
This site has no advertising on any page.
This website has no spontaneous video clips, no obtrusive self-promotion, no clutter, and no salacious click bait.
You didn't come here to watch TV commercials, so there aren't any.
You didn't come here to see little pictures of Elon Musk, Chuck Norris, and Reba McEntire pop up in the corners.
The entire internet should be like this place.

First-time visitors should start with the basics:

Electronic Voting, Voter Fraud, and "Election Day" that lasts a week or more
The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump
The Deep State vs Donald Trump
News media bias against President Trump
The January 6th (2021) incident at the US Capitol
Joe Biden
      News media bias in Joe Biden's favor
      News media dishonesty
      Stories that were kept quiet by the news media
The Road to Tyranny is All Downhill From Here
Money Down the Drain
Renewable energy
Crime and (no) punishment
Abuse of power by Big Government
Coronavirus  — Masks, vaccines, mandates, lockdowns, deception, lies, and baseless hysteria.
The Poisonous Fruits of the Socialist Democrats' Ideas
The Causes and Effects of High Gas Prices
Republicans in Name Only

What is everybody so agitated about?

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
Media bias in favor of Kamala Harris
The socialist Democratic Party platform
Misleading and inaccurate political polls
Criticism of Islam is forbidden in some places
Hate speech laws
Peter Strzok and his text messages
Violence and Hate Speech from the Political Left
Wholesale incompetence
Uncategorized news about the FBI
We're enduring Obama's third term as president, and with that in mind...
      Obama apparently hates America,
      Obama intentionally weakened America's defenses,
      Obama is very friendly with Iran, and
      Obama is not so friendly with Israel
      Flashback:  Here a czar, there a czar, everywhere a czar czar.
"Random" is the news media code word for black-on-white violent crime
Reverse discrimination
Third-world countries shut off the internet when protests erupt -- most recently, Kenya.
Fires — including Maui, but also other rapidly-spreading or explosive fires affecting the food supply.
Criticism of the Republican Party — from the Right
The use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for political gain
The food police
Fluoride in the Public Water Supply
Lies about job creation and (un)employment
Lies about inflation and spending
Suppressed news
The FBI raid on President Trump's home at Mar-A-Lago, Florida
Islamic indoctrination and favoritism in schools
The abolition of natural gas
Bird Flu
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Boy Scouts
Coal   and   Carbon dioxide
General news and analysis
The Baltimore bridge collapse
Domestic surveillance:  Our own government spies on us.
Postage rates
Left-wing protests blocking highways
National Propaganda Radio
Routine Islamic terrorist attacks
Airline safety — Parts falling off planes, whistleblower "dies suddenly."
Fani Willis
Organized mobs of black shoplifters and looters
Senator Mitch McConnell,  poster child for  term limits
Hate speech
Snitch on your neighbor
Polar bears
Nikki Haley, RINO
Affirmative Action
Global cooling
Electric cars
Internet kill switches
Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffery Epstein
The use of 9-1-1 as a weapon, also known as SWATting.
The Islamic terrorist attack of October 7
Muslims pretend to be the victims of the trouble they have stirred up
Islam is NOT a "Religion of Peace"
The New York Times
The death of George Floyd
Gun control
Hillary Clinton
Senator Robert Menendez
Representative Jamaal Bowman
Black hate crimes
Labor unions
Michelle Obama
Intentional power outages — to save the earth   and   Banning gas-powered generators
FBI Trigger Words   to spice up your email.
Friday night document dumps
Attorney General Merrick Garland
Islamic terrorists rioting in France
The Supreme Court   and   Racial preferences in college admissions
Hate speech laws
Shopping at Target
Banning air conditioning   while   Mandating heat pumps
The Christopher Steele / Fusion GPS / Hillary Clinton Dossier   and the   John Durham investigation
The FBI seems to avoid any evidence against Hillary Clinton
Abuse of power
Reparations for slavery
The death of Jordan Neely in the New York subway
Race-based political opportunism
Insects as food
Uncle Sam loses stuff

Illegal immigration:

Immigration in general
Many illegal immigrants are violent criminals
Many illegal immigrants are a threat to national security
Lies about immigration
Sanctuary cities
Welfare programs attract immigrants
Public health issues related to illegal immigration
Walls and fences
Tampering with the Census
Anchor babies and the use of children for emotional leverage
Illegal aliens licensed to drive
Illegal aliens involved in traffic accidents

More free samples:

News about Starbucks
Alaska is floating on oil
Inevitable Political Opportunism After a Widely-Publicized Shooting
The suppression of conservative speech on college campuses
The abolition of cash
The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing
Unionized teachers
Foot-dragging, slow-walking, stonewalling obstructionists
Transvestites in public restrooms
Same-sex marriage
Homosexuality in general
Chinese surveillance of the U.S. mainland
NASA in general
NASA's most recent white elephants
Medical rationing, "Death Panels," and assisted suicide
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons
World Trade Center Building 7
Greta Thunberg
Bias and Censorship on Social Media
The FBI and Twitter
Islamic invasion disguised as the displacement and acceptance of refugees
Nancy Pelosi
The Supreme Court
Roe v. Wade
News media sensationalism and dishonesty
The School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas, May 24, 2022
The Disinformation Governance Board a/k/a The Ministry of Truth
Race-based Political Opportunism
The price of gasoline   which has a lot to do with
      The Keystone XL Pipeline,  
      The Irrational Fear of Carbon Dioxide,  
      Joe Biden,  
      John Kerry,  
      Lies about energy production,  
      The Big Government push for electric cars,  
      Renewable energy pie in the sky,  
      and   ANWR
Racially-motivated crime in Waukesha, Wisconsin
The Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot
Suppression of conservative voices on social media

Back-to-school section:

Socialist indoctrination in the public schools
The promotion of homosexuality in the public schools
The promotion of environmentalism in the public schools
Low expectations in the public schools
School lunches  and breakfast, and dinner.
Wasteful spending in the public schools
The exclusion of religion from public schools   with one exception, of course:
The promotion of Islam in the public schools
Revised history in the public schools
Miscellaneous bad ideas in the public schools
Zero tolerance
Home schooling and charter schools

Virus-related topics:

Coronavirus news (fresh)
Coronavirus news from 2023
Coronavirus news from 2022
Coronavirus news from 2021
Coronavirus news from 2020
Private property rights and the eviction moratorium
News media sensationalism and dishonesty
Illegal aliens bring diseases into to U.S.
Bias and Censorship in Social Media
Snitch on your neighbor
The Road to Tyranny
Unionized teachers
Abuse of power

Topics that news addicts care about (more than most others):

Seth Rich
Andrew Breitbart
The FBI vs. Peter Navarro
The V-22 Osprey
Vivek Ramaswamy
Many homeless people are insane and dangerous
Attempts to silence the global warming skeptics
The Supreme Court
Acceptance and Promotion of Homosexuality in Public Schools
Hillary Clinton's most recent scandals
Recap of Hillary Clinton's Russia-uranium scandal
Bad news about the economy is always "unexpected" now, but under Trump, good news was always "unexpected."
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
The injection of politics into NASCAR — and all other sports
Crime and (no) punishment
The One-Sided Separation of Church and State
Renewable energy
Censorship in social media  e.g., "shadow banning" conservatives
Islam vs Women and Girls
Islamic invasion disguised as the displacement and acceptance of refugees
Odometer taxes
Harvesting human fetal organs
Leftist politicians perpetuate poverty and dependence
Voter ID laws
Zimbabwe and South Africa
Snitch on Your Neighbor
Diversity, "black studies," and Critical Race Theory in schools and universities
Immigration   and   Lies about immigration
Electric cars
Pork Barrel spending   and   Money Down the Drain

Politics and elections:

The Ingredients for Civil War
Trump's impeachment(s)
The District of Columbia : Our 51st State
Media bias in Joe Biden's favor
Grounds for the post-presidential impeachment — of Barack H. Obama
Barack H. Obama used to speculate constantly about his third term as president,  and look where we are now.
Conservatives face censorship in social media
Selective enforcement by the police
News media bias against President Trump
Deliberately suppressed news
The IRS is used as a weapon against conservative individuals and groups
The Supreme Court
The Electoral College
Activist judges
Misleading and inaccurate political polls
The socialist Democratic Party platform
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
The U.S. Postal Service
The Democrats' culture of corruption
Not everyone should vote
Statehood for the District of Columbia
Planned Parenthood

The news media:

Media bias in general
Media bias in Joe Biden's favor
Media bias in Kamala Harris's favor
Biased against Trump
Biased in favor of Obama
Biased in favor of Hillary
Biased in favor of Islam
Biased about guns
Biased reporting about environmentalism
Other specific examples of bias
Deliberately suppressed news
The New York Times

President Trump:

Good news about the economy was always "unexpected"
Lies about President Trump
Trump versus the news media
Trump versus the Deep State
Platform / Agenda / Mandate
Sore losers
Beneficial side effects
Background noise
The Fusion GPS Dossier and the FISA abuse memo
Trump's (first) impeachment trial in the Senate   and retrospective commentary
Trump's impeachment(s) in general
Trump's Impeachment is Political Poison
Earlier impeachment hearings
The Whistleblower fiasco
Baseless accusations about January 6, 2021

Socialist Democrats:

Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
Reparations for slavery
Abortion   and   Infanticide and   Discarded and abandoned babies
Race-based Political Opportunism
The Poisonous Fruits of Democrats' Ideas   as seen in
      Baton Rouge
Out of sync with America
The Green New Deal
Abuse of power
Emotional Outbursts have Displaced Rational Thought
Banning plastic bags, forks, and straws
Smoldering Antisemitism
Culture of Corruption
      Corruption page two:  the minor league players
Wholesale voting fraud
Wedding cakes for homosexuals
Democrats Think You're Stupid
Leftist politicians constantly hover over you
Tampering with the Electoral College
Nancy Pelosi
Elizabeth Warren
Bernie Sanders
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ilhan Omar
The Imran Awan scandal
The Left vs Wal-Mart
The Wealthy Liberal Elite Pretend to Watch Out for the Little Guy
Al Franken
Eric Holder
Loretta Lynch

The Sports Page:

Public funding of stadiums for teams that are owned by billionaires.
Specific taxpayer funded stadiums and sporting events
The Olympics
Transvestite athletes and the impending end of women's sports
Activist athletes, teams, and leagues inject politics into sports
The symbiosis of sports and television:  Each is profitable because of the other.
Fights, altercations, and violence directly related to professional sports events.
Sports-related injuries
Other sports news and commentary
The NCAA's battle against politically incorrect mascot names
Professional teams with politically incorrect names


The state that originated "sanctuary cities"
Wildfires in Australia share the same set of contributing factors as the fires in California
California wildfires and intentional power outages
Electric cars — Very trendy in California, except when the power goes out!
Other California politics   brought to you in part by   Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
Homeless people supported by California taxpayers
California gives up on high-speed rail
Gun control
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Maxine Waters
Adam Schiff
Those who can leave are leaving
California compared to Texas
Wasted money
High taxes
Radical environmentalism and restrictive environmental laws

Global warming:

It's all about world-wide socialist government
It has already stopped, all by itself
Global warming causes nearly everything  and  nearly everything causes global warming
The migration of the poles   is NOT caused by global warming.
Volcanos have a huge impact
Reasons to doubt global warming
Low-level environmental terrorism
Greta Thunberg
Inaccurate temperature measurements
Pernicious alteration of previous measurements
Gloomy predictions are based on faulty computer models
It's a hoax
Attempts to silence the global warming skeptics
Evidence of a conspiracy to suppress the facts about global warming  a/k/a ClimateGate
Polar bears
Polar ice   and  people who get stuck in it while trying to prove it isn't there.
Resorting to cannibalism to stop global warming
Carbon (Dioxide) Taxes
Carbon Dioxide itself
Solar panels
Media bias about the environment
Environmentalism is a pagan religion
Al Gore  and other  Gas-guzzling celebrities
Numerous other environmental false alarms

For other topics, consult the newly refurbished site index.

You might also find some clues on this page, but it hasn't been updated in a few years.

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Page design by Andrew K. Dart  © 2024