as several State Department officials claim is happening to them?
Obama Continues His War on the Fourth Amendment.
White House wants legislation enacted that will punish Internet service providers who fail to cooperate with FBI requests and court orders.
Cruz: Obama's View of Federal
Power 'Knows Virtually No Bounds'. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released a report documenting attempted abuses of federal power by the
Obama administration on Tuesday [4/9/2013], saying the administration "knows virtually no bounds."
The Biggest Threat Of Government Tyranny Says There Is
None. The president told college graduates over the weekend to dismiss those warning of government tyranny. But he wouldn't have brought it up if
he didn't feel the need to defend his administration's heavy hand.
Obama Yearns To Have The
Absolute Power Of A King. Rather than celebrate our country's unique heritage of limited government, the president complains that
he's constrained by the Founders. Here's a man hungry for raw power.
It Wouldn't
Take Long for Martial Law to be Imposed. This is how Obama will impose martial law, if he chooses. [...] It will be done by presidential order, as has been
the pattern of most of his illegality.
Obama looks to bypass
Congress with appointments. Faced with a Republican-controlled House that rejects most of his legislative goals, and facing potential
opposition from Senate Republicans and a half-dozen Democratic senators on issues such as gun control, Obama's ability to carry out policy changes
hinges on his Cabinet and his appointees running regulatory bodies.
The Editor says...
Any time you see a headline about Barack Obama bypassing the Congress, it is a warning sign.
Mother Of Slain Benghazi
Officer To Sean Hannity: 'They Want Me To Shut Up'. On Friday [4/5/2013], Sean Hannity brought Pat Smith, mother of the late Sean Smith,
on his radio program. The 34-year-old information management officer was one of four Americans murdered in the Benghazi embassy attack on
September 11, 2012. In the chilling interview, a distraught Ms. Smith, in tears, pleaded for answers and spoke of the efforts to
silence her.
about Benghazi must be embarrassing enough to
motivate the Obama people to silence this woman.
Obama's Election Commission Signal Federal Takeover of Elections? Since March 28, when President Obama issued an
executive order creating the Presidential Commission on Election Administration, a growing number of individuals and organizations
have reacted to this move by raising concerns about a possible federal takeover of American elections. The commission, created by
Executive Order 13639, will be composed of no more than nine members, led by two co-chairs, Robert Bauer and Benjamin Ginsberg,
attorneys for the Obama and Romney campaigns respectively.
Here Comes Obama's Raid on Your Retirement. This sounds like it will only
attack the "rich" today, but don't bet on it. Note that "other retirement accounts" is likely to mean aggregation of all retirement assets,
including the actuarial value of pensions and similar.
Budget to Cap Retirement Accounts at $3 Million. The budget President Barack Obama will submit on April 10 will
contain a proposal that would prohibit individuals from accumulating more than $3 million in Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
and tax-preferred retirement accounts.
The Editor says...
Remember, the income tax originally affected only the wealthy, and affected them only a little. Tyranny starts small and
grows incrementally.
Levin: Obama is Trying to Nationalize Our Election Process. So what is the federal role for setting the rules for voting?
Levin said there is none. "In the ratification debates in the states, after the Constitutional Convention ended, after they sent draft
copies of the Constitution to the states to ratify, there was much debate in the states over this issue. And some of the
anti-federalists who opposed the Constitution were very, very concerned that the federal government would interfere with state election
laws. And they felt if the federal government did that, the federal, central government would have control over the election process
and use it to its benefit. And that, ladies and gentlemen, I am certain is what Obama is up to."
Obama finds creative
means to bypass Congress. Move over executive orders. President Obama has another tool to push policy absent
congressional stamp — and it's far less known and controversial. It's called executive action. The beauty of
the action is that it avoids Republican criticisms and conservative charges that Mr. Obama acts like a "monarch" when issuing executive
orders, The Hill reports. So while on paper, Mr. Obama may actually appear as if he's issuing fewer executive orders than many other
presidents who have served two terms, the reality is he's still finding plenty of ways to bypass Congress. He's just not calling
those ways executive orders.
Obama's Tyranny: Petty or Something More
Sinister? We have a Department of Homeland Security that has become one of the largest bureaucracies in the history of our
government in the space of 11 years. There is very little accountability and DHS has extraordinary powers to infringe the constitutional
rights of our citizenry. Drones, computer monitoring, and wiretaps are all allowed under the Obama Administration's overwhelming control of
the mechanisms of state. Just the other day, DHS announced plans to scan even more private e mail traffic. There is a simple
word for all of this; tyranny.
Is it time to ask: What's Homeland
Security up to? Following the statement by presidential candidate Barack Obama about his Civilian National Security Force, Rep.
Paul Broun, in an Associated Press interview, said he feared that then President-elect Obama would establish a security force to impose a
Marxist dictatorship. He said, "It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this National Security
Force." [...] The lack of transparency and explanation about the need for such acquisitions certainly has contributed to conspiracy theories
similar to that expressed by the congressman. With all this ammunition, it is useless without a means to discharge it. The DHS has
also attempted concealment of the purchase of 7,000 assault weapons, and has again censored information about its $1.5 million no-bid
contract with Remington. Normally this would be required to be done in an open, full, and competitive bidding process. What is
the emergency that compels them to avoid this legal bidding process?
Deceiver in Chief. Barack Obama is arrogant,
intolerant, mean, dishonest, vengeful, and ruthless. He does not wish us well. He is considered by many of his supporters
to be a savior. In fact, he's a destroyer. Is that an unfair indictment? Consider the evidence. The economy is
operating far below its potential. Is he doing anything to discover why? Millions of people are unable to find jobs.
Does he seem concerned? He has an abysmal ignorance of how a market economy actually works. He doesn't show the slightest
curiosity about the causes of our economic distress.
Obama turning to executive power to get
what he wants. [Scroll down] He delayed the deportation of young illegal immigrants when Congress wouldn't agree.
He ordered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to research gun violence, which Congress halted nearly 15 years ago.
He told the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, deciding that the 1996 law defining marriage as between a
man and a woman was unconstitutional. He's vowed to act on his own if Congress didn't pass policies to prepare for climate change.
Federal Judge Finds National Security Letters
Unconstitutional, Bans Them. Ultra-secret national security letters that come with a gag order on the recipient are an
unconstitutional impingement on free speech, a federal judge in California ruled in a decision released Friday [3/15/2013]. U.S.
District Judge Susan Illston ordered the government to stop issuing so-called NSLs across the board, in a stunning defeat for the Obama
administration's surveillance practices. She also ordered the government to cease enforcing the gag provision in any other cases.
However, she stayed her order for 90 days to give the government a chance to appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Drones in Wonderland. [Scroll down]
Although Sen. Paul's filibuster focused on drones, he earlier had voiced similar concerns regarding the 2012 National Defense Authorization
Act ("NDAA"), calling it an "abomination" for its vague provisions that would allow the US government to indefinitely detain citizens
suspected of aiding terrorist activities. Paul had backed an amendment to the bill that limited the authority to override due process,
but then a committee led by Sen. John McCain revised the language in the amendment — a wording that Paul found "insufficient."
The Last American President. [Scroll
down] When 2016 rolls around, it is becoming clear that this President will never leave office as he has the ability, under the
aforementioned Executive Orders to decree himself, Ruler for Life. Under these Executive Orders he has granted himself to incarcerate
those who would oppose him, starve populations into submission, control all jobs, wages, transportation and control the message to the people.
He now has the ability to limit the citizens' the right to defend themselves against his tyranny. And along with his criminal partners in
Congress, under the NDAA, he has the ability to "disappear" and even murder suspected political dissidents in the spirit of Mao, Hitler
and Stalin.
An Order From
Obama Puts Another Boot On The Economy. According to Bloomberg media, "President Barack Obama is preparing to tell all
federal agencies for the first time that they should consider the impact on global warming before approving major projects, from
pipelines to highways." [...] It's happening just as Obama threatened it would: If Congress won't pass the laws he
wants — in this case limits on greenhouse gas emissions — he will just make law on his own, without
constitutional restraint.
This is very reminiscent of Adolph Hitler.
Obama couldn't eat at Hill
meeting without food 'taster'. Following President Obama's lunch meeting with Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill, Maine
Republican Senator Susan Collins described the food served and said the president was not able to eat since his "taster" was not present.
Obama couldn't eat at Hill
meeting without food 'taster'. Following President Obama's lunch meeting with Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill, Maine
Republican Senator Susan Collins described the food served and said the president was not able to eat since his "taster" was not present.
The Man who would be King.
It must be quite nice to be king. Or at least think of yourself as king. Dear Leader Barack Obama exhibited that behavior
while at a "working lunch" hosted by Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) last Wednesday (March 13). The food consisted of Maine
lobster salad, Fox Family Potato Chips (from Maine), wild blueberry pie, and Gifford's Ice Cream (made in Maine) for the pie.
But, Obama could not partake of any of the food because (seriously) his personal taster was not present.
Obama Declines
Lunch w/ GOP Senators 'cuz He Didn't Have His Royal Tester There! Yesterday [3/14/2013] Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine)
described an event she hosted: served at a working lunch with Obama on Capitol Hill, the menu came from her home state's University
of Maine, inc[luding] a recipe for healthy lobster salad/blueberry pie/etc that Collins pointed-out fit Moochelle's healthy food
initiative guidelines[. A]las, Obama could only look 'longingly' at it, as he didn't have a 'taster' present.
Obama's declaration of
ineffectuality. It's true, of course, that Obama isn't a dictator. He also seems to point that out a lot, as
National Review's Andrew Stiles observes. Last month, for example, he noted that "I'm the president of the United States,
I'm not the emperor of the United States" and called this a "problem" that he has "struggled with throughout my presidency."
It seems Obama wishes he had dictatorial powers.
Approves Two $4.5 Million No Bid Contracts For More Weapons and Ammo. According to one estimate, since last year the
Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. DHS also
reportedly purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAPs) to go with their bullet stockpile. ATK is one
company that won a contract with the Department of Homeland Security to provide 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition
in 2012. Now this...
Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article
entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice. It confirmed that the Department of
Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. As reported elsewhere, some of this
purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized
for snipers.
Credit Scores
Relaxed Under Obama Pressure. Bullied by President Obama's new consumer watchdog, the Big Three consumer credit bureaus have
curved credit scores for deadbeats. The capitulation is a bad omen for the economy.
Obama just wants to watch the
world burn. No one can continue to assert that President Obama is simply incompetent. Yes, he is indeed that. [...] But
there's more. Like The Joker, Mr. Obama wants to see the world burn. The last thing he cares about is the plight of American
families. No, the president wants to gut the Republican Party so he can win back a majority in Congress in 2014 — and
secure his legacy. And he's fully prepared to spur chaos to get what he wants.
The Chicago Roots of President
Obama's Leadership Style. President Obama did not become president with the intention of ruling as an autocrat. It is more
accurate to say that autocracy is the only style of political leadership he knows.
Devastating 26-Word Challenge to President Obama's Leadership. When Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, stopped by the
Senate floor Wednesday [3/6/2013] to help out Rand Paul with his filibuster, he spoke for several minutes in the guise of asking a
question. But his remarks can really be boiled down to one powerful sentence that I've transcribed: ["]Mr. President,
what it comes down to is every American has the right to know when their government believes that it is allowed to kill them.["]
Ponder the modesty of that claim. He is merely asking that American citizens be given the most basic information about their legal
system: when they're lawfully subject to capital punishment. What would possibly justify withholding it?
OFA: The Organizing of America.
News of the powerful OFA combined with other strange rumors and tidbits (such as FEMA camps, security drills in our towns, DHS purchases
of "street sweeper" tankers [sic] and billions of rounds of hollow point bullets and threats of gun confiscation) may cause many to wonder if
Obama dreams of having his logo embroidered on uniforms and flags and becoming the dictator he says he's not.
What does DHS need
with 2,700 armored vehicles? You see a story like this — and the one about a billion bullets bought by the
government — and you wonder why no one in Congress has bothered to look into it. I am totally unconvinced
there are any dark designs by DHS on American citizens or our democracy. But this seems a colossal waste of money —
if true — and isn't ferreting out waste like this what we are paying those jamokes on Capitol Hill for?
Once Again, Obama Suggests
That Laws Don't Apply to Him. President Obama has grown fond of saying that he's "not a dictator," "not a king," and "not
the emperor," but is instead "the president." Whether his tendency to clarify a seemingly obvious point reveals his inner desires or
not, his actions in a variety of ways suggest that he doesn't think the president shares his fellow citizens' ongoing obligation to obey
the law. To the contrary, he seems to view the president as being somewhat above the law.
Spokesman Reminds Employees and Civilians Not to Criticize Commander in Chief. Stephen D. Abney, the chief public
affairs official for the Army's Joint Munitions Command, recently sent a message to all 6,000 employees he speaks for: Don't
criticize President Barack Obama or any political party to members of the press. The message was received by civilian
contractors as well.
Is on the Wrong Side of History — and Rand Paul — on Drone Warfare. As I've written before, there has
been a shameful lack of outrage — particularly among Democrats and liberal commentators — over Obama's stance that a
U.S. president can kill American citizens with no due process, no transparency, and no accountability. If President George W.
Bush had taken this stance in 2008, is there any doubt that candidate Obama would have opposed it? But this isn't just about
Obama. Even if you trust his judgment and fidelity to the Constitution, Obama is setting a precedent for future
leaders — perhaps a president you wouldn't empower as judge, jury and executioner.
A Government to be Feared.
In Obama's first term, his administration proudly touted its terrorist kill list as a means of keeping the country safe.
And while many were angered about the use of drones to kill enemies abroad, no one considered the possibility that such tactics
would be used here at home. The Washington Examiner recently reported, however the drone program might now be on
steroids. [...] So yes, I am nervous when the federal government under the leadership of Barack Obama begins to arm itself for
no apparent reason. One cannot convince me that we need these measures in order to protect us from terrorist attack.
Why Is Obama's
Growing DHS Army Buying Armored Vehicles? The sequestration question du jour is why the Department of Homeland Security,
busy releasing hundreds, if not thousands, of deportable and detained illegal aliens due to budget constraints, is buying several
thousand Mine Resistant Armored Protection (MRAP) vehicles? And just who are they intended to be used against?
The Coming Obama Crack-Up.
There's something almost otherworldly, and not in a good way, about this man's self-absorption and his assumption that his
own wisdom is infallible and infinite. The American body politic to him is just a giant sandworm to be ridden and
controlled to effect his own exalted sense of cosmic fairness. Fortunately, James Madison, Roger Sherman, and company
created for us a constitutional system that does not easily lend itself to political messianism. As ambition
counteracts ambition, and as a multiplicity of interests continues to frustrate efforts at empire building, even the
Obamessiah is now relegated to variations on a consistent, whiny refrain: "I'm not a dictator"; "I'm not a king";
"I'm not the emperor of the United States."
5 Reasons Barack
Obama is a Creep. Is Barack Obama the Vladimir Lenin of American Presidents? No, Lenin was competent in an evil
sort of way. Obama is more like Leonid Brezhnev: an ultra left-wing, belligerent doofus who isn't laughed at by the general
population primarily because the mainstream media liberals say nice things about him out of fear that they'll end up in a gulag if
they're too harsh.
Woodward at war. [Scroll down] The
feud also feeds a larger narrative because, like many others, Woodward thinks this is a very thin-skinned White House that does not like
being challenged on the facts. He said that explains the senior aide's in-your-face email.
attorneys general see Obama misuse of power. Top Republican legal officials say the Obama administration is reneging
on key duties such as border security while overstepping its role through health care mandates and tight regulation of the energy
industry, a trend that has led states to heighten their defenses against federal intrusion. As states brace for cutbacks from
the sequester standoff between President Obama and congressional Republicans, several of their elected attorneys general contrast
that gridlock — and not in a good way — with Mr. Obama's precedent-setting use of executive orders and federal
Uncle Sugar and the Rise of Obamunism. [Scroll down] He
wanted to be hip; he wanted to be relevant. He no longer encouraged his subjects to work hard, become independent, support
their families and not have to depend on the government. Rather, he wanted to be loved. Most of all he wanted the
folks to depend on him.
Obama's Dystopia. Just prior to the
2008 elections, Barack Obama boldly stated, "We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of
America" (October 30, 2008) [...] Just how does one "fundamentally" transform a nation whose very basis for existence is
freedom itself? The only feasible answer is to transform that already-free nation into a nation with fewer freedoms.
Away the Rubble...with Black Hawks, Tanks, and Loads of Ammo. I've lived in this country my entire life and never heard
of government agencies stockpiling millions of rounds of the hollow-point "training ammo" listed in its solicitations or shooting
blanks from military aircraft over our neighborhoods and cities. Not until now. None of this makes sense if things are as
peachy as the president claims, and I think these circumstances raise enough questions to warrant a congressional hearing.
Democide. [Scroll down]
So, when a democratically elected American president speaks of "fundamentally transforming" his country, and of his need to act
outside the constitutional framework, the population should be on guard. When that leader begins to push for strict new
"commonsense and reasonable" gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of "public safety," the
citizenry should be on high alert. Can any glib politician, pundit or ivory tower academic give us an ironclad guarantee
that tyranny will never arise in the United States? Not even a popular tyranny, like those of Ataturk, Stalin, Hitler or
Mao? Can anyone assure us that today's "commonsense" gun registration lists will not be used for future gun confiscation?
Of course not.
Obama is
winning his power struggle with Congress. Many conservatives believe that President Obama is a star protégé
of Saul Alinsky, the revolutionary who wrote Rules for Radicals. Alinsky began that book, "The Prince was written by Machiavelli for
the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away." That certainly fits
Obama's obsession with sticking it to the rich even though it will have as much of an impact on trillion-dollar annual deficits as a mosquito
sucking on an elephant. But it is not about the money; it's about power. When Obama talked about a fundamental transformation
of America, it's now clear he meant a fundamental transformation of power — from the people to the government.
Tragedy and Comedy at the SOTU.
When the Democrat-controlled Senate refuses to pass a budget in over 3 years, stops bills before they even get to the Senate steps,
and the President refuses to acknowledge our spending addiction, take measures to reduce the deficit or balance the budget and says he'll
sign bills that only contain what he wants, then the calls for bipartisanship stop before they can even begin. We end up
with a President who decrees that he will act unilaterally and extra constitutionally if the Congress doesn't do as he wishes.
Feds Buy 2 Billion Rounds of Ammunition.
Something strange is going on. Federal non-military agencies have bought two billion rounds of ammunition in the last 10 months. The Obama
Administration says that federal law enforcement agents need the ammunition for "mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions."
The Executive
Order The Press Agreed To Keep Secret For Five Hours. Shortly before 4:20 p.m. Tuesday [2/12/2013], the White
House emailed reporters that President Obama had signed a highly anticipated Executive Order aimed at protecting cyber security.
The order — setting up new programs aimed at stopping online espionage and terrorism — was already the law of
the land, signed by the president. But it was also secret. The document was "embargoed until delivery of the President's
in the State of the Union address" — despite the fact it had already been signed.
The latest proof that President Obama is a freebooting Marxist.
Obama and the Pirates. You probably
heard again last night that President Obama still thinks "the rich," a crass term implying low class social envy, do not pay their
"fair share." He has been barnstorming America saying precisely that for his more than four years in office now. But
the indisputable facts from official government sources say otherwise.
Obama: 'The
Problem Is ... I'm Not the Emperor of the United States'. In a Google hangout last evening [2/14/2013],
President Barack Obama explained that his problem is that he's "not the emperor of the United States": [Video clip.]
Obama says he will use
executive action on climate if needed. U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the United States needed to do more
to fight climate change and told Congress he would do so by executive action if it failed to pursue a market-based system to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
The Editor says...
I have only a few objections: There's nothing wrong with the climate. Carbon dioxide
is not a pollutant. There has
been no global warming in this century.
Mr. Obama apparently thinks it would be worthwhile to shut down all
industrial activity in order to "save the earth". You see, Mr. Obama's entire life has been spent wasting other people's money and
solving problems that don't exist, because he was raised by Communists.
weighing executive actions on housing, gays and other issues. President Obama is considering a series of new executive actions aimed at working
around a recalcitrant Congress, including policies that could allow struggling homeowners to refinance their mortgages, provide new protections for gays and
lesbians, make buildings more energy-efficient and toughen regulations for coal-fired power plants, according to people outside the White House involved in
discussions on the issues.
Here's How Obama Is Using Executive Orders to Bypass Congress. President Barack
Obama's campaign slogan is springing to life in a surge of executive directives and agency rule-making that touch many of the affairs
of government.
Presidential Power Grab: Obama
Set to Unleash Executive Orders. Newly re-elected president Barack Obama is about to unleash a sweeping set of executive orders — on
immigration, the environmentalist agenda, sexual preferences, and computer security. The battery of new legislation from the executive branch, which is
unconstitutional, follows upon his 23 'executive actions' on gun violence.
We Have 'Database That Has 'Everything On Everyone'. "The President has put in place an organization with the kind of
database that no one has ever seen before in life," Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. "That's going to be
very, very powerful," Waters said. "That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it's
never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. [..."]
DHS Insider: Obama's cyber warriors & preparing for collapse.
[Scroll down] ["]Now I only had the binder for a minute, and could not take it from the room I was in, so this is strictly from
memory. It was tabbed, and one section with the word "targets" had a list of religious web sites, web sites I recognized as
Christian. Another section was a listing of conservative Internet sites. There was another tab with the label "problem
sites" that seemed quite extensive. I looked at that section, and it was broken down further into "birther" sites, "pro-gun"
sites, "anti-abortion" sites, just to name a few.["]
The Tyranny Before Us. Adolph Hitler was not always a
tyrant. As he rose to political power his vision for a better Germany lifted his nation from the depths of a severe depression and
the humiliation of defeat. But more importantly, he gave his countrymen hope for better future while he returned to them their
pride in their homeland, the pride they so passionately desired. Tyrants are not uniformly evil. They are capable of great
good and small kindnesses. They smile, they laugh and they love their children. But eventually they embrace the evil which
defines their tyranny, and then those who gave them their power begin to pay a terrible price. First a tyrant tells you he cares
for you, then he presumes to think for you, then he simply tells you what to do. This is the essence of tyranny.
Senator: 'Much of Progressive Agenda is Going to Be Driven' by Obama Using Executive Power. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
says that he believes President Obama in his second term will drive the progressive agenda forward with a more aggressive use of executive
power. "We're going to see a president of the United States use his executive powers as much as he's allowed to under federal law
and under the Constitution, in a more aggressive way than last time," Brown said in an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.
Obama's Escalating War on the
Separation of Powers. The judges rebuked Obama both because the Senate was actually in session when he made the
appointments, and because two of the three positions in question became open months (in one case, more than a year) before the president
implied an urgent need to fill them during a "recess." The NLRB, however, is now ignoring the court's decision — thereby
suggesting its members don't think they need to heed the legally binding judgments of the federal courts any more than the president who
appointed them thinks he needs to seek the constitutionally required advice and consent of the Senate.
Do Not Comply. From the Revolution on down we have
fought wars against the same people: tyrants. We have sent our young men into butcher mills in Europe to protect the British,
to free the French, to conquer Hitler. For what? To merely roll over when our own despot arises on a popular platform with
propagandists singing hymns to collectivism?
Obama's Act of
Constitutional Disobedience. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals emphatically smacked down the crazy idea that the president
has the power to make recess appointments while the Senate is not in recess. [...] The decision means the National Labor Relations Board
(NLRB), which lacks a quorum to function without the improperly appointed members, should shut down until legitimate board members are
confirmed by the Senate. But it won't.
White House working around Capitol Hill as it pushes far-reaching gun measures.
The White House has decided to circumvent Capitol Hill as it concentrates its gun-control efforts on speeches and other public appearances
by President Obama and Vice President Biden outside of Washington, according to officials with knowledge of the plans.
Obama's Tyranny Takes Well-Deserved, Long-Overdue, Hit from Courts!
Spread the word near and far: Barack Obama is NOT a king nor is he above the law. He must be challenged at every turn because it is
painfully obvious that this man has far more concern for his own power and ego than he does for the Constitution and the American people!
Oh, How They Despise the Constitution:
And they're not even trying to hide it any more. White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer expressed the current mood
in the West Wing this way to the Washington Post on Inauguration Day: "There's a moment of opportunity now that's important. ... What's
frustrating is that we don't have a political system or an opposition party worthy of the opportunity." So neither the checks and
balances of U.S. democracy nor the Republican Party that controls one branch of Congress is worthy of President Obama's grand aspirations.
Obama Flirting With Impeachment. Obama and his cadre
of legal eagles must know that anything he does administratively that even appears as if it is infringing upon the 2nd Amendment will draw
fire and a possible move toward his impeachment.
someone mention impeachment?
No Need For Guns In America. Tyranny is coming in
America, despite the fact that more than half of her citizens are too deluded, arrogant, or stupid to see it. If Obama's policy
processes continue unchecked, America will experience cataclysmic civil unrest; again, unfathomable to most Americans, this is precisely
what Obama intends. The words of this President are so rife with fraud and deceit that good people simply cannot believe anyone
appearing so benevolent could possibly be so bad.
Obama's gun law diversion. Television's History channel is running an outstanding series about each and every one of our
presidents. Nowhere in that has there been evidence of a Chief Executive with less character, lower standards, fewer morals,
greater incompetence, a more dangerous socio-political agenda, and yet with increasingly arrogant, personal ambition and ego than
those of President Barrack Hussein Obama.
Where Fascism Lives: Food, Fascism, and Obama
Rules. John Mackey, the feisty CEO of Whole Foods, says Obamacare is "fascist economics" and he regrets having said it, even
though he insists — correctly — that it's a textbook case of Mussolini-style corporate statism. Private
property continues to exist, but the state controls all business. That's why the fascists called their totalitarian system a "third
way" between unbridled capitalism and Soviet-style Communism.
Is it really that far fetched that Obama would read Ayers'
Prairie Fire Manifesto as an operator's manual?
Military leaders who 'will fire on U.S. citizens'. Every time the
organized left sneers openly at our paranoid conspiracy fantasies, it is nothing more than an attempt to shame us into silence.
For months here, troll after troll scoffed at the idea that Obama wanted to take away our guns, up to and even past the time when he and
his administration made it clear that these attempted bans on magazine capacity and weapon types, coupled to vague notions of "mental
health" and AG determined "dangerous" traits, is exactly the piecemeal plan to disarm us. That is, to take away our only real
protection of individual liberty.
Litmus Test for Top Officers: Willingness to Fire on Americans? [Jim] Garrow
is a respected activist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work rescuing baby girls from one-child China. His
source is "one of America's foremost military heroes." This certainly gives the urgent drive to disarm law-abiding citizens some
perspective. It could also help us make sense of massive ammunition purchases by the increasingly frightening Department of
Homeland Security.
Claim: New Obama Litmus Test For Military Leaders: They Must Be Willing to Fire On US Citizens. Keep in mind that there are
now two military "studies" being discussed in military circles that demonize the right. The respected "Small Wars Journal" issued a
report entitled "Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A Vision of the Future; [...] And this week a West Point think tank issued a
paper warning America about "far right" groups such as the "anti-federalist" movement, which supports "civil activism, individual freedoms
and self-government."
The Editor says...
This appears to be hear-say with only one source, but given Obama's past associations and recent actions, it is entirely believable.
Obama's gun law diversion. Television's History channel is running an outstanding series about each and every one of our
presidents. Nowhere in that has there been evidence of a Chief Executive with less character, lower standards, fewer morals,
greater incompetence, a more dangerous socio-political agenda, and yet with increasingly arrogant, personal ambition and ego than
those of President Barrack Hussein Obama.
Rep: 'The Only Constitution That Barack Obama Upholds Is The Soviet Constitution'. President Obama has "no concept" of
the U.S. Constitution, despite his previously being a constitutional law professor, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) told the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution. Rather, he said, the president upholds the constitution of our old Cold War foe. [...] "I don't know what
Constitution that other members of Congress uphold, but it's not this one," he added. "I think the only Constitution that Barack
Obama upholds is the Soviet constitution, not this one. He has no concept of this one, though he claimed to be a constitutional
The Collectivist
Mind Game, Part 3: Demonizing Human Nature. [Scroll down] The government effort to demonize our individual thoughts,
impulses, and human nature itself can only result in the eventual dehumanization of our society, turning independent American citizens
into mindless statistical units, spiritless cogs in the machine, and powerless subjects of the state, ripe for abuse by any sociopathic
government official with dictatorial tendencies. The Game can only exist in symbiosis with big government.
Obama to Create Mass Organization
Devoted to Obama. President Obama will remake his presidential campaign into a massive new movement devoted to supporting his
agenda, an unprecedented move that creates a brand new political organization devoted not to a Party, not to an idea — but to one
charismatic leader. The group, to be called Organizing for Action, opens for business Sunday [1/20/2013], the day Obama is officially
inaugurated. If this type of organization has existed before in American politics on any similar scale, I'm not aware of it.
Moments After Inaugural Address,
Obama Launches Battle Machine. Shortly after delivering one of the most divisive inaugural addresses in American history,
President Barack Obama doubled down on his ram-it-through strategy by sending out an email on behalf of his newly-converted permanent campaign
instrument, Organizing for Action.
Dangerous Times.
[President] Obama is stunningly arrogant and ignorant, a radical ideologue in the mold of Malcolm X, but the US media pretend
he is a normal US president. He is not. He is the most rad-leftist president in US history.
Cruz: Obama 'High on His Own Power'.
"He is feeling right now high on his own power, and he is pushing on every front, on guns," Cruz said. "And I think it's really sad
to see the president of the United States exploiting the murder of children and using it to push his own extreme, anti-gun agenda.
I think what the president is proposing and the gun control proposals that are coming from Democrats in the Senate are, number one,
unconstitutional, and number two, they don't work. They're bad policy."
Rock: President Obama 'our boss,' 'dad of the country'. Actor and comedian Chris Rock called President Obama the "dad
of the country" as he rallied on Capitol Hill to support his father figure's call for new gun controls. "I am just here to
support the president of the United States," said Mr. Rock, [...] "The President of the United States is, you know, our boss.
But also, you know, the president and the first lady are kind of like the mom and the dad of the country. And when your dad
says something, you listen.
are comparing Obama to Jesus. Glory be, it's Obama's inauguration day! And for some of his followers, it's nothing
less than a religious event. Fox News (who else?) reports that mega Obamaphiles are handing out posters in the streets of DC that
claim Obama's coming was predicted by the Bible.
All this adulation is a bit much.
Hannity Recites Litany of Obama
Power Grabs. It's the first time I've ever seen a conservative commenter run through even an abbreviated list of Obama's
amazing but unconstitutional power grabs — something people should be reminded about over and over again.
Long-Term Goal Is The Destruction Of The Republican Party. President Obama has had a complicated history working with congressional
Republicans, but is part of his agenda the ultimate failure of his political opposition? That was what both Bill O'Reilly and
Charles Krauthammer contended tonight, with O'Reilly attributing it more to a cultural shift in the United States, while Krauthammer
argued Obama's advantage is more a consequence of winning an election.
CBS News' Political
Director: Obama Must 'Destroy' Republican Party. The author of this outrageous left-wing fever dream is John Dickerson,
whom Slate describes as "Slate's chief political correspondent". What Slate leaves out of its little bio, though, is that
Dickerson is also the political director at CBS News. Dickerson is merely being Dickerson, and there's no doubt he speaks for
legions upon legions of those in the media today.
Obama 2.0: Destroy the GOP as National Party.
Since winning reelection, President Obama has been aggressive, combative and supremely confident in his public appearances. Like many
reelected Presidents, he enters his second term believing he has a personal mandate from the voters. Unlike many others in their second
term, however, he seems focused not on achieving specific policy results, but in reshaping the American political landscape. He is set to
use the next four years to make the Republican Party a toxic brand in many parts of the country.
CBS News Joins Obama's War
on the Republican Party, Civil Rights. [John] Dickerson calls on President Obama to use his Second Inaugural address to do what he
has already been doing since his re-election, namely, to declare war on the GOP. Dickerson uses such eliminationist rhetoric as "go for the
throat" to get Obama's blood up and get going on "transforming" the country. Obama has spent just about every minute since his re-election
trying to destroy the GOP.
Target is Not Just Republicans, but the Constitution Itself. President Barack Obama's second inaugural address has been described
as one of the most partisan ever given, heralding a sweeping left-wing agenda and demonizing his opponents. But President Obama's target is
not simply the Republican Party: it is the Constitution itself, and the values of liberty that it enshrines.
One party system: A legacy of misery and death.
A number of progressive pundits have been urging Obama and the Democrats to sweep aside all opposition to their ultra-leftist agenda by
destroying the Republican Party. Leading the pack of yapping hyenas is John Dickerson, who in an op-ed piece for Slate Magazine
urged Obama to "go for the throat" and "destroy the GOP" in order to achieve his transformational goals.
News Political Director Dickerson Doubles Down On Obama Destroying GOP. As NewsBusters reported Saturday, CBS News political
director John Dickerson advised the current White House resident to destroy the Republican Party. On Tuesday, Dickerson doubled down
in a Slate piece titled "They Hate Me, They Really Hate Me: Conservatives despise my analysis of Obama's second-term options. But
it was analysis — not advice."