The clamor for President Trump's impeachment (or worse) beginning on Day One
Introduction by The Editor:
Donald Trump is a political outsider, starting his political career at the top. His election has upset the
political establishment on the left and the right. Mostly the left. The party that lost the 2016 election
immediately began a campaign to impeach and remove Donald Trump by any means. Apparently it doesn't matter if
there are any legitimate grounds for his impeachment.
Russia hoax continues. The Russia hoax was concocted by the Clinton campaign with
attorney Marc Elias serving as a cutout. They undertook the hoax with the full knowledge and
assistance of the Obama administration, including CIA Director John Brennan, Vice President Biden,
and Obama himself. The underlying documents were handed off to the press and the FBI, whose
senior leadership then sought to surveil, sting, and depose President Trump in the early days of
his first administration. The true story of the hoax would give us a key to the secret
history of our time. The FBI won't give it up without a fight. Working with the
RealClearInvestigations outlet of the RealClearPolitics lineup, Aaron Maté reports that in
response to a Freedom of Information request filed in August 2022, the FBI released a heavily
redacted copy of the document that opened the probe of Trump as an agent of the Russian
government. The FBI produced the document on December 31, over two years after RCI
submitted its FOIA request. Speaking of cutouts, we can hypothesize that the FBI needed the
time carefully to apply its scissors to the sensitive material. [Tweet]
Spy Who Lied to Us. Between 2017 and 2019, just about the only story Washington cared
about was whether Donald Trump would be nailed by the Justice Department for treason. After
all, he had worked with Vladimir Putin and his cronies to win the White House, hadn't he? And
yet, at the end of a three-year investigation into this supposed collusion, Special Counsel Robert
Mueller's team charged no American with conspiring with Russia to influence the election. His
final report said the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired
or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities." Most
Americans have moved on from this insanity. But a handful of true believers won't stop
believing. Chief among them is Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer
who kicked off the debacle in the first place. It was Steele's private intelligence reports,
commissioned by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, that connected Russia's hacking and social
media meddling in 2016 to the Trump campaign. When his dossier was published in early 2017 by
BuzzFeed, Washington went nuts. Now, seven years later, the disgraced spy is back,
offering no contrition for the damage he did to American politics or the time wasted by the FBI
chasing his junk intelligence.
on Steroids. To rationalize the spying and election interference by intelligence
agencies, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to concoct the Russian Hoax. This was illegal and six
years after the election, the bureaucracy finally fined Hillary. She was not charged in New
York state, where she lives, with 34 felony counts. Five years after breaking the story, CNN
admitted in its story on the fine, "The dossier was compiled by retired British spy Christopher
Steele. It contained unverified and salacious allegations about Donald Trump, including
claims that his campaign colluded with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election. Trump's campaign
had numerous contacts with Russian agents, and embraced Russian help, but no one was ever formally
accused of conspiring with Russia."
Trump Clean The Augean Stables on the Potomac? There is a reason that, since before
the time of the emperor Tiberius, treason trials have been a favorite tool of totalitarians.
Such proceedings allow them to get rid of nearly anyone they dislike. Successfully brand
someone a "traitor," an "enemy of the state," and, bang, into the oubliette they go. I think
the treason trial is the appropriate heuristic for what is happening, and what has been happening
to Donald Trump ever since 2015 when he descended the escalator. The charge that Trump was
"Putin's poodle," a "Russian asset," etc., during the Russia collusion hoax was a sort of treason
trial. And remember how elaborate it all was, a veritable glass onion, thanks in large part
to Hillary Clinton, whose campaign concocted, paid for, and disseminated the infamous fantasy
"dossier" fabricated by former MI6 spook Christopher Steele. And it was Hillary, remember,
who first broadcast the charge that servers in Trump Tower were secretly communicating with
Russia's Alfa Bank. The Justice Department, the FBI, the intelligence services —
all were in on that game.
did the FBI redact the Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit? This narrative began the day
President Trump won the 2016 elections by defeating Hillary Clinton. First, it was baselessly
claimed that Trump had won by colluding with the Russians. There were once again no details
provided. The accusers couldn't say if any votes were altered. They couldn't reveal the
specifics of how Trump colluded with the Russians. It was merely a sinister disinformation
campaign based on innuendo and insinuations. The media that functions as mouthpieces for the
Democrats led the charge on this abominable hoax that the Russians had 'meddled in the 2016'
elections, the implication being Trump was an illegitimate president. The cacophonous
campaign caused the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller. For the next 22 months, at
a cost of $40 million, Mueller, whose team comprised of Trump haters carried out an investigation.
The goal is this probe wasn't to investigate the truth, it was to persecute a political adversary,
criminalize political opposition, and push a narrative. Throughout the 'investigation,' the
FBI and Justice Department leaked "bombshells" to the media. The media then claimed that the
"walls are closing in" and Trump would be removed. In the end, no evidence of collusion was
discovered. Mueller's team purposefully worded their report to keep the inferences ambiguous.
It enabled the Democrats to continue to make bogus claims about collusion, extending the ordeal through
much of Trump's presidency.
Trump raid secrecy. Excessive secrecy gave rise to wild, absolutely crazy speculation during the years of the
Trump-Russia "collusion" investigation. Little bits of information would leak, upon which journalists and other talking
heads would build elaborate structures of speculation. In no time, supposedly reasonable people were fantasizing about
the president of the United States being a Russian asset. It was nuts, but that's how secrecy and speculation work
together. In the end, of course, a lengthy special counsel investigation could not establish that any conspiracy or
coordination between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign ever occurred, much less who might have been involved in it.
But the damage done by all that speculation remained.
Court: How the Jan. 6 committee undermined its own legitimacy. Congress has a long history of bipartisan
investigatory and select committees. [...] Pelosi's decision to gut that process was something of a signature muscle
play. As a witness in the first Trump impeachment, I was highly critical of her insistence that the House would impeach
before Christmas rather than conduct the traditional impeachment investigation with witnesses. Instead of building a
more convincing case, Pelosi preferred to impeach with virtually no record, for a certain defeat in the Senate. In the
second impeachment, she went one better: She held no hearing at all and pushed through the first "snap impeachment."
The Jan. 6 committee was similarly stripped of any pretense. It was as subtle a political move as Pelosi's ripping up
President Trump's State of the Union speech. Asked what she hoped to achieve from the committee on the first day of
hearings, Pelosi tellingly referred to it as a "narrative." It is the difference between seeing and simulating justice.
the Russiagate Scandal Outranks the Rest. Russiagate is the biggest scandal in American history. Nothing
comes close in size, scope or harm to the republic than the years-long effort to cripple Donald Trump's presidency by
claiming he conspired with an enemy state to steal the 2016 election and then do its bidding as commander-in-chief. Its
notorious predecessors — L'Affaire Lewinsky, Iran-Contra, Watergate, Teapot Dome, [...] — involved
relatively small numbers of malefactors engaged in specific acts of illegality and corruption (we still don't know who, if
anyone, planned the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol)[.] Russiagate, by contrast, is a vast conspiracy involving
innumerable powerful forces, including the Democratic Party, NeverTrump Republicans, the Obama administration, the FBI,
Department of Justice and the nation's most prestigious news outlets.
and the Left-wing Standard of Attacking Presidents. Take impeachment, which heretofore had been rare and has
still never led to a Senate conviction. Prior to Trump, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were the only presidents to
have been impeached (Richard Nixon resigned to avoid it), and both were acquitted in the Senate. Yet leftist
congressional representatives introduced articles of impeachment the very first week Trump was in office, on the absurd
allegation of profiting from his office (the presidency cost the Trump corporations hundreds of millions). The House
later went on to impeach him twice, without writs of "treason" and "bribery" or even "high crimes and misdemeanors" as set
out by the Constitution. Instead, Trump was, first, successfully impeached for supposedly abusing his power and
obstructing Congress. I don't think the average American has ever been pulled over by the police for the high crime "of
obstructing Congress" (historically a presidential pastime) or has been charged with "abuse of power" (said of every
president from Thomas Jefferson to Barack Obama). Trump's second impeachment was even flimsier.
failed to stand for anything. Senate Republicans' refusal to unanimously stand up for the free speech of a
sitting president is inexcusable — especially during a time when Big Tech is engaging in an unprecedented campaign
of censorship against ordinary Americans and Democrats are openly advocating for the criminalization of viewpoints with which
they disagree. Republicans had a chance to take a united stand for the First Amendment while it remains under sustained
attack by those who wish it to be weakened; instead, out of hatred for President Trump or foolish naïvité as to
the real threats against free speech in the United States, they failed miserably. In a kangaroo court so overtly
political that even Chief Justice "Obamacare is just a tax" Roberts refused to participate, Patrick Leahy, the Senate's
longest serving Democrat, presided over the "trial" as "judge." That was the least of its problems. Evidence against
the president was doctored willy-nilly in an attempt to secure his conviction. Neither body of Congress examined
witnesses publicly under oath. And nobody seemed to comprehend what elements of "criminal insurrection" or "incitement"
actually needed to be proved to establish a case. The lack of any due process for the president was comical, and the
absence of any impartiality from the preening cast of prima donnas pretending to conduct a serious trial made the chaos look
like a scene straight out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. If the Senate couldn't pull off a conviction with
such legal buffoonery slamming the scales of justice down in its favor, then no prosecutor before a real court of law could, either.
Transition Has Been a Flaming Disaster. All the accusations of corruption and international conspiracy lodged
against Mr. Trump turned out to be pure fantasy. Beleaguered American taxpayers shelled out tens of millions of
dollars investigating the president's supposed ties to Russia only to discover they were just overheated fever dreams of
swamp dwellers suffering acute strains of Trump Derangement Syndrome. [...] Claims of corruption against Mr. Trump
proved so unfounded, Democrats dropped those charges in their madcap impeachment proceedings, instead of impeaching him over
a perfectly legitimate phone call to the president of Ukraine — allegedly some kind of "quid pro quo" that was in
some way somehow evil or corrupt.
have been manipulated and will not admit it. Before Donald Trump was inaugurated, the left, the deep state and
the media plotted to overthrow his presidency. They demanded that he be impeached before he took office. They
accused him of being an agent of the Russian government and that the Russian government assisted him in winning the election
over Hillary Clinton. The triumvirate brought about a special prosecutor who failed to prove the outrageous claims made
over three years. Millions of Americans in this country still believe the rhetoric of the deep state, the press, and
the far left that Donald Trump was an agent of the Russian government and that he is an illegitimate president.
The Left's Post-Truth Narratives. Leftists had names for those who refused to accept that the Russians
interfered in the 2016 elections: Loony conspirator theorists, post truthers, and agents of Mother Russia. And
still they pushed it further, calling Trump a Russian agent whom Russia recruited in the 80s and who now reports directly to
Putin. The Russian Collusion hoax reached its pinnacle upon the appointment of a Special Counsel. The
simulation's impact was so powerful that even Republicans who controlled the House and Senate, members of Trump's cabinet,
and pro-Trump voices in the media pussyfooted around the allegation instead of subjecting it to derision and tossing it away
with contempt. The "investigation" took two years, cost $32 million, and exonerated Trump. The left never had the
quest for facts as its goal; hence, the left rejected the verdict and continued pushing the story to a pliant media. In
the end, leftists couldn't accept an outsider such as Trump winning, so they invented their own realities. They
convinced themselves that Americans didn't repudiate them in 2016; instead, Russian poll rigging caused the Trump
victory. Maybe some of them even began to believe their lies. This is perhaps the first instance of the
mainstreaming of a most preposterous conspiracy theory.
Republic of America'. [Scroll down] When the Russia hoax came up empty, Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat
team in Congress quickly came up with another idea. They would impeach the president. The reason? He had a
conversation with the president of Ukraine. According to a "whistleblower" who wasn't even on the call, but allegedly
heard about it from some NSA friends who were, there was a hidden meaning to the president's conversation. Neither of
the two presidents on the call agreed with the assessment, but Mrs. Pelosi saw it as a chance to take down a political
rival. Impeachment was intended to be used when a president breaks the law. Last time I checked being rude or
brash, while not desirable, were not illegal.
Biden Emails Prove Impeachment Was A Sham. Remember January? I know it feels like several lifetimes ago,
the before times of life as we used to know it. But think back to the biggest story of those chilly days. It
wasn't the Chinese virus slowly spreading to our shores or the Democratic presidential primary. No, it was the
impeachment of the president of the United States. This week's bombshell New York Post story on Hunter Biden now shows
what many of us suspected: The impeachment was a ridiculous sham. The basis for the impeachment, for those whose
recollections are understandably shaky, was that President Trump pressured the president of Ukraine to launch investigations
into the energy company Burisma for the purely political purpose of hurting Joe Biden. Central to that allegation was
the argument that Trump and the United States had no legitimate interest in seeing Burisma investigated. If the trove
of emails from Hunter Biden's laptop are accurate, and they have not been disputed, then this argument falls to pieces.
Worst Impeachment in History. [Scroll down] Thus, after having previously set a "compelling and
overwhelming and bipartisan" standard for impeachment, Pelosi ultimately opted (despite fearing she might lose her House
majority in 2020) for an impeachment that was, in [Fred] Lucas's words, "uncompelling and underwhelming and extremely
partisan." The principal action identified as an impeachable offense was a phone call between President Trump and the new
Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky. In that exchange, which covered several items, the President encouraged
Zelensky to check on possible corruption involving a company (Burisma) that was being investigated when then Vice-President
Joe Biden demanded the Ukrainian prosecutor be fired as a precondition for receiving American aid.
Mail Fraud Will Take Us to the Brink. The Democrats preferred to drag the United States through four years of
nonsensical conspiracy theories, needless investigations, and cries of high treason rather than to acknowledge that President
Trump had legitimately defeated Hillary Clinton. The Democrats chose an unprecedented campaign of sabotage against an
American president, and in doing so, they accomplished what Putin's Russia could never have dreamed: they succeeded in
convincing half of America that the 2016 election was stolen from them. The Democrats and the Deep State that has aided
and abetted their cause have sold bitter acrimony for four years and birthed our precarious pre-civil war tinderbox today.
for Those Struggling to Understand the Immensity of the Russia Hoax. The Deep State's machinations in trying,
first, to prevent Trump's election and, second, to undo it are confusing. It's easy to get lost in a sea of names, many
of them Russian or Ukrainian; dates that stretch out over several years; almost unlimited lies; and the complicated truths
behind those lies. The Russia hoax isn't an easy-to-learn bumper sticker; it's a full Russian novel. If you're
trying to explain to your leftist friends that Trump did not collude with the Russians and, instead, that the Deep State,
working with the mainstream media, intentionally and deliberately engaged in a long-running coup against Trump, good
luck. Within about 20 sentences, their eyes will glaze over, and they'll tell you that you sound like a raving
conspiracy theorist. It's irrelevant to them that you can back up every statement with documentary proof and under-oath
admissions from within the FBI. Complicated facts don't work for a New York Times audience with a short attention
span [...]
Beam Me Up,
Please. Media coverage of the developments debunking the preposterous claim that the President colluded with
Russia is both spotty and sparse. There's a reason for it. Major media almost entirely swallowed the claim,
conspired with its promoters, endlessly and prominently mongered it and has never apologized for so doing. This week
Professor Charles Lipson wrote the very best chronicle of the most serious domestic political crime I can think of. I
urge you not only to read it but also clip and save it as textbook level recounting of the events.
Barr Scorcher: Effort to Push Trump From Office Closest Thing to Coup Since Lincoln Assassination.
Attorney General William Barr took his verbal scalpel and shredded the complete "bovine silence" of the media following the
"complete collapse" of the attempted coup of President Trump — an attempt that he agreed hasn't been seen since
the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Other than that, the interview [6/21/2020] on "Sunday Morning Futures With Maria
Bartiromo" was a complete snore-fest.
Hatched the Coup in an Oval Office Meeting on January 5, 2017. [Scroll down] CNN has had a meltdown over
this. CNN's meltdown yesterday and last night was total. And they're not even covering it today. The entire
foundation, the entire reason that the American media has been getting up and going to work for the past three years just
blew up in their faces yesterday. There has never been anything they assured us there was. There was no
collusion. There was no Trump as a Russian agent. There was no Russian interference in the election or the
outcome. The Russians had nothing to do with who won and who lost the election. There was never any evidence
suggesting that they did play any role. Folks, this is the biggest political scandal certainly in my lifetime. It
was the complete array of the Washington establishment against one man, Donald Trump. And it was purposed to destroy
him, his family, his career, his businesses and to get him out of office and to reverse the election results of 2016. And
they never had a shred of evidence for any of it. It did not happen. The Russians had nothing to do with our
election, they had nothing to do with the outcome, above and beyond what they normally tried to do, like the Chinese are
always trying to sabotage. We've got enemies. But the election was legitimate. It was fair. And there
was no collusion between Trump or anybody else in his campaign and the Russians.
This is from a left-wing web site, presented here for what it's worth: Removing
a U.S. President Without an Election. [Scroll down] Accordingly, the Democrats staged a Watergate-style
morality play, with Donald Trump playing the role of Richard Nixon. [...] It did not work. One problem was the series
of bombshell news stories coming from unnamed intelligence sources. These included the DNC hack, local election board
tampering, the Christopher Steele Dossier, St. Petersburg click-bait factory, sabotaging the Vermont utility grid, and
so on. One after another the stories collapsed, usually for lack of evidence. In addition, the president's
favorability ratings did not plummet as they had during Watergate. [...] The underlying problem was the Democrats did not
understand Watergate. They thought Nixon was foiled by tenacious crusading reporters and their savvy editor. In
fact, Nixon ran afoul of the military industrial complex, which guided the press to the outcome it wanted.
Left's Premature Revolution. The nation has been subjected to over three years of government abuse and
illegalities in the Establishment's unceasing efforts to destroy, impeach and/or derail Donald Trump. Almost every day
another revelation exposing the corruption of the so-called deep state is exposed in what is without a doubt the most
egregious political scandal in the nation's history. Consequently, an ever-growing percentage of the population is
becoming more aware of the pitfalls of the all-powerful central government which the left demands.
The FBI Did a Hatchet
Job in Their 302 Report on Michael Flynn, and Some Familiar Names Were Involved. The Trump-Russia collusion story was a
myth. It was a manufactured lie peddled by the liberal media that engulfed the nation for over two years. In many ways, we're
not over it. There are still hordes of liberals so deranged, so mind-broken over the 2016 election, that they think the Russian
colluded with Trump to tilt the race. Not true. There is no evidence this ever occurred. None. That's why every
single bombshell was a nothingburger. The report from the Mueller probe, which needs a review of its own in the wake of the Flynn fallout,
said there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. It also tore the heart out of the document that started this whole circus:
the Trump dossier. An unverified piece of political opposition research compiled by ex-British spook Christopher Steele and funded by
the Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign. The Department of Justice Inspector General's Office also delivered a kill shot
to this document in their report about FISA abuses during the Obama administration.
Vindman Is Not Enough.
From Operation Crossfire Hurricane to the Billy Bush tapes. From Stormy Daniels to Donald Trump's tax returns.
From Michael Cohen and federal election law violations to Paul Manafort and his mortgage filings. From framing General
Mike Flynn to deploying SWAT teams to arrest Roger Stone for a process crime. From Russian collusion and the Mueller
probe to the ludicrous Ukrainian "quid quo pro," the Democrats have tried for four years now first to derail candidate
Trump's nomination and then to remove him from the White House after 63 million American chose to put him there. These
may not have been palace coups or violent revolutions, but when esteemed presidential historians such as Conrad Black deem
this litany to be a string of "bloodless assassination attempts" then we must pause and ask ourselves how we stop those who,
by their words and deeds, have demonstrated time and again that they do not care one iota for our Constitution or for the
will of the American people.
whole pathetic impeachment effort was worse than a waste of time. After months of hype and pseudo-drama ginned
up by the left, public and secret testimony and breathless "smoking-gun" headlines, it's taking the Senate just two weeks to
bring an end, finally, to the impeachment circus. And it is ending with the always-inevitable acquittal of President
Trump. What a tragic, monumental waste of time it has been. After all, anyone capable of rudimentary arithmetic
could have seen this foreordained outcome coming from Day One. Indeed, it's not entirely clear why House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the rest of the leading luminaries of the Democratic Party even decided to
embark upon this national exercise in political self-flagellation. Math is a stubborn thing, and Democrats constitute a
Senate minority — a far cry from the two-thirds supermajority required for conviction under Article I of the
Why the Senate Passed on Witnesses.
[Reason #1] The United States Senate is a more deliberative, elegant body than is the House, and it is comprised primarily of
more even-keeled politicians. There is a simple reason for this. In the House of Representatives it is possible
to get elected in an outlier district and to remain there for years without bothering to manifest prudence or common
sense. Maxine Waters is a lock because her district is perfect for her, and she for them. Same with Nancy
Pelosi. Same with Ocasio-Cortez and Jerrold Nadler on the other coast. Likewise Ilhan Omar. The only way
that any of them ever would lose their seats is if they would die, be primaried-out, or both. As long as their names
appear on a November ballot under the Democrat column, they are in for two more years and then two more. Therefore,
Maxine Waters could yell "Impeach 45!" the day that Donald Trump became president, and her district loved her for it.
the Vindman, Ciaramella, Misko, McCord and Atkinson Network To Pelosi's Rule Changes. It now looks like the
Lawfare network constructed the 'whistle-blower' complaint aka a Schiff Dossier, and handed it to allied CIA operative Eric
Ciaramella to file as a formal IC complaint. This process is almost identical to the Fusion-GPS/Lawfare network handing
the Steele Dossier to the FBI to use as the evidence for the 2016/2017 Russia conspiracy. NSC resistance member
Alexander Vindman constructs a false story about the Trump-Zelenskyy phone call; he shares the false story with CIA operative
Eric Ciaramella (a John Brennan resistance associate and former NSC member). Ciaramella then makes contact with resistance
allies Sean Misko & Mary McCord working within the HPSCI. Mary McCord (former DOJ-NSD and current Lawfare) then helps
Eric Ciaramella create a fraudulent intelligence community whistle-blower complaint to submit to her former DOJ-NSD lawyer,
now Intel Inspector General, ICIG Michael Atkinson. And that's how this entire Impeachment operation gets started.
impeachment illustrates serious danger of criminalization of politics. Most Democrats believe, egged on by
their supportive media, that President Bill Clinton's impeachment was really motivated by policy differences.
Then-Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry was subjected to the criminalization of politics in 2014 when he was indicted for
abuse of power at the hands of his political opponents. However, nothing in our history compares to what has occurred
in response to the rise of Donald Trump. The resistance to Trump is the greatest resistance to a president since the
South greeted President Abraham Lincoln's inauguration with secession. In Trump's case, the Washington Democrats and
their sympathizers in the Justice Department and the FBI have used every legal and extra-legal avenue at their disposal
against President Trump — from lying to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, to leaking their way to and
through the investigation by then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller, to a partisan impeachment vote.
Senate Should Censure the House over Impeachment. [Scroll down] The legal depravity initiated by the
Mueller investigation, carried well forth into Schiff's operation, forcing administration members to hire attorneys at their
own expense in order to avoid going to jail for some trumped up process crime. We saw the effects of this same thing
during the Mueller witch hunt, where government lawyers on taxpayer funded salary, "papered" innocent folks like the
distinguished Lieutenant General Flynn into penury. Flynn after all, had to pay his attorneys out of his own pocket and
by the billable hour. Schiff and company continued this charade by ignoring due process and interviewing
witnesses without the President's attorneys present. Moreover, they had the gall to tell the President's team that they
could have representation, if and only if, they waived the President's Executive Privilege. [W]hat a crock. The
management of this debacle was a mess from start to finish. The Democrats did a poor investigation, hid information and
finally, failed to do the procedural work necessary to subpoena and ultimately hear from witnesses they deemed
critical. They declared they were ready for trial by transmitting the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
These losers then had the temerity to begin mewling for additional witnesses: witnesses they failed to properly request
to begin with.
the Senate is not a jury, and other misconceptions about impeachment. On the question of impartiality, the
senators will in fact take an oath to do "impartial justice." Here is perhaps the ultimate impeachment spoiler alert:
They won't really mean it. Or, perhaps they will mean it according to their own political views and their own definition of
"impartial." Does anyone think Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono, for example, will render "impartial justice"? Hirono
has already said that, unless Trump produces some miraculous exoneration, "the facts are that he committed an impeachable act, and
I will vote to convict him." On the other side, several Republicans have dismissed the articles of impeachment as BS.
Does that sound impartial? Look again at the Clinton case. In 1999, Senate Democrats were so impartial that they voted
unanimously — 100% — to acquit the Democratic president. Were all of them rendering "impartial
justice"? The fact is, individual elected officials, some of whom passionately support the president and some of whom
passionately oppose him, will not render "impartial justice."
Tests for Impeachment. Advocates of a president's removal from office by Congress should have to climb over
four walls to reach their objective. First, they should have to show that the facts they allege are true. Second,
they should show that the fact pattern amounts to an abuse of power or dereliction of duty by the president. Third,
they should show that this abuse or dereliction is impeachable. And fourth, they should show that it is prudent for
Congress to remove the president for this impeachable offense: that it would produce more good than evil.
Shakespearean Grandeur of Trump Derangement Syndrome. [Scroll down] To put it into even simpler language,
the impeachment of the president, for the Framers, was not conceived of as a tool for easy removal of that official whenever
Congress may have political or policy differences with him. It was to be reserved for occasions when there was a clear,
convincing, and undeniable mistake made by those who selected the president when the president turned out to be something
other than represented. Impeachment, in other words, is not a game of "Gotcha!" It is not about finding one or two
things that can be spun to be self-serving acts, it is not about whether this president may have sought to use another country
in ferreting out corruption in that country or at home, and may have used the powers of the presidency to seek to do just that.
the Democrats are so crazy to impeach. [Scroll down] To answer that, we need to consider what it was
about Hillary Clinton winning in 2016 that was so crucial to Democrats that the Obama administration's CIA and FBI would
conduct an illegal, clandestine operation to ensure that it happened. The obvious answer is that under a Hillary
administration, there would be no investigations into the many questionable dealings of the Obama administration or of
Hillary, herself, and the massive growth in her Clinton Foundation "charity" and her personal wealth while serving as
secretary of state. But there is a better reason, one that benefits not just Obama, Hillary and those who assisted in
their illicit activities, but the Democrat party as a whole and the socialist movement in America — with truly
historical consequences. There have been numerous disclosures revealing that the Democrats were planning Trump's
impeachment even before he was inaugurated. Peter Strzok, central to the FBI's effort to defeat Trump, referred to an
"insurance policy" should he be elected. All evidence points to the reality that the Democrats and the Deep State were
committed to destroying Trump before he could take any presidential actions.
Cataclysmic Disaster the Impeachment Democrats Have Overlooked. The Democrats tried so many times to find their
impeachment moment. Would it be Stormy Daniels, with Michael Cohen running cash to her? And what else might be on
the secret tapes by which the now-disbarred and incarcerated Cohen clandestinely recorded his own clients? Would it be
catching the Trumps leveraging the presidency to make private profits for their hotels, resorts, and golf courses?
Perhaps Russian collusion. Ah, sweet Russian collusion! Perhaps treason, stemming from a joint news conference
that the president held with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Perhaps the president had finagled with his taxes a decade
or two before he ever ran for office? Perhaps Rod Rosenstein was seriously considering wearing a concealed wire to
record the president secretly, so as to invoke the 25th Amendment? Perhaps a usurping of constitutional powers if the
president would run roughshod over a Supreme Court ruling? Or perhaps his cholesterol is too high, and his statin
prescription is too low? Could he be impeached for firing Jim Mattis or Rex Tillerson? Or for tweeting too
much? How about for barring Jim Acosta from press briefings? For firing Marie Yovanovitch? For causing a
nuclear holocaust with North Korea? For a trade war with China? For using discretionary funds to build a
wall? For firing Comey?
Hatred that Fuels Impeachment. None of the haters cares that unemployment is at near record lows, the stock
market at record highs, economic growth steady, inflation and interest rates low, minority employment at all-time
levels — or that there is a looming shared need to address entitlements and deficit sooner than later. None
care that for three years, there has been a nonstop effort from within and outside government to end the Trump presidency, or
at least to sabotage it along the lines outlined by the anonymous New York Times op-ed writer, the whistleblower
lawyer Mark Zaid, or departing Department of Defense official Evelyn Farkas, or as bragged about by #TheResistance."
We are in new territory now. Hating a president is equivalent to finding him guilty of supposed high crimes.
Impeachment is a casual affair. Hearsay is as valid as direct testimony. We are now living is a brave new
American world never envisioned by the Founders.
Inevitable Impeachment. [Scroll down] To the surprise of the politicians and bureaucrats resting in cushy
positions for life, Donald Trump triumphed over a large number of other candidates to become the Republican candidate for
President. [...] Then, in November of 2016, came the shock. Trump won the Presidency. They could not believe that
such an upset was possible. Hillary's coronation was already assumed. The victory party was planned and
prepared. Those in the know were sure, but the people decided otherwise. The pundits were stunned. Tears
flowed. They could not contain their grief. How could the voters have committed this terrible deed, one that was
so opposed to their wishes? Alarm bells began to sound. The call for resistance rang out across the swamp,
through all the bureaucrat offices, and among the lifetime politicians. President Trump must be removed from office.
Look at Democrats Examining the Constitution. New York Democrat Rep. Max Rose displayed his Constitutional
illiteracy by suggesting: "The president says he is innocent, so all we are saying is 'prove it.'" Rose's
reasoning for this impeachment push is an appalling affront to the rule of law and the presumption of innocence. It is
an absolute disgrace that a sitting member of Congress would display such wanton disregard for the founding principles of
America's justice system. But Rose is not alone. Adam Schiff is continuing the witch hunt behind closed doors
violating President Trump's right to due process that all Americans are entitled to. He also had a career State
Department official testify today without the proper legal counsel.
Theories of Impeachment. Why impeachment, and why now? Herewith four theories that are neither mutually
exclusive nor the sole or dominant reason — all four can be true to some extent, along with other reasons already
floating around. [#1] The Democratic 2020 president field is unbelievably weak. [...] [#2] If the economy holds up,
Trump is the strong favorite to be re-elected. Hence the drive of the Democrats and the media to talk us into a recession.
[...] [#3] This is really about tying up the Senate to prevent Trump from confirming a successor to Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
should she leave the court in the next few months. [...] [#4] This is payback for the Clinton impeachment.
Reasons Why Impeachment Is a Fraud. Last week's announcement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi authorizing an
impeachment inquiry — the latest in a series of Democratic attempts to reverse the results of the 2016
presidential election — is replete with dishonesty and outright fraud. The attacks on President Trump began
even before his Inauguration, when electors were asked to reject the will of the people of their states and to instead cast
their ballots for Hillary Clinton. Vanity Fair reported as far back as December 2016: "Democrats are paving the way
to impeach Donald Trump." NewsBusters released a video montage depicting media figures discussing the possibility
impeaching Trump as early as November 2016. But when the accusations of collusion and obstruction imploded, Trump's
mortal enemies needed something else. Finally, they settled on Ukraine-gate.
is trying to do impeachment on the cheap. If House Democrats really want to impeach President Trump, they
should do it right. They should own it, as previous Congresses have done when impeaching previous presidents.
They should vote on the House floor to open a formal impeachment inquiry. As long as they avoid this step, they evince
a lack of faith that Trump deserves to be impeached. Without a vote, they are just going through the motions of
impeachment but without taking responsibility for their actions. When Congress began the impeachment process for
Richard Nixon, it did so with a vote. When Congress began the impeachment process of Bill Clinton, it also did so with
a vote. The impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868 likewise began with a vote of the whole House on Feb. 24, just
three days after Johnson's alleged transgression of firing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. That affair was much more
abrupt than any subsequent impeachment.
Co-Founder Notes The Real Reason Behind The Media's Trump-Ukraine Obsession. Since the 2016 election, the media
has just been engulfed with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They hate Trump. They hate Republicans. And this
has blinded them to being hit with buckshot on a near-daily basis. For two years, they peddled the Trump-Russia
collusion myth that was a manufactured lie based on the infamous Steele Dossier, aka Trump dossier, that was compiled by
ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele. It was never fully verified, most of the allegations in it were trash, and even
members of British intelligence were skeptical. The FBI was not, as evidenced by their lack of due diligence in
verifying this biased piece of political propaganda. A Google search could have pointed out the glaring errors within
the dossier. This was a political opposition research project funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democrats.
It was based on second-hand sources, some of which were still active in the Kremlin. If anything, this proves
Clinton-Russia collusion and interference in the 2016 election. The report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller debunked
this entire project. So, the Democrats had to suffer humiliation, as did their media allies — but
impeachment was still the end goal. It was why they retook the House in 2018.
Resistance, Inc.. Democrats
have called for impeachment since Trump's inaugural. What they have lacked is the means. Maxine Waters raised the
idea in February 2017, months before Trump fired James Comey and set in motion the train of events culminating in Mueller's
appointment as special counsel. Tom Steyer launched Need to Impeach in October 2017, a year and a half before Mueller
filed his report.
is the Democrats' white whale, and Pelosi is Ahab. From the moment Trump won the 2016 election, they vowed to
see him impeached! The Democrats, all of them in Congress, seem to have forgotten everything they ever knew, if they
ever bothered to know, about the Constitution, due process, innocent until proven guilty, and all that. They don't
know, don't care. And they are always confident in the ignorance of such things among those who call themselves
Democrats. They are comfortable in their knowledge that their disciples will swallow whole whatever nonsense they
spew. Wednesday [6/5/2019], it was Nancy Pelosi claiming she "does not want to impeach President Trump, she wants to
see him in jail." There are no words that adequately describe the malevolence of this horrid woman. To call her
Machiavellian is too kind. That American leftists behave like spoiled toddlers is an understatement. They did not
get what they wanted and expected on election day 2016, so they have been acting out every day since like incorrigible
brats. They have used and abused every conceivable trick in the book of crooks and liars: frame the man as a traitor
to his nation, accuse him of all manner of criminal activity, the whole nine yards. Doesn't matter if the accusations are
all lies. One of them is sure to stick. Take out his family; accuse and set up his friends. They've left no
stone unturned. And still he stands, tall and proud and remarkably successful.
Our Exhausted
American Mediocracy. A country that once banned for life a clown from a state fair for wearing in puerile
fashion a Barack Obama mask now ritually talks of impeaching, committing to an institution, overthrowing, or beating,
burning, decapitating, blowing up, and shooting the elected president. Certainly, we have never seen anything like
the constant anti-Trump media hatred, the efforts since the election to remove Trump, in slow-motion coup style, by seeking
to warp the Electoral College, to invoke the 25th Amendment and the Emoluments Clause, to unleash special counsel Robert
Mueller with an unlimited budget, a toadyish media, a team of partisan lawyers and investigators, and prior help from the top
echelons at the Obama Department of Justice, the FBI, the National Security Council, and the CIA.
If Trump Is 'Racist,' He Needs
to Go Back to Racism School. Remember when serious pundits urged electors to refuse to certify Trump's
election? Several congressional Democrats refused to attend Trump's inauguration, where the new President gave an
address that Democrats and many in the media described as "combative" and "divisive" and "partisan." Some critics even
predicted that, because of Trump's alleged "mental instability," a cabinet official or another "adult in the administration"
would invoke the 25th Amendment. This drumbeat grew so loud that Trump's White House doctor discussed the results of
Trump's physical at a press conference, where reporters asked about Trump's mental fitness to serve. Pundits and cable
hosts practically ran out of adjectives while calling Trump "racist," "sexist," "anti-Semitic," "homophobic" and
"xenophobic." When the deputy attorney general appointed Robert Mueller to investigate the allegation of a Trump-Russia
"collusion," Trump-haters began the countdown on when they expected Trump to resign, one step before Mueller outed him as an
election cheat. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., called for Trump's impeachment almost from the moment he took office.
The resistance
is futile. The Billy Bush tape was supposed to do him in. [...] The emoluments clause was supposed to do him
in. [...] The Russian Dossier was supposed to do him in. [...] Firing Comey was supposed to do him in. [...] Stormy Daniels
was supposed to do him in. [...] The Internet is doing to the press what Amazon did to Sears.
Democrats, United by Hate. Nothing unites Democrats more than their loathing of one man and their disdain for the
American voters who elected him. Donald Trump has succeeded in undoing much of the legacy left us by his leftist predecessor.
And he's not done undoing. So it's easy to understand how the Democrats' boundless love for Barack Obama would translate into
mindless hatred for Donald Trump. They call it "political opposition," but the nonstop venom spewing from liberal politicians
and the media, Hollywood, and academia represents something much more dangerous to our republic than healthy political opposition.
One of the more recent examples came from Barry Bluestone, a Northeastern University professor, who said of Trump during a public lecture,
"Sometimes, I want to just see him impeached. Other times, quite honestly ... I wouldn't mind seeing him dead."
Investigation of Trump Was Always the Plan. A man can run the gauntlet against more than 20 professional
politicians and come out victorious. He can win more than 40 Republican primary contests and beat every professional
political campaigner out there, earning the votes of more than 14 million Republicans. [...] We can pick our president.
But then the powerful established bureaucracy must conduct a massive, sprawling, limitless investigation into any and all
aspects of the president we pick. The basis of this "investigation" is an increasingly debunked frame-up designed and
drafted by the Kremlin and paid for by President Trump's political opponent in the presidential election. And then
spread to all four corners of the globe by the oldest creatures of the powerful establishment in Washington.
News Network: CNN, MSM Hope Raunchy Sex Scandal Ends Trump. First they tried to beat him at the polls. They
lost miserably. Then they unleashed America's most powerful and penetrating espionage apparatus against him at the height of the
presidential campaign. And got caught red-handed. Once he assumed the White House, they tried beating him with a sprawling
federal investigation into "Russia collusion" — only to discover that they themselves were the only ones colluding with the
Kremlin to tilt the 2016 election. Frustrated, exhausted and completely out of ideas, the Grand Cyclops of the Washington Swamp has
finally resorted to the only thing that has resulted in a presidential impeachment since Reconstruction: a raunchy sex scandal.
The Deep State "Whistleblower" and President Trump's phone call to Ukrainian President Zelensky:
This subsection has moved to a page of its own,
located here.
The impeachment trial in the Senate is discussed on a page of its own,
located here.
Timely news and commentary:
Left Knew They Were Lying to Us All Along. By 2017, the public knew three truths
about the so-called Christopher Steele dossier. One, it was completely
fallacious — fabricated by a has-been, ex-British spy Christopher Steele. He
childishly had cobbled together lurid sex stories, James Bond spy fictions, and Russian-fed
disinformation to destroy the Trump candidacy and later presidency. Two, it was paid for by
the Hillary Clinton campaign. She hid her checks behind the Democratic National Committee,
the Perkins Coie law firm, and Fusion GSP paywalls. Three, the FBI under James Comey hired
Steele as an informant. It helped disseminate his concocted files and was also instrumental
in trying to subvert the Trump campaign and later administration.
Green: I'm Filing Articles of Impeachment, Trump's Incivility Unacceptable.
Representative Al Green (D-TX) said Thursday on "TMZ Live" that he will file articles of
impeachment after he was escorted out of the House of Representatives for interrupting President
Donald Trump's address to Congress. When asked about possibly being removed from
Congressional committees, Green said, "Well, I had a reporter to approach me and call this to my
attention. I am here to serve the people of the 9th Congressional District. I believe
that I have taken this oath that I have taken, and I pledge to do that. I would hope that
they wouldn't. I would not agree with it. But if they do, it'll give me more time to
work on my articles of impeachment." Co-host Charles Latibeaudiere asked, "You're seriously
considering introducing articles of impeachment?" Green said, "I am absolutely going to do
it. This level of incivility emanating from the presidency, much of it in policy, is
something we cannot tolerate. If President Barack Hussein Obama had behaved in this fashion,
he would have been impeached. There is no question in my mind. [...]"
USAID And The CIA Were Behind The Impeachment Of Trump in 2019. The House of
Representatives impeached President Donald Trump on December 18, 2019, after a White House
whistleblower went public with evidence that Trump abused his powers by withholding military aid to
Ukraine in order to dig up dirt on his rival, Joe Biden. In the complaint, the whistleblower
claimed to have heard from White House staff that Trump had, on a phone call, directed Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelensky to work with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Joe
Biden and Hunter Biden. The whistleblower who triggered the impeachment was a CIA analyst who
was first brought into the White House by the Obama administration.
Used Politico to Launch the Laptop-Russia Disinfo Hoax. "I can confirm that the more
than 8 million taxpayer dollars that have gone to essentially subsidizing subscriptions to
Politico on the American taxpayer's dime will no longer be happening," said Press Secretary
Karoline Leavitt at a February 5 press conference. So saying, Leavitt shone some needed
light light on why Politico may have been willing to run interference for the Biden campaign in the
2020 election. How payments from USAID or other government agencies may have affected
Politico's reporting remains to be seen, but there is little doubt that Politico's reporting saved
Biden's candidacy.
USAID Was Involved in Donald Trump's Impeachment? USAID will effectively shut down on
Friday. Most of the staff will be furloughed as it's absorbed into the State
Department. Under the president's direction, Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency
unearthed a web of corruption, waste, and fraud that wasn't necessarily shocking but jarring,
nonetheless. Democrats are livid that this agency is being gutted, and we may know why.
They seem to have subsidized and played a significant role in the 2019 impeachment of Donald Trump.
[Advertisement] [Video clip] The agency appears to have been pulling the strings of
the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), which was cited multiple times by the
CIA whistleblower that sparked the quid pro quo circus surrounding Trump, Ukraine, and military
aid. Independent journalists Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag did a deep-dive
into this sordid government web, where the purpose of OCCRP wasn't your usual investigative
journalism — USAID seems to have had massive sway regarding agenda, hiring practices,
and mission. [Video clip]
epidemic of lies. [Scroll down] This played out right in front of us with
the Russian Collusion Hoax. The Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to gather opposition
research against Donald Trump. Operatives assembled the so-called "Steele Dossier" and fed it
to the FBI, who subsequently leaked it to the press. The FBI then used those press reports to
convince a FISA judge to approve warrants to surveil the Trump campaign. Millions of dollars
and countless hours of investigations and testimony produced no evidence of any crime committed by
Donald Trump, but lots of nefarious behavior on the part of journalists, law enforcement officials,
bureaucrats, and political insiders. And again, people formed opinions about Donald Trump
based on illusory information that was maliciously spread. To my knowledge no one has ever
apologized or been held accountable for those lies.
and Russiagate: The Untold Story, Part Two. One of the least known aspects of the
Russiagate affair is the central role that Barack Obama played in it. For years, the focus
has been on individuals such as James Comey, Peter Strzok, the infamous dossier author Christopher
Steele, and, of course, Hillary Clinton. And those names are indeed central to the plot, with
Clinton being the one who devised the nefarious scheme to portray her opponent as a Russian
agent. However, there was someone in the background, pulling many strings, who was even more
crucial to the entire scheme: the then-sitting president, Barack Obama. In this installment
of our series on how Obama undermined U.S. democracy, we take a closer look at his role in both
promoting and weaponizing the Russiagate hoax, which fraudulently linked Trump to Russia.
Mysteries. President Trump's stunning election victory presents us with an
opportunity — almost certainly the last one — to resolve the remaining
mysteries surrounding Russiagate. We examine some of the most pressing issues that need to be
addressed. [Video clip]
Danchenko. [Scroll down] No wonder [Christopher] Steele had tried so hard
to conceal [Igor] Danchenko's identity. In fact, although the dossier reached the FBI in
July 2016, it took the FBI until December of that year to finally identify Danchenko.
But instead of immediately ending the fraudulent Russia collusion investigation — given
that the purported source of these claims was utterly incredible — the FBI deliberately
concealed Danchenko's identity by designating him as a confidential human source. This
designation allowed them to withhold any information about Danchenko, including his very existence,
even from congressional inquiries and freedom of information requests. Like Steele, they
needed the dossier to be credible in order to get Trump. [...] However, what no one outside the FBI
knew, and what is being reported here for the first time, is that awareness of Danchenko's
confession extended beyond the FBI's primary figures involved in the fraudulent Russiagate
investigation. In other words, the conspiracy to allow the nation to be divided over an known
falsehood was far more extensive than previously assumed.
Really Is Barack Obama? A Counterintelligence Inquiry. Trump bears a grudge
against the Intelligence Community for the many leaks that spooks provided to the media during his
presidency at his expense (I reported several of them). Trump believes that there was a
full-blown secret conspiracy against him perpetrated by IC leaders to smear him with imaginary
connections to Moscow. He's largely right to think that. I spent the years of Trump's
presidency discussing allegations of his clandestine links to the Kremlin in detail. Those
connections to Russian intelligence were not wholly imaginary. From any counterintelligence
perspective, Trump's dalliances with Moscow were highly concerning. [...] Trump has nothing to be
proud of in this matter, but he was never a Russian spy, neither was he "installed to destroy us"
per the online "Resistance" wine-mom mantra.
impeachment manager gets sued for $20 million. One of the far-left Democrats who
orchestrated a failed impeachment campaign against President Trump, and now has been adamant in
defense of Joe Biden on impeachment investigation claims of influence peddling and corruption, has
been sued for defaming a congressional witness. The complaint by onetime Hunter Biden
business associate Tony Bobulinski was filed against Jamie Raskin, in his individual capacity, in
U.S. District Court in Maryland. The lawsuit seeks $20 million in "compensatory, special
and punitive" damages, plus costs, plus any other "relief as the court deems justice."
Bobulinski, in fact, has testified to Congress investigating Joe Biden for possible impeachment
about Biden's personal involvement in the Biden family's international business schemes, which
critics have called influence peddling, and Congress has confirmed has generated paychecks of tens
of millions of dollars.
Administration Openly Promising to Do the Exact Thing Trump Was Accused of Doing During Impeachment
Effort. President Donald J. Trump was accused of withholding U.S. military aid to
Ukraine in order to force compliance with his requests. This was the exact claim of those who
attempted to impeach President Trump in 2019; this was their originating justification.
Today, NBC is reporting that Joe Biden is looking at what military aid can be withheld from Israel
in order to force compliance with their requests. I doubt the insufferable dolts in the media
can see the ridiculous hypocrisy in this story.
New Rules Dictate That Biden Be Struck From the Ballot With the 25th Amendment.
You've got to say one thing about the left's New Rules, which kicked into high gear under President
Obama and have metastasized throughout our rotten establishment ever since: they certainly are
expedient. Leftists want Trump gone. They didn't want him to win the white house in
2016, so they set up their infamous "insurance policy" to cut his administration off at the
knees. Under the old rules — the American social contract of fair play and
integrity — there was a major problem with this strategy: Trump had done nothing
wrong. But those who play by the New Rule never take "No" for an answer. One simply
makes up whatever one needs to execute one's desires. In this case, they wanted Trump out of
office, so they created the Russia Collusion fallacy out of thin air and wasted untold sums of
public money on it — and years of Trump's rightful term as President of the United
States of America. After Trump was deposed in 2020, the left never let up their attacks on
him. They understood that he remained a threat.
Are Well Beyond Hypocrisy. The Left is saturating the airwaves with outrage over the
current House Republicans' impeachment inquiry. They allege that formally investigating Joe
Biden's role in the family grifting operation is somehow a poor constitutional precedent, if not
out-of-bounds entirely. So we hear further arguments that it will be unwise to impeach a
first-term president when he loses his House majority, that there is no reason to "waste"
congressional time and effort when Biden will be automatically acquitted in the Democratically
controlled Senate, and that the impeachment is cynically timed to synchronize with president's
reelection efforts. All of these are the precise arguments many of us cited when Donald Trump
was impeached in December 2019 (as his reelection campaign began, and immediately after being
cleared of the 22-month, $40-million-special-counsel Russian-collusion hoax). The Democrats
tried to remove an elected president over a phone call without a special counsel's report.
lies our government wants us to believe. [#3] "Trump-Putin Collusion." This is
the so-called Russiagate fake story, which was actually collusion among lying politicians,
intelligence officials, and media who tried to get Hillary Clinton into the White House. This
lie succeeded in destroying Trump's presidency along with its declared goal of improving
U.S.-Russia relations.
Romney is not stupid. He's either lying or incompetent. Mitt
Romney confesses he didn't know anything about Burisma when he voted to impeach President
Trump. Mitt Romney voted to impeach President Trump for a phone call in which the
president encouraged Ukraine to investigate allegations of serious corruption —
coincidentally involving the Biden crime family — but according to a new book, the
failed politician admits he had no idea what Burisma was when he voted to impeach a duly-elected
president for calling on foreign governments to investigate alleged criminality. That is
extreme ignorance (not to mention dangerous) when a senator is willing to impeach a
president just because he doesn't like him, all without knowing the facts.
Pages Reveal Obama Admin's Building of Trump-Russia Narrative. Heavily redacted
documents from the National Security Agency tell at least part of the story of a final-month rush
by the outgoing Obama administration to torpedo the incoming presidency of Donald Trump. The
Daily Signal obtained 217 pages of documents from the NSA through a Freedom of Information Act
request. The documents reveal that Obama administration officials, from Vice President Joe
Biden down to several ambassadors and many officials in the Treasury and Energy departments, gained
access to secret information about President-elect Trump's incoming national security adviser,
Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
GOP seeking to expunge 'sham' Trump impeachments. House Republicans are seeking to
formally expunge the impeachments of former President Donald Trump, Fox News Digital has
learned. House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., and Rep. Marjorie
Taylor Greene, R-Ga., introduced resolutions Thursday to expunge Trump's first impeachment from
December 2019 and his second from January 2021. Those resolutions would expunge what the lawmakers
are calling "unconstitutional" impeachments and make it legally as if the articles "had never
passed the full House of Representatives." "The American people know Democrats weaponized the
power of impeachment against President Donald Trump to advance their own extreme political agenda,"
Stefanik told Fox News Digital.
2016 Campaign CFO and Current SEC Chairman Gary Gensler Claims He Wasn't Aware of Payment for
Steele Dossier (Yet He Was Hillary's CFO?). Gary Gensler was the CFO for Hillary
Clinton's failed 2016 Election campaign yet he claimed under oath today that he "wasn't aware" of
the payment from her campaign to pay for the Steele Dossier. This is highly unlikely. [...]
When Hillary Clinton was putting together her 2016 Presidential campaign, she brought in Gary
Gensler as her Chief Financial Officer. [...] By early January of 2016, things had worn off and
Hillary had some competition. Those supporting her only competitor, socialist Bernie Sanders,
were not happy with Gensler, the former Goldman Sachs guy. [...] It was also clear at this time
that Gensler was running Hillary's campaign finances. Gensler also worked with Hillary's
attorney Marc Elias in creating the Hillary Victory Fund, according to Bloomberg in a piece in June
2016: [...] Elias was Hillary's general counsel at the time Gensler was CFO. It was during this
time when Gensler oversaw the Hillary campaign's finances that Hillary's campaign paid millions to
law firm Perkins Coie. This was also the time that the Steele dossier was paid for.
Times Democrats And DOJ Deliberately Politicized Law Enforcement. [#3] The campaign
to impeach former President Donald Trump began well before his 2017 inauguration. Deep-state
officials within the FBI concocted plans known as Crossfire Hurricane to frame Trump as a Russian
agent after the Republican businessman secured the GOP presidential nomination. Within four
months of Trump's first term, a special counsel was appointed to investigate allegations of Russian
collusion with the Trump campaign. After the more than two-year special counsel investigation
run entirely by Democrats with unlimited resources, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team found not
one person, let alone Trump himself, colluded with the Kremlin.
J6 lies are part of a
much bigger pattern. The "Russia collusion" story was a lie from the get-go, and
Democrats knew it because Democrats colluded to create it. The Clinton campaign paid law firm
Perkins Coie, which paid Fusion GPS, which paid former MI6 spy Christopher Steele, who concocted
the "Russian dossier" out of whole cloth. The "investigation" — which produced
nothing — cost taxpayers $32 million, and the Clinton campaign paid a small fine.
Who was undermining confidence in the electoral process then?
Official Who Investigated Trump for Russian Collusion Gets Arrested for Russian Collusion. In a hilarious
and astonishing turn of events, one of the FBI officials who investigated Donald Trump for supposed Russian collusion
has now been arrested for Russian collusion. Former agent Charles McGonigal, who headed up counterintelligence for
the FBI's New York field office during the Trump-Russia saga, was placed under arrest for allegedly taking payments from
Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. What was he being paid to do? According to CBS News, McGonigal and an
interpreter named Sergey Shestakov agreed to investigate another Russian oligarch that Deripaska was targeting.
top FBI official Charles McGonigal arrested over ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. A former top FBI
official in New York has been arrested over his ties to a Russian oligarch, law enforcement sources told ABC News
Monday. Charles McGonigal, who was the special agent in charge of counterintelligence in the FBI's New York Field
Office, is under arrest over his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United
States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions. McGonigal retired from the FBI in 2018.
He was arrested Saturday afternoon after he arrived at JFK Airport following travel in Sri Lanka, the sources said.
Destroying American
Democracy — An Inside Job. Today we know that the "Russia hoax" was a lie. After a 22-month
investigation, no evidence of collusion between any element of the Trump campaign and Russia was uncovered. The
supposedly compromising evidence had never existed; the information in the "Steele dossier" was false — and
the FBI had known it was from the start. The entire fabrication had been an attempt to attack and politically
weaken Trump.
Says House Might 'Expunge' Impeachments of Trump. It's clear now that both impeachments of Donald Trump
were shabby partisan affairs that will be remembered as shameful episodes in American history. But they happened,
and that's that — or is it? Now House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has suggested that the impeachments could
be "expunged." Mediaite reported Friday [1/13/2023] that McCarthy "said at his first official presser in the job
that he and the House GOP majority might 'look at' the idea of expunging ex-president Donald Trump's impeachments."
feuded with Schiff, Pelosi over 'unconstitutional' impeachment of Donald Trump. A new book reveals that
House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., was at odds with how House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
(HPSCI) Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi handled impeachment proceedings against former
President Trump, insisting that the methods used by the prominent Democrats were "unconstitutional" and could be used to
attack the party. The revelation comes in a book set to be released on Oct. 18 titled, "Unchecked: The Untold
Story Behind Congress's Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump," written by Politico Playbook co-author Rachael Bade and
Washington Post reporter Karoun Demirjian. The book chronicles the methods Democrats used to target Trump.
Doc Indicates Special Counsel [is] Failing To Bring Collusion Hoaxers To Justice. A whitepaper obtained
first by The Federalist suggests Special Counsel John Durham botched the investigation of a second Russia collusion
hoax, the one concerning Yota cellphones. In a scandal linked to the Spygate operation, Hillary Clinton cronies
peddled to the CIA fake evidence they claimed established Donald Trump and his associates were using the Russian-made
Yota cellphones in the vicinity of the White House and other key locations. The news of this operation broke
during the special counsel's prosecution of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann. However, the
just-obtained Yota whitepaper that was supposed to undergird Sussmann's claims differs substantially from the memoranda
documenting what Sussmann supposedly said to the CIA. Durham's team has known of these discrepancies for years but
has failed to hold responsible those who used the CIA to target a political opponent and the then-president of the
United States with false smears of corruption with a foreign power.
Short Life (And Amazingly Fast Death) Of The FBI's Mar-A-Lago Play.
[Scroll down] In the end, it came down to a vote, where Nancy Pelosi's Democratic House
impeached the president on partisan lines and the Republican Senate acquitted him, with only
Republican Mitt Romney joining the Democrats in their guilty votes. Ever-loyal Mitt was still
a "good Republican." Along the way, lie after lie and hoax after hoax was thrown Republicans'
way. Justice Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rapist; Trump was ignoring Russian murder bounties on
American soldiers; and on and on. Each time, fewer and fewer Republicans and center-right
pundits went along. Each time, the "good Republicans" made more of a mockery of themselves
and their much-cited "principles."
Just The FBI: Institutions Across The Board Have Forfeited America's Trust. As if
spying on U.S. senators and turning a blind eye to Clinton's malfeasance wasn't bad enough, in
2016, the FBI began its infamous Crossfire Hurricane operation where FBI agents would use a dossier
paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign to investigate and surveil the Trump campaign, and later,
the Trump presidency. They knew the dossier had little basis in fact but presented it to the
FISA court anyway. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith doctored another piece of evidence and
presented it to the FISA court. Throughout the investigation, FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI
attorney Lisa Page would routinely send each other text messages expressing their disdain for Trump
and his supporters. The investigation didn't end when President Trump won the election.
In 2017, FBI Director James Comey leaked sensitive information to the press in order to force
then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel. Over the next few years,
the country would be torn apart, and in the end, the special counsel never found any evidence of
Russian collusion.
Readies New Articles of Impeachment Against Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Frisco, is readying new
articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, Issues & Insights has learned. "Sixteen months is too long to
go between Trump impeachments," she told her Democratic caucus in a secret meeting secretly recorded by I&I
investigators. She said that despite her previous claim that Trump had been "impeached forever," she now believes that
the effectiveness of a Trump impeachment is only about as long-lasting as a COVID vaccine. She noted that the House had
waited until 13 months between the first and second impeachment efforts, only to have both fail. "We should have
started on this impeachment business before Trump was even sworn in," she said. The meeting came as the televised
hearings about the Jan. 6 incursion into the Capitol building are put on pause. Viewership of the televised hearings
has plunged to the point that reruns of "F Troop" are now beating them in the ratings.
The Editor says...
Don't say anything bad about "F Troop." Who doesn't like Forrest Tucker and Larry Storch?
Republicans Back Resolution To Expunge Trump's Second Impeachment. Twenty-nine Republicans, one of whom is
Rep. Elise Stefanik the House GOP Conference Chairwoman, support a resolution to "expunge" the second impeachment of
President Donald Trump. The effort is being led by Rep. Markwayne Mullin who also introduced a resolution to
expunge Trump's first impeachment.
Factor: Evidence now shows false Russia collusion story began and ended with Clinton. In an era where the
hunt for disinformation has become a political obsession, Hillary Clinton has mostly escaped having to answer what role she
played in spreading the false Russia collusion narrative that gripped America for nearly three years. On Friday, that
dodge ended with a most unlikely witness: her former campaign manager Robby Mook, who was supposed to be a witness helping
the defense of her former campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann on a charge of lying to the FBI. Instead, under
cross-examination by Special Counsel John Durham's team, Mook was forced to concede two extraordinary facts. First, the
Clinton campaign wasn't "totally confident" about the accuracy of computer data suggesting Donald Trump had a secret
communications channel to the Kremlin via Russia's Alfa Bank.
Bombshell Testimony in the Sussmann Trial, Trump Asks 'Where Do I Get My Reputation Back?'. In an exclusive
published Saturday morning, Fox News Digital reports that former President Donald Trump is asking, "Where do I get my
reputation back?" in the wake of Friday's startling revelation in the Michael Sussmann trial. In that testimony, former
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was directly implicated in pushing the fake Alfa Bank Russia Collusion story.
Markwayne Mullin introduces resolution to expunge Trump's first impeachment. Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne
Mullin introduced a resolution to expunge former President Donald Trump's first impeachment on Tuesday [4/26/2022], arguing
it was "an unimaginable abuse of our Constitution." The resolution, if passed by the House, would expunge Trump's 2019
impeachment for allegedly leveraging U.S. military aid to Ukraine for political favors, specifically investigations of the
Biden family. "President Trump was impeached over a sabotaged, perfect phone call," Mullin said in the press release.
"The hearsay of witnesses completely contradicted the plain text of the transcript. Facts did not matter, and Democrats
in the House impeached President Donald J. Trump, nevertheless. Now, we have Joe Biden stoking international crises
with public comments surrounding the same nation. And Democrats in Congress remain predictably speechless."
Filing Reveals CIA Knew in Early 2017 That Data Tying Trump to Russia Was Fake. As the trial of Hillary Clinton
campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann approaches, special counsel John Durham and Sussmann's lawyers are arguing over what
evidence can be admitted. As part of those arguments, Durham filed a "routine" response late on April 15, detailing why
the evidence he's seeking to admit is both relevant and admissible. These back-and-forth filings are common in the
weeks leading up to federal trials, but the disclosures made by Durham are anything but routine. The most striking of
these disclosures concerns data trails that Sussmann and his cohorts, including "Tech Executive-1" Rodney Joffe, had
supposedly uncovered between Trump and the Russian Alfa Bank. It was widely claimed that these data trails established
a direct communications channel between Trump and the Russian government. Sussmann took the data to the FBI in
September 2016 hoping to trigger an investigation into Trump and his campaign. The existence of an FBI investigation
would then be used by the Clinton campaign as a media kill shot against Trump in the final weeks of the 2016 election.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy's pledge to not impeach Biden for political purposes an act of surrender before the battle
begins? It has to be remembered that the Democrats impeached President Donald Trump on two occasions without
evidence or reason. The first impeachment in 2019 was over baseless claims that Trump withheld aid to Ukraine for
political gain. Here the votes were strictly on party lines. The second impeachment was in 2021 on claims he
provoked an 'insurrection.' On this occasion 10 House Republicans sided with Democrats and voted to impeach President
Trump. The Democrats amped up their vicious anti-Trump campaign the day he won the Presidential elections in November
2016. They weaponized various government agencies in order to force Trump out of office. What was disappointing was
that this occurred at a time when Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House i.e., the GOP controlled
Washington. Yet the GOP was relegated to helpless spectators as Democrats concocted the Russian collusion conspiracy,
hysterically beating the drums to amplify it such that it caused the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. A
conspiracy theory that should have been restricted to the dark web, was mainstreamed and weaponized.
101: A Primer On The Russia Collusion Hoax's Years-long Plot To Take Down Trump. As Special Counsel John Durham
continues to expose more details of the "SpyGate" or "Russia collusion" scandal, it can be difficult for any apolitical,
non-news-junkie member of the public to grasp the ongoing developments. After all, for more than five years, the
corrupt legacy media has refused to report on scandal or done so with a slanted portrayal of the facts. So most
Americans remain unaware of the Democrats' years-long duplicity that sought to destroy first candidate and then President
Donald Trump. Add to that reality the overlapping conspiracies and sprawling cast of characters involved, and it can be
difficult to follow the story. That the scandal is dense, however, does not mean it should be ignored. To the
contrary, the duplicity must not be disregarded because what Trump's political enemies tried to accomplish over the course of
five years represents the biggest threat our constitutional republic has seen in the last century.
The Editor says...
SpyGate is a complicated story. So is the story of the Clinton Foundation's operations in
Haiti, the Clintons' Uranium One deal, the Rose Law Firm / Whitewater / Madison Guaranty scandal, the
highly suspicious death of VInce Foster, or the operation of Hillary Clinton's private email server.
The villains in a story like this want it to be complicated, so that it will be
difficult for a prosecutor to unravel and diagram it all.
Hard to detect, hard to understand, hard to believe, hard to prove.
And in Washington, DC, it would be hard to get a conviction from an all-Democrat jury.
Who Make Peaceful Revolution Impossible Will Make Violent Revolution Inevitable'. Every single American with a
functioning brain knows that Donald Trump won the election in 2020 and that everyone from Mark Zuckerberg to the mainstream
media to the Democrat party to Never Trumper "conservatives" conspired to steal it. And they did. Of course, the
theft of the election comes after four years of continuous attacks. The genesis of most of those attacks was the
activity John Durham laid out in his court filing: Hillary Clinton's funding the fabricated data suggesting Trump was
colluding with the Russians in order to steal the election. The Democrats produced, proffered, and peddled this pure
propaganda, and the media parroted and promoted it. Millions of Americans bought it, hook, line, and sinker, leading to
a Special Counsel to investigate ties between the Russians and the Trump campaign. That Special Counsel and the media's
constant promotion of the "Russian collusion" hoax kneecapped Trump's administration.
says 'all kinds of intelligence' showed 'fake Russia collusion'. The U.S. government possessed a wealth of
intelligence showing bogus allegations of collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russia, former Director of
National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said, referring to his time overseeing the nation's spy apparatus. Now special
counsel John Durham is "revealing some of the details" of what Ratcliffe claims was a plan by Hillary Clinton's 2016 team and
their associates to sell "a false narrative" to the FBI and CIA, possibly leading to conspiracy charges in the politically
charged inquiry.
State Department Email Detailing $7 Million Bribe Was Never Provided to Trump's Impeachment Defense. A newly
released email confirms that Burisma, the firm that gave Joe Biden's son Hunter a lucrative position on its board, paid a
$7 million bribe to the Ukrainian prosecutor's office. The email also confirms that Obama's State Department knew about
the bribe. Another email found on Hunter Biden's laptop in October 2020 suggested that he was later tasked by a top
Burisma executive to shut down an investigation into Burisma. At the time the bribe was paid, Hunter was not only a
Burisma board member, he was the head of Burisma's legal unit. The author of the newly released email, State Department
official George Kent, testified at President Donald Trump's 2020 impeachment. Kent never mentioned the explosive
information from his email — information that would have cleared Trump.
Anon" Says Russia Is Responsible For Every Problem And If You Doubt It You're A Russian Asset. Aaron Mate of
The Gray Zone joined FNC's Tucker Carlson on Friday to discuss the U.S. government's assertion that Russia plans to fake a
justification for war in Ukraine, and how that fits into the larger Trump-Russia collusion/Blue Anon situation. "I
think the reason why this Russiagate/Russian disinformation campaign has been so pervasive is that it serves such a wide
spectrum of powerful interests," he said. "They have an animus towards Russia because Russia is a deterrent to U.S.
hegemony." "We know about QAnon. There's a cult called Blue Anon, in which Russia is responsible for every single
U.S. problem and if you disagree with that, you're a Russian asset." [Video clip]
And the
Band Played On. In 2016, surrogates for the Obama administration, operating as a fifth column behind a curtain
of national intelligence and federal law enforcement loyalists, plotted for a de facto third term by initiating a corrupt
campaign against the candidacy of a populist Republican candidate. Crazed after the consequent loss to Donald Trump,
they commenced a broadside of straw allegations and conspiracies against the new president and his supporters. More
than a dozen Democrat-run subcommittees over two terms of Congress opened fifty probes of the Trump administration, harassed
political opponents with subpoenas, alternately withheld and leaked secret testimony without fear of reckoning, and staged
two theatrical impeachment proceedings replete with cutaway footage of silly walks between the chambers. Throughout,
the Trump presidency stayed off the ropes, fending off serial indignities while effectively tackling the business of the
people, securing the border, reducing unemployment, achieving energy independence, and sending more than 200 judges
to the federal bench, including three Supreme Court justices.
documents reveal the Big Lie behind the Trump Ukraine impeachment. When President Trump called Ukraine's
president in the summer of 2020, he asked — without conditions — that Ukraine investigate whether
then-Veep Biden used taxpayer money to force the discharge of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was coming close to Burisma
Holdings, which had Hunter Biden on the payroll. Democrats called this an illegal quid pro quo and impeached
Trump. It now turns out that Biden was lying big time when he claimed he needed to fire a "corrupt" prosecutor.
In fact, the Obama State Department strongly supported the prosecutor. Biden was just giving Burisma its money's
worth. In 2016, Ukraine's Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, was investigating Burisma Holdings. Not
coincidentally, Hunter Biden, whose father was then Obama's vice president, was on the company's board and getting $83,000 a
month. Hunter did not speak a word of Ukrainian and knew nothing about Ukraine or the oil and gas business. His
only benefit to Burisma was his father. Most people might not have known or cared about these facts were it not for
Biden's inability to resist puffing about himself.
Evidence Undermining Ukraine Impeachment Narrative [was] Withheld From Trump Defense. In 2016, Burisma Holdings
was being investigated by Ukraine's then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin while then-Vice President Joe Biden's Hunter sat on
the company's board making $83,000. So Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine unless they fired
Shokin. Biden argued that his actions were above board because he was carrying out the "official policy" of the Obama
administration to root out corruption in Ukraine. "It was a fully transparent policy carried out in front of the whole
world and fully, fully embraced by the international community of democracies," he claimed. But according to official
memos seen by Just The News, this is not the case.
Political Predictions For 2022. [Scroll down] Unbeknownst to most readers of the New York Times or
viewers of corporate media outlets is the fact that the Russian Collusion scandal was entirely fabricated. In an honest
world, this story alone would be the biggest news item of the 21st century. Think about it for just a second: A
sitting president (Obama) and the heir apparent (Clinton) both knew about and helped orchestrate a gigantic lie that would
paint their adversary (Trump) as an operative of Russia's Vladimir Putin. For four years, they claimed that the 2016
election was stolen, aided in part by Russian interference and participation with the Trump campaign. This country
endured two years of incessant blather on newsprint and television about the scandal, and corrupt politicians like Adam
Schiff kept promising a nail-in-the-coffin moment, despite clearly knowing better. Robert Mueller was finally dragged
in front of Congress to report on the fact that no collusion existed. Then, two years later, and once Trump was no
longer president, we learn that the Clinton campaign funded false research and allowed the FBI to lie itself and use
falsified statements from other folks to even move the story forward in the first place. What's more, it was Clinton
that colluded with Russian assets, not Trump.
Jan. 6 witch hunt. The third impeachment witch hunt of former President Donald Trump led by unchecked grand
inquisitors Reps. Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney of the so-called Jan. 6 select committee is the phoniest one
yet. In 2019, Mr. Trump became a victim of the first impeachment hoax based on a routine phone call with the
president of Ukraine. On the heels of his failed three-year Russia collusion embarrassment, conspiracy theorist
Rep. Adam Schiff ran a desperate sham trial complete with a fake whistleblower to impeach Mr. Trump for absolutely
no reason. Later, when President Biden was found engaging in a similar phone call with the president of Afghanistan, no
one batted an eye. But unlike Mr. Trump, the opaque Biden White House still hasn't released a transcript of the
call. This horrible double standard was pure vindication for Mr. Trump.
Is Not Reality, No Matter What the Liberal Media Say. [Scroll down] Another example of
what-isn't-real-reported-as-real was the Russia Collusion hoax. For nearly three years, the complicit media bombarded
the public with an alternate reality that the FBI knew was false. There never was any evidence of collusion between the
Trump campaign and Russia, despite Rep. Adam Schiff's repeated promises to show his "ample evidence in plain sight."
Coup Against The Constitution? The modern era of direct attacks by bureaucrats based on ideology came into full
effect when the IRS targeted Tea Party groups over their tax-exempt status. This happened during Obama's reign, but
really went into overdrive when Trump was elected. [...] The control of the permanent bureaucracy in government by the
political left has already been achieved. Around 90 percent of political donations by government union employees go
to Democrats. The partisanship became evident during the Trump administration as the intelligence community and Justice
Department were shown to be increasingly biased. They spent nearly four years pushing a theory that Donald Trump
colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election that was embarrassingly false. Special Counsel William Mueller spent
more than two years and untold millions of dollars yet found zero evidence of any collusion. But that was never the
point, and they knew it before he even began.
Genesis of Our American Collective Meltdown. [Scroll down] The derangement was then capped off, first, by
a buffoonish riot at the Capitol followed by a Reichstag-fire style militarization of Washington, D.C., in a "never let a
crisis go to waste" psychodrama. Then came a novel second and unprecedented presidential impeachment, without a special
prosecutor, witnesses, or cross examinations. It was based on the myth of a deadly "armed insurrection" fueled by
President Trump, which purportedly led to the murder of a police officer. Later most of the writs of the House
impeachment were proven fantasies, from the idea of "armed" and "well-organized" to "murderous" revolutionaries. The
only mysteries were the identity of the unnamed officer who fatally shot an unarmed female protester and military veteran,
and why the government has still not released thousands of hours of video detailing the riot. That impeachment charade
was followed by a trial in the Senate — without the chief justice presiding — of a president, who was
no longer in office.
Announce Yet *Another* Partisan Trump Witch Hunt — 120 Days Into Biden's Presidency. The Democratic
Party, having apparently solved all of America's problems, are going back to the well at least one more time: It is
announcing yet another partisan Trump "witch hunt." On Monday [6/14/2021], House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold
Nadler (D-NY) announced that the House Democrats are going to open a formal investigation into the Department of Justice's
surveillance of Congress, journalists, and others: "Recent reports suggest that, during the Trump Administration, the
Department of Justice used criminal investigations as a pretext to spy on President Trump's perceived political enemies,"
Nadler's letter read.
months later, Democrats' first Trump impeachment tale [is] in tatters. In the first of their two drives to
impeach Donald Trump, Democrats had a simple storyline: The then-president abused his power by requesting an
investigation of Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine when Joe Biden's son had done nothing wrong. That mantra carried
through the 2020 election, repeated by Democrats and sympathetic news anchors. "President Trump has falsely accused
your son of doing something wrong while serving on a company board in Ukraine," CNN anchor Anderson Cooper claimed as he set
up a question during an interview with Joe Biden last year. "I want to point out there is no evidence of wrongdoing by
either one of you." Joe Biden offered similar claims during the 2020 presidential debates. "My son did nothing
wrong," Biden said at one point when pressed by Trump. Another time, he added: "Nothing was unethical." In a
separate interview, the now-president emphatically stated: "There's nothing on its face that was wrong." Now
18 months since the rushed Ukraine impeachment vote in the House and subsequent Senate trial acquittal, that Democratic
narrative is in tatters following a series of explosive revelations that have come both from open records requests about the
Biden family dealings with Burisma Holdings in Ukraine and emails from an abandoned Hunter Biden laptop now in the FBI's possession.
appeals order to release Russia memo in full which cleared Trump of obstruction but does agree to make a portion of it
public. The Biden administration said Monday [5/24/2021] that it would appeal a judge's order directing it to
release legal memo explaining why Attorney General Bill Barr didn't choose to prosecute President Donald Trump for
obstruction of justice by allegedly thwarting Robert Muller's Russia investigation. But it also agreed to make a brief
portion of the document public, which shows that two senior Justice Department leaders advised Barr that, in their view,
Mueller's evidence could not support an obstruction conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt. U.S. District Judge Amy
Berman Jackson earlier this month ordered Biden's DOJ to release the entire March 2019 memo as part of a public records
lawsuit from a Washington-based advocacy organization.
is impeachment #3. What do you do when the border is a mess and gasoline prices are out of control? You try to
impeach Trump again by starting another investigation. [...] I smell a party looking for a distraction here:
[#1] The border is a mess and people are being released without court dates. I'm confused. I thought
that these people were seeking asylum. It sounds to me like they are just walking into the country.
[#2] Inflation is showing its ugly face. Just ask the moms shopping at the local stores after filling the gas tank.
[#3] Support for Israel is dividing Democrats. President Biden has an Israel problem and it's not from the GOP side.
Last, but not least, the 50-50 Senate is making it very difficult for the "majority" to do anything and the left is growing unhappy.
They want to pack the courts and force Justice Stephen Breyer out, but it's not likely to happen.
the story of the century, the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory has all but vanished. It had all the makings of a
once-in-a-generation scandal: allegations of political sabotage from a hostile foreign power, the willing cooperation of an
upstart political candidate, a stolen election, a compromised U.S. national security system, and a genuine threat to the
stability and integrity of the United States itself. Yet after several years of claims from politicians, activists and
commentators that President Donald Trump and/or his campaign actively colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election from
Hillary Clinton, the scandal itself has essentially died, with no evidence ever having arisen to substantiate those explosive
allegations. The death knell of the conspiracy theory was likely the March 2019 release of the special counsel's report
on the conspiracy theory; the open-ended, years-long investigation, headed by former FBI Director Robert Mueller, was
ultimately unable to find any strong evidence that the Trump campaign had collaborated with the Russian government to win the
2016 race.
Biden's Chamber
of Confected Hatreds. There is nothing to investigate about Donald Trump; the extended persecution of him by
politicized intelligence and justice officials, and the two unfounded impeachment trials inflicted on him completely failed
to produce one scintilla of evidence of his wrongdoing.
The Legends of Our Fall.
Many politicians at one point or another live by lies — if they can get away with them. Our supposed
sentinels, the media — self-defined as independent, cynical, and skeptical journalists — are supposed
to separate political fictions from truth. [...] Take the "Russian collusion" lie. For three years, everyone from
Hillary Clinton and the New York Times to John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, and the newsrooms of CNN and
MSNBC, assured the nation that Donald Trump stole the 2016 election through "collusion." Indeed, Trump was declared an active
Russian "asset." That was pure legend from its beginning with no proof, and none of its purveyors have yet apologized.
Carter Page was a fall guy, not an agent. The FBI lied about him, and eventually forged an email to entrap him.
A Storm Over the
American Republic. The legitimacy of Trump as a president was being thwarted and denied, for example by
"Crossfire Hurricane" and serial FISA abuse [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] even before he was elected.
Nineteen minutes after his inauguration, the Washington Post released the headline, "The campaign to Impeach President
Trump has begun". For more than three years Trump was accused, without any evidence apart from a fake "dossier", of
being a Russian agent. The accusations eventually proved baseless, but not before $32 million of taxpayers' money were
spent in what the prosecutors knew from the start was a fraud. They also tried to frame, incriminate and send innocent
people to prison. The exercise was, at bottom, nothing more than an attempted coup d'état.
Swamp Tale: The Bizarre Final Hours of 'Impeachment Fail 2.0'. I have to admit I didn't watch most of
Donald Trump's second impeachment trial. [...] When the closing arguments started, the news alerts began popping up that
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had informed his caucus he intended to vote to acquit President Trump since he
felt the Senate had no jurisdiction over a private citizen. Ironically, it was McConnell himself who decided that the
trial would not start until after the "inauguration," but whatever. Now, anybody who knows Mitch McConnell knows that
when he announces how he intends to vote on a big issue, he's essentially telling his GOP colleagues how he expects them to
vote. He knew that there would be a few defectors, and maybe even a surprise, last-minute turncoat, but he was
basically instructing the conservative wing of his caucus to remain on the reservation. Nevertheless, this announcement
set off a chain of events that threw the entire Senate into chaos for a solid hour.
at Trump, Liberals Propose Unconstitutional Bill to Punish Him. Democrats have twice impeached Donald Trump in
the House and twice failed to convict him in the Senate. They're angry about failing, and double angry about failing
twice. That's understandable. Nobody likes to fail. But they've now fallen into the trap of letting their
anger get the better of their reason and their oaths to uphold the Constitution. The result is a legislative temper
tantrum in a bill dubbed the No Glory for Hate Act. The act is petty and petulant, and it inspires a strong temptation
to laugh and mock. It is, however, an unconstitutional abuse of power, and that transforms an amusing little fit into a
worrisome precedent. The bill targets "any former President that has been twice impeached" — excuse me while
I take a moment to figure out all the presidents that it applies to — and says that no federal funds may be used
to commemorate all those presidents.
Of Officer Sicknick Says Media Got Her Son's Death Wrong, Rejects NYT Fire Extinguisher Story. The mother of
Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died one day after the Capitol riots in January, rejected media assertions
weaponized by Democrats in their impeachment trial that her son was killed from head trauma by a fire extinguisher. "He
wasn't hit on the head, no. We think he had a stroke, but we don't know anything for sure," Gladys Sicknick told the
Daily Mail in an interview published Tuesday [2/23/2021]. "We'd love to know what happened." The false narrative
first came from the New York Times, which headlined an article, "Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump
Rampage," published on Jan. 8, two days after the riot. [...] Democrats repeatedly cited the story and even introduced
it into evidence at the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.
the Gaslight Media and Save America. [Scroll down] A recent example of this tactic is the reporting in the immediate days
following the breach of the Capitol on January 6th of this year. The incident was almost instantaneously characterized as an "armed
insurrection." Five people were said to have been murdered in the mayhem. Supposedly, a policeman was savagely beaten to death with
a fire extinguisher by a Trump supporter, and this was widely reported in the New York Times and throughout the media. All the so-called
insurgents were branded as Trump supporters (i.e., domestic terrorists) who were incited by President Trump's speech to go on a murderous rampage
and threaten the lives of Senators and Representatives. President Trump had blood on his hands, therefore, impeachment and a permanent
sanction against his seeking the presidency in the future was an absolute necessity. [...] Since the initial reporting, the truth has slowly
leaked out, primarily through the alternative media. We now know:
[#1] That the FBI and other agencies as well as Congressional leaders were aware prior to the riot that militant and
extremist groups were planning to cause chaos and breach the Capitol. Thus, President Trump could not have incited the mayhem.
[#2] That no one was murdered by demonstrators, and Officer Sicknick was not killed by a Trump supporter with a fire
extinguisher but died of natural causes or exposure to tear gas.
[#3] That three of the people supposedly murdered died of natural causes outside the Capitol building.
[#4] That there was no "armed insurrection" as no one has been charged with using a firearm inside the Capitol, further,
no demonstrator has been identified as even carrying a gun inside the building.
[#5] That Congressional leaders, primarily Nancy Pelosi, deliberately tied the hands of the Capital Hill police and
refused to call in additional police support or the National Guard.
made it really hard to take Washington seriously. One is hard pressed to imagine how a former president can be
impeached. The term doesn't even make sense, as the whole idea of impeachment is to remove a president from
office. If said president isn't even in office, there's no squaring the circle. The notion seems to be to
close any avenue Donald Trump may use to re-establish himself in national politics. Not a thing constitutional about
it. That Pelosi & Company fear Trump even out of office is beyond dispute. He is a threat to their crooked lives
because America is no longer blind to the extraordinary criminality that has Washington by the throat. The hope that
was America for centuries was predicated on sincere efforts to hamstring the corruption that otherwise ran rampant across the
world. Now the whole world has seen that not even America can stand honestly in the sunshine.
Impeachment Attorney Canceled by Law School, Civil Rights Law Group. An attorney who represented President
Donald Trump during the recent impeachment trial says a law school canceled a civil rights law course he was going to teach
and he was suspended from a civil rights lawyer email discussion list. "I was hoping to teach a civil rights course at
a law school in the fall. We've been in talks about it, kind of planning it out. I wrote to them and I said, 'I
want you to know, I'm gonna be representing Donald Trump in the impeachment case. I don't know if that impacts on your
decision at all,'" David Schoen, one of the three attorneys who argued before the Senate, told The Epoch Times. "And
they said, you know, they appreciated my writing and, frankly, it would make some students and faculty uncomfortable, so I
couldn't do it. "That was sad for me because I really want to go more and more into teaching. I like doing that,"
Schoen said. Schoen, an Alabama-based lawyer recognized for his civil rights litigation, declined to name the school
that canceled his course.
Small wonder the Orange Man laughs in their faces. Democrats have diminished themselves. The impeachment turned a
hollow victory in November into a humiliation. Because once in power, what did they do? Did they order the
nation's economy to re-open? Did they pass a corona virus relief package? Did they work with Republicans on a new
immigration law or anything else? No, no, no. Democrats did not do anything like that. The first thing
Democrats did once the election was certified was to impeach Donald John Trump, even though his term expired on January 20.
Acquittal Shows Congress Is Not Exempt From The Constitution. House impeachment managers argued Saturday, as
throughout former President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, that Congress is exempt from the Constitution. Lead
manager Rep. Raskin (D-MD) said that because this was not a criminal trial, the legal requirements for "incitement" did
not apply, the right to due process did not apply, and even the cherished First Amendment did not apply. In effect,
Raskin argued, Congress was exempt from following constitutional principles. [...] Raskin, Schiff, and the Democrats told the
Senate that they should ignore the principles of the Bill of Rights. As Trump's lawyers noted in their rebuttal Friday,
the House managers were effectively asking the Senators to violate their own oaths of office. That may or may not have
been the reason the Senate ultimately acquitted Trump, both times.
Success': Jamie Raskin Calls Trump's Second Impeachment 'Historic' Despite Acquittal. Democratic Maryland
Rep. Jamie Raskin said Sunday that he believed President Donald Trump's second impeachment was a "dramatic success"
despite ending in acquittal. Raskin, who served as the lead House Impeachment Manager, told NBC's Chuck Todd that he
felt the trial had been a success because it was the most bipartisan impeachment in history. Todd began the interview
by asking Raskin whether he viewed the trial as a success or a failure. "You got seven Republicans to convict," he
said. "Well, I think it was a dramatic success in historical terms," Raskin replied, arguing that it was the largest
conviction in an impeachment trial. "It was by far the most bipartisan majority that's ever assembled in the Senate to
convict a president, which has traditionally been a kind of partisan thing in American history."
Attorney van der Veen reads the riot act to a CBS interviewer. One of the things that endeared Trump to his
legion of supporters is the fact that he would not let leftists in the media set the narrative. He refused to accept
the biased premises underlying their questions and assertions, thereby breaking with decades of conservative behavior.
That same fire burned through Michael van der Veen, one of the attorneys who helped achieve Trump's acquittal when CBS's Lana
Zak implied that it was just a little thing when House impeachment managers falsified evidence. [...] That van der Veen was
operating on a hair-trigger is unsurprising. The "tolerant" left has sent him almost 100 death threats and backed it up
by physically attacking his office and, even more frighteningly, his home. Everything van der Veen said about the media
is correct. Will this change any leftist minds? No. But ordinary Americans, those who have started to
realize that the media is not reporting facts but is pushing an agenda, may see in van der Veen's words a legitimate
statement about the media's responsibility for tearing America apart.
Attorney Unleashes On CBS Reporter During Epic Interview, Walks Off Camera. During an intense interview with
CBS News reporter Lana Zak, Trump attorney Michael Van Der Veen went off as he blasted the media for their disgusting
coverage of President Donald Trump during the impeachment hearing. Van Der Veen specifically targeted Zak for defending
Democratic lawmakers who presented doctored and fake evidence during the hearing. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait! That's not enough for you? That's not enough for you?" Van Der Veen said after Zak tried downplaying how
Democrats doctored evidence. "I'm not a juror..." Zak replied. "Sir, respectfully, not everyone is following... I
have not said it was OK. I want to be clear for our viewers..." "Listen, what has to happen... (interrupted) The
media has to start telling the right story in this country.," the Trump lawyer shot back. "The media is trying to
divide this country. You are bloodthirsty for ratings! ... I can't believe that you would ask me question indicating
that it's alright just to doctor a little bit of evidence. [...]" [Video clip]
His Second Acquittal The Democrats Push Plan To Ban Trump From Running For Office Again - This Can Be Done With A Simple
Majority Vote. McConnell and the GOP elites (GOPe) worked against President Trump for years preventing him from
passing his wildly popular agenda to protect America, its workers, and its citizens. McConnell did not hold back as he
ripped Trump apart for a "disgraceful dereliction of duty" and attempting to "overturn the election." He claimed that
the protesters stormed the Capitol because they had been "fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on earth," and that
Trump was "practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day."
The Editor says...
[#1] Mr. Trump was not trying to overturn the election. The election had already been overturned by massive voter
fraud. Mr. Trump was attempting to retain that which was rightfully his. [#2] Nobody was "fed wild
falsehoods" by Mr. Trump.
McConnell's Verdict. Mr. McConnell had just finished voting to acquit a former president he has clearly
come to detest. He evidently felt that he had to say something to justify, or explain, that decision. [...] So how did
Mr. McConnell justify his decision to vote not guilty? He did so by citing the Senate's lack of jurisdiction to
use what Justice Story called the "narrow tool" of impeachment on a president who was gone from office. This reportedly
infuriated the House prosecutors; Congressman Raskin reckoned that Mr. McConnell had "opted to acquit Trump" on what the
Washington Post paraphrased as "a constitutional technicality." The profundity that Mr. McConnell understands is
the oxymoronic nature of a "constitutional technicality." If something is constitutional it can't be a
technicality. Were it but a technicality, it wouldn't be in the Constitution.
Impeachment Lawyer: 'Bloodthirsty' Media Is 'Trying to Divide This Country'. One of former President Donald
Trump's impeachment lawyers accused media companies of trying to push a narrative instead of sticking to the facts, saying
news outlets are "trying to divide this country." "What this country wants and this country needs is this country to
come together," Michael T. van der Veen said, adding that the reason why there is so much divisiveness is "because
of the media." "The media wants to tell their narrative rather than just telling it like it is," he said, adding that
corporate media outlets have "to start telling the right story in this country" and that the "media is trying to divide this
country" to make a profit. "You are bloodthirsty for ratings. You're asking questions that are already set up
with a fact-pattern," van der Veen said.
A second
justified impeachment outcome. The acquittal of former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial
is a fitting outcome to a case that should not have happened. Never before has a former president been impeached and
put on trial, and it should never happen again. This was a show trial, an attempt by Democrats to humiliate Trump after
his election defeat and force Republicans to side with him or against him. While the president's speech before the
Capitol riot was at times too angry and bitter, there was nothing in it that could reasonably be seen as intending to incite
an insurrection, as the single House article charged. In fact, the case was in many ways the mirror image of the
partisan putsch that Dem leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer engineered over the Ukraine piffle almost exactly a year ago.
Attorney Van Der Veen Chokes Up Talking about Vicious Assaults by Democrats. Trump impeachment attorney Michael
van der Veen joined FOX News following the successful acquittal of his client President Donald Trump in the sham Senate
Impeachment Trial. During the discussion FOX News host Griff Jenkins asked him about the reports that his home was
attacked. [Video clip]
retreat on witnesses brings messy end to Trump trial. The Democrats who prosecuted Donald Trump's impeachment
trial faced puzzlement and criticism from senators on Saturday as they surprised most everyone — Trump's lawyers
and Senate Democrats included — with an attempt to call witnesses, only to abandon it as lawmakers balked at the
possibility of an extended trial.
Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media. Saturday night, President Trump's attorney, Michael
van der Veen, appeared on CBS News and was asked about Sen. Mitch McConnell's comments after Trump's acquittal. As
Bonchie covered earlier, McConnell said that "President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events
of the day," and that Trump is "still liable for everything he did during his period in office." When he was specifically
asked whether he was surprised to hear such a serious rebuke from the leader of the Republican party in the Senate, van der
Veen's expression, tone, and words said it all. [Video clip]
Lawyer Van Der Veen: 'We Demolished Their Case — They Were Like a Dying Animal That We Had Trapped in the
Corner'. During an appearance on FNC's "America's News HQ" following former President Donald Trump's
impeachment trial acquittal Trump's defense attorney Michael Van Der Veen reacted to the U.S. Senate's verdict, describing
the events of the day before as being pivotal in his client's victory. "Nothing really surprised me," he said.
"What had happened was the day before, we demolished their case, and they were like a dying animal that we had trapped in the
corner. And so, this morning, their last gaps were swinging out at us trying to save their case, and it didn't work.
So we were kind of expecting them to pull on something." [Video clip]
Have a New Plan for How to 'Get' Trump. It's never going to stop, is it? Today [2/13/2021], Donald Trump
was acquitted for a second time by the Senate after being impeached. This time, he was found not guilty of inciting the
riot at the Capitol Building on January 6th. Though much hyperventilating has commenced, I believe the facts supported
that decision. Trump simply didn't meet the standard for incitement, even some low-bar political standard set forth by
Congress. [...] Regardless, with Democrats and the anti-Trump right feeling embarrassed once again, they are proving they
just can't quit Trump. Now, they are fantasizing about taking him down via a criminal investigation.
The Facts that Dems Didn't
Want to Come Out and Why They Caved on Witnesses in Impeachment Trial. It's just atrocious that Democrats have
done what they've done in this impeachment process. They've postured this case as though it were Trump inciting people
and then not wanting to do anything in response. But they did a snap impeachment, failed to do a hearing and establish
any evidence to support that. There's a good reason why they did that — because there's more evidence out
there that supports Trump and why there never should have been an impeachment to begin with and who it was that turned down
the help of the National Guard. Here's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows saying that Trump did in fact talk about
National Guard before Jan. 6 for that day. [Video clip]
Reasons Fake News Media Had a Very Bad Friday. [#2] Impeachment Implosion: The fake media were forced to
broadcast Team Trump's brilliant and brutal impeachment rebuttal, the closing arguments, which included utterly [condemnatory] video
of every major Democrat and all kinds of fake media anchors doing exactly what they accused Trump of doing — disputing
election results, calling on supporters to "fight," etc. Best of all, after years of the media's outright lying to the public,
the networks were all forced to broadcast the truth: the full unedited video that debunks their "very fine people" hoax.
Decision in Impeachment Trial
In, Liberals Losing Their Minds On Social Media. I wrote earlier about how all the Senate Democrats voted to
have witnesses at the impeachment trial, joined by five Republicans. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Sen. Ted
Cruz (R-TX) then both said they would call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) to grill her about what she knew and when she
knew it. That of course didn't thrill Democrats. But then after realizing that they were digging themselves a
hole from which they might not be able to get out, they flipped back again, making a deal to just accept a statement but not
having any witnesses. According to CNN, Senate Democrats pressured the House Managers to back off.
Trump acquitted in impeachment trial. Donald Trump has been acquitted by the Senate in his second impeachment
trial for his role in the 6 January attack on the US Capitol — a verdict that underscores the sway America's 45th
president still holds over the Republican party even after leaving office. After just five days of debate in the
chamber that was the scene of last month's invasion, a divided Senate fell 10 votes short of the two-thirds majority required
to convict high crimes and misdemeanors. A conviction would have allowed the Senate to vote to disqualify him from
holding future office. Seven Republicans joined every Democrat to declare Trump guilty on the charge of "incitement of
insurrection" after his months-long quest to overturn his defeat by Joe Biden and its deadly conclusion on 6 January, when
Congress met to formalize the election results.
Impeachment Managers Fold: Back Off On Witnesses After Trump Legal Team Announces Pelosi Will Be Called
In. Democrats flipped the script this morning after their case collapsed on Friday against President
Trump. Democrats now want to change the rules and call in witnesses. This comes after Senator McConnell announced
he will vote to acquit. This comes after Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington leaked news on a
January 6, 2021 phone call between House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and former President Donald Trump. Kevin
McCarthy denies the leaked report by Herrera Beutler.
McConnell launches all-out attack on Trump AFTER voting to clear him. Mitch McConnell tore into Donald Trump
Saturday [2/13/2021] after voting with 42 other Republicans to acquit him of 'incitement of insurrection' — but
then immediately argued the former president is solely to blame for Capitol storming. 'President Trump is still liable
for everything he did while he was in office,' McConnell said in Senate floor remarks. On the fifth and final day of
the impeachment trial, the Republican Senate leader argued in a speech following the 57-43 vote that Congress does not
hold the jurisdiction to criminally or civilly prosecute the former president.
Cruz tweets out hilarious list of rejected impeachment questions. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas tweeted out a hysterical thread that revealed a number of actual
questions that were submitted to be asked at former President Trump's impeachment trial. They were, of course, rejected by the Democrats. [...] Here is the list of
tweeted questions in order:
Question 1: "Where's the short, fat guy?"
Question 2: "Can we build the Keystone Pipeline if we add Hunter Biden to the board?"
Question 3: "To Manager Swalwell: Tell us about Fang Fang."
Question 4: "(generic) Have any of the House Managers had sexual relations with a Chinese communist spy? Please explain."
Question 5: "If we put him in a burlap sack & throw him in the river, and he does not float, must we convict?"
It is no wonder that presiding judge Sen. Pat Leahy decided these questions were inappropriate. They are far too revealing.
Highlights From Trump Team's Defense in Impeachment Trial. During his presentation, Trump lawyer Michael van
der Veen played video of several news reports showing that rioters had planned the attack — in some cases for
weeks. Thus, he argued, the mob wasn't inspired by Trump's speech at a rally just south of the White House during a
joint session of Congress to count the Electoral College votes that made Joe Biden president. "The criminals who
infiltrated the Capitol must be punished to the fullest extent of the law," van der Veen said, adding: ["]They
should be in prison for as long as the law allows. The fact that the attacks were apparently premeditated —
as alleged by the House managers — demonstrates the ludicrousness of the incitement allegation against the
president. You can't incite what was already going to happen.["]
Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video. On Friday [2/12/2021], lawyers for former President
Donald Trump presented a few hard-hitting videos contrasting Trump's calls for peace and law and order with Democrats
encouraging harassment and coddling Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters over the last summer. "To claim that the
president in any way wished, desired, or encouraged lawless or violent behavior is a preposterous and monstrous lie," Michael
Van Der Veen, one of Trump's lawyers, argued. Van Der Veen presented a video contrasting Trump's law-and-order remarks
and remarks from Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker
(D-N.J.), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Pelosi had said, "I just don't even know why there aren't
uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be." Waters had notoriously encouraged supporters to harass Trump
administration staff in public places. Biden had said that if he was in high school, he would "beat the hell out of" Trump.
B: Schumer comments on next steps to punish Trump if impeachment fails. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
has publicly confirmed that he's aware of and possibly willing to consider a backup plan that would prevent former President
Donald Trump from running for office again even if he isn't convicted in his ongoing impeachment trial. During a
Democrat press conference ahead of Thursday's impeachment proceedings, he was asked specifically about the plan, which calls
for using an obscure provision in the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump's potential reelection.
Impeachment Managers Manipulated Evidence and Created Fake Tweets. During the defense segment of the
impeachment testimony today President Trump's attorney David Schoen exposed the House Managers creating false evidence and
manufacturing false witness. Obviously they were able to do this because there was no due process in the House
impeachment assembly. It was/is pure Alinsky politics. [Video clip]
a slow start, Trump's attorneys had a barn-burning impeachment closing. Trump hired his legal team for the
impeachment just a few days before the proceedings started, which may have accounted for their singularly lackluster opening
argument. However, by Friday [2/12/2021], they'd gotten their ducks in a row and David Schoen, especially, had a great
closing argument. He opened by pointing out that Democrats improperly sat on footage of events in the Capitol to
blindside Trump's defense team and deny him due process. From there, he moved to the fact that the Democrat House
impeachment managers outright lied about their alleged evidence, whether it was faked tweets or manipulated video. [...]
Schoen demonstrated that Democrats have lusted after impeachment since Trump's inauguration. The next thing he showed
is that Democrats actively promoted violence in the street and have frequently and openly expressed their desire to commit
actual violence against Trump, his supporters, and America itself. Moreover, to the extent Trump used the word "fight," he
did so in a purely political sense, which is something that Democrats have done repeatedly over the years: [Video clip]
Impeaching the Voters.
At the heart of the case against President Trump levied this week by House prosecutors lies the violence itself —
what it looked like up close, inside the Capitol. Video conveyed the intensity, danger, coarseness of language, and
scent of blood that seethed through the vast premises. The House used shocking footage never before seen by the public,
making clear that things were far worse than Americans had so far appreciated. Powerful. Then again, too, if this
footage was able to shock the nation four weeks after January 6, why must one assume that President Trump himself grasped
what was happening at the time of the events? He was more than a mile away. He had expressed confidence that
everyone at his rally would be marching to the Capitol building to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Then he'd returned to the White House.
impeachment defense says 'reportedly' is not evidence of anything. Former President Donald Trump's impeachment
trial defense lawyers on Friday argued that the Democratic case against him rests on "reported" allegations — and
that in a courtroom, he could not be convicted. Attorney David Schoen played for senators a montage of video clips of
impeachment managers using the words "reportedly," "reported" and "reports" over and over to describe Trump's conduct
relating to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which they have accused him of inciting. "The House managers facing a significant
lack of evidence turned often to press reports and rumors during these proceedings. Claims that would never meet the
evidentiary standards of any court," Schoen said. "As any trial lawyer will tell you, 'reportedly' is a euphemism for,
'I have no real evidence.'"
Impeachment Day 5: Senate to Convene at 10 AM ET, Closing Arguments and Then a Vote — Will Democrats Rig This Vote
Too? The US Senate will reconvene at 10 AM ET on Saturday morning [2/13/2021]. This is after devastating
testimony on Friday, including 13 minutes of video clips showing Democrats doing the exact same thing they accuse President
Trump of doing. Friday was a devastating day for Democrats. Whenever the American public gets to see them for who
they are it is never a good day for them. Democrats depend on the liberal media to be their shield. Saturday's
session could feature the vote on whether to convict or acquit Trump. Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy is presiding over
the sham impeachment and will also vote to convict. A guilty vote by Republicans will effectively end the Republican
Party so Democrats aare keeping their fingers crossed[.]
Lawyers Call Out Democrat 'Hypocrisy' In Video Montage. Trump's lawyers had up to sixteen hours to present to
the Senate on Friday, but after less than three hours, they officially "rested their case." Their final arguments included
video footage and claims that Trump "did not receive due process because he did not see the House impeachment managers' video
montage, although the Democrats said [sic] had provided it," according to CBS News. They used the allotted time to
defend the former president's rhetoric on January 6 and reportedly "distance him from the violence." Specifically, they
called the senators' attention to Trump's phrasing at the rally prior to the attack on the Capitol building — "If
you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore" — since his speech was mentioned by democrats
in various arguments throughout the week.
Trump Defense Team Just Destroyed
One of the Most Persistent of Democrat Lies. As we reported earlier, the Trump defense team did a fabulous job
today [2/12/2021] just decimating the case presented by the Democratic House Managers. Among the things they did was
show Democrats if they're trying to criminalize or impeach based on speech, that Democrats had far more questionable comments
'inciting' in the past than President Donald Trump did in his Jan. 6 speech, who said to supporters to act "peacefully and
patriotically." The defense showed the utter hypocrisy of the Democrats using their own words in a terrific video compilation.
If one should impeach for such words, then all of them should be impeached. They also showed that if Democrats were trying to
demonize or impeach for objecting to or raising questions about the electoral count, that Democrats themselves had done it many times
in the past, including Democratic lead impeachment manager, Rep Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had
not only done it but had praised the process of doing it, saying it was important to democracy.
source: GOP leader McConnell will vote to acquit Trump. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told
colleagues Saturday that he will vote to acquit Donald Trump in his impeachment trial, ending suspense over what the
chamber's most influential Republican would decide and all but slamming the door on chances that the former president would
be found guilty.
'At Least a Dozen' Republican Senators Walked Out of Impeachment Trial. At least a dozen Republican Senators
reportedly walked out of the Senate impeachment trial on Thursday, after lead House impeachment manager Rep. Jamie
Raskin (D-MD) tried to argue that years of Trump rallies were incitement to violence. National Review reporter John
McCormack reported several Republican Senators left the chamber during part of Raskin's presentation, and missed the
subsequent argument of Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), who argued that Trump was a future danger. [Tweets] Raskin tried to
claim that Trump's speech on January 6 incited the Capitol riot because he had spent years encouraging supporters to commit
acts of violence, or condoning past acts of violence, often using specific coded language to do so.
defense team bounces back. The defense of Donald Trump at his impeachment trial got off to a rocky start
earlier this week. There's no denying that. Today [2/12/2021], however, the defense team came back strong in its
closing argument. Trump's lawyers used only about two and half hours of their allotted 16 to respond to the House
managers' case. That was enough to demolish it and to show the dishonesty of the managers' presentation. [...] As I've
said before, I think there is a decent, although ultimately unpersuasive, case for impeachment. But the House was in
too big a rush to have made that case. The Article of Impeachment is an embarrassment, so it's not surprising that the
managers relied on emotion and distortion, rather than reason, in presenting it.
trial barrels toward Saturday acquittal of Trump. Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial was
poised to conclude Saturday following his defense team's presentation meant to highlight the hypocrisy and holes in the case
against him. [...] "This impeachment is completely divorced from the facts, the evidence, and the interests of the American
people," Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen told senators Friday. "The Senate should promptly and decisively vote to
reject it. No thinking person could seriously believe that the president's Jan. 6 speech on the Ellipse was in
any way an incitement to violence or insurrection. The suggestion is patently absurd on its face."
Defense Team Absolutely Ruins Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of "Fight" Word Like Trump Did! The Democrats
demonized President Trump for using the word 'fight'. Trump's attorneys responded today with a collage of clips from each of
the Democrats in the room using the word 'fight'. This portion of today's events on Capitol Hill was excellent.
The Democrats claim that because President Trump used the word 'fight' in his speech on January 6th in Washington D.C.
However, what every Democrat in that room forgot was that they too had used the word previously in political speech.
The montage went on for 13 minutes. [Video clip]
Impeachment Betrays Democrat
Distrust of Voters. The attorneys representing Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial, Bruce Castor and
David Schoen, have received a lot of criticism concerning their presentation to the Senate. Indeed, some of it has come
from their client. Yet, in some ways, the time constraints that contributed to their apparent lack of polish worked in
their favor. They couldn't call in professional filmmakers to produce a slick and deceptive video montage. They
had no time to throw together an 80-page word salad in lieu of legitimate legal arguments. But they did have the facts,
the Constitution, and one crucial question they wanted to ask the Democrats. Attorney Castor posed that question
40 minutes into his opening remarks on Tuesday: "Why is the majority of the House of Representatives afraid of the
American people?" Castor went on to explain why that question had to be asked and how the answer lays bare the cynical
motivation behind the precipitous House impeachment: "Let's understand why we are really here. We are really here
because the majority in the House of Representatives does not want to face Donald Trump as a political rival in the future."
He's right, of course.
Impeachment Trial [is] Just a Stage for Political Posturing. Constitutional attorney John Whitehead is correct when
he writes: "Impeaching Trump will accomplish very little, and it will not in any way improve the plight of the average
American. It will only reinforce the spectacle and farce that have come to be synonymous with politics today."
Trump's lawyers used the phrase "unconstitutional political theater" in their filing requests that the Senate dismiss the one
charge that the former president incited rioters who invaded the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6. Democrats fired
back that Trump committed "the most grievous constitutional crime" ever committed by a U.S. president.
Trump — House threatens to trash this core principle to ensure conviction. Over the last four years,
we have seen an alarming trend of law professors and legal experts discarding constitutional and due process commitments to
support theories for the prosecution or impeachment of Donald Trump or his family. Legal experts who long defended
criminal defense rights have suddenly become advocates of the most sweeping interpretations of criminal or constitutional
provisions while discarding basic due process and fairness concerns. Even theories that have been clearly rejected by
the Supreme Court have been claimed to be valid in columns. No principle seems inviolate when it stands in the way of a
Trump prosecution. Yet, the statement of House manager Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., last week was breathtaking.
A former law professor, Raskin declared that the decision of Trump not to testify in the Senate could be cited or used by
House managers as an inference of his guilt — a statement that contradicts not just our constitutional principles
but centuries of legal writing.
blunder: Author of tweet introduced at trial says it was falsified, misinterpreted. The author of a tweet
introduced by Democrats at the Senate impeachment trial said Thursday [2/11/2021] her statement "we are bringing the Calvary"
was a clear reference to a prayer vigil organized by churchgoers supporting Trump and not a call for military-like violence
at the Capitol riot as portrayed by Rep. Eric Swalwell. Jennifer Lynn Lawrence also said she believes the
California Democrat and House impeachment manager falsified her tweet, adding a blue check mark to the version he introduced
at the trial suggesting she was a verified Twitter user with more clout when in fact her Twitter account never had a blue
check and has never been verified. "I noticed when they put my tweet on the screen that all of a sudden my tweet had a
blue checkmark next to it," she said during an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "... This way, if he
entered that into congressional testimony, it's a verified account, and it has, it could be applicable in law.
Secondly, he wanted to show that my Twitter account had more gravitas than it actually did. He wanted to show that the
president was trying to use me to bring in the cavalry."
On Being Judged by the
Guilty. Day one of the Trump Impeachment trial before the US Senate has wrapped up. The House Democrats,
led by Representative Jamie Raskin, laid out their case, charging President Trump with inciting a "violent insurrection" and
seeking to disqualify him from future US office. The accusations made by Democrats during the openings are consistent
with the Articles of Impeachment: that Trump "gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of
Government." That Trump has demonstrated he is "a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution." [...] For
all those concerns about our institutions and our Democracy, what is Trump actually charged with?
impeachment — Lee-Raskin exchange reveals this glaring hole in the case. At the end of its first day
of argument, the Senate impeachment trial was thrown into chaos when a "juror" stood up like a scene out of Perry Mason to
contest the veracity statements made by "prosecutors." That moment came as the Senate was preparing to end for the
day. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, jumped to his feet to object that a quote by House manager Rep. David Cicilline,
D-R.I., was false. Lee should know. They were purportedly his words. After a frenzy on the floor and a
delay of proceedings, lead House manager Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., announced that they would withdraw Cicilline's
statements and that "this is much ado about nothing, because it's not critical in anyway to our case." In reality, it
had much to do about the manager's case and highlights a glaring problem in it.
Impeachment 'Political Theater,' Ignores US History: Constitutional Lawyer. The impeachment effort
against former President Donald Trump is "political theater" that goes against the history of the United States and the
American Constitution itself, according to constitutional attorney Rick Green. "When we have political actors involved,
we get political theater. And that's a lot of what we're getting here. Is this the judiciary now? Is the
Senate now the judiciary that will try any citizen? Because an impeachment is specifically for someone that is in
office, according to the American Constitution," Green, a former Texas state representative and co-founder of the Patriot
Academy, told "American Thought Leaders." Trump's attorneys have stated that it goes against the Constitution to impeach
or try a former office-holder. "Virtually everyone agrees that impeachment in our Constitution is designed for those
three categories listed in Article 2, Section 4. And that's the president, the vice president, and civil
officers — so people that are still serving in office," Green said.
Impeachment 'One of the Stupidest Events' in U.S. History. Wednesday [2/10/2021] on FNC's "Hannity,"
conservative talker Mark Levin slammed the impeachment trial underway in the U.S. Senate by calling it "one of the stupidest
events" in American history. Levin highlighted some of the abnormal circumstances surrounding the January 6 Capitol
Hill riot and argued the proceedings were unconstitutional act by a "rogue" Congress.
Actually, It Is Constitutional to Impeach and Convict a Former President. On Tuesday [2/9/2021], the U.S.
Senate voted on the constitutional question of whether an impeachment trial may be held for Donald Trump now that he is out
of office. [...] Texas senator Ted Cruz was one of the 44 Republicans who voted that former president Donald Trump is not
"subject to a court of impeachment for acts committed while president," but in an article on Fox News, Cruz argues that, in
fact, the Constitution does give Congress the authority to impeach and convict a former president. [...] In other words, Cruz
seems to have skipped to the conclusion of the impeachment trial. "On the merits, President Trump's conduct does not
come close to meeting the legal standard for incitement — the only charge brought against him," Cruz writes.
Having reached that conclusion before the impeachment trial began, Cruz works backward to argue that the trial is
unconstitutional. I'm unaware of any other Senate Republican who shares Cruz's view of Tuesday's vote on the
constitutionality of the trial.
Democrats Forced To Admit They're Peddling Fake News During Impeachment Hearing. On Wednesday, the Democratic
House impeachment managers were forced to withdraw evidence in their case against former President Donald Trump after they
were called out for peddling fake news. The impeachment managers claimed that President Trump had mistakenly called
Senator Mike Lee on the evening of January 6th and thought he was talking to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville. "He
dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber," claimed
impeachment manager David Cicilline (D-RI). Cicilline then said that the President told Tuberville to "make further
objections" to Biden's electors as Senator Lee "stood by."
Times Joe Biden Openly Urged Violence Against Political Opponents. The Senate moved forward with day three of
its second pointless impeachment trial Thursday [2/11/2021], pursuing the conviction of a president already out of office
over alleged "incitement of insurrection" regarding the attacks on the U.S. Capitol building in early January. House
Democrats passed the snap impeachment within a week of the riot, without one hearing or one witness, charging then-President
Donald Trump with provoking the mob of his supporters to storm the Capitol building with a speech that encouraged them to
protest peacefully. Despite the horde of his supporters beginning their assault before the president had even finished
his speech, Democrats declared Trump was solely responsible anyway and have now kept the Senate's top priority on punishing
an ousted president as the nation faces crises on several fronts.
senators largely unmoved by Democrats' Trump trial prosecution. Several Republican senators said Thursday that
House impeachment managers failed to persuade them to convict former President Donald Trump for allegedly inciting the Jan. 6
Capitol riot. The prosecution finished presenting its case Thursday — and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said
afterward he believes Democrats are as guilty as Trump of using fiery language in front of large crowds. Paul, who opposed
Trump's effort to toss out swing-state electors on Jan. 6, said Democrats have been "lucky" that their remarks didn't
translate into worse outcomes. He pointed to a controversial 2020 speech by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
at the Supreme Court.
Impeachment Of Donald John Trump Is Trial By Feelings. The case against Donald John Trump in this, his second
impeachment trial, is a curious thing. The single charge is that he allegedly incited a riot at the Capitol by
contesting the results of the 2020 election. But his actions do not meet the legal definition of incitement. As
we are constantly reminded, a Senate impeachment trial is not a criminal trial, so the senators can choose to define
incitement however they want, but so far they haven't. The opening statement from the House managers was almost solely
focused on feelings and emotion. At one point, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., literally broke down in tears while
describing the riot. But what he did not offer was a standard by which Trump's guilt or innocence on the charge of
incitement could be based. This is very important because a precedent is being set here. Likewise, on day two,
the Democrats once again made a mainly emotional appeal, focused on video and images from the riots.
Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention.
Chaos erupted at the end of the second day of the second impeachment trial of now former President Donald Trump as House
Democrats were forced to withdraw from the record a statement a GOP senator said was falsely attributed to him after Senate
Democrats lost control of the proceedings while they sought to wrap up for the day. [...] It draws attention to the fact that
Leahy, not Roberts, is presiding over the trial while also serving as a juror — and a witness, since he is a
senator and was there on Jan. 6 — meaning that a Democrat senator and political opponent of the accused, Trump, is
serving as judge, jury, and witness in a trial.
Impeachment Trial Redux.
Facts are apparently now a thing of the past, at least when they have anything to do with Donald Trump. Democrats and
the Left couldn't care less about the facts surrounding the events of January 6, and the corporate leftist propaganda and
media machine shamelessly promotes their message. It should come as no surprise, then, that Democrats and the Left have
once again determined to target Donald Trump, even though he's been out of office for weeks. They have been engaged in
a nonstop smear campaign against Trump, begun even before he stepped foot in office and culminating in this second
impeachment, which is devoid of evidence, facts, or reason. In other words, it is exactly like the first impeachment.
of the Democrats' Arguments for Disqualifying Trump From Seeking Office Again. House prosecutors argued
Wednesday [2/10/2021] that former President Donald Trump not only is responsible for the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol but was
involved in a "premeditated" effort after he "ran out of nonviolent measures" to keep power. [...] Trump intentionally pushed
the violence in Washington to hold onto power, argued Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., an impeachment manager with a reputation
as a "Twitter troll" critical of Trump. "How did our exceptional country get to the point where a violent mob attacked
our Capitol, murdering a police officer, assaulting over 140 other officers?" Lieu asked. "How did we get to the point
where rioters desecrated, defiled, and dishonored your Senate chamber, where the very place in which you sit became a crime
scene and where National Guard troops still patrol outside wearing body armor?" he asked. Lieu then answered his
questions, saying it happened because Trump was unwilling to let go of power after losing an election.
The Editor says...
[#1] The only time the Democrats claim that America is an "exceptional country" is when they're attacking Trump. [#2] Nobody
murdered a police officer in the January 6 riot. A police officer died after he left the riot and had a stroke.
[#3] The people who "assault[ed] over 140 other officers" were probably all Antifa and BLM infiltrators and agitators.
[#4] The "National Guard troops still patrol outside wearing body armor" entirely because Democrats are using them as props.
[#5] Trump was unwilling to let go of power after NOT losing an election. The election was stolen. Trump was trying
to retain that which was his.
Decries GOP as Not Impartial Jurors, I 'Want to Traumatize' Them. As anyone who has passed a high school civics
class knows, the impeachment process is not a legal proceeding but a political one. Luckily, CNN host Chris "Fredo"
Cuomo knew at least that much. But he spent a lot of Wednesday's [2/10/2021] Prime Time decrying Senate
Republicans for not being impartial jurors in President Trump's second impeachment trial. Yet, he never admitted that
Democrats weren't impartial either, and even boasted about one of his guests already calling for Trump's conviction. On
top of that, Cuomo admitted to wanting to "traumatize" the Republican side of the Senate. "We know this is a political
trial. Okay. We know that. We know the jurors are not impartial. We know that. Mitch McConnell
said it," he said to former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, as if he broke some kind of major case. But Bharara went on to
explain that every member of the Senate, Democrats include, wouldn't be allowed to jurors in "a real trial" because they're
biased against Trump[.]
Graham: House Impeachment Managers' Argument Was 'Offensive', 'Absurd'. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
told Fox News' Hannity on Wednesday [2/10/2021] that House impeachment managers had grown the "not guilty" vote in the
Senate that day with an "absurd" presentation that floated a conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump planned the
Capitol riot. Graham told Hannity that Democrats had rushed to impeach Trump before investigating. Now that their
"incitement" claim was falling apart, he said, they had to invent a "cockamamie" theory: [...]
Why The Sham Impeachment Trial Is Clearly Unconstitutional. The second sham impeachment of now-former President
Donald Trump has begun and it's already shaping up to be as big of a clown show as the first one was. Not only does it
come at a time when Congress should instead be focusing on the lingering pandemic, a sputtering economy, tens of millions of
Americans still unemployed or underemployed, new migrant caravans heading to our southern border, a China-Mexican cartel
alliance pumping fentanyl into Middle America and killing thousands, but it's also clearly unconstitutional. Julie
Strauss Levin, writing in the Virginia Star, makes this clear: ["]President Trump's attorneys have clearly
responded to the absurd Article of Impeachment. Their answer on Trump's behalf is clear and straightforward. Put
simply, and a plain reading of the Constitution by any grade school student will corroborate, you can't remove someone from
office who is not in office. And, the word "and" means just that: in order to be disqualified from holding office,
a person needs to first be in office, then removed and then disqualified from holding office in the future. In other
words, you can't be disqualified if you weren't in office at the time of the impeachment. What part of "and" does the
Democrat party not understand?["]
Back-Up Plan: Let's Do Something Unconstitutional Too. Despite the obvious unconstitutionality of the
plan, McClatchy reports that Democrats still want to keep the so-called 14th Amendment Option in reserve in the
all-too-certain case that the impeachment trial results in an acquittal for Donald Trump. [...] Congress has an important
role in keeping presidents in check, but Congress is bound by the same document as presidents. Democrats who want to
get revenge on Trump this badly should consider whether they're becoming their own nightmare.
Strange House Democrat Impeachment Claim of an "Armed" Crowd. The House Democrat impeachment arguments are
terrible. But there's one odd thing that stands out in their word salads of innuendo and conjecture. "Against
this backdrop, President Trump addressed a crowd that he knew was armed and primed for violence," the House Democrat
impeachment managers wrote in their rebuttal. "When he stood at the podium before thousands of his supporters,
President Trump knew that they were armed and that they were angry." These two references to an "armed crowd" are
strange because no one has been accused of opening fire at the Capitol Riot. Even the worst actors seem to have
resorted to using the usual rioter tools, sprays, poles, shields, and assorted objects that were weaponized, but were not
weapons. The tactical group that set out to breach the Capitol was well prepared but used no firearms to achieve its
goals. And it planned its attack days before the event and started it while President Trump was speaking. What
are House Democrats talking about? As usual, no one seems to know or care. Not even them.
Tim Scott: Trump is 'simply not guilty' on impeachment. Former President Donald Trump is "simply not
guilty" of inciting an insurrection against the United States government, Sen. Tim Scott R-S.C., told "America Reports"
on Monday [2/8/2021]. Scott said while he appreciated and understood the severity of the situation, given that he was in
the chamber when rioters stormed the Capitol, he felt culpability should be placed on those who broke inside the building,
not Trump. "The Democrats should put the blame where it stands, where it should be," Scott said. "And it does not
have to do with the president who said go 'peacefully' to protest."
Sham Trump Impeachment: An Unconstitutional Abuse Of Power. With the second impeachment trial of former
President Donald Trump looming, it can't be said enough: This entire farce is an unconstitutional act, which has the
sole purpose of silencing a political opponent and the more than 74 million who actively supported him in the last
election. Most people won't recognize the dangerous precedent this sets. Nothing could stop a future Congress in
the hands of a permanent Democratic majority from setting up political kangaroo courts for their political enemies.
Nothing. The goal of course is to come to a pre-ordained judicial conclusion, similar to the Soviet show trials of the 1930s.
Threaten to Punish Trump for Not Testifying at Impeachment Trial. Democrats reiterated Monday [2/8/2021] a
threat to punish former President Donald Trump for not testifying at the impeachment trial in the Senate, which begins
Tuesday. [...] The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that "No person ... shall be compelled in any criminal
case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." The
impeachment trial is not a criminal case; however, many constitutional scholars argue that the same principles ought to
apply — there, above all.
have a back-up plan in case the Senate doesn't convict Trump on impeachment. House and Senate Democrats may
push ahead this week with a censure resolution to bar former President Donald Trump from holding future office over his role
in the U.S. Capitol riot, anticipating acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial, several sources familiar with the matter
told McClatchy. The effort to draft the resolution that would invoke a provision of the 14th Amendment began quietly in
January and gained momentum over the weekend, as Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Republican Sen. Susan
Collins of Maine gauge whether the measure could attract bipartisan support. The reception has been lukewarm so far
from Democrats, who would prefer to see the former president convicted in the impeachment trial, and from Republicans, who
fear political consequences in barring Trump from office.
another reason the impeachment trial is unconstitutional. Impeachment managers sent from the U.S. House of
Representatives to the U.S. Senate have threatened to, and really already did, violate the Fifth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. They are asserting violations of the Constitution by Trump while themselves violating it. On Feb. 2,
2021, new attorneys representing Trump filed an "Answer" to the articles of impeachment, but not (yet) an actual trial brief.
Trump's attorneys and others challenge the trial as unconstitutional because Trump has left office. Yet on Feb. 4, 2021,
the impeachment managers asked Trump to testify in the upcoming trial. In other words, if Trump took the bait, he would be
legitimizing an unconstitutional proceeding.
Lawyer Goes Off On Democrats Over Sham Impeachment. On Tuesday afternoon [2/9/2021], Trump defense lawyer David
Schoen went scorched earth on Democrats for using impeachment as a tool for revenge and treating it like "bloodsport".
After the underwhelming performance of Trump's first lawyer Bruce Castor, Schoen shined light on the sham impeachment that is
underway in Washington D.C. Among many things, Schoen argued that impeachment is not valid without removal. And since
President Trump is no longer in office, he cannot actually be "removed". He also blasted the Democrats for their theatrics
after they played doctored video clips of the events that occurred on January 6th.
Trump's defense lawyer Bruce Castor is slammed by Alan Dershowitz for 47-minute rambling opening speech that does NOT explain
why impeachment trial is unconstitutional. President Donald Trump's former impeachment lawyer Alan Dershowitz
absolutely panned Trump's current impeachment lawyer Bruce Castor's opening swing at an argument during Tuesday's Senate
trial. 'There is no argument. I have no idea what he's doing. I have no idea why he's saying what he's
saying,' Dershowitz said Tuesday [2/9/2021] on Newsmax as Castor's 47-minute rambling opening statement was ongoing. 'I just don't
understand it, maybe he'll bring it home, but right now it does not appear to me to be effective advocacy.' Castor's trial
debut featured the lawyer flattering senators [...] complimenting the House managers' argument, condemning the violence at the
Capitol, admitting President Joe Biden won the election and arguing political speech shouldn't be punished.
Kennedy on impeachment trial: Dems want to equate Trump voters with 'nutjobs' who stormed Capitol.
Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said on Tuesday that he does not believe former President Donald Trump will be convicted in
the Senate and that his trial is a "poorly-camouflaged" attempt by the Washington establishment to equate Trump voters with
the "nutjobs" that broke into the Capitol. Kennedy explained during an interview on "The Faulkner Focus" that while the
Capitol rioters did not represent the Republican Party or a majority of their constituents, extremism exists on both sides of
the political landscape. "My Democratic friends are bringing a sword to these proceedings when what we need is a
candle," said Kennedy in regards to the impeachment trial. He added that Republicans and Democrats need "tents with
doors" to kick out people that perpetuate conspiracy theories and divisive rhetoric.
The Editor says...
The American Revolution started with a great amount of "divisive rhetoric." Sometimes rhetoric is divisive.
That doesn't mean it's necessarily destructive.
are Democrats Pushing Impeachment? Nancy Pelosi is one of the snidest and most petty representatives in
Congress. I have personally heard from several Democratic representatives their beliefs that Pelosi held up critical
immigration and COVID legislation that they privately supported, for no other reason than that it might help Trump look
good. They supported the holdups because they feared retribution from Pelosi. If you want to hear Pelosi's
partisanship, listen for yourself to her opening comments during the beginning of the House debate on Arizona's electoral
votes. Pelosi is sufficiently petty to demand impeachment as a final boot out the door. This is my personally
favored reason and stands as a testament to the characters of Chuck Schumer, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney and others who have
joined them. While several junior Democrats may have done so out of fear, Democratic leaders and Republicans had no
good excuses. But there could be another reason; one that fits well with Democrats' recent militarization of D.C. and
gross violations of our 1st Amendment rights to speech and to assemble and the redress of grievances. [...]
Lawyers Tear Apart Impeachment Sham With "Chilling Fact" That Dems Are Ignoring. Just one day before another
sham impeachment trial, President Trump's legal team has methodically laid out their case in a blistering new memorandum.
[...] On page 7 of the memorandum, the Trump legal team confirms that law enforcement received reports of a potential attack
on the Capitol well before Trump's January 6th speech... throwing out the possibility of a sudden "incitement" by the 45th
President's speech. "Despite going to great lengths to include irrelevant information regarding Mr. Trump's
comments dating back to August 2020 and various postings on social media, the House Managers are silent on one very chilling
fact. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed that the breach at the Capitol was planned several days in
advance of the rally, and therefore had nothing to do with the President's speech on January 6th at the Ellipse," they said.
A Made-For-TV Impeachment Trial.
The conduct of the Democrats during the first Trump impeachment trial was truly cringe-worthy. Knowing that he would
never be removed from office, they produced a piece of embarrassingly bad theater for the benefit of their far-left
base. The second Trump impeachment trial, due to begin Tuesday [2/9/2021], promises to be even more schmaltzy.
Because their claim that Trump is guilty of inciting insurrection is so thoroughly refuted by the video and transcript of his
January 6 speech, the Democratic House managers will be forced to rely heavily on a montage of misleading videos edited for
the convenience of the broadcast and cable networks. It will be a made-for-television impeachment trial written to
manipulate the emotions of the public.
the Constitution: Why Chief Justice Roberts is Not Presiding over Trump's Impeachment. As Donald Trump's
second impeachment trial begins today, not enough attention has been paid to the fact that Chief Justice Roberts will not be
presiding. Senate Democrat Richard Blumenthal, a lawyer, former federal prosecutor and member of the Judiciary
Committee, believes the Chief Justice should preside. Elizabeth Warren adopts the far more aggressive position that the
Chief Justice must preside as part of "his constitutional duty." [...] Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer [...] claims that
the Constitution commits the decision as a matter of choice to the Chief Justice: [...] All of these assertions are
manifestly incorrect and for reasons of considerable bearing on the proceeding. Working in order, Blumenthal does not
pretend to a legal argument. He wants the Chief Justice to preside for its beneficial public relations impact. [...]
Warren presents a claim shared by exactly no one. [...] Schumer is a different story. His statement is the reasons
people despise the oiliness of politicians, saying just enough to sound reasonable, for unwarranted ends. Schumer
intimates that he directly contacted Roberts and was told by Roberts that he would not preside. Schumer's office
conveniently won't confirm or deny.
impeachment managers are set to have their bid to call witnesses refused by Senate on eve of Trump's trial.
Democrats are struggling with impeachment managers' desire to call witnesses in the Senate trial this week to help prove
their case against Donald Trump and Democratic leadership wanting a speedy process. Speculation stirred over the
weekend that Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell will announce a deal on how the trial,
which kicks off on Tuesday, will move forward — with few expecting any witness testimony, according to
Politico. Congressional leadership feels witnesses are not necessary since the actions and fallout Democrats are
accusing the former president of inciting happened in plain sight and the prosecution could rely mostly on video.
Rand Paul: Here's the Proof the Impeachment Trial Against Trump Is Unconstitutional. Sen. Rand Paul
(R-KY) laid out a number of reasons why he believes the second impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump is
unconstitutional. "Constitutional scholars have said you impeach and disqualify. If the person isn't there to
impeach, you can't do either one of them," he said. The senator said there are other forms of punishment outside of
impeachment, something he believes Trump has already endured. "I think he has suffered under public opinion. His
numbers are greatly reduced and so I think there's all kinds of punishment," the senator explained. "We've had a
country for 250 years and every other Congress thought it was unwise to keep going after an ex-president."
Impeachment Is Unconstitutional and Reeks of Political Revenge. It's no secret that from the day after the 2016
election, Democrats had their sights set on impeaching President Trump, even objecting on January 6, 2017 to the electoral
votes starting with the State of Alabama, which President Trump won by 28 points, alleging "Russia Collusion." When
the Russian collusion conspiracy was proven to be make believe, they moved on to impeaching him over allegations made by an
"anonymous whistleblower" who we later found out worked with Joe Biden when he was vice president. We may never know
all the facts about those allegations because House Democrats denied President Trump his Sixth Amendment right to cross
examine the witness against him. Just like the Russian collusion narrative, it was all political theater, engineered
before an election, and designed to railroad President Trump and energize the Democratic Party's base of support at a time
when the economy was thriving and our country was at peace. In the Senate there was little appetite for the show trial
and the articles of impeachment were rightly dismissed. Trump Impeachment 2.0 is unconstitutional and should also be
dismissed by the U.S. Senate.
"By What Lawful Authority?"
Donald Trump is not President of the United States, he has already left office, he is a private citizen. There is no
law that empowers Congress to prosecute a private citizen under the impeachment clause; though it may dearly wish that it
existed, it may wish what it wishes — but it does not exist. They might possess evidence, they may even have
a case, but they do not have the legal basis for the procedure.
attorneys have the perfect troll tactic for the impeachment. Count me as one who believes that the impeachment
trial against former President Trump is an unconstitutional bill of attainder against a private citizen. Still, the
proceeding is going to play out and it appears that Trump's attorneys are going to fight hard. One of their plans in a
case charging President Trump with inciting violence is to play for the Senate all the footage of Democrats inciting violence
in 2020. The problem for the Democrats going into the trial is one of evidence. The evidence against Trump isn't
just slim, it's non-existent. The FBI has admitted that what happened at the Capitol was planned long before January 6.
The planning did not involve Trump. There's also evidence that the FBI knew about the plan against the Capitol in advance,
but that the FBI, the Capitol Police, and the Democrats in charge of Congress did nothing with that information.
York Times Sneers at Religion of President Trump's Impeachment Lawyer. When lefty elites aren't sneering at
Evangelical Christians, they're sneering at Catholics, and when they're not doing that, they're sneering at Orthodox
Jews. And thus the New York Times somehow decided that this was a story, "Trump Lawyer Asks to Pause Impeachment Trial
if It Runs Into Sabbath". Why exactly turn this into a news story except as hatebait? This is not a major
story. It's a minor detail. Yet somehow the New York Times decided to put two reporters, including the
absolutely execrable Maggie Haberman on the job of turning this into an entire story.
Conflicting' And Ignored Threat Assessments Ahead of Jan 6 Capitol Attack. A New York Times report has
let the cat out of the bag: that law enforcement either knew and did nothing about the potential for violence on January 6th,
or issued conflicting and inconsistent threat assessments ahead of the events at the U.S. Capitol. The news will raise questions
as to why authorities allowed a predominantly peaceful Trump speech and rally in Washington, D.C. to be infiltrated and overtaken by
forces who had planned for violence in advance. Questions will also be asked about why authorities immediately claimed President
Donald Trump had "incited" the riot with his speech at the Ellipse outside the White House when we now know much of the violent behavior
was pre-meditated.
to Expect from Trump's Upcoming Impeachment Trial. A case of this magnitude and complexity (more complex than
you might think, with lifetime disqualification from public office and even criminal prosecution possibly down the line)
would normally afford six months to eighteen months before going to trial. [...] Trump's new lawyers hit hard on a "bill of
attainder." The U.S. Constitution absolutely forbids two things: an ex post facto law and a bill of
attainder. An ex post facto law means that Congress criminalizes something only after you did it already.
In fact, the Democrats are changing interpretations so severely that they are violating the ex post facto
prohibition. A "bill of attainder" is a legislature singling out a person for punishment rather than enacting a law of
general application. Because the prohibition in the Constitution is absolute, Trump's lawyers raise it as a total
bar. In other words, they have put tyrannosaurus rex teeth into the argument that you cannot impeach a former
president. They belabor the circumstances that the articles of impeachment have created: "a class of one" with only
Donald Trump in the class. That supports both an equal protection violation and a bill of attainder violation.
Hiding Biden. [Scroll down] Some
Democrats were bent on impeaching Trump from the moment he took office, on January 20, 2017. Just 19 minutes after Trump was
sworn in, the Washington Post published a piece headlined, "The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun." Those early
efforts were spearheaded by U.S. Representative Al Green (D-Texas), who drew up articles of impeachment for alleged misdeeds ranging
from Trump's insulting kneeling professional football players to his firing of former FBI Director James Comey. Green's effort led
to three different unsuccessful impeachment votes — one in 2017 and two more in 2019 after Democrats gained a House majority
in the 2018 election. Publicly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democratic leaders said they did not approve of Green's
efforts. "Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan,
I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country," Pelosi told the Washington Post in March 2019.
Trial Designed to DESTROY Constitution. Chief Justice John Roberts has declined to be involved with this trial
and will not oversee the proceedings. This raises the issue of whether or not the trial is even legal, as the
Constitution specifies that when the President of the United States is tried, "the Chief Justice shall preside." [...]
Trump's attorneys correctly argue that, as a private citizen, the Senate lacks jurisdiction to hold this trial, and should
they act on the politically motivated proceeding initiated in the House, then they will have passed a Bill of Attainder.
A Bill of Attainder is a specific violation of the United States Constitution, Article 1, Sec. 9. Cl.3.
A bill of attainder allowed for a person to be judged guilty of a crime and punished without a trial, a tactic used in old
England against the king's enemies. Prohibition of such laws means that the U.S. Congress cannot simply punish people
who are unpopular or seem to be guilty of crimes. Whereas Habeus Corpus guarantees a fair trial by jury, a bill of
attainder would bypass this. If the Senate should proceed and pass this Bill of Attainder against a private citizen, this
would desecrate the US Constitution, and open all citizens to having their Due Process and Civil Liberties stripped from them.
Chief Justice Roberts Should Make [it] Clear [that the] Trump Impeachment Trial [is] Unconstitutional. Several
Republicans along with lawyers for former President Donald Trump have called his second impeachment many things: Bogus,
ridiculous, insane, petty, improper, and illegal. Democrats need to hear one more term, however, and they need to hear
it from someone specific. The term is "unconstitutional" and it needs to come from Supreme Court Chief Justice John
Roberts, according to former independent counsel Ken Starr, who knows a think or two about impeachment proceedings since his
probes of President Bill Clinton lead him to be impeached in 1998.
Team Rejects Offer To Testify At Impeachment Trial: 'Public Relations Stunt'. Former President Donald Trump
turned down an offer from Democrats to testify at his upcoming impeachment trial in the Senate, blasting the offer as a
"public relations stunt." Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), the lead impeachment manager for the House, sent Trump the
offer via letter on Thursday. Trump attorneys Bruce Castor and David Schoen rejected the request hours later. "We
are in receipt of your latest public relations stunt. As you certainly know, there is no such thing as a negative
inference in this unconstitutional proceeding," the attorneys wrote. "Your letter only confirms what is known to
everyone: you cannot prove your allegations against the 45th President of the United States, who is now a private citizen."
Impeachment Brief Against Trump Threatens Freedom of Speech of All Americans: Dershowitz. Harvard Law
School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Thursday that the House impeachment brief against former President Donald
Trump, which seeks to undermine Trump's First Amendment-based argument in his defense, amounts to a dangerous broadside
against the freedom of speech of all Americans. Writing in an op-ed for The Hill, Dershowitz made a case against a key
argument contained in the brief (pdf), namely that "the First Amendment does not apply at all to impeachment proceedings,"
signals Congressional willingness to take aim at freedom of speech more broadly. "The brief filed by the House managers
advocating the conviction and disqualification of citizen Donald Trump contains a frontal attack on freedom of speech for all
Americans," Dershowitz wrote. "It states categorically that 'the First Amendment does not apply at all to impeachment
proceedings,' despite the express language of that amendment prohibiting Congress from making any law, or presumably taking
any other action, that abridges 'the freedom of speech.'"
offers to represent Trump in second impeachment trial, resign House seat 'if the law requires it'. Republican
Rep. Matt Gaetz on Wednesday offered to represent former President Trump in his second impeachment trial, telling Fox
News he would be willing to resign from his seat in the House of Representatives if asked to join the Trump legal team.
Gaetz, R-Fla., told Fox News on Wednesday [2/3/2021] that he has not been asked to join the former president's defense, but
offered to do so. "I only regret that I have but one political career to give to my president," Gaetz told Fox
News. Gaetz told Fox News that he offered to represent Trump through Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and former Trump
chief of staff Mark Meadows "weeks ago."
Will Play the Senate's Game Using the Democrats' Chips. The impeachment managers from the Democrat House, along
with co-Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, seem convinced that a Senate "trial" will dispatch Donald Trump from the
American scene. Not so fast. [...] There are enough facts established by independent observers, and investigators
including the FBI, that the claims that Trump's Jan 6 speech to an energized but peaceful crowd at the Ellipse incited a riot
are implausible, farfetched, and without evidentiary foundation. Athletic rhetoric perhaps, yet all within the bounds
of commonplace discourse today — largely institutionalized by Democrats' own incendiary language, by the way.
[...] Because the Senate "trial" is an extra-constitutional exhibition, it has no authority or binding power. [...] Even the
malleable SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts knows the Senate trial is illegitimate, a farce, and will not participate as
presiding judge.
You Open That Can of Worms': Graham Threatens to Call FBI to Testify if Democrats 'Call One Impeachment Witness'.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has had enough of Impeachment Charade 2.0. I mean, Graham has really had enough
of the sham impeachment, just as he and half of America had enough of the first sham impeachment — in both cases before
the charades began. During a Monday night appearance on "Hannity," Graham told Hannity "the second impeachment trial is not
wearing well over time," adding: "Democrats are in a box." That "box," Graham said, is Democrats should think twice
before calling "one witness." If they "open that can of worms," Graham added, Republicans will call in the FBI to testify.
Team Denies Pre-Riot Speech 'Had Anything to Do' with Capitol Violence in Impeachment Filing. Attorneys for
former President Donald Trump on Tuesday filed a response to the "incitement of insurrection" impeachment charge he faces,
arguing that their client's January 6 speech did not incite the violence that followed at the Capitol impeachment. "It
is denied that the phrase 'if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' had anything to do with
the action at the Capitol as it was clearly about the need to fight for election security in general," Trump's lawyers
wrote. The attorneys further argued that impeachment "requires that a person actually hold office." The response
comes one week before Trump's second Senate impeachment trial is set to begin. The House passed a single article of
impeachment against the former president, accusing him of inciting rioting at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 while Congress
met to certify President Joe Biden's election victory.
Aimed 'Loaded Cannon' of Supporters at Capitol, Dems Claim in Impeachment Brief. Former President Trump
"threatened the constitutional system" by inciting the riot at the Capitol on January 6 that left five people dead, Democrats
claimed in a legal brief released on Tuesday [2/2/2021]. House impeachment managers submitted the brief as part of their
case to impeach the former president for "incitement of insurrection." The House voted to impeach Trump after he incited a
mob of his supporters to amass at the Capitol, after which the mob breached the building and forced lawmakers to evacuate.
One Capitol police officer died after being injured by rioters.
Entire Impeachment Trial Defense Team Leaves Him High and Dry. A little more than a week before Donald Trump's
second impeachment trial is set to begin on February 8, all five attorneys who had been serving on his impeachment defense
team have parted ways with the former president. The decision was said to have been mutually agreed upon. Legal
briefs are due this week before the trial begins a week from Monday. It's hard to see how Trump could possibly mount an
adequate defense before the trial, he just needs more time. Otherwise, Democrats risk the charge of not giving Trump a
chance at any notion of a fair trial.
Starr: Senate 'Utterly Without Jurisdiction' to Try Ex-President Trump. Former special prosecutor Ken
Starr added to a chorus of conservative voices arguing that the Senate doesn't have the jurisdiction to hold an impeachment
trial against former President Donald Trump. Starr, in comments to Fox News on Monday, stated that the upper chamber
cannot try a president after leaving office. "The answer is emphatically not," Starr said, adding that "the text of the
Constitution to me is absolutely clear that judgment in cases of impeachment" refers to the "removal and possible
disqualification." He argued that a "former officer, by definition, cannot be removed." Earlier this month, 45 GOP
senators voted to reject going ahead with the impeachment trial, scheduled for Feb. 8, in the strongest hint yet that
Democrats' impeachment efforts are doomed to fail. Conviction in the Senate requires 67 votes instead of a simple
majority, and it would require 17 Republicans to join the Democrats.
Examine the Claim That Trump Incited 'Insurrection' at the Capitol. GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah appears
to be all in on the impeachment of Donald Trump, saying the former president incited an insurrection and must be held
accountable. "I believe that what is being alleged and what we saw, which is incitement to insurrection, is an
impeachable offense. If not, what is?" Romney told CNN's Dana Bash on Sunday [1/31/2021]. Earlier this month, the
Democrat-controlled House voted to impeach Trump for a second time, saying his Jan. 6 speech near the White House incited the
rioters who entered the Capitol while a joint session of Congress was meeting to certify the Electoral College vote.
Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Romney made similar allegations that Trump incited the Capitol incursion. "Well, we're
certainly going to have a trial. I wish that weren't necessary, but the president's conduct with regards to the call to
Secretary of State Raffensperger in Georgia as well as the incitation towards the insurrection that led to the attack on the
Capitol call for a trial," the senator said.
The Enemy Is
Us. [Scroll down] Now, the facade is completely gone. The Democrat Party leadership has openly said
they are coming after real Americans. They impeached President Trump a second time, with the help of 10, count them 10,
Republican congressmen. They have now begun a senate trial of the former president. They don't care whether or
not he is a private citizen, thus beyond their reach in this matter. They are gonna do it anyhow, if for nothing more
than to prove a point.
Constitutional Terrain': Experts Mixed on Constitutionality of Trump Second Impeachment Trial. The upcoming
Senate impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump is a first-of-its-kind proceeding and legal scholars have
expressed mixed opinions about its constitutionality. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) raised a point of order on the Senate
floor earlier this week, forcing the chamber to take a stance on the constitutionality of the proceedings. Although it
returned a 55-45 vote, meaning the trial will go ahead, it also revealed nearly half of the chamber is of the view the
proceedings are unconstitutional. Many scholars who are arguing that the trial is unconstitutional are relying on an
interpretation of Article II, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution which states, "The President, Vice President and all
civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other
high crimes and misdemeanors." According to their reading of the text, these scholars say impeachment is for current
officeholders, and since Trump had already left office, the Senate's jurisdiction — or authority — to
hold an impeachment trial expired on Jan. 20, when his term came to a close.
Trump's Lawyers Quit Impeachment Defense over Election Fraud Claims. Lawyers who had been preparing President
Donald Trump's defense for his Senate impeachment trial have reportedly quit over his insistence that they present a defense
that involves claims of election fraud in several states in the 2020 election. [...] The first legal filing in the trial is
due on Tuesday [2/2/2021], and the trial is expected to begin in earnest the week of February 8.
Hasn't The House Held Hearings To Establish "Incitement To Insurrection"? We recently discussed how the Senate
will have to decide whether to call witnesses in the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. The use
of a snap impeachment raises a basis for some senators to oppose such witnesses on institutional or prudential grounds.
Democrats opposed any witnesses in the Clinton impeachment and there were no witnesses in the first Trump impeachment
trial. Not surprisingly, the House is demanding witnesses. The initial vote in the trial shows that it is
substantially short of the number of senators needed to convict and Trump could be acquitted on a virtual 50-50 vote.
So here is my question: why has the House not used the last few weeks to call these witnesses and build the needed case to show
intent to incite an insurrection? Weeks have gone by with key witnesses speaking to the press but not to the House. Why?
Rand Paul: If You Impeach Trump, You Should Impeach Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters and Cory
Booker. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Wednesday [1/27/2021] called out what he says is a double standard among
those calling for President Donald Trump to be impeached for inciting the Capitol Hill riot. [...] Paul said "impeachment is
dead on arrival." "It'll just now be all theater, but it really is a double standard when you think about it.
Kamala Harris has offered to pay people's bail who tried to burn down the courthouse and were rioting in the cities.
She offered to pay the bail. Is that inciting people to violence when you're willing to pay people to get out of jail
after they committed violence? Should Kamala Harris be impeached? No, the answer is no," he said. "We would
never do that because we're reasonable people. The Democrats are wanting to impeach the president, because they're
deranged with hatred and bitterness, but the president never said anything close to what Kamala Harris did. The
president never said anything close to what Bernie Sanders did in saying, well the Republican plan is you get sick and die,"
Paul said.
and Heal With Show Trials and Fascist Purges. "I think it has to happen," Biden said, mandating the show
impeachment trial of his predecessor. Once upon a time, impeachments were rare things. These days, Democrats
aren't considered truly progressive if they don't impeach a Republican president twice in one term. President Trump is
back in Florida, but that won't stop the Democrats from impeaching him anyway before they move on to impeaching the
presidents like Washington and Lincoln whose statues their insurrectionist mobs were toppling all summer and fall back when
insurrection was still cool.
Campaign Pollster: Effort to Cancel Trump Is 'Backfiring'. [Scroll down] The effort to convict
Trump in an impeachment trial suffered a grave setback after 45 Republican senators voted against holding the trial, meaning
that it's unlikely there will be enough votes to convict the former president. Convicting a president requires at least
67 votes, meaning 17 Republicans would have to join Democrats. A number of Republican senators said it's unconstitutional
and pointless to convict a former president. "It's having no impact on his base, in fact, it's just solidifying them and
making them angrier or more upset," McLaughlin said of the impeachment efforts. "Because the people outside the Beltway
agree" that it is essentially unconstitutional, he said.
evidence Capitol assault was planned weakens incitement case against Trump, experts say. Growing evidence of
advance planning and coordination of the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol undermines claims that the rioters were responding
spontaneously to former President Trump's speech to supporters about a mile and a half away, according to legal and
intelligence experts. As Senate Democrats mull their options for convicting or censuring Trump and banning him from
future public office for allegedly inciting insurrection, experts said their incitement case against him was dealt a severe
blow this week when federal prosecutors charged three men in the Capitol attack, alleging their communication and
coordination dated back to November. For speech to meet the threshold of incitement, a speaker must, first, indicate a
desire for violence and, second, demonstrate a capability or reasonable indication of capability to carry out the violence,
according to Kevin Brock, former assistant director of intelligence for the FBI.
Senators Recognizing Impeachment Is a Fairy Tale Seek Other Options. It appears that some Democrats have come
to terms with the inevitability that another impeachment circus won't work out in their favor. Several left-leaning
lawmakers are trying to convince their colleagues to vote for censuring former President Donald Trump instead of attempting
to convict him during impeachment proceedings. It appears they are willing to settle for Diet Impeachment™ rather
than the real thing. [...] Unlike impeachment, a censure resolution would require only 60 votes to pass in the Senate, which
has only censured one president: Andrew Jackson. However, it reversed its decision three years later.
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), who is working with Sen. Collins on the resolution, indicated that a censure resolution
would be easier to pass than an impeachment conviction.
Senate Cannot Impeach Donald Trump. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has delivered Articles of Impeachment of
Donald J. Trump and the appointment of Impeachment Managers to the U.S. Senate on January 25. The Senate cannot
legally hold a trial on impeachment of a President or other official who has already left office. As we will watch, the
Senate has extensive, long-established procedures — but only as its own rules. The Senate must convene the
next day at 1:00 P.M. But the Senate typically schedules the actual trial for later. Chuck Schumer says the trial
will start February 8. Senate rules require a trial, whereas the Constitution only allows the Senate to hold a
trial should they choose. No trial is required. But in any trial, a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter
jurisdiction must be taken up first. Remember: Democrats in the House were conducting impeachment hearings of
President Richard Nixon for some serious crimes. It appeared that the votes were there in the Senate to remove Nixon
from office. But when Nixon resigned, the entire effort stopped. Democrats then believed that they did not have
the jurisdiction to proceed with impeachment.
collapses. In Trump derangement syndrome, Democrats just can't help themselves. Their bid to take
President Trump down in his post-presidency through an illegal impeachment is going down like the Hindenburg. Start
with the latest — the vote in the Senate on Tuesday [1/26/2021]. [...] Sen. Rand Paul's motion to dismiss the
impeachment was a spectacular defeat for the Democrats. It snuffed out, right then and there for them, that there is
not going to be any impeachment with conviction. All their bloviating and disinformation regarding what went down on
Jan. 6 has been seen through by their opponents, who've now stood up and been counted. Verdict:
Defeat. Yet at least two more weeks of walking through this. Why do Democrats now even bother? They can't
turn around yet most would probably be glad to do so if they only could.
Another Trump Impeachment? Sorry, But This One Too Is A Sham. The Democrats are racing ahead with their
third effort to impeach former President Donald Trump. Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent the impeachment
articles to the Senate on Tuesday [1/26/2021], and the now evenly split Senate will take it up on Feb. 8. It's a waste of
time and taxpayer money for one simple reason: It's not even legal. No, that's not a mere assertion or our opinion.
It's based on the only document we know that guides how impeachments should take place. It's called the Constitution.
We still live in a constitutional republic, which means we are bound by its laws. So is Congress. [...] [T]he impeachment now
being moved to the Senate is not legal, based on the clear wording and intent of the Constitution. For one thing, President
Trump is no longer president of the United States. The Constitution clearly says "When the President of the United States
is tried ..." It doesn't say "former" or "ex-President." It says "President." Since Trump is no longer
president, he can't legally be impeached. Impeachment is moot, since the main idea behind impeachment is to remove the
accused from office.
Reasons a Post-Presidency Impeachment of Barack Obama Should Happen. With the Senate looking to be on the verge
of starting an impeachment trial for President Trump over bogus allegations that he incited the assault on the Capitol on
January 6, Democrats have established the precedent that even after a president is out of office that they must held
accountable for alleged crimes committed during their presidency. [...] The most obvious former Democrat president who could
be and should be impeached despite already having left office is Barack Obama. While Democrats are most likely
motivated by their desire to prevent President Trump from running for president again, there are other benefits given to
former presidents that would be taken away upon conviction, and given his many impeachable acts while in office, the
post-presidency impeachment of Barack Obama would hopefully set an example for future presidents. So, below, I've
compiled ten things Barack Obama could be impeached for once Republicans retake the majority in the House. [...]
Senate pitch: Let's censure Trump instead of an impeachment trial. In order to invoke a 14th Amendment
bar on office, seditionists would have to be found guilty of that crime — but in court, not in Congress,
which has no authority to try anything other than impeachments. Attempting to use this mechanism against a private
citizen would explicitly be a constitutionally prohibited bill of attainder. The only authority granted to Congress
in the 14th Amendment is the power to waive that restriction.
Roberts and the Courage of Roger Scruton. [Scroll down] But now our Democratic friends want to have a
trial of Citizen Trump in the Senate. So I looked up the text of the Constitution online. It says
["]The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on
Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside:
And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.["] Ahem.
Do you see the problem here, you strict constructionists, you living constitutionalists, and you, Sen. Chuck E. Schumer
(D-NY)? When the proposed trial begins on February 8, Roberts, CJ, can say — should say — to the
assembled duly sworn multitude: "Sorry chaps. The President of the United States is not on trial. Citizen
Trump is on trial. So it would be against the Constitution as written for the Chief Justice to preside. And it
would be a grievous blow to the dignity of the Supreme Court and the plain meaning of the Constitution if the Chief Justice
were to preside in flagrant violation of the plain words of the Constitution."
conviction unlikely after most GOP senators vote to dismiss impeachment trial. Senate Republicans revealed
Tuesday they are unlikely to convict former President Donald Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol, as a
majority of the conference supported a procedural gambit to dismiss the trial. After senators were sworn in Tuesday for
the impeachment trial that will start in two weeks, Sen. Rand Paul raised a constitutional point of order against the
proceedings. The Constitution does not provide Congress the power to impeach and try a former president, the Kentucky
Republican argued. "Private citizens don't get impeached. Impeachment is for removal from office, and the accused
here has already left office," Paul said in floor remarks before the vote. "Hyperpartisan Democrats are about to drag
our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol, the likes of which has never been seen in our nation's history."
Trump Impeachment Trial Must Happen, Former President Likely Won't Be Convicted. President Joe Biden on Monday
said he feels an impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump "has to happen." But, acknowledging the high
threshold required for conviction, he added that he doesn't believe Trump will be convicted. "The Senate has changed
since I was there, but it hasn't changed that much," Biden said, adding that a trial will have a negative impact on his
agenda and nominees but that there would be "a worse effect if it didn't happen." The president was speaking to CNN.
On MSNBC, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Democrats have spoken with Biden about the trial. "He
feels there has to be a trial like we do," Schumer said. Democrats hold 50 seats in the Senate. Even if all
50 were to vote to convict Trump, they'd need 17 Republicans to cross the aisle.
Prospects of Convicting Trump in [the] Senate Fade Away. As the House prepares to bring the impeachment charge
against Donald Trump to the Senate for trial, a growing number of Republican senators say they are opposed to the proceeding,
dimming the chances that former president will be convicted on the charge that he incited a siege of the U.S. Capitol.
You Thought the First Impeachment Was a Circus, Just Wait for Impeachment 2.0. In a spectacle that is almost
certainly not going to be the ratings grabber that Democrats might hope for, President Trump's second impeachment trial is
shaping up to be a dumpster fire. Without the daily outrage cycle fueled by whatever the former president was tweeting,
America seems prepared to move past the rancor. Democrats seem determined to cling to it. However, even their
impeachment manager can't figure out what constitutional authority they are using to proceed. In an interview with CNN,
the host asked Representative Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) how she would respond to critics saying it is unconstitutional to hold
an impeachment trial for a former president.
Votes to Declare Trump Impeachment Trial 'Unconstitutional'. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.)
and forty-five members of his caucus backed an effort to declare the impeachment trial of former President Trump
"unconstitutional" on Tuesday [1/26/2021]. McConnell's colleague from Kentucky, Senator Rand Paul, introduced a point
of order on Tuesday to declare Trump's impeachment trial unconstitutional on the grounds that a president can't be impeached
once he has left office. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer then moved to table Paul's point of order, blocking the
effort to preemptively invalidate the impeachment trial.
Explore Using 14th Amendment 'Insurrection' Clause to Bar Trump From Future Office. Democrats are contemplating
whether they can use the 14th Amendment to bar former President Donald Trump from ever taking office in the future, Sen. Tim
Kaine (D-Va.) said on Jan. 22. Section three of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1868, three years
after the end of the Civil War, states that anyone guilty of "insurrection or rebellion" against the United States shall not be
eligible to hold elective office in the United States. It allows for Congress to "remove such disability" with a two-thirds
vote of the House and Senate. Democrats in Congress have accused Trump of inciting the acts of violence that transpired on
Jan. 6 as some rioters and protesters decided to unlawfully enter the U.S. Capitol building — despite Trump saying
that the protesters should protest "peacefully and patriotically." He repeatedly condemned the violence after the incident.
It is unclear who instigated the breach of the Capitol building.
We Can't Give Trump a Chance to Do This Again, He Must Be Disqualified from Office. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
Monday [1/25/2021] on MSNBC's "Live" said that Democrats were impeaching former President Donald Trump, so he is convicted in the Senate,
which includes a penalty of disqualification from office. Jackson asked, "Do you plan to address the constitutional authority as has
been raised by some of these Republicans for the House to bring an impeachment against somebody and for the Senate to convict somebody who
is no longer serving?"
The Editor says...
I'm no lawyer, but sounds like
a Bill of Attainder.
Leahy to Preside Over Trump's Impeachment Trial. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), president pro tempore of the
Senate, will preside over next month's impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, Leahy said on Jan. 25. Leahy
is 80. Both parties traditionally choose their eldest member to serve in the pro tempore role, which is essentially a backup
for the president of the Senate, whenever they gain a majority in the body. "The president pro tempore has historically
presided over Senate impeachment trials of non-presidents," Leahy said in a statement. "When presiding over an
impeachment trial, the president pro tempore takes an additional special oath to do impartial justice according to the
Constitution and the laws. It is an oath that I take extraordinarily seriously. "I consider holding the office of
the president pro tempore and the responsibilities that come with it to be one of the highest honors and most serious
responsibilities of my career," he said.
Republican Senators
Have Bad News For Democrats Excited About Trump's Impeachment. Democrats getting all hot and bothered at the
thought of impeaching Trump even though he is out of office might be in for a rude awakening. Several Republican
senators have indicated that they will not support another impeachment drama. In other news, conservatives are stocking
up on popcorn in anticipation of being entertained by the incessant whining from the left that is sure to follow a failed
effort to convict the former president. "Well, first of all, I think the trial is stupid," Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
said in an appearance on "Fox News Sunday [1/24/2021]." He added, "I think it's counterproductive. We already have
a flaming fire in this country, and [impeachment is] taking a bunch of gasoline and pouring it on top of the fire."
of convicting Trump erode as GOP grows vocal against Senate impeachment proceedings. The path in the Senate to
convict Donald Trump is extremely slim, with a growing number of Republicans expressing confidence that the party will acquit
the former President on a charge that he incited the deadly insurrection aimed at stopping President Joe Biden's electoral
win. After Democratic leaders announced they would kick off the process to begin the impeachment trial on Monday,
Republicans grew sharply critical about the proceedings — and made clear that they saw virtually no chance that at
least 17 Republicans would join with 50 Democrats to convict Trump and also bar him from ever running from office again.
Number of GOP Senators Oppose Impeachment Trial. A growing number of Republican senators say they oppose
holding an impeachment trial, a sign of the dimming chances that former President Donald Trump will be convicted on the
charge that he incited a siege of the U.S. Capitol. House Democrats, who will walk the impeachment charge of
"incitement of insurrection" to the Senate on Monday evening, are hoping that strong Republican denunciations of Trump after
the Jan. 6 riot will translate into a conviction and a separate vote to bar Trump from holding office again.
The Sequel, Is As Bad As The Original And An Assault On The Constitution. Here we go again. House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi slowly and somberly walking an article of impeachment through the Capitol flanked by House managers giving their
best impression of a funeral procession. Except this time, they're wearing Covid masks. Let's call it "Impeachment:
The Sequel." It is destined to be as pitiable as the original. Like a cheap movie franchise that Hollywood keeps exploiting,
this sham version will be the equivalent of a box office dud.
Rand Paul says Chief Justice Roberts won't take Trump impeach trial. As Democrats plunge ahead with a post-term
impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, a key question remains: Will Chief Justice Roberts take the case?
Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky says he won't — making the exercise "a fake, partisan impeachment," the
lawmaker told Fox News' Sean Hannity Friday [1/22/2021]. Paul claimed Roberts has "privately said he's not supposed to
come unless it's an impeachment of the president." According to the US Constitution, "when the President of the United
States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside" — a requirement not made for any other impeachment case.
Roberts rules.
Today comes word via Senator Rand Paul that Chief Justice Roberts will not preside over any Senate impeachment trial of
President Trump: the text of the Constitution only requires the Chief Justice to preside over the trial of "the President."
Trump is no longer "the President." Roberts's presence is therefore not called for. Trump is of course a private
citizen at this point. The constitutional text does not appear to contemplate the impeachment or trial of a private
citizen, although such impeachments took place once in the eighteenth century and once in the nineteenth. Former Fourth
Circuit Judge Michael Luttig argues in this Washington Post column that a Senate trial of Trump would be unconstitutional.
Trump Will Return.
After the assault on Congress, I was convinced that President Trump's legacy and post-presidential political future were
seriously in doubt. The images of red MAGA-hatted Trump supporters breaching congressional security and roaming the
halls of the House and Senate would be used against the president and his legacy for years to come. This despite the
fact that we now know Black Lives Matter and Antifa provocateurs like John Sullivan were in the crowd, inciting violence, and
that the police were at times seemingly acquiescent to the illegal actions of the handful of actual rioters. That
didn't matter. The events of January 6 would be falsely and breathlessly labeled an "insurrection" and laid at Trump's
feet. But then on January 13, they tried to impeach him — again — and everything changed.
Republicans, Ex-White House Officials Pressing McConnell to Convict Trump. On January 6, there was a riot on
Capitol Hill. Five people died. The Capitol Building was stormed. New impeachment articles were filed
against President Trump as well. Trump addressed the Save America rally on the same day as the riot. He's being
accused of inciting a riot and insurrection on this day; the day Congress certifies the 2020 election results. This
appears to be the straw the broke the camel's back. McConnell blames Trump for losing the GOP majority in the
Senate. There's no love lost between the two men. He is even supportive of the Democrats' impeachment push,
seeing it as not being grounded in politics as with the first attempt regarding Ukraine. He also reportedly sees this
as an avenue to purge Trumpism from the GOP. The Daily Caller reported that key Republicans and former White House officials
are conducting a whisper campaign to urge the Kentucky Republican to convict Trump.
Trump Impeachment [will be] DOA in [the]
Senate. On Monday [1/25/2021], House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will send her slapdash article of impeachment to the
Senate, where the Democrats are already preparing a performance they plan to debut during the second week of February.
But the show will be a flop. As professor emeritus at Harvard Law School Alan Dershowitz writes at the Wall Street
Journal, "Now that Donald Trump is a private citizen, the Senate should dismiss the article of impeachment against him
for lack of jurisdiction.... Beyond the constitution, there are strong policy and historical reasons an incoming
administration shouldn't seek recriminations against its predecessor." In other words, the Senate lacks the authority to
try a former official, and it would be dumb politics. Trump's populist movement is by no means dead, and few of
his 74 million voters believe he incited insurrection. Consequently, Senate Republicans are getting cold feet.
Since when does the Executive Branch set the timetable for a presidential impeachment? Biden
signals he's willing to delay Trump trial. President Biden on Friday suggested he would be open to waiting
until next month to begin the Senate impeachment trial of former President Trump, reasoning it would allow more time to get
his own administration "up and running." Biden said he had not seen the specifics of a proposal from Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to begin the trial in February, but "the more time we have to get up and running and meet
these crises, the better." "I do think that having some time to get our administration up and running — I
want to thank the Senate for passing out our secretary of Defense, it looks like our secretary of Treasury, our secretary of
State is in place," he said, though only the head of the Pentagon has officially been confirmed. The House is expected
to deliver its article of impeachment against Trump to the Senate on Monday [1/25/2021], meaning the trial could begin as
soon as next week.
Funhouse Mirror of Democrat Impeachment Theater. [Scroll down] The Democrat's second impeachment could
not have removed President Trump from office before the scheduled inauguration and will thus be moot. Nor do the facts
support any legal definition of the crime of incitement to violence. Yet the Democrats, joined by a handful of
Republicans this time, voted to impeach Donald Trump, again. Because there was no hope of removal in either impeachment
it begs the question if the dual impeachment of Trump was wholly politically motivated virtue signaling. Democrats
should worry about the precedent of this second impeachment. Namely, Georgia's Democratic governor Stacey Abrams may be
up for impeachment after challenging her state's rigged gubernatorial election and encouraging marginalized groups to fight
in politics as the "most effective method of revolt."
Biden backs delaying Donald Trump's impeachment trial saying 'the more time we have to get up and running the
better'. Senate Republican and Democratic leaders have reached agreement on the the calendar outlines for the
second impeachment of former President Donald Trump — with the substance of the trial set to begin February
9th. The agreement, which Majority Leader Charles Schumer called 'good progress,' came after Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell called for a delay in the trial, in a posture that got a boost from President Joe Biden, who is anxious to get his
cabinet confirmed. Under the outlines of the plan, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will transmit an impeachment article
Monday, leading senators to be sworn in Tuesday night.
Impeachment, Congress [is] Trying to Overturn Future Elections. Truly, these are the most fundamentally
dishonest and unserious people ever to hold elected office. They are a mockery of self-governance and precisely why
Mr. Trump got elected in the first place. You might say House Speaker Nancy Pelosi presides over a circus of
untrained animals and diabolical clowns, but that would be an unkind insult to clowns and penned animals, frantically pacing
back and forth, back and forth inside their confined cages. Speaking to her social media mob, Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez of New York laid out Mr. Trump's impeachable offenses. "A lot of people have drank the poison of
white supremacy and that's what Donald Trump represents," she said. "Just is." That's right. There
is the evidence. There lies the proof. Forget hearings. Forget a trial. "Just is."
House will transmit the article of impeachment charging Trump with incitement to the US Senate on Monday. The
House will transmit the article of impeachment charging former President Donald Trump with incitement of an insurrection on
the US Capitol to the US Senate on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Friday [1/22/2021].
Importantly, as Axios pointed out, the Senate is constitutionally mandated to begin a trial for an impeached federal official
by 1 p.m. on the day after the article is sent to them, meaning that Trump's trial will begin next week. The Senate,
divided evenly between 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats, will be tasked with juggling both confirmation hearings and votes for
Biden's cabinet nominees and conducting an impeachment trial.
Senate Republicans Negotiating Terms of Unconstitutional Post-Departure Trump Impeachment Trial. The Democrats
plan to put Donald Trump on trial even though he no longer is in office. It's plainly unconstitutional, for reasons
explained in prior posts:
The arguments in favor of a post-departure Senate trial are convoluted,
whereas the argument against simply looks at the text of the Constitution. There are arguments that in a small number
of non-presidential cases the Senate attempted a post-departure impeachment trial, but those instances are not really on
point, and in any event, because the Senate on a small number of prior occasions may have unconstitutionally grabbed power
does not justify doing again here.
Questions Constitutionality of Post-Presidential Impeachment Trial. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said it is
likely unconstitutional to carry out a Senate impeachment trial of a president after they leave office. President
Donald Trump was impeached by the House earlier this month over his remarks that he made before the Capitol was breached on
Jan. 6, despite the president calling on his supporters to "stay peaceful." "My overall question is: Why are we
doing this when the president is out of office tomorrow?" Ernst told reporters on Tuesday [1/19/2021]. When asked about
whether it would be constitutional to try Trump when he leaves office, Ernst said, "I don't think it is."
Justice John Roberts does NOT want to preside over Donald Trump's second impeachment trial. Chief Justice John
Roberts is eager to avoid presiding over Donald Trump's second impeachment trial — after he became a lightning rod
during the first one. Just as the Senate is seeking to ascertain how it might proceed with an impeachment trial without
blowing up the start of Joe Biden's term, the Supreme Court could face its own business being rearranged. The
Constitution states that 'When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside.'
Trial Of Citizen Trump Would Raise Serious Constitutional Questions. With the second impeachment of President
Donald Trump, the Congress is set for one of the most bizarre moments in constitutional history: the removal of someone who
has already left office. The retroactive removal would be a testament to the timeliness of rage. While it is not
without precedent, it is without logic. [...] Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats have stated that their primary
interest is in the possible disqualification of Trump from holding future federal office. Disqualification however is
an optional penalty that follows a conviction and removal. It may be added to the primary purpose of removal referenced
in the Constitution. The Trump trial would convert this supplemental punishment into the primary purpose of the trial.
Committed Six Violations of the Constitution During Impeachment: Alan Dershowitz. Harvard Law professor
emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that the House violated six independent points of the Constitution when impeaching President
Donald Trump. In an interview with Newsmax, Dershowitz said: "They violated the free speech provision. They
violated the impeachment criteria. They violated the bill of attainder. They violated due process, on and on and
on." "How can you impeach a president for a speech that is constitutionally protected?" he said.
Release Huge Bombshell That Could Change The Entire Narrative About January 6th. In what should be front page
news, federal law enforcement officials have told CNN that they believe the January 6th storming of the Capitol was planned
ahead of time by bad actors instead of a random riot inspired by President Trump's speech. Those of us on the
right have known all along that Trump had nothing to do with the riot, but it appears law enforcement is beginning to come
around as well. If they prove that this was a pre-planned event by radicals who just wanted to see destruction, it will
be the biggest news story of the year after the media viciously slandered Trump for "inciting" the scattered violence that
occurred. The entire impeachment witch hunt and de-platforming of the President is based on the lie that Trump "incited
an angry mob". As the investigators are beginning to learn, that was not the case at all.
Third Impeachment Folly. Does the President have a right to free speech? Josh Blackman, a constitutional
law professor writing on The Volokh Conspiracy, suggests he certainly does and that his speech on January 6 is a weak reed
(as was Nancy Pelosi's past impeachment folly) on which to gain a conviction in the Senate. (Remember an impeachment vote in
the House is basically an indictment with no effect unless the Senate finds guilt after a trial.) Looking at the most
analogous case, the impeachment of President Andrew Jackson, he finds plenty of reason for senators to vote against it. [...]
Aside from the constitutional issue of impeaching a President who, like every one of us, is entitled to free speech, there's
the political fallout to consider. And no one better analyzes this than Victor Davis Hanson. Among other things
he highlights the fact that the first two impeachment efforts failed, that the President has been under unremitting attack from
day one, that Pelosi and Democrats like Schumer and Biden, have themselves engaged in incendiary speech and conduct.
in the Heads of the Pro-Impeachment Republicans? A president who actually did incite a mob to violence would be
a prime candidate for impeachment. So what kept a larger GOP contingent from siding with the Democrats? Why would
there be zero chance of sufficient Republican support in the Senate if there were the slightest chance of a trial? It's
simple. There was no incitement. It is an illusion born in the minds of people who wish to take a final stab at
Trump as he exits. The riots provided them the opportunity to hit rewind, parse the words Trump spoke that morning, and
retroactively assign the most sinister possible spin. So what sent us down the impeachment road again? The motive
for Democrats is the same as it was a year ago: they despise him.
Lynch Mob Comes for Citizen Trump. "The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled this mob
and lit the flame of this attack." So alleged Liz Cheney, third-ranking Republican in the House, as she led nine GOP
colleagues to vote for a second impeachment of Donald Trump. [...] But is what Cheney said true? Undeniably, the huge
crowd that assembled on the mall Wednesday did so at Trump's behest. But that peaceful crowd was not the violent mob
that invaded the Capitol. The mob was a mile away as Trump spoke. It was up at the Capitol while Trump was on the
Monument grounds. It could not hear him. And the break-in of the Capitol began even before Trump concluded his
remarks. It was done as he spoke. Nor is there anything in the text of those remarks to indicate that Trump was
signaling for an invasion of the Capitol. How then did he light "the flame of this attack"?
Cotton: Senate 'Lacks Constitutional Authority' to Proceed with Impeachment After Trump Leaves Office.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) announced Wednesday after the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump that he is against
moving forward with the impeachment process in the Senate because the Senate "lacks the constitutional authority" to remove a
former president. Cotton expressed his opposition to impeachment proceedings in a statement Wednesday evening after the
House voted that afternoon to impeach Trump a second time, passing one article of impeachment, 232 [to] 197, charging Trump
with "incitement of insurrection" over last week's riot in the U.S. Capitol. "The Senate under its rules and precedents
cannot start and conclude a fair trial before the president leaves office next week," Cotton explained. "Under these
circumstances, the Senate lacks constitutional authority to conduct impeachment proceedings against a former president[.]"
impeaches Trump a second time a week after Capitol riots. President Trump was impeached a second time by the US
House of Representatives on Wednesday in a largely party-line vote that saw a handful of Republicans join Democrats to blame
the outgoing commander-in-chief for sparking last week's Capitol siege. The measure reached 217 "yea" votes shortly after
4:20 p.m. to make Trump the only president to be impeached twice. The final vote was 232-197, with 10 Republicans
crossing party lines and four Republicans not voting when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) announced around 4:35 p.m.
No members of the GOP voted in 2019 to impeach Trump the first time.
Crazy Impeachment. Democrats started trying to remove President Donald Trump from office before he entered
office. Now they are proposing to remove him from office after he leaves office. How do you remove an
ex-president? He's already gone. That is the bizarre question posed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's obsessive
quest to re-impeach Trump with just a few days left in his term. Why impeach the president now, as the House seeks to
do, when there is not enough time for the Senate to hold a trial and pass judgment on the case before Trump's term expires on
Wednesday, Jan. 20? Some argue that the Constitution permits the impeachment of a former president. It has
never happened in U.S. history, and the question has never been adjudicated. So there is no way to say with 100 percent
confidence what the answer is.
The Editor says...
Slippery Slope alert: If former President Trump can be impeached, so can former
President Barack H. Obama.
won't agree to reconvene Senate early for impeachment trial. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.)
office told Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer's (D-N.Y.) staff on Wednesday that the GOP will not agree to reconvene the
Senate before Jan. 19 to allow an impeachment trial while President Trump is still in office. A senior Senate
Republican aide confirmed that McConnell's office reached out to Schumer's office to relay the message that Republicans will
not agree to a Friday session to enable House Democrats to present an article of impeachment to the Senate while Trump is in
office. McConnell said in a memo circulated to colleagues last week that the Senate will not be able to handle business
on the floor until senators are scheduled to return to Washington on Jan. 19 unless all 100 senators agree to reconvene sooner.
Nancy Pelosi
names Trump impeachment managers, including Eric Swalwell. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday
[1/12/2021] named nine managers who will lead President Trump's second impeachment — including Rep. Eric
Swalwell, who faced recent controversy for his relationship with a Chinese spy. The House on Wednesday will begin
impeachment proceedings against Trump for allegedly inciting last week's Capitol riot. The impeachment is expected to
pass with overwhelming Democratic support and at least three Republican votes. Impeachment managers are in charge of
presenting the charges, giving them significant public attention and associating their own credibility with the case.
They are particularly prominent during Senate trials.
Concerned Drawn-Out Impeachment Could Derail Agenda. Democrat President-elect Joe Biden is worried that
Congressional Democrats' focus on impeaching and convicting President Donald Trump may have an impact on their ability to
pass key elements of his agenda during the crucial first 100 days of his administration. Speaking to reporters late
Monday, Biden said that he'd already spoken to Democrat leaders in the House and Senate, asking them to consider how
important it is for a new president to "hit the ground running" when discussing their impeachment plans.
An 'Imminent Threat'? Dems Have Been Saying That For 4 Years. "Donald Trump poses an imminent threat, not just
to another person but to all of humanity." That was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week justifying an immediate impeachment
trial of Trump, right? Nope. That was from an article published in 2017 about a book by a group of psychiatrists
who, having never met or talked to Trump, decreed that for the sake of the human race he had to be removed from office.
Dems Introduce Article of Impeachment, Charge Trump with 'Incitement of Insurrection'. The House will meet
Wednesday [1/13/2021] to consider impeaching President Trump for "incitement of insurrection" after his supporters stormed
the U.S. Capitol last week, leaving five people dead. House Democrats introduced a single article of impeachment
against President Trump on Monday with the "incitement of insurrection" charge, saying he had "gravely endangered the
security of the United States and its institutions of Government."
will call on Pence to use the 25th Amendment on Monday, or else Pelosi will begin impeachment of Trump.
Democrats will proceed with the impeachment of 'deranged, unhinged and dangerous' Donald Trump this week unless Mike Pence
uses the 25th Amendment to force him from office, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday night [1/10/2021]. Pelosi
made the announcement in a letter to colleagues, framing it as an ultimatum to Pence to invoke the powers of the 25th
Amendment to remove Trump from office. If not, she said, the House would proceed with impeachment. Trump could
become the only president to be impeached twice.
Cannot Impeach Trump, and You Can't Impeach Him After Leaving Office: Dershowitz. Harvard Law professor
emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Democrats have virtually no chance of successfully impeaching and removing President Donald
Trump before Inauguration Day on Jan. 20. "The case cannot come to trial in the Senate. Because the Senate has
rules, and the rules would not allow the case to come to trial until, according to the majority leader, until 1 p.m. on
January 20th, an hour after President Trump leaves office," Dershowitz said in a Fox Business interview on Sunday.
Dershowitz, who defended Trump during the Senate impeachment trial about a year ago, suggested that the Constitution does not
allow for impeaching a former president. "And the Constitution specifically says, 'The President shall be removed from
office upon impeachment.' It doesn't say the former president. Congress has no power to impeach or try a private
citizen, whether it be a private citizen named Donald Trump or named Barack Obama or anyone else," he said.
Invokes Nixon, Calls on GOP to Impeach Trump. During an interview with CBS's "60 Minutes," House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi (D-CA) invoked Watergate and former President Richard Nixon as she discussed her push to impeach President Donald
Trump. [...] Pelosi announced Sunday [1/10/2021] in a letter that the House of Representatives would move to impeach Trump
just 10 days before his presidential term is over because he "represents an imminent threat" to "our Constitution and
our Democracy."
Trump Incite Insurrection? The Articles of Impeachment say Trump shall be removed for treason, bribery or other
high crimes and misdemeanors under the Fourteenth Amendment, which prohibits the president (as well as the vice president,
Congress and state legislators) from engaging in insurrection against the Constitution. They use a lot of vague, lofty
language but are short on specifics. They say he "gravely endangered the security of the United States government."
They claim he "threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transfer of power, and
imperiled a coordinate branch of government." What do they cite as his dangerous words? Saying he won the election
by a landslide. He encouraged "imminent lawless action" which "interfered with the peaceful transition of power."
They assert that he will "remain a threat to national security, democracy and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office."
Does this meet the definition of incitement under the criminal code?
Where and How Did Trump Incite the Mob? [A]ll Americans should these days be insisting: where and how, exactly,
did President Trump incite the mob? Where did he say that the crowd should storm the Capitol and disrupt the electoral
vote certification? If he didn't say this, then he is not guilty of incitement, and to claim that he is threatens the
very foundations of America as a free society. [...] Now Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are planning to impeach and remove
Trump in the waning days of his presidency, and thereby, they hope, stigmatize and marginalize both him and his movement
forever, but it is useful again to ask: when and how exactly did he do what they accuse him of doing?
Police Chief Says Pelosi, McConnell's Sergeants-At-Arms Refused Security Measures While New Timeline Proves 'Trump
Incitement' Claims Bogus. In addition to the fact that Trump openly called for the "cheering on" of
Congressman, and "peaceful" protests, the timeline as established from numerous, establishment media reports simply doesn't
stack up. The admission that House and Senate security leaders failed to provide Capitol Police with resources on the
day will raise questions over their role in the day's events. [...] And while the Washington Post clumsily attempts to
blame President Trump for the violence — despite the President calling for "peaceful" protests and the "cheering
on" of Congressmen — their own article admits the "first wave of protesters arrived at the Capitol about 12:40 pm."
President Trump's speech didn't conclude until 1:11 pm, and with at least a 45-minute walk between the two locations with crowd-related
delays, that would put the first people from Trump's speech at Capitol Hill no earlier than 1:56 pm — a full hour and
sixteen minutes after troublemakers arrived.
Support the Democrats' Effort to Impeach President Trump and so Should You. [Scroll down] I am merely
observing a maxim coined by Napoleon Bonaparte: "Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Democrats are already considering how they might file articles of impeachment against Trump, meaning that they fully intend
to go forward with one of the most idiotic self-owns that we might see in 2021. If they have completely resolved to beclown
themselves in one of the most spectacular displays of political tomfoolery imaginable, why should we oppose it? House
Majority Whip James Clyburn told CNN media activist Jake Tapper that House Democrats will wait until after former Vice
President Joe Biden's first 100 days in office to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. You read that
right. These rocket scientists want to impeach President Trump after he is already out of office.
plan to impeach Trump after his term ends. The fascists are changing the rules again. House Democrats
plan to send articles of impeachment against President Donald John Trump to the Senate next week to be taken up after the
inauguration of Biden. Impeachment is a removal from public office, which means Mitch, Schumer, and Nancy are
conspiring to make an unconstitutional, illegal, and unAmerican move.
Republicans Ask Biden: Get Pelosi to Back Off Impeachment. A group of House Republicans who voted to
accept President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory asked him to persuade Speaker Nancy Pelosi to back off
impeaching Donald Trump for instigating Wednesday's riot at the U.S. Capitol. The lawmakers, led by Representative Ken
Buck of Colorado, warned in a letter to Biden on Saturday [1/9/2021] that Trump's impeachment would inflame his supporters
anew, and damage Biden's efforts to unify the country.
lawmaker: House GOP [is] preparing as though [a] second Trump impeachment [is] coming. A lawmaker who has
been a key defender of Donald Trump said Friday that House Republicans are preparing as though Speaker Nancy Pelosi's team
will launch a second impeachment of the president next week. "I am not thinking months ahead. I am thinking days
ahead," Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said in in an interview with Just the News shortly after emerging from an impeachment
preparation call with other GOP colleagues. "And I believe that in the coming days, Democrats are going to bring
articles of impeachment to the floor of the Congress, and that I will, again, be defending against them."
fast-track impeachment would not be justice. It would be pointless revenge. Proponents of a rushed
impeachment during the 12 days Trump has left in office are not interested in the fact that there would be no time for the
president to present evidence of his contrary intent or any mitigating factors. He isn't owed any due process, they
say, because it's a "political" process. The Red Queen's "sentence first — verdict afterwards" is on their
exercised minds. Opponents cite the precedent that a rushed impeachment would constitute for every future president.
It is no small thing to attempt the bum's rush on an elected president who survived one impeachment easily but who is weakened
now as a lame duck. No time to find and introduce exculpatory evidence that might show Trump intended only for
demonstrators to circle the Capitol and chant, a perfect constitutional exercise. No time to learn what Trump
did when he returned to the White House after his speech.
Top Republican says Trump
committed 'impeachable offenses'. Democrats' momentum for a fresh drive to quickly impeach outgoing President
Donald Trump gained support Saturday [1/9/2021], and a top Republican said the president's role in the deadly riot at the
Capitol by a violent mob of Trump supporters was worthy of rebuke. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said he believed Trump
had committed "impeachable offenses."
Ready Impeachment Charge Against Trump for Inciting Capitol Mob. Democrats laid the groundwork on Friday for
impeaching President Trump a second time, as Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California threatened to bring him up on formal charges
if he did not resign "immediately" over his role in inciting a violent mob attack on the Capitol this week. The threat
was part of an all-out effort by furious Democrats, backed by a handful of Republicans, to pressure Mr. Trump to leave
office in disgrace after the hourslong siege by his supporters on Wednesday on Capitol Hill. Although he has only
12 days left in the White House, they argued he was a direct danger to the nation.
McConnell Tells Senate GOP That The Earliest Impeachment Trial Date Would Be Inauguration Day. No one will be
busy in Washington DC on January 20, right? No social events on the calendar? According to a new memo from Mitch
McConnell and given to the Washington Post, any impeachment trial of Donald Trump would begin at the earliest on that day, no
sooner than 1 pm ET — an hour after Trump won't need to be removed from office anyway. The Senate can't do
any substantive business until January 19th by rule, the memo explains, and it would take unanimous consent to change that rule.
of impeachment sparked by Capitol siege drafted by House Democrats. Articles of impeachment accusing President
Trump of "inciting an insurrection" have been drafted by House Democrats in the wake of the deadly Capitol siege and will be
formally introduced on Monday, according to reports. The document, which has over 150 sponsors, accuses Trump of
violating his Constitutional duty by encouraging a crowd of his supporters to fight the vote to certify Joe Biden's Electoral
College victory and denounces him as a "threat to national security." "In all of this, President Trump gravely
endangered the security of the United States government. He threatened the integrity of the democratic system,
interfered with the peaceful transfer of power, and imperiled a coordinate branch of government," the document reads.
Eye Vote On Impeachment As Early As Next Week. With the 25th Amendment out the window, Congressional Democrats
are moving on to door #2 -- impeachment. According to CNN, Democrats may vote on impeachment as soon as the middle of
next week. According to the report, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team are working out a
"lightning-quick impeachment process," according to "multiple Democratic sources." [Emphasis added.]
Democrats Want
Impeachment, but They've Already Screwed That Up. Right now, Nancy Pelosi is under pressure from her freshly-seated
House to push ahead on a second impeachment of President Donald Trump, alleging that he directly incited the violent riot that
overtook the Capitol building on Wednesday [1/6/2021]. [...] Set aside for a moment whether or not Trump is actually guilty of
inciting the violent protest that took place on Wednesday. Set aside whether or not you agree with the idea that he should
be removed from office over it. Set all your feelings aside and answer this question: Do the Democrats really have
any political capital for impeachment left after the first attempt?
DNI Grenell: Russia Collusion a 'Hoax' — 'Somebody Needs to Go to Jail'. In an interview on
Fox News Channel's "Sunday Morning Futures," former acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell reacted to
DNI John Ratcliffe recently declassifying documents that show former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President
Barack Obama on 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's "plan" to distract the American public from her email
scandal by alleging Russian collusion ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Grenell said it is clear now the alleged
Russian collusion is a "hoax" that "career intelligence officials" knew about it and kept quiet. He also proclaimed
that "somebody needs to go to jail" for their involvement.
Not Whistleblower, Was Driving Force Behind Impeachment. The most interesting thing about Byron York's
exhaustively reported and richly detailed new impeachment book, "Obsession: Inside the Washington Establishment's
Never-Ending War on Trump," is that the whistleblower who filed the official complaint that got impeachment rolling isn't
ever identified. It turns out that the heated discussion over the whistleblower, who was previously identified by Real
Clear Investigations as the CIA's Eric Ciaramella, was a diversion from allowing the American people to understand who was
the actual instigator of the failed effort to oust President Donald Trump from office.
Word Was Mysteriously Absent From The Democrats' Convention. Eight months ago, all but two House Democrats voted
to impeach President Donald Trump, and in February every Democratic senator found him guilty of high crimes and
misdemeanors. As the articles of impeachment were heading over to the Senate to face certain defeat, House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi intoned that "This president is impeached for life regardless of any gamesmanship on the part of Mitch
McConnell. There is nothing the Senate can do to ever erase that." [...] Yet when Pelosi spoke at the Democratic
National Convention on Wednesday, she never mentioned Trump's impeachment. She didn't mention Ukraine, or Russia or
any of the other reasons Democrats spent three years arguing were grounds for his removal from office.
Tick, Boom, Boom, Time's Up, Obama Goons? There's something happening here. People with titles are
beginning to say out loud what people without titles have been saying for four years — that Barack Obama's FBI and
CIA conspired to frame Donald Trump as an agent of Russia in order to spy on his campaign and then remove him from
office. Attorney General Barr used the opportunity of being called in to testify before Jerry Nadler's House Judiciary
Committee to state plainly that there were "grave abuses involved in the bogus 'Russiagate' scandal," and DOJ spokeswoman
Kerri Kupec has stated, "What happened to candidate Trump was one of the greatest political injustices in history."
Schiff Cannot Re-Impeach for Anything Prior to Jan. 15, 2020. We are approaching four years now since the
powerful criminal and intelligence agencies of the federal government began earnestly (and illegally) searching for
Trump/Russia collusion. With their unlimited resources and Robert Mueller's 19 prosecutors and $35 million, one might
reasonably conclude that if illegality on Trump's part existed, they would have found it by now. Nevertheless, the
undynamic duo of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler believe that the evidence for Impeachment 2 is right there. It's been
there all along, but somehow everyone has missed it. If Mueller can be subpoenaed to testify, surely, he will remember
what his team of Democrat Party donors forgot to put in the report. If Schiff and Nadler can just get the legally
protected grand jury transcripts from the Mueller investigation, the Trump collusion will be right there in writing for them
to construe.
Perpetual Impeachment: House Democrats Tell The Supreme Court That They Are Preparing For A New Impeachment.
On Monday [5/18/2020], the House Democrats filed a brief that with the Supreme Court that the House was actively pursuing new
articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump including "the possible exercise of improper political influence over
recent decisions made in the Roger Stone and Michael Flynn prosecutions, both of which were initiated by the special counsel."
The argument is meant to justify the continued demand for redacted grand-jury material from the now closed Special Counsel
investigation into the Russian collusion investigation. I have long supported the congressional demands for documents
withheld by the Trump Administration as well as witnesses, including in my testimony during the House impeachment. The
ability to acquire grand jury material turns on whether an impeachment is a "judicial proceeding" under Federal Rule of Criminal
Procedure 6 (e). The district court and the court of appeals ruled that it does and that the House is entitled to
the material. However, the House is arguing that this request is not moot after the acquittal of President Trump at the
Senate impeachment trial.
Derangement Syndrome Has Introduced Impeachment 2.0. After spending the months preceding the global pandemic in
a futile impeachment attempt, House Democrats are now again trying to impeach President Donald Trump. The lower chamber
majority told the Supreme Court on Monday that they are in the middle of an "ongoing presidential impeachment investigation"
that requires redacted information from the grand-jury proceedings that were part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's
two-and-a-half-year probe. Since Trump was finally acquitted of two articles of impeachment in February, Democrats have
expressed a desire to try again, requesting that the nation's highest court grant them classified material that they have
pledged not to leak under "special protocols."
tell Supreme Court they need Mueller grand jury material to consider new articles of impeachment. The
Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee told the Supreme Court it needs the grand jury materials redacted in special counsel
Robert Mueller's report to decide whether to impeach Trump over his alleged obstruction of the Russia investigation.
Douglas Letter, the Democratic committee's top lawyer, filed a 33-page motion on Monday [5/18/2020] opposing a Justice Department
effort that seeks to have the nation's highest court block the release of the documents. Democrats insist they need the
information quickly because the House Judiciary Committee's "impeachment investigation related to obstruction of justice
pertaining to the Russia investigation is ongoing."
Peculiar World of Dr. Fauci. The previous president deployed the upper reaches of the FBI and DOJ against
candidate and President Trump. As the president says, these were "dirty cops," and despite Robert Mueller and his squad
of partisan Democrats, their efforts came to nothing. The dust had barely settled when some mysterious "whistleblower"
outed a Trump phone call. That brought in State Department troops such as George Kent, William Taylor, Gordon Sondland
and Marie Yovanovitch. They produced no evidence that Trump had done anything wrong but did showcase their own bias,
incompetence and arrogance.The same was true of National Security Council drones Fiona Hill and Alexander Vindman. This
show-trial led to impeachment proceedings that also failed to remove Trump from office. The economy was booming and
Trump holding forth at rallies, but then came the coronavirus.
Isn't A Conspiracy Theory, It's The Biggest Political Scandal Of Our Time. A string of recently released
documents have confirmed that the entire Russia-Trump investigation, which eventually entrapped Flynn and forced
then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself, was an unprecedented abuse of power that amounted to organized effort
by the Obama administration to nullify the results of the 2016 presidential election. It was in effect an attempted
coup. If you haven't picked that up from the news media, it's not your fault. Instead of grappling with the
implications of newly released details about what Obama officials were doing to undermine the incoming Trump administration
during the transition, the mainstream media have fixated on Trump's use of the term "Obamagate," dismissing it as a
conspiracy theory.
the Coup Clan to the Cleaners. If confirmed as Director of National Intelligence, Texas Republican John
Ratcliffe said this week, he would not let any "outside influence," impact or alter intelligence. His loyalty would be
"to the Constitution and rule of law" and Ratcliffe would "speak the truth to power." As Ratcliffe knows, the intelligence
community has been protecting the powerful from the truth, but change is in the wind. On May 4, acting DNI
Richard Grenell informed Congress that some 53 transcripts of interviews were declassified, redacted and ready for release.
These include interviews with former DNI James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Samantha Power, Andrew McCabe, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes,
and John Podesta. As Fox News reports, none of the 53 witnesses could provide evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.
hoax blown wide open as Schiff's lies [are] compared with transcripts. This news this piece carries is so
important that we include two videos with it. The Russiagate hoax was blown to bits on Friday, May 8th. V-E Day
in the West might well be also called V-T day for the United States. Honestly, it ought to be V-T day for the world,
and for Russia in particular, because now, more than ever, the folly of sanctions is obvious. The release of the FBI
transcripts reveals a plot by the very real Deep State to prevent President Trump from being elected, and further, to impair
or destroy his presidency, once elected by picking off anyone close to him, in an effort to eventually drive him out of
office by innuendo over fabricated Russian "connections." The basic truth of the transcripts is that the very people that
Adam Schiff, especially, insinuated as key witnesses TO the FACT of collusion actually stated very clearly — to a
person! — that they had NO such evidence as the result of any interviews or interrogations conducted against
former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Impeachment #2: Get ready for the corona coup. House Democrats,
flummoxed by their failed attempt to remove President Trump earlier this year, are gearing up for another round of
quasi-impeachment with their coronavirus oversight committee. It's been just a few months, believe it or not, since the
House impeached the President for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, but the moment was quickly overshadowed by the
global pandemic. The coronavirus committee thus could be the Democrats' last ditch effort to dig up dirt on the
President before the election in November. Democrats claim the new committee is necessary to investigate the trillions
of dollars in government stimulus money being distributed for coronavirus relief, but the overlapping nature of the committee with
other existing oversight mechanisms and the stacking of the committee with anti-Trump zealots calls into question that motivation.
Administration Presses Supreme Court to Stop Release of Secret Mueller Files. The Trump administration on
Thursday asked the Supreme Court to delay transmission of secret grand jury materials from former special counsel Robert
Mueller's investigation to House Democrats. The request follows a March decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
D.C. Circuit, which said Congress can access the materials under a rule allowing disclosure "in connection with a judicial
proceeding," meaning an impeachment trial in this instance. Democrats have left open the possibility of a second
impeachment push depending on the contents of the Mueller files. President Donald Trump outright refused to cooperate
with congressional requests for information. Speaking to reporters in April 2019, a defiant Trump promised his
administration would be "fighting all subpoenas."
Russia Transcripts Appear To Show Schiff, Obama Officials Knew Trump Was Not Colluding With Russia. Newly
released transcripts from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff's (D-CA) closed door Russia investigation
hearings show that former Obama officials and Schiff appeared to know that there was little to no evidence that the Trump
campaign colluded with Russian officials during the 2016 election. Here is what former Obama officials testified to
when asked during Schiff's hearings if they had or had seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia:
Schiff's Dirty Impeachment Tactics Coming to Light. Rep. Adam Schiff spent months launching secret
impeachment hearings, never thinking his conduct would be called into question. He is now caught in the crosshairs of a
formidable government agent, Mr. Brendan Carr, Federal Communication Commissioner. The impeachment may be over,
but Mr. Carr is formally investigating Rep. Schiff for violating privacy laws — more like obliterating
ethical boundaries — by setting up his own surveillance state to target the president's allies. Carr is
currently uncovering the diabolical nature of the congressman's "surveillance state." At the time, Schiff resorted to such
desperate measures because he didn't have much of an impeachment case: Therefore, he issued secret subpoenas to phone
carriers hoping to mine the private data of his political opponents, or in effect ransacking their private lives. The
objective was to obtain and publish the calls of Trump's allies.
Terrifying Zealotry of Adam Schiff and His Impeachment Fairies. Yes, this would be the same Adam Schiff who for
more than three years now has lied to gullible reporters about his spectacular fantasies of Mr. Trump in a Moscow hotel
room with hookers. This is the same ridiculous nutjob who for years now has been lying to American voters about how he
has secret evidence that he cannot share proving that Mr. Trump "colluded" with Russian President Vladimir Putin to
"steal" the 2016 election. Secret "evidence," it turned out, that all came from the Kremlin. This is the same
desperate, dishonest charlatan who — after his Russian fantasy went up in smoke — turned his
imagination to Ukraine and began spinning new fantasies about Mr. Trump conspiring with the president of Ukraine to make
Joe Biden look bad — as if Joe Biden needs any help looking bad.
we go again': Pelosi, Schiff plot new probe of Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent the last three-plus
years investigating President Trump, and each time, she's come up empty. But she's going to give it another go, this
time as Americans are locked down while the coronavirus sweeps across the nation. Mrs. Pelosi announced last week that
she is setting up a select House committee to "assure that the taxpayer dollars are being wisely and efficiently spent" —
but the California Democrat also said she wants to "examine all aspects of the federal response to the coronavirus."
Fuel for impeachment #2: Adam
Schiff's Dereliction of Duty Regarding Communist China. If ever there were a textbook case in Trump Derangement
Syndrome (TDS), it is Rep. Adam Schiff of California. Since the start of Trump's presidency he has been at the
forefront of investigating the administration and the president with an avidity that approaches, even surpasses, if that is
possible, monomania. In doing so he has been a font of disinformation that might make the KGB blush. First was
the bogus Russia probe and the lies surrounding the FISA court, then the endless impeachment over an ambiguous phone call
and, as of last week, his proposal for a "9-11" style commission to study the U.S. response to the virus, no doubt with the
president in the crosshairs.
More fuel for impeachment #2: HHS
inspector general reportedly planning multiple probes into Trump admin COVID-19 response. The Office of
Inspector General (OIG) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reportedly plans to launch multiple investigations
into the Trump administration's coronavirus response, in part because of another whistleblower complaint. "A spokesperson
for the HHS inspector general [said] that investigators will carry out at least five reviews 'related to HHS's planning and
response of the COVID-19 outbreak,'" the Washington Examiner reported Wednesday [3/25/2020].
Autopsy of an Impeachment.
[Scroll down] As a historical note, it's worth adding that at the time of the Constitution's ratification, getting a
simple majority in the House and a two-thirds majority in a Senate in a country with only 13 states was easier than it is
now. As the Republic has grown, the political bar for impeaching and removing the president has risen, since it requires
more votes among a diverse set of states and peoples. Also adding term limits to the presidency makes the argument for
immediate removal even more difficult. When Hamilton writes about what impeachment is trying to fix, he points to an
"abuse or violation of some public trust." That provides us with a pretty clear idea of what impeachment should provide
in the end. It's a political tool meant to restore public trust in the executive branch. Impeachment and removal
should restore public confidence, and if it doesn't, or public trust worsens, then the case for impeachment is weakened.
quietly conducting one-man impeachment inquiry against Trump. Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., is effectively
conducting a one-man impeachment inquiry despite House Democrats having thoroughly failed in their partisan effort to take
out President Donald Trump. The House Judiciary Committee chairman is still pursuing the Ukraine controversy,
even though the U.S. Senate acquitted Trump of the charges leveled against him.
2.0? Democrats line up possible new charges against Trump. Democrats already have lined up possible charges if
they choose to pursue impeachment 2.0. Still pending is a wide-open probe launched by Rep. Adam B. Schiff,
California Democrat. Mr. Schiff has been investigating President Trump, his family and businesses, the Trump
Organization, over the congressman's suspicions of blackmail, money laundering and bribery. Republican staffers say the
inquiry was put on hold last fall pending the Ukraine impeachment proceedings led by Mr. Schiff. But there is no
sign Mr. Schiff has given up trying to prove Mr. Trump is corrupt, and if the president is impeached again, the
charges would likely come from this probe, informed sources said.
Democrats' Get-Trump Crusade Has Irreparably Damaged The Nation. For more than three years, Democrats, Never
Trump Republicans, and the left-leaning media proved themselves willing to destroy the country to destroy one man:
Donald J. Trump. From foreign affairs to counterintelligence to law enforcement, from domestic governance to
congressional oversight to separation of powers, Trump's enemies manipulated and misused our government powers because
Americans dared to elect the wrong leader. The Senate's acquittal yesterday [2/5/2020] of the president on the two
spurious articles of impeachment concluded (for now) the years-long coordinated efforts at a coup. But while Trump
escaped the onslaught, the damage inflicted on our country will not be easily abated.
Trump Thanks 'Incredible Warriors' Who Stood with Him Through 'Crooked' Impeachment. President Donald Trump
delivered a speech to the nation Thursday celebrating his impeachment trial acquittal the day before, blasting the process as
"crooked" and thanking the "incredible warriors" who sided with him during the ordeal. Trump described the event as a
celebration of another victory over the "evil" forces allied against him. "Today is the day to celebrate these great
warriors, right?" Trump said. "These are great warriors. They really fought hard for us." The president's
address was populated with Cabinet members and staffers, as well as activists and allies.
Trump unleashes fury at impeachment enemies at National Prayer Breakfast. President Donald Trump unleashed his
fury against those who tried to impeach him at a prayer breakfast Thursday, a day after his acquittal by the Senate.
"As everybody knows, my family, our great country and your president have been put through a terrible ordeal by some very
dishonest and corrupt people," Trump said at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. He spoke from a stage
where he was joined by congressional leaders, including Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who led the impeachment charge
against him.
5 Biggest News Media Lies During Impeachment. [#1] Republicans Aren't Arguing the Facts: Over and over
during the House impeachment process we heard from the left that Republicans were not arguing the facts but instead just
harping on what they called an unfair process. Did the GOP say the process was unfair? Yes. Was the process
unfair? Yes. But the Republicans in the House were also arguing the facts, and arguing them pretty well.
This is a consistent theme in all of this. Confronted with several arguments from the president's supporters, the
mainstream media always selected only the ones they thought helped Democrats. The House Republicans made a simple
argument based on four facts that never change. 1. There is no quid pro quo in the transcript.
2. Both Trump and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky said there was no pressure. 3. Zelensky did not
know U.S. aid was held up. 4. The aid was released with no announcement of investigations. Those
are not process arguments.
[are] planning to expunge Trump impeachment if they win back the House. As the Senate is set to vote Wednesday
on the removal from office of President Trump — with acquittal all but assured — Republicans are
already plotting to expunge his impeachment if they retake the House. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may have taunted that
"impeachment will last forever," but GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, in line to be speaker if Republicans regain the
majority in the November election, doesn't agree. "This is the fastest, weakest, most political impeachment in
history," McCarthy told The [New York] Post on Wednesday [2/5/2020]. "I don't think it should stay on the books."
takeaways from the failed impeachment. [#1] Try a simple thought experiment: if the House Dems were aware of
any illegal activity by Trump, don't you think they would have used that as a basis for their impeachment? The
fact that they that chose a phone call to Ukraine, with no direct witnesses, in a situation that even they agree did not
violate any laws, clearly shows that they have absolutely nothing illegal to pin on Trump. It was not for lack of
trying. Keep in mind that the entire Democrat political apparatus has spent the last three years desperately trying to
find something — anything — to destroy Trump. Impeachment was their big chance, possibly their
only opportunity to Get Trump while they still controlled the House. The fact that they focused on such an inconsequential
action by President Trump shows how desperate they are. And if the best they can come up with is an innocuous Ukraine
phone call, we know they don't have anything else they can point to that could conceivably be called illegal.
fizzles despite media's best efforts. NBC impeachment coverageThe left-wing media worked hard during President
Donald Trump's historic impeachment trial: Praising the Democrats and criticizing Trump's attorneys. According to
analysis by the Media Research Center, during the first three days of the Senate trial, the Big Three evening newscasts
carried water for the House managers night after night. MRC counted 34 times the networks evaluated either the managers
or Trump's attorneys: 20 of 21 times the public heard positive spin about the Democrats, and all 13 observations about the
Trump attorneys were negative. MRC spokesman Curtis Houck tells OneNewsNow he is not surprised by the bias but says few
Americans are paying attention.
Cruz Rips Impeachment Case to Shreds: Obama Actually Did What Trump Was Impeached For. On Tuesday,
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) ripped up the House Democrats' impeachment case against President Donald Trump, showing how
former President Barack Obama's administration committed both of the acts Democrats impeached Trump for — and did
far worse. Cruz argued that acquitting Trump "comports with both the facts and the law." "These impeachment
proceedings began in the House of Representatives in a thoroughly partisan affair, driven by House Democrats without allowing
the president to participate in cross-examining witnesses and calling defense witnesses," the senator recalled. "The
Senate has done much better. We had an obligation under the constitution to conduct a fair trial and that is what the
Senate has done."
the Plug on Democrats' Life Support. On Wednesday the Democratic Party is scheduled to be removed from the life
support system that has sustained it these past four years: the fraudulently and almost certainly illegally confected
condition of Donald Trump being under a legal and ethical cloud. The wild aspersions about financial chicanery,
misogyny, racism, rank ignorance, and incompetence, and the monstrous canard about "treason" with Russia, the Mueller
investigation, and the spurious impeachment were all that the Trump-hating media needed to persuade the credulous, within
the United States and throughout the world, that this was an aberrant president who was about to be led out of the Oval
Office in handcuffs.
you feel violated? If the Democrats controlled the Senate, President Trump would have been removed from office
without the Democrats having proved a "high crime or misdemeanor." Simply put, it was a witch hunt, and it did emanate from
the same type folks that actually burned witches at the stake in New England. The Democrats called 17 witnesses and not
one could point to a crime they witnessed. They have been calling for impeachment since two days after Trump's election
in November 2016. President Trump has been endlessly investigated and they found absolutely nothing.
impeachment of Trump — decent people must decry this attack on our system. Although it is nearly
over, the impeachment and trial of President Trump have taken on a despicable quality unworthy of a free people. A
concern for the political health of the nation compels decent people to state openly what has gone on here: political
deception on a massive scale meant to overthrow the election of 2016 and corrupt the 2020 election. Led by Adam Schiff
and Jerrold Nadler, the Democrat Party has been promoting and is likely to continue to promote a subterfuge meant to confuse
the American electorate and radicalize politics. In the articles of impeachment, there was no serious case made against
President Trump for wrongdoing. Indeed, one wonders whether the House managers were really interested in removing the
president in the first place.
Schiff Closes Impeachment Trial with Rant Against Trump: 'Decency Matters'. Lead House impeachment manager
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) closed his side's argument for the removal of President Donald Trump with a rambling rhetorical
assault on the president. [...] Schiff defended the investigative process in the House of Representatives, and declared:
"America also believes there is a difference between right and wrong, and right matters here. But there is more.
Truth matter [sic]. Right matters — but so does decency. Decency matters."
The Editor says...
The truth is important to Adam Schiff? Since when?
The Winning Arguments Against Impeachment.
After all the great emotion of the impeachment struggle, it's worth setting out clearly the main issues at stake in their
simplest form. What were the core arguments that seem ready to triumph when the Senate makes its vote to give the final
and decisive word, as mandated by the Constitution?
Why Impeachment Failed.
[Scroll down] And perhaps if institutional media hadn't spent three years pushing a hyperbolically paranoid narrative
of Russian collusion — a debunked conspiracy theory incessantly repeated by Democrats during the impeachment
trial — the public wouldn't be anesthetized to another alleged national emergency. You simply can't expect a
well-adjusted voter to maintain CNN-levels of indignation for years on end. Beyond the public's mood, the Democrats'
strategy was a mess. House Dems and their 17 witnesses set impossible-to-meet expectations, declaring that Trump had
engaged in the worst wrongdoing ever committed by any president in history. (I'm not exaggerating.) When it comes to
Trump criticism, everything is always the worst thing ever. Even if Trump's actions had risen to the level of removal, Adam
Schiff and Jerrold Nadler were quite possibly the worst possible messengers to make the case. These are not the politicians
you tap to persuade jurors; they're the politicians you pick to rile up your base.
Coup of a Failing Establishment. [Scroll down] What was the heart of the Democrats' case to remove
Trump? Trump failed to invite Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the White House, and held up military aid to
Kyiv for several months, to get Zelensky to hold a press conference to announce that Kyiv was looking into how Hunter Biden
got on the board of a corrupt energy company at a retainer of $83,000 a month while his father was the chief international
monitor of corruption in Ukraine. The specific indictment: Trump's suspension of military aid imperiled "our
national security" by denying arms to an "ally" who was fighting the Russians over there, so we don't have to fight them over
here. And what was the outcome of it all? Zelensky got his meeting with the president. He got the military
aid in September. He did not hold the press conference requested. He did not announce an investigation of the Bidens.
Graham Warns of a 'Day of Reckoning,' Vows to Call the Whistleblower. The boomerang effect on Democrats has
started. During an interview with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo over the weekend, Senate Judiciary Committee
Chairman Lindsey Graham vowed to compel testimony from the whistleblower in order to get to the bottom of what led to
impeachment against President Trump. He also reiterated his plans to investigate the Bidens for their involvement with
Burisma, the most corrupt company in Ukraine.
The Editor says...
I remain highly skeptical. Wake me up when the malefactors are sentenced to serious prison time.
trial of Trump: Remember when Pelosi and Nadler insisted on bipartisanship? As recently as last March,
Pelosi argued that, without significant buy-in from Republicans, she considered a Trump impeachment a non-starter.
Pelosi said: "Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming
and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he's just not worth it."
[...] Trump defenders call his impeachment the "most partisan in history." It is. The House vote to start an
impeachment inquiry into President Richard Nixon was 410-4. [...] Not one House Republican joined the House Democrats in
voting for an impeachment inquiry of Trump, and none voted for either of the two articles of impeachment. Not one.
Murkowski, swing-vote Republican, says she 'cannot vote to convict' Trump. Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa
Murkowski, considered one of the possible swing votes in the Trump impeachment trial, announced on the Senate floor Monday
night that she "cannot vote to convict" President Trump. Murkowski, whose comments closed out a day of debate on the
floor over the articles of impeachment, said the "Constitution provides for impeachment but does not demand it in all
instances." While most Republican senators are expected to vote to acquit Trump, Murkowski had been considered a possible
vote against the president.
Impeachment has proved the Democrats
are no longer democrats. The Senate is not going to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump,
and to all appearances the whole thing is nearly over. Acquittal is imminent, and supposedly serious commentators are
on Twitter wailing in unison with Democratic activists. But what they are saying does not make any sense —
it's contradictory. On the one hand, they say that the case against Donald Trump is open-and-shut: so utterly
persuasive in objective terms that only the Senate Republicans' bad faith has prevented them from admitting it. On the
other hand, Democrats and the pundits don't trust voters to be persuaded by this purportedly airtight case — hence
all the lamentations about an outcome that will leave Trump's fate to be decided in November at the ballot box rather than
having him removed early by vote of the Senate. But if the case against Trump is really so strong, why isn't it a safe
bet that voters will dump Trump? Should they be persuaded? It's not as if there hasn't been plenty of publicity
for the allegations behind the impeachment effort. No doubt the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest will have
much more to say about them over the next nine months, too. Nobody can claim the voters haven't been told. So
again, why not trust them to do the right thing, if the right thing is really so objective and obvious?
Winter of NeverTrump Discontent. Impeachment is all but over, a wasted exercise in partisan derangement.
It was a shiny object for media dogs and cats to chase around the room, never quite catching it. [...] Despite "mountains of
evidence" and a "slam dunk case" that was "overwhelming," House legal eagles Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler failed to make the
case for removing a president from office for the unpardonable sin attempting to do his Constitutional duty investigating
government corruption.
It Is All
Fake News. Realizing that their case was extremely weak, Democrats demanded that the Senate rules be
changed. They demanded that Senate Republicans allow them to call more witnesses and demand more documents in the
Senate's portion of the case. That is not how this works. Democrats had their incredibly unfair opportunity to
present their case in the House portion. Thank God enough Republicans had the courage to vote no to Democrats using the
Senate to further their evil, disgusting scheme to reverse the 2016 presidential election. Because Trump has done
nothing wrong, the Senate will vote for acquittal. Another Democrat and fake news media scam to remove Trump from
office has failed.
Do Democrats Not Trust (Even Their Own) Voters? When Democrats pursued "Russia collusion" they did so with a
foundation of "evidence" that was debunked nearly as quickly as it was assembled. Yet someone believed it would be
great to spend the better part of three years attempting to con the American people. Not satisfied with that
embarrassment someone else began running with the impeachment meme. But doing so on an even flimsier foundation.
Thankfully that partisan sham of a process is exiting stage left. For some reason, some people somewhere believed that
instead of running against the administration with a set of ideas it would be better to merely repudiate the votes of the
last election and through trickery attempt surgical removal of a president who was legally and overwhelmingly elected.
The vote of the people — in essence — means nothing to them.
Preventing Another 'Crossfire Hurricane'. Friday's
Senate vote rejecting Democrats' demands to call witnesses in the Trump impeachment trial makes the president's acquittal
inevitable. But for the Senate bloviators' desire to make more pointless speeches, the acquittal — which is
scheduled for Wednesday — would have already happened. The vote will occur the day after Trump delivers his
annual State of the Union speech on Tuesday evening. That speech will be pure Trump: boasting about past successes,
bragging about successes to come in 2020, and making the Dems squirm. (Those who were given Speaker Nancy Pelosi's
infamous impeachment signing pens may want to return them.) There will be no post-impeachment period of reflection
and wound-licking for the Democrats. They will continue in their belief that Wile E. Pelosi is a political
to Blame for Pelosi-Schiff Impeachment Insanity? Throughout the two-year Rosenstein-Weissmann investigation,
Adam Schiff repeatedly claimed that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin were in cahoots. He could not discuss the details
with any specificity, but he assured everyone that he had seen the proof with his own eyes, and the president's treachery
would be exposed when the special counsel issued his report. Yet, when that long awaited day arrived, the proof
Mr. Schiff promised was nowhere to be found. Instead, "The Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference
in the 2016 Presidential Election" contradicted his oft-repeated assertion of Russian collusion, and concluded that "the
investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in
its election interference activities." Much to Mr. Schiff's dismay, the Russian collusion narrative had crumbled, but
he simply would not let it go.
McCarthy: House Democrats Could Continue Impeachment Investigation. Appearing Saturday [2/1/2020] on the
Fox News Channel, former Assistant U.S. Attorney and network contributor Andrew McCarthy said the House Democrats could
continue their impeachment investigation even if the Senate acquits President Donald Trump. [Video clip]
Trump's acquittal inevitable, Democrats unanimously denigrate acquittal. After 51 Senators voted not to hear
any further witnesses in the impeachment, President Trump's imminent acquittal became inevitable. (With a two-thirds
majority required for impeachment, Trump's acquittal was always inevitable; it just would have dogged Trump longer and
created more possibilities for mischief.) Because Trump was acquitted without live testimony in the Senate, Democrats
are insisting that he has not been cleared of the charges against him. Nancy Pelosi and the other non-lawyers making
this claim can be excused for being stupid. Those Democrats who are lawyers, however, have no excuse for saying
something so inconsistent with American jurisprudence. As always when attacking Trump, Democrats are moving in
lockstep. This time, the lockstep is that, absent witnesses, Trump hasn't really been "acquitted"; he has, instead,
escaped justice.
impeachment vote postponed to Wednesday amid internal GOP spat. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
has postponed a final vote on articles of impeachment against President Trump until Wednesday [2/5/2020] in the face of
opposition from Senate GOP moderates to his plan to wrap up the trial Friday or Saturday without deliberations.
Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), emerging from a Senate GOP conference meeting, said senators now will return to the
impeachment trial at 11 a.m. Monday to deliberate with a final vote on convicting or acquitting Trump set for
Wednesday. "There was some feverish discussion," Braun said. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of GOP
leadership, confirmed that the trial will wrap by Wednesday.
[are] Becoming More Desperate, and More Dangerous. It appears that the long-running farce of an impeachment
process may finally be coming to a well deserved end. On Wednesday, February 5, the impeachment without a crime will
see the Senate voting yea or nay on the two articles. That vote will bring to a conclusion a three-year ordeal of
continual lies, shredding of the Constitution, and malicious and unsubstantiated attacks. It will expose a long list of
people who should be charged and prosecuted for various felony crimes including perjury, lying to federal investigators,
fraud, and presenting false evidence to a federal court.
to Blame for Pelosi-Schiff Impeachment Insanity? Prior to delaying aid to Ukraine, President Trump threatened
to, or actually did, withhold aid from Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. He also
threatened Mexico with tariffs unless the Mexicans halted the caravans marching through their country. All these
demands were transmitted in the clear, and each contained the dreaded quid pro quo, but not a single Democrat eyebrow was
raised. What made the Ukrainian case different? Why did it rise to the level of impeachment where the others did
not? To Chairman Schiff, the answer was simple: the president had something to hide. This time he was
right: the president was hiding information from Russia.
Extend My Finger To The Impeaching House Democrats. One of the most popular quotes coming from the lying mouths
of the newly defeated Democrats was the illogic that there can be no acquittal if there was no trial. But the
Democrats' arrogance misses the point that if there are only poorly thought-out and incomplete charges brought with the
impeachment, the trial can't even begin. And that was the mortal failure of the Democrat impeachment charges. It
was as though children playing games were the managers of the House impeachment team. The charges were complete
[nonsense] from beginning to end and didn't deserve the few days that Mitch McConnell allowed them to proceed, once the
dithering Democrats finally got around to presenting the articles to the Senate.
the rubble of impeachment fail, Democrats turn on each other. The collapse of the Democrats' impeachment bid to
Get Trump hasn't exactly been good for Democratic unity. There were signals and indicators of the fights breaking out
all over Twitter, even as Sen. Chuck Schumer made his final teary bawl to the television cameras about the whole thing
being a "a grand tragedy" and a "sham trial." Fox News host Laura Ingraham compiled a good segment of the tensions and
misery — how Adam Schiff tried for one last time to shut his fellow impeachment manager, Rep. Jerry Nadler,
up at the finale, and how Schumer himself shushed Sen. Kamala Harris from trying to grab his mic and do the talking
instead of him, as well as a fine coda at the end of the miserified faces of the network broadcasters once they learned the
Senate voted down witnesses and the impeachment trial would soon be over.
impeachment punt sets up jam-packed, unprecedented week in Washington. The GOP-led Senate may have blocked new
witnesses from testifying, but a deal struck with Democrats to delay the ultimate impeachment acquittal vote of President
Trump until Wednesday sets up a wild week ahead in politics. On Monday [2/3/2020], the 2020 presidential election kicks
off with the first votes cast being cast in the Iowa caucuses. Meanwhile, the House Democratic impeachment managers and
Trump's defense team will return to the Senate chamber at 11 a.m. to make their closing arguments in the impeachment
trial. The following day, senators will give floor speeches on whether or not Trump should be impeached —
just hours before the commander in chief arrives at the Capitol to deliver his State of the Union address.
Why Wasn't Spygate Impeachable?
The Democrats have impeached Trump for merely contemplating something that Obama actually did. And in Obama's case, the
abuse of power was altogether real: it resulted in a massive violation of civil liberties. Obama's FBI falsely claimed
that four members of Trump's campaign were probable Russian agents. None of them were. Oops. Oh well, the
Democrats said. Obama had an obligation to check out the hunches of John Brennan and James Comey. By contrast,
Hunter Biden's corruption wasn't conjectural. As even Obama's State Department acknowledged, his "work" in Ukraine
reeked of improprieties and influence-peddling. It is hilarious to watch Democrats speak of the Bidens as above
reproach. In truth, Joe Biden stands at the center of a family of crooks who have spent decades trading on his last name.
Frankensteins hate their creation. The media wanted President Donald John Trump impeached. The House
impeached him. Now as his acquittal nears — painstakingly slow-walked at a turtle's pace by Mitch
McConnell — the media valedictorians ask themselves what have we done? You only get one bullet.
Democrats wasted theirs on the Mueller Report. This impeachment was a joke. [...] Now the media realizes that what does
not end his presidency makes him stronger. The experts on TV are apoplectic. They had convinced themselves that
calling a foreign president to congratulate him on his election is on the level of treason and bribery. How dare the
rest of the nation roll its eyes!
An Inconvenient Truth
For The Democrat Party. Today's Democratic politicians, with few exceptions, are the problem instead of being
part of the solution in resolving the serious problems that face our country. Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and their
fellow House of Representative Democratic minions have become so obsessed with impeaching our duly elected president, Donald J.
Trump, that they have brought nothing but turmoil, disenchantment and embarrassment to the American people with their absurd
actions. Their accusations against our President are so ridiculous and false that it doesn't take much to realize the
"why" of their actions. First of all, 62,984,825 Americans voted for Donald Trump. That number does not mean
anything to the Democrats. President Trump is a businessman, not a politician and the Democrats cannot control him
to do their bidding.
Is Up on Democrats' Bloodless Coup of Trump. [T]here is no probative evidence that the president did what he is
accused of doing, and what he is accused of is not illegal, not impeachable, and the entire episode is an outrage and a
disgrace. As anti-Trump law professor Jonathan Turley testified at the House Judiciary Committee in December, the abuse
of power that has occurred has been the impeachment of the president, not any act by the president that has come to light.
[...] The accusations against President Trump have not got off the ground despite all the venomous and repetitive loquacity
of the prosecution managers, Schiff (who chairs the House Intelligence Committee) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman
Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y. The jig is up. The Democrats have used the nuclear option, played the big Trump
card, had their silly impeachment trial and now they are desperately looking for an exit strategy that leaves a political
shirt on their backs.
8 Reasons Trump Already Won Impeachment. [Scroll down] [#6] House Democrats picked impeachment managers
who seemed perfectly calibrated to annoy and grate on those handful of senators whose votes were up for grabs.
Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler were the leaders of a group that repeated their highly partisan talking points and
used hyperbolic and loaded language. The media loved it, but it went over like a lead balloon with the non-Resistance
senators. The House Democrats accused senators of being cowards who were complicit in a cover-up. They suggested
that the senators were unable to vote properly because President Trump would put their heads on pikes if they didn't vote to
acquit. They refused to answer specific and direct questions about whether the whistleblower worked for Biden, was
involved in any decisions regarding Burisma, or about his interaction with Schiff's staff. [...] At some point, the
difference between the competent and highly skilled attorneys on the White House team and the bumbling and somewhat mediocre
team of House managers was so pronounced it was almost embarrassing.
Right to a Fair Trial. After he has been accused of wrongdoing and impeached, doesn't President Trump also have
the right to a fair trial? He certainly didn't get one. In a civilized society, disagreements are supposed to be
fairly and equitably resolved through debate, either in the public arena or a court of law. [...] Donald Trump's impeachment
by the House of Representatives was a sick joke — secret hearings in basements, exculpatory information withheld,
it quickly degenerated into a sick partisan kangaroo court with the outcome of impeachment determined before the start.
Lies were uttered and repeated until they became mantras, as if to prove the old adage about a lie told often enough becoming
the truth, which is a dumb adage because lies never become true... but they can be believed by a gullible-enough audience.
Justice John Roberts strikes out. Chief Justice John Roberts doesn't seem to have the judicial acumen of a
traffic court judge. During the course of the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate, Americans have now seen the chief
justice have three historical strikes. Consequently, the Senate should immediately vote to have case dismissed, against
President Trump. Our fairly elected president should be immediately acquitted of these most politically driven bogus
charges in American constitutional history. Strike one by John Roberts is simple, based on the conduct of his presiding
over the trial. It is obvious that he has been over-the-top prejudiced against President Trump by not holding House
Democrat managers accountable for their gross breach of decorum. [...] Strike two for Chief Justice Roberts is that he has
shown so far that there is no judicial admonishment or accountability for committing perjury.
conviction in impeachment trial not justified even if Bolton claims are true. Democrats claim that when Trump
asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into what Trump called troubling actions by former Vice President Joe
Biden and his son Hunter, Trump was seeking a political advantage against a prospective opponent in the November presidential
election. [...] Trump's legal team has countered that the president had every right to ask Ukraine to examine and produce any
evidence of a potentially corrupt act by a U.S. public official. The act to be examined was Joe Biden's demand that
Ukraine fire a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company that employed his
son. By any reasonable and objective standard, Hunter Biden's employment was highly suspicious and unusual. At a
time when his father was serving as vice president and in charge of Ukraine policy for the Obama-Biden administration, Hunter
Biden was being paid $83,000 a month to sit on the natural gas company's board — despite having absolutely no
experience in the energy sector and no experience in Ukrainian affairs.
Questions That Need Answering. The case against the president is very thin, in the sense that a finite set of
events that took place over a relatively short time to an inconclusive end has been lavished with months of investigative
attention, with the result that the Democratic-controlled House, on a strictly party-line vote, voted two articles of
impeachment. The charges are so vague that Democrats repeatedly shifted their theory about what to call the president's
alleged misconduct — campaign-finance violation, attempted extortion, quid pro quo, bribery, and more recently, a
budget-law transgression — before ultimately settling on a nebulous "abuse of power" claim, coupled with
obstruction of the House's inquiry. We all have a good idea where things stand, and thus most of us are probably
skeptical that this phase of questions by the Senate could change any minds. Still, I think it's possible.
Time to Pull the Plug on the Impeachment Farce. [Scroll down] The vote on whether to proceed with
witnesses apparently will take place on Friday. I assume that McConnell thought it would be easy to get 51 votes in
favor of terminating the Senate proceeding, but John Bolton's ill-timed and ill-advised tell-all book has thrown a monkey
wrench into that plan. [...] Nothing Bolton says about President Trump's desire to have Ukraine conduct investigations into
1) Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and 2) corruption in the Obama/Biden administration, could possibly
make out an impeachable offense. The whole thing is a bad joke, and the sooner it is put out of its misery, the better.
Impeachment Game-Playing Is Kavanaugh 2.0. President Donald Trump's opponents are using the same failed tactics
to derail the president's agenda for the crime of winning the 2016 election. On Sunday [1/26/2020], The New York Times
published leaked details of former National Security Advisor John Bolton's upcoming book accusing Trump of tying nearly $400 million
in military aid to extracting politically motivated investigations into the Biden family. Never mind that the book leak arrived on
the same day that it became available for online pre-ordering, came unsubstantiated, and surfaced from a former White House aide with an
axe to grind over his removal. The late leak is reminiscent of previous attempts to sabotage the Trump presidency with unfair
operations pushing shady allegations via anonymous sources with no actual evidence paraded as "bombshells" in a compliant media.
Class Held Hostage by Trump's Impeachment. [I]n league with their propaganda arm, the mainstream media, the
ruling elites have pulled out all the stops and abandoned any ethical, moral or legal restraints to get rid of Donald Trump
and recapture their previous hierarchical influence in the Republican Party. The abominably fabricated and
unconstitutional impeachment farce is the culmination of three years of frustration and determination to rid the nation of
the "threat" that is Donald Trump's takeover of a major political party and transformation of it into a vehicle of
populism. Which would allow the citizenry and not the elites to determine the course of the nation's future. In
reality, impeachment, endless investigations, fabrications and the constant vilification of Donald Trump are aimed at
intimidating the nameless and unwashed masses who had the temerity and insolence to vote against the wishes of the ruling class.
Feinstein backtracks after saying 'the people should judge' Trump. Democratic California Sen. Dianne
Feinstein walked back a statement on Tuesday after appearing to say she would oppose convicting President Trump in his
impeachment trial. Feinstein, 86, told the Los Angeles Times that she is leaning toward voting to keep Trump in office
after hearing the defense from the president's legal team. The senator said that she believes Trump has many flaws,
especially relating to the findings in the House's impeachment, but she said that the voters should decide Trump's fate in
November. "Nine months left to go. The people should judge. We are a republic. We are based on the
will of the people. The people should judge," Feinstein said. "That was my view and it still is my view."
She added, "Impeachment isn't about one offense. It's really about the character and ability and physical and mental
fitness of the individual to serve the people, not themselves."
The Editor says...
If "mental fitness of the individual to serve the people" is really an issue, why didn't Senator Feinstein have
something to say about BarackH.Obama?
several Republicans apparently succumbing on impeachment witnesses, Mitch McConnell may need to go 'nuclear'.
The Wall Street Journal reports that Mitch McConnell has told Republican Senators that he does not have the votes to block
witnesses: [...] As detailed many times, the entire Democrat strategy has been to Kavanaugh the hearings, to call witnesses
the House never called in order to turn the trial into a circus in which the process becomes the punishment. The House
impeachment was in bad faith, and the Kavanaughing of the hearings also is bad faith. That four Republican Senators may
succumb to these tactics speaks volumes about the weakness of Republicans.
Crenshaw to Adam Schiff: If Your Impeachment Case Is so Solid Why the Demand for More Witnesses? If you'd
bought into what the mainstream media and Democrats told you over the last two weeks about the Senate impeachment trial,
you'd believe House Intel Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) was the greatest lawyer/congressman/orator America has ever known after he
did his part in presenting the House's impeachment/removal case against President Trump. Unsurprisingly, Rep. Dan
Crenshaw (R-TX) isn't one of those people buying into what Democrats and their allies in the national press are
selling. Case in point, Schiff took to Twitter on Saturday and attempted to discredit the opening arguments being made
by Trump's attorneys.
Target Trump Forever.
The Left has shown that the collusion exoneration last year by the heralded Robert Mueller investigation — all
22-months, the "dream team," and $34 million of it — meant absolutely nothing. Nor did it matter that
Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz found no justification of "collusion" in the Steele dossier to
justify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants it issued to spy on Carter Page. Both the Mueller and
Horowitz investigations confirmed that even the partisan and warped FBI "Crossfire Hurricane" intrigues could find no
Russian-Trump collusion. And yet the House impeachment managers cannot finish a sentence without exclaiming "Russian
collusion," as if it has now transmogrified into some exotic foundational myth.
Bolton and Reckless Romney. [Scroll down] We should take the media reports just now with a large lump of
salt. It is entirely possible that Bolton, if he testifies in the Senate, will say that Trump legitimately believed
that Ukraine was a center of election interference in 2016, and that Biden was involved in it, which would turn the tables on
the Democrats, as it would make the conditions of the aid wholly legitimate.
Great Triggering Occurs After Pam Bondi Lays Out Biden Corruption During the Impeachment Trial. There went
forth the sound of a great triggering this afternoon [1/27/2020] after Pam Bondi took to the Senate floor to deliver a
devastating fact case against Hunter Biden, who resides at the center of the question of what Trump was wanting investigated
back in the summer. The common refrain you hear from Democrats and the media is that Hunter Biden is irrelevant.
Yet, they then want to deny Republicans the right to show that investigating him was a legitimate pursuit. It's an
attempt to have it both ways and Bondi was having none of it. [...] Bondi even went so far as to play the tape of Joe Biden
threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine while he was Vice President. That's a clip which has been black-balled by the
legacy media, as it's just an awful look.
Republicans push back on calls for more impeachment witnesses. Senate Republicans on Sunday [1/26/2020] defended President
Donald Trump and panned calls for witnesses to testify in the Senate impeachment trial, ahead of the start of the second week. In
interviews on major networks, Republicans appeared unmoved by House Democrats' opening arguments for Trump's removal and reiterated that
the Senate should not seek new evidence.
Are Republicans Settling for Acquittal Instead of Total Victory? It's a shame that so many Republicans are
calling for a quick impeachment trial and the inevitable acquittal of Donald Trump. It seems more than a bit
shortsighted. Why should Republicans settle for an acquittal when we can accomplish so much more? The Democrats
have laid a trap for themselves with this absurd impeachment farce and their demand for witnesses in the Senate trial.
Let's oblige them in their efforts to destroy themselves. The goal shouldn't be simply to acquit Trump. That's a
fairly low bar and virtually a given. The goal should be to crush the Democrats and make this entire process as painful
and devastating as possible.
impeachment strategy isn't to win over the Senate, but defeat the Senate. A common belief among conservatives
is that Democrats have blundered in their impeachment trial argumentation, that they've shot themselves in the foot.
Perhaps so. But we should remember that their goal cannot, logically, be to win over the Senate so President
Trump can be ousted from office before November. It would have to be that they want to win the Senate for Democrats in
November. It's easy believing that the world's Adam Schiffs and Jerrold Nadlers are ill intended Inspector Clouseaus
(without his luck), and no great genius should be ascribed to them. But they're surely smart enough to realize that
they'll never get the votes of two thirds of the Senate — 67 members — which are necessary to convict
and remove Trump.
Democrats' Burisma Bait and Switch. [Scroll down] It sounds like something out of Kafka. It would
never be tolerated in the U.S. judicial system: no competent judge would bar an accused from attempting to prove his defense;
and if one did, any conviction would be reversed on appeal. It would not matter whether the prosecutor's proof was
convincing; having one's day in court means having an opportunity to present any exculpatory evidence. Yet what I've
just described is essentially what House Democrats have done to President Trump in the Senate impeachment trial on the matter
of the Bidens and Burisma.
Democrats' Last Ditch Effort To Upend the Trump Trial. Has the Trump impeachment drama reached its Brett
Kavanaugh or Clarence Thomas moment? That would be the moment when, after the hearings are more or less done and it
looks like the target will survive, the Democrats confect a last ditch scandal to block, in the case of the two justices,
Senate confirmation or, in the case of President Trump, acquittal. We confess we've been expecting something to be
brought up at the last minute. It is, after all, the Democratic Party's modus operandi. In the case of
Clarence Thomas, it looked like the hearings were done and the nominee on the way to confirmation, when there was suddenly
leaked an FBI report touching on Anita Hill's allegation of sexual harassment. Something similar happened in respect
of Justice Kavanaugh.
impeachment case against Trump already lies in smoking ruins. We all know that from the moment he was elected
the Left has intended to see President Trump impeached. The Washington Post called for impeachment nineteen minutes
after the forty-fifth president was inaugurated. [...] Those who had the time and inclination to watch the first words of
defense of the President spoken on Saturday are sure to be revolted by what went on, not just over the previous three days
but the for the past three years. This entire debacle should be over by Wednesday. Schiff's two silly articles
should be dismissed out of hand. We can all now see clearly who and what Schiff and his impeachment cultists are:
pompous, angry traitors to our Constitution. They will be outsmarted by the Founders and the scholars who actually do
know and revere our founding document and the law. Their petty vindictiveness will condemn them to failure and a legacy
of bumbling malfeasance.
Joni Ernst Asks Why Is Donald Trump
Being Impeached Over Ukraine Aid That Most of the House Impeachment Managers Voted Against? One of the
scurrilous charges being thrown at President Trump by the imbeciles who make up the House of Representatives 'impeachment
managers' in the ongoing travesty of the Senate trial is that somehow he damaged Ukraine's ability to defend itself.
Facially, this is rather stupid. The first lethal aid provided to Ukraine ever by the United States arrived in April
2018. Prior to then, the Obama administration had focused on the really big ticket items like MREs and blankets. This
fact, alone, should be enough to torpedo the whole nonsense about the short delay in delivering aid earlier this year being
critical. In fact, none of the Javelin anti-tank missiles have yet been used in combat.
are trying to impeach President Trump, wayward voters, and democracy. [Scroll down] Every devious action
(whether premeditated or spontaneous), every ruse, sleight-of-hand, slur, slander, lie, unwarranted attack, baseless charge,
rending of the Constitution, and instance of rude behavior in which Democrats have already engaged... they have,
pre-emptively, accused Senate Republicans of planning to employ. They are trying to impeach the president, without
charging him with a crime, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, though they themselves have blatantly abused their
power and are engaged in obstruction themselves: of the Senate; of the Executive Branch, whose sole responsibility it is
to set foreign policy... and of the American people, by trying to oust a duly elected president via a media-aided
and abetted coup d'état just months prior to another presidential election. They accuse the president and Republican
senators of a cover-up, though they themselves are engaged in the greatest cover-up in American history.
insult-the-jury strategy for winning their impeachment case. The entire Senate impeachment trial is about
changing the opinions of a few Republicans. The buried lede is that they just trashed their own case for impeachment by
satisfying their urge to insult and offend Republicans, who happen to be the jurors. What's it they say about emotional
intelligence being the capacity to delay gratification a little longer for the big prize? The don't have it.
Turley: Dems Have to Scrap Half of Impeachment to Have a Prayer at Getting Witnesses. On Thursday,
constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) had made a "huge blunder" by insulting
the senators who would decide whether or not to convict President Donald Trump. In a follow-up op-ed on Friday
[1/24/2020], he advised the House Democratic impeachment managers to accept that their case was essentially dead on arrival
and to slice their articles of impeachment in half. Only by dropping the "obstruction of Congress" impeachment article
can they hope to get the Senate to agree to have witnesses in the trial for the "abuse of power" article. The House
impeachment managers "lost this case before it began — not because of the Republican majority but because of the
House managers' own historic blunder in rushing the impeachment forward on an incomplete record," he wrote in The
Washington Post.
Schiff's history of inaccuracies, conspiracy theories follows him to Senate floor. Rep. Adam B. Schiff
arrived in the Senate this week as an impeachment trial manager, leaving the House with a trail of inaccuracies, conspiracy
theories and attempts at obstruction, the record shows. Liberal media have bathed the California Democrat in
praise. A CNN analyst called him "dazzling." A Washington Post reporter tweeted that his trial argument to convict
President Trump was one for the ages. Conservatives take a decidedly different view. They wonder on social media
why a congressman who floated unproven conspiracies and a false dossier is leading the case against Mr. Trump, and they
ask why the liberal media are so uncritical.
knife at a gunfight? Disarm the House Democrats. The strategy the House impeachment managers are
employing as they "make their case," has become apparent, and if not countered, Republicans may win the battle but lose the
war. [...] We hear them breathlessly describe all manner of malfeasance, all attributable to the horrible Orange Man who
stole Hillary's birthright in 2016 with a crushing electoral win, but what have we not heard? We have heard next to
nothing about the actual articles of impeachment, the supposed abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The
Democrats impeached on a fallacious basis. To accept their premise, one must be willing to believe that House Democrats
have supernatural knowledge of the unspoken thoughts of the president and all others involved. The foundation of their
case is the president being guilty of something Orwell usefully coined as "thoughtcrime." The American people have
soundly rejected that concept.
Unconstitutional Impeachment of President Trump. There are three critical reasons for the principle that
impeachable offenses be indictable offenses[:] First, the plain text of the Constitution requires it; second, the
protection of the people's right to select the president cannot make the president serve at the pleasure of Congress; and
third, the due process rights of the president prevent nebulous, vague undefined "offenses" being the basis of punitive
impeachment. Indeed, this argument is far from new: the only Supreme Court Justices ever to argue on the Senate floor
on impeachment agreed; the only active Judges to ever argue on the Senate floor on impeachment agreed; and Founding Fathers
who debated impeachment on the Senate floor back to 1805 agreed. The Constitution only authorizes impeachment for three
reasons: treason, bribery, and "other High Crimes and Misdemeanors" akin to treason or bribery. As the current
impeachment charges do not even allege treason, bribery or comparable "other high crimes," this impeachment of President
Trump offends the Constitution.
Trump's Trial by Charlatans.
The attacks of the Democrats on Trump never made any sense. First, they tried to portray him as an unpatriotic shill
for Putin. Never mind that Trump ran on an explicitly America First agenda. Never mind that he won the presidency
with the votes of the most patriotic Americans. Never mind that once in office he conducted a Russia policy far tougher
than Obama's. It is the Democrats who routinely put the interests of foreigners before America. They open our
borders to them, promise to pay for their health care, give them driver's licenses, and demand amnesty for them. While
lecturing Trump on "letting foreigners interfere in our elections," they clamor for the voting rights of illegal immigrants.
The word "sovereignty" never passed Democratic lips until Trump became president.
Alexander Seems to Be the Key to President Trump Winning the Vote for a Quick Acquittal. Today we will bid a
fond farewell to Adam Schiff, Fat Jerry and the rest of the brain trust that comprises the House 'impeachment managers.'
While they may not have done much to make a case for impeachment, they have gone a long way towards alienating even wavering
NeverTrump Republicans. Fat Jerry accusing Republican Senators who were considering voting for acquittal of "treachery"
managed to alienate even weaklings like Lisa Murkowski. Right now the headcount says that there are three Senators in
favor of calling witnesses: Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney. This gives McConnell a sure 50 votes
for a motion to acquit. To put that count in perspective, before Adam Schiff gave Jen Rubin a case of thigh sweats with
his 'master class' in presenting a case to a jury, there were 45 Senators in favor of acquittal without hearing witnesses.
He has lost five votes. He needs one more. That vote belongs to retiring Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander.
attorney promises to invoke Bidens in impeachment defense. Jay Sekulow, a member of President Trump's legal
team, told reporters the team plans to invoke the Bidens during the impeachment trial in the Senate. "For the life of
me, they've done it. Why, they opened up the door as wide as a double door on the Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Burisma
issue. I guess that was their way of getting ahead of it. We will address it," Sekulow told reporters.
Earlier, he also spoke on what he believes are "issues" surrounding the Ukraine controversy. Sekulow questioned the
Democratic Party's involvement in the funding of the dossier by British ex-spy Christopher Steele.
prof Jonathan Turley predicts Dems' impeachment 'will go down as one of the greatest historic blunders'.
Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley delivered a stinging assessment of the Democrats' rushed impeachment process
against President Donald Trump. The George Washington University Law School professor blasted Democrats during an
appearance on CBS News for their second article of impeachment charging Trump with obstruction of Congress.
Stefanik — Improperly Constructed House Articles are No Excuse for New Senate Witnesses. Representative Elise
Stefanik is a member of President Trump's defense team. In this interview the issue of the deficient articles is raised surrounding
witnesses. House witnesses who gave testimony when the articles were framed could be considered appropriate, if needed,
when debating those articles in the Senate. However, witnesses not called by the House; and therefore not used in the assembly
of the articles being debated in the Senate; are not valid for consideration.
Tenuous Future of the Democratic Party. [Scroll down] Jumping on the impeachment bandwagon not only makes
the candidates look opportunistic and, ironically, undemocratic but also fuels the narrative that Democrats are running
primarily on an anti-Trump platform, which, as evidenced by Hillary's campaign, is an optic that isn't likely to get out the
vote. As such, handing out 30 engraved souvenir pens with Pelosi's name on them at a joyous impeachment ceremony served
only to strengthen the narrative that Trump's impeachment is merely a Democratic ploy to overturn the results of the 2016 election.
impeachment show's third act will focus on Schiff's lies and evil plans. On the basis of no evidence at all,
[Adam] Schiff is seeking to turn American from a nation proud of its unbroken record of a peaceful handover of power to
political rivals into a banana republic in which legitimate elections are disputed by the loser. A rising tide of
political violence against Trump supporters, starting with the attempted assassination of a large number of House
Republicans, and ongoing Antifa attacks, lends urgency to the specter.
Trump Acts
Like a Politician. That's Not an Impeachable Offense. The way things look, President Trump will almost
certainly not be removed from office. The precedents set by the articles of impeachment, however, will endure far
longer. And regrettably, the House of Representatives has transformed presidential impeachment from a constitutional
parachute — an emergency measure to save the Republic in free-fall — into a parliamentary vote of "no
confidence." The House seeks to expel Mr. Trump because he acted "for his personal political benefit rather than
for a legitimate policy purpose." Mr. Trump's lawyers responded, "elected officials almost always consider the effect
that their conduct might have on the next election." The president's lawyers are right. And that behavior does not
amount to an abuse of power.
End impeachment's
government shutdown. Like them or not, presidents uniquely represent the elected will of the people. As
such, their removal is not just about the removal of a person but the overturning of that elected will. For that
reason, there are few offenses that will be so grievous as to cause the party in power to give up their party's leader and
convict a president; most charges, even if true, won't reach that high bar for removal. [...] The second article of
impeachment — obstruction of the House by the assertion of executive privilege — is, in my view, wholly
without merit. Despite endless allegations of lawlessness, this administration has implemented every court ruling it
has lost without exception. Asserting executive privilege is not the same as paying hush money or suborning perjury, as
was alleged in the Clinton and Nixon impeachment efforts. President Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder,
frequently asserted privilege in response to investigations and Holder was even held in contempt of Congress, a resolution he
promptly ignored.
Week: It's OK to Be Bored; Not OK to Be White. With the impeachment nonsense dragging into its 56th
month, I have some random observations, only a few of which have anything to do with impeachment. [...] The person I really
feel sorry for is Nancy Pelosi. I assume she's weeping uncontrollably as she watches her chances of holding the
speakership dwindle every time Jerry Nadler waddles to the mic. True, you "go to war with the army you have, not the
army you might want," as Donald Rumsfeld said, but surely there are more telegenic Democrats than Nadler and Adam Schiff.
President Trump's legal team to challenge impeachment aggressively. President Trump's personal attorney, Jay
Sekulow, said Democrats are failing to present a coherent impeachment case. While speaking to reporters on Wednesday,
Sekulow said Democrats have tried to deny the president his constitutional rights by dismissing executive privilege.
The attorney stressed executive privilege is protected by Supreme Court decisions and added any attack against it amounts to
an attack on the U.S. Constitution.
Trump's Impeachment with One Simple Thought Experiment. Democrats can't come right out and say they're
impeaching Trump just for being Trump, even though that's exactly what they're doing. So they held this big
investigation, and found that yes indeed, President Trump had committed foreign policy. They can't actually impeach him
for that, either, so instead they impeached him for defending himself against the charge of having committed foreign policy.
Anti-Trump 'Whistleblower' Heard Discussing Need to 'Take Out' Trump 2 Weeks into His Presidency. Just two
weeks into Donald J. Trump's presidency, Eric Ciaramella — the CIA operative widely believed to be the anti-Trump
"whistleblower" — was overheard discussing with another White House staffer the need to remove the president from
office, Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations reported on Wednesday [1/22/2020]. Ciaramella was at the time on loan to
the White House as a top Ukrainian analyst in the National Security Council (NSC). He had previously served as an adviser on
Ukraine to then-Vice President Biden. "Just days after he was sworn in they were already talking about trying to get
rid of him," a White House colleague who overheard their conversation told RCI. "They weren't just bent on subverting his
agenda," the former official added. "They were plotting to actually have him removed from office."
House Lawyer Patrick Philbin Explains House Circumvention of Constitution During. As 21 different state
attorneys general noted earlier today [1/22/2020], there are several reasons why the impeachment effort is
unconstitutional. These are not process arguments; they are factual arguments central to the constitutional framework
of our government. The failure of a full House vote to authorize the House Judiciary Committee to pursue evidence — via
enforceable subpoenas — was a defect by design of Nancy Pelosi's decision to initiate an impeachment inquiry by her decree,
not an authorizing vote. White House lawyer Patrick Philbin explains the legal issue; this could be the lead argument
in the defense case when it starts. [Video clip]
AGs urge Senate to reject impeachment in stinging letter: 'A dangerous historical precedent'. The attorneys
general of 21 states have come forward with a blistering rebuke of the impeachment of President Trump, asserting that it
"establishes a dangerous historical precedent." The Republican attorneys general, in a letter submitted to the Senate
Wednesday morning and obtained by Fox News, urged the chamber conducting Trump's trial to "reject" the impeachment
articles. "If not expressly repudiated by the Senate, the theories animating both Articles will set a precedent that is
entirely contrary to the Framers' design and ruinous to the most important governmental structure protections contained in
our Constitution: the separation of powers," they wrote.
(or lowlights) of the impeachment so far. On Tuesday afternoon, CBS pulled the plug on covering the impeachment
hearing taking place in the Senate. It was getting more revenue running the daytime soaps. This reflects a
general feeling that most Americans don't want to sit there and be insulted. And by "insulted," we mean things like
Adam Schiff saying something that translates to "You, the People, are too dumb to be trusted with the vote, lest you vote
again for Trump[.]"
Haters Should Prepare for Disappointment. It is not too soon to consider how to assist the millions of
Trump-haters in the country in adjusting to the imminent collapse of their hopes and dreams. Their entire political
world now rests on a series of absurd suppositions; it is a levitation that defies all laws of nature and politics.
They have propelled themselves into an insane impeachment trial over non-offenses the president did not commit — a
trial over matters which are not legally actionable and for which there is no evidence. For this, the Senate and the
chief justice of the United States will be tied up for weeks. When it fizzles ignominiously, the anti-Trump media
will squawk like hungry parrots that there was a real case, but that the Republican senators refused to recognize it.
That hackneyed line is wearing very thin.
Documents Show Democrat Adam Schiff Mischaracterized Evidence In Impeachment, Report Suggest. A new report on
Tuesday night [1/21/2020] alleges that House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) appears to have "mischaracterized"
evidence that was used in House Democrats' impeachment investigation. The problem stems from a letter that Schiff sent
to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) last week that summarizes "a trove of evidence from Lev Parnas, an indicted
former associate of Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani," Politico reported. "In one section of the letter, Schiff
claims that Parnas 'continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,' citing a specific text message exchange
where Parnas tells Giuliani: 'trying to get us mr Z.' The remainder of the exchange — which was attached
to Schiff's letter — was redacted." Politico added, "But an unredacted version of the exchange shows that
several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky,
the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: 'mr Z answers my brother.' That
suggests Parnas was referring to Zlochevsky not Zelensky."
report suggests Schiff LIED about Parnas evidence. There's a report out tonight [1/21/2020] that suggests that
Nancy Pelosi's favorite Intel Chief Adam Schiff lied about a text from Lev Parnas, suggesting he was trying to get a meeting
with Zelensky for Giuliani.
may have mischaracterized Parnas evidence, documents show. House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff appears to
have mischaracterized a text message exchange between two players in the Ukraine saga, according to documents obtained by
POLITICO — a possible error the GOP will likely criticize as another example of the Democrats' rushed effort to
impeach President Donald Trump. The issue arose when Schiff (D-Calif.) sent a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry
Nadler (D-N.Y.) last week summarizing a trove of evidence from Lev Parnas, an indicted former associate of Trump's personal
attorney Rudy Giuliani. In one section of the letter, Schiff claims that Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting
with President Zelensky," citing a specific text message exchange where Parnas tells Giuliani: "trying to get us mr Z."
The remainder of the exchange — which was attached to Schiff's letter — was redacted.
if Trump's Senate impeachment trial ends quickly, Democrats may never stop. If you watched Tuesday, you know
that parts of the impeachment proceedings have been stultifyingly boring, but they have generated some fairly amusing and
revealing video clips. For example, Sen. Chuck Schumer explained how even with no chance of removing President
Trump at the end of the process, impeachment is still absolutely necessary for this country, and every other problem we face
must go on hold to pursue it. [...] It was a little over two decades ago that Schumer waded on another
impeachment — Bill Clinton's — with a very different take.
Schiff Would Be The Last Person To Get A GOP Senator To 'Cross Over'. The Democrats' fervent hope in the
impeachment process is no longer to remove President Donald Trump but rather to attain the moral victory of convincing just
one Senate Republican to "cross over" and vote in favor of removal following the impeachment trial. For the adoring
left within the media and on Capitol Hill, a crossover vote would give Democrats the bipartisan label they have so craved but
have been unable to secure throughout the entirety of this process, largely due to their gross unprofessionalism and the
obviousness of the Ukraine phone call being a pretext for ambitions they have held since 2016. If the Democrats want to
garner crossover votes in the impeachment trial, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is the last person who should be managing
the impeachment circus, largely because he has become the insufferable face of House partisanship and the blatant crookedness
of the impeachment process. Yet he was one of seven Democrats chosen by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi last week to
do so. But his performance today, combined with his salacious history, is a reminder of why he should be nowhere near
the impeachment process.
not a single Republican is poised to vote to convict Trump. Republican voters' overwhelming opposition to
impeachment and aggressive maneuvering by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are conspiring to deliver President Trump a
unanimous GOP vote of acquittal at his trial in the Senate. That Senate Republicans are on track to acquit Trump and
shield him from expulsion was not in doubt as the trial adjudicating two articles of impeachment opened on Tuesday.
But, as House Democratic prosecutors and the White House defense team began litigating charges of abuse of power and
obstruction of Congress, McConnell's push for unity and grassroots loyalty to Trump were moving Senate Republicans behind
the scenes toward unanimous acquittal.
Proposes New DOJ Task Force Dedicated to Retroactively Investigating Trump Admin 'Violations'. Senator
Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) unveiled a new campaign plan Tuesday that calls for the creation of a Justice Department task
force to investigate and prosecute corruption and immigration "violations" committed by the Trump administration. In
her "Restoring Integrity and Competence to Government after Trump" plan, Warren states that "Donald Trump has run the most
corrupt administration in history," and that she will attempt to lessen his influence by "wiping the slate clean" of his
only crime is being Trump. Forget the two "counts" against President Trump in the Senate trial that begins
today, the reality is he is charged with only one crime. He is accused of being Donald J. Trump. For that high
crime, the Democrats say, he must be removed from office. The Democrat "House managers" are going to get 24 hours over
the next two days to lay out their opening arguments, but how are they going to fill that time, considering that they're not
even accusing him of committing any crimes? Certainly no actual felonies — you know, Bill Clinton stuff like
obstruction of justice, perjury and subornlng perjury. They just accuse him of being ... Donald J. Trump.
NRSC Ad Exposes 'Impeachment Sham,' Urges Republicans to 'Hold the Line'. On Tuesday, the National Republican
Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a powerful new ad exposing the Democrats' fever-dream of impeaching President Donald
Trump and urging the "adults in the room" to stand up against a partisan witch hunt that abuses the Founders' intent for impeachment.
Limbaugh says Democrats are 'looking for four Jeff Flakes' in Trump Senate impeachment trial. Conservative
radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Tuesday that part of the Democrats' strategy during President Trump's Senate
impeachment trial is to find "four Jeff Flakes" within the Republican caucus to challenge Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell's proposed rules for the trial. "Their primary focus [Tuesday]... They are targeting four Republican senators
to vote with them to go against McConnell's rules to open it up to new evidence and new witnesses," Limbaugh said on his
nationally syndicated radio show.
Trial Witnesses Can Expose the Evil Anti-Trump Coup. Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and their jackal pack are
already howling that a Senate trial dismissal vote or a trial without witnesses amounts to a "cover-up." We don't care what
they think. But we must care very seriously about what Americans think, and Americans have not heard the president's
defense against the bogus charges because the House Democrats forbade this basic fairness. The Senate trial is his
perfect chance to destroy the Democrats' sham impeachment. If most Americans knew about the vicious covert war waged by
anti-Trump officials at the highest levels of our revered security agencies to usurp the presidency, they would be
outraged. Poll numbers would reflect their overwhelming disgust with the powerful weasels at the DOJ, CIA, FBI, maybe
even the FISA court, working hard undercover to undo an election that Trump won overwhelmingly. But most Americans have
busy lives, and when they do tune in, they mostly hear the leftstream media's Trump-hating desk-pounders who deliberately
ignore the Deep State conspiracy to annihilate the president.
Clinton Injects Herself Into Trump Impeachment Trial, Accuses McConnell of Covering Up Crimes. Hillary Clinton
injected herself into Trump's impeachment trial on Tuesday morning [1/21/2020] and accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell of covering up a crime. McConnell unveiled his impeachment trial rules Monday and the Democrats immediately
attacked him and accused him of rigging the trial. Hillary Clinton joined Democrats Schumer and Schiff and accused
McConnell of setting a "rigged process" and "truncated schedule" and saying he does not want the American people to hear from
witnesses or see evidence. "The rules Sen. McConnell has proposed for the president's impeachment trial are the
equivalent of a head juror colluding with the defendant to cover up a crime," Hillary said.
Biden influence peddling didn't become illegitimate just because Joe ran for president. Adam Schiff is up to
his usual games, claiming the NSA and CIA have been withholding potentially important documents relevant to impeachment.
Of course, Schiff is raising this concern only on the eve of the trial. It was not raised during the House investigation.
He wants to drag out the trial while the supposed NSA and CIA conduct is investigated. Sound familiar? Just like in
Kavanaugh as one ridiculous accuser after another came forward (remember the supposed Rhode Island boat sexual assault?), all
Democrats supposedly wanted was an "investigation." Democrats also are talking about calling more witnesses in the House
if they don't get their way in the Senate trial as to witnesses. Democrats are acting in complete bad faith.
Schumer's 1999 letter about impeachment comes back to bite him. On Feb. 11, 1999 — one day before
President Bill Clinton was acquitted in his impeachment trial before the Senate — Sen. Charles Schumer penned
a passionate letter, outlining why the process had taken an unfair toll on the nation. He noted that the president
believed he had not crossed a line, and praised the large threshold needed to get a conviction in the Senate. He also
cheered the American people for opposing impeachment. A Gallup poll in December 1998 found that 35 percent of Americans
were pro-impeachment, with 73 percent of Republicans and only 12 percent of Democrats in favor. Meanwhile, a Quinnipiac
poll this month found that 51 percent of Americans approve of President Donald Trump's impeachment, with 46 percent
disapproving, but the partisan divide is even starker with just 7 percent of Republicans and a whopping 91 percent of
Democrats in favor.
Clinton Charged of 11 Felonies and Impeachable Offenses — Trump Accused of ZERO Felonies and 2 Non-Crimes.
The Trump impeachment sham is unique in a number of different ways compared to previous impeachments and most notably because no crime
was committed or defined. President Trump is accused of two offenses, neither is a crime. Article One: Abuse of
Power — broad and undefined non-criminal action. Article Two: Obstruction of Congress — Not a crime
and completely made up charge[.] Now compare that to the Clinton Impeachment trial in 1998. Bill Clinton was accused of
11 separate felonies and impeachable offenses. [...] The Starr report cited 11 specific possible grounds for impeachment in four
categories: Five counts of lying under oath[,] Four counts of obstruction of justice[,] One count of witness tampering[,]
One count of abuse of constitutional authority[.]
escape: Senators to be quiet, unplugged for Trump trial. No cellphones. No talking. No
escape. That's the reality during the Senate's impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, which will begin each day
with a proclamation: "All persons are commanded to keep silence, on pain of imprisonment." After that, 100 senators
will sit at their desks for hours on end to hear from House prosecutors, Trump's defense team and possibly a series of witnesses.
Media will Hold Their Own Impeachment Trial. The dilatory tactics of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to keep the
Senate impeachment trial going with constant demands for new witnesses and new evidence is intended to tarnish the president
with the stain of impeachment "forever." It will also give media the opportunity to prosecute Trump's impeachment on CNN and
MSNBC, and in the New York Times and Washington Post, for the purpose of turning the public against Trump and his reelection,
no matter what happens in the Senate. They know they cannot get a guilty verdict in the upper chamber, so they will
strive mightily for a guilty verdict from the public with a new Christine Blasey Ford emerging daily; Lev Parnas is merely
the first. Like synchronized swimmers, Media heads will ask that day's Julie Swetnick leading questions to get the
answers they want — something that wouldn't be allowed in a court. The goal is to get the public to convict
Trump despite the House prosecutors' inevitable loss in the Senate.
Trump Lawyer Trolls Pelosi, Makes Case For Why Impeachment Is 'Illegitimate'. On Sunday [1/19/2020], new Trump
defense attorney Robert Ray, a former federal prosecutor, told Fox News that House Democrats' efforts to remove President
Donald Trump from office through impeachment is illegitimate because it was a partisan event that saw no support from the
opposition. "I think the president's principal defense — and you saw it in the answer that was interposed
over the weekend — is very simple. This is an entirely partisan and, therefore, illegitimate effort by House
Democrats to remove a president from office," Ray said.
deceptions at the heart of Democrats' impeachment brief. In a newly released impeachment brief, Democratic
House managers argue that President Trump must be removed "immediately" to protect the integrity of the current presidential
race. [...] Democrats insist on Trump's immediate removal because, they argue, he was the knowing beneficiary of Russian help
in the 2016 election, and if he is not thrown out of office right now, he will do it again. But in making their
argument, Democrats make two critical mischaracterizations about Trump, Republicans, and 2016. One is flat-out wrong,
while the other is misleading.
impeachment will bring Pelosi and House Democrats condemnation by history. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
D-Calif., seemed giddy Wednesday as she announced the impeachment managers who would go to the Senate and attempt to
prosecute a case against President Trump. "He's been impeached forever," Pelosi said. "They can never erase
that." However, Pelosi has it exactly backward. The Senate is going to refuse to convict President Trump.
He will be exonerated, and she and the Democrats will be condemned by history.
Continues Inquiry After Pelosi Transmits Articles to Senate. House Democrat leaders pursuing the removal of
President Donald Trump from office appear reluctant to let go of their investigation after voting to impeach him last month,
even after Speaker Nancy Pelosi transmitted the articles of impeachment to the Senate this week. "Plainly, there are
loose ends here that the House should have tied up and that, importantly, the House is continuing to investigate," former
Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Andrew McCarthy wrote in an editorial Wednesday, the day House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) finally handed over the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
Paul Will Expose Every Republican Who Joins with Democrats. Senator Rand Paul sees the impeachment of Donald J.
Trump as a mockery of the rule of law and is not pleased that some of his GOP colleagues want to call witnesses. That
should have taken place in the House. He is taking a hardline on behalf of the President.
Will Not Forgive Senate for Buckling on Impeachment. The spectacle Thursday of the Senate swearing in Chief
Justice John Roberts, and the Senators fraudulently swearing that they would deliver impartial justice, brought home the fact
that the impeachment of President Donald Trump is very real. The House of Representatives disgraced itself with a
process that broke with precedent and basic principles of fairness. It impeached the president for legal conduct, on
grounds that sow the seeds of future political chaos, if granted legitimacy.
Democrats are trying to 'Kavanaugh' the impeachment trial. The impeachment case was rushed through the House
without Democrats seeking subpoenas of key witnesses or seeking judicial compulsion of witnesses who objected to
testifying. There was a supposed emergency so dire that impeachment could not await a full House record. Then
Nancy Pelosi sat on the Articles of Impeachment trying to coerce the Senate into trial procedures that would find new
evidence through witnesses and documents subpoenaed for trial that would fill in the weak House record. And true to
form, a new witness is rolled out who supposedly is so important that the trial must turn into an investigative tool not a
trial tool.
Democrats produce a daily impeachment show? For several months, House Democrats have sought to translate their
desire to impeach President Trump into compelling television. [...] For all their work, Democrats were not able to raise
public support for impeachment beyond the level it had been before the hearings. [...] Now, with the Senate impeachment
trial, Democrats have their last chance to excite public passions and win converts. And to Republicans, the outline of
their strategy is becoming clear: Democratic impeachers realize they can't just tell the same story all over again in
front of the Senate and expect the result to be different this time.
show their hand as Senate impeachment proceedings begin. The House impeachment proceedings had a farcical
element from start to finish. They began with Adam "Pencil Neck" Schiff making up facts; continued with secret
hearings, something a prosecuting party would never do if the facts favored it; moved to a partisan vote on two made-up
Articles of Impeachment; and finally, contradicting the Democrats' earlier insistence that impeachment was an urgent
necessity to preserve the nation, the House sat on the Articles of Impeachment for a full month. Yesterday [1/16/2020],
with great fanfare, bizarrely slurred speech, strange poetic references, ceremonial pens, and giggles and grins belying Nancy
Pelosi's words about solemnity, the House finally transferred the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. Then, the
serious politicking began.
Fake vs. real
history. Wednesday's [1/15/2020] impeachment display was truly one for the fake history books. Defying
the narrative of a somber undertaking, cheery pink suit and all, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi barely suppressed, along with her
colleagues, a demeanor of self-satisfaction and sheer delight worthy of the Academy Award. Of course, instead of the
Oscar, there was the "Nancy," a gold pen emblazoned with her name, given to the greatest political performers who act as if
they have the best interests of the United States at heart. Her remarks compared the false, underhanded impeachment
proceedings to notable and historic events of our nation's past. Her zany ramblings belied the fact that this
impeachment is not a result of an actual crime, but is in truth a nasty bipartisan assault on a political rival and our
constitution. Pelosi and the left push their fake history and equate their dirty dealings with heavy weighted
historical occurrences of days gone by.
Tawdry Impeachment Spectacle Must Run Its Course. It is clear from the utterances of the authors of the
malicious idiocy that has got impeachment to the Senate, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), intelligence Committee Chairman
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.J.), that the Democratic line will be they caught
the president in wrongful acts but the trained Republican seals in the Senate voted with their partisan prejudices rather
than their judicious and independent judgment. Under the circumstances, then, it is better to go ahead with a
trial. If the Senate majority's wish is for witnesses, the president can invoke executive privilege in some cases, but
the confection of the false whistleblowing and its apparent guidance by Schiff and his staff should also be exposed.
Since the legal case is nonsense and the outcome foreordained, it is only a public relations battle now.
impeachment trial strategy: [an] endless circus worse than Kavanaugh hearings. Democrats' strategy for the
Senate impeachment trial is apparently to turn it into a never-ending Senate investigation — even though that was
supposed to be the House's job. [...] Then there's the claim that assertions by Rudy Giuliani crony — well,
ex-crony — Lev Parnas just plain compel the Senate to consider "new evidence" and call witnesses to get to the
bottom of the Ukraine affair. Rudy looks pretty foolish, and sleazy, for ever associating with this guy. But
Parnas is facing federal indictments and plainly figures his best bet to skip prison is to win an immunity deal by confirming
every conceivable anti-Trump suspicion. His "evidence" is mainly his own handwritten notes — written
when? Can he prove that? All this is starting to seem like a farcical replay of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation
hearings, which had wrapped up until Democrats decided to play the Christine Blasey Ford card.
hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles. House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi drew criticism Wednesday for handing out commemorative pens — with her name on them —
after signing a resolution to transmit two articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate for trial. To
critics, the tone of the event seemed celebratory — a far cry from December, when Pelosi wore black and insisted
on the House floor it was a "solemn" day before the Democrat-controlled body voted to impeach the president on abuse of power
and obstruction of Congress allegations. Later, she even cut short two rounds of cheers from Democrats when the
articles were adopted.
yesterday's sorry spectacle, can we stop pretending Pelosi and pals are 'prayerful'? Considering how somber and
prayerful she has been over the solemn duty of having to impeach the president, Speaker Nancy Pelosi put on a brave face
yesterday during the televised signing of the articles of impeachment. In fact, she looked downright jubilant, grinning
broadly as she handed out party favors in the form an official gold signing pen to each of her Democratic co-conspirators.
Rep. Maxine Waters, clearly choking back the tears, beamed with delight as she held her pen up for all to see.
normal court would reject a dishonest prosecutor like Adam Schiff. Speaker Nancy Pelosi named the seven House
impeachment managers who will prosecute the case in the Senate. But one of the two lead prosecutors would be kicked out
of any normal court for repeated lies. Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff has been lying to the world for years in his
nonstop campaign to smear President Trump. Back in March 2017, he insisted that he'd seen "more than circumstantial evidence"
that Trump had colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election — a claim exposed as false by the Mueller report.
Things to Know about the Democrats' Obsession with Lev Parnas. Democrats are suddenly obsessed with Lev Parnas,
the Rudy Giuliani associate who was indicted on federal campaign charges last fall. The Ukrainian-born Parnas was a
gopher for Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, who wanted to investigate possible leads in preparing a
defense against charges of Russia collusion. Parnas agreed to testify during the House impeachment inquiry, and a
federal judge let him hand over documents and text messages last week. But it is not clear Parnas has anything to offer.
Paul threatens fellow Republicans with explosive witness votes. Sen. Rand Paul is waging a fierce campaign
to prevent the Senate from hearing witnesses in Donald Trump's impeachment trial, vowing to force tough votes on his fellow
Republicans if they break with the president or back Democrats' demands for new evidence. The Kentucky Republican is
occasionally at odds with Trump, from his killing of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani to his national emergency
to build his southern border wall. But when it comes to impeachment, Paul is taking the hardest line possible in
Trump's favor.
Pelosi Uses More than a Dozen Commemorative Pens to Sign 'Sad' Articles of Impeachment. Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) declared herself "sad" as she used more than a dozen commemorative pens to sign the two articles of
impeachment against President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening [1/15/2020]. The occasion was "so sad, so tragic for our
country," Pelosi told reporters, noting the "difficult time in our country's history." She then approached a table that had
been prepared with the documents, and two dishes full of pens for her to use — about half a dozen pens in each.
Blunder: How The House Destroyed Its Own Case For Impeachment. [Scroll down] The fact is that
Pelosi played into the hands of McConnell by first rushing this impeachment forward with an incomplete record and now giving
him the excuse to summarily change the rules, or even to dismiss the articles. Waiting for the House to submit a list
of managers was always a courtesy extended by Senate rules and not a requirement of the Constitution. By inappropriately
withholding the articles of impeachment and breaking with tradition, Pelosi simply gave McConnell ample reason to exercise the
"nuclear option" and change the rules on both majority voting as well as the rule for the start of trials. That is a
high price to pay for vanity.
White House doesn't expect impeachment trial to take longer than 2 weeks. The next phase of impeachment
officially began after the articles were handed off to the Senate on Wednesday. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed the
articles before the seven impeachment managers walked them through the capitol building to the Senate. This came after
Pelosi waited weeks to transfer the articles and move onto the next phase of the process.
Drafts Rules for Impeachment Trial: No Mobile Phones, No Talking. The Senate released a draft of rules
senators must follow during the impeachment trial. It includes no mobile phones and limits the press. [...] McConnell
and Schumer instructed their colleagues not to stand on the floor. They requested the Senators "to remain in their
seats at all times they are on the Senate floor during the impeachment proceedings."
She might as well demand the recusal of every Republican, just to make it "fair." Pelosi impeachment
manager is calling for McConnell's recusal from Trump Senate trial. A Florida congresswoman who on Wednesday
became an impeachment manager in President Donald Trump's upcoming Senate trial wants to remove the lead juror: Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Rep Val Demings' position, shared publicly by a just a few other Democrats, could
undercut House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's efforts to frame impeachment as an exercise of constitutional duty. Republicans
have argued for months that Democrats are on a partisan mission to remove Trump from office.
Paul puts fellow Republicans on notice; stand with Trump on impeachment or 'you will lose your election'.
Sen. Rand Paul warned his Republican colleagues to stand strong behind President Trump in the upcoming impeachment trial
or risk political suicide as voters will be "very, very unhappy with them." The Kentucky lawmaker believes there will
be a "political price to pay" for Republicans who vote to allow Democrats to call the witnesses of their choice in the
process, telling The Gateway Pundit in an interview that he also would like for the impeachment trial to be over with quickly.
Gutfeld Loses It Over the Pomp and Circumstance of Impeachment. [Scroll down] ["]We know this was
an emotional tantrum directed at daddy who won the election, and they're mad at daddy. So we have to go through this
phony procession. Ooh, let's show pictures of the cloak room! Ooh, let's watch them walk down the halls!
Ooh, this is breaking news!["]
'witness reciprocity' for Senate impeachment trial takes off: Don Jr. cheers, Dems bewail. Unlike House
Democrats, who used unfair rules to prevent their Republican colleagues from having any say in the chamber's impeachment
proceedings last year, Senate Republicans appear intent on ensuring their colleagues are granted a say. And so on
Tuesday [1/14/2020], Texas Sen. Ted Cruz reportedly pitched the idea of "witness reciprocity," an innovative solution
that calls for each side being allowed to call an equal number of witnesses to testify in President Donald Trump's upcoming
trial. If Senate Democrats were to choose to call former Trump administration National Security Adviser John Bolton,
for instance, Republicans would, in turn, be allowed to call, say, former Vice President Joe Biden or his son Hunter.
Fair is fair, after all.
Is Not the Issue, It's the 2020 Election. To think House Democrats actually believe Trump committed impeachable
offenses grossly underestimates their political acumen. The Democrats regularly run circles around the Republicans.
While the latter jumps pieces on a checkerboard, the Democrats are thinking three steps ahead, looking to checkmate the king.
The Republicans mistakenly believe the issue is always about the stated issue. They ignore political strategist Saul Alinsky,
author of Rules for Radicals, who stated, "The issue is never the issue." For Democrats, impeaching the president has
never been the issue. The issue is the 2020 election.
Pallbearers Deliver Impeachment Articles for Senate Funeral. The House Democrats carried the sham impeachment
articles over to the Senate in a prayerful and somber jamboree on Wednesday. Pelosi signed the documents, smiling and
cheerily but also somberly and prayerfully as she handed out the pens she used to the 7 House manager dwarfs, presumably so
they can auction them off for campaign cash money. Even the dummies at CNN thought the spectacle was a bit strange.
Ted Cruz Anticipates Trump Acquittal: No Allegations of Law-Breaking. "I think at the end of this
process, these articles of impeachment are going to be thrown out," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told Fox News on Tuesday
morning. "And I think it's going to end, not with a dismissal but with a verdict of not guilty," he continued:
[Video clip] ["]And the way it works in the Senate, when you come to vote on verdict, you vote on each
article. And each senator will vote either guilty or not guilty. And the reason why this ends with an acquittal
is very simple. The House hasn't met the constitutional threshold.["]
House Confirms Impeachment Defense Team. Earlier today the White House confirmed the impeachment defense team
led by White House Counsel Pat Cipollone. Joining Cipollone is President Trump's personal attorney Jay Sekulow and
White House Deputy Attorneys Michael Purpura and Patrick Philbin. Additionally, constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz
may also work in an advisory capacity with the four member legal team.
Discount Too Much of Trump's Job Performance. The impeachment canard has gone from the outrages of egregious
Democratic congressional committee chairmen — Representatives Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Adam Schiff
(D-Calif.) — to Speaker Pelosi's three-hanky tear-jerker about the "sad and solemn" impeachment of the very
president she informed us she prays for regularly, to her nonsensical effort to dictate terms to the Senate on how it must
try the case, to her finally sending the articles — neither of them an illegality or an impeachable offense, and
both of them utter piffle on the facts.
The Pelosi Stillborn Impeachment.
As Nancy Pelosi lost her standoff with Mitch McConnell, bowing to the collapse of support even within her own Democrat
caucus, she finally bit the bullet and conceded that she would have to submit her impeachment articles without having won a
single face-saving concession from her Senate opponents after a fortnight of dangling the articles in her hallucination that
she was dangling candy before a child or water before a soul desperately thirsting for it in the desert. No one really
gave a hoot. Yes, we commentators commented. Cable television consumed hours daily debating it. But it did
not matter a whit. [...] It had no life. The Constitution explicitly states that the only grounds for impeachment are
bribery, treason, high crimes, or misdemeanors in the way the term was understood in 18th-century England. Even if the
president had abused power, well — all presidents abuse power. That is what executives do.
Paul's warning shot to GOP Senators: If you side with Dems on witnesses, I'm forcing vote on Hunter
Biden. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) is playing hardball with the Democrats — and with his fellow
Republicans — over the sham impeachment. Paul warned Republican senators that if they cave to Speaker Nancy
Pelosi's shrill, baseless demands to call more impeachment witnesses like John Bolton, then he'll have no choice but to
demand that Hunter Biden be called to testify about his shady Ukraine dealings. Basically, Paul said House Democrats
should not be allowed to dictate how the Senate impeachment trial runs. Democrats had their turn with their House
impeachment proceedings last month. Now, it's the Senate's turn to handle the matter.
Bolton's Testimony Would Not Be The Smoking Gun Democrats Need. You have to give credit to congressional
Democrats for one thing: They are an extremely hopeful bunch. After years of Russia investigations aimed at
toppling Donald Trump, they came away with what Grandmother would have called "bupkis." But, not daunted, they quickly
latched onto a whistleblower report about a phone call with Ukraine, and launched an up tempo effort, one last-ditch attempt
to take the president down. The result of this exertion did include a vote to impeach Trump, but did not attract a
single GOP vote. This is also almost certain to the result in the senate trial as well. But wait! Now
former National Security Adviser John Bolton has agreed to testify if called, and the Democrats are racing toward Lucy again,
confident this time she won't move the football.
Disaster? The Democrats Are Demanding Witnesses With One Notable Exception. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) has so far delayed the submission of the impeachment of President Trump to the Senate to force a trial with
witnesses. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) has declared any trial of Trump without witnesses to be
nothing less than the "most unfair impeachment trial in modern history." Leaders of both parties know that impeachment often
boils down to one unpredictable element: witnesses. For those who have the votes, witnesses are an unnecessary
risk. For those who don't, they are an absolute necessity. On Friday, Schumer insisted that "there is only one
precedent that matters here: that never, never in the history of our country, has there been an impeachment trial of the
president where the Senate was denied the ability to hear from witnesses."
leadership: There aren't 51 votes to dismiss Trump articles of impeachment. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)
told reporters on Monday [1/13/2020] that the Senate Republican caucus doesn't have the votes to dismiss the articles of impeachment
against President Trump, who endorsed an "outright dismissal" over the weekend. "I think our members generally are not
interested in a motion to dismiss. ... Certainly there aren't 51 votes for a motion to dismiss," Blunt, the No. 4
Senate Republican, told reporters after a closed-door leadership meeting. Republicans have warned for months that they
will not dismiss the two articles of impeachment against Trump, predicting a trial will end with votes on either acquitting
or convicting him.
Articles Must Be Challenged in Court. The latest reporting I've seen is that the Senate will take up President
Trump's impeachment trial next week. What's wrong with that, you ask? I've already said what's wrong: the
Schiff-Nadler Star Chamber violated President Trump's Fifth Amendment rights to procedural due process, rendering the resulting
impeachment articles null and void as "poisoned fruit." The GOP leadership should do what the Founders would have done:
challenge the legal legitimacy of the impeachment articles.
Was It For? It is easy to underestimate speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, because she speaks an obscure
dialect of High Gibberish and frequently seems to be confused in public — not that any of that is stopping Joe
Biden from leading the Democratic primary field. Pelosi is clever enough, but lacks the courage that in politics comes
from genuine conviction, which she also lacks, and that makes her easy to bully. The zany-left caucus in the
House — the left-of-San Francisco caucus — pushed Pelosi to ignore her own better judgment in order to
give the Democrats one of those "moral victories" they keep proclaiming as Republicans claim electoral ones. Which is
to say, impeachment will be this year's Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz.
do it! Bannon sounds alarm to Trump on Pelosi's SOTU ploy: Wait until you are acquitted!. Former
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said after "slow-walking" the process of sending the articles of impeachment to the
Senate, Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited President Trump to deliver the State of the Union so she can drive the media
narrative. He also had some advice for the president on how to respond. "Tell Nancy Pelosi when you deliver [the
articles] and we have a trial, and after I'm acquitted, I will come to have the State of the Union. Not until then,"
Bannon said in an appearance on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures." Host Maria Bartiromo referenced a comment made by
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., that we just witnessed the worst attempted coup to take down the president
since Abraham Lincoln. This prompted Bannon to insist that Trump must fight back hard.
How McConnell Outplayed Pelosi. [President]
Clinton's trial was divided into pieces. The Senate agreed unanimously to begin with a briefing, opening arguments,
questions from senators, and a vote to dismiss. Whether to hear witnesses or introduce additional evidence were
questions decided later. "That was the unanimous bipartisan precedent from 1999," McConnell said. "Put first
things first, lay the bipartisan groundwork, and leave mid-trial questions to the middle of the trial." The arrangement
satisfied Chuck Schumer back when he was a recently elected junior senator from New York. Funny how times change.
Now Senate minority leader, and looking to damage Republicans in a presidential election year, Schumer demanded that
McConnell call witnesses and ask for additional documents at the outset of the proceedings. Pelosi followed his
cues. After the House impeached Trump on December 18, she said she wouldn't transmit the articles of impeachment
until McConnell gave in to Schumer's demands. McConnell refused.
Caves, Will Pass Articles Of Impeachment Onto The Senate Next Week. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced to
lawmakers Friday that she would be proceeding with sending the passed articles of impeachment over to the Senate until next
week. "I have asked Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler to be prepared to bring to the Floor next week a resolution to
appoint managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate," Pelosi wrote in a dear colleague letter.
Joins Hawley in Resolution to Throw Out Impeachment. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell became the 13th
cosponsor of Senator Josh Hawley's resolution to update Senate rules and dismiss the "bogus impeachment" against President
Trump if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not send over impeachment articles in 25 days. Hawley, an outspoken critic of
Democratic efforts over impeachment, was initially joined by ten other Republican senators in proposing the legislation on
Monday, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Ted Cruz of Texas, and Rick Scott of Florida. On Tuesday, Rand Paul added his
support and Kelly Loeffler signed on in her first act as a senator.
The Supreme
Court Should Step In To Rule This Impeachment Unconstitutional. Democrats' obsession from day one to impeach
President Donald J. Trump, without regard to substance or process, led them to change the grounds for impeachment every
couple of months. In doing so they have gone from Russian collusion to obstruction of justice, to quid pro quo, to
bribery. House Democrats have put our constitutional government in grave danger by attempting to rewrite the carefully
calibrated separation of powers under our Constitution and usurping powers not granted to the House. They have brought
Alexander Hamilton's nightmare of an entirely partisan impeachment to fruition and are making a mockery of fair proceedings.
defiant as Democrats grow restless over impeachment delay. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defiantly held on to the
articles of impeachment Thursday despite cracks in support from congressional Democrats and ramped up efforts by Senate
Republicans to take matters into their own hands. The California Democrat suggested she won't block the Senate trial
indefinitely, saying the two articles of impeachment against President Trump would be transmitted "soon." But she
insisted the Senate first make public the rules for the trial. Precedent dictates that the trial cannot start until the
House speaker sends the articles to the upper chamber.
set to bypass Pelosi; informs Senate to prepare for trial, with or without articles of impeachment. Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Republicans that the impeachment trial will start next week — with or without
the articles of impeachment that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has hijacked for the past 23 days. McConnell
(R-Ky) echoed the warnings of Senator Lindsey Graham, who earlier this week said Pelosi needs to put up or shut up.
Mitch made the announcement during a closed-door lunch Thursday as more Democrats pressure Pelosi to turn over the articles,
calling her gambit a waste of time.
Spurns McConnell: No Articles Until McConnell Publishes Senate Impeachment Trial Details. Monday night
[1/6/2020], after two "moderate" Republican members of the Senate, Rep. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Rep. Susan
Collins (R-ME) declared that they were fine abiding by the Senate impeachment rules set in 1998 — at the dawn of
then-President Bill Clinton's Senate trial — reports indicated that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
had enough votes to go forward with the second half of President Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings without having to
negotiate with Democrats on the subject. As soon as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) submits the articles of
impeachment to the Senate, a trial can go forward — only Pelosi now says she won't turn over the House articles
until McConnell publishes details of how the Senate trial will be conducted, bring the process to an impasse.
Tries, And Fails, To Defend Nancy Pelosi's Failed Impeachment Strategy. In the immediate aftermath of Nancy
Pelosi's decision to hold the Articles of Impeachment rather than send them to the Senate, not even the most pro-Pelosi hacks
in existence could make the case for the strategy. The same question ping-ponged through DC greenrooms: "Is she
really doing this?" It was a telling moment. For more than a decade, all of Washington's media corps has advanced
the idea that Pelosi is a leader who can do no wrong, a consummate tactician who guided her conference through thick and
thin. Perhaps that was true in the past, but since taking back the gavel after the midterms, Pelosi has been trapped by
the vibrant progressive wing paired with a rabid donor base that actually guides the priorities of the Democratic House
today. Before, she had control — now, just the illusion of it.
impeachment delay opens cracks in Democratic caucus. Cracks began to appear Wednesday [1/8/2020] in
congressional Democrats' support for Nancy Pelosi's prolonged delay in sending articles of impeachment to the Senate, with
several lawmakers saying it's time for the House speaker to get on with it. Rep. Jahana Hayes, D-Conn., said she
voted last month to impeach President Trump over urgent concerns about his conduct and argued that handing the case over to
the Senate is the right thing to do.
Impeach Trump or get
off the pot. Imagine if a district attorney charged you with wrongdoing, then let the charges hang over you
indefinitely? That's the stunt House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been pulling, sitting on the articles of impeachment
against President Trump since Dec. 18 with zero regard for the Constitution. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman
Lindsey Graham accuses House Democrats of "trying to hold these articles over the head of the president," denying him a
chance to be acquitted. Graham says that "if we don't get the articles this week," senators should "deem" the
impeachment articles "delivered to the Senate" so the trial can begin.
Mitch pounds Nancy Pelosi into a powder. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is feeling the heat. Just as she
thought she had President Trump backed into a corner with impeachment, she smashed herself against a brick wall in Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who refused to go by her rules, laying waste to all her precious plans. In the Senate,
Cocaine Mitch makes his own rules. But actually, it's not that, Mitch is just using Clinton-era impeachment
rules. Those rules were to invite the Democrats to present their case and answer questions, and then have the Senate
decide whether to call witnesses. Pelosi had already gone all out and claimed she wanted the Senate to call
witnesses. Mitch was obliged to follow no such diktats. And as a result of staying steadfast on Trump, he now has
a quorum to move ahead with those rules.
Dems' Impeachment Losing Streak Continues. Has any political ploy failed as spectacularly as House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi's decision to delay sending the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump over to the Senate.
Even Democrats are now telling her the jig is up. Pelosi had hoped to use the delay as leverage to get the Senate
to agree to the Democrats' demand for witnesses at the trial. It was a foolhardy plan that, had the leadership not been in
the grip of Trump Derangement Syndrome, it never would have attempted.
Trump Unbound.
One major point is being overlooked concerning the "impeachment": now that the impeachment weapon has been unsheathed, and
swung, and shattered into myriad pieces without so much as scratching its target, the Dems have absolutely nothing to use against
Trump. In fact, it can be doubted that they will ever again have anything to use against Trump. Impeachment is
over — Pelosi admitted as much when she issued her pro forma State of the Nation invitation to the President only
days after the impeachment vote. She has still failed to present the articles to the Senate, but it's all anticlimax at
this point. Only a few hysterics on either side of the spectrum have any doubt as to how this is going to work out.
McConnell: GOP will start impeachment
trial, delay witnesses. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday he has the votes to start President
Donald Trump's impeachment trial as soon as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi releases the documents, winning support from GOP
senators to postpone a decision on calling witnesses.
Your bluff
has been called, Speaker Pelosi. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made it official Tuesday: He's
calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's bluff, and refusing to guarantee impeachment trial procedures of her choosing.
Pelosi's been "threatening" not to send the House-passed articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate,
triggering the trial, unless McConnell promised to meet her preconditions for a "fair trial." Specifically, she wants
the Senate to hear from four witnesses the House didn't bother questioning, because it would take too long to get court
rulings compelling their testimony.
Schumer wants witnesses. Hunter Biden could be a disaster. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has so
far delayed the submission of the impeachment of President Trump to the Senate to force a trial with witnesses. Senate
Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) has declared any trial of Trump without witnesses to be nothing less than the
"most unfair impeachment trial in modern history." Leaders of both parties know that impeachment often boils down to one
unpredictable element: witnesses. For those who have the votes, witnesses are an unnecessary risk. For those
who don't, they are an absolute necessity. On Friday, Schumer insisted that "there is only one precedent that matters
here: that never, never in the history of our country, has there been an impeachment trial of the president where the Senate
was denied the ability to hear from witnesses."
something? Dem leader makes no mention of impeachment in House agenda memo. House Majority Leader Steny
Hoyer welcomed fellow lawmakers back to Washington after their holiday recess with a memo setting the stage for a "busy 2020"
agenda but seems to have forgotten something: impeachment. "I hope you are ready for a busy 2020," Hoyer, D-Md.,
wrote in a memo to colleagues on Jan. 3. Hoyer went on to describe legislation the House will consider as they return
Tuesday [1/7/2020] including a chemical regulation measure, four bills focused on the expansion of 5G telecommunications
systems, and a congressional review resolution to disapprove the Department of Education's Borrower Defense to Repayment Rule.
Democrats' Nakedly Craven And Unserious Impeachment. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has said she won't send
the Senate the articles or name managers until she's confident about the nature of the process that will take place in the
Senate, which is itself still subject to negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority
Leader Democrat Charles Schumer of New York. This has created the truly comical situation in which Pelosi is trying to
gain leverage over McConnell by withholding something he doesn't want — namely to act on the articles of
impeachment and conduct a trial.
John Ratcliffe Discusses Fraudulent Impeachment and Spygate. Congressman John Ratcliffe appears on Sunday
Morning Futures to discuss several issues in DC. On the impeachment front Ratcliffe may, if called-upon, represent the
interests of President Trump during a Senate trial on the fraudulent impeachment articles. On the 'Spygate' issues, Ratcliffe
again draws attention to the conflicting testimony between former CIA Director John Brennand and former FBI Director James Comey.
One of them lied. [Video clip]
impeachers can hide from a trial, but they can't run. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is upset. She let her
caucus impeach President Trump on dubious charges with a narrow partisan majority and without taking the time to gather
evidence that she now believes must be heard in a Senate trial as it might convince a skeptical public. And now, huge
surprise, the Republican Senate appears poised to send the resulting impeachment articles straight to the circular
file. As of Friday [1/3/2020], Pelosi was still withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate. She is
making demands that the Senate trial be run in a particular way, even though the California Democrat is not a senator and has
no constitutional role in shaping the trial. "Their turn is over," said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a
Republican from Kentucky. "They've done enough damage. It's the Senate's turn now to render sober judgment."
Is No Clever Democratic Impeachment Strategy. [Scroll down] At long last, their three-and-a-half-year
quest to impeach Trump, which started in April 2016, was close to fruition. Victory over Trump never seemed closer or
more certain. And then Nancy Pelosi rained on their parade. Looking like an Alzheimer's patient who escaped from
a nursing home, Nancy (who will turn 80 in just two months) went before the cameras, and stuttering and stammering, and
informed bewildered journalists (and a half-interested public) that things weren't as desperately urgent as she, Rep. Jerry
Nadler (D-N.Y.), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), and 200 other Democrats told us they were. Trump is probably an
existential threat to the Republic, but maybe not this month. And maybe not in January either. And, just maybe,
not even in February.
Pelosi Threatens Possibility of Armed Conflict Against U.S. Department of Justice. Think about all of the media
panel discussions on gun ownership you have watched; segments where second amendment advocates were ridiculed by media
pundits for daring to bring up the possibility of the U.S. government using arms against U.S. citizens who hold opposing
political views. There are hundreds of recent reference points. Now consider, earlier today U.S. House of Representatives
Legal Counsel, Douglas Letter, argued in court it would be a possible remedy — for a conflict between branches of
government — for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to order an armed "gun battle" between the House and the United States Department
of Justice. Yes, this actually happened. At the same time as national Democrat political candidates are arguing to
remove the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, the highest ranking Democrat in the United States; a person only
two succession-steps away from the presidency; is arguing in DC federal court the House could begin an armed conflict against
the Dept. of Justice.
counsel warns of 'gun battle' in fight for Trump info. A federal appeals court in Washington heard warnings
Friday that how they rule in the House Judiciary Committee's legal fights for information from the Trump administration could
spark an avalanche of congressional lawsuits, or even a potential gunfight between the House sergeant at arms and the FBI
security detail for Attorney General William Barr. Two separate panels of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit heard nearly three hours of oral argument on two committee cases related to former Special Counsel Robert S.
Mueller III's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. Both were filed months before the House voted to impeach
President Donald Trump on his dealings with Ukraine.
The Editor says...
Now it REALLY sounds like a coup. Since when does a paperwork transfer require such a show of force?
gives Pelosi ultimatum, proposes Senate rule change to remove her from impeachment process. Sen. Lindsey
Graham, R-S.C., insists that if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not deliver articles of impeachment against President Trump
to the Senate by the end of the week, the Senate should "take matters in our own hands." Graham accused Pelosi of
playing political games and trying to exert control over the Senate trial by keeping it from starting. Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., recognized Friday on the Senate floor the chamber's rules prevented him from doing anything
until Pelosi does her part, but Graham proposed a solution that could remove what McConnell has called an "impasse" in the process.
impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: 'Their turn is over'. Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell, speaking from the chamber's floor Friday, rejected House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's efforts to shape a pending
impeachment trial as "fantasy" — leaving the process at a standstill as lawmakers return from the holiday
recess. "Their turn is over. They've done enough damage. It's the Senate's turn now to render sober
judgment," McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor.
trial in limbo as Senate leaders trade blows. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer have made zero headway on
designing a bipartisan set of rules for President Donald Trump's impeachment trial more than two weeks after their first
face-to-face meeting on the matter. The two leaders gave dueling floor speeches on Friday [1/3/2020] but held no
substantive meeting.
impeachment case collapses under weight of time. In its mad rush to impeachment, the House could not have made
it easier for the White House. Securing an impeachment in the shortest time does not earn you a historic prize; it
earns you a historic failure. By not seeking to compel key witnesses, the House relies on the Senate to complete its
case. Since the House has maintained that the record is overwhelming on Trump's guilt, the Senate could simply try the
case on the record supplied by the House. Indeed, in the 1999 impeachment of President Clinton, Democratic senators,
including now Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, fought against any witnesses and sought a summary vote without a trial.
Law Professor Noted Something Odd About Schumer's Trump Impeachment Speech. [Scroll down] The House
passed the articles of impeachment which were grounded in abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, two charges that reek
of partisanship. It's a witch hunt. It's a joke. And the Senate awaits the transmission of those articles,
which are being held hostage by Speaker Nancy Pelosi because they know it faces certain death with the Republican majority in
the upper chamber. That's not her call and her withholding of the articles creates a possible constitutional crisis of
its own. Senate Democrats say they want witnesses and new documents included. They know Senate Republicans won't
budge, so this Mexican standoff continues all while Democrats and the liberal media can keep the Trump impeachment echo
chamber loaded with sound. They still think they can put a dent in Trump's approval numbers. They've only gone up
and swing-state voters have never found this push popular. Still, the goal, as Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel
noted, is "rolling impeachment." Just keep this story around in the news cycle. A trial would further embarrass the
shoddy case the Left has against Trump. It's about keeping the appearance alive.
Josh Hawley Introducing Measure To Dismiss Democrats' Articles Of Impeachment. Missouri Republican Senator Josh
Hawley announced on Thursday that he is introducing legislation that will dismiss House Democrats' articles of impeachment
against President Donald Trump because of Democrats' abuse of the Constitution. Hawley's announcement comes as House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has continued to refuse to send the articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate because she is concerned
that the political trial will be biased. "Dems said impeachment was URGENT. Now they don't want to have a trial,
because they have no evidence. In real world, if prosecution doesn't proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on
Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution," Hawley wrote on Twitter.
Roy Blunt:
Senate Will Be Done With Impeachment By Early February. Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said Tuesday
the Senate will be done with its impeachment trial by the time President Donald Trump delivers the State of the Union speech
on February 4. Blunt went on Missouri radio station KSSZ to discuss the Senate impeachment trial, saying he believes
the Senate will "be done with this by the time the president comes" to address Congress for his State of the Union speech.
The Missouri Senator also said he believes the trial will happen "quickly."
Game Of Chicken Will Leave Her Party Fried. After holding a vote to impeach President Donald Trump, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to wait on sending the impeachment articles to the Senate. According to many in the
media, this brilliant bit of strategy gives her leverage to force Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to provide a fair
trial in the Senate. There's so many reasons this is wrong, but let's start with the most obvious: according to the
Democrats' own impeachment witness, Harvard law professor Noah Feldman, Trump isn't actually impeached until the articles are
sent to the Senate, and "an indefinite delay would pose a serious problem."
senator will introduce measure to dismiss impeachment articles. A Republican senator announced he'll introduce
a measure to dismiss "this bogus impeachment" of President Trump. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri criticized House
Democrats for voting to impeach Trump last month but then failing to send the two impeachment articles to the Senate.
"Now they don't want to have a trial, because they have no evidence," Hawley tweeted. "In real world, if prosecution
doesn't proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment
for lack of prosecution."
Rep. Doggett: I'd 'Support' Pelosi Never Sending Articles if Senate Won't Allow Witnesses. On
Thursday's "CNN Newsroom," Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) stated that he would "support" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA) if she refuses to send over the articles of impeachment unless the Senate will allow witnesses at the trial.
Host Jim Sciutto asked, "I wonder, without witnesses... should Speaker Pelosi refuse to send over the articles of impeachment
at all?" Doggett said, "I would certainly support her in doing that. The House has the sole responsibility under the
Constitution for impeachment. [...]"
The Editor says...
No, the House does not have "the sole responsibility under the Constitution."
The House has its role, and the Senate has its role. The process is not yet complete.
Nancy, Shifty Schiff, and Schumer subvert the Constitution to damage Trump. Nancy Pelosi, AKA Nasty Nancy,
allowed Adam Schiff, AKA Shifty Schiff, to run the impeachment "inquiry" through Shifty's Intelligence Committee, where
Shifty had total control. He set the rules to allow only the witnesses he wanted. He lied in his opening
statement to commence the inquiry by making up President Trump's phone conversation with Ukraine's President Zelensky.
The resulting vote to impeach was a foregone conclusion regardless of the evidence, or lack thereof. [...] Article one charges
abuse of power, which is a grab bag of Trump policies the Democrats don't like and a rehash of the Ukraine hoax. The
articles don't charge a constitutionally mandated reason, or even a crime, for impeachment. Article two is even worse.
It charges obstruction of Congress on the theory that President Trump did not obey Shifty's subpoenas. This is ridiculous
because President Trump has a constitutional right, under the separation of powers, to assert executive privilege to object to
congressional subpoenas.
Admits Impeachment 'Genesis' Was Before Trump's Election. Appearing Monday [12/30/2019] on MSNBC's All
In, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) admitted the "genesis" of impeachment was birthed during then-candidate Donald Trump's 2016
campaign for the presidency. [Video clip]
the Senate Dismiss the Impeachment Without a Trial? [Scroll down] In other words, courts have the power
to dismiss an indictment. Among federal courts, this extends to cases of "selective or vindictive prosecution," "a
defect in the indictment," and "failure to state an offense." Courts also may rule on a case before it goes to a jury and
after the prosecution rests, determining that "as a matter of law" no reasonable jury could convict. All of these
decisions by courts either limit or dispense with trials altogether. Trials are expensive to conduct and burdensome to
the accused. In the case of impeachment, they also impose a real burden on the country as a whole, leaving the office
of the president in limbo while the matter remains in question. As in ordinary criminal cases, the prosecution has no
right to insist on a trial when the underlying actions set forth in the indictment are not a crime.
of Trump Is Backfiring Already. After more than two months of Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Jerrold
Nadler (D-N.Y.), and Pelosi stressing how vitally important it was to rush impeachment to a vote in the House —
since it was claimed there were very real national security issues at stake — suddenly, the Democratic leadership
has slammed on the brakes and it appears they now have all the time in the world. Anyone who thought this impeachment
sham was really all about the election next year is starting to have that view confirmed by this sudden inaction. [...] The
Clinton impeachment happened midway through his second term, but had it happened in the first term, would anyone have
broached the idea that it would be illegal for him to run for reelection as an impeached president? Would the Democrats
have assented to this proposition if Republicans had asserted it? This impeachment sham strategy was created with one
single purpose in mind: to try to sabotage Trump's chances to win his reelection bid next November.
strategy: Impeach 'til the cows come home. [Scroll down] Democrats, digging as they are for more
articles of impeachment, even as they hold tight to the existing articles of impeachment, even as they send dictates over to
the Senate to command-control on how to deal with these existing articles of impeachment — Democrats, certainly,
are presenting a bit guilty on the old "overplaying one's hand" accusation. Democratic members on the House Judiciary
Committee, sad because Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets to hold the articles and they don't have any left, have gone back to court
to petition for information from former White House Counsel Don McGahn and on grand jury testimony tied to Robert Mueller's
special counsel investigation — the one that pretty much cleared Trump of any impeachable offense. If the
court grants their request for information, "new articles of impeachment" could soon be on the horizon against Trump,
according to the Democrats' Judiciary attorneys.
Tide Has Turned on Impeachment. The 2019 impeachment saga remains extremely fluid. This piece could be
rendered obsolete before it is ever published. But it seems we have a temporary status quo. Democrat impeachers
have left the building, gone home to face the damage they've done to themselves. GOP point men like Rep. Matt
Gaetz (for future president?) have done irreparable damage to the flimsy impeachment cause, relentlessly characterizing the
debacle for the partisan and pseudo-constitutional circus it is. Now it's the Senate's turn, and Majority Leader
McConnell is waiting. But something happened on the way to the upper chamber. Pelosi is hanging fast to the last
shred of her party's denuded credibility. There's no two ways about it — she has blinked. Another Fox host,
Shannon Bream, asserted in late December that "both sides are dug in." Really? No. The tide has turned.
The Democrats are in retreat, and Donald Trump may be preparing to mount a major counteroffensive.
The Standing
Committee on Impeachment. You might think that what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the "sad" and
"solemn" pre-Christmas impeachment special was a one-off. The Democrats owed it to the country, you see —
they had (are you sitting down?) a "duty to the Constitution" to impeach Donald Trump, otherwise (as Representative Al Green
of Texas put it) he might well be re-elected. We certainly can't have that! Hence the show of those "sad, very
sad" faces Pelosi described and the memo from headquarters with the instructions, "Don't cheer. Keep it solemn."
The Washington Post didn't get that bulletin right away, so some of their staff posted an image with the words, "Merry
Impeachmas from the WaPo team!" amidst smiling faces at an impending feast. Someone must have thought that impugned the
paper's sterling reputation for impartiality. The image was deleted, but not before some enterprising souls saved and
posted it for posterity.
impeachment: Senate GOP reportedly unites behind a no-witness trial. After weeks of behind-the-scenes
debate, Senate Republicans have hit on their strategy for handling President Trump's impeachment: a brief trial —
with no witness testimony — and a fast acquittal. "I'm ready to vote now," Sen. Josh Hawley
(R-Missouri) told The Hill. "I think the articles are a joke." But they don't want to dismiss the House Democrats'
charges out of hand, as some Trump allies have proposed. "It's time for him to have his day in court," Hawley
said. "The president deserves to have due process."
Democrats Coordinated With Clinton White House During Impeachment. Mitch McConnell has received a lot of
criticism for a statement earlier this month that he'd be "coordinating" with the Trump White House on the forthcoming
impeachment trial in the Senate. "Everything I do during this, I will be coordinating with White House counsel," he
said. The media was aghast, and Democrats were horrified. "Saying you're going to do just what the president
wants is totally out of line," said Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Even pseudo-Republican Lisa Murkowski jumped on the
outrage bandwagon. "When I heard that, I was disturbed," she said. "To me, it means that we have to take that
step back from being hand in glove with the defense, and so I heard what leader McConnell had said, I happened to think that
that has further confused the process." However, all the outrage is grossly misplaced, as McConnell's statement simply
follows the precedent set during Bill Clinton's 1999 impeachment.
is Demonstrably Redundant. [Scroll down] The Framers might well be shaking their heads in disbelief at
the current situation. The Democrat majority in the House of Representatives passed articles of impeachment against
President Trump having nothing whatever to do with "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Obstruction of
Congress? Separation of Powers says presidents can legally refuse to do Congress's bidding, which they do when, for
example, they veto legislation or assert executive privilege. Abuse of Power? House Democrats need a refresher
course in the Constitution, which lists fairly extensive executive powers in Article II, upheld over decades by court
rulings. In any case, whatever President Trump is alleged to have done that might qualify as "abuse of power," his
pen-and-phone predecessor did a lot more of it. Democrats are overlooking it now as they did then.
Jarrett says McConnell should hold impeachment trial — without Pelosi's OK. Fox News legal analyst
Gregg Jarrett blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Friday for not sending the articles of impeachment to the
Senate for trial and saying that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., should proceed with an impeachment trial
without the Democratic leader's involvement. "The framers never envisioned a stunt pulled by a speaker of the House
like Nancy Pelosi holding onto articles of impeachment. Two decades ago it was sent over immediately, within
minutes. There was a vote to convey and transmit it," Jarrett said on "Hannity." "The Constitution is actually silent
about that. It doesn't say that the Senate has to wait until it's transmitted. It's simply a Senate rule."
Lewis says impeachment stalemate is a strategy to gain more time to build their impeachment case. House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi's decision to withhold articles of impeachment against President Trump is merely a strategy to gain more time to
build a stronger case, former U.S. Attorney Guy Lewis argued Friday [12/27/2019]. "I think that the Democrats are
looking for additional evidence," Lewis told "America's Newsroom," highlighting that they are aware that the impeachment
charges are "dead on arrival" in the Republican-majority Senate.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing to the president what no one else has in the 3 years since he took office. House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing to President Donald Trump what no one else has in the nearly three years since he took
office: She's making him squirm. [...] Pelosi's refusal to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate has
robbed the president of what he wants most: "total and complete exoneration" following a trial.
Pelosi and the Democrats Cannot Have Their Cake and Eat It Too. There are Democrats, including a Harvard law
professor, who claim that the president is not impeached — despite a House vote to do so — if the
Speaker does not deliver the articles of impeachment to the Senate. In other words, Pelosi and the Democrats want to
have their cake and eat it too. They wish to impeach President Trump on the record, yet put on indefinite hold the
trial by which the president might clear his name. But nowhere does the Constitution empower the Speaker to act in such
a way that the president might remain unimpeached, after an impeachment vote by the House. According to the words of
Democrats like Noah Feldman, the president has not yet been impeached, since Pelosi has withheld the articles of impeachment
from the Senate. "The Constitution doesn't say how fast the articles must go to the Senate," writes Feldman.
However, the reason the Constitution does not specify any such speed requirement is that the delivery of paperwork is never
mentioned. The sole Constitutional requirement for impeachment is a vote.
Strassel nails it when she expertly dissects Pelosi's 'rolling impeachment' ploy. Wall Street Journal columnist
Kimberley Strassel hit the nail on the head in a piece on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's gamesmanship of not sending two
articles of impeachment against President Trump to the U.S. Senate. Given House Democrats' weak case and the inevitable
acquittal from the upper chamber, perhaps the San Francisco Democrat is doing all she can to avoid a trial. "Who says
Pelosi even wants a Senate trial? Strassel said in a tweet plugging her piece about the party's "rolling"
impeachment. "Far better for Democrats to keep impeachment rolling?"
Pelosi's Ploy.
For Nancy [Pelosi], impeachment has always been personal. Trump disrespected her (repeatedly) and refused to bow to her
importance as Speaker of the House and third in line for the presidency. For Nadler, it's also personal —
and it's mutual as well. Trump and Nadler have long hated each other going back to Nadler's City Council days when he
almost singlehandedly prevented Trump from developing the Westside Rail Yards, obligating him to pay real estate taxes of
tens of millions of dollars a year for more than a decade — and then, forced a project so circumscribed it's
doubtful he made any substantial money. Schiff? He's the worst, because for him it's not history or hatred.
It's about him. Politics is Hollywood for ugly people, and Schiff is ugly, people. [...] Publicity is addictive.
He had stumbled into a world where he was heralded for telling the left what they wanted to hear, and it didn't matter
whether any of it was the truth.
prof: The Senate isn't required to hold an impeachment trial at all. Forget for the moment the question
of when Nancy Pelosi will send over the articles of impeachment. Does the Constitution require Mitch McConnell
to do anything with them except perhaps give the House a receipt? Georgetown law professor Bradley Blakeman argued
yesterday evening in The Hill (via Twitchy) that an impeachment trial is neither required or needed, especially in this
instance. To be fair, Blakeman does write that the Senate will be required to take some action, but that it doesn't
have to be a trial. All McConnell needs to do, Blakeman writes, is to call a vote to dismiss before a trial even
starts — and that would require only a simple majority, as it is just a procedural motion. McConnell has
publicly stated that he has no choice but to start a trial, but has also mentioned instant dismissal as an option for three
months, so this is nothing new.
Democrats Have Stuck Their Heads in a Meat Grinder. The Democrats allege that Trump must be impeached because
he abused the power of his office by threatening to withhold military aid from Ukraine unless that country helped investigate
possible corruption by former Vice President Joe Biden, a potential political rival. The House Republicans have exposed
the factual weakness of this charge by amply demonstrating that there was no such quid pro quo. Now it is recognized
that neither this claim nor the equally fatuous charge that Trump has obstructed Congress by asserting executive privilege will
result in the necessary two-thirds removal vote by the Senate. Trump will win. [...] President Trump's request for
assistance was absolutely legal, ethical, proper, and mandated by what is known so far. That should be the primary
line of attack against impeachment.
Against Impeachment for
Thought Crimes. It is legal for a president, who is under a constitutional duty to enforce the law, to ask a
foreign government to cooperate with the Attorney General to investigate an American citizen about allegations that involve
possible misuse of office for private gain. It is also legal for the President to delay the delivery of foreign aid to
make sure he gets the foreign government's attention; that's not "extortion," which is also a specific intent crime that
requires a "wrongful" or corrupt purpose. On the contrary, one of the recognized purposes of foreign aid is "to reward
a government for behavior desired by the donor." Under the theory adopted by the Democrats in the House, the
President's otherwise legal acts supposedly become "high crimes and misdemeanors" warranting impeachment if they were done
with the allegedly improper intent of "digging up dirt on a political rival," rather than for a legitimate purpose. But
why isn't "digging up dirt" on a political opponent in an election year a legitimate purpose? It is called "opposition
research" and the Democrats do it all the time.
Impeachment Farce Is an Attempt to Distract From the Deep State Conspiracy. [Scroll down] No, the real
explanation for Pelosi's sudden flip is that those in the know — in the intelligence community, on congressional
committees, and even in the Democratic mouthpiece media with their Deep State sources — warned her in early
September of the potential political catastrophe that would ensue as a result of the devastating revelations in both the
Inspector General's report on the FBI's abuse of the FISA process and U.S. Attorney John Durham's more comprehensive
investigation into the origins and perpetuation of the bogus "Russian collusion" narrative. That transparently
preposterous conspiracy theory, cooked up by the Clinton campaign as an explanation for their disastrous loss, was then
propagated with help from the exiting Obama administration, the intelligence community, anti-Trump operatives in the federal
bureaucracy, and of course Democratic members of Congress and their lapdog allies in the mainstream media.
Exactly what part of Nancy Pelosi's
partisan impeachment plan is actually working? Let's examine the impact so far of what was widely touted as a
historic impeachment of President Donald Trump: His job approval rating is back at its highest level since taking
office 1,068 long days ago. That's up six points since the House began impeachment.
No Need for a Trial in the Senate, Articles of Impeachment 'On Their Face Are Defective'. Democrats claim Trump
is guilty of violating the Constitution or traditional norms. That's nonsense when you look at how unprecedented this
whole impeachment effort has been, especially the playing games with the articles. Even the Democrats' own expert who
they called during the proceedings, Harvard professor Noah Feldman has said if they sit on it beyond a short reasonable time,
they are the ones not acting in accordance with the Constitution and denying the president a fair trial.
Democrats raise
possibility of new articles of impeachment against Trump. The prospect of additional articles —
while perhaps unlikely — was floated as part of a court battle over Democrats' bid to compel testimony from former
White House Counsel Don McGahn. The committee's counsel filed a brief Monday, making the case for why the panel still
wants to hear from McGahn despite having already voted for impeachment. Democrats originally sought McGahn's testimony
in connection with his claims to then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team that Trump wanted him to have Mueller
fired. Trump's critics claimed this request constituted obstruction of justice.
Rushed Impeachment - Now We Know Why. Basically, the House lawyers have filed a brief in the case in which
they're attempting to compel the testimony of former WH Counsel Dan McGahn. The rationale that the Dem House presents
is that, now that the House has impeached President Trump, they need McGahn's testimony to use as evidence in the
impeachment trial! But wait, you say. How could there have been an impeachment without evidence? Well,
that's a point. House Dems are claiming, in effect, that they can impeach and then investigate to find the evidence
to justify the impeachment. Remember when Maxine Waters said impeachment is whatever the House says it is?
The Dems really meant that. Fox News quotes the Dem brief to point out that the Dems are actually suggesting that they
could add new articles to their impeachment — implying that, in spite of their vote — impeachment
remains a work in progress.
Democrats Will Never End The Impeachment Show Until Trump Is Gone For Good. The Democrats have floated the idea
of impeachment over demonstrably fake Russian collusion conspiracy theories, tabloid drivel about porn stars, and even the
president's criticism of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. With time running out before the 2020 presidential
race gets into full swing, they seized on the only thing they had left: exaggerated "concerns" with a phone call to the
newly elected Ukrainian president, padded with testimony from a slew of disgruntled national security officials upset that the
president wanted to make his own foreign policy decisions, and a harebrained theory about how it was all illegal. By any
measure, the charade was a monumental failure.
Pelosi Has No Constitutional Authority to Dictate the Rules of a Senate Impeachment Trial. Former prosecutor
and Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy is weighing in on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's continued refusal to turn over two
articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate for a trial. "If he [President Trump] really is an
existential threat the Republic, if he really has committed conduct that should result in his removal from office, then why
would you not send it onto the Senate? The Constitution gives the House no role in deciding how this trial takes
place. It is exclusively within the province of the Senate," Gowdy said during an interview with Fox News. "I
think most of my fellow citizens will see through this 'lets hurry up and impeach him' and then sit on the indictment."
Sen. Kennedy on 'Rigged' Impeachment: Trump 'Not Afforded Due Process in the House'. Senator John
Kennedy (R-LA) on Monday accused the House of not affording President Donald Trump "due process" in his impeachment as he
reacted to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) withholding the impeachment articles. Kennedy said on Fox Business Network's
"Varney & Co." the process was a "rigged game," likening it to "carnival ring toss" because of how "fixed" it was.
The 'Deep State'
and the Impeachment Conspiracy. Ever since the impeachment bandwagon got rolling in September, anything said in
defense of President Trump is automatically dismissed by Democrats and their media allies as either (a) "Republican talking points,"
(b) "Russian propaganda" or (c) a "conspiracy theory." The self-evident purpose of this rhetoric is to delegitimize
the president's defenders as either dishonest partisans, agents of a foreign enemy, or purveyors of paranoid delusions. It is
impermissible, by the rules of the game as played on CNN and in other "mainstream" media outlets, to ask whether such accusations are
more properly directed at Democrats. Are they never guilty of partisanship? Didn't Democrats spend three years promoting
a "collusion" conspiracy theory? And why is it that Russia is the only foreign power whose influence deserves our vigilance?
Democrats Debate
Whether Trump Has Been Impeached. Speaker Pelosi's unconstitutional decision to delay transmission of the
articles of impeachment to the Senate in order to gain partisan advantage raises the following question: has President Trump
been impeached, or did the House vote merely represent an authorization or intention to impeach — which becomes an
actual impeachment only when the articles are transmitted? This highly technical constitutional issue is being debated
by two of my former Harvard Law School colleagues — Professors Laurence Tribe and Noah Feldman — both
liberal Democrats who support President Trump's impeachment.
Democrats unite and catalyze the GOP. Yes, everything is urgent to them when it comes to Trump. He is so
bad — such a threat to the republic — that it is imperative they remove him yesterday, so critical that
they have virtually ignored their proper legislative duties for two years. And yet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now
saying she won't submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate? These Democrats always assume that our memories
expire in 24 hours. Once again, their lies are too obvious to pass the laugh test. At the very time Pelosi and
her merry band of pseudo-guardians of the Constitution were yelling about urgency, they were planning their disgraceful stunt
to withhold the articles from the Senate, which confirms there was never any urgency with the impeachment. The urgency
was to further smear Trump and taint his legacy.
Is Seriously Thinking About Claiming He Isn't Really Impeached & He's Got a Point. We always knew the
impeachment case against Trump had the weightiness of belly button lint, but now Americans are cottoning on to how the thing
looks to be wholly unserious. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's vote-and-run strategy has made the foundation for
impeachment look like it was cobbled out of crazy glue and straw. And the White House noticed. As we've
previously reported, the Democrat constitutional law expert, Noah Feldman, says that by not sending the articles of
impeachment to the Senate, President Trump's not really impeached.
suggests Jordan, Collins and Ratcliffe represent Trump during Senate impeachment trial. House Minority Leader
Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., suggested on Sunday that he would choose Republican Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Doug Collins of
Georgia and John Ratcliffe of Texas to represent President Trump in his looming Senate impeachment trial. "These are
individuals I would actually pull in at the White House," McCarthy said during an interview on Fox News' "Sunday Morning
Futures." "You want people that have been through this, understand it, been in the hearings even when they were in the
basement." "The basement" is a reference to the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, where House Intelligence
Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., held the initial closed-door testimonies in the impeachment inquiry into Trump.
Must Confront The Enemy From Within. We've all watched as the rule of law is flaunted and the Constitution is
trampled on by Democrats. They become more and more brazen by the day. Evil is really seeing the light of day now
that Americans see how the left will conduct a soft coup to oust a duly elected president who has committed no crime.
The Democrats have shown how they despise over 63 million voters who voted for President Trump and how they hold us in
contempt. Trump has seen no due process and has been relentlessly smeared by these Marxists. Trump's family has
been dragged through the mud as well. But we let it happen and it's still going on.
Slams Dems' Impeachment Sham, Obama Admin's Legacy Of DOJ & FBI Abusing Its Power. Sen. Ted Cruz says
Nancy Pelosi holding impeachment articles from Senate is 'sign of weakness.' "This is the first time in the history of
our country that a president has been impeached without a single article alleging any criminal conduct. They
[Democrats] don't allege any crime, they don't even allege any federal law that was violated. This was at the end of
the day a political response because Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats hate the president." [Video clip]
Pelosi's Impeachment Blunder Will Play Out In 2020. The decision by Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House
leadership to depart from Washington without resolving whether the Senate trial of the president will even happen is a
blunder of potentially serious proportions. It totally undermines everything the Democrats have done narratively for
the past several months, embracing their role as defenders of the Constitution against a clear and present danger to its
tenets. Instead, impeachment now looks more like an example of that ancient term: a partisan traveshamockery.
Pelosi's supporters who are hard core Democratic donors and partisans may like this move, since it denies the president the
surety of what is almost assuredly going to be a bipartisan vote to acquit him on both charges in the Senate. These are
the same people who wanted to extend the process by forcing Mick Mulvaney and John Bolton to testify via the courts, who
hold out hope to this day that the Southern District of New York will turn up something on Rudy Giuliani that will
make for even more articles of impeachment. They want impeachment now, impeachment tomorrow, impeachment
forever — asterisks all the way down.
Senate Democrats are the real challenge to full impeachment trial. By sending a thin and incomplete record to
the Senate, the House could not have made things easier for the president. Since the House did not want to take time to
subpoena critical witnesses, such as former national security adviser John Bolton, or to compel testimony of other witnesses,
the Senate could declare that it will try the case on the record supplied by the House, a record that Democrats insist is
already conclusive and overwhelming. Moreover, in reviewing the trials of Johnson and Clinton, Democrats may have to
struggle with precedents of their own making. Indeed, Republicans could argue that a trial without witnesses is
impeachment in Democratic style.
rushed to impeach and stopped. Democrats rushed to impeach President Donald John Trump on Wednesday night,
voted to, and then decided to sit on actually impeaching him by refusing to transmit the impeachment to the Senate.
Stilton Jahrlsberg lampooned the rush to remove a "clear and present danger" but then holding up the impeachment until next
year at the earliest. Democrats adopted the strange strategy of Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, who believes that
by not transmitting the impeachment to the Senate, Nancy Pelosi can set the terms for trial. But in playing this
impeachment version of a government shutdown, Democrats undercut their argument that it is urgent to impeach and remove
President Donald John Trump. If that were true, Democrats would have immediately transmitted the impeachment vote,
which would set up the trial.
Seven Democrats
Shared How They're Going to Destroy America. This last debate of the 2019 calendar year offered Americans
little insight overall as to what these seven Democrats would and could do to help improve the country. However, it
is clear these Democrats are willing to go to great lengths to kick Trump out of office — no matter what
that would do to our nation.
Swindlers List.
Much like the 9/11 attacks, the impeachment of Trump was an attack on all of us by a radicalized group that hates America,
hates freedom, hates capitalism, hates respect for human life, hates individual responsibility, and has a fevered desire to
bring it all crashing down. [...] During the impeachment vote, almost every Democrat said words to the effect that Trump was
an immediate danger to national security and all we hold dear. That being the case, why is Nancy Pelosi
unwilling to let Trump's case go to trial in the Senate? Is he an imminent danger, or isn't he? By her actions,
Pelosi is quite clearly saying that he is not.
Is Trump Impeached Yet, or Not? — Here Are The Facts. First of all, yes, he is impeached in as much
as the vote was recorded. But according to some sources, the official filing of that vote has not yet been completed,
so, Trump still isn't quite impeached "all the way," if you will. That is according to leftist law professor Noah
Feldman, a man who testified FOR impeachment for the Democrats.
impeachment limps on. [Scroll down] So while Democrats voted to impeach, they haven't impeached.
Instead, they went home for 2 weeks. The PJ Media account ended, "This is a very bad look for the Democrats who warned
that they must rush to impeach Trump before the election. It seems the rush ended as soon as they got their vote.
Now, they want to avoid the possibility that Trump might be acquitted in a Senate trial. By doing so, they are denying
him due process and violating both historical precedent and the Constitution." That is true but they really didn't
impeach him. Delaying the impeachment for this stunt could lead to more permanent delay.
Pelosi plays games with impeachment, what next for GOP? [Scroll down] Just to be clear: Pelosi has
no leverage at all over a Senate proceeding. The Constitution gives the House the "sole power" to impeach, a power
Pelosi and her majority used to its fullest. But the Constitution gives the Senate the "sole power" to try all
impeachments. The speaker of the House has no role. Given that, Republicans have been wondering what Pelosi is up
to. Crazy theories (at least, they seem to be crazy theories) have emerged. Democrats would impeach the president
repeatedly. (That was actually a serious suggestion from a New York Times columnist in October.) Or Democrats would never
send the articles to the Senate, to keep impeachment hanging over Trump's head. Or whatever. The key Democrats
involved aren't saying.
The 'Impeachment'
of Donald Trump. The speaker of the House, unhappy at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's obvious contempt
for the House proceedings, has suggested that she might not file the charges with the Senate. In which case, the Senate
could not hold a trial. In which case, Donald Trump could neither be exonerated nor convicted. [...] What a let-down.
The "greatest deliberative body in the world," etc. etc., and what do we get? Theater, and bad theater at that.
Senator Schumer's
Vicious Lie. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said during his rebuttal to Majority Leader McConnell
yesterday, that the President thinks he has the right to do whatever he wants and sees himself as a king. He accused
the President of tyranny, and of declaring that he has absolute immunity, a reference to a comment the President once made
about Article II of the Constitution. Schumer said he has committed high crimes and misdemeanors and if not stopped,
he will do it again and again. Everything he said is a lie. President Trump has never said Congress has no right to
oversight. What he has said is he wants the Judicial Branch to mediate over those documents and witnesses they are
demanding which the President's counsel believes violate Executive Privilege.
Pelosi's Latest
Stunt. Although a House impeachment is not exactly the same as a grand jury indictment, it is close enough to
emphasize that an impeachment, like an indictment, proves absolutely nothing. It simply means that, by symbolically
altering courtroom rules and preliminarily allowing the prosecution every possible advantage over the defense, the
prosecution has established that maybe it has something worth bringing to trial and maybe not. In that way, we avoid
trials where there is not even a scintilla of anything. But without an actual trial and a conviction, there is
nothing. If a prosecutor convenes a grand jury and gets an indictment but then chooses not to bring the case to trial,
then there is nothing. Mitch McConnell [...] does not owe [Nancy Pelosi] the time of day, much less input or even a
polite listening, when it comes to how the Senate will conduct its trial or whether or not it even will bother moving forward
without first bringing a motion to dismiss on grounds of failure to state a claim for which relief may be granted. [...] If
she does not forward the impeachment, historians will record that it simply never happened, and they will indict her, not
Mr. Trump.
Tactics vs. Strategy. [Scroll down] Here is my modest proposal for Senators McConnell and
Graham. Since the House thought they had a compelling case with the handful of witnesses they called, no further
witnesses will be allowed. The managers will be allowed to "prove their case" with those same witnesses, plus the
"whistleblower." Thus, there will be a real trial. The managers won't be able to hold up a 600-page report and declare
their case proved. They'll get to do it in open court. With a twist. The Senate should require that the
rules for testimony under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure be followed to the letter. Since the presiding judge
will be Chief Justice John Roberts, he'll know those procedures cold. Co
21st Century Regicide:
The House Votes. he December 18 House votes (230-197 on abuse of power and 229-198 on obstruction of Congress)
to impeach President Trump, one day shy of 21 years since Bill Clinton was impeached, followed one of American history's most
delicious ironies: the very date, December 10, that the House Judiciary Committee began formal debate, there was a reminder
of the Ghost of Impeachments Past, none other than one Jerrold Nadler, who exactly 21 years earlier, in his opening statement
in the Clinton vote, said, ["]The effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of the voters as expressed
in a national election. [...] ["]
You can't win the game if you don't play your cards. Nancy
Pelosi can hold onto her articles of impeachment forever for all anyone cares. Senate Republicans would be
thrilled if Pelosi just shoved the articles into the back of a closet in the speaker's office next to a disregarded carton of
Camels left by John Boehner. The GOP-held Senate has become a well-oiled conservative-judge machine, churning out
jurists like a factory assembly line. It has no desire for an impeachment coffee break to vote on a matter everyone has
already made up their minds on. But the president, progressives argue, is desperate for a trial. He wants his
victory lap when the inevitable acquittal drops. This is supposedly Pelosi's vaunted leverage. Unfortunately,
that's based on a naïve reading of a trolly Trump tweet.
Democrats Might Hold Articles of Impeachment Hostage. The strangest thing about the process is watching the
Democrats pretend to be somber, as if they haven't been trying to impeach Trump since election night. We all saw the
pictures of the pink hat lunatics screaming for impeachment at the Women's March the day after Trump was inaugurated.
They also kept referencing the constitution during their floor speeches and in the media but the Democrats have have been
working to negate parts of the constitution that don't sport their woke agenda for as long as I can remember. Now they
want to "defend" it? Many of them referenced American's founders, and spoke about how they had a mandate to impeach
based on their commitment to the founding fathers' vision. What? These clowns usually call the founders a bunch
of misogynist, patriarchal, slave-owning white supremacists.
Impeachment or Attainder?
The present articles of impeachment are not over matters known to law. Settled precedent in American law is that
conflicts between the executive and legislative branches are settled in court. No more does the law empower Congress to
hold the president in contempt than it empowers the president to arrest senators or representatives for their refusal to
reveal their consultations to DOJ subpoenas. In fact, SCOTUS had taken up the very question the House is claiming to be
impeachable. Clearly, by the Supremes granting certiorari, it is officially a question at law. Clearly,
there are legitimate differences over the law. It might well be impeachable to ignore a SCOTUS ruling in the case, but
how could it be impeachable to hold a position on something that is not yet settled? That is an absurd standard, and
history will judge it so.
without a crime. [Scroll down] For purposes of housekeeping, let's take a look at the vote. On the
first article of impeachment — for "abuse of power" — it was 230 to 197. Two Democrats —
Collin Peterson of Minnesota and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey — voted against impeachment. No Republican voted
for impeachment, but ex-Republican Justin Amash of Michigan, now an independent, did. Tulsi Gabbard took a page from the
Barack Obama playbook and voted "present." The second article called for Trump to be impeached for exercising his right
to have a dispute with Congress resolved by the courts. The vote on this absurdity was 229 to 198. Jared Golden of
Maine was the Democrat who voted for the first article but not the second. The Washington Post celebrates the impeachment
by claiming that the House's purely partisan move "creat[es] an indelible stain on [Trump's] presidency." I doubt it.
Pelosi Delaying A Senate Trial Is 'Unconstitutional'. Calling out the Democratic Party for its far-left
extremism, Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz denounced House Speaker Pelosi's plan to withhold sending the impeachment
vote to the Senate for a trial as "unconstitutional." As noted by Fox News, the Harvard Law professor's recent op-ed
for Newsmax came in response to his colleague Laurence Tribe, who backed Pelosi in not allowing a Senate trial on
impeachment. "[Tribe] would withhold the trial until the Senate agreed to change its rules, or presumably until a new
election put many more Democrats in the Senate. Under his proposal, there might never be a Senate trial, but the
impeachment would stand as a final and permanent condemnation of President Trump," Dershowitz wrote.
Corrupt Democratic Jurors. [Chuck] Schumer whines that McConnell has said he will take his cues on a Senate
trial from President Trump, whom the House denied due process and the right to confront his accuser. Too bad, cryin'
Chuck, for just as in the House, elections have consequences. Republicans won the Senate so you play by their rules[.]
Schumer pretends that a Senate impeachment trial is like a trial in criminal or civil court and that McConnell can't act as both a
juror and a defense attorney. Of course he can — an impeachment trial is more of a political process than a judicial
one. Schumer is trying to depose a sitting President of the United States and overturn the results of an election,
disenfranchising 63 million voters, without a crime or evidence of a crime, and he wants to talk about fairness?
McConnell is no more "tainted" as a juror for working with President Trump than the Senate Democrats, also jurors, who ran and
are still running against Trump in 2020 — Kobuchar, Harris, Warren, Booker, Sanders.
Pelosi's 'Animal House' impeachment. First and foremost, President Trump did not get impeached Wednesday
night. And he still hasn't at the moment of this writing, more than 12 hours after House Democrats approved two
articles of impeachment in the most nakedly partisan impeachment vote in over a century and a half. The giant,
block-lettered, wartime headlines in the New York Times giddily declaring "TRUMP IMPEACHED" is completely false. Fake
News, you might say. Sure, Democrats rammed through a couple of articles of impeachment, but until House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi submits them to the Senate for the trial of the president of the United States, Mr. Trump stands un-impeached.
A prosecutor can draw up all the indictments against all the ham sandwiches he wants. But until he hands that indictment
to the judge — files the indictment with the court — no ham sandwiches are indicted.
This Time It Is Personal —
for Us. Those pathological haters and congenital liars impeached not only President Trump on Wednesday night.
They impeached us. This time it is personal. That is my vote they are trying to take away.
Impeachment Articles Are Not Delivered, Did Impeachment Happen? For these last weeks, the Democrat-dominated
chamber has been in a mad rush to impeach the president. Democrats even tacked on article two — "obstruction
of Congress" — because, they told us, time could not be wasted engaging in the usual negotiation and litigation
over legislative demands for executive branch information. Trump is a clear and present threat to "continue" undermining
our elections, we were admonished. That's why he needs to be impeached right now. [...] But now that the deed
is done, it's ... hey, not so fast. [...] What we've just seen is the most partisan impeachment in American history, every
step of it politically calculated. Obviously, if Democrats perceived advantage in stretching the process out, it would
still be going on.
Trump Actually Impeached? Legal Expert Called By Dems In Hearing Says No. If nothing else, Democrats'
manipulations are giving everyone a review of the Constitution. As we observed yesterday [12/19/2019], many liberals
didn't seem to understand that impeachment didn't mean removal. Most people of course knew that. But there's a
finer point here, that Noah Feldman, a Harvard Law professor is claiming and others are also questioning this morning.
Feldman, who ironically was a witness for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings and who argued for Trump's
impeachment, is saying he hasn't actually been impeached yet.
Liberals Thought Impeachment Meant Trump Would Be Gone, Get Rude Awakening. It's hard to imagine how liberals
can keep buying into these conspiracy stories and manipulations of the Democrats, when the facts are so clearly other than
what they say, such as on impeachment. But perhaps it's not hard when you see how uninformed many are as to even the
basic concepts of civics and the impeachment process. When you're getting all your news from places that are
continually pushing the Democratic narrative like CNN and MSNBC, it's likely that you're only going to see what they tell
you. It might be difficult to believe after weeks of talk about impeachment that there are people who still don't
understand the process, but on Twitter last night, "#ByeTrump" was trending because many believed that the House vote on
impeachment meant that President Donald Trump was now removed.
Dems Close Up Shop Without Sending Articles of Impeachment to Senate. On Thursday [12/19/2019], the House of
Representatives adjourned before voting to send the articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate for a trial. This made
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stall-tactic official — Democrats are refusing to forward the impeachment to the
Senate until they receive assurances the trial will be fair in their eyes. Yet this arguably violates the
Constitution. "Hoyer announces no more votes until January 7. Big cheer goes up in House chamber.
This means the House won't approve a resolution on impeachment [managers] & to send impeachment [package] to Senate until at least
January, 2020," Fox News reporter Chad Pergram tweeted.
Way This Can End Even If Pelosi Withholds the Articles. The way this can end even with no articles of
impeachment sent over to the Senate is very simple. Mitch McConnell runs the Senate. The Senate has sole power to
conduct a trial. Pelosi has nothing to say about it. She can whine and moan and complain about a fair trial, and
Schumer can run around and say, "All we want is a fair trial." It's the accused who gets a fair trial. Not the
prosecutors. It's the accused. In American jurisprudence, the whole concept of a fair trial is the concept
applied to the accused. And once again, it's the Democrats' bastardizing the American constitutional process and the
rule of law and trying to make everything all about them. But the way that McConnell can dispense with this without the
articles of impeachment ever being sent over, is the chief justice is the judge. So McConnell calls him in, gavels the
Senate (i.e., the jury) into order. Look at him as the foreman of the jury, if you will. He swears in the chief
justice, and then dismisses the case.
risky strategy to withhold impeachment from Senate roils Washington. Democrats want to put pressure on
individual Republican senators over the issue of calling witnesses in a Senate impeachment trial, and they are looking to
create friction between President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
struggled Thursday to explain what, exactly, her plan is in delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
She refused to answer questions from reporters who wanted more clarity.
Isn't Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate. Now that the House of Representatives has voted to impeach
President Donald Trump, what is the constitutional status of the two articles of impeachment? Must they be transmitted
to the Senate to trigger a trial, or could they be held back by the House until the Senate decides what the trial will look
like, as Speaker Nancy Pelosi has hinted? The Constitution doesn't say how fast the articles must go to the Senate.
Some modest delay is not inconsistent with the Constitution, or how both chambers usually work. But an indefinite delay
would pose a serious problem. Impeachment as contemplated by the Constitution does not consist merely of the vote by the
House, but of the process of sending the articles to the Senate for trial.
Those Articles Here': Top Dem Demands Quid Pro Quo Before Sending Impeachment To Senate. Democratic House
Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn told CNN, if it were up to him, he would withhold articles of impeachment from the
Senate indefinitely. Clyburn said he would only send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for if Democrat's were
promised a "fair" trial. By "fair trial," Clyburn means allowing new witnesses and deliberation to take place in the
Senate. But, deliberations and witness testimony is a job meant for the House of Representatives. Clearly,
Rep. Adam Schiff and House Democrats bungled their hearings and concluded with extremely weak articles of impeachment
they know will get zero bipartisan support. Now, they want more witnesses called because they didn't do their job well
their first time.
Jordan to House Democrats: Why Are You Withholding Articles of Impeachment After Rushing to Impeach?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is playing a peculiar game of chess with Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
when it comes to the articles of impeachment. Instead of preparing to transmit them, which you'd think she'd do ASAP
considering how critical it was for Democratic House leaders to get the articles voted on in the House before Christmas,
she's withholding them in an effort, at least on the surface anyway, to get McConnell to play by her rules.
Warfare Politics. [Scroll down] At this time, the impeachment can be cast as a purely partisan
move. Should the Senate dismiss the charges on a party-line vote, the Democrats would have a stick with which to
counter-flail the GOP for partisanry. Of course, at this time there's still a possibility that one or more Senate
Democrats would join the Republican caucus in dismissing the charges or a summary acquittal after a brief trial, but no one
can be certain about that yet. Even should the Senate not approve changes to the trial rules, further media involvement
could arise through interviews and publicity granted to "witnesses" not permitted to "testify" in the trial. As the
media are wholly enlisted in the anti-Trump movement, this is more likely than not — and would permit the
fomenting of public suspicion about a "cover-up" of presidential wrongdoing. The existing situation, as farcical as it
is, has commentators such as Mark Levin saying that it makes the impeachment of the next Democrat president absolutely imperative.
in Two Words: So What? House Democrats' articles of impeachment detailed zero impeachable offenses.
Speaker Pelosi, et. al., promised "bribery" and "obstruction of justice" — real, actual crimes. The ultimate
charges: "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress." Friends, if "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress" are
authentic "high crimes and misdemeanors," roughly 90% of that body's members are headed up the river.
Don't Bother,
They're Here. In a comic postscript to yesterday's farce, Nancy Pelosi is threatening to withhold delivery of
the House Democrats' two impeachment articles to the Senate. [...] By withholding the articles of impeachment from the
Senate, Pelosi hopes to extract the terms of a trial procedure that she deems favorable to the Democrats. Politico
quotes Pelosi speaking at a news conference moments after passage of the impeachment articles: "So far we haven't seen
anything that looks fair to us."
Devil-Delivered Impeachment Sleight Of Hand. This impeachment circus is nothing more than a distraction to keep
lightheaded people's eyes off of the cancer which is currently enveloping what is left of our limping America. The left
has no case based upon any factual evidence. And they know that. They simply want their warped story out there to
try to keep the pipes clogged, as they have kept them clogged up to this point, for the balance of President Trump's
administration. The fix was presumed to have been in when Hillary boarded her jet to New York as she prematurely
celebrated what turned out to be a completely disastrous election eve for her, in 2016.
Reasons Pelosi's Senate Obstruction Gambit On Impeachment Articles Is A Disaster. Immediately after impeaching
President Donald Trump for allegedly obstructing the House and abusing his power as president, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
obstructed the Senate's constitutional obligation to hold an impeachment trial and abused her power by trying to steal power
that belongs solely to the Senate under the Constitution. Pelosi told reporters on Thursday that she is in no rush to
formally transmit to the Senate the articles of impeachment her party in the House had just approved. Here are six
reasons Pelosi's impeachment obstruction stunt undermines the entire basis of the Democrats' effort to eject Trump from
office. [#1] After impeaching Trump for supposed obstruction of House, Pelosi moves to obstruct the Senate[.]
Pelosi said she'll wait to send over the articles until she finds out how the Senate will conduct the trial, which looks a
lot like obstructing the Senate, given that the Constitution clearly states that the Senate has "the sole power to try all
Trump Lawyers Ask
If Pelosi Delay Means He Isn't Impeached Yet. Lawyers close to President Donald Trump are exploring whether
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to temporarily withhold articles of impeachment from the Senate could mean that the
president hasn't actually been impeached. [...] Backers of the theory would argue that the clause of the U.S. Constitution
that gives the Senate "the sole Power to try all Impeachments" indicates that the impeachment isn't formalized until the
House reported the charges to the upper chamber.
by impeachment, debating Democrats mostly pull punches. Twenty-four hours after President Trump was impeached,
the Democratic candidates held a debate that almost didn't happen and that even some insiders were hoping would not
happen. To say that the debate, having overcome a labor dispute at Loyola Marymount University, was overshadowed by the
impeachment furor would be the understatement of the year.
Trump is not actually
impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says. One of the Democrats' witnesses who testified in favor
of President Trump's impeachment cautioned Thursday that in order to officially impeach the president, House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi must send the articles of impeachment to the Republican-led Senate. In a Bloomberg op-ed, Harvard legal scholar
Noah Feldman said Pelosi, D-Calif., can delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate, but not for an "indefinite"
period of time.
Trump demands 'immediate' impeachment trial as Mitch McConnell declares 'impasse' with Chuck Schumer. Donald
Trump is demanding an 'immediate trial' after talks over the looming Senate showdown reached an 'impasse' last night and one
Harvard law expert claimed the president has not yet been impeached. The House voted on Wednesday night to charge Trump
with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, but speaker Nancy Pelosi has yet to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
I: Remove This Beast From My Sight! In the history of politics, there is no precedent for the media's entire
focus to be on undoing the last presidential election. True, the left has wanted to impeach every Republican president,
but at least they used to wait a decent interval between the inauguration and concocting some preposterous "impeachable
offense." With Trump, it's never been about anything he's done. It's him they can't stand. [...] To be extra clear
that they don't care about the Constitution — much less the Founding Fathers, whom they keep solemnly invoking —
the Democrats' second article of impeachment against Trump is for "obstruction of Congress." That is pretty much his job.
How about impeaching a president for ordering a surprise military attack or appointing members of his Cabinet?
Nancy Pelosi Threatens to Withhold Impeachment Articles from Senate Republicans. Knowing that the Republican
Senate will dispense of their so-called evidence for impeachment, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has threatened to withhold
transmitting the articles to the upper chamber. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has already rejected
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) parameters for the trial. McConnell slapped them down, along with cutting
through the nonsense about his role in this Democrat-manufactured fantasy. He's not going to be impartial. "I'm
not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," he said on Tuesday
[12/17/2019]. Knowing these articles face certain death with Senate Republicans, Pelosi and House Democrats now appear
to be engaging in political extortion. Just watch. This is all about Senate Republicans rejecting Democratic
calls for witnesses. That's not how this works, lady. You folks, the House Democrats, decided what's
impeachable. The Senate holds a trial based on your work. And your work is total and complete nonsense.
David Webb: Democrats
promised to govern, voters got impeachment instead. Fox Nation host David Webb called on American voters to ask
themselves one question as Democrats argued in favor of impeaching President Trump during debates on the House floor on
Wednesday [12/18/2019]. "Are they working for you as they promised?" he said on his Fox Nation show "Reality Check,"
adding: "What are they actually doing in Washington, D.C., and with the remaining workdays in December?" Webb
observed that the Democratic campaign platform in the 2018 midterms did not include calls for impeachment.
warning to conservatives: Don't get complacent on impeachment. The forces unleased by this shredding of
the Constitution are unknown to all, and for one to assume that this will easily lead to a Trump landslide and a Democrat
massive defeat is delusional and clueless as to the motives and nature of the Left. The damage being done is
incalculable, and what this all could portend is beyond our worst nightmares. The Democrats have shunned our
forefathers, the bequeathing of liberty, all lost for their lust for power. What lies beyond that power is nothing but
darkness and death — the death of our Republic and so much more, all built on their Utopian fantasies. The
world's last best hope of freedom's light extinguished. They are this close to achieving their ultimate goal.
Democrat Rep. Tlaib Posts Video Celebrating Impeachment Vote; Trump Responds. On her way to vote "yes" on
two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) posted a video of herself
on social media celebrating her affirmative vote and the impending impeachment. "Hi, everyone! I'm on my way to
the United States House floor to impeach President Trump," Tlaib says in the video, smiling ear-to-ear, "on behalf of my
incredible district, #13DistrictStrong."
Schiff and Dems seen drinking and cheering about impeachment the night before the vote. If you believe the
Democrats sob story about how they have "heavy hearts" and the impeachment vote was a sad and somber day in history, we have
some bottled air to sell you. Washington-based CEO Alex Bruesewitz posted a video on Twitter of Adam Schiff and other
House Democrats celebrating at the posh DC restaurant the night before the impeachment vote.
Napolitano: Pelosi withholding articles of impeachment from Senate would be 'grave injustice'. House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has a constitutional obligation to send articles of impeachment to the Senate, Judge Andrew
Napolitano said Thursday [12/19/2019]. Appearing on "Fox & Friends" with hosts Pete Hegseth, Steve Doocy, and Ainsley
Earhardt, Napolitano said that while he has said there was a legal basis for impeachment in the House, lawmakers now have a
"moral and constitutional obligation" to send the two articles of impeachment to the Senate. In a news conference on
Wednesday, following the House impeachment vote, Pelosi said that Democrats may wait to send their articles of impeachment
against President Trump to the GOP-controlled Senate, for fear that they are incapable of holding a fair trial. "Well,
guess what?" asked Napolitano. "Under the Constitution, the Senate writes its own rules not subject to the approval of
the speaker of the House or even the majority of the House."
throws impeachment into confusion. Minutes after the House impeached President Donald Trump, House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi threw the process into confusion by refusing to say when or whether she would send the articles of impeachment
to the Senate for a trial. At a news conference held immediately after the vote, Pelosi said "we'll see what happens"
when asked if she would send the articles to the Senate.
Pelosi's stomach-turning impeachment charade damages America. The arcane rules, phony cordiality and debates
over the second sentence in paragraph G of Point Six were bad enough, but the nausea meter hit the roof when Nancy Pelosi
took the microphone. Wearing a funereal black dress, she stood next to a cardboard American flag and recited the Pledge
of Allegiance. I would have counted her more honest if she had pledged her allegiance to a Democratic donkey. As
the leader of a party that has marinated its mind in unadulterated hatred of President Trump, Pelosi bears unique
responsibility for this calamity. She could have stopped it. Indeed, for months she did.
Admits Trump [was] Impeached 'Without the Facts Coming Out'. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made a startling
admission Tuesday when he said President Trump is about to be impeached "without the facts coming out." The Senate
Minority Leader accidentally told the truth while crybabying in the hopes of violating 200 years of impeachment precedent
during Trump's upcoming senate trial.
Spineless indecision, or avoiding a conflict of interest? 2020
Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard votes 'present' on impeachment. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
(D-Hawaii) on Wednesday night [12/18/2019] voted "present" on both articles of impeachment against President Trump. On
Monday, Gabbard said she was still undecided as to how to vote, and was "taking this time for myself to be able to review
everything that's happened, all the information that's been put forward." Gabbard is the only member of the Democratic
presidential field able to vote on impeachment.
Democrats Pass Partisan Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump. House Democrats voted to impeach
President Donald Trump Wednesday [12/18/2019], making Trump the third president in American history to be impeached by the
House of Representatives. [...] House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins (R-GA) said during a speech Wednesday
that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) wants more witnesses because he does not have all of the facts.
House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delay Senate trial. A group of House Democrats is
pushing Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other leaders to withhold the articles of impeachment against President Trump that are
expected to emerge on Wednesday, potentially delaying a Senate trial for months. The notion of impeaching Trump but
holding the articles in the House has gained traction among some on the political left as a way of potentially forcing Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to conduct a trial on more favorable terms for Democrats. And if no agreement
is reached, some have argued, the trial could be delayed indefinitely, denying Trump an expected acquittal.
The 5 worst
impeachment tweets. House Democrats took bold action by moving closer and closer toward impeaching President
Trump on Wednesday, if one could describe kicking and screaming for three years as "bold." While the impeachment
process continues on its predictable outcome of the Senate acquitting Trump of any wrongdoing, individuals on both sides of
the aisle decided to remove all mental filters and make it clear to their audience that they need their phone taken away.
Democrats' one-night stand with the founders. The Left has interrupted its regularly scheduled programming of
trying to tear down the Founders' reputations and life's work — the Electoral College, the First and Second
Amendments, and the Constitution generally — to claim that those Enlightenment men are on their side. Nancy
Pelosi (D-Fruits and Nuts) has proclaimed that Trump's actions "are in defiance of the vision of our Founders." Democrat
Jerrold Nadler, from the state (N.Y.) that allows prenatal infanticide up to birth and is giving driver's licenses to illegal
aliens, asked a shill college professor of an impeachment "witness," "[I]f Washington were here today, if he were joined by
Madison, Hamilton and other Framers, what do you believe they would say if presented with the evidence before us about
President Trump's conduct?" My, my, as Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson put it Tuesday evening, "Democrats care
deeply and passionately about the Founding Fathers."
McConnell says Nancy Pelosi is Scared to send him 'shoddy' articles of impeachment. Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell blasted Democrats on Thursday for creating what he called an 'unfair, unfinished product,' articles of
impeachment against President Donald Trump that stemmed from 'partisan rage.' Calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's work
'constitutionally incoherent,' he said impeaching a president on the basis of political disagreements would 'invite an
endless parade of impeachable trials' in the future, making House leaders 'free to toss up a jump-ball every time they feel
angry.' 'She's failed the country,' McConnell said on the House floor. 'It was like the speaker called up Chairman
[Jerrold] Nadler and ordered up "One impeachment, rushed delivery, please".'
Lawmaker Tells Kids Why He's Voting to Impeach Trump. Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) took to the House
floor on Wednesday [12/18/2019] to explain to his three-year-old and one-year-old kids why he's voting to impeach President
Donald Trump. The congressman said he doesn't "feel good" about impeaching the president, but he feels he has to
because he "broke our laws ... threatened our security," and "abused the highest, most sacred office in our land."
The Editor says...
If the President had broken any law at all, the Democrats would have made that abundantly clear in their impeachment
resolutions, but they did not.
as a Means to An End, and Not The End Itself. It does not seem accidental the hastily defined two articles of
impeachment mirror the arguments needed in two lower court cases brought by the House Judiciary Committee. It is likely
both articles of impeachment, "Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction", are designed to support pending HJC court
cases seeking: (1) former White House Counsel Don McGahn testimony; and (2) grand jury evidence from the Mueller
investigation. Because the full House did not originally vote to authorize articles of impeachment the House Judiciary
Committee never gained 'judicial enforcement authority'. The absence of judicial enforcement authority was
evident in the lack of enforcement authority in House subpoenas. The House could not hold anyone in contempt of
congress for not appearing because they did not carry recognized judicial enforcement authority.
Lawfare Maneuver — House Will Withhold Submission of Articles from Senate. Seemingly overlooked by
most, when the House voted on the 'rules of impeachment' they removed the traditional appointment of House Managers to a
later date. Normally the House Managers would be appointed at the same time as the impeachment vote; however, by
withholding the appointment House Democrats are indicating they will not immediately send articles of impeachment to the
senate but will rather hold the articles as support for pending court cases toward their judicial authority. A cunning
Lawfare ploy.
fires back: Let's adopt the 1999 rules — with the option for dismissal. Remember when the
Senate could come to a unanimous, bipartisan approach to rules governing an impeachment trial? Good times, good
times. In fact, those were such good times that Mitch McConnell wants to bring them back. Rather than keep having
his counterpart Chuck Schumer negotiate via MSNBC, the Senate Majority Leader announced that he'll simply reinstate the rules
package that governed Bill Clinton's impeachment twenty years ago. By the way, that also includes a dismissal option[.]
turns impeachment circus into even more of a comedy. Ed suggested this maneuver was on the way yesterday
[12/18/2019] and now it appears that Speaker Pelosi has decided on the lame explanation the Democrats will hang their hats
on. In order to attempt to give Chuck Schumer some "leverage" in the impeachment trial, the Speaker may refuse to send
the articles of impeachment to the upper chamber, dragging all of this nonsense out even further. [...] When I turned on CNN
this morning, the anchors were desperately trying to explain why the Constitution doesn't demand the Speaker send the
articles of impeachment to the Senate. That's technically true, but the Constitution doesn't really "demand" much of
anything, other than requiring the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to preside when the President is on trial.
Democrats Betray
America With Impeachment Vote. Does it count as "news" if Democrats and the media have been saying it was going
to happen for more than three years? Not quite. Nothing about the House impeachment vote should come as a
surprise. It's the culmination of Democrats' obsession with taking down President Trump since he was elected.
When the Russia hoax didn't work out in their favor, they clung to the next best thing they could get a hold of:
Trump's completely straightforward phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky containing no evidence of quid pro quo and
not a shred of wrongdoing.
how McConnell & Senate Republicans should respond to Pelosi's brazenly unconstitutional act. The Senate has the
sole power under the Constitution to adjudicate an impeachment. Therefore, Pelosi is attempting to obstruct the
Senate's power to act on its constitutional authority. McConnell should immediately put an end to this and declare the
impeachment null and void, as the speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process by timely sending it to the Senate
for adjudication. McConnell has no less authority to unilaterally make such a decision than Pelosi does to withhold the
administrative notification of an impeachment to the Senate either indefinitely or with conditions. Her effort to
cripple the presidency and blackmail the Senate must be defeated.
claims bipartisan 'spring in their step' after impeachment, then shuts down questions in presser. House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi undermined her own assertion that impeachment was a "somber" affair by claiming that people —
regardless of political affiliation — have a "spring in their step" following Wednesday's vote. This, of
course, is predicated on the thoroughly false idea that impeachment was a bipartisan effort and was supported by people on
both sides of the aisle. Yesterday's vote was strictly along party lines, with no Republicans siding with Democrats,
and President Donald Trump is facing an outpouring of both financial and emotional support as the result of impeachment.
Graham on impeachment: 'The mob took over the House'. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham,
R-S.C., said the impeachment of President Trump is proof that a left-wing "mob" has taken over the House of Representatives.
Graham told "Hannity" that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., claimed earlier this year that impeachment should be thoughtful
and "bipartisan." "What happened between March and now?" he asked. "What happened [is] the mob took over the House.
The mob is running the Democratic Party. If she did not move to impeach this president, she would not be Speaker."
It: Trump Issues Perfect Response Following Impeachment Vote. Without even a clear crime convincingly
laid out in the articles of impeachment, without a single Republican voting in favor of either article, and with House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) potentiality withholding the articles from the U.S. Senate, the impeachment process appears to be
a route to overturning the 2016 election, not upholding the Constitution. Mere hours before Trump's post, Democrats
voted along party lines in support of two articles of impeachment: "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress."
While not a single Republican voted in support of either article, some Democrats defected from the party-line vote.
threatens to delay Senate impeachment trial. Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to commit Wednesday [12/18/2019] to
delivering articles of impeachment to the Senate, citing concerns about an unfair trial on removing President Donald Trump
from office. Senior Democratic aides said the House was "very unlikely" to take the steps necessary to send the
articles to the Senate until at least early January, a delay of at least two weeks and perhaps longer.
Dems Approve Articles of Impeachment Against Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened Wednesday's [12/18/2019]
debate on the floor of the House by declaring that lawmakers are "custodians of the Constitution." She and several of her
female Democrat colleagues wore black attire in the House chamber to signify what they described as a "somber day." That was
all for show, of course. But the black color Speaker Pelosi and her cohorts wore for Wednesday's proceedings was
appropriate for an entirely different reason — to mourn the damage the House Democrats themselves have inflicted
on the Constitution by their irresponsible votes. They have earned a black mark for taking a wrecking ball to the
Constitution's impeachment provisions.
a January Surprise Coming for Impeachment? [Scroll down] We've seen this playbook before and it's going
to get run again. Back when I did diaries here at RedState, I wrote a piece speculating that Democrats were going to
accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault based on some vague, leaked materials that came out at the time. Like clockwork,
just as it looked like Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed with ease, they pulled the trigger. Democrats will try that
tactic again. In fact, we've already seen Adam Schiff make such an attempt in recent days, claiming to have a
classified letter that implicates VP Mike Pence. That won't be the last thing Democrats fling at the wall in hopes
that something will stick.
Giuliani: Yovanovitch Was Part Of The Cover-Up, She Had To Be Ousted. "Trump was simply asking new
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky — in a July phone call — to investigate crimes at the "highest
levels" of both Kiev and Washington," Rudy Giuliani, a personal attorney for President Trump, told Laura Ingraham on "The
Ingraham Angle." "So, he is being impeached for doing the right thing as president of the United States," he
said. Giuliani told Laura Ingraham on "The Ingraham Angle" that he helped forced out Yovanovitch because she was
corrupt and obstructing the investigation into Ukraine and the Bidens.
impeachment vote, how Republicans got to zero. After rushed and intense proceedings into the Ukraine affair,
the House has voted to impeach President Trump. The vote was 230 to 197 for the first article of impeachment charging
the president with abuse of power and 229 to 198 for the second article charging him with obstruction of Congress. For
Republicans, the important numbers were zero and zero. Not a single Republican lawmaker voted for either article of
impeachment. For the GOP, it was important to show that impeachment is an entirely partisan, Democrats-only affair, and
that is precisely what happened.
Long Island's GOP Congressman Became Impeachment's Biggest Star. [P]erhaps no bigger star has emerged in the
fight than Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), a hard-charging GOP congressman from Long Island whose district includes the
Hamptons. [...] "Nancy Pelosi is throwing away her majority," Zeldin told Breitbart News in an interview for this
piece. "She's sacrificing her majority-makers from these districts that Donald Trump won. Those Democrats who are
in those districts got elected with promises to work all in on issues to move our country forward and instead of delivering
on those issues they just voted to move forward with this impeachment circus. [...]"
are making a farce of impeachment. If you've followed the impeachment process, you know that the evidence does
not support the Democrats' charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff has issued subpoenas. The
Trump administration has argued that it is not legally bound to comply, citing the doctrine of executive privilege.
This is a debatable question that should be decided in the courts, but Schiff made a decision not to wait for the courts to
adjudicate these claims of executive privilege. Democrats have instead deemed Trump's unwillingness to comply with mere
requests an impeachable offense. They are choosing to see "high crimes" in the typical executive branch
muscle-flexing that is as much a tradition in Washington as the National Christmas Tree.
Schumer Principle: Lying Under Oath Is Not Impeachable. Twenty-one years ago, then-Rep. Charles
Schumer worked to establish the precedent that a president could lie under oath. [...] "In my judgment," he said, "we will be
substantially lowering the bar for removing a sitting precedent so that we will be in danger of all too frequently
investigating presidents and seeking to remove them from office." Schumer's argument applies to the baseless impeachment
his party is pursuing today, not the well-founded impeachment he resisted in 1998.
Real Impeachment Goal: Sabotage Trump's Second Term. Democratic Party leaders can't possibly be unaware
of the fact that their impeachment case has no merit. Despite the endless talk of bribery, extortion, campaign finance
violations and other supposed crimes Trump has committed, not one of the articles of impeachment accuses Trump of breaking
any of those laws, or any federal law for that matter. Instead, they accuse Trump of an "abuse of power" and of
"obstruction of Congress." As Sen. Ted Cruz explained this week at a Heritage Foundation event, as weak as the first
article is, "the second article is orders of magnitude weaker." "They've simply said that the mere fact that you assert
a privilege is itself impeachable, without their bothering to issue a subpoena or litigating anything.
Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to
be considering an idea Democrats have floated for several days of holding back the articles of impeachment to exercise
leverage over the Senate and the president. She declined formally to transmit the articles to the Senate on Wednesday
evening [12/18/2019] after the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump.
Cruz: President Trump should be able to call Hunter Biden as Senate impeachment witness. As the House
prepares to send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, much is being discussed about how the GOP should handle it.
Senator Ted Cruz says both sides should get a fair shake. That includes President Trump, who the Senator from Texas
believes should be able to call whatever witnesses he wants. Two names he mentioned in this interview with ABC News
anchor George Stephanopoulos were controversial figures at the center of this whole mess: Hunter Biden and the whistleblower.
weaponized investigation being used for political purposes. I do not think that you would need to be an admirer
of President Trump or a partisan Republican (I am neither) to understand, as all mentally normal people do, that the impeachment
itself is the trophy example of a weaponized investigation being used for political purposes. You can even believe that the
president should be impeached and removed from office and understand that. Because that is the obvious truth.
On Dropping The "Devastating" Bribery Article: "I Am Not A Lawyer". I was pleased to see that the
Judiciary Committee dropped previous claims of bribery, extortion, campaign finance and obstruction of justice as the basis
for impeachment. I testified that the repeated assurances on these allegations from members, legal analysts, and my
fellow witnesses were well outside the definitions for these crimes. The Committee ultimately went forward with the
only two articles that I viewed as legitimate while rejecting my arguments to wait to build a sufficient record for
submission to the Senate. I have received considerable criticism for my long opposition to the bribery theory as
unsustainable as an impeachable offense. Thus, I was interested in hearing from the two members who were most adamant
in their past declarations that bribery was established: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chair
Adam Schiff. Speaker Pelosi has now responded and her answer is far from satisfying.
Democrats Violated the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments in Impeachment Inquiry. House Democrats
violated the Bill of Rights in pursuing their impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. Republicans have
pointed out that Democrats' articles of impeachment, especially the second article charging "obstruction of Congress," punish
the president for obeying the Constitution's checks-and-balances.
indisputable facts about this 'historic' impeachment that historians will use to condemn it as 'folly'. Even
though the leftist-dominated psychology and psychiatric professions refuse to acknowledge it, Trump Derangement Syndrome is
real, a genuine mass psychosis, and it is at the root of the impeachment vote today. It is often speculated that the
real goal of Democrats is to "place an asterisk" next to President Trump's name. But as the passion of the moment
subsides and historians take a longer look, here are seven facts that will place an asterisk next to this impeachment, as a
monumentally foolish act of political malpractice: [...]
wants quick impeachment dismissal vote: 'We've heard enough'. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said
Tuesday he believes the Senate should vote quickly to dismiss two impeachment charges against President Trump and avoid "an
embarrassing scene" in the chamber. McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told Fox News Radio he did not support "a show
trial" and believes the Senate "ought to vote and move on" after Democrats present their case and the president's lawyers
respond. The Senate will have to make a decision after hearing the opening arguments from both sides, he said.
rips Schumer impeachment demands, vows not to pursue 'fishing expedition'. Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell struck back Tuesday at his Democratic counterpart's calls for an in-depth impeachment trial featuring multiple new
witnesses, dismissing the push as a "fishing expedition" that would set a "nightmarish precedent." "The Senate is
meant to act as judge and jury, to hear a trial, not to re-run the entire fact-finding investigation because angry partisans
rushed sloppily through it," he said on the Senate floor.
Swalwell's Trump comment on CNN sparks Twitter furor: 'We can only conclude that you're guilty'. Rep. Eric
Swalwell, D-Calif., said Tuesday that if President Trump refuses to send the documents and witnesses that House Democrats
requested in the impeachment inquiry, "We can only conclude that you're guilty," sparking critics on Twitter to accuse him of
suggesting the president is guilty until proven innocent. "In America, innocent men do not hide and conceal evidence,"
Swalwell added, in his conversation with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "They are forthcoming and they want to cooperate and the
president is acting like a very guilty person right now."
impeachment, an invitation to a motion to dismiss. Chuck Schumer's moan that "the facts" need to "com[e] out"
before a full impeachment trial can occur is an invitation to a motion to dismiss the House's articles of impeachment, once
they arrive. The House had its opportunity to develop the facts. If it didn't develop facts sufficient to support
removing the president, the Senate shouldn't waste its time on the matter. Mitch McConnell reportedly is considering a
motion to dismiss. According to this report, he hinted that the Senate will move to dismiss the articles of impeachment
after opening argument. McConnell noted that in the 1999 trial of Bill Clinton, Schumer supported a motion to dismiss
the case. He also recalled that Schumer opposed calling live witnesses. This time around, Schumer wants to call
at least four witnesses who did not appear before the House.
are talking to each other on impeachment. Today's the big impeachment day, and the Democrats are still yelling
and piously intoning about its importance. [...] There's just one problem: the public is not paying attention. [...]
Yet Democrats can't stop intoning gravely about it and promoting it. They are, in effect, talking to each other because
the public isn't interested. There are plenty of reasons for that — starting with the fact that already know
how the story will end — as another trip to the well of dull thuds, same as the left's dreams of impeachment on
day one, the claims to electoral fraud, the Mueller investigation of Russia collusion, and now this can't-win maneuver in the
House heading to the Senate, which has no intention of accommodating what's derisively now known as the Schiff show after
impeachment spearheader Rep. Adam Schiff.
Impeachment Hoax Is Exposed. This week, just days before Christmas, Democrats are going to take the radical
step of impeaching President Trump despite the lack of evidence of any wrongdoing — a crooked process run by Adam
Schiff and Jerry Nadler amid opposition from a majority of the American people. It's clear that this entire process
isn't about following the law, but rather about partisan politics and undoing the 2016 election.
asks nation to pray over his impeachment, says he's done nothing wrong. With nearly all Democrats planning to
vote in favor, Mr. Trump will become only the third president in history to be impeached. Republicans say he will
be acquitted in a Senate trial sometime next month, sparing Mr. Trump from being removed from office. Soon after
the expected House vote, Mr. Trump will hold a campaign "Merry Christmas rally" Wednesday night with Vice President Mike
Pence in Battle Creek, Michigan. The campaign also plans to use impeachment in an aggressive online push for campaign donations.
lay out case for Wednesday Trump impeachment vote. House Democrats laid out their impeachment case against
President Donald Trump on Monday, a sweeping report accusing him of betraying the nation and deserving to be ousted, as key
lawmakers began to signal where they stand ahead of this week's landmark votes. What Democrats once hoped would be a
bipartisan act — only the third time in U.S. history the House will be voting to impeach a president —
is now on track to be a starkly partisan roll call Wednesday. No Republicans are breaking with the president, and
almost all Democrats are expected to approve the charges against him.
Judiciary Committee Report Misquotes Trump — Again — on Article II. The House Judiciary
Committee's final report accompanying its articles of impeachment misquotes President Donald Trump —
again — talking about his powers under Article II of the Constitution. As Breitbart News reported during
the Judiciary Committee's hearings earlier this month, Democrats repeatedly misquoted Trump as claiming that Article II
of the Constitution entitles him to do "whatever I want" as president.
Media Scream: New York Times' columnist demands impeachment 'to preserve America'. This week's Liberal
Media Scream features celebrated New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman declaring that only impeaching President
Trump will preserve the nation. In a "Point-CounterPoint" segment on CBS's Sunday Morning [12/15/2019], Friedman
declared: "President Trump not only should be impeached, he must be impeached, if we're to preserve America as we've
known it."
House responds to Schumer's 'laughable' request after Dems' 'midnight' impeachment move. With the Democrat-led
House all but certain to vote along party lines to impeach President Donald Trump, the focus shifts to the U.S. Senate, where
a trial will be held and, continuing in the Democratic Party's rich tradition of double standards, Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer, D-N.Y., is already questioning the fairness of such a trial. In what Schumer equates to fairness, he wants to call
his choice of witnesses, even as he denies the opposition the same right, dismissing their choices as "extraneous" witnesses.
Trump Blasts Impeachment as 'Illegal, Partisan Attempted Coup'. President Donald Trump slammed the House
Democrats' ongoing impeachment process as an "illegal, partisan attempted coup" in a scathing letter sent to House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday afternoon. "By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of
office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy," President
Trump wrote in the six-page letter. "You are the ones interfering in America's elections. You are the ones
subverting America's Democracy. You are the ones Obstructing Justice," the president added.
want an impeachment, but no trial. Laurence Tribe, the Harvard law professor who has been giving Democrats bad
advice freely for decades, had a new brainstorm: impeach President Donald John Trump but never let him have a trial in the
Senate to clear his good name. [...] Others are joining in. Chuck Schumer is now whining about not getting a fair
trial. How Orwellian because the Sixth Amendment makes it clear that that the president — not the
impeachment horde — has the right to a fair trial.
Wants His Own Witnesses at Senate Trial After Denying GOP Witnesses in House Impeachment Inquiry. Democrats
have a long history of playing by their own rules when it suits them politically, only to be shocked and outraged when
Republicans turn the tables on them. [...] Once again, their blatant politicization of rules and processes is coming back to
bite them, as impeachment appears to be headed for the Senate soon, where Republicans get to run the show. After
denying House Republicans the opportunity to call their own witnesses and present exculpatory evidence, House Intelligence
Committee Chairman Adam Schiff isn't so happy about the rules being used against him and wants some witnesses and documents
of his choosing to be introduced during the Senate impeachment trial.
Court ruling pulls rug out from under article of impeachment. The decision by the Supreme Court to review the
lower court rulings involving congressional and prosecution subpoenas directed toward President Trump undercuts the second
article of impeachment that passed the House Judiciary Committee along party lines last week. That second article of
impeachment charges President Trump with obstruction of Congress for refusing to comply with the congressional subpoenas in
the absence of a final court order. In so charging him, the House Judiciary Committee has arrogated to itself the power
to decide the validity of subpoenas, and the power to determine whether claims of executive privilege must be recognized,
both authorities that properly belong with the judicial branch of our government, not the legislative branch. The House
of Representatives will do likewise, when it votes to approve the articles, as the chamber is expected to do so Wednesday.
are going to try to "Kavanaugh" the Impeachment Trial with new accusations. Not surprisingly, while Mitch
McConnell usually gets his way, Schumer gets the headlines and TV coverage. Schumer did that again today with his
demand for a "fair" trial, meaning to Schumer that Democrats get to reopen the investigation of Trump during the trial,
including calling witnesses who did not testify, and doing the job the House Democrats failed to do. A do-over.
That's not usually the way trials work — the pleading of claims and discovery takes place before the trial.
House Democrats chose not to do that for key witnesses they wanted — including John Bolton and Mick
Mulvaney — because forcing them to testify in the House would have meant court litigation. Democrats were on
a timetable driven by the 2020 election that did not allow for a court to decide the clash of branches, so they went with
what they had.
would make impeachment hurt. [Scroll down] After 60 days of depositions and discovery, the trial could
begin on March 3, with President Trump's lawyers filing a motion to dismiss the impeachment because there is no crime cited,
as is required by the Constitution. Chief Justice Roberts is no fool. He would turn the question over to the
Senate, which would vote to dismiss because the impeachment would be a national joke by that time. Democrats would not
like to see their nominee, Quid Pro Joe, on the stand, so they would welcome the impeachment's end. There are many ways
to play impeachment, especially when you are innocent.
moves to Senate. Get ready for a scramble — and a January surprise. With a House impeachment
vote a foregone conclusion, the battle to remove President Trump from office has moved to the Senate. Minority Leader
Chuck Schumer grabbed control of the debate Monday with demands for what he called "fairness" in the president's trial.
Schumer wants the Senate to allow testimony from four witnesses the House did not interview: former national security adviser
John Bolton, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, key Mulvaney aide Robert Blair, and Office of Management and
Budget official Michael Duffey. House Democratic impeachers wanted the men to testify, but after the White House,
claiming privilege, refused, House leaders chose not to try to force them to appear. Going to court to compel their
testimony, Democrats said, would take too much time. Now, Schumer wants the witnesses simply to forget about privilege
questions and testify in the Senate trial.
Hail Mary bid to save Dems' disastrous impeachment drive. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer knows his
House colleagues bungled their "impeachment inquiry" so badly that they managed to shift public opinion markedly against
removing the president. So he's hoping for a do-over. That's the essence of Schumer's butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth
proposals for the Senate trial: He's asking the GOP Senate majority to do what the House Democratic majority opted not to do,
namely try to get some more White House documents and compel testimony from witnesses, including acting White House chief of staff
Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton. In other words: Do more fishing in hopes of getting
something that might damage President Trump.
Impeachment Show Trial. Long gone is the Democratic Party of President John F. Kennedy, Vice President Hubert
Humphrey, Senators Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn. It is now a party of hardcore leftists, more aligned with Karl Marx than
Thomas Jefferson. They are now completely driven by extreme leftist ideology. Lacking evidence that President
Trump committed any crime or even did anything morally wrong, they recklessly passed articles of impeachment, with no regard
to the great damage they are doing to our Republic. The Democratic Party once had statesmen, but it is now the refuge
of demagogues. Their Stalinist impeachment show trial demonstrated gross disrespect for our elections and the peaceful
transition of power. This has been nothing less than an attempted coup d'etat, but these de facto communist
revolutionaries will face the wrath of the American voter.
Schiff is Shameless. According to the Democrats running this circus, this is a very serious moment in the
history of our country warranting serious measures that have only been taken two other times in the nation's history.
So, what does Schiff do? He travels to New York to appear on a comedy show.
Chief Justice
Roberts May Decide the Next Election. The latest news is that the Republican leadership is thinking about
trying to vote to acquit President Trump without a trial or hearing any witnesses. That has never been done, but it
would be a smart move politically. Despite the president's statements that he wants a full trial in the Senate, an
impeachment trial is unlikely to help President Trump win reelection. How a Senate trial will come across to the public
will depend on which evidence Chief Justice John Roberts allows and which he excludes. Most of the evidence that the
Democrats want to admit could probably be presented, but a lot of the most important evidence that the Republicans want to
present probably would not be allowed. Those who think that the Republicans can turn the tables on the Democrats and
put Hunter Biden and FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign on trial in the Senate are probably sadly mistaken.
I Wouldn't Want to Bank My Political Future on Adam Schiff's Credibility But Democrats Have Made That Mistake.
During an appearance on Fox News Channel's "Sunday Morning Futures," Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) previewed next week's
vote on articles of impeachment in the House of Representatives. Ratcliffe explained how he saw congressional Democrats
betting on the findings of House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), which he suggested was not a
good bet. "The vote will be on Wednesday, despite what a Democratic scholar called the fastest, thinnest, weakest
impeachment in U.S. history," he said.
Dems' Trump
impeachment case 'weak' and dangerous, House Judiciary Republicans argue as report is released. Rep. Jerrold
Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote that President Trump is a threat to the Constitution and should be
removed from office, according to the committee's 658-page report on the articles of impeachment resolution against Trump that
was submitted early Monday [12/16/2019]. The majority wrote that President Trump abused his office by soliciting the
interference of Ukraine in the 2020 election and then obstructed the impeachment inquiry into his conduct. The report
was released at 12:30 a.m. ET., and included a dissent from the committee's minority that called the case for
impeachment "not only weak but dangerously lowers the bar for future impeachments."
Doesn't Want Schiff Treatment In the Senate. Democrats had every opportunity to conduct impeachment proceedings
in whatever manner they deemed appropriate. But House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is now upset that
Senate Republicans will be afforded the same opportunity in the Senate. "I think there are any number of witnesses that
should be called in the Senate trial, and many witnesses the American people would like to hear from that the administration
has refused to make available," Schiff complained to ABC's "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos. Rep. Jerrold
Nadler also spoke to Stephanopolous and echoed Chairman Schiff's concerns about the Senate trial. Of course, Republicans
also had a long list of witnesses they wanted to hear from during the Democrat-led impeachment hearings in the House.
Supreme Court Just Destroyed 2nd Article of Impeachment. Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz
pointed out on Friday that the Supreme Court had undercut the Democrats' second article of impeachment by agreeing to hear
three White House appeals against subpoenas. The second article of impeachment passed by the House Judiciary Committee
earlier Friday on a party-line vote accuses President Donald Trump of "obstruction of Congress" because he appealed to the
courts rather than immediately obeying congressional subpoenas.
a trap being set for Trump in the Senate trial? Can 20 U.S. senators withstand the potentially irresistible
temptation to reverse the results of the 2016 election and remove a president a number of them openly or privately dislike?
Since Donald Trump announced his intention to run for the White House on June 16, 2015, many of the entrenched elites across
the various power centers of Washington and beyond have spent many of their waking hours trying to stop or unseat him. The
political charade of an impeachment "investigation" is but the latest example. But that impeachment charade could harbor
the greatest threat to Trump's presidency.
Democrats are engaged in a coup. What do we do about it? The Democrats have been telling a story.
The Republicans have noted (quite properly in my view) that this particular story has quickly morphed from mere political
maneuvering into grave legal proceeding, and as such can no longer be permitted to hide beneath cloaks of insinuation,
emotion, and supposition. They have rightfully demanded that the "story" be stripped, so all can see clearly whether
there is indeed a skeleton of facts, or merely a rush of hot air keeping the story upright, like some grotesque inflatable
yard decoration. The rules of order have been twisted and warped by the House Democrats to prevent the examination of
the story. Legal prohibitions on conduct have been disregarded, longstanding rules of evidence dismissed, all to
protect the story from revealing its framework. Make no mistake: there is hard evidence to be presented, examined,
and adjudicated. It just isn't to be found among the slanderous ephemera the Democrats are calling a case for
impeachment. The hard evidence is on the side of the president.
Impeachment: The Real Abuse of Power. The House has filed articles of impeachment against President
Trump. The charges are vague, not criminal, not in line with constitutional requirements, but Democrats don't
care. The American people are opposed to this illegal impeachment, but again, Democrats don't care. They have a
mission, and nothing will stand in their way. But then we've been here before, haven't we? In 2009, our
government rolled over us like a tank in Tiananmen Square to pass Obamacare. Like impeachment, Obamacare was unpopular,
opposed by most Americans. Like impeachment, Congress and their media pushed the lies, the empty promises: to tamp down
opposition. And here we go again. Nancy's marshaling her forces to once again steamroll the people. And
she's just as committed to overthrowing our government as she was to enacting a socialist takeover of our health care.
Our government operates outside the will of voters because it can. Once we send these people to Washington, we
relinquish control, have no way to stop them until the next election, usually years away.
can these five senators possibly be 'impartial' jurors? Let's get this straight now: a Senate impeachment trial
is not a court of law. It's a court of politics. Courts of law require evidence to go to trial — not
opinions from bureaucrats. In a court of law, a defendant has a right to a jury of his peers — in a court of
politics, he gets 100 politicians. If the Senate impeachment trial were a real court, all 100 senators would be removed
as jurors for bias for or against the president. But here's my question: Why is the media only asking Republicans
if they can be "impartial jurors" when five of the Democrats in the Senate are actively running for the defendant's job?
costs of trivializing impeachment. Resorting to a vague "abuse of power" theory, the House Judiciary Committee
Friday morning referred two articles of impeachment to the full House on the inevitable party-line vote. The full House
will impeach the president this week, perhaps Wednesday, also on the inevitable party-line vote. The scarlet "I" will
be affixed to Donald Trump in the history books. He will not be removed from power by the Senate, however, and he has a
fairly good chance of being reelected by the voters.
Nadler: House Rules Don't Apply Until After Impeachment. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler
(D-NY) offered a bizarre justification Thursday for ignoring House rules requiring him to allow Republicans to call witnesses:
it did not say he had to do so on a particular day. The existing resolution authorizing the impeachment inquiry,
H. Res. 660, allows the Ranking Member of the committee to call witnesses — subject to the approval of
the chair and a majority vote by the whole committee.
Frightening Abuse of Power. When the Dear Leader of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerry Nadler, said
that this was too important a matter to trust to the voters in the next election, he and his ilk gave us a frightening
preview of the Gulag into which they would put We the People, should they gain full control of the government. [...] They
call the President a dictator, yet can't wait for the next election. That election would be tainted and corrupt, don't
ya know. Any election Trump might win would be "tainted" by definition.
Democrats' Impeachment
and the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Democrats have not simply overplayed their hand; they have played it over and over
and over again. They had worn out their case before they had begun to even pursue it. They had made it old news
before they made it actual news. Cheapening impeachment may prove costly indeed, and Democrats have only just begun to
pay it. The boy who cried wolf desired to get a reaction. Ultimately, the reaction was the opposite of the one
desired. The boy had no one to blame but himself. The same circumstances apply now to the Democrats. They
desired above everything to delegitimize Trump and drive America from him. Instead, they have delegitimized their effort.
Mitch McConnell Is 'Undermining the Credibility' of Impeachment Trial. On Friday's [12/13/2019] broadcast of
CNN's "The Situation Room," Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY)
coordinating with the White House about the upcoming Senate impeachment trial was "improper." Blumenthal said, "It is
improper. He said not only is he coordinating but taking his cues from the White House. He seems to be abandoning
all pretense or semblance of objectivity and independence. It's also unprecedented. In every one of the past
proceedings, Republicans and Democrats have worked together. [...]"
The Editor says...
Oh, now he's worried about the Republicans and Democrats working together, after the one-sided process we've seen over
the last few months.
'McConnell Should Recuse Himself'. On Friday's [12/13/2019] broadcast of MSNBC's "The Last Word,"
Representative Karen Bass (D-CA) called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to recuse himself from the Senate's
impeachment trial. Bass said, "The leader of the Senate has basically said he is in lockstep, and he is going to
coordinate with the defendant. And so, if you can imagine going into a courtroom in a trial and the foreman of the jury
says, well, I'm working with the person that's being accused of the crime. And so, it's completely inappropriate.
The Editor says...
Sometimes the Democrats say that the President can be impeached multiple times, because double jeopardy doesn't apply,
because it's not a criminal procedure. At other times, they insist that all the rules of a criminal courtroom apply.
This is known as "playing on both sides of the fence."
Court — Chairman Nadler Stuns House Judiciary, Adjourns Hearing Without Notice. The fiasco within
the House Judiciary Committee assembling articles for impeachment went from partisan bias to unilaterally ridiculous when
Chairman Nadler used banana republic tactics to adjourn the committee and simultaneously schedule a vote on the two articles
of impeachment for 10:00 am tomorrow [12/14/2019]. Obviously the House democrats are beginning to panic as each day
American voter support is dropping fast. Combine that political reality with an international earthquake in the U.K.
elections, and the reverberations travel into the impeachment debate. It is clear from their behavior that Pelosi and
Nadler need to finish this mess; and fast.
The Inspector
General's Report. Trump asked the Ukrainian president to find out whether Biden and his son were
influence-peddling in Ukraine. Trump didn't try to write the verdict of his inquiry; he asked a reasonable
question. The Democrats, if any of them retain their sanity despite the simulation of a lunatic asylum their party is
conducting, would be at least as curious as the Republicans to hear the answer. Last week Nadler had four constitutional
experts before the committee, including three rabid Trump haters, one so overwrought that she couldn't walk on the sidewalk in
front of Washington's Trump Hotel.
Have the Democrats Ever Overplayed Their Hand! The Democrats have given new meaning to the term "overplaying
your hand," and their witch hunt will continue to backfire. They will fail to remove Trump from office and, through
their egregious overreach, will have probably ensured his re-election. Given the timely release of the inspector
general's report on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses, their bogus impeachment crusade has been further
exposed as an appalling partisan travesty. It cannot be repeated too often that the thrust of the Democrats' complaint
against Trump is that he is a walking high crime and misdemeanor. They consider him so heinous that they needn't
produce evidence of actual treason, bribery or other "high crimes." They've been trying to unseat him from the moment he was
sworn in, and they're still trying, despite the failure of their previous efforts. Democrats talked of impeachment
before he took office, and Democratic Reps. Al Green, Brad Sherman and Steve Cohen initiated a formal impeachment
effort the first year of Trump's presidency.
Jordan Moves To Strike Article I From Impeachment Resolution, Tears Apart Democrats' Entire Case Against Trump.
Rep. Jim Jordan on Thursday proposed an amendment to strike the first article of impeachment against President Trump,
asserting that evidence supporting the article does not prove the allegations of abuse of power. "This amendment
strikes article one because article one ignores the truth," said the Ohio Republican. Jordan, who's been a star on the
GOP side throughout the impeachment sham, cited a White House memorandum documenting Trump's July 25 phone call with
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, noting that contains no evidence whatsoever that Trump demanded a quid pro quo
related by calling for Ukraine to investigate his political opponents before he would release hundreds of millions of dollars
in U.S. aid to the nation.
Democrats' Bad Poker Faces. [Scroll down] Lastly, there is the question of whether the Senate ought to
have a trial in which they call Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, the "anonymous" whistleblower, and others as
witnesses. Trump is said to favor this, while Mitch McConnell is said to be against it in favor of getting the whole
thing over with quickly. He may be right about this, but it is certainly worth deploying his own very good poker face
to suggest that just maybe the Senate will call on the Bidens for an accounting of things. The final wild card,
suggested by John Yoo, is that Trump himself could demand to appear in the Senate to defend himself. You could easily
see Trump doing this, to the largest TV ratings in this history of the known universe.
Are the 'High Crimes'? [Scroll down] Such clashes are usually decided by the third branch, the Supreme
Court. But Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff are unwilling to wait for the court to decide. They are declaring the issue
decided and settled in the House's favor, and treating Trump's recourse to the courts as a new impeachable offense:
"Obstruction of Congress." Can Pelosi seriously expect a Republican Senate to convict and remove a Republican president
for defending what that president is claiming in open court are the constitutional rights of the Executive Branch that he, as
its present occupant and leader, is obligated to defend? Trump would be derelict in his duty if he allowed a rogue
House to run roughshod over the White House.
GOP's Four-Point Defense Of Trump Is Devastating. Essentially the Democrats are accusing Trump of shaking down
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky by withholding aid and demanding announcement of investigations, including one
involving Joe Biden's son, Hunter. To this, the central charge in the articles of impeachment, Rep. Jim Jordan and
others presented four specific facts. First, both Trump and Zelensky say there was no pressure applied. Second,
the transcript does not indicate Trump making any demands or setting any conditions. Third, Ukraine was not aware that
the aid was delayed. And fourth, aid flowed without any announcement of investigations. Taken together, these
four defenses have more than enough weight to crush the Democrats' case, but lets look at them one by one. [...]
erupt as Nadler suddenly postpones impeachment vote near midnight. Gobsmacked Republicans made known their fury
and frustration late Thursday as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., abruptly wrapped up an all-day marathon
hearing on the adoption of two articles of impeachment against President Trump by delaying planned votes on the matter until Friday
morning [12/13/2019]. "It is now very late at night," Nadler said shortly before midnight in D.C. "I want the members
on both sides of the aisle to think about what has happened over these last two days, and to search their consciences before we
cast their final votes. Therefore, the committee will now stand in recess until tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., at which
point I will move to divide the question so that each of us may have the opportunity to cast up-or-down votes on each of the
articles of impeachment, and let history be our judge."
Pence blows smoke rings at Adam Schiff. [Scroll down] It's a sign that the impeachment effort is in
trouble. From Schiff's point of view, impeachment that fails is impeachment that will have to go on forever, an endless
impeachment unless Democrats get thrown out of power. Pence's calm refusal to play along with Schiff's never-ending
impeachment bid is a splendid means of signaling that Team Trump is pretty confident the impeachment effort is garbage and on
its way to failure in the Senate and maybe even the House. Confident leaders don't jump to Schiff's frenzied
moves. What a boob Schiff has made of himself with this, then. Pence's refusal to cooperate with his non-stop
demands is a sure sign that impeachment is losing.
says he won't call any impeachment witnesses in Senate committee: 'It's a crock'. Senate Judiciary Chairman
Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Thursday that he wants the Democratic-led impeachment "sham" process to end quickly.
Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, Graham said he'd like to end the impeachment
process "as soon as possible." "I don't want to give it any legitimacy because it's a crock," he said, noting that
"every impeachment except this one has been conducted by outside counsel."
consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial. Senate Republicans are weighing a speedy impeachment
trial that could include no witnesses for President Trump's legal team or for House Democrats. The discussions come as
the House is moving forward with articles of impeachment against Trump, teeing up a trial in the Senate that would start in
January. The White House has indicated publicly that it has a wish list of potential witnesses, including House Intelligence
Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Hunter Biden and the whistleblower who sparked the impeachment inquiry.
How Should
the Senate Deal with an Unconstitutional Impeachment by the House? If the House of Representatives were to
impeach President Trump on the two grounds now before it, the senate would be presented with a constitutional dilemma.
These two grounds — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — are not among the criteria specified
for impeachment. Neither one is a high crime and misdemeanor. Neither is mentioned in the constitution.
Both are the sort of vague, open-ended criteria rejected by the framers. They were rejected precisely to avoid the
situation in which our nation currently finds itself. Abuse of power can be charged against virtually every
controversial president by the opposing party. [...] Were Congress to vote to impeach President Trump on the two proposed
grounds, its action would be unconstitutional. According to Hamilton in Federalist 78, any act of Congress that does
not comport with the Constitution is "void." This view was confirmed by the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison
and is now the law of the land.
impeachment driven by Democrats' evidence-free hysteria and wild allegations. From the moment Donald Trump was
inaugurated, Washington Democrats have been myopically focused on politically targeting his administration and impeaching
him. [...] After a bungled process, a weak fact pattern, and a crumbling narrative, it's now beyond any doubt: there is
no policy priority too important and no lack of evidence too glaring that will prevent Washington Democrats from going after
this president. It has been the Democrats' single-minded goal this entire Congress. They are an angry mob seeking
validation. An impeachment machine in search of a cause.
Trump the Only Adult in the Room? [N]o president in modern memory has been on the receiving end of such
overwhelmingly negative media coverage and a three-year effort to abort his presidency, beginning the day after his
election. Do we remember the effort to subvert the Electoral College to prevent Trump from assuming office? The
first impeachment try during his initial week in office? Attempts to remove Trump using the ossified Logan Act or the
emoluments clause of the Constitution? The idea of declaring Trump unhinged, subject to removal by invoking the 25th
Amendment? Special counsel Robert Mueller's 22-month, $35 million investigation, which failed to find Trump guilty of
collusion with Russia in the 2016 election and failed to find actionable obstruction of justice pertaining to the non-crime
of collusion? The constant endeavors to subpoena Trump's tax returns and to investigate his family, lawyers and
friends? Now, frustrated Democrats plan to impeach Trump, even as they are scrambling to find the exact reasons
why and how.
Overturning an election is exactly what a coup is. Impeachment
markup heats up as Dems invoke MLK, Nadler says 'we cannot rely on an election' to oust Trump. The House
Judiciary Committee on Wednesday night began the first phase of a fiery "markup" process for the two articles of impeachment
against President Trump that they have settled on, barreling toward a final floor vote even as moderate Democrats in
GOP-leaning districts have floated the idea of backing down in favor of a censure resolution. Almost immediately, the
evening proceedings broke out into heated disagreement, as the panel's top Democrat declared that it would be unsafe to wait
until the 2020 election to remove Trump, and another claimed Trump's actions were an "affront to the memory of the
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr."
The Editor says...
Huh? I guess I must have dozed off for a moment. An affront to the memory of MLK is an impeachable offense now?
Democrats' impeachment announcement was sad, pathetic and weird. House Democrats made it official —
they will vote on two impeachment articles. But as history-making events go, the announcement was extra weird.
The decision was expected, yet the way it unfolded was strange. Speaker Nancy Pelosi obviously put out an order
requiring her team to adopt a sackcloth-and-ashes pose for the cameras, as if they were attending a funeral. No
high-fives, back-slapping and smiles today! Gotta pretend we're not enjoying this! The act surely didn't fool
anyone. The rabid Dem base is certainly cheering the moment, and President Trump supporters won't be tricked by phony
long faces.
Impeachment, Let the American People Decide. he Democrats have filed Articles of Impeachment. No one is
surprised, because impeachment has been the goal for the radical Left and others who dislike the president since before his
election. Impeachment of a president is a solemn undertaking. It will inevitably, as Alexander Hamilton noted in
Federalist No. 65, veer toward political factions. Yet it is important that our Founders intentionally did not
embrace "recalls" or "votes of no confidence." Rather, our system demands from Congress evidence of high crimes and
misdemeanors and contemplates a level of behavior commensurate with the chaos inflicted on the republic by potential removal
of a president. By its very structure, it suggests a judicious exercise of that constitutional safeguard when the
people have a clear opportunity to render their own judgment in less than a year.
Democrat Karen Bass says
she's open to impeach Trump again if he gets reelected in 2020. Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., said Tuesday
she's willing to impeach President Trump again if he wins reelection in 2020. TMZ founder Harvey Levin presented Bass
with a scenario in which Trump wins a second term but Democrats take over the Senate from the Republicans. "There's no
such thing, really, as double jeopardy in an impeachment trial because it's political," Levin said. "Suppose he gets
reelected... and you win back the Senate in a big way. If you did that, would you be inclined to take a second bite at
the apple and reintroduce the exact same impeachment articles and then send it through again a second if you have a
Democratic Senate on your side?" "So, you know, yes, but I don't think it would be exactly the same and here's why,"
Bass responded, "because even though we are impeaching him now, there's still a number of court cases, there's a ton of
information that could come forward. For example, we could get his bank records and find out that he's owned
100 percent by the Russians."
The Editor says...
Harvey Levin presented his own erroneous opinion as fact when he said there is "no such thing, really, as double jeopardy in
an impeachment trial because it's political." His assumption that the Senate will be taken over by the Democrats is
completely baseless. Mr. Levin can run his TV show any way he wants, but in my opinion he should stick to Hollywood
tabloid-quality gossip and leave politics to someone else.
The Burden of Impeachment.
Constitutionally backward is how we would describe the assertion by the Democrats that President Trump is being contemptuous
of Congress by failing to mount in the House a defense against impeachment. [...] It's a bedrock principle in American law,
after all, that in criminal matters — and that's what bribery, treason, high crimes, and misdemeanors
are — the burden is always, and entirely, on the prosecution. No man is ever required to defend himself from
a crime in America. Failing to do so is not demeaning. Nor, for that matter, is it all that unusual for a person
accused of a crime to fail to mount a defense. Particularly, in an American courtroom, when the defense reckons the
prosecution hasn't presented a compelling case. In criminal courts, of course, the burden of proof is enormously high;
the prosecution must convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
Prepare to Call No Witnesses During Senate Impeachment Trial. [Scroll down] Senator Lindsey Graham
agreed, saying he wants to avoid the Senate trial "going on longer than it needs to." "I want to end this," the South
Carolina Republican said. Graham said Sunday he does not plan to call as a witness House Intelligence Chairman Adam
Schiff, whom House Republicans attempted to call before the House Judiciary Committee during last week's impeachment
hearings. "I'm not going to participate in things that I think will destroy the country," Graham explained.
"We're not going to turn the Senate into a circus."
The Editor says...
The circus is already well underway. Clowns are everywhere, but Trump is the only elephant. The circus is merely moving
to the Senate, right on schedule. Calling Adam Schiff as a witness would show the country what a reckless buffoon he is, and
how little factual basis he had to get the kangaroo court as far as it got. Senator Graham's rush to dismissal sounds like the
action of a man who's not sure what would come to light during an extended discussion of the facts. An impeachment is not a
circus, if it is conducted properly, which it has not been, thus far. If one assumes the very best about Senator Graham
and his motives, it is possible that he is trying to keep Adam Schiff from being able to claim double jeopardy protection when
Mr. Schiff eventually faces the music for falsifying the Congressional Record, slandering the President, or some other
charge. But that optimism assumes a lot of facts that are not evident.
Are The Inspector Javert Of U.S. Politics. Unless the Senate removes President Donald Trump from the White
House after articles of impeachment have been filed against him this week, it appears we're going to go through the entire
affair again and again, until the 45th president is either kicked out, loses reelection, or serves out a second term.
The Democrats have developed an unhealthy obsession that is clearly based on their hatred of the man. House Democrats
announced Tuesday that they will charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Intelligence Chairman
Adam Schiff, who seems to have a maniacal fixation on the president, claims the evidence of wrongdoing is "overwhelming and
uncontested." Of course the media are saying the Democrats have bagged their man. But more than a few, and not
all of them Republicans, say the case against Trump is weak.
'Abuse of Power' [is]
a Shaky Ground for Impeachment. Democrats' articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump allege "abuse
of power" and "obstruction of Congress" — the two weakest possible charges among the many the House had been
considering. The term "abuse of power" does not appear in the Constitution's Impeachment Clause, which specifies that
Congress's power of impeachment covers "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." That is not simply a
conservative, originalist position: many liberal scholars agree. Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz,
author of the recent Case Against Impeaching Trump, argues in his that "abuse of power" is never impeachable —
at least not without an underlying crime. In this case, there is none.
is a vicious crime against voters who elected Trump president — He broke no laws. House Democrats
are redefining "impeachable offense" to mean whatever President Trump does. Democratic leaders announced two articles
of impeachment against the president Tuesday that marked a radical departure from all of American history. For the
first time, the House is rushing to impeach a president without even claiming he broke the law. Days before the
announcement, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee heralded their unprecedented move by unveiling what they called
constitutional grounds for presidential impeachment. The Democrats argued that President Trump should be impeached
despite acting legally. They said a president can be impeached "for exercising power with a corrupt purpose, even if
his action would otherwise be permissible."
Nadler's absolutely underwhelming articles of impeachment. Just 11 weeks after Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced
her "official impeachment inquiry," Judiciary Committee chief Jerry Nadler released his draft articles of impeachment —
remarkably weak ones. The same day, Pelosi announced a deal with President Trump to pass his US-Mexico-Canada trade deal,
replacing NAFTA. It's a win for him and for her moderate members — yet the speaker is simultaneously treating the
president as a threat to the republic and as a man she can do business with. The reason may be as simple as the polls:
The latest Quinnipiac survey shows sentiment against impeachment at its strongest since Pelosi got the ball rolling on Sept. 24,
with more than half of voters now saying Trump shouldn't be removed from office.
Schiff: Congress Must Impeach Trump to Stop Him in 2020. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam
Schiff (D-CA) on Tuesday indicated that Democrats must impeach President Trump quickly in order to stop him from prevailing
in the 2020 presidential election. Democrats on Tuesday [12/10/2019] unveiled two articles of impeachment against the
president: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Notably, neither allege a high crime or misdemeanor.
Noticeably absent was the Democrats' longheld appeal to bribery, extortion, or treason.
Democrats Unveil Two Articles of Impeachment Against Trump. House Democrats on Tuesday unveiled two articles of
impeachment against President Donald Trump over his contacts with Ukraine: Abuse of power and obstruction of
Congress. "Today, in the service to our duty to the Constitution and to our country, the House Judiciary Committee is
introducing two articles of impeachment, charging the President of the United States of committing high crimes and
misdemeanors," Nadler said, flanked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) and
other House committee chairs
Goes to Ukraine to Investigate Yovanovitch, Biden — and Graham. [Scroll down] Has it struck
any of you that not one network, not one paper has sent a reporter to Ukraine to ferret this story out? The media seems
to be reporting verbatim what government officials are telling them, like Lieutenant Colonel Vindman — O say can
you see — and Yovanovitch and Fiona Hill and Bill Taylor and George Kent and whoever the hell else. Whatever
they say is what gets printed. Whatever Clapper says gets printed. Whatever Brennan says gets printed.
There hasn't been one investigative story about this. Everything that's been reported has been what deep state,
administrative state officials are saying about Donald Trump. That's it. So in this instance, it is the deep
state running the media. You know, my theory is that the media has been running the Democrat Party, and I still think
that's the case. But we don't have even the slightest bit of curiosity. The Drive-By Media has no desire to
ferret out the real truth of this story.
and the Confrontation Clause. The clamoring likes of Rep. Andrew Schiff, Conservative Review's
Andrew C. McCarthy, the Washington Post's Deanna Paul, Professor Steve Vladeck, and others similarly
ill-advised — the "Constitutional Deniers" — are intellectually and historically errant to suggest
that the Constitution has no place in congressional proceedings and processes — especially impeachment
proceedings. These Constitutional Deniers use the hollow argument that impeachment is not a criminal process, therefore
the Sixth Amendment does not apply. [...] The very fact that "high crimes and misdemeanors" are the entry point to begin the
impeachment process seems to have evaded the Constitutional Deniers and the witless epigones of the Democratic Party.
Federalist 65 recognizes that the impeachment process is a matter of "innocence or guilt" — alien
terms in a civil proceeding.
Finally Scrape Together Four Things They Want to Impeach Trump Over. After three years of trying to oust
President Donald Trump from the White House — using everything from Russia! Russia! Russia! to the
Emoluments Clause to the 25th Amendment to Ukraine phone calls — Democrats appear to have settled on four items on
which to impeach the president. The House Judiciary Committee is hearing "presentations of evidence" from attorneys
representing the Democrat majority and Republican minority in order to formalize articles of impeachment against Trump.
Stunning Lutsenko Interview — Outlines: Marie Yovanovitch Perjury, George Kent Impeachment Motive, Lindsey
Graham Motive to Bury Investigation. In a fantastic display of true investigative journalism, One America News
journalist Chanel Rion tracked down Ukrainian witnesses as part of an exclusive OAN investigative series. The evidence
being discovered dismantles the baseless Adam Schiff impeachment hoax and highlights many corrupt motives for U.S.
politicians. Ms. Rion spoke with Ukrainian former Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko who outlines how former
Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress. [Video clip]
Blind and Babbling to Oblivion. What is so comical about the impeachment process is that it has brought
together such a diverse cast of naysayers and mediocrities that the only thing that bonds them together is their hatred of
Trump. There are neo-Marxists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and neocons like Bill Kristol, corporate plutocrats like
Tom Steyer, and has-been celebutantes like Alyssa Milano. A common refrain from among critics of the process on the
Left like Jimmy Dore and Aaron Maté is that Democrats are only pursuing it as a means to avoid actually presenting a
coherent alternative to the GOP.
Adam Schiff Has Jumped the Shark.
Many Americans remain nonplussed over revelations in the House Intelligence Committee's Impeachment Inquiry Report that its
chairman, Adam Schiff, not only secretly subpoenaed telephone records from President Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, but
also obtained responses that detailed dates and lengths of phone calls to Trump attorney Jay Sekulow, ranking committee
member Devin Nunes, and Hill reporter John Solomon. That Schiff self-disclosed this action as a rightful part of
his committee's information gathering is equally stunning. Every bit as bad, it appears that national telephone
carriers AT&T and Verizon, who so tout their corporate concerns about subscriber privacy, responded to such obviously
politicized demands without a whimper. Schiff's actions, and indeed those of everyone involved in secretly demanding
and producing these phone records, while perhaps not outright illegal, are simply beyond the pale and reminiscent of Big
Brother, from George Orwell's 1984.
the Phone, Call Records Released by Adam Schiff. It was bad enough for House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff
(D-CA) to subpoena the phone records of businessman Lev Parnas and President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani and other
political opponents, but when he released them in his impeachment report it was a stunning abuse of power. In the view
of columnist Kimberly Strassel, Schiff's move "trampled law and responsibility... it was a disgraceful breach of ethical and
legal propriety." Not surprisingly, Trump hating members of the news media trumpeted the release of the call records as
a major step toward the President's impeachment. Their desire to destroy the President is so all-consuming that they
missed the bigger picture. Instead, journalists should have been outraged by this invasion of privacy and misuse of
power. These records should have never been released to Schiff or any politician and should have never been included in
his impeachment report.
Trump Because of Slavery? Congressman Al Green has become one of the Democratic Party's top spokesmen.
Which is a good thing, because Green is generally unfiltered, and therefore gives us a glimpse into his party's id. [...] I
don't have a high opinion of Al Green's intelligence, but even he cannot be dumb enough to believe his smears against
President Trump. More to the point, however, is that none of this constitutes proper grounds for impeachment. It
is ridiculous to assert that political differences over, for example, "LGBTQ" issues, constitute high crimes and misdemeanors
under the Constitution. Green's rant is valuable, not because it makes any sense, but because it gives us a window into
the Democrats' real motive for wanting to impeach the president — sheer hatred over political differences.
of Permanent Impeachment: Democrats do their part to re-elect Trump. You've heard of the Marxist
"permanent revolution" strategy for permanent leftist power grabs? Democrats have their own take on it, cooking up
"permanent impeachment." That's all they have to offer in exchange for America's votes. After spending their past
two years in the House majority doing absolutely nothing but fighting among themselves until they united on the matter of
negating the results of the 2016 election, impeachment now and forever is all they have on offer for voters. If they
can't get Trump this time, they'll get him the next. No USMCA, no border wall, no health care, no infrastructure, not
even free stuff, a Democrat specialty. Just two more years of same-old, same-old, impeachment now, impeachment forever,
impeachment über alles, along with a side order of infighting between the hard and harder left.
Sister Nancy
Incarnacion and the H8ters. People tend to repeat what has worked for them. Pelosi's last great
achievement was pushing the fundamentally lawless Affordable Care Act over the line, despite a lack of popular support.
She did it by ruthlessly enforcing party lockstep, pushing many in her caucus to walk the plank. [...] She is running the
same play with impeachment. She doesn't care that impeachment for all appearances, will fail in Senate. Opinion
might change. We have to impeach the president to find out what crimes are in him. Pelosi thinks the president
campaigning under a cloud will help candidates who run for open Senate seats, and if it doesn't, so what? The
likelihood of beating Trump without a decent candidate is low anyhow.
Blasts Impeachment Inquiry: 'When You Can't Win The Game, Change The Rules!' The House Judiciary Committee report released on
Saturday [12/7/2019] outlines the constitutional grounds on which Democrats will move forward with impeaching Trump. The committee is
set to hear evidence in a hearing on Monday. The Judiciary report updates existing impeachment guidelines, which set out the
procedure by which a president can be impeached and removed from office. Trump may have been referencing amended rules that address
Trump's effort to keep administration officials and others from complying with congressional subpoenas.
Is Our Society Degrading So Badly, So Fast? In Washington, the Democrats are attempting to subvert the will of
the majority of the American people, as expressed by the election results in 2016, by executing and plotting orchestrated
campaigns to remove President Trump from office before the next election. These efforts range from the recently
unsuccessfully perpetrated Russia collusion hoax, which is now being followed up by an illegitimate impeachment drive by the
House. These operations also revealed the mostly clandestine activities of a permanent and extensive Deep State, also
labeled "the swamp," actively working with the Democrats to subvert President Trump. A broken environment exists in
Washington that contributes to the perception that too many of our elected officials feel free to participate in and to
tolerate corruption without being held accountable for their actions. It is highly discouraging for many Americans that
up to this point, there have been no legal consequences or viable restraints in place to curb these types of actions that are
so fundamentally dangerous to the very foundations of our country.
Impeachment Hearings Threaten the First Amendment. The only good thing about the Democrat shift from Russia to
Ukraine is that the issue has shifted from the limits of free speech to the limits of executive authority. Unlike the
First Amendment, the separation of powers is at least a legitimate topic for a power struggle between the branches of
government. But the House Intelligence Committee's impeachment report continued the ongoing Dem war on attorney-client
confidentiality by illegally demanding phone records for Rudy Giuliani, the President's lawyer, from AT&T (the parent company
of CNN), which they then also used to track phone calls by Victoria Toensing and Joseph diGenova, also Trump's lawyers. (The
harassment campaign against Alan Dershowitz, who has vigorously defended Trump in public, also appears to be part of the pattern.)
Pelosi's 'Article II' Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax. Nancy Pelosi is going to impeach Donald Trump, the
duly-elected president of the United States, based on what we now know is a hoax. [...] Nancy is inventing crimes now.
She's making stuff up. She is all over TV framing the accused, planting evidence, which is what a dirty cop does when
they can't make a case. Nancy is deliberately and maliciously taking Trump out of context. And not just a little
out of context. No, she is taking the president so far out of context I feel a little silly having to explain it.
Impeachment Is Destroying
CNN. If Democrats and their media allies thought that the impeachment of President Trump would be his undoing,
I've got bad news for them: it's actually undoing them. The Democrats' favorite (fake) news channel CNN is
suffering from a three-year low in ratings.
House tells Jerry Nadler it Will snub Monday's impeachment hearing and calls process 'completely baseless'.
[Scroll down] Trump's team drove the point home with a letter to Nadler and the commmittee's ranking Republican, Doug
Colline. 'Your impeachment inquiry is completely baseless and has violated basic principles of due process and fundamental
fairness,' White House Counsel Pat Cipollone wrote. Cipollone blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for telling her caucus
on Thursday to proceed with articles of impeachment before Judiciary Committee members 'heard a single shred of evidence.'
Flee Pelosi's Sinking Ship: 3 Democrats Already Signal No Vote on Sham Impeachment. Two House Democrats who
represent Trump districts voted against formalizing the House impeachment probe back in October. Jeff Van Drew, 66, a
freshman who represents New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District, and Collin Peterson of Minnesota, 75, a conservative
Democrat who represents Minnesota's 7th District, were the only two lawmakers from either party to cross the aisle.
farce butchers due process, rule of law, democracy, decency. In the rush to destroy any shred of credibility
Democrats have chosen to undermine the rule of law and the concept of due process. They choose to plunge our democracy
into turmoil just one year before a Presidential election. In their quest to reverse the results of the 2016 election
Democrats couldn't be doing more to harm the United States than if they relied on the Kremlin itself. From the spying
on the Trump campaign. To the Mueller Weismann Inquisition. Now, sadly, the Impeachment farce. Democrats
have been overtly doing Russia's bidding to paralyze and divide the body politic. Hillary Clinton worked with Russian
sources to produce the Steele Dossier. Barack Obama and John Brennan launched the spying on a major presidential
candidate. Then they initiated a three year and an ongoing coup attempt against the sitting President.
Ken Starr says Pelosi
engaging in 'abuse of power' and Senate may have to dismiss impeachment case. Congressional Democrats have
pushed too hard on President Trump's impeachment hearings and may force Republican senators to dismiss the case altogether,
said former special prosecutor Ken Starr on Thursday. Starr appeared on "The Brian Kilmeade Show" on Fox News Radio to
discuss the impeachment inquiry and said he was shocked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's, D-Calif., "abuse of power."
"It's an outrage to seize control of the deliberate process of a committee — [it] simply compounds a series of
very, very terrible abuses," he said. "The House Judiciary committee with its incredibly rich history needs to go
into... an open session and debate this."
Assumptions That Lead To Garbage Conclusions In Schiff's Impeachment Report. House intelligence committee
chairman Adam Schiff has released a 300-page Trump-Ukraine impeachment inquiry report. It's what you would expect of a
rushed report after two weeks of hearsay and opinion testimony: full of unsupported conclusions based upon faulty
assumptions. Garbage assumptions lead to garbage conclusions.
Democrats Face the Bayonets. So Nancy Pelosi has apparently decided to go all-in with her call for an impeachment
vote. [...] There's something about the timing of Pelosi's announcement relative to next Monday's release of IG Horowitz's report
that makes it seem very possible she's going for a grand bargain with President Trump. [...] But to save the country from the
risk of hot war, we'll drop our impeachment attack on you, and you'll drop the Barr/Durham attack on our coup.
Pelosi Announces Democrats Will Begin Drafting Articles of Impeachment. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said
Thursday that the House Judiciary Committee will begin drafting articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
"The president's actions have seriously violated the Constitution," Pelosi said in a press conference on Capitol Hill.
"Our Democracy is at stake. The president leaves us no choice but to act."
House Democrat wants Mueller findings in impeachment articles against Trump. The third most senior House
Democrat wants a vote on articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump — and the charges against him to
include obstruction of justice related to the findings of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. That
controversial strategic position, laid out by House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., in a brief interview with McClatchy on
Tuesday evening, is the strongest and most decisive statement yet by a member of the House Democratic leadership team.
It also comes amid a hushed internal debate over how best to proceed.
Will Vote on Impeachment Before Schiff's Report Even Goes Public. On Wednesday [12/4/2019] Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and
Democrats, after years of promises, will vote to impeach President Trump using the ham sandwich option. Democrats are impeaching
President Trump over a ham sandwich. They got nothing. They know they've got nothing. But they are going to impeach
President Trump anyway.
Are Watering Down Impeachment into a Mere Recall Effort. [Scroll down] But this impeachment sham is
serious, deadly serious. Democrats' creeping tyranny is how elected dictators take control of their country. They
get elected, take control of media, warp, rewrite, then dispense with the country's constitution. Then they're free to
arrest and incarcerate political enemies without cause, without representation, without an actual crime. We're at least
halfway there, probably three quarters. Our would-be rulers got elected to Congress, appropriated media, and are attempting
to rewrite our Constitution. As for jailing political enemies without cause, representation, or an actual crime, I bring you
the "impeachment inquiry." Is it so easy to undo our Republic, to abrogate the Constitution that's kept us free and prosperous
for over 200 years? Or will we fight back?
Report Opens the Door to Expansion Beyond Trump-Zelensky Call for Impeachment Probe. The House Democrats'
impeachment inquiry amounts to an "orchestrated campaign" to undermine America's democratic system by removing President
Donald Trump, mainly based on "accusations and assumptions of unelected bureaucrats," the GOP's report on the quest to push
the U.S. commander-in-chief out declared this week. Republican lawmakers failed to find any "misconduct" by Trump that
raises to the level of an impeachable offense, according to the report released on Monday [12/2/2019].
Schiff's Report Cites No 'Bribery' or 'High Crimes'; Only Tweets. The House Intelligence Committee report
released by chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Tuesday cites no constitutionally permissible grounds for impeachment
against President Donald Trump — other than tweets. Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution
provides that impeachment shall be for "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Notably, the Framers
of the Constitution ruled out "maladministration" as a reason.
Schiff Releases Democrats' Intelligence Committee Impeachment Report. House Intelligence Committee chairman
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) released the Democrats' report Tuesday [12/3/2019] on the impeachment inquiry, concluding that
President Donald Trump "solicit[ed] foreign interference on his behalf in the 2020 election." The report presents
itself as the core fact-finding effort, though that function has traditionally been handled by the House Judiciary Committee,
which will begin its own hearings on Wednesday.
2008, Democrats Argued Against Impeaching A Republican Near An Election Year. Should the Democrats impeach the
president? It's hard to see a considered strategy in the approach. The president stands accused of using the
official functions of his office to create an advantage against his possible 2020 rival, former Vice President Joe
Biden. To punish him, Democrats have launched an impeachment crusade that has no chance of succeeding in the
Republian-controlled Senate. In fact, there appears to be no possible explanation for this course of action except to
gain a 2020 electoral advantage against Trump. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler will step into the
spotlight in a few days to hold hearings featuring lectures from liberal academics "Dem-splaining" the constitutional meaning
of "high crimes" to the American people.
Power Can Be Abused, Too. Having denied this opportunity to the president in Intelligence Committee chairman
Adam Schiff's faux grand-jury phase of the proceedings, Democrats are now inviting the president to participate in the
Judiciary Committee phase, where articles of impeachment are soon to be drafted and voted on. The president's
complaints are apt to ring hollow if he carps about the witnesses from the Twitter sidelines while forfeiting the right to
question them at the formal hearings. Abstaining now could also be problematic down the road.
House Democrat Impeachment
Rules Are Made For A Lynch Mob, Not A Legitimate Proceeding. The impeachment proceedings against President
Trump have moved on from the House Intelligence Committee to the Judiciary Committee (which happens to be the only House
committee with formal jurisdiction over impeachment). It is chaired by New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who has served on
the committee for 27 years. Notwithstanding the change in venue, the proceedings are still a farce. They bear
only surface resemblance to those in which I (and Nadler) participated 21 years ago. The latest move in this game of
impeachment took place on Sunday, when White House Counsel Pat Cipollone sent Nadler a letter telling him that his client —
the president of the United States — would not be participating in the committee's inaugural impeachment hearing later
this week. The lawyer's letter was blunt; but if anything, it was too polite.
House: Trump will not take part in Judiciary Committee's impeachment hearing. The White House on Sunday
said President Trump will not participate in the next phase of House attempts to impeach him, saying directions from
Democrats only "exacerbate the complete lack of due process and fundamental fairness" afforded to the president. The
decision to spurn House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler was announced as the top Republican on the committee,
Rep. Doug Collins, said he will demand testimony from House intelligence committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff as the
impeachment inquiry heads toward its next phase. Taken together, Republicans are clearly indicating they will focus
squarely on a process they dismiss as a partisan attack on Mr. Trump.
line speaks volumes about weak impeachment case. "This is beyond anything Nixon did." Those words declared by
Democratic House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff capture the vast constitutional challenge for the House
Judiciary Committee as it heads toward its announced hearing on the impeachment of President Trump. There is still
disagreement, to use a Clintonian twist, of what "this" is. Yet whatever "this" is, it is not Nixonian, at least not
yet. Schiff seems to struggle to reduce the harsh allegations against Richard Nixon in order to elevate those against
Donald Trump.
Hearings [are] a Nasty Farce. Leading Democrats insist that the recently concluded round of impeachment
hearings by the House Intelligence Committee were totally necessary. They claim that President Trump may have committed
a crime worthy of being driven from office. So the nation was subjected to two weeks worth of bombastic scrutiny.
The Constitution states that "bribery" is a crime worthy of removal from office. Definitions of bribery consistently
point to someone receiving or providing monetary payments for some stated purpose. No one, not even the Democrats who
conducted the hearings, has accused President Trump of using his office for monetary gain. There was no bribery crime
committed by Trump, and they know it.
Farce Part One is Over. So the first phase of this impeachment farce is over. Step one included such high
points as pencil neck Schiff lying to Congress, knowing the citizens of this country we being fed a lie in his "parody." This
was needed because the media covered the lie all day until Schiff finally admitted that everything he said was in the
transcript was a lie. [...] The selective leaks from these basement testimonies are what Adam Schiff hopes will change the
minds of the American people. They are selectively leaked to picture President Trump as evil. These leaks are
much the same lies and innuendo that they have pushed since the day President Trump took the oath of office.
gives committee 24 hours to read his impeachment report and sign off. Rep. Adam Schiff is a man in a
hurry. After taking his time to cherry-pick just the best witnesses from his basement hearings, he held a swift set of
public hearings, which drove public support down for impeachment, and now he's slapped together a report for the House
Intelligence Committee to vote on, giving it all of 24 hours to vote. Sound like a fair process? Actually, sounds
like a desperate Democrat with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, whose priority now is an oncoming election train
headed in his direction.
House Refuses to Participate in Jerry Nadler's Impeachment Inquiry. White House Counsel Pat Cipollone wrote a
five-page letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on Sunday [12/1/2019], rejecting participation in what
Cipollone called a "baseless and highly partisan" impeachment inquiry. Nadler had given the president and his lawyers
until 6:00 p.m. EST to respond to a request to participate in the opening hearing of the Judiciary Committee' inquiry
on Wednesday, focusing on constitutional and legal issues. Democrats had prepared four witnesses, unnamed as of Sunday:
three were reportedly in favor of impeachment. Separately, Nadler gave the White House a deadline of Friday, Dec. 6,
to participate in the broader inquiry.
House, in fiery letter, declares Trump won't participate in House Judiciary impeachment hearing. The White
House announced in a fiery letter Sunday night that President Trump and his lawyers won't participate in the House Judiciary
Committee's first impeachment hearing scheduled for Wednesday — even accusing the panel's Democratic chairman,
Jerry Nadler, of "purposely" scheduling the proceedings when Trump would be attending the NATO Leaders' Meeting in
London. The five-page letter came as the Democratic majority on the House Intelligence Committee was preparing to
approve a report on Tuesday that will outline possible charges of bribery or "high crimes and misdemeanors," the constitutional
standard for impeachment. After receiving the report, the Judiciary Committee would prepare actual charges.
congresswoman claims it doesn't matter that Trump quid pro quo didn't actually happen. Florida Rep. Val
Demings maintained that President Trump should be impeached even if the alleged quid pro quo with Ukraine never took
place. Demings, a Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, was asked during an interview on This Week whether
it was relevant to the impeachment proceedings that Trump's request for an investigation into Joe Biden never came to
fruition. Host Martha Raddatz noted that no investigation into the Bidens ever happened and Ukraine received its
military aid anyway, but Demings maintained that it was irrelevant.
Why the Democrats Can't
Settle for Censure. Their rhetoric notwithstanding, congressional Democrats understand that their chances of
ousting President Trump from office are infinitesimal. There are a few, like AOC and "the Squad," who still cling to
the pipe dream that Trump will be impeached, convicted, and perp-walked out of the White House for multifarious yet oddly
ill-defined crimes. More realistic Democrats understand that this is never going to happen, but they also know that
mere censorship of the president is not an option if they wish to avoid a revolt by the left wing of their congressional
caucus and voter apathy that could manifest itself in low turnout next November. Even to suggest such a course is to
incur the wrath of the Democratic leadership, as evidenced by the double backflip executed by Rep. Brenda Lawrence
(D-Mich.) last week.
the rush toward impeachment? House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, leader of the Democratic effort
to impeach President Trump, told colleagues Monday that impeachment is "an urgent matter that cannot wait." Why?
Why is it so urgent that Trump, who has been in office for nearly three years and will stand for reelection in 11 months —
why is it so urgent that he be impeached and removed this very moment? The reasons probably have more to do with Democratic
political priorities than with anything Trump has done or will do. Schiff and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deny any political
motive in impeaching the president. Perish the thought! Pelosi says Democrats are acting "sadly, prayerfully, [and] with
a heavy heart." But they are racing to get the job done by Christmas.
Schiff Gives Democrats Only 24 Hours to Sign Impeachment Report. House Intelligence Committee chairman
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is giving members of his committee just 24 hours to read and sign off on his report recommending
articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. As Breitbart News reported Friday, House Judiciary Committee
chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler has previewed the report, and suggested it will include claims of "collusion" with
Russia — as well as Ukraine, Russia's enemy.
ugly Christmas present to the nation. House Democrats' impeachment show moves to Jerry Nadler's Judiciary
Committee this week — but don't expect the proceedings to get any more serious. Sometime before Nadler
starts things off at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Intelligence Committee chief Adam Schiff is supposed to send along his final
report — which is apparently to be all the evidence the House will consider on the Ukraine matter, despite the
near-complete lack of first-hand testimony. Judiciary is simply going to "consider" whether the wrongdoings that Schiff
alleges actually constitute "constitutional grounds for impeachment," with experts brought in to opine on whether President
Trump's actions warrant such a grave step.
the toxic impeachment process is hurting long-term national security. Cable news shows spent countless hours in
November wondering how the public testimony of national security officials will affect the impeachment proceedings against
President Trump. But few are asking how these proceedings will affect national security in the long term. One
potential answer should worry everyone, regardless of your position on Trump: Efforts to turn these officials into
political weapons in Congress will put our national security in grave danger. The president trusts the National
Security Council and the broader intelligence community to provide him with the best possible information and analysis for
decision making that is essential to national security. But now, after the whistleblower complaint from within the
intelligence community and the NSC being paraded on capitol hill as a character witness for the purpose of impeachment, that
trust has been shattered.
the Great Impeachment Debacle of 2020 Can Be Avoided. [Scroll down] As civil discourse and bipartisan
compromise seem increasingly things of the past, Russians must be gloating in the Kremlin as they watch the American
political class tear itself apart. The Russians have been using disinformation since the 1950s to try to turn us one
against another. Fiona Hill, the national security expert on Russia who recently testified in the House impeachment
inquiry, is undoubtedly right that Russia's goal in all of this was to turn us against one another, not to elect one
presidential candidate as opposed to the other. Whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton became our president in 2016
didn't affect the Russians that much, but they reasoned that if they could sow the seeds of civil division, as they appear to
have done, that could paralyze us as a country and prevent us from addressing our many pressing problems. Alas, they
appear to be well on the way to succeeding.
Republican calls for panel to expand list of impeachment witnesses. Republicans on the House Judiciary
Committee are calling for the panel to expand its list of witnesses ahead of the Dec. 4 hearing it will hold in the House's
impeachment investigation into President Trump. Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), the ranking member of the Judiciary
Committee, sent a letter to Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) demanding that he expand the panel beyond the four constitutional
law scholars from whom the committee plans to hear.
Should Absolutely Not Cooperate With The Judiciary Hearings. Democrats, having run byzantine hearings in
basement bunkers and on live television in the House Intelligence Committee, are set to move on to Judiciary Committee
hearings. The purpose of this set of hearings is to craft Articles of Impeachment to be voted on by the entire
House. One difference from the previous hearings that Democrats are touting is that in the Judiciary the White House
can participate. It absolutely should not. According to the resolution that launched the impeachment inquiry,
passing without one GOP vote, the White House may have lawyers present and able to ask questions in the Judiciary
hearings. Democrats point to this as fairness in the process, citing the fact that many Republicans complained that the
White House had no representation in the Intelligence committee hearings. Now they will claim the White House is being
inconsistent if it does not participate with the new hearings.
extend deadline for Trump's lawyers on impeachment hearings. President Trump will have until early December to
decide whether his lawyers will take part in the ongoing impeachment proceedings. House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler
said in a Friday letter to the president that he will have until Dec. 6 to determine if his lawyers plan to call witnesses or
testify as part of proceedings, reports CNN. Trump and Congressional Republicans have repeatedly blasted the inquiry as
unfair. Two unnamed officials who spoke to CNN said it's likely the White House won't send a lawyer to the first
judiciary hearing, while another source told the outlet Trump was still mulling whether or not it was "worth it" to participate.
Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion. House Judiciary Committee chairman
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) wrote to President Donald Trump Friday, giving him until Friday, Dec. 6., to answer whether he
and his lawyers would participate in the "impeachment inquiry." Nadler's letter quotes the forthcoming report from the
House Intelligence Committee, which will be written entirely by Democrats and which will recommend drafting articles of
impeachment against the president.
Ponder Impeachment Pivot. The Democrats have twisted themselves into a Schiffian Knot, a modern-day unsolvable
puzzle. When they plunged forward on their ill-fated impeachment voyage, they were destined to land on this surreal
shore, even if their parade of bureaucratic interagency cheerleaders was even weaker than presumed. So they are in the
bad place that can't be washed away with a few margaritas. They desperately want to impeach President Donald Trump, but
they don't want to send this partisan presumption pile over to the Senate, where they can no longer control the list of
witnesses, where hearsay will be inadmissible, and where narrative control swings to the Republicans.
Shows the Limit of Media Power. The Russia investigation looked good in the media frame until the Mueller
report came out and then Mueller was dragged in to testify about it. The impeachment bid looked good in the media lens
until people actually watched committee hearings and didn't see any of what the media had been touting. Live by the
lie, die by the lie. The paradox of impeachment is that the media's con artists invented it, but stories alone, the
commanding heights of communications, can't actually close the deal. Like every con job, at some point the mark actually
wants to see the million dollars that Nigerian prince is offering, the brand-new Tesla for only five grand, and the papers for
the Brooklyn Bridge. Individual marks can be strung along indefinitely, but there are limits to how much an entire nation
can be conned. Even by the media.
White House eyes political win in stonewalling House impeachment hearing. Officially, the Trump White House is
still deciding whether or not to send a lawyer to the House judiciary Committee's impeachment hearings next week.
Unofficially, party insiders and observers say the decision has been all but made to continue stonewalling. Instead,
they will follow the playbook of recent House Intelligence Committee hearings, when the White House refused to cooperate and
instead used Trump loyalists on the committee to mount its defense. It is a strategy designed to maintain a status quo
that would ensure a vote in the Senate against removing the president. And the strategy has so far kept the American
public from shifting decisively in favor of impeachment.
Cohen: We Can Impeach Trump Again. On Wednesday's [11/27/2019] broadcast of CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360,"
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) said House Democrats could impeach President Donald Trump again. John Berman asked, "Given
the fact each day it seems we learn more about what the president knew and when he knew it, are you concerned that this
impeachment process is being rushed through before all the facts are known, more stuff may still come out?" Cohen said,
"Well, I think things will come out. Things will come out for as long as he's president and after he's president. [...]"
The Editor says...
Can President Trump still be impeached after he's no longer president (beginning in January 2025)? If so, let's have another
look at the grounds for Obama's impeachment.
CNN Fails to Attract One Million Viewers During Impeachment Month. Jeff Zucker's fake news outlet is such a
discredited failure that even during impeachment far-left CNN could not attract a million average viewers. The cable
television ratings for November are in, and CNN is in far-last place in the cable news wars... again.
Brenda Lawrence Suggests Impeachment Exit Strategy — but Quickly Recants. Rep. Brenda Lawrence
(D-MI) has withdrawn her suggestion of "censure" instead of impeaching President Donald Trump — a trial balloon
for an exit strategy in response to dismal polling for Rep. Adam Schiff's impeachment hearings. After her radio
remarks blew up overnight, Lawrence issued a statement declaring "I still support impeachment[.]"
A Shameful
Abuse of Congressional Power. [Scroll down] [T]he sleazy Schiffite proceedings at the House Intelligence
Committee were so lopsided, arbitrary, and contemptuous of the rights of the Republican minority on the committee and those
of the president as the investigated party, no American court could possibly accept a requested prosecution that emerged from
such a vitiated and tainted proceeding. Given all of the foregoing facts — which are indisputable —
the country, despite the wall-to-wall disinformation effort of the non-Fox media, seems already to be asking why this
unmitigated foolishness is distracting the attention of the country and the world at all.
Trump's Ukraine demands weren't remotely illegal. The entire legislative premise of logrolling, a practice as
old as Congress itself, is premised on quid-pro-quo arrangements. In more modern times, before issuing his executive
amnesty in 2014, President Barack Obama consistently threatened to use his "pen and phone" if Congress didn't pass the laws
he desired when it came to immigration policy. Similarly, committee chairmen routinely threaten to take away unruly
lawmakers' committee assignments if they fail to vote in accordance with congressional leadership's desires. To treat
such cajoling as a high crime — and impeachable if the US president does it — would render governing
impossible. How can the duly elected president of the United States be removed from office for engaging in
constitutionally protected speech aimed at getting a foreign leader to investigate corruption and past election meddling?
obsessive, intolerant, despicable do-nothing-but-obstruct Democrats. The Left's obsession with impeachment is
the worst travesty of American justice in our history. From the surveillance campaign waged against candidate Trump in
2015 to their attempt to sabotage him, to frame him for colluding with Russia to win the election when in fact it was the DNC
and the Clintons, bigwigs at the FBI, DOJ and CIA who had colluded with more than a few unsavory characters to bring down the
President. As intolerant as Ana Navarro is of black support of Trump, those arrogant and corrupt agents of the deep
state were and are equally as intolerant of President Trump simply because his is not one of them; he's not a member of their
oh-so- exclusive club of like-minded power brokers like Joe Biden. We know for certain that Obama's VP threatened the
Ukrainians with a quid pro quo. Trump did nothing of the kind. He gave Ukraine aid when Obama did not.
Chairman Nadler Attempts to Reframe "Impeachment Inquiry" With "Groundwork Hearing" — Before Receiving Impeachment
Inquiry Report — Violating Their Own Resolution Process. Chairman Nadler has announced a December
4th hearing with a panel of democrat selected constitutional lawyers and legal 'experts', to discuss the procedural framework
of an impeachment process. As Nadler states: "Our first task is to explore the framework put in place to respond to
serious allegations of impeachable misconduct". So the HJC initial objective to build their narrative is to explain what
the impeachment process is about. This is transparently an attempt by Nadler/Lawfare to give legitimacy to an illegitimate
political exercise. The hearing purpose is framed as a trap to pull the White House in, and thereby create the optics of
constitutional legitimacy. Strong caution is advised and I would not be surprised to see the White House refuse to participate.
There Is No
Good Case for Impeachment. President Trump ran on a platform of draining the swamp, and if this matter ever
gets to trial in the Senate, there is a chance that the disgraceful use of foreign aid funds to line the pockets of American
"consultants," "board members," or lawyers, or some other forms of facilitator, could be exposed. Trump has quite
properly suggested this system, a mainstay of the deep state, and the revolving doors of government positions, lobbyists, and
law offices needs to be changed, and if this impeachment proceeding goes forward this is a fine opportunity to reveal to the
public just what is done with foreign aid funds, and who profits from them. The Bidens are likely to be collateral
damage in any such inquiry — as are many other Democrats, and perhaps some Republicans.
Impeachment Not Whatever the House of Representatives Says — 'That's a Lie'. During the Sunday
broadcast of his "Life, Liberty & Levin" program on the Fox News Channel, host Mark Levin, author of "Unfreedom of the
Press," argued against the notion that impeachment can be "whatever the House of Representatives says it is." Levin
called that claim a "lie," and pointed to the impeachment clause in the Constitution, which defines the term. "No
president, in fact, nobody facing impeachment has ever in American history been treated this way," Levin said.
Democrats Really Don't Understand What They Are Doing. [N]obody on the Democratic side has been telling the
"woke" kiddies that the way to get rid of Trump is to appeal to the American people and beat him fair and square at the
ballot box. Instead they prefer the shortcut: impeachment. There was the Nixon effort; the Reagan Iran-Contra
effort; the Trump collusion-Ukraine effort. Then there were the elections that the Democratic candidate failed to
concede: Gore in 2000, and Clinton in 2016.
Is John Roberts
Up To a Senate Impeachment Trial? When the Democrats pass their impeachment resolution, the sordid spectacle
will move to the Senate, where Chief Justice John Roberts must preside over a trial that will determine if the president has
actually committed an offense that would justify his removal. This should worry the president and his
supporters. Historically, the role of the chief justice in these proceedings has been somewhat symbolic. Yet it
will be necessary for him to rule on a number of important motions. The weak Democratic case against President Trump,
combined with the Democrats' penchant for manipulating procedural rules, all but guarantees that they will inundate Roberts
with a tsunami of parliamentary maneuvers that he may be ill-equipped to manage. During the Clinton impeachment trial,
Chief Justice William Rehnquist was forced to spend entire days refereeing disputes over frivolous Democratic motions.
Cruz: Senate Should Subpoena Hunter Biden And The Whistleblower. As impeachment for Christmas heats up in
Washington, GOP senators are sending a not so subtle messages to House Democrats about what Pandora's present they are about
to unwrap. Early Friday, Sen. Lindsey Graham sent official requests to the State Department for documents
pertaining to Burisma and its board member Hunter Biden. Later, Sen. Ted Cruz sent out a release promising things
are going to go a lot farther than documents. "I think any proceeding in the Senate should be fair, should be open, and
should respect due process. What does that mean? That means allowing both sides to present their case and if the
White House chooses to call as a witness Hunter Biden, if the White House chooses to call as a witness the whistleblower, I
think they should be allowed to call them. I think — both of those witnesses in particular may well be
integral to the White House's defense," Cruz said.
House's Pam Bondi on Impeachment 'Sham': 'We Have the Truth on Our Side'. Special Adviser to the President Pam
Bondi told Breitbart News that as Americans head home for Thanksgiving dinners with their families, the country needs to know
how Democrats have abandoned helping solve Americans' problems in favor of pursuing an increasingly unpopular impeachment
agenda. In fact, all year, Democrats have failed to help Americans on healthcare, infrastructure, jobs, and security.
They have zero legislative accomplishments since taking the House majority but are instead obsessed with impeachment.
trial is the ace up President Trump's sleeve. Here's my slam-dunk choice for the Quote of the Year: "I
want a trial." The President of the United States said that Friday morning [11/22/2019], and his title alone would be
reason enough to make it the most significant thing said in 2019. But there's much more to it because Donald Trump's
demand highlights the historically unique set of circumstances he and the nation face in 2020. As of now, the new year
will feature an impeachment trial in the Senate followed by the presidential election. If Trump survives Democrats'
effort to remove him, he would be the first impeached president to face voters again.
Johnson Demand Materials From FBI On Ukrainian DNC Contractor In 2016. Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of
Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin are demanding information from the FBI related to former Democratic National Committee
(DNC) contractor Alexandra Chalupa and her efforts to seek dirt on the Trump campaign from Ukraine. Politico reported
that in 2016, Chalupa met with an official from the Ukrainian embassy for information that could undermine the Trump
campaign. According to Yahoo News, Chalupa was also the target of a cyberattack during her time at the DNC, prompting
FBI investigators to interview her and take digital forensic images of her laptop and smartphone.
attractions in the Senate trial. [Senator] Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and
[Senator] Grassley, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, asked Archivist David Ferraro to produce records so as to
"better understand the nature of these meetings, including who attended and what was discussed," in a letter sent on Thursday
[11/21/2019]. [...] The senators are now requesting records about the five White House meetings listed in the letter and all
records related to meetings between and among White House officials, Andrii Telizhenko, Nazar Kholodnytskyy, Oksana Shulyar,
and Valeriy Chaly.
and the Trump impeachment hearings. Any accused has the inalienable right to confront his accuser.
Cross-examination provides the trier of fact in court proceedings, by jury or a judge, the opportunity to evaluate the
credibility of the accuser and to uncover his interest, motives, and anticipation or lack thereof of gain in exchange for
testimony. Cross-examination, or questioning an accuser's testimony, is the most reliable method of obtaining the truth
of the accusations. The Sixth Amendment right to "confront" one's accuser also cuts across the entire inane
"whistleblower" status of President Trump's accuser. Schiff surely knows that the identity of the "whistleblower" will
be exposed, just as the curtain is pulled open on the wizard of Oz, if a trial in the Senate is held. At that point,
Schiff's sanctimony and his faux whistleblower's political ties will be shredded.
Impeachment Pseudo-Event. "The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America" is the title of a 1960s book
by historian and librarian of Congress Daniel Boorstin. Pseudo-events, he wrote, are staged solely to generate news
media coverage. Real events involve independent actors and have unpredictable outcomes. Pseudo-events are
shows. It's not difficult to say which category the House Democrats' impeachment hearings belong in. It's a
classic pseudo-event stage-managed to prod sympathetic media into running predictable stories. Inconvenient questions
from Republican members are blocked, and the name of the original "whistleblower" is concealed, though the stage managers
know who he is. Yet on the front pages and cable news breaking-news bulletins, this pseudo-event is crowding out two
genuine events of potentially world-shaking importance and uncertain outcome.
Republicans Won Phase One Of Impeachment. Democrats ideally would have started their inquiry with credible
bipartisan support and run things in such a way that public opinion developed in their favor. Public opinion would
build pressure on Republican members toward an impeachment vote that had even stronger bipartisan credibility. That did
not come even close to happening. To begin with, not only was the vote to begin proceedings not bipartisan, there was
bipartisan opposition to it. Polling initially looked promising for impeachment, with media outlets attempting to claim
significant bipartisan support for inquiry and removal, but then the polling moved in the wrong direction for Democrats.
3 Crucial Questions, 3 Answers, So Far. Assessing the Democrats' impeachment drive depends on answers to three
crucial questions: [1] What did President Trump really want from Ukraine? [#2] Can Democrats prove he
wanted something so improper, so lawless that it meets the high bar for "high crimes and misdemeanors," bribery, or
treason? [#3] What's the rush? Do voters think the charges are so serious, the proof so convincing, and
the need to remove the president so urgent that it cannot wait until the election next November?
Rorschach Impeachment: Sometimes an Inkblot Is Just an Inkblot. [Scroll down] And then came the
afternoon. Sondland still at the table, still kibbitzing. And now Republicans asking him some questions.
Like, uh, did you ever directly hear the president say there would be a "quid pro quo"? Nope. He just
assumed there was a quid pro quo. In fact, he made a phone call to President Trump on September 9 to find out
what exactly the president wanted from Ukraine. Indeed, answering the Grand Inquisitor Schiff directly, Sondland
testified, ["]But I believe I just asked him an open-ended question, Mr. Chairman. "What do you want
from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want?" And it
was a very short and abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood. And he just said, "I want nothing. I
want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing." ... This is the final word that I
heard from the president of the United States.["] [...] So Sondland assumed there was a quid pro quo.
He said that everyone knew about the quid pro quo. But when Sondland actually asked the man in the Oval Office directly
what exactly his marching orders were, Trump told him, "I want no quid pro quo." That would seem to end the
"impeachment" hearings.
Trying to Impeach Trump Would Make Terrible Hedge Fund Managers. [Scroll down] We can answer this by
looking at the radical left Democrats in America, whose desire to end Donald Trump's presidency is all-consuming. These
Dems, along with a complaisant media, lit a bonfire to consume and destroy Trump before he even took office. Their
intensely felt differences with Trump are not based on simple logic or stark policy differences, but instead seem to stem
largely from antipathy. How many countless times has Trump tried to do or say exactly what Obama or some other
prominent Dem did or said just a few years ago, only to be met with a barrage of derisive hate and anger? There appears
to be little if any self-awareness among the Dems of how often and how loudly they are denouncing Trump for the very same
positions they endorsed not so long ago. Indeed, it appears that the Dems are acting without the benefit of any sort of
self-correcting feedback system.
Stefanik: Dems Case for Impeachment 'Crumbling,' Schiff an 'Abject Failure'. Thursday [11/21/2019],
during an appearance on Fox News Channel's "Hannity," Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), a member of the House Intelligence
Committee, criticized how Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the chair of that committee, conducting the so-called impeachment
inquiry proceedings against President Donald Trump. Stefanik described the impeachment case as "crumbling" and accused
Schiff of operating a "regime of secrecy" presiding over the hearings.
does this bad joke of an impeachment continue? U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testifies
in kangaroo court Congress's impeachment hearing that he "presumed" a quid pro quo of
American aid in return for an investigation of the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. No one told him there was such a quid
pro quo, and President Trump specifically told him there was none. Sondland's testimony tidily sums up the entire
case and all the animus against Donald Trump, going back to before his election: it's all based on presumption.
Schiff presumes that he could find the needle of quid in the haystack of pro quo.
Evidence Not Even Close to Bribery, Heritage Legal Expert Says. As impeachment hearings draw to a close,
witnesses have failed to produce hard evidence of wrongdoing on the part of President Donald Trump. Heritage Foundation
senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky will join the podcast to unpack what we learned this week — and what to
expect going forward.
is surgery with a butterknife. [Scroll down] "The Democrats promised the whistleblower's testimony —
in fact, they told us we need to speak with the whistleblower." Now they will not present him. The Democrat excuse is
the whistleblower has to be kept secret because he is getting death threats, which is odd since no one knows who he is.
Not even Schiff or Vindman. Or so they say. Impeachment is a prosecution and it should be handled with the utmost care
and research. Before making their case to the public, Democrats needed to convince at least one of their Republican colleagues
to join them.
Impeachment Is About Establishment, Dems Rejecting the Will of 63 Million Americans. Thursday [11/21/2019] on
Fox News Channel's "Special Report," Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) offered his speculation on what was next for the so-called
impeachment inquiry, which he said was an effort where they made up the rules as they go along, and sometimes do not follows
those rules. The Ohio Republican argued the basis for impeachment was flawed, given what was allegedly expected by
President Donald Trump from the Ukrainians was never delivered and dismissed the notion the impeachment push was about a
"quid pro quo."
plot next move as impeachment hearings fail to sway GOP, public. After two weeks of impeachment hearings, House
Democratic leaders were poised to draft articles of impeachment against President Trump, but their rank-and-file members were
stumped about what should be the next move. Lawmakers headed home for Thanksgiving break unsure whether there would be
more hearings or when they would cast a seemingly inevitable vote on impeachment, with just eight legislative days remaining
before the end of the year.
Spox Gidley: If House Impeaches, Trump 'Wants a Trial in the Senate' and to Call Schiff, Whistleblower, and
Bidens. On Thursday's [11/21/2019] broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "The Story," White House Principal
Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley stated that if the House moves forward on impeachment, President Trump "wants a trial in
the Senate" and to bring up witnesses like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), the whistleblower, and
Hunter and Joe Biden.
Throw Impeachment Party at Capitol Hill Bar After Last Hearing. Democrat staffers threw an impeachment party at
a Capitol Hill bar after the last public hearing concluded on Thursday evening [11/21/2019]. The party was held at the
Capitol Hill establishment Hawk 'n' Dove, just a stone's throw from where the impeachment hearings were held this week.
Biden Family Corruption Allegations Metastasize.
It's obvious Joe Biden — who is only running for the presidency — cannot be impeached, but were he to
win that exalted office, the case for his immediate impeachment would dwarf Donald Trump's if we are to believe
Interfax-Ukraine. [...] Whatever one thinks of Interfax, this is a report of a press conference by members of the Ukrainian
parliament whose accusations merit investigation — by our Justice Department and, yes, theirs. That Joe
Biden at this point seems unlikely to be the Democratic Party nominee is beside the point. This speaks to the very
nature of the impeachment inquiry currently before us. Did Donald Trump have good reason to be suspicious of Ukraine's
treatment of him before and during the election? Our Republican friends keep telling us all these theories have been
"debunked." By whom? Mostly by them and their media allies, I suspect.
Justice Roberts now dragged into Democrat impeachment process. The target of Democrat zealots in the House of
Representatives led by Speaker Pelosi and Adam Schiff is to impeach and remove President Donald Trump. Sadly for him
the person they have a much higher probability of removing from his lofty perch is Chief Justice John Roberts. The
famous cliché; the law of unintended consequences is fast approaching. [...] He and he alone "owns" the FISC court so
he must be held accountable for any court actions. However, even if he has acted to clear up the egregious frauds,
so far only a few publically reported with probably more to come, he has a significant problem if the Democrat Leaders
of the House vote out Articles of Impeachment for a senate trial of our President.
Concerns Suddenly Don't Seem So Far-Fetched. For most of the last three years, Donald Trump's critics have
scoffed at supposed "conspiracy theories" that claimed a "deep state" of bureaucrats were aborting the Trump
presidency. We have been told the word "coup" is hyperbole that reveals the paranoid minds of Trump supporters.
Yet oddly, many people brag that they are proud members of a deep state and occasionally boast about the idea of a
coup. Recently, former acting CIA chief John McLaughlin proclaimed in a public forum, "Thank God for the deep state."
Former CIA director John Brennan agreed and praised the "deep state people" for their opposition to Trump. Far from
denying the danger of an unelected careerist bureaucracy that seeks to overturn presidential policies, New York Times
columnists have praised its efforts to nullify the Trump agenda.
Trump Never Impounded Even One Dollar from Ukraine Aid. The president needs better legal counsel, as do the
American people. The current impeachment illusion is based on a pandemic mirage. The nation has been hypnotized
to believe that $391.5 million for Ukraine was held back, frozen, slow-walked, canceled, or subject to a nefarious threat by
Trump. Wake up, America. Every penny of Ukraine monetary aid, the alleged carrot dangled before Zelensky, was
spent on time, according to law, before, during, and after the July 25 call. The Department of Defense certified
Ukraine reforms in a May 23, 2019 letter from John C. Rood to Congress, but this certification was only necessary to
release the second $125-million tranche. Read the letter. The tables therein refer to that $125 million
as "Tranche 2." So what happened to the first $125 million? It was already spent on Ukraine before
the July 25 phone call with Zelensky.
This partisan impeachment
inquiry is more than a waste of time. It imperils democracy. These impeachment hearings are a total waste
of time. Even as a show trial. Not because President Donald Trump did nothing wrong. Actually, these days
that doesn't really matter anymore, does it? People know they know everything they want to know. This so-called
"impeachment inquiry" is a waste of time because most Americans — especially House Democrats — have
already made up their minds. Who needs evidence now when the real verdict on Trump won't come down until
Nov. 3, 2020?
mull Mueller impeachment count. House Democrats reportedly are considering whether to pursue in their
impeachment inquiry matters arising from the Mueller investigation. Specifically, they are looking at whether President
Trump lied to Robert Mueller. The Washington Post's report on this development is based on representations made by
House Democrats to the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. The Dems told the court that they need secret grand jury
evidence from the Mueller probe to be released in order to consider, as part of their impeachment inquiry, whether Trump lied
to Mueller. Are the Democrats telling the truth to the court or are they just using the existence of the impeachment
inquiry to pry loose secret testimony they have long wanted?
if Trump was right about Ukraine? One of the most important issues in President Trump's impeachment defense is
also one of the least explored: To what degree were Trump's concerns about Ukraine valid? It's well documented
that the president fixated on Ukrainian activity in the 2016 election and on the Bidens' actions in the Burisma matter.
Democrats and many in the media dismiss his concerns as "conspiracy theories." But to what extent were those concerns, in
fact, legitimate? If they were even mostly legitimate, then Trump defenders could say: "Look, he had a
point. Even if one thinks he handled the issue inappropriately, the fact is, what was going on in Ukraine was worrisome
enough for a United States president to take notice." That would not change minds among those dead set on impeachment, but
among others, it would make the case for impeachment and removal much harder to make.
Voters' Mistakes. Sad to say, but the recall is not available for federal officeholders. Some Americans
might resent that unavailability, given the performance this year of the U.S. House of Representatives. The new
Democrat-controlled House is so intent on impeaching the president that it can't do the business of the People. If the
possibility of recall and removal were hanging over House members' heads, maybe the chamber wouldn't be so dysfunctional.
Pelosi Is Already Attacking the Legitimacy of the 2020 Election. In her Dear Colleague letter pushing back
against Republican anti-impeachment talking points, Nancy Pelosi wrote this: "The weak response to these hearings has
been, 'Let the election decide.' That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because the President is
jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections." Is he? If a Republican had suggested that a presidential election
was a "dangerous" notion, he would have triggered around-the-clock panic-stricken coverage on CNN and a series of deep dives in
The Atlantic lamenting the conservative turn against our sacred democratic ideals. What Pelosi has done is even more
cynical. She's arguing that if Democrats fail in their efforts to impeach Trump — and, I assume, remove him
from office — then the very legitimacy of the 2020 election will be in question before any votes are cast.
it be that Trump has been setting up the Left all along? Trump is guilty of exactly nothing impeachable and
they all know it, but he is an outsider in their DC club of self-appointed privileged insiders and that is what they cannot,
will not, tolerate. [...] First Nadler and then Schiff have conducted this so-called inquiry for weeks now. Nadler's
hearings were an embarrassment, so Pelosi turned the gavel over to Schiff. Big mistake unless she is in on the
con. His ridiculous secret depositions are a joke — meant to frighten Trump and his supporters —
which is absolutely not working. Now we have been privy to open testimony of three of his chosen not-witnesses who
contributed exactly nothing to Schiff's tale of corruption.
Lesson: Cut Government. [Scroll down] It's as if everyone not named Chris Wallace knows this is a
complete sham. The stock market yawned as it rocketed upwards. What we have is a parade of bureaucratic power
players preening before friendly Democrats to complain that nobody listens to their sage counsel and that the president has
the audacity to think he decides foreign policy. The biggest villain in this ill-begotten administrative coup sequel is
Joe Biden, whose corruption is so obscene that even ruthlessly friendly media can't keep it from sneaking through. Hunter
Biden sucked in dirty Ukrainian cash like he was hooked up to a beer bong, getting drunk on his father's political influence.
real reason for the Russia Hoax (and Ukraine, and impeachment, and the next thing). [Scroll down] The
process works in three easy steps: (1) accuse Trump of any wrongdoing, no matter how baseless (e.g., Russia collusion);
(2) turn the accusation over to a politically allied Department of Justice (DOJ) official (i.e., Robert Mueller); and (3) the
politically loyal DOJ official (who understands the real purpose of the initial accusation) will look for (and create) any crime
committed at any time in history on anybody associated with Trump. [...] This legal strategy, even if it hasn't yet resulted
in criminal charges against Trump, has proven an enormous success in terms of inflicting massive political damage.
Would You Feel if You Were Treated Like Trump? Imagine a person with great political authority who is known to
have a grudge against you began an investigation looking for reasons to indict you. That person interviewed only people
who were hostile to you. Imagine further that you were not allowed to see the evidence, to cross-examine witnesses, to
bring your own evidence and witnesses involved in the matter, to have an impartial judge and jury, or to appeal the
decision. How would you feel? Would this seem fair?
Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript. Democrats on the House Intelligence
Committee released the long-awaited transcript from senior National Security Council official Tim Morrison on Saturday, and
immediately distorted it for the benefit of the anti-Trump media. It was a typical example of how Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA) and his staff have tried to skew the fact-finding process in an effort to inflate public support for impeachment,
believing few will read the lengthy transcripts for themselves.
Impeachment by Focus Group.
Anyone following the increasingly desperate Democratic impeachment effort will by now be aware that they have exchanged the
term "quid pro quo" for "bribery" and "extortion." They rebranded President Trump's alleged offenses, according to a
Washington Post report, after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee conducted a number of focus groups to
test their messaging. The use of a marketing tool for something so serious confirms that, for the Democrats, impeachment
is just another election strategy they hope will get traction if they dumb down the narrative. This betrays breathtaking
contempt for the nation's institutions as well as the voters.
shows shouting a lie does not make it true. Rasmussen reported, "Most voters don't expect fair play from the
media when it comes to news coverage of the Democrats' impeachment attempt. "53% of Likely U.S. Voters think most
reporters are trying to help impeach President Trump when they write or talk about the impeachment effort. The latest
Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 32% believe most reporters are simply interested in
reporting the news in an unbiased manner. 8% say most are trying to block Trump's impeachment." The story also said,
"90% of voters who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing think most reporters are trying to help impeach the president."
Concede Their Impeachment Argument Is Failing. The Democrats think that they have the goods on Trump, but that
millions of voters are too thick-headed to understand what "abuse of power," the latest strand of spaghetti to be thrown
against the wall after "quid pro quo," "extortion," and "bribery," means. But impeachment charges are kind of like
jokes, the more you have to explain them, the less effective they are. To make matter worse for Democrats, not only
are they failing to move the needle among Americans, they are struggling to make them care at all. TV ratings for the
impeachment hearings on Wednesday were sharply down from those during the James Comey, and Christine Blasey Ford testimonies.
If the
Resistance Wins. [Scroll down] Various other Democrats — Elizabeth Warren, Ben Cardin, Dick
Durbin, Maxine Waters, and others — began talking (December 2016), and haven't stopped since, about undoing the
results of the election, actually using the word "impeachment," before the inauguration. Vanity Fair asked shortly
after the election, "Will Trump Be Impeached?," and Politico in April asked how soon impeachment could take place. This
unprecedented resistance-impeachment movement gained full-bore momentum when House speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that
Democrats would impeach Trump because we "can't let him 'win' reelection." It became obvious that the fear of Trump's
re-election was driving the 79-year-old speaker's risky and questionable strategy.
Pelosi goes for slam dunk — and crashes to court. It's no coincidence that the very word Pelosi
chose to characterize Trump's behavior during his call with Ukraine's president is specifically named in the Constitution as
an impeachable offense. Article II, Section 4 provides that the "president, vice president and all civil officers
of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes
and misdemeanors." Quid pro quo wasn't getting it. So the left had to slap on a label that's impeachable.
Ilhan Omar: 'We're Going to Impeach This Corrupt President'. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-Minn.) sent out a tweet
after Wednesday's hearings in the House impeachment inquiry expressing her confidence that the House was going to impeach
President Donald Trump. "Every report, every testimony, comes down to this: Donald Trump thinks he's above the
law. "It's up to Congress to show him that he's not: We're going to impeach this corrupt president."
The Editor says...
Hey Ilhan, please tell me how you know what President Trump's thoughts are, and then tell me what crime has been committed. Thanks.
This Thing Called Due Process That We Ought to Try. I get a little picky about this whole due process thing,
not just because I'm a lawyer and not just because I helped defend our Constitution overseas in uniform a couple times, but
because I'm an American citizen. Let's understand clearly the nature of the due process argument over impeachment.
This is not about Donald Trump getting due process. This is about the American people getting due process.
reasons why this impeachment 'inquiry' is really a coup. [#6] No high crimes or misdemeanors. There is
no proof of any actual crime. Asking a foreign head of state to look into past corruption is pro forma. That Joe
Biden is now Trump's potential rival doesn't exculpate possible wrongdoing in his past as vice president, when his son used
the Biden name for lucrative gain. In other words, it is certainly not a crime for a president to adapt his own foreign
policy to fit particular countries nor to request of a foreign government with a history of corruption seeking US aid to
ensure that it has not in the past colluded with prior US officials in suspicious activity.
Burr: "Senate Impeachment Trial Will Last 6 to 8 weeks". It looks like the House impeachment is now a foregone
conclusion. To wit the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) Chairman Richard Burr has announced the
schedule outline for the upcoming Senate Impeachment Trial. The trial of President Trump will run from 12:30 pm to
6:30 pm Monday through Saturday and will last approximately six to eight weeks.
Real collusion.
If you are paying attention to the Washington circus that is the impeachment inquiry into President Trump's handling of the
much maligned Ukraine call, this is what real collusion looks like: a media largely committed to advancing the goal of
Democrats to severely damage or remove him from office, a series of at first private testimonies by people who appear to have
similar motives and connections to Democrats and/or anti-Trump forces, and now a new book by "Anonymous," which claims the
president has a bad attitude and is difficult to work with. Where to start? "Anonymous" is a self-admitted
coward. He, or she, apparently still works within the administration. A true patriot would resign and go public
so their accusations could be tested. Writing a book like this while still on the public payroll is more than cowardly,
it is also an attempt to disregard, disrespect and dishonor the people who voted for Donald Trump.
Invitation to an
Impeachment. [Scroll down] With each passing week, though, it has become ever more clear that what begins
today is a hearing of the witnesses only the Democrats deem pertinent. The House majority is eager to protect the
whistleblower, who refuses to face his or her accuser — or the American people. But only the
whistleblower. Protestations by other officers of the executive branch, it discounts. It may be within the powers
of the House majority to restrict the witnesses to those who will help the prosecution. It may also, though, explain
why the opening of this supposedly historic hearing failed to make Page A1 of the Times. It has become a foregone
conclusion that the House is going to impeach.
Bribery Charge Against Trump Won't Stick — 'It Fails to Meet an Essential Element'. Monday [11/11/2019],
during an appearance on Fox News Channel's "The Story," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) dismissed a claim of bribery put forth against
President Donald Trump in response to Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano. Gaetz argued such a case would lack what he
deemed an "essential element" to meet the standard of bribery. "I would disagree that bribery would be applicable for this
reason: For bribery to have been committed, you have to be asking someone to do something that they would not otherwise do
with President Zelinsky, who ran an entire campaign on rooting out corruption," Gaetz said.
impeachment is not about bombshell revelations. It's about telling a highly partisan story. [Scroll
down] You can't expect Joe to remember; it was years ago. But it's not just Joe Biden who is conveniently
forgetting. It's all the Democrats and all the bureaucrats, too — all on their high horse about President
Trump damaging our national security by not sending proper military aid to Ukraine, even though he did actually send it, and
Obama didn't. This has nothing to do with national security. It's all just an illusion. The bombshell
revelations, so "shocking," so "disturbing" that the Democrats and ruling class state TV got so excited about last
week. But they told us nothing we didn't already know. The truth about this impeachment is that it's not about
finding out things we didn't know. It's about telling a story, a highly partisan political story, and they've settled
on their cast of characters.
Coup, Klutz, Klan Witch Hunt Versus Trump. This really is an attempt to frame and railroad a president
Democrats can't beat at the ballot box. First, can you imagine Republicans having framed Obama over a phone call that
someone heard about from someone else? Think about the reaction from the media and other organizations. How about
if Republicans had moved to impeach Obama and held the inquiry in a secret room, with no Democrats allowed in and no way to
cross-examine accusers? Can you even imagine the cries of "racism"? How about if Obama's opponent Mitt Romney had
been allowed to vote on Obama's removal from office? Are you kidding? That would never have happened in a million
years. The guy who wants your job can't possibly serve on your jury, right? So how can Democratic senators
running against Trump be allowed to vote on his impeachment?
Hearings: Republicans Plan To Put Biden and Democrats on Trial, and Schiff Is Not Happy. [Scroll
down] Let's really read between the lines here. The fact that they want to "accelerate" public impeachment
proceedings goes against everything House leaders including Schiff, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler
have been saying for months regarding the Ukraine call controversy and the Russia collusion investigation: that there is no
rush to judgment and no rush to impeach. Of course, that was an obvious lie, but the sources telling Axios their goal
is to speed up the process just confirms it.
Likens Dem Impeachment Obsession to Stalin's KGB — 'Show the Man, and I'll Find You the Crime'.
Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz during an appearance on Sunday's "The Cats Roundtable" on New York AM
970 radio equated the Democrats' obsession with impeaching President Donald Trump to the KGB under former Soviet Union dictator
Joseph Stalin. Dershowitz argued that the Democrats are "making up crimes" and weaponizing impeachment against Trump.
'impeachment resolution,' and Dems' fight over its meaning. "It's not an impeachment resolution," said House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Pelosi had just announced the House would, in fact, hold a vote to formalize the
impeachment probe and establish parameters for the investigation late last month. The House speaker had argued for
weeks such a step wasn't necessary. Congressional Republicans and members of the administration countered that the
White House shouldn't cooperate because the House never codified the inquiry.
"Coup" Against a Sitting U.S. President Became Official on October 29th, 2019. The word "coup" shifted to a new
level of formalized meaning last week when members of the political resistance showed up to remove President Trump wearing
military uniforms. Not only did U.S. military leadership remain silent to the optics and purpose, but in the testimony
of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman he admits to giving instructions to ignore the instructions from a sitting United
States President. In the absence of push-back from the Joint Chiefs, from this moment forth, the impression is tacit
U.S. military support for the Vindman objective.
Graham: If They Don't Call the Whistleblower in the House, This Thing is Dead on Arrival in the Senate.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) joined Fox News' Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning [11/10/2019]. He often appears on the
show, but today's conversation was especially interesting. To give you some background, last week investigative journalist
John Solomon reported a story which received little attention from the rest of the media, but was actually quite significant.
Mashup. Democrats have tried to impeach every elected Republican president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.
They've never succeeded and there's no reason to believe this time is different. [...] Why this practice persists is that
they are continually reluctant to accept political outcomes they don't like.
Dems Will Drag Out Impeachment [and] Try to Get [the] 'Best Socialist' Nominated for President. During an
appearance on Huntsville, AL radio's WVNN on Thursday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) offered his best assessment of what
House Democrats were trying to accomplish with their impeachment efforts. Gohmert told WVNN's "The Jeff Poor Show"
impeachment could tie up the Democratic Party's presidential campaign efforts but predicted Democrats would use the occasion
to nominate "the best socialist" they can.
Pull Subpoena for Ex-Trump Adviser Who Took It to Court: Lawsuit Would Delay Impeachment. Former U.S.
President Donald Trump adviser Charles Kupperman's lawsuit asking the courts whether he should testify in the House
impeachment probe forced Democrats to rescind their subpoena. "The subpoena at issue in this matter has been withdrawn,
and there is no current intention to reissue it," Democrats wrote in court filings, the Hill reported.
new moves show House could wrap up impeachment by Christmas. House Democrats are signaling they are now on a
fast-track in their impeachment proceedings, avoiding court battles that could delay their inquiry and limiting the number of
witnesses at public hearings — all signs that President Donald Trump could be impeached as soon as next month.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not shared her thinking on the final timeline with her colleagues, and Democratic sources say
the timing is still fluid and could continue to evolve. But in a series of moves this week, Democrats have shown they
are rapidly moving to complete the proceedings by Christmas, something that could result in Trump being just the third
president to be impeached in history.
Jordan Appointed to House Intel Panel to Fight Impeachment. House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy
(R-CA) announced Friday [11/8/2019] that he has appointed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to the House Intelligence Committee as
the House Democrats continue their partisan impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump. Rep. Rick
Crawford (R-AR) will temporarily step down from House intelligence panel and be replaced by Jordan for Wednesday —
the same day that public impeachment hearings are scheduled to begin.
Witness Undercut Steele Dossier In Bombshell Testimony. A former White House official who Democrats consider a
key witness in their impeachment inquiry told lawmakers in October that she believed Russians likely planted disinformation
about President Donald Trump with dossier author Christopher Steele. Fiona Hill, who served as the White House's top
adviser on Russia affairs until July, told lawmakers she was "shocked" to find out that Steele, a former MI6 officer, was the
author of the dossier. That's in large part because when she had met with Steele in the years leading up to his dossier
work, he was "constantly try to drum up business."
The Anonymous Coup.
Democratic lawmakers, the news media, and NeverTrump Republicans — unable to make a compelling case for Trump's
removal aside from Orange Man Bad — wield the incognito heroes' charges as incontestable fact. It is, for
the most part, an anonymous coup.
Zaid, Schiff: Foul birds of an ugly feather. Retired lieutenant colonel Alexander Vindman was reportedly
reprimanded by a superior when it became known that he repeatedly made fun of Americans; American culture; and, as he said,
"Americans not being educated or worldly." He did this in front of foreign diplomats, constantly. No wonder he
remained an Obama loyalist and has tried to undercut President Trump. After all, Obama considered himself first and
foremost "a citizen of the world" and did not find anything exceptional in America in and of itself. President Trump
loves America and is representative of a patriotic heartland mindset. After all, Trump believes in America first.
Vindman is a trans-nationalist, a globalist, someone who feels superior to most Americans. I've run into many people
who think like Vindman. Perhaps Vindman is an acquaintance of Mark Zaid, the Long Island lawyer who boasted to friends
about how he would help create a coup to bring down President Trump. Zaid, like Vindman, has no respect for the
American people. He would negate the will of the American people, the majority of electoral votes that were cast for
Donald J. Trump, and, through a coup, remove the president elected by the people. Perhaps Zaid knows Adam Schiff,
who is trying to do the same thing.
in The Courts — HJC vs DOJ Appellate Arguments Scheduled for November 12th. There is an important
granular aspect to the validity of the House impeachment process that few are paying attention to. If the HJC loses
this case in the DC Appellate Court, it means there is no constitutional foundation recognized to the "impeachment inquiry."
Without the constitutional recognition of the judicial branch then: (a) Pelosi/Lawfare have to restart the process with
a genuine House vote; or (b) the ongoing impeachment process will have no recognized constitutional standing; and (c) the
Senate could ignore any House impeachment vote, cast without recognized constitutional standing.
Ciaramella Attorney, January 2017: "Coup Has Started" — July 2017: "We Will Remove Him". A few
people have started looking at the connections behind Mark Zaid, the attorney for CIA "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella.
What is starting to emerge is evidence of what CTH outlined yesterday; the current impeachment process is part of a coup
continuum, and everything around the whistleblower is part of a long-ago planned and pre-constructed operation. [...]
The use of a 'whistle-blower' was pre-planned long ago. The agreements between Schiff, Lawfare and the CIA
'whistle-blower' were pre-planned. The changing of whistle-blower rules to assist the plan was designed long ago.
Adam Schiff and Daniel Goldman are executing a plan concocted long ago. None of the testimony is organic; all of it was
planned a long time ago, long before anyone knew the names Marie Yovanovitch, Kurt Volker, Gordon Sondland or Bill
Taylor. All of this is the coordinated execution of a plan.
Says Trump Coup Plotters Need Prison Time. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on the Todd Starnes Show that the
people who weaponized the federal government and tried to overthrow President Trump should face jail time. "If we do
not slap some handcuffs on people for what happened to President Trump it will happen again," Gaetz said. "We have got
to get to the bottom of this. We've got to uproot the people who believe they can substitute their judgment for the
judgment of the American electorate." [Audio clip]
Trump Reads Aloud 2017 Tweets from Whistleblower's Lawyer Declaring a 'Coup'. President Donald Trump kicked off
his political rally in Lousiana on Wednesday by reading off tweets declaring a "coup" against the president in January 2017.
The president pulled a printed copy of the Fox News story out of his jacket and read it to the cheering crowd. "I don't know
if you saw, I'm coming off the plane and they hand me — look at this character — they just hand me this story,"
he said, referring to Mark S. Zaid, the attorney representing the so-called "whistleblower" in the impeachment inquiry against
the president.
Crimeless Impeachment Is An Innovation We Don't Want And Don't Need. Democrats have been thirsty for an
impeachment ever since Donald Trump took office. Unwilling to accept the results of the 2016 presidential election,
Democrats have tried everything in their power to delegitimize Trump's triumphant victory. They've advocated to
overturn the constitutionally created Electoral College. They've drummed up conspiracy theories alleging Trump colluded
with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton. They've claimed that Russia "hacked" the election. And
they've claimed Trump's victory was a consequence of "fake news," all before Trump's inauguration. Once Trump took
office, Democrats and a compliant media ramped up their efforts. On the day Trump took the presidential oath, the
Washington Post declared that the "campaign to impeach President Trump has begun."
gang that couldn't impeach straight. The highlight of President Donald John Trump's rally last night in Monroe,
Louisiana, was the president reading the tweets of Mark Zaid, who claims to be the lawyer for the alleged whistle blower.
Zaid tweeted 10 days after the inauguration, the "coup has started." [...] I read some of his tweets and thought no one
could be so stupid as to leave a paper trail. And yet, here we are.
Coup Has Started': Whistleblower Attorney Was Already Tweeting About Impeaching Trump in Jan. of 2017. One of
the deep state attorneys representing the so-called "whistleblower" behind the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquisition,
has been working toward the impeachment of President Trump since the early days of his administration, recently unearthed
tweets reveal. Mark Zaid, a prominent national security lawyer in Washington, tweeted in January of 2017 that the
"coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately," a Fox News analysis of his tweets revealed.
Attorney Mark S. Zaid Tweeted: 'Coup Has Started'. Mark S. Zaid, the attorney representing the so-called
"whistleblower" in the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, tweeted in 2017 that the "coup has started,"
adding that "impeachment will follow ultimately." [...] Zaid was referring to the firing of Acting Attorney General Sally
Yates, who refused to defend President Trump's executive order barring travel to the U.S. from terror-prone countries that
had been identified as such under the Obama administration.
Who Can
Stop Trump Now? [Scroll down] The rules of the impeachment process legalized by the House of
Representatives turned out to be even worse than all assumptions. Firstly, this is the first investigation of the
current president in U.S. history, sanctioned by members of only one party: the opposition. Secondly, the new
rules of impeachment legalize the de facto dictatorship of one person: chairman of the Intelligence Committee Adam
Schiff. Schiff gained almost unlimited power. Now it is Schiff alone who decides who will be called in as a
witness, what questions can be asked to the witness, and who exactly will get the right to ask questions. Schiff
obtained the right to terminate the hearing if his version of the events is disputed by some intractable witness.
Republicans were [...] given the right to be able to ask Schiff to call a defense witness, and then only Schiff would be able
to decide to admit such a witness. Only Schiff decides whether the hearing will be open or closed and whether a
transcript of the committee's meetings will be made public.
Handy "Impeachment"
Cheat Sheet. Oh, yeah, there's that other little matter. We can't quite name the crime Trump has committed either.
Lawyer: Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are On 'Path to Disaster' With Current Impeachment Process. Whether
we're talking about the President Trump/Russia "collusion" hoax or the current impeachment drama involving allegations of
"quid pro quo" against Trump regarding his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Republicans have long
argued that the process Democrats were using to go about getting Trump thrown out of office was deeply flawed and partisan in
the extreme. They've also banged the drum about how Democratic "clown show" tactics to date have gone against the
precedent set during the impeachment probes involving Presidents Richard Nixon (R) and Bill Clinton (D) respectively.
As it turns out, a man who the New York Times described in 2018 as "arguably... the nation's leading impeachment lawyer"
largely agrees with them.
How Did Democrats Get
Here? There is nothing in what Trump has done as president that explains the unconstitutional attacks against
him. It is the reverse — the attempt to frame and entrap President Trump and his team as traitors with
Russia, was begun by the Obama DOJ, FBI, CIA and White House before his inauguration. It was the Obama Administration's
actions that necessitated the all-out attempt to delegitimize President Trump before he could expose them. President
Trump did nothing to provoke the Obama intelligence community framing him as a Russian traitor. You have to look at
President Obama to understand this unprecedented attempt to overturn a presidential election. Our press, including most
of the conservative press, has always been unwilling to focus on Obama, and the Marxist forces he unleashed in American
politics. We can't even use the word Marxist without the taint of supposed "McCarthyism."
they gave an impeachment and nobody cared? Official Washington is obsessed with impeaching President Donald
John Trump and has been for three years. But in covering the presidential race in Iowa, Edward-Isaac Dovere of The
Atlantic found even hardcore Democrats in America could not care less. He wrote, "The impeachment fight is
all-consuming. It's the biggest story in politics. No one is talking about anything else — except
pretty much everywhere outside of Washington." The politicians act accordingly. He wrote, "Yet of the 13
candidates there, just one mentioned impeachment: Tom Steyer, the billionaire activist whose political group and TV ads
over the past two years have helped mainstream the idea of removing the president. Steyer argues that his long record
of being outspoken in favor of impeachment is a key part of why people should support his candidacy, yet his mention of
impeachment Friday night got a warm but not overwhelming response. [...]"
Impeachers Searching
for New Crimes. All civil libertarians should be concerned about an Alice in Wonderland process in which the
search for an impeachable crime precedes the evidence that such a crime has actually been committed. Under our
constitutional system of separation of powers, Congress may not compel the Executive Branch to cooperate with an impeachment
investigation absent court orders. Conflicts between the Legislative and Executive Branches are resolved by the
Judicial Branch, not by the unilateral dictate of a handful of partisan legislators. It is neither a crime nor an
impeachable offense for the president to demand that Congress seek court orders to enforce their demands.
Democrat admits Trump impeachment could backfire on his party in 2020. Rep. Jim Clyburn believes that the
House Democrats' impeachment investigation into President Trump could hurt his party at the ballot box in 2020. Clyburn,
79, was elected to Congress in 1993 and is serving his party in the House as majority whip. The South Carolina Democrat
appeared on CNN on Sunday and asserted that while impeachment could backfire on the Democrats, the party's political concerns
should not drive the process.
an out-of-control House. [Scroll down] Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should hold a press
conference, ASAP, to explain to the American people that the impeachment inquiry resolution adopted by the House majority
amounts to a rebuff of the Senate's call for due process and equality of treatment for the House minority. McConnell
should explain that if the president accepted the unfair procedures adopted by the House Democrats, he would be approving an
assault on the Constitution's provision of separation of powers for the three branches of government, thus reducing the
presidency to an arm of the House majority. Senator McConnell should tell the American people that the Senate cannot
stand by and accept a sham impeachment that undermines the Constitution and replaces the will of a House majority for the
will of the people in choosing a president. McConnell should go further. [...]
impeachment vote is Democratic declaration of war — Republicans must declare war on Dems. With House
passage Thursday of a resolution formalizing their blatantly partisan impeachment witch hunt against President Trump, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow crazed radical Democrats have declared war on the duly elected president of the United
States. Now it's time for Republicans to draw up their own declaration of war against Democrats. The
Democrats — who didn't pick up a single Republican vote for their baseless resolution to move forward with a
kangaroo court masquerading as public impeachment hearings — are choosing to tear apart the country we all love
because they are consumed by their burning hatred for President Trump.
who wrote unfair impeachment rules has [his] girlfriend working on staff, in violation of House rules. One of
the cocky Democrats responsible for writing the party's widely-criticized, "unfair" impeachment rules that were voted on this
week is reportedly a habitual rule breaker who's been caught employing his own girlfriend in his congressional office.
That Democrat is House Rules Committee vice-chair Alcee Hastings of Florida, who this week joined his fellow equally cocky
Democrats in stonewalling efforts by Republicans to install just a modicum of fairness in their otherwise unfair and unjust
impeachment rules.
ruling could throw impeachment timeline into disarray. Even as House Democrats on Thursday ratified an
impeachment resolution against President Trump, a federal judge has potentially slowed the brisk pace of the inquiry by
declining to rule on whether a key witness needed to testify before the House of Representatives. Instead, he gave all
relevant parties several more weeks to prepare their arguments. That raised the prospect that public hearings on the
president's conduct could drag on into the Christmas holiday season, a scenario many in the Democratic leadership had once
hoped to avoid.
The Impeachment Schiff
Show. The House of Representatives voted Thursday largely along party lines, with only two Democratic
defectors, to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence
Committee, will manage the initial stage of the sham inquiry; hearings are expected to begin in a few weeks. House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), departing from tradition, handed off the impeachment grunt work to her most dependable grunt
rather than to the House Judiciary Committee. Pelosi pleaded the Democrats' case on the morning of Hallowe'en,
titillating her caucus of ghouls, witches, tramps, and thieves with tales about the scary monster in the White House.
"Sadly, this is not any cause for any glee or comfort," Pelosi assured her gleeful Democratic colleagues. "This is
something very solemn, something prayerful."
The Editor says...
Solemn, indeed. Except the Democrats had to restrain each other to keep from cheering!
Rep: At the End of the Vote, Democratic Members Had to Coach Other Members 'Not to Cheer'. If only House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi were a better liar, she would be formidable. She often spouts the most ridiculous lies and it's
obvious to even the least perceptive among us, yet no one ever questions her. The most recent example of this came
during a discussion last month with ABC's George Stephanopoulos about Rep. Adam Schiff's parody reading of the
Trump/Zelensky phone call. Pelosi told Stephanopoulos, "I want the American people to know what that phone call was
about. I want them to hear it. So yeah [the parody's] fair. It's sad, but it's using the president's own
words." To his credit, Stephanopoulos pushed back, saying, "Those weren't the president's words, it was an interpretation
of the president's words. They're saying he made this up."
Schlapp battles CNN's Camerota over 'standard' for impeachment in testy exchange. Democrats and their media
allies, not to mention "Never Trump" Republicans like Ana Navarro, are beside themselves after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
failed to get a single Republican lawmaker to back her play, which would have allowed her to call their maneuver to unseat
President Trump a "bipartisan" effort. In passing an official impeachment inquiry resolution on Thursday, the Democrat
Party may have outsmarted themselves as they effectively confirmed that this effort is a partisan maneuver. Matt
Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, appeared CNN Friday [11/1/2019] to say he felt good about the day's
turn of events, only to have anchor Alisyn Camerota push back on the definition of "high crimes."
are wasting America's time on impeachment. [Scroll down] The Democrats were always going to do
this. From the minute we realized on election night that Donald Trump had won, they began fantasizing about nullifying
the election results. Indeed, in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election, the Democrats' biggest concern was that
Trump would not accept the outcome — a Hillary Clinton win, of course! — of which they were quite
certain. And as it turns out, it was the Democrats who had no intention of accepting it. How odd that they have
again become what they claim to detest about Trump. Over the last three years, the desire to impeach Trump among
rank-and-file Democrats has only grown with each outrage, real or manufactured. Even as weak as political parties are
these days, one thing remains true — politicians nearly always do what their parties want them to do.
Halloween impeachment vote was an enormous strategic defeat. The Halloween vote for impeachment was an enormous
strategic defeat for Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She admitted seven months ago, in a March 6 interview with The Washington
Post, that a purely partisan impeachment vote was wrong and dangerous. She was right. Here are her own words:
"I'm not for impeachment. This is news. I haven't said this to any press person before. But since you asked,
and I've been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and
overwhelming and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he's just
not worth it."
much for a quickie impeachment: Now Nancy Pelosi wants to expand hearings beyond Ukraine. Up until now,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she had the goods on President Trump and impeachment would move expeditiously. Until
she didn't. Just the partisan lineup of her impeachment inquiry vote on Halloween signaled trouble, according to former
House Speaker Newt Gingrich. With that her hand of cards now, now she says she wants to expand the impeachment inquiry
beyond Ukraine, raising the specter of mission creep as well as long, drawn out, impeachment hearings on every topic the
Democrats can scare up.
Rep. Aderholt on Impeachment: 'We're Seeing the Concerns the Founding Fathers Had over 200 Years Ago'.
During an appearance on Huntsville, AL radio WVNN's "The Jeff Poor Show" this week, Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL)
acknowledged that Thursday's vote by congressional Democrats to proceed with the impeachment of President Donald Trump was a
"short-term win" for Democrats. However, he said it might be different for Democrats in the long run. According
to the Alabama Republican, what is unfolding in Congress regarding impeachment was a concern of the Founding Father when they
were laying out the provisions for removing a sitting U.S. president from office.
Is Unpredictable. [Scroll down] See, nobody knows for sure how impeachment proceedings will go. Of
course, we have heard again and again over the last five weeks (or is it three years?) that it is inconceivable Donald Trump
could ever be ousted from the presidency. His firewall against being stripped of power (and, his supporters hoped,
against the House's even bothering to impeach him in the first place) has always been Republican control of the Senate, where
a two-thirds supermajority is required to remove a president. Assuming all Democrats voted to convict on any article of
impeachment, Trump would be assured of acquittal if he lost no more than 20 Republicans. Notice, though, that there's always
been a caveat to such confident predictions: As long as there is nothing other than what we already know about.
This Is an Attempt to Undo the Last Election and Influence the Next One. Speaking on the House floor, [House
Minority Leader Kevin] McCarthy said [...] "So I ask you all a simple question especially to my colleagues, is that what is
happening here today? Are we gathered these final moments before we depart for a week to fund our government, to pay
our troops? Are we gathered today to prove a new trade deal? Or are we gathered to debate the critical national
security issues regarding China, or Iran? Well, that answer would be unanimously no, we are not working for the
American people," he said. [...] "Those items would resemble the achievements of a productive Congress, a Congress that truly
works for the people, but you know what this Congress counts? This Congress records is more subpoenas than laws.
That's the legacy. It is not just devoid of solutions for the American people, it is now abusing its power to discredit
democracy by using secret interviews and selective leaks to portray the president's legitimate actions as an impeachable
offense," he said.
GOP Fed Up With Crooked Impeachment Inquiry: 'It's A Sham'. Following a unipartisan House vote to approve a
resolution "formalizing" the procedures of Democrats' impeachment inquiry, House Republicans held a blistering press
conference Thursday afternoon where they detailed the manipulation, dishonesty, and selfishness that continue to drive
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Cal.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Cal.) grand "impeachment inquiry." The Democrats lost the 2016
presidential election, and as evidenced by their rather pompous vote yesterday, they have not yet recovered. The House
GOP responded with the sort of righteous indignation that would be expected from a party that has witnessed two charade-like
investigations unfold in three years — one based on a laughably far-fetched "dossier," the other premised upon an
event that never took place, as is clear from publicly released transcripts.
Uncorks Impeachment Probe With Few Answers and High Risks. Nancy Pelosi has launched a new phase of the
impeachment inquiry with no explicit timetable, no defined scope of what to investigate, no guarantee the White House will
cooperate and not a single Republican vote — in many ways taking Congress and the country into the exact
politically perilous place she long sought to avoid. The vote puts pressure on President Donald Trump, who now is all
but certain to face a vote on articles of impeachment in the coming months. But the onus also falls on Pelosi to finish
what she started, with only the slimmest majority of public support in polls and many nervous Democrats who know voters will
hold them to account for what happens.
no model for this': Impeachment timeline crashes into Democratic primary. On its current path, the impeachment
case against President Donald Trump is on a collision course with perhaps the most pivotal period in the Democratic primary,
threatening to unravel the campaign plans of some of the top 2020 contenders. The House is unlikely to vote on
impeachment until the end of the year, meaning the Senate trial against Trump figures to begin in January — just
weeks before the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses. It's an event that could require the six Democratic presidential prospects
to remain in Washington every workday for at least a month.
Schmidt: If Trump Is Not Impeached the American Republic Will No Longer Exist. On Thursday's broadcast of
MSNBC's "Deadline," Steve Schmidt, John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign manager, said President Donald Trump must be
removed from office by impeachment or "we don't live in the American republic that existed from 1787 until 2017."
Resolution 'Loophole' Allows Democrats to Reject White House Witnesses. The impeachment inquiry resolution put
forth by House Democrats includes a "loophole" that would give the majority party, or Democrats, on the Judiciary Committee
the power to reject witnesses requested by the White House, Roll Call reports. Democrats released the text of the inquiry
resolution on Tuesday [10/29/2019], which Republicans say does little to nothing to address their concerns moving forward.
On 'Sham Impeachment':
'Why Do You Not Trust the People?' Kevin McCarthy Says to Democrats. "What do you believe the definition of due
process is?" "What do you think the First Amendment is?" House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), ahead of
the impeachment inquiry vote in Congress, gave a powerful speech on Thursday morning and posed a number of direction questions
to the Democrats. He called them out for their one-sided, biased and politically partisan efforts to try to remove
President Donald Trump from the office to which he was elected by the American people in November 2016.
Bolton dashes Dem's high hopes of testimony for impeachment inquiry. After being "invited" by congressional
Democrats to testify before them about President Donald Trump, former National Security Adviser John Bolton basically told
Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and the rest of the gang to pound sand. In an email sent late Wednesday [10/30/2019] to The
Hill, the former FNC personality's attorney Chuck Cooper confirmed that his client won't appear before Democrats
voluntarily — and that he'd have to be subpoenaed, for starters.
Rep methodically shreds Dem's impeachment 'sham'. Republicans have accused the Democrats' so-called
"impeachment resolution" of being a sham that would do nothing more than formally grant House Intelligence Committee chair
Adam Schiff the powers of an independent counsel, when in reality he's no such thing. Speaking during a House Rules
Committee meeting on Wednesday afternoon [10/30/2019], House Judiciary Committee member Rep. Debbie Lesko, a Republican,
listed the unprecedented powers that'd be granted to Schiff were the "sham" resolution to pass the House during Thursday's
expected vote.
Collin Peterson,
Jeff Van Drew, the only two Democrats who voted against a Trump impeachment inquiry. The two Democrats who
broke from their party Thursday to vote against an impeachment inquiry are political conservatives representing congressional
districts President Donald Trump won in 2016. Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota and Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New
Jersey joined every Republican in opposing a resolution that lays out a road map for an inquiry that will decide whether
articles of impeachment should be filed against Trump over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate 2020 political
rival Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. The resolution passed 232-196 along almost entirely partisan lines.
The Left's Billionaires
Have Been Pushing Impeachment All Along. Leftist activists, the Democratic National Committee, their
billionaire benefactors, and representatives of some of the world's largest charitable foundations came together in the days
following Donald Trump's election. At a meeting deliberately planned for Inauguration Day 2017, they finalized the
resistance. [...] This plan, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon in 2017, included working directly with social
media giants to access and manipulate their data, planting news stories in the mainstream media critical of President Trump,
mounting campaigns against his policies, framing everything he does through a racial lens, and normalizing violence in the
streets as a form of resistance. Their goal? To box Donald Trump in and ensure that he would never be
"normalized" in American culture. The amount of money dedicated to these efforts is staggering. Tracing the
sources of that dark money has proven elusive.
Dems on Intel Committee Are Like a Cult, And the Media Are Cult Followers. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.),
ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee said Thursday [10/31/2019] that Democrats on the Intelligence Committee
running the impeachment inquiry are like a cult, and the media are cult followers. "We are not here to run a show trial
in an effort to impeach the president of the United States. It's clear that since the Democrats took control of the
House of Representatives they have always intended to transform the Intelligence Committee into the Impeachment Committee,"
Nunes said in a speech on the House floor.
House approves impeachment
inquiry rules after fiery floor debate. A sharply divided House voted Thursday to approve a resolution setting
"ground rules" for the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, putting lawmakers on record over the contentious process
while setting the stage for proceedings to move into the public eye after weeks of closed-door depositions. The measure
passed largely along party lines, 232-196. Two Democrats defected on the vote. The first formal floor vote in relation
to the impeachment probe announced a month ago by Speaker Nancy Pelosi followed a fierce debate in the chamber, where
Republicans accused Democrats of launching a de facto "coup" against the president in a "pre-ordained" bid to overturn the
results of the 2016 election.
Brokaw Admits Democrats Lack 'the Goods' to Impeach Trump. NBC legend Tom Brokaw told an obviously disappointed
Andrea Mitchell that Democrats do not have "the goods" to impeach President Trump. [...] Speaking to Mitchell on the far-left
MSNBC Tuesday, Brokaw said, "The big difference" between Trump and Nixon is that today, Democrats "still don't have what you
call 'the goods' on this president in terms of breaking the law and being an impeachable target for them."
Impeachment Resolution Authorizes Fishing Expedition Probes that Go Far Beyond Ukraine. The House Democrats'
impeachment inquiry resolution would officially authorize probes into U.S. President Donald Trump that are unrelated to the
Ukraine-linked allegations that triggered the investigation to impeach him, including efforts to obtain the commander in
chief's tax returns. Unveiled on Tuesday [10/29/2019], the text of the resolution states that the measure orders
"certain committees" to continue investigating whether there is sufficient evidence to impeach Trump and "for other
purposes," without explaining what those purposes are.
Alcee Hastings, Who Was Impeached and Removed, Makes Impeachment Rules. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) is the
second-ranking Democrat on the House Rules Committee, which is setting the rules for the "impeachment inquiry" into President
Donald Trump. Hastings himself was impeached and removed from office in 1989 — one of only eight federal
officials, all of whom have been judges, so be so relieved of their duties. [...] Hastings was removed for bribery, one of
the causes enumerated in the Constitution's Impeachment Clause (Article II, Section 4).
Another impeachment witness who's not exactly unimpeachable. The Democrats have trotted out for the cameras
another supposedly unimpeachable impeachment hearing witness, building him up as the Ultimate Trump Slayer, the trump-Trump
trump card, the reason it's now all over for President Trump. We've seen this show before, first, during the Mueller
special counsel affair. Then with NSC aide Fiona Hill. Then with U.S. Ambassador Bill Taylor. The cold hard
facts show something different.
Lee Smith Book Should Stop 'Impeachment Inquiry' in Its Tracks. Lee Smith's book, The Plot Against the
President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History,
does more than recount the story of how Hillary Clinton was able to recruit federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies
to smear her rival — an effort that became an attempt to remove the president from office. It suggests the
present "impeachment inquiry" is the fruit of that poisoned tree. Smith follows the efforts of former House Intelligence
Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) as he discovered the truth about the outgoing Obama administration's efforts to "unmask"
the names of Americans caught up in the government's foreign surveillance and leak them, illegally, to the media.
the House Impeachment Inquiry Resolution. [T]he Constitution commits the impeachment power to the House, not to
the Speaker or the majority party in the House. The House acts as institution only by voting. It will finally
have done so once this resolution is approved. The president and Republicans will no longer have a valid argument that
the inquiry is constitutionally infirm. That has been the White House's main justification for refusing to cooperate.
[...] Not surprisingly, Democrats are posturing that the passage of the resolution means the president must produce any
information directed by the House. This is an overstatement.
Adam Schiff Empowerment Act. House Democrats plan to pass their Trump impeachment inquiry resolution
Thursday. Its full description is "Directing certain committees to continue their ongoing investigations as part of the
existing House of Representatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise
its Constitutional power to impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, and for other purposes."
A better, and much shorter, title would be The Adam Schiff Empowerment Act. The resolution gives Rep. Schiff, chairman
of the House Intelligence Committee, far-reaching power over the Trump impeachment. Speaker Nancy Pelosi remains the
ultimate authority, of course, but, like a chairman of the board choosing a chief executive officer, she has picked Schiff
to run the show. And in the resolution, Democrats will give him near-total control.
House divided: Dems find no GOP defectors for Trump impeachment vote. House Democrats are bracing for a
stark party-line vote Thursday [10/31/2019] on the impeachment inquiry against President Trump that will highlight the
partisan nature of the probe and give him fresh ammunition to argue that he is being railroaded.
Lindsey Graham:
'Not One Vote' Among Senate Republicans To Remove Trump 'Because He Did Nothing Wrong'. South Carolina Senator
Lindsey Graham said there is "not one vote" among Senate Republicans to remove President Donald Trump from office "because he
did nothing wrong." During a Tuesday night [10/29/2019] interview on Fox News' "Hannity" about the ongoing House
impeachment inquiry, Graham criticized House Democrats as "sore losers" engaged in an "unfair process" before giving Fox News
host Sean Hannity his opinion about how far things would go in the Senate.
'Lynching' Hypocrisy. President Donald Trump ignited yet another controversy when, on Twitter, he compared the
Democrats' pursuit of his impeachment to a "lynching." [...] Here's the problem: Where were the voices of indignation
during the impeachment of President Bill Clinton when his defenders used the very same word?
Halloween Impeachment Plan Vote Scares Democrats, Splinters House Majority. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA)
proposal to vote on formalizing procedures for the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump has splintered members of
her own caucus. Earlier this week, Pelosi and the rest of the House leadership announced they would hold a vote on
Thursday — Halloween — to establish procedures governing the ongoing impeachment probe. The
Speaker, who for weeks had argued the House had no constitutional requirement to vote on authorizing an impeachment inquiry,
relented after coming under fire for keeping the process in the shadows.
Impeachment 'Is Whatever a Majority of the House Decides It Is...'. "Do you view the House impeachment inquiry
as illegitimate?" a reporters asked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at his news conference on Tuesday [10/29/2019].
McConnell did not directly answer the legitimacy question, except to say that an impeachable offense is whatever the House
wants it to be: [...]
Problems with the Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry Resolution. Democrats released the text Tuesday [10/29/2019]
of their resolution to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, with the vote to be held on
Thursday. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who argued for weeks that the House had no constitutional
obligation to vote to authorize a inquiry, finally relented, which Republicans cited as an admission that the process has
been a sham. There are additional problems with the resolution — which Democrats never opened to negotiation
with Republicans: [...]
Republicans [are] Unaware of [the] Intent Behind Pelosi's Thursday Impeachment Vote. Very worrisome. As
we feared representative Doug Collins and representative Jim Jordan have no idea what Nancy Pelosi is doing on Thursday or
why she is doing it. This level of naiveté is why republicans always lose. The House GOP and the Executive
branch do not have skilled lawyers insightful enough to see behind the moves that Speaker Pelosi is making.
The 'Demedia's'
Impeachment Beat Goes On. [T]he Democratic allegations we have seen are preposterous legal nonsense: that the
president's legitimate curiosity to know if former Vice President Joe Biden's son was influence-peddling in Ukraine was a
misuse of U.S. government assistance to buy an advantage in the upcoming election. This will not move the Republican
senators very far. Republicans would commit mass electoral suicide to desert the president in the face of what we have
seen up to now. The Demedia are scurrying about like roaches with NeverTrump whisperings of mutiny in the Senate
cloakroom, but it isn't happening.
deceptive 'impeachment vote'. Speaker Pelosi is playing word games, trying to pull a fast one on the
Republicans, the American people, and the Constitution by appearing to "authorize" a formal impeachment inquiry, while not
actually passing an impeachment resolution that would trigger rights for Republican House members to call witnesses and issue
subpoenas. That is why, when ambushed by NBC News, she was careful to make a distinction and say "It is not an
impeachment resolution."
leaders walk back Thursday impeachment vote. House Democratic leaders are walking back a planned vote Thursday [10/31/2019]
that would officially endorse impeachment proceedings and say that the resolution would merely address the process of holding public
hearings on the matter. "This is not an impeachment resolution," House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters Tuesday morning.
"I don't know what an impeachment resolution is." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Monday that the planned vote was
"not an impeachment resolution."
announces Trump impeachment inquiry vote — Here's what I am on the lookout for now. Senator Lindsey
Graham has created a new reality for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Graham has written a powerful resolution which Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell joined in co-sponsoring. Together they have attracted 50 co-sponsors — which
means with Vice President Pence supporting them they would win a vote to dismiss any phony impeachment from the House that
failed to meet a key standard of fairness. [...] As a practical matter, the House Democrats had no choice but to bring the
impeachment process to a vote. They were faced with a Trump administration that refused to cooperate with a secret
investigation which lacked rules and authorization by the full House. They were also faced with a Senate that was
prepared to reject a kangaroo court-style secret approach. However, the next test for Speaker Pelosi and the House
Democrats will concern the kind of resolution they bring to the floor.
Impeachment Subverts the Constitution. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has directed committees investigating President
Trump to "proceed under that umbrella of impeachment inquiry," but the House has never authorized such an inquiry.
Democrats have been seeking to impeach Mr. Trump since the party took control of the House, though it isn't clear for
what offense. Lawmakers and commentators have suggested various possibilities, but none amount to an impeachable
offense. The effort is akin to a constitutionally proscribed bill of attainder — a legislative effort to
punish a disfavored person. The Senate should treat it accordingly. The impeachment power is quasi-judicial and
differs fundamentally from Congress's legislative authority. The Constitution assigns "the sole power of impeachment"
to the House — the full chamber, which acts by majority vote, not by a press conference called by the Speaker.
Once the House begins an impeachment inquiry, it may refer the matter to a committee to gather evidence with the aid of
subpoenas. Such a process ensures the House's political accountability, which is the key check on the use of
impeachment power.
Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up". Adam Lovinger, a former Defense Department
analyst, never expected that what he stumbled on during his final months at the Pentagon would expose an integral player in
the FBI's handling of President Donald Trump's campaign and alleged Russia collusion. Lovinger, a whistleblower, is now
battling to save his career. The Pentagon suspended his top-secret security clearance May 1, 2017, when he exposed
through an internal review that Stefan Halper, who was then an emeritus Cambridge professor, had received roughly $1 million
in tax-payer funded money to write Defense Department foreign policy reports, his attorney Sean Bigley said. Before
Lovinger's clearance was suspended he had taken a detail to the National Security Council as senior director for strategy.
He was only there for five months before he was recalled to the Pentagon, stripped of his prestigious White House detail, and
ordered to perform bureaucratic make-work in a Pentagon annex Bigley calls "the land of misfit toys."
'Impeachment Inquiry' Star Witness Admits Protecting the 'Interagency'. The New York Times has obtained
the opening statement of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander S. Vindman, the top White House expert on Ukraine, who will testify to
the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday about his concerns about President Donald Trump's telephone call with Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelensky in July. The statement, leaked to the Times — though committee chair
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has likened impeachment to a "grand jury" proceeding, which is typically conducted in
secrecy — is described by the Times as the first account of someone who actually listened in on the
telephone call, as opposed to hearing about it second- or third-hand.
Trump impeachment Democrats thought they found their 'smoking gun' — he fires blanks. Last week, the
Democrats could barely contain themselves as they thought they'd found their smoking gun on Trump's impeachment: [...] What
got them so excited? The testimony of Bill Taylor, our ambassador to Ukraine, who apparently claimed the president
wanted to withhold military aid and the White House meeting, unless Ukraine's new president publicly said he would investigate
not just 2016 election meddling, but the Bidens, too. Taylor's claim is also in his published witness statements.
So what's the truth? Well, we don't know all of it because this whole thing is still being run in secret.
Calls House Vote to Affirm Speaker Impeachment Inquiry The House Never Authorized. Very nice trick here by the
Lawfare advisory and rules committee that is handling the construct of the "Official House Inquiry" on impeachment. It
is such a good trick it has everyone crossed-up and confused. Likely, that is by design. On Thursday of this week
[10/31/2019] Speaker Pelosi is bringing to the floor a resolution to affirm her previous declaration of an "Official House
Inquiry". Mrs. Pelosi is very purposefully and carefully telling reporters this is not a "House resolution on impeachment".
GOP to move from the criticizing process to fighting impeachment on the facts. House Minority Leader Kevin
McCarthy previewed a shift in the party's impeachment strategy during a private meeting with senior Republican aides, saying
a sharper focus on defending President Trump against allegations behind the inquiry would begin when Democrats open the
process. House Democrats have run the impeachment process through the secretive Intelligence Committee with Republicans
for the past month, concentrating the lion's share of their criticism on claims the process is unconstitutional and unfair.
will judge Democrats harshly for impeachment of Trump, Ken Starr says. History will judge congressional
Democrats harshly for their handling of President Trump's impeachment inquiry due to their lack of public debate and failure
to be transparent with the American people, former special prosecutor Ken Starr said on "America's Newsroom" Monday
[10/28/2019]. "The text of the Constitution just entrusts [impeachment] to the good judgment, whether it's being
exercised or not, to the House of Representatives," Starr said. "But history will, I think, judge this not well.
It should judge it not well. [You] didn't have a full debate on the floor of the House — and that just lends
itself to, 'then to let's go to court and have this litigated.' And of course, the chairman then says, 'you go to court,
you're in contempt.'"
Rep. Jordan
says House impeachment vote won't change anything: Dems 'putting lipstick on the pig'. House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi's next step in formalizing the impeachment process is not going to change anything, Rep. Jim Jordan,
R-Ohio, said Tuesday [10/29/2019]. "I think the speaker is going to try to dress it up a little bit, put a little
lipstick on the pig as they say and have this vote on Thursday, but it's not going to change anything," the ranking
Republican on the House Oversight Committee told "Fox & Friends." Pelosi said Monday the House will vote this week
on a resolution to formalize — and establish the parameters — of the Trump impeachment inquiry.
Committee and Nadler to regain control of impeachment. The Judiciary Committee had been criticized by both
parties for conducting an impeachment proceeding that had devolved into theatrics, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced
Monday [10/28/2019] she'll move the inquiry back to the panel some time after the House votes Thursday on a resolution to
formalize the proceedings.
Probe: Ex-Trump Adviser Won't Testify Until Judge Rules. U.S. President Donald Trump's former Deputy
National Security Advisor Charles Kupperman defied a subpoena issued by House Democrats compelling him to testify Monday
[10/28/2019] in the ongoing impeachment probe. Kupperman's decision has dismayed House Democrat investigators, who have
threatened to hold him in contempt of Congress. In a letter to Kupperman's lawyer issued Saturday, the House Democrat
leaders cautioned that his absence may prompt them to "draw adverse inference" that his testimony would have fueled their
impeachment agenda.
Says Planned Impeachment Vote Proves Inquiry Was 'Botched From the Start'. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
said Monday [10/28/2019] that a decision by Democrats to hold a vote on the impeachment inquiry against President Trump later
this week shows the process was "botched from the start." "It's been 34 days since Nancy Pelosi unilaterally declared
her impeachment inquiry," the California Republican wrote in a tweet. "Today's backtracking is an admission that this
process has been botched from the start." Earlier Monday, House Rules Committee chairman Jim McGovern announced the House
will vote Thursday to formalize the impeachment process in order to "ensure transparency and provide a clear path forward."
Calling Pelosi and Schiff's
bluff. President Trump has repeatedly slammed the secret impeachment hearings in the Capitol basement as a
"kangaroo court." Speaker Nancy Pelosi got the message. On Monday, she announced the full House will vote to formally
launch impeachment proceedings that will be out in the open, instead of in the dark. Democrats have been trying to
suggest they have the goods on Trump. But fact is, none of the witnesses they have called so far have any firsthand
knowledge of presidential wrongdoing. Behind closed doors and with no media allowed, House Democrats have tried to put
on the appearance of a legal proceeding. At the end of each session, they leak what they claim happened. The
media are all too willing to play along, printing the Democratic pols' claims as if they were fact.
crazy Democrats losing it as Russia Hoax moves to a criminal inquiry. They're insane. They're fruit
bats. They've stayed at the party too long. They're making us nuts just watching them. Many of House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) impeachment elves are expecting the worst now that Attorney General Barr has announced that the
ongoing investigation into the origins of the Mueller investigation has been stepped up to a criminal investigation.
Could it be that those who perpetrated scurrilous lies, spying, and set-ups, including the use of international players since
Trump's inauguration and before, will finally be vulnerable to American justice? Are they aware of the impending danger
as the light of day reveals what they've been up to? [Certainly], they're aware.
About Impeachment When They Have 67 Senators. [Scroll down] My money is on Donald Trump, the warrior. Not just
because he knows the enemy better than anyone else, and because for nearly five years he has beaten the enemy every single time, but
because I can count. And what I count to is a number that is less than 67. That's the number of traitors to the Constitution
you would need in the Senate to convict. 67. But right now, the count is about 50, maybe 49, or even 47 or 48. That's the
number of unAmerican creeps in the Senate who would vote to convict when the garbage Democrats in the house pass their garbage articles of
garbage impeachment.
Judge Beryl Howell Grants House Judiciary Committee Access to Mueller Grand Jury Material. There's a clear set
of battle lines now evident amid the ongoing political and legal dynamic: Nadler, Pelosi, Lawfare and the Deep State
media [versus] Durham, Barr, Trump and the MAGA movement. Playing directly into this dynamic today [10/25/2019] Obama
appointed Judge Beryl Howell has ruled an impeachment by unilateral decree is constitutionally valid; and as an outcome
House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler can have access to some of the Mueller grand jury material that was used as evidence
in the "Mueller-Weissmann Report". It's important to note Judge Howell granted access to only that grand jury material
that was used in the Mueller Report, not a blanket authority to gain all witness testimony or grand jury material writ large.
Impeachers Searching
for New Crimes. The goal of the impeach-at-any-cost cadre has always been the same: impeach and remove Trump,
regardless of whether or not he did anything warranting removal. The means — the alleged impeachable
offenses — have changed, as earlier ones have proved meritless. The search for the perfect impeachable
offense against Trump is reminiscent of overzealous prosecutors who target the defendant first and then search for the crime
with which to charge him. Or to paraphrase the former head of the Soviet secret police to Stalin: show me the man
and I will find you the crime. Although this is not Stalin's Soviet Union, all civil libertarians should be concerned
about an Alice in Wonderland process in which the search for an impeachable crime precedes the evidence that such a crime
has actually been committed.
Clinton, Biden: The Dems lynching of President Trump and America. In a recent tweet, Donald Trump uses
the word lynching to describe the Democrat's latest push to destroy his very life. Lest you forget, first a bit of
history. Liberals tried the Russia hoax. And it did not work. The insistent nagging regarding the
emoluments clauses are not working. And it started even before his election, much less his inauguration. [...] As
defined, lynching is the finding of guilt, leading to punishment, without the benefit of due process. Which is exactly
what Adam Schiff and the liberal lunatics are doing to our President and those that voted for him.
Grassley Tweets Warning About FISA Investigation. U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley sent a forboding tweet a few days
ago outlining the possibility of the FISA investigation would result in a "deep six" cover-up. Grassley has a unique
perspective on a very specific element to the construct of the FISA application, and the political use therein, that most
have forgotten. Back in 2018 when Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Grassley was hot on the trail of a very
specific individual that has had almost no attention since. The election clock ran out on Grassley; the mid-terms took
place; and Grassley was never able to get to his target.
Course President Trump Is Being Lynched. Impeachment is being pushed without authorization from the full House,
as in, "The House of Representatives ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment." The Constitution gives this power not
to the speaker or the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, but to "The House," meaning the entire House. [...] How
is the House pushing impeachment? Through a "secret" process rather than through a "due" process. Hearings are
conveniently being held clandestinely, since, if the oxymoronic "House Intelligence" Committee holds hearings, everything can
be covered under a blanket of "national security." The accusers call witnesses while the defense can only watch, unable to
take notes or call their own witnesses, subpoena documents, receive transcripts of the proceedings, or anything else normally
afforded the defense under the due process of American jurisprudence.
Politicians Who Used 'Lynching' the Way Trump Did, and the Left Didn't Care. [#1] Joe Biden: In 1998,
then-Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) suggested the impeachment of then-President Bill Clinton was a "political lynching." [...]
[#2] Jerry Nadler: Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), now chair of the House Judiciary Committee, which would lead an
impeachment against Trump, himself compared Clinton's impeachment to a lynching no less than three times. Specifically,
he called House Republicans a "lynch mob."
in Impeachment? Changed to What? After a marathon session in the House where former US diplomat to
Ukraine William Taylor testified, Democrats called the event a "game-changer" in the impeachment inquiry. But what
exactly did it change? House Democrats had claimed they already had the goods, so are they suggesting the investigation
has changed from a wild bluff to something substantial?
Republicans storm closed-door Trump impeachment hearing in SCIF. Some 30 House Republicans on Wednesday [10/23/2019] stormed
their way into a closed-door hearing in a secure House Intelligence Committee meeting room to rip the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry
against President Trump. The pro-Trump lawmakers, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, barged into the sensitive compartmented
information facility (SCIF) where Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Laura Cooper was giving a deposition.
Gaetz Leads Republican Charge Into Secret Schiff Impeachment Meeting. A group of House Republicans stormed a
closed-door meeting on Wednesday to demand more transparency in the Democratic-lead impeachment inquiry into President
Trump. Led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), the room the Republicans entered was a Sensitive Compartmented Information
Facility (SCIF) inside the Capitol building, where House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff was about to give his opening
statement for Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Laura Cooper's testimony. Rep. Fred Keller (R-PA) said when the
members, who do not sit on one of the three committees leading the inquiry, entered, Schiff left the room. The hearing
was halted as Republicans tried to hash out a deal before some were made to leave the area.
Republicans Storm Adam Schiff's Secret Impeachment Room. About two dozen frustrated House Republicans on
Wednesday stormed the secret room where House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been running the
closed-door impeachment inquiry. Led by House Judiciary Committee member Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), the Republican
lawmakers attempted to enter the room where Schiff has been bringing in current and former State Department officials to
testify on whether President Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine in exchange for alleged help with the 2020 election.
lawmakers storm closed-door impeachment session, as Schiff walks out. House Republicans led by Rep. Matt
Gaetz, R-Fla., on Wednesday essentially stormed a closed-door session connected to the impeachment investigation of President
Trump, prompting House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to suspend the proceedings in a remarkable scene.
The standoff happened Wednesday morning after lawmakers held a press conference in which they accused House Democrats of lack
of transparency.
House Republicans Demand Transparency and End To Impeachment "Star-Chamber" Secrecy. Earlier today thirty
republican members of the House of Representatives stood up and said they've had enough of the ridiculous schemes behind the
Pelosi, Schiff and Lawfare plan to conduct an impeachment inquiry without transparency and sunlight. With House
democrats shredding the rules, procedures and historic norms in a transparent political scheme, apparently the GOP is finally
starting to fight back. Some righteous indignation was expressed during a press conference.
in 1998 Repeatedly Liken Clinton Impeachment to 'Lynching'. No sooner had President Trump likening the
impeachment inquiry embroiling his White House to a "lynching" were Democrats accusing him of racism, and worse. [...] In a
1998 appearance on CNN, Joe Biden said of Clinton's impeachment: "Even if the president should be impeached, history is
going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching or whether or not it was something that, in fact, met the
standard, the very high bar that was set by the Founders as to what constituted an impeachable offense."
Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) said in a 1998 floor speech: "What we are doing, what we're doing here is not a
prosecution, it's a persecution. And indeed, it is a political lynching." A week before Christmas in 1998,
Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.) also likened the impeachment proceedings to a lynching. [...] And that's just a sampling.
[Video clip]
Orange man bad?
In a proverbial nutshell, they — the established 'somebodies' and their media allies — are desperate.
They are desperate because Trump is succeeding. He is actually doing not just what he promised to do (itself a rare and
threatening thing to the establishment), but he is taking down what their own personal futures and fortunes depend on:
that We the People continue to believe that certain things could no longer be done. That our future is destined to be
small — something that the establishment has been diligently drumming into the American psyche for at least
a full generation.
hysteria over 'lynching' offers an opportunity for Trump to discredit them. I suspect that President Trump
deliberately used the word "lynching" in a tweet to describe the efforts to impeach him knowing that it would evoke hysteria
from Democrats accusing him of racism. Lest I be accused of attributing to him mastery of 3-dimensional chess, it
doesn't take a mastermind to understand that the media and other Democrats will take any bait at hand to accuse Trump of
nefariousness. The word "lynch" has roots far predating the Reconstruction period during which the KKK, the
paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, summarily executed by hanging many freed slaves, as well as many white Republicans
who supported Reconstruction measures, as even the NAACP acknowledges. Lynching continued into the 20th century.
Real Reason Dems Are Slowing Down Impeachment. And you know what the reason given is? Because Schiff and
his team are learning of so many abuses they didn't even know about. Why, these witnesses are coming in and they're
telling stories about Trump that the Democrats had no idea of. And it's expanding the scope. That is not what is
going on. It's the exact opposite! They aren't finding any impeachable evidence. That's the problem! [...]
[Adam Schiff] is the guy who promised everybody he had evidence of Trump and Russia colluding, and he has yet to produce
it. So they're claiming their secret witnesses are providing them so much dirt on Trump, they need more time to
investigate all these new leads. But we know that is a lie. You know how we know that's a lie? Because if
there was any new dirt on Trump, Schiff would have immediately leaked it to the New York Times or the Washington Post.
There haven't been any new crimes reported by either of those stellar fake news sites.
real 'constitutional crisis' is all on Democrats. The Constitution requires "treason, bribery, or other high
crimes and misdemeanors." This means that the "high crimes and misdemeanors" should be on the same level as treason or
bribery. If the Democrats had any real, credible evidence of "high crimes and misdemeanors," they would not be
requesting that President Trump assist the House Democrats, nor would they be holding secret hearings. They would be
having open, televised hearings. There is no reason for President Trump to cooperate with Pelosi's kangaroo court,
especially since the supposed basis for the impeachment is President Trump's phone call to Ukraine's President
Zelensky. President Trump released the transcript of the call. If the call is the basis, then Pelosi and Schiff
have the transcript. The transcript speaks for itself. If this is an impeachable offense, then Pelosi should hold
the vote now to send it to the Senate. The Dems and media have focused on President Trump, and they are obsessed with
finding a crime, which means they have to manufacture a crime because no crime exists.
Asked Every GOP Senator About Impeachment. Seven Ruled It Out. Most Republican senators refused to rule
out voting to remove President Donald Trump from office in an impeachment trial over the Ukraine scandal when contacted by
the Daily Caller this week. The Caller contacted all 53 Republican Senate offices Monday and Tuesday [10/22/2019] to
ask if senators would rule out voting to remove Trump from office, and received a variety of responses — seven
senators explicitly rejected impeachment in their statement.
Claim Impeachment 'Game Changer'. It really doesn't matter what any of these witnesses tell the Impeachment
Folly ringleaders, the story is already written. The ringleaders will tell this story to the public via their media
conduits even if their "witnesses" do not cooperate and affirm their fairy tale. Because this process is taking place
in secret, we can only assume the Democrats have something to hide. There would be no reason to conceal the process if
things are as they are portrayed in their media leaks.
calls House Democrats' impeachment inquiry a 'lynching'. President Trump on Tuesday [10/22/2019] characterized
the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry as a "lynching." "So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans
win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights," the
president wrote on Twitter. "All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here — a lynching.
But we will WIN!" In another tweet, he commended the Republicans who voted to censure Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of
the House Intelligence Committee, although Democrats blocked the resolution in a 218-185 party-line vote Monday evening.
Every Democrat In Existence Used the Term "Lynching" To Defend The Clintons. While it's hard to keep up with
all the freak-outs constantly percolating within our media establishment, one of the latest involves Donald Trump using the
term "lynch" to describe the secret impeachment investigation they are carrying out. [...] Of course, a little digging has
turned up the reality that Democrats have used the term "lynch" in its various forms (lynch mob, lynching, etc.) many
times. It's pretty laughable just how prevalent their use of the word has been throughout the years. Worse, they
did so specifically decrying impeachment, the very thing Trump is decrying.
Biden apologizes after footage of him blasting the 1998 Clinton impeachment probe as a 'partisan lynching' is unearthed. Joe
Biden has apologized for using the word 'lynching' when describing the impeachment of President Bill Clinton in 1998. His apology comes
after the former Vice President lambasted President Donald Trump for also using the exact same word as he described his current impeachment
process. 'This wasn't the right word to use and I'm sorry about that,' Biden wrote in a tweet late on Tuesday night [10/22/2019].
Biden used the word during a 1998 CNN interview as he defended then President Clinton on-air.
Biden is called out after he slams Trump for calling the impeachment inquiry 'a lynching'. Joe Biden has
apologized for using the word 'lynching' when describing the impeachment of President Bill Clinton in 1998. His apology
comes after the former Vice President lambasted President Donald Trump for also using the exact same word as he described his
current impeachment process. 'This wasn't the right word to use and I'm sorry about that,' Biden wrote in a tweet late on
Tuesday night [10/22/2019]. Biden used the word during a 1998 CNN interview as he defended then President Clinton on-air.
Graham condemns impeachment coverage, says press is out to 'get' Trump. Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey
Graham questioned the press while defending President Trump's use of the word "lynching" to describe the impeachment inquiry.
Trump faced backlash for comparing his impeachment to "a lynching" on Twitter. Graham was one of the only prominent Republicans
to defend the president, saying, "This is a lynching in every sense. This is un-American." He also criticized the media's
handling of Trump's comments and the impeachment inquiry as a whole. "I'm going to let the whole world know that if we were
doing this to a Democratic president, you would be all over me right now," Graham said Tuesday [10/22/2019]. "Not one person
is asking a question."
Impeachment Will Fail.
Since all polls show Republican opinion in the country is rock solid behind the president and by any normal criteria —
the economy, declining illegal immigration, and his delivery on election promises — he will be reelected easily.
This, as the egregious U.S. Representative Al Green (D-Texas) says, is the problem: if Trump isn't impeached, he will be
reelected. But impeachment will be a complete failure, and he will be reelected anyway.
The Clock
Is Running Out For Impeachment. According to multiple news outlets on Monday [10/21/2019], House Democrats have conceded
that they are very unlikely to conclude their impeachment inquiry and vote on articles by Thanksgiving, their original preferred
timeline. They cited scheduling difficulties and new evidence of potential wrong doing by the White House as main reasons
for the delay. Democrats now say that they hope to be ready for a vote by Christmas, but waiting that long to resolve the
matter in the House and send it over to the Senate is rife with problems, which was why Democrats wanted it to be wrapped up
by Thanksgiving in the first place. If articles of impeachment were passed near Christmas, the Senate would be unable to
begin a trial until inside of one month before the Iowa caucus on Feb. 3rd.
Pelosi Justifies Effort: Investigating Political Corruption is Grounds for Impeachment. Nancy Pelosi
released a "fact sheet" outlining her justification for the impeachment process. Within the justification Speaker
Pelosi/Lawfare intentionally conflates investigating past political corruption/interference (2016) with the current 2020
election. Speaker Pelosi's self-serving position boils down to: any effort by the executive branch to investigate
prior political corruption is grounds for presidential impeachment.
Trump Will Win
in 2020 Because of Impeachment. [President] Trump will win reelection in 2020 for three reasons: First,
the voters are always reluctant to replace a president in a time of peace and prosperity, regardless of his perceived
flaws. Second, a transparently partisan impeachment vote in the House followed by a fair trial and acquittal in the
Senate, will seriously damage the Democratic brand while sparking an internal civil war between its moderate and leftwing
factions. Finally, this ideological conflict within the opposition party will result in the nomination of a weak
compromise candidate to face a vindicated and politically stronger incumbent President awash in cash and supported by highly
motivated voters.
Gaslighting Continues — False Claims: Administration "defying lawful subpoenas & document requests".
Nancy Pelosi continues to mislead her 'impeachment' constituents. Unfortunately the compliant media is refusing to hold her
accountable. House Democrat leadership has taken a climate assessment of democrat House members and Speaker Pelosi announced
they will not hold a House impeachment authorization vote. As a direct and specific consequence all committee subpoenas do not
carry a penalty for non-compliance. "Lawful subpoenas", literally require an enforcement mechanism; that's the "poena" part of the
word. The enforcement mechanism is a judicial penalty, and that penalty can only be created if the House votes to authorize an
impeachment inquiry.
'fact sheet' on Trump impeachment. Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office on Monday released a "fact sheet"
detailing allegations against President Trump amid House Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry. "President Trump has
betrayed his oath of office, betrayed our national security and betrayed the integrity of our elections for his own personal
political gain," the document argues.
You're Getting an Impeachment Trial for Christmas. Merry Christmas America, you are getting a big fat
impeachment trial from the Democrats' Santa Claus this year. Ho, ho, ho. Democrats have re-calibrated their
impeachment timeline in order to make their case the to public. [...] Yes, well this is what the Democrats have been doing
since they took the House majority, isn't it? What major legislative issue have the Democrats taken up with a credible
view it will become law? None. They pass ridiculous fantasy bills that no Republican in the senate or the
president will ever sign. They don't care about the issues, they care about power and then jamming through their bad
policies with no resistance.
Adam Schiff's 'Gossip
Girl' Probe. Despite the fact that support for impeachment is slowly dropping, and 60 percent of voters say
they'd rather Congress focus on actual problems facing Americans, Democrats are still hell-bent on making a mockery of the
impeachment process. They are led by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence
Committee. In ordinary impeachment probes, the inquiry would be led by the House Judiciary Committee. But the
Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has bungled key elements and fallen out of favor with House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi (D-Calif.).
Left's childishness has gone stale. Actually, as has been explained in a number of places, Nancy Pelosi and the
Democrats don't want a real "impeachment process" because then the Republicans could subpoena documents and call witnesses,
during which the farce would become apparent. The Idiot Left would have egg all over its face, as it did when Robert
Mueller testified before Congress about his shabby investigation. So the true motive behind the Left's insistence on an
impeachment process is simply to keep that train moving in hopes of never actually arriving at the purported destination.
Trivialization of Impeachment. [Scroll down] The mere existence of misconduct that the House might judge
impeachable does not mean the Senate — by a two-thirds supermajority — would remove a president over
it. That fact, coupled with the inherent societal discord impeachment is bound to cause, has historically discouraged
the House from commencing impeachment inquiries, even for arguably impeachable offenses. The upshot is that impeachment
can never be successfully invoked — in the sense of both filing articles of impeachment and ousting the president
from power — absent a public consensus, cutting across partisan lines, that a president needs to be removed.
Only such a consensus would move members of the House and Senate, who must face voters.
Nine GOP Members of House Intel Committee Blast Schiff for Withholding Docs. All nine GOP members of the House
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) wrote a scathing letter to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Friday accusing
him of concealing documents related to Democrats' "highly irregular" impeachment inquisition and demanding that they rectify
their behavior. [...] Republican HPSCI members identified 21 specific documents that have yet to be shared with the Minority
and called the secrecy unprecedented.
Introduces 'Open and Transparent Impeachment Investigation Resolution': 'Stakes Are Too High' for Secrecy. On
Friday [10/18/2019], House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), introduced a rule change
(H. Res. 639) to allow all members of Congress access to ongoing impeachment proceedings, including depositions and transcribed
interviews. "The stakes are too high for Chairman Schiff and Speaker Pelosi's impeachment proceedings to continue in
secret," Rep. Scalise declared, announcing introduction of his "Open and Transparent Impeachment Investigation Resolution."
House Intel Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) "has no intention of conduction a fair and open process" and wants to
impeach the president of the United States through a secret, closed-door effort, Scalise charged[.]
Guerrilla Politics.
[Scroll down] This strategy has polarized the electorate, with the Democrats favoring the move and the Republicans
solidly against it, both already knowing which lever they will pull next November. Speaker Pelosi doesn't want a formal
impeachment vote taken in the House for several reasons. She may not have the votes needed to move the proceedings
forward and she knows a formal vote gives the Republicans options that might prove embarrassing to the Democrats, since much
of what's being charged against President Trump has been dismissed as an unfounded witch-hunt. She also is an excellent
tactician who knows that she can bend the rules without a formal vote and continue the endless charade against Trump, all of
which keeps the lies streaming and the media churning.
Becomes A Psychodrama Of the Press. In reality, the whole episode is nonsense, a farce. House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi won't hold a vote on a formal impeachment inquiry because she couldn't win the vote. If there were such an
inquiry, where the Republicans called and examined witnesses and subpoenaed documents, it would collapse as quickly as the
Russian collusion fraud did when former special counsel Robert Mueller stumbled through his congressional inquiry.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff — who is usually lying when his lips aren't moving and always is
when they are — says we will not be hearing from a non-whistleblowing leaker, to give his hearsay evidence of a
conversation that any person in the world can read and see has no legal implications whatever. But the investigation
indomitably continues.
Be Surprised If Trump Is Never Impeached. In the giddy early days of the "impeachment investigation" over
Ukraine, Democrats saw the polls move in their direction. But those polls have now stabilized and in some cases crept
back against impeachment. Even at the peak, impeaching and removing the president was only popular among those who
already opposed the president. So as the groundswell subsides, could Democrats really reverse course and abandon an
impeachment that just last week seemed imminent? Surprisingly, yes, they could. The central thing to consider
here is that impeachment is a political, not a legal, process. Despite their insistence that there are plenty of
reasons to impeach Trump, Democrats have yet to do so.
Pelosi-Schiff impeachment 'witch hunt' is venomous affront to constitutional principles. The quixotic quest to
impeach President Trump is not only anathema to the fundamental principles of due process, but constitutes a full-frontal
assault on the procedural protections inherent in the "due process" clause of the Constitution. Speaker Nancy Pelosi
and her chosen marionette, Rep. Adam Schiff, are operating in the shadows of secrecy. Their authority does not
derive from the House of Representatives itself upon a full majority vote. Instead, they have commandeered impeachment
power by anointing themselves as the sole determinants. They alone have chosen a "star chamber" approach to removing
the president. The remaining members of the House are left in the dark without access to facts, documents and
testimony. So, too, are President Trump and American voters who placed him in office. What is the purpose of an
electoral choice by the many if it can be reversed by the furtive maneuvers of the few? Or two?
in Congress: Time To Walk Away. Today the big question in Washington is, will Democrats actually impeach
a president of the United States without cause, without a crime? Scary, right? But we're told not to worry,
because even if House Dems impeach, the GOP will stop it cold in the Senate. So desensitization worked. Just say
"impeachment" over and over for three years until the threat that used to set off alarm bells now barely moves the needle.
[...] OK, but if Democrats want to keep their "majority," why impeach with no evidence? Why forge ahead despite the
people's opposition to impeachment and the risk to their political careers? Well, there are far bigger stakes with this
political persecution than just one election. Our Republic is the real prize.
gets real: Mitch McConnell gives Senate Republicans private tutorial on how to put Trump on trial. Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell briefed Republicans in a closed-door session about how they would conduct a Senate trial if
the House sends over articles of impeachment. Senate Republicans believe it is becoming increasingly likely, if not
inevitable, that House Democrats will pass articles of impeachment against President Trump in the coming weeks.
McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, on Wednesday gave fellow GOP lawmakers a tutorial on how to conduct a trial based on how
the process proceeded in the past. "Every indication is that articles will be coming our way, eventually," Sen. Kevin
Cramer, a North Dakota Republican, said after the meeting.
Pelosi Promises House Impeachment Subpoenas Will Not Have Legal Penalties — House Will Not Authorize Impeachment
Inquiry. According to Capitol Hill members, via Politico, House Democrat leadership has taken a climate
assessment of democrat House members and Speaker Pelosi announced they will not hold a House impeachment authorization
vote. As a direct and specific consequence all committee subpoenas do not carry a penalty for non-compliance. A
judicial penalty can only be created if the House votes to authorize an impeachment inquiry. Absent a vote, the
Legislative Branch has not established compulsion authority (aka judicial enforcement authority), as they attempt to work
through their quasi-constitutional "impeachment inquiry" process.
Pelosi being politically smart by delaying impeachment vote, Brit Hume says. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is
being politically smart by holding off on a formal Trump impeachment vote on the chamber floor, according to Brit Hume.
However, the investigation she is engineering is "peculiar" and unlike past proceedings against ex-presidents like Richard
Nixon, Hume claimed Tuesday [10/15/2019] on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "I frankly can't think of a good reason, from
her point of view, why she would hold a vote," he said.
Trump Tax Docs Released to Media — Claim 'Inconsistencies Are Versions of Fraud'. President Trump's
tax documents were released to ProPublica using New York's FOIA law and 'experts' are already claiming there is evidence of
potential fraud. This is precisely why the Democrats are fighting to get Trump's tax returns — more fodder
for the media. ProPublica reviewed tax documents on 4 of Trump's properties in New York and allege there are
discrepancies involving 40 Wall Street and the Trump International Hotel and Tower.
Refuses to Hold Full House Vote On an Impeachment Inquiry. Ahead of the Democratic debate on Tuesday, Speaker
Nancy Pelosi announced that she would hold off on having a full House vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry into
President Donald Trump. Republicans have pushed Pelosi to hold a formal vote in the House. Doing so would give
the White House the ability to subpoena their own witnesses. The Speaker, however, said a formal vote isn't required
for Democrats to continue with their probe. According to Pelosi, Trump violated the Emoluments Clause by allowing
foreign governments to interfere in the American government and elections.
The Editor says...
The charges are broad and vague. Where's the evidence? The American people (excluding the baby-killing socialist Democrats) aren't
going to stand for this claptrap. Public school graduates have never heard of "emoluments," but even they can see this is just wrong.
No House vote on impeachment inquiry. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Tuesday she will not stage a vote on
the House floor to officially launch an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. The decision came after Democratic
leaders, returning to Washington following a two-week recess, had reached out to members of their diverse caucus to gauge the
party's support for such a vote. [...] "There's no requirement that we have a vote, and so at this time we will not be having
a vote," Pelosi told reporters during a last-minute press briefing in the Capitol.
Nothing Constitutional
About An Impeachment Process With Secret Evidence And Secret Witnesses. The forceful and thorough rebuke that
White House Counsel Pat Cipollone delivered to the "impeachment inquiry" will go down in history as the definitive document
defeating an attempted coup. Over the course of eight scathing pages in a letter last week, Cipollone thoroughly deconstructed
the absurd "Ukrainegate" narrative that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (Calif.) has tried to construct.
using impeachment to consolidate power. Rudy Giuliani told House Democrats via a letter from his lawyer that he
will not be complying with their subpoenas related to their impeachment inquiry. [...] [But] they're not really subpoenas
anyway. They are nothing more than sternly worded letters with a request calling themselves "subpoenas." The House
must vote first to authorize a committee investigation if its members want the judicial authority to enforce these
letters. The kangaroo court that Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are running has yet to do so. And so, because
they're not really subpoenas in any legal sense, there is zero penalty for not complying with them. Giuliani having his
lawyer send a response is already beyond what he had to do. The Democrats are clearly planning something with the
illegitimate and ever changing impeachment operation.
We Have to Conduct Impeachment in a Way 'That Brings Our Country Together'. Impeachment as a way to bring the
country together? That's what Sen. Cory Booker said at Tuesday night's debate: "So first of all, we must be
fair," Booker said. [...] Booker's call for a "fair" process will get a rousing endorsement from House Republicans, who say
the secretive and closed-door proceedings being run by House intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) are anything
but fair. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg said Trump "has left the Congress with no choice" but to impeach him.
The Editor says...
The Democrat platform includes open borders, Obamacare, windmills and solar panels everywhere, high taxes, gun confiscation, homosexuality, atheism,
activist judges, racial discrimination in the form of "affirmative action," one-part socialist government, and above all, abortion. No part
of the Democrat platform "brings our country together."
Why Pelosi should heed
the Rodino precedent on impeachment. In Joe Biden's statement on the Clinton impeachment released to the
Congressional Record on Feb. 12, 1999, he cautioned his fellow senators, calling impeachment "the most obviously
anti-democratic act the Senate can engage in — overturning an election by convicting the president." He also
said that impeachment had "no place in our system of constitutional democracy except as an extreme measure ... reserved for
breaches of the public trust by a president who so violates his official duties, misuses his official powers or places our
system of government at such risk that our constitutional government is put in immediate danger by his continuing to serve
out the term to which the people of the United States elected him." And finally, "Only a president is chosen by the
people in a national election. ... To remove a duly elected president clashes with democratic principles in a way that simply
has no constitutional parallel."
Democratic debate, notes of caution on impeachment. Sen. Bernie Sanders said the president deserves to be
impeached not only for the Ukraine affair but also for the Trump-Russia matter and even for alleged violations of the Constitution's
emoluments clause. Sen. Kamala Harris said Trump is so guilty that impeachment should be a quick affair.
The Editor says...
What law has Mr. Trump broken? One would think the Democrats should have had courtroom-quality evidence before
impeachment proceedings began.
The Poorly Written Hoax Sequel. "By any metric," Megan McArdle contends in her Washington Post column,
"Trump is in trouble." The headline of McArdle's piece warns: "Poll by sinking poll, Trump inches toward
impeachment. How much longer, she asks, can a president survive a "53.4 percent disapproval rating"? As
she notes, "In January 1974, well into the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon's poll numbers on impeachment were better than
Trump's." [...] McCardle made those predictions on August 31... in 2018. Spoiler alert! Thirteen months
later, President Trump remains in office, not impeached.
Impeaching Trump Would Establish 'Intelligence Community Veto over Elections'. Rolling Stone
contributing editor Matt Taibbi reframes the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry — and its latest development in
the arrest of two associates of Rudy Giuliani — as a "permanent coup" against President Trump playing out more
slowly than coups he has experienced firsthand in other nations. Taibbi's article comes after he criticized corporate
media's framing of the Deep Stater as a non-partisan "whistleblower," despite being a registered Democrat who worked with
former Vice President Joe Biden in the White House.
The Strategies
of Targeting Trump. After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the
emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the "resistance" efforts outlined by the New York
Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the
Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months
before the election? [...] There doesn't have to be a point to impeachment. Democrats loathe Trump. That is
enough. They would have impeached him on day one of his presidency before he set foot in the White House but they
did not have control of the House. Now they do, so they can.
Eliot Engel: Not sure House needs 'another step' in impeachment inquiry by holding vote. The chairman of
the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Sunday [10/13/2019] said it wouldn't bother him if the full House took a vote on
Democrats' impeachment inquiry into President Trump but suggested that it wasn't necessary at this point. "Doesn't
bother me to vote," Rep. Eliot Engel, New York Democrat, said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "But, you know, the Republicans
would rather talk about anything else than about what's really happened. So, they throw this out that there should be a
vote." "If we had a vote on that, they'd come up with six other things, there needs to be a vote," Mr. Engel
said. "I think there needs to be an impeachment inquiry and we should stop the delaying tactics of the Republicans."
Is China Orchestrating
the Democrats' Faux Impeachment Scheme? China has not only compromised Biden, it is extremely likely
that they are actively colluding with Democrats and the media to take down Trump. Consider Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-CA), whose financial ties to the Red Chinese are well-known through her husband, who somehow (like Hunter Biden) landed
tens of millions of dollars in "investments" as she chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee. Worse yet, China was
able to implant a spy into her staff for about 20 years. But, of course, she knew nothing. We all know that
President Trump is costing China a lot of money. The media's unprecedented and insane attacks against Trump raise my
Rashida and the
law. It seems that the charming and attractive Rashida Talib is still running off at the mouth about arresting
people, specifically administration officials who refuse to respond to the House's "impeachment" subpoenas. [...] There's
only one problem, as I see it. To arrest somebody, you have to be able to appeal to authority, and there's no authority
involved here. An impeachment process has not be formally begun, therefore, the House has absolutely no grounds for
subpoenaing anybody. It's quite similar to all the jabber about "obstruction of justice" surrounding the Mueller
Report. If there's no crime, there's no obstruction. You'd figure an institution packed full of lawyers would
have some grasp of actual law. Interestingly enough, though, there is an individual accused of criminal behavior in the
House itself. [...] That particular member is Rashida Tlaib.
An Impeachment
In Search Of A Crime. [Scroll down] It's not like the House has taken a vote on anything, they haven't
impeached the president. They haven't taken a vote to impeach the president. [It's] just Nancy Pelosi came out one day
and said, Yes we're going to start an impeachment inquiry, and we're going to give it to some committees. But that's
not how impeachment really works. And so for right now, it's all just bluster. It's all just a way to drag people
from the White House, in front of Congress, on television, during an election year. Because, the impeachment inquiry
such as it is, is fundamentally political. Not legal, but political.
The Democrat Impeachment
Circus. [Scroll down] Even the New York Times has admitted that "Democrats are deviating in key
ways from the way the House launched the two presidential impeachment inquiries of the modern era." It starts with the
fact of the impeachment inquiry itself. In both the Clinton and Nixon administrations, the House Judiciary Committee's
investigation into potential impeachable offenses was given credibility by full votes in the House. House Democrats
have had no such vote. Probably because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) knows it would fail.
Treatment of Trump During "Impeachment" Is How They'd Like to Treat Each of Us in Court. I want you to
think about how the Pelosi-Schiff impeachment process is being conducted. Imagine a criminal trial or civil
action during which the "Democrat Prosecution" — the prosecutors — conduct themselves as follows:
• Prosecutors issue repeated, baldfaced lies to the public
• Prosecutors secretly solicit accusers
• Prosecutors collaborate with accusers to assist with the creation of a "complaint"
• All testimony occurs in secret
• No transcripts are made public
• No defense counsel are permitted
• The defense is prevented from calling witnesses or issuing subpoenas
• The accused is assumed guilty and must prove him- or herself innocent
• The accused is afforded no due process [...]
If they had their way, Democrats would treat each of you like this.
Jordan: Why Is Pelosi 'Scared to Have a Vote to Open an Official Impeachment Inquiry?'. Rep. Jim
Jordan (R-OH) on Saturday [10/12/2019] posed a series of questions to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) regarding the
partisan-fueled impeachment inquiry, asking why she is "scared to have a vote to open an official impeachment inquiry."
Pelosi told impeachment-hungry Democrats over the summer that they needed to wait and "follow the facts" before pursuing impeachment.
Democrats Privately Urging Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote. Some House Democrats are privately calling
on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to hold a vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry to undermine Republican criticism that the
process is illegitimate, Politico reported this week. So far, Pelosi has refused to schedule a vote, arguing
that the Constitution and House rules do not require the lawmakers to do so. Meanwhile, the White House and its
Republican congressional allies contend that such a vote is necessary to legitimize the inquiry per the recognized standards of
previous impeachment efforts.
Wouldn't Impeach Trump. What is an impeachable offense? Rep. Maxine Waters, chairman of the House
Financial Services Committee, says the definition is purely political: "whatever Congress says it is — there is no
law." She's wrong. [...] The Framers wanted an independent president who could be removed only for genuine
wrongdoing. So they agreed to the criteria that became part of the Constitution: "treason, bribery, or other high
crimes and misdemeanors." In Federalist No. 65, Alexander Hamilton elaborated on the meaning of "high" crimes: "those
offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.
Pelosi's Faithless Impeachment. Democrats like the latest polls on impeaching President Donald Trump, some of
which show rising support. But in the long term, it is a losing issue. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made it so
when she launched an "impeachment inquiry" without waiting for the evidence. By the time Pelosi convened a fateful
meeting with House Democrats on Sep. 24, Trump had already announced he would release the transcript the next day.
Pelosi went ahead, anyway.
There's no
substance behind the accusation Democrats claim is impeachable. Democrats and the media for three years used a
fog of facts and speculation to lull America into forgetting there was never a shred of evidence of Trump-Russia
collusion. They flooded the zone with another flurry of scattershot claims in their campaign against Justice Brett
Kavanaugh. Republicans might bear these tactics in mind as they confront the left's new impeachment push. In the
two weeks since the White House released the transcript of President Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky, the debate has descended into the weeds of process and people. This is unsurprising given House Democrats'
decision to keep hidden the central doings of their impeachment inquiry, and the media's need to fill a void.
Democrats 'are eviscerating our system of law' to impeach President Trump. Wednesday night [10/9/2019] on the
radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin discussed the letter the White House sent to House Democrats criticizing their impeachment
efforts. In the letter, White House counsel Pat Cipollone calls House Democrats' impeachment probe "illegitimate" for
multiple reasons, chief among them the fact that the House has yet to hold a vote of the full chamber. "The House of
Representatives is supposed to be involved," rather than just the leaders of a single party, Levin explained. "[The
Framers] didn't want one party as a mob, using the Impeachment Clause as a way to reverse a past election and to affect a
future election so close the general election." The White House's letter also cites a "a separate, fatal defect" in the
Democrats' probe: Lack of due process stemming from the lack of procedures to afford the president "even the most basic
[is] allowing [a] sham process to undermine impeachment. Let me see if I understand the Democratic position on
impeachment: They have begun an impeachment inquiry because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says so. The House of
Representatives has not authorized it. Hearings are being held in secret and transcripts of interviews are not being
released. The minority party cannot ask questions, request evidence or subpoena witnesses, and witnesses have no due
process. Trump administration officials cannot have department attorneys with them. And if the Trump administration
does not surrender to their demands, they will consider the president guilty of obstruction. Are they serious? An
impeachment inquiry, in terms of House precedent, requires a full House vote. For the body to act as one-half of
one-third of the government, it must vote. Mrs. Pelosi may be the speaker, but she does not individually speak
for the entire House.
The Democrats' chosen recourse to overturn the 2016 election. The prospect of President Trump being impeached
by the House of Representatives should not be surprising to people. Counter to conventional wisdom, this impeachment
does not expose a corrupt president. Instead, it reveals the rot at the core of an establishment willing to abuse the
system to overturn an election. Ergo, impeachment was inevitable if we were correct in our support for Donald Trump in
2016. If the system was as corrupt and malevolent as we had intuited through the decline of the country under
Democratic rule, then of course their reaction would be to implement corrupt and malevolent mechanisms to reverse Trump's
election. The phony Russian dossier, the actions of federal law-enforcement agencies to implement the attempted framing
of a president, and the double-dipping in that toxic stew now known as the "Ukraine scandal" are efforts that were meant to
lead to impeachment. Mr. Trump's election was more than a poke in the eye at the ruling, patronizing and malevolent
establishment; it was a declaration of war against embedded politicians who think being in power is their birthright.
to DEC 2017: 58 Dems Vote to Impeach Trump for Criticizing NFL Anthem Protesters. While the Democrats continue
their latest push to remove President Trump from office over his 33-minute phone call with the leader of the Ukraine, it's
easy to forget liberal lawmakers' first attempt back in December 2017. On December 6, 2017, 58 House Democrats voted
to invoke articles of impeachment against President Trump for his fierce criticism of NFL players "who took a knee" during the
performance of the US national anthem.
Rep. Meadows on
impeachment process: 'Hardened criminals have better protections' than Trump. Average criminals have more legal
protections than President Trump does in his impeachment fight against congressional Democrats, said Rep. Mark Meadows,
R-N.C., on "America's Newsroom" Thursday [10/10/2019]. "Listen, hardened criminals have better protections than the
president of the United States right now on the way that this investigation is being conducted," he said. Meadows also
called for the removal of Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., as the head of the impeachment probe and said Speaker Nancy
Pelosi's partisanship prevents her from acting as a fair arbiter over the process.
We Now Have a Genuine
Constitutional Crisis. The term "constitutional crisis" has been tossed around so often since President Trump
took office that it now has little meaning in our public discourse. But regardless of what we call the current impasse
between the executive branch and the House of Representatives pursuant to the "impeachment inquiry" launched by the latter,
our government now faces a genuine crisis whose magnitude the nation hasn't seen for more than 150 years. Americans
have long celebrated the orderly transfer of power that is unique to our form of government. The Democrats, however,
have abandoned that tradition by refusing to accept the outcome of the 2016 election.
face consequences of skipping floor impeachment vote. House Democrats gave themselves political wiggle room when they
launched their impeachment inquiry without holding a floor vote, but that procedural strategy also left room for the White House and
a federal judge to question the legitimacy of the push. The White House, in a letter Tuesday [10/8/2019] criticized as advancing
a legally flimsy argument, told the House it would not participate in an impeachment inquiry that hasn't been authorized by the full
House — which they argue means it isn't "a valid impeachment proceeding."
The Bluffpeachment.
The current situation in Washington is, in the language of poker, a bluff. The Democrats are bluffing; they have only
weak cards in their hand. They actually have nothing against Trump. That's all they have ever had. [...] he
current hysteria of the Democrats regarding impeachment is unusual. Firstly, it is based on rumors. That is why,
secondly, the Democrats still have not decided which law Trump has violated. Thirdly, there was no vote in the House of
Representatives to initiate the impeachment procedure (more precisely, the House of Representatives, in which the majority
belongs to the Democrats, in a 332-95 decision, chose not to bother with impeachment).
Rep. Ralph Abraham introduces resolution to expel Nancy Pelosi from House. A Louisiana Republican congressman
introduced a resolution Tuesday [10/8/2019] to expel Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., from the House of Representatives, the latest
sign that frustration in the GOP is building as Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against President Trump.
Rep. Ralph Abraham's resolution stands no realistic chance of passing in the Democratic-controlled House. Likewise,
Republicans have argued that Democrats' potential articles of impeachment are all but certain to stall if they ever reach the Senate.
refuses to participate in impeachment farce. Today [10/8/2019], President Trump's White House Counsel, Pat
Cipollone, directed an eight-page letter to Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, et al., declining on behalf of President Trump to
participate in the Democrats' sham impeachment proceeding. The letter, embedded below, is excellent. Some would
say, brilliant. It attacks the Democrats' constitutionally defective and politically motivated proceeding at its root.
Cipollone, Trump's lawyer, to Dems: Drop Dead! No wonder many Capitol Hill Republicans hate President
Donald Trump. He's not your typical Republican. That's to say, he doesn't roll over and play dead when Democrats
and their hip-pocket pals in the fake-news media come after him. In fact, he relishes a good fight. One where he
gives better than he gets. And so does his legal team. In fact, Trump's lawyer, White House counsel, Pat Cipollone,
has essentially told the Democrats' Impeachment Partygoers to drop dead. Meanwhile, heedless Congressional Democrats
continue to gear up for pointless impeachment inquiries. They plan to center these primarily closed-door sessions
on Trump's legitimate conversation with Ukraine's head of state. But the country seems more interested in the subject
of that conversation.
House letter to Pelosi rejecting cooperation in impeachment inquiry. The White House on Tuesday [10/8/2019]
sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other top Democrats saying it would not cooperate with their
impeachment inquiry into President Trump over his dealings with Ukraine. Accusing Pelosi and her colleagues of "seeking
to overturn the results of the 2016 election," White House counsel Pat Cipollone in his letter said Trump and members of his
administration "cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances" but stopped short
of calling for the House to hold a vote on impeachment.
Defends President Trump, Slams House Dems Amid War on Impeachment. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
defended President Trump and slammed House Dems on Tuesday evening [10/8/2019] in a pair of tweets. The war on impeachment
escalated Tuesday after White House Counsel Pat Cipollone formally told Pelosi and House Dems to pound sand and refused to
cooperate with their Soviet-style show trials. "Overturning the results of an American election requires the highest
level of fairness and due process, as it strikes at the core of our democratic process," McConnell said.
House Defies Impeachment Process in Letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The White House on Tuesday [10/8/2019] sent
a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denouncing the impeachment inquiry begun in the House of Representatives as "illegitimate."
"President Trump and his administration reject your baseless, unconstitutional efforts to overturn the democratic process," the
letter read.
Court: Democrat Impeachment Inquiry Becomes 'Clown Show'. The impeachment inquiry process so far is akin
to a "kangaroo court" led by Democrats already convinced President Donald Trump is guilty of wrongdoing, Republicans said
Tuesday [10/8/2019]. House Democrat leaders pursuing the investigation are intent on pushing Trump out of office by any
means necessary, Republican lawmakers and the White House argued. House Democrats have carried out the entire process
behind closed doors since the beginning of the impeachment inquiry last month.
can't Dems treat Trump as fairly as Republicans did Bill Clinton? Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a clear duty to call
an immediate House vote to authorize an official impeachment inquiry — if she dares. The White House
informed her today that the Executive Branch won't play along with the lawless "inquiry" that House Democrats have been
engaged in — which President Trump has quite fairly termed "a totally compromised kangaroo court." White
House counsel Pat Cipollone's letter to Pelosi spells out the problems. While the Constitution clearly gives the House
the power to begin impeachment proceedings, it does not give the speaker the privilege of declaring them all by herself.
Democracy dies in the Democrat's Deep State darkness. Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's very public
two-year investigation into Russia collusion failed to produce evidence that any American cooperated in so-called Russian
interference in the 2016 presidential election. [...] Secret impeachment inquiries? A CIA witness disguised to hide his
or her identity as a ploy. A plot to deny President Trump, a face-to-face with his accuser? And that reminds me
of something Special Counsel Robert Mueller said in testimony before Congress in late July. Mueller testifies that he
finds no evidence Trump or his campaign team colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. However, the
lack of collusion cannot be seen as an exoneration. Huh? Trump has to prove what he did not do?
Trump vs. the Leninist Impeachment Pushers. If the current impeachment fever materializes into reality,
virtually any executive action with which the opposition party disagrees can be made an impeachable offense. The Trump
impeachment inquiry seeks to besmirch President Trump, fundraise for Democrat House and Senate candidates, destabilize the
markets, knock Joe Biden out of the race, and mock presiding Chief Justice Roberts at the Senate trial. These are
nothing but crude partisan appeals and clearly not constitutional purposes. Demagoguery is too gentle a word.
Whatever else these political aims are, they are not affirmations of constitutional government.
End impeachment
secrecy. There have so far been two hearings in the House Democrats' effort to impeach President Trump over the
Ukraine matter. Both have been held in secret. One was Thursday, the other Friday, and the public does not know
what was said in either. Two more are scheduled for this week and will be held behind closed doors, too. The
hearings are part of an effort to remove the president from office. There could not be a matter of more pressing public
concern. There could not be a matter in which the American people have a greater stake. And yet the public has no
idea what is being discovered.
The Case
for Impeaching Barack Obama. The progressive socialist left is mad that they lost the 2016 presidential
election. They realize that, as Rep. Al Green said, they will probably not be able to defeat President Trump at
the ballot box, unless they use tricks like ballot harvesting. So, what it their only recourse, the Banana Republic,
kangaroo court tactics of using impeachment as a political weapon...this is nothing more than an unsophisticated coup.
The case for impeaching Barack Obama was easy, yet the left and their propagandized media dismissed it.
Curious Case of the Incurious Press. We were assured that Trump had used the powers of the presidency to
"gather dirt" on his political opponent (Joe Biden) and threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine until prosecutors
there had manufactured evidence of wrongdoing by Biden and his son Hunter, who for no doubt entirely innocent reasons was
drawing hefty paychecks from a Ukrainian energy company. The mad cry of "Impeachment!" was shouted in celebratory tones
throughout the hallowed halls of D.C. The narrative came together seamlessly within hours, as suddenly the Democrats
in Congress and the information gatekeepers in the news media informed us with one voice that this was bad for President
Trump. Very bad. It was almost as though the facts didn't matter. They certainly didn't matter to House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who announced an "impeachment inquiry" before having read either the whistleblower complaint or the
actual transcript of the call between Trump and Zelensky.
Sends More Carefully Worded Impeachment Demand Letters (Not Subpoenas). Chairman Adam Schiff, House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence; Chairman Elijah E. Cummings, Committee on White House Oversight; Chairman Eliot L.
Engel, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, continue sending carefully worded letters under the guise of 'subpoenas' today [10/7/2019].
set up a kangaroo court for impeachment. The impeachment inquiry is for show. It's also to keep
Republicans from being allowed to ask any questions, or subpeona the Democrats for evidence of their own pre-plotting and
double dealings. In doing it fake, what the Democrats really want is to force President Trump to empty the White House
of every last document and secret, as if conducting a marauder's raid, and then charge the president with obstruction if he
doesn't hand them over every last drop of White House correspondence and documentation that they demand. Pay no
attention to that small detail that Trump doesn't legally need to comply with a congressionally issued 'subpoena' only a
court-issued one. Courts are for the birds, as Democrats see it, and in any case, Republicans can use courts too, which
can't happen.
Vows to Kill Democrat Impeachment Effort in the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has
launched an ad on social media with a message that he will end the impeachment effort against President Donald Trump should
the House pass Articles of Impeachment and send them to the upper chamber.
Dems again 'left' behind. [Scroll down] None of this would matter if two elite publications were shouting
in the wilderness. In fact, the Times and The New Yorker very much reflect — and help shape — the
mindset of the Democratic Party. As such, they illustrate how far anti-Trumpers have strayed into the impeachment
wilderness. After Robert Mueller failed to deliver the promised goods, the left and their media handmaidens foolishly
seized on the Ukraine issue in the hope it could be spun into impeachment gold. To judge by the look of things so far,
they're getting more dross than gold. The bid to take down the president is off to a rocky start.
Pre-Impeachment of Donald Trump Never Stopped. We all know why impeachment is really happening —
and when I say all, I include especially the Democrats and their devoted media allies/leaders. They know because they live
in fear of what they wrought and desperately want to hide it or bury it (under impeachment) before it is laid out before the
public. I refer, of course, to the imminent exposure — at least we hope it is coming — of the
predicates of the Russia probe, easily the most despicable and seditious attempt to unseat a president in American history.
This attempt to impeach or, at that point, to interdict began on or not long after June 16, 2015, the day Donald Trump
announced his candidacy. What is happening now is merely a continuation of a process that started then. Trump was
the first president to be "impeached" before he was elected — a neat trick if there ever was one.
In a manner of speaking, the group or groups behind the Russia probe wanted to pre-impeach him. And they never gave up,
not even for a minute, even after the Mueller collusion investigation came up empty after two years and multiple millions spent.
the House Won't Vote, Impeachment Inquiry Is Just a Democratic Stunt. "The House of Representatives ... shall have the
sole Power of Impeachment." It's right there in black-and-white: In article I, section 2, clause 5, our
Constitution vests the entirety of the power to call for removal of the president of the United States in a single body —
the House. Not in the Speaker of the House. In the House of Representatives. The institution, not one of its
members. To be sure, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a very powerful government official: second in the line of succession to the
presidency; arguably, the most powerful member of Congress. [...] But she does not have the power to impeach on her own.
Impeachment Bank Shot . Because she has resigned herself to the argument that impeaching Trump is the way for
Democrats to win the presidency and Senate 13 months from now. Pelosi's bank shot isn't aimed at Trump's conviction on
the Hill. It's aimed at his loss at the polls.
Pelosi is "Grubering" The American Electorate on Impeachment. Several years ago the architect of Obamacare,
Jonathan Gruber, admitted on camera the Democrats who were assembling healthcare legislation were "relying upon the stupidity
of the American voter." Fast forward to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019 and her "official impeachment inquiry" by
decree; she's doing the exact same thing. Speaker Pelosi, working through a carefully constructed political dynamic
assembled by the hired staff from the Lawfare alliance, has sold her constituency on an impeachment process that structurally
doesn't exist. Speaker Nancy Pelosi could never succeed in the scheme were she not assisted by a compliant media.
lite is a farce. Not all the Dems have been drinking the virtue Kool-Aid, however. Take Nancy Pelosi, the
speaker of the House of Representatives. A savvy politician, Pelosi knows that impeachment is a loser for the Dems,
virtue [notwithstanding]. Because Pelosi can count. Impeachment by the House requires only a majority, and the
Dems hold that majority. But it would go nowhere in the Senate where the Dems are 19 seats short of the necessary 67.
So the president won't be removed and everyone who can count knows it. What, then, does impeachment accomplish?
Ratcliffe Explains Why Pelosi's "Impeachment Inquiry" is Being Run From House Intel Instead of House Judiciary.
Speaker Pelosi, with forethought and planning by the Lawfare Alliance, is intentionally using non-jurisdictional committees
because she is manipulating the process. It's the same reason why the House Intelligence, House Foreign Affairs and
House Oversight committees cannot legally send out "Impeachment-based Subpoenas"; they have no impeachment jurisdiction.
[...] The "impeachment" subpoenas are not technically subpoenas because the basis for the requests, impeachment, is not
within the jurisdiction of either committee. So the committees are sending out demand letters, calling them subpoenas
(media complies with the narrative), and hoping the electorate do not catch on to the scheme.
for Impeachment 'Whistleblowers' Actively Sought Trump Admin Informants. Mark Zaid, the activist attorney
representing the so-called whistleblower at the center of the impeachment movement targeting President Donald Trump, says he
is representing a second so-called whistleblower who spoke to the Intelligence Community's inspector general about Trump's
phone call with the Ukrainian president. Missing from the avalanche of news media coverage about Zaid's two anonymous
clients rocking the nation's capital is that at the beginning of Trump's presidency Zaid co-founded Whistleblower Aid, a
small nonprofit that blasted advertisements around D.C. actively seeking whistleblowers during the Trump administration.
is Getting Boring. If you watch cable or network news, all you hear about is impeachment. To the talking
heads on CNN and MSNBC, it's as if it already happened. Reps Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler speak as if it's a foregone
conclusion, and shed crocodile tears about being "heartbroken and prayerful" over the process. The fact is, an
impeachment inquiry has yet to begin. Opening such an inquiry would require a full House vote, making vulnerable
representatives in districts President Trump won handily in 2016 go on record in favor of removing a duly elected president
for the high crime of doing his job.
Nancy Pelosi's
Prayers. An ardent, prayerful, and moral Nancy Pelosi has been called from sitting for her holy-card portrait
to lend her aid in getting the president impeached — and the nation torn apart in the process. She's been on
TV constantly, lecturing America that it's the moral burden of Democrats to undo the 2016 election by any means necessary.
The Constitution, she keeps saying, demands it. She just never mentions where.
impeachment gambit is a revenge scheme orchestrated by a fallen political party. Another day, another scandal
that's sure to trigger the Trump administration's downfall — if only the American people would be less picky about
what the definition of the word "evidence" is. The Ukraine Call Transcript. The Whistleblower Complaint.
The Impeachment Inquiry. The pieces of this latest impeachment jigsaw have reached mythic status, bolstered by
frenzied reporting, and insistence on the part of Democrats and advocates that this time, they've got the president right
where they want him. In reality, the documents offer very little in the form of an obvious smoking gun. Both the
transcript and the complaint have become a cultural Rorschach test: no matter the evidence (or lack thereof) the reader
will see exactly what they want to see.
pressure on Pelosi to hold vote on impeachment inquiry. House Democrats are under increasing pressure to hold a
politically risky vote to sanction their impeachment inquiry into President Trump. The White House is expected as early
as Monday to tell Speaker Nancy Pelosi it will not cooperate with an impeachment-related subpoena drafted by Democrats until
the House votes officially to open an impeachment investigation. "We'll be issuing a letter," Trump told reporters
Friday on the South Lawn. "As everybody knows, we've been treated very unfairly, very different from anybody else."
Limbaugh: Mitt Romney Assured Pelosi There Was Republican Support to Impeach President Trump. About ten
days ago Rush Limbaugh told his massive radio audience that Mitt Romney assured Nancy Pelosi that there was Republican
support in the US Senator for President Trump's impeachment for asking Ukraine and China to look into Joe Biden's billion
dollar pay-for-play scams. Mitt hates President Trump — so much so that he is willing to sell out his
country to get back at President Trump. On Friday [10/4/2019] Mitt Romney downloaded on President Trump
again — this time siding with Democrats in their sham impeachment quest.
Is About Putting Down the Peasants' Revolt. [Scroll down] Impeachment is, in other words, an attempt to
restore the old order that the voters overturned in 2016. It seeks to annul that election and return us to the nascent
totalitarianism of the Obama era, an incipient autocracy the Democrats expected to be nurtured during the presidency of
Hillary Clinton. Thus, when the hoi polloi got above themselves and put Donald Trump in the White House, his
removal from office became the primary objective of Washington's self-appointed Optimates. They began planning
Trump's impeachment before he was inaugurated because he is the leader of the insurrection, and they know full well that it
can't be put down until he is gone. House Democrats must impeach the president despite the near impossibility of
securing a conviction in the Senate. Indeed, their need to do so is more urgent now than ever because of the booming
Trump economy and the weakness of their Democratic presidential candidates.
Democrats Ramp Up Impeachment (Coup) — Subpoena White House. The White House is expected on Monday
[10/7/2019] to send Pelosi a letter telling the Speaker the White House will not cooperate with Democrats' demands until the
House of Representatives votes on impeachment. Speaker Pelosi launched an impeachment inquiry into President Trump
based on hearsay and gossip from a Deep State CIA snitch about President Trump's phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky — she still has not held a full impeachment vote in the House. Even worse, House Democrats haven't
even named a specific crime committed by President Trump.
Equivalence in the 'Unilateral' Impeachment Inquiry. In his incisive legal analysis, Andrew McCarthy notes how
the absence of a formal vote to commence the impeachment inquiry and the failure (at present) to issue subpoenas would invoke
due process safeguards for the president, his administration, and other potential witnesses and/or custodians of sought after
materials. He is correct, but if one doubts him, there is a more elementary political rule of thumb to follow: if
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) thought taking a vote to commence a formal impeachment inquiry was good for her Democratic
caucus, there would have been a vote. No matter how the Speaker publicly rationalizes the absence of a vote (and
accompanying subpoenas), her caucus' inaction speaks louder than her words.
Always Attack. The Dems spent over two years pushing the Russian collusion ruse. They turned over every
rock. They squeezed Trump associates like General Flynn. With help from Ukrainians, they got a conviction of Paul
Manafort. They counted on Robert Mueller and his team of partisans to deliver the final knockout punch. They
counted wrong. That was just a bump in the road, not the end of it. Too many Republicans seem surprised and
befuddled by this nonstop assault. They are unwilling or incapable of launching anything resembling a counterattack.
Even as Democrats cling to the slender reed of a second-hand whistleblower account of a fairly innocuous phone call,
Republicans seem unable to muster much indignation.
Volker Statement Supports Giuliani — Contradicts Adam Schiff and Impeachment Narrative. The
Federalist was able to gain a copy of the opening statement delivered to congress by Ambassador Kurt Volker. The
statements made by Volker support the outline put forth by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani surrounding the initial contact and
purposes. The statement by Volker directly undercuts the narrative spun by HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff and his attempt
to create an impeachment narrative.
McCarthy and Representative Michael McCaul Call-Out Democrat Manipulation of Committee Inquiry. Today both
Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy and Representative Michael McCaul draw attention to Speaker Pelosi's manipulation of
House rules specifically intended to achieve articles of impeachment without Republican representation. In a blatant
display of committee manipulation, today [10/3/2019] the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman Adam
Schiff, worked around committee jurisdiction rules and took a deposition from Kurt Volker, the former State Department
Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations.
Doug Collins Explains Why He Filed an Amicus Brief Against House Judiciary. House Judiciary Committee ranking
member Doug Collins filed an amicus brief yesterday [10/3/2019] highlighting why the Judiciary Committee should be blocked
from receiving grand jury material against the backdrop of an impeachment effort without support from the House of Representatives.
House to Send Pelosi Letter Rejecting Compliance with Impeachment Probe Unless Formal Vote. The White House
plans to send House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) a letter as soon as Friday daring her to hold an impeachment vote and
informing her that President Trump will not comply with any requests from the impeachment probe unless a formal vote is held,
according to an Axios report confirmed by Fox News. Pelosi announced last week that the House would launch a formal
impeachment inquiry, but so far has not held a vote. House Democrats' handling of the probe prompted a letter from House
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) on Thursday [10/3/2019], in which McCarthy challenged Pelosi to come up with
"transparent and equitable rules and procedures ... to govern the inquiry, as is customary," or else halt the proceedings.
McCarthy explicitly mentioned a formal House vote in a series of questions stipulated in the letter.
puts Dems in hot seat with impeachment-condemning flashback video. As the presidential campaign season ramps up
to full-gear, so does the Democrat Party's attacks against President Trump. Never being one to take an attack lying
down, Trump has been on the counter-warpath, punching back at Democrats and their media minions every step of the way.
One of the President's most effective recent messages highlighted rank hypocrisy by Democrats with a video showing top Dems
condemning the act of impeachment.
Comments Democrats Would Rather You Forget. More than 20 years ago, when President Bill Clinton was being
impeached for lying to a grand jury — then as now a documented fact that no one can credibly dispute —
some Democrats who today want to impeach and have the Senate remove President Donald Trump from office ASAP, were whistling a
very different tune. Back then they strongly argued: [#1] There was no bipartisan consensus.
[#2] An impeachment would be traumatic for the country and distract Congress from solving major domestic and
foreign policy problems.
the hype — this is not an impeachment inquiry. There is no impeachment inquiry. There are no
subpoenas. You are not to be faulted if you think a formal inquest is under way and that legal process has been
issued. The misimpression is completely understandable if you have been taking in media coverage — in
particular, reporting on a haughty Sept. 27 letter from House Democrats, presuming to direct Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,
on pain of citation for obstruction, to cooperate in their demands to depose State Department officials and review various
records. The letter is signed by not one but three committee chairmen. Remember your elementary math,
though: Zero is still zero even when multiplied by three. What is portrayed as an "impeachment inquiry" is
actually just a made-for-cable-TV political soap opera. The House of Representatives is not conducting a formal
impeachment inquiry. To the contrary, congressional Democrats are conducting the 2020 political campaign.
and Republicans Insist on House Vote to Launch Formal Impeachment Inquiry. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) repeatedly has said she wants to be "fair" as House Democrats undertake their "impeachment inquiry," but Democrats
are falling short of fairness, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Pelosi in an Oct. 3 letter. "I am writing to
request you suspend all efforts surrounding your 'impeachment inquiry' until transparent and equitable rules and procedures
are established to govern the inquiry," McCarthy wrote. McCarthy and other Republicans say Democrats are so hell-bent
on impeaching Trump that they have charged ahead without a full House vote, which would set rules and procedures for a formal
impeachment proceeding. Republicans are particularly upset that Democrats have attempted to limit Republican
questioning of witnesses.
calls for Pelosi to suspend impeachment inquiry. The speaker has "given no clear indication as to how your
impeachment inquiry will proceed — including whether key historical precedents or basic standards of due process
will be observed," he wrote.
of advancing trade deal [or anything else], Congress focuses on partisan impeachment process. American workers,
farmers and ranchers need a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada. Thankfully, President Donald Trump and his team have
negotiated a much better deal than the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). So why have the members of the U.S.
House of Representatives not taken a vote on this new trade agreement called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)?
The answer is simple: Politics. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her House Democrats do not want to give a political win to
President Trump.
alone could be grounds for impeachment, top Democrats say. If the Trump administration continues to not
cooperate with Congressional investigations, the president could be impeached on that alone, top Democrats threatened on
Wednesday [10/2/2019]. Speaking at a press conference Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff
reaffirmed Democrats' new stance that they'll consider any resistance from the administration as "further evidence of
obstruction." "Of course that was an article of impeachment against President Nixon," the California Democrat said.
Turf war: Rep.
McCaul: Schiff is Usurping Foreign Affairs Committee's Jurisdiction in Impeachment Probe. The ranking
Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee accused its Democrat leaders Wednesday night [10/2/2019] of abdicating their
responsibility by allowing Rep. Adam Schiff's House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to take the lead in the
party's presidential impeachment probe. The subject matter, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) wrote in a letter to
committee chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), deals with the conduct of U.S. relations with Ukraine and U.S. security assistance
to help Ukraine counter Russian aggression. Those issues fall squarely within the jurisdiction of the House Foreign
Affairs Committee (HFAC), and not the jurisdiction of the Intelligence Committee, he wrote.
turns furor on media amid impeachment fight. President Trump and his allies are embracing a war with the media
as part of the growing impeachment fight. The president, several congressional Republicans and high-profile pundits are
turning their fury toward reporters, accusing them of trying to undercut the president and key officials like Attorney
General Bill Barr. The backlash comes amid a steady stream of reports that are broadening the scope of who within the
administration has knowledge of President Trump's actions toward Ukraine that are at the center of House Democrats'
impeachment inquiry.
Impeachment is the Democrats' entire political agenda. Nancy
Pelosi thinks she can work with Trump on Dems' political agenda while working to impeach him. Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, D-Calif., thinks it's possible for her and her Democratic colleagues to work with President Donald Trump on a long
list of political agenda items, despite House Democrats' latest impeachment efforts. At a Capitol Hill press conference
alongside House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., on Tuesday [10/1/2019], Pelosi was asked how she plans
to work with the president on Democratic agenda items like prescription drug costs, trade, and gun control while conducting
impeachment efforts against the man.
Team Trump campaign ad: Coup. Never let it be said that Donald Trump takes too nuanced an approach to
campaign politics — or that his campaign team doesn't follow his lead. Just hours after Trump tweeted out
that Democrats are staging a "coup" rather than an impeachment, Team Trump released a new TV spot doubling down on the
accusation. It's "nothing short of a coup," the 30-second ad released this afternoon declares, "and it must be stopped!"
Senate Should Change Its Rules on Impeachment. Now that the House has launched an impeachment probe of
President Donald Trump, the Senate should reform its antiquated rules for the looming trial. Under current procedures,
a trial produces the worst of both worlds. If the House has a flimsy case, the Senate must still put the country
through the wrenching, divisive political spectacle without any opportunity to dismiss the case. But if the House has a
strong case, senators must sit silently by without any chance to participate directly in the trial. Allowing a real
trial will improve the decision-making over whether to fire Trump and will make the Congress more responsive and accountable
to the American people.
McCarthy Signs Resolution to Censure 'Lying' Adam Schiff. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced Wednesday
[10/2/2019] that he has signed a resolution to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) for performing a
fabricated conversation between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a recent hearing.
Purge of Conservatism from America. At the hospital for my annual physical exam, Adam Schiff was on TV in the
waiting room. Schiff presented himself as alerting the American people to the "mafia boss" outrageous impeachable
demands Trump made during his phone call with the president of Ukraine. Oozing with obnoxious superiority and
arrogance, Schiff insidiously deceived viewers to assume he was reciting Trump's actual words from the phone call.
Schiff was lying. Not a single word of what Schiff told the American people that Trump said was in the
transcript. Proving his innocence, Trump released the transcript of the phone call. And yet, fake news media is
elated that Democrats are outrageously moving forward with impeaching Trump based solely on Schiff's lies about what Trump
said. It was beyond infuriating watching Schiff boldly smear the president, carried live on all three major networks
and cable outlets. Consequently, soccer moms and dads who are busy earning a living will erroneously conclude Trump did
something wrong.
Fox News Ought to Change Its Name to 'the Fox Never Trumper Network'. [Quoting Rush Limbaugh 10/2/2019]]
["]Well, Schiff is out there as the chairman of a committee, the Intelligence Committee, openly lying about the
president's phone call with the president of Ukraine — and he lied about it again today in his joint press
conference with Pelosi. He literally said that the president told the Ukrainian president to "create dirt," to "make it
up, as much as you can." When the Republicans finally called him on it, Schiff said, "Well, I was just engaging parody.
I'm sorry it wasn't seen." Well, look, you have the sense of humor of a snail. Nobody thinks anything about you is
funny, Pencil Neck. It wasn't parody, anyway — and if you have to tell somebody that you've just done parody,
it was very bad parody. It was not parody. It was an attempt to purposely misstate and mischaracterize the words
and the actions of the president of the United States.["]
Don't call it impeachment —
Call it a witch hunt. I want to talk about the importance of words and the context they create. And I
want to urge everybody who's fair to never use the word "impeachment" for the current political process, because it has
nothing to do with an impeachment. This is a legislative coup d'etat. It is an effort by the hard left, the news
media, and the deep state to destroy the president chosen by the American people. This is a project they've been
involved in since election night 2016.
A game of impeachment
bingo. It seems that Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., has been conducting impeachment hearings since Andrew
Johnson and supposedly we're supposed to take it seriously even though the Mueller investigation found nothing to have
hearings on. No one took it seriously nor did the Democrats, if truth be told, for practical reasons, specifically not
enough votes nor evidence of wrong doing. [...] Now that a "whistleblower" has come forward with second hand information that
doesn't jibe with the actual first hand account of a conversation President Trump had with the Ukrainian president, Speaker
Nancy Pelosi announced to the delight of the incredibly deranged media that Congress really really means it this time which
just about renders Nadler's hearings a farce retroactively.
Politically Motivated Impeachment Is No Laughing Matter. Why do otherwise smart people say that impeachment has
nothing to do with crimes but is rather a brute political calculation? [... The] Constitution does insist that impeachment
shall proceed only on the basis of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Trump hoax or a real investigation leading to impeachment? The majority of Americans still do not favor
impeachment. However, more than two-thirds of Democrats do. There are several reasons, however, to believe that
this picture is incomplete and could change. Impeachment hoax or not, there are three logical defenses for allegations
from last weeks first impeachment hearing.
It has already. Red-state
Democrats worry impeachment may spin out of control. Senate Democrats representing red states are worried the
House impeachment process may spin out of control and destroy any chance their party might have of winning back the majority
next year. These Democrats hope the House keeps its impeachment focus on the Ukraine controversy, and that Democrats
act relatively quickly. If they do not, the red-state Democrats warn Trump could turn the tables on them.
and his Supporters are the Real Whistleblowers. "Whistleblower" is the media's word of the week. They
still working tirelessly to overturn the 2016 election. Unfortunately, it's the wrong word to describe the deep state
operative accusing President Trump of "Collusion — Part Two," namely conspiring with Ukraine to rig the 2020
election. Instead of whistleblower, the proper term is gossiper, as this person filed a complaint, likely written by
others, about something he or she had been told, but had no firsthand knowledge of. The National Whistleblower Center
supports, "Efforts to expose and help prosecute corruption and other wrongdoing." The Ukraine whistleblower is doing the
exact opposite. In an ongoing, and thus far unsuccessful, effort to overturn the last presidential election, this
so-called whistleblower is trying to hide corruption and wrongdoing by attempting to destroy the actual whistleblower,
President Trump.
Shouldn't Dignify Impeachment Parody With a Trial. Mitch McConnell told NPR last Friday that, if the House
impeaches President Trump, "the Senate immediately goes into a trial." This is music to Democratic ears, despite the
infinitesimal chance of conviction, because they desperately need the sordid spectacle into which impeachment trials
inevitably devolve. The Senate, however, isn't required to try the President. That chamber possesses the "sole
power to try all impeachments," but is under no constitutional obligation to do so. The Democrats ignored House
precedent and longstanding tradition to launch their "impeachment inquiry." Why should Senate Republicans consider
themselves bound by precedent and procedural rules where the trial is concerned?
Trump impeachment, 'no one is above the law' could backfire on Democrats. "No one is above the law," said House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she announced the Democratic effort to impeach President Trump over the Ukraine matter. The phrase
has become a Democratic mantra in the new impeachment push. But it could, in the end, serve to highlight the weakness of
the Democratic strategy. [...] Democrats might better say, "No president is above impeachment," which lacks punch but is more
accurate. Doing so, however, would emphasize the political nature of the battle and could make it more difficult for
Democrats to win broad support for removing Trump. So they say, "No one is above the law." But what, exactly,
does that mean?
Impeachment Coup Analytics.
Aside from the emotional issue that Democrats, NeverTrumpers, and celebrities loathe Donald Trump, recently Representative Al
Green (D-Texas) reminded us why the Democrats are trying to impeach the president rather than just defeat him in the 2020
general election. "To defeat him at the polls would do history a disservice, would do our nation a disservice," Green
said. "I'm concerned that if we don't impeach the president, he will get re-elected." Translated, that means
Green accepts either that Trump's record is too formidable or that the agendas of his own party's presidential candidates are
too frightening for the American people to elect one of them. And that possibility is simply not permissible.
Thus, impeachment is the only mechanism left to abort an eight-year Trump presidency — on a purely partisan vote
to preclude an election, and thus contrary to the outlines of impeachment as set out by the Constitution.
The Case For Trump's Impeachment Is So Strong, Why Are Liberals Lying About It? Almost everything about the
allegations that have Democrats moving toward impeachment of the President is a lie, a proven lie. And they don't
care. The call with Ukrainian President Zelensky did take place, so that part is true. From there, the lies
begin. "There was a quid pro quo" they said. The President threatened to withhold aid money from Ukraine unless
Zelensky investigated Joe and Hunter Biden, we were told. The transcript showed that did not happen. That fact
did not stop any Democrat from saying it did. It did not stop anchors at CNN and MSNBC from saying it did.
Depravity: 'Inquiry' Proves Democrats Know They Can't Win. [Scroll down] The Democrats know they can't
beat Trump. The premiere of Impeachment Depravity proves it. One theory is that whistle-gate is a covert Democrat
operation aimed at mortally wounding Joe Biden's campaign. If true, that means they don't think he can win. More
conventionally, even if this is not an orchestrated Dem design, polling data suggests that Biden, the real Ukrainian
malefactor, is on the way out. Because they don't think he can win. Which sets the stage for Elizabeth Warren,
about whom Republican spokesperson Reince Preibus recently opined "has no chance of winning in [blue-collar] Michigan,
Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania." No other Democrat currently in the race, including Bernie Sanders, has a ghost of a
chance. They can't win, and they know it.
Pelosi and lawless Democrats may get the civil war they want. The Whistleblower hoax and its attendant
impeachment hysteria is a distraction to cover up the criminality of numerous high ranking Obama officials. With a
national election coming in 13 months, Democrats seem convinced they cannot win. So they revert to another two years
of the Russia Hoax II. A fabricated scandal created by deep state elements, coordinated with leading Democrats, and laid
out in the left-wing media like a PR campaign. [...] It appears that Adam Schiff knew of and had been sitting on the
whistleblower complaint since early August. It also appears that the complaint may have actually been written by
Schiff's staff. The whistleblower is a long-time CIA employee with a political bias. His lawyer is a Democrat
Party partisan. When his name is revealed, and it will be, we will find that he has ties to John Brennan. His
complaint was all second-hand and third-hand information. Suppositions and biased conclusions based on nothing other
than his hatred for Trump.
the Impeachment Charade. [Scroll down] Now that the call turns out to be nothing like what the media told
us it would be, some on the left have started a conspiracy theory that the transcript can't be real; it must be
doctored. These conspiracies aren't confined to weird corners of the internet. Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer
and Adam Schiff have already questioned the trustworthiness of the transcript, despite the fact that there's no evidence of
wrongdoing. Numerous career national security officials — many not fans of our president — have
access to the original call and would have to be in on any conspiracy. What's driving all this insanity?
Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, has been more honest about it than most. Green admitted it straight up: "I'm
concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get reelected."
House Rule Changes are Key Part of "Articles of Impeachment", Being Drafted Over Next Two Weeks. Back in
December 2018 CTH noted the significant House rule changes constructed by Nancy Pelosi for the 116th congress seemed
specifically geared toward impeachment. With the House going into a scheduled calendar recess, those rules are now
being used to subvert historic processes and construct the articles of impeachment. A formal vote to initiate an
"impeachment inquiry" is not technically required; however, there has always been a full house vote until now. The
reason not to have a House vote is simple: if the formal process was followed the minority (republicans) would have
enforceable rights within it. Without a vote to initiate, the articles of impeachment can be drawn up without any
participation by the minority; and without any input from the executive. This was always the plan that was visible in
Pelosi's changed House rules.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Blasts Impeachment Push, Blames Leftists. On Wednesday evening [9/25/2019] at an event on "political
civility" with ex-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo offered a sharp rebuke of the Democrats' latest
cries for impeachment, blaming "leftist" Democrats for forcing Congress to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. [...]
Cuomo also provided a lengthy catalog of the legislative priorities that would be shoved aside until after the 2020 elections as a
result of the futile impeachment process taking front and center. "It's a long and unproductive road," emphasized Cuomo.
"Where does it go ultimately? Nowhere."
impeachment investigation in search of a crime. More drivel about the impeachment of President Trump spews
forth this week. This is no surprise. The desire to impeach Trump dates back to November of 2016, the night he
won the election. Reasons for his removal change from the Russia Hoax, to porn star payments, to being generally unfit,
all suggesting a willingness on the part of his many enemies to "fill in the blank" with any possible crime. The goal
of the impeachment investigation is to find a crime. Any crime will do.
Pelosi's Six-Committee
Impeachment Investigation. On the surface, the impeachment investigations of Nixon and Trump are quite
similar. In each case, the president was already under immense pressure, with a partisan media in full pursuit.
When each story broke, there was dominating, explosive coverage — with every talking head predicting imminent
disaster — that goaded the Congress into taking immediate, forceful action. Of course, with Nixon in
particular, the stories seemed to pan out. As things now stand, that does not appear to be the case with Trump.
[...] This much seems true: time and the tide of public opinion are simply not on Pelosi's side, and her six-committee
approach will confuse rather than educate.
Warren, unabashed liar. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who's seen a bit of a boom in polls for president lately,
came forward with a statement about President Donald Trump's whistleblower affair that if nothing else, serves as a classic
textbook example of How Liars Lie. The unabashed ones, anyway. "Donald Trump believes he is above the law —
and he will continue to commit crimes from the White House until we hold him accountable," she tweeted. Except, of course,
that Donald Trump hasn't been found guilty of committing any crimes. Yes. There is that. But impeach away, she
wrote. "The House needs to vote on articles of impeachment — and when it comes to the Senate," the Massachusetts
Democrat tweeted, "I will do what the Constitution requires." What's the crime? What's the impeachable offense?
Derangement Syndrome Will Consume the Democratic Party. The Russian hoax, the Kavanaugh and Gorsuch
confirmation hearings, the various other concocted lies, are all beyond reprehensible and yet here we go again with an
uncorroborated hearsay accusation about a phone call. Hate and schizophrenia. Hate is corrosive. It seems
to have already consumed any constructive thought capability in the Democratic Party. We are left with the manifest
derangement. There is a very good possibility that complete meltdown and destruction will come if and when the party is
crazy enough to actually try to impeach the President.
McCarthy to Force Democrats on Record Again with Impeachment Inquiry Vote. House Republican leader
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) intends to force House Democrats to take another controversial vote by Friday sometime,
forcing them on the record on their intent to forcibly impeach President Donald Trump, all as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
continues to refuse to schedule any actual vote formally opening House impeachment proceedings.
Students say impeach Trump, but can't give a reason
why. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.
Campus Reform asked college students in Virginia whether they agree Trump should be impeached, and if so, for what.
A number of students, however, had trouble naming any specific offense that warrants impeachment. [Video clip]
An impeachment inquiry IS meddling in the election. AOC:
Impeachment Inquiry Needed to Prevent 'Potential Meddling' in 2020 Election. [Rep. Alexandria] Ocasio-Cortez
said that previous House investigations into Trump have tended to focus on alleged past actions. "When it comes to Ukraine
we are talking about a potential meddling in the 2020 election that has still yet to happen."
Fastest, Most Premature Impeachment in American History. The impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump
is arguably the flimsiest and most premature impeachment in American history. It's also the fastest by far.
Before this week, only three presidents in U.S. history had faced an official impeachment inquiry from the U.S. House of
Representatives. Two of them, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, were in their second terms.
The enduring
folly of presidential impeachments. The way that it is discussed in American media these days one could be
forgiven for having the impression that the impeachment of presidents — and Supreme Court justices — is
an ordinary feature of American public life, comparable to, say, shifting control of the House. But it is nothing of
the kind. Impeachment is a legal aberration. It is also a process that has never succeeded. It is entirely
possible that it was never meant to do so, that it appears in the text of 1789 for rhetorical reasons, as a kind of "Hic
svnt dracones." It certainly never occurred to anyone before the end of the 20th century that it was the ordinary legal
remedy for a president's political opponents.
Levin: Impeachment Is 'an Attack on Us' and 'Our Constitutional System'. [Scroll down] Levin
described how the Framers feared a usurpation of the president's accountability to the public via impeachment from the House,
establishing a secondary constitutional check on the process within the Senate. "The Senate is in place under the
impeachment process to keep a check on the House because they were concerned — if you look at Federalist
65 — there was some concern that the House would have too much power," Levin stated. "The great fear was
that a president wouldn't be accountable to the public, but he'd be accountable to the House of Representatives, and that's
why they set up this elaborate process."
Dems Worry Rudy Would Send Impeachment Hearing Off the
Rails. If Congress is to get to the bottom of President Trump's efforts to get the Ukrainian government to
investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, Rudolph W. Giuliani is an obvious choice for the witness list. But
Democrats are split as to whether he would do more harm than good to their nascent impeachment inquiry and some expressed
concern that hauling in a loose cannon like Giuliani in front of a committee would risk a replay of the circus-like atmosphere
created by Trump loyalist and former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski — a scene few Democrats are eager to recreate.
Impeaching Trump Really About Kneecapping Joe Biden? Make no mistake: This is a risky game the Democrats
are playing. On the one hand, their most energetic voters practically demand Trump's immediate removal. On the
other hand, most voters are apathetic at best to the idea of impeachment, and will probably turn against it quite sharply if
yet another investigation fails to reveal enough dirt on Trump.
'This Inquiry Was Not Taken Up for Partisan Reasons'. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, in a floor speech
on Wednesday, said the Trump White House and its allies will "rush" to call the Democrat impeachment inquiry a "partisan with
hunt no matter how serious the allegations." "But let me be clear," Schumer continued, "because I know accusations of
partisanship are already being written. This inquiry was not taken up for partisan reasons. It does not prejudge
an outcome."
Brit Hume Thinks Pelosi's Impeachment Move 'Was Really Quite Clever'. Fox News' senior political analyst Brit
Hume weighed in on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's announcement of a formal impeachment inquiry, arguing the move "was really
quite clever." What Pelosi accomplished, he argued, was to placate the progressive wing of the party while protecting
moderates by not actually moving forward with a formal impeachment vote.
Pelosi orders impeachment probe:
'No one is above the law'. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched a formal impeachment inquiry against President
Donald Trump on Tuesday, yielding to mounting pressure from fellow Democrats and plunging a deeply divided nation into an
election year clash between Congress and the commander in chief.
The Editor says...
No one is above what law? What exactly did President Trump do that warrants impeachment?
'impeach Trump' announcement a bad, bad sign for our republic. Yesterday [9/24/2019], House speaker Nancy
Pelosi announced that the first steps are being taken to impeach President Donald Trump. While few people actually
believe that these actions will result in the disclosure of any offense on the part of the president or in a formal
impeachment vote, the actions signify that what once made America function so much better than any previous nation is now
lost. [...] For the first time in American history, a party and its leadership are refusing to cede the ability to set policy
to the president. Sure, the president was sworn in, sits in the Oval Office, and issues orders to his
subordinates. However, those orders are challenged by the Judicial Branch on baseless grounds.
Realities of Impeachment. I won't say that impeachment is back in the news, because the removal of the
President never left and has been a headline grabber since before Trump took the oath. [...] The more progressive sort
continue to call for impeachment, citing transgressions ranging from mean tweets to an abstruse constitutional clause that
nobody heard of between the years of 1830 and 2016.
Waters: We Will 'Move Very Quickly' on Impeaching Trump — Might Skip Congressional Recess.
Tuesday [9/24/2019] on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said House Democrats will "move very
quickly" to bring articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. [...] Maddow said, "What do you expect the
Judiciary Committee might be considering potential articles of impeachment?" Waters said, "I don't have that
information, but I do expect that the judiciary committee is prepared to move very quickly."
The Editor says...
In other words, she's going to move quickly, but doesn't know what for.
Before Trump Took Office, Media Began Impeachment Obsession. The liberal media have begun yet another round of
frenzied impeachment speculation, this time in reaction to anonymously-sourced media reports about a supposed whistleblower
complaint that has not been released. But media clucking about impeachment is nothing new — in fact, their
obsession with evicting Donald Trump from the White House predates his actual Presidency. By November 10,
2016 — just two days after the election! — television talking heads were already conjuring up
theoretical scenarios in which Donald Trump could be removed from office. Since then, TV journalists have amassed quite
a repertoire of possible causes for a premature end to the Trump White House, including (but not limited to): his tax
returns; his family's business dealings, both home and abroad; his firing of various cabinet officials; and of course,
his tweets.
What law has he broken? Ocasio-Cortez
calls out Democrats for refusing to impeach Trump. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called out
Democrats late Saturday for what she called their "refusal" to impeach President Trump. "At this point, the bigger
national scandal isn't the president's lawbreaking behavior - it is the Democratic Party's refusal to impeach him for it,"
she tweeted.
Pelosi Wants Trump 'in Jail,' Jailing Trump Only Way to Show We're Fighting for Rule of Law. On Friday's
[9/20/2019] broadcast of MSNBC's "The Beat," Representative Gregory Meeks (D-NY) stated that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA) wants President Trump "in jail," and that putting President Trump in jail is the only way to show that the rule of law
is being fought for. Meeks said, "Speaker Pelosi, she's singularly focused to get this — she wants him in
jail, where he really [belongs]. That's what her focus — she wants — Donald Trump, and if you look
at all the things that he's done, it's almost if it was any other American, they would be in jail. And she is focused
The Editor says...
Ordinarily the "rule of law" includes due process, as in, proof of a crime, trial by jury, etc.
Gillis jokes about Trump assassination in first comedy show since 'SNL' rejection. Shane Gillis, the comic who
was recently rejected as a "Saturday Night Live" cast member after offensive material of his resurfaced, reportedly joked
about President Trump being assassinated during his first stand-up show since he lost the job. "I will say this:
Of all the presidents I've been alive for, Trump would definitely be the funniest one to see get shot," Gillis said during
his stand-up set at The Stand comedy club Wednesday night [9/18/2019]in New York, according to USA Today. "Like, without
a doubt, that'd be funny."
Impeachment Obsession Is a Danger to Democracy. [House Judiciary Committee under Chairman Jerrold] Nadler has
made it clear that any anti-Trump narrative, no matter how obscure, laughable, or deficient in terms of evidence, is potentially
acceptable as a pretext for impeachment. Again, he doesn't much care why Trump is impeached, just so long as he is.
Unloads On Nadler; Tells Him To Drop 'Moby Dick'-Like Impeachment Obsession. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler last week over his 'Moby Dick'-like obsession with impeaching President Trump,
days before Trump's 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski wiped the floor with Congressional Democrats during a contentious
five-hour hearing on Tuesday [9/17/2019] in front of Nadler's panel.
Thought crime: Rep.
Speier Wants Lewandowski to Be Fined for 'Inherent Contempt'. Because former Trump campaign manager Corey
Lewandowski did not indulge the Democrats' "get Trump" efforts at Tuesday's House Judiciary hearing, some say he should be
punished, even though Lewandowski complied with the committee's subpoena and did answer some, but not all of their questions
about facts that already are known. "I think you have to look at Mr. Lewandowski as an adverse witness," Rep. Jackie
Speier (D-Calif.), a member of the House intelligence and Oversight Committees, told CNN on Tuesday [9/17/2019].
stuck in Watergate mode, bungle Lewandowski testimony. Have Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee figured
out what President Trump did to them? By the looks of their questioning of Corey Lewandowski on Tuesday, the answer is
no. Democrats chose the former Trump campaign manager for their first hearing after declaring the committee is
considering impeaching the president. They apparently thought Lewandowski would elaborate on his extensive testimony to
special counsel Robert Mueller and also on his testimony from earlier investigations by other House and Senate
committees. Instead, Lewandowski jerked Democrats around — and around and around. He delayed. He
asked for specific citations when anyone referred to the Mueller report. He repeated, over and over, his instructions
from the Trump White House not to discuss his conversations with the president.
messy hearing leaves some Dems questioning their tactics. In the aftermath of Corey Lewandowski's testimony
this week, some Democrats are openly questioning the wisdom of bringing forward the bombastic former Trump campaign manager,
whose contentious exchanges with Democrats and stonewalling of their questions may have overshadowed a key aspect of his
testimony: that President Donald Trump enlisted Lewandowski to tell the then-attorney general to limit the investigation into
his 2016 campaign.
Impeachment Obsession Is a Danger to Democracy. Sad to say, but Tom Steyer, out-of-touch and unlikable
billionaire though he may be, is probably the most representative face of the Democratic Party right now. [...] Steyer and
his "Need to Impeach" movement offer a laundry list of reasons why Trump should be impeached and removed from office, from
alleged obstruction of justice to violations of the Emoluments Clause, Russian collusion, racism and bigotry, recklessness,
"persecution" of political opponents and the free press, mistreatment of "immigrants," and paying hush money to porn star
Stormy Daniels. Or, to put it another way, Steyer's rationale for impeachment is so diffuse that it's utterly
incoherent. Steyer presumably is bargaining that, if he throws everything but the kitchen sink at Trump, one of these
charges — it doesn't much matter which one — will stick, and Trump will go down like a ton of bricks.
Hearing with Corey Lewandowski Devolves into Bedlam, Democrats Lose Control. Former Trump campaign manager
Corey Lewandowski frustrated House Judiciary Committee Democrats during a contentious hearing on Tuesday [9/17/2019] they had
hoped would fuel support for President Trump's impeachment but instead devolved into chaos. Democrats repeatedly tried
and failed to get Lewandowski, a close ally of the president, to talk about his conversations with the president. The
White House has asserted those conversations should remain private due to executive privilege, and Lewandowski stayed within
those limits.
Slapped Around Democrats During Their Trump Impeachment Circus. Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski
took the Democrats to school today [9/17/2019]. [...] Lewandowski was yanked before the House Judiciary Committee via subpoena
and gave the Left a run for its money. He slapped down the nonsense hurled at him regarding the Trump-Russia myth.
He wasn't going to play by their rules because he doesn't need to accept those parameters. This is a witch hunt.
It's political theater. So, have fun — and he did.
American Left Is Completely Insane. First, we were told that the Trump campaign "colluded" with Russia.
Unfortunately, the Mueller investigation that the left so dearly hoped would prove its specious allegations only served to
show the American public that within the FBI and the Justice Department were individuals (Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr)
whose loathing for Trump was so all-encompassing that they were willing to compromise proper investigative procedures if it
meant undoing the 2016 election. Then we heard accusations of obstruction of justice. Those accusations didn't
pan out either. Now the same representative who decried the impeachment of then-President Bill Clinton for perjury 21
years ago wants to impeach President Trump because — why? Well, it's not entirely clear.
dismisses Dems' impeachment push as 'complete nonsense,' after Nadler waffles on. Kellyanne Conway, counselor
to President Trump, said Democrats need to stop wasting time and taxpayers' money with their push for impeachment, and
suggested that leaders on the left brush up on the law before moving forward. Democrats, led by House Judiciary
Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., have been ramping up their rhetoric and activity, passing a resolution on the
rules for an impeachment investigation, even as he and other Democrats have wavered on what to call their current probe.
DA Seeks to Obtain Trump's Tax Returns Through Criminal Probe of Hush Payments. Just days ago, CNN reported
that prosecutors with the Manhattan District Attorney's (DA) Office last month interviewed Michael Cohen — the
ex-personal attorney to President Donald Trump — about the Trump Organization possibly falsifying business
records. The New York Times revealed on Monday [9/16/2019] that DA Cy Vance's office also subpoenaed Trump's
finance firm, Mazars USA, last month — ostensibly to obtain eight years of Trump's personal state and federal tax
returns, as well as returns for the Trump Organization. If Mazars USA sounds familiar that's because it is the same
firm that has already been slapped with congressional subpoenas. The DA's subpoenas reportedly seek records going back
to 2011.
district attorney subpoenas 8 years of Trump tax returns. New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance's
office has subpoenaed eight years of President Donald Trump's tax returns from Mazars USA, the longtime accounting firm to
Trump and the Trump Organization, as part of its investigation into hush money payments, according to a person familiar with
the matter. The subpoena marks a new escalation in the large-scale effort to obtain the President's tax returns, a
battle that has largely played out in courts as the Trump administration has continued to stand its ground against efforts to
secure any of Trump's financial information.
8 Years
of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.. State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President
Trump's accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with
knowledge of the matter. The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president's
tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose.
Democrats warn Pelosi of impeachment obsession. A day before the House Judiciary Committee took its biggest
step yet toward impeachment last week, moderate Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi voiced his frustrations directly to
Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The battleground freshman told Pelosi and other leaders at a closed-door meeting that he and
other centrists feared that talk of impeaching President Donald Trump was threatening to swamp the Democratic agenda,
according to multiple people in the room.
Back Off from the 'Resist' Nonsense. When Donald
Trump was elected president of these United States — or, more properly, president of the federal government of the
United States of America, a distinction worth keeping in mind — some of those who were disappointed by his
election declared their intention to, in the now-inescapable word, "Resist." [...] The creed of "resistance" was —
and is — founded on a lie, that President Trump came to power through illegitimate means, that the election was
somehow "stolen" by Republicans in cahoots with Moscow. But there is no evidence that the Kremlin's screwball, Boris
Badenov-worthy campaign of dank memery had any meaningful effect on the 2016 election. The endless investigations into
Trump and his campaign have turned up a great deal of unseemly behavior and bad judgment — these being traditional
Trump trademarks — but there's a reason the effort to impeach him is going nowhere.
on reported Kavanaugh allegations: There's nobody Democrats don't want to impeach. Sen. Ted Cruz
(R-Texas) said the attention to the recent New York Times report on sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice
Brett Kavanaugh reflects the "shameful circus" from the Senate hearing last year. The Texas senator told George
Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" that he thinks the Democratic candidates will call for impeachment to rile their
base. "I bet you, the next Democratic debate, they'll all be saying, 'Impeach Kavanaugh. Impeach Trump,'" Cruz
said. "There's nobody they don't want to impeach. And at some point, they just have to let the anger go and
recognize that the democratic process actually moves on."
Lee: We're Investigating to 'Educate the Public,' and Find Facts. On Saturday's [9/14/2019] broadcast of
MSNBC's "AM Joy," House Judiciary Committee member Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) stated that the Judiciary Committee is
"investigating so that we can educate the public, but as well, find all the facts that may be relevant to then writing the
articles of impeachment."
Impeachment inquiry a 'made-up term' but it's essentially 'what we are doing'. In an appearance [9/13/2019] on
CNN, primetime host Chris Cuomo asked Nadler: "If a head of a committee such as yours believes what you obviously
believe, your duty in the Constitution is to start investigating to see if you have the facts for grounds for impeachment,
and it is called an 'impeachment inquiry.' Is that what you are doing right now?" "It is not necessarily called
an impeachment inquiry. That's a made-up term without legal significance. It is, however, what we are doing,"
Nadler said.
Files A Devastating Brief Exposing Jerry Nadler's Impeachment Inquiry Scam. Recently, I covered Jerry Nadler's
House Judiciary Committee passing rules for an "impeachment inquiry." As some of us have speculated for months now, this
was simply an attempt at stealth impeachment, i.e. getting to use the benefits of impeachment (grand jury access, increased
subpoena power, etc.) without having too [sic] actually pass articles of impeachment. The game in this case is that
Nadler wants to pretend he's emperor with no guidelines while not having to pay the political price of having House Democrats
actually vote as a majority to impeach. There's noway [sic] the courts should allow that and it would present an
enormously dangerous precedent if allowed to proceed. Now, the DOJ is striking back, signaling they aren't going to
take this nonsense lying down.
Jerry Nadler just 'perverted the impeachment process'. Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin ripped
the House Democrats, in particular House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., for disregarding the rules of the
impeachment process and proceeding to investigate President Trump without the consent of the full chamber. "Now the way
an impeachment proceeding is supposed to work, ladies and gentlemen, and keep this in mind, is that impeachment is so serious
that it's supposed to involve the broader body politic. The House of Representatives in toto, not a committee of the
House of Representatives conducting a so-called impeachment inquiry, impeachment investigation, impeachment
probe — they've used all these words," Levin said.
'Very Strong' Evidence on 'A Dozen' Impeachable Offenses. Nadler said, "You may have personal opinions, but you
don't start off with an official conclusion. You examine the evidence and you make a conclusion. Now, I think,
personally, the evidence is very strong on a dozen different impeachable offenses, but that's my personal opinion at the
moment. We are going to have a very aggressive series of hearings starting next Tuesday to bring out the witnesses."
House Judiciary [Committee] Passes [a] Resolution on [the] Parameters of [a] Trump Impeachment Inquiry. [Scroll
down] The vote would, in part, allow Nadler to call impeachment hearings, and allow staff members to question witnesses
in those hearings. A fed up Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) tried to explain what was really going on. "The Judiciary
Committee has become a giant Instagram filter," he said. "To make it appear that something's happening that is not."
After 32 months of investigations that have produced no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia
to win in 2016, still Democrats are pursuing other avenues that could lead to impeachment.
Trump: Democrats are the President's re-election secret. House Democrats are working hard to assure
Donald Trump handily wins a second term as the nation's 45th president. It appears the House will shortly pass a
resolution allowing the body's Democratic majority to form subcommittees in an effort to collect "evidence" of the
president's "high crimes and misdemeanors."
Nadler's Fake Impeachment Inquiry.
The impeachment of a president, parliamentary esoterica notwithstanding, involves three straightforward steps. First,
the House authorizes the Judiciary Committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry. Next, that committee conducts an
investigation to determine if the president has committed any offense justifying his removal from office. Finally, if
such evidence is discovered, the full House votes to approve one or more articles of impeachment. The Democrats,
despite their accusations of dark doings at the White House, can't muster enough votes in the House to complete the first
step toward removing President Trump. Consequently, Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler has decided to conduct a fake
impeachment inquiry.
Collins Blasts Dem Plan to Hold Committee Vote on Impeachment Proceedings. As we move into a new week,
Democrats are returning to an old topic — impeachment. The House Judiciary Committee reportedly plans to
vote Wednesday on a resolution that would "formalize procedures for a growing impeachment inquiry," The New York Times
reported. The move would allow Democrats to speed up their investigations, the Times reported. And it would back up
court filings made by Democrats which already state that they are conducting an impeachment inquiry, when no vote has been taken.
Democratic impeachment investigation keeps expanding. Democrats are weighing articles of impeachment against
President Trump with an extensive list of alleged wrongdoing that grows by the day. Since taking the majority in
January, Democrats have built an all-encompassing search involving more than five dozen investigations into the president's
past and present behavior, the actions of his administration, his personal finances, and his family. Trump earlier this
year accused Democrats of "the highest level of presidential harassment" in history. The party responded by ramping up
their scrutiny.
Democrats Resisting Calls to Support Impeachment. Moderate Democrats are so far resisting the call to support
impeachment, even as House Judiciary Committee Democrats double down on efforts to investigate President Trump for impeachable
offenses. The committee is planning to investigate payments former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen made to two women who
allege they had affairs with the president more than a decade ago, and whether the investigation into Cohen was obstructed.
Nadler revives Dem impeachment porn by probing Stormy Daniels. Democrat Jerry Nadler, the chair of the House
Judiciary Committee, is so desperate to impeach President Donald Trump that he's reviving the old "hush-money payments"
narrative concerning porn star Stormy Daniels. Instead of fixing America's illegal-immigration crisis or addressing the
deadly opioid epidemic, Nadler plans to launch another sham investigation — this time into Trump's alleged role in
paying "hush money" to silence Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal.
The zombie movement
to impeach Trump. Speaker Nancy Pelosi presumably likes Trump about as much as the average member of her
caucus, but she also understands that impeachment, in addition to not polling well nationally, will not do Democrats elected
in seats won by Trump in 2016 any favors. This is to say nothing of the fact that, even if a suitable pretext could be
found and the Democratic membership of the House united, impeachment would be dead on arrival in the Senate.
messy impeachment push hits critical phase. House Democrats return to Capitol Hill next week with an
impeachment mess on their hands and just weeks to make a choice that could define the rest of Donald Trump's
presidency. Lawmakers faced frequently contentious town halls during their six-week August recess as activists
pressured Democratic holdouts to support impeachment proceedings. A steady trickle of new endorsements for action
followed, and a majority of the House's 235 Democrats now backs an impeachment inquiry.
Americans Should Distrust "Mental Health Experts". A couple of psychiatrists appeared on CNN on Sunday to
discuss the president, and their exchange serves as an apt reminder of why Americans, and conservatives in particular, should
distrust these so-called mental health experts. One of them, Bandy Lee, has been trying to undermine the Trump
presidency for the past three years. Her palpably biased and unprofessional efforts were the subject of my Aug. 10,
2018, column. An assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Yale, Lee is editor of the widely criticized book The
Dangerous Case of Donald Trump (2017), whose circular argument is that Donald Trump's mental health poses a "clear and
present danger" to "the nation and individual well being." [...] It goes against medical ethics (the Goldwater Rule) for a
psychiatrist to diagnose a person he or she has not examined. Lee, however, seems to enjoy an unflappable faith in her
own expertise and mission, and so continues to do her "duty to warn" us about the dreadful man in the White House.
Pelosi Just Delivered a Kill Shot to House Democrats' Impeachment Hopes... For Now. The majority of the House
Democratic caucus now supports impeachment proceedings against President Trump because he won the 2016 election. This
was the plan all along. Of course, the Democrats couldn't admit this after they retook the House in 2018. They had to
look like they were going to push a legislative agenda, not engage in a crusade against the Trump White House until the next
election cycle. It's the tantrum of all tantrums. And while this is annoying — the impeachment circus —
it's also highly entertaining; Trump lives rent-free in the minds of the American Left. And every time they think about it,
the more insane these people get which also increases the chances that Trump secures a second term.
Demanding Impeachment Crash Nancy Pelosi Award Ceremony in San Francisco. Progressive activists crashed an
award ceremony honoring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) at a San Francisco hotel on Wednesday night, demanding she support
the introduction of articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. Armed with signs that read "We can't wait,"
demonstrators stood on chairs while shouting, "Which side are you on, Pelosi? Impeach!" inside the InterContinental hotel,
where the San Francisco Democrat Party members honored the longtime California lawmaker with a lifetime achievement award.
Democrats appear less likely to get Trump's tax returns before 2020 election. House Democrats appear
increasingly unlikely to secure President Trump's tax returns before the 2020 presidential election, according to interviews
with legal experts and several lawmakers, as resistance from the Trump administration has stymied the party's efforts to
obtain his personal financial records. Several Democrats involved in oversight, including Rep. Daniel Kildee
(Mich.) of the Ways and Means Committee, see a long path to getting a final court decision, even if they expect to win in the
end. Trevor N. McFadden, a Trump-appointed judge who was assigned the case in July, will hear the case first, and
any decision is likely to be appealed to higher courts, up to the Supreme Court.
August' Campaign Falls Short of [its] Goals with [the] Month Halfway Over. Progressive groups were hoping to
make this month "Impeachment August," but with only 12 days to go, they are falling short of their self-stated goals.
Twelve progressive groups joined together to launch a campaign on August 1 with a goal to pressure House Democrats to come
out in support of President Trump's impeachment. While the American public remains deeply divided on impeachment,
Democrats overwhelmingly support it.
Host, Analysts Speculate About Removing Trump From Office. An MSNBC panel speculated Friday afternoon about
potentially removing President Donald Trump from office due to his mental state, pointing to reports he is exhibiting "signs
that were similar to the early stages of Alzheimer's." "He attacked a man who turned out to be one of his own
supporters," host Nicolle Wallace said. "I don't know where there are many schools in America you can bully somebody
like that and not get suspended." Wallace referenced a supporter who was removed from a Trump rally after the President
made fun of his weight. Afterward, the supporter said Trump had nothing to apologize for and that "he's the best thing
that ever happened to this country."
Nadler Tries To Mislead A District Court Judge And The DOJ, Gets Clobbered. Americans have moved on from the
Russian collusion hoax, but House Democrats just can't seem to let go. House Judiciary chairman, Jerry Nadler, has two
goals at the moment. He would like former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before his committee.
Additionally, he is seeking the secret grand jury information from the Mueller investigation.
plays impressive word games. House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nalder, D-N.Y., continues to play a
game of semantics when it comes to his partisan effort to impeach President Donald Trump. Having been bumped from the
headlines this week by the liberal media's rabid ploy to blame the president for a pair of shootings last weekend, Nadler
appeared on CNN to find his way back onto the front page, claiming his committee has begun "formal impeachment proceedings."
CNN anchor Erin Burnett asked Nadler about an impeachment inquiry and he tossed an impressive word salad as recounting his witch
hunt, which is effectively a rehash of the two year, $35 million-plus Robert Mueller probe
Nadler Gets Called Out For Claiming 'Formal Impeachment Proceedings' [are] Underway. House Judiciary Chairman
Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said in an interview with CNN Thursday that "formal impeachment proceedings" are underway, prompting GOP
Rep. Doug Collins to call him out for being off the mark. "This is formal impeachment proceedings," Nadler told
CNN's Erin Burnett. "We are investigating all the evidence, gathering the evidence. And we will [at the]
conclusion of this — hopefully by the end of the year — vote articles of impeachment to the House
floor. Or we won't. That's a decision that we'll have to make. But that's exactly the process we're in
right now."
illegal.' Trump sues California over new law targeting his tax returns. President Donald Trump, the California
Republican Party, and the national GOP joined together Tuesday [8/6/2019] to sue California over a new tax-return law Gov. Gavin
Newsom signed last week. The law requires Trump and other presidential candidates to release the last five years of their tax
returns to get their names on the state's 2020 primary ballot.
Democrats' Disingenuous Impeachment Plans. According to Politico, after Robert Mueller's testimony in two
televised hearings, 37% of Americans still wanted impeachment proceedings to begin, while 46% still wanted the inquiry to
stop and their legislators to refocus on the critical issues of the day: immigration, crime, health care, drug addiction,
cyberterrorism and global trade. Still, Committee Chairmen Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff were undeterred. They
insisted that Mueller's halting testimony was a triumph of substance over style but assured us that they'll have something
even better — a real game-changer — if we can just hold on until after their six-week vacation is over.
[...] At this point, the Democrats' duplicitous strategy for impeachment is failing.
Grand Jury Secrecy and Jerry
Nadler. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (HJC), fresh off his
committee's disastrous session with Robert Mueller, has announced his intent to obtain access to the secret grand jury
testimony taken during the Mueller investigation. It matters not that Mueller concluded there was insufficient evidence
to bring charges against President Trump; he and his entire two-year investigation are now being disowned by ardent Democrats
dead set on impeaching the president. Nadler's hope is to uncover some testimony, however remote, that he can claim as
the basis for an impeachment initiative.
impeachment show badly needs a script doctor — or cancellation. "Nobody reads the book," House
Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said in a widely repeated line, referring to the Mueller report, "but everybody
will watch the movie." The problem is the Mueller episode was boring, and the same folks who said it was going to be a hit
are now furious at those judging it like entertainment. The show bombed largely because Mueller refused to play his
part. Not only were his halting answers designed to deny newscasters a single sound bite, but he also refused to play
the wise elder statesman role Congress so often assigns outsiders in the hope they will do whatever job the representatives
themselves are incapable of doing.
The Seven
Dumbest Things Democrats Demand You Believe. The Democrats still aren't finished with the Trump-Russia
meme. They apparently fail to recognize that virtually everything to come as this story goes forward will be unpleasant
for them. There is the Department of Justice's Inspector General report, due out later this summer, which will likely
describe the origins of the Trump-Russia meme as being bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and used as a
predicate for colossal civil rights abuses, if not election tampering, by the Obama administration, which weaponized
Clinton's store-bought Steele Dossier to spy on the Trump campaign.
Rely on Phony Impeachment Polling. [The Democrats are] denying the reality of the 2016 presidential election,
that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton fair and square. It was not the result Democrats and their media comrades wanted
or expected and now they seek to overturn the will of the American people in selecting a president. So what if Hillary
Clinton won the popular vote? Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 with only 43 percent of the popular vote, far from a
majority, but no one considered him an illegitimate president for that reason. Democrats have been trying for close to
three years to overturn the 2016 election. From Stormy and Avenatti, to Rapinoe and Omarosa, all have tried and failed.
Impeach 'Occupant' of WH for 'Vile Racist Attack' on Cummings. The Chairman of the NAACP board of directors on
Saturday said President Donald Trump should be impeached for his "vile racist attack" on Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and
the "despicable" attacks on Baltimore. Leon W. Russell, the chairman, also accused Trump of running a "criminal
enterprise" and turning the White House into a "racist cesspool."
Nadler (In 1999): Perjury And Obstruction Of
Justice Not Impeachable Offenses. Putting aside that his bloviations about President Trump are totally bogus,
in 1999 when Bill Clinton was being impeached Nadler's views about what offenses should lead to impeachment were totally
different. A NY Times article on Feb. 1, 1999, celebrated Nadler as the leading voice in the house fighting
against the Clinton charges.
Host: We're Not Going to 'Play Fair' to Put Trump in Jail. During a Friday [7/26/2019] appearance on
Morning Joe, MSNBC host Donny Deutsch promised the world, "We're not going to necessarily play fair" to put President
Trump "in jail." "We may not have won the battle of impeachment," Deutsch squealed, "but we're going to win the war of
putting him in jail — whatever we have to do, and we're not going to necessarily play fair."
Next Step on Impeachment Involves Investigating Trump's Finances. Friday [7/26/2019] at her weekly press
briefing on Capitol Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the House of Representatives is investigating President
Donald Trump's "finances, personal business" in their next step toward possible impeachment.
The Editor says...
It's too bad Ms. Pelosi wasn't so obsessed with impeachment four years ago, when there
were credibleallegations against the (previous) president.
Pelosi and company have got nothing to work with, and they might as well give it up.
Lament Mueller 'Blunted Momentum', Didn't 'Move the Needle' for Impeachment. The day after the disasters that
were the Democratic-led hearings with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and
NBC) seemed crestfallen that their high hopes for President Trump's impeachment were puttering out. Their Thursday
[7/25/2019] flagship evening newscasts reflected that mood as they talked about the hearings not having the "punch" needed to
push certain Democrats to back impeachment, leaving a "divide" in the party.
just won't give up their impeachment bone. Take, for example, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, who, upon watching
Republicans take Mueller apart in cross-examination, asked God for forgiveness for ever having been a Republican. So
Joe, do you mean to say you are ashamed for having associated with Republicans because they asked tough questions of the man
who diverted the nation's attention for two years with a partisan hoax of gargantuan proportions? You are more
comfortable lying in bed with mean-spirited Democrats, progressives, liberals and leftists who delight every day in savaging
President Trump and his supporters. We understand that you are sorry you were ever a Republican, and we're sorry, too,
but could you please come up with a better reason — one that might convince more than a sliver of credulous people?
impeachment fever dies down after Mueller hearing. Without any major bombshells from Mueller, House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi took Democrats into a six-week summer recess without initiating any proceedings. Pelosi is opposed to
impeachment, in large part because a move to oust the president would be dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled Senate
and could be a politically toxic issue for Democrats in swing districts. Pelosi advised Democrats to talk about
impeachment if they need to boost their re-election prospects next year — but not in a way that challenged other
members' opposition to launching an impeachment effort.
rebuffs Nadler on impeachment after Mueller flop. House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler pushed to launch
impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump during a closed-door meeting Wednesday, only to be rebuffed by Speaker
Nancy Pelosi, according to four sources familiar with the discussions. At a caucus meeting that came after the hotly
anticipated testimony of former special counsel Robert Mueller, Nadler suggested that several House committee chiefs begin
drafting articles of impeachment against Trump. Pelosi called the idea premature, the sources said.
Waters: 'Impeachment First, Prison Next'. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Monday evening [7/22/2019] predicted that
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's appearance before Congress on Wednesday will give Democrats "the ammunition" they need to "start
impeachment immediately."
think they've got a slam-dunk obstruction case against Trump. They don't. It could be that the Mueller
hearing, rather than showcasing a slam-dunk case against the president on obstruction of justice, will highlight how tenuous,
subject to interpretation, and difficult to prove Mueller's allegations really are. The first thing to notice about the
Democrats' choice of evidence is what is not included.
SDNY Just Crushed One Of The Left's Biggest Dreams. After the Mueller report failed to deliver the silver
bullet against Trump, those obsessed with taking him out (because it's not like we have an election next year or something)
needed a new hope. It couldn't just be over and rationality that perhaps Trump simply didn't break any laws wasn't
entertained. Instead, the dream shifted to the SDNY [Southern District of New York].
Prosecutors Won't Bring Additional Charges in Trump Campaign Finance Probe. Federal prosecutors in New York
City will not bring additional charges as part of their investigation into payments orchestrated by former Trump lawyer Michael
Cohen to pornographic actress Stormy Daniels prior to the 2016 presidential election, according to the Associated Press.
House Democrats Voted Against Impeachment. This impeachment vote is what all of the most vocal political
opponents have been asking for. This impeachment vote is what CNN, MSNBC and MSM panelists have been advocating for
since November 2018. This is what every democrat presidential candidate has supported. This was the put-up or
shut-up moment the far-left has been diligently working toward.
reject impeachment in hasty vote to punish Trump. The House voted Wednesday [7/17/2019] against a resolution to
bring articles of impeachment against President Trump, demonstrating that Democrats are not willing to take the ultimate step
to try to oust the president. While dozens of House Democrats want to begin an impeachment inquiry against Trump, the
vote showed their numbers remain too few to win a floor vote to start one. The vote was 332-95 to kill the measure.
Ninety-five Democrats voted against tabling it, demonstrating that about 40% of the House Democratic caucus backs impeachment.
Al Green Proposes Impeaching Trump for "Bigotry". The Constitution, that document which no good Dem believes
in, states, "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on
Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." There's nothing there about
saying mean things. If there were, then Rep. Al Green might be impeached.
B: Impeach Trump For Fighting Illegal Immigration. What if House Democrats drew up articles of impeachment
charging President Trump not with obstruction of justice but with obstruction of those entering America illegally? The
ructions for months now over the continuous unauthorized entry of multitudes across the southern border, their often-dubious
appeals for political asylum, and the shameful exploitation of children by those seeking to get into the country any way they
can are being used to the full against Trump.
framers never intended for impeachment to be a political weapon. On Sunday night's [6/23/2019] episode of Life,
Liberty & Levin on Fox News, LevinTV host Mark Levin was joined by constitutional expert and former federal Judge Michael
McConnell to discuss how the framers constitution really intended for impeachment to work. During the discussion,
McConnell — who is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and director of Stanford University's constitutional
law program — explained that impeachment is far more than just a political issue, or at least that's what the
framers intended for it to be. "The phrase 'high crimes and misdemeanors' was specifically chosen to be a very high
bar" for impeachment, McConnell explained.
Dems' 2020 Election Strategy. Investigations. Every single day's news is dominated, day after day, week
after week, month after month by investigations of the President, subpoenas to his executive branch, his friends and
associates, his family. Investigations that go from Michael "Cash Cab" Cohen as the very first sworn witness of the
Congressional term to Mueller to John Dean, who masterminded Watergate. It's like swearing-in Harvey Weinstein to
testify about Bill Clinton. And never-ending daily discussions of: FISA warrants. Redactions. Grand
jury transcripts. Hold the Attorney-General in contempt. Hold the Secretary of the Treasury in contempt.
Hold the Secretary of Commerce in contempt. Demand the President's taxes. Subpoenas and litigation for his taxes.
reasons Trump-Russia hasn't turned into Watergate. In Watergate, the underlying crime was a break-in at
Democratic National Committee headquarters, perpetrated by burglars paid by President Richard Nixon's reelection
campaign. The scandal proceeded from there. In Trump-Russia, the underlying crime was the hacking of the DNC's
and John Podesta's emails — a crime committed by Russians in Russia. Special counsel Robert Mueller, who
indicted a number of Russians and Russian entities for their actions, spent two years trying to find conspiracy or
coordination between the Russians and the Trump campaign. He failed. That single fact has shaped every other
aspect of the Trump-Russia affair.
Has No Right to Trump Tax Returns — Justice Department Makes Right Decision. President Trump won a
victory Friday when the Justice Department said Congress does not have the right to see his tax returns. More
importantly, all American taxpayers won a victory, because the Justice Department memo regarding Trump's returns has the
effect of upholding the privacy and confidentially of all our tax returns as well. If Congress is allowed to examine
the president's tax returns, the next step will be demands by lawmakers to examine the tax returns of others —
political activists and opponents, members of unpopular groups, religious minorities, and who knows who else.
When did Congressional
testimony become performance art? In the last 10 years, the rules of the game have changed. Politicians,
activists and writers are no longer giving testimony to a committee, as [Alexander P.] Butterfield did in 1973.
They are competing for attention and influence on the internet.
are House Dems Allowed to Try President Trump For The Same Offense For the Fifth Time? Last I knew, this was
the United States of America. We lived by a Constitution which guaranteed a set of protections against tyranny for our
citizens. One of those protections is the guarantee that a person accused of a crime cannot be "twice put in jeopardy"
for the same crime. This is called double jeopardy. The text book definition of double jeopardy is as
follows: "A procedural defense which prevents an accused person from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges
and on the same facts, following a valid acquittal or conviction."
Dean, House Democrats and the spirit of scandals past. John Dean? Really? If this was a Dickens
story, John Dean would be playing the Spirit of Scandals Past, the forlorn and decrepit old spirit carted out to warn
others. But his warnings are no more than craven fodder for the Spirit of Scandals Present, House Judiciary Chairman
Jerry Nadler. Why don't the Democrats just admit they were wrong about collusion and move on rather than continuing to
embarrass themselves?
A Mafia Hit Man's Assessment
of John Dean. In his testimony before the committee, Dean conceded that he was not appearing as a fact witness
and did not have personal knowledge as to the truth or falsity of a single fact in Team Mueller's report. Instead, his
role was to provide "historical context" within which Trump's actions could be assessed. So Dean appeared, in effect,
as an expert witness on how to commit obstruction of justice, a crime which involves hiding the truth. The Republicans
on the committee raised all of the obvious points about Dean's admitted criminal conduct in the Watergate conspiracy.
But it was this exchange between Dean and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) that particularly caught my interest. [...]
Dean Blows a Hole in the Democrats' Impeachment Push. John Dean admitted to opposing Donald Trump before
Trump was even elected. And Dean described his level of disgust as doubling him over with pain in his stomach at the
thought of a President Donald Trump. So Dean let the cat out of the bag. This has nothing to do with anything
that Trump did after becoming President. Dean was already desperate to stop Trump from becoming President. This
has nothing to do with the law, impeachment, obstruction of justice or anything else that Trump did. It is all about
politics. Dean wanted Hillary Clinton to win — by his own admission. John Dean is just one of the many
spoiled children of the Left who didn't get his way.
and Gaetz Expose Pelosi and Nadler's Ridiculous Political Impeachment Stunt. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and
Judicary Chairman Jerry Nadler constructed a political hearing to kick-off their impeachment narrative and fuel their
base. In an effort to create the appearance of hearing credibility the plan was to use testimony from former Nixon
White House Counsel John Dean. The plan failed, miserably. Dean was showcased for what he is, a political prop
for the left-wing base of MSNBC moonbats.
Democrats Aren't Sure Whether John Dean Did Them Any Good. It was supposed to be a made-for-TV moment for House
Democrats: former Richard Nixon counsel and Watergate icon John Dean testifying before lawmakers in the Judiciary Committee's
first hearing solely devoted to the substance of Robert Mueller's findings on whether President Trump obstructed the Russia
investigation. After the four-hour hearing wrapped on Monday [6/10/2019], though, not all Democrats were reveling in the
testimony of Watergate's star witness. Some were even wondering if anyone had bothered to watch.
Dershowitz: House Democrats 'looking to create something that isn't there' with impeachment. Famed
Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz says House Democrats at this point are gasping for air in the never-ending
Russia saga. "They're looking to create something that isn't there," he told me in a brief phone interview Monday
morning. "They're trying to weaponize the criminal justice system for partisan advantage. It's not there.
There's no obstruction of justice in the [special counsel] report." Democrats on Monday [6/10/2019] will hear testimony
related to their absurd case against President Trump for supposedly obstructing justice.
Trump-Bashing Witnesses Are Obama Appointees and MSNBC Hack Contributors. The Democrat-led House Judiciary
Committee chaired by Jerry Nadler dragged out Watergate figure John Dean to testify at Monday's [6/10/2019] hearing about
Mueller's report. Nadler also trotted out two former Obama-appointed US Attorneys who are contributors to MSNBC, and
they both came out and trashed President Trump.
Jerry Nadler's
Trump-bashing show is a bust. Chairman Jerry Nadler has to put on a show of pursuing President Trump because
the party's left wing demands it. But Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't let Nadler go to impeachment hearings because she
knows the broader public will see it as a partisan outrage.
Collins blasts Nadler's 'fake impeachment' hearings; reminds him of House rules forbidding 'ridicule of the president'. In
an effort to placate the party's increasingly unhinged Left-wing base, Democrats in the House will hold what critics are calling "fake
impeachment hearings" on Monday, though one Republican is reminding a powerful committee chairman of the chamber's rules regarding the
treatment of the president. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) will hold a hearing featuring Watergate-era
stoolie and convict John Dean, reputed to be the one who brought down President Richard Nixon though in reality, it was a series of tapes
in which Nixon discussed obstructing justice and other crimes that actually did him in.
Look, Another Glaring Omission In The Mueller Report. [Scroll down] For two years, they dug and found
nothing. Now, after being unable to give Democrats the impeachment ammunition the needed, Mueller, in his exiting
presser, all but gave the green light to start such proceedings. It's that presser that many saw this whole investigation
as nothing more than a political hit job and a perversion of a basic tenet of our legal system: innocent until proven
guilty. [...] The liberal media continued to peddle it, however, because Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and the Left is
desperate to get rid of the president.
Collins Warns
Nadler About Rules Of Conduct In Upcoming 'Mock-Impeachment Inquiry'. House Judiciary Committee ranking member
Doug Collins on Friday accused Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler of scheduling a "mock impeachment inquiry" of the president
for Monday as opposed to a legitimate congressional oversight hearing. The upcoming hearing titled "Lessons from the
Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes" is expected to include testimony from Watergate key witness
John Dean along with other legal experts to drive the obstruction narrative for Democrats. However, former special
counsel Robert Mueller will not be a witness.
Democrats Can't Make Up Their Minds on Impeachment. Democrats are eager to impeach president Trump, yet at the
same time, they are eager to avoid such impeachment. They cannot make a rational decision on how to proceed, because
they have painted themselves into a corner on the issue. They bombarded the country with various hoaxes for years,
telling Americans that Trump is Russia's asset. If they start the impeachment proceedings against Trump, independents
will abandon Democrats (independents will not tolerate the prosecution of innocent men), and they will lose the 2020
elections. If Democrats put brakes the impeachment plans, their brainwashed base will abandon them; [...]
Psychiatrists Will Violate Ethics In Bogus Dem 'Mental Health' Town Hall. Democrats, having failed with their
"Russian collusion" and "It's a cover-up!" are now turning to "mental health" in another desperate attempt to unseat the
duly-elected POTUS. The assembled psychiatrists would be better served if they focused on their own obsession with
President Trump and their childish, petulant refusal to accept reality: Donald Trump is the president of the United
States. And they seem unconcerned that they are in clear violation of one of the ethical guidelines of the American
Psychiatric Association, known as the "Goldwater Rule," which was adopted after the 1964 presidential election, when
psychiatrists weighed in with their "diagnosis" of the Republican nominee, Barry Goldwater, without having had any contact
with him.
Washington Post argument against impeachment: Trump is who he is. The debate over impeachment is growing
both deafening and dispiriting. On one side, liberal pols and pundits argue that the Democrats have an absolute duty to
make the move against Donald Trump because he's so obviously broken the law — never mind Bob Mueller's lack of
charges — and is so awful that history demands action, regardless of the political drawbacks. Other pols and
pundits on the left say impeachment would be futile and self-destructive, divide the country, obliterate the Democrats'
agenda — and then ultimately fail in the Senate.
House Democrat says support [is] lacking for formal Trump impeachment inquiry. The chairman of the U.S. House
Judiciary Committee said on Wednesday there did not appear to be support at the moment for a formal impeachment inquiry of
President Donald Trump following the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Russia probe.
John Dean is a hero to Dems eager to impeach Trump — but here's the ugly truth. Soon, John Dean will
be the Democratic House Judiciary Committee's opening witness in the majority's quest to keep the Mueller report at the
forefront of the national consciousness. As a former member of President Nixon's White House staff, Dean has become a
mainstream media darling, who is frequently trotted out to assert that some supposed Republican scandal is "worse than
Watergate." He's hardly on the inside of anything Republican today, but he certainly knows about Watergate, because he
played such a central part throughout the scandal's unfolding.
than two dozen liberal groups voice frustration with Pelosi, urge impeachment proceedings against Trump. A
coalition of more than two dozen liberal groups on Tuesday urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to begin impeachment proceedings
against President Trump, writing in a letter that her reticence is "resulting in dangerous inaction that enables this racist
and xenophobic president." The strongly worded letter voicing frustration with Pelosi (D-Calif.) came a day after the
Democratic-led House returned from a week-long recess and continued to grapple with how to respond to the report of special
counsel Robert S. Mueller III.
Enough Games —
They Want to Destroy Us. The past few days of news coverage have confirmed that the corporate leftist media and
the Democrats are hellbent on uncritically warping every fact and statement to support their effort to forcibly remove a
democratically elected president and to demonize anyone who may stand in their way. [...] In a civil society, citizens may be
entitled to their opinions but not to their own facts. But the past few years are evidence enough that we are no longer
living in an actual civilized society. Our opponents are not engaging in good faith. They are willing and eager
to destroy anyone in their way — no matter the cost.
Majority oppose Trump impeachment, but most Democrats support it. A majority of polled voters oppose impeaching
and removing President Trump but a strong majority of Democrats are in favor of doing so, according to the latest Harvard
CAPS/Harris Poll survey. The survey found that a plurality of voters, 43 percent, favor no action against the
president, including 44 percent of independents. Thirty-seven percent support impeaching and removing the
president. Sixty percent of polled Democrats say the president should be impeached and removed, but only
36 percent of independents are in favor. Twenty percent of voters say Trump should be censured by Congress.
The Editor says...
When was there ever a poll conducted to ask if Barack H. Obama should
be impeached and removed, or at least censured by Congress?
Left Late Night Host Jimmy Kimmel Pleads with Nancy Pelosi to Impeach Trump. Speaker Nancy Pelosi took time on
Thursday on Late Night with far left host Jimmy Kimmel on "Jimmy Kimmel Live." The late night shows have replaced
comedy the last three years with visceral hatred of President Trump and conservative American voters. During their
segment Kimmel pleaded with Nancy Pelosi to impeach President Trump urging her to "get in there" and "take care of this."
things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump. If Democrats want to argue that corrupt intent and
an underlying offense are not needed to prove obstruction, then was former President Bill Clinton committing obstruction when
he met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix Airport while the FBI was investigating his wife's mishandling of
government emails? Or was former President Barack Obama committing obstruction when he opined that Hillary Clinton had
done nothing wrong with her emails while she was his secretary of state? Both Presidents Obama and Clinton acted before
then-FBI Director James Comey announced his recommendation that Hillary Clinton — then running for president
against Trump — should not be charged for improperly using a private email server instead of the required secure
government email system while heading the State Department. Knowing what they know today, if House Democrats move
forward on the impeachment of President Trump, five things will happen. [...]
becomes the Democrats' great white whale. One way of envisioning the Democratic obsessions with Donald Trump is
as an addiction. We have seen the initial impeachment efforts; the attempt to get him under the emoluments clause, the
Logan Act and the 25th Amendment; the Russian collusion hoax; the Mueller investigation; the demand for his tax returns; and
the psychodramas involving Michael Avenatti, Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels. Relentless progressives have needed a new
Get Trump fix about every two months. More practically, their fixation also substitutes for a collective poverty of ideas.
Democrats Renew Impeachment Frenzy After Robert Mueller Speaks. Several Democrat presidential candidates on
Wednesday [5/29/2019] took to social media to call on Congress to begin impeachment proceeding against President Donald Trump
following special counsel Robert Mueller's press conference about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016
election. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) declared Mueller's statement "makes clear" that his report is an
"impeachment referral" for Congress to act upon. "They should," she declared.
impeachment talk impeaches their own credibility. Democrats talking about impeaching President Trump are so
absurdly premature as to convict themselves of extreme political hackery. Their excuses for impeachment change with the
news cycle, but right now, the only ground remotely reasonable for impeachment is the evidence reported by inspector general
Robert Mueller that Trump tried on 10 occasions to impede the Russia-related investigation. The contrary arguments,
though, are strong. The first two are that Trump apparently committed no underlying crime to cover up and that he
provided remarkably free access to requested documents and to members of his team without asserting executive privilege.
It's hard to charge obstruction when he destroyed no documents and suborned no perjury.
Impeach or get off
the pot, Democrats. It's difficult to believe anyone really thinks impeachment is a good idea after an
independent investigation blew up the Russiagate conspiracy. But Democrats run the House. They have the votes to
get it done. According to their own rhetoric, they have a duty to impeach no matter what the Senate does. An
impeachment proceeding that compels Democrats to lay out their case would be far preferable to this show trial —
what the Wall Street Journal editorial page dubbed "The Pseudo-Impeachment." Let's do it already.
Obstructionists, Leakers, and Other Projectionists. Mueller spent more than $34 million and wrote over 440
pages to inform the American people that Trump could not realistically be indicted for obstructing justice, mostly because
the underlying crime — "collusion" — never existed in the first place. Moreover, Mueller and
other officials were never actually hampered in their investigations. No matter: "obstruction" was supposedly the
key to destroying the Trump Administration after collusion imploded. To this day it remains the battle cry of the
impeach-Trump Left.
Rep. Steve Cohen Questions Nancy Pelosi's Patriotism Over Impeachment And We're Here For It. Democrat
Rep. Steve Cohen appeared on CNN today [5/23/2019] (where else?). You'll probably remember Cohen from some of his
greatest hits, like slobbering on a bucket of KFC during a hearing in an attempt to call Bill Barr a chicken. Nice work
Tennessee. In the past few days, Nancy Pelosi has been desperately trying to tamp down calls for impeachment because
she smartly realizes there's no case for it and that it would backfire. Rationality isn't a strong suit of Democrat
politics though.
We on the Ramp to Impeachment Road? [T]he hostile investigations of Trump by Pelosi's House are becoming too
numerous to list. Subpoenas have been issued to the IRS demanding Trump's tax returns. New York has enacted a law
to gain access to Trump's state tax returns, to pass them on to the comrades on Capitol Hill. Democrats are not seeking
these records for guidance on how to reform the tax code. House committees want the files of his accountants.
Subpoenas have been issued to lending institutions where Trump borrowed, such as Deutsche Bank, going back to the last
century. The Mueller investigation found that neither Trump nor anyone in his campaign colluded with the Russians in
2016. Yet that exoneration is insufficient for the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler. He wants
public hearings with present and past White House aides under oath to put on a show trial for a national TV audience.
Pelosi's Impeachment Dilemma. The progressives
in her party are lining up to demand an impeachment spectacle. They hail from uber-liberal districts, their
constituents want Trump's scalp, and they fear inaction will earn them a primary challenge. Even Mrs. Pelosi's
wingmen — those who've had her fake-impeachment back — are starting to break. The Washington Post
reports that Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler is arguing for a formal impeachment inquiry, as are "five members of Pelosi's
leadership team." Mr. Beyer surprised nobody when he became the first member of Virginia's delegation to call
publicly for formal proceedings, joining at least two dozen other House Democrats. Mr. Beyer represents Virginia's
Eighth district, the most liberal in the state, encompassing the Washington suburbs of Alexandria and Arlington.
don't want Congress to impeach, but Democrats aren't listening. The American people are sending a pretty clear
message to Washington: They are sick and tired of the investigations into President Trump and don't want Democrats in
Congress to impeach him. But the Democrats aren't listening.
Bernie Grasps At Impeachment As Poll Numbers Begin To Crater. In the latest episode of the incredible shrinking
socialist, Bernie Sanders is ready to saddle up to ride with the impeachment mob as he struggles to keep pace with Joe Biden
who is rapidly pulling away from the rest of the pack. According to the most recent polls, the former vice president is
running way ahead of Crazy Bernie and putting the revolution in doubt even as younger Americans are drawn to the seductive
promises of free stuff and collective punishment of their enemies in increasing numbers.
Are Painted Into a Corner. Since the day after the 2016 election they have been threatening this, placing their
chips on the Russian-collusion fantasy and then on the phantasmagoric charade of obstruction of justice. The attorney
general accurately gave the ingredients of the offense of obstruction of justice in his four-page summary of the Mueller
report: a corrupt act for corrupt purposes in contemplation of a legal proceeding. The attorney general, William Barr,
the then deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, and the Justice Department counsel concurred that none of the elements was
present in the conduct of the president as recounted by Mr. Mueller. The dream died, except in the febrile
imagination of the Democrats, who launched an unfounded attack on the attorney general's integrity.
Tries To Play Hamlet On Impeachment. Pelosi would go forward on the trappings of impeachment absent
impeachment itself. It would be a continuation of the never-ending soap opera of the last two years of investigation,
and media coverage of it, except re-located to Capitol Hill. Though all the while teasing that impeachment may be
around the corner if we dig hard enough. "Get the facts to the American people in our investigation" and "it may take
us to a place that is unavoidable in terms of impeachment, but we're not at that place," as the Speaker put it. In
other words, months and months of "to impeach or not to impeach."
Omar Celebrates Serving as Speaker Pro Tempore of the House and Calls for Impeachment of Trump. Rep. Ilhan
Omar (D.-Minn.) sent out two successive tweets on Wednesday night, the first celebrating the fact that she had served that
day as Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives and the second calling for the impeachment of President Donald
Trump. "Such an honor to preside over the House Floor tonight," Omar said in the first Tweet, which featured a screen
capture of her at the speaker's podium. "Every day I am humbled to serve the people of my community."
The Editor says...
If you want to serve the people of your community, you should run for mayor. As it is, you're a member of Congress,
where it is your obligation to serve the entire country, and not just the Muslims.
Dems Ignore the Voters
on Impeachment. Here's a news flash for the leftwing politicians, pundits, and unbalanced billionaires who
continue to push for the impeachment of President Trump: There is a large group of people living beyond the Beltway,
collectively known as "the voters," which doesn't share your obsession with removing him from office. Countless polls
confirm that the percentage of the electorate that supports impeachment is steadily dwindling. The vast majority of the
people who will cast ballots in 2020 want you to stop indulging your nostalgia for Watergate and do something useful.
Keyword: Bill of attainder. New
York passes law so they can give Trump's taxes to Democrats. Earlier we told you that the New York State Senate
had passed a bill so they could give Trump's tax returns to Congress. Well now that bill has passed the legislature and
is heading to Cuomo's desk to sign.
Nadler Once Compared Impeachment to Cannibalizing Children, Assassinating a President. When President Bill Clinton, over
20 years ago, was probed by a special investigator, and 11 possible grounds for impeachment were found, including perjury, witness
tampering and obstruction of justice, Democrats didn't defend their party's President the way Republicans defend Trump today. No,
Democrats were far more extreme. What makes the rhetorical record so glaringly hypocritical is that in Donald Trump's case, unlike
Clinton's, the investigator found no evidence of presidential crimes. As congressional Democrats' current leaders endure the pressure
of their younger, further-to-the-left colleagues, who want Trump's head on a platter ASAP, they're going to find themselves haunted by
their own ghosts of impeachment past.
Coverage Has Surged as Public Interest Wanes. The Democratic clamor for presidential impeachment seems to be
growing by the day. The topic became front-page news again this week with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's statement that
President Trump "engaged in a coverup" regarding the Russian collusion investigation. Looking closely, we see that media
coverage of impeachment ticked up shortly after Trump's election and really took off in the aftermath of his firing of
FBI Director James Comey in May 2017, accelerating steadily over the last two years. Meanwhile, web searches about
impeachment seem to have largely faded.
Impeachment Mania.
The Dems' impeachment mania is inversely proportional to the merits of their case against Trump. It represents one
branch of their refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election. To borrow a metaphor used in Fourth Amendment law,
it is the fruit of the poisonous tree. The Mueller investigation purported to address Russian meddling in the election
and the Trump campaign's alleged cooperation with it. The cooperation has been at the center of the Trump hatefest
conducted by the Democrats and their media adjunct since the 2016 election. They — both the Democrats and
their media adjunct — whipped their followers into a frenzy.
Host Pushes Democrats to Begin Impeachment Hearings. MSNBC's Kasie Hunt gunned for Democrats to begin
impeachment proceedings, offering them a playbook on how to do so. "How badly do you want it? Impeachment could
be Dems' only path to key information," the accompanying MSNBC video's headline coaxed.
upholds Dem subpoena for Trump financial records. A federal judge on Monday [5/20/2019] upheld a congressional
subpoena seeking President Donald Trump's financial records from an accounting firm, arguing that Congress is well within its
rights to investigate potential illegal behavior by a president — even without launching a formal impeachment
inquiry. U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta's ruling delivers a striking blow to the president's efforts to resist
Democratic investigations, and is certain to give Democrats further legal basis to investigate Trump, his finances, and his
presidential campaign.
Pushes Pelosi to Impeach Trump Because He's 'Raping the Country'. Rep. Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.) on Monday
called for the impeachment of President Donald Trump, accusing him of "raping the country." Cohen stood up and yelled for
Trump to be impeached during a Democratic Steering and Policy Committee meeting with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D.,
Calif.), prompting Pelosi to push back saying, "This is not about politics, it's about what's best for the American people,"
according to Politico.
are running out of stunts to pull from impeachment playbook. The Russia investigation without criminal Russia
collusion was like Geraldo Rivera opening the safe of Al Capone only to find empty bottles. To make matters worse,
Mueller did not reach a conclusion on obstruction but Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein found that the evidence would not support a criminal charge of obstruction. Democrats then proceeded to try
and shift attention from collusion to obstruction, but their unwillingness to actually open an impeachment inquiry has
undermined their claims that obstruction crimes were well established. Almost instantly, you could feel national
attention waning and lawmaker desperation growing.
faces fresh GOP primary challenge after Trump impeachment comments. Less than 48 hours after GOP Rep. Justin Amash
declared that President Trump "engaged in impeachable conduct," a fellow Republican has vowed to challenge him in the upcoming primary
election. Michigan state Rep. Jim Lower made his intentions known Monday morning, announcing that instead of seeking a third
term in the state legislature, he will run against Amash for their party's nomination for the 2020 election. Amash has served as
the representative for Michigan's Third District since 2011.
Trump Mocks 'Loser' Justin Amash for Backing Impeachment. President Donald Trump ridiculed Rep. Justin
Amash (R-MI) on Sunday [5/19/2019] after the rogue Republican accused the president of impeachable conduct. "Justin is
a loser who sadly plays right into our opponents' hands!" Trump wrote on Twitter.
A RINO wants to impeach the President for something the Attorney General did. Michigan
GOP congressman says Trump's conduct impeachable. Michigan Rep. Justin Amash became the first Republican
lawmaker to declare that President Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses and that Attorney General William Barr "deliberately
misrepresented" special counsel Robert Mueller's report. Amash, whose libertarian views often put him at odds with Trump and
his fellow Republicans, posted a series of tweets Saturday afternoon outlining positions that even some Democrats have been
unwilling to embrace [...]
'deserves' Khashoggi treatment, Maher guest Fran Lebowitz says before backpedaling. Liberal author Fran
Lebowitz went to the extreme Friday night during an appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher," suggesting that President
Trump should not only be impeached but killed. Lebowitz began by saying she felt "plagued" by Trump's presidency and
"shocked" by what she claimed was criminal behavior by Attorney General William Barr over his handling of the Mueller
report. But when she was asked about impeachment, Lebowitz did not think that was enough punishment for the president,
who has not been charged with any crimes.
Jerry Nadler: We're 'probably' not headed for impeachment. After a quarter-century in Congress,
Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York stands on the brink of an outsize role in American political life. As Judiciary
Committee chairman in the Democratic-controlled House, Nadler leads his party's efforts to exercise oversight of President
Donald Trump and his administration. If Democrats pursue the fourth serious presidential impeachment effort in American
history, Nadler will wield the gavel when it starts.
If You Can't Impeach Him, Embarrass
Him. A common reporting theme regarding Trump and taxes is that, as with Al Capone, the president could be
brought to justice for one of his lesser crimes — namely, tax evasion. But Capone paid no tax at the height
of his ravages; he didn't even file returns. No evidence suggests that Trump ever failed to file returns or that he has
evaded taxes. On the contrary, there is every reason to assume that, as someone who has flaunted his wealth throughout
40 years of involvement in the construction, gaming, and leisure industries, Trump has received more than his share of
scrutiny from tax authorities.
Impeachment Democrats Geniuses or Idiots? [Scroll down] Suppose that your party had controlled Congress,
man and boy, for about 60 years, from 1930 to 1990, and then the music changed and Congress became pretty well balanced,
shifting from one party to the other. You'd be pretty upset. Suppose that your guys ran the administrative state
for about 100 years, and then a populist candidate with no political experience walked in and took the presidency.
You'd be beside yourself.
Nadler's Contempt.
For too long the media and their client Democrats in Congress have operated in an environment in which the rule of law meant
only one law: "Get Trump." That "law" made everything done in service to that goal "legal" and everything in
opposition to the goal "illegal." Cries of a "constitutional crisis" are simply rehashing the received wisdom that
there is a new, unwritten amendment to the Constitution called the "Get Trump" provision. [...] The Obama era ushered in a
convergence of power among the powerful federal agencies, the media, and the Democrats. In the early part of the Trump
Administration, it even appeared strong enough to overcome the inconvenient election of a candidate who ran in opposition to
the cabal.
Need Rehab from Trump Investigation Addiction. We all know the horrors of addiction — lives
destroyed, families shattered. It wrecks the fabric of society. Unfortunately, the Democrats have contracted an
extraordinarily virulent form — investigating Donald Trump has become crack cocaine to them with maybe fentanyl
and methamphetamine thrown in. The likes of Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff seem to be sucking on this pipe for dear
life, day and night, giving them barely time to breath or eat. Even when getting a rare touch of sleep, these putative
public servants clearly have Trump on the brain. They never think of anything else — or, seemingly, do anything
else. And they are far from alone. Legions of Democrats and their media lackeys suffer from the same addiction.
The Real Democratic Agenda.
Democrats have a problem. The base wants to impeach President Trump, ASAP, but the public does not. Indeed,
Trump's approval rating is the highest it's been in the Gallup survey, right around Obama's at this point in his term.
The brute facts of public opinion suggest that the impeachment of Trump would look more like Bill Clinton's trial than
Richard Nixon's. Not only would Trump remain in office; the backlash might deprive the Democrats of their 17-seat House
majority. For months, Nancy Pelosi's solution has been to walk right up to the line of impeachment without actually
crossing it. Unleash committee chairmen to fire their subpoena cannons in every direction. Make unrealistic
demands of Attorney General Barr. Have Swalwell and Lieu and the rest of the cable gang keep alive the conspiracy
theory that the Trump campaign was in criminal cahoots with Russia. Drag out the process into next year, when a
weakened and bedraggled Trump faces the eventual Democratic nominee. That way Pelosi gets the political benefits of
impeachment without the costs.
Two House Democrats Show Up for Impeach Trump Rally. The organizers of a rally calling for the impeachment of
President Donald Trump said the event was held to deliver to Congress a petition with more than ten million signatures urging
for the action, but only two House Democrats showed up in support. Reps. Al Green (D-TX) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)
were the only two Democrats to attend and speak at the event.
sounds the alarm: 'Attempted coup' culprits must be held accountable, or we won't 'last much longer'.
Rep. Louie Gohmert ripped the "attempted coup" against President Donald Trump and warned that "we're not going to last
much longer" if those behind it don't go to jail. The fiery Texas Republican blasted the Robert Mueller report and
doubled down on previous criticisms he has leveled against the special counsel's investigation of now-disproved Russian
collusion with the Trump campaign in the 2016 election, telling Fox Business News host Lou Dobbs it "goes beyond the pale."
to Nadler: Threaten Barr With Impeachment, You Get Nothing. Smart move by DOJ lawyers. The letter
[shown in this article] informs Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler the previous report content was provided without assertion of
executive privilege; however, if Nadler follows through with impeachment plan, executive privilege is now enforced and the
totality of the report is withdrawn from congress. [...] The only thing AG Barr was statutorily required to provide was the
four-page summary letter he already presented. Asking President Trump to throw the executive privilege blanket over the
full work product effectively shields it from congressional review; AND simultaneously blocks congress from proceeding with
any impeachment action.
Rejects House Democrats' Demand for Trump's Tax Returns. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin refused to release
President Donald Trump's personal and business tax returns, setting up what could become one of the biggest legal showdowns
between the president and a Congress seeking to investigate him. The rejection of House Ways and Means Committee
Chairman Richard Neal's request for six years of the president's returns opens the door for Democrats to pursue more forceful
measures, such as issuing a subpoena or filing a lawsuit.
Democrat accidentally
admits why they're really seeking to impeach President Trump — and it's on video. Allies of
President Donald Trump are highlighting a statement from a Democratic member of Congress that they say reveals the true
motivation behind the calls to have the president impeached. Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) was defending his support for
impeachment despite the practical political implications of such a controversial act by Congress, when he revealed the
reasoning behind his advocacy. "I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected," said
Green on MSNBC.
Impeach Barr, Then Trump: 'Move This Obstructer Out of the Way'. "I'm recommending that we impeach Attorney
General Barr, so that we can get the information we need to protect our country," Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) told
CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday [5/5/2019]. Swalwell, one of many Democrats running for president, also wants to see
President Trump impeached: "It's maybe the only road to save the country," he said. "But, right now, you know, I
will tell you. With the attorney general, I think we should move to impeach him first."
Al Green: If We Don't Impeach Trump, He Will Get Re-Elected. Saturday on MSNBC, Rep. Al Green (D-TX)
said he is concerned is the Democrats do not begin impeachment proceedings in the House President Donald Trump will win the
election in 2020. Green said, "I'm concerned if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we
don't impeach him, he will say he's been vindicated. [...]"
The Editor says...
Mr. Trump has been vindicated. Get over it.
Accuse AG Barr of Doing Exactly What Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch Did for Obama. Congressional Democrats are
clearly aware that the American people do not favor impeachment of President Trump. Even a CNN poll shows that 59
percent of the public oppose impeachment — and that's a left-leaning poll. While impeaching Trump is, for
the moment, off the table because there are no legitimate grounds to do so, the Democratic Party has set its sights on
Attorney General Barr. When Democrats didn't like the findings of the Mueller report, they accused Barr of being a
"partisan" who was "handpicked" by Trump to protect him. They now claim Barr's four-page memo summarizing the
conclusions of the report was misleading — which it wasn't, and that Barr perjured himself during previous
testimony to Congress — which he didn't. Naturally, partisan Democrats are now calling for his impeachment,
and presidential candidates are also fundraising by attacking him as well. As absurd as the claims are that Barr is
acting like Trump's personal lawyer to protect him, it's difficult not to see that Democrats are making it their business to
accuse William Barr of being everything Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were for Barack Obama.
For Impeachment Craters: Now At 29/66 In New Quinnipiac Poll. None of the data sites are tracking impeachment polls so
there's no handy list of numbers for me to compare this to. But 29 percent is the weakest support for impeachment I can recall
seeing from any major pollster. Less than a week ago, ABC/WaPo found 37 percent in favor of impeachment — another
bad number for Democrats and the Resistance, but one that's nearly 10 points higher than what Quinnipiac's seeing today [5/2/2019].
Two-thirds of voters oppose impeachment proceedings. Nearly two out of three voters say Democrats should not
initiate impeachment proceedings against President Trump and a majority say it's time to turn the page on the Russia investigation,
according to a new poll. The latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey found that 65 percent of respondents oppose
impeachment proceedings. A majority of Democrats polled, 56 percent, support impeachment, however, only
32 percent of independents and 14 percent of Republicans are in favor.
Clinton: 'China, if you're listening, why don't you get Trump's tax returns?'. Former presidential candidate Hillary
Clinton said Wednesday [5/1/2019] that 2020 Democrats should be able to benefit from Chinese election interference if the Justice
Department lets Russia get away with interfering in 2016. [...] "So why should Russia have all the fun? And since Russia is
clearly backing Republicans, why don't we ask China to back us? And not only that, China, if you're listening, why don't
you get [President] Trump's tax returns? I'm sure our media would richly reward you," she added.
The Editor says...
The Democrats have been railing for two years about foreign interference in the most recent presidential election,
based on evidence they didn't have. And now, here's Hillary Clinton inviting foreign interference in
the next election. The IRS has Trump's tax information already. Why invite the Chinese into this?
Is to Be Done for a Nation that Secedes from the Principles of Its Founding? [I]t should be obvious that the
Democratic Party is no longer a democratic party in the common acceptation of the term. The outrageous and fraudulent
effort to cashier a sitting president with official and agency collusion and possibly to prefer articles of impeachment
against him without the slightest observable warrant differ little in effect from the infamous Soviet show trials.
[...] The lack of civility is appalling, but that is the least of it. The Democratic Party should now be understood as
a foreign organism inserted into the body politic. The application of democratic means and principles in treating with
a party that is no longer democratic seems neither logical nor feasible.
Clinton: 'You've Got to Educate the American Public' About the Need for Impeachment. Hillary Clinton's own
husband was impeached in 1998, and that ended up benefitting him politically, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow told the former first
lady Wednesday night. Maddow asked Clinton if she worries that Democrats likewise will get "walloped" in 2020 if they
pursue investigations that lead to Trump's impeachment. "I don't worry if it's done right, and by that I mean... you
have to continue with your other agenda, and that's exactly what the House is doing," Clinton said. She said the House
of Representatives should move on two tracks — passing legislation while Democrat-led committees hold hearings "to
educate the American public."
The Editor says...
Congressional hearings are not infomercials. If you want to spread propaganda, condense it down to
28½ minutes and I'm sure MSNBC will be happy to air it, for a nominal fee.
Biden Says He Supports The House Beginning Impeachment Procedures On President Trump. After Mueller returned
a finding that no one in the Trump campaign sought or accepted help from the Russian government and the empirical finding
that the Russian interference was not sufficient to change votes (particularly votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin),
the Democrats are left with "obstruction." Their investigations are focused on creating a drumbeat of scandal that
increases in volume the closer we get to the 2020 election. They know, and the public is telling them, that no one
is interested in impeaching President Trump for merely being angry about the investigation and because of that Nancy Pelosi and
Steny Hoyer have been trying to tamp down impeachment talk. But impeachment is very popular with the Democrat's radical
twitterati base and with a handful of far left members of Congress from very safe, deep Blue districts.
The Russian
Collusion Hypocrisy of Northeast Democrats. The Mueller report is in, and one thing couldn't be clearer:
Mueller's team, despite its best (or worst) efforts, found no evidence Donald Trump or anyone on his campaign team colluded
with Russia to undermine the 2016 U.S. election. Despite Mueller's clear conclusion on this point, Sen. Elizabeth
Warren (D-MA) — who, not coincidentally, is running to be her party's presidential nominee — and
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) continue to lead an inane crusade to nail Trump for imagined crimes. However, if Warren
and Nadler are truly worried about efforts to further Russian interests at the expense of the United States, they should look
closer to home for active co-conspirators.
American Ignorance.
Even though the Muller Report has, after more than two years of probing, proven President Trump to be totally innocent of any
Russian collusion and obstruction of justice the Democrats are nevertheless beating the impeachment drum. The majority
of our news media are aiding and abetting this effort. Why? Because even though Donald Trump committed no crime
they're still angry that he won over Hillary in 2016. These people have vowed to resist Trump even BEFORE he became
president. For those Americans who only get their news from the local stations and liberal news outlets all they hear
is TRUMP MUST BE IMPEACHED! For those who only listen to empty-headed pop celebrities and who only read leftwing news
sites, they get the same message; Trump must go.
Coup Against Our President Isn't Over. There was actually an effort to overturn a presidential election based
on a bunch of stuff that was made up, and that scares [...] me. That's the kind of thing that is not supposed to happen
here, and, if it does, the people who did it are supposed to be the people who are hung out to dry. They're the people
to be prosecuted, they're the people put in jail, they're the people to be held up as an example of not the kind of Americans
we want in government. [...] There's only a certain kind of people that will even try to do this, and they are not Americans
first, and that's what's scary to me. They may say they're Americans, and they may claim like Comey and all these
people that they are acting out of patriotic interest. They were not. They were acting above and outside the U.S.
Rep. Clark: No 'Choice' But Pursue Impeachment if Trump Admin Blocks All Subpoenas. During
Thursday's broadcast of "New Day" on CNN, Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA) warned House Democrats could be left with no
"choice" but to pursue impeachment if President Donald Trump's administration continues to fight subpoenas. Clark said
it is up to Trump whether or not he wants to cooperate. "We have never seen a president like this. We have never
seen a president who so flagrantly decides that he's above the law and that he can do what he wants," Clark told host John
The Editor says...
Really? One needs to go only three years back into history to find "a president
who so flagrantly decides that he's above the law and that he can do what he wants." Ms. Clark must have already forgotten about
the time Barack H. Obama ignored a subpoena from Atlanta judge.
Political Prosecution. [W]hy did Mueller spend millions of taxpayer dollars investigating the president for obstruction
when he wouldn't indict him for it anyway? Mueller claims that he was creating and preserving a record for the future, perhaps when
Trump is no longer president and thus can be indicted. But he also wrote that he was concerned that indicting Trump would,
"preempt constitutional processes for addressing presidential misconduct." What does he mean? Read his footnote — he
means impeachment. So, Mueller didn't charge obstruction because he didn't want to preempt the Democrats' impeachment plans.
Impeaching Trump.
Frankly, it's difficult to envision another move by the Democrats that would be more popular with the media, academia, celebrities, and the
rabid Democrat base. [...] It's not as if Americans are going to see it as unfair persecution of a man who did nothing wrong, much like
themselves. And maybe it will take voter's minds off Democrat plans to seize their guns, cars, free speech rights, most of their
money, and every other little thing the Democrats want to do to destroy the people in order to save the nation.
Mueller's 'Scarlet
Letter' Impeachment Road Map. House Democrats have the majority and thus can impeach the president without
support from across the aisle. It is unlikely the Senate will convict — just as was the case in 1998, when
Republicans impeached president Clinton. But the House can do so anyway, and thus indelibly besmirch President Trump's
historical reputation. They need not have legal cause, as impeachment is a political remedy. Whereas a criminal
charge must be proven in a court of law "beyond a reasonable doubt," the House can vote articles of impeachment on broader,
non-legal terms.
Says Impeachment Is Not the Only Way to Hold Trump Accountable. What crime did President Donald Trump actually
commit, in which there is actual evidence, that would allow the Democrats to proceed with impeachment? House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) held a "private call" with Democratic leaders on Monday [4/22/2019] about what they should do about
President Trump and the results of the Mueller report. Seems like things didn't go the Democrats' way, did it?
They are scrambling. I have never seen anything like this before; now they are circling burning wagons to see what they
have left to do. To Nancy Pelosi, the message is this: Trump should be held "accountable" for ... what? Not
breaking the law?
"Collusion " To "Obstruction ". With the release of the Mueller Report last week, the mainstream media have
mostly moved on from "collusion" to "obstruction" without a look backward. While they formerly chimed in on "collusion"
with the unanimity and volume of an audience of Communist Party functionaries applauding one of Stalin's speeches, they have
now transferred to the same hatefest with a new theme. It is remarkable.
anti-Trump left and the incredible uniformity of groupthink. Leftists are unable to give up on the Trump-colluded-with-Russia
meme they have relied upon to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump. They are obsessed, unable to address any other issue that
requires their attention. They cannot accept the Mueller Report's conclusion that there was in fact no collusion between the Trump
campaign and Russia.
Committee Moves to Hold Ex-WH Official in Contempt of Congress. The Democrats are continuing their harassment
of the president by conducting an almost constant assault of congressional hearings asking for all sorts of things for which
they have no business asking. One issue they are "investigating" is related to the security clearance process that was
leaked by one of the numerous #resistance cells ensconced in the administration. As soon as the Democrats won the
House, the cells were activated and all the sleazy cell members scurried to the chairs of the House committees to unload all
the "intelligence" they had been gathering since Trump took office.
Trump Files for Temporary Restraining Order Against Chairman Elijah Cummings. Donald Trump, not President
Trump, representing his affiliated private business interests, has filed for a temporary restraining order (full pdf below)
against House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings and his committee representatives and officers. You might
remember when Speaker Nancy Pelosi changed the House Rules earlier this year. Part of the rule changes were to modify
the responsibilities of the House Government Affairs Oversight Committee. Speaker Pelosi removed all other oversight
responsibility and shifted the committee to a singular oversight role focused only on the White House.
Relentless, Fruitless Hunt for the Great Orange Whale. Democrats are trying to spin the Mueller Report as
welcome news. Good luck with that. Legally, they've got no case left. Politically, they are making a
serious mistake. They do have some material to work with, especially the report's second volume, which portrays a
vulgar, deceitful president. The details are new, but the portrait itself is not. What's new are some cases where
the president came close to obstructing justice, according to the special counsel's investigators. Even so, they did
not say he crossed the line.
Democrats Search for Crumbs, This Too Will Pass Over. [Scroll down] They are intent on destroying him
because the Democrats cannot accept that Trump won fairly. No one has a right to see his taxes. No American
law requires it. At the time the Constitution was ratified, there were no income taxes. No Constitutional
amendment ever has added a requirement for anyone to release taxes. Rather, it devolves onto candidates to weigh costs
and benefits, risks and rewards of releasing their private tax filings for public scrutiny. Trump took the risk in
2016, and the Democrats made that financial opacity a campaign issue. It was litigated thoroughly. Yet Trump was
elected President — end of story.
Not without criminal intent. The release of the report by special counsel Robert Mueller has unleashed a
furious debate within the Democratic Party over the need to commence impeachment proceedings against President Trump.
Mueller was anything but subtle in his pointed discussion of how Congress can deal with the "corrupt exercise of the powers
of office" within "our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
In writing those words, Mueller put Democrats in Congress in a more uncomfortable position than he did Trump. Indeed,
Trump seems quite satisfied with defining victory as avoiding indictment. Democratic leaders want to appear eager to
impeach without actually impeaching Trump. Mueller, however, triggered impeachment frenzy but left out a key element
necessary to achieve it. That element is criminal intent.
On Democrats, Impeach Trump! Impeachment is a moral necessity! It was so obvious from the way the
Mueller Report says that Trump was innocent of whatever collusion is, and that he cannot be proven guilty of whatever
obstruction is, that he's totally guilty of both! The truth is in there, behind the redactions, in the emanations,
lurking under the penumbras. William Barr can't hide it any longer!
Even If Impeachment Proceedings Fail, It Would Be a Worthy Use of Time and Resources. On Friday's [4/19/2019]
broadcast of MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show," 2020 presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) stated that even if
impeachment proceedings result in the House voting for impeachment, but the Senate voting against conviction, it would still
be a worthwhile use of time and resources.
Warren becomes first 2020 candidate to call for Trump's impeachment. Elizabeth Warren on Friday became the most
senior Democrat, and the first 2020 presidential candidate, to call for the start of impeachment proceedings against Donald
Trump following the release of the special counsel's report on Russian interference in the 2016 US election and the Trump campaign.
Crazies Urge Impeachment on Cringing Dems. The Democrats, having unwisely invested enormous political capital
in the ability of special counsel Robert Mueller to produce some pretext for impeaching President Trump, now face a choice
between two evils. Most of the legacy media, the far left wing of their own caucus, and an obsessive megadonor all
insist that Mueller provided enough ammunition for impeachment. But recent surveys, including new polls conducted after
the full Mueller report was released, show that most voters are against ousting Trump. Consequently, the Democrats will
inevitably be forced to alienate some crucial constituency no matter which course they choose on impeachment.
'can't prove untrue' new standard in Trump probe? When a political figure is accused of wrongdoing, a conversation
begins among journalists, commentators, and public officials. Are the charges true? Can the accusers prove it?
That's the way it normally works. But now, in the case of the Trump dossier — the allegations compiled by a
former British spy hired by the Clinton campaign to gather dirt on presidential candidate Donald Trump — the generally
accepted standard of justice has been turned on its head. Now, the question is: Can the accused prove the charges
false? Increasingly, the president's critics argue that the dossier is legitimate because it has not been proven untrue.
Move the Goalposts (Again). The ridiculously long, drawn out, overdone "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the
2016 election" investigation proves an ages-old political maxim: the benchmark of proof that a political accusation has to
satisfy in order to be considered true will constantly change as the needs of the accuser shift in response to new information.
In other words, if the original charge proves to be baseless, the complainants will invariably lower the threshold of guilt so that
even a lesser transgression will be sufficient to condemn the accused.
of Impeachment: Media Mention The I-Word 309 Times in One Day. Although the Mueller report did not
recommend any charges against the President, liberal journalists on cable and broadcast networks spent Thursday suggesting to
audiences that impeachment was imminent, if not inevitable. Throughout Thursday afternoon [4/18/2019] and Friday morning,
liberal talking heads on cable and broadcast news networks mentioned impeachment an astonishing 309 times during their
coverage the of the newly-released Mueller report. MRC analysts examined a 24-hour span of coverage on liberal cable
(CNN, MSNBC) and broadcast (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks, from 11:00 a.m. EDT on Thursday to the same time the following
day, for every instance where the term "impeachment" — or some permutation thereof — was used by hosts,
analysts, or contributors. In total, the word came up 309 times, with the vast majority (286) coming from
cable networks CNN (148) and MSNBC (138).
time for Schiff to put or shut up. The Mueller Report, redactions and all, is out. The conclusion is no
collusion or something like that. Nevertheless, there is a still a man out there who claims that collusion did happen.
His name is Representative Adam Schiff [...] How many times has Schiff assured us that he knows or has information about this or
that? The time is up. We must demand transparency and force Schiff to do a press conference and present the evidence
that Mueller missed in his report.
Mueller Report, Ocasio-Cortez Says She'll Now Support Tlaib's Impeachment Resolution. Citing Special Counsel
Robert Mueller's report, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Thursday she would now support a resolution
introduced by fellow freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) last month seeking President Trump's impeachment.
"Mueller's report is clear in pointing to Congress' responsibility in investigating obstruction of justice by the President,"
Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "It is our job as outlined in Article 1, Sec 2, Clause 5 of the US Constitution."
"As such, I'll be signing onto Rashida Tlaib's impeachment resolution."
Hoyer tamps down impeachment talk after Mueller report: 'Not worthwhile at this point'. House Majority Leader
Steny Hoyer, D-Md., pushed back on impeachment talk after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report Thursday
[4/18/2019]. "Based on what we've seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point," Hoyer
told CNN. "Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months, and the American people will make a judgment."
Hoyer's comments stand in contrast to those of some of his Democratic colleagues in Congress, who had called for President
Trump's impeachment even before the release Thursday of a redacted version of Mueller's report into Russian influence in
the 2016 elections.
Hoyer Says It's 'Not Worthwhile'; Schiff Is Doubtful; Nadler Sees 'Possibility'. House Majority Leader Steny
Hoyer (D-Md.) told CNN's Dana Bash on Thursday that the Mueller report does not demand Trump's impeachment: "Based on
what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point," Hoyer told Bash off-camera.
"Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgment."
House not interested in complying with subpoenas from House Dems. White House counsel Pat Cipollone and
President Trump's legal team aren't interested in complying with subpoenas from lawmakers on Capitol Hill, a new report
states. The Trump administration doesn't intend to provide information regarding how some staff members obtained
security clearances or Trump's discussions with world leaders, among other things, the Washington Post reports.
Instead, the White House will argue the matters are subject to executive privilege, aides familiar with the discussions
said. Aides also claim that Cipollone and other members of Trump's legal team are bracing for a potential feud over the
subpoenas. The strategy has support from Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, who said he is advising Trump to not cooperate
with any of the Democrats' requests because they are looking to impeach Trump.
arguments the Mueller report won't settle. [#3] Impeachment. Some Democrats had hoped that the Mueller
report would give them cover for impeaching the president. I was undecided, they might say, and then I saw the special
counsel's overwhelming evidence against the president, and I knew it was my duty to impeach. Some of those Democrats
also hoped that the Mueller report would serve as a road map to impeachment, in effect doing for Congress the work of
discovering and organizing evidence against the president. But it appears Mueller won't make it easy for Democrats.
Of course, they can impeach the president for any reason they choose, if they have the votes in the House. But it seems
unlikely the Mueller report will make impeachment an unavoidable conclusion for Democrats. In the end, it's more likely
the Democrats who want to impeach Trump will want to impeach Trump after Mueller's report, and the Democrats who oppose
impeachment will continue to oppose it.
The Editor says...
A few Democrats oppose impeachment only because their primary goal is to get re-elected. They don't care about
due process, high crimes and misdemeanors, evidence, or any of that stuff. They only care about retaining their personal
power forever if at all possible, and beating the drum for impeachment
is very unpopular.
railings about Barr and spying are going to end badly for them. [Scroll down] Since that day, the moment
they were 100% certain that Hillary would become president, they have descended into a hell of their own making. They
spend their days furiously angry, ready and willing to do anything to take Trump down and out. Since then (and before
that day) they — "they" includes the mainstream media — have been determined to destroy the man.
If the country must be damaged in the process, so be it. Our Democrats are willing to foment an invasion by third-world
migrants to prevent Trump from achieving his principal campaign promise, to control the border and the crisis of illegal
immigration. That is how much they hate the fact that Trump is our president. That is how stupefied they have
become, so much so that they are now a danger to us all.
Doug Collins Demands Impeachment Hearings, or Call Mueller to Testify. House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member
Doug Collins writes a letter to Chairman Jerry Nadler smartly using transparency to call his bluff. [...] Indeed, the way to
diffuse the politicization and weaponization of innuendo within the Mueller report is to specifically get Robert Mueller in
front of the committee and ask him questions directly. This is exactly the correct approach to preempt a summer of nonsense.
surefire way to stop Pelosi from getting ahold of Trump's tax returns. Nancy Pelosi is really proud of her
brand-new tool, a recently rediscovered section of a 1924 law, to get access to the last six years of Donald Trump's tax
returns. [...] She and the Democrats correctly believe that in the voluminous returns, they will find plenty to
criticize. It is a given that the sheer complexity of real estate taxation and magnitude of the sums involved will
yield something. They know that, and Trump knows it, too. It is a bigger fishing expedition than a planeload of
anglers headed to Cabo.
Are Abusing The People's House to Conduct a McCarthy-style Inquisition. Democrats are abusing the investigative
powers of the House of Representatives to conduct an Inquisition of the president whose only purpose is to dig up dirt that
can be used in a propaganda effort to remove him from office, whether through impeachment or the ballot box. Like Joe
McCarthy, who went beyond the bounds of reasonable suspicion, Democrats are determined to destroy Donald Trump and his family
without any evidence of wrongdoing.
hires lawyers to fight Democrat's request for tax returns. President Donald Trump has hired attorneys to fight
a congressional request for his tax returns, according to a letter made public Friday [4/5/2019]. In a letter to the
IRS's general counsel, William S. Consovoy, of the firm Consovoy McCarthy Park PLLC, argued that Congress "cannot legally
request — and the IRS cannot legally divulge" Trump's tax returns without what he calls a "legitimate legislative purpose."
Democrats go rogue, abusing oversight for impeachment. The Democrat-led U.S. House is in a panic, stunned and
overreacting to Attorney General Barr's summary of Mueller's "no collusion" report, misstating law, making wild claims for
White House documents, misusing congressional subpoena power, mischaracterizing oversight authorities. They are making
a big mistake. Oversight overreach is reckless, but the U.S. House is going rogue. [...] Democrat chairmen —
and a U.S. House Speaker — are twisting the oversight process to crass political ends, ignoring historical
precedents, institutional norms and prerogatives, the Constitution, statutes and case law on a beeline for impeachment.
Dem asks IRS for 6 years of Trump's tax returns, setting up showdown with White House. President Trump
responded with a dismissive taunt on Wednesday after a House committee chairman formally requested the IRS provide several
years of his personal and business tax returns, in a move that prompted congressional Republicans to warn that Democrats had
"weaponized" tax law. Told by a reporter at the White House that Democrats wanted six years of his tax returns, Trump
replied: "Is that all? Usually it's 10. So I guess they're giving up. We're under audit, despite
what people said, and we're working that out — I'm always under audit, it seems, but I've been under audit for many
years, because the numbers are big, and I guess when you have a name, you're audited. But until such time as I'm not
under audit, I would not be inclined to do that."
The Editor says...
[#1] What the President did with his tax returns six years ago is irrelevant and immaterial to his performance as President.
[#2] Two can play this game, and Mr. Trump could easily use his critics' tax returns to counter anything they find in his.
tells Trump he has no choice over tax returns: 'We didn't ask you'. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman
Richard Neal, D-Mass., submitted a request Wednesday [4/3/2019] for six years' worth of Trump's personal and business tax
returns, setting up a potential major legal conflict with the administration. Democrats believe the tax information
could give them insight into any potential ethical or legal conflicts of interest Trump may have.
Dem Firebrands Retreat from Impeachment. Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has officially reported that his
investigation could not establish collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, the far left of the Democratic party
hasn't stopped talking about impeaching the president. But it is clearly in retreat. "I think what's tough is impeachment
in principle is something I openly support," Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told reporters Tuesday morning [3/26/2019].
"But it's also just the reality of having the votes in the Senate to pursue that. And so that's something that we have to take
into consideration." When asked Tuesday afternoon if Trump could have obstructed justice absent an underlying crime, Ocasio-Cortez
didn't directly answer the question, but she said Trump could be impeached for his business dealings.
The Editor says...
The President (if he isn't black) can be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. This president's "business dealings"
were presumably suspended when he took office. What he did in private business is immaterial.
Dems: Impeachment? No One Was Seriously Considering It, Winston. Robert Mueller succeeded where Nancy
Pelosi largely failed. Either that, or House Democrats have suddenly retreated in the face of, er, weaponization.
Either way, the Washington Post reports, we won't hear much about impeachment again for the rest of this session, or if we're lucky,
the rest of our lives.
Still Dreaming of Watergate
II. [Scroll down] Naturally, the grand prize goes to the vapidest person ever touted as a presidential candidate
in my 63 years as an observer of American politics, Beto O'Rourke. Just before the revelation that there would be no
further indictments, Beto asserted his knowledge "beyond the slightest doubt" that the president was guilty, in effect, of high
treason — that he would only escape the death penalty because the United States and Russia were not at war. (But neither
were they when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in 1953.) And the day Trump was completely cleared of the collusion
suspicion, O'Rourke declared that the investigation of Trump must continue.
Dems Submitted A Letter To Barr Saying... Six Democratic Congressmen who chair various committees on Monday [3/25/2019]
sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr formally requesting Special Counsel Mueller's "full report." "Each of our
committees is currently engaged in oversight activities that go directly to the President's conduct, his attempts to interfere
with federal and congressional investigations, his relations and communications with the Russian government and other foreign
powers, and/or other alleged instances of misconduct," the letter reads. According to the Committee Chairmen, Barr's
summary is "not sufficient for Congress, as a coequal branch of government, to perform this critical work."
Jerry Nadler: 'Benjamin Franklin Called Impeachment 'a Substitute for Assassination'". Rep. Jerry Nadler
(D.-N.Y.) sat in the House Judiciary Committee on Dec. 10, 1998, and explained why he opposed the impeachment of President
Bill Clinton by citing an argument that Benjamin Franklin had made in the Constitutional Convention. "Benjamin Franklin
called impeachment 'a substitute for assassination,' Nadler said in a speech that has been memorialized on video by CSPAN.
The House Judiciary Committee did in fact vote to approve four articles of impeachment against Clinton, finding that he had
committed perjury, obstructed the administration of justice and abused his office.
Ted Cruz Tells CNN That the Democratic House 'Fully Intend to Impeach the President — They Don't Care About the
Basis'. Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday, Senator Ted Cruz stated that the Democratic House
majority "fully intends" to impeach President Donald Trump — no matter what special counsel Robert Mueller's
report says. Cruz explained that you can already see the Democrats pivoting away from the Mueller probe and pointing to
other investigations, like the one in the Southern District of New York and the one in Congress.
House Democrats pulled a bait
and switch on impeaching Donald Trump. Because bait and switch routinely works so well, both parties employ
it. For a good laugh, ask tea party survivors how satisfied they are with the fiscal stringencies their elections
imposed on the Capitol. Or ask Democrats how disappointed they are with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's rejection of an
immediate Trump impeachment the other day. Her party raised millions and restored a Democratic House majority last fall
on visceral opposition to President Donald Trump stirred by an enduring inability to accept the stunning 2016 election
results. Attempting to rein in the youthful but inexperienced ambitions of her enlarged caucus, Pelosi hinted in January
that impeachment might be acceptable to her, though inevitably unsuccessful with a GOP Senate blocking conviction.
'There is absolutely no legitimate, historical, or constitutional basis to impeach this president'. Tuesday
night [3/12/2019] on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin ripped into all the "loose talk" about impeaching President Trump
being thrown around by politicians and media figures. Levin took issue with the seemingly common idea that impeachment
is merely a political process. "It's not a criminal process; we know that, but it's not a purely political process,
either," Levin explained. "It is a constitutional process." "This loose talk about impeachment, the inability of
some conservatives to effectively engage, is troubling," Levin added. "There is absolutely no legitimate, historical,
or constitutional basis to impeach this president," Levin concluded, "yet they keep throwing the word around."
Schiff: Impeachment Still Possible Even if Mueller Clears Trump. House Intelligence Committee Chairman
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said on Wednesday [3/13/2019] the impeachment of President Donald Trump could remain on the table even
if the special counsel clears the president. Special counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating the president and
his associates for nearly two years. Democrats have hoped the inquiry would reveal wrongdoing by the president —
and possibly lead to impeachment proceedings. But Schiff noted that impeachment could still be an option even if the
investigation exonerates the president.
War with the Impeachment Hotheads. Speaker Pelosi and her party are no longer on the same page. Mrs. Pelosi's
recent revelation that she's not for impeachment directly contradicts the political priorities of many — if not most —
on the American left. Recent actions by House Democrats make this clear. By most indications, number one on the progressive
agenda is not national security, the economy, jobs, health care, education, abortion, or even the climate. The highest priority for
many congressional Democrats and their base is the impeachment of President Trump.
House Republican on Pelosi impeachment pullback: 'I don't buy it.'. Rep. Kevin Brady is the ranking
Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee. As chairman in 2017, he pushed through the tax cuts that remain
President Trump's top legislative achievement. Now, he's dealing with the role that Ways and Means might play in a
possible Trump impeachment. (It is the only House committee that is permitted by law to demand the president's tax returns
from the Internal Revenue Service, and Democrats are currently taking steps to do just that.) Brady and I discussed the
committee's role in the Trump investigations in a conversation for a new podcast Tuesday morning, but we started off with the
news that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has come out (mostly) against impeachment. Pelosi told the Washington Post that
impeachment is simply too divisive for the country, unless there are grounds that are "so compelling and overwhelming and
bipartisan" that impeachment is justified. Brady doesn't believe her. "Respectfully, I don't buy it," he
said. The reason, he explained, is not that he doubts Pelosi's sentiments. It is that he doubts her ability to
impose her will on House Democrats.
Pelosi just admitted that Democrats have nothing on Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Monday [3/11/2019] that
she's against impeaching President Trump "unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan." Which is
exactly the point — there isn't. The speaker is surely up to speed on what evidence Democrats actually have against
Trump and has a fair sense of what Special Counsel Bob Mueller's report will say. And she recognizes that it's nothing that
will persuade anyone who hasn't wanted Trump ousted since Election Day 2016.
Pelosi Rules Out Impeachment: Trump 'Just Not Worth It'. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is ruling out
impeaching President Donald Trump, arguing in an interview with the Washington Post Monday [3/11/2019] that "he's just
not worth it." "Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming
and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he's just not worth it,"
Pelosi told the Post.
Is Hoist On the House's Own Petard. [I]f Mr. Mueller were to conclude the president committed high crimes
or misdemeanors, which is what a president has to have done to be ousted via impeachment, then there's only one constitutional
thing do be done with it. That would be to hand the report over to the very House for which Mrs. Pelosi speaks.
It's the only body with the constitutional power to impeach. Yet here's what Mrs. Pelosi said, according to a Washington
Post scribe: "I haven't said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I've been thinking about
this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan,
I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he's just not worth it."
Splitsville: AOC,
other Dems break with Pelosi on impeachment: 'I happen to disagree'. House Democrats aren't giving up on attempting
to impeach President Trump, even though Speaker Nancy Pelosi all but dismissed it in an interview published Monday [3/11/2019]. "I
happen to disagree with that take," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told the Washington Examiner Monday night, responding to
the Pelosi interview. "But you know, she's the speaker. ... I think we'll see." Pelosi told the Washington Post she doesn't
support the House trying to impeach Trump. "He's just not worth it," the California Democrat said in the interview.
talking and start impeaching. Am I the only one who is fed up with this? It's time for the Democrats to
start impeaching and stop threatening or talking about it. Go for it, Democrats! Like many of you, I feel that
impeachment will backfire big time on the Democrats.
None of this is normal.
Half a dozen House committees with Democrats in charge are investigating Trump, his administration, family, appointees, political affairs,
businesses, lifestyle, and various antics. This is abnormal. There's never been an offensive so vast against a president by his
rival party. It took only two committees — one in the Senate, one in the House — to look into the Watergate scandal and
drive President Nixon out of the White House in 1974. But Trump is more popular today than Nixon was, and Democrats are taking
no chances he might escape their grasp.
quest lets AOC types set the Democrats' agenda. Has the Democratic Party reduced its chances of denying
President Trump a second term by continuing to concentrate on throwing him out before the end of his first? You can
make a good case that it has. Democrats have been itching to oust Trump since the days before he took the oath of
office. Obama administration law enforcement and intelligence agencies launched investigations into candidate Trump's
campaign, contrary to the general rule that such agencies avoid interfering with electoral politics.
not about collusion; it's about obstruction ... and impeachment. "There was no collusion!" As President
Trump demonstrated in his feature-length CPAC speech, he is that rare combination of bottomless energy, canny comic timing,
disregard for norms, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The last manifests itself in manic refutation of the Democrat-media
narrative that the Trump campaign was in a traitorous conspiracy with the Kremlin. At this point, if you ask the
president what time it is, or to pass the salt shaker, he'll tell you, "There was no collusion!"
The Editor says...
The president's reflexive assertion of "no collusion" is the natural result of two years of baseless investigations by the
lying, baby-killing Democrats, who have hired the best investigators in the world and yet have found no evidence to support their
false allegations that Mr. Trump colluded with the Russians to affect the 2016 elections. The longer the Democrats beat
this drum, the more you will hear Mr. Trump proclaim "no collusion!"
House Dems seem to be 'going too far' seeking dirt on Trump. On the heels of an expanded investigation brought
by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., famed attorney Alan Dershowitz warned Tuesday that House
Democrats may have gone "too far" and could face lawsuits for allegedly abusing their oversight powers. "Congress has a
legitimate oversight function to perform but it has to make sure it doesn't go too far. It can't use that oversight
function, which is really designed to help get legislation, in order to really prevent a president from finishing out his
terms and acting. They're interfering with the executive branch if they do so," Dershowitz said on "Hannity."
Left: Seething with apoplectic rage. The right: Happy and optimistic. So morose is the Left at the
possibility that Mueller's report will not prove Trump's collusion with Russia, an entirely Democrat-conceived hoax, that the contemptible
Jerrold Nadler and the pitiable Adam Schiff have decided to go fishing for some crime among Trump associates by requesting documents from
eighty-one people! They have no hint of crime, despite their assurances that they do. Schiff, the most oleaginous leaker in
Congress, would have leaked any proof long ago if it existed. If this does not qualify as a gross abuse of power, what does?
So infuriated by Trump's victory and his many successes in office, these people are willing to become Stalinist thugs and hope no one
Schiff Hires Leftist, Russian Mob Prosecutor to Head Intel Committee's Probe into Trump. Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA) announced on Tuesday [3/5/2019] that the House Intelligence Committee he chairs has hired Daniel Goldman to be a
senior adviser and lead the committee's investigative operations as it continues its probe into the President Donald Trump
campaign's alleged collusion with Russia. Goldman, who frequently appears as a legal analyst on NBC and MSNBC, worked
as Assistant United States Attorney in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New
York from 2007 and 2017, according to his bio on the Brennan Center for Justice, a George Soros-funded organization that
recently named him a fellow in one of its programs.
Schiff Hires a Former Prosecutor to Lead the Trump Investigation. Representative Adam Schiff, the chairman of
the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has hired a veteran prosecutor with experience fighting Russian
organized crime to lead his investigation of the Trump Administration. Last month, according to a committee source,
Daniel Goldman, who served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York from 2007 to 2017,
joined the committee's staff as a senior adviser and the director of investigations.
"Show me the man and I'll find you the crime." House
Democrats using extreme tactics. House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and House Intelligence
Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) — formerly of Framingham — are everything thing that's wrong
with Washington. Consumed with hate toward the president, the partisan hacks are leading a scorched-earth campaign by
waging endless investigations against President Trump, his family and associates. Unsatisfied that multiple extensive
congressional investigations have found zero evidence of "Russian collusion" with the 2016 Trump campaign —
despite Democrats telling us and every media outlet otherwise — they're now shifting their focus to Trump's
business dealings, taxes, former charitable foundation and virtually every aspect of his life.
House Decries Investigations: Democrats Not After the Truth, They Are After the President. The White House
issued a fiery response Monday to Democrat demands for over 80 people connected to President Donald Trump to hand over
documents for investigation. "Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because
they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of 'Russia collusion' is crumbling," White House Press Secretary Sarah
Sanders said in a statement on Monday evening [3/4/2019]. Sanders dismissed the investigation into "tired, false
allegations" that she said were already part of the Special Counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller.
Cohen Fiasco. The whole state of national political discourse has risen a notch, but not from elevated content,
rather from a de-escalation of the tawdriness and vituperation of discredited allegations. As the abysmal, shaming
failure of the Russian-collusion fraud reveals itself in the run-up to the production of the Mueller report, the president's
accusers, without even a subliminal hint of embarrassment, regret, or belated moderation, lower their sights. [...] As the
Democrats take to the lifeboats from their foundering ship of impeachment, the unsinkables who have eschewed life vests are
still declaiming on the tilting deck.
a Hoax' — Donald Trump Reacts to Democrats Targeting Family Business with Investigations. President
Donald Trump responded to Democrat demands for a glut of document requests announced by the House Judiciary Committee on
Monday [3/4/2019]. Trump was asked by White House reporters if he planned to cooperate with Democrat requests of documents
from 81 different people and organizations connected with his administration and his businesses, including family members
Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Democrats send message: Impeachment is on. The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says there is no
doubt President Trump has obstructed justice. "It's very clear that the president obstructed justice," Democratic
Rep. Jerrold Nadler told ABC Sunday. "It's very clear — 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller
investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to — he fired — he tried to protect Flynn from being investigated
by the FBI. He fired Comey in order to stop the Russian thing, as he told NBC News. He — he's dangled
part — he's threat — he's intimidated witnesses. In public." Think what you will about the
reasons — calling an investigation a "witch hunt" is obstruction of justice? — but Nadler sounded less
like a man weighing the evidence than a man who has has made up his mind.
'Witch hunts' by the
Keystone Kops. Key House chairmen on Sunday made it plain they're charging ahead on what President Trump calls
a "witch hunt" — talking as if they already have proof of impeachable offenses even as they announce they're going
to keep looking for something, anything, that actually fits the bill. On CBS, Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam
Schiff cited "direct evidence" of Team Trump's collusion with Russia in 2016, yet pointed only to what's long been in the
public record — Donald Trump Jr.'s idiotic response to e-mails from a bozo British publicist and so on.
Hmm: Schiff claimed he'd seen hard proof of collusion back in 2017, yet has never offered more than vapor.
Minority Leader McCarthy: Nadler Decided to Impeach Trump the Day He Won the Election. Sunday on ABC's
"This Week," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) responded to Democratic Judiciary chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler
(D-NY) hinting at a potential impeachment of President Donald Trump. McCarthy said, "I think Congressman Nadler decided
to impeach the president the day the president won the election."
Predictable —
Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings Announce Next Set of Witnesses. Following the transparently predictable,
pre-planned and organized schedule toward Pelosi's insufferable impeachment scheme, Chairmen Adam Schiff (HPSCI) and Elijah
Cummings (WH Oversight) announce they will be calling additional Trump officials and family members for testimony.
Remember, the testimony of Michael Cohen is the cornerstone of the effort. Cohen's testimony was organized immediately
following the 2018 mid-term election. This nonsense is all sequenced by design.
Ilhan Omar Calls "Overthrow" Of "Dictator" Trump "Inevitable". Democrat Rep Ilhan Omar tweeted out a call for
the 'inevitable overthrow' of the duly elected American President. [...] The DC elites hope and pray impeachment is
inevitable. Democrats in the House will impeach and establishment GOP Senate will remove. It's been baked in
since Trump won. It's just refreshing to hear Omar speak so honestly about Democrat intentions.
on TV: The shame and disintegration of the Democratic Party. While the president is out of the country on a
crucial foreign policy mission, the Democrats colluded with Tom Steyer and lowlife Clinton operative Lanny Davis to once more
try to convince the public that Trump should be impeached. To that end, they brought the loathsome Michael Cohen,
already convicted of lying to Congress and a host of other financial crimes, to testify to "crimes" committed by the
president. Cohen admitted that he was prepped for the hearings by Trump-deranged Adam Schiff, Elijah Cummings, and
Davis. That Cummings allowed this to happen is a sad commentary on his lack of respect for his own committee and the
House. At this point, it is difficult not to enjoy Democrats' on-air self-immolation. Cohen spent the day lying
again and again and contradicting himself over and over.
Impeachment of 'Dictator' Trump Is Inevitable. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) said impeachment of President
Donald Trump is "inevitable," adding in an interview published Wednesday [2/27/2019] he has "the markings of a dictator."
In a January interview with liberal magazine Rolling Stone, the freshman congresswoman and staunch White House opponent said the
prospect of removing Trump was terrifying because Vice President Mike Pence would replace him. "I believe that impeachment
is inevitable. It also is a terrifying notion," she said. "Pence is an ideologue, and the ideology he holds is more
terrifying to me and my constituents. And we have not had a full impeachment that removes the president from office.
Nations struggle any time [they] overthrow a dictator, and Trump really has the markings of a dictator."
Bit Players in a Corrupt Narrative. Adam Schiff, Gerald Nadler, Maxine Walters, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Charles Schumer, Dick Durbin, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and
Elizabeth Warren are continuing the feeding frenzy about Trump, and hope to drive him out of office. If they cannot get
him out with Russian collusion, they will try to get him for obstruction of justice. If they cannot get him for
obstruction, they will try to get him for tax evasion. If they cannot get him for tax evasion they will try to get him
for mental health issues. If they cannot get him for mental health issues, they will try to get him for violating the
emoluments clause. Every single day for the remainder of his terms, they will blast, belittle, and besmirch President
Trump. They will never once say they support this or that action undertaken by the President. They will never
once express gratitude for even one executive decision or legislative initiative. They will never once compliment any
members of the first family.
Kamala Harris Says
The Country Needs A President Who Can Prosecute Trump. Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris said the
U.S. needs a president who knows how to prosecute President Donald Trump, citing her former job as state attorney general
Sunday [2/24/2019]. Harris, a 2020 presidential candidate, was in Bettendorf, Iowa, speaking to a group of supporters,
when she said, "we're gonna need a fighter, and we're going to need somebody who knows how to prosecute the case against this
president," pitching herself as the ideal candidate to defeat Trump in 2020 to the audience of around 500.
Democrats Are Skeptical of Billionaire Tom Steyer's Push to Impeach Trump. Billionaire Democratic donor Tom
Steyer is campaigning hard with his "Need to Impeach PAC," but most of the Left is just not having it. Though Tom
Steyer maintains that the push "isn't about me for one second," he has yet to rule out his own bid in next year's
ever-more-packed Democratic primary race to face the incumbent POTUS. And even while most expect the Judiciary Committee
to hold impeachment proceedings, there is reluctance to do so without hard evidence against President Donald Trump.
Toobin: Patriotic for DOJ Officials to Discuss Removing Trump Via 25th Amendment. Jeffrey Toobin is CNN's
chief legal analyst, but he seems to be clueless about the fact that the 25th Amendment can only be invoked when a president
is either physically or mentally incapacitated. It was never intended to be used in case high level officials decided
that they just didn't like a president. Yet somehow Toobin allowed his obvious dislike for President Donald Trump to,
well, trump any basic legal sense on his part on Monday's The Situation Room to declare that it was "patriotic" for FBI and
DOJ officials to discuss Trump's removal from office via the 25th Amendment even though to do so would have been plainly
Absolutely Orwellian Nature Of The Russian Collusion Delusion. Some Democratic "leaders" and their boot lickers
in the media have learned doublethink apparently well when it comes to the ongoing saga known as the Trump-Russia collusion
hoax. Perhaps we should have the Chicago Police Department investigate the claims since they did a good job of exposing
a hoax. Thus far, several investigations costing [who] knows how many dollars have proven Trump guilty of one thing:
legitimately defeating Hillary Clinton for the Presidency in 2016. This is the "high crime and misdemeanor" they find
him worthy of impeachment. One investigation, that of the Senate Intelligence Committee headed by Richard Burr (R-NC)
determined the following by Burr himself: "We found no factual evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and
Russia." Obviously, Burr would not make such a profound statement if not true, correct? Otherwise, he is a liar
and a public one at that.
7 Big
Takeaways From Andrew McCabe's Planned Coup. If Washington, D.C. were a better place, former FBI deputy
director Andrew McCabe would be swiftly run out of town. [...] Here we have a formerly powerful and unelected government
official, for all the world to see, admitting that the FBI tried to launch a coup against the constitutionally elected
president of the United States, in only the first few months of his tenure. But there's more going on than that.
Here are seven quick takeaways on McCabe's revelation of his planned coup.
we know: it was (and remains) an attempted coup. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's 60 Minutes
interview, airing in full on CBS tonight, is a disaster for the Deep State. His admission during his interview that he
and other top FBI and Justice Department officials seriously considered taking steps including invoking the 25th Amendment to
remove President Trump from office in the spring of 2017 is a blockbuster. Thanks to his candor, we can finally use
without reservation the "C" word — for an attempted coup d'état — in describing what McCabe and
other Deep State players were cooking up in secret two years ago. Excerpts of McCabe's damning interview were released
by CBS News on Thursday [2/14/2019]. Almost immediately, a range of experts — including a few Democrats —
began using the "C" word.
top FBI lawyer: 2 Trump cabinet officials were 'ready to support' 25th Amendment effort. Former top FBI lawyer
James Baker, in closed-door testimony to Congress, detailed alleged discussions among senior officials at the Justice
Department about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office, claiming he was told Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein said two Trump Cabinet officials were "ready to support" such an effort. The testimony was
delivered last fall to the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees. Fox News has confirmed portions of the
transcript. It provides additional insight into discussions that have returned to the spotlight in Washington as fired
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe revisits the matter during interviews promoting his forthcoming book.
Welcoming Repubs to Take to the Streets for Impeachment Protests This Weekend. YO, RINOS, Trump haters,
political opportunists, Judases, and publicity hounds: Rep. Maxine Waters is calling you out to rabble-rousing
street duty this weekend, which includes tomorrow's President's Day. You can always hide behind a mask to keep your
face hidden from Open Border-worried constituents. Obviously spurred on by the high number of Republicans who said
they'd vote against President Donald Trump's call for a National Emergency on the border wall, Waters wants Republicans to
take to the streets hoping that anarchy can force the Impeachment of the beleaguered president.
Warren Suggests President Trump [is] Going to Prison. Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren made an appearance in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa on Sunday to kick off her 2020 presidential campaign. Warren immediately attacked the President and
suggested that Trump might be in prison by 2020. "Every day there's a racist tweet, a hateful tweet —
something really dark and ugly and what are we as candidates, as activists, as the press gonna do about it?" Warren said.
The Editor says...
Really? People can go to prison for "a hateful tweet?"
is already considering impeachment, but won't admit it. Last week, no fewer than six committees of the House of
Representatives were investigating potential grounds for impeaching Donald Trump as president of the United States.
They don't use the word "impeachment." Their instructions from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) are to describe
their work in narrower, less inflammatory terms. But the question is never far away: Does Trump's record of
norm-busting, rule-bending and apparent law-breaking, from conflicts of interest to murky connections with foreign
governments, justify removing him from office?
The Editor says...
If you want to see a president with a "record of norm-busting, rule-bending and apparent law-breaking," you should take a look at the presidency
of Barack H. Obama, and
the abundantgrounds for his impeachment.
blackface problem in Virginia? Democrat says solve it by impeaching Trump. Texas Democratic Rep. Al
Green, who was last seen claiming he was "friends" with a former staffer who says he sexually assaulted her, is now putting
forth a solution to the utter political hash Democrats have on their hands in Virginia, what with Democratic gov. Ralph
Northam denying that his medical school yearbook page featuring a hooded Klansman and a white person wearing blackface is
grounds for resignation; his potential successor, Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, now fending off multiple
allegations of sexual assault; and the Democrats' third in line, Attorney General Mark Herring, admitting he also wore
blackface. Green's solution? Impeach Trump.
group seeks medical panel to judge the mental health of Trump and other candidates. A secretive working group
is devising a plan to create a medical panel that would screen the health of the president and other candidates in the hopes
of determining that President Trump is not fit for office or stopping another like him. The public face of the five-person
group, most of whom have decided to remain anonymous, is Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale University psychiatrist who edited a
controversial book of essays concluding Trump is dangerous to the country because he has shown he is mentally unfit.
Rep Points to Va. Blackface Scandals as Further Reason to Impeach Trump. Rep. Al Green (D., Texas)
vowed Thursday to force a vote to impeach President Donald Trump, pointing to the racial controversies that have embroiled
Virginia's Democratic leaders to argue Congress needs to fight bigotry "starting at the top." Green said the refusal of
Virginia's governor and attorney general to resign after admitting to wearing blackface "is but a symptom of a greater
syndrome that currently plagues our country as a result of not acting on President Trump's bigotry," the Hill reports.
Need To Find a Centrist Or They're Doomed. Mr. Trump has not flamed out, and despite his infelicities and
whoppers and some other innocent but sometimes irksome peculiarities, all predictions of his immediate, overwhelming,
awe-inspiring self-immolation on a scale to make the worst horrors of the Old Testament seem like gentle stories to read to
sleepy children, he has done quite well. Russian collusion and all the other roadmaps to impeachment have just devoured
the Democrats and their docile press in a maze of defamatory nonsense. Never in American history has so much
super-righteous and accusatory verbosity been wasted on such a complete, mocking fiction.
attempted a coup? Some very peculiar signs point to this. [Scroll down] We know the media hates the
President, and spends much of its time in a mindless rage over his existence. The real question is, probably, therefore,
this: How many assassination attempts have been tried against President Trump? The second video says 12. Why
do we not know about them?
Mitch Fires Trump Impeachment Warning with U.S. Senate Demand to Keep Troops in Afghanistan/Syria. The
front-story is that Mitch McConnell organized his Decepticon coalition to warn President Trump not to withdraw U.S. troops
from Afghanistan and Syria. However, the more true back-story is McConnell warning President Trump that he has
assembled his impeachment coalition. The Senate passed a "sense of the senate" resolution today demanding that
President Trump keep troops actively engaged in perpetual war.
House Petition to Impeach Pelosi Tops 100K Signatures, Triggering Official Response. A White House website "We
the People" petition declaring "IMPEACH Pelosi for treason!" has surpassed the "100,000 signatures in 30 days" requirement to
trigger an official response from the White House. The "Nancy Pelosi is a TRAITOR to the American People!" petition,
created by a person identified only as "M.G." was created on January 18, 2019. Twelve days later, as of
January 30, the petition had garnered more than 130,000 signatures — enough to earn a response, the website says[.]
New Poll
Shows Plummeting Support for Impeachment, Less Public Faith in Mueller. Why would anyone fear Democrats
overplaying their hand? It's not like one of their loudest impeachment zealots has been elevated the a powerful
committee chair position, right? And it's not as if one of their possible presidential aspirants, who's practically
ubiquitous on television, is going around giving interviews in which he refers to Trump an "agent of Russia" without
evidence, or anything. Another interesting piece of the polling data is decidedly lukewarm feelings about the
impartiality and fairness of Robert Mueller's report: "Half of Americans report they have "just some" confidence or
none at all that the Mueller report will be fair and evenhanded, and 43 percent say they have at least a good amount
of confidence in its fairness."
Progressive Race to the Bottom. Presidential elections are now to be seen by the Left not as the end of a four-year
political cycle. Instead, they are the beginning of an any-means-necessary, existential effort to reverse the proverbial will
of the people and to remove or delegitimize the president. From now on, if the Left loses, then everything is in theory on the
table: seeking removal of the victor by warping the Electoral College vote; or suing under the Logan Act, the emoluments clause,
or the 25th Amendment; or cherry-picking federal judges to block presidential orders; or using the Congress to impeach the president;
or unleashing a special counsel for years of investigation.
We Go — Impeachment Chairman Jerry Nadler Sends Demand Letter to AAG Matt Whitaker. The House
Judiciary Committee is the lead committee on the constitutional process to evoke articles of impeachment. Jerry Nadler
is the committee Chairman. Speaker Pelosi previously created specific rules for the House in a well planned construct
to empower three committee heads (Cummings, Schiff and Nadler) toward a narrow path. Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings
is leading off on Thursday February 7th, 2019, with testimony from Trump's former legal counsel Michael Cohen. It
should be noted Mr. Cohen is being represented at the committee hearing by DNC operative Lanny Davis. However,
Mr. Lanny Davis is not being paid by Mr. Cohen; he is being paid by democrat groups supporting the
'resistance' strategy.
Evidence Indicates An Assassination Attempt From The Deep State. [Scroll down] The peculiarities in
recent events are hard to ignore. The shutdown occurred shortly before Christmas. Speculation is there was a plan
made over Christmas holiday to shore up Deep State alliances in key strategic locations. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
has been at two of those locations in the last four weeks. Why would this entourage be traveling to a war zone with
their families? Did President Trump quickly send his family to Florida in case the situation wasn't fully
contained? They flew on the same plane that Pelosi was supposed to be on, which would have been prepped and
ready. This does ask the question if it was a previously prepared trip, there would have been two planes
ready — a separate one for FLOTUS. Interestingly, [...] six of John F. Kennedy's Cabinet
plus his press secretary were out of the country when he was assassinated.
Nunes Outlines Central Point of Media Working With House Leadership Toward Trump 'Impeachment' Strategy. House
Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox News and focuses attention to the primary point most
overlook. The Buzzfeed narrative on Michael Cohen is directly connected to the political endeavors of Democrats in
congress. Buzzfeed pushes a false conspiracy involving President Trump and Michael Cohen, HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff
then outlines his intent to "investigate" that claim through the use of the committee. Again, not meaning to be too
repetitious, but this is coordinated. Nothing is happenstance. Resistance allies within congress are working in
concert with resistance allies in media and Lawfare to create the baseline for the 'impeachment' agenda.
Will Be Good for Trump. Since Trump's election, the dream uniting all Democrats is to impeach the president. Having
won the House and with a mere majority necessary to initiate Articles of Impeachment, that dream will finally come true —
never mind that chances of conviction in the Senate are near nil, with 67 votes required to sustain and Republicans still in the
majority. They will impeach because, as with the scorpion, it's their nature. It doesn't matter that after more than two
years of investigation, President Trump has not been found to have committed any crime. Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding; it
is a political proceeding, and in the "People's House," the majority decides what constitutes "High Crimes and Misdemeanors." Articles
of Impeachment will soon pass in the House because Democrats will want the Senate trial to play out during the 2020 presidential election.
Top U.S. Attorney Advocates Using DOJ to Remove a President Based on Policy Differences. If you wait long
enough, the Lawfare actors brazenly expose their intents. Cue the example today as former SDNY U.S. Attorney Preet
Bharara showcases the ideology behind the DOJ and FBI weaponizing their offices based on political policy differences.
It has been outlined that President Trump would prefer to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. Trump's view stems from NATO
allies (Germany) engaging with NATO adversaries (Russia) with strategic energy policy (gas pipeline) to benefit
Russia; while simultaneously demanding the U.S. taxpayer fund the defense of Germany (and EU) from Russia. In
response to reports that President Trump may withdraw from NATO, a strategic U.S. policy shift, Preet Bharara demands
"impeachment and conviction":
Atlantic calls for Trump impeachment in new cover story. The new issue of The Atlantic features a striking call
for President Trump's impeachment on its cover. The cover story of the March issue was published online Thursday, along
with an image of the magazine, which reads "IMPEACH" in large, red letters. "It's time for Congress to judge the
president's fitness to serve," the subhead reads.
The Democrats' Blueprint
for Impeachment. [Scroll down] The FBI has quietly been investigating [President Trump] for a couple of
years now and will, I have no doubt, insist that he has been colluding with the Russians on some dark and clearly illegal
dealings. Though the [New York] Times was careful to add that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III has, as yet,
found no collusion by President Trump. Thus Donald Trump is the first presidential candidate ever to be suspected of
treason in American history. He may be the first to be indicted. Possibly he will be hanged. [...] Critics such
as Newt Gingrich say the reckless pursuit of Donald Trump sounds like America is heading down the path of a banana republic,
but who is to stop the President's opponents? Meanwhile the whereabouts of Hillary's 30,000 emails remain a
mystery. The misdeeds of the Clinton Foundation are forgotten.
Whitehouse: We Are 'Moving Toward Indictment and Charges of the President'. Appearing Tuesday evening [1/15/2019] on
CNN's Cuomo Primetime, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told host Christopher Cuomo
that prosecutors are "moving toward indictment and charges" against President Donald Trump.
Precisely, Do Democrats Want to Impeach Trump For? Newly sworn-in Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib
electrified progressives with her passionate declaration that she and her colleagues will "impeach [Trump]."
Democratic leaders were embarrassed that a high-profile freshman would speak so frankly in public. But hours
before Tlaib spoke, on the first day of Democratic control of the House, another Democrat, Rep. Brad Sherman,
filed a resolution of impeachment. Sherman's resolution was later co-sponsored by another colleague, Democratic
Rep. Al Green. The efforts by Sherman and Green, who filed his own articles in 2017, and another House Democrat,
Rep. Steve Cohen, who also introduced articles in Trump's first months in office, are nothing new. Nor are those efforts a
lonely quest. In an early 2018 procedural vote, 66 Democrats voted in favor of moving an impeachment measure forward.
Ruling Class Redefines Character for Donald Trump. The Democrats, the media and the NeverTrump Republicans have
thus far been unable to marginalize Donald Trump, despite utilizing the tried-and-true tactic of incessantly fomenting faux
scandals directed at a sitting Republican president. Further, and unique to Trump, the appointment of a dogged and
nakedly partisan special counsel within the first five months of his presidency has failed to produce any evidence of
criminal wrongdoing or Russian collusion. Thus, the NeverTrump faction of the nation's elites have now adopted a new
strategy: bemoaning his lack of character and civility as the basis of claiming that Trump is the worst President in
American history and thus should either resign or, at the least, not seek or be re-elected.
keep proving how detached they are from reality. In its common definition, the job of president of the United
States is to deliver peace and prosperity. Donald Trump is doing well on both fronts, so let's impeach [him]! As
insane as it sounds, that and only that is what many Democrats have in mind. Impeachment, or death by a thousand
investigations, is the heart of their plan. For proof, eliminate their desire to remove Trump from office and see if
you can pinpoint anything else with broad Dem support. Some advocate for open borders, others for tax hikes or
Medicare-for-all, but ending the Trump presidency ASAP is the glue holding the party together.
of the Trumper Tantrum. We've now watched two years of Trumper Tantrum throwing and rule bending and the
selective enforcement of justice, coincidentally against only those upon which they Tantrump against. Will they now
criminally indict the president for felonious campaign finance violations that have always in the past been treated as a
civil offense, as was done with the $2,000,000 in illegal contributions Barack Obama took in 2008?
Steyer Dumps More Cash
Into Impeach Movement As Dems Jump On Board. Billionaire Tom Steyer is dumping more money into his campaign to
oust President Donald Trump as incoming Democratic lawmakers consider jumping on board the movement to impeach the
president. Steyer is plowing another $6 million into what some Democratic leaders worry is an ill-fated attempt to
impeach the president, The Daily Beast reported Friday [1/4/2019]. Some liberal progressive lawmakers are warming to
the idea, while House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi pushes back.
Push Impeachment on Same Day They Take Control of House. You knew it was coming. The Democrats have
already revealed their number one priority. They have already filed measures for impeaching President Trump immediately
after swearing in. January 3 has officially arrived, and so has the liberal takeover of the House. On Thursday,
Democrats took control of half the legislature after their political victories in the November election — and at
the top of their to-do list is throwing Donald Trump out of office. They don't have any legal grounds to do so, but
they want to proceed anyway. They are pushing this agenda to please their base. It doesn't matter to them that
they don't have any legit reason to impeach the president. This has become evident.
fires back at impeachment frenzy, after Dem's profanity-laced threat. President Trump fired back Friday at
Democrats calling for his impeachment within moments of the 116th Congress convening, claiming he's had "the most successful
first two years" of any president. Trump spoke out on the impeachment calls after a video surfaced of freshman
Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib making a profanity-laced vow to remove him from office. She subsequently defended
her remarks, saying she will "always speak truth to power."
The Left Will
Make 2019 a Dark Year. Thanks to the Left's control of the House of Representatives and the news media,
Americans will be kept in a fevered state throughout 2019 — with innumerable hearings, exposés, criminal
investigations and possible indictments of those around the president and the president himself. Truth will not be the
point. Defamation will. Anything that might muddy the president, no matter how spurious, no matter how thin the
evidence, will be pursued with gusto. The media will drop "bombshell" after "bombshell." If lives and careers are
ruined, so much the better; no one should be associating with this president anyway, as far as the Left is concerned. [...]
The goal of the Left to weaken, disable and impeach the president is the heart of its mission to undo the 2016 presidential
Dems Plan
Their Coup As the World Burns. Democrats aren't concerned about illegal aliens pouring into the country without
any screening whatsoever. They are happy about it and they all went on vacation rather than do something constructive.
The Dems are busy with one thing, however. They are busy releasing job postings seeking lawyers and legal staff to help aid
their future investigations of President Donald Trump. [...] Finding ways to destroy the President is what the moronic Democrats
will do as we are invaded to the south and the President is trying to make tariff deals and barter with terror nations.
While the stock market is volatile, the Dems are doing their best to make it worse. It's a coup d'état.
That's all they've got? Lawyer:
Investigators gathered evidence of undocumented immigrants who say they worked at Trump golf course. Federal
and state investigators are scrutinizing the employment documents of immigrants without legal status who allegedly worked at
President Donald Trump's golf club in New Jersey, according to their attorney. Anibal Romero, a Newark attorney who
represents five undocumented immigrants who say they worked at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, said in an
interview Saturday [12/29/2018] that he met with investigators from the New Jersey state attorney general's office and
two FBI agents in November, before the workers began to go public with their stories.
The Editor says...
Democrats want open borders and unrestricted immigration, but then they don't want illegal immigrants to have jobs.
What then is the purpose of inviting immigrants in? It could only be to sign them all up for welfare benefits and
then expect them to vote for Democrats. As liberals like to say, that's unsustainable.
'Democrats Have Already Planned Impeachment'. Friday [12/28/2018], outgoing Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) told One America
News Network that incoming House Democrats will use their majority to impeach President Donald Trump. Issa said, "There is no
question at all that the Democrats have already planned impeachment and now are trying to make the case for it. So their
goal is impeachment; they have said it." Issa added that his colleagues who will replace him in leadership will "be dealing
with Democrats who are trying to figure out how to impeach the president."
Names Corrupt Former Deep State DOJ Embed as House General Counsel To Lead Resistance. Incoming Speaker of the
House Nancy Pelosi has selected corrupt former DOJ career embed, Douglas N Letter, as Chief Legal Counsel for the House of
Representatives. Mr. Letter has agreed to come out of retirement to aid the House effort, and structure legal
pathway to impeach President Trump.
President's Enemies and Their Confected Drama. It is astonishing to see the ferocity, and breathless,
stertorous rage of the Trump-hating media over Michael Cohen's flip. Because the whole issue is such nonsense, it is
also reassuring to see Trump's enemies place their heads on the block with such determination, beseeching by their outrageous
falsehoods the executioner's stroke to expose their lies and hate. There they are since there is no case against the
president sufficiently serious to threaten his completion of his term. I am one of the last people who would claim any
standing to opine on the motives and tactics for the Trump-haters to push in all their chips on this charge about payments to
an amiable porn star and a Playboy bunny emerita. The president's most strident enemies in the media have cranked
themselves up to a fever of simulated moral superiority many times: it is a mnemonic feat to recall their innumerable
charges to the barricades these last two years. Almost no one now remembers Michael Wolff's inane book, or even Bob
Woodward's pastiche of fabrications and malicious gossip. But this is a home run.
Weeks of Bruising Headlines, Why is Support for Impeachment... Dropping? It's essentially impossible to argue
that it's been a good stretch of news cycles for the president, as the public has watched people in his orbit getting
indicted, sentenced, and accused of further misconduct over recent weeks. The conventional wisdom among the political
class is that Robert Mueller's endgame is drawing near, and that a constricting noose is getting closer to the president's
political neck. But a fresh CNN poll produces a somewhat counterintuitive statistic: Since September, public
support for impeachment has fallen considerably, particularly among independents.
Plan for the President's Impeachment & Imprisonment. Democrats will be very unfair as they have been all along
when they control the House. They are planning his impeachment and imprisonment. Getting a little ahead of
themselves, aren't they? Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), the likely incoming House Judiciary Committee chairman, has
made it clear he will end all probes of the FBI and DOJ and hopes to impeach President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh.
but hush-money payments won't send Trump to prison. The most legally fraught part of the Russian "collusion"
probe now revolves around payments to an American porn star. As of yet, instead of a dastardly scheme to participate
with the Kremlin in the hacking of Democratic emails to subvert the election, prosecutors have uncovered a dastardly scheme
to try to keep from the voters — as if they weren't already aware — that Trump is a womanizer. [...]
Everyone should agree that these payments were sleazy. But that's not the live issue here. Because Democrats want
to see Trump impeached or even jailed, the question is whether he can be successfully prosecuted for the payments after
leaving office. The law, and common sense, suggest the answer is "no."
Reid and Guest Fantasize About Ivanka Being Arrested. MSNBC host Joy Reid and her guest Elie Mystal spent a
segment fantasizing about Ivanka Trump being in the "crosshairs" and openly scheming about how the best way to "get"
President Donald Trump would be to go after his children. The sinister conversation, in which they urged the left to
put the mother and wife "in their crosshairs" occurred on Saturday's [12/15/2018] show.
Justice Department Coup? Justice Department careerists, led by special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, have now served notice that they are targeting the presidency of Donald J. Trump. Not
over his behavior regarding Russians, which was their legal rationale for rooting through the business dealings and personal
lives of his campaign manager, lawyer, and family. No, prosecutors are seeking to criminalize Trump's extracurricular
activities with American women, two in particular: Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. This would be laughable if
people weren't going to prison as a result, not to mention its subversion of democratic self-government. If it succeeds
in driving Trump from office, it will set not merely a grim precedent for future elections. It will be a clear and
present danger to every person in this country.
struggles to clamp down on impeachment talk from angry Dems. House Democrats say incoming House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, D-Calif., will have her hands full next year trying to keep her caucus from pursuing President Trump's impeachment.
Democrats see a chance to hit Trump hard after his former lawyer Michael Cohen's three-year sentence, and his claim that Trump
directed payments to two women to keep them silent about alleged affairs. They think it will be difficult for Pelosi to
keep them from pursuing an impeachment process in the House[.]
Attorney General Says She'll Investigate Everyone Around Trump. New York Attorney General-elect Letitia James is
buttressing President Trump's claims that there is a "witch hunt" pursuing him; she told NBC News that she intends to
investigate not only the president, but also his family and "anyone" in his circle who may have violated the law. James
blustered, "We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his
family as well," adding, "We want to investigate anyone in his orbit who has, in fact, violated the law."
Time for Truth Regarding President Trump, Campaign Finance Laws and Indictment Hysteria. [#1] A sitting
president cannot be indicted. That's official DOJ policy since 1973. Neither the Special Counsel nor the
Southern District of New York (SDNY) nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein can defy that 45-year-old policy.
[#2] The SDNY is not expert in campaign finance violations and neither is the Clinton-appointed district judge.
They rarely handle campaign finance cases. The left-wing media and politicians are regurgitating what the prosecutors have
merely filed in their own self-serving brief. The media and others intentionally refuse to look at the actual rules and
context. They refuse to even question what these prosecutors have thrown together. [#3] The actual campaign
rules and context do not include Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or an infinite variety of other contracts, payments,
arrangements, acts of a private nature, etc. as campaign contributions. These represent normal human behavior and were
never intended to be regulated or reported.
in a teacup — campaign finance case against Trump is laughably weak. When producing and buying time
for a campaign ad, the law says a candidate must pay through his campaign. This ensures disclosure of who is funding
the candidate's campaign. The same is true for other campaign expenditures such as renting an arena for a rally, hiring
security details for the candidate, and so on. Trump lawyer Michael Cohen now contends in his guilty plea that he broke
the law by paying hush money to two women who say they had sex with Trump. The argument goes that these payments, from
corporate accounts, were secret expenditures by the campaign. Maybe Cohen has more evidence, but if not, the grounds
for saying Trump broke a law are laughably flimsy.
Russia Collusion Implodes, Media Want Trump Impeached over 'Just Sex'. It would appear as though our horrible,
no good, very bad and deliberately dishonest establishment media are at long last throwing in the towel and admitting they've
been pushing fake news for over two years. Yes, in their own underhanded and cowardly way, they are finally admitting
that these wild-eyed, evidence-free conspiracy theories about President Trump colluding with Russians to steal the 2016
election after getting pee'd on, was all a lie.
Trump Be Indicted for Alleged Campaign Finance Violations? First, as [Andrew] McCarthy says, Justice Department
guidance holds that a sitting president may not be indicted. If prosecutors in the Southern District of New York decide
nonetheless to indict Trump for a campaign finance infraction, the Attorney General (presumably William Barr) should overrule
the prosecutors. Justice Department policy shouldn't be ignored or overturned to prosecute the kind of case that,
according to McCarthy, is "often settled by payment of an administrative fine, not turned into [a] felony prosecution[]."
Second, does William Barr have enough backbone to block prosecutors from indicting this sitting president? The William
Barr I'm familiar with from telecommunications litigation 20 years ago does, I believe.
Obama's Campaign Was Fined $375,000 for Campaign Finance. Donations — Why Didn't Liberal SDNY
Prosecute Obama? Gregg Jarrett went off after the New York Southern Division accused President Trump of campaign
violations by paying hush money to two women from his own pocket. [...] Of course, the NYSD said nothing when Obama was
accused of campaign finance donations. In January 2013 the Obama Campaign was fined $375,000 for campaign reporting
Trump critics are now switching from impeachment to indictment. Two decades ago, liberals argued that Bill
Clinton should not be impeached for his tawdry affair with Monica Lewinsky because, well, his lies were just about sex.
Today, some liberals are arguing that Donald Trump should be impeached because of Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal because,
well, it's not the sex, it's the hush money. For well over a year, Trump's critics have been banking on Robert Mueller
to come up with evidence of Russian collusion, and there have been only disconnected fragments. So now —
never mind! — it's about women and money.
planned to assassinate Trump with a forklift: authorities. A North Dakota man accused of plotting to use a
forklift to flip over President Trump's limo to "kill the president" pleaded guilty on Friday [11/30/2018]. Gregory Lee
Leingang, 42, was charged in federal court regarding his plan that revolved around Trump's visit to Mandan, North Dakota, in
September 2017, the Grand Forks Herald reported.
Ocasio-Cortez: Impeach Trump now. Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested Democrats, who take power
in the House next month, should not wait to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump because "we have far
surpassed" the "standard" that the Republican Party used to impeach former President Bill Clinton. Ocasio-Cortez,
D-N.Y., during comments to reporters Friday [11/30/2018] on Capitol Hill, was asked if seeking impeachment is premature.
"Not to me," she replied. Democratic leaders during the 2018 campaign sought to play down the prospect that they would
try to remove the president from office.
View' host Joy Behar declares 'today is a good day for Donald Trump to resign'. ABC News' "The View" co-host
Joy Behar declared on Thursday that it would be "a good day for Donald Trump to resign." The panel discussed the latest
development in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, such as Michael Cohen admitting to lying to Congress
and President Trump declaring that a pardon for Paul Manafort is not off the table. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg
theatrically updated viewers on developments, calling it a "giant soap opera."
The Editor says...
The show that Behar and Goldberg host is little more than a "giant soap opera" itself.
Democrats back off on Trump impeachment. As House Democrats begin laying out the vision for their new majority,
that item is noticeably missing from the to-do list and firmly on the margins.
mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump. Having taken back the House, Democrats aren't
waiting around to get seated. They're getting down to business, and sorry, voters, it's not the moderate legislation
with Medicare fixes they ran on. Nope, they're out to Get Trump.
Pelosi knows impeachment fervor could backfire — and doom Democrats' 2020 hopes. Mrs. Pelosi is
in a bind. Many in her caucus, and in her party, are giddy over the prospect of impeaching President Trump. She
opposes that path, a position that makes her even more unpopular with those eager for someone new at the top. A careful
and seasoned vote counter, she told Chris Cuomo on CNN that she is "100 percent" confidant [sic] she will be re-elected
Speaker. She is probably correct, but it's not a done deal.
Will Investigate, Not Legislate. It will be all investigations, all the time — a two-year grudge
match between Congress and the Trump Administration. The games already have begun. From subpoenaing Trump's tax
returns to probing former and current cabinet officials, Democrats and the media are salivating over all the damaging
headlines they think they can generate just as the 2020 presidential race gets underway. The House Oversight Committee
alone has at least 60 subpoenas ready to go when Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) takes over.
Pelosi: Mueller Doesn't Have to Indict Trump for Congress to Impeach Him. Nancy pelosi really does not
want to impeach Donald Trump — and she's prepared to take all the heat from her party and from the new House Democratic
majority she's hoping to lead, unless she sees something wildly different emerge. But she said she won't let Robert Mueller
define the decision.
Does a Democratic House win pave
the way to impeachment? The Democrats were not so ham-fisted as to start talking about impeachment last
night. But everyone in Washington is all to well aware that they are now in the majority on committees with the power
to investigate the President and Russia. They have subpoena power. The Trump administration can expect a war of
attrition, including televised hearings with a procession of 'co-operating witnesses', before the (probably) inevitable:
articles of impeachment accusing the president of having 'colluded' with the Kremlin.
Trump Impeachment 'No-Brainer'. If anyone is familiar with "no-brainers," it is New York congressional
candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. After all, she believes in socialism, a prime indicator of having no brain.
Ocasio-Cortez ramped up her anti-Trump rhetoric, calling for his impeachment before she is even elected to Congress.
Demanding 'Civility,' NYT Publishes Fan Fiction Depicting Trump's Assassination. The New York Times published a
fictional essay fantasizing about President Trump getting assassinated the same week that explosive devices were sent to
prominent political figures across the country. After explosive devices were sent to prominent Democrats and liberal
political figures — Maxine Waters, Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, and
others — New York Times opinion columnist Charles M. Blow blamed Trump for creating a "toxic environment" that
led to these attempted acts of terrorism. [...] Here's some of the rhetorical backdrop being painted by The New York Times.
In a collection of fictional essays published Tuesday, one author fantasized about a Secret Service agent helping the Russians
assassinate Trump.
Biden: 'I
hope' Democrats don't impeach Trump. Former Vice President Joe Biden said he doesn't think Democratic
leadership should try to impeach President Trump if they win back the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.
Biden, an oft-critical voice of Trump and his administration, told "CBS This Morning" in an interview released Wednesday [10/17/2018]
that "there's no basis" to introduce articles of impeachment for Trump.
O'Rourke tells national audience he'd impeach Trump. Democratic Senate hopeful Beto O'Rourke told a national
television audience Thursday night that he'd vote to impeach President Donald Trump and believes Texas can lead the way to a
national embracing of relaxed immigration policies and gun control — unapologetically liberal positions that may
be hard for some in his deep-red state to stomach. O'Rourke, an El Paso congressman giving up his seat to challenge
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, had previously suggested that he'd support impeaching the president over alleged collusion with
Russia and obstruction of justice. But he went further while appearing at a CNN town hall from the U.S.-Mexico border
town of McAllen, saying that even as members of Congress wait for more evidence to emerge during federal investigations,
"I do think there's enough there for impeachment."
'There is Enough' Evidence to Begin Impeachment. Representative Beto O'Rourke (D., Texas), who is challenging
incumbent Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, said he would vote to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump during a
Thursday CNN town hall. Asked whether he had changed his mind with respect to his previous support for impeachment,
O'Rourke replied. "I haven't." "There may be an open question as to whether the president, then the candidate,
sought to collude with the Russian government in 2016," the El Paso congressman said, referring to special counsel Robert
Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible Trump campaign involvement.
Secret Service Foiled ISIS Assassination Attempt On President Trump. Just one year into his term, President
Donald Trump was the target of a credible assassination plot attributed to ISIS — but the U.S. Secret Service
managed to foil the attempt, according to a report that will air on National Geographic channel on Sunday [10/14/2018].
Waters is one of Trump's fiercest critics. She'll get a powerful new platform if Democrats take the House.
Rep. Maxine Waters has tried for months to get a House committee chairman to subpoena documents from Deutsche Bank about
Russian money laundering and the finances of President Trump and his family. If Democrats win the House majority in
November, the 14-term Los Angeles lawmaker is almost certain to gain the committee's gavel. That would give Waters,
one of Trump's fiercest critics, the power to issue those subpoenas along with something more — a high-profile
platform to battle the administration. She's indicated she'll do just that.
Gillum's Staffer Fired for Tweeting in Favor of Trump's Execution. A staffer working for Florida Democratic
gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum was fired for tweeting in favor of President Trump's execution, and wearing a shirt
labeling states that voted for Trump [a derisive name]. Manny Orozco-Ballestas, the 24-year-old who used to work as a
youth outreach staffer for the socialist Democratic candidate, posted a series tweets in 2012 and 2013 bashing Republicans
and discussing things of a sexually graphic nature, the Tampa Bay Times reported.
Gillum staffer fired after calling for Trump's execution, wearing shirt deriding pro-Trump states. A youth
outreach staffer for Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has been terminated after calling for President
Trump's death on Twitter, and wearing a shirt calling pro-Trump states [a derisive nickname]. The staffer, 24-year-old Manny
Orozco-Ballestas, made a series of sexually graphic and politically charged comments on social media in 2012 and 2013, according
to fringe blogger Jacob Engels, who flagged the posts. In one 2013 post, Orozco-Ballestas wrote to Trump: "you need
to be executed."
Rosenstein's coup attempt to depose Trump should not go unpunished. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's actions,
as recounted by the New York Times Friday [9/21/2018], are the equivalent of an attempted coup — a plot to overthrow
the president. As the Times reveals, Rosenstein was furious that Democrats blamed him for the firing of FBI Director James
Comey. Rosenstein, who had volunteered to write the firing memorandum, was "regretful and emotional." His behavior was
described as "erratic." He blamed Trump. So, in an apparent act of vengeance, he proposed secretly recording the president
to try to gain damaging information about him. He solicited others to wear wires, including Andrew McCabe, who was later fired
as Assistant FBI Director. Rosenstein is said to have discussed recruiting cabinet members to depose Trump under the
25th Amendment. All of this is reportedly evidenced in memos, including those written by McCabe.
Marshals capture 27-year-old fugitive who wanted to 'put a bullet in Trump's head'. The Pennsylvania man
accused of threatening President Donald Trump and law enforcement officials has been arrested in Ohio. Shawn Richard
Christy was taken into custody at 4.45 pm Friday [9/21/2018] in Mifflin Township, near Columbus, by US Marshals Service
and task force members from Ohio and Pennsylvania. A federal warrant was issued June 19 for the 27-year-old McAdoo
man in connection to Facebook posts threatening to shoot Trump and a district attorney in Pennsylvania.
Gov. Brown on Trump: 'Something's got to happen to this guy... he's going to undermine America'. California
Gov. Jerry Brown ramped up his criticism of President Trump in an interview that aired Monday [9/17/2018] —
calling the president a "saboteur" in the fight to combat climate change and saying that "something's got to happen to this
guy." Speaking to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell at an environmental summit in San Francisco last week, Brown tore into Trump
for the president's controversial tweets about the death toll in Puerto Rico from last year's Hurricane Maria and urged
voters to vote for Democrats in November's midterm elections in an effort to thwart Trump's agenda. "We never had a
president who was engaged in this kind of behavior," Brown said. "I mean he's not telling the truth; he keeps changing
his mind; he's sabotaging the world order in many respects."
Mad Maxine Waters Encourages 'Resistance' to "Knock Off" President Trump. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)
took her calls for violence against the President to the next level this weekend and encouraged the resistance to "knock off"
Trump. Maxine Waters accepted a 'Diversity' award in Washington DC this weekend when she went on a warpath against President
Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
Trick In U.S. History Comes Into Focus. The almost unnoticed fact in the latest Democratic assault on the Trump
administration is that it is based entirely on charges of confusion, the circus, incoherence, and nastiness. These
themes never have to be hammered very long before the faithful take up the incantation about impeachment, but these aren't
impeachable, even if the charges were true. The Resistance has abandoned the accusation of impeachable offenses.
The press barely noticed Special Counsel Robert Mueller's acceptance of written answers to questions about collusion, or
Rudolph Giuliani's assertion that there would be no discussion of obstruction of justice, that there has been no obstruction,
and that if Mr. Mueller thinks he has evidence of any, he should present it.
Democrats Want 'Mad Maxine' to Stop Impeachment Talk. Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren called out "Mad Maxine"
Waters over her repeated calls for President Donald Trump's impeachment. The California Democrat has been one of
Trump's most outspoken critics, and she continues to double down on her anti-Trump rhetoric. Waters, who took heat
earlier this year for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in public, said in Los Angeles over
the weekend that some Democratic leaders have asked her to stop talking about impeaching Trump.
Impeachment Will Turn America Into a Third World Country. Elections don't work in third world countries because
the party with the most leverage over the machinery of government just overturns the results. That's exactly what the
Democrats have been trying to do to Trump even during the election. Impeachment is not a mechanism for removing a
government that the legislature now opposes. That's what you have in parliamentary systems. Impeachment is meant
to address serious crimes committed by the head of state. The Dems began pushing impeachment before Trump even took
office. That's not what impeachment is for. It's a blatant abuse of a constitutional mechanism to stage a coup.
Waters On Pence: After We Impeach Trump, 'We'll Get Him, Too'. Maxine Waters was receiving an award
Saturday [9/8/2018] and gave a speech in which she offered a progressive audience the kind of red meat they obviously crave,
i.e. talk about impeaching Trump and, when that's done, impeaching Pence as well. From the American Mirror which
published a video of the event Sunday: [Video clip]
The Circus of Resistance.
Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), former Harvard Law Professor who still insists she is of Native American heritage, called for the
president to be removed by invoking the 25th Amendment. Apparently fabricating an ethnic identity is sane, and getting
out of the Iran deal or the Paris Climate Accord is insanity and grounds for removal.
Warren Calls For Trump Coup. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous
administration official, said Thursday [9/6/2018] that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump
office if top officials don't think he can do the job. [...] That's actually the opposite of how the Constitution works.
It does not provide a mechanism for removing a president if some officials don't like him. That's not what the 25th Amendment
is for. It provides a clear process for when a president is incapacitated, say after a shooting, and was an artifact of
the JFK assassination.
to impeach President Trump are 'sentence first — verdict afterwards'. The late William Raspberry, a Pulitzer
Prize-winning columnist for The Washington Post, was one of my favorite political commentators. Ideologically,
Mr. Raspberry was on the left and I am not. But I respected his talent. I have been thinking a lot lately
about one of Mr. Raspberry's columns as the talk about impeaching President Donald Trump has been dominating the news
even more than in the past (and that's saying something). The column in question is entitled "... In a Kangaroo Court"
and it was published Dec. 4, 1998, during the imbroglio surrounding President Bill Clinton. The column opened with
the following lines: "'No! No!' says the Queen of Hearts in 'Alice in Wonderland.' 'Sentence
first — verdict afterwards.'" Sound familiar? It does to me.
Warren calls for Trump's removal from office under 25th Amendment. Sen. Elizabeth Warren called on White
House officials Thursday to remove President Trump from office as unfit to handle the job. The Massachusetts Democrat
and progressive hero, often touted as a 2020 presidential hopeful, said Wednesday's op-ed in The New York Times by an
anonymous White House official justifies forcing out Mr. Trump under the constitutional provisions for an incapacitated
president. "If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then
they should invoke the 25th Amendment," she told CNN in an interview.
Schumer on Impeaching Trump: 'The Sooner the Better'. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N. Y.) told a Brooklyn crowd
Monday [9/3/2018] he wanted to impeach President Donald Trump, and "the sooner, the better." Flanked by security and
staff holding signs saying "MEET SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER," Schumer stopped to speak via megaphone with several people
off-camera. In a video of the interaction released Monday, Schumer was asked about impeachment and expressed support
for the idea: [...] Schumer had been notably quiet on the question of impeachment prior to his unscripted remarks; when asked
just last month about prospective reprisal were Trump to pardon former Trump associates Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort,
Schumer demurred. "I've said what I'm gonna say," he said.
Rule of Law Is a Sick Joke. It's adorable when people talk about the rule of law. OK, let's assume that
Donald Trump broke the law under some bizarrely convoluted interpretation of the hateful and unconstitutional (in a world
where our Constitution was properly understood) thicket of campaign finance statutes that somehow makes the guy who is being
extorted a criminal for paying off the aging bimbos shaking him down. Why should we care? Because we don't
care. MSNBC can howl "impeachment" 300 times an hour and we still won't care. Even if this was an actual crime
and Donald Trump was guilty of it, we don't care. Did he illegally pay off weather-beaten pole-clinger Stormy and also
the one from Playboy who was actually hot? Don't care. The climate scam is derailed, ISIS is dead, and then we
got Gorsuch, Grennell, and a great economy. Those things we care about.
impeachment delusion: Democrats dreaming about impeachment would have no clue what hit them. It's
actually surreal to think how easily the media can dupe people into thinking that President Trump is going to be impeached
and possibly removed from office. For the last five-and-a-half years of the Bush administration, the Democratic Party
howled that Bush "lied us to war to enrich his friends." In the history of democracy, this is probably the most egregious
charge ever leveled against a democratic leader. With more than 4,000 dead and tens of thousands maimed for life "under
false pretenses," it easily dwarfs the famed Watergate scandal, in which no one died. And yet the Democrats of the
previous decade refused to back up their incendiary rhetoric with even the slightest hint of impeachment proceedings.
Should Be a Trump Impeachment Vote — and Republicans Should Schedule It. Not to put too fine a point on it, Democrats are not
the ones known as the Stupid Party and so are well aware that a campaign centered on impeaching Trump is electoral cyanide. As Democratic
representative Eric Swalwell so eloquently put it, "[r]ight now, we're not in the majority, and so running on that, I think, misses the issues
that people care about at home." Translation: "Don't mention the impeachment!"
Emerges Detailing Democrat Plans to Crush Trump Should GOP Fail to Hold House. A document detailing what
Democrats intend to do to try to take out President Donald Trump should they take the House majority in November 2018 has
emerged. Under the headline "Scoop: Republicans secretly study their coming hell," Axios's Jonathan Swan on
Sunday evening revealed the existence of the document that lists exactly the line of attack the Democrats plan to pursue
should they win control of the House in the midterm elections. The document specifically focuses on certain
investigatory pathways and lines of inquiry they have already sought.
Robert Reich: Let's Annul Trump's Presidency. Robert Reich, who served as Secretary of Labor in the
Clinton administration, has taken on a new role as a leader of the progressive resistance movement. Like many others on
the left, Reich is taking unhinged rhetoric to new levels. In a recent post on his website, Reich suggested that
impeaching Trump would not be enough. His presidency must be annulled.
Democrats' Entire Agenda After The Midterms: Investigate Trump, 24/7. As the New York Times put it,
Democrats "are discarding the lessons of successful midterms past and pressing only a bare-bones national agenda, leaving it
to candidates to tailor their own messages to their districts." Democrats do have an agenda, however, one they
plan to pursue with abandon should they take the House: Tie the Trump administration up in endless investigations, then
hope they can stitch together something to justify impeaching the president. At the moment, of course, they aren't
openly talking about impeachment. Not because they don't intend to do so. But because party leaders realize that
impeachment doesn't poll well, and could energize the GOP base.
is in no real legal jeopardy, but Democrats will impeach him anyway if they win the House. There are two things
you need to understand about the latest media obsession: [#1] There is no serious legal case against Donald Trump.
It's a complete fantasy that anything that's happened could result in his indictment or criminal prosecution. We'll
explain that momentarily, but before we get into that you need to understand the second thing. The second thing is:
[#2] Trump's lack of legal culpability won't mean a thing if Democrats win control of the House this fall. They will
impeach him anyway, for the high crime of being Donald J. Trump.
Impeachment Insanity. In our nation's history, only two U.S. Presidents have been impeached by the House of
Representatives: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Both remained in office, surviving a trial in the U.S.
Senate. Of course, President Richard Nixon resigned before he would have surely faced impeachment and removal from
office. In the last few days, the possibility of impeachment of the President has been continually raised by the
corrupt, incompetent and hopelessly liberal mainstream news media infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. In fact, on
Wednesday August 22, from 6 a.m. until Midnight, according to the Media Research Center, the words "impeachment"
or "impeach" were mentioned a ridiculous 222 times on CNN and MSNBC alone.
media's desperate push for Trump impeachment may actually hurt Democrats. The liberal news media have a new
favorite word to use when discussing President Trump: impeachment. For example, MSNBC and CNN reporters, anchors
and guests said "impeach," "impeachment" or some other form of the word on the cable news channels an incredible
222 times between 6 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. Wednesday [8/22/2018]. And of course, they talked about
possible impeachment other days as well, and newspapers and websites were also filled with impeachment speculation.
Most Democrats in Congress and their leaders are shying away from talking about impeachment before the November midterm
elections — but that's not stopping the anti-Trump media.
Hysteria. In the world most of us inhabit, things are going extraordinarily well. We are in the midst of
the longest bull market ever. Employment is at a record high, unemployment — especially among minorities,
young people and women — at or near record lows. GDP is growing at a 4% clip, which liberal economists
deemed impossible in the last administration. Wages are rising. We are at peace, but at the same time our
government is finally taking steps to deal with long-festering problems in Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. What's
not to like? If you listen to most journalists and pundits, none of that is important.
All the
Talk About Impeaching the President Is Nonsense. Realistically, in order for the President to be impeached it
will take a majority of the House of Representatives to vote for impeachment. If Republicans hold the House in November,
all the talk about impeachment will be so much Fake News [and] there will be no impeachment. End of story. By
contrast, if the Democrats take the House they might very well pass a Maxine Waters-Al Green bill for impeachment.
It then will go to the United Senate, where a two-thirds majority will be needed for conviction.
MSNBC Say 'Impeachment' 222 Times in One Day. Liberal cable news outlets evidently had their own fairy tale
ending in mind when former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations: impeachment. On
Wednesday, CNN and MSNBC reporters, anchors, and paid contributors used the word an absurd 222 times in 18 hours. MRC
analysts examined all CNN and MSNBC coverage between 6:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on August 22, counting every use of the
word "impeach," "impeachment," or some permutation thereof. Analysts found 114 instances of the term on MSNBC and 108 on
CNN, for a total of 222 total uses of the word.
how Bill Clinton got re-elected right after Webb Hubbell went to the can? The commentariat is making a big deal
of Paul Manafort's conviction on eight counts of tax fraud and other stuff, as well as former personal attorney Michael
Cohen's guilty plea for payoff crimes, saying the path is finally open for their long held dream of impeaching President
Trump. [...] Well, no. Historically, a president is pretty separate from the doings of his lieutenants. We've
seen that as far back as President Reagan, who had many lieutenants railroaded, most for political, rather than criminal,
reasons. Reagan was re-elected in 1984. The one that really sticks out, though, is Whitewater, which was the
white-collar flimflam racket that broke as a scandal during the first term of President Bill Clinton.
Impeach me and the market crashes. President Trump predicted that if he were ever impeached, the market would
crash because it would put at risk his plan to keep creating jobs in the U.S. "I'll tell you what, if I ever got impeached,
I think the market would crash," he said in a Fox News interview that aired Thursday [8/23/2018]. "I think everybody would
be very poor, because without this thinking, you would see numbers that you wouldn't believe, in reverse."
'Get Ready'
For the Perils Of Impeachment. It may be claimed that none of the crimes of President Trump's ex-campaign
manager and ex-personal lawyer directly implicate the president. Not yet, anyhow — though Cohen is insisting
he was directed by Trump to violate campaign-finance laws. And Cohen is now practically begging to sing against
Mr. Trump to special counsel Robert Mueller. Manafort, found guilty on Tuesday [8/21/2018] of eight counts against
him, is already reported to be considering all options — and faces yet another trial next month. No wonder
the Web is fizzing with talk of impeachment.
says impeachment is 'not a priority' — as Democrats face new pressure to take down Trump following Manafort
conviction. The guilty plea of longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and former Trump campaign chair Paul
Manafort's conviction is putting new pressure on Democratic leaders to rally an impeachment drive. Cohen's guilty plea
in a federal court in New York to violating campaign finance law at the 'direction' of an unnamed individual —
Trump — put the Constitution's political remedy for 'high crimes and misdemeanors' squarely on the table for
political discussion. But House minority leader Nancy Pelosi cautioned Wednesday [8/22/2018] against any rush to
impeach based on the current state of the Mueller probe.
The Editor says...
It is easy to surmise that Ms. Pelosi will be singing a different tune after the mid-term elections, especially if the results favor the Democrats.
to Expect if Democrats Win the Midterms. [Scroll down] Under no conceivable scenario will the left control the
House without impeaching Trump. They hate him with the heat of a thousand suns and defy all appeals to fairness and logic.
The trial in the House will consume the country, bog Trump in red tape, and stall the swamp-draining reforms until the presidential
election in 2020. It will probably be impossible to get 67 senators to vote to remove Trump, but the impeachment in the
House will be enough to throw most of Trump's housecleaning efforts into disarray.
With a Collapsing Narrative, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr Tries Reversing Claims on Russian
Conspiracy. The Associated Press published an interview with Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard
Burr today [8/18/2018] where the intensely corrupt Senator Burr tries to reverse all his prior positions, publications and
manipulated committee findings, against President Trump. As the tide changes; and with DOJ and FBI officials delivering
testimony; combined with communication between U.S. co-conspirators (Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson) and foreign actors (Chris
Steele, Oleg Deripaska) gaining sunlight, the larger united effort between the intelligence apparatus and politicians starts
to become a risk to elected individuals.
Will Trump Be
Impeached for Obamacare 'Sabotage'? Despite attempts by their leadership to tamp down pre-midterm impeachment
talk, the Democrats are clearly anxious to remove President Trump from office if the voters are crazy enough to grant them a
majority in the House this fall. The only question involves the pretext Pelosi, et al., will use to justify the
coup. Their last impeachment resolution, introduced by Texas Rep. Al Green, didn't list any actual crimes or
misdemeanors and it's unlikely that the Mueller investigation will produce enough evidence of wrongdoing to impeach a ham
sandwich. So, what's a Trump-deranged Democrat to do? Nail him for Obamacare sabotage, of course. This idea was
introduced more than a year ago by Noah Feldman, a Harvard law professor, and echoed by Clinton minion Robert Reich last October.
Why the Mueller Investigation
Is the Wobble of Neptune. [Scroll down] [M]any Democrats are petrified that premature talk of impeachment
will jeopardize the party's drive to win the House and long-shot dreams of taking the Senate. Hedge fund billionaire
Tom Steyer — who is embarked on his own perhaps self-serving petition impeachment drive — complained in
a speech last week to left-wing activists, "Not a single person in the Senate Democratic caucus has shown the courage and
sense of right and wrong to support impeachment." Republicans from Trump on down have ridiculed any mention of impeachment
as Democrats behaving like "sore losers." Of course, that argument assumes that everyone from Hillary Clinton to George
Soros has spent decades dreaming about President Mike Pence.
media encourage violation of the law. The liberal media are pushing for a quiet coup to get President Trump removed from office.
Right after President Trump made a few admittedly goofy comments in his summit with President Putin, many newspapers immediately labeled him a
"traitor" and openly encouraged his Cabinet to resign to push him out of office. The media constantly try to undermine the presidency by
claiming that Trump is a traitor or a puppet, without a shred of evidence. The media are seeking to undermine and remove a branch of
government they disagree with.
Impeachment Army: $110 Million, 1000 Staff, 2000 Volunteers. Democrats who are pushing for the impeachment of
President Donald Trump will have $110 million to spend on the cause, thanks to the efforts of left-wing billionaire Tom
Steyer. Steyer's organizations, NextGen America and Need to Impeach, will also have a combined 1,000 employees and
2,000 staffers as they take the case for impeachment to voters in November, according to Politico. Though House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has discouraged impeachment talk, grass roots Democrats favor the idea.
Jarrett's research shows Trump Was "framed... for crimes he didn't commit." Martha McCallum, hosting her Fox
News show, introduced Fox legal analyst Greg Jarrett, author of the new book, The Russia Hoax. She began by pointing
out that both campaigns in 2016 wanted dirt on the other and were willing to get it from some sources in Russia. Clinton
used sources in Russia who gave information to Christopher Steele [a former British spy] and there is a judge now who wants to
know how it works on the Clinton side of the equation. On the Trump side, you have the Trump Tower meeting. Michael
Cohen says Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting before. "Let's start with the Fusion GPS side of this, Martha said.
"They have been tight-lipped about who the sources were for the dossier. And the judge is trying to get them, have them
deposed on it. What are we going to learn there?"
to Augur, the Cryptocurrency Death Market Where You Can Bet on a Donald Trump Assassination. So far, U.S.
president Donald Trump, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, actor Betty White and senator John McCain have been the subject of death
predictions on a new platform called Augur. Launched this month by a non-profit called the Forecast Foundation, the
service is powered on the Ethereum blockchain and designed to place wagers on the chance of events coming true.
"Predict the next election, short a cryptocurrency, or hedge against disaster," the pitch reads. Augur is a free, open
source software for users to create their own prediction markets. Contracts use the Ethereum blockchain, which is a
form of distributed leger technology that records all transactions. The controversy over its "assassination
markets" — not a totally new phenomenon — has been fueled by the platform developers' claims that they
do not have the ability to "censor, restrict, control, modify, change, revoke, terminate or make any changes to markets."
Just How Far Will
the Left Go? There was no honeymoon for the unlikely winner of the 2016 election. Progressives have in
succession tried to sue to overturn Trump's victory using several different approaches. First on the bogus claim of
fraudulent voting machines. Then they sought to subvert the Electoral College by bullying electors into renouncing
their respective states' votes. Massive protests and boycotts marked the inauguration. Then there were articles
of impeachment introduced in the House. Some sued to remove Trump on a warped interpretation of the Emoluments Clause
of the Constitution. Others brought in psychiatrists to testify that Trump was ill, disabled, or insane and should be
removed in accordance with the 25th Amendment. The former FBI director, CIA director, and director of the Office of
National Intelligence have variously smeared the president as a coward, a traitor, and a Russian mole.
Trump/Putin Summit Is the Worst Thing Ever Until the Next Worst Thing Ever. Here's a secret everyone knows:
this Trump/Russia/Treason thing is nonsense. The Russians will do whatever they can to destabilize our country, and
have been trying since long before Teddy Kennedy actually did collude with the Reds against Ronald Reagan. Of course
they want to destabilize us. They're Russians. [...] It's kind of hard to have a rational discussion with people
screaming "traitor" and "treason," especially when they have been screaming "traitor" and "treason" for the last 18 months
and we've seen no traitoring or treasoning. But the facts don't deter them.
Steve Cohen Melts Down, Defends Tweet Calling for Military Coup. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) this week
repeatedly defended his tweet that implied that America needed to have a military coup to remove President Donald Trump after
his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump held a summit with Putin on Monday, in which the 45th
president declined to directly chastise Putin for allegedly trying to influence the 2016 presidential election, even when
asked by an Associated Press reporter to do so. President Trump blamed the Russia investigation for some of the
friction between the two countries.
Analyst Philip Mudd: When Will 'Shadow Government' Rise Against Trump? CNN analyst and former CIA intelligence
official Philip Mudd wondered aloud Monday when a shadow government will emerge to oppose President Donald Trump following a joint
press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland.
House Democrat Calls
For 'Military Folks' To Stop Trump. Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday [7/16/2018] called for
the "military folks" to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump's much-criticized press conference with Russian
President Vladimir Putin. "Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!"
Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.
Remember, the Democrats are the people who said George W. Bush was a warmonger. Billionaire
Democrat Donor Calls For 'Nuclear War' To Stop Trump. Billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer called for a
"nuclear war" to stop President Trump — then took back his comment after the interviewer called his point "sobering."
"Maybe we can have, like, a nuclear war and then we get a real course correction," Steyer told The Rolling Stone in an
interview published Friday [6/29/2018]. He was elaborating on his belief that it is imperative for Congress to impeach
Trump immediately, because the "checks and balances system" set up in the constitution isn't working, and the only other
option is to wait around for economic disaster and war.
Waters brushes off alleged threats, vows to 'Impeach 45'. During a speech Saturday [6/30/2018] at an immigration
rally in California, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters reacted defiantly to alleged threats reportedly directed at her following her
previous remarks about the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy. Waters took the podium at the
Families Belong Together rally in downtown Los Angeles, one of the many rallies staged across the country urging for the
reunification of families who were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Chief John Brennan Invokes Watergate, Calls on Republican 'Heroes' to Force Trump Out of Office. Former CIA
Director-turned-Twitter-troll John Brennan fired off another ominous tweet to President Trump Tuesday [6/26/2018]. John
Brennan predicted the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe would end up like the Watergate investigation —
with an impeachment and or resignation and called on Republican "heroes" to circle the wagons.
After Mad Maxine Waters Calls
for Violence, She Gets Worst News of Political Career. Since Trump entered office, Waters has demanded his
impeachment. Like many others calling for that, she has zero evidence to back her demand. Yet when others were
smart enough to back down, she continues to call for the president's removal from office. Based on what? Nothing
but her deranged anger.
Max and Nancy Pelosi: The twin faces of the Democratic Party. Leftists are confident that their
fabricated-out-of-whole-cloth "crisis" at the border is the first step to impeachment. They think the American people
are so stupid, so thoroughly uninformed, that they will fall for the lie that what Trump is doing at the border is unlawful
and cruel. In fact, the practice of separating migrant children from the lawbreakers who show up at the border with
children in tow is of long standing throughout the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations.
Steyer: To Win Midterms, Democrats Must Promise to Impeach Trump. Left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer is
spending tens of millions of dollars on advertising urging that President Donald Trump be impeached — because he
thinks it is the only way for Democrats to win the 2018 midterm elections.
The Editor says...
Usually an accusation of a serious crime comes before a trial. That's called due process.
The illegal
campaign to feed 'collusion' hysteria. A top staffer on the "nonpartisan" Senate Intelligence Committee has
apparently been selectively leaking to feed the anti-Trump "collusion" story: That's the main takeaway in the case of
James Wolfe. Yes, you have to ignore the media-ethics sideshow about the reporter he had an affair with, and the First
Amendment issues over the feds' subpoenaing of reporters' "metadata" — i.e., the date and time of phone calls,
etc., but not their content. All that deserves thrashing out — but not at the expense of ignoring yet
another case of rabidly anti-Trump behavior by a supposedly disinterested intelligence community.
A Democrat
Dissents on the Mueller Probe. President Trump opened the week in a typical fashion, angrily denouncing special
counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. But Mr. Trump appealed to an unlikely authority: Mark Penn, the
Democratic pollster who guided President Clinton through his second-term scandals and then served as chief strategist for
Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign.
Don't Get to Rewrite the Constitution Because You Dislike Trump. If your contention is that President Donald
Trump has the propensity to sound like a bully and an authoritarian, I'm with you. If you're arguing that Trump's
rhetoric is sometimes coarse and unpresidential, I can't disagree. [...] But while former president Obama's agreeable tone
had plenty to do with his lack of scrutiny by the media, many reporters and pundits largely justified, and even cheered, his
abuses because they furthered progressive causes. Not only did liberals often ignore the rule of law when it was
ideologically convenient for them; they now want the new president to play by a set of rules that doesn't even exist.
Two-Thirds of People Signing Trump Impeachment Petition Don't Vote. Billionaire activist Tom Steyer said
Tuesday that two-thirds of the people signing his petition to impeach President Donald Trump don't vote, claiming his efforts
will serve as a left-wing base motivator. MSNBC host Hallie Jackson brought up Steyer's multi-million dollar ad
campaign calling for Trump's impeachment during their interview, wondering if it was backfiring. She cited a CBS poll
last month showing 40 percent of voters would be "less likely" to support a candidate backing impeachment, versus
30 percent of voters who would be "more likely" to support such a person.
Value Mellifluous Illegality over Crass Lawfulness. [Scroll down] Yet so far, after over a year of
intense investigation, Special Counsel Mueller has found no evidence that Donald Trump — or even his
low-level subordinates — had ever colluded with Russian government interests to hijack the 2016 election and
defeat Hillary Clinton. Indeed, Mueller has shown himself desperate to indict almost anyone connected with the Trump
campaign with almost any charge he can think of — other than colluding with the Russians to warp an election, his
original mandate.
Mueller's Illegal, Unethical Hunt for the President's Scalp. Given the toxic, highly partisan atmosphere in
Washington, Mueller's obvious conflict of interest due to his ties to Comey, and the Hillary Clinton fan club that comprises
Team Mueller, it has been obvious that the special counsel's office is not seeking either truth or justice. They want
the president's head on a stick, and they aren't particular about letting the facts or the law get in the way.
The drift to civil war. Well, they have
been at it for two years, and nothing has turned up. What the press keeps announcing as another triumph is that in the
course of casting the net wider and wider, they find some technicality or other with which to charge someone or other somehow connected
to Trump, and hope to "turn him" — get him to rat on Trump, to reveal all these terrible Trump crimes that must surely exist. Every
leftist assumes, sees as quite obvious, that if anyone connected to Trump is brought under pressure, he is likely to have some Trump crimes
to report. [...] But after two years of this, of people supposedly being about to "turn" as a result of being charged with crimes increasingly
technical, boring, irrelevant, and legalistic, it is increasingly obvious that these Trump crimes do not exist, and all this illegal
use of police and investigatory power is going to get them in trouble. If anyone was going to "turn", he would have turned by now.
If anything was going to turn up, would have turned up by now.
on the Brink. When Clinton lost, it appears that the left sought, through the unwarranted appointment of a special
prosecutor, to discover grounds for impeachment. That probe is still underway, and it has employed unprecedented means such
as the seizure of communication records between the president and his personal attorney. If it is willing to raid the office
and home of one's personal attorney, place spies within an opponent's campaign, and file false documents in support of a FISA
request, as alleged, how far is the left willing to go to retain power? It is not a large step from these actions to other,
more forceful sorts of intimidation and outright election-rigging.
Rep. Al Green: When We Get Back The House, We'll Start Impeachment Proceedings. Democrat
Rep. Al Green (D-TX) had harsh words for President Trump late Tuesday, warning that if Democrats retake the House of
Representatives in November, they'll begin the 2019 legislative session with articles of impeachment, even if Trump hasn't
done anything to require it. Speaking to C-Span, Rep. Green suggested that he has the "right and privilege" to
impeach the president, even absent evidence that the president has committed "high crimes" or "misdemeanors" by virtue of the
U.S. Constitution. "There's a good likelihood there will be articles of impeachment" brought against the President,
Rep. Green said. "Here is a point that I think is salient, and one that ought to be referenced. Every member
of the House is accorded the opportunity to bring up impeachment. This is not something the Constitution has bestowed
upon leadership. It's something every member has the right and privilege of doing.
Mueller's appointment was unconstitutional. Kicking off the week on the radio Monday, LevinTV host Mark Levin
raised a crucial point about the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller that no one is currently discussing —
it was unconstitutional. "The appointment of Robert Mueller violates the United States Constitution," Levin said.
"And every subpoena, indictment, and plea agreement should be null and void."
Maxine Waters Has Democrats
Cheering Over Impeaching Trump. Someone call the Guinness Book of World Records! We have the stupidest
thing ever conceived of in the history of man, right here. What am I talking about? I'm talking about
congressional Democrats. More specifically, I'm referring to a list Democrats are using to justify their impeachment
resolution against President Trump. Why bring this up now? Because Rep. Maxine Waters just got a round of
cheers from a roomful of Democrat activists by declaring that Trump needs to be impeached because "the facts are clear."
Tribe Was Against Impeachment Before He Was For It. Before President Trump even took the oath of office,
constitutional law scholar Laurence Tribe was calling for his impeachment. [...] In early December, less than a month after
Trump won the election, Tribe tweeted that impeachment should begin "on Inauguration Day." Eight days after Inauguration
Day, Tribe declared that Trump was already guilty of "shredding the Constitution more monstrously than any other President in
American history." He's since claimed Trump should be impeached and removed from office for his "cruel brand of bigotry
and scapegoating," for "falsely" claiming that the Obama administration wiretapped his campaign, for a State Department blog
post on Mar-a-Lago. Most recently, Trump should be removed for the simple reason that we don't like "what kind of
nation will we have become" should he stay in office.
Told Trump Legal Team the President Cannot Be Indicted. [Scroll down] Concerning Congress, they can impeach. And the Democrats are
sure positioning themselves to do just that if they retake the House. The base wants it. The progressive wing of the party wants it. The
low energy exhibited from leadership on this front is for political purposes.
outrage is for losers. As I read the report on the Democrats by Caitlin Huey-Burns of Real Clear Politics, I
thought, uh-oh, they are catching on. Then I realized Democrats are a bunch of snobs who haven't had a new idea since
LBJ was president, and I relaxed. [...] The daily droning of invented scandal has, after three years, immunized President
Trump from a real scandal should one occur.
The Coup Is Still
Underway. Former U.S. attorney and special counsel Joe DiGenova and ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino were both
masterfully interviewed by Mark Levin last night. The result was stunning. As many of you know, I follow the dual
scandals of the DOJ's exoneration of Hillary Clinton and persecution of Donald Trump, eh, rather closely. This interview
revealed new information for me, including how Robert Mueller is protecting certain Russian oligarchs from exposure by redacting
or concealing their names. I simply cannot state this strongly enough: every American should watch this surgical
deconstruction of, for lack of a better term, Obamagate. Please watch it and please pass it along. I am not
overstating things when I say that this information is vital to saving our Republic. [Video clip]
'Russian Collusion,' Trump Will Win... Big Time. As a country, we are at a moment of critical mass. A
tipping point is approaching. Leftists thinks they are going to get rid of the evil Drumpf — impeached,
frog-marched, jailed forever. Meanwhile, many on the right are wringing their hands over the injustices we are seeing,
depressed because they see the criminal left getting away with it all. Complaints and whining about the lack of headway
are registered daily. Belief that the left is in control even as they are out of power is growing, fueled by the
testimony of Michael Caputo. I am not saying the left is not leaving a devastating mark on our lives. It
is. These people have crossed a line of evil, destroying many human beings, institutions, and lots in between.
But they will not win this. They will not triumph. Here is why. [...]
and the Trump impeachment trap. In a new Quinnipiac poll, 71 percent of Democrats say they would like to see
President Trump impeached if Democrats win the House. Just 21 percent oppose the idea, while 8 percent aren't
sure. By way of contrast, 38 percent of independents support impeachment, while 54 percent oppose.
Fitzgerald, Mueller: Partners in Crime. Yes, Virginia, this is a witch hunt. Robert Mueller III was
appointed special counsel after his friend, the vindictive James Comey, committed a federal crime by leaking a memo that was
a government record to the press. Mueller has picked staff and prosecutors as if he were stocking Hillary Clinton's
Department of Justice. He has picked a bevy of Clinton donors, an attorney who worked for the Clinton Foundation, a
former Watergate assistant prosecutor, and even a senior adviser to Eric Holder. Objective professionals all (snarkiness
intended). Mueller is in fact colluding with Comey to enact revenge on President Trump for Comey's firing, something
that even Comey said Trump was constitutionally entitled to do. There is no evidence of collusion with Russia or
obstruction of justice. It is not obstruction of justice for a president to exercise his legal and constitutional
authority. The facts and the lack of an actual crime will not stop Robert Mueller.
Napolitano Says There's 'No Question' Democrats Tried To Frame President Trump. Fox News senior judicial
analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano accused Democrats of trying to frame President Donald Trump, Tuesday on "Fox & Friends."
"It looks like a brazen plot simply to frame the President of the United States," said host Steve Doocy about the Russia
probe. "Yes, it does," Napolitano replied. "It looks like it was commenced by his most virulent political
enemies. Particularly Sid Blumenthal who's sort of the fixer if you will, for Hillary Clinton and that branch of
the Democratic Party." [Video clip]
The Trump-Russia conspiracy is a 'coup attempt,' 'goes all the way to the top!' As new details emerged from a
House Intelligence Committee report on Russian influence in the 2016 election, LevinTV host Mark Levin slammed the Trump-Russia
conspiracy as a "coup attempt from day one" that "goes all the way to the top." The report showed, among other things, that
Obama's director of national intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress about leaking the Fusion GPS/Steele dossier to CNN.
Bucks Pelosi: 'I'm With the 70 Percent' of Democrats Wanting Trump Impeached. Rep. Maxine Waters (D.,
Calif.) again defied her party leadership and called for impeaching President Donald Trump on Sunday [4/29/2018]. MSNBC
host Joy Reid asked about Trump's latest comments at a rally criticizing Waters' impeachment stance, and the congresswoman
embraced her status as one of the president's most strident critics. "Well, first of all, he's absolutely correct that
I am encouraging impeachment, but he's incorrect when he says and implies that at the rallies people are saying he's done
nothing wrong," Waters said.
Exclusive: Cabal
Of Wealthy Donors Financing $50 Million Trump-Russia Investigation. A group of wealthy donors from New York and
California have forked out $50 million to fund a Russia investigation being conducted by Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS
and a former Senate staffer for Dianne Feinstein. That bombshell revelation is made in a footnote to the House
Intelligence Committee's newly released report on Russian interference in the presidential campaign. Fusion GPS hired
Steele, a former MI6 agent, to investigate Trump's activities in Russia. He would go on to produce a 35-page report
alleging collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.
Anyone? As the likelihood that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia seems headed toward zero, the likelihood
of proof of a different form of collusion seems headed upward toward certainty. [...] Now there's talk that Mueller is
winding up his investigation. It seems unlikely that whatever he reports will fulfill the daydreams so many liberals
have of making Trump go the way of Richard Nixon.
pollster blisters Mueller witch hunt. Pollster Mark Penn was one of the men who helped keep Bill Clinton
president. Penn innovated new methods and used a microcomputer kit in the 1970s to calculate overnight results.
But he is more than a numbers cruncher, and a piece Penn penned for the Hill displays a sharp anaysis that goes beyond the
polls. Beneath benign numbers — most people think Mueller will find an "impeachable" offense —
lies a constitutional crisis. And Penn, Harvard '76, is enough of an American to call them out.
Report Claims DNI Clapper Engineered Dossier Release. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
majority report on its Russia probe is out — not counting the copious redactions imposed by intelligence
agencies. Given what's blacked out in the document, it's a surprise that "the" and "but" were generally spared.
Even so, some significant allegations survived the intelligence community's bowdlerizers. For example, it was quickly
noted by scholars of the Steele dossier that the House document reveals (or, if one is dubious of the House Intel majority's
credibility, one can say "asserts" instead) that it was President Barack Obama's director of national intelligence, James
Clapper, who helped engineer the public release of the dossier. That release may well be the essential act in producing
the special counsel investigation that continues to hang over the Trump administration.
Congressional Report: James Clapper Lied About Dossier Leaks To CNN. Buried within a newly declassified
congressional report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections is a shocking revelation: former Director of National
Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper not only leaked information about the infamous Steele dossier and high-level government
briefings about it to CNN, he also may have lied to Congress about the matter. In one of the findings within the
253-page report, the House intelligence committee wrote that Clapper leaked details of a dossier briefing given to
then-President-elect Donald Trump to CNN's Jake Tapper, lied to Congress about the leak, and was rewarded with a CNN contract
a few months later.
Maxine Waters Hopes
'Cohen Tapes' Give Democrats 'Treasure Trove Of Information'. Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters
hopes an FBI raid on Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, provides Democrats with a "treasure trove" of
information with which to impeach Trump, she said in a new interview. "I am certainly working toward his impeachment,"
Waters told Variety Magazine in an interview published Wednesday [4/25/2018]. "I think Mueller is doing a great job.
I am hopeful that the Cohen tapes will be a treasure trove of information that will help move us toward that," Waters said.
Waters has been calling for Trump's impeachment since before he took office. She previously guaranteed Trump colluded
with Russia during the 2016 campaign but now appears to be banking on the Cohen probe to give Democrats the ammunition they
need to impeach the president.
Giuliani says there is not 'a stitch of evidence' that Trump colluded with Russia. Former New York City Mayor and brand-new Trump
lawyer Rudy Giuliani is already playing the role of pit bull for the president, telling a New Hampshire television station that the Russia probe
is 'a disgrace.' 'I can guarantee you this: When Mueller is finished, no matter whatever he does, he's not going to have a stitch of
evidence that he colluded with the Russians,' Giuliani told WMUR. 'There isn't a person in the world who thinks he's guilty of collusion
with the Russians.'
'I Discourage Any Discussion of Impeachment' — 'It's a Gift to the Republicans. During a news
conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discouraged Democrats from talking about impeachment and
said, "it's a gift to the Republicans to talk about impeachment." Pelosi said, "I don't think that we should be talking
about impeachment. I've been very clear, right from the start. There is a process at work that will either yield
or not information that will be dispositive of that issue."
Trump: Guilty Until Proven Innocent. Most Americans still believe in fair play, including the proposition
"innocent until proven guilty." Increasingly, they perceive, I think, that President Trump isn't being treated fairly.
Defying the odds once again, Trump may well be gaining public sympathy.
Hasn't Mueller Questioned Natalia Veselnitskaya? Veselnitskaya was, and still is, after all, the poster child
for Russian collusion, whose 20-minute meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. was to be the deathblow to the Trump administration.
Yet, by her account, she has yet to be interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
There Any Adults Left in Washington, D.C.? Trump is a junkyard dog from New York City. He will fight back and likely
prevail, but at what cost to his administration, his agenda, the Constitution, and the country? Is this Trump coup, attempting to
force him out of office or pressure him to resign, worth the damage to the Constitution and the country? Fortunately, the
president's agenda successfully marches on, but imagine how much more he could be accomplishing if he didn't have everyone in
Washington, D.C., including his own party, constantly throwing stones and placing roadblocks in his way.
and Worse to Come. Indeed, the aim of the so-called Resistance to Donald J. Trump is ending Trump's presidency
by any means necessary before the 2020 election. Or, barring that, it seeks to so delegitimize him that he becomes presidentially
impotent. It has been only 16 months since Trump took office and, in the spirit of revolutionary fervor, almost everything has
been tried to derail him. Now we are entering uncharted territory — at a time when otherwise the country is improving
and the legal exposure of Trump's opponents increases daily.
'Major Irregularities' In State Department's Handling Of Trump-Russia Info. The House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence chairman provided an update on Sunday of the panel's investigation into what he says are "major
irregularities" at the State Department regarding its handling of information about President Donald Trump's campaign.
California Rep. and Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes's investigators are looking into the State Department's
handling of information about George Papadopoulos, the Trump campaign adviser whose discussions about Hillary Clinton emails
are what led the FBI to open its counterintelligence investigation in July 2016, the chairman suggested when he appeared on
Fox News.
Nunes On Russia Probe Origin: "Major Irregularities" At State Dept, Sidney Blumenthal Involved. House
Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes says on 'Sunday Morning Futures' with Maria Bartiromo [4/22/2018] that potential
"major irregularities" exist at the State Department with regard to how the FBI found out about the George Papadopoulos
meeting with a Russian national that led to the FBI's original investigation into potential Trump/Russia collusion.
Nunes: DNC lawsuit is a 'fundraising scheme'. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., condemned the Democratic
National Committee's new lawsuit against the Trump campaign, Russia, and WikiLeaks as being a scheme to fill their
coffers. "This is nothing more than a scam to keep their base fired up," Nunes, who is chairman of the House
Intelligence Committee, said during an interview Saturday [4/21/2018] with Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro.
'can't prove untrue' the new standard in the Trump probe? When a political figure is accused of wrongdoing, a
conversation begins among journalists, commentators, and public officials. Are the charges true? Can the accusers
prove it? That's the way it normally works. But now, in the case of the Trump dossier — the allegations
compiled by a former British spy hired by the Clinton campaign to gather dirt on presidential candidate Donald Trump —
the generally accepted standard of justice has been turned on its head. Now, the question is: Can the accused prove
the charges false? Increasingly, the president's critics argue that the dossier is legitimate because it has not been
proven untrue. It's an argument heard at the highest levels of government, academics, and media.
Russiagate's Epic Fail
vs. Watergate's Windfall. Like Captain Ahab, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has spent eleven months
frantically hunting a giant whale. So far, Mueller has harpooned a couple of cod and a few salmon. But these fish
have yet to demonstrate that the huge, ocean-going mammal in question merits capture. And Mueller's barely productive
odyssey is an enormous embarrassment compared with the mass ichthyocide that was the Watergate investigation, even at the
equivalent stage in that long, national nightmare.
By Dems: A Sad Attempt To Push 'Reset Button' On Hillary's Disastrous 2016 Loss. As any reasonably objective
legal expert will tell you, the Democrats' law suit is a mish-mash of finger-pointing and blame backed by virtually no evidence.
It asserts a conspiracy of the Republicans, Russians and WikiLeaks to get Donald Trump elected president during the 2016 campaign.
Yes, they expect people to believe it. In that respect, it is a pitiful echo of the Russian investigation launched by the
Democrats and "Never Trumpers" in Congress to look into allegations of "collusion" — which is nowhere, by the way,
defined as a crime in the U.S. legal code — between the Trump campaign and Russia. That investigation, headed by
Robert Mueller, has netted so far exactly zero public evidence of collusion — even as we near the two-year
anniversary of the ongoing investigation.
Is Mueller Done?
Late on the Friday afternoon of February 16, 2018, Mueller indicted 13 Russians for such heinous crimes as creating fake
identities on Facebook and Twitter and organizing rallies, both for and against Donald Trump, as well as spending more than
$100,000 on political ads — all this, for the purpose of interfering with the United States Presidential
Election — keep in mind, not a single indicted person will ever see the inside of an American courtroom since
there is no extradition treaty between our country and Russia. After almost a year of investigating, that's all he
had: fake Twitter and Facebook accounts, some minor rallies and a paltry sum spent on political advertising.
Are We Doing?': Levin Explains Why Trump Can't Be Indicted. Mark Levin had a fiery reaction to the revelation
that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told President Trump last week that he is not a target in the Michael Cohen
investigation. This came weeks after Trump was told that he was not a target of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's
investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to reports. Levin pointed to two
memoranda — one from the Nixon administration and one from the Clinton administration — that clearly
spell out that a sitting United States president cannot be indicted.
Trump justice cometh.
For the past year or so, the press has floated rumors that President Trump was about to fire Bob Mueller. Some of those
rumors likely came from Trump through an intermediary. Those rumors were the fog of war. The whole Mueller
investigation is a smokescreen. Behind the scenes, Trump unleashed Michael Horowitz, the inspector general with the
Department of Justice. Attorney General Eric Holder — a James comey-style toadie — rendered
inspectors general useless. Holder was part of a criminal syndicate that did not want a snoopy IG blowing the whistle
on the FBI, the IRS, the NSA.... "The Obama administration has ruled that inspectors general have to get permission from
the agency they're monitoring for access to wiretaps, grand jury and credit information, a decision that immediately was
denounced by watchdogs and lawmakers. Lisa Rein of the Washington Post reported on July 24, 2015.
5 Times the Media
Didn't Ask if Obama Would Resign. Make no mistake about it, the media has already decided that President Trump
is guilty. They don't know what he's guilty of yet, and frankly, they don't even care. Earlier this week, April
Ryan, a White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, asked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee
Sanders, "With all of this turmoil, particularly last week, has the president at any time thought about stepping down before
or now?" Sanders called the question ridiculous, but Ryan insisted, "It's not a ridiculous question." Of course it
was ridiculous. The media has been salivating over any damaging story that will embarrass Trump or somehow result in
impeachment. But, where were the wolves in the media during the Obama presidency? Clearly, they were
hibernating. During Obama's presidency, whenever he was caught up in scandal they made excuses or chose not to
cover the story. They never asked if Obama would resign as a result.
are eager to impeach Trump. Here's why their dream could backfire. Will House Speaker Paul Ryan's
retirement increase the odds of President Trump's impeachment? Maybe, but Democratic leaders don't want to talk about
it. President Obama's former Attorney General Eric Holder and former top Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod, among
others, want their liberal allies to shut up about impeaching President Trump. They fear that threats to drive the president
from office will boost voter turnout — not among Democrats, as some on the left hope, but rather among Republicans.
at the Crossroads. After almost a year, Mueller has offered no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. Aside
from former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a few minor and transitory campaign officials have been indicted or have pleaded guilty
to a variety of transgressions other than collusion. Ironically, the United States has often interfered in foreign elections to
massage the result. Recently, Bill Clinton joked about his own efforts as president to collude in the 1996 Israeli election to
ensure the defeat of Benjamin Netanyahu. "I tried to do it in a way that didn't overtly involve me," Clinton said. The
Obama administration did the same in 2015, when it used State Department funds to support an anti-Netanyahu political action group.
American Greatness
and its Enemies. There may have been much more involved, but it is significant that many in the media saw in
this raid — a raid that honest analysts such as Alan Dershowitz pointed out undermined attorney-client privilege and would
never have been tolerated by the ACLU if the target was a liberal — an attempt to uncover evidence of a purported campaign
violation that wrongly sought to aid the President. This was, of all odd things, the payment of $130,000 to porn[ ]star
Stormy Daniels to buy her silence regarding an asserted brief affair with Mr. Trump. One would have thought that
this non-disclosure agreement (NDA), dealing as it does with a matter of private reputation would have been something that
liberals would have thought did not belong in the public square, given their attitude toward President Clinton's escapades
that Democrats believed ought never to have been a part of impeachment proceedings.
Robert Mueller Loses Majority Support After FBI Raids Trump's Lawyer. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's raid on
President Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen has backfired in the eyes of voters, according to Rasmussen Reports.
Prior to what many are describing as Mueller's unprecedented stunt, the special counsel and former Obama official was held in
high regard by a majority of the public. Back in October, a full 52 percent believed "Mueller's investigation is an
honest attempt to determine criminal wrongdoing." That number is now down -6 points to just 46 percent.
Moreover, the number of voters who now see Mueller's probe is a "partisan witch hunt" has jumped a full +8 points, from
32 percent to 40 percent. Only 14 percent remain undecided.
Steyer Holds Impeachment Town Hall in Oakland. Amidst division among his fellow Democrats over his campaign to
see President Donald Trump impeached, billionaire left-wing environmentalist Tom Steyer held a rally attended by approximately
400 anti-Trump activists in Oakland Wednesday night to help garner support for his impeachment efforts. According to the
East Bay Times, Steyer said Trump "is a malignant narcissist who's deteriorating" while speaking alongside Amy Siskind, an
anti-Trump Wall Street executive-turned-blogger, at the Impact Hub, a community center in uptown Oakland. "Today is the
best day of the rest of the Trump administration," Steyer said.
at the Crossroads. Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel in May 2017 in reaction to a media still
gripped by near hysteria over the inexplicable defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. For nearly
a year before Mueller's appointment, leaks had spread about collusion between Russia and the Donald Trump campaign that
supposedly cost Clinton a sure victory. Most of these collusion stories, as we now know, originated with Christopher
Steele and his now-discredited anti-Trump opposition file.
lets Nunes, Gowdy review FBI memo that kick-started Russia probe. Facing legal action, Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein allowed House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Rep. Trey Gowdy,
R-S.C., to view the FBI memo that instigated the bureau's counterintelligence investigation of contacts between Russia and
the Trump campaign, Nunes confirmed on Wednesday [4/11/2018]. The meeting came a day after Nunes threatened to take legal
action — including contempt proceedings and impeachment — against Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher
Wray for failing to produce a clean copy of the memo, known as an electronic communication or EC, that was responsive to an
August 2017 committee subpoena.
to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller's Corruption. There is no way to
sugarcoat it — especially after the lawless invasion of the attorney-client privilege by fancy-suited thugs, if
President Donald Trump sits down and talks to Robert Mueller and his pack of Democrat donor corruptocrats, he's an
idiot. Instead, he needs to take his case to the people — because a blind man can see that he's being
framed. If Trump talks to Mueller, Mueller will be laughing at him, but on the inside. On the outside, he'll keep
up that beaten beagle visage of his, roaring at how he outsmarted the man who outsmarted all the Smartest People in the World
and who therefore assumes he can somehow "win" his interview.
Every Week: Using The FBI To Suppress A Political Revolution. In the early seventies, political
operatives disguised as delivery men broke into a Washington D.C. office. These efforts to spy on the political
opposition would culminate in what we know as Watergate. In the late teens, political operatives disguised as FBI
agents, NSA personnel and other employees of the Federal government eavesdropped, harassed and raided the offices of the
political opposition. The raids of Michael Cohen's hotel room, home and office are just this week's Watergate.
Political operatives have now seized privileged communications between the President of the United States and his
lawyer. Despite fairy tales about a clean process, these communications will be harvested by the counterparts of Peter
Strzok, who unlike him are still on the case at the FBI, some of it will appear in the Washington Post and the New
York Times, and some will be passed along to other political allies. That's what happened at every juncture of
Watergate 2.0. And it only follows that it will happen again.
Maybe Mueller Wants to Be Fired.
There is a lot of consternation out there in Trump-hating land that the president may finally soon tire of Robert Mueller's
meandering witch hunt investigation and fire the special prosecutor. So worried are the
president's detractors that they're getting Congress involved: [...]
[is] assisting Mueller probe into Trump 2016 campaign. Facebook is working with special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into
Trump campaign interactions with Russian operatives during the 2016 election, company founder Mark Zuckerberg told Congress on Tuesday
[4/10/2018]. Mr. Zuckerberg first said his company had gotten a subpoena from Mr. Mueller, then paused and said he wasn't
sure if there was a subpoena but his company is sharing information the investigation. He declined to go into more details.
"Our work with the special counsel is confidential," he said, testifying to the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees.
In Trump we trust.
[Scroll down] I think it's Mueller who is desperate. Trump is the better poker player, and he's got good cards. How
will it end? The Mueller hunt is basically shadow play. There's no there there. If Mueller gets a grand jury indictment,
let it play out in court or in impeachment. Bill Clinton, as guilty as sin, beat an impeachment rap. Mueller has probably
always been trying to make something out of nothing. The office of the special counsel, so-called, is an anti-constitutional monster
and always has been. If the special counsel is ever brought before the Supreme Court, it will have to discredit or ignore any action
from that office.
Mueller Laid A Trap For President Trump By Marking Him An Investigation 'Subject'. Special counsel Robert
Mueller has reportedly advised Donald Trump's lawyers that the president is a "subject" but not a "target" of Mueller's
investigation. This has resulted in a great deal of triumphal celebration among the president's supporters. After
all, they reason, if Mueller hasn't by now dredged up enough evidence to designate Trump a "target," then the president
must be in the clear. Unfortunately, whether someone is a "target" as opposed to a "subject" of an investigation is a
distinction without a difference. It's all a matter of timing, and the "subject" of an investigation can become a
"target" in the blink of a prosecutor's eye. It happens every day.
Steele Dossier, Stormy Daniels and the Mueller Raid. Like a lot of anonymously sourced material in Team Coup
media, this could turn out to be garbage. But it seems fairly credible and in keeping with Mueller's tactics.
Find a string, pull on it, if you can't pull on it personally, pass it along to someone who can. This is the sort of
thing that Federal prosecutors do. And it's why they have such high conviction rates even when they don't have actual
evidence. Among other things, this is likely to trigger a significant reevaluation of some of those powers and
tactics. The problem with pulling on the Stormy Daniels string is that the entire basis for this witchhunt was the
Steele Dossier. And that was covertly paid for by a Clinton law firm. And was lied about on FEC disclosures.
It goes without saying that no actual action will be taken.
of Mueller action, but what about collusion? Remember collusion? The allegation that Donald Trump and his
aides coordinated or conspired with Russia to fix the 2016 presidential election is, and has always been, the heart of the
Trump-Russia investigation. Yet Monday [4/9/2018] saw two developments in the Trump investigation — one
discussed widely in the press, the other not as much — and neither pointed toward collusion. In the
development that set off a press firestorm, FBI agents raided the office and hotel room of longtime Trump lawyer/fixer
Michael Cohen, apparently looking for evidence concerning Cohen's role in paying off the porn star Stormy Daniels, who
once denied but now says she had a one-night-stand with Trump more than a decade ago.
8 Most Twisted Policy Positions of Your Modern Democrat Party. [#7] A Missouri Democratic state Senator that
said in August 2017 she "hope[s] Trump is assassinated" still remains in office as a Democratic elected official. [#8] On
April 5, 2018, Democratic Senator Kamala Harris joked about killing Donald Trump.
Time for Mueller to
lay it all out. The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the
Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there? Those are basic questions
that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and
special access to biased big-media companies. Mueller's team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are
behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality
all their own about the investigation and the president.
Rep Meadows: If Rosenstein Doesn't Turn Over Docs, We Will Move to Impeach [Rosenstein]. Saturday
[4/7/2018], Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said that if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein does not turn over the
unredacted documents requested by Congress related to FISA, FBI and more then impeachment could be in order. [...] He added,
"I think that if he does not turn over the documents, that there are a growing number of us on Capitol Hill who believe that
someone else needs to do the job. And what happens there is, Constitutionally, we have some things that we can do."
Meadows went on to explain that the documents already show that there was coordination with the Barack Obama White House and
with the state department, adding that the Department of Justice and the FBI have been hiding such information from Congress
for months.
Analyst Speculates about Trump Getting Arrested by U.S. Marshalls [sic]. A former assistant special Watergate
prosecutor suggested President Trump could be carted away by U.S. Marshals and brought before a federal judge if he were to
defy a potential subpoena from the special counsel requesting an interview. "At that point, they would make a motion to
hold Donald Trump in contempt," attorney Nick Akerman told host Joy Reid Saturday morning [4/7/2018] on MSNBC. "The question
would be what would the federal district court judge do in terms of a remedy? Normally, a person who refuses to testify before
a grand jury winds up being incarcerated for the time period of the grand jury, which can be up to 18 months," Akerman said.
"So, one way to enforce it is to have Donald Trump taken by the federal marshals and put in federal prison until he testifies."
The Editor says...
It's easy to huff and puff about throwing President Trump in prison (without a trial), but where was all this tough talk when
Barack H. Obama ignored subpoenas? [1]
Russia probe is out of control. It looks like the Department of Justice botched the May 17 appointment of
Special Counsel Robert Mueller. About three weeks ago, former Trump presidential campaign Chairman Paul Manafort asked
a judge to dismiss Mueller's indictment against him, arguing that Mueller overstepped his jurisdiction in the probe of
Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. In response, the special counsel was recently forced to
pony up a heavily redacted memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein blessing the investigation into Manafort's work
with Ukraine, which turned out to have been written on Aug. 2 — six days after the July 26 predawn,
guns-drawn raid of Manafort's home, and 10 weeks after Mueller's appointment. Reportedly, Mueller's team
photographed Manafort's suits during the raid.
Is Robert Mueller looking for? Robert Mueller is the special counsel appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein in May 2017 to probe the nature and extent of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. The
investigation began in October 2016 under President Barack Obama when the FBI took seriously the boast of Carter Page, one of
candidate Donald Trump's foreign policy advisers, that he had worked for the Kremlin. The FBI also had transcripts of
telephone conversations and copies of emails and text messages of Trump campaign personnel that had been supplied to it by
British intelligence. Connecting the dots, the FBI persuaded a judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to
issue a search warrant for the surveillance of Page, an American. Page never registered as a foreign agent, and working
for the Kremlin and not registering as a foreign agent is a crime for which the FBI should have investigated Page.
Conduct by Mueller, Rosenstein an 'Embarrassment,' Undermines Equal Enforcement. Former federal prosecutor Joe
diGenova ripped Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for his conduct in regard to the Mueller probe. DiGenova, a
former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said on "Hannity" that Rosenstein is "an embarrassment to this administration."
He said it is unfortunate that due to the political climate, Rosenstein cannot be fired. DiGenova said that Rosenstein should
have recused himself from some parts of the investigation, because he is a witness as to whether or not obstruction of justice occurred
in the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
What Is the FBI Hiding?
Bit by bit, congressional investigators have wrested important truths from a recalcitrant Federal Bureau of Investigation
about its suspect 2016 election dealings. But there's one secret the G-men jealously guard: how central that Steele
dossier was from the start.
Memo confirming Mueller could investigate Manafort came a week after raid on Manafort's home. Paul Manafort has
moved to have the October 27, 2017 Indictment, and subsequent Superseding Indictment, dismissed on the ground, among others,
that Robert Mueller has exceeded the authority granted him on May 17, 2017, when he was appointed by Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein. The argument is that the indictment of Manafort for business dealings is unrelated to and took place years
before 2016 Russian election interference and alleged collusion. I made a similar point with regard to the guilty plea of
Michael Flynn for lying with regard to post-election transition matters, Why is Robert Mueller even investigating the presidential
that Trump is not a 'criminal target' of Mueller team looks like manipulation. Obstruction would be a process crime.
We have no information about what exactly might be in such a report, but there have been suggestions that President Trump's firing of
James Comey as FBI head — his clear constitutional prerogative — could be taken as obstruction. I am no lawyer, but this would
require mind-reading of a high order. And criminalizing the exercise of constitutionally stipulated powers seems highly dubious.
get set to lose your 'collusion' delusions. What happens if President Trump is innocent? The Washington
Post recently reported that special counsel Robert Mueller has informed Trump's attorneys that the president isn't considered
a target of a criminal investigation. If, after more than a year, a team of seasoned and aggressive investigators with
nearly unlimited access and autonomy couldn't dig up any substantial evidence linking the president to criminality, the idea
that Trump will be implicated by Mueller, much less face an indictment, is farfetched. And the dream of impeachment?
Well, that would probably die, as well. Much of the case for the impeachment of Trump is tethered to the alleged
illegitimacy of his election — and much of that case relies on the findings of the Mueller investigation.
Judging from the reaction we've seen so far to the reports that Trump is merely a subject, but not a target, of the special
counsel, it seems most Democrats haven't fully prepared themselves for the eventuality that the investigation may end up
vindicating Trump.
Will Soon Reap What Dems Sowed In Their Resistance. We must be close to the point where Robert Mueller has to decide whether
he is going to acknowledge that the cause for which his special-counsel investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 election was
set up — after the illegal leaking of a contested account of a conversation with the president by James Comey immediately
after he was fired as director of the FBI — has been thoroughly plumbed and has yielded interesting information about Russian
endeavors but no evidence whatever of any collusion with any substantial American political party. There obviously is no such
evidence, despite 18 months of tearing everything apart, and shock-and-awe prosecutions of peripheral people for unconnected alleged
offenses, all by a rabidly partisan Trump-hating gang of partially lawless vigilantes recruited by Mr. Mueller for the task.
to Make Trump Even More Popular? Keep Attacking Him. The latest poison ivy patch that Trump-haters
ventured into is a porn actress named Stormy Daniels. "Poison Ivy" might be a suitable name, too, and equally as
titillating for someone in her chosen profession. Accusations, all unsubstantiated, of a decade-old one-night stand
with citizen Donald Trump are expected to lead to impeachment and resignation. No, Stormy Daniels was not a White House
intern playing "hide the cigar" in the Oval Office with the sitting president. She made no accusations of rape or
harassment. She wasn't discovered after James Carville dragged a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park. Yet
she was given a full hour on "60 Minutes" to tell her story. This is the same story she previously denied, multiple
times. Similar to the "Access Hollywood" tapes, this interview's sole purpose was to damage or better yet destroy the
president of the United States.
Trump Should Play Hardball With Robert Mueller. Most of the time, practicing criminal law is pretty
simple. Since the vast majority of clients are guilty as charged and lack the financial resources to pay for a trial,
you cut a plea deal and do the best you can at sentencing. But if you have an innocent client who is the target of an
investigation or has already been charged, things can get complicated. How to save your client from being unjustly
arrested or convicted? Should you resist and fight? Or should you cooperate with the prosecution and lay your
client bare in an effort to demonstrate his innocence?
Just How
Naive Is Robert Mueller? I've been reading this indictment of the thirteen people who supposedly disrupted the
2016 election. Are you kidding me? These are intelligence agents. I mean, some of them may be contractors
employed by Russian intelligence, but either way, it's the equivalent of saying the CIA doesn't know what it's doing.
You don't indict intelligence agents. There's no point to it. There's no possible outcome that's better than
monitoring the agents, wiretapping the agents, sending spies to collaborate with the agents, or, in a best-case scenario,
turning the agents. Given the choice between a public indictment and a secret operation, there are about 700 arguments
for secrecy, while I can think of only one for going public: Maybe they will let their guard down. Otherwise, why
would we publish a 37-page document telling them what we know and, by implication, what we don't know?
to End Mueller's Investigation About Nothing. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's sprawling investigation into
"Trump-Russia collusion" has devolved into a ludicrous media spectacle, a meandering situation comedy "about nothing" that is
in quest of something, anything to be about. If, after all of these months of investigation, he has no evidence of
Trump colluding with Russia, then the conclusion is clear: it simply didn't happen. In recent weeks and months,
the media has been busy dumpster-diving in Moscow for Russian Facebook bots, and chasing hot tips from a Russian prostitute
turned part-time sex seminarist resisting extradition to Russia from a Bangkok jail.
Gohmert Says Mueller Should Be Fired. The handful of congressional Republicans calling for Special Counsel
Robert Mueller to be fired added a high-profile member of the House Judiciary Committee to their ranks on Wednesday
[3/21/2018]. Texas representative Louie Gohmert said in no uncertain terms Wednesday [3/21/2018] that he wants Mueller's
Russia investigation dismantled. "I think Mueller should be fired," Gohmert said. "He needs to go.... He
should never have been appointed and he should never have accepted."
time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it. Trump is well aware (and fond of
reminding us on Twitter) that there is no sign so far of evidence to support the charges of collusion that supposedly
launched the entire inquiry. He might feel tempted to let the investigation play out, eventually basking in the
exoneration he could claim from the resulting nonfindings. But that presumes two things: that there are indeed
no hidden bombshells yet to uncover, and that the Mueller team will not scramble to find something to justify the large amounts
of time and money it has spent. Dissuading Trump from firing Mueller is one thing; singing the praises of Mueller is
quite another. This investigation does not deserve to be unplugged, but nor does it deserve to be applauded.
Moore to Dems: 'Never Forget' You're 'Electing the Jury for Impeachment'. Filmmaker Michael Moore urged
Democratic voters to remember that they are voting for the impeachment of President Trump in the upcoming midterm
elections. "I am optimistic. I have a thread of optimism still in me. I believe we will, in November, see a
tsunami of people coming to the polls and after that I hope you, both of you, and the other senators, do their job," Moore
said during a town hall on "Inequality in America: The Rise of Oligarchy and Collapse of the Middle Class" organized by
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Monday evening [3/19/2018].
Where's Waldo? Collusion
must either manifest itself in objectively pro-Kremlin policy or it is nothing. The three clearest indicators to watch
are actions which reduce US oil output, cripple American military readiness and retreat before Putin in Syria.
Sessions makes
his move. Back in 2011, the indomitable Peter Schweizer published Throw Them All Out, a detailed examination of
political corruption as it is actually practiced in the halls of Congress. In his investigation, Schweizer found one
single member of Congress against whom no allegations could be held — who had never taken a dime that was not his,
had never cut any backroom deals, had never, simply put, played the game. That individual was Jeff Sessions. That
fact is all you need to know to understand why Donald Trump selected Sessions for the Department of Justice, and why Sessions
has followed the course he has in taking on the "Russia collusion" coup effort.
suggests Second Amendment as means of opposing Trump. A Democratic congressman from Long Island implied that
Americans should grab weapons and oppose President Trump by force, if the commander-in-chief doesn't follow the
Constitution. Rep. Tom Suozzi made the remark to constituents at a town hall last week, saying that folks opposed
to Trump might resort to the "Second Amendment." "It's really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,"
Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. "This is where the Second Amendment
comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do?
What would we do?"
Rips Mueller Investigation. He's Right. As we and many others have pointed out many times, there is no
proper predicate for Mueller's purported investigation. There was never a crime in the first place. Mueller was
improperly given a general mandate to poke around and see if he could find someone to indict, for anything, or worse yet,
trick someone into committing an indictable offense. The Mueller investigation is a final insult to the rule of law
that was bequeathed to us, in effect, by the outgoing, corrupt Obama administration.
Against Trump Made by John Brennan and Samantha Power Must Be Investigated. Two ominous tweets, one written by
former CIA Director John Brennan, the other by former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power, openly threaten a sitting
president — President Trump. This must be investigated. Both of these tweets raise enormous questions,
not only about what is meant by these threats, but what kind of inside information these former Obama officials might be
receiving from unauthorized sources.
absurd reaction to Andrew McCabe's firing. Switch to CNN, and one would be told that it was Trump who did the
firing, that Sessions did it to keep his job. Barely mentioned was the fact that the recommendation to fire McCabe came
from the FBI's own Office of Personal Responsibility (OPR), an almost unprecedented event. Don Lemon and his guests
were apoplectic that this "fine and respected" man has had his pension taken away. They were not concerned at all about
what he may have done to elicit the OPR's recommendation that he be fired. Not one bit. This bunch takes as
factual that Trump is evil and that he colluded with Russia, even though they know very well that he did not. They know
that the whole "Trump colluded with Russia" theory was dreamed up by the Clintons to excuse and explain her loss to the man
her crowd and the media thought had no chance of victory. But they still think the American people are so dumb that we
don't know what they know.
Investigation Flouts Justice Department Standards. These columns have many times observed Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein's failure to set limits on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. To trigger the
appointment of a special counsel, federal regulations require the Justice Department to identify the crimes that warrant
investigation and prosecution — crimes that the Justice Department is too conflicted to investigate in the normal
course; crimes that become the parameters of the special counsel's jurisdiction. Rosenstein, instead, put the cart
before the horse: Mueller was invited to conduct a fishing expedition, a boundless quest to hunt for undiscovered
crimes, rather than an investigation and prosecution of known crimes.
Penn's debut novel is Trump assassination porn. Who knew that Sean Penn was a novelist? Well, that may be
a misnomer. More accurately, he thinks he's a novelist. His first effort in that regard comes in at a super-light
176 pages — a light book from a super-lightweight intellect. In it, Penn apparently gushes Trump-hatred that
even he should be embarrassed about. According to this report in the Daily Mail, the novel revolves around the
activities of the main character, Bob Honey, described as an "American man, entrepreneur, and part-time assassin." The
assassin's target? A president who sounds remarkably like Donald Trump.
Enough with the
Russia nonsense. After more than a year of Robert Mueller's goon squad looking for a scintilla of evidence of
any collusion with Russia, the conclusion is obvious. It is a pack of lies. "Republicans on the House Intelligence
Committee have completed a draft report concluding there was no collusion or coordination between Donald Trump's presidential
campaign and Russia, a finding that is sure to please the White House and enrage panel Democrats," the Associated Press
reported. "After a yearlong investigation, Texas Rep. Mike Conaway announced Monday [3/12/2018] that the committee
has finished interviewing witnesses and will share the report with Democrats on Tuesday. Conaway is the Republican
leading the House probe, one of several investigations on Russian meddling in the 2016 elections." Democrats lied.
new fishing hole: 'Conspiracy to defraud the government'. Special counsel Robert Mueller is invoking a new
charge in his Captain Queeg search for the lost strawberries. He is looking to tie Trump and his aides to a "conspiracy
to defraud the government charge." What makes this such a stretch is that Mueller apparently doesn't have to tie it to a
criminal action. This puts a lot more of Trump aides in danger of being ensnared in Mueller's ever widening net.
Is What A Police State And 'High Crimes And Misdemeanors' Really Look Like. As ever more deliberately concealed
evidence is being uncovered of factual "collusion" between the Obama White House, the failed presidential campaign of Hillary
Clinton and Russia; of professional operatives in our intelligence services openly trying to first, cripple the campaign of
Donald Trump, and then, having failed at that criminal objective, to delegitimize his presidency; and of secretly funded
far-left anarchist groups proudly preaching violence against those they oppose, it seems the perfect time to ask three
questions: First, what is the definition of a "Police State?" Second, what is the definition of "Treason?"
And last, what — as defined in the Constitution of the United States of America — is the meaning of
"High Crimes and Misdemeanors?"
Tom Steyer Triples
Down On Obsession With Painting Trump As An Insane Madman. Democratic money man Tom Steyer is constructing a
panel of mental health officials and nuclear weapons experts to support his months-long campaign to impeach President Donald
Trump. Steyer, a former hedge fund manager turned liberal activist, plans on cobbling together a group of experts
Monday night to discuss Trump's mental health and his nuclear ambitions. It's part of his mission to oust Trump.
now question the Russian narrative. Katrina vanden Heuvel is editor of the progressive magazine, The Nation.
She is married to Stephen F. Cohen, her senior by 21 years. He is 79 and professor emeritus of Russian studies
at Princeton University and New York University. [...] Cohen is troubled by one thing: it has been a year now and none of
the 35 memos in the Russian dossier have proved true.
Impeachment Protester: Growing Economy is 'Obama's Doing'. Protesters at the recent People's March on
Washington against President Trump explained why they want to see the president removed from office. The official
website for the protest stated, "We will take to the streets to demand the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump and to
fight to protect the rights of all marginalized people, equal rights, social justice, our safety as citizens, and our
democratic process." Bethany from New York said Trump's handling of climate change influenced her to attend the march
and call for Trump's impeachment.
The Editor says...
How much has the climate changed in your lifetime? What is President Trump supposed to do about changes in the
weather? If you have courtroom-quality evidence that Donald Trump is negligent, bring on the impeachment.
But if this is all you've got, give it up.
left's wild fantasies about finding crimes to topple Trump. Even in the worst case for Trump, Mueller is
unlikely to charge him with a crime. There is longstanding Office of Legal Counsel guidance that it's unconstitutional
to indict a president while he's in office. The worst case for Trump is probably a report by Mueller that could become,
in effect, an impeachment referral. Much will depend on the facts; on whether Mueller is willing to stand aside if he
doesn't find anything to justify his continued investigation; and on who wins Congress this year — and, if the
Democrats, by how much. But there can be little doubt that, in their hearts, most Democrats have decided for
impeachment. The fighting now may be mere skirmishing compared to the larger political war to come.
Dems take lead in push to impeach Trump. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are proving central to
efforts to impeach President Trump. Black lawmakers say that's the result of Trump repeatedly stirring racial
controversies, from personally attacking two members of the caucus to casting equal blame on white supremacists and
counterprotesters for fatal violence in Charlottesville, Va., last summer. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), former
head of the CBC, said the bitter feelings originated well before Trump arrived in office, when the real estate mogul began
raising doubts about former President Obama's birthplace — and, by extension, his authority to be president.
From Conspiracy
Theories to Conspiracies. [Scroll down] Any "resistance" aimed at removing a president would also involve
the proverbial street and popular culture. A good way might be to implant to such a degree the idea of killing or
harming the president that it would become something more than just a sick fantasy, but become contextualized as an act of
near patriotism across the broader culture. Celebrities accordingly might dream out loud at rallies of blowing up the
White House. Or a movie star might announce to his audience his hopes for a repeat of a John Wilkes Booth-style
assassination. Or a state legislator might post hopes that someone would kill the president. Or a rapper might
release a video in which the president is shown shot. Or a comedian on camera might hold up a facsimile of the bloody
severed head of the president. Or a New York troupe might perform public plays in which the president each evening is
ritually stabbed to death. We might also see and hear ad nauseam from actors and other celebrities expressing
desires to beat him to a pulp, or hang him, or shoot him — all the insidious efforts not of those easily
disregarded as unhinged, but of those with public personas, and with the effect of incrementally normalizing violence against
the president. Late night comedians might vie with each other in their profanity and scatology, ridiculing the
president with references to him fellating a foreign leader. Who knows, a secret service agent might even post a brag
that she would not be willing to "take a bullet" to defend the likes of this president. Or a left-wing zealot might
think shooting Republican congressmen was doing his part to thwart the evil Trump agenda. All that, too, transpired in
Trump's first year.
Labour Chairman Called for Execution of President Trump. The hard-left female chairman of a local Labour Party
association in the United Kingdom has blamed "creepy, nasty, hateful and untrue attacks by bitter men" after her call for
Donald Trump to be shot became public. Caragh Skipper was an officer of a local branch of Momentum, the hard-left
grassroots group which has carried avowed socialist and Venezuelan regime supporter Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the
Labour Party at the time of her comments.
FBI Agent Text References Trump Impeachment. The latest batch of text messages between the pair of embattled
FBI agents at the center of the Special Counsel's probe into President Donald Trump's campaign and alleged Russian collusion
reveals that one of the agents may have seen his participation in the investigation as a path to "impeaching" President
Trump, said several congressional sources. The recent text messages between FBI special agent Peter Strzok and FBI
attorney Lisa Page were turned over last week by the Department of Justice to six congressional committees. Those text
messages, as previously reported, shed new light on the political leanings, unvarnished bias and possibly a concerted effort
by some members of the FBI to influence Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation, congressional sources reveal.
Trump' parties [are] the left's 'I Am Stupid' moment. Not all those of the anti-Trump left are adult-age
basement dwellers. There are plenty of other Democrats out there living independently of their parents, independently
of their growing-years' caretakers. Illegals, for instance. Mental hospital patients, to name some more.
And, to toss out the names of even more, some members of government-funded arts coalitions, progressive activism groups and
multi-millionaires' clubs — on that last, the ones mostly with the motto, "I Got Mine and Now I Want To Stop You
From Getting Yours." Tom Steyer, billionaire hedge fund manger-turned major anti-Trumper, seems to fit that last
class. He's the guy who's launched the "Need to Impeach" campaign and who's now using it as a platform to rock the
impeachment vote around the country against a president who is probably the most populist-minded, America First type of
leader this country's seen since Ronald Reagan.
rejects Democratic effort to impeach Trump as shutdown looms. The House on Friday once again rejected an effort
by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) to impeach President Trump, in a sign of inflamed partisan tensions ahead of a midnight
deadline to avoid a government shutdown. Green, who has agitated for Trump's impeachment for months, forced a
procedural vote on articles of impeachment following Trump's Oval Office comments last week describing some nations as
"[bad] countries" while expressing a preference for immigrants from places like Norway. It failed by a 355-66 vote,
with three Democrats voting "present."
the New Trump Standard, Why Wasn't Obama Impeached? In the era of President Donald Trump, Democrats think presidents should be impeached
over policy differences. In Trump's case, the Democrats accuse him of winning the election by "colluding" with Russia to win. After nearly
a year of investigations, there does not appear to be any evidence. Yet many Democrats have already called for impeachment. In truth,
Democrats want this President out because they don't like him or his policies.
doctor dismisses dementia fears: 'That's just tabloid psychiatry'. White House physician Ronny Jackson on
Tuesday [1/16/2018] said the idea that President Trump has mental health issues was "tabloid psychiatry," dismissing a claim
that some mental health experts are making even though they haven't examined the president. "People shouldn't be making
those types of assessments about the president unless they've had the opportunity to get to know him and examine him, and in
my opinion, that's just tabloid psychiatry and I'm not going to address it or fall into responding to those kinds of
questions or accusations," Jackson told reporters during Tuesday's White House press briefing when asked to respond to
doctors who have said they believe the president shows signs of dementia.
Trump Is Deep State's 'Plan C,' Warns Adviser Roger Stone. Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser and confidant, certainly knows his way
around Washington, having worked as a senior campaign aide to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Senator Bob Dole as well as having held many other
political positions. This proximity to the Deep State is what makes his claim, expressed in a recent wide-ranging interview with The New American
magazine's Alex Newman, that much more eyebrow-raising.
Madness of the Anti-Trump Shrinks. [Scroll down] There were no drums when Bandy X. Lee, the organizer of
Yale's 'Duty to Warn' conference showed up on Capitol Hill to "brief" Dem politicians about Trump's mental illness that she
diagnosed over Twitter. Lee, a self-proclaimed expert on the prison system, apparently isn't even currently licensed to
practice. But on Twitter, Bandy X. Lee explained that she had been "licensed on two continents," has "excellent
credentials," a "flawless ethics history" and speaks "four languages." On Vox, Lee claimed that Trump's recognition of
Jerusalem was a "pathological" example of him "resorting to violence". Then she blamed him for "an increase in schoolyard
bullying." Appearing on MSNBC, she warned that Trump "could be the end of humankind." All this craziness didn't stop
Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Rep. Jamie Raskin from inviting her for briefings. Around the same time that Fraenkel was
beating his drum in Manhattan, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump was released by Macmillan. The book contained unsolicited
accusations and diagnoses from "27 psychiatrists and mental health experts". It was edited by Bandy X. Lee.
Prof Who Called Trump 'Mentally Impaired' May Not Have A License To Practice. The Yale University psychology
professor who called President Trump "mentally impaired" appears to lack a valid license to practice psychiatry in her home
state of Connecticut. The professor, Bandy Lee, made the headlines over the past few days when she made a diagnosis of
the president as suffering from a "mental impairment" that would disqualify him from the highest office in the land.
Following Lee's comments, the American Psychiatric Association released a statement on Tuesday warning members of its
profession to refrain from making public diagnoses of public figures like Trump without a proper medical exam.
Psychiatric Assoc Calls for End to 'Armchair' Psychiatry on Trump. The media is falling all over itself in
questioning Donald Trump's mental fitness in serving as president of the United States. He has responded in tweets that
he is a "very stable genius," but that doesn't satisfy the press's pre-conceived notions that he is unfit for office.
In light of all of this grasping at straws, the American Psychiatric Association issued a call on Tuesday [1/9/2018] for
the end of all of this "armchair" psychiatry.
Yale Psychiatrist Who Labeled Trump Unstable Recants Armchair Diagnosis. Anti-Trump Yale professor Dr. Bandy Lee
told reporters she wants to "physically constrain" President Trump, evaluate him in constraints and then frogmarch him from
office. Dr. Lee is worried though that it might come off looking like a like a coup!
'Mental Health' Talk Against Trump Like The Coup Attempt It Is. Trump is unlike any previous president of the
United States. Voters knew this when they chose him over Hillary Clinton. And there is nothing about Trump now
that suggests his mental state is any different or worse or dangerous than when voters elected him, or when they first
encountered him on gossip pages and in reality television decades ago. To suggest otherwise is to undermine the
democratic election of presidents, and to do so would be far more damaging to the country than anything Trump's actually
done. It is particularly noteworthy that members of an elite are calling for his ouster when Trump's election was
partly in response to anger at mismanagement by members of the media and political establishment. Talk of mental health
and a 25th Amendment removal, "by force if necessary," is talk of a coup, just as it was in the TV show "24."
Have Become Tragically Addicted To "Impeachment Porn". Oh, these pathetic, misguided liberals... they gather in
circles holding the latest anti-Trump diatribe in one hand while the other hand ventures off doing what liberal hands too often
obsessively do these days. At what point does the need for self-gratification become potentially terminal self-abuse?
Waters Tweets Bizarre Poem In Support Of Mueller. California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters tweeted out
what appeared to be a poem Wednesday in support of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Waters sent a special message to
Mueller over Twitter as he put together his federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. [...] Waters has been a staunch Trump
opponent, calling on fellow Democrats to impeach him. During the Women's March Convention in Detroit, Waters led an
"impeach 45" chant with other attendees.
Beware Romney & Trump
Impeachment Attempts. Two Democrats were just sworn in to the Senate this week: Doug Jones of Alabama and
Tina Smith of Minnesota. One man waits in the wings to do the same — former GOP presidential candidate, Mitt
Romney. The Trump White House is likely watching the Senate developments very closely as they could prove pivotal to
ongoing attempts to destroy the Trump presidency.
State Boasts: We're Sabotaging Trump From the Inside. In a recent pre-Christmas interview with C-SPAN,
Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Trump, dropped a bombshell: Members of President Trump's own Cabinet are
plotting to remove him. According to Stone, his sources within the administration say administration officials have
discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to boot the president out of office. Stone's sensational charges came only a
few days after top members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), commonly known as "the American establishment,"
crowed that operatives of the "Deep State" (their fellow CFR members) inside the Trump administration are writing and
deciding policy contrary to President Trump's announced agenda.
Are Headed for a Major Clash over Impeachment. After bruising defeats in Virginia, New Jersey, and Alabama,
Republicans are bracing for the possibility that Democrats take back the House in 2018 — and Democrats, after a
year in the wilderness, are beginning to seriously debate the political ramifications of impeaching Donald Trump if they
do. For months, the Democratic base has been agitating for leadership to take more aggressive steps to censure the
president. Until now, the idea of impeaching Trump has taken a backseat to more prosaic concerns. But if
Democrats take back the House, that conversation will quickly enter the mainstream — as will the attendant
political risks.
Sorcerer's Apprentices: FBI, DOJ, GPS, DNC. So shocked by Trump's win in the 2016 election, the Progressive
left and their partners in partisanship, the media, went into paroxysms of despair and disbelief. [...] They would leave
no stone unturned to demolish this man they considered so beneath them. Why? Because what if he succeeded?
What if he did jumpstart the economy? What if he did close down the border and more jobless Americans found work?
What if he did manage to bring manufacturing back to the US? Boost the stock market? What if he did abrogate all
the Obama regulations that had for eight years strangled the American economy? That would all be very bad for the
Left. African Americans might finally realize that the Democratic Party has been the albatross around their necks
for at least two generations. No. Trump could not be allowed to remain in office and succeed.
Trump Dominated Mueller and Tricked Democrats. Trump is facing the Salem witch trials. Democrats are a
runaway mob and want his blood. Many Trump supporters are desperate for Trump to get in front of this mob and explain
how he is innocent, that he is a nationalist who is strengthening the military, modernizing the nuclear forces, protecting
America against an EMP attack, selling weapons to Ukraine, and increasing oil production, so quite clearly, he is not Putin's
agent, and they should all please stop their nonsensical protesting and turn around. But Trump never made a serious
effort to logically reason this out with his enemies. It isn't his style.
The movement
to impeach Trump is just beginning. Before you settle down for a long winter's nap with adult visions of sugar
plums, consider a key fact about the 2018 midterm elections: We already know what they're going to be about.
Republicans, thanks to their last-minute tax triumph, will run on a pro-growth agenda. If the middle-class tax cuts
work as promised, if the economy cooperates by continuing to expand by 3 percent or more and produces jobs, jobs, jobs, the
GOP will have a strong message to sell. It will need one to protect its narrow margins in Congress, especially because
the majority party usually loses seats in the first midterms. Democrats, on the other hand, have no message, no leader
and nothing to brag about. That leaves a vacuum, which is being filled with one idea: impeaching President Trump.
Law-Abiding Citizens.
In the past few weeks the leftists have all sounded more like the Tea Party than anything else, arguing that the Mueller
investigation into collusion is some sort of Constitutionally guaranteed process that Donald Trump had better not interfere
with, or he will be hounded out of office by raging mobs of Antifa, BLM and Hollywood stars. Eric Holder, mastermind of
such great examples of Constitutionality like Waco and Fast and Furious, who is the only American Attorney General to be held
in contempt of Congress, threatened to unleash the power of Antifa on America's streets should Donald Trump fire
Mueller. This is seditious, it is the ultimate threat of domestic insurrection. No laws have been violated by
Trump, the Constitution has not been violated and since a Special Counsel is highly suspect as a Constitutional act itself,
there are no grounds for unleashing such insurrection other than to take control of the government.
Beware the Trump Coup.
[A]s far as I can see, President Trump's record thus far is completely untarnished — as being a "big meany" is not
a High Crime. To date, the Mueller hit squad has found exactly squat regarding Trump ties to neither Russia, nor
anything else that is an impeachable offense. You can bet the farm that if anyone had found something —
anything to sink Trump, it would have been leaked. The left has employed every dirty trickster they can find to dig up
something that might be construed as "treason, bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors" (Article II, Section 4
of the Constitution). They have not found, nor will they find anything.
On Calls For Trump To Resign: I Don't Think He Should Have Been President. The drama between Sen. Kirsten
Gillibrand (D-NY) and President Donald Trump has reached absurd heights. First, there was that rather tweet from the president,
which was not out of the ordinary. He accused Gillibrand of doing "anything" for campaign contributions. Gillibrand said
this was a sexist smear, despite the president using that line on pretty much everyone. This all is part of the ongoing sexual
harassment reckoning on the Hill and elsewhere. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) is gone, and Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) has
signaled his intention to leave... whenever that may be.
Waters Makes Teens Chant 'Impeach 45' at 'Teen Vogue Summit': 'Let's talk about it in church'. Maxine Waters
was a guest of Teen Vogue and was interviewed about why she's calling on young teens to resist our president. This sick
behavior by a grown woman smells like sedition. [...] Congresswoman Maxine Waters is desperate to "Impeach 45," and she's
pleading with teenagers to follow her example and push her political agenda in church, and everywhere else.
Brock May Be Illegally Funding An Effort To Impeach Trump. David Brock's Media Matters for America appears to
be granting hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable funds to political groups that are trying to impeach the president
and unseat Republicans across the nation. Brock's Media Matters for America is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit
organization that has tax-exempt status. That tax-exempt status comes with an important caveat: the non-profit is
barred from participating in political activity — funding or otherwise — that is in support or
opposition to a candidate for office.
Time for Congress to Pass the 'John McCain Rule'. [Scroll down] The manufactured "Russian dossier" on
Donald Trump is simply a little "payback" for questioning President Obama's legitimacy. The Left will never give up,
they will crawl over broken glass and will not rest until they unseat President Trump.
Joe' contemplates Trump's mental 'stability' after dry-mouth speech. The panel on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"
suggested Thursday [12/7/2017] that President Trump is suffering from diminished mental capacity after he delivered a speech
and slurred some of his words toward the end. Republican strategist and MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt, a regular on
the show, said Trump appeared to have an "impairment" and called it "chilling" to watch. "This is not the person that
we knew even three years ago. ... There's a remarkable change," said host Joe Scarborough. "He seemed like he was
almost hanging on to the prompter and hanging on to the words," co-host Mika Brzezinski said. "Something, I don't know.
... There was a struggle happening."
Trump impeachment
vote fails overwhelmingly. House Democrats overwhelmingly joined Republicans on Wednesday to defeat an attempt
to impeach President Donald Trump. But 58 Democrats supported the bid to consider impeachment over the objections of
House Democratic leaders, who viewed the measure as a distraction in a Republican-controlled Congress. The motion to
sideline the measure — killing the effort — was approved 364-58, with four Democrats voting present.
Overwhelmingly Rejects Trump Impeachment Vote. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly rejected Texas
Democratic Rep. Al Green's bill to impeach President Donald Trump Wednesday on the House floor. Green and five
other House Democrats, introduced articles of impeachment against the president in November and listed a number of reasons
they believe Trump should be impeached. He mentioned obstruction of justice, a violation of the Constitution's foreign
emoluments clause, a violation of the Constitution's domestic emoluments clause, undermining the federal judiciary process
and undermining the press.
nearly 60 Dems who voted for impeachment. An unexpectedly high number of Democrats voted in favor of an effort
to launch impeachment proceedings against President Trump on Wednesday, revealing the growing agitation among liberals to
remove him from office. The House voted overwhelmingly 364-58 to table a resolution from Rep. Al Green (D-Texas)
laying out articles of impeachment against Trump, with four Democrats voting "present." All Republicans voted with 126
Democrats to defeat the resolution. Those Democrats included Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Minority Whip
Steny Hoyer (Md.), who announced ahead of the vote they would vote to table the effort.
quest for collusion is over as the desperate shriek for impeachment begins. The quest for collusion is
over. Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's Russia investigation has not — either through leaks or
announced indictments — revealed any collusion, and Democrats and their allies in the liberal mainstream media
know that it never will. This reality is setting in among the president's clearer-thinking foes, and they are
transitioning to an obstruction of justice claim in an effort to sustain the fight with President Trump. Mueller's
investigation has been looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 election since May. His team has made a number of
consequential findings, but none of them establish collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. We would know by
now if anyone close to Trump had actually colluded with Russia to impact the 2016 campaign. The only thing we know for
certain is that Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn have been indicted for or admitted to things
that fall short of collusion and have nothing to do with the president. The Democrats know their faux-outrage over
collusion is hollow and spent.
The Attempted Trump Coup.
Last year, before the election, a "Dossier" was assembled with the aid of a British former agent and a company formed by
several former reporters called "Fusion GPS" [...] The Democrats seem to be banking on a possible impeachment. Even if
they could not get the Senate to convict, unlikely to have a Democrat majority any time soon, a House resolution of
impeachment would be sweet revenge for Bill Clinton.
Irrational, Unshakable Faith of the Collusion Conspiracists. Michael Flynn pled guilty to a single count of
lying to the FBI. Instantly the Trump impeachment mob was high fiving and laying bets how soon the trail would lead to Trump
and force his exit. ABC's Brian Ross added to the frenzy when he breathlessly blurted that Flynn was cooperating with
Muller, and would testify that, during the campaign, Candidate Trump had directed him to contact the Russians. The mob
went wild. Smoking gun! Collusion! Treason! By the next day, Ross and ABC had to backpedal in
disgrace: The direction to Flynn came after the election, not before. That is, it was about transitional
diplomacy on behalf of an incoming administration, not about hacking emails or rigging the vote for a candidate in an
upcoming election.
Is Now an Obstruction Investigation. Many analysts are under the misimpression that it is typical for federal
prosecutors to accept guilty pleas on minor charges in exchange for cooperation that helps build a case on major
charges. From this flawed premise, they reason that Mueller is methodically constructing a major case on Trump by
accepting minor guilty pleas from Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos for making false statements, and by indicting Paul
Manafort and an associate on charges that have nothing to do with Trump or the 2016 election. That is simply not how
it works, strategically or legally.
Suspends "Chief Investigative Correspondent" for Anti-Trump Fake News. But this is still a report that should
never have aired. And we can now seen how such attacks on Trump don't just harm our political system, but cause
financial damage as well. The media's war on Trump is producing all sorts of collateral damage. Furthermore, even
if Ross' original report had been correct, that is in no way impeachable behavior. And the media's repeated
impeachment-baiting is causing serious harm to our country.
supports killing Donald Trump 'for the safety of humanity'. British singer Morrissey said he'd kill President
Trump "for the safety of humanity" if given the option to eliminate him instantly. The outspoken former frontman for
The Smiths answered affirmatively during a recent interview with German magazine Der Spiegel in response to a hypothetical
question about being able to kill Mr. Trump with the push of a button. "If there was a button here and if you
pressed on it, Trump would die dead [sic] — would you push it or not?" Der Spiegel asked Morrissey. "I
would, for the safety of humanity. It has nothing to do with my personal opinion of his face or his family, but in
the interest of humanity I would push," the singer responded.
Steyer: We Can't
Wait To Impeach Trump. Tom Steyer, a billionaire hedge fund manager and liberal mega-donor, told CNN's Dana
Bash on Sunday [11/26/2017] that President Donald Trump should be impeached as soon as possible. The San Francisco-based
mega donor financed a nationwide ad campaign urging Trump's removal from office by Congress for a variety of alleged offenses,
including collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election and heightened tensions with North Korea. He put
$20 million behind a national ad campaign urging impeachment, which includes both television and digital ads.
Maxine Waters:
Impeach Trump — for name-calling! Maxine Waters loves to talk about millennials, and she's
apparently adopted some of their traits, too. The California congresswoman made an appearance on Bloomberg TV on
Thursday and her definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" — the standard for impeaching a president of the
United States — appears to be lowering.
Franken's career is collateral damage for the Dems on the way to getting Trump. The logical steps for getting
Trump are clear. Step one: Establish that sexual harassment before taking office is sufficient grounds to remove
someone from office. This is the necessary predicate. Franken's departure from office will establish the
purported sincerity of the Democrats in establishing this brand-new principle. [...] Step two: Apply this doctrine to
Roy Moore if he should win the Senate seat for which he running. [...] Step three: Throw Bill Clinton under the bus.
[...] Step four: As the hysteria mounts, following the blood sacrifices, demand that President Trump be impeached for
actions before he took office.
Puts GOP on Notice: You're Going to Get Trump Impeached! Don't believe the Democrat-driven anti-Trump
hype about Tuesday night's election results, said LevinTV host Mark Levin. The real blame for the election losses lies
with Republican leadership in Congress. Levin went on to explain that in addition to factors like immigration and
Democrat-leaning northern Virginia's increasing political clout, one of the biggest factors Tuesday night — most
notably, Ed Gillespie's loss in Virginia's gubernatorial race — was the repeated failures of the do-nothing
Republican Congress. This should serve as a wake-up call, said Levin. "If the Republican Party doesn't get their
act together ... they could well lose the House [in 2018] and I fear they might," Levin said. "Because they have
nothing to run on." "And if the Republicans lose the House, the president will be impeached," said Levin.
to file new impeachment articles against Trump. A group of Democrats will file new articles of impeachment
against President Trump before Thanksgiving, according to Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.), who's leading the
charge. "It is clear to us that he is unfit to be president of the United States of America," Gutiérrez said
Wednesday. Gutiérrez, one of Trump's sharpest critics, declined to specify what grounds the articles will cite,
saying only that the Democrats are working with constitutional scholars to solidify their case.
Stars Who Imagined Violence Against Donald Trump. Since the election, several celebrities have voiced their
displeasure — even anger — with the Trump administration. Some have gone so far as to suggest
violent measures. From Robert De Niro to Snoop Dogg, here are nine left-leaning noteworthy people who have fanned
themes of violence toward Trump and the GOP.
Man Charged with Threatening to Assassinate President Trump. Can you imagine being POTUS and having this threat
every day while you're in the WhiteHouse? The threats are there but this type of threat is frightening because this man
is apparently mentally ill. We were unable to find any pictures of this man. He made vile and graphic threats to
President Trump and was charged.
Apologizes For Trump Tombstone At School Halloween Party. An elementary school principal in Gloucester is
apologizing for a controversial Halloween display at a school party. The parent teacher organization hosted a
fundraiser at West Parish Elementary School Friday night and one of the parents brought in a bean bag toss game that included
fake tombstones. One of them had the name "Don Trump" on it.
Maxine Waters threatens Trump assassination. California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has made a name for herself
since President Donald Trump was sworn into office. Waters travels the country and never misses the opportunity to
promise the impeachment of the president — including during her friend's eulogy. Last week, Waters took her
anti-Trump hysterics to the next level and vowed to "take Trump out" to a cheering crowd of Democrats.
founder Larry Flynt offers $10 million for dirt leading to Trump impeachment. Hustler founder Larry Flynt is
running a full-page ad in Sunday's Washington Post offering a $10 million reward for information leading to the impeachment
of President Trump, Fox Business reports. Anchor Liz Claman tweeted a photo of the ad, which reads: "Larry Flynt
and Hustler magazine announce a cash offer of up to $10 million for information leading to the impeachment and removal from
office of Donald J. Trump."
MSNBC Speculate on Removing Trump From Office Via 25th Amendment. CNN's Wolf Blitzer and MSNBC's Chris Matthews
both eagerly speculated on the latest long shot liberal hope to get rid of Donald Trump: The 25th Amendment. Building
off a mention of it Vanity Fair by Steve Bannon, Blitzer on Thursday [10/12/2017] asked correspondent Jessica Schneider "Tell our
viewers who aren't familiar with the 25th Amendment, Jessica, precisely what it does." She related the dreams of Democrats:
"It lays out the path for removal of the president in cases of inability. And that's a term that has never been defined or
suggested. So here's what exactly would need to happen to set the 25th Amendment in motion."
Mega-Donor Demands Democrats Pledge to Impeach Trump. Tom Steyer, Democratic mega-donor and environmentalist,
has demanded Democratic lawmakers and candidates pledge to to push for the impeachment of President Donald Trump if they take
control of Congress next year. Steyer, a California investor and multi-billionaire who donated more than $91 million to
Democratic campaigns during the 2016 cycle, issued a letter to Democrats on Wednesday [10/11/2017] demanding a pledge to push for
Trump's impeachment, the New York Times reported.
No guts: House
Dem pulls back from forcing impeachment vote. Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) stopped short of forcing a vote
Wednesday on articles of impeachment against President Trump, but insisted his push isn't over yet. Green announced his
intention on the House floor to offer the impeachment articles as a privileged resolution, which under House rules allows any
member to force a vote within two legislative days. The GOP presiding officer moved to consider Green's resolution less
than an hour later, but Green didn't show up, allowing the window for consideration to pass for now.
Maxine Waters: 'Impeachment Is About Whatever the Congress Says It Is'. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), who
previously has called for the impeachment of Donald Trump, on Thursday [9/21/2017] told a Congressional Black Caucus Town Hall on Civil
Rights that she expects other members of the black community to back her up: "Don't come here and tell me, 'Maxine, you keep on
doing what you do.' But when you gonna give me some support?" she asked.
The Editor says...
The loudest voices encouraging Maxine to keep doing what she does are those of the Republicans! Please do run for President, Maxine!
the Narcissistic Rage of the Left. How to account for the scorched-earth hatred of Donald Trump? He
inspires a darkly fanatical dislike, disapproval, and disgust in his most ardent detractors. He is a distillation for
millions of unhappy Americans of all things repugnant, repulsive, and wretched. The fever pitch at which he has been
mocked, ridiculed, condemned, and threatened is beyond anything anyone in living memory has been subject to — let
alone a sitting American president. From Colbert's "holster" to Madonna's fantasy of blowing up the White House to
Kathy Griffin's decapitation stunt, and De Niro's thug life wish to "punch him in the face," the gloves are most certainly
off — if only to better grasp a bludgeon. And that's just the celebrities. Even a state senator from
Missouri hoped for Trump's assassination on Facebook.
Maxine Waters Pushes Trump Impeachment — During a Eulogy! This is your 21st century version of the
Democrat party. Maxine Waters, who may run for POTUS in 2020 (we are all hoping she does and becomes the nominee) is
now pushing the impeachment of Donald Trump during a eulogy!
Anti-Presidential Campaign. After a catastrophic defeat, Hillary has spent her political retirement dividing
the country by casting doubt on her opponent's victory. The Russia conspiracy theory was the brainchild of her
political operatives and it helped convince Dems to push for impeachment while calling Republicans, traitors. The
unhinged ravings of Louise Mensch and Keith Olbermann have their origins in her conspiracy theory. This wasn't a gift
to the Dems. The conspiracy theory was wholly self-serving. It excused her from any of the blame and prevented
the Dems from figuring out what went wrong. Instead of learning how to talk to the white working class voters they
lost, the Democrats reeled further to the left and bet everything on impeachment.
Thought Is Violence. Throughout the eight years of Barack Obama, I was afraid to speak out against the man whom
I thought was not who he purported to be. I thought he was a horrible president without an ounce of honesty or humility,
pushing policies that were detrimental to every man, woman, and child in America. To say so aloud, however, was not
permitted, and when I started writing about him, the windows in my house were broken, not once, but twice. That was
then; I wonder what's in store now. Today you can say anything you want about the current president —
talk about killing him in the vilest of ways and it's not a problem.
The Impeachable Offense
and the Modern Presidency. The Trump presidency's legal and other difficulties have brought fresh attention to
the uses and limits of the impeachment process. Jane Chong and Benjamin Wittes have argued that Congress ought at least
to initiate a careful examination of the case for impeachment before potentially having to cobble it together on the fly.
Now books are appearing with advice on just that question.
Reporter: Pelosi Will Impeach Trump If Democrats Take Back The House. NYT Reporter Jeremy Peters warned
President Trump on MSNBC Thursday [9/14/2017] that his "new best friend," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, will move to
impeach him if she ever gains control of the House. The comment after after Pelosi released a statement announcing that
Trump "agreed to enshrine the protections of DACA into law," and also follows POTUS making a deal with Democrats to raise the
debt ceiling.
Grayson's anti-Trump mission: 'Lock him up'. Former Florida Congressman Alan Grayson is trying to rebrand
himself as a leader of the anti-Trump movement and has been soliciting donations for what he says will be crowdsourced
independent investigations into "Donald Trump and his henchmen." "This is not an organization for people who have mixed
feelings about Donald Trump, or who worry about whether VP Pence would be better or worse, or are willing to let Senate
Republicans 'investigate' Trump and leave it at that. No. This is an organization for people who have decided
that TRUMP MUST GO — and are ready to take action to make that happen," reads one email appeal from Grayson.
the Left's Plans to Occupy Trump. One week after Charlottesville, "the Resistance" is planning its next
move. Members of a group calling itself "Refuse Fascism" met in five cities around the country on Saturday with
the intent to plan and organize nationwide demonstrations later this year. Their goal, according to Eva Sahana, a
22 year-old organizer, is simply to "drive out the Trump and Pence fascist regime." The planning is still in its
early stages, but the organizers have an idea in mind. On Saturday, November 4 — approximately a year after
President Donald Trump's election — members of the Resistance will descend on America's major cities. They'll
march and demonstrate, as they have in the past, but this time, say organizers, they won't go home at the end of the day.
Instead, the plan is to occupy city centers and parks and not leave until, and only until, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence
have fallen.
Stone: Anyone Who Votes for Impeachment 'Would Be Endangering Their Own Life'. More and more, critics of
President Donald Trump wonder if his term in office will be cut short, either by removal via the 25th Amendment or
impeachment. TMZ caught up with former Trump adviser Roger Stone and asked what he thinks might happen. Suffice
to say, he doesn't think it would end well. First, Stone criticized those who are hoping for Trump's removal.
"The people who are calling for impeachment are the people who didn't vote for him," he said. "Sorry, he [won]. It's
over, you lost." But if the president is impeached, Stone says, there could be disastrous repercussions. "You will
have a spasm of violence in this country, an insurrection like you've never seen!" Stone warned. "Both sides are
heavily armed." "This is not 1974," Stone explained. "The people will not stand for impeachment."
Only Going to Get Weirder from Here. You hear it constantly these days: "This can't go on." "Something's
got to give." The hope that impeachment is around the corner is an unspoken assumption in much media coverage. "Trump
Is Just Six Senate Votes Away From Impeachment" blared a recent Newsweek headline. (News flash: He's not.) The Los
Angeles Times ran a forceful — and largely persuasive — editorial titled "Enough is Enough." It began,
"These are not normal times," and then followed with a blistering indictment of elected Republicans who refuse to stand up
and speak out about the damage the president is doing to the country and his own party. But maybe the new abnormal is
the new normal, as the last line of the piece suggests: "This is the seventh in a series." Part of the problem is that
President Trump, in terms of both his personality and his behavior, is like a magnet next to a compass, making it very difficult
to get accurate bearings.
Waters to Trump: 'Not only will we resist you, we will impeach you'. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., promised during an
awards show acceptance speech that she would not only resist the Trump administration, she would seek to impeach the president.
"I don't care how big you are, I don't care how high you think you are, if you come for me, I'm coming for you," Waters said while
accepting the 2017 Black Girls Rock! social humanitarian award earlier in August in Newark, NJ.
senator who urged Trump assassination booted from committees. Sorry might not cut it for the Missouri lawmaker
who called for President Trump's assassination. Missouri Senate leaders announced Tuesday [8/22/2017] that Democratic state
Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal has been stripped of her committee assignments, just two days after she tried to calm the
controversy with a public apology. Meanwhile, the state's Republican lieutenant governor, Mike Parson, on Tuesday
called for the Senate to go into special session to expel Chappelle-Nadal from the body.
Louis Newspaper Calls for Resignation of State Senator Who Posted About Trump's Assassination. One of
Missouri's biggest newspapers is calling for Democratic State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal to resign after her
controversial Facebook post hoping President Donald Trump will be assassinated. The editorial board of the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote Monday that "no clear-thinking public figure" would express hopes for an
assassination of the president, no matter how angry she was over his response to the violence in Charlottesville, Va.
The Missouri Democratic Party, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, Democratic Rep. William Lacy Clay, Republican
Gov. Eric Greitens, and Republican Lt. Gov. Mike Parson have all called for her resignation, the board noted.
Congressman: Some Of Us Really Want Mueller To Find Something We Can Use To Impeach Trump. [Scroll
down] Here's where I gently remind you that 60 percent of Trump supporters openly admit they can't think of anything
that Trump could do, or fail to do, as president that would make them disapprove of him. If the House GOP makes enemies
of those people by impeaching him, the midterms will be a catastrophe. Mueller's evidence would need to be strong enough,
and the offense severe enough, that Republicans would have more to fear from swing voters if they didn't act than from the base
if they did, which is a high bar. And to be clear: Mueller would need to find evidence of a crime, not
just "impropriety."
senator deletes hope for Trump assassination post. A Missouri lawmaker acknowledged Thursday [8/17/2017] that she posted
and later deleted a comment on Facebook about hoping for President Donald Trump's assassination, saying she was frustrated with the
president's response to the white supremacist rally and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Service investigating after Mo. senator's Facebook post hoping for Trump's assassination. Thursday morning, a
Missouri State Senator posted a comment on Facebook stating she hoped President Donald Trump will be assassinated.
Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, posted the comment, "No. I Will. I hope Trump is assassinated!" in
response to a comment from another person who posted about his cousin being on the President's secret service detail and his
fear that he will probably receive a visit from the secret service. A screenshot of the comment was posted to Twitter
by KMOX's Mark Reardon. "Someone wrote a statement on my Facebook and I responded with something that shouldn't have
been put up there," Chappelle-Nadal said.
Dem introduces measure urging Trump undergo mental exam. A House Democrat introduced a resolution on Friday [8/18/2017]
suggesting that President Trump undergo a physical and mental health exam to help determine whether he is fit for office.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren's (D-Calif.) resolution specifically calls on Vice President Pence and Trump's Cabinet members to "quickly
secure the services of medical and psychiatric professionals" to "assist in their deliberations" invoking the 25th Amendment,
which outlines presidential removal procedures. It posits that such an examination by doctors would "determine whether
the president suffers from mental disorder or other injury that impairs his abilities and prevents him from discharging his
Constitutional duties."
from ex-CIA and FBI counterterrorism analyst: 'the government is going to kill' President Donald Trump. The
signs are all around us that the subversion and worse is afoot among those who feel that the federal government belongs to
them, not to the voters of the Republic. You might even say that think of it as "our thing." Right out in plain
sight, we were warned last week in the words of someone who worked for Robert Mueller when he was head of the FBI. It
was on CNN, so few people saw it, and as CNN habitués, they may not have considered it disturbing. Nonetheless,
host Jake Tapper was sufficiently alarmed to clarify whether this was a metaphor. It was not.
Fired NSC Aide Reveals
Political Warfare Operation Targeting Trump. A White House National Security Council official has charged that leftist opponents of
President Trump are engaged in political warfare operations designed to subvert his presidency and drive him from office. Rich Higgins, until
recently director of strategic planning at the NSC, revealed the program in a seven-page memorandum produced in May that warns of a concerted
information warfare campaign by the Marxist left, Islamists, and political leaders and government officials opposed to the populist president.
"The Trump administration is suffering under withering information campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove
the president," Higgins states.
Pro-Hillary TV Personality Suggests
Military Coup To Depose Trump. Chelsea Handler suggested on Friday [8/11/2017] that U.S. generals should carry out a military coup to replace
President Trump, who she called "our idiot-in-chief." "To all the generals surrounding our idiot-in-chief — the longer U wait to remove
him, the longer UR name will appear negatively in history," the TV personality wrote on Twitter. Handler's comments come as the Trump administration,
including the Defense Department, are on heightened alert over a rhetorical battle between President Trump and North Korea.
Studies Prof: 'I Wish Someone Would Just Shoot' Trump. Donald Trump isn't everyone's cup of tea. Some
people love him, some people hate him, and some of us just watch the left howl over the guy while personally feeling kind of
"meh" about him as president. But some Leftist academics, for example, hate him so much they wish for assassination.
Today's Impeachment-Push Poll. Reporters Susan Page and Emma Kinery proclaimed a dark omen in the results,
which is why the newspaper asked the poll question. They said, "Just six months after his inauguration, Americans
already are split down the middle, 42%-42%, over whether President Trump should be removed from office, a new USA
TODAY/iMediaEthics Poll finds." What's the impeachable offense? If a national poll were to emerge with a 42-42 tie
over the belief that the moon is made of Swiss cheese, would the subsequent analysis focus on the concentration of moon
matter or the irrationality of 42% of the American people? It doesn't matter that the prospect for impeachment is zero
with Republicans in control of Congress.
CIA Director Calls For A Coup If Trump Fires Mueller. In the most vocal opposition to president Donald Trump
yet, former CIA Director John Brennan said that if the White House tries to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, government
officials should refuse to follow the president orders, as they would be — in his view — "inconsistent"
with the duties of the executive branch. "I think it's the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry
that out. I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue. That Republicans, Democrats are going to
see that the future of this government is at stake and something needs to be done for the good of the future," Brennan told
CNN's Wolf Blitzer at the Aspen Security Forum, effectively calling for a coup against the president should Trump give
the order to fire Mueller.
Psych profs call on Congress to 'end the Trump
presidency'. Five psychiatry professors recently signed an open letter urging Members of Congress to remove
President Trump from office on the grounds that he is mentally unfit. Three of the professors had previously expressed
similar concerns in a letter to then-President Obama, and another is part of a group called "Duty to Warn" that seeks to
publicize concerns about Trump's mental health.
House Democrat has filed an article of impeachment against Trump. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) on Wednesday [7/12/2017]
officially introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump on the grounds of obstructing justice. "Recent disclosures
by Donald Trump Jr. indicate that Trump's campaign was eager to receive assistance from Russia," he said in a statement. "It now
seems likely that the President had something to hide when he tried to curtail the investigation of National Security Advisor Michael
Flynn and the wider Russia probe," Sherman added. "I believe his conversations with, and subsequent firing of, FBI Director James
Comey constitute Obstruction of Justice." "I am introducing Articles of Impeachment to begin a long process to protect our
country from abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and impulsive, ignorant incompetence."
Hatch Plans A, B, and C to Impeach Trump. It's a movement that began before President Donald Trump was sworn
into office and the drive for impeachment has gone through many iterations. The earliest rationale was the Constitution's
"emoluments clause," which came amid loose talk of the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia and emerged as the
dominant theme. In lieu of a smoking gun in the Russian matter, the prevailing justification became that Trump tried to
obstruct an FBI probe of his former national security adviser. More recently, the emoluments issue re-emerged when
Democratic lawmakers filed lawsuits., Democracy for America, and other progressive or "resistance" groups
have been advocating for it. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., appears to have gotten the most airtime of anyone in
Congress talking about impeaching the president on talk shows and public events.
Did Trump Earn an Unprecedented Progressive Backlash? In truth we are back to 2004-2008, when the Left did to
George W. Bush what it is now doing to Donald Trump. Assassination? Alfred A. Knopf published Nicholson Baker's
novel, Checkpoint, about characters fantasizing how to kill Bush. A guest columnist in the Guardian, Charlie Brooker, wrote
to his British readers on the eve of the election fearing that if Bush were reelected, there would be no assassin to shoot
him: "John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr. — where are you now that we need you?"
Do we remember filmmaker Gabriel Range's "Death of a President," the docudrama about Bush's assassination that was a
favorite at the Toronto Film Festival? Cindy Sheehan wrote she wished to go back into time to kill a younger Bush
before he could be president.
The Democrats'
Latest Plan: Commit Political Dissidents Like Trump to "Psychiatric" Disposal. The former Soviet Union
possessed many imaginative mechanisms to deal with the problem of enemies of the people who obstructed the path to socialist
utopia — now known as "social justice." One of those mechanisms was the practice of confining individuals who
were thinking the wrong thoughts to insane asylums.
Read the 1970s guide to
impeachment from the Department of Justice. Since before even taking office, President Donald J. Trump has been the
center of intense impeachment gossip and speculation. It's garnered such significant interest that even unrelated searches can
yield bizarre theories on how it works.
didn't work with Goldwater either. Back in 1964, porn publisher Ralph Ginzburg published a bogus "survey" of
American psychiatrists claiming that Barry Goldwater was "mentally unfit" to be president. It did not work out and
Mr. Goldwater eventually lost because voters, not "experts" decided. Well, the idea is "sort of" back, although
we are not using psychiatrists but rather the 25th amendment.
Bill Lays the Groundwork to Remove Trump From Office. House Democrats are on a mission to educate the American
people about a little-known power of the 25th Amendment — the ousting of the president. Led by freshman
Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a group of growing Democratic co-signers has put forth a bill that could force President
Donald Trump from office if he were found mentally or physically unfit. Although it was introduced in April, the bill
has gained steam in the past week as Trump's tweet storms have grown in ferocity.
the Dignity of the Office. In fact, Donald Trump has restored dignity to the office, when you consider how
Barack Obama soiled the office with his own dissembling, fabrications, and manipulations, not to mention the sort of race
hustlers, hoodlums, felons, and traitors routinely welcomed to Obama's White House. Beneath the dignity of the
office: Bill Clinton spawned the genre. Obama fertilized it. Lest we forget, Obama welcomed Al Sharpton
60-70-100 times at the White House. At the same time, Obama hosted soirees with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Celebrated the swap of five terrorists for U.S. Army deserter Bergdahl in the Rose Garden. Embraced Rick Ross,
notorious rapper indicted for assault and kidnapping, whose ankle bracelet alarm went off at the White House[.]
The crazies
continue to try to oust Trump. Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland showed his loonier side this
week as he began circulating legislation to remove President Donald Trump as president via the 25th Amendment. Here we
go again with this embarrassing nonsense. Let's see, they already tried recounts, tried to hijack the Electoral College
(Trump's margin over Hillary widened after that), tried to blame Russia, and lastly tried the Emoluments Clause. After
this, then what?
Potemkin Progressivism.
Everywhere there is talk of "resistance," disruption, unrest, even impeachment. This, even though the thing being
resisted is the result of a free, open democratic election and the call for impeachment is not in response to any evidence of
a crime, much less a "high crime or misdemeanor" to propel such a proceeding. And now we have Robert Mueller, bosom
buddy of James Comey, as special counsel. Like Santa Claus, he is making his list and checking it twice, filling his
sleigh with Obama and Clinton attack dogs, and preparing to make his round-the-town journey to distribute presents to every
deserving boy and girl Democrat. He has his verdict. All he needs now is a tort, and that's what those salivating
Obama-and-Clinton terriers are for: digging, digging, digging. There has to be something, somewhere that they can
pin on Trump! Looked from the outside, you might think that the "progressive" Left were on the march, that they were
a rising force, voice of the people, popular-sentiment-against-entrench-interests, etc., etc.
Architecture of Regime Change. We are witnessing a desperate putsch to remove Trump before he can do any more
damage to the Obama project. Political, journalistic, and cultural elites of a progressive coastal culture aim at
destroying the Trump presidency before it can finish its full four-year term. The branches of this insidious coup
d'état are quite unlikely anything our generation has ever witnessed.
Franken warns Dems on Trump impeachment wish, says Pence 'would be worse'. Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota
has a message for fellow Democrats who yearn for President Trump's impeachment: Be careful what they wish for; they just
might get it. Mr. Franken told the International Business Times on Monday [6/19/2017] that those hoping that the FBI's
investigation into Russia's attempts to influence the November presidential election will pave the way for impeachment should
consider Vice President Mike Pence's policy preferences.
Impeaching Trump could lead to 'zealot' Pence. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) is cautioning his Democratic
colleagues that if President Trump is impeached, Vice President Pence would become president and he "would be worse" on
domestic issues. "He's ideological, I consider him a zealot," Franken told International Business Times in an interview
published Monday [6/19/2017]. "And I think that in terms of a lot of domestic policy, [Pence] certainly would be worse
than Trump."
Impeaching Trump is a Heavy Lift.
Suppose most Americans were to conclude that President Trump is unfit for office. How long would it take to remove him?
If President Nixon's example provides any guidance, the answer is: a long time — if ever.
Warn Trump Congress Will 'Begin Impeachment Proceedings' If He Fires Mueller, Rosenstein. Several Democrats in
Congress warned President Trump on Friday that he will face consequences if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller and
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. "All Americans, regardless of party, agree on the fundamental principle that no
one is above the law," Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) told MSNBC Friday [6/16/2017]. "And if President Trump were to fire Deputy Attorney
General Rosenstein, and then [get] special counsel Mueller fired, I believe Congress would begin impeachment proceedings." Rep.
Adam Schiff (D-CA) echoed Lieu's sentiments, saying that Congress would come together to make sure they overrule Trump's authority
on the matter. "Congress will not allow the president to so egregiously overstep his authority," Schiff said in a statement.
Trump's Impeachers. No Dem has been more honest about the real motive for impeachment than Congressman Ted
Lieu. "We should not give him a chance to govern," Lieu had declared after Trump had been in office for ten days.
And he predicted that, "I do believe that if we win back the House of Representatives, impeachment proceedings will be started."
What was the basis for impeaching President Trump after ten days in office? Lieu made it clear that if the Democrats won, they
would try to impeach Trump no matter what. That's not how things work in the United States. But the left is running America
like a banana republic.
Learning to Live with Treason. We are watching, in real-time, a palace revolution, an overt effort to remove the president of
the United States. Just as James Comey proudly admitted he leaked privileged communication to the press, so these insurgents brazenly
brag that they want to harm the president, to impeach him, to overthrow our government. The American people seem shockingly oblivious
to the looming danger. How did we get here? Well, let's give credit where credit's due: the left has its ducks in a row.
Leftists are carrying out a carefully planned, well executed plot to take control of our government.
Trot Out Plan C In Their Never-Ending Trump Impeachment Crusade. It is merely a coincidence that just as the
Trump-Russia collusion story started seriously falling apart, Democrats suddenly shifted gears to file a lawsuit against
President Trump for allegedly violating an obscure provision of the Constitution involving foreign "emoluments."
Frenzied Last Act Of The Watergate Brigade. A great deal of the emotion fueling the media war against Trump is
an indestructible yearning for the bygone day on which we destroyed a sitting president. [...] You don't have to read very
far to see that, for the people at those journals, candidate Trump was not simply guilty as charged; he was guilty before
being charged. By the way, subsequent coverage of the Trump administration has not strayed from those previews.
Democrat Violence
was Predictable. The attempted mass murder of several Republican members of Congress by a lone Bernie Sanders
Democrat was the foreseeable fruit of the "Resist!" movement. I know: I predicted it. Barring a change of
approach on the anti-Trump side, more such extremism is likely. Anomalous response to President Trump has been the
Democrats' strategy since election day when, contrary to custom, Hillary Clinton never made an appearance before her
assembled staff and supporters to concede victory on camera. Within hours of Trump's victory, leading Democrats
such as Representative Maxine Waters of California were calling for impeachment.
Impeach-Trump Conspiracy. The snail's pace of the FBI investigation explains Trump's frustration. What
explains the FBI's torpor? If J. Edgar Hoover had moved at this pace, John Dillinger would have died of old age.
We hear daily on cable TV of the "Trump-Russia" scandal. Yet, no one has been charged with collusion, and every
intelligence official, past or present, who has spoken out has echoed ex-acting CIA Director Mike Morrell: "On the
question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all....
There's no little campfire, there's no little candle, there's no spark." Where are the criminals? Where is
the crime?
Maxine Waters leads 'Impeach 45' chant as Nancy Pelosi looks on. The Democrats' Summer of Rage continued on Sunday
[6/11/2017] as they gathered in Los Angeles to stage a collective airing of grievances about the Trump presidency. Maxine Waters
and Nancy Pelosi were on the docket at the #ResistMarch, an amalgam of leftist malcontents, and the House Minority Leader looked
on as Waters attacked Trump and once again called for his impeachment.
Scarborough's deranged case for Trump to go. Joe Scarborough just can't help himself when it comes to criticizing
President Donald Trump. On his most recent show, the former Republican congressman suggested Trump was deranged, and that
Congress ought to consider removing him — an apparent hat tip to the long-running Democratic Party's call to
impeach. Say it isn't so, Joe. Are you really tossing in with the Maxine Waters of the Democratic world?
Keywords: Grandstanding, scrounging for relevance. TX
Dem: I'm Crafting 'Articles of Impeachment' Against Trump. The Democrat who took to the House floor to
call for President Trump's impeachment said he is moving forward in the process. Congressman Al Green (D-Texas) said on
C-SPAN that every member of Congress has the right to draft articles of impeachment. He said such documents must be
heard during official House business within two days.
The Democrats' Second
Secession & America's New Civil War. [Scroll down] So that no one would mistake their hostile intent, the Democrats' attacks were
accompanied by calls for Trump's impeachment, despite the fact that he had hardly been in office. These were echoed in massive street demonstrations,
organized and funded by core Democratic groups, which featured chants of "Not My President," claims by celebrity speakers that Trump's election was "worse
than being raped," and addled wishes to "blow up the White House." Each protest — no matter its official organizing premise — was
orchestrated to underscore the identity-driven accusations that the Trump regime was anti-woman, anti-black, anti-Muslim, and anti-immigrant.
Trump and his supporters were in turn anathemized as members of a hostile tribe — "white nationalists."
in the Cesspits of Despair. Last week, revered left wing thinker Noam Chomsky said that President Trump and the
Republican Party represent a worse threat to humanity than ISIS; NBC news reader Lester Holt interrupted the President of the
United States nine times in three minutes; some art professor announced that Republicans in Congress should be lined up and
shot; and exactly none of the mainstream media players, from the New York Times to CBS and the Huffington Post, all of which had
spent weeks enthusiastically berating Sarah Palin for suggesting the Republicans target a few House districts for election
purposes protested repeated calls for Trump's assassination or saw anything wrong with any of the rest of it. This
behavior stands in stark contrast to what Republicans do when they lose elections: no serious conservative, for example,
advocated that Obama be shot; tea party gatherings never turned into riots; and even fringe right wing sites generally talk
more about issues than personalities.
MSM Began To Mention Trump's
Impeachment During His First Week In Office. Based on a review of the first 200 of the 15,000 Google News
results +trump+impeachment, it is estimated there were 3,750+ mentions of Trump's impeachment in mainstream vehicles.
Most were not calling for impeachment, but covering others who called for or mentioned the possibility of impeachment.
Some of the coverage came from conservative media generally covering impeachment talk by others. For example the one
reference that was from before the inauguration was a Fox News reference to Chris Matthews and Maxine Waters discussing
impeachment on January 17th. Why is any of this important? It is just one more piece of evidence that the
media has been biased against President Trump from the very beginning. During the first week of any other presidency
the media would have ignored calls for impeachment by others, or at the very least treated them with scorn.
Trump Presidency
Takedown Effort Is Underway. Did Russia meddle in our election? Perhaps. But what exactly does that
mean? They've been doing it for decades. Did President Obama meddle in Britain's election on Brexit? Did he
intervene in Israel's election against the sitting prime minister? Yes, absolutely. So where was the special
counsel for that? [...] Why not look into Hillary Clinton's substantial business and financial ties to the Russians?
We've done that, with the heavy lifting performed by Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash. The Clintons
profited through high-price speeches and donations, as even The New York Times acknowledged, that came from the principals of
the Canadian company Uranium One to the tune of more than $100 million dollars to their foundations, while Hillary's
State Department office was signing off on effectively giving Russia 20 percent of American uranium reserves. Clinton
campaign manager John Podesta sat on the board of Joule Unlimited, which received $35 million in investments from Russia.
Behind The Curtain: This Is Who Is Really Behind The 'Impeachment Mania'. The left is in the midst of a
major temper tantrum. The reason? They cheated, connived, and manipulated a win for Hillary Clinton and she lost
anyway. It's no wonder Clinton, the woman with the gleeful full-body-he's-an-idiot shiver during one debate, nearly
went ballistic on the night of the election after she realized she lost to a man liberals view as a clown with a canary-yellow
pompadour. So, rather than accept the results of a fair election, and rather than submit to the will of "We the people,"
the "Love Trumps hate" crowd has formed a hateful resistance and is presently in the process of trying to drive Donald Trump
from the White House.
The Rosenstein Doctrine.
The Democrats are trying their best to mount a coup d'état based on shrieks and innuendoes and smoke and mirrors and
rage. It's time for Republicans to stop running for cover and to stand up for the lawfully elected Republican
President. Our Republican President in many ways is a clown. But as far as we know, he's not a lawbreaker.
The foolish
fantasies of the 'Impeach Trump' crowd. To remove Trump from office via impeachment, you need a two-thirds
majority of the Senate. Even if all 48 Democrats and Democratic-aligned independents voted in lockstep to impeach,
you'd still need 19 Republican senators to join them. That's a fantasy — at least based on what we know now,
both about Russia and about the GOP-held Senate. It probably wouldn't even happen if, as Trump himself once imagined,
the president shot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue. Remember, neither of America's impeached presidents, Andrew
Johnson and Bill Clinton, was actually convicted and removed from office via such a Senate vote. Why? Because
it's really, really hard to do.
White House Lawyers Are Prepping For Impeachment Proceedings. White House lawyers have reportedly begun
preparing for the possibility that President Donald Trump will face impeachment proceedings. CNN, citing unnamed
sources, reports attorneys in the White House Counsel's office have begun researching the particulars of impeachment
proceedings and consulted experts outside the administration with specialized knowledge of the process. The sources add
that the White House does not currently believe impeachment is a realistic prospect. The administration has been
rattled by a deluge of bombshell reports in recent days.
Witch-Hunting for Trump. There is no evidence that the Russians
controlled Trump or anyone in his campaign. It's all about a fantasy. So, now we have a hunt for something that is non-existent, as far as anyone
knows. In Watergate, there was at least one little crime — the break-in at the Watergate. Here, there's nothing.
It's a Coup!.
This coup didn't happen in a vacuum. It is a field operation led by Barack Hussein Obama from his home in Washington,
D.C. while financed by Globalist billionaire George Soros. Leading this coup with Obama is his closest adviser, Valerie
Jarrett, who has moved into the Obama household. They, along with their many leftist compadres still entrenched in the
hierarchy of the beltway, are at the forefront of this coup. Through leaks, false narratives, lies, and misinformation
they are plotting President's Trump's demise.
We Are Watching
A Slow-Motion Coup D'etat. It's nearly incontrovertible that a slow-motion coup d'etat is now taking
place. Since November 9, 2016, forces within the U.S. government, media, and partisan opposition have aligned to
overthrow the Electoral College winner, Donald Trump. To achieve this they have undermined the institutions of the
Fourth Estate, the bureaucratic apparatus of the U.S. government, and the very nature of a contentious yet affable two-party
political system. Unlike the coup d'etat that sees a military or popular figure lead a minority resistance or majority
force into power over the legitimate government, this coup d'etat is leaderless and exposes some of the deepest fissures in our
system of government. This coup d'etat represents not the rule of one man or even many, but by the multitude of our elites.
Democrats need to 'curb their enthusiasm' over Trump impeachment. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.,
said Thursday [5/18/2017] that some House Democrats need to "curb their enthusiasm" over the possibility that President Trump
could be impeached. "I hope some would curb their enthusiasm until we have all of the facts and have confidence that
when the American people understand what is there, whether it's grounds for impeachment or grounds for disappointment, then
they'll know," Pelosi told reporters.
Combating the Power of Media Lies.
If the allegations against Mr. Trump made by his enemies are true, he should resign. But what should he do if they are false?
How does he go on with his job of keeping the nation safe when too many of his underlings regard betraying him and U.S. national security as the
highest form of patriotism? When the media will continue the witch hunt against him as long as he holds his position, in much the same
fashion that the media hunted Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson, who did nothing other than his unfortunate duty when attacked by Michael Brown?
Want To Impeach A Republican President? What Else Is New? According to a list compiled by CNN, 27
Democrats have so far come out in favor of impeaching Trump. What they don't provide is context. For 36 years,
Democrats have routinely called for impeaching Republican presidents at the drop of a hat.
In 1998, Maxine Waters Called
Impeachment a 'Coup d'etat'. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), along with her colleague Al Green (D-TX), is a leader of the impeach-Trump
movement. But in 1998, Waters called impeachment a "coup d'etat." And she wasn't just upset about because she thought Bill Clinton was
not guilty, she was upset at the use of the institution of impeachment. She called it an "unapologetic disregard for the voice of the people"
and an "abuse of power in the collecting of so-called 'evidence' and the denial of the presumption of innocence." But isn't this exactly what
she's proposing doing to President Trump?
Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump. When House Democratic leaders hastily called a news conference
Wednesday to demonstrate their outrage at President Trump's latest dramatics, they took great pains to show they were not
seeking to railroad him out of the White House. "No one ought to, in my view, rush to embrace the most extraordinary
remedy that involves the removal of the president from office," said Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the
sober-minded senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. He warned that Democrats should not let their actions
"be perceived as an effort to nullify the election by other means." At that very moment, Representative Al Green,
Democrat of Texas, was in the well of the House thundering, "The president must be impeached!"
coup attempt, not a Constitutional crisis. Trump will not be impeached, and he will not be harried out of
office. But he faces a formidable combination of media hostility — what the president today denounced as a
"witch hunt" — and a divided White House staff prone to press leaks. The likely outcome will be a prolonged
dirty war of words that will delay Trump's domestic agenda and tie down his loyalists with the chores of fire-fighting.
One thinks of Gulliver tied down by the Lilliputians.
Maxine Waters Forced To Again Admit There's No Evidence. A week ago we discussed Crazy Maxine Waters, who's
constantly out and about doing her impeach Trump schtick, admitting she's seen zero evidence of collusion vis a vis Russia
and Trump. Well, she was on friendly ground, and forced to admit it again[.]
Propaganda Started Before Trump was Even Nominated. Really, the Democrats plans regarding Trump are going the
way they wanted from a year ago. Certainly, Trump is helping them with their talking points by being a loose cannon and
not staying on message, but, this was the Democrats playbook from the get-go.
Comey memo offers no proof for impeachment of Trump. With the scandal du jour of the Comey memo, President
Donald Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia looks less like a diplomatic flight as fleeing the jurisdiction. For the first
time, the Comey memo pushes the litany of controversies surrounding Trump into the scope of the United States criminal
code. However, if this is food for obstruction of justice, it is still an awfully thin soup.
Team Creators of Trump's Physical 'Defects' Now Trying to Back Away from Them. University of Utah professor
Christopher L. Peterson, was the first to call for the impeachment of Donald Trump — before he was even
elected. And we all know that the Big Women's March staged the day after Trump's inauguration had to have been in the
works for a very long time. Impossible to organize millions to take to the streets worldwide, overnight. The
number of marchers wearing the march's symbolic pink [...] caps told the tale of long-time planning and organization.
Impeachment Fever.
The same people pushing Trump's impeachment sat by silently as Barack Obama, the most despotic, overreaching president since
the great proto-fascist Woodrow Wilson, committed impeachable offenses nearly every day.
Impeachment Fever.
Democrats and their media allies are whipping themselves into a frenzy in their quest to impeach the duly elected 45th
president of the United States and drive him from office. It is part of the Left's collective mental breakdown.
These people still cannot accept that Donald Trump defeated the anointed Hillary Clinton in November so they lash out
at the president and his successors, often violently, as we've seen in recent months.
There Is No Path to
Impeachment! The media's narratives get even more hysterical and unhinged every day, as they lose the
arguments following the fake news they invent every day, but among their echo chambers who'll believe anything.
Post Goes Down The Moonbat Hole Of Impeachment. There may be some Democrats who are serious, such as Nutty
Maxine Waters, but, most of this impeachment schtick is simply a cynical, and dangerous, ploy to win an election. They
might find that the more they ramp up the crazy, the more people back away from the crazy, and support Trump and the
Republicans. It could very well backfire.
Waters, you're embarrassing yourself. Rep. Maxine Waters — and I'm betting at this point, that's all
I have to write, that you already know where the story leads. If you guessed an impeach Trump theme, you're quite right.
slam brakes on Washington business after Comey's firing, suggest impeachment. Washington ground to a halt Wednesday [5/10/2017]
as Democrats exploded over the firing of FBI Director James B. Comey, laying out a list of demands they said must be met before President
Trump and Congress regain a sense of normalcy. Several Democrats and liberal activists raised the prospect of impeachment, but most
lawmakers set their sights lower, saying they wanted to at least preserve and protect the ongoing FBI probe into Trump campaign figures'
dealings with Russia.
Man Dies Peacefully After Being Falsely Told "Donald Trump Has Been Impeached". Would you attempt to bring
someone happiness in their final moments in life, knowing full well that what you just told them was a lie? Well, one
Oregon woman thought this was a good idea and, because of it, her ex-husband died with a smile on his face. According
to an obituary for 76-year-old Michael Garland Elliott who passed on April 6, that last thing he heard was a comment
from his ex-wife and best friend, Teresa Elliot.
Maxine Waters: 'I Think It's In the Best Interest of My Constituents to Get Rid of (Trump)'. Rep. Maxine
Waters (D-Calif.) said again on Friday she doesn't "honor" or "respect" President Donald Trump. "I don't think that he
deserves to be president of this great country. I am very concerned about him. And I really think he's
dangerous," Waters told MSNBC's "Morning Joe." Waters also said she thinks "it's in the best interest of my constituents
to get rid of him." The congresswoman backed up her poor opinion of the president by pointing to a "scathing" six-part
series about Trump in The Los Angeles Times, and she once again said she believes he will be impeached. In the
meantime, she said, "I'm not going to be able to work with him."
Waters Falsely Denies Calling For Trump's Impeachment. California Rep. Maxine Waters is denying ever having called for
Donald Trump's impeachment, a bizarre claim since she was recorded on video just this weekend leading a crowd of activists in an
"Impeach 45!" chant. In an interview on Tuesday [4/18/2017] with MSNBC's Craig Melvin, Waters was asked about a tweet she
sent out earlier in the day saying that she was going to fight "everyday until [Trump's] impeached." Waters said that allegations
of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government need to be investigated.
Waters rallies Tax March crowd for Trump's impeachment. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) renewed her call for
impeaching President Trump during Saturday's Tax March in Washington. "I don't respect this president. I don't
trust this president. He's not working in the best interests of the American people," Waters said. "I will fight
every day until he is impeached," she added, before leading the crowd in chants of "impeach 45." Waters has been among the
most vocal critics of Trump in Congress, and she has repeatedly signaled that she would be willing to impeach the president.
Maxine Waters Even Spell Impeachment? Some might ask why a confused Dem hack would become the voice of the
"resistance". A better question might be why not. Maxine Waters has built her career on getting out there and yelling
angrily about things. That makes her perfectly qualified in a political atmosphere where all the left-wing wants is
angry shouting. Waters has picked up on the fact that anything involving impeachment is perfect prog-bait feeding the
fantasy that President Trump will go away soon.
State Reports Own Professor for 'Trump Must Hang' Tweet. Virulently anti-Trump professors — by which
I mean "most professors" — feel pretty invincible. After all, when a video recently surfaced of a professor
comparing the election of Trump to a terrorist attack, the student filming it got punished. So imagine Fresno State
professor Lars Maischak's surprise last week when his tweet demanding President Trump be hung was reported to law enforcement
by Fresno State's president: [...]
"Resistance" Democrats Are A Terrorist Party. What does #Resistance really mean? It means the overthrow of our government. [...]
Leftist media outlets are feeding the faithful a fantasy that President Trump will be brought down. There is fevered speculation about the
25th Amendment, a coup or impeachment due to whatever scandal has been manufactured last. This fantasy is part clickbait. Leftist
media outlets are feeding the worst impulses of their readers.
'Trump Must Hang,' Republicans Should Be Executed For Each Immigrant Deported. A history professor at
California State University, Fresno, appears to have advocated for the death of President Donald Trump on Twitter.
Tweets from an account purportedly operated by Professor Lars Maischak call for Trump to "hang" in order to "save American
democracy," and say the only "cure" for racist people is a bullet to their head. The account is not verified, although
the bio and interactions between the user and other Twitter users indicate it belongs to the professor. "To save
American democracy, Trump must hang," Professor Lars Maischak appears to have tweeted in February.
Check: Fresno Bee Lies About Professor's Call To Kill Trump. There's a lot of talk about a post-truth
society these days. A post-truth society kicks in when there is no respect for even the most blatantly obvious
facts. Professor Lars Maischak, who teaches, among other things, Marx and Hegel, at California State University,
Fresno, tweeted, calls to kill Trump and Republicans. [Tweets] Could the media possibly defend and whitewash
this? Do you even need to ask. No leftist can do anything too terrible for the media to defend.
Needs to Be Impeached!' Joy Behar Freaks Out on the View. During a segment talking about Russia, North Korea,
and Trump's relationship with these countries on The View Monday [4/3/2017], host Joy Behar threw a temper tantrum,
calling on the president to be impeached. After reading out-of-context quotes from Trump about using nukes, Behar couldn't
contain her rage any longer and demanded that Trump be "taken out of office," to roaring applause from the liberal audience.
Is the fall
inevitable? The euphoria conservatives felt from the November election has evaporated. The left is at war
with President Trump, the very left that has fully taken over the Democratic Party. We know that the establishment
media are in bed with the Democrats. Even the establishment members of the Republican Party are colluding with the
Democrats. There seems to be no doubt that many of the Republicans on the Hill would love to see Trump unseated, and it
would not matter to them if Mike Pence or Hillary Clinton or Paul Ryan were to take the reins.
Trump? I Don't Think So. The Left continues to relentlessly promote their lie that Trump stole the election
by scheming with the Russians. Their goal is to get enough people believing Trump's presidency is illegitimate that
they can impeach him.
There weren't any clouds over Obama's head? Schumer:
No SCOTUS Appointment While There Is A Cloud Hanging Over Trump's Head. As Republicans hail Judge Neil Gorsuch
as an "outstanding" Supreme Court nominee, Democrats are lining up against him for partisan reasons. "My view is very
simple," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told a news conference on Tuesday [3/21/2017]. "And that is, there
is a cloud now hanging over the head of the president, and while that's happening, to have a lifetime appointment made by this
president seems unseemly, and there ought to be delay."
Graham questions Gorsuch about impeaching Trump. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham on Tuesday [3/21/2017] questioned
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch about what it would take to impeach President Trump. The Republican senator used a portion of
his time for questions at the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing to probe Gorsuch about the impeachment process. "In case
President Trump is watching, which he may very well be, one you did a good job picking Judge Gorsuch," Graham said to laughs, "and
number two — here's the bad part — if you start waterboarding people, you may get impeached. Is that a
fair summary?"
Dropped on Congress-Impeach-Trump Plans. No matter how much the Obama appointed Comey achieved in a long career
with the FBI, he is now the wind-up doll sent out by the Democrats to force the impeachment of a duly elected President
Donald Trump. Now that talk show radio host Rush Limbaugh has said that claims of Russian election interference are
just a cover for the real game being played; that Trump either stops this reform business he's got, stops this drain-the-swamp
stuff, and starts letting the Republicans run the town again, or they're gonna impeach him", I can already sense the trolls
getting ready to strike this column.
Offenses to be determined later. Sounds like a lynching. Maxine
Waters tells Trump to 'get ready for impeachment'. California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters said that
she's ready to impeach President Trump on his 61st day in office. "Get ready for impeachment," Waters tweeted.
'Let's Be Really Blunt, the Dems Want Trump Out of Office'. Laura Ingraham said this morning that President
Donald Trump made a "mistake" when he tweeted a now-dismissed allegation that President Obama spied on Trump Tower. She
said Trump must stick to facts and stay focused on working on the promises he made during the campaign, like the economy,
health care and border security.
Anyone surprised Obama won't go away?
Trump has NONE of the benefits Obama enjoyed[:] no political media, no sports media, no Hollywood, no print media, no Entertainment
Industry. [...] We are up against the most radical lefties that have EVER been in power in America[. T]hey detest what America
stands for[. T]hat's why Obama wanted to 'fundamentally change' it[,] and now they have been rejected by the American people and
they've completely lost their minds. They weren't supposed to lose! These people are communists and their goal is to overthrow
our president[,] and it absolutely cannot be allowed to happen.
George Takei under fire after calling Trump a 'menace' that must be gotten rid of. Actor George Takei doesn't
like President Trump, and frequently attacks him on Twitter. But his latest attack on the president seems to be a bit
more threatening than some of his online rants. "A citizen making claims without evidence is a nuisance. But if
it's the President, it becomes a menace. And we must be rid of menaces," he wrote on Sunday [3/5/2017].
Why Yes — We're Looking At Ways To Impeach Trump. Yesterday [2/27/2017], House Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a prebuttal conference in the First Amendment Lounge of
the National Press Club. At the presser, Pelosi was asked about impeaching Donald Trump, which is something that the
progressive base of the Democratic Party is clamoring for Congress to do. With a solid Republican majority, that's not
going to happen.
Come Up With a Practical Way to "Banish" Trump: Witchcraft. Tonight [2/24/2017] is the big night: all
across the country, witches will gather to light candles and mutter incantations in hopes of evicting President Trump from
the White House. [...] The idea is that these witchcraft events will continue until Trump is "driven from office."
'Do Democrats Understand They Need to Control the House to Impeach?'. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) [...] panned
impeachment talk a month into President Trump's term. "Impeachment is a constitutional function. Yes, the left
keeps talking about impeachment. I mean, they were talking about impeachment before the inauguration," he said.
"And, you know, I think impeaching Obama in January probably would have been a mistake." "So would retroactive impeachment
be unconstitutional? I don't know, but it would be fun... Do the Democrats understand they need to control the House of
Representatives to impeach somebody?"
talk flies at DNC chair debate. The seven candidates for chair of the Democratic National Committee laid out
their plans to lead the political party, including impeaching President Trump — a rallying cry even House Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi has said is not yet warranted. One of the top contenders in the race, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.,
cited examples of actions Trump has taken in his first month in office that are worthy of being fired as commander in
chief. "I think that Donald Trump has already done a number of things which legitimately raise the question of
impeachment. On day one, he was in violation of the emoluments clause," Ellison said during a CNN town hall on
Wednesday evening.
of outsider Trump rankles federal bureaucrats. War has been declared on President Trump. It's actually a
war against those of us who work for a living, pay taxes, don't collect a government handout, pay for our own health
insurance and don't have lobbyists on the payroll. Since the November election, it has been a nonstop barrage of hate
from the Democrats and the mainstream media. Not for one moment have they given our new president a honeymoon or one
ounce of cooperation. Some of these hyper-partisans even suggested impeachment before he was sworn into office.
keep showing off their civic ignorance. Last week, cable news personality Sally Kohn tweeted what she called a
"straightforward" plan that would eject Donald Trump and install Hillary Clinton into the presidency: "1. Impeach Trump
Pence; 2. Constitutional crisis; 3. Call special election; 4. Ryan v Clinton; 5. President Clinton."
Anyone with middle-school knowledge of the presidential chain of command should know that impeaching both Trump and his vice
president would not, actually, lead to a "constitutional crisis" or a "special election." It would lead directly [...]
to President Paul Ryan. Whom Clinton would be welcome to challenge in the next election. Kohn is far from alone
in broadcasting her ignorance of the political process. Our so-called "elite" seems to be in desperate need of a
remedial civics class.
Amendment chatter: Dems, pundits mull ways to remove Trump. As President Trump finishes his fourth week
in the White House, a number of opposition lawmakers, political commentators, and self-styled members of The Resistance are
discussing ways in which the president might be quickly removed from office. Some have talked about impeachment for
quite a while, even before the Trump inauguration. But that could take a long time, and it would require Trump to
commit, and then be charged with and convicted of, "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" to meet the
Constitution's standard for removing the president from office.
from ultra-liberal Portland, Oregon says he's looking at the 25th amendment because he fears for Trump's mental health. A
Democratic lawmaker says he's so concerned about Donald Trump's 'erratic behavior' that he wants to revise the 25th Amendment in case the
president demonstrates that he does not have the 'mental and emotional capacity' to do his job. Oregon Congressman Ed Blumenauer, who
represents the liberal city of Portland, Oregon, says he sees a 'glaring flaw' in the wording of the amendment that was ratified in 1967 in
response to JFK's assassination. 'For a mentally unstable, paranoid or delusional president, the 25th Amendment has no guarantee of
its application. In fact, it's likely that it would fail,' Blumenauer said in a speech this week on the House floor.
The Editor says...
Where was Mr. Blumenauer when the paranoid, delusional, narcissistic megalomaniac Barack H. Obama repeatedly spoke
about his imaginary sons?
Notes On Flynn's
Ouster. I have a few thoughts about the resignation of Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn. First, I'm
calling it an "ouster" because it appears to be the result of a campaign against him. Indeed, Eli Lake calls it a
"political assassination." Lake quotes Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House intelligence committee, as follows:
"First it's Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then it will be Reince Priebus." "Put
another way," Lake adds (melodramatically?), "Flynn is only the appetizer; Trump is the entree."
Waters: We need investigation to find evidence to impeach Trump. Shades of Alice in Wonderland's
Queen: "sentence first — verdict afterwards." On Joy Reid's MSNBC show this morning, Dem Rep. Maxine Waters
doubled down on her earlier statement that "my greatest desire is to lead [President Trump] right into impeachment." Asked
by Reid on what grounds she would impeach the president, Waters offered no evidence but said "I believe" there's a connection
between Ukraine, Trump, and Russia, and "I think" Trump "colluded" with Putin during the election. Concluded Waters:
"I think that it's there, we just have to dig deeper, do the investigation and find it."
US congresswoman advocates
impeaching Trump because Putin's attacking... Korea? Representative Maxine Waters has argued that US President
Donald Trump will inevitably be impeached because of his alleged ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin who she claimed is
"advancing in Korea." Waters, a 13-term Democrat from Los Angeles, has called for Trump's impeachment several times
now, however she has yet to explicitly accuse the president of breaking the law.
Maxine Waters, Calls For Trump Impeachment. Gotta hand it to Maxine Waters, the California Congresswoman has
never met a Republican she didn't hate, or a corrupt liberal movement she didn't love, but that doesn't stop her from spewing
her venom in public. Ms. Waters has been feasting on her hatred of Donald Trump ever since he won the election,
even to the point of saying she would never meet with or work with the new president. Last week she tweeted that she
wanted to lead trump into impeachment (I don't understand how she intends to do that without meeting with him).
Waters Wants to Impeach Trump Because She Disagrees With Him, Or Something. Democrats have been throwing temper tantrums on Capitol Hill since
before President Trump was officially sworn in on January 20 and have given every indication we shouldn't expect their obstructionist behavior to end
anytime soon. Speaking to reporters Monday [2/6/2017], Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters said she isn't calling for Trump's impeachment... yet.
Pentagon official says anti-Trump military coup now possible. A former Defense Department official under the
Obama administration has raised the specter of a military coup to remove President Donald Trump from power. In an
editorial penned for Foreign Policy, senior Pentagon policy official Rosa Brooks publicly suggested a military insurrection
against the Trump administration may be the only option to oust one of the most divisive presidents in American history.
Maxine Waters: 'I Haven't Called for the Impeachment — Yet'. "I have not called for the impeachment — yet,"
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said of President Donald Trump at a Monday [2/6/2017] press conference. "He's doing it himself."
On Friday, Waters said she hoped Trump would not serve for four years: "And my greatest is to lead him right into impeachment."
Congressman: If Trump Ignores Judges' Stays On Executive Order, We Should Consider Impeachment.
Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said that Congress should consider impeaching President Trump if he instructs members of
federal law enforcement to ignore two stays that were issued by federal judges concerning his executive order on immigration,
specifically the 120-day ban on anyone entering the U.S. from seven predominantly Muslim countries, three of which are
designated by the State Department to be sponsors of terrorism. Almost all of them are considered to be failed
states. Castro added that if Trump ignores these orders, it would be like living in a military junta.
Okay — let's dial down the hyperbole. First, the executive order is lawful and constitutional. Second,
a Republican Congress is not going to impeach Trump for trying to enact national security measures, like border
security. Third, you're really stoking the liberal base for your possible 2018 run against Sen. Ted
Cruz (R-TX) aren't you, Joaquin?
Rep. Joaquin Castro: Impeach Trump over Refugee Order. Texas Democratic Representative Joaquin
Castro says Congress should draw up "articles of impeachment" against President Donald Trump over his executive order, which
temporarily prohibits the arrival of Syrian refugees into the United States and halts entry of citizens from Somalia, Sudan,
Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Castro's concerns, he says, stem from a fear that Trump will order the Customs and
Border Protection Agency (CBP) to ignore a federal judge's emergency stay, issued during the weekend, blocking the
implementation of certain parts of the temporary refugee travel ban.
reasons why Trump should hate the media. [#2] Minutes after Mr. Trump [was] sworn in, multiple news outlets ran
Trump impeachment stories. • Washington Post headline at 12:19 p.m. on Inauguration Day: "The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun"
• Huffington Post: "Here are the current betting odds on Trump being impeached"
• Time: "There's already a campaign to impeach Donald Trump"
• New York Daily News: "Here's how President Trump may have already set himself up for impeachment"
David Brock Memo: Defeat Trump Through Impeachment. A confidential David Brock memo obtained by the
Washington Free Beacon lays out the ways the Democratic operative plans to use his numerous organizations to take down
President Donald Trump through impeachment. Brock is currently at the Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Fla. for a
weekend conference with more than 100 major liberal donors. Attendees are mapping out a course to combat the newly
sworn-in president. According to the private and confidential memo, Brock plans to defeat Trump "through impeachment,"
using American Bridge, his liberal super PAC, as the main vehicle to do so.
Waters Calls For Impeachment If Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia. Monday on MSNBC's "Hardball," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
said if President-elect Donald Trump or staff on his campaign had "collusion" or "exchanges of information," with Russian government officials
about former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, that would justify impeachment.
The Editor says...
Apparently none of this was enough to warrant Barack H. Obama's impeachment, in Ms. Waters' opinion.
conspiracy to impeach Trump already launched. It should be crystal clear to all Americans that his political
enemies are searching for any pretext to launch an impeachment effort to unseat President Trump, once they think it would
have a chance of success. Given the level of animosity toward Trump in his own party, and the possibility of midterm
election losses for the president's party (the normal pattern in American politics), these efforts can't be dismissed as impossible.
David Brock Memo: Defeat Trump Through Impeachment. A confidential David Brock memo obtained by the
Washington Free Beacon lays out the ways the Democratic operative plans to use his numerous organizations to take down
President Donald Trump through impeachment. Brock is currently at the Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Fla. for a
weekend conference with more than 100 major liberal donors. Attendees are mapping out a course to combat the newly
sworn-in president. According to the private and confidential memo, Brock plans to defeat Trump "through impeachment,"
using American Bridge, his liberal super PAC, as the main vehicle to do so.
Document location
Updated March 22, 2025.